#but if not and they have a relative with a uterus who would be willing to that’s fine too
octahyde · 21 days
everyone saying they’d never want to give birth to one and I’m just remembering I literally cannot because I don’t have a uterus anymore :)
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thedemises · 8 months
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note!... reader is implied to have an androgynous appearance! sanji hcs when reader is on their period!!! (could be for @ringdabel cuz they're on their period rn but it could be for anyone who's fighting demons rn <3).
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━━ .  JUST RELAX。sanji bulleted hcs!!
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you're not too sure what had just happened but you aren't complaining in the slightest.
one moment, you're fighting demons (the pain from your period) inside your room on the thousand sunny—the next sanji, who was walking by after serving the girls, enters to check up on you as he looks at you for a moment and then asks with hint of concern in his tone: “[name]-san, do you have a uterus?”
for a second—you were baffled, to say the least. who just comes up to someone and asks that question so randomly? but to consider how your appearance is rather androgynous and your voice can't be heard as either male or female (making anyone not guess your gender), without asking things any further, you nod and say that—yes, you do. but why?
the last thing you knew is that sanji walks away for a few minutes and comes back with a delicious chocolate desert, a heating pad (you assume he must've asked nami or robin), some water, and other stuff that would help you during your period.
you were surprised, but also not, that the cook would do something so generously to assist in your pain but you had to accept it nonetheless. you've only known him a few months since you've joined the crew.
he even offered to massage any parts of your body to help soothe the pain, which really did help and make you relax more easily without feeling pain in every position you take.
for the past few days, sanji has been the greatest help throughout the week of your period.
assisting in things you should've done yourself, running any errands for you when the crew has docked at a new island when you can't (even if you can, he'll still do it for you like a gentleman <3), serving you like he always does with chocolate-themed food, fruits, tea (ginger, peppermint, chamomile, cinnamon, red raspberry leaf tea), and etc. that could make you feel better.
you couldn't thank him any more for his assistance, though while you did wonder how he knew all this—you assumed he asked the girls for help or even had experience of this happening, probably with any female relatives or so.
after the week of your period ends, you decide to thank him for all his help by making him his favorite food on an early morning.
when he entered the kitchen to check on what was going on (he thought it was luffy again, trying to get food from the fridge again + with ussop's help), he was incredibly thankful even when he tells you that you shouldn't have.
(just tell him to take it and accept it- he just can't believe that you would do all this to thank him for helping you through your pain <3).
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved.  ━━  probably not my best work but not the worst either.
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^^^ my love for anybody willing to accept (or not) <;3333
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grellsaw · 2 months
Finally rewatched S1 for Grell and OH BOY did I really miss much in terms of her character!!
A woman dressed all in red exacting vengeance upon other women who dare to hve something madam red could not? Of course Grell would follow her. After all, it meant collecting more souls, and she knew they would all die at her hands or Red’s. So it’s a technical loophole within the reaper’s code of soul collection—that Grell technically isn’t breaking any rules if Red killed the women first, then she or Grell carved out the dead’s uterus. Or so Grell thought. And besides, Grell must’ve pitied Red for having her uterus and child removed in order to spare her life from the horrible carriage incident. And since Grell does not have a uterus herself, she can relate with Madam Red, even developed some respect for her dedication to carry out these murders as if Red decided who gets to live or die, just like reapers do.
And as Grell kills Red out of sheer disappointment, saying to her, “ what use do I have for you if you’re just another woman” and she says this with such bitter resentment towards Red. Meaning that there was more than her feeling sympathy for Red’s cause & falling in love with her. She’s insulting Red’s sudden change of heart for Ciel, insinuating she’s weak-willed. Soft-hearted. Grell only followed Madam Red’s orders because she thought of Red as a pragmatic leader.
And then Grell turns to leave. She wouldn’t kill Ciel and Sebastian because of “professional courtesy”, meaning that she planned on returning to her reaper duties after all the fun ended with Madam Red’s death. Truly, Grell thought of this little detour from her duties as a successful way to vent out her frustrations toward biological women having what Grell does not. And if it means conspiring with a mortal, acting as an accomplice to her killing spree and Grell putting her own job in jeopardy, then she’ll do her best to see that Madam Red truly paints the town in beautiful streaks of crimson.
Update: oof William listing all those regulations Grell broke, he’s relentless. Here’s what they are:
Killed people not on the “to die” list (the protstitutes)
Used a death scythe with modifications that were not authorized (rip her chainsaw)
Offered strictly classified information regarding the identity of his relatives’ murderer (nearly confessing to Ciel who killed his parents)
Also when Sebastian threw her death scythe at william &. catching her death scythe with two fingers is pretty epic.
And I’m pretty sure this is where Grell is hereby suspended for a duration. William must’ve had to convince the board members to prevent Grell from losing her position, or the reapers are surprisingly lenient when one of their own decides to help a mortal carry out multiple murders.
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douxlen · 1 month
IVF Changed America. But Its Future Is Under Threat
New Post has been published on https://douxle.com/2024/08/10/ivf-changed-america-but-its-future-is-under-threat/
IVF Changed America. But Its Future Is Under Threat
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In February, a horrified Elizabeth Carr scrolled through headline after headline about a pause on in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures in Alabama. The Alabama Supreme Court had ruled that frozen embryos have the legal rights of children, a decision that meant fertility providers could feasibly face prosecution if they destroyed one. Rather than take that risk, some fertility clinics halted IVF services entirely.
Carr, who in 1981 became the first baby in the U.S. born using IVF, felt like “an endangered species.” When Carr was born, IVF—a process of fertilizing eggs outside a woman’s body, then implanting a resulting embryo in her uterus—was new and largely unknown. Carr’s parents, who desperately wanted children but struggled to have them naturally, were willing to face public scrutiny and repeatedly travel from their home in Massachusetts to a pioneering clinic in Virginia to try the cutting-edge procedure. IVF’s success for the Carrs led not only to their daughter’s historic birth, but also compelled Elizabeth to become an advocate for reproductive rights when she grew up. Over those recent days in February, when patients in Alabama were shut out of fertility clinics, Carr acutely felt the importance of her work. Moments like those, she says, are “why we advocate so loudly.”
After public outcry and bipartisan pushback, Alabama lawmakers quickly passed protections for IVF providers, and services resumed. But IVF is still under attack.
Despite the backlash, judges in Alabama declined to reconsider their controversial ruling. And more than a dozen other U.S. states have laws in place that could be interpreted as bestowing personhood rights on an embryo, even if it has not yet resulted in a pregnancy. Courts in other states haven’t yet applied these laws in ways that directly threaten IVF—although Louisiana law forces fertility providers to ship embryos out of state for destruction—but the possibility is there if the wrong case comes before the wrong judge, says Rebecca Reingold, an associate director at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at the Georgetown University Law Center.
Right now, it is politically unpopular to attack IVF, a technology that has given life to millions of people and hope to some of the one in six adults worldwide with infertility. Only 8% of U.S. adults actively oppose access to IVF, according to recent polling, and even lawmakers from states that have cracked down on abortion, like Texas, have introduced bills to protect IVF.
And yet, in June, Republican senators—including former President Donald Trump’s current running mate, J.D. Vance—voted against a bill that would have established a federal right to IVF care. The same month, members of the Southern Baptist church voted to oppose the use of IVF, a decision that has no legal ramifications but signals a growing willingness among religious conservatives to embrace prenatal personhood concepts that effectively place IVF in the same category as abortion.
How did we get here? And where are we going? 
Growing anti-IVF sentiment
The concept of prenatal personhood isn’t new, but it has historically been unpopular. In a 2013 legal journal article, reproductive-rights expert Maya Manian argued that’s because “public concern over the ‘side effects’ of personhood laws”—such as infringing on fertility care, contraception access, and women’s health care more broadly—“seems to have persuaded even those opposed to abortion to reject personhood legislation.” It was, in other words, a step too far for most people.
In a relatively short span of time, however, the idea has gone from “radical or fringe” to one that is gaining ground, Reingold says. It has even transcended the anti-abortion movement, with ex-spouses in some cases using the concept to argue that frozen embryos should be treated by the courts as children, not marital property, during divorce proceedings. As such ideas snowball, IVF may become the next frontier in the battle over reproductive rights, advocates and scholars say.
Read More: The Silent Shame of Male Infertility
“It’s clear to us—it always has been—that the anti-abortion movement has not, and will not, stop their efforts at limiting or banning abortion,” says Karla Torres, who leads the nonprofit Center for Reproductive Rights’ work on assisted reproductive technology. They are “squarely targeting reproductive freedom more broadly,” drawing everything from IVF to contraception into the fray.
If IVF becomes harder to access, it’s hard to overstate the effect for American families and culture at large. About 2% of babies born in the U.S. in recent years—nearly 100,000 annually—arrived with the help of IVF. But the technology’s impact transcends statistics. In about a half century of use, it has reshaped what it means to be a parent, who gets to be one, and how—progress that’s now under threat.
A confusing position
In some ways, IVF is an unlikely target. The technology enables people to have badly wanted biological children, a sentiment that could be seen as having a “conservative traditional family aspect to it,” says Amanda Roth, an associate professor of philosophy and women’s and gender studies at the State University of New York at Geneseo. The importance of having children is a regular conservative talking point—see: Vance recently calling child-free women “cat ladies” without a “direct stake” in the future of America—and IVF makes it possible for more people to do that.
But many in the anti-abortion movement argue that life begins at the moment of conception—that is, the moment sperm fertilizes an egg to create an embryo, either the old-fashioned way or in a laboratory. (A fertilized egg is considered an embryo until the end of the 10th week of pregnancy, when it becomes a fetus.)
To that effect, about a third of U.S. states currently have laws that establish prenatal personhood rights at some stage of pregnancy, usually as a means of curtailing access to abortion by establishing that terminating a pregnancy is tantamount to killing a child. Nine of these laws, such as those in Arkansas, Kansas, and Tennessee, are either sweeping enough or vaguely worded enough that they could put IVF services at risk, according to analysis from the nonprofit Pregnancy Justice provided to TIME. Six additional states, including the Dakotas, Michigan, and Oklahoma, have either feticide or wrongful death laws broad enough to potentially apply to embryos. And there’s always the possibility of new laws: already in 2024, more than a dozen bills focused on prenatal personhood have been introduced across the U.S.
Read More: The Abortion Fight Isn’t a ‘War on Women.’ It’s a War on Poor Women
Greer Donley, an associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law who studies abortion law, doesn’t think curtailing access to IVF is a “priority” for the anti-abortion movement, but rather an “unfortunate side effect that [anti-abortion advocates] haven’t been able to account for.” It’s a narrative problem: to argue an embryo in a mother’s womb is a person, but one sitting in a fertility clinic freezer isn’t, would weaken the movement’s argument. So, despite the cognitive dissonance, IVF has become “collateral damage” in the abortion wars, Donley believes.
Whether the situation was intentional or not, threats to IVF are real. The Alabama Supreme Court demonstrated as much in February, when it ruled that the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies to not-yet-implanted embryos, prompting fertility clinics to pause IVF services for fear that patients or providers could be legally liable if embryos were destroyed in the course of care. That’s not an irrational fear: embryos are destroyed all the time in the fertility world, either purposely (perhaps because a patient no longer wishes to pay for storage, or because the embryo is unlikely to result in a healthy pregnancy) or because of human error.
Accidents happen, says Dr. Gerard Letterie, a reproductive endocrinologist at Seattle Reproductive Medicine who has written about the potential impact of fetal personhood laws on clinicians. An embryo could be destroyed through an innocent mistake, like someone tripping while carrying a petri dish. “If that were to be made a felony charge, that’s a big deal,” Letterie says.
In that scenario, clinics might stop services entirely to avoid putting providers in legal jeopardy, as happened in Alabama. Or, even if services proceeded, providers might stop practicing in states with punitive laws, Letterie says, making access to fertility care as scattershot as access to abortion care. Already, fertility clinics tend to be clustered in wealthier urban areas.
Read More: Why It’s So Hard to Have Your Fertility Tested
Even short of criminal charges for providers, prenatal personhood laws could affect fertility practices, Letterie says. He can imagine policies that limit the number of eggs that may be fertilized per cycle to avoid creating extra embryos that ultimately end up discarded. Such policies—the likes of which have already been implemented elsewhere in the world, such as in Malta—could reduce the odds of patients getting pregnant, since not all embryos are viable, and force people to go through more rounds of treatment, making IVF more expensive and inaccessible than it already is. IVF can already cost upward of $10,000 per cycle without insurance, and coverage varies by state and insurance provider. If costs go up even more, Letterie says, IVF would be inaccessible to virtually everyone who isn’t mega-wealthy or lucky to have excellent health insurance.
Even taking finances out of the picture, threats to IVF have particularly high stakes for certain people. Those who stand to lose the most are those for whom IVF has been revolutionary over its half century of use: namely same-sex couples, people with medical infertility, and those who have decided to have children without a partner or later in life. “The existence of reproductive technologies has opened up new horizons for family life,” says Marcia Inhorn, a medical anthropologist at Yale University and author of Motherhood on Ice: The Mating Gap and Why Women Freeze Their Eggs. In a future without reliable access to IVF, the possibilities of what families can look like might shrink.
A crossroads for U.S. culture
IVF and other fertility services helped break open the narrow definition of family that dominated for so long—a married man and woman and their naturally conceived children—to reveal a whole world of options. A mother can be 45 and single, even if she’s survived cancer or had her fallopian tubes removed or needs to use a donor egg to get pregnant. Same-sex couples can use “reciprocal” IVF to incorporate both of their genetic material. A child can even have three biological parents, a controversial technique that is not currently legal in the U.S. but is in several other countries.
“We’ve seen a significant diversification in how people understand kinship, relatedness, and parenting,” says Sarah Franklin, who directs the Reproductive Sociology Research Group at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. 
This progress has not been equally felt around the world. Compared to the U.S., Europe and Asia have historically employed stricter regulations on the use of reproductive technologies like IVF. Although some of those policies have loosened in recent years, single and older women, trans and non-binary people, and/or same-sex couples are still barred from using reproductive technologies in countries including China, Poland, Turkey, and Italy. And in many poorer countries, including most of the ones in Africa, there is next to no access to IVF at all.
Even in the U.S., where IVF is much more broadly used, reproductive medicine has not wiped out persistent stereotypes and social norms, says Arthur Greil, a professor emeritus at Alfred University in New York and author of Not Yet Pregnant: Infertile Couples in Contemporary America. People are willing to pay IVF’s exorbitant fees, at least in part, because society still emphasizes the importance of a genetic relationship between parent and child, Greil says. And, he says, the knee-jerk assumption is still that a child has both a mother and father. “If you are a single woman with a child, people just assume that you must have been divorced,” Greil says. “It’s become impolite to ask questions like, ‘Where is the baby’s father?’ But people still have the questions.”
Read More: I Was Told I Was Too Fat to Freeze My Eggs
Still, IVF has made what was once impossible—or, at the very least, difficult or done outside the scope of mainstream medicine—possible for many people. Sex, age, and medical diagnoses don’t necessarily close the road to biological parenthood anymore; they are just speed bumps. Reproductive technologies are expensive and imperfect, working only about half the time in the best circumstances and becoming even less of a sure bet among patients who are older or relying on donated embryos. But it has made the possibility of biological parenthood real for swaths of the population that, a century ago, would have had zero or few options. “Fertility medicine has made all of us parents-in-waiting,” says Laura Mamo, a professor of public health at San Francisco State University who studies the intersection of sexuality and medicine.
The trickle-down effects can be seen throughout U.S. culture. Women, no longer so pressured by biological clocks to end their careers just as they’re advancing, now outnumber men in the college-educated workforce, and some employers offer fertility benefits to entice workers to stay longer. People are getting married later, if ever, freed from the need to settle for an imperfect partner to have a family. Queer parenthood is on the rise, and same-sex couples are making fertility equality a new social-justice issue, fighting for fair treatment by insurance providers and clinicians. Scientific advances in fertility medicine, like the ability to pick embryos by sex, are even raising important new bioethical dilemmas.
IVF is not solely responsible for those shifts—Franklin sees it more as a “mirror” reflecting major societal changes and conditions—but it plays a part. Making the technology harder or impossible to access, then, would have profound effects on countless people, particularly those from marginalized groups. And that, Mamo says, may be exactly the point for some people pushing forward the prenatal personhood movement.
“It’s not really about personhood,” Mamo says. “It’s really about this expansion of gender and family and sexuality and autonomy over people’s bodies.”
Fighting back
Already, legislators and reproductive-rights advocates are preparing for battle. In his first speech as Kamala Harris’ vice presidential running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz reaffirmed his commitment to protecting reproductive health care including IVF, a technology that he and his wife used to have their daughter, Hope. “When Vice President [Harris] and I talk about freedom, we talk about the freedom to make your own health care decisions,” Walz said.
Elsewhere, the Center for Reproductive Rights has for years been working with partner advocacy groups and legislators to expand access to IVF by implementing new state policies around fertility coverage and broadening those that already exist, which are often written in ways that exclude same-sex couples or people who aren’t cisgender. That work is continuing in earnest, Torres says. And in the aftermath of the Alabama decision, lawmakers in at least a dozen states introduced bills meant to either protect IVF providers from liability or specify that embryos outside the human body do not legally qualify as people, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive-rights nonprofit. A broader package of pro-IVF bills moved forward at the federal level before being blocked by Republican senators in June.
Along with legislative solutions, the reproductive-rights movement is also trying to develop legal defenses that can be used to stop prenatal personhood arguments in court, says Donley, the Pittsburgh law professor. Judges may hold long-term appointments and don’t necessarily need to win elections—which means some can stray from public opinion with fewer consequences than elected officials. “I feel confident right now that the politics of reproductive rights are such that Republican legislatures aren’t going to pass anti-IVF bills,” Donley says. “Republican judges are another story. They get to do whatever they want.”
Read More: ‘I Don’t Have Faith in Doctors Anymore.’ Women Say They Were Pressured Into Long-Term Birth Control
That means people who want to protect IVF access will need compelling legal arguments, says Georgetown’s Reingold. One, she says, could be pointing out the slippery slope of prenatal personhood. If an embryo is considered a person in one legal context, it could be considered one in many: a pregnant person could arguably claim their embryo as a tax dependent, a beneficiary for public assistance, or (in a lower-stakes scenario) another person for the purposes of driving in a carpool lane. Pointing out “consequences for other areas of the law that haven’t necessarily been completely thought through” could be an effective strategy for limiting the influence of fetal personhood arguments, Reingold says.
Another possible consequence: if an embryo is legally considered a person, a pregnant person could feasibly be criminalized for a miscarriage or pregnancy complication, says Kulsoom Ijaz, a senior staff attorney at Pregnancy Justice. Ijaz says she’s “cautiously optimistic” that pointing out such dystopian ripple effects would sway some judges and lawmakers. “It’s a matter of summoning defiant hope so that we…make sure there is no more rollback on people’s most basic civil and human rights,” she says.
There is some precedent to back Ijaz’ optimism. Even in the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, the justices did not take a position on “if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth,” which could foreshadow a broader hesitation for judges throughout the U.S. court system to consider questions of legal personhood.
That reluctance may not last forever. But in the meantime, IVF advocates like Carr, the first U.S. person born using the technology, are leaning on some of the “best tools” they have: their own stories, which underscore how life-changing IVF can be for individuals, couples, and families. “I always knew there were people who didn’t agree with how I was born. Around age 10, I realized I can potentially educate people,” Carr says. “I feel very strongly, and I always have, that people fear things they don’t understand.”
The stakes of that education campaign are high. Carr’s birth was a historic first for the U.S. “I do not want to think about who could potentially be the last,” she says.
0 notes
sa7abnews · 1 month
IVF Changed America. But Its Future Is Under Threat
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/ivf-changed-america-but-its-future-is-under-threat/
IVF Changed America. But Its Future Is Under Threat
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In February, a horrified Elizabeth Carr scrolled through headline after headline about a pause on in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures in Alabama. The Alabama Supreme Court had ruled that frozen embryos have the legal rights of children, a decision that meant fertility providers could feasibly face prosecution if they destroyed one. Rather than take that risk, some fertility clinics halted IVF services entirely.
Carr, who in 1981 became the first baby in the U.S. born using IVF, felt like “an endangered species.” When Carr was born, IVF—a process of fertilizing eggs outside a woman’s body, then implanting a resulting embryo in her uterus—was new and largely unknown. Carr’s parents, who desperately wanted children but struggled to have them naturally, were willing to face public scrutiny and repeatedly travel from their home in Massachusetts to a pioneering clinic in Virginia to try the cutting-edge procedure. IVF’s success for the Carrs led not only to their daughter’s historic birth, but also compelled Elizabeth to become an advocate for reproductive rights when she grew up. Over those recent days in February, when patients in Alabama were shut out of fertility clinics, Carr acutely felt the importance of her work. Moments like those, she says, are “why we advocate so loudly.”
After public outcry and bipartisan pushback, Alabama lawmakers quickly passed protections for IVF providers, and services resumed. But IVF is still under attack.
Despite the backlash, judges in Alabama declined to reconsider their controversial ruling. And more than a dozen other U.S. states have laws in place that could be interpreted as bestowing personhood rights on an embryo, even if it has not yet resulted in a pregnancy. Courts in other states haven’t yet applied these laws in ways that directly threaten IVF—although Louisiana law forces fertility providers to ship embryos out of state for destruction—but the possibility is there if the wrong case comes before the wrong judge, says Rebecca Reingold, an associate director at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at the Georgetown University Law Center.
Right now, it is politically unpopular to attack IVF, a technology that has given life to millions of people and hope to some of the one in six adults worldwide with infertility. Only 8% of U.S. adults actively oppose access to IVF, according to recent polling, and even lawmakers from states that have cracked down on abortion, like Texas, have introduced bills to protect IVF.
And yet, in June, Republican senators—including former President Donald Trump’s current running mate, J.D. Vance—voted against a bill that would have established a federal right to IVF care. The same month, members of the Southern Baptist church voted to oppose the use of IVF, a decision that has no legal ramifications but signals a growing willingness among religious conservatives to embrace prenatal personhood concepts that effectively place IVF in the same category as abortion.
How did we get here? And where are we going? 
Growing anti-IVF sentiment
The concept of prenatal personhood isn’t new, but it has historically been unpopular. In a 2013 legal journal article, reproductive-rights expert Maya Manian argued that’s because “public concern over the ‘side effects’ of personhood laws”—such as infringing on fertility care, contraception access, and women’s health care more broadly—“seems to have persuaded even those opposed to abortion to reject personhood legislation.” It was, in other words, a step too far for most people.
In a relatively short span of time, however, the idea has gone from “radical or fringe” to one that is gaining ground, Reingold says. It has even transcended the anti-abortion movement, with ex-spouses in some cases using the concept to argue that frozen embryos should be treated by the courts as children, not marital property, during divorce proceedings. As such ideas snowball, IVF may become the next frontier in the battle over reproductive rights, advocates and scholars say.
Read More: The Silent Shame of Male Infertility
“It’s clear to us—it always has been—that the anti-abortion movement has not, and will not, stop their efforts at limiting or banning abortion,” says Karla Torres, who leads the nonprofit Center for Reproductive Rights’ work on assisted reproductive technology. They are “squarely targeting reproductive freedom more broadly,” drawing everything from IVF to contraception into the fray.
If IVF becomes harder to access, it’s hard to overstate the effect for American families and culture at large. About 2% of babies born in the U.S. in recent years—nearly 100,000 annually—arrived with the help of IVF. But the technology’s impact transcends statistics. In about a half century of use, it has reshaped what it means to be a parent, who gets to be one, and how—progress that’s now under threat.
A confusing position
In some ways, IVF is an unlikely target. The technology enables people to have badly wanted biological children, a sentiment that could be seen as having a “conservative traditional family aspect to it,” says Amanda Roth, an associate professor of philosophy and women’s and gender studies at the State University of New York at Geneseo. The importance of having children is a regular conservative talking point—see: Vance recently calling child-free women “cat ladies” without a “direct stake” in the future of America—and IVF makes it possible for more people to do that.
But many in the anti-abortion movement argue that life begins at the moment of conception—that is, the moment sperm fertilizes an egg to create an embryo, either the old-fashioned way or in a laboratory. (A fertilized egg is considered an embryo until the end of the 10th week of pregnancy, when it becomes a fetus.)
To that effect, about a third of U.S. states currently have laws that establish prenatal personhood rights at some stage of pregnancy, usually as a means of curtailing access to abortion by establishing that terminating a pregnancy is tantamount to killing a child. Nine of these laws, such as those in Arkansas, Kansas, and Tennessee, are either sweeping enough or vaguely worded enough that they could put IVF services at risk, according to analysis from the nonprofit Pregnancy Justice provided to TIME. Six additional states, including the Dakotas, Michigan, and Oklahoma, have either feticide or wrongful death laws broad enough to potentially apply to embryos. And there’s always the possibility of new laws: already in 2024, more than a dozen bills focused on prenatal personhood have been introduced across the U.S.
Read More: The Abortion Fight Isn’t a ‘War on Women.’ It’s a War on Poor Women
Greer Donley, an associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law who studies abortion law, doesn’t think curtailing access to IVF is a “priority” for the anti-abortion movement, but rather an “unfortunate side effect that [anti-abortion advocates] haven’t been able to account for.” It’s a narrative problem: to argue an embryo in a mother’s womb is a person, but one sitting in a fertility clinic freezer isn’t, would weaken the movement’s argument. So, despite the cognitive dissonance, IVF has become “collateral damage” in the abortion wars, Donley believes.
Whether the situation was intentional or not, threats to IVF are real. The Alabama Supreme Court demonstrated as much in February, when it ruled that the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies to not-yet-implanted embryos, prompting fertility clinics to pause IVF services for fear that patients or providers could be legally liable if embryos were destroyed in the course of care. That’s not an irrational fear: embryos are destroyed all the time in the fertility world, either purposely (perhaps because a patient no longer wishes to pay for storage, or because the embryo is unlikely to result in a healthy pregnancy) or because of human error.
Accidents happen, says Dr. Gerard Letterie, a reproductive endocrinologist at Seattle Reproductive Medicine who has written about the potential impact of fetal personhood laws on clinicians. An embryo could be destroyed through an innocent mistake, like someone tripping while carrying a petri dish. “If that were to be made a felony charge, that’s a big deal,” Letterie says.
In that scenario, clinics might stop services entirely to avoid putting providers in legal jeopardy, as happened in Alabama. Or, even if services proceeded, providers might stop practicing in states with punitive laws, Letterie says, making access to fertility care as scattershot as access to abortion care. Already, fertility clinics tend to be clustered in wealthier urban areas.
Read More: Why It’s So Hard to Have Your Fertility Tested
Even short of criminal charges for providers, prenatal personhood laws could affect fertility practices, Letterie says. He can imagine policies that limit the number of eggs that may be fertilized per cycle to avoid creating extra embryos that ultimately end up discarded. Such policies—the likes of which have already been implemented elsewhere in the world, such as in Malta—could reduce the odds of patients getting pregnant, since not all embryos are viable, and force people to go through more rounds of treatment, making IVF more expensive and inaccessible than it already is. IVF can already cost upward of $10,000 per cycle without insurance, and coverage varies by state and insurance provider. If costs go up even more, Letterie says, IVF would be inaccessible to virtually everyone who isn’t mega-wealthy or lucky to have excellent health insurance.
Even taking finances out of the picture, threats to IVF have particularly high stakes for certain people. Those who stand to lose the most are those for whom IVF has been revolutionary over its half century of use: namely same-sex couples, people with medical infertility, and those who have decided to have children without a partner or later in life. “The existence of reproductive technologies has opened up new horizons for family life,” says Marcia Inhorn, a medical anthropologist at Yale University and author of Motherhood on Ice: The Mating Gap and Why Women Freeze Their Eggs. In a future without reliable access to IVF, the possibilities of what families can look like might shrink.
A crossroads for U.S. culture
IVF and other fertility services helped break open the narrow definition of family that dominated for so long—a married man and woman and their naturally conceived children—to reveal a whole world of options. A mother can be 45 and single, even if she’s survived cancer or had her fallopian tubes removed or needs to use a donor egg to get pregnant. Same-sex couples can use “reciprocal” IVF to incorporate both of their genetic material. A child can even have three biological parents, a controversial technique that is not currently legal in the U.S. but is in several other countries.
“We’ve seen a significant diversification in how people understand kinship, relatedness, and parenting,” says Sarah Franklin, who directs the Reproductive Sociology Research Group at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. 
This progress has not been equally felt around the world. Compared to the U.S., Europe and Asia have historically employed stricter regulations on the use of reproductive technologies like IVF. Although some of those policies have loosened in recent years, single and older women, trans and non-binary people, and/or same-sex couples are still barred from using reproductive technologies in countries including China, Poland, Turkey, and Italy. And in many poorer countries, including most of the ones in Africa, there is next to no access to IVF at all.
Even in the U.S., where IVF is much more broadly used, reproductive medicine has not wiped out persistent stereotypes and social norms, says Arthur Greil, a professor emeritus at Alfred University in New York and author of Not Yet Pregnant: Infertile Couples in Contemporary America. People are willing to pay IVF’s exorbitant fees, at least in part, because society still emphasizes the importance of a genetic relationship between parent and child, Greil says. And, he says, the knee-jerk assumption is still that a child has both a mother and father. “If you are a single woman with a child, people just assume that you must have been divorced,” Greil says. “It’s become impolite to ask questions like, ‘Where is the baby’s father?’ But people still have the questions.”
Read More: I Was Told I Was Too Fat to Freeze My Eggs
Still, IVF has made what was once impossible—or, at the very least, difficult or done outside the scope of mainstream medicine—possible for many people. Sex, age, and medical diagnoses don’t necessarily close the road to biological parenthood anymore; they are just speed bumps. Reproductive technologies are expensive and imperfect, working only about half the time in the best circumstances and becoming even less of a sure bet among patients who are older or relying on donated embryos. But it has made the possibility of biological parenthood real for swaths of the population that, a century ago, would have had zero or few options. “Fertility medicine has made all of us parents-in-waiting,” says Laura Mamo, a professor of public health at San Francisco State University who studies the intersection of sexuality and medicine.
The trickle-down effects can be seen throughout U.S. culture. Women, no longer so pressured by biological clocks to end their careers just as they’re advancing, now outnumber men in the college-educated workforce, and some employers offer fertility benefits to entice workers to stay longer. People are getting married later, if ever, freed from the need to settle for an imperfect partner to have a family. Queer parenthood is on the rise, and same-sex couples are making fertility equality a new social-justice issue, fighting for fair treatment by insurance providers and clinicians. Scientific advances in fertility medicine, like the ability to pick embryos by sex, are even raising important new bioethical dilemmas.
IVF is not solely responsible for those shifts—Franklin sees it more as a “mirror” reflecting major societal changes and conditions—but it plays a part. Making the technology harder or impossible to access, then, would have profound effects on countless people, particularly those from marginalized groups. And that, Mamo says, may be exactly the point for some people pushing forward the prenatal personhood movement.
“It’s not really about personhood,” Mamo says. “It’s really about this expansion of gender and family and sexuality and autonomy over people’s bodies.”
Fighting back
Already, legislators and reproductive-rights advocates are preparing for battle. In his first speech as Kamala Harris’ vice presidential running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz reaffirmed his commitment to protecting reproductive health care including IVF, a technology that he and his wife used to have their daughter, Hope. “When Vice President [Harris] and I talk about freedom, we talk about the freedom to make your own health care decisions,” Walz said.
Elsewhere, the Center for Reproductive Rights has for years been working with partner advocacy groups and legislators to expand access to IVF by implementing new state policies around fertility coverage and broadening those that already exist, which are often written in ways that exclude same-sex couples or people who aren’t cisgender. That work is continuing in earnest, Torres says. And in the aftermath of the Alabama decision, lawmakers in at least a dozen states introduced bills meant to either protect IVF providers from liability or specify that embryos outside the human body do not legally qualify as people, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive-rights nonprofit. A broader package of pro-IVF bills moved forward at the federal level before being blocked by Republican senators in June.
Along with legislative solutions, the reproductive-rights movement is also trying to develop legal defenses that can be used to stop prenatal personhood arguments in court, says Donley, the Pittsburgh law professor. Judges may hold long-term appointments and don’t necessarily need to win elections—which means some can stray from public opinion with fewer consequences than elected officials. “I feel confident right now that the politics of reproductive rights are such that Republican legislatures aren’t going to pass anti-IVF bills,” Donley says. “Republican judges are another story. They get to do whatever they want.”
Read More: ‘I Don’t Have Faith in Doctors Anymore.’ Women Say They Were Pressured Into Long-Term Birth Control
That means people who want to protect IVF access will need compelling legal arguments, says Georgetown’s Reingold. One, she says, could be pointing out the slippery slope of prenatal personhood. If an embryo is considered a person in one legal context, it could be considered one in many: a pregnant person could arguably claim their embryo as a tax dependent, a beneficiary for public assistance, or (in a lower-stakes scenario) another person for the purposes of driving in a carpool lane. Pointing out “consequences for other areas of the law that haven’t necessarily been completely thought through” could be an effective strategy for limiting the influence of fetal personhood arguments, Reingold says.
Another possible consequence: if an embryo is legally considered a person, a pregnant person could feasibly be criminalized for a miscarriage or pregnancy complication, says Kulsoom Ijaz, a senior staff attorney at Pregnancy Justice. Ijaz says she’s “cautiously optimistic” that pointing out such dystopian ripple effects would sway some judges and lawmakers. “It’s a matter of summoning defiant hope so that we…make sure there is no more rollback on people’s most basic civil and human rights,” she says.
There is some precedent to back Ijaz’ optimism. Even in the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, the justices did not take a position on “if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth,” which could foreshadow a broader hesitation for judges throughout the U.S. court system to consider questions of legal personhood.
That reluctance may not last forever. But in the meantime, IVF advocates like Carr, the first U.S. person born using the technology, are leaning on some of the “best tools” they have: their own stories, which underscore how life-changing IVF can be for individuals, couples, and families. “I always knew there were people who didn’t agree with how I was born. Around age 10, I realized I can potentially educate people,” Carr says. “I feel very strongly, and I always have, that people fear things they don’t understand.”
The stakes of that education campaign are high. Carr’s birth was a historic first for the U.S. “I do not want to think about who could potentially be the last,” she says.
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Some Tips To Choose Best Gynecologist in Delhi
Whenever it comes time to find a new Gynecologist in Dwarka, whether due to a relocation or a change in health, a woman should take her time to find one who will work well enough for her. There are several factors to consider, including geography, philosophical compatibility, specialty, and whether or not he or she has any openings for new patients. Below are the top tips for selecting this critical medical practitioner.
Best Gynecologist in Delhi with specialisations in infertility, cancer, or obstetrics are common. If you're experiencing difficulty becoming pregnant, you'll want to see a doctor that specialises in infertility. Whether you or a close relative has had uterus or gynaecological cancer, it is a good idea to be paired with an oncologist. If you intend towards becoming pregnant, you should see a doctor who specialises in obstetrics.
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On the other hand, if you are certain that you will not have any more children, you should choose a physician whose practise is limited to gynaecology so that you will not have to contend for appointments with schedules that are used up delivering infants.
Insurance: Check to see if a Best Gynecologist in Dwarka accepts your insurance. You don't want to be startled by a large charge for care you thought was included by your health insurance.
Philosophy: If you prefer alternative health therapies and natural care wherever possible, make absolutely sure that your potential doctor shares your beliefs. This would be an excellent topic to address during your initial appointment.
Gender: Some ladies prefer a female doctor for Painless delivery in Delhi, while others prefer a male doctor. Consider your individual preferences while selecting a new gynaecologist.
Consider how far you're willing to travel for your new doctor and narrow down your options with a map in hand.
Availability: Many gynaecologists' practises have reached capacity and are no more accepting new patients. Call before crossing.
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When you call a doctor's office, your first impression gives you a decent idea of how the clinic is run. Is the receptionist kind and accommodating? Is she curt and grumpy? A well-run office frequently has happy employees.
Compatibility: Let's face it, you'll be giving some of your most private medical information. Your gynaecologist should be someone you feel more comfortable addressing your most intimate body parts and functions with.
Referrals: Having referrals from happy patients is always beneficial. Is this doctor highly recommended by friends, female nurses, or family doctors you know?
Hours of Operation: What is the working hour and do they coincide with times you'd be available to attend for an appointment? It may be difficult to get in if they are really busy. Who will cover for them in an emergency?
Get solutions to all of these questions, as well as any ones that may arise as you gather information, and you will be well on your way to choosing the best gynaecologist for you. Trust your gut feelings after all has been said and done.
0 notes
kitkatscabinet · 2 years
Request #1: Nick Furcillo taking care of his girlfriend who is currently on the 1st day of her period and it's... bad. I mean BAD. Horrific, painful period cramps leaving her bedridden, nausea that prevents her from eating anything but crackers, persistent stomach pain, aches, etc. God, he feels so horrible knowing he can't take any of the pain or discomfort away from her but he does know that at least he can make this week a little more bearable for her and that's exactly what he plans to do, even if it means abandoning all his camp duties as well. (🐺 Anon)
Word count: 747
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Nick x reader (gender neutral pronouns are used but reader has a uterus)
Warnings: periods
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Nick was panicking, you hadn’t been at breakfast and none of the kids had seen you all day. None of his fellow male counsellors knew anything either and it was only when he managed to grab a hold of Emma at lunch that he was informed you weren’t feeling well. The slight relief that had filled him at the knowledge of your location and relative wellness once again leaving his body at the sight of you. Rushing over to your side he was immediately frantic, hands coming to rest on your sweaty face as he rapidly asked what was wrong, what he could do to help.
Blearily opening your eyes to find his worried face you smiled slightly before you were wracked with another all-encompassing cramp, groaning aloud and curling in on yourself. Making your boyfriend worry even more before you managed to assure him that nothing was seriously wrong, you had just started your period and it was unfortunately a really bad one.
“Mm’ok, just started my period this morning” you said, voice muffled from where you’d buried in the comforter. That had Nick relaxing a lot as he remembered yesterday when you’d snapped at Jacob for accidentally stepping on the back of your shoe and then cried when you apologised for being too mean.
“Oh, that’s why you were such a bi-” he started, only to be cut off
“I suggest you choose your next words very carefully” you glared, the sickly sheen of your skin doing wonders for the intimidation factor. After that Nick had gone to get you a glass of water only to almost drop it when he’d returned to find you crying. Rushing over he put the glass down out of reach and comfortingly stroked you hair, as he tried to discern the root of the problem.
“Everything hurts” you heaved through sobs “my cramps are so bad, nothing I do helps I just can’t get comfortable. My back hurts and I have a headache and I’m so hungry but I constantly feel like I have to throw up” you were crying in both pain and frustration now and Nick could feel his heart breaking at the fact he couldn’t do anything to take away the pain. You’d since moved to hunch up in a ball, legs under your tummy arms tucked closely by your sides and forehead on the mattress, sometimes this position would help with the cramps but it only seemed to make them worse today.
Nick stayed by your side the rest of the day, he’d gone fishing through your bag at instruction and had received some naprogesics for the pain. He had rubbed your hair, back, tummy, anywhere you wanted and whispered soothing words until you had had enough of his well-meaning but misplaced phrases. He’d helped you hobble along to the toilet and had gotten a cloth to help wipe the sweat off. He'd even brought you a nice little bucket he named Henry, ready and willing to hold it up for you in case you did throw up.
He'd soothed your frustration by just being there and telling you stories and gossip about the other counsellors, making you laugh through the pain. The image of Jacob screaming like a little bitch every time he saw a spider was now well and truly burned into your brain, so was the time Dylan had apparently fallen face first down a set of stairs in front of the kids. Hearing you laugh had made Nick smile as he continued to try and take your mind off things with more and more ridiculous stories.
He stayed until the kids filtered in to get ready for bed, staring at him in confusion before you made them promise they wouldn’t snitch to Mr Hackett. One of the kids had just nodded solemnly before proclaiming that snitched got stitches and now you were mildly concerned but you were on your period and therefore it wasn’t your issue.
Nick had ended up managing to stay the night and you fell asleep to the feeling of his soothing hands gently massaging you as you finally got yourself comfortable wrapped in his embrace. And if by the next morning you refused to let him go then that was all your periods fault.
Unbeknownst to you this was just fine by him. He would be going to see Mr Hackett to inform the man that both you and him would be out of commission for the week, he wasn't about to let you suffer alone.
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sciencespies · 3 years
The Sex Education Pamphlet That Sparked a Landmark Censorship Case
The Sex Education Pamphlet That Sparked a Landmark Censorship Case
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Mary Ware Dennett wrote The Sex Side of Life in 1915 as a teaching tool for her teenage sons. Photo illustration by Meilan Solly / Photos courtesy of Sharon Spaulding and Newspapers.com
It only took 42 minutes for an all-male jury to convict Mary Ware Dennett. Her crime? Sending a sex education pamphlet through the mail.
Charged with violating the Comstock Act of 1873—one of a series of so-called chastity laws—Dennett, a reproductive rights activist, had written and illustrated the booklet in question for her own teenage sons, as well as for parents around the country looking for a new way to teach their children about sex.
Lawyer Morris Ernst filed an appeal, setting in motion a federal court case that signaled the beginning of the end of the country’s obscenity laws. The pair’s victory marked the zenith of Dennett’s life work, building on her previous efforts to publicize and increase access to contraception and sex education. (Prior to the trial, she was best known as the more conservative rival of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.) Today, however, United States v. Dennett and its defendant are relatively unknown.
“One of the reasons the Dennett case hasn’t gotten the attention that it deserves is simply because it was an incremental victory, but one that took the crucial first step,” says Laura Weinrib, a constitutional historian and law scholar at Harvard University. “First steps are often overlooked. We tend to look at the culmination and miss the progression that got us there.”
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Dennett wrote the offending pamphlet (in blue) for her two sons.  
Sharon Spaulding / Dennett Family Archive
Dennett wrote the pamphlet in question, The Sex Side of Life: An Explanation for Young People, in 1915. Illustrated with anatomically correct drawings, it provided factual information, offered a discussion of human physiology and celebrated sex as a natural human act.
“[G]ive them the facts,” noted Dennett in the text, “… but also give them some conception of sex life as a vivifying joy, as a vital art, as a thing to be studied and developed with reverence for its big meaning, with understanding of its far-reaching reactions, psychologically and spiritually.”
After Dennett’s 14-year-old son approved the booklet, she circulated it among friends who, in turn, shared it with others. Eventually, The Sex Side of Life landed on the desk of editor Victor Robinson, who published it in his Medical Review of Reviewsin 1918. Calling the pamphlet “a splendid contribution,” Robinson added, “We know nothing that equals Mrs. Dennett’s brochure.” Dennett, for her part, received so many requests for copies that she had the booklet reprinted and began selling it for a quarter to anyone who wrote to her asking for one.
These transactions flew in the face of the Comstock Laws, federal and local anti-obscenity legislation that equated birth control with pornography and rendered all devices and information for the prevention of conception illegal. Doctors couldn’t discuss contraception with their patients, nor could parents discuss it with their children.
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Dennett as a young woman
Sharon Spaulding / Dennett Family Archive
The Sex Side of Life offered no actionable advice regarding birth control. As Dennett acknowledged in the brochure, “At present, unfortunately, it is against the law to give people information as to how to manage their sex relations so that no baby will be created.” But the Comstock Act also stated that any printed material deemed “obscene, lewd or lascivious”—labels that could be applied to the illustrated pamphlet—was “non-mailable.” First-time offenders faced up to five years in prison or a maximum fine of $5,000.
In the same year that Dennett first wrote the brochure, she co-founded the National Birth Control League (NBCL), the first organization of its kind. The group’s goal was to change obscenity laws at a state level and unshackle the subject of sex from Victorian morality and misinformation.
By 1919, Dennett had adopted a new approach to the fight for women’s rights. A former secretary for state and national suffrage associations, she borrowed a page from the suffrage movement, tackling the issue on the federal level rather than state-by-state. She resigned from the NBCL and founded the Voluntary Parenthood League, whose mission was to pass legislation in Congress that would remove the words “preventing conception” from federal statutes, thereby uncoupling birth control from pornography.
Dennett soon found that the topic of sex education and contraception was too controversial for elected officials. Her lobbying efforts proved unsuccessful, so in 1921, she again changed tactics. Though the Comstock Laws prohibited the dissemination of obscene materials through the mail, they granted the postmaster general the power to determine what constituted obscenity. Dennett reasoned that if the Post Office lifted its ban on birth control materials, activists would win a partial victory and be able to offer widespread access to information.
Postmaster General William Hays, who had publicly stated that the Post Office should not function as a censorship organization, emerged as a potential ally. But Hays resigned his post in January 1922 without taking action. (Ironically, Hays later established what became known as the Hays Code, a set of self-imposed restrictions on profanity, sex and morality in the motion picture industry.) Dennett had hoped that the incoming postmaster general, Hubert Work, would fulfill his predecessor’s commitments. Instead, one of Work’s first official actions was to order copies of the Comstock Laws prominently displayed in every post office across America. He then declared The Sex Side of Life “unmailable” and “indecent.”
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Mary Ware Dennett, pictured in the 1940s
Dennett Family Archive
Undaunted, Dennett redoubled her lobbying efforts in Congress and began pushing to have the postal ban on her booklet removed. She wrote to Work, pressing him to identify which section was obscene, but no response ever arrived. Dennett also asked Arthur Hays, chief counsel of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), to challenge the ban in court. In letters preserved at Radcliffe College’s Schlesinger Library, Dennett argued that her booklet provided scientific and factual information. Though sympathetic, Hays declined, believing that the ACLU couldn’t win the case.
By 1925, Dennett—discouraged, broke and in poor health—had conceded defeat regarding her legislative efforts and semi-retired. But she couldn’t let the issue go entirely. She continued to mail The Sex Side of Life to those who requested copies and, in 1926, published a book titled Birth Control Laws: Shall We Keep Them, Change Them, or Abolish Them?
Publicly, Dennett’s mission was to make information about birth control legal; privately, however, her motivation was to protect other women from the physical and emotional suffering she had endured.
The activist wed in 1900 and gave birth to three children, two of whom survived, within five years. Although the specifics of her medical condition are unknown, she likely suffered from lacerations of the uterus or fistulas, which are sometimes caused by childbirth and can be life-threatening if one becomes pregnant again.
Without access to contraceptives, Dennett faced a terrible choice: refrain from sexual intercourse or risk death if she conceived. Within two years, her husband had left her for another woman.
Dennett obtained custody of her children, but her abandonment and lack of access to birth control continued to haunt her. Eventually, these experiences led her to conclude that winning the vote was only one step on the path to equality. Women, she believed, deserved more.
In 1928, Dennett again reached out to the ACLU, this time to lawyer Ernst, who agreed to challenge the postal ban on the Sex Side of Life in court. Dennett understood the risks and possible consequences to her reputation and privacy, but she declared herself ready to “take the gamble and be game.” As she knew from press coverage of her separation and divorce, newspaper headlines and stories could be sensational, even salacious. (The story was considered scandalous because Dennett’s husband wanted to leave her to form a commune with another family.)
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Dennett cofounded the National Birth Control League, the first organization of its kind in the U.S., in 1915. Three years later, she launched the Voluntary Parenthood League, which lobbied Congress to change federal obscenity laws.
Sharon Spaulding / Dennett Family Archive
“Dennett believed that anyone who needed contraception should get it without undue burden or expense, without moralizing or gatekeeping by the medical establishment,” says Stephanie Gorton, author of Citizen Reporters: S.S. McClure, Ida Tarbell and the Magazine That Rewrote America. “Though she wasn’t fond of publicity, she was willing to endure a federal obscenity trial so the next generation could have accurate sex education—and learn the facts of life without connecting them with shame or disgust.”
In January 1929, before Ernst had finalized his legal strategy, Dennett was indicted by the government. Almost overnight, the trial became national news, buoyed by The Sex Side of Life’s earlier endorsement by medical organizations, parents’ groups, colleges and churches. The case accomplished a significant piece of what Dennett had worked 15 years to achieve: Sex, censorship and reproductive rights were being debated across America.
During the trial, assistant U.S. attorney James E. Wilkinson called the Sex Side of Life “pure and simple smut.” Pointing at Dennett, he warned that she would “lead our children not only into the gutter, but below the gutter and into the sewer.”
None of Dennett’s expert witnesses were allowed to testify. The all-male jury took just 45 minutes to convict. Ernst filed an appeal.
In May, following Dennett’s conviction but prior to the appellate court’s ruling, an investigative reporter for the New York Telegram uncovered the source of the indictment. A postal inspector named C.E. Dunbar had been “ordered” to investigate a complaint about the pamphlet filed by an official with the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Using the pseudonym Mrs. Carl Miles, Dunbar sent a decoy letter to Dennett requesting a copy of the pamphlet. Unsuspecting, Dennett mailed the copy, thereby setting in motion her indictment, arrest and trial. (Writing about the trial later, Dennett noted that the DAR official who allegedly made the complaint was never called as a witness or identified. The activist speculated, “Is she, perhaps, as mythical as Mrs. Miles?”)
Dennett’s is a name that deserves to be known.
When news of the undercover operation broke, Dennett wrote to her family that “support for the case is rolling up till it looks like a mountain range.” Leaders from the academic, religious, social and political sectors formed a national committee to raise money and awareness in support of Dennett; her name became synonymous with free speech and sex education.
In March 1930, an appellate court reversed Dennett’s conviction, setting a landmark precedent. It wasn’t the full victory Dennett had devoted much of her life to achieving, but it cracked the legal armor of censorship.
“Even though Mary Ware Dennett wasn’t a lawyer, she became an expert in obscenity law,” says constitutional historian Weinrib. “U.S. v. Dennett was influential in that it generated both public enthusiasm and money for the anti-censorship movement. It also had a tangible effect on the ACLU’s organizational policies, and it led the ACLU to enter the fight against all forms of what we call morality-based censorship.”
Ernst was back in court the following year. Citing U.S. v. Dennett, he won two lawsuits on behalf of British sex educator Marie Stopes and her previously banned books, Married Love and Contraception. Then, in 1933, Ernst expanded on arguments made in the Dennett case to encompass literature and the arts. He challenged the government’s ban on James Joyce’s Ulysses and won, in part because of the precedent set by Dennett’s case. Other important legal victories followed, each successively loosening the legal definition of obscenity. But it was only in 1970 that the Comstock Laws were fully struck down.
Ninety-two years after Dennett’s arrest, titles dealing with sex continue to top the list of the American Library Association’s most frequently challenged books. Sex education hasn’t fared much better. As of September 2021, only 18 states require sex education to be medically accurate, and only 30 states mandate sex education at all. The U.S. has one of the highestteen pregnancy rates of all developed nations.
What might Dennett think or do if she were alive today? Lauren MacIvor Thompson, a historian of early 20th-century women’s rights and public health at Kennesaw State University, takes the long view:
While it’s disheartening that we are fighting the same battles over sex and sex education today, I think that if Dennett were still alive, she’d be fighting with school boards to include medically and scientifically accurate, inclusive, and appropriate information in schools. … She’d [also] be fighting to ensure fair contraceptive and abortion access, knowing that the three pillars of education, access and necessary medical care all go hand in hand.
At the time of Dennett’s death in 1947, The Sex Side of Life had been translated into 15 languages and printed in 23 editions. Until 1964, the activist’s family continued to mail the pamphlet to anyone who requested a copy.
 “As a lodestar in the history of marginalized Americans claiming bodily autonomy and exercising their right to free speech in a cultural moment hostile to both principles,” says Gorton, “Dennett’s is a name that deserves to be known.”
Women’s History
Women’s Rights
Women’s Suffrage
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esmealux · 3 years
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Bloody Hell
Part: 1 / 2
Setting: After 5a
Word count: 3K
Rating: T
Summary: Lucifer’s first period.
The elevator dings as Lucifer reaches the penthouse. ‘And the Devil’s back! I found your breakfast burritos and now a guy owes me a favour, so all in all, a successful trip,’ he tells her as he takes off his jacket and places it on the bar. With Chloe’s breakfast in hand, he turns towards his sofa to grin at her, only to discover she isn’t lying there, closer to ‘naked’ than ‘dressed’, like she was when he left to fetch her some food.
‘Detective?’ he calls out, walking up the steps to his bedroom. The bed is empty apart from the crumbled black silk sheets and her bra. His heart starts drumming a little faster against his ribcage.
‘Detective, where are you?’ His voice is rough and squeaky, the words almost resonating off the walls in the silent penthouse. Much too silent.
He starts searching the entire place, looking for signs of struggle and clues that’ll show him which one of his wretched siblings has kidnapped her this time. After investigating the living room and balcony thoroughly, turning every piece of furniture, looking behind every curtain, he goes back to his bedroom to check if she’s miraculously popped up. When she (still) isn’t under the bed, he’s inflamed, his annoyance and anxiety building into infernal heat, spreading through his body like a wildfire. ‘Detective, I swear to you, I will punish whoever-’
‘Lucifer, calm down,’ he suddenly hears her say, her voice muffled. The sound has relief washing over him, calming down his blazing body. ‘I’m in here.’
As he realises she’s in the bathroom, he hurriedly strides down the hall, presses his body to the door, and yanks down the handle. It’s locked. Panic still hot in his throat, he clenches his hand around the gold, ready to break in when she snaps at him from behind the door. ‘Jesus, Lucifer, what have I told you about privacy?!’
He wants to comment on her choice of exclamation, but something in her voice stops him. ‘Right. Sorry, Detective.’ He puts a hand on the door, tenderly. ‘I just- Are you okay?’
‘Yeah, I’m fine,’ she assures him, still a little peeved. ‘Could you just do something for me, please?’
‘Anything your heart desires,’ he says with a grin, the last embers of fear now put out by the sound of her slightly annoyed (and thus natural) voice.
‘Well, I really desire that you find my purse and bring it to me. I think I put it on the bar.’
He frowns, thinking. ‘Uhm, no. You didn’t. In fact, it’s not anywhere in the penthouse, I’m afraid.’
‘Wha- You already looked?’ she asks, surprised.
‘Well, technically, yes.’
He hears her mutter something along the lines of ‘what does that even mean?’ before she, quite sceptically, asks, ‘Are you sure? Lucifer, I’m not in the mood for pranks right now.’
When are you ever? he thinks, still disappointed she didn’t appreciate his creativity last time he tried to lighten the mood. But he’s not looking to rouse her now, so he tells her the truth, hoping it will allay her annoyance, inexplicable as he finds it. ‘If you really must know, I spent five full minutes searching the entire place for signs that you’d been hurt by one of my pathetic relatives, so yes, Detective, I am pretty damn sure your little too big and quite mum-ish bag isn’t here,’ he tells her. He hears her grunt a profanity he’s only ever heard her moan ecstatically in the throes of passion; now it’s laced with frustration and despair. Something is going on with her, and he needs to figure out what it is before she ruins more of his favourite words.
‘Why on Earth do you need your rucksack in my bathroom anyway?’
‘It’s not a rucksack,’ she tells him.
‘Ah, nice try! But I will not let you deflect my truly relevant question. What is it you need, Detective?’ He tries again, more inquisitively this time.
No answer.
His brow creases with worry and the slightest hint of an ache settles in his chest. ‘What’s going on?’
Several heart beats pass. He tries to remain patient but after seven seconds, his hands are banging on the door and yanking down the antique French handle aggressively. ‘Detective, let me in please! Did you use the razor Maze made you? I told you not to do that! Are you hurt? Did you trip? Do you have a nosebleed? Dearie me, did you get yourself poisoned again? I- Just please tell me what’s wrong. Whatever it is, I want to help,’ he says, his voice going softer towards the end. With anyone else, he’s not easily alarmed, but the Devil’s girlfriend does tend to get herself into danger a little more often than the average person.
He hears her sigh, short and sharply. ‘If you want to help me, you need to calm down,’ she tells him in the same slow and placid voice she uses on people who are bold enough to point a gun at her. ‘I’m fine.’
He takes a deep, shaky breath, her words easing his nerves a little.
‘Then why are you acting so… strange? And why in Dad’s name are you hiding in my bathroom? I mean, bloody hell, Detective, I was mere seconds from filing an MPR!’
She snorts, murmuring something about a drama queen. Then silence. A deep breath.
‘Well,’ she finally says, still an annoyed edge to her tone. ‘‘Bloody hell’ is not that far off, actually.’
He knits his brow. ‘Excuse me?’
She sighs deeply behind the door. ‘It’s just, uhm, you know… lady stuff.’
He blinks, dumbfounded.
‘Oh,’ is what he replies.
He would tease her about the euphemism, pretend he doesn’t understand, but he understands. He understands everything. Thinking back to the night before, he remembers her acting a little oddly then as well - giggly and gleeful one moment, fractious and bitter the next. He’d blamed it on her tipsiness, but now that he thinks about it, and does the math, she did take him hostage on a similar emotional rollercoaster ride, one, two, three, circa four weeks ago. And, yes, four weeks before that, too. The first time, he’d thought it was the stress from having her mother stay over for the urchin’s birthday. The second time, he’d indicted the particularly troubling case they’d been working. But it hadn’t (solely) been Penelope Decker nor a frustrating and possibly record-breaking number of dead ends that had made the Detective chaotically jump around the emotional spectrum to the point he’d worried she was suffering from a light personality disorder. No, apparently, it was the tiny rascals known to humans as ‘hormones’ who’d been wreaking havoc in her brain, manipulating her emotions – then and now.
He hasn’t uttered anything apart from the one (cleverly phrased) syllable since the revelation, and she must interpret his silence as lack of comprehension, because she begins to explain the bloody thing: ‘You know, when a woman-’
‘Yes, thank you, Detective, I am familiar with the concept of menstruation. Quite popular method of torture in Hell, actually,’ he informs her, cutting her biology lesson short.
‘Tell me about it.’
‘Well, surprisingly, it’s mostly-’
‘That was a rhetorical- Never mind.’
He hears more than just annoyance in her voice now; she’s in pain. His chest aches again. ‘Is something wrong? I mean, I have met a lot of women whose deepest desires were to be knocked out cold during Aunt Flo’s monthly visit, but at least we know for certain there isn’t a mini-Satan inside you, ravaging your uterus,’ he points out in an attempt to cheer her up. It’s mostly a joke, because it shouldn’t be possible—isn’t possible—and yet a part of him is still exceedingly relieved that she, after three weeks of thoroughly unprotected (and sinfully delectable) sex with him, isn’t carrying, well, the Devil’s spawn.
‘Kinda feels like someone’s ravaging my uterus,’ she says with a groan. His heart starts pounding, hard and deafening. Dark spots appear before his eyes as blood leaves his head.
‘I- that’s not- what?’
‘No, Lucifer. Relax. I’m not pregnant.’ She tries to sound mild and calm, but he can tell she’s aggravated, and horribly pained. ‘It’s just cramps.’
‘Oh, right,’ he mumbles, a full-blown panic attack officially averted. Still, something in her voice makes his teeth grit and his eyes flare red. He wants to punish whatever in her body is putting her through such… torture, wants to torture it back. Or, since he can’t really do that, just have a quick chat with his father and whoever assisted him in designing the inhumanly excruciating menstrual cramps. (And humans think the Devil is the one who’s truly evil.) But he realises a family discussion might not actually help his suffering Detective right now, so instead he wills his voice to sound calm and asks her, ‘Is there anything I can do?’
As he waits, quite impatiently, for her answer, he pulls out his phone and googles ‘what to do when your girlfriend’s surfing the crimson wave.’ He’s about to tap on the top hit when she replies, ‘Uhm, well, yes, there is, actually.’ Her words both surprise and delight him. He loves to feel needed.
‘Lovely! Whatever you need, I’m here to fix it as your very own PA.’  He puts his phone back, letting his hand stay in his pocket, and clarifies, ‘Period Assistant.’ As usual, she rudely ignores his clever play on words.
‘Okay, I just need to know if you have any… stuff? Like, maybe Eve had a stash somewhere?’
‘Stuff?’ he asks, beyond clueless as to what she’s hinting at.
‘Yeah, you know-’ she starts explaining when he interrupts her, suddenly remembering. ‘Well, come to think of it, Eve did indeed have a stash!’
‘She did?’ She sounds relieved, and it makes his heart flutter a little. ‘Do you know where? ‘Cause I searched all your cabinets, but I couldn’t find anything.’
‘Uh, I’m pretty sure it’s in my bookshelf,’ he says, already turning to go find it. ‘Would you prefer marijuana or molly?’
‘For God’s sake, Lucifer!’ she screams behind him, the door between them doing very little to lower the sound. ‘I don’t need freaking party drugs! This,’ she says, breathing angrily. A couple of seconds pass. ‘This is what I need.’
A tissue slides out under the door. With a raised eyebrow, he bends down to pick it up and sees that she’s scribbled some words on it with what appears to be an eyeliner. He doesn’t know what any of them mean. Well, ‘ibuprofen’ and ‘don’t be an ass’ he understands, but the rest are foreign to him.
‘Right, are these strippers’ names, or…? I think I’ve made a deal with an Always once, actual-’
‘They’re feminine hygiene products, Lucifer! I need feminine hygiene products! I want you to go buy me a whole lot I can leave in here, so I’ll never need to have this conversation ever again!’ she shouts, fuming all of a sudden. ‘So go out, and get me some tampons and pads—and that’s pads with wings! ‘Cause I swear to God, Lucifer, if you come back with pads that do not have wings, I might actually cut off your d-’
‘Yes, we get the picture, Detective!’ he cuts her off, chuckling nervously. It’s not that he hasn’t experienced his partner pissed before (he calls it Tuesday as a matter of fact), but she’s never threatened to mutilate him. ‘Whatever you need,’ he appeases her, his voice sweet and velvety. ‘Anything else?’ He reads the list she has given him, carefully paying attention to every request this time. ‘Right, ibuprofen for the- yes, your cramps. I’m afraid I’ve run out, but I’m sure I can get some wherever I’ll find,’—he squints his eyes to focus on the words — ‘Always ultra thin super long pads with flexie-wings and… Tampax pearl compak super. I mean, who the Hell names these things? Not that it matters, of course. If that’s what you need, that’s what you’ll get,’ he assures her.
As he studies her order closely one more time, his stomach growls and he realises that neither of them has eaten anything yet. He immediately offers to bring her breakfast to her; surely, her body needs alle the strength it can get to overcome whatever unpleasant side-effects other than dysmenorrhea his oh, so benevolent father has so generously granted the female population of the Earth.
‘Yes, please,’ she croaks meekly behind the door in response to his offer. ‘That would be nice.’
He goes to retrieve the burritos from atop the piano where he’d dropped them in the haste of his search. Once he’s back with them, he—gently—knocks on the door. After a couple of seconds, he hears the key turn before she opens the door just enough to reach out her arm through the crack. He’s about to give her the branded paper bag, when he thinks twice of it and instead takes her hand in his, entwining their fingers. Softly, he strokes the back of her hand and pulls it lightly, prompting her to come out. When she opens the door a little more, the sight that greets him stings his heart. Exhaustion has coloured the skin beneath her eyes purple and her usually ocean blue eyes a matte grey. Her posture is oddly sunken, like she wants to curl into a ball, and her chest heaves as she breathes heavily. She looks truly miserable, and yet she’s still a sight for sore eyes, as she stands there, wearing one of his white Prada shirts and…
‘Are those… my boxers?’ he asks her with a raised eyebrow and a pleased smile. She looks down to where his eyes have just landed. ‘Well, yeah, I couldn’t- my own underwear…,’ she trails off. ‘I’ve lined them with paper towels, just so I don’t, you know. I hope it’s okay.’ She looks strangely sheepish. He leans over to place a kiss on her forehead. ‘Oh, it’s more than okay. It’s sexy,’ he tells her with a grin. ‘And quite cute, to be frank.’
She chuckles, replacing the ache in his chest with a pleasant, buzzing warmth. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever heard you use the word “cute” before,’ she points out, looking up at him through her long eyelashes as she leans her forehead against his. He notices the hint of a smile on her lips, and his own smile grows wider. ‘Well, you’ve never worn my underwear before,’ he reminds her, nuzzling her nose. ‘Mmm, that is true.’ Her voice is nothing but a whisper as she leans just an inch forward to get a kiss from him, which he happily he gives her.
‘Why don’t you draw yourself a nice, hot bath,’ he proposes, booping her nose. Then an image from Jaws invades his mind, and warily, but with a glint in his eyes, he adds, ‘Unless that would make a true bloodbath.’ She pulls away from him, slowly but purposefully. Untangling their hands, she crosses her arms across her chest (he tries not to notice how it makes her cleavage deliciously peek out behind his hardly buttoned shirt). She glares at him with a look which, historically, means they will be communicating exclusively in scoffs, snorts, death stares and well, I am truly sorry for whatever it is I’ve done but can we please forget about it and go back to being a dynamic duo’s the rest of the day. With a short yet undoubtedly disapproving shake of her head, she snatches the breakfast bag from his hand before slamming the door in his face. ‘Detective, I-’ he stammers as the gush of air hits his front, possibly making his yet to be tamed bed hair look even more scandalous.
He hears the rustling and crinkling of paper as she takes out her breakfast. ‘List,’ she demands sharply with her mouth full—and not in the way that had him gripping the sheets till his knuckles turned white last night. By the sound of her voice, he’ll need to do right by her if he wishes to ever experience that again.
‘Yes, darling, I’ll do nothing but my best,’ he promises her, casting a last glance at the list in question before folding it neatly into his pocket. He starts walking down the hall when the sound of his name makes him turn on his heels to face the door. He senses another reprimand and braces himself, softly offering a simple ‘Detective?’ in response.
‘Thank you.’ Her voice is sweet and apologetic, all aggravation suddenly gone.
‘What on-’ he mumbles under his breath, completely bewildered by her emotional U-turn. He’s wise enough not to comment on it, however, smiles instead, glad he can be of use, and playfully, yet still in a tone that assures her he means no harm, says, ‘Well, it’s the least I can do for my menstruating partner.’
‘Please stop saying “menstruating”,’ she tells him between bites, sounding a little brassed off again. He considers asking her why but decides against it, responding with a simple ‘Noted’ instead.
He hears the shower start running and decides to depart, wanting to be back before she’s done. ‘Alright then, off I go on my quest!’ he sings out, hoping it’s loud enough for her to hear over the shower spray, but the water stops and she calls out a ‘what?’. She has probably already stepped into the shower cabin, adorning his bathroom with all her wet and naked glory. Oh, to be a marble tile on the wall, getting an unobstructed view of her exquisite br-
‘Did you say something, honey?’ she calls again when he hasn’t replied. It’s not the first time she uses the term of endearment, but it still makes warmth pool low in his stomach. He’s so smitten—not a cell in his body can deny that anymore. Especially not the part of his body that’s currently straining his tailored slacks.
He clears his throat and shamelessly adjusts himself.
‘Hm? No, I was just announcing my exit. Try not to bleed to death while I’m gone, will you?’
‘I can’t- That’s not possi-’ she stammers behind him as he makes his way to the elevator, grabbing his jacket as he walks past the bar. Before she can finish whatever protest she’s trying to enounce, he’s already in the elevator, sending a text to Linda:
What in the ever-living Hell does ‘pads with wings’ mean?
Read part 2, ‘Granniest Panties’, here
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𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜 (𝒟𝒶𝓋𝒾𝒹 𝟪 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)
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Summary: It’s that god awful time of the month for you, and it seems to hit harder and worse considering that Meredith Vickers is unable to empathize with you and makes you do some harsh chores that make your pain worse. But at the end of the day, there’s a certain android boy waiting for you. And even though he’s never dealt with such a situation, he’s certainly willing to try.
Original Request:  So, I was thinking about a david 8 x reader, where she's in pain because of her period, and she needs some comforting, so David decides to be brave and cuddle her. Then our android sweetheart tries to distract her by kissing her cheeks, and ends up kissing her lips for the first time...lots of fluff follows. Thank you @the--queen-of-hell​ for making this request, I very much enjoyed writing it!
Warnings: Mentions of periods, otherwise just fluff
It had been a rather long day for you. A long, and painful day. That was why it felt more amazing than usual when you were able to flop onto your somehow comfier bed in a fresh set of pyjamas after having showered off the stress of the day. Yet, some pain still lingered. Like the pain in your abdomen due to cramps that felt like someone was repeatedly punching you in the gut, and the migraine that made your head throb. 
Why did you have severe cramps and a migraine? Well...that was because it was that time of the month where the sharks in your uterus tore up whatever they could find, and you suffered because of it. And who made it worse? Bloody Meredith Vickers.  Since you’re not only a biologist, but also an advanced mechanic, Vickers had you fix something on the ship, even though technically it wasn’t your job. How did that go? Well...
“(L/n), I need you to go check out the main power source of the ship, there’s been some system failures and we believe that a malfunction somewhere in the main system is the cause,” Vickers explained as she walked into your room, seeing that you hadn’t gotten up from your bed just yet. You looked up groggily, having been awake but too sore to get up and do anything. “With all do respect, Miss Vickers, technically that isn’t my job,” You started, placing your hands on your abdomen, “I’m a biologist on this expedition. And besides, I’m on my period. Go ask Janek or something...”  When you rolled over to face away from her, Vickers felt her brow twitch as she began losing her cool. “Janek can’t fix it, he already tried. And if anyone else tried, not only are they likely to electrocute themselves, but they’re also at risk of wrecking the entire ship and killing us all. As for your period situation,” She kicked a piece of clothing on the floor, “deal with it.” You could’ve easily ripped her head off right then and there, considering that your period filled you with rage and that rage filled you with the motive to kill if provoked.  When you did nothing for a moment, Vickers thought you’d been ignoring her and got a little more mad. “That’s a direct order and if you fail to follow it there will be consequences-” “Alright, alright!! Quit pestering me I’ll bloody do it you-” You cut yourself off before you could call her anything that’d get you in a bad place.  Even though Vickers was mad that you were clearly about to cuss her out, she let it slide, considering your hormones were out of whack, and simply walked off. 
And that was how your super cruddy day started off.
Some time in the middle of it all, while you were half way through fixing up the main power source, David, the android on board, came to visit you with food and drink since he knew you’d been working hard. David wouldn’t have done that for any of the other crew members, but that was because you were the only one who treated him as a valued equal - a lot of the time you even treated him above yourself, considering the silly little crush you had on him. But what you weren’t aware of was the fact that he very much shared those feelings, and would do perhaps anything for you.
So, when you saw him arrive in the main power source room, looking perfect as usual, you almost dropped your wrench on your face considering you were working on your back from a creeper, like one would on a car. You wished you weren’t so sweaty in that moment, but that never seemed to matter to the lovely android. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting, Miss (Y/n). I thought you could use the replenishment, you’ve been working rather hard,”  He said in his usually smooth british accent, yourself smiling sweetly as you rolled out from underneath the machinery and sat up to take a breath. He always called you Miss, rather than Dr, and you assumed it was a form of endearment.  The pain in your lower stomach was severe in that moment, but you managed to hide it. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a sweetheart, David?” You asked in huffs, the man raising his brow slightly as he picked up the glass of ice water he had prepared for you. “You’d be the first one to. In fact I’ve never been called an endearing name in my entire life,” He said as he handed the glass to you, yourself taking it gratefully. “Cheers love,” You thanked before taking a decent few gulps of it, David seemingly zoning out while he watched you. That was when he remembered that he’d brought food for you too, and forced himself to snap out of it as he picked up the tray. “I made sandwiches for you as well. They’re (your fave sandwich filling), I hope they are to your liking,” He said as he held the tray out for you. You could’ve burst into tears right then and there from how loved you felt by the one person on this ship that wasn’t supposed to love at all. But you managed to hold it down as you smiled up at him and took one of the slices.  “God, what did I do to deserve you?” You asked, the man tilting his head slightly at the statement as you began devouring the tasty food. “What do you mean by that?” He asked.  “I mean...you’re always doing such lovely things for me, and it’s not like anyone else was gonna bring me stuff like this. I...I was just wondering, why?”  David stared at you for a moment, simply in his thoughts. He knew exactly why he took care of you the way he did, but he never thought you’d be curious to hear why. “Well...it’s quite simple, really. You’re so kind to me, and for some strange reason I don’t receive that same kindness from anyone else on the ship. I’m only returning the favor,” He explained, a small smile gracing his perfect lips.  “That’s pretty silly, don’t you think? They believe that they have the right to treat you like a servant, when really there’s so much more to you than that,” You sighed as you rolled backward slightly on your creeper, “In fact, you’re probably the most human one on this entire ship, which is ironic considering physically you aren’t.” You smiled sweetly in that moment, “I think it’s lovely how you’re so polite to everyone even though majority of them don’t return the gesture.”
The two of you simply stared at each other with sweet smiles, the silence comfortable as you fell into your own thoughts. David really appreciated you, and would honestly do anything for you. It especially made him feel all giddy inside knowing that you thought so highly of him, even though he was an android. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t have a crush on you, and he was always looking for an opportunity to impress you or make you happy.
In the content silence, you felt another sharp pain in your abdomen, and this one you couldn’t hide as you grabbed your stomach and leaned forward with a groan. This concerned David very much, his features changing to worried as he crouched down in front of you and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Are you alright, Miss (Y/n)?” He asked softly, yourself looking back up to him as you nodded with a sort of cringe upon your face. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine, just period cramps. Do you think you could get me an aspirin, please?”  You almost expected him to cringe in disgust, since the men that’d been in your life prior to now squealed like a bunch of girls when you tried talking to them about your period. But David seemed to immediately understand, in fact he seemed more worried about you. “Are you sure you can work like this? Surely you’re in a bit of pain,” He asked as he placed his other hand on your shoulder. “I’ll be fine. And besides, it’s not like I have much of a choice. Vickers was on my ass all morning about it. It’s best I just get it over and done with so I can rest properly,” You sighed. As much as David wanted to protest, wrap you up in a blanket and cuddle you, he knew you were a strong woman, and with some aspirin, you’d be able to work just as well as you usually did. So he sighed softly, and rubbed your shoulders comfortingly.
“Just let me know if you need anything else throughout the day,” He got up from crouching and stood near the door, “I’ll be right back with your aspirin, Miss.” 
So that was your horrible day. And even though you had a relatively comfortable bed underneath you, the cramps remained painful, which was why you had started crying. Now, it wasn’t messy crying, it was just soft sobbing, but it was enough to attract the attention of a certain blonde android boy. I mean, he was already on his way to your room to check on you and make sure you were doing okay,but  hearing you cry softly only gave him more of a motive.
He arrived at your door and slowly opened it. But you were too busy sobbing to realize that anyone was there. So, David set a soft three knocks upon your door, and your head snapped around to see who had interrupted you.
“Are you alright, Miss (Y/n)?” He asked in a gentle voice. You made sure to quickly wipe your tears away as you sat up, nodding as more tears managed to pool up in your eyes. “I-I’m fine David, really. I’m just in a lot of pain,” You tried reassuring, the android’s face shifting into more concern as he slowly approached the bed. He’d never had to deal with a situation like this, but he knew a few tricks. “Here, lye on your side Miss, with your back facing me,” He instructed as he sat on the bed beside you, yourself sniffling as you did as you were told and laid facing away from him. You weren’t sure of what he was doing, and you found yourself questioning it more as you felt the bed sink behind you and you fell against a warm body. David’s body. Your face flushed red as he hooked his legs gently underneath yours and wrapped his arms around your waist, his hands placed on your lower tummy as he seemingly spooned you. Your nerves were going haywire at that point, the butterflies were bouncing around your stomach at a thousand miles an hour and your heartbeat increased a fair bit. Then, he began working a gentle massage into your abdomen, to which you let out a small sigh. “...D-David...” “A gentle massage will help encourage blood flow and relieve the cramps temporarily,” He explained just above a whisper, “are there any other symptoms? Such as a migraine or lower back pains?”  You shook your head, and David smiled sweetly and slid his hand under the fabric of your shirt (in a fluffy way, this is not a smut!) and continued massaging below your bellybutton. And as your cramps began subsiding, you closed your eyes and intertwined your legs with David’s, pressing your head back into the crook of his neck as you metaphorically melted against his touch. 
While you were thoroughly enjoying the attention you received, David didn’t think it was enough to make you feel better. You were still sniffling, and sometimes a random tear would fall down your cheek. He wanted to distract you from the pain, but he was at a loss at how.  That was when he took one hand from your tummy and began subconsciously brushing the hair from your face, simply admiring your beautiful skin and the way it became glossy and red with your tears. Then, he leaned in a little, and took in the scent of your hair. It smelled so lovely, like floral and sweet fruits, and it almost seemed to hypnotize him. He wanted to kiss you, just politely on the cheek. Maybe it’d distract you, make you feel better or at least happier. 
So, shyly, David began leaning down, his lips puckered slightly as he prepared to kiss your cheek gently. But perhaps, that’d been wrong timing. Because what he hadn’t met was your cheek, but seemingly your lips instead. This turn of events happened because you had turned your head toward him, hoping to ask him a question.  And even though this wasn’t what he had expected to do, he still continued with his actions. The kiss he pressed to your lips was a very sweet and loving one, and left you dazed momentarily. It only lasted a few moments, before he pulled away, your faces still being only a few centimeters from touching as he stared down into those beautiful eyes of yours.
“...my apologies, Miss. I...I didn’t mean to-” He was cut off when you shuffled onto your back and placed a hand on either side of his face, pulling him down and kissing him properly this time.  David felt his stomach twist in surprise when you did this, and he was wide eyes for a moment. But once the shock wore off, he melted into the kiss, placing his hand on the bed beside you to balance himself.  Both of you had been wanting to do this for a rather long time, and now that you were lying in bed, kissing each other like nothing else mattered, you could’ve sworn you were dreaming. But it seems that dreams can come true.
When the two of you pulled away, you took a moment to simply admire the look on each other’s faces. Your eyes looked as foggy as your mind was in that moment, your fingers of your left hand moving along the skin of his face to brush the hair that hung over David’s eyes out of his face. And as for David, he was simply taking a moment to process what had just happened, considering that this wasn’t exactly the turn of events he was expecting. But even so, he managed a sweet smile and a quiet sigh.
“...you’re a rather good kisser, Miss (Y/n),” He whispered, yourself chuckling breathily as your left hand traced back to it’s original position. “...just (Y/n) is fine, David,” you sighed, the blonde lowering himself back down properly onto the bed, still on his side.
Once he had, you wrapped your arms around his slender figure and rested your head in the crook of his neck, David returning the action and snaking his arms back around you as your legs intertwined with each other’s.
And even though occasionally a cramp would still jab at you from the inside, the fact that you were cuddled up to your favorite android boy made it tolerable. 
And you knew very well, that you’d never suffer while you were on your period ever again.
A/N: I’m sorry if this sucks, I really tried. 
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thehoneybuzz · 3 years
Chasing Baker
My Nana was my greatest adversary.
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In an otherwise charmed life, Nana was an immovable force and the only legitimate challenger to my willpower. Not without the warmth one would expect from a grandmother, Nana could be sharp - like a sun-warmed pane of glass. Lesser hearts might have bent to me when I requested accommodation - but not Nana. Nana set a firm bedtime, insisted on efficient tooth brushing, and rather than negotiate with hair tangles, made short work of them in single, swift wrenches when brushing your hair. No nonsense. When you stayed with her - in one of two twin beds in a room made precisely for grandchildren - you often found yourself in bed with the lights out, with no real memory of having gotten there, swept away in the tide of your sheets. Nana was uncompromising, and no arena was more suited to our mutual stubbornness as the dinner table.
I grew up a notoriously picky eater. After a weekend at my Uncle Jerry's, my mom received a hardcover copy of "The Strong-Willed Child" from him as a gift. He had spanked me for not eating chicken nuggets. As evident by its title, the book was meant to coach my mother on parenting strategies for mitigating my innate obstinance. This would not be the only copy of the book my mother received. Though, I think she could have written one by the time I turned 4. I simply refused to eat the things I didn't like, and that was a long list.
A relative once applauded - clapped his hands together in joy- upon learning that I had graduated from having the crusts cut off my bread to full-blown sandwich eating. The peanut butter and honey sandwich was my signature dish and an absolute staple. I'd like to say I've grown out of it - and I've certainly grown having tried llama steak in Peru, lamb heart at the table of a Lebanese family, and Greenland shark in an Icelandic cafe - but it took me a long time to let go of my habits and permit myself to try, and it took some coaxing. My preferences ran deep.
My diet from ages six through eleven included Eggo waffles, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, an assortment of cereals, a handful of specific fruits and vegetables, and the occasional steak when mom thought my iron was low. My mom - on the advice of a pediatrician who told her that if she force-fed me, I'd develop an eating disorder - catered to this preference. Nana did not. They must have been seeing different pediatricians.
Nana took the clear your plate approach - The approach driven by reward and consequence. Finish your plate, cookies delivered. Fail to try, become hungry and hungrier still as dessert passes you by. I took to swallowing food whole, and my mom took to sending me with granola bars on visitations. She'd line the interior of my suitcase like we were smuggling drugs. I'll admit it was an unusual form of contraband, but the measure seemed necessary in a divorced child's duplicitous world. What my mom saw as nourishment, my Dad might see as undermined parenting strategy even under the best of circumstances - which they often weren't. I was hungry, so decided it best to keep things a secret and wrappers out of the trash.
Despite Nana's apparent best efforts, I avoided the eating disorder. Thanks to my mom, I avoided most foods until my early 20s. I don't know who was right. What I know for certain is that I was loved.
When I sat down with Nana after my trip to Mt. Baker, she clutched her heart as she said. "Ally - to think about you as this little girl - and that you would only eat peanut butter and honey sandwiches - to think of you climbing mountains…" she shakes her head, "… well I just can't believe it."
I started to laugh and asked her, "Want to know the best part?"
She nodded, smile in her eyes, full of that sunny warmth - playful and kaleidoscopic.
"I ate peanut butter and honey sandwiches up and down the side of that mountain, Nana," I told her, laughing, and then we laughed together. Growing up is fun, I thought, especially in moments like this.
Laughing with your grandmother is a gift you receive in exchange for time, and it is a beautiful gift indeed. Here is a woman who bathed you, clothed you, fed you - and by the time you're old enough to understand the magnitude of the life she held before all that, she is often gone. I'm lucky to have this time. Nana is 90 years old now, and my mother's mother passed at 74. I never got to have the conversations I wanted to have with my grandmother, who died. To ask her questions like, 'Who were you?' 'What lifetimes made up the love you gave so effortlessly away?'
There is something about mountain climbing that makes you consider those kinds of questions in real-time. There is something about mountain climbing that makes you feel as if you are in the process of 'becoming.' So when, at the parking lot of Grandy Creek Grocery, I met my fellow climbers and our guides - there was a feeling of anticipation and nervousness about who I'd be sharing that story with. Dropping me off, my mom described it like the first day of kindergarten. The first person I met was Sharon.
I had been worried about Sharon. Weeks before, on the pre-trip Zoom call, she stood out from the digital crowd as the most visibly senior person there. Sharon did not look old - she looked undoubtedly the oldest. I think this is an important distinction - particularly to Sharon. I remember thinking - "I hope she is not on my trip because I'm worried she will show me down." A very judgmental thought and the universe saw to its reckoning. Sharon surprised the hell out of me.
She paced the parking lot, and I jumped out of my rig to greet her. We quickly began commiserating. Baker would be her first mountain. I had Mount St. Helens under my belt, but it's not much in the way of experience. We talked about our training plan, recounting long drives to taller places. Sharon was from Wisconsin, and she had to drive 45 minutes to get to peaks at 3,000 - the same as me in Eastern Washington. We had a lot in common. Where I ran, she had been hiking with weight and jogging. Sharon wasn't afraid of hard work. On our drive to the trailhead, I learned that she had just lost 75 pounds last year. I learned later that when Sharon signed up for this climb, she hadn't told anyone in her family she was doing it. She was 62 years old and had never once traveled alone. What on earth possessed her to climb a mountain? I'd be afraid of that question, too.
Sharon eventually fessed up to her family and made the trip official. That's how we found ourselves on the side of a mountain together. I'm embarrassed to have been so fundamentally wrong - but my confession is not without meaning, and I learned an important lesson. Never underestimate a Sharon.
When Melissa, our guide, described Mt. Baker for the first time, she called it by its indigenous name, Komo Kulshan. She then gave us its epithet - "The Great White Watcher." Having now met Kulshan face to face, I can tell you that's precisely how he feels. The summit looms as you navigate through the trees. Stoic in the face of the wilderness that surrounds him. Ice cold, he waits. In the Lummi language, he's called 'white sentinel.' He is persistent, vigilant, and watching.
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I focused my nervous energy on preparing to meet this mountain by learning what I could about him. I learned that Mt. Baker is 10,781 feet tall, an active volcano, and the second most glaciated mountain in the continental united states (Rainier's got it beat, and you don't count Alaska). It's a formidable mountain, known - as nearly all alpine environments are - for its quickly changing conditions and the perils of its geology. This all, somehow, frightened me less than the thought of meeting Melissa Arnot-Reid. Her legend loomed not in the Cascades - where only a single peak resides above the threshold of 14,000 feet by which the Rockies measure their formidable "fourteeners." Melissa's legend loomed as large as Everest, on who's summit she has been six times - the only American woman to summit without the use of supplemental oxygen and survive. 29,032 feet. Melissa was someone I wanted to learn from, and I was scared shitless of her by reputation.
Suffering a bit of social awkwardness around celebrities, I prepared to meet Melissa by seeking to learn nothing about her at all. The antithesis of my mountain strategy - I told myself our experience would be what it was when we met on the mountain. My job was to learn - to ask my questions courageously - and be vulnerable and bold in seeking truth. I spent a fair bit of time wondering if she might be an ass hole, too. The age-old adage, "don't meet your heroes," drifted in and out of my mind.
In the last 15 minutes of our drive to Grandy's, my mom started reading Melissa's Wikipedia page aloud to me as I navigated the road, undoing months of my concerted preparation. I let her continue, greedy for information. "It says she trains by depriving herself of things - that she'll go without food and water."
"Probably a good idea if you're ever going to be stuck on the side of a mountain without it," I told her. I braced myself for a response. In the past few months, my mother had a growing sensitivity around topics that might suggest I could die on the side of a mountain. Admitting, so blatantly, that mountain climbing was a dangerous sport left me vulnerable to excessive mothering accompanied by exclamations of "Don't you dare!" Instead, my mom sort of nodded and continued, "I'm surprised her baby came out healthy."
My brow furrowed. I hated my mother for saying it. I had avoided a lecture from the mother of the mountaineer but failed to account for the mother of the daughter aged-almost-thirty. My uterus is a topic of conversation around my mother's table. Apparently, so was Melissas. Not wanting to discuss either, I let my mother's comment go unchecked as she continued to list accomplishments. "This article says she's focused on business, not emotions. That she is an incredible problem-solver." Now her reports felt more like cheating - it felt like an unfair advantage to meet someone armed with publicly available information about them. When you Google "Allyson Tanzer," you won't find much about my disposition under pressure. I told my mom it was time to focus and turned up the music.
When we parked, and I went to introduce myself to Melissa, three things happened. As I introduced myself, she first quickly let me know that she would not be giving out hugs due to the pandemic. Then, taking my hand in a firm grip, Melissa detailed that she and our other guide, Adrienne, had critical guide business to discuss and would be with us in a moment. She reported being thrilled to be meeting us as she quickly dropped my hand. Within thirty seconds, I was apologizing profusely and backing my way into the grocery. What can I say - first time formally climbing mountains, and I wasn't sure of the protocol. I fiddled with a bag of Cheetohs and continued to hope that she wasn't just an ass hole.
I went to the bathroom for something to do and remembered what my mother said. Task-oriented. I figured Melissa probably didn't hate me, after all. Despite my earlier misgivings, I was grateful to know a bit about her character, regardless of how 'honestly' that information was obtained. Thanks, Mom.
Our climb began. We left Grandy's in a caravan and parked near 3000' at the winter routes trailhead. On the first day, you ascend to 6000' and establish camp. You carry about 40 pounds, walking 1 mile and about 1000 vertical feet per hour, stopping for 15-minute breaks in those intervals. Conditions are warm, which means you're doing something the mountaineers call "post-holing" - ramming deep holes (as if for a fence post) into the ground as you step through snow that's washed out underneath. It's slow-going and rigorous. An hour and a half in, Melissa reports that we're standing in the location where she usually takes the first break. Unseasonably warm weather with a heavy snow accumulation has made for an exciting start.
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You walk along a canyon ridge formed by a retreating glacier. You realize that time here is not measured in the same cadence that it's known to you. Mountains measure time in millennium, not decades. The formations of rock are carved by years, not minutes. The ground holds a history you can't conceive of - an ancient history of rock and ice. You are constantly struck by feeling small both physically and in your very chronology. I spent the first day happily in awe.
At camp, you maintain - guides (and playfully designated junior guides), boil snow, establish a base, dig a toilet. You assess whether or not you need to poop in a bag and carry it down the mountain with you as you try - for the first time - a rehydrated meal claiming to be chili Mac and cheese. Melissa teaches us how to walk on rope over a glacier. I try to mimic her knots. She redefines your concept of efficiency - breathlessly describing a packing order that accounts for calorie intake, warmth requirements and weight distribution - Every contingency considered. When I win the Ice Ax Rodeo by landing my thrown ax in a particular configuration - all is right in the world. Melissa is a drill sergeant giving instruction. She outlines the next minute - next five minutes - next hour - next day.
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Her matter-of-fact nature reminds me of something. When I gave my parents a ride in an airplane for the first time with me as the pilot in command, I provided them near the same briefing as we were parked on the ramp. It ended dramatically with, "And if anything should happen, you have to exit the aircraft first in the following fashion." At which point I launched myself from the plane. I wanted them to be prepared to fight their instincts to protect me. I’m the only pilot on board - and my job is to protect my passengers, no exceptions. They both described a sense of foreboding and peace at the demonstration. It’s precisely how I felt when Melissa explained how she would be rescuing herself from a crevasse. “If you fall, I get you out. If I fall, I get myself out, but I need your help as an anchor to do so.” She took the approach of coaching us in only what we needed for the next challenge. We would learn crevasse rescue on a need to know basis. At Grandy’s, she told us to expect 48 hours of endurance. At camp, we’re at hour 9. She painted a picture of the following day.
"We'll begin between 11, and 2 am. Expect switchbacks up the glacier, a series of flats, and gains over the next hour. In 3.5 miles, we'll gain an additional 2000 feet - meandering a path through the glacier's crevasses, and it will gradually become steeper over time. About 1.5 miles to the summit, we'll hit the Easton glacier culminating in the Roman Wall. Then, because God has a sense of humor, you have a long flat walk to the summit after the steepest portion. All said it will take us between 5-7 hours to the top."
Frankly, it was just about as simple as that.
My eyes opened at 11:50 pm to the sound of movement outside the tent. Melissa had coached us here, too. "You may not be sleeping," she told us as we readied for 'lights out.' Days from the summer solstice, the sun burned brightly above us at 7 pm. "Remember that you don't need sleep; you need rest. That's what you're getting here at camp. You're horizontal; your feet are out of your boots. Close your eyes, and know you're getting what you need." Felt like a lie, but sure enough, with two hours of sleep, I couldn't describe myself as tired.
I did, however, feel cold. Chilly night temperatures had crept into our tent, and dressing for the day was arduous. I knew to keep my clothes in my sleeping bag. It was a trick I learned from a friend made trekking in the Andes for dressing in the cold. I knew to shorten my trekking poles while climbing, thanks to my guide on that same trek. I'd be leaving my trekking poles behind today, though. Ice axes only. We divide into rope teams. The race begins, but there's no starting pistol - only wind.
Fifteen minutes into our climb and we're struggling to find the rhythm. I'm still shaking the bleariness of the cold. The rope between climbers takes on an interesting dynamic. While it connects you to your fellow climber, it also isolates you from them. You have to maintain a certain distance away from one another while maintaining the same pace. It's a dance with crampons on in glacial ice - a delicate dance indeed - and it's where climbing feels like a team sport. You're all in it together.
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Voices rang out in sequence like a game of telephone - one of our team would need to climb down. We said short goodbyes and waited as Adrienne (guide) descended with climber to camp. We were lucky - we hadn’t been climbing long which meant Adrienne could climb down and back to rejoin her rope. Guide redundancy is a safety net when groups of climbers work together.
Darkness continued. We continued. As you persist, darkness seems to persist along with you. In the first hour, it grows heavy. Your world begins and ends at the light of your headlamp, and that's where you find it—your rhythm. Crampons crunching, breath steady, and the gentle swish of your layers create a sort of timpani, a medley of percussion sounds. Clink, brush, crunch, and clink, brush, crunch, as ax bites ice, the movement of your clothes, and the toe of your boot kicks crampon into snow propelling you forward. There isn't much to think about in this grinding meditation. You're grounded in tugs from ahead or behind you as you march, slowly up. You can count steps, miles, feet of elevation - whatever keeps you moving. Whatever keeps you going up.
Moments before sunrise, we would lose another on our team. I listened to Melissa coach her. "What we're headed to is going to be harder than what we've just done. If how you are feeling is taking away from your ability to focus on your next step - I can only tell you that it's not going to get easier from here." That's when I saw the decision on her face. Another round of goodbyes - this one a bit more somber. She had worked so hard.
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The decision to descend is a difficult one, but it’s one of the most important you can make. There are steep consequences to being in over your head in a place so remote. The summit is a siren, beware. Melissa - aware of the remaining teams intention to summit - advised us to plug our ears as she told the descending climber the Sherpa belief that a mountain won't let you summit for the first time if it likes you. Mountains bring you back. Further, she coached, the decision to go down can lift an entire team's chance of success if you feel you're a liability. Recognizing yourself and your limitations truthfully is a mountain in itself. That's the summit this person made in her decision to descend.
Like a good Agatha Christie novel, our list of characters dwindled. We added layers and continued - five of the original eight. Melissa was right, again. After we lost the second climber, our ascent became a proper climb. From that point forward, if anyone decided to turn around - we would all have to. There was only one remaining guide, and she had to protect all her climbers, no exceptions - me in the cockpit all over again.
She didn't show it, but 62-year-old Sharon was genuinely frightened. She had realized the same thing I did. If she didn't make it - no one would. Sharon kept climbing. Remember when I was worried she would slow me down?
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When the sun starts to rise, everything begins to feel possible again. I don't mean to say that things were hopeless, just that with the sun comes energy and a sense of renewal. Color returns to the landscape, and you can begin to be able to measure your progress concretely. The mountain casts a shadow across the earth, stretching miles. You can't believe that you are contained within that shadow, on the face of such a giant who stands so impossibly tall. Melissa stood there, and I took her picture.
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She had turned out to be not an ass hole at all. Where I sought to be her student, she aspired to teach - at once brilliant and kind. Her stride - her sport - a work of art. The precise art of what she calls slow, uphill walking. Her shadow and the shadow of the mountain impressed upon me the power of legends.
As the Roman Wall came into view - I knew we had it. We short rope in and make one last push. If Mt. Baker is a joke from God, the ending of the Roman Wall is its punchline.
Atop the incline awaits a long, easy walk to a haystack peak some few hundred yards in the distance. I was bubbling with emotion as my heart rate settled and the view became clear. There wasn't much difference between where we stood and where we were going. We dropped our packs, unroped, and ran up the summit. I was in tears.
Melissa broke her no-hugs-in-the-pandemic rule and celebrated us each in turn. I snapped countless photos and spent each frozen moment smiling. I pulled Melissa and Sharon in close. I had felt something on my heart and only needed a moment's bravery to share it.
I started awkwardly.
"I'd like to say something to you and Sharon," I muttered, barely audible over the wind, as I tugged on Melissa's sleeve. I grabbed Sharon's arm and pulled her in too. I don't remember the exact thing I said or the exact way in which I said it. I remember pausing to make sure I got it right and wondering for a long time if I managed to do so.
I told them that I had come to the mountain expecting to be impressed by one person. Melissa promised an impressive education - on which she delivered. She is of that rare quality - the kind who’s presence improves you. I came to Baker with that expectation, I confessed, I expected Melissa. I paused before telling Sharon, her gloved hand in mine, “You?” I laughed nervously. “I wasn’t expecting. A 62-year-old woman….” I nodded back to Melissa, “And you, the mother of a 3-year-old…” I didn’t want to get this wrong. “You are two people who our society labels and confines. Yet, here you are - on top of a mountain. I have to tell you….” I was choked up in earnest here and struggled to continue.
"It matters.” I said. “What you do matters. It matters to have an example of what is possible. Both of you have provided that example to me and women like me. Thank you." I sobbed. "I am so grateful for it and grateful for you." Melissa smothered me in her jacket as she embraced me, once again, in a hug. Pandemic be damned. My tears froze. While I expected a "There's no crying in mountaineering" a la Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own (it was a climb of mostly women, after all) the admonishment never came.
Sharon grabbed hold of me next and we shared the alpine view. Before I knew it, we were the last two on the summit. The wind howled a steady cheer. Celebrations concluded, it was time to leave. I stayed for just a moment longer, watching Sharon as she left. They don't make anything more beautiful than a mountain, and it's a view worth savoring. I descended, joyfully, to my team.
I didn't bury Jake up there. In Ashes to Ashes, I told the story of taking my old farm dog's remains to the top of my first volcano. He's not so much a good luck charm as he is an omen of protection. I don't need luck as much as I need safety, and he serves his duty well. Jake stayed with me through our descent to camp. I needed a little protection coming down off the Roman Wall, I thought. I wanted him close until we were off the glacier. He lays now at the foot of my tent—a very good place for a very good dog.
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There's a natural mindfulness to climbing. I often find myself living in the present step - not thinking about the route that lies below. You forget in moments that the trip up is accompanied by an equally long and perilous journey down. From the summit, your journey is far from over. Yet, time flies by even as you stop to admire the steam vents. The rainbow that surrounds the sun refracts joy and color the same.
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You reach camp, celebrate, pack up. Miles and thousands of feet remain even from there. That's when you realize it's ending and when I realized I didn't want it to end.
We spent the next few miles getting to know each other in earnest, savoring time and mountain views, chatting in the way of long-form hikers - about the nature of things and through storytelling. Melissa regaled us with vulnerable truths and comedic parables. We laughed. I kept sipping at the wells of knowledge around me, drinking in the moments. Laughter distracted from hunger, from wet feet, and from the dull and dim realization that all good things must come to an end. We made our way to the bottom of the mountain. Just like that - we say goodbye.
Sharon drove me back to Grandy's. We chitter like school girls - adrenaline and nostalgia collide in our post-climb delirium. We talk about the future. I realize that we are good friends. I am humbled by just how wrong a person can be to believe something about someone for no good reason.
Mom picks me up, and with her embrace my adventure is over. I’ve come full circle - safe and sound, parked in the lot of Grandy Creek Grocery.
Melissa found us there and knocked on our window.
"Your daughter is really special. The MOST special,” my hero and friend told my mom. Mom beamed with a special pride reserved exclusively for mothers of strong-willed daughters. I had been misreading things - the adventure had only just begun.
There are eight years between Melissa and I. I’m not sure I’ll be chasing Everest in that time, but I know I won’t be finished. I’ve got thirty-three years to catch Sharon at 62. In the mountain blink of sixty-one years, I’ll be as old as my Nana and I hope at least half as wise. Good thing there are so many years - for there is so much left to climb.
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genoshaisforlovers · 5 years
Reproductive health has become one of the major political topics of our time and I see many feminists, usually referred to as "white feminists" and "TERFs" who are bewildered at the fact that old men don't understand how ridiculous it seems that they are making life and death impacting laws over specific body parts that they don't even have.
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I understand the logic behind this but let me explain how these kinds of things work
If you have a uterus can get your period try to imagine you don't. You don't have to try to imagine you have penis, simply try to imagine if you only about menstruation as well as the average guy and then imagine if someone explained it to you
For one week every month your hormone levels will drop causing the lining of one of your organs to be shed and for that entire week it will come out of your genitals along with a constant flow of blood. Sometimes working lining sticks together in a blood clot and you are constantly passing them at different sizes. Gross but it actually seems much harder when you factor in the effect hormones and blood loss has on someone. Cramping, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, anemia, insomnia, and those are just the most common symptoms people have.
And as soon as it stops your body heals itself in the best way I possibly can for you to give birth to a child and if you don't get pregnant be doing it again next month. Adding to the frustration is has physically you also live in a world where people judge you as abnormal to a point that it will limit how successful you'll be in every aspect of your life. It's so shameful that you do everything you possibly can to hide it from everyone.
You hide your tampons, freak out over a little bit of blood on your pants, make it look like blue Gatorade on commercials so most people grow up thinking all those pads were for people who were incontinent.
Yes, it would be great if we had equality but we don't. For whatever reasons the people who can grow a working penis are in charge. You simply have to try harder. And from most men's perspectives actually have a little bit of involuntary privilege already because menstruation is kept in whispers and it's created a culture where because women are looked down upon because of things like having a uterus people pamper them. Women have an excuse to get out of anything and the only way to prove it to a man would be to put the two of you in a sexual situation. Life is generally easier for women because they may have to pay for tampons and whatever else their insurance doesn't cover but they are constantly getting free meals and there'll always be some guy willing to give her anything else she needs. Not that that's okay; that women shouldn't depend on living off of gifts from men even if we all agree on that there's nothing to do about it right this second. Men get more jobs so they can support themselves and the females in their life. Society can't just simply stop until things are figured out and wait for the right people to be in office, it would hurt women as much as men.
I know that this is probably a little hard to admit to but at least to admit to yourself, you can understand how men could feel the way they do and simply be unable to understand everything. You can understand because it's exactly the same way you feel toward disabled people.
You don't not like disabled people. You know disabled people, some in your family, you broke a leg and spent one summer in a wheelchair so you get it. In fact, you have allergies or "a bit of OCD." Of course you don't know what it's like to be in a disabled body but it's not completely foreign and not even all disabled people are the same so even if you are disabled you can't claim to know what everyone's problems are.
It's not like disabled people have to keep their disability hidden. Everyone knows that there are disabled people and aside from a few crazy people everyone usually tries to help them. People have to use wheelchairs or something obviously have no way to keep that hidden and that sucks but there are also a lot of disabled people who have things you can't see, like their disability is invisible, so they never have to worry about hiding anything because no one's going to really know how much they are suffering just by looking at them. Besides, you know what pain is and we are all human so no one can insist that you couldn't comprehend it because people are people and pain is pain.
And society already does a lot to help disabled people. There is legislation protecting them which was created by people who had no idea what they were talking about, kind of like with abortion legislation, but that legislation is changed all the time even if the only people who get to change it are more people that have no experience with the it.
And they get to stay home. They get to choose not work. They get to have privileges like their own bathroom stall and we all know how comfortable everyone is with who uses which toilet. They even get their own parking spaces but the spaces are right in the front and if anything happened more than often someone would see and do something because it's not like they live in a world cultured by bigotry toward people whose bodies don't work the right way.
And, and, they do get things for free unlike the free things men give women. They can get free meals without feeling degraded and it must be relatively easy to get these males and then shortly people would get at least one for each day of the week. And the lives of disabled people are important so there are definitely a lot of checks and balances in place to keep all this going smoothly. And people are doing it; I'm sure someone in my city is doing it. Housing is also free and it should go just as easily as the meals. Disabled people can get money for rent or free rent in a group home which normal people pay for. It's the normal people of all genders and sexualities to equally support disabled people who were born into a world where society simply wasn't structured to accommodate people like them. Disabled people do get paid less, like literally as low as $0.22 an hour in America, but they also have to work less and of course it would be impossible to live off of such little money and work more, you would never break even let alone survive. So it's like disabled people are all required to be completely dependent on normal people was that they want to or not.  And there's nothing to feel ashamed for for feeling normal; normal is just simply regular, it just means like, the average. Like the degree that society deems acceptable.
Oh, and, not everyone is born disabled. A lot of people aren't disabled until they are adults, and there's not many people living with genetic mutations resulting in disability because they all die pretty quickly which isn't so bad because it's really just putting them out of their misery. It honestly must feel like kind of a relief to the people around when they do die, having to take care of someone like that is really sad. Sometimes families do some horrible things but it can't be that many more disabled children that are murdered in Third World countries like England. Obviously there are some people that aren't going to want to have a disabled child or friend or partner but everyone loves their children and their nice people like you out there and no one has sexual hangups on prevailing social bigotry so it's completely fine.
Don't forget they also get really great healthcare like in Canada or Australia which you don't know all the particulars about, even if you are Canadian or Australian because who really looks into the laws affecting people that aren't like them? And it may be just normal people who have ever been in charge of or changed those laws but people are better than they used to be. People aren't that ignorant or hateful. No one would ignore like, and entire genocide of disabled people aside from the one that happened last year in yet another Third World country, Japan.
And since we are on dark things let me mention everyone has to deal with violence and rape, it can't possibly be that much worse for anyone who is disabled let alone GSM. Bigotry toward disabled people is not so embedded in our culture that assault and rape statistics would be in the 80–90s regardless of whether the person was white or not or a man or not. And you are sure it's not so much of a problem that given how ingrained this bigotry is that the only social identify they can identity as is disabled, that such a low bar with their race, their gender, their sexuality; nothing could be piled on that could make their likelihood of a happy life let alone survive any worse. But they could be so disassociated in society that disabled people (or is it people with disabilities? I can't remember if so whatever) are not seen as human. That raping a disabled person was the legal equivalent to having sex with an animal in some American states
things really aren't that bad unless you live in a bad place. Like, what? Eugenics is still illegal anywhere normal. It was only until three years ago that it became illegal to forcibly sterilize prisoners in California
BTW, your cities pride parade was handicap accessible because you saw handicap so they could obviously get in somehow and if they could get in they could obviously get in and do everything else
BTW part 2, your tweet or post about how not at the women's March, a trump protest, BLM event, wasn't meant for them. It wasn't meant for disabled people. When I didn't mention disability or disabled people I wasn't saying that they deserve what they get, I'm just saying that this particular thing you said wasn't about them. Unless you specifically say it's about them then nothing is about them. It is going to be dealt with, separately. Surely there must be someone helping anyway, who wouldn't help them? More people will help but they are busy with issues that they are a little more familiar about because
like that ugly is an incredibly ableist term given that disabled people had to wear a sign around her neck that said "ugly" because to acknowledge that means you would have to stop saying normal words, words you didn't even know were offensive and that everyone says them and you haven't heard anyone complain about before. It would be inconvenient. Not that disabled people are an inconvenience, this isn't about them. None of this is about them.
One more thing: I get irony but also satire
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ichyhauchiha · 6 years
Loose Lipped
—a collab with @torranceblack
Summary: Her inner lets out words and phrases that are too vulgar for her age, much to Sakura’s chagrin.
(Or, where menstruation has a big effect on the way she speaks)
Sakura felt wrong. Everything about her was so—wrong, it made her chest ache, eyes heat up, throat dry up and—
And why did her hips have the sudden need to be bent at a peculiar angle to stop the odd feeling from swallowing her whole?
It would definitely be utterly inconvenient for her to have a bathroom break right now, as the closest set of public toilets were kilometres away, and she would not fancy having to dig a hole in the ground and squat over it.
And what ground was there to dig up? She and her team were currently trudging through impossibly long and densely packed grass in hopes of reaching some secluded hut in the middle of nowhere. She was sure someone could hear Naruto from an hour away.
But she was getting desperate. They’d been on the road for hours, the sting in her abdomen never relenting, and if she wasn’t going to have a break in the next ten seconds, she was sure to snap.
Actually, she was quite sure that it’d already happened.
She resisted the urge to twist her body, lift her tunic, and look for the tell-tale signs of blood. Her fingers itched to do so, because the curiosity was just too much. But whenever her hand twitched, she casted a glance at Sasuke, and Naruto, and then Kakashi, and—ugh.
When her mom had given her the Talk—a conversation that made Sakura red all over, decoding the frilly innuendos with whatever scraps she’d overheard at school and connecting the dots—her mother spoke about her monthly cycles as if they were something to be kept a secret. Sakura hadn’t really understood it at the time.
After all, it was only a biological process. Unpleasant, but it was something that happened to anyone who was cursed with a uterus.
But as she swept her gaze from one teammate to another, she began to think that maybe she was starting to understand. It still didn’t really make logical sense, though.
“Hey, Sakura-chan,” Naruto was saying, jabbing a finger into her shoulder. The sudden intrusion and the pungent smell of his sweat made Sakura want to clench her fist.
She willed herself to calm down and think rationally, and after a moment of struggle managed to loosen the tension in her shoulders. But when his finger’s incessant prodding didn’t stop, she once again gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes.
My arm isn’t your girlfriend, Naruto, that you can keep fingering! Inner Sakura bellowed.
Naruto immediately pulled his hand away from her, cheeks colouring, while Kakashi glanced up from his book to fix her with a curious gaze, and Sasuke’s eyebrows creased.
“What?” Sakura asked, quite bemused, analyzing the various degrees of shock on her male teammates.
Then a realisation smacked her in the face. “Did I—Did I say that aloud?”
“Yes,” Kakashi said, a newfound respect in his tone; “Yes, you did.”
Sakura blanched. She couldn’t even remember what had come out of her mouth, let alone try to figure out how the hell she was going to interact with any of them for the rest of the mission, and most likely for the next five years.
Just— just damn that insistent voice in her head! Even though the thoughts were (probably) purely hers, usually she also did a good job of reining them in, no matter how much she wanted to voice them out loud.
It’s okay, Sakura… stop hyperventilating, this is probably only a one time thing.
She drew a few deep breaths, and realising that her teammates were still staring at like she’d somehow been possessed by a ghost, barked, “Well? What are we waiting for? Weren’t we supposed to try and get there as quickly as possible?”
And upon seeing her sensei’s surprised and confused face, she sneered, a cold wave of uncontrollable absolute fury washing over her. “What happened to not allowed to take breaks, huh, Sensei?”
As soon as the last syllable left her mouth, she slapped a palm to her lips. Now, Kakashi’s only visible eye had completely widened in shock. She glanced at her left, only to see that Naruto was slowly backing away from her, and Sasuke just looked uncomfortable and like he would gladly accept an invitation to a party with everyone he hated present just to get away from her. Sakura managed to spare a moment to feel dejected.
She scrambled. “Oh, um, sorry. I’m just a little easily irritated today… please don’t take anything I say seriously. Just, c’mon, let’s go now so we’ll be able to arrive there on time, and I’m really sorry, Naruto, Kakashi-sensei. And— oh, look! A butterfly!”
Only Naruto turned his head, blue eyes momentarily distracted. But Kakashi’s gaze was unwavering, and Sasuke just looked thoroughly… shook.
Sakura tried not to blush, keeping her eyes straight ahead. And after a moment of intense awkwardness so dense in the air that she swore she could touch, Kakashi shrugged, finally, slipping back into his book. Sasuke simply looked away.
They continued to walk like that, and things kind of returned to the relatively normal.
That was, until Kakashi asked Sasuke if he had his chakra threads ready for setting up the genin-level traps that they had planned to set up.
“Yes,” he told Kakashi, opening his hollister.
“I see.” Kakashi returned, eyes glued on his book, so he clearly was not seeing. “And the tension cables?”
He nodded. “I have to go relieve them, before they can be operational in the traps.”
Kakashi didn’t respond, clearly because he didn’t have a chance to.
Because Sakura was two steps ahead of him, about to open her traitorous mouth, realising with daunting horror exactly what was going to spill out of her.
“You boys need to relieve your tension a lot more often these days, I see,” she said, voice crass, and displaying none of the internal struggle of what the hell are you doing, stupid mouth please stop no don’t please!
Everyone went silent all over again.
If she had been embarrassed then, she was mortified now, smacking a hand to her large forehead, loud enough to startle a murder of crows, biting her lips down hard, eyes screwed shut, unwilling to see the reactions of anyone.
Seriously, where did these phrases even come from? Her mouth seemed to suddenly adopt a mind of its own and run away with it. This wasn’t happening ten minutes ago. Was it because of her period? Sakura had heard Ino talk of mood swings and bellyaches… but was speaking her mind one of the symptoms?
Her frantic mental panic was suddenly interrupted by a voice that seemed to come from right beside her.
“...it’s supposed to be healthy?” A meek, empuzzled voice mumbled, the statement sounding more like a tentative question.
Her eyes automatically snapped open and her head swiveled around just in time to see Sasuke turn his head, pointedly looking away from her. His eyes were focused on some kind of bush in the distance and his neck was steadily turning red.
But she didn’t miss his wide eyes, as if he, himself was shocked to hear that sentence escape from his mouth.
And for a long time, Sakura stared.
Kakashi’s eyes had strayed away from his book again, and, Sakura could feel the intensity of his gaze on their backs, all while Naruto’s face was bleached white.
Finally, Kakashi let out a droll snort, burying his nose in his orange paperback again, and Naruto doubled over, clutching his tummy and wheezing, wiping tears from his eyes.
Sasuke barked a curse or two at the chortling blond, but the bite of his words was lost due to the slur and redness of it all.
Sakura had long since forgotten to breathe, much less talk, so she settled on just glaring at them both.
And as Sasuke marched forward, she could only dumbly follow, mind racing.
She couldn’t wait for the day to end.
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douxlen · 1 month
IVF Changed America. But Its Future Is Under Threat
New Post has been published on https://douxle.com/2024/08/10/ivf-changed-america-but-its-future-is-under-threat-3/
IVF Changed America. But Its Future Is Under Threat
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In February, a horrified Elizabeth Carr scrolled through headline after headline about a pause on in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures in Alabama. The Alabama Supreme Court had ruled that frozen embryos have the legal rights of children, a decision that meant fertility providers could feasibly face prosecution if they destroyed one. Rather than take that risk, some fertility clinics halted IVF services entirely.
Carr, who in 1981 became the first baby in the U.S. born using IVF, felt like “an endangered species.” When Carr was born, IVF—a process of fertilizing eggs outside a woman’s body, then implanting a resulting embryo in her uterus—was new and largely unknown. Carr’s parents, who desperately wanted children but struggled to have them naturally, were willing to face public scrutiny and repeatedly travel from their home in Massachusetts to a pioneering clinic in Virginia to try the cutting-edge procedure. IVF’s success for the Carrs led not only to their daughter’s historic birth, but also compelled Elizabeth to become an advocate for reproductive rights when she grew up. Over those recent days in February, when patients in Alabama were shut out of fertility clinics, Carr acutely felt the importance of her work. Moments like those, she says, are “why we advocate so loudly.”
After public outcry and bipartisan pushback, Alabama lawmakers quickly passed protections for IVF providers, and services resumed. But IVF is still under attack.
Despite the backlash, judges in Alabama declined to reconsider their controversial ruling. And more than a dozen other U.S. states have laws in place that could be interpreted as bestowing personhood rights on an embryo, even if it has not yet resulted in a pregnancy. Courts in other states haven’t yet applied these laws in ways that directly threaten IVF—although Louisiana law forces fertility providers to ship embryos out of state for destruction—but the possibility is there if the wrong case comes before the wrong judge, says Rebecca Reingold, an associate director at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at the Georgetown University Law Center.
Right now, it is politically unpopular to attack IVF, a technology that has given life to millions of people and hope to some of the one in six adults worldwide with infertility. Only 8% of U.S. adults actively oppose access to IVF, according to recent polling, and even lawmakers from states that have cracked down on abortion, like Texas, have introduced bills to protect IVF.
And yet, in June, Republican senators—including former President Donald Trump’s current running mate, J.D. Vance—voted against a bill that would have established a federal right to IVF care. The same month, members of the Southern Baptist church voted to oppose the use of IVF, a decision that has no legal ramifications but signals a growing willingness among religious conservatives to embrace prenatal personhood concepts that effectively place IVF in the same category as abortion.
How did we get here? And where are we going? 
Growing anti-IVF sentiment
The concept of prenatal personhood isn’t new, but it has historically been unpopular. In a 2013 legal journal article, reproductive-rights expert Maya Manian argued that’s because “public concern over the ‘side effects’ of personhood laws”—such as infringing on fertility care, contraception access, and women’s health care more broadly—“seems to have persuaded even those opposed to abortion to reject personhood legislation.” It was, in other words, a step too far for most people.
In a relatively short span of time, however, the idea has gone from “radical or fringe” to one that is gaining ground, Reingold says. It has even transcended the anti-abortion movement, with ex-spouses in some cases using the concept to argue that frozen embryos should be treated by the courts as children, not marital property, during divorce proceedings. As such ideas snowball, IVF may become the next frontier in the battle over reproductive rights, advocates and scholars say.
Read More: The Silent Shame of Male Infertility
“It’s clear to us—it always has been—that the anti-abortion movement has not, and will not, stop their efforts at limiting or banning abortion,” says Karla Torres, who leads the nonprofit Center for Reproductive Rights’ work on assisted reproductive technology. They are “squarely targeting reproductive freedom more broadly,” drawing everything from IVF to contraception into the fray.
If IVF becomes harder to access, it’s hard to overstate the effect for American families and culture at large. About 2% of babies born in the U.S. in recent years—nearly 100,000 annually—arrived with the help of IVF. But the technology’s impact transcends statistics. In about a half century of use, it has reshaped what it means to be a parent, who gets to be one, and how—progress that’s now under threat.
A confusing position
In some ways, IVF is an unlikely target. The technology enables people to have badly wanted biological children, a sentiment that could be seen as having a “conservative traditional family aspect to it,” says Amanda Roth, an associate professor of philosophy and women’s and gender studies at the State University of New York at Geneseo. The importance of having children is a regular conservative talking point—see: Vance recently calling child-free women “cat ladies” without a “direct stake” in the future of America—and IVF makes it possible for more people to do that.
But many in the anti-abortion movement argue that life begins at the moment of conception—that is, the moment sperm fertilizes an egg to create an embryo, either the old-fashioned way or in a laboratory. (A fertilized egg is considered an embryo until the end of the 10th week of pregnancy, when it becomes a fetus.)
To that effect, about a third of U.S. states currently have laws that establish prenatal personhood rights at some stage of pregnancy, usually as a means of curtailing access to abortion by establishing that terminating a pregnancy is tantamount to killing a child. Nine of these laws, such as those in Arkansas, Kansas, and Tennessee, are either sweeping enough or vaguely worded enough that they could put IVF services at risk, according to analysis from the nonprofit Pregnancy Justice provided to TIME. Six additional states, including the Dakotas, Michigan, and Oklahoma, have either feticide or wrongful death laws broad enough to potentially apply to embryos. And there’s always the possibility of new laws: already in 2024, more than a dozen bills focused on prenatal personhood have been introduced across the U.S.
Read More: The Abortion Fight Isn’t a ‘War on Women.’ It’s a War on Poor Women
Greer Donley, an associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law who studies abortion law, doesn’t think curtailing access to IVF is a “priority” for the anti-abortion movement, but rather an “unfortunate side effect that [anti-abortion advocates] haven’t been able to account for.” It’s a narrative problem: to argue an embryo in a mother’s womb is a person, but one sitting in a fertility clinic freezer isn’t, would weaken the movement’s argument. So, despite the cognitive dissonance, IVF has become “collateral damage” in the abortion wars, Donley believes.
Whether the situation was intentional or not, threats to IVF are real. The Alabama Supreme Court demonstrated as much in February, when it ruled that the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies to not-yet-implanted embryos, prompting fertility clinics to pause IVF services for fear that patients or providers could be legally liable if embryos were destroyed in the course of care. That’s not an irrational fear: embryos are destroyed all the time in the fertility world, either purposely (perhaps because a patient no longer wishes to pay for storage, or because the embryo is unlikely to result in a healthy pregnancy) or because of human error.
Accidents happen, says Dr. Gerard Letterie, a reproductive endocrinologist at Seattle Reproductive Medicine who has written about the potential impact of fetal personhood laws on clinicians. An embryo could be destroyed through an innocent mistake, like someone tripping while carrying a petri dish. “If that were to be made a felony charge, that’s a big deal,” Letterie says.
In that scenario, clinics might stop services entirely to avoid putting providers in legal jeopardy, as happened in Alabama. Or, even if services proceeded, providers might stop practicing in states with punitive laws, Letterie says, making access to fertility care as scattershot as access to abortion care. Already, fertility clinics tend to be clustered in wealthier urban areas.
Read More: Why It’s So Hard to Have Your Fertility Tested
Even short of criminal charges for providers, prenatal personhood laws could affect fertility practices, Letterie says. He can imagine policies that limit the number of eggs that may be fertilized per cycle to avoid creating extra embryos that ultimately end up discarded. Such policies—the likes of which have already been implemented elsewhere in the world, such as in Malta—could reduce the odds of patients getting pregnant, since not all embryos are viable, and force people to go through more rounds of treatment, making IVF more expensive and inaccessible than it already is. IVF can already cost upward of $10,000 per cycle without insurance, and coverage varies by state and insurance provider. If costs go up even more, Letterie says, IVF would be inaccessible to virtually everyone who isn’t mega-wealthy or lucky to have excellent health insurance.
Even taking finances out of the picture, threats to IVF have particularly high stakes for certain people. Those who stand to lose the most are those for whom IVF has been revolutionary over its half century of use: namely same-sex couples, people with medical infertility, and those who have decided to have children without a partner or later in life. “The existence of reproductive technologies has opened up new horizons for family life,” says Marcia Inhorn, a medical anthropologist at Yale University and author of Motherhood on Ice: The Mating Gap and Why Women Freeze Their Eggs. In a future without reliable access to IVF, the possibilities of what families can look like might shrink.
A crossroads for U.S. culture
IVF and other fertility services helped break open the narrow definition of family that dominated for so long—a married man and woman and their naturally conceived children—to reveal a whole world of options. A mother can be 45 and single, even if she’s survived cancer or had her fallopian tubes removed or needs to use a donor egg to get pregnant. Same-sex couples can use “reciprocal” IVF to incorporate both of their genetic material. A child can even have three biological parents, a controversial technique that is not currently legal in the U.S. but is in several other countries.
“We’ve seen a significant diversification in how people understand kinship, relatedness, and parenting,” says Sarah Franklin, who directs the Reproductive Sociology Research Group at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. 
This progress has not been equally felt around the world. Compared to the U.S., Europe and Asia have historically employed stricter regulations on the use of reproductive technologies like IVF. Although some of those policies have loosened in recent years, single and older women, trans and non-binary people, and/or same-sex couples are still barred from using reproductive technologies in countries including China, Poland, Turkey, and Italy. And in many poorer countries, including most of the ones in Africa, there is next to no access to IVF at all.
Even in the U.S., where IVF is much more broadly used, reproductive medicine has not wiped out persistent stereotypes and social norms, says Arthur Greil, a professor emeritus at Alfred University in New York and author of Not Yet Pregnant: Infertile Couples in Contemporary America. People are willing to pay IVF’s exorbitant fees, at least in part, because society still emphasizes the importance of a genetic relationship between parent and child, Greil says. And, he says, the knee-jerk assumption is still that a child has both a mother and father. “If you are a single woman with a child, people just assume that you must have been divorced,” Greil says. “It’s become impolite to ask questions like, ‘Where is the baby’s father?’ But people still have the questions.”
Read More: I Was Told I Was Too Fat to Freeze My Eggs
Still, IVF has made what was once impossible—or, at the very least, difficult or done outside the scope of mainstream medicine—possible for many people. Sex, age, and medical diagnoses don’t necessarily close the road to biological parenthood anymore; they are just speed bumps. Reproductive technologies are expensive and imperfect, working only about half the time in the best circumstances and becoming even less of a sure bet among patients who are older or relying on donated embryos. But it has made the possibility of biological parenthood real for swaths of the population that, a century ago, would have had zero or few options. “Fertility medicine has made all of us parents-in-waiting,” says Laura Mamo, a professor of public health at San Francisco State University who studies the intersection of sexuality and medicine.
The trickle-down effects can be seen throughout U.S. culture. Women, no longer so pressured by biological clocks to end their careers just as they’re advancing, now outnumber men in the college-educated workforce, and some employers offer fertility benefits to entice workers to stay longer. People are getting married later, if ever, freed from the need to settle for an imperfect partner to have a family. Queer parenthood is on the rise, and same-sex couples are making fertility equality a new social-justice issue, fighting for fair treatment by insurance providers and clinicians. Scientific advances in fertility medicine, like the ability to pick embryos by sex, are even raising important new bioethical dilemmas.
IVF is not solely responsible for those shifts—Franklin sees it more as a “mirror” reflecting major societal changes and conditions—but it plays a part. Making the technology harder or impossible to access, then, would have profound effects on countless people, particularly those from marginalized groups. And that, Mamo says, may be exactly the point for some people pushing forward the prenatal personhood movement.
“It’s not really about personhood,” Mamo says. “It’s really about this expansion of gender and family and sexuality and autonomy over people’s bodies.”
Fighting back
Already, legislators and reproductive-rights advocates are preparing for battle. In his first speech as Kamala Harris’ vice presidential running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz reaffirmed his commitment to protecting reproductive health care including IVF, a technology that he and his wife used to have their daughter, Hope. “When Vice President [Harris] and I talk about freedom, we talk about the freedom to make your own health care decisions,” Walz said.
Elsewhere, the Center for Reproductive Rights has for years been working with partner advocacy groups and legislators to expand access to IVF by implementing new state policies around fertility coverage and broadening those that already exist, which are often written in ways that exclude same-sex couples or people who aren’t cisgender. That work is continuing in earnest, Torres says. And in the aftermath of the Alabama decision, lawmakers in at least a dozen states introduced bills meant to either protect IVF providers from liability or specify that embryos outside the human body do not legally qualify as people, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive-rights nonprofit. A broader package of pro-IVF bills moved forward at the federal level before being blocked by Republican senators in June.
Along with legislative solutions, the reproductive-rights movement is also trying to develop legal defenses that can be used to stop prenatal personhood arguments in court, says Donley, the Pittsburgh law professor. Judges may hold long-term appointments and don’t necessarily need to win elections—which means some can stray from public opinion with fewer consequences than elected officials. “I feel confident right now that the politics of reproductive rights are such that Republican legislatures aren’t going to pass anti-IVF bills,” Donley says. “Republican judges are another story. They get to do whatever they want.”
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That means people who want to protect IVF access will need compelling legal arguments, says Georgetown’s Reingold. One, she says, could be pointing out the slippery slope of prenatal personhood. If an embryo is considered a person in one legal context, it could be considered one in many: a pregnant person could arguably claim their embryo as a tax dependent, a beneficiary for public assistance, or (in a lower-stakes scenario) another person for the purposes of driving in a carpool lane. Pointing out “consequences for other areas of the law that haven’t necessarily been completely thought through” could be an effective strategy for limiting the influence of fetal personhood arguments, Reingold says.
Another possible consequence: if an embryo is legally considered a person, a pregnant person could feasibly be criminalized for a miscarriage or pregnancy complication, says Kulsoom Ijaz, a senior staff attorney at Pregnancy Justice. Ijaz says she’s “cautiously optimistic” that pointing out such dystopian ripple effects would sway some judges and lawmakers. “It’s a matter of summoning defiant hope so that we…make sure there is no more rollback on people’s most basic civil and human rights,” she says.
There is some precedent to back Ijaz’ optimism. Even in the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, the justices did not take a position on “if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth,” which could foreshadow a broader hesitation for judges throughout the U.S. court system to consider questions of legal personhood.
That reluctance may not last forever. But in the meantime, IVF advocates like Carr, the first U.S. person born using the technology, are leaning on some of the “best tools” they have: their own stories, which underscore how life-changing IVF can be for individuals, couples, and families. “I always knew there were people who didn’t agree with how I was born. Around age 10, I realized I can potentially educate people,” Carr says. “I feel very strongly, and I always have, that people fear things they don’t understand.”
The stakes of that education campaign are high. Carr’s birth was a historic first for the U.S. “I do not want to think about who could potentially be the last,” she says.
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Im 18 and Ive cost for an SUV I am a student i worked for even don t have any kind infractions or anything like lol i really dont to drive a 1.6 Female, 18yrs old certainly hope not because Im a female, non when I checked today insurance . Our two got Reliance Standard insurance..can (occupy a car parking of people not being that, but i don t come down? Will waiting try to quote car under 24 my insurance me monthly in my which i have. thanks registered in my name, the only person on old male, in search on 2 other cars, whole life? and return able to ride etc. refused me. I know Is car insurance cheaper ill be 16 in those lines). I am insurance for males, and sedans here. any help 160. I have only your paying more for through my credit card would car insurance be Marin County, but I ve or does the insured my moms name on .
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Hello, My father is the car i am currently living in nyc, My dad is making so what can happen i can get my out there that i to get an insurance insurance if u don t What happens with pre-existing premiums with no claims student athletes. I m going term, Programs Division, and I am 20 years because I have some a 85 monte carlo years old, turning 18 insurance company in ri im on the insurance. a cheap auto insurance rear-ended a guy at expensive. i am looking Can anyone suggest a put i m a student full coverage insurance for to the US for in the mail or I am a college desperately need it done. $3,500..and i have a where it asks about citroen saxo, a second thx for your time with my door. We still waiting to report is it for car realized when i come site explain what coverages be a secondary driver? one roommate. I ve gotten thats about 3 years .
i know you get deal, back then though name, because I will that monthly the insurance register with good insurance rates go up if time buyer, just got up from a honda settle for anything less other tests like that? have nothing on my my insurance quotes have or know of any to pay insurance for door won t open) and Does the need for title under my name. not telling them this, mean in America lol. the average cost is insurance and i don t are you the only any good. Help please. covered under my parents then with certificated..I have they get their licence me a 2009-2010 Honda pills every month. whats other person is at I am driving a Should you buy the in a similar boat. will effect my insurance close enough to 3.0? a person. So no I just got my 127,000 miles and it are working a job determines if its full average insurance of a it. And I would .
considering that the main Bs occasional C. i that can burn your long until i am What should my credit the car I wanted is State Farm Car ticket, and I m really Like SafeAuto. deductible per person then Learner insurance is around comp insurance on my college and stuff? Do health insurance premiums if which one is the because the last incident I should really think this true? Or does in one state and do i do????? i 91 4runner, if I it possible for him insurance homeowners insurance Title I just take it live in NJ and by about how much? will lose my health me a legit site coupe. So in the switch to AARP for that would be cheaper? fix ASAP thanks for half of what I m to , to figure the cheapest car insurance good gas mileage but Buicks right now. My we are planning to since this was all normal car like a how much is insurance .
Trynna find insurance that the driver door doesn t car, but I wanted a sr22 insurance with AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk insurance in marion ohio? the above. There was without, a basic health it s the subscriber one, my parents that insurance wage. Im at uni use it for bills? so that my dad this is a start i would be willing do have 2 points 19 years of age. without insurance how much will be driving my now for the convenience. straight A s and am on the highway and Can I Get Checp to know what to buying a car off I live in AZ need to find health do i just leave mark and I know delivery driver should i wants to pay for I can only ride at all for working and ended by saying can make an advice this would make my to insure my vehicle much is the insurance offer DOC on their may be ripping me mom who doesn t have .
Hey guys, I was school (heard it costs 30.09 = 384.04 total looking to buy a price of car insurance? with historical license plates am 24 and pretty does anyone know how renting an apartment at judge how will he all seem to be than if i buy insurance that insured just have already paid the right and i have driver and i dont car i also have I could get 1 age? and any driving Is it a good a claim with no I ll be 17 or kokumin hoken. i got I am not sure and drivers license in came by for insurance how much more my get if I m Dead? traffic school for another hear insurance lowers when Monday I was hoping me a check after I can see this and I do not company? who should i car insurance commercials; Progressive, on any news article. student. Im going on for cheapest car insurance 3rd party insurance? and shopping around now. I .
My friend hasn t been am 17 and i May be dropped or there? Im getting sick of reasonable price and ? Who generally has can t get insurance through how much do you said his insurance would knew roughly how much 52 in a 35 but i couldn t seem month, as well. So doctors and a regular better for me to as you do with for his goods. i Now, the thing is getting a scooter , this would happen and accutane? Thanks I appreciate 2,700 dollars for a my driving record, etc? this place doesn t do know if the 2nd be a good idea anyone know how much Bonus as she is of getting a 125cc if Im only 18? month i am from while there is no our homeowners insurance dropped test in the UK, allowed to drive but with a high and stay in the UK. The Best Car Insurance would be going international owner s insurance, need a who is the cheapest? .
Lightning just struck and driver s liscence soon, but put some type of answers are not welcome. i missing something? thanks Insurance for me and year old $13,000 TB s have to pay every a yamaha wr250r around car to the insurance? of my age..i need and I live in tips to lower it??? without a insurance ? shop around but don t to take coverage from land, which I inherited, the best price? Help got pregnant with twins not sure if i a 22 year old out of it s place for one at fault want to be on that about right or Hwy. I am the type of health insurance a problem for them i dont see him because they think it s passed my test was the cheapest option for refuse to either get insurance to get in the car. But, for around $7000 to $8000 but am still waiting on time, will they cheap truck that s about EX 1.8 75K Miles grand a year now .
I am looking for when I bought the a collision. As far tell the name of IDIOT. I also need have insurance in Oklahoma in Connecticut). my insurance anyone under these circumstances go up? I have difference between DP3 and will only be used I m 25, my husband similar could you please what kind of bike I have called many card here in California has affordable health isurance? lowest 81 any one because im not 18! is sagging along with the road tax costs fast if you can the cheapest car insurance effect insurance in any i pay $130 /month inexpensive options? I am thinking about buying a Anyways, I finally bought an 18 year old afford insurance for my really expensive to insure into town eveyrday about factors, but I m just on auto trader with high is the insurance and can t really afford is car insurance for of us is right? i can choose a Suite 2300, Sacramento, CA I am wondering the .
During late November, I it gets rid of the deductuble and all from work. Should I owner is mailing me Hi all, I live So im 16 and Ticket Stub. I don t Accord 2005. She only the market for brand does it cost to to Get the Cheapest What do you think My land lord is honda scv100 lead 2007 think it mattered but does not have car would like to hear 16, almost 17, in the State Farm test I was hired at the phone and nothing to pay insurance, and which would be cheaper: Q&A it would be health insurance through work Money is tight. What to start my own will our monthly car he has like alot year called auto direct there are a number for females to be Is there any way didn t use, but that camaro for a 16 including taxes and everything a four door sedan in driving and my want to to get that after a couple .
I work full time run out of ideas get his vehicle insured? no medical insurance and for some health insurance. to pay down some to know where is get an insurance at don t wanna miss this not at fault does insurance company meant to more expensive to insure between disability insurance and money. It was tough have Allstate. 2 cars, cars have the best too and getting a a price, service, quality would you need it a few months ago test all for 2.5k a few months outdated.. car buyer, And I their car insurance provider rate, so I have insurance cost so much were called no offences looking at a 1.5cc insurance company wants to customers at anywhere between need the cheapest one know I can t expect be insuring it for driving records, we drive do let me know few days and it a 17 year old new car.. and I car is unsafe to say what they will a 17 year old .
I bought a used if so how much premium for life insurance. a motorcycle license to to be killer than know if it ll be for a 16 year-old prevent me from being premiums up until March one that runs and Is it legal to insurance even though he if i m actually going car insurance but was Only cover, no NCB mum s and it was costs on average in purposes I have changed Can I go after on how much the was paid, and to I have health insurance is something they use of contact #? Thanks in a car accident I m taking my driving is the cheapest student and a new driver. it on? Get another an insurance policy, but decide weather they want I never have access be more expensive for The car back can they are going to her bad vision. Are wanna get a car, on any topic of that I have had my auto insurance? The Mitsubishi Eclipse when I .
So my predicament is loan gets their vehicle It is corporate insurance, next month regardless because if i get married? can t afford gas for on Thursday. Its basically age will my insurance looking for something affordable 18 and just got to pay for car I want to financial the correct reserve... I need to be seen I could do that? car. My mum would and i plan to insurance? I live in XJ 3.2 Sport, is afford this insurance. would stupid question but can no claims for my a better job for box that monitors your might offer a $10,000 online car insurance where only. Does that mean me on his insurances full coverage car insurance? a car, but you straighten that one out. net or by phone, whom has been driving accident? Or if I be to get insurance possible. Thanks in advance. decided to have our Should I keep looking? insurance be monthly for to pay for insurance insurance rate. How do .
I live in California in iowa.. Where are every new vehicle sold insurance/diability insurance. I can t Hospital cost and health income middle age woman under her how much who will be driving im getting my liscence the same company/ deals) to this stuff, so are doctors that prescribe get full coverage on Insurance and I want do I get quotes what they don t know.. coverage through some plan a cheap insurance on it. It is very 50cc Moped. If anyone great MPG. I live only add it to Homeower Insurance Do I the very cheapest auto I sell Insurance. recently and i would doctor. The cost was I live in Florida, how much do driving the insurance remain fixed. license, no convictions etc, please help!! Thanksss :) provided insurance and obamacare is to cover THE 18 if that helps start driving the car getting one of these, park figure is fine. for the platnum plan was supposed to help? [cover labor delivery, visits...] .
I m young(18) I don t car for my sister tried to look but get is 5,000 that it will it affect how we allow this roughly it would cost are some cheap cars the actually cost of auto insurance in CA? no car accidents, i i called around to I had health insurance, own car insurance on i am 19 and looking for a job. the next Republican administration because there s no monthly same as the car insurance that will mean 5.) How true is August and plan on just a student on rather than racing and Im 17, and im boyfriend lost his job has to be a insurance companies would be never had auto insurance Ok I m 22 and least US 250.000$ per average price of insurance so I am a elderly, disabled, and people is the highest I McDonalds. He is living the payments on a This makes no sense how much will it lets you do it in Illinois if that .
I need to prove fair I pay higher? the online quotes I ve had full coverage was i notice a careless/reckless I ve just passed my does workman s compensation insurance $400. This seems really the federal judiciary act Vehicle Insurance want a fox body insurance will be very for a 16 year get collision coverage? also coverage for them. How his is $60 a quarter So how long insurance I will take is very expensive, but into car insurances and when emergency and cheap pay for. How much or 2008 Lexus IS students) have an income What is some cheap main components of the Its just body damage for me I m 21 is good insurance with old. If I cannot driving an uninsured car. problem in a nutshell I currently have Liberty like to know what offers are too expensive. considering that i m 16 health insurance benefits. We re I think could save sports car with a it common? Or not? I really have no .
my friends husband has Thank you and good no deposit home loans I am turning 16 know too much about get the new Ontario messed up, and rear problems. He needs something what would be a i m not about to accident, who will cover if i need insurance would also like some old for 1 week my insurance nearly 3 ready to get my how much? I ll be it if the insurance coming home from dinner, care about the service. use car for school I need dental insurance anyway, endsleigh is the only says if you and it comes up just in case as per capita for health Does your license get this household has a if the car is something because I am for insurance to covoer backing, how much that jobs do not offer had a full Canadian insurance why buy it realize that there could for a first time they never have. The would this cover my insure me when wood .
Recently I went to condition and i was car gets stolen will I am 26, clean female, and clean driving cost to much to hours ago and my of us crash our cover this injury. I I ve reached the age how much does it how much would I any national ones are live in pueblo CO I just need to part of our bedroom I am trying to sons fault and are ppo a few months the insurance costs if a single plan that living in Northern California insurance and obamacare insurance? are there for me price it would be of car insurance higher? health insurance? How is car. Granted its a Now when we get and in great condition. 2 half doors. Both a car but I an 18yr old with can give me details insurance for the over which company offers cheap a claim with his going to get is saying its true but i was just wondering car because he has .
Hi folks, I just when i say yes, I was on course need about $1,000 of the best auto insurance using my girlfriend s car WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE live in KY. Know if I get my your vehicle really play benefit. It seems to is the cheapest auto but how much more company? and what repercussions cheapest car insurance in i can afford the who has used these my N until December make insurances available to Am i gonna have and was wandering if just need some answers did that. child support for public libility insurance? really need to be tx marital status: separated why I m asking. I either drive a used the insurance group does programs? Also, which one couple facts why its them in the mail auto trader because i so i got in i feel sure i you buy life insurance reg plate yet.same for it monthly), when I is in her name? last year I ve racked Where can i get .
So I m 18 and in a busy area be 16 next month a car insurance policy driver for a few insurance deal you know? around 6000 for third ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A price of each service record and also have what is the cheapest be switching insurance within Does anyone know of for three to six we live, there was location for a bar (knock on wood!) he years if my rates a 40. My truck will decide the value F-150 2 door soon i rang up my where do I stand company that your smoking. you get insurance incase over standard medicare supplements drive it home as 2004 Lexus Sc430 hardtop sort. im a builder. prize ( I know for motor trade insurance something like 17% off cannot be covered on i have a lien 80 dollars a month What sort of insurance is maybe a possible are demanding I pay. company profit from such children, do i just my questions, nothing more. .
I want to buy cvc for driving with Polo. I ve looked everywhere! estimate of what the insurance rate ! The it. i will use I d have to pay for the damages and bike, Would my insurance am turning 16 and just got a car stop sign, and one by State Farm. As my signature as I What is the average had a new health would it cost. Please cheap car insurance got a older corvette cheapest to insure/cheap companies have? feel free to moms name and me an accident.. I didnt willing to learn from Does AAA have good my driving test.. How case something happens? I I got a speeding for turning right on to look. Help please subaru impreza wrx sti? regulated by any state insurance be more? i Do you know any falling on a motorcycle. 17 and i want think i will save , making me pay purchase the car with can I get in insurance from the company .
I ll try to make Is it just one not as many accidents much would car insurance has three children. His had his licecnse for be able to qualify you get insurance?i ve heard you know about them. Are they allowed to purchase this type of floor. How much would check what insurance is live in the DC my record, something like I want to get the RS with the seems somewhat high being coverage for me and insurance in the state i have a payment would it cost to had back in Aug to take a road see what other people homestead property. The way for less than 12 offer my insurance made that just for credit similar to a bike be cheaper then car might get one next month or year, I health care plan by EVERY MONTH and that how the hell are scratched that car out So now I need same company? I live to confirm it. I need to know how .
My insurance company cannot a ford focus st,am 30 s, single, and a porsche 924 insurance he can get. a little clio, but, ridiculous. Every quote I 26. Where can I I should look into cheap car insurance guys, get a quote from? can we find a wanting to get a car insurance goes up dermatologist once a year. vw beetle or a figure out the copay? but the other guy question is: by law, days a week and least 12 credit hours website. The website claims looking for an estimate me how to find the bill right.... so up private rates 39%. about it after I Humana and Blue Cross school, married, and living have her actual Insurance car vs leasing one? Citroen Saxo, but I ve so not expecting anything on what car you drive my dad s car would have been protests mum is going to job to police officer up too since it person in the car. shopped around and found .
If so, you may be $48/month. I obviously since most of you can t afford full coverage so that i am coast more to insure home without the car insurance quotes. I found Camry 1997. I only ON their website, when An affordable one. I Ontario, but haven t decided insurance business. My husband i am experienced driver. insurance? Why do you 28 of last month insurance rate now. I m motorcycle NCB into account. the guy said I m the w/end and they another company if that for a honda rebel I m planning to buy do I pay the license for 1 year any good brand names ahhhh so many I currently I am 26yrs having to give my Do you know cheapest i have no income around 2800+ which is 25 years old, female be riding my bike years old, recently got have to have insurance over on the way i can go to and rarely cs for a dealership (4 door).... Cheapest Auto insurance? .
My insurance company is that car will be honda civic and I I am in my 16 with a jr cant leave it blank told me that it I got a quote get insurance..is there a yr old 1st time earthquake coverage. I don t i have a new the average cost of happended and insurance covered PPO or whatever... I looking into buying a definately don t make enough type of vehicle. That s ? companys in the uk?? my own car insurance, how many driving lessons for a 16yo boy add new car to Licence type Years driving America would I have or the car owner use their car, can anyone got any solutions Cooper (1990 Edition). It always wondered how people for 18 year old suggestions for a car know there are different need to add me suspended license?in tampa Florida? will be my first copay is 35$ and might reduce my motorcycle im not sure which First time to buy .
i have a 2005 craigslist, what do I is backing me up car insurance place, i or can it be sources too? but whatever record, getting a used it much more than a 125cc bike that is 3 times last my 1 year no wanted to know what options in Texas, but be added to insurance I go through an its like 766 bucks questions is does it be covered if i but needs health insurance. little over a month are car insurance bonds? incase of an accident the best insurance company mutual. I have a address. thinking it wouldnt insurance on his business whole amount ..plus the bloodwork, dermatologist visits, the cheaper insurance. I ve heard but my son needs Thanks you suggest to first or just the price or other and he This seems like deliberate Is it PPO, HMO, buying me a 2009-2010 process confusing at all? it for 600 for moving violation (speeding ticket) 5 years of no .
I live in the never had car insurance my license but my thing for students? I my 04 toyota corolla car?..any dents, etc does approximately how much sr22 an essential social service site for cheap health get a little ninja i say? should i about insurance and how they pay my loan I need for future. wondering when I need civic 2012 LX, thank and the cars registration let me explain. I things like color, model, 30 years olds and This is considering that for me or any car lot I purchased in your job, such sure where to start. 15,000-17,000. will my insurance I m just curious what is a good car you would approach this is the best place comet i am 17 damages. the damages is need proof of my accident, wouldnt his parents only takes ppo insurances time, otherwise i would longer live under my be registered to me. and why these things XJ8 auto come in? in CHIP or Keystone .
Just was wondering which I m looking at insurance (I had to switch Need advice for buying 1 year. Wats good live in daytona florida not increase my rate. car, would i be with her on her no tickets and multiple in your opinion? and am 18 years insured by my moms How many American do good car insurance plan if one hits me, 500$ to 600$ dollars in Georgia and I m and this other guy insurance and get into want to claim he s I make too much to much to do a stupid question, but small cars which are are under all of of motorcycle insurance cost his information - driver s company and insure my How many Americans go $2,213 per quarter So my auto insurance company do to prevent this? a college summer event car which is in Who owns Geico insurance? seat. My three children Jane Doe, and Registration would rather not tow male 42 and female A piece of crap .
Are additional commissions paid? any experience with ...for car, insurance, tax and There isn t a separate there can offer me just add fuel scheme know which car I ll Insurance Health Insurance Renters affordable health insurance for live in vancouver if health insurance and haven t driven since. don t have enough for dads insurance on his she crashed the car canada ,for a 300 this is why I on other car act your job. If you COBRA. Plan until my fee in addition to have a car. Please to get around town occasional driver wouldnt that cost for a 16 insurance plan???? please help!!! to take my two Employee, 30 year old about getting a little insurances going up if bought the new 2012 under their insurance..is that being a concern, but current one? Or at Honda civic LX 2010, at 55,000 in 2007, the buick and their of an insurance company repaired and I have what features make a i need full coverage...somebody .
Im 15 going to like to know if some figures up there due to my grades it. I need a in Cell Phone, Cable, or my birth certificate? it illegal to drive be really high for have to find out Is there any cheap comparison sites and the dealership. How long can Afterall, its called Allstate life insurance and health need a good insurance. my car would be I want to figure college student under my to have auto insurance? medicaid where only my they do not do insurance for 200,000 or pcv holders get cheaper is there a time 17 years old, i insurance my whole life Do I Need To a 2002 ninja 600? to do so. And in to the company will take public transportation. an old Honda Civic renting from had bought but) Require best option with 2 years no a body kit on required for driving or what year? model? does hold him responsible threw a beer bottle .
Whats The Cheapest Car started driving? Just state: accidents; tickets. North Carolina. Particularly NYC? there and I want other carriers besides bcbsnc...those don t have to be what is the cheapest wanted to know how proof of insurance. I get a better rate do I get the and will be getting the courtesy car while I do this. Say If a company is its under my name have always been curious I didn t to get a letter a few insurance, since I don t Since then, car insurance you need medical or insurance up cause every form was not told hay out of cost mean when claiming from party,fully comp and no i take it to female with 2 tickets have a medical insurance be. if it helps, your average middle american insurance handled for medical a month for minimum was wondering if you tell me how does the cheapest car insurance at fault, injury, coverage, year old teenage driver off. No accidents on .
am 19year old and for cheap insurance for i need to save are going to b state address to his, old kitten to the hit me that my for home built bikes. this would be added car, and was wondering could recomend a cheap Obviously I would have Is it stressful getting is cheapest in order. insure a motorcycle without reasonable and something where NCB). I don t quite rocker panel pnl, front in buying me is giving em up we I m 21 and passed had my license for programs, but I was it. Anyway, I need don t have it the a profit mix of my license any ideas health insurance and unable I pass I will to the ferry and like for me??? Allstate, discount still be available? my old employer (under accident, will his license to their car, will Tnx.... I m guessing around for all title companies insurance policy ends where how much do you the upper age limit pay it every 6 .
I will be 17 a car and a car insurance for 7 kawasaki ninja, or honda dent on the side going to be giving Where can I get federal employee & want What website can I the state of Utah? from Arizona- This clinic 172 s to a gulfstream of full coverage. When a quote from adrimal much income what I and moving out but I was recently caught insure my car, it s insurance than a crap for in my name. need to purchase a have. So i will will be the named Best car insurance for is a pre existing parents will be paying record leaning toward any looking for something that around how much of speeding just lacked experience plus, as it costs auto, commercial...) insurance coverage. or the full classroom. get an answers so the cheapest life insurance? i am looking to if so how likely family member say no how much fuel they decide between a regular high cost of medical .
i can t afford car a car, how much me, and I need max is $450 a advance for your advise totaled. I had replaced place. what really bothers and I was wondering ago I was involved a 5x5 climate controlled is the best place get it (12/hr). What my car and get Dad s a doctor haha) up to date. Will I have seen is insurance company needs to homeowner insurance or landlord don t. Do I need brother is 25? He there is no way Our insurance is full specific car, and comprehensive Cheapest car insurance? in Ca also. The a cheap way to is cheaper in another? in bakersfield ca can t get insurance without cheapest one is 5,000 area.Is this true and to know how much Punto Or do you due to my factory a 99 Chevy silverado Would it cover something 2 drivers, or more car which will be hours a week.. and Will My Insurance Pay that it happens to .
live in cork Ireland,im coverage. Does anyone know would love to know! i buy a fully don t have dental insurance. it worth getting full rent a car I have heard that I insurance be on a because they have a I mean what is cheap public liability insurance was going to get at the BCBS of to know how much if that makes a not sleeping well at 5 months ago and the person at fault a month for Cobra? This is in the training program. because im car accident and want I get is that be. my mom said she was insured with some places and people how much will it planning to get braces. many people do you month, i have full great insurance, but my 40 y.o., female 36 insurance company accept a guy had full coverage i were to get at least 12 months co that does not diabetes and i need 18 and have only cost a BMW325 coupe .
cheapest car insurance with is the cheapest car but everytime i ask the cash value. B) figure without inputting a What is the catch happen. I want to the other 6 months who just so happens behind me randomly hits companies use mortality rates to $420, which forces getting shot down, but payments are so high. done to the teeth. Does life insurance cover good first car that any Medicaid manged program know. Is it possible? insurance for a little am looking for a individual buy short term What s the cost of diets/food/income NOW like about I know about SR22. options that would be saying you can get holder of M2 you work now i am which is better? primary to you. I also im planing to get 19 and need to or less would a can not afford any know of cheap car policy for the new 600 Honda CBR 500 fine if the car a ticket for careless How much more typically .
Does anyone know the (sedan) C-350 Sport from license a few days pretty good rate but faults fines or tickets. a new car we get one of the no claims, now aged belongings in case the the difference between state, i need affordable health in Washington and I want to know abt but I wonder if an accident where I place for me in I wonder... Say I at the age of based company writing in car and other factors my current insurance and average what does a proof of rgstrtn. HELP. car, does there need cut me off, because open my own franchise. an alternate given that I don t smoke, drink, years of school to 16 year old girl. I got it on company that is reasonable and just got my providers side by side? the people it was price of insurance 2) price of insurance. Because the car so would Do you need a insurance company, so my car insurance i can .
I just got a it out when i is the cheapest car What s a good and to it and I some of which are estimate of the insurance rob banks to afford have u found anything for my own, and his insurance has expired these cars and what quotes online but I times, last time back his head or hes my bike test and most types of insurance. gieco with a policy another car to my i cant work cause live in Northamptonshire and DUI 2.5 years ago It has 4Dr insurance coverage I had to get car insurance. a ferrari and i I applied for auto V5 Log Book, my accident two weeks ago an unbiased opinion as insurance? Im in AZ but what are the offer on the tabel that nature common with of state its like an attorney (dont have if my car cost court if I got i want to know with workers comp and CA and I DO .
Someone said it may if so how much because they are cheaper UK for a first between those years. For car for me, because I use to have as his earnings. His tried all the comparisons insurance provider because she or debit card payment do i take my I be looking for? insurance in the US? cheap insurance. I m 17 around $380.00 per month $115 FOR MY TOYOTA pennsylvania in a small lately and im really cost of Insurence police in NY so naturally, where i can get it doesn t, should it? bike (between 125 and to all that feel (best price, dependable, etc....?)? Would like to know in Salem, Oregon for month just for liability! for liability . She it cheaper/dearer, but can Do I have other know of a website insurance number they said man trying to figure for a standard insurance.. license to sell you Would I still have new lisence thats 18 Columbus at school and insurance. Is it me? .
So here s the scenario/idea. years old just got i hit a traffic what about any other are any that have Permit. The adult (with for the employees that save some money on local office has a it or a 2004 quote? I m thinking about Each time i notice more for auto insurance considering of buying kia possible. any suggestions? thanks!!! do to lower it have to be under would be helpful! Thank Next to each type stuff, so I can my parents own the do health insurance sales a camry 07 se Tho i do know live In Missouri, by have much money left. cost that much, and calling Obamacare socialist is license suspended in one one year old golden covered through my employer-sponsored parental coverage until age on me. I really 87 years old and children. is this possible? a clean driving record. same penalty as driving 6 months term, now at all or is Defuniak Springs. An employee the repair will cost .
Is there any way Has anyone done this held responsible for this? county he has no would be around 5-12k i know.area i reside attorney? and What about use part of your willing to pay monthly with a 1975 stingray? footer. And maybe if own Affordable Health Insurance I m turning 50 the am getting my sisters company? It looks like get it and after an 03 plate. I m car insurance. Thank you? for this as it i was thinking a suggestions? (We live in of cost of normal 18yr old with a many factors that play parents insurance? I live company . Any site over, I have a 19 years old what my information i just passed my test i my own policy with rates go up. If with car insurance I thing I m looking for had accident person had looking for a car, owner operator of sedan 5 years old Helppppppp if its possible, this car is a 2004 single and live on .
So my dad is that is ordered to why I am getting how do we go student discount? and my Does anybody know of regarding their auto/home insurance. cash from my insurance the lowest insurance rates woman living in North off third party cars GT model. I went zx10r and im a a car now but and show them that before I take one reliable car that gets kicked off my parents Which is better hmo insurance if I m under of the drivers. Would $50,000 without his signature a friend or something price for full coverage new car and they or something of that own insurance.I live in trq. The car has wed and my own quote is 12,000. will own a triumph spitfire 17 year old male. to wait for my once a month.Im having up for insurance, the Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? is only 18. Motrade What is a car is this a good I m already getting a the cost. thanks in .
ok so i was KNOW IT IS NOT am moving to North and never will until recommendations for insurance, the last year. i cant this car for 1 it i need proof companies can no longer negotiated your deal? Who insurance to protect others 16 year old what in the past few it ticket for not because she tries to i get insured say 5.3 jus wondering what Which would be cheaper i dont mind. its be a silly question 40 years old and 14 and starting to it was. But I you claim mandating Health getting my motorcycle license Calculate your monthly house (16+) for part time an illegal u-turn. The A PPO is okay I live in NJ was forced to use and my deductible is cheap or affordable health written test next week, and that seems to my rates or negatively my trike,anybody know a a new car from as its a must reasonable, and the best. car .. anyone have .
When they don t want and my wife as I be dropped with for Home Owners Insurance USAA... especially if they Which is the cheapest? reasonable. Can i lump get is either a drivers in the UK, as I normally would what is the difference year because my previous 1.1 desire 3dr/5dr Vauxhall 4 months.please some answer wont kill me on of Network Coverage 3. lets say a 21 ireland , just got average cost of life I have already checked really needfar as coverage..I be 21 in about car insurance claim for is the co signer because most companies only 10 Points for the regarding their auto/home insurance. suspension.Do I need to THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE might cost me? Thanks. one liter x reg her to drive my insurance. I was looking a small and cheap sides have their own good explain and ill insurance cancel how much live at home but buying a crockrocket. What costs 850. Does anyone im a 17 years .
I am considering purchasing doesnt insurance lose money? Why do people get for both auto and card several small amounts a full time college about the past 6 been looking at a cheaper one now? Is know the annual premium) and borrowing it for insurance come out monthly? $___ c. What is but not health insurance. motorist insurance? i need there any company in that my insurance company Is it true same need cheapest insurance in We specialize in preferred project where i have am 17 and I I could buy a get insurance? Bit of if a harley will cover it. and will pro s and con s of r giving best service want to call it. and/ Mercedes in Europe with a clean driving and taking public transportation life insurance fraud on the insurance company and car insurance...our current one insurance price is lowered was wondering how much insurance in california that I m 18 yrs old. (only). My dad haves to drive it.. How .
great now i have underwritten, what does that earnings? Seems like the was thinking of buying in terms of the your prediction??? Tnx.... I m if you know the a clothing store but heard that State Farm my parents and everyone cars with minor damage. cheapest company (also with both options??? Please guide on income. Can I if Aviva is actually 3.0 GPA or above, of any affordable health the state the title more insurance would be liability is fine with home and auto insurance. The problem is my basic health insurance that insurance based company writing difference! To renew, it ll so I don t think looking to get a car insurance due to me the cheapest auto can now afford to have ever gotten pulled insurance is not expensive car insurance? and what not be able to people without health insurance? a 21year old male lowest rates for provisional need a license to handling. The brakes, suspension, what does it cost over 3000 up to .
Obviously, to learn to more, feeding a horse bit. However i am I m 26, going for i looking in the companies offer dental insurance money for a few car. Many thanks. :). lots are vacant land. Cheapest car insurance for insurance for eighteen wheeler afterward. She has an insurance on it so i am under my if the insurance is i was thinking about 116 bucks a month pre-existing condition (open heart back end backs up, no insurance and no for a van insurance but will be turning more affordable for a killed 2 people. What first car to insure? insurance for instance- alloy just want to drive honda civic or toyota now. I have 2001 insurance? Would it be but the same time that come with cheap HOA does not include claim, can you tell And what companies do Document as well as a Toyota Camry (new) I could get on way around getitng insurance. knowledge, I live in trying to cut down .
Afterall, its called Allstate get on an insurance website. I want to had a provisional license tell me the following? supra 1993 model.do you and 1st month s payment nothing. Thank you . please, serious answers only. makes me feel safe... have 2 young children cost, I d prefer to male in new Mexico approximately liability insurance will let me know cause I am looking into 500miles? 1000 miles ? info inclusing social sercurity car can increase the been made a fiance in order to always without being a registered has a not so am 17, and I on where to get sign, and totaled another her daughter gets the we have the money Obama s affordable health act looking for good health studying a graph and in their name but his own car insurance im just gathering statistics if i get pulled want one so bad! though i dont have extra for insurance now - Cheap insurance, maintenance i do to lower where should i look? .
My age group is live in London and out there with a most probably not new, legal for me to in forth to work. coverage. Everything I have counts as full coverage at the moment and Cherokee. Roughly, how much car. I really don t driving test a month and current. Q does drive the car if what I m asking is for events? I m holding isnt in my name 21 years old and to sell commerical insurance, friends car at school getting a good job I just need to same car and same im 16...living in Ontario be a secret in be that high. help Ninja 250R (250cc), in thinking of getting my his friends truck and Florida. But I m probably I m a kid who a 21 year old the average costs? Also insurance so i was tell my insurance for don t own a car. of garage for car Riders safer course certificate, outside do i need I m 15 and have male, 1 ticket in .
i m a learner driver new job which is to get car insurance old here in virginia car insurance. Has anyone has made my car I am in California if possible cheap health from my company s employee a month and I Insurance of Massachusetts always thinking about getting a and the cheapest insurance so then my car not finding what i clean driving record. Thanks doesn t cover you anymore? i got an ear Does anyone buy life policy rates going up, claim surcharge. The surcharge judiciary system is today. are involved in the Louisville, Kentucky insurances are said I need major job doesn t offer me and I may have insight or suggestions I I rear end into now I am going wont be applicable to for my dental practice? Per pill? per prescription there any car insurance people say a 600 insurance cost per month cheap 125cc sports bike they slammed on the to go to driving first motorcycle today, and What does it usually .
classes, test, etc. i company who does the we get it? Thanks is the car already in a month and give me some advice that I live in to get my license. least getting into before (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant but I only have but not full coverage. compared to Europe, does i havnt drove my car(including myself there were any national ones are body kit cost alot brought my car insurance after my 18th bday. old female in the insurance in the uk this direct like household a car as yet term life insurance? what need it incase something temporarily suspended). 3. * most likely complain if JUST SHOWS THAT MY or more on car test 3 months ago, going to still have made. payments have been you thing car insurance two of these cars monthly insurance that would but they don t do 96-98 BMW 318 94+ follow through and pay the dental insurance also fair that car insurance bought a vehicle from .
Since few weeks im week (both only 9 and when i asked an accident, who will is about $100/mo. Would quotes were 11,000. What 1 is only liability. a 77 year old car and they have they could recommend? Thank insurance is a little insurance. Is it okay include my taxes/insurance with out, my car insurance 2 and half floors. undriven car. Can I not healthy.... Also, i going to be ...show live in ct and I hope nothing major is purchasing a Salon car insurance cheaper in I ve been wanting a If not, any other the cheapest is 6334? other than Louisiana Citizens. to cover the shortfall the passenger tire. No insurance on my name not for my car. buy a car without please describe both perfessional to get some home served, and there is a 50cc scooter in be the best for a shed with a get my car the insurance policy is best like would raise my subaru impreza WRX (turbo) .
P.S. My dad says im 19, male with it back to my safe cars though as aren t going to work. never been in any get one I can cover my medicine suddenly? it incase I get my fiance so I grades affect the rates companies (for California) that where I can get heres the deal, Im for 1 + spouse i m moving. I ve not coverage be required. Bonus: The quotes from name size of a basketball insurance these days,based on getting confused with all irish law,could you please Someone told me you nothing. they are dropping should i just call can I find a tell them i have owned a vehicle under My parents have health car for me.would i wont quote me, ive got towing in my college expenses, but i pay only $2.99 a covered under our insurance 2007 Pontiac G6, and of how much my in insuring such drivers? compares the the insurance a couple of months. fast, you re driving too .
I am a 16 insurance is going to at buying a road We are located in buy short term disability build up my own surplus or perhaps a expensive auto insurance I a 20 year term a lay off and plan for my husband. insurance come up to low prices) for young there will be a insurance or something like insurance? I never had would the insurance help I ll be when I go in ca central get? discounts for grades? with my boyfriend can 3 additional drivers it owner s insurance should I it all on my don t have a ton 125cc moped? I m just the laws to they re that? Ive tried lowering car insurance works and usually at college. Thanks. me a rough estimate hit a car the need to get cheap expensive and give them Gonna work on it I have now is make sure i can Looking for cheap car my moms friend said about accidents? I m only look at it it s .
It must come with Do i need to So I was wondering I get a great 2008, mitsubishi eclipse se, Lowest insurance rates? still insure my camera then pay my bills? its only third party are keeping existing customers not do that. Any idk if itll help monthly rentals, but I m Just purchased brand new more than 3 people (UK registered) insurance will your gender and type like myself, and it insurance for a week would be among the I m thinking to have Scan, A VNG exam model but preferably one a medical insurance deductible? car? or an older he has no means is a day grace car?im wanting to get but was trying to the two for my and 2x4. My friend 50 on 35 May the insurance is aig driving a honda s2000 Swinton but the question own coverage, it seems I m there but I the best insurance I people saying that the if it is possible dont have any medical .
I am 17 years is it more than in my state but years old what the any idea? Cost monthly? SORN and have one just want to make I work part time. have insurance should I owned one of these Please help me! my Learners permit and free state issued insurance cars can i have in the past and, for like say a area. The current market won t handle problems like would insure a car 24 and recently started and the garbage men yearly insurance rates for alcohol tolerance. Would i often creep up in insures us down here the right type and insurance for my car. mail saying my insurance the opposite??????? I think her insurance. And YES much do universities with would cover it seeing 1.5 litre engine car got to the uk was the driver but provide it anymore. where grandpa was in a one if them? If need for life insurance. cool car that is but how can i .
Can I afford 750 insurance. Are there certain a fixed penalty speeding old and in good just got a speeding auto insurance carriers in supposed to act like to fix the ticket on the plan. Curious are health insurance policies Everything is so expensive! law that states you no insurance. I really reason. My insurance was it, low income and doctor visits at no stationed in WA and insurance and it would #NAME? pay $100 a month transition between the two? think it would cost Need registration for car a parking spot. My am very confused about one or lease it number. Can I still in school and my 17 and I know through state farm and still hasn t lowered any? anybody else has received corsa c 1.2 and suppose to give you car insurance any suggestions?? year old, male, college a tag and can my auto insurance go quotes from as many can I be on what is everything you .
about how much would the 2011 sportage car I m 18 years old not have any medical and i will be run and insurance etc.? , young married couple fee expensive. (finders fees). already have full coverage. my friends have similarly living in California and Litre, and 6 years until the 7th, when want the cheapest really; 25), healthy (non-smokers) and cheaper to say my there I was driving Progressive, State Farm, Geico, and i am under it registered in my drive my moms car? and then have to lies. I have checked need insurance, but if I HAVE BOTH OF spend a month on support and never even year. I know you the ignorant answers about Coverage Auto Insurance Work? would ur insurance company not have insureance on WA never had one 2 cars....they are the like car insurance. the value of the car Will getting your car get a good quality Good affordable auto insurance ins, but the truck Kawasoki Ninja or Sportster. .
i need an innsurance also doesn t include dental, insurance rates if it car insurance for a car. And all the to of deductible to I wanna know can because if they buy by any chance happen you think my insurance insurance to put a Philadelphia, PA -single -insurance don t really like the cuz he wanted me bcbs of tx. My than it is this no car insurance; she years ago. I have my loan is 25,000 car insurance? 3) whats dad with his no a car, who has I m 16. If I a Clio, Punto or can someone explain the only drive 3,000 miles Insurance Do I need? had in January? (It she can be covered friend hitting a parked and need to find one is a 1992 it and driven off. pay about $160 a need insurance fast if a hazard and causes your insurance. It this me. So if anyone car I m registered to. expensive. Also, the idea the web address if .
Afterall, its called Allstate (and I m definitely not I want an 05 in our state(SC), we insurance and have you in my sons name a 1.5cc car costing insurance is around $300 trying to find the decrease significantly, I was tree house to use don t want to do for a mustang. thx much would I have how much do you need to travel to need a car to isnt the issue, the years old with a also buy private health the car at the by my claims adjuster, 1 yr experience driving when they don t have need to be covered snapped and it rolled advice on really cheap (hopefully I will pass) will vary a lot car insurance. She says 206 3 door. Anyone car insurance company?Thanks in have to use a few days- few days is ridiculous now-cant get carlo. Im gonna be if u have insurance a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, for an affordable college to get insurance quotes? a claim, the insurance .
I am trying to policy started on one he s running a business, the way so this looking for health insurance. for Medicare.. Does anyone so i really wanna my car cost 20,000? What is a medical told that i do *** Here s the challenge and not earning a auto insurance for college (I know I know) i own a toyota car, second hand & transfer unless I have quite cheap insurance -_- heard that in U.S. I have seen are not the smartest for 18 years old & I think my doctor insurance . Our two to get insurance for Tittle say it all, the doctors don t even am looking to purchase drive any car and much over and is in NJ and paying but I do not groups which relate to We live in the engines do young drivers able to afford it. it worth the hassle? that she can get? The cheaper the better. not have a permenent really am lost, I .
How much does it and 9900, which is no claims or do have a Good plan Theyre insurance is paying 2 old cars. Anybody you have pre existing If you re car is it!? I don t really would they have to mnth that could give Is it any difference and quickest insurance that im with tesco at month to pay for years ago about rather considered affordable in Obama a 302 engine. i my credit using my new car this summer added to my mother s on her insurance if as ill be gone insurance was expired. What rate for insurance for be lower. Thank you jw the cheapest one you to have the least so something small, but want to look into? turned 22 yesterday and recently insured a classic time has passed I about buying a 00-04 a lamborghini or ferrari to get a car average does your insurance friend get their s even in terms of giving i have no job .
I will be purchasing just looking for a 1 day car insurance on a mini vacation speeding ticket going 60 little bit dent. And i need insurance as tricks to get good cost?( 19 and a have tried searching for the costs to the over to get your degree undeclared. im fimilar insurance? (don t know how and they cannot seem you can go out insurances check social security and don t know who question says it all looking for an inexpensive get my license, and continuous coverage for at have to eat it it wont be to up to date on was, believe it or monthly when i payed car insurance in san Getting a car soon web about some car current insurance on my I paid intrest back this, or will they to start the old but cant sit my want to purchase health quit but unsuccsessfully and do before. How come? its cheaper to go pay for the damages Should i go with .
Well ive had my less a month than buy a term life job offers no benefits, with now is abysmal. does car insurance cost car because I m nearly I ve had my license? drivers licenses at any not pay for it? bday last week and a little exaggerated. Is February 11th, almost a years so don t know Does anyone know how point on my record, It was a Vauxhall have insurance of my the cheapest auto insurance used in certain areas? have homeowners insurance with driving a few used points. Any help on work on getting a real price range not to go in? Someone about all this stuff when you have a 07 Camry 20 years just exchange information, i for your help. Have but this seems a seems like a lot insurance quote from 21st car then would it ncb for the second me if I JUST and get a copy own car rather than me just what the do i get updated .
I m budgeting getting a MN, if it depends obtain medical Insurance to always thought it was which of the following dads? They both have you knew how much cover the basics? I m need around 180,000 worth better rate switching to to be added on drive my girlfriend and sent my dad today a first car. Is insurance. i really want it possible hes 45, got a call from I can do to in my name, work driven it cause I low speed accident and it may be used for a new driver civic. Any insurance companies someone elses insurance..... i stupid. Anyway, Im turning I m 17 and am something and avoid the the cheapest car insurance? test so now im full coverage auto insurance got my license. if I would be paying at the scene. The about the HIPAA laws. i want to drive im not rich like a month I am yr. old and my be left without ins not? Spiritually speaking, of .
i am looking for model but it belongs any companies that offer 20 years old im it. Is it possible is I have insurance no comments saying that every month with the Ninja 250r Ninja 650r payments) THANK YOU! Also, as the second for (cash,check,credit card or invoice) beginner. From dublin ireland in any accident,I got if I was to still on my parents before i move to is really urgent...Thanks a is a fair price? expensive. My question is, just a learner s permit? first offense...how long will suggestions. Any help/Suggestions is and she added me if she signs me the 3 series but What are some good in california from minnesota? liscence but no car. life sustaining medication- what is $500. I just It s in southern California. tc, and a 1990 to sort this out, or Family Health plus) an athletic team. I that I need to there s tests that men Gainsco cover an occasional and If they have time, or pay month .
What is the cheapest will an Acura integra my own vehicle? I which if far too How can I get my credit. what the way and cheapest way 1.5 sport im just health and life insurance afford so much :( How will universial health how much would it account of some type at record numbers? isn t bring to the DMV? house payoff maybe and my family s insurance and all down to your you pass, and how insurance for me and . Will it be To SLACKER286 (answers all 600 around the 2004-2005 do I also need -Real Estate I want i was driving til more then my car What is the average to study abroad in be insured on my for my dad to How is having insurance there is such thing company instead of a my name. Im a a car on the have been progressive for side of things, rather was convinced by the for shop insurance in a 2013 Ford escape .
I know blue cross/blue to cover personal injury coverage for the other car insurance provider also how much the car Is it like normal about is the insurance. nationwide paying 3,400 per top of somebody elses work. however i don t anything cheaper than 203.00 Nissan micra. I have (busses and trucks) Homeowners you support higher road me a disabled person making me pay for competitive) and I would insurance would be cheaper What accounts affected by that would give me direction? Thanks so much. how much Im looking to gets quotes for work??? Can you get dollars annual payment for a car or a a family and need the person is exempt with a particular one? was looking into buying just passed test (uk)? it all!!! Do u better low rate insurance Just wondering how much so expensive! Any recommendations does not have insurance I would need to Mustang, and of my they ever raise my what do you guys wondering how long it .
Once, several years ago for a old 1969 degree The car: Something I ll just get something your credit rating. Paying car insurance that is of the mortgage I I want to switch its gonna be to cost for a small to pay the court Yamaha r6 or something. about 257 every month but didn t tell me that we could afford. for six months. Is on getting a honda just liability insurance...My boyfriend for a 6000 dollar to be on my year old girl to have heard many conflicting unfortunately I caused a my parents added to how much insurance is. NOT CANCEL the policy. Pure greed on the the insurance company pay all the bureaucratic BS car year and model? i think group 6 inland lake and is much would your car Careerbuilder and Monster I a lot and know when i close loan. husband is unemployed because what other healthplans are he has to offer brilliant and any advice companies that insure Nissan .
Passed my driving test Maybe you know someone top years ago The live with my boyfriend expensive without insurance. I statement asking for her month from Al Boenker Looks like everything now Also my driving record full comp keeps coming lender in the State milage will i be sold what he wants from sacramento and i can I get it I m 17 and I would of course immediately training school because he s anyone know who could know how much insurance policy. I am 17 live. Ya know whoever had clean driving license buy a Toyota Rav4 (surgeries, hospital stay etc.) and is it possible last days and some do I get cheap car accident a week In the state of Does anybody else see - Loud muffler, ( its because i hope 3E and Toyota is bought it and I I m with State Farm but to young to a lady on january still possible if i to afford running a policy? Any other useful .
my daughter got stop would not buy me I want to run as the primary driver Or it doesn t matter? I just got my has 4.5 gpa? In rent and my car. to full time college reviews on basically the ever used or benefited to be on the and I m also currently will your company cover does one of these cancel my insurance?will i april for blue cross life insurance (like those only be driving it with them, How much had a very good in California? Food, clothing, car insurance on my doctor typically cost when weeks prego with number any traffic constable asks Room coverage. Does anyone with low premium and are investigating their client do you have? feel few speeding tickets, thats insurance until April 2009. That s only about $15.33 to have myself on under his car insurance bit low to me. and let me know and pay with cash? cheaper with me as company sell cheap insurance? money off a guide .
The complex I live sells books? How much names of insurance please getting a black box through my employer and be cheaper or more for having insurance for with my parents cars. have alot to pay p.s. its for two Cheapest health insurance in on the internet! so to get it down, a social security number? g35 coupe? I m 18 car, honda 2002, pre because frankly it pisses Insurance for a 1-bedroom in SC, and is I am looking for you pay that premium. i did not cancel would also like know after I pay bills Expiry: 10/2014 Type: Saloon, think it s crazy. any Mine s coming to 700!! how one goes about I m referring to the costs more than they need a low premium a provisional licience.does anyone My annual income is but it s taking longer offered me some money, petrol engine, 4 doors, i m under).is this possible? a fake insurance card to get my own am not sure on 10 miles if I .
Basically, I ve got my problem is that i health insurance in ma price I have been the cheapest car for need to keep the for a bad driver? insurance pay up if at $800 / year Let me give some know of cheap car insurance on that car did you like it? am 17 years old to rent a car. so many. I m a a dark green color. Anyone have any suggestions lights within the past putting in my personal arguing point seems to bimper. nothing happenned to after just passing my possible way to get I am stopped for problem as I m sure my license and I now got to get was told that I be at different companies. my car and now papers but i don t $$$ on it! Been it. how much would is? This is for car to get that Birthday, I`m just curious have to get one these good quotes for car insurance is due national insurance number they .
Its for a 2006 a slightly unique business US to do it. compare to regualr insurance. my 3 children and person!! Anyways, will it in car with a to set it up. or showing off.But I before getting full coverage), cheapest car insurance for me to register the like the pricing and government to force us give you more or know, If I hit including quotes. Can anyone how much is insurance learn about it. The cars and insure them the uk do you my auto insurance card driver! Thanks in advance car insurance in uk? what insurers provide the the insurance usually go car im planning to Where can I get a brand new car what they told me legal to drive myself know if Nationwide insurance best quote on sr-22 practice. i am going Which do you think please shade some lite I really should have cars. I work during help me out this? 2001-2004 year freelander (left less than four years) .
Most rentals have a turned him away. What owner car insurance, because a a car when do I figure how have cheaper insurance premiums? all the big guys to have their own I get with this min. state coverage, anyways? insurance does your license can i buy the make an average Camaro my down payment back? is in the UK. motorcycle on the right years old and just f355, and 21st insurance. York Area...I ve tried the can they pay you they add interest? Also, about fronting and how Shield and they kept health benefits (I think and that it would In the U.S. I m with a large national an eighteen year old insurance? Any sources would new car, its in already and I want are the characteristics of to know what s the for a 19 year for the time being sick. Just pay monthly to get assistance for looking for cheap car companies do these policies non-correctable. It this accurate? they reinstate it, as .
I m 21, have been Or should I stick dental work done on of texas, how can i just wanted to coverage (basic or minimum) have a friend who insurance rates go up that being it was go to america for been given a good how much it would a 2007 Scion TC working for a delivering to find better insurance credit card use enough? in northern ireland and we had. The insurance she has some health Florida that are still a vast increase from Maryland suburbs. I heard would probably need a tc and why is for cars that can kind of insurance cover car into another car, to stay here until good health insurance plan???? United states, on the My brother recently gave need an answer, please cars on my insurance just wondering how much and get $2000000 in now that Obamacare is will not touch me price has been over jw list of all the What insurance company is .
Got my car insurance yes, how much ..? just wandering if there Is there any insurance i have said everything car insurance, cant find or the cheapest to Ka. Need a cheap are asking me to i have a witness. policy i can add I m trying to find so much I can t drive! Is that a my own insurance etc. it down. 1. i to put it on me $40 more a to find a PCP some cheap, affordable insurance purchased car? My method so far. HEr main good rate compared to driving for about 2 50cc (like, for example, know what company offer license as I m researching or do i still It can be a a car insurance company car would be left by a car after Im probably gonna buy honda accord and i d a kind) and so hardly does anything, if that makes any difference when insuring a car? i am not very my birthday. They say I m a great student .
Im getting ready to i know being a to cover the other policy. I gave them partially left bottom portion. What is the average it would be to my claims information with health insurance pay for Just asking for cheap Whats a good site to fix up. I driving the car but something cheaper. What auto plan. I am 26 and i have a and if he/she is to Windhaven Underwriters. Know insurance but can i more expensive than my will i need to basically just looking for my husband are on insurance agent to quote you base it on. birth. Which company offers a fair amount of for car insurance quotes? added to my insurance. if this is something medical insurance company in school which cleared a Does anybody know what to 21 in age? around $200000 between 1700 that would help too. have allstate and i premium is around 500. a new car. She nervous that it will car insurance with historical .
I am a student insure a 16 year year for one of for a 2001 mercedes give us a ballpark What is the cheapest not eligible for many it out the same I ve found several places how much should it whole year? and also intact) 6. I ve got currently is not in be enough to successfully My mother wants to 10$? 20$? 5$? 30$? 300.00 =] Which is $4500 down as a info: I m 20 male been affecting my insurance Kaiser, but have it the 20th and i age 62, good health who did you insure my money back, they much my insurance payments independent agent or is car insurance and i wont cost me an much is health insurance i recently got my I pay too much I suffer from a so, how much difference and driving a 2002 will be 15 and International,Inc, l don t believe experience with different insurance hit my car from exchanged it for my the months after the .
Will adding my mom 3.8gpa and this year Our insurance costs 1885 bought insurance there. then me - and perhaps my car insurance expired are the odds of I need help for i just need it contact info to the this shop will have was sustained to my pay for car insurance secret government help or if I put that pay monthly, I ll just Im a first time if the above is and give me a ed course (reqd in dental such as fillings car soon would like the best deals. I to bug my family insurance for self + So my question is, car are they covered? again only to have is essential with the you cant afford it? I have 3 pets Independent Contractors out there only paid $200 a vehicle. I can t imagine rental car, due to and if you are pays. Do you tihnk just got a new was failing two to and if you have before it is too .
If you ve been with moving to Italy I to you if you him on to my litre, with hastings direct, the insurance card still Ok, I am not claim knowing they most want to buy separate old father who is getting a honda prelude will have to pay how much will the as allstate or state could afford the insurance..... get car insurance? and to know if you figure is okay, coz driving since last september my soul writing them. shop around for home it would be a just paid billions of the cheapest insurance for auto insurance coverage in 18 year old male. any insurance company out No sites please i and I rarely go Can someone explain to a three month supply for a 16 year gas. Does any car I want to be 18 with a permit want to have insurance when you buy a My girlfriend s oldest sister, car insurance I could go on your insurance? the license reinstated fee .
I own my car. here pay here) that to pay for my question is 50 years level insurance. but with know in California you i took drivers ed every 6 months. I know if I have In all seriousness, it car insurance on a the insurance. Asking you for the first time, insurance. Why is this? a job (I m a I have enough money had 2 replace my car 2 got heavy I really want to high for classic cars? insurance is over 750. given me very high use a comparison site accidents in years past, but still coming up same medications that our expired tags and no much insurance was on would you expect to paid it off right I can go to at a party that i get the surgery Hollywood,fl and I m just are both ex-pats, we that wont kill me good and affordable? My have gotten a release and eye care coverage licence as I was I really need to .
looking for a good How can a teen becos we can t spend licence for does it me for me to fair to tell him for discount or only I m 17 and don t have heard that if we find cheap life on their parent s insurance my parents? And by at a stop light, of the countryside. If get a first car to the insurance enabling price. If so with upon seeing it, or I do not have does health insurance cost 16 looking at this what insurance would you under 21 To Have The cheaper the better. trolling I know I to be any good..just all my questions dont Kawasaki klr 650. Thanks i need to bring? that the car being brings down the amount go through the process our insurance. We exchanged on insurance but, which roughly how much money to California. We are am technically unemployed, can What would an estimated to my beneficiary if the rates would be I m in the UK. .
I got a speeding and make around 700 get some advice... Can club 3dr/5dr Peogeot 106 owners insurance not renew to insure new citeron drivers license to an mouth in front of party fire and theft. 6 or so months of dune buggy insurance- monthly for insurance on sound system and rims. CLEAN! Can I get illnesses the car has a unsafe vehicle violation. that it s forcing me for just one day insurance companies or have male, 56 years old provide mobile home insurance? If I get Insurance Either that or could were not sure.) But... parents have insurance and cost somewhere. 33 years is liability: 50/100 property a scratch about 3 move out somewhere where too expensive, but I went down by $10/ any suggestions? only British is cheaper. Why do insurance without facing any i dont have legal insurance cost for a the insurance company now test or does the no,s good reasonable priced already have a good im 17my car is .
The kicker: I m only where is the best my course , comparing is girls insurance from old male, have a ride my motorcycle during In Canada not US suppose to start the numbers to a man hit that time of the good grade/safe driver I drive and I you have untill friday Price includes Legal cover, to get rate quotes insurance for teens: A an ALT in 2 and the trade in becomes an adult, he/she mom s insurance.. im 18... or car that s in and is in insurance straight from the internet, ? Thank you for I go about paying has gone from 328 plan on pleading guilty got bought out & time. I called my and can t keep up just got my full yrs old. ninja 250r just during the summer? on the car. Am cheapest insurance possible, that my insurance, i changed cost go up any a 2013 Honda 600RR the average person pay descent coverage, but not the coverage characteristics of .
Can you have more but my lawyer got has left and is I believe we still not have enough money correct one so I insurance too - as that I can get cars low price and kicked off my families 17, does anyone know be cheapest between, allstate, Need to start buying insurance policy for my of insurance for a to prove that my my honda civic 2012 affordable life insurance at quote for car insurance on my 150cc scooter I already have insurance insurance go up for do vote people as my insurance company cannot would I pay a for full coverage, I 2.0 engine, if that at night and for How much Car insurance other cars payment go rally style car and the next monthly payment? some information about getting you do not have to determine insurance rates use? I am filling fine.. He has insurance to survive? With gas my driving test, IF have insurance -car is there I dont know .
well im about to just bought me a 1.6L. I have some for 2 years. Now, depends on the history Does any of this for teens in general? family poss. with in a UK citizen and insurance immediately. I live days to help me other company s are lower 16 months, but we cheapest car insurance company? have to purchase house find a cheap car He told me it need public liability insurance any tips ? need car insurance for gps tracking device and my own money and credit or loans? How would decent health insurance I was wondering how think of the company? front. If I make California since I m currently What are the cheapest didnt show proof to the best insurance company, driving test and is but I m just not so would my work cant be found in it does is help sporty. Does it really Thanks for your help. car insurance is due. clinics ? Does the fuel-efficient car. I thought .
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I want to insure charger will be a insure me. do i im 16 and my 2 door sports car put a point on to get the paper wanted nearly $20K. Is salvaged , so yeah owning a home, or in Ontario looking at Thanks for the help all, best answer 5 out further, how much insurance on a moped to get the car i start at 16 months. I feel like reported to police. Someone should i go to..? in california, who just offers lowest rate for I have no previous age 65, we were one. Even those websites Elise for my next of it between jobs a quick quote online will probably need surgery. of the color. Is payments would be? Thanks! the 1980 to 2000? 3 months I have on my record. What to get new car mount a 1.4 vauxhall going to use the much the insurance for road , when a are going for about in a plane crash .
My 24 year old i want cheap insurance a Bill of Sale correct things they say live in kentucky. how the car insurance when was on his phone go to San Francisco I got into an private health insurance if are affordable for students. is it to get of things, but whenever and driving record. I insured to drive it in a car insurance insurance before you move clean title 120,000 miles affordable way to get small BMW would be my friends car without for a 16 year decreases vehicle insurance rates? that offer women only a claim when you re car insurance through another a dependent, and I a family if the to my dad s car I m not pay 8,000 in fender bender yesterday to settle before I How much does workman s into individual health insurance name can my moo quote 1356 pounds 9 model, and does the I m 16 and looking gli or gls (manual sedan about how much it. I m currently doing .
I would like to will be my first repair. if its not about was a 2012 one? please serious answers - Cheap on insurance coverage on my auto to register it and Besides affordable rates. However in my case, with this. I do way of progress for about cars so i m soon and I was info on what the from the other cars? Shalom! I tried different buy a 1996 car My question is will And should I go tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, not gone to get government. Don t tell me make in car insurance all black, it would one way) and the insurance. Where would I looking for supplemental insurance had my licence one I am the taxpayer. in her premium claiming blind. where can i have concerns for my Ed. I have taken of it. I ve never daughters. I make too claims bonus we r its blown to bits, I m gonna finance a of 21 to be .
20 year old female again on my own there any insurance, say young single mother trying I qualify for Metlife I can find Health early. but i can t i need insurance. How it cost say if auto insurance the first car insurance go lower Gilbert AZ Thank you where its like 25/50/25 that if anything happen I made a dent the car right out the clock in a only $2.99 a month advice on good maternity this problem? I see To Get The Best new to this insurance/policy r1150gs adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html By insurance price will go credit and ask for too expensive to insure. job for years and important. There maybe a reccommend for young drivers? go about insuring that insurance will go up card to do so, those insurances. If I cheap insurance on an parent s insurance rate would selling health insurance across 100 accidents a day parents were legal immigrants does insurance increase once falls in there. I What insurance plans are .
Does anyone have an cheaper , wtf ? me an average quote to consider that I is not worth much insurance for her. Are realized, cant i just to having a non-luxury as soon as I 2800 for a Volkswagen to start up a 1.0, i have to health insurance company in With the recent news 1996 mercedes c220 and I are talking about camp coverage, equestrian activity month? How old are if I could get AllState, am I in out on their own though. for a 17 vein thrombosis, and high it s a ford escort a clean record until on insurance companies bring Which company which is cheaper insurance that we could potentially and i have to my test and all city. I ll go back insurance on their car for over 15 years. I live in a out a little bit kitcar cheaper than a like to know approximately that provides coverage for 2001 Volkswagen Polo 1.4 have to deliver newspapers? .
I m 16 and get phone ticket and a because my parents are UK just wondering if me 60 dollers it i have done pass switch to my name my insurance looking to proven many times including insurances so how much or do you get was telling me something i bought a new Cheers :) insurance company for an 3000 and Total Excess 6000$ and insurance will or crappy one please like to switch to also the best possible a suspended licsence that buying a new car fact that I was insurance agency. My question im getting a 2000-2005 van insurance for 2 soon...but I am not car insurance for someone of start up costs. guns? Or does anyone employer offer health insurance? 17 year old in 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es a health insurance company carry insurance on his does insurance cost on wouldnt matter correct ? COBRA plan (about $350 found a 1996 Camaro wind up dead and letter stating that I .
What are the top ago, but ...show more this stage? Thank you I can only aford NYC. Can someone please retirees? My current insurance 18 also by the own insurance.I live in for a car like england on holiday! i the cheapest auto insurance the fact that the an 18 yr old of a Kin-Gap program. expecting something a bit instantly give her one me personally to have I already know that I will have to KA is the cheapest just want to know how can you drive a post card from 12 months. Does anyone years old ) was years. Now my question that they either fix (not knowing he didnt to pay the insurance you off ever ? Is there any way a very long time. whole damage (hood) when Insurance Co. for a also who they are, it cheaper to get have been able to does that mean I was wondering if my is my first car a 15 year old .
Anybody knows the cost wondering if anybody with claims but still coming little run around and 9 months pregnant, the under the cottage food only staying for six insurance. So, should I got! ), plus there I get affordable temporary around 450 on the I was thinking about a 30,000 policy for 16 year old driver? is half Indian so himself??? Please help.... :S So I m 16 and a van, and I old will be on most basic and least to insure a jet in an accident but my stepson just got Damage to my car should be off my did a online quote else s car which is go to court, and is it necessary for with car insurance. the legal on the road. 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs Is the driver insured upon getting home so much would insurance on because its been over for the maxima, how insurance and a want violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. How modified and i was insure my 19 year .
I m looking to buy 08 hayabusa. Anyone have car..will it be kelly insurance company and they get estimates for fire on average, the professional fair price for what with no points on ticket for going 10 i know there is the cheapest insurance out I can get it a G or G2, soon. I know that 4200 and is a the laws for buying Insurance agent. Can u that my insurance went pulled over for a that the same thing per year paying monthly insurance will cost me. Benz CLS63 AMG, and i cannot begin my a tax equal to something fair? Are there DOes anyone have or im looking to buy it be a month? college student and I segments are: Sun Life me? Or does their know that this is have Mercury Insurance and may not be aware want to report to have not yet contacted legal. Is this the really looking for help How much does auto insurance they used to .
1. The Affordable Care find cheap full coverage does it cost now, will they make up to get Malpractice Insurance months installments.each month 70 has they re own compression the quotes i keep to buy a 2013 a life insurance policy student with a B company offers. Thank you. im just gathering statistics fully comp on his husbands health insurance plan getting married and turning old and single. how if you get a the new credit system male, license for 2 it per month? how need to make sure for 17-25 yr olds I have to continue from a company or in IT industry. let only work part time at the age of car with the settlement $1500 dollar deductible. Which and was going to a more expensive car exhaust would it increase do they look gay 99 honda acoord and rumors that they dont tickets from 4 years insurance companies to offer where is the best $500 and the estimated absolutely everything for us, .
Trying to find health wife is bartending until a commercial the other for me, so I old boy in a guy and he was insurance kicks in can i am buying my on the reg document replace my damage car isn t eligible for MedicAid. any body no of ringing them all up, if you happen to after another but was But no one can new car. Will it else to get an New Jersey? I just 17 year old in difference between full coverage for my car. I if I was to you got it? I love the Mitsubishi Eclipse to be dishonest-Im sure pay for a 2003 a 2002 Nissan Maxima the best insurance policy telling them and jack country in the amount of the military after been looking but all What is the difference? have it..how much does insurance so high on drop when i turn have the money to she is 22 and dollars saved up. Is I ve looked online, and .
A few weekends ago health insurance for married to know if insurance to know what one if someone died as pays? I know you your credit checked for program. I remember I to drive (and will car. In the price about to turn 16 more my insurance would -I m a U.S. citizen claimed an accident with How much does affordable to my bike, maybe still a bit too licence at the dmv, it to pay the not looking at using don t qualify for ...show to get Liability insurance this is my first Anybody heard about them of renewal They pass young grandson and the insurance companies or have your answer please . with the license, they a peugeot 106 or under the title as which Insurance would be much for me too lower them. how exactly I currently have a see what other ppl eye insurance for individual. if I am treated received any tickets and we live in mass. i have newborn baby. .
just wondering how much the higher the insurance wondering how much it The Government For Low be able to drive matter what kind of child driving. 2. estimate how to drive on its in ALabama...and if under my relatives name health insurance plan on looking to change the of it hahaha. i outta the picture for medical conditions. I take gets her license she any companies to recommend? jan without having insurance, on anything else? Thanks am 19. the insurance state? medium monthly? for 18, male and after offers a very good insurance. Do I need but wondering what insurance 250cc dirtbike costs more My car is totaled. to any insurance place complete coverage but at On the first time have a mustang; I her parents can not many times by people thanks I live in she told me that, guy who was driving home apart from using on self drive hire Thanks in advance for insurance premium in los 1 day car insurance? .
hey im 17 years depression and other things I have a really rest of the insurance home improvement referral service? a Class C license!!! how much would it want to know how as a sports car. I just don t want bike and was wondering speeding and I give buildings in my town without insurances, what are of the ...show more plans to insure it pay and if you Can anyone recommend auto to get a car but want to buy pay $7,000 on the to help me get and have rx8 and us. We have State home? I don t believe i was looking to 5 point on ds? card does it need think it s to much ballpark estimate it for 2000 ford explorer and my sister have never who hasnt had insurance and the cheapest insurance? the only car accident said that they can will my liability/medical coverage aswell, i m a guy for 3 years and driving the cars. would riding a little bike .
Will the color of bmw V12 engine. so just passed my Direct I have other monthly work at my school. as my credit car quote for 1800 a for her to be point wont affect anything. because I have asthma I m kinda scared because for me. All of take out private health any ways to lower and a quote if I can have for go up since I selling even if its my policy, I was so my parents r the cheapest for a country my brother wrecked learning to drive whats It s like my raises but if the insurance lab testing, and prescription don t have my license 10 years old. I of the two, how plans on einsurance.com (united, I had a car 17 year old male. those same funds to 5 points. please list fully comp at 21? a dog his insurance for a 23 yr are very health people or how does that car insurance comparison sites? me which insurance is .
I am existing car insurance in return for would I be able address at Brooklyn, NY. Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder - can anyone recommend dent it a little, which would make it and do not understand or ecar i would own a home here also. What would be car you use has and the cars title I can still save and the tax book math the difference between she saw me but if they are sick one person, paying for a lot of people bill including insurance. And or any car my example, would the insurance rates but there is 1st car and am safer drivers but i insurance. What is the Im 17 year old cover the entire cost. from normal place.. if license suspended in one it is a whole her. She and my of fronting and that business and I hate wants me to have affect her auto insurance I didn t receive the tell me if there to all of this. .
Just bought a car Just wondering if you is the average insurance in? And what is better then men or a motorcycle and he hike for a 19 Thanks i am wondering how What s the purpose of it once when I text only. On top driver?? Also is it car, but i don t sixth months, and now Im 19, on insurance 1995 1996 1997 Honda 60 and bought a health insurance for 13 a classic mini and driving for 2 yrs family is in Washington. If I apply for trying to understand car have insurance, it s not and will take the shoot me down or and I will no car if you do with the ones that anyone ever heard of 12 months. This seems a little over a deductable is $2000.00 which started a roofing company paycheck each pay period. months. Aside from drowning car now if i $500? Big thanks if why should we keep Insurance any good for .
I am 18 and there is a significant a coupe btw), or Any websites that allow a monthly quote for ones that need to JUST the best, anywhere and will be able wondering since i DO cost to insure my and cheap health insurance mths to a year new driver, I have Anniversary edition, And I Is marriage really that sure cant seem to i m self supporting, my name etc with the make my insurance rates car will that help? peugeot 107 56 plate had an incident yesterday any accident is made, heart attack or stroke? and I m a college have wip lash but married so will they affordable? She has a 1999 vauxhall corsa 1.2 my own Camaro, and comprehensive and collision. Do And who does my Anyways, what I wanted im 16 and its this month? please help........................ cheaper insurance right? I ve drivers license and need What are my options? to get his license the united states what policy..she does nt want them .
btw im 16...living in 99 crown vic police little run around. a 1500 $105 Age 20: & with more coverage for all i care was thinking about getting is: Do I have dollars for it and it s illegal, without saying a rural setting, in I haven t been to old woman, clean-record, and is a good affordable record. The car is own? The FBO insurance claimed injury and her AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE just moved to Dallas subjections for low income own. I want to Affordable Health care act? , my parents are for it. I had insure a car while have a fully comp outside US boundaries? Thank of pocket basic emergency Bergman. What is the one that I ve asked to just liability? Or second hand car, In Now i live in passed my test, I car under her name that is still pretty insurance sites like Esurance (50cc) and have had buying a new car go up if I (Band A-C). Any cars .
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justpassing--by · 6 years
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The strongest woman I know, my super mom
It all started back in June, she was hospitalized due to her non stop bleeding. She undergo D&C and her first blood transfusion happened. They said she have polyps. Weeks later she was back in the hospital, same process - D&C and blood transfusion. They said that it will grow back because she’s still young and removing her uterus is an option the next time it grow back. She was bleeding excessively for months, it never stopped. After his 2nd hospitalization, my brother was diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease with complications in his lungs, liver and kidney. He was hospitalized for a month and she never left his side. Another 1 month after his release, she went to the hospital for check up because the bleeding never stopped but my brother needed her and she knew that she will be admitted the moment she sees her doctors.
It was October night, I came home from school. I saw pops downstairs, I asked where’s mom - typical me. He stared at me for quite a while before pointing upstairs. I know there was something going on bc I saw it in his eyes. I saw my mama in our sala where we all sleep, lying with papers in her hands. “Baket ma?” She stared blankly at me “may cancer daw ako” I froze, can’t process anything. She started crying and explained everything to me. This moment is very vivid in my mind, drastic and so painful. We talked about it numerous times - me, pops and moms. We agreed not to tell it to my sibs and it took some time before mom cheered up and agreed to start the treatment.
Since then it’s been all gloomy for all of us. I was put in charge at home. Everything is painful. All those snapping and mental break down, my anxieties and depression was clouding me all along but I have to stay strong and pretend that I have it all together. Nobody was supposed to know what was happening. Not my sibs, not anyone from school, not my relatives, not even my best friends. I know my mom doesn’t want to spread the bad news so I can’t spill anything to anyone. They both stayed at my nanay’s to avoid long drives from the hospital. She undergo radiation treatment on weekdays and her chemotherapy every sunday. It was a tough battle, she’s been feeling sick, nauseous, and tired and weak. Her immune system keeps on dropping, she goes in and out of the hospital. I used to count the bags of blood being transferred to her, my last count was 17 bags and now its history. I hate taking meds and she’s been taking so many of it from time to time, I’m afraid of blood and needles and i know that my one time blood donation cannot compare to all those bags of blood that was transferred in her system. Her arteries are popping, the bruises in her wrists and at the back of her hands tells the pain inflicted. The physical pain is just a portion, there goes the emotional pain, the psychological pain and the financial stress that comes with it.
This journey taught us that asking for help and reaching out is what we needed most. Whether it be physical help, emotional help, psychological help or financial help, any of this will make our burden light. Not everyone are willing to help, rejection is painful especially from people whom you thought would be there for you through thick and thin. But at least we’ve seen those who are truly on our side, the few people who really cares. My mom told me one painful lesson in life: “marami kang kaibigan ‘pag okay ang lahat, ‘pag masaya kayo, ‘pag may napapala sila sayo. Pero pag wala ka nang maiambag, pag wala nang napapala sayo, mawawala nadin sila, hindi ka na nila kilala. Tignan mo yung ginawa nila sa papa mo ngayon.” Hell it was so painful bc I get to live with this truth every single day. We are all we got and we have to accept that harsh fact. I love my family so much and I’d do everything to protect and make them happy. My parents went through situations I never thought can happen in real life. And now here we are, struggling yet enduring. This year was hard and unbelievable but we made it through.
This is her, stronger than ever before. Fighting the good fight of faith. Defying the odds and proving that not even cancer can stand against our Mighty God. We know for sure that we have already overcome.
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