#but if it weren't so gross it could be genuinely fun and good.
grassbreads · 1 year
God Sha Po Lang would be so good if it weren't determined to be every kind of offensive at once.
I kept reading for a while last night and ended up getting really into it. The chapters set in the capital are good! The part right after Gu Yun leaves is great! Chang Geng's ongoing crisis about his feelings for and separation from Gu Yun are a lot of fun to read about. The unexpected self-harm angle tied to his curse is surprisingly compelling. I love that Chang Geng's teenage rebellion is to run away with a monk, and I love that it pisses off Gu Yun to such an insane degree.
But at the same time, almost every time the "barbarians" come up, the way they're written about is kind of disgusting. I'm genuinely shocked I haven't encountered more discussion about this. Northern asians are written as hulking, violent, animalistic monsters full of natural cruelty. The text calls them barbarians unironically. They're portrayed as wrong for resisting the people that violently conquered them. We're meant to be siding with the imperialists!
And besides that, every time Ge Pangxiao pops up, things get super fatphobic. He's consistently laughed at and/or treated as gross by the text for just, like, being a fat kid that exists. And somehow, despite this literally being a novel about gay people, Cao Niangzi's writing feels like a homophobic caricature. And also transphobic, for good measure. He's referred to as looking like a girl, but with something off in an unnerving way. And I think he's yet to display a single interest besides looking at attractive guys—a trait that everyone around him is put off by despite this. literally being a book about gay people.
So with all that, it's like, the fact that it's good in a lot of ways just makes it more aggravating! I've read things before that I thought were bad/and or offensive, but had a good enough plot or fun enough characters to be worth finishing. A guilty pleasure sort of "this is bad but makes good trashy entertainment" reaction is easy enough to parse, but SPL isn't that. SPL is a good book that is determined to make itself unreadably repulsive. And that's just, like frustrating.
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mr-spotatohead · 1 year
Sorry for bothering you, but what would it be like if the human reader changed the channel to watch another puppet cartoon, for exemple: Sesame Street.
( Would Wally be jealous? What would happen? )
-Green Feeling.-
Welcome Home x Viewer!Reader
Words: 1,411
|Contains: Jealousy.|
Synopsis: You accidentally made friends with a TV character. You don't know how, why, or the motive for you to genuinely enjoy his company… Although… He is a bit… too attached to you. You like the puppet, the problem is that you are afraid of what he might do in a bad mood.
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You wouldn't say that you are childish… Yes, you like things related to a smaller audience, but that doesn't make you less mature. People find it strange when you spend your free time watching cartoons or children's shows, which interact with the audience. You never found this a problem, until recently. When you came home exhausted, and left a puppet show playing in the background you had never seen before, you decided to watch it. It was a normal show, with a blue-haired protagonist who likes to paint and talk to the audience.
You thought it was fun. Although you were almost drooling on the couch from sleeping. Even in this state you still enjoy interacting with the puppet's questions. Answering each one with a weariness combined with animation. You remember telling the TV your name, and it answering you with Wally. You remember literally talking to this character. It was a dream, it had to be, that's why you didn't give it much thought. It was very pleasant and nice. Until the next day you were sure you weren't dreaming. But still this character kept talking to you as if it was normal. Should you have reacted? Yes. And did you? … You still can't believe that you befriended a TV character, maybe you went crazy and didn't notice? Perhaps. But it doesn't hurt anyone, and honestly, you don't really care how it's possible. Now you were surfing the channels of your old television. Bored, you looked for something different to watch. The show your virtual friend was on wasn't on at the time, so you were looking for something to watch. And then you found something unexpected. Another puppet show. And it was one you used to watch a lot as a child! You couldn't help but put down the remote to watch this beautiful show called Sesame Street. So many memories quickly came back to you. You had this in love look on your face, really. A few episodes went by. And there you were, sitting on your couch with a big smile on your face. Laughing out loud between character interactions. You remember this episode, this scene now was the funniest part. It was a character interaction between Elmo and Zoe and the most real character possible… Rocko. You were holding in your laughter as you watched Elmo lose his temper with a rock. "You can't have that cookie, Elmo. Rocko wants to eat it." You had your hand over your mouth waiting for Elmo's response. Laughing a lot when you heard Elmo say that Rocko had no mouth. Whereas a few episodes ago, you saw Elmo get grossed out because he had accidentally grabbed Rocko's 'butt' instead of its hand. You started having a laughing fit, you had simply forgotten how good this series was. Not noticing the hours passing by, you continued to watch. One episode after another. Having fun with just one children's show.
Although you did notice something strange as the episodes went on. You knew that your TV was a little bad in quality, but you could see a strange silhouette in the background of the episode. Did the image of some scene burn in and stay there temporarily? Strangely enough. It was familiar. Letting the time pass a little longer, you came upon another familiar scene, laughing lightly and preparing to laugh out loud after a funny interaction again, realizing that the silhouette was gone. You started to laugh out loud, but you never thought your expression would change so quickly. You soon interrupted your laughter for a loud gasp as you were startled after the screen made a loud thudding sound, with a familiar character in front of it.
Your heart leapt so fast that you could have sworn you were going to throw it up. Coughing lightly as you looked at the glitchy screen with Wally in front of you, even though he had a smile on his face, he looked extremely angry. A little annoyed, you pinched the tip of your nose as you realized that it was only Wally, who had purposely hit the TV screen to scare you. Now you knew what or rather who that silhouette in the background was. Taking a deep breath, you huffed an irritated snort and leaned your torso forward. Speaking your displeasure. "Wally! That wasn't funny!" You let out a heavy breath as you watched the channel change on its own among the others until it reached the intro of Welcome Home. Ah yes, your virtual friend can control the channels on your TV. Not only that, but he can manipulate any electronic device within his reach. Your cable phone being one of them. Crossing your arms, you watched the intro go by and Wally appeared inside his house with his arms crossed too, with the same grumpy expression. You watched him tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. Watching you with an intensity that you had learned to get used to. "You know what else isn't funny?" The puppet finally spoke up, pointing an accusing finger at you, causing you to raise an eyebrow. "Replace me!" Wally accused you, his voice not as monotone as usual. It seems that this caught him in an unexpected way. You frowned sharply after his comment. "What?" You shook your head, not understanding. "Making me wait. That's not very neighborly of you, (Name)." Wally sighed loud enough for you to hear, you watched him walking in circles inside the small scenery on the TV. "I can't believe you decided on your own to watch something else when I was here!" Wally seemed to start talking to no one specific, since he had too much on his mind to look at you. That's when you realized. What time was it? Looking at the clock on the wall made you suck in breath through your teeth. Yeah… The time passed quickly. You looked back at the puppet on the TV, you frowned slightly. You knew Wally was a little… too clingy. You thought the reason was because no one really interacted with him. Literal. Since you were the first adult person not to avoid him after you found out he was real, you kind of became Wally's focus. Then you sighed, running your hand over your head. "Uhm… You're right, I really was late. I am sorry." You said looking at the character who stopped walking. "But you're exaggerating that I replaced you. I was just watching another show."
Although Wally was quietly watching you when you were speaking, your final words caused him to turn and move his arms around. "You were just watching another show?! (Name), you don't need another show to watch." The TV screen filled with glitches and you could no longer see the stage behind. Wally's figure was now close to the screen. Staring at you. "That show won't make you laugh like I do. That show won't cheer you up when you need it like I do." Wally raised his hand and touched the TV screen. His voice finally softened, along with his gaze. You swallowed dryly, looking at that puppet who had a great attachment to you. "(Name). I would give anything for your smile. So please, don't watch any other shows again." You stared at Wally in an awkward silence that made you sigh, a little nervous about the current situation. "Wally," You began, looking at the puppet who didn't break eye contact with you. "I'm not going to replace you or anything else you're afraid of. And if making you calmer means stopping watching other shows…. Then I guess I can do that." After you said that the TV went into a series of glitches that took a good few seconds, which made you a little worried. But then the screen soon returned to normal with the same classic Welcome Home scenario. And Wally had a big smile on his face. "Perfect! Well, now that this is settled. Tell me about your day!" Satisfied with your words, the puppet started a normal conversation. Making you try to ignore this situation. Well, your virtual friend is a bit demanding. But he is nice. It's easy to say that after this event you couldn't find another children's show on your TV, as if they mysteriously disappeared. Except, Welcome Home.
But this doesn't mean that you won't watch other shows and cartoons outside your home.
-no but, Elmo losing his shit over a rock is everything-
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tinytennisskirt · 2 months
A Chaotic Reunion: Part Two
Part 2 Summary: A continuation (find the first part here). ChildhoodBest friend!Art visits the reader's gallery before it opens and asks reader on a date only to have it ruined by Patrick, who is going through something. Things are unconventional, but Art still ends up in the reader's bed by the end...
Warnings: Patrick being suggestive, drunk Patrick, (touching, kissing with Art)
You woke up earlier than usual, nerves, somehow waking you before the alarm. But you used your time wisely. You showered with the good soaps and sprayed your perfume fresh out of the steam. You got ready, fixing your hair up and doing your makeup. You got dressed in your regular business casual work clothes, style, but comfort first.
Julie was up and chatting like she didn't get home and crash on her carpet before you and your other roommate saw and pulled her into her bed. She had a miraculous luck that never let her be hungover the next day, you joked that she was the drinking messiah.
“You’re heading in early?” She asked, passing you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with cucumbers on the side for breakfast. Not the usual, but it was fun enough.
“Yes, I have a friend coming to see the art and I thought he would like it better if it was just us. Without me having to tend to the potential buyers who you know can be a pain in the ass." You told her. Your other room main Shailene hummed.
“That guy from last night?” She grinned.
“There was a guy?”
You chuckled, “Yes. An old friend though, genuinely. From childhood. His name is Art, he’s a… tennis player in town for a tournament, I think."
“Art Donaldson,” Julie said. It didn’t sound like a question.
“Yeah?” you said, surprised. “How did you know that?”
She looked disbelieving, “The only Art in tennis I know is Art Donaldson, no way that’s your childhood friend- he’s hot, Y/N. He’s mega-hot, no way.” Shailene laughed from the kitchen as you ate your food.
“He is mega-hot, Y/N,” she chimed in. “He was totally eyeing you down too, I saw from when I was approaching that man was down bad.”
“He was not,” you laughed. He might have been. Your boobs comment from the night before rang out in your brain and so did how he reacted. Hmm… maybe he was, but not majorly. You weren't ugly, you couldn't rule it out entirely. “But I’m showing him the gallery is all.”
“Mhm,” Shailene hummed again.
“Okay, shhhh,” you said, setting dishes aside and going to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You heard the girls out in the living room whispering about looking up his tennis highlights. You shook your head- you’d gone to sleep last night watching those. “See you later!” You called to them as you spun out the door. Best to avoid more interrogation and just let the morning unfold.
You drove over and opened as usual, keeping the sign on the door saying closed. You ensured everything was tidy and clean and just as beautiful and colourful as the days before. You went through a few gallery emails, replying and sending. And on time, there was a knock at the door. You fixed the sleeves on the black long-sleeve shirt and adjusted the square neckline dip as you walked over to unlock the door.
“Hey,” he said. He had two coffees in hand, iced coffee. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” you answered with a smile. He smiled right back and extended you an iced coffee. You were glad it was iced, hot coffee on a warm morning would just feel too corporate. And gross. “Thank you! You didn’t have to.”
“I’m not bringing nothing for the woman giving me a private tour of her gallery. Plus, I need it after last night," he said. You moved out of the way so he could come in. His eyes widened as he met the colourful surroundings of the gallery. “Wow- this is amazing.”
“My team and I hand-pick everything,” he spun and looked at you. You put a hand to your forehead, “I’m in work mode. My friends, my roommates and I we pick the art. We went with a theme of colour because we thought it is one of the most universal things about art is that there is colour. Sometimes shade, but when you think art, you think colour.” You gestured to everything. “An ode to that.”
He listened to you intently and walked with you as you showed him the gallery, piece by piece explaining things. He would joke, you’d joke back, and the banter was sweet and easy. You caught up on life, more. Talked parents and school and local town things. You sat on a bench overlooking one of your biggest pieces. “It’s nice to speak to someone not so involved in tennis.” He said, looking over at you.
“I was thinking I didn’t bring it up enough,” you replied, eating the ice out of your finished coffee. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” he nodded. He turned more your way so that your knees touched. “Everyone in my life talks about tennis more than their own children, family, accomplishments. Even I talk about it too much. You and the art here- it’s been good to hear about something like this.”
“I’m glad the gallery could be your escape,” you said. “And I’m happy you like it and I will GLADLY speak about anything other than tennis because I know nothing other than hitting a ball back and forth.”
He laughed, “Perfect. That’s all you need to know.”
“Oh phew,” you sighed. It was nearing opening, you heard your roommates come in downstairs. His head turned. “I’m glad you came to see it though. Escape or no escape.”
“Me too. It’s really impressive what you have here for yourself. And it’s been great seeing you, everything you’re doing is amazing and beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Your eyes met his, blue with bits of brown, those long eyelashes. “I wasn’t even sure what I was doing was worthwhile.”
“Probably more than,” he replied. “This gallery is amazing and you're doing it with your friends? Most people can't say they love what they do let alone that they do it with people they like and actually know. I'm jealous, honestly. But I know you open soon, so I should probably be on my way... Do you get off at nine?
“Most days,” you replied. “I can leave a bit earlier today since I started and did the opening process an hour before we opened. And thank you. I needed to hear something like that."
“Always." He said, standing. You stood with him, taking a second to toss your empty cup into the nearby bin. "-And perfect- I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner? Late… dinner. With me.” He asked, hands shoving themselves into his pockets. Your eyes widened a bit. Was he asking you out? “Is there a local place maybe? I’d love to be shown around a bit more if you have the time.”
“Of course- I-“ you fought a wide grin. “I’d love that. There’s a little Italian place just a few doors down from here or there’s an Indian place two blocks from here… or the sushi place a bit closer to my apartment. They’re all open late.”
“Sushi sounds good,” he said, standing up. “So do I call the number on the business card when I pick you up here at 8:10?” He flipped the card between his fingers.
You chuckled. He would pick you up? From work? That was his plan… “Oh, here- you grabbed the card from him, took the pen from your belt loop, and scribbled your number out for him. He grinned his crooked grin and your heart fluttered just a bit. “I’ll see you, then.”
“Sounds perfect,” he said. You both headed down the stairs of the gallery, past your friends who were doing a bit of near-afternoon filing. “I’ll call. Thank you for this, I think I needed it and I will for sure be back.”
“Sounds perfect,” you echoed. “See you later.”
He kissed you on the cheek before saying goodbye and exiting out the front. You turned around and the second he was no longer able to hear, both Julie and Shailene squealed. “The cheek kiss? So cute!” Shailene said, raising her hands above her head. “He so wants you, I honestly wouldn’t have minded if you two went at it against the Rosenthal in the corner.”
“That’s enough,” you smiled.
“Is it?” Julie asked. “Not so much as a kiss?”
“It’s 11am!” You said. “Who kisses someone at 11am? Besides it’s a bit different, we have so much history. Childhood together versus now, I think I’m having trouble not seeing the little blonde boy who would burp for a laugh." That wasn’t true, that image faded last night as you dreamt about him. There was no more little boy in Art.
“Okay, but what was that ‘see you later’ business?” Shailene asked.
“He asked me to dinner,” you started. Both girls opened their mouths to speak. “It’s probably friendly! I have no idea what his intentions are. He said he’d pick me up at 8:10, if I can get off early tonight- is that okay with you guys?”
“More than,” Julie squealed. “I’ll stay at my boyfriend’s tonight, Shai, you can come with me if you want? I have clothes you can wear there.”
“Hold on-“
“He’d be fine with that?” She asked Julie. Julie nodded excitedly.
“Perfect,” Julie said.
“I’m not bringing him back to the apartment!” You said. These girls were too forward sometimes. “We're just catching up."
“That’s what the early opening was for? That’s what dinner is for?” Julie stated, as if it was common sense. “Shai and I are more than happy to get out for a night. You deserve some good sex.”
“How would you even know if he’s-“
“He’s a tennis player! There’s gotta be some force there.” She continued. “You can run home on lunch break and get one of my dresses if you like. Or anything. Just don’t wear work clothes, you won’t be able to let loose that way.”
You nodded. Shailene grinned. “Maybe wear that midi-dress with the slit up the thigh. Ooh, with the red mary-janes!”
“Ooh,” you smiled. “Okay, okay. I’ll go on lunch.”
“I’m so excited for you!” Julie clapped. It was a matter of getting through the day. All day, you three talked about him and your childhood, what drove you two apart, etcetera. At lunch you went home and grabbed the clothes and some of your makeup to touch up on. You worked the rest of the day with a few buyers coming in. It neared 8 and the girls were still just as excited.
Your phone rang. “Is that him?” You asked? You were in the bathroom in a spare moment just getting changed and touching up.
“It’s him!” Shailene ran your phone to you. You smiled and picked up.
“Hey,” you said.
“Uh- hey-“ he sounded preoccupied, you could hear he was in the car. “So I really was looking forward to dinner with you, but my best friend is going through something right now and he is inconsolable in the manly way, which if you know what that’s like, he might be a bit out of control.”
He was cancelling? You shut the door to the bathroom. “That’s okay, I understand. Are you cancelling?”
“I don’t really want to, so if you’re fine to meet a friend, I would love to see you still. I just can’t leave him alone, you know?” He said. “I am so sorry, Y/N. This is the opposite of what I wanted for tonight and I completely understand if you would rather it be just us. We can reschedule."
You shook your head as if he could see, “No, that’s so admirable that you’re keeping him close. Don’t be sorry whatsoever, I promise it’s okay. And if you don’t want to cancel, I’m still free.”
“You promise it’s okay?” He asked. “I am so so sorry I would usually never do this, I promise I will make it up to you.”
You laughed, “It’s endearing! I don’t mind. He’s okay though?”
“He’s okay but on a level where I’m not sure what he’d do if I wasn’t around,” he replied. “I’m picking him up right now, I’ll be there in ten if you still want me?” Of course, you did. It was unconventional, but it was okay.
“Sounds good,” you replied. “I’ll see you soon. Don’t worry too much, okay?”
He chuckled, “I’ll try. See you soon.”
You said goodbyes and hung up. You I immediately updated your girls on the situation and they were disappointed but were sure it would still be good. And soon enough, Art’s car pulled up outside and thank god, his friend wasn’t in the front seat. You waved goodbye to your friends, grabbed your purse, and left, getting into the car. It was nice, clean.
“Hey, you look-“ he started, “Wow.”
“I didn’t want to wear work clothes out or I’d feel like I was still at work,” you told him. You turned in your seat to face another man. He seemed tall, with dark curls, and a bit of facial hair. You recognized him as Art’s tennis partner.
“Patrick,” he said, giving you his hand to shake. You shook it, he smiled.
“Oh, I know,” you grinned. “I’m Y/N- wow, two tennis stars in one car.”
“Okay, as if.” Art said, putting the car in drive again. “No tennis talk, for both mine and Patrick’s sake.”
“Done,” you said. “I don’t have enough tennis content in my head to remark on anything anyways. So the sushi place is just by my apartment, if you take a right up here, then pass two streets and a left, then you’re there.”
“Perfect,” Art said. “How was work?”
“Not too busy today, we had one of our regular buyers in today and sold two pieces to him, but the rest was marketing, emails, and planning for a gallery event.”
“What kind of event?” Patrick asked from the backseat. You half-expected him to stay quiet from the greeting that was just his name.
“Oh, it’s a bit of a sale where the proceeds go to a local children’s hospital for funding,” you told him. “Every year me and my coworkers put it on and it’s usually pretty successful.”
“That’s impressive,” Art said.
“And considerate,” Patrick added. “You’re big on charity?”
“When I can be,” you replied, and you turned back to Art. “The event is in a few weeks, lots of shrimp, so if you want to come just let me know.” Art looked over at you with a soft smile.
“I’d like that,” he replied, seemingly happy that you’d invited him. You smiled back. “You’ll have to send the details.”
“I will for sure,” you told him. You got to the place in no time and Art parked the car. “This is it. It’s a cute place, open late, I can’t tell you how many times me and my roommate have had a random craving at 1am and came down for sushi. That’s my building right over there.” You pointed across the street.
Art looked over, getting out of the car, then back to you, eyes lingering on your dress. “They’re open that late?”
“Yeah,” you laughed. “And the sushi is amazing.”
Patrick got out of the car and rose to be about as tall as you imagined. He was a bigger guy than you had observed from the dark of the back of the car. More muscle mass to his body, visible in his t-shirt and cargo shorts. “I’m starved.” Is all he said. You looked at Art and he mouthed another ‘I’m sorry’ and you laughed quietly, hitting him gently in the arm.
You all headed in, got a table, and started ordering immediately. Patrick wondered what the Japanese alcohol was like and ordered some for the table. You didn’t feel much like drinking, but it was headed to the table anyway. You and Art filled Patrick in on all the details of the games you played as kids and he took pleasure in teasing Art about playing the ‘girly’ games.
“Hey, I looked good in the princess shoes,” he said as Patrick reached over and ruffled his blonde hair.
“It’s true. And there was no way I’d let him pretend to be a prince because that meant we would have to kiss, because you know that’s what princesses and princes do,” you said. Patrick chuckled. "- And he rocked the crown and dress as well.”
“A crown and a dress? You were her bitch at age nine?” He laughed at Art, who pretended to hide his face. “I’m impressed, but I’m not surprised. I mean look at her now. Big-time gallerist who runs charity events.”
You pretended that didn’t land as if it was flattery, blinking it off. Art raised his head. You ate another California roll.
“Yeah,” Art said. “It’s not like she didn’t play guns with me.”
“If you ended up a princess and she ended up with a toy gun, that’s a bit telling.” Patrick added. He poured himself a bit of the drink he’d ordered for the table. It was more than a cup.
“He was a bit under my thumb… I was a bossy child,” you joked. Art nodded and smiled. Patrick downed his drink. “I’m not so bossy now.”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Patrick grinned a wide grin and part of it was suggestive.
“Is it?” You questioned.
“I’d say so. I think Art would agree. Nothing is wrong with a bossy woman as long as it stays-“
“Okay…” Art said, almost dismissive.
“Hm,” you hummed. You tried the drink, but it was bitter, not for you. Patrick picked up that you hated it from the look of disgust and poured your share into his cup. “I’m collaborative, I think. You’d have to ask my friends because now I’m rethinking.”
“Collaborative is okay too, I don’t complain,” Patrick said, drinking more. He had a slight smirk on his face. Art shook his head and looked at you, your mouth stayed a little open from the words you'd just heard. “You know Art told me he ran into you but he didn’t say anything about how gorgeous you are.”
You felt a bit cornered, your cheeks feeling a faint bit of pink just from the situation. Art rubbed his eyes and rested his chin on his fist, pouring himself a little bit of the alcohol and drinking it. “Thank you,” you replied. “I wish I could reply with anything of the sort but I wasn’t expecting anyone else with us tonight.” You tried to laugh it off.
“Okay, Patrick,” Art came in, dismissive again. “Come on.”
“What?” He said, hands up in questioning. “You said dinner with a friend- I didn’t picture someone like her. You can’t tell me she’s not gorgeous.” The bottle was somehow more than half-gone. You weren’t sure what to say.
“She is- but Patrick, please.” He urged him quietly and you pretended not to hear. Patrick was for sure tipsy and was for sure flirting. All you focused on was the ‘she is’.
“Me? Come on? You’re all stiff, Buddy.” Patrick downed another cup you hadn’t even seen him pour. You understood what Art meant by going through it- something was up with him for sure. “Look at her, look-“
“Thank you,” you said again. Art looked at you apologetically. You took back the bottle of alcohol and drank right from it, just a swig. Disgusting but you probably needed it. “And thanks for coming, honestly. It’s been good meeting you.”
“You’re scaring her away, Artie,” Patrick said, ruffling Art’s hair again. Art looked embarrassed, to say the least. The Japanese alcohol was surprisingly strong. You guessed that was why it was so bitter. Patrick must have been well on his way to full drunk if a swig brought a fuzz to your vision for a moment. It passed.
“I think we should get out of here,” you said. Art nodded immediately. He got up faster than you could and went to the counter to pay. You couldn't even object. Your eyes followed him, tracing your eyes over the long-sleeve dark green shirt he was wearing with pants that looked really nice on him. You wondered if that was what he wore to games- it was nice- but looked comfortable. You wished he wasn’t paying.
You looked back at Patrick, who had just finished off the bottle when you weren’t looking. You were in trouble now. “You really are gorgeous. Are you single?”
“Uh- I am, but-“
“I’d love to take you out,” he said. “I’ll ask Art to send me your number.”
“Are we done flirting with Y/N?” Art said, coming back with a huff, sliding a card back into his wallet.
“Hardly,” Patrick grinned. You couldn’t help but smile at that response, it was funny. Art helped Patrick up, letting him lean on him. Art’s eyes practically projected an essay of apology. You were watching the alcohol sink in slowly to Patrick, he was getting worse, it seemed. And when you got into the car, Art put the key in the ignition and the car did not roar to life. It sputtered.
“Fuck!” Art exclaimed. “I knew I should have taken her in earlier. I’m sorry, the car has been on its last legs for a month or two now and I was going to get it fixed, but I put it off-“
“It’s okay,” you told him, hand on his upper arm. “Does it need a jump?”
“I’m not even sure if that would save it,” he laughed, almost, but it sounded fake. Patrick’s laugh from the back seat was very real. “Fuck, I’m sorry guys. I’ll call a cab.”
“Do you want to come back to mine?” You asked. “Just across the street, you can crash there if you’d like. My roommates are out tonight.” Might as well make use of the empty apartment.
“Really? I don’t want to impose,” Art said. He looked you dead in the eyes, looking for something genuine in you, almost disbelieving you'd be so kind to take in his fucked up friend.
“I wouldn’t offer if it wasn’t what I wanted. It’s probably best we get him somewhere secure fast- he’s had a lot.”
With a nod, you and Art got out of the car and started pulling a drunken Patrick out and over to the apartment. You and Art tried your best to ignore every pass he was making at you, calling you pretty, saying your nicely the colour of the dress went with your skin, talking about the slit of the dress. And you dealt with it all the way up the elevator and as you unlocked the door.
Patrick stumbled in and Art guided him to the couch. “Colourful,” Patrick said, “But bright.”
You dimmed the lights with the dimmer and shut the door behind you. “We keep some art here. Stuff we’ve bought, thrifted, found."
Art took a second to look around. “It’s nice. Really nice,” he said. Patrick sat up on the couch and looked around for a remote. You tossed it to him. “Which room is yours?”
You pointed to the one at the end, “Second biggest room. We drew straws.” You told him. Patrick looked like he had no idea how a remote worked. He put it down and got up, staggered and swaying. You looked at Art and Art looked at Patrick.
“Can I talk to you?” He asked you, dismissing Patrick. You nodded and pulled him to the kitchen just a bit more away from the drunk stranger in your living room. The second you were alone, he put his hands to his head. “I am so sorry about this. It’s one thing to bring your friend out when you ask a girl to dinner, but another to have him off his ass and go back to her apartment because your car decides to kill itself.”
“I know- because you’re kind and you’re sweet and perfect- that you don’t mind, but that doesn’t mean I don’t. You have no idea how sorry I am for all of this, but I promise you I’ll make it up to you.” He said, eyes on yours, his hands on your upper arms the same way they were when you bumped into him. Gentle, soft. “Thank you for this though, I really appreciate you giving us somewhere to go and I swear it won’t happen again.”
“I do promise it’s okay,” you reassured him, fighting the urge to laugh. He was sweet, worried, but sweet. “Thank you for apologizing though it’s not needed. Shows your character.” He smiled a little, but his eyes widened. You felt a hand on your waist, less gentle, less asked for. Not the hand you wanted there...
You turned, stepping away from his grasp. You didn’t know what to do or say. “You smell amazing,” he said, slight slur to his words. “Do guys ever tell you that?”
“Not often,” you replied. “What’s up?”
“Can’t get the TV to work,” he replied. “But if you have any idea of what we can do instead, I’m all ears.” He was so drunk. Japanese alcohol was a quick fix, apparently.
You slipped past and back into the living room, followed by the men. You could hear Art whispering to Patrick behind you as you grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.
In bright white splayed across the top of the screen started playing. You covered your mouth and closed it as fast as you could. You forgot your roommates were watching that this morning- your heart skipped a beat from humiliation.
Fuck. You put on the first thing you saw, some cop comedy movie. You turned it down enough for it to be background noise and Patrick crashed on the couch again. And he was silent.
Art walked over to you, “US OPEN highlights is crazy,” he said quietly, leaning on his arm against the wall you had your back to. “I have better games than that.”
“Mmm, so you saw,” you replied, voice hushed. You felt your cheeks flush just slightly. “My roommates were watching it once they found out you were coming to the gallery early.”
“So they know all about me then. They’re fans,” he said, fake-boasting. You smiled and shook your head. "Sometimes I hate tennis. I can never be mysterious and unknown."
“They think you’re hot mysterious or not. They’re a fan of anyone who is hot. You should have seen how my roommate Shai got about the hot mailman from downstairs- she practically made a fanpage. I swear we had a shrine for him somewhere.” You told him.
“And I don't get a shrine yet,” he laughed. You two kept quiet, leaning against the wall behind the couch. Patrick stayed quiet.
“Tennis player is somewhere high on Shailene’s list, I’m sure I could set you up,” you shrugged.
“What, that’s crazy. You don’t think I’m hot?” He teased. “Is it the crooked smile? I’ve been told it’s crooked.”
“Nobody hates the crooked smile, I promise.” You told him. And that exact crooked smile crept up his face. You smiled back. “I think it’s quite nice.” You added.
“Oh just nice, hm. That’s like me saying you look good.”
“Do I not?” You prodded. “And I said ‘quite’ nice.”
“No, no, you look quite good,” he replied. You smiled and hit him in the arm playfully. “I hate saying it because I know Patrick beat me to it, drunk and all, but you do look gorgeous. And I’m sorry it wasn’t just us tonight.”
“I know you’re sorry, but it’s not the end of the world. You are allowed to stop being sorry, I swear it’s okay,” you replied. Patrick coughed loudly. “Here, come in-“ you stepped into your room and turned on the lowlight lamp in the corner, casting dull orangey light around your room. You sat on your knees on your bed and he sat with you. “My room.”
He shut the door and looked around. And he was gorgeous, observing the things in your room. How he looked under the golden lamp light, over his features, over his curls. You were alone. He looked at you, “Your room is so comfortable.” He said. "I'm too used to empty hotels with fluorescents."
"Yuck, I couldn't live if the only lights I had were white, they need to be warm or I feel like I'm at the doctor."
"Oh, it's the worst. Especially trying to wind down at night, even the lamps buzz with the same feeling as the dentist." He said. "You have so many books and... so many pillows." He chuckled, referencing the pillows on your bed, on your desk chair, in the corner of your room. He sat on the bed next to you, close to you, still observing. You watched his jaw as he looked up at the ceiling to your stain glass light fixture and the art on your walls. It was silent with the low rumbles of the voices on the tv just outside your room.
It hit you harder, in the silence of the room with the closed door, that there was nobody else here with you. No Patrick in the room. Nothing between you two. You felt a bit like you’d just put down a baby to sleep, finally.
“Is it also hitting for you that we are alone for the first time? I feel like we just put Patrick down.” Art turned to look at you, shifting his body a bit on the bed.
Your eyes widened, “I was thinking the same thing! Like he’s a child we sent to bed finally.” You laughed.
He laughed. “Exactly!” He had a nice laugh. You leaned forward into each other as you laughed and his hand rested itself on your knee. Your forehead touched his shoulder just barely.
And surprisingly the laughing lasted a lot longer than you imagined. Every time either one of you tried to catch your breath you’d just start laughing again and it was contagious and all-consuming.
But it ended the second he kissed you.
His hands slipped over your jaw and around your ears and he pulled your face to kiss, lips meeting perfectly in the centre. It was sudden but it was natural and it was easy and you kissed him back immediately, slow, compared to the pace of the day. His hand slowly slid from your jaw, down your neck, to the back of it. Your hand slid down his chest and around his back.
He didn’t stop, he didn’t pull away. He just got up on his knees, kiss unbreaking, just as strong, and leaned you back so your head hit your pillows gently. He situated himself above you, kissing you and kissing you right. The way he kissed was better than anything you’d ever had, it was gentle but still strong and wanting as his hands traveled down your waist and yours migrated to around his neck. The giggling had ended for sure as he kissed the side of your mouth, then your cheek, your jaw, over your ear, your neck. Your hand slid up into the back of his hair, finding a grip on the curls.
Your legs wrapped around him, your leg slipping through the slit in the dress, pressing against him. His hand slid down your thigh and over your near-bare hip. his grip on it perfect. If you could have pulled him closer you would have, but in this circumstance it would mean something you weren't quite ready for tonight.
He kissed your neck and collarbone softly, nose grazing your skin as he went along, soft lips pressing to each point until they met yours again. Hungrier, faster, he gripped your hip harder, but enough. His hand slipped further up your dress through the window of the slit, hand on your waist now, your underwear the only thing under it, but ignored by him. He was touchy but in the right way, hand on waist, hip.
You sighed heavily as he kissed over to your ear again, lower lobe, just behind your ear, moving your hair out of the way. It sent goosebumps trailing over your skin.
But you couldn’t help but giggle, the laughter from earlier catching up. He stopped and he moved back over you, face to face. You kept giggling and kissed him once more, a small peck. He grinned. “What’s so funny?”
You laughed again, just a giggle. He kissed you again and you both rolled over in the bed toward the wall and you nearly hit your head but it just made things funnier. He laughed too, placing a hand behind your head to keep it from hitting the wall again. You sat over him, hair falling in both yours and his face. “What’s so funny?” He asked again, but he was laughing now too. And you kissed him again. Just as strong, just as passionately, quieting things again.
Patrick stayed quiet for the rest of the night, presumably passed out on the couch. You and Art spent the rest of the night laying together and talking more, the way you would have if your date earlier had gone well. Talking, kissing freely, a lot of laughter but enough shushing as to not wake Patrick or anything.
"You do smell really good," Art said, brushing your hair behind your ear.
"The communal date-night bodywash bottle," You told him. He found that really funny. "And vanilla perfume."
You kept laughing, talking, connecting. It was easy, like you'd never parted ways. But eventually, he fell asleep. You followed soon after and fell asleep with him, your head on his chest. And it was a rocky, but good night in the end. A good place to resume not only friendship but maybe something else. You’d have to wait and see.
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piratekane · 2 years
Dude I forgot there was a power rangers reboot in 2017 until you started reblogging them. What did you like about it? Genuinely asking. Considering watching it. Maybe the camp will be all worth it
It's so worth it. Those kids are so good. They must be protected at all costs. It was such a fun movie and honestly, it deserved a trilogy at least. Plus, the representation is out of this world. Black autistic ranger who is the heart of the team? Check. Lesbian ranger who finds a family in these strangers? Check. Mean girl carries the weight of her actions and tries to do better? Check. Asian hero who loves his mom so freaking much? One white guy? Check.
It had everything: found family, queer subtext, the only confirmation of a het relationship as a cut scene, more bitch slaps than expected, the most haunting version of Stand By Me by Bootstraps, and a really gross scene where Elizabeth Banks eats gold.
Unfortunately, the world wasn't ready for real superheros. Or for the promise of a (supposedly? I think I read this somewhere) genderbent Tommy Oliver. Because imagine what could happen if that power was harnessed, if we got Tommy and the gang and Lord Zedd??? We obviously couldn't handle that. We weren't ready. One day, we might be. Until then, I will just continue to watch it and hope those kids are out there saving the world from Putty Patrolers and their evil overlord Rita Repulsa.
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heliosoll · 1 year
hello! how's your day? so how was your experience at your harry potter dr? like, day to day in the castle, and outside of it? if you lived the events of the books, how was it??? especially the triwizard tournament and the battle of hogwarts i'm DYING to know what it's like to be in the middle of all this mess.
Dementors, have you come close to any? a chamber of secrets! what it was like to be at school during that? how is the castle?! many people talk about the feeling of home, is it like that there or is it just a castle? have you seen the magical world outside the british bubble? if so, anything interesting?
I see that you have experienced all four houses, do you have any preferences and comments on the differences? if you were close to the golden trio, what are they like? flew on a broom? how it was? TIME TURNER!! if used... comments? what is it like to write with a quill? I don't see how I wouldn't have horrendous writing on this dr honestly
seriously, any detail would be amazing and I'm so sorry for so many questions (english is not my first language btw) hehe 😗
Hi :) My day has been great!
Oh goodness... I don't know if I've said this before but a big reason why I had four separate DRs for HP was so I could experience different versions of the reality! For instance, in the Gryffindor and Slytherin DRs, the main plot of the books and movies here was happening but in the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw DRs nothing was really happening (ie Voldemort didn't exist so we just chilled). Because of this, my experience in each DR was drastically different.
Day to day life is basically exactly what you see in the movies (at least for me it was)! You go to classes, you have some free time, you're able to chill around the school or in your dorm, etc. Every now and then something exciting or scary happens but it really was mostly normal school life (when you aren't getting into life endangering bullshit of course).
I was only in the Triwizard tournament in my Slytherin DR and for me it was more like the movies than the books. It's very intense though! Stupidly dangerous too. The most frustrating thing was not knowing what the tasks would be (I scripted to forget that little tidbit - big mistake on my part). The entire school gets swept up in the festivities, gossip, and betting on who's going to win though and that's actually fun. Not to mention the literal parties when the winner was from Hogwarts. It was really cute to see all four houses come together to cheer on the champion from Hogwarts, regardless of house rivalry.
The battle fucking sucked man 😭 Visually, it looked exactly like the movie! I remember being surprised at how hot it felt? But it was terrifying... I actually did remember the outcome of the battle while I was there but even then the adrenaline rush, fear, and anxiety I felt was so bad. I was genuinely scared that I was going to die or that people who "weren't supposed to die" were going to die even though I knew for a fact it wouldn't happen! I also scripted out certain deaths (like Fred and Sirius) but when it came time for Fred's death, I was really scared he was still going to die (he didn't). Idk... I've been to quite a few "scary" and dangerous DRs but I don't think I've ever felt that scared or anxious about a DR when I knew what was going to happen. I definitely recommend intending/scripting some fucking chill pills cause goddamn 💀 I had absolutely ZERO reason to be panicking that fucking hard
I have come close to Dementors! First, they smell like dead bodies. I don't know if that's in the books, but that's what it was like my all of my DRs. Gross. And by dead bodies, I mean the rotting variety. Stinky. They're also very cold! I think that's canon? When you get near them, it's... freezing. I remember reading a book about them and there were multiple documented cases of people getting frostbite from being near them.
During the chamber of secrets, well, I knew what was happening so I wasn't that concerned tbh. It was definitely scary but I also knew that everything would be okay and that no one was actually going to die. I was mostly worried about trying to tell them what was going on without making anyone suspicious of me.
I did get that feeling of the castle being home! While there was definitely a feeling of nostalgia, it also just happens naturally since you spend so much time there. It's literally a boarding school where you spend the majority of the year living, of course it's going to feel like home. It's really nice :)
I actually didn't see much of the magical world outside of Britain! I did travel to some places of course, but I didn't get a good grasp on other magical cultures. I actually plan to go back one day to travel more!
When it comes to the houses, I enjoyed my time in all of them! They all have their pros and cons hahah. I was surprised to find that Slytherin actually felt a lot more friendlier than I thought. They seriously value family and loyalty - once you're in Slytherin, you've got friends for life (whether you like it or not tbh). Ravenclaw was also a lot chiller than I thought it would be! Hm... I'm not really sure what else to say so let me know if you have specific questions about the houses :)
I got close to the golden trio in all of my DRs :) Personally, I was usually closest with either Harry or Hermione (sorry Ron), though there were a few times in my Slytherin DR where they didn't trust me. That hurt a little but I understood why so I wasn't that sad. As for their personalities, they were more like their book selves than their movie selves but every now and then something from the movie would slip out. (Like Ron being a little more naive in the movies happened a lot during the fourth year.)
Flying on a broom is amazing!! Definitely recommend shifting there just for that honestly. I mean I love flying anyway so maybe I'm biased but it's an incredible feeling, especially once you get the hang of it. I didn't expect to like quidditch since I'm not much of a sports person here, but I ended up really loving it just because I love flying so much.
The time turner was fun! A little disorienting though... I felt nauseous the first time I experienced it. But you get used to it really fast and it feels normal after the first couple of times.
Writing with a quill is just like it is here hahah It's definitely different than writing with a pen or pencil, but you get the hang of it. Just be careful with ink pooling and you'll be okay :)
I hope this answers all of your questions! This got a lot longer than I expected hahah
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vexy-hexy · 5 months
I watched Lio's response video, and while he proved a good amount of stuff (mostly with Peaches being horrible), I have a lot of problems with it
I commented on his video with timestamps from the first 2 and half hours or so (my comment talking about after that was deleted before I could post it or save it, FML)
But, anyway, I figure I'll put my commemt with most of my issues here with the timestamps:
"While I absolutely acknowledge that Peaches is garbage and manipulative and I feel sorry for you for what you went through, I have to point out some strange things that I've noticed in this video. I'm commenting on this as I go through the video
17:03 that screenshot doesn’t say what you said it did
While Lumi DID say it's fun to fuck with people, the only thing they say about using slurs is that they have no issues with people using slurs they can reclaim and stating that is also what yhey do, before jokingly calling Peaches the f slur
I think you know this to, as, so far, any screenshots you KNOW prove your point have stayed on screen for a decent amount of time, whereas this screenshot was only there for about a second
I also find it odd that you have someone voicing the accusation document, you don’t have anyone voicing the screenshots you bring up
17:52 I disagree. Rosa being able to get mad over an opinion on Star Wars is not even in the same ballpark as removing a predator, who, may I add, was one of the highest tier mods in Rebeccah's server at the time
Also, if you find the anger you had with Rosa justified, where was that anger when you DID get Rebeccah in call? You know, not only the one with the actual power to remove N3koPan, but also the one who tried to move in with a 17 year old?
The Tek-no podcast happened BEFORE Rosa revealed she knew about N3koPan, and you came into that call already aggressive towards her because she suggested an internet horrors episode be made on your friend, a known harasser who sent people death threats for disagreeing with him, and someone that you only finally stopped white knighting for when he did something against you
23:34 that's not a sob story, that's Kumo explaining his side of things to you
Also, Peaches consistently says the Rosa call happened in 2022, but it happened in 2023. I don’t know why you haven't called that out, but that’s a pretty big oversight
38:43 but you HAVE lashed out at victims of abuse before for behavior that is normal in a victim, the Jibz call shows this
It's normal and even typical of victims to return to their abuser and, while Jibz WAS 100% in the wrong for giving their abuser the contact information of another minor (even if they weren't groomed), you yelled at him (?), sexualized him (calling him their abuser's fleshlight, among other gross things), and questioned his sexuality as a Lesbian because his abuser was a man
1:25:16 it IS vigilantism
Vigilantism isn't always putting on a cape and beating up punks for snatching a purse, it's getting involved in legal matters that you have no authority to get involved in
Cambridge defines it as:
"The practice of ordinary people in a place taking unofficial action to prevent crime or to CATCH and punish people believed to be criminals"
LSD law defines it as:
"Vigilantism is when individuals or groups take the law into their own hands and act as law enforcement without legal authority. This can include punishing people they believe have committed a crime or enforcing their own version of justice"
You have stated before that you are "barely qualified to do predator hunting", but you still get involved which could then make genuine attempts to take legal action difficult, if not, void
One could argue that pulling someone believed to be a predator into a call of multiple people berating them relentlessly is you punishing them without legal authority, or if a confession IS given during the call, they could easily argue it was coerced or given under duress, as you have stated you can find where someone lives by a picture (which can and has been taken as a threat)
1:28:16 proof of Jay encouraging negativity about your wife?
2:03:30 talking about you and Peaches fighting is giving context. Jordyn says outright that he misunderstood and thought you knew about what Peaches did. Why would he tell you something he thought you already knew? And Jordyn says they don't like Peaches, so why would they talk to or spend time with him or wish him a Happy Birthday if he didn't like Peaches?
2:04:35 that proves nothing, this conversation could've been before the mental issues, or could be him trying to focus on something he liked
2:07:07 why aren't you showing the screenshots Jordyn apparently provided in their video? That's incredibly suspicious
Several people in your own comment section have stated they haven't seen any of the videos by others intentionally. By not showing the supposed screenshots you're talking about, you are not providing the evidence you are "debunking", only saying what it supposedly says and arguing against that
Maybe Jordyn's screenshots DO show this stuff, but, because you didn't include them in your video, some people won't know since they refuse to listen to other sources
If anything, this makes it appear like you're hiding something
2:12:57 proof of Jordyn being in others streams?
2:18:57 that screenshot literally says CHROME decided to send the message to you, despite Jordyn telling them NOT to
2:22:01 it didn't make sense that someone who has shown game ending tendencies would look for weapons they could game end with...
2:28:21 she never said anything about being a MOD, she said she was Rebeccah's FRIEND
2:31:04 That doesn’t show Rosa was a mod for Rebeccah. It shows someone asking Rosa if she wants to join their staff TEMPORARILY and Rosa says "of course"
We don't know if "deleted user" is Rebeccah from this, and, again, it also says TEMPORARILY
I have many other issues with this video, including that you didn't prove that you apologized to Rosa, accused her of lying without evidence, and a bit more, but I lost that comment with my more detailed thoughts and timestamps
In conclusion, I thought that the video had a lot of problems, and it just solidified my opinion on Lio being manipulative and disingenuous further
The screenshots were weird, some being way too small to read unless you squinted, others being blurry, or them disappearing too fast, unless they showed what he was actually saying, which is, to say the least, suspicious as fuck
Also, I HAVE seen Harley's video on Peaches, and while I agree with most of their points and think they did a good job, I can't help but side eye them and Ponder (which sucks because I used to watch both of them). They were in this call that happened over a YEAR ago, so why is it that Harley is only talking about this NOW after it's been revealed to the public and Omnia made a video, and, aside from the interview Harley had with her in video to clarify things, Ponder has seemingly not yet said anything about the situation on her own platforms
Also, I don't remember seeing anyone give Peaches shit for covering the faults of Camilla Cuevas after she tried to hurt Peaches, so I don’t know why people are framing Omnia doing a similar thing regarding this whole situation with Peaches as them being petty and not letting things go
Also, after responding to a comment in a way that I believed was calm and civil, Lio told me to "Kick rocks", to which I commented back in, admittedly, a harsh way, while also trying to focus on the facts
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I've also had 2 separate people inform me that they can no longer see my comments to Lio on the video, so I assume they've been deleted, whether by Lio or YouTube, I'm unsure, but, if it was Lio, that pisses me off, especially since his comment telling me to "kick rocks" is still there, so I feel some people may think I look like a coward
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Once I learned my comments were apparently gone, I commented at him again with this:
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He had yet to respond again despite the fact I sent that 2 days ago
Needless to say, I am a little pissed at this whole situation, especially since (if I'm remembering correctly), he BARELY addressed the facts that he had the FCK screenshots for months and didn't do anything, and downplayed Peaches' inaction there himself by blaming his being groomed (actually being the first to both bring it up and insist upon it) and ignoring the fact that, in the call he himself showed as evidence in the Crystal Flame video, Peaches ACKNOWLEDGED that Slimurz would've been a minor and they would've known
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leesalchemybook · 5 months
sometimes I remember how some individuals in the bts fanart community bullied me pretty intensely back on my bts twitter days.
(its been at least a few years now. I forget how long it's been) sometimes I still consider posting my screeenshot proofs of it and exposing them. but that was so long ago now, it's probably pointless. if they didn't stop, I was prepared to. but a friend I had at the time confronted them (after I told her not to) but it seemed to have helped and they and they didn't bother me after that. but I never got answers for why they were doing it
but it still pisses me off that they were "popular" and had a few thousand followers and everyone loved them and many other artists kissed their asses and tried to be part of their little popular clique (probably to feed off their popularity)
but for some reason when I was being genuine and wanted to be real friends and work on a collab for fun and was nothing but nice to everyone, I got bullied so bad that even other people in the collab pointed it out at first. i was blamed for it all even though it was obvious i did nothing wrong and they were the wrong ones. I even have screenshots to prove it. (I am missing some stuff, though, which is one reason I didn't post. I could have made them look so much worse if I managed to get everything haha but i didn't realize what was happening soon enough)
I was so confused. i'm STILL confused. was there a reason for the sudden bullying? or are they just nasty people that like to pick on small artists and get away with it because no one cares about me or will ever believe me? either way, I hope their art dreams never come true and they hurt their drawing hand many times.
some of the bts fanartists had such nasty attitudes and interacting with them made me wonder why people loved them so much. some artists acted so snobby, arrogant, and unfriendly.
some would whine and complain about wanting attention/friends/interactions but ignore me, act annoyed, not reciprocate. or tell me they don't want to talk, but then go right back to complaining they want friends and people to talk to a minute later. most wouldn't follow back if you weren't a big popular account or tell me they have ridiculous requirements I had to meet or they'd unfollow. but would always be begging for more mutuals.
some would post they're open to helping be a second pair of eyes to review your art, but only gave me destructive criticism and told me to "practice more so you can be as good as me" but they always ended up only being artists for 3-5 years vs my 20+ so they have nothing on me. I have practiced art longer than they've been alive!!!! but they still think they're superior and male it a competitive instead of actually being helpful like they claimed they wanted to be. I never got any real advice and they thought they had an attitude of being too good and perfect for me. sometimes I even got unsolicited destructive advice on art I was proud of and liked.
one annoying thing was many would whine about only getting a few thousand likes on their art and ask for more, or require me to interact with all their posts in order to be mutuals (I literally had one tell me they will be mutuals but if i dont interact with all their tweets daily they will unfollow) BUT THEY NEVER INTERACTED WITH A SINGLE ONE OF MY TWEETS. I had to give them all the attention, but they didn't give anything back in return at all. people like that are so gross and nasty, but they somehow tricked everyone into thinking they were so perfect and sweet and friendly.
and all these people didn't even have art that was that great. like it was kind of average imo, compared to other stuff i see. they started as smaller accounts that didn't have impressive art so I wanted to support them as they grew and got better. small artist solidarity. supporting newer artists who have 10-15 years less experience than me. but they all acted like such elitist snobs towards me.
and no matter how many times I post about it, no one ever confesses to experiencing the same treatment in the bts fanartist community!!!!! (or online art communities in general. i've never had any solidarity) makes me feel so shitty because I seem to be the only one that was treated horribly by other artists and bullied and unable to make many art friends/mutuals compared to the snobby shitheads that bullied me who somehow tricked everyone into loving them!! and all the people who supported them "the correct way" so they didn't get bullied and got to be added to the snobby elitist cliques.
still waiting for the day someone comes to me with stories of their own so I don't feel so alone 😅
to end this here's a reminder: art isnt a competition. we should all support each other and encourage each other and see each other as equals. share each other's art. boost each other up. work together. be friends. give constructive criticism only when asked, never destructive. don't act better than others. don't beg for attention and then refuse to give in return. a reblog/retweet/etc is very valuable even if you don't know how to share words. be kind and have fun!
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princesable · 2 years
wwait please do tell ur issues with omori if u feel like it. as a somewhat omori enjoyer (<omocat sucks) i wanna see others' opinions as well
ok on my puter here u go. im not gonna write out like. an essay im just gonna list things out in bullet points because thats easier for me so sorry if this is hard to read/understand. quick side note i've played this game around 3 times because i love showing it to people so they can get mad about it with me. i feel like this is important because ive like. actually played the game and not pulling all of this out of a cut down letsplay (also just so no one gets mad at me i pirated it) but also my memory is awful. i am planning to play it again and actively take notes so i can write something more coherent. also putting it under a read more because i didnt realize how much i had to say about this
the story sucks tbh. like its an interesting concept that could have been done in an extremely impactful way but i felt nothing. like i didnt care about mari and i didnt care about sunny because he had like. no personality outside of "silent main character everyone likes". like if you dont care about mari the whole story falls apart. it relies very heavily on you caring about the two of them which is FINE but they do a really bad job of making me actually give a shit.
hero got like fucking nothing in the story and that bothers me like. outside of sunny we should have seen how mari's death impacted him the most because. you know. THEY WERE DATING? but we never get to spend time with hero. like all he is is "the nice one" i wish we got to see. anything with him but i swear they just weren't allowed to have him express emotions that werent extremely mild or something. actually now that i think about it it feels like hero was an after thought in like. everything. his dream word ability is barely used and when it is it feels like anyone could have done it. have it literally just be that he can flip switches is stupid. you could remove hero from the game and it would impact nothing.
AUBREYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY the church confrontation scene was like. GENUINELY GOOD? and then after that they just forget to do anything with her. like it pisses me off how that scene was actually good and the only part that genuinely got me to feel anything and then she just gets nothing. like her "bully" scenes are pretty good and i genuinely sympathized with her but it kind of felt like. you werent supposed to? idk if that makes sense because you totally WERE supposed to feel bad for aubrey but having the kel high fives directly after multiple scene where you make her cry felt so. fucking weird. maybe that was the point idk. aubrey's my favorite character i wish omocat knew how to write
SPEAKING OF KEL. I REALLY REALLY DONT LIKE HOW THE GAME TREATS HIM. he's supposed to be the comic relief but like. EVERY joke is either "kel is gross/stupid" or "aubrey is mean to him for no fucking reason" and it gets old really fast because he's just a kid??? like him and aubrey are just mean to each other thats their whole thing which is FINE i GUESS but its not funny?? its just incredibly mean spirited and not fair to him as a character. why couldnt he have just been silly without the game seemingly hating him for trying to have fun. like most of his moveset is based around being annoying its. its weird man idk. also the fact this is a fucking item in the game
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when i got this for the first time i put my head in my fucking hands man this sucks.
Basil. basil could have been an EXTREMELY interesting character but hes just so. whiny. it gets old really fast. the final fight with him was pretty good i guess. i dont have much to say about him sadly because i just like. dont remember. nothing with him stuck with me. OH WAIT the black space bit where you repeatedly kill him in extremely gruesome ways was. kind of fucking weird. because hes 10. it was unnecessary like if you REALLY wanted the fact that sunny is trying so hard to repress anything that reminds him of what he did to be represented through basil dying you could have just done it a couple times idk. weird scene.
ok moving on from characters the art is. a lot. its very hard to tell the dream world party members apart because omocat just has really bad same fact syndrome, it doesnt help that they all have the same color palettes. speaking of color palettes why do the overworld sprites white wash kel and hero. its less noticeable with hero but like. come on man its not hard to color pick your own art
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still on the art the fact everything moves is fun in concept but REALLY distracting in execution. theres been multiple fights (specifically sweetheart, the king crawler and humphrey) where i've gotten awful headaches and had to take a break because i felt sick from all the movement lol. also the animation for releasing energy does NOT help who thought making the screen shake that much was a good idea dear god. like seriously this game needs to have some kind of warning
using sweetheart as an excuse to talk about how the dream world its such a fucking slog. i UNDERSTAND the point is that sunny is doing everything in his power to not reach the truth so he creates roadblocks but oh my goddddddd its so annoying to constantly have the plot take a backseat so we can go to a wedding or go to a casino or GO IN THAT STUPID FUCKING WHALE. the fact that there is a fucking mod that removes the humphrey segment should say enough. like that part in particular was soooooo fucking bad. its so boring. the humphrey fight has THREE FUCKING PHASES. I DONT KNOW WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA BUT THEY SHOULD BE KILLED. ITS AN AWFUL EXPERIENCE
the emotion system is an interesting idea but i wish they did more with it. once you figure out that everyone has one theyre best with you stop playing with them. it stopped being fun to battle because its just make aubrey angry -> make sunny sad -> make kel happy -> have hero do fucking nothing -> hit them. idk maybe they could have had like. special emotions for boss fights?? im not sure how that'd work but i wish they added little twists every now and then to keep all the battles from feeling the same.
the real world isnt much better honestly. all the aubrey shit made me angry and the battles are so weirdly unfair its just not fun. like it doesnt penalize you for losing real world battles but its like. idk they suck. also the fact it doesnt tell you food doesnt heal you in the real world fucked me up when i first played because i was so used to the dream world i spent all my money on soda and then spent the entirety of the real world on like 1 hp i cant add spoilers on tumblr so animal harm/death and suicide warning for this next part. if you dont want to read that theres nothing else after it so youre good to just stop reading now
i dont like the black space. like i briefly went over it in the basil segment but it left such a bad taste in my mouth. especially the part where you are seemingly "forced" to cut your fucking cat open as it begs you to free it and the only way to not hurt it is to kill yourself?? ok.
speaking of which the fact the only way to leave the dream world and wake up is to kill yourself complete with a little sound effect is weird to me. idk man omori is 10 im not exactly keen on watching a child kill himself several times.
honestly the games handling of suicide is gross to me. obviously i dont think you should never talk about suicide i think its a very important topic but they way its handled in omori is almost. glorified? idk if that the right word. omori/sunny can kill himself so many times in this game and i just found that a little weird. also basil can kill himself and you can see his body just. sitting there. ok im running out of writing steam if i think of anything else i'll make another post or you have any follow up questions let me know im gonna go watch scott the woz
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gaykarstaagforever · 2 months
Disney...come on...
Is this all we're doing with Star Wars now? Hours of flat, pointless lore shit only the worst people on the Internet care about (because they're mad that you got it wrong), with a tiny random cameo by part of Yoda at the very end?
You paid like $4 billion for this property. And you made one mediocre trilogy that was itself mostly confused references to the old movies, two good seasons of one TV show (The Mandalorian), then a whole bunch more TV and movie crap that amounts to pointing at the logo and going "See? SEE?!"
I didn't see Andor and I absolutely do not care about more stupid Space Conflict lore garbage, but people seem to like that. But people also seemed to like Rogue One, and, besides Donny Yen, I fucking hated that movie. But I also actually liked the Solo movie, so apparently I live in a pocket dimension that consists of exactly me and no one else.
My point is, you need to goddamn figure out what it is that is worthwhile about this IP, and focus on that. And the answer is "the three genuinely good movies from 50 years ago."
Those movies were a fluke, in that they were way better than they had any right to be, entirely because they were written and produced by boring Hollywood professionals who were just doing a job they were probably sick of. That's how that happened. The rest is Baby George Lucas bouncing around, screaming about how he likes Flash Gordon and DUNE and Triumph of the Will. And we know that second thing is not enough to make good movies, because that's what the Prequel Trilogy was, and aside from the podracing, those were also mid to awful.
...People also seem to hate the podracing. I guess that's another me in the pocket dimension thing.
Whatever. Stop making Yoda bonus DLC at the end of crap. Stop making weird CG versions of old and / or dead people bonus DLC at the end of crap. Just hire boring Hollywood people to do more stuff with the 70s characters, recast with young sexy actors, because that is all anyone likes and is coming here for. The rest of this is just wasted time and money.
It's not my fault Disney keeps putting brown lesbians in bad movies and TV shows. One could argue they are only doing that because they KNOW this stuff is shit otherwise, and hope to hide behind their virtue-signaling. Which makes the brown lesbians look bad. And that's not good for anyone, especially the brown lesbians.
If you need Disney Stellar Struggle to provide you with queer media representation, you need to stop being a small child in Kudzu Country. They're not qualified to do that, and they do it terribly. Go elsewhere for that. Stop rewarding their shit version of that. Speaking as a big fat homo, I'd prefer Disney shut up and go back to the one thing they're good at, which is paying skinny teens to over-dance to remixed pop versions of cartoon movie songs from the 40s and 50s in overpriced theme parks. That's also lame, but in a fun way. Bad queer representation in crap scifi media isn't even the fun kind of lame. It's just embarrassing and gross.
Hire boring Hollywood people and let them make a good movie about good characters that people care about, that weren't specifically engineered solely to deflect criticism with pastiche liberal bullshit. Stop letting executive vice presidents of analytics stop the entire production and order rewrites because a computer told them people in Eastern Canada need less shots of fingernails. You can't make art nor product like this. As proven by the last 15 years of forgettable pointless Disney shit.
Luke Skywalker and R2 can hang out exclusively with brown lesbians. No one would care if it was written better.
...Okay. Obviously Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk and Shad Brooks would still care. But they are easily shouted down.
The writing (and production in general) are the problem, here. Probably because of this virus of "design by executive committee" shit, that is also murdering the MCU.
Disney has a LOOONG history of being bad at live action stuff. See the late 60s through the mid 90s. And always for the same reason: executive demands, based on mythical market "research". That has been demonstrably wrong and useless for 60+ years now.
Yoda isn't a cool extra. This is supposed to BE ABOUT Yoda. Stop using him as icing on your flavorless virtue-signaling cellulose cake.
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justmybookthots · 10 months
Suddenly a Murder
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Have I been eagerly eyeing this book a month before its release date in September? Yes. 
Have I only just read it now?
… Yes.
To be fair, I've had / I have books that have been on my TBR for YEARS. Three months of limbo in retrospect is nothing. So why do I feel chagrined? I don't know. Nonetheless, I'm glad I finished it because I'm craving more diversity in my reads and I haven't read a lot of thrillers this year… or at least it feels like it? I just went to count and I've read roughly 12 thriller books this year.
However, if you're considering that I've read over 50 books in total this year, 12 is a very small fraction of it. I used to read thrillers a LOT more—they're my go-to genre. I've read mind-boggling ones, good ones, average ones, bad ones… and Suddenly a Murder is definitely under "good-to-average". 
Its biggest draw for me is its premise. I love a murder mystery that takes place in an isolated setting (The Guest List is my FAVE example), and when Kassidy—the heroine's BFF—made the rest of the cast surrender their phones to be sent to the mainland, I was rubbing my hands and smacking my lips. Along with a thrown backstory about the manor they were living in, it made for a very juicy premise.
The question is, did it deliver?
Well. Spoilers ahead. 
Things I liked:
Almost everyone was toxic as fuck. I know, I know, why would I like that? But I just love when there's so much drama and toxicity and people are so messy… It was making me smack my lips, though admittedly, I was also simultaneously sickened by all the shit Blaine was doing. That said, I did feel relieved he was the murder victim because him being alive was grossing me out. To Kassidy and Chloe: please have some more self-respect. 😭 But then again, what's the fun if they have any?
The last revelation about the secret Izzy was hiding was pretty satisfying! It's the highlight of the book. Without this, the ending would have felt REALLY milquetoast (though a friend did mention she liked what Kassidy did in the end, which… fair point).
I thought I'd dislike Izzy—I mean, most main characters of thrillers aren't meant to be likeable. I assumed she was one of those, but I actually ended up liking her in the end. Also her friendship with Kassidy was genuine—they weren't frenemies, as is commonly depicted in many thrillers between the "rich girl" and "poor girl" archetypes. 
I liked Kassidy, too. Two female characters I liked? Wow! Unexpected. (To be clear: I DO NOT hate women. I just have a habit of not liking / being neutral about characters in thriller books because cast likeability in this genre is not why I read it.)
I really liked the fashion that kept being mentioned, even if it did feel rather superfluous at times (but I guess that was the point).
This can be a like and a dislike at the same time. But Marlowe, who turned out to be as trustworthy and decent as he appeared to be? That's… hmmm. I guess it was nice (?) to see that. I kept side-eyeing him the whole time because I don't trust ANYONE in thrillers, especially love interests, and now I feel a bit tired expending all that wasted energy. 😅
Things I disliked:
There's a whole backstory going on about Marla Nevercross and Cara Ashwood, who'd acted in a film at this very manor. Other than the ending, I wish that the film's storyline drew a more distinct parallel to the current events of the story. Sure, there's the cheating, the adult sleeping with the minor/much younger person… but there's not a distinct line that connects the roles of the main cast to the film. Or maybe there is, and my brain is farting at the moment. It's just that after a while, I forgot about the film until the end. 
The romance. Did we need it? I frankly could have done without it, but I guess it could be kind of cute for some readers? At the very least, I just wish it was more subtle and less screen time was devoted to it.
Fergus… You're just gonna take Ellison's ass back after he humiliated you like that? Jeez.
I felt that Pilar de León embodied the very tired (to me) trope of a quirky/slightly eccentric/very intelligent detective taking charge and solving the mystery. Maybe I just love Poirot too much and I felt she was a very weak caricature / inspired copy of him. She also reminded me a little bit of Daniel Craig's detective in Knives Out. Don't get me wrong, the quirks are all different for these detectives, but what's common is that they're all a little eccentric/mavericks and smarter than the rest of the cast. This is less a valid complaint and more me being annoying because a weird part of my brain is tired of this trope.
I… wanted a bigger twist. The person who turned out to be the killer was expected because they were the least likely suspect, but their motive was also very predictable once you realise who it was. I guess I just wanted to be more mind-fucked. :) Usually when I'm reading a very good mystery and I stumble upon the reveal, I can feel my body going on pins and needles but I didn't feel this at all. (Or maybe I just need to see a doctor.)
All in all, it's NOT a bad thriller. I had a good time. But it's not among the best thrillers I've read this year, that's for sure. I think that list would definitely include The Only One Left by Riley Sager, The Maid's Diary by Loreth Anne White and The Housemaid by Freida McFadden.
Anyway, my friend did just recommend me some other YA thrillers so I may check those out in the near future. Of course, 'near future' could range from the next three months to the next three years to never.
Who knows? Not me, I'll tell you that.
- 20 Nov 2023
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Having now seen all three of the Stuart Gordon-Jeffrey Combs-Barbara Crampton horror movies I can conclusively say a number of things.
Number one, Re-Animator is the best of the three obviously holy shit it's far and away the most movie movie of the three.
Number two, the special effects in all of them are often pretty good. Sure there's some really bad parts like the frequently unconvincing cat puppets and the fact the resonator in From Beyond looks like a child's science fair project but a lot of the gore sfx work and like the full-body prosthetics they do in all three of them are really good. Giorgio in Castle Freak looks amazingly horrifying and I think that monster thing that Pretorious turns into in From Beyond is really good it's super gross body horror which is what it's supposed to be. And in all three of them, injuries and blood look fairly realistic and ik it's cause they often had like, actual medical professionals they referred to to make it realistic. With these low-budget schlock pieces it's easy to criticize many aspects of them so I wanted to take a minute to point out something that was genuinely well done.
Number three, the actors are so much better than the material and I think in a lot of cases could have been given more to work with. I think Crampton's performance in From Beyond showed that she's just as capable at playing a scientist as Combs and I think they could have done more with her character. I think Jonathan Fuller could've handled more as Giorgio, perhaps to add more nuance to an extremely black-and-white character. And I think Combs time and time again has shown that he is a very skilled actor who can bring dynamic range and physicality to a role, but in every single one of these three movies, his character ends up either dead or presumed dead at the end. Give him a fucking break. Give him a character who doesn't end up tragically and brutally killed. Hell swap his roles with Crampton, make him the nervous househusband and make Crampton the breadwinner who has to fight the freak.
All of them are enjoyable films if you're someone who enjoys movies of this caliber. I think if you're going to watch them, start with Re-Animator, and your next step depends on what you're looking for. If you want body horror scifi with some really gross looking shit, From Beyond is your man. If you're more into a traditional exploitation horror "there's a guy in our house ripping boobs off with his teeth," Castle Freak is the way to go.
Should you watch any of these if you're not prepared for horror beyond what you see in like, Halloween or Saw? Probably not, unless you're comfortable with not just gore but heightened elements of sexuality as well including some fairly rough assault scenes. And therein lies the issue with so many films like these. It's a critical failure of the industry I think. So many assault scenes are completely irrelevant to the plot and are just there for gratuitous nudity and violence against women and it's like come on guys. If you want gratuitous nudity you can get that with consent. It's more fun that way. I do try to look past these issues when looking just at the plot or craft of the movie obvs, but it's something that plagues a lot of b rate horror and you can't talk about these movies without acknowledging these problems entrenched in the history of the genre.
Again obvs Re-Animator is the best of the three but in regards to the other two. Frankly, I think I prefer Castle Freak to From Beyond, if only because some of the effects in From Beyond were so gross I could not bring myself to enjoy them, particularly with the shit they have coming out of Jeffrey Combs's head holy shit that's so gross, but that's just me. I've never been a big fan of that style of body horror, and the scifi elements weren't enough to keep me engaged beyond that. Castle Freak is a style of horror which, while absolutely an acquired taste, is often easier to ingest because most of the time you know what's going on. It has a castle and it has a freak. That's the movie. I think they're equally as poorly executed as each other so no matter what, you're going to be in for A Ride.
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dollwrites · 1 year
BABYYY I WAS GONNA WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT ASK TO SAY ALL THIS BUT I CANT WAIT I HAVE TO TELL YOU HOW GOOD THE DABI FIC WAS NEOW, CURRENTLY SHAKING, THROWING UP, TEARS RUNNING DOWN MY FACE (AND LEGS) 😭😱 I am astonished, amazed, taken aback by how good and sexy and gross it was I was fr kicking my feet and squealing the entire time 🥰 (and I mean gross in literally the best way possible like to me gross is an utmost compliment lol). While part of me wants to just love on Dabi and smother him with attention, noncon fics about Dabi are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE like roughness/sadism and noncon just fit with him so well 😍 I always love the idea of him overpowering and destroying a new inexperienced hero and the whole being taken and forced to stay in their hideout makes me feral every single time, if that was me I would "accidentally" wander into the wrong neighborhood just praying he would snatch me up and kidnap me lol. Also when he called you a fleshlight OMGGGG 😳 I fucking wish lmaoo. The way I actually screamed when he was like "we're past that by now aren't we?" and "this time I will fuck you braindead" ITS TOO MUCH I CANT HANDLE IT 😭 I could literally hear him saying it in his voice when I read his dialogue like it fits him so well lol. I love the way you made him talk like the snarky, condescending, and degrading way he talked to reader was immaculate and spot on like he so would make fun of you the entire time for enjoying it and being wet for him. He was so mean and rough which is soooo perfect like tbh I cant imagine a world where Dabi wasnt a sadistic dom, if you weren't a masochist before you would be after he was done with you. You have no idea how obsessed I am with this fic I'm so happy you decided to branch out to mha and write for Dabi 🥺 you deserve to have your ass ate for this fic fr 💖 I'm so beyond excited for any future Dabi fics you write, I would love to see you write about his quirk maybe 👀 might have to request something for him hehe 👀 but fr i wanna thank you and the shrooms for this amazing fic my life has been permanently altered lol 💖 jjk anon
BABY I DEFINITELY STILL NEED TO GET TO YOUR OTHER ASK BUT !!! I wanted you to know that I did see this and I am OVER THE MOON delighted that you liked the dabi fic!! I genuinely would not have decided to write for him if it wasn’t for you, and so it makes me so crazy happy to know that 1. You liked it but 2. That you think I got him accurate!! 💚💚 ALL I KNOW ARE THOSE CLIPS YOU SENT ME BUT I WANTED TO GET HIM RIGHT FOR YOU
I was so going to include something about his quirk in it but I got a little confused on how it works, I’ll have to read about it, I think! BUT DONT WORRY, MORE DABI FICS COMING SOON FOR YOU
Even from the clips I saw, he seemed like he’d be a mean ass dom and I’m HERE FOR IT I love writing them
And you can request whatever you want too!! Im also hoping you’ll come send me some Tokyo Revengers rqs 👁️👁️ I CANT WAIT TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH YOU IM SO EXCITED
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shiroichiban · 2 years
not a request but i felt like writing 4town friendzone angst :33
robaire quietly watched you as you strummed your guitar, you had asked for his help when coming up with a song and when he read over the words you sent him he couldn't help but feel jealous because it was literally a damn confession. it's not that he hated the lyrics, in fact it was the damn opposite, he loved them, but he knew they weren't meant for him. robaire could wish on a thousand stars that they were meant for him, that he was the one you felt this deeply for, but he knew he wasn't.
you were in the middle of saying something when he refocused his attention on you. not sure of what to say he just smiled and nodded, "so... who's it for?" he asked teasingly and felt his heart clench as he watched you blush before shaking your head and replying "it's a secret ro~"
of course it wasn't meant for him, why would it be in the first place?
jesse was busy working on the clay for your joint assignment, though he couldn't help but notice out of the corner of his eye, you talking to another classmate. keeping you in his peripherals he relaxed when you finally made your way back to the table with him.
"who was that?" he asked, trying to keep his tone light.
"oh, just a friend!" you smiled brightly, that didn't reassure him. he couldn't help but feel bitter about the thought of you with another person, just when he had found someone who genuinely wanted to be around him, who didn't think he was nothing but a playboy and fucked around, who didn't just think that he was paying the price by having to take care of his kids with no support.
but then again, why would he admit he wanted you if you were just going to leave him in the end.
Tae Young
"and leave him the fuck alone!" tae young watched you yell at the two boys who were picking on him earlier, his arms desperately wrapped around your waist as you put your body in front of him like a shield. he was safe with you, he was always safe with you.
"ugh whatever bitch have fun with your little princess!" one of the boys spat at you as he walked away with his friend making you scoff. tae could feel you turn around and wrap your arms around him, "hey bud, don't listen to them ok?" you tried to reassure him as tae young nuzzled himself into your embrace.
"thanks (name)." he mumbled as you stroked his head reassuringly, "no worries, i'm your best friend so i'll always protect you ok?"
his heart clenched, the things the bullies did to him back there couldn't compare to the pain of what you made him feel.
Aaron T.
"aww look at you two, a prankster couple i can't wait for the wedding!" your friend jokes as they nudged you towards him but you just rolled your eyes and shoved back. "ugh we're barely 20 we aren't getting married yet right t?" you joked as you looked at him, making his heart flutter for just a bit before he quipped, "yeah at best we're only getting engaged!" he exclaimed.
"ha! well whatever have fun being gross lovebirds~" with that he watched your friend walked off as you scoffed and turned to him.
"that's so stupid though, us being together?" oh. that wasn't the reaction he was expecting. "like we all know you're busy with your career and stuff. you could do so much better than me t, i'm dead serious." t couldn't think of a response, he was supposed to make some witty comment here but nothing was coming to him. everything just hurt.
"we're the type of people that are better off just friends amirite t?" you smiled, rubbing salt into the wound you unknowingly caused, but he forced a smile and nodded.
"haha yeah... just friends."
Aaron Z.
"mm... i dunno z, what if they don't like it." you sighed as he watched you assess over your confession letter for the fifth time at this point. "wish i was better at talking so i could just say it but ugh."
"whatever you make for him is good." z mumbled seriously, he wishes he was the one you thought about so relentlessly. aaron z had to keep these feelings down though, jealousy was an ugly emotion. he didn't need you seeing his ugly side when he was already so unappealing.
if only he could've been more, more expressive so he could actually tell you these things without worrying about you misinterpreting, more funny so he could actually make you laugh instead of him awkwardly staring like a brick wall throughout your conversations, more loveable because for just this once he wanted to be the one for you.
he didn't care about being number one in his fans' hearts, it was all pointless if he wasn't yours.
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The Flat Tire Part 5
We're getting into the meat of it now.
Part 4
Requests are open
1,464 words not proofread, we die like men.
Warning; Mild angst, smut interpreted, Chibs being oblivious, Juice being a little shit, more cannon typical misogny.
If you wish to be added to a tag list please leave a comment below.
Your life is changed when you get a flat tire outside of charming, and a handsome Scott comes to your rescue.
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It had been three weeks since you first met Chibs and the rest of the Sons. To say you were surprised how fast you took to them was a gross understatement, they were some of the nicest, most welcome (all be it rough around the edges) people you've ever met.
You found yourself spending more and more time at the Clubhouse, but you hadn't been to a Friday night party yet, until tonight. It's not like you hadn't been invited before but you were so busy with work that you didn't have the time.
This week you couldn't say no, not with how many times you had been asked by different people, Gemma was threatening to book you for catering just so you would be able to come.
You could hear (and feel) the music as you pulled into the compound, people were milling around the T-M nursing various drinks; however, you had a feeling that the party hadn't started yet.
Chibs had rushed over to greet you as you got out of your car, wrapping you in a firm embrace.
"Lassie! I'm glad you finally made it" he always seemed so happy to see you.
"Gemma wasn't going to let me say no again, plus, I wanted to see if these parties loved up to their reputation."
Chibs kept an arm around you as you walked into the Clubhouse building, you were enjoying the close contact more and more and he was so warm and comforting.
The moment you walked in Juice was embracing you.
"Y/N! You're here!" he reminded so much of a little puppy, always ready to be your friend and help you any way he could.
You returned his hug, squeezing his shoulder with genuine affection.
"Of course Juicy, I wouldn't miss out on seeing you again."
Chibs left you two to talk while he went and talked with Jax, things were starting to pick up and you could hear the people pilling into the car park.
There was a thrum in the air, you were hoping whether Chibs or Juice stayed close through the night because you were unsure if you were going to have fun being left to your own devices.
To your surprise, the night was going very well. The guys had come over to chat with you so you were never really alone, and Gemma was always close by.
Juice had spent most of his time with the woman he was trying so hard to impress, you had learnt her name was Jessica and that she was a preschool teacher. You had gotten quite protective over Juice so you were happy to find out she was just as sweet and kind as Juice; you thought they were a good match.
"How's your night been Darling?" Jax had grown on you, once he internalised that you weren't interested in him, his arrogance disappeared and underneath was a good friend.
"Good, supirsingly" if that comment offended Jax, he didn't let on.
"That's good Darlin. If you need anything, let one of the guys know. He sat with you for a bit longer before something else called him away.
Regardless, you began to feel uneasy and could feel someone staring at you.
"Hey pretty lady, you here alone?" His voice sounded disgusting. The man that came into your field of view was unremarkable, he was about Chibs' age, but he lacked the charm that came naturally to Chibs.
"No, I was invited" Your tone was sharp, you wanted him to leave you alone so you could get back to enjoying your night.
"Well, you're alone now. Can I buy you a drink?" he was leaning in close to you, your skin was crawling.
"No." it was a complete sentence, if he wanted any respect, he'd walk away now.
"Don't be like that, I'm just giving you a complement" you dodged his hand as he went to put it on your shoulder. If he didn't leave you alone, you were going to make a scene.
"I'm not intersted, go away." He looked over you for a moment, then he got a very nasty look on his face.
"Oh, it's like that, is it? Do you think you're too good for me? As much as you wanted to stay and stand your ground, you knew it was better to get up and walk away. Before you left him, you made sure to reach into your bag to defend yourself if he got worse.
The weight of the pocket knife in your hand gave you a lot more confidence.
"I'm going to sit by my friends, if you follow me, I'll scream."
He was taken aback but recovered quickly, then a drink was being thrown in your face.
"Stupid bitch"
Happy had jumped off a stool and taken two long strides to put himself between you and the man.
"Leave now" His voice was terrifying, you had no doubt in your mind that if he didn't walk out now, he would be dragged out.
"Thanks Hap"
Chibs appeared from nowhere, and started wiping your face with a cloth you had no idea where he got it from.
"Let's get you cleaned up Lass." Chibs put his hand on your lower back and guided you to one of the dorms.
He looked upset, a mix of angry, worried and sad.
"I'm ok Philip. I work in the service industry, if that's the worst thing that happens to me this week my life is easy."
He gave you a chuckle, although you could tell he was far from happy about your response.
He led you into the dorm next to Jax's office, and showed you the shower.
"Can you do me a huge favour?" he nodded.
"I have a go-bag in my car with a change of clothes, can you get it for me please?"
You handed him your keys and he was off, you were grateful for the few moments alone so you could collect yourself.
Chibs was back sooner than you thought, he was standing in the middle of the room, clearly looking for something to say.
"I'll give you some privacy." You had the sudden realisation that you didn't want to be left alone.
'Stay, please" he nodded, and sat on the bed.
"I'll be here as long as you need Lass."
You left the bathroom door open a crack, nowhere near wide enough for him to see anything but wide enough so you could have a clear conversation.
"I'm sorry about him y/n, he's a friends of Clay's so he gives us cheap parts, we can't really keep him away for long."
"It's ok, Happy made sure it didn't escalate." you felt better as the water washed away the sticky drink, all you wanted to do was go home and sleep.
Once you were out of the shower, Chibs moved to one side of the bed so you could sit down. There was a slight buzz in the air, like all the feelings that had built over the last three weeks were swirling around you both.
As you reach up the brush your hair Chibs interrupted, he gestured to your hairbrush and then your head.
"May I" you handed it to him with a small smile, then moved to sit closer.
"You may"
He was so gentle with you, making sure to brush from bottom to top while occasionally scratching your scalp.
"Thank you Philip."
He could almost feel him smile. His hands were big and warm and you were suddenly utterly exhausted.
"You have such lovley hair" at this point, he was well and truly done brushing it and was just touching you for the sake of it.
Your limbs moved before your brain gave them permission and then you were in his lap.
"You've been so good to me, I....." You tried to finish your sentence but were struck by the pink of his lips and the shine of his eyes.
And then, his lips were pressing into yours. It happened so suddenly, his hand were back into your hair, although this time they seemed determined to make a mess, and your arms were wrapped around his neck.
You could feel his pulling you back to lay down with you and you went without thought.
He pulled away and looked into your eyes
"Do you want this y/n" what a gentleman.
"Yes, a million times yes" You hoped you didn't sound too eager.
"Chibs, are you in........ oh shit" Juice took one look at your half-naked body on top of his brother and shut the door. You could hear him yelling at the guys as he walked away.
"Hey guys, Chibs finally grew some balls and told y/n the truth."
"Philp, what does Juice mean by that?"
Part 6
Yep I left you on a cliff-hagger, tune in next time to see if it resolves.
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mystical-lemonade · 3 years
*slams hand on table* may I please have some cater with an asexual reader s/o please <3
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 555
Pairings: Cater Diamond x m!reader
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Dating Cater would generally be lighthearted and fun
He would make every moment spent together feel like a whirlwind summer fling, even if you two had been together for years
From the outside you two would be the sweetest boyfriends, the romcom couple everyone dreams of having
Affectionate, Honest, Trusting and so very loving, you two couldn’t have a healthier relationship
So when the topic of sexual intimacy came up you'd expect your boyfriend to have his usual 'it-doesn't-matter-anyways-so-laugh-it-off' attitude
But he would take the conversation quite seriously, because he wants to have a higher level of intimacy between you two
And socially, most people expect that "next step" to be sex
So Cater genuinely wants to know if you would be comfortable with or even enjoy the idea of sex with him
When you tell Cater you're Asexual however he has to pause
Because he's not quite sure what that means?
So you'd have to clarify to him on what level, if any, sexual attraction you experience.
He would also want to know if this was a new realisation for you or if you had always known that you were ace
Is mentally panicking for a second because he's worried he would have made you feel pressured into doing something you're uncomfortable with accidentally when he asked you for a cuddle and a make out session.
So he'd probably ask in a panic if you ever felt uncomfortable because of him.
Once he knows that no he never forced you into doing anything you weren't 100% wanting to do, Cater would relax
Cater would also ask if you would be okay staying with a boyfriend who doesn't have the same sexuality as you.
Because he knows that as a same sex couple at an all boys school it can put strain on the relationship due to the teasing and potential bullying
He's very worried you might not want to stay with him because he's not ace like you
And because he is a young man who does experience sexual attraction he's worried you might think he's gross or weird for masturbating and using explicit material
Cater is also mildly worried you might consider viewing porn to be cheating
But with reassurance that you do in fact still love him even though he's allosexual
And that you don't think he's gross for experiencing sexual attraction, all will be fine
After that whole conversation Cater would ask if you were willing to cuddle with him, and you two would move on.
Past that conversation very little changes; Cater still loves being physically affectionate with you, especially after you come out to him
The amount of candid pictures of you on Cater's Magicam increases and the captions are still mushy as hell
If you were to publicly come out as asexual and you got teased, be prepared for Cater to threaten the offenders with a beat down using his unique magic
A cry of "Thats my boyfriend you asshole" could be heard by people nearby
Its kind of endearing that Cater is willing to get punished by staff in order to defend you from any would be bullies
All in all Cater loves you for you, not because he wants nothing but sex
So with your continued good communication your relationship continues to be happy and healthy
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I enjoyed writing this one, probably because it was a slower day at work so i could focus. Hope you enjoyed it Dears
If you liked this post and want to see more from me feel free to send in a request or take a look at the previous wishes. See you soon~
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Which characters have your favourite and least favourite designs, excluding Mia and Ethan because they're kinda of just human looking
Mother Miranda definitely takes the cake for favorite design to me. I know I've complained so much about how complex and utterly headache inducing it is, but it's honestly SO GOOD. Every little detail fits her perfectly, from the rings, the halo, the mask (reminding us of a plague doctor mask which goes so well with her dark mad scientist mind), plus I'm weak for wings they're just my kryptonite. Not to mention how rich with symbolism her outfit is.
Speaking of weak, the Dimitrescu sisters. Duh. I don't think anyone's surprised that I have some huge mild favoritism for them. The dresses look so great (despite the tits out despite bitter cold..... thanks capcom???) and they contrast Alcina beautifully. Not just in color scheme but also in how they're just covered in blood. Plus, the small little details like facial features that set them apart, even though I wish we would've seen their different personalities come out through their designs a little more. Oh well
And then there's Alcina. Of course. Quite expected of me. It's simple and to the point and delivers the regal yet "can and will slash you in half" just perfectly. Not gonna lie, I was genuinely annoyed back in the day, when the internet first started to go nuts for her. Kinda sick and tired of the har har romanians vampires trope, so I'm glad they weren't way too on the nose with that, despite the obvious comparison. Plus her mutated form is just terrific and I love it.
Even the other lords have very on point designs. You take one look at them and immediately know what they're about and what their areas will be like. Mysterious, gross, chaotic. If I absolutely HAD to choose a least favorite it would be Heisenberg's mutated form (emphasis on mutated, I quite enjoy his design otherwise) since imo it looks a little too messy and meh. But still, I don't necessarily hate it, just thought something else would've looked better.
I could honestly go on an hour long tangent about this but other people have already took apart and analyzed their designs so I'll spare you. I genuinely love pretty much all character designs in this game. I know i poke a lot of fun at plot nonsense or inconsistencies, but by gids did capcom know what they were doing with every single design in here.
Even the more "boring" humans do the job well imo. I love Mia and everyone knows that and I wish they would've done more with her, but the contrast between how soft she looks and the, albeit vague, knowledge of her past is amazing. Even Ethan, sure he's kinda boring but that's the point. He's just a normal guy (until the final reveal at least).
Yeah anyways the tl:dr is I adore them and my fixation on resi evil genuinely made me consider character design as an alternative career (not gonna happen, but one can dream lol)
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