#but if he keeps up like this he can definitely achieve his dreams of going to 4 Olympics
5sospenguinqueen · 8 days
Play Pretend Pt 2 | Charles Leclerc x Law Student! Reader
Summary: Lightning McQueen realises he misses Elle Woods. Or, when Charles finds out your goals always had him in mind, he realises he should've done the same.
Warnings: Swearing. Redemption. Miscommunication
Female reader with various faceclaims. Pics found on Pinterest
2024 timeline and beyond
Not really impressed with this one so apologies in advance
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri and others
YourUserName i declare my date for the weekend guilty of being too cute and snuggly
charles_leclerc i hope he is behaving
→ YourUserName he pissed in my slipper.
→ charles_leclerc how do you know it was him? whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
→ YourUserName he fell asleep at the scene of the crime
maxverstappen1 what a cute little terror
→ YourUserName he’s forcing me to watch the imola highlights so he can watch his favourite driver win again
→ maxverstappen1 🦁🦁
→ danielricciardo that is such a lie, you literally told me yesterday that i was his favourite driver
→ arthur_leclerc you are all forgetting that his uncle is his favourite driver
lilymhe sleepy boy
→ YourUserName he wore himself out running away with my highlighters
YourBestFriend okay, these pics are cute but i still don’t forgive him for eating my pizza
→ YourUserName don’t tell the internet i let him have pizza, you’ll get me into trouble with his father
→ arthur_leclerc don’t make me tell on you
→ YourUserName i thought you still liked me :(
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by charles_leclerc, lorenzotl and others
YourUserName it’s official, your honour 🎓
charles_leclerc leo and i are so proud of you, y/n/n. you worked so hard for this. enjoy every moment, you deserve it
→ YourUserName tell leo thank you for the cake. I’ll save him some for later ;)
→ User1 the wink? the wink! what does the wink mean?
User2 charles and y/n are the definition of exes who cannot stay away from each other. they don’t follow each other but they’re always lurking haha
schecoperez congratulations, y/n. look forward to seeing you soon
→ YourUserName thank you for the chocolates!
maxverstappen1 congratulations, y/n. can’t wait to see what you’ll do next
→ YourUserName kick your ass in karting
→ maxverstappen1 keep dreaming
→ YourUserName i think yesterday i proved i can achieve my dreams
User3 anyone else finding the red bull boys’ comments odd?
→ User4 no, they’re just being supportive like the rest of the grid?
danielricciardo fucking ace! well done, y/n. go forth and kick some ass
→ YourUserName who let you out of the old folk’s home
georgerussell63 how shitfaced did you get last night considering your graduation post is a day late
→ landonorris mate, she was worse than me
→ YourUserName don’t tell people that! i'm a lady
→ landonorris a lady who threw up on her kebab and then cried until pierre bought you a new one
logansargeant woohoo 🥳 it was lovely to be able to celebrate with you last night. thank you for inviting me
→ YourUserName thank you for coming! and teaching me some cool new moves
→ logansargeant yeah, let’s not talk about those. i think i put my hip out
→ danielricciardo and they call me old!
yukitsunoda0511 let’s go! well done, y/n!
lilymhe iconic elle woods behaviour
→ YourUserName what, like it’s hard
→ alex_albon getting you to drink water last night was hard
→ YourUserName 👎🏻👎🏻
redbullracing congratulations, y/n. we never doubted that you could do it
→ User5 ariana, what are you doing here
arthur_leclerc oh god, you are going to never shut up about this are you
→ YourUserName just say you’re proud of me and move on. i saw the giant bouquet of flowers, and don’t say they were from maman because i recognised your handwriting
→ arthur_leclerc damn.
YourUserName a big thank you to everyone who has supported me along this journey. to those who came to support me last night and put up with my awful drunken singing. and I suppose a thank you to the F1 grid for ensuring my home looks like a makeshift florist. i love the flowers but i will be chasing bees out of my home for at least a week
User6 they all got her flowers 🥹
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redbullracing just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and others
redbullracing no, it’s not hearsay. Y/N L/N truly has joined the Red Bull family as an intern for our legal term. we look forward to seeing what she can do, and hopefully welcoming her into the fold full-time tagged: YourUserName
maxverstappen1 um, excuse me, why the checo hat
→ YourUserName obviously because he is the #1 choice to support
→ maxverstappen1 my insta handle indicates that i’m #1
→ YourUserName that was so cheesy. i hope it gave kelly the ick
schecoperez that is a perfect hat
→ YourUserName i agree. if you sign it for me, i bet i can get it to sell for a fair bit on ebay
→ redbullracing don’t worry. we’ve got loads you can have
User7 babe broke up with THE charles leclerc and then went, and now i’m going to become besties with your rival
danielricciardo i think she should just be my personal legal aide
→ YourUserName sounds like that’ll involve an awful lot of work for somebody who has just started
→ danielricciardo i’m sorry, are you saying i’m a handful?
→ YourUserName i didn’t think you’d understand me if i spelt it
landonorris you know, if you joined mclaren, we could provide you with a papaya jacket
→ YourUserName i wasn’t aware you had any openings
→ landonorris you’d do a great job doing my washing
→ YourUserName 🖕🏻🖕🏻
User8 can somebody check on charles? make sure he’s still alive after this news
→ User9 did you see that he liked this and then unliked?
georgerussell63 this is mercedes amg erasure
→ maxverstappen1 you’ll get over it but you won’t get y/n
pierregasly congratulations, y/n/n. it’ll be nice to still see you around the paddock again
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by YourUserName, scuderiaferrari and others
charles_leclerc BEST DAY EVER ❤️ thank you for everything, i love you all
oscarpiastri congrats bro
→ User1 that’s no way to speak to your father
YourUserName leo and i are so incredibly proud of you charles. you deserve this, enjoy tonight x
→ charles_leclerc tell leo i can’t wait to celebrate with him tomorrow when i’m sober, and thank you for the gift x
→ User2 i love that they still don’t follow each other but are congratulating each other on their greatest achievements so far
→ User3 the kisses!!!!
User4 she should’ve been in the paddock
→ User5 she was! arthur posted a story celebrating, and you can catch a glimpse of her in the background
arthur_leclerc lets goooo ❤️
scuderiaferrari bravo charles!! so proud ❤️ here’s to many more
User7 the form on that dive 🍑
→ thisisnoty/n talk about buns of steel
→ User8 is this y/n’s secret account?
YourBestFriend congratulations, charles. we watched you cross the finish line and couldn't have been prouder
→ User9 we? who is we?
→ User10 we all know there’s no way y/n would miss his monaco win, even if they’re not together
YourMum félicitations, charlie. so proud to watch you grow from the teenager to this amazing man
→ charles_leclerc merci maman l/n. thank you for watching and supporting me <3
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55 and others
YourUserName fit for the weekend
danielricciardo i can’t believe max didn’t burst into flames being that close to a ferrari jacket
→ YourUserName don’t be silly. he wanted to steal it
→ maxverstappen1 don’t tell lies. i kicked her out of the garage for her betrayal
redbullracing and why aren’t you in uniform
→ YourUserName i was given the weekend off?
→ scuderiaferrari forza ferrari
→ redbullracing then what were you doing in our garage
charles_leclerc leo said you need to come back from mclaren because you ran off with his rope toy
→ YourUserName oh, that’s what leo told you, was it?
User11 okay but is this confirmation that she was in the ferrari garage for charles?
oscarpiastri you left your 81 cap in hospitality
→ landonorris she did that on purpose because the 4 cap was much better
→ YourUserName @ oscarpiastri can you bring it to family dinner for me?
User12 everyone is a ferrari fan
User13 wait, wait, wait. family dinner?! who’s in attendance, yn!!
User14 charles has followed her again!!!
→ User15 i genuinely thought he would follow max before he followed y/n again
pierregasly not the best weekend for alpine but as a die hard chary/n shipper, it was a perfect weekend
(comment deleted)
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1 year later
charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by pierregasly, francisca.cgomes and others
charles_leclerc mon coeur, the day i met you, i was a silly teenage boy who spilt his drink over you at a karting event in a way to gain your attention. and now, many years later, i can proudly call myself your fiance. every moment spent with you feels like standing on top of that podium. thank you for allowing me to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of our lives
(to the general public, y/n says you have to be nice to me about my emotional caption. don’t forget, she’s a licenced lawyer now and can sue you all for defamation)
pierregasly and to this day, i stand by the fact that telling you to spill your drink on her was the perfect way to gain her attention.
→ YourUserName i still can’t believe charles took your advice on how to flirt with women
→ pierregasly it worked though, didn’t it? and i am the proud boyfriend of beautiful kiks so, i am clearly master
→ YourUserName ew, keep your bedroom stuff to yourself
→ pierregasly you just lost your wedding present
oscarpiastri congrats you guys 🧡 i am so happy for you, my dad and future step-mother
→ YourUserName and you just got yourself banned from family dinner. i'm too young to be called stepmother
scuderiaferrari i think the theme should be disney cars
liked by YourUserName
landonorris simp
→ charles_leclerc @ YourUserName i told you he’d be mean
→ YourUserName sorry bebe but i’m not suing lando. his fans are tougher than i am
User1 charles can you fight? ‘cause your gf is too hot for you
→ charles_leclerc *fiancee
georgerussell63 mate, the fact that you managed to convince her to forgive you AND agree to marry you a year later
→ alex_albon it’s the dimples. who can resist
→ lilymhe is there something you’re not telling me?
→ alex_albon i’m in love with charles marc hervé perceval leclerc
→ YourUserName same
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lilymhe, oscarpiastri and others
YourUserName the evidence is conclusive. your papa and i cannot wait to meet you, only another 5 months to go
charles_leclerc je t’aime plus chaque jour. you are the light of my life, as well as the day you agreed to be mine forever, you have made me the happiest man
oscarpiastri i can’t believe i’m going to be a big brother
→ charles_leclerc the bestest big brother
→ User2 i love that this joke is still running two years later
scuderiaferrari all i’m hearing is that we have roughly 5 months to build a baby seat into charles’ car
pierregasly omg omg omg omg omg. stay calm, stay calm. it’s HAPPENING
→ francisca.cgomes why did you have to tell him? now i have to talk him out of buying elaborate gifts
→ charles_leclerc i love how you’re both acting like you weren’t told on the weekend
→ pierregasly i’m just so excited!
→ YourUserName @ francisca.cgomes has he stopped crying yet?
→ francisca.cgomes no
maxverstappen1 i am so happy for you y/n. baby leclerc will make such an adorable addition to the red bull garage. you will make an amazing mother after the way you have bossed checo and me around these past two years
→ YourUserName i think you mean, cared for and cherished, not bossed
User3 wait, but isn’t this the reason charles and y/n broke up two years ago
→ User4 they broke up because charles was talking about kids straight away and y/n wasn’t ready. they’ve now been married for a year so i’m guessing she’s ready now
liked by YourUserName
redbullracing brb working on building a baby play area in the office so you don’t have to worry about childcare. i’m a good babysitter and we can babyproof the garage. it'll be great!
→ User5 i think it’s safe to say everyone at red bull are excited for baby y/n
schecoperez felicidades y/n and charles. what lovely news. mucho amor to you both
danielricciardo i ate way too many cupcakes at the announcement party though. i swear the frosting changed something inside me
→ User6 you’re telling me that the grid were invited to the baby announcement 🥹 be still my beating heart
→ User7 and according to inside sources, a few of them cried
→ alex_albon whoever’s telling you that i cried, don’t listen to them!
→ lilymhe don't lie to the people
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by YourUserName, maxverstappen1 and others
charles_leclerc when your little man can’t decide if he wants to be like his maman or papa from one day to the next so he combines both for his 5th birthday
YourUserName not featured is baby lec running around with a mini gavel sentencing everyone to prison whilst wearing his race helmet
alex_albon i still think my sentence was a bit harsh
→ lilymhe you deserved those 10 minutes on the naughty step, you ate all the mini doughnuts!
→ alex_albon yes but he finished it by smashing me in the kneecaps with the gavel
→ YourUserName yeah, he gets that from charles, sorry
→ charles_leclerc 😱
redbullracing happy birthday to our favourite leclerc! we hope to see you back in the paddock soon
→ charles_leclerc stop trying to steal my son, you already have my wife!
→ YourUserName and i thought i was your favourite leclerc!
→ User8 admin going to have some angry parents to contend with on sunday
maxverstappen1 i still think uncle max wins best present
→ YourUserName i can’t believe you had it engineered to go that fast
→ pierregasly yes but uncle pierre will be helping papa charles to repaint it so it’s not covered in red bull logos
→ maxverstappen1 @ YourUserName if he does that, i’m going to unfollow him again
→ YourUserName ffs pierre, i just got them to publicly make up, kiks, tell him
→ franscisca.cgomes behave yourself
jensonbutton little man clearly knows his mum is way cooler
liked by charles_leclerc
danielricciardo please stop inviting me to events where there are cupcakes. i have no control and your mini monster just laughed as i sobbed whilst shoving another one in my mouth
→ landonorris i don’t think you should say these things online
charles_leclerc also not featured is y/n crying all morning about her baby boy growing up
→ YourUserName charl, don’t lie to the fans. they all know you’re the one crying
→ charles_leclerc but he was so little, and he used to come to work with us and now he’s telling us he wants to be just like his clever mummy and his fast daddy and - i just cannot 😭
→ maxverstappen1 @ YourUserName like i said on your wedding day, are you sure this is the one you want to marry?
→ YourUserName afraid so
→ charles_leclerc i would divorce you but you are a very good lawyer and i do not imagine i would come out of it so well
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Requests welcome. I will be doing more Part 1s for some of the other drivers.
Baby Fever Angst Series
Daniel's Version | Max's Version | Lando's Version
Lance's Version | Oscar's Version
Tag list
@callsignwidow @luvrrish @evans-dejong @sadsierra2 @justdreamersdream @spookystitchery @dark-night-sky-99 @majusialikesfastcars @luckyladycreator2 @mrosales16 @reguluscrystals @tvdtw4ever @alwaysclassyeagle @gigicisneros @thecubanator2 @goldenharrysworld @awritingtree @jxnellat @lav3nder-haze @hc-dutch @mxdi0 @buckybarnessweetheart @ironmaiden1313 @dreamercrowd @yourbane @glow-ish @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @weekendlusting @lemon-lav @minkyungseokie @bibissparkles @emryb @barcelonaloverf1life @willowpains @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @rlalliehayes @softtina @marvelfangirl04 @love-simon @peachiicherries @rosecentury
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evilminji · 2 months
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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fictionplumis · 2 years
Listen, I know Dream winning his duel with Lucifer with hope is like... A BIG DEAL and super symbolic and beautiful, HOWEVER I have something that may not be better, but would definitely be FUNNIER. 
Dream loses. He's been locked in a bubble and had his hopes dashed again and again, even though he's still fighting and still hopeful, it's harder for him to reach that and it doesn't come to mind in time for him to win against Lucifer. He's to stay as a servant in Hell and there's no Endless or divine being that can or will come to his aid. He's trapped. Again. 
Only Matthew isn't Jessamy, Matthew knows when the best way to help is a tactical retreat to gather reinforcements. So that's what he does, going immediately to Luciene like, "Hey, so, uh..." And there has to be some way they can help him! Luciene makes it clear that none of the dreaming denizens can. None of the Endless can, no deity would be of any help there against Lucifer. There are Old Laws dictating that Dream lost fair and square and no one can interfere with that. And Matthew's like, "Well what about someone who can challenge Lucifer to win him back? Someone not bound by the Old Laws?" 
"The only beings not bound by the Old Laws are humans. There's no human--" 
Except there is. There's one. One human that Dream would go off once a century to meet, and it's a long shot, but-- 
That's how Hob Gadling finds himself being approached by a talking raven asking him to trek into hell to rescue his boss. "You know, Dream of the Endless? Lord Morpheus?" 
Hob doesn't know who the hell the bird is talking about until Matthew describes him. "Oh, my Stranger!"
"...He seriously didn't even tell you his name?" 
Now, the idea of setting foot into Hell itself to do battle with Lucifer Morningstar is, y'know... Not something he wants to do. He confirms over and over if Matthew is SURE he doesn't have to die to achieve this, because he's not ready to leave yet, and Matthew is like, "Yeah, buddy, shouldn't be a problem." He's lying. He has no idea if it's a problem. (It's not.) 
Hob is like, "Yeah, but... I can't FIGHT Satan himself and expect to win, I AM still human." 
And Matthew's like, "You don't actually have to fight her, it's like a game! But uh... Pretty sure you still feel all the pain and stuff." And he explains the rules, and like, okay, feeling the painful death of whatever kills whatever you decide to be in your round SUCKS, but Hob's been through that before. It's actually a pretty intriguing game, one he thinks he might win. 
See, the way he sees it, it's a combination of the "times infinity" type of game (I love you, I love you more, I love you times two, I love you times a thousand, I love you times a million-- so on and so on) with that counting game where you either say one or two numbers, back and forth with someone, and whoever says 21 loses. Basically, there's one logical conclusion the game is going to reach. Someone is going to bust out the "times infinity" or in this case, "heat death of the universe" or some other completely life-ending thing. And like with the counting game, if you can get your opponent to say specific numbers on the way to 21, you can make sure they're forced to say it. 
There's a strategy if you think ahead enough, and he has an entire walk through Hell to plan it. 
(It SUCKS. He sees Robyn there. It breaks his heart. It's meant to, it's meant to keep him from reaching the palace, seeing his son in Hell, but they don't know Hob. They don't know the grief he's had to overcome in order for him to say, with absolute certainty, that he still wants to live even though it hurts. He reaches that citadel.)
Dream is, of course, horrified to see Hob there. Hob meanwhile is like a jilted exe all, "Yeah, yeah, we're not friends, you stood me up, but I'm still here for you because I'm the bigger person and I fucking care." 
He challenges Lucifer for Dream's helm and their safe passage out of Hell. Lucifer is... Intrigued. She just beat Dream of the Endless, and this human thinks he can beat her when humanity's collective unconsciousness couldn't? His immortality has made him cocky, clearly. So she accepts, and bargains that if Hob loses, he has to give up his immortality. 
There's a good minute where Hob pauses at that and has to really think about whether his arrogant, condescending not-friend is really worth that but yeah, yeah he is. Meanwhile Dream is off to the side. "Don't do this, Hob Gadling. It is not your responsibility to fix my missteps." Basically his version of pleading for Hob to leave and not risk this up until Lucifer is like enough out of you and shuts him up. 
They play. Lucifer starts out with the wolf again, because it's a good starting point to see what direction her opponent plans to take, to get a glimpse into Hob's mindset entering this game. Her plan is, of course, to cause pain enough that Hob will have a hard time thinking, but Hob makes that really fucking hard from the get-go and throws everyone in the room for a loop when his answer is...
"I am the over hunting of the local deer population. Ecosystem destabilizing, predator killing."
Well. Okay. Yeah, sure. Fucking fine. It's hard to kill that painfully. Lucifer manages to come up with, "I am hunting restrictions, nature preserving, ecosystem balancing." 
Hob, by that point, is like, I got this, actually. This might be fun. "I am the expansion of civilization. Forest destroying, hunting law nullifying." 
Matthew, who had been feeling pretty iffy about calling this guy in to help, is no longer questioning that choice. Dream is a little starry-eyed. 
Eventually Hob is the head of the Home Owner's Association. Lucifer is a bear, scrap hunting, person killing. Hob is family, revenge-seeking, bear euthanizing. Lucifer is Pride, argument starter, family destroying. Hob is friendship, blood covenant, thicker than womb water. Lucifer is jealousy, friendship rending, relationship ruining. Hob is personal growth, jealousy ending, apology giving. Lucifer is relapse, progress destroying, confidence killing. Hob is perseverance, step taking, progress rebuilding. On and on until finally Lucifer decides to end this the way she did with Dream and Hob leads her along until it reaches that natural conclusion, the death of all. 
Now there's some temptation there to go with the obvious, since he can't die even if the universe was destroyed. At least he doesn't think so. But he had already decided that it was an obvious choice to go for and he could think of a few clever ways Lucifer might get around that. So instead, Hob goes the far better choice and personal insult of being God, universe creator, life giver. He's very proud of himself when the demons erupt into boos and Lucifer looks about ready to rip his fucking throat out with her teeth. 
The way he sees it, there are two choices for her there, unless she really pulls something unexpected out of her ass. Option one is the whole "what's a god to an atheist" thing in which Hob would have then been a miracle, faith affirming, god-proving. Not much can destroy a miracle. 
But Lucifer, livid and prideful, goes with option two. "I am Lucifer Morningstar, God defying, His Kingdom ripped sunder!" 
And Hob has the absolute glee to grin and go, "I am Hob Gadling, clever, death defying, and triumphant over Lucifer Morningstar."
He and Dream are promptly kicked out of Hell on their asses, Dream's helm is thrown at his head with a force strong enough to break the sound barrier, and the gates are slammed shut behind them. The whole thing is so humiliating that Lucifer has to change their gender and moves to LA to open a nightclub.
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welcometomyoasis · 4 months
Seventeen with an s/o who is book smart but not street smart
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Synopsis: What seventeen would be like with an academically overachieving, book smart s/o who is not the most street smart person in the world.  Svt x academic overachiever gn! reader | fluff, comfort | 1.78k words | warnings: lack of sleep, neglect of self-care, stress, food, minor injury, bullies, robbery | requested by anon and @nonononranghaee A/n: i feel like this is literally me… idk if this is good because i didn’t really know how to write this well… also yes i am aware jun's face is cut off in the photo but i'm too lazy to change the image rn...
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Preamble: When your boyfriend first met you, he was taken in by your determination and your drive to succeed academically. He admired that about you. Your voice held so much conviction when you spoke about what you wanted to achieve in your chosen field. You had high aspirations and you told him straight up that you would stop at nothing to make your dreams come true. You would always be busy. You took extra classes, did extra research, and worked incredibly hard on all your assignments. You would pour over all your research for hours on end to make sure you had done everything perfectly. No detail would be overlooked. Your efforts always allowed you to have an edge over others, and you excelled. Your boyfriend was so proud of you for always pushing yourself to make sure your dreams came true. The only thing is, as time goes on, he starts to realise that your efforts and ability to excel academically came at a cost… 
✎ᝰ How are you still alive? 
Seungcheol, Joshua, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu
𖠋 No offense to you, but uhm this is how you’ve been surviving? He’s actually in shock. Let’s start with the fact that your working environment is a mess. Papers and books are scattered all over your desk, there’s a million cups lying around with each one being filled with different types of caffeinated drinks. There’s snack wrappers everywhere. You haven’t eaten a proper meal in forever, and you’re running on 2 hours of sleep. 
𖠋 Then there’s the fact that you lack situational awareness. You’re often engrossed in pouring over your notes when you’re walking which means that there is more than once when you’ve bumped into other people/ things/ walls because you don’t notice what is in front of you. You have bruises and bandages littered on your fingers because you’re constantly dropping books and hot beverages on yourself. There’s been multiple occasions when your wallet or your phone has “gone missing” because you’re too busy looking at your work and you forget to keep your valuables that were left on the table. And if you do encounter unknown situations if you’ve gotten lost, you freeze not knowing what to do (like if your car breaks down or you’ve gotten lost).
𖠋 So, his question is just how are you still alive? You’re academically successful, and you can recite all the theories you need to know in your chosen field. But at what cost? Your health? Your safety? Your wellbeing? He’ll definitely need to teach you to be more aware of your surroundings. Like look up when you’re walking, be mindful of the people around you. If you get lost, look at a map or call him. In the meantime, he’ll have to be extra careful and take on the role of being your protector. He’ll make sure you don’t bump into anything, and he’ll scare off anyone who wants to take your things. 
𖠋 Besides that, his first priority is your wellbeing. He will pry you away from your desk and lock you out of the room while he helps you to clear up the litter from your desk. He’ll force you to take a break by bringing you out or forcing you to rest with him. He’ll also make sure that you’re well fed with food that he has cooked/ ordered. You need to be able to have a wholesome, warm meal instead of surviving off snacks. Of course, he’s also making sure that you’re going to rest so he’ll tuck you next to him either on the bed or at the couch for a nap or just a cuddle session. It’s to give your mind and body a break. 
𖠋 While he can’t help you with your work, you can be sure that he’ll take care of you and ensure your safety. Just please! Be more mindful of your surroundings… he’s had so many scares because of the number of walls you’ve almost walked into. 
✎ᝰ Why are you like this… 
Jeonghan, Junhui, Minghao, Seungkwan
𖠋 He’s just in disbelief. Sorry did you trade your common sense for being academically smart? Just how, and why are you so muddle headed? How can you be so smart, and yet so dumb (for lack of a better word)? He’s seen you read thick academic books about all sorts of theories in a day, but you can’t read a map? You can’t even find your way properly despite there being signs all around you? He’s seen you find a small minor flaw in someone’s research that could upset their whole argument, but you can’t find you keys? You have a key holder by the door, why have you misplaced your keys again? Also, did you just ask him if you should bring a jacket to the library even though you know you get cold whenever you go there? He’s just speechless. But this problem of your muddle headedness is easy enough to manage and resolve. 
𖠋 The bigger problem is that you’re too naive. You trust others too easily and are often taken advantage of. People in your course know how smart you are, and they want to know what you know. They see getting close to you and asking you about your research/ the previous days’ lectures, as a shortcut to getting an A in class. Because you’re more than happy to share, thinking of it as a way to gain new insights, you’re usually so open to sharing your notes with them. It’s just that they often don’t reciprocate your kindness and they make copies of your notes to be their study guide. During group work, everyone wants to be in your group, and you’re usually left doing all the work because you need it to be perfect. Regardless of how stressed you are, or how little work everyone else has done, you’ll take the extra effort to perfect your project. In the end, others who took advantage of you get their As at the expense of your wellbeing and effort. When your boyfriend sees this, he can’t stand it. 
𖠋 He teaches you that you can’t always be kind to them. Even though academics is about teamwork and collaboration, it is also competition. You don’t always have to share your work with others. Keep the good parts of your research to yourself. And when it comes to group work, everyone should do their fair share. Why should you have to put in the extra effort just to pull up the other weaklings in the group. He starts to keep a closer eye on you when you do your work. When you start to get too engrossed, he’ll break you out of that by giving you tea or snacks. He’ll make sure you take frequent breaks, and he’ll make sure that your research stays yours. He’s intuitive and because you usually tell him everything about your work, he will know if someone tries to take advantage of your work. In those situations, he’ll caution you to be careful, and to not let them get their way. But if they are too pushy and you find yourself in a bit of a pickle not being able to say no, he’ll step in. Whoever tries to take advantage of your intellect and work will have hell to pay. 
✎ᝰ You know what? He can’t say anything because he’s exactly like you.
Hoshi, Woozi, Vernon, Dino
𖠋 He sighs in exasperation, but doesn’t feel that he has the right to lecture you because he recognises your need to excel at whatever cost. Whatever you’re doing to succeed, the all nighters, the caffeine intake, the need to push yourself physically to complete whatever it is you’re working on, he’s done all that before. He recognises the bags that exist under your eyes, and it’s the same ones that appear under his eyes when he’s working on something. It’s a mark of your efforts, and the mark that you’re pushing yourself too far and too hard. He definitely feels bad, he doesn’t like seeing you so stressed and running on so little sleep. He feels helpless. He can’t help you to ease the burden you’ve placed on yourself, and he knows there’s no way of breaking you out of this self-destructive cycle until you’ve decided that you’ve done enough. Is this how the rest of his members/ family feels when they see him pushing himself? 
𖠋 He also admits that it is like you both lack common sense sometimes despite you both excelling in your chosen fields. Things that should come naturally to you don’t. If you feel unwell, you should rest, but no, you think it’s just one of those phases when you’ve hit a roadblock in your work and you continue to push on. If it’s raining, you should bring an umbrella, but no, you both usually decide to just hug your bag to yourself and run in the rain. If there is a puddle avoid it?? But no, you usually don’t even look where you’re going because your mind is racing from everything you need to do and you end up with wet shoes and socks. 
𖠋 You both end up laughing and bonding over your shared experiences. Still, because you both admit that this type of behaviour is self-destructive, you make an agreement to constantly keep an eye out for one another. Walks in the park, going out for dates, it’s all pre-arranged as a way to get both of you out from the house/ office. You both constantly remind each other that if you are unwell and stressed, there’s no way that you’ll be able to do anything because your body is fighting against being pushed too far. You both have to remember that it is better for you to take frequent breaks rather than to be out of commission for a long time because your mind and body have crashed. Only then will you both be able to do your best at all times. There’s also no rush since you’ve been putting in so much effort until this point. There’s nothing wrong with being kind to yourselves and taking a little break. You both do feel like broken records sometimes, but it’s necessary to make sure that you both don’t push yourselves too far. 
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taglist: @weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies @mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii @scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse
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rumisgf · 7 months
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includes: katsuki bakugou, denki kaminari, shoto todoroki
warnings: college!au, black reader obv, suggestive, she/her pronouns used once
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you can try to get pouty or sassy with him if you want to, but it is not a game you will win. one thing he likes is checking yo ass (cs he knows you secretly get a kick out of it).
“fix that attitude ‘fore i fix it for you.”
and he does not let you smart mouth him at all. he’s the sassy one, not you babes.
“what’chu say?”
you start trynna cuss at him or give him more attitude? he’ll deadass look to the left, to the right, behind him, then look back at you and be like “oh, you talkin’ to me?”
“ay, watch yo mouth.”
possessive in not a toxic way but still obvious
he cares a lot about your grades and he’ll memorize your classes so if you decide to skip a day or two, he’s texting you making sure you at least did your work
and like y’all are still in highschool, he’ll deadass take your phone if you need to catch up and keep it in his pocket
“uh uh, yer not gettin’ this back until you finish. we clear, baby?”
unconsciously flexes his jaw when he stretches
digs his tongue into his cheek whenever he’s focused and furrows his eyebrows
bakugou manspreading. that’s all.
if he sees someone trying to flirt with you he will deadass laugh in their face
moves you out of the way by grabbing your waist
if he wants you to sit with him he simply pats the spot next to him (or sometimes his lap) and is like “c‘ mere”
if you couldn’t tell, yeah he likes to give orders (☺️)
speaking of orders, knows your food order from every place you like by heart
and is the one who sends your food back if they get your order wrong
“yo, excuse me! yeah send this shit back she didn’t want pickles on her shit.”
he actually talks to older adults very respectfully
as he got older, he matured and his manners towards his professors is definitely one of the things that swept you off your feet
he knows damn well when you missed him and loves to be especially affectionate just to have you all shy under his touch and with his words
“hi pretty babyy”
“aww, am i making you nervous?”
“you miss me my princess?”
“you’re real cute, y’know that?”
when you achieve something like learning how to play a game he’s showing you or doing good on an exam he always says things like “see, there you go” “good job, baby ‘m so prouda you”
he’s very attentive to you, he lets you be clingy whenever you want
taps his pencil gently with his fingers or plays with his rings whenever he’s trying to focus hard on something
then when he’s confused he runs his fingers through his hair with furrowed eyebrows and his lips pouted up
always responds with “yes, baby?” whenever you say his name to get his attention
and to make sure he’s not neglecting you all the time when he sits down to play video games he has you either cuddled up in his lap, sitting between his legs on the floor, or laying your head on his lap depending on how he’s sitting
no matter who he’s with always greet you with “hi baby” or “hey babe”, he has absolutely no shame showing affection to you
definitely participate in all those tiktok slideshows where people show off they girlfriends
pulls you into his lap by the waist
<< his morning voice 33
getting to go to the gym with him or at least see him after he goes to the gym is a true blessing bc his messy hair immediately makes him 10x hotter
always hugs you tightly and wraps both arms around your body
and loves hugging you from behind
hypes up every post you make and spams your comments
when he gets mad it makes you feel all hot, especially because it’s rarely directed at you
his voice. that’s all.
he’s so polite and treats you like the highest human being on earth (as he should)
“are you alright, my love?”
“i’m so sorry my angel, let me make it up to you please.”
“here, i’ll carry that for you love.”
“goodnight my princess, i’ll be dreaming about you.”
he hugs you with his whole body, making sure he can feel every inch of your skin pressed up on his.
and he makes you do it to, pulling you in by your waist flush against his stomach.
makes sure to hold your hand every time he’s walking you somewhere because your safety is a priority to him
always ask before he does things, he hates feeling like he’s making you uncomfortable. “can i kiss you?” “is this okay? “you sure you want to, lovely?”
contrary, to popular belief he’s way too good at eye contact
and then gets confused when you become all flustered even though he’s staring into your eyes as you speak
“what’s wrong? is there something on my face?”
but eventually you admit how nervous it makes you, and he takes note
so now, he especially looks you in your eyes during conversation
“hmm? go ahead sweetheart i’m listenin’.”
whenever he’s studying for an upcoming exam, he leans back more in his seat and when he goes to stretch, his shirt lifts up and reveals his lower stomach
he comes well dressed no matter how bad of a day he’s having or what time he woke up
whenever he walks in a room, trust he got that shit on (because he’s way too rich to be dressed like a fool)
his dorm is always clean: bed’s always made, has a specific shelf for school supplies, etc
him cursing. that's all.
whenever you fall asleep on his chest he holds you tight under his free arm with his hand over your head, just because he wants so bad to protect you
in general tends to be protective
keeps a hand on your waist at events, walks next to the road on the sidewalk and will make sure you dont, puts his hand in front of you if the car stops too hard, all that
© rumisgf
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angelyuji · 1 year
yandere headcanons :0
across the spiderverse characters: peter b parker, miles, gwen, miguel, hobie, pavitr
warnings: the usual yandere stuff (kidnapping, manipulation, stalking)
(imagine miles, gwen, pavitr like college age) (gender neutral reader)
peter b
literally so in love with you
he’s not the type to sit and stalk you from a far, but he’s also not straight up kidnapping you
he’ll watch you, find out your interests, find your social media, everything he needs to figure out how to be your perfect lover <3
he becomes your friend and integrates himself into your life
if you like him, he has no reason to separate you from your family or friends becuz he’s the perfect boyfriend. no one has anything negative to say abt him
if you don’t… he’ll do anything to make you like him.
convince you your whole family is evil and he’s the only one really looking out for you
he’s awkward and sweet and kind and so funny and it’s hard not to believe him
wants the American dream life: white picket fence, house in the suburbs, marriage, kids
that’s his dream for the both of you and he doesn’t really care if you don’t have the same dream
“you’re my dream, (y/n). everything i do, it’s always been for you.”
miles (aged up!)
miles is similar to peter b but like also not
very stalker but like without knowing, he’d pass your place over and over during his patrols around the city without realizing
he’d never kidnap you or do anything reallyyy morally wrong
howeverrr he’s absolutely in love with you, so like small little things
stalking, stealing small things from you, finding out the shampoos or different things you use or eat.
he feels closer to you, knowing he knows you better than anyone else.
after a long time, he’ll work up the courage to talk to you (“accidently” bumping into you at a coffee shop or a place you visit frequently) miles (albeit awkward) is a charmer, so you’re instantly smitten.
plus! he loves all the things you do, so you’re a match made in heaven :)
“hey, (y/n)! we meet again!”
gwen (aged up!)
gwen doesn’t try to interact with you much
she’s definitely afraid of putting you in danger or losing you just because you got close
she’ll watch over you and protect you from danger tbh like
for example, sayyy someone was harassing you at work and/or school, you’d probably successfully get that off your ass or at least they leave you alone for the day, butttt gwen would not feel satisfied.
gwen would find where they live and absolutely beat the living shit out of them
seeing someone bother you makes her vision go red like
basically your guardian angel
she would never bother you really just protecting you from afar
you’ll never notice tbh
unless some big bad guy found out that ghost-spider has been following around a random civilian…
well then, she’ll have to keep you safe
she’ll keep you safe in her apartment, whether you want to be there or not.
“every single thing i do, i do it to keep you safe.”
miguel (won’t be writing in spanish cause i don’t know spanish srry guys) (but he def calls you cute nicknames in spanish)
HEHHEHEHEE (my bad im just literally in love)
gwen but like 10000000 times more intense
the moment he lays eyes on you, babes you’re FUCKED
he’s snatching you up
however! the first thing he’ll check is if you’re super important to the “safety” of the timeline
no offense but ur not at all important saurrr FREE GAMEE
he’s definitely kidnapping you and keeping you hostage at HQ
he doesn’t bother with the whole stalking thing or becoming friends or anything like that
he doesn’t care if you don’t want to come with him, your opinions do not matter to him at all
he believes that he’s your protector, that everything that he’s doing is for your own good
you don’t know what’s best for yourself, only miguel knows what’s best for you (at least that’s what he thinks)
his only goal is to keep you with him, he wants a family and he believes that with you… he can achieve his dreams
if you’re a part of the Spider Society, Miguel can’t really do anything to you without other people noticing or disrupting the timeline
but yk… it’s better to be a rando from whatever universe to have miguel’s attention (but that’s just my opinion i suppose)
“you are mine. you will never leave me.”
hobie (will not be writing his british accent sorry im bad at accents)
i love him he’s so funny
you’ve been friends for a long time, he was in a band with you before he quit
he doesn’t really stay in one place for long
he’s a lot like a mix of gwen and miles
he believes keeping you safe is by staying close to you, but he also watches over you when you’re alone
he falls for you because of how positive you are, you never talk badly about anyone, but you’re always down to do anything.
you always join him for every protest, at his every show
he flirts with you constantly, loving how you blush away at the attention
constantly giving you attention and love, but a little manipulative about it at the same time
he never wants to kidnap you or keep you hostage, it’s against everything he stands for
he knows that if you didn’t like him, you’d never be by his side
so he believes that keeping you free is what keeps you near him
“we’re free birds, (y/n). with you by my side, we’re unstoppable.”
pavitr (aged up!) (this is gonna be very non-yandere tbh) (ILOVEHIM)
my little cutie pie i love him
i can’t really imagine being a yandere type character but he would be similar in miles and hobie
no kidnapping or stealing tho
slight stalking, just watching over you all the time, making sure you’re safe
he’s my little cutie pie moroenfakds
he’s flirty and funny
you’d be classmates when you meet him
you’d click very quickly tbh he’s just so easy to get along with
he’s absolutely terrified of your parents, very respectful tho so your parents love him
very passionate about how much he likes you, would quite literally shout it from the rooftops (and he does every day)
ugh i love him
"you're my world, (y/n). i love you so much."
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fastandcarlos · 29 days
Dating A⇴Z Headcanon ⇴ Charles LeClerc
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Charles is an incredibly affectionate person, particularly when the two of you are behind closed doors. He loves having you as close to him as possible, where his hands can rest on your waist or his fingertips can brush gently through your hair.
You both knew of each other before you started dating, you’d passed each other a few times in the paddock and smiled politely at one another as you rushed around to get all of your jobs done for your teams. However as soon as you’d finished your first conversation, Charles was sure that you were someone who he wanted to get to know and spend a lot of time alongside.
One night when things were starting to get packed up and everyone was preparing themselves to head home after the race, Charles took a hold of your hand and pulled you into a quiet corner, making sure that there was definitely no one around. He was supposed to be celebrating yet another podium but instead he found himself sat in front of you, pouring his heart out to you as he found himself unable to clear his mind of thoughts of you.
He treats you like the most important thing in the world when it comes to your dates, Charles pays close attention to the things that you like and organises things that he knows you’ll enjoy. Most of your dates are usually quite private as Charles hates to have your moments together ruined by fans or cameras. Your favourite date with Charles was when he took you out to dinner, with you both dressed up wanting to impress the other, enjoying endless conversation as you sat at a table which always overlooked the beautiful sunset of Monaco.
It was well known that you weren’t the first partner that Charles had, but he was adamant that with you things felt completely different and more special than with anyone else before. At times you worried that you didn’t live up to those who came before you, however Charles was always there to reassure you and insisted time and time again that he was at his happiest whenever he was with you. He didn’t care how many times he told you, whatever relationships he had before didn’t matter to him now that he had found you.
There are definitely moments when Charles can get quite passionate and sometimes you both tend to get a little bit heated with one another. However, Charles never lets an argument go on for longer than it needs to, mostly because he knows how little time you have to spend together, and he absolutely refuses to leave you for work knowing that the two of you aren’t talking. Even if you don’t want to talk to him, Charles will talk at you and make sure that you know how he feels and how sorry he is, especially when he reluctantly has to admit that he’s the one in the wrong.
You were like another sibling in his family, you got on with his siblings like a house on fire and they were definitely fond of you. You’d felt welcomed by them since day one and it melted Charles heart being able to sit back and watch as you and his brothers made each other laugh and teased one another at every opportunity.
There was never any pressure from Charles for the two of you to move in together, but that didn’t stop him dropping hints constantly about how nice it would be. He loved having you at his place where he was able to keep an eye on you, and if he was honest, the day you agreed to move in with him was one of Charles’ favourite days ever.
Charles was the first one to whisper those three little words as the two of you reunited at the end of a race. Monaco was special, but when Charles finally won it, he was on top of the world. As his arms wrapped around you, he whispered closely into your ear, wanting you to know how big of a part you’d also played in helping you finally win the race and achieve his dreams.
He had his moments when Charles would find himself getting jealous, he wasn’t proud of it, but he couldn’t help being so protective of you and your relationship together. If someone started talking to you that left a sour taste in his mouth, Charles would stand a little bit closer to you and usually wrap his arm around you as if he was silently sending a message to the person to let them know that you were his and there was no point them even trying to get to know you.
There was no secret from Charles that he wanted to have kids, but he also made it clear to you that he was in no rush and would happily wait. He promised to wait until you were both ready, but that didn’t stop him gushing sometimes about what an incredible mum you would be someday. Quite often you would snap Charles out of a daydream as he found himself wondering about how amazing a family of your own would be.
The two of you were a double act together, you knew exactly how to make each other laugh which made others laugh around you too as they watched you both goof around. At times you had quite a blunt humour with one another, your dry jokes would leave you both sniggering and prodding against the other person in fits of giggles. You particularly found yourself laughing at Charles’ silly side, a part of him that he often saved for behind closed doors, not wanting to share that side of himself with the rest of the world.
It was tricky for Charles to be away from you, he would always worry about you and want to know that you were safe. In the back of his mind, he’d never quite find himself able to not fret a little bit. Whenever he had a spare couple of minutes he would be trying to get in contact with you, keen to hear your voice and see for himself that things were alright. As much as he wished that you could constantly be by his side, Charles was also very supportive and aware of the fact that you had your own career and that sometimes you needed that time apart in order to both be able to achieve your dreams.
Charles was full of nicknames for you, the sweeter the better as far as he was concerned. He loved when his nicknames were able to make your smile turn up and turn the colour in your cheeks into a slight crimson colour.
He was obsessed with your smile as it filled Charles heart with love. He was always wanting to make sure you were happy, and knowing that he was the reason for that smile made it all the more meaningful.
Neither of you were huge on PDA, however everyone knew that you were a couple. Charles often held your hand or wrapped his arm around your waist to make sure that you were by his side and didn’t end up getting separated from him, and when he felt his confidence grow, he’d be there to plant a sweet kiss against your lips.
One of the things Charles loved to do was ask you questions about your futures. He was intrigued to know how you saw the rest of your life panning out, particularly when you talked about how you envisioned life with Charles.
No one aside from you knew this, but in his race boot Charles kept a photo of you so that you were still with him whenever he raced. He slid it in randomly once when he was still a junior and it seemed to bring him luck, and so ever since then it had just continued to be routine for him. He never changed the photo, despite the fact after so many years it was getting damaged, as he never wanted to change his superstition.
The most important thing to Charles when the two of you have sex is that you feel loved and that you feel adored in his company. He’s surprisingly romantic when it comes to those intimate moments between the two of you, Charles can be quite vocal, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and running his fingers through your hair. He’ll do anything just to make sure that you know exactly how much he loves you.
It’s the first thing that Charles does when he wakes up in the morning, he always sends you a message to see how you’ve slept or wish you good night, depending on where you are in the world and your difference in time zones.
You were the centre of Charles’ world and he couldn’t be prouder to make sure that everyone else knew that too. He gushed about you constantly and gave you a lot of credit for all of the amazing things he was doing in life.
During the off season Charles loved to go away with you, switching off from everything and forgetting about the chaos that usually followed your lives. Your phones would be off and your attention would solely be on each other as you explored a new place together and made plenty of new memories with one another too.
Although Charles was understanding when other people were around, that didn’t stop him from whining when you weren’t paying even just a small bit of attention to him too.
You always felt the amount of love that Charles had for you in his kisses. Each one was delivered to you with sentiment and meaning, he never liked to just kiss you without reason. His favourite place to kiss you was against your cheek or against the corner of your smile as when he leaned over your shoulder to place it there it meant that Charles had the perfect view of your smile when he pulled away from you again.
You were everything to Charles, he simply adored you.
One thing about Charles that never fails to surprise you is how cuddly he is at night, he refuses to let you go and makes sure to hold you as close to his chest for warmth as possible.
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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dreamermonica · 1 year
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—includes isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, michael kaiser (sorry if this asshole's part is freakishly longer than the other boys' parts. favoritism exists in this blog, unfortunately.)
—fem pronouns are used, swearing cause it's me, major crack, fluff, messy attempt at humor, teenage pining and such, god help me t.t
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ISAGI YOICHI is definitely childhood friend material. sworn friends ever since diapers, promises of being together till the very end, marriage proposals at the tender age of 6—all that type of cheesy stuff that would get you squealing and have your little feet kicking in the air out of giddiness. but as time goes on with him being set on football and you doing your own thing, the promise gradually gets left behind in your heads, slowly getting buried underneath all the pressure of being an adolescent. the once childish promise only resurfaces during an unexpected reunion—with both of you having achieved your dream careers. will your puppy love rise once more from the depths of your memories and perhaps turn into something...more serious? hah. what are you talking about? this old friend of yours should take you out for a proper dinner first, atleast.
BACHIRA MEGURU with the ugly duckling trope. no friends, seen as an outcast, too eccentric for his other classmates to comprehend—and there's you—the popular and extroverted individual loved and befriended by many others. you as the campus crush, who found an interest in the lonely bowl cut boy. though your curiosity is piqued at first, you were quite reluctant in actually befriending him. with rumors of him being a weirdo—most people often shy'd away from the idea of letting him inside their radars. but you aren't going to let that stop you from—wait, he's actually super sweet? and kind too? surprisingly a huge sweetheart? what kind of plot twist is this?! though the monster he speaks of kind of scares you, you're still terribly attracted like a fly to a light by his strong will to become the best striker in the foreign dimension of soccer. in the end he's just doing what he loves, a good-hearted boy who simply got misunderstood for his obsession with football—oh? why is your heart suddenly picking up its pace?
ITOSHI RIN with...*drum rolls*...quiet kid at the back of your class. 😐 not that surprising is it. anyways, this emo kid is obsessed with soccer, yet still able to keep up with his studies just fine. though he's mostly neutral with everybody, you sometimes fear the he might be plotting all your deaths with that unconventional stare of his that looks like he's constantly displeased. but you eventually come to a conclusion that that isn't the case. you both take the same bus home everyday, and you can confidently confirm that he really just looks like that. the stare only softens when he brings out his phone and starts playing granny or something. not to be a creepy stalker or anything—your field of view just always inconveniently contains him and the contents on his phone! he appears to have a knack for the genre of horror. games, movies, even tutorials. (this lil' cheat—) but of course, for this headcannon to work my way imma have to embarrass you in front of him for chemistry and relationship development purposes :p. so once upon a time, where you're tired as hell after some shit going down in school, you fail to remember your usual spot and slump down onto an open seat beside itoshi rin—who was on his phone paying you zero mind whatsoever, playing a horror game that you recognized to be some popular roblox game. you don't know if it's the tiredness that took over you, or the sole fact that seeing rin play so goddamn horrible on the game got on your nerves up to the point you couldn't hold in your thoughts anymore and outright told him what you'd come to regret in just a few moments—“what the hell, dude. you're terrible. you're supposed to get the key and then—” about to reach for the phone out of sheer frustration, you suddenly pause, realizing what you've just done. oh no. your eyes flicker to his expression and holy crap. rin itoshi is giving you the biggest, bombastic, judgemental, dehumanizing side eye you've ever seen in your life. actually, scratch that—he's full on staring at you like you've just directed 57 slurs at him. you feel like you've shrunk into a mere insect with how intense his stare is, mentally slowly melting into a puddle of shame as you stand up and profusely bow while spewing out pitiful apologies. after a few moments, you hear him heave a deep sigh, you slowly crane your neck up to look at him expectantly—only to find him and his absurdly gorgeous face challengingly raising a brow at you, “then what do you suppose i should do, miss i'm-so-good-at-the-game? please continue.” rin roblox kid confirmed.
ITOSHI SAE as the regular who has caught your eye trope. i really wanted to use childhood friends on this guy with the amount of angst it'd produce but isagi already got the trope so...'eye candy regular at the local coffee shop you work part-time at' trope it is. a bit specific but yeah you get what i mean :). it's hard not to notice this man whenever he comes in with that unfortunately charming blank face of his—so charming that in fact some girls from other nearby schools actually gather to seat themselves and wait for his appearance, shoot their shot with the guy and get immediately shut down with just one cold sweep of his indifferent stare. being pretty sure does have its downsides. you can still feel the shivers from when he full-on glared at a girl who was getting a bit too persistent. you've never really interacted with him aside from taking his regular order, but there's still the underlying fear that he'd cuss you out and embarrass you in front of teenage girls should you get his order wrong so now you have a note plastered onto the wall that always has his regular order tip up to the notch—with a highlighted nickname, “duckbutt james” since you never caught his name. but oh fuck, he sees it one uneventful day and raises a brow at you, nonchalantly and coolly saying that his name is “itoshi sae”. god. is this the part where you roll over and die in shame? why did you even think it was a good idea to put the note in point-blank range?! it's the same as basically shoving it in his face! you think you might pass out—but then suddenly—he smiles. he smiles. what. but it immediately disappears as fast as it came so now you're questioning if you're hallucinating or not. he takes his usual order and heads out once more, but as your head clears itself from the multiple stages of grief you experienced in one singular moment—you think of his name in wonder, finding it terribly familiar. itoshi sae. itoshi sae. itoshi...SAE?! WAIT—
MICHAEL KAISER is definitely enemies to lovers material, change my mind. a football hotshot who has to begrudgingly graduate first before officially signing a contract with the famous german world-wide football team—bastard münchen. at this point in life, he's basically already successful, so he literally just ignores and passes up all opportunities to actually study anything that isn't related to football. he's not a troublemaker perse, but you're convinced the entire faculty staff hates him due to the amount of unnecessary work his laziness spews out, but they would still have to pass him regardless of his lax attitude towards his studies due to the sole fact that the entirety of germany has their eyes on this genius of a prodigy. it was relatively obvious that failing him and delaying his awaited pro-debut would do no good for the name of the school, so he's now spared from the chains of corrupted education. despite being in the same class as him, kaiser was someone you've barely talked to—you both only interacted a grand total of two times. one was regarding a class project, and the other was that time you walked in on him getting confessed to for the what, thousandth time? needless to say, you're both barely acquainted, so being friends was out of the question. besides, it's not like you want to befriend him anyway (y/n moment)—you were both complete opposites. you were a study freak, and he was an infamous prodigy who had a passion for kicking a ball—he's the emperor who lived in a completely different world from your mundane life as a mere commoner in his story.
*rubs hands together* now it's time to get even more delusional, folks. it's just supposed to be a normal day but oh nooo, you're now both forced to fully acknowledge each other's presence after a teacher falsely accuses both of you and sends you to detention—highly biased should you add. it's one of those low teachers that act passive aggressively with his early success. it's bound to get people jealous, but shouldn't you be proud as a teacher? whatever. all that you know is that you're now both stuck in detention and you're blaming him now. you know very well you're both completely innocent so for what exactly are you blaming him? absolutely nothing. you're just bored and michael kaiser was your only source of entertainment in this bland and empty classroom. jabs are thrown around from across the room as you are unable to initiate conversation without you throwing an insult everytime he attempts to flirt with you. you asked him to be quiet? babe, he's going to do the exact opposite. you asked him to shut the fuck up? he'll say the typical 'make me'. your sanity is all but squeezed out of your entire being by the time your detention is over, finally being dismissed for the day until he stops you from actually leaving the room by holding your shoulder in place and asks for your number with a playful wink. you want to slap him, maybe kick his shins, roundhouse him in the face and run away but with the knowledge that you'll both still be meeting in your class the next day is a bitter reminder that you should atleast try to remain civil with this young and growing superstar if you want to survive the school year. albeit begrudgingly—you punch down your numbers into his phone (you put a random number in at first but he quickly confirms it to be false when your phone doesn't receive the message he sent just in-case. tsk.) and immediately leave the premises after he cracks a joke about seeing him tomorrow night for dinner.
unbeknownst to you, he was the one who put the anonymous tip in the school's online forum that falsely landed both of you in detention—all just to get some alone time with you and grab your number without attracting too much unnecessary attention because oh my lord he's genuinely interested in someone who isn't a part of his football kingdom?? wowowowowow
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sae reawakened my duckbutt (sasuke) phase ong (also reader doesn't know what the world-class midfielder sae looks like, only his name so that's why she was shocked)
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ozzgin · 10 months
Yandere! Baki Headcanons (II)
Featuring Jack Hanma, Kaoru Hanayama, Katsumi Orochi and Chiharu Shiba since the latest Baki season is out. TW: Violence, dubious consent
[Baki Masterlist] [Part I]
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Jack Hanma
Once Jack finds a purpose or a goal to achieve, he will hunt it down in deplorable mania with no regard to any impediment along the way. He’s deemed you to be his newfound motivation and minor details such as your opinion of it are but a slight detour. He’s already had one dream robbed from him - that of being the strongest. He’s not as generous as to accept yet another loss. Really, (Y/N), why so afraid? He promises you won’t regret it.
Outside of his obsessive tendencies, Jack is rather kind and understanding. He pays great attention to detail when it comes to you and is willing to go to great lengths for your sake. Being a servant on the knee is a small price to pay if he gets to see your satisfied expression. What a strange effect you have on him. To think that his pride immediately crumbles at your feet…No, it’s the other way around. It’s because of you that he can keep his head up, no matter what.
Jealousy or possessiveness are not things that plague Jack. His mere presence is enough to signal loud and clear that you’re not to be approached. Like a wild animal guarding his territory, he finds intruders a warm-up sport to entertain himself with and nothing more. But what if, say, it was you trying to get out instead? Now that would be just plain nonsense. No one else can guarantee your safety to such degree. You must be confused, and in situations like these Jack has no choice but to bring you back to your senses. Regardless of what it takes.
I have to say, if you choose Jack as your boyfriend you should definitely brace yourself. He has vowed to shield you from all threats, but his love for you doesn’t count as one. The fact that you’re laying there bruised all over further shows how intoxicating you are to him. His brain turns into mush and the only thing he can focus on is that you belong entirely to him. He could crush you, break you, kiss you until your lips bleed, hold you until your ribs crack. He holds the power over you and you have willingly offered this vulnerability to him. He doesn’t expect you to hold back, either. He is yours to mark as you please.
He will return to his senses and apologize for the vicious, feral attack during intimacy. He is a man of instinct and logic rarely prevails when dealing with temptations. And you, darling (Y/N), happen to be the strongest drug he’s ever dealt with.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama is initially very conflicted about his feelings. Has he not sworn to dedicate himself entirely to the Family? What kind of puny leader loses focus in the middle of an important agreement between clans to think of a normal civilian? What kind of respected kumichou asks his subordinates to take a detour in their debt collection to check on some regular human? Here he is, sitting between the women working for his business, reluctant to touch them in fear of being disloyal. To whom? You don’t even know him and he’s already built an entire code of honor to follow. Shameful.
It doesn’t take him too long to rationalize his inexplicable attachment. Just like his father had found his mother, he too was bound to stumble upon someone for him, a partner fit to bear the weight of the family honor. He isn’t betraying his Group, he’s providing it with an equally capable leading hand. Oh, he just knows you’ll do great. You were made for this. You were made for him.
Confessing to you is a difficult task. Hanayama usually conveys his feelings with his fists, and he’d rather not pummel you down as the sweet “will you date me” invitation. So you’ll often find him staring intently at you, a frightening aura surrounding him. Any moment now, he’ll say it. And what if you respond with no? He hasn’t considered that. He’s been so entranced by your future together that he didn’t even entertain the idea you wouldn’t want to be part of it. Small obstacle, you just need a little bit of convincing.
He’s not the type to show his jealously, mainly because there’s no need to. If someone flirts with you, you’re not worried for Hanayama’s feelings but for this stranger’s safety. You’ll choke in terror trying to warn them to step away and if they still persist you know you’ll never see them again. One does not mess with the yakuza and lives to tell about it. Hanayama further contributes to this reputation.
The young man is very much aware of your fragility and would never do anything to permanently damage you. That said, he really can’t help the dizzying adoration that overwhelms him whenever he uses his knife on you. Just small, superficial lines gently tracing across your body, that immediately bloom into bright red flowers, cluttering along until they finally burst into an intricate mosaic. He feels like a poet penning his love for you in the most intimate way conceivable, because you’ve offered yourself as a canvas for his eyes and his control only. The Madonna of his existence.
Katsumi Orochi
Katsumi wouldn’t say that he’s taking it too far. He followed all the proper steps, from the innocent secret crush, to shyly confessing his feelings, and finally the drunken delight of hearing your acceptance to date him. There’s nothing wrong with skipping some steps. There’s no textbook claiming that love has to be gradual and evolve in time. If you know you’ve met your soulmate there’s no reason to hold back. And from the moment he laid his eyes on you he’s been certain, this was not mere coincidence.
He’s clumsier than he’d like to admit when it comes to romance, but one thing his extensive karate training has provided him with is discipline. He has a little notebook to keep track of your interests and likes, and if he’s completely clueless about something he will research it later. It helps him keep his plans organized and simultaneously make sure he won’t miss any detail about you.
It he thinks about it, love is a lot like karate indeed. A natural charm for it can hardly compete with raw passion and hard work. Step by step, he can see the fruits of his labor. Martial arts require a cool mind however, and while he’s learned to remain collected and act without haste in a fight, when it comes to you he can’t seem to remain still. His thoughts are burning hot and erratic and the tangled chaos in his head is exhausting. He wishes he could lay out his love for you and carefully smoothen all the folds, but maybe the inability to do so just further proves you’re a special case.
He also doesn’t consider himself to be a jealous individual. Right? In the middle of his training he finds himself idly pondering about such a scenario. He faces the wall, trying to picture a rival that might steal you from him. Silly. You wouldn’t leave him like that. You know how much he loves you. Or do you? He loves you so much. So much. So fucking much. His vision returns and his eyes widen at the large dents and cracks he left in the wall. The skin of his fists is throbbing, irritated.
Katsumi is rather needy during intimate moments. Whether you want him as your dominant or submissive accomplice, he will beg or demand for your words of love. Let him know that you don’t belong to anyone else. That you’re all his, forever and ever and even after death. Always.
Chiharu Shiba
Chiharu is an extremely stubborn man, so if he concludes that he has feelings for you, absolutely no rejection will get through to him. He doesn’t just fall for anyone and isn’t as shallow as to base his interest on appearance alone (though he did almost crash his bike once daydreaming about your face). It’s everything about you that’s convinced him there’s no one else for him. So now he just has to prove that similarly, no one else is better for you.
I feel like he would use his sturdiness and resistance to pain as a way to manipulate you into agreeing with him. You’re unsure whether you like him more than a friend? Is it because he’s not skilled enough? You don’t trust him? He’ll pick random fights with anyone and no matter how battered and bloodied he is, no matter how much you plead he stops, he’ll keep going until he’s dead or until you give in.
It’s his personality to show off. From the flashy bosozoku uniform to his customized retro Kawasaki, he likes to make it clear to others where his priorities lay. That includes his partner, of course. Not only is he the proud leader of Tokkoutai, but more importantly the one you belong to. If he’s feeling extra cheesy he will greet you with a dramatic spin and reveal he had his jacket stitched to some kanji symbols representing your relationship.
Chiharu is not particularly proud of it, but his bouts of jealousy often end in violence. Potential rivals lead him on a downward spiral of anxious what-ifs. He struggles with a certain feeling of inadequacy whenever he compares himself to other fighters. Put him next to someone like Baki and he fades into nothingness; No elaborate fighting skills, just a hard skull and a bunch of dirty tricks. Will that be enough to protect you from anyone? For how long? Before he knows it, his knuckles are dyed red and whoever approached you too fondly is scattered on the ground.
Safe to say this man has a lot of stamina and will be at your service 24/7. Anytime, anywhere. Just let him know. Feeling especially needy? He’ll throw you on the hood of the nearest car and just take care of you regardless of who’s watching. You’re strongly considering keeping a spray water bottle in your bag to keep him under control when you’re in public.
Despite all this he is very soft spoken and careful around you. He would never, ever hurt his precious darling (Y/N). And he won’t allow anything else to hurt you, either. He would die for you. Actually, scratch that. He’ll do you one better. He would kill for you.
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cutielights · 8 months
I think exactly one person voted ‘No’ on The Poll :p <3
100+ followers rottmnt fluff alphabet!
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
He loves going swimming with you, beach, pool, waterparks? They’re all game in his eyes
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
He loves your hands, cuddling and absentmindedly playing with your fingers
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
“Hey, hey I’m here, breathe, it’s me, Leo, remember?” He’s practiced in these things. Guides you through the 5 4 3 2 1 method
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
When it crosses his mind, he pictures it with kids, training them to be ninjas. But that’s in the future, he’s in the now
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
You guys take turns, kind of looks like a competition to the outside eye
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
The thing he does most is sulk for a few days, silent treatment. Depending on who he thinks was truly in the wrong, he’ll confront you or apologise himself.
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He is so insecure about not being enough for you. He is so grateful you put up with him, please comfort him, he needs to know you actually love him and don’t hate him, super aware of everything you do
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
The secrets he keeps are more of, ptsd related things. Doesn’t want you to worry about his nightmares. Can be coaxed into telling the truth, usually with cuddles after said nightmares
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspired? He’s definitely more open with his feelings now, healthier coping mechanisms
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
Possessive Jealousy? No. Insecure Jealousy. Plays it cool on the outside, but nervousness runs rampant in this boy’s skull, what if you think that guy is better than him? What about that yokai? They’re conveniently attractive and oh god they’re making jokes and you’re laughing?! Oh no oh no oh no
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It was awkward to say the least. You both knew you wanted to kiss, but didn’t know how to express it. Kinda went like; “So-“ “Are we gonna-“ “y’know…”. after some failed attempts, you finally kissed
Love confession- how did they confess?
He confessed in the middle of a Jupiter Jim marathon. It was accidental as he thought you were asleep, after panicking and saying he didn’t mean it, you returned his feelings
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
Scares him half to death. Not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just- he feels he’s not worthy of marriage
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Baby, Honey, Love of my life
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
Zones out just staring at you with simultaneously the most dorky, smug, and lovestruck smile on his face
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
110% he gives you kisses in public, he is holding your hand, either piggybacking you or the other way around, it’s game
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His ability to clock you feeling down the moment it happens is wonderful if not otherworldly
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
He can be cliche, nights at Hueso’s, but also mixes it up a bit with nighttime strolls or Hidden City shenanigans
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Of course he’s helping! Maybe a tad too enthusiastic at times, but he wants the best for you
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
He is doing new things all the time with you, but only new things you want to to ofc, may give you a nudge outside the comfort zone every now and again, just to help things along
Understanding- are they empathetic?
He might not seem it at first glance, but he is empathetic. Helps you through nightmares, injuries and anything that may ail you
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
Holds it above his own mental sanity
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
He is an arms guy, jumping into your arms or picking you up and spinning you around in his
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
He is kissing your cheek to get attention, on the hand when being overly dramatic or romantic, on the forehead when cuddling, so very affectionate
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Quite sulky, whiny about it the whole time, saying things would be so much better if you were simply in each other’s presence. As for coping? He cuddles a pillow at night until you return
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He is ready to do anything. Stay in the prison dimension? If it means you’re safe. Steal a cake? If it makes you happy
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
He loves working out with you. Buuut if that’s not your speed, he won’t complain about getting pizza
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
He can’t pick a favourite! Perhaps your height is his favourite, he likes using you as a teddy
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
He’s bringing you ice cream and a shoulder to cry on after a bad day, maybe even some flowers too
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He gets very anxious about the future, especially the future of your relationship. Sits down to have a very serious talk about it, would you want to get married? Would you want kids? Can we afford kids? How do we acquire children? Takes it seriously and doesn’t marry himself to one particular future
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
You both stand on the same level of equality
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Snaps if he’s particularly stressed about something. Apologises after taking a few deep breaths. It’s extremely rare for an argument to last more than a day
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
Oh my man thinks you’re way out of his league, will forever be eternally grateful for you and everything you do
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
If he has secrets, he wouldn’t be able to keep them for long, they eat away at him. Mind Raph helps him tell the truth before it does some damage to the relationship
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
You’ve definitely inspired him to take more time to himself, and just relax, even just for a bit
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
He refuses to call it jealousy, he just refuses to. He knows you would never do anything with that person, that conveniently attractive person, with a great personality, and you’re laughing at their jokes?! “Haha, yeah we just need to go… somewhere else.”
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s getting better with practice. The first was at a drive in theatre, neither of you were really paying attention to the movie, something about a cafe owner going broke, he blurted out the question so quickly you didn’t even hear the sentence. You had to ask him to repeat himself twice before he had calmed down
Love confession- how did they confess?
With flowers in your favourite colour, he stood on your fire escape and poured his heart out in front of you
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
It crosses his mind often, he’s very concerned about the future, dislikes that he can’t just know what will happen. As for marriage itself? He’ll ask someday, but not now
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
He’s obvious. But in denial with it, even when called out
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
He’s not one for PDA, preferring cuddles in private
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His pure strength and size is good for many things, including amazing cuddles
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
Cliche, he knows it’s cliche, but it’s cliche for a reason right? Flowers, candles, the whole shebang. People wouldn’t keep doing it if it didn’t work!
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
He would! Would help you set realistic goals and work up to the ultimate one
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
He likes his routine, throwing in a surprise here and there
Understanding- are they empathetic?
Yes! Ofc, he is. Doesn’t want you to suffer, cuddles count as therapy right?
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
Important, he is making sure you are safe 100% of the time, he knows what a pain villains are for stealing s/o’s
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
Piggybacks! Or carrying you bridal style, just imagine all the things you can see up there
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
Yes and yes, not so much as PDA, but as general cuddles for movie nights
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Won’t try to outwardly express this to anyone, shows up outside your window, if that’s not possible due to some unspoken reason then he probably just messages you, staying up later than he usually does
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
Man is ready to jump off a building for you
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
Going to conventions, dancing, pure enjoyment of the other’s company
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
Any facial markings or scars, stretch marks included
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
Asks before doing absolutely anything. “Can I come in?” “I’m going to come closer, is that okay?” “May I touch you?” Does his best to calm you down, if not, then he’s finding the root of the issue and eliminating it
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He pictures his future quite often, the vision changes from time to time, but your always next to him in it
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
Says he’s the dominant one, but really likes when you’re the dominant
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Fights actually don’t happen that much with the two of you. If you do fight, he only lets it last a few minutes before cutting contact and giving you the silent treatment. Forgiveness is given in a few days and you guys are on good terms again
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He can forget sometimes, but he spends a day without you and takes it all back, realising how much he relies on you
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
According to the internet, honesty is key to a healthy relationship, so he does his best although honesty is quite difficult sometimes, in general
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspired in the way that you give him new insights he himself hadn’t considered fully yet, set on one path, helping him see the bigger picture on things
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
It’s through the roof, although, he’s in denial about it
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It didn’t happen until at least six months, awkward at first, but followed your lead after some reassurance
Love confession- how did they confess?
He had a whole plan on how to do it, like a months long plan. You got there first, catching him off guard
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
He’d get married if you really wanted to but, he doesn’t see the point exactly. That doesn’t stop him from being emotional on the day however
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Darling, Significant Other
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
Gets extremely defensive about the fact that he’s definitely not on cloud nine that he forgets to act like it
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
Absolutely not, especially not in the first few months. Hand holding is acceptable, and the occasional hug
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
The ability to force himself to stay up all night, caffeine helps of course. You guys can just talk in the dead of night, as we all know, that is the best bonding time
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
Gets creative with it, but isn’t shying away from flowers. Better yet! Mechanical flowers that bloom in the day! They never die!
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Much like his red older brother, helps you set realistic mini-goals, and then helps achieve them. Not too hands on however, wants you to accomplish it yourself
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
Routine. Routine. Routine. Cannot function without it. If there’s something new he needs to know about it at least a week in advance and that’s being lenient
Understanding- are they empathetic?
He is empathetic, just not the best at expressing it
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
This is so important to him, you would not believe
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
He pulls you onto his lap when working on something, refusing to let you leave
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
After the initial phase he most definitely is, but only in private will you get kisses
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Calls and messages 24/7, if that’s unavailable? Workaholic
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He’s ready to destroy his inventions for you. Yes- he has backups, but that’s beside the point!
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
Let’s go, come on we’re going to paint New York with graffiti. Loves cooking with you and showing you techniques he learned recently
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
Loves your hair/fur/whatever, running hands through it
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
Comfort foods, but never overboard with it, too much is unhealthy. Movie nights and gentle words
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He honestly doesn’t think about it all that much, preferring the moment. But he does picture his future with you in it
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
Passive, prefers standing on equal ground with people
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Dr feelings isn’t letting fights go unresolved, preferring to talk it out and get to the bottom of the issue
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He’s super grateful! Does occasionally let it slip, but just tell him and he’ll remember himself
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
He wouldn’t keep secrets on purpose, likely the only reason he hasn’t told you anything is because it hadn’t come up in conversations yet, or he’s self conscious about it, not wanting to be a bother, but never out of malice
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspiration in the sense that you’re his favourite muse? Yes! Inspiration in the sense that he’s changed? Probably not
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
He tries his best to not get jealous, but sometimes he just can’t hold it back, Dr delicate touch tells the person you’re taken
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Rooftop rambles at night are a must in this relationship, it happened under the moonlight, you could taste the pizza on his breath
Love confession- how did they confess?
He tried making it romantic, he really did, but one disaster after another passed through. He was about to just leave and take it as a sign you guys weren’t supposed to be together until you confessed instead
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
He’s up for it if you’re up for it, but only after a while, when you’re both adults, just to be safe
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Baby, Honey, CutiePie, Angel, Wonder
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
He physically has heart eyes, most obvious in his cloud-nine shenanigans, zoned out whilst staring at you once and added way too much baking soda it was a disaster
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
PDA all day, as long as you’re okay with it ofc, mostly just hand holding and an arm around your shoulder
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His ability to completely clock whenever you’re down avoids most complications
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
He gets creative with it, thinks the traditional things are nice, sure, but overdone
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Oh absolutely he believes in you! Supports your goals and helps out with what you may need
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
New things. Hidden city dates all the time because it’s the most unpredictable, carefully avoiding the law enforcements.
Understanding- are they empathetic?
Absolutely! Have you met this boy? Sureee Dr Delicate touch isn’t empathetic, but that’s not a problem with you guys, he hasn’t met you yet.
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
You’re pinned in his contacts, he adores baking or cooking anything for you, overall one of the most important people in his life
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
Has one of those jars that have the lolly sticks with things to do with a s/o written on them, you made it together! Orange stick for an indoor date, green for outdoor, white for something that can be done anywhere
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
Affection levels at 110% he’s giving you all the attention you deserve and could ever want
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
He spams messages for a while, but if you’re not responding for some reason, listens to music in order to zone out. Takes his mind off of things ya know?
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He would go to the greatest lengths. This man would have taken Leo’s place in the prison dimension if it meant you were safe and alive
294 notes · View notes
blakeswritingimagines · 5 months
Everything Has Changed
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Summary: Being the only one to believe in your best friend turns out to be your best decision ever.
Word count: 4.8k
A/N: Not all of it fully follows the movie but I went where it felt good!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Gran Turismo characters, nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used, nor do I claim to own them.
You stood silently as you watched Jann pack his bags, unsure of whether to be happy or sad that he was leaving for the Nissan Academy. You let your eyes fall to the ground in order to avoid his gaze. You had to admit, it hurt knowing he was leaving. You have been friends with Jann for a few years now. He was one of your only friends, maybe even more. "Jann, are you sure you want to leave? I will miss you so much." You looked at him and there was sadness in your eyes because you were worried that he was gonna forget all about you. You watched Jann finish packing his bags. You can’t help but shake the thoughts of him being gone, of finally being alone. You felt a pit in your stomach at the knowledge that the only person you felt comfortable around was now about to exit your life.
Jann slowly turned to face you, his expression somber. He slowly nodded in response to your question. "I want to leave." He told you softly, but there was a conviction in his words. He knew that this was something he had to do. "I know this may be hard for you to understand, but being at the academy is necessary for me if I'm going to achieve my dream." He paused for a moment before adding, "I promise I'll come visit you whenever I get the chance, okay?" You bit your lower lip, trying to hide the hurt you felt. "I know," you said quietly. You didn't want to hold Jann back from achieving his dreams especially since his dad often did, but you can't help feeling a pang of jealousy. "Good luck," you managed to say and forced yourself to smile at him. You knew it would've been selfish to ask him to stay, but you just couldn't. “Okay, Jann.” You took a deep breath. “I just wish you didn’t have to go.” You looked down, trying not to cry. “I’m happy for you. I know you’ve always wanted this opportunity, and you definitely deserve it. It’s just so hard to accept how different my life will be without you.” You swallowed and sniffled. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you nearby.”
Jann was silent for a moment, contemplating your words. He had thought that you would be more upset at him leaving. In fact, the fact that you seemed to accept his departure so easily made him feel guilty. "I'll miss you too," he finally said, his voice quiet and melancholy. "But I'll be fine. I promise. And like I said, I'll visit whenever I can. But until then, I think I should get going." He slowly turned back to his bags and started to pick them up. You nodded slowly. "Just promise you'll send me a text when you get there so I know you're safe." You said, trying to keep your voice steady. "And I want all the details, okay? I want every little thing you get up to while you're away. Don't keep this to yourself." You said playfully, trying to ease the situation a bit. "But please just come back as soon as you can. I'll feel pretty lost without you" You said, with a pout and puppy eyes. You sighed but nodded slowly. “Okay Jann. It’s time for you to go.” You were trying not to cry and didn’t want to beg him to stay, as you knew it was something he was determined to do. You slowly walked over to him and gave him a last hug and looked up at him, trying to hold in your tears. “I’m so proud of you, Jann. Go chase your dreams.” You said with a loving smile.
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You would receive letters from Jann on a fairly regular basis when he was away, as well as the occasional picture. As time went on, you would receive other pictures, specifically of him posing with his car before races. You could see the happiness in his eyes every time even as you made it clear to his family each time. However, he made it a point to visit you when he had the chance. Months later, you would come out to see him during one of his races. Your eyes were glued to the track as you saw his car blaze past everyone else and take the lead. You couldn't help but smile and cheer. You would continue to watch the race, your eyes not leaving the car at all. But as he came into view, your stomach flipped and your heart started racing. As he crossed the finish line, you couldn't help but scream and cheer even louder, filled with excitement and happiness. You stood and started walking toward the finish line to be able to cheer him properly. You waved your hands at him happily, full of excitement and joy. You couldn't wait to get close to him and tell him how proud you were all this time.
Jann was able to hear your cheers from the track, and as he approached the finish line, he saw you standing there waiting for him. His heart skipped a beat at seeing you. He wasn't expecting you at all. As if in a trance, he drove his car off the track and over to where you were standing, waiting for him. Once he had arrived, he stepped out of the car and walked over to you. His expression was one of sheer joy and he embraced you tightly. He had been waiting for a moment like this. He gave you a warm hug and kissed you on the cheek. "You came to watch!" He said excitedly. "How am I supposed to not win with you out here cheering me on?" He was filled with joy at seeing one of his closest friends so excited to see him again. You smiled and laughed as he approached. “Of course, I came to watch,“ you exclaimed, your eyes wide with excitement at seeing him so happy. Then you quickly pulled him into a tight hug, your arms tight around his body. As you tried to contain your joy at hugging him again. "I missed you so much, Jann," you said with a bright smile, your eyes sparkling with joy. "I’m just so glad you’re doing well and that you’re happy. I'm proud of everything you have achieved."
Jann smiled back at you as you hugged him back. Your arms felt warm and comforting around him, and he let himself enjoy the hug for as long as you wanted to hold him. When you finally pulled away, Jann couldn't help but smile. You were always so supportive and encouraging, and seeing you there made him feel so much better. "Thank you. For everything." He said sincerely, meeting your gaze. "I wish we could see each other more often, I do. But I'm glad I got to see you for this race. I missed you too." He said softly, holding you close to him as he hugged you again. It felt fantastic to have you so close again. He couldn't believe it had been so long. "Thank you. I don't think I would be here if it weren't for you." He said sincerely. "You were one of the only people who was supportive of me. I appreciate that, and I hope you know that as my career continues to unfold, I'll always have a spot for you right at my side." "I'm just happy to see you do what you enjoy and be successful at it." You said, your eyes looking at him lovingly and with admiration of all his achievements thus far. "That's amazing, Jann. And yes, I will always support you. I have your back, and you're just so amazing." You laughed fondly, your eyes showing nothing but happiness at seeing your best friend doing what he loves. "Always," you said, as he held you close to him. You meant what you said too. In your mind, this wasn't just a fun little conversation you were having; these were words with promise, words with a future together. You felt so happy he appreciated the friendship just as much as you did. "I don't want you to ever forget that." You pulled back a little bit and looked into his eyes. You were so close to him, your body pressed against his, and you were starting to feel a little nervous being so close to him. "I'll always be here, Jann."
Jann smiled at you as you spoke, listening intently and remembering every word. You were so supportive and encouraging, and he appreciated that so much. He looked into your eyes as well and felt something he hadn't felt in a while. He hadn't forgotten how good it felt to be close to you and wanted to hold it for as long as he could. He put his hand on your cheek, leaned in closer, and kissed you lightly. He was surprised at what he had done, and suddenly wanted to pull away. You were surprised by the kiss but didn’t stop him. You kissed him right back, putting your hands on his cheeks. You put your whole body into it, feeling the warmth of his lips. After a couple of seconds, you both pulled apart, still smiling at each other. You looked up at him as if in a trance, not wanting to let go of him. But slowly you turned your head and looked back at the track, growing flustered about what just happened having only dreamed of this exact moment. You let out a small giggle, not quite believing that the two of you just kissed. You looked at him with those puppy eyes, as if asking him for a bigger kiss. You wanted more than that, but you were too afraid to tell him.
Jann didn't want to break the moment as well, as he was feeling the same way as you. He kept his face close to yours for a few more moments, enjoying the feeling of your lips against his. When you turned away and glanced back at him, he couldn't help but smile and lean in once more. He wanted to feel your lips again, and this time he wanted to keep them pressed against his. He leaned down to meet you, and kissed you again, this time more passionately. The feeling of your bodies pressed together was intoxicating. This time, your lips pressed closer to his, trying to feel as much from it as you could. When your bodies met, you felt your heart racing, and your hands trembling. You gave in and let it all happen, not knowing nor caring what would happen in the future. With passion and intensity, you kissed him back once again, this time not wanting it to stop. You were still holding your breath as this happened, your eyes closed and your heart racing. You pulled away, breathing heavily, your eyes slightly teary and your lips slightly swollen.
After a moment, Jann ended the kiss by pulling away slowly. He could feel his heart beating fast in his chest as well as his breath being shallow. Thinking the same feeling only came when he was driving, as you broke the kiss, he looked down at you with a smile. "That was amazing," He whispered softly, staring into your eyes before slowly caressing your face. "I think I need more of that." He said playfully, still blushing, but hoping that this meant the beginning of something even more than friendship on both sides. You looked up at him, your eyes sparkling "Yeah, it was amazing," You said with a smile. "I- I think I do too" You added, with your voice trembling slightly, trying to keep the words steady and not losing control. You were still trying to catch your breath. "So does this mean what I think it means?" You asked nervously, with a slight smile on your lips. You tilted your head sideways, your hands on his cheeks, waiting for his answer.
Jann nodded slowly, smiling back at you. He couldn't believe that you felt the same way that he did. "Yeah, it does. It definitely does." He said softly. "I want to be more than friends with you, will you be mine?" He softly caressed your face, looking at you with adoration. "Is that okay with you?" You could feel his heart beating quickly in his chest, matching your own. The question gave you a moment of panic, your body shaking. "Yes." You said, with your voice trembling. "A thousand times yes," you whispered as you got closer to him and smiled. "Oh my god, you don't know how long I have wanted to hear those words," you said with a big smile on your face. Your eyes were sparkling. You then got closer and gave him a long, passionate kiss. You pressed onto him as you kissed him, not wanting to miss a single second of this. "I love you." You whispered softly. Jann pulled you into his body, holding your head gently as he embraced you. The way you pressed your body against him made him blush, his heart beating rapidly. It felt like the beginning of something new, and he was overwhelmed with joy. He pulled you close and kissed you again, pouring into you all the love he had stored up inside of him for so long. "I love you too." He said softly as he continued to kiss you. "I've been waiting to say that to you for so long, and I don't want to waste another second."
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A few months had passed since you and Jann started dating. You had become closer than you had ever been before, taking things slowly and not rushing into anything. You felt happy and content and wanted to share this feeling with Jann. Cheering him on as you watched the race as his family was there as well happily, everything around you seemed to fade out with a ringing in your ears as you stared at the screen in horror. You'd just watched Jann's vehicle violently crash into the barrier of his Nürburgring race. It looked horrific. His car flipped multiple times until the news cut out with nobody knowing anything. Feeling as if you were going to be sick while thinking it must've just been some cruel joke taking place instead. You didn’t know what to feel. You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream and yell. You wanted to break something. But most of all, you wanted to see Jann alive and well again. You looked around, as if in search of an answer to this nightmare you were living. But you knew the answer. The image in front of you was no lie, and Jann wouldn’t come marching up to you and tell you it was all just a joke. You fell on the floor crying. You didn’t need an answer you knew the answer all along.
Your heart started beating faster and faster when you heard the report of Jann's crash. Your mind went blank, and all you could do was stare at the television hoping and praying this was all a nightmare. When the news cut out, you felt yourself being pulled back to reality. A wave of emotions hit you, and you quickly burst into tears. You had known Jann for so long now, more than words could describe, and now you felt like a part of you was missing. You cried for so long, wondering what you were supposed to do now. Life just felt so cruel. You rushed to the hospital as soon as you processed what happened after the crash at the race. Inside, you searched desperately for any answers. You were still trying to process the news you had seen. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing Jann, not after everything you had been through. You looked around for someone, anyone who could give you some sort of update, some news, anything. But there was nothing. You asked one of the nurses, with a quivering voice: “Do you know anything? How is he?”
The nurses were kindhearted and were able to provide you with a bit more information on the situation. Jann was fine and had sustained no major or fatal injuries. He had only bumped and bruised himself but needed a bit of rest as they didn't want him to overexert himself. They also told you that you could visit him to make sure that he was alright. You quickly went over to his room where he was resting, and smiled as you saw him lying there, eyes closed and still breathing. "Jann?" You spoke in a soft whisper. He opened his eyes and saw you standing by the door before slowly moving closer to him. His eyes widened for a second before he nodded, trying to sit up. "Babe?" He said softly, with his voice filled with joy. "Are you okay? I'm sorry about the race. I know you were waiting for me…" He trailed off as he tried to move, only to suddenly jolt in pain. When he saw that you were looking at his various bruises, he quickly attempted to put on a brave face. "I'm fine. They're just scratches." He said, attempting to ease your concerns. "I'm so happy to see you." He said as he lifted his hand to reach out for yours. He wanted to pull you closer, to be surrounded by your comforting presence.
"It's okay, sweetheart, don't move." You rushed to his side, gently taking his hand in your own, trying not to cry as you did so. You caressed his hair and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, trying not to feel overwhelmed. You cupped his jaw tightly, not wanting to let go of him this time. You were thankful to be there for him and didn't let go. "I thought something happened to you," you whispered softly, trying to control your tears, but failing to do so. "… I'm sorry." He mumbled, still trying to move despite your plea. He wanted to wrap his arm around you and pull you close, to show you how much he cared. He tried to get his mind off of the crash by thinking back to the last couple of months. He had spent every free moment with you, whether it was sharing dinner in the evenings, taking long walks throughout the city, or just talking late into the night. He loved how calm and peaceful of a presence you had, and felt safer than he ever had before.
You wanted to make Jann feel comfortable. You gently tried to lift his head a little and caress his face. "Don't worry, darling. I'm here. Do not apologize for something you cannot control. Rest and relax. I will stay by your side as you heal." You said softly, as your tears filled up your eyes again. As if trying to show Jann how much you cared, you reached your hand down onto his chest and kept it there. It was as if nothing mattered to you at that particular moment, other than Jann's wellbeing. Jann tried to smile back at you, despite feeling like it was hard for him to do so at the moment. However, as soon as you placed your hands on his chest, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. You were the only thing that he wanted to see in this moment, and when you put your hand on his chest, he let out a small sigh. He said softly, his voice weak and raspy. "I'm sorry I worried you. But I'm glad you're here."
When Jack and Danny walked in wanting to check up on the driver, Jann felt his heart skipping a beat when he heard that someone had passed away in the crash. His brain couldn't process the news, and he sat there in silence for a moment. Jann's eyes widened for a brief second upon hearing the news, but he had a feeling it was worse than he had originally thought. He tried to move, but he was too scared of what he might do to his injuries. His voice was soft and weak. He was still processing the news and just wanted to be with you for the moment causing him to yell at the older men to leave. "Stay with me. Please." He whispered softly. "I don't want to be alone." "I am not going to leave you, Jann," you whispered. You looked at him with love in your eyes and caressed his face. You held Jann close, trying to give him a warm embrace as if you only wanted to make him feel comfortable and safe. It seemed as if everything around you but him had disappeared, leaving only Jann and yourself in the room. You had no idea that someone had passed away yet.
Once he was able to go home all he could really do was hold onto you not wanting to let go. Late into the night as he was holding you close Jann slowly took a deep breath, trying to figure out what he wanted to say. He knew that the crash had affected him, and he wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to get behind the wheel again. "I- I don't know if I want to drive again." He said softly, taking another breath. "I know I said I would be racing until I retired, but I'm not sure if I can anymore." He looked at you with sadness in his eyes, not wanting to let you down. You held Jann, listening to his words intently. You could see the fear on his face, and your heart broke as you heard him say that he might not drive again even if it did make sense. You wanted to make him change his mind, but you also wanted to be supportive of his decision. But maybe he would change his mind if something could just convince him not to give in to the fear. “Jann, love, I understand how scary it must be right now,” you spoke to him in a soft voice. “But, I am sure that you are stronger than you think and that you will get through this, okay?”
Jann listened to your words intently and slowly nodded as he thought about what you had said. "I-I don't know." He said softly, still sounding uncertain. "I guess a part of me just wants things to go back to the way they used to be…" He looked at you, hoping that you understood where he was coming from. "I just wanted to make you proud, to make my family proud." He said. "But if I stopped racing now, would I be a failure?” You took a deep breath when Jann finished speaking. You couldn't believe he was asking this question, a question you knew the answer to. "Jann, darling, if you were to stop racing, you would absolutely not be a failure," you spoke to him, not knowing what else to say. "The only thing that matters to me right now is that you are safe and healthy." You said softly, your voice steady and reassuring. "I love you, and I would love you no matter what you do," you told him, gently placing your hand on his forearm. Jann sighed lightly as he absorbed your words. He felt better knowing that you would still love him no matter what he decided to do. He looked at you with adoring eyes. "I love you too. More than I could put into words." He was still trying to figure out what to do with himself, but knew one thing: he wanted to be with you more than anything. As he looked at you, he couldn't help but smile.
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After Jack's pep talk, Jann was finally convinced to try the 24-hour race again. A few months had passed since the crash, and Jann was feeling better than ever. Jann thought about Jack's story, and although he was hesitant at first, he eventually agreed to do the 24-hour race. He felt like he owed it to himself to try one final time, and it would also help him get back into the rhythm of things. The day of the race arrived, and Jann felt a bit nervous as he got ready. However, as he sat in his car and put on his helmet, he felt a rush of adrenaline. He knew he could do this, and he wanted to show everyone and himself that he was still as good as ever. As he prepared for the race, you and he were constantly in contact. You both sent each other numerous messages, expressing your love for each other and wishing for safe travels. When the race started, Jann was finally back on track, feeling more confident than ever. His family, along with you, were there to cheer him on as he raced.
You were anxious, your heart racing as Jann sat in his car, preparing for the race. You could feel the pressure and the stress of the situation, not just for him but also for yourself. You knew how important this race was for him, but you were still scared of what might happen. What if he didn't like his racing anymore? What if he crashed again? But most importantly, what if he was going to get hurt? It was a very hard moment for you, but you had to keep a level head. You had to support Jann as best as you could. As the race continued, Jann became focused. The world around him disappeared as he focused on the race. He felt his adrenaline pumping, as he was doing everything he could to win this race. He sped past other racers, leaving them in his wake. The crowd around him grew louder as they cheered for him. Almost as if he could see you smiling at him, your eyes sparkling, as he sped by. He was more determined than ever to win this race. As the race came close to its ending, Jann was still in the lead. You got even more excited now, your heart racing at his speed.
The hours passed by quickly as Jann raced. With the wind blowing in his hair and the sun setting behind him, he felt invincible. He pushed the car to its limits and enjoyed every second of the race. As the hours passed, you got more anxious, watching the hours tick by. When Jann crossed the final line, your heart was racing fast. You stood up quickly making your way to him, waiting for him. As Jann finally stepped out of the car, he was greeted by your warm embrace and your joyful yell. "Oh, my love." You screamed as you hugged him tightly, tears in your eyes. Jann was filled with joy as he climbed out of the car, his hands raised in the air in celebration. He knew that he had done it. He had raced in the 24-hour race and survived. Jann felt like a king as he got out of the car and was greeted by the hugs and congratulations of the supporters around him. He looked at the crowd of family and friends, but his eyes were quickly drawn back to you. He saw how excited and happy you were for his victory, and it made him all the more glad that he had continued to push himself. When he felt your arms wrap around him and squeeze you tightly, his heart raced as well. He let out a long sigh as he finally had the chance to take a break and soak in what had just happened. "Hey, babe." He said softly, still breathing heavily from the race. "I did it… I'm so happy I did it…" He smiled softly, still holding onto you tightly.
“I couldn't be happier,” you said as you leaned close and kissed Jann’s cheek, tears still in your eyes. “I am so proud of you, my love.” You continued to hug him tightly, your arms around his neck, your faces so close your breaths misted against each other's cheek. “You did it. You did it,” you whispered into his ear, your voice trembling. You tried to suppress your excitement, but you just couldn't help yourself. “You really did it.” You kept repeating this as if to reassure yourself that the victory was real and that you both weren't just young dumb kids anymore. "Yeah, we did it." He said softly, smiling as he looked at you and kissed your forehead. He was still trying to catch his breath as his body was feeling the fatigue from the stressful race. He leaned his cheek on yours as he pulled himself closer. He held you tightly as well, not wanting to let go, not wanting this moment to ever end. "Thank you, baby. I couldn't have done it without you." He said softly. "You were there for me every step of the way, and I can't thank you enough for that. I love you." He whispered into your ear, and his voice trembled as he repeated these three words once again.
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general-cyno · 8 months
apparently it's the 15th anniversary of zoro's sacrifice in thriller bark (not sure if manga or anime though) so yknow. time for more zolu of course
one of the many things about zoro and luffy is that despite how their approach to certain situations might differ at times, they're still pretty similar at their core, sometimes to a comical degree (see: their definition of what a hero is back in fish man island arc). and this understanding of how the other works is what leads to moments like jaya,
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this little one in water 7/enies lobby,
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and follows consistently all the way to wano arc.
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and I was thinking the other day about how their childhoods too kinda mirror or parallel each other's in a way that emphasizes (to me, at least) how special zoro's particular protectiveness toward luffy is, and why luffy relying on zoro that way is just as special.
the specifics of their childhood stories are different but both luffy and zoro have a turning point of sorts that's marked with the grief and loss of sabo and kuina, respectively, which leads them to say these:
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(I cropped the panels, but luffy's also crying here)
it's important to note zoro and luffy had dreams/aspirations before this, to become the greatest swordsman and luffy's secret thing that we've yet to learn about (that ace, sabo and the crew now know). however, losing kuina and sabo is what prompts them to, on top of that, strive to become stronger for other people's sake. for zoro, it's his way to honor his friend and fulfill their shared dream. for luffy, it's to avoid losing the people he loves.
throughout the story, zoro and luffy end up expressing similar frustration and sentiments due to this. there's zoro innerly chiding himself for being too weak as he trains in the aftermath of arcs like little garden, alabasta and thriller bark, where the crew get stuck in situations in which zoro isn't able to help as he wishes he could (the wax cake, the sea prism stone cell, kuma). there's luffy swearing he won't lose a single member of his crew even if it kills him (the davy back fight) and reproaching himself for not being able to save any of the straw hats in sabaody, with the worst of it right after losing ace in marineford.
(and man do I have thoughts about bon turning into zoro, out of all the straw hats, back in impel down.)
anyway. as to why all of this is meaningful - when zoro agrees to join luffy, he mentions that his goal to become the greatest swordsman is all he has. yet as the straw hats go from journey to journey, and with a certain emphasis in luffy, you can see how zoro's view slowly shifts. he's now driving himself to become strong to protect them as well, to the point he's willing to set aside his ambition and offer his own head in exchange for luffy's, if it means he can ensure luffy's life and safety. that's huge. as mihawk inwardly points out, zoro has something, someone he values even more than his ambitions and pride. and it's through his adventures with luffy and the crew that he becomes closer to achieving that initial dream of his.
whenever people wonder why zoro's as loyal as he is to luffy, aside from all the reasons why luffy as a character has earned that loyalty through his actions, I also remember that one line koushiro said to zoro in a flashback: "the pinnacle of swordsmanship is the power to protect what one wishes to protect and cut what one wishes to cut. a blade that injures all that it touches isn't really a sword." while sure, it works in the context of later power ups like haki, imo it perfectly captures zoro's character growth too and what luffy's given him. the current zoro isn't lost or directionless with only one purpose in mind or to live for, bounty hunting as a means to survive. he has a home to return to, people to cherish, to protect and keep getting stronger for, people who nurture him in turn. kuina's death is something zoro couldn't have prevented, and losing people in accidents like those is something that could happen again, but still within the limits of what's preventable - zoro can protect his friends now.
as for luffy... zoro kinda steals the spotlight when it comes to grand gestures of loyalty/devotion and being the MC of the story means luffy fights for different people (both crew and non crew), carrying their wishes and hopes as if they were his own. he gets help and learns from others as well and all members of the crew are important for luffy to achieve his dream one way or the other, but the way he relies on zoro specifically is so subtly meaningful to me. we don't get as much insight on luffy's inner thoughts, still, we do have context.
for someone like luffy, who is at his innermost genuinely terrified of being alone and losing the people he loves, the fact that he trusts zoro to protect and keep everyone safe (even luffy himself) is so good. as shown above, luffy vowed to become strong in the first place to ensure he'd never go through loss like sabo's again and this vow is all the more renewed after ace's death. luffy has to be strong for everyone but... the fact that he can trust zoro to follow his lead even when others might not understand his reasons to do x or y, that he's so unwavering in his faith that zoro will protect the others when luffy can't, entrusting the people he cares about to zoro, whom luffy also cherishes - it's all pretty special. everyone in the crew has their strengths and zoro may not be the only fighter, but all of them, including sanji, fall under his protection whenever it's needed.
it's not only about raw strength though. zoro's also there to set luffy straight and remind him of what's important when the circumstances arise, like in water 7 or punk hazard. and even when they don't necessarily agree, like wrt vivi's situation after the reverie in marijoa, luffy knows when zoro's right and acquiesces (albeit grumbling a little) because, once again, he's also aware that zoro wouldn't just risk everyone's safety. luffy listens to him. and their reunion in wano too, luffy's sheer happiness at the sight of him again, is a very clear example of how much luffy adores zoro even beyond all that.
although luffy isn't aware of what happened in thriller bark (that we know of), zoro's actions are proof of why luffy trusts, has faith in, and relies on zoro as much as he does and why it's so important for luffy to have him by his side, considering how afraid he is of being unable to keep his loved ones safe. this is more on a speculative note, but I can imagine how comforting that must be for luffy - to not shoulder that on his own.
happy anniversary!
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trashytoastboi · 2 months
Day of Loyalty - Barbatos
~NSFW Alphabet~
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?) 
🫖 Dotes on you a little bit too much. Sometimes he prefers certain scenes that he knows can take a toll if the aftercare is inadequate but overbearing is a little much. You definitely can’t complain of a lack of aftercare because if you need anything just say the word and he’s on it. Barb is good at reading you and sometimes he’ll know what you want before you’ve even asked him. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners.) 
🫖 Personally loves your neck and how sensitive it is to touch, kisses, it’s always got you letting out a little sigh and he loves that. He does enjoy every part of you, your sides when he’s holding you in place and watches how your body tries to follow in time with him. Always gets him looking down at you with a smirk but he loves it. 
🫖 On himself, he likes his hands. He likes how his hands look ON you. He’s made a point to never wear gloves (unless you want him to) because he wants to touch your skin and feel the warmth with his. You’ll admit that Barb has some really pretty hands, they look delicate in comparison to all the work he does on a daily basis. Barb usually makes you suck on his fingers because he likes the visual. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically) 
🫖 This one was a pleasant little surprise, you’d playfully tease about Barb always wanting to finish inside because it’s less to clean up… You were very wrong. Barb likes making it messy, he’ll clean up afterwards anyway so he’s going to make a mess in the present. He likes cumming on you, your face, chest, thighs. Honestly the messier you get the better. He cums a lot too so it doesn’t take much to achieve the level of mess he wants. Don’t misunderstand, he does get a thrill of satisfaction when you’re trying to swallow the cum but the amount has it running down your chin and onto your chest. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.)
🫖 Constantly has the filthiest fantasies about you with the sweetest and most unsuspecting smile. When he pours you tea, imagining how he instructs you to hold the cup straight and steady while his face is between your thighs. Teasing you to yet another orgasm. Or how he personally polishes the throne and imagines having you ride him. Near treasonous thoughts about sitting upon the throne and defiling you. Whenever he sees his perfectly made bed, it is regrettable. He'd rather have you staining the sheets and tousling the blankets. Better yet, his kept uniform that he'd rather have you rip and stain. A man of his position has to keep his image immaculate. But he can dream.
E = Experienced (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
🫖 He is experienced, you don’t know how (Well the how is obvious) Barbatos never talks about any of his past relationships, if there were any or if they were casual. You don’t know and Barbatos always tells you to rather focus on the him of now, if anything he’s the one always teaching you things and he’s an expert at finding every sensitive spot on your body. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
🫖 Face sitting - Honestly does it just to see how flustered you get every time he asks, then loves the steady descent into you losing your mind and actively gripping his hair while you’re losing yourself to the pleasure and riding his face.
🫖 Lifted Missionary - He’s not just showing off his balance and back muscles- he actually loves this because it just so happens to hit that spot you like without fail. Plus it still allows him to be close to you and see all your cute expressions. 
🫖 Lap dance - One of those positions where you can feel in control but Barb is still controlling everything himself, you pace, how you’re moving. The whole time you’re thinking that you’re in control and it’s cute to watch you try to seize control with all your little tricks. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc)
🫖 Serious, he’s not humorous and not cracking jokes right now. He might tease but he’s more intent on keeping you in the moment and doesn’t want to break that. He sets a certain mode, one that’s vulnerable and loving. Jokes don’t seem to suit the atmosphere. If you try to crack a joke Barb will just smile at you and try to keep your attention on him. 
H =  Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc) 
🫖 Clean shaven - Seriously he’s smooth and not just in his charm. You were expecting a trim or the like but surprise, completely bare. You’ve asked out of curiosity about the colour and he playfully tells you to guess and let him know what you think. He’s never told you if you’re right or not so you genuinely don’t know. Yet another mystery. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect) 
🫖 He keeps it intimate, even when he’s acting otherwise. Even if he degrades you and acts really mean. He’ll make it up to you during aftercare. Kissing you and telling you that you did so well and how much he loves you. Yeah he can be a little mean (you like it though) but he’s sure to correct it so you know that he really does love you. He dishes out the praise and comfort afterwards. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
🫖 He doesn’t do it. Not until he met you- which seems a little ironic. If it were left to him he would just ignore it and go about his day until it’s gone and forgotten. It was because you got creative with wanting to do things over video call, and didn’t want to feel weird by being the only one doing it. Barbatos did find a new taste if you can call it that. He likes using your underwear, rubbing his cock and stroking it steadily until he’s covered your underwear in cum. You suggested it to him once and the rest is history. 
K = Kink (One or more of the kinks)
🫖  Orgasm control (Edging) - One of his favourite punishments to dish out. Sure there’s spanking, caning, degrading but he finds this to be the most effective with you. You only listen when you can’t get what you want. He’ll drill the point into you so good, you'd be so close and then denied. Over and over again until you’ve learned your lesson properly. 
🫖 Rigging/Ropework - He’s a master at rigging. You’d swear some of the intricate ways he’s bound you is literal art, the knots, the placement and just how it’s done. You like seeing his intense concentration when he’s busy, he always takes time to admire the end product. 
🫖 Food play - Didn’t expect this from him, but again, returning to the point of making a mess. He’ll choose the worst time to ask you to sample a new thing he baked, he’d be deep inside, asking you to taste test and get back to him on it. Sometimes you can’t stay steady and drop it on yourself. Well it’s okay, he’ll just feed you, maybe have a little bit himself. No one ever questions what all those stains are on Barbatos’ dirty sheets whenever it’s time for laundry day. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
🫖 His room - Mainly his room, it’s the most familiar spot and it’s truly just for the two of you. It’s a calming place for him and he can let himself go to fully enjoy things. There’s no real chance of anyone else coming to find him there and so all his attention can be on you. Plus all of his little toys and things are there so easy access to everything he could possibly need. 
🫖 Your room - You laugh because he’s sneaking in like a rebellious teen with his first love. He doesn’t come in through the front door and rather opts to sneak into your room and you just never expected that from him. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
🫖 Lingering touches, secretive glances, sometimes you leave him a suggestive message. You don’t say what it is you want, but it’s obvious. When you're together it’s those urgent kisses that feel hungry that gets him fired up. He’s intentionally acting like he doesn’t understand and he’d wait until you ask him, sweetly telling him you want him. It just gets him going when you plead for him. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
🫖 Extreme humiliation/degradation - Yes he degrades you but it’s never harsh to the point that it’s going to sit and make you feel bad about yourself. Barb very much keeps it light and in line with your scene. He’s never made you feel awful about yourself over the degradation either, he makes up for it during aftercare and has never let it dwell in your mind. He won’t hurt you beyond what you can handle, yes he spanks you, occasionally a bit of caning or flogging but it’s never seriously hurt. When he brought up things like impact play to begin with he discussed all your limitations and you found what is the most you can handle. Barbatos respects that and has never pressed your hard limits. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
🫖 He loves giving, however he likes making you do a task for him while he’s busy. Maybe he’s asking you to read him a new recipe, listening to your voice shake while he’s making you cum is the best. He’d politely ask you to repeat because he didn’t catch what you were trying to say. He’s all in too, tongue, fingers, sucking, slurping, spitting. Barbatos gives you oral like it’s the last time he’ll ever do it. 
🫖 As for receiving he quite enjoys it when you give him a sloppy, messy head. The neat stuff is cute for teasing but he wants you to get messy about it. It’s satisfying, it feels good and god he just loves the way you look while you’re doing it, and not to mention the sounds. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc) 
🫖 It's very dependent on his mood, sometimes he wants to take you nice and slow. Other times he wants something rougher. He’s also willing to listen to whatever you want. (Granted you weren’t a brat about it) If you want him to go fast he’ll do so and if you ask him to slow down then he’ll do that too. He likes intimate and sensual contact, so even if he’s going hard he’ll still kiss you sweetly and lovingly. 
Q = Quickie (They opinions on quickies, how often etc)
🫖 The only time you’d ever see him being freakishly neat during sex is when the two of you have a quickie. I mean at the end of it, your legs may be shaking, you’re trying to catch your breath and you’ve got a dazed look on your face. But your hair, clothes and everything would probably be neater than before your quickie. No one would ever guess that you and Barb were going at it a few minutes prior. And yes, he loves quickies. Whenever he has a chance, if you’re acting a little too needy then he might convince you to have a quickie. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc)
🫖 He’s definitely willing to find new things, and even more willing with you. He never decides on his own though and it takes deliberation for the things and mutual amount of research before you decide whether it’s worth your curiosity or not. Barbatos appreciates the open communication the two of you share for such things. If it’s something on the rougher side there’s more discussions for limitations.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
🫖 He can last long and go for a few rounds. Never really gets past one because you’re already tapping out, but he can on the rare occasion when you want more. You’re not sure what his maximum is since you’ve never been able to test it. He thinks it’s adorable whenever you try to test your stamina against his and tap out before he’s even broken a sweat but he admires your tenacity.  
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or on themselves?)
🫖 He’s got a whole personal treasure trove, everything with the goal of being used on you of course. He loves teasing you with toys or having you tease yourself. Never really used them on himself because he’s never been all that interested in using them on himself. You’ve changed that when you surprise him with something and tease him with a toy, it’s a new feeling and for once he’s the one being teased. He lets you, but best believe you’re probably going to be punished for your little stunt. 
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease?)
🫖 Big ol meanie when it comes to teasing. He draws it out so long and knows exactly how to keep you right on the edge. If you try to rush him he’ll ruin your orgasm to prove his point and make sure that you’re patient. Sometimes he just wants to take things painfully slow and he encourages you to enjoy the moment with him. Before politely rearranging your insides. 
V = Volume (How loud they are? What sounds they make? Etc)
🫖 Groans, whispers, talking. Barbatos doesn’t make much sound in the way of moaning and you’ve never heard him whining. (A crime really, you can only imagine how pretty his desperate voice would sound.) He has these almost quiet grunts, he always does it so close to your ear so you can just hear them. Barb has never had to quiet himself down and he’s very talkative at the moment. Loves talking dirty to you.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character?)
🫖 Loves using his tail on you - And he knows how much you love it too. He loves teasing you about it and calling you a little pervert because you like it when he uses his tail to pull you close or even choke you a little. You’ve tried to deny him and pretend that you don’t know what he’s talking about and of course he just had to go and prove you wrong (subsequently giving you exactly what you wanted) 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes?)
🫖 Human form: Long, and slim. He’s not girthy but he reaches real deep, can’t even get all the way inside before you’re whining telling you can’t take anymore. Well that’s alright he knows you’re trying your best. You’re good and always try your best. He has an upward curve, honestly just perfect for grazing that spot. 
🫖 Demon form: Thankfully he doesn’t change in the ways of length, he gets girthy towards the base and a tad thicker overall, his tip gets more prominent and has a few veins that become more pronounced. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
🫖 Not very high. He can easily ignore sexual urges and it wouldn’t affect him all that much. You’re usually the one initiating because otherwise Barbatos honestly doesn’t have the urge himself all that often. It’s rare when Barbatos is the one initiating because he’s the one who’s in the mood first. Once you get him going then it’s a sealed deal. 
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
🫖 Focuses a lot on aftercare and in the process of doing it finds it’s calming him down too. When you shuffle a little closer wanting the comfort of his arms and you nestle all close together it’s the best. It could have Barbatos falling asleep in a few minutes and staying asleep without concern for anything else. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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jjungkookislife · 1 month
Shadow [Ch. 6]
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pairing: villain!jungkook x side kick!reader
genre: villain au, fluff, crack, 18+
summary: You think about your life after crime and say goodbye to your penguin pals for now.
wc: 1.5k
warnings: mention of mental health (allusions to depression), mention of death, cum shot mention, shared shower, stolen car, stolen jet, car gets set on fire, taking control of someone else's body, melatonin used to put someone to sleep
date: June 2, 2024
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A smile appears when you hear Jungkook’s soft snores, thankful he's sleeping peacefully. You often worry being a villain might put a strain on him and his mental health and he’s not quick to admit he’s struggling. You know most of his plans fail, but some have been successful and those few keep you motivated to do better and be better. You love Jungkook and you love the life the two of you have built together and while he’s been dreaming of taking over the world, you’ve been saving and working towards your future and your life after crime.
You dream of a remote island, surrounded by nothing but the ocean as far as the eye can see— a safe place to build a home, and a family, and eventually have little villains running around with Jungkook’s bright doe eyes. The thought has your smile growing bright, your hand resting on Jungkook’s back, softly rubbing circles into his skin.
You love him so much. You can’t imagine what your life without him would be like and you know this life can be dangerous. You want him to achieve all his dreams before asking him to settle down. A jet here, a robbery there, a plot to take over the world, steal some jewels, it all fades to nothing because you’d go to the end of the world just to see him smile, and just thinking of losing him makes your heart sink.
Everything had to be perfect tomorrow.
You couldn’t afford anything but perfection.
A soft knock startles you, making you turn your head toward the door as you grip the sheets to your bare chest. P pops his head in, squawking a few times to alert you of someone at the door. You nod, sending him off as you climb out of bed and pull Jungkook’s shirt over your head before grabbing a pair of leggings as you quietly tiptoe out of the room until Jungkook’s snoring is too far to hear.
“Hello?” A voice comes over the speaker as you lean into Penguin Pal, who’s pointing at the screen. “I’m here for some penguins?”
“Come in!” you call, hitting the button to open the door and the man drives in. He’s got a frazzled look in his eyes but does so. After all, he wasn’t one to question anybody; that made him perfect for the job.
You call your penguin minions, helping the man line them up and place a name tag on them. They all know they’ll return to Antarctica, where you will meet them shortly after you’ve procured the jet.
“My babies,” you pout, kissing each of them before they get in their little cages. They squawk their goodbyes and P clings to you.
“My sweet boy,” you coo as you drop to your knees to be at eye level. His flippers move at his side, your eyes pooling with tears that you blink back when you sniffle. “I’ll see you in just a few days. I promise. Nothing will keep me from you, P.”
Your words seem to comfort Penguin Pal. He nods, waiting for one last hug while the delivery man stares blankly. This is definitely not the weirdest pickup he’s done, but this is why he makes the big bucks.
Once everyone is settled, and your card is approved, the delivery man is gone with your minions and you’re left with a pout on your lips. You’d love to mope around the rest of the day but your body is sore from last night and you desperately needed a shower after the final round when Jungkook finished on your chest. Hot in the moment, but sticky right after.
When you’re in the shower, rinsing your hair, you hear the shower curtain get pushed to the side. Jungkook’s careful as he steps into the shower to join you, his sleepy voice murmuring how he missed you.
“Sorry, baby. I had to see the penguins off,” you inform him as his arms wrap around you and his head rests on your shoulder, not caring that the shower head is pelting him.
“I didn’t get to say bye,” he pouts. You smile, “You’ll see them soon enough.”
“You’re right,” Jungkook sighs. “Maybe they’ll like me by then.”
“We can hope,” you tease as you turn to kiss him, your hands resting on his shoulders.
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After your shower, you have a quick breakfast before changing into your sidekick outfit. Jungkook’s busy getting dressed, going over the plans one last time.
Nerves threaten to eat him alive, but he’s done things like this for as long as he can remember. He hopes this will be successful. He’d like it to be his last heist.
“Do we have everything?” You ask as you zip up your backpack. You’ve taken the liberty of stealing a car to buy you some time while you steal the jet. You couldn’t exactly drive your car to a heist.
“I think so,” Jungkook looks into the trunk, checking each bag with the lists you’ve handed him. He grabs an extra bag of snacks just in case and then opens the door to the passenger side for you.
Jungkook gets into the driver’s side as you set up the GPS. He looks it over, mumbling to himself before he nods and starts the car.
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The drive is long. Jungkook sings along to his Villain playlist, smiling when you join in here and there. He holds his hand in yours as he drives down the highway.
Hours fly by and you lose yourself in your thoughts. Stealing a jet is no big deal, but having to steal the gem makes you sweat. You have a vague idea of its location, but getting there on foot would be tedious.
You’re consumed by your thoughts when you arrive at a private airport. You had Omen scope it out beforehand, and now you were abandoning the stolen car after changing into your flight attendant uniform.
Jungkook was disguised as a pilot. It took all your willpower not to jump him right then and there with how ridiculously hot he looked! You would make sure he didn’t ruin the outfit before you got a chance to fuck him in it.
Jungkook is oblivious to your naughty thoughts as he grabs the bags you’ll need before using a gloved hand to wipe your prints and his from everything you’ve touched. You begin walking away from the car, with Jungkook checking you’re at a safe distance before he takes a new lighter out of the plastic wrap to toss into the car’s driver’s seat.
With a quick jog, Jungkook is at your side as the car takes moments to explode, creating a loud bang! And a huge cloud of smoke.
The two of you stick around long enough to make sure the front seats are destroyed as sirens fill the air and the two of you run in the opposite direction.
The night sky cooperates for once, cloudy and dark to hide the both of you in shadows. The airport isn’t too far from the blown-up car, but far enough to make it as unsuspicious as possible. You hope the explosion will keep people occupied long enough to steal the jet Omen had scoped out for you.
A chill passes through you as you press your back against a wall, slowly sticking your head out to peek into the hangar. The jet sits in its spot, but it seems a pilot is sitting in the cockpit.
“Fuck,” you curse. “There’s someone inside. There’s no telling if there’s a crew as well.”
Jungkook curses, looking over his shoulder before dropping the bags at his side. “We’ll just have to play it off until you can take his shadow. We can drop him somewhere and take the jet.”
You nod in agreement, fixing your uniform before plastering a flirtatious smile. You confidently stalk toward the plane, swaying your hips as you go.
Jungkook can barely contain himself from drooling.
“Hello,” you call as you step into the jet. The seats are empty, and no response comes from your greeting. You quickly melt into your shadows, using the seats to get from one side of the plane to the other.
“Just the pilot,” you whisper into your earpiece.
Jungkook grabs the bags and heads to the jet as you open the cockpit, surprising the pilot doing his preflight checks.
“What are you doing here!” The pilot exclaims. “We’re not leaving for an hour at least.”
You smirk. “Change of plans.”
The pilot’s brow furrows in confusion as you melt into a shadow, taking over his and gaining control of his body.
This was almost too easy.
“Jungkook!” you sing as you rise in your new body.
“That’s my girl,” Jungkook praises you as you walk past him and off the jet. You look for a quiet spot to take the pilot to before scarfing down a handful of melatonin gummies.
“That should keep you occupied while I take the jet for a ride,” you cackle as drowsiness overcomes your new body and once you’re on the brink of sleep, you slip out of the pilot’s body and back to your own.
Stretching, you stifle a yawn as you hurry back to the jet.
Jungkook has already finished performing preflight checks and is waiting for you to take your seat once you shut the doors.
A few minutes later, you are in the clouds, heading to your destination.
This truly couldn’t have gone any smoother.
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube. 
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Oh I also have another idea. What about like reader is taking care of baby brother or just kid little brother with an s/o, you can either do mistaken for there kid or How it makes them think of having kids with One another. I’m not sure who to pick for this um. Illumi , feitan, kurapika? Chrollo ? Sorry I had the idea just not people 💜 you can choose
Hi, thank you for the ask! I always love your ideas btw! I'll stick to the characters you listed for the ask
Illumi, Feitan, Kurapika, Chrollo with a reader who takes care of their younger brother
He definitely thinks you might be too nice to your younger brother but that's only because the way Illumi was brought up was very different. However, he does see that you care for your sibling a lot
Like you said, he would definitely think about having kids but he was probably thinking of that even before seeing you with your younger brother. Illumi's the type of person to be set on marrying the person he dates. He also definitely wants to keep the Zoldyck bloodline going, but seeing you so kind just did something to his heart that made that desire grow a bit more
He won't say it to you outright, but he will definitely ask more questions about how you take care of your younger sibling and things like you becoming a parent.
Illumi might want to help you take care of your brother but you might want to keep your sibling away from him haha. Illumi's more like his parents, and that means he probably thinks electricity training should be part of a daily routine :/
Overall he's sort of a family guy and definitely has moments where he daydreams about having kids. He won't tell you explicitly, but you can catch him staring at you while you take care of your younger sibling a lot
He never thought about settling down mainly because of the troupe and how he has no confidence in himself as a responsible adult. However, seeing you with children made him his heart clench up a bit. It was so wholesome, something he's probably not that used to from his background
He'll never mention children with you, and he made it clear from the beginning of the relationship that he won't settle down. But that might change through some persuasion from you if you want
I feel like he wouldn't step close to your younger sibling because he thinks children are weird (though he likely has a soft spot for them) and because he thinks he'll end up hurting the kid instead.
Feitan has sort of like a bittersweet feeling, like a lost dream from his childhood in Meteor City, when seeing how caring you are. He feels like he's unworthy of you because of how much pain he's caused by his hands while for you it's like you're healing people. Of course, he'll never tell you this either
Feitan might bring up children once more when you two stop by at Meteor City, though he'll quickly say that he doesn't want children. If you look at his expression it won't be easy to tell if he's lying or not, but know that a part of him probably wants to have a family different from the troupe. Plus, the troupe would be overjoyed if they found out Feitan was a dad haha
He's never felt like he had time to think about children or settling down because of the revenge plot he's stuck in. Seeing you with children reminds him of a time long forgotten back in Lukso Province. There was a time he would help take care of the younger Kurtas and when he thought about what it would be like to have children, but now he tries to shake those thoughts out of his head
Some nights he might find himself on the verge of tears because of how much he misses the warmth of a family. He knows that he could give up on finding the last of the scarlet eyes and achieve that dream, he knows he can settle down with you and know you'll be a great parent by watching you with your younger brother. But a part of him can't do that, he's afraid
Kurapika's afraid that he might be wrong, that something horrible might happen or that he can't stop his revenge path. You might be able to convince him to slow down, but he's not confident in becoming a father after all he's been through
I feel like he would have no trouble taking care of your younger brother with you though. He's really good with children and can easily calm anyone down. Your sibling might get attached to Kurapika after a few visits and ask him to come by
Overall he's a bit similar to Feitan in not being confident in himself. He wants to go back to having something like a family but he doesn't know if he can take that path after what he's already started. He does think more about having children after being with you though and it's not a thought that disappears easily
He's sort of a romantic and he has a lot of daydreams. He might think about having children with you more than once, though the troupe's missions go first before anything to him on certain ocassions
When he sees the way you treat your younger brother, it reminds him of how he took care of younger kids in Meteor City. He was like an elder brother to a lot of people, and seeing how caring you are makes him feel a bit nostalgic and just makes him fall in love with you even more.
He definitely has a soft spot for children. He loves helping you out when your taking care of your younger sibling and your younger sibling will grow to like him too. Chrollo might have accidentally been called "dad" a few times haha.
Chrollo won't mention children to you a lot, but he might have asked once. When you asked him about having children, he won't say no but he also won't say he's looking to have any. However, being with you has made that question harder and harder to answer. He wants to see a future with him being a father from time to time, but with the way his troupe is set up and how there's a crazy magician looking for him at all times he doesn't know how it will work. He knows Meteor City is safe (at least in his point of view) so there is always a possibility
It's the idea of a family that makes Chrollo think about having children with you. He knows you will make a great parent just by seeing the way you treat others and especially your younger brother. He won't express it outwardly however
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selene-19 · 6 months
Katsuki Bakugo and Katsuki Gogo
Reminder that Katsuki is originally supposed to be a nice, cheery person and best friend with Izuku but Horikoshi HATES IT! I did think about it and I understand why Bakugo Katsuki is the best choice than Gogo Katsuki
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Gogo Katsuki has it all a strong quirk, good looks, a natural genius and have a nice personality. He sounds lovable, right? He would be like:
Izuku: Kacchan you are amazing!
Katsuki: you are amazing too Izuku! I bet you could do it too.
If this is their relationship I wouldn't ship them. Why? Cause I would rather ship Izuocha because it has the same energy. Sunshine x Sunshine ☀️
Izuku with this Katsuki is not good on my opinion. Izuku is self sacrificial, so selfless and with this Katsuki who I bet would just encourage him. He would be the Deku who does his best and Gogo would just be happy for him like a good best friend 🙃
Unlike Katsuki Bakugo who knows Izuku's self-sacrificial and hate it. I'm saying this without shipping glasses but Katsuki Bakugo is perfect as he is imperfect. He has flaws, mistakes, weaknesses, and insecurities and Gogo doesn't have actual flaws except being an airhead. Gogo didn't need to have that character growth and development. I mean Gogo Katsuki could have grown to be a hero and I think that would only be his development and doesn't need to be with Izuku for that.
This video after Kacchan vs Deku 2 shows how Bakugo Katsuki makes Izuku strive to be a better hero, them being rivals. He wanted to catch up with Katsuki and vice versa. Izuku admires Katsuki's strength and Katsuki fears Izuku's heart, they are twin stars, like yin and yang and of course as All Might said "Win to Save, Save to Win". You can see All Might proud smile while looking at them.
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Now, this sketch of Hori which is one of my fave shows how Izuku keeps chasing after Katsuki and wants to be the best hero with him. Look how he ran so hard with all of his might. He wants to catch up with Katsuki so bad, wants to be closer which he achieves eventually. Even with the bullying it never stops Izuku from dreaming of becoming a hero. I also like to add that Katsuki also chases after Izuku because both of them think one is ahead of the other shown in chp 362.
Let's go back to Gogo Katsuki. Gogo is a genius so obviously he is talented and good with everything and definitely supportive. So Izuku being quirkless is not an issue to Gogo cause he is nice so I think he would say that Izuku can still be a hero. And Izuku would be happy with that. He wouldn't push himself so hard or might push himself but either way, Gogo said he would be a hero and Izuku would believe it. Izuku doesn't need to do his very best to chase Katsuki cause he has his acceptance already so end of story 😟
There would be no "I keep chasing after you and What would Kacchan do" then no romantic rain, no heart issue, Katsuki apology would never happen, not Katsuki being Izuku's hero or vice versa, no Katsuki being sacrifice or him dying for Izuku cause why would he do that when he trust Izuku could do anything. They just don't bring the best out of each other. And we would never have Izuku looking at Katsuki with awe and wanted to be closer cause they are already close. They'll just be childhood friends and classmates. MHA would never be the same.
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Just looking at this it pisses me off. I understand Horikoshi why it angers him. Katsuki has an explosion quirk and should have an explosive personality but Gogo is just a burst of sunshine and just perfect 😂
credits to the editor 💖
With Gogo Katsuki I don't think Izuku would see him as his image of victory (why would he when Katsuki G is nice and won't fight and I bet is friendly with everyone) but rather a supportive best friend, I can see them being rivals, has a friendly rivalry like Asta and Yuno. So I would never ship them and I would agree with people saying they are like brothers.
Katsuki Bakugo is a complex character and I love him for that. Katsuki Gogo would be a good character but he would never achieve as much popularity as Katsuki Bakugo who is always number one on popularity polls. Horikoshi is amazing on writing Katsuki Bakugo's character and personality. Also, Gogo Katsuki should be with prototype Izuku or Yamikumo cause they have contrast in their personality so they are good with each other, unlike Gogo and Izuku.
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Lastly, I love Katsuki being a tsundere and I would never appreciate his genuine smile if he was Gogo who is a cheery person that always smiling 🥹
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As I end this I would like to add, we won't have our Izuku Midoriya we know today without Katsuki Bakugo. They are who they are right now because of each other and their experiences 🧡💚
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Found this on pinterest, credits to the artist
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