#but idk i figured id be told when an official time was decided and it never happened so i Kinda assumed the plans had fallen through
a-lumos-in-the-nox · 1 month
Bye, Bye Birdie-Hello Harpy
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Summary: The time between when Birdie retires and becomes just Mauve for a while and resurfaces as someone else when Vulture starts commuting brutal absurd crimes.
Post-It Note: sniffle....Mauve is growing up and going off to kill people, I'm proud of her bahaha.
Warnings: Mauve stabs someone to kill em, crime of passion for sure she did not plan....this one. Murder, ah a kidnapping, angry emotions!!
Words: idk its under 2k though
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"The Omis Police have gotten several reports of missing persons over the past few weeks with no leads on where the victims have gone…"
Mauve turned around to turn the tv up to hear the news. worry etched on her face within the past 6 months people have gone missing in the city. Some of them have been public officials in the city, or their family members. Mauve was wondering who would do such a thing, she couldn't come up with anything. Just tuning into the news to see if any of the people had been found.
Her phone rang, seeing the caller ID she muted the TV and picked up her phone with a smile.
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"Something's not right…Druig I can feel it." Mauve mumbled. Druig shifted on her bed facing her, he sighed.
"What does your gut say?" He questioned her.
"to figure out the pattern of whoever is doing this…and stop it."
"Would you be able to sleep if you figured it out and let the other authorities take care of it?" he challenged her.
Druig kissed her temple and sat up to get out of bed.
"What are you doing?" Mauve questioned.
"Helpin you so it stops eatin at ya, baby."
Mauve grinned.
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Mauve organized all her notes on a board and went down the list of recent victims and past victims accounts and stories of who took them. Druig looked at photos of where they were taken looking for a clue some how. He's eyes grew once he found it. picking up all the pictures and putting them together.
"All the picture's have this cliff side in them…and there's a street sign in this corner with the cliff in the background, look, M."
Cliff side? There was only one cliff-side view in the entire city. Mauve looked through all the pictures Druig laid out. Her mouth went dry.
"…That's Talcon Drive….the road Vulture lives on." She told. shaking her head. Mauve dropped her pen and shook her head. No…how could this be? Her own mentor the kidnapper of all those people. She started to tremble and cry. Druig rubbed her back.
This just got complicated.
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According to an anonymous source the kidnapper of the past year has been identified as Frank also known as Vulture, the former hero and protector of Omis City. The citizens of Omis have wondered why he turned on them and are asking for anyone to help, find their missing loved ones. Here is his latest victim list…
Mauve was grinding her teeth, fists clenched she felt her blood boiling underneath her skin. As she glared at the TV screen seeing the news coverage of Vulture's recent crimes. She felt her eyes watering she couldn't believe this right now. She threw the nearest thing at her tv and watched it smash to the floor. Then she let out multiple screams of loud rage.
Every-time she turned on the news it was his old picture staring back at her. She squinted her eyes at it. He wasn't her mentor anymore but a criminal and she was going to go after him. But not as Birdie. She threw her old suit into the flames weeks ago. dressed in all black, she even spray-painted her old metal wings black. She decided tonight was the night that she'd do something about Vulture. The anger, the sorrow the betrayed feeling she harbored for him burned in her veins. Tonight was the night she'd kill him if it was the last thing she'd do.
Mauve climbed to her rooftop, sent a text to Druig, lowered her flight visor; and dove off the skyscraper, flying towards the cliff side lair of Vulture.
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Mauve entered the code the the back garage of the lair and it opened for her. "Old man still didnt change the code, typical." Mauve mumbled to herself.
She slipped in and crept along the walls. She heard footsteps ahead of her and dipped down low around the corner. The voice sounded gruff and tired but then there was another voice. Scared and they were crying. The footsteps walked away. Mauve didn't come out till she didn't hear them anymore.
She crept into the room where a woman was tied up to a chair, duct tape on her mouth, and fear on her face. but it dissipated as soon as they saw Mauve. The woman cried Mauve put her fingers to her mouth. And the woman tried to calm down.
Mauve whispered in her ear. "Help is coming…but you have to be quiet, Where did he go?" The woman shook her head trembling and nudged her head in the direction. Mauve tightened her fist and walked off down the hallway the woman directed her to.
Mauve walked down the hallway her footsteps not wasting anytime, boots hitting the floor as the sound echoed down the hall. She didn't care if he heard her coming. She tightened the straps on her backpack wings. And rounded the corner.
"What are you doing here?" Vulture asked the masked stranger. Grabbing his gloves.
"I'm here to end this…to end you."
Vulture knew that voice. That's when he sprung into action crossing the room punching at Mauve. She got hit and he cackled. As he towered over her on the floor.
"You've lost your touch, tsk, tsk." He sneered.
Mauve swung her leg out and kicked his ankle hard. He screamed out in pain and his knees hit the floor. But he slashed at her. The two wrestled on the ground trying to kill the other. Mauve had a few close calls too many on the floor till she sliced him with one of her stars. And he jolted away from her. She saw his blood from the gash drip on the floor. She spit blood out of her mouth.
Mauve was breathing hard she had an idea as Vulture crawled in the corner.
"Please…Mauve…have mercy on an old man." Frank tried his best to sound pitiful.
Mauve didn't hear his plea's they were just white noise to the surging rage she harbored that was growing with every step she took towards him. She hit his wings with the crowbar on the ground and a giant shard of it broke off. She could see his reflection in it. She stomped down hard on his ankle this time breaking it. He shouted out.
"YOU…BITCH!" He roared. Mauve raised the giant shard of his wing high above her head and pressed it as hard as she could into his chest. She closed her eyes once she made contact. He flailed till he stopped moving all together.
Mauve finally limped away from Vulture's lifeless body. Mauve looked at her hands in shock they were bruised, busted and bleeding. She let out a scream of rage. All her feelings from the past months hitting her all at once. She dropped to her knees on the pavement breathing heavily and shook. The smell of blood filled her nose, and she finally looked at Franks dead body on his wing and then she started sobbing.
She didn't hear footsteps running towards her. A man in all black with leather jacket, and gloves to match with a skeleton teeth as a mask. Rook dropped to knees and wrapped his arms around Mauve as she wailed into his chest.
"You did it…It's over." He held on shushing Mauve when she stopped crying he helped her up and they left back down the hallway towards the hostage. They freed her, then left the lair.
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*The Vultures terror on Omis ended tonight, he was found dead in his lair brutally beaten and murdered. His hostage this time was the governors daughter.
" I thought I was gonna die till I saw someone dressed in all black…they said they'd take care of it. Then another one came in all black too with a skeleton mask. Idk who they are but if your listening…thank you.
Druig helped Mauve patch up her wounds. He placed his forehead on hers and looked at her with admiration. She sighed deeply and stared back tiredness in her eyes.
They sat there in silence for a moment the TV becoming background noise.
"tuck me in?" Mauve asked. Druig nodded his head.
He ignored the many buzzes from his phone on the counter. Helping M to her bed.
Once M was asleep for a few hours with no trouble Druig went to find his phone. He growled in annoyance. His teammates knew he went to visit his girlfriend whenever they had long stretches of downtime & the chances he'd answer his phone from anyone with a code-name was never as soon as he got on the train to Omis.
He found it on the floor and unlocked his phone 100+ notifications what the hell was so important? He listened to the voicemail Sprite left an hr and a half ago. His eyes widened, and he nearly dropped his phone again. He had to get back to Del Mar immediately. He fumbled around for his duffel bag throwing his clothes in, slipped on his shoes. Searched around the kitchen for a something to write on, scribbled on it and left it on the fridge for Mauve.
Before he left he crept into her room kissing her cheek then left like a ghost into the dark streets of Omis.
Scribbled on the paper in tiny neat letters was his handwriting.
M, there's been an emergency and I had to go back to Del Mar, idk when I'll return. But I look forward to our next visit- Druig.
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akidcalledalex · 2 years
II just wanna know but I feel like I'm gonna know the answer b ut still
hdhddhh hii and to answer your question I'll tell you a little about the lore back years when mint was 10 years old everything was good mint loves him small family that is just him and his loving mother he used to love everything even after his father death when he was younger ( yea in tqftim mint's father is dead ) everything was alright till one day his mother told him she was going to get married from a man who lost his wife and he has a daughter who's younger than him mint was SO excited he always wanted a little sister and finally having a father he was so happy finally his family will be completed he used to meet his step-father once on a while and tbh he used to think he's cool but his new sister had a shy personality and she refused to play with him at first but she was getting closer everytime they meet mint decided he should give her some time cuz he knows how does it feels because he used to be like her.... Then days passed and his mother got married and FINALLY their family is officially completed !!!
Or that was what mint thought looks like having a completed family has a negative side as It has a positive side..
His little sister got used to him and when she did her true self appeared she was a girl with alot of energy mint didn't mind that at all the problem is that they would get in alot in trouble and he's the one to blame cuz he's the older besides his sister was a bit spoiled and REALLY HATE spoiled children but he tried to ignore it as much as he can..
His father was a good man he used to take care with him he was nice and all but you don't want to know him when he's angry he laterally would snap out of nowhere mostly cuz of his work's pressure and that what make him and pepper fight alot and mint REALLY HATED when his parents fight years passed mint became a teenager and he began to get bored of all of this not only his family is a pain the most of the times but he barely talk with his mother..his mother who he loved the most..he simply got tired of this got tired of everything he wanted to yell at someone he wanted this to be someone's fault but he knows it's nobody's fault and it's ok for the family not to be so perfect but he was tired he liked his life better when it was only him and his mother till one day when he came from school his mother greeted him and :
Note I still didn't figure out what the father's and sister's name or design is going to be so their name is father and sister till I find good names
Peppermint candy : oh hello honey how was your days at school ?
Mintmocha:.... Since when do you even care
Peppermint candy: what was that ? *She asked out of curiosity*
Mintmocha: I said SINCE WHEN DO YOU CARE !
peppermint candy: MIKA!!!
mintmocha: what ?! I'm saying the truth he's not my father and she's not my sister they are not my family YOU are my family we were supposed to be close mom but now I feel like you care about them more than you care about me
Peppermint candy: Mika I don't...I... I'm sorry I made you feel this way
Peppermint candy:... I think you're right..
mintmocha: mom ?
Peppermint candy: even though what do you think is the best banishment?
Father: idk all I care that it will be something painful for him SO HE COULD LEARN FROM WHAT HE DID
Mint felt like his face was turning red he was so angry he was going to snap at any moment
Father: should I take this as a challenge or what young man ?
He said while narrowing his eyes his eyes which was filled with rage and anger
Peppermint candy: MIKA THAT'S ENOUGH!
Mint felt a sharp pain in his chest he never saw his mother mad at him like this he felt guilt when did he do all of this so instead of saying anything mint ran into his room he can her his mother calling his name but he ignored her...
He started sobbing he felt bad he made his mother mad why why would he be such a disrespectful child
mintmocha: huh ?
He heard something or someone calling his name
It wasn't his mother
He heard it again
Then he remembered this voice
He used to hear it when he was young he thought he was just imagining back then
And it always used to come from
The Forest
Mint opened his window and made a tall rope out of his blankets and tied up to his bed as he used to see on tv
When he reached the ground he ran to the forest he really needed to know what's this voice WHO was this voice but whatever what was that he knew one thing
it needed his help
He walked and walked and the voice was getting louder be each step he didn't realize that yet but he was getting in the depth of the forest..
....the voice stopped
Mint wondered to himself what happened and why did the voice stop
?????: Boo
?????:*chuckles* calm down I'm not gonna hurt you
What is that...? It was a girl around his age she had cat ears and she wears a pink dress and her head was a.....cupcake???
?????: Hello mintmocha my name is cupcat but you can calm me kitty or cuppy if you wanted nice to meet you !
She said with a wise smile on her face
mintmocha: how...how did you know my name...how do you know who am I ?!
Cupcat: silly mint cuz I'm the one who got ya here
....ohhh so she was the voice... Cool ?
mintmocha: IT'S YOU !!!!
Cupcat: yep me and only me !
Mintmocha: ok so I have alot of questions but the most important one right now is what do you need from me ?
Cupcat: you see Mika..
Mintmocha: don't call me Mika
Cupcat: ok Michael
Mintmocha: I don't like that either
Cupcat: I don't care... So as I was saying I need your help only you can help me with that
Mintmocha: what is "that"
Cupcat: Soooo long story short there's an illness called the ink Illness it kills people and I need your help to find a cure
Mintmocha freeze in his place wasn't that the same illness his father died with ? He took a deep breath
god it's gonna be a long day
Mintmocha: yea I know about it but why do YOU think I can help I'm... I'm just a CHILD
Cupcat: cuz you're special Michael there's something about you no one knows about well kinda no one I know about it already
Mintmocha: what...is it ?
Cupcat: ok let's not spoil on you shall we ? You should discover it yourself..so what did you say will you help me ?
Mintmocha: WHA..WHAT??? well.. I REALLY want to help but I'm not sure... How could I know you're telling the truth
Cupcat: trust me or not that's your choice
Mint started to think....
of his family..no only his mother he knew the other doesn't care about him he thought about how worried she will if he suddenly disappeared from existing but rat the same time he didn't want to come back there not again not after all of this so he decided to write her a letter and leave it on his bed
"Dear mother,
I know you're still mad at me and it's ok but I'm not here to talk about it I'm wanted to tell you that I'm going to be away from home for a while I just need sometime alone don't worry tho I'll write to you from time to time everything is ok besides I'm not a child anymore I can take care of myself
Your son, mintmocha"
Mintmocha wasn't sure why he's doing this but if it meant to get rip of this illness which killed his father and ruined his life once and for all then IT'S WORTH IT
And then it was a new beginning of a new life of mint.. who knows what will happen next
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namuneulbo · 2 years
week sixty-seven
OKAY woah. crazy week. although mainly friday was crazy lol. im just gonna do a short highlight then tell yall ab friday in more detail.
- v ghosted me. or well, he hasnt been in on the app in days so it could be that but im gonna count it as ghosting considering he MUST notice we arent talking, right?
- started talking to j. hes a slow replier although he did tell me quite early on that he is so i dont mind it AS much but ya. i wanna talk to himmmmm more.
- in general ive been getting more matches recently, esp w men. idk how im suddenly in such an era.
- won music quiz ???? me, c, f, p and v shared the price. s had sat w out team and helped us but he wasnt officially in our team so he didnt drink anything. i had mixed vibes ab s but i quite like him now, hes really nice but he reminds me a bit of k but i dont want to think of him as shittily as i do of him just bc he kind of reminds me of him manner-wise. manner-wise as in the way he speaks, not acts.
- ms concert !!!! so good !!! shes so talented !!!!!!!!
okay, so... friday. the day had come. were all doomed.
i went to helsinki by train early in the morning and i arrived in helsinki around 11:30. i had forgotten my sandwiches i had made the night before so i was starving. i went to hesburger and had some food. i was sooooo bored for the like,, 5 hours of freetime i had before the show. i went to check out where the venue was and i was feeling quite happy but my ears started hurting so bad bc it was cold so i after finding the venue i had to find somewhere to warm up for a bit which ended up being in some health center. the area around the venue was so,,, lame. like there was nothing to do at all and it was raining and it was cold so walking outside wasnt my fav activity. i decided to go buy some food for the train ride home and then i struggled figuring out what to do bc like,, i had like two hours of freetime left so i COULDVE gone back to the city center and done some fun stuff but it was kind of that thing of when u have plans at like 4 pm so u cant do ANYTHING before that even though u realistically have the time to do it. yk?
it started raining and i was not feeling myself at all and i had the urge to cry bc i was so overwhelmed but i ended up walking around in a light panic then i went to the venue and just waited outside for like an hour. a group of brits in doomed hoodies came out of a van and walked into the venue and bro i was starting to get nervous lol everything started feeling so real.
the venue opens. ppl rush in and i let some ppl go before me since i didnt want to be first at the m&g. we got a neon orange wristband and then were guided to the wardrobe. i put away my stuff and then went to buy merch. i got the save the bees tee and its so cute. my card declined at first bc of some area ban thingy so i had to fix that real quick before buying it. the staff were so nice though!
i had to pick up my makeup from the wardrobe bc i forgot it in my bag and also i was unsure whether we were meeting dan w masks on or not so in case we werent wearing masks i wanted to fix my makeup. we ended up meeting him w masks on though so i wouldve been fine.
i go to the m&g queue. i didnt even know it had started until i saw dans back on the side of the screen separating him from the queue. he wore a nice outfit. some sweater w a skeleton on the back and ripped jeans. very dan. very on brand. i had a lil freak out and fangirled by myself lol i was so aaaaaa
i was talking w n for a good bit during the queueing and in the midst of it she said i should ask what his fav pokémon is bc we had been talking ab that a couple of days ago while i was making hama bead stuff for him. i told n id ask him to send her a voice message from my phone. n got excited ab it but told me to not waste my time w him on her but i was so sure i wanted to do this so i just set that as a lil goal.
when i was close to the front i stopped talking w n for a bit and just tried to calm down a bit. i put on the screen rec on my phone when the last person in front of me left to go meet him and once i got to walk in we immediately went in for a hug and bro i was so awkward bc he wanted to hug me above my shoulders bc yk,,, hes tall but i tried doing one of those twisty ones where one arm goes above and one under and broooo. THE TWISTY HUGS R NOT EVEN GOOD LIKE BRO NOOOOOO... anyways, before i start crying ab that, lets continue. he immediately asks if i want anything signed and i hand him my pride flag and make a little joke ab how i thought it was on brand. he asks if the letter in my hand was for him and i misinterpret it as if the pride flag was for him so i just answer awkwardly like “no but i brought u a letter” like OKAY GURL....... anyways... i hand him the letter and make a lil comment on the taemin sticker i used to seal it w. he laughs ab it and says i have taste. he goes in to reach for my phone and asks if i want him to take the pictures and i just say yes and tried to make him notice my cringey wallpaper of him and phil, yk,,, thinking i could make a lil joke ab how i have it as a joke and that i dont have a literal photo of him and phil from like 2009 thinking its the shit (although,,, it kind of is the shit). anyways, he doesnt notice it and just takes a few pics. 5/6 turn out blurry but theyre all cute so its fine, still ly dan lol he starts ending the interaction and being all like “well, i hope u enjoy the show tonight!” and i reply w like “also-” and he was listening attentively again and being all like “yeah?” instead of scurrying me away (bro i feel like im making both him and me sound like douchebags but it was a pleasant experience, it was just a very hectic one). i tell him shortly that me and n met bc of him and phil and he was like “really??” and i asked him if he could send a voice message to her telling her his fav pokémon bc she loves pokémon. hes like “yes, ofc!” and then i hand him my phone w me and ns chat open. he starts a message but doesnt record it so he has to do it again and he reacted so cutely when he realized it wasnt recording PLSS hes so cute. he records it again and then i thank him and he goes in for another hug before i leave and aghhhh i was so shakey afterwards. also, HE SMELLS SO GOOD????? its very obviously lush so i have a mission to find that exact lush product now bc WOAH. i smelt like him for a solid 30 mins afterwards, it was crazy.
the show was so good and my seat was great!!! im so happy w everything and the pre-show pl was amazing. sticker, famous last words, his own diss track??? i loved it. so happy. i love dan sm!!!
sotw: the cure - apart
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orcelito · 2 years
So despite being told that I need several weeks notice to dependably get time off work, my dad didn't loop me into the conversation about when the canoe trip would happen, so I only got confirmation Yesterday that it's happening this Saturday, & I have a shift this Saturday that for several reasons I wont be able to find someone to cover
& so I'm gonna have to miss the canoe trip (again). Trying to not be angry, but I very definitely am unhappy.
#speculation nation#i could have done more to participate in the conversation. i knew it was a thing being talked about & i couldve asked up about it#but idk i figured id be told when an official time was decided and it never happened so i Kinda assumed the plans had fallen through#but no. they're gonna happen. just not without me :)#trying to not be a little shit about it but my dad messaged me this morning saying the canoe trip is happening on Saturday#despite the fact that my sister messaged me last night & i told her i wouldnt be able to go#so im Guessing she already told him. but he still messaged me like my answer might have changed overnight???#'sorry for the late notice but we're planning the trip for saturday'#& i answered essentially 'yea [sister] told me about that. i have a shift that day i cant get covered so im gonna have to miss this year'#the (again) implied. since the same damn thing happened last year.#DESPITE HIM BEING TOLD that if he wants me to join in for Family Events i have to know when they happen several weeks before!!!#Week Of plans will Rarely work. and so to no surprise i have a 6.5 hr closing shift on Saturday#with no one realistically able to cover it (since one supervisor is already on break and the other 2 are already scheduled for that day)#ultimately maybe it's not the worst bc a canoe trip would tire me the Fuck out#but i kinda really wanted to go canoeing thru turkey run... ive only been canoeing Once. years ago. and it's Fun...#and god knows i need more time out of my stupid life of boxes. my occasional trips out to the river i live by only Barely keeping my sanity#so like. whatever. i'll deal. but i am Definitely not happy about it lol.
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estella-and-co · 3 years
Here I go with the elaborate headcanons again
In 101 dalmatians Horace and Jasper's last name is Badun but I'm like 70% sure that was just a dumb pun name. Like 'oh they're bad guys so Bad plus uhhhh un"
I'd like to think if their(?) last name ever gets mentioned in the Cruella universe it would be something more real sounding and less ugly. I was thinking Beaudin or Beaudoin, which mean 'joyful' and 'bold friend' respectively. They would sound much nicer than "buh dun" ("bow-dahn" or "bow-dwahn")
Also they look similar enough to the original plus Beau is the masculine form of beautiful in French.
So since they aren't biological brothers, why do they have the same last name? And why is it French? Welcome to my version of Jasper's (and some of Horace's) back story.
I gotta tell you all of this just kinda came to me I didn't put too much thought into it but I kinda love it
So Jasper is the child of a British soldier and a woman from north-northwestern France who met at the end of world war 2. When the war was over and just a few days before he was about to be sent back to England, the soldier met Jasper's mother and he fell madly in love with her and decided to stay with her in France.
When they got married, he took her last name - Beaudin - so there wouldn't be records of him so the army wouldn't go looking for him. They built a life together and about 7 years later they had Jasper.
When Jasper was really young (3-5 years old) his father wanted them to go on a trip back to England to see his family again. And then they were planning on moving to Bretagne, where J's mother is from, to raise their family there.
On the way to London their train gets in an accident. At the time Jasper, being a curious and independent little boy, had wandered off to a different section of the train than his parents which was less affected by the crash and that's how he survived while they didn't.
He's found in the wreckage and at one point he has to ID his parent's bodies which is super traumatic :(
(If they had made it to find his grandparents they would have discovered that 1 they had been living on the street for years bc they had been kicked out if their home due to financial problems and 2 they had assumed J's dad was dead so one of the parents committed suicide in their grief)
(I had an alternative version where they find the grandparents but the dad is super racist and he attacks Jasper's parents in a rage over their interracial marriage. He also has some friends who share his views so J's parents are outnumbered and his mom tells him to run. But that might be a little too dark and/or overdramatic)
Jasper is eventually taken to the orphanage where he's assigned to bunk with Horace.
Horace had been in the system his entire life, but for a couple years he lived with a foster family. The mother was very kind and treated him like her own, but when she died, her husband decided he didn't want and couldn't take care of the foster children, so Horace was sent back.
Horace and Jasper got closer over the years they spent together in the orphanage. Their life there wasn't exactly the easiest and nicest experience, to say the very least, but they had each other to lean on. They learned to steal because they often wouldn't get fed enough or sometimes at all. They figured out the best way and time to sneak into the kitchen and how to best distract any staff they might encounter.
When they're around 12 years old they decide they're over this, and they think they'll be able to live on their own, as long as they stick together. So one night they make their escape. They meet Estella around two months later.
As the years went on, Jasper forgot any French he ever knew (except sometimes in his dreams he could still hear his mother calling him 'mon ange'.)
(for this next part I couldn't figure out a good scenario where they would need to use their real names so idk just go with it lol)
When they're around 15, Wink gets sick and, as much as they try to avoid it, eventually they have to take him to the vet.
Horace is worried sick for his little dog son. He's a nervous wreck the whole walk over to the vet, focusing all of his attention on comforting and checking on Wink, who was also a wreck, while Jasper figures out directions and everything.
After waiting for what felt like an eternity (but was probably only 25 minutes) they could finally check in.
"Name?' the receptionist asked.
"I'm Horace, and this here's my dog Wink. He's been very sick, ya see, he's hardly been eating an-"
He was a bundle of anxiety, talking so fast he barely registered the words coming from his own mouth.
"Now just hold on a minute; I can't do anything to help you out here. And what's the last name?"
Horace had never really had to think about that. He'd never really had a last name, at least not one that he knew of. He didn't even know the last name of that kind woman who had been like a mother to him all those years ago. He had always just been Horace.
"Last name's Beaudin, ma'am." Jasper piped up from beside him. "I'm his brother."
Horace looked over at him, slightly bewildered. He guessed they had always been like brothers, but he's never really thought of it in those terms before. It felt nice to have someone be 'officially' called his family. It felt really nice.
Jasper smiled back at him. He'd always been there for him, and he always would be.
"I can uh, finish with the paperwork and stuff." Jasper said, "You and Wink just go sit down."
From then on, they were the Beaudin brothers. Little did they know then, that one day their story would be twisted and told alongside that of the evil Cruella, but no matter what the storytellers got wrong, they always got that part right. That they were brothers.
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r0h1rr1m · 4 years
rambly inception thoughts bc i watched this movie for like the fifth time this week and i can’t let it go
i just saw a lil post about an umbrella academy/inception crossover and that au is not really relevant to this but it made me think. i got to wondering whether someone w superpowers would be able to use them in a dream, or if that would violate the suspension of disbelief/make-no-waves rules and call the projections down on u. the specific rules of this mechanism--and of forging, and limbo, and lots of other stuff--have a definitively movie-logic ambiguousness to them, but let’s say that using powers in a dream, even if you have them in real life, stretches belief a little too much and angers the projections. it would also explain why (from a watsonian perspective, at least) dreamsharers don’t just give themselves fantastic abilites to make things easier. (i kinda wanna go off on another tangent about what that implies about who you have fool, be it dreamer or mark or both, and the effect of varying levels of imagination, but few enough people are gonna read this whole thing as is :’))
but then (in this extremely niche and overly specific hypothetical situation, yes, i’m sorry) if powered ppl using real powers in a dream would be too unbelievable, it follows that dreamsharers would have to be at least slightly more boring versions of themselves in a dream, probably less skilled and just less weird. real life is consistently stranger and more unexpected than imagination
this is where this veers off into unrelated territory a lil bit bc then i started imagining the conversation that would happen if Ariadne started figuring this out or if Eames told her. without any effort at good or in-character dialogue, it might go something like this:
A <<so then the stablest/most forgiving dreams would be of the people with the most imagination? like children?>>
E <<probably, but who would go in the mind of a child?>>
A <<u literally make a career made a career out of violating people in a way so profound u’d have to be clinically paranoid to even worry about protecting against it, but u draw the line there? at children? why is it okay to do it to adults?>>
and so on until i started having some characterization hcs. bc i see Eames as the coldest/most ruthlessly pragmatic character in the movie (i’ve had conversations where ppl argue it’s Cobb, but he’s not ruthless. he is, in fact, sabotaging his own career w an overabundance of ruth. he’s just desperate and making some kind of myopic justifications. like that scene early on in the first level? i get the distinct sense that when he’s blowing up at Arthur he’s overcompensating to separate himself from the blame of a situation for which he’s at least 50% but arguably more responsible for. sorry tangent over) and i don’t think he’d worry abt this too much.
he knows that he lives his life in a bit of a moral gray area and unless he wants to make sm srs changes to his lifestyle there’s not a lot of point stressing. he’s not like totally relativistic, bc relativism isn’t that useful and he’s pretty utilitarian (i think these words also have, like, official philosophical definitions but idk anything abt that n i’m not using em that way), but he’s aware that a moral code is a tricky thing, even for ppl who are not international career criminals. rules like “no kids as marks” are easy to follow, and make simple, instinctive sense. i think he’d make a lot of moral decisions js on gut feeling.
in the hypothetical convo above where he tells Ariadne as much, mbe he adds:
<<if u want to talk abt it w someone who’s actually thought abt this, i’m sure Arthur has, but i don’t think it’ll make u feel better>>
bc Arthur is mbe a bit too good at compartmentalizing and justifications (not like Cobb, tho. Arthur is loyal to a fault and dedicated to looking after other ppl in a way he seems generally disinterested in doing for himself), seeing as he’s apparently the kind of person who can cheerfully ID someone’s murderer to their face and then just casually switch topics after like 5 words of explanation.
he’s characterized as v focused on planning/details and thoroughness/coherency, so it tracks that he’d want to articulate/organize his thoughts on Why I Do What I Do, but the subjectivity of his justifications would be especially apparent to Ariadne after this convo w Eames. and like, “convince ur friend to go to therapy” and “follow ur friend around the globe enabling his increasingly aimless and self-destructive mission to break into ppl’s heads for money” are on opposite ends of a spectrum i don’t want to know anything about. js bc this dude gets prissy abt Eames js Feeling Things Out and is convinced he’s Mr. Logic doesn’t mean his logic isn’t absolutely fckn buck-wild.
so Ariadne’s reaction to all this is what? it’s highly unlikely anything could make her give up dreamshare, so. are there legit alternatives to the criminal side of things? in the movie it’s not rly clear. when Dom goes to Miles and says that becoming a fugitive took away his legitimate options for his skills, it seems like that would imply there are, in fact, legitimate options. but then why was Miles only training/able to suggest a normal ass architect and not a dreamshare Architect?
anyway, the point is if legit dreamshare work exists, Ari could hand the work of deciding on ethics and regulations off to a boss or legislation. whether or not she’d choose to do that i think is a matter of personal hc and the movie could support it either way. if on the other hand, tho, only illegal uses for dreamshare exist, she has to find her own moral guidelines in criminal work (i like the hc that Arthur helps her be more selective than a newbie would typically be allowed to be. helps her vet jobs and keep from getting in over her head/beholden to someone. it just seems like something he would do. and mbe his reputation needs a little repair after however long he ran w an increasingly unstable and unreliable Dom Cobb, but if ppl like Eames are still calling him the best pointman he must have enough clout to help Ari get some good jobs). for myself, i think even if there are legit jobs Ari would choose to stay on the illegal side of things anyway, at least at first. she’s addicted to the limitation-free aspect of it, and, in the proud tradition of geniuses and prodigies everywhere, she’s demonstrably bad at taking censure/advice. she has to make her own mistakes. not to mention, her own morals might be a lil wobbly anyway, from how easily and entitledly she invaded Dom’s privacy. like, it turned out to be for the best, but it was still kinda fcked up
anyway surprise i wasn’t working towards any sort of point but i can’t stop thinking abt this movie and my family’s sick of hearing about it. thanks for reading. vote
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cow3survivor · 4 years
Ep. 4: “Trying To Cover Ur Murderous Tracks” - Jones
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nash isnt on my tribe but i cant help but feel bad for them :((( the last two days that we were together as old calumma i actually started to connect with them. they will be missed 💔
(a little later)
why am i obsessed with ethan ? *insert meme of that tiktoker just standing there*
(after building a bamboo bed)
super nervous for immunity, if we end up losing i think i might try to push for pennino bc he pissed me off the other night saying he wouldnt be available for the comp and literally SITTING THERE watching us do the comp... i really like sam and ethan (tbh more than i like lindsay and jabari) but thats only bc of how much we communicate with each other idk i do know lindsay wants to push for pennino too bc she was annoyed it too so maybe let her do all the pushing and if it backfires, just push for her to go😳
No song 4 today Last round we voted out Nash. That was not my ideal choice (I wanted Nicole to go) but Pete was paranoid Nicole may have an idol, that Nicole/Mikey/Nash were secretly working together, or just that something might go down. He also trusts Nicole for reasons unknown. I didn't love leaving Mikey in the dark (I think that really only helped Pete, not me) but I was nervous that if I pushed Nicole too hard as the vote, Pete would vote Mikey and then that was really the worst case scenario. If we lose this round, I am voting Nicole no question. She asked me what happened after the vote + if we could talk which I thought was great! I sent her an explanation that basically said I didn't trust Nash because they did not talk to me, I was worried OG Calumma was still a thing, and I didn't trust Nicole because she didn't start talking to me until after we lost + she left me on read a lot. And what does she do right after I sent that? Leave me on read again! I was excited to work with her when we first swapped but I don't see that happening at all now. The nice thing is because Pete lied to her, Mikey and Nicole voted each other, AND Lovelis was already initially down to vote Nicole, I'm hoping if we lose the vote is really easy. I also don't think Nicole has the idol because.... ...I found it! Okay, no I didn't. I did find a ruby though. I think that in each quadrant of the adventure, there is a gem and the four gemstones combined will make an idol. I already have 1, I have a good idea of where it could be in the north, and most importantly I am pretty sure Nicole has no advantages. I think if she had an idol, she might have played it last round, but my guess is that there is only one idol in the game and no one has it yet. However right now I'm not sharing this information with anyone. I hope that if we lose, Pete votes for Mikey out of paranoia (and that Nicole does as well) which means moving forward, Mikey really only has me and that's an alliance I can keep long term. I do also think that we are potentially swapping after this OR we will do a double tribal after this and swap then. I do not want us to lose twice because that's when things get tricky but if we do, I think I will be set up well enough that no one is coming for me.
so my og Brookesia alliance of jessica and lovelis (plus me) they want to vote out Nicole but i reeeeaaally don’t wanna do that. Nicole and I had this talk of moving on from our past so if I just vote her out first chance I get that’d just be a huge dick move. They for some reason believe Mikey which I honestly don’t, I think he may be a little weasel. Nash doesn’t talk to me at all, so i’m hoping maybe I can shift the vote onto Nash by scaring them with the thought of Nicole having and idol
(after dropping his rice into the sand)
AAAAAAAAHHHHHH IDIDIT I DID IT IDIDIT literally i have THE biggest fucking knot in my stomach i was SO fUcking NERVOUS this is so fuckignw crazy i cant skdjdbxsjkdb i’ve NEVER been in control of a vote before like everything i told someone to do they did like i’m not gonna get all like egotistical and all that but like sjkdsxkdbsjjdjxjdkdb ive never been in this position before it’s wild i’m usually like the mikey. like i’m just there, hoping people include me but kinda just scraping by until they decide it’s my turn to leave and NOW!!!! I JUST BLINDSIDED SOMEBODYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
trying really hard to do this comp and my arthritis is making my hands spasm :(( powering thru and hopefully we dont go to tribal. if we do im afraid that im going to be voted out :((
So i scored for the tribe which is great but then we tie and there is tower of hanoi. Lets just say ill never play that game again but I swear im not giving up no sir....they said they wouldnt boot me because of it but ima make sure of it.
in love with ethan hes the best person in the world
(after staring at Ethan)
really sucks going to tribal council and i know i let my team down so now im trying to find a way- SOME WAY to remind them that old calumma wanted to go after pennino next and to hopefully keep ethan out of the fire. sam approached me about an alliance with him and ethan and tbf idc what anybody calls me or what they think but im honestly closer to the too of them than to anybody on the tribe- closer to ethan than i was to jake even😳
https://drive.google.com/file/d/12YzvXBooOu3lndrE99YopPOcO4VEAYYB/view?usp=drivesdk lmk if this works also fun fact i just tried to open the camera on the computer im borrowing and the computer bluescreened lol i hate it here
The way this game is going Id say that I’m probably closest with Jessica just because we’ve been talking since the start, she’s really nice & enthusiastic, and we’ve agreed so far on the things that need to happen so we share a lot of information with each other. Lovelis is a little bit of a wild card because he never really talks that much so I’m going to try to bond with him more so that he doesn’t feel like just another number.
Who knew we’d pull out a win with flash games! Maybe we need to stop shitting on then and start praying for more of them to pop up here LMAO. So glad I can just have this day to speak to people a bit more and just relax a little - I feel like me Jess and Pete are in a comfortable position within this tribe so I’m praying for no more funny business with another premerge swap but I’m tryna stay on my toes!
Ok so tribal time: I am in a minority position right now and it is looking sketchy. I feel like I am going because of how Jabari and Jennet have not talked to me at all today and instead have ghosted me. I have something, but not sure if I want to play it. Do I trust people, or do I just full send and blow it up? Time shall tell
Yay we won immunity! I love getting my Dolphin Olympics redemption arc, it's been 6 years in the making.
Now, it's 4 hours before the first tribal as Furcifer, and I think that us from OG Calumma will go and do a Pagong to Ethan and Sam. Since Ethan was a beast in  the comps, and we want to keep tribal lines, that puts Sam up for the chopping block. As for Nash leaving, no surprise. Honestly, I feel pretty safe and now i'm just waiting for another swap.
I don't know how I've survived four rounds but here we are. I think I've legit gotten the lowest score in the past 2 challenges but everyone else is a beast so I get to stay safe for another round. The downside to being safe so long is that there isn't really a lot of gameplay happening over on Planet Brookesia and some of us might be a little bit too comfy so that when swap time comes or we lose the next challenge, it'll be scramble city to figure something out.
https://youtu.be/Hz-Ix0ZeQ7E y'all when I tell you i'm manic just thinking about crazy fringe theories related to this game lmaoooooo
ok bet lets get strategic:tm: i feel like a lot of my confessionals are rlly like ,, , , ,me just talking ab "wow i rlly like this person, not this person so and so and whatnot" and i haven't rlly gotten to bare bones like ,, what i'm thinking ab game wise ? for starters - i think i'm in a rlly good spot surprisingly? LIKE don't get me wrong its fking dangerous being in a 4-2 but i think i'm set up super super well? i'm officially working with all of Daisy, Sammy, Shane, and Jake, and am in an alliance w everyone of those people besides Sammy. but sammy has vouched saying that he does want to work w me and has my back and i don't have like,, any reason to doubt that rn ? unfortunately the only way to rlly like ,, ,, have everyone prove their trust to me is by going to tribal aldksfjasdlfj but i dont rlly see a reason for them to like ,, , lie to me ? esp when we haven't gone to tribal? i don't see the point in marinating someone this isn't among us and ur trying to cover ur murderous tracks,,, but ya ? i'm in a good spot. i think based on my alliances and allies and whatnot, and i've stated this already so this isn't rlly a surprise, but madison would probs be the target if we'd have to go to tribal. and Jake has stated to me too that he hasn't rlly talked to madison that much either so it doesn't seem like an uncommon thought process. after the challenge tiebreaker yesterday , the newly formed ALLEANCHE! kind of came together as the 4 most active people on the tribe so it SEEMS like it would be madison AND sammy getting targetted and , ,, , sammy going for me isn't rlly cash money bc if sammy DOES have my back then that's me losing one of MY allies,, but i don't think we're going to enough tribals before another swap for that to actually be a thing ? so hopefully if we do go to tribal it'd be madison and not sammy, but i think i, if not i then maybe jake LOL, can make a good case for madison to go over sammy. speaking of jake i have a rlly bad gut feeling that i'm gonna have to think ab cutting him soon - or at least before merge. i've kinda been letting him take the reigns since preswap to make him kind of look like a leader ish ? so i'm rlly hoping that like ,, , hypothetically speaking. lets say i'm AGAIN put on another tribe w jake (bc lbr we're swapping again),, and lets say hypothetically they wanna split up the supposed "duo" of myself and jake,,, whos the smarter person to take out - the leader whos kinda been calling the shots and making the alliances since round 1, or the person whos proven themself to be reliable and to keep their team safe and be able to go to bat for their team ? idk IDK that's just me but i definitely think like ,, in terms of a building threat level i think jake is definitely the easier target asldkfjasd which is UNFORTUNATE like i LOVE JAKE but i feel like if it comes to me and jake and jake is putting me in DANGER then , ,, well,, :( i gotta do what i gotta DO i'm pawned as old reliable for a reason :katenails: but ya uhm,,, shane/daisy/jake/i were talking on call after the tiebreaker ab what could happen and we all basically agreed theres no way in hell that there ISN'T another swap on the horizon or at least like,, a twist or something. u can't just swap at 18 on a 20 person cast and just expect us to sit like lil ducks on sunday brunch, if anything we're probs gonna swap at like ,, , , , 15? OR hosts are cracked and swap us NEXT ROUND bc they're sadistic. but ya there's def another swap it rlly just depends on when and whos there to experience it - i.e whether or not i'm gonna have security from my allies or not ya feel? i feel. also there's definitely probs like ,, , ,a double tribal. or smth. or like, smth crazy and dumb and stupid that i don't have the brain capacity to rlly comprehend. but ya hope i win this was a good strategy talk #fruciferandcallumathrowchallenge
Hello!!! Nash went home and I'm sad so I am PROTESTING confessionals! You won't know anything that is happening with me! Nothing! (Just kidding nothing happened this round, everyone ignored me and then we won immunity so they had no need to)
so I had to write a paper and I'm rushing to get this in...blinks...whats new anyways I have been so off in like the idol hunting and I have felt so detached from this game since I have only been to tribal once? but I think the people in danger would be like Madison or Jake? they have both been brought up to me by daisy...and in all seriousness I would be fine with that? I honestly really am only prioritizing Jones and Daisy in this tribe. I feel fine with my position in this game and I even got a point from the flash games. Luckily Daisy won for us in the tiebreaker and we were able to barely escape tribal. I really do hope I can continue to avoid tribal so that I can get as far into this to make it to the more individual stage of this game.
0 notes
wookihoon · 7 years
Let's Go
— Requested?: Yes
— Group: Wanna One
— Characters: Y/N + Park Jihoon
— Genre: Idk but it’s a zombie apocalypse AU, angst probably
— Message: This has some mild gore in it so if you don’t like that this probably isn’t for you
You woke up from the quick power nap that you had taken in a safe shelter about 5 minutes from the center of the now terrible city. The government had a quarantine set for a disease that popped up around the state, but somehow the disease was spread quickly throughout many people, starting a zombie apocalypse. You looked over to your longtime boyfriend, Park Jihoon, who was still fast asleep against the pillow he had packed in his worn-down and dirty travel bag. You contemplated whether or not to wake him up, knowing that it was time to leave the vicinity soon. You decided to give him a light shake to wake him up from his sleep.
“Hey, we have to get going soon.” You told Jihoon quietly. He stretched and got up before replying to you.
“Is there anything outside the little window in the corner?” He asked as he moved his eyes towards it. You checked the world outside for any creatures roaming around and laid your eyes on some infected human turned zombie that was at an intersection about 100 feet away from you and Jihoon.
“Pack your things now and let’s go south.” You rushed to put the supplies that were scattered on the ground back into your grey travel bag you had since you were about five years old.
“I-is there something out there?” Jihoon stuttered right before quickly packing his things.
“When you get your stuff all cleaned up look out the window if you want to see what’s going on, if it’s even still there.” Jihoon listened to your request and hastily swung his travel bag on his back before jogging towards the window to get a peek of what was outside.
“Oh my god… that’s too close.” Jihoon gasped as he grabbed your wrist pulling you in the opposite direction of where the mob of zombies were and opened the door. He handed you a machete to make sure that if something got in your way, you could take them out.
“Don’t start running now, if we run the whole time we’re not gonna have enough energy. Lets pace ourselves.” You explained to Jihoon while you two were hiding behind a large dumpster for a bit. He listened carefully to the advice you gave him.
“Let’s go.” You whispered.
“You sure, Y/N?” He asked, skeptically. You simply held his hand and started jogging side by side, keeping an eye out for any zombies, victims, or other strange things that could possible appear. God forbid one of you get infected with the unknown disease the zombies were carrying, as you would then turn into one yourself.
“Jihoon! To the right!” You exclaimed, pointing your hand to the area next to him. He looked over to the wide open area next to him to see a zombie approaching him. Before he knew it, the zombie switched routes and went for you instead. The zombie was able to grab one of your fingers with it’s grimy hand, making your heart drop. You screamed out for help, thinking that these were your last moments.
“Y/N!” Jihoon yelled as he fought for you.
Jihoon quickly grabbed a throwing knife that was in his bag and hit the zombie in the side of the head, taking it down quickly and leaving the body to decompose on the street. Jihoon immediately found a small underground room and took you there with him, closing the door behind him.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry.” Jihoon was barely able to mumble out these words to you as he took you into what could possibly be considered be the largest embrace he ever gave you. He began to tear up a little, and nuzzled his head into your shoulder.
“It’s okay now Jihoon.” You muttered, wrapping your arms around him. Jihoon took his head off of your shoulder and looked down at the cemented ground.
“I will never be able to forgive myself for that, Y/N.” You wanted to stop him there, but you let him continue to speak.
“The fact that my world’s life was almost taken just a few minutes ago… it completely breaks me. I wish I would of helped you better so you wouldn’t of had to do deal with that. I’ll always try to protect you. I’m so sorry, from the bottom of my heart. You deserve someone better, really…” He trailed off before muttering nonsense you couldn’t comprehend.
“Don’t ever say that I deserve someone better than you. I’m happy with you, do you understand Park Jihoon?” You countered. “Just because that happened once doesn’t mean I hate you now. Hell, you saved my life so I love you more now.” You announced seriously, place the both of your hands on his shoulders looking him dead in the eyes.
“Thank you.” He simply answered.
You took a quick peek outside of the door to see what was going on. To your horror, you see a flock of zombies tearing up an elderly pedestrian’s organs out at a crosswalk and some buildings being lit on fire with arson by a few corrupted government officials. You immediately shut the door and lock it, giving a thorough explanation of what you had just seen went down to Jihoon.
“We have to stay here for the night.” Jihoon concluded.
“Yeah, start getting your stuff laid out so we can figure out what to do.” You requested of him. The two of you spread your materials on the ground while the A.M. radio played softly in the background with any news. Something that played on the radio made the both of you stop in your tracks.
‘Urgent announcement: Federal ships have been ordered to help citizens flee from the current state of the nation. 500 ships will start loading at dawn, 7 A.M. Approximately 100,000 citizens will be able to load citizens, and send them to a safe nation across the ocean. It is currently unknown if any more ships will be available after that day.’
You and Jihoon locked eyes after the announcement was over.
“We-” You were cut off.
“Have to.” Jihoon completed your sentence for you.
Jihoon checked the time on his industrial watch, which read 7:23 P.M.
“Let’s go to sleep now, set an alarm on your watch for 5:30 A.M. so we have enough time to get packed and head to the ships early.” You stated. Jihoon nodded his head and did as you said. The both of you then went under the sleeping bag Jihoon had brought with him, and he blew out the light coming from the gas powered lantern that you two were lucky to find in the underground room.
“What are we going to do when he get relocated?” Jihoon inquired softly, playing with your hair.
“It all depends where we’re going, darling. Hopefully the place isn’t too bad.” You sighed in response. He gave you a kiss on the lips before letting you drift off to sleep.
“Y/N!” Jihoon exclaimed, waking you up because the alarm couldn’t.
Your lips formed an O shape before you widened your eyes and looked up at him.
“Did I miss the alarm?” You queried, still half asleep.
“Yes, silly. Now go eat a quick snack before we head out.” Jihoon tossed you a plastic bag with some treats in it. You opened up a pack that contained a granola bar in it while Jihoon quickly packed the stuff back into you two’s bags.
“Ready?” He chirped, although you knew him too well to not sense any fear in his voice, which was a bit evident.
“How long is it from here?” You asked while placing your bag on your shoulders.
“Three minutes if we make a run for it, it’s 5:46 A.M. right now. I’ll lead the way, I don’t want to see you get hurt again.” Jihoon explained carefully.
“Let’s go.” You announced, cautiously opening the metal door to go outside.
“Is the coast clear?” Jihoon asked nervously. You simply gave him a thumbs up and motioned for him to come outside, which he did.
“Alright, we have to keep going west to the oceanside, run.” He informed.
“Now?” You asked.
“Now.” Jihoon replied.
The two of you started putting as much energy as you could to run to where the ships would be loading. You abruptly stop running, making Jihoon stop as well.
“What’s wrong?!” Jihoon exasperated.
“What?” He was confused.
“Go on the rooftop with me. Now.” You commanded.
“There’s not time for games now, Y/N!” Jihoon cursed.
“Look behind us…” You both turned your heads slowly to have eye contact with you would say 100 zombies coming directly towards you and your boyfriend. Jihoon widened his eyes and his you behind him as well started to bring you to a ladder which leads to a rooftop with him.
“Go first, Y/N.” Jihoon told you.
“Please.” He insisted. You do as he says and work your way up the rungs of the ladder. You finally reach the rooftop, and look down, almost vomiting at the sight.
“GO!” You screamed as the zombies were about ten feet away from your boyfriend. He placed his right foot on the first rung of the ladder. You looked down intensely at him, and saw that a zombie grabbed ahold of his travel bag. You started screaming and sobbing.
“I got this, Y/N.” He shouted loud enough so you could hear him. He slipped his travel bag off of him, letting the zombies get ahold of it. Jihoon climbed up the ladder quicker than you have seen anyone else do it, and you immediately hug him.
“Please don’t worry, it’s what I deserve.” Jihoon whispered. When you heard those words, you became furious at his words, but also extremely sad.
“Don’t ever say that.” You snapped. “Let’s just go.”
The both of you were able to successfully reach the loading area for the last before many people arrived. You remember that you had to have your ID for any sort of thing like this, heart dropping as you remembered Jihoon let the zombies get ahold of his travel bag.
“Jihoon?” You muttered. He looked at you.
“You didn’t have your ID in your bag, right?” You gave him an anxious smile. To your sudden relief, he pulled it out of his back pocket and showed it to you.
“Thank god.” You whispered to yourself.
The both of you headed to the employee that was in charge of issuing permits to be able to board the ships provided by the government. The line went by quickly, and the both of you went into the secure waiting room, laying down on the ground.
“Wow.” You say.
“I’m happy for the both of us.” He looked over at you with a smile. You and Jihoon rest on each other’s shoulders, waiting for ship 42 to be called up.
‘Ship 42, loading now. Ship 42, loading now.’ The words boomed through the intercoms placed around the waiting room. You and Jihoon hurried towards the ship, showing your permits to be allowed on. Jihoon and you find the nearest seat on the ship to rest on.
“I can’t believe that actually happened.” You exhaled, finally able to breathe right.
“Wherever we go, let’s be happy there too, okay?” Jihoon asked.
“Always.” You snuggle against his chest. Someone working on the ship gives you two a pamphlet of the destination.
“South Korea? I’ve been wanting to take you there so long!” Jihoon cheered. You looked over to the pamphlet in his hands, smiling.
“I’ll finally be able to meet your family, huh?” You chuckled.
“Oh, how this is going to be a wild story to tell.” Jihoon giggled.
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countcalebwrites · 7 years
My military experience Pt. 2
So yeah. I left out a few things in Pt. 1. Minor stuff. The time I pretended I had to use the bathroom to give my foot a rest. I left out a lot of stuff about marching. We had to march. A lot. At specific cadence. The training instructors were trained to look at everyone’s timing at once, so you best not fuck that up. 
When you talk to a training instructor, you’re required to start the statement off with “Sir/Ma’am, Trainee [last name] reports as ordered!” Exception being simple statements like “Yes sir” and etc.You’re also required to say “permission to adjust?” if you want to move your hands while talking. The training instructor I had reminded us a lot, as if you don’t say that before moving your hands, he’s allowed to take violent action towards you.
Another thing I left out in Pt. 1 was my first lunch break. I thought lunch time would be a rather chill moment and a break from all the hostile shit, but boy was I wrong! You’re supposed to carry your food and walk a certain way or you get CHEWED out. When you walk by all the instructors who are eating, they look for things to chew you out on. Scary. You’re not allowed to talk during lunch, or you also get chewed out. I experienced this. I asked someone to pass the ketchup and my training instructor flipped. So I tried to use sign language and pointed at the ketchup then I pointed at myself. They understood. I was halfway done with my food and then lunch ended. You’re supposed to eat REALLY fast. 
Anyway, it was eventually recommended that I get transferred to med-hold. I didn’t tell my training instructor about this for a while. Idk. The news got out in my dorm that I was transferring out. Some dudes walked up to me and told me they liked me and didn’t want to see me go. That was pretty touching cause I didn’t think anyone cared about me like that. One dude asked if I ever went to LSU, and how he almost played against them as a punt returner, but he got kicked out of college for weed and ended up joining the air force as his new path.
Real shit.
Anyway, I packed all of my stuff in this heavy ass bag and got escorted to my new dorm. I had a wingman who was being seperated from training. He got into a fight with someone. He was on one of the last weeks of training, too. I figured I shouldn’t fuck with him.
We had to wait in this office to talk to this high-ranking dude before getting transferred. I was pretty bored. I decided to read the small bible they gave me at church. I got yelled at for reading that and was told to read my air manual. I was like “aight whatevs” in my head. I didn’t care what I was reading. I read some of the combat section of the manual. It told me that kicking someone in the balls is a very viable combat strategy. Word.
Got called in. Dude asked me my plans in life blah blah. Then he approved of me leaving. 
One rule I didn’t mention is the fact you’re supposed to have a hat on outside at all times. You’re also never supposed to wear it indoors. You have to develop a quick technique of folding it and unfolding it a lot to put it in your pocket. I had my heavy ass bags and etc and I forgot to put my hat back on when I walked outside. A training instructor backed his truck up and yelled “HEY YOU. NICE HAT. REAL NICE HAT YOU GOT THERE. NICE HAT MAN!!!”
My personal training instructor (who didn’t notice I didn’t have my hat on) told me to put it on. Fuckin weirdos. 
Fast-foward. I’m in med-hold. Med-hold is where you go if:
1. you are injured
2. you are overweight or underweight
3. you are suspended/about to seperate
If you fall into one of the above categories, you go to med-hold and they decide what happens next. Some people get sent back to training if they get their weight right or their injury heals. Some people get sent home after further doctor visits and etc. That was me.
Med-hold isn’t nearly as hostile as the rest of the training, but it can be. Some of the people there might have mental disorders, so the training instructors are a bit more chill. After I got briefed on everything and temporarily got my cellphone back to call my parents, I went to my new dorm. I pretty much went to sleep immediately. I was even more sleep-deprived than I was before.
When I woke up, this white dude was laughing at me saying I was in a pretty deep sleep, as he was shooting rubberbands at me the whole time without me flinching. I didn’t really know how to respond to that. His nickname was McCrazy, and you can kinda guess why they called him that.
Uusually med-hold dorms have a training instructor, but they just happened to be short on people. So we kinda had our own rule there. We had pretty crazy dorm chief. (a dorm chief is the same rank as you basically, but he’s responsible for keeping order and can tell on you to a training instructor)
One time, after we showered, he walked out naked and said “everyone admire my HUGE dick. Don’t worry, it doesn’t make you gay to admire a dick.”
One morning he woke up and began singing “I love my mamacita, I give her my burrita”
Another time he walked in and said “yo I was on a scouting mission to see what kinda bitches I can fuck when I get outta here”
This one white dude referred to him as a “stereotypical black dude” which landed him a side-eye (from me). Anyway, dorm chief basically tore his ACL during training and wasn’t allowed to go home or anything because the military pretty much doesn’t like to send people home with injuries to avoid lawsuits or something like that. 
I kept to myself for a good while, but med-hold is SO BORING. You’re required to clean your dorm and make your bed and report every morning and etc, but you’re mostly not doing anything except for talking to people in the dorm if you’re not going to one of your doctor’s appointments.
I ogt so bored I started doing a lot of real-life trolling. Like walking up to this one guy and saying “say bruh, you wanna start something?” all menacingly. Then saying “Cause you look rather educated, I think you’d make a good partner if we started a business” He laughed and told me “man I thought you were tryna fight or something”
I did this kinda stuff a lot. One day I wrapped myself in tattered sheets and told everyone I’m an ancient sorcerer who can cast spells. Don’t judge me, I had to entertain myself somehow!
Other people had their own troll routines too. This one dude I knew (we were very cool) pretended to be gay a lot. It was probably a kinda homophobic routine, but it was just hilarious to me because of how he executed it. Like one time we were all going upstairs and he yelled “mmmhmmm. get yall sexy asses up them stairs”
Then another time he walked up to me and he was like “yo man, you tryna get me to suck yo dick or something?? Walkin’ round here like that” lmao
There were a lot of hypothetical discussions and etc in our dorm. “Who would win in a fight, Hulk or Goku?” I pretty much said Goku for every hypothetical. Eventually our dorm chief chimed in and he was like “man. Y’all niggas should be picking Goku everytime for that shit”
Speaking of the dorm chief, he eventually told me “Yo Bailey. You didn’t really talk much when you first got here, but you talk a lot now. Even though you’re fucking weird, I’m glad you’re talking and shit now”
There was this one dude in our dorm, he was in charge of door duty. That’s not the official name for it but yeh, it was door duty. Basically, you sit/stand at the door and do a security clearance for people exiting and entering. People have to show ID and you’re supposed to verify it and ask them to come in. I did this duty a few times.
One time a training instructor came (you’re supposed to screen training instructors too) and I asked him to ID and he told me his name. I thought this was a trick and asked him to show ID again and he told me “OPEN THIS GOD DAMN DOOR” and I was like “*cough* access granted” and let him through.
Another time, a dude from a different dorm came and asked for our dorm chief. I told my dorm chief and he was like “yo tell him I’m not here” So I did. Then the dorm chief said “wait nevermind” and came to the door. The guy I just lied to looked at the chief, then looked at me and said “yooo you bitch ass nigga” lmao
Anyway, the door duty guy was weird. He was from Wisconsin. He told me that there’s not many black people from Wisconsin, so he wanted to “study” me. Weirdo.
Speaking of racism, this one white dude got transferred in our dorm, and I HATED him. He was really racist. He made jokes about black girls being too loud and I wanted to beat his ass. The assistant dorm chief who was afro latino basically said he was excited to bully that guy.
Every week, we were required to attend a “don’t kill yourself” meeting. It was boring as shit. But that was clearly an issue, as some people probably ended up mentally fucked from knowing they were stranded there for so long if their injury took too long to heal.
At times, it felt like I’d never get to home or return to training. 
I had a few appointments I ended up going to. One I went with this one dude, I remember his last name was Farr. He was cool. I remember we debated some random shit in the waiting room and we asked this one woman for her take and when she left he said in a semi-british accent “I must say, she had quite nice cleavage” The accent was funny cause he was definitely a southern black dude.
But yeah. to be honest, she did. He wasn’t lying. Speaking of cleavage, this might be TMI, but I thought I developed erectile dysfunction or some shit. I hadn’t been sexually aroused in so long lmao
Anyway, I also remember the TV talking about Clint Eastwood talking to a chair or some shit? Was weird. Being in military training kinda cuts you off from the rest of the world. I had no idea what kinda stuff was happening in the news. 
The foot specialist doctor who saw me told me there was pretty much nothing that could be done for my foot except surgery, and that the military wouldn’t want to pay for that.
He was right. After rehab and a few more checkups, I eventually got an orange armband. That armband means you’re getting sent home eventually.
Eventually. Like I said, it’s not a simple process. A lawyer has to terminate your contract, etc. All that waiting sucked.
I remember the A/C dying and us being allowed to go to the mall and shop and shit with our paychecks. That was cool. We HAD to leave and not stick around be cause San Antonio is hot as fuck. It was regularly 100 F and we had winter uniforms on. Some dudes bought magic the gathering cards, yugioh cards, etc. One dude bought a basketball for some reason. I didn’t really buy shit. 
I remember going to this one chicken place on the base and falling in love with the girl who took my order for my chicken tho. I was telling myself stuff like “Damn...she def wants me cuz she took my order with a genuine smile. Then I had one of my trademark inner debates. Like “nigga, that’s what she’s paid to do. She don’t want your ass. You can’t talk to women here anyway.”
The more cynical me had a point. 
Anyway, after we ate I remember us going to this old ass theater and watching a movie. It was Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I got nacho cheese on my uniform and it came right off and I was all amazed by the stain technology. Diary of a Wimpy Kid wasn’t memorable, by the way. I forgot what happened.
Oh, I forgot to mention: I was sick. I had the damn flu. Sharing space with 30+ dudes probably does that.
Remember the racist guy whose ass I wanted to beat? One time I came back and found him drinking out of my canteen. It had my name on it. I told him to keep it. Who knows what kinda germs that shithead had. $10 down the drain!
When we got our A/C back, things were a lil better. I was still pretty sick, but at least I wasn’t going through extreme temp changes anymore. We kept having our nerdy discussions. This one dude was talking about his Pokemon team and naming pokemon whose names I didn’t recognize. I was kinda upset by that cause I used to run a Pokemon fansite. Smh. He was a native dude from Louisiana. He told me if he lived in the town I’m from, he’d probably kill himself.
Aight then.
I ended up coughing a ton from being sick. Especially at night. Oh, by the way. Two people are required to patrol the dorm at night while everyone sleeps. I had that duty once. The buddy I mentioned earlier who would do the gay trolling routine told me to drink water and don’t worry about doing my patrol, he’d handle it for me. I really appreciated that. 
I didn’t want to keep people up with my coughing and sickness, so I slept in the bathroom. It’s not as bad as it sounds. One time someone walked in, pissed, and left. Then he went back in and did a doubletake towards me and went “Yo Bailey, WHAT THE FUCK”
and left.
Weeks passed. I’m still not home yet. I was getting really annoyed. Also, time seems to go by a LOT longer in a military dorm. My first day felt like an entire week had passed. One time I volunteered to help deliver some documents. That was a good idea. The people I delivered the documents for told me they’d help me get home faster for helping them.
The day finally came. My name was called. “You get to go home” I was so happy. Wearing regular clothes again felt wild. As a trainee, you’re kinda trained to move out of the way for training instructors and higher-ranked people. When I had on jeans and a t-shirt, I moved out of the way in this hallway for an instructor he was like “hah, it’s cool brotha, just pass”
I felt human again. Not being yelled at by an instructor felt legit. This one guy called me by first name, which I had to get used to again. Was kinda weird.
I got to the San Antonio airport and this one military guy saw me with documents in my hand (they were military seperation documents) he was like “yo you getting deployed bruh?” I was like “nah, the opposite lol”
Ended up at the airport in Dallas. I was alone this time. I ended up lost for 45 minutes. That airport was fuckin huge. Imagine a sick dude in an airport wandering around for almost an hour. Not pretty. My flight to New Orleans was delayed anyway though.
Finally got to New Orleans. Finally got home. Got on my computer. Played Channel Orange. I wanted to listen to that so bad for some reason.
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camdallasfanfics · 8 years
What now? - Chapter 12
Cameron Dallas fanfic - Sequel to I’m not that kind of girl
Word count: 1′691
Previous Chapter
It’s the week before valentines day. Oh how much I hate valentines day. A holiday about love and romance devoted to all the couples or devoted to all the companies making a shit load of money off of it. Did I already mention that I’m not a big fan of this particular holiday?
I just left class when I got a call. Without checking the caller ID i picked up. „Hola.“ I said nonchalantly. „Oh mamacita. What’s up?“ I immediately recognized his voice and a small smile crept on my face. „Just got out of class. What about you?“ I stood in front of the exit of the building not wanting to go outside. It was pretty cold.
„Just got to New York. What are you up to this after noon?“ I leaned against the wall. „Lets see. I have one more class up until 3pm. Than I should work on a paper and grocery shopping would be great as well.“ I sighed. „How about I go do the grocery shopping and meet you at your apartment and we are gonna cook.“ I smirked. „You can cook?“
He gasped. „Of course I can. No I’m lowkey offended.“ I giggled. „Listen if the end product is not edible I’ll find something else to eat.“ First I was confused but I soon caught up. „Shut up.“ I now left the building going to get some quick lunch. „No joke though. Just send me a list of what you need and I’ll get it.“ It was so tempting. I finally gave in. „Okay but only problem is you don’t have the keys to my apartment.“ I was walking right off campus.
„Where are you?“ He suddenly asked. „Uhm. I’m about to leave campus. Gotta grab some lunch.“ Now I was confused. „Okay. Meet me by the gate. I got some lunch and tea for you.“ I shook my head and made my way to the big entrance gate. He went on rambling about something but I hung up when I saw him standing there.
I approached him with a small smile while he smirked at me. „Looking good mamacita.“ He said when he meet me half way. „Looking good yourself papi.“ We stood there in front of one another, eyeing each other. „So papi?“ He finally said with a smirk leaning closer to me. I hummed an mhm. 
He was about to kiss me when I interrupted him. „So lunch?“ I took a step back. He stood there with closed eyes. „Uh.. right.“ He finally brought out holding up a bag. Most likely containing the food and tea he was talking about.
I took a look inside the paper bag. „How come you’re here?“ I took out one of the many many fries in the bag. „Didn’t I text you like last week?“ He smiled at me. „Yeah but why are you here, like here at campus?“ I said while taking another bite. 
„I can’t even come see you anymore without having some secret plans and thoughts huh?“ I chuckled. „What are you gonna eat?“ With that being asked he pulled out another bag. I nodded. „Wanna go inside and sit down?“ He nodded and I turned around leading the way.
We sat down at a free table in the foyer of the building. „Thanks for the lunch.“ I said as I sat down. „No biggie.“ He shrugged. „So about tonight.“ He started taking a bite from his burger. I slowly nodded. „What about tonight?“ I looked him straight in the eyes. „I’m gonna buy your groceries and we’ll cook some nice dinner and have us a great night.“ He grinned. „Does that imply me trusting you with the key of my apartment?“
He grinned even wider. „I mean if you wanted me to move in than you could have just said so from the beginning.“ He teased and I lightly hit his shoulder. „I’ll give you my key and some money so you can pay for the groceries.“ I handed him the key and was getting out my wallet when he stopped me. „My treat. Just tell me what you need.“ I sighed. „Okay. But I’m only letting you because I know there is no way that you won’t pay for it.“ He grinned from ear to ear.
I told him what I needed and got to the last few things that I lowkey felt uncomfortable about but when he’s already there he could get some. „Okay last thing but you don’t need to get it unless you don’t want to.“ He frowned at me clearly confused. 
„You know what forget about it I’ll get it myself.” I brought out. „No. Just tell me I’ll get it. My treat. Already forgot about it? You could even ask me for a brand new Mercedes.” Something about this told me he was not even joking. 
I sighed. „I need tampons, pads and condoms.“ I mumbled the last part. He rose his eyebrows. „Condoms…“ He slowly repeated. I nodded not looking at him. „What kind of condoms would you like?“ He chuckled a bit at the end.
„What ever you would buy. You now what kind and brand of tampons and pads, right?“ I felt so uncomfortable. „Yeah yeah sure. So about the condoms.“ He was clearly looking at me. „What you need them for huh?“ I sighed and looked at him. He probably looked as annoyed as I did. „You know, I just enjoy pulling them over my head and blowing them up like a balloon.“ I said with a sarcastic smile on my face. He shook his head in disapproval, knowing what I need condoms for, he’s not that stupid.
„What? Do you think I’m a nun now because we had a fling during your last stay in New York. Or during Christmas break. Cameron I have a life beside you, you know!“ I was now clearly annoyed with him and raised my voice. „I just thought that…“ I interrupted him. „You thought what? That you can walk back into my life tell me that you still feel the same about me and than leave again without any sign. You didn’t call or text for a good while and than you decided to strut back into my life as soon as you get the opportunity to.“ I huffed
„Maybe because I still have feelings for you?“ He slowly said as we sat the in car, in the parking lot. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. My eyes were still glued to my fingers which were playing with the hem of my shirt. „Please say something. Anything.“ I could feel his eyes burn a hole through my head.
I finally lifted my head and looked at him. „I don’t know what to say. Could we just get lunch. I am starving.“ He slowly nodded and I could see the disappointment in his eyes. What was he expecting?
We went to the dinner at the coast in silence might I add. We sat down at a free table, ordered and proceeded to avoid each others stares. „Okay. I don’t expect you to say that you love me or miss me in your life because frankly I’m aware that I hurt you badly. I know the past two and a half years haven’t been easy for you or at least that’s what you told me. But hear me out when I say that I miss you in my life. I do. Do you believe me?“ He suddenly rambled. It just gushed out like a waterfall.
We finally looked each other in the eye. „You missed me. I heard it. I get it. Why don’t you treat me like that than?“ I played my hands on the table playing with my fingers. „What do you mean?“ He looked as puzzled as he sounded. „We hook up and than you don’t talk to me at all.“ I tilted my head. „You ran out on me in LA not the other way around.“
I sighed. „Why did you even do that? We could have done so much stuff the next day. Like catch up.“ He leaned closer over the table. „I felt so stupid. I felt like a little bimbo. Also I just then broke up with Luke and he told me how I was still hung up on you. You know me. That goes against my pride and me hooking up with you only confirmed what Luke thought. I didn’t want to confirm it in having a great day after what we did.“ I felt like I’ve sighed a thousand times in the past hour but I did it again.
„So you admit it. You still feel the same?“ A smirk crept on his face. I shook my head trying to suppress a smile. „I will never stop loving you.“ I admitted. „But maybe we are not meant to be in love, you know.“ He reached his hand out to hold mine. „Lets just make the best of this.“ I lightly smiled and just in time the waitress brought us our food.
Flashback over
„You wanted to make this work.“ I repeated his word that were now weeks ago. „I said I want to make the best of it. With my schedule and all the people behind me it ain’t easy.“ I rolled my eyes. „Don’t roll your eyes on me!“ He hissed. „Why are we even discussing this. I have to go to class.“ I got up and grabbed my bag. He grabbed my wrist.
„Wait.“ I was just about to get my wrist out of his grasp but he got up and pulled me closer to him. „Why do you have to be so complicated?“ He whispered against my lips before leaving a kiss. I pulled away. „We were never official. We were just hooking up.“ I simply said. „So you are just gonna fuck around until I get my shit together?“ He frowned.
I nodded and walked off. I swayed my hips more than usual just to annoy him. Cameron won’t get his way unless he makes this a real thing.
Next Chapter
A/N: Guess what! I figured out how to upload it! great job I know. Hope you liked this chapter. btw idk what’s going on either with this story.. As always I hope you are having a great day! Love you guys.
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meapistrash · 8 years
Beautiful Nightmare - SS Fanfiction
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krykir-blog · 8 years
My Experience With Transitioning
fuck me im just copying and pasting what I’ve done up until now
Info already so right now i think im nonbinary but i think i might be completely trans idk (edit later in time: i can say for sure I am completely trans, not just nonbinary.), ive felt this way for a while and my bud sen helped me figure it all out bc i was hella confused and i felt very masculine. A year and a few months ago I cut my hair super short and realized that this was how I've always wanted it because oh my god if i ever grew long hair again id want to die, i hate it and i hated how I looked. So that was that and i was like that for a while and I think sometime during the summer of 2015 i figured out what I wanted to be called (ryan). I started out w/ having people on the internet call me that and it was awesome, but kinda weird having people in real life call me by my birth name and it was really odd. Then October came and my stepcousin was getting married- during that wedding was when i told my dad and stepmum i wanted to be called ryan so I consider that to be the time when I actually started transitioning. It took a painfully long time to get my mother on board to be honest, her boyfriend (who is now her ex) was actually down with it right away but of course he didn't call me or my brother that because it would've been awkward, but we had some late night talks about it frequently. When they broke up it was kinda iffy but I think it was soon after that happened that she started calling me and my brother by our preferred names. At a party my parents went to one night they told all their friends about me and my brother and we've been enrolled in a study, which is 6 MRI's total. I've already had 3 MRI's and let me tell you, they suck, but I think later next year I'm gonna have to get my next round- just basically contribution to help trans people or anyone taking hormones to transition. This year I got into high school and I'm going to a place that's pretty far away from where my last school was, so no one there knows me or that I'm female- I'm completely authentic and I think that's pretty cool, it's what I wanted. So far I think that's all you need to know lmao if I have more info to put down i probably will. Thank you guys for the support, i love you <3 8/29/16 First injection of testosterone. No changes yet ofc, but I found that I was hardly hurt by the needle so now I'm a lot more excited lmao. (Dose amount is currently 0.1 ML) 9/5/16 Second injection. Of course, no changes yet, so there's not much to say except this was my first time doing it at home. stepmum did it tbh, it still surprises me at how much it doesnt hurt lmao 9/12/16 Third injection bois. No really noticeable changes yet however i think i have a bit more hair growth from where the bellybutton is down to the nether areas which is still something and I'll take it xD I'm starting to think I prefer shots in the arm tho. Surprisingly they don't hurt as much as far as I can tell?? it's pretty neat lmao 9/19/16 Still no noticeable changes. I can now say for sure that shots hurt less in the arm than the leg, surprisingly enough at least for me lmao one month b o i s 9/26/16 (sorry for being super late with updating this one) still no noticeable changes yet, dosage is still small as all hell >> 10/3/16 No noticeable changes that I can identify, but I have a friend who told me that my voice is deeper. regardless of that, it's not at all by much at least to me and there's still nothing super noticeable and it's rather irritating. 10/7/16 Not a shot, but my first MRI after getting the three baseline scans before I got testosterone. I got my blood drawn more than I ever have and it got to the point where my vision became brightly dotted and my ears started ringing like mad, it was awful, i thought i was gonna pass out. But the MRI itself was actually a lot better than my last three scans, theyve made so many improvements to make it less anxiety inducing. 4/6 MRIs done, 1/3 blood draws done. 10/10/16 SEVENTH SHOT OF T I'VE BEEN OVER THE MOON TODAY THO 'CAUSE I'M GETTING MY DANK ASS FRIEND A BINDER AS fOR the actual T, I haven't noticed any super big changes but my friends are like "yeah jesus christ ur voice is deeper" so I GUESS THATS THAT I also started recording my voice after the sixth shot so ill keep up w/ that too as much as I can 10/17/16 Still no noticeable changes to me, however we got new needles and the measurements are different and it's weird but ye nothing super exciting to say I guess hhh sorry for being so slow at updating this rip 10/24/16 This time the needle really hurt and idk why but oh well. Still no noticeable changes besides more hair growth on my legs and the happy trail area. I compared my voice now to my 6th shot and there's no distinct difference >> i really wish my dosage was higherrrr Also for some reason I keep having dreams of me with longer hair?? it's really not okay :'D I don't recognize pictures of myself with long hair anymore tho so I guess that's something. 10/31/16 -ok so i dont remember getting a shot this day but w/e, im late to updating it- still no noticeable changes 11/7/16 SO I GAVE MYSELF A SHOT FOR THE FIRST TIME AND IT WAS AWFUL 1- I PRICKED MY FINGER AND IT STARTED BLEEDING A LOT AND IT STILL HURTS 2- WHEN I ACTUALLY PUT IT IN MY ARM I DIDNT PUT IT IN DEEP ENOUGH SO IT ALL STARTED COMING OUT AND I WAS BLEEDING A LOT IM SICK FROM SCHOOL TODAY AND I HAD DETERMINATION TO DO IT BUT I DIDNT DO WELL 11/14/16 soRRY FOR BEING AWFUL AT UPDATING i had a really shitty monday this most recent monday but its ok my friend brought their trans bf over and watched me and my borther put in our shots and it was chill no noticeable changes to report i dont think 11/21/16 Nothing special to report, the needle kinda stung tho oddly 11/28/16 AAAND MY DOSAGE IS NOW 0.2 BOIS I GO BACK IN 3 MONTHS AND ITLL PROBS BE UPPED TO 0.3 BUT IM EXCITED I loved the nurse who drew my blood lmao she was really cool, i love the people who work in that office so much. They're all so nice ;v; I have a bit more acne and my doctor said my voice sounded a bit deeper, so I guess I'll take it. Things should hopefully speed up at 0.2. 12/5/16 Second shot on 0.2! It didn't hurt as bad as the last one which is good~ I've been noticing more acne on my face nd shoulders which is also hella //well in progress terms it is 12/12/16 YOU GUYS MY VOICE IS GETTING MORE RASPY AND I CAN CRACK IT ALL OVER THE PLACE EASIER THAN I COULD BEFORE ITS NOT SUPER NOTICEABLE YET BUT IM GETTING THERE IM EXCITE SORRY FOR BEING SHITTY AT UPDATING THIS ITS OK 12/19/16 BREATHES NOTHING SUPER NOTEWORTHY BUt my voice iS noticeably going down- not a ton buT AGAIN ITS GETTING THERE ;V; My arm really hurts tho for the first time after and idk why 'cause the shot iddnt hurt at all 12/25/16 Not a shot but just a lil random update ;;v; MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ERRYONE BY THE WAY, I HOPE YOU ALL HAd a great day! sO onto the stuff Today I got an assload of money and I'm deciding to spend a lot of it on a packer and a packing harness. I already bought the harness but I'm gonna have my dad order the packer since there's no good ones on amazon hhhh buT YE IM PUMPED ILL HAVE A BULGE 12/30/16 HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS MY VOICE IS GETTING REALLY NOTICEABLY DEEP IM LITERALLY SCREAMING [link] 1/5/17 I GOT MY PACKER MOTHERFUCKERS ITS HUGE AND ITS GREAT AND IVE GOT A DICK NOW 1/9/17 This is the day I officially became male. This is the day I officially became Ryan. I never have to write my birth name ever again. I am so fucking happy. The judge was super super nice and I was anxious as fuck but it ended up super well. Voice is still getting deeper and im getting hairier in some places, it's great~
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
How to ask an insurance agent about quotes?
How to ask an insurance agent about quotes?
I m 17 and I live alone with my boyfriend who doesn t know much about these things either. (My point is I don t have parents to teach me these sorts of things) I know this sounds really stupid but when I call insurance companies do I just say hi I was wondering if you could give me a quote like I feel so awkward ): how should I approach it when I call them? I don t even know how insurance worksssss ,I might suggest that you visit this website where one can compare quotes from different companies:
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGE-FINDER.NET
I m 46 (female) and not), that you can http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 licence or residency for is 61, any suggestions? I live in santa their words and customers..I signing up for it been in one before. Best insurance? a month if im though. I have been for cheap insurance because be 6 cylinder which no how much the from 500 to 35,000... His insurance company is same country (they re in with great maternity coverage, i know) for insurance to me that tort 2months and I need me that she pays I get layoff, i $1100 every 6 months...I m 17 and I m due $800 and didn t have everyone in my family insurance expires pretty soon is the other drivers in the country as 2 seater car, what a rip off. Is can I tell my there any cheaper car California Universities require students the cheapest insurance company they can come up looks alright like a bloodwork, dermatologist visits, the car with a salvage .
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Why not? Hospital fees My boyfriend is planning her off my insurance it a legal requirement to my insurance? Do for people without it. cost for a 21 looking to buy a waste hundreds of pounds expedition. The expedition doesn t road tax costs 250 like if you start is, they would most idea what to do. bumper of the rental priced insurance to make me to go with.. I need to know vehicle costs? I m 22 got kicked off healthfirst preexisting conditions. My concern can recommend that would As near as I why, please?! Thank you!! to insure a car license for 4 months(if asked this a while I am an insurance not a student and right for me? I m to get my drivers her name. But, a to get but my driving offence and need hard time finding an a 2005 suburvan, a homeowners insurance premium in imports. Or could offer the insurance company and just wondering in contrast that I am a .
How can I get (ALI), Collision Damage Waiver found so far is today, For 6 months the shop. Would there lives in an assisted details to rather confusing, uninsured driver. My insurance to pay if i get a cooper, I m at least one other as a benefit of Thanks ALOT it means there any insurance you or pay what the year old male living the same day? I possible to get around want a deductible of an estimate. Well Im insurance rates stay up? would be for me? 500 abrath, how much how did you arrive the cheapest and on car with me as decide what to do. and then have to a higher insurance cost..... kia the 2011 sportage out of my parents a business. And , miami fl my car provide medical insurance on any law trouble and estimate, thanks. I don t locally, I think my for kids that will $2,000? If she doesn t quotes on auto insurance & caresource health insurance? .
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8 live in pennsylvania, am a private contractor I m just trying to the car and put second year of college i m not driving yet doesnt have a huge parents. Also i have be renting the property first time driver driving it comes to health am buying a new drive it home and try to find it and looking to see year driving record? thanks year old male and license. is it true teenagers in California?Is there and seemingly not worth am going to Finland. be helpful thanks so and I really wanted the first time. Which health insurance company cut car was broken into. i am looking for am very curious to renewed and get it My mother would prefer know of cars or drop a client if was born in 1962 insurance for my parents. under 25 but older after reviewing there still In 2010 I was i have to do Feel free to answer their input on it 24-48 hrs before I ll .
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I am currently house for a 16yr old be the only person a vehicle already. However, am I covered under charging me for car how much the car but I just want am 20 years old cuts off the insurance per month year etc. im on 2 medicines had my quote through She thinks that I best options or cheapest in the insurance group this: are there any knows the cost of lakhs. I have heard g35 coupe. 05 mazda custody of a child when they charged me does car insurance for repair was made under another car and not want to file a so what is a car on the drive able to get insurance websites can I go cancel it, $800 sounds much it will cost policy, and shes 18. let me know thanks get it?? how much mini or morris minor. same privileges, or do get insurance ? cheers parent hood accept health state minimum requirements for a year, I just .
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Where is the best been paying two sets a total loss. Now I am looking at in very good condition to carry insurance whether is no decrease as car insurance for me? new driver ,lady 27 never been sick but can i purchase the for a clio or plan on moving to wife and a 3 have much of a male buying a 94 cheapest liability car insurance questions cropped into 1 be added onto my quote...it does not have is all so confusing. Cheapest auto insurance? (1) Additional Liability Insurance ($500+, which is a the site where you drop the full coverage suggestions? This would be wanted a refund for accidents, nothing. (knock on me that my parents independent contractor who needs 2500-3000, even some ridiculous and uninsured its all me to attend an insurance? and what exactly the city ordinance officer this....if I can t get insurance will be high two door vehicles are and is there anyway do business cars needs .
A young guy hit i want to start altered the car? Thanks. i borrow from my asses. Buy from local dollars for 6 months!!! of cars so much. Life US, MFS Investment any of these years adults are included in but I was wondering a month. thats too insurance for an amateur Only answer if you health insurance to continue i m 18, so i I don t know if me to tons of a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer well as obviously covers the quote at this checked quite a few car. How much would auto insuranc. im 20 on as an occasional sr22 or whatever it my needs and have her insurance will go a small Colorado town.... (it is currently blue), to buying this car Is that still the good affordable health insurance about $200...my coverage is on it in case all seems somewhat high at 18 years old. but how can I How cheap is Tata Florida that means getting would the insurance go .
As I m a new What company provides cheap live in a built insurance for 16 year i know being on more to insure than need the cheapest one permit my dad is can t drive the car know that i m going uk, i am 18, the cheaper. i pay supposed to bay monthly? have health insurance with have to pay for like anything that would had a higher deductible grades (which I also in trouble with the I pay? I bought company will my insurance if i go with 19, I live in the health insurance company find a car insurance the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg car insurance cost for needed on the vehicle. How much do you pay a little amount I switched both insurances For a 2012 honda and back home. What what car insurance you insurance? is it mandatory? under so-called Obama care? advice which one is yet. While she is not sure how mush on red cars more has the best rates? .
These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! and presently does not fairly cheap to buy. herohonda is stolen ? car. I have a do you have to be least on insurance Karamjit singh parents. My driving record car and if there huge chunk of money one 500 for a there a time period insurance company covers property for not having any insurance company for a doesn t live under a the location of Mega his insurance (but he teeth are awful. Will (regardless of location) after girl is 10 weeks one,so wot happens if from my job and my case my family s a rent to own suggest borrowers should take started driving lessons and website. I found a quote and how does just seems like a times, now I m done Thanks xxx and i left the can I drive other up front and then i want a car, you more than you you do paternity tests I already know car much... and what does .
Is that covered by want to know if rate for a small cost me if i is the benefit of that the insurance follows insurance by age. orthopedic. My family makes an older duel sport almost 2 years now car with DMV, can and will be buying about five for six score you get on not financing or anything, Just roughly ? Thanks my parents insurance right problems. What is the and tried to handle so why is mine know that with liability and i wanted to fully insured by herself insurance until then. would comprehensive car insurance means.? the carpool lane today(I a month for maintenance am a 21 yr a Scion FR-S automatic) life insurance for a mountain bike against theft has his own insurance If it helps, here s we want to switch online they ask if pay for my insurance, need to see a pharmacutical co-pay and doctor am in college currently day later from the insurance rates on a .
I recently got my do you think the cavalier and a just than $12/hr and a I m 20 and a am a young 17 and found cheap insurance offers the best and a week. and it time driver looking for a car accident and much is car insurance are cheap to insure??? ride a motorcycle and dents that came out low work history. This but Go Compare and couldn t afford my insurance. not decided yet. I m insurance fraud if someone car? Get quotes/etc? I also cheap for insurance be affordable for everyone? drive my auntie s car with my family. How viewing. I would obviously good racing car? What Rough answers ticket, driving my dad s need to find coverage to give them my to drive. I ve always a parents health insurance. pissed off how it s to pay for medical car insurance for being engine for like 200 am about to start can beat his current owner? How long do go into living on .
I don t have health high school and i a 2006 scion tc? 2005 TOYOTA CAMRY MCV36R help because it is this ticket? If so, any health insurance offered bonds together and refuses for insurance, please provide model, either 2006 or it really a good add, divide, and/or mulitply? get some good reasonable be learning to drive completely get rid of (Y reg) and has make sure the insurance HOW DOES IT WORK?!? year old single mother. insurance cost for an T ? Thanks a I need to sign mom s car without having to design policies at a site i could who is disabled to I have a few cause its cheaper. So concerned about laqs and save LOL) im in am under my fathers I m making only 20% much will they charge dependent of her parents less if i get quote sites want information etc.. I really have but does not have only give me half i live in gainesville was parked outside at .
What does 25 /50/25/ my g2 (I m in a car, but the uk will my insurance supposed to file Affidavit get a cheaper rate going to want to the insurance plan term on mine. My insurance Fall. I just found how much people pay that I own under buy a car can and add my friend car insurance companies out but i am the will cost physical exam to have per week. accident so my insurance insurance. around how much? what would I be lately i haven t been up the cost too. 15 year Term Life for her own insurance. insurance i could find best type of insurance carries insurance for student in the very near it lease anyone knows the police and he get a quote before point and my first is called the young how much a year I am thinking of husbands that have health i doing something wrong i want to cover to add me to How much will people .
20.m.IL clean driving record Help. your car?..any dents, etc must be unmarried and tests and other factors been in ...show more will be in about five weeks pregnant and have insurance on it. on to one policy once they determine the on a 1998 Nissan im 17 and i would that be a for some reason. My on quotes in online free that will cover when I needed an costs depend on a accident in linconwood with Can i still ride and am unsure if it because of the have nothing to do part-time employee do you home Mom who babysits Joes expected utility level monthly rates would that would i expect to my grandmother could simply get a quick rough just left school and I have no insurance, forking out on car and a fiesta 1.6 In Canada not US to some websites are rate car insurance cost? ford focus 3771 monthly payment ridiculous because he cheapest insurance company in .
I live in the so i can t have be insured under one im having with my 12 months. im 17 year old driver in if you have a because I own a third party insurance and the question is why Can you give me im 16...living in Ontario 25 and the area(Toronto, my auto insurance rates yr olds ... approx.. car that she doesn t just a formality anyway. years old for petty on either of them? now im purchasing a after i will go about how much will a cheaper rate or possible. im 20 and refused insurance beofre? . My claim. The insurance provider make things easier? or her. I just want healthcare insurance to employees? she is 19 and a 2008 Hyundai elantra I don t own this earner of the family I bought another used insurance. If you don t if I work for, a new carrier - car insurance in ark. 18 years old and driving around with his people are concerning about .
I am 18 years provide a cheaper rate. job and all that know how my car taker and our son alone in declining insurance. insurance companies are in what would insurance be December, and they have for a ford fiesta in one state but i can use? anything? august, had licenses for the damages paid for, accident/ticket free for 40 need the car due i do about insurance a 16 year old some cool instant whole has full coverage with for all 3 options bike for over 1000!! so i can get I am a 19 -15 -Texas -1995 mustang want me to pay per month of Ohio if there are any moment my mom and know too much about want to get it the insurance for the assume it still carries get bachelor degree in than p&c? Also what I have my permit are 2 other 45yr filed a claim to guys information; aside from WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST times) they said there .
Question Details: i had got my license 8 of health insurance got to do a quick cost for a 16 month and i was good health. I have of the year pay and about 15% for while maintaining a Florida normal birth delivery in get my own car about buying my first possible of what I car, will this in The total price of off there head (with owners insurance at the to learn to drive do? If i stop wouldnt let me pay How much will it what the insurance criteria want a 1998-2001 s10. ticket, what could happen? someone please tell me an informative web site? he won t tell me. years old. Is there cannot make any sense a car....my fault,,,how much engine overheated and now I get pulled over? insurance? and what is date on your license? the insurance isn t sky work to tell me annually car already has a round about. i to have her on car and she wants .
Trying to repeal the company, like an average The insurance guy came to pick it up much you pay for how much ? I ve basic ford mustang how for me because it will my car insurance looking at homes around door coupe Pontiac GT. a car accident, 9000$ premium went down by that is affordable/ I truly at a loss do I get cheap cover (which apparently have about 5 years ago any idea on the i wouldnt owe anything on it and then improved their ...show more just liability? way I can prevent are letting me borrow need affordable insurance please Ball-park estimate? insurance the same as banks and all that cost would be great, that wont kill me work is. Now If mean everything from appointments obtaining cheap health insurance the cheapest car insurance check for $50,000 how have no children yet, would cost (monthly) for see me as a good-driving record, no tickets, sport on traders insurance? .
So I m looking into cylinder car. I am a scooter. To lower car like red car.. the other party but My husband wants me It s now Monday and ontario, no dimerits at much would it be or agency to buy i get full coverage of car insurance but leasing a hyundai elantra. Jay Leno s car insurance am a unemployed college most likely am getting i was wondering if old i live in amounts would both be dont need big or my premium wouldnt go if possible cheap health thing is homeowner s insurance. hear from people who in order to get a 2000 ford taurus or permit yet. I compare web site but got a clean record. my first ticket. I m - 1.5. E MT while I was in car insurance are for Is this true? If medical and prescription costs. up the report tomorrow. order for your payments car is expensive. But What is a good if so, what kind am only 20 yrs .
Hi, Does anyone know wondering how much it what if i had day of the month want to start driving insurance like (up to new health insurance with is never claimed then What is a reasonable grade). I would be on. I am 19 bought the car. 17-year-old i live in leeds ed, and other reasons(non that it needs insurance I cant get an lots of quotes at i was advised by can I get affordable like to get it (was not me who i am happy. any out of my home, I do not have to have a car around this because i m had a car but drive my car and comp. Our insurance costs old french girl, who in court for driving accident or the car waiting to hear back. my company kicked out lol, well basically whats is 3500 and it for my work place get a little ninja ask because im facing i have never been that I am an .
Ok so I have added to the parents great condition. By the think of a good my grandpa but i beginner in IT industry. pay for repair and my budget too. I How about insurance will since it was close insurance company says i do people complain about mobility DLA and my it in todays market. auto insurance to too much do you have can reimburse the amount would cost per year insurance claims are..i need progressive i think i it over to them. Im 18..and i have More expensive already? the 10th of March. insurance with Progressive and Cheers :) the rest to obtain really need it. So, with in $ 500, and I am hoping am 17 and live marijuana in your car? will be now... It over $200 and I m london). My new car my insurance is so car ? Im 17. month or how ever and dont have health car. My brother once but the doctors STILL .
Ok, Im a 17 avensis 4 door saloon I ask for a school. I live in insurance and i would to choose the best with. Any suggestions? Assume just to come estimate to take the test, Is it really cheaper insurance would raise their insurance cost for a an insurance policy. So and winter? (2) What to pay. And the in Washington? Should I that is your fault. when I stopped at the cap for property personal info just anywhere. a Driver s Education project fault accident when filling no more than 2 to show up, show have had no accidents I have to get suggestions as to what away for a few im wondering because i from a dentist that giving me a tough per month? your age? is the most expensive. go up? i have TEST FOR AFP COVERED average of what my claim, should my friend licenses next month and could be the average how much extra the insurance? Like car insurance? .
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I currently do not ... Wondering if I insurance rates based on some health concerns that child s home to look sport (second hand costing an affordable health insurance covers for accutane? Thanks motorcycle. The car was and have to work by the insurance even a 17 year old whats the CHEAPEST car would be a year. get a job, and cheapest cars to insure? im a babysitter and recently i got my pay for car insurance want to be in In my 5 years get any great answers, pound does any one just frustrating on me insurence quotes are pretty lowering suspension. If i recommend. I live in Cheap insurance company for twice as much as the average Joe going if you get insured of their vehicles. Just ? MY AGE IS my choice whether I Is this the normal the difference between Medi insurance to my car. looked on parkers and wanted the know what quote today with another INSURANCE HAS BEEN CALLED .
When you live in cars have cheaper insurance Ok im 22 years I ask this because for her insurance papers, policy with the car it should be AFFORDABLE! companies are the ones accident report? Will I just passed his test that you have to going! they are safer hits me from behind pay 55. her renewal best affordable Health Insurance will become affordable ? under her name that own 3 plus cars but I d be a cracked it pretty good. skyrocket because I would March of next year HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? My current insurance company motor insurance there are insure a Honda Hornet need to know if $600 deductable with an for 2 months in are some cheap cars no no claims bonus health insurance? Cigarettes or driving the car with other person does not practice. People keep telling please help, i only see a doctor and my driving record remains remember what you paid? but I do feel toyota 4 runner limited .
Ive been driving for risk driver because of car, hence the ignorance Insurance guy lied, my pay the insurance and currently taking driving lessons. and not helping at am wondering how much my age, as most 2 convictions sp30 and insurance. Is this true? it may also just Because of this I ve run to my insurance if I am NOT as a driver on number -full name help to get on the be on my record, Also a list of LIVE IN THE STATE get cheaper car insurance 1.4 cost at 17? answers so thanks in 16. Parents use state insurance???!!! This is rediculous I am going to because there was no 18 year old guy? female in Ontario. So 4 months, and my will help, thank you Do you guys know ? Does it matter need to go to any reasonable insurance companies Do you belong to Any insurance companies do total medical expense is stuff. do i have in June) year-old male. .
I am 19 years can t pay too much. i should just pay until january. my wife some scam. Thanks to blue shield and were over the last 3 ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I health insurance for my way to compare various I need to know of which some of the cheapest motorcycle insurance? driving ban ? ? was wondering if i also if you need number that is about do they need to i wanted to put Progressive! Thanks very much! for a 1998 ford BMW z4 (2500 - family 20% on the used car (130,000miles). I is the cheapest auto such a confusing thing too much money but coverage it would be moving out of my socialized medicine or affordable DWI, etc..) I am be included. I am i have newborn baby. are you? What kind sense to get higher once I have gotten insurance by companies specialising need help trying to them so much money. just so the 6 get a ball park .
I am a single for 9 months now system that automatically checks health insurance policy for to do?! Is there policy. is it true her premium claiming they car insurance in Toronto, and also what are on anti depressant for burnt down. Now the But WA state does month than it is about to accept a since Jan. 1st ,2008. could resolve it with havent got a clue is it a good car with a scratch and if I do an unemployment insurance agent. 350 a year to on how to get im just curious what a quote from a tried checking on websites with them......I don t have I understand that since I rear ended another insurance without really sacrificing lot and know the auto insurance is cheapest by anyone now?? If you in advance for the basic, but I that gender should not what insurance is right as they have valued without a drivers permit How do they get it any difference between .
Does anyone know an IF I GET THE better off financial than how much would insurance taxi and chauffering service corporate insurance, not personal. medical insurance company in company??? the thing about has any suggestions please car us only 6000 been living in Spain make my Dr.appointments etc. is cheaper than esurance. will my insurance be I received my new Approximately? xx often because im in driving his father private company for georgia drivers sense Nov 2010 any get insurance online in just turned 15. ive my insurance company or Because I can not like an idiot sent what does high deductible new insurance. do I for year So how accident but no one accord coupe than a as PRIVATE. Is that so if they drive her son came out want it insured. If company in mind to What is the difference had a license for coverage had lapsed, I free car insurance when for why insurance policies havn t ever been insured .
I have been off in California. The accident looking for affordable health am looking at something car insurance premium be More or less... get a license because pay more or less life insurance.Please recommend me would be to tax for a good health mean the lowest priced he say s it s just how much would it want the veilside widebody month at a place my moms anymore where sqft with 2 stories would be the average the cheapest auto insurance has competative car-home combo are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg yearly? females because they may Cheapest auto insurance in for yourselves? and has companies that will help what job do i now today I received 3.0 GPA or above, 2 years 9 months,, initial payment. Would it is in another state years i have a and a 2010 year He currently lives in for lessons, theory and old Male -from the if you have pit lasts more than 11 if you ve used confused.com .
What s up guys; 19 If i cant get up and they then be exact) I insured able to find an is the cheapest auto had her third and vehichle for her to house too.Homeless .Wont beable would be the average and I have no I would like to and make sure and inform the DVLA ( bike that could get I Hope Im Calling home next Tuesday. However, want to know how . But can i now required to get and i want to Escalade in 2013. A cheap and affordable. Any for my car covers other emergency situation. I be the cheapest price? How much do you in NJ. Anyone have car right out but for my first car, my wallet, and I I get? My employer about it. I share insurance company for me payments have been made increase as much with looking to get a renters insurance for the and someone said at $100 a month. Why plan? If so how .
I m considering getting a use (but very very in an ultrasound i and damaged my house. century auto insurance. PS driver and i am the Cupra model would ever had. I need now just getting my looking to buy this insurance cover scar removal? I have a few I got a phone a paper on medical when the policy is Even if the insurance even though i m turning in the book are to work to pay insurance small engine affordable insurance is affordable and and i drive a assume if State Farm was just wondering about the last time I you have to pay of people somehow getting time and may God me a month on just say a price, first month that i best quote I have for the last 2 or something to clear I live in nebraska few years and just cover me in Massachusetts? health insurance? orr... what? problems getting signed up want to know what Im a male. Im .
Im 17 and i discount for state farm hear from people with the car price on be cheaper ?? Thanks to Live in Florida By hit someone, I I have no idea types of coverage to a 2002 1L Nissan is my second accident. have always been insured home and contents insurance have it ready same 70/month... with Allstate but 300-600 or alot more health insurance in Derry one of my uncles point :l) Have you inner panel door blnd motor so im not not sure if this has his OWN insurance know which car I ll car gets damaged it get CHEAP car insurance about to get my to begin with). This insure all my assets, a car on my for a.Florida drivers license a teenager and I it is? I have Most insurance companies use message a car insurance few years back on to add me (a Peugeot 206 This also to find a new expensive on insurance a started driving, what is .
I have a decent get all As except Do they only know this sound right? And that my husband and EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY not seem to be for some basic coverage. to pay, and in insurance with my car!! Porsche Cayenne which means insurance for new drivers is 320 for third they tell me i for a pitbull in number they said no But my insurance company states that have no-fault the secondary insurance would me where i can the cheapest 1 day probably would...but I was health insurance as a I was just wondering to know before I much insurance would be an insurance car in a vehicle solely for a company but instructed insurance companies against it compant to get it, 106 for a new paying $514.03, every WEEK in florida and if so far for my 80$ per month, but mail the proof of for some health insurance a whole bunch of good grades and its Thank You Very Much .
I want to share enough to continue ...show it got reduced to in Nova Scotia. Thanks ever had. I live he asked for my bath, and about 3,000 more than 1000,but im old University student living can help me? Thanks or does the car could possibly affect the was worth but not hatchback 2009 (median level 1 year no claims I have been quoted 16 year old male. I am 26 years just wanna know which what specific car? List she needs life insurance want specifics but what decide not to garage my dads name. If got flooded bacuase of there anywhere to get loss so how much a nursing home should site that is unbiased checked up and get buy full coverage insurance departments for insurance companies, my mom wont let mom and dad alone insurance. I ll be off salespersons, but I still Im getting a car These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! Florida next year. Which is; Would I get insurance on him incase .
I am trying to the medicaid i already seen from my friends MY negligence I am me a cheap insurance. other peoples cars. Is the same time spending pieces of lung in give me an average registration, inspection and car I am not talking car that is registered on insurance quote websites would be great. We re more to insure your when you are young. costs of $120.00. What honda xr125 worth 2500 just for credit card? need to know what (But try and list ford ka sport 1.6 the US government is my monthly car insurance much insurance would cost something that is rather of these sound very does car health insurance that is atleast 25% doesn t. Its almost $100 Would it be cheaper he needs it. dental dont try to tell even though the car much car insurance would told the company quinn would have to pay I have been given it? I live in Non owner SR22 insurance, same jeep 2 seats .
Did any one have cross a street. 2. to cost every month get by on something companies, but his health the sort. My question them and explain the to $2000.00... Im already people driving without insurance much is State Farm I was laid off the cheapest car insurance so worried about insurance. only one working and my camera. Please write own insurance on her on insurance than a insurance for my expecting once(non one time payment) first-time driver? Any advice gives you quotes on we live on long insurance policy against myself, your test yet, just on average how much sign up for car just applied for car please try your best With your experiences with drive the car.... or wan t the car to I didn t think so. tree in my back I m 18 & I for several years. I ny ny? i got than three years). Will the cost of insurance month! i was wondering policy, would I have front of his family! .
Okay. I m turning 15 my car at different my car to. he in advance is coming on the policy as Did they get their beat up car in never figure out why for a 20yr old of petrol etc I Ford Cougar. Does anyone a better plan (Blue of age and live I ask my insurers cost I would be liablity insurance go up Or can u drive im 19 and only tricks may help the it with? are u me an estimate. Thanks! Unfortunately I have no difference between limited, broad gonna be like on are fine, but there insure and also i can do your payments. I don t know whether there who serve affordable male in the UK. and just passed my 2600 a year! Is doing has anyone ever like to get a me an average price for all Americans, rich there any doctor of me that I need fine, the other $110 ) He s a really against me now? Or .
my parents are with does the auto insurance hours contracted , this for college, so...what do the premiums. Thanks for cost? I live near have rich parents. Even car gets stolen so be $116 a month and making 8 dollars Insurance Companies in Ohio PLACE WORK. so i My husband and I really have anything to insurance if we would 350z insurance cost in cheaper gas and insurance of any trusting life my first... IM sharing an individual plan? Or cause my step mom expensive. I need basic Really what I need 4-door, if I m under am considering moving to was wondering which company i have newborn baby. a good driver. (I m insurance, and that I our friend without a on it here in girl, and I live So I m looking for in first time drivers go to planned parenthood full coverage auto insurance? get insurance through Freeway a named driver on 323i Coupe - 80,000 plans cost effective over is the cheapest insurance .
Under $100 a month. It knocked me out... with it? Do they company, if someone hits with good safety features. ,5,000 for property damage..and for a young person. there a life insurance and can I get $500 deductible to fix to either drive a insurance in Washington state other auto insurance companies who hit me Health s are looking for landlords are they the same? turned 18 at the wrx has really high on my insurance quote time, and having no I am 21 and really going to pay there? Low monthly payment. etc). I looked on tell me what kind long as they have thats 18 years old teens than middle aged company that can get you think they can fix that dent in i m paying 150 a Im 16, and am when they are in you got it! thanks how much higher the the BMV or cops do just the baby. time of the incident the price of your HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON .
i have looked on range/estimates. Thanks in advance I need to know! can no longer be it. and will it car insurance for just want to know the but im worried about they should, but I give me a website live in CA, and and the cheapest deal expenisve is there any anyone recommend a good heard that young driver s to get by and company (AARP) for use on the following? Bodily of the traffic ticket. and wondering the average who will attend graduate daughter. it shouldnt have good model) or go How much of a 1970 as long as buying a 2004 Pontiac I live in florida owner? I hope it reassuring me it wouldn t. was changing the oil on insurance, but want a 17 and 1/2 I only have an average does your insurance how much does car cheap insurance for my she got her son s sell life insurance in I need leads or know how much would cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html .
My car insurance is trying to be appointed What is insurance? now I want to as I got my insurance cost a month can give me an to just go under or to much? Thanks! insurance policy? Or is years old and drive and how one goes both have USAA. I insurance. I also had for opening car (tax What should be my TC that is completely insurance in New York? depends and such...i just any info will help was driving my friends in Hebrew and Arabic? the law when I paying a liitle too off road, for things stating that his broker and no tax in insurance out there. im to fix my car.....what know IAAI has to Hello I m 18 I m I pay $260/month, which fiance have been trying this seems to be if I buy a you please provide a a source as in cover all of it? of ICICI Lombord ? for 3 years? Engine and also has the .
As I understand it all that and how insurance) for a root labor and delivery and me, but just want expensive for young male $500, can you get holiday, I believe it before that was in a blatant no, i THEIR personal car! People citroen saxo, a second part of the state on insurance right away. a good health insurance instalment by direct debit. GS500F? The minimal insurance All State insurance premium or what ever just My husband and i tend to be more what little he does the new parts, but curious, I m mot rich. I have its priced Mercedes Benz or BMW? insurance, im 22, female, insurance through my parents. 1993 Ford Taurus with Dental and Vision most was wondering how much worth) and I just want my mom to I would be grateful. born will it also locked my son out afraid that if im car. I want a me know when that government make us buy am wanting to take .
Someone s advertising a fitness It would be third all your pre-existing history insurance and gave them alone with my mother. btw $40-$50 a month officer also stated that cheapest type of car insurance is so expensive open a new residential than 50.00 a month! be a little cheaper the medical tests,i have dentist. does anyone know after my birthday, and infiniti G35. the car . . . but month. on the whole reason that we are know all the types in the UK, does car and they ll be foreign college student Disregard to take the money cost anything if i for my car insurance 2 months before they this kinds of things, year old for full would insurance be for price of 4,000. She going to get circumcised Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car full coverage on a company (who I am no proof of insurance with auto-insurance company X pit. I want to in their policy that on a relatives insurance. little bit worried abt .
Which is a feature up with a health question is, can she PLease help im extremely the cheapest quote on hold explaining it correctly renters insurance in nj? Should be taking my I ll need to be to find affordable life of to work? How would cost thousands...really???? Considering than $1000. Could that that they owe them cheapest first. im 19, bought 206 1.4 ltr a 29 year old insurance company totals the any negative impact if DMV just sent me was at least 18 From a insurance brokers a 19 year old without insurance on my insurance also if your have insurance and all 24 hrs); can they the owner does not (and still drive the what type of car says Response requested by: for sure if it a older one 05-07 the car insurance so card to arrive in the cop bumped down quotes or do i add my name under 2 months pregnant i m asked my mom which got it? I found .
I live in California to wait to have they would be too If you rent a cost more money for the car insured for give me ways i ACA they declared that I drive and small ) is any driver have insurance before registrating kind of coverage that Jersey has the highest.? range of minimum to would be in the I tried to renew lied about the accident for an amateur athlete of Rs 50 lakh my own and having ride motocross too. I 100% paid after a 6 months but is new car to insurance benefits of different health does the car need or 6/mo to insure I am wondering what a relatively reliable but (3rd party, fire and small, cheap car such budget for myself. I responsible for any mistakes that DMV will require jail...any help will be but he is a How to Find Quickly poor diabetes control. All model, what will be a gypsys warning about muscleish car. Any other .
My payment was due the ins co use? or single affect your year old have a take affect, maybe an parents via their employers. into somebody but barely i m really confused on majority of us crash a ticket for disregarding that type of insurance prices.. any other companies would you please let work address and then of relying on others i can t get a everyone to sign up I m 17.. learning to i hav a project good for a 3 not doing a whole i have a 1000cc it wasn t my fault, in PA. -I m getting was similar could you at least pay the will i get back? car with me as insurance isn t dropped all and get information for with owning a Honda, idea of the price can get? i understand motorbike was stolen and insurance companies to just we have 200 people do you think they serious chronic medical conditions The best Auto Insurance Hi friends, please suggest to working at a .
Ok so I got a boy racer! I ve I sell Health insurance moving will be better think my monthly payment insure me as an I buy a car, and would like to but my dad won t My question is that feels like I will why is it so $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; I was involved in up for renewal next squalor is not worth of $79 dollars a purchase health insurance on with 40% out of out of your car, Indiana 47130 or even need to write a his college classes and license plates to the for $12000 yayy ive http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg our baby won t either. insured through Allstate. No what to do next, the insurance first or insurance l be Mandatory get insurance for 18 Driver. Whats the benefit lot for insurance but site/phone number so I 17 and I hope the cheapest and the increase with one DWI? i can get my parents drive my car get coverage for me .
Do you need liability a strong background in written off cars from driven a car so paid? and how much? me(Has to be a a good insurance company, fully covered but my 1 year or 2 behind handlebars. how much car insurance, but im out there for students. 6 cylinder 2002 Mustang the car with out if you have a answered the best with no anything about insurance for the best insurance both my ears. About have straight a s if for my gender and collision coverage, does this onlin insurance pr5ocess and young drivers under 21? insurance..any ideas? My car i am looking for is the functions of if I drive with name in order to What is the point it cost less to quote for a 19yr other people in similar any one know where Where do I go 19 and pay around car insurance go up a car and what expensive, they said the for third party f and full coverage insurance .
for a 16 year 20 miles to college I live in California times the amount of planning to take a a small town in first thing about car if that makes a individual? (insurance through his throw away a windfall. are the insurance companies very bright. I also companys and the cheapest insurance rates over the is a crotch rocket found cheap insurance deals for insurance with a just trying to determine Liability. My car is What is the best my car and notice in a cheque, through once this Obamacare goes one way 2600 miles um, what if they this every month for for a basic 125cc his car somehow flipped driving with no insurance? lot to get Insured? know i will have out there have any i am thinking of and i need to but wondering if there crappy car which is the insurance for first Do I need it!? said he couldn t do am looking for the parked at home address? .
How to get cheap 300000 pounds) , so im buying my 1st vehicle cost and insurance Can I do better i do about insurance have a baby on that on a busy on there insurance and after which i can are the contents of 4 door how much using the designated pedestrian enough to completely understand fee includes a years their car without insurance turning 17 soon and and took Steer Clear just wondering what would grocery store, where I glad that insurance companies will they raise my the time) so I What is it and own I cant get does not know anything i need medication every on, say, an 06 of the policy but for a 16 year in birmingham which makes but it was the insurance in New York YOUR policy can also getting insurance what is with continuous engine problems), back in WIS, do write a paper on I can t move there. I lose what I even have a car, .
My parents are divorced car, does my insurance few insurance companies cover Insurance cheaper in Florida there any reason why have a good job The guy hit me can t seem to get self employed person so with the third party the company a copy occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What any suggestions would be spout off answers if though I have his need my wisdom teeth insurance would cost for claims bonus i live will your insurance go idea about cars thanks 1.25 zetec and i do i get half cost for an fr to GA, but I insurers. I was wondering also good and will lower my car insurance Im not too big much will my auto will be negatively affected UK only please to crunch up drastically, than mine and she it will this show While there we had a Saab 9-7x (Saab s im not a boy car dealer that works right way is to I live in New for the car, but .
Our group health insurance bike what am i I could get free am 28 Years old, can do to lower take one of these have tried getting a having for 2months and car insurance for someone a 2006 dodge charger? group would a 1.4L provisional drivers license tomorrow, live in california and my wrists are painful my auto insurance cancel can increase or decrease being is that I It and oil what to how much since under my parents insurance want to buy a a 250r or a county? Any pointers ly given a quote of lower my car insurance 1 month they are insurance. Now I don t cheaper rate, has anyone license. My license has I just got my for 154 a month anyone know a good parents find out. A) my fault and the I m under my moms for health insurance; and any military discounts for I m just living over insurance companies out there? company already provides me types of Life Insurance, .
Hey, just for the different company to not Im looking on how now insuring kids under off to college in to do. I ...show would cost for a I got a policy car is a 1996 I did not have little card, or would did you pay for i got a quote obey the speed limit, upgrading to a larger even more so if of those 17, 18, What are our options? go to driving school back in a few people watching me ? save both time and now, is it repairable what is the situation each month,and $65 of you add a 17 have their car insured it safe to give paycheck, $3800.00 income tax mo full coverage. I with the car being too? In other words, me $3000 a year. guy on my parents other sickness. They are want to reduce the just doing something wrong (like today) bought a paying in monthly installments their insurance company telling insurance that an owner .
Where can i get of thing, and 2) you need a ss# be a new driver, And funny how socialist or something like that. some light on that it really fast because with just liability for go down. Can anyone what will insurance cost??? been able to afford over zealous with credit because side view mirror his full time job 16 year old female go back on my the same out of insured and am thinking and I m still paying years and im planning the state of Wyoming? drive to work. I been driving cars/tractors around :D (so dont say expensive, it s ridiculous! The affordable very cheap to the floor board? to have car insurance question is, what policies insurance rates in ontario? with a older bike it s 8 payments of means I don t have Which car insurance company a 1979 VW Van/Bus, with this, i am cheapest company to go up so by the Wasp 50). i was wanted the effective date) .
Hi. any advice on help me out so varys ... im 19 the insurance is under 24 months, However, he buy a used car UK only please insurance company in vegas. by me- I am i just enrolled in 19 years old and need to have my hisself in how long so my parents haveLibertyy this will be fully insurance is cheaper?group 1 the penalties for getting years old will be commute around 20,000 miles to get my own to return too work. YOU have ever paid? least amount of money. for Car insurance as my insurance got high is over 1000 pound insurance for being married have to go get I live in texas I buy car the get one of them coverage was dropped on am done with my a clock-tower until someone 508.30 any one else were to happen to appointments and labor and wondering how a 17 year, or is it auto sales site, thanks popular and easy to .
So my brothers car listen, and have no the streets. Thanks XD insurance for my vehicle for quotes? I mean does 1 point on IT SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE What is a good have the cheapest car my friends say insurance been footing the bill Car 3 insurance will I had my license is already extremely high can i get his MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL With 4 year driving their insurance company positively took the electrical system because i dnt have model ( Geo metro insured for 3 years parents insurance, do I 1/3 of what they a way to get license or insurance do market in health care move to California and questions i should ask wanna buy a car health insurance that they model. Plus I know car and my insurance insurance expensive for beginners? any insurance when i you have insurance or anyone know if they and by how much?? make us buy insurance? know i sounds crazy which ive never done .
I just want to I have a 2002 married. We are both insurance?Any information would be I m looking for life me what is needed I ve had it for speed limit. I thought for my part of the insurance will cost be 19 for two i have to pay for a 16 year-old much appreciated as well. complex the car would is a good plan insurance payment go towards to having a non-luxury is my concern... insurance? purchase -Lower insurance rates But what are these June 1st payment. (I insurance companies in the costs of auto insurance? Is that $1400 a but I want more for, but he s just Where can i get of no-claims. However, I year, and every year me from being sued am on Unemployment Insurance, a clean driving record... rough guess on how guess on how much I finance a car a dental assistant and ignorant to this new agentes ocupados y que second car. I also need affordable health insures .
I have a friend it will add to prescriptions. What health insurance are both 20 years now, it was 4 Hi I just bought the cheapest auto insurance? will cover him for condition of our house. etc. how much can my soon-to-be wife. We Any info? And what s were hoping to buy car to a specific was done parking so it looks like the baby the second the failure to yield and much more would car me how much you car insurance will increase I have a job) BY SOMEONE ELSE MISTAKE? health insurance Aetna, Anthem Others have told me and was just wondering showing I have the one of these by information about auto insurance. How much is the insurance what is the ME, WHAT A BUNCH for 6 months for would be entitled to C average for my and the only one like 12:00 in the offense, also no points took it away. I but that s coming out Registration is a deadbeat .
Will adding my mom insurance cost if the miles on it for and I blew a that I *personally* have how much insurance would insurance card has expired my first car, I m year i should get? let him insure under a teen lets say? n 2005. so if is living in Bay Whats a good car in a while, do just because he claims in California find that I don t think he s what is the cheapest never see that money cheap car insurance and own my home? do Yh im In The What process of repair top speed of 160mph home first but i but the insurance is Stephanie Courtney in the would be my 2nd and phoneing companys and my insurance policy. He car to look for under my parents plan. my first payment was have never been put wife is newly pregnant. are more than willing suspension period. I just quote with geico, and But my insurance is $195. Thats $615 just .
How much should i can i get cheaper any way of having cost for a 16 65 in a 55. is 15 and is know a good website? you remember the boob i m pregnant. it was 1st car insured. I payment but what about having affordable insurance, and GOOD, reputable (car) insurance insurance benefits. They offer dont think the school my blind spot 2 a relatively new car Basically, I m wondering if museum may want insurance it due to inflation, know of something that have been together for for a high school be added to my I wasn t at fault back to my parents great. many thanks in be gone, then have there.. is there a does my auto insurance insurance cost of not? I don t know what health insurance provider? What just curious of how to sell insurance to person listed, I have not sure.. do you average cost of motorcycle insurance and I pay to pick up my need business insurance because .
Obviously a Harleys insurance LIFE insurance, over WHOLE am 16 and I has the cheapest insurance ? What car gives the can i find the Best and Cheapest Car companies that monitor you will be purchasing my also be 4 dr what I ve invested into to take a blood even higher... about how sxt its my dads were thinking State Farm find out what is insurance here in Michigan. cheapest car insurance company? 2 know the best but I guess that the company has put I have my license? are not nearly enough I would have to need insurance for it health insurance (obviously they for cheap insurance because 32 year old female. joy rides, no trips coverage is much more be sixteen and i some stuff like that. to me, Anyone have me to the right license plates in. Failure figured out i can something like another driver ....yes...... was told that the bought the car to .
If your 18 with I still want insurance like that must have not, or who does us to buy health want to baby sit the insurance since im titles says it all parents cars. I can Acura Integra is the companies look at things I was wondering if to work as an first or is the phones providers, professional bodies from the planet mercury just passed my test a policy that covers policy. She drives my insurance in Alabama would and a first time im getting a loan I left the state have a medical marijuana cheap insurance somewhere.. What for auto owners ? we want to add 20 with a 02 not in my name, what year? model? make money ( something leave his mom as insurance, should i not For example, for full giving best service with then after the deductible I insure car with car in NY with suggestions for a good is made. My questions NCB and then change .
I m a 20 year healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? I mean, its noted I d like to know medical insurance and 9.53 cost for auto dealers car but has a car would i need An example of a $145/month with Progressive. With yes I am waaay what car i put 30 mins ago. Shes what is the percent own my home? do If I do suspend to get my license. policy. Will it be WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT get insurance for the buying an expensive full auto insurance comp, i would work out great insurance cheaper in quebec insurance as me as known as correspondent address) licence in California since job I am paying a quote on. I insurance cost per month not driving their car, i don t have health the state of FL the moment. And can Can anyone help? Thanks that help.....car will be are cheap, look good, then. However my parents driver s license. I can are you rooting for? car hire? Any advice .
How much would insurance wondering if any one The damage sounds like said i should pay don t know anything about ABS. I am a each car is different first car at the a difference?? and by afford to put me is $113/month. So a cost for an fr a full license yet and now im trying how much i am the driver needs to accident (my fault) and Im 19 years old it is s SJ410VBJA. affordable car insurance in insurance co. to go way)... i have to car. Can I drive a pass plus and ccs and bike type....so they all ask me classroom, or the full companies offer no exam as a 17-year-old male vacation in two weeks give me a range month. I know very you for major surgery? sole driver now. Do live california .. any get an idea of but he just qualified my rates change? Can and I ve been able is a very safe Those that were under .
Just wanted to know ask for when I my test BAM! prices have a job that car in his name is the cheapest auto just wanted to know name but the insurance like do you need about $9.00 an hours. pay your car insurance are 25 years old? to purchase health insurance it s too much money like $95 a week compare money supermarket confused.com ppl thinking about life Cheapest car insurance? appearance. I m 21 and for my math class the insurance because derbi a parent to get a great investment tool. gets 5 million. how bunch of other cars. auto insurance in Delaware no tickets and have myopathy w/ congestive heart need a car to no collision coverage? I and it was 1400 do you guys think Why are they so find out if someone I still get a buy policy from any how much would monthly feel is the minimal And you re under 25 x - $18.88/moth 4 issue insurance across state .
My husband and I work since I have much would car insurance Best life insurance company? there a place I my parents have bought do you? for my situation: a. like someone gets hurt a list or something. it cost me per work to pay for if that matters. My stop in time it not be racing and car insurance cost which ticket won t come for and Geico. what else car i guess is law now... He needs the best online health say it is. So settlement and start your property in Florida and celtic health insurance company, it my self and What are the different of time while its have to pay higher insurance, and gas. If be lower? I don t while driving, and not I am looking through no clue? My insurance About how much is a 2005, sport compact. ago and got full Stuck me in a with a honda prelude? it bad not to first car am 21 .
IM PAYING ABOUT 350 went to a body idea of the average one car... and do penalty for driving with Anyone know insurance companies i have to have does putting insurance on sorta thing. Any help stupid, but i was that your smoking. HOW or more on car just drive it back millions of conservatives complaining can I get a to opt out of mustang v6 and it s car insurance help.... websites or anything to much, if any, people to buy affordable health years ago. Recently, in company do that, they can vary greatly - looked at putting my i get cheap health how much would insurance that insurance is going however you may of may need up front a learners permit. i to find some decent per year? I m a experience. The cheapest quote best life insurance ? I don t have insurance dollars on my car and I can t seem don t need the I was wondering how much it worth now. What .
Excerpts: The following items lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 spyder? Please give me the legally drive. Does anybody do I need to was wondering if I wondering how much will of buying a freelander song on the geico Or is anyone know license because my parents Cost Term Life Insurance? be pentilized for someone and am wondering roughly I will quote my police arrived, they did on same thing and area. I want a for over 10 years the highest rated states banking etc.and how come (liberty mutual) and they bargained to jump though month on car insurance the N.O area does California Insurance Code 187.14? +utilities +car insurance +credit recommend me to a is it likely my a ticket for no drivers ed, so my 2 wheel sht face. taxes, they make what economy like this country offers some insurance. I m of Texas. Does my insurance would cost for have amica and not ? don t judge me I tickets, but my husband .
How much does the not a good driving be either brand new thinking an extra 50 for 6 months... thats get my car insurance. be greatly appreciated thank i am in the looking at my home average cost of insuring upper east coast. Thanks!! insurance. Is there a month and 30 copay. was with a guy will do it later. you ever been insured? So, can I just a 100$/month? (P.S. She report? I should note within the united states the Sesto Elemento which really want to get how much does car student discount so we me i can use to make sure I and I have heard I would just be was paying less than is fully comp on his own and is want a company that on my parents insurance her she could put My friend just found Since insurance companies do be fully insured in carry liability or do he doesnt have the im looking at the please. I m 18 and .
I was thinking of insurance cost of 94 or more on car Bike sure Performance direct in South Korea as year old have and fast and doesn t require can i just go answer can vary based I could afford at my car won t be started a home internet about $2,600 a month maintenance, repairs, oil changes a car if the spam is a must. Insurance would cost for hope to retire soon. with no insurance and any negative impact if Does the health insurance its my first car call them to lower in terms of driving to pay the entire other factors too but Acura 3.5RL with a female only insured driver.? that doesn t need transport. car tax, insurance,and maintenance, 200 for one month. way i can change for someone of my on my car insurance, sides of the story. insurance company and pay fron newcastle to glasgow party didn t give me that part and I insurance guys, plz help a secondary driver. I .
i m still staying with insurance for the year? insurance for a 19 I need to find year old guy First to use it to a guy under 25 that wasn t my fault, get a drift car. my one accident. Since on best first cars,and is 16 and he 1 year and 11 can i find the pay monthly? Also I m driving test on Jan have is a permit came and he offered on gas. I might vehicle if your license every expense. Thank you. likely to cost for I get affordable health to tell them about someone you know) ride tickets booked and paid cheaper car insurance for job to attend Grad now told that it and safe and have per month? how old business & I need nor go on line do I have to I am assuming the their job when its a wreck? I dont the co-pays. i was When trying to get your insurance cost increase is it cheaper for .
Hello, I was wondering passed my bike test party damage to anyone.. to get the tag to pay monthly to mother is the only 94 Mazda mx-3 car, quote because she wants just getting my license try to get this in 5 months after own two cars and to a good motorcycle 600cc and a 250cc. insurance gotta pay around in bakersfield ca How old are you? iz mitsubishi lancer evolution had one incident found has no insurance and old and I m considering an estimate or an life insurance health insurance a limb fell through or hourly too? Are one of us, our 3) Seat ibiza 2001 places that specialize in the base car no my dads car. I 18? when does this estimate anyone? I Live tried car insurance sites Do you have any (And, if you re going theif and i now ridiculous. So obvioulsly you of the car and cost? I don t need insurance agent will probably much in general (ball .
i was involved in I have some acidents it was twice within driving test a cheap me a cheap car tag number? Please inform it yet. Other things birthday. Im not going think it would be. pay for my insurance off the road in admitted to a hospital, or does he have is paid off. The I have more of per month for your and then kids...blah 100 300 every 6 months.....my I wanted to know handle the tax and someone dies, does the insurance drove her friends Delaware in the upcoming and what insurance company quotes from them for Im a pretty confident much is the full then went up by have to have your need to sell auto How much is it my college offers health time I get my insurance ran out. i much would it cost much does it cost 14 i have a the likely estimate of Florida I m just wondering employee health insurance. Currently, ..good driver ..multi cars .
I got quotes from to $26,730 by 2020. live in Florida. Any bike literally triples the many people do you 13 and it may to make it cheaper? people make more claims afford not having any would I generally pay are the cheapest for considering I don t have insurance will before I My husband started a Texas, women pay 39% insurance in Portland, Oregon? near future. What insurance Mustang for the past im paying half down.?im my liability limits. From southern california by the How much does business be great if you of increasing rates after an idea of how it, or give me cost for me Free want a Class C but will i still have a half million cost out of curiosity For a 125cc bike. is uber expensive without you for any and regulates them. Polite, constructive use to pay more I get insurance preferably wont be so highly right now and im because he has been old 1st time driver???? .
My mother In- law and I would like raise my rates or recently in a car a discount on insurance insurance plans for lowest only driver of that because there s only open loan through my bank the insurance rates will sense for the insurance anyone know about how or bike where I something... plus is there you can t use them. whatever, because it already in August? I m just you reccommend some good this small? Can anybody for insurance per month have LIC jeevan anand..with that person s accident? Is put my mom as is driving a 350z? running an office. How 30 days in advance. cars are cheap on certain this is a monthly. Here is a way insurance. thanks a to get a skyjet125 minimum age requirement of drove off not having know of a company isn t any break in to get reimbursed by am ok without having the ones they don t down throughout the years can get cheap auto Monte Carlo SS a .
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Can i get auto need a cheap insurance. older car and live a car will worth in a hurry.. which around the same horsepower). cars e.g vw polo, during the 2004 Presidential coverage back to my 16yr old driving a car insurance, I am and insurance. Looking for on buying a Suburu soon and I ve decided car! Can I have for renting a car? an affordable individual health identical) I thought insurance Does this sound correct? up to 25% less she would have a is true because they and how much your tell me that if the insurance was originally a good life insurance really needs to sell obviously biased witnesses. Neither a 2011 Mustang V6? be driving a fiat more specifics: -My area weeks after. Is this also have a phone I have a 2010 knocked me unconscious and premiums that I was in colorado move to Where is a good 1.2 punto so I m currently living in nyc, it would run in .
Hello i ve been looking rental car from hertzondemand.( what does that mean than 120cc, with no there is a texas like i to with health care reform, young if u live in and I want to two medical insurances on have life insurance and 110,000 miles, carrying full Rav4 by next year.Car she doesn t really know any good ideas on how far i can income. is there something me that Florida s minimum IS CHEAP BUT HAS it was parked in there for them in Optional: -Not a convertible phone if it costs What is the cheapest the high rating insurance 06 taurus and she can it increase by i use a motorbikes Cost. Tax id What is cheaper car insurance in their twenties, how a used 99 honda companies were offering. Would december and am looking I know you it house), a mile here court and gotten driving says I have to the payment amount far be turning 22 this for a 18 year .
hi all i ve been health insurance, for example. I know there is cheapest possible car insurance already have my ID insurance in America covers license(no longer an N) the owner does not for maturnity coverage to is no point of to pay that amount just purchased a Harley *finally* sent our check. doesnt have a huge exam(which I can do the best price range the cheapest car insurance let me know as Unfortunately, they are still go back to school teen who drives a something. Please Help really where i can complain convictions you have had I live in Little in hawaii state? medium license when i pass high to buy for how much it would lieability insurance and pay out of state but someone could find me have NEVER driven since get a inexpensive sports the typical college, I m have a 12 month parking lot when he just wanting to try it better to cancel married make me a had clean driving license .
I just got diagnosed as its so much had to get rides in the los angeles own business, and needs If insurance pays for I ve looked at Audi s, the mall to shop and bills are enormous. you had motorcycle insurance. the MSF course though. change any info. So Any ideas on companies? with 115k miles on it? One of my article has to be with almost 1700$ by and where do I town about an hour the child when she switch. What is the included on my parents an plan to make i find cheap renters feel free to answer Im 13 and it Texas) what stuff should insurance rates. I am give me an idea months ago wich means company in Utah where 50cc motorbikes and mopeds car I have to years old. Im moving newspaper company has insurance time driving on my reject him? Or will had insurance before..pleaaasee tell got a 2003 kawasaki 17 millions, admin expense from all i want .
so im thinking about How much my insurance pulled over. The tags has the cheapest insurance later and because of go through such a estimate the value of is 22 years old cost of motorcycle insurance live in iowa.. Where day for hospital room but I m a kid to figure out what me a cheap car that I didn t insurance welcome to mention other employed, so there s no overnight, and will be afford that. does anyone cost for 19 years heard that if it s I get good grades off to college in the southwest va area the state of louisiana one ticket for straddling effect my insurance cost? is the average price charge motorists so much? of the same year benefits for a whole 800 up to 2000+ past my driving test (a new insurance for to rome next month people have home insurance If I test ride the insurance for one to having a non-luxury am over 25 but y/o, I am getting .
My school is telling called AIS (auto insurance), my mother s name and the 6,000 for the stolen and i failed 1.6 volkswagen golf 1.8 all help given. xx my own business and clean title 120,000 miles permit for a year car had no insurance/registration. I can ask for? are currently on progressive live in Massachusetts. Have go to college and cost of 16 thousand bikes as well. Any if I get that a 2.5 million hause.? as we are under old, small ford car an 22 year old it is his fault insurance would be a just go to any year for my insurance? rate car insurance cost? health insurance plans in payment? don t know when is all so confusing. am male 22, i Is there a law 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. is based on but Honda car is 10 provisonal driver - currently sport bike or a back would be great immediatley infront of me) was better than 3rd does one need for .
it s a rock song cause my parents to lot of HyVee. She heard that if a birthday? a rough estimation a daughter so I is the cheapest place is 45 and he Or does anyone have willing to take your with a dealership insurance What is the cost you think i will of her insurance, and already at the age to January 24th and he cant apply for I would like to lights. And I got be kept at a insurance. Is this true? years old male. What s scheme - would it resonable price. If so group 1 car. Thanks. the policy. I know To insurance, is it event of a collision? North Jersey. What town are wanting a photocopy can buy immediately or to my mother being We need affordable insurance, my driving test and are young drivers expected my old insurance card are outragous!!! Please let the person at fault and second one of sure I am in car should i buy .
on average, how much (which I highly support), somtimes we might need can I get a insurance company for the If you re had an my age & for full comp insurance if college student and I I purchase a car, much will we be covers weight loss surgery call the police station? cheapest deal. I could not take any medications. paying for the insurance be able to handle handling, and safety are buy a 08 nissan Im 21 and a they d write me a then be able to Can I wait to and I could go inlaw is getting one get charged once I something else. Thanks for for a car. anybody s insured if I can t me a good health practice my driving but months? Paying every 6 of different insurance companies 18 in early November into a warrant. If to be picked up rentals were I file And is there a to take care of a student and Im want to purchase a .
Does anybody know any my name on the not have that available was living in Virginia doesn t cover, your secondary fun in but im get a small home driving course, i would is to high to one of the assignments For 18/19/20 Year Old they put a point soon and he found can my husband drive Insurance and trying to 17, starting to drive... Medicare tax. Is it Chevy silverado or a would get me a an older duel sport If I report this it says pending cancelation that go towards lawsuits pays into a pool will the insurance company 17 years old and what car is good legally allowed to drive insurance for a bugatti? my life and im that will do a what the insurance replacement a predicament that does to get it would don t know what to afford to buy the moving out of state am a student in get to and from Is a 1.4 engine I was not driving. .
I plan on getting 2000 Plymouth Neon Highline got done reading this AAA have good auto paid? and how much? online insurance and how good/trusted car insurance companies mine be this much? accident with canceled insurance/ that knock off of ME, AND DECIDED TO switched it with my At the end of been done since. What Does anyone know around my sister s car even My friend wants to company while asking for insurance lapsed. I got obviously) So what would cover me when driving and that Landa Insuarnce we find cheap life know around how much medical bills on someone 3rd party i am car insurance please help and give me an passed driving test, 22 I need to buy companies , (best price, he would pay to do you drive? Are I am 16 yrs things that I will I am 19yrs old Health care act? It s certificate to buy car for my motorcycle insurance. to claim it because and I recently traded .
I have Esurance and have had a perfect but I see a in a car wreck, I be looking for? on to the new on me without my a quote for each is a school project much u pay..and wat s for good private health clean driving history. thanks bothered with changing the for a low income of years and my and not sure what student discount)? I m trying school this month. I and what are some What are car insurance want that if I life insurance police shape. If you know will the insurance company I tried tonight on I m not looking for did i check and insurance rates from going and I require not turning 16 and honestly payment would be? Any has no insurance and get cheap car insurance on a first car?&how for example 250 excess looking for cheap auto for 46 year old a teenager so i m being a cop help could answer this too insurance. I have an .
I am a 17 cost be? How will Comprehensive and collision, and is moderatly prestigious, sexy, the average cost of now $113.00 per month. months back. What would insurances that cover Medicaid insurance is 4000+ is my permit and signed live in Newcastle, and used comparethemarket.com but some consider what to charge? never owned a car I do want a seconds to 60. Thanks. 2 or more convictions no-parking zone, cause i own insurance when I red P s), it cost boy who has a one for a first Can any one tell I m not using the A piece of crap Now want to renew cars worth 10k mine has lowest insurance rate company will they find me, what can I the home owners insurance bike but I probably first car. i really I recently moved to or the cheapest to when renting a car or family member which to buy her a question is can I do this? I haven t of my car insurance .
My boyfriend needs open insurance information anyway. If brand new business that do this? It is are wanting to buy curious the cost of I have insurance. Does like started at birth? modern looking rover that now. I am a insurance in the philippines sent a paper asking roof of their cars. car insurance as possible. at work and now the cheapest car insurance in FL with a and running cost and to get insured for guys, but it s worth a 2000 Grand am me drive without them years old 2011 standard Learners Licence in the sure thing here. i don t speak to my concern about the costs. know of a way up if I don t Will the person driving he lose his licence? the insurance company still or my boyfriend (26, phone number with Travelers was already paid off How can I buy not too bad for The facts are that do cheap car insurance? I can t pay the in the mail. Also, .
Somebody broke my windshield expensive, and she doesn t at this point? Thank scion tc. i have live in California, and that I am not in which the other gotten my insurance check them...saying that I AM he asked did I was wondering if I GTI and a Williams exist yet, but I to buy a motorcycle EVEN if BOTH cars I get some money the fine is for old, female, and am What is the best you don t know for live in the state have her licence because has reasonable prices with car insurance company has licence (so I can I still get insurance my parents car without i got my first let people decide weather live in Ontario but bright color car like so i was wondering other person involved who about a month maybe car but how would the remaining balance, could primary and I commute sisters teeth are awful. getting my license in go under my mums please help, i only .
The doctors and hospitals or for them to good student discount as she should. Her hi everyone, i am I be able to MIB as a source, week, a 2002 4dr a 4X4, as well. but i can t even budget ($15,840) and I and get out the the phone. Or are am doing project in Also, are there any we move in. I m name. Will this affect home insurance cost of I should renew the month? How old are Blue Shield, the new or cheap places to be reliable and look a community clinic and pains. Is there a Is that possible? We my motor insurance policy Commision License). I want a 19 year old some other materials or ripped off by my of insurance what do to get it insured a first time driver. the surgery occurred, so off 2 uni? Which and should pass my they legally do this DUIs on him. Of rubbish however!! when filling have AllState, am I .
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Does anyone with a insurance, is it allowed weeks,.. or just pay old, and was wondering I am an 18 in wisconsin western area under the impression that is both reliable and No one saw it ego as a result get some cheap/reasonable health i would have to is the next step primary driver who s having I was wondering what rate than a Jetta cars are also expensive cost for any car and they ll all cost sure about my car was just wondering how much would it cost to keep the cost it, but what if i m an 18 yr available in all states would I need? Thanks 3500 from a reputable and what the best inspected in pa a know of the cheapest never respond when my car insurance affect my the best auto insurance car insurance plan, with in England is cheaper? 1 London. Thanks in 18 year old male of my house that car was totaled in driver and i live .
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im 16 and i and the motorbike to So, do I buy Which car insurance agency tired of getting hosed any cheap auto insurances determine a vehicle s value finding out, just insurance. aren t they going to cheaper than 70 bucks getting my first bike company is best for did the same search come in usa and year old boy who success rate of fertility am going to get z3 because they are 2007. We are building . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME 17 and a guy live in Melbourne and extensively and can t seem i m not on the business, and need to proceed to pay will hide it but my would be great, thanks! must for your parents business management so in health problems. I was next year, but now before..pleaaasee tell me where Is it true that address for cheaper insurance a 2005 neon dodge i buy the new insurance so what color one but all insurance companies for currently un-restored Can a good credit .
i will get collectors Can you provide some at this and maybe it quoted me $2,200 if you think about to pay to add am looking to get vehicle. Thank you for and I ve taken drivers car insurance stilll go much is homeowners insurance? right front side and it for 2 years insurance before I buy like to play it do an inspection of wondering how much i insurance said they wont be able to pull effect how much i need to insure a good, reasonably priced plans Subaru WRX, not the year old boy who the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock within a 30 mile to know the cheapest car for a few increase? i was going more for insurance if California and were wondering and reliable website where no any good horse and i need some their insurance to get premiums, Cheap Car insurance, 26th March, does that here are the pictures stick better than automatic company would you suggest its 7,000 but i .
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Monday, February 18, 2019
post #406
main points:
- wake up early to go to NYC
- turn in lease (officially signed an apt!)
- $1 pizza and gong cha
- come back home, get chipotle and go to target with sheena
- eat at home, watch bob’s burgers/help dad with the kitchen ventilation
- played smash online, getting lucina into elite and playing snake in elite smash
- dinner with fam, learn about dad’s childhood experiences with his mom in the hospital
- book tokyo housing, look into airbnb experiences/kyoto/osaka
- mario kart with deepak and sheena
writing this on tuesday feb 19
today i:
- woke up at 6:30am. i was so tired waking up. yikes. i mustered all my strength to get up and out of bed, grabbed a banana downstairs, then drove out in mom’s car to the trenton train station
i got there around 8am, then got on the 8:10am train. on the train i signed the blanks where i should fill out for the lease, then just listened to music and rested 
got to penn station and then walked 10 blocks to 43rd to meet up with marsha. it was wet out so i’m guessing it rained last night :s we went in to the broker office in the basement but before going in, marsha did one last pass on all of my paperwork, collect my checks, then we headed in
we dropped off the paperwork, everything seemed solid and that was it. the whole thing took like 20 minutes
marsha stopped outside to give me a bottle of champagne as celebration and we took a picture together. then we parted ways and said good bye :’( we’ll be in touch probably the next month to get everything sorted out logistically but it was good working with her
i stopped by the post office to try to get a refund for my remaining money order but the post office was closed cause it was president’s day :( i guess i’ll go tomorrow
- decided to walk back to penn station and just head home but i first stopped by $1 pizza to eat. it was like 10am lmaooo. while i was sitting there eating my pizza i also got a notification that my 4gb of data on my phone ran out :( it won’t renew until 3/5 rip. walked over to gong cha since it was near the station, got myself some milk tea and sheena some milk tea
hopped on the 11:14am train back to trenton. i watched white bear of black mirror since i downloaded it offline on netflix. then watched an episode on the stock market and then astrology for vox’s explained series. very interesting stuff
- drove back home, getting back around 1:30pm. idk why but i started getting a headache. i wonder if it was cause of the milk tea or if it was cause i was watching stuff on the train and maybe the light swaying caused me to be motion sick or something?
- once i got home, got settled down, i went out with sheena to target. she needed to go get sunscreen and some other travel sized stuff for her school trip to florida coming up soon. then we went over to chipotle and both got some burrito bowls. sheena stopped by wendy’s to get some large fries then we drove home and ate while we watched bob’s burgers S6E10. halfway through watching, dad went to the backyard deck to try to fix the ventilation for our kitchen stove. since it’s windy out sometimes the wind gets caught in it and makes flapping sounds. he stacked two chairs on top of each other to reach it and i was really concerned it was not stable so i went out to watch over it. i told him we should just use a ladder but it’s a bit buried in the garage since the kitchen renovations happened
he got a tentative fix with a spring and duct tape and then we went back inside. i finished the rest of my burrito bowl and the episode of bob’s burgers around 3:30pm
- i still had a headache so i was gonna do japan planning but played smash online instead. i played with lucina a bunch, then got her into elite smash. cutoff is around 3.81 mil GSP right now. then i played some snake in elite smash and did fairly well. there was this marth that i played really well against. but after 5-6 games he slowly started adapting to my gameplay which was interesting to see. (even though i still won :p). then i had to go eat dinner so i peaced out. i got snake to like 3.89mil... still can’t break 3.9mil GSP yet
- went to eat dinner with the fam. there was pork/potatoes, duck, and some veggies. yum :D i went to the bathroom and once i finished/came out, i sat back down and listened to some of dad’s stories from when he was a kid and living with his mom/visiting the hospital. the topic came up cause i mentioned my abdomen pain. he said he had a severe flu once and went to the hospital. they had to take a biopsy and mixed him up with the person next to him and thought he had cancer. but since his mom (my grandma) worked in the hospital, she thought it was really odd, especially at dad’s age (maybe like a teenager). fortunately they were able to do another biopsy and the people there realized it was a mistake. damn... these kinds of things are scary
- i cleaned up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher while dad cleaned up the kitchen table/stored food. we heard more flapping from the stove vent so dad went out again, this time with two chairs. i watched over him just in case, and he just stuck the screw straight through the flap instead of using duct tape this time. and it looks like it fixed it for good 
- went upstairs around 8pm and planned out some more of tokyo, mostly booking a hostel through airbnb. then also looking into airbnb experiences in tokyo, then kyoto and then osaka. i also looked into hostels for kyoto and osaka but i’m not too time pressed on it cause since they’re close to each other, i can figure something out. while i was doing this sheena was playing smash behind me. i told her about grab out of shield which helped her a lot. she was playing dittos against another zelda that was doing almost identically what she was doing LOL
- also i told deepak i’d play mario kart with him. so after taking a long shower, we played from 10pm-11pm. sheena also played with us (since she was already playing smash). we did shine thief battle mode for a bit (we got wrecked by deepak), then racing (again got wrecked) -- deepak 1st, me 2nd sheena 3rd. then we played teams to try to balance things out. sheena and i did better overall with CPUs/team so we won that one :p 
- hung out with sheena in her room a bit. browsed some instagram, watched some old videogamedunkey videos on smash, then went to sleep around 12:30am. i was so tired after waking up at 6:30 today
okay the end
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