#but i'm trusting vessel and his choices
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copia · 2 months ago
how it feels trying to decipher the handwriting in teeth of god
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cosmerelists · 3 months ago
Cosmere Villains: Ranked By How Much You Could Trust Them To Babysit Your Child
As requested by anon. :)
You need a babysitter for your kid, and for reasons unbeknownst to me, you can only entrust your child to a Cosmere villain. But fear not: this list will aid you by ranking how much you could trust said villains with your precious child.
[Big Spoilers for villain actions throughout! I'd steer clear of any characters from book series you haven't yet finished. However, there is nothing from Wind & Truth previews]
1. Taravangain [Stormlight]: Your child has...slightly better than even odds of being fine
Taravangian is one of the few villains who actually did order a group of children be put to death--remember when he was highly "intelligent" but the child choir was bugging him so he ordered that they all be killed? Not great credentials for a babysitter! On the other hand, his subordinates did talk him out of child murder, and presumably his subordinates would also be there with your child. So your kid probably wouldn't be executed by royal order!
...But I'd maybe stay away from Taravangian.
2. Miles [Mistborn Era 2]: Not the worst choice
If I remember Miles correctly (and I hope so, because I'm not really checking), he's the sort of villain who would have been one of the protagonists in Mistborn Era 1. I mean, his whole thing is that he wants to do what's right and stand up for the downtrodden through loads of murder, which--good resume for Kelsier's crew, am I right? I think your child would probably be fine--seems pretty safe to be strapped in a baby harness against the chest of an unkillable dude. Let's just hope he's not being fired upon by like seventy constables while babysitting.
...Maybe ask him to stay in your house for the job.
3. Hrathen [Elantris]: Are you willing to convert?
I believe Hrathen would actually take very good care of your child. He's a competent guy and doesn't want to cause any harm for harm's sake. On the other hand, you probably won't be paying him money--rather, I'm guessing he's gonna ask you to convert before he'll agree to watch your child.
So: Pros: You child is safe and healthy. Cons: You're a follower of Jaddeth now.
4. Crow [Tress of the Emerald Sea]: Not worth the price
The moment Crow has your kid, she's 100% blackmailing you into committing murder. That's just her MO. You're better off paying your neighbor kid $20 at that point.
5. The Sorceress [Tress of the Emerald Sea]: Uh...her literal thing is kidnapping
Come on, the Sorceress only knows how to do three things: kidnap people, curse people, and build hugely phallic rocket ships disguised as towers. I'm assuming you don't want your child to be kidnapped, cursed, or taught that all tall buildings should be inherently phallic. I'd steer clear of the Sorceress.
6. Odium, original vessel [Stormlight]: Pretty good choice!
What's promising about original-flavor Odium is that he likes to make agreements and will not only keep that agreement but also adhere to its spirit. All you need to do is get Odium to agree to keep your child safe, and Odium will do that!
Now, will Odium ask for something in return? Naturally. Will it be more than a cool $20? Yeah. And will your child be returned to you spouting some nonsense about how they must abandon all negative passions and become unchained? Well, yeah, but they're five. You can probably distract them with some Boo's Clues and they'll forget all about Odium's brainwashing.
All in all, not a terrible choice!
7. Odium, [spoiler-y] vessel [Stormlight]: Well...are you a really good lawyer?
Odium as represented by his new vessel will also keep to the babysitting contract--exactly as written and no further, loopholes fully exploited. So unless you can write an ironclad babysitting contract, you may return to find that sure, your child is physically safe, but they're now the face of a shady baby food company being used to smuggle exotic car parts across state lines. And nobody wants that.
8. Denth & Tonk Fah [Warbreaker]: Take them at their word
Denth & Tonk Fah will definitely tell you that, as mercenaries, they can't be trusted with a small child. Denth will say this in such an offhanded and charming way that you will definitely feel compelled to tell them, "Don't be silly! I know my child will be safe with you two."
Don't do it. Your child will NOT be safe.
Keep looking.
9. Telsin [Mistborn Era 2]: Not a great idea
Best-case scenario, being a good babysitter is somehow an important skill to Autonomy, in which case Telsin will in fact give it her all. You'll come back from your dinner & movie to find that your baby has a Harvard PhD and is mayor of a small town.
But more likely than not, if Telsin wants to watch your child, then she has nefarious plans that involve murder and world domination, and that's probably not the future you want for junior.
10. Straff [Mistborn Era 1]: No
Hahahahaha no.
Just no.
11. Lord Ruler [Mistborn Era 1]: Will immediately hand your kid off to his subordinates
The Lord Ruler is not gonna babysit your kid. He's gonna hand that child off immediately to his subordinates, the obligators. Your best-case is that the obligators also hand your child off to their subordinates, all the way down until your child ends up with a skaa servant who actually has some semblance of human love still in their heart. Worst-case, you find your child sitting on a dusty floor playing with spikes you hope are just rusty.
I'd recommend choosing a different babysitter.
12. Moash [Stormlight]: Not worth the risk
It's not like Moash is just evil for evil's sake or anything, but we know he doesn't have an issue killing innocents (RIP Teft) and he is currently trying to suppress his conscience wholesale. Now, if your child cannot be used in any schemes, I don't think Moash will hurt them for no reason. But if they CAN be used for schemes, then your child might be dropped off a tall tower to distract Kaladin or something. Best-case scenario, your child is returned to you safe & sound but has been given an Evil Baby Makeover (exactly the same outfit as before but it's black now).
I just don't think its worth the risk.
...Evil Baby Makeover might be kinda cute, though.
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clericofgale · 1 year ago
The stars will be our bed
I'm seeing a very popular narrative that asking for physical sex during Gale's act 2 scene is better for his character development, and the astral scene is bad for him. Or at least not as good. While I do prefer the astral version more, I disagree with the notion that either one is better for Gale's plot development. I've done both options depending on the what felt right for that specific Tav at the time. As always, if that's the narrative you want to build, there's nothing wrong with it.
For me personally I think both are narratively sound for his character development. Yes Gale needs to know he doesn't need magic to be loved, but Gale also loves magic. It's his life, his passion and his artistic medium of choice. What he needs is balance, not total rejection. You want the man, and the magic.
"Tactful, Bowing to the player's desires"
If you insist on regular sex, that's the devnote that's attached to it. Gale is acquiescing to what you, the player wants. Gale wanted to share his magic with you, but you refused. He doesn't care either way, as long as he's spending the night with you. The approval numbers are the same. He obviously prefers the astral sex because it's what he's used to and confident in, but either is fine.
One thing we have to remember is Gale also uses magic to find connection. In the act 1 weave scene, Gale and you share thoughts over the weave. It's exactly what he's trying to do in Act 2 as well. It's a mind meld sequence using the weave. I don't think Gale is trying to use magic to as a front in this scene, despite the "I can wow you" sentence if you refuse. I think he's trying to share his inner self with magic as the canvas, and connect with you in this most intimate way. It's akin to Fane's scene in DOS2 where you share Source with each other and also mind meld.
Gale wants to distill a lifetime's worth of affection into one night because he feels he will die soon. The scene is his "Last Night Alive". Gale, the artist of the weave puts on his final and private show for his beloved. He weaves stars and invites light to the land of shadows. He's prepared for days for this whole sequence, and you only need to trust him.
If you do he leads you into his innermost world. First, where he feels safest, and the balcony that brings him comfort. Then the book of a thousand days and nights filled with his love for you. The amount of time he wishes he had left to show you his affection, physical or emotional.
But he only has one night.
"There are endless worlds out there. Countless ways to declare love. Infinite ways to express it. Too much for one night.. but we shall try."
The astral scene is him trying. He multiplies as he refuses to let go your hand. He caresses every part of your mind, body, and soul. Gale tries desperately to sear every fiber of your being, of the one he loves onto his own soul. He wants to feel everything you do, and the weave is capable of that.
"Your bodies and minds weave together in a masterpiece of intimacy. Never have you felt such wonder, such love - as vast as the universe itself, and just as heavenly. "
You are one and the same that night. Where Gale ends and you begin is a mystery; he is lost in you and you in him.
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"We are all sensual vessels. Illusory magic lets us sail farther, and feel more deeply."
The scene is beautiful, both narratively and visually. This is not a man trying to use magic to demonstrate his worth so you won't leave him. This is a man trying to use magic to weave a tapestry from two spools of thread in one night. It's ok to let him do so. It's also ok to remind him he doesn't need to. Whichever feels right in that moment is the right choice.
They all end in giving Gale renewed hope. Magic was merely the medium on which it blossomed and thrived. Whether from a bed of stars or a bed conjured under it, your love is what gave it life.
Thanks for reading this way too long cold take.
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bluegekk0 · 2 years ago
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the exiled god and the old light
au lore below the cut:
the sibling gods who guarded the dreams and nightmares of mortals. in the past, they were united in the dream realm, but grimm's fondness towards the mortals, and the radiance's obsession with living up to their father's legacy brought conflict upon them, and the resulting battle ended with grimm's defeat and exile from the dream realm
grimm has always been a rebellious type. unlike his sister, he did not care for worship, and instead found pleasure in mingling with the mortals. he watched over their nightmares, but was no stranger to causing them on purpose and feeding on their essence for his own enjoyment. however, he was just as fascinated by the arts created by the mortals, and grew fond of theatre in particular. unfortunately, his actions did not go unnoticed by his sister, which caused conflict between them, eventually resulting in a battle that he lost. he was exiled from the dream realm, and weakened after the fight, he was forced to flee to the nightmare realm, now split from the plane of dreams. he continued to guard and feed on the nightmares of bugs, but in order to sustain his physical form, he became a slave to the endless cycle of death and rebirth, as the nightmare heart was unable to support the body indefinitely and needed to recycle the flame. he had the choice to burn the physical form and remain in the nightmare realm, and yet, over the years, he gained a certain fondness for the mortals, a fondness which eventually turned to envy. he saw them create bonds, fall in love and make the best of their short lives. he craved a deep connection with someone, but feared getting attached, as he knew that he would outlive any of his loved ones. the troupe, which he formed soon after his exile, was the closest he had to a family, though it wasn't enough: he was still lonely. he tried to distract himself with the pleasures offered by the mortal plane, he drank wine, he made love, and yet it still wasn't enough to fill the hole in his heart. he wouldn't find true happiness until he met the king of hallownest, whom he would start a relationship with following the latter's hibernation
the radiance despised her brother's affinity for the mortals. unlike many gods of the dream realm, she did not possess a physical form. she believed in the old ways, where the worship received by the lower beings was the only acceptable relationship with them. she saw grimm's actions as betrayal of their father's trust, and believed that he was not worthy of the powers given to him. after grimm's exile, she remained in the dream realm, unwilling to follow in the footsteps of the other gods. what she did not realize was that the mortals, while easy to intimidate, worked in simple ways. with many of the gods residing in their plane, they gravitated towards believing in what they could see and touch, and over time abandoned the radiance. watching her followers slowly leave her terrified her, but her breaking point would not come until later, when the moths abandoned their ways and chose to follow the pale king. she felt nothing but disdain for him from the moment he arrived in hallownest. she knew he was not born a higher being, that he was a false god, and yet he would still slowly gain followers, a fact which infuriated her. over time, she was almost entirely forgotten, and in a desperate attempt to regain her worship and preserve her father's legacy, she began to infect the mortals' dreams, breaking their minds and forcing them to follow her. however, while the infection claimed the lives of many and lasted many years, it was eventually brought to an end by one of the pale king's vessels. she died overwhelmed the void united, an ancient enemy, the same being her father sacrificed himself to defeat and seal away down in the abyss many centuries prior
(note: the details of their backstories might still change, as i'm actively thinking of new ideas and trying to piece together the chunks of story i have in my head)
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cruyuu · 5 months ago
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The proof of sukuita's soul resonance and their oneness. Yuuji is shown without two fingers and cannot salvage them, considering how the person responsible for him losing those fingers (the missing piece) is dead and gone.
Fitting, no?
Let's talk about it.
Yuuji lost both his ring and pinky finger.
The pinky one (representing promises– pinky swear) was torn by Sukuna and used to overtake Megumi, symbolically representing Yuuji's failure to keep his promise- keep Megumi away from Sukuna and, in general, protect Megumi. In the beginning, Yuuji was shown as someone incapable of defending and keeping people alive despite the fact that he very much wished to. You could say Sukuna reminded him of that by taking over the very person that saved his life in the first place by postponing his execution.
The pinky remained in Megumi (because that's how Sukuna got to Megumi) until Yuuji tore it away- tore Sukuna away- and then spoke to him, leading to Blobkuna and Sukuna's passing. Of course, knowing Gege's love for everything sukuita, they fittingly made Sukuna the one to rip that finger away to be in someone else and conveniently not return it by instead choosing to die.
Mind you, the reason why this happened was because Yuuji didn't place a condition in the Binding Vow (the one he doesn't nor will ever even remember making) that he cannot be hurt when Sukuna has control which is, again, an insane thing because it implies he trusts him not to cause harm to himself or truly doesn't care what happens to him after he's "dead to the world" (kinda like Sukuna who doesn't care what happens to his body after his death).
So that's for the pinky. Yuuji also never got the ring finger back.
Now, Sukuna believed that his finger was eaten by Rika, but that wasn't the case. It was revealed to us that the finger Rika ate was Yuuji's, and according to Yuta, anything she eats cannot be salvaged by RCT. It cannot be healed and I'm crazy over the symbolism of Yuuji losing his ring finger because of the general, well-known meaning of the ring finger. He gave up that finger because of Sukuna (giving up his love in order for his downfall) and, conveniently, we're shown a single finger that remains of Sukuna. I also truly do wonder why the location of Sukuna's finger (for some reason) was fitting with the location of the music video for that one song.
Yuuji never got back the ring finger in form of a person who he had also asked (twice) to return. Who he could live with no matter what he had done. Who he would accept no matter what. Who he thinks back on fondly while looking at his lost fingers. He gave up that finger for him and that one finger (one person) remains in the Stevenson shed- right where he found him.
Through symbolism, the implications are insane because love and commitment (the ring finger) remains with Sukuna.
If you want more insanity, well... Remember what I said about the pinky? That it was how (basically) Yuuji lost Sukuna? Well, Sukuna didn't return to Yuuji (no matter if Yuuji wanted him to) and hence Yuuji couldn't truly get that finger back.
The fact is that Yuuji was supposed to be the only vessel (specifically made for him, so much so that he inherits his techniques and cursed energy like come on, you couldn't get more perfect than that, he even has his face!) for Sukuna and one made intently for the purpose of his true return and yet... Sukuna chose another one and reincarnated via that one. Lost because of that very choice.
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So it's basically the fact that these two were practically perfectly made for each other (spelled out by the story), but unlike their mirrors (Yuta/Rika, Hana/Angel), they never acknowledged it nor chose to accept one another.
Yuuji only accepts Sukuna when it's over, during 268. Fittingly, Sukuna "accepts" Yuuji in the afterlife and to Mahito's face (which is hilarious because Yuuji hated Mahito's guts and Sukuna *of all curses* telling him off too was just chef's kiss).
If you think about it, if Sukuna ever reincarnates (and it's highly probable because of how the door to the shed is open, quite literally open for return), perhaps he'd stumble upon that finger in the Stevenson shed and that is so awfully romantic to me. Considering the placement of the finger being near Yuuji's high school, you could also say that's Yuuji leaving a clue for Sukuna to find him, should he ever reincarnate in this lifetime while he's still alive. If he doesn't, well, at least it could serve as a reminder (to jog his memory if he doesn't remember).
Yuuji got his permanent reminder of Sukuna- right there on his left hand. Hell, he can't even get married because of him (wedding rings are worn on the left hand in Japan and I'm cackling because oh the implications lmfao).
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aychama · 3 months ago
The goat punched the other again. They were already bloody and bruised from fighting. Lambert backed, coughing up the blood.
G: What the FUCK were you thinking!? They gave you a purpose, a new start at life, you ungrateful piece of SHIT!
L: I know! And I also know that it would all end when they no longer needed us or found someone stupider to their work!
G: Bullshit. They promised-
L: PROMISED? Pfft ha-! Hahahaha!
Lambert laughed. They were laughing at the stupidity of the situation. Other one gritted their teeth, clenching their blood stained fists.
L: And you believed that? What did they promise you huh?
G: None of your business! Shamura proposed stuff they never did to other people! Once I get your head to him for what you did to them, to me, I'll have everything I want!
Goat tried to punch him again. This time, his wrist was caught by Lambert painfully, twisted and forced to get on the ground.
G: Gah-!
L: What did they promise you? Your safety? No longer having to worry about being hunted down? Or is the promise of giving you the crown once their times up? Come on... We're better than this!
The lamb said harshly. They knew every one of those lies. They weren't dumb.
L: You think someone as knowledgeable as Shamura doesn't know how to manipulate people like you? People like us? They are good at taking from the vulnerable, giving empty hopes with eye catching promises.
G: Fuck you.
Lambert let go of his wrist and took a few steps back. Goat looked at them curious and judgmentally
G: I don't believe you. You yourself are a manipulator. How the hell did you convince the red crown to lend you power?
L: I didn't... He gave it to me himself. But I'm not trying to convince you anyway. You don't have to believe me, follow me, help me... But to think I'd let you come in here and kill me is just ridiculous.
G: So what now? Do you expect me to just stop coming after you after what you did? People know me as someone that never let their prey ran off, can't risk that reputation.
L: No, I'm expecting anything from you. (It's a waste of time anyway) All I need is for you to think about this, make a choice and understand. Shamura is not someone you can trust.
G: I don't need to understand. Nor do I care if you can or not trust Shamura. In this world, people like you and me either do as told or become dinner. And, you're the main dinner they crave. Don't be stupid, Lambert.
L: (That's quite poetic actually) If Shamura wants to kill me, they can come and try for themselves, no need to get YOU involved. Tho, you said it yourself that you're doing this to be not on their bad side. If you're tired of being a vessel for their needs, this isn't the way to freedom... You will, NEVER get that by simply doing what they want.
G: Freedom? Ha! It's rich coming from you. Like you did any better! You betrayed Shamura for what? To be that damned cat's lap dog, to sit when says and stand when he wants. (Or maybe things I don't want to mentally imagine) You, put all your self respect, dignity and name aside to get toyed around by someone like him. Is this what you call "freedom"?
Goat walked towards them, making Lambert take a few steps back.
G: That's not freedom. Or maybe you want that. Maybe you make him think that he's in control to betray him later on. He was being nice after all. You love hurting the ones that help you the most, right?
L: Now you're just saying random words What? Is this some kind of way to make me feel bad? If there's a lap dog here, it's you. You don't get to act like you didn't do what ANYONE asked of you just to feel like you accomplished something worth mentioning! You can continue to obey Shamura and beg them to keep you afterwards but be aware that they'll put you back where they found you! I'm gonna do what I need to do to live my way, either with you or without you! So don't- ACK!
The goat launched at them, their hands around the other's throat. Goat didn't like those words, at all. The lamb choked, scratching the hands on their throat. Goat was angry, shaking as they watched the other struggle.
G: You think you can just backstab everyone who trusts you and don't face the consequences of it!? Like how you thought I'd forgive you, after you left me in that prison!? They caught you and I did everything to help you! And I waited, waited and waited for MONTHS! IS THAT YOUR FREEDOM!? You... Selfish... Ignorant... BASTARD!
Their heartbeat filled their ears, anger consuming the goat. The blood dripping from their nose hit Lambert's wool, joining the other's own stains.
G: You left me to die. And you dare to criticize what I do to survive!? If it wasn't for me, you'd be devoured whole in a feast! We did everything together! We helped each other out! But you!? It's only you! I trusted you!
Lambert stopped his struggle, instead looking up to their... friend. Maybe one of the worst things they've done. The only thing they regretted so far.
G: What did I ever do to you!?
The goat punched them again and again. But when they got no response, they let go
G: Answer me. Don't you have a snarky come back to that? Can't even deny that you are the worst fucking friend?
L: ...
They sat up, their lip busted and nose broken. The tension and the eye contact was too uncomfortable.
L: You're right. I did that. I am, a bad friend.
G: ...
L: You're not just here because of Shamura are you? You don't care about what they want or what they told you at all.
G: Yeah. I'm here because you're a piece of shit, a backstabbing manipulator and you owe me. Did you even tried to-
L: I did... I tried to help you out.
Upcoming tears already burned his eyes. Lambert took a deep breath.
L: Maybe I didn't try hard enough. I-I know it's no excuse but, but I tried... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... I know, I know it means so little to you and I know you don't want to hear me say it. With all this shit going on... When Shamura started to go out their way and what happened between me and the king... The things I felt and couldn't even understand at the Festival... What I had to do to prove myself, my worth and all the thoughts about not being good enough... for anyone. These aren't excuses. They shouldn't be... I was supposed to be there for you. But please believe me when I say this, I never wanted to hurt you. And if I loose you now, or already did, I would never forgive myself for making you feel like I didn't care...
Lambert was crying when he finished talking. They couldn't face the goat anymore. Years of friendship and they ruined it. The goat took a step forward. And another. Lambert assumed they'd left but...
G: (You crybaby)
The goat hugged them. So they hugged back. It was quiet for a moment... The the goat backed away.
G: If I knew you were this much of a loser... But hey. Neither of us are made in heaven. We're both shitty. And I rather be shitty with you.
L: You...
G: I'm still angry and fuck you, you know.
They smiled at Lambert, then sighed.
G: But who else do we have other than each other? So stop crying! (It makes you look uglier than you already are.) I'll forgive you for a while, aight? Cuz I know you'd miss me
L: Fuck you... Heh...
G: Same to you. So-!
The goat pulled the lamb to their feet
G: When are we killing this giant spider?
Awwww this is adorable!
Thank you for writing this it actually shows me how much I have or haven't shared about my story so far and gosh its a lot djkfllf
And gosh Lambert just taking the punches from Goat, ouch
I love the back and forth the two have here and Goat being promised stuff from Shamura is a nice touch!
Goat calling Lambert a crybaby is so cute xD and I adore the hug ❤️
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yona049 · 8 months ago
𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚡 𝚐𝚗! 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Part 1? (maybe)
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Warning :
> lil blood
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His pace was strong and exact as he walked through the ships shining white hallway. Hair cut to a precise straight line with pointed ears, a shining example of his Valcan linage.
His uniform was nothing short of excellent, no wrinkle or crease would dare disturb it's perfection. The tablet in his hand had many names of crew members across the screen.
Behind him, hundreds of cadets, Ensign's and officers ran through the hallway. Some carrying baggage or equipment for the long journey that lay ahead.
The blue, red, and yellow uniforms looked like smudged lines to Spock. No one daring to crash into him or hinder his way, as his intense focus on the tablet demanded his presence to be known.
Behind him came a red uniform, short skirted Lieutenant Commander Uhura runs closer. Her pace quickened to a jog to catch up to him. She dodged one of the Cadets carrying heavy boxes until she finally caught up to Spock.
"Spock!" she called to him but his attention never faltered from the tablet screen.
One name of the many pops up and he selects it. The profile of Ensign Y/n L/n appeared.
"What is it, Uhura?"
"I just needed to enquire on the specific time of launch."
Spock scrolls down to the information on the profile.
"There's no question, we leave O' eight hundred hours, current planet time. We've given everyone sufficient time to prepare for a life long expedition of exploration."
Uhura growls and dodges another Cadet carrying some equipment and engineering tools.
"Yes I understand! But some Cadets have questioned the captains choice to bring inexperienced Ensign's on board for this mission."
Spock finally stops once they've reached the back of the hallway with a large door at the end. His hands are placed behind his back delicately and without hesitation he answers.
"Uhura, I can see the unease that this may have caused. However our Captain has never put us in harms way before and he certainly won't now. I trust Kirk's decisions whole heartedly."
Uhura sighs and nods slowly. Her arms fold into a somewhat comforting hug.
"I guess I should too. It's just a really big decision for everyone to make. There's a chance we may never come home."
She slowly glances through the large window beside them at the spinning blue and green planet below.
Spock looks at earth and then back at her.
"The U.S.S Enterprise is our home now. And like earth. We must protect it."
She laughs a little through her nose at Spock.
"Yeah, you're right."
With a small hand, she pats on his shoulder and then makes her way back down the hallway.
"Oh! And Good luck with the new Ensign!" she calls back to him before disappearing into the corridor.
Finally, the hallway seemed a little quieter. Spock looks back down at his tablet and scrolls through the profile. The first thing he noticed is no picture of the Ensign. Odd.
The second thing he notices is the lack of specified species. The Enterprise was a decorated vessel with many mixed species staff. A proud ship of the The United Federation of Planets.
The doors at the end of the hallway finally slide open.
"Ensign L/n! You're-"
He looks up at the new Ensign but stops when he sees a short bodied, light blue skinned species. Not a harsh blue, but a pale skin tone similar to the planet Andoria.
The blue uniform perfectly hugging their figure and snow-white hair covering their ears.
He finishes looking at their profile then back at them.
"Sir, I'm sorry. They had some trouble confirming my authentication due to my incomplete file."
They look down shyly. Holding a suitcase and a box of glass tubes and bottles.
"Then let's make an effort to complete it."
Spock walks a circle around them them with a raised eyebrow as he studied their species.
"Tell me, Ensign, what's your species? Your skin and hair would suggest Andorian. However, I see no antennae."
Y/n slowly scratches the bottom of their ear and clears their throat.
"I am Andorian, sir. I lost my antennas in a chemical accident."
Again, Spock looks down at his tablet. His face showing no visible confusion, but he was, in fact, a little confused. Yet also mesmerized.
"It says here you're a Medical Ensign."
They quickly nod watching Spock.
"Yes! Chemistry is my main practice. I can't have the Medical Officer mixing the wrong, atorvastatin with fluticasone and causing someone to come down with some disease!"
They finish their explication but quickly step back after.
"Apologies! I didn't mean to sound so accusatory."
Spock nods before turning on his heel and starting his walk.
"Not at all, I am Vulcan. We try to keep our emotions-"
"-Controlled." Y/n says, catching up to him.
"Yes, I'm aware." they confess, looking down.
Spock squints for a second before looking back at the tablet for some information.
"Now, your room is on deck 37. This deck is reserved for medical and research personnel. Med Bay is also on deck 37."
He explains as they walk to the turbolift, taking them both up to Deck 37. The lift is filled with a few seconds of awkward silence. Spock takes this time to study his blue skinned Ensign.
Their existence is shrouded in mystery. The story of their antennas being chemically detached is questionable, Andorian's antenna grow back after time. Their short stature compared to many of the tall built andorians. An incomplete file made Spock's curiosity spark.
Finally arriving at their room. Spock hands them a key card. He turns his back to them without a goodbye.
"Spock!" Y/n calls.
Spock turns back to them. A darkened blue color covered their cheeks like blush would a human's face.
"Yes, Ensign?"
Y/n takes a breath of confidence and looks at Spock.
"Thank you for accompanying me. You have other duties to see to. But I appreciate your time."
Spock only bows his head.
"It's my duty, Ensign. Now hurry to your medical checkups. We launch in 5 hours."
Y/n gives a happy nod, then entering their room with a little excited skip.
Spock couldn't tell why, but his heart gave a pleased thump when he saw the excitement from Y/n. A young new Ensign is unaware of the vastness of space that lays ahead.
The crew started settling into their bunks and rooms with quick paced ease. A fast five hour jump to the launch and Spock was confident in his preparation.
He was sat at his launch pad watching all systems make necessary calculations. As Head Commanding Science Officer and First Officer. He had to be sure the Enterprise was ready for Captain Kirk's arrival.
A sudden hand placed on Spock's shoulder pulls him from his thought process. Jim Kirk stood behind him. His close friend and captain. Even though he was human, Kirk knew what to say to let Spock know everything was ok.
"Well, Spock! How's she lookin?"
Kirk questions.
Spock straightens himself out and with a proud, non emotional face, then says.
"She is, in human terms, Spick and span!"
Kirk smiles giving Spock a good smack on the shoulder.
"Good! Because I'm about ready to head on a life long adventure. To explore strange new worlds!"
Kirk monologs while he strides over to the Captains chair. His palm slides over the arm rest and guides him to his seat.
"Yes, Captain. We're about ready for launch!"
Kirk smirks and turns to a button on his seat. Once he presses it the button starts broadcasting his voice though the entire ship.
"This is your Captain speaking."
Y/n was in a room with a scanner in their hand when they quickly look up at the speaker.
"We are preparing for Launch now. So to start off our journey. Here's a little quote from the very first Starship Captain. Captain Johnathan Archer."
Y/n smiled hearing the name of a big Historical hero. looking back at the Cadet they were doing a Medical check on. Y/n delicately pushes the Cadets head to the side and presses the scanner against their neck.
"He started the voyage by saying and I quote: 'We're going to stumble, make mistakes - I'm sure more than a few, before we find our footing. But we're going to learn From those mistakes. That's what being explorers is all about.'"
Captain Kirk smiles to himself hearing a few Crew members cheer down the hallway.
"This Voyage will be long. But it's purpose is to bring species together united. To Explore and to forge alliances. With that being said! Everyone hold tight!"
Cadets suddenly run off and hold steady to a rail or to anything nailed down. A brand new ship, Y/n stumbles past everyone while packing up the equipment. They look down at the list of Cadets to check but sees one name still open.
Spock had yet to be checked. With seconds before lift off, Y/n decides that the Bridge Control room isn't too far, and they might be able to make it there on time for launch.
With a little stumble, they make their way past the cadets and run for the lift to the Bridge.
Captain Kirk on the bridge looked at his pilot and smirked.
"Hit it!"
The ship yanks a little at the sudden force blasting them into hyperspace at warpspeed.
Y/n still in the turbo lift gets yanked forward suddenly and their hand slips from the rail with a heavy thud.
Spock holds carefully and waits till they get to an even pace. He watches everyone applaud as the ship steadied and they comfortably sat at hyperspeed.
The Captain pats the pilots on the back and Uhura gives Spock a smiling nod.
The lively energy circled though the bridge, even when Y/n fell through the door holding their head people surrounded them with cheers.
They smiled, clapping along and laughing a little before silence once again fell and everyone returned to their posts.
Uhura walks up to Y/n and shakes their hand. Brief conversation that Spock couldn't hear but he could tell Y/n was anxious.
Their hands clutching onto the medical case and their shoulders tightened into a straight, tense, posture.
"Y/n!" he called.
Y/n runs over to him with a thankful smile.
"Ensign, may I enquire as to your purpose on the bridge?"
Y/n sets their equipment down and stands straight at ease.
"Sir, I was on my way to take your vitals and complete medical check up's. But I was interrupted by launch! And I took the lift-"
During Y/n's anxious ramble, Spock studied her movements and noticed a light trickle of dark blue blood coming from beneath the white hair.
"Yes sir! I know it was foolish! But I wanted to finish soon to get to other duties-"
"Y/n!" Spock's sudden voice brings Y/n's attention back to look up at him.
The chatter of crewmen in the background started fading out as Y/n's heartbeat took its place.
Spock delicately moves his fingertips to the side of their head and wipes the blood away bringing Y/n's attention to it.
"I.. Fell in the lift." they confess with their hand looking for the point of injury.
Spock looks down at the medical box and lifts it back off the ground.
"Ensign. I will report to Med bay for my medical check up in two hours. For the moment, see to your own medical care. Please."
A soft plea from Spock brought Y/n's heart back to a calm beating. They inhale and exhale slowly, focusing back on the problem at hand.
"Yes sir! I will be ready once you arrive!" Y/n says with a determined smile.
They take the bag with new found bravery but once again shyly smile at Spock before walking to the lift.
Uhura watches Y/n walk off and the doors slide shut as Uhura arrives at Spock's side.
"You saw it too?" Uhura questions still watching the lift doors.
"Yes. No Antenna scaring or any signs of growth. Andorian's antenna usually grow back in a matter of weeks."
Spock turns to Uhura and they start their deduction.
Spock continues :
"I considered the fact that it was a Chemical accident into my theory. However even a chemical wound wouldn't stop antennae from growth."
Uhura taps her finger on her folded arms while nodding in agreement.
"Y/n's accent has no clear signs of being raised in an andorian environment. No matter how faint the accent is. As the Communications officer I can hear it."
Spock takes a tablet off his desk and opens Y/n's profile once more.
"Y/n is not Andorian."
I had fun writing but I'm not sure If it'll become an ongoing series. 👀🖖If you enjoyed this and want a part two please let me know in the comments!
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deanscutiepiesam · 8 months ago
I can't stop thinking about that one post about how Lucifer should've been played by Jared when projecting the image of himself [this post, go read it. It's so good]. And I completely agree with them across the board. Sam, being his true vessel and the horrific impact it would have on him, would've been amazing to see explored. But I also think Lucifer should've been played by Jared because he was better for the character.
And I don't just mean this in an acting way, (though, I am biased. Jared has skills), but for the sake of the story and his likability. Obviously, we aren't supposed to like Lucifer, I don't, but I did like how he was written when Jared played him. Think of Endverse!Lucifer in his white suit. Telling Dean how no matter what, he'll always end up here. Think of Swan Song, where he was pleading with Michael. How Lucifer didn't want to hurt his brother, but he "left him no choice." He's almost oddly sympathetic, but then you have to remember he's literally trying to start the Apocalypse. He's manipulative. He's the devil. We've gotten accustomed to Jared's face being Sam, all soft and sweet, so that image being juxtaposed with evil incarnate is so powerful. Wolf in sheep's clothing and all that. Gives you chills.
Now compare that with Nick's Lucifer or even Casifer. Not even close (in my opinion, at least). I was talking to a friend of mine about this a while ago, but those versions of Lucifer don't even feel like the same guy. He went from an intimidating, genuinely scary, and interesting character to a "I'm so silly" comedian - and a weak one at that. And I know this was unfortunately because the show went the route of making Sam's cage trauma a joke, but why, though?? There was so much potential for Jared to play him, and even going the Nick vessel route, they could've written him not... like that.
And this isn't to say Lucifer can't crack jokes. I think, executed well, it could be funny and add to the horror. Supernatural has done funny bad guys before (like I personally enjoy Azazel's and Crowley's quips), and it works for them. But Lucifer just feels like a failed version of that. It doesn't fit his character, personally. And I know some people enjoy Nick's Lucifer and Casifer, and that's valid, but it just doesn't sit right with me. He loses aura points, and I don't enjoy watching him.
And once again, I know we aren't supposed to like him, but it's not even a dislike because he's a good villain; he's just annoying. He comes on screen, and I'm not scared or anxious, I'm annoyed. And it's frustrating because they did so well with him in my Jared examples. And not only that, it could've been a foundation for later seasons. (Imagine Sam!Lucifer doing the misunderstood guy facade to get Jack on his side. Like come on, we were robbed.)
Anyways, I don't know... I just had to get that out. Not sure if I made any sense, but I'm gonna trust I'm coherent enough for you to get the gist of it. Shout out to well written Lucifer. You will always be famous. I hope you die — oh, wait...
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epickiya722 · 7 months ago
"Had Yuji listened to Sukuna---"
What exactly had Sukuna ever actually said to Yuji that would make Yuji trust him?
Yuji may have had the choice to eat that Cursed Finger (mind you, to save people and we know damn well Kenjaku would have found some way for him to consume a finger regardless), but nothing from that point Sukuna actually proved himself to be someone for Yuji to trust.
Let's not forget Sukuna also made choices that he himself could have not made.
He may have been an unwanted child, but does that excuse him in present day to torture Yuji? Does it?
Him waking up in Yuji's body and immediately going "I wanna cause a massacre" is a trauma response? HE LAUGHED ABOUT THAT! Sukuna was ready to kill innocent people! And later did so!
What's the excuse for the Hasaba Twins? "They ordered--" They begged! They begged him for him to help and he chose to kill those girls when he could have just ignored them and walked away. They didn't attack him! They were literally bowing to him!
The Shibuya Incident?! Oh, so some of you are going to forget he showed Yuji the destruction left to break the kid? I could have sworn Sukuna was smirking in that scene.
Is there an excuse for him to kill Tsumiki (while Yorozu possessed her body)? He did that to break down Megumi's soul, who he is practically holding hostage!
Sukuna is downright evil! Let's acknowledge that!
Sukuna responds to his challengers and does however he sees fits, but there are times he had no excuse to do whatever he does to Yuji, who only challenged Sukuna once because he ripped out his heart.
Of course, Yuji would ignore him! And it's not like Sukuna actually tries to talk to Yuji in a way that would get Yuji to like him in the slightest. We all seen and heard what Sukuna has said and done to him!
What would be the "sad reason" behind Sukuna ripping out Yuji's heart right in front of Megumi? Laughing in his face after Yuji begged him to help with Junpei?
If Hana and Angel could have a mutual respectful relationship, why couldn't Yuji and Sukuna?
Because Sukuna is pure evil. He chose to treat Yuji the way he does.
We don't know much of Sukuna's past but what we do know is that people were terrified of him. He killed many. People held festivals for him. He got the name "King of Curses" that he doesn't even deny unlike Yuji would doesn't care for the title "Tiger of West Middle".
I'm a Sukuna fan, but I say he does deserve whatever is coming to him by Yuji's hands because Yuji Itadori is the person he has wronged the most ever since Yuji swallowed that finger, which is the only wrong choice Yuji made (but Gojo... could have been faster, just saying...).
Also, uh... Yuji was born to be Sukuna's vessel... he was practically cursed since before he was born and Yuji didn't ask for that! So regardless, Yuji would have suffered somehow because Sukuna's involvement (and Kenjaku's).
Like, ain't no way Sukuna's misdeeds are being watered down like that and Yuji is being blamed for "not listening" to him and wanting to kill this man. Same kid who is willing to die just as long as Sukuna is dead.
Him bringing Yuji back to life that second time wasn't even prompted by Sukuna himself, in Shibuya. Jogo and the Hasaba Twins fed an unconscious Yuji those Fingers.
Sukuna never brought Yuji back to life without some selfish reason.
You're telling me him saying this isn't worth trying to stop him?! Keep in mind the new Tengen was supposed to be Tengen and humanity combined... Sukuna pretty much said he's going to kill humanity. People who don't even know what's going on? Families, children... that doesn’t make you go "Oh, he gotta go"?!
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howlingday · 8 months ago
Hi hope you’re doing well. And remember you’re the goat.
Also I have an idea for you to experiment with Jaune as happy chaos from guilty gear instead of being the rusted knight.
"Well, well, well..." The blue figure turned with a wide grin on his face, pulling his pink-tinted sunglasses down the bridge of this nose. "Team RWBY, you finally made it~!"
Before any of them could react, the huntress team was pulled together in a tight hug by the strange man with blueberry-colored skin. As he pulled away, his smile fell a little. Then he scowled. But then he smiled again, snapping his fingers.
"You guys don't remember me, do you?"
"Why would we?" Yang asked, suddenly on guard.
"Should we?" Weiss asked, looking more confused than anything.
"Ah, right. I did get a bit of a makeover." He gave a chuckle before splaying his arms out wide. "It's me, Jaune~!"
"You're wondering how I turned out like this, right?" Jaune didn't look back as he lead. "You don't have to hide it. I already know everything."
"You probably get along with the Curious Cat, huh?" Yang chuckled. Jaune, however, didn't.
"No." He said, stopping for a moment. "I don't. The Curious Cat is the last guy you should trust here."
"More than Neo?" Ruby asked.
"Neo's not..." Jaune stopped himself. "Well, okay, she's not good, but I'd still trust her more than that damn cat. And if I'm being honest, the only thing you should trust in this place is that thing right up there."
"The... tree?" Blake asked.
"Yup." Jaune nodded. "I've already been up there, I think."
"You think or you know?" Weiss quirked her brow.
"Mm..." Jaune placed a finger to his brow. "Yup! I think I know!"
"I think you've lost it, Jaune."
"Yeah." Jaune chuckled. "I already know that."
"...And who might you be?"
Jaune approached the pale woman standing before him. She towered over him, even from a few feet away, looming in her long, black and red dress. Her piercing red eyes threatened to end his life, if such a thing were possible anymore. But she wouldn't try. Not while he had what she wanted.
"The name's Jaune Arc." He bowed. "It's short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it~."
"Do they now?" She was unimpressed with his words. "And what does Jaune Arc believe he can give me that nobody else can?"
"Only what you desire most." Salem found the remaining relics, the Crown of Choice and the Sword of Destruction, held aloft in Jaune's hands. "That is, if this is still what you want?"
Salem was quiet as she stared at him. All of her time and effort spent delegating tasks, decades to centuries of servants trying and mostly failing to bring her what she most desired, and yet this stranger arrives with the missing pieces to her end goal. It all seemed to good to be true.
"I seem to recall reports of a Jaune Arc working with that fool Ozma. I even recall him sneaking into my Monstro to rescue his current vessel as well, even challenging me before escaping with both the relic and Ozma. And you claim to be the same man."
"I do."
"Then why?" Salem asked. "Why would you allow me to destroy this world after working so hard to defend it?"
"Because," Jaune chuckled, "I want to see a happy ending."
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years ago
Dunno if y’all take requests but I’d love a list of vintage destiel reccs, like canon or canon divergent season 4/season 5.
We do take requests! I'm sorry it took a while to come up with this list but here are a few of our favorites from early seasons.
A Different Kind of Falling by Lyrial [Explicit, 72k words]
“I will do it then,” Castiel said with confidence that he did not truly possess. “I will pretend to be a hunter and gain the trust of Dean Winchester so that we may locate Michael’s grace and restore him. I might not be as familiar with humanity as Balthazar is, but I am still a master tactician. I am certain that deceiving a few humans will be well within my capabilities.” As the humans would say, famous last words. (Dean is the fallen archangel Michael. Castiel is sent on a mission to restore him to his angelic self. Things get complicated, however, when Castiel finds himself falling for Dean.)
A Different Kind of Monster by roadtonowhere (lastoryx), xfancyfranart [Explicit, 89k words]
Something in Bodie, California is luring truckers to their deaths and Dean’s on his way to take it out. It’s the first time Bobby’s given him a case and, with Sam at Stanford and his dad off chasing demons, he's finally hunting monsters on his own. When an accidental encounter puts an as-of-yet-unknown monster in the passenger seat of his car, Dean decides to ice him, taking his dad's old adage to heart: a monster is always a monster. Unfortunately, Dean can’t seem to figure out what kind of monster "Castiel" is and he certainly can’t shake him.
Faith Healer by punkascas (earlwyn) [Explicit, 75k words]
Dean hates faith healers. Scam artists and power-hungry dicks, all of them. But with Sam nearing the end of his rope and desperate for a way to keep their father’s last words from being true, Dean has no choice but to turn to the enigmatic and irascible Castiel, more tattooed junkie than spiritual leader, in hopes of finding a way to cure Sam. Yet Castiel hides dangerous secrets, and Dean soon learns they have more to worry about than just Yellow Eyes and Sam’s growing demonic abilities. War is coming. Canon divergent after 2.10.
Good One's Gonna Be by remmyme [Explicit, 37k words]
Castiel Novak receives a rather alarming text message from an unknown number, and what started as a simple misdial quickly turns into the greatest friendship Castiel has ever known. But Dean has many secrets, dangerous truths about the life he lives, and would like to tell Castiel exactly none of them. A (slightly) AU, (mostly) text fic, S3 fix-it romance (of sorts).
Holy!Dean verse by bunnymaccool [Explicit, 120k words]
Dean Winchester has grown used to God dicking around in his life the last couple years. But this crap? This takes the CAKE ... or pie, rather. Now he's been thrown a whole new curve-ball. The kind that has ended the Civil War in Heaven ... but resulted in Raphael taking over, and hunting for Dean's ass on a silver platter. Not to mention dealing with Balthazar acting like a self-righteous prick, Sam having some big damn epiphany on his big brother's sexuality, and Cas eying him up like he's the world's juiciest cheeseburger. All that mixed with the chance to fix it all and set everything to rights ... but only if Dean is willing to sacrifice himself. Again. Seriously, if he ever meets that bastard God he's gonna- ... oh hey, Chuck! What are you doing here?
On Falling by kettleknight [Mature, 34k words]
After saving Dean from Hell, Castiel is tasked with convincing him to say "yes" to Michael should the apocalypse come to pass. But the time to complete this mission is quickly running out, and his superiors are expecting an answer soon. Desperate for a solution, Castiel asks his vessel for help and is forced to make a decision: help the apocalypse follow through, or crash head-first into humanity and damn the consequences.
Profoundly Different by amireal, tiamatv [Explicit, 190k words]
"Castiel?" Sam calls out, carefully. Both of them lower their guns but don’t put them away, yet: there’s no sign of a struggle, but the guy did just break out of an insane asylum by squishing an orderly. With a bureau that he shouldn't have been able to move. "We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean." There's a loud silence. Dean can hear the wind rustling through the structure. A deep voice suddenly speaks up. It’s coarse and raspy and sounds like it hurts coming out; he’s never heard anything like it. It sends shivers down Dean's spine. "Dean?” the man asks. “Dean Winchester?" (A Season 4 AU: what if the fallen angel Dean and Sam ran into was Castiel, not Anna?)
See the World in Green and Blue by parenthetical [Explicit, 8k words]
Castiel spends a day learning what it's like to be human.
So Says The Sword by komodobits [Explicit, 85k words]
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’ Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
Strandlines by aeli_kindara [Explicit, 40k words]
It’s September 18, 2008. Castiel is being deployed to rescue Dean Winchester from Hell. He lands in Dean Winchester’s motel room in 2003. Things go from there.
The Girlfriend Experience by rageprufrock [Explicit, 15k words]
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
Thursday’s Child by strangeandcharm [Explicit, 114k words]
Thursday's child has far to go.
You can also check our time travel tag. We've reviewed some fics that play around with them going back in time. Here are a few:
a turn of the earth by microcomets [Mature, 95k words]
adam bites the apple by sicsempertyrannis [Teen, 11k words]
Crazy Diamonds by pantheon_of_discord [Explicit, 25k words]
Face to Face with the Skies by quiddative [Explicit,42k words]
Like a Comet in the Sky, I'll Follow You Across the Universe by super_skam310 [Explicit, 107k words]
the weight of water by eddiegirl [Explicit, 46k words]
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moirindeclermont · 3 months ago
Bridgerton folks, you asked... There it is. Daddy!Colin in all his glory.
While I can't predict exactly where this fic is going to go (as I write on the spot) the premise in this case is that consent is assumed where not explicitly stated. Also, I'd like to be more psychological than physical, bit that's more for the characters to develop the story in the way it needs to be told. I'm merely a vessel.
Title is to be defined but I accept suggestions. Have fun!! 🥵 😈 🫠
Second Episode | Third Episode | Fourth Episode | Fifth Episode | Sixth Episode
Well, that was the crux of the problem.
Why did Pen asked her boyfriend and long time friend Colin Bridgerton to try "the daddy thing" as she presented it to him?
Knowing that honesty must be the requisite if this was going to turn into reality, she decided to go for total vulnerability.
"Because I need this. Because there is no one I love more than you and you're the only one with whom I can think of letting go like that."
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That last bit got into Colin.
He want sure of the whole thing, but if it was something she needed, he would give it a try, for her.
"I'm willing to try. I have some research to do."
Pen smiled so bright for him that his knees almost dropped. Yeah, that was the right choice.
"Oh, I can do research for you," she offered him, but it wasn't the point of all of this for him to take care of her?
He got closer to her personal space. "Don't worry baby, I'll do my own research. If I think I need some help or some questions, I'll ask."
Pen melted in his arms - kissed him deeply and it was worth a try just for the way she hugged him after that talk, as if just talking about it made her feel better.
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Thing is, the more Colin got into it, researching and reading, the more he wanted to try. He still wasnt so sure of "Daddy" was going to be cringe or hot, but the idea of Pen trusting him that much.. that was extremely erotic for him.
They talked a bit about it some more. They decided on a safe word "plant" and that he would call her "babygirl" when he wanted to start a scene.
Pen was being teased and she knew it. They talked and talked and talked with Colin. Everything was set up, they had a procedure for the aftercare (even if she doubt that she would go that deep on their first session) and now it was just a question of waiting. She was never good at waiting.
She didn't want to start this adventure with some brat behavior, but as the day passed it was clear that Colin was not waiting out of fear or insecurity.
He was waiting just to drive her mad.
Pen knew he would be good at it.
It was on the verge of begging him, when after a particular stressful night, she was close molaining with Colin about everything and it was madness how tired she was of even thinking, when she head him saying "come here, babygirl".
Holy fucking shit.
She turned to see him and he was on the sofa, his legs opened. A cushion on the floor.
Did she already said Holy fucking shit?
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She moved towards him, knellingon the cushion without instructions. He seemed pleased at that.
"Such a good girl for me," as Colin tilted her chin to kiss her. She was already trembling.
"Unzip me and take me in your mouth."
She looked at him agape, as she could not believe what she was hearing. She took a moment too long to follow his instructions.
"Are you my good girl?"
At that she could only nod. "Then, do as I say."
She thought he was good. But Colin was shooting for the stars.
His entire demeanor was confident and sexy. He embodied security and she knew she was safe in his hands.
She had yet to move though. He looked at her with such intensity that her heart skipped a beat.
"Do not test me, babygirl"
And she shook her head. Pen didn't want to test him.
"Words, love."
"No, I don't want to test you"
"I don't want to test you..."
A lightbulb in her head.
"I don't want to test you, Daddy"
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forest-falcon · 6 months ago
Not written anything in ages. Just scribbled this down while making dinner. Gonna continue to scribble this evening and hope for the best!
Scott whump plus tinies being tinies.
The Butterfly Effect
Chptr 1
It was nothing.
Scott's head throbbed in retaliation at the thought, and the pilot suddenly regretted the English breakfast he'd savoured just a few short hours ago.
Tentative fingers explored the swelling at the back of his head. 
He inhaled a hiss as the injury bit back, and the eldest Tracy found himself nose-breathing to abate his rising nausea.
Ok, so it was something...but it had to be nothing.
Nothing until he was home, dry and safe - then he could rest...sleep it off - ice it, if needs be. 
Scott lost the bile battle and found himself filling a in-flight bag he usually reserved for passengers.
Goddamn it.
He closed his eyes, tilting his head back, willing the universe to equip him with a functional brain - one that could last out the two-hour flight back to Tracy Island. He just needed to plot a course, then One could bring him home.
Then, and only then, could it be something. 
One hovered patiently, her hum soothing and familiar in the absence of family.
"Thunderbird One?"
Fuck. He had to get going now before younger brothers grounded his clumsy ass. Scott summoned his best game face and ignored the sensation that his hair was gelled wrong.
"John? To what do I owe the pleasure?"
He'd confess his stupidity once home. Suffer the wrath of the Virgil-brows, and worse - Grandma, if he could just skip out on a hospital stay. 
"Thunderbird One, you've not moved from your current location for some time. Is everything okay?"
"Sorry John, just had some stuff on my mind. Will fill you in later. I'm setting off now."
Scott allowed his fingers to dance over the controls, trusting muscle-memory over conscious thought. Thinking seemed to be a prelude to filling further bags - a desire he had no wish to to kindle.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Yes. FAB. M'good." 
One's boosters fired and Scott swiped the hologram of his brother away.
Thunderbird One began her journey back across the South Pacific Ocean.
* * *
Scott's line went quiet.
John chewed on a pen-cap as he turned the phrase over in his head. 
"Is everything okay, John?"
EOS hovered just at the edge of his peripheral vision.
"I think so."
"Penny for your thoughts."
John chuckled. Pennies hadn't been used for decades.
"Did Scott seem... different at all to you?"
"Not noticeably."
"Can I have a reading on Scott's vitals please? I'm sure everything's fine..."
"Blood pressure is slightly low, and heart rate raised, but all within normal parameters given recent exertion on mission."
 "My records show that Scott has been working longer hours than usual. He perhaps sounded a little tired, especially given his choice of words."
"I thought so too. I'll get Virgil to check in on him when he's home. If something's bothering Scott, I'm sure Virg can work his magic with a tête-à-tête."
"Failing that, a stay on Thunderbird Five should help to take the weight off, once I've removed the artificial gravity."
John threw his pencap at the AI.
"Thunderbird Four?"
"Present and correct!"
Gordon's voice sounded like a double espresso in comparison to Scott's. 
"Mission status, if you please."
"All crew have been safely extracted."
"And the vessel?"
"Four's never better."
John rolled his eyes and looked to EOS for strength.
"The ship, Gordon."
"You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that, Thunderbird Five. The sea is full of ships," Alan's voice chirped in.
John glared at the comms line. He could hear their smug, stupid smiles. He was being set up. May as well get it over with.
"What is the status of Shippy. Shippy. Bang. Bang."
"Ooooh, that ship. I mean, she's not really a ship, more of an S.S.O, strictly speaking," Gordon sniggered. 
S.S.O, was nearly as bad as Brain's R.A.D, in John's book. Gordon had coined the phrase Ship Shaped Object, to define any ocean vessel not fit for purpose.
"Yeah she's toast. S.S.O Rust-Bucket's embarking on her final voyage to the ocean floor." Alan supplied.
Our amateur angler friends are back on dry land, so we'll be heading back. Clean up will have to wait until the storm has passed."
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suzyandthefox · 6 months ago
hey hey hello hi I got into S/lay the P/rincess a few months ago and I don't have anyone to talk about it much with, I am SO down to hear your nom headcanons if you have any
my favorite princesses are the Beast and the Den (for obvious reasons lmao) as well as The Moment of Clarity, and the Apotheosis, so if you have any headcanons for any of them, I'd love to hear them. and/or just your favorite princess(es)! go wild, as few or as many as you'd like to share, no pressure either way
I'd also like to hear if you have any headcanons for TLQ, whether as pred or prey, beeg form or smol. lobve the lil birb man. I like to think he'd be a switch :>
(sorry if this is a lot lmao. love your work!)
Thank you so much!!
Fellow S/lay The P/rincess fan, I'm glad we can share the brainrot together, I was working on my fan princess at some point (will drop the art underneath a break)
For this Ask I'm going to explore ALL the vessels and tell you which ones can eat other than the beast and which ones can be eaten.
Of course: Major warnings for spoilers
TLQ: My beloved,my lovely baby bird, He is what I call a True Switch, which is when someone fits perfectly both as pred and as prey, he is built like that.
Base Princess: She changes depends on your perception to her, but generally, she is just a normal woman. She can't vore.
Adversary/Eye of the Needle: Big strong muscle lady, shaped like an Oni (which I'm like 100% sure was the intention) and In a lot of mythos,Oni swallow their enemies whole. However, she would like a fair, engaging fight and swallowing you whole mid-fight wouldn't be very fair or fun.
I say, given the right circumstances, Adversary/Eye of the Needle can vore!
Maybe she would like to incapacitate you, or give you somewhere to rest momentarily before continuing the fight, or see if you can tear her apart from the inside out.
The Fury: Hates you and Hates you and Hates you and Hates you and Hates you and_ can't vore solely because swallowing you whole would be too merciful and she wants to shred you into a million pieces.
Tower/Apotheosis: All I wanna do, is see you turn into, A GIANT WOMAN, A GIANT WOMA_
Extremely beeg lady, she makes sure to ham into your head how insignificant and tiny you are, displaying her dominance over you, and of course, what better way to display dominance than to literally make you a part of herself?
She can make herself your gilded cage, your home, not only would she take her very sweet time enjoying your taste, teasing you and telling you how much of a delectable little morsel you are, but she would keep teasing you even after you reached her stomach.
She would tell you things like how this was all meant to happen and that your only choice is to wait for your fate like the meal you are, etc.
Not only can The Tower/The Apotheosis vore, she's very much a cruel bastard Pred.
The Witch: "I probably won't bite" (It's a fucking lie)
Little meow meow >:3, She would be in for the chase and the biting, but can't actually vore, she will 1000000% bite you though, and make it hurt.
The Thorn: MY WIFE MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE MY SWEETIE PIE_ The Thorn is one of the princesses that's lets herself be vulnerable to you, this route is all about trust and allowing yourself to be weak to the other.
And well, is there's any bigger sign of trust than safe vore?
After freeing her from the thorns, She would be weak, tired, in pain from all the thorns that hurt her and wrapped her.
If she was smaller, imagine if we could put her somewhere comfortable and warm, ease her pains.
"We must keep her as close to us as possible, away from this harsh,cold world that will hurt her fragile body" Smitten says as you look at her,she actually became smaller...
You do, indeed, want to keep her as close as possible, underneath your heart, within yourself, hidden safely in your depths.
You confess to her about your intentions, promising to her that you will protect her with your life... She hesitates, but agrees, you didn't hurt her before, why would you now?
Almost as natural as breathing itself, you tuck her in, your innards gently yet eagerly receives your lover, knowing who she is and what they have to do.
Smitten is absolutely Thrilled to have the princess inside the body, it's literal extreme cuddling after all, and being able to feel her movements within? Every delicate touch to your flesh? Knowing that she trusts you with her life? He literally can't be happier.
Hero still thinks it's inhumane and strange to swallow another living being whole like this, even if he knows the body is safe for the princess he is still squeamish about all of this.
Oops I wrote a whole mini fic, Can you tell she's my favourite? (I'm boring Ik but this route is genuinely the sweetest thing ever)
The Wild: A web of nerves lain upon a web of nerves lain upon a web of nerves_ Technically can't vore because you're already a part of her and she's a part of you.
The Wounded Wild: You seperated yourself from her, but your heart yearns, you feel that a part of you is missing, an emptiness inside you twists and turns like a hungry void, would you make yourselves one again? Even by force?
The Beast/The Den: Canon vore, enough said.
The Damsel: She's very demure,very cutesy, she would do anything you ask her to do, even if you eat her alive, she won't fight against you, "I just want to make you happy!"
As with the thorn, Smitten would be thrilled, but Hero would find more than one wrong thing with this.
The Grey/The Spectre/The Nightmare/The Wraith: These are all Ghosts, I don't see much vore potential here, outside of Spectre possessing you.
The Prisoner : Least vore potential tbh, 0% , can't see it happening.
The Stranger: "Who are you calling weird? Just kidding, we know we're weird. And so are you." Would make for an interesting pred with an interesting anatomy if she was a pred.
The Razor: Stabs
The Shifting Mound: There's an ending where she makes you a part of her, I guess that counts as vore.
And here's my own fan Princess: The Mouse!
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Anyway I hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for asking!
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queen-of-deans-booty · 4 days ago
The Devil in the Details: Final Part
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst, feeling broken and utterly helpless to the point of depression
Summary: Sam is captured by Lucifer yet again, and it's up to you, Dean, Crowley, Rowena, and Castiel to bust him out. God was never here. God was never the one talking to him. It was all Lucifer. Sam is once again at Lucifer's mercy but this time, he's not gonna let him win.
Season Eleven Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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You look at Billie before stepping through the door. It closes behind you and you're transported directly into Hell.
"Crowley!" you yell once you reach a long hallway. "I know you're in here!" Crowley and Dean come around the corner and you practically throw yourself in Dean's arms. "Sam's in the Cage with Lucifer?"
"Yeah. Is she dead?"
"I don't know. Angels came after her. I tried to go back and check but I got too sick. Apparently, smite sickness is a thing. Castiel went to check for me." You turn to Crowley. "Where is Sam?"
"Don't worry about Sam."
"I'm sorry, have you met us?"
"Lucifer needs the moose. He's not going to kill him, probably. You two versus the Devil... trust me there are easier ways of committing suicide. We need to focus on Rowena."
"Yes, let's kill her," you say eagerly.
"Easier said than done I'm afraid. Plus, we need Mother to slam the Devil back in his hole."
"Is she gonna cooperate?"
"She doesn't have a choice. May I have the box?" You hand the box Billie gave you over to Crowley. He pulls out some sort of spiky crown. "It's called a witch-catcher. Most of them were destroyed after the Inquisition, but Billie came through."
"What does it do?"
"You're going to love this," Crowley grins. "Just follow my lead."
Crowley hands the crown over to Dean and motions for you two to stay hidden while he goes inside and talks to his mother. Rowena is drinking a cup of tea and she smirks when she sees her son.
"How's Y/N and Dean?" she asks.
"Little tip, love. The next time you go about making secret plans, check your pockets."
Crowley reaches into his jacket pocket and takes outa hex bag that Rowena placed there without him knowing.
"You heard?"
"Everything, dear."
You and Dean walk into the room and you glare at her.
"Not that it matters."
"What does that mean?" she asks her son.
"A little tip Mother. Never accept a cup of tea from someone who loathes you."
Rowena's smile disappears and she begins to choke. Dean jumps into action and places the witch-catcher around her neck the second she doubles over in a fit of coughs. You don't even need to use your magic on her.
"Get this bloody thing off of me," Rowena screams.
"I would, but this bloody thing makes you my slave." Rowena scoffs and Crowley smirks. "Hop on one foot."
"Please, Fergus. I don't know what kind of Oedipal Fifty Shades you think you're playing at but if you think for a second..." Her words trail off when she starts to hop on one foot against her will. "Bollocks."
"Alright, let's do this," you say.
Rowena has no choice but to do as Crowley says and gets the spell set up to push Lucifer back into his cage. You and Dean watch Lucifer with glares on your faces while Sam stares back hopelessly.
"How long is this gonna take?" Dean sighs impatiently.
"About five minutes. Unless Sam says yes."
"What if he does?" you ask.
"If Lucifer finds a vessel, he'll be anchored to earth. The incantation won't work."
"Work faster," you glare.
"I'm sorry, my Lord." Everyone turns to see a demon walking in with Castiel next to him. He doesn't look so good. He looks battered and bruised. "I tried to stop him."
"Oh good, the angel is here," Crowley rolls his eyes.
"What happened to you?"
"Amara is alive. She sent me this message."
Castiel rips his shirt open to reveal a message carved into his skin. I AM COMING. Fear prickles your skin and you turn to your husband with tears.
"She sucked my magic out, Dean. She scares me."
"I am coming. Is that a threat?" Crowley asks.
"Or a promise."
Suddenly, Sam's scream of pain echoes through the area, and you immediately become on alert.
"Sam!" Dean yells.
You, Dean, and Castiel immediately run out of the room and to where the Cage is
"Don't!" Crowley begs desperately.
Lucifer punches Sam back down to the ground, and your brother-in-law raises his arms to deflect his blows.
"Hey, ass-butt!" Castiel yells.
Lucifer turns to you three, and you stand in front of the two men with magic pouring out of your hands.
"Even I can see you're not at full power," Lucifer smirks. He snaps his fingers, and all three of you are transported into the Cage. You run to Sam and start to heal his wounds. "Welcome to the party. Scared?"
"Not even a little," Dean growls.
Castiel slides an angel blade from the sleeve of his trenchcoat and faces against his older brother.
"Ah, moments like this, it's all about ambiance."
Lucifer snaps his fingers and music starts playing. Tavares' "Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel" starts playing from somewhere. Lucifer smirks and dances, clearly mocking you four. Castiel lunges at Lucifer but the archangel grabs the angel and pulls him to the side. You and Dean help Sam up who looks fearful still.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. We can't win this one."
"We don't have to win. We've just gotta last a few minutes."
Lucifer punches Castiel and you jump in to help. You jump onto Lucifer's back and wrap your arms around his neck as a form of strangulation. Your arms and eyes glow bright blue as you work your magic into him. Lucifer stumbles back and grabs your arms with his eyes bright red.
"You strangle like a human," he growls.
"Don't touch my family," you growl back.
The blue magic flares up even more the more you use it, and Lucifer cries out in pain when it starts to burn his skin. He braces himself and reaches behind himself to grab you. He flings you off him and into the bars on the other side of the cage, and you slide down them in a grunt of pain. Both brothers have their fill of Lucifer next. Dean sends a swift punch to Lucifer's jaw, and Sam punches him in the gut.
Lucifer elbows Sam in the face and grabs Dean's throat before slamming him into the bars of the cage. The archangel looks back at Sam who is lying on the ground covered in blood.
"Alright Sam, I'm gonna make this real easy for you. You say the magic word or your brother dies... and we both know you won't let that happen."
Castiel charges at Lucifer and yanks him away from Dean. You scramble up and join your husband's side who is coughing violently. You put a hand to his head and heal him of his injuries, beckoning Sam closer so you can do the same for him. Lucifer grabs Castiel and in the next second, there is a flash of a white light. Lucifer is gone and you're no longer in the cage. Rowena did it. Crowley and Rowena stand off to the side and watch as you walk over to them.
"You're welcome? Anyone?" Rowena scoffs.
"Bite me," Dean growls.
"I can make her do that."
"Here, let me heal you," you say to Castiel.
"I'm fine."
He dismisses you and you frown at his behavior. You let it go for now knowing what you four just endured.
"So, what now?" Sam asks.
"About the Darkness? No clue. You'll figure it out, I'm sure."
"Or die screaming," Rowena smirks.
"This has been a horrible train wreck, so we're done. Team up over."
"What about her?" Sam asks, pointing to Rowena.
"She stays. The rest of you lot... Get the hell out of Hell."
You leave Hell with Crowley's help and walk back to the Impala. She has never looked so good before.
"Are you okay?" Dean asks the angel.
"I think so. I will be."
"Do you want me to give you a lift?"
"No, you three go on ahead. I'll catch up."
You three get into the car as Castiel stands off to the side and watches you go with a half-smile. Castiel looks like he's in pain, so why wouldn't he want you to heal him? Dean peels out of the area and gets onto the main road with ease.
"Is he alright?"
"Can you blame him if he's not? It's been a rough day."
"Are you okay, Sam?" you ask.
"I don't know. I mean what if Lucifer was telling the truth? What if he's the only--"
"No, dude. The Darkness is bad. Her and the Devil is a nightmare I don't even want to think about."
A break is what you three need, especially after the hell you've been through. Two weeks pass of relaxing and hoping that Amara stays off the grid. Christmas morning comes sooner than you think, and the kids are jumping on your bed to wake you up. Molly is back home with her family so you're Christmas is spent with your family.
"Joanna, you're jumping on my stomach," you cough and open your eyes.
"It's Christmas morning! Come on! Santa came!"
"Okay, we're up. Why don't you go wake Uncle Sam, okay?"
She runs out of the room screaming her uncle's name, and Maryann runs after her on her little legs.
"Wait for me!"
"Noah," Dean groans tiredly.
"I got them."
Noah follows after his sisters to make sure they don't hurt themselves by running through the hallways.
"Come on, we gotta get up."
"Just one more minute," Dean groans. You lean over and press your lips to his, morning breath forgotten. His lips part and you barely peek your tongue into his mouth before he shoots up in bed. "I'm up."
You two leave the room just in time to see Joanna tug Sam by the arm over to the Christmas tree you decorated. The dogs are lying by the presents as if they were protecting them from thieves. Zeus stands and licks your hand when you go to pet him, and Colonel doesn't move when you pet him. Joanna starts picking up presents and separating them based on who they're for. The kids sit by the tree with presents all around them while you, Sam, and Dean sit at the library table and watch.
"Go ahead."
The kids rip open their presents and you try to be present and in the moment. You're not gonna get many more Christmases like this one, especially when they start getting older. Amara lingers in the back of your mind, always reminding you of the dark cloud hovering above your head. Dean puts a hand over yours as if he can read your mind. You give him a smile you hope is convincing but you know it's not. He kisses you briefly because that's all he can do.
No one can fix this but you and you're gonna try like hell to make sure your family is safe.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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illuminatedquill · 1 year ago
A Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger Story
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Story Summary: Takes place during Ahsoka Season 2. Making a hasty exit from Peridea, Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger are finally heading home together - only without Ahsoka, who elected to stay behind to finish the mission she started. Feeling lost without the presence of her Master and the grim ordeal of facing Thrawn's resurgent Empire ahead, Sabine is facing her lowest point yet. However, her trial is just beginning as Ezra finally confronts his closest friend with the knowledge about her deal with Thrawn. And the conversation that follows will change everything between them.
*Fan-art by the amazing @rancidsugar! Used here with their permission, since it directly inspired this fanfic.
Author’s Note: With the fantastic news that Ahsoka S2 is now in development, I finally decided to take a crack at writing the next reunion for our favorite duo. It’s a long time coming, and we all know Sabine needs to come clean with Ezra about certain things she’s been hiding from him. Let’s see how he responds.
The star whale's mouth gaped open, as Huyang maneuvered the T-6 shuttle into its mouth. Sabine held her breath as the vessel slipped inside, warily keeping an eye on the enormous teeth that hovered directly over them.
"Easy does it," muttered Ezra. He stood between her and Huyang in the shuttle's cockpit, eyes closed and hand outstretched; through the Force, Sabine could feel her friend communicating with the purrgil. Reassuring waves of calm and peace flowed through the bond he had with the majestic beast, making sure that they were not crunched between its massive jaws.
Sabine gazed in admiration at Ezra's competence, in the easy confidence he had in his abilities. He had grown so much in his time away from home and truly become the Jedi that Kanan wished him to be.
He would be so proud of you, she thought with a pang of melancholy. Not for the first time, she wished Kanan was here to witness all of this.
Her thoughts turned to her own master, Ahsoka Tano, who had elected to stay behind to finish her task on Peridea. Sabine felt guilt trickle into her emotions, remembering their last conversation before she left.
"We're supposed to stick together, remember? I'm not leaving you."
"Thrawn is your mission. What's happening here on Peridea is mine. I must see this through. And Ezra will need your help in defeating Thrawn."
"I can't do this without you, master. There's so much more I need to learn."
"You already know everything you need. I have nothing more to offer you than this: just be yourself, Sabine. That's more than enough."
She closed her eyes, feeling the pang of melancholy sharpen into grief. Once again, another loved one had gone and there was nothing she could do about it.
As if reading her thoughts, Huyang said, "Do not grieve for Lady Tano, Sabine. She was only able to make her choice because of you."
"You mean it was my fault," said Sabine bitterly.
"Not at all. It is because you are going home that she was able to stay on Peridea to deal with the threat there. She trusted you, Sabine Wren, to deal with Thrawn."
You know I can always count on you, right?
Sabine felt a small smile escape through the gloom of her feelings, remembering the young boy who had uttered those words a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .
Ahsoka had told her the same in their last conversation. Her master was counting on her to see this through. And she would. She promised herself, and to Ahsoka, that she would do whatever it takes to ensure that it was done.
And then she would bring Ahsoka home, so they could all finally live in peace.
The shuttle shuddered and a bright spectrum of lights filled the cabin; Sabine squinted her eyes at the dazzling array, almost blinded by the light show in front of them.
"Here we go," said Ezra. She looked at him, seeing the satisfied smile on his face. Sabine, not able to help herself, reached forward and squeezed his hand.
Ezra turned to look at her. "Thanks for coming back," she said.
He squeezed her hand back affectionately. "Did it in record time, too," he teased. "What's your excuse?"
Sabine rolled her eyes. "There was a war still going on, remember?"
"Uh-huh," replied Ezra, sounding unconvinced. "I guess I'll let it slide."
"This will take a while," Huyang said, interrupting their banter. "Ezra, if you would please tend to Lady Wren's injuries? I will stay here and keep an eye on things while you two rest."
Sabine blinked and then a wave of exhaustion and pain swept over her; she had forgotten how desperate their escape had been until now when Huyang had said something.
Ezra blinked and muttered a curse. "Right. Sorry, Sabine." He reached forward and lifted her from the co-pilot seat. She started to protest but another wave of exhaustion slipped past her defenses and only a weak mumble escaped her lips as Ezra carried her to the med-bay.
"You're awfully quiet," observed Sabine while he finished patching up her wounds some time later.
Ezra carefully applied a final bandage to a cut on her right upper forearm before replying, "Huyang's right. You shouldn't beat yourself up about Ahsoka. She needed to stay. And you needed to go home."
He sat back and double-checked his handiwork. "Can you walk?"
Sabine attempted to sit up from the medical bed but was immediately faced with a dozen sharp pinpricks of pain from all over her body. "You mean today?" she asked through gritted teeth.
Ezra smiled briefly at her attempt at humor before saying, "Bedrest it is, then."
Sabine grimaced but laid back in the bed. "This is doing wonders for my confidence," she muttered.
Ezra reached out and held her hand. "Surviving Peridea is an achievement only a few can claim. It's an exclusive club, Sabine. You're now a part of it."
She snorted. "Well," she mused, "if Thrawn can do it, then I sure as hell can."
At the mention of Thrawn, she saw Ezra's face become troubled. A flash of insight from the Force revealed something dark roiling beneath Ezra's confidence . . .
"What is it?" she asked quietly. "I felt that."
Ezra let go of her hand and sat back in his chair. She could practically see the gears whirring away inside his head as he thought through some particularly difficult decision.
Finally, he seemed to make up his mind. "I found the purrgils," he said slowly.
"I can see that," replied Sabine. "Seeing as though we're in one."
Ezra reached up to rub the back of his head. He's nervous about something, she noted. Her stomach began to sink, feeling the direction of his thoughts; small seeds of doubt were sprouting in his mind.
About her.
He looked up at her. "So did Thrawn," he said.
She inhaled sharply. "He was there?"
Ezra nodded. "He guessed what my next move was. I managed to get ahead of him, thanks to Hera's intervention but . . ."
"But what, Ezra?" Sabine felt like she didn't want to know the answer.
He reached down to his belt and took out his comm-link. "He sent me a message," he said quietly.
Ezra clicked on the comm-link and a conversation began to play.
Thrawn: "I must congratulate you on your success today, Ezra Bridger. You've shown great loyalty to your friends, Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano."
Ezra: "Not that you would understand anything about that. I'll be seeing you later, Grand Admiral."
Thrawn: "Indeed you will. Perhaps to a changed galaxy. All thanks to your friend, Sabine. How different things would be if she did not care so much about you."
Ezra: ". . . What's that supposed to mean?"
Thrawn: "Oh, she didn't tell you? Unfortunate. Be sure to give her my thanks when you reunite."
The recording stopped. Ezra gazed at Sabine, eyes unreadable, waiting for her answer.
Sabine couldn't bring herself to look at him. She just stared at the comm-link in his hand, wanting to be anywhere else than here, wanting a black hole to emerge and suck her into its void. Any hell would be preferable instead of having to face an Ezra who knew about what she had done.
"Sabine." His voice was soft, not accusatory. Almost pleading.
At last, she finally found her voice, weak as it was. "What do you want me to say, Ezra?" she asked. "Do you want me to apologize?"
"I want you to say whatever it is you want to say. I'm just going to listen," he said.
She folded her arms over her stomach; it felt like everything important inside her was threatening to spill out. "I'm not going to apologize," she whispered.
"Okay," was all he said.
"You weren't there. I had to make a choice. No one else was there. It was just me. Ahsoka - I thought Baylan had killed her. She was gone. And you were still gone, and I had the map." She hated how desperate her voice sounded.
Ezra, true to his word, didn't say anything. He just watched her.
"I couldn't lose you like I lost my family. Like how I thought I had lost Ahsoka. I wasn't - I wasn't strong enough to lose you a second time. My best friend." Tears threatened to blur her vision; a sob, rising in her throat steadily, almost robbed her voice of what little strength it had. She fought through it.
"So, I handed the map over. I made the deal with Thrawn to find you. I betrayed everything you and Kanan and everyone else sacrificed and died for. All just so I could see you again."
At last, she turned to look at him. The tears fell freely now down her face. "I doomed the galaxy for you, Ezra Bridger. And the worst part of it is, I'd do it again. Even knowing how it would all end."
Ezra gazed at her for a long moment and then turned away. Sabine struggled to sit-up and pleaded, "Ezra, please say something. Say anything."
He stood up abruptly. She blinked at him in surprise. "Say that you hate me and just get this over with," she said, resigned. Her heart was breaking into a thousand pieces but this was the price she knew would be paid the moment the map left her hand.
He stood over her. She waited for him to say the words that would end their friendship.
Instead, he clasped his hands over the sides of her face and leaned forward, gently touching his forehead with hers. Her eyes widened with surprise - and then with overwhelming gratitude as she felt the love and reassurance from him flow through their bond in the Force.
Sabine couldn't hold it back anymore. She started to openly weep. "After all this?" she cried. "Even with all that I've done?"
"Always," he reassured her. "I forgive you. Always. It'll be okay, Sabine. We'll figure it out, together."
"I'm weak," she said. "I did something so bad."
"You are not weak," replied Ezra firmly. "You are enough. You are extraordinary, Sabine. And it's not like I haven't done things I regret, you know? The Sith Holocron, you remember?"
Sabine shook her head. "This isn't the same! This is the whole galaxy that's at stake."
Ezra chuckled. "It's not a competition, first of all. And when hasn't the galaxy been at stake? We've dealt with Thrawn before, we'll do it again."
The guilt surged up within her, refusing to be assuaged by his words. "But - "
"But nothing," Ezra said sternly. "Sabine. Listen to me. Did you build the gigantic hyperdrive ring that Thrawn used to get back?"
She stared at him, thrown off by the sudden question. "Uh, no."
"Did you put Morgan Elsbeth onto his path as a partner? Did you hire Baylan and Shin?"
Sabine saw where his line of questions was heading. Grimacing, she said, "No, but - "
Ezra interrupted her. "Yes, you had a role in his return. But not all of it belongs to you, do you understand? He couldn't have returned without a lot of help, not just you."
"Okay, okay." She held up her hands in a placating gesture. "I get it. I think."
"Good," he said. "No more feeling guilty. We need to be focused for what lies ahead."
Sabine looked at him. "We?" she asked.
He nodded. "You're stuck with me, Sabine Wren. Whether you like it or not."
She smiled, considering his words. "I guess that's not so bad." She looked him over and shook her head in amazement.
"What is it?" Ezra asked.
"When did you grow up so quickly, goober?" she asked.
He grinned at her. "Haven't heard that nickname in a while. Since we were kids," he said.
"Yeah," she said. "Guess I can't really call you that anymore, huh."
Ezra winked at her. "You can call me whatever you like, Sabine."
She looked at him thoughtfully. "I'll think about it," she said. Suddenly, her stomach rumbled, interrupting the conversation. Sabine flushed with embarrassment.
Ezra laughed. "I'll heat up some food. Be right back."
Watching him leave, the moment he was out of earshot, Sabine said softly, "I'll be here, cyar'ika."
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