#but i’m used to seeing it! and i forget not everyone is
cumonstevie · 3 days
Home Sweet Home Part 2
Summary: "It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: Here's part 2!! I hope you guys like it! this was 4.7k words and now I'm exhausted. I'll proofread this tomorrow when I wake up <3
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 Steve is still standing at the entrance of the living room, dumbfounded at the sight of you sitting only a few feet in front of him. He blinks a few times, thinking he’s seeing things but nope, there you are sitting on the couch next to your mutual rockstar friend.
Three years. It’s been three years since he’s seen you; since he’s even been in the same room as you without you scurrying off. He notes that you’ve gotten even more beautiful since the last time he saw you, if that was even possible.
His mouth is open, but no words are coming out of it. He’s just staring at you. He never thought he’d see you again. Not after-
“What are you doing here?” Eddie’s voice cuts through his thoughts.
“What,” Steve’s eyes leave yours and focuses on his friend beside you. “Can’t hang out with my friends?”
“I didn’t invite you for a reason, Steve-”
Steve glances at you. “I see the reason.”
“-so how did you know we were hanging out today?”
“Um,” a voice says from behind you. Dustin walks into the middle of everyone with his pointer finger raised and a pained look etched on his face. “I sort of, kind of, maybe accidentally told Steve we were all meeting up at your place to hang out.”
“I’m sorry!” The curly haired boy exclaimed. “I didn’t know that he wasn’t supposed to know!”
“Wait, why didn’t you invite Steve?” Robin asks what everyone else wanted to know.
“Because Y/N didn’t want to see Steve because he-” Eddie is stressing but stops himself from spilling something that he shouldn’t. “Do you guys not remember that Y/N and Steve stopped being friends? I didn’t invite him because I didn’t want to make Y/N uncomfortable.”
You’re glad he didn’t say anything more. Your friends never knew why the two of you stopped speaking and they were too scared to pry for answers so they just let it be.
However, Steve knew exactly why he wasn’t invited the moment he saw you sitting on the couch.
Poor Dustin felt bad, but he didn’t know you’d be there. He thought it was a regular hang out. The other day when Steve was driving him home, he let it slip.
“Since we’re all hanging out at Eddie’s on saturday, do you think you could pick me up and then we’ll head over?”
Steve shakes his head. “Nah, I can’t, I have a shift that doesn’t end till- wait, everyone’s going to Eddie’s on saturday?”
“Yeah, he didn’t call you?”
“No. What the hell?”
The younger boy shrugs and fixes his hat. “Maybe he just forgot to tell you. You know Eddie forgets things from time to time. He told us to be there at 5, specifically.”
Steve lets out an irritated sigh as he stops at a red light. “I’ll come by after my shift.”
Dustin is excited because this is the first time Steve is actually going to come hang out with them in a while.
His excuse for not spending a lot of time with them was because he was busy with work which was true and Robin can vouch for him on that one. He had been taking more and more shifts to make more money which decreased his free time. By the time he was finished working for the day, he was so tired all he would want to do was go home and sleep.
Wake up.
Go to work all day.
Come home.
He was doing that every day, seven days a week. It wasn’t healthy but he refused to give in and work for his father, so he did what he had to, to make ends meet.
The light turned green and as Steve stepped on the gas pedal, he grumbled out, “I can’t believe Munson didn’t call me.”
“I’m sorry, alright?” Dustin says again.
“It’s okay, Dustin.” you tell him, trying to defuse the situation. “Don’t sweat it. I can handle it, I’m a big girl.”
“Are you sure, Ace?” Eddie asks, worriedly. “I can tell him to get lost.”
“Hey!” Steve complained. “I’m right here, you know.”
“I’m sure. It’s been three years.” you tell the musician in a hushed tone.
“Yeah but-”
“He’s your guys’ friend too. I’m not gonna be the asshole that makes him leave because I’m uncomfortable. He can stay. It’s okay, Eds, really. I’m twenty now, not seventeen.”
“Fine.” Eddie sighs, turning to Steve. “Make yourself at home, Harrington.”
He looks between you and Eddie as he sits down on the couch across from you. “Thanks…”
It’s awkward after that. The silence is overbearing and you wish you could dig up a hole and throw yourself in it. You knew it was inevitable that you’d run into Steve after moving back home but you never pictured it being like this.
You’re uncomfortable.
Steve’s uncomfortable.
Robin, Jonathan, Eddie, Nancy- uncomfortable.
Robin clears her throat loudly. “So, uh, that was-”
“Mommy!” Penelope interrupts as she runs over to you. “Block!”
“Block?” you question before she hands you three blocks stacked on one another. “Oh, how pretty! Did you make this all by yourself?”
“Oh my goodness, you’re so talented, Penny!” You praise the toddler and scoop her into your arms. She blushes and lets out a giggle.
Steve’s world starts spinning. It was spinning the moment he heard the toddler say mommy.
You’re a mom? Since when? And nobody told him?
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
And here Steve goes again, mouth trying to form words as his eyes move between you and Penelope but nothing comes out. You don’t even notice that he’s looking at the both of you, too occupied with Penny and her magnificent three story tower made of blocks.
You’re in the middle of praising your daughter when Eddie clears his throat and elbows you in the side.
“Ow! What the heck, Eds?” You rub your side as you look at your friend. He motions to Steve with his eyes and your mouth forms an ‘o’.
Shit, you think.
“Oh, um, Steve, this is my daughter Penelope.” You introduce, hoping no one can tell that your voice definitely faltered a bit in the process. “Penny, look,” you gain your daughter's attention as you point over to Steve. “That’s mommy’s friend, Steve. Can you say ‘hi Steve’?”
“Hi Steeb…” She gets shy, hiding behind her hands but peeking to look at the brunet that was sitting across from you.
Hi Pen- Can I call her Penny?” His eyes shift to you.
“Of course.”
He looks back at the toddler. “Hi Penny,” Steve says lightly as he takes in her facial features. “You’re so pretty.”
Penelope giggles at him then turns and points to you. “Mommy pwetty.”
Steve smiles. “Yeah, your mommy is pretty. Guess that’s where you get your looks from, huh pretty girl?”
Penelope giggles again and you feel your cheeks flush. Robin and Nancy have a smug look on their faces after his comment and you swear you hear Robin call Steve a dingus.
“Here,” you hand your toddler the blocks. “Go build another one, Penny.”
Max beckons the toddler over and you watch as she runs straight to the red haired girl. Your eyes fleet over to Steve who is looking at your little girl like he’s trying to figure something out. His eyebrows are pinched ever so slightly and he looks deep in thought.
“Hey, um,” he starts slowly, trying to form a coherent sentence, “who-who’s the um… you now, the-”
“You don’t know him.” Nancy cuts him off from his blabbering.
“None of us do.” Jonathan adds.
Robin then chimes in, “Yeah, he’s some asshole that- Oops! Sorry, Penny! He’s some idiot Y/N met in Michigan who left her when she told him she was pregnant.” She then scoffs. “Douchebag.”
You visibly see the cogs in Steve’s head halt after what Robin said and you say a silent thank you to whoever may be listening to your pleas. You tell yourself that you’ll tell Steve that Penelope is his eventually but not right now, not in front of all of your friends who you’re seeing for the first time in three years. That could be a conversation for a different day.
“Hm,” Steve hums, “what a prick.”
You shrug and loosen up a little bit. “I’ve been managing fine. My parents are a big help too.”
“And now you have us.” Nancy smiled.
“Yeah,” you smile back. “I do.”
For the rest of your time there, things seemed to get less awkward and soon enough it felt like old times, hanging out with everyone.
You’re laughing at something Robin just said when your eyes drift over to the clock on Eddie’s wall.
“Shit,” Your eyes widened.
“What?” Eddie is the first to ask.
“It’s almost 8:30,” you say as you stand up from your seat. “Penny’s bedtime was an hour ago. Crap, I hope this doesn’t mess up her sleep schedule.”
Eddie shrugs. “She doesn’t look very sleepy to me, Ace.”
“That’s because she’s been playing with the kids.” You tell your friend. “She’ll probably crash out when we get home. Sorry to be a party pooper guys, but I gotta get home and put Penny to sleep.”
They tell you that it’s okay and you even plan to hang out again soon.
“Penny, it’s time to go.” You say sweetly as you crouch down next to your daughter. “Say bye-bye.”
She fights it for a few seconds but ultimately gives up and waves bye to the kids.
“See you guys later, alright?” You tell the Party. “Here, I’ll write my number and address down for you guys if you ever wanna call or stop by to see Penny, okay?”
The younger kids nod and you quickly find a pen and paper and scribble down your number and address before handing it to Max who was the closest to you.
“Share it.” You tell them as you pick Penelope up. “Eds,” you turn to your friend who was nursing a beer. “You ready?”
Eddie frowns as he looks down at the beer in his hand. “I’ve been drinking and I don’t want to put you or Pen at risk. Why don’t you stay the night? You two can take my bed and I’ll crash on the couch.”
You frown as well. “I would but Penny won’t be able to sleep without Bun.”
At the mention of Bun, Penelope looks at you with a pout. “Where’s Bun?”
“Who’s Bun?”
“Penelope’s stuffed animal. It’s a bunny. She can’t sleep without it lately.”
Eddie rubs his face with his hands and sighs. “Gosh, Ace, I’m sorry. I should’ve stopped drinking a while ago. How about I-”
“I can take you home.” Steve cuts him off. Your heart thumps against your chest. “I don’t mind.”
“You don’t have to, Steve, I can-”
“No, seriously.” He shakes his head. “I really don’t mind at all.”
Is this a good decision? Letting the father of your child (who doesn’t know he’s the father of your child) drive you home? Who knows. But you do know that you have to get you and Penny home soon and Steve seems like a better option than a complete stranger driving a taxi.
Your eyes lock on Nancy, Jonathan, then Robin who all give you a little frown as they nod over to the kids. Of course they wouldn’t have any space for you and Penelope, they have to take the kids home. Crap.
“Y/N?” Steve’s voice snaps you back to reality.
“Huh?” You look at him, blinking a few times. “Oh, yeah, if you really don’t mind-”
“I don’t.” He gives you a small smile. “Do you have a car seat for Penny?”
“Yeah,” you breathe. “Eddie-”
“I’ll unlock my car.”
“Thank you.”
You make your rounds, saying bye to everyone and Eddie gives Penelope a big kiss on the cheek before you exit his apartment which makes her laugh. Before you could even offer to help, Steve is pulling Penelope’s car seat out of Eddie’s car and buckling it up in his backseat. He tugs at the car seat a few times, making sure it’s secured safely before turning toward you and stepping aside.
“Good to go.” He tells you.
Steve watches as you buckle Penelope up and you kiss her forehead before shutting the door. You didn’t even notice when Steve walked around you to open the passenger door for you.
“You know you don’t have to do that, right?” You say as you slide into the seat.
“Come on, Y/N,” he smiles. “When have I ever let you open the car door for yourself?”
Never, but you're not about to answer him. Instead, you playfully roll your eyes and say, “Get in the car and drive me home, Harrington.”
“Make a left here then keep going straight.” You tell him and he does as he’s told.
It fell silent and the only thing that could be heard was Penelope’s soft snores coming from the back. She had fallen asleep a few minutes after you had left Eddie’s. So much for not being able to sleep without Bun..
Steve kept glancing at you every chance he had but you paid no mind as your eyes were scanning the environment outside of your window. His slender fingers rapped against the steering wheel and he tried to think of something- anything to say to you.
“Hey,” he finally says.
“I-I just wanted to say that you look good, you know? Motherhood looks good on you.” Really, Steve? That's all you got? “I mean, you’re a great mother, but I’m pretty sure you already knew that. What I’m trying to say is three years did good to you, you know? Wait, that kind of sounded horrible. I mean, like-”
“Steve,” you let out a soft laugh at his stuttering. “Three years did good to you too.”
He smiles as he continues to drive.
“Make another left up here and it’s the fourth house on the right.”
It’s silent again. You watch as you pass by all the trees in the neighborhood and Steve’s back to tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. He pulls up to your house and there’s another minute of silence before he speaks again.
“So,” he lets out an awkward cough. “Can we talk about the elephant in the room?”
You face him with a confused look. “What elephant?”
“You know,” his eyes drop to his lap and he nervously plays with his fingers. “The fact that Penelope is my daughter.”
He’s looking at you now but he’s not mad. He looks… Hurt.
It feels like all the air has left your lungs because it suddenly gets harder to breathe. There's no way he figured it out. You thought he bought the whole ‘Michigan baby daddy who bailed on you’ story just like everyone else did.
Nowhere in his facial expressions did it seem like he knew the truth, and you’ve known Steve for so long to know that he absolutely sucks at having a poker face.
“How.” You take a deep breath in, then a deep breath out. “How did you know?”
“She looks just like me, Y/N.” He tells you, shifting in his seat to face you. “And Robin told me she’s two and a half; I did the math. Unless you hooked up with someone else who looks like me around the same time we did.”
“I didn’t.” The words tumble out of your mouth before your brain could even register. “I mean, I wouldn’t. I-I…” Breathe, Y/N. “I only slept with you.”
It came out softer than a whisper and Steve’s convinced that if a gust of wind had come by, he would’ve missed what you said. Your confirmation has his brain working overtime and his heart about to beat out of his chest.
Steve’s a dad. A dad.
He has a daughter.
Holy shit, he has a daughter.
A daughter whose life he’s missed out on for almost three years. Shit.
Steve drops his head down on his steering wheel and squeezes his eyes shut. “Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?” He suddenly snaps his head toward you. “I could’ve helped! I would’ve moved with you or-or-”
“Steve,” his name falls from your lips softly, but assertively. “Can we please not talk about this right now?”
“Y/N, this is a big deal-”
“I know.” You say. “I know it is and trust me when I say I’ll answer every question you have but not tonight. I need to get Penny inside.”
You see his eyes gloss over and you feel like even more shit than you did a second ago.
“Steve,” you watch as he bites the inside of his cheek to stop his tears from falling. “Listen to me. We can talk about this another time, okay? I promise. We can meet up at my place or yours; anywhere, okay? And I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
Steve takes a deep breath in, then out before his eyes lock on his daughter, who is sleeping, from the rearview mirror.
“Yeah,” he nods. “Yeah, okay.”
The next day you decide to tell your parents everything. They knew someone from Hawkins had gotten you pregnant but they didn’t know who and as much as they pressed you for answers, you refused to tell them. You didn’t want them to look at Steve differently, despite everything that happened between the two of you.
You told them during dinner and your dad nearly choked on his food while your moms eyes grew wide like saucers.
“Penny’s father is Steve Harrington?!” Your father exclaimed after he stopped coughing. “I let that boy into my home! If I knew you two were having s-”
“We weren’t!” You cut him off.
Your father gave you a look that said ‘really?’ as his eyes drifted to the toddler who was sitting in her high chair beside you.
“It was one time, I swear!” You add.
Your father shook his head in disappointment. “One time and you end up pregnant with his kid and that little sh-” he stops himself from cursing in front of Penelope. “He left you alone to raise Penny by yourself. I never thought he’d be so selfish. How could he-”
“Actually…” You start. “He had no clue that I was pregnant. I found out after we moved and I didn’t… tell… him.”
“Sweetheart-” Your mom tried but your dad shook his head.
“Y/M/N, she didn’t tell him she was pregnant!” He exclaimed before turning back to you. “That was selfish on your part, Y/N. We didn’t raise you like that. No matter what happened between you and Steve, he had the right to know that he was about to be a father.”
“I know but I was scared and-”
“No buts,” your dad says. “Matter of fact, you're gonna find him and tell him as soon as possible. He has the right to know he has a daughter.”
You look down at your plate as you speak. “He already knows.” Your parents look at you very confused, so you continue. “Yesterday when me and Penny went with Eddie to his place, he invited everyone over as a surprise and Steve showed up too. He knows.”
You hear your father sigh. “I’m very disappointed with you, Y/N.”
“I know…” You murmur. “But I plan on inviting him over tomorrow so we can discuss what happens next.”
The rest of dinner is a bit awkward, but you pull through.
The next day rolls around rather quickly. Both of your parents head to work and you get Penelope ready for the day. You put the toddler in her high chair before walking over to the phone and dialing Eddie’s number. It rings twice before he answers.
“Eddie,” you say into the phone, “can you give me Steve’s number?”
“Visiting old flames already?” You could practically hear the smirk on his lips. “My, my, you work fast, Ace.”
“Shut up, idiot.” there’s a beat of silence before you speak again. “He knows.”
“Uh, he knows?”
You roll your eyes. “About Penelope. He knows she’s his.”
“Oh my god,” Eddie says. “You told him?”
“No! He knew the whole time!” You exclaim softly. “Said it was because she looks just like him.”
“Well, he’s not wrong.”
“Sorry,” there’s shuffling on the other end. “Well, he’s at work right now so he won’t answer his house phone but I could give you his work number.”
“That works.”
You grab a pen and paper and scribble down the number Eddie tells you, thanking him before hanging up. You punch in Steve’s work number and it rings a few times before someone answers.
“Family Video, how can I help you?”
The voice is sickly sweet and your nose scrunches. “Robin?”
“Y/N?” Her voice is back to normal. “What’s up?”
“Is Steve there?”
You wait in silence for a bit, thinking she’s going to call Steve over or hand him the phone, but she doesn’t.
“Can you give him the phone?” You say after a bit.
“Oh! Totally.” You assume she takes the phone away from her ear because she sounds a bit far. “It’s for you, dingus.”
“Who is it? Dustin?” Steve says as his voice sounds closer.
“No, Y/N.”
There’s a thud on the other end and you hear Robin say something but you can’t make it out.
“Y/N, hey, what uh, what’s up?” Steve sounds out of breath.
“Hey, sorry to bother you at work-”
“It’s no problem.” He speaks. “Is something wrong? Is Penny okay?”
“She’s fine.” you reassure him. “I was just calling to ask if you’d wanna come over to my place so that we could… talk.” Your fingers nervously play with the cord attached to the phone. “It doesn’t have to be right now! It could be after you get off of work or even tomorrow or something-”
“I’ll be right over.”
“You don’t-”
He hangs up before you can finish and you turn to Penelope who’s looking at you with big eyes.
“Your dad is a crazy person, Penny.”
She giggles.
As you wait for Steve to arrive, you make some breakfast for yourself and for Penelope… and maybe a little extra. Just in case, you know? You had just put Penelope’s food down in front of her when there was a knock on the door.
“Who is it, Penny?” You ask her as you make your way toward the door.
“Mmm… Poppy!”
Poppy is what she calls your father.
“Let’s see…” You open the door, revealing Steve and not Poppy.
Steve smiles as he sees you on the other end of the door. “Hey.”
“Hey Steve.” You say, moving to the side. “Come in.”
He says thanks and as soon as Penelope gets a good look at him, she yells out, “Steeb!”
His eyes are on her immediately and his smile grows bigger. “Hey pretty girl, you remember me!”
Penelope giggles and continues to stuff her face with her breakfast. You move toward the food on the counter and look at Steve.
“Are you hungry?” You’re already grabbing a plate for him.
“I don’t want to impose; I can get something later-”
“Shut up and eat, Steve. I made more than enough.”
You put the plate of pancakes in front of him and he bites back a smile. “Yes ma’am.”
He takes a seat beside Penelope and the two start eating in sync. Yep. There is absolutely no doubt that Penny is Steve’s daughter.
The three of you are enjoying breakfast and every now and then Steve will point to something on Penelope’s plate and ask her what it is. She answers the best she can and he praises her for trying. It’s like a little glimpse into what life would’ve been like if everything went RIGHT.
“So,” you clear your throat, “I think I owe you an apology.”
Steve’s eyebrows crease and he tears his gaze from Penelope and moves it to you. “What? No you don’t. If anyone’s apologizing, it’s me.”
“I owe you one too. I should’ve told you about me being pregnant when I found out instead of keeping it from you.” You say as you move a piece of pancake around on your plate.
“I understand,” Steve nods. “I mean, it sucks knowing I've missed out on Penelope’s life thus far but I-I know I hurt you, and… God, Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
He shakes his head. “Please let me say what I need to say.”
You give him a curt nod and he takes a deep breath. “I know it seems like I used you that day but I need you to know that I meant it when I said I felt the same way for you. There is no excuse for me calling you Nancy after we were done-” he glances at Penelope before his eyes focus back on you. “Snuggling.”
“Pfft!” You cover your mouth immediately. “Sorry!”
“Hey, I’m not about to taint my daughter's innocent ears.” There’s a fake frown on his face before he breaks out with a smile. It lasts for a few seconds before he gets serious again. “I need you to know that I really am sorry. At that point, I think I had liked you since eighth grade and I waited to see a hint that you might’ve liked me back but when I didn’t see one, I thought it was time to move on. I was also terrified that if I told you how I felt, that it would ruin our friendship and I didn’t want that to happen because you were my best friend.”
He sits back in his seat and frowns. “Then, I met Nancy and I really liked her… but then she broke my heart and I was a wreck after that. I thought I was over her completely after all those months of us being broken up because… my feelings for you came back. In that moment, I didn’t even realize I had called you Nancy and I am such a piece of crap for doing that to you. Seeing you cry… I never wanted to make you feel like that and I’ve beat myself up about what I did since it happened. I am so sorry if I made you feel like you were the second option, Y/N. I shouldn’t have let my impulses take over when you told me you had feelings for me. I should’ve taken you out on a date, court you for a bit so you knew that I was serious about my feelings. I-I should’ve-”
“Steve.” You snap him out of his thoughts. “Take a deep breath, please.”
He nods and takes a deep breath, visibly calming down.
“I forgive you, Steve.” You tell him. “We were seventeen; we were idiots. I’m sorry for not telling you I was pregnant. I was hurt over what happened and thought you were still into Nancy and I just didn’t want to be a bother. Now I just want the past to be the past and to move forward. If not for ourselves, then for Penelope. I don’t want to dwell on what happened three years ago.”
“Done.” He agrees. “We move forward.”
“As friends.” You tell him and his shoulders slouch a bit. “I don’t think I’m ready to revisit this-” you point between the both of you. “-romantically. And I don’t mean that in a mean way. I think we should just focus on being the best parents we can be for Penelope and learn to co-parent well. Our priority right now should be Penelope… that is, if you want to be a part of her life. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, sorry for assuming-”
“I want to.” He cut you off. “More than anything, I want to be a part of Penny’s life.”
“Okay, good.” You look at Penelope who was still munching on her food. Half of it was in her mouth, the other half was all over her face. “We can talk about you coming over to visit her here? I want to ease her into this slowly. All she’s known since she was born was me, my mom, and my dad and I don’t want to overwhelm or scare her with this change.”
Steve nods. “I’ll go at whatever pace you set, Y/N. I’m just glad to be a part of her life now. And… yours.”
“As friends.” You remind him.
“Yeah,” he smiles softly, “as friends.”
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455 notes · View notes
kaisturni · 2 days
pillow princess | c.sturniolo
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→ chris x fem!reader
→ plot; traveling with the triplets, y/n usually shares the room with nick. in a sudden change of plans, she ends up sharing the room with chris. with the unexpected presence of one bed for the two to share, tension arises through the night when only inches separate them.
→ warnings; SHMUTTT, dom!chris, swearing, fingering, grinding, unprotected sex, cum eating, hair pulling, creampie, use of nicknames
→ a/n; this one has so much build up i didn’t even realize so sorry 😛 thank you to everyone who voted, hope you guys love it!
“that flight was terrible,” i groaned, the boys all nodding in agreement, everyone stretching their limbs every which way.
“honestly i just can’t wait to get to the hotel, anyway, i call sharing a room with matt,” nick says, as the four of us wait for your check bags to arrive.
“what! why?” i shoot a confused look at him, since nick and i are always the pair to share a room together, hell we have so many sleepovers, even sharing a bed isn’t a problem.
“because you fuckin snore, y/n,” nick states bluntly, i feel my face falling into offense.
“no i don’t!” “yes you do,” the three say in unison. i always hated when they did that. it’s creepy. but i’m confused at this sudden accusation, because nick has NEVER brought up anything about me snoring before.
i say my thoughts out loud “what are you talking about? even if i did, you sleep like a rock!” i retort.
“tonight is just NOT that night, besides we have to be up all day tomorrow to vlog AND film with sam and colby. besides, chris doesn’t mind your snoring anyway,” nick argues, chris shoots a cheesy smile and a thumbs up at me, i roll my eyes at the both of them realizing this is a losing battle.
“okay, whatever. just don’t keep me up all night,” i point a finger sharply at chris, since he’s always up until the break of dawn and even then has more energy than ive seen anyone have in the morning.
at least we’re not sharing a bed- i think to myself. not that it would necessarily be a problem, but for some reason he always made me so nervous. i dont want to admit it’s a crush, and i dont think sharing a bed with him would help with the aching nerves i get being around him. the thought of the circumstance makes me shudder. best just not to think about it.
✧ : *✧・゚:* ✧ : *✧・゚:* ✧ : *✧・゚:* ✧ : *✧・゚:* ✧
we all go to nick and matt’s room first, just to film some of the vlog. we all explore the room, opening every drawer and examining the snacks on the tv stand, and i admire how plush and soft the bedding is. at least i’ll sleep good on this tonight. chris seems to have the same idea as me, gripping on to the top part of one of the beds where it meets the headboard. i can’t help the thought of him doing the same thing but me beneath his body; the idea of it makes me squirm. i shake away the image as my ears tune back in to the conversations going on.
“that’s a really cool… deck!” chris exclaims,
“that’s a REALLY COOL DECK,” nick mocks him, eliciting giggles from both me and matt, and i almost forget for a second that this isn’t the room i’m staying in, and i try to keep the conversation going as long as possible.
after about 15 minutes of filming, matt hands the camera to nick, giving the outro for the evening.
“goodnight everyone, we’ll see you guys tomorrow when we go explore austin,” nick says to the camera, then shutting it off.
after our own collective goodnights, chris and i making our way down to our own space. i’m so exhausted i can’t even hear myself think. my eyes linger down the dim hallway to matt and nick’s room. i’m honestly still a bit bitter about the whole room situation, i make a mental note to scare the shit out nick at some point during filming with sam and colby to get back at him.
i unconsciously smile at the idea of it, not noticing chris looking back at me,
“what are you smiling about?” he says with a little giggle, i reconnect my brain to my actions, eyes widening at what he could be thinking about me stupidly smiling as he keys us in to the room,
“nothing, just thought of something funny earlier. it was a pretty cool deck,,,” i say in a sing- song voice mocking him, he rolls his eyes “yeah whatever, it wasn’t that funny,” he states, i do a mental cheer to myself that he didn’t catch on to me trying to unconditionally hide where my mind was going to after he said those words; to be fair i WASN’T smiling at the thought of us sharing a room, but considering how i had been acting about the whole thing, i’m not exactly sure how convincing my explanation was.
the door opens and he flicks on the lights, after my eyes adjust, both of us are met with a singular king bed, identical headboard facing the city of austin, i can see my eyes widen in the reflection of the window in front of us.
i feel my cheeks turn hot, and i can see chris out of the corner of my eye glancing at me, also keeping himself silent amidst our little… situation.
he breaks the awkward silence in the room by clearing his throat,
“gummy bears,” he starts, placing his bag on the plush white chair in the corner of the room, while i throw mind mindlessly on the floor trying my best not to think about the current situation
“i’ll be eating these tonight,”
“woah for free?” i say grabbing the bag from him, also making an effort to cut the awkwardness somehow still lingering in the air.
“no definitely for purchase,” he says walking around the room, “oh,” I throw the bag down, now uninterested in the snacks in front of me.
“what side do you like?” he asks, making himself comfortable right in the middle, arms stretched out on both sides, giving me a crooked smile.
“i prefer the left. but whatever side is fine,” i proclaim, doing my best to seem indifferent and not give him the impression that i’m going to be a pain to sleep with.
not like that, of course.
“good answer, i sleep on the right,” his smile doesn’t break as hops off the bed and rifles through his duffel bag,
“i’m gonna take a quick shower, won’t be long. put something on for us to watch,” i nod, and he disappears into the bathroom.
time passes as i’m left alone flicking through channels, eventually settling on a random movie i’m sure neither of us have seen before, this will do. i decide to find some pajamas of my own.
of course, my fucking luck and to my horror, i come up empty on a sleep bra AND shorts. i cant help but physically face palm myself at my lack of planning, but forgive me, i was anticipating on only nick seeing me in a lack of clothing.
i peel off the safety of the clothing i have on, and slip in to a separate thong and a t-shirt that is just barely covering my ass.
i’m so fucking stupid.
suddenly, the water shuts off and i race with myself to get back into my side of the bed to avoid chris seeing me and my shift in wardrobe.
he emerges from the bathroom, and i steal a glance at him, standing there with wet curls and his upper half still slick, highlighting all the muscles visible on his body.
the sight of him makes me heat up just to look at, and i cross my legs tightly to hopefully get rid of the aching between them, and flip my body around to face away, unaware to the fact that my ass is on display to him.
“no, no pants, huh?” i hear him let out a shaky breath from the other side of me, feeling my cheeks grow hot again, i make my best attempt to pull my shirt down and face him, beginning my ranted explanation.
“no yeah sorry i-i just was expecting to sleep with nick, this is what i usually wear i’m sor-“
he cuts off my rambling with a laugh,
“you’re fine, it just took me by surprise, that’s all. but you should probably move over, i think we should both go to sleep in a little,” he suggests, i can tell he’s being careful to not fully raise the covers, in order to avoid the exposure on my end.
i almost feel relief that he doesn’t care, but part of me wants him to care. to see him get hot and bothered by seeing me like that. but thankfully, yet unthankfully, this is a purely platonic sleeping arrangement.
“yeah, yeah you’re right,” i let out half heartedly, letting my eyes travel back to the scene on the tv, but i can’t help but peer out of the corner of my eye and notice how good he looks.
his jaw tight in seeming concentration of the nonsense in front of us, hair messy from his shower, his chest slowly rising up down and rhythm and i almost let my eyes wander down his body to the waistband of his pants or even lower, but i don’t dare to allow myself the chance.
✧ : *✧・゚:* ✧ : *✧・゚:* ✧ : *✧・゚:* ✧ : *✧・゚:* ✧
my eyes shoot awake, and i prop my arms up to look at the clock a few feet away,
the tv is shut off, and chris is calmly sleeping beside me. i guess i had unknowingly fallen asleep at some point during the movie. i sigh and rub my face, beginning to make my attempt to fall back asleep again. suddenly, there’s a shift in the bed and i feel an arm snake across my hip and pull my closer.
i gasp and freeze at the contact, not daring to make a move. i feel chris’ hands squeeze at my hips, and a barely audible groan escapes his lips. my breath starts to pick up when i feel him harden against my ass.
i don’t know if i can take this. he isn’t even awake right now. he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
i quickly turn to face him,
“chris!” i whisper yell and shake his shoulder, with his hand still holding on to my nearly bare hip.
as he comes to consciousness, he deeply inhales and lets his eyes adjust to the darkness. realization hits him when he quickly removes his hand from me and darts up into a seated position. i can almost see him blushing despite the dark haze around us, the same feeling creeping upon myself for the nth time tonight as we sit in silence, which is quickly broken by his voice.
“shit, y/n, i-i’m sorry,” he begins, “i was just dreaming and, and i didn’t realize what i was doing I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he explains. my brows furrow slightly as i realize the context of his words.
“what was the dream?” i ask, my own curiosity getting the best of me, but the confidence in knowing he was most likely having some sort of sex dream about me makes the lustful side of myself take over.
his head tips back, i can tell he’s contemplating his next words.
“you. y/n. us. right now. i always thought you were pretty, but you looked so fucking hot earlier, like you’re literally half naked in the same bed as me. truthfully I’ve had feelings for you, and seeing you like that… it just made me want to fuck you,”
the last part of his statement is just barely above hearing level, and i’m honestly shocked at his confession. i didn’t think this would ever happen, that chris would ever see me in that way, but i got over that quickly.
i don’t know what came over me, but my actions and words only grew in seduction, and i was now determined to break him.
“sorry, i didn’t hear you, you wanted to what?” i craw over and sit myself on his lap, placing my hands on his bare chest, and i feel his breathing and heart speed up.
“i want to fuck you, y/n,” he says in a single breath, and i take it as a sign to crash my lips into his.
the kiss is deep and sensual, his hands snaking down to my ass and squeezing, causing me to groan, and in response i grind myself onto him, feeling his dick grow hard beneath me.
the lack of material between us causes the wetness between my legs begins to rise quickly, and chris takes no time to comment on the state of my arousal.
“fuck y/n, i can already feel how wet you are,” he says between sloppy kisses, and one of his hands slaps my ass hard, the other gripping for dear life.
i gasp at his action, and his tongue fully enters my mouth, and i don’t bother trying to fight for dominance. all this new contact with him is already making me feel buzzed.
he flips us around so my back hits the bed, and i look up at him as he grips the headboard, our lips reconnecting in a matter of no time.
his hand gently tugs at my shirt, signaling he wants it off, and i inwardly smirk to myself knowing there’s nothing between my shirt and my bare body.
i swiftly remove it off my body, and even in the dim light he can see my chest, i purposefully squeeze them together causing him to bite his lip and move down to claim a nipple in his mouth.
i moan at the contact, he sucks hard at the sensitive bud, other hand snaking down to my panties, which i’m sure are now thoroughly soaked.
as if he read my mind, his fingers easily glide between my folds, and i whimper at the feeling.
“you’re so fucking wet—all for me, yeah?” he says lowly, those words coming out of his raise even more arousal in me, and the only thing i can do is nod and moan in response as he rubs my clit with his wet fingers.
he moves my black thong to the side, and i bite my lip in anticipation for his fingers to enter me, and he slowly inserts two, causing both of us to moan in harmony.
his lips rejoin mine, but the fast pumping of his long fingers inside me make it difficult to kiss him back.
i feel the knot building up in my stomach and i know an orgasm is approaching fast.
“c-chris, i’m gonna cum,” i breath out, shocked that i’m withering under my one of my best friend’s touch.
he hums at first, his pace slowly picking up, “cum for me pretty girl,” he purrs in my ear, i pant feeling the build up in my sensitive nerves release, him continuing to pump as i ride my high through his fingers, now covered in my own cum.
he brings his soaked fingers to his mouth, licking my juices off of his fingers,
“you taste so fucking good y/n,” he bring his hand down back to my folds, and i wince at the contact.
“suck,” he demands, bringing his fingers to my mouth, and i look him dead in the eye as my tongue swirls around his digits.
the eye contact pierced through me, and i let go of the grasp i have on his fingers with a pop, his lashes fluttering at the sound. chris’ lips meet mine again, and i hardly notice him removing his plaid pants, palming himself through his underwear and groaning into my mouth.
“is this okay? do you want to do this?” he asks, rubbing sweet circles on my inner thigh. how could i say no to him? we’re way beyond that.
i nod in affirmation, “more than okay, i want you, chris,”
chris smiles and swiftly pulls me to the edge of the bed, peeling away his last layer of clothing. his erection springs up, and i take a deep breath at just the sight of his size, tip leaking precum.
i instinctively spread my legs further for him, and he pumps himself a few times before aligning with my core, wetting himself between my folds.
he slowly pushes himself into me, and the sting of his size makes me hiss,
“i’ll go slow okay?”
i nod and close my eyes, and his forehead press against mine, pushing his dick further. i feel our hips meet and he pulls out almost all the way, before slamming into me.
fuck going slow.
i can’t control the loud moan that crawls from my lips, one from chris, “fuck,” follows soon after. his pace picks up; wet noises, skin slapping, and loud moans are the only sounds that fill the room.
he pulls himself out, and i prop myself on my elbows and give him a confused look,
“turn around,” chris grows, and i do without retaliation, sticking my ass far up in the air with my chest pressed against the mattress.
he wastes no time inserting himself back into me, going to his rhythm once again.
chris grips my hips so hard im sure they’ll be a purple hue in the morning, but that’s at the least of my concerns right now.
“god, you feel so good. you like bein a pillow princess, don’t you?” he huffs, continuously bringing our hips to meet at a pace faster than i think i can breathe.
the only way i can respond is through a muffled groan into the bunched up sheets, holding on as hard as i can.
he grabs my hair into a makeshift ponytail and pulls my head up,
“answer me. you like it, no- you love it, don’t you?”
“yes, i fucking love it chris!” i say as i gasp for oxygen, and he shoves my face back into the pillow, spewing praises and profanities into the air.
“i-i’m close baby, where should i cum? “chris says, his strokes becoming sloppier by the second, and i feel him twitch inside me, causing myself to clench around him.
“me too, shit, i-inside me, cum inside me,” i breath, way beyond fucked out to realize the consequences of those words.
with one last stroke, he releases inside me, and i feel myself become warm inside, both from him and my own cum painting his dick.
we simultaneously pant as he pulls out, and i flip myself over, feeling completely drunk off fucking him.
his body crashes down next to me, delivering sweet kisses to my face and lips, unlike his previous animalistic behavior just a few seconds ago.
“are you okay? how was that? did i hurt you?” he questions through pants, i giggle at the change in demeanor.
“i’m okay, it was perfect, and no you didn’t. i loved it, chris.” i say, running my hands gently through is slightly wet hair, some strands sticking to his forehead from the sex-sweat build up.
“i want to keep doing this,” chris starts
“me too-“
“but i want to be more,” the words leave his lips quickly, and his eyes focus between mine, analyzing my face, searching for a response.
“me too,” i state again, “but what are we going to tell nick? matt?” the idea of telling them didn’t cross my mind, but the anxiety of having to face them about that makes my heart race.
“we can keep it to ourselves— for right now,” the octave of his voice raising slightly at the end, posing his proposition almost as a question.
i smile and place a gentle kiss on his lips, “we can do that, but not for too long, okay,” i say after pulling away.
chris smiles warmly at me, “okay, but we should really go back to sleep. it’s 5:30,”
i almost get whiplash turning my head to look at the clock so fast, and i widen my eyes at how much time has passed.
“good idea,” i reply, shakily crawling back under the covers.
“you’re sleeping naked?” he questions.
“yes, is that a problem? you coming back here or not?” i raise my eyebrows at him,
chris shakes his head; “not at all, come lay on me,” he makes his way to his side and opens his arms for me, and i inch my way over into his warm grasp.
chris places a soft kiss on my forehead, and i can feel myself slowly drifting into sleep. i don’t think im going to scare the shit out of nick, my mind thinking of my previous vendetta against him; little does he know he did me a huge favor.
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scarlethexelove · 1 day
Help Me Forget
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1841
Warnings: Talks of death, Not understanding emotions, depression, comfort, smut, Intersex!Natasha, P in V, soft sex, sex used as a distraction, Soft!Nat, Unprotected sex
A/n: So this was a request for someone going through a hard time. Hopefully this helps a little and you like it.
You lay in bed because it is all you can think of doing. Not wanting to move from what little comfort you are getting from the blankets nestled around you. Your emotions are wildly all over the place and you don’t know how to feel. A numb feeling taking over but at the same time you want to cry. So you stay here unmoving curled up and hidden away. 
Natasha has been looking all around for you. Normally you always join her for breakfast after she has finished her workout. But as she entered the kitchen you weren’t to be found. She checks all the places that you would normally hang out but you weren’t in any of them. So she makes her way back to your shared bedroom. 
The door slowly creaked open as Nat made her way into the room. The door softly closed behind her. She can see your form on the bed, the slight rise and fall as you breathe. “Malyshka?” She calls out cautiously to you. When you don’t reply she gets closer to the bed checking to see if maybe you are asleep. You don’t move as she comes into view and she can now see that you're awake. 
Nat crouches down in front of you and she can see the distant look in your eyes as tears shine. “Detka what’s wrong?” Your eyes slowly drift to hers that are full of concern. Your lip trembles as the tears escape your eyes. Nat quickly slots in front of you on the tiniest part of the bed. Pulling you into her chest. Your tears soaking into the skin of her chest. She lets you cry, kissing the top of your head and whispering sweet words. It all feels too much in the moment. You pull back quickly wiping the fallen tears. “Sorry.” You mumble as you sit up and shuffle away letting her have more space. “Malyshka please what’s wrong?” She gently strokes your cheek. 
You don’t speak. It’s hard to find the words that you want to say. You feel so much comfort from Nat being there but you also feel so overwhelmed and somehow numb at the same time. It’s so confusing and jarring for you that you don’t know what to do or say. But Nat doesn’t push you. She continues to gently stroke your cheek with her thumb as you unconsciously nuzzle into her hand. 
“My friend died.” You mumble breaking the once silent room. “Oh malyshka, I’m so sorry.” Nat shuffles closer to you where you now sit in the middle of the bed. She hesitates for a moment wanting nothing more to pull you into her but not wanting to push you. “May I?” She questions. You nod letting yourself fall into her embrace. It comforts you that she is willing to check with you before pulling you in after not long ago pulling away. A few more tears prick your eyes. “I-I don’t know. S-She was just here and now. I don’t know how, how I’m… I’m sorry.” You cling to her tightly as she has her arms wrapped around you. 
“I know sweetheart.” Nat gently kisses your head and holds you tightly. “Everyone grieves in a different way. It’s okay not to know how to feel. Emotions are complex and take time to understand. And it’s okay if you don’t figure it out either. I will be here for you. I love you so much and anything you need from me I will be here to help. I love you more than anything in this world.” You let more tears slip as her words sink in. You don’t know how she knew what you couldn’t even say but she always does. She knows you better than you even know yourself. You don’t need to say thank you, she already knows just how much you appreciate her and all she does for you. It's a bond built on love, understanding, and communication that allows the unspoken words to be known between you. 
The room falls silent again as Nat comforts you. When you feel yourself calm you look up at Nat, her green eyes staring back at you with a soft smile playing on her lips. “Help me forget.” Your words are low. “What do you want me to do detka?” You place small kisses on her neck. “Please?” You whisper between light kisses. Your words sink in and she understands what you want, but she isn’t sure it’s a good time for this. “Are you sure?” She pulls you back and cups your face in her hands. You give her a small nod. “I don’t wanna think right now.” Nat nods. “Okay.” She pulls you in and kisses you. The kisses is soft and full of love. It’s nothing like how your normal kisses are. Less hungry for one another. 
As the kiss deepens you slowly roll onto your back as Nat follows leaning over you and propping herself up. Not breaking the kiss once in the process. When the need for air becomes apparent Nat pulls away leaning back. You try to chase after her a small whine leaving your lips. “Shhh detka. I’m not going anywhere.” You can see the growing bulge in her workout shorts. One of her hands goes to your hips and her finger hooks into the band of your sleep shorts. She silently asks for permission to take them off. You lift your hips which signals for her to pull them down. She pulls them completely off before throwing them off the bed. She follows by pulling her sports bra off. You sit up a little and take off the shirt you are wearing leaving you bare as Nat gets up to pull her shorts and boxers off. Her hardened cock springing free from their tight confines before she climbs back on the bed and hovers over you. 
“Are you sure about this?” Nat questions again want to make sure that you are one hundred percent on board with this. Your hand cups her cheek as you look deeply in her eyes. “I’m sure. I want to forget just for a little bit. I just want you.” She smiles at you and nods.”If you want me to stop at any time just tell me.” You nod and she  leans back down to kiss you again. It’s slow and passionate. Your arms wrap loosely around her neck as she presses her body into yours, keeping most of her weight off of you by holding herself up. You can feel her cock nudging close to where you want her. “Please.” You whimper. She pecks your lips. 
Nat moves her hand down holding herself up with her other arm. She lines herself up with your waiting entrance nudging lightly before slowly sinking in. The head of her cock stretches you open as it fully presses in. She moves her hand back beside your head leaning over you as she slowly sinks her full length inside of you. Your arms wrap back around her neck as your mouth opens slightly. A gasp escaping your lips when her hips meet yours. You let your legs wrap around her waist as she waits for you to adjust to the stretch. She leans down gently nipping and sucking at the skin of your neck. 
When you’re ready for her to move you grind into her. She smirks against your skin pulling her hips back before pushing back into you. It’s slow at first, almost too slow but she picks up the pace. But this time isn’t like others, she keeps it to a slower more sensual pace. It’s not about pounding you into the mattress, it is about love and comfort. 
Nat’s pace stays the same as she thrust into you. Small gasps and moans leave your lips as she continues. It’s like nothing you have felt before it’s not just fucking it is making love. It’s somehow exhilarating to feel all of her love for you in such a different way. Your legs pulling her closer begging to feel more of her, all of her.  She can feel it too. The difference in how your body is reacting to hers. Both of you becoming love drunk on one another. 
As Nat’s steady pace continues you can feel yourself getting closer. The knot in your stomach is growing and so is hers. You cup her face in your hands pulling her lips to yours and kissing her. Letting her slip her tongue in your mouth as she swallows your moans. Exploring each other's mouths with each passing second, so close to falling over the edge. 
Your walls grip her length as you grow near. Nat’s thrust becomes sloppy. You're both so close to the edge. The kiss becomes harder to maintain the closer you get. Nat breaks away burying her head in your neck as breathy moans escape your lips. She gently kisses your neck knowing you can’t hold on much longer with how hard you are sucking her in and she can’t hold out much longer. “Cum with me detka.” She mumbles against your skin. You don’t need to be told twice as you release on her cock. Your juices coating her length as she gently thrust a few more times before she paints your walls white. Your legs pull her as close as you can as she finishes. 
Nat slows her thrusts to help ride out both of your highs. Your chest heaves as you come down from your high and Nat’s thrusts come to a stop. She slowly pulls out of you. The mix of your juices leaking out as you whine at the loss. “Shh it’s ok sweetheart.” Nat kisses your head before she crawls off the bed. “I’ll be right back.” She tells you as she heads to the bathroom. She comes back out with a washcloth after having cleaned herself up a bit. She crawls back onto the bed and gently cleans you up making sure not to hurt you since you're still sensitive. She tosses the washcloth into the pile of clothes to clean up late before she lays down beside you. 
You cuddle up into Nat’s side, the closeness you can feel as your naked bodies come together is soothing. She wraps her arms around you tightly as you lay your head on her chest. “Thank you Natty.” You look up at her with your chin on her chest. She leans and kisses your forehead. “I would do anything for you detka.” You blush a little and smile. “I love you.” You say as you lay your head back down. “I love you too.” Nat leans back and pulls you that much closer to her. Things will still be hard but Nat will be there every step of the way. Making sure to help you navigate through your emotions and even provide a distraction at times. No matter what she is always there for you as you are for her.
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theealbatross · 13 hours
a habit to kick, an age old curse (s.s)
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Plot | They're no longer friends unfortunately they're still soulmates.
or, you and Sebastian are now strangers but at your most vulnerable moment he picks up the pieces. Only he knows. Only he can.
Tags | angst, heartbreak, when you're too depressed to confess, sebastian and the bad bitch he pulled by being stupid, sebastian is an academic weapon if he wants to, mentions of fire torture, murder (self-defense), trauma, emotional cheating (if u squint), slight fluff as a treat, panic attack, PTSD, Anne is dead, 3k-ish of angst
[A/N: Stream 'i love you, i'm sorry' by gracie for full immersion.]
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Quidditch Season was important for every student in Hogwarts but it was the after-parties that everyone was truly looking forward to, house pride aside. 
Which is what exactly Garreth had been barred from. “I can’t believe I wasn’t given an invitation just cause I’m friends with you! I’m not even a Slytherin! And I make the best punches!”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, sighing. Even he didn’t think those pesky Ravenclaws would take their competition this seriously. It all started when he had finally decided to become an auror, after a peaceful, distraction-free year and careful deliberations from each of his professors, he was given the informal encouragement that he was one of the few students who had the potential to become a trainee to such a prestigious program. With his ever-growing physique and indisputable intellect, it would simply be a question of effort.
He just needed to be at the top of all the classes required of him. This was the tragic news for all those Ravenclaw dreams – once Sebastian had his sights on it, it was as good as his.
He hadn’t expected that their ire of him extended to his friends. Even refusing to invite them to the first party of the year that the Ravenclaw had won against the Hufflepuffs. Sebastian had half the mind to join his own House’s quidditch team even with his packed schedule just so he could wipe the floor with them. It would be worth never sleeping again.
“What do you want me to do Gar –”
A piece of paper hung from above him, the hand it was hanging from was connected to a face he hadn’t seen this closely in a long, long time. Even the whisper of her name in his mouth felt foreign – a tragic circumstance when a lifetime ago she had been a kindred soul.
Before he could say anything else, Garreth had already snatched the paper from in-between his eyes. “Is this – Really?!”
“The password for today’s party, try to sneak in when the ‘guards’ are smashed,” she grinned at the redhead. Then, Sebastian felt a cold blade slice through his chest (a hand suspiciously touching the spot just to check) when she looked back down at him again. “For old time’s sake.”
It took him a moment too long to realize she was talking to him too. But his tongue felt heavy and stuck, the metaphorical rug under his feet getting pulled out when he least expected it.
He nodded.
“See you around.”
He stared as she waltzes gracefully from the bustling crowd, getting roped into a hug by her boyfriend, William Frey, the bloody captain of the Ravenclaws. When he had heard about it, he couldn’t quite point out why he hated his smug, pretty face but then, using his blessed brain he got his bitter answer: they were too damn perfect together.
He was everything she deserved.
Smart, popular, kind, and comes from a good family that will be able to support her in whatever endeavors she might be up to in the future.
Not an orphaned criminal who couldn’t even save her sister.
The state of their friendship – or lack thereof – was pitiful but he knew it was for the better. Without each other in the way she can be loved by all those around her – something he has never been able to offer with his murky history that left a rubble of a man. And without her he can forget about his failures and mistakes, distract himself with as much schoolwork as he can cram in his head and never remember the times he sacrificed their friendship for his own gain only to lose it all anyways.
If he doesn’t see her then he can forget – he failed and his twin sister is dead.
A brilliant witch with a brilliant future didn’t deserve to be associated with failures.
“That was tense,” William whispered in your ears as he led you towards the courtyard. “A friend of yours?”
A flash of the lives you’ve lived with the Slytherin flashed before your eyes. Friends, what a lowly name.
You faked a smile, fighting every urge in your body to look back.
“A long time ago.”
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The party was loud, no doubt the quidditch players were milking any taste of victory they have before they deal with whoever wins between the Slytherins and Gryffindor’s next week.
The music was loud, nearly pounding through the silencing charms in the walls of the common room. William at the thick in all of it, celebrating with his teammates, not forgetting to wave at you in your seat with that charming smile that usually makes you swoon.
However, it was the charmed fireworks all over the ceiling that had your heart exploding out of your chest. Flashes of nightmares at every pop.
The dark forest, the ruined castle, the ropes in your stretched out hands as Rookwoods men threw all sort of fiery spells at you as target practice.
You pinched your eyes shut, shaking your head, trying to focus on breathing.
When you were starting to get dizzy you knew it wasn’t working. You tried to push through the crowd, reach your boyfriend somehow and at least let him know what was going on but it was impossible. It was the peak of the party when everyone was too drunk to do anything but drink more and dance more. With a shuddering breath, you instead skirted around the crowd and escaped narrowly through the doors of the Ravenclaw common room.
Not even bothering with a disillusionment spell, knowing damn well all the prefects would be in the party, you ran to the nearest floo to travel to your common room.
However, even the silence and comfort of the top of the common room wasn’t enough to ground you as you stumbled straight down the cold tiles, a yelp escaping your mouth from the sting of your skin.
“Someone there?”
That voice, distant but familiar. Painfully familiar. Your eyes continue to blur as your breath hastened, your limbs too weak, and the cold floor too damn comfortable for your overheating body.
“Are you alright?” He’s closer now, at the bottom of the stairs.
No, no, no.
In your desperation, you swallowed your pride. Forgetting in the moment how humiliated you will be to be seen by the last person in your house you wanted to show this side of you.
He would take care of you.
He always takes care of you.
“Sebastian,” you could barely croak out in between your gasps. Silence followed and you whimpered, crawling down to the edge of the top of the stairs when you heard fast footsteps ascending and there he was.
“Fucking hell, what happened to you?!”
Before you could try to say anything else you were already carried in his arms, Sebastian’s panic at seeing someone that was always so shiny and untouchable on a daily basis gasping and writhing in their common room floor was something he had not prepared himself to see tonight.
He thought the worst would be drunk seniors he would have to haul up their rooms not his … not you.
Carefully, he placed you on the nearest couch, your grip in his arms painful but welcome as it grounded him and prevented him from rattling when he saw your pale face covered with sweat and tears.
“Pet, you gotta help me here, what’s going on?! What do you need?!”
His eyes plotted your face, firm hands frantically running across your body to check for any stain of blood or hints of the source of your pain. It was agonizingly intimate, especially with the knowledge of how much this has happened in the past – one of you writhing in pain, the other doing their darndest to fix it.
A shot of pain pierced your chest when you suddenly breathed in, making you cry out and crawl into his arms.
Your calming medicine – it was in your bedside table. However, it was no use, like blood was not reaching your brain and all you know to do is to just hold on to Sebastian.
In a blink, your face was buried in Sebastian’s neck, the entirety of your curled up body tightly held together by him as he sat you in his lap, arms wrapped protectively around your body. “Breathe with me,” he whispers, taking deep slow puffs and caressing your hair. “That’s it, deep breathes. Follow me, darling. Enough with your crying now, listen to my voice.”
In. Out. The clean scent of the common room, faint sweet smell of his favorite tea.
In. Out. The sweat on his skin, the cologne he had worn since the first day you met him.
In. Out. Old books, fresh parchment, thick ink, and the throbbing aroma of the Amortentia you brewed last week.
“Hey,” you could feel the sweat start to cool your skin, his rough hand worked on your cheeks as he continued to cradle you in his arms. His body relaxing with yours until you could take up air on your own. “What hap –”
“What in Merlin’s … did you do this?”
You stared up in wonder, the two of you surrounded by a large bubble, the ones you usually see when you throw a Protego, except this one continued to enclose you. Now that your panic has passed you realize you can’t hear anything else but … the sound of water?
He looked shy, rubbing the back of his neck as he settled you back on the couch. It was only then you realized that you had been in his lap this entire time. You hoped the dim light of the common room hid the embarrassment in your face.  “It’s … something I’ve made. Helps me sleep at night. What you’re hearing is the sounds under the Black Lake. I’m gonna write a paper on it for Ronen, should get me a couple of points.”
Ah, his valiant academic conflict with the Ravenclaws did not escape even you. They’re going to fucking curse him in their sleep when they realize he was a lap ahead of his competition.
Now that your vision wasn’t doubling you could faintly see a golden string that connected from the bubble, straight through the tall glass window of the common room. “Sebastian, this is brilliant.”
A flare of nervousness lodged in your chest when Sebastian suddenly looked at you– the gaze that let you know that he could see right through you. He always saw right through you – you’d grown to hate it.
“We don’t have to talk about it.”
He was a gentleman – always had been. It could be the fact that he had (has? is it too soon?) a sister that he was so well-versed in the heart of a lady. But aside from that – Sebastian, at some point in time, was someone who knew the most. And the gods’ honest truth is you never could hide a secret from him.
It could be the alcohol in your system or the buried instinctive nature to tell him everything back when the two of you spent late nights in the Room of Requirement and talked about everything being unearthed but you felt like being honest. Even if the boy beside you had grown into a stranger.
“I’m … remember when I got kidnapped by … and you …”
And you saved me.
Again. Always.
He was there, charging headfirst, ignoring Professor Fig’s warnings and Ominis’ pleas to wait for the Aurors in Hogsmeade. When he arrived, he saw the burn marks, bruises, and wounds all over your body and just saw red … and left red. 
“The Rookwood incident?”
By the time back up had arrived the two of you were slumped on each other and surrounded by corpses, eyes blank and suspicious, desperately holding on to each other.
“The Rookwood incident,” you nodded. “What I didn’t tell you is that before you had arrived, they had been … they tied me and threw fire spells at me, that’s where I got my wounds. I never told you because –”
He was too angry. And you were too terrified of pushing your closest friend to the darkness he had been tethering on. Not that it mattered, he fell right to that cliff on his own.
“I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widened, hands shaking in front of you. “No, Seb, it’s not like tha –”
“I know you were trying to protect me. You always were,” he shook his head, now it was him who couldn’t look at you. “How many scars did I give you?”
“I healed just fine –”
“Then let me rephrase my question, “ This time, the look in his eyes terrified you. The intensity, the guilt – it was so palpable you almost want to cup his face the way you used to, to ease his cruel burden. “How many of these nightmares have I cursed you with?”
Your silence made his bitter smile grow. You don’t have to say it because he (always) knows – the worst nightmares were the ones with him in it.
“Does … does he know about it?”
You nodded, “He does. William tried to help, sent me to the best mind doctors last summer but … I’m just so tired. I’m tired of the tests, the probing in my brain – he means well, I know he does but there’s nothing those strangers can tell me that I don’t already know.”
With an understanding expression on his face, the two of you sat in silence, staring at the large windows hovering over the two of you as the deep quiet of the lake echoed in the fragile haven he had conjured up. If you close your eyes, if you forget about everything else, you could almost trick you mind that these was one of those good times.
That you’d turn and find him buried in between towers of books you had borrowed from the library and Ominis would be sleeping against the wall of the Undercroft. And then you’d catch his eyes and he would smile – a silent message between two people who didn’t need to speak to communicate – and the silence would stretch, just like this, but you would be together again.
“I could teach you.”
You raised an eyebrow and despite himself he chuckled. He didn’t have the best history with teaching you spells, after all. “This charm, I mean.”
How many cures has been shoved in your throat? How many disappointments you hid in lies that, yes the Calming Elixir cures me of such flaws. Did you need any more help? Would it fix you this time?
“It won’t fix anything but it might ..” he shrugged. “… make tomorrow easier.”
You’re terrified of him, you realize. How can someone know you so deeply without ever even realizing it? Does he know? The power he has over you? How you would’ve burned your life to the ground if he had asked for it?
Ask, you wanted to scream. Ask. Ask. Ask.
“Alright,” He seemed surprised, you smiled at the face he made. “Couldn’t hurt.”
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For all his nonchalance it was a complicated charm to cast. “No, it has to be more than half a circle when you swish it –”
This was familiar. A bit more awkward and with a lot more strain but it was familiar – if all had gone well this would have been just an unremarkable day in your life. You can’t help but wonder if your burden would be lighter if he was the one helping you carry it.
You swallowed your thoughts back down, no sense in dreaming of different realities now. Because this was your life and the worst thing that could possibly happen did happen. So, you’ll take all that you can get – even if it’s just one last night pretending everything didn’t slip out of your hands.
“No, here, let me guide you,” When Sebastian was in his ‘professor mode’ as you and Ominis used to tease him for, he gets so focused on teaching that he doesn’t notice anything else, doesn’t even notice your gasp as he wrapped an arm around your back, grasping the hand with your wand and helping you trace the shape needed to cast the spell. “And the word is ‘Salus.”
Salus. Safety. Salvation.
That’s who he was. Your Sebastian. “Salus.”
On cue, a bubble surrounded the two of you once again, the white noise of the castle replaced by the deep lake’s groans. “Perfect.”
Despite the time you spend learning all sorts of complicated magic, it never takes away the quick flutter of your chest in excitement at every spell you master. “I did it!” You turned to be Sebastian but he was already looking at you.
You’ve always told him if you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought Sebastian was the true heir of Slytherin. He just fits here – in the dim lights, and emerald furniture, and the coldness that emphasizes just how warm he is. “… beautiful.”
“What?” He was staring, his hooded gaze, the freckles you had always wanted to trace into constellations, the part on his lips that teases your skin with his breath.
“Your technique is beautiful.” He’s lying, you don’t catch it. Suddenly, your half-pinned hair fell apart, Sebastian having pulled away the clip holding it away from your face. “Now, lay down.”
His arms were gentle and firm as they guided you to lay across the wide couch, Sebastian having scooted down to sit on the floor, face in front of yours. He’s so close. “Sleep.”
You hope he knows, that if your sleep remains dreamless tonight and if your tomorrow is easier, it’s not because of his painfully complicated spell. Your eyes waver, the edges of your sight dimming and blurring. You feel a touch on your cheek, you try to chase it. The last thing you see is his deep brown eyes and the soft smile that had been the biggest curse he had unknowingly laid on you.
He has to know, right?
You have to tell him.
Sebastian, I’ve always – I still – I never stop –
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“Hey, wake up.”
Your eyes split open, another ghost of your past in front of you. “Ominis?”
The noise slowly trickled as you became more aware, eyes shifting to you, some out of curiosity why you picked the couch as a resting place instead of your bedroom a few feet away or some that saw you in the party that held some pity, probably thinking you’re suffering the worst hangover of your life.
“William Frey is looking for you by the door,” he muttered sharply. It’s been a while since you and Ominis interacted, his tattered friendship with Sebastian extending to your own as the boy’s most loyal comrade in his pursuit of destruction. You know he lays a blame you and for that you couldn’t blame him. “Honestly, I had thought you had grown out of your foolish habit of sleeping everywhere.”
“I-I’m … sorry?”
He shook his head before turning to leave.
Had … had everything been a dream?
You looked around suspiciously, for what you weren’t quite sure. A sign? A pillow out of place that could be evidence that last night happened?
It wasn’t mere delusion, you were sure. The knowledge of the spell in your head evidence enough of the small moment you shared with an old friend last night but it would be nice to have some sort of proof. A tangible confirmation that you could keep with you as you return to your reality.
With a sigh you let your disappointment fester for a second longer, locking last night in the deepest part of your heart, one that can only be unearthed once again in your loneliest nights.
A practiced smile cements on your face, turning to the chair one last time to allow yourself one more moment of hesitation before going up the stairs.
Back to the beautiful boy who will only see the beautiful parts of you and leaving the one who gets the honor of keeping the shadows.
Inside the boy’s dormitory Sebastian stares at the stolen emerald clip on his bedside table.
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robinsegghead · 2 days
Danny's Daycare Part 7
[Master List]
   “This ain’t some weird trick, right?” Miguel asked for the fifth time since Danny had showed them their new place. Both boys had been shocked into silence upon entering the space, eventually following Danny around to see their rooms and bathroom.
            Shaking his head, Danny swallowed his bite of pizza. “I bought the building with the intention of giving the apartments to people who needed them. You guys need a safe place to stay.”
            Miguel eyed him warily, glancing at Jazz who’d been mostly quiet since they’d arrived, knowing they were overwhelmed. “We can’t stay here without pullin’ our weight. Wha’s rent like?”
            Danny hummed, considering. Jazz looked at him in shock, thinking he was actually planning on charging the boys rent. Finally, Danny wiped his hands of the pizza grease, folded them on the table, and looked at both boys seriously. “Here’s the deal I’m proposing. You two live here until you’re at least eighteen AND,” He emphasized the word, so they knew he was serious. “have graduated from high school. That’s it. That’s the rent. You’ll be paying me back by getting an education.”
            “But tha’s ridiculous!” Santiago shouted, clearly torn between confusion and hope. “Nobody gives nothin’ out for free! It just ain’t done!”
            Sitting back, Danny contemplated what he’d need to say to help them understand his intentions. Jazz met his gaze and gave him a subtle nod, knowing what he was thinking about doing. “My parents,” Danny started. Jazz stood up, clearing away trash and dishes as he told a story neither wanted to relive. “didn’t pay me or my sister much attention.”
            That was a safe start right? He didn’t need to explain the whole ghost thing or that they tortured him, just a bit of background. “They forgot my seventh birthday, too caught up in work to be bothered and after that it wasn’t occasional forgetfulness. Most days they didn’t know where I was, what I was up to, how I was doing in school, who my friends were, because they were too busy to care.
            “That put a lot of responsibility on my shoulders and even more on my sister’s. She basically raised me.” He dipped his head in her direction as she put away the leftovers. “In my freshman year my grades began to suffer, and I struggled with really bad anxiety, but I didn’t have parents to help me with that, because they didn’t really know me as a person.”
            Taking in a deep breath, Miguel looked between the Nightingales. “What’s that gotta do with us, though?”
            “My sister, who spent her entire childhood taking care of everyone but herself,” He added with a smirk. “likes to remind me that I can’t help everyone, as much as I might try. But,” the two boys were watching him closely, absorbing his every word. “I can help some people. And I can help you. Don’t tell Jazz but I’m always trying to be more like her. And I think, if she had the resources I do, that she’d help you guys out.
            “Let me help a couple of siblings who don’t have parents looking out for them.” Danny pleaded. “Please.”
            Miguel and Santiago had a silent conversation, the air hung heavy in the room as they seemed to come to a decision. “A’ight man, you seem chill.” Miguel shrugged, the rest of the tension leaving his body. 
            It didn’t take long after that for the boys to start showing how tired they were. Jazz grabbed her stuff and headed out with a ‘I’ll call you tomorrow, brother’ thrown over her shoulder. Danny reminded the boys that he was across the hall and one door down and that if there was an emergency they could use their emergency key to get into his place. They’d seemed surprised by that, but Danny reminded them that he was, essentially, their guardian now, and he was there if they needed him.
            “Tomorrow I’ll come by around ten and we can go get you guys some school supplies and anything else you want or need, yeah?” Danny asked, moving towards the door.
            Miguel was pushing Santiago towards his room like a good older brother. “Sure, sounds good.”
            For the first time in a while, Danny got a full night of sleep. This was the shocking realization he came to when he awoke to his alarm and felt rested. The first thing he did was search his fridge for food- he was starving- and remembered Red Hood’s little gifts. The chicken parm had been pretty good, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a home cooked meal, even if he did have to reheat it.
            Sticking the stew in a pot, Danny began the process of reheating another Red Hood MealTM and planned out the day mentally. They’d need to get some basic school supplies to start working on tutoring, they’d get more specific items when school actually started, but for now, calculators, notebooks, pens, pencils, and some workbooks would be fine.
            After that they’d need to get the boys each a phone and at least one computer for them to share. It would be necessary for school anyways, hopefully he could convince them to just let him buy them each a laptop but that might be difficult.
            Although it was Saturday, and he planned on Saturdays being tutoring days, Danny didn’t plan on working on any school stuff once they got home. They would certainly be overwhelmed by everything else going on and didn’t need one more thing to add to it. Plus, Danny needed to figure out exactly how to teach these kids everything they needed to know. 
            Had they ever gone to school? If so, what level had they gotten to? What were their learning styles? Who would he bring in to teach the subjects he sucked at? Like English- Danny was bad at the arts. English, Social sciences, even history, he wasn’t very good at. 
            Shaking his head, he dished out the stew and tried not to get caught up on the details. He was winging it, and maybe that was a bad thing when it came to kids, but it was better than what they’d had going on before, so he wouldn’t be too hard on himself.
            (Who was he kidding? Danny was only ever hard on himself, and he only ever piled the work on until he was buried under an avalanche of paperwork and drama.)
            The boy seemed almost surprised when he knocked on their door at ten AM sharp.
            “You have a key, y’know.” Santiago muttered, closing the door behind Danny.
            Danny frowned. “This is your home, Santiago. I’m not using my key unless there’s an emergency.” He offered a smile to Santiago’s contemplative face, before clapping his hands together. “All right, where’s that brother of yours?”
            The younger boy frowned. “He wasn’t feeling too good.” Right. Because stab wounds don’t heal quickly, not for normal people- Danny you can’t just forget things like that! “Said we should go without ‘im.” 
            “Well that won’t do.” Danny sighed. “We need to get those supplies, but I don’t want to go without Miguel, do you?” Santiago shook his head hesitantly. “Then it’s settled. We will simply order everything we need and when Miguel’s feeling better we can go out. Have you eaten yet?”
            Santiago shrugs, not meeting Danny’s eyes. So that’s a no. Without another word, Danny begins searching the fridge and cupboards for what he needed. He wasn’t much of a cook, there was a reason he hadn’t had a homemade meal in a long time, but he could do pancakes, and he knew he’d bought the ingredients for it too.
            The younger boy just watched, silently, as Danny began measuring out flour. 
            “So,” Danny started, immediately regretting it and feeling just as awkward as he was in high school. “I did my best to get you guys the necessities. I don’t want to overwhelm you, but when I say that you can ask for anything, I mean anything.” He emphasized his words by looking Santiago directly in the eye until the boy looked away. “If you want a TV, tools for a hobby, books, literally anything, you just have to ask.”
            The boy licked his lips, still not making eye contact but at least he nodded. They’d work on it. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?
            Danny tried again. “What do you do for fun, Santiago?”
            The boy shrugged again, leaning against the counter and watching Danny closely.
            “So you… want to help me?” He asked, hesitantly, maybe he was reading the boy wrong. But before he could rescind the offer or change the subject, the boy nodded slowly, moving closer to Danny. “Okay, first things first, you gotta wash your hands.”
            The morning was filled with the smell of fresh pancakes and the quiet conversation between Danny and Santiago. At one point Miguel ventured out of his room and Danny gave him a stack of pancakes, drawing him into the conversation. Early afternoon Miguel moved from the living room back to his room to take a nap but not before Danny could change his bandages. There was something incredibly domestic about it. Danny didn’t think too hard about it.
            He let Santiago help him pick out some school supplies online as well as a phone case and anything else that caught his eye- including a TV which Santiago assured him he ‘didn’t need especially because it had been three years since he’d seen a movie so what was even the point?’ which Danny thought was code for ‘a television is an absolute necessity’. 
He bought the TV. 
            The rest of the weekend was spent making sure the boys felt comfortable and Miguel was healing well. He made an appointment with Dr. Thompkins for the following Saturday to check up on the boy and maybe get his stitches out depending on how everything was looking- Danny wasn’t a great judge of such things on humans anymore. 
            He’d pushed his own organs back inside himself, held his chest closed, snapped bones back into place-
            Humans were fragile.
          �� He was somewhat grateful he wasn’t that fragile anymore- though he was sporting a rather purple bruise under his left eye from yet another power nap. (He’d thought those were gone after his restful Friday night but apparently not.) It was fine, the bruise would be gone within a day or so and he’d be more careful to take his power naps on sleeping surfaces instead of while standing.
            Miguel had insisted they’d be fine; that Danny didn’t need to take another day off of work to watch over them, and Danny (who’d promised not to act like their parent) had agreed. Still, he left a clone in his apartment to be there in case of an emergency. 
Anxiety was a feeling Danny was familiar with, after much introspection in his adult life he’d come to the conclusion that he’d had anxiety since he was seven, but anxiety relating to children he was responsible for on this level was new, and terrifying. Of course he’d felt responsible for all of the people in Amity Park, and all of the ghosts he came across, but never had he been so completely responsible for the safety of two children who had no one else to depend on. 
 How he got into this situation escaped him. He’d never cared much for kids- Jazz said him not wanting kids was because he’d never been allowed to be a kid in the first place- and yet, here he was, with a daycare, four cats, and now two teenagers dependent on him. 
Ancients help him…
When he got to the daycare there were already two families waiting outside to drop their kids off- should he open earlier? Quickly, he unlocked the doors, turned the power on, and signed the kids in for the day. He had a couple of hours before Mia showed up (and Ember had already told him she wouldn’t be coming in for a few days) so he cloned himself to entertain Clara, Maru, and Benji while he looked over paperwork.
It never ended.
There was a steady increase in kids, Danny had to get rid of his clone every time someone new showed up and then reclone himself after they left, and by the time Mia arrived he was managing fourteen kids by himself. Sort of. Obviously, with clones, he was fine albeit a little tired, but once Mia showed up it was just the two of them.
Nap time couldn’t come soon enough.
“They’re all out cold.” Mia whispered, closing the door to the nap room. “You look like you also need a nap.”
He dropped an armful of toys into the toy bin and sighed. “A nap sounds good but I can’t. I need to finally finish setting up the website for this place so we can hopefully start getting applications online.” He paused, feeling Mia’s concerned gaze on his back. “I want to extend the hours of this place.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was. Two families were waiting at the door this morning because we didn't open early enough for their needs.” He rubbed a tired hand across his brow and leaned against the nearest desk. “So… I need to hire some more people to maintain not only the hours we already have that are abysmally understaffed, but to open earlier. I haven’t been able to accept any new families recently either, we just can’t safely take care of anymore kids without more staff.”
Mia pursed her lips. “School’s just about out. I’ll be graduating and looking to work a bit more. I was going to bring it up anyways, but I’d like to work full time.”
He nodded, pulling out his phone to order food. “I can do that. You want to work earlier or later? And what do you want for lunch?”
“Earlier is better, Mama and I switch off cooking dinner so I don’t want to be home too late. What are you thinking? Thai kind of sounds good.” Mia took her usual spot in a bean bag towards the entrance of the room and pulled out the monitor set up to watch the kids.
Before Danny could respond, the bell rang. He and Mia shared looks, no one ever showed up in the middle of the day- not unless it was a last minute emergency. Mia made to move but Danny shook his head, and set his phone down. Someone needed to watch the kids while he saw who had shown up so late.
What he’d expected was a frazzled parent with a child, hoping to leave them here for a few hours because their babysitter had fallen through or they got called into work or some other reason most parents had.
What he did not expect to see was the very tall, very well built, Red Hood, holding a tupperware container. Before he could get a word out- which he wasn’t sure wouldn’t have simply been some kind of ‘wha?’ Red Hood tilted his head.
“Do you not eat or something?”
Hood offered the food container. “Cause I’ve left you food a few times now and every time the old stuff is still there. If you think it’s poisoned I can take a bite first to prove it’s not.”
Danny’s jaw hung open, face screwed up in confusion, not really knowing what he was supposed to say. “Uh… I’ve been busy…” He took the container trying to ignore the stupid flutter in his stomach when their fingers brushed and noted how warm it was. “I had the chicken parmesan the other day and… uh the stew as well. They were really good- why are you leaving me food?”
The vigilante shrugged, hands on hips (which Danny tried very hard not to look at). “Think of it as a thank you for-” He glanced at the closed door. “What you did when we met. If you told people it was you I wouldn’t be the only person thanking you.”
Shaking his head, Danny set the container down. “You- YOU are thanking me for kill-” He looked at the door again. “For what happened?”
“Why’d you say it like that?”
Why’d he say it like that? Why’d he say it like that? “You- I-” Danny shut his mouth before he could accidentally reveal he’s the King of the Infinite Realms and that he had always wanted to meet the Red Hood to thank HIM. “No reason. Uh… well, you don’t have to do that, you know, if you don’t want to. I mean- it’s really good though! I appreciate it!”
A thought occurred to him. “How did you know I worked here?”
It was difficult to tell exactly what expression Hood was making sometimes, but he was pretty sure the bastard was smirking as he turned away and pushed the door open, pausing in the entrance. “It’s my job to find people of interest- and you are certainly a person of interest.”
Danny might have died again just a little bit.
  Miguel POV
It had been a week since he and Santi had moved into the apartment Danny had provided for them. A week since he’d been stabbed. Doc Thompkins had said he was healing well at the check up he’d had the night prior and he felt like he was. The first few days had been… frustrating. He’d moved into an entirely new place and instead of being able to assess the situation, search for threats, create escape plans, he’d been stuck in bed, eating homemade pancakes and taking washcloth baths.
Danny was… strange. He came over at least once a day, usually after work because he left so early in the mornings, and cooked a meal. Again, usually dinner because he came over in the evenings, but twice he’d come over, cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and then cooked a meal for breakfast the following day before cleaning the kitchen again.
He asked about their days, what they needed, what they wanted, and didn’t act like their dad. It was refreshing and surprising but not once did Danny scold them, lay down ground rules, or try to tell them what to do. He acted like a friend.
Miguel hadn’t had a friend in a long time.
So on Friday night when Danny came over to make dinner and asked if Miguel felt well enough to go shopping the following day, he’d agreed. Well, he’d argued a bit- they didn’t need anything else Danny had given them more than he’d ever be able to repay! But the man was insistent that they needed more clothes and he wanted them to pick them out so he knew they actually liked them.
That’s how he found himself in a clothing store in the diamond district feeling wildly out of place trying on dozens of items of clothing. 
“How about this one?” Danny held a shirt up to Santiago who examined it closely, felt it between his fingers, grimaced, and shook his head cautiously. “Got it, no polyester.” Danny put it back and moved on. 
Miguel caught the incredulous look Santi sent his way and gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Their father had been an angry man, one who didn’t take no for an answer and thought Santiago was trying to be difficult when he ‘acted special’. To say Miguel and Santiago were surprised that Danny accepted the no and moved on without any hint of anger was an understatement.
Danny held up a different shirt. “This one’s one hundred percent cotton.” Santi reached out carefully, felt the fabric, and nodded, a shy smile forcing its way onto his face. His brother pretended to be tough because that’s what the streets demanded from all who lived on them, but he’d always been a softy with a big brain and a bigger heart. If Miguel had been hesitant to accept Danny’s offer about school it had dissipated the second he thought of what it would mean for his brother’s future.
“I hope you’re finding some things for yourself, Miguel.” Danny teased.
Scoffing, Miguel held up the three shirts and two sweaters he’d picked out. “I know how to shop for clothes, Danny.”
Danny looked Miguel’s way with a retort clearly on the tip of his tongue, but his eyes were pulled away from Miguel and locked on someone else. “Damian?” He called, waving to someone a few aisles away.
Following the direction of Danny’s eyes, Miguel saw a boy about his age standing across the store. He wore a serious expression, not quite a scowl but close, and said something to the man next to him who was much older than the person Miguel thought was Damian. The pair made their way closer much to the boy’s disapproval.
Danny set down the clothes he’d been showing Santiago, and moved out of the aisles to greet Damian. “I thought that was you! Nice to see you again. I was actually going to let you know that Curiosity’s finished his meds and has made a full recovery!”
Ah. Danny had shown Miguel and Santiago his cats earlier in the week and mentioned that someone had been giving him advice on how to take care of them, especially the sick one. So this kid had been the one helping Danny?
“I’m glad I was able to be of assistance. The cats seem to be in good hands.” The boy dipped his head.
The older man gasped. “Why Dami- that was almost a compliment!” By the sound of his teasing, they were brothers. “I don’t know how you did it, but I think Damian might actually like you. My name’s Dick, by the way, pleasure to meet you.”
“On purpose?!” 
The group turned to Santiago who was still watching the entire encounter from where he’d been looking at shirts. His brother’s eyes widened as he realized what he’d said and that he’d practically insulted a complete stranger based on their name. Luckily, Dick offered a smile and Danny laughed.
“Yes, on purpose.”
Danny held out his hand which Dick shook. “Danny Nightingale, Damian’s told me about you, it’s nice to finally meet you.”
Dick’s eyes widened. “You told your friend about me?” 
“Tt. Relax Grayson, I simply mentioned you in passing. I didn’t think Nightingale would latch onto such information.”
Miguel exhaled quickly, suppressing a chuckle, but it was too late, he’d been noticed.
“Oh right! This is Miguel and Santiago.” Danny pointed at each of them and smiled. Miguel wished this encounter would be over. He didn’t enjoy meeting new people, it made his skin itch and his mouth dry out. As much as he disliked shopping for clothes and Danny spending way too much money on him, he disliked meeting new people even more. Danny seemed to sense this and did his best to finish things up. “We were just finishing up some clothes shopping before working on some stuff at home.”
Damian, sensing the dismissal, nodded once. “It was nice to see you again, Nightingale, do message me if you have any more animal related questions.” He grabbed Dick’s arm and began pulling him away, Dick grumbling about wanting to get to know Danny more as they left and Miguel released a sigh.
“Sorry guys.” Danny apologized. “Let’s finish up and get food on the way home, yeah?”
When they got home Miguel and Santiago put their bags in their rooms and joined Danny in the kitchen. He looked… exhausted. To be fair, they all did, but Danny hadn’t been homeless or recently stabbed (as far as Miguel was aware) so he didn’t really have a great excuse. Before he could say anything, Danny clapped his hands together.
“So I’m thinking while we eat lunch we can touch on some school stuff just for a bit, and then we can all relax.” Santiago straightened up a bit, some of the exhaustion disappearing from his face and Miguel couldn’t help but smile. As the boys grabbed their boxes of takeout Danny grabbed them drinks. He’d already learned that Miguel liked coke and Santiago liked grape juice and had continued to supply them both with it.
“I don’ know how you’re gonna catch us up on three years of schoolin’.” Miguel said honestly, Santiago’s shoulders drooped slightly.
Danny took a bite of his food and considered what Miguel said. That was something about him Miguel liked a lot. He always seemed to think before speaking- at least, when it was something important.
“Well I’m really good at math and science so I should be able to figure out a good way to catch you guys up, it’s the arts we have to worry about. English, history, that kind of thing. Now, tests suck, I know.” He took a sip of his coffee- he drank way too much of that stuff. “But I want you each to take a few placement tests so I can understand where you’re going to be starting. Then I’ll put together a plan to get you back to the levels you would be at before the entrance exams at Gotham Academy.”
Miguel groaned. “Man tests suck.”
“I know.” Danny assured. “But these aren’t graded. I don’t care how well you do, I want to know what you don’t know so I can help you learn it. This is a judgment free zone- always.” He looked at the two seriously, Miguel’s skin itched. “I’ll just have you take two today, how's that? And you can do the other two tomorrow while I plan around the ones you take today?”
That seemed fair. He thought it seemed fair. While taking the placement tests he wasn’t so sure anymore. His brain hurt almost immediately and he wondered why he was really doing this. He wasn’t going to pass high school, he’d never been very smart and when Danny realized he wasn’t smart enough to get a good job he’d just be back on the streets again. 
His brother let out a happy sound as he solved one of the science problems and moved onto the next one. 
Taking a deep breath, Miguel remembered why he was doing this. Just because he’d fail out and end up back on the streets didn’t mean his brother had to. His brother was smart, smarter than him, and he’d be damned if he held Santi back from getting into Gotham University someday.
He could do this. For Santi, he thought he could do anything.
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jeankluv · 1 day
The forgotten boy - Geto Suguru | Chapter 03
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words: 3,2k
summary: He made a deal with the devil, over 1,000 years ago. Just for the sake of his loved ones but the deal came with a condition. Everyone he met from that moment on, would forget about his existence within minutes, and will be like that for the rest of the eternity
Like that Geto Suguru lived for 1,000 years, being forgotten by everyone he met, not being remembered by anyone and being alone.
"You remember me?"
You nodded. “Of course I do.” You smiled. “You have been coming here for a few days now. Always at the same hour and always asking for the same coffee.”
ac: _3aem
tags: angst, fluff, fantasy au, different lifetimes, dual pov, use of y/n, fem!character, modern settings but also past settings, eventual smut, destiny, characters death (in the flashbacks), blood [more tags in the future]
notes: from now on the chapters will be published between Friday-Sunday, I want to take my time to write the chapters properly and they will probably be every two weeks. One week there will be TFB chapter and another week Birdie chapter. This way is easier for me to organize everything. I also have to thank everyone for all your kind messages in this fic, makes me so happy. I personally love this chapter for a particular scene that happens, I hope y’all like it too 🫶
materialist | previous chapter | next chapter
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist | ao3
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Suguru was outside the coffee shop waiting for you to finish your job. He was nervous, he couldn’t lie. The truth is that he has never had an actual date before. Sure he has had encounters with different people over the decades, but it was always one night where he needed to sneak out as soon as possible. Just imagine the shock of those who shared a passionate night with him after waking up and seeing a man they didn’t know anything about.
But with you, he didn’t want to have a passionate night. No. He wanted to get to know you and perhaps meet you on more occasions. Build something between the two of you, even if it was a friendship. He wanted to have that, someone to talk and share things they could remember.
He couldn’t deny it, you were gorgeous. Warm smile and kind eyes, that made his heart pump on his chest like never before. And small freckles on that face. Was it 9 or 10 freckles? He couldn’t remember it exactly.
“Kento!” Your soft voice made him look up. You were smiling at him. “Sorry, did I make you wait a lot? There was a last minute client and couldn’t leave.”
“No, it’s okay.” He smiled back at you.
“Good. So what do you want to do?” You moved your hands nervously.
“Mhm?” He thought for a moment. He only didn’t have much money with him, he didn’t expect to go out with anyone that day and he also didn’t want to borrow more money from Nanami’s apartment. “Are you hungry?”
“Oh I’m starving!” You smiled. “I know a really good place, near here. The sandwiches are delicious and…”
“I don’t have much money with me.”
You opened your mouth and then smiled. “It’s okay, I will invite you.”
“But I was the one that asked you out. It would be rude for you to be paying when it was me.” He said with a worried look.
“Then you will have to invite me out again.” You smiled and grabbed his wrist. “Now let’s go, Kento!”
Suguru just let himself be guided by you. Not only was your smile so warm, your hands were also warm. He watched your back while you still held his wrist, trying to make your way through the crowded street. It was lunchtime and many office workers had gone out to eat at the restaurants in the area. He could lose you if it wasn’t because you were still holding to his wrist.
You walked a few more meters and then turned to the left, through a small street that was not so crowded. You were still holding him and walking in front of him although there were not so many people around.
“Suguru, come on! We need to run from them!” A female voice told him.
Suguru stopped walking, making you also stop. When you turned, you saw his pale face, as pale as you had seen it hours before and his eyes wide open.
Suguru on his part, was trying to understand what that had been. A deja vu? Was that what they were called? He had felt real, even the cold of a nonexistent night had hit his face. But he had not been able to see the woman's figure well and her voice had been a distant echo.
“Kento?” You were looking at him and holding his arms on both sides. “You okay?”
Suguru nodded and tried to put those thoughts aside. “Yeah, don’t worry. There were just a lot of people before and I got a bit stressed. That’s all.” You nodded and this time placed yourself next to him.
You both walked slowly, not speaking but not feeling uncomfortable for the silence that it was formed between the both of you.
You stood in front of the bar where you wanted to take him and looked at him. He approached the door and opened it, letting you through. You entered the place, it was not very crowded and the people who were there seemed to be mainly people from the neighborhood, people who had lived there all their lives. You took his hand and took him to your favorite place. It was a table overlooking an interior patio that was decorated full of nature. You sat down, facing each other and took the menu.
“You should try this.” You said pointing at one of the sandwiches written in the menu. “It’s really good.”
“I would try it then.” He nodded.
“Good.” You stood up but he grabbed your hand. “What?”
“I should be the one ordering and paying…”
You shook your head with a smile. “Nope. This time I will be paying. That way you can ask me out again, right?” You winked your eye and walked out.
Suguru stood there with his mouth slightly opened and watched you as you spoke with someone that apparently you already knew. He turned around and looked through the window, when was the last time he ate with someone else? Probably with Nanami a few months ago, they met again and Suguru invited Nanami to eat, although it was technically Nanami’s money so… but it didn’t matter because that time after their goodbye, he knew Nanami wouldn’t remember him, but this time seemed to be different.
“Here!” You put the two sandwiches on the table.
“Thank you.”
“And tell me Kento.” Every time he heard that name it was strange. “What do you do for the living?” You bite a piece of the sandwich.
Suguru thought for a moment but without looking suspicious. “I work from home, in things related to marketing.” It was all a lie but he had read something about marketing in the newspaper and sounded cool.
“Oh.” You smiled. “That’s cool.” You nodded. “And do you like our coffee shop?”
“Yeah, it’s really nice. The coffee is really good and it has good employees.”
You slightly laughed. “It’s good to hear that and it’s also good to see you there everyday.”
“Let’s stop talking about me.” Suguru stopped you. “Tell me something about you.”
“Well… there is not much to say. I work in the coffee shop, I have a cat, her name is Blue.” You smiled. “And I studied arts.”
“Do you paint?” Suguru asked.
“Yeah.” You searched in your bag. “Here.” You took the sketch book from it and hung it to him. “You can look if you want and give me your honest opinion.”
Suguru held the sketch book between his hands and opened it. The first drawings were a cat, the same cat, it was probably your cat. There were also sketches of different people. You were good, really good. He turned the page and his eyes spotted a familiar figure, it was him, drinking a coffee.
“Yeah, sorry.” You flushed. “I thought it was another sketch book with flowers but it was the one where I drew you. Sorry if you feel uncomfortable or something but you looked really good and I don’t know but something inside of me was screaming to draw you. Sorry again.”
“No.” Suguru shook his head. “This is really good. You are really good and I’m glad someone as talented as you can draw me like that. I’m honored.”
You looked at him with surprise. “I… that’s really nice. Thank you.” You said looking down and playing with your hands.
“You deserve to be in a museum or something.” He smiled.
“I doubt anyone would want to buy any of these.” You sighed.
“I would buy them.”
Click. You had this conversation before. But when? Where? You shook your head and smiled back at him. The evening went smoothly, talking about trivial things.
Suguru couldn’t stop admiring you, the way your face light up whenever you were talking about something you liked, the way you would move your hands excited while telling him something. You were mesmerizing. He wanted this to last as much as he could, he didn’t want it to end, he wanted to spend more and more time with you. Hearing you speak, hearing you laugh. He wanted to see you paint.
“Oh shoot!” You gasped, looking at the hour on the clock that was hanging on the wall.
“You need to leave?”
“Yeah…” You sighed. “Kento I really wish I could stay more but…”
“It’s okay, don’t need to worry.” He stood from his chair. “Just let me walk you away. Until you let me.”
“Oh…” You said in surprise. “Then accompany me to my bus stop.” You smiled.
He smiled back and you, taking all the courage on your body, grabbed his hand. You were flustered, you knew it but, nothing of that matter at the moment. You walked side by side holding hands as if you were a couple. Your heart was pumping hardly on your chest and your hands were starting to sweat.
Maybe he doesn’t like it.
On the other hand, Suguru was beyond happy and nervous. He felt like he was a teenager in that exact moment. Maybe it was all happening too fast? He didn’t know, but there was something that connected both of you, in a way he couldn’t comprehend.
“This is my stop.” You said pointing at the stop.
He nodded and looked down at your hands. “I guess it’s a goodbye.”
“Your number.” You mumbled.
He looked at you and shook his head. “I don’t have a phone.”
“Oh that’s…” Strange. “Okay, don’t worry.” You smiled.
“I will still go to the coffee shop.” He smiled back.
“That’s good.” You were nervous. “Then… I will see you tomorrow Kento.” You started walking off but you felt him grabbing your hand once again.
“Wait y/n…” He whispered. “There is something I need to tell you.”
There it comes, he was married or had a girlfriend or something like that. It wasn’t possible for a man this handsome to be single. You couldn’t believe it was going to happen. Damn it.
“My real name…” He swallowed trying to find the words. “My real name is not Kento.”
You opened your mouth and closed it several times, you were confused, to say the least. “Huh? Then what is it?”
“It’s…” He seemed hesitant.
Suguru hesitated, was he going to be able to say it. To say the name he hasn’t said in the last 1,000 years? But maybe if the curse didn’t affect you, he could say it.
“Suguru…” He did it, the words came out of his mouth.
“Suguru…” You repeated and Suguru felt like crying when he heard his name on your lips. “That’s a really pretty name.” You smiled. “Then Suguru, it was a pleasure to meet you and eat with you.”
“It was the same for me y/n.” He smiled.
“I will see you tomorrow Suguru.”
And unintentionally, you let go of your hands, separating yourselves and saying goodbye with a wave. Suguru saw you board the bus and smiled at him from inside. He felt his heart warm up again with every smile you gave him.
You boarded the bus and waved goodbye to Suguru. Suguru. You repeated his name in your head over and over again, feeling your heart swell each time you said it.
The bus started moving, and you watched as Suguru's figure became smaller and smaller in the distance.
Resting your head against the bus window, you began to think about the "date" you had with Suguru. It was strange that Suguru had hidden his name and given you a false one, but for some reason, it didn't make you feel insecure or intimidated. In fact, it only fueled your curiosity to learn more about Suguru. His mysterious aura intrigued you, leaving you yearning for deeper connection.
As the bus rumbled on, your mind drifted back to your encounter with Suguru, each memory and conversation was being replayed in your mind, vividly.
Despite the ambiguity surrounding his identity, a strong bond seemed to have formed between you, as if destiny had orchestrated your meeting.
You wanted to know more about him, to see him again, to know what he was hiding behind those tired eyes.
Once you arrived at your stop, you advanced with a firm step to the place where you were going. You were going to present one of your works to be evaluated and perhaps obtain a job. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you felt your hands shaking more and more as you got closer to the art gallery.
Outside the gallery you saw Shoko, smoking a cigarette. When she noticed your presence she threw it away and smiled at you.
“You are here!” You hugged your friend.
“I'm scared to death, Shoko.” You cried a little.
“You will do well, the painting is impressive.” She rubbed your back, giving you the security you were missing.
“Have you brought it?” You asked, to which Shoko nodded her head.
You both headed towards her car, where the painting that you would display was stored with great care.
“You don't know how much I appreciate you bringing it to me.” You sighed. “If I had had to bring it on the bus, it would surely have been damaged.”
“No problem.” She shook her head, not caring. “I'll wait for you outside.”
"Don't you have to work at the hospital?" You said, grabbing the painting carefully.
"Not today, today is my day off." A smile appeared on her face. “We can go have something to drink later, we can call ‘Hime to come over, if her schedule allows it of course." She shrugged. “And Yuki, she's still out, right?”
“Yes, I don't think she's back yet. That's fine with me.” You smiled. “Then I'll see you in a bit.” You said turning on your feet.
“Good luck!” Shoko yelled at you from where you had left her.
Resolutely grabbing the painting, you opened the door to the art gallery and entered with your head held high and your step firm.
On the other side of the city Suguru walked with a calm step, as he usually did. But this time with a new warmth in the chest. Being able to share with you, even if it was just lunch, had made him feel alive.
He looked at his wrist and remembered the warm touch of your hand gently surrounding his wrist. The smiles you had offered him and those ten freckles that decorated your face. Yes, Suguru had counted them and had wanted to memorize them perfectly.
Arriving at the place where he spent his afternoons, he sat in the same place and contemplated the same view that he had been contemplating for months. With the breeze blowing against his face and moving his hair, he closed his eyes and began to think.
˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆
— over 1,000 years ago
Suguru was on the hill of the town, while in one hand he grabbed a stick he had found and made drawings on the ground. He was bored.
He had done every task a 6 year old could do and now he was on that hill completely alone and bored. There wasn't much to do in that town and children his age were also helping their parents, so he only had to wait for someone to get him out of the boredom he felt.
“Suguru!!” A voice called him from a distance.
With a smile on his face, Suguru stood up from the ground and threw the stick away from him. Running up the hill, his best friend went up. His white hair was easily visible from a long distance and his cry calling him had probably been heard throughout the whole town.
“Satoru!!” Suguru said happily as his best friend reached him.
The little boy leaned on his knees, trying to catch the breath that had escaped from his lungs after running up the hill.
"Guess what?" Satoru looked up, regaining his usual energy. Suguru shook his head indicating for him to continue. "Today I went with my father to a village and there was a river on the way. And there were tadpoles in it!"
Suguru looked at him strangely. "Tadpoles?"
Satoru nodded. "It's where frogs come from!" Suguru opened his mouth in surprise. "My father let me bring some and we left them in the pond at my house. My father says that then frogs would come out." Satoru grabbed Suguru's hand and pulled him along. "Come on, I'll show you!"
The two children ran down the hill. The townspeople were not surprised to see them together, since, since they could remember, they had both been together. Crossing the streets, the two children arrived at Satoru's family home and approached the small pond there. Satoru letting go of Suguru's hand, crouched down and put both hands in the water and then showed them to his best friend.
“Look." He nodded. “Do you see the black things?” Suguru nodded. “That will then turn into frogs!” Satoru said with excitement.
"How?" Suguru asked, wanting to satisfy his intrigue.
Satoru shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to answer. “I guess they will become strong and transform into frogs.” Suguru nodded. "Like you and me!" Satoru exclaimed, leaving the tadpoles back in the pond. “We will become strong and we will become the strongest!” He raised his fist. “We will serve the emperor as the strongest warriors.”
“I doubt our parents would like the idea.” Suguru sighed in resentment.
“But once we are older we can do as we please.” Satoru smiled. “We will leave this town and become the strongest together.” He stood up and stretched out his hand for Suguru to grab.
Suguru looked at the hand and then at his best friend, in his eyes he could see determination and bravery, and that gave him infinite confidence.
With a smile he grabbed the hand of his best friend and nodded. “We will be the strongest warriors!”
“Yes! The strongest!” Satoru replied.
“Don't even think about it!” A voice interrupted them.
"Mother!" Satoru protested. "You can't stop us, Suguru and I will leave this place and become the best warriors in the world."
“You are too small to know what you want.” Satoru's mother scolded them. “You don't know what dangers there are. Spirits, curses and worse.”
“Mom, those are children's stories.”
"No my son, it's real, it's better that you never join the emperor's army."
“Is that dangerous, Mrs. Gojo?” Suguru asked.
“Yes Suguru, so please don't do it.”
“But it won't matter because Suguru and I will be the strongest ones and we will be able to handle everything.” Satoru smiled arrogantly.
“This kid…”
˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆
As Suguru looked towards the horizon, memories of the past still lingering in his mind, he couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation wash over him. The sunset in the distance served as a poignant reminder of the passage of time.
With a deep sigh, Suguru knew it was time to return to the present, to the reality that awaited him at "home." Although the past had its own appeal, he realized that thinking about what could have been would only serve to anchor him in a perpetual state of longing and regret.
As he walked away into the sunset, Suguru took a moment to focus on the present moment, to appreciate the beauty of the world around him and the possibilities that lay ahead. The fleeting memory of your face crossed his mind as he thought about the future that awaited him. And a smile appeared on his face, because for the first time in centuries, Suguru harbored some hope in his heart.
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Final notes: I know somethings might seem rare at first but then they will make sense, but if I say something it would be a spoiler. Also don’t ever be surprised if I call Suguru by mistake Satoru, bc sometimes I’m writing TFB and I go “Satoru said” and I’m like “shit this is not Satoru this is Suguru!” So yeah
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🏷️: @drownedpoetess @aducksmokingquack @walkingtravesty97 @pdacex @zhenyuuu @n1vi @blendingcaramal @mimiixen @bbyxxm @paprikaquinn @my1fx @alwaysfreakingout @simplysm1le @lavender-hvze @ghostkat23 @madaqueue
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Hey! Hope I’m requesting in the right place! If not please let me know and I’ll rectify that.
Could I request some Hunter on Pabu please? Something domestic and fluffy for the galaxy’s greatest Dad? I’d love to see him sitting outside during dusk trying to relax after a long day, only to be interrupted by something or someone loud…
I leave the rest up to you 😉 Also totally happy for it to be x reader or not, whatever you want to do. I hope that gives you enough to go off.
As a side note, thanks for doing requests. It boggles my mind how amazing it is that people write for each other. I love this part of the fandom 🩵
Moment of Peace
Hunter x Reader
Summary- Hunter relaxes after a hard work day on Pabu, only to be interrupted by Gonky and reader. Fluff ensues!
A/N- Thank you so much for requesting! I'm so happy to be able to fulfill your request, you are AMAZING! I wish I was able to make it longer, but I didn't know what else to write!
Word Count- 1,259
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His view over Pabu was a sight he hoped to never forget.
Hunter looked out to the ocean, feeling an unfamiliar tinge of peace. Calm was a luxury, silence was strange, and rest was foreign. The thought almost made him uneasy.
Hunter stretched his arms over his head, shirt slightly rising with his stomach peaking out. With a content sigh, he relaxed further into his chair. His eyes threatened to close on him, possibly from his long day.
He wouldn't have minded, he had all the time in the world now.
It was hard to believe for him, it took hours of convincing from you. To prove to him he deserved this. That he deserved this feeling of peace. The countless times you held his hand, cradled his head, or soothed him with your words.
After dedicating half his life to the Empire- the other running from them- he needed a break. It was beyond deserved.
You certainly thought so.
In any moment of doubt, your words echoed in his head. "The things you have risked for Omega alone, that is enough to earn your place."
With a smile he let his mind fade, and eyes rest.
While he was no longer fending for his life everyday, everyone still had to play their part on Pabu.
For a man of Hunters skill set, he was extremely useful. This typically led to many citizens coming to him for help on repairs, transportation, fishing, and harvesting.
Hunter had never complained once, simply grateful for the new life he had been given with you. That being said, he still had select days.
The seemingly never ending waves of heat and questioning, it was all worth it to come home to you. Not to mention the relief his muscles feel when he settles into his favorite chair on the porch.
He wasn't sure how much time had passed since he began his nap, but when his eyes opened the sun was almost finished setting.
His arm hair was standing, heightened senses on edge. Something was about to happen, he could tell.
Eyes shooting back and forth across the horizon, then head turning to look beside him.
Breath quickened when he saw nothing was out of order, but his mind wandered to you,
You were inside, alone. Had something happened?
He was on his feet, but before he could open the door to his home- he heard a loud crash and a yelp.
He knew your voice immediately, it only drove him to slam the door open, running in. He didn't know what to expect, but he was ready to fight whoever he needed to.
Confusion flushed over him when he heard you laugh. Though, he didn't let himself settle until he saw you.
His feet moved as fast as his body would let them, coming to a brief halt when he was greeted by you in the living room.
A beeping and chirping noise also followed, almost like a greeting.
You were on your back, having fell on the floor. The cause of the crash and noise was Gonky, rested on top of you.
"Hunter! Oh, my savior!" You managed out, having a fit of giggles.
Gonky wobbled, unable to get up.
"What happened?" Hunter spoke, rushing to pull the power droid off of you.
It was easy for him to lift the unit and place him on his feet. Though, he was more worried about you, even in your laughter he stressed.
Now crouched down at your side, you answered him. "I forgot Wrecker had dropped Gonky off. When I came in to watch that new holofilm, he scared me!"
He fitted him hands under your arms to pull you up as well. You were aware that you could have stood on your own, but you let Hunter do as he pleased. It was another way he could make sure you were unharmed.
"How did you end up on the floor?" He looked you over, once you were clear of scrapes and blood- he followed you to the couch.
You heard the urgency in his voice, it was one your hadn't heard since your time on the run. "Hunter, I'm okay. Really, I just tripped over Gonky when I turned into the room."
He nodded, not looking so stiff anymore. "Are you okay?" You asked him.
"Yeah, yeah."
"Hunter." You gave him hard eyes, knowing you weren't getting the full truth.
He sighed, "My senses just... I guess I haven't felt them that extreme in a while."
It was daily that he still felt his heightened senses, they still came in handy. Altering him where to fish, or if a stray ball flew his way from children playing. Not to mention Wrecker and Crosshairs antics.
Of course he had a downside to them, always had. Everything was amplified, it was difficult sometimes. Though, the worst of it was when he felt the way he did a few minutes ago.
When it was about you or Omega, it felt different. More urgent, almost painful.
"Hey, its okay. I'm here." You lifted a hand to hold his tatted cheek, you smiled up at him. Gonky beeped over at the commotion.
"I think he's trying to say 'sorry'." You tried to lighten the mood.
It worked well enough, as Hunter cracked a smile. He even reached over to place a pat on top of Gonky's box. Just before he lounged fully back on the couch.
"Wrecker said someone needed to watch Gonky while he was on his fishing trip." You explained, leaning into Hunters side.
"I still can't believe he agreed to a week long boat trip." Hunter started.
"I'll give it a few hours, he'll be back tonight to get Gonky, I bet."
He put his hand up, "I say two days."
"You have a deal, Wrecker will never last that long." You grasped his hand in a shake.
A few moments of calm silence went by, "What does the winner get?" You proposed.
Hunter hummed. When you looked up at him you saw his eyes closed.
"The winner of the bet?" He looked at you, but you could see the heaviness slowly reappearing in his eyes. He was trying to listen, but now the adrenaline was gone. His exhaustion was coming back.
"How about the loser has to clean Gonky." He teased, slowly closing his eyes again.
You simply cuddled up to his side, wrapping an arm across his stomach. He responded with a gentle hand to your back.
"That's too easy."
"With Wrecker watching."
"Well, that's not fair! It'll take hours, Wrecker is so picky when it comes to Gonky." You light heatedly argued.
He smiled, chest rising in a deep laugh. "Then you better hope he comes back in a few hours."
You gave in, a competitive grin rested on your face.
Gonky beeped again, shuffling to a corner to rest himself.
Peaking up once more, you saw Hunter still fighting sleep. You leaned up, placing a kiss to his cheek. "Good night, Hunter."
He mumbled something in return, you assumed it was along the lines of 'I love you.'
You would both be proven wrong when Wrecker would complete his week long trip, braving the waters. His reasoning? He didn't have to bathe...
As gross as you thought it was, you and Hunter decided you were both losers. Keeping up your end of the deal, you both washed Gonky. Months of caked up dirt took almost all day to get off. Although, you couldn't have picked a better helper.
A/N- Thank you for reading!!! Please let me know of any typos or constructive criticism!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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sturniozo · 20 hours
Our Lips Are Sealed VII
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Heyyo! I know this took sooooo long but I got a full time job that I’ve been picking up shifts as much I can so I had almost no time off to write. I’m not very happy with how this chapter turned out but at least I got it done. I figure after I finish the fic I’ll edit it and upload it to Wattpad. I thought about doing that with all my fics, but I wasn’t sure if anyone would want that lol. Anyways here the fic
“Is that everything?” Nate asks as he zips up his bag. I swing mine over my shoulder, checking my list once again.
“Lets see, sleeping bag, flashlight, batteries, charger, snacks-” I get cut off by Chris yanking my bag open while it’s on my back.
“What snacks you got?” He asks.
“None for you.” I say as I turn around away from him. “Are you guys checking your bags to make sure you have everything on the list?” I ask as I go back over the list.
“Yeah, yeah.” Chris mutters.
“Y/N, we got everything, chill out!” Nate laughs and pulls my bag off my back to hold onto himself.
I shake my head. “Not until I’m sure we have everything.”
“It's three days.” Nick says. “We’ll survive if we forget a few things.”
“We’ll survive, but it won’t be as good of an experience as it should have been if we remembered everything.” I state.
“She’s not gonna let up until she makes sure we all have everything we need.” Nate says as he sets both of our bags down and sits down at the island counter.
“Fine.” Chris says as he sits down next to Nate, Nick and Matt following and sitting down as well.
“Okay.” I stand up straight and look over the list once again. “Snacks, water, kool-aid packets for those of us who don’t like plain water,” I mumble as I look down further over the list. “Pillows, some extra blankets,”
“Is this just what’s supposed to be in our individual bags?” Matt asks.
Nate hits his arm, “Dude don’t interrupt her.”
“It’s okay.” I shrug. “I have another list for everything else.” I tell Matt. “this is just what's supposed to be in our bags.” Matt nods and sits back in his seat. I go back down the list, opening my mouth to speak but am once again cut off.
“Are joints on your list, cos I have some pre rolled- oof” Chris starts but Nate slaps his arm.
“She didn’t put joints on the list, she doesn’t smoke asswipe.” Nate says.
I set my list down. “So everyone has everything?” I ask.
“Did you go over your whole list?” Nick asks.
“What about socks and pajamas and the other shit?” Nate asks.
“You guys are antsy, and I’m sure you have everything anyways.” I shrug.
“Y/N, you love your lists.” Nate gets up from his seat and takes the list off from the counter. “Okay, extra blankets, swim wear, three days of clothes, towels, tiny sets of shampoo, conditioner, and soap, shower flip flops, shower flip flops?” Nate turns to me with a confused look on his face.
“Those showers at campsites have disgusting floors.” I state.
Nate just nods and goes back to the list. “Go bag- what’s a go bag?”
“For the bathroom, it’s got toilet paper, wet wipes, plastic gloves-“
“Plastic gloves?” Nick asks.
“Do the bathrooms not have toilet paper?” Chris asks.
“Well, yeah, but do you actually want to use gross moldy campsite toilet paper?” I ask.
Nick nods. “Y/N’s right. She thinks ahead.”
“Yeah she always has.” Nate says. “That seems to be it, does everyone have everything?”
“I don’t think anyone but Y/N has a go bag.” Nick says.
“Yeah or shampoo, conditioner and soap.” Chris says, which causes everyone to look at him.
“You didn’t pack that?” Matt asks.
“I didn’t think of it.” Chris shrugs.
“Okay, everyone get fully packed, moms gonna be home in an hour and she’ll want to just change out of her work clothes and leave.” I say, and everyone gets up to get the rest of the things they had forgotten.
I pick up my bag from Nate's seat and dig through the side pocket for the other list. The list of other items meant for everyone during the camping trip.
I look over the list and check off everything that we have, even adding things that I think of to add into the coolers and bags.
I check off the last thing on my list, closing up the cooler and tying and zipping shut all the bags. I stand up straight and set the list down, gasping as I feel someone’s arms wrap around me.
“Happy early birthday.” Chris whispers in my ear as he hugs me from behind.
“It’s not until tomorrow.” I say and try to stay still, unsure what to do.
“That’s what makes it early.” Chris laughs and moves me from side to side as he holds me.
“Did you get everything packed?” I ask.
“Yeah, ma.” He laughs. “I got everything.” He kisses my cheek before letting go of me and moving to stand in front of me. I look down to hide the blush that has creeped up my cheeks. Chris chuckles softly, which causes my stomach to flip. “You’re too cute.” He mumbles.
He reaches his hand to my face, but as soon as Nate walks in, Chris’s hand drops back to his side.
“Everyone got everything now?” Nate asks, seeming not to notice anything.
“Yeah.” I say, not looking at Nate so he doesn’t see my reddened face. He swings his arm over my shoulder and pulls my close to him, not paying attention to my flustered state, fortunately for me.
“Yeah, I was just helping Y/N with the last of the other stuff.” Chris says as he sits down at the counter.
“Mom should be home soon, so we’ll get this stuff in the van when she gets home.” Nate says as he sits down next to Chris.
“So when does your mom get off work?” Matt asks as he walks in.
“I just told Chris she should be home any second.” Nate says as he looks at his phone.
Matt sits down at the counter with the two other boys. I sit down next to Chris. “What’s taking Nick so long?” I ask.
Chris shrugs. “Who knows.” He says. We all stay silent for a few moments, all doing our own thing on our phones while we wait for Nick and my mother.
It’s only a few minutes before we hear my moms van pull into the driveway. “I better go see what’s taking Nick forever to get packed.” Matt says as he stands up.
Nate follows behind Matt, leaving me and Chris alone once again. I glance over at Chris, whose eyes are glued to his phone. I bite my lip and look away.
“I can see you staring.” Chris says before I have a chance to say anything.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I quickly retort as I look away.
Chris just chuckles and puts his phone down, looking my way as he leans his chin on his hand, propping up his head. I glance over at him to see his dorkish smile as he stares at me. Before I can ask why he’s looking at me so intensely, he says “You’re adorable sometimes, you know that?”
A blush creeps up my cheeks. “What?” I stammer.
Before Chris can answer, he shoots up straight, looking at the staircase. I turn my gaze to where his is focused and lock eyes with my brother.
“Why’s your face so red?” Nate asks as he walks down the stairs, Nick following behind him with his bags packed. “Is it too hot in here or something?”
“I think it’s a little stuffy.” Chris says as he leans back in his seat.
Nate shrugs it off. “Let’s not keep mom waiting any longer.” He says as he picks up a few of the bags. I step down from the island bar stool and grab my bags, following Nate out the door and to the car. Our mom sits in the front seat, playing her music as she scrolls what I presume is probably Facebook on her phone.
Matt follows out the door soon after. We all stuff our bags in the back of moms car to the best of our abilities before piling in the car. Nate sits in the front seat by mom, leaving the four of us to cram into the three seats in the back.
“How is this going to work?” Matt asks.
“Maybe we can cram Chris in the trunk?” Nick suggests.
“Y/N can sit on my lap.” Chris shrugs as he climbs in and sits by the window. He holds his hand out to me for me to join him.
“No.” Nate says.
We all fall silent for a moment before Chris speaks. “Then what do you suggest we do?”
“I think Nick’s idea was best.”
Nick stifles in a laugh and Matt punches his arm to tell him to cut it out.
“I’m not gonna fit in the trunk.” Chris says. “What’s wrong with my idea?”
“It’s not safe for Y/N.” Nate says.
“I’ll drive slowly if it makes you feel better, hun.” Our mom chimes in.
“Yeah dude. She’ll drive slow.” Chris repeats.
Nate glares daggers into Chris’s soul and Chris raises his hands in surrender. “She’s not sitting on your lap.” Nate spits.
“Do I get a say in this?” I ask.
“No!” Nate says.
“Yes dear.” My mom says at the same time. Nate looks surprised at our mom. “She’s an adult, she can sit where she wants. And if it on her friend because there’s no seats, what’s the harm?”
“She’s not an adult until tomorrow.” Nate says.
“She’s still old enough to make her own decisions.” Mom says. “Now hurry up and get in the car. Close those doors, you’re letting all my cool air out.” Mom ushers us to hurry.
I squeeze in and sit between Matt and Nick, cramping us all in there. “Are you sure Chris won’t fit in the trunk?” Nick asks again.
“I’m not going in the trunk dude!” Chris says again. “Come here, Y/N.” He pulls me over to his seat at the window. He positions me on his lap, and I hold onto the cupholder to keep my full weight off Chris.
“Are we all ready?” Mom asks.
“No! She’s not sitting on his lap!” Nate yells.
“Don’t shout!” Mom says. “Y/N, are you okay with the seating arrangement?”
I look at Nate who’s scowling at Chris. His eyes shift to me. “Yeah.” I say softly.
Nate’s eyes soften and he looks at me with confusion. He stays silent as he turns back to face forward.
“Alright, let’s get going.” Mom says.
TAGS: (tell em if you want added or removed please) @urfavpouge @savageking3 @tastesousweet @jko3005 @sturniolo0ntop @dwalk41202 @stvrnise @iloveneilperry @luvmxtt @blueeyedbesson @iloveurgf @mattswifr @that-chris-girl01 @sturniolhoe @remussbitch @chrisstankyleg @jetaimevous @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora @hearts4chriss @carolinalikesthings @mattscokewhore @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @freshloveforthefit
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seenoversundown · 2 days
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Eight
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: DRINKING / ALCOHOL (bigger warning because they are actively drinking in this one, not just in the bar) Swearing, Sex is mentioned (not had) A LOT of ridiculous puns and jokes, Slow Burn is REAL, Halloween Costumes, Brotherly Banter (gentle bullying) and finally, our favorite warning, YEARNING.
Word Count: 7k (longest so far!!)
Summary: IT'S HALLOWEEN BABES; Josh decides to decorate the bar for the holiday and so, they make it into a little party. Jake hesitates on what to do about Charlotte, but goes with his gut. And BOY IS THAT A LITTLE TREAT.
Author's Note: I said this week would be a sweet treat and I think that you'll find that it is! I don't want to spoil the surprise but, I think you'll be excited to see what it is 🤭 See you on the other side!
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Crush - Tessa Violet "You make it difficult to not overthink, And when I'm with you, I turn all shades of pink, I wanna touch you, but don't wanna be weird."
Jake POV 
“You know, whatever you decide to hang up, we need to be able to get down, right?” 
I stand there watching Josh not so carefully hanging off the ladder’s top step. Quinn looks less than impressed while they stand on the bottom step.
“Maybe Jake is onto something, Josh Groban,” they tell him. 
Josh stops, looks back with a glare, and then returns to whatever he is trying to do. 
I look over at them, both of us shaking our heads, knowing that Josh will do whatever he damn well pleases. 
“He’s your problem to deal with now,” I tell them, gently squeezing their shoulders as I pass by. 
Deciding to make sure the bar is fully stocked for the night, I can’t help but eavesdrop on Sam and Willa as they try to get ‘cute post-worthy’ pictures for the bar’s Instagram. 
“Sam, can you just work with me?” Willa asks, letting out a frustrated sigh. 
“Birdie, you know this is also my job?” 
“Yeah, well, last time you took promo photos, you stole all my flowers, AND you hated the outcome. So, maybe just listen to me?” 
“I’m not trying to be difficult, little bird,” Sam says, “You just need to relax.”
“When has telling a girl to relax ever ended well for you?” 
I was chuckling to myself as I listened to them and took notes of what needed to be pulled from the back. I hate dragging myself away from the free entertainment, but I need to keep moving so the bar can be ready tonight. 
I wasn’t the one who came up with the idea to do a themed night; you can only imagine who suggested it, but people have been talking about it lately, so maybe it was a good choice. Even though I had to explain to Josh that we cannot require people to wear costumes, I think it’ll be fun to see everyone dressed up. 
Looking at the back stock and pulling out the things we’ll need, I hear footsteps approaching me. I simply glanced at the doorway to finally be met with Josh’s presence. 
“So.. are you going to invite her?” 
My eyebrows pull together a bit, “Who?”
“Your First Mate,” Josh says, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Oh shut up,” I quip back, “I was thinking about it.” 
Regret has never hit me quicker. 
“I mean… you saw her the other day, Josh. She’s obviously not having a great time and the fact she has to keep coming here, I may as well at least extend the offer.” I tell him, “Even if she’ll probably say no.” Quickly, I look back at my notes to make sure I’m not forgetting anything before walking back out to the bar. 
“Well, you have been talking to her,” he says. 
“We’ve texted .. a little bit,” I tell him, knowing that he will pry for more information, “BUT– it’s nothing crazy. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” 
He follows me, offering no assistance carrying anything but absolutely still trying to make something out of nothing. 
“That’s very you… of you to do.” 
Both of us looked vaguely unimpressed at that statement. 
“Okay, that wasn’t my best work. I’m just saying that maybe there’s a chance you two could be something of an item,” he tells me, a little too giddy for my liking. 
Setting everything on the bar abruptly, “Jesus Christ, Josh. Just because I’m nice to the girl doesn’t mean I want anything more.” I’m trying to sound convincing, even though I know he will call me on it at any moment. I wouldn’t be opposed to it, though. But for god’s sake, Josh doesn’t need to know that. 
“Okay, okay, alright, I’ll stop,” he starts, holding his hands up. But know that I will find out if anything happens between you two,” he squints at me before turning around to continue helping Quinn decorate. 
I watch as he finds himself busy again, but I can tell from a distance that he updates Quinn on his interrogation. If there is anything I know about my brother, it is that he will know everything about everyone all the time, which in turn means Quinn knows everything as well. I let out a small sigh while piling bottles of Modelo back into the fridge. Maybe I should just text her. Is that weird? She’s going to say no anyway. 
Still squatting down behind the bar, I pull my phone from my back pocket. Unlocking it to a handful of email notifications and a few texts from Sam that I ignored earlier.  I love him, but he doesn’t need to ask me every time if he can take some promo pics for the bar. 
I tap on her conversation; my thumbs hesitate for a second. Is this stupid? Am I wasting my metaphorical breath? Maybe she’ll appreciate the thought. 
Me: Hi there. How are you? Are you busy tonight by any chance?
I shove my phone back into my pocket before standing back up, grabbing the few loose cans and bottles across the bar, and tossing them. Looking around at the new decorations, they all have managed to get hung up already, and it’s definitely feeling much more festive. 
“Josh, can you–” I start, but I feel my phone vibrate, stopping me mid-question, “Uh, lost my train of thought. I’ll get back to you on that,” 
I grab my phone and see her name sitting there, making the heat rise in my face. 
Charlotte: No, I’m free. Why? 
The three dots pop up before I can reply, making me more nervous. 
Charlotte: Do you need help with something?
Me: nooo I don’t need anything from you. We’re just doing a little thing here for halloween and I thought I would see if you were interested. No pressure or anything lol.
Those god-forsaken three dots come back, then disappear, and reappear. There is no worse form of torture in the modern day than waiting for a text to pop up. 
Charlotte: Maybe
Okay… Well, it isn’t a no. I look up to find Josh directly in front of me, scaring the shit out of me. I didn’t realize he could be quiet enough to do that. 
“Can I help you?” 
“You looked very intrigued by whatever was on your phone there, brother,” Josh says, with a shitty little grin on his face. 
“Don’t you have things to be doing other than watching me use my phone?” I ask, not able to stop the slight eye roll that came along with it. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that,” he says, “ Quinn and I are going to run upstairs to get ready, and then I can take over so you can go put on whatever pirate bullshit you want.” He says, staring at me with a matter-of-fact expression and his arms folded across his chest.  
“Sounds good to me, bub.” 
 Sam and Willa left shortly after Josh and Quinn, leaving me with the usual regulars to tend to. They weren’t a rowdy bunch, so I got a good amount of cleaning done before the rush of people. 
Maybe. The fact she didn’t say ‘no’ was basically haunting me. It’s not a big deal if she does show up because she is just a ‘friend’. That’s even a strong way of wording it. 
At this point, the sun has been set for a while, which is attracting costumed customers. Some are more clever than others, but regardless, I’m just glad that people seem to like the idea. 
I’m talking to Linda, who’s dressed as an 80s Aerobic Instructor, when I hear the sounds of my dear brother entering the building. He always has a way of making his presence known, whether he means to or not. We both glance over to the door, where he lets Quinn through first, quickly following behind. 
Hand in hand, they joined us at the bar. I just looked at the two of them for a minute, my head tilted slightly. 
“Peter Pan and Tinkerbell?” I finally manage to ask.
“Yes!” Josh says, fluttering the tiny wings he has on. 
I let out a small sigh; I should have known, giggling to myself. 
“I think you two look adorable,” Linda compliments them, eliciting a curtsy from Josh while Quinn does a stage bow. 
“Alright, Tink, come tend bar so I can go change into something more festive.”
After I finally got upstairs, I started digging through my closet, looking for everything. I know it’s in here. I finally found my cream button-up; it was a bit looser on me than most of my shirts, so when I tucked it in; it definitely fit a pirate theme. 
I pull on my black slim-fit jeans, tucking the bottom of my shirt into them. I slide on my brown dress vest over the shirt, leaving it fairly open so that my chest is exposed. I grab the necklaces on my nightstand and walk into the bathroom to make sure they are sitting properly. I don’t need Josh telling me I layered my necklaces wrong again. 
I know Josh has some sort of scarf or belt that would make more sense for a pirate outfit, so I decide to bravely go into his room. Good lord, Josh.  Walking into his room, I always forget that he likes to have things. I mean that nicely; he just loves art, decor, and tchotchkes, so his bedroom would be overstimulating to most. Considering how long I’ve known him, I’m generally accustomed to his ways, but when he keeps his door shut more often than not, it starts to slip my mind. 
Rummaging through his closet, filled with colorful pieces, I find the clothes hanger loaded with scarves. I pulled out an olive green one; earth tones will work, right?  I tie it around my waist, moving in front of his full-length mirror; I look much more piratey than before. 
I look at the time, not realizing how long it’s taken me, I hustle back into my room. I grab the rings from the drawer in my nightstand, quickly sliding them on and spraying myself with another round of cologne to hopefully hold me over the rest of the night. I pull out a single cigarette from the drawer, shutting it a little harder than I mean to. 
Maybe? Her text is still sitting in my mind. What if she does show up? I grab my phone from the counter, slide it back into my pocket, and head out the door. 
“Excuse me, sorry,” I mumble as people pass me on the stairs. I’m moving a little quicker than I usually am because I don’t want to leave Josh bartending alone for too long. Maybe Melody is helping him out? I should have pulled everything out earlier, so this didn’t happen. 
I pull open the door, letting the couple outside into the stairwell. I pull my lighter out, placing the cigarette between my lips and covering the filter end with my hand to block the wind. I take the long way around the building so I can enjoy this while I have a second. Josh is fine, the bar is fine, if she shows up, that’s also fine. I think to myself as I’m rounding the corner. Taking one final drag before putting it out, I hold in the cloud of smoke for a moment before releasing it. I close my eyes for a second, breathing in the cool fall air. Glancing over to the most delightful sight, I’m unable to come up with words fast enough before I hear– 
“Well, hello there, Captain.” 
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Charlotte POV
You’re allowed to have fun, Charlotte. That’s the mantra I’ve been repeating in my head since Jacob told me about this party, though the alternative is that this is incredibly unprofessional. 
I’ve been parked and sitting in my car for 10 minutes, building up the will to get out. You bought a costume, and you got ready, and you smiled at the text for about 15 minutes straight. Just go have fun. My hand finally reached for the handle, opening the door. 
My boots make a little click on the pavement as I get out of the car; I smooth out my pants and readjust the little corset so it’s more comfortable. I look at my reflection in my car windows, leaning in to make sure my lipstick is still in place. Okay. Just go. 
Rounding the corner, I see the entrance to the bar, making me slow my pace a little until- 
Jacob? I watch as he walks towards the bar; he looks .. good– No, Charlotte, cut it out. I slowly walk towards him, still watching him as he lets out a quick stream of smoke; why is that kinda…  He sets the rest of the cigarette in the ashtray placed on top of the garbage can. He stops for a second, clearly trying to calm down. Is he okay? His shoulders drop as he lets out a long breath. Suddenly, we’re making eye contact. Shit.
“Well, hello there, Captain,” I say to him. Smooth Charlotte, real smooth. 
He giggles at the name, “Well, blow me down. I didn’t know if I would see you tonight, Red.” 
“I decided that I deserved a little fun after this past week and all.”
“I think you made a good decision,” he says calmly, “Also, your costume choice is just lovely.” I don’t know if I ate too much or if he is actually giving me butterflies right now. 
“Oh, thank you,” I say quietly; I’ve never been good at receiving compliments. We both stand there for a brief second before he grabs the door to the bar, gesturing for me to go through. 
“Ladies first.” 
“What a gentleman– oh, I mean, gentle-pirate.”
The bar is full of costumed people, Halloween songs playing loud over the speakers that you can barely hear over the chatter from everyone.  It’s nice to see how busy the bar is finally.  I had only really been here earlier in the day and honestly, it’s refreshing to know that the bar is doing well, considering how many people are here. 
I followed Jacob to the bar, sitting down, only to notice that his brother was dressed as Tinkerbell. It seemed like an odd choice until I looked down to the other end of the bar to see Peter Pan sitting there. Oh… OH. 
“Charlotte! You came!” Josh says excitedly, “Y’know, I told Ol’ Captain Sparrow that if he just asked you that, you-” 
 “Oooookay, Tink, that’s enough,” Jacob cuts him off, making me laugh. 
He slid a glass over to me on a napkin. I looked down to see that he made me a Boulevardier. He remembered? My heart feels weird. 
“Let me know if it’s terrible, I’ll remake it for you,”
I take a small sip; it’s incredible?
“No, it’s perfect, thank you,” I tell him. 
He smiles at me, even his eyes light up. I watch him walk down the length of the bar, checking in on other customers and replacing their drinks with fresh ones. He’s so soft-spoken that I’m shocked he feels so comfortable bartending. The way he looks at every single customer, giving them his full attention, even for the twenty seconds it takes for them to place their order. He’s so-
“So Charlotte,” Josh starts, pulling me out of my thoughts, which may be a good thing at this rate. 
“How are you doing, dear?” he asks while wiping a wine glass dry. 
“I’m okay,” I tell him, “I am sorry about the other day, I hope you weren’t trying to get out of here.” 
“I was actually coming back from lunch, and you weren’t a bother at all,” he tells me, relieving me that I didn’t mess up his entire day. 
He continues, “Also, never apologize to me for having feelings. I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad that you were able to let them out. Jake is good at handling situations like yours, so you picked the perfect time, honestly.”
“Oh,” I say before taking a bigger sip. 
“Are you here alone?” he asks. I nod quickly, “Let me introduce you to someone. Hold on!” 
I watch as he waves over the person in the Peter Pan costume. They make their way over to us, and with how Josh’s face looks, I’m assuming this is a special person to him.
“Charlotte, this is Quinn,” Josh said, gesturing between the two of us. 
“Hi, nice to meet you, Quinn,” I can’t help how professional it comes out. 
“You as well,” they start, “If you haven’t pieced it together, yes, I’m Josh’s partner.” They let out a small laugh, gesturing at the Peter Pan costume. Okay, thank God, I didn’t want to say that I assumed.  
Looking at the two of them, they really are precious. 
“I love your costumes,” I tell them. 
“Oh, thank you!” they both say simultaneously. 
“So Charlotte, what exactly is your job?” Quinn asks. 
“Well-” I’m cut off by the group of people approaching us loudly. 
I watch quietly from my seat while they all greet each other. 
“WILLIAM,” Quinn hollers.
“QUILLIAM,” the two of them yell at the same time, falling into a fit of giggles. 
I can’t help but wonder what I’m currently witnessing. 
“Oh my god, you look so fucking good.”
“Stop it- no, YOU guys look so good.”
Quinn looks back over to me, grabs the two girls’ hands they have been chatting with, and hustles back to the bar.
“Guys, this is Charlotte!” Quinn starts introducing us. “This is Willa,” they gesture to the petite girl with a cute bob haircut that frames her face so nicely. She’s dressed in light pink. Loofah? Which is quickly clarified when Sam comes into view dressed as a bar of soap, whom I met briefly the first day I came in. 
“I still can’t believe I’m soap, Bird.”
“It was this or Twilight, be glad!”
“And this is Melody, obviously. You’ve met already, though?” gesturing to her, who’s also absolutely beautiful. She’s dressed as Arwen, which means that Danny is dressed as the Aragorn man.
“Hi,” I manage to get out, “Yes, we have, and you both look so great,” 
“Thank you so much!” Melody quickly responds. 
“Oh, thanks!” Willa quips back. 
“Drinks for everybody,” Jake’s voice came from behind me as he slid a bunch of glasses towards us. A chorus of ‘thank you’ surrounds me. Before I can turn to acknowledge him, he’s grabbing my glass. 
“Another one?” He asks, fairly quietly this time. 
“Please,” my nerves are getting the best of me, and the best way to fight them off is not to be sober. 
“Oh, sick! We’re all in couples costumes,” 
“Sam,” Willa hitting Sam’s arm, “Shut up?”
I could feel the heat rising into my face; I had been ignoring that Jacob and I wore the same kind of costume and wishfully thought that nobody would mention it. I guess that ship has sailed.
“We have Peter Pan and Twinkerbell, Lord of the Rings, and Calico Jack and Anne Bonny at the bar– I thought it was safe to assume!” Sam says, his loud laugh following it.  
“Oh guys,” Jake sounds defeated, “Don’t embarrass her. You just met her.” 
He looks back at me, handing me a new drink, “I’m sorry about that. I swear sometimes my brother hates me.” 
“It’s okay. I was kind of waiting for it to happen,” I laughed, “I mean, we are matching so..” 
He laughs at my observation for a moment. 
“Between you and me,” he leans a little closer, whispering, “I think we’re the best dressed here,” flashing me a small smile; oh, how I wish he wouldn’t do that. 
“Charlotte, come with us!” Quinn says, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the barstool. They pull me over to a table where the other girls are sitting. Oh god.  
“Josh told me you were here alone, and well.. that’s not fun,” they tell me. 
“I don’t actually live around here, so I don’t really know anybody,” I start, “Well, aside from you guys, now.”
A slew of ‘oooohhhh’s come out from all of them. 
“So, I’m under the impression you’re all partners with the boys?” I ask. 
“Yes!” “Yep,” “Mhmmm,” quickly followed. 
I take another few sips of my drink, feeling the anxiety starting to melt away. 
“I’m secretly a sucker for romance, so who wants to let me in on the situations here?” I tell them, rapidly pointing around at all of them and the boys. I’m going to be around for a little bit. I may as well get to know them. Plus.. it probably wouldn’t hurt for me to try and make some friends… right? 
“How much time do you have?” Quinn asks bluntly. The other two erupted with laughter. 
I look down at my drink, swirling it around, and then drink the last few sips quickly before looking at them and delivering a monotone, “I got time.” 
“Well, in that case,” Willa starts, “Let me tell you about my sweet, dumb, but hot boyfriend Samuel.” She says while cracking her knuckles. 
“So– I met him at the farmers market, where he proceeded to be an absolute dick to me. And THEN, he was here when I came here on an unsuccessful date, we had to WORK TOGETHER, went on a trip where we got with ONE BED-” Willa pauses for dramatic effect before taking a breath to practically yell, “LIKE THE BOOK TROPE, CHARLOTTE.”
“You sure you wanna hear this?” Quinn interjects. 
“Oh, I’m invested now,” I quickly spit out. I catch a small glimpse of Jacob as he’s grabbing some empty bottles from a table across the room. He smiles and nods at whatever they say; oh, there’s that feeling again. 
Willa continues her tale, but I barely hear her. My eyes fixated on him, watching how he makes eye contact with anyone who talks to him. Making sure that he hears them, nodding along and giggling often. Every so often, letting someone have a genuine smile–
Willa’s voice hit me again, “–and now I guess I like him back.” 
“Oh, my god?” I respond, “That is uh.. A lot?” Oh, I’m the worst person ever. 
“It is a lot, but I guess he was worth it or whatever,” Willa rolls her eyes at the statement. 
Quinn smacked her arm, “You loved that silly string bean for so long. Don’t even act like you didn’t.” 
Everybody was giggling at the call out. I saw Melody look around the table at all the empty glasses before standing up and grabbing them all.
“Let me get us another round, but Quinn, feel free to start whenever,” She grabs their arm, “I obviously know how this goes already.” 
We all watch her for a minute as she walks up to the bar, getting the boys’ attention. 
“Melody is so pretty?” I say out loud, “Oh god, is that weird?”
“Not at all.” 
“We all think she’s hot, don’t worry.”
Before I can look back over to them, Jacob is in my line of sight again. This time, he’s behind the bar, talking to one of the older ladies he seems so fond of. The way they make him laugh is sweet. He’s stood there for a second before he leans over the bar to grab something from them, but the way he leans makes his shirt fall open more; I can see his stomach flex for a split second. Holy shit. Where is Melody with those drinks, dear god- 
“Alright, Quill, let’s go.” 
Melody sat back down at the table, dispersing the drinks to everyone. 
“Welllllll,” Quinn says, “I met him at Hobby Lobby- don’t ask me why HE worked THERE.”
I have got to stop getting distracted by this man. He walks past our table, gently squeezing Quinn’s shoulders as he passes them. They just glance over at him as they’re talking. It’s precious how much he seems to like them. Maybe he’s just a loving person? Oh, god I don’t like that. 
 “But, now we’re just in love, and he’s perfect, so!” 
“...in the cooler?” Willa mumbled, covering her mouth, “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
What did they do in the cooler? Shit, I need to be paying closer attention. 
“Yeah… I probably could have left that part out, huh?” Their eyes widened, looking over at me, with the realization of who they were telling that to. “We cleaned up after! Promise!”
“Wait a second- so, you and Josh.. here?” Willa says, pointing at Quinn, before turning to Melody, “And you and Danny …ALSO here..?” 
Never mind, I don’t want to know. Don’t tell me, don’t tell me, don’t tell me. 
The two nod in sync, holding back their laughs. 
“Well, that’s not fair!”
“This is truly taking years off my life,” I tell them while rubbing my temples, making them all giggle at my pain. 
“I’m not about to make it any better,” Melody says with a laugh, followed by the other two losing even more.
I hold up one finger while inhaling the rest of my drink, “Okay, I think I’m ready.” 
“So Daniel and I actually started dating in High School,” Melody says, pulling a quiet ‘awww’ from all of us, “We were together for a while before I decided to go to college out of state,” she tells us. 
I see him in the background, just scanning the room while Josh is making drinks, well, until he sees me looking back at him. Shit, shit, shit, shifting my eyes back to Melody.
“Anyway– I ran into Josh, who got me the job here, and I’m so thankful for it. The boys are so great, and I’m obviously not going to complain about getting to see Daniel again.” 
“I bet you’re not complaining,” Willa says suggestively with an exaggerated wink. 
“HE sure complained at first, though,” Quinn pipes up with a laugh.
“Oh hush,” Melody tries to brush it off, “I do love him for more than our sex life.”
Willa is quick to reply, “Whatever you say, girly.” 
“So.. what’s the part that will ruin my day?” I nervously ask. 
“Conveniently, the day you came in actually, Jake had sort of… walked in on us.” 
“Walked in on WHAT?” 
“The thing is.. The roads were terrible, so I asked Jake if he minded grabbing Iris-” Quinn quickly cuts off Melody. “YEAH, WE HAD A SLEEPOVER WITH THE CHILD,” Quinn can’t tell us fast enough. 
“Hey,” Willa, chuckling, gently grabs Quinn’s arm, “Charlotte was the only one not involved. You don’t need to yell.” 
“Sorry, I just love Iris a lot, okay?” 
“And she loves you back,” Melody reassures them, “Anyway, yes, so everybody else had a fun sleepover with my daughter, and I closed the bar with Daniel while having a weird argument–” 
Jake comes up between Quinn and Melody, placing one hand on Melody’s back, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I come bearing not watered-down drinks.”  
He starts placing the drinks on the table, having to slide mine and Willa’s across the table. 
I watch as he makes a little small talk with everyone and how much they all seem to like him. He seems too nice to be real. Everyone laughing with him, I look up at him before he slides my drink over to me. His hands. Oh my. He has rings on… oh my GOD. Trying not to be obvious, I quickly flit my eyes back up to meet his. 
“Thank you,” I mouth to him while the other three are talking. He mouths back, ‘Of course’, flashing me a smile. The boy is beautiful when he smiles. 
He turns to go back to the bar, and I just focus on him walking there; unknowingly, I am being watched.
“Yes?” I quip back; I can feel the heat in my face, but is it embarrassment or the alcohol? The world will never know.
“Are you… into Jake..?” Willa asks quietly. 
The other two leaned in on our little secret session, which I was not prepared for. 
“Nooo, no, no, no,” I can’t spit it out quickly enough.
Quinn lets out a laugh before choking out, “You were practically drooling over him,” 
“Ha ha.. Nooo.. I wasn’t,” I try to defend myself, scratching the back of my head, “Was it really that obvious?” 
A chorus of yelps elicited when I loosely admit to thinking he’s attractive. 
“Oh stoooop,” I cover my face. 
“Don’t be embarrassed– those Kiszka boys are incredibly charming,” Quinn states, “It’s hard not to fall for it.”
“Yeah, I don’t know about ‘charming’ per se, but they do have some good genes in that family.” Willa taking a light jab at Sam. 
“Really though,” Melody chimes in, “Jake is honestly very charming,” 
“Oh, he is absolutely,” 
“He’s too nice,”
Quinn and Willa tend to talk at the same time, and being a few drinks in does not help my deciphering of who said what, but at least when they’re on the same page, it helps. 
“He has been very easy to work with, so I would believe that,” I try to regain my composure,  even though the fact everybody thinks he’s sweet is not helpful to where my brain has been going all night. 
“I’m sure his brain just shuts down when you’re around,” Willa says into her glass before taking a sip. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Have you seen yourself?” Quinn questions, “You’re so hot?”
‘Yeah, you are.’ 
I know that my face is absolutely pink at this rate; I just shake my head ‘no.’
“I’m sure he sees plenty of pretty girls being a bartender,” I roll my eyes at the idea that he wouldn’t hit on other girls while he’s working. 
“Pretty sure the only one he entertains is Eleanor,” Melody giggles. 
“I’m almost positive he told Josh that he’d just marry her if he stayed single for too much longer,” Quinn says, looking over at Josh, who just blows a kiss to them. Wow, they’re so cute together. 
I watch as Melody taps on her phone, seeing the time, “Well, guys, I need to go relieve Josh for a bit.”
Quinn quickly stood up with their drink and nodded to the bar. Willa and I followed suit, migrating up to the bar. Claiming a bar stool and watching as Josh comes to find Quinn, quickly kissing their nose and then their forehead before Quinn snuggles themself into him for a brief moment. 
“Pretty cute, aren’t they?” Jacob whispers, scaring the living daylights out of me. 
“They really are,” I say, “And you need a bell or something because Jesus Christ.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he laughs, placing his hand on my back for a second, “I just need to get out of there for a minute,” he tells me.
 “So I’m going to run around to clean and just saw you fixated on them.” 
“Well, since you’re here, Jake,” Willa says loudly, leaning over to me and whispering, “Wanna see the boys squirm?” I simply nod with a grin plastered across my face. 
“Don’t you guys think Melody is insanely hot?” She questions everybody.
Daniel violently shakes his head, ‘Yes,’ while Melody laughs behind the bar. 
“I.. uhh,” Jake mumbles, holding the back of his neck, “I have tables to clean,” and quickly walks off to grab glasses. 
Sam’s eyes are wide, and his face is filled with panic. “Birdie, I can’t answer,” he begins to say before his brother abruptly cuts him off. 
“SMASH FOR SURE,” Josh confidently shouts, being met with a high five from Quinn. 
“You’re right, that was worth it,” I whisper, leaning into Willa. 
I sat with everybody while they talked, well, yelled. This is a much louder group of friends than I’m used to. Granted, I have like..no group of friends. I listen to a lot of very odd conversations filled with Sam instigating Willa so that she would get a little pissed at him. There are plenty of lengthy stories from Josh, which probably wouldn’t take as long if he didn’t tell us every side story that goes along with it, but he’s so animated I guess I can’t really complain. 
“Here, Charlotte,” Melody says, “Jake told me how to make your drink, so .. I hope it tastes right,” 
I take a sip, oh lord, that is STRONG, “It’s great!” 
Why did I do that? She needs to learn… Not that I could even correct her right now. 
I sip on my drink for a while, feeling it hitting harder than I’m used to. Every so often, Jake comes out from behind the bar to make small talk with some of the customers or come bug his brothers for a few minutes. I always hope it’s the latter. 
“How are we doin’, Red?” 
I blink rather slowly, “I’m thriving,” slowly cracking a smile, knowing it sounded terrible coming out of my mouth. 
“Well, I’m so glad,” he tells me. The way he makes eye contact but also watches my mouth when I talk makes me want to scream. 
“You know,” I tell him, what are you doing? , “I dare ye to resist me booty,” the alcohol starts speaking. 
“Are…are you trying to flirt with me?” He laughs out. 
“Maybe, is it working?” I ask, biting the inside of my lip. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
“Oh– well,” he giggles quietly; leaning in, he rests one hand on the back of my barstool to support himself, but his face creeps in closer to my ear before he whispers, “You don’t even have to try with me, honey.” Fuck me. 
I spend the rest of the night chatting with Quinn and Willa about the most random things. But I think that is what friends are supposed to do? 
Slowly, people start trickling out as it nears 1 a.m. I say my goodbyes to Sam and Willa, which is shortly followed by Josh and Quinn. Jake was nice enough to let Josh go to bed since he was here decorating so early. 
“Ready to go, ducky?” Daniel asks Melody;  party of one officially. 
“Oh, I am beyond ready,” she stretches her arms out before turning to me, “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” 
Shit. I already forgot that I told her about the training earlier today. 
“Yes, you will! Can’t wait,” I do my best not to show that I definitely forgot and that I’m definitely NOT going to feel like shit in the morning now. 
“I’ll see you then,” she says with a little wink. 
I turn to the bar, leaning into my hand with a very minuscule smile painted on my face as I watch him. Just waiting for him to look over at me, I can’t help but stare. 
“I can feel you watching me,” he grins from the other end of the bar. 
“I’m debating on how I’m going to get home, is all,” I say with a sigh. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks. 
“Okay, so, first of all, you’re not going to do that,” he tells me. 
“And why not?” I protest. He sauntered over to me, leaning against the bar. 
“You’re so pretty,” he says to me, glancing down at my lips until I finally pull the bottom one in with my teeth, “Yeah- you’re not driving.”
My jaw drops; he really got me there. 
“I can just call an Uber,” I tell him.
“Charlotte, I don’t love that idea. It’s almost 2 am, and I literally live just upstairs,” Jake continues to tell me I need to stay here, and I don’t know why I’m fighting it so hard. 
“I don’t want to impose,”
“I’m offering?” 
“Touche Captain,” I giggle a bit at the nickname. I bet he likes it. 
“Just hang out for a couple minutes so I can close the bar down,” he tells me. 
“Don’t you want to clean?” 
“It’s so late. Josh can help me in the morning,” Jake speaks low as we walk into the stairwell. 
“Oh no,” slips out, “oh, I didn’t mean to actually say that,” 
Jake lets out a quiet laugh, “I got you, don’t worry,” 
Before I can react, he has his arm underneath mine, gesturing for my hand. I lace my fingers into his; the butterflies are back. How fun. He holds my hand tightly, letting me put a lot of my weight into him as we carefully go up the first flight of stairs. 
“I think I can do it,” I tell him; I absolutely cannot? 
“You sure about that, sport?” 
I squint at him and immediately stumble up the first couple of stairs of the second flight, letting out a small ‘oop.’
“Yeah, that’s what I figured,” He makes fun of me gently while supporting me again. 
This may be the longest stair climb of my life.
We finally make it to his apartment.
Jake whispers, “You can take my bed, and I’ll just sleep on the couch.”  He’s so cute when he’s concerned.
“Noooo, I can sleep on the couch. I’ve already inconvenienced you.” 
He blinks at me slowly, unamused. 
I can’t stop myself from walking towards his couch, and it’s a humbling moment for me as my legs wobble in the process. 
“No, you don’t,” Jake says from behind me. 
“Jake, really, I don’t mind,” I look back at him, disorienting myself from turning too quickly. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters as he grabs my arms to stop me from falling over. I just stare at him like a deer in headlights. 
“Yeah, I didn’t want it to come to this, but,” he says before he wraps his arms around my thighs, lifting me over his shoulder. 
Childlike laughter erupts from me as he carries me through his apartment into his bedroom. I can feel his chest vibrating subtly from giggling with me. 
“Here ya go,” he says, moving one hand to my back so he can set me down.  So carefully, making sure not to drop me, he leans down slowly. The feeling of falling became so real suddenly, that I instinctively held onto his shoulder, which pulled him back with me. He stumbles forward a bit, catching himself before landing on top of me. 
I prop myself up on my elbows as I laugh. He’s hovered over me, with a hand on either side; our faces are so close. 
We both freeze as we realize how close we are. I wonder how soft his lips really are… My eyes defy me, shifting down to look at his mouth, just for a second, as he watches me. 
Clearing his throat as he stands up. 
“Uh- here, let me get you a sweatshirt or something,” he sounds timid. Quickly shuffling through his closet, he pulled out a navy sweatshirt and handed it to me. 
“It’ll probably be a little bit loose on you, but better than sleeping like a pirate?” 
I chuckle, smiling up at him. Simply grateful for something comfortable to wear. 
“I’ll go so you can do that,” still clearly very nervous. 
Pulling my shirt over my head, I quickly pull the sweatshirt over me. I lock the bottom of it under my chin so I can see what I'm doing. Oh no. No, no, no, no. My zipper is stuck, and staring at it makes me cross-eyed. I drop my head back, letting out an angry sigh. Please just unzip. My hands get increasingly sweaty, making the stupid plastic zipper hard to grip. 
I hear a few soft knocks on the door before it cracks open. 
“Can I come in?” He asks. 
“Actually… I um… I need help.” 
Coming in quickly and shutting the door behind him, I just stare at him pathetically. 
“My zipper is stuck,” I tell him, embarrassed. 
He chokes back a laugh, setting a glass of water on the nightstand next to his bed. 
He kneels in front of me; oh, this is terrible. I lift the sweatshirt, revealing the catastrophic mess from me, yanking the zipper every which way. 
“Where the hell did you even get these, Red?” He asks, looking up at me with a soft giggle. 
I wish he would just focus. I don't need to look at him like this. Making eye contact causes my brain to short-circuit, and I stare back at him silently. Watching him try to figure out how the zipper got caught, he’s so carefully moving the fabric around. 
“How much do you care about these?” He asks, gently tapping my hip. 
“At this point,” I raise my eyebrows in defeat. 
“Are you sure?”
I just nod ‘yes’ in response. 
He grabs either side of the zipper and tears it apart quickly. The sound of the fabric ripping was relieving, well, for a second. Both of us smile at the fact that I’m free until he looks back down to see the lace of my thong peeking out. 
I see his eyes go wide, and the pink creep into his cheeks as he pinches the fabric together. 
“Oh,” slips out of me. I let the sweatshirt drop, falling to the tops of my thighs as the now ripped pirate pants hit the floor. 
“So, uh, well,” Jake says, holding the back of his neck while avoiding eye contact, “I will let you get some sleep.” 
I don’t know what possesses me to say, “Wait-“ 
Closing the gap between us, I lean up onto my toes slightly, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you,” I tell him before crawling into his bed.
“Of course, m’lady,” he says with a bow. His little English accent laces the words, which makes me laugh. 
“Sleep well,” he whispers, shutting off the light as he leaves. 
I fall back into his bed, wrapping myself up in the blankets. They smell like him, comforting, warm. 
Chapter Seven
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So I watched all of season 3 already (SPOILERS)
Of course I loved it; how could I not?
Because I watched seasons 1 and 2 together though, I think the difference between 3 and the previous ones feels more pronounced to me, but it feels like it’s on a different path, and I think I like it.
After the first couple episodes, I noticed that it’s either presented as a montage or a long dialogue scene, and for those dialogue scenes, characters don’t multitask anymore. They never have anything to do with their hands, and they just talk to each other in spaces they don’t interact with.
And they’ve done this to a lesser extent before, but they repeat things in the dialogue a little too much. Nonnegotiables and c-folds were barely words to me anymore
Now, with the critiques out of the way, the writing is so good it hurts
But my god are those dialogue scenes great sometimes. When Richie and Carmy are bitching at each other, it still manages to feel incredibly tense and nerve-wracking with no other action and no music behind it. The conversations between Donna and Nat fucking killed me. There’s so much shit there, but there’s so much love too. Tina and Mikey’s conversation is so good omg. There’s already so much chemistry and just caring there. And my god, Carm’s conversation with NYChef/David Fields. There is no sympathy there. Carmy hurt so so much, and Chef doesn’t even remember his name. He does not care. Fucking hell dude.
And oh my god, I’m going to be thinking about the montage in episode 1 for forever. I’ve written a lot of fanfic for The Bear, so I sometimes think about it in this overly poetic way, but there was love here. There was a love for creating something. Maybe it used to be more technically difficult, but for a thousand different reasons, Carmy cooking in the modern day is so so much harder.
The way everyone slowly starts to buckle under the stress of the kitchen is devastating. Carmy panics during service, vision going blurry. Richie forgets a birthday. Syd couldn’t imagine having the energy for another project, but this one is destroying her so badly that she’s been heavily considering taking the out and jumping ship to Ever. Everyone seems so worn down, and it’s so rough to watch sometimes.
And the way they show new relationships of the cast this season was PHENOMENAL. Syd and Pete talking about food and the agreement thing? Absolutely adorable. And the Ever funeral was fucking genius. I cannot tell you how much I have wanted Syd and Luca to meet, and Carm seeing NYChef/David Fields again is a nightmare come true.
Anyway, there’s probably so much more I’d love to say, but I’m just going to let it rotate in the mental microwave some more.
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ragingstillness · 2 days
The Boys thoughts 4x5:
Homelander’s conversation with Ryan: felt realistic to his character but also yikes (as always). Acknowledgement of his manipulation of Ryan +1 Acknowledgement of his own trauma +1 Equivalence of his experience as a deeply privileged white man to slavery -100
Ryan getting the PA to slap the Snyder parody: one of those delightful moments that The Boys does so well where I feel both positive and negative emotions about it. Do I think the Snyder dude deserved to be slapped by his PA? Absolutely. Do I think it’s a good thing that Ryan thinks the ultimate penance is receiving corporal punishment? No I don’t. I do like that Ryan actually let the victim do the punishment and receive the apology rather than white knighting about it. And of course I am deeply aware of how ironic it is that Homelander is helping Ryan stand up for sexual harassment victims when Homelander raped Ryan’s mom in a similar power imbalance situation.
Genuinely feel sad for Ashley that she lost her Ben Shapiro parody submissive (at least partially because I found it hilarious), but she got him back and that felt very earned.
I knew that Ashley and A-Train did more to Homelander’s apartment! Haha I can’t wait to find out what it is.
Man no one is having a great time or talking about it this episode.
Always happy to see more Esposito, love him as the ultimate traitor. Just betraying everyone left and right.
Not super fond of how they’re making it seem like Annie was wrong morally for beating up Firecracker. For falling for it? Sure. For reacting with anger? No.
Big fan of the V-ed up animals. Hysterical and very fun.
“Do you even know who Annie is anymore?” Um has more time passed that they’re showing? Because didn’t Annie decide to use the Starlight name again like two episodes ago?
I like that we got to see Hughie solve a bad situation on his own this time. He’s really coming into his own. Also, I like that we got another chance to say goodbye to his dad. Still sus that Hughie’s mom knows what V is.
Finally we got to see some of Simon Pegg’s comedic chops too. Him spinning around inside that guy had me laughing like nothing else.
Butcher taking that scientist captive? Honestly that doesn’t feel so much like a return to the dark side as just something his character would always be willing to do. Lest we forget he kidnapped Translucent, tortured him, pumped him for information, and would have killed him if Hughie didn’t get there first. I do feel like he’s relying less on other people which is a backslide from his character development but true to where his character was in the first season too.
Not a lot of sister sage the episode, glad to see she saw through firecracker’s fake inclusion attitude. I do feel like she’s growing closer and closer to dropping Homelander as an ally, something I suspected she would do from the minute they teamed up.
No Colin but I’m sure that’s gonna bite them in the ass.
What are the rules of Victoria’s headpopping? We saw her do it a little but there were many more opportunities. Does she need to charge up? Line of sight? Eye contact?
I agree that Victoria turned her daughter into a monster but only because she taught her not to value human lives and also because she turned her into some version of Parasyte: The Maxim.
Not a fan of Frenchie turning himself in. That’s not going to do anything, now they’re gonna have to break him out, and this show’s morality was never black and white enough that it could look at his actions and be like “you finally did the right thing”
Man when they all meet up with Hughie again he’s gonna have some stories to tell.
Side note: I am utterly amazed that now the secret of Compound V is out that no other country is sending like every spy in their arsenal to steal some. Considering how easily Hughie and the Boys can get it, it isn’t very difficult. Take one look at the nuclear arms race and tell me that every country in the world wouldn’t be quietly declaring all out war on Vought to get their hands on some.
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violetwolfraven · 5 months
Was genuinely confused why people get upset about characters looking different than their original design in newer adaptations of whatever story and then I remembered I’m a ✨ theatre kid ✨ and not everyone is
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puppyeared · 1 year
I just skimmed through the art part of your blog and holy bajeebus your LMK art is so beautiful and the headcanon ideas you come up with are so good I wanna steal em-
Kinda wanna see like a part 2 of the little angst you did between MK and Macaque a while ago. It's so interesting and I wanna see Macaque's reaction in your art style. (You don't have to of course, it's just a suggestion [idk if i spelled that right])
Thanks for reading and hope you have a good day/night!
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Hope this is to your liking ^^
Part one here
#I’m sure there are some character nuances im forgetting but well 🤷🏽#I want their misunderstanding or whatever they have going on between then come to a head. literally just going ‘wait what’#for me I think it’s entirely possible that there was an actual fight and maybe tension leading up to that point#cause I feel like macaque is not just bitter about thinking he died to wukong but maybe some stuff that built up to that#maybe the fight was just the breaking point. maybe they’re idiots who don’t talk about it because they think they’re on the same page idk#chipper-smol wrote a cool theory abt them using macaques ‘you’re nothing’ line in s4ep1. from what I understand it could be a direct parall#parallel to when he said that to MK right before MK regained his nerve and hit macaque in the eye.. since flying bark foreshadowed monkey mk#waaaay back in season 1 (where his shadow is his monkey form in the opening) i think that could be deliberate#and they could have gotten billy to voice an entirely different line for that scene. but they reused his line from s3#in a very specific scene with wukongs narrative foil. hm#that aside I would have liked to hear billy voice the ‘you abandoned me’ line that would have killed me. but that’s just me lol#also looking at this I should have shaded the last frame to make it look more dramatic and serious but I ran out of time :(#if anything I want to see MK try and help them get back together. poor kid tries so hard to understand people so I think it would be cool to#see that happen. that’s what I like about him.. he asked macaque why he was working for LBD instead of accusing him of dooming everyone bc#he wants to and he tried to comfort spider queen by admitting he was scared of LBD too 😭😭#my art#myart#Lego Monkie kid#lmk#Monkie kid#lmk spoilers#Lego Monkie kid spoilers#lmk macaque#six eared macaque#lmk sun wukong#lmk swk#lmk MK#lmk xiaotian#lmk season 4#Lego Monkie kid s4
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crossbackpoke-check · 6 months
Hello, im wehaveagathering from my main blog, im kind of obsessed with your hockey poetry edits and I think your blog is great! I guess I kind of have a dumb question, where do you find the images you use for your edits? Did you say Getty in your tags?? I’ve gotten into making icons recently (and i have ideas for poetry edits hrrrghhh) but it’s hard to find high res images. Thanks for your time and I hope you have a nice day :)
first of all thank you so much 🥹 and second that’s absolutely not a dumb question!! i do pull a lot of images from getty and i’ll also download pictures from sports articles (i got a lot of the hugheses pictures from online access articles, for example), or sometimes from instagram/facebook/twitter if an account is public. freely admitting that i am not technologically advanced? inclined? in the slightest here, but the image editing software that you use and how you import/export photos with it makes a difference in the quality of them as well!
if you haven’t seen them yet, i would also recommend checking out @simmyfrobby @national-hockey-lesbian @hauntedppgpaints @tapedsleeves @starscelly and @captainbradmarchand’s blogs just off the top of my head!!! they might know more places to get high res images and also i love their work 💕🫶
#sorry can’t type hands all butterfly hearts i’m just out here like 🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭💕💕💕#@ everyone i tagged ty i love you i hope you don’t mind the tag 😘 also i KNOW i am unintentionally forgetting people so tag them at will#forgive me i am eepy. we are running on <4 hours of sleep and over 18 hours awake 🫡#liv in the replies#join the club!!! join the club!!!!! we love the hockey poetry edits!!!!!! i’m so excited to see what you create!!!!! :)))))#the process of me finding images is very much like. either i have a vision in my head and i troll getty looking for it or my screenshots#if i know i have one l m a o but either way i am always 68 pages deep in a hyper specific search labeling my photos like ‘ohHHH buddy’#‘menace 1 abd 2’ ‘but he’s not a cup winner’ ‘ohhhh the nolpat media scrums are rich earth’#‘because WILLY WON’T CUT HIS HAIR’ ‘deJA FUCKIN MILK BAYBE’ ‘is it truly sn edit if u don’t find a devastating baby pic’ ‘yes MF last line’#and so forth. like. glad it’s comprehensible to ME but if anyone else ever tried to use these photos based on file name alone i am so sorry#also i forget that y’all can’t see all of the metadata notes on photos to know where they’re from :/ i gotta be better abt making it clear#also on the note about image quality i just need to state for the record i am so photoshop whatever illiterate.#i learn one (1) new trick on GIMP a year maybe two if i am lucky & no i have never figured out consistent sizing 🫡 but the one hack for res#i HAVE figured out is that when i do edits i usually make a whole doc w/the poem lined up on it (helps me keep somewhat consistent sizing)#and then i export that document as a pdf and edit the pdf in the software instead of trying to screencap or jpeg or anything. PDF quality >#that is probably so convoluted lol if anyone has tips please lmk i am always learning#ANYWAY. rambling u did not ask for but is inherent to Me.#have a great day too!!!!! you literally made mine so 💕😭#wehaveagathering#indecisor
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mossflower · 4 days
what the fuck
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persephoneflouwers · 9 months
Anons ✨
#lou tisdale anon: unconventional way to get informed i guess but if it worked good for them#‘I’ve really appreciated all of the information you’ve been sharing on here’ anon#a bit offensive you come at me talking about coincidental choices and intentional decisions#using your building as a reference… Guys cmon. At this point you should know im not stupid lol anyway I deleted the tags because#since I noticed a few people have written the same thing as you#usually the background choice falls in an intentional decision but as you say it’s a wild guess#that’s why I only said ‘I hope it’s not intentional if it is yikes’#‘don’t have any doubts about harry’ anon: we’ll never know what they support#and for once I’m glad they won’t be speaking up like their usual because#I’m already disappointed of what side they would be on this#have you seen what his friends share? have you seen what his mom shares? they can be zionist on main without ripercussions#‘seriously wouldn’t know what to if he supported them’ I would unstan right away. god thing is they’ll never be talking about politics#(except Harry sporadically finding new way to have kore people register in the us to vote democrats#and eventually forget about what is happening in rest of the world. firstly like all celebrities do secondly like everyone does.)#you take care of your little garden first#my opinion my ideology and my political view don’t depend on them#if I don’t agree with what some artist/celebrity says#ill stop interacting with them#there’s tone of music and art being made by people#who care about the world and want to see people leaving in peace and with equal rights#it’s not hard to be human you know? at times if you’re afraid to show support to the oppressed#you’re helping the oppressors with oppression and segregation#moreover when the oppression is not about you in the slightest (general you not you anon)#it only means 1. you don’t care enough to advocate 2. you have found different solutions to help (lol)#3. you don’t want to take sides (inferno canto III for me)#4. you don’t want to let know what side you’re on (sigh)
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