#but i’m too accomadating when drunk to say no
suddenlyspectral · 2 years
why are men being so fucking weird to me when i go out. WHY.
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soupbabe · 3 years
🔫 mythical creatures La Squadra x gn!reader hcs -Your Favorite Diori.
👀 possibly with stuff important to each species like helping a Naha through shed or taking care of a werewolf’s coat during the full moon pls.
Monster Boy AU! La Squadra Being Taken Care of by Reader
Hehe my mind is going rabid I love monster boy AUs 🥰🥰 Also this has to be one of my favorites omg I love it
Warnings: Monsters x Human! Reader, mentions of playing with/running fingers through reader's hair in Sorbet + Gelato's part (ik things like that can make some readers feel uncomfortable or take them out of reading the x reader, so I'm putting a small warning), mentions of blood/wounds in Melone's part
Harpy! Sorlato
They usually have each other to look after themselves and clean, but ever since they started dating you they finally decided to let you join them
Preening each other is a very intimate ritual for them and to have you help is a major sign of trust within the relationship
It's not just you looking after your boyfriends' feathers, Gelato loves "preening" your hair to return his affections too
It's usually just him playing with it, lightly running his claws through it and if your hair is long enough he might play around with a couple of hairstyles like ponytails, buns, etc.
Sorbet mostly observes while you and Gelato bond, finding it a special moment to see. A warm feeling spreads through his chest at how soft you are to each other
He does join you two on these moments usually, but for now he'll just look on and coo about how cute his boyfriend and s/o are at the moment
Satyrs are known to be creatures who enjoyed parties and drinking, so seeing drunk Formaggio at your door is fairly common
Drunk cheese goat care is certainly not for everyone though; he can get (very) grabby and talkative, slurring about how much he loves you and how hot you are
Sometimes if you're lucky he's just lovey dovey and not so much horny. He just follows you around, his little goat tail wagging when you look back at him or smile
As expected, you also have to make sure your hungover boyfriend is alright too
He can usually handle himself when he's hungover, but it's very common for him to get migraines so you always leave out medicine and water on the table next to the couch he slept on
Although he knows how to handle his alcohol, Formaggio knows how he is when he goes overboard and is thankful Every time he wakes up on your couch coddled up in a warm blanket
Although his pride got in the way of him asking for your help, his snakes were able to send the message out to you on his behalf
Snake maintenance can be tricky, it's something Illuso is glad to have you for
Not to mention these are the rarer times you could observe your boyfriend's face safely
You two usually sit in front of mirror when doing his hair and the reflection in the mirror is the only thing keeping you safe since he can't have any eye coverings on when working with hair
Snake care for a gorgon involves making sure they keep fed and that their shed goes well since all a gorgon's "hair" can do is grow
The snakes usually love this time too, they coil around you constantly, glad to spend some time outside the confines of the ponytails
There's not much to do to help Prosciutto tbh
His self care is top tier for the most part. He has expensive colognes that cover up his natural decomposing smell well and his hand sewing is impeccable for the moments a limb (or 2) falls off
But something he loves about you is the warmth you had
He isn't one to outwardly ask for affection, but you notice how he stays close to you or how he always convinces you to stay in bed when you two wake up everyday
Prosciutto cracks a smile every time you hold his hand or hold onto his arm when you're with him
If he still had a heartbeat, it'd be pumping fast when you indulge him in his unspoken wants
Fish in general are pretty low maintenance, so just like Prosciutto his needs are mostly just for comfort/psychological
Due to how drastic your lives are and how clingy Pesci is, please just bring him human items
He always gives you various shells, a big blush across his face as he tells you how each one reminded them of you
So when you do the same, it makes him so happy that he unintentionally splashes the water around him with his tail
Vampire! Melone
How Melone went by before he met you was he commonly visited the local nightlife scene, drinking the blood of the men and women he'd meet
But now he has you and he would pester you to let him get a sip of your blood non stop
He'd come up behind you from behind, giving your neck a small lick "C'mon darling, not even a small taste? I know you'd be sweet~" You only shoved him away, "How many times do I have to say no? I just bought you some cow blood too, why can't you busy yourself with that ?"
But eventually you gave into his peer pressure and he was able to drink a tiny bit
His eyes light up at the metallic taste of the red liquid, whispering a "Di Molto!" Before tasting it some more
Seriously you had to pry him off and wash your new wound so you wouldn't pass out
Every full moon could be considered hell for Ghiaccio, especially when it's time for his claws to shed
It's not like he could use a standard scratching board like a domestic cat, he turns into a 5'9" bobcat. Finding things to accomadate him is difficult
But when you entered his life, you wanted to help him as best as you can and make his transformations easier
Ghiaccio and you agreed on trimming his claws to make the shedding process quicker and it surprisely works
Of course it's never pleasant, you earn plenty of growls from your feline boyfriend and on rare occasions you had to restrain him with rope or chains to prevent him from lashing out
But it's worth it to see Ghiaccio less tense and him giving into purring at the attention you give him after the stressful manicure
Minotaur! Risotto
The care Risotto gets is mostly you encouraging him to take care of himself
It's usually the small stuff though like brushing through his fur and cleaning any new wounds he got from a recent fight
It was easy for Risotto to let you be this close to him and it felt nice to be treated with such gentle care
He literally melts if you pet him behind the ear
it's almost off putting to see such a naturally more defensive and aggressive creature be this soft, you're just happy to see him actually enjoy himself for once
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fallen029 · 4 years
Missing You
She'd been slinging drinks all day, dodging compliments left and right, all while plastering that same stupid smile on her face and it was just a stressful day, honestly, for Mirajane. No more so than usual, but for some reason, it felt extra strenuous as her sister, who'd been helping during busy shifts recently, had absconded off with Natsu and Happy, which left her and Kinana to be slammed all alone.
Which wasn't a problem. Not in the slightest. Nope. Mirajane worked with a smile on her face and kind words on her tongue as the drunks and rowdy guild members absolutely wrecked the place. Master Makarov and Erza were out, the former at a conference and the latter on an S-Class job, which meant there was no chance of either arriving back any time soon and that meant, for the past day or so, that they could all act like complete fools if they so wished.
And oh, at Fairy Tail, they always wished.
Mirajane wished for things too. A lot of things. But one thing in particular, that day, as she found her eyes lingering on the door in the few moments she had to take a breath, hoping and waiting. But each and every time, as her bated breath was shattered by disappointment, whenever it was opened, the thick guildhall doors revealed any number of members other than the exact one she wanted to see.
She did find a smile truly gracing her lips, however, when after all the hoopla the evening brought died down and the place started to clear out, her younger brother came to remark how he'd stick around till she and Kinana finished closing up.
"Always good to have a strong man to walk you home, huh?" he offered and Kinana giggled while Mira, not so sure on who would protect who out of the two of them, only let a hand grace his bicep thankfully.
Elfman helped Kinana clean up around the place, making idle chatter with the mostly agreeable woman, while Mirajane disappeared into Master Makarov's office to put away the jewels for the day. And though she was in something of a rush, hoping to get home to sink into her sheets before it got too late as, of course, she'd have to be right back at the bar, bright and early the next morning, least it not be opened properly, Mirajane still found herself falling into the Master's comfortable chair, her tired feet thankful for even the littlest of reprieves.
It had been a long few weeks. Not that anything truly had changed. Not really. She held things down at the bar and watched all her friends come, go, leave, return. She listed to their stories with bright eyes, interjecting with the silliest of thoughts, ponderings, causing mystification and awe with each conversation. She took breaks with Lucy and Plue, were the celestial mage around to accomadate this, and when she wasn't, either found herself making chatter with Levy or Laki. Once, before she left on her newest S-Class job, Mira and Erza talked idly for a good ten minutes, in a way they hadn't in what felt like years.
Things had been great.
But...something was missing.
Something always felt like it was missing in Mirajane's life. And wasn't it? Loss had followed her from birth till that moment, as she sat in the too old Master's chair who, honestly, she imagined some days, when he was coughing a bit too much, hobbling far too often, and just overall looked unwell, would more than likely be the next hole she'd never be able to fill. Though it was his scent, his presence, that encapsulated the entire back office, as Mira sank further into his desk chair, it was another Dreyar that she found her mind drifting towards.
It was just hard. Sometimes.
When he went out on jobs. Especially the long ones. It was the name of the game, especially with how high ranking he was, but…
She'd thought that she'd fallen asleep. Maybe she had. But it was the sound of the guild hall doors opening and closing, a sound that echoed through the mostly empty hall, that jolted her awake, as well as the sound of her boisterous younger brother calling out, "Bar's closed for the night."
There was a pause, though not a tense one, before a simple response of, "Yeah? Well I ain't here for the bar."
Mirajane shoved up then, at the voice, and though she was too tired to rush, she did make it back into the main part of the hall in time to catch the need of Elfman's reply.
"Then what," he questioned simply, "are you here for, Laxus?"
He didn't rightly answer, the blond slayer didn't. He wasn't the type to think that he had to do much of that, answering, to those who he deemed lower than himself. And oh, Elfman was way lower than him. Still, this wasn't quite the reason he fell silent as, instead of speaking to the man, his eyes had fallen away, off to the side where, from the darkened back hallway, Mirajane emerged, surprise etched into her features.
Noting his gaze, Elfman glanced that way too. When all he saw was his sister though, he laughed, slightly, before saying, "Hate to tell ya this, but Master's out. Conference. It was just Mirajane back there."
But it was never just Mirajane, to the man.
"Is that right?" he questioned back to Elfman who, simply, nodded. Snorting, Laxus looked away from Mira's captivating blue eyes, and instead shrugged his shoulders some. "My mistake."
"Well, I think he'll be back soon," Kinana offered from where she was now, wiping down the bar. "Laxus. Oh, I know! If you're too busy to come by the next few days, just to see when he gets in, you could write it down. Or tell it to one of us. I'm sure we'll remember to pass the message along. And if it's really serious, then-"
"It's personal," the slayer offered bluntly before, again, shrugging. "I'll handle speaking to Gramps on my own. Just got into town, passed by, saw the lights still all on, and thought I'd come in and say hello to the old geezer. Speak on a few things. But since you're all around- Say, what are you all doing here so late anyhow?"
"It's not so late," Kinana offered with a slight smile. "It's rather normal, for closing hours."
"Is it?"
Elfman though, who was sweeping, huffed some as he went back to it, "Real men know how to delegate. That's why my sister has me doing this. She's a real man."
Finally finished with sticking to the shadows, the woman in question walked further into the main hall as she said, "Elf, I think you and Kinana have done enough, honestly. Lisanna is supposed to come by in the morning to help me open up. Why don't you guys head out without me?"
"Us?" Elfman dropped his broom with a frown. "No way, sis. I'm walkin' ya both home. Of course I am. Why else would I have stayed? We'll wait for you."
"It's really no bother, Mira," Kinana tried to help. "I'm just finishing up back here and-"
"I still have to mop around the pool," Mira told them simply. "It's silly for you guys to stick around for that."
"Then it's silly for you to stick around for it," Elfman argued. "I'll mop around the pool! And do whatever else you need. And-"
"Hey, Elfman, I just got in town, yeah?" Laxus, suddenly, was talking again, arms folded over his chest as he stared at the man quizzically. "So, man to man, can you tell me something?"
At the sound of that, the larger man puffed out his chest, turning from his sister to the slayer.
"Of course," he bellowed. "What's up, Laxus?"
"It's just," the blond began, "I'm a man. And when I get back in town, after not seein' my woman for awhile, the only thing I wanna do is get to her. You know?"
"I," Elfman declared, honestly not even really considering the question, "know."
"If my woman was a mage even, I mean, the second she got back from a long job," the man kept up, "I'd probably be trying to get to her as soon as possible."
"As soon as possible, yep. Checks out."
"So how is it," Laxus finally asked, "that I just got back in town, with the Thunder Legion, after almost a month away, and you're sticking around here, with your sister, having her hand out chores to ya, like you're a little boy, while your woman, Evergreen, is only blocks away, in an empty bed? Just don't make sense to me."
He seemed uncomfortable then, Elfman did, as his chest deflated some and he remarked, "Well...Ever and I aren't exactly-"
"You were all she talked about," Laxus went on. "Was missin' you somethin' fierce, she said, a few times. Couldn't wait to get back to her man, she insisted. But here you are, hanging around the hall, so late at night-"
"Ever… She usually is the one, you know, to, uh, initiate… Well, she lives in the dorms and-"
"And?" Laxus clicked his tongue with a shake of his head. "My woman did, I'd be sneakin' into that place every fuckin' night. To, you know, fuck. Like a man."
"Yeah," Elfman agreed as Mirajane's eyes widened and Kinana, blushing, busied herself with wiping down the bar. "To fuck."
"Just what I was thinkin', s'all." Again, the slayer shrugged, with a sigh. "I'd be climbin' up to my woman's window, knockin' on the glass, askin' if she would let me in."
"Really? That's...what a man would do?"
"Aye," Laxus decided with a nod. "I'd say it's what a...real man would do."
Elfman paused, standing there for a second in thought. Then, with a shake of his head, saying, "I got to walk my sister and Kinana home. A really real man keeps his word, after all."
"Oh." The slayer seemed rather remorseful over this, mimicking how down the big oaf looked before, with a snap of his fingers, he said, "Say, Kinana, you live in the dorms, huh? So, Elfman, if you walked her home, she could probably sneak ya in, right? Get you right to Ever's door where, you know, you knock and all that? Surprise her?"
"Could you?" When Elfman looked to Kinana, her cheeks were still rosy, but the woman nodded regardless. "That'd be great! That- Oh. Mirajane. I said I'd walk my sister home too."
"Well, I'm here." Laxus patted at his chest then. "And since you've had this whole conversation with me, what if I, as another man, do you the honor, huh? Walk your sister home?"
"Really?" Elfman tossed an arm in the air at the slayer's nod. "Alright! C'mon Kinana! Let's get outta here."
"Take a bottle of wine," Mirajane suggested as, recovering, she had something of a knowing smile on her face. But it wasn't meant for her brother. At all. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Both of you."
They let them leave, Mirajane and Laxus did, watching as Kinana giggled and Elfman practically bounced with excitement, the pair leaving the hall together in record time. Mira and Laxus even waited a minute, just to be sure, just to be certain that finally, after so long, they were alone.
"Knock on many windows, mister?" she asked, "Knocking on doors in the middle of the night?"
"Fuck no. That's desperate shit."
"And my dragon's not desperate."
She was coming closer, as she spoke, while Laxus only shook his head.
"What's there to be desperate for?" he questioned as, the second she was in front of her, he reached for her, his jacket falling to the ground, but neither rightly caring to retrieve it. "When you're me? And got your very own demon, right there waiting for you at home?"
"You didn't always," she pointed out, but again, there was a shake of his soft, blond locks.
"What exists before me and you, huh, demon?" He was grinning, truly, not a brilliant one, but enough to bring a real one out from the woman as she stared up into his dark eyes. "Nothin' I'm interested in."
"You're gonna get my brother in trouble, you know," she thought to say. "Sneaking around the girls dorm."
"Erza'll just kick his ass right out," he assured the woman. "Make for an eventful evenin' for the guy, anyways."
"Was Evergreen even truly asking for him?"
"How should I know? When I spent every second I wasn't zeroed in on my job thinkin' about you?" One of his hands came up then, to tug her bangs down and Mirajane laughed, falling into his chest.
"I missed you," she whispered softly to the fabric of his shirt and the slayer didn't have that same, in complete control tone he seemed to take so often. "Laxus."
"I missed you too," he assured the woman. "Mirajane. I love you."
Giggling, she fell away from him some then, fighting the yawn that crept up her throat as she remarked, "I don't think we'll be doing much tonight, you know. I think it's very cute that you came all this way just to see me, but I'm so tired, I… I wish I could stay up, to do something with you, but-"
"I just wanna get you home, in bed," he told the man simply, "and fall asleep. Just so I can wake up next to you again. It's what I miss the most. When I'm away."
"Well," he offered and Mira found herself giggling into her palm, "one of the things."
"I want to do everything," she insisted though, "with you. Dragon. That I've missed."
"We will." He even nodded. "I'm plannin' on sticking around for a bit and we'll get to each and every thing on your list. I promise. But for tonight," and he was reaching then, to take her hand, drag her out of the place, mopping be damned, "I just want to be with you. Just next to you's enough. For now. Demon."
She snagged his coat on the way out, wishing to wrap it around her shoulders. The second they were outside, in the cool air, she found she was thankful for this, and snuggled into the garment as she locked up the thick guildhall doors.
"It will be nice," she mused as the slayer stood behind her, watching this. "I like your bed so much more than my own."
"Shouldda known. Wantin' me for my bed." He tsked some, as she was the one then, all finished up, to come snag his hand and drag him across the Fairy Tail grounds. "Sounds exactly like somethin' a demon would do."
"I want you for more than that, dragon," she assured him, but just as the man started to grin again, she said, "The jewels you bring in are a nice prize as well."
Grunting some, he held her hand tightly as they started off into the night together, headed back to his apartment for the first time in a good bit. To the woman, he remarked, "Anything good happen when I was gone?"
"No," Mira easily answered while smiling up at the man. "Nothing as good as you coming back."
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