#but i wanted to get a poem up before fucking. 8pm for once. usually i just write throughout the whole day
amalgamationink · 6 months
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simeonstans · 5 years
Hey, no worries, I'm the angst Nonnie. I was asking about like a brother (in this instance Mammon) catches MC cheating on their brother (lets say, Lucifer) with another demon. I want brotherly support
okie and the brothers you chose were the oldest 4! gotcha!! srry for taking long to make this :( also i made it so only Levi's was on purpose, i didn't have much of the heart to make MC an asshole cheater dhdjdk
You and Lucifer have been going out for a while now but now it seems like he has no time for you.
You understand all the work he has to do for the exchange program to succeed and how much work Diavolo gives him. But still, you couldn't help but feel lonely. He'd sometimes even kick you out of his office even when you weren't speaking or you were just scrolling through Devilgram. It was irritating.
Asmo might've seen you being bummed out and looking lonely lately, so he invited you to go clubbing at The Fall with him. Said you needed fresh air, so of course he went ahead and dragged you along with him. Dolled you up and everything.
At the club, you just sat at a table, a couple of glasses in and you honestly knew better than to get drunk with none of the brothers there to care for you. Sure Asmo was there and promised to be with you but he saw some guy walk into place and now he's probably getting it on in some closet. And now you're alone.
Figuring you could sober out, you decided to dance. Again, this was drunk you speaking so could you really make since of anything?
You felt this demon walk over to you, and now he was grinding behind you. Turning you saw black hair and black and red eyes staring at you. Lucifer? Maybe Diavolo invited him out?
You smiled up at him and began kissing him passionately, even grabbing his crotch. And the male returned every action back and groped your ass all he could.
Just at this moment Asmo walked in through the crowd looking for you. The guy he met was a heterosexual with a girlfriend only wanting clout for trying to hook up with him. And he wasn't gonna be bait. That's when he saw you making out with some weird guy.
"MC! What the hell are you doing?!" he pulled you back from him, looking at this freak. His eyes and hair were the same as Lucifer's but that's where the similarities end. "And what the hell is wrong with you preying on someone drunk, you @$!?&" He yelled even louder.
Out of all his brothers, Asmo has a good amount of patience. Only have you ever seen him snap at Mammon and it's usually when Mammon starts shit up. It's like the alcohol in you washed all away and now you're seeing the entire situation.
"A-Asmo... I am so so-" You sobbed out.
"Quit it. You need to tell Lucifer. He won't be happy but he may appreciate the honesty."
Afterwards, Asmo was there beside you when you confessed to Lucifer. He, once again, kicked you out of his office, and now you were in your room crying your eyes out. Asmo comforted you for a bit but for the rest of the night, he comforted Lucifer. Who hasn't cried as hard as the time he lost his sister. The other brothers, they tried not to hate you. But they also tried not to kill you at breakfast. It would take time to heal all wounds.
Mammon told you he planned out a date. He had you wait outside some restaurant until he arrived and for the time being, you entertained yourself on your phone.
A couple demons have come up to you and asked you for your number but, of course, you declined them all.
Two hours passed and there were no signs of Mammon. You called him, no answer. You called Lucifer, again, no answer. No one answered.
So you stood and as you were going to walk back to the House of Lamentation, an arm grabbed you. "Hello, I'm sorry, but you're stunning. Please, give me your number." And before you could decline, the demon looked up behind you then down at you and kissed you before you turned around.
"MC?!" You turned behind you to see Beel. "A-Are you cheating on Mammon?" the demon turned around and ran off, leaving you stranded.
"Beel, it's not what you think." "You kissed him."
Beel was huge on family. He loved his brothers more than anything, and now he saw you betray his brother. "Why?"
Mammon soon found out the entire situation as he found Beel standing on the street, he gave you the wrong address and was looking for you. His brothers phones either all dead or Lucifer cut their messages off temporarily as punishment again.
While Beel and his brothers understood the situation and how it was forced upon you, Mammon's insecurity went up the roof. And Mammon would rely on Lucifer and Beel to comfort him until he could accept your apology.
You loved your boyfriend. Really, you did. But he spent countless hours behind a computer screen. Always talking to his friends and going on raids. Only talked about Sucre Frenzy and Ruri-chan. No attention towards you.
You were tired of it so you decided to go down to the library and clear your mind of things. A friend you made in class invited you over after hearing how Levi would ignore you sometimes.
Thinking it could be a way for you to get out of the house and spend time seeing more things than what's usually on Levi's screen, you agreed.
This friend, Levi mentioned he felt rather jealous of him. But you reassured him that you only liked him and no one else, that this friend was just a friend. He is the Avatar of Envy, after all.
So after an hour or two, visiting a cafe after a quick trip to the library, you both sat beside each other. He was currently reading a poem to you off one of the books he checked out. And you were leaning onto his shoulder, your mind off somewhere.
"So, what did you think?" he hummed, closing the book. "Mmm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
"Is it Levi? Your boyfriend? Is he neglecting you again?" You friend questioned you. You went off on how Levi would ignore you and gave more attention to his friends online that he's never met before, how he spent thousands of Grimm on some girl group he's seen live once, how he'd much rather marry some drawing of a girl in a poofy skirt and pigtails rather than you.
All the while you friend kept leaning closer to your face. "And it's like he doesn't- Woah, you're close to me." Your friend leaned in closer. No you shouldn't. Don't kiss him. You love Levi. Levi is your one true-
He closed the gap, and you kissed back. You knew it was wrong but you needed it. You wanted some sort of attention. You needed something physical. But Levi-
A cough interrupted you two. Satan was behind you.
"MC, did you and Levi break up? Or have I gone mad and caught you cheating on my insecure brother?"
Satan did tell Leviathan, in fact, he was face timing Levi the entire time. Your boyfriend asked Satan to pick up some treats at the cafe you were unknowingly at as a surprise and apology for ignoring you lately. Instead Satan overheard your conversation and faced the camera the entire time at you.
Afterwards, Levi shut himself in his room, lights off, headphones blasting and tears down his cheeks. He hugged the sweater you left in his room some time ago. Satan did go in to check up on him and he was especially mad at you. They all were. And you were the most angry.
Lucifer sent Satan up to Earth to sort some things out for him.
He mentioned it'd take two weeks but he promised he'd take you out and spend time with you as soon as he got back.
Now, there were three days left until he returned and you were estatic!
Deciding to go out to the store and buy some groceries and prepare him a feast before his arrival back to the Devildom.
Now the bag of special flour was on the top shelf. Demons were taller than the average human, so this shelf was especially high. You turned at a coworker that was walking past you and asked him to fetch you the flour on the top shelf.
Of course, he said yes and easily picked it up for you. "On one condition." He must be Joking. Seriously, dude, I'm a customer, you thought to yourself.
The condition was for a kiss and a date. You shook your head no and before you could open your mouth to say you already had a boyfriend, he pressed his lips against yours and handed you to flour. "Great, meet me at Ristorante Six in three days. 8pm sharp. Tell your folks I'll drop you off at 11." He walked off, smacking your ass.
Seriously what the fu-
"MC, are you cheating on Satan? You know he came back today, right?" Belphie was in front of you now. He knew he heard your voice and he thought of finding you so he could also make something for his twin.
You explained the situation to him. The sleepy boy did doubt you but told you to explain it all to Satan once you all got home. You agreed.
Satan, yes he was fuming, he was angry. Belphie had to remind him that you didn't even consent to a kiss nor an ass smack. And then you remembered he told you to meet him outside Ristorante Six.
Now the grocery store employee WAS there and he was dressed nice. And you were there too. And Satan was there too. Ready to beat the shit out of him. And he did. Satan was still hurt from the entire situation and did need some consolation from his brothers before he could hold you again. He just appreciated your honesty. Belphie, however, did say that if you were to ever hurt his brothers again, he won't hesitate to kill you again.
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