#but i totally get the stress of trying to get all those rewards if you don't have a lot of time to spare
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I've lost interest in Splatoon as a game entirely. This is such a fun community, and I hate that due to burnout I can't play this, frankly, life-changing game for me. And it's all due to the catalog. It makes me feel worthless if I can't finish it, and makes me feel terrible for loosing because "im not getting the same amount of catalog points" and i cant even enjoy my wins because "damnit i dont get a lot of points itll take forever" Until we get a way to get past CLOTHING rewards from previous catalogs I just can't find fun in this game. Believe me, I've tried.
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dreaming-medium · 11 months
Bad Day - Bang Chan Drabble
Summary: Reader has a terrible day; one of those days where everything goes wrong. Luckily, her boyfriend is there to wipe the stress away with some well deserved hugs.
Word Count: 2.2k
Punch after punch after punch after punch lands on your soul today. Every single time you turned around, another horrible situation would present itself.
You’ve been sick for two and half weeks now. The sore throat would come and go, but you weren’t able to sleep without propping two pillows under your head. This morning when you woke up, your voice was completely gone.
The empty space next to you in bed certainly doesn’t help either. Chan has been gone for a work trip for two weeks now. He wasn’t due home for another two more.
Work has been its own animal to take care of. It was your first job after graduating, so you were at the bottom of the totem pole. Each higher up suddenly felt the need to burden you with any difficult projects they didn’t feel like taking care of themselves.
“I don’t think this is something I was trained on,” you tried to say to one of the more older workers. The huge stack of papers was so heavy in your hands. “These calculations would take me—“
“Just do it, Y/N,” he said before closing the door to the conference room you were standing alone in.
You had just watched that coworker’s boss tell him to do it. But nope, he dumped it on you.
On top of that, you were also tasked with training the new guy even though you’ve only been here for nine months.
And this guy made it his personal mission to make your job even harder. The way he would go from not knowing anything to being a complete know-it-all within two sentences made your blood boil.
But it’s fine. It’s totally fine, you can handle this.
Then, someone ate your lunch out of the fridge even though your name was clearly written on it. Your lunch break was so short that there was no way you could run out to get something else.
It was raining so hard as you jogged to your car through the parking lot. Every spot in the parking garage was taken this morning so you had to use the satellite lot ten minutes away.
Your clothes were drenched by the time you got into your car and slammed the door shut.
Fumbling with the keys, you shoved them into the ignition and started your car. The heat immediately kicked on and you sat there for an extra couple of minutes, warming your frozen fingers in front of the vents.
A book from one of your favorite authors came out today. You were going to pass the store on your way home, why not stop and buy a copy? It certainly would help with the day you were having.
The drive to the store was silent. You didn’t even turn the radio on. If you’re being honest, you didn’t think you could handle sound.
People were everywhere in the bookstore.
You walked in and looked around for the new book. There were signs and posters everywhere that announced the book. Where was it?
“If you’re looking for the new Kingdom book we sold out this morning.” A worker says to you softly.
A small part of you dies.
You politely nod to the worker and leave.
It’s ridiculous how you feel the tears building behind your eyes.
It’s fine. It’s fine. You’re overreacting. It’s totally fine. You’ll just buy a copy on your Kindle. You didn’t even need a physical copy, right?
Your fingers fumble with your keys and you drop onto the ground. They splash right into a puddle.
It’s fine, it’s fine.
Swallowing painfully, you wince at your sore throat and gather your things to get back in the car.
You’ll go home and watch TV.
“It’s Friday,” you whisper to yourself in the car to try and calm down. “It’s treat day, why not stop for a coffee?”
Every Friday you would buy yourself a coffee. ‘Treat Day’ is what you dubbed it as. It slowly became a tradition with you and your friends.
Chan used to always reload your coffee rewards app with his own money without telling you.
A sad smile tugs at your face while you drive to the coffee shop. God, what you wouldn’t give to see him right now.
The tension in your shoulders is so bad you think your shoulders are level with your ears.
After getting your coffee, you drive all the way home to your apartment complex.
Right before you turn into the lot, a car decides to come out of nowhere and cuts you off. You cut the wheel and slam on the brakes to avoid them.
Your coffee launches out of the cup holder and spills all over your lap.
“Fuck!” You curse and try to focus on the road. “Fuck fuck!”
At least it was iced coffee and you’re not burned. Right? Silver lining?
You’re at your limit. Your sanity is teetering.
Parking in your designated spot, you trudge into the large building.
The weight of the day still sits so heavy on your shoulders. Now your lap was soaked with coffee.
A package sits underneath the complex’s mailboxes. It’s ruined and crushed. The ‘FRAGILE’ sticker is gnarled up.
“No,” you sigh and look closer at it.
Yep, it’s yours. The new dishwear set you ordered came in.
When you lift the package you hear all the pieces shift around. It’s just a box of broken ceramic at this point.
Tighter and tighter your throat gets.
Slowly, you trudge up to your floor. Because, of course, the elevator is broken. Of course it is. Why would the elevator work today?
Just as you get your keys out to open your door, your shitty neighbor comes outside.
“Oh god, Y/N, you look horrible.” He says loudly.
You turn and look at him with tears already brimming in your eyes.
No sign of compassion crosses his face, instead, he laughs. He laughs right in your fucking face.
“No wonder I haven’t seen Chan around. He finally came to his senses, eh?”
Your jaw drops open.
“God, pull yourself together.”
Your neighbor picks up his newspaper from the doormat and goes back into his unit without another word.
For a long moment, you just stand there. Your clothes and hair still soaking wet and clinging to your skin, work bag and purse slung over your shoulder, box of broken plates and bowls in your arms.
Inside your body, you felt yourself finally snap. You felt your anger and frustration hit it’s limit.
Your look of surprise quickly morphs into one of seething rage. Lips pulling in a sneer, you rip open your door and stomp inside, slamming it shut behind you.
Dropping everything you own at the door, including the box of glass, you let out a muffled scream.
The box bursts open and glass shards go everywhere. They skitter across the floor and cover the wood in a dangerous mine field.
A moment of silence passes.
You lose it.
You drop to your knees and cradle your face while angry, hot tears stream down your cheeks.
Wails leave your lips as the weight of the day finally takes it’s toll.
On any normal day, you would be able to handle these things individually, but all at once? You just couldn’t deal with it anymore.
“Y/N?!” A voice calls out from the other end of the hallway.
Your head snaps up and you see your boyfriend standing there with a look of horror on his face.
“Chan,” you croak out.
His eyes frantically look around at the scene in front of him. Your disgruntled state surrounded by broken glass.
He’s here? He’s back?
“Y/N, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?”
He tries to walk closer but then he realizes he’s also surrounded by broken glass.
“Chan.” Is all your able to say again before the sobs come out even harder. Your entire body wracks with them, chest sputtering as you try to breathe between cries.
His face twists up in anguish.
“S-Stay there! Don’t move, I’m gunna get a dust pan, okay? I’ll be right back, babygirl. Don’t move.”
He continues to say things over and over to you while running to get what he needs.
“I’m here, baby. You’re okay, right? You’re home and safe, Y/N.”
You bury your face in your hands again and continue to cry. His words reach you, but they do nothing to quell the emotions.
Before you could fall further into this headspace, two warm, strong arms wrap around you and pull you into an even warmer body.
“I’m right here, honey, I’m here. You’re okay.” Chan whispers into your hair. He pulls you onto his lap and holds you close.
His comforting scent envelops you everywhere.
Chan rocks back and forth while holding you.
“You’re okay,” he says over and over into your hair. “You’re home now, I’m here, Channie’s here.”
Your face buried into his shoulder, hands gripping his shirt tightly
“What happened, baby?” He asks gently.
You cry harder.
“I’m so sick,” you cry into his shirt. “People keep taking advantage of me at work, I had to park ten minutes away in the rain. Someone ate my lunch. I dropped my keys in a puddle, the new book sold out, I spilled my coffee everywhere. Then fucking 304 across the hall tells me how horrible I look.”
You motion outwards at the glass all over the floor still. “And how do you like our new dishes?”
Even in the middle of a mental breakdown, you still crack a joke.
Saying it all makes you cry even harder. At this point, Chan’s shirt is soaked with your tears.
He continues to hold you as tight as he could. Not once does he tell you to stop crying, instead he carefully scoots and leans against the wall, cradling your body on his lap.
Chan rocks back and forth, pressing kisses into the crown of your hair as you cry your heart out.
His one hand rubs slow circles on your back while the other pets the back of your hair.
Low hums come from his throat. Chan lays his cheek on top of your head and keeps you close to his chest.
“It’s okay, babygirl,” he coos. “You’re home now. You’re with me now.”
“Thank god you’re home,” you hiccup and clutch his shirt closer to you.
“My spidey-senses were tingling,” he jokes in a hushed tone.
You manage to chuckle through your tears.
“My babygirl needed me.”
You’ve always been so happy go lucky, the glass was always half full with you. You always looked on the bright side of everything. If anything bad happened, it always just rolled off your back.
It was one of the main reasons he fell for you.
Chan has never seen you as bad as you were on your knees in the entryway, it shook him to his core.
Another long kiss is pressed to your head.
Slowly, your sobs calm down. Your throat still hoarse and sore from before has only gotten marginally worse.
Sniffling, you sit up away from Chan.
“‘M sorry I got your shirt all gross.”
Chan laughs in spite of everything. Both of his strong hands cup your cheeks for you to look him in the eye.
His chin dips down to your level so he can stare right at you. Those gorgeous brown eyes sparkle at you.
“I’m not upset about my shirt, Y/N,” he says gently. “I’m only worried about my sunshine. It’s not every day you cry, baby.”
“Everything just happened at once.” Chan’s thumbs wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “I tried to keep it together but our neighbor verbally berating me was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
Chan tuts and brushes your hair behind your ear.
“Let’s throw eggs at his door,” he jokes.
He pulls a laugh from you.
“There’s my favorite smile.” He coos. It makes your smile even brighter. You sniffle again, and look down sheepishly.
Chan lifts your chin up with his thumb and forefinger. “Hey baby,” he grabs your attention. “How about this: you go shower off the day, I’m going to clean all this up and order our favorite takeout for dinner. I even stopped on my way home and got two pints of ice cream before.”
“Mint chocolate chip?” You ask softly.
“Of course I got your nasty toothpaste ice cream.” He pinches your cheek teasingly.
You giggle and lean away from his hand.
“Come on, babygirl.”
Before he does anything else, Chan leans forward and presses a long, warm kiss to your forehead.
Both of your eyes close at the comforting feeling it brings. After he kisses your forehead, Chan leans down and kisses both of your cheeks.
His warm lips then press to your nose and then finally to your lips.
It’s a long, sensual, loving kiss. Both of your mouths slipping over one another in a dance.
You sigh happily into the kiss. Chan’s mouth smiles against your own. It’s contagious, you can’t help but mirror the grin with our own.
In the end, you both look like smiling fools wrapped up in one another’s presence.
Chan scoops you up carefully and stands up from the floor, making sure to avoid any stray shards of glass.
“I’m going to take good care of you, my honey.” He coos and presses another kiss to your forehead. “Your bad day ends here.”
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wantonlywindswept · 3 months
forgotten fox ficbit 2
one here
i recognize the poll results and i am ignoring the poll results =D
I realized there are things i want to happen before fox's batch gets involved (more slow building realization stuff) and that would be Cheating and skipping to the end, so thus you get poll winner #2: Stressing Out Hound ft Grizzer and Commander Vertex
Despite what most natborns thought--or screamed, loudly and obnoxiously--Grizzer was not some poorly-trained mutt.
She wasn't as disciplined as the massifs Hound had trained with on Kamino, but those massifs were older than he was. Grizzer had been given to him as a pup just two years before Geonosis, a squirmy bundle of scales with spines barely the length of his thumb; she and Hound had the same amount of active duty experience. 
(She was also, to Hound's bitter regret, not able to be spoiled with the organic aged bantha chew treats that Trainer Jallo had used. Trainer Jallo said that the quality of the rewards didn't matter, but she'd also never had to feed her massifs the slop that Kamino used for animal feed, which honestly was probably only the tiniest step below what they fed to the clones.)
Grizzer was highly competent at her job: she answered all of Hound's commands promptly, hunted down suspects with the same focus and determination as a clone soldier, and knew not to take orders from anyone other than the Guard's commanders or ARF troopers.
"Hound, have you finished the intake form for--oh, hey Grizzer. Down, girl."
Grizzer, who had been in the midst of going for an affectionate full-body tackle (which she only did when she really liked someone, what the fuck), skidded to an abrupt halt at Commander Vertex's feet, plopping her butt down on the ground right next to his boots and staring up at him adoringly.
Commander Vertex, who had only been with the Guard for two weeks. Commander Vertex, who had made it to the kennels maybe once in that entire time.
Commander Vertex, who reached down to pat Grizzer on the head, who instead of getting a warning mouthful of teeth, received a dopey grin and a happy wiggle from Hound's highly-trained massif. 
What the fuck.
With a final pat, Vertex left Grizzer sitting obediently by the door to make his way further into the kennels, occupied by his ever-present datapad. When he reached Hound--still kneeling dumbfounded on the floor trying to fix one of the cleaning droids--he finally seemed to realize what just happened.
"Ah," he said.
"What," said Hound, "The fuck."
Vertex just shrugged, as if getting by a highly territorial massif who tolerated a total of maybe four people was just something that normal people did, and not an act of extremely impossible betrayal.
"I worked with massifs while with Spec Ops. They always seemed to like me."
Hound didn't even know the Spec Ops Brigade had ARF troops.
And that still didn't explain why Grizzer would--
"You shouldn't be down like that," Vertex said, head tilting to one side. "You're going to aggravate your knee. Anyway, isn't Jogan supposed to be in charge of cleaning today?"
"There was a big drug smuggling bust in the Uscru district," Hound replied blankly as Vertex tugged him to his feet. "Bruiser needs the practice."
"So does Jogan," Vertex muttered.
Hound usually stood up for his men, but the commander wasn't wrong. 
Vertex frowned as Hound staggered a little before righting; his left knee was feeling tetchy about whether or not it wanted to support his weight. He held on until Hound was steady before letting go, attention dropping back to his datapad with a grimace.
"Stone needs the intake form on that Nikto you brought in last night," Vertex said, flicking his fingers across the screen. Hound heard the depressingly telltale ping! of a message hitting his comm. "If you get it to him by midmeal, it should be fine. But have Patches take a look at your knee first."
"Yessir," Hound replied automatically. 
Vertex nodded at him approvingly, which definitely wasn't pleasing or anything, and headed back out of the kennels. He paused to pat Grizzer on the head again before disappearing out the door.
In the ensuing silence, Hound stared at Grizzer.
Grizzer stared back.
"Traitor," he hissed.
His extremely poorly-trained massif's tongue lolled out in an unrepentant doggy grin.
And then Hound remembered--
His knee injury wasn't in his file. It happened on Kamino, and would have been an instant decommission if the clone medics hadn't smuggled him in for emergency surgery after training hours. He'd told the Guard CMO about it after being assigned to Coruscant, but Defib had decided to keep the injury off the books as well, just in case any natborns got nosey.
Commander Vertex shouldn't even know about it.
What the fuck.
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unorthodoxfaithxx · 6 months
Shen Smut Fic from Undead Unluck
Nsfw; AFAB ; slight yandere
“I’m usually one to play the role of a gentleman, but I think you’ve kept me waiting long enough, no?”
In which Shen finally has enough of your worrywart antics and decides to put matters into his own hands.
It was supposed to be a regular quest - capture the UMA, be rewarded with a Negator’s location, find the Negator, and be done with it. 
So why were you deserted in Japan, in a LOVE HOTEL of all places, stuck with the most unintentionally insufferable man on the planet? 
“Jeez,” you sigh, face-palming your forehead, “I can’t believe Andy and Fuuko left without us! And what for? The newest copy of Shonen Jump?!” 
You hear a laugh from behind. Shen was sitting cross legged on the gaudy heart-shaped mattress provided with the room, leaning his chin into a hand while he watches you pace around the room, and, much to your chagrin, with amusement. 
How could he be so nonchalant about everything? His cool demeanor always contrasted your reactive, uptight one, and without even trying to he manages to piss you off on the daily. 
“Look, I’m sure they’ll be back soon. Or they won’t. Méi wèntí (no problem)!”
You slap your cheeks with a groan. “It’s absolutely an issue, Shen! We’ve wasted how many days trying to capture UMA ____? And now instead of doing anything productive we’re stuck here cause those two decided to ditch us!” 
His polite smile does little to reassure you. 
“You’re way too worried.”
“And you aren’t?!”
He hums, tapping his face. “Not necessarily. Whatever Fuuka told Andy, it must have been important. You saw the way he carried her off with a sprint, no? I trust they have some sort of plan. Although like you, I wish they would have given us a heads up.” 
While you sure loved Fuuko, her brash plans always gave you the worst fucking headaches. You’re glad Andy is there to protect her, but still. 
You sigh and plop face down on the mattress next to the blue haired man. 
For a moment, there is only silence. Eventually, you forfeit.
“…For what it’s worth, this bed sure is comfy.” 
“Right?” Shen agrees, moving to lay down on his back and stare at the hot pink ceiling. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Y/N, but I think you’re too stressed most of the time. Have you ever tried meditation? I’m no meditation master, but I can offer you some pointers.” 
“No thanks,” You grimace at him, “Meditation stresses me out.”
“That’s counterintuitive.” 
“I know.”
More silence. 
He turns his head to face you. “Well if you happen to find a way to destress and need a partner, I’d be happy to lend a hand. I’d offer to spar with you, but I know you’re not much of a fighter.” 
“That’s…that’s real nice of you, Shen. Thanks.” 
“Of course,” His smile reaches his eyes when he adds, “You’re cute when you’re pouting, but I think you’re even prettier with a smile on your face instead.”
It takes a second for the words to click in your head, then a blush blooms across your face.  
“Hey. Can I be honest with you for a second?”
“Gànba (go ahead).”
“When we first met, I hated your guts. You always had this shit eating grin on your face no matter what’s happening, and it drove me insane. It’s really hard to tell what you’re actually feeling behind that smile. It made it difficult to trust you, and I already had a hard time trusting people as it was. Still do, actually.” 
You continue on. “But after spending more time with you and the others, I’ve learned that you’re not all that bad. And maybe you are hard to read sometimes but I trust that you’re not a threat and want to protect the people you care about. And I find that really admirable, ya know? A lot. So uh? I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’d like to get to know you more as a person and be friends. And that I’m sorry for always having my head up my ass.”
His eyes widen at your words and you look away abashedly. “I mean, if being buddies is a problem then I totally understand I mean whywouldyouwannahangoutwithmeinthefirstplace—“
He reaches to grab your hand, halting your rambling. “Does that mean I have permission?”
“Uh, permission to what?”
He squeezes your hand, eyes ablaze with something you couldn’t put your finger on. “To kiss you.”
Immediately you’re a stuttering mess. “Hah?? I mean - what - no, I - that’s totally inappropriate, we can’t —“ He locks eyes with you, “Please kiss me.” 
You’re shocked. Did he just use his Negator ability on you?
He ears turn pink at your proclamation and he says, “Of course. Anything you want.”
Before you can say anything in retaliation he’s moving in on you like a shark. With a hand cupping the back of your head, his lips meet yours hungrily, leaving your body slack with shock. You can barely breathe as he fights his way into your mouth, tongue exploring inside your mouth fervently. You bring your hands up to his chest to push back but he doesn’t budge. 
It feels like eternity before he lets you go. When he finally relents, you’re gasping for breath. You look into his eyes, shocked to see that they’re dilated, blown wide with excitement.
He says breathlessly, “I’ve been interested in you since the day you joined the Union. I did everything I could to get you to like me. I tried to be the nice guy, be polite and approachable, but you never seemed to wanna let me in. I was honestly beginning to give up. You don’t know how happy I am to finally hear you say that.” 
His strong hand roams to grip your waist. Tightly. With a low whisper he says, “I want you. I want all of you. And if you let me, I’m going to do more than just kiss you, my dear.” 
You’re so flustered you don’t even know what to say. “I — you — wait. You like me?Why? I mean we’re basically coworkers aren’t we and I don’t know about you but datingcoworkershasalwaysbeenweirdand—“
He gives you a knowing wink, and you’re back to speaking your hidden truths again. 
“I want you more than I can say.“ Fuck Untruth. 
Apparently you said that last bit out loud, because Shen gives you a hearty laugh, so much he has to wipe a tear from his eye. 
Embarrassed, you want to get up and leave the room, but he’s still looking at you. His ability is still turned on and you can’t budge.
“Yeah, I can’t let you leave. Not when I finally know how you really feel about me.”
His face almost seems apologetic. “Forgive me, Y/N my dear. I just know that this is the only way I can get the truth out of you.”
You want to yell at him but your mouth will only tell another story. With slight apprehension, you watch as his signature smile mutates into something darker, more predatory. 
“I’m usually one to play the role of a gentleman,” He inches closer to you, lips whispering against your ear, “But I think you’ve kept me waiting long enough, no?”
You gulp. 
With a quick push, he immediately has you on your back, staring up at him like a deer in the headlights. His arms are around both sides of your head, legs caging you in. You find yourself shaking with either anxiety or excitement, you can’t tell. 
“Fàngsōng (relax). I promise I won’t hurt you. Unless you want that, that is”. 
You move a hand up to cover his eyes so he can’t use his Negation, sparing the both of you from whatever embarrassing remark would come out of your mouth otherwise. 
Despite the hand in his face, he was smiling at you like a villain. “You know, you’re not really helping your case by doing that. I can still tell what you want, see?”
A gasp escapes your lips as you feel a hand trail down your pants, into your panties. An electrifying tingle flows through you when Shen rubs you in a circular motion. Opening your eyes, he’s already taken his hand out (much to your disappointment) and is staring at the slick coating his fingers. Your hand is long gone from his face. 
“Hmm, pretty wet.” He hums. 
You watch mortifyingly as Shen licks his fingers clean, the sight counteractively igniting something within your core. 
“And you taste pretty damn good, too.”
He gets off you and starts tugging your pants off. Before he goes further, asks, “Can I?”
He doesn’t even have to use his ability. You respond with a small, barely above a whisper, “yes”. 
With your face as red as it can possibly be, the muscular man gives you a flirtatious wink, his eyes lidded with lust at this point. 
Both your pants and undergarments are thrown across the room, and your lower half is left bare for him to see. By instinct you try to close your legs, wanting to hide, but the Union member’s arms keep you open. 
The way he stares at your pussy has you feeling faint of heart. He’s eyeing you like you’re a famous painting he’ll only get to see once in his life, doing his best to analyze and remember every detail. 
“Can you please stop staring? This is embarrassing,” You whimper. 
“No need to be so shy, my dear. You’re beautiful. I want to see everything.” His enthusiasm does little to settle your nerves. 
With a devious smirk, he lays on his stomach, face between your thighs.
“Xiè xie nǐ de shí wù (Thanks for the food).” 
Fire erupts through your veins when you feel his warm tongue lap at your folds, sliding up and down in the best way imaginable. His lips gently suckle on your clit, and despite not wanting to be loud, you cry out with fervor. You swear the pleasure is insurmountable. 
Your hands grip the fabric of the mattress you’re on, and when his tongue dips in and out of your entrance, you can only moan pathetically. 
“Fuck. Even your moans sound so beautiful,” Shen praises in adoration. You turn to look away, only to have your head jerked back in Shen’s direction. “We can’t be having that. Keep looking at me, my dear. I wanna see those beautiful eyes of yours filled with pleasure.”
Lewd slurping sounds fill the room. 
He looks so pleased with himself while you quiver under his grasp, something intense gradually building inside of you. Your hands instinctively move to grip his hair, mindlessly pushing him down further to eat you out. You feel yourself reaching close to that high, and when that strong tension in your core finally snaps, you feel lightheaded from the your intense orgasm.  
You’re so sensitive that every nerve of your body feels lit up. But that doesn’t stop Shen. 
The man keeps lapping you up, causing you to grip his hair tighter as you cry, “Fuck, I came! I came I came I came, stop, it’s so fucking sensitive, god!” 
It takes another minute of begging before 
He opts to listen to you. He chuckles. “Well, did my girl like that? You tasted so good, mhm.”
You’re left speechless, still reeling from your orgasm. Shen gets up on his knees and begins to strip. You always knew he was buff, but you’re mesmerized by his toned muscles as he removes his shirt, revealing a chiseled stomach and oh-so broad chest. 
You feel heat rise to your cheeks when he sends you another wink, obviously enjoying the fact that you’re ogling him. When he slides his pants off, you see that he’s hard with want, the tip of his veiny cock an angry red color. You feel intimidated by the sheer size. 
He’s big. 
“Uhm…I don’t think that’s gonna fit,” you mumble nervously. 
He laughs at that. “Sure it will. We’ll make it work, my dear.”
Now as naked as you, he moves to give you another fiery kiss, his tongue tangling itself with yours. He reminds you again how beautiful you are, whispering praises between every break. He touches you again, pleased that your juices and his spit have you sopping when through and through. 
Finally, when he feels like he can’t wait any longer, what would be a loud cry from you is silenced by a kiss as he moves to shove his member into your weeping entrance. He has you caged between his arms again, your legs wrapped around his torso. It’s a slow endeavor at first, letting you get used to his size as he stretches you out.
“Fuck, fuck fuck!” You feel your insides being stuffed to the brim with his cock. He slowly moves in, until he finally fully braces himself inside you.
He gently moves in and out, a slothful but sure pace. He opts to wrap his tongue around the hard nipple of your breast. 
“Good girl,” he praises, “Taking me so well, aren’t you.”
“I—I don’t…” You words fall at the wayside. 
“Fuck,” he groans, “We’re meant to be together, don’t you see?”
Shen awaits an answer but your words regress to babbles and whines.
You whimper as he suckles on your neck, bound to leave a nasty hickey after. The pleasure is too overwhelming and you inch to get away. It’s futile though — he has you locked in.
“You’re not getting away,” his soft voice turns into a growl when he realizes you’re trying to evade him, and he grabs the arms you were pushing at his chest with, opting to pin them down at each side of your head. 
“I’ll make you feel so good you can’t get away.”
All of a sudden, the movement of his hips snaps from gentle to rough, the stronger man voraciously sheathing his cock in and out of you like a beast in heat.
“Oh god,” You words slur as your mouth pools with saliva, drooling from total ecstasy, unable to do anything except hold on to the man who’s ravaging you. Tears of delight prickle at your eyes.
You feel so good you can hardly think straight, blissfully enjoying the sudden roughness he displays as he mutters, “Don’t think anyone else can make you feel this good, huh? Nǐ shì wǒ de (You are mine).” 
He pumps into you relentlessly, looking down on you with crazed lust in his eyes, watching as your eyes nearly roll back in enjoyment. You feel so full, you don’t know how you can continue taking it. 
“Shen, Shen, I can’t take it!”
“Yes, you can. And you will.” He commands. 
Another orgasm threatens to overcome you, and even though you’re begging him to give you a minute of respite, he doesn’t comply. 
“I’ve waited so long to have you, you’re not getting a break that easily.”
He gets you to where you’re on your knees, ass up with your face in a pillow. 
With a groan he’s back inside you, hitting your insides deeper than you thought possible. 
“You’re too perfect, I can watch you all day,” He confesses. 
Your cries bounce off the walls of the room when he gives your ass a slap. It stings, but you’re so far on Cloud 9 that you don’t care. If anything, it’s the catalyst to you cumming once more. Shen eyes in fascination as your cunt spazzes around his member, highly satisfied with himself for making you feel so good. 
He kneads your ass as you’re gasping for air, basically sobbing from your orgasm taking the life out of you. Your cunt is twitching when he slowly pulls out, only to slam back in as hard as he possibly can. He fastens his grip on your ass, pulling you back into him when you try to move further away. 
“No running,” He chastises, earning another hard slap on your ass. You yelp at the roughness of it all, but in truth? Maybe you’re enjoying it a lot more than you should. 
You turn your head as best as you can to look at the man ravaging you. He’s looking at you with such intense focus, gritting his teeth in an unnerving grin that leaves you feeling aroused and like you’re prey. Sweat beads down his forehead and chest as he continues to pound you, leaving your pussy a wet and stuttering mess. 
His hands meet your waist and with one deft move your back hits the bed again. You hear Shen curse before your sweat covered, fucked-out sinful visage, and you don’t bother holding back the moan that leaves your throat when the angry red head of his dick slides back into your entrance.
“So good,” He grunts, fucking you into a mating press. He moves a hand down to fumble with your clit, eliciting all the cries he’s grown to love hearing out of you. 
You feel as if you might come again, and you know Shen is getting close too when the man’s thrusts grow sporadic. 
“That’s it,” He encourages through clenched teeth, “Cum for me. Cum on my cock!”
His words send you over the edge, and you clench around his dick once more. 
“Yes, please,” He hears you beg, and that’s all he needs to climax himself. A quick couple of thrusts and he pulls out, hastily pumping his long shaft with a hand until thick ropes of cum decorate your chest. 
He reaches for the towel conveniently placed on the nightstand and gently wipes away the mess he made.
“Hahhh,” Once he’s done, he breathes out a pleased sigh, collapsing beside on you the bed. 
“Holy shit,” You say through unsteady breaths. You try to reel yourself in after all those intense orgasms. 
Unfortunately for you, post nut clarity hits hard and FAST, and you immediately make way to get up and clean off, and maybe bury yourself someplace hidden. You get the nagging feeling that maybe your bed partner will regret his decision later on, and howcouldyoulookhimintheeyesnow—-
Shen tugs your hand back and pulls you close, wrapping you in his arms. 
“Hey, don’t leave me all by myself! Let’s stay like this for a while, yes?” He says. 
“I…okay,” You can’t help but agree, comfortable in his warm embrace. The two of you stay like that for a while, basking in the afterglow of the deed and eachother’s presence. 
Fuuka was throwing duck feed into a pond when Andy sat down next to her, watching with a mischievous grin as all the ducks scattered away under his scrutinizing glare. 
“Say,” Fuuka starts after slapping her partner on the shoulder for his harassment of the ducks, “Do you think we can head back to the hotel now? We already spent the money Shen gave us for Shonen Jump.”
Andy hums, finger on his chin in thought. 
“Nah, Shen asked us to leave for the whole day, remember? Let’s get dinner before heading back.”
“Why do you think Shen wanted us gone in the first place? It’s not like the quest required that we split into teams.”
Andy gives her a pointed look. 
“What?” She says quizzically.
After a few seconds, her face glows beet red, eyes wide with realization.
Hotel + privacy + man + woman = ???
“Holy crap. No way!” She shouts. 
“Yes way. So for our sake and theirs, let’s not go back until late tonight.”
She nods in agreement, fanning her flustered face. 
thanks for reading! And @shiroisotto64, from one Shen lover to another, hope you enjoyed it ;)
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venerawrites · 4 months
Headcanon When Itachi is sick and his s/o is taking care of him
author's note: stupid me missed the part where it said it was headcanons request, so I started writing it as a drabble 😭 Anyway, I fixed it, so I really hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for requesting! <3
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Itachi is probably one of the most stubborn men in the Naruto universe. In his mind, he is made to care for and protect those close to him, even if at the expense of his own well-being.
He hates making people around him worry, and especially his s/o. It is bad enough that they are constantly stressed by him being part of Akatsuki and Sasuke seeking his revenge, they do not need additional reasons to worry.
With that being said, Itachi's first instinct once he gets sick is to simply stay away. He never gives a time by when he must be back from a mission, so this easily gives him 2-3 days to rest and get back on his feet before he visits his lover.
As a ninja who travelled all over the world and survived some of the harshest weather conditions, the Uchiha rarely got sick. It happened once every few years, but when it did - it was BAD.
Maybe it was the constant cold rain in Amegakure or the poison arrow with which one of the village's guards managed to hit him (or maybe even both), but just a day after he and Kisame left, he found himself so weak and tired, his teammate had to carry him all the back.
Not wanting to bring him back to the base, the first place Kisame thought of was Itachi's s/o's house.
I've said before that I always imagined Itachi with someone who lives in a remote cottage and is either a herb gatherer or somehow knowledgeable when it comes to natural medicine.
One glance at the black-haired shinobi was enough for them to understand he must have caught the flu or some type of virus. Thankfully, they knew exactly what he needed and wouldn't waste even a minute, before grabbing their coat and running to the nearby village to buy some medical ingredients that were missing in their kitchen.
His s/o would totally pamper him like a baby, despite Itachi's protests and claims that "he is fine".
They would make all his medicine by scratch every single day till he gets better. Most of the time it took the form of either a paste or a tea, which they served with his meal.
If they have any medical ninjutsu knowledge, they will use it to ease his symptoms, but I doubt they will be that good to heal him completely.
Itachi would constantly huff about it, but he secretly loved the cozy space his partner managed to create using all the available pillows/blankets they found in their house.
As I said above, this man is very stubborn, so inevitably there will be some small arguments during that time. Mainly they were started by Itachi, who claimed he was feeling fine now (despite his pale face and loud cough), and finished by his s/o, who would always end up physically restraining him on the bed by laying next to him and hugging him.
In order to make sure he doesn't get up and move too much, his s/o would spend the majority of their day by his side. Reading books to him, telling him stories, playing board games, sometimes even gossiping... They will do anything to engage his mind and keep him distracted from the idea of trying to do stuff on his own.
Something he won't fight, however, is his s/o's massages. They would work on his aching muscles every single night, relieving the pain and the stress his body was feeling. Not only he love the feeling of his partner's hands on him, but it also greatly helps him relax and fall asleep.
With all of this treatment, it won't take long for Itachi to be back on his feet and spoil his s/o as reward for the good care they provided to him.
cc artwork: Oliver Beck
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hauntedcollection · 10 months
[Life is always better with you in it. I promise it’ll get better.]
You and Simon had a good progress on your relationship… until he decided to break up and ghost you. Now he’s returned hoping to reconcile.
I might’ve been crying the entire time writing the dialogue… needless to say my eyes were puffy the following day…
Hot showers always seemed to be the best way to melt the day’s struggles away. Especially with being under stress from work, struggling to get a restful night’s sleep, and still recovering from the abrupt breakup with your boyfriend. He really lived up to his callsign because after his brief speech of ending the relationship, Simon “Ghost” Riley had simply vanished from your life. Granted, the two of you were taking things extremely slow. From when you met him, you sensed he’s lived a life that wasn’t kind at all. Being so patient with him had rewarded you with learning a new layer of Simon’s personality and little life details. But you persevered with him because you saw his worth in your future. Well… at least you did.
Shutting off the water and drying yourself off with a towel before dressing yourself in sweats and a jumper to contain the warmth of the shower you absorbed, you stepped out of the bathroom and into the hallway. The stark contrast of the cold floor against you feet had you rushing to the bedroom, but before you could enter you felt a slight draft. You paused in your steps and listened to the quiet night. Did you leave the window open? You knew it was opened earlier to not keep in the scent of the meal you cooked. Heading to the living room to slide it shut and hurry to kick on the heat, you missed the dark figure sitting in the corner of the room hidden by the shadows.
“You took a while to finish up.” The rumbling voice that sent pleasant butterflies through you only caused terror to strike through your chest.
“Oh, for fucks sake!… Simon?… are you trying to give me a heart attack?… wait… what are you doing here? How’d you get in?!” still feeling your heart trying to calm itself after a fright, you couldn’t help the nervous feeling of seeing Simon again even if he did break your heart and ghosted you.
“… went on an op… I did quite a bit of thinking… I missed you…” his words only struck annoyance in you,
“… right… I totally believe you. Listen, I’m not up for it to go back and forth with you… just… just leave me alone.” You couldn’t believe that after this man had left you for weeks, basically months, and now returned just because ‘he missed you’.
“Oh, come now Lovie. Let’s talk for a bit now.” Despite Simon dressed in his civvies, he still fashions himself as a shadow. His stature rising from the chair and slowly approaching you, reaching a hand to caress your cheek, “please let me explain.”
“No Simon… did you seriously think I’d welcome you back with open arms after you ended things, disappeared to fuck knows where, and popped right back expecting me to go along with you?… Simon, it really hurt… and I can’t let you in again…” gently maneuvering his hand away from your face only gave him the opportunity to grab your arm,
“Then explain to me all those calls. All those messages and voicemails you left me. Begging for an explanation. Pleading for me to reconsider… I thought you cared… or is it that you’ve become so ‘cold-hearted’ and had someone else?” Simon’s tone had a hint of anger and betrayal, but you couldn’t help but feel blinding heat for what he insinuated.
“You don’t get to pin this on me, Simon… I did care for you… but just out of the blue ending things… and not even explaining why… if anything, you are the reason why I’m so ‘cold-hearted’ because it felt like I died… you think I had time or energy to put myself out like that? Do you really think of me so low? No, I was being delusional the whole time hoping it was a nightmare…” at the sound of your true annoyance and being cross at him, Simon’s eyes widened just a fraction. His mind scrambling to try remedy the situation not only from hearing how upset you are but also hearing how your voice began to waver.
“Listen… darling… I messed up. I know I did. Even now I’m messing up… I’m sorry… I’m sorry for ending things how I did… I just… I wanted you to have a reason to hate me… to be with someone else… someone better.” Simon had taken to rub the wrist he had in his grasp, smoothing over your skin with the rough pad of his thumb, “… I was only trying to protect you from me… I really care for you…” his remorseful admission had brought out the frustration you thought you buried.
“No… no Simon… that’s not protecting me at all… I… I couldn’t eat… I couldn’t sleep. I still can’t… do you know how much I’ve gone mad thinking of any possible thing that I could’ve done for you to leave me?” The heat you felt earlier had now travelled to your face, concentrating on your cheeks and in your eyes, distorting your vision of Simon’s face staring at you intensely. You could only swallow a lump before continuing, “… I’ve always told myself it was stupid for people to give up on life when a partner leaves… but I was so close to ending it, Simon… I was so convinced that no one would ever love me…” despite the tears escaping and your voice warbling, you still look at Simon. Watching his reaction, his realization of what transpired in his absence, what could’ve happened. Simon’s stomach twisting in the familiar way when a mission takes an unexpected turn. Taking both of his hands to caress your face, attempting to wipe away the continuous flow of tears.
“Lovie… no, Lovie, no… don’t say that. Don’t say such things… I’d never let that happen… you know I wouldn’t let you hurt yourself… I’m so sorry, Lovie… I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you, I really am…” Simon’s internal panic has caused his heart to drop, “ I can’t imagine my life without you, Lovie… please, please Love… give me another chance. It won’t happen again. I promise.” Now your admission and reflection of what you’ve experienced had caused quiet sobs and hiccups to interrupt your breathing.
“… but it’s true!… I seriously thought I did something wrong!… or that something was wrong with me!… I was so alone!… I can’t- I can’t do this… I can’t trust you again!…” Simon releases your face in favor of wrapping his arms around you, to bring you in to him in an effort to hold you closer to his heart. Listening to the hurt in your voice that he caused. Simon rubbed his hands up and down your back, rocking the both of you back and forth, all the while listening to the muffled sounds of you being in pain.
“I’m so sorry, darling… I’m so so sorry.” He pulls away just enough to once again try to wipe away the tears from your warm cheeks, pressing kisses from your forehead across your eyes and all over your cheeks in an effort to stop the tears, “Please… please, you have to believe me. I love you with everything I am. I always have… Lovie, please don’t leave me…” Simon once again brought you into his embrace, holding onto you tightly as if you’ll break into pieces.
“… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t… because what if it happens again?…it hurt… I don’t wanna be hurt again…”
“Lovie, please don’t cry anymore… I won’t ever let you hurt again. I’ll take care of you. We promised we’d marry one day… don’t let this break us apart… I don’t want to live without you.” His words felt so sincere, the way he held you was so desperate. Seeing you being this hurt over him was another type of pain he was not familiar with. “I’m willing to do anything for you… all I ask is your forgiveness. Please Love… forgive me…”
“… yeah… that was what we promised… but you went ahead and left me anyways… I was the one abandoned, wondering what went wrong… I want to believe you… I really do… but I’d be a fool to trust you again…” eyes now red and puffy, yet still producing a steady stream of tears for Simon to continue wiping away.
“Darling… I understand… I know why you can’t believe me right now… but please… let me make it up to you…” with Simon now fully cradling you face in his hands, staring into you with a determination and resolve, “I’ll treat you better… I’ll treat you like royalty, like the most precious gem in the world… I’ll buy whatever you want, buy the most expensive jewelry… please, give me another chance, Love… call me ‘your Simon’ again…”
“… I don’t want to be treated like royalty… I don’t want the most expensive jewelry… all I wanted was you… that’s all I was happy with… I was perfectly happy knowing I had you…” those words truly broke Simon within. Knowing that he had ruined what was the best thing in his life. All because of his cowardice, he had caused pain to someone he loved. Listening to you cry because of him, because of what he’d done, he was willing to do anything to make you happy.
“Alright darling… I’ll give you what you want… you’re all I ever needed, so this is breaking me… if you won’t give me a chance as your lover… can I at least stay in your life as a friend?… I want you to be happy… and even if it means without me… I’ll do it.” Simon now grasped both of your hands and held it close to his heart, you could feel the strong beat of his heart within his chest. And as you looked at him through your wet lashes, you could see he was being sincere. That he meant what he said. That he was truthful in promising to do better, and that even if you didn’t want him in your life anymore that he would respect it. As much as you were trying to send him off, reject his appeals… you couldn’t help but feel hopeful for another try.
“… Simon… Simon… I forgive you… please, don’t leave me… I forgive you… but please don’t hurt me again… I won’t survive it… it hurt so much… so please don’t leave me again… if you don’t love me, just tell me… but don’t abandon me like that again…” you wrapped your arms around Simon’s neck, burying your face into the crook of it and tightening your hold on him. The sobs came once more, but as you felt Simon’s arms slide against you for an embrace, you felt a sense of calm.
“Shh… alright darling… shh… I won’t abandon you… never again, Lovie… I’m so sorry… I swear it won’t happen again… I love you so much…” Simon resumes rocking you back and forth while pulling away between words to press kisses over your face, “From now on, nothing will separate us… I’ll always be with you… I promise to keep you happy forever…” squeezing you tightly against him, Simon couldn’t help but to breathe in your scent. He heard your cries subsiding and all that remained were the sounds of your sniffles,
“… this better not happen again… I seriously couldn’t take it…” even pressed against him with your words muffled, Simon heard it loud and clear.
“It won’t happen again, darling… I love you… I love you so much… as long as I’m breathing, you’ll never cry over me… do you understand?” Simon pulls away to hold your face gentle within his hands, the face he dreams of and longs to kiss when he’s away, “My Lovie, may I kiss you?” And only when he asks that do you attempt to wipe away the mess of your face, carefully dabbing at your eyes and wiping away any nose drippings with your sleeve. Yet it’s still a sight that Simon loves, he hates that he’s made you cry like this but it’s brought a warmth to know that someone loves him this dearly.
“… I’m all covered in tears and snot, Simon…” your face warms as you feel the embarrassment of breaking down in front of Simon like that, yet you glance at him through your wet lashes only to find that he was staring the entire time. You felt his warm hands caress your face and noticed him bringing your foreheads together whilst letting out a quiet chuckle,
“Regardless, my love, you are still so beautiful and precious to me.” Not a single moment was wasted before you were pulled into a passionate kiss.
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helixobesity · 2 months
So, I gained a significant amount of weight, to the point of going from about average to what I'd call properly fat. I then discovered this kink, and have decided to actively try to gain some more. I think the most attractive part to me is the restrictions: the fatter I get, the less fit I am and the less I can physically do, the more sedentary and lazy I get, and the more "dumbed down" I can be, all in a self-reinforcing cycle. I get a secret thrill about outgrowing clothes, or realizing I'm never going to run a 5k again, or exceeding the weight limit of my office chair, or realizing that hours have gone by watching mindless shows.
I work a high-stress, long-hours job, and the permission to let go, eat, laze around, and fatten up in a way that actually makes it physically and mentally harder to keep stressing myself out so much is such a release. Embracing my piggy side and letting go of the expectations has been a genuine source of self-care.
But it's hard to do sometimes! The doubts can creep in; even if this fatter, slower me is happier, it's still hard to make the leap. So my question is, do you have any tips, any reminders or mantras or practices, for aspiring fatties to use, to remind me that it's ok to let go? Any ways I can reward myself for embracing the pig life? Thanks (and sorry for the essay)!
In the most basic of ways, letting go is the greatest way to get fatter
“Letting go”
To stop worrying about how you used to act
How you used to be considered athletic
How you could’ve been celebrated for your intelligence
But letting go means forgetting who you used to be
The acceptance that you were meant to be fat
To be lazy
To heave around the house
Waddling like a pig
Each step making you out of breath on your way to the fridge a hollow reminder of the miles you used to run in a few hours
Now? Piggy you wouldn’t be able to last a mile in your condition
Doubts are normal! Feedism isn’t a kink you can just forget about
A heavy, wobbly belly following your every move is a reminder of the life you’re committing to
And every time it growls to be fed, you can’t help but realize how it’s totally corrupted your way of life
Try not to worry about numbers, the scale going up, calorie counting, sure it can seriously be a big help, especially those that struggle to stay focused. But I know it can be demoralizing to others to see the scale fluctuating day to day, but there’s no avoiding that
What matters is your mentality
To look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself
You’re beautiful this way
To jiggle your fatter belly
Grab your new rolls
Your thicker arms
Thighs that are beginning to rub together
A butt that can’t be forced into those skinny jeans anymore
And tell yourself you’re beautiful
And with every day you gorge yourself to feeling like you could burst
You look more beautiful
And every time you do happen to look at that scale
You’ll be shocked at how fast you’ve really been gaining
You don’t need to think
You need to eat
You have me to keep you in check
To make sure you forget who you used to be
Let go
And get fatter
You’re certainly on the right path piggy~
And I absolutely look forward to your progress!!!
Thank you very much for the “essay” :)
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larkingame · 8 months
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hello folks! I hope that January has treated you all well and that the beginning of 2024 has been kind to you so far. welcome to the second public update for larkin's monthly development of 2024! 
Personally, January seemed to fly by for me, and while it did provide a lot of time for work, it also posed some challenges and taught me a few things. The first of which, is the fact that the new Larkin is a //big// undertaking, bigger than I think even I realized when I first set out on this journey. While turning Larkin into an RPG, with dice rolls, stat checks and the like is a decision that I'm still very happy with and proud of my progress on--it's going slower than I'd necessarily like. To illustrate this to you, the prologue of Larkin currently sits at about 55k words, while the original twine prologue was at just about 21k words in it's complete scope. The big difference there being, in those original 21k words I managed to get the plot moving and the Preacher and Wyatt on their way to Nevada, but in the time that I've been working on the RPG version of Larkin, I've only just about gotten finished with the first major encounter. It's slow going, and I'm working really hard to ramp up the production speed--adjusting my schedule to wake up at 5:00 am to work for a few hours before work and school, and then coming home and working on larkin until about 1:30 am (as much I hate this fact, I //do// in fact need //some// sleep.) Even with all of my free time dedicated to work on Larkin or catching those few precious hours of sleep, I'm still not entirely happy with the speed at which I'm working on it--and I'm still experimenting to try and figure out what works best that helps me produce quality work with a quick turn-around. 
That being said, one of my new systems I've implemented to try and alleviate my production stress is that I've started dropping two updates to the game every week. The first update comes on Thursdays and is called what I've dubbed a 'Bulk' Update, it essentially builds on the choices/routes that have already been presented to the player, giving you room to explore your environment/develop your character compared to the Sunday 'Streamline' Update, that furthers along the plot of the story. Later tonight I'll be posting an update roadmap for the month of February on Patreon. 
Other brief updates about the progress of the game. For one, I've been working with two artists—one who is producing some art that'll be used as future patreon physical rewards and another who's putting together portraits of all the game's main characters that I am. Sickeningly excited about, considering that this artist is my current favorite working artist of all time. In total there's going to be sixteen character portraits that you'll be able to unlock throughout the course of the game, with slight variations depending on our relationship with that character. Other than that, me and my assistant Phillip are in the process of really trying to build a bigger social media presence for Larkin, so we'll be launching twitter/threads/bluesky/instagram and editing the tiktok pages for Larkin, that I'll drop in a card later tonight as well. I’ve also introduced another patreon tier of $1 for those of you who are wanting more consistent updates on the game development on Patreon!
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Let's have some fun today. With which Pedro boy would you connect this quote to? "Sending him teasing texts all day, knowing he will just ravish you when he sees you."😏💗
well howdy sweet wym!!
excellent question. if i'm totally honest, i feel like this could be any given pedro boy, just with varying styles of 'ravishing'.
let's get into it.
oberyn would be calling an early end to council just so he can saunter through to your bedroom with that knowing little smirk. and then he'd take you apart meticulously.
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the head this man would give you would be insane. ahem.
dieter would be a fucking mess. he'd be half-way to coming in his pants on the way home from set. and i think din would be much the same on the way back to the razor crest.
bless them. you're just so hot.
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marcus p and javi g would be blushing up a storm, and then picking up flowers on their way home to treat you right back.
but i feel marcus m and agent whiskey would be remarkably cool, kind of cocky about it? like yes, they've been uncomfortably hard all day, but they can handle it. ohhh, they can handle you, no problem.
i get the distinct impression that javi p, although he is commando and dtf at any time, would not appreciate the teasing. he likes his reward to be almost immediate, easy to cash in as soon as the game is up. and that's a problem when he's all caught up with this lead in the office and you're so far away, isn't it, cariño?
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poor baby, you've got him all stressed, hot and bothered.
someone who's just as hot and bothered, but not above pulling a sickie, is frankie. oh man. you've got him wrapped around your finger - those texts about his mouth, where you want it, how you've been waiting for him aaaaall day, that pretty lace set you're wearing...
he barely makes it to lunch. in fact, his boss tells him he's looking a little flushed and sends him home.
he's kicking his jeans off before the front door's even closed.
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let's see, who else do we have in our contacts...
oh! here. joel's not replied yet, but i wouldn't take that personally. have you seen that man try to fit his thumbs on an iphone key board? no, he's using his time for much better things. mostly thinking about how he's gonna fuck that bratty attitude out of you, give you the attention you're cravin', darlin'.
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whew. best of luck, it's gonna be a long night.
but wait - who's this knocking at the door?
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oh. shit.
uh, you've got this, right? yeah, sure you do. or maybe i should have told you to leave dave out of it. you know how he gets. all pent up, full of that... unsettlingly sexy darkness.
better make sure you're not wearing anything you like too much. i've heard he likes to rip before he ravishes.
alright, have fun! bye bye!
*slams door behind me*
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4rtificialfolio · 1 year
“getting you off is my new favourite hobby” - Nick Folio x Reader Smut
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Summary: When most people see Nick play the drums, he exudes a confident, sexy aurora; the way he plays is a mesmerising sight. But what most don’t know is he’s the total opposite off-stage. Every day of his work life, he’s in complete control, but when it comes to his personal life, he’s the complete opposite and needs someone else to take the reigns
Genre: Smut
Warnings: 18+, smut, dom reader, Female reader, sub Folio, edging, orgasm denial, P in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids), use of toys, light bondage
Nick has been under a lot of stress lately; he’s been non-stop touring, and it’s been taking a toll on him. Usually, you’d accompany him on tour, but due to work commitments, this was the first time you’d ever been apart for more than a day or two.
After two and a half long months, he’s finally home with you. He loves his job, his friends and touring worldwide, but nothing will ever beat being with you, being yours. When he’s home, he gets to let go of all control. He’d do anything for you; he worships the ground you walk on. No one but you knows what he’s like behind closed doors, and he likes to keep it that way.
Sometimes, he gets a little too confident when you’re not around to remind him who’s truly in charge. He can act as macho as he likes, but deep down, he knows you have him wrapped around your finger. On this occasion, his cockiness got the best of him. Two months is a long time to be away from you, and he was getting needy.
Too needy.
He was under strict instructions not to touch himself whilst he was away unless you permitted him. Until that day, he’d behaved himself; after all, behaving himself meant a reward when he got home. Testing him to see how far you could push him, you sent him pictures in his favourite lacy set of yours, and lord knows just the mire image of you can send him over the edge. As restrained as he’d been, those pictures were his tipping point.
He had to do something.
Nick had finally snapped and thought it would be a great idea to send you a picture of him stroking his throbbing, swollen cock in the shower. Rookie mistake.
Since then, you’ve been planning how to punish him. He’s so easy to control in bed; you can snap your fingers, and he’ll be on his knees instantly. Just recently, you both decided to purchase a new toy. You’d heard your friend talk about using a wand with her boyfriend, but until now, it had never really interested the two of you. Not until you thought about how you could use it on him.
The days leading up to him coming home had him fidgeting nonstop. Once he’d hit that send button, he knew he’d fucked up, and now he knows he’s about to face the consequences. You act as if everything’s normal when he walks through the door; after all, you’ve been apart so long that waiting an hour or so more can’t hurt. It’s not until after dinner he starts to become overly shifty, anticipating when you’ll bring up the subject of him disobeying you. You know exactly what you’re doing; you’ve been thinking about this since he stepped inside. It’s fun seeing him squirm and try to hide his nervousness—poor baby.
You’re in total control, and he doesn’t even realise it.
“So how was tour baby?” you say, sticking to the oblivious act.
“really good, the shows were amazing, but I missed you” he’s already starting to blush.
“Anything interesting happen? Any pictures to show me, maybe?” just the word ‘pictures’ makes the blood rush to his head; he knows what’s coming, and the look on his face right now is priceless.
“no, nothing that interesting, to be honest.” His breath hitches. He’s trying so hard to get out of this one, but he knows that’s never happening.
“I have some to show you, baby.” getting up from your seat at the table, you pull your phone out of your pocket. Deciding to give him another chance to bring up the subject himself, you walk over to his seat.
“but I think you already know what pictures I’m talking about, don’t you, baby boy?” If the world could swallow him whole right now, it would, but here he is, backed into his chair with no way out.
You have him in the palm of your hand.
“I'm sorry” is all he can mutter right now, but that’s not enough for you.
“you’re gonna have to do better than that, baby.” you have him exactly where you want him, ready to drop to his knees for you.
“I’m sorry for touching myself without permission.”
“upstairs, strip and sit on the edge of the bed. You better be ready for me when I come upstairs, baby.” You’ve never seen him move so fast in his life. There’s no doubt his trousers are already getting too tight.
Making your way upstairs, you stop to catch your breath for a second. God, he turns you on so much you’re already dripping, but he doesn’t need to know that yet. You’re met with the prettiest sight when you reach your bedroom. There he is, completely naked, waiting for you. Just you.
Without saying a word, you reach under your bed for your box of toys. His eyes widen when he realises what's coming. He thought he would get off lightly; you’d tie him to the bed, edge him for a little bit, make him finger you, and then eventually cum inside you, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Once he sees the cuffs and wand, he knows he’s in for a long night.
“sit on the chair, baby boy.” pulling out your dressing table chair, he does as he’s told with no hesitation.
“legs spread, arms back.” as he spreads his legs, you remove your shirt and jeans, revealing that lacy set he loves so much. He’s already hard, but god, the image of you standing before him already has him twitching and spilling a little pre cum on his stomach.
You cuff his hands together behind his back and ankles to either chair leg.
He’s entirely under your control now.
Before plugging in the wand, you gently trace your hands up his thighs and begin to rub his throbbing cock.
“mmmm, please, baby.” He’s already a whiney mess. If only people could see him now: a tatted, buff, full-grown man bound to a chair begging someone half his size to touch him. It's such a beautiful sight.
“nuh uh, you don’t get to ask for anything tonight; you do as I say. Understood?” oh, this is going to be so much fun.
“yes, baby”, so pathetic and pouty.
“good. Remind me again, what are the two rules?”
“don’t cum without permission, and I’m only allowed to cum inside of you” Secretly, he loves these rules; he adores being able to fuck you raw and watch his cum spill out of you.
“Do you remember your safe word?”
Grabbing the wand, you trace it up and down his thigh, causing a loud whimper to escape his mouth.
“you’re already so desperate, aren’t you?” He looks so pretty when he whines.
“fuck please touch me, baby.”
“beg all you like; I’ll touch you when I’m ready.” you flick the vibration up to the following setting, and his whimpers get louder.
Deciding you’ve worked on his thighs enough, you drag the wand to the base of his cock. He tilts his head back and lets out a high-pitched moan.
“Is this what you wanted, baby boy?”
“hmm, yes”
“yes, what?”
“yes, please” Dissatisfied with his lack of manor, you turn the wand up even higher and rub it over the tip of his cock, holding it there, making him buck his hips and moan louder and louder. He’s so pink and swollen already, and it’s such a pretty sight to see.
“my baby is so needy.” You kiss down his jaw to his neck, lingering and taking your sweet time until you leave a mark.
“fuck I’m going to cu-“Suddenly, you remove the wand from his tip, making him whimper out of desperation.
“you better fucking not. The only place you’re allowed to cum is inside of me, remember?”
“sorry baby, I promise I won’t cum. Please touch me.” You smirk at his desperate pleading.
holding the wand back on his painfully throbbing cock, you start to move it up and down, which makes him buck his hips
up again.
“You know, I think getting you off is my new favourite hobby.”
He can only think about you straddling him and making him cum inside you. He wants to cum so badly, but he still needs to prove he can behave.
“I’m gonna count to 20, and if you can go 20 seconds without moving your hips, you can cum inside me, understood?”
“yes, baby.” This is what feels like the longest countdown of his life. He’s trying so hard to stay still for you, poor baby.
“15” just 5 seconds to go, and he’ll finally get what he’s been waiting for.
“16, 17, 18”
“Please, baby, please.” he sounds so pathetic when he begs.
“19, 20.” you turn off the wand and grab his jaw to pull him in for a kiss.
“good job, baby, you did so well. Do you think you deserve to cum now?” making him beg a little more can’t hurt now, can it?
“hmm, yes, please, baby, please let me cum. I need you” If you weren’t so desperate to cum yourself, you would’ve edged him even longer, but you haven’t felt him inside you for two months; you need him just as much as he needs you.
Unlocking his handcuffs, you tell him to go and lay on the bed for you. Stripping yourself from your lingerie, you climb on the bed and give his cock a couple of strokes before sinking yourself on him. Just that alone was about to make him cum.
“Don't you dare cum until I tell you”
“yes, baby” god, he’s so fucking desperate, but he knows if he does, his subsequent punishment will be even worse. Two months was far too long; you swear you could cum right there and then.
Getting brave, he grabs your hips and thrusts up into you. Most of the time, you wouldn’t allow this, but after being apart for so long, you couldn’t care less right now if he tries to take over.
“This is how wet you’ve made me, baby”, you moan, grabbing his throat.
“all for me.” god, he loves that he can make you just as much of a mess as you make him.
“fuck Nick, I'm so fucking close” Realising what you’re saying, he rubs his thumb on your clit, edging you closer and closer.
“cum for me, baby”, you moan out before reaching your climax.
“oh fuck hmmm”, Nick finally cums inside you, thrusting up a few more times before you collapse on top of him.
“god, I fucking love you” he pulls you in for a heated kiss and rolls over on top of you.
“I love you so much.” pulling him back down for a kiss, you can’t help but feel him start to get hard again, but this time, he’s on top of you.
“not so confident now, are we?” he chuckles, seeing how quickly he’s flipped things around. He’s not in charge, not by any means, but you’re too tired to protest. You want to be close to him, and if that means letting him have his fun, there’s no harm just for tonight.
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sourle · 1 year
I’ve come here to request romantic hcs for the traffic light trio (separate) with an s/o that gets really excited to see them/ be with them when they hang out and are really expressive about that to them! (might give them kisses happily, hold their hand while swinging it in there’s as they walk together, ect)
Thank you for reading this, hope you’re having a nice day/afternoon/night! ♡ ♡
Oo that would be adorable! Right at it!
MK was just finishing his work and training for the day when he entered both you and his shared house. Hearing the door clicked you perked up and turns towards the door before stopping whatever you're doing to greed him.
He was taken surprised by the sudden hugs! You're knocking the air out of him to be honest and that's what he likes about you.
Your excitement and hyper personality is what drag him to you! Whenever you randomly gave him a kiss he would stutter with words and just stand/sit there embarrassed.
You're basically his cheerleader! Hyping him up and giving him support! And seeing you at the end of a stressing day was just something he wanted and getting kisses from you is just what he wishes.
He loves whenever you get excited or just straight up turn the mood into a good one with your antics! He never got bored of it and just adores you!
Even the simplest thing he did such as losing to you on a game or two, your excitement on beating him and jumping around in excitement is just funny to him.
He doesn't mind you holding his hand at random times even when it's not the time for things. But he knows it's just how you show affections!
He loves you because of your cute and adorable self!
Oh my god! I can't say much! You both would be a total duo! With both of your energy and hyper personality is just a click and a fit!
You both would pull pranks and run away from there, or just being you both laughing and looking at puppies or memes on the internet.
She loves it when you got excited to see her, even if she's just gone for a few seconds! With you running to her and hugging her is a comfort to her!
Oh! How much i would think you both are such perfect couple! Mei being a ruthless energy one and you being the dorky energy one! Oh! How both of you would definitely love each other till the end of the world!
She would always take you somewhere fun! Either it's the arcade, water park, a carnival or festival! Anywhere where she thinks both you and her can spend those energy on!
All and all she loves you because you're just like her! One that's full of excitement but you're with a spice of surprise!
Both of you would definitely hold hands and give kisses to each other in certain time, either playful or to make others jealous! However you like it!
You both are one of the most perfect couple for each other!
Red son
Ok hear me out when this man is confused at first and was taken shook by your antics. But after a while he got used to how you are.
You being a touchy one would always play with his hair! He doesn't mind tho. It's sometimes nice to try out new styles!
When he enters a room and saw you he knew you both are gonna end up on the floor because of you tackling him down for a hug.
His parents actually notice of this behavior first than him! They don't mind, they just think it's just a stupid lovey dovey think some people do.
He doesn't often holds your hand but does give you kisses once and a while as for you... Well, let's just say he was buried in the kisses you gave him each morning:)
What he adores about you is just how you can turn the atmosphere into a good one! Once you enter the room it felt more lively to him. It makes him feel great seeing you himself and with you being excited to see him makes him fall more for you because of your loyalty.
The most affections he would do is just cuddles you before bed as a reward for either helping him or just being there in his life.
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Wait. I will probably gain more weight than before in recovery, but... with the time, it will stabilize and can I get back to my pre-ed body or a normal body and stabilized weight with proper nutrition and exercise after fully recovery? The "disproportionate body" will disappear one day, right?
Because you said: "This is tough for a lot of people in ED recovery, especially because your body may change shape or gain back weight in "disproportionate" ways. ***Even when this phase has passed, your post-recovery body might not go back to the way it was before you got sick.***
So the disproportionate body will likely go away, yes. A lot of people who are new to restriction recovery gain back weight in disproportionate ways and experience lots of other medical symptoms while their bodies try to heal from what they've been through.
Will your body go back to exactly what it looked like pre-ed? That I don't know. This uncertainty may be hard to embrace, and it's totally okay to feel that way. You're definitely not the only one, I can tell you that. The thing about extreme restriction is that it throws your body into survival mode, so your metabolism might work differently for a long time after this because it retained the traumatic experience of starvation and is now in a place of thinking "I need to hold onto every calorie I can get." Different bodies work differently. Your body at full recovery may look different from your pre-ED body and that's okay, and not any sort of moral reflection on you. You're allowed to feel how you feel about it though, and to grieve for your life pre-ED, and to struggle with allowing your body to do whatever it needs to do.
That's a hard thing, though, isn't it? Letting your body take control? Restriction and eating disorders in general often center around a need to feel a sense of control, especially over one's body. To guarantee that you can make your body be what you idealize it to be through all the trials of time and a full life lived.
It's natural for bodies to change as they go through things in life, something I think I've mentioned before. Eating disorder recovery is one of those things. Other things that can drastically change the body (including its base weight): pregnancy and childbirth, a major health condition, a stress event, a grief event, or just plain aging. All of these things are hallmarks of a full life, much as we may feel uncomfortable while we are living these moments. It's natural to look back on the time that was before and think, how did my body go from that to this? Someday you may have the good fortune to have lived to old age, but you'll be looking at your wrinkled skin with eyesight that's gone blurry, working extra hard to pull yourself out of your chair just to go to the toilet, and you may look back to where you are right now and think "God, I miss how young I was then." Of course, you may experience many joyous and beautiful moments on the way to get to that stage of your life, too.
Oh, one tip I do have for you: while exercise can be great for your physical and mental health, I recommend not taking it on with the specific goal of weight loss, as that might be a restriction trigger. Many people in ED recovery find that to be the case. Find a form of exercise that is fun and rewarding to you, and pursue it to get good at it and enjoy the positive health outcomes it can bring to your body.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hi Mae! I’m gonna ramble in your inbox for a sec don’t mind me
So it’s graduation season (as you are very aware, congrats btw!!) and I just graduated high school today and it was great but it was also really sad (and I’m aware this is very dumb to complain about because a lot of people have no one around them to support them and I am very lucky because I do) but I was there alone up until the ceremony started and my family came to watch.
And I know that I wasn’t the only one getting ready alone but it made me kinda sad to see all these kids with their parents helping them get ready and taking care of them and I didn’t have that. And I know that it’s not because my parents don’t love me, they just always have so much going on and I’ve always kinda had to look after myself and I’m usually fine. (And realistically I know if they were there it would probably be way more stressful) but for some reason it just made me really sad. I was struggling to get all my stuff on right so much that the girl in front of me had to help T-T and I just kept thinking that I wish I had a mom there.
Thankfully I had friends there who were looking after me too (one of them gave me free rein of his chocolate pretzels ♥️) and my teachers were all really great but I was literally on the verge of tears all day bc of all the emotions T-T
Also a random guy saw me waiting after the ceremony by myself and just said “congratulations, kiddo” i literally almost started bawling 😭 so I am very lucky that I had more support than a lot of other people, I was just kinda lonely for a bit. (I really hope this doesn’t come across like I’m ungrateful rip)
Anyways that’s all!! I hope things are going well for you!
Hi lovely, I don't think that's dumb to complain about at all!
I actually think I really get where you're coming from, my parents are divorced and often I find it easier to tell them I'm just going to do things on my own rather than mediate who will be with me at what time and where, so lots of the big parent-centered events in my life have been by myself too. I understand that you want to give them credit where it's due, and I think it's a good thing that you still know how much they love and care for you but it's totally understandable to feel sad regardless.
It's so kind and considerate of others to try and step in for you when they see you don't have the support they do, but I know that in the moment that also doesn't always feel great. When I was little my dad never wanted to come to anything and often my friends' dads would take turns doing the thing with me so I didn't feel left out, and that was so so sweet of them but I was pretty embarassed at the time! It's not nice to feel pitiful, and the idea that people are perceiving the same thing as you are in your parents' absence probably didn't make you feel better.
Like you said, none of that detracts from how loved you truly are, and it sounds like you know this already but it seems like you also have all this excess love pouring in from the people around you!! I'm incapable of not looking for silver lining, and to me all those kind people are definitely something to be grateful for, but also I think it's okay to let yourself mope a little if you want to my love. Don't deny how you feel because you think it's dumb or unjustified or anything of the kind! I promise you it's very valid.
Congratulations on your graduation sweetheart!! I'm sure your family are all very proud of you, as well as the friends who were there for you on the day (and me too!!). I hope you enjoy a lovely summer and take some time to reward yourself for all your hard work before whatever comes next <3
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another-mrfluffball · 2 years
lol homie it’s me ausie dyslexic anon (lol im cringe) anyway how do they react to an s/o who is swamped with work
(i have two things due tomorrow and a test then i’ve gotta do my english thing thats due on Monday so my plan is to eat junk food and make my english thing fan fiction)
Oh hello! I am literally so sorry for responding late!!!!! I was so busy with work and Halloween :(( I hope this writing cheers you up! Again, I'm sorry for responding late!!
This is kinda more of an how they support you when you are tired kinda writing! Hope that is okay!!
Y/n~~~~~~ How about we take a break?
He will try his best to cheer you up!!!
He will get you all of your fav snacks and treats to cheer you up!
If you wanna get snacks and treats but feel bad for him getting them, he will give a whole speech about how wonderful and hard-working you are, and say you deserve a reward/break snack :))
Y/n!!!! You absolutely and totally deserve a nice little snack! No need to feel bad, for me getting them!!! Lupin at your service :DD
He will have a cheerful smile after getting those snacks!
Y/n~~~~~!!!!! Lupin the delivery service is here :))
You giggle at this goofy cheerful man :)))
Thanks you so much Lupin :)
No problem y/n :D
Y/n is there anything I can help with?
He is very much supportive of you :)
He will try to help as much as he can. Of course, he will respect you boundaries and try to push himself to help to the point of disturbing you!
If you wanna go into focus mode, he will subtly and secretly protect you from any disturbance.
If anybody tries to disturb and annoy you, he will block and protect you from them >:)
If you fall asleep on your chair, he will pat your head and place a nice warm blanket for you :)
If you have any errands or mini-tasks for him, he is happy to help!
Whenever you are not in your room or sleeping, he will place a little flower next to you ♡
Is worried that you will push your limit!
Y/n please remember not to push yourself, it is important to take a rest from time to time
He will make warm tea for you!
If Lupin is being an ass to you prepare to run-
Likes to gift you, some Japanese snacks :)
If he sees you, getting tired to the point of becoming dizzy, he will pull you for a mini break!
Will give you one of the best breaks ever omg
Will check up on you from time to time!
He will give you comforting words when you take a break :)
Y/n you ok?
She is such a dramatic and over the top with the break holy shi-
From flower perfumes, and expensive and elegant snacks, to a comfortable cuddle :D
If you dare apologize, she will put a finger on your soft lips and go
No, no, no! Y/n you really need to take breaks from time to time honestly! Just relax ok :)
If somebody is being a little shit and giving you more work, she will personally go to their home and meet them and kick their ass :)
Honestly, they should understand how much pressure and ass they are to my dear lover ):<
Y/n I must order you to take a break!
Oh hi, zenigata...I'm okay I can finish I- *clumsily drops something* Oh no I- *Tired sigh*
Then out of your big surprise!
Wha- *bridal carrying style* Y/n do not worry! You will not need to move!
*y/n blushes instantly* !!!!
Zenigata carried you to the couch and plopped you there.
Don't move y/n! I will get some food!
He then ran to get some snacks for you!!!
For the next few minutes, you two took a delightful break :D Having nice and funny conversations, talking about how much a stress work has been, etc.
It was honestly nice just releasing all those stressful thoughts :)
When you both were cleaning up the snacks, you gave him a kiss on the cheek and gave a bright smile, softly said thank you, his face exploded and blushed madly.
It was nothing y-y/n Hope you do well on the rest of your work ///
Message for everybody! Hope this cheered you up!!! Good luck with your work!!!!! Lupin gang is very proud of you and is cheering you on \(*´▽`*)/
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saras-devotionals · 7 months
Quiet Time 3/9
What am I feeling today?
Sick and nostalgic. Driving back home today and I’m going to miss pittsburgh. I haven’t gotten better though, my throat is still killing me and I’ve been coughing too, still don’t know what it is bc all my tests came back negative. Also stressed about the rest of the semester, I’m not ready to go back bc I know it’s just gonna be so much more work and idk how I’ll keep up without some sort of divine intervention 😅
Bible Plan: Healing What’s Hidden
Strength in Weakness
Depending on the context of your painful experience, your instinct may be to push back against those offering help. But you can’t win the war against trauma on your own. The enemy is too strong and too clever. The only hope you have is to let humility lead you to healing. It seems contrary to reason, but strength is found in acknowledging our weaknesses.
I don’t think I push back against help. I can be wary of it sometimes, not always believing their intentions. But regardless I latch on to anything to help me (which can also be a problem bc I don’t take the time to discern).
Paul knew this well. He experienced all kinds of hardship and trauma. This dude was beaten, stoned, and shipwrecked, all while being on the most wanted lists of the Gentiles and the Jews at the same time! He was a tough guy. No one would challenge that. Yet he didn’t boast about his strength and fortitude but rather about his weakness.
This is the reasoning behind our perfect weakness ministry. And I appreciate all that they have done for me thus far. I feel I’m at a point right now where I want to decipher my emotions but I don’t want to put in all the work and effort. I can scratch the surface level but I’m having a hard time pushing myself to dig deeper, it just feels like there’s a roadblock inside me and I don’t know how to get past it or what’s beyond it.
Humility invites others to help us. Pride pushes them away. Humility permits God to enter into our pain. Pride says, “I can do it alone.” Humility listens to wise counsel. Pride rejects the advice of others. Humility leads to healing. Pride leads to destruction.
Okay so I actually wrote a lot about this but then my phone refreshed and I lost all of it🥲 basically I went on a whole rant between my own humility and pride and I noted that I can be prideful in some areas but I try my best to be humble before other people and God bc if my way doesn’t work, that’s for a reason beyond me.
The humility required to heal from trauma is a risks/rewards scenario. You have to be willing to put yourself in others’ hands—to entrust them with your story—in order to build the loving relationships and community you’ll need to heal. It’s not easy, and it’s the total opposite of what your brain may tell you to do, but you can’t skip this step. Openness and vulnerability are what your heart needs in order to heal.
again, this was deleted🥲 but even though it can be uncomfortable and at times painful to be open with other people it is absolutely necessary and something I’ve been doing with the people around me since I was a little kid bc that’s just how I’ve been, I like to talk through everything, it’s incredibly helpful and I yearn for it.
Proverbs 16:18 NIV
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
Pride can absolutely destroy us, thinking our way is better is not the right way to go. Therefore, let’s continually (daily) submit ourselves to God and His will because we are not our own Lord.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 NIV
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
scripture from perfect weakness. This is really great because almost daily I feel weak. I feel that I have absolutely no strength at all and can’t possibly do a thing without His help because I know I can’t. I’m like the shell of a person a lot of time and I just, as cheesy as it sounds, need Jesus to take the wheel. But again, I need to blast in my weakness! I can own up to it! I know I am weak but the reason I’m still here is because God is not weak, He is the strength I rely on!
1 Peter 5:6-7 NIV
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
He cares for me🥹 idk about y’all but that really truly means so much to me. Even when I may feel that I have no one else in my corner I know that God got me and that’s so comforting. With all this anxiety I’m feeling, I’ll just give it to God. I know that He’ll pull through for me because He always does.
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
So I've recently made a new AO3 account (completely separate from my main one, different email and everything lmao) bc I want to start writing porn, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to use some of your asks as like, prompts or ideas? Especially ones that were my own (this is PP!Tim Anon btw, and I've sent in. A lot of asks without signing them off as that, like I could make an entire list and it would probably hit double digits of which asks you've gotten that were mine lmao)!! I would ofc credit you and your blog! I don't know how to imbed links to the individual asks (I'll still try but I can't promise anything lmao), but I'll at least mention your Tumblr name and AO3 account!
I really wanna try my hand at some random, filthy oneshots without a bunch of world building or context, bc that's something I tend to get hung up on in my writing, and I wanna stick to some short and sweet smut oneshots about Tim being a pregnant, underage nympho slut, or a puppy factory, or a cocksleeve for the rogues of Gotham and their goons, all that good stuff!!
On that thought tho, do you have any pieces of advice for like, consistent writing, or motivation to write? Bc that's my biggest struggle tbh is sitting down to start writing. Usually once I start I can churn out a couple thousand words in one sitting, but I gotta start first, ya know? Any words of wisdom would mean a lot ❤️❤️❤️
answered out of order:
yes of course❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't believe how happy that makes me to hear!!!! so many of the asks i get sent are just so brilliant and well done and it would make me so beyond happy to know people started writing or got inspired to write out their ideas!!! and i'm sure that people who submitted other posts you get inspiration from would love to see others expand further on their asks ❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!
one shots are a really great way to really get back into a sort of groove of writing because it can be shorter, the plot may be not as dense or complex as something from a multichap (though you can also write VERY long one shots that are incredibly detailed too), and it can be mainly composed of "fun" writing in the sense that you don't have to do buildup for bigger things like you would in longer multichaps or those that are heavily plot driven. i totally get struggling to get motivation to write, for me it was always like i had to wait for my brain to be turned "on" or in a working mode for me to get any writing for my fics done which meant it usually only happened when i was studying for exams or doing projects for school. however for me that meant when i was in the 'off season' like breaks from school it meant that even though i had time, i no longer had motivation to write. that's something i'm still working to break myself out of and i think one think that is pretty effective is thinking of a scene or piece of dialogue i'm excited to write and look forward to getting to so it motivates to write to reach it. that works sometimes, other times i think of a reward i'll get myself once i finally finish. something like candy or some snack or food i don't often get or go out of my way to get. and another thing that works for me sometimes is basically planning the fic, for a short one shot the major bullet points of what happen would be a short list and so it would pretty much trick your brain into thinking 'wow a short task list i can do all of these pretty quickly/complete them without too much hassel or procrastination!'.
ultimately i think writing one shots takes a lot of pressure off since as a single chapter there's basically no further commitment needed like it would during a multi chapter fic which can be very relieving for people who get easily stressed or pressured by commitments with no hard deadline.
im very happy to hear you'll be expanding on your tim ideas and look forward to them!!!!!! also if you need any help with embedding on aow the reference collection on ao3 is really helpful and its where i learned to embed links with this tutorial ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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