#soft bang chan
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wynn-43 · 2 months ago
when you're ready
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bang chan x gn! reader wc: 1216 warnings: they're a little awkward, Chris teases reader a little, fluffy, talks of boundaries and different types of physical affection, i cannot stay serious for more than 5 minutes and therefore neither can they, Chris is so sweet, slight hurt/comfort a/n: part 2!!!! question: would people prefer a few longer parts or more shorter parts? because i can either do like 3-5 more longer parts or a bunch more shorter parts, i cannot decide
“So,” Chris starts as he turns to you, gently squeezing your hand that rested under his. “We should talk about boundaries and stuff.”
You nod in confirmation, trying to ignore the spike in your anxiety.
“What is it that you find most intimidating about physical touch? Is it just generally or something specific?” He asks gently, tracing subtle patterns on the back of your hand.
“Um.” You hesitate, thinking. “I think initiating it?” You question aloud.
“I just get so anxious that I’ll make people feel uncomfortable, or something similar to how I felt back then. But then I feel like I’ll be annoying and like people will hate me if I constantly ask.” You feel your voice tremble slightly as you look down at your entwined hands.
“Well, you would never annoy me… But, would it be easier if I just gave you, like, blanket consent? So you don’t have to ask, I’ll just tell you if I’m uncomfortable.” He asks, and the sincerity in his tone makes your stomach turn.
“Are you sure that you’d be okay with that?” You ask, hesitant to agree.
“I’m sure. I doubt you’ll make me uncomfortable, because I love physical touch, but if you ever do, I promise I will tell you.” He gently affirms, continuing his gentle ministrations on your hand.
You pause, still hesitant to agree. He notices, squeezing your hand again, prompting you to look at him.
“Hey, I want to help, however you’ll let me. I promise you that I want to do this, I want to do whatever it takes to help you.” He murmurs softly, his eyes showing his earnesty and you feel an odd turning in your stomach as you look at him.
You hum, nodding. “Okay. Thank you.” You whisper, before taking a deep breath.
“You’re safe here, I promise.” Chris affirms, pulling you close and hugging you.
“Now, would you prefer me to ask before I touch you? Or would you rather something else?” He hums quietly and you can feel the vibration of his words from where you're pressed against his neck.
“Um…” You hesitate, feeling slightly freaked out by the sensation and simultaneously unsure how to respond to his question.
You pull back, so that the two of you are sitting and facing each other once more.
“Can you, like, ask after you touch me?” You pause, anxious despite knowing you have his full support. 
“If that uh, makes sense.” You ramble, unsure. “That way I can like, see how it feels before I decide whether I like it or not.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Chris says, smiling softly.
“So, I should hug you, and then ask if it’s okay?” He reiterates, maintaining reassuring eye contact with you.
“Yeah,” you nod. “That way I’m less likely to overthink it.”
He hums in understanding as you release a breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
“And please, please, never be afraid to tell me to stop, or that you're uncomfortable.” He squeezes your hand as you look away. “I will never, ever be even remotely upset or offended.  I promise.”
“Hey, look at me.” He says softly as you turn back to him.
“I need you to promise.” He says and you feel your heart rate spike. “Promise me that you’ll tell me if you’re uncomfortable, or upset with me in any way.” 
“I promise.” You affirm, trying to ignore the pounding of your heart.
“I want you to feel safe with me.” He whispers softly and you can’t help but reach forward and hug him, seeking solace in his arms.
“Thank you.” You whisper quietly.
“Always.” He whispers back, holding you close.
“Now,” he starts again sometime later. “Is there anything you’re not okay with? In regards to touch.”
You sit up again, this time shifting so your legs are crossed.
“Um… neck touching, especially kisses. Makes me extremely uncomfortable.” You look at the ground, trying to avoid his eyes.
“Gentle touches, like on my arms, they either make me sleepy or itchy, so I’d rather you don’t do that.” You continue, trying to think.
“Oh! Do NOT tickle me. Ever. I will punch you, in the face. That’s not a threat, just the truth.” You state as he giggles.
“Okay, noted.” He laughs, urging you to continue.
“Oh, and please don’t put your mouth near my ears.” You blurted out before laughing at your unusual wording.
Chris bursts into laughter.
 “Why on earth would I ever do that?” He exclaims in shock.
“I don’t know!” You clamor, valiantly defending yourself. “In books and stuff they talk about people affectionately nibbling on people's ears and it freaks me out!”
“Okay no, that’s understandable. But why did you say it like that?” Chris gasps out through his laughter.
“Because I-” You pause, making him laugh even harder. “I don’t know.”
“Okay, okay. So no ear-nibbling.” He repeated, giggling at your facial expression. “No gentle touches, neck touching or tickling.” 
“Yes.” You affirm, nodding.
“Anything else you’d rather I don’t do?” He asks as he tries to control his breathing.
“Uhhh- please don’t touch my thighs, or feet. I really don’t know why you would but yeah.” You murmur as he bursts into laughter again.
“Okay, okay.” He giggles and you feel your face growing warm. “I won’t ever be doing that.”
“Thank you.” You reply awkwardly, making him laugh harder as you gently slap his arm.
“Is there anything you’d rather I don’t do?” You ask once the two of you have stopped laughing and regained your breath.
“Oh!” He replied, seemingly surprised at being asked. “Not really, no.”
“Let me know if there is anything.” You affirm as he hums in response.
The two of you fall into an awkward silence for a moment, unsure as to how to proceed.
“So, do you just want to do platonic stuff for now?” Chris asks, a teasing glint in his eyes.
“You were serious about that?” You gasp, shocked.
He giggles at your shock.
“Yes, I was.” He teased, but there was honesty in his tone..
“But we don’t have to do anything before you’re ready.” Chris affirms, but you can barely hear him over the sound of your internal screaming. “Or ever. It’s your call.”
You have nothing to say in response, simply resorting to putting your head in your hands and trying not to freak out.
“Love, you okay?” Chris asks gently and you manage out a strained yes in response.
“Did I make you uncomfortable?” He questions, evidently worried. 
“No.” You replied, your desire to ease his worries overriding your fluster.
“Can I touch you?” He enquires, voice gentle and caring. You hum in response, still slightly overwhelmed.
He gently moves your hands from your face, holding them in his, the motion revealing your red face. He giggles as he notices your blush.
“Shut up!” You exclaim, extracting your hand to lightly slap his arm, making him laugh harder.
“Okay, okay.” He giggles, swinging your entwined hands.
“But seriously, when or if you’re ready, let me know. I’ll be here.” You feel your heartbeat race as you process the earnesty in his tone and eyes.
“Thanks.” You squeak out before immediately hiding again, grumbling at him slightly before you eventually join in with his continued laughter.
This is a work of fiction, based entirely on my personal perception of him, and does not reflect his actual character or actions.
ʚ✩ɞ taglist ʚ✩ɞ
@jennibahng @jchasseblog @itzkingbo
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dreaming-medium · 1 year ago
Bad Day - Bang Chan Drabble
Summary: Reader has a terrible day; one of those days where everything goes wrong. Luckily, her boyfriend is there to wipe the stress away with some well deserved hugs.
Word Count: 2.2k
Punch after punch after punch after punch lands on your soul today. Every single time you turned around, another horrible situation would present itself.
You’ve been sick for two and half weeks now. The sore throat would come and go, but you weren’t able to sleep without propping two pillows under your head. This morning when you woke up, your voice was completely gone.
The empty space next to you in bed certainly doesn’t help either. Chan has been gone for a work trip for two weeks now. He wasn’t due home for another two more.
Work has been its own animal to take care of. It was your first job after graduating, so you were at the bottom of the totem pole. Each higher up suddenly felt the need to burden you with any difficult projects they didn’t feel like taking care of themselves.
“I don’t think this is something I was trained on,” you tried to say to one of the more older workers. The huge stack of papers was so heavy in your hands. “These calculations would take me—“
“Just do it, Y/N,” he said before closing the door to the conference room you were standing alone in.
You had just watched that coworker’s boss tell him to do it. But nope, he dumped it on you.
On top of that, you were also tasked with training the new guy even though you’ve only been here for nine months.
And this guy made it his personal mission to make your job even harder. The way he would go from not knowing anything to being a complete know-it-all within two sentences made your blood boil.
But it’s fine. It’s totally fine, you can handle this.
Then, someone ate your lunch out of the fridge even though your name was clearly written on it. Your lunch break was so short that there was no way you could run out to get something else.
It was raining so hard as you jogged to your car through the parking lot. Every spot in the parking garage was taken this morning so you had to use the satellite lot ten minutes away.
Your clothes were drenched by the time you got into your car and slammed the door shut.
Fumbling with the keys, you shoved them into the ignition and started your car. The heat immediately kicked on and you sat there for an extra couple of minutes, warming your frozen fingers in front of the vents.
A book from one of your favorite authors came out today. You were going to pass the store on your way home, why not stop and buy a copy? It certainly would help with the day you were having.
The drive to the store was silent. You didn’t even turn the radio on. If you’re being honest, you didn’t think you could handle sound.
People were everywhere in the bookstore.
You walked in and looked around for the new book. There were signs and posters everywhere that announced the book. Where was it?
“If you’re looking for the new Kingdom book we sold out this morning.” A worker says to you softly.
A small part of you dies.
You politely nod to the worker and leave.
It’s ridiculous how you feel the tears building behind your eyes.
It’s fine. It’s fine. You’re overreacting. It’s totally fine. You’ll just buy a copy on your Kindle. You didn’t even need a physical copy, right?
Your fingers fumble with your keys and you drop onto the ground. They splash right into a puddle.
It’s fine, it’s fine.
Swallowing painfully, you wince at your sore throat and gather your things to get back in the car.
You’ll go home and watch TV.
“It’s Friday,” you whisper to yourself in the car to try and calm down. “It’s treat day, why not stop for a coffee?”
Every Friday you would buy yourself a coffee. ‘Treat Day’ is what you dubbed it as. It slowly became a tradition with you and your friends.
Chan used to always reload your coffee rewards app with his own money without telling you.
A sad smile tugs at your face while you drive to the coffee shop. God, what you wouldn’t give to see him right now.
The tension in your shoulders is so bad you think your shoulders are level with your ears.
After getting your coffee, you drive all the way home to your apartment complex.
Right before you turn into the lot, a car decides to come out of nowhere and cuts you off. You cut the wheel and slam on the brakes to avoid them.
Your coffee launches out of the cup holder and spills all over your lap.
“Fuck!” You curse and try to focus on the road. “Fuck fuck!”
At least it was iced coffee and you’re not burned. Right? Silver lining?
You’re at your limit. Your sanity is teetering.
Parking in your designated spot, you trudge into the large building.
The weight of the day still sits so heavy on your shoulders. Now your lap was soaked with coffee.
A package sits underneath the complex’s mailboxes. It’s ruined and crushed. The ‘FRAGILE’ sticker is gnarled up.
“No,” you sigh and look closer at it.
Yep, it’s yours. The new dishwear set you ordered came in.
When you lift the package you hear all the pieces shift around. It’s just a box of broken ceramic at this point.
Tighter and tighter your throat gets.
Slowly, you trudge up to your floor. Because, of course, the elevator is broken. Of course it is. Why would the elevator work today?
Just as you get your keys out to open your door, your shitty neighbor comes outside.
“Oh god, Y/N, you look horrible.” He says loudly.
You turn and look at him with tears already brimming in your eyes.
No sign of compassion crosses his face, instead, he laughs. He laughs right in your fucking face.
“No wonder I haven’t seen Chan around. He finally came to his senses, eh?”
Your jaw drops open.
“God, pull yourself together.”
Your neighbor picks up his newspaper from the doormat and goes back into his unit without another word.
For a long moment, you just stand there. Your clothes and hair still soaking wet and clinging to your skin, work bag and purse slung over your shoulder, box of broken plates and bowls in your arms.
Inside your body, you felt yourself finally snap. You felt your anger and frustration hit it’s limit.
Your look of surprise quickly morphs into one of seething rage. Lips pulling in a sneer, you rip open your door and stomp inside, slamming it shut behind you.
Dropping everything you own at the door, including the box of glass, you let out a muffled scream.
The box bursts open and glass shards go everywhere. They skitter across the floor and cover the wood in a dangerous mine field.
A moment of silence passes.
You lose it.
You drop to your knees and cradle your face while angry, hot tears stream down your cheeks.
Wails leave your lips as the weight of the day finally takes it’s toll.
On any normal day, you would be able to handle these things individually, but all at once? You just couldn’t deal with it anymore.
“Y/N?!” A voice calls out from the other end of the hallway.
Your head snaps up and you see your boyfriend standing there with a look of horror on his face.
“Chan,” you croak out.
His eyes frantically look around at the scene in front of him. Your disgruntled state surrounded by broken glass.
He’s here? He’s back?
“Y/N, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?”
He tries to walk closer but then he realizes he’s also surrounded by broken glass.
“Chan.” Is all your able to say again before the sobs come out even harder. Your entire body wracks with them, chest sputtering as you try to breathe between cries.
His face twists up in anguish.
“S-Stay there! Don’t move, I’m gunna get a dust pan, okay? I’ll be right back, babygirl. Don’t move.”
He continues to say things over and over to you while running to get what he needs.
“I’m here, baby. You’re okay, right? You’re home and safe, Y/N.”
You bury your face in your hands again and continue to cry. His words reach you, but they do nothing to quell the emotions.
Before you could fall further into this headspace, two warm, strong arms wrap around you and pull you into an even warmer body.
“I’m right here, honey, I’m here. You’re okay.” Chan whispers into your hair. He pulls you onto his lap and holds you close.
His comforting scent envelops you everywhere.
Chan rocks back and forth while holding you.
“You’re okay,” he says over and over into your hair. “You’re home now, I’m here, Channie’s here.”
Your face buried into his shoulder, hands gripping his shirt tightly
“What happened, baby?” He asks gently.
You cry harder.
“I’m so sick,” you cry into his shirt. “People keep taking advantage of me at work, I had to park ten minutes away in the rain. Someone ate my lunch. I dropped my keys in a puddle, the new book sold out, I spilled my coffee everywhere. Then fucking 304 across the hall tells me how horrible I look.”
You motion outwards at the glass all over the floor still. “And how do you like our new dishes?”
Even in the middle of a mental breakdown, you still crack a joke.
Saying it all makes you cry even harder. At this point, Chan’s shirt is soaked with your tears.
He continues to hold you as tight as he could. Not once does he tell you to stop crying, instead he carefully scoots and leans against the wall, cradling your body on his lap.
Chan rocks back and forth, pressing kisses into the crown of your hair as you cry your heart out.
His one hand rubs slow circles on your back while the other pets the back of your hair.
Low hums come from his throat. Chan lays his cheek on top of your head and keeps you close to his chest.
“It’s okay, babygirl,” he coos. “You’re home now. You’re with me now.”
“Thank god you’re home,” you hiccup and clutch his shirt closer to you.
“My spidey-senses were tingling,” he jokes in a hushed tone.
You manage to chuckle through your tears.
“My babygirl needed me.”
You’ve always been so happy go lucky, the glass was always half full with you. You always looked on the bright side of everything. If anything bad happened, it always just rolled off your back.
It was one of the main reasons he fell for you.
Chan has never seen you as bad as you were on your knees in the entryway, it shook him to his core.
Another long kiss is pressed to your head.
Slowly, your sobs calm down. Your throat still hoarse and sore from before has only gotten marginally worse.
Sniffling, you sit up away from Chan.
“‘M sorry I got your shirt all gross.”
Chan laughs in spite of everything. Both of his strong hands cup your cheeks for you to look him in the eye.
His chin dips down to your level so he can stare right at you. Those gorgeous brown eyes sparkle at you.
“I’m not upset about my shirt, Y/N,” he says gently. “I’m only worried about my sunshine. It’s not every day you cry, baby.”
“Everything just happened at once.” Chan’s thumbs wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “I tried to keep it together but our neighbor verbally berating me was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
Chan tuts and brushes your hair behind your ear.
“Let’s throw eggs at his door,” he jokes.
He pulls a laugh from you.
“There’s my favorite smile.” He coos. It makes your smile even brighter. You sniffle again, and look down sheepishly.
Chan lifts your chin up with his thumb and forefinger. “Hey baby,” he grabs your attention. “How about this: you go shower off the day, I’m going to clean all this up and order our favorite takeout for dinner. I even stopped on my way home and got two pints of ice cream before.”
“Mint chocolate chip?” You ask softly.
“Of course I got your nasty toothpaste ice cream.” He pinches your cheek teasingly.
You giggle and lean away from his hand.
“Come on, babygirl.”
Before he does anything else, Chan leans forward and presses a long, warm kiss to your forehead.
Both of your eyes close at the comforting feeling it brings. After he kisses your forehead, Chan leans down and kisses both of your cheeks.
His warm lips then press to your nose and then finally to your lips.
It’s a long, sensual, loving kiss. Both of your mouths slipping over one another in a dance.
You sigh happily into the kiss. Chan’s mouth smiles against your own. It’s contagious, you can’t help but mirror the grin with our own.
In the end, you both look like smiling fools wrapped up in one another’s presence.
Chan scoops you up carefully and stands up from the floor, making sure to avoid any stray shards of glass.
“I’m going to take good care of you, my honey.” He coos and presses another kiss to your forehead. “Your bad day ends here.”
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viaxslz · 6 months ago
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享受 ! .°. ݁₊ 𐙚 gn!reader, cw: slight jealousy, pet name, not proofread :P, Maknae line ver.
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Let’s say you’re shopping with him. He decides the leave just to check on something real quick only to come back and see another guy flirting with you, an uncomfortable look on your face as you tried your best to be polite. Chan doesn’t even care whether he’s an idol or not, he’ll let the dude know his place, glaring daggers at him, indirectly throwing mean words,until the guy excuses himself never returning.
Bro is going to let them know you’re his, somehow someway. One of the ways is bg nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck as he wraps his arms around your waist. He doesn’t care if you’re in public or not. As long as it stops some rando from flirting with you.
Even though Changbin tried to act tough, giving the person an icy glare. He’d be clingy. Like bro would at first be like “they’re taken” with a scowl. The next instant he’s clinging onto your arm or tugging onto your shirt with pleading eyes saying. “Come on baby let’s go!!”
He’d let them know their place. Showing off his black card as He looks them up and down, judging them,just to lower their confidence and self esteem. If the person tried to shrug it off still continuing their previous act, He’ll drag you away from there that instant not giving a shit about being nice.
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wolfchans · 3 months ago
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+ bonus: a big gif ♡
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moonchild9350 · 9 months ago
Napping With Stray Kids
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Summary: Just my thoughts on napping with Skz!
Pairing: OT8 idol Stray Kids x reader
Word Count: 881
Genre: fluff, suggestive
Warnings: none (shocking for me lol)
Notes: This was fun to write and had to put something together real quick before life gets busy again! I'm happy this came up in our convos @jeonginsleftcheek! I hope you guys like it!
Likes, reblogs, and comments welcomed as always :)
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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Bangchan We all know Bangchan has insomnia and doesn’t sleep well or much at all but he’s more than happy to at least try to nap with you if you suggest it. He’ll hold off on his never ending to do list, because he’ll do anything for his baby girl. You snuggle into his arms, as he pulls the blankets up and around you to keep you warm. His fingers lightly drag up and down your spine, soothing you. He’ll even sing you a song to help you fall asleep if you want. Tucking your head into his chest, your breathing starts to slow as you fall asleep. Chan tries, he really does, to fall asleep and nap with you but he’s perfectly content watching you sleep in his arms.
Lee Know I’m convinced that if you try to nap with Minho, sleep won’t come right away. He’ll try and tickle you knowing how ticklish you are, giggling as you squirm and grab a pillow to throw it at him. He’ll tackle you and press kisses all over your face while you laugh and tell him to stop (even though you don’t want him to, not really). After retrieving the pillows off the floor, you’ll both settle in, Minho wrapping his arms around your waist and snuggling his head into your neck. If you’re lucky the kids will come nap with you guys too, Soonie napping by both of your heads, Doongie at your feet, and Dori snuggling into your side.
Changbin Changbin would be one to be watching videos on his phone like tik tok or YouTube and would giggle every two seconds at something funny. Every time you close your eyes to nap, his giggle would fill the room causing you to open your eyes and laugh back with him. You can’t help it, he’s just so darn cute! Eventually you do fall asleep, your head resting on your chest. Binnie notices you’re asleep (which is a miracle honestly because the man can’t multitask to save his life) and tries his best not to make a sound, you just look so peaceful and he wants to make sure his baby gets plenty of rest.
Hyunjin I believe that napping with Hyunjin would be the most poetic? Like you’re all curled up in his bed, blanket wrapped around you, your hair fanned out on his pillow. He’s sitting at his desk painting, cause when is he not. But you don’t mind. You watch him for a while, the way his hands move around the paper, the little face he makes when the color doesn’t come out the way he wants. You eventually drift off to sleep. Hyunjin notices, and smiles, happy you’re here with him. Little do you know, you’re sleeping form is the subject of his painting, as he thinks you look like an angel.
Han Han is the certified nap man, this is no secret. He is always down for a nap, add you in the equation and he’s the happiest man on earth. He’ll pull you into his arms, pressing sweet kisses and nuzzling his head into your neck. It doesn’t take long for you both to fall asleep. You’re just so cute together. And bonus points for the members if you guys fall asleep at the studio. They’re ohhhing and awwing at you two love birds, fast asleep together.
Felix On his off days, he’s at his computer, playing Genshin. It’s really the only time he has to play. But the moment you come over, he logs off and he goes to snuggle with you. You love looking at Felix’s face, tracing his freckles while he looks deep into your eyes. You’re both just so in love with each other. Your eyes slowly close, perfectly content in his arms. Felix would lean down to press a kiss on your nose, before closing his own eyes. He finds he sleeps best when you’re by his side.
Seungmin Now Seungmin could go both ways when it comes to napping with you. He could be a total menace by poking your face and tickling you. Making fun of your protests (lovingly of course) and not letting you sleep. Or he could be the exact opposite, a sweet puppy, pulling you close and softy singing you a song to help lull you to sleep. Either way he will end of falling asleep with you, mind blown at how he could have ended up with such a sweet person as you.
I.N. Now Jeongin is a middle child and hates skinship, this we all know. But I’m convinced if he’s going to snuggle and fall asleep with someone it’s you, the love of his life. It’s different when you touch him, he craves your touch more than he thought possible. He makes sure you’re all tucked in, nice and warm, but not so much so that he can’t feel you anymore. You’ll laugh at his actions, telling him you’re fine as long as he’s there. He doesn’t listen, he wants to make sure you have a nice rest and being warm and comfortable is part of that. To top it all off, he’ll drape your legs over his, and wrap his arms around you as you both drift off to sleep.
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek
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cheeseceli · 9 months ago
With a sleepy s/o
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Pairing: skz Ot8 × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: headcanon, fluff, established relationship
Request: skz with a very sleepy s/o, kinda like han but worse lol.
Warnings: none
A/n: pink lee know can save lives | important highlight
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Bang Chan
No one likes it more than him, trust me. He just loves it so much whenever you start to feel a bit drowsy and then sleep in his shoulder/lap. Partially because he thinks you're adorable when sleeping but partially because he feels he can protect you when you're vulnerable like that. He really really likes it
Lee Know
Please stop falling asleep all the time, his camera roll can't take it anymore. Seriously though, every time you sleep he takes thousands of pictures in all possible angles. He says it's because he wants to blackmail you but in reality he just finds you extremely adorable (won't admit that tho)
He has like this sixth sense where he just knows you're about to fall asleep, no matter where he is. He physically needs to be like your pillow for whenever you're in this state. Always has a proud smile for when he manages to be there when you need him. Asks for the boys to take pictures of you both like that (they can't handle it anymore)
The first time you fell asleep next to him he was a bit in shock, but now that he is used to it, he welcomes you with open arms whenever your eyes start to close. He is really satisfied with how you trust him enough to sleep around him, it never fails on making him smile
We just know y'all sleeping together everywhere no matter what time it is. The world could be potentially ending but y'all would be cuddled up and sleeping on the nearest sofa. Honestly it's expected for you both to end up like this after a while, but it's also very cute of you ngl
Another one who sees this as an opportunity to cuddle everywhere, even if he doesn't feel sleepy in the slightest. He just really enjoys holding you while you dream. The boys took a picture of you both like that once to try to tease Felix but it didn't work at all, as he was extremely happy about it lmao
Also has a lot of pictures of you sleeping but you'll never know that because no way on earth he is showing you that, he might as well die of embarrassment. You also always wake up covered by his jacket/sweatshirt, warm and cozy.
Most likely to have you sleeping as his phone wallpaper and the least likely to change it. He's so relieved you can't see him when you're sleeping because he always gets this huge lovesick smile on him, he'd probably combust if you could see that.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: you give them flowers
Thank you for reading 🩷
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @dandelions-143
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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fairytopea · 5 months ago
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✧ railway 𖨂 🕷️ .
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stormb3rry · 6 months ago
random boyfriend texts with bangchan from skz! 💞
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forlix · 1 year ago
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𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀・1.2k / 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴・chan x gn!reader / 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲𝘀・fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship, berry being the perfect girl she is. inspired by these bubble messages and @cosmic-railwayxo's treachery. (love u deni)
𝟬𝟲:𝟯𝟲 — “Where’s my baby, hm?”
This is the question on Chan’s lips the moment he lets go of the bedroom door, closed with agonizing caution as to not wake the figure still curled up under the duvet inside.
It’s early. Early enough so the walls are colored a rich beige by new rays of sunlight, so his footsteps are the only sound reverberating around the hallways when he commences his search. Early enough to evidence how he was only bestowed a few hours of sleep before waking up with a budding headache and leaden eyelids.
But he doesn’t mind the lack of rest, not this time. Not when there’s a wad of love with a freckled snout and floppy ears under the same roof for the first time in too long.
“Berry?” Chan calls, his voice tattered and low, like sandpaper. He rakes his eyes over the spots he remembers to be her favorite. Maybe they’ve changed since he was last home. Maybe everything has changed since he was last home.
The thought causes a familiar pang to go off within him, poignant and powerful, but the quiet scuffle of paws against hardwood takes the edge off the guilt straightaway.
Chan finds the beginnings of a smile on his lips before she even rounds the corner, and when she does, well. His grin might as well split his face down the middle. He’s on his knees in seconds, outstretched hands rediscovering home in the puppy’s silky fur as she clambers onto him with blown pupils and excited pants.
His adoring coos of her name falter into muted laughter, which then fragments into a sob. His vision narrows to his precious girl and then starts to blur. When Berry climbs up to give his cheek a few happy licks, she’s fascinated by its saltiness.
You emerge from the bedroom a little over an hour later. Sleeping is hard enough when you’re jetlagged, and even harder when there’s only mattress where you remember Chan’s warm solidity to be. The fabric of Chan’s hoodie suppresses your vocalization of his name as you ungracefully pull it over your torso, still struggling to rouse your body from sleep.
Your beckon produces no response. You wrap a hand around the nearest door frame and peek your head into the living room, a little more alert now.
“Chan? Baby?”
You feel silly. How many visits has it been for you to still feel this nervous, wandering around Chan’s family home? Yet you undoubtedly are, whether because of your absentee boyfriend or that his whole family is a few walls away. You pad through the silent abode with mounting trepidation and intense care to not make any more sound than necessary.
Then you reach the family room and instantly come to a standstill, hands drifting to your sides, features deliquescing to a soft smile. 
Lying on the nearest couch is your boyfriend, head propped up on top of his elbow, his fluttering lashes and gently oscillating shoulders indicating that he’s asleep. You can’t see his face below his eyes, as he has his nose nuzzled into the Cavalier spaniel resting securely in his arms, snoring tacitly into his sleeve, slumbering as deeply as her human companion.
You’ve been stumbling upon Chan sleeping in unexpected places for the better part of two years now, but you still liquefy every time as if it’s the first. These are the moments, you’ve come to realize, when you can care for him in ways he would never let you while conscious: a lift of his laptop off his thighs, a brush of your lips against his hairline, a cardigan draped lightly over his back. These are the moments when you understand in full how far you’ve come together, for him to trust you with his exhaustion with such transparency, to be so vulnerable as to leave you with memories of him that he’ll never have.
Despite your prolonged experience, it’s hard to describe what exactly you’re feeling in this moment. The mere mention of Berry has always dissipated the shadows that veil his face, has always chased off the burdens that cling to his spine. How do you put it into words, seeing your happiness at his happiest?
It suddenly occurs to you that the window beside them is cracked open. That, and you spotted extra quilts in the top shelf of Chan’s closet last night.
Chan’s eyelids lift when he feels the gentle weight of a blanket fall upon his body; so do the corners of his lips, when the culprit materializes before him. Sitting on the edge of the couch, a hand hovering over his frame, face creased into a flinch.
“Sorry,” you whisper, closing the distance between your fingers and the curve of his neck. The pad of your thumb moves over his cheekbone like a willow branch skimming water. “I didn’t think that would wake you up.”
Both of you up, you mentally amend, seeing as Berry has noticed your presence and is wagging her tail with enough vigor for it to thump against Chan’s chest. He lets her wriggle out of his arms and into yours; you emit a noise of glee and gather her into you.
If only you had seen the expression he wears then, watching your eyes scrunch closed at the frenzied kisses she presses to your face. His first love and his very last.
“Don’t apologize,” he answers. “I’m the one who should be sorry for leaving you in bed, I just…”
His voice trails off, but he knows by the softness in your irises when they meet his that you already know.
You move like clockwork. Chan presses up into the back of the couch, the quilt’s edge lifted in wordless invitation. It is your chest that Berry burrows into this time, the top of her head sliding into the space between your chin and the sofa’s cushion. It is Chan’s chest that you’re folded into, the arms around your waist like the coziest of cabins in a sun-spattered wood. It is the back of your neck that he nuzzles his nose into, but not before he litters gossamer kisses across the expanse of skin, as if printing the notes to a lullaby he knows well.
Everything is warm, so warm, so right, and jetlag starts to feel like a distant trouble.
You open your mouth while teetering on the cusp of a dream.
He hums into you, listening.
“Always be happy, okay?”
You don’t notice the solitary tear that traverses the bridge of his nose, lands in the cotton of your hood, and dyes the bunched-up fabric a few shades darker. You don’t notice how his embrace around you tightens marginally, like how one’s eyes can’t help but find their dearest possession when the building’s on fire.
“Okay,” he whispers, and kisses your nape once more. Your and Chan’s eyes close together. Berry licks your chin again, then follows suit.
(Another hour later, Chan’s parents walk into the family room. They decide to go out to breakfast for fear of making too much noise in the kitchen, Chan’s mother blotting away tears as she ducks into shotgun, Chan’s father laughing at her sentimentality while blinking back his own.
Another few hours later, Hannah takes maybe fifty-some photographs of the triad of unmoving heaps occupying their couch. Then she grumbles at Berry for being dead asleep at eleven in the morning: “Those two arrived here from across the world yesterday. What’s your excuse?”)
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🔖 (send an ask or reply to be added)・@astraystayyh・@like-a-diamondinthesky・@fire-08・@starsandrqindrops・@txtxlz・@laylasbunbunny・@strayghibli・@nuronhe・@seungminsapuppy・@vivisoni・@skzms・@moon0fthenight・@sweetpickledjins・@svintsandghosts・@nhyunn ・@ur-boyfiend・@liknws・@hotgorloikawa・@randomwimp・ @automaticpersonabatpaper・@aceofvernons・@linos-kitten・@newhope8
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© 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘅 (est. 090323) · liked this work? please consider reblogging, commenting, or sending me an ask to let me know; or, read my other writing here. thanks so much for the support.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 7 months ago
How Stray Kids likes to cuddle during sleep
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pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: i already have a cuddling with skz ot8 here but i wanted to make this one too! this is really short and i have another ot8 scenario coming out soon
warnings: none, just fluff hehe
~check out: Masterlist
Say goodbye to moving and getting up until he moves or wakes up. He loves to spoon you, both his arms and legs will be around your body, caging you in and holding you like a koala. Will caress your body wherever he can before he falls asleep because it relaxes both of you. Your arm is pressed against your chest and his is around yours, he will hold your hand while you sleep.
Lee Know:
I feel like Minho loves facing you, but he will want to have his face buried in your neck or chest, his hand resting on your ass so he can squeeze occasionally. Will also leave little kisses on your neck or collarbone before you fall asleep.
Binnie loves when you're sprawled on top of him, your head on his chest as you listen to his heartbeat. He will have his arms around you, playing with your hair or caressing your head and back. He will leave little kisses on the top of your head before he falls asleep.
Loverboy will have all his limbs wrapped around you and your face will be buried in his chest. Another one where you can say goodbye to moving because he's got you captured with his long legs and arms. He loves having you close and holding you like that, feeling like he's protecting you from the rest of the world.
Little spoon! He loves when you wrap around him from behind, bonus point if you throw your leg around his and hold him as tight as you can. Your breath will tickle his neck, making goosebumps rise on his skin. Caress his hair and leave little kisses on the back of his neck, he will melt.
Completely glued to each other, and I feel like he doesn't mind the position as long as every part of your bodies touches somehow. But, I think he's love to sleep on top of you, his head on your chest, because being close to your heartbeat relaxes him. Will also love when you face each other, he will gently lay his cheek on yours and rub against you like a cat.
Spooning you from behind, but you're laying half on your stomach, your leg raised and he will be kind of laying half on top of you, his leg resting against yours. Another one who holds your hand while sleeping or rests it on your waist, sometimes teasing you with little touches that make your skin tickle. Kisses your shoulder gently.
I don't know why but I feel that he likes being the little spoon too. Or facing each other. He loves when you hold him from behind, kiss his neck and cheek while you play with his hair. He will close his eyes and have that sweet smile on his face the whole time. If you're facing each other, he will kiss your lips gently before you fall asleep, breathing each other in.
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @hwanghyunjinismybae @jehhskz @laylasbunbunny
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baby-yongbok · 4 months ago
This is How It Feels
Bang Chan Soft Thought
WC - 675 ✧ Masterlist ✧
a/n - This was typed based off of an overwhelming feeling I got while listening to This is How It Feels by d4vd and Laufey so I'm sorry if it's kinda messy. Hope you enjoy!
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Chan has been dreaming of you again.
He has for a while. He's found that it gets more painful with the frequency of frames that pass his still lids in the night.
He can only describe it as an act of masochism. The epitome of pleasure and pain intertwining to create what we've all come to know as love. But Chan didn't always love you, not like this. He was able to keep you in a lighter gaze. He was able to separate you from his desires until you became the center of them all. 
It was 3:30 am when he first noticed it. He was on the phone with you, something that the two of you do when he can't sleep. You had passed out an hour ago but he stayed on the call. He listened to the soft sound of your breathing and memorized the pattern of your snores. 
You groaned and turned in your sleep and he heard it all. For a second, he held his arms open for you to slot between them. He held himself open to embrace your absent figure before he could even realize it. 
Chan stood awake that night. Staring at the ceiling with the sweet sounds of you creating storms in his busy mind. You've unearthed something new in him. His heart turned and he found something underneath.
He found love.
He was content on dry drowning through his emotions after that night. He was okay with taking the bare minimum from your soft and generous hands just to imagine that it could be more one day.
It took another night of listening to you sigh and snore through the night for him to realize that this is just a pain he'll have to deal with. Confessing is not an option in his busy mind. It would be the introduction to the end, and that would kill him. Though, he is sure that you’ll be the death of him either way.
Chan convinced himself that he's content with these phone calls. The act of falling into a deep peace beside you felt natural for him. It felt right. 
When 3:30 am snuck up on him during this call he sighed as the whirlwind picked up in his chest. 
The thoughts
The desires
The pain
The love
It all belongs to you, and you'll never know it. 
The warm and erratic fluttering against a rib cage too small to contain the swelling of his heart has become a familiar sensation on nights like these. The shadow of swirling rose colored smoke that he's been desperate to pass to you is something that he'll have to inhale by himself. 
You. This atmosphere that the two of you have created. This connection that vibrates strong through time and space has metamorphosed him in the dark hours of the night like magic.
And suddenly, he feels it spilling over. Bubbling tall and staining the fabric of his sanity. 
"You always fall asleep first..." Chan whispers into the receiver as he turns to face his phone. To face you. "I'm jealous."
He chuckles, closing his eyes as the whirling in his chest gets lighter with each word he speaks. 
"I wish I could join you... or maybe you join me. I wish you were.. here. I wish you were here." He's whispering, his heart pounding loud in his ears. Parts of him dissolve in the quiet night, he wishes you were here to fill in the gaps. 
"While you're sleeping I'm falling in love." He smiles to himself. "I never knew that this is how it would feel to fall for you."
He sighs, laying on his back now. He stares at the ceiling, imagining constellations that should have your name. 
"It's hopeless." Chan looks back over to his phone. Your soft breathing has slowed. It's quiet, and for a second, he convinces himself that he doesn't care if you hear him. He takes a leap of faith and says it. Simple and soft.
"I love you so much."
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Flower banners made by @strangergraphics
Thank You For Reading! Please Reblog or Comment to let me know how you liked it! It makes my day! 💕
ALSO, please follow my back-up acct. @minniee-verse 💕
Perm. Tag List:
@dreamingaboutjisung @nxtt2-u @kayleefriedchicken
@compersian @kibs-and-bits @lixiluvs @armystay89 @lghtdarling
@teddy-stay , @baconcupcakes123, @moonchild9350 ,
@krayzieestay, @soulsbbg , @stay-bi , @yzsqu , @gho-ster , @lghtdarling
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agi-ppangx · 6 months ago
lucky (bang chan x gn!reader)
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fluff, husband!chan, tried to make it as domestic as possible; 0,5k words
author's note: a little fic requested by my lovely chan nonnie<3 hopefully you'll like it, please remember that feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated🫶🏽
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“baby, what are you doing?” chan asked as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom. water from his wet hair dripped straight onto his naked torso as he tried to dry them off with a little towel. you hummed quietly, not turning around. “i thought we were supposed to watch a movie?”
“we are, i’m almost done with the dishes,” you said with a small smile as you felt chan’s arms wrap around your body. he swayed you from side to side, placing his chin on your shoulder. 
“can’t you do that tomorrow?” he pouted.
you shook your head at his words. “the last thing i want is to wake up on a sunday morning to the sink full of dirty dishes,” you chuckled, putting the freshly washed plates on the drying rack. 
chan and you didn’t have that much time in the week to spend together, both of you were too busy with work and errands to even think about a chill evening with each other. so as the weekend rolled up you always tried to do something fun together, be it a fancy dinner or a movie date at home. it was your unspoken rule to make sure to just have fun with each other and not care about everyday worries. 
that’s why chan was so confused to see you standing right next to the sink in his shirt and doing the chores. 
“i would do it for you tomorrow, y’know?” 
“yeah?” you raised your eyebrow, not entirely believing him. he let out a small mhm, watching as you rinse the last plate from the sink. “good thing that neither of us will have to do it tomorrow. i’m done,” you announced with a small smile as you wiped your damp hands. you turned around to face chan and he immediately placed his hands on your hips, a little habit he developed throughout the years. he looked you in the eyes with a lovestruck expression, grinning widely. you tilted your head to the side, a wordless question hanging in the air between us. 
“you’re so pretty,” he said softly. you scoffed at his words, but said nothing, knowing that it was pointless to argue with him. “can i take you on a date?” he added, leaning over so that your foreheads were almost touching. 
you giggled, raising your hand and pointing to your ring finger. “sorry, i’m taken.”
“damn, your husband must be lucky to have you,” he whispered with a sly grin, slowly closing the distance between you two. 
“very,” you breathed out and connected your lips in a slow yet passionate kiss. you let chan set the pace and guide you as you wrapped your arms around his body, feeling like the whole world around you disappeared. it was only you and him in your little bubble of love and mutual adoration. 
as the time passed you finally broke the kiss, panting slightly, and smiled at your husband. “hey, you wanna order some food? i didn’t feel like cooking today.”
he laughed at that, his husky voice echoed in the dimly lit apartment and filled you with familiar warmth. “of course, baby. now c’mon, let’s watch that movie, hm?”
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taglist ! @astraystayyh @laylasbunbunny @l3visbby @like-a-diamondinthesky @hanjsquokka @xichien @xocandyy @minhosbitterriver
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viaxslz · 6 months ago
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享受 ! .°. ݁₊ 𐙚 gn!reader, cw: slight jealousy (Lee know is jealous of a cat TT), pet name, not proofread :P, Maknae line ver.
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At first, Chan decided to let you be. He thought you were probably on a phone call or busy doing something important. But when he got too bored and tired of patiently waiting for you attention, he dragged you by your arm taking you over to a nearby couch where he could cuddle with you for what he refers to as eternity,
Once he notices you paying too much attention to his cats, he lets out a small grumble with a pout on his lips. He would gently tug onto your shirt rolling on the floor like he was one with the cat. If you don’t pay attention to him, he’ll continue to whine and even meow (?) until you’ve finally had enough to pay him attention. His satisfied smile didn’t go unnoticed.
A small pout forms on Changbins lips the moment he didn’t feel the feeling of your hand on his head again. “Bae…” “princess” “y/n???” He looked up in concern only to see your full attention focused on your phone. He rose up from your lap using his hand to gently cup your jaw and tilting it upwards so your eyes met his. “What’d you want?” You asked trying to avert your attention back to your phone. “I want your attention” he replied a hint of desperation and neediness in his tone.
Hyunjin did a dramatic gasp and pretended to faint on the floor the moment he thinks he hasn’t gotten your attention for like decades (which was just 10 minutes). He started to act like a dying fish on land with no water to keep it alive. “Y/nnnnnn please…..give me attention……it’s the only way I can survive” he whined holding onto the ankle of your leg. “Get away from me you weirdo” you scrunched your nose, shaking him off from the ankle of your leg. “Not until you give me your attention” he added throwing himself on top of you, causing you to fall backwards on the bed with him lying on top of you.
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PERM TAGLIST 📌🔖 ──── @the-sea-called-history02
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catiuskaa · 1 year ago
you asked me to stay. [Not yet].
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PAIRING! idol!bangchan x reader
SUMMARY: even if idols 'don’t date fans', there are no rules against a little bit of teasing, and so it happens that Mr Bang Chan here really likes your kind of thinking.
WC: 4.1k
CW: starts off fluffy, then angsty if you squint?, but develops into a (short but still) spicy NSFW. lol, the triangle of (fan)fiction! not gonna say anything else cause I don’t want to spoil it, teehee. Have fun! (I did!)
REQUESTED! here by my sweet 'n spicy baby @sharonxdevi, hope you like my take on it! <3
A/N: wanted to pop down here as a reminder that just because the setting is a fan meeting and yada yada, this work is still unrelated to Channie as an idol. now, please keep reading! I really like how this one turned out 🤭
He's so sweet.
You kept giggling and blushing like an idiot, but how couldn't you? The Christopher Bang was right before you, smiling and laughing at the lame jokes you blabbered as a blush surely creeped out, your face a deep shade of a pinkish tone.
“Oh, and I wanted to mention that you look so amazing in your performances! You have me addicted, Chan.” You giggled.
He chuckled, blushing lightly, raising a hand to his mouth, half covering it. “Really?”
You could melt at the sight of him.
“Yeah! I’ve watched all your fancams.” You nodded with enthusiasm.
His laughs turned louder, his ears red. “I feel so shy knowing someone as pretty as you watches me dance so much.”
You blinked, your eyes wide.
As what?
He cheeked his tongue, eyeing at you sheepishly.
Oh. So he knew what he was doing.
You smirked softly. Your change in attitude made him raise his eyebrows slightly.
“One minute.”
You eyed at the suited man that came to talk to Chan and smiled. He left back to his position, and you leaned closer to the idol.
“Just have to say, that tongue of yours?” You chuckled, and to him, it was one fo the most enticing sounds he had heard in a while. “Keep it in your mouth if you don’t want STAY to act up.”
There was a bubbly feeling in your stomach that only heightened when you watched his face displaying raw surprise.
You were about to combust in spontaneous fire because, well, you just flirted with an idol, a real famous one, that is, but then, he smirked, leaning even closer to you. You could feel his breath on the shell of your ear. His hand softly took yours, and your breath hitched as he snickered playfuly, making you feel a shiver travel down your spine.
“I’m thinking there are far more interesting places where I could keep it.” He grinned in a teasing tone, staring at your lips for a second, licking his own. “But I’m obedient. I’ll keep my mouth shut if you say so.” He stated lowly, his eyes locked on yours. …
He squeezed your hand, sitting back again. His face was covered by a shade of red, and he couldn’t exactly place what had taken over him.
For a moment, he bit his lip, wary of your reaction, considering you hadn’t so much as muttered anything, frozen in your place.
But then you chuckled, struggling to grasp what had just happened, and his whole body relaxed when you squeezed his hand too.
“Bet. You won’t.” You snickered, standing up, siren eyes staring down at him as you moved away, allowing the next person’s turn.
He winked at you as you left.
W-What had just happened?
Your mind felt fuzzy.
Had Bang Chan just done the triangle method on you?
Chan stared at your back before facing the person in front of him.
He could’ve sworn he had seen you before.
Chan grimaced at Hyunjin, sinking his head back on the pillow in his hotel room.
“Leave him alone, Jinnie.” Yongbok frowned slightly. “But I have to say. Not the smartest move, mate.”
Chan sighed in frustration. “I know, I know.”
And it was because he knew that he didn’t dare to say, but just thinking about you, he also knew for a fact that he wouldn’t hesitate on doing it again. Had he had the opportunity, maybe even more.
But idols don’t do that.
Because it is for a reason that idols don’t date fans. Marketing? 100%. Sure. But it also protected them from scandals and such. Or that’s what Chan liked to say to himself.
Felix felt a bit guilty. Chan had gotten scolded by almost all the members now, some who went more ballistic than others —like Hyunjin, who still was fuming, claiming that if Chan was going to do something forbidden, he could’ve said something better than that—, but he looked at the fellow Australian and stood up, laying his small hand on Hyunjin’s shoulder.
The taller one stopped his rambling against Chan and his alleged lack of creativity regarding flirting, and his eyes softened, looking at Yongbok.
“Give the man a break.” Felix smiled softly. “He understands what he’s done. He’s a big boy. Right, Channie?”
The big boy lazily raised his hand from the bed, not moving his head from the pillow as he hummed and raised his thumb.
“This bitch—” Hyunjin started, threatening to throw a pillow at the older one, but Felix quickly pushed him away, taking him back to their room.
Finally alone after what seemed like a lifetime, Chan turned around, staring at the ceiling.
He covered his face with his hands.
Reckless. Stupid, reckless idiot.
It had to be past twelve when he got tired of waiting for sleep to get to him. That never happened anyways. So he stood up with a groan, yawning out of boredom, quickly fetching a jacket and heading to the elevators with slow steps.
He got in and slowly started to put on his beanie and his mask, which wouldn’t really make a difference if someone recognized him, still, it gave him some reassurance. But then, the elevator stopped barely two floors after he got in.
His whole body tensed up.
He recognized who stepped in, messy hair, funny slippers and padded jacket on.
He knew who that was, because he had been right.
He had seen you before.
“Oh.” You smiled, and he could tell by the small wrinkles in your eyes, because the bottom half of your face was hidden by the jacket’s high neck. “Good night.” You mumbled softly.
He nodded. He was afraid you’d recognize him. He was unsure of what to do himself —or if he should do anything—, he couldn’t even think of how you would react. And just the idea that you wouldn’t like seeing him there made him hide his face more in his dark mask, so instead, he fidgeted with his room card, not daring to look at you for too long.
“Trouble sleeping?” You pondered in a kind tone. He nodded again, and you smiled. He had to hold back the impulse of lowering your jacket just so he could see your bright features, the ones that had charmed him so much barely a couple of hours ago.
“Same here.” You muttered, and he could’ve sworn that your voice alone, warm and soothing, could singlehandedly lull him to sleep in a heartbeat. “Walking helps though, don’t you think?”
He, again, just managed to nod. But for some reason, your presence didn’t make him feel guilty for not talking. In the middle of the night nothing seemed to have any rules between you two and the four walls of the elevator.
“Sorry, am I bothering you?” You asked in a murmur.
It was the first time he shook his head no, vigorously so, and you blushed lightly, smiling.
“Good to know.” You grinned, chuckling softly. The elevator dinged, arriving to the last floor. Chan held back a frustrated groan, yearning to keep hearing your voice.
“Have a good night.” You smiled, but his hand softly took yours.
“Huh?” You muttered softly.
Chan struggled. Fuck, shit, fuck. He had done that completely out of reflex. He didn’t know what to say, and just scrathed the side of his face, staring at your linked hands.
He shook his head once more, asking you to stay.
To you, you already had the weird feeling that you knew him. But he touched your hand, and something from it felt shockingly familiar.
Now, you could’ve sworn you had seen him before.
“What is it?” You asked, your voice coated in something sweet, something that Chan suddenly wanted to taste. “Would you like to walk with me?”
He nodded eagerly. And you grinned sheepishly.
You two crossed through the hotel main’s hall nonchalantly, and Chan just followed you, intriegued that you hadn’t taken the main entrance door to exit.
“Trust me,” you muttered, smiling. He felt it was scary that he would, in a heartbeat. “The gardens are so much better.”
You took his hand. A motion completely out of reflex, that both of you only allowed yourselves to yearn for in silence.
You grinned at him, turning around, and his breath hitched, lips parted beneath his mask when he realized how close you were.
You opened a black door to your right with a soft push of your body.
The hotel gardens at night were like a dream. The moonlight turned everything into a soft, magical scene. Tall trees swayed quietly, and you could hear crickets and leaves rustling. There was a small lake below it, its water calm, that reflected the image above it like a mirror, moon and stars glistening on the clear surface.
Even if Chan was only looking at the glow through your eyes.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” You grinned.
You stared back at him. Something in his eyes reminded you of someone you knew. A peculiar someone, that is.
He hummed in agreement, and your smile widened.
“Shall we?” You giggled in a murmur, letting him step outside before you.
There was a warmth in the night that ushered Chan to take off his mask and hat.
But he didn’t dare to. Not yet.
You two walked alongside, hands and knuckles brushing against each other, and the idol allowed himself to grin as you smiled, looking at the flowers that decorated the place. It was the first time in his life that he had found solace in the shared silence of insomnia.
With a swift motion, he surrendered. He felt like it wasn’t fair to know who you where if you didn’t —or couldn’t— recognize him. To hell with it, he thought, taking his hat and mask off.
But, much to his surprise, you didn’t so much as glance at him. You just snickered when he sighed, sounding happier, breathing in the sudden cold breeze that swooshed in the garden.
“Better, huh?” You mumbled in light amusement.
He smiled, shoving his hidden identity in his pockets.
“Much.” Chan muttered.
His heart beat loudly on his ears. He could feel it pulsating rapidly, waiting for the moment where you would turn to face him.
But you weren’t, just strolling down the stone path, callously ignoring his nervous demeanour.
He was about to stop and move you, but instead, your hand took his again.
And then you squeezed it lightly. Much like he had done a couple of hourse ago.
His breath hitched. He stopped walking.
“Chan?” You smiled.
He felt chaos unravel inside him, his cheeks blushing, his palms getting sweaty, and his heart giddily beating in his chest.
Another rush of soft air crossed through the hotel’s gardens, making your hair move with it. He could smell your light scent, something that felt warm inside him, something that he felt could lull him asleep.
You grinned.
He chuckled lowly. He hadn’t let go of your hand. A part of him didn’t want to. Not yet.
He saw you blush under the moonlight, not knowing his red-tinted cheeks were more obvious than yours.
“What’s a boy as pretty as you doing in a place like this?”
He blinked, his eyes wide.
As what?
He saw you cheek your tongue, doe eyes looking at him teasingly.
Oh. So you knew what you were doing.
He chuckled, thinking that was going to be all your teasing.
“Judging by how long it took for you to talk, I guess you did mean to keep your end of the deal.”
“Huh?” He inquired softly.
“You know.” You bit your lip and blushed a bit more, making him more interested, taking a step towards you without realizing. “Keeping your mouth shut. Like the obedient boy you are.”
He started breathing heavily, a low laugh rolling off his tone.
“Oh, yeah?” His smirk was only powered by yours. “I must say, I can be quite rebellious.”
“Really?” You snickered, feeling his hand squeeze yours again.
“Very.” He gulped. His bravado only lasted for so much, and deep inside, he was equally scared as curious.
He wanted to keep going. He wanted you to stay.
“Are you trying to prove it?” You mocked cheekily.
He stared at your lips, his breath felt heavy. “Would you like me to prove it?”
His hand threatened to reach for your cheek, but it was you who finally held it and moved it towards your face.
“Bet.” You giggled. “You won’t.”
The night air was crisp as your eyes, deep and expressive, locked with his, inviting and enticing, a secret to be held in them. His hair, often styled with flair, rested curly and messy, but you couldn’t help but get lost in the untamed beauty that he portrayed. Not even his lips gently grazing yours could wipe either of your smiles under the moonlight.
And then, for a moment, it wasn’t gentle.
Maybe it was because he sighed against your lips, or maybe it was because you followed an impulse and bit his lower lip, but then it got twisted. Tongues danced with one another, fighting for dominance in a burst of sudden passion.
“C-chan,” you gulped, arms traveling to his nape, playing with his hair. It made him weak.
“Chris,” he sighed, yearning to taste your lips again. And again. He didn’t want to stop. Not yet. “Call me— call me Chris.”
You chuckled. “Only if you call me…”
You were going to tease him, but your ideas suddenly flew away form your mind when he started peppering kisses on your neck, grazing your skin with his teeth.
“What?” He snickered. “A pet name of sorts?” He was teasing you, and he was so enjoying it, tasting the weirdly sweet and enticing flavour of your skin in his lips. “Would you like that, princess?” God, he needed more.
You bit your lip, holding back sounds behind heavy breaths, and he patted your thighs, making you jump into his arms without hesitation. Quickly, he moved the both of you, pinning you against the wall closest to you.
“C-chan…” He bit your skin slightly harder. “Chris! Ah, Chris…!”
“F-fuck…” He muttered. “I… I can’t…” He leaned his head in the crook of your neck, now covered in small and red lovebites. “You smell so good.”
You pecked his forehead, trying to catch your breath, your hands stroking his soft hair.
“Not here, right?” You smiled, soothing, comprehensive. His heart softened.
He nodded, sighting against your neck. He let go of your legs, allowing you to stand back on your feet tenderly.
“I’m sorry….?” Chan mumbled shyly. You giggled, brushing it off.
You were about to say something, but then the gravel cracked under someone’s weight. One that wasn’t either of you.
He tensed up under your arms.
You sighed. “Move!” You ushered in a whisper.
He frowned, his eyes darting from you and from where the sound had come from.
“But you—”
“Chan!” You pushed him away, hiding him behind another wall, and quickly took your phone from the pocket of your jacket, zipping back up what Chris had lowered.
“Who’s in there?”
Chan’s breath haltered.
You had hid him just a wall more, meaning that if the security guard found any of you, chances were that he wouldn’t be caught. You would.
You both held your breathing, hands interlinked even if your bodies were as far away as they could to do so, your heartbeats quickening in sync.
And then, it was just silence for a minute, the gravel cracked below the security guard’s feet, and he left as sudden as he had arrived.
You legs felt like jelly, and you let your back fall down the wall, ending up sitting on the floor with a huff.
“You were going to get in trouble.” Chris muttered.
You looked at him from the floor. The moonlight highlightened his lean figure and charismatic features.
You nodded. “It wouldn’t be me who’d get in the worst of it.” You smiled softly.
He nodded with you.
“We should go before it gets too late.”
Just before heading back together to the elevators, you looked to the reception, and grinned softly.
The elevator back up felt more silent than usual. And for some reason that could speak and make him blush, Chan missed the sound of your voice.
“Good night, Chris.”
It wasn’t going to be a good night.
Not after that interruption, which not only scared the shit out of him, but also made him rethink everything he was doing with you.
Chan arrived back to his room. After half an hour of mindlessly staring at the nightsky through the window, someone knocked on the door.
Could it be you? Chris blushed at the thought.
He opened the door to find nothing. Then, he looked to the floor, and found a mug of hot chocolate and a small note.
may have taken a peek to your room card before. i had fun tonight! see you tomorrow? xoxo, your princess.
He grinned.
Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad night after all.
When he woke up the morning after, his mouth still tasted like chocolate.
There had been nothing that could wipe the silly grin on his face that day. Not his packed schedule, not the knowledge that they had to go back home and it would be his last night there, not the fact that Han had come into his room just to look for his missing sock —which, for obvious reasons, he never found there—, not the fact that Hyunjin was still bitter with him because of what he had named the ‘pretty girl disaster’ —which Chan intended to tell you just to see if you’d laugh like he had imagined.
His mind was filled to the brim with thoughts of you.
Your flavoured chapstick, your sweet scent, the way you mumbled his name —his real one, that is—, how your eyes glowed under the moonlight, how his hands fit perfectly in the curves of your waist.
He sighed happily for the upteenth time that day, coming out of the shower.
But then, Minho came in to his room.
“Hyung.” He started, and his low tone didn’t seem to bring good news.
Chan nodded, waiting for him to continue.
“I know I’m not really good at these things, but I think you should see this.”
The dancer handed him the phone, and Chan turned pale.
It was a picture taken from last night. Chan’s silhouette was fairly obvious, slightly pixelated and hidden by his beanie and his mask. And right in front of him, back facing the camera, was you, your hand holding his.
“So it is you. That’s what I thought,” Minho mumbled. “A random number sent it to Hyunjin. He saved the picture and blocked it, but we thought you should know.”
“Did they know it was me?” Chan stuttered.
The cat owner shook his head, and Chan was able to breathe normally again. “They thought it had been me with Jisung.”
It was there when Chan’s daydreaming faltered.
His thoughts started spinning, not knowing how or where to start.
Would you know about this?
What would you do?
“Hyung.” Minho sighed. “We’re leaving tomorrow.”
And Chan hadn’t been able to grasp that, but someone did.
The same someone who knocked on his door at night.
“Guys, you have your own cards.” Chan muttered, opening the door.
But it hadn’t been any of the guys.
“Hi.” You let out in a sight, panting.
Had you ran your way there?
“Hi.” He mumbled weakly.
“Can I…?” He opened the door for you, and quickly closed it back. He turned his back to you, his eyes wide and his heart going crazy.
“Chris.” You mumbled.
He turned around to face you.
“You asked me to stay last night and I went with you to the gardens.” You huffed. “But I want to stay here with you tonight.”
He blinked, passing a hand through his wavy hair. You were there. In front of him. Speaking. God, he had to concentrate.
“We’ll make a deal.” You breathed slowly, staring deeply into his eyes, yearning to know the secrets hidden behind them. “I’ll leave this here.”
You gently plopped your phone on the table near the door to his room. He was still standing there, as if frozen, pyjama pants on and only a bathrobe covering his lean and toned chest.
“A pretty man called Hyunjin came to me talking about some picture,” you started softly. “But yesterday didn’t happen so I’d ruin a man’s career.” His eyes followed how you raised your hands and smiled, and he couldn’t help but smile back.
“It’s off.” Your voice lowered, and he got slightly closer, as if wanting to hear you better. “The phone, I mean. Feel free to check it.”
Surprisingly, he just stared at it, then smiled cheekily, heading towards you.
Your eyebrows shot up and you felt deliciously small under his new-formed grin, and how his hands cradled your face.
He pecked your lips with a yearning sigh.
“I missed you.”
You blushed.
“You can have me all night.” Your smile made him feel butterflies on his stomach. “Just me and you.”
He kissed you again, longer this time.
His frame slowly caged you against the door, and he broke the kiss, stroking your cheeks. His body was pressed up against yours, his lips parted as he breathed softly, taking you in. He could feel heat running down his body just by the feeling of you back in his arms, and the only thought that he had clear is that he couldn't hold back anymore.
He needed to kiss you, again, and again, and again. He needed to figure out what you tasted like. He needed to have you. Your hands had gone back to where they had been the night before, and the way you stared at his lips threatened to make him fall to his knees.
His eyes were glued on your lips, and not long after, his mouth followed.
Chris’ heart was pounding against his chest, and he knew for a fact that he had never felt this way before. Never in his whole life. The more he tasted your lips, the kiss almost as passionate as your first one, the more you ruined him, claiming him as yours, making him addictied to the way you sighed and grinned as he moved your bodies to the bed, the hotter his body became.
He fell with you on the matress, and much to his surprise, you moved your bodies, sitting on his lap, taking a groan out of him.
“Such a beauty,” you mumbled, almost to yourself rather than him. “All for me, huh?” You smirked.
The whole world was hazy, the only thing that was clear was your body and your words. Just hearing your voice saying those words to him made him shiver, a shiver that he never experienced before.
He smirked too, and sighed when you untied his bathrobe, your hands roaming freely wherever you wanted to, stroking his chest, claiming him with kisses, the soft colour that they left behind, pink due to your lipstick, and the soft scratches of your nails, that made him bite his lip to keep his sounds hidden.
“Nuh-uh.” You tutted at him with a smile.
He snickered. “Oh, princess. Two can play that game.”
His hands pinned you down against the bed, his lips quickly going back to yours.
“You said I needed to keep my tongue to myself, and I promised that I would” He grinned, almost menacingly, lowering himself, trailing kisses down your body, discarding your underwear.
“I intend to break that promise.”
Maybe you and him would be difficult.
But he had asked you to stay, and you did. And he didn’t want to stop trying. Not yet.
~Kats, who did most of this in a hospital bed (‘m okay now dw) but fell asleep and didn’t publish it, lol. I LOVED THIS IDEA POOKIE TYSM !!
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leeeedith · 12 days ago
STRAY KIDS reaction to first kisses with their S/O
Bang Chan 🐺
Chan would be the type to make the first kiss feel right. It would happen in a quiet moment, maybe while you're cuddled up together, and he'd tilt your chin up gently before closing the gasp. His lips would move against yours with warmth and care, like he's trying to tell you everything he feels without words. When you pull away, he'd rest his forehead against yours and chuckle softly. "That was even better than I imagined."
Lee Know 🐰
Minho's first kiss would be spontaneous but perfect. He'd act chill about it, but truthfully, he's been thinking about this for way too long. Maybe you're in the middle of teasing each other, and he just suddenly leans in—catching you off guard. It's brief but lingering, leaving you breathless. When he pulls back, he'd smirk and say something like, "Well, that was nice. Wanna try again?" as if he isn't freaking out inside.
Changbin 🐷
Changbin would be so nervous but try to play it cool. He'd spend forever working up the courage, maybe rambling a little before finally just going for it. His hands would be firm on your waist, bit his lips would be gentle, full of unspoken affection. Afterward, he'd let out a relieved laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Wow... okay. That was—uh—yeah, that was amazing." His ears would be so red.
Hyunjin 😺
Hyunjin's first kiss would feel like something out of a romance drama. He'd make sure the moment was absolutely perfect—soft lighting, maybe a slow song playing in the background. His eyes would flicker between yours before he slowly leans in, brushing his finger along your jaw. The kiss itself is slow, lingering, full of emotion. When he pulls away, he'd stare at you for a moment before whispering, "I think I just fell for you all over again."
Han 🐿️
Jisung's first kiss would be sweet and awkwardly adorable. He'd be hyping himself up like, "Okay, you got this, Han Jisung. Don't mess this up." And when he finally does it, it's soft, a little hesitant at first, but full of excitement. Afterward, he'd immediately start laughing out of nervous energy. "Okay, that was cute, right? Please tell me that was cute." You'd have to reassure him before he demands a second kiss to 'prove he can do it even better.'
Felix 🐥
Felix's first kiss would be pure butterflies. He'd be so gentle, as if he's afraid of breaking the moment. His hands would naturally find your waist, and he'd take his time, savoring the feeling of your lips against his. When you finally pull away, he'd smile so wide, dimples on full display, eyes full of love. "That was... wow. Can we do that again?" His voice would be all deep and soft, making your heart melt.
Seungmin 🐶
Seungming would be calm and confident—but inside? A complete mess. Probably say something teasing beforehand, like, "You're looking at me like you want a kiss or something." But when he actually kisses you? It's surprisingly gentle and full of warmth. He'd make it seem effortless, leaning in at just the right moment, his lips pressing against yours with the perfect mix of gentleness and firmness. Afterward, he'd act like it was no big deal, but the way he avoids eye contact and his small, satisfied smirk give him away. "Not bad, right?" he'd say, teasing—though he's secretly hoping you'll pull him in for another.
I.N 🦊
Jeongin would be shy but sweet. He'd hesitate for a second, a little nervous. But once he gathers the courage, he'd press a soft, fleeting kiss to your lips. The kiss would be sweet, innocent, and a little tentative—like he's afraid of messing up. When you pull back, he'd let out a nervous laugh, cheeks burning as he looks at you with wide eyes. "Was that... okay?" he'd ask, and when you nod and smile, he0d break into the cutest, giddy grin and let out a happy laugh. "Okay, good. Because I really wanna do that again."
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cheeseceli · 1 year ago
When you don't use their card
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Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!Reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, reaction
Request: Wondering if you could do stray kids giving you their card when you go out shopping, but you don’t use it and they see you haven’t and what they do 💗🖤
Warnings: not proofread; nothing more if I'm not mistaken
A/n: this layout is so pretty, admire it with me for a second pls
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Bang Chan
Y'know when he goes 🤨? That's him right now. Genuinely doesn't understand why you wouldn't use it. Like, the card was right there... Next to you... And you chose to not use it? If you explain that you just didn't want to use his money because you didn't feel comfortable, he'll explain to you that he doesn't mind in the slightes if you spent it. Actually, he'd be kind of honoured if you did. When he convinces you, he is smiling all adorable and content fr
Lee Know
When he didn't receive any notification from the bank he thought you had actually lost his card lmao. The minute this thought pops in his head he's calling you asking about the whereabouts of his card. When you tell him that you just didn't want to spend his money, he'll manage to convince you to use his card through the phone. He has a proud grin when he receives the first notification from the bank.
He'd be kinda sad ngl. When he offered you his card and you took it he was feeling so proud of himself 😭 like "oh I'm such a good boyfriend :D". So when you don't use it he pouts for a second or two. Spend his money and he'll get happy again real quick!!
Got a little :( tbh. But he doesn't address about it nor have a really dramatic reaction at first. Some days later he will spoil you with a lot of gifts, things he thinks you could've bought with his card. Half of it is just to make you happy and half of it because he wants to make you feel valued through his acts.
Oh he's betrayed. How could take his card like you were going to use it but then you don't?? Stabbing him would've hurt less (he'd be so dramatic lol). Would try to go shopping with you next time just so he can make sure he'll be the one paying
When he didn't receive any notifications of the bank he thought that you just didn't buy anything. Perhaps nothing satisfied you so you didn't even buy it. But when you come back home with your shopping bags he's so ??? Like "how did you buy those things🤨". Audibly gasps when you tell him you used your own money. Betrayed pt2.
Gives you a glare that makes you freeze when he finds out. Next time you go shopping he offers you his card again, making sure he's glaring at you again like there's a threat in his eyes - "you better use this card this time." When you actually do he switches up completely and gives you the sweetest smile ever lol. It would be kinda cute ngl
I think that at first he wouldn't have noticed that you didn't buy your things with his money. But then you go shopping again and his bills stay the same... I think he'd catch up at the second or third time. Accuses you of letting him be delusional all this time believing he was the one paying for you😔 jokes aside he'd let you know that it's okay if you don't feel comfortable spending his money, but it's his pleasure to spoil like this and that if you don't mind him paying, you shouldn't hesitate on actually using his card
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Thank you for the help bestie @zzzzzwicked 🫰🏻
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