#but i think the writers know this and are planning something with it
imaginespazzi · 18 hours
Part 10: The Bridges Burned Around Us
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9
Be good to me, and I'll be good to you (but please don't be too good to be true)
(In which an apologetic writer finally finishes a chapter that took much longer than necessary)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Fluff and Angst
Words: 10.2K (seems fitting for chapter 10 lol)
TW: Swearing
A/N: Hello my lovelies :) I am so incredibly late with this I know but considering it's really the length of two chapters, I think I should be forgiven. Despite how long this took me, I don't really know how I feel about this chapter because it's both filler but also pretty important so honestly it does feel a little all over the place. But I hope y'all like it anyways. I do suggest quickly skimming over Part 2 before you read this just to jog your memory a little bit. I did edit as I always do but there's probably typos/mistakes, so feel free to point those out. As always, let me know what you liked, what you disliked and what you'd like to see in the future. Have a wonderful weekend my loves <3
May 2033
“What the hell Bueckers?” Coach yells, glaring daggers at Paige who has the audacity to at least look a little embarrassed as she reaches a hand to help the rookie she’d just knocked over with far too much unnecessary force. Azzi narrows her eyes at the scene, confused at Paige’s atypical behavior. It wasn’t uncommon for the vets to rib the rookies a little bit, hell they had a whole ragging initiation ceremony planned for this weekend to welcome the newest members of their team, but Paige seemed to have a personal vendetta against Angie Davis.
When they’d watched the draft together, Azzi could’ve seen sworn she’d seen a flash of uncomfortableness flicker in Paige’s eyes as the commissioner announced that the Valkyries, with their third pick acquired via Atlanta, were picking Angie Davis from Stanford University. The blonde had stiffened but only for a split second and Azzi had chalked it up to nothing because really, what beef could Paige possibly have with a 22 year old? Except clearly something was bothering the Minnesota native because this is the fifth time today itself that Paige has fouled the girl so hard that her body had almost slightly bounced as it hit the floor. 
The first time, everyone had found it amusing because who didn’t laugh at a rookie getting a taste of the league. The second time, Coach had rolled her eyes but the rest of the team had still found it pretty funny. And then as it continued, Azzi could tell her teammates were just as confused by Paige’s behavior as she was. They might not know the blonde as well as Azzi did, but in the last month or so they’d discover that the basketball superstar was really just a ball of golden retriever energy. Since they’d started training camp recently, they’d seen that Paige always practiced hard but she also had the time of her life doing it. They’d seen that she might practically bulldoze her teammates in her eagerness to be a good defender but she’d always be the first one to help pick them up with a teasing grin on her face right after. Except apparently not with Angie. With Angie, there was nothing but brute force and the first couple of times, before Coach’s clear irritation had started to seep onto her face, Paige hadn’t even bothered helping the rookie up. And although Azzi would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that a part of her found this aggressive display of strength just a tad bit attractive, she also knew it was completely unlike her Paige to be acting like this. 
“So,” she says softly, lowering her voice purposefully as she sidles up to Paige in the locker room after practice, “are we going to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” there’s a smirk on Paige’s face as she takes a step closer towards Azzi. 
The brunette narrows her eyes, “you know what.”
“What I know,” Paige whispers as she ghosts her hands across Azzi’s hips, keeping her movement innocuous as to not alert their other teammates who are engrossed in conversation not too far away from them, “is that I’m pretty sure you’re just looking for a way to get close to me.” 
“You’re so fucking full of yourself,” but she can’t stop the faint blush that’s creeping up  her cheeks as Paige’s hot breath fans across her face and her gaze shifts to the blonde’s sweat sheened biceps that are on fully display under her flimsy tank top. 
Paige notices it immediately as her smirk widens, “appreciating the view baby?”
“Shut up,” Azzi shoves her back lightly, “don’t try and distract me.”
“‘I’m not even trying. I just have that effect on you,” Paige shrugs coyly as she pushes herself back into Azzi’s space.
The brunette’s eyes dart over to her teammate for a brief second, making sure the rest of them are still occupied with their own conversations as she takes her own step towards the blue-eyed woman, the edges of her lips turning up into a smug grin when she hears Paige’s breath hitch, “and what about the effect I have on you?”
There’s something thrilling about hiding this from their team, something sexy about having to keep their hands to themselves when they’re constantly desperate to touch. It was torture in a way, having Paige so close and not being able to kiss her or hold her. But that only meant that when Azzi did finally get to do all of those things, it felt like finally coming up for air; like after being deprived of her oxygen for so long, she could finally breathe. 
Last time around, they’d kept it a secret from the world but everyone who meant something to them had known. Their old teammates for one. This time, especially since they hadn’t quite defined what this was, they’d chosen to keep it even closer to their chests. It had been Paige’s idea this time and Azzi thinks maybe she’d proposed it just to beat the brunette to the punch-maybe she’d even been a little disappointed by it- but she thinks that they probably do need a little more time; a little more time to trust that this time they wouldn’t go up in flames, that they wouldn’t burn everyone else around them. 
“You don’t- you don’t have any effect on me,” Paige stutters. 
“Is that right?” Azzi asks coyly, taking her shirt off at a ridiculous slow pace, enjoying the way blonde’s eyes are immediately drawn towards her toned abs, “none at all?” 
“N-no,” Paige gulps as she watches the brunette finally get rid of the offending t-shirt and she’s left in nothing but a sports bra that does little to hide the curves underneath. 
“Appreciating the view baby?”  Azzi smirks, repeating the older woman’s words from before she slyly runs her index finger across the purplish red hues of a hickey Paige had left on her collarbone from the night before. 
“You’re so-”
“Bueckers,” a loud voice interrupts Paige’s groan as the two of them spring apart, everyone in the room turning to look at their Coach leaning against the doorframe, “in my office. Now.”
It feels a little bit like they’re college students being reprimanded again but there’s this nagging intuition in Azzi’s gut, as she watched Paige sheepishly follow Coach into her office, that she’s missing out on some important information. Something churns in her stomach at the thought of it. Things had been near perfect so far; they were climbing back up to what they had been, maybe climbing their way to something better but Azzi thinks that if another gust of circumstance tries to shove them down again, they might not be able to get back up this time. Because this time, they’re not climbing alone. This time, they have Stephie and at the end of the day, she’s all that matters. 
“So is Paige’s car broken or something?” Tessa’s question catches Azzi off guard as she shakes herself out of head and looks at her teammate with confusion. 
“Uh no why?”
“I mean it’s just every time she shows up somewhere, it seems she’s in your car, with you. So I just figured something must be up with her car, why else would y’all be carpooling literally every single day unless-” there’s a sparkle in Tessa’s eyes as she leans casually against her locks, “unless there’s another reason?”
“What other reason could there be?” Azzi’s voice is unusually high-pitched as she avoids Tessa’s perceptive eyes and instead glares daggers at a spluttering Jana, “her car’s in the shop. That’s it. That’s definitely it. That’s the only reason I’m driving her around.”
“Aw that sucks,” Laila says with an oblivious empathetic smile, “I mean we could help out if that’s the case? With carpooling.”
“I don’t think-”
“What a lovely idea Phelia,” Tessa smirks and Azzi knows just by how guileful it is, that the former Gamecock is absolutely onto them, “what do you think Azzi? Maybe we can make a little chart for who drives Paige to practice huh? Be welcoming to our teammate?”
Resisting the urge to flip off both Tessa and Jana whose shoulders are shaking with laughter, Azzi settles on a sugary sweet smile instead, “I don’t think that’s necessary-”
“Oh we’d be happy to help,” Tessa chirps happily and Azzi’s suddenly wistful for the moment back in her senior year when she’d dropped the South Carolina guard for an easy layup. 
“And that’s very kind of y’all but,” she reaches over to squeeze the younger girl’s shoulder tightly, making her grunt in discomfort, “I think Paige is okay. It just works better if it’s one person. Less complications, you know?”
“Won’t somebody please think about the complications,” Jana snickers. 
“I’m so confused,” Laila says, a frown on her face as she looks weirdly at her teammates. 
“It’s nothing,” Azzi says shrilly as she slings both her and Paige’s bags on her shoulders, rolling her eyes when both Jana and Tessa giggle at the domesticity of the action, “don’t worry about it, Phelia.”
“Y’all are acting strange,” Laila shrugs as she starts to make her way out of the locker room and Azzi’s rounds on the other two women. 
“Whatever you think you know Tess,” Azzi raises a finger in warning, “keep it to yourself.”
Tessa makes a point to make a zipping motion across her lips as her eyes glimmer with mischief. 
“Thank god,” Jana gasps dramatically, “I was so tired of having to deal with these two all by myself. Do you know how hard it is Tess? I’ve been doing it for YEARS.”
“You poor soul,” Tessa coos, “I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for you. They’re kind of disgusting.”
“You peeped that already? Damn Azzi, do you realize how sickening y’all must be for Tessa to have already figured it out?”
“No forreal,” Tessa teases, “if you don’t want people catching onto your shit, I suggest y’all stop eyefucking every other second.”
“Fuck all the way off. Both of you,” Azzi grunts as Jana practically howls with laughter.
“You kiss your daughter with that mouth Fudd?”
“I dunno about Stephie,” Tessa drops her voice so only Jana and Azzi can hear her, “but I bet she kisses Paige with that mouth huh Az?”
Azzi groans, hiding her bright red face in her hands as her teammates' jovial laughter echoes through the locker room.
Paige is eerily quiet as she climbs into the passenger seat and Azzi knows immediately by the way she doesn’t try to coax her way into driving, that whatever conversation she’d had with Coach, likely hadn’t been a pleasant one. There are a thousand and one questions taking birth in her mind but Azzi doesn’t voice any of them, knowing Paige isn’t ready to answer them. Instead, she laces her fingers through Paige’s, resting them on the other girl's lap as she rubs a soothing circle against the back of her hand, a promise of whenever you’re ready to share, i’ll be ready to listen. 
They’ve fallen into a routine of sorts, one driven by that fact Paige has practically moved into Azzi’s house at this point. Their day started with them dropping Stephie off at school before the two of them would go to training or practice or whatever basketball activities they had planned. Then, they’d go to pick up Stephie from school and Azzi would drop her and Paige off at Curry camp while she ran various errands before circling back to pick them up. It’s domestic as hell and there’s a part of Azzi that’s still a little fearful; perhaps they’re trying to fit the puzzle pieces of their separate lives into each other a little too quickly. But she thinks that maybe those puzzle pieces had never really been disconnected, because sometimes she thinks their existence might just be an extension of each other’s. 
“You know,” Azzi begins softly when it becomes abundantly clear Paige isn’t going to speak first, “I’m okay with the fact that you’ve probably fucked other people. I mean other than the woman you married as well that is.”
“What the fuck?” Paige’s head whips towards her so quick, it must hurt just a little bit, “where the fuck did that come from?”
Azzi shrugs, “I’m just saying-”
“Why are you just saying?” Paige's eyes widen in panic as she possessively tightens her grip on the brunette’s hand, “are you about to tell me about someone you hooked up with? Because I’mma be honest Azzi I’d rather jump out of this moving car then hear about some whore who had the audacity-”
“Audacity? You do realize I was-”
“Say you were single and I actually will jump out of the car,” Paige warns, “but no actually dude what the fuck?”
“Well you see,” Azzi says carefully, “I’m trying to figure out why you’re being such a bitch to our new rookie and after careful deliberation, I’ve come to the conclusion that she’s gotta be a hookup gone wrong because why the fuck else would Paige Bueckers, who has a hard time killing a spider, be so unnecessarily mean to this poor girl?” 
There’s silence in the car for a second as Paige opens and closes her mouth, unable to get a word out, until she doubles over laughing, the sound of it echoing all around them. Azzi can’t help the soft grin that flitters across her face, relieved at seeing the way the tension begins to dissipate from the blonde’s shoulders. And Azzi swears that when Paige laughs, it feels a little bit like the sun has come out again; like the flowers are blooming and birds are chirping and everything is right in the world again and she thinks the sun should probably be jealous of the warmth Paige exudes because at least against the silhouette of Azzi’s sky, Paige burns brighter than the sun ever will. 
“You-you think I fucked Angie?” Paige finally manages to splutter out between peals of laughs, “baby she’s barely 22.”
“Hey,” Azzi pouts, “you always did go for younger women. Like me for example.”
Paige narrows her eyes, “you’re literally one year younger than me.”
“One year and a couple of days,” Azzi corrects. 
Rolling her eyes Paige uses both hands to hold Azzi’s non-driving one, “Azzi I swear to you that I have never in my life hooked up with Angie fucking Davis.”
“I know,” Azzi confesses, eyes still focused on the road ahead of her, “so what exactly is your problem with her then Paige?”
“You couldn’t have just asked me that?”
Azzi shrugs, “felt like I needed to make you laugh first. So tell me Bueckers-” before she can continue, she feels lips being pressed to her cheeks and can’t help the crimson tinge it elicits on her face, “what- what was that for?”
“Because you’re a little bit of a sap and I’m glad you’re my sap,” Paige grins, “all mine.”
“You’re trying to change the topic.”
“I am not.”
The blonde sighs, leaning her head back against the headrest, “can we talk about it tonight? I wanna tell you I promise- I just- I think we need to sit down so that I- I can explain it to you properly.”
“That feels ominous,” Azzi’s stomach clenches at the seriousness in Paige’s voice as she turns onto the street for Stephie’s school, “should I be worried?”
“No,” Paige says firmly, bringing their enclosed hands to her mouth so she can brush a kiss across Azzi’s knuckles, “it’s nothing we can’t get through.”
Azzi nods as she pulls into the school parking lot, mustering up a reassuring smile of her own as she squeezes Paige’s hand. But there’s still a speck of fear dancing around in her gut; it’s this constant fear of losing Paige again that she doesn’t think she’ll ever truly be able to sweep out of her system. They’ve been doing so good these last few weeks -like they’re collecting together the scattered pages of everything we used to be and binding them back together with strings of all that we can become- but sometimes Azzi finds herself afraid that it might all just disappear, that a gust of wind might blow everything out of her hands all over again. 
“HI MAMA. HI MISS BUECKS,” she’s shaken from her thoughts by the backdoor opening as Stephie barrels into the car, the happiness in her voice contagious as she leans over the console to kiss Azzi and then Paige, before hanging between them and tapping at her own cheeks. The two adults laugh as they simultaneously press their lips to the little girl's cheeks, causing her dimples to deepen as she giggles between them. 
“How was school Stephie-bean?” Paige asks, peering over her own shoulder to make sure Stephie buckles herself in correctly as Azzi backs the car out. 
Stephie scrunches up her nose is distaste, “it’s school Miss Buecks. It was so boring. Except for lunch. Lunch was great. I love lunch.”
“You’re so real Steph,” Paige nods seriously, “lunch is the best and school is so bor-”
“C’mon Az, I’m not gonna lie to the kid.”
“Exactly Mama,” Stephie chimes in loyally from the backseat, “lying is bad.”
Azzi rolls her eyes as Paige twists her hand to hold it out for Stephie to high-five it from the backseat, “the two of you are insufferable.”
“What does that mean?” Stephie asks, tilting her head in confusion. 
“It means we’re her most favorite people in the world,” Paige winks at the little girl as Azzi shakes her head fondly, choosing to keep the you’re more than that, you two are the reason my world keeps turning that tastes sugary sweet on the tip of her tongue to herself as she continues to drive. 
“What do y’all want for dinner?” she asks instead, ready to make a mental note of ingredients she might need to pick up from the grocery store while Paige and Stephie are at Curry Camp. 
“Actually,” there’s a slight nervous lilt to Paige’s voice and when Azzi looks over, she finds the older woman fidgeting anxiously with her thumbs, “I was thinking that maybe um- maybe y’all could come over to mine tonight? Maybe I can cook?”
They haven’t stayed at Paige’s since that first disastrous night. It hadn’t been on purpose per say; it was simply just easier to stay at Azzi’s, especially with Stephie to consider but perhaps a part of it had been subconscious self-preservation on the younger girl's part. Something about sleeping over at Paige’s feels more purposeful; like she’s fully letting herself step back into the other’s girl world and this time with the promise to not run away in the morning. It’s scary but when Azzi sees the hopeful look on Paige’s face as the blonde bites her lips, she thinks it’s worth it to take the leap; she’s ready for it. 
“I think that would be nice,” she says with a soft smile, “I’ll pick up some clothes for Stephie while y’all are at camp.”
Paige beams and Azzi can tell she’s itching to lean over to grab her hand or kiss her touch her in any way but there’s still the little fact they still haven’t quite told Stephie anything about them yet that stops her from doing any of the above. 
“What do you think of that Stephie bean? You wanna have a sleepover at my place tonight?” she redirects her attention to the little girl instead. 
“YES PLEASE,” Stephie squeals, practically bouncing on her car seat before a frown crosses her forehead, “but um-” she hesitates, “you um- you can’t cook Miss Buecks.”
Azzi bursts into a laughter as an offended look clouds Paige’s face, “excuse me? I absolutely can cook.”
“Miss Buecks,” Stephie says, her condescension-filled tone as adult as she can make it be, “you burned my eggs three times this week and then Mama had to make them all over again and we were almost late for school,” the little girl smirks through her ramble, “but that’s okay because I don’t mind being late for school because like I said school is really boring.”
“Okay but what about the one time I didn’t burn the eggs?” Paige haughtily crosses her arms over chest, “have we all just forgotten about that?”
“Pretty sure they were a little undercooked and saltless that one time-OW,” Azzi’s snicker is cut off by a pinch to her stomach, “do you want me to crash the car woman?”
Paige ignores her, turning back to look at Stephie with a betrayed expression, “you said you liked them?”
“I didn’t want to hurt your feeling Miss Buecks,” the little girl wails and Azzi feels a mix of pride and love bloom in her heart at the kind soul she’s raised, “I’m sorry Miss Buecks but I just-” Stephie reaches as far as her seatbelt will allow to cup Paige’s hand in her tiny hands, “I really don’t think you should cook Miss Buecks.Please. I don’t wanna die yet. I’m too cute to die.”
“You know what Stephie bean,” Paige taps the little girl’s nose, “I think you might be even more of a drama queen than me-”
“Don’t sound so proud,” Azzi mutters under her breath. 
“Shhh,” Paige chastises, never looking away from Stephie, “but alright sweetheart. I won’t cook. How about we order pizza?”
Stephie lets out a delighted cheer as Azzi grumbles, “more junk food? I swear to god Bueckers you’re completely ruining her diet.”
“On the contrary, I think I’m finally fixing it. You poor thing,” Paige coos at Stephie dramatically, “I bet your Mama was torturing you with nasty green things all day every day before me huh?”
“No no no Miss Buecks, veggies are good for you,” Stephie recites loyally and Azzi grins triumphantly at Paige. 
“Oh dear Stephie you’ve been brainwashed-”
“Excuse me? Don’t try to corrupt my child out of her good habits.”
“I’m not corrupting her,” Paige defends as Azzi makes a left turn into the parking lot for Curry Camp, “I’m just teaching her the wonders of grease and oil and all the other fun things that adults lie are bad for you.”
“Paige you are an adult.”
“But a fun one,” Paige smirks, waggling her eyebrows at Stephie through the mirror as Azzi stops the car right outside the building, “right Stephie-bean?”
“The fun-est-est-est-est,” Stephie choruses back as she begins to unbuckle herself so she can latch onto her mother’s neck from behind. Paige takes the opportunity to climb out of the car so she can grab Stephie’s sports bag from where it’s kept in the trunk.
“You be good for Miss Buecks and Uncle Twin at camp today okay?” Azzi whispers to the little girl, “and I better hear that you made all your shots.”
Stephie scoffs, “you know I never miss Mama.”
“That’s my girl,” Azzi grins as she nuzzles her nose against the little girl’s before Paige opens the backdoor and Stephie unlatches herself from her mother, only so she can go barrelling into the older woman’s arms instead, “Stephie-bean you know you can walk.”
“But Mama,” Stephie whines, wrapping her hands tightly around Paige’s neck, “I’m too tired to walk-”
“Stephie,” Azzi sighs. 
“You don’t mind carrying me, do you Miss Buecks?”
“Of course not,” Paige grins, “whatever you want sweetheart.”
Stephie looks pointedly at Azzi, “see Mama? Miss Buecks doesn’t mind.”
“Of course she doesn’t,” Azzi shakes her head, “alright off you two go. I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
“Bye Mama,” Stephie waves, “hurry back okay? We’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you guys too,” Azzi says warmly, blowing a kiss at both of them. 
It’s uncanny how similar the two of them are, when both Stephie and Paige make a show of catching the kiss and bringing it to their heart before looking at each other and giggling over their own silliness. It makes Azzi’s heartache in the best way possible. And as she watches the two of them start walking up the stairs, Stephie rambling and Paige hanging onto every word, she thinks that as long as life gives her the two of them, she’ll never ask for anything else. 
The first thing Azzi notices when she walks into the gym, arriving a little before camp finishes so she can say hi to her mentor, is Stephie sulking as she glares at Paige from the other side of the court. Confused, because it’s rare to see her daughter looking at the other woman with anything but pure adulation, Azzi follows the little girl’s line of sight to see what could possibly have upset her. A fond smile crosses her face as she sees Paige crowded by a bunch of children, all of them watching the superstar with wonder as she demonstrates her shooting technique. Paige swishes the ball into the basket and one would think she’d just scored the game-winning shot in the finals, by the way the gaggle of kids around her let out enthused cheers. 
The blonde has always had this aura that draws people to her -Azzi would know; she’d been one of the first people to succumb to it (not that she’d put up much of a fight)- but there’s something different about the charisma Paige has with kids. Perhaps it’s because of her own childlike innocence that’s still intact despite her age, but it’s clear that the little ones adore her. Azzi watches as one of the little girls animatedly tries to mimic what Paige had just demonstrated, looking upset when the basketball barely touches the rim. 
“I’m never gonna make a basket,” she hears the girl pout. 
Paige ruffles the kid’s hair before lifting her up onto her lap, “of course you are. You just needed a little bit more height. Here try again,” she says as she urges the girl to shoot again now that she’s higher off the ground. This time the ball falls magnificently through the hoop and the child whoops. 
“OH MY GOD COACH P I DID IT,” she squeals, hiding her face in Paige’s neck and while Azzi finds the whole thing quite adorable, when she looks over, she realizes that clearly Stephie is not nearly amused as she watches her daughter’s face transform into a scowl. 
“Riley and Ryan used to make the same face any time I gave another little girl too much of my time,” Azzi grins as Steph appears by her side, the former Warriors guard bumping her shoulder as a sign of greeting, “I split the kids into groups, half with Paige and half with me. Kept Stephie with me cause you know I thought I was her favorite but she’s been glaring at all the kids with Paige this whole time.”
“She’s uh- she’s a little possessive,” Azzi chuckles, eyes still on her daughter who finally looks away from Paige, before angrily shooting the ball at the lowered basket in front of her. 
“NICE SHOT TWIN NIECE,” Steph cheers as Stephie makes the shot, the little girl’s face unmoving as she gathers the ball back and gets ready to shoot again. Sometimes Azzi thinks, as she claps with pride, her daughter’s laser-focus attitude might rival her own. Maybe it’s a mother’s bias -she’d call it intuition- but she’s certain Stephie’s going to be a basketball phenomenon one day. 
“That was so pretty Stephie-bean,” Paige is beaming as she approaches Stephie, the little girl from before holding her hand, “you think you can show Claudia here how you get that arc on it?”
“No thank you Coach Bueckers,” Stephie’s voice is perfectly polite as she makes a point to not look at the two people who’ve just entered her space, but Azzi catches the split second when her gaze shifts irritatedly to the way Claudia’s hanging off of Paige, “I’m a little busy right now. Maybe another time.”
“Oh she’s good,” Steph whistles lowly as Paige’s mouth falls open at not being referred to as Miss Buecks, “she’s gonna have Paige groveling after camp I bet. She’s gonna get whatever treat she wants.” 
Azzi groans, “that is not a good thing. Do you know how much junk food she manipulates Paige into getting her?”
Steph laughs, “she spoils her huh?”
“You don’t know the half of it,” Azzi mutters but there’s a wistful grin on her face, “It’s part of why Stephie adores her so much cause she knows Paige would give her the world if she could.”
“I don’t think it’s just Stephie who adores her,” Steph bumps his shoulder against her and Azzi blanches at the knowing tone in his voice. 
“That’s not- I mean- I don’t- I don’t know what you mean,” she stutters out. 
Steph rolls his eyes goodnaturedly, “oh come off it Az. It was obvious when y’all were kids and it’s still obvious now.”
“When we were- you knew?” 
“Of course I knew,” Steph scoffs, “I’ve been married for more than 20 years to the same girl I fell in love with at 15 years old Az, I know a thing or two about what love looks like. Of course I knew.”
“I’m just getting clocked left right and center today what the hell,” she grumbles but there’s a part of her that’s slightly relieved about the people around them slowly figuring it out. She thinks she should maybe be a little more embarrassed about how obvious they apparently are -have supposedly always been- but honestly she kind of loves that their love is so bright, that it’s impossible to not see it. 
Love. The word sends a shiver through Azzi. It’s not a foreign feeling to her at all, especially not when it comes to Paige. If she’s honest with herself, it’s a feeling that has never left. She’d tried as hard as she could; shoving it underneath a rock of you’re not allowed to feel this way that weighed heavily against her chest. But it had always been there and as soon as Paige had waltzed her way back into Azzi’s life, the blonde seemed to have found a way to shovel it right back out. And that four-letter-word isn’t buried anymore; it’s right there on the tip of her tongue and every time Paige smiles at her -eyes crinkling with only for you-, Azzi’s this close to let it slip through her lips. She’s just waiting for the right time.
“Hey Stephie-bean can I fix your form a little bit,” her attention is drawn back to her surroundings as she watches Paige try to get Stephie to look at her again but her daughter is nothing if not stubborn. 
“That’s okay. It’s almost time to go home and I’m sure Uncle Twin can help me with my form Coach Bueckers,” the little girl says contemptuously to a gobsmacked Paige before gesturing at Claudia, “how about you just keep helping her instead.”
“Sheesh that’s one petty kid you’ve got there Fudd,” Steph remarks before stepping to the front of the court and blowing his whistle, “alright y’all it’s 5 o’clock. Great job today! I hope you guys had a lot of fun and learned some good stuff and I’ll see y’all back here tomorrow!”
The former player diligently high-fives all the kids before they disperse towards their awaiting parents. Azzi can tell Stephie’s still irritated when the little girl barely hugs Steph, shaking herself out of her Uncle’s arms much quicker than she normally would as she all but stomps her way to her mother. 
“Woah there Stephie-bean,” Azzi says gently, falling to her knees in front of her daughter, “what’s wrong?”
Stephie pouts miserably, “I’m mad at Miss Buecks. She’s been helping other kids this whole time.”
Azzi has to bite her lip to keep herself from smiling, amused by the child’s dramatics, “baby you know that’s Miss Buecks’s job right? She’s here to coach all the kids.”
If possible, Stephie’s frown deepens as she kicks her feet stubbornly, “she can coach them,” she says matter-of-factly, “but why does she have to carry them and give them hugs. She should only do that with me.”
“And camp is over now and she’s still with stupid Claudia,” Stephie whines as she uses her hand to turn Azzi’s face towards Paige, “see?”
The we don’t call people stupid lesson that she was just about to give her daughter dies on Azzi’s lips as her eyes fixate on where a stupid pretty young woman who she knows to be Claudia’s mother is staring up at Paige with a stupid flirty smile. Azzi has no idea what the blonde is saying, but she’s sure it can’t be that funny to make the woman tilt her head back in laughter, left hand reaching out to flick Paige’s bicep and lingering far longer than necessary. 
“You know what Stephie-bean I think it’s time to home,” and really she feels just a little guilty with how she’s about to use her clearly upset daughter, “how about you go call Miss Buecks over.”
That’s all it takes to get Stephie running towards her and Azzi follows cautiously behind, only getting further irritated at how Claudia’s mother seems determined to step closer and closer to Paige and the clueless blonde does absolutely nothing to stop it, continuing to smile politely at the other woman. 
“Miss Buecks,” Stephie comes to a halt in front of Paige, interrupting whatever conversation was going on as she practically forces herself in between the two women, “Mama says it’s time to go home.”
Despite the jealousy simmering her heart, Azzi can’t help that her heart skips a beat at the way Paige’s whole face brightens up at seeing Stephie; clearly relieved at the little girl using her nickname again. 
“Give me one second sweetheart. I’m just a little busy talking to Claudia and her mother-”
“Mama,” Stephie says loudly, cutting Paige off as she turns to Azzi, “do you know if Aunty Chérie is in town?”
“Um- I- uh-” the brunette stutters, not having expected her little girl to bring that up as her gaze flickers towards a frozen Paige whose smile is completely gone, her body going rigid at the mention of Clémence.
“I was just thinking,” Stephie barrels on casually, “maybe we could go see her and she could give me cuddles and kisses since app-ently Miss Buecks is too busy to give them to me-”
The little girl cuts herself off with a squeal as she’s suddenly lifted off the ground and into Paige’s arms; the blonde peppering her lips against every inch of Stephie’s face. 
“Never ever too busy for you and I’m especially never too busy to give you kisses Stephie-bean.”
“Promise,” Stephie holds out her pinky finger and Paige diligently intertwines her own through it, pressing a kiss to their now interlocked pinkies. 
Shaking her head fondly at her menace daughter’s antiques, Azzi fixes Claudia’s mother with a sweetly saccharine smile as she wraps a possessive hand around Paige’s bicep. She can feel the blonde’s eyes immediately drift towards her, clearly a little thrown off by her forwardness. It had been Azzi’s go-to-move in college whenever Paige’s fanclub would get a little too handsy. She’d sidle up into her girlfriend’s space, marking her territory as subtly as possible. Azzi knows this is a little different. It had been easier back then to play the action off as a protective best friend  warding off boundary-less fans; really it was uncanny the things two girls could get away with under the guise of friendship. But it’s different now that they’re actual adults and she can see the clogs running Claudia’s mother’s head as she starts to piece everything together. 
“Hi I don’t think we’ve properly met. I’m Stephie’s mom, Azzi, nice to meet you,” Azzi says finally, holding out her hand that isn’t still clasped firmly around Paige’s bicep, “I think it’s usually your husband who picks Claudia up from camp right?”
“I’m Stacie,” the woman says, primly returning the handshake, “yeah my husband’s usually the one who picks her up but I had a little time today-”
“Don’t lie Mommy. I heard you on the phone saying you wanted to come pick me up so you could meet Coach Bueckers-”
“Claudia,” Stacie hisses as Azzi narrows her eyes at the woman. 
“You said it’s cause you think she’s really hot-” Claudia manages to get out before her mother furiously clamps her hand over her mouth. 
“Azzi,” Paige whispers under her breath, wincing slightly as the shooting guard unconsciously tightens her grip, unable to keep the irritation of her face as she all but glares at Claudia’s mother. 
“You know kids, they say anything,” Stacie tries to justify, cowering under the sintering heat of Azzi’s stare. 
“Right,” the brunette nods with faux understanding, “well if you’ll excuse us, I think it’s time for us to go unless-” she turns her gaze onto Paige who looks innocently back at her as she hides a smile against Stephie’s stomach, “unless you’re still busy that is?”
Paige shakes her head affectionately as she tugs her arm out of Azzi’s grip, only so she can lock their pinkies together, the angle of it just out of Stephie’s line of sight, “never too busy for you,” she repeats, “let’s go.”
“Mama, will you tell Miss Buecks that I’m not speaking to her,” Stephie says as soon as the three of them get settled into the car. 
“What,” Paige shrieks, twisting her head around to look at the little girl who decisively looks away, her tiny hands crossed over her chest. 
“Stephie,” Azzi sighs exasperatedly, stretching her legs out in the passenger seat; Paige had insisted on driving this time and she hadn’t bothered fighting against it, “babes I thought you’d gotten over it? You were literally just talking to her.”
“That’s cause I forgot I was mad when Miss Buecks gave me my kisses but I rem-ber now,” Stephie explains. 
“Remember what?” Paige asks frantically, “Stephie-bean what did I do?”
The little girl in question makes it a point to turn her nose up and look directly at Azzi as she answers, “Mama will you tell Miss Buecks that she knows what she did.”
“I really, really don’t. Stephie sweetheart please tell me so I can fix it,” Paige tries again, and Azzi lets herself marvel at how the normally jittery-woman seems to have endless patience for her little girl. 
“YOU GAVE THE OTHER KIDS HIGH FIVES AND CUDDLES AND HUGS AND YOU EVEN LET CLAUDIA ONTO YOUR LAP,” Stephie bursts out emphatically, “you’re not supposed to do that with anyone but ME.”
“I-” Paige looks over helplessly at Azzi who holds her hands up in surrender, determined not to get in between the two of them and their dramatics. 
“You didn’t even ask Uncle Twin to let me be on your team,” Stephie accuses and then like she’s suddenly remembered that she’d made a bold assertion a couple of minutes ago, “Mama could you please tell Miss Buecks that I said all of that.”
Azzi rolls her eyes, “I have a feeling she might have heard you.”
“Did you like the other kid’s hugs more than you like mine?” the little girl prods, her eyes suddenly glimmering with tears. 
“Oh sweetheart of course not,” Paige consoles immediately, “I could never like anyone’s hugs more than yours, you know that. Your hugs are the best things in the whole wide world. And Stephie-bean, I thought you wanted to be with Uncle Twin, you said you missed him.”
“Wanted to be with you more,” Stephie pouts stubbornly, “I don’t wanna share my Miss Buecks with the other kids. I don’t want you to hug them or carry them and you definitely can’t give them kisses.”
“I didn’t even give any of them kisses,” Paige protests. 
“Stephie, Miss Buecks is a person, not an object. She’s allowed to hug or carry or kiss-” Azzi tries to explain but is almost immediately interrupted by Stephie who gives her an unamused look. 
“Well is she allowed to hug and carry and kiss Claudia’s Mama then?”
Azzi’s mouth falls open as Paige barely holds in her chuckle at the little girl’s cheeky question, “she absolutely is not allowed to do that.”
“Exactly,” there’s a satisfied grin on Stephie's face as she takes in the still dumbfounded expression on her mother’s face. 
“I just- I meant the kids. She’s allowed to hug or carry or kiss the kids-”
“Okay, okay, okay,” Paige moves her hands up and down in a calming gesture before she reaches for Stephie hands, “how about this? From now on, I won’t carry any of the other kids and I definitely won’t give them any kisses. But can I at least give them one hug? Just one tiny little hug?”
Stephie ponders over the request for a second, “okay,” she agrees finally, “but only one hug and it can’t be longer than three seconds okay? And then you come and give me three of them right after?”
“Done. I’ll come give you five hugs right after,” Paige grins happily as the two of them shake on it before she turns back around to start driving them towards her house.  
“Mama you can tell Miss Buecks that I’m speaking to her again,” Stephie smiles toothily at Azzi through the rearview mirror. 
“Really?” Azzi responds sarcastically, “I couldn't have guessed.”
“You know,” Paige drops her voice so Stephie can’t hear them, “you’re being pretty sassy for someone who was just as irrationally jealous as a five year old a couple of minutes ago.”
“I was not jealous,” Azzi says indignantly, repeating herself when Paige’s smirk deepens, “I have no idea what you’re talking about Paige, I was absolutely not jealous.”
“Whatever you say baby,” Paige hums quietly as she turns the music up in the car, grinning at Stephie through the mirror when one of their new favorites comes on. 
Azzi preemptively covers her ears as her soft “oh please don’t start singing-” is immediately drowned out by the two other people in the car beginning to sing at the top of their voices. They barely know the lyrics and they’re definitely not on key and really Azzi’s poor ears are bleeding, but as she’s coerced into reluctantly joining in, she thinks this could still be her favorite sound in the whole wide world. 
They’re so enthralled in their cacophony -in each other- as they pull up to Paige’s house, that it takes them a far longer than it should to notice the figure on her porch. It isn’t until they’ve parked in the driveway, and Azzi’s gone around to grab her and Stephie’s overnight bag from the back while Paige lifts Stephie onto her shoulders, and they’re finally making their way up the three steps that lead to the deck, that they finally do. 
All chatter comes to a halt as the boy -well that’s not quite right; not when he towers over Paige and Azzi as he stands up from where he’d been sitting on the lawn chair. It’s been almost four years since she’d last seen him in person and even then he’d been a fleeting face in the crowd. She’s seen plenty of his clips from the rookie year he’d just finished in the NBA but it isn’t the same as seeing him in the flesh now. So much has changed; the baby fat is gone from his face, he’s lankier and longer and there’s a discernible aura of confidence around him; as is expected from a 20 year old man. Yet, as Azzi lets her gaze wander over him, she sees what she’s always seen. She sees that same innocence, that same kindness, that same drive in his eyes that she’d always found reflected in his sister’s eyes too. She looks at him and she still sees a mini version of her Paige. 
October 2022 
“AZZI,” Drew screams as he runs across the arrival gate, his carry-on suitcase practically abandoned for the flight attendant with him to begrudgingly pick up. 
“DREW,” Azzi’s smile widens as the little boy comes to a halt in front of her, his arms immediately wrapping around her waist, “oh my god you’ve gotten so much bigger little dude.”
Drew scrunches his nose up at her, “you literally saw me like a month ago.”
“And I think you might have doubled in size since,” she ruffles his hair before turning to the flight attendant who’s not so subtly checking her out, “thank you so much for getting him here safely.”
“Oh just doing my duty m’am, especially for a pretty lady like you,” the man says and Azzi winces at his dated flirting technique. 
“This is Azzi,” Drew introduces, irritation seeping into his voice as he tightens his grip on Azzi’s waist, “you know how I told you I’m flying out for my sister’s birthday, this is my sister’s girlfriend and it was her idea to fly me out to surprise my sister. Because you know she’s her girlfriend.”
“Right,” the man grimaces and Azzi has to bite back the laugh threatening to escape as he hastily hands Drew’s suitcase over before barely managing a half-hearted grin, “I um- uh- well I should get back to the uh- plane or something. Tell your- tell your sister happy birthday.”
“Thanks again,” Azzi calls after the man as he all but runs away from them, shaking her head fondly down at Drew who’s giggling into her side. 
“You think if I tell Paige he flirted with you, she’d get him fired?” he asks cheekily. 
“There’s a nonzero chance that she’d at least try,” Azzi agrees as the two of them start making their way out of the airport and towards her car. 
It’s a chilly fall morning and the sun has barely risen in the sky but Drew seems more awake than ever as he practically bounces into the passenger seat, clearly excited to see his sister who has no inkling that he’s coming. The idea had come to Azzi a week or so ago as she’d racked her head for ideas of what to do for Paige for her birthday. She’d done a good job putting up a front for the rest of their team -avidly cheering for them from the sidelines during practice- but Paige had been struggling these last couple of weeks. Azzi knows firsthand what it’s like to watch everyone else play the sport she loves while nursing her own injury and no matter how many i’m fine don’t worry about me spiels she got from her girlfriend, Azzi knew it was killing the point guard to not be out there with their team. 
If she could, Azzi would have liked to have miraculously fixed Paige’s torn ACL as her birthday gift but that was wishful thinking. So instead she’d decided on cheering Paige up with the other thing she loved more than playing basketball: spending time with her baby brother. It didn't take that much convincing to get Bob Bueckers -who’d seen just how despondent his daughter had been those first couple of weeks in that gloomy hotel- to allow Drew to take the first half of this week off of school. From then on, the main difficulty had been keeping it a secret from Paige who seemed to have sixth sense for when something was going on behind her back. It didn’t help that Drew had come close to spilling the beans more than a handful of times. But they’d somehow managed it and this morning, Azzi had rolled out of her girlfriend’s arms much earlier than she would have liked to, ready to give Paige the day she deserved. 
She glances at the clock. It’s almost 8 and Azzi knows that Paige is probably beginning to stir awake. She can almost picture the likely confusion on her girlfriend’s as she’d reach out for Azzi, only to find the spot next to her empty. As if on cue, the sound of a phone ringing vibrates around the car and Drew’s eyes light up at Paige’s name flashing on the media-board. 
“Don’t say a word,” Azzi warns him as she picks up the call. 
Despite Azzi’s warning, Drew snickers loud enough for the speakers to pick it up  and the brunette fights the urge to hit her head against the steering wheel when Paige lets out a dramatic gasp. 
“No Paige I am not with another girl-”
“Well it sounds like there’s a girl with you.”
Drew opens his mouth to protest, clearly agitated with his voice potentially being mistaken for a girl’s but Azzi’s quicker, immediately clamping a hand over his mouth. 
“I am not with-”
“Wait. Why did that voice sound so familiar?” Paige asks and Azzi can picture her scrunching her nose through the phone, “it can’t be any of the girls. I think I saw all of them in their apartments while I was looking for you but it sounds so-”
“It’s no one,” Azzi says hurriedly, “I’m just picking up something for your birthday.”
“I don’t want anything for my birthday,” Paige grumbles, “just wanted to wake up to my beautiful gorgeous girlfriend but no, you couldn’t just let me have that.”
A soft blush, tinted with hues of you make my imperfection feel perfect, creeps up Azzi’s cheeks as Drew teasingly waggles his eyebrows at her, “I promise I have something even better for you.”
“What could possibly be better than morning se-”
“Celebratory cuddles. Right yes what could be better than morning celebratory cuddles,” Azzi babbles, ignoring the weird look Drew gives her as she tries to prevent them from falling in the ditch her girlfriend is unknowingly about throw them into, “oh my won’t you look at that, that sign has all the reasons I shouldn’t try to talk and drive.”
“Baby what? Are you having a stroke. That’s not a thing-
“Oh it totally is and I really have to hang up. Love you baby, see you soon!’
“Azzi-” a loud beep rings through Paige’s protests as Azzi rushes to cut the call, slumping back in her seat with a sigh. 
“Morning celebratory cuddles?” if she wasn’t so embarrassed she would laugh at the side-eye Drew shoots her, “y’all are so weird.”
“Watch it. I will send you back to Minnesota.”
“No you won't,” it’s uncanny how Drew has Paige’s exact smile as he goofily grins at her, “you love Paigey way too much to do that to me.”
Azzi rolls her eyes fondly, “yeah maybe just a little bit.” 
There’s peaceful silence in the car for a while as Drew leans back in his seat, looking thoughtfully out the window. Azzi feels excitement bubble in her stomach in anticipation for Paige’s reaction to seeing her little brother. For as long as she’s known her girlfriend, she’s always known just how special Drew is to her; he’d been more a child to her than a brother and although it hasn’t been that long since Paige has seen him, Azzi could still hear the wistfulness in her voice every night she’d said good-bye to him on the phone. She feels giddy just knowing that seeing Drew again will put that earnest, loving smile she loves so much on Paige’s face. That smile, Azzi thinks, might just be the reason her world keeps turning. 
“Hey Azzi?” Drew says slowly, “can I ask you something?”
“Course you can kid. You can ask me whatever you want,” Azzi reaches out to squeeze the little boy’s hand as he fidgets in his seat. 
“Do you-” he hesitates, sucking in a deep breath, “do you think two people can stay together forever?”
Azzi’s taken aback by the gravity of the question, not having expected to deal with heavy-hitting ones like this so early in the morning. And really the truth is Azzi doesn’t know how to answer this question. It’s the kind of question her own brain conjures up sometimes and she has to distract herself from the way it makes her heart constrict because what if two people can’t stay together forever?
“That’s a heavy question,” she says finally, “where’s this coming from?”
Drew shrugs and his tone teeters on the edge of defensiveness when he answers, “just some things I think about sometimes.”
“I don’t know,” she says carefully, “I’d like to think some people can. I mean my parents have been together for a really long time and I’d like to think they’ll stay together forever.”
“How about you and Paigey?” Drew prods. 
There’s an answer of yes that tastes like asphalt on the top of Azzi’s tongue and so much of her wants to spit it out and have that be the answer she gives Drew. But there are these uneasy shackles of uncertainty, of what if’s, of who knows what the future could do to us, that stops her. And she doesn’t know why she’s so scared of saying yes. Because if she’s honest with herself Azzi can’t really fathom a forever without her girlfriend; not when sometimes it feels like instead of a heart, it’s Paige that beats rhythmically against her ribcage. 
“I really, really hope so,” she whispers. 
“Azzi,” Drew’s voice is coated in sincerity and the brunette hums in response, “you won’t ever hurt my Paigey will you?”
And there it is again, the unpredictability of what could happen next that’s beginning to feel a little suffocating. She wants to give Drew a resounding no because Azzi would rather drive a dagger through her skin before letting Paige get so much as a paper cut but life is so fickle and she’s scared of making a promise she can’t keep. So she makes one that she swears she can. 
“I promise that I will try my absolute best not to hurt your Paigey.”
May 2033 
“Well,” Drew Bueckers sneers, his tone filled with contempt as he takes in the way Paige, Azzi and Stephie are practically wrapped into each other, don’t you guys just look so fucking cozy.”
There’s a sinister tension-filled quiet as the three adults -god it’s weird to include Drew as an adult but Azzi supposes that that’s what he is now- look between each other. 
“Umm you owe me a kiss,” Stephie cuts into the silence.
“What?” Drew scrunches his face at the little girl. 
“You said a bad word,” Stephie says matter-of-factly, “and Mama says whenever someone says a bad word around me, they have to give me a kiss. So Miss Buecks,” Drew's eyes narrow at the nickname as the little girl lightly taps Paige’s shoulder, “can you turn around and move closer so he can give me a kiss?”
“You don’t, you don’t have to do that-” Azzi tries to intervene. 
“Yes he does Mama,” Stephie interupts her indignantly, “rules are rules right?’
“Rules are rules,” it’s Drew who cuts Azzi off this time, his previously stoic face morphing into something warmer as he takes a step closer to her daughter and presses his lips against her turned cheek, “there you go. Am I forgiven for saying a bad word now?”
Stephie grins up at him and Azzi feels a wave of this is how it always should have been pinching at her heart she watches the two of them. 
“You’re forgiven but you have to promise not to do it again.”
“I don’t make promises like that kid,” there’s an unspoken accusation as Drew keeps up a smile towards Stephie but his eyes dart for the briefest second towards the two women around him, “but I promise I’ll try.”
“Okay,” Stephie accepts happily as she reaches over Paige’s shoulder to press her own lips against Drew’s cheek. 
“What was that for?’ he asks a little dazedly. 
Stephie shrugs, “because I think I’m gonna like you.”
“Drew,” Paige whispers finally, gently letting the little girl off of her shoulders, “what are you- what are you doing here?”
“What? A guy can’t just come visit his sister anymore?” there’s an unfamiliar hard edge to Drew’s voice -a stark contrast from how he’d been with Stephie- that makes Azzi flinch. 
“Of course he can but I just- you didn’t- you didn’t tell me you were coming,” Paige presses. 
“Well we've been talking about me coming down for a while but it just hasn’t happened and so I thought- I thought why not just come surprise you but-” Drew purses his lips as he gestures to the trio in front of him, “I think I might be the one who’s surprised.”
“Actually you know what no,” he clenches his jaw, voice dripping with barely controlled anger, “I’m actually not surprised. Not surprised at all. Because really this- this is exactly what I should have expected from the two of you.”
“Maybe,” Azzi nibbles at her bottom, “maybe we should go-’
“NO,” both Stephie and Paige yell out in tandem as the little girl immediately clutches onto the blonde’s thighs. 
“I don’t wanna go. Miss Buecks tell Mama I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’re staying right here with me,” Paige reassures the little girl as she turns her gaze back to Azzi, “you’re not going anywhere okay?”
“I asked you to stay tonight and you’re going to stay. End of discussion,” Paige says firmly and Azzi lets out a reluctant sight. 
“You asked her to stay? As in stay the night? Oh my god,” Drew scoffs maliciously. 
“Drew,” there’s a warning tone in Paige’s voice as she deattaches herself from Stephie, keeping her voice low, “not right now okay?”
Her brother rolls his eyes, grunting out a “whatever,” but listening to his older sister like he always had and suddenly Azzi feels nostalgic for the little boy she had once known. 
“You’re so tall,” she blurts out, grimacing slightly when he turns to her with a frown. 
“Excuse me?”
“I mean I knew that. I’ve seen some of your highlights and I knew I mean- I knew you were taller and that you’ve gotten bigger and that you’d look stronger and all of that but I just-” Azzi gulps between her babbling, “you just- you look different Drew.”
There’s a shine of warmth in Drew’s gaze for a second but it flickers away faster than it had appeared and his eyes are cold with flecks of betrayal as he looks at Azzi, “that’s what happens as people get older isn’t it? I wouldn’t look so different to you if you’d been around to see me grow up.”
There’s venom laced in every word and Paige immediately opens her mouth to argue with him, but Azzi wraps a hand around her wrist to stop her. Because even if the words seep into her skin and infect it with bruises of guilt and regret, Azzi thinks she probably deserves them. She’d been in Drew’s world for so long and then one day, she just hadn’t been. She thinks he probably could have spewed something even more poisonous and she just might have deserved that too. 
“Are you sleeping over too, Uncle Drew?” Stephie asks softly, unaffected by the tenseness of the adults around her. 
“Uncle Drew?” Drew asks slowly. 
Stephie nods with a grin, “Miss Buecks called you Drew and that’s when I figured it out. Mama and Miss Buecks have told me stories about you and there’s some pictures of you from when you were littler at Nana and Pop's house,” she rambles and Drew’s eyes soften at the idea of Stephie knowing of his existence, “ and just in case you don’t know who I am even though you should,” she gives him a pointed look as if everyone should know who the little girl is, “I’m Stephie. And you’re my Miss Buecks’s brother so that means you’re my Uncle Drew.”
“Right that um-” Drew clears his throats, “that makes sense Stephie.”
“So Uncle Drew, are you sleeping over too?”
“Yeah, yeah I guess I am.”
“YAY!” Stephie squeals as she laces her fingers through Drew and begins to pull him towards the front door, “so Uncle Drew what’s your favorite pizza topping?”
Something wonderful flutters in Azzi’s chest as she watches the two of them interact -it’s a little bit like seeing the past and present harmonically blend into one- but despite that, despite the reassurance that Paige squeezes against her hand, there’s an uneasiness lingering in the back of her mind. That wretched but familiar fear of the future weaves itself through her heart. Between the frostiness from Drew and whatever secret Paige is keeping from her, Azzi can’t help but wonder if these last couple of weeks had simply been a mirage. She can’t help but wonder if this bubble of happiness that they’ve built is about to be burst by a needle of circumstance again. 
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lee-laurent · 15 hours
My Biggest Hater - Jamie Drysdale
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Summary: Jamie meets his biggest hater
content: fluff, angst, disapproving parents, kissing, mentions of sex, innuendos, mentions of break ups, engagements
wc: 9.6k
notes: enjoy!! i have serious writer's block atm, so this is the best i've got
Georgina Elwood was so in love with Jamie Drysdale that it hurt. The moment she set eyes on him through the glass of a Flyers game, she was hooked. And it was clear to anyone looking at that them that he felt exactly the same way.
But that wasn't how Georgina had ever planned her life going. She wasn't supposed to fall for an athlete, a hockey player. Her parents would never approve of that. Sports were seen as entertainment in her family and a rare entertainment at that. Sports weren't a serious career, a stable career. Yet, one night at the Well Fargos Centre changed everything for her.
Georgina hadn't even planned to go to the game. It had been her best friend Olivia's idea, a spontaneous decision after a long week of studying for upcoming finals at UPenn. Olivia had convinced her with a mischevious grin and two tickets at the glass (Olivia had her parents' credit card).
"Come on, Georgie. Just one night of fun. You need a break from all the pressure. No one has to know," Olivia teased, slipping her arm through Georgie's as they walked toward the arena. The lights of Philadelphia flickered above them, the cool autumn air picking up leaves and spinning them all around. Georgie rolled her eyes, but secretly agreed with her best friend. Her parents would be horrified to know she was spending the evening watching a sport instead of spending it inside studying more than necessary.
She expected nothing more than a forgettable night--maybe a few laughs, some shit food, and minor ear damage. But as soon as they took their seats, Georgie's eyes were drawn to the player sporting 'Drysdale 9' on the back of his jersey.
She didn't really care about his name, just how skilled he was when it came to skating. He held her attention in a way she hadn't expected anyone at the game to. Every time the puck came near their seats, she found herself leaning forward to follow his every move.
"He's cute, huh?" Olivia nudged her, catching onto her staring.
"What? No," Georgie blushed, pretending to focus on the game. But she wasn't really watching the game. She was watching him. It was just him, gliding along the ice like it's what he was made to do.
And then, near the end of the second period, something unexpected happened. Jamie was checking the bench when, by pure chance, his eyes swept over the crowd behind it and landed directly on Georgina. It was just a brief moment, but their eyes locked.
Her breath caught in her throat.
He smiled. Not a flashy, "I'm-a-professional-athlete" kind of smile, but something subtle, almost shy, as if he was surprised that she had been looking at him.
"Georgie, he's totally looking at you!" Olivia squealed beside her, shaking her shoulders. Georgie tried to play it off, but the blush creeping up her face gave her away.
It felt ridiculous, but locking eyes with him felt right. Like they say in every romance novel ever--sparks.
It was after the game that things really changed. She was sitting in a bar with Olivia, sipping whatever fruity cocktail her friend had ordered for the two of them. Olivia was chattering excitedly about the game, not noticing how zoned-out Georgina was. She couldn't shake the image of Jamie's face when their eyes met.
"You're still thinking about him, aren't you?" Olivia teased.
"It's not like that."
"Uh-huh. Whatever you say. But I saw that look. He was totally into you. I bet you could've got his number if he wasn't like... on the ice."
"I doubt he even remembers I exist. Besides, I'm not going to throw myself at some guy just because he smiled at me during a game."
"Whatever. Let me tell you about that cute guy from calc..."
The night wore on, and Georgie found herself listening to best friend yap and yap about the frat boy in their calc course. That was until Olivia nearly spilled her drink in excitement, pointing towards the door.
"Georgie! Look! Fucking look!" she hissed, grabbing her arm.
Jamie had just walked in, still wearing his post-game jacket and laughing with a couple of his teammates. He looked even better without the glass between them--tall, with tousled hair and freckles.
"We have to talk to him. Come on!"
"Olivia, no!" The last thing she wanted was to embarass herself in front of the guy she'd been caught staring at. "I am not doing this."
"You don't have to. I'll do it. Just act cool."
Before Georgina could protest, Olivia was already standing, waving Jamie and his teammates over with confidence. Jamie's eyes found hers again, a glimmer of recognition lighting up his face. He nudged his friend and in a few large strides they were standing next to the two girls.
"Hey," Jamie greeted. "You were at the game, right?"
"Yep! My best friend couldn't stop watching you," Olivia teased, shooting a look at Georgie. "She's a huge friend now, right, Georgie?"
She cleared her throat, forcing a smile. "It was... a good game."
"Glad you enjoyed it. Do you, uh, do you come to a lot of games?" Jamie asked, leaning in.
"This was actually my first one," she admitted. "I, um, I'm not super into sports."
"Really?" Jamie seemed genuinely surprised. "And yet you somehow ended up right at the glass?"
"That's all Olivia. She dragged me here tonight."
"Well, I'm glad she did," his voice made her stomach fill with butterflies. Before she could respond, he offered to buy her a drink. She agreed and every time she looked up that night, Jamie's eyes were already on her.
Georgie awoke to the feeling of Jamie pressing kisses to her collar bone and neck. She sleepily reached up, blindly running a hand through his hair.
"Mmm, good morning."
"Morning, Gee," Jamie's voice was low and gravelly with sleep as he nestled closer, his arm draping over her waist. "How'd you sleep?"
"Better now," she whispered, tilting her head to give him more space to press kisses.
Moments like that, waking up beside him, felt like they were living in their own little world. A world where her parents' opinions didn't matter, where their judgement couldn't reach her. But deep down she knew she couldn't hide Jamie forever.
"You look like you're in deep thought," his lips brushing against her ear, his hand tracing patterns on her hip. He could read her like a book.
"Just thinking."
She hestitated. She hadn't told him yet about her plan to bring him to her parents' summer house. She wasn't even sure if it was the right move. Her parents had never met anyone she'd dated, and she had no idea how they'd react to Jamie. But she hated keeping their love a secret.
"Thinking about my parents."
Jamie's hand stopped it's slow carress. He knew how complicated things were when it came to her family. She had shared bit and pieces of growing up in Greenwich--how she went to boarding school, how her brother was a glorified frat boy, how her parents had unrealistic expectations for her entire life.
"You're still worried about them?"
"It's just... they're not like you. They won't understand us, not the way we do. And I'm not sure how to explain that to them without it turning into a disaster."
Jamie's jaw ticked. He had a vague understanding of her parents judginess, hence why he had yet to meet them in the 7 months that they'd been together. But he also didn't want the love of his life ripped from his arms because he wasn't what her father had pictured for his little princess.
"I love you Georgie," he leaned in to capture her lips in a loving kiss.
"I love you too, Jimmy," she mumbled against his mouth.
"Now, we've still got an hour until Cam comes home. So... are we taking advantage of this empty apartment or what?"
Georgie sat on the couch, nervously twirling a loose thread on the Flyers shirt she'd stolen from Jamie. Jamie was in the kitchen making her her daily coffee, his back to her, completely unaware of the conversation she was about to start.
She'd been thinking about it for weeks--how to bring it up, how to convince him it was the right time. But every scenario that played out in her head made her stomach twist uncomfortably.
"Hey, Jamie?"
"Yeah?" He turned, two mugs in his hands, walking over to sit with her.
"I was thinking... maybe it's time for you to meet my parents."
The words hung in the air between them. Jamie placed the two mugs down on the coffee table, his eyes darkening with uncertainty.
"Georgie, we've talked about this," he said slowly, sitting back against the couch. "You know how your parents feel about... athletes. Do you really think that's a good idea?"
"I know it's complicated, Jamie, but I don't want to keep hiding you from them. It's been seven months. They're going to find out eventually and it'll probably be worse if we wait too long."
"But why now? What's the rush? It's not like they're begging to meet me. Hell, they don't even know I exist."
"That's the point, Jamie! I don't want to keep you a secret! I love you, and I want them to see what I see."
He stood up abruptly. "And what if they don't, Georgina? What if they don't see it? Hmm? You've told me enough about them for me to know that they've made up their minds about who's 'worthy' of their daughter. I'm just a dumb hockey player to them. Nothing more."
"Don't say that," she pleaded, standing up and reaching out to him. "You're so much more than that to me. I'm not asking for their approval--I'm asking for a chance."
"A chance for what? To be judged by people who look down on me because I play a sport for a living? You know how that'll go. And I don't want to go through that."
Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, her voice breaking. Jamie never raised his voice at her like that. "Jamie, please. I can't keep living in two separate worlds like this. I love you, and I want them to know you. I'm trying to do the right thing."
He sighed, his frustration being replaced by exhaustion. "I get that you're trying, Georgie. But what happens when it goes to shit? What happens when they decide they don't approve? Are you ready for that? Because I'm not sure I am."
She had never considered the possibility of losing Jamie because her parents didn't approve.
"So, what are you saying?" she whispered.
"I'm saying that I don't want to be the reason your family turns against you. I can't watch that happen."
"So, what, you'd rather just keep things easy? Stay in our little bubble and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist?" Her voice rose, sharp with hurt... betrayal.
"That's not what I'm saying, Georgie, and you know it."
"Then what are you saying? Because right now, it sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to avoid them forever!"
"Maybe I am! Maybe I don't want to go somewhere where I know I'm not welcome. Did you ever think about that?"
The room went silent, then tension between them suffocating. Georgie felt her heart pounding in her chest, her head spinning. She turned away from him, running a hand through her hair. "I'm going home."
The clicked shut behind her, leaving Jamie standing in the living room. He sank into the couch, burying his face in his hands. He sat like that for a few minutes until his phone buzzed with a message from Cam.
Everything good? Heard some of it from my room. Wanna talk?
Not really. I don't know what to do, man. I think she's really pissed
Georgie stormed into her apartment, throwing her keys on the counter. She let out a long, frustrated groan, running her hands through her hair.
Olivia looked up from the couch, a pint of ice cream in her lap. "Uh-oh. What happened?"
"He's being fucking impossible, Liv!" She made her way to the kitchen, pulling a bottle of white wine from the fridge and pouring herself an above average sized glass.
"Impossible how?" Liv asked, shoving the spoon in her mouth.
"He doesn't want to meet my parents. Like, at all. He think they'll judge him--well, actually, he knows they will. But that's not the point!" she exclaimed, hoisting herself up to sit on the kitchen island. "I get it, okay? My parents are... difficult people. But I love him, I want them to see how much love I have for him."
"Mmhmm. So, he's refusing to go? Flat-out?"
"Yeah! And he's making it sound like some horrible fucking trap I'm setting him up for. I'm not asking him to marry me for fuck's sake. I just want them to meet him. It's been seven months!"
"Okay, okay, slow down, Georgie. Come sit over here."
Georgie placed her wine on the coffee table, sitting down on the couch with a huff. Olivia handed her the ice cream without a word, and Georgie accepted it, digging in angrily.
"I just don't understand him! He just assumes the worst is going to happen. He thinks they're gonna like pull me out of school so he'll never see me again. I mean, sure, they're judgey as hell, but who's to say they won't come around when they see how happy I am?"
"I mean, Georgina, your parents aren't exactly known for being the most... open-minded people. You've told me plently horror stories about your dad giving guys that were just your friends the third degree for way less than being a professional athlete."
"I know, I know. But I thought they'd see how happy I am with him and... am I being delusional?"
"Not like totally. But def a bit. You have to like see where Jamie's coming from. He's just trying to protect himself--and probably you--from a big mess. Maybe he's scared of putting you in a position where you have to choose."
"He actually said something like that. He doesn't want to be the reason my family turns against me. But that's not fair. He's not the problem. My parents are! I can't live like this though, Liv. Pretending they don't exist, or pretending the love of my life doesn't exist? It's exhausting."
Olivia nodded slowly, taking the spoon from Georgie's hand and grabbing herself a bite. "Okay, let's break this down. You're in love with him, right?"
Georgie shot her a look. "Obviously."
"And you want him to be a part of your life, like, all of it?"
"Then maybe, the like real issue is timing. Maybe Jamie needs more time to wrap his head around dealing with Joan and Michael. And maybe you need to figure out how to handle them, with or without his help. You guys need to be on the same page about what happens next, Gee."
Olivia always had a way of making things sound much more logical. "I just hate that I've made him feel like he isn't enough. I wasn't trying to, I guess it just came out wrong. He got so mad, Liv. Like more than he does on the ice. He even said he might be avoiding meeting them altogether."
"Yikes. Yeah, that's a tough one. But look, if you're both like serious about each other, you'll figure this out. Let him cool off and then talk about it again. And maybe give him some reassurance that whatever happens isn't a dealbreaker for you."
"You're right, Liv. God, you're like always right. I shouldn't have pusehd him. But like what if the longer I wait, the bigger the gap between him and my parents becomes?"
"You two are going to figure this out. Just give him some space. He'll def reach out when he's ready. That's how your Jimmy is, right?"
"I love you, Livvy."
"I love you more, Gee."
Olivia grabbed her bag from her bedroom, slipping her phone into the front pocket of her jeans. Georgie watched from the couch, still holding her now-empty wine glass.
"You're leaving?" Liv was never one to cut girl talk short, especially after a rant like that one.
Olivia grinned, throwing her bag over her shoulder. "I'm giving you and Jimmy some space. You guys need to talk without me lurking around like a psycho killer. Plus..." she wiggled her eyebrows. "Let's be honest, you probably need the apartment for some make-up sex."
"Hey, I'm just calling it like I see it. And you two fuck like rabbits. Have been since the first night you met."
Georgie blushed, covering her face with a throw pillow.
"But seriously, talk to him. I'm crashing at Claire's for the night, so you two better be cuddling when I return, got it?"
"Thanks, Livvy. Love you."
"Love you more!" she shouted over her shoulder as she left. "Good luck with Jimbo!"
The apartment fell silent and she sat there for a few minutes, her thumb hovering over Jamie's contact. But before she could click call, the door unlocked, and in walked Jamie. He looked so tired--his hair disheveled, his shoulders tense, but his eyes softened when he saw her on the couch.
"Spare key. Sorry for not knocking, wasn't sure you'd answer if I did," he admitted.
"I'm sorry, Gee. I shouldn't have raised my voice. I just--everything about this situation freaks me the fuck out. I didn't mean to hurt you or push you away."
She shook her head, walking over to him. "No, Jamie. I'm the one who should be sorry. I should never have pushed you like that. I was just too focused on my fear of losing you, and I wasn't thinking about how hard this must be for you. I know what my parents are like, and it's not fair for me to just expect you to be okay with all of it."
Jamie sighed, taking her hands in his. "I get why you want me to meet them, and I get that this is very important to you. But I wasn't ready... I wasn't sure if I could deal with whatever they throw at me. But now..." He paused. "I'm ready, Georgina. I want to do this. For you. Because I love you."
Georgie blinked, stunned. "You... you're ready?"
"Yeah, I thought about it a lot after you left. I don't want to keep pretending like your family doesn't exist. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, but we'll figure it out. Together."
"Oh my God, Jamie!" she squealed, throwing her arms around his neck. "I can't believe this! Are you serious? You're really ready?"
Jamie chuckled, hugging her tightly. "Yes, babe. I am."
She pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, her hands coming up to cup his face as she kissed him, pouring every ounce of her love into it. He kissed her back, his hands holding her waist like he never wanted to let go.
When they finally pulled away, Georgie rested her forehead against his, her voice soft. "Thank you. I love you so, so much, Jamie."
"I love you too, Georgie," he murmured, his lips brushing hers one last time before he smiled. "Now, how about we head to bed? We've got some cuddling to catch up on."
"You read my mind."
They walked into her bedroom, hand in hand. The weight of the argument had lifted, and for the first time in the last few hours, Georgie felt a strange sense of peace. She stripped down so she was just in Jamie's shirt, before nestling her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. They were going to face things. Together.
Georgie was once again staring at her phone, but this time it wasn't Jamie's contact she was staring at, it was her mom's. She had rehearsed the conversation, but somehow, none the options seemed right. With a deep breath, she clicked dial and held the phone to her ear.
"Georgina, darling! What a lovely surprise," her mother's shrill voice filled her ear.
"Hi, Mom." Georgie tried to keep her tone light, but her nervousness was already making her voice crack. "How are you and Daddy?"
"Oh, we're fine. Just finalizing some details for your father's work gala next month. You know how he gets about these events. What about you, dear? How's school? You must be knee-deep in preparations for next school year."
"Yeah, school's good," Georgie winced, realizing she was in fact stalling. "Actually, I'm calling because... well, I'm coming up to the summer house next weekend, and I'm bringing someone with me."
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line.
"Bringing someone?" Her mother's voice sharpened. "Who is this someone, Georgina? You've never mentioned anyone before."
"Yeah, well... I've been seeing someone for a while now. He's... my boyfriend."
Her mother laughed, "A boyfriend? Oh, my. And you're only just now telling us?"
Georgie bit her lip, regretting not easing her mother into the conversation. "Yeah, I know. I just... wanted to make sure things were serious before I introduced him to you and Daddy."
"That's exciting news! What's his name?"
"Jamie. His name's Jamie."
"Jamie...?" Her mother's voice trailed off, clearly waiting for more information.
"Jamie Drysdale," she replied, praying her mom wouldn't recognize the name immediately. She wouldn't. She didn't watch sports. But... what if she did?
"Hmm. Drysdale. That's not a last name I know. What does he do, dear? Is he a student as well?"
"He's not in school. He, uh, he works actually." She mentally kicked herself for how stupidly vague she sounded, but she wasn't about to drop the hockey bomb over the phone.
"Works? Doing what, exactly? Is he older? Surely you're not dating a... blue collar boy," she sounded disgusted at the idea.
"No, no. It's, uh, complicated. I'll explain everything when we're there. But he's great, Mom. Really. You and Daddy will love him." Georgie crossed her fingers, praying that she wasn't overselling it.
"Well, I hope so. I trust you've chosen wisely. Your father will be very interested to meet him."
"Yeah, I'm... sure he will."
"We're just surprised, Georgina. You've never kept secrets from us before. But if you're happy, then we're happy for you."
"Thanks, Mom. I really think you'll like him. I just wanted to give you a heads-up before we arrive. We'll take Jamie's car."
"Of course, dear. We'll be expecting you both. Saturday, yes?"
"Yes, Saturday."
"Well, I'll let your father know. He'll be very curious, I'm sure. You know how is about meeting everyone new. We're looking forward to it, Georgina. And this Jamie character--well, we'll just have to see, won't we?"
"Yeah, we'll see."
"Alright, darling. I must let you go, your father needs my help. Be sure to tell Jamie that we're looking forward to meeting him."
"I will. See you next weekend."
"Goodbye, dear. Love you."
"Love you too, Mom."
She hung up and let out a long breath. Well, that certainly went better than expected. But the real test would be the weekend--when her parents found out that their daughter's boyfriend was a professional hockey player.
Jamie could feel Georgie's eyes on him from the passenger seat. She seemed laser-focused on the side of his face, her mind spinning. He had one hand on the wheel, the other on her thigh. She finally took a deep breath and blinked.
"Okay. I guess we should talk about what to expect."
Jamie raised an eyebrow. "This is about your parents, huh?"
"Yeah... there are a few things you should know before we get there."
Jamie's hand squeezed her thigh, something he often did to reassure her. "Alright, hit me, baby. What am I walking into?"
"First of all, my dad's name is Michael. He's... intense. He's the CEO of an investment firm--Elwood Capital. Very old money, very... opinionated." She paused. "He values success, status, and manners. So, just like be polite, answer his questions, and don't take anything he says too personally."
"Got it. What about your mom?"
"My mom, Joan, is well... she's a classic socialite. She's all about image and reputation. She love's entertaining, so don't be surprised if she goes all out for our visit. She'll probably ask about your background, family, that kind of thing. She's not as harsh as my dad, but she definitely has 'old-fashioned' views."
"'Old-fashioned' as in..."
"As in they'll probably ask when we're getting married and having kids."
"Seriously?" Jamie blinked in surprise.
"Oh, yeah," Georgie rolled her eyes. "In their world, that's the next step after dating for seven months. They have no concept of 'taking things slow.' Just brace yourself."
"Alright. Noted. So... Michael and Joan. Old money. Probably want grandkids ASAP." He shot her a playful look. "Anything else?"
Georgie winced slightly, knowing the next part would be the hardest for Jamie. "Yeah... one more thing. My parents don't call me 'Georgie.' They think it's a boy's name. So when we're there, you'll need to call me Georgina. I know it's weird, but... it's like one of their 'rules.'"
"I can do that. Georgina it is."
"Thanks, babe," she murmured. "It's just... they have this whole thing about appearances. You'll notice they care a shit ton about manners and stuff. It's like super formal. I've spent my whole life playing the role, and I just--" She trailed off, blinking rapidly. "I don't want you to feel like you have to be someone you're not. But I also don't want to give them a reason to be... difficult. More difficult than usual."
"Hey, I get it. I'm not going to pretend this won't be awkward, but I'll handle it. I love you, and I want to be there for you, even if your parents ask me when we're having kids after dinner." He smirked, trying to lighten the mood in the car.
"You're like seriously amazing, you know that?"
"I try," he removed his hand from her thigh, lacing their fingers together.
After a moment of silence, Georgie spoke up again. "Oh, and my brother Brooks will be there too. He's... your typical frat boy."
"Frat boy?"
"Yeah. He's studying finance at Cornell, and he's... like a lot to handle. He's not as formal as my parents are, but he's always trying to prove something. I'm sure he'll grill you about your job or try to make a competition out of nothing."
"Sounds fun," Jamie said dryly.
"Just ignore him. He can be annoying, but he's harmless," she added with a sigh. "He might make a few snide comments, but you don't have to take him seriously. I definitely don't."
"Alright. So, to recap: I'm going to meet Michael the CEO, Joan the socialite, and Brooks the frat boy. I'm going to call you Georgina, use all my manners, and probably dodge some invasive questions about marriage and kids. How am I doing so far?"
"You're doing great. I just... I hope it goes okay. They don't know you're a hockey player yet. I figured we'd save that when we're actually there. One hurdle at a time, right?"
"Yeah... figured that'd come up eventually."
"We'll handle it together, okay? No matter what."
"Yep. Together," he raised their conjoined hands to his mouth and gave them a quick kiss.
Thet were feeling a bit more at ease, but the storm was waiting for them at the summer house.
The summer house was not what Jamie expected. When he thought of a 'summer house' he imagined a cabin or a cottage near the water. Instead he saw a mansion with a sprawling estate, perfectly manicured lawns and tall, pristine windows.
"Ready?" Jamie asked.
"As I'll ever be," she forced a smile. "Just remember... Georgina."
He grinned softly. "I got it. Georgina."
As they stepped out of the car, her parents were already waiting at the entrance, the imposing figure of her father standing next to her elegantly dressed mother. Brooks was lounging on a lawn chair on the porch, sipping what was definitely a whisky on the rocks, his signature smirk already plastered on his face.
"Georgina!" Her mother screeched, arms outstretched in gretting. "It's been too long, darling." She pulled Georgie into a very quick hug before shifting her attention to Jamie. "And this must be Jamie."
Jamie smiled, extending his hand. "Yes, ma'am. It's great to meet you Mrs. Elwood."
"Please, call me Joan," her mother replied smoothly, though the way she was looking at him was nothing short of calculating.
Her father stepped up next, his handshake firm, bodering on intense. "Michael Elwood. Welcome to our home, Jamie." His eyes lingered a little longer than necessary, as if he were also weighing him in his mind.
"Thank you, sir. It's a pleasure to be here," Jamie replied. His tone was just as perfect as Georgie had imagined.
As they moved inside, Georgie felt her brother's eyes on her. He hadn't said a word yet, but the smirk on his face said enough.
"What's up, Georgina," Brooks drawled lazily, making no attempt to get up from his chair. "Long time no see."
"Good to see you too, Brooks."
His eyes shifted to Jamie, his smirk growing... if that was possible. "So, this is the famous boyfriend, huh? Didn't think you'd ever bring someone home. Must be serious."
Georgie shot him a warning glance, but before she could snap back, Joan cut in.
"Brooks, don't be rude," she said, though her tone was more dismissive than it was chastising. "Georgina, darling, let's sit down for some drinks before dinner. Jamie, you must tell me about yourself. We know so little about you."
Jamie nodded, following the family into the living room. The walls were adorned with family portraits and antique furniture, each piece screaming money. Georgie sat beside Jamie on the sofa, her hand slipping into his.
Joan handed out drinks as Michael settled in a large leather armchair.
"So Jamie," Michael began, his tone measured. "Where are you from?"
"I'm from Toronto originally, but I've been in the U.S. for a while now."
"Toronto. Quite a respectable city," he leaned back in his chair, his eyes still on Jamie. "And what is it that brought you to the states?"
Jamie kept his smile, but Georgie felt his hand tighten around hers.
"Work, mostly," Jamie replied smoothly. "Lots of great opportunities here."
"And what line of work are you in?"
Before Jamie could answer, Brooks let out a loud laugh, cutting through the tension in the room like a knife. "You really think Georgina would date a guy who can't afford a place like this?" He gestured around the room. "Relax, Dad. I'm sure Jamie here is doing quite well for himself."
The comment, while rude, gave Jamie time to avoid answering directly. Georgie shot Brooks a glare, but he just smiled right back at her.
"I'm lucky to be in a good position," Jamie replied, dodging the specifics of it.
Joan smiled, "Of course, dear. You seem quite composed." She turned to Georgie. "And how did the two of you meet?"
Georgie hesitated for a split second. The last thing she wanted to say was "at a hockey game," but before she could make up a response, Jamie jumped in.
"Through mutual friends," he said easily. "It was one of those on a whim connections that really just clicked."
Later that evening, the four of them sat around the large dinging table, silverware clinking against china plates. Brook had been relatively quiet at dinner, only making a few snide comments about Georgie bringing someone home after all these years.
"So, Jamie," Joan asked, dabbing her mouth with a napkin, "what are your future plans? Are you thinking of settling down soon?"
Georgie nearly choked on her wine.
Jamie cleared his throat, caught off guard by how quickly the question had come. "We're happy where we are right now. We're taking things step by step."
"Step by step," Michael echoed, his expression unreadable. "Interesting approach."
As the conversation continued, Jamie slipped up, almost reflexively saying, "What do you think, Georgi--" before catching himself. His eyes darted to her father, who looked up quickly.
"What Jamie meant to say was, what do you think, Georgina?"
Her father stared at him a long, agonizing few seconds before nodding. "Right. Georgina."
The room grew uncomfortably silent before Joan stepped in, "Well, it's been a lovely evening, but I think it's time for a nightcap in the sitting room, don't you think?"
Georgie stepped into the extravagant bedroom she'd made hers, flicking on the soft, golden lights. The space was luxurious as ever--thick drapes, an oversized canopy bed, and rich mahogany furniture. She always felt like an outsider in this house, like she playing pretend.
Jamie let out a low whistle, eyeing up the room's decor. "This is... next level, Georgina."
"You don't have to use that name when it's just us," she shuddered.
"I know. But I'm practicing for tomorrow."
"I think we survived today, don't you?" she asked, leaning against the bedpost.
Jamie walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest. "I'd say we did pretty well. Your parents don't seem to hate me, and your dad didn't grill me too hard. I call that a win."
"Yeah, well, it's only day one. Brooks hasn't really gotten started yet, and tomorrow's going to be full of questions."
"We'll handle it. You were great tonight."
"Thanks," she murmured, pulling away from his arms and walking toward the bathroom. "I'm gonna shower. You should get ready for bed too."
Jamie sat on the edge of the massive bed, letting the events of the night replay in his mind. Dinner had gone better than he had expected, but it was still a tightrope act, not saying he wasn't a hockey player but also not saying he was.
Michael seemed like the type of guy who could sniff out weakness from several miles away. And while Jamie had managed to dodge the career question today, it was certain to come up again.
He stood up and pulled off his shirt, slipping into the pajamas Georgie had packed him--way fancier than his usual boxers... or nothing. He chuckled, shaking his head as he looked through the other clothes she'd packed. It looked like he was dressing in his pre-game suit almost everyday.
A few minutes later, Georgie emerged from the bathroom, her wet hair already curling at the ends and her body wrapped in one of Jamie's Flyers shirts she'd stolen months ago. She tossed the towel over a chair and climbed into bed with him, the mattress sinking under her.
"So, how do you think it went?" Jamie asked, trailing his fingers up her arm.
"Honestly?" she turned to face him, resting her head on his chest. "Better than I expected. My parents were... well, they were less intense than usual. And Brooks hasn't been too obnoxious yet, which is a miracle."
"I noticed your dad sizing me up, but he didn't go full interrogation mode. That was a relief."
"Yeah, that's win. I think they're still trying figure you out. But they liked you, I could tell."
Jamie brushed his lips against her temple. "Good. As long as they don't hate me, I'll take it."
Georgie smiled, tilting her head to kiss him. The kiss started sweet, but quickly deepened, her hand sliding into his hair as their bodies pressed together under the plush duvet. Jamie's hands reached down to her ass, squeezing as he pulled her closer.
Just as things were heating up, the door burst open.
"Georgina!" Brooks' voice rang through the room, as loud and annoying as ever. "Oh, shit, sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt your little... thing."
Georgie shot up, pulling away from Jamie who groaned. "Brooks, what the hell? Get out! Have you never head of knocking?"
"Relax, Georgina! I just wanted to see how lover boy here is settling in. Didn't realize you two were... busy. Sorry to interrupt your... bonding time."
Jamie forced a smile, clearly trying to hide his irritation. "Everything's fine, Brooks."
"Good, good. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Just wanted to say, Jamie, you survived round one. But don't get too comfortable," he chuckled, turning on his heel and leaving.
Georgie fell back on the pillows with a groan. "God, he's fucking insufferable."
Jamie laughed, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Hey, at least he didn't walk in five minutes later."
"That's one way to look at it."
Jamie smirked, pulling her back into his arms. "Now, where were we?"
Georgie and Jamie entered the dining room together, the table already meticulously set. Michael was at the head of the table, his newspaper folded neatly beside him. Joan sat to his right, sipping from an expensive looking teacup, while Brooks lounged in his chair, his breakfast barely touched.
"Good morning, Georgina, Jamie," Joan smiled, gesturing for them to sit down. "Did you sleep well?"
"We did, thank you," Georgie smiled, taking a seat next to Jamie, who was still adjusting to his new surroundings.
"I was just telling your mother," Michael began, folding his hands in front of him, "that I'd like to get to know more about you, Jamie. We didn't get to dig too deeply into your background yesterday."
Georgie internally groaned. Here we go.
Jamie just smiled, reaching for the coffee pot. "Of course, sir. What would you like to know?"
"Let's start with your family." Michael spoke with the tone he used with clients. He was acting like he was conducting a fucking business meeting. "Where do they live? What do they do?"
"My family's still in Toronto. My dad's a construction manager and my mom is a teacher."
"Hmm, working class. Must've been quite the change for you, being in the States then?"
"It was, but I've adjusted."
Brooks snorted into his coffee. "Yeah, sounds like a big shift. Not everyone's used to... this kind of life, right, Jamie?" He waved his hand around the room, clearly enjoying his subtle jab.
"Brooks," Georgie snapped.
"What? I'm just making conversation. I mean, Jamie here's gotta be doing pretty well for himself if he's hanging with us, right?"
"I'm doing alright," Jamie shrugged.
As breakfast continued, Joan took a more pleasant, if not extremely pressuring approach.
"So, Jamie," she began sweetly. "Georgina's father and I were talking last night. And we couldn't help but wonder--you said you're taking things step by step. But you've been together... what was it? 7 months? That's an awful long time to not think about marriage or children."
"What? I'm just curious," Joan said with a light laugh. "I think it's a fair question. I mean, I'd love a grandbaby or two soon."
Brooks took that as his cue to jump in, "Yeah, I bet you guys have been practicing lots."
Georgie turned bright red. "Brooks, shut up!"
"Brooks, enough," Michael boomed, though he didn't seem like he fully understood the joke. "But your mother's right. You've been together a while now. What's next?"
"We're not rushing into anything, Daddy. We're happy."
"Well, as long as you're happy."
By the time that lunch rolled around, the questions had been relentless. Michael and Brooks had been shooting questions at Jamie, left, right, and centre. As they sat down for another formal meal, Michael decided it was time to be straightforward once more.
"So, Jamie, I've been wondering about your work. You mentioned you came to the States for career opportunities. What exactly do you do?"
Jamie hestitated for a moment, knowing there was no ducking out of this one. He met Georgie's eyes, and she gave him a small nod.
"I'm a professional hockey player."
The room went silent. Brooks' fork clattered onto his plate, while Joan's expression was frozen in a mask of surprise.
"A... hockey player?" Michael asked, it was clear from his tone that he didn't find that nearly as respectable as he'd hoped. "As in... professional sports?"
"Yes, sir. I play for the Philadelphia Flyers."
Joan blinked. "Well, that's certainly... unexpected."
Brooks, on the other hand, couldn't hold back his laughter. "Wait, wait--you're telling me you're a jock?" He slapped the table, howling. "And here I was thinking you were some kinda bigshot investor or something! Georgina's dating a fucking jock! That's gold!"
"Brooks, stop it," Georgina glared.
"And how long do you think this career will last, Jamie? Professional sports aren't exactly known for their longevity, are they?" Michael ignored his son's antics.
"I'm aware it's not a forever career. But I'm building a future for myself beyond playing. I have a strong support system and I'm taking steps to ensure my financial stability."
"Hmm. I suppose that's... something."
Joan smiled tightly. "Well, it's certainly... different. Not exactly what we expected, but if Georgina's happy, then I suppose that's all that matters."
Brooks leaned forward, still chuckling to himself. "Well, this weekend just got a hell of a lot more interesting."
Jamie and Georgina excused themselves to the garden to get some fresh air. But mostly to distance themselves from the judgement inside.
"That went about as well as I expected," Jamie said drly.
"I'm so sorry, Jamie. They're just... like that. I knew they wouldn't get it right away."
"It's fine. I just didn't think it would feel this... awkward."
"They'll come around," Georgie insisted, though she wasn't sure she completely believed it herself.
Jamie nodded, pulling her closer as they walked through the garden. "At least we don't have to hide it anymore."
The door to the office clicked shut behind Georgie. Why her dad needed an office at a house that was meant for relaxing was beyond her, but there she was. Michael sat behind his desk, his gaze laser focused on his daughter. She had known this was coming, but it didn't make it any easier.
"Sit down, Georgina."
She obeyed without a word, sinking into the leather chair opposite him. Her hands rested in her lap, picking at her fingernails as she waited for him to speak.
"I wanted to have this conversation with you privately. I didn't think it was appropriate to discuss in front of your mother or Brooks, but I need to make my concerns about Jamie clear."
Georgie didn't react. She's been taught not to talk back--to listen and absorb everything her parents said, even if it made her feel sick to her stomach.
"Georgina, a professional athlete... it's not the kind of career that provides stability. His schedule alone will keep him away from home most of the time. And if you decide to start a family..." he trailed off. "He won't be there."
Georgie clenched her fists tighter, willing herself to stay composed.
"And then there's the matter of the career itself," he scoffed. "Hockey players... they don't exactly need to be intellectuals. It's a sport, Georgina. It's not a career that requires real intelligence or long-term thinking. What happens when he gets injured? One bad hit, and it's all over. You'll be left with a man who has no real skills to fall back on. Is that really what you want for your future?"
"I want the best for you. I really do. You come from a family that values success, security, and stability. Jamie can't give you that, Georgina. His career could end tomorrow, and then what? You'll be left to pick up the pieces?"
Everything in her life was supposed to fit into a neat, respectable box. And she'd broken that. She knew that her father expected her to agree, to nod and promise to reconsider, to make the "right" choice. But she couldn't. And she wouldn't.
For the first time since sitting down, she met his eyes. "I love him, Daddy."
Michael leaned forward, letting out a slow breath. "Love is important, Georgina, but it's not enough. You're thinking with your heart, not your head. I'm trying to make sure you understand what you're getting yourself into."
Her hands were trembling in her lap. She didn't want to argue with him. She didn't try to defend Jamie or explain why they worked. Because she knew it wouldn't matter to him. Her father had already made up his mind.
Instead, she repeated herself. "I love him."
"You're an adult now, Georgina. I can't stop you from making your own decisions." His tone was cold, distant. "But I hope you understand the risks that you're taking."
"Is that all?"
"Yes, that's all."
Without another word, Georgie exited the office, her heart beating like a drum. Her whole body felt heavy and all she wanted to do was run to her room and scream into a pillow until she felt normal again. But first she had to find Jamie.
At the same time Georgie was talking with her dad, Jamie was talking with Brooks. But rather than an office, they were sat in the living room. Brooks had his feet kicked up on the couch like he owned the place. Jamie was trying to embrace the silence, but Brooks wasn't the type for that.
"So, Jamie," his voice dripped with condescension, "let me get this straight--you play hockey for a living?"
Jamie, who had been scrolling through Instagram, glanced up. "Yeah. I play for the Flyers."
"Right. The Flyers. And how long do you think that's going to last?" He chuckled, clearly amused with his own question. "I mean, sports careers aren't exactly... permanent, are they? A couple bad hits, a bad knee, and boom--you're done."
Jamie set his phone down. He'd expected some grilling from Brooks, but his smug attitude was starting to grate on him. "Yeah, I'm aware it's not forever. But I've been smart about it. I'm planning for a life after hockey."
"Right. Cause I'm sure you have time for that while you're chasing pucks around the ice. Tell me, Jamie, what happens when it's all over? When your fifteen minutes are up? You think you're gonna be some big shot, or are you going to be a washed-up athlete, living off whatever's left in your savings? What's the plan when my sister leaves you because you've got nothing left to give?"
"I'm not worried about that, Brooks."
"Oh, sure you aren't. What's the backup plan? When hockey's done, what're you gonna do? Coach some peewee league? Work at a sports bar? Or just ride Georgina's coattails?"
Jamie's hands balled into fists. Brooks was making it personal now, but Jamie refused to let him get under his skin. "I'm not planning to fail, Brooks. I've worked hard to get where I am, and I'm doing everything I can to make sure I'm set for the future. I don't need a backup plan because I'm building my future now."
"You know, I don't get it. What does my sister see in you? Sure, you've got the whole 'athlete' thing going for you, but... what else? What happens when the fame fades and the money's not rolling in? You think you're going to be able to keep up with Georgina's lifestyle."
"Georgie and I don't live your lifestyle. We have our own."
"Right. Your own. You do realize the kind of family you're dealing with, right? My parents aren't just rich--they're legacy. This whole life, this world, is built on families like ours. And you? You're just some guy who got lucky with a stick and puck. Got even luckier when a rich girl fell for your whole 'pretty boy' act. You think you're gonna hold up under that kind of pressure?"
"I'm not here for approval, Brooks. I love Georgie and she loves me. That's all that matters."
"Good luck with that, Jamie," he laughed. "Because love doesn't pay the bills."
Georgie sat next to the bath, running her hand under the water to find the perfect temperature to wash away the day. The door clicked and in walked Jamie, his expression tight.
"Hey," she whispered, turning to look up at him. "I was thinking... maybe we could take a bath? Just... relax for a bit."
"A bath?"
"Yeah," she shrugged. "This place is fancy, might as well use it. Plus... we could both use a break from the outside world, don't you think?"
Jamie smiled softly, "Alright, a bath it is."
They undressed in a comfortable silence, the day's stress already fading away with the steam rising from the tub. Jamie slid in first, leaning back against the curved edge of the tub. Once he was settled, Georgie climed in and rested her back against his chest. Jamie closed his eyes, leaning his head against the back of the tub, while Georgie played with his hand, the tension draining from his body.
"Brooks have you a hard time, didn't he?"
"Yeah, you could say that. He pretty much tore into me, picking every piece of me apart." He rested his other hand on his knee, not opening his eyes as he spoke. "He was throwing every insult he could think of. Basically said I'm a jock with no future and that I'm only with you because of your family's money."
"I'm sorry, Jamie. Brooks doesn't know when to stop. He's... he's such an asshole."
Jamie shook his head, "It's not your fault. I knew it wouldn't be easy with him, or dad for that matter."
"Speaking of my dad... we had a conversation too."
"What did he say?"
"He told me that he's worried. That you're not... stable. That your career could end at any moment, and he doesn't think it's a smart choice for me to be with you."
Jamie's jaw tightened. "So he thinks I'm a temporary thing?"
"It's more than that," she replied, tracing patterns on the surface of the water. "He doesn't think being a hockey player requires intelligence. He kept saying you don't have 'real skills' and asked what would happen if you get injured. He was so... dismissive."
"I'm not going to say I'm surprised. Your dad made it pretty fucking clear he doesn't think much of me. He didn't have to say it outright."
"I hated it. I sat there and let him pick you apart like you're some kind of... I don't know, risk? But all I could tell him was that I love you. That was all I could say."
"That's enough, Gee. You don't need to justify anything to them. I know it's hard, but we're on the same page, and we'll get through it."
"I just wish they could see you the way I do."
"Maybe they will," he brought his hand up to rub her shoulders. "Maybe they won't. But I'm not going anywhere, no matter what they think."
"I'm so lucky to have you," she leaned into his touch.
"I think I'm the lucky one."
Gee turned around, sloshing water onto the floor in the process, but she didn't care. She cupped his cheeks and kissed him. For a while they just sat there, enjoying each other's company, stealing the occasional kiss. As long as they had each other, they could survive anything.
Tension radiated from Jamie, his posture rigid. He'd barely touched the soup that had been placed in front of him. Georgie had only looked at her food, her stomach much to upset to eat. She was hyper-aware of the silence that fell whenever Jamie answered someone's question or when Brooks threw in an unnecessary comment.
"You know," Brooks said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I never realized my sister had such low standards. I mean, a hockey player? I guess you've got one hell of a personality, because you sure don't have much else going for you."
Jamie's jaw clenched for the thousandth time that day, his eyes darting to Georgie, waiting for her to speak. But she couldn't. She couldn't form any words. Her parents exchanged uncomfortable looks, but neither made a move to stop him. It was if they were waiting to see how it played out, complicit in his cruel jokes.
Brooks wasn't done. "I mean, come on, Georgina. You could do better. Or are you so easy you'll settle for someone this fucking pathetic?"
Something inside Georgie snapped.
Her hands slammed on the table, silverware rattling. "That's enough, Brooks!" Her voice was filled with a fury she'd never let show in front of her family. Her whole body trembled as the words spilled out before she could stop herself.
"How dare you talk about Jamie like that? You have no idea who is, what he's accomplished. He's a thousand times the person you'll ever be, and I'm tired of pretending like I'm okay with your constant insults and fucking disrespect!"
She turned to her parents.
"And you two! You sit there and let him say these horrible things! You act like it's fine because it's Brooks, and that's what he does. But it's not fine! None of this is fine!"
Jamie reached for her hand under the table, but she pulled away, standing up. "Jamie is the love of my life! Do you hear me? I'm going to marry him someday! And I don't care what any of you have to say about it!"
Her mother gasped, raising a hand to her heart. Her father's face grew stony, clearly disapproving of her outburst. But Georgie didn't care what they thought. She was far beyond the the point of caring.
"You don't get to judge him! You don't get to make me feel ashamed for loving him, and you don't decide who I'm 'supposed' to be with. Jamie and I are building a life together! If you can't deal with that, you won't be seeing me ever again. I'm done. With the insults, with the judgement. Fucking all of it!"
"Let's go," she whispered to Jamie, taking his hand in hers as they exited the dining room.
"No," she interrupted her father, "I said what I needed to say. If you can't accept Jamie, then you can't have me in your lives."
With that, she and Jamie left the room, the slam of the door sending shockwaves through the whole room.
Georgie and Jamie left the grand house behind them, still walking hand in hand. Neither of them had spoken since they packed their things and walked out--there was too much to process, too much had just happened at once. They didn't speak until they reached the car when Jamie broke the silence.
"You okay?" he asked, turning to face her.
Georgie sighed, leaning against the car. "I don't know," she admitted. "I mean yes... I'm okay. But I just... can't believe I actually just did that. I've never stood up to them like that before."
"You were amazing in there, Georgie. You didn't just stand up to them... you like stood up for us. For me."
Georgie leaned her head on his chest. "I couldn't listen to it anymore. My dad, Brooks... all the judgement. I just snapped. But I meant every word of it, Jamie. I meant it when I said I'm going to marry you one day."
Jamie's eyes widened. He knew how serious they were about each other, but hearing her say it, especially under such emotional circumstances, made him feel a way he wasn't sure he'd ever felt before.
"You know... we don't have to wait."
"What do you mean?" she pulled away from his chest, blinking rapidly.
"I mean, we don't have to wait for 'someday.' I don't have a ring right now, but this isn't some grand proposal... but I love you, Georgie. And after the weekend we've been through... I don't want to wait. Let's do it. Let's get married."
Georgie couldn't believe her ears. It wasn't the proposal she'd dreamed of growing up--not a fancy dinner, not on exotic vacation, and with no ring. It was so unbelievably Jamie. And none of that mattered. What mattered was him. What mattered was them, together.
"Are you serious?" she whispered.
"Completly serious. I know it's not traditional in any sense of the word, but we can figure out the details later. You're it for me, Georgie. You're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you. Let's start the rest of our lives. No more waiting."
Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, and she laughed her way through them. "Oh my God, Jamie. Yes. Yes, I'll marry you."
Jamie pulled her into a kiss, holding her close. It wasn't the picture perfect proposal. It wasn't grand or over-the-top. But it was real. It was them.
When they finally pulled apart, Georgie wiped at her eyes. "I can't believe we're actually doing this."
"We are. Together, no matte what. Your family might come around one day, maybe they won't. But it doesn't matter, Georgie. I promise you that."
"I know. And I don't care what happens with them right now. All I know is that I need to be with you."
"Then it's settled. We're getting married. Me and you."
"You and me."
They stood there for a few more minutes, just wrapped in each other's arms. There were still so many things they had to figure out--but for now, none of that mattered. All that mattered is that they had each other. And they were ready to take on the world.
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thinkinginpen · 2 days
Every Free Moment
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a/n: Sometime's wannabe writers have a little baby fever, okay? pairing: husband!tony x wife!reader w/c: 2.1k warnings: romance, hinting, love, talking about kids, etc. summary: You have been married for awhile now so Tony was thinking about kids and you were ready to plan
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In the warm glow of the evening, Tony Stark and his wife, you, sit curled up together on the couch in the privacy of their home. The soft hum of technology in the background is a comfortable constant, and you can hear the occasional sound of city life from outside. Tony's fingers idly trace lazy patterns on your back as he gazes at you, a mix of love and thoughtfulness in his eyes.
"You know, we've been married for a while now," he begins, the corners of his mouth curling into a soft smile.
His gaze drifts for a moment, as if lost in thought, before returning to focus on you. "We've been busy with our lives, our careers, our adventures," he continues, his voice a gentle rumble, "but there's something I've been thinking about lately."
He pauses for a moment, gathering his words, then looks directly into your eyes. "I've been thinking about the future, our future. And it got me wondering," he says, his smile widening slightly, "Have you ever thought about having kids?"
The words hang in the air, heavy with meaning. You can feel your heart skip a beat as you look up at him, surprise and wonder in your eyes. "Children?" you reply, your voice soft.
Tony nods, his smile growing a bit. "Yeah, kids. Little bundles of chaos and joy, the whole nine yards." he replies. He's trying to sound nonchalant, but there's a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "What do you think?"
You take a moment to gather your thoughts, your mind swirling with the implications of his question. The noise from outside seems to fade away, just for a moment.
"I think… it sounds incredible," you reply, a smile blossoming on your face. "And a little bit terrifying."
Tony lets out a small chuckle, his hand coming to still on your back. "Welcome to the club," he says, a touch of sarcasm in his voice. "I've been thinking about it, and I can't help but imagine little feet running through the penthouse, little hands messing with the tech in the lab… and your face every time I try to give them a suit."
The image brings a small laugh to your own lips. Imagining tiny hands tinkering with Stark technology, little children zooming around the penthouse under the watchful eye of their parents, it's a picture that simultaneously fills you with joy and anxiety.
"I can see it now," Tony muses, a playful gleam in his eye. "Kids with Stark brains, wreaking havoc on the world and stealing the show at every Avengers event."
You poke him lightly in the chest, a mixture of mock offense and amusement on your face. "And your humility. Can't forget about passing that one down."
Tony feigns an expression of hurt, his hand coming up to his chest. "Me, humble? I thought everyone recognized my genius and innate greatness." He smirks, his eyes sparkling with humor.
You poke him again, rolling your eyes. "Of course everyone does," you reply, "It's just you that needs to be reminded of that all the time."
Tony grins, his expression lighting up at your playful response. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "See? You know me too well," he says with a chuckle. "Our kids are gonna have it all: brains, looks, charisma… and a healthy dose of smartass."
You lean into him, feeling the warmth of his body as you continue the conversation. "And what about you, Tony? Are you ready for late nights, midnight feedings, endless toy battles?"
Tony pretends to consider this for a moment, a dramatic pause. "Eh, how hard could it be? I've handled aliens, super soldiers, and an AI that tried to take over the world. A few children? Piece of cake."
You can't help but laugh at his blithe confidence. "Right, right. Because managing a business empire and saving the world totally prepared you for the trials and tribulations of fatherhood."
Tony grins, enjoying the banter. He knows you're right, but is always up for a challenge. "Hey, if I can handle being Iron Man, I can handle anything," he asserts. "Besides, I'll have you to keep me in line, right?"
You smile, leaning your head against his chest. "Of course. If you start teaching them about circuit boards and repulsor tech before they can walk, I'll be there to rein you in."
"Spoilsport," he mutters affectionately, nuzzling his chin on top of your head. "That's no way to treat the next generation of Stark intellectuals."
"It's called letting them be kids, Tony. Kids have time for all the Stark-level genius when they're older." You reach up and give him a light smack on the chest.
Tony lets out another small chuckle, holding his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright, I get it. We'll start with the basics first. Like how to build a robot that can fetch a beer."
You roll your eyes, but there's fondness in your voice as you reply, "And there's the Stark genius shining through. How could I forget the most important lesson: beer-fetching robots."
"Hey, a skill they can use for life," Tony quips, grinning widely. "Besides, when I've built an army of beer-fetching robots, it'll revolutionize parties. No more having to get up and get your own drinks. The future is now."
"Oh yes, because what every child dreams of is building an army of robotic assistants to satisfy their father's every whim." You can't help but laugh at his plan, imagining the inevitable chaos that would ensue.
Tony simply shrugs, the picture of nonchalance. "What can I say? If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for them." He then pulls you closer, his smile softening. "In all seriousness, though, I'm excited. I never thought I'd even have a family, back when I was too busy making weapons and partying nonstop."
You nod, understanding the deeper layers of his words. The man who once seemed too fast-paced and self-absorbed to even consider commitment is now talking about building a family. The change is stark in more ways than one.
"I'm happy we found each other then," you say, your voice quieter now. "I can't imagine anyone but you being the father of my children."
Tony's expression softens at your words. He reaches out to run a hand through your hair, a gesture both affectionate and contemplative. "Yeah," he replies, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and awe. "Who would've thought I'd end up here, building a future with the person I love more than anything?"
"Certainly not the media," you joke, grinning a little. "You were always portrayed as the eternal bachelor. The last person anyone would have picked to settle down."
"Well, they always did get me wrong," he says, flashing a cheeky grin. "The media doesn't understand the complex and layered being that is Tony Stark." He pauses, a gleam in his eye. "That, and you just tamed me. Nobody else could manage it."
"Tamed, is that what we're calling it now?" you tease, raising an eyebrow. "I thought I just distracted you with enough science and sarcasm that you forgot how to party."
"Distracted, tamed, same thing," he replies, a hint of a smirk on his face. "And speaking of distractions, I do recall a certain someone who always has my attention." He pulls you closer, his voice dropping to a huskier tone. "Distract me a little more, why don't you?"
You laugh lightly, pretending to consider it. "Hm, I don't know…" you say, deliberately dragging it out to tease him. "Distracting you sounds like a lot of work… I might be tired from the day…"
Tony's eyes narrow, sparkling with a familiar competitive gleam as he senses you're enjoying this a bit too much. He leans in, his voice low and seductive. "Oh, I can think of a way to wake you up."
"Oh really?" you reply, feigning nonchalance even as a shiver of anticipation runs through you. "And what method would that be, Mr. Stark?"
Tony's lips curl into a sly smile. "Oh, I think a practical demonstration would be far more effective than words," he says, his voice dropping to a whisper.
You can't help but laugh at his audacity, even as your heart starts to race a little. "Ah, the hands-on approach. How very scientific of you," you tease.
"I am a man of science and innovation," he replies, his hand tracing the outline of your cheek. "And I believe in testing all theories thoroughly." The words are spoken lightly, but the heat in his gaze tells a different story.
You pause, suddenly feeling a wave of realism wash over the playful banter. "Wait, wait," you say, stopping him mid-sentence. "We need to think about this practically. What about your career, Tony? Stark Industries is your life."
Tony stops, taking a moment of surprise at the abrupt shift in tone. He pulls back a bit, an eyebrow raised in confusion. "Well, yeah, Stark Industries is important to me," he admits, "but so are you. So would be any children we might have."
"I know, I know," you reply quickly, trying to placate him with a reassuring smile. "It's just that… being a public figure, the CEO of a huge company… that brings a certain level of responsibility. And there will be media scrutiny, not to mention the changes to your reputation…"
Tony lets out a breath, understanding your concerns. "Yeah, I get it," he says, his expression more serious now. "The press would be all over us. And there's no way to hide a pregnancy or a couple of kids when you're one of the most high-profile couples in the world."
"Exactly," you reply, feeling a bit relieved that he's seeing the issue. "And as for Stark Industries… can you afford to devote less time to it? Having kids is a full-time job in itself, it's not something you can just juggle with running a business empire."
Tony scrubs a hand over his face, a flicker of frustration in his eyes. "I know that." He admits. "I've thought about it, trust me. But are you suggesting that we put our family planning on hold because of my career?" His voice is a blend of defensiveness and genuine curiosity.
"I'm not suggesting anything," you counter, your voice gentle but firm. "I'm just pointing out the reality. Being a parent is a huge commitment, and it will change your life - our life - dramatically. And part of making sure we're ready isn't just thinking about how it affects us, but how it will affect your work and reputation."
Tony lets out a sigh, leaning back against the couch. He knows you're right, but it clearly isn't easy to hear. "You're always the voice of reason," he mutters, though there's a hint of affection in his tone. "It's a pain in the ass sometimes."
"Somebody's got to keep you grounded," you reply, your tone light. "Otherwise your ego will inflate even more and the world will drown."
Tony lets out a laugh, shaking off his minor pout. "Right, right. Without your influence I'd be insufferable." He then leans back in, a devilish gleam in his eye. "And what better reason to get the baby-making started now than to give the press something to talk about?"
Your heart skips a beat at his blunt proposition, your mind spinning to keep up with his swift shift in mood. "Just… start trying?" you stammer, the idea both thrilling and terrifying. "Just like that?"
Tony nods, his eyes fixed on you, his determination unwavering. "Just like that," he affirms. "We don't need time to think about it. Neither of us is getting any younger. We've got our lives mostly together. We love each other. We'd make great parents."
You take a deep, steadying breath, trying to process the idea he's throwing out. "It's not that simple, Tony," you reply, though your voice waivers a bit as your mind starts to spin with the implications. "Even if we decide to go ahead and try, there's no guarantee we'll get pregnant right away."
"I know that," he counters, a slight impatient edge in his voice. "But that's no reason to delay or hold back. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll know. And I don't want to wait anymore. I want to start a family with you. As soon as possible."
"No more excuses," he says, his hand coming to rest on your knee. "No more worries about work or the media or what people will think. From now on, every free moment we have, we're working towards this. Every chance we get, we're going to try for a baby."
Your mind is still spinning with the enormity of it all, but you can't deny the effect his words are having on you. His determination and desire are contagious. "Every free moment…" you repeat faintly, feeling a rush of anticipation mixed with trepidation.
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clownprincehoeshi · 2 days
Parallel Hearts - Chapter 11
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Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you’ll meet your ult bias. Maybe you finally have your shot at love and happiness. Or not.
Pairing: fem reader x idol Jungkook fem reader x idol Mingyu fem reader x idol Hoshi
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Kissing-Nudity-Sex 18+-Harrassment-Stalking-Death mentions-Cheating
Word count: 15.369
Previous chapter
Rebloging is important and much apreciated. Leave your comments, oppinions, ideas, whatever you like. My inbox in open. Kpop writers, let’s be moots?
You wake up in his arms, facing each other. His face between your breasts, just like he said he would sleep. You don’t know when he got there, but you think he could get anything he wanted from you if he would just ask. You’d give him anything and everything.
You’re laying like that, wanting to feel him next to you for a little while longer, feeling sleepy and lazy. You think he’s starting to wake up slowly, because his hands are getting a little adventurous.
You’re happy you’re wearing clothes, or else you’d be finished by the way his hands are going everywhere.
He’s very gentle though, and he keeps on pushing himself more into you with tiny whines.
One hand squeezing your waist, getting a little moan out of you.
He thinks he’s in heaven. You feel so warm and fluffy against him. He just loves your boobs and he feels he could die happy right now.
His hand moves slowly from your waist, running down to your hip and your thigh, squeezing there, then lifting your leg and putting it over his hip, pulling you even closer. You moan his name.
Your hand goes in his hair, playing with it. Mouth opening, breathing heavy when you feel his little kisses right between your breasts. Damn, why did Hana pack me this tiny top and not a full ass tshirt?
You could feel his hard cock on your thigh and your mind went foggy. You were certain your panties were soaked by now. Afterall, the whole night was tough for you.
You moaned his name again into his silky hair, pulling it gently.
His mouth started going up your collar bones, your neck, jaw. Leaving small kisses all over. You wanted him so bad. Wanted all of him. But you needed to stop. You will stop the moment your brain starts working again.
His hand leaves your thigh and comes to your cheek, caressing it.
Soonyoung: My pretty girl. Good morning!
You don’t know why, but that action makes you so fucking shy that you hide your face into his neck.
Soonyoung: Aww, getting shy on me?
Y/N: Shut uuup! (in tiny)
Soonyoung: I can’t believe you’re in my bed.
Y/N: Don’t get any ideas.
Soonyoung: Of course now. You’re not my girlfriend yet.
Y/N: Can I ask you something?
Soonyoung: I would be worried you wouldn’t
Y/N: Does it bother you that your friend is my ex?
Soonyoung: I don’t think it bothers me, but there’s something there. I don’t know how to explain, but I don’t keep that against you or him. We are humans with feelings. We can’t dictate who we love.
Y/N: I found out last night what happened with the Mingyu cheating thing.
Soonyoung: How?
Y/N: From Jungkook. He said he planned it and that Mingyu never cheated. So I need to talk to him and apologize.
Soonyoung: Knowing this now, you think…there’s a chance you two…
Y/N: Don’t even finish that sentence. No, there is zero chance.
Soonyoung: Should we get up and get breakfast? It’s almost 8, need to the ready to leave by 9.
Y/N: I don’t want to, but let’s go.
You call Hana to let her know you’re coming to your room to get ready and you find her already awake.
Before you leave, you give Soonyoung a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Hana: Hey, wifey, how did you sleep?
Y/N: Um, might have been the best sleep in months.
Hana: Why? Were you that drunk?
Y/N: I slept in Hoshi’s room.
Hana: You did whaaaat?
Y/N: Nothing happened though. It left me hot and bothered.
Hana: Anything else I need to know?
Y/N: There is so much that happened last night. I’ll tell you all about it at breakfast. Let’s hurry, I need a shower and brush my hair.
After toy have a nice breakfast with Hana and tell her the spicy details from this morning, you get to work. This time you’re having a meeting before heading to the concert venue to help with the last preparations and rehearsals.
You decided that things are starting to get better. It was hard at first, being around Mingyu and Soonyoung. You didn’t know what they thought and how they will treat you.
Well, you knew they will be respectful and professional, but things are always different in real.
After finding out that Mingyu is over what you had and he doesn’t hate you, your life became easier. Work became easier, and you always loved your work. Having good relationships with people you worked with made you more passionate about it.
Today it was sunny mostly, little white fluffy clouds moving around the sky. It was the perfect weather for you, you loved the summer and the heat.
Most of the staff were at the stadium where Seventeen are going to perform the next day. The rooms were crowded, last minute modifications on the outfits, last minute changes on the song list.
Walking on the hallways, trying to find the lights crew, you noticed a scene in the room that seemed to be for makeup and hair. Some of the guys, including Hoshi were sitting on chairs, having their makeup done.
You didn’t want to jump to conclusions and you weren’t the jealous type, but the girl doing Soonyoung’s makeup seemed a little to close and flirty with him. The little devil on your shoulder told you to stop at the door and watch.
She was all giggles and complimenting him. It was the first time you saw her doing his makeup, usually she was working only with Seokmin, Wonwoo and Joshua.
This intrigued you and you needed to know more. So you stand there silent and smiling. You couldn’t hear everything they were saying, there was too much background noise.
But one thing that you could hear very clearly was from her to him “Your lips are so juicy and sensual, could touch them all day”. Oh! Well shit!
You felt on fire and wanted to leave that spot, but it’s something you would have done before. You need to stop being impulsive in situations like this. And like you said earlier, don’t jump to conclusions. Just wait and see his reaction.
You could not hear what he said to her, you could just see his face in the mirror in front of him. He was smiling a little flustered. He likes her attention.
With a disappointed look on your face, you glanced at him once more and left. And just at that moment when you took your eyes off him and turned your back to walk away, he saw you in the mirror.
It took him exactly 5 seconds to realize that you saw the scene where the makeup artist was flirting with him and he immediately got up and went after you. Few steps around the hallways and he could not see you.
“Damn, she’s fast” he whispered to himself.
Seconds felt like minutes between all the noise and the crowds. Bumping into people, desperate to find you and explain what you saw.
But when he finally sees you, he paces his steps and manages to grab your wrist to pull you into an empty room. He knew the venue better than you and he knew a small room where they kept extra outfits. So he dragged you in there.
You found yourself being dragged in a dark room. You could see inside only when Soonyoung opened the door to get you both in there, but after, almost complete darkness.
You stayed silent and let him talk. Feeling a wall behind you, you leaned into it. His hand went from your wrist to you hand, holding it gently, his thumb stroking little circles onto the back of it.
Soonyoung: You left so fast that I didn’t get the chance to tell her to keep her inappropriate remarks to herself.
Y/N: Oh? I could only see you smiling at her flirting.
He started to move closer to you, silently. His body touching yours and his free hand coming under your jaw, touching you very gentle, almost afraid to not break you because you were made out of porcelain.
Feeling his breath on your face, you knew he was really close to you and you swallowed hard.
You felt his nose touch yours, almost like trying to look for you and reach you. His hand that was holding your went slowly to your waist, grabbing you tight this time.
Soonyoung: You have no idea what you do to me, do you?
It was felt so intimate, his lips touching yours as he spoke. He was so fucking close and it drove you crazy.
Y/N: No, tell me.
Soonyoung: I felt so sad when I saw you leave. When I saw that pretty face so disappointed. Knowing I made you feel like that. I wanted to slap myself. Don’t even think for a second that I am interested in her.
Y/N: Why would I care about it?
Soonyoung: I know you like me, I can feel it.
Y/N: Who’s jumping to conclusions now?
Soonyoung: I can prove it to you
Y/N: You can prove me that I like you? How ridiculous.
And the next second he took your breath away. His hands felt rougher on you, his lips touching your slowly, in a teasing way. Becoming more and more passionate, deeper.
You let him take the lead and take whatever he wanted. He kissed sweetly the sides of your lips, then dragging his over yours painfully slow. You really wished the room to not be so dark, because you wanted to see him right now.
When you’re really into someone, you want to see them when you kiss. It’s almost like you don’t want to miss anything.
He started kissing you deeper, tongues playing against each other. Both of you moaning with desire. Your hands went to his chest. He pushed into you more, and you could feel he was rock hard under his pants.
His hands started roaming all over your body, from your neck down to your breasts, massaging them slowly, then down to your ass, grabbing it.
Y/N: Soonyoung (you moaned into his mouth)
Soonyoung: What, baby?
Y/N: Your makeup is going to be ruined.(you tried not to fall on your knees when he called you “baby”)
Soonyoung: Well, then I guess I’ll have to tell her that my girlfriend ruined it and she’ll feel stupid for flirting with me.
Y/N: You’re so bad. She’ll be so mad
Soonyoung: I could have her get fired for what she did
Y/N: So I’m your girlfriend now?
Soonyoung: Yeah. I don’t kiss girls that are not my girlfriend.
Y/N: But you didn’t ask me if I want to be your gf
Soonyoung: The way you kissed me back is a much better response than a “yes”
And he continued kissing you more, forgetting about the rehearsal.
Soonyoung: I could kiss you forever like this
Y/N: Soonie, we need to stop and get out of here. We have work to do and you need to be on stage soon. Listen to your girlfriend
You managed to get away from each other, finally. You went ahead, pushed your head out the door to see if the coast is clear and you told him to come out after he counts to 10.
Luckily, everyone was too busy with running around and nobody could see you both getting out of that room.
Your legs and hands were shaking after what just happened and you really needed to tell someone, or else you’d scream. Going into the room where your team had set up their laptops and personal things, you see Hana working on something and you sat beside her.
Hana: There you are, why don’t you answer your messages?
Y/N: I was…busy
Hana: Doing what?
You leaned into her ear to whisper
Y/N: Kissing
Jumping from her chair, she screamed “who?”
Y/N: Calm down, idiot! If you want to know, sit down and stop being so dramatic
Hana: Was it who I think it was?
Y/N: If you’re thinking Soonyoung, yes. I just needed to tell someone, I am still shaking
Hana: Omg, this is big
Y/N: And apparently we’re bf and gf now
Hana: Nooo fucking waaayyy. How do you feel?
Y/N: I still can’t process it, it feels surreal and I don’t know what to do with myself
Hana: You’re so in love
Y/N: Shut uuup!!
The day went on without big incidents. The boys had the final rehearsal with all the outfits and makeup on, they had photos taken, some interviews and a weverse live by Jun.
Everyone decided to stay indoor tonight, it was something they did before each concert, not wanting to tire themselves. So you didn’t bother Hoshi with texts or calls. But he wanted to be bothered, especially by his girlfriend.
It was close to 9 PM and he called you.
Soonyoung: Hi, girlfriend
Y/N: Oh, hi
Soonyoung: That’s how you greet your boyfriend? Rude!
Y/N: I… Hana’s here
Soonyoung: And you don’t want her to know how much you like me, got it
Y/N: What you doing, ready for bed?
Soonyoung: Yeah, but a little sad you’re not here.
Y/N: That would not be the best idea, you need to rest
Soonyoung: Are you saying we would not sleep if you were here?
Y/N: I don’t know, I’m not saying anything
Soonyoung: What if we agree to behave? Will you come and cuddle?
Y/N: Nope. Stop tempting me
Soonyoung: Damn, that’s disappointing. Will you cuddle me tomorrow night?
Y/N: Tomorrow night you will need even more rest after the concert, and then the next day you have rehearsals again for the next concert. Also, we should probably take this slow.
Soonyoung: But baby… I really love cuddling you and waking up next to you
Y/N: Stop calling me that(whining)
Soonyoung: You don’t like it?
Y/N: I like it. Too much. It does things to me and I’m not ready for it
Soonyoung: Can’t promise I won’t call you baby again, sorry. It just comes naturally
Y/N: You’re going to kill me
At this point, Hana was so curious that she made signals for you to put it on speaker, but you refused. She was waiting in the middle of the room, standing, with her arms on her hips, ready to scold you.
Y/N: You should sleep, ok? And we will see each other tomorrow at breakfast anyway
Soonyoung: I should listen to my girlfriend. Good night, baby, can’t wait to see your pretty face tomorrow
Y/N: Good night Soonie, muah!
Hana: Spill! Did he want you to sleep with him?
Y/N: Well, he asked to go cuddle
Hana: Why didn’t you?
Y/N: Uh, I don’t want to rush into sex
Hana: Then don’t do it, just cuddle
Y/N: Ha! Like it’s that easy to not fuck his brains out while lying next to him
Hana: Come on, how hard is it to keep it in your pants?
Y/N: I feel like it would be impossible for me. Right now, with him.
Hana: But…why don’t just do it if that’s what you feel?
Y/N: I just need to trust him more, maybe see more things coming from him, to prove to me that I can really trust him. I could just fuck him and have fun, but there are feelings involved and it changes everything.
Hana knew exactly what you meant, because thinking back few days ago, she did sleep with one of the dancers after they just met. And she had no feelings for him, it was just for fun.
Also, she knew your mind was probably filed with thoughts of insecurities, because Soonyoung was not a stranger, a guy you just met. You knew him for quite some time and you knew about his love life and that he had none recently, and he wasn’t obsessed with getting under girl’s skirts.
She knew you still had doubts when it came to men, but she also hoped you will get to heal from that and build something beautiful with Hoshi.
Laying in your bed, lights off, your eyes closed, you remembered all the nights you spent next to Mingyu in your bed, just as friends. You were attracted to him, of course, but not in love yet.
Now, you know for sure that only a kiss could make you go crazy and just jump Soonyoung. So no, spending the night in the same bed was not a good idea for now.
You didn’t set a date or a number of days on when sex is on the table, you just knew you wanted to wait and do it when it felt right. But you’ll talk to him about it and he’ll understand.
You found yourself shaking every time you saw him now. You didn’t know how to act around him anymore, you didn’t want to embarrass yourself.
At breakfast, you were sat next to Hana and Jun and when Hoshi arrived, he sat on the other side of the table, facing you.
He didn’t do anything to raise suspicion in front of the staff. Only you and Hana knew about your new relationship and you had no idea how to tell Jun.
But since he’s a person that is rather observant, he saw little signs that made him question your friendship with Hoshi.
Jun: What’s going on between you two? Why are you acting like this? You’re being weird
Hoshi leaned forward to whisper to Jun “We’re boyfriend and girlfriend now”(with the biggest grin on his face)
Jun’s eyes doubled in size, he coughed his coffee out and looked at you in shock
Jun: You are what? Bitch, what?
Y/N: Yeap, happened yesterday.
Jun: Wow! I’ll get back on you about this, I need a moment to gather my brain off the floor, because it exploded.
And he went quiet after that, continuing with his food and coffee. He didn’t want to talk about that there, but he will talk your ear off later tonight.
Seungcheol suddenly came to sit next to Hoshi
Seungcheol: It’s done, she’s out already, going back to Seoul today, and blacklisted for future companies.
Soonyoung: Great news. Thanks, Cheol
Jun: What happened?
Seungcheol: Right, I didn’t let everyone know yet. One of the makeup artists crossed the line with Hoshi and we fired her
You tried to stay composed, though you immediately looked at Soonyoung
Jun: What did she do?
Soonyoung: She first made some cringy remarks about my lips, then about my abs, to eventually ask me if I was busy that night and if I wanted to have some fun.
Jun: What the fuck, dude!
Soonyoung: Yeah, that’s what I said. And she was working with us for over one year. I guess she waited to take her shot, since yesterday was her first time doing my makeup.
Seungcheol: It’s all good, we will manage without her
Hoshi looked at you, pouting.
Soonyoung: I felt violated. Really.
Seungcheol hugged him, comforting him and letting the others know that any inappropriate behavior from the staff should not be tolerated.
You felt bad for Soonyoung, you know the feeling since all your life you had creepy men doing creepy things to you. Sometimes just strangers on the street yelling rude shit at you, or even touching you, or at the workplace with colleagues crossing the line.
Later in the day, before the show would start, you sent a text to Soonyoung to tell him you’re sorry about what happened and you understand how he feels and that you’re there for him.
He replied with “thanks, pretty. I’m so lucky to have you”
The concert was a success, like usual. They had a weverse life together after and ended up at the hotel after midnight. It’s then when Hoshi sent you a text, asking you to come to his room to talk for a bit before bed.
You knocked on his door with butterflies in your stomach, hoping you two will behave.
Opening the door, you found a pretty serious Soonyoung. He immediately hugged you tight as soon you entered his room.
Y/N: What’s wrong, Soonie?
Soonyoung: I need to talk to you about something. Let’s sit
You both sat on his bed and as he took both your hands into his, he looked at you with glassy eyes.
Y/N: You’re scaring me
Soonyoung: So, to make this as short as I can, we had a meeting with the managers and they decided it would be best for me to join Jeonghan in the military after the tour is over.
You became quiet, not knowing what to say. It was not your place to make decisions anyway.
Soonyoung: Say something
Y/N: I…don’t know what to say. Will you go now?
Soonyoung: I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to go now, but I think it’s for the best of the team. I just need to know your thoughts too
Y/N: Of course I would not want you to go, but the group is more important and I trust that you will make the right decision.
Soonyoung: I don’t want to let you go now that I have you
He gave you a big pout and looked down at your hands holding his.
Soonyoung: I want to be with you
Y/N: But you are with me, you have me. I will wait for you, no matter what
Looking back at you, you could see a little smile forming
Soonyoung: Will you?
Y/N: Of course, don’t ever doubt that
Soonyoung: If I go now, it means in one month. We would only have one month
Y/N: Then we should take advantage of this month as much as we can. I don’t want you to hold back because of me. Just do what you feel is good for you and the team. I will be here waiting. And we’ll see each other whenever you get days off.
Soonyoung: Come here
He pulls you into his lap, holding you close. Taking you in, his face buried into your hair.
Soonyoung: Thank you for being so supportive
Y/N: Thank you for talking to me about it, it means a lot
Soonyoung: Can you kiss me now? Please?
You kissed him ever so gentle and slow. Putting into that kiss everything you felt for him, the happiness he brought into your life and the sadness of knowing he’ll be gone for more that one year.
But he pulled back after a few minutes, feeling overwhelmed with everything.
Y/N: I should let you rest.
Soonyoung: Ok. Thanks for everything, really
You gave him a sweet small kiss on his lips and told him good night, then you left to your room.
You cried a little when you told Hana about the news.
Hana: At least he told you about it and wanted to make a decision also based on your thoughts. I think it’s sweet.
Y/N: He’s the sweetest
Hana: What are you going to do, what are you thinking?
Y/N: I think I need to let down my walls and take advantage of these last weeks we have together and just show him how I feel.
You couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about him. You knew he will be leaving eventually, but now that it was actually happening, you felt your heart break.
This changes things. Wanting to put the sex on wait was not an option anymore. That’s why you decided you’ll spend the night with him after you finish with the shows in Milano and head to Berlin. You’ll have a couple of days off then.
Your mind was like scrambled eggs, happy that you had the man you loved, but sad that he’ll be gone soon for quite a while, often finding yourself spacing out.
Just like you were dong now, while on the plane to Berlin, sitting next to Jun who was telling you something.
Jun: Are you ok?
Y/N: I don’t think I am, Juni
Jun: Awww, my little tomato. Tell me what’s on your mind
Y/N: Promise you’ll keep it to yourself?
Jun: I promise
Y/N: Soonyoung will leave at the same time as Jeonghani for their enlistment. We talked and he asked what I think about it, and I said he should do what’s best for the group.
Jun: That’s… I’m sorry. I am guessing you will continue your relationship, right?
Y/N: Yeah, of course. I’m 100 percent in this, I want this with him. I hope he’s sure too.
Jun: Did he give you reasons to doubt?
Y/N: No, I guess not. But you know me. Men. Eh.
Jun: Ok, but let’s try and be optimistic. I am sure everything will turn out fine
Y/N: I will miss him so much. And Jeonghan too. I’m so glad you don’t need to go.
He took your hand into his and kept it like that, comforting you. From the seats in front of you, Hoshi’s head appeared, turning to you with a frown.
Soonyoung: Ya, what’s going on here? Why are you holding my girlfriend’s hand?
You started giggling, telling him you can hold your bro’s hand.
Soonyoung: Oh really? Let’s see you make it up to me this time.
Y/N: Oh, I will, Soonie (winking at him, then he turned around to sit)
First thing you did after arriving in Berlin was to look for a nice place to eat. Some of the guys wanted to try german food and they dragged you with them. Hana went to spend time with her dancer, so you were the only girl there.
But being only with the guys meant you didn’t need to hide your relationship from prying eyes of the staff.
A nice meal and a cold beer in great company was what you needed in that moment. And you could feel a tension in the air with the others. Was probably the exhaustion after these months of touring, stress, or who knows.
You saw Hoshi grabbing another bottle of beer and you needed him sober tonight, so you gently put your hand on his thigh and lean into his ear.
Y/N: Baby? Let’s not get drunk today, ok? I need you sober.
His face went red immediately at your words. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the pet name or the thoughts that went trough his head, wondering why you need him sober.
He looked at you, his mouth an o shape and eyes wide. Your hand on his thigh started to rub it up and down slowly and you smiled at him.
Soonyoung: I’m drinking water from now on. I’m a good boy and I listen to my girlfriend.
Then you placed a kiss on his cheek and brushed a strand of hair from his eyes.
Y/N: You have the prettiest eyes
Sooyoung felt loved. No other girl complimented his eyes before and he always said he wished they were bigger. But you made sure he knew he was perfect and everything about him is perfect.
He placed a kiss on your forehead and put his hand over yours that was placed on his thigh.
Seokmin: Ya, you two, cut it out. Some of us are single and you’re rubbing it in.
Jeonghan: Guys, I have something important to say
Everyone goes silent, since it’s Jeonghan.
Jeonghan: Me and Hoshingi have had a talk with the company and we decided that he’s going to enlist together with me, after this tour is over.
Dino: Hyung, you’re going too?
Soonyoung: Yeah, we’ve been thinking that it’s better for the group, and maybe we get to go in 3 waves so that we come back faster. So now it’s going to be Seungcheol, Jeonghan and me.
You see Mingyu looking at you with a pout, feeling sad for you. You can read on his lips “are you ok?” and you nod at him.
He knows better than anyone how hard was for you when Jungkook left to the military without a word, and now it’s like history repeats itself in a way. Memories from those times when he spent so many nights in your bed, cuddling you and whishing it was him you wanted, not his friend.
He feels a hole in his chest and tries to shake those memories away. No, he won’t go back to what he felt back then. Would be easy. You, alone again, crying after a man who left. No! Stop! Just stay out of her life, Kim Mingyu!
Mingyu never told you, but he still had feelings for you. It wasn’t like in Jungkook’s case. Jungkook had an obsession and he felt like he owned you and if he didn’t have you, no one should. That’s not love, he thinks.
But with Mingyu, he was happy if you were happy. He was always selfless like that, even though it hurt like hell. He just wants to be in your life, even if just as a friend.
He’s always going to be there for you.
Outside, rain started. It was like how everyone was feeling. Dino even cried, hugging Hoshi. He really loves his hyung like a real brother and he said he’s going to feel lost without him.
It was an emotional dinner but all you could think about was having Soonyoung on top of you, fucking you slowly. You tried all evening to behave and keep your hands to yourself, but you couldn’t wait any longer, so you whispered in his ear.
Y/N: Soonyoungie…please, I can’t take it anymore. Can we leave?
Soonyoungie: What is it, love? Are you not feeling well?
Y/N: Something like that. I’ve been trying to be good all evening.
Soonyoung finally realizes what you’re talking about and he raises to his feet, tells everyone he’s tired and needs to go. He takes your hand fast and walks to the door.
Soonyoung: The hotel is right over the corner
Y/N: We don’t have an umbrella
Soonyoung: Let’s run for it
Y/N: We’re going to get soaked
Soonyoung: It’s a hot summer rain, not acid. Come on!
He starts running, dragging you with him. Took less than 2 minutes to get lost. You see, Hoshi was not very good with directions. You stopped under a small pergola. Rain was really pouring.
Soonyoung: Wait, let me remember how we go from the hotel to the restaurant. I swear we took a right, then a left and we were there.
You grabbed his shirt and pulled him into you, kissing him. Both your faces soaked, water dropping from your hair. You could taste the rain on his lips.
The thing about him was that he never denied your kisses. He would always give into them. He would kiss you back always.
He pulled you impossibly close, all your clothes wet. The rain felt warm on your hot skin. Maybe you were too turned on.
You pulled away from him and ran into the rain. You knew the way back to the hotel, and he smiled when he realized.
The elevator ride was really tough. They had cameras in there and you didn’t wan to risk it, so you kept your distance.
But as soon as you both entered his room, nothing could stop you. You found yourself with your back pushed into the door, his body against yours. Both his hands on the sides of your head, caging you in.
Soonyoung: Now you’re mine, my beautiful girl
That sounded incredibly sexy to you, coming from him, and your knees almost gave out. You dragged your hands over his chest, moving them down, feeling his hard abs.
Y/N: I need this off
Soonyoung: Take everything you want off, then
You pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it somewhere into the room. Your eyes on his naked figure.
Y/N: God, you’re so sexy
Your hands flew to touch every inch of skin. You swear you could cum just from looking at his face and touching him like this.
Y/N: Kiss me. Touch me
He smashed his lips into yours again, his hands going to work on the buttons of your dress. He was being so slow.
Soonyoung: I need you. I want you so bad, you don’t understand
You moaned into his mouth, your hands going to his pants, pulling them down. Left only with his boxers on, the print of his hard cock was obvious under the soaked underwear.
He finished with the last button on your dress, now opened for his eyes. No bra and no panties. His eyes wide and mouth watering at the beautiful sight in front of him.
Soonyoung: Fuck, you’re going to kill me like this.
You took his hands that were almost too shy to touch your naked body and you put them on your breasts. He’s very gentle and in awe.
Soonyoung: You’re so perfect. Shit, baby. I want to taste every single inch of your body
He lifts you up and takes you to his bed. He sits you on the edge and starts to kiss you again. This kiss was filled with lust and passion. Moans and whimpers from both of you filling the room as his hands were traveling down your body until one reached your wet and needy pussy.
Soonyoung: How do you like to be touched here?
Y/N: Gentle and slow
Soonyoung: Fuck, I can’t believe you’re mine
As he’s saying that, his fingers start to run small circles on your clit, making you moan louder into his mouth.
Soonyoung: Love hearing you like this, all for me
Y/N: Soonyoungie
Then his fingers trail down to your hole, sinking one in.
Soonyoung: You’re so fucking wet
Y/N: God, that feels so good
Soonyoung: It’s just one finger and you’re squeezing it so tight
Your hand travels between your bodies and grabs his hard cock over his wet boxers.
Soonyoung: Fuck
Y/N: You’re so big(whispering into his lips). I want to feel it inside me. I need to feel you inside me right now
Soonyoung: But..
Y/N: Please, Soonie. Just a little
He couldn’t say no to you. Not when you were naked under him, putty in his hands, your eyes filled with want and love. Then he pulled his boxers down, to the floor and came closer, his hips between your legs, his leaking cock ready to push into your wet hole.
You pulled him into your lips, kissing him slow, whispering filthy words. Then you felt him sink into you slowly. You knew you didn’t need more, you felt it coming. You felt so much and so deep for him, that just an inch was enough to make you cum.
Your body started shaking, your head thrown back into the matress, moans and curses leaving your mouth, your pussy squeezing his cock so tight, he could barely move.
Y/N: God, Soonyoung! Don’t stop. So good
Soonyoung: Shit, you’re cuming already. Fuck! Fuck!
Y/N: More, please more
Multiple orgasms take over your body, as he’s pushing deeper. He’s doing it slow while holding you close and kissing you.
Soonyoung: That’s it, baby. Let go, I got you
He’s thinking you’re the most beautiful sight ever and this must be the most intense sex he’s ever had. It’s great for his ego to watch you cum so fast and hard under him.
As a helpless romantic, he keeps the pace slow, wanting to make love to you. Keeping your body close to his, his lips always on you, his eyes locked with yours.
He can feel your grip on him loosening up, so he stops to look at you and see how you’re feeling. You’re both breathing heavy, hearts racing. He can’t stop smiling.
Soonyoung: How you feeling, baby?
Y/N: Like I died and went to heaven. You?
Soonyoung: So good and happy
Your pussy is spasming around his cock after all those intense orgasms. It’s still pleasurable even like this, with him being still. He whines at the sensation.
Soonyoung: I could be inside you all day and all night if you’d let me. But I really need to worship your perfect body right now
He starts with little kisses all over your face, reaching to your mouth, kissing you slow and passionate. You feel his cock twitch inside you and you need more, so you try to move your nips under him and it gives you the desired friction.
But then he pulls out and continues his kisses down your jaw, your neck, your breasts. He takes his time there, rubbing his face on them, tracing his wet tongue all over. Stopping at the nipples to suck on them. You feel a ball of pleasure building up and you could cum if he’ll continue sucking on your tits like this.
Y/N: I love how gentle you are with me
His mouth travels south, to your tummy, hips, thighs. He loves to tease you. He knows you want his mouth devouring your pussy and he’s taking his time. Then you start to whine.
Y/N: Please…please
Soonyoung: What do you need, pretty girl?
Y/N: Your mouth. I need you to make me cum with your mouth
And he dives in, using his lips, tongue and fingers to pleasure you. The sounds you make are so filthy that he swears he will cum untouched.
You had this fantasy about his lips on your pussy, so you lift yourself on your elbows to watch what he’s doing. Oh, the sight. His pretty face with those pretty eyes on your, with those pretty lips sucking on your clit.
Y/N: Aaahh, you’re going to make me cum
Soonyoung: Cum for me, baby. Wanna make you feel good
And you feel that wave of pleasure all over your body, not being able to stop moaning his name. His deep sex voice did things to you. He sounds so pornographic
Y/N: If you don’t fuck me right now I’ll cry. I need you
He hovers over your spent body, his face right next to yours.
Soonyoung: Let me see you
And he’s pushing into you once more. The sensation so intense you feel another orgasm getting closer
Y/N: Oh my God, Soonyoung! You feel so good, don’t stop. Right there. Faster
Soonyoung: My baby wants it faster?
Y/N: Mhm mmmm
He’s fucking into you faster, still holding you close. His chest rubbing over your tits. He loves feeling your hard nipples on his bare pecs.
You look into his eyes and get an incredible need to tell him. It just feels so right. Just like you and him naked, making love feels so right.
You feel like you belong together and that you want to be his forever. So you say it. You don’t care anymore. Your brain might explode if you don’t tell him right now.
You cup his cheeks with your hands, trying to control your moaning so you can speak.
Y/N: Soonyoungie..
He’s going slower now, trying to focus on your words
Soonyoung: Yes, baby
Y/N: I love you so much. I need you to know
You feel him pacing up again, sloppy thrusts, brows furrowing, biting his lower lip. Then you feel him releasing deep inside you, moaning into your mouth “fuck, I love you Y/N. I love you so fucking much”
That triggered your orgasm and you came hard, squeezing and milking his cock from everything he had.
He kept on thrusting into you slower and slower, until both of you came down after your highs. Kissing you sweetly, praising you and telling you how good you feel. He kept his forehead glued to yours, his eyes not leaving yours.
You never made love like this, never had so much eye contact during sex. It felt like he was starring into your soul, like he could understand you, like he knew what your body needed.
You kept on kissing, him still being inside you. His hands trailed from your hips to your waist, your tits. Then he grabbed both your hands, intertwined his fingers with yours and pushed your arms over your head.
It all felt so intimate, so safe. You never felt like this.
When you needed air, he lifted his face off yours and smiled. You were both still panting, sweaty and you were sure your face was bright pink by now.
Soonyoung: What the fuck was that? Was that sex? Is this how it’s supposed to be?
You giggle and lift your face to give him a peck on the lips
Y/N: I have no words, Soonie. It just felt so good
Soonyoung: Can say that again. And we just started. Can you imagine how it’s going to be after a few weeks? Months? Shit!
Y/N: I think I can imagine how it’s going to be when you’re in the military. We’re going to fuck like two lunatics when we’re finally going to meet on your free days.
Soonyoung: Please, don’t remind me, I might cry. I’ll miss you so much. I’ll be horny all the time, waiting for the day when I get to touch you
Y/N: That sounds kinda hot, actually
Soonyoung: We should clean up
Y/N: Does that mean you’re going to pull that perfect cock out of me?
Soonyoung: Aww. You think it’s perfect?
Y/N: Yah hah. And it’s mine now
Soonyoung: You’re so cute
He lifts his body up, pulling out slowly. You watch his every move and you feel like you wanna fuck him again. Seeing his perfectly sculpted body, covered in sweat, those puffy lips, those veins under his abs that travel down to his semi hard cock. He looks good to eat.
He stops for a while to admire his work and watch his cum dripping out of your pussy. He feels hypnotised, he never thought this will turn him on this much.
Soonyoung: Let’s get in the shower, I don’t think we are done here.
He takes your hand and guides you to the bathroom, turns the shower on and gets back to kissing you until the water gets warm.
You feel more of his cum running down your thighs and you want to be filled by him again.
With one quick move, he turns you around, facing the mirror, and he’s pushing you forward until you touch the sink with your hips. You can feel his cock hard again, rubbing on your bare ass.
His hands go straight to your breasts, playing with them. His eyes again on yours, watching you trough the mirror in front of you.
Small whimpers coming out of your mouth while you’re biting your lip. He starts licking, biting and kissing your shoulder and neck, making your hips move against him, rubbing your ass on his length.
Y/N: I want you
Soonyoung: Like this?
Y/N: Yes
Soonyoung: What a dirty girl you are, wanting to watch yourself getting fucked
Then you feel him slide into your soaked pussy from behind. He pushed just the tip, not wanting to give you all so easily
Y/N: More, please!
Soonyoung: Beg for it
Y/N: Don’t do this
Soonyoung: Let me hear you beg
Y/N: My God, baby! Please! Please fuck me deeper! I need to feel you deep
Soonyoung: And why is that? Why do you need me so bad?
Y/N: You make me feel so good(and he’s pushing a little deeper). Fuck!
Soonyoung: What else?
Y/N: I…I love you(now he’s all the way in). Mmmyeessss
He puts one hand around your neck, chocking you, the other on your tits. His mouth all over your ear, licking it and whispering into it
Soonoung: Look at us. Look how sexy you are like this, begging for my cock. Being such a good girl for me
A few more more thrusts and he pulls out, stepping into the shower
Y/N: Soonieeee, why?
Soonyoung: Come here, baby. Don’t worry, I’ll fuck you in every single spot in this apartment
He takes the shower gel and pours some on your body, spreading it all over slowly. His hands massaging your tits drives you crazy. So you go to his cock, grabbing it with both hands, rubbing up and down, making him moan.
In seconds, you’re on your knees in front of him and his eyes are about to pop out.
He’s never seen such a pretty view, his hand going to brush some strands of hair from your face, then rubbing his thumb on your cheek lovingly.
Soonyoung: You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?
You flash a cheeky smile, raising your hand to grab his fat cock, stroking it right in front on your face.
Your mouth incredibly close to the tip.
Y/N: I always loved these veins on your abs. So fucking sexy
Soonyoung: Have you been thirsting over my abs?
Y/N: Couldn’t help it
Soonyoung: Take whatever you want, baby. I’m all yours. Ruin me
You start dragging your tongue from his balls to the tip of his cock, then licking the head, tasting the precum that started dripping down.
He’s already gone, and when you sink your mouth on his length, he needs to hold on to something.
Your moans around his cock don’t help his state, or your hungry eyes that are locked on his. You just love to watch him lose himself because of you.
He never thought his balls getting sucked into your mouth entirely would turn him on so much. You decided you wanted to edge him before deciding what to do with him next. Let him cum in your mouth or deny him? Let him beg? Have him fuck you? So many possibilities.
Y/N: Baby wants to cum?
Soonyoung: YYY…yeees
He can see your eyes sparkle, like you’re plotting something. And he was right. You’re spending the next minutes edging him and making him beg for release.
And you suck him off until he cums into your mouth only after you’re pleased. Bobbing your head back and forth, spiting on his cock, working what you can’t get into your mouth with your hand.
You feel him releasing deep down your throat, moaning and whimpering.
Y/N: Mmm, my good boy
Soonyoung: Fuck, that was so hot
He helps you get up and you actually end up showering this time. You fucked one more time when you went to bed, while you were trying to sleep. You were both too in love and into each other to keep it together. You just wanted him all the time.
You fell asleep in his arms. You could feel all night little kisses all over your bare skin, whenever he would move a bit. And you returned them.
When you woke up in the morning you were still glued to each other.  After that night, you ended up sleeping in his bed almost every night until the end of the tour.
At the same time, something strange started to happen since then. You started receiving texts from unknown numbers, but they all seemed to be from the same person.
At first you thought it was Jungkook, because why not. He did this shit before. And in a moment of rage you called him.
Y/N: I swear to God, Jungkook, if you’re involved in this I’m not going to let it go this time.
Jungkook: What are you talking about? What did I do?
Y/N: Are you the creep who’s sending me weird texts?
Jungkook: Am not, but this sounds serious. I’m not that type of person anymore. What does he want? I’m guessing it’s a he?
Y/N: I think it’s a he. He keeps rambling about me being a bitch for getting into another relationship and how me and him belong together. And how he’s going to ruin my relationship and I will realise that he’s the one for me, not some k pop boy.
Jungkook: Ok, so then we could presume he’s not a k pop boy then.
Y/N: Right. But the thing is I have no idea about other guys liking me
Jungkook: Oh, honey. I bet there are dozens out there that are into you
Y/N: What do you know?
Jungkook: I am a guy, I have eyes and ears, I know, trust me. When we were together and even after, there were many situations where guys would ask about you.
Y/N: Oh.
Jungkook: Anyway, you’re in a relationship?
Y/N: Yeah
Jungkook: Congratulations, he is a lucky guy. Is it Hoshi?
Y/N: Yes, it’s him
Jungkook: Yeah, figured. The way you were looking at each other gave it away
Y/N: I’m sorry if it’s uncomfortable for you. We don’t need to talk about it
Jungkook: Nah, it’s fine. I’m really happy for you. In the end it was only natural for you to find an actual kind person, and not a jerk
Y/N: Thanks, Kook
Jungkook: Sooo, maybe talk to Mingyu about this stalker. He might know how to help.
Y/N: Thanks, I think I will.
Tour has ended and you were back in Seoul. It was good to be home, but you hoped the tour to last some more, because the end of it means your boyfriend’s enlistment.
They decided after Jeonghan’s birthday, so you had a couple of weeks left.
Things got back to normal at the office. You even got a raise and a promise for promotion in the next year or so, after one more big project.
You wanted to tell the guys what has been going on with your stalker, so you asked Hoshi to gather Jun, Mingyu, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua at his place.
All he knew about this was that you were getting weird messages here and there, but you tried not to sound to worried, because he had the tour on his mind.
It was a Friday and you just got home from work. Later in the evening Hana will pick you up to go to Hoshi’s apartment complex.
Reaching the door to your own apartment, you found an envelope pushed under it. You found it weird that anyone would enter your building and leave something at your door.
You had security downstairs and nobody was allowed to go up without your knowledge. So before touching the envelope, you went back down to speak with the guys from security.
They said nobody came to leave anything for you or even ask for you that day.
Watching a lot of crime shows, you were very careful with this. So you asked one of the guards to come with you upstairs and check to see if your apartment is safe, and help you open the envelope.
Reaching your door again, you open it carefully, the guard goes inside and check all the rooms and closets. At least nobody’s there.
You put a pair of plastic gloves on and open the envelope. It was a letter inside, written by hand in Korean. You didn’t recognise the writing but you knew immediately it was from the stalker. Inside the envelope there were also a few photos of you.
You looked closely at them and you noticed that they were taken in different cities you went with the SVT tour.
Well shit, this guy knows where I live.
You thank the guard and tell him he can go back downstairs. You immediately called Hoshi. He didn’t answer. You knew he was working. Then tried Jun. then Mingyu. Nothing. Left a text with Jeonghan. I’ll call Hana then.
Y/N: Girl, I’m fucking scared.
Hana: Oh no. What happened?
Y/N: The stalker knows where I live. I found a letter with photos from the tour, right under my door.
Hana: No fucking way! I’ll fucking kill this guy!
Y/N: I tried reaching the guys but they are at work right now. I don’t know what to do. Should I call the police?
Hana: Let’s try to calm down first. What does the letter say?
Y/N: He continues with threats. Saying that I will pay for being with another man that’s not him, that I have been a slut for k pop boys, that he’s a real man. And I think he was the one that attacked me that night in front of my building.
Hana: Fuck! You’re right, it could have been him. I am stuck at the bank right now. Let me call Jaehyun
You go back to the door and make sure again it’s closed. You walk to every window and look down into the street, even though you live at 15th floor and could not notice if anyone acts suspicious.
Then Hana calls
Hana: Wife, you should try and reach Jungkook or Eunwoo, they should be free right now and maybe one of them can come and spend some time with you before I get there, ok?
Y/N: Oh, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Jungkook in my house? While I have a boyfriend? Hoshi would flip. And me and Eunwoo are not that close.
Hana: Oh, shut up. Both of them would help you if you asked. We are all in the same group of friends, we need to help each other. And Hoshi will understand. You have no one else to call, anyway and you’re scared. Please!
Y/N: Ok, I’ll call Jungkook
Before calling him, you feel another wave of anxiety and you wonder if the guard looked carefully all over the apartment. Now you’re going crazy, grabbing a knife from the kitchen and going trough each room and little corner where a person could hide.
Only after you’re sure the guy could crawl and hide into the tv, you can relax. So you call Jungkook.
Jungkook: Hey, what’s up?
Y/N: Did Jaehyung tell you anything?
Jungkook: No, about what?
Y/N: Well, you remember the stalker and the texts? He knows where I live, he left a letter under my door today and I’m fucking scared. Everyone is busy or at work and…
Jungkook: I’m coming, leaving right now. Is it safe to stay there since he knows where you live?
Y/N: I don’t know, I can’t think straight right now.
Jungkook: Ok, I’m staying on the phone with you until I get there. Everything’s going to be ok. Just don’t open the door to anyone, don’t go out, and you’ll be safe.
Y/N: Ok..
You got so emotional that you started crying. You tried to keep it in and not let him notice, but he knew you to well.
Still, he didn’t say anything about it. He knew you were not a person who cries easily or panics, so what he needed to do now was to change the subject into something more positive.
Jungkook: So how was being on tour with SVT?
Y/N: It was great, felt like vacation sometimes(trying to speak between sobs)
Jungkook: Good, good. We’re going to go on tour soon also. I can’t wait, it’s been a while for us as a group.
Y/N: Kook?
Jungkook: Yeah?
Y/N: Someone is knocking on my door.
Jungkook: Don’t answer and keep quiet.
Y/N: My interphone screen doesn’t work
Jungkook: You still have the peep hole
Y/N: I’m scared to get close to the door
Jungkook: Nothing is going to happen, you’re safe in there. He can’t break the door
Y/N: Ok, I’m gong to look. Shit, more knocking. Persistent
Jungkook: Well? What do you see?
Y/N: Fuck! I think it’s the guy. He’s wearing a delivery guy uniform and a mask. Can’t see the face. Has a paper bag in his arms. He won’t leave
Jungkook: 5 minutes and I’m in front of your building
Y/N: Hurry. Please
Jungkook: Breathe, ok? I’ll be there. Nothing’s going to happen to you
You run back to your kitchen, hiding after the kitchen island, holding the knife. The guy started to hit the door with his feet right now, really hard.
Y/N: Shit shit
Jungkook: What?
Y/N: He’s hitting the door with his feet and pushing himself into it
Jungkook: Call the security
Y/N: That means I have to hang up with you and that terrifies me more
Jungkook: Fuck! I’m going to break his legs. I’m here. I’ll take the elevator to the 14th, then tale the stairs to 15th so he can’t hear and run
Y/N: Please be careful, he might be armed
Jungkook: I’ll ask one of the guards to come with me, don’t worry. I’m hanging up now
After 2 minutes you hear loud noises outside, even screams. You go to look trough the hole and you Jungkook trying to keep the guy on the floor, punching him.
In seconds, everything goes to shit, because you see the stalker getting up and running, while Jungkook holds his hands close to him and the guard is running after the guy.
Right then, you open the door to check on Jungkook and you see he’s bleeding.
Y/N: Omg, Kook! Where are you hurt?
Jungkook: Just my hand, he took out a knife and I managed to take it from him before he stabbed me.
Y/N: Shit! Come inside, let’s stop the bleeding and we’re going to the hospital
You two get inside and you bring the first aid kit, try to clean his cut and tie some bandages over it, putting pressure.
Then you left to the closest hospital, taking his car.
Y/N: I can’t believe he wanted to stab you. I’ll kill him with my own hands
Jungkook: Didn’t know you like me this much to kill for me
Y/N: Not funny, Kook. You could have been dead because of me
Jungkook: It’s not your fault and I just got a cut. What you should worry about is that the creep has a knife on him and he wanted to use it on you. Also, he escaped and he will come back to finish his job. We need to find you a new place.
Y/N: You can be sure I am not spending one single night in that apartment again.
Jungkook left messages on the 97’s group chat, telling them what happened. At the hospital, they took care of him right away when they saw who he was. He didn’t let you stay two feet away from him.
He asked the hospital staff to call the police, since this was an attack, and you both would place charges.
It took a couple of hours and you told Hana to come pick you up from there. As you were still talking to the cops, your phone was going crazy. Calls and texts, probably Mingyu saw the messages in the group and told everyone.
You needed to answer to Hoshi’s call, so you excused yourself for a minute.
Y/N: Hiii
Soonyoung: Omg, are you ok? Where are you, I’m coming to get you
Y/N: I’m ok, nothing happened to me. We’re at the hospital now with the police. Hana’s coming to get me and we’re coming to yours.
Soonyoung: Are you still with Jungkook there?
Y/N: Yes, he’s here too. He got injured.
Soonyoung: Oh.
Y/N: Don’t worry, ok? In 15 minutes I’m heading to your place and we talk there. Gotta go, Soonie
Soonyoung: Please be careful and call me immediately if something happens
You say goodbye to Jungkook and promise to keep in touch, the you leave. When you see Hana, she’s running to you crying.
Hana: Omg, pookie! I got so scared
She’s hugging you, leaving you without air.
Hana: Let’s get you to your man. He kept on insisting to come get you himself but if would have taken too much time.
Y/N: Awww, poor Soonie
Hana: Yeah, he even cried on the phone after he found out from Mingyu
Y/N: Let’s go, I need to get out of this place
Arriving at Hoshi’s place you were finally feeling safe, after so many hours.
He opened the door and you jumped in his arms, crying. It took him a few minutes to hold and comfort you until you relaxed.
Y/N: I was so scared. I felt like I had no one to call. I felt so lonely. I’m sorry for calling Jungkook
Soonyoung: Baby..I’m not mad about that. I’m happy he got there in time and that nothing worse happened. I can’t believe you went trough this, I’m so sorry
Y/N: It was awful
Soonyoung: You’re staying with me for a while, ok?
Y/N: But..
Soonyoung: No buts, I will be leaving in 2 weeks anyway, so why not spend as much time as we can together. And you’ll be safe here, it’s a very closed off complex and well guarded.
Y/N: I would love to stay with you
Mingyu: I made some relaxing tea, drink some. Are you hungry?
Y/N: Yeah, starving
Jeonghan comes and hold your hand, a sad look on his face.
Jeonghan: I’m sorry we’re leaving now when you’re going trough this
Seungcheol: Don’t worry, Han, I will still be around, and the members
Soonyoung: Yeah, but the one who should be here for her the most is leaving
Jeonghan: Me?(resting his head on your shoulder, leaning into you)
Mingyu: Idiot! Don’t worry guys, we will all be here for her. First things first, I will take it upon myself to find you a new place to move into.
Soonyoung: Why? Can’t she stay here all the time I am gone? The place will be empty and she won’t need to waste money on rent. I would feel so much better if you’d stay here, baby
Y/N: I’ll think about it and we’ll talk another time.
Seungcheol: What did you want to talk about with us?
Y/N: Well the creep from today is harassing me for weeks. He keeps on sending texts with threats. It happened since Berlin. I thought he will stop when we get back home, but it seems he knows now where I live. Today I found a letter from him along with photos he took of me while on tour.
Mingyu: Shit! Why didn’t you say anything before?
Y/N: Didn’t want to bother you while on tour, you needed to focus on that.
Soonyoung: So it’s worse than I thought.
Joshua: No shit, he wanted to kill her today, dummy
Soonyoung: Don’t say that, Shua! I’ll die if something happens to my baby
Mingyu: How do we catch the guy?
Jeonghan: How would we know? Let the police handle it
Mingyu: Yeah, but maybe we can find out things. How much do you think the police will do?
Joshua: They should, because now Jungkook is involved, and it’s serious. The company will intervene, lawyers
Y/N: I agree, we should let the police handle it. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt
Soonyoung is on your left, holding your left hand, kissing your head, while Jeonghan is on your right, holding your right hand. Mingyu is bringing the tea cup to your lips so you can drink. You feel overwhelmed
Y/N: Guys, please, let’s all calm down and I’ll drink my tea myself. Thanks, Gyu. And thank you all for being here for me, it means a lot
Seungcheol: Let’s give her some space, everyone. Gyu, I’ll help with the food
Y/N: How am I going to get my stuff from my place? And why isn’t Juni here?
Hana: I’ll go get a suitcase with things you’ll need today and tomorrow we can go together and get everything
Jeonghan: Jun is on his way, he wanted to bring you some special soup to make you feel better and I guess it takes some time
Y/N: He’s the best
Soonyoung: Yaaa, right in front of your boyfriend?
Jeonghan: What about me?
Y/N: You are all the best, ok?
After some time, Jun arrived and he got your favourite soup. He always knows how to make things better. You all sat to eat, some had a few glasses.
Hana: Who’s coming with me to Y/N’s place to get some stuff? Preferably two guys
Mingyu: I’ll go. Cheol?
Seungcheol: Ok, let’s go. That creep should count his minutes if I find him lurking around there.
Soonyoung: Guys, but when you get back you’ll all go home, right? I’m tired being the host for today
Y/N: Soonie, don’t be rude
Mingyu: It’s fine, that’s how he is when he has guests. That’s why he left the dorm to live alone. He likes his peace
Soonyoung: It’s enough socializing when I work, at home I can finally be myself and recharge
Jeonghan: I completely agree. And this is me, leaving home too. Two hours is enough for me. Call me if you need me, kids
Y/N: Yes, dad. Thank you(he places a little kiss on your head) and goes for the door
Joshua: Hold up, I’m coming with you. Bye guys, and keep in touch, stay safe
Jun: Now I feel awkward being the only one left.
Soonyoung: Moon Junhui, don’t feel awkward
Y/N: I might leave you two for a while, I kind of need a shower
Soonyoung: Oh! Let me run a bath for you and we will let you relax. Just wait here
He went immediately to prepare your bath, leaving you alone with Jun.
Jun: How are you, after everything?
Y/N: I don’t think my brain fully understands the danger I am in right now. It’s like it’s protecting me from going insane
Jun: That’s a good strategy. But. Please never be alone on the street again
Y/N: How do I do that, though? Everyone had a life, can’t have people glued to me 24/7
Jun: Actually, you can. We’re getting you a bodyguard until the scumbag is caught. And we will make sure he gets caught
Y/N: That sounds so.. fancy. I am not some celebrity, Juni
Jun: Shut up. You’re important to me. To Hoshi, to Hana, to the others. Just accept tge help this time
Y/N: Ok, but only because I’m really scared for my life
After 15 minutes, you hear your boyfriend calling for you that the bath is ready. He made sure to put all types of oils inside the water. It smelled really good and you just wanted to sink into that warm bath and not think.
Soonyoung: Want my help with your clothes?
Y/N: Would be nice, thanks
You let him take your clothes off slowly. He was so gentle, all the love he had for you emanating from his eyes. After you were completely naked, he gave you a warm hug, telling you how much he loved you., then left you alone.
You lowered yourself in the tub and let the feeling take over. His bathroom had big windows and you sat there, looking over the city. Just the light from a few scented candles surrounding you, and some slow relaxing music in the background.
Somehow, you thought that hearing your boyfriend and your friend watch a movie would be more relaxing. It was because not hearing them gave you a little anxiety, feeling lonely.
Yeah, it was because of the events from today, not wanting to be alone in a room. You knew the creep wouldn’t be able to climb Hoshi’s building to find you in his bathroom, but still.
You wondered where he could be, what could he be doing right now. Planning his next move? Planning how to murder you? If it was so easy for him to get into your building, wouldn’t it be easy to get into this complex too?
And it would be easy for him to find out where you are, he could easily follow you from work. You have no idea how he looks like, he could be any guy on the street, on the subway, in the supermarket.
You decide that this is not relaxing you and after 10 minutes you wash yourself, put fresh clothes that Hoshi brough for you from his closet, brush your teeth, clean your face and get back into the living room.
Soonyoung opens his arms for you, patting the couch for you to lay between them. You really feel safe like this, you think. You don’t want to think what you’re going to do after he enlists.
You felt like home with his arms wrapped around you. Felt so good that you feel asleep pretty fast. You were exhausted after today.
At some point you heard voices, and you don’t know how you ended up in bed. You were too sleepy to open your eyes, but you felt your boyfriend next to you, facing you, his hand over your waist.
Since he was few inches away, you needed to feel him so you dragged yourself next to his body. It felt warm and good. You put your right hand under your head and the left one stroking his face and hair.
But it wasn’t close enough. You pouted and whined and moved so that your forehead touched his, your nose touched his. Your left leg went over his hip, pulling him into you.
After a few seconds you whined again. No, this won’t do either. You gave him lazy sleepy little kisses all over his face. Now he’s whining, trying to whisper something
Soonyoung: What is it, love? Can’t sleep?
Y/N: No, I felt like loving you
Soonyoung: Feels nice
Y/N: You’re so cute, I think I might eat your cute little nose
Soonyoung: Nooo, I need it
As you were being silly and sleepy, things started to heat up as you were now kissing his lips too. Because one little kiss leads to more little kisses, that lead to bigger kisses, and deeper kisses, and needy kisses.
The kissing lead to touching, groping, rubbing. You needed to feel his naked body net to yours. Both your clothes were gone in a heartbeat.
It was something very intimate about laying facing each other on your sides, naked, making out. It felt like time has stopped and you have no care in the world.
The sleepiness was long gone, the only sensation you were feeling now was love. It was not always about sex, you sometimes had moments when you were in this same context, making out, naked, but no orgasms or penetration involved.
It just felt so satisfying to both of you to show your love like this. Two freaks for physical touch.
But tonight you wanted to feel him deep inside you, to hear his moans into your ear, to watch his orgasm face as he spilled his cum into you. You wanted everything.
So you moved your hand between your bodies to grab his hard cock, stroking it slowly. Didn’t take long for him to be a mess.
Soonyoung: Baby….I want you so bad. Please let me feel you around my cock
You position the tip right on your entrance and let him push inside. You were already so wet from all that foreplay that the stretch didn’t hurt that much.
Y/N: Oh fuck
Soonyoung: Does it hurt?
Y/N: It always hurts at first, Soonie. Your cock is so fucking fat
Soonyoung: God, don’t say that, I might explode right now
Y/N: Please fuck me. Fuck me and don’t let me go
Soonyoung: I won’t, my love. I’ll fuck you like this until we both cum
He continued to fuck into you, alternating the speed. He loved fucking you slow, he could concentrate better like that. One of his hands went around your throat, chocking you. He knows it drives you crazy.
You kept one hand on his chest, scratching at it and the other in his hair, pulling on it. Sloppy kisses, deep wet thrusts, dirty words and moans could be heard around the room.
Y/N: Shit, you feel so good. You’re going to make me cum soon
Soonyoung: Wanna feel you cum around my cock
Few thrusts later and you started shaking in his arms, your walls squeezing his cock impossibly hard, triggering his own release.
Y/N: Oh my God, that was so good. I needed that
Soonyoung: I love you
Y/N: I love you
The next few days were crazy. Jun and Soonyoung hired you a bodyguard who would follow you at all times while you were outside. He would escort you from Hoshi’s apartment door to work and back home, he would go with you shopping and anywhere else you had to be.
It felt a bit weird but you felt safe. You kept in touch with Jungkook and with the detectives working on this case. They managed to find out who the creep was and where he lived and worked.
It seems that he’s a photographer, working for a well known magazine in Seoul. They looked for him at his apartment but he was not there, they even broke his door down.
The guy just vanished. Then they looked with anyone he could have connections with, but found out he had no friends and his family didn’t want to hear from him.
Now, this is a bad sign. The stalker must be really angry right now since the police is onto him and he can’t even go home or to work. That means no money and no place to sleep.
He might have a car, so he could sleep in it, or use his savings to sleep in cheap rooms. But now, more than ever he would want to hurt you. He probably blames you for ruining his life.
Soonyoung has been extra busy, filming stuff in advance that the company could use while he’s gone. But at least you were spending every night together and it brought a little bit of comfort.
One afternoon while you found yourself at the police station, together with Jungkook and his lawyers, your boyfriend calls you.
Y/N: Yeah, Soonie
Soonyoung: I finished work early today, can we order some food?  I’m on my way home
Y/N: Oh, I’m not home though. I’m at the police station again
Soonyoung: Oh. You need me there? I can be there in 30
Then he hears Jungkook’s voice, calling for you, telling you to hurry the phonecall. This pissed off Hoshi a lot.
Soonyoung: Ya, why is Jungkook telling you to end our call? Why is he there again with you?
Y/N: No no no, don’t get upset now. He doesn’t know I’m talking to you. And we both needed to be here with the lawyers, to speed things up. I’ll be home soon.
Soonyoung: Don’t take his side
Y/N: I’m not, just explaining why we’re here and that you there’s no reason to worry about him. We’ve talked about this
Soonyoung: You know what? I’m coming there to take you home myself
Y/N: I don’t want to argue with you, so I’ll let you do that. I need to get back to the others, I’ll be done until you get here.
When you finished the meeting and got out of the room, you find a very sulky Soonyoung waiting in the hallway. He quickly comes towards you when he sees you, with an apologetic look on his face.
Jungkook: Oh, hyung, you’re here
Soonyoung: And you’re here. With my girlfriend. Again(trying to wrap it in a joke)
Jungkook: You have nothing to worry about, though. She is crazy for you
Soonyoung: Really now?
Jungkook: You’re all she talks about
Y/N: Guuuys, I’m right here
Jungkook: Well I’ll be going now, have to stop by the company
As soon as you got into Hoshi’s car, he started to apologize about his fit earlier, telling you that he trusts you, but not Jungkook. Because he knows how men can be and he has eyes and obviously, you’re the most beautiful creature ever.
You two drove home and he had to order your favourite food and spoil you. He played one of your favourite movies and prepared a bath for both of you.
As you were laying there in the bathtub, him holding you from behind, you started to become emotional. You told him to hold you tighter and talked about how much you will miss each other.
Many times he would say that he won’t enlist anymore, that he’ll wait another year. It was very conflicting in his mind, he wished everything was easier. He always wanted to go to the military and see what’s that about, but now he finds it really hard to wish for it.
He tells you he wants you to be there along with his family when he goes. Maybe you’ll be able to go undercover as a company staff. That also means you’ll meet his parents and it makes you nervous.
Soonyoung: But my parents know about you
Y/N: What?
Soonyoung: We don’t have secrets, they know everything
Y/N: How do they feel about our relationship?
Soonyoung: They are happy if I’m happy. I’m the pride of the family, you forgot?
Y/N: Silly
Soonyoung: I do want you to meet them before I leave, though. Wanna come with me to visit them next week?
Y/N: Are you sure? Do they know?
Soonyoung: Of course
After relaxing some more in the warm water, you washed each other’s hair and helped drying it, then got into bed. Like usual, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other and you had a steamy session of love making that left both of you spent.
You couldn’t help to overthink things this time. How will it go with his family, how are you going to keep the relationship while you’re not together physically, is he going to get bored? You know that saying, out of sight out of mind.
He’s a pretty emotional person, what if he will get over you as fast as he fell in love? You can’t actually know what he’s feeling, how strong or genuine his feelings are.
He told you that he never took a girl home to meet his family and you wondered why. You didn’t bother him with questions like that about his ex. You just knew it was a shit show and he was not comfortable talking about it.
You wondered why you’re doing this to yourself, why so much overthinking and doubting. Why are us all doing this to ourselves? And why can’t people just be honest, loyal and not assholes?
Not that Soonyoung was one. He was a sweetheart so far.
A week later and just a few days before his enlistment. You already met his parents and sister and it actually went pretty good. You felt welcomed and heard. They treated you as their own daughter.
You loved the dynamic between them, a little teasing between siblings. But all that showed how much they cared for each other.
Sometimes you wished you lived that with your own family. But eh, not everyone is meant to be a parent. You accepted that long time ago. That’s why you put so much into your relationships with people around you.
You make sure that the ones that deserve all the love, receive it.
The last few days together went on really fast. He was gone most of the day, shooting in advance. Each time the group was having nights out, you were there too. He wanted to make the most of the time left, spending it with everyone he loved.
His enlistment ceremony was hard. His family and the members were there. And you, as an undercover staff sent by the company.
You said you goodbyes and there he went, holding Jeonghan’s hand. At least they’ll have each other and you’re a little less worried.
The boys wanted to cheer you up and took you to lunch to a nice barbeque place. it was hard to hold your tears all day.
Jun: Come on, bestie, things are going to be ok. He’s going to get back in no time
Dino: And you’re still going to chat every day and meet from time to time
Y/N: That’s true, but still
Mingyu: Let’s put some food in you and you’ll feel better
Mingyu knew you and knew that food always helped. He wasn’t sure which one was the bigger foodie, you or Hoshi. He thought how lucky his friend was for having you and how sad he still felt for loosing you.
No, he was not going to steal you now that it was the same context. Boyfriend gone to the army, you alone. What type of lowlife would he be this time…
 2 days after you receive a phone call from Jungkook.
Jungkook: Yaaa, they caught the creep
Y/N: Seriously? Are we sure it’s him?
Jungkook: Yes, 100%. And he’s going to be behind bars for a long time. We’ll be needed at the station tomorrow.
Y/N: That’s fine, I’ll make time for this, I want that son of a bitch locked away. This has been a nightmare, could barely sleep at night.
Arriving at the police station the next day, you meet Jungkook in the parking lot and you go inside the building together. You meet with the lawyers and the detectives that lead you into a room.
They say you’ll be able to see the suspect behind a protective window. And when you move your eyes to his face you’re left stunned.
Y/N: It’s that fucking photographer
Jungkook: You know him? What photographer?
Y/N: When I was in Paris at this fashion show, he came to me and Hana and said he recognised me. Turns out he was the one who took the photos of me and Mingyu in our vacation in Italy(turning to Jungkook to give him a nasty look)
Jungkook: Oh! I had no idea who the photographer was. All I did was talk to a friend and she found the guy and talked to him and paid him. I never saw him.
Y/N: Anyway, we’ll talk about this later. But yeah, it’s him. This is crazy
This was big, now you could finally feel relieved. The crazy stalker was behind bars and you can walk around in peace. Only if your boyfriend was here to share the excitement with and give him a big hug.
One year and a half went fast. You kept in touch, texting every night before bed. He would be spent after the intense training and duties. He would talk about how nice people were to him and how many friends he made.
You would tell him stories from work and the times you would spend with the members, going at their shows, going out with them and so on.
He was trilled to know that you would visit his parents from time to time and formed a really nice relationship with them. His sister would joke that they should swap and have you as a sibling instead of Soonyoung.
Your outings with the ’97 crew got back to normal. Jungkook became…a friend? He was not like Jun, but you would talk sometimes. Hana was the happiest that the group reunited and everyone was getting along again.
Sometimes, Mingyu would give off a weird vibe but you could never get him to talk about what bothers him. Whenever you’d bring up Hoshi, he would try to change the subject, but at the same time he was very supportive of your relationship.
You also knew that he was seeing someone, a girl from a group. He didn’t want to disclose her identity and the guys were bullying him for it.
The thing with him was that he was still thinking about you and no matter how hard he tried to date others and fall in love, he couldn’t. He didn’t know why or how to get you out of his head.
And now, he hoped that this new girl was closer to what “perfect for him” was. He couldn’t avoid comparing her to you. He thought that everything you did or said was perfect, that you were just perfect.
He really tried to love other women but he was settling. For how long, he didn’t know. And you had no idea he was going trough all of this. Even if you knew, how would you help him?
Your worries now were about your future with your boyfriend, because you didn’t know how things will change when he gets back home in a few days. You grew to feel like home at his place and you felt safe there and closer to him.
There was no conversation about what you two will do after his military service and it kind of made you anxious.
It was almost Christmas and you couldn’t wait to spend the holidays with Hoshi and cuddle him every night. His discharge was quick, the members were there, except Wonwoo and Woozi who enlisted recently after their last comeback in September.
The plan was for everyone, including members and his family to get together at the company for a little welcome home dinner-party. Since Soonyoung had to meet up with some staff to finish some paperwork, Mingyu offered to pick you up from home.
The drive to the Hybe building was pretty quiet, Mingyu was not himself today. He is nervous, he wants to say something but doesn’t know how.
Mingyu: Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah
Mingyu: You know I will always care for you, right?
Y/N: I guess? Why?
Mingyu: I think I am not over you(a long moment of silence, in which you were shocked). I don’t know why I’m telling you this, I guess I feel like it will help me with closure and stuff. Or maybe it will help me get over it once and for all, with you knowing how I feel. I’m sorry, I am not trying to burden you, I just needed to get it out of my chest.
Y/N: Oh! I…. don’t know what to say
Mingyu: Don’t need to say anything, really. Please, don’t feel bad or weird, ok? Just be my friend and that’s it. I am really happy for you and Hosh. Like really really happy.
You looked at him and could see the sadness in his eyes. But he was also genuine about him being happy for you. You trust him and you will be his friend if that’s what he needs.
And if he needs to put some space between you two, then you will give him that.
Arriving at the company, the elevator ride with Mingyu felt awkward. You tried to act natural but it was hard, considering what he just told you 20 minutes ago. Also, should you tell this to your boyfriend?
Entering the room where everyone gathered, there was no sign of Soonyoung, and Jeonghan. They probably haven’t finished their meeting with the managers, you think.
Jun comes to you and keeps you in a tight hug for what feels like minutes, observing your worried face.
Jun: What is it? Nervous?
Y/N: Yeah, I really am nervous.
Jun: Wanna talk later?
Y/N: We’ll see how things go. Some people might get really drunk tonight and need babysitting. By people I mean Your good friend Hoshi.
Jun: Let’s have fun tonight and get some drinks, girl!
Y/N: Who gets drunk first pays for one dinner
Jun: Get ready to lose, you loser!
You were already starting your second glass of whatever Joshua made for you. Tasted sweet and you thought it will be easy to beat Jun since you barely felt any alcohol in the drink.
You were in a conversation with Dino and Cheol, when the door opens with a bang, barely having time to turn around to see what was the sound, when you saw someone running to you and crashing into your body, lifting you off the floor.
Soonyoung: Babe!!! You’re here!
Next thing you hear is him crying, saying how he missed you. He put you down, but his arms still strong around you. You couldn’t contain your own tears either, letting them fall down your cheeks.
Then he pulled away, littering your face with kisses, making you giggle.
Y/N: Soonyoung, there are people around!
Soonyoung: Don’t care. Everyone knows I’m obsessed with you, so..
After a minute or two he lets you go to hug the rest of the people in the room, his parents looking at him with great pride.
Most of the day, Hoshi stood by your side, even though you kept telling him that you’re fine and he can go mingle with his friends. But he felt like he could not breath if he was not touching you in any way.
Soonyoung: Love? Ready to go home?
Y/N: I love the sound of that.
The whole ride home your hand was in his, didn’t let go until you were both inside his apartment.
Soonyoung: Let’s make a huge bed on the living room floor so we can lay down, looking out the windows and cuddle.
Y/N: But let’s shower first
With both being needy and fucking horny, the shower took longer than expected, but you both decided to behave. Still, you kept kissing and touching each other. Hands all over your naked bodies. Things were getting really heated and you couldn’t wait to get to bed.
You didn’t even bother to put sleep clothes on, you just got under the blanket, holding each other tight.
Y/N: Missed this so much. Missed you
Soonyoung: I know, baby. Me too
And without any more words, you started kissing, him shifting his weight on top of you, hands going all over your body. Your hands flew over his shoulders, pulling him impossibly close.
You wanted to whisper sweet nothings into his ear, but your mouth would not cooperate with you. And whenever you had a second free from kisses, his lips would be on yours immediately.
Both feeling starved for each other, to feel, touch, love. The only thing you could get out of your mouth were pretty moans that were quickly devoured by his own mouth.
You felt him enter you slowly. You haven’t felt him like this in months and it felt so good that all the emotions and feelings made you cry of happiness and pleasure. Orgasms starting to come one after another, your vision getting blurry, mouth searching for his.
As he kept thrusting into you, making love to you, he would whisper “I love you”, not breaking the kiss. Everything felt so intense and you wanted more.
You felt him cumming inside you, and all you could say was “Don’t stop” and he didn’t. He needed more, he needed more of you. In minutes he came a second time and you didn’t even remembered how many times you came.
He kept his thrusts but at a low pace, just enjoying a little overstimulation and your puffy lips on his.
Soonyoung: Marry me!
That made you squeeze around him so hard and it made him giggle, so he said it again and that made you cum again.
Soonyoung: My God, please. I don’t think I can go for another round right now.
After you came down from your orgasm, you tried to gather your thoughts.
Y/N: Soonyoungie, what are you trying to do? Don’t mock me, that’s a very serious question
Soonyoung looks at you with a straight face.
Soonyoung: Baby, I am as serious as I can be. I want to be your husband, put a ring on your pretty finger and make you mine forever. So answer me, please.
Y/N: There is nothing that I want more, so yes. Yes, of course I’ll marry you, my silly tiger
Soonyoung: When can we start making babies?
Y/N: You came back from the military today, slow down!
Soonyoung: Sorry, I’m just really happy right now.
Y/N: Me too
That night, you fell asleep in each other’s arms, talking about your future. You never felt happier and it made you think that you probably deserve to be happy too. The only worry you had now was how Mingyu will feel after he’ll find out about your engagement.
You knew this will break his heart again and it made yours sink into your chest.
Feeling guilty that your happiness might upset someone else is real, and maybe this is your punishment for being happy. But whatever happens, you’ll allow yourself to feel all these emotions, good and bad. You didn’t feel alone anymore, you had someone that made you feel appreciated and loved.
Final note: Thanks to everyone who have interacted to my fic. This was the final chapter from the long story and will start my new mafia fic very soon. Hope you enjoyed it and I hope I did a good job, this being my first ever story that I have written. Now I'll go cry into my pillow, missing Jeonghan, bye! Stay safe!
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dadattebayo · 10 hours
You know what guys…
I just watched this teaser for the final episode, and of course I am thrilled and blown away by Sauron's maniac face telling he is gonna rape his preciousssss eat Galadriel alive
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oh fuck help me i can´t
I still have something to say. Like okay, i get it, all this unspoken sexual tension and stuff between them, and kinda obvious crazy thirst for her in his creepy face - all could be fine by me except the one tiny detail. What we can see more in this teaser is another freaking kiss that is going to happen this time between Isildur and his girl sorry I forgot her name,
so what’s really pissing me off is that so far we would have 4 kisses in the show and basically these are 4 KISSES NO ONE ACTUALLY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT.
1. Harfoots. Who cares about the hobbits kissing scene? Like what the hell was it for? Does someone for real ship them? Was this kiss important to the story?
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Fucking NO.
2. Elrond and Galadriel. Totally unnecessary. No one expected this and no one would want this to happen actually. Especially considering the fact he eventually just put the key into her hand without any special use of his mouth required.
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Okay I get it can explained he wanted to distract the orcs, but anyway, somehow the writers did came up with this particular idea!
3. Arondir and Bronwin. Totally fine by me except she´s dead now.
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4. Now Isildur and Estrid (I remembered the name).
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At first I was blind enough watching the teaser to think it was Halbrand so I got a mini stroke.
Pretty sure once we will see Elendil/Miriel kissing too. Of course I do not mind any of these kisses happening, I even ship some of them but still these are not something the whole fandom is waiting for.
There is literally only one kiss EVERYONE is expecting. Not only the haladriel shippers, but everyone (some might want it to happen, some might not, but it would not be a surprise for anyone) since in fact nobody has ever asked for Saurondriel in the first place, it was totally up to the showrunners to literally just start pushing this ship into our throats from their first meeting using all scrupulously planned moments between them throughout the season 1 and countless hints and moments of nostalgia in the season 2! God, they even invented the whole Mirdania character just to prove Sauron´s feelings (and of course to show his cruelty later, but thats not the point)
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guess where the kiss should have happened if they hadn't been interrupted
The writers made this ship up consciously and intentionally. THEY HAVE BEEN FEEDING US WITH HALADRIEL SINCE THE BEGINING,
So why the fuck this couple which has always been promoted in such obvious way is the only one that is not likely to get a goddamn kiss?! At this point i would rather believe that even Stranger and Nori would kiss, but not Saurondriel.
This is disturbing. BECAUSE EXCUSE ME WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT 2 MORE YEARS to get the s3. I am not still quite sure though cause there is still no official announcement on s3
So, they all have already messed up enough with the original plot by putting some of the kisses mentioned above in the series, so why just not let also Saurondriel finally happen? What difference would it make anyway? none! all plot holes will all be fixed thanks to impossibility to fix sauron.
It needs something better to get us screaming and making views to the show.
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kokushibosbestie · 2 days
ok so idk if u do like x reader stuff but if you do, can u do like a Sally face fic or headcannons with Sal and Larry. I wanted to request what it would be like for them to have like a very busy s/o. Like I do marching band and outside of school I do volleyball and lessons for trombone and piano. Along with that I take AP classes and student council which give me more work to do so I feel pretty drained by the end of the day
♡~ Sal and Larry w/ busy S/O HCs ~♡
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Warnings: None, just pure fluffiness and love. GN!reader.
♪ Sal Fisher ♪
· HE'S JUST A FKN SWEETHEART 😭😭 · I will say that he is going to make sure to make your life easier no matter what · like doing chores, helping you with projects and assignments, and planning out your week · I don't think many realize this, but he is not the "badass player" people portray him as. 😔 · So, he will make you sit down with him on the weekend and ask how things are going. · And this is with everything. Work, school, family life, your relationship with him, your mental health, etc. · He is serious about it too. 😅 He cares a lot and he doesn't like to see you stressed. · So when you come home tired and worn out, he will not be happy. · he knows it's not your fault and you can't help it "Love, please stop doing this to yourself. You know this isn't good." · Like I said, he loves you 🥰 · istg this man HAS and WILL beg you to take a break · so when you come home, he'll already have a bath ready for you · once you're done taking a bath, he'll make you sit down on the floor in front of the couch so he can brush / comb your hair · and I honestly think he's not the best cook, but he will cook your favorite food no he won't, it's going to be takeout because he failed · your room is already cleaned and he bought you squishmellows to add to your collection · he'll cuddle you to sleep while playing with your hair · definitely the big spoon on nights like this "Relax baby, you need to get sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up, okay?"
☆ Larry Johnson ☆
· I'ma be fr with you, he would NOT notice at first · Not until Ashley said something but after she brings it to his attention that you need a little bit more attention, he will do exactly that · and istg, he WILL pick you up bridal style and carry you away from whatever you were doing 👀 · If you protest, he will glare at you and ignore it. · Any kind of work you do is "overworking yourself" to him · so beware · Imma be completely honest, this man CANNOT keep up with you · Your ship dynamic is literally "busy mastermind and their assistant who worships them but can't keep up." 😭💞 · larry is the one worshiping you "Look, I know you have a lot going on, so don't try to convince me that you aren't. I might be stupid in school but I'm not stupid with you." · he will say shit that doesn't make sense WHATSOEVER. 😔 · Ofc, he won't admit that he's trying to take care of you · or keep up with you · obvi 🙄 · I have my own hc that he actually does know how to cook nicely, so I think he'd make you food you'd watch a movie together and talk · once your social battery is completely out, he'll offer you to sleep on his chest. 🥰 · and when you wake up, he's gunna make you breakfast. "Don't try to keep yourself up babe. You've had a long day, so just rest."
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Hello. This is my first post, and I'm not really sure what to say. It feels kinda awkward writing this. I made this account because of how many requests I've received from the wonderful, incredible, amazing supportive readers/writers on AO3.
I'm current writing a Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fic on AO3 called Witch Heart. My name is twistedvanillacoffee there too. It's a third person, omniscient view [Reader] x RadioApple story. I plan to be writing it for awhile, as this is my current obsession. So, it's really long, and not canon compliant. And there's lots of trigger warnings, and yeah, that's all I can think of to say about it.
I'm still so beyond blown away anyone is even reading it. I joined AO3 so I could store it somewhere else, just in case. Expecting to be me, myself, and I doing the weird things because no one was watching. But this fandom is something else. It's so beyond supportive and encouraging; I can barely handle it some days.
Oh. I'm not a bot. Which might be something a bot would say. But I'm too tired to be one, so hopefully that verifies me.
Double oh, I don't use AI. My fic is unfortunately all my insane brain gremlin.
Okay. That's everything in can think of. Thank you for your time, whoever finds this. <3
Please let me know if I tag badly.
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hlficlibrary · 18 hours
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✤ Girl Direction ✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ Who Run the World? (Girls!) by dolce_piccante {M, 11k}
A femslash take on the beginning of Relief Next To Me, complete with girl!Direction, lots of tongue action, and lots of hints to the original work.
2️⃣ Tell Me This Is Paradise by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird {E, 19k}
Harry Styles has been lucky in love but unlucky in the bedroom with all of her previous boyfriends. When her best friend Niall finds out that she's never had an orgasm, she knows just what Harry needs: Louis Tomlinson. Niall sets Harry up to get sorted out.
3️⃣ that good girl faith (and a tight little skirt) by ariadne_odair {E, 43k}
“What the fuck did you do to my shampoo?” Harry shouts, brandishing the offending bottle like it’s a vial of poison. “Is this fucking mud? Did you honestly replace my shampoo with mud?” “Not just your shampoo,” Louis says calmly, then cracks up when Harry visibly pales.  
Harry and Louis are camp counsellors. They hate each other. The amount of sex they have in the camp showers probably contradicts that.
4️⃣ I love your demons (like devils can) by ariadne_odair {E, 60k}
"I am right here," she says loudly, and she can almost hear the crack when Louis' head whips around to stare at her.
"Why?" Louis asks, and Harry feels her insides shrivel up and die.
Harry didn’t plan to join the football team. She didn’t plan to sleep with the captain of the football team. She definitely didn’t plan to sleep with the closeted captain of the football team, who promptly acted as if nothing happened and left Harry a pathetic, pining mess.
5️⃣ the wheel breaks the butterfly by embodied / @crossnecklace {E, 4k}
“Out with it, Styles,” Louis groans. Harry’s suddenly regretting this whole thing, and she’s sure she’s beet red now, so she just blurts it out so fast she’s not sure if Louis even understands her right away.   “I’ve never gotten head before.”
AU. harry and louis are roommates. girls' night ends a little differently than usual.
💎 You Make Lovin' Fun by @homosociallyyours {E, 109k}
Harry is a 28 year old travel writer at a gay magazine who gets the assignment to go a lesbian cruise. She figures it's a nice chance to have some fun in the sun, but she's not expecting much else-- even if her partner and best friend are both encouraging her to hook up with someone while she's there.
When she locks eyes with a gorgeous silver fox from across the room, she starts to think she could've been wrong. There are lots of things standing in the way of anything real happening with her and Louis, but that doesn't stop them from falling for one another. True love isn't always easy, but they do make lovin' fun.
💎 That Smile and That Midnight Laugh by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright {T, 50k}
Harry’s never noticed how lovely Louis really is. Maybe it’s just that she’s usually so guarded – a little tense, a little irritated, a little put out. At least when she’s at school, and also usually when she’s around Nick, which are the only times Harry has really seen her. Until tonight. Tonight Harry’s seen her with her guard completely down. Too busy laughing and enjoying herself to remember to be prickly, maybe. She seems different.
It feels different.
A Ferris Bueller's Day Off AU that picks up right where the movie leaves off, and imagines what might happen if Ferris' girlfriend and sister become friends. And maybe something more, too.
💎 'tis the damn season by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf {E, 17k}
Harry returns to her small hometown over the holiday season and starts to think about the road not taken.
💎 bambi legs by @disgruntledkittenface {NR, 11k}
“Oh my god,” Zayn says, rolling her eyes and standing up. “You do know what this means, right?” 
“Yes?” Harry tries, looking up pathetically and hoping Zayn will take pity on her. 
“This means she doesn’t even need the fabric she buys from you every other week,” Zayn says slowly, as if speaking to a small child. “She doesn’t come here for the fabric. She comes here for you.” 
Harry works at her family’s fabric store sometimes and always sells the most interesting fabrics to Louis. Louis is the wannabe fashion designer who keeps buying fabric she doesn’t necessarily need just to find a way to talk to Harry.
💎 in my head we can love forever by @beardyboyzx {E, 1k}
It's official: this is creepy. She's creepy. It's not like anything is going to happen just because Louis is a lesbian too. Harry's got to stop touching herself while thinking about her roommate.
Except that she can't.
Or: Harry might be a bit in love with her roommate.
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If the person in the end of the episode turns out to be Amelie instead of Emilie, can I just say how much more messed up that would make the ending?!?!
Gabriel at the end, talks a big game about how much he regrets his past actions, about how he lost himself. But then after all this, he still makes the wish, a wish that we aren’t made privy to the exact nature of.
Gabriel, practically during the entire show, has spoken of how he misses Emilie, of how he wants her to return. However, the way he behaves right before he makes the wish seems to imply that he wish would be made for Adrien’s benefit.
The show purposely makes it ambiguous as to whether or not Gabriel wished for him to replace Emilie or for him to join Emilie, with Nathalie taking his place.
The very fact that Nathalie does come back would seem to implicate the latter, as her life would have needed to be exchanged for something as well.
If it is Amelie at the pool party and Gabriel did indeed make a wish to join Emilie, that would only prove further just how selfish and negligent of a father he really was. All Gabriel was looking out for was his own interests. He didn’t care if Adrien still had someone around to care for him, he couldn’t even bother to try to fill the role himself.
If Gabriel didn’t bring back Emilie, all the ending showed was that he learned nothing, he’s still an awful and abusive parent, and he received a redemption from Paris that he didn’t actually deserve.
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arsenicflame · 3 months
steddyhands modern au inspired by this post:
(1828 words, themes of kink but nothing explicit, established blackhands & gentlebeard-centric. Happy Pride!)
Stede picks up leatherworking in the wake of his divorce. He's not exactly sure how it ended up being such an important hobby for him, only that he had always admired the intricate designs on his horse's best bridles, and with little else to do with his time, he decides to give it a go.
It's rocky going at first, but he's having fun working with his hands for the first time in his life, and there's a sense of satisfaction in seeing the design come to life as he works. With practice, his skills improve, and he learns how to make things that are truly one of a kind.
He starts off posting his pieces online, as a way to reach fellow enthusiasts, but quickly finds himself with a rather large audience. Stede’s style is unique, and, after many requests from his followers, Lucius encourages him to make some more basic pieces he can sell. It's not about making money for Stede, but another way to meet new people who share his interests- as Lucius keeps telling him, it's sad that his personal assistant is the main person he talks to these days. 
So Stede sets out on a new adventure, and has quite the time designing a new range of patterns for the market. He makes purses, belts, bracelets, and, most importantly, dog collars- all still with his unique designs embossed into them, of course. He rents a booth at his towns monthly craft fair, and very quickly finds himself with a new group of friends in the other regulars- Pete, his usual neighbour, who sells an array of wooden figures he carves, Roach, who runs a stand for his bakery, and Frenchie, who isn't actually a stallholder, but is almost always busking near his friend Wee John’s stand of knitted goods, bringing life to the market even in the pouring rain. There's also Buttons, another regular at the market. Nobody is exactly sure what he does there- he doesn't sell things, or seem to buy anything either, but rain or shine, he's there with the birds.
Stede’s been doing this a few months by the time June rolls around. As he's setting up his stand, he notices that the area is much busier than it’d normally be at this time of morning. Lucius, who got roped into helping run Stede’s stall somewhere down the line (despite his protests that this is not what personal assistant means… But hey, he got a boyfriend out of it, at least), reminds him that there's the parade today, too- not realising that Stede had no clue there was a parade today, and especially not that it was pride. Stede immediately jumps to fretting about the amount of stock he’s brought, and Lucius takes the cue to escape, saying he’ll go and grab them coffee (but really, he's off to flirt with Pete)
Lucius is still missing when Ed stumbles across the little leather stall. Stede’s just ran back to his car to fetch his last boxes of inventory, and by the time he returns, Ed’s already begun to narrow down his choices. Stede greets him, starting to tell him that they're not actually open yet, but before he gets more than a couple of words out, Ed’s exclaiming “You're a Kiwi!!!”
The two of them smile at the shared recognition, and Stede says he’ll make an exception, just for Ed, and asks him what exactly he was interested in. Ed tells him that he's looking for a collar “for his boy”, and points out the particular design he was looking at. It happens to be one of Stede’s favourites from this latest run of work, a fact he mentions to Ed. It leads them into a discussion about Stede’s craft, and Ed’s Izzy, and then everything in between. Ed’s listening intently to the things Stede’s telling him, completely drawn in by the process, and by Stede himself. He watches as Stede stamps Izzy's name into the collar, and Stede even lets him have a go at one of the stamps. 
Lucius reappears sometime in the middle of this- only to immediately retreat again, seeing Stede engrossed with Ed. He sets up camp at Pete's booth opposite, watching this man flirt intensely with his boss- and Stede flirt back just as hard. Does Stede even realise he’s doing it? Lucius had known Stede was gay since before Stede even admitted it to himself, but this is on a whole other level.
The pair stand there so long that Izzy comes to look for Ed- the two of them are manning a float on the parade with their crew, and it's past time for them to get geared up. He's already worked up, frustrated to have been left to set up everything alone, when Ed had just gone to see if he could get them both coffee. So maybe he's a bit of a prick, approaching with a brash “where the fuck have you been, Edward”, to which Stede brings the same energy, giving a bitchy “Ed! Do you know this guy?” Izzy tenses, ready to snap, but then Ed cuts in, excitedly telling Stede that this is “his Izzy!” Which confuses the hell out of Stede. 
Forgetting his earlier attitude, he asks Ed if he “really named his dog after his friend”, only to be met with confusion right back from Ed at where the hell Stede got the idea he had a dog from. Stede gestures at the bag with the collar in it, to which Ed has to tell him, “oh, no, that's for him.” Ed tells Stede that they're here to run a float for their local leather society, and while Stede is certainly shocked by what Ed’s saying, he's not finding himself… uninterested. It's simply that he’s never even considered any of this before, especially not that people would use the things that he made for this, but Ed sounds so enthusiastic about it all. He tells him about how his friends would love to see Stede’s work, about how classic leather gear is always so fucking boring- but not Stede’s stuff, no, Stede’s stuff is “fresh” and “fascinating” and unlike anything Ed’s ever seen before. 
Ed's enthusiasm is incredibly infectious, so when he invites Stede to come back to see their float, he readily agrees. It’s a concept Izzy’s less than enthusiastic about. He doesn’t really want to bring this man who’s dressed like he just walked out of a HOA board meeting to their kinky little corner of the world, but he is having a lot of fun watching Stede squirm, so decides not to raise a protest. He does demand he gets his long-overdue coffee first, though (Stede pays for it- as “compensation for him distracting Ed from his job”, he says, not giving Izzy a second to process before he's tapping his card)
By the time they return to the float, Fang, Ivan & Jim are waiting for them, all already geared up. Stede is stunned silent at the sight for about 5 seconds, before he starts actually looking at the quality of Jim’s harness, and proceeds to go off about the poor quality of the craftsmanship, about how the hardware is tacky and completely the wrong choice with this leather, how his “ten year old daughter could do a better job!!!” 
There's complete silence from the group, until Izzy, of all people, bursts into laughter at Stede’s audacity (and, the fact he was staring at Jim's tits completely unabashedly, like he hadn't even noticed them in the first place). Izzy's laughter sets Ed off as he tells the group about Stede’s misunderstanding- “you didn't say he was a person!” “I mean, he's my dog”- and soon everyone's having a friendly giggle at Stede’s mistake.
It's somewhere in the middle of the retelling that Ed remembers that this whole thing happened because he was buying Izzy a gift. After a moments fumbling, he presents Izzy with the collar-  It's a rich, deep black, embossed with a rolling pattern that resembles waves. It’s made from a firm enough leather to take the tooling, and to remind Izzy that he’s owned while he’s wearing it, yet still soft enough for long term comfort. Izzy's eyes immediately lock on to it, an unreadable expression coming over his face, and Ed turns it; first so he can really see the design and Izzy’s name embossed into it, and then so he can see the small “Ed ♥” on the inside of the collar, right over his swallow tattoo. 
“I did the heart,” Ed says to him softly, intended only for Izzy’s ears. Izzy's eyes flick up to Ed’s, and he raises his chin to give Ed the room to put it on. Ed buckles the collar around his neck almost reverently, a test of the tightness turning into a caress of Izzy's neck. It's a perfect fit.
It's as though something comes over Izzy; so twitchy and abrasive earlier, now silent, staring at Ed with a look akin to worship in his eyes. He obediently tilts his head for a kiss as Ed's fingers move to his chin- It's a sight to behold, and one that has Stede intrigued. He wants to know more about this lifestyle, and these men in particular. He wants to be the one to put that expression on Izzy's face.
The moment breaks as Ed and Izzy pull apart, and Ed calls for the crew to finish the last bits of set up. Izzy shakes himself a little before running off to bark orders again, but even still, there remains a softness to him that wasn't there before. 
Ed turns back to Stede with an apologetic smile, already obvious that he has to get going. Before he can speak, however, Stede jumps in -“My business numbers on the card in the box… I'll be around all day”- Ed’s smile turns more genuine at that, promising to stop by if he gets a moment, and that he’ll send his friend's Stede’s way- “if he wants that kind of business.” Stede says that he does, actually- that he's seen a whole new world already today, and, while he was a little taken aback at first, he can feel the passion Ed and his friends have for this life. If there's one thing that's ever mattered to Stede, it's other people's enthusiasm. Maybe he doesn't completely understand yet, but he would like to try.
One year later, Stede’s back at the market on pride weekend again, far better stocked for the crowds this time around. Lucius is finally free to spend the day flirting with Fang & Pete to his heart's content, now that Stede’s roped his own boyfriends into helping him run the stall- and into modelling the merchandise. Ed loves that part, while Izzy needs a lot more convincing, but the puppy eyes Stede & Ed weaponise against him make a very good argument.
#Despite what this post may imply; i actually know very little about the art of leatherwork#Im also not saying Stede got into leatherwork because of his repressed leather kink. But im not not saying that.#(This is not to say that i personally think leather gear is boring- i totally see the beauty in simple/plain designs & i get that the#style is all about the look of straps and hardware. but also. i know in my heart Edward ‘likes a fine thing’ Teach would be head over heels#for fun unique pieces. Its the whimsy of it all)#(not to turn this into OFMD meta but. You can like both; in fact. You can have the leather AND you can have the florals)#ALSO. dont ask me why izzy would find a big difference between wearing gear on the float vs the stand. it just felt right#(ok i do have reasoning. its the directness of it. in the parade its very part-of-a-crowd; every interaction in passing. running the stand#is direct interactions + they are specifically looking at Him. it feels different. but he does it because he loves his partners)#nyxtalks#ofmd#our flag means death#edward teach#stede bonnet#izzy hands#israel hands#blackbeard#blackhands#edizzy#gentlehands#stizzy#gentlebeard#blackbonnet#steddyhands#fanfic#sort of... i dont really consider this fic; more. scenario description but ill admit this ended up way closer to fic than i planned#but the weird stylistic choices are because. this wasnt intended as fully fleshed out fic.#i am not a writer & i dont want to be. im just a guy with ideas over here; and the best way to share ideas is through words#(Please dont count the commas per sentence ratio. Thats between me & god)#also. I cant believe i wrote something that can be tagged as gentlebeard centric. Who am i.
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erabundus · 10 months
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it's  officially  midnight  here,  which  means  i'm  allowed  to  post  this!  so ...  happy  one  year  anniversary  of  enduring  the  plague  of  avalon  upon  your  dashboards!  alternatively,  thank  you  so  much  for  giving  me  a  place  to  babble  about  my  #1  favorite  comfort  character  who  has  experienced  zero  comfort.  (  i  swear  i  am  being  SO  NORMAL  about  this.  yes i did literally buy  cake  and  party  hats.  )  whether  we  speak  on  the  daily,  you've  just  gotten  here  or  anywhere  in  between,  i  want  to  extend  my  sincerest  gratitude  for  being  on  this  absolutely  wild  ride  of  a  blog  with  me.  there's  been  ups  and  downs,  but  ultimately  i  feel  like  my  passion  for  writing  has  been  ignited  stronger  than  it's  ever  been  before.  i  am  still  always  so  excited  whenever  i  get  the  chance  to  log  on  here  and  create  stories  with  all  of  you  —  and  i  wouldn't  have  that  opportunity  if  it  wasn't  for  this little  corner  of  the  internet  you've  helped  make truly special.
there  are  so  many  of  you  i  feel  lucky  to  have  met.  (  and  so  many  i  would  love  to  get  to  know  better,  too!  )  i  hope  we  can  continue  writing  together  for  many  more  anniversaries  to  come.  and  if  the  day  ever  comes  that  they  finally  pull  the  plug  on  this  cockroach  of  a  hellsite,  i'll  forever remember  this  community  as  the  rpc  that  got me to  laugh  at  petrichor.
have  a  wonderful  day  /  night!  i'm  sharing  the  cake  with  everyone  in  spirit.
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rosenfey · 1 day
things that are hard to find: writing advice that isn't condescending.
#ambie.txt#I've been really thinking about this story in my head and wondering what caused me to get burned out from writing#and realising it's all the formal bits. planning an outline organising things into a timeline. I'm more of an impulse writer#and having to think about all those dry and formal things makes me quit before I even start#this is my autism but I hate having to stop and figure out all this before I write because that way I won't write at all#ever since I started free writing I discovered that I still love writing. I love it so much#but I hate doing all of the other things because they are not my special interest and they keep me from pursuing my special interest#it's just very hard to find writing advice that isn't condescending in this aspect#people stressing out you need an outline first are very common unfortunately#I'm more of a vibes no plot person and like to just discribe the vibes in vivid detail#before worrying about the plot too much. and yes in a story there had to be a plot#but if worrying about the plot and connecting all the scenes is killing my creativity#I want to just go from details first and bigger picture later#again. autism. also writing dialogue is the worst. idk how people talk. I don't understand body language etc etc#I have written some pretty good dialogue before so I know I'm capable. it just really sucks when I have to scrutinise everything#and think “would people say this? do they talk like that?” its draining#so I was thinking about writing dialogue separately. maybe write it as a script for a play#which is essentially just dialogue. and then match it with the scene descriptions I have written#like. I know I'm a good writer. I very good one. but the way I have been writing so far has burned me out#because it was too much focused on all the boring bits and not enough on the freedom and joy of just writing#which is why I love free writing. it allows me to focus on a few tiny details and then develop them into something bigger#also I hate writing on a computer so I got some notebooks so I can write on paper instead#it's where I'm most creative I've found#anyway this all just to say that I think following writing advice is not for me at least not now when I'm rediscovering my passion#and that I need to trust myself more and do things that make me happy#so um yeah. best writing advice is to just write and worry about it later
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daisywords · 5 months
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You know, I'm glad that some of us take the step to embrace things that we like even if they're "cringe" or "objectively bad"
But perhaps we could take the next step forward and embrace the idea of reading into books/shows/movies/etc even if they don't seem deep. Perhaps we could understand that the two kinds of media aren't either "shallow and meaningless so you're weird and brainrotted to read into it" or "incredibly and profoundly deep in every way so if you don't analyze every single angle of the thing then you're brainrotted". Some media is deeper than others, but all I propose is that no matter how deep it seems it's acceptable to dig into the thing and take the media seriously instead of just assuming that because of ____ thing (such as target audience or how cringe it is) the media not deep and will never be deep and everything good about it happened on accident.
#fandom wank#i just be ramblin#I'm not putting this in any tags#I'm just frustrated that Sonic Prime is going to be remembered by the bulk of its fanbase/people who watched it as a shallow stupid badly#written kid's show where the only thing good about it that we can even consider was created on purpose and is deep is Sonadow#I'm frustrated that when people learned that sometimes the death note creators did things because it was cool and not because they were#planning for it to be some great symbolism that so many people jumped from 'death note is a masterpiece and every bit of it is meticulously#thought out the curtains are never blue' to 'pack it up guys! the curtains are just blue! Everything good about death note like that#profound relationship I like and the neat symbolism completely happened by accident and Ohba sucks as a writer otherwise'#I'm frustrated when I see people talk about 'a kid's show' as if it's not gonna be deep at all or written well *because#it's a kid's show and then turn around and complain that said show sucks and isn't deep at all (even if that's how they're choosing to look#at it and they could see the care put into the story if they didn't go into it assuming that it will be lesser and shallow and dumb based on#what it is)#I guess it's also just getting me on this random Wednesday the idea that the bulk of one's viewers determine the legacy of a piece of media‚#no matter how close or far away they are from painting the media as it actually is or tries to bw#It's also just bleak (especially from a manga/anime standpoint) that if your work is considered profound and intellectual‚ then any reveal#of something not being deep is grounds for people to completely swap how they think of your work and how they see you as a writer#And any work that's considered 'not actually that deep' from the getgo ends up with people only engaging with it seriously saying stuff like#'I know nothing about it is purposeful or deep but I like it'#and just ends up with prevailing opinion putting down anything percieved as 'good' or 'profound' about the work as a complete fluke
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kateis-cakeis · 8 months
rewatching bbc merlin really has me like buzzing in my mind with so many thoughts. Like I'm kinda watching it backwards atm going from S5 to S4, I think I will jump around 3, 2, and 1 but just,,,, there is so much especially in S5 that makes me !!!!!!!
Honestly, I feel like this fandom has to give the writers more credit. Like they did a damn good job, and to me, it's such a good tragedy. Especially how S5 plays out, it takes everything and just tears you down, and down, and down. It's perfect, perfect with flaws! But still perfect
#bbc merlin#merlin#yeah idk on that note about the writers - this fandom is way too harsh#like i know we all have ideas on how it should have gone#but i think we lose how it's still a story that they planned from the start to end like that#they did their job they set up from the beginning and it is good as a tragedy imo as someone who has studied tragedies#hot take but the characterisations are consistent - i mean like as consistent as they get for a 5 series show#they did better than most and i dont feel like any characters get like their previous characterisation assassinated#that includes Arthur and Morgana btw they clearly have arcs that work well and where Arthur's is a slower progression - Morgana's is like a#lit match - slow at first but when it gets going it's going and then gone - it's wonderful#i mean look at s5 it literally starts by talking about Arthur's bane aka his fatal flaw aka his hamartia#which is himself and i dont think it's as much as the overdone hubris but rather Arthur's love and trust for others - but that like in many#tragedies can be debated#okay something else that can be debated is the peripeteia - i think a good example of it is the Disir episode because that's when Arthur's#fate becomes sealed anything after that point is fruitless because the Triple Goddess has decided he must die because of his rejection of#the Old Religion - it's a reversal of fortune in a sense that Mordred is alive to play his part in Arthur's death - as Merlin puts it. You#could see it more as Merlin's peripeteia rather than Arthur's but still#if we wanna debate it more Arthur's peripeteia would probablyyyy be when Mordred stabs him because that's when his death becomes imminent#it's a reversal of fortune because he's dying from that point forward rather than a strong king he is a man dying#the anagnorisis is another point to make. You could say for Arthur his anagnorisis is all of the finale - like this constant realisation of#Merlin and his magic and realising all that he missed all that he didnt see and now it's too late because he's dying#I'd say Merlin's anagnorisis comes with the whole Mordred and Kara ordeal and how he realises his mistake and how it's gonna cause the#downfall of not just himself but Arthur too#then catharsis - see i think it's the only part where the tragedy falters because do we get catharsis from Arthur's death and Merlin's#immortality - where he's still at the lake centuries later?#i think in some ways yes and in other ways no because I don't think BBC Merlin is following an Aristotle's tragedy#i think catharsis comes more from Morgana's half of the tragedy - seeing her die - and i think further catharsis comes from knowing it's no#over forever that there will be a second chance for redemption for both Merlin and Arthur#but it is a more difficult one for sure#anyway point is that S5 specifically has a tragedy storyline that is very well done and we should credit that more tbh
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Apparently I can meet my goal of roughly 400,000 words in 6 months if I just somehow write at least 2,200 words a day ghbjh... Almost 2,500 today... huzzah...
#Definitely not going to be able to stick with it just due to like... being realistic about my energy levels and etc. ESPECIALLY as we#enter the Evil Summer and it becomes hot all the time. But... one can attempt.. at least...#I'm also a very slow writer since I tend to re-read and edit while I write. and only move onto the next section once what I'm writing#seems okay. Which is easy for visual novel type stuff. since ''sections'' of a conversation are more clearly marked (like if you#have a menu option with 5 different dialogue choices. finish the character's response for choice 1 before moving onto 2. etc.)#Especially since when I'm done with a whole quest I always follow it up by playing through it and picking every option and making sure it#actually all works okay and etc. So I am already going to see it all a second time. Then I can go back and reorder a few words or remove#certain sentences that don't sound natural when I read them out loud (I always read it all outloud to myself since it is... just peple#talking.. it should sound like natural dialogue in their voice. etc). But my ''first draft'' is kind of not as first drafty since I pause t#edit a lot as I go along. So it also takes longer probably than it would take other people who I think treat a first draft as more#of a loose guideline or something. AANYWAY...#80F in my bedroom right now again... huzzah... I did end up finishing and recording that sims build video before the heat wave (or is#it really a heat wave if it's just summer..?? lol) came in.. but now... augh.. the editing... plus the costume photos and all else... Much#to do as always.. Often such a long todo list.. a giant scroll hung upon the walls of the evil hermit wizard tower..#Anyhow.. I hope I can finish getting ready for bed early in time to reward myself with a game of tripeaks solitaire whilst I snack on#cheddar cheese and some of those preserved artichokes in a jar. hrgm... I actually have nasturtiums (ultimate best flower) on the#deck again this year but I had to move them all into a corner today because the leaves were getting burnt by the sun lol.. Also am now more#cautiously weaving through social media to ignore all dragon age news. NOT bc of spoilers (I actually love spoilers/literally never play#any game until there's full guides on it I can read to plan my entire playthrough based on knowing exactly what I want to happen lol + mods#and etc.) but just because I'm so busy with my ownprojects I simply do not have the brainspace to dedicate... Yes I love to think#about elves and fictional universe lore. but no.. I pretend I do not see it. Does not exist to me actually. ghgj.. OHH also took som#cool pictures of flowers in the garden section of a store and I wanted to do like.. character designs based on the colors of the flowers o#something. but that might just be another unnecessary project to add to the pile.. I want to commit to the daunting task of dyeing my#hair again some time.. hrm.. this is all of the updates I can think of. As if a bunch of random tags make up for never posting anything for#weeks on end lol.. alas.. too warm to think properly I suppose.. .. I neeeeeed a long lost relative to leave me some million dollar#estate in their will so I can have the resources to move to a colder climate or something ..augh#.. but for now.. I shall toil away in my little wizard tower trying to write 2000 something words a day whilst sweating and such ghbj
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