#but i think its stupid to dislike him because you don't like the actor
I simply wouldn't have watched 15 seasons of a show (the last 4 years being...declining as they were) if I hated the character my favourite character had built his whole personality around.
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milowing · 5 months
i just finished binging the dead boy detectives show, and i need to get my thoughts out, warning for spoilers
no spoilers tldr: its rlly good please go watch it i need a season 2.
now, onto the review(??):
it is very VERY different from the comics. this isn't *necessarily* bad, in fact i have no problems with pretty much any changes the show made, i just get antsy about cbms/tv shows changing the source material, bcs that happens all the time (i love the blue beetle movie but i will never forgive it for victoria kord). so here are some changes i liked: i liked the explicit queerness, i liked niko, i liked the fact that there were people in the afterlife actually looking for them, i liked how they wrote tragic mick (i love him so much), and i liked the setting change; some i didn't mind but would hate in the comics: edwin's magic, the whole brains/brawn thing?? (istg if a single one of you decides to portray charles as stupid, i will kill you), crystals personality & dynamic with the boys (she was fine but so drastically different from her comic self i would've preferred her to be an oc tbh), the removal of squooshing, the fact that the dead boys don't take cases from the living, edwin's hell being so much more violent, and the fact that they actually call themselves the dead boy detectives (i could be wrong but i've read all of their solos and i don't think they've ever done this??). the only change i really outright dislike is charles' death. i loved the part where edwin took care of him and read to him, but him being killed by the same bullies who killed edwin in the same place is just so much better than the lake. also, once again, crystal was a fine character, but that is just *not* the crystal palace surname-von hoverkraft i know!! where is her obsession with video games? where is her tech savvy? where are her insane parents?? i hope that one day we get an accurate cartoon adaptation of the toby litt run.
now moving on to the show itself!! i really liked the plot, the fact that it was semi-episodic, the cast of characters and actors was incredible. i just really liked it lol. tbh the literal only part of the show i didn't like is the fact that edwin and charles didn't kiss by the end. like... not even once. i wouldn't mind this if this wasn't a netflix show that wasn't getting much buzz, because i'm 99% sure this show isn't going to be renewed. also it felt kind of... idk, queerbait-y?? like there's obviously queer characters and content, but it feels like i watched this *for* edwin and charles' relationship and then they never got together. i feel like shows do this a lot, where, yes, there's a queer character, but they just aren't allowed to be in a happy relationship and get with the person they love. like idk it just makes me kind of angry, especially since we're probably not getting a season 2. i liked literally everything other than that, but it's just such a big scar on my enjoyment of the show that i can't help but mention it.
i don't really have much else to say other than: i really liked it, go watch it.
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Days of eating soil (book review) ... Tsutomu Mizugami's "food" essay
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earthen pizza (just kidding)
Mr. Tsutomu Mizugami(勉 水上) (1919-2004) died recently, but he has an excellent book on "food". That is "every day eating soil, my devotion 12 months". (Although it seems to be read as "Minakami Tsutomu", he called it "Mizugami".)
When I used to read the manga "Oishinbo: a eater delicious foods", the main character, Shiro Yamaoka, when he said, "Among the cooking-related books that are full of street now,  it's only worth reading ..." I had an intuition, and that's right, Shiro mentioned this book. The only such (= worth reading) book is "days of eating soil". I knew this book about 30 years ago.
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Days of eating soil-Twelve months of my devotion (Shincho Bunko)
• Author: Tsutomu Minakami
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Shinchosha
• Release Date: 08/27/1982
• Media: Bunko
However, if I get a little mischievous, "If only" the days of eating soil "are worth reading, then" Oishinbo "will also be" a book not worth reading ", and it will be praised for its worthless book. "Days of eating soil" also invites the paradox that "it is not worth reading". Well, it's the rashness of Tetsu Kariya, the author of "Oishinbo". "Oishinbo" should have been excluded.
Coupled with the appearance of this "Oishinbo" and "children who refuse to eat the food in front of them because they are too annoying with the ingredients", it was a work with greater merit and demerit.
By the way, Tsutomu Mizugami was born in a poor lumberjack's house in the Wakasa region of Fukui prefecture. Was sent to a Zen temple). There he learns the basics of Vegetarian food, but at the end he leaves the temple, experiences various jobs, and is recognized as a writer for his work "Frying Pan Song". Then He had became a Naoki Prize writer.
In this book, if you read it in anticipation of a "cooking recipe", you will be wrong. Well, there is a way to pickle Umeboshi in the upper reaches of the water, but this book is a book that describes the "heart of cooking". Of course, Mr. Mizukami's culinary spirit shines when he encounters various ingredients.
At the time of writing this book, Mr. Mizugamiami lived in Karuizawa Town, Nagano Prefecture. Therefore, he develops the topic of vegetables and fruits that he can make, receive, and buy by himself. One of them, the part where Dogen Zenzi's(道元禅師) words were chewed upstream of the water:
When cooking and preparing all items, do not look at them with the eyes of ordinary people. Don't think in the mind of a mediocre person. You have to pick up a piece of grass and build a big temple and go into something like a fine dust to do the Buddhist sermon. Even when making poor vegetable cuisine, you shouldn't be disgusted or poor. Even if you're making a good meal with milk, don't be overjoyed. You should hold back your bouncing heart. You must not be obsessed with anything. Why is there a way to dislike poor things? Why don't we try to be good without being lazy even if it is poor? Never let your heart move by being caught up in the goodness of goods. Changing the mind with things and changing the language with people is not something that is bodhicitta.
This word is the fundamental thesis of "every day eating soil". For example, with regard to radish, while despising an actor who cannot sell as a "radish actor", he says, "There are no ingredients that are as grateful as radish that can be obtained anytime, anywhere." , I think that it is a good radish with enough "spiciness".
Also, from the description in the chapter in July, myoga (Japanese ginger) is called "stupid" by the greengrocers. Shurihandoku(One of disciples of Buddha )has a weak memory by nature, often forgets his name, walks with his name tag down, and myoga grows from his dead grave. I followed him around. Here is a word from Mr. Mizugami: "For me, myoga is like a summer vegetable that I want to do a medal, but what do readers think? I don't know the vegetables that have the amazing flavor). "
A word of the day: Winter, when you eat only dry foods without blue vegetables, spring April and edible wild plants, bamboo shoots in May, plum making in June, Japanese ginger in July, and so on. Seasonal ingredients will appear naturally, and you will be able to see each ingredient and the dishes made with it. Please take a look at this work, which is like a gem that treats those ingredients without distinction.
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thefreeblog · 2 years
So people are crazy for ITSAY and IPYTM. I seriously disliked them (hate is a step too far) mostly because I couldn't stand Teh's character, like, at all. If you enjoyed them, can you help me figure out what I'm missing and why everyone loved them so much??
Hello there. Thanks for the ask lovely.
I am in mid of watching IPTYM but finished ITSAY.
Just a couple of minutes of watching the first episode I realised its going to be good. It's not a run of the mill kind of BL you would usually expect. You could say it is a real life portrayal of queer coming of age story. It is hard hitting and ugly.
Now these kind of stories don't usually make for rewatches and for the same reason might not appeal to everyone.
The USP of this BL( I would not call it a BL actually, it comes under thought provoking media more than anything else) is its characters and their actual real life struggles. Nothing is sugar coated in this one.
So If you didn't like Teh's character, then I can see why you didn't like it. Because the story is essentially about Teh and Oh-Aew growing up and how it impacts the other.
Teh usually is indecisive but when he takes decisions they are spectacularly wrong. But I think the story does a good job of showing the consequences of his decisions.
I might sound repetitive but believe it or not it is how it happens in real life. Teh and Oh-Aew come from different type of families, that also has an impact on how they are or what they do. Teh's mother is traditional, she heavily depends on the concept of the man of the family. This could have impacted how Teh sees accepting himself as queer would not be manly enough for his mother.
I have seen internalised homophobia in real life and let's just say it's not pretty. Loving a person who does not accept themselves (queer or not) is just a lost cause and it's depicted so beautifully through Oh-Aew.
For me I don't mind complex characters(that's a lie I actually love them) and Teh is extremely complex but quite sensitive. And that's where he comes of as not caring or selfish may be. He is fighting his internal daemons. For whole life he is compared to his elder brother (who is so good by the way) and when he sees his best friend also becoming a competition for him it was natural how he reacted. But all this is not overly dramatic or sensational, it's so true to how it would happen in my or your family. Most of Teh's insecurities stem from the comparison to his elder brother, but despite that he is the one who he talks to. Which was such a good storytelling choice.
I think you have to be open to the concept that, not always the lead characters would be text book perfect, that's not how it works in real life. In the real world people are scared, selfish, stupid, sometimes dry. Not everyone is courageous enough to be themselves and that's all right.
What matters is the journey and whether they learn from it.
Other than story itself, ITSAY delivers on all other departments as well. The cinematography is absolute best I have ever seen. The actor duo has depths. Editing and back ground music stand out. I loved the little call backs of various things like the coconut smell or the back itching or the bra colour, absolutely genius script. There is lots of symbolism going on as well. Like the underwater scene, or the tutoring etc.
May be this is the reason it's favourite for many people. But then it also comes down to your personal preferences and what you like to watch. Though I liked it, I don't think I would rewatch it. Atleast not in near future. After I finished ITSAY I didn't immediately start IPYTM because I knew it's gonna be similar and more realistic as they step in the real world as a couple. For me it depends on my mood what I watch at that time.
Currently I don't want to see people cry so IPYTM is on hold lolzz.
So yeah I can totally see why you don't like it or not particularly a fan of it.
Anyways this became too long sorry for that. But hope this answers your question somewhat.
Let me know what kind of BLs you like? What are you enjoying currently?
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surrealsunday · 2 years
Hey :) I saw that you didn’t really like Bad Buddy and I was wondering if you could expand on it? I personally loved the serie but I’m aware that it definitely had its flaws so I would be curious to see your pov. Of course you do not have to, I would totally understand if you didn’t want to dwell on negativity or attract angry fans, like I said I’m just curious :)
Also I’m reading 10 things I tattoo on you and it is amazing !!!
No prob at all! I just won't tag it and anyone who doesn't want to read a less positive opinion of Bad Buddy - SKIP!
So my main issue wasn't so much with the main couple. I just didn't love them or their development enough to overlook the things I didn't like (which I have done in other BL's). The actors had great chemistry. I didn't love Pran but I didn't dislike him either. And I loved Pat. But literally every other character on the show (aside from Pa and Ink but they were barely there)? I LOATHED. Like I remember watching it and thinking I had never watched a show where all the side characters were so incredibly unlikable and no one was talking about it. All of their friends? Literally nails on a chalkboard to me. The friendships were horrible (again... aside from Ink). I didn't understand for one minute why they were around any of these people. So that right there made it a challenge for me to watch from the very beginning.
Then came the central conflict - the parents and the rivalry between faculties - and I hated both. It's not that either of those issues are unrealistic, but the way they were presented on the show struck me as so totally absurd that I couldn't take it seriously it all (which of course took a lot away from the main angst potential). I remember saying out loud, 'This is so fucking stupid' multiple times which is a reflection of how much the conflict was annoying me. And I am an angst whore. Like, give me conflict, give me angst - I'm there. But because those conflicts were populated by horrible characters and presented in a way I found completely ridiculous, the impact wasn't there for me at all.
So because I wasn't enjoying the actual narrative and main conflict, the usual BL over-acting, ridiculous cheese just stood out to me more. I definitely can have a tolerance for that kind of thing as a lot of that cheese is present in most BLs, but because everything else was annoying me, I couldn't overlook it (as I normally would if I love a main pairing). I should say, however, that I watched Bad Buddy right after watching Kinnporsche. And I think it likely lost out hugely in my eyes due to that comparison (not intentional but natural when watching one show after another). If I had watched Bad Buddy after watching a more typical cheese-fest BL, I might have been a bit more game. I'm honestly not sure. And I do understand why people laud Bad Buddy as a fave, especially in the ways it set itself apart from the more harmful and/or hated BL tropes, but because I came to watching it from Kinnporsche (versus as a general fan or watcher of BLs in general) I was not in a position to immediately appreciate it in those same ways.
That got long but I hope it makes my thoughts a little more clear! It's definitely a me thing, and not a reflection of Bad Buddy being a bad BL or anything like that. It's all in the context of how you come to the show and what you're expecting out of it, I think. I'd heard so many good things about Bad Buddy. I don't think any BL had been as hyped as far as I had seen, so I came to it with high expectations and judged it accordingly. In the way, it just didn't work for me.
P.S. So glad you're enjoying 10 Things!!! ❤️️❤️️❤️️
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doctor-who-binge · 2 years
Was going to leave comment but I actually uate leaving YT comments— so here we go commentary on this video:
I agree that 10's ending felt like an ending to the show which meant not giving 11 a chance, he was unintentionally set him up to lose viewers. But 10s ending as a character still makes sense, his wallowing over it, his last line, and his complete angry rant about it not being fair after he thought he escaped were all very in character. He was the most human like doctor in the new series— and I mean tbf he turned into a human twice (John Smith & Meta Crisis). I've heard from fans his idea of regeneration being dying is possibly heavily influenced by how John Smith died, and that makes sense to me.
11ths is great. 11 was Amy's imaginary friend, him hallucinating Amy makes complete sense even without Rory; especially because regeneration energy makes all the Doctors high. I also always thought 11 should have been Amy-Rory-River only, no Clara. I don't mind Clara with 11 at the end of the day, but I still think those 4 should have been a neat box with a nice bow all wrapped up (except River who is a nice surprise among 12). The bit about him getting younger again is a bit odd, but I think the speech coming from the actual actor rather than a make-up aged version of the actor was better. It gives a better goodbye to the audience in my opinion sometimes focusing on the audience especially (not the characters) with changes like this, is okay.
River & 12 being together for 24 years is bad??????? I've never heard that take. I love it so much. The Husbands of River Song is one of the best episodes ever for me. "No it doesn't mean forever, it just means time. But I suppose thats not something you could ever understand." - River. Maybe it's because of how big of a River x Doctor fan I am and other people really disliked it. Alex Kingston's reaction to the scene when watching it was really cute
The bit about Donna being a really good end because Davies understands endings and the Clara thing being stupid because Moffat doesn't know how to end things might probably age badly when the 14th doctor specials comes out, we'll just have to wait and see
Maybe everything said in this video is why I prefer Moffat often, Davies episodes often make me way too damn sad when I just want a break from my shitastic life. I don't want my heart broken at the end of every episode.
Obviously 13 isn't in the video. Hers is short and sweet ("less is more with regeneration" according to the video) I know people kinda hated the "tag you're it" line but it seems entirely in character for her. And gives the next doctor a chance for fans to like (if it had been Ncuti) instead of dislike because he represented her dying. Its the polar opposite of 10s regeneration. Which kinda makes it hilarious that she regenerates into Tennant.
I don't have a feeling one way or another on 12, except the line about his name made no sense considering he tells River. There were good nuggets in it but it did feel like it had unnecessary bits. I can say, the destruction of the TARDIS was Chibnall's idea IIRC. He wanted it destroyed. Steven Moffat even expressed a bit of dislike for that choice (its in an interview I can't find).
9s was good but I don't see how it was SCORES better than all the others as the video explaones. I love the emotions and confusion from Rose. And his last line is absolutely amazing.
The 8th was really great because of the Karn aspect imo.
I think thats all my thoughts? I rarely disagree so heavily with a video like this. Reviews of specific episodes absolutely all the time; but when its talking about something overall like comparing regenerations I usually agree with something but other than the 8th doctor, and Moffat needing to learn to just let characters die, I don't think I agreed with much else.
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now that revice is almost over, what are your feelings on it overall? a lot of people in the fandom seem to dislike it-- but based on your revice posts, you presumably like it to some extent. what do you think are its highlights, and are there some criticisms that you've seen of the writing and agree with (disregarding the terrible casting of vice)?
Hello! I've really enjoyed Revice! There are some episodes and arcs that I liked more than others, of course, and parts of the show that I've rolled my eyes at, but for the most part it's been a show that I've had a lot of fun with.
As a show I feel like Revice has suffered more than most from Toei's oppressive editorial policies, combined with their over-reliance on fan opinion polls but unwillingness to actually trust their fans. (See George, for example: fans like George, so he has to be a good guy, despite the fact that fans are clearly enjoying him as a sketchy weirdo.) It seems apparent to me that Kinoshita had a fairly clear idea at the beginning of the show about who these characters were supposed to be and how their stories should play out, which was then repeatedly disrupted, sometimes severely, by the competing demands of toy sales, over-weighted fan polls, and (supposedly) talent agencies (with a sprinkling of other actor commitments).
But! At the same time! I've been very invested in most (if not absolutely all) of the characters, and George has remained a favorite of mine even through the worst thicks and thins of revision, in part because of Hamao's ability to mug for the camera. I have enjoyed the story, even if sometimes it got very stupid. And the side content for the show (The Mystery, Vail, currently Girls Remix) has been absolutely delightful, the most fun I think I've had with side minis since Shinobi. Having the entire Igarashi family as the central element of the show was a wonderful idea, and I hope in the future we see more Riders with parents who are both present and awesome.
Also. Hiromi. *dreamy sigh*
And one last note! Rider is Toei's big cash cow, so I doubt this is more than a fevered daydream of mine, but in the future I would love to see the franchise pivot to half-year shows. I feel like plots and character arcs might function better if the writers weren't forced to stretch everything over the course of a whole damn year, and it'd give cast and crew some breathing room. More editorial control to the writer would be good too, but that's even more of a pipe dream given Toei and Bandai's wild toy schedules--I don't think they'll ever give me another Amazons.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
Now that I have time and some motivation let's get down to business.
Paz also has tattoos for you,
One of your name in mando'a,
Second of the star constellation that you spotted on your trip, we love our wiccan king,
He'd 10000% be the guy to get his child's birth date tattooed,
Paz posting his precious doggo on instagram?,
Oh or Paz starting a culinary YouTube channel???,
And also showing his of the grid lifestyle?,
showing his animal rescue and promoting adoptions!,
He is buffy, handsome, funny, loves children and animals, dresses good and is the best chef, so there are many fanboys and fangirls in his comments thirsting over him,
When the comments asking if he is single get too overwhelming, he asks you to tune in for some vlogs,
You'd definitely film a mukbang video!!,
And also these crazy spicy noodle challenges,
Boba accidentally disliking all of Paz' videos?? (we are still onto tech-grandpa Boba? 😂),
You have to make sure that he doesn't post any pictures done by his hand,
He'd retweet funny clips of cats and cute pictures from Jango Investigation company's official profile,
Also him leaving embarrassing comments on your profile?
Or not knowing that there is function to dm you on instagram,
So he comments on your recent holiday trip picture ''you looked good in this swimsuit princess, shame on me I tore it apart'' or ''looking tempting babygirl, be ready, sir will be home soon'',
Din doesn't really care for sm?,
Like he used to be a casual user,
But one day people were flooding his comments and dms, spamming him with @pascalisapunk,
He noticed that you were watching youtube kids with Grogu,
(oh now I hope you will know what is going on) Grogu really likes watching cocomelon,
So Din tricked him to watching PewDiePie instead,
You don't like it tho, thinking these videos are too edgy and stupid for both of them,
''Din you've watched too many of these videos and you became a brain-rotten himbo I don't want the same to happen to our son!'',
Din and Grogu playing Minecraft together? 🥺,
Also Paz has the best town in Animal crossing for sure!,
Surprise, surprise Boba actually likes and knows how to(!!!) play Mafia game (well it's from 2002 so maybe that's why lol),
But he is the king of board games,
Especially Monopoly!!!
Also not to mention cars games,
He made you play strip poker with him 😳,
Paz and you doing a baby shower at his restaurant!!,
Imagine big daddy bear Paz with a little babygirl 😍😍😍, (Bummer that we don't have an official name for the Armorer, could be honored by Paz naming his baby after her 😭),
Grogu telling his friends at school that his daddy is also an actor lol,
Few days later bunch of 5 year olds are asking him if this is the way to the restroom, if he can bring in some hot chocolate, and doing the baby yoda batuu sound at him lol,
Poor Din, but he secretly loves it, he just loves children,
So imagine his combustion when you tell him that you are having a little Djarin 😍,
Paz helping with babyshower??,
And Boba is totally on buying you a new, bigger apartment as a gift lol,
''What, Djarin? Can't have my little nephew and favorite sister-in-law who is pregnant living in your excuse of an apartament'' lol Boba has no chill,
Grogu gets addicted to bubble tea,
And it isn't because of your introduction, you knew better not to let him drink too often,
But everyday, after coming back from the kindergarten Din and Grogu would stop by your favorite bubble tea shop,
Grogu totally wants a little brother!,
And Din is thinking about a little babygirl or better, why not both, or even better two little boys and a little girl and Grogu being their big bro 😍,
You better be ready for some intensive wrestling sessions,
You and Din have no idea why, but lately, he seems to cum A LOT MORE,
When Boba carries out the tradition you are pregnant,
Pregnant with twin boys,
And the look identical, like they were literally cloned 😉,
Boba wouldn't throw a huge babyshower,
He is too afraid after the incident involving you and the rival syndicate,
Actually Boba decided that you should move from the downtown, to live in a more low-key area,
So you are now living in a palace 😉 in the suburbs
Boba gets you a private driver and a bodyguard,
But most of the time he tries to drive you to work since you both have offices in the downtown area,
Your daily commute can get really pleasurable for both of you 😳,
Boba has his own shooting range lol, king of extra right?
One day when you were babysitting Grogu at your place you found out that Boba was teaching the kid about shooting,
You were furious,
''C'mon princess, haven't I told you about me and my father? He showed me how to use a gun when I was even younger than Grogu'',
Srsly, this man,
Giving him a death glare you take Grogu and treat him for some bubble tea
Oh yeeesss let's get to business....
Paz's tattoos 😭😭😭 so cute (kind of reminds me of my dad, he has all of our names)
Paz totally has an Instagram dedicated to Ad'ika
Paz being thirsted after on his YouTube is so cute
But his followers also really ship the two of you, because you both are just couple goals
Paz makes you the cutest anniversary video and posts it to his YouTube
Paz is a total gamer, he absolutely loves Animal Crossing and he makes a whole section of his town dedicated to you
Paz throws the absolute cutest baby shower and anyone and everyone is invited
You both decide to wait until after the baby is born to find out the gender, and Paz has a raffle going on at the restaurant where people can guess the gender
Armorer = Amira? Amara? Andromeda??
He makes you both cute matching sweaters for your characters
Paz is the one that introduced Grogu to minecraft
Boba cause so much havoc on social media
He totally is leaving thirst comments under your pictures on Instagram not realizing everyone else can see them too
You have a Instagram set up for Fennec too because she is just so photogenic, at least when you take the pictures
I think Boba is actually pretty proficient at using Twitter, and its more or less because he uses it to stalk people 9/10
You have a tumblr where you tease and make fun of Boba, mostly posting quotes or the silly pictures that Boba takes
Boba totally dominates at any board game, but especially Monopoly
That game of strip poker did not last long at all, and you think Boba quite literally was hiding aces up his sleeves
Boba makes sure you are always thoroughly satisfied before he drops you off at work every morning
When Boba finds out you're pregnant he celebrates, and its huge
He starts going all out buying anything and everything he can/wants
When he finds out its twin boys he is over the moon
Names for the boys, Jango and Jaster? Rex and Cody??
Boba totally buys some big house outside of town, that has anything and everything you could ever ask for
It also has a panic room and state of the art safety because Boba isn't taking chances with you or the boys
Also, bringing the babysitting saga to the modern au 😭😭
You walk in on Boba handing Grogu a gun and you flip out, yelling at him
He just shrugs and you take Grogu away and say that your kids WILL N O T learn how to do any of that stuff until they are atleast teenagers
Boba pouts because you ruined his and Grogu's bonding time
When Din comes to pick up Grogu, Grogu looks him in the eye and says "cocksucker"
Din has a heart attack and Boba laughs as you yell at him asking where he heard that
Grogu says that he heard uncle Boba say it while on the phone
Din tries to follow Paz’s recipes from his YouTube, and it always turns out badly and you have to come in and save it
Din totally loves Pewdiepie's humor
Din gets frustrated with social media and ends up just making an empty account so he can follow you and watch videos, but after the whole Pedro Pascal disaster he never posts anything
Grogu and you are his profile picture though
When Grogu goes around telling the kids at school he is the mandalorian he just sighs
And when all of the kids start quoting the show, he just starts quoting them back so they will stop bothering him
When Din announced the pregnancy Paz got so excited to have another nephew/niece
Paz lets Din hold the baby shower at the restaurant and he makes all of the food, including little gender reveal cake pops
Paz gifts the two of you a photo album at has pictures of the two of you and grogu, but it is still half empty so you can add more memories of your expanding family
Boba just hands Din house keys a day says the place is paid off and he's covering the bills for the first year (he also had a nice play set built in the backyard for Grogu)
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finalgirlbrainrot · 4 years
Unpopular opinion: I don't like Castiel. Not at all. It started when he freed Sam so he could kill Lillith and then never owned up to it. He did the opposite in fact and episodes later, when he told Sam he [Sam] didn't make the right choice, it cemented my dislike of him forever. But aside from his many crimes against Sam, I don't like him because he's too stupid and naive. Here we have a character older than mankind, who's been watching the rise and fall of civilization, but never understood it. Other angels didn't think or act like him (they were assholes for sure, but still..) and with the exception of Gadreel and angels who were in similar situation (imprisoned since the beginning of mankind's history), there's nothing to excuse Castiel's blatant ignorance of how humans work.
Apart from that, though those were my main issues, Castiel was kept on SPN clearly to give in into the loudest, most obnoxious part of the fandom. He served no purpose after S7 other than fan service. His subplots were uninteresting and the actor seemed to get worse every season. Some of his scenes were so cringeworthy I was embarrassed for him.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
as in some parts I agree with, some parts I don't
I have a lot of mixed feelings about cas. there are times when I like him (I particularly enjoyed his relationship with jack), times when I feel protective of him, times when I'm generally indifferent towards him and times when I dislike him because of the way he treats sam (like you already mentioned, not taking responsibility for his part in the apocalypse and blaming sam or breaking his wall or undoing his sacrifice by freeing lucifer...)
the moment when my dislike for him reached its peak is in 13x21, when, instead of taking responsibility for letting lucifer out, he decided to shift the blame and turn it into "our responsibility" (even tho sam was willing to be trapped with his worst nightmare again before letting him out) and guilted sam into facing his torturer and rapist for the 85317th time and made light of sam's trauma by putting his consensual possession on the same level as sam's centuries of torture. also his "worst possible violation" remark pisses me off so much because 1) when is s9 sam was rightfully mad at dean for tricking him into being possessed, he pretty much told him to get over it, yet now he's describing his own consensual possession as the ~worst possible violation~ and 2) he was saying it while wearing the corpse of a guy who's dead as a direct result of cas' possession and from whom he got a coerced consent by using his daughter
but what makes me dislike him probably even more than his own behaviour is his stans. particularly the way they continuously lump sam together with dean when talking about cas' mistreatment, even tho literally the only time sam actually wronged cas was when he went through with dean's plan to lock jack up (as opposed to cas' multiple crimes against sam). just to mentions a few arguments I've come across, I've literally seen cas stans hating on sam for trying to kill jack and for gloating to cas about killing jack (even tho sam never did either of those things, it was all dean), or making up stuff out of nowhere (like claiming that sam called cas an "it", even tho he literally didn't, but apparently people have zero comprehension skills (while simultaneously ignoring the fact that cas actually canonically called sam an abomination)), or getting mad at sam for not standing up for cas when dean's being shitty to him (this one in particular annoys the hell out of me because 1) it comes across as super victim blamey 2) sam does stand up for him. maybe not always, but he did a few times and 3) I honestly can't think of a single time when cas stood up to dean for sam's sake) and for respecting cas' choice of letting lucifer possess him
something else that makes me dislike him is the show and fandom's double standards. when letting lucifer out was actually a team effort, the blame was placed entirely on sam because he broke one seal, but when cas knowingly chose to let him out, it became "we" let him out. when sam was tricked into breaking the last seal, everyone and their mom, both in the show and the fandom, repeatedly blamed him for it, but I've rarely seen fans blame cas for being tricked by metatron into contributing to the angels' fall and while there have been a few angels in the show who blamed him 1) he got to defend himself, while sam never did and 2) it was clear that the narrative didn't support their accusations, as opposed to people blaming sam for the apocalypse, something the narrative itself makes it clear that we're supposed to agree with. not to mention the fact that cas got to express how he felt about being possessed by lucifer and how uncomfortable being around nick made him, while sam never did
also something that put me off his character even more is when I found out that anna (who's like one of my top three fave characters in the entire show) was supposed to be the show's recurring angel, but they ended up giving her role to cas. I mean, I know that's not exactly the character's fault but still :///
I don't really mind his naivety tbh, I actually found it kinda fascinating
I kinda agree about him being in the show for too long and tbh most of the angel plotlines in general became uninteresting in later seasons imo, especially after the angels' fall and I hate how they powered them down so much and turned them from these super powerful creatures to... whatever they are in the later seasons. the only good thing about the angel plotline in the last couple of seasons imo is that it gave us jack, that's it. also yeah, I don't like to speak ill of the actors, but I'm not really a big fan of his acting, especially during casifer
send me unpopular opinions
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lucidpantone · 4 years
I feel like the fandom is being percieved by the actress, the rest of the cast and the production as a toxic and bad community from that statement (she doesn't like the fandom) and it makes me sad. It's obvious that the cast supports her which os normal, they know her personally and we don't know what kind of person she is, maybe she's an amazing person and getting hate from the fandom on her acting, looks, dancing is must be really bad, the cast too must think we are being horrible and ungrateful. On the other hand I feel so fustrated because they made us feel like this, they made us hate this season, they made us hate her character, they made us feel worse and worse with every week and now they blame us which is so unfair. I feel utter disrespect towards us, their audience, they are treating us as we are these simple minded very young easily manipulated people who they thought would buy anything a pretty influencer main would try to sell us. It makes me so mad. Plus it is a highly popular television show where a certain level of acting is requiered and as viewers it's normal to expect that, the dancing too, as they decided to revolve the season around it. So I feel like I am treated as stupid, like my anger and dislike is something I should feel ashamed of and completely unfair.
similar anon: What were the problems that she had with the director?
Ok firstly come over here so I can give you a big virtual hug. Lets take a moment to breathe and shake it off. I actually don't think  the cast thinks we are a bad community Nora made it clear she gets why the fans are angry and Nora, Veerle and Noa have openly criticized the production.I think concerning Romi she just came into the fandom ill-equipped. She just got here she had no relationship with the fandom and she was also probably not aware how much we didn't want her to be our main. We literally as a fandom wanted a black boy/or muslim girl to be our main and we got a privileged white girl so the polar opposite of what literally every fan wanted. So off the bat it was a bad start. So with our disappointment still brewing she needed to captivate us and she was just so unprepared. Romi is way to green for this role, plus it was written by a green writer that attempted to try something new and failed and directed by a green director that couldn't get anything decent out of Romi because she was out of her depth but he was also frustrated too. I mean they literally did like 30 takes of the cafe shot to the point that the director made her cry. I also heard from birdies this happened more then once. The director was the assistant director for s3 maybe even s2. So imagine directing Willem and Veerle and then being given Romi as his first lead director role. It probably sucked and also the director had no relationship with Romi so it just sounds like the script didn't mesh well, the actress didn’t like the script and director wasn't feeling the actress or just struggled with her lack of acting experience. 
Also in the cafe shot I was told Noa noticed this and tried to talk to Romi and make her feel better. I honestly think that the cast are well aware that Romi struggled a bit so I dont think they blame us. Nora knew we wanted to see her and Noa knew if it wasn't Nora we wanted it to be him. I dont think they blame us because they knew what we wanted. I do think they dont appreciate us commenting on Romi’s modeling stuff or making fun of that which is fair but she is an actress bad critiques are part of the life of an actor. However I do blame Romi for not informing herself a bit more about Skam/Wtfock and how important s4 is for racial representation and also how the role of the main protagonist works. Because even from the pacing its clear this was veering far from a skam adaptation. I think the cast actually gets the entire situation from all sides but Romi got a serious reality check and now she is probably frustrated with the outcome but next time do your research before you sign a contract.
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nerexchan666 · 4 years
Why Tlou2 isn’t a good game
First I want to start with rants and opinions of gameplay channels (I had to type all these down while listening. They’re not in any way manipulated,if u want, u can watch the videos urself)
''everything was a mess''
''the game had a lot of potential to be good''
''would i play it again? no i wouldn’t.''
''they tried something different and i don’t think it really worked.''
''it didn’t fit the last of us''
''half the game was abby...its fucking crazy''
''give it a rating? uhhh...probably like a 6 out of 10. I’m not really passionate about this shit''
''joel's not stupid''
''okay i understand Ellie not killing Abby cuz she was in such a shitty spot,but why would the devs even do that?''
''no body gets a moment except for Abby''
''this entire game was such a waste of fucking time, don’t even make the third one.''
''this shit was so sad to play''
''there was no progress made anywhere,you’re just running back and forth''
''why did we play as abby for so long''
''why was i forced to beat the shit out of Ellie as Abby''
''this whole game is a fucking message''
''sex scenes were out of place,you just added it to add it''
''you should be ashamed of yourselves,devs''
''i don’t like how stupid the characters were, you develop characters and in the end they do something the opposite''
''(the part in aquarium when they forgot the map) you’re telling me TOMMY,okay i understand ellie might forget cuz it was her first time killing a pregnant woman, she MIGHT forget,lets give it a benefit of the doubt,Tommy is not a dumbass, never in the million years would he forget it (the map) and it was right by her feet''
''they’re not stupid''
''joel is almost 60 years old,he survived for 40+ or 30+ years,and he's that dumb? oh get the fuck out of here''
''same way when earlier in the game,when joel and tommy,again they were apparently biggest fucking idiots in the game, followed two random people into a trap, and joel dies. bullshit''
''you’re gonna throw all that away and have joel be a fucking r*t*rd?''
''and then tommy,who is his equal? absolutely not.''
''a second game in the series, from how good the first one was,to this game right here,this might be actually the worst game i ever played.''
''1 out of 10, simply because it ran''
''they literally shit all over ellie for no reason''
''(while playing as abby) literally fucked up my mood''
''the beginning of the game was god tier,because we had joel and ellie and other characters''
''and then we play as the fridge. Nothing in those 12 hours had anything to do with ellie or joel''
''it was just a bunch of i don’t give a fuck about whos and side quests''
''i really don’t give a fuck i’m sorry''
''they started with a 10 out of 10 game and converted to 2 out of 10''
''ellie and fridge have a fight,hype as fuck,NO ONE DIES,tommy who is a badass,,,THEY SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD''
''playing as fridge i cared so little,i literally tried to speedrun it''
''the ending was good,but i would’ve changed it a lot. Made it more about ellie''
''i didn’t like when she was holding dina down,ellie told her she was pregnant and she said good,if lev wasn’t there..
i feel like,,,i don’t want a good ending for abby at all''
''i still feel no attachment to abby like i do with ellie''
''I feel like they were trying to make you feel bad for her (like manipulation)''
''we didn’t know Joel was going to die hours into the game in such a way that’s so unlike him''
''i felt like they wanted to make abby's portions of the game more memorable, by making them better. Doesn't mean the character's better''
''they put a lot of the most exciting parts of the game,the haven being burned down,the horse ride out of there,that alone was more exciting
than anything in ellie's portion''
''i personally didn’t like abby's character,i like some stuff she did besides killing joel''
''and i didn’t like any of her friends. I didn't care when owen died,i hated when pregnant girl had to die''
''i cared for jesse,he was probably the most underrated character in the entire game''
''i don’t like what happened to any character. One character i didn't feel bad for was abby's dad,like joel killing her dad.. good. And ellie should've at least appreciated that and i think she slowly realized towards the end of the game: Joel did this for me''
''but after everything is over,she let her (abby) live. We all wanted her to die,but i had a feeling something like that wasn't going to be the case''
''but i think she beat her down good''
''did i like it? i did like some events of the game,i didn’t like some characters,i didn't like abby, i liked her story,i didn't like the fact that she killed joel,like i didn't like her from the jump,but over time i like that she helped lev''
''how joel died was so uncharacteristic. He didn't trust anyone in the first game,he wouldn't even give out his name,he was driving over people with a truck''
''the game wanted me to feel bad for abby but i don't care about her. I cared more about what happened to lev''
''the game wasn't bad''
now, here are some videos that are worth watching:
also,AngryJoe has a good video about the last of us 2, check that out as well. My point is, people blatantly defending this game are in denial. ‘’You are manipulated to like joel!!!!’’ no. What they gave showed us about Joel in the first game served as a backstory as to why is Joel the way he is. He doesn’t trust anyone, isn’t attached to anyone simply because if they die and he cared about them,it would once again destroy him. The only person he trusted the most was Tess (and tommy),yet we see Tess sacrifice herself and we clearly see how upset Joel is over her death. It’s basic storytelling.The giraffe part of the game served as a small break from the dark stuff that keeps happening. It was a small moment of joy and peace for both Ellie and Joel (The giraffe symbolizes grace, peace, individuality, protection, communication). I’d say they’re manipulating us to like Abby,a very disliked character because of her actions. They’re showing her in a better light than Ellie (example below):
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‘‘But that’s just some gaming channels, only the minority dislike the game!!!’‘ Nope.
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these are just some comments out of thousands and thousands of other that voice their displeasure (last one was about the vaccine and how killing Ellie is pointless).
The sales have dropped by 80%, many MANY people are selling their copies on various sites,because they realized the leaks were true and the story is a complete mess. (It’s mostly japanese players that are selling their copies, so u could say they’re least satisfied).
Is the game bad? yes, in some ways. Is it complete trash? no. The graphics are out of this world, voice acting is absolutely amazing. 
This is not an attack to people who enjoyed this game, this serves as an example and explanation as to why people dislike this game.
It’s definitely not a 10/10 game. It has a lot of flaws. It’s more like 5/10 or weak 6/10. I personally didn’t enjoy 90% of the game. I was p stoked when it got announced. After i found out about the leaks (which was just joel’s death, nothing else) i still gave this game and the devs a benefit of the doubt. 
p.s. review bombing this game with positive scores doesn’t make u any better than those who review bombed it with negative scores. And don’t attack actors because of this game, especially Laura Bailey (Abby’s actor).
(if i made any mistakes, my bad, i’m not a native english speaker)
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shiny-jr · 2 years
idk if you've answered this, but do you have a favorite genshin character? and do you think your favorite would give good hugs?
I don't think I've answered a question like this one. I don't have a "favorite" genshin character because as you can tell, I'm very picky and critical when it comes to stuff. I actually dislike a surprising amount of the genshin characters. However, there is a list of characters I quite like. Oh, and I talk about their hug rating after each:
Razor because he was one of my first four stars from wishing, and I used him a lot in the beginning. I stopped using him for a while but I use him a lot now since he's C6, talents might be maxed, and his level is maxed, plus sometimes he'll do like 26K on his elemental skill. He's probably my best built character. Plus, he's an absolute babe, literally can do no wrong. He's just a silly feral little wolf boy. Gives awkward hugs, but once he's relaxed he won't want to let go. 7/10.
Itto. Do I really have to explain why? Because he's a himbo, and I love himbo characters. His voice lines in the English are the best, hands down, no other character can top his voice and dialogue. He's probably the funniest too. He's so stupid but kind that it's endearing. The latest event really reminded me of what a great character he is. Mihoyo did him dirty with his model though. Gives the best hugs, I just know it. Literally just big old bear hugs, you can hear him laugh as he squeezes you in a hearty hug against his chest. 10/10.
Albedo, because I main him and I also love his voice actor. I low-key relate to Albedo, especially with the way he acts or stuff he says sometimes. He was also my first five star, so he has a special place in my heart for that. And he's also a character with a lot of interesting lore and likely has links to Khaenri'ah. Probably doesn't hug, and if he does it feels really forced or lifeless. But he tried? 2/10
Diluc has really interesting lore and he's super underrated character wise. I don't use him often because I don't have him built, and while his personality and such may not have me hooked, he makes extremely valid points and he gets a lot of hate for no reason? Yeah, I agree with Diluc, the Knights are terrible and incompetant. [ spoilers ] Seriously, they covered up the death of Diluc's father and gave a traveler the title of "honorary knight" to not look incompetent. I don't think he hugs often but when he does, it's really warm and firm, but not too tight. Just right, you know? But maybe a bit tense at first before really holding onto you like its the last hug he'll ever experience. 9/10.
Honorable mentions: Venti, Xingqiu, Yoimiya, Yanfei, Kaeya, Sucrose.
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hirakdesherrani · 6 years
Is Omkara really a bad husband? I don't get it why is Rikara fandom upset with Om only, and not Gauri?
Hi anon! 
Erm, okay, I’ll try and answer this, but this is just what *I* think. I can’t speak for the entire Rikara, or even Gauri fandom. I just know what some Gauri fans think, and most of us are pretty extreme, so please don’t take this as ‘the’ answer on this topic. I’m sure Omkara fans would have something different, maybe completely opposite, to say to this. 
Rikara as such was never the story of two individuals. DBO was Gauri’s story, and in IB whatever was supposed to be *their story* was half-baked, and at best, a few good scenes. Like I said somewhere else, Rikara had only 150 episodes (DBO+IB) of shoddy, hopscotch development. For the PH, their story ended at Bareilly. 
But here’s the thing, its easy to say that move on, and most people have tbh. Problem is that the characters are still there and, more importantly the actors are still there in the show. I remember during Qubool Hai season 1 when Karan Singh Grover was replaced with Raquesh (thats his name?) as Asad, most of us stopped watching and caring. For us, Asad was KSG and no one else. Similarly, if now Shrenu (or Kunal) were to quit, whatever is left of the Rikara fandom, will vanish in a day. The problem is that they are still there in the show, which is where all the disappointment comes from. (I’m in no way saying that they should quit, its their life, jo marzi kare, plus competition is hard in acting industry).
Coming to your question, is Omkara really a bad husband?
Umm, is Omkara even a husband? Are Rikara even married? Are they even in a relationship? These would be better questions. Baar haal, to answer your question, it all depends on assumptions. Television is a visual medium, and especially for the Indian audiences, everything needs to be shown properly. Thats why we have elaborate consummation tracks (unlike Pakistani serials, where they never focus on this aspect except in MNYH and Aunn Zara). If the audiences are not shown anything, they are free to assume what they want. 
Why does Rikara/Gauri (or even Shivika fandom) assume that Omkara is a bad husband? The answer is two fold: Firstly, throughout DBO, and in most of IB, we have seen Gauri doing so much for Omkara from saving his life multiple times, to almost sacrificing her own. Omkara in comparison has done NOTHING for her. This is the primary problem which irks most Gauri fans because the relationship is so unequal. Every single female in the Oberoi family, including Pinky, deserve better. But Gauri tops the list in deserving a better guy. Which is ironic considering that among all the men, Omkara is the most sensible and an actual nice guy. Its just that his sins against Gauri have been huge. Gauri has forgiven him, the fandom has not.
Secondly, since November whatever visual evidence we do get shows Omkara always involved in his brother and bhaabhi’s lives and their issues, not sharing anything with Gauri, to the point that he and Rudra seem sort of obsessed with his brother. Gauri is just there in the capacity of a dance partner. One could replace Khanna (though Khanna belongs to Shivaay) with Gauri, it would make no difference. What really made the fandom mad were two particular instances where Om seemed to be getting touchy-feely with Anika. I haven’t seen those scenes, but I did read a lot of comments on Twitter to the tune of “Om apni biwi ko chhodke bhaabhi pe line maar raha hai” and all that. I didn’t see any such complaint with regard to Rudra/Leenesh, which means that Leenesh maintained/remained in character, so here the fault lies with Kunal (and maybe not Omkara) for slipping out of character. 
These two reasons combined give the impression that Omkara is not being a good husband. The fandom was probably waiting for months to see Omkara doing something for Gauri. Instead of that, they see him flirting with Anika. So, of course they declared Om as a bad husband. 
Coming to you second question, why is Rikara fandom upset only with Om and not Gauri?
Like I said before, Gauri has already done more than enough for Om in DBO. She forgave and agreed to help this man against Svetlana, when 36 hours earlier he had left her to die/be raped at Kali’s hands. What more can Gauri do, than what she has already done?
Secondly, its not that fans are not upset with Gauri. They are upset with Gauri too, but about different things. If fans are upset with Om for being a bad husband, they are upset with Gauri for becoming a mannequin. Fans are in fact, more pissed with Gauri than Om. The Bareilly track in October really elevated Gauri’s position ‘cos she was first 4 Lions heroine who actually asked the man whether he holds himself to the same standards that he held her to. Fans had really high expectations from Gauri after this. Of course, all of that came crashing down. Fans really want Gauri to demand her place in Omkara’s life, to not be a meek and submissive wife but take what is hers, and basically to dump Omkara because he is not making her a priority. 
Which is why Indiaforums and Wattpad are flooded with fanfictions where Gauri leaves Omkara. These fanfictions are not a result of Omkara being a bad husband, these are a result of Gauri not being a self-respecting woman. 
Fans at the moment are disappointed with both the characters. The dislike against Omkara seems more, because he is visible as a brother while Gauri isn’t visible at all. 
The point is, none of this matters. The popular belief propagated by Shivika fans is that only Shivika brings TRP. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but Gul seems to work on this theory, and thus, there is never going to be any Rikara in foreseeable future. So, Rikara fandom, whatever is left of it, just reads fanfictions now, ‘cos at least there we get to see Gauri dumping Omkara and living her best life away from him and stupid Oberois. 
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