#but i think it's gonna take me another couple days to finish the whole group
weeklyxero · 1 year
fun fact- at the start, i had considered not announcing publicly that i was working on a xero skin, but im glad i did. it's been fun to see reactions and read about how excited some of y'all are. really encouraging too. xero fans unite <3
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savannahsdeath · 10 months
PART 5FIVE aka; the epilogue
part 4four
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warnings: minors safe !!🩷
writers note: finally the end ugh.. im not gonna lie, i hate how the whole 'series' (its too short to be called a series, but wtv) turned out, so im glad to finish it. though, im looking forward to make another fic with actual plot and not just smut, tho an abby one (i already have the epilogue written and im so so excited🤭)
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you felt stupid. stupid, but mostly hurt. you couldn't understand why a small part of you wanted to believe that vi did nothing wrong. that small part of you wanted to end all of this, get on good terms with vi and be with ellie.
although, you weren't hurt by cheating itself. after all, you thought that's what happened for the past months, so you were already mentally prepared for that.
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
you and ellie went through all the usual motions of a happy couple together, though not as an official couple yet. you spent time with each other and your friends, and you slowly forgot about the past and all the drama you had experienced.
you didn't forget about vi, though. you still felt guilty about the way you let her manipulate you like that. you could still hear her voice in your mind, telling you love isn't something you both have and, probably, never had.
you decided she shouldn't be a part of your life anymore, and you did your best to avoid her. she didn't know that you know, though it was obvious, since the rumours continued. you just didn't care anymore. not about her, at least.
ellie didn't speak much about the past, and you didn't either, because you felt like you didn't need to. the past was the past, and now you were looking forward to your future together.
you started thinking less and less about vi, soon managing to get her out of your mind for the whole day. not much, but after what happened, it was a big success. she was no longer a part of your life. ellie was, and that's all that mattered to you now.
you spent more and more time with her. you got to know her team better, returning the favor by taking her to your friend group's meeting.
you told luccy, your best friend, about the whole situation. it took you a good few hours to explain everything.
luccy listened to your entire story, impressed by the twists and turns it took. you could tell she was almost as surprised as you, her eyes widening with each sentence.
"well, no wonder you were so confused," she said politely, "but at least you have ellie now, and you seem happy together." she paused for a moment, before asking; "do you miss vi at all?"
you sighed and closed your eyes, imagining every good moment with her and comparing it to the happiness ellie brought you.
it was almost impossible to answer your friend's question.
on one hand, you had had great moments with vi, and you could even admit that you loved her.
and then there's ellie - which made you remember that your ex wasn't there for you when you needed it.
"no, i don't think so." you replied, ashamedly looking down. "ellie makes me feel like i never even truly loved vi."
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i want to add some 'last words' about this fic, especially this part. a lot of you guys will probably be mad at me for not taking any revenge. but you, as the reader, have to understand that its not that easy. after being so hurt, after hearing so many lies, all you wanted was a normal relationship. a stable, honest and calm one. the one you got with ellie. you knew getting revenge would only complicate things - you probably wont be able to forget her at all once youd put salt on the wounds all over again. just the fact that she has to see you happy with ellie, while shes left alone, is enough. thanks to everyone who supported the series<3
TAGS: @wandasromanova @bellaramslover @aouiaa @glennns-blog @elliewilliamsfuckbuddy @iheartsadiesink @ximtiredx @coff1nn @jowdann @simpforellie @iveofficiallylostmymarbles @skylerwhitwyo @pinkigirl @islalips @ratdungeon @okayyesbutno @dinoastronaut @ucannotcompare @elyonz @lesbiantothemoonandback @lovejuliettq @param8re @r3wbeef and some more i cant tag for unknown reasons:(
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heyitsjaysblog · 4 months
Lips and Hands That Soothe.
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Words: 3926 | Rated: M | Female! Reader Insert  x Astarion (Y/N, E/C, H/C, H/T)
Synopsis: You are absolutely exhausted after the battle between Myrkul’s Chosen, Ketheric Thorm. You and your companions finally begin the trek to Baldur’s Gate. While on your way to the city, many of your fellow travelers take note of your pained state. Astarion devises a plan to grant you some relief. 
Warnings: Act 2 Spoilers! Swearing, mentions of blood, blood/bite kink, heavy petting, fingering?!
A/N: Grad school is kicking my ass!!!!! So, I apologize for not writing as much! I deadass started this like a few months ago and just finished it. I have, however, planned more to add to my fic series, along with a couple of ideas for more reader inserts! I am planning on doing a few for Halsin next, along with one intended for Gale, so I am also open to more ideas if anyone wishes to read more from me. I hope you all enjoy, it and that this isn’t terribly out of character! I was partially inspired by being super sore after the gym & work one day, and thought to myself: what would a massage from Astarion be like??? 
Gonna go repent after writing this too LMFAO.
***Also, a key just in case: 
Y/N: Your name 
E/C: eye color
H/C: hair color
H/T: hair texture
- - -
You are completely, and utterly exhausted. 
By the Gods, if you had just a moment to rest your eyes or a place to drape your weary bones, you would be the happiest woman in all of Faerûn.
And yet, you are still walking. Or in your case, stumbling. Merely moments away before taking a severe tumble toward the ground, which may just grant you the respite you are so desperately aching for. 
You and your misfit group of companions have come quite a long way from the Illithid wreckage off of the Sword Coast. It’s a mystery to you that you’ve all even managed to get this far, and you’re sure that the sentiment is shared. The whole reason you have been walking, or stumbling for this long, is due to the fact that you all recently bested the Chosen of the Lord of Bones, Myrkul. Fighting Ketheric Thorm was a feat that you truly did not think you would be able to succeed in overcoming. Your comrades were sure at one point that you were done for. However, with their support, as well as Dame Aylin’s, you were able to see another day. 
Another long and tiring day. 
You find yourself walking the rubbled path to Baldur’s Gate, now clear of the Absolute’s forces. While you all surely rested the night of the battle, your muscles still ached. Not even Shadowheart’s healing spells have managed to fully soothe the gnawing pain you suffered from being thrown around. Granted, you weren’t the only one winded and wounded, but your companions were slowly starting to realize that they may need to set up camp much sooner than they anticipated.
As you continued to trail rather behind them all, the pace of the group slowly began to halt. 
“...Why are we slowing down?” you ask, as your eyes dart towards each of your companions.
“Solider…” Karlach begins to speak.
“I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like you’ve seen better days,” she adds, her brows arching into a concerned expression. 
“What?- No, I’m fine…I could just use a small break, is all,” you explain, dismissing her claims. However, you are far from fine. Not far from your side, Astarion quickly scans your face, fairly aware that you’ve lied through your teeth. If anything, he’s gotten to know you rather well over the past couple of weeks with the amount of time you’ve both shared. 
And he was certain that you were moments away from passing out. 
“Darling, I think she’s right.” he adds, as a look of apprehension surfaces on his face. 
“Perhaps it’s for the best that we find somewhere to set up camp…” he suggests, as some of your companions nod in agreement. 
“I wholeheartedly agree.” Gale chimes in, now utilizing his quarterstaff to keep himself upright. 
“In fact, I think we may have some Waterdhavian cheese, baguettes, and cured ham within our camp supply pack…perhaps I can quickly prepare something for us all.” he adds, with a reassuring smile. 
With a heavy sigh, you agree with them all as you allow yourself to be navigated to a nearby clearing, immediately finding a fallen tree trunk to collapse upon. 
- - -
After completing a rather savory meal prepared by Gale, you found yourself sitting on top of your bedroll, which was situated right before the campfire. Your (e/c) eyes indolently studied the dancing flames, as you rested your chin within the palms of your hands. Before you begin to doze off, your ears detect approaching footsteps before a figure takes its place beside you. A pallid hand swiftly runs through your (h/c) hair, slightly surprising you before you sit upright.
Astarion blinks before snickering a bit to himself at your reaction. 
“Apologies, my dear- did I startle you?” he asks, as you begin to rub at your eyes. 
“It’s alright…I think I was beginning to fall asleep.” you explain, taking his cold hand into yours. As you run your fingers over his pale knuckles, Astarion continues to look over your face, taking into account the deep dark circles under your eyes.
“...How are you feeling?” he asks, wondering if your state has improved even slightly from earlier. 
You raise your shoulders to shrug, before offering a response.
“A little better. Just still feeling sore…it’s like my muscles are crying out for help.” you explain, as you look into his vermillion eyes. They appeared to burn even more red than usual, which typically tends to happen when Astarion has yet to feed. In fact, you can’t recall the last time he had even done so. Normally he would hunt, in addition to drinking from you, however, you can’t think back to the last time you spared some of your blood for your vampiric lover. While you have been so fixated on your aches and pains, it seems as though Astarion had his share as well, judging from the small, purplish-green bruise nestled underneath his eye.
“...What about you? When’s the last time you’ve fed?” you inquire, causing Astarion to wave off your insinuation. 
“You don’t need to worry about that, my dear. I’m sure I can procure… something later from the woods.” he attempts to assure you. 
“Besides, I don’t think I could bring myself to drink from you in your state. If anything, you need rest.” he adds, causing you to roll your eyes. 
You were fine! 
A long and good night’s rest should nurse you back to health in no time. 
“I told you all, I’m okay!” you exclaim, attempting to raise yourself to your feet as proof, only to immediately make contact with the ground once more. You let out a groan in response, laying flat on your back from your failed attempt.
Astarion raises his hand to his mouth to stifle his laughter, as you playfully nudge him with your foot to get him to stop laughing. 
“You poor, poor thing,” he says as he helps you sit back upright, causing you to grunt from the movement. 
In doing so, Astarion’s eyes light up as an idea comes to him. 
“In fact, I think I have something in mind that can potentially grant you some…relief,” he says.
As your mind cycles through a myriad of different things he could be alluding to, your brow quirks up in curiosity.
“And that is…?” you respond with a confused expression.
“A massage, of course. I’m known to give rather good ones…or so I’ve been told,” he says with a playful smirk.
“Perhaps I can come to your tent in a bit, and help rid you of some of the tension you have built up.” Astarion suggests, prompting warmth to begin to generate within your cheeks. 
“Hm…I can’t say I’m in the state to turn down a massage…” you drum your fingers across your chin, playfully considering the offer, despite already having your mind made up. 
“Come to my tent in 10 minutes.” you eventually state, causing Astarion’s toothy smile to surface. He swiftly stands, before dramatically offering out his hand to help you up. You roll your eyes in response as a small smile surfaces on your face. Taking his hands, he pulls you up from your seat, causing another groan to escape your lips. 
“Go get comfortable, my sweet. I’ll come find you shortly.” he assures you as you part ways, seeming rather excited as he walks back to his tent. 
You giggle a bit to yourself as you watch him stride off before walking towards your tent in the opposite direction, picking up a lone lantern as you continue to make your way there. As you reach your quarters, you open up the flap before immediately lowering yourself down to the ground inside, bringing the enclosed lantern in with you. Upon setting the lantern down on a nearby leather chest, you release a deep sigh before beginning to remove your armor. Your arms are unreasonably heavy, making this an even more difficult task. As you undo each layer, you become more and more aware of some of the bruises you suffered from the day before, attempting to carefully maneuver the rest of your clothing without accidentally disrupting one. Once you get fully unclothed, you sigh to yourself as you lift one of the cushions in your tent to retrieve a loose-fitting linen camisole with its matching pair of shorts. You once again lift your arms to pull your nightwear over your limbs and onto your body. Once you accomplish this task, you sprawl your body out onto the scattered cushions on the ground of your tent, finally bringing your eyelids to a close. 
It isn’t too long before you detect the sound of what appears to be someone beginning to undo the flap of your tent. As your body shoots upright, you recognize the pale, slender fingers undoing the ties of your tent’s entrance. The flap falls, revealing Astarion, with a wooden crate that appears to contain a myriad of different glass bottles. 
“May I come in?” he inquires, with his distinctive smirk. 
“You may,” you respond, with a quirked brow as you watch him lower his head before stepping into the tent. He then proceeds to set down the crate and remove his leather boots, before sealing the flap once more.
“I thought with the tadpole you no longer needed to be invited in?” you teased, as you watched him situate himself on the cushions alongside you, prompting him to snicker a bit at your joke. Your eyes once again scan the crate that he brought inside. It appeared to be filled with glass bottles that seemed to store different creams, emulsions, and expensive-looking oils. 
“What in the hells…is all of that?” you whisper to yourself as your eyes flit between each bottle, a smile growing on your face as you stare in disbelief. 
Astarion blinks as he studies your face, wondering why his collection of products seems to be startling you. 
“Well…you seemed interested in receiving a massage, and I found it only fair to give you a proper one,” he says with a grin. 
“I see…” you respond, as you watch him crack his fingers, causing you to giggle a bit at how seriously he’s taking this process. 
Astarion’s gaze meets yours before his brows pinch together in frustration. 
“Well…?” he inquires, before continuing his thought. 
“Don’t just sit there ogling me. Come here, and get comfortable!” he says, patting the cushion before him as he urges you to find a place in front of where he kneeled.
You roll your eyes with a small smile before crawling over to him and turning so that your back faces him. You sigh a bit as you let your shoulders fall, attempting to obey his command and “relax”. Attempting to further ease your comfort, you fold your legs as you situate yourself within the cushion.
Your gaze faces forward, yet you are tempted to turn around and watch what Astarion is concocting once you hear the movement of glass shifting behind you. Letting the biting curiosity take hold of you, you start to turn your body backward before Astarion realizes that you’re watching his every move. He tuts, before taking his cold hands and gently turning your head forward once more, causing you to laugh. 
“No. Peeking.” he states firmly, before continuing with what he was doing originally. 
“Just…close your eyes, or something-” he suggests as he unscrews a glass bottle of oil before letting the liquid fill his palms. As you hear him rub his hands together, you jump a bit as you feel cold, slender fingers make contact with your skin. Ever-so-slightly, Astarion takes his pointer fingers to move your (h/t) hair out of the way, before beginning to gently massage your neck. You sigh a bit, focusing on the flickering flame in your lantern, as you close your eyes. You then shift your posture to move further back into him. His hands glide across your skin before deeply digging into your shoulder blades, causing you to hum in contentment. 
That…actually feels good, you thought to yourself. While you’ve come accustomed to how skilled Astarion is with his hands, you could have never imagined one of his massages feeling like this.
As he continues to work, he directs most of his motion into the center of your neck, right in between your shoulder blades. You stir a bit, as he hits a part of your body that houses a very distinct knot. 
Lowering his mouth to your ear, his soft lips brush against it before he speaks in a low whisper. 
“Do you feel tension here?” he inquires, causing an electric ripple to run through your core at the sound of his voice. 
“M-mhm…” you swallow, somewhat startled by the sensation of his words practically reverberating through you. 
As he pulls away, he slowly begins to work at the knot, carefully making sure to make firm, yet articulate motions to help alleviate the pressure. You let out a breathy sigh, further relaxing into his touch. You take notice of the oil that he applied to his hands, which seemed to be growing warmer and warmer as he used it to massage you. An odd feeling, as both his naturally cold touch, and the warming effect of the oil work together to coax the tenseness of your muscles. The aroma of the oil fills the tent, giving off the scent of spiced citrus. There were notes of sweet almond, cinnamon, and clove, but more specifically, something that you’ve come to grow very familiar with. A scent that smelled so comforting, and distinct. Your nostrils twitch as you attempt to determine the scent.
 It could only be that of…
“This oil you're using…is that bergamot?” you ask, causing Astarion to halt his work. 
If you knew that would be the case, you wouldn’t have spoken at all.
Astarion chuckles a bit to himself, somewhat shocked at the fact that you were able to recognize it so easily. 
“You are correct, my sweet,” he affirms your suspicion, before resuming the massage, beginning to move further down your back. 
“A rather impressive guess.” he commends you, causing you to smile to yourself. 
“It wasn’t so difficult to assume…the smell reminds me of you,” you say with a soft smile, as a rosy tint settles into your cheeks. Once again, however, you jump a bit as you suddenly feel Astarion’s lips brush past your ear. 
“May I go lower?” he asks, as he gently tugs at the straps of your linen camisole. Your eyes flutter open slightly, as they meet his finger lifting the string of fabric. You offer an eager, yet shy nod, prompting Astarion to smirk in response. 
“Excellent.” he says in a low voice, pushing the strings of the camisole down past your shoulders, which causes the fabric to fall down your frame and gather at your waist. The cool air causes your nipples to erect, and once again, Astarion’s hands make contact with your body. As your eyes flutter closed, Astarion’s hands glide further down your back, while he cautiously moves around the bruised patches of skin that he comes across. His fingers lightly trace down your spine, before his hands settle on delicate, unbruised skin. He then carefully kneads into your back, causing your posture to shift. As he continues to carry on, a moan builds in within you, forcing itself out of your lips. 
Somewhat embarrassed, you raise a hand to your mouth, which causes Astarion to chuckle a bit at your reaction. 
“Careful, my love…you may wake our companions.” he jokingly warns, although, he truthfully did not care if others heard.
Suddenly, his hands glide upward across your skin, before slyly making contact with your breasts. With a firm, yet gentle touch, Astarion’s pale hands begin to cup your breasts, causing the tint in your cheeks to grow darker. He begins to massage them, softly brushing the pads of his thumbs over your erect nipples. Another moan spills out of your mouth as Astarion brings his body close to yours. Your arousal builds, causing a pleasurable burn to begin to develop in between your thighs. As he continues to tenderly massage your breasts, you throw your head back into his chest, shifting in your seated position, before Astarion lowers his lips down to the exposed flesh of your neck. He then gingerly peppers your neck with soft kisses, before moving to suck at the skin, intending to leave a hickey to match the other bruised patches of skin you possess. 
Becoming rather amused with all of the squirming and moaning you seemed to be doing, Astarion couldn’t help but pull away, only to take you into his arms and gently pull you back into his lap. A light squeal erupts from your lips before you relax into his hold. You suddenly become very aware of a growing bulge in Astarion’s trousers as it rubs against your sex, causing another ripple of arousal to echo through your core. 
Astarion continues to explore your body as his hands glide down your side, moving toward your stomach until he eventually meets the waistband of your shorts. At this point, your clit is practically thumping in concordance with your heartbeat. 
Pressing his lips towards your ear, he whispers, “Shall I go lower…?”
Your breath hitches before your eyes flicker open. 
“Astarion…you don’t have to-” you start to speak.
“You’re absolutely right. I don’t have to,” he interrupts your thought, using his free hand to guide your chin, as your gaze met his.
“I want to,” he assures you, as his scarlet pupils lock onto your (e/c) eyes. 
A smirk tugs on his lips before he moves his face closer to yours to press a soft kiss onto your lips. You lift a hand to his cheek, desiring to deepen the kiss as long as you can. While doing so, your other free hand takes grasp of his hand, maneuvering it towards your shorts. Astarion smiles into your kiss, reacting to your forwardness. As he pulls his face away, his hands slowly creep into your shorts, and the pads of his fingertips finally make contact with your clit. A soft moan escapes your lips as you turn, positioning yourself so that your back once again relaxes into his chest. As he holds you, his one hand further rubs down the folds of your labia, while the other once again returns to cup and massage one of your breasts. Astarion traces one of his fingers around your entrance, sighing as his finger is coated with your slick arousal. In doing so, he rhythmically rubs two fingers against the inside of your folds, causing you to moan once again. As he continues to go back and forth, occasionally circling your clit with his fingertips, your body twitches as you begin to grind against the friction as well. The feeling was driving you mad, and if anything, you could think of only one more thing that would further send you over the edge.
As your body arches against his, you tilt your head slightly to the side, exposing your neck. With a free hand, you attempt to reach back, trying to guide his face towards your neck once more. 
“Bite me.” you say, as his eyes widen a bit by the proposal. 
His gaze quickly meets yours, looking for confirmation, only to be met with another eager nod. As you confirm your request, Astarion lowers his head towards your neck, planting a delicate kiss at the crook. He takes his other hand and cradles your head. As he teases your entrance, Astarion fangs graze against the sensitive flesh of your neck before piercing the skin, all the while dipping two of his fingers into your body. Your body arches once again, biting your lower lip as you stifle a deep moan. Blood starts to stream down your neck, past your collarbone, and drips down your chest. As your blood coats his tongue, he can’t help but moan into your neck as well, causing a flutter of arousal to echo through your core once more. Sweat beads on your forehead, as you clamp your eyes shut in pleasure. His fingers work in and out as he steadily fingerfucks you with little to no resistance. You shudder from the sensation, growing wetter and wetter from feeling filled by him, and him alone.
Astarion continues to suck at your neck, simultaneously thrusting his fingers with ease. He could practically feel your heartbeat thumping against him, and as the pace slows, he pulls his fangs out from your neck. He drags his tongue along the bitemark, attempting to quickly cleanse the wound. As he finishes drinking from you, his hands shift from cradling your head to directing attention back to your clit. With the combination of circular motions, thrusting, and rubbing against that one particular spot, you were only but moments away from cumming. 
“A-Astarion…I-I’m-” you begin to stammer, before reaching climax, and practically gasping for air as you feel a complete release come over you. 
“That’s it, my love…” he coaxes you with a low tone as you coat his fingers and hand as you orgasm. Your body practically goes limp as you recline further against him, and he can’t help but snicker at your ecstatic expression. Bringing his fingers to his blood-stained mouth, he sucks on the two that were just previously inside of you, wanting to taste your arousal. Astarion moans a bit as he shuts his eyes, taking in the flavors of you, before he licks away the remaining blood from his lips.
As you enter a state of blissful stupor from your orgasm, you slip out from his lap before falling back onto the cushions of your tent and wiping away the sweat from your forehead. A contented sigh escapes your lips. 
Astarion’s brow quirks in curiosity, as he was very interested to know what you were thinking.
“Well…how do you feel now?” he inquires as he takes a nearby rag to pick up any of the blood that may have dripped down his chin. The purplish-green bruise that once sat on top of his cheek now seemed to have faded away upon him feeding from you.
With your eyes still shut as you lay on your back, still basking in the aftereffects of your orgasm, a rather goofy-looking smile surfaces on your face. Truth be told, a massage and an orgasm were almost exactly what you needed to temporarily forget about all of the bodily pain you were experiencing from your previous battle. 
“That was…” you begin, before pressing a hand over your bare chest. 
“I feel fucking amazing.” you finish your thought with a laugh, slightly opening your eyes to meet your lover’s once again. 
Astarion chuckles a bit at your response. His eyes look you over and a pleased expression forms on his face. 
“Well, my dear, I’m glad I could be of service,” he says with a smirk before an inquisitive expression takes over. 
“Y’know, truth be told, perhaps I missed my calling as a masseur…” his voice trails off as he briefly ponders the thought. 
You giggle a bit, before turning to face him. 
“Well…now it’s your turn.” you announce, as Astarion’s eyes widen in anticipation, once again being caught off guard by your forward demeanor.
Abruptly, you take the frilled collar of his white shirt into your hands, pulling him down towards the cushions with you. 
You desperately wanted to return the favor.
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bisexualhobi · 1 year
exo - exist review
i just wanna start by saying that this comeback is the highlight of my year already. i did have high expectations because after all, this is exo and their discography is easily at the top of the entire industry... and for groups that debuted over a decade ago they're one of the last still standing, so after a 4 year old hiatus the expectations were high to say the least. did they manage to meet them? let's find out!
the title track deserves a whole paragraph so:
cream soda - a high paced r&b pop song with a luscious instrumental and a collection of high notes that flex the strengths of the group. it definitely packs a punch and i think it would benefit from getting a slower intro but even so, the song doesn't disappoint. it kinda reminds me of a maroon 5 song during their golden years and i think it's the perfect balance of "grown men r&b" and playfulness (coupled with less than subtle sexual innuendos about popping like a soda bottle this is a great evolution for exo, who have been known to always make pussy popping music but have struggled to shed the high school boys image sm is so fixated on giving them). rating: 9/10
regret it - literally straight out of the pcy1 vault and you can't convince me otherwise. soooo happy to hear an r&b jam straight out of the 90s since that is literally exo's blueprint. i love the production on this track because it has enough elements to keep it interesting and the chorus is super catchy. chanyeol takes the crown for me for obvious biased reasons but i love kyungsoo and jongdae's runs in this. rating: 10/10
hear me out - sounds much better like this. like now i get 100% the reasoning behind this song and the style it has. it's really such a chill vibe and a welcome breather after the one two punch of the previous songs. i feel like the prechorus and post chorus of this song could have been amped up way more and a breakdown for the bridge would've made it ten times more fun tho. rating: 9/10
random observation i noticed: the resting silences between songs are a tad too short for my liking. we need to let this marinate and sometimes it does feel like the album is sprinting towards the end.
private party - chanyeol opening the song AS HE FUCKING SHOULD. this beat is nasty... it's the perfect combination of exo's r&b sultry side and a hot sexy beat to shake ass to. it's just fun and good and takes you on a sonic ride from start to finish. i did expect the weeknd vibes from the title alone but i'm glad with the result here. rating: 10/10
cinderella - oh marz. oh you.... i knew exactly what the beat drop was gonna sound like from the second the song started and i'm not mad about it! this is another old school r&b infused serenade song while giving it a fresh modern style with the synth arrangements. taking a point off just because the mixing is too compressed and the synth takes over the landscape in an overbearing way (happens all the time with flume too so i get it but i feel like this could've been prevented here). rating: 9/10
no makeup - okay so the whore music run of this album from private party to no makeup is insane. we get it. these men fuck. they made sure to let us know they're in their 30s and it was about DAMN time. that post that's like they melted their dick and balls into a flashdrive and fucked the console in the recording studio.... yeah. the background harmonies are TOP TIER too but i didn't expect anything less from exo. props to jongdae, minseok and chanyeol cause they were working overtime layering these vocals. rating: 10/10
love fool - deadass was expecting this to be the slower snoozefest of the album... but exo are intent on making every track off this album COUNT. this is such a classic exo jam... every element of this song works in their favor. great melody, great instrumentals, great topline, great chorus. this is PURE quintessential exo. rating: 10/10
another day - this is good song! a great song even. my notes for this one just say "good song. really like it" it's just not something that stuck out to me enough to analyze it further. i think that's fine. the layering of vocals is once again great. i don't love the topline specially for the chorus (feels super nct 127 past their peak) but it's still a good song. rating: 8/10
let me in - this is their boyz ii men serve of the year. perfect closer. perfect slow ballad and i'm not a fan of those in the first place. definitely the vocal highlight of the album. that's all i can say. exo did it once again kids. rating: 9/10
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draychuh · 5 months
UA metgala au ( Shinsou x Reader )
you were getting ready with the rest of the girls in the hotel room you all booked together. momo was helping with doing your hair while you did your makeup. you had an excited grin at the thought of having the night of your life with your girl friends. it's not like you had anyone you were expecting with anyway. though uraraka will be having midoriya as her partner. you also knew a couple of class 1B students who will be going as dates. mina squeals, showing everyone her dress reveal. you couldn't help but smile. just because you didn't have a date, doesn't mean you wouldn't have much as fun!
"oh yeah! isn't shinsou gonna tag along?" froppy looked your way, since she was the few people who knew you had a small crush on the lavender haired boy. as much as you wished he would, you remembered your last conversation with him.
"the metgala? oh yeah, i dont think i'll be going. i got extra training with mr aizawa." he tells you in the most calm demeanor ever, as if all those countless nights of you secretly praying that he would attend didn't matter.
you sighed. "he's not coming. he's working his ass off like usual." "damn, not even the metgala would make him slack off. he's really determined to get into the hero course." uraraka chuckles, admiring his passion.
momo had finished doing your hair. "you look gorgeous!" she was very proud of her work, also letting you borrow her earrings as she thought it would add a nicer touch to your hairdo. "momo~ can you do mine next??" mina begs in excitement as she takes your seat before anyone else could.
You and girls walked into the ballroom, being greeted by the beautiful chandeliers and diamonds decorated all over the hall. you were taking in the deep blue lights as it reflects through the glass tables. whoever was assigned to decorate the hall deserves a fine pay, you though to yourself.
the class 1A all shared the same table, starting their dinner with the many dishes lay out for them. you scanned through the room, yet no sign of lavender. "you okay girlie?" mina startles you. you assured her that you were fine despite the obvious sadness in your eyes. she faces you. "look, one day you're going to look back and regret sulking the whole night just because your high school crush didn't show up to the school ball. you'll get to hang out with him another time. now, you have us. so have fun!" your friends smile at you. you cant help but chuckle, rolling your eyes. "thanks guys. i promise i'll enjoy the night."
yet after all that, you stand alone at the corner of the ballroom, drinking sparkling water as your friend group separates, either conversating with new faces or grooving on the dancefloor. you weren't in the mood to dance or socialize. instead you put your focus on the little decorations that are under looked. you decided to refill your drink, walking over to the food stand. your brows furrowed when you noticed that the ice has melted in the jar. "dang it, the ice is the best part."
"i know right-" you stopped, shocked to see shinsou. he was dressed in a dark purple suit, and for the first time his hair was slicked back tidily. he also froze in his place, taking you all in.
"you look stunning." shinsou managed to speak. he couldn't take his eyes away from you. he thought you looked beautiful under the dim blue lights. you tried not to be giddy about it, laughing his compliment off as you fiddle with your fingers. "i thought you said you're not coming?' she could see the little smile on his face. "yeah well, mr aizawa kinda forced me into getting a break from training. he said i shouldn't waste away my teen years and enjoy the moment."
you scoffed. "duh. i can't believe that wasn't the first thing you thought of!" she playfully hits him. he laughs at her pensiveness. "i'm sorry. i just.. i don't know. but hey, i'm here now."
you smile, agreeing with him as you took another sip of the drink you held. "yeah. you are."
the music changes to a more slow paced tune. you watched midoriya taking uraraka's hand, bringing her over to the dancefloor. more students followed, holding onto their partners as they danced to the rhythm. shinsou fixes his tie, taking a deep breath before tapping your shoulder gently. he offers you his hand, giving you a warm smile. you knew exactly what he meant, taking his hand as you both joined the dancefloor. you put your hands on his shoulder, while he puts his on your waist.
you both slow danced, moving back and forth in parallel motion. shinsou looks down on you, seeing your eyes glisten like crystals. he could feel people staring at them as they danced. but he didn't care. because he cherished this moment with you. he spun you around, chuckling as you struggled to do so with you heels.
"wow, didn't expect the night to go really well." you said, resting your arm on the balcony handle as you looked at the night sky. "i had a lot of fun tonight. well, you made it a lot more exciting."
shinsou looks at you, feeling a tug in his chest. he turns back to look at the same stars you have your eyes on. "honestly, i wouldn't have gone if it weren't for you."
"what's that?" you were zoning on, not catching his mutter. he shook his head. "nothin."
"c'mon- you can't do that! tell me now."
"it's really nothing." he said sternly. both their hearts beat at the same pace.
you faced him, not taking that as an answer. "shinsou, if you don't tell me what you said i'm gonna have to force it out of you till the night ends."
shinsou sighs in defeat, knowing your overly curious self wouldn't stop until you're satisfied. perhaps your determination in, almost everything in life makes you such an admirable person to him.
"wait. don't move." he walks over to a nearby bush filled with colorful flowers, plucking the purple one that stood out the most. he moves closer to you, putting the flower on your hair. the action took you by surprise. his eyes soften. "you look even prettier under the moonlight." he suddenly say, holding your already red cheek. "i've been wanting to tell you, but i just couldn't get myself to until now i guess. it's just that i've been so busy and focused in my trainings, i haven't gotten the time to even think about anything else. but when i do get to see you, or when you text me. hell, just the mention of your name makes me feel some kind of way i never knew i could feel. you're a wonderful, kind and just what im trying to say is that-" you stopped his yapping by catching his lips, kissing him softly. his face reddens as he looks back at you when you pulled away. just as immediately, he connects his lips with your again. this time it was longer than the last, enjoying each other's warmth from the night breeze. it gradually got intimate as you could feel yourself moving a few steps back. he pulls away, both panting from the kiss. "i.. i love you. please, go out with me. be mine. be my girlfriend." his looks at you with hopeful eyes. "of course. i love you too." you kissed his cheek, letting out a light chuckle when you realized the lipstick stains all over his face. "what's funny?' he asks curiously despite the pounding heart in his chest. she shook her head, giving his hand one last squeeze before she walks towards her group of friends who were waiting for her. "i'll see you tomorrow! bye shinsou!' you waved at him. denki went to him with a huge grin on his face. "yo! dude! i didn't see you the whole night. wait, are those lipstick stains on your face?" he asks weirdly.
shinsou gave him a toothy smile. "heh."
thanks for reading!
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imdoingsortagay · 1 year
Ooooo a valentine's day celebration? Would you be willing to write reader x Claire where Claire can't miss work so reader offers to join her for the day and Claire doesn't realize it's for the sole purpose of being a terrible tease? And maybe have it end in smut? (Preferably at the office because getting Claire into a headspace where she stops worrying about getting caught would be SUPER rewarding all on its own.)
Adventures at the campaign office
a/n: claire brain rot for the mf win
warnings: Smut
word count: 3.1 k words
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This was the second Valentine's day when you and Claire were going to spend it together watching movies, baking some of her favorite red velvet cookies, and having the best sex on earth. You were not surprised and a bit disappointed when she told you that she couldn’t take the day off to spend it with you because she had to work on some essential office matters related to her senate campaign.
“ Can’t you just have Barkley deal with it Babe? I don’t think she’ll mind you taking the day off to get - 
“ I love you y/n but that woman knows way too much about our sex life at this point,” Claire groans as she gets herself another cup of coffee. She had tried hard to convince her campaign manager to give her the day off. Still, even after the shouting between the two of them and a PowerPoint presentation, there was no use in trying to get out of this when the race was starting to get closer to the opponent.
“ Says the one who can’t drink too much or else you get super drunk and ramble to her about how you like when i-” 
“ Okay okay I fucking get it you tease,” she pauses while you smile at her defeat,” What are you gonna do at home while I go to work, honey? “ 
“ I do not know Claire bear, might go by Peg's apartment and pick up some of the new toys she got us, thank her with cookies along with her favorite, stop by your office to get you lunch from that new brunch place, the day is still very young I guess”. 
“ What time did you want to come to the office? I have one meeting today and the rest of it is just paperwork,” Claire says casually while her mind says differently. While having you at the office brought the older woman happiness, she know that you had a habit of teasing her when you got way too bored just watching her and she needed to finish getting a couple of papers to one of the staffers before they took the week off. 
“ Probably around 11 am but i can come later once your meeting finishes honey, wouldn’t want to make you nervous leaving me all by myself in your office,” you giggle, thinking about teasing her at the office. Might as well make the most of the visit later while she works. 
“ y/n baby,” Claire starts,” I’ll text you when you can come to the office but think of doing anything that might get in trouble today, Barkley is already stressed out about a whole new group of interns so having you be a little tease wouldn’t be good energy to bring in. 
‘ Claire bear, i promise not to tease you if you're busy in the office” you cross your heart in front of her and she rolls her eyes at your dorkiness,” but please bring snacks to eat today, and don’t worry your pretty little head about lunch so I’ll get you some. You smile the moment you compliment Claire, never failing to blush when you praise/ compliment her about literally anything at all. 
Claire collects all of her belongings in her tote bag, gets her cup of coffee, and before she makes her way out of the house, kisses you on the cheek before you are left alone in the house. While you start with cleaning the house before even starting to bake, Claire tries not to stress out about having you in the office. Having you visit her at her job was a common thing before you both dated but the thought of Barkley telling you anything about being there. 
Baby<3: Have a good day at work my Claire Bear 
*hours later*
After running around doing some errands, picking up some stuff, and getting something to eat for your girlfriend, you park at the office. Feeling a bit nervous as Claire is a big fan of privacy and the thought of being caught having sex scares the fuck out of her so you had to think closely about teasing her. What you wore was pretty simple, just one of her favorite sweaters, jeans that show off your legs perfectly also giving your butt a bit of a lift, and a simple pair of shoes compared to everyone else in the office. 
“ Wasn’t expecting to see you here y/l/n? Are you here to come to distract Debella or make sure she focuses on what I asked her to do?” Jen asks you with a cup of coffee in her hand and always putting on her best “badass “ face per usual.
“ Promise to make her do her work Barkley but I’m just here to make sure she feeds herself and does not overwork herself like some people I know,” you respond before walking to Claire’s office. If there was one thing that Barkley appreciated about you is being able to joke around with her, especially being able to come up with witty remarks. 
Claire was just about done writing all of these candidate questions when she hears her office door open up to see you walk in, looking stunning as always and with a bag of food in your hand. 
“ Want me to lock the door baby?” You ask casually to her which makes her give you a look but you put up the innocent front instead. Better to have her calm and cool than all suspicious of what you might be planning today while here at the office with her. 
“ And the reason would be?” she asks while waving her hand around
“ So we could eat lunch together in peace without any of your staff, interns, or Jen trying to come in and stress you out my love,” you kindly explain to her, your girlfriend giving you a quick thumbs up to lock the door and you close the blinds as well to ensure nobody can see what’s going on. Claire doesn’t notice the second part as she had gotten her hands on the sandwich that you bought her. 
“ How many times do I always tell you to eat more stuff at breakfast besides coffee and a muffin Claire?” you chuckle as she eats the lunch quickly and for the next hour, Claire is getting most of what she was tasked to do done. Being told to focus by you when her mind dozes off to think about something related to her life, seeing you lay down on the couch or needing more decorations in the office. 
As you lay down on the couch reading a book, your phone rings to a message from Barkley and what’s surprising is that it’s a positive one from her. 
Jenny Poo: Maybe we should have you be at the office if she finishes her work at this rate
y/n: Welcome Barkley <3
“ Claire bear?” Do you ask? 
“ Yes honey?” she responds, writing the last question to the candidate form she was doing for one new station to use for an article. 
“ Do you mind if I take off my sweater? This office is just way too hot to be in it,” you say casually. 
“ sure thing honey,” she says to you and you get up from the couch to take off your sweater Claire chooses the right time to look up from her laptop and she tries her best not to drool at the sight of your arms. Always being proud of keeping your upper body in tip-top shape and overall being a tease to your girlfriend with it. Claire starts to feel her mind drift to other places at the thought of you doing things to her, in this office especially. 
“ Claire you doing okay? maybe you should take a break with me on the couch from working so hard on the campaign sweet one,” you say to her but she just looks at you with big eyes, unsure as to what to do. 
“ Sure uh year, a break could do me good,” she says for you to hear and she gets up from her chair to come and lay down with you. Nothing is going to happen between the two of you in this office today, she repeats in her mind.
“ My baby deserves to take a nap after working so hard to be elected, once this is over i just know you’ll beat the other man without a fight” you praise her while she lays on top of you. Claire tries her very best not to drift into sleep, reminding herself that naps are not allowed and that if she wanted to sleep she could at least wait until she got to her place to do so. Though that’s proving hard to do with the way you're gently petting her hair with one hand and rubbing circles on her back with the other one. 
“ Don’t want to nap baby, please,” She quietly pleads.
“ Be a good girl for me dove and nap, I know that you need at least a powernap to go through the other half of the day my sweet dove,” you plead, and a couple of minutes later, Claire is fast asleep on your lap, looking as pretty as always in slumber while you try to come up with a further plan as to tease her. 
Claire wakes up 30 minutes later, feeling good before slowly making her way off your body, leaving you to continue napping on the couch. She makes her way to her desk to answer some emails, and check out some designs for her mailers being used soon while she peeks at your sleeping body every once in a while and smiles at the fact that you didn’t succeed 
She smiles proudly at herself for not falling for your tricks when she hears you mumbling, right when she was about to win at this teasing game too. 
“ mmmmmmmm pretty claire bear,” you say to yourself in your sleep and she tries not to imagine what horny dream is going on in your mind. 
She had known from the start of your relationship about your sleep talking, assuring you that you had nothing to be embarrassed about but from time to time she’s had to deal with your wet dreams, and most of the time they were about herself in rather sticky situations. One that you told her was about Claire riding your strap, eating her out in the office, threeway with her and some famous actress that Claire was a huge fan of and the list can go on. Now all she hoped was that it was just a cute dream and not a horny one.
“ boobs look, nice baby,” you say and she feels herself getting soaked, hoping that she doesn’t have to change her underwear by the end of the day. For the next 20 minutes, Claire is in hell as you continue to mumble some very dirty things that make her blush but she’s saved by the universe when your alarm goes off on your phone, probably being the nap one you set up. 
“ Oh,’ you say,” How long was i asleep for baby?” 
Claire continues to write like she isn’t soaking wet right now, trying to pull off a brave face while you wonder what happened during the time you napped. 
“ Claire bear,” you say as you make your way to her,” If I ask you a question, i know that my sweet dove knows than to ignore what her daddy asks her”.She continues to ignore you, acting like you’re not in the office but once she feels you move her chair a bit to sit on her lap, is when she knows that it’s not going to go well for her. 
“ Princess,” you say as you hold her chin up so she has to make eye contact with you,” Stop acting dumb and use that pretty brain of yours to answer daddy’s question: How long was i asleep for?”. 
“ About 50 minutes or so,” she mumbles,” i had a 30-minute nap through daddy like you wanted me to”. At that moment, Claire hopes that just that will get her off her case and she can go back to work. 
“ Why are you so flustered princess? Something must have happened to make you act out for daddy and you know how much i hate having to punish you? Remember to be honest”.
“ You were mumbling some stuff in your sleep that made me all wet and I was trying to act like it didn’t affect me at the moment, daddy,” she says to you and at that moment you smile at your baby for being honest. It would have been fun to punish her in the office, Claire would have had such a hard time trying to be quiet and Jen didn’t mention these walls being soundproof in any way. 
“ Should daddy help her baby out a bit? For being such a good girl?” Claire nods. 
“ Please daddy!!! I’ve been your good girl”.
“ Since you asked so nicely-” and you were cut off by Claire kissing you, her lips always being so soft on yours. At that moment she doesn’t care that anyone in the office can hear her going on with her, the only priority at the moment is to feel your mouth on her wet cunt. 
“ Someone is wet,” you comment as you move away from her lips and start to go lower down her body, remembering to gently remove her shirt before being greeted by Claire wearing one of her pretty bras for work. She doesn’t say anything at all when you push the cups down to expose her tits, nipples hardening right away to the cold air in the office but you start to suck on her right nipple, giving her other nipple attention too. Enjoying all the little whines and moans that are coming out of the older woman’s mouth as she holds off from enjoying this being that she’s about to be fucked in her office. 
“ Should I go lower Princess? Or should Daddy wait til we get home so you can scream all you want ?” you ask your girlfriend nicely as you position herself between her legs. At that moment, Claire loses any sort of thought when she sees her between her legs, mind going crazy at the thought of you eating her out in such a professional place but she doesn’t think that she can wait about 2 more hours to get fucked by you. 
“C'mon princess,” you taunt,” Just answer daddy’s simple question and i can make you feel good now or you can wait like a good princess.” 
Claire quickly lifts herself from the chair so you can take off her pants and panties, swiftly taking them off of her and placing them to the side of her. Before your girlfriend even tries to beg, you immediately l start to lick at her wet cunt, moaning in delight at the taste of her every time that you can.
“ Fuck I love your mouth Daddy,” Claire moans out before covering her mouth, shoving her fingers in her mouth to somewhat try to muffle out any sounds threatening to come out of her. She was always a loud person during sex and you never shy  away from telling her how fucking hot she sounds moaning and whining, boosting her confidence so much. 
“ My Slutty little princess,” You moan as your mouth leaves her wet cunt, “ gonna get you ready with my fingers sweet dove, you deserve to be fucked til you can only think about my cock”. Claire shudders as she feels two fingers slowly go into her cunt, thankful for her wetness, waiting for her to be comfortable before moving her fingers in and out of her pussy. Observing how hot Claire looks gripping her chair. 
“ Can we move to the couch please?” Claire pleads,” Want you on top”. 
Never the one to deny your sweet dove, you take your fingers out of her cunt, helping claire get off the chair before guiding her to the couch and placing her in your lap before continuing to finger her cunt. 
While both of you are going at it, Jen Barkley is in her office trying her very best to wait for the email with the second set of candidate questions that she needed Debella to do before the end of the day. Jen does try her best to respect Claire but she was worried about having you in the office in fear of distracting her from her work, having learned from past experience with Knope and Wyatt, who never seemed to think when they fuck in the office and having to drink heavily a couple of nights to forget the sight of it.
“ Guess i gotta check up on her,” she mumbles to herself, getting the spare key to the office in case she can’t get in because it's good to be prepared. Of course, when the woman gets to the door, it’s locked and the blinds are closed so she can’t see what’s going on but she can hear noises of some sort. Being an impatient person, Jen unlocks the door and then proceeds to come in the office and it is greeted by the both of you going at it, Claire on top of you completely nude on the couch while she’s getting fingered by you.
“ What the fuck do you want now Barkley? Can’t you see me and my Claire bear are busy?” you say, picking up the pace as you finger your girlfriend while her muffled moans get louder. In a rare moment, you try to hold in your laughter as the tough strong woman that Jen is, has no witty comeback or snarky remark to say, only focusing on the way your fingers look amazing in Claire's cunt, wishing she can feel the same way ( mostly from the lack of sex she’s gotten). 
“Uhm,” she stutters” the email thing, claire needs to send it before-” 
“ She’s got it done honey i’ll send it after we’re done,” you say,” Now can you leave the office, Barkley, i wanna fuck my pretty girlfriend”. Jen says nothing else before quickly walking out of the office, locking it beforehand then making her way back to her office and calling one of her situationships to set something up. 
“ Ready for my cock sweet princess?” you ask, Claire, nodding and getting into position as you put on the harness and strap on before fucking her in the office, happy to have decided to visit her at the office today.
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ketho484 · 1 year
Chapter seven of the Actor AU!
Warning: This chapter contains mentions of near death and actual death as well as gun use. Discretion is advised
Au belongs to @frillsand
Chapter 7: The Rescue
The cast of Welcome home all had a day off today. They went to their chatroom and decided to meet at the community center to figure out their next move to help Willow. They all met at the center, Wally arriving last as he was still seething after last night. When prompted by Barnaby about his anger, Wally told them everything he learned, showing them the contents of the briefcase as proof. Needless to say, they were convinced his theory might be right.
“No wonder you go to close to her so quickly” Poppy stated as she and Howdy inspected the birth certificate
“No wonder she trusted you more than all of us combined” Howdy added
“And now that poor little kid is living with her kidnapper?” Sally asked, Wally nodding in affirmation
“And the murderer of your parents?” Frank added, earning another nod from Wally, who looked ready to kill someone
“Gee, Wally. That must’ve been really hard on you to learn this” Eddie said as he put a comforting hand on Wally’s shoulder
“…I’m going to that house tonight” Wally stated “We have the evidence we need right here. Id you guys can keep all this safe, I’ll get Willow somewhere safe and make sure the cops take him away”
“Wally, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Julie asked, worried for her friend “What if you get hurt?”
“Julie’s right” Barnaby spoke up “If you’re gonna do this, at least take someone as backup”
“Not to mention a potential witness if something goes wrong” Frank added
“Mmmm…You all make good points” Wally said as he took a breath “I-I just couldn’t sleep last night now that I know what I know”
“It’s okay, Wally” Poppy said as she wrapped a wing around his shoulders “Nobody’s judging you. We just want you to be careful”
Wally sighed and looked over at Eddie
“…Me?” Eddie pointed to himself
“You and Howdy both work jobs outside of our acting careers” Wally explained “You work at the post office in the early mornings, he works the night shift at a Whole Foods. Not only are you the most available, but thanks to your job, you’re cool under pressure and won’t freak out of something goes wrong”
“Wally has a point” Howdy said “You remember that fight that broke out in the store last time you were there. You immediately took charge and acted as a mediator to help break it up before security could do anything”
“If anything, behind that sweet attitude is a smart soldier” Frank added, making eddie blush
“Well…If you really think i’m capable, you don’t mind if I drive, do you?” Eddie asked shyly “My car is darker, so it’ll be less likely to be spotted”
“Deal” Wally smiled before turning to the others “The rest of you be on standby just in case something goes wrong in the worst possible way”
With an affirming nod, the group all went back to their homes, Eddie taking the briefcase just in case Eric tried looking through Wally’s house to get it back. Wally waited all day, practicing his painting while he did before Eddie pulled up in his simple, black Camaro. Wally got in, tablet in hand, and directed Eddie to the right house. The arguing was really bad tonight. Poor Willow was crying again as Wally pulled out his phone and called the cops.
“HCPD, how can I help you?” A lady on the other line spoke
“Hi, I’d like to report that I might’ve found the killer of the Darling couple” Wally said
“Wait, really!?” The lady spoke up “Where is he!?”
“Number 2059 West Maple Avenue”
“Damn, that’s in the suburbs. No wonder we couldn’t find this guy. Alright, a squad is-”
Before the lady could finish, a loud shot was heard inside the house, making both Eddie and Wally jump
“What was that?” The lady asked, having heard the gunshot
“…I think the guy shot a gun” Wally said worriedly
“Okay, don’t move. Help is coming” The woman said before hanging up
“We’ve gotta get Willow out of there!” Wally said as he dropped his phone and dashed for the house, Eddie following close behind
Willow screamed from inside, a scream that quickly got louder as she saw Wally and ran for him. Wally was going to pick her up, But Eric came from behind and headlocked her, picking her up and backing away as he held a gun to her temple. Behind them, Wally and Eddie could both see Jessica dead on the ground with a bullet hole in her skull. It made them sick, but also sad that the one person Willow saw as her mom, the only one in that house who tried to save her, had died to try and make that happen.
“Stay back!” Eric shouted, Willow crying out as she struggled in his hold, finding it somewhat hard to breathe, though not impossible “You bastards should’ve minded your own damn business!”
“It is our business!” Wally shouted, rage evident in his eyes “Especially since you took my sister away!”
“This brat is mine!” Eric screamed “This is how a puppet should treat it’s fucking master! And you made her disobey!”
“Please let her go” Eddie begged “She’s just a child”
“No! I’m making sure nobody will find this brat again!” Eric shouted as Willow got an idea “And you can’t stop me-AAAAAGH!!!”
At that moment, as the sirens were being heard coming closer, Willow bit down into Eric’s arm and ran towards Wally, not even thinking about catching her breath. Wally bent down and held her in his arms, but turned his body around when Eric pointed the gun and fired, Eddie, getting down to avoid the shot…
…Silence filled the air followed by a thump. Willow let out a scream as Eddie ran to place pressure on a fresh gunshot wound in Wally’s chest. The guy was struggling to breathe, his vision blurring and his hearing muffled as he heard sirens of the cops and an ambulance. The cops dragged a screaming Eric to their car while the paramedics took Wally straight to the hospital. Eddie had to stop Willow from running after him, holding her back so the medics could do their jobs. Once she stopped struggling, once the ambulance drove off, Eddie washed his hands in the house sink and took Willow to the car, driving her to his apartment. It was small, but quaint. Eddie set Willow on the couch and got her something small to eat, not wanting her tummy to be too upset after what she just went through. She didn’t eat anything. She just stared at her plate for forty-five minutes before the landline rang. Eddie picked it up.
“Hello? This is Eddie” He spoke to the other person on the line, though Willow couldn’t hear what the other person was saying “Uh-huh…Yeah, she’s safe. How’s Wally?…Yeah? Oh my gosh, thank you so much!…Yeah? Oh…Oh, I see…No, no, I’ll tell her…Yeah, I’ll deliver the news…He’s going to be okay, right?…Okay…Yeah, thank you” With that, Eddie hung up the phone and approached Willow slowly “Well…The good news is he’s stable”
“Will he be coming for me?” Willow asked, her voice quiet as she set the food tray aside
“…That’s the bad news. He’s in a coma right now, so he won’t be able to wake up for a little while” Eddie explained, pulling the little puppet into his arms “He’ll wake up, I’m sure of it, but he needs some time, okay?”
Willow hugged Eddie, fresh tears coming to her eyes as she nodded tiredly
"...Okay. I trust you..."
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lilbittymonster · 3 months
Fanfic Writer Asks
Tagged by @crackinglamb 💜💜💜💜💜
Tagging: @ardberts @gatheredfates @allycryz @captainsparklefingers and @piratekenway
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
113,822 words
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Currently writing for Final Fantasy XIV, have previously written for Borderlands, Fallout 4, and Critical Role.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Only A Thought Away (Critical Role) - 182 kudos
This Is Home (Critical Role) - 169 kudos
I Will Endure (Critical Role) - 127 kudos
Forgiveness (Critical Role) - 118 kudos
Boy, Oh Boy (Critical Role) - 104 kudos
5) Do you respond to comments?
I try to, yes! I will respond in the same energy as whatever the comment is given in. And now that we have the block function, I have no compunction of simply taking commenting privileges away. Manners matter :)
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Extinguishing the Last Light (FFXIV) is the bad ending AU where the Scions don't succeed in defeating the newly formed Lightwarden after the events of Mt. Gulg, and Estinien gets called to the First. it continues to haunt me and I ended up gposing a scene from it.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably This Is Home.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, but I have gotten a couple of the "moar plz/when are you gonna updaaaaate?" type comments. See above commenting privileges policy.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have exactly one E fic (An Owl In Limsa) that has been published, but the HW fic will also be explicit pretty much right out the gate. I have far, far more smut pieces that are just for me and some friends.
So far, it's just been a single hookup. That's been published. There's. A variance. In my word docs. Some may see the light of day, some may not, only time will tell.
10) Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've written?
Eh, not really my thing. It veers a little to close to crack for my tastes.
11) Have you ever had fic stolen?
Not as far as I know. It may sound self deprecating, but I don't think any of my work is good enough to be worth stealing, and certainly none of it is big enough in the fandom to catch the eye of scammers who sell fic on Amazon or whatever.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge, though if someone were interested I would be happy to discuss!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, at least once, yes! I was part of a small group doing a Critical Role AU where Mollymauk was a lost de Rolo child, and we were all taking turns puppeting the M9 and VM with their official character sheets. I kinda miss it sometimes but we all just kinda drifted. Very very fun though, would highly recommend it.
14) What's your all time favourite ship?
I don't really do the whole "this is my Only Ship Ever" thing. I'll have a preferred ship per fandom, but especially since getting into XIV I have fully embraced the motto of "learn to multiship like an adult".
Some favourites include; Caleb/Essek, Caleb/Mollymauk, SoSu/Hancock, Krieg/Maya, Beau/Yasha
15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My canon divergent Borderlands 2 AU. Every now and again I'll think about it, and I do have the original outline I wrote for it (past me really did me a solid there) but the fandom drift has hit so hard I really just lost all momentum on it. I don't want to orphan or abandon it because What If Some Day I get back to it, but that day is looking pretty far off.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Characterisation, use of tension, descriptions, call and response/motifs, Show Don't Tell
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Combat sequences, movement, adverbs, endings? beginnings??? middle?????
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
So I haven't had this problem yet, but it will definitely be happening a lot once I start writing Stormblood stuff, because Kitali speaks fluent Doman as well as Dazkar Xaela, and will be switching between those and Eorzean common quite a bit.
Personally I'm not a fan of having a different formatting for each language (plain for the main language, bold for one, italics for another, underlined for another, etc) and would rather just have a dialogue tag stating what language is being spoken, with a new one each time the language switches.
I also am not a fan of having footnote translations in the author's notes, and would rather just have the actual translation instead of having to either scroll back and forth (annoying and I lose my place) or remembering what was said when and with what context (I have memory problems).
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Borderlands 2
20) Favourite fic you've written?
Of the ones I've published, I think I have to go with Extinguishing the Last Light. It's the one I think about the most often, it's the most evocative (imo) emotionally, and it tells the story it needs to tell in several concurrent layers.
Blank template under the cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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March 2024 Reading Wrap Up
The Calendar
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Another incredible reading month and I'm so glad I managed to keep my streak this time despite still recovering from illness. It's been a scifi packed month and I absolutely will do my best to fix that next month. I'm one of those people who want to do their best to diversify their TBR. I'd also dub this the Aftermath month as I decided to reread Aftermath to prep for reading Life Debt. And despite the still obvious flaws im so grateful I decided to give Chuck Wending a second chance.
The biggest excitement of this month is that I'm proud to announce that after three agonising months I finally finished Black Spire. When I re-read it in the future I can absolutely assure you that the read will be shorter. I don't know what happened it just took absolutely ages to read. It was a fairly decent novel and I adored the themes of Rebellion and Resistance. I just wish the other characters were fleshed out more as Vi and Archex are the only ones that are. 10th of March was the best day ever as I was just so glad to be finally rid of this side read as I have a whole block of other side reads I wanted to get too.
The High Republic comics are an absolute delight and I definitely want to get more of them in the future but they're still not my focus. The High Republic Adventures Vol.1 was incredible, I borrowed it off my brother and was really excited to read it and it was incredible. Lula and Zeen are an absolute power couple. The story telling was super enriching and fun. I definitely want to get my hands on Vol.2 sometime as I've also weirdly already read Vol.2. After I've read Fallen Star I definitely will need to re-read Vol. 3. I'm not suprised it took five days as that's normally how long comics usually take for me.
And then to finish off my side reads I managed to miraculously finish Vol.5 of the Animal Crossing New Horizons Manga. Vol.5 was really good and I loved how it incoperated the final 2.0 update and the dlc. Especially since Dark seems to be my reading mood preference I always love to incoperate a few lighthearted reads in there to save my shattered heart cos lord I need it, need it massively. This series is awesome and i'm happy it's gone on to have nine volumes but im definitely only sticking to eight of them thank you.
Then we have of course the Doctor Who Big Finish audio dramas. I'm very close to the end of The Eighth Doctor Adventures Series 1 now and have really enjoyed the series. It's gotten me deeply into Big Finish. Phobos and No More Lies were very fun and easy listens. I think unless it's a box set I'm definitely gonna be able to listen to single Big Finish stories in one day as you can tell by the calendar.
March has been fun but I really wish I'd read more than scifi and I hope April will be the chance to improve upon that.
March Stats
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I'm using all my stats and log templates from LEEBEE_READS from now on as their all beautiful especially this flowery March theme. I've also got the hang of using it better so it looks neater. So here's a breakdown of all my stats for March from left to right.
I "read" 6 books in total this month. Four physical books and two big finish audio dramas. I didn't expect to read as much as I did in February due to missing my support group and getting another FNAF book off my friend but I shouldn't have been as I still have a lot of side reads I need to get through. Pages was good too as I didn't think I'd reach 1000 pages but I did. This March I read 1047 pages only 47 more than March 2023. I don't care about beating records but I still find that quite the achievement. For listening it went as well, I managed to listen to 2.43 hours. A number that will go up as I listen to the longer audios. We'll see what April brings but I'm very proud of myself.
Genre was very scifi this month. The only none scifi book I read was the Animal Crossing Manga which just cracks me up. Scifi is an amazing genre and I've love all the scifi stories I've listened too and read but I feel like it doesn't hurt now and then to go outside of the box. After hopefully getting to Brotherhood I have 3 none Star Wars books to help break this spell which should hopefully balance out the stats. So my genre's ended up being very simple with only Scifi, Fantasy, Video Games, Manga and Graphic Novel. 5 Scifi listens and reads is just mind blowing its definitely helped me understand and figure out what my favourite genre indeed is. With what I have planned for April I'm very curious how my genres will look.
Mainly reads like I said last time is budging as I'm into very adventurous books that are dark and also have mystery. I also still adore 300-499 page books and that's never gonna change but we'll see.
March was a very interesting month for moods as last year I only logged three moods but this year I've managed to log eight moods. Through out my reads and listens I've managed to pick up the moods, Adventurous, Tense, Mysterious, Lighthearted, Hopefully, Funny, Dark and Challenging which is in my opinion the most impressive streak of moods so far. Adventurous is always gonna take the top spot but im really happy at how balanced this chart is. I read a pretty Dark Comic in terms of The High Republic Adventures Vol.1 and then balanced it out with Vol.5 of The Animal Crossing manga series. People may want to read all dark reading month but I still think it's super important to balance things out with lighthearted stuff as Dark books are dark for a reason as they can be super heavy. Really curious about how April's stats will turnout.
Finally the Star Ratings which shocked me as for the first time ever I remembered quarter star ratings existed and rated too reads/listens 4.25 stars. In the future I'm definitely gonna try remember quarter star ratings and be more critical about how I rate books. I had two 4 star rated reads one being a re-read, two 4.25 star reads/listens as both were good but had flaws which meant it didn't quite deserve 4.5 or 5 stars and one 5 star read. That resulted in and average rating of 4.33 stars. Which is the same average rating I got a year ago. Haven't got an average rating below 4 yet but we'll see what happens.
Overall a very good month for stats I'm very intrigued to see what April shall bring.
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Looking at this lineup is hilarious and amusing for me because you can tell the Animal Crossing Manga is the odd one of the group. It's giving and Peggy 🤣. I'm still proud of the lineup but I'm disbelief at how much sci-fi I've consumed.
Phobos and No More Lies were really good listens I'm super impressed at how talented the Big Finish team are. The Eighth Doctor Adventures Series 1 was definitely the best place to start as from Blood Of The Daleks it's only gotten better. I enjoyed both stories due to how experimental they were. No More Lies hit me right in the feels once the explanation for the timeloop was revealed and Phobos gobsmacked me at how dark it got. Judging on my journey I think I might enjoy the stories with orginal villians more.
I deserve a medal for how long it took me to read Black Spire I'm absolutely gobsmacked that it took me 42 days to finish this book especially since some of the chapters were short. Sure I took breaks so I could read my main reads and recover from being ill and it sending me into a reading slump. I did enjoy this book for the most part it was just a drag to get through. I'd still recommend it as it's themes are really deep and relevant for today. I loved the characters of Vi and Archex and definitely want to get my hands on the Phasma Audiobook so I can understand the story better. Good birthday present.
Oh the High Republic is my comfort franchise and I love it. I never planned on picking up the comics but when an opportunity presents yourself you take it. Very much enjoyed this volume and loved the themes of found family. Considering Zeen is queer it was very purposefully metaphorical that her friend betrayed her and disowned her after she had to out herself as a force user to save people. I also think it fleshes out the Nihil recruitment process and shows how easy it is to turn to the wrong people. I hope in the future I can get to reading Vol.2 but I'll definitely be re-reading Vol.3 of the High Republic Adventures that's for sure. Vol.1 was a delightful read and hit me right in the feels its well deserving of 5 stars.
Aftermath after mistakingly picking up the book as my first Star Wars read I was absolutely done with this novel. I knew I'd have to continue the Trilogy as a completionist but I was absolutely done with Aftermath as far as I was concerned. Having completely forgotten the events of the book though I knew it would be best to Reread Aftermath before I dug my teeth into Life Debt so I did and it helped a lot. Reading alongside Marc Thompsons narration on audio gave the book so much of the life it needed. It was a much more pleasant experience on Reread. I thought I'd hate it even more but the rating did not change. Infact it got me in the mood for reading Life Debt. Glad I gave Chuck Wending a second chance and I hope Empires End is even better than this book.
Finally Animal Crossing. One of my favourite video games and I think this manga series has not only faithfully adapted what made New Horizons charming but also actually added personality and life into the npcs and villagers. Vol.5 was a welcome suprise as I didn't think they'd add the 2.0 update and dlc into the series but its a very nice and welcome suprise. This manga series is just a nice breath of fresh air and I can't wait to get my hands on Vol. 6, Vol.7 and Vol.8. I seriously haven't enjoyed an entry in the series this much since Vol.2. Rumba does a wonderful job.
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After the end of February's reading took a down turn I'm proud I managed to pick myself back up again. March was very interesting and I'm glad even if mainly Sci-fi that I managed to read and listen to a good bunch of stuff. I'm very optimistic for April and think it'll be just as good. I do know that the Calendar is for sure gonna be interesting.
If you want to see my full reviews for the audios and books featured in this post you can find me on The Storygraph and Goodreads.
Goodreads: Melody Soundy
Storygraph: melsage1823
Well this has been March's reading wrap up until next time...
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heeseungwifey · 1 year
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"It's so romantic in Paris, won't even try to compare it..." [Sunghoon x Kazuha]
Chapter 2: I dare you to tell me the truth
pairing - iceskater!Sunghoon x Ballerina!Kazuha (read the disclaimer!)
warnings: smut (following chapters), very awful writing from a non-English native (sorry!) I'll add more warnings as I finish the following chapters.
summary - Kazuha and Chaewon need to relax from the many hours they have spent training for the show, is there any better way than going clubbing?
Destiny works for the poor Kazuha who, like Cinderella, was only looking for a fun night until she meets (again) a prince-like ice skater, who's not going to lose her princess but rather take her to his hotel room.
disclaimer: I don´t ship anyone in this fic irl, I just thought they would look good together and everyone has such an elegant essence.
I can't enjoy the moment. Here I am, the place where all my dreams have taken place since I started doing ballet. Everyone's getting ready at the Palais Garnier backstage with all the ruffles and feathers, the tension and excitement. I'm not part of it, just sitting on a chair in the corner waiting for coffee and listening to Debussy.
"I just got invited to a party, you should come"- Chaewon says to me removing my headphones so I could hear her. She sits right in front of me with a smile.
"Are you for real thinking about partying? I think I could get killed if I, the replacement ballerina, gets in worse condition than the protagonist" - To me, it's impossible to strive from my only role in this whole show.
"I thought you would be interested since the ice skaters boys are going... Jake told me himself"- Chaewon is giving me a side eye and I can tell what her intentions are. I'm also quite interested in seeing Sunghoon again so at least I can thank him for keeping me entertained during the flight.
"...where is it? ...the party?" - I’ll admit that I have no shame, especially in front of Chaewon, we know each other too well to pretend. If there's anything I've learned from her it's that being a good girl doesn't get you what you want, you need a plan to get it. And that's what I'm gonna do.
"That's my girl!"- Chaewon jumps and gives a high five, giving me all the information about the party.
---- We arrive at a very fancy building with neon lights outside and well-dressed people waiting in line to go to the club. Suddenly we see Jake walking towards us, the biggest smile once he sees Chaewon and gives her a tight hug. From where Jake comes, there's a group of boys I easily recognise as the ones who were on the plane with us. Sunghoon it's not with them and my heart shrinks.
"Hello, Kazuha right...? Chaewon told me your name to get you on the list. You two can go in for free, I have some connections" Jake holds a sly smirk as he looks at Chaewon, who seems to be swung by his confidence.
"C'mon let's go in, I can't wait another day to shake my ass!!" Chaewon holds my arm tightly as we walk inside the club, the techno music and the smell of alcohol becoming instantly present, making me dizzy. I see Jake pass in front of us and go to the VIP section where a group of boys is being greeted by a couple of B-girls trying really hard to impress them. Right as a make a disgusted face, I meet eyes with Sunghoon, who's sitting right next to the two girls in the VIP.
"Oh fuck" I say to Chaewon who's already dancing with a drink in her hand as she sees me trying to not be seen by Sunghoon.
"Zuha why did you come here? Wasn't it that you wanted to see him? You need to clear your head so you understand your feelings girl" Chaewon follows her motivational speech by ordering a gin tonic for me.
"I really don't know if this is a good idea, I feel like I'm gonna make a fool of myself" I sip the drink and it's awful, I decided to chug on it so I finish it faster. "okay I'm going to that table and I'm gonna ask him for his phone number, no chicken out" I say to Chaewon, who rapidly follows as I want fast towards the VIP section.
"Excusez-moi mademoiselle, vous ne pouvez pas entrer ici" A bodyguard stops me as I'm about to arrive at their table, surprised I hadn't even realised there were bodyguards in the first place.
"C'est bon monsieur, ce sont nos copines, laissez-les passer" I look up and see Sunghoon speaking in a perfect French accent to the bodyguard, not understanding what he says but it seems to work as the big man allows us to go in.
"Merci!" Chaewon and I say in unison, walking up the stairs and standing in front of a group of men, the only ones I knew were Jake and Sunghoon.
"Hello girls nice to meet you, Chaewon and Kazuha right...? these boys won't stop saying your names in their dreams, it's getting really annoying" A boy with a beautiful smile and big deer eyes says to us. "My name is Heeseung"
"Hello girls, my name is Jay, do you want to sit here with us?" says the other boy with tan skin and a marked jawline. Wow, this friend group is really something, I'm getting incredibly shy by how beautiful they all are.
"Do you want to go get a drink Chae?" Jake and Chaewon are for sure fucking tonight, they're so flirty and touchy with each other that it's even uncomfortable to watch.
"Hey I'm leaving with Jake for a bit, if I don't come in an hour don't worry, I might have found something fun to do tonight" Chaewon whispers in my ear and now I realise the one that's truly fucked it's me, with a man that makes me incredibly nervous and his friends who are trying really hard to flirt with the b-girls.
"do you want to go out to smoke?" Sunghoon says to me close to my ear, giving me goosebumps and making me freeze. The smell of his perfume is so strong I know I will always remember it and the dangly chain is reflecting the lights of the club.
"yeah, sure" I go out of the VIP section and into a crowd that's jumping, scared I could get hit. When Sunghoon looks at me and sees how scared I am he holds me close to him, pushing people to move so we can walk out. When we get out, we're just standing there, in the cold.
"didn't you tell me you were going to smoke?"
"I never said I smoke"
"Then why did you tell me to come out to smoke?"
" I didn't think of a better option to get you alone tonight" he looks at me and realisation hits me, he wanted to meet me alone "Why did you say yes to coming out to smoke if you also don't smoke?"
"Maybe I was also looking forward to getting you alone" I confess and we make eye contact, sparks flying as the lighting from the street shows our rosy cheeks. Now that we're outside of the club I can appreciate his looks, broad shoulders and fluffy white hair, wearing a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up and dark jeans. A sight for sore eyes.
"You didn't say goodbye when you left. Not even a farewell, asshole" We're sitting on the curb of the street, the chilly weather creating a fog of our breaths. "I couldn't stop thinking about you if I'm being honest. Since I got here all I have done is look at every crowd hoping to see your face" I know he's drunk and this is embarrassing honesty but I can't help myself to be touched by his words.
"He's not even my boss, just a dancing partner I got feelings for and he doesn't reciprocate. I know I sound lame, I tell myself often how ridiculous it is that I let others dictate how I feel and behave. I guess I'm just too soft for all of this". I sincere myself to him so at least he thinks I'm self-aware.
"Is he dating that chick, Sakura? He sure seemed quite bored sitting next to her on the plane" he's looking straight onto the street recalling back the memories of what he saw on the plane "And by the way, he seems really old like he's almost gonna start going bald and shit, maybe he'll get a 30-year-old dude crisis and then date you"
Sunghoon knocks my shoulder with his in an attempt to make me laugh but now I'm crying. I am indeed really soft for all of this.
"Hey, hey don't cry. We're in Paris, let's go for a walk and have fun, c'mon!" Sunghoon grabs my arms and gets me up from the curb, holding my wrist and running towards the city centre.
"do you want to do shots? let's play truth or dare. Maybe we get to know each other better this way" Sunghoon and I are now in a bar, there are a few groups of people but it's not too noisy. Perfect for a chat.
"Okay, but the dares can't be too embarrassing and I have an image to maintain" Sunghoon touches his hair as he smiles at his joke.
"Okay, you start, truth or dare?" I ask Sunghoon.
"Okay, uhm, have you ever had a girlfriend before?"
"yes, it lasted for a few months. It was years ago, we were practically children"
"Okay, I choose truth" I say as I take a sip from my drink. I did expect him to have had a girlfriend before but I'm quite curious to know more.
"When was the last time you had sex?" he looks into my eyes.
"A couple of months ago, with a dude I met at a bar, nothing serious" I take a sip again while I try not to make eye contact with him. His thick eyebrows furrowed at my answer.
"Okay, well now I choose dare. Be fair"
"I dare you to drink the whole drink in one gulp" I say, thinking I'm gonna win but instead he chugs the entire glass in a matter of seconds.
"Are you crazy?! damn, you're gonna have a crazy ride back to the hotel"
As I'm laughing at him I see his face change while he's looking directly onto the entrance. I turn around and meet eyes with Sakura and Minhyun, holding hands.
"what the fuck?! For real?!" I yell while looking at Sunghoon, who seems very serious all of a sudden.
"it's your turn now, right? You have to choose dare, don't you?" he's not paying attention to the couple anymore, just looking at me straight in the eye across the table.
"yes, yes I have to. But to be honest I much prefer to leave immediately, before they come to talk to me..." I say as I'm trying to get up from my chair but Sunghoon suddenly holds my wrist and makes me sit on his lap.
"I dare you to kiss me right now" From this distance I can smell his cologne, strong and captivating still and his lips, juicy and soft I really need to try them once.
"you're drunk, I don't think I'll be okay..." I say
"Don't you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?" Sunghoon's eyes are fixed on my mouth, looking at them like a starved man. "I swear I'm not drunk, I'm taking this as a leap of confidence. Kazuha just... please..."
I grab the back of his head and push him onto mine, lips touching abruptly, holding each other's faces and deepening the kiss with our tongues. I have never been this hungry for a man's affection in my life but now I think this has been catastrophic, I'll never have a kiss like this in my life.
"they're looking at us Kazuha, I..." kiss "Think it's..." kiss "Better if we..." kiss "Leave for my hotel room" he stops me and holds my face in his hands and we get to see the aftermath of our make-out session, swollen lips and flushed cheeks.
Minhyun and Sakura both look in our direction with shocked faces after seeing the spectacle we just did in the middle of a bar. When we pass their table I can hear Sakura say my name, but Sunghoon has me by the hand and we're leaving fast.
Leaving fast to his hotel room. I need to be happy like a woman just for a night, even if it means this could hurt in the future.
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datoneboardedguy · 1 year
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Avatar: Legend of Korra Fanfiction - Korra x OC Male Reader.
Chapter 4: Secrets.
Ricks POV in a small Earth Kingdom village nearby the mountain range prison:
I wake up with the sunlight shining in my eyes & realising I have slept in “oh Spirit’s, I gotta hurry!” I rush out of bed & get changed into my White Lotus uniform as I’m about to head out the door I just then remembered something “Oh, I almost forgot to my water my cactus!” After I finish I quickly head out to make my way to the airship station while grabbing a quick bite to eat along the way from a small Tofu stand, which makes the best in this side of the Earth Kingdom “Here you go Rick, your usual spicy steamed chicken Tofu with no mushrooms!” “Thanks Nox you’re the best, how much do I owe ya?” “Just 5 yuan’s” “here.” I handed him the money as he asked “Why did you quit that Metalbending Task Force anyway?” “I didn’t, I got promoted. Apparently I impressed the Metal Bending Boss herself Cheff Beifong. Sure I’m not in the taskforce anymore & I’ve had to essentially uproot my entire life & move far away. But anyway when you have a family of your own you’ll understand..-” “Alright alright I don’t need to hear your whole life story, now you better hurry off now or you’re gonna be late for work.” “Oh right, thanks for the pick me up!” I said as I started booking it to the airship station. I noticed I’m running behind schedule & use my Earthbending to launch myself onto the rooftops & started racing to the airship I reach the station as it’s about to take off & enter just as the White Lotus Airship Transport shuts it’s doors when another White Lotus guard remarks “Took ya long enough Rocky Rick..” I catch my breath then say “Better late *deep breath* ..that never, heh.” Then the Airship takes off bound for the Mountainside Prison.
Hours later-
As we arrive at the prison it’s nearly late, clear skies & there’s a very bright full moon too, like me & few other guards a couple of days ago there’s a small group of White Lotus guards waiting at the landing zone for the shift changes, i & the rest of the passengers get off while the other guards boarded the airship I quickly ask one of the off duty guards “Hey, has Old Gary Clocked in yet for his shift?” & she says “Yes I think so, he should be on patrol right about now.” “Okay, thanks.” She boards the airship & it immediately takes off, I think on where I saw last him going & head to where he went before I lost sight of him only to find a dead end wall which was odd so I placed the palm of my hand onto the ground & put my echo sense training to good use. After a few seconds I started sensing a void this wall, i stand up & forcefully Earthbended this false wall open & discover a Planning Room, there’s Temple maps, ancient scrolls, there’s even a stack of encrypted letters here & a dairy. Last log entry was two days ago. ‘It’s almost time to act after soo many months of waiting under cover as one of these pathetic short sighted idiots, practicing & honing my skills on the brat you sent for me to train on, just a couple of more days until I can finally liberate our glorious leader & finally without the White Lotus!’ As I finish reading this last passage I turn the page to find this insignia.
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I gasped & said to myself “I need to warn the rest of the guards & sound the alarm’s!..” as I’m making my way to the security tower I see Old Gary standing on it’s & decided to pursue him.
Old Gary’s POV:
I’m currently looking over the Prison from the top of one of the Guard Tower’s basking in the full moon light after I finished planting the explosives all around the prison during my patrol, I have my finger on the trigger ready to finally set the plan into motion. I gleefully smile from ear to ear as I say “After all these years of carful planning ..has finally led to this ONE ..GLORIOUS MOMENT TO FINALLY FREE MY MASTER!-” I’m then interrupted by the meddlesome Lotus guard from before as he shouts “HALT! I HEREBY ARREST YOU FOR CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT A JAILBREAK OF A KNOWN SERIAL KILLER & FOR TORTURING A YOUNG CHILD!” “YOU’RE TOO LATE STOP WHAT’S COMING, enjoy the show!” I say as I lift my hand holding the detonator up for him to see “IT’S OVER GARY, THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING ..STAND DOWN!” “..& here GO!” *Click* (Loud Explosions)
End of Chapter..
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keefwho · 11 months
August 18 - 2023 Friday
7:54 AM
Since I'm going hard with the exercises my book wants me to do, I'll be doing a lot of writing here. A lot of the same thing over and over. Multiple times a day I have schedules periods where I want to identify common thoughts plaguing me, defuse from them, and perform awareness exercises that focus on physical awareness of my body.
I am alone. I should feel lonely. I'm being ignored. I'm not valued. I can't get better or grow myself.
I'm sure I'll identify more thoughts in the future, right now things aren't too bad. I have typical stories floating about in my head, stories I've told myself to the point they are like gospel. The story that I belong alone, the story I am worthless, and the story that I am stagnant. They are all generated in my head based loosely on real life data. But I pick and choose data that works against me because I like to see myself fail. That could be the overarching plot, the story that I am a complete failure. The Failure of Keith I could call it.
This will likely get shortened every time I have to do it, I only mean to identify and document the stories currently in my head so I can keep becoming aware of them. I also intend to do an exercise which focuses on my breath in order to practice focus away from my thoughts.
12:31 PM
Today is gonna suck, I can't have meaningful conversation. I'm going to be bored, I can't figure out what I want. I don't deserve happiness. I can't operate on my own.
11:57 PM
Already I didn't do all the defusion I meant to today only because I was SO busy literally all day.
This morning I ate spicy ramen, spam, and green beans and a couple golden oreos with my coffee. It was a big big breakfast, almost half of my daily calories but I needed that since I haven't been eating as much lately and have been down about a pound. I think that's also why I've been so physically tired and unable to do my workouts.
Stream went okay, I did a nice color study and finished another pic of my otter but it took a lot longer than I thought. We watched the Dr Zalost episode of Courage which was actually so good, a real masterpiece. I ended stream early so I could do some painting in VR for my bestie which went very well. I think the painting is coming out nice and I met a very nice girl who I discussed psychology and emotions with. We had very similar opinions on the matter which was refreshing.
That lasted about and hour and then I did my boxing workout. It was kinda tough but I did the whole thing, the big breakfast really helped out. I was going to clean my bed but I was already behind schedule so I decided to put it off until tomorrow given how long it'll take to wash all my blankets. Lunch was a bologna sandwich with some rice and a pear cup.
While working on my YCH I hung out in my friend's server and talked about my feelings a little bit. I did all my work there and then some, doing a couple studies based off pics my bestie sent. I did those in a different server call with people that wanted me to play Roblox but only after I did my studies. I played with them for a little bit before hopping in VR which was pretty fun. I hung out with 4 different friend groups, a little bit each. In one group there was something about one guy's avatar that actually had me wanting to grind up on him but I wasn't actually going to do that, it was also the alcohol talking. Kinda weird and out of nowhere for me to feel though. I did talk with him about Craig of the Creek though which I've never met anyone else that watched it.
Dinner had been Rice a Roni and Chicken strips while drinking.
Right now deep deep down I'm having thoughts like:
No one truly cares about me. If they do, I can't learn to accept it. Tomorrow I won't be as productive as I want.
All just stories. The same ones over and over.
0 notes
wanderingalien142 · 2 years
Sleeping Soundly
Zemo x Reader
Summary: On a mission with Sam, Bucky, and Zemo the group is one bed short. Zemo and you draw the short straws and have to share a bed. 
Word Count: 1786
Warnings: Mention of Zemo’s dead son... fluff... let me know if I missed anything
Side Notes: I intended to make this around 700 words... idk what happened... enjoy! Also please don’t yell if the ‘Sokovian’ (German) is wrong I’m stupid and only know English so blame Google Translate...
Translations:   Liebling = Darling
“Ich würde mit einem Dreijährigen schlafen. Ich bin sicher, ich kann eine Woche mit dir überleben.”
“I would sleep with a three year old. I’m sure I can survive a week with you.” 
Walking into the hotel lobby Sam, Bucky, and you let Zemo go and book the rooms like normal. Standing back you talked to Sam and Bucky about the mission. You’d be there for about a week if everything went alright, that was unlikely given your track record. Zemo then cleared his throat causing you all to look at him. 
“Unfortunately they only have two rooms left.” Zemo started now joining the rest of you. As the host helped another couple who were staying there. 
“So? That’s fine we’ll just split the rooms. Bucky can go with Zemo and I’ll go with (y/n).” Sam said thinking it’d be no big deal. Pointing to us respectively as he talked. 
“No, hell no.” Bucky started, “I know one of us has to be babysitting him but I will kill him if I need to share a room with him all week.” 
“Ok then I’ll go with Zemo and you can share a room with (y/n).” Sam reasoned. Rolling your eyes you looked at Zemo. The boys as you and Zemo called them, would often talk like you two weren’t there. Zemo and you often joked about this and it helped you two to actually get along decently well. You soon bonded over literature and music to the demise of Sam and Bucky. Often having conversations in Sokovian annoying them to no end. 
“There is one other problem.” Zemo started now being the center of attention. “One room has two beds but the other only has one king size bed.” He finished. I groaned having an idea of how this would end. 
“Well then who’s getting stuck with (y/n)? Cause it sure as hell ain’t me.” Bucky said. 
“Well you could at least be nice about it!” You exclaimed, offended but you understood. Zemo looked confused wondering what you were referring to. “One of you two could share a bed with Zemo. Or you two could take the room with one bed.” You suggested.
“Yeah that’s not gonna happen, you get along with Zemo anyway. Bucky and I have both shared a bed with you, it can be Zemo’s turn.” Sam stated. Bucky nodded in agreement and all you could do was roll your eyes. 
“May I ask why all the aversion to sharing a bed with you? Surely it can’t be that bad.” Zemo said, still confused as no one explained the situation. 
“I don’t know why they’re making such a big deal out of it.” You started, “I sleep restlessly, I pull on the covers and kick apparently.”
“Apparently! One time I tried to kick you and you kicked back with no mercy! I got a bruise on my shin, and you never woke up!” Bucky nearly yelled. You facepalmed knowing he would never let you down. Zemo looked a little surprised, you kicked and bruised a super soldier in your sleep. You had fought Bucky while conscious many times but it was still impressive. 
“Oh you’re so dramatic the bruise was gone by the next day!” You tried to reason. You hated how this made you look in front of Zemo, and to the strangers who overheard you. 
“Ok how about when you took the blankets from me?” Sam asked. 
“I thought you went to get another.” You said quietly now realizing you didn’t know the whole story and afraid of what Sam was about to say. 
“Yep, and then you stole that one only to throw it on the ground next to you.” Sam said, sounding almost offended. “I tried to get it back but you kept doing the same thing. I eventually just got a sweater and sweatpants.” 
“I’m sorry, believe me I wish I could control it but I’m not conscious.” You said having officially given up on trying to reason with them. 
“It doesn’t bother me. I will take the room with (y/n) and the boys can take the other room.” Zemo said very casually while looking at you. He then turned to take the rooms, leaving all of you stunned. And you were grateful that you didn’t have to continue this conversation. 
------------------------------------time skip to the rooms-----------------------------------------
All of you decided to relax for the night as it had been a long flight. You would meet up in the morning for breakfast and go over everything. You were unpacking with Zemo, hanging up the nicer clothes you had to wear later on for the mission. But the way Zemo agreed to share a bed with you like it was no big deal still bugged you. He had just heard a couple of horror stories of how bad you were. 
“Zemo, why did you agree to this?” you asked, finally breaking the silence that had settled between you two. He stopped unpacking and glanced at you with that smirk. 
“Why are you so worried about it, liebling?” He asked, “I for one am very excited about being in bed with a lovely lady such as yourself.” He stated, now grinning. Looking down you blushed. Zemo would flirt with you from time to time but you thought nothing of it.
“Ich würde mit einem Dreijährigen schlafen. Ich bin sicher, ich kann eine Woche mit dir überleben.” Zemo continued. You sometimes forgot he had a wife and child, other times his paternal instincts were obvious. You just nodded in response. 
A little while later you had both taken a shower and gotten changed into an oversized t-shirt and shorts. Zemo was sitting in the bed with a book wearing a t-shirt and shorts. You instinctively got in at the edge of your side of the bed. Part of you was uncomfortable being in bed with someone else. But mostly you just didn’t want to kick him or steal the blankets. 
“Good night Zemo.” You said and turned off your light. 
“Good night (y/n).” Zemo replied. Setting down his book he also turned off his light. 
-----------------------------------------one sleep later----------------------------------------------
Waking up to the sun hitting your face you slowly opened your eyes. The alarm clock on the side of the bed read 8:13am. You groaned knowing you had to get up and ready to meet the boys for breakfast and officially start your mission. You had an alarm set for 8:15am so you reached over to turn it off to avoid the noise. But felt a weight around your stomach you hadn’t noticed before. You then became glaringly aware of the pressure on your back and legs. Not to mention the steady breathing on your neck. 
While sleeping Zemo and you had started to cuddle. He was currently behind you, his torso almost flush with your back, arms around your waist, legs slightly tangled, and face in the crook of your neck. You were now wide awake with immediate panic setting in. How were you going to get out of this situation without waking up Zemo? You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts by the alarm going off. You were frozen. Zemo groaned and reached over you to turn off the alarm. 
He then went back to cuddling you! Holding you a little closer now than he had been. Still frozen and unsure of what to do Zemo then mumbled into your shoulder. “Good morning, liebling.” His voice was rough and sexy and it helped absolutely nothing. 
“Umm Zemo?” You began. 
He mumbled into your shoulder again, “Yes?”
“Can you let go of me?” You asked cautiously. Zemo slowly shifted and began to let go. Not fully but enough to where you could turn around or get out of the bed. The warmth coming off him dulled and part of you missed it. Instead of getting up you turned around to meet his face, which was much closer than you thought it would be. His eyes were closed still, clearly not wanting to wake up.
“Zemo… why are you cuddling me?” You asked wondering if this was an accident. Opening his eyes he looked at you. 
“When you were tossing in your sleep you moved to my side of the bed. I went to move you over but you held onto my arm and wouldn’t let go. I eventually fell asleep again holding onto you as you were me. We must have shifted while asleep though because we were laying differently than when we had woken up.” He explained while stretching a little. Meanwhile your eyes were wide with embarrassment and face as red as a strawberry. 
“Zemo, I am so sorry. Today I’ll see if we can get another room, something with two beds. That way neither you or the boys have to deal with me.” Apologizing, you began to get out of bed. Hoping that you could forget the whole thing and another room opened up. Also praying that he would say nothing to Sam and Bucky later. 
All of a sudden he grabbed your wrist. Looking down he had that smug grin on his face. Oh no. “There’s no need for another room. I did not mind cuddling with you, in fact I believe it may have solved your restlessness.” Zemo said. You looked at him in shock. He sat up and explained further. “After I began to hold you, you stopped kicking. It actually helped me sleep as well.”
You grinned a little while still blushing like a maniac. His words were comforting. “Can we not mention it to Sam or Bucky? They might kill us if they found out we were cuddling. Also that I kicked them repeatedly for no good reason.” You asked. 
Sitting up and grinning, Zemo answered, “I won’t say anything until you feel comfortable doing so. But I do hope we can do this when we go to bed tonight. Before you latched on to me you did smack me in the face… twice” 
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! Did I hurt you?” You asked and without thinking grabbed his face in your hands and checked if he was alright. Suddenly realizing what you were doing you blushed even more but before you could move Zemo put his hands over yours. 
“I appreciate the concern but I am okay.” He lowered your hands but still held them, “And as much as I would love to lay here with you all day we should get ready lest Sam and Bucky burst into our room.” You nodded in agreement and you both went to get ready. 
As the day went on you found you were much more excited to go to bed. 
And Zemo found himself flirting much more than he had before. 
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
cold hands, warm heart • l.s.m.
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ok but i've always associated seokmin with warmth just bc of his personality and bc i want to believe he'd be absolutely delicious to cuddle with 😳
but like now i'm thinking what if he's like me? what if his hands are super cold. like you know the saying "cold hands, warm heart"? hm, ok, so stick w/ me. also idk what came over me. sorry! lmk if i need to add warnings cuz I'm just too lazy rn this is messily written hahaaa also here are some great pics (that aren't mine) thx to the bestie wife to quell your thirst and love (forgive) me for this :D also i have more thx to her (she's better than google lbr) so you can just ask us nicely ig :3 now i go back to finishing smth w/ mingyu 🤪 minors dni I'll eat you 😠
it's always a jolt to the system when his fingers touch any part of your body. some occasions are better than others, like when you're hot during the miserable summer days. he might be the worst bed buddy during winter (like let's not even talk about his cold feet under the blankets 😭) but ofc there are methods to dull the chilling sensation.
sometimes it's licking his fingers like a popsicle, swirling your warm tongue around his icy fingertips until he deems they are good enough to properly touch you. this prolly goes on for longer than needed. but when he's praising you the whole time, telling you how good you are for him and running his other hand down your cheek, it's hard not to suck on that one too.
but if he's feeling a lil mean, he's sliding a cold, long finger into any one of your warm holes with zero remorse. zero preparation. it doesn't matter how much you whine, if you're too whiny he's just gonna keep shoving another one in until you're completely filled up. by then his fingers will be nice and warm, he reckons.
occasionally you're concerned. like for his health. you ok, buddy? can he even feel his fingers? what if he has hypothermia or smth. ofc seokmin finds it endearing cuz there's always an easy excuse to hold hands. likes how you admire the veins decorating them.
if he's feeling a lil feisty, he'll slot one between your thighs when you're out with friends. not too indecently. just one hand casually splayed out on your thigh, the friend group making fun of his "possessiveness".
they tease how you're trembling faintly, familiar with seokmin's ice-cold hands on a number of rude pranks. you giggle along ofc to save face. mumbling smth abt how you're his personal handwarmer and everyone laughs at how cute the two of you are. Unbeknownst at how you actually do it.
bc you're recalling every other time his hand has been there. how it's trailed up to touch your clit. rub your folds. you're already aching and he hasn't done a single thing. but he knows. squeezing ever so gently, smiling at you innocently but you see that lil mischievous lip bite.
you know he's gonna take you home, hand never leaving that position the whole way back in his car. maybe he'll torture you even further by deciding to take the public transportation bc he's "too drunk" even though everyone has not seen him take a single sip of alcohol.
but he's definitely drunk on you. when you hide your face in his neck as his other hand slides under your blouse and you can already feel the goosebumps and your nipples perking up. it's a good thing you're wearing a padded bra or the nice old granny complimenting what a pretty couple you make is gonna think you're a pervert.
seokmin's not gonna do anything that exposes the two of you too much. he keeps his hand hidden down by your back, letting you smile and talk to the sweet old lady the whole ride home. no one notices how you're slightly shifting in your seat, pressed up as close as can be to his side when he naughtily cups your ass.
he only responds with polite hums and nods, a blinding smile when needed in the conversation. too busy dreaming about how wet your pretty lil cunt will be when you arrive at home. wondering if he'll be able to control himself long enough to undress and make it to the bedroom. he thinks not when he sees how much you're wobbling once you get off at the stop and you're not even wearing heels.
teasing you how he hardly did a thing. and you're just cutely glaring like you'll actually get mad at him. as if you could. bc he treats you so so nicely, instantly sliding into you the minute the door's closed to your cozy lil apartment. filling you up just like you wanted hours ago. thank god his dick is never cold.
it's sweet torture. at the restaurant, the barely-there-but-totally-enough foreplay, and the way he makes you feel so full. humiliatingly flattered when he lets out a swear word as you gaze up at him through half-lidded eyes, one finger in his mouth as he's pounding into you below. his other hand is clasped with yours, gently squeezing and truly intimate while the one that was in your mouth obscenely departs with a trail of saliva connected. the both of you groan when he uses another finger, one that's not warmed by you and bitterly cold, to rub against your clit.
he loves the lil hiss from your lips that are swollen from kissing and biting. adores the saturating wetness and heat that meets his fingertips below. mind-blown when you accept his finger back into your mouth to lick your own juices off of it.
you're perfect in every single way to him and he tells you in a low voice. praise upon praise falls from his lips until you shut him up with a hard kiss as you clench just as hard around his cock. letting him know with a breathless whisper that he's just as perfect. that sets off his release in you, a different warmth painting your insides. With a chuckle, he claims that he's just lucky. lucky to be with you.
his hands and feet are cold even after a hot shower. you grumble and complain that he is lucky you love him when he snuggles close, cuddles be damned if he's just gonna be an ice teddy bear. but there's no pushing away when he suggests you warm him up again and again and again.
yeah but don't worry, there's no way you're touching his feet up. ever.
onlyseokmins: cold hands, warm heart 2022 ©
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Failed, Faked, Fallen - Harry Styles
a/n: this story was a pain in the ass, not gonna lie and i really thought i would just end up deleting the whole thing but I MADE IT TO THE END YAY so now please take the time to read bc it literally made me want to jump off a cliff lol
special thanks to @pastequeharry​ for putting up with me throught the writing process, she is the reason i didn’t just delete the whole thing haha
pairing: Fratboy!Harry x Reader (fake dating AU)
word count: 16.6k
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Tonight has been in the making for ten years. Every fiber in your body is protesting against it, but you just can’t carry this massive secret around any longer. You need to tell your best friend that you are in love with him, have been since middle school when you first met him. It’s a scary thing to come clean about your feelings for someone, but you feel like it’s now or never.
Your friendship with Oliver has been always a little… blurry. You were just regular friends when he was dating someone, but whenever he was single, he seemed to seek comfort and intimacy with you. It always starts with him getting a little more touchy and cuddly with you, then comes the kissing and hugging, his hands wandering to places friends shouldn’t explore and you somehow always end up in a bed…  
Then it would immediately change once he got himself a girlfriend and you figured he has just been confused about his feelings for you. It has to be that, right? These past few weeks the situation was the same. He broke up with this girl he was seeing all summer before you all came back to school and you think this is the perfect time to finally talk about what’s really going on between the two of you.
Your roommate, Sandra has helped you with your makeup for tonight’s frat party and now you are deciding on the dress. You want to look your best so when Oliver confesses his love for you tonight, you’ll look as dreamy and pretty as you always dreamed about.
“The black one is fucking mint,” Sandra points at the black bodycon dress lying on your bed. “I can give you my red leather jacket,” she offers, finishing up putting her hoop earrings in.
“The red jacket?” you eye her in surprise. Sandra loves that jacket more than her own life. The two of you have been sharing your clothes since you became roommates last year, but the jacket has been off limits always.
“I know how important tonight is for you. The occasion deserves the red jacket,” she chuckles, stepping to her wardrobe to get the jacket. It’s the most badass leather jacket you’ve ever seen, looks so perfect on Sandra every time she wears, you feel honored she is letting you take it for the day.
“Oliver won’t be able to keep his eyes off of you,” she smiles at you excited once you’re all dressed. The jacket looks amazing, pulls the look together perfectly, you can’t deny that.
Soon enough, the two of you leave the dorm and head in the way of Kappa Chi, that’s only a fifteen minute walk away from your dorm. They are having a party almost every other week, those boys would celebrate the stupidest shit just to fill their house up with people and booze as much as possible. You and Sandra have been attending their parties since first year, it’s always a great way to unwind after a tiring week at uni.
“When is he coming?” Sandra asks over the music once you two arrive and head to the kitchen for a drink.
“Um, he texted me ten minutes ago that he is about to leave soon. He’ll be here shortly,” you tell her and thank her when she hands you a beer in a red solo cup.
The house is packed, just like always. Most of the football players from school are member of Kappa Chi, so naturally, all girls want to be around when they are throwing a party. You could say they are the popular guys, but it’s not like in the movies. They are just some particularly handsome guys living together, attracting a lot of girls. They are not at all unreachable, you are kind of friends with a few of them as well even without being a sorority girl yourself.
Standing in the kitchen you get into a conversation with a few girls from your dorm, that’s when you see Harry Styles storm through the house, Naomi Saddler following behind him, seemingly very much in the middle of a fight he doesn’t want to take part in. You know Harry, but you couldn’t say you two are that close. You did a group project last year together and he is actually a really smart guy despite the gossips about him just being a dumb womanizer. He surely is a ladies’ favorite, but you wouldn’t say the description fits him. You haven’t actually seen him with more than three girls since freshman year, unlike some of his other teammates that hook up with a different girl every weekend. He and Naomi have been in this on-off relationship for a few months now, but you don’t know much about them. You don’t run in the same groups to know the details.
The two of them disappear upstairs and you are pulled out of your thoughts when someone asks you a question, so you forget about Harry and Naomi in a blink of an eye.
An hour passes and still no sign of Oliver and you start to feel anxious. You shoot him a text, struggling a little with the typing thanks to the alcohol you’ve been consuming to keep your cool. Surprisingly, he answers right away.
Oliver: Be there in 3. Meet me outside?
Y/N: Sure!
“Alright, wish me luck,” you tell Sandra as you fill your cup again and head outside.
Kappa Chi has a nice backyard with a decent sized pool, some beerpong tables and lots of lounge chairs. You walk past the beerpong games, paying no attention to them at all as you go for an empty lounge chair. You sit down, fix your dress nervously and wait while you try to think through what you’ll tell him.
You can’t believe you are finally telling him how you are feeling. Your teenager self would be peeing herself is she knew what you are planning to do now. All those years of pining and crying whenever Oliver had a girlfriend in the past, now is your chance to finally be that girl and you’re actually quite convinced he’ll say he feels the same way about you.
Fidgeting with one of the zippers on Sandra’s jacket, you nervously wait for Oliver to show up. You look in the direction of the backdoor right when he appears from the crowd inside. Your heart skips a beat as you stand up quickly, a smile tugging on your lips. You are just about to wave in his way to catch his attention when you see some brunette by his side… holding his hand. And then she kisses him shortly right before they step out of the house.
What the fuck?! This cannot be true. Who is she? And why do you know nothing about her? Did Oliver keep it a secret that he is dating someone? But why?!
For a moment you actually feel like you are about to faint. Blood rushes out of your head as you see the couple walk their way around the beerpong tables, Oliver obviously looking for you, but you can’t bring yourself to move.
“Y/N! There you are!” he beams happily, pulling the brunette with him when he finally spots you. You need a moment for yourself to get over the first wave of your shock.
“Oh, yeah! Hi!” you smile awkwardly, eyes meeting with the girl’s. She is so pretty and actually seems nice. You hate her for that.
“Y/N, I want you to meet Lexi,” Oliver introduces the brunette. “Lexi, this is Y/N.”
“I’ve heard so much about you, Y/N!” she smiles, pulling you into a hug that catches you off guard for sure.
“Wow, I… wish I could say the same,” you bitterly reply, eyes meeting Oliver’s once Lexi lets go of you. He is clearly uncomfortable at your comment, but tries to mask it quickly.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance to tell you about Lexi. But it’s kind of new.”
“How new?”
“We’ve been going out for about three weeks,” she answers your question, her hand finding his pretty quickly as she smiles up at him with so much adoration.
“Oh,” is all you manage to get out for a moment. You still haven’t completely processed that your plan just went straight out the window and that once again, Oliver chose another girl over you.
But then, the more you think about it, the angrier you get. You are tired of this stupid game you two have been playing, but you also have no idea what to do about it.
“I thought that Y/N, if you have a boyfriend, we could maybe go on some double dates! Would be so much fun!” Lexi suggests, but her words make your stomach churn. You have always wanted to go on double dates, but with Oliver being your date. Not someone else’s…
“I uhh… I don’t…” You are so frozen, you can’t even think of an answer, you just want to leave as soon as possible, so you can cry yourself to sleep. Oliver brings an arm around Lexi’s shoulders, looking down at you as if he wasn’t cuddling you just not that long ago. As if he wasn’t preaching your beauty a few weeks ago, making you feel like the only girl in the world. This is so not fair.
“Y/N is not a fan of double dates.”
Suddenly, an arm swings around your shoulders and a tall body stands next to you, pulling you to his side. Turning your head you are shocked to see Harry standing there, smiling at Oliver and Lexi as if this discussion was completely his business.
Oliver seems just as shocked as you are. He is staring at the football player by your side with wide eyes.
“Wait, you two are… dating?”
“It’s pretty new, but yeah. Y/N and I have been going out for a while. Right, baby?” He squeezes your arm, glancing down at you and when your eyes meet, he gives you a look that says ‘just go with it, I’m saving your ass’ and you decide to play your part.
“Oh, umm, yeah. We’ve kind of reconnected when we got back after the summer,” you nod, hoping that your voice doesn’t give you away.
“That’s amazing!” Lexi cheers, clearly eating up the impromptu lie, but as you glance at Oliver, you can tell he is sceptic.
“I didn’t even know you were friends in the first place,” he comments, eyebrows furrowed a little as he eyes Harry’s hand on your shoulder.
“We were! We had a great time working on a group project last year and then later I asked for her number. But the summer was so busy for both of us, so we kind of fell out, but then we met again in September and I finally manned up to ask her out.”
You are impressed by how easily Harry is lying. If you didn’t know it wasn’t true, you would eat it up just as easily as Lexi is doing right now. Especially because his body language matches up with what he is saying so well. He is keeping you close, fingers dancing on your upper arm and shoulder, anyone would think he actually has a thing for you, but you know that’s not true. You two are barely even friends.
“That sounds so nice. We definitely should meet up sometime, the four of us!” Lexi suggests again and you stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
“We’ll see about that. But I’ll have to steal Y/N away now, I have something to show her.” Harry bids his goodbye quickly, pulling you away before Oliver could even say a thing and you just blindly follow him inside the house.
You don’t even process what’s happening. Harry takes your hand, pulling you through the crowd and you catch Sandra’s gaze who is still standing in the kitchen, her eyes widening when she sees you with Harry. You just shrug in confusion, following Harry upstairs until he leads you into a room that, you assume, is his.
When he shuts the door closed, the noises of the party gets muffled and you look at him with probably the stupidest look ever.
“Alright, let me explain myself,” he breathes out. “I’m sorry if I stepped over some boundaries, I just… I was outside and heard the conversation. Thought I would help you out.”
“But what made you think I needed help?” you ask. The conversation was very innocent for an outsider. He couldn’t know what you were planning to do, so why did he think you needed his help?
Harry gives you a tight-lipped smile, cocking his head to the side.
“Y/N, we might not be close friends, but I’ve seen you around with Oliver. It’s written on your forehead that you have the fattest crush on the guy.”
“What?!” you snap, feeling your cheeks heating up. “Is this really that obvious?!”
“Don’t worry, seems like he is one of the few that don’t seem to notice it. I saw how uncomfortable you were when he introduced the girl. Seemed like you needed the help.”
Nodding you take a few seconds to process everything that just happened. You shouldn’t have drunk that much, because now your brain has to work even harder to put the picture together.
“Alright, but… now they think that we are dating. Lexi will want to meet up with us and it will look stupid if we never even show up again together.”
Harry nods, his lips rolling into his mouth and you know just from his look that there’s more.
“Yeah, about that. I might have had some selfish reasons behind my actions as well.”
“What do you mean?”
Harry walks past you, over to his bed and sits on the edge, leaning forward to rest his arms on his thighs. You’re not sure what to do with yourself, if you should sit next to him or somewhere else, he has a few beanbags in the corner of his room, but you decide to just keep standing.
“So, I don’t know if you know this but I had this thing with Naomi Saddler.”
“Harry, everyone knows it.”
“Right, yeah,” he chuckles awkwardly. “So the thing is, we have broken up a long time ago, but she keeps coming after me and I’m just so over it. So when we were fighting earlier today I told her that I’m dating someone else so I would appreciate if she left me alone.”
He doesn’t need to say more, you finally see the whole picture. He helped you because he felt sorry for you, but also because he thought it would benefit him as well. You could be his new girlfriend so Naomi would finally let him be. You have to admit, it’s a lucky coincidence, but still, the situation is a little absurd for your liking.
“So… what are we supposed to do now?” you ask, tilting your head to the side. Harry looks up at you, seemingly surprised you haven’t snapped at him.
“Well, I know it sounds crazy, but I think we both would benefit from it if we just… pretended to be a couple,” he clears off.
“Like, a real couple?”
“Well, obviously not real, but it would look real to others,” he chuckles, standing up and taking a few steps closer to you. “I know it sounds stupid, but I’m convinced we could pull it off.”
“We barely know each other.”
“We’ll have plenty of time for that, won’t we?” he asks with a boyish smirk. “Look, we just have to appear together here and there. I’ll pick you up sometimes, we can go for lunch or dinner sometimes, and I’ll get you tickets for some of my games. That’s it. People will see us out together and that’s gonna be perfectly enough. Or do you actually hate me? Now is the time to tell me.”
“I don’t hate you, I don’t know you that well,” you reply with a soft chuckle. “But I’m not convinced enough this is a good idea at all.”
Harry sighs and walks closer until he can rest his hands on your shoulders. You look deep into his green eyes as he smiles at you warmly.
“Let’s make a deal. You can use me as an excuse whenever Oliver and Lexi wants to hang out with you, or if they actually force you to meet them, I’ll go with you so you won’t be the third wheel. And you’ll just have to say that I’m your boyfriend and spend some time with me so Naomi believes I’m dating you. I think it’s a fair deal for the both of us. And you can call it off anytime, I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to.”
You chew on your bottom lip, thinking hard to figure out what to do. Judging from this short conversation with Lexi, you’re sure she’ll try to keep you around often, but you are not in the mood to watch Oliver be all lovey-dovey with someone else, so you could actually use a solid excuse, which Harry just offered you on a silver plate. You just have to spend some time with him in exchange and tell people he is your boyfriend. It’s not that horrible and you always thought Harry is nice company, you two just never was in the same friend group to get closer. You can’t really bring up anything against his plan.
“Okay,” you finally nod, Harry’s eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
“Why are you so shocked? Your points were valid, I’m willing to give it a try.”
“Yes! Thank you!” he cheers, arms wrapping around you as he hugs you tight in excitement. “I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, you won’t be disappointed!”
You want to say how it’s easy to be the best because you’ve had none so far, but you decide to keep this information to yourself.
“We need to get our story straight though, so we don’t mess it up when someone asks.”
The two of you go over an elaborate timeline of your nonexistent relationship so you’ll be able to tell the same story. It’s the same he told Lexi and Oliver outside, you just agree on the details, like when you started dating, how he asked you out, what you’ve been doing as a couple lately.
When you leave his room a little later you’re still a tad bit shocked where this evening ended up heading. You really thought tonight would be the turning point for you and Oliver, but now you are in a fake relationship with Harry Styles, ready to fool everyone around you.
Walking down the stairs Harry takes your hand and laces your fingers together. You agreed on no kissing on the lips for now, but other touching is allowed, you’re just not used to have someone other than Oliver touch you like this.
“Want another drink?” he asks as the two of you walk into the kitchen. You’ve already caught some wide-eyed look upon your arrival, but you’re trying your best to ignore them.
“I surely need it,” you nod, making Harry chuckle.
Sandra and the other girls are still in the kitchen and she immediately pulls you to the side when Harry lets go of you to get drinks.
“What the fuck?!” she snaps, clearly a little drunk, but not enough to ignore the fact that she has seen you now two times holding Harry’s hand.
“Sandra, don’t freak out, I’ll explain it all when we go home, alright? But… as far as you know, Harry and I are dating.”
“You what? You better fucking tell me everything when we get back to the dorm!” she demands right when Harry appears, two cups in his hands, giving you one of them.
“Here,” he smiles warmly.
“Thank you. Harry, this is Sandra, my roommate.”
“Hi, I think I’ve seen you around, but we just never met.” Harry holds out his now empty hand and Sandra shakes it with a dramatic smile, clearly still confused about the situation.
“Yeah, but I guess we’ll be… seeing each other more?” she implies, telling Harry she knows something is up without using those words.
“Ehm, I guess,” he nods, a little uncomfortable before he turns to you. “Alright, I’ll get out of your hair. Let me know when you want to go back to the dorm.” “Sure,” you nod, Harry squeezes your hand gently before moving away.
Sandra is dying to know what the situation is with Harry, but you don’t really have the chance to talk in the middle of the party, so it’s postponed to later. You and Harry do your own thing through the rest of the night, occasionally interacting whenever you cross paths. When that happens he makes sure to touch your arm or face, have a few words with you so people see that the two of you have a thing going on.
It’s a little past one am when you and Sandra decide it’s time to head home. As promised, you shoot Harry a text that you’re planning to leave and he replies with one saying he’ll meet you outside at the front. By the time you and Sandra step outside, he is already there waiting.
“Ladies, let me walk you home,” he smirks charmingly, offering his arm for the both of you, so this is how you head home: you, Sandra and Harry walking side by side with linked arms.
“Mm, Harry, I hope you know you won’t be spending the night in our room,” Sandra sighs, clearly a little too lost in her drunk thoughts. Harry chuckles, finding it amusing that Sandra is so blunt.
“Weren’t planning to.”
“Good. I’m not gonna listen to you guys have sex all night.”
“Sandra!” you snap at her, gasping. It’s funny how she also believed the little act you and Harry put up tonight.
The walk back to the dorm is short and it’s mostly filled with Sandra’s babbling about whatever catches her attention. Arriving to the building Sandra says her goodbye to Harry, heading up to the room on her own so you can have a minute with Harry.
“I’ve had at least ten people coming up to me tonight, asking about you,” Harry tells you, an excited sparkle in his eyes.
“Really? And what did you tell them?”
“What we agreed on. That you’re my girlfriend.”
“Sounds so weird,” you admit with a chuckle.
“You’ll get used to it,” he nods smiling. “Well, I’m gonna head back. I’ll talk to you later, okay? We’ll discuss the dates and all.”
“Very romantic,” you point out smirking, but Harry just laughs before he gives you a quick hug.
“Good night, Y/N. Or should I say, baby?”
“Bye!” you sing waving in his way as you walk into the building.
It’s no surprise that Sandra is already out when you walk into the room. Her clothes are in a pile next to her bed, but she managed to throw on at least a t-shirt before she passed out. You just smile at her before doing your quick night routine and go to sleep yourself.
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“So… you are fake dating Harry, because Oliver introduced you his new girlfriend and also because he is trying to get rid of Naomi? Am I getting this right?”
Sandra narrows her eyes at you over her morning coffee the next day, though it’s already past noon. Waking up was a little painful for the both of you, but especially for her, the two of you decided to treat yourselves for a very late brunch while you tell her everything she needs to know about last night.
“Yeah,” you nod, taking a bite from your waffles. “I know, it sounds stupid, but… it can easily work great for the both of us.”
“I can’t believe he just came up with it. You guys are not even really friends.”
“I know, I was shocked when he appeared all of a sudden and called me baby. Almost fainted,” you chuckle.
“I hope you know you’ll be one of the most envied girls in school if the news spread and I’m sure it will, because even I heard people talking about you and Harry last night.”
“I know, but there’s not much I can do about that,” you shrug.
“I feel like it’s the plotline of some teenage rom-com,” Sandra huffs. “Just be careful, Y/N,” she sighs, finishing off her coffee.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that pretending can easily turn into reality. If you’ll spend so much time with Harry, there’s a chance you’ll develop real feelings for him. Just make sure you won’t end up with a broken heart.”
“That’s silly, I won’t fall for Harry. I…” You cut your words, thoughts wandering over to Oliver right away, and how you felt when he introduced you to Lexi.
“I hope you’re right,” Sandra tells you, stuffing the last bits of her muffin into her mouth.
The weekend flies by fast, you busy yourself with doing laundry and finishing a paper you need to turn in soon. Harry text you on Sunday that he’ll walk you to class on Monday morning and you agree to meet up a little earlier so you can actually talk it all out.
Sandra is still in bed when you leave in the morning. Just as Harry promised, he is waiting for you in front of the building, wearing his usual black skinny jeans and a loose grey shirt and a zip-up hoodie. His curls look untamed, a little all over the place, but it looks good on him. You have to admit, that he is definitely handsome, you understand why so many of the girls at school are after him.
“Good morning, girlfriend,” he smirks, holding out his hand for you that you take, still feeling a little weird about walking around campus hand in hand with him.
“Good morning. How was your weekend?”
“Pretty boring, we had to clean up after the party,” he chuckles. “Wanna grab a coffee?”
“Sounds perfect.”
You swing by the little café that’s on campus before aiming for a bench under one of the pergolas near the main building.
“So, you still haven’t changed your mind,” he speaks up. It’s not a question, more like a comment.
“Not yet,” you chuckle softly, sipping on your cappuccino.
“I meant it that you can tell me whenever you want out. I don’t want to force you into it in any way.”
“I know,” you smile at him. “I’m fine for now. It’s just still a little weird.”
“I know, but I’m kind of happy you are the one I’m doing this with.”
“How come?”
“I don’t know, you seem like a cool person. I actually enjoyed working with you last year on that project, you are funny and smart, I think we’ll get along pretty well.”
“Of course,” he smirks at you, taking a sip from his coffee. “You know, if I’m being honest I never understood why you and that Oliver guy were so close anyway. You’ve known him for a long time?”
“Yeah, met him in middle school and we’ve been friends since then.”
“And how long have you been… you know,” he implies, seemingly very careful not to ask something that would upset you.
“Pretty much ever since I’ve met him,” you admit with an awkward chuckle. It sounds so embarrassing to admit that you’ve been in love with your best friend for so long and never worked up the courage to do something about it.
“You never even tried to tell him?”
“I was too afraid of his reaction. I was planning to come clean at the party finally, but then he arrived with Lexi and… you know the rest.”
“I’m sorry. I know how shitty it is when you have feelings for someone and they don’t feel the same about you.”
“So what’s the situation with you and Naomi then?” you ask, thinking it’s only fair if you also know his story now that you confessed him how ridiculous you’ve been with Oliver all your life.
“We dated at the end of last semester, tried to keep it up in the summer as well, but it didn’t work. It made me realize I don’t even want it to work so I told her that we should just go our separate ways when I got back after the summer, but she wasn’t a fan of my idea.”
“She’s still in love with you?”
“I’m not sure if she ever was,” he truthfully answers. “I think she liked the idea of dating someone more than she liked me.”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t be,” he smirks at you playfully. “I’m all good. I just wish she could accept that I want to move on. It’s not ideal that I have to fake date someone to get rid of her.”
“She always seemed like a nice girl to me, I wouldn’t have guessed she can be so stubborn.”
“Well, she is a nice girl,” Harry nods. “We were just not compatible on the long run, you know? I couldn’t see it work in the future, so I didn’t want to waste more time on it.”
You just shyly nod, even though you don’t really know about it. You can’t, because you’ve never been in a similar situation. You’ve had a few attempts at dating in high school, but they never turned out the way you wanted and you always ended up pining after Oliver at the end, so you eventually gave up. But you’re not willing to admit that to Harry. It’s pathetic enough that you’ve been so hung up on Oliver your whole life, he doesn’t need to know that you gave up your whole dating life for the wait for him.
“Well, aren’t we a nice pair then? Two ridiculously failed love stories, how tragic,” Harry chuckles softly as he finishes up his coffee and throws the empty cup into the bin next to him.
“Yeah, pathetic,” you agree with a tight-lipped smile.
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It takes some time for word to travel, but by the end of the first week of your fake relationship, it becomes a well-known fact that you are indeed dating Harry Styles. You don’t overdo it though, only meeting up once or twice a day, Harry usually walks you to your classes in the morning if he doesn’t have a lecture himself, you’ve had lunch together twice and you went to the library on Thursday together. It’s been pretty casual and you’ve been actually enjoying spending time with Harry, especially because it seems like Oliver has fallen off the face of Earth lately, barely even talking to you.
The more time you spend with Harry the more you realize he is nothing like others try to make him look like. You’ve heard many gossips about him being an empty-headed womanizer, but he is a lot smarter than people assume him to be, but he has proven it before as well. He actually has a great point of view of life and it’s nice to discuss basically anything with him.
Friday brings another party and though you didn’t plan on going, you had Sandra and Harry convincing you this time. Then later Oliver texted you asking if you’d be there and it angered you a little. He barely spoke to you and is now asking if you are coming to the party where he’ll probably keep ignoring you for Lexi. So you told him you and Harry would be there. He didn’t reply to that.
You and Sandra call an Uber, the Omega house is a little farther away from the dorm than the Kappa house. Harry called you to tell you he’d be a little late this time because they are having a double practice today, but he would come and find you when he arrives.
“Isn’t it a little weird you can’t hook up with anyone because of the Harry situation?” Sandra asks as the two of you make your way through the spacious living room, heading to the empty loveseat in the corner.
“As if I did a lot of hooking up before,” you scoff, taking a sip from your drink.
“Okay, but you could be doing it now, but you can’t, because people would think you’re cheating.”
“It’s a good thing then that I’m not into hooking up,” you point out with a shrug. You were never a fan of just hooking up with someone and then move on the next morning, that’s just not for you. It’s not a big deal that you are kind of out of the dating scene because of your arrangement with Harry, you don’t feel like you’re missing out on anything.
The two of you are joined by a few peers from one of Sandra’s classes and you barely even notice when Oliver and Lexi arrive, however, they immediately spot you.
“Y/N! Hi! So good to see you again!” Lexi greets you, pulling you into a completely unnecessary hug.
“Oh, hi. Good to see you too, I guess,” you chuckle awkwardly. Oliver gives you a side hug as well, but it seems like he is not entirely present in his head.
“Where’s Harry?” Oliver questions.
“He’ll be here soon, he just had double practice today,” you tell him and he nods shortly, but something feels off about him.
Lexi makes you come to the kitchen with them so she can get a drink and you can’t really think of a reason why you shouldn’t, so you find yourself listening to her nonstop chatter while Oliver is mixing them something to drink.
Y/N: Harry, SOS! When are you getting here?? I’m stuck with O and L…
You really hope he is somewhere close, because you’re not sure how long you can put up with their company.
“I know last time you said you’re not a fan of double dates, but I really think we should give it a try!” Lexi begs you, she even puts her bottom lip at you and it annoys you how she can’t just leave you to be.
“Yeah, I would love to get to know Harry better,” Oliver chimes in.
“You do?”
Relief washes over you the moment you hear Harry’s voice coming from behind you, a moment later you feel his palm on the small of your back and you’re finally rescued. He smells like fresh body wash, he surely just had a shower right before he came here. You let yourself lean into his side, curling an arm around his waist.
“Harry, nice to see you again,” Oliver smiles at him dryly and now you’re sure something is up with him, but what is it?
“Sorry I’m so late. Everything alright?” Harry looks you in the eyes and you know his question is more than just him being nice. He wants to know if Oliver and Lexi has driven you up the walls.
“I’m… fine, yeah,” you nod and he holds your gaze for another moment before nodding to himself.
“We were just talking about how amazing a double date would be. I’m sure you could convince Y/N to come, right?” Lexi smiles at Harry and you catch a small frown on his face before he returns the smile to Lexi. You find it funny, but you push down your laugh.
“Um, not sure. Y/N always has a strong will, not sure I want to go against it.”
“Oh, come on! It’ll be fun!”
“Y/N doesn’t like PDA, I’m sure double dating is a lot for her,” Oliver comments and your eyebrows shoot up at his words.
“How would you know if I disliked PDA?”
He has no valid information about it. He wouldn’t know, because the only person you ever wanted to get touchy and lovey in public was him, but he only let you get physically close to him when no one was around. When he felt like he needed someone in his bed so he didn’t feel too alone. When he let his hands roam your body under the blanket when you were watching a movie. He never let it happen with others around though, so how would he even know what you like? Hell, even you don’t know it…
Oliver’s eyes meet yours and it’s clear that your question caught him off guard.
“You told me,” he simply answers.
“I don’t remember,” you retort, not letting him get away with it this time.
“This is how you’ve always been.” He is clearly pissed that you are going against him.
“You know what? Let’s do a double date next weekend, alright? But we have somewhere to be now, if you’ll excuse us,” Harry cuts in, taking your hand as he pulls you away from the happy couple. You glance back at Oliver one last time before turning around.
Harry walks you out to the backyard and the cool air hits you hard in the head. You haven’t even realized how hot you were getting in there, but you’re not entirely sure it was because of all the people, rather of because Oliver’s behavior.
“Okay, what the fuck was that in there?” Harry questions.
“What do you mean?”
“Y/N, I’m not dumb or blind. Lexi might be oblivious to whatever you and Oliver have going on, but I’m not. Something has happened between you and him, right?”
You chew on your bottom lip, crossing your arms on your chest, not too keen on admitting it. You have never told anyone about it in details, not even Sandra. She knows you and Oliver get a little too close at times, but she has no idea you’ve slept with him on several occasions. You always thought you were a fool for sleeping with him and then watching him date other girls.
Unfortunately, your silence is enough for Harry to draw his conclusion.
“Wait, what? Did you two…?”
“Yes,” you shortly nod, feeling uncomfortable, but you can tell you can’t dodge this conversation this time.
“You’re telling me he has the nerve to sleep with you whenever it’s convenient for him and then drop you when he starts dating someone else?”
“It sounds worse than how it really is,” you mumble, but you don’t truly believe your own words. It’s pretty bad either way.
“Y/N, this is fucked up. A friend wouldn’t do that to you. It’s one thing to seek comfort at your friends, but using them for your own physical needs is just way beyond the line.”
You have nothing to say. Deep down you know he is right, you’ve always known, but you never knew what to do against it. Before you could even stop yourself, you feel your lips trembling, tears bubbling in your eyes as you glance at Harry. You expect pity from him, an act that tells you that you brought it all to yourself, but that’s not what you see. He gives you an apologetic look and he is quick to pull you into a tight hug, exactly what you need right now.
“I know, I’m so stupid,” you mumble into his chest.
“You’re not. He is just an ass,” he corrects you, earning a small chuckle from you. “Hey, do you want to get out of here?” he asks, pulling back so he can look into your eyes.
“You just got here.”
“Yeah, but I’m not really in the mood to party. Want to have a bite somewhere?”
“That would be… great,” you nod with a small smile, sniffling a little before you wipe your cheeks.
You let Sandra know you’re leaving with Harry and she can tell something has happened, but you just tell her you’ll talk later and she doesn’t push it further. Harry takes your hand as the two of you make your way through the people and you spot Oliver near the kitchen, one arm around Lexi’s shoulders as his gaze meets yours. You see him clenching his jaw when he sees your hand in Harry’s hold, but you don’t pay much attention to him, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.
Luckily Harry drove to the Omega house so now you don’t have to wait for a car or take a long walk, you can enjoy the comfort of his Rover as the two of you leave the party behind. It’s silent in the car, you fold your arms over your chest, your head resting against the car door, not even questioning him where you are headed.
About ten minutes later Harry pulls up at a little diner, the two of you walk in and it’s not surprising there are just a few people lingering around at this time, though you know later they’ll have quite a few drunk students that are on their way home and in desperate need of a late night bite.
You take an empty booth and a waitress arrives immediately, handing you each a menu.
“Do you go here often?” you ask quietly, eyeing the options.
“Sometimes. They have great fries.”
You nod and decide to have just a cheeseburger with fries and a lemonade while Harry gets the veggie burger and a milkshake. The waiter takes the order shortly and leaves you alone. You’re not sure what to say, but you feel like you need to say something.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, staring down at your arms laying on the edge of the table, your right hand covering your left.
“For what exactly?”
“For… I just feel so stupid about this whole… Oliver thing. I know I shouldn’t have done what we did, but I just… couldn’t say no. I know, sounds ridiculous.”
“No, not at all,” Harry shakes his head. “You fell for him and he used you. If there’s anyone to blame it’s him, he shouldn’t use a friend for his own selfish needs. I’m not judging you, it’s easy to fall into holes like this.”
“I just really thought that he came to me because I meant something for him, but I can tell that… it wasn’t anything like that. The way he acted today was shockingly sobering,” you chuckle bitterly. “I think he is mad that I’m not available for him anymore and he is trying to play us down,” you say pointing at him and yourself. “So when he breaks it off with Lexi he can count on me, but it’s not happening.”
“I am happy to help you teach him any kind of lesson,” Harry grins just as the waiter arrives with the food and you start the feast. “I know you despise the idea of going on a double date with them, but I think we could have a lot of fun,” Harry points out while eating.
“It’s obviously bugging Oliver that you are dating someone, we could give him the extra happy couple act, make him question why he was always such an asshole to you.”
“You think it would bother him?”
“Absolutely,” he chuckles. “We would serve him all the sappy, lovey couple shit from movies and get under his skin. I think it would be fun.”
“Okay, let’s do it,” you nod and Harry grins at you from across the table.
“Yes! Fake dating on maximum level!” he cheers, punching into the air, making you laugh.
As the two of you eat Harry talks your ears off and you know exactly why he just keeps on talking. He wants to take your mind away from everything about Oliver and he succeeds. He tells you stories about what it’s like to live in the frat house, all the funny things they’ve done with the boys and you just keep laughing and laughing until all the food is gone, the table is cleared off and it’s nearing one in the morning. Just as you expected, people from around the campus start dropping by for their midnight bite so the two of you slowly head out, not really wanting to run into someone you know. Harry drives you back to the dormitory and walks you up to the entrance.
“Thank you for tonight,” you breathe out, still feeling a little helpless and pathetic, but he definitely made it better with his company.
“No worries. After all, this is what boyfriends are for,” he chuckles lightly. “But I hope you are not gonna sink into self-pity over that douche.”
“Just a little?” you peek up at him with a scowl.
“Nope, not even a little, Y/N. He doesn’t deserve your time. If he is really gonna let you slip through his fingers, he is the biggest idiot on Earth. And he also has to be blind.”
For some reason, Harry’s words bring a blush to your cheeks, even if there’s a chance he doesn’t really mean them.
“Thank you,” you breathe out and he pulls you in for a hug without hesitation. You wrap your arms around his waist and inhale his sweet scent, melting into his warm embrace before you force yourself to let your arms fall from around his frame.
“Have a good rest of your weekend, girlfriend,” he smirks, backing towards his car. “I’ll see you on Monday!”
“Bye Harry!” you smile in his way before making your way inside.
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Not too willingly, but you talk to Oliver the next week about the double date. He sounds clearly surprised that you brought it up yourself and he tries to talk you down, but you’re now way too curious about what would go down, so he has no choice than to say yes. You fix the date to Saturday and Harry says it’s fine for him and that the two of you can go over to the frat house later, they are gonna have a small get together for one of the guys’ birthday. Not a party, more of a beer and pizza type of evening since Clyde, the birthday boy is not that big of a party animal.
The week passes by as usual, you spend some time with Sandra and a little more with Harry. Since you’ve started this whole dating thing, you’ve found yourself getting used to have him around. It doesn’t feel forced anymore, you actually like hanging out with him, have him beside you in the library even if you’re not even talking and whenever you spot him waiting for you in the morning or after one of your classes, you have this stupid smile on your face walking up to him, especially when he calls you girlfriend. Sandra’s warning words pop up in your head time to time, telling you to be careful with having actual feelings for Harry, but you keep telling yourself the two of you are nothing else than just good friends.
Saturday morning you get your nails done with Sandra, have some much needed girly time since you’ve had little of that lately, even a fake relationship needs a lot of time and energy, if you’re being honest.
Sandra catches you smiling down at a text that’s from Harry, he just joked about wearing a tux to the roller-skating rink and you imagined it right away, the picture of everyone else dressed casually while he is dressed for a royal ball is just hilarious.
“So how are things with Harry?” she asks from the chair next to you.
“What do you mean?” you ask, eyes fixed on your nails as the lady is carefully painting them a light pink color.
“You two are like glued together.”
“Yeah, I like spending time with him. And like, we are dating,” you smirk, finding it funny to just casually say it.
“You do know you don’t have to keep the act up with me, right?”
“I know, but we really are friends,” you nod.
“Just friends? Because sometimes being friends with someone is a bit more to you,” she comments and your face falls. She right away realizes it was a little harsh. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said it. I didn’t mean to be a bitch. I’m just trying to look out for you. I don’t want to see another guy taking advantage of you.”
“He is already taking advantage of me in a way, but it’s mutual,” you shrug, trying to mask the fact how much her words hurt. You’re still trying to get over the whole Oliver thing and though it’s been easier with Harry around, you still feel hurt over how badly he has been using you in the past years.
“And… you don’t have feelings for him?”
“We’re friends,” you tell her again.
“Yes, but you can have feelings for a friend too, Y/N.”
“I don’t really want to talk about it. We are doing fine, I enjoy being with him, that’s all.”
“Alright, I believe you. Just want to make sure you are not getting yourself into another Oliver situation.”
“I’m not. Harry is not him,” you firmly state and it’s the truth. Even if things go south with him, you can never see him do the things Oliver did. He is not him in the best possible way.
 For the double date you choose to wear your favorite pair of light-washed mom jeans with a tank top tucked into it and a colorful cardigan under your jacket. Harry texted you that he would pick you up at six and because you are ready by half past five, you sit around in your room a little anxiously. You honestly have no idea what’s gonna happen tonight, where it’s gonna head but you can only hope it won’t be scandalous. People already talk enough about you for dating Harry, you don’t need to be known about being the girl who made a scene at the roller-skating rink with her boyfriend and best friend. It wouldn’t do good to your reputation.
When Harry finally texts you letting you know he has arrived you rush down the stairs, still haven’t been able to shake your nerves off, but as soon as you spot him standing by his car, you kind of forget about everything else. He is wearing his usual skinny jeans with a black shirt, of course, the first few buttons left undone. His hair is getting longer, curls constantly falling into his forehead, but you love it. Makes him look soft and like… like a prince.
“Hey, ready to have fun?” he smirks at you, opening the door to the passenger seat to you.
“I don’t think I will ever be ready for this kind of fun,” you admit with a soft chuckle before getting into the car.
“I’ll be right there with you, okay? We’re gonna crush them,” he grins at you driving. “And we can just leave whenever you want to.” Reaching over the console he takes your hand and squeezes it gently. The gesture sends a shiver running down your spine. It feels so good to have his support, you wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else than him.
Oliver and Lexi are already at the arcade that’s connected with the skating place when the two of you arrive. She looks ecstatic about tonight and it’s almost kind of cute, you’re convinced you’d actually be friends with her if the two of you met under different circumstances.
“Hi! Thank you so much for coming! I know it’s not really your thing, but I’m so happy we can finally hang out!” she cheers, giving you a hug. Oliver and Harry shake hands and Harry gives Lexi a short hug while you just awkwardly nod in Oliver’s direction, already feeling anxious in his presence. Harry takes your hand walking in and squeezes it gently. Peeking up at him he gifts you with a warm smile that tells you: it’s gonna be alright, I’m here with you.
Once all four of you have changed your shoes to your skates and put your belongings to the lockers you head to the rink, you and Lexi in the middle, Harry on your other side while Oliver is on Lexi’s other side.
“Y/N, Oliver has told me a lot about you. What was it like, growing up with him?” Lexi asks as the four of you roll around. You’re not the worst at roller-skating, you can move confidently, but it seems like Harry is the best out of all of you, easily moving around, as if he were on his feet.
Thinking back at your time with Oliver now at Lexi’s question, it’s quite bittersweet. Because you are starting to realize things you didn’t see back then. Like how you were always in his shadow, he was always the guy everyone liked and you were just the girl that tagged along.
“Um, not sure what you want to know about,” you chuckle awkwardly as you watch Harry throw his ball for the first time.
“Was he a womanizer? Tell me the truth! He says he barely dated a few people,” she chuckles, taking Oliver’s hand. He is pretty much avoiding to look you in the eyes as you glance over him and you really wish she didn’t ask you about it.
“He had quite a few… flings,” you say, not entirely sure how to phrase it. He wasn’t a womanizer, but he did start to hook up with you between girls a while ago, making his reputation a little questionable.
“I knew you were downplaying it!” she playfully smacks his chest and you just bite into your bottom lip. This is already so awkward.
“I think Y/N is just exaggerating,” Oliver chimes in, seemingly not a fan of the conversation either.
“Sure, it’s always me,” you mumble under your breath.
Harry takes your hand and gets a little ahead of you before turning around so he is facing you while skating backwards.
“Hey baby, want me to teach you how to go in zig-zag?” he smirks, clearly wanting to ease the tension. Nodding you let him take both of your hands as the two of you stay a little back from Oliver and Lexi. “Don’t let him get under your skin. He is a fucking asshole,” he tells you when he knows they can’t hear him.
“Was he always like this? I have no idea how I could put up with his act,” you mumble with a scowl.
“Fuck them. Come on, let’s have a good time,” he grins before taking the lead.
Harry makes your forget about them so easily, like it’s not even a double date, just the two of you hanging out. He keeps teaching you moves, laughing together whenever you get wobbly. He catches you every time when you’re about to lose your balance, he doesn’t let you fall and every time his arms circle around you, keeping you on your feet steadily, you find yourself blushing at how close he is getting to you. His hands holding yours, small touches on your arms and back, he takes every chance to connect the two of you and you enjoy every second of it.
“Harry, no!” you laugh as he holds your hand, still going around.
“Come on! Just try it! Just a little jump!” he encourages.
“Do you want to see me fall?”
“I would have let you fall a long time ago if that’s what I wanted,” he smirks. He gets ahead of you again, both his hands taking yours and you still can’t get used to how soothing his palms feel against yours. “I’ll catch you this time too, don’t worry.”
“I swear you are trying to kill me,” you groan as you try to figure out how to do a little jump without breaking a bone. “But just a little one!”
“The tiniest one,” he chuckles nodding.
You let him take the lead and he starts pulling you again, skating backwards like he did all evening and when you feel like you’re stable enough, you give it a go.
Unfortunately, what happens is exactly what you were expecting. When your skates meet with the floor again after the little jump, you don’t find your balance and immediately feel your feet rolling out from under yourself. Harry reaches out for you, just like he promised, grabbing onto your arm with one hand while the other one presses into your back, but this time he can’t save you and you pull him with yourself as well. The two of you end up falling to the ground in a laughing mess as Harry is partially lying on you, an arm stuck under you while the other one is across your chest.
“I told you!” you cry out but it turns into laughter pretty fast.
“I’m sorry, baby, are you okay?” he asks laughing and your heart skips a beat at how he called you baby again and Oliver is not even around.
“I-I’m fine,” you breathe out as he peels himself off you, helping you up with him as well. He is so close to you as you finally stand on your feet again, your noses almost brush against each other as you blink up at him nervously.
It would be so easy to kiss him. You want to know what it’s like to feel his lips against yours. Maybe if you move just a little…
“Are you trying to break a bone, Y/N?” Lexi rolls up to you, totally breaking the moment as you both turn to her. Harry leaves an arm around you, hand resting on your waist and you lean against him to steady yourself on your wheels.
“It was Harry’s idea, but I knew I would terribly fail,” you chuckle slightly. Oliver appears behind Lexi, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and you clench your jaw at the gesture. Harry must have noticed the shift in you, because he tightens his hold around you, his hand soothingly running up and down your side. And just like that, Oliver is long forgotten, you can only think about how it feels to have his fingers dancing on you.
“You were never really into athletic things, Y/N,” Oliver comments and you grimace.
“Just because I didn’t play any sports in high school, doesn’t mean I can’t try things now.”
“I think you did great,” Harry smiles down at you. “You just need a little more practice and you’ll be better than me, baby.”
Baby, there’s that pet name again. It’s doing things to you for sure.
Glancing over at Oliver you catch what looks like an eye-rolling and he genuinely looks annoyed by you and Harry and it’s making your blood boil at this point. Why can he be the only one to date someone? Why can’t you have a good time with someone? Now that you are thinking about it, he did it not only with guys, but also with anyone who tried to be friends with you. Oliver wanted him to be your only friend and sneakily ruined every friendship you ever had. Sandra is your first real friend other than Oliver, only because he couldn’t do anything against you forming any kind of relationship with your roommate. But you are now getting quite fed up with his little games and Harry might not be your real boyfriend, but you are friends with him and Oliver can do nothing about that.
Soon enough you decide you’ve had enough of the skating, so you move to the side and start changing back to your shoes. Lexi runs out to the restroom and while you are putting your sneakers back on Harry spots someone he knows, working at the buffet so he steps aside for a minute, leaving you and Oliver alone.
“Are you really dating him?” you hear him speak up and you can’t help the scowl on your face.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He is just so not the type of person you hang out with,” he comments with a shrug and your eyebrows shoot up.
“First of all, how would you know? My friends were always kind of more your friends, never really had the chance to find my people. And second, what’s the problem with him?”
“The problem is that we all know what he is like. Everyone on campus knows that Harry is famous for going after a lot of girls.”
“And you believe what others say? You know nothing about him. He is not what people try to make him appear to be, but you wouldn’t know, because you don’t know him like I do. And for the record, yes, I really am dating him and I’m very happy about it.”
You can tell he doesn’t like your reaction and he is probably fighting back to snap at you, but Harry soon returns, oblivious to the scene that just went down, however he can sense the shift in the atmosphere immediately.
“Everything alright?” he asks, seemingly innocently, but you know he is asking if Oliver has done something.
“Yeah. Can we leave?” you ask, not too keen on staying with Oliver any longer. It’s getting hard to imagine how you could ever put up with him and his act.
“Are you guys leaving? We could grab a bite together!” Lexi chimes in arriving back from the restroom. You are about to decline, but Harry speaks up before you.
“Oh, we have plans already, but maybe some other time,” he politely says, a hand on your lower back as he pulls you to his side and you’re thankful for his close presence now. If he weren’t there, you would have already jumped at Oliver’s throat probably.
“Oh, okay! I’m glad we got to do this though,” she smiles warmly, taking Oliver’s hand while you just chew on the inside of your cheeks, very keen on leaving as soon as possible.
Your force a smile on your face, bidding goodbye before Harry takes your hand and the two of you head out to his car.
“Hey, everything okay?” he asks when it’s finally just the two of you. Staring down at your hands on your lap, you bite into your bottom lip.
“Just… let’s leave. I had enough of Oliver for a life today,” you mumble and luckily, Harry doesn’t try to keep asking around, just starts the car and leaves.
On the way he asks if you still want to come over to the frat house and you say yes, because you feel like you could use the distraction. You’d rather spend some more time around him than go back to your dorm room and be alone with your thoughts.
Just as he promised, it’s nothing big, just a few close friends of some of the frat boys, pizza boxes are piled in the kitchen, music is playing in the background but it’s not blasting like when it’s a party. A big group is playing UNO in the living room using two deck of cards so the rounds don’t end too soon.
You and Harry get a slice of pizza, already starving after the skating and when you’re done with that, the two of you wander into the living room. There’s no more room left on the mismatched couches so Harry plops himself down to the ground and you stop for a moment, because there’s someone sitting on both of his sides, leaving not much space for you, but he is quick to solve the problem by taking your hand and pulling you down so you sit between his legs, your back pressed against his chest.
“Oh,” you breathe out from the sudden contact, but it feels nice. You cross your legs so his legs can bridge over them with his knees bent as he looks over your shoulders to see the game unfold.
“You guys want to play?” one of the girls asks.
“There’s not enough cards for the both of them to join!” another warns.
“We’ll just play together,” Harry speaks up from behind you and in the next round you join the game.
Harry rests his chin on your shoulder as his arms come around you, holding the cards so you can see them as well. It’s the closest he has been to you, basically wrapped around you and it’s definitely doing things to you. The way his chest warms your back, how you can feel every breath he draws because his face is so close next to yours, how his arms cage you gently, you are suddenly aware of even the smallest things.
“Pick one,” he murmurs when it’s your turn to throw a card in. You’ve been so occupied with him that you have no idea what color or number you should pick so you quickly check the deck in the middle before pointing at a red card. “Throw it in,” he tells you, pushing the card up with his thumb so you can take it and put it to the top.
Sitting here, on the floor of his frat house, his arms around you feels so much better than anything you’ve experienced with Oliver and the realization hits you hard in the chest. Turning your head to the side you let yourself take a good look at his perfect side profile, his chiseled jawline, the bridge of his nose and the little wrinkle between his eyebrows as he knits them together in focus, staring down at the cards in his hands. He catches you looking, his green eyes meet yours and a soft smile spreads across his face.
“Nothing,” you shake your head.
“Everything alright?” he quietly asks and you nod.
“Yeah,” you breathe out turning back, but you still feel his lingering gaze on you for a few more moments before he turns away too.
You keep playing as the night moves on, drinking some beer, making you relax even more, though Harry’s closeness does the job just perfectly. Even when you are not sitting on the ground anymore, he always keeps close to you. Curling an arm around your waist when you stand in the kitchen talking with others, he keeps giving your hands and hips assuring little squeezes and you can’t help but lean into his touch every time. You want him close, you want to feel his touch, you love it when your eyes meet and he always shoots you a small smile, it makes your heart flutter, like you’re a little school girl with a silly crush.
Because now you are more than sure that you’re crushing on Harry. How can you not? He has been so good to you, did more than Oliver has ever done and you’ve been friends for just a few weeks.
You leave him for just a few minutes while you use the bathroom and as you return, you catch some of the conversation he is having with one of the boys, Jake.
“Dude, can’t believe the ladies’ favorite Styles is taken,” Jake laughs and it makes you scowl as you stop at the corner, listening on them.
“Jake, I told you to stop calling me that,” Harry huffs.
“I’m just telling you the truth. Every girl on campus is after you.”
“That doesn’t have anything to do with me being in a relationship.”
“I just thought that the womanizer Harry Styles wouldn’t settle again for a while.”
“Jake, I’m not a womanizer, stop this bullshit. Just because girls try to get together with me, doesn’t mean I want the same thing.”
You choose this moment to walk in, knowing well Harry must be losing his patience with Jake and his irrelevant accusations. Walking in you smile warmly at Harry, curling an arm around his waist as you lean into his side. His arm comes around your shoulders and he pulls you close. Jake eyes you with an unreadable expression before his gaze returns to Harry.
“Hope you know what you are doing, mate.”
“I surely do,” Harry firmly answers and it makes you smile, especially because you know what they’ve been talking about.
When Jake walks out you turn to face Harry, playfully poking his tummy as you glance up at him.
“Hey,” you smile up at him, your arms wrapping around his waist as his hands fall to your shoulders.
“Hey,” he chuckles. “Why are you so smiley?”
“I can’t smile?”
“Of course you can,” he smirks. “Want to go back a little more?” he asks nodding towards the living room where there are still quite a few people. You nod and let go of him, turning around you are just about to walk ahead but you didn’t see that a girl was coming inside and you bump right into her, the liquid from her cup spilling down your shirt.
“Shit!” you gasp jumping back, colliding a little with Harry’s chest and his hands immediately grab your waist in case you might lose your balance.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry!” the girl stutters, reaching for paper towels right away, but it helps nearly nothing.
“It’s fine,” you breathe out pressing your lips together.
“Come on, I’ll give you a shirt,” Harry tells you, taking your hand, walking you upstairs. The fabric of your shirt is turning cold against your skin and you really want to get rid of it.
Harry pulls out a simple black shirt for you and shows you the way to his little bathroom. Changing into his shirt you make an attempt to wash yours out, but it doesn’t do much to the sugary spill.
“Do you mind if I stay in it for the rest of the evening? I promise I’ll give it back next time we meet.”
“Sure,” Harry smiles and you catch his gaze wandering down your body, his shirt hanging loosely on your frame. “Do you still want to stay or do you want me to give you a ride back to the dorm?”
“Uh, maybe I should head home,” you nod to yourself.
“Is it okay if I take a quick shower? I feel so sweaty after the skating, just five minutes.”
“Sure, go ahead,” you nod smiling before he disappears in the bathroom.
You hear him turn the water on and walking over to his bed you lie down for a little, feeling the tiredness coming over you all at once. It’s been a long and exhausting day and listening to the soothing voice of the running water you find yourself drifting off to sleep before you could stop yourself.
When you open your eyes again the room is completely dark, but you quickly realize it’s not your dorm room; you’re still at Harry’s. Turning to the side you see him sleeping peacefully on the other side of the mattress, lying on his back. Still groggy with sleep, you realize you fell asleep while he was in the shower and he probably didn’t want to wake you so just went to bed next to you.
He looks like an angel sleeping, his green irises hidden from the world, thick lashes fanned over his cheeks, his pink lips slightly parted as his chest rises and falls peacefully. Sleeping in his bed, wearing his clothes, seeing him next to you, he is all you can think about and it brings a smile to your face.
Gently, you scoot closer to him, but still don’t touch him, however the movement makes him huff in his sleep and turning to his side his arm falls across your waist, making you gasp in surprise. You freeze, thinking that he might wake up any moment but it doesn’t happen and you’re stuck in his hold, not that you mind it. You push yourself a little closer, your nose almost touching his chest as you make yourself comfortable and closing your eyes you go back to sleep without a worry in the world.
Waking up you find yourself curled up to Harry’s side, one of his army around you while the other is holding your hand on his stomach. Blinking your eyes open you look around and take a few seconds to fully wake up. Harry feels so warm against you, but you think he might not like to find you all melted against him so you try to move away but his hold tightens around you.
“Mmm, stop movin’ around,” he mumbles sleepily.
“Sorry, I just thought that… you might feel hot,” you lie in a whisper.
“I am hot,” he smirks with his eyes still closed and his comment makes you laugh.
“And so full of yourself!” you chuckle and try to pull away once again, but he locks you to his side, not letting you break the position you are in.
“I said stop movin’! I like being warm in the morning,” he murmurs, snuggling you more to his side and you bite into your bottom lip as your smile stretches wider with each passing second.
Yeah, you definitely have a crush on Harry and you can’t even act like you don’t.
“Sorry for falling asleep in your bed,” you mumble, closing your eyes as you let your head rest on his chest.
“Y’ looked cute,” he huffs with a soft smile. “S’alright. Give me five minutes and I’ll be awake to drive you back to the dorm.”
You hum a response and just enjoy it while it lasts, not wanting to let him go anytime soon. But you have to. Slowly, the two of you get ready to leave, you want to change back to your stained shirt, but Harry tells you to just keep the shirt, he has two more of the exact same one so you walk out of the frat house wearing Harry’s shirt, holding Harry’s hand and get into Harry’s car. He is everywhere and you absolutely love it.
“So we have this game next weekend and I thought you might want to come? You don’t have to if you absolutely hate football, I just thought—“
“I would love to,” you say cutting his rambling short as he smiles with his eyes staring ahead at the road.
“Cool. Bring your roommate if you want.”
“Sure,” you smile.
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Football has never been your thing, but watching Harry is, so the game turns out better than you expected. Sandra tags along and luckily, she knows a little more about the game than you do, so you can ask her questions whenever you are completely lost about the happenings. Though you don’t know much about what a good player should be like, but it’s still clear to you that Harry is one of them. He scores half the points of his team and you are guessing that’s quite fascinating.
“Am I just dreaming or does he keep looking your way?” Sandra questions after you also just caught Harry’s gaze on you a moment ago.
“So what if he is?” you ask with a shy smile, eyes glued to his running frame on the field.
“Are you guys like… really together?”
“No,” you shake your head. “We are just friends,” you add, the term tasting a little bitter on your tongue.
“But you want more.” It’s not a question, Sandra can see right through you. Glancing at her you let out a huff before turning back at the game.
“It’s hard not to,” you truthfully admit, your eyes following Harry’s every movement on the field. Looking around you see that you are probably not the only one. Half of the girls on the bleachers are staring at him and you can’t even blame them. You have to be blind and stupid at the same time not to like him and apparently, you’re neither.
They win, no surprise. The whole team goes crazy as they score their last point and it puts them in the lead in the last minute. Everyone is cheering and screaming at the boys as they are celebrating their victory, along with Harry.
Jake starts running up and down the bleachers shouting that they are throwing a victory party at the frat house so now you know what you’re gonna do for the rest of the evening. As the team makes its way back towards the locker rooms Harry runs up to you, all sweaty and grinning crazily.
“Hey, you coming for the party, right?” he asks, still breathing heavily from the game.
“Sure,” you chuckle.
“Yes! You guys want a ride?” he asks in excitement glancing at Sandra beside you.
“That would be nice,” she nods happily.
“Alright, meet me at my car in fifteen,” he breathes out and before he runs away, he leans down and presses a kiss to your cheek, then leaves in a rush, catching up with the other guys. Suddenly, it feels a lot hotter than before…
“Okay, there’s no way he is not into you too,” Sandra mumbles to you as the two of you head out to the parking lot.
“You think so?”
“Oh, I know so,” she laughs, folding her arms on her chest. “That guy is like a puppy in love around you.”
“What if it’s just his normal?”
“I don’t know, is it? You’re the one who spends every possible minute with him,” she points out and she is right. This wasn’t like this before and as far as you know, he was never like this with anyone either. The only person you saw him act similarly was Naomi when they were dating, so could this be a hint for you that he feels the same way?
You’re still chewing on it when Harry emerges from the building, carrying his huge sports bag on his shoulder, his locks still wet from the shower he must have taken, his smile is still as wide as it was after the game.
“Ladies, fancy a ride?” he asks and as he walks past you he squeezes your hand gently before rounding the car and sitting behind the wheel.
By the time you arrive to the frat house the party is already on, music blasting in the living room where not so long ago you were playing UNO, sitting in Harry’s arms, booze is piling in the kitchen and more and more people are showing up.
“Hey, can you come up with me to drop my bag off and change?” Harry asks upon walking into the house and you nod. Sandra gives you a look that says ‘man up and talk to him’ before you take Harry’s hand and the two of you head upstairs.
“Be honest, did you bore yourself to death at the game?” Harry asks when you’re in the safety of his room.
“It wasn’t that bad, though I definitely need to learn more about the rules,” you chuckle admitting as you sit on the edge of his bed while he moves around, putting away his stuff. You watch him with a fluttering heart as you think about your conversation with Sandra. Even if she is right, how do you bring it up? You can’t just simply drop that you would like to turn your fake relationship into something real, you are not ballsy enough for that anyway.
“I’ll change quickly and we can head out,” he smiles, grabbing his usual skinny jeans and a white shirt from his dresser before disappearing in his bathroom.
While he is in there, you try to build your courage up to have the talk with him. Now seems like a good time, you’re alone in his room, no audience in case he rejects you painfully so no one would witness your breakdown. Chewing on the inside of your cheeks you stand up and start pacing the floor, stopping when the door opens and he walks out, smiling at you warmly as he fixes the dog tag around his neck.
“Everything alright?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.
“I, uhh… I wanted to talk about something,” you start shyly, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
“Okay, go for it,” he nods walking closer.
“I just, I’M not sure how to bring this up, and I hope it won’t sound weird. But I’ve been thinking about, um—I thought about this, what we’ve been doing and I realized that I—“
Your rambling speech gets interrupted when Jake bursts into the room without even a knock or warning word.
“Dude, come down! We need you on our beerpong team!” he urges Harry who gives him an annoyed look.
“Jake, don’t just fucking barge into my room without knocking!” Harry snaps at him.
“Like I haven’t seen your dick before,” Jake snorts and you feel the heat crawling up your neck at even just the thought of Harry naked.
“I don’t fucking care, knock!”
“Okay!” Jake growls rolling his eyes. “But you gotta come down now!”
Harry looks back at you, knowing well you two were in the middle of a conversation, but Jake’s arrival threw you off completely.
“Go, we can… talk later, it’s not that important,” you smile at him weakly.
“Are you sure?” he asks, his hand taking yours.
“Yeah, totally. Just go and celebrate your win,” you chuckle and with that, the moment is already gone.
You return to the party and while Harry gets sucked into an epic beerpong game, you join Sandra in the living room, who eyes you with a curious look, but you just shake your head.
“Don’t even ask,” you mumble and grabbing her drink from her hand you take a big swig from it, hoping the alcohol might help you with your anxious thoughts.
An hour later you feel the buzz, but you’re not at all drunk, just a little… braver than usually. You’ve moved to the kitchen with Sandra and a few girls, you’re sitting on the counter, nursing another drink as you listen to one of the girls rage about her asshole ex. Glancing out of the kitchen your eyes find Harry standing in the living room and for your surprise he was already watching you. You catch his smile, his focus completely on you when the guys are talking to him in his little circle, but he doesn’t seem to care. His gaze brings the heat back into your body, he can make you go nuts with just a look and you want to hate him for that, but you can’t. There’s nothing you hate about this guy.
“Stop eyefucking your man and just… fuck him for real” Sandra chuckles leaning closer to you, so only you can hear her words.
“Sandra!” you gasp, smacking her in the boob knowing well she hates it when you do that. She just cackles, returning to the discussion with the girls.
Soon enough, you see Harry moving towards your little group, creeping his way into the kitchen, stopping right beside you, leaning on one arm, his hand placed dangerously close to your thigh on the counter.
“Hi,” he smiles with his rosy cheeks, he surely has drunk some as well, but he doesn’t seem drunk either.
“Hi,” you breathe out, feeling flustered by his closeness again, a smile stretching across your face as he keeps eyeing you grinning. “What?”
“Have I told you how cute your smile is?” he asks and now you’re sure you’ve turned into a tomato.
“No,” you mumble shyly and almost gasp when his hand moves from the counter to your thighs as if it was the most natural thing, but it sends a shiver down your spine.
“Well, it is cute,” he chuckles, before turning his attention at the conversation in the little circle, but his hand remains still on your thigh.
From there, the situation escalates pretty easily. All it takes him to get between your thighs is to reach for one of the drinks on the counter next to you, his hand still resting on your thigh, and as he is done with the drink, he places it to the counter, his other hand coming to your other thigh, now standing facing you between your legs. Before you could say anything, he pulls on you a little, so you press up against him, your hands instantly coming to grab onto his shoulders to steady yourself in the movement.
“Hi again,” he smirks with glistening eyes.
“You didn’t go anywhere,” you chuckle quietly, your fingers dancing up to the back of his neck, playing with his curls.
“I know, but it made you smile and that’s what I wanted,” he smirks, so proud of himself. He licks his lips and you catch his gaze wandering down to yours, instantly making you nervous as you think back at the failed conversation you had with him not so long ago. This feels like a moment that could head into a direction you are dying for, but without the talk, you’re not sure if you should take the risky step.
Good thing that Harry is not shying out of it. Pressing forward his forehead meets yours, noses muzzling together as his lips linger so close to yours. You suck on your breath, arms curling around his neck as you wait for him to move the last millimeters between the two of you, and seeing that you are not pulling back, Harry makes the final move.
His lips move perfectly against yours, so warm and welcoming, soft and intoxicating, kissing him feels like a gift from above. He is taking his time with you, tasting and savoring you and you’re definitely not complaining. You could spend the rest of your life kissing him and you’d be fine with it.
One of his hands stays on your thigh, keeping a firm grip on it while the other one moves up to cup your cheek as you angle your head to reach him perfectly. He licks into your mouth without warning and you almost let out a moan at the sensation, but you’re just too busy returning his kisses.
You have absolutely no idea how long you stay like that, kissing and touching each other, but when he pulls back, you can’t help the stupid grin on your love drunk face. Harry’s expression kind of mirrors yours as he pecks your swollen lips once more before getting back to his previous position, his hand never leaving your thigh and you hug his strong, tattooed arm, needing to touch him in any kind of way as the two of you reenter the discussion that never stopped. Sandra gives you a wide-eyed stare and you just bite into your bottom lip, turning into a giggly teenage girl all of a sudden.
For just a few minutes you are absolutely convinced the kiss was real, but that’s all you got. As you look into the living room you catch Naomi’s burning stare and it tells you right away she witnessed the whole scene and to make it even worse, Oliver was standing not too far, glaring at you firmly and they make you think.
What if Harry saw them near and kissed you just to mess with them? What if it was all just part of the act? You should have pressed more earlier and have that damned talk with him, how are you supposed to ask now if he meant it or not?!
The more you think about it, the more painful it becomes and the little evil voice in your head convinces you that he didn’t mean it. It’s not like you want to believe it, but you can’t ignore the possibility that slowly grows into reality in your clouded mind.
You lose both Harry and Sandra at one point after going to the bathroom and though you know they are somewhere around, you feel like you can’t stay any longer at the party. Before anyone could stop you, you sneak out of the house and head back to the dorm, hoping that a good night sleep would get your head straight.
Harry tries to call you, but you ignore them all, heading straight to bed when you arrive. You feel guilty for leaving without a word but there’s just too much going on in your head, you need time to process and figure out what to do.
You’re still up when Sandra arrives back but you pretend to be asleep, not feeling like dealing with her investigating questions about the kiss and why you left so suddenly. It takes over an hour for you to finally fall asleep and escape your buzzing thoughts.
Waking up you see no sign of Sandra and you remember she mentioned that her brother is visiting town so they might spend the day together. Amazing opportunity to bury yourself into your deep loneliness and try to figure out what to do.
Harry has been nonstop texting you, asking if you even made it back to the dorm safely and you just shoot him one message to let him know you’re still alive and then ignore him again. Thinking back at the kiss last night your heart flutters every time, you can still feel the touch of his lips, the way his hand cupped your cheeks, it’s driving you crazy. But then you remember seeing Naomi’s and Oliver’s face and you’re convinced Harry saw them too and you always get to the same conclusion: the kiss was just part of the act.
You barely leave the bed the whole day, lying under your covers and watching Netflix until your mind feels numb enough to stop torturing you with your thoughts. And then, there’s a knock on the door. You freeze, knowing well that whoever is on the other side, you don’t want to see them.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there, I heard you watching The Vampire Diaries,” Oliver’s voice calls out from outside and you let out a shaky breath.
Dragging yourself out of the bed you open the door and stare back at him with a blank expression.
“What do you want?” you simply question.
“I broke up with Lexi,” he answers and your eyebrows shoot up. Without asking for permission he pushes his way into the room, stopping in the middle with his hands on his hips. “Last night, I broke up with her.”
“I uhh—I’m sorry, I guess, but why? She was so sweet.”
“I miss you, Y/N,” he blurts out and your shock just raises. Did he just admit to breaking up with his girlfriend because of you?!
“Lexi is a nice girl, but I miss you, I miss what we had.”
“And what is that supposed to be?” you ask with a bitter chuckle as you fold your arms on your chest. “You miss fucking me whenever it’s convenient for you? Because I certainly don’t miss that.”
“We both know it was more than that, Y/N,” he smiles warmly, but it makes your stomach churn. Nothing about that smile is friendly or nice, he is trying to manipulate you like so many times before, but it’s not working now. He lost his power over you.
“It wasn’t. You were using me, Oliver.”
“That’s not what it was. We were having fun!”
“I wasn’t! I had feelings for you and you used them for your benefit!” you snap at him, not in the mood to play by his rules any longer. You’ll not let him bring you down again. “A friend doesn’t do that.”
“You could have spoken up against it, but I didn’t hear you complaining,” he retorts and it feels like a slap across your face. “I know you miss it too, Y/N. You don’t have to act like you are into Harry, I can see through you.”
“Oh really?” you snort, finding his words rather comedic. He knows or sees absolutely nothing and he just proved it. “Tell me then what you see!”
“I see that you’ve been trying to make me jealous and I’m gonna give it to you, it was successful.”
“Amazing, only problem is that I never wanted to make you jealous. My feelings for Harry are more real than the ones I had for you and I would really like it if you just left right now.”
Grabbing the doorknob you hold it open for him, wanting nothing more than to get rid of him for once and for all. You’ve had enough of his toxic, manipulating ass for a lifetime.
“Are you really kicking me out and just gonna choose him over me?” he huffs in disbelief and you can tell you’ve hurt his ego pretty badly.
“I’m choosing myself and doing what’s best for me. Now leave,” you demand and he finally moves. Walking past you he stops and looks down at you one more time.
“You’re a fucking waste of time,” he sneers before walking out and you need every ounce of power in you not to go after him and punch him in his arrogant face. How could you ever consider him even a friend, let along sleep with him?! He is the most disgusting and degrading asshole you’ve ever seen and you’ll work on forgetting about his whole existence for the rest of your life.
You shut the door behind him and leaning your back against it you slide down to the floor, feeling your chest tightening at the intensity of what just happened. You lost the person you loved the most just weeks ago and realized that he was never who you thought him to be.
You feel like crying for a little, but the tears never come. Instead, a soft sense of relief washes over you, like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, finally setting you free. One less thing to worry about.
As you push yourself up from the floor you hear fractions of a heated conversation outside and when you recognize both voices, your heart stops beating for a moment. Opening the door you hear the conversation between Oliver and Harry now fully clear.
“Stop fucking acting like you are the center of her world, Styles. She has no fucking idea what she wants,” Oliver snaps at Harry, clearly upset about something he said earlier.
“No one thinks that but you! Stop harassing her like a fucking psycho!” Harry fights back and your lips part at how he stands up for you.
“You’re the one harassing her! Don’t think for a moment you have a chance with her, she wants me, not you! You’ll never get into her pants like I did—“
Just when you’re about to barge out of the room to end whatever parade they are having, Oliver’s groan fills the hallway and as you step out, you see him fall to the ground after Harry’s has punched him right in the face.
“What the fuck?!” you snap in shock and they both turn to look at you in the middle of their fight.
“Your fucking boyfriend punched me for no reason!” Oliver spats, pushing himself up, holding a hand to his jaw that’s already turning red.
“Stop making yourself the victim, Oliver, no one buys it!” you groan at him as you step to Harry. He seems ashamed, even scared of your reaction about the fact that he just punched Oliver, but you are not gonna blame him. He did God’s work in this case.
“I can’t fucking believe you’re still taking his side!” Oliver snaps angrily. “You know what? You two deserve each other.”
“Shut up and leave!” you shout at him before grabbing Harry’s wrist and pulling him towards your room.
You hear Oliver mumbling something under his breath, but you couldn’t care less, shutting the door at him once again, this time with Harry in the room with you.
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I just fucking lost my temper and—“ You wave him off, taking his hand in yours softly, taking a look at his knuckles.
“It’s fine,” you smile at him. “Does it hurt?” you ask, gently running your thumb over his reddened knuckles.
“No, it’s alright,” he murmurs, standing so close to you again. His green eyes search yours as his other hand reaches under your chin to lift your head. “You have been ignoring me since last night.”
“I just… had a lot of stuff to do,” you awkwardly answer clearing your throat.
“You sure it’s not because of what happened between us?”
“What? Of course not!” you huff. “I get it, you were just trying to make it convincing because Naomi and Oliver were both watching a-and so you just—“
“What?” Harry asks tilting his head to the side.
“I mean, that’s why you did it, right? I saw them after we—uhh after we you know, kissed.”
“Okay, I didn’t see them and that’s not why I did it,” he admits with a nervous chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck. “I thought we were on the same page, but apparently not. Y/N, nothing I did recently was because of Naomi or Oliver. If I’m being honest it hasn’t been about them for a while. I really like you and I know I should have talked to you first about it, because now it was all kind of confusing, but I wasn’t faking it. I meant everything I said and did.”
You stare back at him in awe, heart pounding against your chest as his words sink in. He wasn’t acting, the kiss was real and you’ve been acting like a lunatic since last night, completely ignoring him instead of just talking to him, you are such a dumbass!
“Really?” you breathe out, barely more than just a whisper.
“Yeah,” he chuckles softly. “And I kinda thought you feel the same way, but then I came here and ran into Oliver who told me you two just had a chat about… possibilities between you and him?”
The hurt is clear in his eyes and your hatred towards Oliver is not on maximum level. You can’t believe he tried to ruin it all one last time even after you told him you want nothing to do with him.
“That’s not what we talked about,” you shake your head. “He came here, told me he broke up with Lexi and that he misses me, but I told him that’s too bad because I don’t miss him and his stupid little games anymore.”
“And he tried to convince me to choose him over you, but I already chose you, so he had no chance,” you add, a wide smile spreading across your face as you see him realize what you just said.
“What, does this mean…?” he questions with sparkling eyes as he starts inching closer to you.
“Last night, when Jake barged into your room, this is what I wanted to talk to you about. That I’m not really faking anything anymore, but we were rudely interrupted and then… you kissed me and I thought things were finally going right, but then I somehow convinced myself that it was just because you saw Naomi and Oliver around and tried to upset them.”
“Fuck them!” Harry laughs, his hands finally reaching to grab you by your waist as he pulls you against him. “I don’t care about them anymore. I just want to be with you, no faking, no acting, just… you and me.”
“That sounds… perfect,” you admit with a tired smile before he finally leans down and presses his lips against yours.
“I have a warning for you, Y/N,” he mumbles between kisses, his lips moving against yours.
“Yeah? What’s that?” you hum, melting into him.
“I will not stop kissing you. It’s my new favorite thing,” he giggles, hands pulling you even tighter to him.
“Oh, how upsetting!” you chuckle without a care in the world before the two of you fall to your bed, a mess of kisses and giggles, but not an ounce of faking.
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Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
A Bump in the Road
Summary: You and Spencer had kept your relationship a secret from the team until something changed your plans.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: brief mentions of a case but other than that, just pure fluff!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: this is the first of my 3 fics for me and @samuel-de-champagne-problems 500 follower co-celebration! the prompts for both of us today were: Accidental Pregnancy, Reader/Spencer looking for excuses to hold the other’s hand, “I need to talk to you…like right now”. To see her fic today and our upcoming prompts: click here!
“Prentiss, Morgan, you go to the neighborhood of the victims. Y/L/N, Reid, go downtown and just look around for anything strange,” Hotch stated, “I need you all to look casual while scoping out the area so try to look like normal citizens and don’t flash your badges.”
Derek raised his shades to put them on but Gideon gently grabbed his arm to stop him, “Less official.”
Emily let out a chuckle, “Let’s go, Morgan.”
“You ready, Spence?” you grabbed the keys.
“Yes, lov- ,” he played it off as a cough, “Yes, Y/L/N.”
“That was a close one,” Spencer said as he adjusted his satchel as you walked out of the police department together.
“You’re the one who keeps almost calling me ‘love’ in the conference room in front of the whole team! And on the jet!” you added with a giggle.
“It’s not my fault!” he insisted, “My brain short-circuits whenever I look at your beautiful face.”
“You’re hard to stay mad at,” you playfully rolled your eyes.
You and Spencer had been dating for about 4 months now. You decided to keep it a secret from the team until your six month anniversary. You didn’t need the teasing at the beginning of your relationship when things were still a bit new and awkward. But now, you both had said ‘I love you’ and you were practically living at his apartment when you weren’t away on cases. It was perfect.
You and Spencer were walking down the sidewalk downtown, looking for anyone who seemed to fit the profile.
“Hmmm we seem too official,” you smiled, grabbing his hand, “I guess we have to act like a happy couple. You know, just for the case.”
“Yep, just for the case,” Spencer squeezed your hand, leaning down to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“For the case,” he grinned.
You cupped his cheeks and pulled him back in for a much longer kiss on the lips.
“For.” you planted butterfly kisses along his jawline, “The.” another kiss, “Case.”
Spencer opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the sound of his phone buzzing in his pocket.
“Hotch,” he said before swiping accept and putting it on speaker phone, “Hey Hotch. You’ve got me and Y/L/N.”
“Morgan and Prentiss caught the unsub trying to grab another victim off the street. They fit the profile to a tee. We’re bringing them in for questioning but we’ll take shifts. You and Y/L/N can go back to the hotel and get some rest first.”
“Alright, thanks Hotch,” Spencer hung up the phone.
“Oh I think there’s one more thing we have to do when we get back to the hotel room…for the case,” you winked, pulling him back to the SUV with your hands still interlocked.
You were in the bathroom stall of the sixth floor, anxiously bouncing your legs up and down.
The timer on your phone started vibrating, indicating the time was up. You stared at the stick in front of you, waiting to be flipped over.
You flipped it over quickly like ripping off a band-aid. Two lines. The second one was faint but definitely there. You were pregnant. 5 months into a relationship with Spencer.
You rolled the test up in toilet paper before placing it in your purse. You washed your hands and splashed some cold water on your face. You took a deep breath before walking back into the bullpen like you hadn’t just received life-altering news.”
You grabbed a random file from your desk as you passed by and approached Spencer’s desk. He looked up from his paperwork with a soft smile as he saw you coming.
“I need to talk to you…like right now,” you whispered, “About the Johnson case,” you spoke a little louder so no one would question what you two were whispering about.
Spencer began to stand and grab his jacket to follow you but Penelope came charging into the room, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you towards her bat cave.
“Actually, Penelope, I have to ask Spencer some questions about a case. I’ll come find you in a bit.”
Spencer nodded to back you up.
“Trust me, the news I have is wayyy more important,” Penelope continued to tug at you.
“Penelope, I really need to finish this. Just give me the highlights now,” you resisted her pull.
“I found a pregnancy test box in the bathroom and I didn’t find the stick. I’m no profiler but usually people would only keep the test with them if it’s positive,” she confessed, “Someone on this floor is pregnant!”
Your eyes widened and you mentally slapped yourself on the forehead. How could you forget to throw the box away?
You made eye contact with Spencer, shooting him a sheepish grin as if to say ‘surprise?!’
Penelope started to drag you along again but Spencer grabbed a hold of your other arm.
“Actually, Hotch really needs her to get this done, Garcia. I promise she’ll be over as soon as we finish it.”
Penelope and Spencer were engaged in an intense staring battle with you in the middle.
“Ugh, fine! I’ll just have to gossip with Morgan! Now you don’t get to know all my theories,” Penelope huffed.
“I’m sorry, Penelope. I’ll make it up to you at lunch tomorrow.
As she clicked away with her high heels on, Spencer pulled you into a supply closet.
“You’re pregnant?!” he asked.
“Um, yeah I am. I understand if this isn’t what you want though, it’s not really the timing either of us had in mind,” you spoke softly, rubbing your arm.
Spencer pulled you in for a hug, “I’m happy if you’re happy. I’ll support whatever decision you make. I can schedule you an appointment at the clinic and I’ll be right by your side the whole time. But if you do decide to have this child, have no doubt that I will be there every step of the way with you in raising them.”
“I think I’m going to keep it,” you smiled softly.
“We’re having a baby?” Spencer beamed.
“You’re gonna be a dad, Spence.”
The closet door swung open, revealing a confused Anderson.
“I don’t know why this is so emotional for you, Reid. We’re out of paper clips,” you crossed your arms as Spencer wiped his happy tears away.
Anderson grabbed some extra staples and scurried out of the closet.
“Most women tend to find out they’re pregnant from 4 to 7 weeks and we’ve been together for 15,” Spencer stated.
“Even your sperm is smart. They managed to get past my birth control so quickly,” you laughed.
You and Spencer decided to wait to tell the team until the end of your first trimester. After that, you couldn’t put it off any longer because you were beginning to show slightly if you wore tight shirts. Also, it was killing Spencer to have to pretend that his child was not inside your tummy all day.
You tried to schedule ultrasounds before or after work but sometimes one of you would have to take the day off in advance for ‘a family thing’ while one of you would mysteriously ‘fall ill’ the day of.
Your doctor had just given you the all clear that the baby was perfectly healthy at the end of the first trimester so you were ready to tell the team.
You wore a tight shirt with a jacket over it for the announcement. You let go of Spencer’s hand right before he entered the bullpen.
“See you on the other side,” you winked before sneaking off to the other entrance of the round table room.
You heard Spencer ask if everyone could join him in the conference room for a special announcement.
“What’s all this about, Kid?” Derek asked.
“I have been dating someone for just over 7 months now and she is amazing, beautiful, smart, kind, and I love her so so much. We found out about two months ago that she is pregnant. We actually just got back from the final ultrasound of the first trimester,” Spencer announced.
The team was speechless for about a minute.
“Congratulations,” Hotch finally spoke for everyone.
“WHO IS IT?” Penelope asked.
“She’s actually right out here. I have a feeling you’ll like her,” Spencer smiled.
You stripped off your jacket so your belly bump was on full display as you entered the room.
“Hi guys,” you waved as Spencer wrapped his arms around you from behind and planted a kiss on the top of your head.
The team erupted into gasps and cheers.
“You…and her???” Derek couldn’t seem to process this new information, “How did a group of profilers miss this?”
“Because my boyfriend is a genius,” you grinned up at him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
“No, my girlfriend is way smarter. She scheduled all of the ultrasounds and how to get the time off,” Spencer smiled down at you.
“Okay, we’re both geniuses so the baby will be a genius too,” you concluded.
Spencer bent down to give your belly a kiss as the team ‘aww’ed.
taglist (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly
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