#but i think it turned out decent in the end
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sylphidine · 2 days ago
From one of my longfics [it's dinner, not lunch, but it's delicious and everyone is happy]:
The vibrant, art-filled walls of SpaHa Soul never failed to send a shiver of happiness down Swatch’s spine. The Friday night after they got their job offer letter, they followed Uncle Julius to a corner glass-topped table, while Indigo pulled out a chair for Aunt Desiree. Catechu chatted with the guitarist setting up for the evening’s set and waved at Artist T., just emerging from the kitchen with plates for the group of diners in the opposite corner.
Uncle Julius had found this place about eight years ago and it had become THE go-to place for Dyer-Paletta family celebrations.   
And tonight they were here to celebrate Indo and Catto’s getting summer internships at the Wythe in Williamsburg, as well as Swatch’s internship.
“Chef’s choice tonight, sir,” Uncle Julius said to Artist T., after getting a hearty backslap from the proprietor. “All three of these fine young people, going out into the world and making their mark!”
“It’s a better world for you all being in it,” agreed Artist T., making a note on his pad and heading back through the swinging doors.
“I like the new eyeglasses, honey,” Aunt Desiree commented to Swatch. “You look good in aviators, and brown is a nice color for you.”
Swatch nodded.”The tint’s helpful for cutting out blue light, and since I expect I’m going to be spending a lot more time in front of screens with the new job, I figured they were worth a splurge.”
On the other side of the table, Indo was listing off all the different areas in the boutique hotel where he and his twin would be working during their ten weeks. “I don’t know how I’m going to keep a straight face when I’m answering phones and directing calls to ‘Le Crocodile’. It’ll probably get easier after a while. At least ‘Bar Blondeau’ sounds more normal. Only thing I’m worried about is getting there on time every day.”
“Better than the commute would have been if we’d gotten the gig at The Ludlow. That commute would have been a real bitch.” Catto caught his mother’s glare and muttered, “Sorry, mom.  It would have been a real bear .”
Uncle Julius laughed and then turned to Swatch. “You’re going to be cutting it awfully fine, between graduation and starting this new job. You’d better start looking at apartments now if you don’t think your landlady will extend your lease past June.”
“I know. Even with a decent salary, I’m either going to have to spend all my time commuting or all my money on a shoebox to live in.” They realized that it sounded like they were complaining, and quickly added with a laugh in their voice, “Or I could ask my favorite aunt to use her real estate agent superpowers and her mad networking skills.”
“That’s the spirit,” Aunt Desiree answered. “We’re not going to leave you out in the cold, even if you have to stay with us for a month or so while you’re getting your feet under you. You’ve got family, don’t forget."
Swatch smiled back at her. “I will never forget that.”
“And don’t forget we’re proud of you. All three of you,” Uncle Julius interjected, waving his hand to include his sons. “Not a bad apple in the bunch.”
“Thanks, Pop,” Indo replied for himself and for his brother. “Especially thanks for being such a good sport about us not working at Ambit Automation.” “Oh, you boys might still end up there if the economy tanks. Luxury disappears, but people always need manufacturing. Look at the Brooklyn Navy Yards. That’s as big a comeback as the Jazz beating the Nuggets.”
“But the boys are using their degrees,” Aunt Desiree pointed out. “Degrees that you and I both approved of, husband mine.”
“Yes, dear.”
At that moment Artist T. and Amber swooped in with platters of fried chicken, stuffed pork chops, coconut rice, spicy yams, and collard greens, enough to feed an army.
Catechu raised his glass. “To family.”
Four glasses clinked against his.
how would one of your OCs react to a HUGE burger and delicious seasoned french fries?
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maskedcrawford · 3 days ago
Hidden Secrets
G Dragon x Reader
Summary: Steve, Ji-yong and another morning after. But this time words are spoken that can't be taken back.
Warnings: MORE Angst but this time it ends a little differently. I hope you guys enjoy! I'm having a blast writing this fic and so glad you guys are enjoying it. Please leave a like or a reblog if you enjoy and be sure to follow for updates on the story. Thank you for reading and for your support!
Chapter 2
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Chapter 3- Beauty in the Mess
You listen to the phone ring, ring and ring some more. Why were you calling Steve exactly? One reason, you wanted to take your mind off Ji-yong and whatever her name is.
“Hello,” his tired but sober, for once, voice answers.
“H-hey,” you choke out.
“Y/n?” he asks as he sits up in bed, “What’s up?” he’s more alert now.
“If I text you the address, can you come over?” You had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that this wasn’t a good idea, but you were too hurt and frustrated to care.
“Uh, yeah just let me know where you are.”
“Ok, and bring condoms.” You say and hang up on him. Your stomach is in knots but you don’t care. You want something Ji-yong clearly isn’t going to give you and you aren’t exclusive. He said you could bring men home, so you’re going to.
You walk out of your room again and you stop and listen for a moment, there’s silence in his room and you figure he’s asleep.
“Safe till morning,” you think as you walk to the living room and watch outside the window. No need in him knocking and possibly waking up Ji. Once he gets there you let him in and put your finger to your lips making the shh motion. You lead him to your room wearing nothing but a long t shirt and your underwear.
“I uh, brough these,” he says showing you the box of condoms and you take the box and throw it aside to be used later.
“What’s going on?” his face is full of confusion and while you wish it was Ji-yong you were about to kiss, its not. But hey, he isn’t the only one who can use his imagination. You bring Steve’s neck down to your level as you capture his lips in a kiss filled with nothing but lust.
“Y/n,” he tries to say against your lips. You pull back and slip the t shirt off. You place his hands on you, knowing how to work him like a fiddle.
“Don’t talk, just make me feel good,” you say as you kiss him again. Did he make you feel good, eh not exactly. Kind of. Not the way Ji-yong did. His touch wasn’t heaven, it wasn’t electric or passionate, it was needy, rushed and selfish. He didn’t elicit the same noises or desires in you; being with Ji-yong really had spoiled you. But you honestly didn’t care as long as you got off.
“Does that feel good baby.”
“Don’t talk,” you said as you kissed him again, trying to think of Ji instead of him.
“Fuck.” You moan out.
“I thought you said we have to be quiet.”
“What did I say about talking?” you swat his face. Did you exaggerate a few noises? Of course, I mean, what good would this be if Ji-yong didn’t know anything.
Once the activity was done, you both lay there in bed heaving.
“Fuck I missed you,” he breathes as he tries to cuddle you. You get up before he can fully embrace you and quietly pick up your shirt and underwear putting it back on. You honestly needed a shower after that.
“I’m going to take a shower.”
“Want some company,” his voice is suggestive.
“No, Steve,” your voice is filled with annoyance and you twist your face in disgust.
You turn on the hot water once you get in the bathroom, the hottest you can stand, and slip in feeling it hit and sting your skin. Tears unintentionally stream down your cheeks. You hadn’t processed the stress any of this had put you under until this moment.
“What is wrong with me,” you sobbed quietly. 9 months ago, your life was so different. Your boyfriend was decent and working, Ji-yong was just your best friend and life was smooth. Now, your relationship with your best friend is more complicated than ever and your deadbeat ex-boyfriend was waiting in your bed, after he slept with another girl! You huff as you scrub your body, trying to make it feel clean after what you had just done. You notice a spot that looks like it wants to bleed and you stop before too much damage is done.
You walk back into your bedroom after your shower and see Steve is all ready asleep. Aftercare was never his thing. He liked to fuck and then sleep. In that particular order. You roll your eyes as you get in bed, thinking once again about how Ji-yong would be treating you.
He’d clean you up first and foremost. Ask if you were ok and then he’d hold you like if he didn’t, you’d fall apart; like he was some kind of glue for you. He’d tell you how good you did, how beautiful you are, and how special he thinks you are too. He didn’t treat it as a casual thing despite the arrangement, he treated it like you were his lady, because in those moments you were.
Before you know it, morning comes and you hear the sound of shouting and pots and pans clanging together. Your eyes widen as everything rushes back to memory. You look over in a futile effort to see if Steve is with you still. Of course not.
With your emotions clear, last night’s decisions are weighting heavy on you. You crawl out of bed and sigh before opening the door.
“Get the fuck out!” you hear Ji’s voice filled with rage.
“I swear to God if you fucking touched her,” you couldn’t see him in the hallway but you knew his face was red. He’d never sounded so angry.
“Look man she called me,” Steve says. Steve was good at covering his own ass, even if it was true.
“So you fucking came? Did she not make it clear she was done with you sorry ass?” you couldn’t help but revel in the fact that he was defending you, despite the tiff, it was really sexy.
“Well, considering the fact that moaned because of me last night, no,” you could hear the smirk in Steve’s voice and you heard a glass break.
“Fucking shit, man.” You hear Steve say and you walk around the corner. Your vison is filled with a trashed kitchen and Ji-yong has a pot in one hand and a knife in the other. Steve is hunched over, more cuts and bruises, you particularly notice one to his eye. That must’ve happened before you woke up.
“What the actual fuck, y/n?” Ji-yong asks angrily, looking at you.
“I,” your voice is hoarse.
“You want me to, in the middle of making breakfast this morning, hear my shower turn on and see your naked shrimp dick boyfriend in it when I go to see if you’re up?” You catch a glimpse of his hand and see that it’s bloody, but it’s not cut. It’s Steve’s blood.
“I’m just,” Steve points to the door and he limps past you. You rub the back of your neck with your eyes closed. Fuck. He turns his attention to you and you can see the absolute rage on his face. He was hurt, don’t get it twisted, but he was also pissed someone touched what was his, even if he’d been the one to start it.
“I mean, really? What the hell were you thinking? He was drunk the last time you seen him and he tried,” he trails off closing his eyes and he slams the pot and knife down as he remembers the sight of you in danger. It makes his blood boil.
“Actually, I don’t fucking care,” he puts his hand up. You were now to the point of being the one upset.
“Hold on,” you shout as he walks past you still in his robe.
“First of all, you weren’t even supposed to be here today. You told me you were recording today.”
“Yeah, I canceled. Didn’t realize I had to run every little plan by you,” he turns to you his eyes full of bitterness.
“Second,” you put up two fingers, “You don’t get to be mad at me with the way I chose to proceed after the bull shit you pulled last night. Not mention, third,” you hold up another finger, “You said we weren’t exclusive and you,” you point your finger to his chest, “brought someone else home first. So excuse me for thinking I could do the same thing.” You cross your arms and put your weight on your hip.
Ji-yong’s jaw clenches and unclenches multiple times
“I didn’t bring home someone who treated me like shit and broke my heart,” he seethes.
“No, you’re right,” you say too calm, “I live with a guy who can that just fine.”
 He goes silent for a moment, the air between, you would swear you could suffocate in the silence.
“Was he better than me?” you’re caught off guard with his question. His voice is so low and calm it almost frightened you.
“Was she better than me?” you retort. You turn to grab a waffle off the plate in the kitchen when you hear him mumble it.
You freeze, with a piece of waffle in your mouth, you turn a look at him, still standing there in his robe and bed head. He looked almost like a little kid as he looked at the ground. You walk over to him.
“What,” you ask as you swallow the waffle bite. He sighs and rubs his hands together before admitting this small truth to you once again.
“No, jagiya, she wasn’t better than you,” he’s looking deep into your eyes. Your face softens slightly.
“Really?” He nods his head with pursed lips.
“So tell me, was he better than me?” his lips twitch slightly. You look at the ground and tell him the truth.
“No,” your voice comes out shy and quiet.
“Mm,” he hums for a minute before coming closer to you.
“Did you at least have a nice time,” his tone is slightly cocky and you want to tear away any pride you can of his.
“Yeah, I did,” you say short and snippy, “I think you should change your mind about the studio today. It’s probably best you aren’t around me.” You say matter of factly. You start walking back to your room. And that’s when his girl from last night comes trapsing out in nothing but a bra and panties. How the heck did she not freak out over the whole ordeal?
“Oh, sorry I was just uh, oh, there you are,” she smiles shyly as she walks by you and gives Ji-yong a good morning kiss. Well actually she practically sticks her tongue down her throat.
“So are we going to spend in the day in bed like we talked about? It’s getting lonely in there,” she giggles. Ji-yong glances your way with sorrowful look at your rage is once again activated. He really had the nerve to get mad at you and she was why he wasn’t going to record? To be with some girl you were sure he didn’t know the name of.
“But Ji-yongie you promised,” you stand there shamelessly listening.
“Not today, I have something I have to do,” his eyes flit to you, “ I’ll get you an uber home.” She pouts and your fists are balled at your side. You go to your room and slam the door.
Ji-yong knew he screwed up, bad, and he wasn’t willing to leave it like this. You two hadn’t fought like this, ever. You two never really did fight, unless it was playful, but that was before your feelings, and bodies, intertwined.
He gives the blonde, who he still can’t recall her name, a kiss on the cheek as he sends her off in his uber. You walk out of your room in your clothes for the day, ready to get to work on the painting you’ve been working on. You catch him staring at you from the entry hall by the front door.
You walk into the small studio and give it a moment. You can’t risk Ji-yong walking in on your artwork. You were painting a picture of you and him, only it was becoming more abstract, much like your relationship. It started off as two people, you and him essentially, but as emotions came up and then got buried and the chaos of the last 48 hours came about, the picture began to have splatters of paint, lines through the middle of it. He’s painted in red and orange, signifying passion and love, what you felt for him. You were painted in colors of blue and gray, signifying your bottled-up emotions and the heartbreak you’re beginning to feel is inevitable.
Ji-yong pads down the hallway, not sure of what to say, how to make it right or what would happen next, but he knew he cared about you too much to not try and talk to you about it. See he never really slept with that girl, she did some things, but he never touched her. He couldn’t, she wasn’t you. That’s why Steve hurt so bad, he knew you’d slept with him, and you did it because of what you thought he did with the girl he brought home. He gently opens the door and shuts it behind him. He see’s you standing in front of a gorgeous painting, staring at it.
“Wow,” you grab at your chest as you gasp. You don’t turn around, too anxious to move.
“It’s beautiful,” he says coming up behind you.
“You weren’t supposed to see it,” you move to put it away but he tugs you back, your back hitting his chest.
“Well, now I have,” he says quietly. He feels something wet his arm as it drapes around your midsection.
“Nae sarang,” he whispers lovingly in your ear. You grit your teeth for a moment.
“Don’t you fucking call me that,” you say you turn to him, your tears being freely released. He shoots his hands up in mock surrender but you aren’t done.
“You really are a jackass, you know that? You really fucking are. I mean, you sit here and treat me like shit, leave me after last night and then go out and find some broad to fuck because I beg you for it?”
“I told you why what happened yesterday did.”
“Oh my God, Ji so I laughed. I laughed because I thought the idea was funny because of how fucked up our situation is!” Your voice echoes in the room. He nods his head slowly.
“And then you think you can just trapse in here, and act like I’m yours because you said she wasn’t a better fuck than me.” You move your hands wildly now out of anger. Maybe you should’ve been the one painted in red.
“Just go, get out so I can work,” you say with a sigh as you turn to grab your paint.
“What’s the red line for?” he asks curiosity getting the better of him.
“For the rift between us. It cuts us at our core because our relationship is fractured, Ji. Whether we want to believe that or not, it’s broken. And much like the paint on this canvas, it may be that way forever.” You explain with your back turned. There’s no way you could face him and say this. You don’t see the depression that twists on his face. The way his heart breaks to hear your words. Yeah he messed up, but he didn’t know he had hurt you this bad. This was supposed to be a casual thing for you.
“Y/n” he tries to come up to you, to hold you, to tell you that you can still fix it, but you shove him away from you.
“I think I’m going to need to move out.” You mumble.
“Listen, I know I screwed up, but,” he tries to reason with you, he regrets his choices from last night more than he ever thought he would. If he’d have known losing you is what it would cost him, he never would’ve done any of this. Yet he still can’t bring himself to be vulnerable with you, not completely.
“Ji-yong, get away from me,” you say through clenched teeth. He sighs and walks out.
You hear him slam the door to his room and you blast your music through the speakers and begin painting.
What you don’t see are the tears he lets flow. If he’d never of slept with you that night, if he would’ve kept control of himself you two wouldn’t be in this situation.
“Fuck!” you hear him yell over the music and despite your anger you can’t help but go check on him, you’re mad but you still love him. You stand outside his door and gently tap your knuckles against it.
“Ji,” you say gently. He doesn’t open the door. You turn the nob and to your surprise he’s laying on his bed. The one he laid in with her not 12 hours earlier. A picture of what they could’ve looked like tangled together enters your mind and you force it away. You don’t say anything, you just lay with him, putting your hand around his body, pressing him to you.
“Don’t leave, please,” his voice is hoarse, barely coming out above a whisper. He closes his eyes, silently begging you.
“Ji, this isn’t healthy for either one of us.”
“What do you want me to do? Tell me and I’ll do it,” he turns over to face you and that’s when you see it. The brokenness he’d been hiding. The pain at the thought of you leaving, at the thought of having lost you.
“It’s not that I want you to do anything, I just don’t think we can handle this. But at the same time things can’t go back to way they were.” You absentmindedly place a hand on his cheek and he closes his eyes, reveling in your touch.
“I’m sorry I hurt you,” he scoots closer to you, too close. Your mouths are inches from each other, your foreheads are touching, and you can feel his hot breath on your lips.
“Ji, we,” the tension is making your head spin as you notice his not so subtle staring at your lips.
“Oh, damn it,” you say in defeat as you pull him to you and your lips collide in a beautiful eruption of fireworks. He pulls you to him, pulling you on top of him. You separate to assault his jawline and neck. His breaths are short and pant like, his head spins from the chaos of the last few days and your touch. How the two of you could ever truly recover he wasn’t sure.
 You open his robe and trail kisses down his bare chest, stopping to nip at his skin every now and again. As you trail kisses down his stomach you see her face, again, and you stop. You look at him and he can see the change in demeanor.
“What’s wrong,”
“I can’t stop picturing it.” You move off of him and back to the side.
“I didn’t really sleep with her,” he says shyly and you shoot your brows up and look at him.
“I mean she did some stuff but I never actually touched her,” his face is slightly red. You weren’t sure if you were relieved or more pissed.
“So what the hell? You just wanted me to think you slept with her to piss me off? Make me jealous or something?”
“No, I,” he rubs his hands down his face. Once again, an awkward silence fills the room.
“I don’t want you to go,” he says after a minute of stillness.
“I don’t want to go, Ji, but I can’t keep getting my heart broken.”
“What do you mean? How is your heart getting broken if we’re just casual.”
“Because,” you freeze before anything is said you can’t take back.
“Because,” you start again, “Even if it’s casual, we’re just using each other here. That’s fucking painful.”
“Like you used Steve last night,” he quirks a brow.
“That’s not fair,” you mumble, “You did the same thing with, who was she?” He shrugs his shoulders.
“Exactly, I can’t take being used by you.”
“By me?”
“Yeah, it hurts, it stings it makes me,” your chest is heaving harder now.
“I just can’t do it, Ji-yong. I thought I could. I really did.”
“I don’t want to lose you,” he says trying to pull you close.
“I don’t want to lose you, but I have to think of myself. Hell I’m the only one thinking of me, here.”
“Hold on, that’s not true. I was trying to wine and dine you, make you feel better about this whole thing.”
“You did it because you wanted sex, you wanted my body, Ji-yong. I know that all ready. Dinner isn’t required when you aren’t going to date someone.
“Are you saying that’s what you want? A date?” he ducks his head to peer into your eyes and you quickly glance away.
“I have a painting to finish,” you mumble and get up off the bed.
“Y/N,” he stops you from leaving. He pauses and takes a deep breath.
“Will you go out with me tonight?”
“Ji-yong, don’t do,”
“I’m serious. If a date is what you want, a date is what you’ll have. No sex, no strings, just a romantic evening. I’ll plan the whole thing.”
“Don’t do this to keep me from leaving,”
“Yeoja agi, I’d sell everything I own and give up my career to keep you here.”
“Do you even want to date me or is it just a casual thing?”
If you enjoyed and would like to support me, buy me a coffee
“Y/n,” he takes a deep breath, “I’m crazy about you.” You look at him stunned.
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Tags: @loveesiren @natalicss @mashtatosworld @nerdydoll-com
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amor-godess-of-love · 3 days ago
So we know that Scarecrow probably puts flyers around city with like "Help with testing new medication for 30$" targeted towards homeless population of Gotham. After all they are like perfect test subjects, a lot of interesting fears they got from living on the streets, no one will notice if they gone and there is a lot of them.
Jonathan doesn't feel any regret in testing his fear toxin on them after all, they agreed to it. So he tests his new toxin, notes the reactions, gives them they promised 30$ and send them on their way.
Even if cruel, most homeless actually don't mind, it's easy money even if they had to witness they worst fear. Hell Jonathan even chats with them sometimes, even addresses the regular visitors by names.
But there is also fact that not only homeless lived in streets of Gotham. Street orphans also find the flyers around the city and sometimes they actually come to tests, because they need money.
I can imagine like first time Jonathan was faced with this sytuation was like there was group of homeless with a orphan with them. When ask they just say the boy is a orphan they taka care of. It's nothing surprising, it's common think in Gotham. But still while Scarecrow will definitely test on this group, he doesn't feel comfortable testing his fear toxin on the little boy.
Instead when it's boys turn, Jonathan just ask boy about his fears and where does it think he got them. Maybe expose him to like spiders, mice, cockroaches and other common feared animals he has. I also imigine him just talking to boy and finding out that he will spend this money on food, but also maybe he will go to bookshop and buy a used comic from his favourite series. Boy would confess that reading comics and imagining himself as the protagonist helps him forget about hardships even if only for little while.
And if there is one thing Jonathan Crane knows about it's feeling of being hungry little boy who only finds relief from pain in his beloved books.
He ask boy for name of his favourite series and when he get's ready to test fear toxin on few other homeless left, he send one of his henchman to buy all issue in the series store has. As he gives money for "helping" with his medicine. He also gives boy the comics along with the 30$.
So now all henchman are ready when there is a orphan that come for the tests. While Jonathan doesn't used fear toxin on those orphans he does ask them about they fears and maybe shows them like spider to see they reaction. But he also talks with those children, learning about them and also finding what they interested in. Often having now stock of children books for this reason. But Jonathan also sometimes find children who need money because of they abusive household. Children usually find they families well behaved after they visit Jonathan, as if someone scared they guardians half to death into behaving decently for child sake.
While some might find strange that Jonathan actually pays homeless money he promised. Jonathan understands that you just don't mess with people who had nothing to lose, beside, because of this most looks away when he commits crime and never snitch on him to GCPD. While he isn't going to test his fear toxin on children too, he will study they fears, but still he is very kind about it. Most often then not the orphans he helped end up snitching some information they overheard to him.
So Scarecrow, knows what it's like to be poor, but also how to turn those poor souls against his enemies and most importantly rich people.
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swimming-karyss · 1 day ago
Sabo: loneliness, connection and affection
Trying to organise my thoughts on this matter hehe
I just thought that Sabo's relationship with loneliness and connection are very interesting, and not much people talk about how terribly lonely his childhood days were(even compared to Ace&Luffy).
Ace has been alienated from people from the beginning. Raised in the middle of the jungle, by bandits who never showed much affection, and who repeated the same hurtful words as others did. The state of loneliness is the norm for him. He has never known any other life. Naturally, he'd be protective of what little he has(Sabo) and reluctant to open up and accept new connections(Luffy).
As for Luffy, he has been left alone. Shanks left him after a year staying at Windmill village. Garp constantly took him out of his regular life only to leave him alone in the jungle. And he as well took him away from the village and Makino, after he ate his devil fruit. And while he didn't have [present] parents, he had been cared for. Luffy knows the difference between loneliness and companionship. Which is why he chased Ace's recognition so much.
Sabo's situation is more similar to Luffy's.
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But do you ever think that Sabo loved his parents? That he wanted them to love him too? He wouldn't have drawn them if he didn't. He wouldn't be so disheartened at their dismissal if he hated them from the start. But his parents made their love conditional. Sabo had to earn their love and his happiness, while they ignored his pain and attempts to connect. 
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And as you know this kind of relationship could leave a lasting impact on how one navigates their future relationships! But on that later😊
Now, Sabo ran away and that opened a whole other can of worms. He's a child, that for five years didn't have anyone to rely on. Of course, Ace was with him, but after he left for the day, Sabo was left completely alone. I mean, at least Ace had Dadan and occasionally Makino and Garp, they shared meals together, he could turn to them in case something happened and they provided him with company and a roof above his head. Sabo lived on the Gray Terminal by himself, in a place where people considered him either a troublemaker to avoid, or a pest to get rid of (those like pirates and bandits). So through Ace and Luffy Sabo gains not only brothers but also other connections and people who care about him! And he welcomes both Dadan and Makino with a bright smile :) Now that I think about it, just like Ace told him about Luffy, he also must've told Sabo about them too🥹
And while all this is nice, his previous problems didn't go away magically. 
(… But his issues aren't stated or shown as explicitly as Ace and Luffy's, so they are easier to dismiss.)
Even though Sabo trusted Ace with his life, he still kept his origins a secret from him, whether it was because he felt them insignificant compared to Ace's or because he feared abandonment in case Ace would be disappointed. And he was more than willing to keep his secret until the very end - Luffy&Ace literally had to beat(strangle) the truth out of him. Sabo also put distance between them in another way too: Ace thought the two of them would sail together, Sabo didn't.
That is honestly also a point to how controlling his parents were. Sabo wanted freedom so much that he didn't mind the loneliness that came with it. Well, he got what he wanted ;) 
Now it would be easy to say that his amnesia also erased his trauma. But it didn't! Sabo still felt hid parents' influence. (And unlike the other weird amnesia case (the sea sure likes to take people's memories huh) - Big Mom - he didn't revert to his younger self, he only lost access to his memories, his feelings and 'character development' remained). If anything it only led to Sabo not being able to identify the cause of his issues → not being able to treat them properly. Now, the RA seem like decent guys, they very well could be the needed support system for Sabo, but again, it's an army with a whole lot of other issues to deal with. So either way his trauma most likely was allowed to fester for a while as we see its consequences show in his adulthood. 
Even though Sabo seems to be doing well as an adult, there's still some signs of emotional distance. He has never reciprocated a hug, even though he doesn't have a problem with physical touch in general, he didn't even think about approaching Luffy in Dressrosa at first and was very tense when actually talking to him. And it's honestly fascinating just how stiff his body language was in Dressrosa (maybe I'll talk about it in general some other time) - be it shock or anger he keeps his arms to his body, unlike Koala or Hack, who choose violence.
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He also showed barely any reaction during Vegapunk's speech despite the panelling focusing on him specifically. I'd say he mostly keeps his negative emotions in check, bc in Robin's little flashback he was quite expressive! The main counterpoint is 'special Luff' where he is very open about his anger, but he has a really decent reason for it: his feelings being made fun of. And as you'll see later it's a very sensitive topic for him →
To begin with, he avoids talking about things that have emotionally impacted him in any way.
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1.This one might be a stretch, but he begins to talk about his encounter with Fujitora, only not to say anything in the end, idk what's wrong with him; 2. After a very emotional fight with Burgess Sabo dismisses any worries without even mentioning the fight; 3. He refuses to talk with Hack about Luffy, even though we know that he loves to yap about him to Dragon. And that is right after he didn't want to wake Luffy up to even say goodbye! He also changes the topic quickly so Karasu wouldn't be able to further question him.
Even though these scenes are played as gags, he really seems to have trouble with emotional intimacy and opening up about his feelings. And that makes him seem inattentive and irresponsible, thus affecting his relationships with others even more… 
And speaking of which, he is accustomed with either suppressing his feelings or at least just keeping them in check. He hides his worries from his colleagues, appearing as cheerful as always. And during his meeting with Dragon and Iva he brushes aside his guilt and grief for king Kobra (but, I mean it's a work meeting, they need to be professional) and never once he acknowledges his injuries.
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And if he's willing to disregard such a thing as grief, how do you think he really feels about his new title, which was gained by the blood of a man he failed to save?
And frankly, right now we don't know much about Sabo! We know about his childhood, and the way he presents himself now(and that is some material to work with), but the 12 years in the Revolutionary Army are a mystery, and again it's an army, I bet he's seen many things, especially considering how high his position is!
tldr: like Luffy, Sabo has a special relationship with loneliness and abandonment. But unlike Luffy, who especially in pre-ts hated separation, Sabo pushes people away. And what makes it even harder for others to connect with him, is that he tends to hide his feelings and problems.
(like a cat)
but again, I might be reading something wrong, my bad
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newttxt · 2 days ago
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @strawhattery for @ing me, even though i do feel like it's a not-so-subtle urge to finish my current wips... (i need the kick)
for reference/those who only see my art, i used to be a fic writer who occasionally drew. that's obviously changed, but i am trying to write more, so you can find me at pseudoanalytics on ao3.
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
44, but only 35 are linked to me (9 are anonymous...)
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
347,773 😰
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
while i nodded, nearly napping (suddenly there came a tapping) [haikyuu, ushiten]
redacted :/
the inherent romance of classical conditioning (or, the fine art of emotional recognition) [haikyuu, sakuatsu]
you're really pushing it (but you're going much too slowly) [haikyuu, ushiten]
redacted :/ (sequel to the first redacted...)
4) what fandoms do you write for?
most of my fics are so old i can't bear to look at them, but i'm trying to write more for one piece. then i've written a decent amount of haikyuu, pacific rim, and star wars.
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
initially? i absolutely do! but as any of my friends will tell you, i struggle to even reply to dms or texts. so alas. i drop off pretty quickly
i LOVE comments though, and i eagerly read and reread them frequently ;__;
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh sheesh. you may only ask once (so be prepared for the reply) which is a bad end for pacific rim 2. or i guess... a worse end. it's also a bit of a role swap au, if i remember correctly.
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i... honestly don't know. i typically write happy endings. i like to write "missing scenes" and post-canon, so things tend to be rather open-ended or to just lead into the next part of canon. my memory is also not my prize-winning quality, so i can't really remember how my fics ended pre-2018ish.
8) do you get hate on fics?
i know i've gotten some ruder bookmarks, but not typically, no. i get more hate on art or in my ask box, but i honestly just delete it all, so it never sticks.
9) do you write smut?
yes, though its debatable if it's "smut" so much as "sex in such an irreverent context that it becomes humor." i cannot take sex seriously, so alas, i rarely write it seriously. i use it more as comedy and a tool for character studies. i do enjoy a stoic character's facade getting cracked open.
10) do you write crossovers?
i don't write legitimate crossovers, with characters from different medias intermingling, and frankly, i rarely do au's either.
but if i have one weakness, it's that i am ALWAYS a sucker for a pacific rim au. yes, i am rotating a one piece version in my head.
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i had a sakuatsu one reuploaded to wattpad under someone else's username. they deleted my author's notes and added their own, as if they'd written the fic, too. hilariously they even used my art for the cover.
it got taken down, but idk why. i never reached out about it.
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! i've had 5 translated, and i've had 2 turned into podfics, which is cool.
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope. i'd be terrible to work with, tbh. my writing process is a holdover from my journalism days, and the steps are a mystery even to me. i think i'll stick to drawing art for other ppl and their fics.
14) what's your all time favorite ship?
i will hold to the fact that it's asanoya from ao3. they were the first ship i got really invested in, and i see their impact on everything i ship to this day. they were my "blueprint," if you will. i still get smiley when i see art for them!
on the flip side... terezi/vriska was also a formative ship for me. but i won't discuss that.
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
rip go ahead and start talking (i'll pick up the slack). it's my 1-of-2-chapters ushiten fic that i should just mark as complete, since the first chapter can stand alone.
16) what are your writing strengths?
hard to determine your own strengths, but i think my dialogue/characterization are pretty strong, especially since i still regularly flex those muscles when writing comics. i also think i'm funny.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
but seriously, i am so bad at sitting down and just hammering out a fic. don't get me started on outlines or longform works. i'd rather grab my pencil and start drawing, i'm afraid.
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think there are ways to interweave words or terms in other languages, but overall, i'm a fan of just standardizing everything into one language. if your character understands it, i think all readers should be able to understand it. and i'm not a fan of when you're expected to scroll to the end for a translation; i think it interrupts the reading flow.
this is a generalized opinion though. i think there are ALWAYS storytelling exceptions, so if the other language usage is really important to your theme/intent, i can see why you would do this!
19) first fandom you wrote for?
please don't do this to me. it was maximum ride. yes, the james patterson books about the kids with bird wings. i wrote 4-5 fics, i was in middle school, and — as far as i know — they are still up on ff dot net. no, i won't elaborate.
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
hands down, it's the sakuatsu domesticity simulator. it's not necessarily my best work in terms of writing skill, but i also drew over 50 images for it and html coded it into an interactive story. i'm just proud that i started a big project by myself and i actually finished it!
it's my dream to someday make a whole visual fan novel. i feel like the domesticity sim was the first step.
oh boy i'm bad at tagging but if @syrupfog, @lawsbbygirl, @macabrekawaii , @bmouse, or @cooknumber3 want to go for it... :))
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letstalkaboutfandomsbaby · 2 days ago
hii oh my god I can't get ur chubby reader x naoya fic out of my head,,,, pls could you make more headcanons for like anything they do omfggg 😭 😭 😭 incel naoya that turns into a complete freak for a chubby reader is SUCH A GOOD idea like I genuinely can't get enough for it. it's so 🤤 🤤 THANK YOU
imagine he stumbled on a camgirl reader tho...
Oh my GOD
CW: chubby fem reader x Naoya Zenin, camgirl au, Naoya is a podcaster/streamer, Naoya is an ASSHOLE but what else is new?, misogyny, smut, paid sexual content, masturbation
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You got me thinkin with this one sksksk
Okok so this is how i imagine it
You're a fairly popular camgirl, you have several thousand followers on twitter and about a thousand on onlyfans. You get some decent money but not enough that you could make it your full time job, yk? So you do onlyfans on the side of whatever job you're doing
You do a wide variety of content, but your most popular content is where you're just a sweet innocent chubby girl who is being corrupted by the viewer—THAT gets you big bucks
You also do personalized content for extra money where viewers request certain content and you provide as long as they pay
It's a pretty good gig! And you get to cum so that's all that matters sksksk
Naoya is a podcaster and streamer and he's GROSS 🤢🤮
He's one of those misogynistic streamers who criticizes women for everything and has "tRaDiTiOnAl VaLuEs" or whatever bullshit excuse he makes for being an asshole
And one segment he has on his show is rating onlyfans content
He rates content that his fans send in and he usually degrades the women for being slutty or whatever 🙄😒😮‍💨
"These girls have no respect for themselves. They're only good for a little bit of fun but then you should find a good traditional woman to marry."
He does his usual spiel with the content he's sent, but then during one stream, one of his viewers shares your content
They leak one of your videos where you're on your knees sucking a dildo and staring into the camera, wearing a white babydoll and little bunny ears
Naoya gets quiet when your video plays, making small comments here and there about how your technique isn't that bad and the eye contact is good
He gives you the highest rating he's ever given on his channel! Your content is sweet and innocent and since you don't collab with anyone then you're not that much of a slut
He secretly saves your username and continues with his stream
You wake up the next day to an influx of new followers and subscribers, wondering where all these new people came from
You also get some more paid requests for content, a lot of it misogynistic in nature
You deny a lot of the content, having too much respect for yourself, but you notice one request that stands out
thestrongest#1: i want a video where you fuck yourself with your biggest dildo and praise me for how awesome i am
What baloney 🙄😮‍💨
But money is money and he's offering a pretty large amount for this video, so you accept
The video is pretty standard: you prep yourself off camera so you're wet and ready to go when the camera starts
You praise him, like he asks, telling him how cool he is, how handsome and strong, how you wish he was fucking you instead of your toy
You say his name when you cum and blow a kiss to the camera before ending the video
You think nothing of it and go about your life
But then another request comes in. And another. And another until you have a mountain of requests all from the same guy
He's willing to pay a pretty penny for your content, so you always accept his requests and make bank
thestrongest#1: i want you to deepthroat a dildo while touching yourself and looking at the camera
thestrongest#1: i want you to wear a cute dress with no underwear and bend over for the camera and there's a butt plug in your ass
thestrongest#1: i want you to bake cookies in nothing but an apron
You keep doing the requests bc he pays good and the requests aren't too far fetched or weird
You get a lot of money from this user, so you decide to have a little fun
You go on a shopping spree, buying a couple of cute outfits with accessories, and you decide to do something nice so you make a personalized video for free where you show thestrongest#1 all the stuff you got bc of him
You send him the video and go about your day
Later that night you get another request from him
thestrongest#1: i want to do a video call where we masturbate together
You're a little taken aback. You've never done a video call before, although others have asked for it. But he's been so good to you so far, giving you so much money for your videos, so you accept
You set up for your video call, doing your usual prep before he ends up calling you at the arranged time
You answer the phone to see a muscular body and a big, hard cock, but his face is out of view
"Hey baby," his voice is pretty hot, "you all ready for me?"
"Of course," you coo. "I've been thinking about this all day."
"You have?" he asks, sounding excited
"Yeah," you spread your legs, holding open your pussy lips, "see how wet I am?"
"Holy shit," he mutters, scooting his chair closer to his computer. "Fuck, you look so good. Start touching yourself for me."
So you do. You start with your fingers, rubbing your wet clit in circles and moaning his name. He grabs his cock and starts playing with it, pumping it slow and languid
"Fuck yourself with your fingers, princess. I wanna see you stretch yourself out for me."
You lean forward, moving your fingers to your entrance and pushing two inside
You finger yourself while stimulating your clit, moaning
"Does it feel good, baby?"
"Yeah... but it's not enough. I want more."
"You want a nice fat cock inside you, don't you?"
"Fuck, get your dildo baby. And your vibrator. Wanna watch you fuck yourself."
You grab your supplies beside you and start fucking yourself with the dildo, pressing the vibrator to your clit
You continue dirty talking and moaning with each other, making yourself cum a couple times before he starts getting close
"Fuck, I wanna cum in you. Wanna fill you up and get you pregnant. You want that, baby? Want me to make you a mommy?"
Ew, no, you're a stranger
But you're getting paid so 😮‍💨
"Yes!" you moan. "Please, cum in me! I want it so bad!"
He groans, moving his hand faster before he finally cums all over his abs, moaning your name.
You both calm down, you relaxing on your bed and him sliding down his chair, unintentionally revealing his face
He's handsome 😳
And he knows it too 🙄
"You like what you see?" he asks, smirking at you.
"Yeah, you're pretty hot."
"Hottest one there is, baby. Bet I look a hell of a lot better than the betas who you do this with."
"Actually, you're the first guy I've ever done this with."
"Shit, really?!" he asks, sitting up in his chair, shocked. "You haven't done this with anyone else?"
"Nope, just you."
He smirks. "Damn, I'm really special then. I'll pay you extra if you promise not to do this with anyone else."
"Well, you are my best paying customer."
"Hell yeah I am. Nobody's better than me, baby."
Oh my god, he's insufferable
"Well, I gotta go. Gotta get some sleep for work tomorrow."
"This isn't your full time job?"
"No, this is just a side gig."
"Damn, we'll have to fix that."
You don't know what he means, but you say your goodbyes and end the call
You're exhausted from having to work so much, but you're finally done and you take a shower to relax.
You start getting more donations after that, more frequent and larger amounts
You also start getting gifts in your P.O. box, pretty dresses and lingerie and sex toys
You know who's sending all of this bc he always makes it known to you 🙄
He's so smug about it too
Think of me when you use this
He's a pain lol
But you appreciate the gifts and make him more videos as thanks
You also do more requested video calls with him, wearing the clothes and using the toys he got you
He makes you praise him most of the time, telling him how handsome and muscular he is, how his cock is so big, all that junk
You eventually find his main account on twitter and realize what a misogynistic piece of shit he is
He hasn't changed since he met you, always criticizing women and what they do, telling others how to be alpha men, stupid bullshit
But behind the scenes he's just a simp for you, giving you a big part of his paycheck every month
You still keep your job but pretend that onlyfans is now your fulltime job, just to get him off your back
He gets so smug thinking that he's supporting your entire lifestyle 😒
And then one day you get another request, this one being the highest amount he's offered you so far
thestrongest#1: i want to collab irl
So... what do you do?
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skyahri · 22 hours ago
This is my current prompt list. Some are more developed than others and there's a few things I'm working on that aren't on here because, well, I just don't wanna share them lol. Feel free to use these as you will but please tag me! I appreciate the credit and I genuinely just wanna see what yall do with these.
Class 1A thinks Aizawa is lonely, so they steal his phone and download a dating app. Little do they know he's been married for almost a decade.
You and Bakugou reveal you're having a baby! You decide to surprise your friends before making it public, but it's turns out they didn't know you were even dating.
You'll be assisting Midnight and Thirteen in overseeing the female students at the UA Dorms. Upon meeting, Aizawa immediately dismisses you due to your less-than-professional style choices. Little does he know that your big smiles, frilly skirts, and cutesy heels are a stark contrast to your firm and assertive mindset.
Aizawa is picking Eri up from school when he runs into you- a classmates parent wanting to invite Eri to your daughter's birthday slumber party. For obvious reasons, Aizawa has reservations, but you offer to host them before hand to ease his worries. The whole thing seems terribly bothersome, but the pleading look in Eris eyes forces him to agree. Turns out, you're not so bad after all.
FTM Bakugou who is accidently outed by Inko Midoriya courtesy of baby pictures. Deku saves him in that moment, but he knows it's time to actually tell his friends. He starts with Kirishima.
(NSFW) You have a hybrid quirk and go through an estrus every six weeks after hitting sexual maturity. Still busy with your life as a third year UA student and unable to outsource your issue beyond the school walls, you look to someone just as pent up as you are. Luckily, Katsuki is more than willing to take the bait after you threaten to ask Deku of all people.
Pro hero Dynamite was spotted in public with a woman- wait, is that a wedding ring?! He'd done his best to keep you secret, not wanting you to experience the negativity associated with being romantically involved with someone famous. When fans find out, he prepares for the worst, but- wait... it seems they... love you? Possibly more than him, too!
(NSFW) After convincing Yagi to take over Aizawa's dorm duty tonight, you both make your way to a frat party being thrown at your college. He's definitely out if his element, but when his pretty little girlfriend begs him to dress up as Ghost Face and come along, he can't say no can he? Especially not when youre dragging him into the crowded kitchen for a drink and sit on the countertop, your short skirt riding up just a bit and- well, hes still a man at the end of the day. Too bad it's ruined by a handful of problem children who snuck out to be here. (All students are of age and in their third year. They just wanted to party lol)
Yamada finds a box of old pictures in Aizawas closet. When he comes across some from their teenage years, Aizawa remembers how happy you used to be before everything changed. When did you stop being... you?
(NSFW) A run of the mill mission goes sideways when the Villains have an unexpected player on their side. In an effort to protect your students from whatever mystery powder that's been thrown your way, you take the full force of what seems to be... sex pollen? You're able to save face for the remainder of the mission, but your composure is slipping quickly. Luckily, one of your coworkers is more than willing to help you deal with the... side effects.
It's Kakashi's inauguration and Team seven is stoked! But wait, who's that woman standing next to their sensei at the podium?!
The village elders have been bothering Sasuke about reviving the Uchiha clan, going so far as offering to find a suitable candidate on his behalf. He initially declines, but as time goes on and he has yet to find a decent woman, he begrudgingly accepts.
Kakashi tasks his genin with watching over a civilian woman while he's away on a mission. Its simple enough, right? When he returns to the village and finds out they completely fumbled the mission, he's pissed. I mean how hard is it to keep his pregnant wife safe for three days?!
Kakashi has always seen his students as young, but has never thought of himself as old. Well, not until he's picking his kid up from school, where he runs into his former students, who are also picking their kids up. It doesn't help that Naruto and Sakura encourage their kids to call Kakashi 'Grandpa'.
Sasukes only friend is Naruto. That was fine when they were kids and practically only had each other, but now the blonde was a somebody, and that meant his time would have to be divided. Luckily you're around pester him in all the right ways.
(NSFW) Kakashi learns he has a size kink.
Tenzo is leading team seven back to the village, but he needs to make a stop first. It's a quick errand, one that will surely aid Narutos training, but might be a little difficult. They arrive at a house in the middle of the woods where you're already waiting for them. You look a little familiar, though. Almost like Pervy sage! (Jiraiya/Tsunade secret love child au lol)
Shikamaru is an attractive guy. He's handsome, smart, and cares deeply for his loved ones. Aside from how lazy he can be, there's nothing wrong with him. So why is it when he's seen around with you- the prettiest girl in the village- no one thinks anything of it?
Kakashi is wandering the village when he sees a new face moving into his apartment building, actually, right across the hall from him. When you turn around, he finally sees the baby strapped to your back. Being the gentleman he is (more so bored since his forced retirement), he helps you bring the remaining items upstairs. Then helps build them. And also takes you up on your offer for dinner.
Someone is messing with team seven, distracting them from their training. After spending all day trying to figure out who's behind the pranks, they come face to face with a little girl, hiding behind an oddly complex genjutsu in the trees. When captured and brought to their sensei, he taunts his students for getting bested by his six year old daughter.
Zuko is tired of palace life, but as the Fire Lord, he can't exactly walk into town for a normal outting. He waits for the Autumn Mask Festival to sneak out, where he runs into you- a stranger willing to help him have as much fun as possible. Turns out you're the palace gardener, who immediately recognized him and decided to take matters into your own hands.
You're the decendant of an air nomad who was away from the temples to gather supplies during the raid 100 years ago. Your lineage is a well kept secret hidden smack dab in the middle of the fire nation and your parents have been diligent on passing down the knowledge of the air benders. When you hear of the avatars revival, you make your way to them and offer your teachings.
The kids having to tell their pseudo parents wives that they were KIA. Yuuji/Nanami, Megumi/Gojo.
Suguru Visits you one last time before he disappears, unknowingly leaving you pregnant. Its a secret you swear you'll take to your grave, but things get a little complicated when you start to see the curses hed been telling you about your whole lives. Then, at six years old, your daughter touches one of the creatures you'd been steering her away from, and it turns into an orb. You have no choice but to dig through Sugurus old things to find his phone and contact the one person you know could help.
Nanami lives across the hall from you. He's older, has a great job, and is a total buzzkill- but that only makes him all the hotter. Youre young, still in college, and incredibly annoying. He swears you speak another language- one chocked full of obscure references and inflated by flamboyant body language. You pester him in the halls and knock on his door to offer pastries at ungodly hours, so why did he hand over his phone so easily when you adk for his number? [Bonus!] Its been two months since your neighborly antics have turned into a full-blown friendship! You've spammed his phone with cacophony of memes and lore that he doesn't understand. You call him between classes and let yourself into his apartment to leave treats on his counter. He wants to be bothered, really, but can't find it in himself to be. You've just handed him an invitation to your masters ceremony- wait, what? His ditzy neighbor is getting her masters in aerospace engineering?!
Nosey teenage Yuuji is peering over his older brother, Sukuna's, shoulder and sees him texting a girl. He tells anyone and everyone who will listen, making them curious as to who this mystery woman could possibly be. Backed into a corner, he finally introduces you to, well, everyone, and they're shocked to find out youre a total ray of sunshine! Kind, bubbly, and a kindergarten teacher to top it off.
Sukuna, the King of Curses, is not a patient or forgiving man, but for some unknown reason, he allowed you to do as you pleased with him. You spoke freely and touched without permission, a gift youve never come close to abusing. One day he comes home from God knows what, in an obviously sour mood, and while you proceed with what you think is a good attempt to quell his anger, you're met with a slice to your cheek. It's minor, likely to not even scar, but the act is enough to cause a rift in your relationship and he has to find a way to mend it.
(NSFW) You're the best physics tutor at Yuuji's university and he's in desperate need of help. With more students than private rooms in the library, you settle on sessions at his unlces house. It's Saturday morning, you're gearing up to write an essay, only to discover you've left your laptop at his place- but that's no problem, because his uncle is home and can eat you in. Too bad he left out the part about how hot Sukuna is.
Lmao color-blind Heien Era Sukuna.
It's the middle of the night and you've been ditched by your friends at a club down town. With the last round of drinks kicking in and your phone battery running low, you call the only person guaranteed to be available on a Saturday night. Too bad that person is Yuuji's asshole older brother who's always been a little extra mean to you.
Nanami notices the shift almost immediately. In the five years you've been celebrating events at the nice restaurant down town, you've always ordered the salmon. Last time, however, you ordered steak despite how often you complain of red meat upsetting your stomach. Your occasional pining for sweet treats has become a nightly routine. A few bites of ice cream out of the freezer or something you grabbed from the konbini on the way home. Youve never used the restroom in the middle of the night before, but it's been a pattern the past two weeks. The final straw was your increased drowsiness. Youve always been an early riser, often beating the sun, but your internal clock has shifted forward. The addition of naps to your days does not go unnoticed by the blonde. You don't think much about any of these things until your husband is placing a box of pregnancy tests in your hand and asking you to trust him.
Suguru isn't sure why he agreed to a blind date set up by Satoru of all people. He's busy thinking of ways to politely escape whatever the blonde could have possibly sent his way, when he notices you taking the seat in front of his. He'd been expecting a loud, ditzy, party girl- not too unlike the ones his friend brings home on the regular- not this. No, youre obviously of higher class, someone closer to Satoru's status, if the quality of your clothing is anything to go by. You offer your name as well as your relation to Gojo, and its no surprise that your father's are long time business partners. By the end of dinner hes asking for your number, damn near vibrating in place as you type it into his contacts and send a little heart emoji to yourself so you have his too.
Your friends are complaining about men. You're happily listening, not having much to add since you're in a happy relationship, but one thing catches you're attention. "Isn't six inches kind of small?" Well, no, it's not. Apparently your boyfriend is very gifted, something you were unaware of since he's the only man you've ever been with. (Heavy Toji coded)
You don't know how you ended up here, sitting on the edge of Shoko's bed, bodies awkwardly contorted so your knees are touching hers. Her hand is in your hair, pulling you deeper into the kiss. She tastes like smoke, something so undeniably her.
In an attempt to prank Nanami, Gojo breaks into his apartment to leave a little something on his counter. As soon as the front door opens, though, he's met with a frying pan stopped just short of his face. He looks from the object to you- a civilian woman dressed in only a button down- but before he can say anything you're already retreating further into the apartment. It's easy to piece together that this intruder is like your husband, so you do as instructed and run into your room, hide under the bed, and call him. He's rushes home, nearly causing an accident in the process, and is pissed to find out the threat is only his annoying coworker. He coaxes you out of the room, open arms ready and waiting for the adrenaline drop youre sure to experience. When all is settled, Gojo's only defense is that he didn't know Nanami was married.
Toji has never felt old until he met you. You bartend at the club he frequents and after shooting his shot for what had to be the hundredth time, you finally agreed to a date. Then another. And another. And suddenly he was completely immersed in the world of his twenty four year old girlfriend. It was fun at first the drinking and dancing and partying- but he's not as young as he used to be and the liquor is catching up to him. At his wits end, he finally confesses that he can't keep up. Luckily for him, youre more than happy to stay in wit your old man boyfriend.
Baby daddy Sukuna who only recently got his shit together. You'd had enough of the in and out- the inconsistency, the empty promises, the lack of support- it was all affecting your daughter. He either needed to sober up and stay out of jail or you'd move forward with terminating his rights to your daughter.
Sukuna is in charge of the company while his father is in the states for the next month. His first order of business? Firing you- his father's bratty secretary. When Wasuke finally returns and sees his prized assistant gone, he panics, thinking his son drove you away. When he learns the truth, Sukuna is sent to beg for your forgiveness.
Streamer Sukuna, who plays first person shooters and horror games, collabs with you, someone known for their soothing minecraft asmr and animal crossing videos.
Gojo thinks you've been dating for the past year while you've been pining in secret, having no idea that this man was in wayyy deeper than you.
Gojo couldn't possibly be married, right? Then who was he on the phone with that could've had such an intimate contact name? That he was calling dear and love? Yuuji and Nobara are on the case! Too bad they could've just asked Megumi, who would've told them that his pseudo father is not just married, but a father as well.
Fairy Tail
You've known Laxus a long time, always by his side to support him, even if you didn't agree with his actions, and his banishment doesn't change that. One day during your travels, he tells you to stand by, that he can feel the guild pulling him and he'll be back soon. When a month passes and there's no sign of him, you venture back to the guild only to be met with terrible news. What's worse, is youre three months pregnant.
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memen18-m5r3 · 2 months ago
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wacky karaoke night!
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solaestial · 9 months ago
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new kids in town 😳
(bonus ver without omori ui under the cut)
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faunandfloraas · 23 days ago
okay i'm glad to see you bring up the teasing of seungmin bc it was also rubbing me the wrong way but i didn't know if i was just being sensitive or what. obvs we don't know what goes on behind the scenes and obviously they all care about each other and tease each other as friends but when time after time the joke targeted towards seungmin is "we don't like him and he doesn't understand things" it's like. hm. it starts to feel mean spirited!!
sorry for the rant i guess i didn't realize how bad this was annoying me lmao
Yeah, tbf I think it's just one of those things where even if Seungmin is 100% unbothered by it, and the guys dont mean anything by it, its still fine and understandable for people who have ever been on the end of jokes like that- whether in your own friend groups or at school, at work, etc. to not really enjoy it.... So I don't think you're being sensitive! But also I did question even making my post last night for the same reason.
The jokes are also just not funny 90% of the time lately which makes it more egregious bc seeing any joke get beaten into the earth gets old eventually- like they do make jokes at his expense sometimes that /are/ funny, so I'm not saying they cant ever do that, it's just that the minute the jokes arent funny, well then its awkward at best or actively uncomfortable at worst so 🤷‍♀️
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monsterbisexual · 3 months ago
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amanda + adam in saw (2004)
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catncore · 1 year ago
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thank goodness for the gossip that gets us through the day the twink composers are at it again
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 3 months ago
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My fanart of Zoya Zabini! Click the pictures for better quality :)
Inspired by this picture (found on Pinterest):
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stevethehairington · 1 year ago
i am once again thinking of a good omens wicked au, but this time instead of the obvious crowley as elphaba and aziraphale and glinda, im thinking of the OPPOSITE.
im thinking of how AZIRAPHALE fits elphaba's character in that he is an outsider amongst his peers and he's a little bit awkward and he's got so much faith in the almighty/the wizard. he's got "parents" (read: god) who expect so much from him and siblings who are ashamed of him. and he's got dreams! he wants to do big things! he wants to work hand in hand with and make the almighty/the wizard proud!
and im thinking about how CROWLEY fits glindas character in the sense that he's suave and charming and people are drawn to him. he knows how to talk to them and how to get them to do what he wants, and he's the one that teaches aziraphale things about the world (a la popular, like tempting aziraphale into eating meat and drinking wine and all these very human things he never would have thought to do without crowleys influence).
im thinking of how the two of them start out absolutely loathing each other, as mortal enemies, one could say... but how over time and as they bond more and more, as they see different sides of one another, that loathing turns into something else. something just as strong, just as passionate, but softer. gentler. sweeter. it turns into love.
and of course everything gets shattered when upon meeting his idol, aziraphale learns that god isn't what he thought she was. it turns out god is just a pipe dream. all there is is a floating head, the metatron, posing as god. and not at all the great and powerful entity aziraphale believed. and the metatron CANT help aziraphale, can't fix him. and thus the downfall of aziraphale begins.
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dawdlecentric · 11 months ago
Man, this doujin isn't fucking around
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Meanwhile, Seikuri in the background...
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Doujin: Flashbackers by Totobe
#my ramblings#bocchi the rock#no fr tho. please read flashbackers!! it's so good!#it's a ryokita doujin made by one of my fave artist and everything about it is just...so great. I can't express it enough#whether you ship ryokita or not it's still a good read! like really it's well articulated and goes in depth about ryo & kita's relationship#and acknowledges how unhealthy it is but the realization of this makes the both of them understand each other more clearly without-#-seeing through rose colored glasses. I just- ughhh! I'm not good with words and I can't stress it enough so once again please read this!#you can really tell how much this artist is passionate and dedicated about the ship#not only that but how they color the cover page (and their art in general) is JUST SO CATCHING! LITERAL EYE CANDY!#and the pacing and panelling of the story is well thought out plus the equal balance of humor and angst is so entertaining & heart wrenchin#and their art style... fricking adorable and expressive and striking!! Just grrr!! I LOVE THIS ARTIST'S WORK SO MUCH!!!#I'm not that particularly crazy about ryokita but they are very interesting to explore and could have some potential if they worked out-#-their own flaws. I've been meaning to draw them sometime (if only I could start posting decent bnj art-#-tfw hyper fixation so strong it overwhelms you and in turn can't make fanart of it even if you most definitely WANT TO)#ehem. anyways I think it's quite criminal that ryokita was one of the least popular btr ships#in other story. I was woken up by my cat way to early today so I ended up reading this in a half awake state XD#I just found out last night that this doujin was already translated so what better time to read this other than first thing in the morning-#-running on three hours of sleep 😃👍
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girls-and-honey · 11 months ago
#okay so random tag post even though it's been ages#me thinks the current place i work is actually decent a la accepting-queer-ppl so?? miiiiight. consider actually putting my#pronouns in my email signature (which hardly gets used but shh) but like. the actual ones not the society/people assume anyway ones#idk i attended a virtual tech focused event for trans dov (yes early but they didn't want to put the event on sun) and you know when#everyone is just sharing their stories and experiences and it's just like... an overwhelming sense of community? anyway that#and since it was hosted by a professional org the topics were all workplace focused and mayhaps that's something i'm thinking abt for#this year. at least within our pride group I might be ready? wild bc for a long time tumblr has been the only place I feel comfy being 100%#myself. but hearing real people's stories makes me feel like that kind of community would be nice to have elsewhere too#and the whole looking to others also turns around into the leading by example thing bc then we had some breakout groups at the end for#networking which is not my favorite but! i did my intro and said I use she/her for work but will use she/they for this group and#then the next person said he/him at work but for this group he/they so that made me wonder if it was bc of me saying so first?#which if it was is kind of like oh. the way I'm looking for those people for me.. I can also be that for someone else#anyway this sounds dumb typed out but irl/professional me has always separated out queer identity so it's new to me#i'm allowed to be giddy okay. just a little. as a treat (is tumblr still using 'as a treat' i really hope so)#oh shit is this what gender euphoria feels like#alright that's it for now i think#gah emotions and whatnot#missed you all btw i'll start actually being online again soon#personal
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