#but i think i shoukd be fine
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m4sterofthewicket · 2 years ago
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stonerzelda · 2 years ago
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daisybianca · 1 year ago
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pairing: lewis hamilton x femalereader
summary: lewis gives you secretly his number. you're hesitant to call him at first, but when you do, things get a little much more interesting.
warning: mentions of sexual activities, cursing words
(a/n): this is part one. Here's part two and part three.
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YOU WERE STANDING in the loud crowd of people. Each one of them holding out a shirt, a picture, or a shirt to sign, including you.
You held out a white hat with a Mercedes emblem on it, hoping Lewis would notice it.
When he finally reached you, he looked at you for a few seconds and smiled.
What the...?!
He signed the hat and moved into the next person.
And when you turned around ready to leave, you looked down at your hat, seeing a phone number written on it.
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"My best friend is a total idiot," your best friend shouted from the balcony of your apartment.
"Stop calling me an idiot!" You climbed out of bed. "Or at least try to be discreet with your very generous opinions about me and get your ass inside! I've got some deliciously hot neighbors who don't particularly need to know everything about me."
"Have you even been listening to me this whole time that I've been lecturing you about matters of life and death?" She sighed dramatically.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "A random guy giving me his number isn't a matter of life a death, if you ask me."
"Did you just call Lewis Hamilton a random guy? My husband of nine years?"
"Oh, stop acting like a blushing schoolgirl," You brought your fingers to your temple and massaged the flesh there as if the movement could erase the brutal headache. "Besides, you dragged me to that race. Maybe it's your chance to hook up with your crush-since-for-ever!"
Your best friend's eyes narrowed. "What are you suggesting, filthy woman?"
"You shoukd call him. I'll give you his number right away." You strolled to find your back, but a habd found your wrist, stopping you.
"You're a mad woman. That's a fact."
You fake smiled. "Stop complimenting me that much. I don't think red suits on my cheeks."
"I swear, you're insane. The only reason I'm still by your side is because until 11th grade, you had my back when I sneaked out for parties, hooking up with whoever had a penis and a 6 pack."
You turned to face your best friend, hands in your hips and lips tightly shut together.
"You're seriously going to turn down this offer?" She asked.
"I wouldn't exactly call it an offer."
Your best friend rolled her eyes. "Yes. I'd call it stupidity, actually!" She waved her hands dramatically in the air. "THE Lewis Hamilton flirted with you, and you didn't even notice. Then he gave you secretly his number, and you're freaking going to ignore it?!"
"And what am I supposed to do about it? He's just a normal guy. Don't make him look like he's some God himself."
"First of all, yeah. Lewis is a God himself. He's mouth-watering hot, almost an 8 times champion, has a very cute dog, an 8 pack to stare at all day long, and much, much money," your best friend explained. "You should definitely call him. At least try to figure out why he gave you his number." She added in a calmer tone.
You exhaled and grabbed the white hat curled up under the sheets of your king sized bed. Gazing at the number, you then bit your lips. "Fine," you gave in. "But I'll call him tomorrow so that I don't seem much desperate, okay?"
"He was the one to make a very, very bold first move, and now you're afraid of embarrassment?!" She growled. "Come on! We only live once. Live some adventure, have some great sex, and experience a true love! I haven't seen you going head over heels for someone except that John guy in college."
"It hasn't been a long time since college," you said, contemplating whether you should count the years or not. You choose the second one. "I'll call him tonight. But don't think I'm doing it because I'm actually interested! I'm doing it exclusively for you." You explained, playing with the hem of your summer blue dress. "He probably is an attention freak who only dates supermodels."
"Baby, I assure you," your best friend came and sat next to you, her hand wrapping around you and caressing your cheek. "Supermodels would kill to look like you."
A smile appeared on your lips, and you gazed at your best friend. She always had a special eay about cheering you up and getting you out of your moody and grumpy vibe.
"Tonight." You said.
This has many potential to go wrong, you thought.
You didn't like wrong. You like safe and steady. But what if your best friend was actually right? (For the very first time of your 20 years old friendship.)
"Tonight." She repeated and smirked.
You turned your head and analyzed the hat with the calligraphic black numbers on it.
This couldn't get any more embarrassing.
You let out a long, deep, and shaky breath, then dialed the number.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Three beebs later, a male voice answered the call. "Hello?" The tone was familiar and harsh, but you couldn't be entirely sure that it was him.
"Hey," your voice came out steady, much to your surprise.
"Who is it?" The man replied and now you were sure it was him.
The British accent.
"Um, I noticed a number written on my hat that you signed and--"
"You're the girl from the race?" He interrupted you very much, complicated thoughts that would sooner turn into much more complicated words.
"Yes," you replied hesitantly. "Maybe one of them, at least. In case you gave your number to a few more girls for fun."
A laughter sounded. It was bried but somehow contagious. "I assure you, love, I don't usually spread my number across my fans' hats and shirts."
Your senses kicked in, and the temperature rised in your body.
"So, why was I the chosen one?" You asked.
"Oh," Lewis growled. "Maybe I could answer that question face to face." He said and then added a few moments later, "Join me for dinner tonight, will you, love?"
You laughed. "Isn't it kind of early for us to meet?"
"I'm not going to kidnap you, I promise." You could basixally hear him smile on the other line. "You can bring a friend of your for more safety." He suggested.
"So that it could be two of us to be kidnapped, right?"
There was a moment of silence. "Not sure about that." He spoke a few seconds later. "I only want you to be honest."
You smiled.
Is he flirting with me?
Of course he's flirting with you, you idiot!
"Are you asking me out on a date?" You asked.
"Yes." He replied instantly. "I couldn't wait another torturing hour, anticipating a call or a text from you."
"Okay. I'm in then."
"What about tonight at 9 pm?" He asked.
It was about 7, so you guessed there was plenty of time to get ready.
"Yes, that'd be great." You smiled.
"Perfect. May I pick you up myself at nine?"
"I'm surely capable of driving my own car, don't you think?" You laughed.
"Maybe," he said. "But why actually do it if I can drive for you? I'll come pick you up myself, I promise."
"No cops, no kidnappers?" You joked.
"I promise."
Lewis Hamilton would drive for you...?
"Okay, then." You spoke. "See you tonight, Lewis. I'll text you the address."
You went to end the call, but he stopped you before tapping the red button. "Wait, wait--"
"What's your name, love?"
Your heart roared in your chest and your cheeks reddened.
You adored that nickname.
"Actually, this was the first thing that I would mention to a guy, but love sounds much better, don't you think?"
Lewis laughed. "Tell me your name, and I promise I'll use love every single time instead of it."
"Okay," you said. "I'm (y/n)."
A moment of silence occurred again. "Prettier than love, honestly."
"Maybe, but not when you're the one to say it." You smiled. "You know, that British accent can actually kill."
"Hmm," his voice sounded from the other line. "Weird thing. That is exactly what I could tell about your eyes, as well."
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b4ll4d33r-06 · 1 year ago
u all also hav to take into account THEURE ALL ASPEC ND W MY SPECIFIC HEADCANONS ND EVERYTHING...someone...someone ask me ab audhd world destroyer sucrose...adhd menaces mona nd kaeya....also sucrose nd rosaria having a sibling dynamic. vv important btw. saria being monstadts older sister figure is vv important btw.
every ither month reminder for everyone to consider sucrose mona kaeya polycule. ok thats all i hav folks everyone can go home now.
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legendofmorons · 2 years ago
How to fall in love twice- part five
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Rating: G
Pairing: Time x Malon x reader
Summary: Malon and you soend some time talking and she reassures you worry is only natural. Time worries, and the boys try to get him to sit down and eat because they're sick of him.
Warnings: None
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
Two weeks into this adventure and Malon is ready to drop kick whoever is behind this entire mess.
Portals are awful and also the only way to maybe make it home.
She's found no sign of her husband or the others.
And ontop of all of that she fucked up her ankle really good last night and you're not back to help her yet.
Malon sits on the bed, leg up on it to take weight of her ankle until you come back with the healing supplies you'd left to find. She's so bored.
She hopes the farm workers have everything under control...
The door opens to your figure, large bag bulging with unseen items.
"I'm back Malon- oh shit! Are you hurt?" You ask, voice going tight with concern as you take in the stolen ankle on the bed.
"I just hurt my ankle. It's not the worst I've had."
"Still not great! Here I have several potions, lemme just grab one." You say, shutting the door with your foot.
You move quickly to your bed, setting the bag down before beginning to rifle through it. You grab the red potion.
You turn, holding out the corked bottle. "Here, this shoukd help."
"Thank you, (Y/n)." Malon smiles, taking the glass bottle from you.
She drinks the potion quickly. Recoilling like always at the taste. But the relief is almost instant as the potions starts to work it's magic.
"Anytime, Malon. Oh! I grabbed some more arrows for you while I was out."
"Thank you, that's very thoughtful. "
"Oh- I guess. I was just thinking of you is all." You flash a smile.
Why woukd you say it like that? Oh goddess,l- what if Malon knows? That'd be so embarrassing. Goddess- you really need to get a handle on these stupid feelings.
"I really don't know how you're single, you're such a sweetheart!" Malon says, gracing your eyes with a cheerful smile.
"Oh- thanks... Does your ankle feel any better?"
"Much. Thanks for the potion."
"Of course. I wouldn't just leave you like that. Or anyone like that really..."
"Again, you're such a sweetheart. "
You feel your cheeks warm as you move to sit on your bed. Does Malon really have to flatter you so much? Dosen’t she understand that it's overkill?
Usually you'd wonder if it was flirting... but it can't be. So you won't bother to wonder let alone hope.
"So... any plans today?" You ask, "Or just a restock and rest day?"
"Just that mostly. I want to cook some food while we're here."
"Makes sense. I can help."
"I'd like that!"
"Hey... the boys are okay... right?" You ask. And you're know it's ridiculous.
The boys are all chosen heroes of Hylia. There's nine if them. They were hunting down the shadow for weeks before you joined them.
And besides, you should be way more nervous for yourself and Malon. Neither if you are typically adventurous to this degree.
"They're fine. They're all together and they're smart." Malon reassures evenly, calm and gentle woth her words.
"You're right... I shouldn't be so worried."
"I didn't say that. You worry because you care about them. I understand. "
"Still..." You say with a frown.
"I'm worried too you know." She says, turning a sympathetic look on you. "They're still far away."
"Right? I know all of them can handle themselves but it's still scary."
"It really is. I know I worry everytime Link leaves to fight."
"I can't even imagine." You say, voice failing you.
"It's better these days, I know he'll come home."
"I bet that helps."
"It does. Now come on, we need to figure out where to go next."
"Hopefully we go to my hyrule next, I could really use a modern shower."
Malon laughs at that. She may not be familiar with the showers you are used to hit you sound like you're really looking forwards to it.
"Maybe so!" She agrees with a smile.
"And if we do, I can show you my family's farm. You'd like it. Lots of cucoos."
"I do like cucoos."
"If you don't stop runnin' round like a headless cucoo I'm gonna knock you out." Twilight says from his log by the fire.
"I am not- doing that." Time defends in a poor attempt of maintaining dignity.
"You are so!" Wind pipes up from where he's half way up a tree."
"You don't understand. I'm just- the healthy amount of worried for Mal and (Y/n). Neither of them are used to adventuring."
"Time, we've both seen (Y/n) kick ass." Legend sighs, "I know they're less expert, but they're not helpless."
"I know. But being able to protect yourself of only half of adventuring."
"Old man, sit down, would you?" Warriors urges, "They are fine. They're together, aren't they? The way you talk about them both should reassure anyone."
Time stops pacing and shoots a dirty look to Warriors. "I know they're together, Wars."
"Then why are you frantic? We all want to get them back but stressing like this isn't helpful."
"I am just worried. The Nirmal and healthy amount of worried."
"Lunch is ready." Wild calls, "Come be worried over here, would you?"
"You're all ganging up on me over something that is not worth being catty over."
"Look, I'm worried to. (Y/n) ain't exactly a hero like us. But worrying like you are dosen’t help a tick on a hound much less you." Twilight explains, sharing a glance with Hyrule and Legend both. Obviously dome with Time for now.
"But I-"
"We've looked everywhere we can. And if you don't sit down im'ma have to knock you out. I promised (Y/n) Missus Malon I'd keep you in one piece."
"Before they left."
"Twilight I just want to know what happened before they left."
"I saw them the last time you did. All I got on this disaster is they fell through some portal or someone. "
"And we've been lookin g for two weeks! We should have found them."
"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" Legend frowns.
"I just wanna-"
"Eat this." Wild says, shoving the stew into Time's hands, "And let us actually strategize."
"I vote we try to find them." Four says helpfully, "Did we try - what does sky call it? Drowning? No..."
"Dousing?" Sky asks. "I mean, I'm not sure that works these days but we could try it."
"We should." Hyrule says. "If only to help everyone sleep."
Time just grumbles, wanting to disagree or miraculously have his belobeds waltz into camp but both seem impossible. He should just let Sky try his thing.
Easier said then done honestly...
He just has to trust that you and Malon are keeping each other safe and healthy. Yeah, he can trust you and Malon. He does!
Just-... He's still so very worried.
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nanamikentorp · 6 months ago
Hello stranger 🙂‍↕️ I wanted to ask your unbiased opinion, you see I'm a person who doesn't watch anime often, actually I have had a long time without watching anything and I also prefer the romantic ones (I don't even know how are they called) So when my friend literally begged me to watch jjk and also my TikTok was plagued by the man's on it (and I'm nothing but a thirsty ass bitch for fictional characters) I decided to watch it, fell madly and insanely in love with, you guessed it, Kento mf Nanami so I just got to the episode before his death and I literally couldn't pass from it. And it SUCKS cause I really like the anime but damn how can I cope with his death and everything that comes after😭😭 literally I've been so stress and devasted the whole second season and idk what to do, so what do you think? Shoukd I get over it and watch it? Or should I keep adding to my delusion that Nanami and me are married and have 6 children and one in the way
Hello anon,
In this house we deny the thing that apparently happened.
In this house we maintain that Kento retired from fighting and went to Kuantan and stayed there forever.
There was no d word. There was no sad.
Everyone happy hahahhahahahah
I promise I'm fine 🥲🥹🥲🥹🥹🥲🥹🥲🥹🥲🥹🥲
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fablewritesnonsense · 1 year ago
Wip Wednesday Thursday...
I got the tag from @bardic-inspo fell asleep before i could decide what to post 😂
Gonna tag @justaduckarts @jackiegaytona @andyandnormski for the challenge. Whatever you're comfortable posting from art to fics or not posting at all 💖
This is from chapter 69 of Nuclear Family, which desperately needs to be edited, but I've been distracted. Minor spoilers ahead so if you're reading NF, proceed with caution!
"You think it's outside sabotage?" Archie asked, pulling the needle out and wiping the puncture woud. "Could be Enclave work." "This had been happening for years," Tea said, shaking her head. "No, it's the Institute. They're the only ones with the resources to play the long game like this. I never shoukd have taken this fucking job." Archie stared at her in amazement. "So you do understand the concept of regret," he said after a moment. "I figured it was foreign to you, considering all the dumbassery you get up to." "Funny, but yes, I very much understand it," she said with a sigh, her head falling forward into her hands. "You're scaring me, Tea," Archie said softly, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Why should we have avoided this?" "Oh, you'll probably be fine," She said, head slipping through until it was nearly on her knees. "You're nobody important to them, just some randoms from the mojave. You have no pieces to play in their chess game." "And you do?"
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spindash · 11 months ago
i guess i shoukd make an appt anywau i dont think my antidepressants are working anymore. if yoi couldnt tell. but its like ok well i cant tell my dr i think wbout killing myself every day becuz its not thay serious it just sounds serious ok. like its fine. but give me something that makes me want to get out of bed
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wally-franks · 2 years ago
i hc that u have overflowing levels of swag and every time you post any type of art you shoukd be handed 100 dollars from the government directly. as compensation for the stinkies on twatter
i would also love to hear ur hcs for sammy and wally again bcos ur hcs are always so silly and fun. i love them sm
QOWAUA YOU'RE TO SWEETEST BUNNI 😭😭😭🥹🥹 SJAJAHH. Luckily twitter has been a bit better to deal with :) I just block whenever people are being a bit too annoying for my own tastes so I got that covered thihi
And omg, you're asking at such a good time!!! JDSHEH.. I was actually writing down some hcs yesterday because I was feeling so silly and happy!! (also me: wrote down mainly sad hcs OOPSIE HAHA) mainly how Sammy and wally are at home!!!! :33 more under the cut (also you're obligated to share some or your hcs aswell!! I wanna hear more about your wally and Thomas and maybee Sammy too so badlyyy!!!!)
At home they're a bit more different than work of course.. since Sammy can let down his guard there.. He doesn't do much than compose and read books. But that's fine. Now that wally is there, he can help Sammy to keep up with himself. also, silly funfact.. As some may know, my Sammy has cats.
Though, he had to give them away to his mother since he just couldn't take care of them himself anymore. Buttt when wally moves in they take the cats back :3!!.. Wally doesn't mind doing most of the work. He's used to it from his farmer childhood with 11 sisters..
Anyhow. Sammy is the kind of person to wait for wally before he goes to sleep. He doesn't like sleeping alone. He likes the comfort of having someone around. Again, he never shows his appreciatiom but he really appreciates it.
Also the reason you never see him smile is because.. He's just always thinking. "How did I deserve someone like that? do I even deserve that? He's probably gonna get tired of me soon. enough, don't get yourself too attached now." There's just so much fear and doubt in his heart
Nighttime is generally the time where Sammy tends to think the most about stuff. Even though he know he shouldn't, since he REALLY needs that rest. It even makes him cry sometimes. When wally notices, there's no word exchange. Just gestures, understanding and comfort :")
I always really liked to imagine that Sammy has Thanatophobia and probably barely gets any sleep because of it. It's one of the things Sammy thinks about a lot at night.. Wally is the opposite. He really doesn't care about death.
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sawthatmountainburn · 1 year ago
also in the middle of writing the last post i described myself as neurodivergent and was like "wait no that's Problematic, I shoukd just say autistic" and I did talk about autistic traits later, but that's more specific whereas I don't think autism or even AuDHD capture my whole issue. like I do have the typical AuDHD issues, but I have something that causes me to verbalize words or phrases that would otherwise just pass through my mind (like if I'm thinking of the sentence "ferrari makes fast cars" I'll say "fast cars" out loud), I do this thing where I'll try to grab a certain amount of pasta in handfuls but then put a couple back in the package but then take some out again until it ~feels~ right, and a bunch of other traits I can't think of right now, all of which I would describe as being common to other conditions one can describe as "neurodivergence" (in these cases, tourettes and OCD) but not to AuDHD from what I know. so I think it's a perfectly fine description!
also I am supremely annoyed by the people who will police the language we use to talk about these disabilities, while not offering any alternate words or proposals on what conditions we might actually be trying to describe. it's just "well this thing you're describing isn't a tic so don't call it that!" well ok Dr. Tumblr wtf do I call it then. "neurodivergence is a bad phrase because people only use it for AuDHD but also because originally it was meant to include stuff like depression to" so what's your proposal for the next edition of the Dictionary of Acceptable Social Justice Lingo, then? I will literally internalize any demand you make of me, but you're not even doing that, you're just ostensibly telling me to figure out your neurosis myself or shut up! and that's the one thing I always refuse to do!
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un-pearable · 3 years ago
now that issue 50’s releasing and we actually know surge’s delightful personality, i once again propose surgold for prime rarepair content
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haikcuute · 2 years ago
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[ID: A pencil drawn and digitally colored drawing of Donatello from rottmnt. He is sticking out his tongue and holding up a peace sign with one hand. His mechanical spider arms are coming out of his shell, and a cartoony purple rocket is coming at the viewer with a smoke trail leading back to his shell as well. End ID]
Bootyyyshaker9000 has entered the chat
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bensiskos · 3 years ago
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revelarete · 5 years ago
gonna post a fail link to my cringe abt page for mobile later
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riongeee · 8 months ago
The first years don't even know about the get togethers until Aces brother or Ortho spill the beans (Aces brother mainly to tease Ace). Everyone is flabbergasted, already dreading about embarrassing stories spread (Ace sweating bullets). It ends up at the point where their like 'wait a second why are our parents having sleepovers and not us?' Which ends up in the first years having across dorm sleepovers.
Which are also kept under wraps... well...until Vil comes into Epels room and sees all the first years chilling. There's music playing, Deuce and Ace are playing just dance, Sebek and Ortho are playing board games and Epel and Jack are arm wrestling. (All this in face masks because if Epel has to do them so do the others.)
Vil is about to scold Epel when everyone turns to him with kicked puppy faces. (Which you think wouldn't be effective on Vil, but hey, a guy can only resist kicked puppy first years so much.)
So he ends up sighing and allowing it 'but only this once'. (Spoiler they don't end)
So one night, maybe Silver or Lillia needed something from Sebek. (Here comes Dia 3 >:)) They walk into his room, keep in mind it's pretty late. Nothing. Nobody in there. Ofcourse they are confused and look around the dorm. Like where else would Sebek be? They start freaking out when they can't find him, even Malleus. So they go to the headmage and call an emergency meeting between housewardens. Everyone shows up tired as hell, it's like midnight why the HELL are they being called.
Only to be hit with 'Sebek is missing'. Everyone is a bit alarmed because it is quite late and Sebek seems to not be the type of person to stay out late. Vil also panics a bit before the incident comes to mind. He chimes in and is like 'I believe I have an idea on where they might be'. Then he explains the incident.
So off the housewardens go, to find the first years. They end up in Savanaclaw and Leona (already annoyed at being woken up) just walks into Jacks room. Only to be greeted by the first years sleeping in a puppy pile, they all have odd hairstyles (Ace is rocking that unicorn ponytail). Malleus and Lillia finally see Sebek who's perfectly fine and safe.
Every housewarden is confused on what to do. They decide to leave them and just scold them in the morning.
However, when they do start scolding them Ace and Deuce bring out their inner heartslabyul and quote the rules 'actually, rule 47 states that students shoukd be IN a dorm before nightfall, not specifically their dorm'. Riddle feels almost proud. Azul is somehow interested in exploiting this loophole, I don't even know how.
As for the parents? They are chilling having a little dinner party. Baul and the parents end up expanding and getting parents from other years joining them.
I mean obviously parents would want to know about whats going on with their kids while their in boarding school.
(Also, on Aces brother somehow becoming part of the fae (way of the househusband) mafia. Absolutely, and Deuce and Orthos moms end up joining. Though they don't mow the lawns and instead trade house keeping tips with everyone and just doing group excercises)
Overall, the first year friendship is beneficial for everyone. Except, Dia 3 who are left wondering why Sebek doesn't hang out as much but hey, the first years have an extra grandparent in Baul and the parent support group ends up protesting for an actual therapist after the third overblot. (Yuu feels a weight off her shoulders.)
Sebek just hanging out with his grandpa. Like, for two fairly loud people they just sit together and do what they want. Sebek maybe sometimes talking about what is happening in school and with the Dia 3. It's bitter sweet because Sebeks grandpa understands like Diasomnia never will.
Idk I just think Dia 3 are so focused on eachother that they kinda forget Sebek :( so Sebek becomes used to being ignored and is happy when getting positive attention. (Que the first years making friends with Sebek.)
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evandore · 2 years ago
ok i change my mind. as soon as im done witg this video (which is going to be super awesome and cool and amazing) you are legally required to watch and like it. and no one gets to call me cringe or edgy cause im having fun
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