#but i saw a screenshot of totk zelda at the start of the story
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ganondoodle · 2 years ago
i will never forgive totk for giving us 5 minutes of zelda being excited and confident about her actual interests right at the start only to yank her away for the rest of the game and into the scared puppy eyed little maiden role standing uncomfortably besides the cool new guy™️
like is it actually a genuis tragic move of the writers to let her yet again not be allowed to be anything but a puppy eyed sacrificial maiden or is it just … bad writing how do i explain that i care so much about zelda that totk made me care not even a little bit about anyone but master koga bc of how it was written
i was more emotionally invested trying to get a chicken out of a well than i was with totks story or new characters (if you take the yiga out of the equation)
(and no, finding a few scraps of text, you have to grind to find, telling me that actualyl she had so much fun there and did like .. one thing with an some sort of never seen or otherwise hinted at construct and omg she totally was integrated like famillyy and found friends we never see isnt remedying anything imo)
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ezlo-x · 2 years ago
god ok i need to get it off my mind or it will eat me alive or I will forget my actual thoughts abt it sooo here I go
Hi...soo this is me talking abt the current Dragon Tears that I obtained. Yesterday I got Dragon tear #5 and today I managed to get #6 and #7 and...yeah. I was originally planning to hold on my thoughts until I completed the Gerudo Region but what I saw in those memories I have things to say and idk how long it would take me to complete it so I'm starting with the dragon tear memories. (also sadly no in-game/cutscene screenshots this time around cause I kept forgetting and didn't took any </3)
So Tear #5 we got more to "know" abt Ganondorf. Where he apologizes abt what he did in Tear #4 to Rauru and Sonia. And I think I'm just going to share what I said last night abt it
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Sooo I wasn't expecting this type of writting with Ganondorf. I obviously sound very emotional in these messages cause I was heading straight to sleep after I got the cutscene, I don't think totk Ganondorf is worse than oot Ganondorf. I think he's a different kind of badly written meanwhile with OoT I can cut him some slack where he's technically the first Ganondorf from an old console game yada yada. Also worldbuild of Zonai?? No? Ganondorf is just gonna casually throw that dialogue that Zonai were once gods or smth like that and never mention it again ok. And like I said in those messages I think what Ganondorf said abt Rauru marrying Sonia was so ughhhhhhhhhh like really? We're gonna make him racist cause you couldn't add depth to a villain really? And his motives abt wanting to become king is just...that he has no motives he has no reason on why he wants to do it just cause he's EVILLLL and he has EVILLL intentions OOOOOOOOOOO like fuck off. How is it possible that nintendo was able to give him depth in Wind Waker and then water down his character to "ummm cringe that YOU as a Zonai married a Hylian Woman you're a beta 🤓" Nintendo says, "we don't want people to like him or find him interesting he's the bad guy! make him say something racist and give him no clear motive on why he wants to do what he wants to do he's EVILLL you're not supposed to root for him!!"
But sure give him no motive on why he wants to do this other than being evil. Nintendo is honestly better off writing comedic villains with dark lore (Kohga) I knew that they would never reach WW Ganondorf levels of good but from what im seeing like wooowww
anyways to add a glimpse of hope Tear #6 came clutch w Sonia and Rauru. I loved the dynamic they both have with Zelda they're like parents to her...wah and I simply adored how Sonia mentions Link like a mother asking for who's that cute boy you've been talking to? and Rauru being so curious to meet him. This memory was so cute I would love to wish blissful of this family living happily.
Final memory I currently got is Tear #7 and ohhhhh this is the one that just drained me.
So Sonia dies, I was honestly like surprised or shocked idk I was not expecting it good ol gotcha moment. and YES I SAW GANONDORF'S NASTY SMILE THAT ACTUALLY FREAKED ME OUT LIKE EW
AND I was sad that we're not going to see Sonia anymore rlly loved her I was hoping for more of her as a character. But yeah I was in shambles when that cutscene happened, like once I got the cutscene I just closed the game cause I just wanted to process what happened.
And that is all I have, sorry if I sound more pessimistic and negative this time around. Just realizing where they are going with Ganondorf just put me into the 10 stages of grief. Looking forward more to the story and the characters just not Ganondorf
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kuriboo · 9 months ago
hey have you seen the Nintendo direct today & if so how ya feelin
I saw some tweets earlier so I knew a bit of what I was getting into but I just watched it and HOLY FUCK MAN.................
under the cut i'll scream about everything i'm excited about! but this is one of the best directs of all time! this is SUPER long sorry but please know i am SO HAPPY this is one of hte best directs of all time i think
I WAS SO WORRIED MARIO AND LUIGI AS A SERIES WAS DEAD ;; I'M SO HAPPY IT'S COMING BACK!!! IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ART STYLE, THE GAMEPLAY! IT'S MARIO AND LUIGI!!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! I'm behind on this series I still need to play dream team (I should probably start it over at this point, I have this digitally it came on my original 3ds and I've transferred it between systems twice now) and paper jam (I OWN THIS SOMEWHERE but my stuff is in disarray from room renovations...I'll find it some day) but I'M SO EXCITED! FOR BROTHERHOOD!
I'm more excited for the Dragon Quest remakes than I thought I'd be! I saw they were being remade and I was like okay yeah sure...this already was released on switch my brother already owns these...but this remake actually looks way better than the previous release on switch! I'm into this! I'm down for this!! It looks a lot better! I beat dq1 a while back, I need to restart dq2 because I haven't played it in so long... and I was just told I should've started with dq3, which I haven't played, LMAO so
Super Mario Party Jamboree...a third Mario Party on Switch! I'm excited for the return of Western Land, I'm excited for another Mario Party, I love Mario Party it's a longtime family favorite (though we barely played any between 3 and super, we have super and superstar on switch though) so anytime there's new Mario Party content I'm happy! I think I would've preferred an update/dlc of superstars, but...I can see why it's not! I'd like to play this online with family! I'm just a little scared at the possibility of not being able to play with pro controllers again...joy con exclusive gameplay is scary
ECHOES OF WISDOM! FEMINISM WINS! I saw screenshots of this on twitter but oh the trailer has me so hyped.... ZELDA SAVING LINK LETS GO........ I LOVE ZELDA'S OUTFIT AND HER FAIRY COMPANION AND MAGIC LOOK SO COOL! This is gonna be so fun to play. And I'll probably be a lot less anxious playing this than botw/totk since there shouldn't be weapon durability? so this might end up being my favorite switch zelda pretty easily lol. I'VE WANTED PLAYABLE ZELDA FOR SO LONG I LOVE THIS
Hello Kitty game I might pick up depending on the price.... it looks cute!
The Looney Tunes game looks so funny I kinda wanna play it SPACE JAM!!!!!!!!!
I'm probably not gonna get Luigi's Mansion 2 HD anytime soon but I LOVE LUIGI HE'S MY GUY HE'S THE DREAMBOAT THE GOAT THE DREAMGOAT.... I've never played any Luigi's Mansions though! I think I have 2 on 3ds but again, I'm not sure where it is.... Idr if we have 3 or not? We might? I'd like to play a Luigi's Mansion game someday but it's not my biiiiiggest priority. As much as I love Luigi, I love him so so so so much, but without ever having played it, I have this nervousness that I might not like the Mansion series...
I have been screaming about the ace attorney investigations collection ALL DAY dude. This games have SUCH a good story (I've only watched playthroughs) so I'm excited to play them myself!!! The fantranslation has definitely impacted a bit of my excitement though. The name changes in particular... Verity Galile is honestly a good name, Eustace Winner is growing on me (I'm worried what they're changing Blaise to...), but Eddie Fender............I'm sorry but that is RAYMOND SHIELDS i DO NOT like the name eddie fender i CANNOT get behind it sorry.... BUT THE STORY OF THESE GAMES MAN I'M SO EXCITED!!! I JUST GOT THE APOLLO JUSTICE TRILOGY FOR MY BIRTHDAY (a couple of months late, but, uh, extenuating circumstances led to my dad keeping forgetting to order it, i am not mad) so i wanna play that before AAI and I STILL NEED TO PLAY THE GREAT ACE ATTORNEY COLLECTION TOO..... BUT MAN I LOVE ACE ATTORNEY I'M SO EXCITED I WANTED TO CRY
metroid prime 4! i still need to get into the metroid series (i need to give it another try, i haven't been able to get myself to really enjoy it yet) but i'm excited for metroid fans! this is such a long time coming...and now it's so close! the graphics look really good! i don't have much else to say about this one.
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW PHANTOM BRAVE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
idk about the mech part that's gonna have to grow on me but YOU CAN FUSE CHARACTERS WITH MARONA AND GIVE HER CUTE NEW OUTFITS???????????????????????????
when this came up in the direct i literally could not stop stimming and shaking i SCREAMED i am SO SO HAPPY
i think i'm more excited for htis game than anyone else because literally no one that i've seen is talking about it but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ezlo-x · 7 months ago
OKKK I am back! Here are my general thoughts of the new vid just a quick analysis. To start off I really love the aesthetic of the game it looks very pretty.
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The video showed the ppl who lived across Hyrule, later in the video it showed to interesting Gerudo npcs that probably take a role in the story. Im very happy that Gorons have returned OF COURSE💪💪💪💪 it seems like their designs having brown hair returns. I think I only saw this in Spirit Tracks?
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Dekus are back I do love the idea that they live in the Faron region, I thought they would be dwelling in the Korok/Woodland region (assuming that the game takes botw/totk’s map). Maybe we might see the Koroks returning who knows.
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Ok I can talk now a bit about gameplay. They show again the Business Scrubs it seems like they sell you smoothies by mixing in ingredients that you collect across Hyrule. I thought it something that is similar to classic potions but with a cooking aspect to it.
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Okay, I want to discuss one aspect that’s got me scratching my chin. The teleportation system is back. Actually, I thought of it like AlbW because I assume you have to walk up to those pillars and teleport to other areas.
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Botw/Totk's menu returns. I'm not too bothered by that. I think its UI was pretty simple to navigate to. It actually seems a little simpler than the Botw/Totk menu UI. It doesn't seem like there's a lot of options to go by unless this is one portion of the menu.
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You get to customize Zelda, and I'm very happy about that cuz I liked her princess outfit. But ngl I rolled my eyes when I saw that Gerudo outfit. Like, right then, I see you never learn your lesson. I gave you too much credit for getting rid of the Gerudo Vai outfit in TotK, but I guess it is back cause Zelda's a girl ig 🙄
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You have the option to ride horses, now I do like that this is an option. But I gotta be real I don't feel too crazy about this. I hope its not a TotK situation where riding a horse feels kind of pointless when you got other stuff that can help you travel across Hyrule better than a horse. Though it seems like you can only summon a horse by using a carrot, I wonder if this is an item that you have to actively look to collect, like from enemies, the environment, or buy from shops. The video also showed Zelda riding a white horse, so I am curious about how this whole horse system will work once the game comes out.
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The game introduced a new game mechanic that you can use aside from your echo ability. Using Tri to move objects, it reminded me a lot to Magnesis and Ultrahand. I also saw that you can switch from moving an object/monster to the monster or creature moving you. This is what I mentioned with my horse point is that while it's nice that they are giving us options, this ability makes it explore Hyrule much more quickly and efficiently than riding a horse. Tbh tho I'm not too crazy about this ability either.
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When taking screenshots on this, especially the one above, my eyes opened wide looking at the top right corner. Like could it be?! Is the classic Zelda UI returning?? I mean it makes sense I don't think Zelda has to jump, nor she uses weapons like swords, shields, and bows to fight. Could it mean that you don't have to endlessly scroll on the menu to select one object and use it and then have to reopen that darn scrolling menu of doom? I hope that's the case; you select one button to be a platformer echo, another a fighting echo, and finally, your Tri ability to move objects. It would just make sense to do that; it is quicker and far more efficient than the scroll menu of doom. However I don't want to have my hopes up sadly.
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Anywayz those are my thoughts on what was presented to the game. I know at the very end they show that Zelda can hop in the evil dimensional goop. I can't rlly speculate further then that.
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Ok let me rewatch that trailer a few more times
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