#but i only see one small phrasing error that needs fixing in this and im happy with it despite that
lyricalambrosia · 1 year
I don't normally make posts, but i felt compelled to share a snippet of the upcoming second chapter of my fic "Can You Feel the Sun?" 💕
Millionsummers because i dont have the attention span for anything else dkdkdks
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sparklingpax · 4 years
A Different Side (1/2)
Summary: Optimus comes back from an unsuccessful mission and seems to be out of sorts...but there’s more to that story. 
-This is a rather silly fic, so do not worry I promise there is nothing inappropriate or heavy in this one at all! It’s,,,a dumb idea I had in History the other day,,,I wrote most of it between/during class periods, and edited the rest when I was supposed to be doing homework at home! :’) 
-Please excuse any typos, grammar mistakes, ooc-ness, weird phrasings, punctuation errors, or really just anything that looks weird or isn’t right; I’m an amateur and I do this stuff for fun! So I’m naturally not the best at it....keep that in mind pls...
-Ok but this story is honestly kinda dumb goumen I’ll write better things soon
-Set in the TFP universe! 
-This only has two parts, so this be the first and the next update is the end of it.... 😹😹 ^^’’
Enjoy! :D 
“Eat my dust, Jack!”
“Not if I pass you first!!”
“No, you won’t!!!”
“Says who?!”
               Two cars raced around the base, one just barely passing the other.
               Miko and Jack had gone head-to-head, racing one last tournament before they had to go home—after the tie last round, they just had to know who, really, was the victor of the day. The two of them shouted competitively as they jammed the controls in one direction or another. Excited, Raf looked on. He, too, was curious of the outcome.
               At present, only Ratchet had remained at base.
               The others had gone out to investigate an abandoned energon mine somewhere in Maine. Optimus had visited the location once before but was not able to reach the source of the readings he’d gotten.
               Therefore, since there had been no Decepticon activity in the past week or so, he took his team to search the caverns.
               They were due to return in about 10 minutes, according to Ratchet. When they did, each guardian was then going to take their human companion home.
               It was a normal day at the Autobot base.
              “NO WAY—”
              “TAKE THAT!!!!”
              Jack threw his fist in the air triumphantly while Miko crumpled to the floor in defeat. Raf burst into laughter as she actually went and laid flat on her back.
             “The horror! I’ve let Jack win!!” She overdramatically wailed. Then, after a moment, sat up and giggled along with Raf and Jack. As the two went to retrieve their cars, Raf scampered up to Ratchet.
             “Hey, Ratchet. What are you doing?”
             The medic sighed, continuing to tinker with what looked like some kind of tool. “Fixing one of Bulkhead’s….accidents,” He muttered. With a sigh, he remembered the large mech smashing it while trying to reenact a fight he had, showing off to Miko. Naturally, the girl had been amazed, but it was short-lived as Ratchet, too, had witnessed that retelling.
              Raf fixed his glasses. “I’m sure it was just an accident, Ratchet.”
              With an eyeroll, Ratchet responded, “It was, but that doesn’t make it any less of an inconvenience, Rafael. It was quite immature of him, too.” He held it up to the light to observe a small detail of the frame.
              “Oh…I see.”
              “Thank the Allspark it’s not one of my more important tools,” he murmured, mostly to himself. Ratchet put it down for a moment to check on the progress of the rest of the team’s expedition.
              He pushed the comm button. “Optimus, come in. Have you found anything? Is everyone okay?”
             “Negative, Ratchet. There is nothing left in these caves,” he reported, a faint note of disappointment in his tone. “Though, everyone is fine. We require a bridge.”
              Ratchet tapped a few more buttons to lock onto their coordinates and pulled the lever, activating the groundbridge.  Miko and Jack broke off their conversation and joined Raf to stand by Ratchet, waiting for their guardians’ returns.
               Sure enough, after a moment, the team came through the portal with a swishing noise, Optimus the last one through. While the three kids gravitated to their partners, Optimus merely stood at the bridge. He remained for a moment, passing his gaze over his team.
              Then, without a word, he turned and headed down the halls—to his room.
              “Did you really think….” Arcee trailed off her snide remark at Jack as she heard Optimus’s heavy footsteps go past everyone and down the hall. She and Jack exchanged looks as everyone else, also, noticed this.
               After a short spell of silence, Miko finally spoke up.
               “Is he mad or something? Cuz I mean, geez—he didn’t even say hello.” She folded her arms.
               “No, Miko,” Ratchet responded, sounding a little exasperated. “What could he be angry over, if he were?” More silence followed his words. It was not often Optimus actually showed what he was feeling like this.
               Everyone was therefore concerned.
               “Do you think…he might be, like, really disappointed about not finding anything in the caves, then?” Jack asked, drifting from Arcee to the groundbridge area. “I mean, from what he’s been saying, you guys really needed that energon…”
               “He could just be tired, too,” Raf chimed in. The bots thought for a moment.
               Bumblebee shifted from one foot to the other, clearly uncomfortable. ‘I just hope he’s okay…’
               Ratchet set his tools aside and headed for the hall. “I’ll go talk to him,” he said. The humans and bots exchanged glances, then nodded.
               “So!” Ratchet huffed frustratedly, emerging from the halls. “He won’t open the door, and will not talk to me, either!” He threw his hands in the air with a noise of exasperation, trudging back to his station.
               Rafael nudged Miko, who had her headphones in. Jack stood up and began down the stairs.
               “I guess something is wrong,” Arcee murmured, folding her arms. She caught sight of Jack, regarding her companion with an inquisitive gaze.
               “I’ll talk to him.” He heard his own determined voice, then touched the back of his head with an awkward laugh. “I’ll—I’ll try, I mean…”
               “Good luck,” Ratchet muttered bitterly, not taking his eyes off his current repair project. “If he even has the courtesy to acknowledge you at all.”  Jack flashed a thumbs up.
He uneasily began to wonder what could have put Optimus so out of sorts that he wouldn’t even speak to Ratchet. It was also rare for Optimus to do this kind of thing, apparently.
Something told Jack it wasn’t just about the energon…but he still wanted to find out for himself.
               “Later, Jack!” Raf called, scampering down the steps. Miko followed, slinging her backpack onto her shoulders. She waved.
               “Yeah, we’re gonna go home now, but you better text us later, kay?” Bulkhead and Bumblebee then transformed, and the two kids hopped in. Ratchet, remembering he had to bridge them out, audibly sighed, slumping over.
               “For the love of Primus, am I able to get any work done around here without constantly being interrupted?!”
               That’s my cue to leave, Jack thought. He quickly hurried down the halls, not wanting to be the next victim of Ratchet’s frustration. He knew the medic only meant well, and that his work was important to him.
               Still, he internally wished Ratchet had more patience. Even if he didn’t scare Jack, it was still unpleasant to be around the old bot when he was not in a good mood.
               Speaking of which….
               Jack came upon Optimus’s berth room, which was closed. He sucked in a breath, raising his arm to knock. Hesitation pulled his arm back after a second.
               What if he is just resting? I’d be pretty ticked if someone interrupted my long nap…
               A memory of Miko pushing him off the couch as a prank resurfaced. He remembered feeling frustrated more than anything else. Of course, she’d apologized, but that wasn’t really going to give him back those precious minutes of sleep.
               He rolled his eyes. “What can you expect when you’re friends with Miko Nakadai, right?” He murmured, raising his arm again. But for the sake of satisfying my own curiosities, at least—
               “Hey, Optimus?” Jack called, knocking lightly. When he received no response for a few minutes, he sighed and knocked again—this time, a bit louder. “Optimus!! Are you okay in there?”
               There was a rustling noise from behind the door, but still no response. Jack decided to stop knocking. He put his back against the metal and slid to the floor. Maybe simply talking it out would help.
               “You know, everyone’s kinda worried about you…” He sighed again, laughing a little. “Oh, and Ratchet’s kinda mad you didn’t even acknowledge him. So…you’re probably gonna have to apologize for that later…”
               The boy bowed his head a little. It was possible Optimus wanted to be left alone right now. Coming to bother him might have been a mistake. Jack began to think up other ways he and the others could figure out—
               Optimus spoke at last, his voice sounding calm—completely level, actually. Instantly, the teen sprang to his feet and answered.
               “Optimus! Ok, good. You’re alive, then,” he joked. When the Prime didn’t respond to his jest—naturally—Jack shook his head and chuckled quietly. “It’s ok, I was joking. Anyway—do you….wanna talk? Is everything ok? You seemed kind of sad when you came through the bridge…and you didn’t even tell us how it went…”
               Didn’t tell us anything, actually, but I’ll leave that part out. I’m sure Optimus doesn’t want to be guilted for stuff at the moment.
               There was another noise—it sounded a little more desperate before it abruptly came to a stop. Then, the Autobot leader’s hefty footsteps began to approach the door. Jack backed away, glad that his efforts seemed to have paid off. The large metal sheet slid upwards, revealing Optimus’ huge figure.
               His face was completely expressionless, but he mustered a somewhat warm look when he gazed at Jack.
               Well, at least Optimus said something and…opened his door, Jack consoled himself mentally. Even though I still don’t know what’s bothering him. Guess we’ll just have to wait for him to tell us…
               “I will go apologize to Ratchet. It was not my intention to offend him…” He started out the door and down the hall. Then, he paused to face Jack for a moment as he added, “And my apologies also to you, I did not mean to worry anyone. Thank you for coming to get me.”
               “Oh—no, don’t worry about that, Optimus. It’s fine.”
               The Prime nodded briefly, saying nothing more. Jack watched him go. Now, he was even more confused than before.
               So why were you acting weird when you got back to base?
               By coincidence, his gaze happened to wander to Optimus’ open berth room. Jack had the sudden realization that he’d never seen Optimus’s berthroom before. Actually, he hadn’t seen any of the bots’ rooms since he’d known about their base.
               He left the door open, it wouldn’t hurt to go take a look…I think?
               Quietly, he padded inside. Taking a moment to look around, Jack noted that it was quite a huge space—way bigger than he’d expected from the size of the door.
It was also very….bare.
               No posters, furnishings, or anything other than the walls, his berth, and a small shelf. On that shelf, there was nothing except for some mystery object shoved in the corner, covered by an old blue cloth.
               “Exactly what you’d expect from a guy like Optimus,” Jack remarked to himself. He sighed and began to walk away, when suddenly a noise snapped his attention back around.
               Back to the shelf.
               Back to the blue cloth.
               A noise that had come from….
               “What is that thing?” Jack murmured to himself as he drew close to it again.
               He jumped back as it vibrated and briefly glowed a bright blue. It seemed to come back to life as a steady humming filled the air of the room. The teen came to a halt right in front of the shelf, placing his hands on his hips as he stared at it, curious and confused.
               Was he trying to hide this? Jack wanted even more to know what it did—what it was.
               And while he stared at it, the object beneath the cloth made another noise.
               “Roadwork ahead?? Uh, YEAH, I sure hope it does!”
               For a moment, Jack stood immobile. Then, he burst into laughter.  
               Optimus was watching vines….he was watching vines….Optimus Prime was watching vines.
               He suddenly remembered what had happened to his mom when she watched vine for the first time. For at least two long, painful weeks, the only things she said were vine quotes—in a failed attempt to be funny. 
               Optimus was watching….vines….oh no.
               Jack turned on his heel and sprinted down the halls.
I’ll edit and fix stuff later; I’m in class rn lolol :’D
Thx for reading!! Feedback is always appreciated~
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fourthwingingit · 5 years
Edit: tumblr didnt post my edits from my original post (like you know when you save something as a draft and go oh wait there are some errors like no header and awkward phrasing lemme fix them) so im gonna repost this eventually but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit 2: tumblr sucks and never lets me put the thing so... This is for the anon who requested a fic of touch starved clark and conner with the prompts 'nobodys ever done that to me before' and 'i just want to be held' sorry it got angstier then i ment it to.... hope you like hurt comfort
Clark hovered awkwardly outside the door to conners room. He was nervous about seeing the teen with everything between them and what he wanted to ask him.
He took a breath. Conner almost certainly knew he was there already. But that didnt matter.
Ma always said that manners matter
He knocked.
From inside came a muffled, annoyed, and clipped
"What is it clark?"
Taking that as the best invitation he was going to get he opened the door and went in.
He looked at conner. The kid was on his bed, facedown on top of the covers like an angsty teen in a movie.
Clark thought he looked too small for the position he was in. Like he was waiting for some blow that was going to take a part of him with it to land... or like it already had and he was cradling a hole
Clark shook off the disturbing thought and steeled himself. He swiftly walked to Conner's bedside, and said, eloquently,
"Well. I... you see...... uh... lois- i mean to say..... uhh"
Lord this was already going to hell in a handbasket.
Conner turned his head enough to raise one eyebrow
"What the hell was that?"
He sat down a respectful distance away (as far away as he could) and tried again
"Hmm... you see i uhh- hmm you know how uhh.... things umm. Sometimes.... uhh"
Conner slowly turned his head the rest of the way to clark, confusion now written in every line in his body. great.
Clarks back bowed fast. Like his head gained 20 pounds in a half a second, his arms planted themselves on his knees and he gave up trying... he'd try again some other day. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe lois should do it.... Kal-el you coward.
"I... i dont know, ive got nothing."
But now he was scrambling, he needed a reason for being here. And what came out was;
"Ma told me shes uhh, seen you acting in a... less than..... ideal...... kind of.... way.?"
"No yeah i heard it"
"That was some next level awkward," and there was some distinct venom in that voice shoot. "if its that hard to be around me then you can find the door. I certainly dont need your pity handouts anyway."
Well.... shit
"No thats not.... im.... i wanted to ask- uh... whats been bothering you..... sport."
He now had what bruces kids called The Awkward White Man Smile... great.
Suprisingly, Conner chuckled.
Maybe a small part of Clark's brain said its not hopeless?
"Right now? Your social skills."
Banter! He hung around batman! He could do banter.
"Aww man and here i was thinking i was handing out winning lines."
"Oh no, youve gone senile a little early, well... maybe not early... good thing you've got Kara."
There was a small smirk playing at conners lips and an actual opportunity. God was real and he loved Clark Kent.
"At least I know I have two good boys to pick me up after im down." He looked away fast.
Silence stretched on
Oh lord he messed up the moment
He presumed too much and their only friendly interaction in over a month is ruined
The voice Conner used was so painfully soft and small. Like it didnt dare to hope anymore and had stopped trying a long time ago.
Clark never was good at leaving voices like that alone. And he was always more comfortable when something needed doing anyways.
Superman courage steadied him enough to take a risk.
He reached out his hand, and ruffled Conner's hair, trailing his fingers down after to rest on the shoulder closest to him and said.
"I have two kids dont i?"
More silence
Conner was frozen beneath his fingertips
He panicked
Oh god
He had fucked it up
He had fucked up enough times that conner didn't want anything to do with him
Okay damage control
"That is...." Conner stiffened further "if i haven't been so horrible to my eldist that he doesnt want anything to do with me"
The silence was now so deep he could hear the dust motes brushing against everything
He heard a tiny sniffle
And then he telltale sound of tears hitting bedsheets.
His head whipped around, his glasses flew off somewhere into the room. He barely noticed.
Shocked, he started to speak but Conner cut him off before he could finish the first syllable.
"You know when i was in Hawaii i used to watch families. Specifically parents and children. I'd be so jealous of-"
Conner cut himself off.
"Nobody's ever- i mean...... parents do that to their kids.... the hair touching thing.... Nobody's ever-" his voice broke, he cleared it. "Nobody's ever even tried to touch my hair if we werent kissing."
He gave a pitiful, watery laugh and, after a breif, stunned, pause, started rambling about how "of course i get it cut, like, the barber touches it and stuff..."
And it all hit clark.
Somehow it had never occured to Clark, that even though Conner looked like he was so much older than Jon, he wasnt.
He wondered who raised him
Who fed him
Who hugged him through nightmares
Clarks heart broke
Because he was certain the answer to most of those kinds of questions was 'Conner' and none of them were "Kal-el" or "Clark Kent"
Clark turned a bit and ran his hand over Conner's back softly, cutting off his rambling and said in a voice that was somehoe warm but still felt guilty and mourning;
"What do you want? What can I do?"
Conner was stunned. Kal had never given him anything like this. So he kept talking to give his brain time to catch up.
"I don.... i- i used to watch families... in- in Hawaii, and I'd get jealous of the kids, that they got to have families. Got to have parents. I dont..."
Clark turned a little to properly face his son and grabbed his hand.
"What can i do Conner?"
One day ago Conner would have asked for a lot. To never see Kal again, the superman title, his spot in the JL, even some time with Jon. But now?
Conner shifted, he sat up as best he could. And guided Kals hand to the side of his face, through tear tracks, held it there for a second, and then slid it into his hair. All thr while leaning into it like it was the only support he needed.
"I just want to be held.... without expectations..... without titles or rules or anything in return."
Connor wouldnt meet his eyes, or look up from the bedspread during his request.
For the second time that day Clark's heart broke. But now he had something he could do.
He reached out with his other hand, guiding his son into his arms, and gently layed them down
He kept one hand on the back of Conner's head, stroking the strands there. And one hand on Conner's back slowly moving back and forth.
From the first point of contact, Conner's world narrowed to the hand Kal had put on him. And now, there was more. Now he was allowed to reach out. He wanted to get closer. To bury his face in Kals chest and curl up small. To let the world fall away around them. Until nothing existed but them. Holding each other forever.
Kal seemed to read his mind, and guided his head to tuck itself under his chin and pressed them closer together.
No promises, no strings, no obligations after.
He could leave whenever he wanted.
He wanted to stay forever.
Conner wondered breifly what was like to be held by a father. If it felt as nice as this. Like everything crashed in on him, but it was okay.
Maybe, he thought.
They had a maybe.
And this maybe was a lot of ground to stand on.
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wakandascrystal · 6 years
Prophecy 3
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Prophecy - Part 1 - part 2
Pairing - Erik x Black!!reader  
               Tchalla x Latifa!!Wife
genre - Body switching, jealousy, fluff ect.
words -  2734
summary- Tchalla and Erik visit the ancestral plane at the same time but a complication arises when both men don’t return to their own bodies..
a/n : I apologies for any errors. I hope you enjoy.
This was weird this was the first time Erik even wanted to consider having a conversation about it.
“Okay….just don’t string me along. I want action or else …we should just end things before I get hurt.“ Your voice was small but Tchalla heard it clear as day..
Day before As Tchalla made his way to you. Erik turned down the corridor lined with the Dora to head to Latifa. The entrance of the home require a 5 digit password and unfortunately, Erik didn't know it. It was too late to go back to Tchalla and he knew to try guess was not an option so he dialed up Latifah's contact on Tchalla's kimono beads “ Yes.” Latifa had her braids down as her image looked up at Erik. “Come open the front door for me. I got a headache I'm not feeling so good.“ Erik though the sweet and whiny voice he used to would make Latifa fall over her dress running towards the kings figure to help but damn he was mistaken. “For a man with such a high IQ I must say I am disappointed.” She kissed her teeth and folded her arms. Her reaction surprised Erik but he didn't show it. The sweet queen he knew was not the lady who spoke like this. Erik felt like he was being tested. Whenever you're unnecessarily rude or bitter towards him, he knew what you wanted. A long night fucking. None of the sweet making love nonsense. He knew you probably had a long or bad day. So you need him to work you out. But he couldn't have those thoughts with Latifa he actually did not want to. Definitely not after what happened. Erik swallowed his pride and tried again. “Baby I need to wash up and sleep. Please be a dear and open the door.” “Since when am I, baby. Did you seeing your father make you weak? Tchalla” “Ah, I really don't know what kind of game you and Tcha- I mean You are playing not now.” Latifa just looked up at Erik from the kimono beads and started giggling. “Look open the door. I know its probably the time of the month but I don't have the time.” “Don't assume rubbish. “ Erik wanted to connect her face to a wall. He felt his blood boil. At that moment he didn't care that she was the queen of the most civilized nation. He hated being ridiculed exceptionally by some bitch he doesn't even know like that. He quickly tried to calm himself down using the basic techniques his therapist taught him. After a few seconds, he gave up. Is this what Tchalla has to deal with? “Okay, then I’ma go look for Romonda - chill with her while you fix up your act. Am sure the queen will wonder why her son ain't in his own bed.” Not even a second later the double doors opened up with Latifa standing between them. Holding a cup of tea barely wearing anything. “You gonna put some clothes on or what?“ Erik asked as he walked past her looking for the bathroom to take a much-needed shower. Most of the things Tchalla said to Latifa didn't affect her but that did. Why would he want her to cover herself, In their own home? He had never said anything negative about the queen's appearance ever. Even when she dragged his looks through the dirt which was hard cause even though the king's face annoyed her .. he was cute. She just found the request strange ..and how he was speaking. “Not even a good night kiss my love?” she closed the doors and saw how Erik took off his clothes throwing them on the floor and entering the shower. He pressed the water tab to let the water fall on him, trying to shut out Latifah's voice and it worked. She put on her shorts and laid on the bed with a book in hand. When the King wondered into her Tribe one day long ago and meet her while she was out with a friend. She thought he was going to ask for directions but instead, he asked for a private walk with her. He told the Dora to stay behind as the young handsome prince third wooed her. Erik came out of his long shower and saw Latifa reading on the bed.  He paid no mind to her as he put on Tchalla’s shorts for bed. Erik noticed how the room black and Purple. A lot of grays as well. The purple from the vibranium was lined everywhere. It was if the room glowed with it. The black tiles left a vibranium footprint that slowly disappeared. I need this shit. Erik thought to himself. “You're not going to tell me how it went.” Latifa spook “Are you done being sassy?” Erik didn't put much effort into his voice she rolled her eyes. “I wasn't being sassy.” “Lady I'm too tired to figure you out right now.” “Oh please don't be so dramatic. Do you want me to give you a message? To ease you. “Nah im-” Before Erik could finish his sentence she had pulled on him - to her knowledge- he was her husband -she laid him face down as she climbed on his back. She kneaded his shoulders and arms deep and slowly. Releasing all the tension from him. Erik released a moan. Not meaning to. He didn't expect her to be so good at this. It was as if she knew how strained he was. She focuses on the pressure points of his back. She stopped for a while and Erik wondered what she was doing. “I never said you can look!” She pushed his head down. “Are you this bossy all the time?” Latifa thought the question was phrased weirdly but she answered. “Only when you annoy me.” “I should do- what the hell is that!!” Latifa had spread a small amount of cooling cream on him back. She rolled her eyes and carried on running her hand over Tchalla’s brought back “Such a baby. This will help with the pain after. “ She took a wet wipe from her side stand and wiped all the cream off and put on essential oils. “Does that feel better Baba?” “yeah it feels- wait did you just call me daddy?” “Yeah, do you want me to stop?” “Nah. You do you.” Latifa frowned. There it was again. The way he spoke. “have you been hanging out with Erik’s friends again?” “Again?“ Erik asked “Yeah, your speech is off. You sound like Erik's mistress.” Erik was confused he turned himself to face her. After, he moved and shifted she was now on his lap and him against the headboard. “I got a mistre..I meant Erik got a mistress?“ Oh, Erik really wanted to hear this. “Yeah. That half girl he runs around with.“ “What do you mean half?“ “I mean she is not fully Wakanden. Stop acting like you don't know what I'm saying. I know you hate how people speak about her but everyone in the royal family calls her a mistress cause that is what she will ever be. Erik will never marry her....shame. I'm sure she had to beg him to tell the whole of Wakanda they were courting. That must have been so embarrassing. Erik will find a good Wakanded girl who will take good care of him.“ Erik looked at her dead in the eyes as she went on dragging you. He really wasn't angry at her but himself. He could feel his spine heat up gradually. No one could start to understand how much Erik loved you. Before Wakanda, you were all he had and when he found you were Wakanda as well it was as if his father sent you to him. Erik was trying to be extra careful with you. He wanted everything to be perfect. He really didn't care what people thought about him or his relationship but he knew you did. For the first time, Erik saw everything from your perspective. Guilt washed over him as he thought about you having to be seen this way. The last thing he wanted was for you to be some outcast or feel unwanted. Erik pushed Latifa of his lap and laid on his side, his back facing her. “Challa? What's wrong, Did I say something?“ “Not right now.“ he covered his head with a pillow. Latifa huffed but covered his Erik with a soft black comforter. She kissed his shoulder and left to take a shower. She dimmed the lights and Erik was left in the dark to his thoughts. That was very dangerous. Erik usual partakes in activities he doesn't really think through when he over thinks. He just wanted to talk to you immediately. He started reviewing his whole relationship with you. Maybe getting married now and not later wasn't a bad idea? He needed to let go of his fear of losing you, after his mom and dad he thought anyone who meant something to him would just be taken away from him. But you were different. This time he had power in the situation. He felt so connected to you. He felt a wave of uncertainty wash over him as he considered the marriage thing. Latifa had long put her self to sleep. He had planned that he would tell Tchalla about since he was not himself. So you would be marrying ...Tchalla. He felt weird about that. Shuri better have come up with something by now.... something, anything to help me out of this. He thought. The rest of the night Erik Planned how he would ask you to marry him. To be dramatic or not. He doesn't even dare to plan the wedding he knew you would love to do that. He had made his mind up. You were going to take his late name and his heart rate was flying. Around 2 AM he finally feels asleep. He dreamt about you. Nothing complicated just you and him sitting side by side watching the water from the river pass by. Early Morning Erik was woken by a hand around his arm. It rubbed his tummy gentle. Erik didn't move as Latifa gave His a belly rub. Erik wondered why Tchalla kept his hair on his chest and belly? Was that an African thing? It had to be because it seemed like Latifa didn't mind at all. Erik started to feel uncomfortable as she lowered and lowed her hand down. He turned to face her. Still keeping some space between him and her. Like Erik still Felt weird- the Queen was trying to be all over him or Tchalla but he wasn't Tchalla, Tchalla was Erik and Erik was Tchalla. He looked over her face. Her natural beauty was simple yet elegant. High cheekbones and thick brown lips and eyebrows. Her eyes were half open, she looked sleepy. Her hair was now in a black scarf that had crystal pieces that blinking with every movement she made. Well, she was that Queen. “Can I ask you something?” Erik was not getting used to using Tchalla’s voice. “You may?“ He voice was soft unlike Erics deep voice “Why you act a like bitch?“ After she heard what he had asked she rose and looked down on him. “Excuse me?” She looked very offended. Erik was expecting that. “Nah I didn't mean it like that, come here?” Erik pulled her closer and stroked her arm. “I didn't mean to offend you. Not at all....it's just... Is there something bothering you. I mean when I first came yesterday, you were mean and rude. You were not yourself.“ Erik really didn't know what he was doing. He was speaking to her the same way he would speak to you. He was just trying to understand and talk to her. No harm can come from that. Right? “How do you know that's not me? Being rude and mean. Loving to step on people parades and as Y.N would put it ...trying people. Maybe that's my true nature?“ “No way. Not when you're this beautiful.“ Her face fall and eyebrows rose. She looked surprised in a good way. like Erik had wanted a flower that had been water deprived. Erik tried to hide his confusion. Why did she react like this? Didn't Tchalla tell her she's beautiful? I mean The whole Kingdom praises her beauty all the time. On magazines, ads even on T.V but I mean if your own husband doesn't say shit that wouldn't matter. “You look...Shocked” “No. It's just that ...you don't say that a lot, when we're alone.“ Eric wasn't the type of person to get into people's business like that but he was lying half-naked in bed with the Queen of Wakanda. She was shy now bringing her knees to her chest and biting her lip. “I don't?“ Erik baited her to give him more information.   “Are we really going to talk abou-” She let out a deep sigh”- T'challa! This is how we are. I treat you like trash, you treat me like trash...to be honest I think we fell out of love... And you can't tell me I'm crazy cause you to know I'm right.“ Erik didn't know what he was stepping into. This is what you get for being nosy. “What you got nothing to say now. ” She whispered “Nah. I'm just thinking.” “I don't hate you. I might act as if I do but i…. don't. I just hate that you….” Her face dropped, she tried to hide it away from Erik's sight as the tears formed and fell. Without thinking, Erik pulled her closer to him her face fitted in his chest. He felt guilty knowing that if you saw him like this you would kill him. But he wasn't Erik anymore. He was T'challa. So technical T'challa was holding her. “Tell me what's wrong?” She sniffed and wiped her tears but did not retract herself from his soft neck rather she spoke into it. “I just feel like Ever since you became king. You've neglected me. We didn't even go on a honeymoon...I begged you for so long but - I don't want to seem selfish because I know losing your father was incredibly hard and being king when you weren't exactly ready was stressful. I just felt like I was the last on your list… Even Nakia is higher.” “I-i didn't know this is how you felt?” Erik tried to come up with the most vaguest reply he could give. Ever since he meet you and started going to his therapist he had reached a level of empathy his old self would laugh at. He felt the need to comfort her. Even though her pain didn't come from his own actions. “There is no way Nakia is higher,” Erik whispered She laughed and held his gaze. The lights were off but the moon proved enough light for her to see T'challa's soft face. His lips and eyes were beautiful to her. “I want you back. I want to love you again. I want us to..” Erik knew he shouldn't have started this. He was regretting it now. He felt out of place and on edge. “Do you want me?” She whispered again “I.... Yeah” Erik sounded unenthusiastic and that broke Latifah's heart. She left go him and pulled away. “Hey what's wrong. I agreed. Come back.” Latifa had already left for the bathroom. Erik felt himself move to follow her. “Wait. Let me explain.” “Okay speak then.” “You need to calm down first” “I am calmed” She spat. Erik picked her up and placed her on the marble countertop. “No, you are not-T'challa- I mean I …..want that as well” Erik Cringed as he said it. “Really ?” she slid her hands on his broad frame. He nodded and immediately felt her wet lips on his.
If you have any requests or even inspiration like a song or picture. Please send it to me and I will write a short Imagine and post every Wednesday. I write for anyone in Black Panther. Yes, Even W’kabi. 😊 Don’t hate me
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lostpioneer · 6 years
Can’t Sit Down and Write? Same Dude
Alright, buddy, I’m going to lay this out flat on you, whoever you are. I’m absolute garbage at writing. I don’t just mean skill, I mean all aspects- Commitment, focus, grammar (though I try my hardest,) and pretty much anything you can think of, I’m bad at. I probably have more unfinished writing ideas than I have days left on this Earth, and I can never dedicate myself to just one idea. Even short stories, besides ones I wrote back in middle school that I pretend don’t exist, remain unfinished and collecting virtual dust in my computer files while I do literally anything besides write.
The one strength I might possibly have, though? I soak up anything- And I mean anything- that I can about writing. Tips and tricks, websites, apps, styles- Everything I can get my hands on. So here’s my grand idea: I’m going to write this blog in an attempt to help other people like me, and maybe even people that don’t have the same issues I have.
The way I see it is writing is a complex art- And just like in any other type of art, you want the best tools you can possibly obtain. Like paintbrushes for watercolor, or graphite pencils for visual art. Those tools help you do better in whichever focus you have, so shouldn’t writing tools do the same?
You can argue that writing comes from within, from years of teaching, and I get that and agree with it- but there’s nothing wrong with a little extra help.
So, here are some of my (im)perfect tips for perfect writing.
 -         Sit your ass down. I’m sure a lot of you have heard this one but I can’t stress it enough. It is an extremely important aspect of writing that can start as a building block for success. When you make yourself sit down at your desk and put pen to paper (or fingers to keys,) it helps you commit yourself to the project even more.
-         Set word goals. There’s a lot of neat sites and programs that can help you keep track of your word and character counts, and these sites usually come with extra functions as well, so it never hurts to “shop” around. The point of this, though, is to have realistic goals. Of course, the end goal is to finish your paper, end the novel, or complete your short story, but you need smaller goals in between, especially if your project is a rather large one. Think like a chapter or two a day, or 1,000-1,600 words a day. These are just random values I shoot for, but yours don’t have to be as extensive- Just set the goal. When you get to a certain word goal, there’s a sense of accomplishment that can follow, and even sometimes you’ll have the urge to keep on trudging through it. Writing is also a pain sometimes, which is why word goals are so important- Set small ones if you get easily restless, or you don’t have a lot of free time to set aside. The important thing is having a goal you can reach, or at least get close to.
-         Write first, Edit later. Now this may sound easier than it is, and for some people (me in particular,) I have an insanely difficult time not editing on the way. And sometimes that’s okay. I usually find myself just fixing a word or grammar error, like a missing period or misspelled word. What I mean about not editing is when you stop your writing and go back to review what you’ve done. This is okay if you’ve found a good stopping point or reached a goal, but to backtrack in the middle of a writing process can hurt your workflow and get your mind off the current task. As painful as it might sound, sometimes you have to grit your teeth and push through that nagging urge to double-check what you’ve done.
-         Take breaks (if you need to.) If you’re anything like me, you might have a hard time sitting and clacking at your keyboard for more than 20 or 30 minutes at a time (I can barely manage that.) So the logical way to stop yourself from getting worn out is to just take a break. Watch a YouTube video, look at Pinterest or Tumblr, or IG- Anything you want. The key here is to give your mind time to process something different and keep it from getting worn out on the same thing. The other key is to return to your writing once you’ve given your mental muscles time to breathe. It’s a weird thing to balance, but if you can find one, it does wonders.
·         Find a writing buddy. Now this is a recent one for me, but it also helps a lot with your consistency. Basically find a friend or relative that bears a similar interest in writing that you do, one that can go through the journey of writing with together. If you can’t find someone that will write with you, at least find a friend that can hold you accountable. A good way to do it is ask them if they can keep you responsible- Tell them what you’re writing, what your daily word goals are, what times during the day you’ll be writing. It’s a new experience for me but I 100% recommend it to anyone that struggles with staying committed.
-         Find an idea and stick with it. This is probably the hardest one for me personally. I have so many ideas that I’d love to see played out in stories and novels, but I can never make myself focus on just one. And that’s the key- You have to find the one. Now, it doesn’t mean you can’t have other ideas, but unless you’re an amazing multitasker, you need to focus on the one that you’re working on then and there. If I had a dollar for any idea that distracted me from finishing another idea, I’d be rich enough to hire someone else to write this for me. (Not really, I’d probably spend it on candy bars or something, but you get my point. Right?)
 So those are just a few ideas off the top of my head. I might come back to this post at some later date to add more if any come to mind, or just start a new post entirely; call it part two or something. But that’s it for now on the Tips!
So below here, I’m going to list some of my favorite apps/websites that enable writing, ones that I personally enjoy and why I enjoy them. Here goes:
 -         sta.sh: Nothing too special here, basically just a free writing tool that’s similar (though not as extensive) as Microsoft Word. The cool thing about it is that it’s 100% free, all you need is a DeviantArt account. Sta.sh is 1005 online and backs up your files online as well automatically. It’s all private as well- No one else can see your stuff except for you, and if you do want to show it off, it generates a shareable link for your projects. Another cool perk is that you can store stuff besides writing, like pictures or videos.
-         Wordcounter.net: Kind of a similar format, but the importance of it is basically in the website name. It counts up your word and character counts, but also a few other interesting things, like how long it would take someone to read your material. The site also determines your “reading level” based on the type of words and such that you use (though you should take it with a grain of salt.)
-         Draftin.com: A free online website that just lets you write. An interesting mode it has, though, would be the “Hemingway Mode.” When you select this, you literally cannot change anything. I mean it- Try to backspace, nope. Try to highlight a word to retype it, nope. You can only go forward- Which could be either the greatest or the most infuriating thing you’ll ever see. Either way, I think it’s pretty neat.
-         HemingwayApp.com: You would think that this site would have been the ones to come up with that neat little perk, but nah. This one’s still pretty cool, though- it has a writing mode and editing mode. The writing mode is very simple- Just write, nothing special aside from basic editing like bold, italics, etc. But the editing part shows a few neat things: sentence length, grammar errors (to a point) how many adverbs you have, and alternative phrases you can use. It’s pretty nifty if you ask me.
-         Writer.Bighugelabs.com: My oh my, this one takes the cake for me. Call me weird, but I’m a sucker for certain sounds, and the clicking sound of a typewriter is among my favorites. So this app makes your keyboard sound just like that, as well as saving anything you write in the browser. Any time you leave, it’s automatically saved, and anytime you come back it pulls it right back up. The app is 100% free, but there is a pro membership if you want to go above and beyond the normal benefits of it.
-         Hanxwriter: Now this is an iPhone app that is pretty much the same as the one above- make your phone keyboard sound like a typewriter. That’s it. But if you ask me, it’s the greatest thing ever, so go take a look.
-         WriterDuet: Now I haven’t dipped my feet too far into this one, but from what I’ve seen I’m impressed. Once again, a phone app (unsure if it’s iPhone exclusive) that assists with your writing, and it’s really helpful for structuring scripts and the like.
-         Notebook.ai: This right here? This is the mother-load. I don’t even care what you’re writing, but you need to check this out. It’s a website that helps you collect all your world building ideas or even ideas for papers or essays. (Just mostly for world building) It asks you important questions about your universe as well, and there are too many awesome perks to talk about on this blog- Just check it out! You won’t regret it.
-         cerey.github.io/fighters-block: This is a fun, cute lil’ app that can push you intensely, or just give you some polite nudges. Basically you set a word goal and you have to keep writing, otherwise, the big bad monster will beat you up. Like I said, kind of cute, definitely entertaining.
 That’s about all I have for now! Like I said, I might come back to this post to add new stuff later on, but I’m fresh out of ideas at the moment. If anyone reads this, I hope I was able to help in some way or another!
Just remember guys and gals: Dedication is the biggest but most important step. Just write- worry about everything else later.
P.S. Let me know if I should add screencaps of these apps/websites, or if I should just leave it as it is. Peace!
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alanajacksontx · 7 years
How to create the perfect 404 page
Optimizing your 404 page is unlikely to top your list in terms of digital marketing priorities. However, it’s not something you should overlook or try to rush – especially if your site is frequently changing URLs.
404s (…or four zero fours if you’re in the military) are just another marketing tool – if made correctly.
What is a 404
Impact of 404s on SEO
What are Soft 404s
Helping your user
Reporting 404s in Google Analytics
Making it fun!
What is a 404?
A 404 is the response code that should be provided by your web server when a user attempts to access a URL that no longer exists/never existed or has been moved without any form of redirection. At a HTTP level the code is also followed by the reason phrase of ‘Not Found’.
It’s important to realize that DNS errors are a totally different kettle of fish and occur when the domain has not been registered or where DNS has been misconfigured. There is no web server to provide a response – see below:
If you’re looking to pass time or have a penchant for intellectual self-harm you may enjoy this list of HTTP status codes, where you can discover the mysterious difference between a 301 and a 308…
Impact of 404s on SEO
We can’t all be blessed with the foresight to develop a well-structured and future-proof site architecture first time around. 404s will happen – whether it’s a new site being tweaked post-launch or a full-blown migration with URL changes, directory updates and a brand spanking new favicon! In themselves, 404s aren’t an issue so long as the content has in fact been removed/deleted without an adequate replacement page.
However, if a URL has links from an external site then you should always consider a redirect to the most appropriate page, both to maintain any equity being passed but also to ensure users who click the link aren’t immediately confronted with a potentially negative experience on your site.
What are soft 404s?
Soft 404s occur when a non-existent page returns a response code other than 404 (not found) or the lesser known 410 (gone). They also happen when redirects are put in place that aren’t relevant such as lazily sending users to the homepage or where there is a gross content mismatch from the requested URL and the resulting redirect. These are often confusing for both users and search engines, and are reported within Google Search Console.
Helping the user
Creating a custom 404 page has been all the rage for a number of years, as they can provide users with a smile, useful links or something quite fun (more on this later). Most importantly, it’s crucial that you ensure your site’s 404s aren’t the end of the road for your users. Below are some handy tips for how to improve your 404 page.
Consistent branding
Don’t make your 404 page an orphan in terms of design. Ensure you retain any branding so that users are not shocked into thinking they may be on the wrong site altogether.
Make sure you provide users with some potential reasons as to why they are seeing the error page. Stating that the page ‘no longer exists’ etc can help users to understand that the lovely yellow raincoat they expected to find hasn’t actually been replaced by a browser-based Pacman game…
Useful links
You should know which are the most popular pages or directories on your site. Ensure your 404 page includes obvious links to these above the fold so that (coupled with a fast site) users will find the disruption to their journey to be minimal.
There’s a strong chance that a user landing on a 404 page will know why they were on your site; whether for jeans, graphic design or HR software, their intent is likely set. Providing them with a quick search box may enable them to get back on track – this can be useful if you offer a very wide range of services that can’t be covered in a few links.
Providing users with the ability to report the inconvenience can be a great way for you to action 404s immediately, especially if the button can be linked to the most common next step in a user’s journey. For example: “Report this page and get back to the shop!”
Turn it into a positive
Providing a free giveaway of a downloadable asset (by way of an apology) is a great way to turn an otherwise-disgruntled user into a lead. By providing a clear CTA and small amount of data capture, you can help to chip away at those inbound marketing goals!
Reporting 404s in Google Analytics
Reporting on 404s in Google Analytics couldn’t be easier. While in many cases your CMS will have plugins and modules that provide this service, GA can do it without much bother. The only thing you’ll need is the page title from your 404 page. In the case of Zazzle this is ‘Page not found | Zazzle Media’.
The screenshot below contains all the information needed. Simply navigate to Customization > Custom Reports > Add New within your GA console.
Title: The name of the custom report
Name: Tabs within the report (you only need one in this case)
Type: Set to Explorer
Metric Groups: Enter ‘Site Usage’ and add in Unique Page Views (to track occurrences per page) and Bounce Rate (to measure how effective your custom 404 page is).
Dimension Drilldowns: Page > Full Referrer (to track where the visit came from if external)
Filters: Include > Page Title > Exact > (your 404 page title)
Views: Select whichever views you want this on (default to all if you’re unsure)
Save and return to Customization > Custom Reports, then click the report you just made. You’ll be presented with a list of pages that match your specified criteria. Simply alter your data range to suit and then export and start mapping any redirects required.
You may wish to use Google Search Console for reporting on 404s too. These can be found under Crawl > Crawl Errors. It’s always worth running these URLs through a tool such as Screaming Frog or Sitebulb to confirm that the live URL is still producing a 404. Exporting these errors is limited to ~1000 URLs; as such, you’ll need to Export > Mark as Fixed > Wait 24hrs > Repeat.
Making a fun 404 page
Some of the best 404 pages throw caution to the wind, ignore best practice and either leverage their brand/character to comical effect or simply go all out and create something fun and interactive. Let’s face it, there is no better way to turn a bad situation (or Monday morning) into something positive than with a quick game of Space Invaders!
The below examples are just a few popular brands that have a great ‘404 game’.
It was always going to be on the cards that Lego would have something quirky up their tiny plastic sleeves, and while the page lacks ongoing links it provides a clear visual representation of the disconnect between the content you expected and what you’re getting.
Behind every great website, there’s a great host. Kualo have taken their very cost-focused industry and made a fun and interactive game for users who happen across a 404 page.
If there’s one site that has its URLs copy and pasted more than any other (and often incorrectly) it’s bit.ly. With over 1.2 billion backlinks from over 1.8 million referring domains I reckon there will be a few 404s…don’t you?
Ding! I’ve naturally lost count of how many times it’s given ‘Grats’ – Blizzard’s quirky 404 gives tribute to the commonly-uttered phrase seen in chat boxes across all their games.
It only seems fitting that one of the geekiest corners of the internet be served with an equally geeky 404 page. Github’s page is unique because there is actually a dedicated URL for this design which has over 520 referring domains itself! Not to mention their server error page is equally as cool.
Hopefully the information detailed in this article has provided you with a great strategy to leverage your 404 page as a content marketing asset or simply to improve the experience for your user. We’d love to see any creative 404 pages you come up with.
from IM Tips And Tricks https://searchenginewatch.com/2017/09/12/how-to-create-the-perfect-404-page/ from Rising Phoenix SEO https://risingphxseo.tumblr.com/post/165257736380
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