#but i needed to get my opinion out there bc this fandom is so quick to throw rocks at each other
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Im not going to argue whether SolarNexus counts as incest, it isnt, but the whole argument is an ouroboros of nothing that im not gonna bother with. I am however going to argue against the idea that the shippers are somehow threats to their real siblings???
I genuinely want to understand where this idea comes from, bc im p sure the majority of people are fully capable of enjoying things in fiction they would never like irl??? This feels like the violent video games debate all over again. Do you also believe gore artists are serial killers in waiting or does this concept only apply to ships? Ive got worse ships than SolarNexus and the idea of dating my younger sister is still absolutely disgusting.
Would i date my sibling? No, god no, ew. But i am a real person, and im capable of separating a fictional story from reality and what barbie dolls im smushing together has no bearing on what i really believe to be right in real life. This putting fictional characters over the feelings and well being of real people is genuinely baffling to me. Fictional characters arent real, nothing immoral is actually happening. Nobody is actually getting hurt bc someone drew something icky.
Enjoying violent video games doesnt make someone violent, enjoying a taboo ship doesnt make someone a threat to real people.
Riddle me this: If these SolarNexus shippers ever met a sibling from another dimension, would they consider dating them? Because I sure as hell wouldn’t.
Me neither. I have a little brother, and the thought of dating him in another dimension makes me want the throw up and die.
I really, REALLY hope none of them have siblings. Especially not Witchy.
#ik im probably just going to get blocked for this#if not sent malicious anons for prioritizing real people over pixels on screen#but i needed to get my opinion out there bc this fandom is so quick to throw rocks at each other#and its genuinely kinda horrifying to watch bc we're all just people trying to have fun
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Omg wait, you have so many fandoms I love, ok, ok could you make like a list of characters from theses shows and what they’d be? Like regressed, caregiver, ect? (So I can send asks based on that) I’m so excited right now
Arcane, Detroit Become Human, Last airbender, Our flag means death, and Six of crows/shadow and bone
happy 2024! this has been in my inbox forever but looks super fun to do! here’s my take on what characters would be regressors/caregivers for arcane, dbh and atla. I totally wrote way more than I expected to but here u are! <3 I’ll do a separate post for ofmd and soc bc they have so many characters I have opinions on.
Agere Character Headcanons
(Arcane, D:BH, ATLA)
(jinx is me cooking up this thread)
Vi: As much as she’d be a wonderful caregiver, she’s absolutely a regressor. Being small reminds her of days spent with her parents and Powder, family trips to the fish markets of the coast and sunny days building sand castles at the beach. She tends to be on the older side, a natural tendency from a life spent as the older sibling, taking care of Powder. Vi’s a very active and vivacious little, playing outdoors and hanging off Caitlyn’s shoulders. Loves physical touch, hugs and high fives are the way to go.
Caitlyn: Caregiver all the way! I think she loves kids in general, and despite her awkward nature and sheltered upbringing, she finds it easy to take charge and step into the role of a protector. Definitely looks after Vi and is oftentimes too concerned about her safety. She loves taking the little out to the playground and to eat at Jericho’s food stall (even if she still refuses to eat a bowl of slop herself).
Jinx: Tiniest, cutest, moodiest little troublemaker there is. Jinx regresses to about four or five years old, and absolutely bounces off the walls at all hours of the day. She’s not the quiet, sweet child she once was as Powder, but rather gets herself into trouble and feigns innocence. She loves to annoy both Silco and Sevika, clambering on the latter’s lap and hiding under Silco’s desk for games of hide and seek. Her mood changes rather drastically as well, as she can go from completely happy to hyperventilating sobbing from anything as simple as scraping a knee to refusing bedtime.
Jayce: He’s a very attentive and high strung caregiver. Looking after Viktor is much easier than Caitlyn, Silco, or Sevika’s jobs, but Jayce always fusses over the little. He’s quick to scoop him up whenever it’s deemed necessary, and goes to Mel for help when he needs another pair of hands. Jayce loves caregiving because it gives him something to focus on other than his responsibility to Piltover, and enjoys simple play with his little like story time and building blocks.
Viktor: Super small and quiet regressor! Viktor can get very young, and has no qualms with depending on Jayce for help when he’s little. He likes to be snuggled up on a couch in a mound of blankets and is also content to sit and watch Mel paint the ships that go by the balcony of her apartment. Viktor is sweet and shy and doesn’t tend to verbalize his needs, but because Jayce is so attentive they mesh well together.
Detroit: Become Human
Kara: Caregiver. Need I expand? It’s in her coding in the first place to protect and nurture. Upon her deviance, Kara realizes that even if she was made for it, she can still reclaim that part of herself for herself. She is quick to console whomever her little may be, and projects the kindest and warmest energy to the person she’s taking care of. Kara enjoys making up her own stories, and loves playing make believe with her regressor.
Connor: One hundred percent a regressor. This little guy was shy and uncertain when he first started regressing, as he didn’t know what ‘normal’ behaviour from a deviant was, let alone how to process all the new emotions he was feeling. Connor loves to spend time at Hank’s house with Sumo, revelling in the feeling of the dog’s fluffy fur and laughing happily when he teaches Sumo all sorts of tricks. Connor is usually happy when regressed, but struggles with anxiety and asking for help. Hank is always there to walk Connor through his big feelings and encourages him to use his words.
Markus: He’s one of the most chaotic caregivers there is. You picked the pacifist route in the game? Doesn’t matter. This guy is unhinged when it comes to caregiving. Spoiling his little at any time possible, letting them stay up hours past their bedtime, giving them candy for breakfast and encouraging colouring on the walls. He spent so many years being exactly who Carl wanted him to be while also tasting freedom through Carl’s art that it brings him so much joy to see a regressor’s eyes sparkle when he says yes to whatever their heart desires. He’s also amazing at comforting a regressor. Big hugs and gentle eyes!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Katara: Is a caregiver! Incredibly kind yet less patient than one (Sokka) might hope. Katara is quick to caution her little, always on the lookout for anything that they might hurt themselves with or on. But this doesn’t mean she hates fun! She adores the beach and using her bending to splash around, and is always ready to get her little an extra blanket or any snacks they ask for. She’s super sweet and falls into the role of a caregiver like she was made for it. Katara has even sewed a plushie or two as gifts, and has a knack for settling a regressor in front of a crackling fire and braiding their hair before bedtime.
Sokka: Regressor for sure. Even though he’s a big brother he never let go of his goofy side, and it plays into so much of his behaviour when he’s regressed. He’s on the older side, around 6-8, and has so much energy he doesn’t know where to put it all. Queue him running around for hours, laughing at absolutely anything that Aang says and bothering Toph just so she’ll play with him. Sokka doesn’t cry, even when he takes a tumble (which is quite often) but is fussy when he doesn’t get his way. He’s a troublemaker, but his beaming smile lets him get away with plenty.
Aang: Honestly I think he’s a caregiver, but is more like a fun uncle than any other label. His sage airbender wisdom doesn’t come through often, which means he’s all about fun all the time. His childish side matches a little like Sokka’s constant energy, and he seems to vanish into a cloud of smoke when any tears come his way. And how did Sokka and Zuko get chocolate all around their mouths, you ask? Well, there’s no one to ask because Aang’s just taken off on his glider on some very important business.
Zuko: LITTLE! REGRESSOR! TINY! Oh my goodness, he’s the first fictional character that I ever headcanoned as a regressor. There’s no need to delve into his trauma here, but the boy is in such a desperate need of healing his childhood that he regressed long before he even knew what it was. Regresses very young, between 2-5. Before meeting the Gaang he’d hang off of Uncle’s shoulder during Pai Sho tournaments on his ship and would shyly ask the crew members to play songs during music nights. His tough demeanour disappears completely when he’s regressed and he turns into a shy boy that is insistent on doing things himself and is quick to cry when he’s unable to, for example, wrap his robes the way he wants. Zuko has a turtleduck plushie that Katara sewed for him after Aang asked him what his favourite animal was and Sokka caught him cuddling up to Appa at night. Sweetest boy in the whole world.
Toph : Caregiver! Matches more with Aang’s style of caregiving than Katara’s, but still lands somewhere in the middle. Her earthbending gives her the ability to pick up on every tiny emotion that a regressor feels, and it means she’s prepared and in tune with every need, happy or unhappy, that someone needs. She tends to playfully tease Zuko and Sokka, but knows exactly where to draw the line with either boy based on the rhythm of their heart. Toph helps Aang when it comes to letting the boys do something Katara has specifically told them they’re not allowed to, and will always feign innocence when confronted by the eldest caregiver.
#sfw agere#sfw agere fic#detroit become human agere#dbh agere#dbh#detroit become human#arcane agere#arcane#atla agere#avatar the last airbender#atla#avatar the last airbender agere
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This!!!! Oh my god!!! I really did like landoscar fics at first. But the way the amount of fics now that just portray Carlos as the bad guy is insane!!! And it's not just landoscar but lestappen fics too!
Carlos always ends up being the antagonist or the ex that was horrible and well as you've said a ab*ser. I get it that it's fiction and it's their writing and they're free to do whatever they want.
And I understand that sometimes in some plots why Carlos had to be the bad guy. It makes sense plot wise. Great. You're free to write what ever you want.
But there's a line that should not be crossed. And they cross it all the time.
And sometimes you can clearly tell that they do not like Carlos just from how they write him. Especially in fics where Charles or Oscar are the main protagonist in lestappen and landoscar fics because the writer will always make Carlos this horrible character. And it’s always the fics with lestappen and landoscar as side ship or vice versa. Which again ok everyone has their fav drivers and are free to have opinions but the way they are so easy and quick to make Carlos (a real person that they don’t know personally) an ab*ser.
The way I have backed out of multiple ongoing fics that i did like recently because they didn’t tag it properly (probably for like a shock element) and Carlos was this ab*ser character and was horrible to poor Charles and Lando and Oscar and Max were this saviour protecting them from big bad Carlos. One fic is somewhat understandable but multiple fics that’s just hating and being vile towards Carlos is insane. And making him this character that is always this ab*ser like character.
The way this behavior has turned me away from lestappen (which was how i got into f1 rpf bc I loved them and still do but i just cannot read or appreciate them anymore) and landoscar is actually crazy. I have been in multiple fandoms with ships that I don’t like and let the shippers be. Always been a firm believer in “don’t like don’t read/dni” but sometimes you have to interact and call what they’re doing wrong. It’s not even the ships that are bad it’s the shippers. They are so toxic and this toxicity makes you turn away from the whole ship.
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense but yeah…
Anon, this made incredibly sense, and I have to share this because I have never heard truer words. I, too, have had to clock out of ongoing fics because of this, I just can’t stand it when Carlos becomes the bad character, sometimes even without a logical reason at all!
Like once I was reading this Landoscar fic and all of a sudden they just straight out started saying that Carlos was stupid and an idiot and he was an asshole, but that didn’t even fit in the entire dialogue the characters were having!
In another fic, they went as far as k*lling Carlos, just because they hated him.
This is not fiction, this is a problematic mentality. I get that you can despise someone, but as anon said that’s just taking it too far and it has become extremely toxic and disgusting.
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SBG POST!! (hxh moots please ignore this 😓)
** disclaimer: DO NOT SEND HATE TO ANYONE!!!! whether or not they agree with what I’m going to say, please don’t send hate to them. if anything I say comes off as harsh/rude, just know that’s not my intention.
deadass wasn’t gonna say anything because I genuinely don’t care, but some of my friends/supporters are getting hate and it’s starting to annoy me. also my name got dragged in so it’s free game now 😛 **
posting this on my main for reach, but my side blog for sbg is @b3achysurfur !!
Someone sent me a post that was talking about how the fandom thinks it’s okay to hate Logan for being a nerd but not anyone else for the tropes they’re based on. They also said that people have been “getting defensive about their right to hate a charater”. The person probably has me blocked and won’t see this but idrc bc they were talking about me (to some extent).
no one is getting defensive about their “right to hate a character”. from what I’ve seen (and posted) it was just people pointing out how silly it is to say “oh you can’t hate this character 😡”. that’s literally it lmao. that’s not being “defensive”, it’s just pointing out how stupid you guys sound. also, it applies to you too? you can hate/like whoever you want.
“i'd be stabbed 27 times and set on fire for saying anything remotely bad about aiden but logan gets away scot free bc he's a ‘nerd’ and ppl simply dislike him bc of his trope? the double standards are just odd, that's what i'm addressing.” Scot-free? No I didn’t “get away scot free”. I got sent death threats, sm1 attempted to dox me, my dms were full of hate, and there was post after post of people saying things about me (some of which came from people you associate yourself with op). It just looks like I “got away scot-free” because I’m not a little bitch and can deal with backlash for my opinions.
you guys created this environment where everyone has to like everything! everyone has to feel the same way about everything! and a lot of you have this mob mentality and just follow the crowd instead of having you’re own opinions. There is no “double standard”. You guys hate on anyone and everyone for their personal opinions.
“what's the difference between them and everyone else? i'm "allowed to hate" these characters, but if i posted my opinion on someone like aiden, who is a mostly beloved character by the fandom, i'd get Rattled.” Nothing! There’s no difference! Only problem is none of you have the balls to express your opinions out loud. Not that I blame you tho, from my experience the fandom is very agressive when you disagree with them. And by the way, I was never “allowed to hate” Logan. Can’t even count how many people made posts saying, “dni if you hate Logan/any of the main cast” lol. Which also confuses me op. You can’t really complain about it when you’re apart of the problem, no?
“and anyways i'm talking abt the fact that people are defending beachy for their opinions, the majority of us dislike them but it's still insane the difference” I know people hate me, idrc ab that. but the fact that you complained about not being able to dislike any of the main charaters than added that you (as well as most of sbg tumblr) don’t like me bc of my opinion is so hypocritical. Do you not hear yourself?? Also people defend me because you guys get nasty quick. most of my posts are JOKES. yes I hate Logan, but I’m not being serious when I write things about him. Not to mention most the people who defend me now were at my thoart when we first started interacting.
Having different opinions on characters and vocalizing it is very important to fandom growth. You guys need to understand this. If you force everyone is like a charater then not only does it make the fandom boring to interact with it but it also creates drama. AKA THE WHOLE “LOWAR”. SHI WOULDVE NEVER HAPPENED IF I WAS ALLOWED TO DISLIKE LOGAN LMAO??? Not to mention, it allows you to see different perspectives and versions of the same charater just through someone else’s eyes. That’s why our fanon versions of charaters are just copy and paste of the canon versions. Because you guys never give anyone space to be creative. As soon as you don’t agree with it, you all jump on the person and make it a problem. It’s annoying.
If you don’t want to be attacked for your opinions on a charater then stop attacking others for their opinions. Obviously this problem won’t be fixed immediately but it’s one person at a time yk? Just know if you hate a character, you should expect at least a bit of backlash and debate. Shi I still argue with people and it’s been like 3 months. Just remember to be open minded, respectful, and have fun!!
“Hating” on a charater doesn’t have to be negative/drama. it’s you guys that make it into that. Relax a bit and have a little more fun. Or don’t, it’s ya life 🤷♀️
—- btw if you ever have a problem with me, talk to me about it or stfu. Stop attacking my friends/supporters. you can dm me, tag me in a post, send me an ask, comment, reblog, idc. I’ll respond (on my sbg side blog). Or just block and ignore me. Thanks 😛
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— u and i both have a lot of conversations about this and i'm sure we'll post ranty posts about this in the near future but. i'm tired of the lack of respect asian cultures get. they're used as aesthetics, interchanged, mocked, fetishized, and then disregarded when they don't suit what people want out of it. not entirely unpopular opinion, but it might as well be with how literally the entire world treats it llsgjlskdgskd
— as someone who's made blogs for and have tried to initiate interactions with original characters, AND have struggled to get those interactions — i do think a lot of interactions, or lack thereof, can be attributed to the lack of content or effort put out. usually. like i usually think it's the case. like it obvs sucks that ppl with ocs need to put in more work, but sometimes u just gotta. whether it's making verses, adding more info about the lore, breaking lengthy info down into something digestible ( bullets bc lbr not everyone will read novels of info nor will they retain it ). this is aside from people blatantly ignoring the effort you put in, thats a whole diff thing. but if i struggle to int with ocs it's bc there's nothing for me to work with and sometimes. SOMETIMES i fear the information just isn't digestible for me and i cannot like, visualize? the character beyond words on a page................ yeah idk. i think bullet lists are really good in getting important info out in a quick and easy way to supplement a novel biography ( esp if it has heavy prose ).
— im gonna be so fr my brain is frying but. i feel like there hasn't been any new tv that HITS the way the vampire diaries did. and i miss that era tbh like it actually makes me kinda sad :clown: but in that same vein of tvd, the way the current climate of fandoms interact with it is very offputting to me like none of the characters are meant to be morally good. the show's gonna have assholes who do heinous things beyond basic vampire stuff ( damon ) and outright erasing him or banning him or vilifying writers who choose to write him from a non - romanticized lens is very weird to me. its just the whole cherrypicking all over again
— ON THAT TOPIC, i miss tw. lol. the fandom is RANCID as are sterek shippers, i wish them a very [redacted]. but i will eat up whatever content that franchise puts out. even that shitty new movie i was eating it up just for the vibes like i couldnt tell you one thing that happened in the movie but i sure watched it and enjoyed the brief serotonin it gave me.
— duplicate anxiety is weird and it's weird to impose it on others i'm tired of pretending to be sympathetic about it
— korean stiles was still the weirdest fucking thing i've ever had to witness on tumblr dot com
#tormenther#u can tell i ran out of steam#u are the LAST person for this meme lskgjlksdgjsdlkgdk#but yeah tvd and tw are so <3 beloved to me
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just saw your response about writing a book and dreams and i wanted to ask like-- do you think you'd ever change careers to do that? im in the middle of trying to change careers right now and the market is straight doggy doodoo in the us, but also maybe egg on my face for applying right before the holidays. id like to think to those of us with wants and dreams there is a place. i think you're a bit older than i am, and i guess i want your opinion as someone a little more sage. idk sorry if this is too personal - i have noticed you like to keep your personal and kpoppie fandom life separate, so i wont press :3! happiness to all
such a great question!! so let me answer your question in a few parts bc honestly, the way careers and life work out in your twenties is so goddamn weird lol
so i went to school for literature and intended to go for the professor path, but realized pretty quick id be poor forever. so i bopped around job to job for a while feeling pretty unfulfilled, probably through my mid twenties. then i accidentally fell into a job at a small company where they let me switch over to the software dev team bc i surprisingly liked it / was good at it, and thats what ive been doing since. im 30 now, and to be honest, i make pretty good money doing that plus im able to fully work remotely and kind of have a flexible schedule.
so to answer your question….. no, i don’t think i would be willing to take the risk right now to try switching for writing but that’s largely because i finally like my job and im a little risk adverse as a person when it comes to my own finances.
i think realistically if i ever tried writing professionally it would be something i did in my off time like fic and then if i was able to make money doing that then maybe id switch paths. i have the flexibility for that given what i do, but thats just me.
for you, being a little younger in age and maybe your career though id give you this advice (as someone who changed careers) - you might need to start low on the totem poll to get into the career path you want, especially when switching, but do not let yourself work at lower pay for too long. no matter how great the company is etc., jobs that hire low experience and let you sink or swim are great for experience but they will never, ever pay you what you’re worth no matter how nice your bosses are. so if you get your foot in the door, crush it and get that resume built, and then get out in 1-2 years.
the other thing i’ll say is know your worth now. every job and degree gives you resume builders and skills you don’t even realize are marketable. focus on getting good at interviews so once you land one, you’ll get farther. people hire people they like, i guarantee im not the best developer but i am really personable and honest in an interview and it’s always got me a call back.
i would also say, career changing takes time. don’t be afraid to make money doing something you don’t love while you try for something else. it took me 2 years to transition from a job i didn’t love to doing something i enjoy for good money now, and it’s not my total dream job, but it affords me the time and money to enjoy my passions and that’s a good fit for me.
anyways i don’t know if this was helpful, but please don’t be shy to dm me here or on twt, i’d be happy to talk about my experiences or give you more advice on your situation.
i know it’s tough out there, but you got this! for the majority of my twenties i was really lost and struggling, but i promise if you stay the course and be honest with yourself the path in front of you gets clearer and easier to walk. 💗
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this fandom might actually be the worst one I’ve seen!! I flip through a bunch of diff ship accounts bc listen, ship whoever you want, personally I am partial to elucien but I can admit there’s a lot of evidence for other ships as well. I like seeing all art for ALL the ships!! But then today I see a post about how we need Gwyn’s book because she is a victim of SA and it would be great to read a book about her healing journey.
Idk maybe it’s just me but I get annoyed when someone is always reduced down to their SA so I pointed out that Rhys & Lucien also had SA trauma and there has been no healing journey for them?? How are we going to fill an entire book for Gwyn?? Like, Sarah doesn’t seem to delve too much into healing journeys from SA (in ACOTAR at least 🤷🏻♀️ idk about other series) and tends to use it as a plot point to create a traumatic background character. It’s something that greatly annoys me tbh
And then I got yelled at?? And told to read the books again?? Like yes, I am a new reader, and yes it was a Gwyn Stan account (didn’t know that at the time, I literally just replied for the first time from a post I saw on my for you feed) - but nothing I said was anti-Gwyn (how could it be- she’s one of my favs too???) ?? I vaguely know there’s whatever ship war going on but I didn’t even comment on a ship post and I didn’t mention any other names/ships so I was genuinely confused about why I got yelled at on a post that only mentioned Gwyn.
All I said was I doubt Sarah is going to write an entire book about Gwyn’s healing journey ? It wasn’t even ship related so why did I get so much hate?? no wonder this fandom is filled with such toxicity, nobody new is allowed to join even casually unless they earn their masters degree of 16000 pages of analysis (apparently reading the books isnt enough?) and so it’s just filled with the same bitter people since whenever these books came out
Maybe bc I acknowledged I didn’t see her as a main character - because she’s not? She’s very much a side character but who cares? She’s still a favorite of mine? Two things can be possible at once, people!!!
Anyways, tldr I got a slap on the wrist and told I don’t know SJM if I think Gwyn is a side character and I’m just like ok I didn’t say she couldn’t be one later but based on the one book she is in… she is a side character?
I hate this mf fandom I should’ve stayed out of it. What did I even do?? I even apologized if anything I said about Rhys or Lucien was untrue?? And now I’m just annoyed because I should still be able to debate theories about my favorite books with people even if I don’t spend 24/7 reading PowerPoints on ship wars??
They got mad because you were right. That's it.
SJM doesn't write post-SA healing journeys. Again, you were right.
We've had male and female characters who were SAed, in TOG, Lysandra and Fenrys come to mind, in ACOTAR it's Rhys and Lucien and Gwyn, in CC it was Lidia (similar situation as Rhys/Lucien).
These aren't books for deep exploration of post-SA healing. I am sorry. This is an incredibly tough subject, without a singular answer. SO anything she'd do, wouldn't be taken well. Some will say 'too quick!' others will say 'not quick enough!' and everyone will have an opinion. The only reason Nesta got an extended healing (and not from SA) was because SJM used the same methods she used for her own issues. Working out, meditation, being with friends, balancing the physical and the mental, relying on her SO. Beyond that, all of SJMs 'healing' is training and being in love. Or nothing at all.
Gwynriels cant accept the fact that Gwyn is a secondary character. She is not more important than Emerie, or Mor, or anyone else, who's had terrible trauma. Her main was Nesta. Nesta's healed and Gwyn is secondary to Nesta. Gwyn's healing journey is over. She because stronger mentally and physically, she trained, she reached and conquered her 'mountain'. and that is all she needed to do.
They dont want to understand and accept that no one is interested in an 800 page of Gwyn's post-SA healing journey. Even they aren't. That's the truth. They want her with Azriel. Getting it on, having sex, being mated. They don't want to read any 'healing journey'. They want her going on missions, swinging her sword, being a badass, being with Azriel, having Gwynriel sex and having a normal fantasy heroine book. it's all performative. They just want Gwynriel. Is all.
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heyyyy so. i love your blog. and i was wondering, what you think about the headcanon that marty could be diabetic? with what little evidence we have in the movies? ( for example, him turning away peanut brittle which is ALL SUGAR, always drinking sugar free pepsi, asking for something without sugar in 55 at the diner, shoving food in his mouth after the phone call with doc in the morning before he goes to the twin pines lot, etc) i have a headcanon that doc keeps a stash of candy or snacks for marty if his blood sugar crashes or goes low. ( and i know the sleepiness and implied laziness of marty was probably due to mjf being sleep deprived but i read that thats a side effect of low blood sugar?? ) and not to mention the layers he always wears, probably bc hes cold ??? idk , ive had that hc for a while and i just wanted to know your opinions and thoughts on it ??
Ahhh, the return of one of my favorite fringe BTTF headcanons. I saw this ask initially when it popped into my inbox a handful of days ago, but I wanted to have the time to sit and answer it in depth because it really is such an intriguing headcanon. I've only ever encountered it two or so times in the fandom (and one of those times was another ask I'd gotten last year), and I do enjoy exploring the less talked about theories.
I will put this under a read more, on account of I have lots of thoughts, as well as personal experience that allows me some particular insight into how this headcanon might play out for Marty. I'm not diabetic, but I do have a condition that causes a variety of fun issues, one being hypoglycemia. Basically, I have frequent episodes of low blood sugar and need to monitor my glucose level and keep it up by eating often. That being said! Some thoughts on the "Marty is diabetic" headcanon.
• My very first thought is: this kid better be prepared and have lots of supplies stuffed into the pockets of his many clothing layers because otherwise, he's in trouble. Honestly, this is the biggest barrier for me in terms of the headcanon. Marty is on a non-stop, adrenaline fueled ride for most of the trilogy. Between the constant running and chaos and sneaking around and life and death situations, he'd need to find the time during his day for finger pricks to check his blood sugar levels, staying on top of eating regularly, and injecting insulin. That means carrying a glucometer, a lancing device, lancets, alcohol wipes, test strips, syringes, and vials of insulin. He'd likely carry a bag or something that has all this in it.
• BUT! If he left his house that evening and ventured to the mall without any supplies (thinking it'd be a quick outing), one of his first priorities upon becoming stuck in 1955 would be acquiring whatever he needed. His first opportunity for that would be once he arrives at Doc's house and convinces him he's a time traveler. After getting Doc to believe him, Marty would have to be all, "Oh, and, uh, Doc? I really hope you have some medical doctor friends or something because we need to get our hands on some supplies. Like, now."
Then, on top of all the shock that came with being hurtled through time, Marty would have the additional challenge of adjusting to 1950s era diabetes management. No at home glucometer (those weren't available until 1981), and the syringes were large and made of metal. It'd be difficult, but not impossible, for Marty to manage the disease during his travels.
• For the purposes of this hc, let's assume he somehow brought along all his supplies stuffed into secret pockets in his puffy vest. Or, perhaps he uses a portable insulin pump, which became more widely available in the 1980s. It'd look something like this.

The end of the tube would have a needle that'd be inserted under the skin on his lower abdomen, and he'd be able to dose insulin that way. The device would have to be clipped to his pants somewhere. Not sure if Twin Pines McFlys would be able to access this new (and probably super expensive) device for their son. Maybe Doc makes one for him! I could totally see him doing that.
• Anyway, in terms of Marty turning down the peanut brittle, drinking sugar free Pepsi, and asking for something without sugar, it might or might not have anything to do with diabetes in this headcanon scenario. Contrary to what many think, diabetics (type 1 at least, which is what Marty would likely have) don't need to avoid sugar. They need to be mindful of sugar just as any other person should, but they generally don't have dietary restrictions. Sugar would for sure impact his glucose levels, and he'd have to be mindful of that, but as long as he balanced it with the appropriate amount of insulin, he'd be good to go.
It could be that Marty just wants to avoid having to account for extra insulin and avoid a potential spike, so he turns down some sugary foods every so often. Diabetics have to keep careful track of how many carbs they consume, as that determines how much insulin to inject, so if Marty already took his dose for dinner, for example, it'd make sense he'd say no to the peanut brittle even if he wanted it. Otherwise, he'd have to do another injection to cover the carbs from it, and who has the time for that when you're busy sulking over the wrecked car??
• Something Marty would really need to be careful about during all his adventures is making sure his blood sugar doesn't dip too low. High blood sugar isn't good, but low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is actually more dangerous and considered an immediate emergency. Your blood sugar can be high and rise a good deal before you start to get negative health effects, but once your blood sugar dips below 70 mg/dL, you need to treat it right away. He'd need to be eating regularly, making sure his insulin is matching the amount he's eating, and ALSO factor in that physical activity makes blood sugar levels drop. And all that running he does? Yeah, he's gonna need snacks on hand.
You mentioned sleepiness being a symptom of low blood sugar, and you're right. But if Marty is at that point, it'd likely mean he'd be having a serious hypoglycemic episode. A "normal" blood sugar range is about 80-120, though meals will bring it higher for a bit before you level back out. Once you get below 70, your brain is literally being starved of glucose, which it needs to function. Very quickly, you get hit with a lot of symptoms. Blurry vision, trouble concentrating and speaking, tremors, profuse sweating, tiredness, rapid heart rate and breathing to name a few.
If you manage to catch it soon enough, you can treat the low on your own—by eating or drinking something high carb or taking some glucose tablets—but it's also very difficult to get a meal or some snacks when you're shaking like a leaf and can't even think straight. My blood sugar dipped to 49 the other week, and I went from feeling a little off to experiencing all those symptoms in a matter of a minute or two. For Marty to reach that level in the midst of trying to repair timelines would be difficult, to say the least. An untreated low will lead to unconsciousness, seizures, and even death.
Of course, if Marty is prepared, he'd know to snack during the day to keep himself stable. And I do imagine that '85 Doc's garage is stocked with snacks good for bringing up blood sugar (especially juice, which is one of the BEST ways to bring blood sugar up quickly. My fridge is filled with it.)
• I'm a little concerned about how Marty would fare in Part III, but I assume he'd be well prepared at that point. Let's assume that when Doc came to pick Marty up at the end of Part I, he already had a supply kit ready in the car (Doc absolutely would have a kit for "just in case" that he kept in his garage and brought along if they were going somewhere, and I think he'd have the foresight to bring it to the future). Marty could then have it still for his stay in 1955 while he and Doc prepared the DeLorean for the Old West, and he'd be able to have it for his time spent there in Part III. Very large kit, okay? Doc is super prepared. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, a kit like that would probably still be in the car when Doc gets zapped to the Old West, so....not sure about this one, friends. Let's hope Marty has some stuff in his pockets and that '55 Doc can then help him out in gathering more things together for his trek to 1885.
Well. I'd say I've gone on long enough. In conclusion: Diabetic Marty is a fascinating concept and, while it'd be difficult for him, he could conceivably manage it all during the trilogy if he's careful and has Doc looking out for him as well. There are lots of "missing scenes" and things we don't see in the movies, so Marty could be using that downtime for testing and injecting and guzzling down juice.
Thanks for the ask! This was a fun one.
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I loved your headcannons.
What are your Head cannons for when Eloise and Phillip have children? Blending the family further.
For me, I think Eloise would flip her lid, wheb she becomes She would know it was a possibility. But once it was confirmed. Once it was real. She would go quiet and freak Philip, oliver and Amanda out.
I like to think for Eloise, loving Amanda and Oliver is easy. But when she has biological children, she realizes it's the same. I loved her in Frans epilogue.
What do you think?
Hi Anon! First of all i want to say thanks for writing in, it means a lot! I’m so glad u enjoy my headcanons ❤️ Also sorry im just seeing this, but i do have some ideas about this!
‼️spoilers from the book, but i found all this out on the bridgerton fandom site ‼️
Ps my ask/request are open :)
* So we all know that everyone thinks Eloise is going to be a natural at being a mom, but I don’t think its going to be that easy
* I think in the beginning El would have rreeaallyy hard time with the children
* Not just trying to be a motherly figure in general
* But just the feeling of guilt like she is replacing Marina
* Now this is where i get a little controversial
* Eloise has ALOT of maturing to do (going by what we’ve seen in the show)
* Season 3 El is not up to the task of being a mom
* But i think her traveling to Scotland is going to be a major reality check for her and she is going to be doing some serious maturing
* But back to the main point
* El is going to struggle
* She’ll find it hard to connect to the kids
* But she will also feel so much guilt bc she feels like she’s trying to replace Marina
* Philip would of course tell her that it’s ok she is having a hard time, and that no she’s not replacing Marina, but she’ll just take this as Phillip trying to comfort her more then anything
* So she goes to the one person she thinks will be able to help her
* Benedict!!
* Except plot twist (not really) home boy has no idea how to help
* So he enlist the help of who he thinks is the best for the job
* Daphne! Now HEAR ME OUT!!!
* We all saw the change in Daphne in season 2! No longer is she the everything i have to say is perfect, keep my opinion to myself debutant, that she was in season 1
* She’s way more confident in herself and even calls Anthony out!
* Ya Els a little pissed at Benedict but daph reminds her that is isnt just about her
* Its about Philip and the children
* She tells her that if this is what she really wants that she needs to step up!
* They have a whole moment where El realizes this is what she wants
* She then raises the twins to be quick witted but always respectful
* She also makes it clear that Marina is their bio mom while still making sure they know how much she loves them
* She also makes sure that they feel just as loved when Philip and her start having their own children
* Overall, i think she becomes a great mom to the twins, but it definitely isn’t an easy road
#anon answered#eloise bridgerton#philip crane#Eloise with children#bridgerton headcanon#bridgerton opinions#thank you anon
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Hey, just here to talk about your post about people accusing people of misogyny for not liking a female character...
This bothers me so much.
There are so many great MCU female characters, and just because we occasionally don't like one, doesn't automatically make us hateful of all women. That's such an insane conclusion, in my opinion.
I never liked Sylvie, and I'm a woman. She reminds me of somebody abusive from my youth, lol but anywayyyy...
My theory is that if misogyny is the only go to you have for somebody not liking your favorite female character, chances are, that female character wasn't very good to begin with.
It's like you also said, misogyny actually exists.
However, if you think that's the only reason somebody ( most likely somebody you don't even know ) doesn't like someone or something, maybe you need to look into the said subject a little bit more.
I love so many female MCU characters, many of which are actually hated on by misogynistic fans (ex. Carol Danvers and Jennifer Walters), so the idea that if I don't like just one female or feminine-leaning character means I must hate all women is wild to me
To be completely fair, though, the idea that just because you like these female characters doesn't mean you are exempt from misogyny, wanted to clear that up real quick. Fanboys LOVE to say "well I liked Natasha so I'm not misogynistic", and I wanted to ensure I am absolutely not defending that
And I totally agree, if that's your automatic response to someone saying they don't like your fave, maybe you should look into why they're disliked. Is it genuinely because they're a woman, or is it that they dislike the way she was written and framed positively as though she's always right, even when your own narrative argues against that? And I believe Sylvie stans, deep down, know this, and they use the misogyny claim to deflect from that and poise her as the greatest character of all time™
If I see a Lokius shipper shitting on Sylvie only bc she gets in the way of the ship, I'm calling them out on it. Misogyny is always going to exist in fandom, unfortunately there's nothing we can do to change that, but they are never the majority. Sylvie stans need to understand that, that while are always going to be those people, it's not the whole fandom, and to misuse a term like misogyny like that distracts from the actual misogyny taking place
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I need another way to identify myself besides being the you can be on top anon because that sounds …something…lol (here you may fairly interject “you mean like, a NAME? Like coming off anon?”) but anyway yes please protect yourself, we’ve had like 3 authors and multiple fanartists quit the fandom cuz the harassment is so bad. So like, please consider never making a twitter account tied to your fic, especially, bc it seems like people there just can’t behave. I suspect it’s the younger crowd and they are largely not on tumblr but that is stereotypes and conjecture. It’s not just fandom culture changing, the notion of doxxing people and the quick way people form online mobs is more accessible via technology and a more public social media presence. Like, this is more than just “bad fans” / we have habits online that also changed—people put more of their real identity online than 20 years ago, are more quickly able to form large groups, and are so bloodthirsty for some sort of selfmade justice they’ll pile on to feel good. So these kids decide someone—whether a small fish or a big one—has failed the purity test in some way—and then think anything in the name of righteousness is justified (I was comparing it to the drumhead episode from star trek tng elsewhere). Anyway. Selfishly, because I don’t wanna lose my access to fic, I’m definitely tryna keep authors I like away from that.
Hi anon, idk I kinda like 'you can be on top' as name. Maybe we can shorten it to 'top anon' lmao. Is that better, or is it much much worse?
Anyway yeah no, thank you for understanding and for the heads up. I'm not on Twitter but I am vaguely aware of the shenanigans people get up to (not that that kinda stuff doesn't happen on Tumblr, but like you said it's more common there). I think you're right that it's not as simple as demographic/platform/the internet having changed. Part of it is also, I think, the fact that between seasons there isn't any new material for fandom to talk about or analyze, and so it turns inward, and the conversations start being about each other's opinions and fanworks instead. I've seen it many times before. Hell, it happened between seasons 1 and 2 already, which was how I knew to stay away this time around.
Either way, have no fear, as I would rather jump off a bridge than go on Twitter; I'm not on social media really, and I'd like to keep it that way. I am the most paranoid person on the planet, and discourse genuinely stresses me out to the point where I don't even want to see it, let alone engage, lmao. Also, I am pretty politically active in my real life, and so fandom for me is purely a hobby, and writing fic is strictly for fun. It's something I take seriously of course, especially when handling sensitive topics, but at the end of the day, it's not real, and there are more important things I'd rather focus on.
Thank you for looking out!
#i do in general think that the vast majority of people are nice and chill#but the ones who aren't are pretty scary so it's just not worth the hassle#plus i actually was around 20 years ago when it was standard practice to never reveal anything about yourself online#so aside from some one-on-one interactions i've kept a very low profile#anyway yeah thank you for looking out for me and for other fandom creators! it's appreciated#ask
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Hey, sorry to come into your inbox like this I just saw something regarding buck and his dating life and I wanted to talk to you about it as I feel like you have pretty (neutral?) view point on his relationships overall. Essentially, the OP was saying how Buck isn’t off his “hamster wheel” in terms of getting into relationships, everyone’s just saying that he is “off the hamster wheel” just because he’s with a guy when this relationship with Tommy is no different than his past relationships with women. (Basically saying people are misogynistic when they say Tommy is a better LI than some of his others). They go on to give these three reasons in to show how that he isn’t off his hamster wheel: “he spent an entire episode acting like an insane person and had no idea of what or who he wanted until tommy kissed him. he had no intention of reaching out to tommy again until eddie literally had to tell him to (twice!). and he's already jumped in head-first by inviting tommy to maddie and chim's wedding before they've even had a single successful date.” Now! Listen. does this fandom have a misogyny issue? yes, especially with buck and eddie’s LI and maybe some people favor Tommy bc of their misogyny but I wouldn’t argue that suggesting Tommy is a better LI than most is inherently misogynistic or at all. Now that that’s out of the way, I find the OP’s reasoning incredibly flawed and reductive - and frankly, dismissive of Buck’s agency and thinking. The “he spent an entire episode acting like an insane person who had no idea what…” This to me is just a wild take because the whole premise of buck acting that way was to show his self discovery? Buck wasn’t consciously aware about this part of himself until the very end of the episode where everything fell into place. The whole point was that he couldn’t explain his feelings or even understand what they truly were. Do I agree with every writing decision in that episode? No I wish they had Buck apologise to Eddie on screen but I think comparing the way Buck was acting in that episode to how he’s been in the past when getting a girl is so different. Next, the “he had no intention to reach out to tommy until Eddie said something.” Um? What? it’s like they missed the part where he said he can’t stop thinking about him but feels like he made an idiot of himself? And again. Are they forgetting that this is all very new for him? Tommy told Buck that he doesn’t think Buck’s ready and I do believe a part of Buck felt that way. It’s not an easy thing to navigate and sometimes you need the encouragement. Idk it feels weird to me personally because they’re acting like Buck lacks any and all agency and had no part in the decision. Even if Eddie said to reach out doesn’t mean Buck had to or 100% would’ve. It was a conscious decision on his part. There’s also different layers to reaching out to Tommy vs reaching out a girl because he was in the midst of discovering this part of his identity. The last point they made is possibly the most logical one and everyone can agree to disagree on the quickness and seriousness of taking someone you recently met as a date to a wedding (at the end of the day, it’s a show!) but overall, I wanna say that Tommy being a guy does absolutely make this situation different. Buck has never been with a man and although his bisexuality has always been a part of him, it’s only something he started to navigate recently. Something he became aware of recently so of course he’s not going to have every single thing figured out. I’m personally neutral on buckyommy as I feel we have to see more of them to really form my opinion but to act like the set up for them is putting buck back on a hamster wheel is just something I do not agree with especially not with the reasons the poster gave. Sorry for giving you so much to read but would love to hear your take on this
okay first of all thanks for putting this in my inbox i think it’s a really interesting discussion. i wanna preface by saying thanks for feeling like im a neutral voice, i feel like im very open and honest that i am not a multishipper and buddie is my ride or die, but i genuinely love general discussion and conversation about the show regardless so i rly hope i never come across as like unwilling to consider things that go against my own personal wants. i want to try my best to give my thoughts here coming from bucks character only and not let buddie thoughts influence it but sorry if i slip there lol
second of all if op of the post mentioned here sees this pls know that this isn’t a personal attack i just like the points that are brought up and i want to give my own take on them! putting under a cut because it got … long
so in terms of the hamster wheel, i think it’s quite disingenuous to the character to say that this relationship is another rinse and repeat. i know as much as we want to claim that being with a same sex partner is no different or has the same implications as buck being with women, it just doesn’t. that’s the simple truth, the fact that he’s trying something new with a man is different and every factor that would normally be considered a part of the evan buckley hamster wheel is now being seen in an entirely different lens because of the factor that it’s a man. his entire world is truly different now, and that’s not to say a queer relationship always has to change someone’s life but it did for evan buckley and this is evident by oliver saying in the zach sang interview that this storyline has quite literally been the endpoint to the six season long arc of buck trying to find what was missing from his life. like it’s a big deal and we don’t have to pretend it’s not.
when it comes to the jealousy, it’s true that this isn’t unlike buck (201, 304, and 408 come to mind as examples of buck doing this in platonic, work, and then romantic way respectively) i don’t think it’s something characteristic of why his relationships don’t work. this is something that is a character trait of buck that we’re finally getting into working on and reasoning with through the relationship with tommy but i truly do t think it’s something that has been the reason his past romances don’t work. abby left because abby is abby, ali set a boundary for her own mental health, natalia was barely there. the only thing i would consider to be bucks irrational jealousy leading to the downfall of his relationship is him kissing lucy but even then there was a lot more going on (cough eddie leaving the 118 but i promised i wouldn’t go buddie mode).
it’s genuinely hard for me to neutrally explain why i think buck didn’t reach out to tommy before eddie told him to but, i think it comes down to the fact that when tommy told him he “wasn’t ready” it very much scooped at an insecure part of buck that believed he was too much for people and buck needed reassurance from someone who’s opinion he really valued to let him know that hey you’re not too much you just have to let people get to know you, and eddie pushed him to be willing to let tommy get to know him.
and then in terms of jumping into things too quickly… i don’t even consider that to be a part of the evan buckley hamster wheel if im so honest. i dont even like to consider abby as part of the hamster wheel discussion because if we’re honest that relationship, from a storytelling perspective was more used to characterize abby than it was buck (bucks storyline is more about the absense of abby after she leavesthan the presence of her during the relationship). ali helped him buy a place but they had been seeing each other for ~six months at that point (i think because most current fans binged season two they forget there was a genuinely large gap between their first date and the loft), and she wasn’t even actually moving in lol, that’s so reasonable to me. with taylor the asking her to move in was crazy and awful of him but NOT because of the timing. at this point they’d had an on again off again thing going for YEARS. it was bad because of the reason. brother was pretending to love her and then kissed another woman and was still gonna let her move in. THAT is why that storyline was shit, not cus of the timing.
PLUS it’s not weird to ask someone to a wedding as a second date. ESPECIALLY not when your date is already friends with half the fucking guests lmao. like i feel like maybe im weird but this specific talking point doesn’t make sense to me. it’s a big deal because buck is essentially coming out to everyone in his world, that’s why it’s big, not because it’s “too fast” for a relationship.
overall, i think this is the exact opposite of the hamster wheel. Buck is putting himself in an uncomfortable situation and seeking out something that makes him feel GOOD, seeking a person who understands who and what he is rather than someone who has to learn to live with his life. a lot of people say that tommy is there to make buck “ready” to date eddie, and while i find this problematic in a few ways when it comes to the sexuality aspect of it, i don’t think it’s entirely untrue from an emotional perspective. if this thing with tommy doesn’t end well, then at least buck now knows he deserves someone who can love him wholly and will have a better understanding of what love looks like for him (regardless of if he see that with eddie or not)
i hope this was interesting and what you were wanting to read anon, thanks for the interesting discussion <3
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Some clarification on the FotD series.
A fan complained that the plot of my "Fantasy of the Day" series for the BCS/McWexler fandom was really hard to follow. And that's... not their fault at all; the plot is hard to follow because there really isn't one singular plot.
The Premise: The first thing that you need to understand, is that the FotDs are just fluff-n-angst snippets I pull out of a proverbial hat. Usually, I come up with the idea for a scene which would look cool, and fill out the details of the backstory later. So if one of the stories in my posts comes across as vague or self-contradictory, that's why; I'm making it up as I go. And usually instead of better explaining a premise, I'll just move onto another one.
The Setting: Season 1 of my "Slippin' Kimmy" fanfic has a more set-in-stone story arc: In a single sentence, Kim joins a cult. Season 1 is set in rural Wyoming between the fall of 2016 and the spring of 2017, but most of the FotDs are set anytime between 2017 and Kim's eventual death. I have no strong opinions yet for what should happen in Season 2, and so the FotDs are all just spitball ideas for plots which might happen. It's a running gag how frequently Kim is forced to uproot her life and move to a new city, so an FotD might be set anywhere in the world.
The Main Character: Kim has been promoted to the occupation of "fixer" in the Breaking Bad universe. Her updated business card reads "Wexler-McGill: Image Consulting", but her services run the gauntlet of: off-the-record legal advice, schmoozing politicians and business people, orchestrating media circuses and publicity stunts, hiring hacktivists, delivering mysterious packages, laundering money, bookkeeping for philanthropic organizations, bodyguard work, P.I. work, sabotaging weapons manufacturing facilities, organizing protests, smuggling Mifepristone and Estradiol into red states, renovating and flipping failing shopping malls and entertainment venues, and much more miscellaneous espionage. Assassinations are a line which Kim will never cross willfully, but she is frequently caught in the crossfire when white-collar criminals try to take eachother out.
The Romantic Lead: Jimmy's story is over, but he's not willing to ever leave her, so he has no choice but to come along for the ride. He's finally living the dream of going into business with his wife, and he joins her on roughly half her adventures, but at this point excitement is something he could take or leave. He takes pride in playing the role of the homemaker, and his love for his children often motivates him to be the voice of caution. He supports and agrees with Kim's so-called "Revolution" - the subversion of unjust laws, the redistribution of wealth, the sabotaging of hate-groups - but whenever the heat gets too hot, he will make the tough but pragmatic decision for one or both of them to go into hiding again. Kim is wearing some golden plot-armor in this story, but Jimmy's mortality looms over almost every FotD. Not only does Jimmy simply want to make the most of how ever much time he has left, but there is a palpable threat that sooner or later he will be stuffed into a freezer for the sake of creating drama for Kim. If they could have it their way, they'd explore the cosmos forever as a pair of ageless trickster gods, but the spouses both know that in all likelihood she will outlive him.
The Prodigy: In this spin-off, Jimmy and Kim have two children; Iris and Fille. The oldest child, Iris, is barely even my OC; they are the most obvious answer to the question "What would the McWexler baby be like?". All their best and worst qualities in one precocious brunette imp. Quick-witted and silver-tongued, a born performer with sticky fingers, both figuratively and literally. Iris comes out as non-binary in their preteens and is accepted pretty immediately, but for the record any FotD which refers to Iris as "she/her" is canonically an example of their parents misgendering them because they didn't know any better. While Kim is out doing her adult career of... being the protagonist in an AMC series, Jimmy and Iris spend most days doing their best impressions of Moses Pray and Addie Loggins. Admittedly, Jimmy could be doing more to teach Iris respect for the rules as well, but there's something more sinister going on with the dynamic between Kim and Iris. Kim wants Iris to be prepared for whatever life throws at them, and to a certain extent she wants to see Iris continue her work, and because of that Iris shoulders a heavy burden. Kim is for the most part vindicated; Iris grows up to be a survivor and a forager, even as a drought deals a killing blow to American democracy, and they do follow in their mother's footsteps as best they can, but it's still bitter-sweet.
The Black Sheep in a Family of Wolves: Like I said, the FotDs are just random snippets pulled anywhere from a broad-strokes timeline, and because of that the ages of the children vary wildly. However Fille (pronounced "Philly") is consistently written as being two years younger than Iris, and in many fantasies, the children are between six and four. Even at an early age, not much is known about Fille because she is an introverted child, but as she gets older, this evolves into being a clear foil to Iris. Where Iris will talk your ear off, Fille listens patiently and only speaks up when something is truly wrong. Where Iris will bend the truth just for fun, Fille's silence should never be interpreted as a love for secrets. Iris's moral code is flexible so long as altruism and self-interest overlap; Fille's morality is rigid to the point of being childish, but at least it keeps her out of trouble. Iris loves meat, whereas Fille... honestly, Kim respects Fille's conviction to vegetarianism... but it was a phase Kim went through once upon a time too, and she grew out of it.
The Villain: This is probably where most of the confusion is stemming from. In Season 1 of SK, Caleb Dawson and the Riverton Unitarian Interfaith Church are the antagonists, but by the end of the season, Dawson is dead, his henchwoman Mary is at large, and Kim has taken control of the Church's resources. I haven't quite decided what will become of the loose thread with Mary, but the Church's money and credibility will only last until shorty after Fille is born (2 years). Beyond that point, I don't have any specific Big Bads lined up. Kim will follow the trajectory of getting into bed with shady characters (this time to push an agenda), enjoying working with/for this client for a stint, then eventually having to defeat them in a battle of wits when the alliance goes sour but the villain won't let Kim back out of her contract because she knows too much. Let's face it; this was always Breaking Bad's formula. When it comes to the FotDs, sometimes I'll just steal villains-of-the-week wholecloth from other similar tv shows.
The Vibe: The villains all blur together after a while for Kim. As do the schemes she does, both for and against them. Just like the places she visits: one night she might be seeing opera in Tokyo, the next she and her family have had their assets frozen and are sleeping in their car. One night, they're caretakers of a too-trusting hippy's goat farm, the next she's alone sleeping on the cold cement of some kingpin's dungeon. The point of the FotDs is to juxtapose the opulent world of murder and intrigue with the peace and quiet of the domestic life Kim is trying to defend against all external threats. In her most caricatured form, Kim Wexler is a 90's pantsuit archetype who, by some cosmic mistake, lived to see the 2020's. She's a pragmatist; she knows what she values and she keeps her attention on those things. In "Better Call Saul", she never quite figured out a good work-life balance, but last time around, she had put her faith in institutions which didn't value her time or share her priorities; this time she's only trusting herself to manage the resources. The American Dream may be crumbling, but she is still determined to "have it all".
@somethin-stupid-67 @joshgoodman @slippinximi @richeeduvie
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this will be tagged and everything under a read more, but just to be extra clear:
if you haven't finished it, don't read this until you have. you have been warned.
so i am... underwhelmed by p.enacony as a story
and before i go further, i want to throw out a quick disclaimer bc otherwise i know there will be someone who comes at me for it: i am by no means saying p.enacony is bad. it isn't. there are some truly great elements to both the setting and the story. my issue with it is simply that i struggled to become invested in it, personally
i already touched on this a bit with my thoughts after catching up to 2.1, but i generally don't enjoy the intrigue kind of plots in stories. that's my personal preference, and that's why i'm not sitting here like: OMG IT'S SO BAD- bc it isn't, it's just a genre of plot that i'm never that interested in. we all have our preferences and that's okay
overall, p.enacony & the story has been interesting and engaging. a few too many lengthy dialogue sections where a lot of information is thrown at you in a short time, which i also don't like in anything, a few moments where the story completely lost my interest, but overall, enjoyable, creative, cleverly done
AND AGAIN. these are my OPINIONS (and i don't care if you disagree-)
i'm sorry, but i cannot bring myself to care about f.irefly. THAT'S NOT TO SAY i don't enjoy the portrayals the people i follow have, because i do - honestly, you guys are the only reason i have any interest in the character. but CANONICALLY? i do not care. there is just.... nothing there for me
and i'm talking specifically about f.irefly bc they are a key character in this part of the story (and by key, i mean features heavily) - there are other characters involved that i also care nothing about, for example, but are more background players. i don't know if it's the clearly forced romantic implications between f.irefly & MC (i hate the term usually, but, why are we simping so hard????), the fact we were supposed to have any kind of emotional attachment to a character we met for less than an hour before they were 'killed' in front of us, or the unresolved questions i have regarding their involvement in the story, but.... i just don't care
and before anyone dares to even think it: no, this is not just bc i am "salty" about sam. i am actually really intrigued about how the sam/f.irefly thing works, why it is the way it is, etc. "if f.irefly was a guy you wouldn't-" no, shut up, i absolutely would. if we were presented with a male character with the same plot, i would care equally as little for them. why? because there's no emotional investment
i'm not trying to shit on anybody who does love this character. again, this is just my views based on my preferences - if you developed that emotional attachment, then great, go wild with it. i'm sure i care intensely for characters that others don't (see: ratio-). but for me, some of the f.irefly elements of 2.2 just... didn't vibe with me. and maybe i'll have to watch a playthrough again to really get the nuances of the plot settled in my head, but i just. nah. i'm not feeling it at all. i'm going to just trust that the people i follow can continue to build on f.irefly and do better than the canon plot for me
and as for the flashback-type scenes we got between f.irefly and blade? i know what some parts of the fandom are reading from that and i don't agree. to me, there is nothing 'fatherly' about the way he chides f.irefly on trying to go against the script. please stop trying to cram him into a role that doesn't fit him. you can have a 'found family' dynamic without the members of such fitting into 'traditional' family roles. that's not the point. i think f.irefly using that particular model is feeding into this too much - people are only seeing the "cute girl" and nothing more. people need to remember that f.irefly is also sam, who is known for being a stone cold killer. sam, who once held blade down so he could be convinced to join the s.tellaron hunters. this is not a father-daughter relationship vibe at all. please, please get that the fuck away from me.
on a similar note, i really didn't care for that "oops, it was all just a dream!" thing (though i am glad we didn't actually call upon j.ing y.uan for help - that would have felt really cheap to me). i kinda figured something was up when the boss fight was so quick and... well, easy (not that the real one was hard for me - not a brag, i just have some decent fckn units at my disposal & could build harmony TB instantly), but i do really hate the 'it was just a dream' trope, even when it makes sense in the setting that is p.enacony & the dreamscape. it just felt unnecessary to me, almost like they wanted to drag the story out a bit longer and add in another layer to their 5D chess game
so yeah.... elements that i didn't care for, elements i didn't enjoy. p.enacony in general is a bit of a nightmare for me personally due to sensory overload from all the sounds and colours (and please, can we stop with that acid-trip border effect hyv, it's literally giving people migraines-), which also adds to it. it's not the vibe i typically enjoy so i do take that into consideration when expressing my opinions about it. i know a lot of people love p.enacony & i'm happy for everyone who has been invested in it from day one. that's me with the l.uofu, so, i get it
but as i said, overall, great. i loved the sunday reveal, the boss fight was fun to do (though i feel like a.venturine was better & harder-), and my only complaint about harmony TB is seeing that fucking clock in the ult animation every time. the mikhail & misha reveal was also great & confirmed theories i had & the tying-up of the loose 'nameless' ends was nice.
my final gripe is regarding g.allagher and that is entirely bc i have been building hcs based on a theory that proved to be wrong, and i'm like... really sad that there wasn't anything more to it than that. going forward, i'm definitely making him canon divergent here bc i don't like the way his story ended (if it has, though he did imply 'g.allagher' would cease to exist, so...)
but i did find it amusing that 'death' was just a silly little pet dog who got confused sometimes. he's just a lil guy
#( probably best to avoid the notes too in case people comment- )#( but yes. here it is )#( i've probably missed a few things bc i've been fighting a headache for the past hour )#( and i mean it when i say i don't care if you disagree with me on anything )#( bc. we're allowed to have differing opinions- )#// hsr spoilers
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Controversial opinion: drakken and shego getting together in the finale TOTALLY was fan service. Let me explain—
I rewatched kim possible recently bc I was feeling nostalgic and this was one of the first fandoms I ever joined and drakgo was one of my very first ships. Don’t mistake this post as anti-drakgo. I still hold this ship in a very special place in my heart and I still wholeheartedly believe they like like each other by the end of the series
But looking at this show now as an adult,
I don’t think drakken and shego are equally matched. He’s a playground bully while she’s wanted in multiple countries. Drakken tries to take over the world dozens of times and fails miserably each time. She tries it to just once and becomes the supreme one.
Villainy is a hobby for drakken. I don’t even think he knows what he’d actually do if ever gets control of the world. When he’s awarded the medal at the end of the series (for saving the world), I think he becomes waaayyy less evil. People finally recognize his genius and they reward him for it. He’s not gonna want to lose that.
But, like I said, I do think drakken and shego have always had an unspoken attraction toward one another throughout the show’s running. So I can see shego sticking around for a bit to explore that side of their relationship.
And I can see their relationship becoming actual genuine love, but she ultimately leaves him because, at the end of the day, she wants world domination and he wants people to recognize his genius (which he succeeds in).
But they only “got together” by the end because the creators needed to wrap their stories up and enough fans liked them together. If the show wasn’t ending, or if they got unexpectedly canceled, I don’t think they would have had that little moment at the end. And drakken would have never “saved” the world.
Editing this to quickly add: I don’t think this is how they should have ended up together. It was rushed and probably added last minute. Again, for the sake of fan service. I think their relationship deserved to be developed and they deserved a better ending than the one they got.
All this said, my new headcanon for them is they will forever be stuck in an on/off relationship. They can never fully be apart for too long but they can never really be together.
And maybe technically they’re still together bc there’s never really going to be anyone else for them, but their differences lead them to live separate lives. In other words, they’re together but not together.
He probably lets her hideout at his place when the cops are on her tail. And she’s just chilling in his bedroom eating chips and watching reruns of pals while he’s in the other room with FBI agents, claiming he has no idea where she might be.
And she definitely steals classified weapons/chemicals for his projects when global justice (he’s for sure working for the government) deems them too dangerous/expensive to retrieve. Like, they order him to make it work without the dangerous/illegal component, and he just gets her to steal it and lies to them about it
Quick disclaimer: I didn’t watch the 20th anniversary reunion thingy, but I think I saw somewhere that the characters say they got together off screen but it didn’t work out.
#drakgo#kim possible#drakken#dr drakken#shego#headcanon#fandom#fandom headcanons#kim possible fandom#character analysis#show analysis#tv show#cartoon#nostalgia#childhood nostalgia
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From my understanding the people on twitter were more upset with her response to biblegirl, who tweeted something along the lines of “the sooner we accept that most adults do cocaine the better” (not the exact wording, she deleted it now cause the response was overwhelmingly negative, but the sentiment was normalizing cocaine use bc it’s prevelant) and Denali responded “tea”. To me that’s a lot more 🤔what do u mean by that🤔 than anything she said on the podcast.
This is long so I'm adding a read more out of curtesy and also because we are talking about drugs [not very descriptive but still]
I remember seeing that earlier while I was out but don't remember it word for word, wish I did tho
But from what I remember, I thought there was some truth to it. Many people do it, it's not just rampant in the lgbt+ community but everywhere else. Does it make it okay? Absolutely not but from what I took from it is that there's just so much shaming for it and I think harm reduction should be discussed. That's not to say that you should glorify it and I don't think they are, however its such a delicate & complicated topic that people are quick to jump at each others throats defending their stance, etc.. With Nali replying 'teaaa' I think also it has to do with the fandom's reaction to it as well.. like, it always gets weird?
I remember when s13 had been announced and people did their digging and found out about her mugshot etc.. the fandoms reaction gave me an ick because people were very much 'omg how scandalous teeheee 🤭" gossiping and theorizing it... and then again when she'd made a joke about her mugshot on the GITMS segment and then people were actually thirsting over it on twt.. like it was weird imo.. and yeah, she was open about it and to some extent you could argue "she made it our business" but I think this'll probably be the last time she does share about it and I don't think she owes us any more stuff about it if she doesn't want to. That's just me though.
Could the tweet have been worded better? Yeah, but again, the tweet from Biblegirl was deleted and I can't really go in depth. But tbh I don't want to go further into depth or back and forth after this ask and another i have, because this blog is mainly for reading [and occasionally writing] drag race fic and thirsting over my faves.
There def is a discussion to be had when it comes to people who have used it and people entirely against it, and there's many points to be shared on both sides. I've seen some of it while I was scrolling twt a while ago bc I follow a bunch of dr girls [obvs] and local queens.
As for Denali, if you no longer want to support her that's fine and your right. If you need/want to separate yourself from that, do it and if you're a follower or mutual of mine that wants to unfollow me there's no hard feelings. If you do wanna keep following me you can black list 'denali foxx' and 'denali' so you wont see posts with her tag. I cant speak for everyone else who may not tag but I can for my blog because I always use them and tag accordingly.
Drug use and talk happens and it's not a cancelable offense, in my opinion at least. There are many many queens who openly talk about substance use but I rarely even see anyone bring it up: Willow and a bunch of s14 girls doing shrooms, Camden talking about how blackout she was while touring last year and not knowing how she got safe to her hotel room, Sasha C mimes sniffing coke or smoking on stage, all the open stoners, etc.. when it comes to this and other topics people are very pick and choose when it comes to their faves so idk..
but again, this is all my opinion and ramble and its okay if we have a difference.
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