#mcwexler parenthood au
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thekimspoblog · 1 year ago
I'm sure there's something I could do with this.
concept!!! "there's only one bed" fic but set in here
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thekimspoblog · 3 days ago
FotD is just a regular weekday in Kim's life in 2025.
For the past two years, she and her family have been living in a condominium on the outskirts of San Francisco. Today, she woke up around 7:45. Showered, took ten minutes to put her face on. When she came downstairs, Jimmy was already up and getting ready to take the kids to school. Iris is in first grade; Fille is in kindergarten.
She stops at a drive thru on the way to work. Takes the opportunity to listen to some of her favorite After Hours songs. She arrives at the Avancer Foundation at around 8:30. Her current assignment is to oversee a contract with McDonald's, in which the corporation makes a large donation to underprivileged school districts, and in exchange the firm arranges positive press and lobbies for the corporation to have greater presence in school lunch programs. Avancer has no intent to fulfil their end of the agreement and is poised to run a negative expose anyway, as soon as the donation is made. McDonald's has already been conned by Avancer once before, so Kim needed to create a shell lobbying firm to facilitate the deal; the tricky part is making it look like McDonald's knew Avancer was the parent organization, so they cannot easily claim fraud when this inevitably goes to court.
In a sense it's the same question she's been asking herself her entire life: How do you get the money you want, away from the people who already have too much of it, without actually having to kiss the ring? And speaking of feeling like a collared dog... around 11 Kim's boss, a man named Hugo Petrie, knocks on her office door. When Kim met Hugo a little over two years ago, she was quite impressed with him - really thought she had found an ally in trying to save the world - thought he was different, a little sexual tension even - but since then their relationship has soured considerably. He's just another greedy thug who has no interest in changing a status quo when it benefits him, and at this point because Kim knows about Avancer's more serious crimes, Hugo won't just let her quit. He's already threatened her twice and her family once. He's acting polite as he leans in the door frame; charming, wants to let her know the office is taking lunch orders, but the passive aggressive message that he's keeping an eye on her isn't lost.
At around 12:30, she steps out onto the balcony for a smoke break. She's "quit" multiple times at this point, but some vices are too comfortable to stay away from. Between the kids and her political career - or criminal career, whatever you want to call it - she calculates that she's going to have to live to be one hundred in order to accomplish everything she wants to, but she rationalizes that as long as she only has one cigarette a day it can't hurt. She continues to work through lunch then clocks out at 3:45. She goes to the gym, spends ten minutes on the Stairmaster and another ten training with weights. When she arrives home at 4:45, the cleaning man is wrapping up and about to leave. She spends another good 15 minutes talking to him about his life, mainly because having a stranger clean their house is a security risk and it's important she build a rapport with him, but also she was genuinely interested; she tries to treat anyone in her employ like family.
Jimmy owns several small business franchises around the city and some days he drives around and manages those, but today he was focused on planning the actual Wexler-McGill estate. The "Saul Goodman & Associates" brand is in this awkward position where it's an open secret that the IP is connected to several high-profile crimes, and yet the country is so corrupt that this history isn't treated as a reason why the brand should be barred from continuing its legitimate business practices. Including capitalizing off the name's infamy with memoirs and licensed merchandise, or offering "consulting" services to other special interest groups such as Avancer.
Kim helps Iris with her homework and then the girls are allowed to play "dolls in cars" on the living room carpet. A little before 6 pm, the household's foster daughter, Clara, comes home from whatever odd jobs she was doing around town. Clara is a junior in college now and she mostly comes and goes as she pleases, but the Goodmans promised to put her through law school and let her live with them for free, so long as she helped out around the house occasionally. Half the time, she's crashing at a friend's place, but it's nice to have her home. Dinner tonight is seafood medley in a butter sauce. It's got spinach in it so it's healthy. Iris weasels her way into convincing Kim to let her put off taking a bath until tomorrow night; it was easy because Kim didn't feel like giving the kids a bath anyway. The parents lovingly read the youngsters a bedtime story, then Kim and Jimmy sit at the kitchen island until 9:00, going over bills and upcoming appointments and whathaveyou. Jimmy reminds her that Iris's current best friend in school is a girl named Chau and that Chau and her mom will be at the house for a playdate later this week. In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, he really was a dependable partner, wasn't he? And lord knows she needed one, running this ship.
It's cold out on the patio as the two watch the moon and share another cigarette. It's fine though, because they only smoked half of this one and then put it out. Kim pours herself a scotch and the pair cuddle on the couch. They consider watching Metropolis for the eighth time together, but decide to give a chance to that new tv drama series all Kim's childless coworkers won't shut up about. She's only able to follow the first 20 minutes before she realizes she's falling asleep. Two or three nights a week they have sex, but given how safe and boring today was (not that Kim's complaining!) it's best to just call it a night. At a little past 10:30, she puts on lotion, pops her prescription antidepressants and lays her head down on the pillow, knowing that best case scenario, tomorrow will be more of the same. It's a complacent sort of depression; this is as good as it gets, this is the dream out of reach to most Americans, she doesn't take anything she has for granted, in fact the greatest burden is just fear of losing it, but still being perpetually effervescent would seem... inappropriate. You don't have to be happy 24/7; purpose is more important. But you've gotta find some way to love your routine, just to avoid going crazy.
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thekimspoblog · 15 days ago
FotD is Kim hanging out with the mom group at the Riverton Unitarian Interfaith Church. She connects with another woman in her mid-forties who tearfully confides how much she and her husband struggled to conceive before they found this clinic.
Kim's not sure how to feel within this social group. She doesn't feel as isolated as she did in Florida. These women at least know about her past; a lot of them have criminal histories of their own. But there's still just something inside her which can't let her just belong.
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thekimspoblog · 21 days ago
Stay with me, because this Fantasy of the Day is a little messed up:
Kim is in a coma. She was in a burning building for some reason, prioritized getting everyone else to safety, inhaled too much smoke, now she's intubated.
Now this is a pulpy crime drama and she's the main character, so obviously she's going to pull through. This conflict will only last a forty-minute episode (3-7 in-universe days) tops. But obviously the characters can't be sure of that. This is about three years in the future so by this point, Jimmy has been in a similar situation enough times, and the doctors have been reassuring enough, that he's mostly able to stay calm. He can't tell if praying does anything, but it can't hurt.
Similarly, Iris (10 yo) puts on a brave face and pretends they aren't scared, but all the questions of what would happen if they lost their mom are hard to ignore. They stay by the bedside talking, determined it will wake her up faster.
Fille (8 yo) won't enter the room. Doesn't want to see Kim like this. Jimmy tries to reassure her that while her mother's job is dangerous, she did something incredibly brave, as she consistently does, and that Iris and Fille should be proud. This just causes Fille to break down crying. She tearfully asks if her parents expect her to be a hero too, because she wants to be brave but she doesn't want that life and she's terrified. Jimmy feels awful; no! Of course not! He would never ask Fille to sacrifice herself like that! All he and Kim want is for her to be happy. Fille sniffles and after a beat asks if Iris is supposed to follow in Kim's footsteps. Jimmy doesn't know what to say to that; it's a concern he's tried not to think about.
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thekimspoblog · 1 year ago
Fantasy du jour is McWexler taking Iris and Fille to this hell hole. Between choking down bites of cardboard pizza and lemonade, Kim and Jimmy speculate how much longer this franchise can avoid bankruptcy. These types of entertainment centers aren't profitable unless it's a front for something more legally dubious; Jimmy would know. Fucking laser tag.
Iris is 1000% going to get sick from going in the germ tubes, but meh, can't coddle their immune system forever.
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thekimspoblog · 4 months ago
Been meaning to write a post for weeks, about how Iris literally doesn't believe truth exists. And how this was the actual danger of letting Wexler-McGill procreate. Kim and Jimmy at least believe in the truth even as they bend, break, and bury it; they know when they're doing wrong. Iris has spent their whole life growing up watching history be written by the winners, to the point that they believe unless any evidence to the contrary surfaces, whatever you say happened might as well have actually happened. If it's for the greater good, they hardly even think of it as lying.
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thekimspoblog · 2 months ago
Anway FotD is Iris serving as a witness when Kim is on trial for sedition.
Jimmy used to lie by starting out sincere and finding the point of manipulation as he went. Kim tends to spend months or years building up her credibility then cashing in on one outrageous whopper nobody would believe otherwise.
Iris is something else. Effortless, like breathing. Paints a vivid picture but stumbles on the details they wouldn't realistically remember. Engaged, no sign of smugness or wile, but not laying the emotion on too thick. So casual in how they craft an alternate past from words alone. They look off to the middle distance and furrow their brow as they recall the story as if watching it all again. Kim was there to know the alibi is bunk and even she almost bought it. Rationally, she knows it's two decades too late to be second guessing the life she chose, but still she didn't realize she had raised such a... skilled perjurer. Reality just has a way of hitting her in waves every once in a while.
Iris has known their mother long enough to understand. But that doesn't mean they aren't hurt and angry. All Iris wants to do is make their mom proud, and that's what this was supposed to be. They just saved Kim's neck; they just made the US government look like chumps! Kim said they would go out for ice cream after this; why does their mom look at them like that?! Starved for a pat on the head, Iris says they're going to go get ice cream by themselves.
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thekimspoblog · 2 months ago
Fantasy of the Day is Iris finding out Fille sold some of their mom's stuff to the Mob Museum in Las Vegas, including the triangle earrings. Iris says something along the line of "Those were supposed to be mine", Fille says something to the effect of "They gave you everything and I needed money", Iris shoots back with "They gave me everything because you acted like you didn't want it". Eventually Fille closes with "Fine! I'll get them back! Just for the love of god don't start planning a heist"
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thekimspoblog · 7 months ago
Are you guys nuts?! He would be shoving that money in Kim's hands even as she insists it's blood money and she doesn't want it.
Listen, I've crunched the numbers on this one! His first two wives, he probably would have been a deadbeat dad. But in a timeline where Iris was born after Season 6? He would have killed or died for that kid. His life was meaningless without them.
Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul
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thekimspoblog · 1 year ago
Some clarification on the FotD series.
A fan complained that the plot of my "Fantasy of the Day" series for the BCS/McWexler fandom was really hard to follow. And that's... not their fault at all; the plot is hard to follow because there really isn't one singular plot.
The Premise: The first thing that you need to understand, is that the FotDs are just fluff-n-angst snippets I pull out of a proverbial hat. Usually, I come up with the idea for a scene which would look cool, and fill out the details of the backstory later. So if one of the stories in my posts comes across as vague or self-contradictory, that's why; I'm making it up as I go. And usually instead of better explaining a premise, I'll just move onto another one.
The Setting: Season 1 of my "Slippin' Kimmy" fanfic has a more set-in-stone story arc: In a single sentence, Kim joins a cult. Season 1 is set in rural Wyoming between the fall of 2016 and the spring of 2017, but most of the FotDs are set anytime between 2017 and Kim's eventual death. I have no strong opinions yet for what should happen in Season 2, and so the FotDs are all just spitball ideas for plots which might happen. It's a running gag how frequently Kim is forced to uproot her life and move to a new city, so an FotD might be set anywhere in the world.
The Main Character: Kim has been promoted to the occupation of "fixer" in the Breaking Bad universe. Her updated business card reads "Wexler-McGill: Image Consulting", but her services run the gauntlet of: off-the-record legal advice, schmoozing politicians and business people, orchestrating media circuses and publicity stunts, hiring hacktivists, delivering mysterious packages, laundering money, bookkeeping for philanthropic organizations, bodyguard work, P.I. work, sabotaging weapons manufacturing facilities, organizing protests, smuggling Mifepristone and Estradiol into red states, renovating and flipping failing shopping malls and entertainment venues, and much more miscellaneous espionage. Assassinations are a line which Kim will never cross willfully, but she is frequently caught in the crossfire when white-collar criminals try to take eachother out.
The Romantic Lead: Jimmy's story is over, but he's not willing to ever leave her, so he has no choice but to come along for the ride. He's finally living the dream of going into business with his wife, and he joins her on roughly half her adventures, but at this point excitement is something he could take or leave. He takes pride in playing the role of the homemaker, and his love for his children often motivates him to be the voice of caution. He supports and agrees with Kim's so-called "Revolution" - the subversion of unjust laws, the redistribution of wealth, the sabotaging of hate-groups - but whenever the heat gets too hot, he will make the tough but pragmatic decision for one or both of them to go into hiding again. Kim is wearing some golden plot-armor in this story, but Jimmy's mortality looms over almost every FotD. Not only does Jimmy simply want to make the most of how ever much time he has left, but there is a palpable threat that sooner or later he will be stuffed into a freezer for the sake of creating drama for Kim. If they could have it their way, they'd explore the cosmos forever as a pair of ageless trickster gods, but the spouses both know that in all likelihood she will outlive him.
The Prodigy: In this spin-off, Jimmy and Kim have two children; Iris and Fille. The oldest child, Iris, is barely even my OC; they are the most obvious answer to the question "What would the McWexler baby be like?". All their best and worst qualities in one precocious brunette imp. Quick-witted and silver-tongued, a born performer with sticky fingers, both figuratively and literally. Iris comes out as non-binary in their preteens and is accepted pretty immediately, but for the record any FotD which refers to Iris as "she/her" is canonically an example of their parents misgendering them because they didn't know any better. While Kim is out doing her adult career of... being the protagonist in an AMC series, Jimmy and Iris spend most days doing their best impressions of Moses Pray and Addie Loggins. Admittedly, Jimmy could be doing more to teach Iris respect for the rules as well, but there's something more sinister going on with the dynamic between Kim and Iris. Kim wants Iris to be prepared for whatever life throws at them, and to a certain extent she wants to see Iris continue her work, and because of that Iris shoulders a heavy burden. Kim is for the most part vindicated; Iris grows up to be a survivor and a forager, even as a drought deals a killing blow to American democracy, and they do follow in their mother's footsteps as best they can, but it's still bitter-sweet.
The Black Sheep in a Family of Wolves: Like I said, the FotDs are just random snippets pulled anywhere from a broad-strokes timeline, and because of that the ages of the children vary wildly. However Fille (pronounced "Philly") is consistently written as being two years younger than Iris, and in many fantasies, the children are between six and four. Even at an early age, not much is known about Fille because she is an introverted child, but as she gets older, this evolves into being a clear foil to Iris. Where Iris will talk your ear off, Fille listens patiently and only speaks up when something is truly wrong. Where Iris will bend the truth just for fun, Fille's silence should never be interpreted as a love for secrets. Iris's moral code is flexible so long as altruism and self-interest overlap; Fille's morality is rigid to the point of being childish, but at least it keeps her out of trouble. Iris loves meat, whereas Fille... honestly, Kim respects Fille's conviction to vegetarianism... but it was a phase Kim went through once upon a time too, and she grew out of it.
The Villain: This is probably where most of the confusion is stemming from. In Season 1 of SK, Caleb Dawson and the Riverton Unitarian Interfaith Church are the antagonists, but by the end of the season, Dawson is dead, his henchwoman Mary is at large, and Kim has taken control of the Church's resources. I haven't quite decided what will become of the loose thread with Mary, but the Church's money and credibility will only last until shorty after Fille is born (2 years). Beyond that point, I don't have any specific Big Bads lined up. Kim will follow the trajectory of getting into bed with shady characters (this time to push an agenda), enjoying working with/for this client for a stint, then eventually having to defeat them in a battle of wits when the alliance goes sour but the villain won't let Kim back out of her contract because she knows too much. Let's face it; this was always Breaking Bad's formula. When it comes to the FotDs, sometimes I'll just steal villains-of-the-week wholecloth from other similar tv shows.
The Vibe: The villains all blur together after a while for Kim. As do the schemes she does, both for and against them. Just like the places she visits: one night she might be seeing opera in Tokyo, the next she and her family have had their assets frozen and are sleeping in their car. One night, they're caretakers of a too-trusting hippy's goat farm, the next she's alone sleeping on the cold cement of some kingpin's dungeon. The point of the FotDs is to juxtapose the opulent world of murder and intrigue with the peace and quiet of the domestic life Kim is trying to defend against all external threats. In her most caricatured form, Kim Wexler is a 90's pantsuit archetype who, by some cosmic mistake, lived to see the 2020's. She's a pragmatist; she knows what she values and she keeps her attention on those things. In "Better Call Saul", she never quite figured out a good work-life balance, but last time around, she had put her faith in institutions which didn't value her time or share her priorities; this time she's only trusting herself to manage the resources. The American Dream may be crumbling, but she is still determined to "have it all".
@somethin-stupid-67 @joshgoodman @slippinximi @richeeduvie
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thekimspoblog · 2 months ago
Also Jimmy and Kim are hot
So orecious
Can't rush perfection. But yeah what makes me happy? Please ask me about my headcanon. I love talking about it.
Thinking about the first year Iris was around. How Kim and Jimmy were operating as public figures within their community so there were Christmas cards and social media updates etc.
What were they like as a couple? Also when did they pass away?
I was looking at the iris character chart thing and noticed they passed away
How’d they find out they were going to have iris?
I mean we've seen what they're like as a couple. The difference is Kim has finally stopped shying away from her nature as a troublemaker. In Florida, she was staring down the barrel of twenty to thirty more years repressing and rejecting everything that makes her happy and after the 2016 election she just decided she didn't want to live like that. So when Pastor Dawson approached her saying he could do some favors for her if she'd work for him, she jumped in thinking she knew what to expect that time.
Or I meant them as a couple with iris, were they good parents?
In my timeline, they are currently both alive in 2025. Still in the salad days. It would be great if Jimmy could live to see Iris grow up, but the story I wrote has him getting killed by cops at a trans right protest sometime in the 2030's.
Oh dang :/ poor jimmy
After all his chaos that’s how he goes
I don't imagine they would be that different from who they were in BCS as parents. Iris was a gift from the universe and they both love her deeply, but otherwise the dynamic is mostly back to business as usual. Jimmy loves being the goofy dad and he's actually very responsible and even a little overprotective of his daughters. Kim spent over a decade in turmoil before deciding she wanted a child, specifically because she knew she'd be signing Iris up for a hard life, having older parents who already have an infamous reputation. Not to mention just the general adversity of being smart. It took a lot of mulling it over before Kim decided a life like that would be worth living. Because of that, as always Kim isn't the conventional warm and loving wife and mother. But it is still clear how much she believes in this undertaking. As long as Iris is themselves, she'll always be proud of them.
I was going for bittersweet: Jimmy had the opportunity to "stay out of it" in terms of love, politics, and war. He could have stayed in prison and he might have (unlikely but possibly) lived longer that way. But is it better to live a long life or a good one? Jimmy found something he was willing to die for and he got to be the hero. Going to that specific clash might be deemed a mistake, but getting back with Kim, having a family, standing up for his kid's right to exist as themselves, he wouldn't do any of that differently.
That’s actually really thoughtful. Tbh I think Jimmy would be a great dad and Kim a good mom. What about the sister? Iris has a sister right?
Yes Fille. The older Fille gets the more she begins to distance herself from the reputation Wexler-McGill is amassing. It's not like Fille is as much a stickler for the rules as Chuck was, but Fille still rolls her eyes at anyone who's willing to kick the hornet's nest for the sake of "principles" or "justice". Iris will staunchly defend the choices their parents have made as all being necessary. Fille doesn't regret being born or anything but she still thinks she and her sibling were handed a bit of a raw deal even if Iris won't admit it. Jimmy is just grateful to have a family at all. Kim on the other hand will give Fille love and support even if it's a one-way street but she is resigned to the second born just not understanding why she's made the choices she has. It's a hard thing to express, but part of what I'm going for in my writing is how Kim has some regrets about writing off her own mother so early in life, and how that's informed her parenting style now.
Point is, in order to get Jimmy released on house arrest let alone have access to the medical resources to be able to have Iris, Kim cozied up to a religious faction which held Saul Goodman up as some sort of folk hero. And so in the mid 2010's for a year or two, they had a reasonably picturesque life but were stuck dealing with supporters who would turn on them if they deviated from who Goodman and wife were supposed to be.
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thekimspoblog · 1 year ago
FotD 1:
@joshgoodman: Thinking of some ideas currently; I've had this one circling my head. Somehow kim and Jim find themselves camping out like the kettlemans did (without the stolen money) to avoid being found by (insert threat here). Iris and fille are around 8 and 6 respectively
Me: That'd be cute! Fighting with trying to set up the tent, Kim would probably do most of it; Jimmy's threatening to slip a disk. Fille keeps asking what the hell we're actually doing out here. Iris tells her not to ask stupid questions.
"Iris, don't call your sister stupid"
"I'm not! I said her question was! There's a difference!"
Did they bring any food?
Me: In my timeline, one of the main tragic things is how this life weighs on Kim's sanity. She never really got over the trauma of the cartel following her back in '04, that's when the sheepdog dreams started; that's when she started believing in God, simply because she felt like someone or something was watching her and plotting against her at all times. Especially after Jimmy dies, paranoia really starts to consume her. She becomes a powerful mob boss nearing the end of her life, but no amount of security measures bring her peace of mind. Once Jimmy's out of the picture, things start to get a little Howard Hughes.
But yeah, even while he's around, he is sometimes worried she's getting neurotic, but it's not like he can't empathize; he never stopped looking over his shoulder either. Out here in the woods, every rustle in the grass could be a mountain lion or worse.
Him: They brought enough food for a week, but then they'd have to catch and cook their own. Which Jimmy might have an issue with. I think a mountain lion would be the least of their worries, it can be scared away; a cartel member with a gun/intent to hurt kim/her family isn't as easily scared away.
Me: Why do you think Jimmy would have a problem? Just not very good at hunting/fishing?
Kim considered taking a gun, but they both decided it would create more problems than it would solve. Even if Fille or Iris don't play with it, firing off a wild shot into the bushes could be a really bad idea; they're hiding from the law on fraud/extortion/other non violent charges. If she accidentally shot a cop who was coming to arrest them, now they're both back to looking at life. Not losing custody is always the top priority.
Even killing a "Made" man/woman would just incite retaliation. If the mafia kills them, best to just pray they'll spare the kids. Starting a shoot out would just be loud and dangerous.
I guess if they really believed the kids were in danger, they would have to give them up and leave them with someone, but thankfully it's never come to that.
Him: Based off of Jimmy's character, I'd think he'd have a terrible time hunting and fishing, yea. Also, he might have an issue with killing the animal he's able to retrieve.
I think kim would settle for a bow? Not sure if she has an archery background; iris would LOVE that. Fille could care less. But who would they leave them with, is the question? Mike is dead, so is dawson. The church is questionable
Me: I don't think Jimmy would have a problem killing an animal. He might be squeamish, but he was never a pacifist or vegetarian.
Highly doubt they would have thought to bring archery supplies. If they run out of food, they should just head back into town.
And when all else fails, they always have the option to call a social worker themselves. They REALLY don't want to do that, they've been trying to keep the kids safe off the grid. But nothing is worth endangering their lives. Even Fille would be unhappy in that arrangement.
Pretty sure "My parents only abandoned me because they're traveling con artists. But they promised they were coming back once the mob boss is dead" is foster home for "please beat me up for telling such outrageous lies".
Iris would look out for Fille, but who's looking out for poor Iris?  In the eyes of any conformist parent or teacher, Iris would be labeled a troubled child with behavioral issues. Even if their foster parents accepted their queerness, and that's a big if, nobody's going to listen to their indoctrination about the reasons shoplifting is a public good. Probably end up getting put on Ritalin or some shit.
Still, as long as Iris knew where they came from, why they feel this way all the time,they could at least try to fit in. In the timeline where Iris was born in 2005 and Kim gave them up out of guilt for what happened to Howard, Iris's life was terrible; just grew up confused and angry. Tarzan might not know what a human is, but he would still know he wasn't an ape. Kim saw these futures; even aborting them would be less cruel than leaving them to be raised by someone else. Iris needed their parents; they were the only ones who understood, the only ones who could shape this overgrown hedge of wild energy into a countercultural topiary. No matter what other childhood trauma they absorbed, the worst thing you could ever do is leave them without direction or purpose.
Him: Squeamish, that's the word I was looking for. But if it comes to survival, what wouldn't he do for his family?
Him: I wonder if the social worker would be an option? Kim wouldn't want to put the kids through that, they would find the best option one way or another.
Ah yes, Ritalin. Or as I like to call it, the zombie drug. That shit doesn't work and fuck any doctor who puts kids on it
Me: No matter what happens, at least Iris and Fille have eachother. It's not that Fille can't feel that Wexler-McGill blood in their veins; Fille is different from Iris by choice, not nature. But as the youngest in the family, as the last one always in pool when it comes to mischief, she can see how recklessness never leads to anything good.
Fille is better at pretending to be a "good kid" but she'd still feel deeply alone without her big sibling.
If she was left alone, Fille would probably be a troublemaker too. She's only such a square and a goody-goody because that's the only way she could have rebelled in a family of rebels.
Him: Ah, so fille chooses to be a goody two shoes because that's not what people expect when they see that family.
I don't think they would be apart for long, even separated by the foster care system if it came to that. Those two would always find a way back to each other
Me: Main problem is Jimmy and Kim don't want to admit failure a first time, because CPS is going to be breathing down their neck from then onward. For some reason, as long as the kids are biologically yours, most bizarre parenting choices are accepted as long as the government hasn't already labeled you a bad mother.
When Love Quinn was brought back by Dolores, the thing she wanted most was to see Henry again. But Dante and Lansing are good dads, and showing up in Henry's life now would just upset and confuse him. Admitting that she deserved to lose custody of her son was the hardest thing she's had to do, but it's for the best to just move on, try to be better moving forward.
Him: Do Love and Henry ever reunite? Or are those days behind them?
Me: Probably when Henry is older.
Iris probably would ask for archery lessons after reading the Hunger Games. Iris was always outdoorsy, but this probably is just a phase.
Him: What kind of phase would fille go through, if you had to guess?
Me: Well both siblings do have an interest in music. Iris learned to play the guitar from Jimmy; Fille would probably go ahead and find herself a piano teacher.
Him: I feel like iris would also take an interest in drums, maybe?
Me: Sounds about right.
I mean Jimmy and Kim want to encourage their hobbies. This is what the money is for.
Him: Iris would take an interest in archery, drums, and guitar while fille does piano, and maybe...swimming?
Me: Yes Fille loves the ocean. Probably cus of that goldfish soul.
Him: Ooh! Kayaking!
Me: I think Iris would be more into motor boats
Him: Boats are fun. Maybe they could take a vacation to the great lakes/some type of beach.
FotD 2:
Me: I guess yesterday I was also thinking about them making a big score, and then taking the kids shopping for new clothes. The kids complain, but it's still fun dressing them up like little dolls.
Him: I didn't think iris would go for that? Maybe fille
Me: Well Iris has always loved dress up, but plain clothes shopping is always a little boring for kids.
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Me: Kim saying "Try this one on. It's a little bit big but you'll grow into it... hmm no; that's actually too big, you'll be tripping and face planting all over"
Me: But yes, those two love shopping for the family. I mean Jimmy and Kim have been eachothers gay best friend stereotypes since all the way back to law school, but the last time they actually spent a substantial amount of money like this was a few years ago at Babies-R-Us. Since leaving the church, it's mostly been consignment shops. Nothing fancy that wasn't secondhand.
Which is why they want to get each of the four of them a new outfit that will last for next few years
Him: I don't think jim + kim would contribute to chains if they didn't have to. Always choosing places like goodwill over walmart
Me: Nah they'd still go somewhere nice. Kim's love for shiny things outweighs her communist sympathies.
She wants to pretend she's not materialistic, but low-maintenance bitches don't drink thousand dollar tequila or wear real gold.
I mean Goodwill is fine and all, but this is Prada man! She's only human!
Honestly Kim's hypocrisy with how she identifies with class I think is a really interesting facet of her personality.
This is why wealth redistribution campaigns always fail: first of all, in order to adequately navigate the upper class, the revolutionary already typically needs a middle class education or better. And second, even if an army does manage to steal from the rich, the leader finds it hard to actually give those winnings to the poor instead of just pocketing it. Kim hates rich people... except for herself; that person is a lucid and benevolent matriarch who DESERVES to be managing the money!
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thekimspoblog · 9 months ago
Only if you want to talk mcwexler parenthood au
i need more brba/bcs mutuals ☹️☹️🤍🤍🤍
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thekimspoblog · 3 months ago
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Been thinking about Jimmy buying Kim jewelry, for an anniversary present. Their "REAL" anniversary (the one that lasted more than 4 months) is in December, but he always remembers both.
And kind of similar to what I was saying in my Zafiro Anejo post, Kim has this duality, of "I am a hypocrite; ever since I got back in The Game, I am rotting inside" and at the same time "Fuck it, life is short; this shit makes me happy". It's not that she's hyper materialistic, but there is a certain persona of success she has to uphold, whether the woman underneath is feeling it that day or not. Besides... it's sweet. She knows he knows this doesn't change all they've done. But sometimes playing house is an end unto itself. When everything you thought you knew about your principles has been systematically destroyed, sometimes the surface is all you have.
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thekimspoblog · 1 year ago
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My mutuals and I DNGAF
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thekimspoblog · 1 year ago
Kim doesn't scream. She doesn't berate. She doesn't resort to physical discipline. She's never needed to. She can impart so much mom-guilt with just a disappointed look and a few cutting words. A command for obedience disguised as her having "faith that you'll make the right choice". If she really was such a warm and loving person, then why did Iris grow up so afraid of her? Why was everyone so afraid of her? Love was unconditional, but friendship required being able to read her mind.
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