#but i like the riverrrr
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clementiens · 6 months ago
physically i'm still. well. you know. but emotionally mentally spiritually etc swimming naked in the river has fixed me
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camellcat · 1 year ago
I like how I'm all "I can't STAND river song I HATE river song get her OFF my SCREEN" and then river song is sad for 1 second and I'm in absolute shambles
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zebrafiz · 16 days ago
incoming rant abt class
talked about population decline/fertility rates in my class today and learned that to no surprise, capitalism is the problem again. like they want more young people in the workforce (so that they can fund social security to take care of elderly people - who are quickly outnumbering younger populations) but they’re not getting it bc ppl aren’t having kids. and like duh people aren’t having kids bc they can’t AFFORD to or they don’t have the time bc they have to work their entire lives. so then countries are trying to incentivize childbirth but of course it doesn’t work because they’re all rich out of touch losers who have no idea how much it actually costs to raise a child as a regular citizen (see: australia paying ppl $6k to have kids when it actually costs hundreds of thousands to raise said kids. see: sweden proposing an idea to give their employees one paid hour a week to go home and fuck in hopes they’d procreate more…?????????? OKAY?????) . and then when these don’t work another option is just forcibly removing reproductive rights like america is doing but that also won’t work bc people will find ways around it (see: metal hangers). or they can push the retirement age back even further and cut benefits from the elderly in order to keep them in the workforce longer. which clearly does not go over well with the people seeing as the french were burning down paris last year bc of it😭😭😭!!!!!!!!!
and americas role in all this particularly pisses me off so bad bc they want to complain abt low birth rates/low workers when the only option that might possibly work would be opening up migration to allow more migrants into the country which they are clearly opposed to HOWEVERRRR i also don’t think that is the right answer bc why are you looking at migrants for their exploitable labor??? why does everything alwaysssss go back to the labor people can do so that rich people get richer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why is everyone reduced to what they can do for you and your bank accounts instead of their human rights???? and none of the world leaders have the balls to even entertain anything other than the capitalistic hellscape they’ve created. like ppl aren’t having kids bc yall made it impossible to do so and now ur mad abt it? Lol
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kazutora-kurokawa · 1 month ago
If its okay,,,may I ask for sfw and nsfw werewolf baji hcs? 🤭
Werewolf!Baji x Human!Reader
♡ SFW + NSFW, fem reader, oral->fem receiving, biting, clawing, dry humping, Baji is wolf coded ♡
note: Riverrrr (my favorite body of water) how are we not mutuals??? We literally have a mutual love of Baji (I mean who wouldn't, he's perfect 🤭)
🐺 Him, Kazutora, and Chifuyu traded shifts at the pet shop (vampire!Fuyu and tiger hybrid!Tora canon) so he could avoid working during full moons (which resulted in you showing up at the pet shop during the wrong times to bring him lunch, but Fuyu and Tora appreciated it so...)
🐺 His love language is biting, he'll usually bite your neck or your fingers when he's holding your hands
🐺 He practically smothers you when you're cuddling, especially if you're on the couch (expect to get kicked onto the coffee table)
🐺 He drools on you when you're napping together too, but he'll wipe you off whenever he wakes up
🐺 He's giving BDE, big doberman energy, he's basically a guard dog boyfriend
🐺 Loves when you scratch at his back during sex, though he won't scratch you because he knows his nails can hurt like hell
🐺 Laps at your pussy like a dog drinking water, it's his favorite drink and snack
🐺 Goes into heat every month and it's somehow synced with your period so you both just suffer in horny agony
🐺 Hugs you from behind just to dry hump your ass, when you scold him he'll just give you a cheeky grin and a little nibble
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx @evergreen-endo @hanmaslilslut @dystop4in14nd @mysouleaten @mdsbabygirl
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iamthecomet · 2 years ago
I apologize that I don't have any source links from the photographers, but I found some pictures I thought you'd like!
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I love him so much. I need to treat him like a chew toy.
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myungnyangzremade · 8 months ago
hi riverrrr 😋😋😋 i just saw ur new layout and its so fire omg. the epipens are actually serving cunt again... it's been a minute since their styling has been particularly eye-catching imo. im looking forward to the album !!! Anyway i hope u had a good day so far .... ^_^ and if not i hope u get to relax this evening 🫡
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omg thank you 🙈🥰🥰 the last one didnt hit i had to change it up again for my boys also so true yk i loved sweet venom but i really did not care for the styling. im really liking how versatile the looks are this era 😄 i did!! i could sleep in since im doing the closing shift rn (only an hour left…) and i washed my hair this morning so i feel Clean 🧼 how was ur day??
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wriokitty · 12 days ago
RIVERRRR 🥺🫶🏾💕💕💕💕💕💕
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MY SWEETEST MOST DEARTEST TOASTIEEEE THANK YOU FOR BEING MY SPECIAL FRIEND. I love love love how original and creative you brain is bc!! Making oc’s and lore is hard!!!!! Like genuinely I’ve tried before and I’ve never felt creative enough and I don’t think ppl give you enough credit for how much thought and love you put into your craft and I adore you!!! You are one of the loveliest parts of my dash I hope you never die HAHA 💖
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orangecountyprincess · 2 months ago
i know how 2 make like anything vegan and how 2 cook vegan stuff .. riverrrr u should date me
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lazaruspiss · 1 year ago
Hey remember how my little sibling got hit by a car last week. The mom of the kid who hit my sibling called my mom to ask her to pay for the windshield. Started talking about how shes told people my sibling ran out in purpose and shit like that and threatened to spread it further if she didnt get what she wants. Like. Fucking demented. The fucking nerve. Who has the goddamn gall. She wasn't even there! God i can't believe the fucking nerve of some people. She's some popular girl peaked in high school kind of loser. All their family has gone to this fuckin high school and that apparently gives them status in this hick fucked town. Oh boohoo your poor windshield cry me a fucking riverrrr
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katasstrophy · 2 years ago
RIVER RIVER RIVERRRR HII MY LOVE HOW ARE UUUU *kind of scheming and plotting* opinions on nanase? i lowk thought he was super cute and him and isagi have such a cute friendship!! but not a lot of ppl fawn over him so what do you think abt him 🤕
KAYLA SWEETHEART i am currently in procrastinating hell due to exam week ahahha :))) but otherwise doing a-okay!! hru???? i missed you :(((
WHAT are you scheming and plotting 🔫🔫🔫 tell me RN !!! 😤😤
omg nanase he’s such a lil guy 🥺🫶
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This is so fucking funny but when he was first introduced i was sooo sus of him being,,, genuinely kind?? LMFAOOOO got used to all the other selfish feral gremlins and i was CONVINCED it was gonna be another kuon situation but alas i was proven wrong
after that i warmed up to him pretty quick he’s really just adorable and i really liked the snippets of the “kidness trio” friendships !!
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they’re like a rare breed in bllk i swear 💀💀
but yeah i vote he’s an absolute cutie (along with hiori!) it was a nice breath of fresh air to see some dynamics that were more ✨🧚🏼‍♀️🎠🌸 and less ⛓👺🔥🥊
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ALSO LMFAOOO HIORI REALLY WENT 💅💅 i love that for him
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garoujo · 2 years ago
emmie how are you lovely 🥺 as the nagi expert i must ask for your opinion is he a tiddie or an ass man (or maybe thighs???🤔) in my mind he’s a boobie enthusiast through n through but penny for your thoughts 🎤🎤
riverrrr !!! hewo my love !!! i’m doing goood i’m wrapped up in the cosiest blanket ever rn ^_^ i hope ur doing good also !!! snifle my heart says ass [+ thighs] man ;;;o;;; he likes ass pillows + lying between your thighs 2 game while u play w his hair !!! it’s his fave position [likes thigh jobs 2 when he’s feeling lazy] bye i’m dying now <3w<3 !!
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soracities · 3 years ago
I was also forged by The Mummy (1999). It was one of like three films we owned on VHS so I saw it a billion times. If you asked I could likely quote the entire film from memory right now. "Looks like we've got all the horses."
omg but no literally "looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the riverrrr" !
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lostgirlmuseum · 1 year ago
the thing I enjoy a lot about your writing is that when you add backstories or details the the plot, they’re easily relatable and it makes you think about those scenarios in your own life
This was so funny and so sweet aisbsjsns also, your endings are great man
Stop it wth you cant say such nice and validating things!!! I cant even properly respond to this, just---🥺
please tell me the title was a reference to who the hell is Bucky
Not even gonna lie, at first it was the first thing that came to my head, and then I looked back at it and I was like "wait a minute...I see what I did there..." So it was technically an accident but a nice surprise when I noticed it so I kept it!!
maybe I’m reading into it too much but I don’t care
Never stop reading into things, read into everything, create all the lore
Don’t be shy, drop the link 👀
Dude I WISH, it was just what I thought of, and then I tried to look it up and see if there was anything like it. I saw some cute dresses, but nothing like specifically I spat out ☹️ Maybe one day
Just thinking of the ‘My boy! 😀’ ’oh no my boy! 😦’ ’father help’ meme
I love that video/meme 😭😂 (yes i still use the laughing emoji i will never understand the hate it gets)
coco puff eating bitch. disgusting. why. the true torture here is forcing himself to eat the rabbit shit cereal (no hate. it hits different sometimes. but still. coco puffs)
"coco puff eating bitch", let's put this on a t-shirt
I don't have that strong of an opinion on coco puffs, once again, first thing that came to mind lol (maybe I should start thinking these things through to match the character and scenario but I'm just really good at shitting things out and forgetting about them LOL)
I see sputtered I just thing of a car starting and it makes me laugh every time
Sputtered is honestly so funny, bc I imagine it like stuttering, but so much more dramatic
also, your ability to really use different words other than said/says/say/things similar is awesome. you choose just the right words every time, and you can hear how the character is saying it and the emotions behind it. It’s so cool and I feel like I say ‘says’ and ‘said’ more often than I use the letter a. Which is saying something idek man
Riverrrr you are too kind, this is such a deep compliment 😭 I cant even---
And absolutely don't worry about using "said" a lot, bc A.) there hasn't been a single time I've read smth of yours and thought, "wow this uses "said" too much, and B.) I think it's good to not overuse other words instead of "said"! Said gets a lot of hate, but if you get the point across, your work is done! Said is very valuable, and I support "said" usage on this blog !!!!
I know I say this every time but it's because I mean it every time, thank you so so so so so much. You are so so sweet and funny and ngl everytime I post smth I'm always wondering if you'll like it hehe
Who the Hell is Daryl?
Summary: Bucky is in love with you, and finally finds the courage to tell you. But what happens when it sounds like someone else is already in the picture? (Miscommunication!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Avenger!Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: Miscommunication trope! Only one small mention of “Y/N”, teensy bit of yelling, let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Wrote this a couple days ago and put it in drafts, spontaneously posted bc I'm procrastinating on an essay. Okay I'll get back to hw now :(
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
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He was going to do it. He was really going to do it. 
He was finally going to ask you out.
To the surprise of everyone on the team, you and Bucky had become fast pals after you joined six months ago. Something about the two of you clicked. ‘Opposites attract’ and all that, but Bucky always felt it went deeper than that.
The two of you had never argued, something he felt very proud of, considering he argued with most people. But not you. Never you.
The moment he decided that he needed to man up and ask you out wasn’t anything fancy. You were sparring with Wanda across the gym, and he was simply watching you work in tandem. He watched the entire 15 minute session, and didn’t take his eyes off you, even as you approached him. 
“Buck, I’m out of water, can I take a sip of yours?”
He nodded, “Sure, Doll,” and tossed you his bottle. 
You shot him a charming smile and opened the cap, and not-so-gracefully chugged half the bottle. You wiped your upper lip and handed it back to him. 
“Thanks, Jamie,” you breathily said, and jogged back to the arena. 
His head was completely empty except for a single thought, tumbling through his desert mind like a tumbleweed.
I’m going to marry her someday.
He shocked himself with the thought, he wasn’t sure where it had come from. But he couldn’t help the grin that snuck its way onto his lips as he realized he didn’t disagree with the thought.
Of course before marriage is dating. One step at a time Buck. 
After his realization, he had spent the next three days planning the perfect way to ask you out. He went through an entire list of ideas, but none of them seemed good enough for you. He wanted it to be perfect. But as the clock ticked on and he started running out of paper, he realized it was best to just be honest about his feelings. 
You had just gotten back from a solo mission, and Bucky was hanging out in your room as you showered.
He was blushing like an idiot and fidgeting like crazy on your bed as he waited for you to hurry up. It was surprising he had so much self control as to not blurt it out while you were showering.
“Oh, Bucky,” you called from the bathroom, the sound of the water pausing.
“What’s up?”
“Could you set an alarm on my phone for 7:30 A.M. tomorrow before I forget? I think I left it on the side table.”
“You got it, Doll.”
“You’re the best! I’m almost done, I’ll be out in like two minutes,” you called, and soon after the sound of rushing water resumed.
Bucky grabbed your phone and typed in the passcode, his heart fluttering a little as he thought about how you trusted him enough to know it.
But the flutter stopped almost as quickly as it started, the moment your phone turned on and resumed on your text string with someone. He would’ve ignored it, but a red heart at the top of the screen caught his eye.
Who the hell is “Daryl,” and why does he have a heart emoji next to his name?
Bucky couldn’t help himself as his eyes flitted over your last texts.
Daryl ❤️ I’m back in town, lemme know when you’re around 
You About to leave for a quick mission, but I’ll be back tmw evening. I miss you sm :( how about we meet up Monday morning at 8 at Bernie’s cafe?
Daryl ❤️ Lets do it. And I miss you too, can’t wait to see your beautiful face!! I love you, be careful
You Love you too, and Im always careful 😘
Bucky felt sick to his stomach. You had never mentioned a brother named Daryl, or any other kind of family member. And you’d told him about all your closest friends, and none of them were named Daryl. How did Bucky not know you had a boyfriend?
Bucky fought the urge to scroll up, and quickly tapped out of the app, and set the alarm you asked him to set. 
So you were meeting this “Daryl” tomorrow morning?
Bucky heard the water stop, and the sound of the shower curtain shuffling.
Shit. You were getting out. Fuck, he wasn’t ready to face you.
You’d never mentioned you were in a relationship before. He would remember. How long have you been dating? And more importantly, why did you keep this from him? Did you feel like you couldn’t trust him? Maybe you weren’t as close friends as he’d thought.
“Which movie did you want to watch tonight?” You asked, peeking out of the door with a turquoise towel wrapped around you.
“Um, I’m actually really tired, suddenly. I think I’m going to go to bed.” Bucky stuttered, avoiding your gaze as he quickly stood up.
“Oh, okay,” you responded, disappointment and concern lacing your voice. “Everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. Glad you got back safe. Good night.”
With that, Bucky ducked out of your room and practically ran back to his.
Bucky tossed and turned, and once he got over his embarrassment, he settled into a familiar depressive feeling. Of course you didn’t like him back. What the fuck was he thinking? He’s—well, he’s Bucky. Broken, only destined to ever be your friend. How could he be foolish enough to think you would love him like he loves you. At about hour 4, the heartbreak started turning into betrayal. Betrayal that you kept this from him. And soon enough, that betrayal festered into a kind of resentment, something he’d never felt for you before.
He didn’t get much sleep that night.
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Bucky checked the clock for the 20th time in the past 5 minutes. 7:45 A.M. You were probably about to leave. Bucky felt his heart clench. He was usually up by 7, and eating breakfast in the common area by 7:30. He sat at the barstool, dragging his spoon around his now soggy Coco Puffs, waiting for you to appear. Why he felt the need to torture himself, he didn’t know.
Finally, he heard your steps coming down the hall. 
And there you appeared, wearing the most beautiful sundress he had ever seen. It was lavender, and had small white flowers adorning the skirt, and it fell just above your knees. 
Bucky took you in, and his momentary adoration turned back to his heartbreak. You were dressed up as if you were going on a date. There was no chance this wasn’t your boyfriend.
“Good morning Bucky, did you sleep okay last night?” 
“Yes.” He lied. Maybe you would tell him the truth if he asked. Yes it would hurt hearing the truth from your mouth, but he wanted to give you a chance to tell him your secret. “Where are you headed?”
“To meet a friend,” you nodded smoothly. 
Maybe Bucky was crazy. Maybe he was overthinking all of this. Maybe Daryl really was just a friend.
“Which friend?”
So you were just flat out lying to him now. Bucky nodded and waited for you to leave before moping back to his room. He wanted to cry. And he did for a minute, or two, but his tears turned from sad to angry when he remembered you were now lying. You never lied to Bucky, and Bucky never lied to you. At least, he thought that was how it was. He clenched his fists, mad at you for betraying him, but more mad at himself for believing he could ever have you.
He didn’t move from his bed.
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“Bucky?” Your voice emerged after three knocks to his door.
He couldn’t get himself to respond. 
The door slowly creaked open, a stream of light flooding his dark room.
“Hey Buck. You okay? You seemed a little off this morning.”
“Fine.” He mumbled, not turning over in bed to face you.
A pause. 
“Jamie, what’s wrong?” You asked, closing the door behind you and flicking on the light. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“What?” You asked, slightly taken aback. You thought he loved your affectionate nickname for him.
“I don’t want you to call me ‘Jamie’ anymore.”
He felt the bed dip as you sat next to him. 
“Bucky,” you whispered, “please talk to me.”
He sat up and gave you a pointed look. Was he being immature? Yes. But what could he do, he just discovered that his best friend has been lying to him, and doesn’t love him.
“Where were you?” He asked.
You furrowed your brows a moment, trying to piece together where he was going with this. 
“I was at Bernie’s with Penny.”
“Don’t lie to me.” He sneered.
Your eyes widened at his bite.
“I’m not lying? Bucky, what is going on?”
“What’s going on is that you’ve been keeping the fact that you have a boyfriend from me. Why don’t you want to tell me?”
“A boyfriend?” You blinked. “I don’t have a boyfriend,”
“Why won’t you be honest with me?” He yelled, and you scooted back.
“I am!”
“Then who is Daryl?”
“I saw your texts last night, when you asked me to set your alarm.” Bucky looked down at his lap, ashamed.
“Bucky,” you sighed, and a look of understanding crossed your face. A moment later you held out your phone to him.
“What?” He asked, dumbly looking at your outstretched hand. The screen was on your text string with Daryl.
“Call the number.” You simply said.
“What?” He repeated.
“Take my phone, and call the number.”
Confused and suspicious, Bucky grabbed your phone and hesitated over the call icon. 
“Go ahead,” you urged.
He pressed the button. 
“Hey!” A familiar feminine voice rang through the speaker. “What’s up hon?”
“Hello?” Bucky said, looking from the phone to you to the phone.
“Uh, hi? Is that Bucky?”
“P—Penny?” He sputtered.
“Hey Bucky! What’s up, is everything okay? I thought Y/N was calling.”
“Hey Pen,” you interjected, “Everything’s fine, I’ll call you back in a bit, kay’?”
“Sure thing, bye, love ya,” Penny added, and hung up.
Bucky stared at the now blank phone, baffled.
“I don’t understand.”
“Bucky,” you sighed, and tilted his chin to look at you. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Penny is in my contacts as “Daryl” because it’s my funny little nickname for her. My Dad has had a best friend since grade school named Daryl, and they don’t see each other often, but when they do it’s like nothing has changed. They get along like no time has passed. I call Penny “my Daryl” because I know that even if we don’t talk for years, we are so close that I know we would be the exact same.”
Bucky sat quietly for a moment, simply taking in your story. He felt really stupid.
“I’m sorry,” he started, “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m sorry I called you a liar.” He struggled to meet your gaze, ashamed of what he did.
“Jamie—can I call you Jamie now?”
He nodded sheepishly.
“Jamie, I forgive you. But I wish you had just talked to me about it, and asked me. We are usually so good about being open with each other. What happened?” You asked, wide eyes looking into his.
“I know, I’m sorry. I flipped out, I guess I was just shocked, because I was going to—” he licked his lips, “well, I was…”
“You can tell me, Bucky. Honesty, remember?” You soothed, placing your hand on his leg.
He gulped.
“I was going to ask you to be with me.”
You tilted your head, not quite understanding.
“Like, I was gonna ask if you’d let me be your boyfriend.” He mumbled. “So when I saw that you were texting and saying ‘I love you’ to some guy, I guess I was just blindsided.”
“James,” you smiled, moving yourself to sit on his lap. You brought your forehead against his. “You silly, jealous man.” You gently stroked his cheek with your right hand. “You want to be my boyfriend?"
"It sounds so juvenile, I don't know, I just want you to be mine, and for you to call me 'yours,'" he mumbled.
"I accept," you giggled, and watched his glittering eyes shoot to yours.
He had started to say something, but he stopped when you brought your soft lips to his.
“I'm so happy,” he whispered between kisses.
Suffice it to say, Bucky completed step one of the path to marrying you.
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A/N: Tysm for reading! If you liked it, please feel free to let me know!
Also I'm sorry if the ending sucks, I wrote this in a couple hours and Idk why I'm so bad at endings gahh
Here's my Masterlist if you'd like to read more!
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exitwound · 4 years ago
have you ever read poetry with imagery so different from the ones you use/write/experience life through and felt the foreignness of the other person's lens? i feel this way towards your expression (thru tags and your writing and such). i think of that "how would you describe drowning?" "not everything feels like something" quote.
so much love <333
RIVERRRR this is so incredibly warmloveful to hear 1 billion heart emojis 4 u…that is one of my favourite lines ever omg.. even MORE lovaliciousness <33 (sorry been getting into making up words) .. i sometimes feel very silly saying things but im always looking for the same kind of foreigness as well .. so cool that our familiars are so unfamiliarly fresh to each other
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bikerboyfriend · 3 years ago
who did u romance in cyberpunk? i really loved panam!
cyberpunk 2077 spoilers for anything involving river & panam //
panam & river (I got a mod that unlocks river) i also...w/meredith but i didnt understand I was romancing her 😭😭😭 I just thought she was gonna pay me and then 🧍🏾‍♂️🧍🏾‍♂️🧍🏾‍♂️ like fuck corps but it was really a. Well, why not situation. It was a bit weird tho but hey
and yo SAME. panam DEF my favourite tho, imo u have the most romantic chemistry w/her. i love her she's a great character....like the romantic side of cyberpunk aint rlly my focus bc its mostly badly written but like it was really fun getting to know her and the aldecados...YO OMG....I was fr touched when you wake up later after passing out & Saul + Mitch come and check up on you....and then like everyone in the camp is like, "Morning sleeping beauty!!" I was like 🥺 the WHOLEEEE time I adore the aldecados....i forgot 2 answer this until i rbed that photoset lmfao.
AND RIVERRRR. Tbh, they kinda underdeveloped him on the romantic side? I think its just the way he is tho...like...that's why he decided to tell us (V) about Randy but also bc he was the only one he could look to. Like his arc + playthrough was SO FUN....AND really disturbing tbh I think it triggered my nightmare last night 😐. But I really grew fond of him, not romantically tbh it was literally a thing where...like he's hot so why not 🚶🏾‍♂️ but yea....ok i said too much but yea im having fun w the game
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supremeinlilac · 4 years ago
I'm doing better thank you🥺💖 I'm journaling again which has helped and I'm much more positive and feeling better about myself🥺🤍🥰 missed youuuu we should go for a walk sometime near betws y coed and go to the riverrrr😌
I'm honestly living for it tho ngl I'm just over here like 😂😂
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I'm SO glad that you're feeling a little bit better!!! 🥰 And I've missed you too 🥺🥺
Omg we DEFINITELY should do that, I love Betws☺️and I love YOU💗
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