#but i like him so much i couldnt leave him out of the preview </3
vapesemblestars · 2 years
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happy 50th everyone. u have earned a little sneak peak into the nail polish director's cut
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gyuvision · 8 months
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strawberry soju -> [back to masterlist?]
pairing : exes to ?? hong seunghan x fem reader
contains -> : drinking, mention of alcohol/being drunk
wc : 0.9k
preview ! - your drunken ex boyfriend calls you up out of nowhere, leaving him under your care for the night when he doesnt want you to go.
continue? ⬇️
you groaned at the sound of your phone buzzing once again. after all, it really does get annoying when its been 3 minutes and 7 missed calls.
“who could be calling so late? 10pm on a friday..”
setting down the ramen cup and pausing your favorite show, you swipe to accept the call, holding the phone up to your ear without checking the caller id. “hello? whos this?”
“y/nniee? that you?” the person slurred.
you knew that voice all too well, you didn’t even have to look at the contact name. “seunghan.” you sighed.
“you finally answered.” he exclaimed. you could practically hear his stupid smile.
“been drinking again?” you said, already knowing by his tone of voice.
“just.. a little tipsy..”
“are you-” you were cut off by someone elses voice.
“sorry y/n. he had a lot to drink.” eunseok joined in. “you mind getting seunghan? i know its.. awkward still. but my parents are supposed to go out soon, and i don’t want to leave my brother by himself.”
“hes sooo drunk that he seems to think you’re still together. he’s been asking for you all night!” sungchan snickered somewhere in the background.
“uh.. send me your location then? i guess its fine just this once. he wont even remember it in the morning.”
so you found yourself driving to a well known local restaurant to pick up your ex boyfriend. even though it was your choice, you couldnt help but wonder why you were doing this.
and you also couldn’t help but feel bad at the thought of seunghan being so drunk to the point he still thinks you’re dating.
“y/n, over here!” sungchan called out to you as you entered the building.
“wheres eunseok?”
“you just missed him. he had to go because he’s too worried about his brother.”
“my y/n! you’re here!” seunghan squealed going to pull you into a tight hug.
you awkwardly pat his head in return instead of hugging back. though you couldn’t say that you didn’t miss his touch.
sungchan helped you both to the car before he took off as well.
“god you smell like.. like, strawberry soju?” you exclaimed. “you really reek of alcohol. how much did you drink?”
seunghan replied by holding up 9 fingers, a lazy smile across his face and his eyes closed, with his cheeks a bright pink. “9 shots?” you scoffed as you set course for seunghans house.
“babyy.” seunghan whined. “im not your baby.” “you’ll always be my baby.” he teased back.
you sighed as you rubbed your forehead in frustration. “what do you want?”
“aircon please. i feel hot.” he mumbled as he tugged at the collar of his shirt.
you sank into your seat after turning on the air conditioning, putting up with how cold you were so he could feel better. after all, he was a bit of a liability right now though.
you walked up to seunghans apartment with him leaning into your shoulder while he had one arm around you for support.
“whats your code?” you asked, opening his keypad as you assumed he changed the password after your break up.
“same as always. your birthday. i would never change it.”
you’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t soften even in the slightest.
after changing seunghans shirt for him then getting him tucked into the sheets, you went to get up to get ready and go home before he pulled you back into the bed with him.
“please dont go.” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around you, burying his head into your neck with a small whine.
“but didn’t you think that we..” “nah. just wanted to believe that we were. feel more confident when i’m that drunk.”
“im sorry.”
“why did you leave me?”
though seunghan had said some crazy things that night, nothing would’ve prepared you for that.
“i dont care about it anymore then. just dont leave me again. even if its only for today.”
you turned around in his grasp to press a light kiss into his forehead. “promise.”
you decided, maybe it wouldnt be so bad to spend the night. you realize you wouldnt mind being happy with seunghan again even if it meant that he wouldnt remember any of it.
‘but might as well, cause i cant help myself.’ [1:36]
‘i dont ever wanna know how it feels to not have you, my strawberry soju.’ [1:51]
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musubiki · 5 years
ive never really talked about this but jealous mochi is 100% a thing (and this got long and fic-y so i put it under a read more. chapter preview????)
so especially in the beginning when shes just getting her powers, and shes limes totally-normal-best-friend, he like half-flirts with girls a lot of the time and mochi has a kinda jealous episode
there's gonna be a short part when lime goes out with penny bun for a little bit?? (ms. penny bun, perfect cheerleader, keeps a trophy book of all the boys shes dated/used, upgrades to the newest iphone every year, who is super interested in lime for his popularity and looks, and is totally condescending to little creampuff shop daughter mochi)
and during the time lime goes on like 2 dates with her mochi gets more distant towards him because 1) that shit hurted, and 2) penny hates her so it's super uncomfortable and awkward, so she deals with it by avoiding him altogether
but then this nags at lime WAY MORE because the whole time his stupid ass is thinking ‘why the hell is she avoiding me?!’ cue throwing paper wads at her head in class, trying to catch her at the end of her ceramics club but the other members inform him that she left early, he tries texting her but she doesn't read them for a long time
pom offers mochi some suggestions, but mochi was never great at taking advice when she's in a bad mood, and excuses it as “He can do whatever, it gives me more freedom to practice magic without him bothering me” and hides in the greenhouse
and after a day of this, lime decides okay, maybe shes just feeling crowded?? or sick?? and gives her space, but after 2-3 DAYS he’s more like “Okay, fuck it.” and after whole day of barely talking to her, ends up jumping her backyard fence and pounding on the greenhouse door, demanding to be let in because “I asked your mom I KNOW you’re in there!” 
and mochi, half freaking out, is rushing to hide all her witchy stuff and switch the dial on the greenhouse door because knowing lime, he might just punch the door open if she makes him wait too long. maybe not. he's not THAT violent, she thinks.
so pom jumps out the window and leaves her alone, and she opens the door to lime, standing there leaning with his arm against the door and trying not to look as irritated as he feels. she tries to play it off cool with an awkward “Oh hey! What’s up? Haven’t seen you much today hahaha-” 
and he stands there with a half smirk looking down at her for a few seconds in silence before saying “Yeah, wonder why.” and the ‘casual-with-a-hint-of-irritation’ tone in his voice makes the awkward smile fade from her face. her shoulders scrunch and her hand rubs her arm as she turns and quickly walks back to the sink to fill up her watering can, pretending to be busy, and he follows her in.
“Okay, you gonna tell me why you’re mad at me?” Lime says as he leans on the table next to the sink and leans over to see her face. “I’m not mad at you.” She says while trying to sound as normal as possible, but he knows her better.
“Is it because I keep stealing all your creampuffs?”
“That’s normal at this point.”
“Technically that’s your fault for being easy to steal from.”
“I’m not easy to steal from, you have long arms!” She laughs out, and he chuckles. He kinda missed seeing her smile the last few days, but he shoots the thought out of his head. They usually stray from the current conversation, so he brings it back. 
“Did I step on your foot or something?”
“??? I wouldnt be mad at you about that-?”
“Is it because I ate the last of your ice cream on wednesday-”
“I- That was you?!?”
“HAHA noo-” He coughs, “What, does it have something to do with school?”
“Does it have something to do with the shops?”
“Does it have something to do with Penny?”
and then she falls silent for a moment. a smirk slowly and gradually grows on his face until she finally answers with a much softer “no,” and as soon as it leaves her mouth, an “oh my god” comes out of his. “Are you jealous?!” he asks with a lot more excitement than he should. He’s never seen Mochi jealous before holy shit??? he tries to hide how much his face just lit up but its too late, she already saw it. 
“No! I’m not!!” Mochi almost yells, and tries to walk away very fast, but lime grabs the intersection of her overall straps and pulls her backwards, laughing and snorting at her. “Mochiiii~” he almost sings out teasingly, and she covers her face with her hands, groaning out a “Nooooo-!” muffled by her fingers. “HAHAha-I [snorts] W- I’m- What, you don’t like her????” He asks sarcastically, laughing. he knows shes terrible. hes not dating her seriously. he was just bored. 
Mochi falls back on the couch with her face still covered by her hands and groans. “NO- no I-...I mean - she doesn’t like me, and I’m not crazy about her either-” she mumbles out, Lime is smirking this whole time and slowly moves towards her. “-but i don’t wanna be that friend that tries to tell you what to do, or who you can and can’t hang out with I just [SIGH] its just....weird being around you when you’re around her and I.....-...yeah,” her hands fall to her lap, and lime is now crouching on the floor in front of her. 
He gives her the most amused, teasing, flirty, shit-eating look and she looks away, mumbling out a small “sorry,” and a few moments pass before he speaks again. “.......you don’t want me to see her anymore?” he asks, his voice a lot softer and lighter than it was 5 minutes ago, and her head shoots up “Wh- no! No! I mean if you want to keep seeing her then- I don’t wanna get in the way-!” Mochi stammers out, and Lime just laughs at her and folds his arms over her thighs. her cheeks turn red. “Moch listen, I don’t actually LIKE like her, alright? She flirted a little and I was bored so we went out, like, once. That’s it.” 
“I thought it was twice-?”
“Well the first one didn’t count because we just happened to both be at Mcdonalds at the same time. Plus she paid.”
“Oh god, you let her pay?” Mochi giggles out in amusement. 
“Eh, it was like $8.50.” 
“Oh nice, did they have the dipped cone there yet?”
“OH- yeah. We should go sometime. But anway-” Lime redirects the conversation after they strayed AGAIN. “Here’s the thing Moch, I’m not gonna go out with someone who doesn’t like you. You’re my best friend, and besides,” Lime looks up at her and smiles, “...anyone who doesn’t like you - obviously isn’t a good judge of character.......and isn’t someone I’d wanna hang out with anyway.” 
He looks at her eyes and tries his best to imply that she’s one of the best, if not the best person he knows. He doesn’t even know if she gets the message. She does, but shes not sure if thats what he was trying to say, so she just quietly gulps down a little. “Okay?” he smiles, nudging her legs a bit, and she smiles. “Are you sure?” Mochi asks quietly, and he snorts. “Yeah- how about don’t ignore me next time though, huh?” 
and she laughs as he lightly jabs her side, and he stands up, about to move away before adding: “Oh yeah, and since you got to veto one of my dates, this means that I am LEGALLY ALLOWED to veto one of your boyfriends in the future.” A shit-eating grin plasters over his face, but she just gives him a bit of a flat look, her face gets red and she thinks ‘can’t veto yourself, idiot.’ she cant think of any other guy he could possibly veto. she couldnt think of anyone else she would want to date, so she just laughs and agrees. 
(and she thinks hes joking, but lime 100% carries that in his pocket and then uses it to veto sulluvan, and mochis response is just “[exaggerated shrug] deals a deal, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” and since its technically a contract, sulluvan can’t override it so he has to eat it on one of their deals and hes pissed)
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bigassblunt · 8 years
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bad dream (cw for d/e/ath) its also a bit long n weirdly typed. i wanted to remember as much as possible so its kinda narrative
also. lms if you read i’d rly appreciate it bc this fucked me up at 7am
this morning had a really vivid dream about my brother who passed away 3 years before i was born
i saw him through the big window of my house, holding a sign on light blue poster paper. i think he was dressed in a leather jacket and jeans..weird dream shit probably…anyways i dont remember what the sign said. i walked past the window hoping he wouldnt notice me, and i started panicking to myself thinking, “oh fuck, is that my reflection? am i hallucinating again?” which couldnt possibly be true, i wasnt carrying anything with me on my way to my room
i come back outside to check if hes still there and my dads sitting out on the front porch with him, their backs facing the window
oh shit, it was him
my mom’s in the kitchen area, who she sees me staring.
“hoy! go say hi to your brother!” the look on her face was excited, but very serious. she alwayd had that look when commanding us to do chores or whatever
i make a run for the bathroom to try and fix up my hair so i could at least get a picture with him. it would’ve helped me see how i was potentially gonna look like after a year or so on T
at this point, i had so many questions in my mind, and i’m sure my family did too. but the only one i had on mine was simply:
“where ya been, you stupid fuck?”
i bust out the front door with my phone in hand, “EARL!” i said, calling after him
but it was too fucking late, my dads car drove past the street in front of our house as if they were going back to the airport
you fucked up kid…like you always do
but y'know, its a dream! so the car stops before it’s parallel to our neighbor’s yard
this time he was wearing a white T-shirt, maybe three sizes bigger than him (bc you know, when ur filipino u wear your parents old shirts as house clothes) and a pair of back trackpants
earl, in the passenger seat, gets out wih his phone in hand and he’s waving at me as he crosses the huge stretch of grass to the front porch
“hi riah! yeah! let’s use my phone.”
i get close to him, kind of awkwardly and prepare to smile for the camera as he brings up the camera app on his phone. this shit was fucking nervewracking bc this was probably the first and last time i would have gotten to see my late brother
i still, had so many questions.
my mom’s outside now as well, and she nags at the both of us as earl tries to find the right angle that captures both of us in the shot
“get closer to each other, c'mon, hug each other, hurry!” she hollers
right before earl can take the selfie his camera glitches out.. i pulled out my phone and was like, “hey lets try mine!” even though that was my idea from the start
i had my phone opened to the camera, but as soon as i tried getting us in a picture, my phone glitches out as well. the camera preview was reduced to a tiny portion of my screen..it was too late. he had to go back now.
but where? why was he leaving so abruptly? couldnt he stay a bit longer? was he going back to heaven?
throughout the entire dream i was fighting myself, trying not to burst into tears over the sight of my brother…
i told my mom that i didn’t think he was the real deal,
“i thought he was just my reflection!!” i exclaimed to her
i finally woke up at 6:59am and sobbed
it upsets me so much that i couldn’t actually get a selfie with him and how he saw me as his sister, and not a brother.
his existence haunts me like a fucking shadow even though hes Fucking Dead because all my relatives (aunts, uncles, parental grandma, grandpa) always compare me to him.
“you look like earl” “she looks like earl, hahaha” “do you remember your brother, earl?”
none of them see me as the actual man i am (granted tho im not out yet and idt i would ever come out to them or want to see them at all) so it doesnt make sense why they always tell me this shit
it makes me feel like i exist just to remind them of someone they knew
i wish they would just let him rest
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sendoh · 8 years
i just had a really vivid dream about my brother who passed away 3 years before i was born i saw him through the big window of my house, holding a sign on light blue poster paper. i think he was dressed in a leather jacket and jeans..weird dream shit probably...anyways i dont remember what the sign said. i walked past the window hoping he wouldnt notice me, and i started panicking to myself thinking, "oh fuck, is that my reflection? am i hallucinating again?" which couldnt possibly be true, i wasnt carrying anything with me on my way to my room i come back outside to check if hes still there and my dads sitting out on the front porch with him, their backs facing the window oh shit, it was him my mom's in the kitchen area, who she sees me staring. "hoy! go say hi to your brother!" the look on her face was excited, but very serious. she alwayd had that look when commanding us to do chores or whatever i make a run for the bathroom to try and fix up my hair so i could at least get a picture with him. it would've helped me see how i was potentially gonna look like after a year or so on T at this point, i had so many questions in my mind, and i'm sure my family did too. but the only one i had on mine was simply: "where ya been, you stupid fuck?" i bust out the front door with my phone in hand, "EARL!" i said, calling after him "CAN WE TAKE A SELFIE?" but it was too fucking late, my dads car drove past the street in front of our house as if they were going back to the airport you fucked up kid...like you always do but y'know, its a dream! so the car stops before it's parallel to our neighbor's yard this time he was wearing a white T-shirt, maybe three sizes bigger than him (bc you know, when ur filipino u wear your parents old shirts as house clothes) and a pair of back trackpants earl, in the passenger seat, gets out wih his phone in hand and he's waving at me as he crosses the huge stretch of grass to the front porch "hi riah! yeah! let's use my phone." i get close to him, kind of awkwardly and prepare to smile for the camera as he brings up the camera app on his phone. this shit was fucking nervewracking bc this was probably the first and last time i would have gotten to see my late brother i still, had so many questions. my mom's outside now as well, and she nags at the both of us as earl tries to find the right angle that captures both of us in the shot "get closer to each other, c'mon, hug each other, hurry!" she hollers right before earl can take the selfie his camera glitches out.. i pulled out my phone and was like, "hey lets try mine!" even though that was my idea from the start i had my phone opened to the camera, but as soon as i tried getting us in a picture, my phone glitches out as well. the camera preview was reduced to a tiny portion of my screen..it was too late. he had to go back now. but where? why was he leaving so abruptly? couldnt he stay a bit longer? was he going back to heaven? throughout the entire dream i was fighting myself, trying not to burst into tears over the sight of my brother... i told my mom that i didn't think he was the real deal, "i thought he was just my reflection!!" i exclaimed to her i finally woke up at 6:59am and sobbed it upsets me so much that i couldn't actually get a selfie with him and how he saw me as his sister, and not a brother. his existence haunts me like a fucking shadow even though hes Fucking Dead because all my relatives (aunts, uncles, parental grandma, grandpa) always compare me to him. "you look like earl" "she looks like earl, hahaha" "do you remember your brother, earl?" none of them see me as the actual man i am (granted tho im not out yet and idt i would ever come out until im fully transitioned) so it doesnt make sense why they always tell me this shit i wish they would just let him rest. i wish they would stop comparing me to him...
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