#but i jst had to make this concept a reality somehow I HAD TO
nulltune · 2 years
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MATCHING ROBES U SAY....... @xpeculiariity
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mysteryprone · 5 years
oc questions 1-5 about alina and 6-10 about cal .......
asks for oc writers. / selectively accepting.
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When did you create your muse?
early august 2017 at the same time as mila and karina (cause i think konstantin came a bit later even tho mary had his concept from the start ) 💕 
officially i posted her stats on august 5th 2017 so . i guess that’s the Day 
Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
we just love the comet ensemble and connected ocs here …. and honestly i don’t even remember how we collectively decided they’d all be criminals but somehow we did and i also don’t remember where the tour guide/pickpocket thing came from so long story short my memory is useless
but it was mostly just from watching the comet ensemble and how they interact with each other and the audience (and i definitely was able to get a more solid idea after i saw it and could see what courtney does live and up close) and there’s so many little stories that the ensemble created every night and their own little things they did that i wanted to be able to create something with that
Tell us something about the world/universe in which your muse lives.
while i kinda just default to writing a general modern au, her main verse IS technically NOT modern day and actually some anachronistic wild mix of modern times and 1812 due to them being originally based off of great comet, which in itself is also a very anachronistic 1812 so basically I Do What I Want 
but one very fun thing is that in the area where karina and alina live there is one very popular club that the two of them frequent quite often and one of its main events is a weekly leather night. it’s exactly what it sounds like. thank u that’s all
What’s your favourite headcanon about your muse?
i don’t think i have a favourite headcanon specifically but one thing that i do love about alina is that she just loves using pet names for ppl??? be it jst using diminutives (regardless of if she Should be or not cause this dumbass does not respect authority) or like traditional pet names (she is definitely a babe/baby person but she’ll also call people shit like sugar and cutie). sometimes it’s an actual display of affection and sometimes it’s just her being annoying and it is often unclear which one it is and i think thats very sexy of her 
What’s something only very few people know about your muse?
uuuh maybe that she’s got a lot of love in her? she really tries to make it seem like she Doesn’t and she’s heartless and doesn’t care about anyone but she is so fiercely loyal to her little found family (karina, milana, konstantin) and the few close friends she does have and would without hesitation die or kill for them. she projects coldness all the time even around most of these people and sometimes she even manages to convince herself that she’s really that unfeeling but she’s got a lot of love in her for the people that manage to slip through the cracks in her walls and once she loves you she won’t stop.
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Are there parts of your muse that resemble parts of yourself?
oh fuckin absolutely . absolutely. we are going to just Skip over the fact that we have the same hair cause i think i subconsciously got brittain ashford’s haircut in 2016 ANYWAY 
both cal and i are very musically inclined first of all? i am much more than she is but music is a v important part of both of our lives/childhoods (also i took inspo for her dad playing rock music when she was a kid and it becoming a solid part of her childhood memories from my own parents lol). we also are both introverted and anxious though luckily i am not NEARLY as nervous as she is because i’ve really fucked my poor girl up but we definitely have like shyness and stuff like that in common. also we’re both greek but that’s literally just because i wanted to have a muse in a similar family situation to mine cause write what you know or whatever
How many face claims do you have or have you had for your muse?
two!! her original fc was miss brittain ashford cause she’s partly inspired by her music and then since i already have a muse here with her as an fc (sonya) and i didn’t want to have doubles i switched her to stef! 
How did you choose the name for your muse?
since i grew up in a greek family i’ve just kinda been Surrounded by greek names and i find them really pretty? so once i’d decided she was gonna be greek i decided to pick from some of the ones that i like most and calliope won the battle! (and second place daphne went to her roommate so it all works out)
a fun bonus is that calliope is the name of a muse and cal’s whole character kinda revolves around the Arts 
If your muse could be a canon character in any fandom, which fandom would you choose?
it’s very hard for me to picture her anywhere specific cause she’s just like a pretty normal character who could fit into pretty much any like? mostly reality based story set in modern times? so she’s really easy to insert anywhere, especially slice of life stories.
Do you ship your muse with any canon characters?
nothing like . endgame ship or whatever but me and @mtrock have a nice lil verse for a high school ship that evolves into a really solid friendship and saves them both from the toxic relationships they have in high school in their canon! we love and stan! 
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