mushroom658 · 4 years
Thought for a moment i suddenly sprouted adhd. Then rememebred i made and drank some tea. WHICH FOR SOME REASON GIVES ME MORE ENERGY THEN COFFEE DOES.
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mushroom658 · 5 years
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Making some good progress on my picture tuesday im gonna antique it!
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mushroom658 · 5 years
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Little late as will be the rest but heres my inktober ‘ring’
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mushroom658 · 5 years
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Aye we workin’ on some shizz in art and I’m so excited I love working with metal!
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mushroom658 · 5 years
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Aye second post- more stress aswell! Yay! It started off so good school started(I’m a sophmore now!) I love all my classes so far, but one of them is causeing me problems, my favorite class of all. English, I oove to write and read so I decided to take honors english which is fine, or would be if I got the summer assignment. But I have it now and its almost done it’s an easy one aswell. But my step mother just seems to have it out for me. I mean if you would listen for one frigding second you would hear when i say she would prefer it in on tuesday but is willing to give me more time due to me not getting the assignment in the first place. So I have it almost done, but she wanted it done today, and starts to claim some shit I’ve said that I never had, I understand I have a bad memory but it ain’t that bad that you can use it against me like that. If I lie I ain’t telling nobody unless it’s years later and was harmless or protected them or me! And then she lets me down in the worst way a parent can, she tells me that I’m smart that she knows I can do this and shit like that then she goes and says that I’m not taking this class seriously and generally acuses me of not doing the work when I had it. First if all I started this work as soon as I got it, second I wouldn’t be doing it now almost on the third day of school if I did. I nearly fucking cried because of her. And the only fucking person that sees and understands what shes doing to me is the second oldest my brother who is such a fucking great person who she puts in a fucking pedistal not worried about his sleep schedule “because he’s like me and can run off of no sleep” beach I can run off of no sleep I just get very delusional and will pass out around 7 noon. She says shit like Being careful about life being a woman and all that, but then she basically treats me like shes preparing me to be a house wife. Theres a new thing as well me and my brothers split chores (kitchen, livingroom, and bathroom) so we were switching and she set up a new rule to where you have to go to the person who you’re taking over for and ask them to fix certain things and if you don’t before the day you take over its on you and they don’t have to do it. Now it’s been a couple of weeks since that and we’ve been sticking to it then she comes upto me the day after I took over living room and my brother took over bathroom. He didn’t say anything about it but I didn’t clean the litter box or trash can because one the litter box wasn’t that bad and two I’m on my period so by another rule no matter who has bathroom I have to take out trash because apparently my brothers can’t handle a pad full of blood wrapped in toilet paper and plastic put in a trash bag and they couldn’t say that to my face. So we also had that rule but so she came to me after the switch and sayed to clean the bathroom I respond with that we switched and by her new rule its all on the newperson because they didn’t mention it and he never said anything about it either its all on her about this one. So she walks away and talks to the kitchen person now. So now on the day of the next switch he aproachs me and tells me exactly what I knew she said to him. To leave some dishes for me she told him to leave for then he did but he knew what she was doing and left smaller then that he still left some and I’m fine with that because I know that she was trying to do. And this pisses me off so fucking much, like ate you serious you’re a 30 something adult with a decent job as an dentist assistant a loving boyfriend and his ‘lovely three teenage children one of which is now an adult’ who you have been dating for for almost seven years now and your gonna throw the youngest and only girl of those children this kind of attitude? Of course I’m gonna respond badly, of course I’m gonna throw attitude back I’m a fucking teenage girl dealing with my own problems in this day an age like can I actually juggle a world language, honors english, and drama club this year or will I crumble and get sick like I always seem to do -Thanks for reading my rants!
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mushroom658 · 5 years
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First post getting some of my art and getting a bit of a rant out. It makes no sense to me if I don’t drink it and haven’t had a drink of it for a while I shouldn’t have to make it right? And the response my parents have me is, would you say that at your job “ I’m not drinking it so why should I make it.” The fridge kind of answer is that? Like you’re not paying me thats the fridgen difference! Ahhhh! And that was months ago now I’m back to drinking it cause i gave up, and they just brought it up again like , the fridge? I can handle a lot of snizzle but bringing up snizzle again after it’s over and done with? No, and they wonder why I’m violent and stay away from them! -thanks for reading my rants.
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