#but i hope this helps
suffersinfandom · 8 months
Hey crew! The renewal campaign is going great and we've got some excellent energy in the fandom -- and probably some frustration and anger that we can direct into something positive. Mad about the people dragging us in the OFMD tag? Ignore them and go harass your representatives! Feeling hopeless? Take a small action to make the world a better place!
Just please take some time to take action for Palestine and read about what's going on out there. I've tried to compile a helpful list of links and resources; feel free to add more.
One-Stop Resource: Ceasefire Today
Easy and free things you can do: - Sign the Petition for a Ceasefire - Rashida Tlaib Petition to halt ethnic cleansing - Arab.org: Click Once a Day - Read: Decolonize Palestine (education and dispelling myths) - Targeted boycott
Contact your representatives (USA): - Tell Congress: Ceasefire Now (VERY easy way to write US reps!) - Call Your Reps (includes scripts!) - Fax Your Reps FOR FREE
If you can donate: - The Palestinian Children's Relief Fund - Anera - Care for Gaza - eSims for Gaza - Doctors Without Borders - Sudan Relief Fund
Additional information on other humanitarian crises: - Eyes on Sudan - Friends of the Congo
Follow Our Flag Makes a Difference on Xwitter. Their page is a great source of information and they've been amazingly transparent when it comes to distributing funds.
I know that most people in the OFMD community care deeply about social issues (as evidenced by how well the various fandom fundraisers do), and I hope we can take some of our wild, joyous, creative, goofy energy and use it for good.
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booperbeanv3 · 1 month
What advice would you give someone who wants to write a June Egbert fic as someone who’s cis? Like writing wise
I'm assuming you mean character writing. It depends on what you're doing with her and how relevant you want to make her transness. Are you doing a coming-of-age type deal or a romance type or something where the trans thing is just happenstance?
You're gonna have to write her like John either way, so here's a quotes doc.
Personally I like to write John/June as a skeptic, sometimes downright sardonic, but ultimately still optimistic about most things. I like to lay the ignorance on thick, since compared to the other beta kids, he hasn't had to deal with a lot of complex problems until Sburb. So, he tends to let them fly over his head until he has no choice but to acknowledge them.
June-wise, I think she'd approach it similarly. If you want to do the whole egg-cracking hubbub, she seems like a repressor in the general sense. Not really overcompensating in either direction (like a macho man or femboy) but just ignoring it since it makes her more uncomfortable than she knows what to do with.
The scene where John realises Con Air actually sucks is probably the best scene to look at when it comes to writing big revelations. He realises how he's lost his childhood innocence by complaining about some movie. June would probably realise the trans thing not through a direct "I'm trans" epiphany but rather through a series of unrelated discoveries that hold the same weight to her as "I'm trans" does.
Does that make sense? I personally can't comment on the MtF experience since I'm... not, but that's pretty basic. Just look up accounts from trans women about it.
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iloveyou-writers · 8 months
I kinda meant it like both? But more like the second oneyou mentioned. Reasons to keep alive connected to writing, i guess.
Reasons to Live - Writer Edition
There are many reasons to stay alive, but here are some pertaining to writing.
That euphoric Eureka moment where all the struggles you've had lately to piece it all together finally clicks and everything falls into place. It feels like heaven when it all suddenly makes sense and you can finally move forward again.
That feeling after a long dry spell, writers' block, when you finally get to start writing again.
The daydreams you get to take piece in for your favorite OCs.
Finally getting to that place in your writing that you've been so excited for, perhaps the scene you'd had stuck in your head that made you start working on your current WIP in the first place.
Getting that comment that comments on the very things you were writing for in the first place (someone understanding a deep Thing in your writing no one else seemed to catch on to, someone relating to something that you'd hoped someone would relate to, someone being inspired by your work which is all you'd ever dreamed of for your writing, etc).
Having someone tell you that your writing inspired them to start writing too.
Getting art of your OCs just because someone adored them That Much.
Having someone reach out to you about your OCs for no reason other than just wanting to get to know them more.
Someone telling you that your writing saved their life.
That feeling of complete understanding where everything clicks into place and the writing flows effortlessly.
When you finally FINALLY get the courage to post The Thing and it gets positive reactions.
Realizing your writing is amazing, no matter what kind of comments it gets, because you love your writing, which is what matters in the end.
Getting to describe something in your writing that you absolutely are fanatic over.
Getting to infobomb at someone because they show genuine interest in something in your writing you've been dying to talk about.
Having people show genuine interest in your writing.
When you've been through a depressive episode that makes it impossible to enjoy writing anymore but it finally ends and you're knocking out words like no one's business and loving it again.
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natsarrownecklacx · 1 year
For how to read fics from deactivated blogs:
I’m really bad at explaining things so I’m sorry if this is shockingly bad. I put it in really simple terms cause tbh I was confusing myself trynna explain it the long way.
➵ 1. Find a reblog of the fic you want to read.
➵ 2. Click on the notes for the reblog post.
➵ 3. Go into the other reblogs (on that same post)
➵ 4. Click the ‘view post’ option underneath any reblog
(The fic you wanna read needs to have reblogs with comments or hashtags for this to work)
The only hard part is finding the fic you wanna read but once you find it it’s pretty easy to find other posts by the same account.
If anyone is gonna do this imma ask please be respectful about it, don’t go reposting anyone else’s work as your own. Even if the author isn’t on the app anymore it’s still their work that they put time and effort into.
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weirdlythneederina · 12 days
Can I hug Jonney? I have had a stressful week so it would help…here’s my main oc if you wanna draw it.
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I really hope this helps 🌷
(Also, your oc is lovely💐)
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
Hellooo I am wondering do you have any good book recs or resources for if I want to learn about the progressive era or some of the lesser known presidents (Garfield Arthur McKinley etc?) I love your posts and I’ve been hankering for a while to know more and immerse myself in those time periods that aren’t Revolution Civil War or WW1 onward! :D
Naturally, I'm recommending the Presidential podcast to anyone who wants to learn more about the broader scope of American history. Going through history president by president means that you don't skip over any of the in-between stuff, and since you learn about each of these presidents as people, you get a very personal look at history. Each episode is about forty minutes long, so there's not much time commitment, and most episodes involve interviews with people who wrote books, so you have reading recommendations if you come across a president that you want to learn more about.
For Garfield and Arthur, I can recommend Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard. It's not the most scholarly book, but it's a very engagingly-written account of Garfield's life and death and all the history surrounding his story.
For the progressive era, I'm going to suggest The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt and the Golden Age of Journalism by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I haven't actually read this one, but the couple of chapters I read on the Kindle preview were interesting, and Team of Rivals was fantastic, and since you specifically asked about the progressive era, I figure this is a safe enough book to suggest. It's actually about the friendship between Roosevelt and William Howard Taft (who is another fascinating forgotten president) and how their very different personalities brought them together and eventually tore them apart, as well as about how TR used the press to further his agenda, which seems like an interesting angle to take on the era.
(Oh, and this goes in a completely different direction, but for a book set roughly around that same time period, The Food Explorer by Daniel Stone is about the hunt to find new foods for American agriculture, and is full of fascinating history about how this all interacts with the events around the turn of the 20th century.)
Another podcast I can recommend is American History Tellers. I listened to their seven-episode arc about Andrew Jackson, and it's an immersive and engaging dive into American history from about the War of 1812 until Jackson's death in 1845, going pretty deep into an era of history that's usually glossed over.
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zoteboateveryday · 10 months
Hey um mr Zote sir I have once again found myself participating in self deprecation. I have scanned the precepts and found no advice other than precept 17. Any advice? :3
“Precept 2: Never let than laugh at you” is about more than not letting others laugh at you. It’s about not letting you laugh at yourself as well. You need to look yourself in the mirror and let yourself know. You are a great person. Never let anyone in your brain laugh about that. Also note precept 41: “learn to detect lies” anything bad you are saying about yourself is likely a lie, which goes with precept 20 “speak only the truth.” Don’t lie about yourself. You are great. Don’t forget that. And of course remember precept 3: “Always be rested” if you are getting these negative thoughts think to yourself. Are you well rested? Are you tired? Rest when you can, it will improve your vision of yourself.
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lulu2992 · 1 year
Hey! I might have missed it, but do you or anyone else have reference pictures of Jacob's scars? If not please don't feel obligated, I was just curious (honestly they might even be on your blog already and I could have scrolled past them lol)
It turns out I only have one screenshot of his right forearm (under the cut), but you can have a closer look at his scars and take more pictures if you spawn Jacob in the Arcade Editor!
Also, if you want, his textures were extracted and posted here. I included his face and forearms (his 3D model doesn’t have scars anywhere else since we never see the rest of his body) under the cut as well :)
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thelastlaff · 3 months
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poorly drawn explanations on how to not die in boss fights :D
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What exactly happened to Dick Grayson after his parents were killed? Because different shows say something else and I dont know what is correct anymore
That's because canon itself likes to add and change things to his origin. So obviously originally back in the 40s it's pretty straightforward. Circus doesn't pay Tony Zucco protection money. Zucco murders Dick's parents as a result. Bruce seeing someone lose their parents just like he did takes in him as his ward and Dick becomes Robin alongside Batman cause Bruce thought Dick needed the outlet for his anger that he never got in his youth.
But like I said there are variations there are some versions where DIck is sent through social services to awful youth housing before he ends up with Bruce.
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Most modern versions unlike the original which has you know Dick immediately teaming up with Bruce to take down Zucco. Have Dick going off on his own to try and find answers, getting himself in trouble until Bruce shows up.
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And obviously the Court of Owls retcon to his backstory happened within the past decade or so. Where his circus turned out to be their training ground for their assassins but he was taken in by Bruce before they could get to him since he was the one selected.
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Honestly I find comic book character backstories get changed and altered and it's not always for the better so go with the version you like. For me with Dick, Dark Victory is generally the story I think of when it comes to his backstory.
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Since the story not only shows Bruce helping Dick, it also heavily emphasizes how much Dick helped Bruce. This last line of "I am no longer alone" is one that sticks in my head constantly. Plus one retcon I really like from this story is the Robin name not being because Dick is a Robin Hood fanboy (which was the 40s reason, though I still think it would be fun to have a scene of Ollie and Dick fanboying over Robin Hood) but now the Robin name is a nickname that came from his mother.
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inakanotori · 5 months
Hello, this is your secret giftmaker here! I hope you've had a good start to the weekend. I wanted to check in and tell you I am so excited to get started on your gift. Would you mind telling me what it is you like about the people you put down as your favourites (Jere, Jesse and Jure)?
- your giftmaker ✨️
Hey, Kääryle/Baby Boo giftmaker 💚 weekend could definitely start a little bit better, but so far it's fine 😁 I must admit, this is quite a difficult question (yes, I wasn't really thinking a lot what I put down in the forms 😔), but well, let's go with the answering.
Jere: I think the most important is the fact he seems to be nonconforming to the rules made by others and at the same time he is playing the game of life on his own rules. And well, he is just a human being, open about his experiences and hardships, which makes him being more relatable for me, resulting in me considering him one of my favs (hoping it doesn't sound too parasocial tho ;-;)
Jesse: Him performing Urheilujätkä in that jacket. But like really, that's probably the main reason 😂 it's like seeing kind of different person than the tour manager Jesse. But also loving him going along with tape shenanigans during EU tour (set list taping our beloved) and the fact he is doing a lot of responsible work as tour manager making sure we can see the monkey in the traveling circus. (I also might be a little bit biased thanks to some fannish content created by @smimon, sorry for tagging you here 💚)
Jure: Probably the most simple of all these three – his free spirit vibes. Like, I don't know how to explain this, he is really like freely living (but being well taken care of) stray orange cat enjoying the sun.
Not sure if I explained this in a good way, but hoping it helps 🙏
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
random question but the picture that S.O.S took at the bar what did you imagine it to look like? I know you gave a small description in the first chapter of some of the facial expressions but I wasn’t sure if you had a bit more details ajdhhsd are they sitting down? at a table or bar stools? Or are they standing up? awkwardly standing next to each other or holding each other in a group side hug? any info you give will help in the name of science (and some other reasons too lol) 🙏
also if you didn’t think that far or don’t feel like answering that’s fine I’m just curious :P
Always happy to help in the name of science! I have thought about that a little and this is my (current) answer.
So when imagining what the adults look like, and how they would be positioned, I’ve had some trouble establishing the ages of the adult characters because the show’s timeline is inconsistent and I’m still plotting out some later parts of the fic (there have been so many posts on this already, but Nathaniel is either around 42 or 52 in the current timeline). Now, since I’ve made SQ 17 (and he would be 14 at the youngest anyway), that means Curtain would be either 25 or 35 when SQ was born, and since Pedalian is younger than him, he and Garrison would be either early 20’s (20-22) or mid-late 20’s (27-29) (btw the SOS members are geniuses who could complete grad school at any age because I said so and this timeline is the most difficult part of the fic). For now, I’m going with the SOS being somewhere in the middle of those two extremes, with the four member’s ages spanning from around 22-29 years old. So they look younger: Garrison has long hair and she wears it down, none of the guys have facial hair, and those alterations to their physical appearances plus how hopeful they look in the photo adds to emphasizing just how young they were and how different they are now. Plus the fact that they are meeting in a college/grad bar.
I imagine them sitting down at a table, two across from two, on barstools. Pedalian is using his own hand to take the photo, so some faces are a little out of frame, but you can still see everyone. Curtain’s smile is really more of a “fine I’ll do this silly thing” smirk, but you can tell a small part of him is enjoying it, Garrison’s smile is really shy, but nice, Milligan’s is normal, but you can tell he’s happy, and Pedalian’s is extremely hopeful and happy. I’d have to go back and read my own work to determine who was sitting across from who (sorry), but Pedalian would for sure have his other arm (the one not taking the picture) around whoever was sitting next to him.
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the-kinfesssional · 6 months
I have surgery in 2 days and I’m having an internal debate over whether or not I should wear one of my t-shirts that has my brothers on them.
1) I’m a little embarrassed that I would need comfort like that.
2) I don’t want to start talking about my brothers when I wake up from the anesthesia because I happen to see one of them on my shirt lest I mortify myself in front of my parents. (Though if I do, it’s pretty easy to blame whatever I say on the anesthesia.)
3) I don’t wanna have to pick between them. Each shirt only has 1 of them on it. That would almost feel like picking favorites which I don’t ever want to do.
- #🎩🍎
Oh stars. Comfort, on one hand is necessary, but alas, anxiety also is painful.. mmmm.. i see. You aren't picking favourites, if you feel like that, maybe bring another thing to comfort you while you're in the surgery and hope for the best.
- Mod Avery
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mincedmeat-draws · 2 years
Who is your art inspiration because your art style is so unique and I love it <3
A lot of my shape style is taken from Smile for Me, but a couple of artists I love on here are @/the-ventriloquizt and @/raspberrywhiskey. Seeing the works of @/darkwingsnark in my early teens totally inspired me too. But overall I couldn't begin to place where my style comes from, I developed it because I wanted to draw faster and have it still look unique on its own. I'm currently working on making it more simplified and wobbly, with less connecting lines. Usually I put a lot of emphasis on sharpness and having the drawing flow into itself. Color wise I tend to go for bright contrasting colors, I feel it fits the sharpness of my linework. The fact it's all jarring looking is what suits me and my work. As well as a love for a lack of symmetry and unevenness, it really gives character to who I'm drawing. I love simplicity, not only in shapes but busyness and design. I could easily do semi-realism but its not fun for me, the product doesn't reflect my vision.
Idk how many of my followers on here know this, but I'm a makeup artist and do drag/drag inspired styles and it REALLY shows in my art, or at least I feel it does. If you've seen me (@/maggot.magnet on IG if you're REALLY curious) then my art really makes sense visually. Or not, who knows.
Also thank you for this ask, I really appreciate it<3
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badolmen · 9 months
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keep seeing undergrads on social media saying “oh if a prof has a strict no-AI academic integrity policy that’s a red flag for me because that means they don’t know how to design assignments” like sorry girl but that just sounds like you’ve got a case of sour grapes about not being allowed to cheat with the plagiarism machine that doesn’t know how to evaluate sources and kills the environment! I have a strict no-AI policy because if you use AI to write your essays for a writing course it’s literally plagiarism because you didn’t write it and you’re not learning any of the things the course teaches if you just plug a prompt into the plagiarism generator that kills the environment, hope this helps!
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