#but i guess i needed to get this off my chest
hotshotsxyz · 1 day
8x01 coda
(buddie adjacent) (784 words) spoilers ahead, read at your own risk!
A little peroxide, a little elbow grease, and the engine bay should be good as new. Five minutes, ten max, except Buck’s been scrubbing for twenty and the fucking stain won’t come up. He kind of wants to scream.
There’s blood soaked into the concrete and blood on his hands and it’s ugly and red and Buck needs it to be gone. He pours more peroxide and watches it foam.
It’s too goddamn quiet in here. The construction’s stopped, obviously, and Hen took the station out of service so no alarm will take its place. No one’s yelling, no one’s commiserating, no one’s vacuuming the fucking upholstery.
Nausea wraps itself around Buck’s organs. A hand lands on his shoulder and he jumps.
“Buck,” Eddie says, quiet, too fucking quiet.
Buck scrubs at the stain.
“Look at me,” Eddie says, kneeling beside him.
He can’t. He fucking can’t because the stain is still there.
Eddie grabs his wrist. “Buck,” he says again, forceful and a little loud.
Buck drops the sponge and whips around. “What?” he asks. It comes out flatter than he thought it would, drenched in something like apathy.
“You can stop,” Eddie says.
“No,” Buck says, shaking his head. “You know what he’ll do if this is here when he gets back?” He gestures at the stain. He can’t even say his name.
Eddie’s hand tightens around his wrist. “Let someone else give it a try,” he says gently.
Buck knows when he’s being fucking handled. He wrenches his wrist from Eddie’s grasp. Eddie grabs his shoulder instead.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he says quietly.
A humorless bark of laughter escapes Buck’s throat. “Yeah, no, I just killed a guy. Totally fine.”
“He’s not dead,” Eddie argues.
Eddie takes a long breath. “He’s not dead,” he repeats. “And even if that changes—”
“What,” Buck interrupts. “It won’t be my fault? It kind of fucking is.”
Eddie shakes his head minutely. “If that changes it’ll be the universe or whatever.”
Buck rolls his eyes. “You don’t believe in the universe,” he says.
“No,” Eddie acknowledges. “But I believe in what I can see. And what I saw was you risking your life to save his. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Buck swallows harshly and rocks back on his heels. “For—for a second I—”
“What?” Eddie prompts.
“I was—I wasn’t happy, but I—Eddie, I didn’t care,” Buck says finally. He drops the rest of the way to the floor and pulls his knees to his chest.
Eddie blows out a short puff of air and settles next to Buck. “I’m still not sure I do,” he says, tilting his head to catch Buck’s eyes.
“You don’t have to care,” Buck says. “He’s awful to you, and you’re not the one who killed him.”
“Still not dead,” Eddie reminds him. “And he’s awful to you too. He was in the middle of yelling at you when you saved his life.”
“It’s not the same.”
“It’s not,” Eddie agrees.
Buck bites his lip. “Have you…” he trails off.
“Ever killed someone?” Eddie guesses.
“You don’t—I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—” Buck stammers.
Eddie presses his knee against Buck’s. “I don’t know,” he says, “not for sure.”
Buck frowns.
“I’ve shot at people,” Eddie continues. “Hit a few. I don’t know if any of them died. I’ll never know.”
“How do you deal with that?”
Eddie levels him with a flat gaze. “Buck. I’m in so much therapy.”
It startles a laugh out of him. “Eds I’m serious,” Buck says.
“I am too,” Eddie replies. “And either way, it’s different. You didn’t kill him.”
“He still might—”
“Buck.” Eddie looks away slightly and shakes his head. “Even if he dies, all you did was change what killed him. You gave him a fighting chance, it’s more than he would’ve given you.”
Buck scrubs at his eyes as they begin to sting. “I don’t know what to do with that.”
“You talk to me,” Eddie says, nudging his shoulder. “You’re a good person, I’ll tell you as many times as you need to hear it.”
A single tear escapes Buck’s lash line. “Yeah?” he asks, watery and rough.
“Yeah.” After a moment, he stands and holds a hand out to Buck. “Come on,” he says. “Brass says we can go home. You’re coming with me.”
Buck takes Eddie’s hand and allows him to pull him to his feet, leaving the sponge and the stain exactly where they are. “Okay,” he says quietly.
“Okay,” Eddie repeats.
There’s blood on Buck’s hands. Eddie takes him to the shower room to wash it off.
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luveline · 3 days
do you think you could do something with zombie au where reader is on her period? thank you!!
thank you for your request! fem, 1k
You’ve gotten your period three times since the apocalypse began. The first time, you and Steve were just beginning to get along, and he’d proved why you trust him as you do, treating the whole thing with kindness. More recently, he’s your unofficial boyfriend. Like, kissing you and holding you, but foregoing the conversation that would make you an official couple. 
Either he doesn’t want to be official (which is fine, it’s not like he’s going anywhere), or you’re official without words. You’ve assumed the latter because the former makes you nauseous. 
Not that you need much help in that department. Your stomach churns like a tide, bouts of sickness and pain that hit you rampantly as you follow Steve downstairs. 
“Can I take my shoes off?” you ask. 
“Why are you asking me? It’s not my house.” Steve descends the last step and holds his hand behind him for you. Seemingly to help you down a step you don’t need help with. 
You’re asking because taking your shoes off means getting comfy for the night, and he doesn’t want to do that at every house you break into.
You don’t explain yourself. You follow Steve into the living room, hoping he’s going to take your hand again. He nudges you with his hip into a mildly dusty couch. 
You sit. “What, are we gonna watch TV?” you joke. 
“You look sickly.” 
That’s not nice. “I do?” you ask, all teasing gone from your tone. You often wish you were much prettier, and occasionally beg fate to drop a bottle of medical grade body wash into your lap, if just to make Steve see you that way. But Steve’s kissed you with a greasy nose and blood on your chin. You were hoping appearances didn’t matter. 
“You look awful,” he says, his eyebrows stitching together as he heads into the kitchen. “Stay sat down!” 
“Awful?” you ask. 
He doubles back, face peeking around the doorway. “Not like that,” he says hurriedly. “Just, sick. I’m gonna cook you something.” 
“I don’t need to be sat down, I’m fine.” 
He disappears again. “That why you’re glaring at me?” he calls, his voice echoing against tile. 
You don’t have the energy for whatever it is that’s happening. You kick your legs out on the couch and begin kneading the swollen mess that is your stomach, debating on telling him why you’re grumpy. It’s not like he cares. He never finds it gross, but you don’t want him to pity you either. It’s just a period. 
(It really sucks.) 
“Alright, the hot plate is on,” he calls. “What do you want, huh? We got the split pea soup, or the chicken casserole?” He laughs. “The casserole, duh. Ten minutes and it’s yours.” 
Your breath rushes out through your nose. Stomach hurts, head hurts, he’s making you dinner and laughing where you can’t see him. You force yourself to get up, shuffling to the kitchen with a pout already in place. 
“Ten minutes is not right,” you say, announcing your movement so he doesn’t stab you. 
“Is too right. How come you never listen?” 
“Steve, please don’t be mean to me, I’m on my period.” You wince as a pang climbs your back. 
“Oh, you are?” 
“Well… I’m glad, sort of. Better that then the flu, right?” 
“Yeah, I guess.” 
A couple of weeks ago, he would’ve told you to go back to the couch, and he would’ve brought your food in to you, wrapping a blanket over your legs and leaving you to it. But this is now. Your unwilling protector has gone remarkably soft on you. 
“Is it like last time?” he asks, holding out his arm. 
You drift toward him, pretending it isn’t to be hugged. “It hurts, if that’s what you mean.” 
“It hurts,” he repeats in a murmur as his arm finally curls around your waist. He pulls you into his side.
“You’re pitying me.” 
“You like it,” he jokes, his tone still held in that soft murmuring. 
You close your eyes, driving your nose into his chest. The hot plate gurgles weakly on the stove, using the last of a canister of camping gas, a few days from the end of its life. Your eyelids feel heavy closed, achy not with tears but fatigue, and your head aches with a migraine you know from experience won’t be defeated using tylenol. But Steve hugs you with one arm and leans against you as you press into him. Stuck together. He doesn’t move for ages. 
“I’m glad I don’t get my period,” he says. 
“You act like you do.” 
“Were you not gonna tell me? I guess you don’t have to, but if you’re in pain, I’d like to know.” 
“Don’t need you to feel any more sorry for me.” 
“I don’t. Just like rubbing your back.” 
Your heart skips a beat. That’s as close to a confession of feelings you’ve ever gotten from him. Well, verbally. His sporadic kissing says a lot. 
“Thanks for telling me,” he says. You have to strain your ears to hear him. “I don’t think there’s much iron in chicken casserole. I wish we… How much iron is there in squirrel?” 
“I don’t wanna eat squirrel.” Again. 
“It’s good for you.” 
Doubtful. You turn completely into his touch and hug him. “Please don’t make me eat squirrel.” 
You sound a teeny tiny bit pitiful, and you earn yourself an even better hug than the first. “I won’t, I won’t, I was just kidding,” he promises, “I just figure you need it. Maybe if we look through the medicine cabinet they’ll have some multivitamins or something.” His hand grabs at your side. It’s not a careful touch, though he’s far from spiteful. “You need painkillers, right? I could crush a Vicodin into your casserole.” 
“Yes, please.” 
Steve’s nose presses into the side of your face. You feel close to him in a way that chokes you up, but you don’t need to talk any more. 
“Half a Vicodin,” he deliberates, “and I’ll rub your back.”
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aangelinakii · 3 days
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note : the request said being foolishly jealous of dick x reader, but i decided to just do jealousy headcanons ! hope this is okay thanks for requesting :)
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not a jealous guy but more likely to get jealous you know ?
especially if he is very attached
because he'll think anyone is trying to take you away, even though he knows it's just insecurity in the back of his mind
can get quite protective but always feels a lil guilty about it 💀
because he doesn't want to be possessive or make you feel uncomfortable, but he feels either uncomfortable or inferior
so i guess it's just a defense mechanism
definitely would appreciate reassurance from time to time
just to help keep him grounded
and so he knows yoy actually like him dawg 😭😭
gets a bit worried about thag sometimes
probably is more internally jealous than he lets on
like in his head he's like
who the fuck is this cunt thinking they can talk to my s/o likz that like i'm literally right here ??? i'm huge i'm literally red hood i literally died and came back to life and they're FLRITING right INF ROTN OF ME
but on the outside he's like biting thr inside of his cheek and looks more nervous than anything
is scared of seeming too possessive so won't always step in if he thinks you have it handled (because he trusts you ! )
but also sometimes will take control of the situation if he can tell you're getting uncomfortable
in those cases, he puffs out his chest, crosses his arms to flex those huge biceps he's got like gawd damn
and asks if the person (probably a weird guy let's be real) if they're bothering you
and they get the idea quick
because jason knows how to make himself look intimidating if needs be !!
on the offhand time he'll get properly jealous, it will definitely show itself as protectiveness
an arm around the shoulder or waist, eyes glancing around to glare at anyone prying, a few kisses on the side of your head
i jsut copy and pasted that from my jason todd abc's (self promo ??????)
he doesn't want to admit it (and would deny it now if you asked) but he was jealous of dick one time
brought you to a family gathering
because obviously he's proud of you and wants to show you to his family <3
possibly refrained from warning you of dick's wonderfully effortless boyish charm
bc he didn't want to seem crazy boyfriend stalker ex protective possessive alpha
( help )
and couldn't help but feel his jaw tighten when he saw dick approach you from the other side of the living room whilst he'd gone to grab yoj a drink
really, he doesn't have anything to worry about
i think really really subconsciously he realises he was the second robin, trying to live up to dick
just some family generational shit and then of course his own more personal trauma
but that stuff always bubbles back up at family events
it's just a case of whether or not he lets it show
but omfg this time he let it fuckin show
appears behind dick with your drink and "accidentally" knocks into him, pretending like he spilled something on dick's shirt just to be a cunt
it was the safest option to get dick to escape to find the bathroom and leave yoj two alone for a bit
until he realised jason was lying and comes right back
but at least jason was with you now
and knew how to navigate dick's antics
but literally if you ask him if he was feeling jealous or insecure about it he'll wave it off and be like lmfao what no i genuinely thought i got somz of your drink on his shirt lollll what are you on about
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• jude bellingham x gf!reader
• warnings: a little bit suggestive at the end, and English not being my first language.
• summary: Jude Bellingham has been a bit distracted on the field. Maybe what he needs is a little motivation to get back on track, or so his girlfriend thinks...
a/n: make a request!
Jude Bellingham has always been astute, focused, and relentless on the pitch. Since joining Real Madrid, his star had only risen further, making him one of the most talked-about young talents in football. But lately, something had been off. His last few matches were... well, soft by his standars. He hadn´t been himself—no hunger in his tackles, no fire in his eyes, and it didn´t go unnoticed. He sat in the living room, staring at the highlights of his recent match on his phone. His touches hadn´t been sharp, and his focus had wavered at crucial moments.
It wasn´t something massive, no one will call it a slump, not yet at least. However, he could do it better, he knew it, his team and coaches knew it, and of course, she knew it too.
His girlfriend was sharp. She knew him better than anyone, and while some fans and the media were baffled by his recent performances, she had a good guess. He was distracted. He wasn´t driven the way he used to be, and she had an idea why.
That evening, they were together sat in their apartment, the Madrid skyline glowing in the background. She was quiet, scrolling through social media mindlessly, occasionally glancing at him. She could see the frustration in his eyes—his confidence shaken, his usual swagger dimmed. He didn´t need a pep talk; that wasn´t his style. No, he needed something more direct, something to light a fire under him again. An idea had been dangerously lingering her mind, maybe it was a little bit cruel—for both of them, really, nevertheless, she had a good feeling and decided to test it.
She leaned into him on the couch, her hand touching his bare chest. Jude, sensing the shift in her energy, smirked and reached out to pull her closer. His hand slipped down to her ass, clearly intending for things to heat up.
But she had other plans.
She caught his hand and pushed it away gently but firmly.
Jude blinked, surprised, then chuckled softly. "What´s that about?" His fingers brushed her thigh, teasing.
She slid away, folding her arms over her chest. "If you want to touch me, you´ll have to score a hat-trick."
Said out loud, the idea sounded even more ridiculous, and for a moment, she feared it would sit poorly with him. However, she knew what her boyfriend was like when challenged: stubborn, enthusiastic, firm, and determined. There had been countless times when the two of them had competed or made bets over simple things in exchange for something silly. Neither of them backed down from a challenge, but maybe this was going too far. Anyway, her words had already reached Jude's ears, and it was clear she had caught his attention; his posture changed, and he appeared taken by surprise.
At first he laughed, but then seeing that she wasn´t, his smirk faltered. "A hat-trick? Are you joking? I´ve got more than enough goals to deserve touching you."
She smiled, and decided to continue with her idea. "No. I´m actually dead serious." she said changing turning on their TV as if nothing.
Jude leaned closer, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered, "You know I could make you change your mind right now, don´t you?"
Her resolve didn´t waver. She pulled away just enough to lock eyes with him, a teasing smile on her round lips. "Try me. But I´m not budging."
He narrowed his eyes, frustration growing in him, still half-expecting her to crack a smile and let that ridiculous thing go. "So are you joking or not?"
She raised an eyebrow and started walking towards their bedroom. "You´ll see."
Jude sat there for a moment, stunned. He was used to her playing games like this, however, they weren´t about something that serious, but the idea... it stuck in his head. As the night wore on, he made a few more attempts to touch her, playfully teasing, expecting her to give in. But each time, she stood her ground, deflecting him with the same challenge: not until you score a hat-trick.
By the next morning, his frustration was palpable. He tried one last time before training, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, pressing himself to her back, and his lips to her neck. "You sure about this, babe?"
She turned in his arms, still kind of sleepy, a knowing smile on her face. "Go score some goals, Jude."
Jude let out a slow breath, his jaw tightening. He loved her playful side, but this was a new level of torment. She was using his natural competitiveness against him. What´s more, the game was seven days from today.
“Fine,” he muttered, his voice low. “You want a hat-trick? I’ll give you a bloody hat-trick.”
She just smiled against the pillow.
Sadly, she wasn´t able to attend the match that day. Work had gotten in the way, so she was stuck at home watching it on their TV. She had written to him, of course, as she always did when she couldn’t go to the Bernabéu to see the match, wishing him good luck with a couple of white heart emojis and a four-leaf clover. Then, taking advantage of the moment, she had half-joked about not being able to see his "attempt" at the hat-trick in person, but part of her wondered if her challenge would actually work. Not going to lie, she was kind of nervous. He could see him vibrating through the screen with tension every time the camera focused on him.
However, she probably was the most anxious since Jude was animatedly talking to his teammates, as he always did before a game. He wasn’t nervous at all, on the contrary, the memory of her challenge, the way she had teased him all week, stirred something deep inside him. It was no longer just a game; it became something more personal the moment he saw his girlfriend's messages. He hadn’t been bothered at all; on the contrary, he had put his phone away after glancing at the screen and smiling mockingly—surely the same smile she had worn when sending the message.
When the game started, it was clear something had changed. Jude was moving with an intensity that hadn´t been there in the past few matches. His touches were sharp, his passes precise, and he was pressing harder than ever. The commentators noticed it immediately and the crowd was roaring.
Jude left his girlfriend glued to the screen, watching in awe as he ran through the field. It didn´t take long before he found the back of the net, a clean strike from just outside the box that made her jump up from the couch.
But he wasn´t done.
By halftime, he had already scored two goals.
Jude´s third goal was pure instinct—a deft finish after weaving past two defenders and slotting the ball into the bottom corner. Hat-trick. The Bernabéu erupted, but Jude´s attention went to the nearest camera, his heart pounding with adrenaline. He couldn´t hold back his smirk, his chest heaving from the effort of the match, as he pointed directly at the lens and mouthed: "It´s your time to pay, gorgeous!"
She burst out laughing, shaking her head in disbelief. He had done it. Her heart filled with pride and joy and she could not stop smiling.
Jude got home later that night, his energy still buzzing from the game, dropped his bag by the entrance and called out, "Babe?"
From the living room, he heard her voice, casual but with a teasing edge. "Hey Jude. Just finishing some work." That was an absolute lie, she had been ogling some clothes in a shopping web minutes before she heard the keys.
Jude smirked, knowing better. His footsteps echoed as he approached her, spotting her on the couch with her laptop open, her legs folded. She glanced up with a small smile, playing it cool.
"So... how was the match?" she asked innocently, her eyes flickering mischievously before she returned her gaze to her screen. “I got caught up with this and I couldn’t watch it.”
He chuckled, looking down at her. Of course she had been watching the game. She always did it. Always. “You know damn well how it went. Haven't you been teasing me enough this week?” His voice was low, his words dripping with confidence.
She shrugged, her fingers tapping the keys, but he could see the slight twitch of her lips, the subtle way her body tensed as he loomed over her. “What? Did you manage to finally score?” she asked playfully.
Jude moved around the couch, towering over her now, his hand gently closing her laptop. She looked up at him, her pulse quickening. There was a glint in his eyes that made her stomach flutter.
“I—,” she tried to say.
But tired of her never ending teases, Jude closed the distance, capturing her lips with his. The kiss was electric, igniting a fire that had been building all week. He slid his hands to her waist, letting himself finally feel her and pulling her closer, deepening the kiss as their mouths moved in perfect harmony.
She responded eagerly, god how much she had missed his hands around her body. She let her fingers tangle in his hair, drawing him nearer. As their passion escalated, he lifted her off the chair, wrapping her legs around his waist as he pressed her against the nearest wall, their bodies melting together.
“I think we should celebrate properly” Jude murmured, his lips trailing along her neck, igniting every nerve ending in her body.
She moaned nodding and with a triumphant grin, Jude captured her lips once more. “You know,” he said catching his breath. “I bet I can make you cum three times.”
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stevesjockstrap · 2 days
I Can Tell You Miss Me
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Rated E • wc 1800 • preseries-S1, getting together, sneaking around, fuck buddies, top Eddie :)
Written for @steddiesmuttyseptember: sneaking around + @steddiesongfics: I Like The Way You Kiss Me - Artemas
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Eddie yelped as he was yanked by his collar and pulled into an empty classroom. He almost ducked and swung on instinct but then his mouth was overtaken by insistent soft lips. The now familiar scent of hairspray and expensive cologne assaulted him and he relaxed further.
I like the way you kiss me, I can tell you miss me
Eddie smiled into the kiss and quickly swapped their positions, groaning softly when the other immediately yielded to him, allowing him to press them against the wall and take over.
Breaking apart with a gasp a few minutes later, he couldn’t believe his luck that Steve Harrington was looking at him this way.
“Mmm, missed you, Eds,” he breathed as Eddie dragged his teeth over the hinge of his jaw.
“I know, Stevie boy. I wanted to jump you the second I saw you this morning.” He sunk both hands into the perfectly styled hair. He loved dirtying up the pretty boy, sue him.
Steve whined but didn’t stop him, allowing him to ruffle his shockingly soft hair.
“Can you come over tonight?”
Eddie froze, trying to meet Steve’s eyes but he avoided him, biting into his lip. Eddie couldn’t get any words out, so Steve continued.
“I-it’s, you know, my parents are going out of town again. Usually I’d throw a party, but then I realized the only person I really wanted to see was you.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up and he clenched his jaw to keep it from actually dropping. Play it cool, Munson.
“Oh, I guess I could swing by,” he managed, sounding a lot less affected than he was, thankfully.
“Cool,” Steve replied, trying to shrug casually. “Awesome,” he nodded and then seemed to realize they were still pressed against each other, his hands sliding confidently between them.
This thing had actually started at a party at the Harrington house. Eddie had been bored, suggesting to Jeff that they crash and see how much free alcohol they could pilfer from the rich kids before they were kicked out.
But Steve had shocked them. He just smirked as they filled their cups from the keg in the dining room, holding up his own plastic cup in a silent cheers.
Later in the night, Eddie had been even more surprised when he’d walked into one of the bathrooms to an eyeful — it hadn’t been locked, in his defense — and Steve leered at him as he slowly zipped up. “See something you like, Munson?”
He’d tried to seem nonchalant but the way his eyes couldn’t leave Steve the rest of the night must have shown his cards.
Steve pulled him under the bleachers after third period the next day.
The first time he’d sunk into his tight heat, Steve had looked up at him with his huge wet doe eyes and shuddered.
“Is it too much?”
Eddie received a short shake of his head and a gasp as he pulled back a bit.
“N-no, just- ah, you’re inside of me,” he breathed.
The unbelievable surge of want and the need to keep him safe, to bundle him against his chest and never let go hit him like a fright train.
All he could manage was a weak, “I sure am.” He let himself stare at where they were connected, pushing forward again roughly, making himself shrug off the clenching of his heart.
Not tryna be romantic, I’ll hit it from the back
Just so you don’t get attached
He’d had to step back a bit, for his own sanity. Get a little distance between them. Remind them both that this was just sex. Eddie made sure they were never in that position after that. He couldn’t trust himself not to fall into those wide expressive eyes. To make mountains out of molehills, to create feelings that couldn’t possibly be there.
It wasn’t easy, Steve hadn’t made it easy, using his biggest puppy eyes until Eddie had had to get rough, shoving him over whatever surface. Pulling his hair, covering his mouth, anything to make him forget about kissing him as he fucked into him. To keep his eyes from making promises he couldn’t keep.
Their sporadic make out sessions during school became almost daily, until their senior year. Eddie should’ve known it was too good to be true. It wasn’t like they were even dating. Not even friends with benefits. Fuck buddies, really. It shouldn’t have been such a punch to the gut.
Nancy Wheeler wasn’t even hot, and definitely not anywhere near good enough for Steve. He chose not to dwell on the clear similarities between her and himself. Not part of the popular crowd, gangly limbs, dark curly hair. Jeff pointed out it was probably to pass a class, but Wheeler was only a sophomore. And Steve had no problems using that charm of his to get extra credit.
Then Steve showed up at the trailer for the first time, bleeding and slurring and not making any sense. But Eddie got him into the shower, butterfly bandaged his face up and got some of the story out of him after a few beers between them.
He hadn’t thought Jonathan Byers had it in him.
He jolted, blinking up at Wayne who stood above him, apparently had kicked his foot to wake him. Why was he on the couch?
“That wasn’t your doing, right?” Wayne jutted his chin to his left. Eddie frowned, trying to move his arm to rub the sleep from his eyes. The arm that was wrapped around one Steve Harrington, sporting two black eyes and the cut across his eyebrow bleeding again.
He looked up, cringing at his uncle. “It wasn’t.” Then their current predicament hit him. “Uhh-“
“Should’ve put ice on it, instead of just drinking all the beer,” Wayne huffed, turning to ease himself into his chair, calmly opening up the newspaper. As if that settled everything.
Eddie blinked. Frowned. Rubbed his face. “That’s it?”
Wayne grunted. “Seems like it. Unless you need me to give you ‘The Talk?’”
They both shook their heads, and then laughed.
The jostling finally woke Steve.
“Hey,” he groaned, wincing. Eddie caught his hand before he could poke at his face. “Ouch.”
Steve’s eyes widened comically as they landed on Wayne. He untangled himself from Eddie and shuffled quickly to the other end of the couch.
“Uhhh- I- we-”
Eddie almost wanted to see what his excuse would be, caught snuggling on the couch with the likes of him. Wayne waved him off though.
“Don’t mention it, kid. But don’t bleed on the couch, huh? Family heirloom.”
Steve groaned again as his face moved between surprise, confusion and settled on pain. He stumbled to the bathroom and Eddie rolled his eyes at his uncle. “Family heirloom? We found it by the dumpsters.”
“I’m leaving it to you in my will,” he answered without looking up from his sports page.
“It’s too early for this shit, man,” Eddie grumbled and went to make coffee.
Since Wayne didn’t have a problem with them hanging out — or anything else, as long as they were quiet — Steve became a pretty regular visitor to the trailer. Steve seemed to prefer the trailer to his cushy, usually empty house. And Uncle Wayne was happy to have someone to talk football with.
Eddie didn’t go to his classmates’ graduation. Actually the principal made it clear in no uncertain terms that he should not make an appearance. He was probably worried he’d pull a stunt, but it would’ve been nice to watch his friends walk across the stage. And Steve.
But all of that was erased from his mind as he flicked the graduation gown up Steve’s back
“No shirt, baby? Wanted to give them a show, huh?”
Steve gasped, arching his back into the finger Eddie was dragging down his spine. The rough black fabric highlighted his tanned and freckled back beautifully.
“It was hot, ah!”
Eddie’s fingers had made their way down to his boxers, tugging none too gently at the waistband.
Does it turn you on when I turn you around?
Can we make a scene?
Can you make it loud?
He was the one groaning when he found his pretty ass already wet and open.
“What’s this, Stevie?” He gave him a moment to think as he roughly plunged three fingers in his loosened hole.
“I- oh my god. I didn’t want to wait.”
Eddie hummed, pressing biting kisses down his back. “Where’d you do it, huh? Spread out on your big bed thinking about my cock?”
With a shake of his head, Steve wailed. “No,” he dragged the word out as Eddie teased his prostate. “In the shower.”
Eddie grinned. “Ohhh I see. Did you touch yourself thinking about getting fucked later? Getting yourself all open for me?”
There was a shudder around his fingers and Eddie thought momentarily that Steve had come already but instead he practically yelled, “Yes!”
“Is that right? Did you come? Playing with your ass like a little horndog?” Eddie teased, rubbing continuously now against his prostate.
Steve was whining and groaning so loudly now Eddie hoped no one called the cops.
“That’s it, get loud for me. Wanna hear you. Are you that close already?”
Steve shrieked, and Eddie chuckled. But then almost swallowed his tongue when Steve cried out, “Didn’t- ah! Didn’t come! I waited! Wanted you!”
Eddie could’ve come untouched at that. “Fuck, baby. You’re so fucking perfect.”
Shocking him even further, Steve got enough leverage to turn most of the way over to look back at him. “C-can, please Eds. Can I turn around? Want to be… Need to see you. Please?”
It was that last ‘please’ that got him. The final crack in his resolve, every reasonable argument now quiet to his plea.
Eddie pulled away, then rearranged them in his tiny twin bed. Steve shuddered again as Eddie guided his hips.
Almost as soon as he was fully inside, Steve’s mouth was on his.
I like the way you kiss me, I can tell you miss me
I can tell it hits, hits, hits, hits
Eddie was not going to last long, and from the way Steve was mewling against his lips and meeting his thrusts he didn’t think he would either. The knowledge that Steve had edged himself earlier and probably thought about him the entirety of his commencement, squirming around on his hard chair had him biting into Steve’s lip as he came hard into his body.
“Eds Eds- oh my god,” Steve breathed, staring up at him with those beautiful doe eyes as he came untouched between them.
After they came down, Steve chuckled into his chest. Eddie raised an eyebrow at him.
“Maybe I’ll have to keep the cap and gown, huh?”
“Fuck yes.”
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beecauseevan · 3 days
first kiss in front of the team/at work!!
"You ready?" 
Eddie turns. He's been staring at the firehouse, but Buck is a much prettier sight, cast in gold by the morning sun filtering through the car windows.
"Ready? For work?" 
"Sure." Buck rolls his shoulders into the Jeep's driver's seat in a half shrug. "For work, and for—you know. Twenty-four hours is a long time."
Eddie leans against the door at his back, a smirk blooming on his face. "Is that a pickup line?"
"I don't have to use pickup lines on you," Buck tells him, but he's smirking too. "I picked you up a while ago."
Eddie hums.
"All I'm saying," Buck continues, "is that twenty-four hours… is a long time."
Eddie could keep playing hard to get. Taking the bait sounds more rewarding, though. He reaches for Buck, curls his fingers into the front of Buck's black t-shirt,  "Guess I better stock up on this while I still have the chance, huh?"
"I guess so," says Buck.
Eddie looks over his shoulder at the parking lot. It's empty, not a soul in sight.
"We're all alone," Buck mutters, voice softer than before, though the gleam in his eyes hasn't changed.
"All alone," Eddie agrees, and tugs him close.
They arrived in the parking lot half an hour early, but when they actually make it inside, their shift is about to start. That means the locker room is empty, which in turn doesn't mean much—the glass walls provide no privacy—but Buck is nothing if not bold.
"Stop," Eddie mutters, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, which hangs half-open from his shoulders. He doesn't have to glance up to know Buck is looking at him, can feel the weight of his gaze on the exposed skin of his chest. It makes him feel stupid, and tingly all over, and warm.
"I'm not doing anything," Buck replies, equally quiet, though the smile in his words is loud. 
"You're staring."
"I'm admiring."
And, honestly. Buck just spent four consecutive nights admiring every inch of Eddie's body. He should've looked his fill by now, but when Eddie finally meets his eyes, the hunger in Buck's smile is as obvious as it was this morning, yesterday, two weeks ago. Eddie shivers, glancing past Buck at the app bay to make sure nobody is watching them. 
What if they both took a sick day? What would Bobby say then?
He pulls himself together and slaps Buck's (gloriously naked) chest. "Get dressed."
"Oh my god," says Eddie, and moves to the other side of the locker room before he forgets himself. 
And just in time, too. Hen knocks on the glass door, then sticks her head inside. "You guys coming?"
"Did the bell ring?" Buck asks, eyes wide. 
Hen narrows hers and looks from Buck to Eddie and back to Buck. "No. I think you would've heard that."
"Right," says Buck. "Sure. I wasn't distracted or anything."
Hen frowns at Eddie, clearly expecting him to know what is going on with Buck, and she's not wrong, but Eddie shrugs anyway, feigns ignorance. Hen sighs.
"Bobby made waffles," she says. "If you don't hurry up, I'm giving your share to Ravi."
The city keeps them busy, after that, provides them with a steady stream of fender benders and fires and the occasional cat stuck in a tree. By the time they get another moment to themselves, the sun is setting over the city and the station is awash in shades of crimson and gold.
Eddie is just stepping off the treadmill, sweaty and in dire need of a shower, when Buck joins him in the gym.
"Hey," Buck says. 
Just that. Just hey. He's smiling and his curls look soft in the afternoon sun, and Eddie wonders if this will ever stop being thrilling, if he'll ever be able to look at Buck without feeling like his chest is going to burst from all this love, if he'll ever be able to exist in Buck's presence without wanting, no, needing, to put his hands all over that glorious body.
"Hey yourself," he says, and Buck's smile widens, and he steps towards Eddie as if magnetized.
"I've missed you."
"You saw me ten minutes ago."
Buck shrugs. "You know what I mean."
Eddie does. He doesn't wish that he didn't. He likes knowing. 
"Sixteen hours," he says lowly, as Buck stops in front of him, just a few inches shy of appropriate—but then they've never needed much personal space when it came to each other. "Think you can manage?"
"Barely," Buck replies, before his smile sweetens. He looks down at his feet and Eddie looks down too, at Buck's hands, which are twitching at his sides as though they're desperate to reach out. "But, yeah. I'll manage."
Eddie nods. He drags his eyes back up and finds Buck watching him in return. He's so close Eddie can count his lashes, could trace the smile lines in the corners of his eyes.
"There you are." Chim strides into the gym and stops dead in his tracks, frowns at them, which may or may not have something to do with the fact that Eddie just jumped away from Buck like he's been stung. "What's going on?"
"Nothing," Eddie says, too quickly.
Chim's frown deepens. Behind him, Hen appears on the scene of the crime, watching them over Chim's shoulder.
"If you guys are in some kind of trouble—"
And really, that's just uncalled for. Eddie opens his mouth and closes it again when he realizes he doesn't really have an excuse. Not for the first and probably not for the last time, Buck saves him.
"It's, uhm. Christopher's birthday party," he says. "We're—making plans."
Hen looks at Chim, who shakes his head.
"Chris' birthday is months away," she says.
"Well." Buck scratches the side of his neck. "Doesn't hurt to be prepared, right?"
He slides a pointed look Eddie's way, waiting for backup. Eddie opens his mouth.
It's new, still, this thing between them, new but not fragile. Three weeks ago, when their first kiss shattered every single one of Eddie's defenses, when he finally allowed himself a shot at true happiness, he warned Buck—told him that it would take him some time, that he would not be able to be Buck's plus one to a wedding any time soon.
Buck laughed at him, told him to stop worrying and we're not going to any weddings anyway, Eddie, unless you know something I don't, and kissed him again, and ever since then, he's been—patient, and careful, and wonderful, and everything Eddie could ask for and more.
He'd live like this, in secret, for another six years if Eddie asked it of him.
"Cause, you know," Buck continues, probably realizing that Eddie is too distracted to help him, and covering for him immediately, because he has his back even now. "Teenagers, they have—expectations. Right?"
"Right," says Eddie, and then he reaches out a hand and cups Buck's cheek and pulls him into a kiss, firm and sweet. When he breaks away, Buck is slack-jawed and glowing, and Eddie clears his throat and turns back to Chim and Hen, who are watching them with twin blank expressions. "Any more questions?"
"Huh," says Chim.
"Huh," adds Hen, and then, to Chim, "you owe me so much money. I knew it would happen before Christmas."
Chim groans loudly. Eddie leaves him to his misery and turns to Buck, who still looks stunned.
"Okay?" he asks quietly. He's lightheaded and giddy and so, so happy.
Buck's expression morphs into something different, something new, something that looks a lot like the inside of Eddie's chest feels—soft and warm and wonderful. "Okay. You?"
They have to talk to Bobby, and soon. Their future holds questions, of that Eddie is sure, and a lot of paperwork. He doesn't care about any of that right now.
"Never better," he says, and kisses Buck again.
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buckgasms · 16 hours
Bucky with a reader who reads smutty books?
She's perfected a straight face reading technique for when she's sat in public reading filth. Bucky thinks she reads innocent shit like fairy tales or soemthing so he buys her books like that (she loves his effort but finds them so boring that they live perminantley on the shelf in their living room).
One day she leaves the book open in the living room while she pops to the toilet and he picks it up to see what all the fuss is about. She comes back to him blushing like mad on the sofa reading the smuttiest smut of all smut and looking up at her like 😳 "this your sorta thing huh?" And while he isn't jealous that she reads that he finds it strange that she hid it from him. He asks her to show him what she finds so hot about it and they get to baby making ;)
Hey 🐰! Hope you've been ok?
Yes I like this very much. I'm picturing a sort of Avengers Bucky boyfriend because we know what happens when Daddy finds Princess' smutty book 🫣
I imagine the confusion starts because all the covers have various fairytale-esque pictures. You'd just need to look a bit closer to realise they were slightly off!
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When he asks why you didn't mention it, you just ramble about how you didn't want to be weird and if he thought it was too kinky or whatever you were happy to just keep it to yourself.
He just tuts, flipping through the pages and reads the bit you just were. I'm imagining it's a red riding hood book where the big bad wolf is eating her, but just in a very different way.
"Wow. He's really working on her there huh? And you keep a straight face when you're reading this stuff?"
You giggle and nod but he keeps flicking through and you sense that perhaps he's a little miffed about something. So you crawl over and climb into his lap, throwing the book to one side.
"Are you mad about my book Bucky?" You say softly, running your hands over his chest and rolling your hips gently.
He grunts a little and can't resist holding on to your hips and squeezing gently at your waist.
"No" he pouts, "just wish you woulda told me you like that stuff... Coulda been doing...." He peters off but you can't let that slide.
"Wait, could have been doing what Bucky? You wanna be my big bad wolf?" You grip his face and lean down to kiss him, not missing the way his hips push upwards, enjoying the way his fingers stroke down your neck and move to grip your waist.
"I dunno, what is it you want me to do?"
You sit back on his lap and grab the book, flicking through as he massages little circles on your hips.
"Well I guess in this one... He chases her a little, and rips her dress off.... Oh and there's a bit where he pins her down and yknow...licks at her..."
You look up from the book and see Bucky staring at you with a devilish look in his eyes.
"Well then little red, you better get running..."
You giggle but he pulls you in closer and whispers in your ear, "or I'll fuck ya right here..." Before scraping his teeth across your soft skin.
You squeal as you leap from his lap and pelt down the corridor to the lift that will take you to your floor. You see him coming round the corner as you make it, slamming on the 'close door' button as he approaches, a big grin on his face.
You sigh as the doors slide shut and then you have the agonising wait to reach your floor. It's only a few floors down, but you wonder how long it will take him to catch up.
Before you have much time then doors slide open and the corridor is eerily quiet. You can't hear any sound other than the low hum of the lift.
You tentatively step out and make to run to your shared apartment with Bucky. You get a few steps to the door when you feel a metal hand grip your mouth and a strong arm wrap around your waist, holding you tight.
He ripped your dress to pieces and pinned you down on the floor, barely making it into the apartment before he was dragging your heat to his face and devouring you. All you could do was cling to the rug as he sucked, nibbled and licked at your sensitive folds.
He carries his prize to the bedroom and puts you on your knees, ass in the air and places your book in front of you.
"Read it. Out loud..."
You flush furiously as you hear his zipper being pulled down and the mattress dip as he settles behind you.
As you begin to read his cock is dragged along your pussy, teasing you and torturing you as you struggle to read.
"Buckkky..." You whine as he presses his leaking tip just a little inside, but he stops and lands so swats onto your ass.
"Come on babygirl, I wanna know what happens. I'm pretty invested in the plotline now yknow..."
You pant and moan but manage to keep reading, describing how the wolf/man fucks the heroine, claiming her body as his, biting and bruising her delicate body. His big cock stretching her wide, hitting parts that no one has been able to before.
The book falls from your grip as he pounds into you. It was a bit of a head rush to have your incredibly hot boyfriend enacting smut and you let out a long, happy moan as he pulls you upwards, spearing his cock deeper, hitting more sensitive places with unrelenting lust.
"Oh my god Bucky.... Please, can I come please?"
He growls in your ear and uses his metal hand to grip your throat, squeezing slightly making your eyes roll. You cling onto the cool metal for dear life, as you crash into your peak, screaming out for him.
You both fall forward, Bucky managing to prop himself up to avoid squishing you, but as your walls continue to flutter around him, he can't hold himself any longer and falls down on top of you.
You giggle and wiggle until you have him resting on your chest, fingers running through his hair as he presses kisses to your soft skin.
Omg imagine if this happened 🫣 also I may need to go back to writing ABO stuff because 🤤
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@loose1cannon Thank you so much for your request! I was so hyped with the Ace one, but I need to apologise because my angsty wired brain might have made a poo-poo. I'm so sorry if it's too sad! 😫 I promise that the other part of your request will be happy, okay?? I hope you still enjoy it! ❤️
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Source for pic
Word Count: 1270
Tags: fem!reader; angst, so much angst; NSFW; feelings; hurt; sorrow; grief; spoilers for what happens at Marineford; slightly NSFW
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: It has been a year since Marineford and you still can't cope with the loss.
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555 @hopelesslover06 @mars-mizuko @sleepykittycx @nerium-lil (guys if you only want to be tagged for specific characters, please send me a message! I don't want to bother you with excessive tagging!!🙏)
Rain poured down from the skies mirroring your inner turmoil exactly. The steady downpour cast a sort of halo over your figure. It felt like a shroud. The site was eerily quiet aside from the sounds of the heavy drops crashing against the stone graves. 
And for the thrumming of your heart. 
An unsteady rhythm beating out of sync, skipping a beat now and then, as if it were missing something to make it whole. And it was.
One year had passed since he left you, or since you lost him. Honestly, it felt like the world itself had lost him, since he belonged to everyone. He was life itself. And without him, there was only demise. 
“Did you miss me, baby?” His tongue swiped against yours in desperation while his scalding hands roamed your clothed body. “I missed you so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. All day, every day.”
Ace was always so eager for you that his touch singed your clothes, leaving small burn marks on the hem of your shirts or on your jeans. It used to piss you off. You’d scold him saying you didn’t have berries lying around just to buy new clothes and that he should be more careful. He laughed it off, or kissed it off, murmuring that he could buy or steal all the clothes you wanted, or better yet, you could just walk naked.
A sob clawed its way up your throat and scratched it, yearning to get out, needing to be free, but you clamped it down and pushed it back into your insides to fester and rot like all the other feelings of grief, sorrow and despair. 
No more crying. No more sadness. Ace wouldn’t want that. Ace loved your laugh.
“Laugh for me, Sunbeam!” You were both lying on his bed, sheets tangled on naked limbs and sweaty bodies, heaving from exhaustion and pleasure. 
“No. I’m mad at you.” But you weren’t, you were just downcast.
“It’s just a month. I’ll be back before you know it.”
No, no. You can’t go there, this one is too painful. If only you insisted, if only you had pushed further. He wouldn’t have gone after Blackbeard and he would still be here with you. 
Your knees hit the muddied floor with a soft thud as your hands clutched your chest. Slim fingers crumpled the drenched fabric as your breath left your lips in shallow, ragged heaves. “You weren’t supposed to leave me, Ace! Not like this!”
Your arms circled your torso in the only hug you allowed yourself these days: your own. It was nowhere near enough, but then again, there would never be another hug like Ace’s. 
It was crushing, bone-breaking, suffocating. It was home. 
“I’m back, baby. Missed me, Sunbeam?” With a little jump you were straddling his lap, legs wrapped securely around his waist as his hands rested on your ass. Your mouth devoured him while your fingers tangled in his unkempt greasy hair. “I guess that’s a yes.” 
That smirk. Those freckles. The mischievous glint in his eyes. 
Gone. All gone. Buried in front of you, six feet under and beneath layers of cold, unforgiving dirt. 
Alongside your heart.
You tried to stifle your moans against the pillow, but he would have none of that. Stopping that sinful lapping of his tongue and removing his fingers from inside you, he lifted himself onto his knees and threw the pillow to the other side of the cabin. “I want to hear you scream my name.”
“Ace!” You whisper with a groan of frustration. You were just about to unravel when he left you feeling empty.
“Yes, sweetheart, just like that.” He aligned his leaking tip with your wet entrance and teased, pulling a little mewl from your lips. “But way louder.”
And you did what he told you to.
Was that the last time?
There’s no stopping the tears. You tried, you really did. But they were relentless. You have a million memories from the past and a million and one memories of Ace. You can’t afford to lose any of them.
"God, Ace, why?” The clenching in your chest expands and swells, taking up all the space inside. Filling you like a balloon and you feel ready to pop. How are you supposed to survive without him? One year was already hell, how can you survive another one?
And another one…
And another one…
“Smile, Sunbeam!”
“You’re shining, love!”
“Ah, that laugh right there, I could die a happy man.”
“You make me feel worthy.”
“I can’t live without you, baby.”
“Don’t ever leave me. I wouldn’t make it.”
You didn’t leave him. You kept your promise. He was the one who left. And now how are you supposed to move on with your life as if what made you live wasn’t ripped apart from you? How is a sunbeam supposed to shine when there is no reflective surface?
How can you be light, when all you feel is darkness?
“Ace… This was never supposed to be easy, but I didn’t expect it to break me…"
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you.”
“You’re my life.”
“My happy, little Sunbeam.”
“My love.”
Getting up on wobbly legs you took another two steps forward. Your tears mixed with the rain, salt and water. Pain and grief. Hurt and sorrow. Reaching with trembling, frail fingers, you grabbed the remnants of Ace’s hat. It was torn and tattered, the beads were barely hanging on, but it was still there.
A desperate wail left your lips as you fell back down, your legs no longer supporting the weight of your misery. This time, you let the sobs climb all the way out. And you cried as you had never cried before. Sobs, hiccups and ragged breaths mingled with the sound of approaching thunder.
But none of that compared to the tempest inside. It roared, raged and crashed, drowning you in its violence, dragging you to the pits of sorrow and darkness and you had no idea how to climb out of there anymore. Not without him. 
But then there was a sudden calmness. A break amidst the most violent of storms and then the echo of a whisper, soft and unmistakable. 
“You’ll be okay, Sunbeam.”
Ace’s voice. A gentle murmur in your soul. Perhaps a conjured thought your troubled mind had made up, but you’d take it.
You clutched his worn-out hat against your chest, wishing there was still a lingering scent of him anywhere, but he had disappeared so long ago. The rain slowed down and was now just a gentle pitter-patter against the leaves and the graves. 
A sunbeam peeked from behind a dark cloud and landed on your lap, near Ace’s hat and for the first time in a year you felt a sliver of hope on the horizon. You didn’t have Ace anymore, but your love for him would never fade or wane.
Your memories together would still be a part of you.
You would carry him inside you and remember him in those missing, uneven beats of your heart. 
Maybe… just maybe, that would be enough to carry you through. 
“I’ll be okay, love.” You forced a laugh. A bright smile like the ones he used to love. “For you, Ace. I’ll fight for you.”
The sunbeam on your lap flickered, faded behind a cloud and reappeared on Ace’s grave. Hope filled you and took back some of the space that grief and sorrow had claimed as territory. You’d learn to shine again, someday…
For him. 
For Ace.
For your love.
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lo1k-diamonds · 3 days
Stellar Behavior 💜 Part 2
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“I may consider an alternative with less social catastrophe... If I’m adequately compensated. I was left wanting last time…”
PAIRING: Officer!Yoongi x Mafia (f)reader
SUMMARY: The time has come for you to collect your favor, but Yoongi is not going to make it easy.
GENRE: Gangster AU, Law AU, enemies to lovers, smut
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: corruption, power dynamics, slight degradation, sexual favors, hate sex, switching, semi-public sex, unprotected sex
A.N. If this part had a title, it would be hate sex. Very hot, explicit hate sex 🔥Let me know if you agree 😏 Again, infinite thank yous to @moonleeai and @downbad4yoongi for working through my crazy and being incredible! Enjoy 🔥🔥
Masterlist | Masterpost | AO3 | Wattpad | < Previous Chapter | Next Chapter >
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Yoongi pulled on the collar of his shirt as the car took a particularly sharp turn. The sirens were on and the officer driving the car was a bit on edge, so he couldn’t help his scowl. He never liked parades, much less a row of police cars racing to interfere with a petty theft at a charity gala. But the Mayor had insisted the newly appointed Senior Superintendent should look into the matter immediately, so there he was.
He looked outside, the streetlights passing in a blur under his inattentive eyes. He actually didn’t think he’d be able to save Officer Jimin a couple of months back, let alone get a promotion as a result, but here he was. And the night that changed everything still burned in the back of his mind.
He was furious when he left the Aether that night. He remembered storming out with a mix of emotions bubbling like lava inside his chest and slamming the door of his car closed. Despite himself, he drove home in a flash, recklessly letting the heat get to his head. 
It was all your fault that he couldn't get on top of whatever it was that he was feeling. Why was his head filled with images of you? Why he couldn't look at the road? Why he could barely hear another car honking in annoyance when he almost crashed as he turned onto his street?
All he could see was you, with your shiny hair falling over your shoulders, framing a cunning smile trying to hide behind a drink. Your pink cheeks heated him up, and no amount of deep breaths calmed him. He stormed inside his house with your long legs filling his mind as they wrapped around him, and all the way to his bedroom, you haunted him. He pulled his clothes off in a hurry, needing to get the lewd wet sounds of his mouth on your core off his mind, but it was difficult. No matter how fast he rushed, he could still hear himself sucking on your delicious cunt which muffled his own grunts beneath your obscene moans. He was so hard it hurt.
He just needed you out of his system, but as he raised his hand to turn on the shower, he froze. He took a deep breath, and another, then groaned. His eyelids closed before he could stop himself from licking his lips and fingers, letting your faint scent pull a low, deep groan from his throat. He could still feel your hand in his hair, and he needed to live it out. You had kicked him out of the Aether, saying you were done, but this was his house.
He got on the bed and grabbed his hard dick in his hand, closing his fingers around the head before letting himself melt into the soft sheets. Just your scent and taste were enough, and he fisted himself greedily. Fast; he needed you out of his system, so he raced for the peak. It was pathetic how quickly he was spurting white ropes of cum across his chest with nothing but the memory of his face buried in your cunt.
He thought that was what he needed, but ten minutes later he was not calmer or softer. In fact, he wondered if he made it worse by indulging in his dark fantasies, but soon he decided that no one needed to know.
I heard the missus left cause you couldn’t get it up, but won’t you look at that— I guess she just didn’t know how to play. Or maybe you like this. Like not having a choice, to be in danger, to be forced to do something reprehensible.
I have a choice.
Then choose.
His nostrils flared, but he didn't stop jerking off to the thought of you. What you said annoyed him, and he still had no clue why he was rock hard despite it, but there was no point in stopping. He was fucking ready to explode, lick and fuck every inch and hole of yours, and yet here he fucking was, alone on his bed.
He edged himself to the thought of you, reveling in the control he had over his pleasure and yours. It didn't matter to him that his ex complained; he had figured he just didn't want to have sex. Why would he when all she did was complain? He worked too much, he was never home, blah blah blah. Why would he want to be home when all she did was nag and whine? When she left and they divorced, he didn't feel any compulsion to search for sex, so he assumed that it was just what it was.
Months after meeting you, he still didn't know what it was about you. Why was he so inexplicably hard and turned on and ready to fuck your brains out, and so fucking pissed when you dismissed him and left him high and dry? To the point he had to jerk off to the thought of you, only to be disgusted with himself for feeling that way about someone so morally bankrupt. For not getting himself under control.
It occurred to him later that he was mad about not knowing if he'd be able to save Officer Jimin, but those doubts didn't last long. He woke up in the morning after meeting you to the sound of the doorbell, naked on his sheets with dried cum everywhere. Because whoever it was kept persistently pressing the bell, he grabbed a robe and made his way down, only to find no one. Yet, on his front door mat was a big envelope, and in it, something that immediately jolted him to hurry and get dressed.
It was a dashcam from a car that was parked near the incident and caught everything perfectly: another man had shot Officer Junghee, then shoved the gun into Jimin's hands, who ignored him to try and help his partner. The camera's serial number was valid; the car was also filmed parking there earlier that day, so in a matter of hours, Officer Jimin was exonerated of all charges, just like promised.
Yoongi was ecstatic, as was his team, yet as they celebrated, his mind kept reminding him who he should thank. He knew there would be a price, but in his memory, you were a sweet tease, ready to drive him crazy and fuck him in every way his mind came up with. The disgust that haunted him with every fantasy angered him, but did little to cool him. 
To curb the insanity of his thoughts, he looked up your record and found nothing. Distance and discipline worked wonders to remind himself, eventually, that it didn't matter how attracted he was to you or how many times he fucked you in his mind. You were the worst kind of criminal — the one that led others to commit the crimes for you. You were a despicable person, and you'd ask for something equally so in exchange for saving an innocent. He needed to stay sharp.
He was pulled out of his reverie when the car stopped before the charmingly decorated venue where most of the city’s echelon had gathered to attend a charity ball. A police agent at the scene waved him over to enter the building, and he didn’t waste any time. It frustrated him that he was there just to show face when he had better things to do, but even that evaporated quickly in the face of who was expecting him.
He scoffed and chuckled bitterly when he entered a backroom to meet the complainant, only to be met with you. You were the embodiment of an angel, with bloodshot eyes releasing tears that didn't make a dent on your perfect makeup. Your long blue dress was elegant, covering your generous figure chastely while you cried about being a victim.
“I can't believe this happened at a charity event!”
Yoongi didn't react, the show wasn't for him; it was for the event organizer, who was trying to avoid a scandal, “I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding!” She suddenly noticed him and the officer beside him, and her face lit up like a Christmas tree, “The Senior Superintendent is here, as promised!”
Your eyes finally turned to him, and the corners of your mouth twitched. You had noticed him entering the backroom, but now you could officially address him.
Between the organizer trying to flaunt the idea of the force protecting the good people of Seoul and you offering resistance to the idea that your purse wasn't long gone, he didn't know what drained his patience more. Finally, he decided it was you because surely this was all a ruse and you either wanted to make him look like a fool or to finally name your price.
“I'm sure the Senior Superintendent brought enough Officers to sweep the place from top to bottom—”
“Maybe we should retrace my steps,” you interrupted crudely, getting up from the long velvet chaise to fix your eyes on him.
He instantly understood what you wanted, and despite not agreeing with all the bullshit, he wanted to get it over with.
“I shall accompany you,” he agreed before following after you when you briskly walked away.
He managed to wave to the nearby officers to stay there and work the ground while your heels tapped across the marble floor. The hallway in front of you was decorated with astonishing sculptures, the likes that Yoongi had never seen, but he didn’t have time to wonder about the magnanimous hotel the gala was taking place in.
You were walking like you owned the place, and it made him grind his teeth as he followed you. How could anyone believe your made-up story? To them, you were a tycoon, owning many restaurants, clubs, and other businesses, so how come your security had let your purse be taken?
He knew better, of course; you were a criminal who led one of the most powerful organizations in the city. No one would be stupid enough to come close, and so he scoffed. This situation was ridiculous.
“Just a bit further,” you voiced.
“Shouldn't we be going to the entrance?”
His monotone voice made no impression as you reached the end of another corridor, where two men were standing. You extended your arm, receiving your purse promptly from one of them before the other opened the door for you. Yoongi simply followed you into the foyer, decorated like an elegant waiting room. Yet you still didn't stop and made your way to another door.
He followed you into what was the most luxurious bathroom he had ever seen. Everything was marble, the chandeliers were antiques, and there was even a corner where people could sit down and use the many toiletries and cosmetics available.
“My, following a lady into the bathroom?”
Your mocking tone made his eyebrow twitch, “I'll wait outside.”
“Nonsense,” you simply said before turning to the mirror to make sure your makeup was perfect. 
You twisted your nose at some invisible detail while he waited. He absolutely detested the perfect curve of your back and ass as you leaned forward, and even more the way your hair fell gracefully around you. You were beautiful and wasting everyone's time.
“Now,” you voiced, turning to him. “I'm glad you could take a moment from your busy schedule to help me with my little problem.”
“You clearly have no problem,” he said, relaxing his shoulders. “So lets get to business.”
“My, Chief,” you brought your hand to your chest as though you were hurt. “Did the promotion get to your head?” He raised an eyebrow, and you chuckled and stepped toward him, “Didn't think you'd be that affected by power.”
“I'm not,” he bit between his teeth, eying you attentively while you circled him and reached for the items on the counter behind him.
“Good, good,” you said dismissively, then circled back towards the mirror. “Then you're still the man who isn't afraid to beg and keeps his word.”
Your tone was a bit colder as you leaned toward the mirror to apply a dark red shade of lipstick, and he frowned. It was hard to follow your thoughts, but it didn't matter. He needed to know what you wanted so he could try to finally lock you up for being a criminal mastermind.
“I am, so what is it that you want?”
“I heard your office was looking into the Klysa conglomerate for suspected fraud,” you started, batting your eyelashes as if you had just remembered it. “I need them out of the game.”
“So?” He asked dryly, sharp eyes unfazed by the request.
“So, I have a little something to help you nail them for good,” you reached inside your purse, then pulled his hand to you and placed the flash drive in his palm. “Just put the contents of this drive in any of their computers during your search and—”
“That’s illegal,” he interrupted, leaving his open palm with the USB stick on it.
“So?” Your tone was mocking as you raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not going to do that.”
You hummed and tapped your chin pensively. “Hmmm, but you are. You owe me, and you don’t want to be on my naughty list, right?” You grinned, raising a finger to touch his chin, but he dodged it with gritted teeth. He hated that you had something on him, and the heat climbing up his spine only aggravated him further. “Besides, they are committing crimes. It’s high time they got caught, don’t you think?”
“If there’s an ongoing investigation, then you can wait for—”
“Can’t wait,” you dismissed sharply, your eyes becoming narrow. “They have too many fingers in too many pies, and all it takes is one scandal for it all to come crashing down.”
“All,” you repeated with a smirk.
“I can’t do that.” Your features hardened, and he hurried to say, “It’s a big conglomerate; thousands will lose their job. Families depend on these jobs, it would cause a social catastrophe.”
“Are you getting sentimental, Chief?”
“These things need to be done carefully,” he continued, ignoring your quip. “My department is investigating them, so with time—”
You huffed a deep breath and rolled your eyes, clearly displeased, and he held his tongue. Part of him was revolting at the hypocrisy of using the justice system to get rid of competition for crimes you probably indulged in as well, but he decided to stay quiet. Maybe that would be the easiest way to catch you — to see what kind of things you had on others and how you acted.
“I may consider an alternative with less social catastrophe,” you grimaced. “If I’m adequately compensated.” He raised an eyebrow as you grabbed the flash drive still in his hand and reached to put it inside his pants pocket. “I was left wanting last time…”
The way his spine tensed and his Adam's apple bobbed was difficult to hide, “You mean…”
You hummed, your hand playing with the edge of his pocket, “I’d hate to be left wanting this time.”
Your low, wanton voice gave him goosebumps, but he cleared his throat, “What’s the alternative?”
“That depends,” you smirked, sneaking your hand into his pocket. “Do we have a deal?”
“What is the alternative?”
His tone was dry, yet you chuckled as your fingers brushed his thigh through the fabric, “Are you going to leave me hanging?”
“I asked you a question.”
“So did I,” you said slowly, looking down. You licked your lips slowly at the view, then grinned and faced him again, “A tent is not an answer, Chief.”
He moved so fast you barely saw it as you blinked; in a split second, your wrist was in his hand, yanked out of his pocket. “I’m waiting.”
“So am I,” you grinned, facing him unabashedly. “I want to hear those pretty lips saying you’ll sit down on that couch and pull your hard cock out for me to use in exchange for the livelihood of all those tiny, insignificant people.” You had a sly smile as you spoke, nearing to nuzzle him, and the way he despised you flashed across his face. His grip tightened to keep you away, and you chuckled, “Thinking of using those handcuffs of yours?”
“You don’t know me,” he grumbled, low in his chest, and you smiled widely.
“I know you’re hard,” you shrugged as though you had already won. You licked your lips, “Is it the thrill again? Don’t tell me you’ve been thinking about—”
He pulled you closer to growl something, but something thin and sharp pressed to his belly, and his breath was caught. 
He looked down as you smirked widely, “No knife this time, this is all you, Chief. At attention,” you dragged your acrylic nail up his stomach slowly, and his eyes followed it, holding your other wrist tightly still. “Must be difficult denying how hard and horny you get from dealing with someone like me, but we don’t have time to waste,” you sighed, biting your lip as you raised your hand to his hair, but stopped before you touched him. 
He tilted his head to get the tension off his neck, subtly looking away to catch a breather. You were putting him in a tight spot again, and this time it was even worse; he should know better.
You straightened up to look him in the eyes, “So the deal. Instead of raiding the whole conglomerate, I’ll give you the address of a hidden gambling house run by a higher-up. That, plus the flash drive, should be enough to dismantle those bastards slowly. Gotta give people the time to come and work for me instead, right?” 
You grinned slyly, unable to read what he was thinking because he didn’t know it himself. You had a good alternative that meant not ruining thousands of lives instantly, and that was all he needed to hear. Right?
Your smile suddenly vanished, and you pulled your wrist close to your chest, forcing him to fall into you a little bit as he held onto you, “But only if I get what I want.”
He eyed you, and you stood at a standstill. He should hate this, explode at you for trying to coerce him, for being a horrible person who didn’t think of the consequences of your petty requests, or how they’d affect the livelihoods of so many people. Yet, instead, he was starting to burn. Something hot was licking at the back of his neck as he strained it, trying to soothe the tension again. His muscles were tightening, ready to jump at a moment's notice; meanwhile, his mind struggled. No, he didn’t want this. You were using him for sex and to handle competition; it was nasty business. It was a way to subdue him and corrupt what he represented. You were vile, and—
“I don’t have all day,” you reminded him, and he blinked. 
You were infuriating, petulant, narcissistic, and he hated that he was even considering it. 
You pulled your wrist out of his hand and gave him a cold look, “Never mind—”
He was on his way to the couch before he realized it. He sat on it, facing you, and you stood still, waiting. Looking at you, he had a moment of lucidity, and his shoulders relaxed. He unzipped his pants as he weighed the consequences of going against you — the head of a powerful criminal organization that would work against him, framing his personnel or himself. His career would surely not reach far, and you’d get what you wanted, one way or another. 
His eyes were still fixed on yours as he pulled his hard dick out, not bothering to even stroke it. He was as hard as can be, so he presented it to you just like you wanted, and just like he wanted. His chest burned as you stepped slowly towards him, and he admitted that of all the ways you had to get what you wanted, he much preferred you used him to get there.
You stopped in front of him, threw your purse on the couch, then kneeled on the floor with so much grace he held his breath. The way you had ensnared him without even touching him should scare him, but he was totally in it.
“Say it,” you demanded, only looking down once before facing him again.
“Use me,” his gruff voice revealed his darkest desire before he could stop himself, but he recognized then that he wouldn’t.
As you got up to your feet and pushed him back so you could straddle him, he acknowledged that he wanted everything. He shouldn’t, but he had no morals at that moment. He didn't care about anyone’s record, crimes, lives, or careers; he cared about nothing. You were on his lap, grasping the hair at the back of his head, forcing him to reveal his neck to you so you could bite, and the groan that came out said it all. He dared to frame your waist above him, and you sighed on his neck, pressing yourself to him. Already, there wasn’t much that could get him to stop, but now he guessed there was nothing. Even if someone dared to interrupt, officer or otherwise, he’d never stop, not before he was inside you, and surely not when he was.
No, he hummed, palming your curves freely as you nibbled on his neck and found your way under his shirt. He’d get his dick inside you and show you all the ways he’d been dreaming of fucking you ever since you last met. Only then, when you had been fucked so thoroughly you’d walk funny, would he bite the head off of whoever dared to interrupt you two.
For now, he didn’t have to worry because no one was about to interfere with what you both wanted. Your nails had scratched him to the point he had to grip your flesh in retaliation, or maybe as an incentive. You moved on to bite his ear and the skin right under it, and the way your hips swayed over him drove him insane. No amount of grinding should make him feel this good, and he refused to blow without turning you into a mess first.
His hands on your hips helped you grind your covered cunt harder against his bare dick, and he could tell you liked it because you started moaning quietly. It was a low, dragged sound, almost as if you wanted to hide it, and it riled him up. He wanted you to fall apart, and you wouldn’t be able to stop it.
You surely noticed how keen he was, but your hips kept moving faster. The friction of your underwear on his shaft was burning, but he didn’t care. You were grabbing onto him so tight, your nails were sinking into his scalp and shoulders. You wanted to use him, and he’d show you just how easily you crumbled instead.
But he didn’t expect you to suddenly straighten up and reach between your bodies. He looked at your expression, knitted eyebrows and peeping tongue while you focused, and then he felt it. You rolled your hips a bit, and your eyelashes fluttered at the same time he swallowed a groan and sank his nails into the skin of your hips.
You were holding his dick to your slit, coating him in your slick with every hump of your hips, and he could feel everything. How wet you were, sliding eagerly, especially around your entrance. He tried pushing up to get in, but you didn’t let him, licking your lips spread with a mischievous smile. You were playing with him, and your teasing made him snap his hips, trying to bypass you, but you moved with him, chuckling sensually. His mind was fried then; there was nothing that could ever come close to how delicious you were. How deviant, teasing, wrong, and yet the obsession he didn’t know he could have. 
Was that what it was?
You interrupted his thoughts when you aligned him with you and sank down on him. Your desperate whimper as you did washed his brain clean; all he could do was stare at you with a slack jaw as you indulged in a push and pull, letting his girth stretch you again and again. It was torture, but he enjoyed seeing all your little reactions. The way you bit your lip, panting a little harder with the effort of getting him deeper inside you, fighting your eyes from closing so you could see it happening. He glanced too, but the image of his cock disappearing between your folds, hugged so tightly between your walls, was too risky. He preferred to look at you, pick up on the tells of your pleasure. He particularly liked it when you settled down fully, biting your lip as he poked you inside, tucked to the hilt.
You were hesitant to move, still throbbing around him, so he took your hips and moved them gently. Your reaction was instantaneous, throwing your head back and letting him direct your pleasure as he pleased. It burned inside his chest to see you so vulnerable on his cock, knowing he could do to you whatever he wanted, but he didn’t want to rush things. He absorbed the way you breathed, and your lips twitched with every roll as he guided you. His hands trailed your ass and hips, eager to feel and brand every inch of your flesh, when he noticed the garter in the same place as last time with a knife tucked in it.
He touched the handle, and you chuckled, opening your eyes to look at him, “Scared?”
“No,” he rasped, focused entirely on you, even as his fingers trailed the garter. “You?”
You smiled and leaned into him, “Fuck no.”
He closed his eyes because he thought you’d kiss him, but you only held him tighter and glued your cheeks together. You started rolling your hips faster and panting and moaning into his ear, and he kept his eyes closed. You were using him to get off, and you sounded and felt so fucking divine doing it. He had to fight not to burst too early. Fuck, were you having fun, grinding your clit on him every time the tip of his cock hit that special spot inside you that had you keening. 
He was so focused that he noticed every detail, from the subtle change in the angle of your hips, to the way you pressed your cheek to the side of his face the more you lost control. Eventually, one of your hands moved from his shoulder to the straps of your dress, and then you straightened back up. You were flushed and breathing in quiet moans, showing such a sensual and vulnerable side of you, he was devastated. Still, when you pulled down the dress and revealed your chest, his legs became weak under your swaying hips.
Fuck, how was it that you were so beautiful? Perfectly round breasts trembling gently with every move of yours on his length, searching for pleasure, and he knew he couldn’t remember his own name even if you asked.
Your hand grabbed onto his hair and brought him close, and his mouth instantly latched onto a nipple. You jolted, groaning through clenched teeth, and he fought the urge to press down on your hips harder. He wanted to fuck you so hard, to let go, but at least he had a consolation prize. He licked and teased your perky nipples, brushing the one free from his mouth in tandem, and your reaction was priceless. Hearing you and feeling your nails, he knew he could have pumped you full of cum then, but it was a delight to wait. To notice how urgent your ride became, not just grinding on him but letting your weight fall on him to help his cock reach deep, all while desperately urging him to torture your nipples and tits between his teeth.
He wasn’t surprised when you started shaking despite pressing your legs and arms even harder around him, but he had to think of something else not to come. You moaned and cried while your pleasure came crashing down on you, and on him as well, rhythmically squeezing him inside your tight walls, and it was a lot. It was perfect, fulfilling even though he didn’t even finish, but he stayed resolute while he helped you fuck yourself on him and draw your orgasm out. You said you wanted to use him, and he hoped that included more than just that ride.
You stilled, and he stayed with his face buried in your chest. He kept massaging your ass and hips over him, careful not to force you to move while he licked and nibbled on your sensitive flesh. Just your chest heaving to his face while he inhaled your scent could have thrown his control off, but he waited. Patiently, without ever stopping his touches and kisses.
Eventually, you recovered and pulled on his hair so he’d let go of your abused nipple. You nuzzled his warm forehead before getting back on your feet and walking away from him. He kept his eyes trained on you, and you seemed to wobble a little on your legs, raking your fingers through your long hair until you stopped in front of a mirror. He looked down, noticing how you had left his cock not only glistening, but creamed with your cum, and he shook his head. In that short silence, he thought first that he fucking loved it and wanted you on his dick again, and then he couldn’t take it. This time, he’d grab himself and finish it, regardless of—
“Come here,” you rasped quietly, eyeing him through the mirror. His ears perked up as he looked at you, but he wasn’t sure of what you said. You placed your hands on the edges of the sink, “Come fuck me, Yoongi.”
For a second, he thought he ignited. Like a match to gasoline, your voice sparked and combusted his very blood to the point his synapses stopped working. Then, he got up and approached you slowly. Now that you had asked, there was no rush. It felt inevitable the way he was about to touch you and feel you, like the crash of a wave to the shore, and taming the urge was part of the torture.
He could see the same feeling in your eyes, trained on him through the mirror as he made his way to you, glistening. You were unnaturally still, as if you knew not to move to keep that tension going, and it felt powerful. You weren’t running your mouth, grabbing him, or rushing him. No, you were quite literally still in the position you wanted him to fuck you in and patiently waiting for the treat you knew was coming.
He stopped behind you, looking down at the curve of your body as you arched your back slightly before raising his eyes to the mirror. Not only did your expression give away your desire, with flushed cheeks and your lip tucked gently between your teeth, but your position was vulnerable. You swayed on your legs as though to lure him to come closer, and he did, gluing his crotch to your ass.
Your eyelids dropped as you groaned, rubbing your ass on his erection, and only the sense of control flooding his veins kept him in check. It felt like a reward to see you eager to have his cock inside you again, and he needed it. It was too sweet, he had to observe and take in every little detail of your surrender now that you couldn’t hide. How you squirmed for more of his touch when he palmed your hips, leaning down to help him grab and pull your long dress to the side so he could reach your bare hips. You stopped breathing when he did, leaning even more as though to offer yourself, then gasped a moan when his hand struck your ass.
Your eyes were closed as he held you to him, sliding his glistening dick between your legs as he pulled you to his chest. You fell back into him, melting as he groped your tits harshly, all while snapping his hips. He observed your reactions, hungrily taking everything you gave him with every brush, pinch, or bite. Especially when you tried to tilt your hips so you could feel him better near your core, and he fought you, pressing you firmly, preventing you from getting his cock. He tortured you in other ways, biting and licking up your neck to your ear while he squeezed and rolled your nipples between his deft fingers, and your desperate moans as you squirmed were priceless.
You reached your breaking point and snapped your eyes open, facing him through the mirror with a frustrated harshness that made him smile while he nuzzled your ear. You were about to revert to demanding what you wanted out of sheer sexual frustration, and he loved it. Still, he thought he had given you enough time to recover, so he reached for the elastic of your underwear and slid it down slowly.
It was enough for you to wiggle it down your legs, which forced his arms to press you back into him, pining you in place, and you gushed. He found out he was handling your frenzy marvelously when he reached to feel you and your slick dripped from your heat. He instantly brought his wet fingers to his mouth, and you watched his reflection suck and lick your arousal and cum as if it was a delicacy, and it made you snap.
You squirmed, “Please.”
He finally matched your urgency; he let go of his fingers with a grunt, then grabbed his dick to align himself with you. He had to push you to arch your back so your cunt was easily in front of him, but then he pressed your hips flush to his and you both groaned. Your toes curled, and your face scrunched as you tried moving on his cock, but his hands were claws on your hips, keeping you still. You felt so fucking amazing around him that he twitched inside you, and you whimpered. It was that little sound that broke the dam and let it all overflow.
He snaked an arm up your chest to grab your neck while the other kept you in place to take every snap of his hips into your ass. He nibbled and licked your neck whenever you’d move close enough, and every moan out of your lips only made him want to coax another one. Harder, faster, you drove him fucking insane. He wanted you to fall apart on his cock, cry with how good he was giving it to you, and it was as if you could read his mind. The more you wiggled, the harder his arms pressed you closer. The louder you whimpered, the more he bit you and obsessed over more cries and curses. The more you moved to meet his thrusts, the harder he fucked you, bruising your skin with his fingers and teeth purely out of sheer desire.
“Fuck,” you cried out. “Who knew… you could… fuck like this?”
Something like a growl came from deep in his throat, and he wrapped your hair around his hand, pressing your stomach to the sink in front of you. His hips slowed while you faced him in the mirror, pinned so still you couldn’t see what his other hand was doing until you felt his fingers on your clit.
You jolted against him, and you could almost see the spark in his eyes. “You’re going to come for me.”
You grinned, “Am I—?”
Your voice derailed with him rubbing you softly, contrasting so much with how hard you needed to feel him, it gave you whiplash.
But you couldn’t be quiet; you bit your lip and gazed at him again through the mirror, “Want me to milk your cock, huh?”
You were almost hiccuping, trying to tease him while he played your clit masterfully; meanwhile, his dark eyes on you didn’t give much away. Were you riling him up? Did he want to fuck you senseless now? You wanted him to lose that upright posture and just fuck you like the animal you knew was lurking under all the fucking decorum, but his stupid long fingers keeping the perfect speed on your clit weren’t giving you any chances. You squirmed, but his grip was steel, and it just made you gush around his perfect cock even more. Fuck, you loved the way he grabbed you, handled you, and imposed a high on you despite your best efforts to go against him.
He was so focused, looking at you while he lulled you in the perfect sway of his hips, stretch of his cock, and rub of his fingers. So you smiled at him, “If I come… Will you let go?” His eyebrow twitched. “Will you go fucking wild and use me instead?”
He moved to nuzzle your neck and didn’t answer you. A part of him thought that was not what he was doing, but another knew exactly what that was. You wanted to use him and subdue him, and he’d show you just how easily the tables turned. Would he let go? Would he fuck you senseless? The answer was yes, and he didn’t consider any of it as using you. If you begged to be fucked and creamed his cock while at it, he’d consider it quite simply a lesson you’d never forget. That you’d hopefully want to repeat.
But he never answered you, only increased the reach of his cock inside you while his fingers rubbed you in a stable rhythm. He swayed his hips to drag his shaft across your walls, and saw how you whimpered and tried writhing, unable to deal with the pleasure being enforced on you. But he had been paying attention, so he never had to answer you. Because you wouldn’t have a choice.
You mewled and moaned, feeling a familiar burn in your core and lower stomach that had you tensing unbelievably. As he kept moving, your legs started trembling, and your fingers gripped the cold porcelain sink. He had you in place, and you were so tucked in tight with nowhere to go. You were safe, though, trying to wiggle the intensity both away and closer, until you opened your eyes. There was something about the way he breathed down your neck, looking at you moaning and panting while your tits shook with each breath that got you on a train, and suddenly, you couldn't move back. The tracks were in front of you, yet so was the cliff, and there was no stopping. You tried regaining control, but it slipped away from you, and before you could voice anything at all, you crashed.
You let your head fall back as your loud moans echoed through the walls, giving him goosebumps while he felt your pleasure deeply. Your nails scratched the sink as you swayed your hips to feel him in a particular way, and he closed his eyes, smelling the intimacy in your hair while you disintegrated. But he only gave himself a moment before chasing his own climax because soon you’d be too sensitive and there was no way in hell he wasn’t going to fuck you like you both craved.
He tried to keep his fingers on your clit to help you, but fucking you faster meant losing sight of that. You didn't mind it because you gripped his forearm and whimpered the overstimulation right before you closed your eyes. Your jaw hung open as he picked up the pace and dug his fingers into your hips to keep you in position, and you saw stars. Every time he shoved his cock in, you held your breath, only for a moan to be pushed out of you right before he pulled out. The same push and pull, again and again, all while his fingers tried to tease your clit. 
You couldn’t come so fast again and you wanted to see his crash, so you pulled his hand to the sink for support and arched your back even more, giving him everything you could to help.
The first hint was the quiet groans, then shaking of his head as if he wanted to shake it off and make it last. But you were squeezing his thick cock, meeting his thrusts, and through your brainless moans, eager and hungrily waiting for the moment he’d pop.
And it was divine. Why did a cop look so fucking good busting his nut inside you? Like you were the only cunt in fucking existence worth sticking his cock into? You knew you were, but still, it gave you such a fucking high, you could barely believe it.
His face scrunched as he grunted and pumped himself empty inside you, and you bit your lip, adoring every second. It was twisted but felt and looked so good you could only think it was a shame there was a party you needed to attend a few rooms away.
He opened his eyes to find you looking at him like he was a snack, and it jolted him awake a little. He looked down at your ass pressed to his crotch and sighed to himself. 
Fuck it. 
He didn’t let any thoughts interrupt the high he was in right now, and only when you moved did he move also so he could help you. He let your hips go gently so you could stand comfortably without pressing into the sink, then reached for paper towels to clean you, but staggered. What was he doing? You were still winded, slowly recovering as his cum trickled down your thighs. His cum. From fucking you—
He put the paper towels in front of you and walked back, grabbing more so he could clean himself up, too. He needed distance; he must have been out of his damned mind to do that.  
The hairs at the back of his neck were standing as the disgust made its way up his neck. He shuddered and threw the scrunched paper vaguely in the direction of a trash can, and only then faced you. You were on the couch with a cigarette in your mouth, smoking placidly. He couldn’t help but bite his lower lip at the sight, and then chastised himself. He should have brought some nicotine gum with him.
“Get me something to write,” you said quietly, before taking a long drag. 
You had caught him by surprise, yet you sighed the smoke out with exasperation, “To write the address.”
He frowned at first, what the hell were you on about? But your dry, unbothered look was enough to tell him that you'd soon get up, fix your dress, and go back to your distasteful self. He preferred to have the address. 
Fortunately, he remembered the items behind you on the counter and quickly grabbed something that resembled a pencil. 
You tucked the cigarette between your lips before pulling the eyeliner from his hand. Then, you grabbed his wrist and forcibly pulled his sleeve back. He grunted in annoyance, but you ignored him and scribbled something on his wrist.
Then you let him go and threw the pencil on another couch before leaning back and heaving a seemingly endless drag of smoke in his direction. He raised his eyebrow, unimpressed, and your eyebrows twitched, “Don't go rubbing your wrist too hard, now. Can't risk all those poor souls.”
Your sneer made him roll his eyes, and he didn't answer or acknowledge you. He simply pulled his sleeve to cover your marks carefully and walked out the door.
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vilapollo-arts · 1 day
dressing up for the enemy
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pairing: Sylus x gn!reader
tags: mdni, overstimulation, facefuck, blowjob, consensual nonconsent (mc uses the word "no" and begs him to stop during sex but not their safeword), aftercare, possessive Sylus, (slightly) drunk sex, Sylus uses his Evol during sex, not edited
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a/n: you can find the full censored version of the illustration on my twitter @/vilapollo_arts!! Please consider following the account. I'll be releasing uncensored versions of Xavier's and Sylus' NSFW artworks once I reach my goal of 100 followers! And with that, I hope you guys enjoy this fic!!
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It takes a lot of patience on Sylus’ part before you even start to get under his nerves. Most of the time, when you do, he bends you over any surface near the both of you and fucks you into oblivion. It mostly happens when the both of you are alone. However, this time, you decide to test the limits.
Sylus was invited to a private party which he asked you to come. Of course, he didn’t invite you just to be a beautiful display by his side. You have a target in that guest list and you need them to acquire some information. It’s as simple as that, so you decide that this is also the perfect time for you to also play around. Of course, Sylus only knows the first part of your plans tonight. You needed his connections for that.
You decide to buy a new outfit for this particular party. It’s not often that you splurge on clothing, but then again, Sylus pays for it anyway. You can blend in with the other party goers and definitely attract two of your targets–the person you need your information from and Sylus himself. The best part is that the type of clothing you bought will definitely rile Sylus up, knowing that you have you other ways to extract information from other people.
You tell Sylus that you’re coming from Linkon straight to the party, telling him that it’s best if the two of you arrive separately so that you won’t scare your target off. You want to surprise the man when he sees the outfit you bought yourself for this party. Sylus instead sends a car over to your place to pick you up and send you to the place of the event.
You decide not to bring your weapons with you. After all, you have Sylus to back you up. If you get into trouble, you trust that that man will not let you be harmed.
You arrive at the hotel where the party will be held. You inform the front desk what you were there for. Showing her your copy of the invitation. The lady nods as you and calls for a bodyguard, someone that doesn’t seem to have the same uniform as the usual guards patrolling the hotel. The man escorts you to where the party will be held, which is at the hotel’s sky deck.
Sylus meets you right at the entrance, taking you from the bodyguard’s hands. He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes say it all. You directly meet his eyes as he brings you to an area with less people.
He leans over towards you. “You really outdid yourself with the…preparations you need for today,” he says.
You tilt your head to the side and smile. “Of course,” you reply as you spin around to show him the back. “Business at the front, part at the back. Like it?” you ask, looking up at him over your shoulder.
Sylus chuckles. “You know I prefer it when you don’t have anything at all,” he says, tracing his fingertips on your back. “Perhaps, after your mission, I can take you in my room and help you wash the blood off of you?”
You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest as you fully face him. “Don’t worry about that. No blood will be shed tonight,” you say. “At least, not by me,” you continue in your head.
“That’s a little disappointing, but I guess that’s one less problem to worry about,” he replies. “I’ll leave you to go do your thing now then. I do have other matters to take care off as well.” He almost leans down to press a kiss on your forehead, but one of the guests suddenly comes over. He takes a step back and gently picks up your hand. “It was nice meeting you, sweetie.” He winks as he presses a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “It was nice meeting you too,” you reply.
Sylus’ hand lingers before he finally lets go of you and walks away. Once he blends in with the other guests, you put your mask on and walk towards the crowd as well. You look around among the mingling crowd and spot him at the bar, talking to someone. You decide to saunter over to the bar. As soon as you take your seat right beside them, you feel the two men eye you up and down. Well, if your clothes were enough to rile up the leader of the Onychinus, of course it will also catch the attention of other people.
Your plan is to make him come to you first, which is not really a hard task considering he shooed away the person he was talking to and turns to you.
“Good evening,” he greets, inching his seat closer towards you.
You smile back. “Good evening,” you say sweetly.
“Henry,” he introduces himself and offers his hand for a handshake.
You shake his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Aren’t you going to tell me your name?” he asks.
“Aren’t you going to buy me a drink first?” you ask, reaching your hand out and pressing your hand on his knee.
He smirks, amused. “One drink for them please. Put it on my tab,” he tells the bartender. He turned towards you with a wink. “Well, there you go. Aren’t you going to tell me your name now?”
You smile as you take the drink from the bartender. You take a sip and nod in satisfaction. You turn back to him and introduce your fake name.
“Are you here with someone? I doubt someone as eye-catching as you would come here all alone,” he says.
“I could say the same thing about you,” you reply, leaning forward closer to him. “No one will come and suddenly drag me out of here in a body bag, won’t they?”
From the corner of your eyes, you can see a familiar figure standing a few feet away, staring at the two of you menacingly.
Sylus’ fingers twitches. Without even using his Evol, his piercing gaze alone is enough to probably kill the man. Still, he wouldn’t want to get in the way of your mission. Perhaps once you’re done with him, he’ll send over the twins to take care of him. He’s not usually a jealous man, but he sees the way this man is putting his arm around your waist currently. It doesn’t help that he sees you glance over your shoulder and meet your gaze as if challenging him.
He huffs out a laugh, pressing his tongue against the inside of his right cheek. He downs the whiskey in his hand and places it down on the table before forcing himself to look away.
Throughout the party, you're glued right beside that man. Sylus, on the other hand, tries to ignore you. And it frustrates you because it seems like he doesn't really care that another man is parading you around as if they own you. Despite being disappointed and mad that Sylus isn't giving any attention towards you tonight, you still focus on feeding Henry’s ego so he would eventually spill the information you need from him. And you get to deal with Sylus right after. Or maybe, you will have to pour your frustrations on this man before going back to Sylus.
Unbeknownst to you, Sylus has actually been keeping an eye on you. Even though he’s trying to do his own thing, he still makes sure that you don't leave his periphery for more than 2 seconds. And he’s getting quite concerned with how quickly you're downing your drinks. You still remain the same composure as you had before but Sylus can see how you're starting to slow your movements and even letting the man get more and more handsy towards you. All of that, he’s able to hold himself back. All he could think about is breaking the man’s fingers and skinning his arms so he gets to be reminded to not touch what isn’t his next time. However, he composed himself.
What his breaking point is when the two of you start to leave the area with you pulling him back into the hotel. He rises to his seat and contacts Kieran and Luke to ask for information about the man’s room. Not a minute later and he receives the information that he needs. He knows that you can still handle yourself, considering how you seem to be the one pulling the man behind you. However, it still took a lot of him to not to immediately follow the two of you.
He leaves the party and follows the two of you after five more minutes and heads to the room that the twins have told him.
He arrives at the guest’s suite. He uses his Evol to unlock the door and lets himself in. There's no one to greet him at the door or the living area. He can hear his own heartbeat in his ears because that means the two of you are in the bedroom. A part of him knows that you can handle yourself, but at the same time, he knows that with your current state, you’re still you may still be taken advantage of.
He immediately heads towards the bedroom, slamming the door open.
As soon as he opens the door, he’s greeted by your figure straddling your unconscious target on the bed. You jump at the sound of the door opening, so you immediately lift your gun to the direction of the door, directly at Sylus.
Sylus is unfazed by the gun. He leans against the wall and throws a smirk your way. “If that man wasn't already unconscious, I would've sucked the light out of his eyes and I would’ve deeply enjoyed watching him go limp,” he says.
You lower your gun as soon as you hear his voice. You throw your legs over the body underneath you and hop off of the bed.
“You got what you needed, kitten?” Sylus asks, watching you sway as you walk towards him.
He slowly snakes his arm around your waist and lets you lean against him for support. “No,” you sigh.
Sylus furrows his brows. “What? Was he not the one holding the information you needed?” he asks, brushing away stray hair from your face. You don’t respond right away, so Sylus speaks again, “That’s alright, sweetie. Let me take you upstairs to my room first. You need your rest first.”
“No,” you protest, struggling to look up at him. Your face breaks into a smile in that same second. “What I mean is,” you wrap the end of his tie around your hand and pull him down towards your face, “you.” You then glare at him. “You weren’t paying attention to me all night. You don’t like my outfit?” you ask.
Sylus raises his eyebrow. “For a trained Hunter, I’m kind of worried that you haven’t noticed my attention being on you all night, sweetie,” he says, tightening his hold on you. He looks back at the unconscious man on the bed. “You didn’t notice how much I want to snatch you away from that man and show who actually owns you, kitten?”
You swallow. You don’t know what he actually means by that. However, all you mind could think of is the most unholy things Sylus could have done to you at the party, right in front of everyone. Your legs, which are already feeling like wet noodles, now feel much weaker. If Sylus’ arm isn’t currently around you, you would’ve already collapsed on the floor.
Sylus seems to notice this. Suddenly, he sweeps your legs over the floor, carrying you bridal style. The corner of his lips curve upwards. You yelp and immediately wrap your arms around his neck. “Let’s get you out of here. I’ll let the twins take care of the garbage.”
As he brings you to his own suite, you can’t help but start to feel the insides of your thighs become moist. Your whole body is heating up. The way he’s carrying you as if you weigh nothing at all definitely doesn’t help the thoughts entering your mind.
The elevator is empty when the two of you enter. “Here, let me put you down first,” he says before gently letting you stand on your own two feet. He pulls out his room card and presses it up against the sensor to activate the elevator before pressing a button. As soon as the doors close, Sylus suddenly turns to you and picks you up under your thighs before pinning you against the elevator’s wall.
“Sylus!” you gasp as his hands start roaming on your skin. His touches are rough and possessive, squeezing your arms, waist, and thighs. He buries his face on your neck, his tongue tracing the path from your jaw to your collarbone. He bites down on the area where your neck and shoulders meet. Your whole body shudders.
“You riled me up all night, kitten,” he whispers, voice heavy with lust and possessiveness. “I can’t help but think that you definitely did it on purpose.”
You throw your head back against the wall as Sylus’ fingers travel up your chest and start playing with your nipples, flicking and squeezing them through the fabric of your clothes. The world around you is blurry. All you can feel are his tongue and hands on your skin. You don’t even realize yourself wrapping your legs around his waist, grinding against the tent forming on his pants. You can feel his thickness from just rubbing yourself against him. And all you could think of is him manhandling you as he’s fucking you.
“Please, Sylus,” you whimper, your fingers running through his well-kept hair and gripping them in between your fingers.
Suddenly, Sylus pulls away from you with a smirk on his face. “We’re almost at our floor,” he says. He puts you down and fixes your clothes for you.
The elevator dings and the doors open. He ignores the pleading expression on your face and sweeps you off of the floor once again and into his arms. He walks towards the only set of double doors on this floor. Inside was a luxurious suite, much bigger than the suite you came from. However, you can’t really focus on the grandness of it right now considering that you’re drunk and really, really, really horny.
You swallow as Sylus brings you to what you guess is the bedroom.
“Stop squirming,” Sylus tells you, looking down at you with an amused expression plastered on his face. You can’t help but think that this man has some kind of trick up his sleeve.
As you enter the room, Sylus puts you down on the king-sized bed. He loosens his tie and takes off his suit. You can’t help but bite your lower lip as you watch the muscles on his body move. He hovers over you, planting his hand against the headboard and the other right beside your head. He holds your eyes with his intense gaze. His eyes travel down your body, stopping at your squirming thighs.
He looks back to your eyes and smirks. “I know you, kitten,” he whispers. His breath has a hint of alcohol in it. It feels like he must’ve drank a little more than usual tonight as well. “You don't usually have the need to use that pretty face of yours on your missions. You're smarter than that. Usually, you only use all of this,” he lifts his hand from your side and traces his fingers on your cheeks down to your lips, “when you need something from….me.”
His thumb traces your lower lips. You take his finger between your lips and sucks it lightly, keeping eye contact with him. “And what if I did?” you ask. “What are you going to do about it now that another man has laid their hands on me?”
Sylus’ jaw tenses. He lets out a deep breath with a chuckle. “I already have that man dealt with. The only thing I only have to deal with is you.” He takes his thumb out of your mouth and lightly slap your cheek but still hard enough for you to feel the sting.
He stands back and pulls the chair near the window closer beside the bed. He sits down, legs spread and gestures for you to come to him. “Get up and show me who you’re actually supposed to worship.”
Without waiting for a second, you stand up and are about to approach him but then, a black smoke comes out of nowhere. Before you realize that it's actually his Evol, the smoke pushes you down on your hands and knees.
Your palms and knees sting from the impact, but the pain is actually welcome. If anything, it only adds to the arousal already present between your legs. You crawl towards him, looking up at him through your lashes. When you reach him, you try to lift your hand but the black smoke keeps your palms planted on the ground.
“Keep your hands and knees where they belong,” he says, looking down at you.
You obey. You lean forward and use your lips and teeth to unbutton and unzip his task, which isn't an easy feat. You keep eye contact with him as you take the hem of his underwear between your teeth and pull it down slowly.
“Oh, fuck,” Sylus curses.
Sylus’cock springs out of his underwear, slapping against your cheek. The tip is already glistening with his own precum.
He chuckles. “I can't get over how my cock is as big as your face.” He holds his cock against your face, rubbing it against you. “Now, take it down your throat like a good little kitten.”
He helps you line his cock to your lips and you immediately take his head in your mouth. Your tongue circles around the tip and you moan as soon as you get a sweet taste of his arousal. It’s just his precum and yet it’s already so thick. You can't help but wonder how much he is going to make you swallow. Inch by inch, you take him in your mouth.
Sylus above you watches as his shaft disappears into your mouth. He places his hand behind your head and guides your head forward, pushing his cock further in your throat. He grits his teeth, stopping himself from shoving his cock down your throat. He knows that's what you also want, but he first needs your spit all over his cock so he can fuck your mouth mercilessly without stopping.
You look up at Sylus and his head is leaned back against the wall. The tip of your nose soon touches his stomach. You can feel your throat being spread wide open by his girth. On the other hand, Sylus bites down a string of curses as he feels your throat tighten around his shaft.
He loosens his grip on the back of your head and you pull back, leaving only the head of his cock inside before swallowing it whole once again. You start bobbing your head along his shaft. Without the help of your hand, you do your best to make sure that you swallow the entirety of his cock every time while meeting Sylus’ eyes at the same time.
And Sylus loves it. He loves the way your cheeks become hollow as you suck on his cock. He loves the way you gag occasionally when you accidentally hit the back of your throat with his cock. He loves the heavy breaths you're taking through your nose. Most importantly, he loves how you're shaking your ass in the air as if imagining that he’s fucking you from behind.
Oh, he will give you just that, but for now, he has to fuck your face first.
He grabs the sides of your head with both hands, stopping your movements. And without any warning, he starts fucking your face.
Sylus watches as your eyes roll back as you take his cock in your mouth. Spit starts to bubble at the corners of your lips as he pumps his cock into you.
Sylus’ Evol disappears around your wrist but you don't move. You know that he removed them so you could tap him whenever you needed to breathe or if he became a little too rough.
But you know you can still take it.
Your face is immediately a mess. Your own drool slips down your chin and down your neck. Sylus starts to move your head to meet his thrusts. You ball your hands into fists when Sylus fully buries his cock in your mouth and keeps your face pressed against his stomach.
He doesn't move, keeping your head down. Your eyes start to roll and you attempt to pull your head back but his hands won't budge.
“You know what you should do, kitten,” he says, voice raspy. Even he is out of breath.
You let him hold you like that for a few more seconds before you began frantically tapping his thighs. Sylus immediately lets you go.
You pull your head back, gasping for air. Your tears start to roll down your cheeks, mixing in with the mess of your saliva.
Sylus cups your entire jaw with one hand. “Fuck, you look so pretty like this,” he mumbles before slapping your cheek. His eyes travel down to your thighs and he smirks. “You like that don't you? You like choking on my cock, kitten?” he asks.
You bite your lower lip as you smile up at him, either alcohol drunk or cock drunk, maybe both. “Uh-huh,” you reply.
“Such a good kitten. Open your mouth for me.” You obey, opening your mouth with your tongue out. Sylus spits into your mouth and you happily swallow it down.
He then wraps his hand around your neck. “Stand up,” he orders. He tightens his fingers on the sides of your neck as you stand up. He pushes you backwards, towards the bed. And when the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed, Sylus throws you down.
He climbs on top of you, He takes the fabric of your clothes in his hands and rips it apart. He chuckles at the gasp that you let out. He wraps both of your legs around his waist before pinning both of your hands on your sides.
Sylus keeps his eye contact with you as he slowly moves his hips forward, lining his cock to your hole. His cock easily penetrates your entrance. Your jaw drops as your back arches. You close your eyes, sighing as Sylus' cock pushes against your insides.
But then, Sylus pulls out and buries his cock inside of you in one thrust, pushing a scream out of your throat.
“Keep your eyes on me, kitten,” he demands, pressing his whole body forward, folding your whole body in half, pushing his cock deeper into you.
You cry out and immediately open your eyes, meeting Sylus’ dark gaze. “I’m sorry,” you whimper.
He smirks. “I forgive you for that, kitten. However, you still have something to be sorry for.”
You furrow your eyebrows, confusion painting your face. “H-Huh?”
“I know that you set this night up on purpose. Aside from that mission of yours, you also took this opportunity to make me jealous, didn’t you?” He lets go of your other hand and wraps his fingers around your neck once again. He squeezes, harder than his grip earlier. “Didn’t you?” he repeats.
“Y-Yes,” you squeak. “I did.”
“Wearing that gorgeous outfit, purposefully catching the attention of each and every person in the room. You really took a huge risk just to rile me up, huh?” He laughs. “Such a naughty little kitten.” You see the glint in his eyes before your vision is suddenly covered by the black smoke of his Evol. With your vision clouded, you flinch when you suddenly feel Sylus’ breath against your ear. ““Perhaps I should give you a reward for going such lengths just to get on my nerves. Don’t expect me to hold back though, kitten. I’m gonna fuck you the way you want so fucking good that it’s going to feel like a punishment. Cry all you want, let the whole hotel hear that sweet voice of yours, but I’m not gonna stop until that slutty little hole of yours takes the shape of my cock.”
His deep voice feels like it’s caressing your entire body, leaving goosebumps on your body.
“You know your safe words, right?”
You nod.
“I need you to speak up, kitten.”
“Yes, Sir,” you say out loud. “My safe word is crow.”
“Good kitten.” You feel his soft lips against your forehead.
And when his lips pull away, he immediately starts pounding into you.
He isn’t holding back, staying true to his promise, giving you exactly what you want. His thrusts are hard and rough and his hands on your neck, tightening around you. Your head starts to become woozy. Your body feels light and the only feeling you can focus on right now is the way his cock is drilling into your tight hole. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, not that it matters because he has your vision blocked as well.
Your screams do nothing but fuel Sylus’ thrusts. His eyes remain on your face, which has the messiest and most beautiful expression right now, making his cock harder than it already is inside you. He feels like he’s about to burst. As much as he wants to fill your stomach up with his thick cum, he still has to break you.
As his cock keeps on hitting that sensitive spot inside of you, it doesn’t take long for you to reach your first orgasm. Your back arches, pressing up against Sylus’ torso. Sylus grunts above you as he feels your walls suddenly grip onto his cock. However, this doesn’t faze him at all. Despite being in the middle of an orgasm, Sylus keeps on fucking into you. He does remove his hand from your neck though, letting you cry out loud. He moves his hand on one of your legs and brings it from his waist to his shoulder.
He leans over, using his free arm as a support and fucks you deeper. That immediately brings you to your second orgasm.
“Sylus!” you cry out. “It’s too much! Please stop! Oh god! Oh fuck!!”
He slows down a bit, swallowing your screams with a deep kiss. His tongue dominates yours, swirling it around and sucking on your lower lip. “You know your safe word, love. Would you like to use it?” he asks, voice a bit gentler.
You purse your lips and shake your head. “Please keep on fucking me,” you plead. “I want your cock, Sir. Please let me have your cum inside me!”
“That’s right, kitten. I don’t want you to stop begging, you hear me?”
Without waiting for you to answer, he fucks you as rough as he was fucking you earlier. The slapping of skin to skin blends in with your cries. Your whole body feels so sensitive, each pleasure that his cock is sending throughout your body feels like it’s tripled. You don’t know where your hands are going anymore. You’re reaching for any type of anchor you can hold onto.
“I’m gonna cum again!” you cry out. “Sylus, please, it’s too much!!”
“Hold it in,” Sylus orders.
“No, I can’t!” you cry out. “Please…! I can’t cum anymore!”
“Hold it for me or I’ll let you keep coming for the rest of the night,” Sylus warns through gritted teeth.
You bite down on your lips, pulling on the sheets, trying to focus on everything else but the pleasure building up in your nerves. You do your best to relax your entire body, but Sylus starts to suck and bite on your neck. His fingernails are digging into your hips as he grips them in place while he slams his own hips against you.
“Fuck,” he growls. “I’m close. You better fucking come with me, sweetie.”
Your body automatically responds on its own, immediately tensing up as you feel your orgasm start to build up once again. He lets go of your hips before reaching for your head, slipping his hand underneath, and gripping your hair. He presses a deep kiss against your lips. His thrusts begin to stutter before he fully buries himself deep inside you. Your whole body twitches as you come again for the third time, the sensation elevated because of the feeling of Sylus’ cum inside of you.
Sylus pulls away from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. You breathe each others’ air as the two of you come down from your high. He lets go of your hair and begins to caress your cheek. He straightens himself and slowly pulls out. He sucks in a breath as he watches his own cum ooze out of your hole. He forces himself to snap out of it and get off of the bed to head towards the bathroom.
You whine at the loss of his warmth.
A few seconds later, you can feel his presence once again. You feel a warm damp towel being pressed up against your hole. You realize that Sylus is cleaning you up, wiping your crotch area, stomach, and thighs. You then feel his arms underneath you and he fixes your position on the bed. He disappears once again and comes back with a new clean towel. He wipes your entire body this time. He cleans the makeup off of your face as well. The whole time, you’re in and out of your consciousness.
Sylus disappears one last time. When he comes back, he lays down beside you. He’s entirely naked this time, but smells like soap. He must have taken a quick bath. He gathers your limp form in his arms, basking you in his warmth once again. You feel his fingers caressing your back. You snuggle up against him and he lets you. The last thing you remember that night is the soft humming of your voice and the soft kiss he presses on your forehead.
“You belong only to me, kitten. Remember that.”
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mikkomacko · 3 days
loved the blurb it was amazing!!! you should do something about how reader convinces nico to get john to the devs! only if you want to ofc😘
Nico is in the back office of Sötis, renewing and updating his business registration and licenses when you come in.
Jesper usually handles these types of things but he had a baker call out sick this morning and was currently in the kitchen filling in, so Nico offered to cover for him.
Payroll and paperwork can be a bitch, and they take up most of the day, so it was better to just get it out of the way rather than push it to next week. And he gets to enjoy the smell of coffee and sweets in the oven.
“Ya know,” you say thoughtfully, “if Jesp really wanted to drive business in, he’d put the pretty things up front, not in the back office.”
Nico looks up from the computer, finds you leaning in the doorway. You’re dressed in a pair of loose jeans and Uggs, one of his already oversized hoodies swallowing your torso and bunching up on the curve of your hips.
You so look so fucking cute. Hands hiding behind your back and a sweet little smile on your glossy lips.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite little distraction,” he teases, leaning back in the rolling chair and shutting the laptop. You push off the doorway, slowly trailing towards the desk. Your hands stay hidden behind you and he raises a curious eyebrow.
“Distraction?” You round the desk, Nico swiveling the chair to follow you. “Is that all I am?”
Parting his thighs, you effortlessly slip into his lap, Nico’s hands finding your hips. He notices the careful way you move, turning just slightly to keep whatever you’re hiding from his line of sight.
“Amongst other things.”
Nico leans in, chest aching impatiently as you meet him halfway and press those beautiful lips to his. You cup the back of his neck, fingertips threading through his hair and pull him in even closer. Ironically, he’s so distracted by you that he doesn’t even notice the laminated book you’ve placed on the desk until he’s having to part from you.
“Are you busy?”
He shakes his head softly. “For you? Never.”
“Have you eaten today?”
Nico pecks a chaste kiss to your jaw. “Was actually gonna call and see if you wanted to meet me for lunch. Timo too if he’s with you.”
You laugh. “Oh he’s already behind the counter stealing croissants.”
“Just you and me then, huh?” He smirks, and your mirror it, nodding slowly.
“Can I talk to you about something first?”
Nico blinks, taken aback by the little bit of nerves in your tone. You’re never nervous with him, he doesn’t want you to be nervous with him.
“Of course baby,” he assures, rubbing soothing circles into your lower back. “What’s up?”
You press a sweet kiss to his cheek, reaching onto the desk to slide the surprise you brought with you to him. Nico looks over your shoulder, surprised to see what looks like an official business deal, the cover reading “The Steel Deal” in big black letters.
“What is this?” He asks, fingers itching to grab the book and flip through it. But this is your thing and you seem really anxious to show it to him, so he’s gonna let you take a second.
“My first ever project as a Dev,” you say, a bit shy but when he looks over you’re smiling down at it proudly. “Or I guess deal, not project.”
Nico laughs, tries to ignore how much he wants to just say yes already. He wonders if you know, probably not judging by the fact that you went through the hassle to present a deal to him. But he’d say yes to you no matter what. He doesn’t need whatever plan and outcomes you’ve mocked up.
Whatever you want, he’d make happen.
“Alright,” he says instead. “Sell it to me.”
You flip open the first page and he almost dies at the FaceTime screenshot image of none other than John fucking Marino staring back at him.
“This is Johnny,” you introduce, like he doesn’t already know. For months now all he’s heard about is Johnny. “He’s a Peng, but I think he’d be much more suited as a Dev.”
Oh, Nico wasn’t expecting that one. He thought maybe it was some idea you had about wanting to go see him in Pittsburgh, some kind of trip you were planning and wanted Timo to escort you on.
No this is a Devils contract deal. You want him to join the family. Nico internally cringes, already hearing Crosby’s bitching and moaning if he were to ask for this deal to go through.
God how is Nico gonna make this one work out?
You flip to the middle of the booklet, an amazingly designed chart and noteworthy points decorating the pages. Nico looks closer, realizes that you’ve managed to get your hands on every single job Johnny has done with the Penguins. You’ve analyzed it all; the statistics of which jobs have better outcomes for him, which ones he excels at, the dirty work Sid and Geno have him do, everything.
Intrigued and impressed, Nico flips to scan the next four pages. You’ve got even more stats on him, even going back to the classes and sports he did at Harvard.
A hockey player, Nico thinks, just like the rest of them.
“He does a shit ton of work for Sid, probably even stuff he’s over qualified for,” you explain, “but it’s all outside of what he’s best at. Medical, surveillance, and rat work. He can get into almost any building undetected. And he gets everyone else in too.”
Nico hums. You’re right, Johnny is the best at the grunt work. Grunt work that isn’t suited for the type of city Pittsburgh is.
“They don’t need him like that there, though.” You continue, and Nico can feel you looking at him carefully, gauging his reaction. “The Devs do. He’s our best shot at keeping up with Lee and Trouba, he’s too quick and sneaky for either of them.”
He leans back in the chair, not needing to see anymore. You’ve convinced him. Hell you convinced him as soon as you asked.
But the real problem is convincing Sid, and figuring out if the kid is worth everything Sid is gonna ask for. Nico will try everything he can to make this happen for you, but he can’t guarantee it won’t come without a great loss. For all they know, Sid could ask for Timo or Alex in return, both men he knows you’re not willing to give up.
“I can get you Johnny,” Nico agrees tentatively, and you lean into his chest, eyes wide and eager. “But I don’t know if you’ll like what Sid is gonna ask for him.”
“He won’t-“
“Baby,” Nico says gently. “These deals are rougher than you think. This isn’t goods or product, this is manpower. And loyalty. What is Sid asks for Timo?”
You shake your head, grabbing the book and laying it out over your thighs.
“I talked to Sid and Johnny, I have the deal Nico. Look…”
You’ve surprised him a lot today. But not as great as this. The back of the book has an information page on a man Nico hasn’t laid his eyes on in years. A member of the Devs but not in practice.
Ty Smith.
“Timo told me about him, and then I asked Jack and yeah.” You explain. “Sid would be willing to swap Johnny for Ty Smith, and then he’s gonna turn Ty for some young guy in Carolina.
“Jack said Ty would be willing to be bought out in Carolina, get out of the business entirely. Maybe he’d do behind the scenes stuff there but he’s tired of the city.”
Nico looks over at you, chest swelling with pride. You’re a natural. Sure it seems Timo and Jack helped, but those two are awful at deals not negotiated by Nico before hand. Meaning this plan was all you, and it’s doable. Completely doable.
It’s probably even for the best. Ty had been asking Nico to let him buy him out, but the price he’d have to set would be too high for the poor guy. So he’s just been hiding out in Jersey City for years, waiting until the Devs were big enough to drop him.
“You talked to Sid?” He asks, biting his cheek to keep from smiling. He’s at least gotta pretend this took a little effort for him to give into.
“Yeah,” you assure. “And Johnny. He wants to come here Nico, said it feels more like his home than Pittsburgh does.”
“And you want him here?”
Your gaze flickers, something heavy settling in them like you’re caught up in a memory. Nico would guess it’s something from Philly, but he can’t be sure when it comes to Johnny. You like the kid because he reminds you of your family. Because you get to speak your familial language and reconnect with your past when you talk to Johnny.
That’s always been the one thing Nico couldn’t give you.
And now he can.
“Yeah I do,” you murmur, meeting his gaze again, eyes glossy. “He’s-he’s family to me.”
Nico takes the book from you and closes it, placing it back on the desk. He brushes your hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek.
“Ok,” he agrees, easily. “I’ll talk to Sid tomorrow. Tell him we’re good on the deal, and then I’ll let Ty know.”
Nico laughs. “You really think I’d tell you no?”
Blush creeps up onto your cheeks. “Well no but I thought I’d have to grovel more. Or you’d be mad I did this without talking to you first.”
He squishes your cheek and nudges your nose with him. “Aw my little mafiosa, m’not mad. Impressed actually.”
Nico can almost feel the way you buzz under his praise. “I did a good job?”
“Good?” He scoffs. “You did better than half the putz’s here do. I don’t know how you found all this information or how to put it together but I’m so fucking proud of you.”
You giggle bashfully, eyes scrunching and he kisses you again. And again. And maybe for a couple more moments too.
And then you pull away, hand on his chest and fingering at his pendant. “I stole your work files,” you say innocently, batting your eyelashes at him.
Nico frowns, tries to think of the last time he saw those files in his office at the house. He hasn’t gone looking for them in a while. He can’t even tell you where the key to that drawer is.
Well now he can, he thinks. It’s with you.
“You’re good at this minx,” he chuckles. “Sure you don’t want be boss?”
“No,” you say certainly. “I just want Johnny.”
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aquagirl1978 · 2 days
Can i request Ellis Twilight with the prompt butterfly?
Thank you for the request
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ellis twilight x reader | prompt: butterfly | word count: 750 | tags: mentions of blood and violence; a bit angsty
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It was a perfect evening. The sky above was a painted canvas, shades of pale pink and muted purples blending together, highlighted by the last golden rays of the sun, as day shifted into night; an early autumn breeze kissed the air, a much needed reprieve from hot summer months. 
Except it wasn’t. There was nothing perfect about it.
You were walking hand in hand with Ellis, and the streets were quiet. Too quiet. Instead of providing a sense of calm one doesn’t get while living at Crown castle, the quiet was the perfect breeding ground for intrusive thoughts to invade your head. 
“Are you okay?” Ellis asked, his soft voice pulling you from your melancholy. Finching, you slowed your steps and tilted your face towards his. Ellis continued to speak, his voice still soft in the still air. “You haven’t been yourself since we left…”
His voice trailed off, allowing you to fill in the blanks in your head – the docks. 
“How can anyone…” You paused, then forced yourself to continue, the scene at the docks – and the smell of blood – still fresh in your head. “... be okay after witnessing that?”
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The scene was grisly, more grisly than any scene you had ever witnessed before. The mission was supposed to be simple – well, simple was a relative word when compared to other Crown missions. Go in, scare some goons, get the information, and get out. With Jude taking charge and Ellis acting as his assistant, it should have been simple. 
You smelt the salty sea air before you saw the water, the waves crashing loudly against the restraining walls signaling that you were close. Jude was a few steps ahead, ready to warn you of any trouble ahead.
“What in blazes…. What’re ya doin’ here?”
Ellis stopped and bowed his head. “Ah, Jude, not again. Whatever happened to being quiet?” Ellis muttered to himself. He caught your gaze and tilted his head towards Jude’s voice. “Let’s go. Hopefully, I don’t have to save his ass again.”
“Lemme guess, Victor got all the information he needed and yer skippin’ straight to the execution.”
A light, melodic laugh filled the air. “That’s right.” 
You glanced over at Ellis. “William’s here?”
Ellis sighed. “I’m so sorry.” 
You didn’t have a chance to wonder why Ellis was apologizing; instead, you were distracted by a butterfly that slowly glided across your path, its large orange wings still easy to spot in the waning daylight. 
It must still be looking for a place to rest for the evening, you thought to yourself. There was a twinge in your heart as you watched the butterfly flapping its bright wings, fluttering in the sky. 
Knowing what would most likely happen, a part of you hoped it would find a more peaceful place than here at the dockyards.
“Let’s go,” Ellis whispered, tugging on your arm.
And like that, the butterfly was gone, off to find a place to sleep for the night. 
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“Take this knife and slit your throat.”
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Ellis pulled you into an embrace, his long arms wrapping around your waist, and placed a gentle kiss upon the crown of your head. “If I knew it was gonna happen like that, I would have never brought you tonight.”
Closing your eyes, you saw William’s face. His smile, despite having just murdered those men. The drops of blood splattered on his cheek. Blood that matched his eyes. Blood that wasn’t his.
“This is my life,” Ellis continued. “This is the darkness I live with every day. It’s a part of me. And sometimes I forget you’re not used to that part of my life.”
Nuzzling your face against his chest, the scent of freshly washed linen comforted you.
Ellis tilted your face with his thumb so that you were looking up at him. “Why don’t we get you a hand pie. I think the stand is still open.”
“It's going to take more than a hand pie to make me feel better,” you said with a small smile.
“I'll do anything to make you happy.”
That’s right, Ellis absolutely would. Taking his hand, you walked off together towards the stand. Ellis wouldn't be able to erase the events of tonight, but he was able to soothe you and make things easier. 
Not long ago, you felt like the butterfly, lost while searching for your place to rest. Glancing over to Ellis, his profile handsome against the darkening skies, you knew you finally found your place. 
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival   @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee    @kookie-my-little-sunshine    
@ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer   @nightghoul381 @randonauticrap @xbalayage
@xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia
@lunaaka @ikesenwritings @sh0jun @natimiles @valkyyriia
@candiedcoffeedrops @lucyw260   @nightfoxqueen
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wearentdelulu · 11 hours
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UNTOUCHED (Sylus x femreader) (+18!!)
Summary: after a long day from doing your mission you run into Sylus. What will happen once you’re alone with him in his home….. (“your mouth can lie, but not your body…”)
Story title: UNTOUCHED Sylus One Shot
Authors Note: this story contains mature content. Viewers 18+ are required. This is my first story I hope you all enjoy. Incase you aren’t familiar with Sylus I will give a quick summary on him.
Sylus is the leader of Onychinus in the N109 zone. He can read anyone’s desires just by looking at them in the eye using his Evol powers.
Again this story is rated R‼️
As you walked back home from a mission, the sky suddenly began to pour down heavy rain. “Damn it” you mumble to yourself as you pick up your pace. As you reach the bus stop a black SUV pulls up beside you. You watch the window roll down to reveal Sylus. “Get in.” He says in his all too familiar commanding tone.
It’s not normal for you to run into him on this side of town. Considering he’s the leader of the N109 zone, his presence here alone could cause trouble.
“I’m fine Sylus, you should leave before someone sees you.” You sit down at the bus stop bench, your clothes sticking to your now drenched body.
Sylus raised an eyebrow, skeptical. He took a look at your soaking wet clothes and shivering frame, clearly not convinced. “Sure you are. Get in kitten and I’m not asking.”
Kitten……. He gave you that nickname months ago and you never understood why, but then again you didn’t hated it either….or him. As much of a narcissist asshole he is, you couldn’t help be always be attracted to him. His face was flawless for the most part, aside from a thin scar crossing his right eye, but god…..why did that make him even hotter than before. He was a very tall man with a perfect muscular form. Every movement he makes gave off confidence and authority.
You snap out of your thoughts as you felt a muscular arm pull you into the car. He straps the seatbelt on you and closes the passenger door. You watch him get back into the car, his clothes now sticking to his muscular frame. His gray hair now sticking to his forehead. “You’re so stubborn kitten.” He says pulling away from the bus stop.
You bristled at his words, defensiveness pricking beneath your cold exterior. “I can handle myself. I’m not some fragile little girl who needs your help all the time. I’ll be fine once I get home and change.”
Sylus remains quiet for a moment, his eyes never leaving the road. His expression unchanging. “You’re coming home with me, kitten.”
“W-What?!” Your heart thumped anxiously in your chest at his words. You didn’t know what to make of the situation. Why is he taking you to his house and not yours? What is he up to? And why are you slightly excited at the thought of being alone with him.
He shrugs as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re soaked to the bone and you’re shivering like a leaf. You need somewhere dry and warm to get you out of these clothes. My house is closer than yours.” He stated his tone leaving no room for debate.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You couldn’t deny that he had a point, the wetness from your clothes were making you miserable. But the thought of being at the mercy of someone like Sylus, someone so guarded and cold, sent a shiver down your spine that has nothing to do with the your soaked clothes. “I……I guess you’re right.” You admitted reluctantly. “It’s just a bit strange though. We aren’t this comfortable around each other.”
Sylus lets out a scoff. His cold gaze flickering to you then the road. “You got any better ideas then? He asked, his words laced with a bit of sarcasm. “You want to stay in the rain and wait until you catch a cold? Admit it kitten, you don’t have a choice.”
You flinched at his words, the harshness in his tone cutting through you. You knew he had a point, but the thought of being alone in his house, made your stomach churn with unease and excitement. But you were cold, wet, and the idea of getting out of your soaked clothes sounded so appealing. You took a deep breath, your voice quivering slightly. "No...I don't have any better ideas..."
Sylus seemed satisfied with your answer, a small, smug smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He kept driving in silence, his eyes focused on the road ahead.
After a few more minutes, he pulled up to a large, elegant mansion, the car coming to a halt in the driveway. "We're here," he said bluntly, unlocking the car doors. Your eyes widened as you looked up at the huge mansion in front of you. Sylus lived here? It seemed so...grand and extravagant.
You stayed in the car for a moment, your heart racing with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. Then, with a deep breath, you pushed open the car door and stepped out, the rain still pelting your wet skin. Sylus was already walking towards the house, clearly expecting you to follow. With a hesitant step, you started after him, the water from your clothes leaving a trail behind you.
Sylus leads you up the path and through the front door, his footsteps silent and deliberate. The inside of the house was just as impressive as the outside - luxurious, spacious, and meticulously clean. He gestured towards a staircase that led to the second floor.
"Bathroom's up there. You can take a shower to warm up. There's towels and a change of clothes on the counter," he instructed, his voice cool and firm.
“Thanks” you nod as you start making your way up stairs towards the bathroom. Sylus watched as you made your way up the stairs, his gaze lingering on your disappearing figure. There was something about your vulnerability, your uncertainty, that drew him in. His eyes darkened slightly as he contemplated you. As you reached the top of the stairs and headed towards the bathroom, he ran a hand over his face, his thoughts spinning at a rapid pace. He pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants, his expression impassive as he waited for you to finish.
You shut the bathroom door behind you, the sound echoing in the lavish space. You leaned back against the door, heart racing. You couldn't deny that there was a strange, almost magnetic pull between yourself and Sylus... You glanced around the bathroom, the scent of his shower gels and the sight of his razor and shaving cream on the counter causing you to blush. You quickly started undressing, your cold, wet clothes clinging to your skin.
You stepped under the hot, steaming water, letting out a blissful sigh as the warmth began to sink into your cold, aching body. You used Sylus's soap and shampoo, the fragrance filling your nostrils and making you feel as if you were being enveloped by him. You were acutely aware of the fact that you were in his house, using his bathroom, using his things. It seemed so intimate, so personal.
Sylus could hear the sound of the shower running, could almost imagine the steam rising from the hot water and your icy skin slowly warming up. His mind kept conjuring images of your body under the spray of water, your face tilted back in ecstasy, your hair dripping...
He growled to himself, shaking his head trying desperately to snap himself out of it. He couldn't feel this way, not about you. It was wrong, it was stupid.
A little later you turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a fluffy towel around herself. You looked at your reflection in the large mirror, your cheeks flushed from the heat. You felt much warmer, but you were now aware of the fact that you were wearing nothing in Sylus’s house. With a deep breath, you took the change of clothes that Sylus had laid out for you. A pair of sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. You quickly put them on, the clothes a bit baggy on your frame.
As the you descended the stairs, your footsteps quiet on the carpeted floor, you reached the bottom step and looked up, your breath catching in your throat. Your eyes widened as you caught sight of Sylus, half-dressed, obviously just out of the shower himself. He was facing away from you, pulling on a shirt over his bare torso, water still dripping from his wet hair. The sight sent a wave of heat through your body, your eyes tracing over the muscles flexing in his back...
Sylus pulled the shirt fully on and turned around, his gaze falling on the you standing froze at the bottom of the stairs. He observed you silently, taking in the way his sweatpants and t-shirt hung loose on your body, the way your hair was damp and clung to your face, the rosy flush still on your cheeks. For a moment, he didn't say anything, just looked at you. Then, a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as he leaned against the wall, folding his arms across his chest.
You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly dry. You stood there, feeling all too aware of the fact that they were alone, the house dead silent except for the sound of their breathing. Sylus's smirk made your heart flutter, and shifted on your feet, the loose pants around your hips slipping slightly. "Th-thank you for letting me use your shower," you managed to whisper, your voice quivering slightly.
Sylus chuckled, the sound low and amused and entirely too attractive. He took a step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. "Don't mention it," he said, his tone light but his gaze intense. "Couldn't let you freeze to death, could I?" He paused for a moment, his eyes wandering over you once more. Then, he spoke again, his voice lower, more intense. "You look good in my clothes, by the way."
Your cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink at his comment. You fidgeted with the hem of the t-shirt, unable to meet his gaze. "Th-thanks," you mumbled, your heart hammering in your chest. "They're...they're comfortable." You didn't know what else to say, your mind reeling from his proximity, from his intense gaze that made your stomach flutter with nerves and something else...
Sylus took another step closer, standing a mere foot away from you, his eyes raking over every inch of your face, down to you neck, shoulders, the curve of your hips... He was so close you, could smell the scent of his soap and shampoo, could feel the heat radiating off his body. "I’ve never seen you so nervous kitten." he said, his voice quieter now, the tone almost intimate. “Cat got your tongue?”
You swallowed again, throat dry. Being this close to him was sending your senses into overdrive. You had to consciously remind yourself to breathe. “I um…” you turn your gaze away from him.
“You know I can easily get it out of you. You know my power of compulsion tells me exactly what you’re so afraid to say.”
The statement, spoken so simply yet so earnestly, sent a fresh wave of heat through you. You could feel your pulse racing, your body responding to his nearness in a way you couldn't control. You knew that once you locked eyes with him it’d used his power to read your thoughts…..your desires. And you knew once he’d did it’d all be over for you.
"But…..” he trails off. “I rather hear you say it with that pretty mouth of yours.”
“You’re overthinking things.” You managed to say gaining some kind of confidence. “You’re always over your own head sometimes. I just wanted to thank you for the clothes that’s all.”
Sylus leans in, his smirk growing wider seeing the effect he’s having on you. He reaches out grabbing your chin, tilting your head up to meet with his gaze. “I think we both know what you’re thinking about, kitten. So tell me what you want and maybe I’ll fulfill your request.”
Your eyes widened, your pulse quickening even more at his words. You could feel the heat radiating from him, his presence overwhelming your senses. You tried to come up with a witty response, but your brain seemed to have short-circuited.
"I...I—" you stumbled, your voice trailing off as you stared up at him, completely flustered. “I don’t know what…..what you’re talking about.”
Sylus chuckled at your inability to respond, clearly enjoying your flustered state. He leaned in even closer, his face almost touching yours. He could hear the hitch in your breath, could see the way your eyes darkened with desire. "Speechless already, hm?" he teased, his voice a sultry whisper. "Just from me standing here. I wonder what other things I could make you speechless about..."
Your head was spinning. His proximity, his voice, the promises in his words...it was all too much. Your body trembled slightly under his gaze, your heart racing like a drum in your chest. You tried to look away, to compose yourself, but your eyes kept drifting back to his, drawn to him like a magnet. "S-stop it," you mumbled, your voice quivering. "You're...you're being ridiculous..."
Sylus chuckled again, the sound deep and rumbling. He reached out, gently tucking a strand of her hair behind your ear, his fingers lingering at your earlobe. "Am I?" he murmured, his eyes flickering to your lips. "Or maybe...just maybe...you're enjoying this a little too much……Your mouth can lie but your body can’t, kitten.”
You let out a shaky breath, unable to deny his words. The way he was looking at you, the way he was touching you and talking to you... It was like gasoline on a fire. Your body was responding on its own accord, leaning into his touch, wanting more, wanting all of him... "Sylus..." you breathed, your voice pleading and needy.
Sylus's smirk faded, replaced by a look of intense desire. Hearing his name on your lips like that, the raw need in your voice... It shattered the last of his self-control. In a swift, fluid motion, he grabbed you by the hips, pulling you flush against him. His body pressed against yours, his hands sliding under the fabric of the t-shirt, his palms splaying across your bare skin. "Say it again," he growled, his lips hovering over her throat. “Say it, kitten.”
You gasped as you were pulled against him, your body molding to his like it was made for him. Your breath hitched as his hands caressed your skin, the feeling of his palms against your bare flesh sending shockwaves through your entire body. "Sylus, please—" you whimpered, your voice a mix of pleading and desperation. You couldn’t think, you could only feel, only crave more of his touch. You didn’t care if you sounded desperate because you were. Your body begged to be touched, to be claimed by him.
Sylus growled again, the sound primal and possessive. Your pleading voice, your body pressed against him, your skin hot under his hands... It was driving him crazy. He ran his lips over her throat, his teeth nipping at your flesh as he spoke. "Please, what?" he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper. "What do you want, kitten?" He rolled his hips against yours, his body telling you exactly what he wanted, exactly what you were doing to him...
You shivered violently, a moan escaping your lips as he rolled his hips against yours. You could feel him, hard and hot against you, and it was overwhelming, it was too much and not enough at the same time. You clutched at his shoulders, your fingernails digging into his flesh, searching for something, anything to anchor you. "Y-you," you gasped, your voice ragged with need. "I want...I want you..."
Sylus was hanging on by a thread. His breathing was ragged, his body taut like a coiled spring. The words that you spoke, the way you looked, the way you responded to his touch... It was like a drug, one he couldn’t get enough of. He pulled you even closer, his lips finding yours in a searing kiss. His tongue delved into your mouth, tasting you, claiming you. His hands roamed over your body, desperate to touch every inch of you...
You melted into the kiss, returning it fiercely, your body arching against his, desperately seeking more. Your hands roamed over his back, his shoulders, his chest, your fingers tracing the muscles that were flexing under your touch. Every nerve, every fiber of your body was on fire, responding to his touch in ways you had never experienced before. You felt drunk, dizzy with desire, the world narrowing down to only him, his touch, his taste, his presence...
Sylus broke the kiss, his eyes dark with desire, his breath coming in hot, ragged gasps. He picked you up effortlessly, one arm behind your back and the other under your thighs, holding you against him. Your hands clung to his shoulders as he carried you up the stairs to his bedroom. He kicked the door shut behind them, then gently laid you down on the bed. He stood over you for a moment, his gaze raking over you as you lay before him, a beautiful, willing offering...
Sylus watched as you stared up at him, your body trembling subtly. The look in your eyes. A mixture of anticipation and submission fed his own desires, making them burn hotter, brighter. He climbed onto the bed, his body hovering over yours, his arms caging you in. "You have no idea how badly I've wanted you," he murmured, his voice a guttural rumble. "how badly I've wanted to have you, to take you, to claim you..."
“I’ve…..I’ve never…” you mumble avoiding his gaze. A hint of embarrassment and vulnerability at your inexperience.
Sylus raised an eyebrow at your admission, surprised and yet not at the same time. There was a sense of innocence about you, a purity he hadn't expected. It made the fire within him burn even hotter. "Never?" he echoed, his voice gravelly. "You've never let someone touch you like this, take you like this?"
You shook your head. You tried to look away, but his gaze held you captive. "N-no," you whispered, your voice small. "I...I've never wanted anyone else like this... like I want you..."
He lowered himself onto you further, his body pressing against yours, pinning you to the bed. He threaded his fingers through your hair, gripping it gently but firmly as he dipped his head to her ear. "And now," he murmured, his voice a low rumble, "I'm going to be the only one who touches you like this. The only one you'll ever want, the only one you'll ever need."
He leaned in slowly, giving you plenty of time to pull back if you wanted to. But you didn't. His lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss. It deepened, becoming more passionate, his arms wrapping around you possessively.
You couldn't think, couldn't do anything but feel, your body writhing under his touch, your mind spinning with a riot of sensations. The pressure of his body against yours, the taste of his mouth, the way his hands moved over your skin, as if he was mapping every inch of you. "Sylus," you gasped, your voice ragged with desire, "please..."
“Patience kitten.” He looked down at you, his eyes burning with desire as he took in the sight of you lying before him, so innocent and untouched. He reached out and gently pushed your legs apart, spreading you wide for his gaze. “We need to get you ready for me.”
He lowered his head between your thighs,removing the sweat pants then your underwear. His warm breath caressing your most private parts. You gasped, your hands flying to his hair as he began to kiss you there, his tongue gentle yet insistent. "Shh," he murmured against your flesh, his hands tightening on your thighs. “Let me take care of you.” He mumbled against your thighs. “Just trust me.”
You nodded, unable to form coherent words, the only sound that passed your lips was a soft moan. You trusted him, implicitly, completely. You were in his hands, at his mercy, and you surrendered willingly.*
He paused, lifting his head up. "Have you ever touched yourself here, kitten?"
“N-No.” you stumbled out, not able to hide your moans and gasp.
"Good," he growled. "Because from now on, I'll be the only one to touch you here. Only my fingers, my tongue, my cock." He returned to his task, his tongue pushing inside you, exploring your tight heat.
You were lost in a haze of sensation, your body burning with heat and pleasure. Sylus knew just how to touch you, how to draw out every sweet sound from your throat, how to bring you to the edge and keep you in a state of almost unbearable pleasure.
"Sylus," you gasped, your voice barely a whisper. "Please...please, I can't...I can't take anymore..."
"You can," he replied, his voice a growl. "And you will. You'll take what I give you, kitten.”
He felt your body tense beneath him as you neared your release, his tongue thrusting rhythmically into you. "Let it happen." he urged, his fingers joining his tongue to stretch you further. He looked up at you, his red eyes glinting in the room light. As you cried out in ecstasy, your inner walls clenching around his tongue, Sylus swallowed your release, his face buried between your thighs. He stayed there for a long moment, savoring the taste of your cum before finally lifting his head, his chin dripping with it.
He rose, untying his belt and getting rid of his pants, his underwear practically flying off. His cock sprang free, thick, long, and ready. He knelt between your legs, his body tensing as he guided himself to your entrance. "Look at me," he rasped, his voice heavy with desire. “You’re so needy, kitten.” He pumps himself as he watches you below him.
You watch as he pumps himself, his long length making you feel intimidated and anxious, but a part of you wants him more than anything right now. Taking a deep breath you try to still your nerves.
“We gotta get you ready for me, kitten…..again. I’m not a small man and neither is my cock. I’m getting inside of you one way or another.” He says with a grin as he leans now and slips his hand down, exploring your folds gently. He finds your entrance, slipping a finger in. He's so gentle, yet you still wince at the slight discomfort. "Relax" he says, his voice laced with desire as you watche his fingers disappear inside of you. “You’re so tight, kitten.” He slowly begins to move his finger in and out of you, the sensation strange yet not unpleasant. “Focus on me. Nothing but me.”
You nod taking a deep breath as you let him stretch you wider with each thrust.
Satisfied that you're handling it well, he slips in another finger. The stretching sensation is more pronounced, and you grimace slightly. "Breathe," he reminds you, his voice low. He grins as he feels your body relax and accommodate him. "Good girl," he praises.
He continues to stretch you, adding a third finger after some time. You whimper at the intrusion, your fingers gripping his arms tightly. "Look at you taking it so well," he encourages, his voice warm. "Just a little more." Finally, he curls his fingers, pressing against that spot inside you.
Your moan fills the room, and he grins, nuzzling your neck. "Remember this feeling," he says. He withdraws his fingers, and leaves you empty. Then he sits up positioning himself between your thighs, his cock springing free, dripping with pre cum. "Last chance to back out,"
You swallowed, your throat dry, your body shaking with need. You managed to find your voice, your words coming out in a ragged whisper. "Please Sylus," you breathed.
"Look at me," he commands. “I want to watch you take my cock for the first time.” You lock eyes with him as he slowly enters you. You gasp at the intrusion, the sensation of burning pain intense. Tears well up in your eyes, and he kisses them away. "Shhh, kitten."
“I…..I can’t….y-you’re too big.” You whimper not used this level of pain and discomfort.
“You can.” He commands. “And you will.” He pauses, giving you time to adjust. You take a deep breath, trying to relax your body. "Fuck you're so tight," he grits out, his voice strained.
Slowly, the pain begins to fade away, leaving you with a feeling of fullness. He starts to move slowly, his hips rocking back and forth. “There you go. Take it, take my cock like a good little kitten.”
He begins to pick up pace, his thrusts becoming more confident. You feel him hitting that spot inside you, and your back arches off the bed. He lets out a low moan, his head burying in the crook of your neck. "Fuck……kitten. You’re sucking me in so tight." he murmurs.
His movements become more urgent, his breath hot against your neck. You can feel the pressure building inside you, a coil tightening in your belly. "Sylus..." you whimper, your fingers digging into his back. He responds by kissing you hard, his tongue sliding against yours in rhythm with his thrusts.
"This is what you wanted, huh? Practically begging for my cock. And now…..you’re going to cum all over it….Isn’t that right, kitten?" he breathes against your lips as he grinds deep into you. The coil snaps, your body tensing as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you. He swallows your cries with his mouth, his thrusts becoming shallower as he chases his own release. “Mmm, love to see it”
With a final, deep thrust, he stills inside you, his hips pressed against yours. You feel his warm release filling you up, the sensation sending aftershocks through your own body. He collapses on top of you, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he tries to catch his breath. “Damn kitten.”
After some time, he lifts his head to look at you. "You okay?" he asks. You smile weakly at him, your limbs feeling heavy. "More than okay," you reply. He grins mischievously. "Good. Because we're just getting started." He rolls off you, his eyes gleaming with desire. "Round two," he announces, pulling you on top of him. "And this time, I want to watch you ride me."
“W-What? I…I don’t know how to do that. We just….did…….all of that…..arent you tired?” You say your voice slightly panicked as you straddling his lap your hand on his chest.
“I want more.” He says bluntly. "Just rise up, then sit down when I tell you." He lifts you easily, bringing you down onto him as he bucks his hips upward. You gasp, the angle hitting you deep. "Mmm like that,"
He guides your hips, helping you rise and fall in a rhythm that quickly has both of you panting. You lean forward, bracing your hands on his chest as you gain confidence in the movement. "That's it," he encourages, his voice tight. "Just like that, kitten."
His hands move to your breasts, squeezing and caressing them as you ride him. Your head falls back, a moan escaping your lips. Your body on fire and full of intense pleasure. He sits up suddenly, capturing one of your nipples in his mouth as he continues to thrust into you from below. “S-Sylus…” you pant out moaning.
“You feel fucking incredible," he says, his breath hot on your breast. He lies back down, his fingers finding their way between your bodies. He begins to rub at your swollen bud, his touch gentle yet insistent. "Don’t stop" you whimper, he grins. "Not till you come for me again," he promises, his fingers continuing their torturous rhythm. You quicken your pace on top of him, the dual sensations pushing you closer and closer to the edge. "Sylus... It's... It's too much," you gasp, your body tensing.
"Cum for me, kitten" he commands, his voice firm. His fingers press down on your clit, sending you spiraling over the edge. You cry out, your body convulsing as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you. He continues to thrust into you, drawing out your orgasm as long as possible. When your body finally stops trembling, he flips you onto your back, his eyes dark with desire. "My turn," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "I want to watch you fall apart again."
He begins to move inside you, his thrusts powerful and demanding. You wrap your legs around him, your fingers digging into his back as he takes you higher and higher. "Sylus... I can't... It's too much..." you whimper, your body sensitive from your recent orgasm.
"You can take it," he says through gritted teeth, his pace quickening. "Come on, kitten. Give me one more." He reaches down between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit and beginning to rub in tight circles. "Sylus..."
He leans down to kiss you, swallowing your cries as he drives you towards another release. Your body tenses beneath him, your fingers digging into his back as you hurtle towards the edge. "Look at me," he says, pulling back from the kiss.
You lock eyes with him as you topple over the edge once more, his name on your lips as your body convulses around him. He groans, his own release following closely behind. He collapses on top of you, his breath hot on your neck as he tries to catch his breath.
Sylus laid down beside you, his chest heaving, his breathing ragged. His body was thrumming with satisfaction, a deep, primal contentment that came from possessing and claiming you.
He rolled onto his side and pulled you against him, his strong arm wrapping around you, anchoring you against him. He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your scent, letting the reality of what you two had just done sink in.
You felt like you were floating. The sensations coursing through your body, the blissful, boneless feeling that made your limbs feel heavy, and your eyelids droop. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. You could still feel the remnants of pleasure, little tingles that made you shiver involuntarily.
You shifted, moving closer to him, seeking the comfort and warmth of his body. Your hand came up to rest on his chest, feeling the steady thump of his heartbeat under your palm.
He moved his hand to your hair, his fingers gently threading through, his eyes still watching you. You were beautiful, so damn beautiful, and you were his. All his.
"How do you feel?" he asked, his voice a low rumble. "Are you... alright?"
You smiled, a soft expression that was a direct result of your relaxed state.*
"I feel... good," you murmured, your voice a little sleepy. "Really good. I've never..."
You trailed off, your cheeks flushing a little. The truth was, you had never felt like this in your life. You had never experienced something so intense, so overwhelming, that left you feeling so exhausted and yet so satisfied.
Sylus chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling. He drew you closer, his arm tightening around your waist, holding you firmly against him. The possessive grip of his arm, the satisfied, almost predatory expression on his face, it was clear he had claimed you, claimed your body and your pleasure, and he wasn't going to let go anytime soon.
"Good," he replied, his voice a low murmur against her hair. He smiles, his eyes fluttering closed as he nuzzles against your neck. "Rest now, kitten" he murmurs, his arms tightening around you possessively. "You’ll need it for what I have planned tomorrow.”
You chuckle amused by his eagerness, but smiled at the thought of being with him like this again. “Can’t wait.”
He falls asleep shortly after, his gentle snores filling the room. You lay there, wrapped in his arms, feeling safe and content. As you drift off to sleep, you can't help but wonder what new thing he has planned for you tomorrow.
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bootsukki · 20 hours
"AITA for pushing my best friend away?"
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warnings: english is not my first language!! use of (y/n), teenagers in love lol
This it my first time posting here and I really don't know how to use Reddit but...
I (17M) have been friends with this girl (17F) since my first year of high school. I've never been really sociable and I can only say that, until then, I had one friend but ever since I met her, I have considered her a really close friend.
We go to the same class and I’ve been getting this weird feeling whenever I see her or when we talk. It has been happening for a while now, but ever since we came back from break, it has affected me mentally. I can't concentrate on tasks and I need to prepare for my final exams and university entrance exams so I have decided to just, ignore her, I guess?
The thing is that the feeling has not gone away and it has grown and I don't know what to do. Maybe she's not the problem and I just have anxiety for the future? idk.
Am I the asshole for pushing her away without an explanation? I'm the worst with social interactions.
It was the middle of Tsukishima's third year, a time that should have been filled with the usual grind of studying, volleyball practice, and casual banter with friends. But lately, something had shifted. And it had everything to do with his best friend (Y/N).
She had been friends with Tsukishima for more than three years. Tsukishima could not remember what brought him closer to her, but he remembered clearly that he first noticed her his second day at Karasuno. (Y/N) was not afraid of challening him and his sharp tongue, and somehow, even when he didn't mean to, he let his cold demeanor down whenever she was with him. If he was being honest, being friends with her was easy and everybody knew it.
It was easy until he spent a week away visiting Akiteru. Then, he started to feel it - a weird and unfamiliar tightness in his chest whenever he saw her texts on his screen and the heat on his cheeks whenever he opened her Instagram story. He dismissed it as home sickness. Truth be told, he had not been away from home for more than a few days and even when they had no school, (Y/N) and Yamaguchi were always trying to hang out with him but, why would his heart skip a beat whenever his phone pinged with a notification?
Then, it became worse. Back at school, his heart quickened whenever he heard her laugh or when her hand would softly brush his trying to reach a pencil. It made no sense to him and the uncertainty gnawed at him, annoyed as well. He needed to concentrate on getting a good grade for his university entrance exam and needed no distractions.
So, he began to isolate himself and push her away.
It started small—avoiding eye contact, muttering curt answers when she asked how his day was. Soon, he stopped texting her back, stopped waiting for her after classes, and made excuses when (Y/N) asked to hang out. She didn’t seem to notice at first, still bright and hopeful, assuming that Tsukki was just being his usual, antisocial self. But then she started frowning more, voice dropping when asking him if there was something worng and sighing whenever her texts weren't answered.
Tsukishima opened his laptop to see that his Reddit post had comments on it and opened it quickly.
"Hey! YTA bruh."
"you have feelings for her lol i can feel it from this side of the screen... weird feeling and can't concentrate on tasks!! bro, you are in love with this girl but yeh, YTA for pushing her away without saying a damn thing so you need to fix this if you want her to be your friend or girlfriend lmao good luck"
"you're just a teenager in love, talk to her"
Like her? Not even like her, LOVE her? Tsukishima shook his head, blushing sightly at the sight of those words on his screen. He didn't like her like that, right?
Tsukishima turned his computer off, laying his head on the desk, closing his eyes. The closer he got to (Y/N), the harder it became to ignore those feelings happening inside him. He hated it. He hated the vulnerability that came with trying to find out his true feelings for her, because, even if he wanted to avoid them, they were completely true.
Since the beginning of their friendship, he always found her pretty and as time passed as he got to know her, he knew he was completely fucked.
Why did he let it get so hard? He could never tell her. What would she say? She would probably reject him and ruin their whole friendship and that what something he did not want at all. Not now that they were going to the same universitry but he was not like Kuroo, who told him stories about his university flings or Bokuto, who had no problem telling anyone what he felt.
(Y/N) deserved someone better than him, someone that could communicate their problems and love her unconditionally. Tsukishima sighed deeply, moving from his desk to his bed, looking at his phone, trying to find her last messages that he had not responded. If he told her how he felt, she’d probably laugh it off or, worse, feel sorry for him.
And so, he kept her at arm’s length, until one afternoon.
"Tsukki, wait!" (Y/N)'s voice rang out and Tsukishima froze. He had just finished volleyball practice and was walking back to the volleyball club room when he heard rapid footsteps walking up the stairs.
He turned slowly, adjusting his glasses and clearing his throat, looking at the shorter girl, still in her uniform, up and down.
"What?'" His tone was flat but she didn't back down, instead, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him angrily.
She stepped closer. "You've been avoiding me." Her eyes searched his face for an answer. "For like... two weeks now. Care to explain why?"
Tsukishima clenched his jaw, hands tigheting into fists at his side. She was completely right and the truth was sitting like a weight on his chest. He had no escape now and had to make a decision: tell you the truth and suffer the consequences of her rejection or lie and hope she believes his lie.
He was about to open his mouth but the sight of (Y/N)'s face stopped him. There was no sight of anger but of concern and hurt that broke his heart. He was a complete asshole.
"Did I do something to upset you? I-"
"No." Tsukishima replied, heart pounding. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"Then?" She stepped even closer to him, little space between them. "I don't understand why you've been pushing me away and not answering my texts or even looking at me."
He couldn't tell her. He couldn't but her saddened eyes bore into him, desperate for an answer and he crumbled under her gaze, like always.
"You need to talk to me, Tsukki." She whispered. "Please."
"I..." He took a deep breath, eyes darting away from her face. "I like you."
The silence that followed felt deafening and she blinked, stunned at the soft words spoken by the boy. He turned away, heat rising to his cheeks.
"I don't expect you to like me back." he said "But I... I suppose I needed to tell you even though that may have totally ruined our friendship."
(Y/N) stepped closer to him and, trembling, hugged him from behind, his, still, sweaty body, jumping from the sudden closeness of her body to his.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice was gentle and low, as if she was hiding her face too and her touch sent a shiver down Tsukishima's spine.
"It's stupid, right?"
She giggled, shaking her had. "You're an idiot, Tsukishima Kei." She stopped hugging her for a second and he turned, eyes widening at her rosy cheeks and big smile. "I've liked you for a year now."
She blushed again, looking into his golden eyes. "I thought you'd never notice or that you didn't want to hurt my feelings."
Tsukishima stared at the girl in front of him, trying to process her words. He didn't know what to say to her. He had never had a girlfriend or even had a girl approach him like this. He had his first kiss with a girl on Kageyama's birhtday party last year but that was it.
"I... I don't know how to proceed." He admitted. "The... Boyfriend-girlfriend thing? I'll screw things up."
She laughed softly and nodded. "You want me to be your girlfriend?"
She smiled and nodded again. "That's okay. I don't know either but... We'll figure it out?"
For a moment, Tsukishima stood there, watching (Y/N) as she played with the sleeve of his jacket. He cleared his throat, trying to maintain some control at the thought of (Y/N) being his girlfriend but he took a step closer, reaching for one of her hands, interwining his fingers with hers while his other hand went to her face, caressing her cheek softly.
His heart thudded heavily in his chest as (Y/N) stood on her tiptoes, tilting her head slighty and eyes closing as her lips brushed against his, tentative, as if she were asking for permission and he froze once again, but, without a second thought, he leaned into the kiss, his hand slipping from her cheek to her waist, pulling her just a bit closer.
Just as he was about to pull away, a loud, familiar voice echoed down the hall.
Tsukishima froze, his lips still hovering close to (Y/N)'s as his eyes snapped open in horror. Both of them quickly turned to see Hinata standing a few feet away, mouth agape, eyes wide in shock and delight.
Before either could react, Yamaguchi came jogging up behind Hinata, looking confused.
"Hinata, why are you yelling—" His words died in his throat as he took in the sight of (Y/N) and Tsukishima, still standing too close, cheeks flushed from the kiss.
"Oh," Yamaguchi said, a grin spreading across his face. "Ohhhh."
"Tsukishima!" Hinata’s voice was full of glee, as if he had just stumbled upon the best gossip of his life. "You were kissing (Y/N)!" His tone was incredulous, as if he couldn’t believe what he had just seen.
"I knew something was up!" Hinata continued, practically bouncing in place with excitement. " I never thought I'd see the day!"
Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the heat rise to his face. "Shut up, Hinata."
But Hinata was on a roll. "Kissing in the hallway, huh? That’s so unlike you, Tsukki!" He paused dramatically, eyes widening even further. "Wait—are you dating?!" Hinata gasped, then leaned forward with a mischievous grin. "So, how long has this been going on, huh? How many secret kisses? How many dates? Tell me everything!"
Tsukishima, already at his limit, glared at Hinata with a deadly expression, his lips pressed into a tight line. "If you don’t shut up in the next three seconds, I’m going to kill you."
But Hinata, fearless as ever, just grinned wider. "You’re in love, Tsukishima! Admit it! You’re all soft now!"
Yamaguchi snickered, clearly enjoying the sight of his usually stoic best friend looking so flustered. Hinata, sensing he had pushed enough buttons for one day, held up his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay! I’ll stop! But seriously, this is amazing! I can’t wait to tell Kageyama!"
"Don’t you dare," Tsukishima growled, his voice dangerous low, glaring at the orange-haired ball of energy. But as much as he wanted to snap, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips when he looked down at (Y/N).
He rolled his eyes, squeezing (Y/N)'s arm as he walked past her, heading towards the club room. "Wait here, I'll walk you home."
Hinata, ever the observant one when it came to emotions, pointed dramatically at Tsukishima. "See! He’s smiling! He likes this! He’s totally in love!
"Hinata, shut the hell up."
update: hey reddit, I looked at all your comments and decided to talk things with her which was great. Made her my girlfriend and had our first date yesterday, it was great and I think she enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for all your advice.
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niffler-gold · 2 days
Just a small Tracy fluffy fic.
I have 3 older sisters and there was a pic of us in the house for years of me at 4 years old on my first ever adult drop ride at a theme park. My 2 oldest were protecting me with arms firmly on my legs while my middle sister was grinning away like a mad women on the end. This story will be based off of this.
Thanks @coco9728 for the theme park inspiration.
Scott sighed sitting back in the old leather chair by his father's desk. It had been a long day, hell it had been a long week. He looked at all of the reports stacked in his inbox and begrudgingly opened the next one on the list.
He had barely seen his brothers this week except if a rescue had pulled them together. He frowned. The report he had opened was a Ti document. It was someone needing access into the old data banks for the latest project. He sighed again. He couldn't remember those old passkeys which meant he had to go into his dad's private study to retrieve them.
He avoided going in the study. It brought back too many unpleasant memories but sometimes needs must and he knew this was important.
He cracked open the door. God. He breathed in the smell. His aftershave still lingered after all this time. He let the memories flood him of his dad's presence before moving to the desk to find what he came to get.
He sat down and started to rummage through the draws but then froze. He pulled out a worn old photograph that he had forgotten even existed. The memory flooded him before he even knew what was happening.
A 7 year old Gordon woke him up by bouncing on his bed. "Scott, Scott get up". "Irgh" came the reply from the older teenager's bed. "Come on, today's the day we're going to the theme park" "get up". The next thing he knew the little menace that was his fish brother had ripped his duvet off him. Gordon saw the gleam in Scotts eye to late to react. Scott grabbed all of his flayling limbs and grabbed him to his chest and pulled the cover back over them. "No". Gordon's muffled scream could be heard through a lot of giggling.
John just so happened to be walking past his brother's bedroom at that exact moment, confused why the door was wide open. He poked his head round the door and could easily guess who Scott had prisoner in his bed. "Dad's not gonna be happy if you two are late" he said in a loud voice to be heard over all the giggling and yelling. Scott threw the cover off his head. "Yer, yer, were comi-" he was cut off by a yell of "Scott". Alan, all of 4 years old, had wandered in behind John. Next thing any of them knew Alan had all but ran and jumped on the bed hurtling towards his brother.
"I've missed you he said cuddling up to him". Gordon replied before Scott had a chance "he's only been away a few weeks" he said in his ever knowing 7 year old voice. "Too long" Alan pouted back. Before anyone could say anything Virgil and their father appeared at the door. "Come on boys we need to get a move on if we want to get there" Virgil then piped up "Gordon what did we say about bothering Scott" "it's fine Virgil" he replied scoping both the littleies into his arms. "I've missed them anyway, even this little monster" he said tickling Gordon some more. Their father just smiled in the door way. "Good to have you home son'".
30 minutes later and they were all bundled into the car on their way to the local theme park. It wasn't one of the huge parks but it was big enough for them to spend the day there and had rides that all of them could enjoy.
Scott spent the ride catching up on all of the mayhem his brothers had gotten into in the last few weeks since he had been gone. Safe to say it was a lot.
Once they arrived he relished in being back with his family going on different rides. There were 2 big water slides with rafts for 2 people to go on and they seemed to spend an age on them. First Scott took Alan on it with him holding his brother tightly as Alan screamed the whole way down only to burst into a fit of giggles at the bottom when it was over and his dad picked him up out of it. He made sure he went on it at least once with all of his brothers but the best was definitely Virgil. John may be older but was as skinny as skinny still. While Virgil was small he had broad shoulders and definitely been going to the gym, the weight of both of them made it go a hell of a lot faster. They even all watched Gordon and Alan come down together. Gordon taking his big brother responsibilities seriously as he walked hand and hand with him up to the top and held on tightly to him as they came down.
After a lunch of pre-packed sandwiches Virgil and John had made that morning, they wandered off to find some bigger thrill seekers. They came across a drop tower. One of those rides that take you slowly to the top only to plumit back down to the ground. Gordon begged his older brothers to take him on it. So as big brothers do they did. Alan was pretty upset as his dad had said no so instead his dad lifted him onto his shoulders as they watched their brothers go on it. After that Scott and Virgil decided to take Gordon on a few more bigger rides while John and their dad took Alan to the kiddie rollercoasters.
After taking Gordon on the scarier rides they found their dad sitting on a bench alone. "Dad!" Gordon yelled running and practically jumping into his dad's arms. "You had fun Gordy" he said ruffling the blond locks on his second youngest head. " Yer, we even went upside down". He then started jabbering at an inhumanely fast pace that no one could keep up with. " Where's John and Alan" Scott asked interrupting his brother's manic tail. Their dad pointed at a small train rollercoaster where John stood off to the side. "That's his 5th time in a row on that one". "Why isn't John on it with him" gordon asked. "Well he was, and he took him on every little coster in this section and went on with him but Alan seems to like this one. After the 3rd time in a row he got off and has been watching him since". The rest of the brothers giggled. John must have noticed them as he got Alan off the train and started walking towards them.
Allie bound up to Scott and hugged his leg. He instinctively picked him up and hugged him close. Virgil smirked at John. "He worn you out" he questioned sarcastically. "You try doing that coster multiple times in a row. It's essentially a circle I was getting dizzy" he retorted. The rest of the family just laughed. "Scott". "Yes Allie" he replied looking at him in his arms. "Big drop, I want to do the big drop". Scott put him down. "He really hasn't let that go has he" said Virgil. Scott turned to his father. "Dad please". He said in his best child-like voice. Next thing their dad knew all his sons were chiming in asking him. He looked at his youngest with pride as he reminded him so much of his late wife. "Are you sure you want to Alan." A chorus of cheers went up from his sons.
So off they went back to the 'big drop' Alan had called it. Luck was on their side (also tall genetics), as Alan was just tall enough for the ride. There were 5 seats each side so all of them could fit into the row. Scott lifted Alan up and pulled down his shoulder restraints securing him in before taking his own seat. The older boys knew exactly where to sit in order to look after the two minis. John was at the end and had Alan next to him. On the other side of Allan was Scott. And then Gordon, then Virgil. Alan looked tiny in the seat. Both John and Scott had their arms over him protectively. Gordon was grinning like a mad hatter. And Virgil on the end was making sure he was safe. While they were waiting for the ride to start the boys noticed a flash but before they had time to react the ride started to go up and their dad was waving from the ground camera in hand.
Alan loved it. He squealed at the drop. And laughed when it went back up. John and Scott were laughing hysterically at him while holding onto him. Gordon was also laughing at his brother but also was enjoying the sensation himself. Virgil was just vibing on the end while looking out for Gordon as well. Even he couldn't help chuckle at his youngest brother's screens even though he couldn't see him.
Once they got off the ride they decided to head home, after all it had been a long day. The photo had been forgotten or so they thought.
Scott walked back into the lounge and was happy he found all of his brothers there. "Where have you been asked" asked Virgil. "All your work was still open on the desk, but you weren't in the kitchen or anywhere near". Scott smiled and sank into the sofas with his brothers.
"I had to get something from dad's study... Can't remember what or why now, but I found this". He laid the picture on the table for all of them to see.
"no", said John, "it can't be". Virgil piped up "Alan's first ever big ride". All of the boys crowded in on it. "You can't say you weren't protective enough" quipped Gordon. "He's got a huge harness on and you and John still have your arms over him holding him safe". They all chuckled at that. "Did you know about this Scott" asked Alan. "No" he replied quietly. "Given how used it looks dad must have looked at it a lot" said Gordon. "Yer" replied Scott in the same quiet voice.
Nothing more was said on the photo but a few days later it appeared fully restored as a permanent fixture to the old desk. Once dad's now Scott's.
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You know what, I have to get this off my chest so here's my essay on why Anakin and Padme's relationship in Attack of the Clones singlehandedly sinks not only Episode II, but detracts from the entire prequel trilogy.
Here's the thing: the prequels are a tragedy, chronicling Anakin Skywalker's lamentable fall to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader. But the movies spend SO. MUCH. TIME. foreshadowing Anakin's fall, we never really get to see him be a hero. (I will always be immensely grateful to The Clone Wars for giving us this desperately needed characterization for Anakin).
The same applies to Anakin/Padme's relationship. Their romance should be a tragedy, and really the only way to make something tragic is to make the audience root for it to succeed in the first place.
But their relationship as depicted in the movies is so toxic and covered in red flags I can't root for it to succeed. (And Anakin himself is already apparently one breath away from going full Dark Side so there's no chance to root for him either.)
Side note about "I don't like sand" since the problems with their romance often get chalked up to "Anakin is awkward" : "Awkwardness" could have worked, because awkwardness CAN be sweet and endearing when it's coming from someone who is shown to be kind and compassionate (see: Tech in general, but also with Phee). But Anakin, 10 years after TPM, isn't depicted in AotC as truly kind or compassionate or anything even approximating heroic until maybe the Battle of Geonosis at the very end of the movie. So yeah, Anakin being an idiot young adult when talking to a girl he likes is understandable; it's all his other behavior that is absolutely unacceptable.
Just a few "highlights:"
- Padme covers the cams in her room because she doesn't want Anakin watching her, then directly calls out Anakin for the looks he's giving her and tells him it's making her uncomfortable... And Anakin's response is creepy smile and then later he persists in talking to her about how he dreams about her etc and so forth.
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^ Oh, if only the above or similar had been the actual scene...
- Inexplicably (and out of character for the Padme we got to know in TPM), Padme just... rolls with it and lets Anakin continue the creepy behavior she just told him she didn't like? Okay, guess we're reinforcing the idea that when women say "no" they don't ACTUALLY mean "no," persistence always wins, just gotta keep trying no matter what the woman says.
- Anakin strokes Padme's bare skin (she still hasn't said anything to indicate she's okay with this kind of attention), and she kisses him before pulling away and expressing regret over it. Since there's no other explanation given for Padme's sudden attraction to Anakin, we're left to assume that Padme must have been hiding her feelings for him from the get-go and therefore it must have been right for Anakin to keep testing her boundaries (do I really need to spell out how deeply problematic this messaging is??).
- Padme tells Anakin a relationship isn't feasible. (I have frequently come across comments on her "dominatrix dress" in this scene because apparently if a woman is going to turn down a man she has to plan on wearing, what, a burlap sack I guess, so the guy doesn't "get the wrong impression"). Anakin then shuffles full responsibility for his feelings onto her because of "the kiss she shouldn't have given him."
- Anakin commits one mistake and bad decision and egregious crime after another in the movie, as noted above it's not until Geonosis that he makes any decision that could be marginally considered heroic or "good," and... Padme likes this awful behavior, apparently?? Where did Padme liking this come from??? (If you're going to have freakin' rational smart independent kick-butt PADME fall for something like this, at least explain/show WHY.)
- By the time we get to the "We're about to die so yeah I totally love you" cliche, I'm not even cringing anymore because I'm just trying to figure out how we got to this point in the first place.
So... Yeah, we keep being told this is an epic tragic romance, and all I can see is two hours' worth of indicators that if Padme were my real-life friend, I'd be holding an intervention long before Anakin got assigned to her security detail on Naboo. FOR FORCE'S SAKE, PADME, HE'S BEEN THROWING UP NOTHING BUT RED FLAGS! RED MEANS STOP!!!
Again, this isn't just "Anakin doesn't know how to talk to girls because he was raised as a space monk." (Come on, people, Obi Wan was raised the same way and he does NOT act like that... But I digress.) This is Anakin being a creepy stalker who doesn't listen to the woman he supposedly loves and won't take no for an answer, and he ends up rewarded for it, and we're supposed to cheer him and Padme on and want them to be together?
No. Not me, at least.
And with this as the backstory going into Revenge of the Sith, with us never getting the chance (in the movies) to see Anakin at his best even with the woman he supposedly loves, Anakin's fall doesn't really feel tragic - it just feels... inevitable. His fall is plenty tragic and regrettable for the Jedi and clones and the Republic in general, of course; but with respect to how Anakin's demise affects him, it just hits as being a long time coming.
(At the end of the day, the only reason why I tolerate Anakin/Padme in TCW is because I actively ignore everything about their relationship from AotC. TCW also did such a stellar job showing enough of Anakin's good side contrasted with his darker tendencies that Anakin's fall in RotS now finally hits me as tragic for Anakin in particular. And the only reason why I rewatch AotC is for Obi Wan and the Yoda v Dooku fight, I almost always skip over 90% of the "romance" scenes at this point because I don't like gagging while watching a movie.)
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