#but i got too excited and wanted to answer this before going zzz
sodabranch · 6 months
Halo here, still waiting for the next time their irl friends are up to play Lethal Company together... Justice time!
1. One thing that would suck about the Company is that I doubt it you get time off for illness/injuries. So imagine the dilemma of Justice having to leave to look after the employees heading to the bunker, but also being worried about the one needing to be left to rest on the ship.
Other than the issue of the employee being unable to react timely to an enemy lurking near the ship, I see Justice's past experiences worsening their mental conflict. They were always there, when the master or someone in the household got sick, so leaving them feels unnatural.
And what if it's something they can't simply recover from? Earning a disability is bound to be as easy as death itself, on the job.
2. Okay, this one isn't a Justice specific one. I was thinking, man, even the freakiest and erratic of nutcracker OCs will find a human out there who thinks they're really cool! Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.
Because the nutcrackers have parasites, making them semi living, what if one could apply a freaking soulmate AU to it?!
3. Justice, in the past, waiting for the master to come home from work, but they're coming home late. How would Justice react? I could imagine it thinking about how it can't just make a phone call.
Sure, you could easily turn the idea into angst, but I see it that the master simply had overtime, and eventually came home just fine. But Justice is a bit angy they never warned it, because it was worried...
4. The employees and Justice were gathering scrap from a mansion. Everyone is back inside the ship, confident that Justice will soon return safely. In the midst in the snowstorm, they see its approaching silhouette, but something about it is different? Oh, that's right, it's carrying scrap, too. But what?
As Justice steps inside, they see it's a—
Oh no, it's a somehow decently preserved and clean puffy dress?! Justice is irradiating excitement; isn't this fitting for a partner to wear for a waltz? The employees, on the other hand, are thinking 'Oh crap, it's gonna make one of US wear it!' They then push the one who they know Justice sees as the master to the front of the group, like a sort of sacrificial offering to wear the dress.
~ Halo
Oh, I'm also waiting for my friends to have a free night so we can play Lethal together and totally suffer the consequences of our own actions...
I just arrived home a moment ago so brace yourself:
Aaaand no, I also doubt the Company would be so kind to offer you some time off or even compensation lol. Once you're away from Gordion you're on your own, buddy;; better read the fine print.
Justice would be torn between staying with them or helping the team. On one side, it would be able to provide care for the injuried person, aiding them on their needs and staying guard in case any entity was to take advantage of their state; on the other side, there's no way it is going to abandon the team!!! four people is still better than three. Yes, of course it believes that the team can totally fend for themselves!! but maybe just maybe,,, what if some monster sneaks up on them and it can't do anything, then what!
In the amidst of this mental dilemma, Justice settles on giving the crewmate a walkie and gestures for them to use it if something were to happen, then helps tucking them in the uncomfortable bunk bed (to much of Justice's dismay. It really has ought to look for a way for them to rest more comfortably...), and there's no way it is going to forget the "healing kiss" to the forehead before heading out with the rest of the crew. Then maybe it would keep checking on them from time to time, excusing itself to "bring some scrap back to the ship".
Oof I let myself get invested in that one,,,
AND UMGMMGGMMGMG, SOULMATE AU???? ON MY BLOG?? MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK- I REALLY need to think of a way to make this real???? I never thought of it as a possibiity, but you're kinda so right? Preach.
Asdhsdhd also choking up from thinking of Justice waiting by the door to see if their master makes it home safely...
At the start, it would be a bit confused, they were supposed to arrive some time ago! Well, could have been a slight delay, but that doesn't erase the nagging thought telling it something might have happened. What if they got injured on their way back? What if someone did something? What if this? What if- Enough for now, it should think more rationally than that. So naturally, Justice decides to busy itself with some cleaning while it waits... Only for more minutes to pass and for it to start growing more and more worried. Now without any tasks to do while it waits it just sits motionless on the entryway, expecting to see them any second now...
And it's not until the sound of keys turning and the door creaking open that it can rest, seeing the face of their master and mentally restraining itself from running up and hugging them. For now, it is glad it got to see their face for another day.
Just just imagine,, while exploring this mansion, Justice finds itself in some sort of bedroom. Rummaging through it, it wasn't long before something caught it's attention: a perfectly preserved dress stored inside some sort of garment bag... The sight alone brought back so many memories of packed ballrooms and the many dances that took place, most of which Justice had to spectate. As a guard, it was supposed to watch over the people, never let in the fun.
So it guesses the crew won't have much trouble when it brings the beautiful garment back to the ship!! One of them even stepping forward, how sweet!
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and im cutting it here because it may be getting too long :9 but I have so many new ideas giggles*
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Pregnancy definitely brought out an affectionate side of Yoongi that you hadn’t seen before. He was a lot touchier with you, especially around your bump, holding onto you often even when the two of you were in public too.
He was incredibly protective of your bump; he’d always keep an eye on it whenever you were on your feet or moving around. On those restless nights that you had too, he’d always be there to try and comfort you as best as he could by relaxing his arm around your bump or tracing gentle shapes across it to try and distract your little one from wriggling around too much.
For the most part, Yoongi was more than happy to help you out with whatever cravings you had, however when you asked for some peculiar combinations, he’d definitely judge. You could tell by the way that he looked at you that he probably thought you were crazy, but all the same he’d go and get whatever you wanted to make sure that he kept you happy.
Yoongi was by far the calmer of the two of you as your due date approached, you couldn’t understand how he was so relaxed about things. He knew that you needed him to be relaxed, and although a small part of him definitely began to fret as your due date neared, the overriding feeling that Yoongi felt was excitement, every time the nerves crept in, he’d just remind himself of all of the incredible things that were coming your way.
The excitement that Yoongi felt about having a baby was certainly one of the biggest things that surprised you. He wasn’t usually one to express much emotion, but when it came to talking about the baby, he wouldn’t be able to wipe the smile off his face. It was one of the biggest things that the others noticed around him too, how much happier he seemed and how wide the smile on his face was as time passed.
His mum especially would be involved with the two of you often, when Yoongi struggled, he’d only have to ask his mum and she’d have the answers. She’d also often pop round with meals prepared for the two of you, with you not as active on your feet as you used to be, she was keen to make sure that you looked after yourselves when it came to meals, filling up your freezer every single time she came to your home to visit.
Yoongi was usually very organised, however getting ready for your baby to arrive was completely different. He’d always worry that he’d forget something or that something wouldn’t go the way that the two of you hoped for. However, those worries would always be well hidden as soon as you were around him to keep you calm too.
Words failed to describe for Yoongi how incredible it felt for him when he heard the heartbeat of your little one for the very first time. You could tell that he was trying to keep himself together, however, as soon as you got back to the car and out of your appointment, his hands were wiping the tears from under his eyes.
You noticed a lot more since you fell pregnant how often Yoongi would remind you that he loved you. He’d usually get quite shy whenever he said it aloud, however as you were growing and things were getting a little more stressful, he’d say it more often in the hope that it would keep you calm and make you feel supported too.
Yoongi didn’t tend to get jealous over anything when it came to your pregnancy, there were little things that annoyed him, but nothing ever really got to him. He loved that the others wanted to be involved and support you both, and whilst he loved being there to support you, he sometimes failed to hide his relief that he wasn’t the one actually carrying, and instead could just support you through the hard times.
The kicks of your baby would often wake Yoongi up, especially when he rested against your bump. It would always make you laugh as you could tell how hard he would bite his tongue to not vent that he’d been disturbed, reminding himself that it was the baby, and that he could never really get mad at them too.
He was calmness personified when it came to labour, whatever you needed, Yoongi had it, wherever he was needed, Yoongi was there. There were certainly snippets when he’d feel his heart beat a little bit faster, but for the most part he knew that he needed to be calm in order to support you. Only once it was over, did he allow himself to relax and let the emotions of the day that he’d kept pent up hit him a little harder.
The morning sickness was one of the hardest things for Yoongi to adjust to, even once it had passed, just the thought of it sent a shiver down his spine. You were well aware that Yoongi didn’t cope too well with things like this, so when it first arrived, you’d try and get through it without him knowing. However, when he found you one day, and after a quick scolding, he never left your side when you were being sick again.
Decorating the nursery was much more of your thing than it was Yoongi’s, but that didn’t stop him watching over you constantly as you painted and stepping in whenever you were building something when it began to feel dangerous.
He was obsessed with the relationship that he had with you, pregnancy certainly brought the two of you closer and made Yoongi feel a whole different love for you that he had never experienced before.
You were barely made to lift a finger for the first few days after your labour, Yoongi did everything that you needed him to. As the same as during your pregnancy, his mum especially came round a lot, offering her reassurance whenever the two of you began to worry that you were doing the wrong thing or not knowing what your baby needed.
He’d often find himself questioning what pregnancy hormones did to you when you’d ask him for something strange. He never imagined you’d be one of those expectant mums that would suddenly have all the weird cravings that you did.
When you were eventually sleeping, Yoongi would often take himself away and into his studio, where he’d often write down lyrics from the emotions that he felt throughout your pregnancy. By the end, he had a whole song written, keeping hold of it, promising himself to share it with your child when the time was right.
Numerous copies of your scans were always kept on Yoongi wherever he was. If anyone ever asked for one, he’d always have copies to spare to hand around, and if they ever had any questions then he’d be more than happy to point out even the smallest details about your baby, remembering exactly what the sonographer would tell you both.
You ended up finding out you were pregnant whilst Yoongi was on tour, which put a slight dampener on the whole experience. However, as soon as he was home, Yoongi made absolutely sure to make up for leaving you to experience it all by yourself.
After missing out on taking the test, Yoongi made sure to be at all of your appointments so that you never had to go through another step of pregnancy all alone.
As much as he wanted to enjoy your bubble alone for the first few days, he couldn’t wait to show your baby off, and so as soon as the boys mentioned coming to visit you both, Yoongi gave them a date and a time to be there for.
He was incredibly patient throughout your pregnancy; you were much more impatient and often having to be calmed down by Yoongi.
As with his affection in general, Yoongi would kiss you a lot more often too, especially around your baby bump. He’d often lay beside it lay at night, trailing kisses along the length of it to measure how big it grew each and every day.
You were his inspiration, the strength you had to go through pregnancy left him in awe.
Sleep was precious to Yoongi; however, he was open to sacrificing the odd hour whenever you needed him. It was certainly a part of his routine that struggled to adjust, but he knew more than anything that even through the night, you needed him.
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freakynct · 3 years
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「𝒂-𝒛 𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔」
— wong kunhang
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a; aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i feel like hendery is such a goofball after sex and loves to be playful after all the sexual seriousness. he likes to stay close to you, pulls you closer and kisses your cheeks and loves teasing you about how good he made you feel or about something particular you did to him so you both just end up laughing with each other and cuddling
b; body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
i  think he’s really proud of the abs he worked hard for so i would say that’s his favorite body part of his. on you however, it’s your smile, he just loves when your whole face lights up when you smile and how contagious it is
c; cum (anything to do with cum basically)
messy, messy, messy. he loves anything that has to do with cum and loves having fun with it, so he’s not concerned if things get a little dirty. but he loves especially when he gets you so turned on that you can’t stop dripping for him, it boosts his confidence and makes him so happy that he has that effect on you. and when it comes to him cumming, his favorite place is either over your tummy or inside your mouth and if you swallow everything that’s a plus for him
d; dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
hendery is shameless and he doesn’t care if anyone finds out the dirty things he’s doing with you but something that turns him on so much is having any type of sexual interaction in public, god he loves that. he once had your back pressed against him on a bus while you were on vacation as you reached around to jerk him off right there with people around you. he swore he fell in love with you a little bit more after that surprise but fucked you like he hated you right when you got back to the hotel room
e; experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
some people may say that he has been with a lot of people before due to the fact that he is a natural flirt but... no actually they’re right, he has. hendery has a good amount of experience, he has been with multiple people before because why not? he thinks it’s fun and everyone involved has a good time. he has had enough time to learn and practice and become really good at what he does in bed and he’s proud of it
f; favourite position (goes without saying)
 i don’t know if it’s really a surprise to anyone but his favorite position would have to be 69. a chance to eat you out at the same time as you suck him off with the perk of grabbing your ass? sign him in
g; goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
to me hendery is very versatile. yes he is a dork at heart but when it comes to sex he can be as serious as he can be playful, it really all depends on what his partner is more into and that’s important to him
h; hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
he likes to keep himself well groomed and has tried shaving everything off a couple times but he finds that he prefers having hair down there but trimmed to perfection, so everything is clean and is pleasant to his partner too
i; intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
hendery is more of a casual guy, he doesn’t like having too much preparation before having sex. he likes to let things happen casually and normally and likes living in the moment. however that doesn’t mean that he can’t be romantic at times if the occasion asks for it but i see him as the type to make that attempt and failing a little bit or being awkward or clumsy which is not always bad and can make both of you laugh. at the end of the day it’s the intention that counts
j; jack off (masturbation headcanon)
very regularly and only because his schedule doesn’t allow him to do it every single day, because trust me he would. his favorite place to do it is on his bed, he gets to lay down, close his eyes and take his time but when other people are around and he doesn’t have the luxury of having the room all to himself he prefers doing it in the shower. he even tried using the shower head on him since he heard it felt good on girls and he always needs to try out everything at least once and lets just say he wasn’t disappointed
k; kink (one or more of their kinks)
i think his main kinks are exhibitionism, voyeurism, pet play, sensory play, brat taming, spanking and sir/master kink
l; location (favourite places to do it)
hendery doesn’t like anything too boring so he always prefers to have sex in adventurous places and therefore his favorite places are anywhere where there’s a chance of both of you being caught
m; motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
teasing. he absolutely loves when you make the first move and you start to tease him. just your touch and your sweet words can make him hard in seconds
n; NO (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
hendery is pretty experimental so i see him being very open to try out anything he or his partner wants to do and for that reason i really don’t think there’s anything specific he absolutely would say no to
o; oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
loves both so much, i don’t think he can choose between tasting you or feel your mouth around him but when it comes to eating you out he knows exactly what he’s doing and what you like. there’s not one time that he won’t make you cum just with his tongue
p; pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
like i said before i think hendery is a very versatile guy and his partner's needs and wants are very important to him too so this aspect really depends on that. but i would say that his preference is rougher and faster sex. it’s definitely more exciting and fun for him that way so he tends to have that type of sex more often
q; quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he is all for it, why not? he loves a challenge and he will take any opportunity to fuck you. i think he still prefers to have proper sex because it lasts longer and there’s a lot more he can do but quickies are exciting to him so he wouldn’t say no
r; risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
yes, yes and yes. i think that’s an obvious answer considering everything i’ve already said. hendery is basically up for everything and is super experimental and loves to take risks. the thought of being caught and doing something you’re not supposed to be doing turns him on so much
s; stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
i think most of the time sex with hendery would be only one round, except if he’s feeling extra horny that day or you beg very nicely for him to fuck you again. however i see him being able to have sex multiple times a day and he has the stamina for that. but one thing is for sure with him, sex doesn’t end until both of you are completely satisfied
t; toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
hendery loves the idea of using toys on you and if you’re in a relationship he would definitely have that talk with you and ask if that’s something you’re interested in and if he can buy some. he loves making you feel good, so the thought of you squirming as he uses a toy on you really turns him on but he would also really enjoy watching you use one on yourself, that’s for sure. i think he would be open to let you use one on him if you really wanted to try that but i don’t think that would be something he would ask himself
u; unfair (how much they like to tease)
in my opinion he likes when you tease him more than teasing you. but even tho he loves when you make the first move, he also really enjoys when you play hard to get and he has to resort to his teasing tactics to win you over and trust me, he’s a master at it
v; volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
hendery isn’t loud nor quiet. he simply doesn’t hold back and if he feels like moaning then he will, especially if his partner likes to hear him as well. he uses it to insantivate you as well when you’re the one taking over to show you how much he’s enjoying what you’re doing. he loves moaning or groaning in your ear because he knows how weak that gets you
w; wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
“where are you running to baby? i told you you have to stay still.” hendery looked up at you with the biggest smirk on his face knowing exactly that not moving was impossible for you. you whined as he tightened the grip on your thighs that were now straddling his head. “c’mon, i’m not done tasting you yet.” and right as he said that he was back at pulling your hips down, forcing you to sit on his face once again as you desperately tried to stay quiet, his tongue running between your folds, collecting every last bit of your wetness.
“kun-...” you didn’t even manage to say his whole name as a moan fell from your lips, the combination of his sweet lips on you and his hands exploring as much of your body as he could made your mind spiral, your hands involuntarily making their way to his hair, pulling on it and receiving a grunt from hendery in return.
“hm hurry up and cum on my tongue baby, i can't wait to fuck this pretty pussy."
x; x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
in my opinion i think hendery is on the average size, let’s say the perfect size because it’s not too big to the point of hurting you but not too small to the point of not feeling that much. i think he’s circumcised and more on the thinner side but barely
y; yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
another obvious answer based on everything i’ve said so far but very high sex drive and it’s very easy to turn him on. i would say he’s able to have sex everyday if it comes to it and he can go multiple times a day
z; zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i would say pretty quickly if he’s really tired but he will make sure to clean up and check if you’re ok before dozing off. however i have a feeling that he can be a little less careful when it comes to one night stands and just fall asleep right after you’re done. he’s definitely the type to sleep over after a one night stand even if that was not the plan
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countessmorgasson · 4 years
Extra fluffy Asra x MC x Muriel! Let this be your next comfort fic :)
Gender Neutral MC
(Disclaimer: AU? Not really based on any routes)
If there’s one thing all magicians have in common, its the mutual respect for energy. 
There’s nothing more sacred to those who understand magic- your physical and mental energy are things not to be taken lightly, whether during your practices or throughout your everyday activities. It’s practically the essence of your soul- it’s your source of power. Ask anybody who values magic and they’ll tell you: there’s nothing more important than knowing your limits.
Every magician knew that. It was one of the first things Asra ever taught you.  You’ve had that idea drilled into your head for years, now to the point where you start to feel irresponsible for tiring yourself out the way you do.
You usually tried to hide days like this away from the world. Maybe behind a book, a cup of tea or a bath that’s run cold hours before you step out. 
It wasn’t really fair, you’d say to yourself. All you really do is run the shop and run errands around town. Someone has to find the right crystal vendors, collect freshwater and find the good fruit for breakfast- Asra’s been so busy with readings, and you don’t mind doing the small things. 
Oh, and the garden. You always wake a little early to tend to your favorite herbs. Most days you’re down in the forest, too. 
...Maybe you do overwork yourself at times. Is that irresponsible? It’s not like you’re out all night, burning yourself out with your magic hands. 
It’s got to be something else. You’re not used to feeling so... drained.
The sound of your name shakes you from your half-sleep.  Where am I? Ah.
You barely recognize the hut until you shake yourself awake. 
Oh yeah, Muriel invited you for a cup of tea when he found you harvesting toadstools. You probably should have headed home to bed, but when Muriel, of all people asks you to stay, you stay. 
You lift your head up. You’re sprawled out across his bed, limbs tangled with a mix of blankets and pelts. Did he put you here? You could swear you were sitting at the table before you dozed off. 
Oh, now he’s watching you.  Maybe you should actually speak. 
“Sorry,” you stifle a yawn. “Did I fall asleep on you?”
“...Not on me.” he mumbles. 
Your tired giggle lights his face up with a blush. He gestures over to his table, pointing at three cups of tea.
“Hey, look who’s finally awake.”
Asra’s voice hits you before you see him. Your companions take their seats, eyes on you. 
You try not to pay attention to Asra’s smirk when you struggle to move yourself.  Gods, you were tired. Your bones are aching. 
“Tired much?” He teases. 
“Sorry,” you stumble through another apology. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” Muriel says. “We should have let you sleep.”
For a moment, you want to agree.  But then you’d miss out on this rare night. After all, being invited in for tea with Muriel was already a shock in itself, now Asra’s here? The stars must be aligned, you think. 
“No... I’m glad I’m here. What were you guys talking about earlier?”
“Mostly you.” Asra hides his smile with a raise of his cup. “Don’t think we haven’t noticed. You’ve been falling asleep before sundown lately. That’s not like you.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Muriel adds on. “...but you work so hard.”
“That says a lot coming from you, Muriel.” You can’t help but tease; it’s easier to redirect the conversation. It’s a little embarrassing. He flushes, but just drinks from his own cup. 
“Wait, is this some sort of intervention?” You ask. 
Muriel just sips at his tea, but Asra chuckles boldly, like you’ve figured out the big secret. His eyes give away that mischievous grin he’s trying to keep from you- even when he and Muriel exchange glances.
“Hmm.. I wouldn’t quite say an intervention,” Asra grins. “Think of it more like... we’re checking in. Making sure you’re alright.”
Maybe it’s the exhaustion making you sentimental, but the idea of these two going out of their way for you like this... to think they even noticed how tired you’ve been- it means a lot. You glance down to your untouched cup, suddenly overwhelmed. 
“You are okay... right?” Muriel’s voice isn’t as quiet as it used to be.
You nod, but sometimes you’re not sure how to answer that question. You know they’re genuinely asking. 
Do you tell them everything? How the days often blend together? When you can’t find the flavor in your favorite meals, or when the world around you seems to feel gray? 
At first, you figure you shouldn’t tell them.  But the look on your face must give it away. It doesn’t help that you let the question hang in the air.
A brush of skin tickles your palm- and you look to see Muriel’s hand on yours. His fingers have been calloused from over the years, but right now it’s the softest thing you’ve ever felt. When you look up, you see the same expression in their eyes- and it’s like you hear their voices, calling out to you.
We know. It’s okay. 
You don’t have to say anything- just savor your company. Feel Muriel’s warm hands tracing the lines on your palm. Listen to the dishes clatter when Asra clears the table, and the kiss he plants on your cheek when he circles back. 
“I think we should get you back to bed. What do you say, Muriel?”
“I agree.”
You were so tired just minutes ago, you thought that you’d be out the moment you hit the bed. 
...You can’t sleep now- and frankly, you don’t really want to. Not yet.  You have to enjoy this first.
Asra to your left and Muriel to your right, wrapped in the same blanket, near the same fire, under the same wooden ceiling. 
The three of you lie in bed in a tangle of limbs. Arms draped over each other, legs intertwined under the blankets... how you’ll get out of bed tomorrow, you couldn’t say. You’ve become part of a perfect puzzle.
The bed is miraculously big enough for the three of you, even if you’re mostly draped over Muriel’s chest. His heartbeat is steady, constant.. perfect. You’re playing little spoon to Asra meanwhile, admiring the occasional bursts of magic you feel through his touch. 
It’s the setup for a perfect slumber, and yet your eyes just won’t close.  You seem to feel everything at once.
Sadness, at first. Even in a perfect place like this. 
Then, excitement. The two people you love more than anything in the world are by your side. They’d do anything for you, wouldn’t they? Because they love you...
Is that what you’re feeling so intensely? Love?  That perfect ache that spreads from your chest to your stomach... the ache that’s keeping you awake when all you wanted was to rest?
“Hmm?” Asra mumbles something, muffled against your back. He teased you for being asleep earlier, but he knocked out the moment you pulled the blankets over him. 
“...I’m awake.”
“Are you?” you trace your fingers over his chest, just waiting for your body to let you relax. “Or did I wake you?”
“I don’t want to sleep until I know you’re resting.” He admits.
You feel the ache in your chest again- and it makes you smile.  For Muriel’s sake, you force your eyes shut.
Asra squeezes around you a little harder. You almost forgot how that feels. He always had to wrap himself around something when he slept, whether it was you, a pillow, or even Faust. 
With your eyes closed, you rely on the sound of soft breathing to send you to sleep. All the anxieties seem to melt away, along with your senses.
This time, you won’t fall asleep worried about mundane tasks. All you have to do is sleep. You’ll wake up refreshed- and you’re going to get through the day. You’re going to survive.
But for now, close your eyes.
Tomorrow doesn’t matter just yet.
Let yourself rest.
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metaldragoon · 4 years
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@justsuha​ filled this out, and I felt like doing the same.  Kinda felt they didn’t have the best categories so maybe I shouldn’t have bothered, also tried not being too repetitive with my picks. Favourite Game - Final Fantasy VI, this was an easy one for me.  One of the first games I ever played, then I came back to it around like 12-14 years old and it was the first game I ever played on an emulator, then it was one of the first games I ever watched an LP on, one of the first game I ever started playing with mods, and yeah, I’ve just played this game a lot in my life. Best Story - Mass Effect (1), could’ve gone with FFVI again but eh, and maybe Hollow Knight but I feel like the world building in ME1 is crazy-deep and unparalleled.  Maybe that’s not story in like a “plot” sense, but it’s what I settled on. Favourite Art Style - Killer7, was a comfortable pick but Persona 5 is also a really crisp game.  Also thought about other things that are more atmospheric like Metroid Prime, Hollow Knight, or Bloodborne. Favourite Soundtrack - Final Fantasy VI, like I said, didn’t want to be repetitive, so there was games that had like a banger of a track like Papers, Please, or something like Super Meat Boy, but I couldn’t really justify anything being equal to FFVI.   Hardest Game - Dragon Age: Origins, Felt like a Soulsborne game was the “gimme” answer so I wanted to swerve a bit.  DA:O is hard as fuck, if you’re not optimizing your build you’re not beating that game.  Even on “easy” I’m like chill man Funniest Game - Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, was tempted to go Undertale but since that’s kind of just a parody game I feel like it had a lot more liberties it could take to still be funny.  TTYD is super funny while still being like it’s own game. Game I like that everyone hates - Gears of War 2, some kid in Gr. 11 said I should get a 360 and play that, and so I did.  I played the online mode so much, but it never really felt like a popular competitive game.  I liked being so beefy, it’s basically just one-shotting people with shotguns is the meta and so the whole stalking someone to close the gap to be in range was super fun to me.  Campaign kinda trash and my friend wanted to get an achievement for co-op beating it on the hardest difficult that was miserable for me, but I think it’s a really fun game to play with some great audio too, the SFX are top notch. Game I hate that everyone likes - Borderlands, hate is a strong word but man I don’t really care about this game at all and people have been hyping it up for a decade. Underrated Game - Catherine, all my irl friends I tell about this game don’t know what it is, until I remind them and they go “oh yeah, that game looked weird/was too hard.” don’t know anyone who’s actually played more than an hour of it.  It’s one of my all-time faves, though. Overrated Game - Breath of the Wild, my wife says I didn’t give it a “fair shake” but I played like 20 hours and zzz... was tempted to go with a Pokemon game too, but it’s more a franchise in general than a specific game. Best Voice Acting - Yakuza Kiwami, I didn’t really have any real opinions on a game having good voice acting; generally they don’t.  Yakuza is all VA’d in Japanese so that’s probably why, but it felt pretty cool and was the only thing that I could think of actively enhanding a VG experience.  Maybe shoulda gone GTA (3 or San Andreas), both are really dated and definitely don’t sound that good anymore but one of my favourite games to listen to dialogue from. Worst Voice Acting - Metroid: Other M, not bad in terms of the actual talent of the VA’s but damn if it doesn’t ruin everything about Samus as a character.  “REMEMBA ME?!” Favourite Male - Kazuma Kiryu, was tempted to go General Leo from FFVI, but couldn’t find an image big enough before I resized this, which I could have easily worked around, but I also really like the Dragon of Dojima! It’s weird because he seems like such a simple design but he’s just badass in the right way, and I don’t know why more games can’t get it right.   Favourite Female - Franziska von Karma, from the 2nd Ace Attorney game.  For some reason had a huge crush on her, when I was younger I even drew some fanart of her which I ain’t done for nobody but her and Broly. Favourite Protagonist - Samus Aran, wanted to go with a “franchise” character and Samus is always super cool (except in Other M), I’ll always be excited to play her in some new game.   Favourite Village - Kakariko Village, felt like kind of a weird question, ‘cuz like if it was favourite area or something, I could have put some other stuff (Greenpath in Hollow Knight for example), and being a village I feel like basically limits you to medieval games but not the main hub either as that’s “a city.”  But Ocarina of Time’s Kakariko Village is always really fun to roll in to, also thought of the Goron Village, or just any village in Secret of Mana because that village theme is soo good. Most Hated Character - Nathan Drake, have barely even played Uncharted, but I just always hate any character with his personality, and he’s the biggest and most well-known.  Maybe he’s fine but meh. First Game You Played - Super Mario World, can’t say for 100%, but this and Super Mario Kart were games I was playing a lot since at like 4 or 5 my older brother owned them and they’re the most baby friendly.  Also remember playing a lot of PC games that my dad had, Timon and Pumba pinball, Chip’s Challenge, Ski Free, and stuff like that.  Skunny Kart Racing for DOS but I never understood how to get to DOS. Favourite Company - Bioware, I don’t really care about gaming companies in general, but Mass Effect and DA:O are some of my favourite games.  I might say Square as well but they do a lot of stuff.   Hated Company - Ubisoft, don’t hate them all but I just feel like they only make games I have zero interest in. Depressing Game - Doki Doki Literature Club, this and creepy are kinda really similar I feel, but I went DDLC but I kinda forget how it even ends.  I just remember feeling bummed about the purple and pink haired girl, and then the Monika scene just being uncomfortable (in a good way). Creepy Game - Doom3, don’t really play creepy games, Doom3 was suspenseful so I don’t know if that counts.  I had it for like 2 years, played it once for like 10 hours straight, and never played it again.  Still lives in my head. Happy Game - Super Meat Boy, is this a happy game? I don’t know, I feel like it’s got a pumped up energy which I equate to happiness.  It’s fun and the music makes it really addictive. Favourite Ending - Metal Gear Solid, don’t really have a great answer to this.  I really like Meryl and Snake riding off on their snowmobile though.  
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¤°~Driving With The Stars~°¤
It was a simple Saturday in Twisted Wonderland. No school, no friends over. Just a relaxing day with nothing to do. (Y/N) lays on a couch in the lounge room. Mindlessly scrolling through Magicam, looking at posts her friends or classmates post.
A knock was heard on the Ramschakle door. (Y/N) had a gut feeling it was Crowley at the door. "I'm not gonna get up..." She drawls out lazily as her head snuggles into the pillows. "Really?"
"Well, I am glad I let myself in then." Mr. Crowley says as he stood in the middle of lounge room. "Gah!" The female screamed as she falls off the couch. "Ow..." She mumbles out in pain.
(Y/N) fixes her spot on the floor so she could be sitting crossed legged.
"Hi, Headmaster Crowley..." (Y/N) said with a lackluster tone. "What brings you here?" The female asked, waiting for him to give her and Yuu a task that he didn't want to do himself. "Well, you see (Y/N), there seems to be a problem out on the Ramshackle lawn," Crowley said with a aggressive tone.
"Wha-! Hold on, I need to check this out." Hurriedly getting up from her spot, she speed walks to the door. Opening the door, she takes a few cautious steps outside. Looking around to see if anything looked suspicious.
"Headmaster... There's nothing here- *gasp*!"
Right in front of Ramshackle was a car. A. Car. Didn't those only exist in her and Yuu's world?! (Y/N) runs up to the machine and starts to look at it up close.
"No way!! How is this even! When! How, what?!" The dorm leader screams loudly, her eyes practically turning into stars.
Mr. Crowley appears next to the star-struck girl. "You see, (Y/N). I've had this old car for a long time. I never really used it often, but I got a new car a few days back. So I decided to let you and Yuu to have my old one."
"How gracious am I!" The old crow states loudly. (Y/N) slowly turns her body to face Crowley. They run to the Headmaster, before Crowley could react. (Y/N) engulfed him into a tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." (Y/N) says softly, not wanting to yell in his ear drums. Headmaster Crowley gently pats her back. The female student realased Mr. Crowley from her bear hug. Turning her attention to car once more. "So, do me or Yuu need a licence to use this thing or- and he's gone..."
(Y/N) gives a tired sigh and look at the cars. "Does this thing use keys?"
Stuffing her hands in her pocket, she felt something odd. Taking the small item out with confusion. Her previous questioning face turns into a fond look. A simple grey key was attached to keychain, along with a little tag attached to it. Spelling out Ramshackle in pretty hand writing.
Taking yet another look at the vehicle, (Y/N) sees that it looked rather similar to some of the cars in her world. It wasn't fancy or high tech, it was just a plain white, medium sized car. It was ordinary, simple, clean looking too. Maybe a little used, but (Y/N) could care less.
"Hmm, welp. I guess Headmaster Crowley wouldn't mind if I test this bad boy out!"
"Okay, let's see inside... Oh, it's just like the cars back home! Thank God!" Breathing out a sigh of relief, she puts the key in the ignition. The car roared as it started to turn on.
"Okay, hands on the wheel. Foot on the pedals and breaks. Alright, I should take a few test drives!"
(Y/N) steps out of the car, shaking a bit. She couldn't tell if it was out of fear or excitement. Either way, she had to hold on to the roof of the car for support. The phone buzzed from her pocket. Taking it out with a wobbly hand, she clicks the notification.
Cater had posted something about a race that would be held tonight outside of school and how he was gonna record everything. (Y/N) reads over the post and takes a screen-cap on where the race was gonna be held. "Maybe I can test out my skills," she jokes dryly to herself. Thanking who-ever-above for not crashing into stuff and getting into a accident.
(Y/N) stiffly walks back to Ramshackle after parking the car inside the Ramschakle gates. Once inside her dorm, the ghosts start to question where she was. "Take a look outside, there's your answer." The three ghosts poke their heads outside and see the piece of machinery.
"It's me and Yuu's first car, so if you guys posses it or let Grim near it. Things are not gonna be pretty." (Y/N) said as her voice turned from joyful to serious. The three ghosts fearfully agree and congratulate her on the new car. Even if it was probably older than their dead souls.
She heads upstairs to her/Yuu and Grims room. The little furball slept on the covers while Yuu was reading a book, "I am the king of magic..zzz." Grim says in his sleep as he snores a bit. (Y/N) snickers at her animal friend and goes through her closet.
Only a few items of clothing would be good to wear outside. The clothes she had on were for lazy time, not outing wear. 'I gotta get a little more clothes, most of these outfits are for school.' (Y/N) held back a wince when she saw the outfit she wore for her "wedding day" yet smiled at her old fairy gala clothes. Beans day, dang, so much paint to wash out, it was pretty fun though!
'Where.. Wait, I think this would look nice..? Maybe.' (Y/N) was not a fashionista when it came to clothes. But, she could try today. "Hmm, ah-ha! This should be good enough." She picks up her items to wear, then remembers Yuu and Grim. Hoping that fire cat was still asleep, (Y/N) whispers to Yuu about what happened earlier this morning. Yuu gets up from his spot on the bed and goes over to the window to see the car, while (Y/N) quickly dashes to bathroom.
A young man steps out of his car. It looked nice and sleek, only with a few bits of dirt on the wheels. The car was definitely new looking. This driver of the car could be said the same. He wore nice clothes that looked like they couldn't be affordable.
His eyes were narrow and he had a cunning smirk.
He laughs once his opponent cries out in frustration. Cussing out few words as they bang their head against the drivers wheel. The male teen leans against his car and asks if anyone wanted to challenge him. Know one stepped up. The guys tsks and decided to take a break from driving, he'd rather wait until someone had enough guts to face him.
A simple white car drives up to the area. Parking against some of the other vehicles, teens look up from their phones and conversations to see the newcomer. A young male steps out, he bore red hair and had a dumb smirk on his face. While another boy stepped out the car after him, he had dark blue hair and started to argue quietly with the light red head. Soon other males get out of the car.
It almost looked like a clown car at how many people could fit in it. The "ring leaders", were the last one's to get out of the car.
(Y/N) stares at everything with subtle excitement as she and her friends group together. "(Y/N), I'm still surprised you've drove us here. I didn't think vehicles existed in your world." Deuce tells the female with a curious look. Unaware of her uneasy smile she had after he said that.
"Yeah, there are cars and motorbikes in my world. But.. They are a little different I guess, and I learned to drive in my old world once I got older." (Y/N) explained as she and her friends find a good spot to stand in. "Deuce, I think you should be more surprised that the Headmaster gave her a car."
"I never thought the cheapskate would just give you his car," Ace says with a sigh. "His old, used car." Epel clarified. "Right. What Epel said, or anything related to vehicles in general."
"Headmaster Crowley gave it to us. So until we find our way home. We can use it to travel besides mirrors." Yuu said softly, remembering that when Crowley finds a way for them to return home. There not gonna have these moments anymore.
The group of first years went quiet after his words. Jack decideds to lighten up the mood by pointing out that one of the party guests were getting ready to race. They all look up at the big hill as the race started. The nice looking car was in the lead, while the other was behind. The race ended and the nice car won.
Murmers from other party members were heard. Saying, "dang, Bryan is such a jerk." Or, "he always gloats about his driving skill." Sebek overhears this and looks at the winning driver.
They were a young human teen, male. He reeked of arrogance and pride. Someone not even worthy of his time, he was nothing like Lord Mallues and his elegance! (Y/N) sees Sebek turn his nose slightly at the winner. She couldn't blame him though, the winner was a real jerk about winning.
Deuce and Epel walk over to the winners car with amazement written all over their faces.
Not caring about the loud owner of the vehicle. "So cool.." Epel whispers as the car seemed to shine a bit. "It looks really new, how did this guy afford it?" Epel was so caught up in sleekness of the car that he was about to lean on it.
"HEY! Get your grubby hands away from my car!"
"Eh!" The two first years say in sync, startled from the outburst. Epel and Deuce straighten up as the winner of the race approached them. "What makes you think you guys can just go up and touch my ride?!!" "We didn't me too!"
Deuce said, trying to defend himself and Epel. (Y/N) takes notice of the situation and steps in front of her friends. "Woah, wait a second. They just apologized, there's no need for you to yell at them." The female says, trying to control the situation.
The once angry male was now looking up and down (Y/N), his frown turns into a suave smile. "Look hon, I'm just saying that those weirdos shouldn't have touched what they probably would never own." Bryan chuckles out, placing a hand on his hip. "Besides, it's not like they can even enter the race without a car. So why are they even here, their practically useless."
(Y/N) could feel her two friends seething from behind her. The female felt Yuu hold her wrist to calm her, she was just as ticked off as Deuce and Epel were. "I'll race you!" The female said without thinking at all. Not that she could give a damn at this moment.
A few gasps and "oh's" were heard after she challenged. Bryan smirks wickedly, "alright. The first one who makes it down the mountain wins. Though, I doubt your going to." (Y/N) scoffed at Bryan, he then gets in his car and drives up the hill.
Dirt and dust fills the air once he left. Coughing up dirt, (Y/N) burps and glares at the spot where the car was. "That guy is going down." The dorm leader said, not seeing Yuu their head.
Both cars had their engines on, parked side by side on the road on top of the hill. The sound of crickets was drowned out by the cars purring as a few fireflies flew about. The moon gleaming brightly in the dark sky. (Y/N) grips her driving wheel in agitation.
A scowl on her lips as she clenched her teeth. Bryan looks over at her from his car window. He grins, "maybe once this race is over. Why don't you and I go for a little cruising down the street. How's that~"
(Y/N) stomach turns as this dude was trying to mess with her. "You wish..!" (Y/N) barks at him, her anger rising like a volcano. A timer rings out in the air, and Bryan immediately revs his car engine and takes off. "Shoot!"
(Y/N) clamps down her foot on the pedal because of her late start. Rushes of white and blue could be seen going down the mountain. (Y/N)'s fellow first years watch from below. "Do you think she's gonna be okay?" Ace said, Jack hesitantly nods.
"She should be fine as long as she doesn't crash.." The six first years could only worry for (Y/N)'s safety. Said girl on the other hand could care less. Turning her wheel to the side, she pulls her shift gear and sloppily turns left and right. The two drivers were neck and neck yet (Y/N) passed him.
She smirks and keeps her eyes on the road. But a little squirrel scurried on to the road. (Y/N) gasps in shock and tries to avoid hitting the furry creature. Though at the cost of swiveling out of control.
(Y/N) hits the brakes as a loud shriek of the tires stop on the road. The car stops on the left side of the road as Bryans car drives past her. (Y/N) catches her breath, sweat and a few tears trickle down her skin. "Shit, I need to catch up!" (Y/N) was about to step on the pedals but sees herself in the review mirror.
The female lets her hands drop from the steering wheel, along with moving her foot from the pedals. (Y/N) opens the car door and steps out. Leaning her back against the car, trying the calm her beating heart. (Y/N) closes her eyes and turns her head up at the sky. "It's okay.."
(Y/N) says to herself, "I'm okay."
Sucking in a deep breath, she breaths out. "The stars look nice tonight." (Y/N) utters quietly, a determined look crossing her face. (Y/N) stops leaning on the door and opens it. "I can still cross the finish the line."
When she makes it down the hills road. Bryan stands by his car, a smug look on his features. (Y/N) parks her car and steps out. Bryan mocks her, yet she gives him a strained smiles. "Good race," and then walks over to her friend group. They glomp her in a hug, yelling at her and asking if she was alright.
(Y/N) just grins proudly, asking them if they wanted to drive up the hill with her. Not to race, but to see the stars.
The End.
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(Good god this took forever, I had no ideas on how write about driving. Mostly music about driving and T.V shows kept my motivation flowing. Sorry if this isn't great, but I did my best. Thanks for reading!)
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simply-trash5 · 4 years
Hopefully you liked the first chapter and now you are going to read the second one. <3
Chapter Two
“2:00 a.m. Why brain? All I want to do is get a full night's sleep…” You rose from your bed and looked out the window. It looked so peaceful on campus. The moonlight shone into your window and you couldn’t help to think how beautiful it would look reflecting on the reflection pool in the middle of campus. You knew that going out this time of night is kind of risky and weird but that didn’t stop you. You shimmied into your warmest pair of jeans and grabbed your puffer coat and gloves. You slid a beanie down over your ears and checked the time again. “2:15, okay I will just walk down to the pool and then come right back.” You stuffed your phone in your pocket, put on your heavy boots, and you were off on your late night journey.
You had insomnia, no other way to put it. You would lay in bed and toss and turn for hours without falling asleep. Your insomnia began in high school. Your parents said it was stress, but you weren’t so sure. Your mind just couldn’t calm down. You tried melatonin, benadryl, zzz quil, sleepytime tea, pretty much anything that was safe you tried. During your senior year in high school you began sneaking out of the house when you couldn’t sleep. You didn’t do anything “bad”, but you would go on walks or sit on your roof. Your favorite thing was when it was warm and the stars were out you would walk into your backyard and lay down and look up at the sky. While here on campus you would find things to do, like walking down to the reflection pool.
It was cold but you didn’t mind. The cold always made you feel more alive. You continued to walk toward the reflection pool. The quiet sidewalks made it seem like you were the last person on earth. When you finally made it to the pool you took your normal spot on the wall that surrounded it. You sat with knees up and watched the way the moonlight danced on the water. The stillness and calmness of the evening seemed to make your mind go in slow motion. That was until you felt eyes on you. You began to frantically look around, terrified that you weren’t alone. That's when you noticed him sitting across the pool from you. It was Lee. 
“Lee is that you?” you quietly called across the water. “Ah yes, Y/N! I thought it was you but honestly didn’t want to scare you.” You breathed a sigh of relief. You rose from your spot and walked to where he sat by the pool. 
“So, Y/N, what are you doing out here at 2:30 in the morning?” You chuckled lightly. “Well Lee, I could ask you the same question.” You both sat in silence for a few minutes looking at the water. Lee was the first one to break the silence.
“Well, um, I have trouble sleeping. I often take walks when I am bored. Tonight I ended up here.” You smirked at Lee. “Lee, that is the same reason I am here.” He looked at you and gave you a calm smile. You both fell silent again, but the silence felt nice. Neither one of you had to say anything, but it was honestly nice to be in each other’s company. You began to think about the list of questions you had for him and laughed to yourself. “Hey Lee, want to play a game of questions?” He looked at you with a confused look on his face. “I’m not sure I know how to play that game Y/N, do tell.” You smiled and began to explain. “Okay so I will ask you a question, any question, and then you will answer. I have to answer my own question as well. We both just go back and forth till we get tired of it. Sound good?” He shook his head in excitement ready to learn more about the mystery girl he bowled over earlier that day. 
“Okay I’ll go first. Lee, what is your major?” Lee looked at you with a grin on his face. “I am a physical education major. I want to be a P.E. teacher. I love teaching children and I also have a passion for fitness. My P.E. teacher from elementary school really inspired me. He was always so friendly and energetic. I want to make kids smile just like he made me smile!” You beamed with pride over his answer. You only knew him for a few hours, but that seemed to hit the nail on the head. “Okay Y/N, your turn to answer.” You looked at Lee with a grin on your face. “Okay, well I am an early childhood education major. I was recently accepted into the teaching college. I love learning about children and child development. I also love how teachers have the ability to change a child’s life. My childhood wasn’t always easy, but my teachers gave me an escape when things were rough.” Lee looked at you with content in his eyes. He wanted to ask about your childhood but knew that it was far too soon. 
Lee sighed, “well I guess it's my turn. Okay Y/N, uhhh do you work out?” You gave him a strange look and then smirked. “No Lee, um you may not be able to tell it but under the puffer jacket I am super out of shape.” His eyes got wide and full of concern. “I am so sorry Y/N if I offended you. I didn’t even think before I--” you began to laugh. “Lee it’s okay. I already know your answer though seeing as you ran me over this morning while running.” Lee blushed just as he had this morning. “Yeah, I uh run every morning and then most days I spend at the gym training people and working on weight lifting and kickboxing. You should come run with me sometime!” Your eyes grew wide and you began to laugh nervously. “Lee I would honestly slow you down.” The bowl cut cutie’s eyes crinkled as he smiled a huge smile. “Nonsense! I would love to have company sometime.” You shook your head in silent agreement that you would run with him, although you didn’t know how much running you would truly do. 
You two both continued asking questions and answering them. You found out that his favorite color is green and that his favorite food is curry. He found out that you had a big scar on your shoulder from an injury you got as a child and that you loved making playlists. You both talked for hours without stopping. Before you knew it, it was 4:00 am. “Lee, I hate to leave you but I really need to try and sleep. Thank God I don’t have class today.” He sighed but shook his head in agreement. He hated to end your conversation because it was the most comfortable interaction he has had with someone in a long time. “Y/N, can I walk you to your building. I am sure that you are capable of walking alone, but it would make me feel better if I could walk with you.” You smiled and blushed slightly. “Sure Lee, I would love that.”
You two walked side by side taking in the quiet surrounding you. You felt like you had known Lee your entire life. It was nice feeling so close to someone, especially after some tough times in the past. When you finally arrived at your building you swiped your card to get in and gave Lee a smile. “Thanks for talking with me tonight Lee. See you around?” He smiled widely. “Yes of course Y/N. Could I possibly get your number? You did promise me to run with me one morning.” You giggled and took his phone from his hand programming your number in it. “Bye Lee, text me sometime.” 
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crowsnests · 3 years
taste of certainty - part two
Fandom: The Arcana  Pairing: Julian Devorak x OC Apprentice (Syran Elkas) Tags: friends to lovers; modern times au; friend group dynamic; slow burn; pining; really just Julian being Julian and Syran being Oblivious Words: 6034 Warnings: mention of anxiety, migraines, insomnia, alcohol
part 1 2 3 4 5
I know that it can take me even deeper if I let it But my limbs are trying to swim away
- trust; half-alive
II. beach fire sparks
The car ride is mostly quiet, Nadia and Pasha sit at the front, humming along to the songs Pasha puts on– clearly some sort of playlist made just for the two of them. Syran looks out the window, buildings and lights passing by. The sound of Ilya’s voice doesn’t want to leave her mind.
Syran suddenly feels watched, so she pries away from the window, noticing how Pasha is leaning over the passenger seat to look at her.
“What?” Syran asks.
Nadia glances at her from the rearview mirror.
Pasha smiles, sly. “You know what.”
Syran thinks she does, but– she’s gonna pretend like she doesn’t. Mostly because she really doesn’t want to know what.
She shrugs, “I don't.”
Most of the time, if she focuses, Syran can be a good liar. She hopes to channel her talent right now, although she knows that sometimes Pasha has the ability to see through her.
“You really really don’t?” Pasha insists, smile getting wider.
Syran narrows her eyes, “You’re mad at me for the pizza choice?”
Pasha sighs, clearly impatient to Syran’s stubbornness.
“No! You and my brother!” She groans. “You got all cosy, and Ilya was all like ohhh hello and you were like oh shit, oh my god!!” She tries to imitate the two of them by changing her pitch. Badly. “Like, come on, just date already!”
“Wh– what?” Syran is a good liar, but hearing Pasha talk so earnestly about– whatever’s between her and Ilya is– weird.
“There’s no–” Syran swallows, trying to get her tone back to normal. “What do you mean? I’ve fallen asleep near you guys before– I mean. I just didn’t expect it to happen, this time. Why would we date? We’re friends.”
Please stop, please stop. She thinks.
Pasha furrows her brow. “Friends, huh? I mean, yes. You are friends. But mayyybe you could be friends that smooch.”
Nadia reaches to put a hand on Pasha’s thigh. Pasha turns to her for a second. “What? You know I’m right.”
“Your truth doesn’t mean it’s also Syran’s truth, babe.” Nadia’s tone is gentle, but she gives Syran an understanding look from the rearview mirror– Pasha doesn’t seem to notice.
Syran feels incredibly relieved. She is grateful to Nadia for bailing her out of this conversation.
“Yeah, my truth is very different from– whatever it is you think. Ilya and I are friends and we don’t– s– smooch.” Ah, she really wishes she didn’t say that last part.
Pasha narrows her eyes one more time. “Ugh, whatever,” she huffs, turning to sit properly, facing forward. “I just think you would be really good for my brother. He needs someone as nice as you.” She mutters, clearly more serious this time.
Syran can’t help but widen her eyes at that, flattered. She tries to ignore the heat on her cheeks, though.
“W–well, thank you, but there’s nothing like that between us.” Syran is trying to convince herself more than Pasha. Nadia throws her one last look from the mirror and she knows she’s caught on more than Syran would like.
As soon as Syran gets back home, a lazy meow greets her at the door. Her cat, Persephone, bumps her head against her calf. Syran reaches down to pick her up and scratch behind her ears.
“Hello, cutie, hope you didn’t feel too lonely today,” Syran plants a kiss on top of Persephone’s head. She lazily meows as a reply, in between all the purring.
The apartment is quiet besides that. Without Ran’s excited laugh and warm presence, the atmosphere in the house feels wrong.
Once Syran’s in her room and changed into comfortable clothes, all the embarrassment catches up to her as soon as she sits on the bed. She stares at the window for a second, then the thought of Ilya makes her want to hide herself further in bed and scream into a pillow, like she’s fifteen again and her emotions are all over the place.
Well, the latter is definitely true.
Persephone lays down beside her, kneading on the duvet until she finds a comfortable spot.
Just when she’s done strangling her pillow, Syran’s phone rings with the sound of a text.
from: dumbsra - 21:03
goodmorning (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Syran groans. She wants to punch him. She knows exactly what he’s referencing, but she is not going to fall for it.
to: dumbsra - 21:04
It’s nine pm
from: dumbsra - 21:04
Oh, i know (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
to: dumbsra - 21:05
good to know you can read a clock, then
from: dumbsra - 21:07
I’m just saying, you looked like you were really comfortable tonight (.❛ ᴗ ❛.) (-ω-) zzZ (¬‿¬ ) °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°( ´ ▽ ` ).。♡(„ಡωಡ„)
Fucking idiot. What is she even supposed to reply to that? Fuck you, would be appropriate, but she knows that it will give him more ground to make dumb jokes.
Why is everyone onto her?
to: dumbsra - 21:08
we need to discuss the way you use emojis, honestly, it’s a problem
from: dumbsra - 21:09
Ignore my words all you want, you know i can read your mind (つ✧ω✧)つ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆
to: dumbsra - 21:10
then i’m sure you know what i’m thinking right now
from: dumbsra - 21:10
that you should ask Ilya out on a date?
(☞°ヮ°)☞ ☜(°ヮ°☜)
to: dumbsra - 21:12
No, that i stole your favourite shirt once and i will do it again
Goodnight! ( ◡‿◡ )
from: dumbsra - 21:12
ヽ(°〇°)ノ don’t you dare
Syran puts her phone down, stopping herself from answering more. She hears it vibrate a couple times, definitely Asra complaining about being left on seen, but she doesn’t care right now.
She turns to her cat, who looks up at her, languidly, “At least you’re on my side, right, Persie?”
Persephone just yawns and goes back to napping.
Syran sighs. All she wants to do is get ready for bed and not think about Ilya’s comforting presence.
When she arrives at the park entrance, their designated meeting spot for the winter fair, there’s enough people around for Syran to not find her friends immediately. That’s until she spots a tall figure on the side of the entrance.
“Muriel!” She calls, waving towards him.
When she reaches him, breath forming little clouds of vapor, Muriel smiles down at her, “Hey, Syran.”
Muriel is wearing dark green gloves that Syran remembers getting him a few birthdays ago. “Aww, you still wear them?”
Muriel nods, “They’re warm.”
“Hello babe,” Asra pops up from beside him and beams at her, all bundled up in a puffy jacket and bright teal beanie.
“Hey handsome,” she teases back, hugging him briefly. “Where are the others?”
“Pasha and Nadia should be here soon, Ilya is– somewhere.”
Syran blinks. Ilya can be late sometimes but he lives with the two of them, so– “Didn’t he come with you guys?”
“Yeah, then he forgot his wallet in the car,” Asra rolls his eyes.
Syran laughs at the thought of Ilya scrambling to get back to the car and looking for his wallet.
She realises she’s said it out loud when Asra throws her a look. She tries to hide her face in her scarf.
Ugh, does he have nothing else to think about?
“Hey!” Someone exclaims from behind them just then, saving her from any comments Asra might make. “Found it!”
Except that someone is Ilya, waving at them and running, dark crimson scarf coming loose to show his neck.
For fuck’s sake, she can’t catch a break. He looks handsome as always.
“Oh– hey Syran,” he comes to a halt right in front of her, surprised, as if he hadn’t seen her before. To be fair, she’s only the second shortest of the group (first being Pasha by an inch or so, thankfully), so maybe he really didn’t see her. Then, he smiles and Syran wishes her scarf was big enough to become a cocoon for her to hide in.
She’s fine. She’s okay.
( “I don’t have a crush!” she told Ran over the phone last night, after recounting the events of the evening. “That’s ridiculous. Ilya’s been my friend for a long time. He’s just– nice, okay?”
“Of course he’s nice, wasn’t he nice before?” Ran laughed. “Feelings can evolve, you know?”
“No– no– he was.” Syran huffed. “It’s nothing, okay? I’m just– I’m just tired, all these years I’ve been fine, so I’m fine now too.”
She could almost see Ran raising her eyebrow at her, “Really?”
“Yes, really,” Syran insisted. “I know very well what a crush feels like. Whatever I feel for Ilya is– not a crush. It’s fondness, friendship. Not– anything else.”
Ran sighed, surrendering. “Whatever you say, Elkas.” )
Ilya’s eyes are so hard to look away from, but Syran finds the strength to put her hands in her pockets and stare at her boots. Pretty safe defense mechanism, if you ask her.
“So, what’s the plan?” Ilya asks the group.
“Well, I assume since you found your wallet you’re going to pay for everyone?” Asra smirks.
Ilya scoffs, “You still owe me money for that dinner we had, Asra.”
“I paid you back!”
“A mug you shoplifted isn’t exactly the same,” Ilya retorts.
“It’s a beautiful mug and It reminded me of you! Isn’t the thought that counts?”
“It literally says World’s Worst Doctor, you little shit–”
“You still use it though!”
Muriel and Syran exchange a sympathetic smile, knowing very well the bickering between the two can be neverending. This argument comes up at least once a week.
Thankfully, Nadia and Pasha join them, interrupting the discussion.
“Market time!” Pasha exclaims as she runs for the entrance, Nadia and Ilya in tow.
They enter the park, all decorated, pretty lights illuminating everyone’s stunned faces.
They’ve been here before, when they put it up, but they have changed some of the stalls since– regardless, it’s always a fun night for them. The little wooden cabins sell all sorts of things. People crowd them, looking at the different displays.
Syran drifts towards one that sells honey from a small independent company. She and Asra sample some of it, while the others spread over the displays around them. Pasha buys a scented candle, Nadia some golden handmade earrings, Asra decides to get yet another set of incense, and Muriel takes a liking to a little hand-carved wolf sculpture.
Syran finds herself by a stall that sells minerals and crystals, all neatly separated by wooden boxes. She recognises some of her favourites: lepidolite, chrysocolla, black opal, agate. The stall owner smiles at her, reassuring her that she can look at them closely.
She picks up a lepidolite rock, looking at how the light reflects on the coarse lilac surface.
“Anything interesting?” A voice comes up behind her, startles her enough for her to almost drop the crystal.
She takes a second to regain her thoughts, still recovering from the small jumpscare. Ilya curiously inspects the display, like he didn’t just give her a mild heart attack.
“These are cool! Do you collect them?” He asks, leaning closer to look at some tiger’s eye.
“More or less,” Syran nods. “I’ve always liked to, since I was a kid.”
Ilya turns to her, grin on his face. “Aww, baby Syran playing with rocks!”
She rolls her eyes but not without a smile, “They are pretty rocks!”
Ilya laughs, then nods. “Yeah, I guess they are.”
Syran stares at him for a second, both of them just standing there as she still holds the lepidolite.
It’s not a crush.
Ilya turns back to the crystals, suddenly averting her gaze. “So, uhm– they all have meanings, right?” He points at the display with his gloved hand.
“Yeah, each has its proprieties– people use them for meditation, or for healing, things like that.”
Ilya looks up at her again, brows knotted. “You believe in that stuff?”
Syran shrugs, “I mean– I like the idea that something can help you find whatever strength or energy you need. Quartz gives you clarity, agate helps with stability, amethyst with intuition– you know, they’re quite empowering.”
“Still, why rely on something external to bring you those things?” He tilts his head, like he’s genuinely trying to understand, albeit a bit skeptical. “How can a stone give you that?”
Syran can’t help but chuckle. “Guess you could think like that. But they're supposed to help you find that in yourself, to bring it out. At least in my opinion.” She looks at the display again. “Plus, why not? If it helps somebody feel better, why take that away?”
She feels Ilya’s gaze on her for a second, before he turns to look up at the rest of the display. “Mh, that’s a nice take.”
Syran side eyes him. “Ah, men of science,” She sighs.
Ilya laughs. “Don’t you have a degree in biology? And– what’s that supposed to mean?”
She shakes her head, picking up another crystal to look at it. Citrine. “Nothing, just– people in your field are often cynical of stuff like this.”
“Are you calling me closed-minded?” Ilya sounds offended, but it takes Syran one look to know that he’s joking.
“Mh– you said that, not me,” she teases.
Ilya smirks. “Okay, what does this one mean, then?” He picks out a random crystal and shows it to her with childlike gall. Syran looks at it. Moonstone.
Oh, great.
“Uh– it’s about hidden feelings? Helps to heal relationships and opening up– yeah. I mean, it’s written on the paper there.” She vaguely points at the box where the moonstones are, turning away from him. She doesn’t need to tell him everything about it.
Ilya laughs, then delicately puts the stone back. “Well, okay, okay.”
A man steps up to the display right by Ilya, trying to look at the rocks in front of him. Startled, Ilya steps closer towards Syran, apologising to the man.
She sighs, small and imperceptible, because of course he had to get even closer.
Syran moves her gaze to look at the necklaces at the back, pendants made with various crystals. There’s an aquamarine one, calming blue and really pretty.
“What is it?” Julian is so close he’s basically whispering in her ear.
“Huh?” She doesn’t dare look towards him.
“Which one are you looking at?”
“Oh, that one–” She points at it. “The light blue one.”
“What’s that?”
“Aquamarine I think– uh, it’s connected to water. Healing, moving on. Stuff like that.”
Ilya hums. “Looks nice. It suits you.”
“Uh, I do–”
Syran gets interrupted when someone pats her hard on the shoulder, startling her. Again. Ilya seems to feel the same.
“We thought we’d lost you guys!” Pasha’s voice doesn’t sound reprimanding, rather she has a wide smile on her face when they turn to her. Behind her, there’s only Muriel, piercing eyes on them.
“Where are the others?” Ilya asks.
“Nadi’s already at the skating rink with Asra,” Pasha grins. “So you better get going.”
Ilya gasps. “That’s cheating!”
He darts away towards the rink, Pasha hot on his tail, taunting him with predictions of his downfall.
Syran can’t help but laugh. She and Muriel fall behind, taking their time to reach the others.
“That’s nice to see,” Muriel says, breaking the silence.
“What is?” Syran turns her head up to look at him.
“The two of them– being on good terms.”
“Were they– not?” Syran asks, brows knotted.
“Well– ah, it’s a long story. Probably not my place to tell.” Muriel shakes his head. “Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“No, that’s okay. You don’t have to tell me.” She smiles, understanding. She can’t say she’s not surprised at the news, though. Ilya and Pasha seem to be really close, it’s hard to imagine them anything but.
Muriel smiles back, puts his hands in the pockets on his coat, shoulders rising up a little. “Yeah, I just– I wonder how it is. To have siblings.”
Muriel is an only child and he was raised by his grandma. Syran doesn’t know much about his life growing up, she’s always assumed he never wanted to talk about it.
She wonders if maybe he just never felt like anyone wanted to listen. That’s the case for her, anyway.
“It depends, I guess,” Syran says. “Everyone’s got their story.”
Muriel nods. “Yeah– do you– I mean, maybe I don’t remember but– do you have siblings?”
She thinks of her little sister back at home with her mother. Growing up without a second parent and having to mature early to help around the house, Syran never had the chance to get close to her sibling.
“I do. A younger sister, but–” Syran looks ahead as the skating rink comes into view. “We’re not like them. I rarely hear from her now. I don’t think she likes me very much. I mostly find out what she’s up to through my mother, so. Yeah.” She sighs. “Yvaine has always been a mystery to me.”
Muriel stops as they reach the edge of the skating rink. “Guess you can’t choose family,” he sighs.
“Guess not,” Syran smiles, bitterly. Then she looks up at Muriel again. “But hey, that’s okay. You got something better.”
Muriel frowns, looking at her with confusion. “Huh?”
She grins. “You got us.”
Muriel takes a second, blinks once.
Then he starts laughing. It rises slowly, his eyes crinkle up and his smile grows wide. He reaches out to ruffle Syran’s hair, affectionately. She’d complain, usually, but she can only laugh with him.
“Yeah– I do. We all got each other,” He says.
Then, Asra calls to them from inside the skating rink, leaning on the edge. “Hey, you two! Stop wasting time!”
Syran hasn’t skated in a while, but she quickly gets the hang of it again. She and Muriel seem to be the ones struggling the most, though. It takes a bit, but once she finds her pace, she starts going around the rink with more confidence, running into her friends now and then, sharing laughter, and throwing playful jabs at each other.
“You’re not that bad!” Ilya says as he comes up to her, starts skating by her side.
She shakes her head with a smile, “Please, I almost broke my spine earlier.”
“Not your most graceful moment, I’ll admit,” He teases.
“Hey, you’re supposed to support me!” She tries to playfully swat at his arm but ends up losing balance instead. Just when she thinks she’s going to fall on her face again, Ilya holds her steady. Close to him.
Too close, once again.
She can smell the musk of his perfume, she wonders if he can hear her beating heart.
It’s not a crush.
“Thank you,” She utters up at Ilya, words coming out in a puff of vapor.
“It’s okay,” Ilya smiles, still holding her. “Anytime.”
She looks away. “Hopefully not, I’d rather not risk falling again.” Syran laughs, still feeling the pain on her buttcheek from the last time she fell.
“Well, yeah.” Ilya laughs back.
Then it’s like he realises he’s still holding her, and– she remembers it, too. He slowly pulls away from her as she stands properly again. “Uh, hey, by the way–”
Asra skates up to them just then, interrupting Ilya. “You losers been still for too long, stop blocking the path!”
Syran gapes at him. “I wasn’t aware there was an ice skating police?”
Asra huffs, “There is one now! Move!” He goes to push her, but she slinks away with a laugh. He starts chasing her and Ilya yells back at them.
“Am I off the hook, then?”
Asra follows Syran, trying to get her, although he stumbles here and there. Differently from Syran, he finds his balance again quickly, laughing in glee.
It lasts only a moment, but she meets her gaze with Ilya’s across the rink. Wasn’t he saying something?
But before she can think about it Asra takes Syran for a spin, makes her twirl, holds her hand. It’s fun like this, and they properly start skating together. They enjoy their time and joke around– and sometimes still fall on their asses.
It’s great, but it starts to get a little taxing for her. “I think I’m done for now,” Syran heaves when they come to a halt in a corner of the rink, leaning onto the rail.
“What, giving up already?” Asra pouts.
“My face is going numb.” She puts her gloved hands on her cheeks, but it doesn’t help much– they’re all wet from falling on the ice.
Nadia comes up to them, perfect form and game face on her features. “Quitting so soon? You guys are hopeless.”
“Uh, excuse me?” Asra glares back. “We don’t claim to be professionals.”
“Not all of us see this as a competition, Nadi,” Syran smirks. Nadia almost looks insulted, but it’s all for show.
“Is that a challenge?”
“It really isn’t,” Syran laughs. Then, she notices Ilya coming their way. “Plus, looks like you’ve got your hands full already.”
Nadia turns just as Ilya catches up to them, breath heavy and hands on his hips. “What’s up Satrinava, ready to resign?”
“In your dreams, Devorak.” She glares. “Next one to touch the rail is out.”
Ilya squints at her. “You’re on.”
Syran smiles as they go off, skating away in the midst of the other people. Both of them look effortless, although Nadia is something else completely. She twirls and jumps, dares Ilya to do the same. He tries, but it’s not as graceful.
This is Nadia Satrinava we’re talking about, after all.
Eventually, Syran steps off the rink, finding Muriel already leaning outside by the rail, chatting to Pasha who’s still inside. They’re both acting like there’s no chaos generated by the others on the rink
“Done?” Pasha asks when Syran walks up to them, still feeling a little weird from having her feet back on normal ground.
“Yeah– it’s all fun and games until you get bruises everywhere.”
Muriel laughs, “Couldn’t agree more.”
“Aw, you guys need to believe in yourselves a little! The more you try the better you get!” Pasha’s encouraging words are sweet. “Plus, if Ilya can do it without making a complete fool of himself, so can you.”
“I don’t know, he seems to be struggling a little,” Muriel hums, nodding towards the others.
Pasha turns and Syran can see that Ilya looks definitely more tired than Nadia. There’s still resolve on his face, she can see it more clearly as they slowly approach their side of the rink.
“Go babe, show him how it’s done!” Pasha starts cheering.
A second before Nadia passes by them, she winks at Pasha and sends her a kiss, effortless and elegant. Ilya, hot on her tail, just sneers at his sister, raising up his middle finger. She gives back just as much.
“He’s gonna go down,” Pasha mutters. Then she turns to them. “Gonna do a few more rounds and see if Asra wants to do some stunts. See ya later!” She waves just before skating off.
Once again, Syran and Muriel are left alone, fondly smiling at their friends.
“This is quite the show, I have to admit,” Syran laughs. “Cheering from the sidelines.”
“Mh, I think no one is rooting for Ilya, though.” Muriel says.
Syran realises that’s kinda true. “Oops– well, hey. Maybe I’ll cheer for the both of them.”
Muriel side eyes her. “Mh. No preference at all?”
“Uh, yeah, I mean. We all know how Nadia can get, so I kinda feel bad for Ilya.” She chuckles, looking at Nadia as she expertly swings past a few surprised people, skating backwards to laugh at Ilya.
“Right,” Muriel says under his breath. Syran feels his eyes on her, so she turns back to him.
For a second there’s a small smirk on his face, but then Muriel shrugs and turns back to the skating rink. “Nothing.”
Syran narrows her eyes, kinda weirded out.
Muriel is not the type to beat around the bush, he’ll usually say what he thinks and with as few words as possible, so it takes Syran a little by surprise.
“Not convincing.”
He huffs a laugh, ruffles Syran’s hair again. This time she pouts up at him. “Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
“You’re being weird,” Syran turns towards the rink as she adjusts her hair. “What about you, big guy? Any bets?”
“Oh, hundred percent Nadia. Pasha and I have some sort of bingo going on, though.” Muriel laughs again.
“Yeah, like everytime Nadia flips Ilya off, everytime Ilya apologises to someone for almost bumping into them, everytime Nadia winks at Pasha, stuff like that. Winner gets fifty bucks.”
“You guys are ruthless.”
Muriel smirks, “Maybe.”
“What’s the criteria for this competition anyway? It’s like they just make up rules on the spot.”
Syran says, a little confused. It just looks like a weird version of tag where insulting shouts are thrown across the rink as the other patrons turn around in shock.
“I’m not sure. I’m not even sure they know,” Muriel shrugs. “Ilya looks pretty confident, though.”
And yet, no more than a minute later, Ilya stumbles on his feet and spins around, trying really hard to stay up on his own. However, he puts a little too much energy in his step and that makes him haphazardly skate his way towards where Muriel and Syran are.
“Oh no–” Syran starts.
“Shit, fuck–” Ilya comes to a halt right in front of them, hands on the rail and torso leaning forward. His chin is just a few inches to the left of Syran’s cheek. “Uh– hey.” He says with a side glance.
“H– hey.” Syran answers. It’s okay, her heart is doing absolutely nothing right now. She’s not mad at the universe at all.
He really has a nice perfume.
Ilya slowly gets back up, smiling awkwardly at her. “Sorry ‘bout that.” Then, pushes himself off the rail, looking at his hands with eyes wide. “Oh no. Shit. Did Nadia see that?”
Muriel raises an eyebrow. “I think everybody did.”
As if on queue, cheers of victory rise from behind Ilya, making him wince. Pasha kisses Nadia and Asra claps vehemently– then, they all start skating towards them, clearly enjoying Ilya’s demise.
“You owe me a drink, Devorak. Again.” Nadia beams when she reaches the rail. Ilya just side-eyes her.
“Whatever. You got lucky.”
They end up in the big cabin by the rink that houses a cafè/pub. Warm drinks in hand and sitting by the fire, all of their frozen nerves from the ice skating start to melt.
It’s cozy and comforting, a nice relief for Syran after the cold of the ice rink. All of them are chatting and teasing Ilya for his loss. He laughs with them, but eventually they start reassuring him too, even Nadia, saying that he wasn’t that bad, after all.
Syran decides to buy him mulled wine, served in a ceramic mug with some cheesy winter phrase printed on.
“Consolation prize!” She cheers, coming back from the bar.
“Oh my, this is such a beautiful gift Syran,” Ilya says, theatrically. “I shall cherish it with all my heart, thank you.” He mock cries, playfully dabbing at nonexistent tears under his eyes.
Syran laughs under her breath as she sits back next to Asra, rolling his eyes.
The patrons around them die out and Ilya excuses himself to the bathroom. The moment he leaves, Pasha cozies up to Nadia, the two discussing the victory again. They all chat a bit, Pasha making fun of Asra’s odd faces while skating. Then, a moment of comfortable silence between all of them.
Asra’s eyes are immediately on her.
“What?” Syran wonders, feeling put on the spot.
“Nothing,” Asra smiles. It’s his coy smile that says everything and nothing. She has the urge to punch it off his smug face.
Syran decides to ignore him.
“So, Muriel, how’s the bingo going?” She asks him.
“Oh, I’m winning.”
He exchanges a glance with Asra, the two of them almost communicating telepathically.
“Ok, now I feel like there’s something here.”
“I don’t know, is there?” Pasha asks.
“Yeah, is there?” Asra adds.
“Could you stop being a gemini for half a second?”
Muriel laughs at Syran’s joke, but she keeps a serious face.
“Aw, I love you.” Asra side-hugs her, trying to diffuse the situation. “Also no, I can’t. Just like you can’t stop looking at Ilya like that.”
“I don’t–”
“Who’s looking like what?” Ilya is back from the bathroom, and he slowly sits down back in his chair, perfectly arched eyebrows raised.
“You, like an idiot on the rink! Ha!” Asra immediately changes the topic, leaving Syran hanging. She won’t forget, not this time.
Muriel sips his wine, side eyeing them. There’s another sly motherfucker.
Just as it arrived, however, the weird mood is gone, and all is back to normal. Once again Syran finds herself being grateful for her friends. No matter how tough things get, she knows they will be all there for each other.
Even though they are most definitely hiding things from her.
Syran’s Sundays mostly consist of catching up on shows, cuddling with Persephone, taking time to cook meals she loves, and doing some grocery shopping. She also takes care of her plants and, sometimes, gets a headstart on work.
Asra calls her boring, but she finds peace in it. It’s not that she doesn’t like going out, she loves a good party every now and then, but there’s a different kind of pleasure in taking care of the small things. Plus, now that she’s got the apartment to herself for the week, she can play loud music and karaoke as much as she wants.
Really, it’s a blast.
When her phone rings in the middle of the day, just as she’s moving her big potus out of the sun, she groans. Her hands are full, so she shifts the big pot in one arm and lodges her phone between her head and shoulder without checking– she expects Asra to be calling her to continue their previous text conversation. She has not let go of what he said at the Winter Market.
“For the millionth time, it’s not what you think!”
“Oh, it isn’t?” A deep chuckle resonates from the other side of the phone.
“Oh– fuck– uh, thought you were Asra– ah, I mean– hi, Ilya.”
“Hi, Syran,” He laughs, all throathy and low. Ugh. “Am I bothering you?”
“No, not at all– just taking care of my plants– uh, give me a second.” She puts the potus on the kitchen counter, grabbing the phone before it slides down her neck.
“Okay, all set, what’s up?” She tries to act nonchalant. Well, she is nonchalant. This is just Ilya, after all. Her good friend, Ilya. Yep. Nothing to worry about.
“Well, as you know, Pasha’s birthday is coming up soon,” he starts.
“Oh, yeah, right! Damn, I almost forgot.”
Ilya laughs. “Me too, to be honest.”
Syran can’t help but chuckle too, then gasp dramatically. “Why, your own sister?”
“Shh– don’t tell her or she’ll kill me. I’ve been very busy with my research, ‘kay?” He sounds solemn, but she can tell he’s smiling.
“All right, I’ll cover for you– if you buy me a coffee,” She laughs.
A little voice in her head asks where is this confidence coming from anyway?
Then again, this is just Ilya.
“Deal,” he answers.
Ilya, who’s now just being quiet on the other side of the line. “Sooo, why are you calling me?” Syran asks, tapping her fingers on her kitchen counter.
“Oh, right, well– Okay, so. Well, I don’t know what present to get Pasha. I know it sounds lame, but I genuinely have no idea what she might want this year.”
Syran stops for a second, thinking of Pasha and what she’s like. She likes plants, but she’s got plenty of those. She likes pretty clothes and cute shoes, but those would be hard to get right. Syran finds herself coming up short of a sure answer.
“I see– have you asked Nadia?”
“I tried, but she replied with something vague, and then got competitive because she is going to get the best present anyway, or something.”
His answer makes her laugh again. Of course: Nadia is extremely kind, gentle, and helpful– except when she decides to win against everyone else.
“I assume the others weren’t much help either?”
Ilya sighs, “Well, Muriel just shrugged and pointed out that she likes flowers, Asra suggested a glow in the dark lava lamp, so– yeah, no.”
“So, I guess now it’s my turn to give advice?” Syran chuckles, padding to the other side of the kitchen, where Persephone is lounging in the sun. She scratches her fur.
“More or less,” Ilya trails off.
“Well, I was– uh, I was wondering if you could come with me. To get her the present? Really I don’t know if you’ve already picked something, but. Uhh– maybe we could work on it together? Since you know her well, and all? And I’ll get you that coffee, too.” He huffs a laugh, almost nervous.
A day going around shops with Ilya? Just the two of them? That’s fine, Syran’s fine, it’s no big deal at all.
“She’s your sister, Ilya,” she can’t help but tease him a bit. “I’m sure you know her well, too.”
“Yeah, I know she’s my sister.” He scoffs, fake annoyed, “But– I mean, yeah, I kind of know what she likes– but every year is hard, and I’m not the best at presents– and you seem to be great at it, so–” He trails off.
Syran listens, trying to figure out where this is really going. If she were actually great at presents, she would know what to get Pasha in a heartbeat. But, regardless, she likes to think she’s got a good eye.
She doesn’t know whether to stop him and reassure him or let him talk. But before she can decide, Ilya continues.
“And. Uh. This year she’s throwing this big themed party, too, and it’s the first time I get to meet all her friends, n’stuff. I don’t even know what to wear–” He sounds really concerned. “Truthfully, I just want to make her happy. I feel like the last two years I didn’t do great, so. Yeah.” He sighs. “And– and, I don’t want to lose to Nadia, either.” He ends it like he’s confessing a deep, dark secret.
It makes Syran laugh, thinking him cute for worrying about his sister so much.
Then, she swats away the idea of Ilya and the word cute in the same sentence.
“I’m sure she’ll be happy whatever you get her, Ilya,” Syran smiles, hoping to reassure him. Persephone turns to expose her belly, meowing coyly. “Don’t stress yourself so much, you clearly care a lot and that’s enough to make a good present.”
“Thank you, uh. That’s. That’s nice of you to say.” He mutters, and Syran thinks she can feel him be a little relieved.
“Just saying the truth,” she wishes the smile on her face wasn’t so goddamn insistent. She and Ilya have this sort of mutual understanding, where not many words are needed to guess how the other’s feeling. Well, most of the time. Still, she lately realised how surprisingly similar they are.
And yeah, recently Syran has been feeling a different kind of pull towards Ilya, but she doesn’t need to think about that. She’ll be dead before she catches anyone thinking him cute anyway.
“So…” Ilya starts then, shaking Syran from her thoughts. “Is that a no? On the– uh, present hunting?”
“What– no, it’s a yes, I mean, yeah, no, I’ll come!” Syran replies before thinking, surprised, and a little too eager.
Fuck. She takes a deep breath.
“What I mean is: I’d be more than happy to help you pick a gift. I need to get one myself, anyway.”
“Ah, that’s great,” He exhales, clearly relieved. Then, he seems to regain his composure. “Are you free on Wednesday?”
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A - Z Dating
A/N: I’m going to do all the members seperately because i feel like it’ll be too long of a post if i put them all in one. i hope that’s okay. Also you might notice that i skipped a couple of letters, it was on purpose because i couldn’t think of anything. Enjoy!
A: Affection 
Yonghoon is a very cuddly boy and would shower you in his overflowing affection. 
B: Before Dating 
Before dating, he’d drop some not-so-subtle hints and end up making both of you flustured. 
C: Confession
When he finally mustured up the courage to confess, he did it in a cheesy romantic way. Asked you out with a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. 
D: Dates
As cheesy as it sounds, he considers every moment you spend together to be a date. If you’re together by yourselves, it’s a date.
E: Experience
I feel like he would have some dating experience dating. He’d probably go to his friends and mom for advice. He’d for sure do the cheesy romantic clichés he sees in movies. 
F: Fighting 
He’d hate to fight with you. Fights would happen almost never and when they did happen, it’s not yelling. The fights end with someone crying and lots of cuddles.
G: Getting to know his family 
He was so excited to introduce you to his family. When you hit it off with his parents and brother, he was so happy. They welcomed you into the family and you couldn’t have had a more welcoming atmosphere. 
H: Home
Since he had to live in the dorm, he promised you that when he gets his own place, you’re going to move in with him. In the meantime, he drops by your place often and even has some of his clothes at your place. 
I: I Love You 
He’d tell you he loves you at least three times a day. All your conversations would end in “i love you” because he wants you to know how much you mean to him. 
J: Jealousy 
He doesn’t get jealous easily but you might need to assure him that he’s the only one for you becuase he gets a little insecure sometimes. When he does get jealous, he becomes very pouty and would cling onto you. But overall, he’d love that you’re making lots of friends!
K: Kissing
Yonghoon loves to kiss you because it gives him an excuse to hold you close. Lips, forehead, cheek, hands, he’ll kiss every inch of your body. 
L: Laughter 
Yonghoon would live to make you laugh. He loves the way your laugh echos in the room and would do embarassing things on purpose just to hear you laugh. 
M: Missing 
Yonghoon would miss you like crazy even if it’s only a day. He’ll text you whenever he’s free and would prefer calling you to hear your voice. He’d be even more affectionate when he meets up with you. 
N: Nicknames
The nicknames he calls you are pretty normal ones amongst couples. Babe or baby would be his favorite to call you and he loves when you call him them as well. 
O: Obsession 
He loves hearing you sing. He’d encourage you and hype you up. He’d help you work on your pitch and would love to sing duets with you. 
He doesn’t mind PDA. If he wants to kiss you, he’d pout you until he got his kiss. He’d hold your hand, wherever you went just because he wants to. 
Q: Questions 
He’d ask you all sorts of questions about yourself becuase he wants to know you as much possible. He’d listen intently to all your answers, making note of small things that you like and dislike.
R: Random Fact
Yonghoon always makes sure to give you a rose at the start of all your dates. If it’s your 1st or 100th date, he’d still give you a rose and before long, you picked up on his habit and it’s become tradition to exchange roses at the start of your dates. 
S: Sex 
Sex with Yonghoon would be very passionate. He’d make sure you feel loved and is open to new ideas in the bedroom. He’s on the dominant side but if you’d want to dom him, he’d be down to try it. 
T: Texts
He sends you goodmorning and goodnight texts. He’d text you as often as he could and could text you for hours on end. He’d send you pictures of himself, asking you to pick the best one for him to post. 
U: Universe 
You’re his entire universe. His world revolves around you. Everyone around him is probably sick of hearing about every little thing you did but he can’t shut up about you. 
V: Vacation 
Even if it’s not far, he’d love to go to different places with you. Go to different cities and countries. Would probably like to be really cliché and would like to kiss you under the Eiffel Tower. 
W: Whining 
He’d definitely whine if you don’t give him attention. He’s like a grown child that needs attention or will stop at nothing to get it. 
He needs you to fall asleep. Loves to wrap his long limbs around your body and hold you as close as possible and loves to wake up with you in his arms. 
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Jooheon loves the chance to be even more affectionate with you whilst your pregnant, he loves spending as much time as possible obsessing over you and your bump and making you feel as loved by him with your bump as possible.
The most important thing to Jooheon is that your bump is well looked after at times you can be a bit clumsy, and so he’s very much the eyes and ears for you when your bump is in the way. He’s forever grabbing onto you or moving you into a different direction to stop you knocking into something or causing too much damage.
Whilst he never makes you feel bad for any of the things that you’re craving, it certainly confuses Jooheon how you can eat such things. He’s not fussy, but he knows what he likes, and very quickly can determine that the things that you’re craving are all things that he is far from being a fan of eating, or even watching you eat too.
Jooheon tried his hardest to keep your due date exciting, and not make it into something that you needed to stress about. Every day, he would turn the countdown that you had in the living room with a smile on his face knowing that he was one day closer to meeting his baby. He’d try his hardest to keep you looking forward to it well, calm was all that he needed from you, the last thing he wanted was for you to worry over it.
It was a rollercoaster for you both more than anything else as you rode through the nine months of pregnancy. Whilst both of you knew that it would come with highs and lows, you never imagined that your highs would be so high, and your lows would be so low. If anything, though, pregnancy brought the two of you closer together, you relied on one another for support to be able to get through the good and the bad.
You were all too aware of how huge of a part kids played in Jooheon’s family, and so you certainly felt the pressure to add another baby to their family on Jooheon’s behalf. When you eventually found out that you were pregnant, it was a relief, and exciting too, as you knew already without even having to tell them how excited all of Jooheon’s family would be, they loved every single time when a new baby came into all of their lives.
Both of you didn’t mind too much about finding out the gender, but there was one person who was keen for the two of you to find out, Olive. Every time she saw you, she asked if you knew yet only for the two of you to say no, until finally the sonographer asked, and with her in the back of your head, you agreed to find out the gender.
The beat of your baby’s heart was always an overwhelming sound for Jooheon to hear, connecting the dots between baby and bump. He never truly believed that his baby was inside of your bump, but when he heard such a strong sign of life from them, he knew that they were there, and excited to meet you both too.
At all of the high points and all of the low, Jooheon would always tell you that he loved you and make sure to remind you that he was always there for you too. He never wanted you to struggle or be happy alone, he always wanted to be there for you and love you through everything, supporting you through it all.
He’s found himself getting jealous a few times of other people when they’re around you, but whilst your pregnant, Jooheon is determined to not let stupid things get to him like he used to allow. Jooheon knows that he’s yours, and he’s very proud of your bump too, and so whilst others might try to make him jealous, knowingly or not, he brushes it aside as nothing, keeping himself calm and not letting things get to him.
Whenever the two of you saw Olive, she’d want to hold onto your bump straight away and find a kick. Jooheon would always lift her up so that she could reach properly, whilst you’d take a hold of her hands and place them exactly where your baby was kicking, waiting for the moment until her face would inevitably light up.
The most important thing to Jooheon throughout your labour was making sure that you stayed positive and looked ahead. He was telling as many jokes as he could and trying to make you laugh as often as possible too in order to keep you smiling and stop you from getting scared. The midwives quickly fell in love with you too, and once your baby arrived, they were all sure to let you know just how lucky you were too.
He loved to try and put you at ease whilst you were being sick as he knew how flustered you always became. You hated the fact that Jooheon was seeing you in such a state, but for every time that you got shy or embarrassed, he would always make you feel better and assure you there was no reason for you to be bashful.
Jooheon loved getting stuck in with your nursery, whilst building wasn’t something that he had done too much of before, he was keen to learn and make sure that your nursery was the best room in the whole house.
He was obsessed with your hugs, especially how you’d always have to find a way to hug him with your bump in the way. You’d always have to tell him to wait whilst you found a position that was comfortable for you.
Jooheon is very cautious after you give birth, although he doesn’t stop you from doing anything, most of the time he’s shadowing behind you just to be on the safe side. Once you’re sat down, he’ll leave you alone again, usually passing you your baby too so that you can have a cuddle with them whilst you recover.
No decision is ever made when it comes to your baby without you both being in agreement, no matter how big or small it is, you’ll always ask the other what they think about things before making any decisions.
Jooheon was keen to make as many memories as possible whilst you were pregnant, exploring many options of things you could do. You ended up having all sorts made, moulds, photographs, casts, you name it, the chances were that Jooheon had arranged for the two of you to do it so that you could remember your pregnancy.
Your scan photos were very important for Jooheon, he made sure to keep them safe and out of harm. As soon as the two of you got home, he would place the photo on the fridge with a magnet so that the two of you could always look at it, especially when you’d inevitably go to the fridge in search of something to satisfy your cravings.
When Jooheon got the call to say that you were in hospital, panic set in as he wondered what was wrong with you after collapsing. However, it was fair to say the last thing he expected the answer to be was pregnancy.
All of your appointments were booked off well in advance by Jooheon so that he could make sure he was right by your side for them all.
He couldn’t wait to have guests round, and of course the boys were keen to be the first ones to come round and visit your baby, having sent you both multiple texts every single day wondering when they could stop by.
It was very much a split with Jooheon, some days he could be very patient, and other days he just couldn’t wait any longer to meet your little one.
Any opportunity that came about to kiss you, Jooheon would take with both hands. As he hugged you from behind so much, it meant that the side of your face was often in prime position for him to shower with affection.
You were his strength, Jooheon got a whole lot of power from watching how tough you were too.
He’d always make sure to continue holding you from behind at night as well, keeping his arms around your waist and over your bump to try and keep it as still as possible to help you get off to sleep as best as you could.
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kvngjoong · 5 years
seonghwa + nsfw a-z
requested! sorry it took me so long. i will be doing yunho next, but so far haven’t got requests for anyone else. let me know if you want it done for another member ❤️
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A: Aftercare
considering that seonghwa probably makes pack lunches for people, aftercare will be one of his specialities. seonghwa is someone who enjoys the looking after people element of a relationship and will always be there to check you have a blanket over you (especially if you fall asleep quickly after sex) and something to clean you up with etc. he’s prepared for absolutely anything. like a big first aid kit, but for sex
B: Body Part
nothing really stands out here, but seonghwa would probably be a bit basic (no offence meant) and likes your waist or your thighs, probably your thighs (more on that later) because he leaves a lot of marks there and likes being between them. for him, he probably won’t ever talk about it, but it’s likely his favourite body part for himself is his arms, or his hands, since he’s pretty good with them
C: Cum
this is probably a bit controversial but he’s messy. yeah, he doesn’t like mess, but there is something telling me that he would cum anywhere, everywhere, and feel bad about it later. poor boy gets carried away with what he’s doing and just cums. there’s a moderate amount of it, and it probably tastes a bit better than the average. he does like it when he cums on your thighs though, cause he thinks that’s hot
D: Dirty Secret
he really wants you to dom him. like it’s a wish that he can’t express enough but he’s kinda afraid of sharing it with you (even if you have some switch or dom tendencies) because he still likes the idea of being dom and seeming in control. so more often than not, when he’s on his own, he’ll tell himself that he’s not allowed to cum until he’s with you, because the only one who can allow him to cum is you
E: Experience
some experience, probably one of the more experienced but not loads. he knows what he’s doing, probably, though always happy to learn more as he goes along. he doesn’t seem like someone who would cringe at the sound of the word sex so likely can make it up as he goes along, too
F: Favourite Position
since we’ve established he’s a secret sub, probably likes it most when you’re riding him, but also likes anything that means you’re taking control (and he can take it easily off him). if he had to pick overall for everything, he’s a big big fan of when you ride his face, like a big fan, and he would pick that over sex anyway
G: Goofy
it depends on you. if you’re joking around then so will he, but if it’s really serious and you’re both really, really in the mood then he will be as serious as he can be. he doesn’t often initiate any jokes himself, he will just flow off whatever mood you’re in. maybe afterwards he will be a bit more goofy but not during
H: Hair
something says he keeps himself trimmed but nothing over the top. doesn’t shave completely, just likes it tidy. he may think it’s a bit weird to have no hair. he doesn’t really have a preference for you but would probably like it if you were the same. no need to shave it all, just keep it tidy
I: Intimacy
definitely intimate. sex with him will never be just cause he wanted to. every time he has sex the submissive side of him will come out a bit more and he will want to worship you completely, and he thrives off the intimacy between you. he’s a real softie at heart. he wants you to know how much you love him, and if he has to make you cum 4 times in a row to prove that to you, he will do that with nothing but pure love running through him
J: Jack Off
as before, he probably doesn’t do it too often because he tells himself you would want to do it for him. but sometimes things are too much and he will have to jack off in the middle of the night because he can’t get specific things out of his head. it’s probably not something like you looked hot, he probably gets off to something you’ve said or imaging you doing something
K: Kink
probably has a lot of kinks and is seriously kinky, despite what he may initially show. he’ll seem like someone who just wants to dom you but as you get to know him, and when he finally admits he wants to sub too, the floodgates are open. he’s into a lot of basic stuff but also would venture into some more niche topics. maybe likes it when you tie him up, more so than tying you up. but in the same sense, he wouldn’t like it if you used any toys on him, he likes doing that to you. definitely likes getting told what to do, and likes it when you tell him he can’t cum (as per his dirty secret)
L: Location
whilst sex is mostly for the bedroom, he’s happy to eat you out or touch you in any location. the kitchen, the car, the shower, the anything. he’s not into exhibitionism or anything, but he doesn’t really care too much if it’s a public place. he doesn’t have a high sex drive, he would just do it if you asked him to. his favourite will always be the comfort of his/your own home
M: Motivation
you? is there much more to it? anything from an off handed comment to you touching him a certain way. he may be a bit competitive sometimes so when someone says that they don’t think he’s good at something, he will definitely want to prove to you he is. or he just misses you. something like that
not into threesomes or moresomes. likes it when it’s just you two, so wouldn’t enjoy having someone else with you. really wouldn’t like you to ask someone else to do something with him, either. it’s just really not his thing
O: Oral
if it wasn’t already clear he loves giving oral to you. he’s not sure why, but do you really need a reason behind it? he would pick it over you giving him oral, but that isn’t to say he doesn’t enjoy when you’re going down on him. when he’s in a more dominating mood then you going down on him and him going down on you is a norm. when he’s sub, his treat is eating you out
P: Pace
he’s not too fast or slow, but more on the quicker side. he doesn’t really slow down before he cums or anything. since a lot of his effort goes into foreplay, the actual sex will seem quicker than expected
Q: Quickie
to tease you, yeah, he will 100% be into it. maybe pushing you against a door and fucking you from behind is a thing he does too. if you’re encouraging him, he’s there for it. blow job in the car? he’s for that too
R: Risk
given who he is, seonghwa is unlikely to try taking risks and almost getting caught by people. it probably doesn’t excite him or anything, in fact it will more likely turn him off if anything. he wants to know he’s got some time to work with you, rather than always been on edge should someone need something from him
S: Stamina
has a lot of stamina and could definitely go for a while. though he can sweat a bit, he can still keep going for a while afterwards. it may surprise you a bit how far he can go, but anything to please you, right?
T: Toy
likes using them on you, not the other way around. nothing too much, maybe a vibrator or two, some handcuffs (but it would be way better if he used his tie), and maybe one of those collars if you wanted one. you know, just a few different things he can use from time to time. really wouldn’t like anything to do with cockrings, or butt plugs, he’s not a fan
U: Unfair
he’s not the biggest tease, but he can if he wants to. most of the time he won’t tease you all that much but don’t take his lack of doing so as a reason to assume he will never do so. because of his sub tendencies he won’t want tease you that often. but if you teased him then he would like it very much. he would really want you to edge him. more than he admits to, at least
V: Volume
his actions mean more than his words, so he won’t say too much. instead, he’ll let out these tiny little whines and moans every now and then, and groan when he’s fucking you. so, he’s quiet, but he’s not that quiet. makes a special little noise when he cums for you which is a nice little treat. probably tells you that he loves you occasionally when he cums
W: Wild Card
when seonghwa finally gets the courage to tell you that he wants to sub, it is definitely a sight to see. he’ll mention it to you one night and doesn’t expect you to follow through with his wishes the very next day. he’d be surprised when you send the first text in the morning telling him what to do when he gets home. he’ll follow your instructions to wait on the bed for him, clothes off, and when there’s ten minutes until you get home he’s practically throbbing for you
X: X-Ray
he’s a touch above average; a bit longer than average but average girth if not a bit thinner than others. he’s happy with how big he is though, and you will be too, so there’s no problems
Y: Yearning
doesn’t have the highest of sex drives, so he will usually be waiting for you to initiate something unless he really, really wants something and he thinks you’ve been teasing him all day. if he knows you’ve both got some free time though, he’ll probably pencil in some time for any nsfw activities he feels like
if it’s not a quicky, and he’s not doing anything else after (ie it’s not morning sex, which isn’t the most common with him), seonghwa will likely be there to lay next to you, cuddle for a bit, talk for a bit more, then go to sleep. he definitely gets tired after, hence why morning sex isn’t a big thing, and you can probably tell when his answers start to become less and less responsive and he eventually drifts off
a/n: thanks guys. now i have the fattest crush on seonghwa
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consultingsister-aa · 4 years
five times kissed (seb and cee but alt politics for spice)
THIS MEME for: @epiitaphs verse: alt poltical 
It had started on their very first lecture with Professor Campbell. Celia has answered his question with ease, she knew all the dates, all the facts, all the names. She was just getting ready to bask in the glory of already identifying herself as best in the class when a voice, a male voice, two rows back started.
“Actually, wasn’t it Nicholson, not Nicholas?”
It was a ridiculous, unimportant fact. There was no need for him to even point it out; it didn’t change any fo the facts of the case. As Celia turned to shoot daggers at the boy, he smiled at her. Not a friendly, apologetic smile but a gloating, lazy grin. She hated Sebastian Moran.
Over the term, they continued in this fashion. Every time Celia or Seb raised a hand to answer a question, the other would sit up, lean closer, wait for someone to slip up. If there was nothing to be corrected, they offered a rebuttal. “While I see where Miss Holmes is coming from…” matched “I can understand where Moran would get that idea, however…”. It was a careful and considered game of intellectual tennis and no one was enjoying it quite as much as each other.
Six weeks in, Campbell would pause after every comment made by either and look to the other. On their final day in class before the Christmas break, after Celia had offered an almost perfect argument for the case, Campbell looked to Seb. As did Cee. Seb simple raised his hand and offered a shrug. “I think she’s right.”
Celia was furious.
They had never spoken outside of class before, other than to offer snide remarks as they waited outside the lecture hall. She found out where his room was from a friend and, upon finding it, knocked gently. And then harder. And then, harder still, banging her fist against the door. She could hear him shouting I’m coming, I’m coming from inside but continued to hammer, until he yanked the door open. As he took her in, that stupid arrogant smile returned.
“What did you mean when you said, I think she’s right? What did you mean by that?”
Seb gave a disbelieving laugh. “That you were… correct? Do you want to have a fight over that?”
“No, but you fight me on everything else. So why not today?”
“I thought you were right today.”
Celia gave a furious little huff and stormed away from his door, only to storm right back to him. “You know what I think? I think-- I think you’re an arsehole, with no manners.”
“Yeah? Well, I think you’re a spoiled brat who’d never heard the word no, in her life.”
Cee steps closer to him, teeth bared in a snarl. In fact, she’s so close she needs to tilt her head to talk to him. There are only a couple inches in their heights, but with their chests nearly touching, it matters. “I am cleverer than you. I will do better than you. I will bury you.”
His smile doesn’t drop as she hoped, in fact, he arches an eyebrow. “Is that a promise, Holmes?”
An actual growl escapes her before she throws her arms around his neck and smashes her lips against his. He reciprocates, despite himself maybe and before long, he’s letting her pushing him back into his room, slamming the door behind her. A whole semester of foreplay had been leading to that moment and they did not disappoint.
Celia loved being married. Although she had not taken her husband’s name, there was something in the way her lecturers said Ms. instead of Miss that set her apart from her fellow students; especially the girls. It was that drawn-out zzz sound that did it. She was a head above the rest of them; one step closer towards the finish line. When her friends said boyfriend, she might have laughed at them, how immature. How childish. They wouldn’t know until they knew.
And this wasn’t all in her head either. Despite themselves, despite their education and personal ambition, the girls around Cee felt it too. Celia knew things they wouldn’t know for years; the secrets of a wife. Even though some of the girl’s condemned marriage as a modern form of slavery they too fell into the trappings of 1950. Everything had changed and nothing had. When Celia lay out her hand on the table, catching her ring in the light, they sighed enviously as Celia had hoped. What did it matter about her masters in law, when she had a man. Personally, she’d rather have the degree but she knew, as she moved forward in life, it would be her ability to find, capture and keep a man that everyone would be really impressed by.
It was for this reason that they gathered with her outside the lecture hall, where she had agreed to meet Seb on that Friday night. They wanted to be witnesses to it, as if being in close proximity to a married couple brought them closer towards marital bliss themselves. Cee didn’t say very much. She played it off as unbothered coolness but in reality, she was distracted by the conversion by her own excitement. It wasn’t exactly Seb she was excited for, but just to be seen with him again. To become the weekly gossip; what did Cecelia do with her husband this weekend? They all wanted to know what these strange married creatures do.
“Oh, is that him now?” A friend piped up, trying to cough over her excited squeal. Cee might have laughed at her; as if you don’t know. She looks up and lazily closes her book.
“Yeah. Alright, see you on Monday.”
“Are you not coming to Sunday study night then?”
“Oh, I forgot. I’ll see what Seb is doing. I actually might need to go into the city with him for a dinner with his boss, or something.” She rolls her eyes to make it look like she can’t be bothered with it. It’s not even true, there was a dinner the week and no partners were invited but it gave Celia a prick of pleasure to imagine them all discussing it at the Sunday study night.
She doesn’t run into his arms, instead closing the gap between them with a slow, casual walk and an easy smile. They were close enough that Seb could call out to the other girls and wave. It was nice of him to throw them a bone, Cee thought.
When she did greet him, it was with a hand on the back of his neck so she could pull him down for a long, deep kiss. In fact, knowing the girl’s eyes were on them, she stayed longer than normal.
“What was that for?” Seb asked, pulling back from her.
“Nothing. Just happy to see you. How was your train?”
It wasn’t fair to say that Cee and Seb weren’t affectionate. Sure, they didn’t hold hands unless they needed to and loving embraces tends to either come before or after sex but they had their moments. People noticed the way, if Seb was setting, Celia would stand behind him and squeeze his shoulders. Or, if something thrilling, shocking or wonderfil happened, they would immediatly look towards one another, if to check in, or delight in it. And while they slept on the same side of the bed due to the fact Seb refused to get buy a double bed for the four years they slept together in university, they still did it. They had to count for something. There was cards or flowers or weekly dates but that didn’t mean there wasn’t love. Cee loved Seb more than anyone in the world and she was quiet confident he felt the same way.
Which is what made Katherine’s death all the harder. A casm had opened up between them and she saw no real way to get over it. The evening they had returned home to an empty nursery, Celia had feverishly Googles how she was supposed to feel; how to deal with the loss of a child; the staged of grief. Her own feelings didn’t align with any of them.
What she really felt was annoyance. The plan that they had agreed to had fallen apart. All that work for nothing. And there was now a black stain on her history. A bump on the road. They would have to tell people, for the next couple weeks, everyone would skirt around her like she was a wounded animal they didn’t know what to do with. How did you comfort Cecelia Holmes when she had no interest in being comforted? How to comfort Sebastian Moran, then?
She stood in the baby pink bedroom, gripping onto the cot rail, willing herself to feel the loss. The sweet little baby; that looked like every other bbay she had ever seen. So a future lost; one likely filled with trauma and resentment, with her as a mother. She banged her palm against the wood and swore. It was only then she realised Seb was behind her. Her movement was guilty, spinning around and holding her hands begind her back as if she had something to hide.
“I was just thinking of packing some things away.” She cleared her throat, motioned around the room. “I’ll ask someone if there is somehwere we could send it. Thinking of others in our time of grief, it’s a good look.” She could hear herself plotting and regretted it but it was all she wad capable of. Celia let go of the cot and moved to hold him, her arms around his shoulders, her mouth at his ear. “We’ll get through this. I think it was meant to be this way; just the two of us.” She almost said she preferred it this way but that felt too harsh; too soon. “If you need to talk to someone, perhaps you should? Better to deal with it now then have it drag out.”
When she pulled back, she held onto his face, more tired than she had seen it in a long time and she knew she was getting it all wrong. Cee, who always knew what to say, had nothing. So she kissed him instead and tried, probably failing, to put more into it than she could manage. The key phrase however was, I’m sorry. Sorry she’s not a good wife, sorry their child died and she’s talking about press opportunities, sorry he got his hopes up, sorry nothing will come of this.
“Sydney, turn that up, turn that up!”
The TV’s picture, perched on top of a filing cabinet only offered shaky phone camera footage of the street Celia knew well. In fact, with one of the sudden movements upward, she was sure she could see Seb’s office window. The clipped tones of the BBC new anchor filled the room.
“Call my husband, call him now, his mobile.”
Celia is already pulling on her jacket, eyes glued to the TV but listening out for the rings. By the third ring, she’s heading to the door. Usually, no rings meant he was in a meeting; the phone was on don’t disturb and she’d have to call back another two times for it to even go through; something she hadn’t ever had to do yet. If he was talking with someone, briefly, he would hang up after one ring. Past three rings, with no pick up? She didn’t remember the last time.
“Cee, you shouldn’t go into--” Syd stood up behind her desk but Cee held up a hand.
“Text me if there are any updates worth knowing. Call him again, keep calling him.”
There was no point trying to get a taxi, if there really was a terrorist attack happening in the middle of the city, it would be gridlock and the police wouldn’t be letting anyone in any way. So she would walk the twenty minutes to Seb’s office; she could cut it down to fourteen minutes if she kept up her brisk walk, ocassiaonlly, if panic set in, a restrained run.
Police tape, camera crews, ambulances and armed police officers surrounded most parliamentary buildings. The end of street was cordoned off but from her vantage point, she could see at least three sheets covering bodies. It was ridiculous to imagine Seb under one of them but it’s exactly where her mind went. She couldn’t explain it, not even to herself but she’d had a nagging feeling all day that something terrible was gong to happen, not just this, in London, but to her personally. She stares, unseeing at one of the sheets before a voice drifts across to her, one of the offers. “--Moran is going to--”
“What did you say?” She barks at him and a man seems to used to follow commands to argue with her, although she seems to have also scared him. “What did you say about Moran?”
Sheepishly, he draws closer. “Only that Mr Moran was directing his staff to--”
“To where?” Of course, of course, he’s alive. “Where is he?”
“I think they were going to Lady Chapel,” and then, as an afterthought, “ma’am.”
Celia didn’t hang around any longer that she needed to. She didn’t know why she ran this time, heels hitting the pavement with an ungodly amount of noise. If Seb was well enough to be directing people somewhere, there was no real need to worry. But something had shaken her when she had heard the news. It was the first time she had really considered what it might be like if Seb did die. They had been partners, in one way or another, for nearly fifteen years and all her future plans and hopes were pinned upon him.
She rounded the corner and stopped to catch her breath, smooth out her coat, look less worried. When she looked up, she saw him immediately; standing by the church’s doors, talking seriously with a police chief. He only glanced in her direction and had to do a double-take.
“What are you doing here?” Seb asked, moving over to her.
“You weren’t answering your phone.” Annoyingly, she’s still breathless.
“Bit of an emergency. Did you run?”
Maybe to avoid the embarrassing question, maybe because she was so relieved to see him standing, she threw her arms around him and kissed him, with slightly more passion than normal. She couldn’t say for sure, but she thought Seb kissed her back with a matched ferocity and held her a little tight than normal too. Maybe he was glad to see her too.
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solartranslations · 4 years
VF Dante Chapter 5: Ebb and Flow
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The two go after the heroine who has been taken by Joshua. Dante has no further doubts…
~*Scene: VF Captain’s Cabin*~
Felicita: Zzz
~*Flashback: VF Deck*~
Dante: Right now, your family is something I’ve sworn to protect—
Dante: And they are my future!
~*End Flashback*~
Joshua: …His “future”…
Felicita: *wakes up*
Joshua: I see you’ve awaken, Princess of Regalo
>That fog…
>Where’s Dante?
Joshua: It is one of “Justice’s” Arcana powers
Joshua: I remember…using it to protect the island a long time ago
Joshua: Your beloved and Ash should be headed this way
Joshua: You will see him soon…
Joshua: I’d tell you to relax, but I doubt you trust me
Felicita: …
Joshua: This is off topic but, are you the daughter of Arcana Famiglia’s Papa?
~*Flashback: VF Staircase*~
Dante: Did you know that in the past, Mondo was even more unreasonable than he is now?
Dante: He thought the way he was raised was wrong. So, he was always very strict on the son he had with his first wife
Dante: …As a result, that son rebelled by running away
~*End Flashback*~
Joshua: I see Mondo hasn’t changed…has he already forgotten about me?
>There’s no parent who doesn’t care about their child!
>You’re the reason Papa dotes on me so much?
Joshua: …Yes. I agree
Joshua: Right now…I’m actually in the same situation. But it might be too late…
Joshua: Is that what happened after I left? *laugh*…should I apologize then?
Joshua: I’m sure you know that’s also part of his love
Joshua: *laugh*…Your father may be strange, but he is very kind
Joshua: I wish I could have seen him again while I was still myself
Felicita: !
Joshua: Take these… I’m sorry for being a terrible older brother
Joshua: …Ah, I’m, out of, time…
(*grab) (*whish)
Joshua: …I have you. My sister… “Wheel of Fortune”
~*Scene: VF Staircase*~
Ash: So just to be clear. You really weren’t Strawberry Head’s dad, old man?
Dante: No! Ojou-san’s father is the top of “Arcana Famiglia”
Dante: He’s the first person you must see when you come to the island
Ash: Who said I was going?
Dante: We’ll talk about that later. Saving Ojou-san comes first
Ash: Still, I did think something was weird between you two. But I didn’t expect you had that kind of relationship
Dante: Yes, it is “that kind”
Dante: Hm? That looks like…
Luca: Dante! …And, you!!
Ash: The useless alchemist. Relax. I’m not in the mood to fight
Debito: Well, I’m not going to waste my strength either. Luca, cut the damn flames
Luca: Guh… You all have such foul mouths
Dante: I’ll take responsibility for Ash. We have more important things to do
Ash: Yeah. The old baldy is going to go save his amore
Luca/Debito: Amore?
Ash: You’re his friends, right? Then help
(*glare) Luca: Dante, how exactly did you explain who Ojou-sama was!?
Dante: Well, a lot happened…
Dante: But I fully understand that enjoying myself in this situation wasn’t proper as your superior and—
Debito: Ugh, you’re going to brag now? I’m not listening to this…so I’ll go ahead
Dante: Of course, when we get back I’ll be sure to…
(*smile) Luca: …When we return to the mansion, I’m sure you’ll need time to speak with your “amore”
Dante: No, actually I was…
Nova: There you are, Dante!
Nova: Why are you muttering to yourself? And I’d like an explanation regarding the guy behind you
Nova: Jolly said he was leaving the captain’s cabin to Pace and Liberta. We should get back as soon as possible
Nova: I’m glad we were able to regroup, but now…I feel uneasy about them
Nova: And, Dante. Why is there steam coming out of your head?
Dante: S-steam!?
Ash: People who group together really are laidback…
Dante: L-let’s go!!
Fukurota: Hoot…
Dante: You’re worried about Ojou-san too, huh Fukurota?
Dante: It’ll be alright. I promise I’ll save her
~*Scene: VF Deck*~
Jolly: The fog has cleared so now is our chance
Jolly: We’ll finish this while the “Justice” Tarocco is still dormant…
Jolly: I’ll leave the skeletons to you two
Pace: You got it!!!
Liberta: Hehe…here I stand, against a countless sea of skeletons
Liberta: Yeaaaah!! This is so exciting!
Liberta: Hiyaaah!!
Jolly: This ship was created using the same principles as the Tarocco…how very interesting
Jolly: It’s also full of things that pique my interest
Jolly: I’ll make sure it serves Regalo to the fullest…
Pace: Let’s hurry home and have lasagna!!
~*Scene: VF Captain’s Cabin*~
Felicita: !
Joshua: I can’t lose this host…before returning to the Tarocco…
Joshua: Now, change my relationship with my host into the form I desire, “Wheel of Fortune”
>What does that have to do with losing your host?
>The “Wheel of Fortune’s” power…
Joshua: If I lose him, it will be too late
Joshua: Are you really a contractor if you don’t use your power?
Felicita: !
Dante: You treat your sister much too roughly, Tarocco of “Justice”!
Felicita: !?
~*Scene: VF Deck*~
Joshua: …Do you know why…I haven’t been able to find a new contractor for so long?
Felicita: …
Joshua: Hah!!
Felicita: !
(+50 Amore)
(-50 Amore)
Felicita: *dodge*
Dante: Hah!!
Dante: I don’t know any of the specific rules between Tarocco and their contactors
Dante: You’ll have to ask your creator, or an alchemist who studies your power
Dante: All I know is that “the cards choose their hosts”
(*whoosh) Dante: Uryaaah!!
Joshua: Hah!!
Felicita: *dash*
Felicita: Hya!
(+50 Amore)
(-50 Amore)
(*whack) Joshua: Urk!
(*dodge) Joshua: …!!
Joshua: Quiet
(*whish) Joshua: Hah!!
Felicita: !
(+50 Amore)
(-50 Amore)
Felicita: *dodge*
(*whack) Felicita: Ah!
Dante: Ojou-san!!
Joshua: I was in a lone slumber after my host passed, you wouldn’t understand how I feel…
Joshua: With power beyond your knowledge, we Tarocco can control our hosts
Joshua: Using this host, I can even stay in this world forever by my own will…
Dante: …So it’s already lost all reason…
Joshua: Who decided what was “reasonable”? Humans?
Dante: Then I ask you. Why do the cards choose “humans”?
Dante: Beside the Tarocco, there are many things that hold great power…like guns, or important documents
Dante: If that power brings blessings and wealth—
Joshua: Grrraaa!!
(*rumble) Joshua: Find your way to despair…Un Labirinto Atmosferico
Dante: It can also cause suffering depending on its wielder’s ambition and intent
Dante: If that happens, I will put a stop to it
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Dante: Let all be swallowed by the storm, and return to nothing…
Dante: Dare un Ordine! (TN: To give an order)
Felicita: …
(*dash) Felicita: Yah!
(+50 Amore)
(-50 Amore)
(*whack) Joshua: Gaaah!
(*dodge) Joshua: …!!
Dante: If someone doesn’t take the first step, then nobody will
Dante: And I want to be that “someone”
Joshua: Graaaaah…!!
>I admire you, Dante
(No Amore)
>I want to stand by your side, Dante
(+20 Amore)
>I want to support you, Dante
(+10 Amore)
Dante: Can I really become a good role model?
Dante: But, I’m satisfied being your guide…
Dante: Hahaha! Usually you stay behind so I can protect you. Isn’t that logical?
Dante: But…since you’ve chosen to be by my side—
Dante: I’m happy to hear that
Dante: You’ll support me? You’re quite confident, aren’t you?
Felicita: *mad*
Dante: I know. I’m probably already relying on you a lot
❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned
Pleasure: I’m happy to receive her praise
Link: Saving Joshua will also be my repentance
Link: My greatest achievement was earning your heart
Pleasure: Her words are reassuring…but deep
Person: Saving Joshua will also be my repentance
Pleasure: I’m glad we’re close enough to trust each other
Link: Saving Joshua will also be my repentance
(*grip) (*whish)
(*step) Liberta: Dante, watch out!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems confused
Pleasure: The skeleton!
Pain: What’s up with this ship!?
Felicita: !?
Dante: Thank you, Ojou-san, Liberta
❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned
Pleasure: Ojou-san and Liberta both saved me
Person: I can’t let my guard down
Link: Saving Joshua will also be my repentance
Liberta: Geez, Dante! Focus! Is that skeleton the leader!?
Joshua: Ahhhhh…
Dante: Joshua…
Dante: …Ojou-san, is it possible for you to save him using the power of “The Lovers”?
❤≪Dante≫ Tarocco
Person: Ojou-san should be able to use her powers without issue now
Link: Saving Joshua will also be my repentance
Arcana: I’m not just denying our powers
Dante: “Justice” has lost sight of its true self…so use your powers to see what it truly wants
Dante: You should be able to do that now
Felicita: Okay
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>It must…not really want to be apart
>”Gli Amanti”, lend me power
Gli Amanti: How interesting
Gli Amanti: I’m not the only one who likes my host
Gli Amanti: The power of your love has certainly grown
Gli Amanti: I can see that, so I will gladly lend my power
Gli Amanti: “La Giustizia” is confused…it wants to return, but is attached to its host
Gli Amanti: When it awakened, its host had no need for it, so perhaps it is resentful
Gli Amanti: It isn’t enough to need “La Ruota della Fortuna’s” power like it desires
Gli Amanti: Well, that’s all I can do
Gli Amanti: Continue to nurture your love, my master…
Felicita: !
Dante: Joshua…was set free?
❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned
Person: Joshua looks…
Arcana: So “The Lovers” has provided the answer
Place: This light is…
Joshua: The Tarocco couldn’t return…because of my regrets…?
Dante: That’s just how you see it. “Justice” has already returned to its card
Dante: That was to be its fate sooner or later
Joshua: Fate guides us…you mean
Dante: …You understand, right Ojou-san?
Dante: The Tarocco was created by a human, and have not only power, but also emotions and a will of their own
❤≪Dante≫ Tarocco
Pleasure: Ojou-san seems to be friendly with her Tarocco
Arcana: The relationship between humans and that Tarocco is unknown but profound
Person: Joshua looks…
Dante: All we can do is struggle as we are manipulated by the Tarocco’s great power
Dante: Since it seems that is what they desire
Liberta: Dante! Where’d the leader skeleton go?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Pleasure: It’s so bright
Person: The one with clothes is the leader, right?
Daily: I haven’t fought it yet!
Dante: The leader of the skeletons…returned to where it belonged
❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned
Arcana: The relationship between humans and that Tarocco is unknown but profound
Person: Joshua is Liberta’s…
Place: He’ll pass on in his rightful form…
Liberta: Aw, really. It ran away? …But, this view is really nice…
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems shocked
Daily: But I didn’t get to fight it
Place: Now we just have to get home to Regalo!
Dante: Yeah…
Joshua: …What kind of place is Regalo?
Liberta: Huh!? Why’re you asking that?
Joshua: I’m asking because you’re the one who’s here. Regalo was the destination of my journey
Dante: …Answer him, Liberta
❤≪Dante≫ Arcana Famiglia
Link: It’s not my place to say
Arcana: We have one more job left…
???: I can’t see very well here
Liberta: Dante? Oh, okay. You look like a ghost, so I’ll tell you before you go
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Place: He knows Regalo?
Pleasure: Talking to a ghost will make for a great story later
Liberta: Regalo’s the best! There should be tons of flowers blooming right now, and everyone’s really nice
Liberta: …You should visit in your next life!
Joshua: Yes. I hope to as well. Thank you…
Liberta: Yup!
Dante: ……
Dante: …My last job here is done then…
Felicita: …
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>I was scared, but I waited for you
(+30 Amore)
>Don’t leave me alone
(+20 Amore)
>Joshua has…
(No Amore)
Dante: Yes, you did well…
Dante: You’ve always been easy to scare since you were young
Dante: Yes…I apologize for making you scared
Dante: …I remember you clinging on to me like this the same way a long time ago
(Skip the next dialogue choice box)
Dante: This may sound cold, but his fate was already decided
Dante: …I’ll stay with you in his place. That has always been my duty
(Skip the next dialogue choice box)
>You remember?
(+10 Amore)
>I wish you’d forget…
(No Amore)
Dante: You spread your tiny arms wide and clung to me with all your might…
Dante: How could I forget?
Dante: It’s alright now…
Dante: What? Now is the only time I can say it
Dante: You get embarrassed too easily
Dante: It’s alright now…
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Dante: But our feelings for each other have changed since then
Dante: Now…we’ve become closer kind of family
Dante: It’s embarrassing to admit, but when I’m with you, I end up acting so disgraceful
Dante: Like when you look at me with such honesty in your eyes…I never want to give you up to anyone
>I don’t want to let you go either
(+10 Amore)
>I want to stay with you forever
(No Amore)
Dante: I see…so you feel the same way
Dante: We’re alike…so we’re a good match
Dante: Felicita…
Dante: Of course you can
Dante: I’ll stay with you to make up for the time we were apart…
Dante: Felicita…
Liberta: The heck…I can’t watch!
❤≪Liberta≫ Can’t seem to handle it
Place: I can’t go over there!
Person: Have Dante and Ojou always been that flirty?
Nova: Cut it out already! And please explain what’s going on with shady Alchemist #3 over there, Dante!
❤≪Nova≫ Seems nervous
Person: This is unsightly!
Arcana: We aren’t done here
Place: Wait until we’re home
Ash: #3…you mean me!?
❤≪Ash≫ Seems irritated
Person: Shut it! Soybean!
Arcana: I’m the one who went after the old man
Link: Joshua…was saved
Luca: Well, the alchemist shouldn’t be a problem if he causes no harm
Luca: But the other thing is a different matter!!
Pace: Luca-chan’s making funny faces!
Debito: Leave them…I just want a drink and a nap
Dante: Haha…they can’t seem to bear this, but I suppose it means they care for you
❤≪Dante≫ Seems nervous
Person: Ash reminds me of how I used to act brave
Love: I don’t want to look like this in front of the young ones…
Ash: Don’t think you’ve won, old man. I’ll be staying in Regalo until I can get back at you!
>You can just ask for help
(No Amore)
>I won’t leave my “family” behind
(+30 Amore)
Dante: Yes, you’re still young. It’s the best time to be honest
Ash: I’ll pass if that means becoming a pervert like you
Debito: I agree he’s definitely a pervert
Dante: Yes. While you’re in Regalo, you’ll be “family”
Ash: Well if I just live on my ship in the sea, I won’t be family. Take that!
Luca: So another twisted person has joined our Family…
❤≪Dante≫ Seems to be having fun ❤≪Dante ≫ Seems concerned
Daily: It won’t go that easily though
Link: Ash needs to be around people
Pleasure: Words fitting of our future “Donna”
Link: Ash needs to be around people
❤≪Ash≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Ash≫ Seems concerned
Person: Don’t cling to each other in public
Link: I’m glad Joshua was saved
Arcana: I’m the one who went after the old man
Person: I’m family too?
Arcana: I’m the one who went after the old man
Link: I’m glad Joshua was saved
Liberta: Wait, why do you and him get along?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Place: This ship is interesting!
Person: Isn’t he our enemy?
Pleasure: This’ll be fun!
Ash: Listen! Don’t go calling us friends, family, or anything like that
Dante: Hahaha! Come then, if you want! I’ll take you on any time
❤≪Dante≫ Seems happy
Pleasure: I feel like I’ve been saved by saving someone
Love: I’ve been saved by having Ojou-san by my side
~*End of Scene*~
Special Voice obtained. It can be heard in the Profile section
(Continue to Famiglia Epilogue)
(Continue to ED1: 700+ Amore)
(Continue to ED2: 400+ Amore)
(Continue to ED3: <400 Amore)
(Back to Directory)
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honey-makki · 4 years
NSFW alphabet with C, I, M, Z, P for Kuroo, please and thank you! Congratulations on 666!
Kuroo Tetsuro
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Cjidkdneid. This image showed up as sensitive material which is fair bc it’s got me mad h word on main.
c- crush
I think he’s actually gonna he pretty confident about it. He won’t take much prodding to do it, bit will wait to see signs that you are interested. Smithing small like a blush on your cheeks or nervous laughter at something that wasn’t really funny. Would pull you aside and ask you to go to one of his games and ask for your number to tell you when it is if he didn’t already have it. Will take you out for food afterwards.
i- inside joke
his pet names for you are exclusively scientists who had weird theories. you really like Tesla and though he was cool and kuroo bullies you for it #einsteingang you hate it but it always makes you blush and roll your eyes. “Hörbiger, can you bring me a cup of ice water?” “Yeah if you call me by my name” “sorry I just think your world ice doctrine is so exciting” (ok world ice doctrine is so funny please read about it)
m- meant to be
You leave him notes around the house and even if you don’t like chemistry or volleyball, you always find a way to include a cute pun or drawing. He finds you one day looking up science puns on your computer and saving them to a document for later use. The fact you would put in that much premeditated effort into something so small and silly to make him happy confirms that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
p- pet peeve
People who don’t “respect” their body. That begins said, he is One™ of the those people. Bullies you for drinking soda talking about how carbonation so disruptive, but he exclusively drinks redbull, coffee and water. In that order. Really does take good care of his body tho, just him being an asshole about it is his toxic trait
z- zzz (in general)
answered here 💞
c- cum
he doesn’t necessarily have a breeding kink but he does want to see his cum dripping out of your abused holes. Always makes you taste his or your own cum and then kisses roughly. The taste of it makes him groan regardless but having your tongue swirling around him?? He’s hard again if he wasn’t already.
i- intamacy
He likes it most when you are close to him. He always closes any gaps in space between you. He loves leaving small kisses on your shoulder or nape of your neck just to remind you that he loves you and cares about you, no matter how rough he is. also always asks for consent or how you are doing every time he tries something new even though you’ve talked about it before. He just wants to double check.
m- motivation
You are his motivation. He just wants to watch you fall apart. Hearing you moan or squeal, watching you clench around nothing out of anticipation, how many times he makes you cum?? It’s the reason he wakes up in the morning. He is honestly just has happy to watch you be cum on his fingers for hours as he is to cum himself.
p- pace
baby I’m so sorry for your pussy!!! Fast and hard! He likes to see you wimpering at the speed saying it’s too fast while still shuddering in pleasure at every action. It’s not because he can’t control himself or he can only get off going fast, its really your fault for looking so cute like this!! He is much calmer when fucking your throat or ass bc he doesn’t want to hurt you, just make you enjoy yourself.
z- zzz (after sex)
answered here 💞
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frauleinjustice · 4 years
Saiouma Week Day 1: Morning
Hello everyone!! I wanted to write for Day 1 of saioumaweek ( @saiouma-events ): morning/night, specifically for morning! 
Summary: Shuichi normally isn’t awake so early at 6am, but had went to sleep very early last night. Deciding it’d make for a peaceful morning to read outside on a bench, he would also come across Kokichi who spots him. Kokichi himself is awake due to having difficulty sleeping... so Shuichi will help him try to get some sleep. 
Heheh as always, smth short and cute I wanted to do~! And if you give it a read, thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy! ღ
6am... normally, the detective was still asleep at this time. Though: he had fallen asleep much earlier than his usual bedtime, so he woke up very early. He didn't mind it, though: in fact, he even got dressed so he could go outside and take a stroll through campus, eventually stopping at a bench so he could sit down and read. The sky slowly brightens as the sun continues to rise. It made for a very pretty sight, paired with the sound of the birds tweeting in the background and a cool morning breeze sweeping past him. 
As expected, there wasn't really anyone else outside... save for the peculiar sight of Kokichi, who was also up and about this morning. His reason for being awake, though, was because he hadn't slept, barely getting two hours in. His sleeping schedule was never consistent, anyway: sometimes he got a decent amount of rest, and other times, he barely got in a nap's worth of sleep. He was incredibly exhausted and his eyes were baggy, but he gave up trying to go back to sleep after failing to do so multiple times. When he enters the part of campus Shuichi is in, and spots him-"!" He looks surprised, not expecting to see the detective of all people out so early. "Saihara-chan...?" But it was a nice surprise: he always got excited when he spotted Shuichi. He quickly and quietly moves around to behind the bench. Then slowly, he sneaks closer from behind, and... places his hands over Shuichi's eyes. 
"Oh-!" Not having spotted or heard him, Shuichi lets out a surprised gasp when his vision is suddenly blocked. 
"Guess whooo~?"
"!" He was about to ask who it was, but once Kokichi spoke and he recognized his voice, a smile now appeared on his face. Giggling, he answers: "If I had to guess... Ouma-kun?"
"Ding ding ding!" He snickers, moving his hands away before he wraps his arms around Shuichi's neck, nuzzling their cheeks together. "Saihara-chan!!"
"Ouma-kun!" He smiles brightly, nuzzling their cheeks together as well before he looks towards him. "Good morning! I didn't expect to see you out here: enjoying a morning stroll, too?"
"I could say the same thing for you! And in actuality, I was contemplating which facility I should take over and make my secret base, next. Perhaps if Saihara-chan joins my organization, I'll take over his favorite library so he can have allll the books he wants..."
"Aww, Ouma-kun... how sweet of you." Then an amused smile creeps onto his face. "But no."
"Ah! Rude!!" He playfully pouts, jabbing his finger into the laughing Shuichi's cheek before he starts laughing with him. Whenever Shuichi was playful with him like this and laughed as if he was having fun: Kokichi adored it. He adored many things about his beloved detective. "Anywaaay.. why are you up so early, Saihara-chan? Were you up all night reading again?"
"N-No! It's just... I fell asleep way earlier than my bedtime, so I ended up waking up at like 5:30am, a-ahaha... and since I didn't feel tired enough to head back to sleep, I thought it'd be nice to come out here. The sky looks so pretty at this hour..."
"I see, I see... cause if Shumai pulled another all night, I'd have to roast his books over a fire!"
"I-It's always an accident when it happens, I swear!" He whines, before a worried expression appears on his face.. "A-Anyway… did you not get any sleep last night, Ouma-kun? Your eyes have bags under them... is everything alright? Did you have a nightmare?"
"Jeeez... Saihara-chan worries too much. I'm just way too busy for sleep, is all!" He didn't want to tell Shuichi that it was simply trouble sleeping, as he didn't want to worry him even more than he already was. 
"B-But..." Shuichi knows it has to be more than that, which only makes him worry worse. "Still! You should get some sleep... hmm..." He thinks for a moment... before he pats his lap. "H...Here. You can lay your head on my nap and rest."
"I told youuu, I’m...huh?" Just as he was about to insist once more he doesn't need to keep worrying, the sudden offer catches him off guard. "Saihara-chan wants me to... lay my head on his lap?"
"Y-Yeah, well: if you want, that is. Even if it's only 30 minutes of sleep.. something is better than nothing. And... I wouldn't mind it..." 
".................." He doesn't respond right away. Not that he's deciding if he wants to or not: he very much would love to. But the thought of laying on Shuichi's lap... he hopes the blush that slowly creeps onto his face won't be too notable. "F...Fine. Only so I won't hear you keep nagging at me." Is the convenient excuse he gives, before laying his body onto the bench and lays his head on Shuichi’s lap.
Shuichi feels his heart thump in his chest once Kokichi's laying on his lap, still surprised he was even bold enough to suggest that. He knows he could've suggested he should just go back to his own bed to sleep, but he... wanted to take that risk and ask of this: he's glad he did. Having the person he's secretly in love with, resting on his lap... it's something he'd love to experience. "A...Are you comfy?"
"Hmm...nope! This is the worst pillow ever!" But then a big, bright smile appears on his face. "But that's a lie! Saihara-chan's lap is... passable enough."
"G-Geez... never a straight answer with you, huh?" He chuckles, smiling down at him so warmly. 
"Nishishi...." Shuichi looking down at him with such a smile, highlighted by the bright sunlight... it made the blush on his cheeks darken, and his smile shift into a more natural, genuine one. He always found the detective so pretty; but especially right now. "Shumai’s got such a pretty smile..." He mumbles quietly, nuzzling part of his face in Shuichi’s stomach with a giggle. "And if I'm napping on my beloved detective's nap... then maybe I'll look forward to sleeping."
“A...Ah… e-ehehe…” His own cheeks turn a darker shade of red as well, the look in his eyes looking warmer and more loving.” Th...Thank you…. And I’m happy to hear that, Ouma-kun. You deserve a good rest.” His hand hesitates for a moment… but then he slowly brings it up towards Kokichi’s head, so he can start gently combing it through his hair. If Kokichi didn’t like the gesture, he’d stop: but hearing a content sigh leave him instead, and even nuzzling his head more against Shuichi’s hand… makes him softly  giggle as he continues the gesture.  “Have a nice nap now, okay…?”
“Aye!” Once he’s extra comfy on his lap, he nuzzles his face against his stomach some more before slowly drifting off to sleep. Shuichi continues stroking his hair while reading with his other hand, occasionally glancing down at him. He looked so peaceful and content as he slept… the first time in a long while sleep felt this nice. 
“...Never thought someone as normally eccentric and boisterous as him, could have such an adorable sleeping face…” He whispers to himself, giggling. He was happy he could help Kokichi finally get some sleep.
It’s around two hours later when Kokichi wakes up. “Mmnngh…” He wipes the small drool lazily with his sleeve, eyes squinting when the sunlight hits them… and instead of rising back up: he wraps  his arms around Shuichi’s face, burying his face in his stomach once more while sleepily mumbling incoherent babbles. He doesn’t want to get up yet.
“Oh…!” That whole while, Shuichi had still been reading. His legs did become a bit numb overtime, but he didn’t mind it: he wouldn’t move until Kokichi was awake. He looks down at him when he feels him move around, chuckling as he gives his cheek a small poke. “Hellooo, Ouma-kuuun… did you have a nice sleep?”
“Mraaah…” He snickers at the cheek poke, eventually raising his head back up and slowly rises, yawning with a nod. “Yeah… I did. I didn’t wanna wake up yet, though: Shumai’s so comfyyy…” Once he’s sitting next to him again, he leans his head against his shoulder. “Zzz…nishishi...” 
“You’re so silly…” He giggles, giving his hair a soft ruffle. “But I’m glad. Still take it  easy for today, though, okay?”
“Hmm….” He looks up at him with a mischievous smile. “Only if I can have Saihara-chan to myself for the rest of the day! He’s gonna make us breakfast while I invade his dorm room!”
“S-So it’s already been determined, huh… well, not that I mind: sure. Let’s hang out in my room today!” Classes weren’t mandatory, anyway: he figures it wouldn’t hurt to miss a day, spending it with Kokichi.
“Yaaaay~!” Kokichi glomps him down in a big hug. “Saihara-chan’s the best!” He wraps his arms around him and starts cuddling him, giggling happily… before he leans in to plant a soft kiss to his cheek. “Because my beloved made me have such a great sleep on his lap…”
“W-Woah-!” His book flew out of his hand from the impact of being glomped down, laughing happily. “A-Ahaha! Yes, yes, we’ll have fun today!” The kiss to his cheek, though, makes a surprised gasp leave him. “!” His cheeks turn a light pink and his heart flutters happily… before he gives a fluffy smile and nods. “N… No problem…” Shuichi slowly wraps his arms around him in turn to cuddle him back. “I’ll happily let you sleep on my lap, anytime…” And shyly leans in to give his forehead a soft peck.
“N...Nishishi….” He buries his face in Shuichi’s chest for a moment, feeling his heart bouncing around from the peck to his forehead, and being cuddled up in his arms like this. He’s so happy, it’s nearly overwhelming. “...Thank you, Saihara-chan. I’d love that.. Now-!” His cheeks still a burning red, Kokichi lets go of him and hops off, holding his hands out with the brightest, beaming smile. “Let’s eat, let’s eaaat! And then have lotsa fun!”
“H-Hehe, yes!” Shuichi grabs both of Kokichi’s hands once he sits back up, so that he can yank the detective up to his feet. “I’ll make us something nice… and then we’ll have a lazy day together…” Grabbing his book, Shuichi begins walking alongside Kokichi as they talk about whatever. To think this all happened, because Shuichi just happened to be out here this early like Kokichi… now, he determines having accidentally slept in so early last night was a very happy accident: one he would not mind at all happening, again.
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Carla Tsukinami (Story 04 + CG)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Yui: (... Why is it, that my body feels so warm?)
(I wonder, what I’m sleeping on? It really feels comfortable ...)
(Just now, I felt that my body was being touched by something soft)
(It feels soft and it’s wrapped around my back ...)
(It's completely different from that cold stone floor of the dungeon...)
(I want to see what it is. But, I can't open my eyes even though I want to check it)
???: If you keep having your disease like this, your life really gets fragile.
... Disease, your diseases
I do not understand, why is it that I worry about this woman so much? What is this irritability?
Yui: (... I know that voice. I feel relieved... I love this voice—)
Place: Violet mansion — unoccupied room
Yui: (...Carla-san?)
Carla: ...
Yui: (Why is he looking at me like that... ?)
1) — be scared (black)
2) — feel relieved (white)♡♡♡
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— be scared
Yui: (... I'm scared of what to do)
(Since Carla-san can’t remember me, I don’t wanna do anything unapproved for him...)
— feel relieved♡
Yui: (I guess he really was by my side the entire time ... I feel relieved)
(Because you are the one I love the most, even if you’ve lost your memories...)
end Choices
Carla: Seems like you still got that fever...
Yui: (Ahh... Carla-san put his hand on my forehead...)
(I missed the feeling of his hand...)
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Yui: ...Huh... ngh
Carla: ...Did I wake you up? Right now, you’re in an empty room. You can keep lying here without hesitation.
Yui: (Carla-san’s voice is so calm... I love it, when he talks like that)
(Yes, I do love it—)
Carla: ...It seems, that you still are feeling conscious.
I can not understand the pain you might be going through right now. I desperately wish I could do more for you.
Yui: That’s fine... I can feel how hard you’re trying, because...
(It looks like, the normal Carla-san’s coming back to me...)
Carla: Why are you smiling at me like that? There should not be a reason for you to smile at me.
Yui: So your memories... aren’t back yet?
Carla: ... Absurdity
Your body hasn’t calm down from the fever yet. Will it get better if I arrange some water?
Yui: No, I’m fine... Carla-san’s hands are cold enough, so it feels good ...
Carla: I see... Is there a place you want me to touch you?
Yui: Huh... ?
(I never imagined, he’d say something like this...)
It’s fine, my head... is good enough...
Carla: Understood. I’ll do what I can to help you—
Yui: (My head, he’s really not letting go... it feels like the pain is flying away just now. I want to sleep like this...)
Carla: Close your eyes so you can sleep. Humans are really fragile creatures. Even such a thing, can heal their bodies.
Yui: (He’s saying all those kind words ... I want to thank him, but my eyelids are so heavy ...)
(I wish I could tell him how I feel. At least—)
Carla: You, what are you ...? What are you doing, putting your hand on mine like this?
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♡ Roses♡
Carla's forehead: You really, should be nothing more than a mere tool for me to become the king. But somehow, I feel relieved to see Eve’s nearby smile like this.
Carla's hand: I wonder why, you put your hand on mine like this? Maybe, you really want me to stay here with you?
Yui: (I’d like to touch his hand more. I want to hold it like we usually do)
(This all, feels like a dream because of my dizziness and my fever...)
(I’m okay with that. I just want to sleep with his hand close to mine—)
Carla: ...Did you fall asleep?
Yui: Zzz... Zzz...
Carla: It felt like a dream which came true. The sleeping beauty really was really smiling towards me like that.
But ... what am I trying to remember? Where did I see that smile...?
...If I think about her words, were they really meaningless?
Yui: Zzz...
Carla: Eve, you don’t have to answer. Honestly, I didn’t intend to take you out of that dungeon.
I wanted to keep you at that place, until you remembered everything about becoming the king. I really intended that.
But... I remembered something which is not clear for me. It felt like I wanted you to leave that dungeon so bad. I’m not sure why I felt that way myself.
... Don’t tell me it’s me who’s causing that illness for you. What can I do if that’s true?
This human being right there, might really be infected by my own illness...
Yui: Zzz... ngh...
Carla: I was sleeping besides her, what was I thinking? More than that—
What happened to her hand resting on mine? It didn’t show any movement...
Place: Violet Mansion — living room
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Azusa: Oh... you two. I’m relieved...
Laito: Hm? What’s wrong? Don’t tell me, were you looking for us?
Subaru: Hm? Today's supervisor is Kou. Let's see if that guy’s able to manage a meal preparation.
Laito: Shouldn't you be the one who's cooking? Kou is pretty clumsy, isn't he?
The first day I was on duty for the guards, the kitchen looked like it got destroyed. It was a terrible experience.
Azusa: Um, that’s not it...
Subaru: What, if you want to say something make it clear.
Azusa: Well... about Carla, did you know he wanted to talk to you... ?
Laito: What? I don't remember him calling us for anything.
Subaru: That guy really called us. How annoying... where is he?
Azusa: He’s in that empty room... because, Carla can’t move now.
Subaru: Eh? No way... was he attacked? Is he hurt or something!?
Azusa: No, Carla is fine...
Subaru: ...What the hell, don’t make it so exciting and say it already!
Azusa: S-Sorry. I'm not sure about it, but—
I think... it's faster if you go to him... and let him explain himself. Both of you ... please.
Laito: Well, I'm way too scared of him to ignore his call. But, what would he talk about?
Subaru: Carla that guy, just what is he thinking?
Place: Violet mansion — unoccupied room
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Carla: Finally.
Laito: What is it? Carla. I heard that you were calling for me and Subaru-kun?
Subaru: Hey, wait. What is that woman doing here?
Yui: Zzz... Zzz...
Laito: What? You told us to come to this empty room, so I wonder if you’d punish us for something...
I wonder why you let Eve out of that dungeon now.
Subaru: Why did you call us here... Azusa didn’t even wanted us to ask him about it.
Carla: The situation has changed. No more than that. You just have to follow the instructions I give you.
Laito: Yes yes, so what are we supposed to do?
Carla: I want you two, to take care of Eve for awhile.
Laito: Oh? What an unexpected development. I wonder why you choose us for that, aren’t you trusting the others about that?
Carla: Are there any objections in my decision for you?
Laito: Nope, it's gonna be fun to welcome Eve more properly once she woke up. So don't think I’d refuse your offer.
Subaru: Wait a second! If it’s just about that, then why didn’t you just choose Laito.
What kind of business do you need to attend to from taking her out of the dungeon, I don’t get it. What are your reasons?
Carla: Now, Eve isn’t in her normal condition. I decided that she needs some proper rest.
Laito: Not her normal condition, what do you mean by that?
Carla: It seems like she’s sick. Her entire body is burning in heat.
Subaru: Sick... ? I thought the situation was something serious, but she’s just sick.
I was on the other side of the grid, and I didn't notice at all, I wonder what happened to her...
Carla: Apparently, the environment of the dungeon didn’t suit her and she got sick.
I can’t afford to lose the traditional Eve to anyone. Try to take care of her.
Subaru: Is that the reason... why you chose us? Kou or Azusa are also free to help here!
Laito: I’m fine with it. There was rarely an opportunity to get closer to Eve.
Would it be okay, if I’d taste her while nursing?
Carla: I said that I you should only take care of her, everything else will end up with punishment.
Naturally, that also means you’re not allowed to drink her blood without my permission.
Laito: What, how am I supposed to have fun while taking care of her then?
Carla: You’re just helping me, in order to become the king. Got that?
Laito: Yes yes, whatever you say. I’ll make sure to do my best, to support my big brother.
But, I’m a little jealous to hear that story once again. I wonder why only Carla is the special one?
Anyway, why do you still hold her hand like that?
Carla: ...
Subaru: Oh, something else. What did he say? Do you need to recover or something?
Laito: No that’s wrong, Azusa wasn't saying that. He only said that Carla can’t move for now.
Did you get caught up in your dreams, about sucking the sleeping beauty’s blood or what?
Subaru: What? Are you stupid?
Carla: Shut up. Laito, I’ve advised you many times, but you can’t stop your act.
Subaru. You should keep a closer eye on Laito too, so he won’t do anything unapproved.
Subaru: What?! Why am I getting involved in this, it’s not like I’m his babysitter!?
Anyway, if you don't know what to do either, you'll have to take care of yourself first.
Carla: ...I hope that you’re not betraying me, in becoming the king.
Subaru: For real, it’s not like I care about that crap. I’ll do whatever you say. Damn it.
Carla: That's good.
Place: Violet mansion — Carla's bedroom
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Carla: ... I feel somehow uneasy, but it would be the best like this.
I don't know how to handle, neither how to take care of human beings.
(But, it was such a pleasure to hold her hand and it took me awhile to let go of her...)
(And, when I look at that woman, I get attacked by mysterious sentimental feelings...)
(... I left Eve in the hands of my younger brothers. I shouldn't be worried about that woman from now on anymore)
(Because my family owns the traditional Eve, the other families will definitely try to fight us)
(I can't give up on my family, just to become the king)
(But, I won’t give up on Eve either. I’ll make sure that she’ll always be mine—)
Place: Orange Mansion — living room
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Shin: I'm back. I've been scouting around the residence of Violet, and I found out a lot of interesting details.
Ruki: I see, you did a good job. Let me listen to the report.
Shin: In fact, Eve, who was not seen before, was brought into an empty room.
She should’ve been hidden in their basement, but now it seems like she got sick.
Ruki: Oh.... how’s the state of Carla?
Shin: He was just standing by the sleeping Eve’s side. After that, he left the place to his younger brothers.
Ruki: I see... seems like they haven’t planned to make any further movements like that.
That means, they haven’t found out a way to become the supreme ruler yet. Or maybe, it’s taking them some time to find out.
In this situation, we have a chance to kill them all and get Eve out of their mansion.
Shin: Oh, of course. We’ll not hand over the seat of the supreme ruler to Violet’s owner Carla.
I’ll make sure to get rid of them all... Brother.
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