#but i got the idea from jo's footage
me-sploh-rada-imas · 14 days
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jankris hug vs jance hug at ruisrock aka the part 2 to this post
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artyandink · 1 month
amoralism | ten
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SUMMARY: You and Dean Winchester are the top agents from Major Crimes. You’re also assigned as partners on the same case- a crime syndicate is running loose and buying out most of downtown New York. He hates you cause you hate him. You hate him cause you think he got in his position with his daddy’s influence. But this case is personal to one of you more than the other- and you may be getting too personal for comfort.
TW: Agent Dean Winchester (yes, he’s a warning in itself), mention of murder, murder, Knights of Hell but they’re just murderous humans, description of injuries, use of firearms, a mole in the FBI, Azazel, Asmodeus, crime syndicates, (slightly), pressure, it’s a Kevin and Jo episode guys
Song Inspo: Bones by Imagine Dragons
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The dimly lit operations room was filled with the hum of computer monitors and the soft clatter of keyboard strokes. Kevin and Jo, both were hunched over a desk, their eyes glued to the footage playing on the screen in front of them. The grainy video showed the supposed death of Cain, a case that had puzzled them for days.
Kevin paused the video, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes. "Something about this just doesn't add up," he said, his voice tinged with frustration. "We've watched this footage a dozen times, and it still feels off."
Jo nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Yeah, I know what you mean. There’s something... staged about it. But I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
Kevin replayed the segment where Cain was supposedly killed, focusing on the details. "Look at the way he falls. It's too clean. No struggle, no desperation. It's almost like he knew what was coming."
Jo leaned closer, scrutinizing the screen. "You’re right. And check out the angle of the camera. It’s positioned perfectly to capture the whole scene. Almost like it was set up deliberately."
Kevin's fingers flew across the keyboard, enhancing the footage and zooming in on Cain's face. "See that? He’s looking right at the camera. That’s not a look of fear; it’s... calculated."
Jo's eyes widened. "He’s playing to the audience. He wanted us to see this."
Kevin nodded, a sense of excitement building in his chest. "Exactly. But why? What’s his endgame?"
Jo frowned, leaning back in her chair. "Maybe he wanted us to think he was dead. Take the heat off him, so he could operate from the shadows."
Kevin paused the footage at the moment of Cain's supposed death. "That would explain a lot. But it also means we’ve been chasing a ghost. Cain's out there somewhere, and we’ve got no idea what he’s planning."
Jo ran a hand through her hair, her mind racing. "We need to look at this from a different angle. If Cain wanted us to think he was dead, he must have a reason. Something big."
Kevin started pulling up files on Cain, scanning through his known associates and recent activities. "Cain's always been a step ahead. If he's faked his death, he’s probably planning something major. We need to figure out what that is before it’s too late."
Jo nodded, determination hardening her features. "Right. But first, we need to confirm our theory. Let’s see if there’s any evidence that supports the idea that Cain is still alive."
Kevin brought up a series of reports, focusing on unusual activities that could be linked to Cain. "Look at this. A string of unexplained deaths in the last month. All of them have Cain’s signature—decapitation with a single clean cut."
Jo’s eyes widened. "That’s his calling card. He’s definitely still active. We need to alert the higher-ups."
Kevin hesitated, a frown crossing his face. "Wait. If we go straight to them without solid proof, they might not take us seriously. We need more than just a hunch."
Jo nodded, her jaw set. "You’re right. We need to gather enough evidence to make our case airtight. Let’s start with the footage. There’s got to be something we missed."
Kevin replayed the footage, slowing it down frame by frame. "Look here," he said, pointing to a shadow in the background. "There’s someone else in the room. They’re just out of sight, but you can see their reflection in the window."
Jo squinted at the screen, her heart racing. "That’s it. Cain had an accomplice. Someone who helped him stage his death."
Kevin enhanced the image, revealing the faint outline of a figure. "If we can identify this person, we might be able to track them down and get to Cain."
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The sun was just beginning to set as Kevin and Jo arrived at the scene of the latest decapitation. The crime scene was an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, eerily quiet and shrouded in shadows. They parked their car a safe distance away and approached on foot, their flashlights cutting through the growing darkness.
Kevin’s heart raced as they reached the entrance. He glanced at Jo, who nodded in silent agreement. They needed to be cautious; if Cain was on a revenge mission, there was no telling what they might find.
They slipped inside the warehouse, the scent of decay and stale air assaulting their senses. The beam of Kevin’s flashlight fell on the chalk outline of a body and a pool of dried blood. He knelt down, inspecting the scene with a critical eye.
“Looks like the usual M.O.,” Kevin murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “Clean cut, no signs of a struggle.”
Jo scanned the area, her flashlight revealing the remnants of a violent encounter. “Yeah, but something feels different. This doesn’t seem random. Cain’s targeting someone specific.”
Kevin stood up, dusting off his hands. “Let’s look around. Maybe we can find something that ties this to Cain.”
They moved methodically through the warehouse, searching for clues. It wasn’t long before Jo’s flashlight caught something glinting in the shadows. She moved closer, crouching down to inspect it.
“Kevin, over here,” she called softly.
Kevin joined her, and together they examined the object. It was a medallion, intricately carved with symbols that Kevin recognized immediately.
“This is a syndicate insignia,” he said, his eyes widening. “Whoever this was, they were part of the syndicate.”
Jo’s eyes narrowed in thought. “So Cain’s not just killing randomly. He’s targeting members of the syndicate. But why?”
Kevin turned the medallion over in his hands, his mind racing. “Revenge. Cain’s on a revenge mission.”
Jo frowned. “Revenge for what?”
Kevin’s face grew grim as he pieced it together. “For the death of his wife, Collette, and his brother Abel.”
Jo’s eyes widened in realization. “Of course. Cain’s been harboring a grudge for centuries. The syndicate must have been involved in their deaths.”
Kevin nodded. “It makes sense. Cain’s always been driven by a sense of justice, twisted as it may be. If the syndicate had a hand in Collette’s and Abel’s deaths, he’d stop at nothing to make them pay.”
Jo stood up, her expression determined. “We need to find out more about this victim. If we can identify them, we might be able to connect the dots and figure out who Cain’s next target will be.”
Kevin agreed, pocketing the medallion. They continued their search, hoping to uncover more clues that would shed light on the identity of the latest victim. As they moved deeper into the warehouse, Kevin’s flashlight caught a glimpse of a piece of paper pinned to the wall.
“Jo, over here,” he called, moving towards the paper.
Jo joined him, and they examined the paper together. It was a list of names, each one crossed out except for the last two. Kevin recognized a few of the names immediately—prominent members of the syndicate who had been killed in recent weeks.
“This is a hit list,” Jo said, her voice barely above a whisper. “These are Cain’s targets.”
Kevin nodded, his heart pounding. “And it looks like he’s almost done. We need to warn the remaining targets before it’s too late.”
Jo took out her phone, quickly dialing the number of their superior. “We need to get this information to Sam and the others. They need to know what we’ve found.”
Kevin scanned the list, noting the names and locations of the remaining targets. He quickly pulled out his phone, dialling Sam.
He answered on the second ring. ‘Hey, Kevin. What’s up?’
Kevin took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Sam, we’ve got a situation. It’s about Cain."
There was a pause on the other end before Sam’s voice came through, cautious and curious. ‘Cain? I thought he was dead.’
"Yeah, that’s what we all thought," Kevin replied, glancing at Jo for support. "But we’ve got evidence that he’s still alive. And it’s worse than we expected—he’s on a revenge mission."
‘Revenge?’ Sam’s tone shifted, growing more serious. ‘For what?’
Kevin explained quickly, summarizing the events of the past few hours. "We’ve been investigating a series of decapitations, and we found out that all the victims were part of the syndicate. Cain’s been targeting them because he believes they were involved in the deaths of his wife, Collette, and his brother, Abel."
There was another pause as Sam processed the information. ‘That explains a lot. But if Cain’s alive and out for revenge, that means we’re dealing with a Knight of Hell who’s hell-bent on destruction.’
"Exactly," Kevin said. "We’ve already secured the remaining targets on his hit list, but we need to find Cain and stop him before he kills anyone else."
Jo stepped closer to Kevin, speaking up. "Sam, we’ve got a lead on his location. An abandoned farmhouse on the outskirts of town. We’re gearing up to head there now."
Sam’s voice was firm, filled with determination. ‘I’m on my way. Don’t do anything until I get there. We need to handle this carefully.’
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The evening sky was a wash of fading orange and deepening purple, casting long shadows that seemed to pulse with the tension of the impending confrontation. Sam led the charge, his expression grim and focused.
And hoping his hair wouldn’t fall in his face.
The intel Kevin and Jo had uncovered suggested that this dilapidated farmhouse was Cain’s hideout. After weeks of relentless investigation and countless dead ends, they were finally closing in on the man responsible for a series of brutal murders, each victim a former member of a notorious criminal syndicate. Cain’s revenge was nearly complete, and they knew they were running out of time.
Sam motioned for silence as they approached the front door, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. Kevin and Jo flanked him, their weapons drawn and ready. The tension was palpable, each agent acutely aware of the stakes.
Sam took a deep breath, then kicked the door open, the sound echoing through the empty farmhouse. They moved in swiftly, clearing rooms with practiced efficiency. The air was thick with dust and the lingering scent of decay. As they reached the living room, they found Cain seated calmly in an old armchair, a faint smile playing on his lips.
“Looks like you found me,” Cain said, his voice low and steady. “But you’re too late.”
Sam stepped forward, his gun trained on Cain. “Where are the others?”
Cain shook his head, his smile widening. “They’re gone. All of them. My revenge is complete.”
Kevin felt a chill run down his spine. They had been too late. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. Jo’s eyes were locked onto Cain, her expression a mix of anger and frustration.
“What do you mean, ‘they’re gone’?” Jo demanded, her voice tight with barely restrained fury.
Cain leaned back in his chair, his eyes cold and calculating. “I’ve taken care of everyone responsible for Collette’s death and my brother Abel’s betrayal. Every single one of them.”
Sam tightened his grip on his weapon. “This ends now, Cain. You’re coming with us.”
Cain’s smile faded, replaced by a look of somber resolve. “You think I’m the biggest threat you’re facing? You’re wrong. There’s someone within your own ranks, someone who’s been working against you all along.”
Kevin and Jo exchanged a confused glance. Sam’s eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. “What are you talking about?”
“There’s a mole in your organization,” Cain said, his voice carrying a weight of certainty. “Someone who’s been feeding information to the syndicate, undermining your every move.”
Jo’s eyes widened in shock. “A mole? Who?”
Cain shrugged, his expression inscrutable. “I don’t know their identity. But I do know they’re close. Closer than you think.”
Kevin felt a knot of dread tighten in his stomach. A mole within the FBI could explain the many setbacks they had faced during the investigation. But who could it be?
Sam took a step closer to Cain, his voice a low growl. “Why should we believe you?”
Cain met Sam’s gaze, unflinching. “Because I have no reason to lie. My revenge is complete. I have nothing left to lose.”
The silence that followed was heavy with tension. Sam exchanged a look with Kevin and Jo, then holstered his weapon. “We’re taking you in, Cain. You’ll have plenty of time to tell us everything you know.”
Cain didn’t resist as Sam and Jo cuffed him, his expression one of resignation. Kevin’s mind was racing, trying to process the implications of what Cain had revealed. If there truly was a mole within the FBI, they needed to find them before more lives were put at risk.
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Back at the FBI headquarters, the atmosphere was charged with a mixture of frustration and determination. Cain was secured in an interrogation room, under constant watch. Sam, Kevin, and Jo convened in a conference room, the gravity of their situation weighing heavily on them.
Sam paced the length of the room, his mind clearly racing. “If Cain’s telling the truth, we have a serious problem. A mole within our ranks could explain why this investigation has been so difficult.”
Kevin nodded, his fingers tapping nervously on the table. “We need to re-examine everyone. Look at their access, their movements, any anomalies in their behavior.”
Jo leaned forward, her eyes sharp with focus. “We’ve already ruled out the usual suspects. We need to think outside the box. Consider people we haven’t scrutinized as closely.”
Sam stopped pacing and turned to face them. “We’ll need to do this quietly. If the mole realizes we’re onto them, they could cause even more damage. Let’s start with access logs and communication records. Anyone who’s had unusual access to sensitive information.”
Kevin pulled out his laptop, quickly accessing the FBI’s internal database. Jo began sifting through recent case files, looking for any discrepancies or unusual patterns.
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Kevin and Jo sat across from each other in the dimly lit interrogation room, the sterile walls echoing with their frustration. The clock on the wall ticked mercilessly, reminding them of how little time they had left to uncover the mole within the FBI.
Kevin sighed, rubbing his eyes. “We’ve gone through the files a hundred times, Jo. There has to be something we’re missing.”
Jo leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling as if the answer might be written there. “I know, Kevin. But everyone we’ve investigated so far checks out. There’s no indication of anyone working against us.”
Kevin flipped through a thick stack of personnel files, each one meticulously marked with notes and red flags. “Let’s go over the interviews again. Maybe we missed a detail.”
Jo pulled out a notebook, the pages filled with hastily scribbled observations. “We’ve already ruled out Sam, Benny, Cas, Meg, and Ruby. They’ve all got alibis and their stories check out.”
Kevin nodded, his mind racing. “But what if the mole is someone we haven’t even considered? Someone under the radar?”
Jo tapped her pen against the table, deep in thought. “Like who? We’ve gone through everyone in our immediate circle.”
Kevin stood up, pacing the room. “Maybe it’s someone who’s not directly involved with us but has access to sensitive information. A support staff member, a janitor, someone who blends in.”
Jo’s eyes widened with realization. “You might be onto something. We need to broaden our scope. Look at everyone who’s had access to classified information, even if they’re not directly involved in our operations.”
Kevin nodded, feeling a spark of hope. “Let’s start with the cleaning crew. They’re here late at night when no one else is around. It’s possible someone could have overheard something or found a way to access our files.”
Jo jotted down a list of names. “Alright, let’s split up and start interviewing them. We need to be thorough.”
They moved with renewed determination, ready to uncover the truth.
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The break room was quiet, the usual hum of chatter replaced by the soft buzz of the vending machine. Kevin and Jo sat at a small table, reviewing the cleaning crew’s schedules and backgrounds.
Kevin sipped his coffee, his eyes scanning the list. “So far, everyone we’ve talked to seems clean. No suspicious behavior, no access to restricted areas. Cleaning crew was a bust.”
Jo nodded, tapping her fingers on the table. “But we need to keep digging. There has to be a connection we’re not seeing.”
Kevin set down his coffee, leaning forward. “Let’s think about motive. Why would someone want to betray us? Money? Blackmail? Ideological reasons?”
Jo frowned, her brow furrowing. “It could be any of those. Or something we haven’t even considered. We need to think outside the box.”
Kevin’s eyes lit up with an idea. “What if it’s not about the usual reasons? What if it’s personal? Someone with a grudge against one of us?”
Jo looked thoughtful. “It’s possible. But who would have a personal vendetta against us?”
Kevin pulled out a piece of paper, jotting down names and potential motives. “Let’s make a list of anyone who’s had conflicts with our team in the past. Even minor disagreements could be a clue.”
Jo grabbed a pen, joining him in the brainstorming session. “Alright, let’s start with recent cases. Anyone we’ve crossed paths with who might hold a grudge.”
They worked in silence, their minds racing as they compiled the list. It was a long shot, but it was the best lead they had.
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The FBI archives were a labyrinth of files and documents, stretching back decades. Kevin and Jo had spent hours sifting through the records, their eyes tired and their bodies aching from the constant strain.
Kevin pulled out another box of files, setting it on the table with a heavy thud. “There has to be something in here. Some connection we’ve overlooked.”
Jo flipped through a stack of papers, her fingers smudged with ink. “We’ve reviewed all the recent cases. Maybe we need to look further back. See if there’s a pattern.”
Kevin nodded, opening the box and pulling out a file. “Let’s start with cases that involved multiple agents. Larger operations where more people were involved.”
They worked in silence, the only sounds the rustling of papers and the occasional murmur of realization. Hours passed as they delved deeper into the archives, their frustration mounting with each dead end.
Jo suddenly looked up, her eyes wide. “Kevin, look at this.”
Kevin leaned over, peering at the file in her hands. It was an old case, one that had involved a large-scale operation against a powerful criminal syndicate. Several agents had been involved, including some who were still with the Bureau.
“This operation was a mess,” Jo said, pointing to the notes in the margin. “Several agents were compromised, and there were allegations of a mole even back then.”
Kevin’s mind raced. “But they never found the mole. What if it’s the same person, still operating within the Bureau?”
Jo nodded, her excitement growing. “It’s possible. We need to cross-reference these agents with the ones currently on our list.”
They worked quickly, their energy renewed by the potential breakthrough. If they could find a connection, they might finally be able to unmask the mole.
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The surveillance room was filled with monitors, each displaying different angles of the FBI headquarters. Kevin and Jo watched the screens intently, their eyes scanning for any sign of suspicious activity.
Kevin pointed to one of the screens. “There. That’s Agent Harris. He’s been acting strange lately, always staying late and avoiding eye contact.”
Jo nodded, making a note. “And there’s Agent Parker. She’s been spending a lot of time in the restricted areas, even when she’s not on duty.”
They continued to watch, their suspicions growing with each observation. They had compiled a list of agents who had been involved in the old operation and were now focusing their surveillance on them.
Kevin glanced at Jo, his expression serious. “We need to be careful. If the mole realizes we’re onto them, they might make a move.”
Jo nodded, her eyes never leaving the screens. “We’ll keep watching. Sooner or later, they’ll slip up.”
Hours passed, the tension in the room growing with each passing minute. They monitored every movement, every interaction, hoping for a clue that would lead them to the mole.
Suddenly, Jo’s eyes widened. “Kevin, look at this.”
Kevin leaned forward, his heart pounding. One of the agents on their list was meeting with a known associate of the syndicate— Azazel, no less, their conversation hushed and secretive.
“No way.” She whispered, grabbing her phone and rushing to make a call while Kevin stared wide eyed at the screen.
“That’s it,” Kevin whispered. “We’ve got our mole.”
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You felt numb. You felt… you didn’t know how to feel. In fact, your feet were barely carrying you towards the interrogation room, where you met Sam. He gave you a small nod, reassuring in hopes to calm the rising of bile, venom and blind fury that rose in your gut, threatening to boil over, but you shoved it down for the sake of it.
“He’s in there.” Sam nodded through the door, but stopped you before you could go in full guns blazing, pulling you in for a brief hug, his chin on your head. “Keep your cool, ok?”
“I will.” You assured quietly, and made your way in, your blood turning to ice.
There he was, at the interrogation table, cuffed to the desk. Smirk playing at his pouty lips, sandy hair slightly tousled from not having come quietly, red flannel and knowing look on his face. Green eyes following your every move, every slope of your body as you walked, tongue now tracing his upper teeth.
Dean Winchester. Dean was the mole in the FBI.
“Took you long enough, sweetheart.” He chuckled in a gravelly voice, which you ignored, taking the case file from Kevin with a small nod that said ‘well done’ to him and Jo. They’d been working the case while you were out playing a part in some badly written romance movie.
You cleared your throat, looking him in the eye. “So. It’s you. Why didn’t I see what you were doing?”
“I don’t think you were ever that perceptive, eh?” He grinned at you, clasping his hands together. “Ain’t no game that’s worth it if you ain’t the winner, am I right? But I played you good.”
“You sure did.” You replied, being cold about it the best you could. Your arms folded, jaw set and staring him dead in the eye. “But why did you do it?”
He laughed, throwing his head back before he looked back to you with a smirk. He cracked his Cheshire grin and gave you his best cocky-ass smile, one that made him look like the Devil. But there was only one thing worse than the Devil and that was the Devil in lion's clothing. “Because it’s fun.”
“You had sex with me because it was fun?” You frowned, folding your arms. “You wanted to get me this big win, is that what you wanted? Is this your idea of a big win?”
Dean smirked, leaning forward. “It’s my big win, darlin’. I said I’d get you a win, never said who’s.” Then he chuckled. “My patience’s worn thin. Adiós, sweet thing.”
His cuffs dropped from his hands, a Bobby pin clattering to the floor as the officers yelled out in surprise. Before they could react, they were knocked out with a clean few punches, and Dean had tackled you to the floor, the impact of your head hitting stone making your vision go blurry and the corners of it black.
You felt his lips on yours, further kissing what felt like the life out of you before he pulled back, hearing his footsteps disappear into the hallway along with hells and grunts that followed.
Your vision turning black.
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@lucyholmes13 @pandadork-blog1 @nicolstancu @malusinhaaaa @dybalabandolero
@a-cup-of-nightshade @tomatoessoup @sh0rtcakee @fall-06 @mckaykay-fandoms
@demonxangelomegaverse @deanwinchestersgirl87 @capailluiscedove @i723l-interrupted2323 @niyomiii
@all-the-fan-fic @eviekinevie8 @sunflowerlover57
@darichvep @idk-usernme @supernaturalmarvel3000 @ega2025 @deanbrainrotwritings
@targaryenluvs @bucky-hydra-hoe-barnes @leigh70 @aintnowayboi @ripoffsteveharrington
@gleefulleve @sacrosankta
@riteofpassage77 @eevvvaa @thedevilortheangel @thorsballhair @barbienotdoll
@4e1h3r @wolfieblue03 @kianaleani @vicky199625 @sassyslut2003
@didisull @miwp @lastcallatrockysbar @rizlowwritessortof
@zepskies @angelbabyyy99
@yourgoldengirls @deansobsessedgirl @mrsjenniferwinchester
@aylacavebear @lailawinchesterr @brightlilith @arcanaa @hobby27
@lyarr24 @ximm19 @deanbrainrotwritings
@a-girl-who-loves-disney @jeneelsworld @deans-spinster-witch @deanspinsterwitchs-readinglist @kayleighwinchester
@k-slla @muhahaha303 @suckitands33
@katherineeekai @freefallthoughts @angzls @deans-baby-momma @syrma-sensei
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s10e4 paper moon (w. adam glass)
(ps apparently i didn't actually finish e3 yesterday, i still had a little scene left. but i glanced down when copying out the transcript to get the dean and cas convo bits and didn't see any more dialogue so i was like okay, see ya. so, noted, new evil beautiful red haired lady to fill up the abaddon shaped hole)
exCUSE ME what are those sunglasses??? cringing and laughing. are those someone else's glasses they just plonked on jared's face? it looks like there's a prescription?? dying.
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listen. jared, baby, i am so sorry they did this to you and now i'm wheezing over it
In the scene by the river, Sam is wearing Prada Wayfarer sunglasses and Dean is wearing Oakley Holbrook.
prada???? sam. in prada sunglasses
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DEAN Hey, something I needed to ask you. SAM Shoot. DEAN You've been... kicked, bit, scratched, stabbed, possessed, killed... And you sprain your friggin' elbow?
when in reality how is he not constantly recovering from surgery/stab wounds/being shot by bela etc 🤪
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very cute. it's been a while since we had a scenic drink and chat! went for a whopper of a view too
DEAN Seriously, I'm good. I am. You know, we got… Three more cases of this stuff on ice in the trunk. Taking some ‘we time.’… best decision we ever made.
*studio audience awwww's* "we time" huh. werewolves gonna crash the honeymoon?
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SAM Hear that.
god that just makes me think about
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s5e10 abandon all hope this sweet and funny moment that could have started a fight but no one got mad
DEAN Sam Winchester, having trust issues with a demon. Well, better late than never. SAM Thank you again for your continued support.
and jo and bobby and ellen and....
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all right. we time with extremely questionable sunglasses. let's go. oh, honeymoon too boring, the mark still got him stabby feeling.
DEAN Look, Sam, what we're doing here, it's good, okay? You and me hanging out. But I need to work… I need this. SAM If things go sideways... I mean, like, an inch, you gotta give me the heads-up.
sam, the real "we time" would be the werewolves we kill along the way. oh i do have a hazy idea of something that happens when he must still have the mark. i bet it involves not telling sam when he's going sideways :P
SAM Guess she likes bad boys. DEAN Well, wait’ll she gets a load of us.
LOL okay, dean. feelin himself. splitting up when sam is down his dominant arm seems not great, especially at night when he needs a flashlight. needs a headlamp :p
ahh, kate, the werewolf from the found footage episode (s8e4). i gather that was quite unpopular? i liked it fine
oh my god a like, full episode recap so we can dredge up the memory of lester that was what, 2 episodes ago? lol. wow this is some kind of conversation
SAM You're serious? This is about Lester? DEAN Um, don't get me wrong. I'm not -- I'm not -- I'm not trying to start anything either, okay? I'm just saying, maybe... maybe we oughta talk about that. SAM Okay, except there's nothing to talk about. DEAN Okay. SAM Okay. DEAN I just figured, since we're opening up veins that maybe you'd want to talk about the guy who you made sell his soul. SAM The guy who you then killed, right? I mean, that's the same guy we're talking about? DEAN I was a demon. SAM Oh, you were a demon? Oh, I didn't realize that.
made me laugh. tell him, sam!
DEAN Hey, man, Lester was gonna pay for that soul shake sooner or later. So technically, it's still on you. SAM What do you want from me, Dean? Look, I w-- I'm not happy about it, okay? But I needed to find you. So if I had to... bend a few rules...
this is cracking me up. sam's like damnit dean, usually we just ignore this and move on and never address it again. shove it down. you know???
DEAN Go dark. SAM Go dark. Sure. Label it if you want.
now that got another laugh. ugh kids and their labels
DEAN Look, man, again, I'm not complaining, okay? In fact, I'm doing just the opposite of complaining. I... I just... You know, between Lester and the others... SAM There weren't others. DEAN Okay, either way, maybe we both needed that time off. DEAN This is good. This is good. SAM Yeah. Okay.
is our impromptu therapy session over? 😂 dean what are you doing? haha. was that all just a deflection so they wouldn't talk about his issues?
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KATE Don't! She's my sister.
snorted. a murderous sibling, oh, the moral dilemma!
SAM Yoga? DEAN [mocking] Okay. KATE You laugh, but... I'll pretty much try anything to keep that side of me under control.
*staring at camera*
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feel a little bad laughing at all these things but when they start hitting me over the head with a point/parallel to the boys i just can't
SAM So back at the barn, that was all just an act to protect Tasha? KATE She's family. And, yeah, worth eating a bullet for.
dying for her so she can continue killing other people too! lol. normal sibling behavior
DEAN Kate and Tasha are monsters, okay? Last I checked, we kill monsters. SAM Right, but how can you possibly blame Kate for fighting for her sister? We do it all the time.
DEAN Well, yeah, and that's worked wonders for us. SAM Well, we're still here, aren't we? DEAN Yeah, but is it right? I mean, all that you've done for me, I've still got this Mark. SAM And we'll figure that out. We always do. But you can't take whatever's happened to us or to you and -- and dump it at these girls' feet. DEAN All right, so, what? You wanna nuance this thing? Hit me. What's your plan?
look at all of this impressive communication. impromptu therapy session #2 in the books
SAM Okay. Then, um... I gotta tell you something. I, uh... I lied about Lester. DEAN What? SAM There were others. DEAN Other humans? SAM No. No, no. And -- and I'm sure there were a few hunters I rubbed -- or I... punched the wrong way, but...No. I pretty much saved my best stuff for the bad guys. But you gotta understand something, Dean.
ringing up #3! it's like a season's worth of straight forward communication
SAM I watched you die. SAM And I carried you. I carried your corpse into your room, and I put your dead body on your bed, and then you just... DEAN Yeah.
sam 💔
DEAN I know. I guess I was hoping that note would, you know, fill in the blanks. SAM “Don't look for me”? That note? Yeah, that was really informative. Thanks. DEAN Yeah. I... SAM What? DEAN It's embarrassing, you know? SAM W-what's embarrassing? DEAN All of it. You know, the -- the -- that note. Crowley. Everything.
oh, dean. i hadn't thought about that, that would be mortifying
SAM Dean, you were a demon. DEAN I was a demon? Oh, thanks. I didn't -- I didn't realize. SAM [smiling] Shut up.
cute cute
DEAN Not to mention, I never even said “thank you”" so... SAM You don't ever have to say that, not to me.
oh my god LOL it's like.
Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you. ― Anne Carson, Euripides
which is pretty much their dynamic all the time but the "not to me" would not be denied
TASHA Drop the gun, or Dreamboat here gets his mind blown.
dreamboat, that's a new one. also accurate
TASHA No one's talking to you, Paul Bunyan!
i snorted. okay, maybe this is the problem with my emotional attachment. serious scenes make me laugh. but not in a bad way most of the time? just i'm enjoying the silliness but then not feeling the serious parts. tone too wonky maybe. chicken and the egg, did the tone break the attachment or did the attachment break and made me notice just the jokes because i'm not emotionally engaged
well, they made the sibling parallel diverge pretty starkly what with one being full dark and the other willing and able to kill her
DEAN If you got an itch to scratch... SAM Dean, look, we both jumped on this case. I agree. Equal parts blame there. But the whole idea behind laying low was to rest, to...try and deal with everything we – everything you went through. Maybe we jumped back in too fast. I mean, Dean… you were a demon. You still have the Mark.
yes, dealing with it, definitely a new concept :p is this #4? lost track
SAM Didn't you ever wanna talk about it? DEAN Talk about it? Talk about it how? SAM Come on, man. DEAN I am coming on, Sam, look… I know what happened. Okay? I was there. Remember? I'm not trying to get by it. I just... That's not what this was about. SAM Then what is this about? DEAN It’s about gettin' back in the saddle. Okay? Doing something good, not stewing in my own crap. SAM And what if you're not ready?
this feels like a reminder, hey dean is the king of feeling guilty about things. which honestly, it wasn't at the forefront of my mind either. embarrassed and guilty ✅✅ i'm too worried about what the mark is doing to him
don't think i care if this is ooc i'm taking it. i ship clear communication 🤝 the boys
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witchern · 2 years
wip wednesday.
once again nobody tagged me, i just wanted to prove that this midam k-pop au DOES exist in a google doc somewhere xoxo
The concert tickets were a surprise from Jo. 
At first Adam resisted—strongly, loudly, childishly—but he was worn down by the prospect of spending the night as just another anonymous face in a crowd of thousands, losing himself to the music he’d come to enjoy. He was sick of the monotony of his clinic shifts, sick of being stuck in his own head, sick of drowning in his own thoughts, so yeah: a K-pop concert with his best friend sounded like a good idea. 
The fact that he’d be watching Michael perform in person wasn’t lost on him either. In spite of the fact that Adam was trying to furiously backpedal and undo any attraction he felt toward the man, he couldn’t unsee the hours of music video footage, performance recordings, award ceremonies, and interviews that he’d already watched. In other words: he knew just how talented Michael really was. And he was about to see it all in person. 
ARKangel had apparently sold enough tickets to completely sell out Madison Square Garden, because of course they did. Adam hurried to cross the street and craned his neck looking for the west entrance where he and Jo had agreed to meet up after she got out of work. There were still two hours before the show began but the sidewalk was already packed with fans waiting patiently in line to get in; Adam had to duck and weave through throngs of people, stunned yet again that all these American fans were here to see four guys from Korea. 
Adam finally gave up on the search and called her so she could direct him to her exact spot in front of a lamp post. She waved frantically at him, grinning from ear to ear as he approached and they hung up. 
“You look a little too excited. What’s going on?” Adam asked, narrowing his eyes. 
“What? I can’t be excited to pop my best friend’s K-pop concert cherry?”
“That’s…the most repulsive sentence you’ve ever strung together.” Adam’s suspicious gaze landed on a folded T-shirt Jo had draped across her shoulder. “What’s that?”
“This is for you. To wear. Tonight.” 
And with a flourish, Jo whipped the shirt out and unfolded it. It was a baseball tee with neon purple stripes—ARKangel’s signature color—and the band’s logo on the right chest. Adam actually thought it looked pretty cool…until Jo flipped it around to show the back, where the name ‘MICHAEL’ was emblazoned in bold neon lettering where a last name would normally appear on a real baseball jersey. 
Adam’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“Nope. You’re one of us tonight. Put this on, Milligan.”
Adam finally noticed she was already wearing a matching shirt. “Who are you wearing, then?”
Jo turned so he could see ‘GABRIEL’ branded on her back. 
Adam snatched the Michael shirt with unnecessary force. “I hate this so much.”
“Nobody asked.” 
He slipped the shirt over his plain black tee and left it unbuttoned, feeling more and more like he wanted to find the nearest sewer entrance and crawl in. Jo, on the other hand, was grinning so hard he was surprised her face didn’t break in half. 
“And that’s not even the best part,” she said ominously.
“Oh god. What else is there?”
Jo just kept grinning and beckoned him to follow her through the crowd to wait in line. “We gotta get in a merch line as soon as possible. You need a lightstick.”
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pokeglitchden · 1 year
Hey everybody. I'm with Simon at Lilycove General Hospital. @exranger-kenton helped me get him here, so thanks for the help.
I guess I should let everyone know what happened.
So it's clear enough by now that the last Decamark test didn't go great. Simon disappeared again, and it looks like he's come back in really bad shape. We don't really know what happened yet, but he said before we started that I should still try to post video footage of anything important that happens.
This seems important to me. So I'm gonna post it. Here's the footage we got this morning on our camera. I'll post the footage we got off his camera later. There's a lot of it.
ID- A number of scientists are standing in the middle of route 123. Simon is standing next to a much taller, much scruffier looking man who has a strange looking mark on his arm, resembling an Unown. The two of them look slightly on edge, as if they'd just finished having a rather tense conversation about something.
Simon steps forward after a moment and turns back to him to give one last reminder.
Simon- If I say to stop, or give a signal to cut the move, you are to do so immediately, do you understand?
Kenton gives a nod and a thumbs up. He seems more certain of himself than Simon is. The test begins like any Glitzer Pop. Simon encounters a Pokemon, sends out Dots the only pokemon in his party, recalls it and runs back to drink a small shot of poison. The effects seem to wear him out rapidly, fast enough that by the time he turns to Kenton again and takes the Pomeg berry he is wobbling on his feet.
Simon- You should... induce the trick room state now!
Kenton nods. Instead of letting out a pokemon, however, he seems to simply hold up his unown marked arm. There is a spark of something, and while the footage doesn't pick it up clearly, it is clear time has slowed. Simon from within the trick room looks as if he is moving through a thick, dense liquid as he fights his way forward. The Zigzagoon he'd encountered before leaps and seems to hover for a few moments in the air.
He throws Dots' Pokeball, and it hovers in the air for a moment. Or does he? Because it never left his hand. Instead the Decamark appears, it's ethereal, bullseye like appearance causing ripples where it appears on the camera. But this isn't like the other Decamarks. It is vibrating RAPIDLY. Shaking and trembling and darting here and there as if it has no idea where to go.
Kenton- Uh, Simon? This seems like it's gonna end badly. Fuck, it's fast as hell!
Simon- Kenton, cut the Trick Room!! Cut it now!!
Before Simon can make any further motion forward the Decamark slams directly into him. There is no sound or transition of matter as the two collide. Simon is simply there one minute, and then gone the next. It is so abrupt that it looks as if the camera may have skipped a frame. From off frame there are some gasps of alarm.
Jo- Oh Shit! Shit! Ok! Fuck that's really bad!
Kenton- What the fuck?
There is a frantic scrambling forward and the footage cuts out here.
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b4rredteeth · 1 year
Let the record show that MATEVOS HAKOBYAN was read their rights before the interview proceeded. MATEVOS HAKOBYAN CHOSE to proceed with a lawyer present at their discretion. 
"Please state your legal name for the record."
Matevos smiled, too calm for these types of things, he didn’t think they had anything on him as it was. Or he’d really fucked up, but even then, he figured he could charm his way out of this one. “Matevos Aleksi Hakobyan.” The one moment in time where anyone were to remind him of his father, would be during anything legal. He didn’t like to be given the note: ‘son of Aleks’ but that was the one still on his documents. The thing about making it look real enough. Though anyone looking too much into things would find that while a lot of things were in order when it came to Matevos’ paper-trail, a lot of it was muddled as well. Benefit of poor parents. Barely anything was accounted for. He didn’t even think he could locate his own birth certificate even if he paid his parents to find it for him. 
"Can you account for your whereabouts on the evening of June 10th, 2023?"
Matevos’ brain was a little muddled when it came to dates. He frowned, looked at his lawyer and posed the question. “What day was that?” as if he could not pose such a question to anyone else. The police were sure to provide him with similar answers, but he decided to play it safe. “Saturday,” she told him, looking just as curious to hear his reply. He wondered if she was annoyed to be saddled up with him, after all, he wasn’t the most lawful citizen, at least not according to rumours. 
“I fed the dogs at the practice at around… 8 pm, there is probably some security footage of that if you want it. And afterwards I got a few beers and went home, probably around… eleven, twelve-ish.” 
"Mr. Hakobyan, we have security camera evidence that links you to another incident months ago on December 31st, 2022 where you appeared to cross paths with Ms. Cho-Iverson. What were you doing in the cellar at the same time that she entered the room?"
Ah fuck. He hadn’t spotted any cameras near or in the cellar, but it would seem like he had been completely wrong on that account. At least they didn’t ask about wine he’d stolen, that was good. Nobody had filed a complaint either as far as he’d been able to detect. So he really had thought he was in the clear for that one, sadly, old dogs never sleep. “I did? I don’t remember her, I got pretty lost in that big house, you know. It’s huge, figured I’d locate the bathroom if I opened enough doors. Possibly was also a bit too tipsy to notice it was the cellar. Haven’t talked with the girl though. Was she wearing a mask?” At the lack of reply, he shrugged. 
"Have you had any previous connections or acquaintance with Ms. Cho-Iverson, or through her biological mother she was attempting to make contact with, Josette Leighton?"
Matevos thought long and hard, clearly he was too empty headed for this, which was going to work in his benefit if he played it well, but also… he really didn’t think he knew the Ms. Cho-Iverson in question. And if he did, she simply hadn’t registered enough to be anywhere in the small circle of friends and the big circle of “enemies of the Bastards”. “Nope, I know Jo, we met at that same party, but I haven’t spoken to her since. Zero relations with these people.” He made a gesture with his hand, as if to seal the deal with that. Even if he did, he could fake dumbness, matched with his goofy look, that usually got him out of things. 
"On the night of December 31st, did she seem off in any way to you? Suspicious, as if someone might be following her?"
Matevos looked a little apologetic, and shook his head. “Mate, I really don’t remember anything from that night aside from the venue. And the shit that happened later, so no idea. Everyone there was on something, I can tell you that. It was like one of those tv shows where you put some poor people in a mansion and the first episode they just want to touch everything, but that together with booze.” He smiled at his own joke, then proceeded to smile just because he figured it would do the trick. 
"Did Ms. Cho-Iverson ever contact you after you crossed paths at the party through web communications or at your place of work? We have reason to believe she was in contact with someone you spend a deal of time with."
Matevos frowned, then frowned at the lawyer. “Can they do that? Vaguely mention people I spend a lot of time with and not say their names?” he asked, then looked back at the police officers. “Nope, never crossed paths later. Unless… does she have a pet, because I’m shit with people, but I’m great with pet names, if you got a pet for me, I can easily list you off all the times we’ve seen each other and what type it is.” Though he felt like perhaps ‘place of work’ was mentioned as not to suggested his job as a veterinarian, but that other thing. He liked to pretend to be oblivious as to that thing. 
Photographs from the crime scene are laid out in front of Matevos. The one depicting a crude drawing in the victim's blood, a rat holding a knife in its mouth, and the other a feline mask with brows and a grin drawn on. "Do you recognize any of these as possessions belonging to Ms. Fallon Amarin and Mx. Rei Akimoto?"
Did he? He wondered at the drawing, how that could belong to anyone, and why did the rat have a knife in its mouth, also why the cat mask with the grin drawn on it? Wait, like the masks at New Years. He was frowning, looking both confused and uncertain. Then he looked back at the officers. “No clue, I don’t recognise any of this. Pretty tasteless stuff though, not my thing, I don’t see why people always have to bring animals into it.” 
"Mr. Hakobyan, you live in the same apartment complex as the aforementioned. Have you noticed any suspicious activities or the pair leaving their apartments in the middle of the night? Did you witness one or the other enter their respective living space the night of June 10th?"
“Yep,” he said quickly, nodding and pretending to be proud that he could at least answer that one question in the affirmative. Yet it was followed up by two questions that he also didn’t really know the answer to. Perhaps it might be a good idea if he lied about it, but in case they also interviewed Fallon and Rei… maybe not. So he had to play it safe, some way, without putting those two in a bad spot. “Yeah, Fallon was with me when we went out, I usually have to bring her home because she’s too drunk to stand, though she made it home alright that evening. Well, with my help of course. And Rei… not sure, I was definitely tipsy myself, so I’m pretty sure Rei followed us, safer to walk home together, right?” Oh by the gods did he hope Fallon would use him as a shield from these bastards as well. 
"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Hakobyan. Your time and information has been useful to us. At this time, you're free to go."
“Ah yes, thanks,” he said, smiling and somehow using a peace sign before he left the room. Too obvious? He best get a hold of Cyrek for all of this.
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rantsandsparkles · 2 years
My Most Anticipated Movies of 2023
Honorable mentions that didn’t make my list in no particular order : Killers of the Flower Moon (if it actually comes about this year. how many years have we been saying this is coming out?!), Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Napoleon, John Wick 4,  and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. And now to my top 10! 
10) Barbie
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A lot of people are losing their shit over Barbie. I didn’t really care until I saw the photos of Ryan Gosling as Ken. I’m not the biggest fan of Greta Gerwig, I mostly enjoyed Little Women (although I am still BAFFLED at her decision to make it seem like Jo decided to be with Laurie and then got rejected like umm what ?!) , wasn’t too crazy about Lady Bird. And I won’t get into her non-performance in White Noise lol, but  she is a competent director so I’m intrigued. I think Blake Lively would have made a better “Barbie” but Margot Robbie is always delightful so I’m looking forward to this one.
9)  Creed III
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I’ve never seen any of the Rocky movies, but for some reason I watched the first two Creeds, and I liked them both. Jonathan Majors looks isancely ripped in this trailer and yes i’m shallow enough to let that be enough to get my butt in the seat lol.  But more seriously, this is Michael B. Jordan’s directorial debut and I’m very excited to see his directing chops.
8) Wonka
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I am still scratching my head over who at Warner Brothers decided to cast Timothlee Chalamet as a Wonka, and make by default a Wonka that fucks. But here we are. When I heard about this casting news a couple years ago I literally said ‘wtf’ out loud, but when I saw the pictures I was sold. He has that mischevious Wonka smirk down pat. I am a little nervous about this after hearing the reaction to the footage that played at CinemaCon , and I’m like one of the few people on earth that didn’t love the Paddington movies, so the Paul King element isn’t comforting to me. But I’m excited to see Timmy in a musical. And the goddess Olivia Colman gushed about his performance, so I have faith.  Although if the rumors are true that it was between him and Tom Holland , and Timmy isn’t good in this I will be so upset.
7) Oppenheimer 
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This cast list is insane, and the fact that he allegedly got to set of an actual nuke is absurd and suck a yep Christopher Nolan still a jackass thing to do lol.  Don’t know much about the plot, and haven’t read the book, but looking forward to this one for sure. 
Its also fun that this movie is coming out same day as Barbie. That is going to be a wild double feature day 
6) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
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James Gunn’s first Guardians of the Galaxy is probably my favorite of the MCU movies. The second one , was uh , definitely not. I’m hoping that the trilogy ends on a high note and this one captures more of the charm from the first. Even if its bad, I know at least it will have a killer soundtrack. 
5) The Super Mario Bros. Movie 
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I know the internet hates Chris Pratt , but I still like him. I think if he was truly a trash person then his co-stars wouldn’t speak of him so highly, and I’ll take the word of people that actually know someone over the opinion of the internet any day. But with that being said , I think it is almost INSANE that he was cast as Mario. Like it makes me laugh every time I think about it. I think its hilarious that multiple studio execs agreed , “yep, he’s our Mario.” I have no idea what this movie is going to be about and I don’t care, just going in with zero exception
4) Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Ant Man’s Scott Lang is one of my favorite of the marvel characters and I really enjoyed Jonathan Majors’ Kang in Loki. I’m excited to see what’ll happen in this one and hopefully it’ll have better muliverse content than DS Multiverse of Madness. I have to admit however that the trailers have been disappointing in terms of visuals - I’m not paticialry looking forward to an entire movie essentially filmed in the volume.
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3) Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One
The fact that this movie’s title is Mission colon  Impossible dash Dead Reckoning Part One is ridiulous , and I hope the movie is just as ridiculous lol Tom Cruise is a freak of nature , and seeing this clip in Imax last month got me hyped. And anything with Rebecca Ferguson? Absolutely. 
2) Challengers 
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Zendaya as a milf in a love triangle with Josh O’Connor and Mike Fiast? Ummmm Sign me the fuck up.  I will admit though I am nervous about this movie though because I didn’t love the script that was posted online, and although I know he’s widely known and respected as a great auteur filmmaker , I can’t say that I’ve ever really loved any of the Luca Guadagnino’s films that I’ve seen. I’m hoping that Zendaya gets to play this as a femme fatale kind of sex bomb character, and that it cements her as a movie star that can open a big movie. 
1) Dune Part 2 
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I have truly have no idea why, but I have become almost obsessed with Dune over the past year. I watched it when it came out in 2021 and I thought it was fine , but I didn’t have an urge to revisit it. Then all of a sudden I got an urge to to watch Dune and after seeing it again I got really into the story. I’m really looking forward to seeing what Denis has planned for the second part of this adaptation, particialuar how he’s going to handle the trippy spice /water of life stuff, how they’re going to do Alia, ect. And everything the cast had crew has said about part 2 , that its bigger more cinematic etc has me so excited. And it seems like ever day we are getting another 🤯 cast announcment. I’m counting down the days for this one - November can’t get hear soon enough :) 
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or-something-better · 2 years
June 17, 2022
(Nightly RP 2nd Part of Dark Hunters Storyline)
entering the club feeling a bit nervous, I look around Geez this seems about the only place I could get bloodwine without making it myself... Savage!
Following Rose in I glance around turning my body as well to get every angle I can on the camera Mmm, sounds yummy I mumble to myself Let's head for the bar Rose. I walk to the bar and slowly pan around the room. I see several patrons around the room. Easy to pick out the vampires and werewolves.
sits back watching the girls work on the camera her and her bloodwine geez take a bite of beef jerky
Watching the computer screen, looking at what both Ruby and Rose are seeing. So far so good. Looks pretty much like any club in there. They are doing a great job at getting everything covered by the cameras.
I get an eerie feeling that we're being watched but can't pick up on who it might be. Trying to be nonchalant, I look around and see the cameras in the room. We haven't been paid much attention. I let Rose enjoy her blood wine while I continue to observe.
I notice a tattoo and focus in on it look in a whisper so i dont draw attention to myself, looking at a bow and arrow tattoo they all have them...
I sit up. Paying more attention wait...that tattoo... Rose... Go find another?
That's not good. I tell her quietly
Looking up at the outside of the club. From our vantage point just up the street, I can see the entire front entrance. So far doesn't seem to be much traffic in or out.
I continue to try to get footage of all the areas for Sam and Dean to check later. "You might want to finish up, Rose and we'll head back to the room."
"Got it." finishes the drawings and closes the books
in their ears we are just down the block come to us
"Let's go." I say as I head out of the bar
"Right behind you." follows behind you putting the sketch book in my bag
Can see Rose and Ruby exit the club Here they come
sees Sam there they are
Walks over to Sam Did we get enough footage?
on her own doing a hunt she found a pack of wolves knowing that it’s the wolves she needs
hands him her sketch book here I finished the sketch
We got plenty on the camera, but nice artwork rose. looking at it and giving a half smile
Thanks Dean. she smiles back shyly
alpha werewolf comes up behind hey bitch! pinning you to the wall not a good idea coming here alone
goes to pull her knife out
alpha grabs your wrist slamming it against the wall yeah dont think so toots!
Just watch me tries to move my wrist
You're such a girl....too easy.... I’m not using any strength at all boys! look back at the pack and back at you awww you gonna be an easy kill?
moves my knee up hitting him really hard in the belly
I flinch from the hit and hit you in the face that all you got?
pulls her gun out shooting you in the knee cap
….. from the back alley I can hear some commotion, peeking around the corner I see a young blonde being held by a wolf, swooping in without a sound I grab the wolf and throw him against the wall and wait for him to attack, easily knocking his pack backwards
moves away for the wall stands there
grab my knee finding myself being thrown, I grab you slamming you into another wall holding you in up off the ground by your throat
…..still not saying a word, with my bare hands I rip your head from your neck, as the rest of the pack goes running, looking around I see the girl and make eye contact but don’t speak , the bow and arrow tattoo clearly visible on the side of my neck
turns the thank the man but he is nowhere to be seen
the street is empty now, and silent. The body of the wolf on the ground, music can be heard coming from the club behind you
gets her phone out of her pocket her finger hovers over Sam number she presses the dial button waiting for Sam to answer
My phone rings and I dig it out of my front pocket It's Jo I announce to dean Hey Jo, how’s it going?
I look over curious as we hadn’t heard from her in awhile
in a scared voice hey Sam
I can tell by her voice that she seems a little shaken. You okay? In the background I can just make out familiar music Sounds like the French Quarter, You in New Orleans?
Just had a run in with wolf. Yes yes I am
As she talks I give Dean a You'd better drive look and make a circling motion with my finger
start the car and starts driving
Is everything alright, I mean are you in a safe place now?
I’m ok now, no not yet still where the wolf
Jo, we just happen to be here in New Orleans too, what are the odds... *We come around the end of the street and into the French Quarter. I start looking along the street and then see her. Hitting Dean in the arm, I point Jo, we'll be right there. Stay put
Ok Sam I will
I see where you are pointing and pull the car over near her
see headlights to the car. Walks over to the driver side what’s with the wheels Dean
Hey desperate times calls for desperate measures! winks at you i mean its not baby but it works
You got a point there
Hop in little foot wait for you to get in and drive us back to the bunker in New Orleans pull into the bunker yeah jo how do you like the new place? Can’t believe we found another bunker.
It looks good
Check this out! I turn the key as the hole opens to the spiraling stairs going down
Hey Jo, this is Ruby points at her and Rose... they are part of our team now. You guys, this is Jo. She and her mother are practically like family
I wave at Jo
Hey Ruby giving a smile
nods politely looking up from her sketchbook hello
Hello Rose
Since we'd been here for the day, we'd made a supply run for Snacks and drinks. Anyone want a beer?
I raise my hand
Oh definitely
Yes please
enters the bunker and walks to the map room CHARLIE!
hearing everyone enter the bunker I walk out from the library  hey guys seeing Jo we gain someone else?
Pulling a six pack from of a small Styrofoam cooler with ice and hand the cans around
I’m right here Dean
This is Jo. She’s another um old friend of the family
Walking over to Sam, I take 2 and hand one to Jo on the way back to the table
Popping the top Jo, tell Charlie what you told me, about the man who helped you
She had a hunt and a run in with somebody
interest piqued tell me more
My interest is piqued. What did you run into?
taking a beer I pop the tab and drink it
looks at jo curiously not touching her beer
So was hunting wolf then next minute this man comes in fighting this wolf and killing then went to go thank him and just vanished into thin air
That's odd. A hunter doesn't vanish
Ghost hunter? smirks yeah what are the chances?
Jo, can you remember anything else about the one that vanished?
eyes lighting up I run to the library and grab some photos I had been looking at and lay them out on the table Look at these for me Jo
He had a bow and arrow tattoo on the side of his neck
She carefully opens her beer and starts drinking carefully
I look at Sam. Rose saw that in the bar. On LOTS of people
Looks though the photos one clearly popping out at her this one
She takes her sketch book out and holds it up next to the image
Well, at least we know now that we're all working the same case...
That’s crazy weird.
No kidding you two
Might actually get us further along faster.
Anyone notice the dates on all those???
No, what are they? leans over to get a better look
Is it just me or does this all seem to take us back to the files Charlie told us about earlier?
I think it's all connected somehow.
There birth dates on all but no death dates that’s not a little weird?
What’s going on?
Jo, Charlie came across some possible new types of ghosties we need to keep an eye out for.
Daimons,  Dark-Hunters, Apollites and such. Of people who are immortal and living throughout the centuries. She showed us pictures, like she just showed you, of people that look the same but you wouldn’t think it possible because of the amount of time in between the pictures.
It's the reason we came down here... well, that and to check this place out
Wow damn that’s some stuff right there
Rose, Ruby… did you find anything interesting inside sanctuary?
It looked like your typical bar at first.
Aside from the menu not really.
I tried to get everything I could on camera. The patrons, the surveillance cameras, the bartender.
Ruby's right. Nothing special about the lay out that I could see from the camera's views
There was an underlying kind of vibe that is hard to describe. Something...off. I don't know if it was an actual vibrational disturbance...but even that doesn't really describe it.
So maybe something we should have heard of… I wonder why it’s kept under such tight wraps….Could you see anything Ruby?
Probably not for any good reasons, Charlie
Well, it wasn't like when I see a demon and can see their 'true' face, but very similar. Like a false façade, if that makes sense.
Hmmm…. thinking well I met someone here… he may be of some use… calling out Monsieur Leveau are you here? grabbing a heavy old ledger from behind me I sit it on the table
What? Isn't sure where Charlie could have met anyone, she hadn't left the Bunker
Looking toward where Charlie is speaking to, I wonder what she's doing
Reaches for the ledger What's that?
I am beginning to wonder what the hell we have walked into on this one
I agree with Dean
pulls it back and opens the book I’ll show you…. you can see a long list of names with the title DH at the top it looks like meticulously kept records were a big deal here…. *you also notice the writing varies on the page and through the book *
Monsieur Leveau
Oy! Why I was enjoying me brewsky and about to get me nap in as I toddle out on my short legs
Where did you get this?
Moving closer to the table, I look at the ledger
Jumps when the weird little dude walks in
I smile at Mr Leveau I had a little help …. He was kind enough to share some information with me
Jumping back, startled by a short little man
Monsieur Leveau
Oy ELLO UP THERE! Since when do we bring giants into me home?!?
"An Irish/Frenchman?"
instantly doesn't like him
You're home? Looks over at Charlie and back Wait, do you live here then?
Monsieur Leveau
Isn’t that what I just said?? Not a very bright one is he?
Looking at Charlie I ask Where did you find him?
What the hell is THAT thing? looking at the odd little man oh no we are NOT doing fairies and leprechauns again ..NO NO NO
chuckles it appears Monsieur Leveau is like our Mrs butters- he pointed me in the right direction and shared some key things I didn’t know…. This list, is all the dark hunters that have been discovered so far…. pointing to a stack of journals  they like the MOL kept records of their hunts…. But they use a human —-a scribe to help them survive since they can only go out after dark….
Gets excited, thinks immediately that this must be the New Orleans Bunker's equivalent of a Mrs Butters Dean, he's obviously not a leprechaun... are you?
Monsieur Leveau
Leprechaun??? You take that back you big oaf! hits dean in the knee with a stick
Does he power anything like Mrs. Butters?
OW! Ok ok I’m sorry! shrugs I think I like Mrs butters better she gives me cookies
He’s a gnome-I’m not sure of all of his powers but he is what keeps this bunker running…. I guess Cuthbert was here
Monsieur Leveau
How is Mrs butters anyway? I miss the lass! Here nitwit! Have a beer! hands Dean a beer
Dark Hunters, like in the myth? One's who've been placed to defend everything?
I guess it’s not a myth…. Like most of our campfire stories…. But maybe they aren’t all bad?
I step a little closer, to get a better look
I....um....thanks....I think taking the beer
Monsieur Leveau
Well, I mean what all you wanna know men of letters never was an easy thing for humans to grasp
"You know Mrs. Butters?" I ask the gnome
Monsieur Leveau
Do I?? Of course we go way back! She’s well.... A very good friend we will leave it there!
I didn't really think of them as bad. They sold their souls as a way to take care of someone who'd wrong them, they thought they were selling their souls to do something good can't help but look toward Ruby Now they are supposed to protect... I guess everyone. If the stories are true
watches the Gnome curiously
Wonders what Mr Leveau's story is, but will save that for another day.
Monsieur Leveau
Campfire stories? Pfft these are way better. They ARE true! And what? How dare you question it! Dark hunters live throughout the city to protect from supernatural things. They hold higher powers! You wont see them during the daylight no sirree bub!
How long have you been here Mr. Leveau? At the bunker?
Why hasn't any of this information been published?
Monsieur Leveau
How long have I been.....hmm that is a question.....I...hmmm. Er who the ell keeps up with time in these parts?
New Orleans has held many secrets over the years. Deep dark secrets.
So the dark hunters are real… but I think they might be allies…. Here they deal with weres not just wolves but bears and panthers too… and daimons, appollites And others….
Any chance Jo encountered one?
Monsieur Leveau
What? Not published? You idjits think its damn fiction! Where have you been while I’ve been here xplainin it to yer?
The dark hunters are meant to keep the peace… and sanctuary is just that…. A place of peace
nodding I think that’s likely…. And I think our “ghost” might be a dark hunter
Monsieur Leveau
Wait! You’ve seen un??? Have ya???
Monsieur Leveau
Dean then where the hell is the problem??? I mean why are we here?
Charlie, have you seen any files on these Dark Hunters the MOL may have left?
Monsieur Leveau
Answers ye will find in ze files of ze first adversaries in the room of artifacts!
Wait....FIRST adversaries? You mean there's more?
Is now even more excited Can you tell me exactly where in the ART room that I cna find these files?
I chuckle at the enthusiasm Sam shows
Monsieur Leveau
But of course! Yous thinks they’d only have one? How strange you humans are. I told you were to go boy. A book of many books but read by so few alike these stories theres debates of those too.
I nod....clear as mud Good luck Sam!
shaking my head with a smile on my face  3rd cabinet on the left. Bottom drawer
I wink at Charlie and grin
Yes! doesn't wait, goes to look
Kid in a candy store!
getting frustrated. seriously all this time wasted for what? To place hide and go seek like we are 5? I sit in a chair and wait
Standing up, I look around This may take a while....anyone want anything from the kitchen?
another beer shaking my empty can
Monsieur Leveau
snaps my fingers another beer appearing in deans hand
He’s good!
Well...okay then. I still go to the kitchen.
I’ll take a soda ruby
Goes into this Bunker's Artifact room and starts to scan and count the cabinets. Finds the 3rd cabinet on the left and gets down on one knee to look into the bottom drawer. There are several things inside, but the first thing that I see is an old copy of the Holy Bible A book of many books read by so few and debated. Looks over at Jo Bingo!
You got it
Lifts it carefully out and sees all the folders underneath, collects those too and hands several to her That seems to be everything Takes them back out to the others
takes the other lot out to the others
After grabbing Charlie's soda, I check some of the cabinets. It seems Monsieur Leveau is as dedicated as Mrs. Butters with a well-stocked kitchen
Shuffles through the folders that I have These are the same as Charlie had Hold up two Daimons.. Appollites.. but these seem to have a lot more information. Sits that the map table to spread them out
Monsieur Leveau
seeing I’m not needed anymore I poof and disappear to another part of the bunker leaving the group to figure things out from here
Walking back in, I see Jo and Sam have returned. I hand Charlie her soda and then sit nearby
looks through them with Sam wow there's so much history here.
taking the soda I crack it open  thanks Ruby!
Something tells me Sam isn't getting any sleep tonight\
while drinking my beer imagine that
taking a drink from my beer good luck The flies looks really old
If we're lucky, these hunters might actually be allies.
scoffs yeah that'll be the day
finally seeing the examples of what Monsieur Leveau had told me I notice all the different styles of writing. I turn to Monsieur Leveau so he can explain but he’s gone
Is only half listening to the conversation, too interested in what's before me, but hears Dean's dismissal Dean, don't be so quick to write these Dark Hunters off. Looks like they've been protectors for hundreds, probably thousands of years. Maybe Ruby's right and they could possibly turn into allies. Not everything we've ever come across has wanted to destroy us. Let's see what we cna find out first.
The writing is quill so definitely old there
Sure we'll go with that Sammy!
Why don't we wait until we actually meet one first
((didn’t finish))
1. Ruby and Rose enter the club. Rose comments on how this is the only place she’d likely get bloodwine that she didn’t have to make herself. Ruby reacts as they head inside and see what appears to be a normal club, Sam and Dean are watching on the cameras and comment as much when ruby comments about their eyes not being quite the same. Dean asks for an explanation when rose focuses in on someone with the bow and arrow tattoo. Ruby sees what rose is looking at and says bingo—then notices a few more at the same table. She gets the attention of rose and they head back outside to sam and dean.
2. Jo is in New Orleans on her own hunt, she’s found a pack of werewolves and is fairly certain she has cornered the alpha. She’s just about to make her move when he grabs her and they exchange a few words. Then a man who jo assumes is a local hunter saves her at the last moment. (Small fight between the man and the wolf) Jo turns to thank him and he vanishes—certain she’s seen a ghost and calls Sam for comfort. Sam answers the call while he is in the car with dean and the girls and he recognizes the music of the French quarter. He asks jo where she is and just as she finishes speaking Dean pulls up behind her.
3. Jo, seeing the headlights walks to the side of the car and makes a smart remark about deans change of wheels. Dean comments about how sometimes drastic measures need to be taken. They drive her back to the bunker where they meet up with Charlie. Charlie starts to ask questions about the “ghost” and shows jo a few pictures. Jo recognizes one of the men and Charlie goes to her laptop, turning it around she shows several files with a similar photo. All of them had a date of birth, but not a date of death. Jo id a bit more unnerved by this and asks what is going on. Ruby sighs and shares what her version of things were so far
4. Charlie asks Ruby and rose about the inside of the club, and if they noticed anything off about it. Rose says aside from the menu it was basically normal, and Ruby scoffs and shares what her eyes were able to see. Sam dean and jo are in disbelief and wonder what kind of trap they have walked into. Charlie pulls out an old ledger and has a smug look on her face. Sam reaches for the book as Charlie pulls it away and explains what she has found. She then shares why the bunker they’re currently occupying. Ruby and jo start to question how she knows all that when Charlie introduces a little gnome to the group. Rose doesn’t seem to like him much, Sam thinks he’s cute and jo agrees Ruby wonders where he came from and Charlie explains what he’d taught her that day.
5. Dean eyes Monsieur Leveau suspiciously, Sam reminds him how their bunker had mrs butters, and the gnome asks how she’s doing. Ruby is surprised that they knew each other and rose just just watches him curiously. They learn that the city is full of dark hunters but they’re not really the problem. Dean getting frustrated now asks just what the problem is then. Charlie speaks up and starts talking about some of the problems they faced here in NO. Rose asks why none of this is ever publicized and Ruby explains how NO has always hidden some dark secrets. Monsieur Leveauagrees with ruby and tells Sam and jo where to find the files they needed in the artifact room for the first adversaries. Dean questions first and Charlie just nods.
6. Dean is frustrated but sits down as he waits for Sam and jo to come back with the files.  Sam comments about the titles (daimons/appollites) being the same but there seemed to be more information here. Jo commented on how old the files seemed to be some looked like it was written with a quill even. Charlie turns to question Monsieur Leveau but he’s gone, so she explains about the scribes and why the files seemed to span decades. Ruby remarks that these hunters might actually be allies. Dean scoffs, while Sam and rose read the files. Jo looks at Charlie and asks her thoughts and Charlie tells her what she thinks. The rest of the team says maybe they need to meet one first.
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eajwiththefroghat · 4 years
lumberjanes youtube au: roanoke edition :>
this idea just came and hit me out of nowhere, so, uh...enjoy this, i guess!
april has one of those aesthetically pleasing craft channels!! she'd make a bunch of tutorials for stuff like drawing, scrapbooking, origami: you name it, there's probably at least one video of her doing it on her channel :) she also livestreams once a week and always gets distracted by the chat and ends up burning her hand with the glue gun
jo's channel would start off as just a way to document her science experiments and present them to her class, but would slowly turn into a frequent hobby. she would become the internet's favorite 14-year-old mad scientist and wear that title like a badge of honor. aside from videos of her robotics and engineering triumphs (and occasional flops), jo gets into the habit of recording the secret robot fighting ring her and her peers participate in off campus
bonus!! jo also helps april and ripley edit their videos :)
mal actually had youtube experience before she started her own channel, since she managed her band's, but because of the technical skill, her personal one took off pretty quickly. she posts her own original songs, covers, and the weekly vlog with molly (they also did a cover of "closer to fine" by the indigo girls with molly on lead vocals and everyone loved it).
molly's channel has a...very specific vibe to it. she just takes her camcorder into the woods whenever she goes on walks and records anything interesting and/or creepy that she finds. she also doesn't talk that much, just adds text while editing. think "hiimmarymary" and "the blair witch project" hybrid. my girl would accidentally create a found footage film/ARG without even realizing it. the internet got to see her meet bubbles, though :,)
ripley's channel is just complete and total chaos. one video will be cooking and the next will be her ballroom dancing with a raccoon. no one can predict what comes next because A) her posting schedule just doesn't exist, and B) her channel doesn't really have a specific theme. she just posts whatever makes her happy and honestly? thats valid.
jen doesn't actually have a youtube channel of her own, but she's made multiple appearances on the girls' channels that people in the comments are begging her to start one of her own. jen just likes being a frequently reoccurring character :)
the zodiacs are up next! i'll probably do them sometime tonight :D
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scarlettwitcher · 4 years
The Funny Thing About Life
Summary: Dean struggles with the aftermath of a difficult event in his life involving reader. (It’s super vague I know, but if I literally explain anything, it’s all spoilers. I swear it’s good)
Characters: Dean, Reader, Sam, Cas, OC!Leu, mentions of Ellen and Jo
Word Count: 5,300
Warnings: Angst up the wazoo, mild description of wounds, also some of the warnings are spoilers so I’m putting them in the tags lol
Author’s Note: Here’s this fic that I wrote a few weeks ago. I haven’t had a chance to post it till now. I was inspired after watching a youtuber play a game based on this concept. If anyone’s curious about the theme I was going for, let me know. I’m very glad to explain. I hope you guys like it, I haven’t written Dean in years lol. I apologize in advance if it’s bad, I’m not good at angst.
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Death was inevitable. Dean knew that, Sam knew that, even Cas knew that but given the type of life they lived, they didn’t know when it was going to be permanent or if it was just a never ending cycle of lost heartbeats and gasps for air. Sometimes death was permanent and there was nothing they could do about it, watching countless friends and family pass away right under their noses. Sam and Dean somehow always found a way to cheat death though. Come back and walk the earth as if they hadn’t just been lifeless moments ago. Deal after deal after deal trying to protect each other from what was the inevitable end for the brothers. It wasn’t until you had just danced your way into their lives that they started to value life for what it was without trying to die. You traveled with the brothers for years, keeping them company in the back of the impala, cracking horrible joke after joke, offering your candy to a grumpy dean, or just sleeping the previous hunt away. To the outside world, it probably would’ve been weird just how comfortable the three of you became in a short amount of time but you just understood each other. The brothers had already lived a long and hard life before you came into the picture. They took their necessary precautions when it came to you but in a few short months, you had become one of their own. 
Living a life with the Winchesters was tough and sometimes downright impossible but you proved loyal to them every moment you could, sticking by through their hardest moments. Dean became attached not only to your beautiful face and appealing form but to your kind soul, your caring nature, your inability to give up. If he was to be completely honest, he fell in love with you the moment he first met you but he’d never admit it. He’ll never admit how much your smile can brighten his days instantly, how your laugh is his favorite song over Zeppelin and Jovi, how every moment with you is his favorite. He always had it bad for you since the moment you joined his misshapen crew. Dean could never understand how lucky he got that you even glanced in his direction, let alone fall in love with him too. He was terrified at first. He knew he had destructive habits, moments of lost clarity where he wasn’t himself truly. Having traveled with Dean for years before finding the bunker, you understood this, understood him. You were patient, loving, and Dean would never say it, but in a way you were his salvation. You showed him how to love himself first and how to better improve for himself and not only did he grow and achieve that, he learned how to truly love you. 
“Dean. Dean? Hey!” Dean snapped out of his thoughts of you to look up at Sam as he waved his hands in front of Dean trying to get his attention. Dean looked at Sam emotionless as Sam sighed, flipping his computer around to show Dean some camera footage. “There was a sighting of a man and a woman in New Mexico and caught police attention. Here they are passing through a gas station.” Dean clenched his jaw as he watched the tape play, the man they had been tracking for weeks walking across the aisle, motioning towards the girl to grab food for herself. The girl looked timid, almost broken as she grabbed a few bags of snacks, and water. Even though the tape was grainy and just a bit laggy, he could see the shake in her hands, the tremble in her body, the way her eyes looked everywhere in desperation almost as if she was waiting for someone to save her. The girl looked up at the camera, her eyes wide and teary, one eye clearly bruised up, cheek swollen, lips parted from what only looked like constant abuse. Dean felt the anger boiling inside of him as he pushed the laptop back at Sam, a bit more forcefully than he meant. Sam only let out a quiet click of his tongue as he took his laptop back, scrolling through a few more camera feeds. 
“Two weeks ago.” Dean grabbed the whiskey bottle as he filled his cup back up, throwing the glass back, the amber liquid burning his throat. Dean let out a quiet hiss before moving to refill his glass once more.
“Dean, how much have you drank?”
“Does it matter?”
“You know she wouldn-”
“Dammit Sammy, she’s not here is she?! She’s not here to tell me I shouldn’t.” Dean growled out loudly as he stood, chest puffed out as his breathing became more ragged and hard with every breath he took. Sam said nothing as he stared his brother down, trying to get his thoughts together. Dean was tense and if Sam pushed him, he’d probably break and take it out on him and that last thing they needed was to waste time they could be using to find you. 
“We’ll get her back, Dean. I know it’s only a matter of time but she’ll be home soon.” Dean only shook his head as he grabbed the whiskey bottle, leaving his cup on the table as he made his way towards his room which really was his and yours. Dean walked in, looking around, almost as if he was searching for you from instinct, searching for any movement, smell, any indication that you were in the room, hiding from him like you always did. He clenched his jaw, knowing you weren’t there and he felt the tension building in his bones again at the reality of the situation as he took a large sip from the bottle, trying to drown everything with the golden liquid. He wanted to drown his memories of you, thoughts of you, the smell of you, and forget. Forget you’re gone, out of his reach, forget that he didn’t protect you like he promised and had failed you. 
A month had passed since you disappeared. Dean couldn’t find you and after a week of no contact, he grew increasingly worried. It wasn’t like you to leave without a notice, without a call, or a note, or even a text. Saying that Dean was losing his mind was the understatement of the year. No one had heard from you and not even Cas could tune into your location. Dean denied it. He denied any idea that you had abandoned him, that you were fed up with your life with the Winchesters. He denied the thought that you didn’t love him anymore. Sam reassured him constantly that there was no way you had left him, that you were just as love sick as Dean. 
Another week passed and nothing. That was until Sam found something, or in this case, he was sent something. A video. Dean threw up after the first few minutes of watching the video and he couldn’t stomach watching the rest, leaving Sam to have to watch it, searching for any clues that could aid the brothers. The video was of you, bound and bloody, screaming into a mouth gag as the hooded man carved into your skin, making you sing songs that Dean would gladly never, ever listen to again. You looked like you had gone through hell and back. The man laughed in the video as he finally showed his face. “Hello Deaaanie! You’re probably wondering who I am. You can call me Leu.” The man chuckled as he moved closer to your exhausted form, wincing  as he grabbed your chin hard, making you face the camera. “Say hello to your dear husband sweetie.” 
Your tired eyes fluttered for a few seconds before focusing on the camera. Your lips parted slightly as you took a deep breath. Your throat was sore, like you had swallowed knives from all the screaming. “Dean, baby, don’t.” That’s all that you managed to say before the man slapped you hard, knowing the few specs of oxygen out of your lungs, leaving you almost breathless as you tried to breathe. 
“Well that was lame, I was expecting something more heartfelt. Oh well. Come and find me Dean.” The video went dark after that, Dean’s solemn and terrified face staring back at him. He grimaced and looked away, feeling the shame building inside of him more and more as the seconds passed by. He should’ve protected you better, should’ve been a better partner to you. Your blunt statement started ringing in his ears as he remembered what you said. Don’t. He knew exactly what you were talking about but he couldn’t bring himself to listen to you. How could you tell him not to when he had to and would. Sam had begun to do everything he could, tracing the video, searching for the mystery man in all of the databases, and unfortunately, re-watching the video for anything he missed, anything that could tip him off about your location. 
Dean laid on his bed as he stared at the bottle of whiskey, his anger boiling inside of him, his inability of being able to find you, adding gasoline to the fire burning inside of him. Sam had found a lead though and it seemed promising. He was about to take another sip but the loud call of his name had him running down the bunker, towards the main room where Sam was typing away furiously into his computer. “Dean, look at this.” Sam was about to show him another video feed before the video was interrupted, the skype window filling the whole screen, someone trying to call them. The name showed ‘Unknown Caller’. Sam sighed as he pointed towards the screen. “This is the third time this person calls.”
Dean grunted and clicked on the answer button ready to tell whoever was on the other end to go screw themselves but before the video loaded, there was a soft moan from a woman, one in pain, one Dean recognized all too well. The video loaded in and Dean was face to face with your broken body and the so-called Leu beside you. He had a large grin as he moved closer to the camera. “Finally! I really thought you were ignoring me for a second. Wouldn’t want to make our dear Y/n worry.”
“Son of a bitch! I’ll kill you!” Dean roared out, almost tempted to punch the computer screen but Sam was very ready to contain his brother.
“Now now Deano, don’t be so rude. We have a guest.” Leu walked closer to you, poking you with the knife in his hand. You stirred slowly, groaning as he touched another wound on your skin. You looked thinner, you clearly lost a lot of weight and that really worried Dean. “Don’t you dare touch her.”
“A little late for that remark. I really think I’ve created a masterpiece. So many different hues of blue and purple but my favorite is red.” Leu began to drag his hand across your arm, pulling grunts of pain from you before chuckling quietly as he walked back towards the camera. 
“What do you want?” Sam chimed up when he realized all of Dean’s focus was on you, watching as you struggled to breathe and move. Your bones ached with every movement and there was a point where you just stopped moving, the uncomfortable position better than the burning of your skin. 
“I want you to suffer.” Leu smiled wide as he turned and motioned to you. “It’s pretty easy really. The cycle of life, if you’d like to give it an official name. ”
‘You will pay for this. You will suffer as much as she has and worse.”
Leu let out a full belly laugh as he looked at the camera, wiping away fake tears. “Oh wow I’m definitely trembling in fear.” Both the brothers stared at Leu. If looks could kill, Leu would’ve been assassinated gruesomely. “ You can’t hurt me but I can hurt you. Enjoy this moment because after this, you will never see her again.” Just before the camera cut out, Leu blinked his eyes portraying the black eyes that constantly mocked the brother their whole lives. Demon. 
Dean felt his jaw clench and as he opened his mouth to speak, say anything, the call ended. The screen was blank and that was the last time he ever saw you just as Leu promised and that drove Dean just a bit closer to insanity. Dean didn’t waste a single second before moving back to his room and hastily packing his bag, shaving any clothes he could get his hands on in it. He grabbed his weapons and anything else he needed before moving back towards the main room where a confused Sam sat, typing away at his computer. He looked up as Dean dropped his bag on the floor, moving towards the bookshelf looking for something he also needed. 
“Dean, don’t.” 
“You can’t stop me Sammy.”
“She wouldn’t want this, you know that.”
“I’m leaving.” Finding what he needed, Dean grabbed his duffle bag from the floor before he hastily made his way to the garage. Sam knew better than to try to even reason with Dean. When it came to you, he would move heaven and hell a million times over to get to you. As Dean entered the garage, he threw his bag in the back of the impala, before slipping into the driver’s side, speeding out of the Bunker, a man on a mission. He knew the way to the crossroads like the back of his hand. He had done this countless times, he knew the drills. Crowley was no longer an option and he had to resort to old ways. Pulling up to the location, he moved on autopilot. He opened the trunk and pulled out a tin can, already prepared. Dean double checked it before making his way towards the middle. He set the trap in place before he dug the hole, burying the box.
“You know, we had a bet going to see how long I’d take for you to appear here.” Dean turned to face the Demon. Dean’s expression never faltered, if anything it became more menacing. The demon smirked as it watched Dean, walking around in the circle as she sighed, clearly already bored.
“Then you know why I’m here.”
“Yes… I do.” The demon moved closer to Dean, almost taunting him as her eyes flashed black. She chuckled quietly before clicking her tongue. “Unfortunately for you Winchester, I can’t make the deal.”
“Then get me someone who can.”
“That’s the thing pretty boy, we can’t.” Dean felt his lip curl in anger as he tried to stay composed but it was getting harder with every second that passed that he wasn’t getting what he needed. 
“I don’t want time, trade me for her.”
“I’m sorry Dean but no can do.” The demon was clearly amused and not an ounce of sympathy was in her actions. Dean licked his lips as he nodded his understanding. He rubbed his chin with his thumb before quickly turning and stabbing the demon straight in the gut. The demon flashed as it died on Dean’s blade but Dean showed no emotion. It didn’t matter how long it took, he would find someone who could give exactly what he wanted and what he wanted was you, safe at home. 
Demon kill after demon kill, Dean was relentless. Weeks and weeks of capturing and torturing any demon he could get his hands on. Then, they stopped appearing completely. The demons stopped appearing and Dean was losing his mind. He never had felt so out of loss of control as he did in that moment. He was sitting in his motel, staring at a photo he had of you and him. You were sitting at the bar table with Dean at your left side and Sam on your other. You all had chosen to stop at Ellen's for the night. Sam had gotten up to go to the restroom and left you and Dean at the bar. Dean thought it would be smart to say something funny and you were laughing hard as Dean watched you with a huge smile himself. Jo was working the bar and thought it was a cute sight and snapped a quick photo with her phone. Looking at the photo now, Dean realized this was when he really started falling in love with you. It was super obvious in the way he was smiling in the photo, watching you as you laughed your worries away. Dean ran his fingers across the creases the photo had from the wear and tear of being in his wallet. That moment felt like it was a lifetime ago when it really only was a few years old. 
Dean took a deep breath as he gingerly put the photo back into his wallet before tossing it on his bed. He grabbed the bottle of whiskey he had bought earlier, popping the lid, and taking a big swig of it. The amber liquid burned his throat but he didn't care. He welcomed the pain. He welcomed any distraction from his reality. Dean was no stranger to depression and feelings of inadequacy but this was a whole new level of low. Everything he promised he would and wouldn't do, he had done and that wasn't his biggest failure. His biggest failure was keeping you to himself when he knew you were worth more than someone like him and here you were, paying the consequences for his inability to admit that to himself. Dean felt the anger slowly dissipating, being replaced with the sorrow your absence created. He never wanted to know what life was like without you and now he did. He hated it. 
Dean never stopped looking for you. The days passed and he kept looking, pouring himself into his work, but each day, it was harder and harder for him. He'd drink his pain away, resort to the devil's liquid to get through his days. He became an empty shell of himself. Sam stopped calling after a few months of Dean ignoring his calls. Dean knew his brother deserved better too. It wasn't just losing you that affected him, it was losing his best friend, his hunting partner, his wife. Till death do you part. The few days he was conscious, those words rang through his head. Were you even alive? Had you escaped and just not come back? Was your body at the bottom of a lake? In a ditch? He didn't know and that's what sent him down his dark path. 
After a year passed, his depression got worse but he knew he had to return home. He wasn't Dean anymore and he didn't think he would be again. He felt numb at best. Walking back into the bunker by himself, was a new slap to his face. This was it. He had to accept that you were gone and you weren't coming back. Sam heard the door and made his way to the stairs, staring at what was left of Dean. Dean was thinner, he had new scars, he looked like he hadn't slept in months, and his eyes were just different. "Hey Sammy."
Dean would like to say it happened quick, that he was okay within a year, but that would be a lie. It took him years before he could even say your name again. Sam had finished making dinner and they sat in the library in comfortable silence as they ate before Dean pulled out his wallet, pulling out the photo of the two of you, dropping it between the two on the table. Sam looked at the photo with furrowed brows before looking up at Dean silently asking about it. Dean cleared his throat as he tried to organize his thoughts but in reality, he didn't want to. He was tired. He just wanted to talk. 
"Remember when we stopped at Ellen's? Y/n was just whining and whining about how much she missed her and Jo? She drove us crazy that whole drive?" Dean chuckled quietly as Sam nodded. 
"She said she wouldn't be your friend anymore if we didn't stop there."
"I couldn't believe she had even said that. Thought I was having a nightmare." 
"I mean, we both know she was just fibbing. Had she pushed just a bit more, you would've caved anyways."
"Yeah, she did have me wrapped around her finger, didn't she?"
Sam scoffed and smiled as he stared at the photo. "Since the first day we met her." Sam felt his smile falter a bit as he nodded towards the photo, his eyes flicking up to watch Dean, being careful with how he approached his next question. "Do you miss her?"
Dean felt his eyes water. He wasn't one to cry but when it came to you, the tears always flowed freely. "Always. Every day. I don't think I ever stop missing her."
"You haven't said her name since the day you came back."
"I know. I think I'm ready."
"To talk about her?"
"To let her go." Sam didn't need to ask what Dean meant. He knew exactly what it meant. Sam nodded his understanding before motioning for Dean to finish eating. 
By the end of the day, both boys had organized everything they needed, standing in front of the Hunter's funeral they had created. They didn't have a body to burn but had replaced it with all of your favorite things, everything that made you you. There was a plate with your favorite food, your favorite shirt, and little things you loved to collect. Dean stared at it all. This was it. Sam waited for Dean to ask him to stop. When the minutes passed and he said nothing, he threw the lighter onto the wood, watching as it all engulfed in flames. Dean accepted your death and hoped that you were in heaven, enjoying yourself. You deserved it. 
"Yeah Sammy?"
"Wake up." Dean furrowed his brows as he looked over at Sam. 
"Dean, wake up!" 
Dean jolted awake, pulling the gun out from under his pillow, aiming it at Sam's head as Sam jumped back with his hands in the air. "Woah woah!"
Dean groaned out as he put the gun down, sighing as he rubbed at his eyes. "What's going on Sam?"
Sam sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, hating what he had to do. "Dean, come on. It's today." Dean felt the blood run cold inside of him as he looked up at Sam, feeling the anger raise in his blood. 
"Is Y/n ready?" Sam swallowed thickly before nodding his head. He felt his throat closing up before clearing it. 
"Yeah." Sam didn't want to talk more as he made his way out of Dean's room. Dean let his head fall back into his pillow as he stared at the ceiling. What a fucking nightmare he just had. He looked over at the picture frame he had on the small bedside table. He picked it up and stared at the photo before taking a deep breath. 
"When I come back, I'll tell you all about the nightmare I had. You won't believe it. It felt so real." Dean kissed the frame softly before putting it back on the table. He got up and made his way to the closet, pulling out his fed suit. He remembered clearly that you had asked him to wear his best suit, he had to dress up fancy. You wouldn't accept anything less. He chuckled as he could hear your words echoing in his head. "You better look good Winchester or else you'll feel my wrath. I won't even make you pie for a whole month." 
This feeling in Dean's chest was heavy, it felt like he had swallowed bricks and they were sitting in his lungs, ready to suffocate him. He grabbed a red tie you had bought him just for this. You had to match, you told him when you gave it to him. He stood in front of the mirror, going through the motions he knew all too well. Once he was done, he walked over to his dresser, slipping on his wedding band, smiling at the relief the known weight brought to him. Once he was ready he made his way outside where Sam, Cas, and you were waiting for him. He felt the breath in his lungs be knocked out of him as his eyes fell on you. You were wearing a beautiful red dress, your favorite dress. Your hair was curled and you weren't wearing any makeup, your natural beauty shining through. Dean swallowed thickly as he kept his eyes on you, committing the memory to sight. 
Sam nodded his head to Dean before looking over at you, feeling the swell of emotions bursting in his chest. The weight of the lighter heavy in his palm. He took a deep breath and threw it, watching as you burst into flames from the moment it made contact with your skin. The three boys stood watch as you slowly burned away, moving on to heaven where you wouldn't suffer anymore. "Goodbye baby." Dean murmured as he watched the flames slowly die out. The sky trembled and within minutes, the rain poured onto the men but they didn't care. 
"I'm sorry Dean."
"It's not your fault Cas."
"I should've done better.” 
"It's what she wanted Cas." Cas took a deep breath before turning back to the burned embers of where you used to be, of what's left of you. 
"She deserved better than this."
"That's the funny thing about life isn't it?"
.               .               .               .               .               .               .
"What's your name Sweetheart?"
You chuckled as you pulled your knife out of the monster you had just killed. "Wouldn't you like to know sweet cheeks?" Dean chuckled as he licked his lips. Sam joined the both of you as you all made sure there were no more threats. "But if you really long for this information, I'll indulge you. It's Y/n."
.               .               .               .               .               .               . 
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"This isn't a one time thing right?" Dean frowned as he looked down at you as you laid on his bare chest. The fact that you even had to ask him hurt his heart. He knew in that moment he wanted nothing more than for you to wake up everyday in his arms. 
"Of course not. It never was." Dean kissed your head gently and you hummed your appreciation, slowly succumbing to sleep in his hold. 
.               .               .               .               .               .               .
"Dean we need to talk."
"You can't break up with me. We're already married." You let out a choked laugh as you tried to think of the best way to tell him. 
"I need you to be serious with me for a second." Dean felt cold. Whenever you said something like this to him, it was never good news. He didn't say anything and you took a deep breath, unknowingly speaking what would be your demise. "The doctor called me today."
"I tested positive."
.               .               .               .               .               .               .
"So when do you start losing your hair?" You chuckled quietly as Cas grabbed your hair, looking at it like it would attack him. 
"When I start treatment. Doc said it would be aggressive." Dean sighed as he held your hand and you looked at him with a soft smile. 
"There's still time." 
"No Dean besides, I'm okay with it. I'm not scared to die." 
"But I'm scared to lose you."
"I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere." As much as Dean would've loved to push you, he knew he needed to support any decision you made. He owed you that much as much as he hated it. 
.               .               .               .               .               .               .
"We should name it."
"Name what?"
"My sickness duh." Dean looked at you like you grew a second head and you laughed. "Don't look at me like that?"
"Why do you want to name it?" Sam was also looking at you the way Dean was and you rolled your eyes, poking at your food with your fork. As the time passed, it was getting harder and harder for you to eat but Dean pushed you, trying to get you to eat anything. 
"To make it normal. For me." 
Dean took a deep breath as he watched you poke your food before licking his lips. "Alright, I'll bite. What do you want to name it?"
"Well I don't want to name it something outrageous. I was thinking about Leu. "
"Short for Leukemia. I thought it was clever."
Dean smiled slightly as he nodded. "Very clever."
.               .               .               .               .               .               .
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"Promise me that if you see a girl in a bar and she's hot you'll go for it."
"Now's not the time for jokes." You coughed quietly as you tried your best to scowl at him. 
"I'm not joking. I'm serious. I want you to have a life after me, after all of this." 
"There's nothing after you."
"Don't be such a romantic and promise me you'll live your life when I'm gone."
Dean sighed and remembered his promise to support what you wanted. "I'll try."
"Good. You need some friends." Dean laughed as he moved to get comfortable. Sitting next to the bed where you lay, surrounded by tubes and wires wasn't the best place for comfort but he didn't care. Before he could respond, your nurse came in to check on you for the night. 
.               .               .               .               .               .               .
The day you passed away, Dean was in shock, numb to the world. He never thought it would happen. A whirlwind of doctors running into the room, pushing him out so they could try to revive you, except they couldn't. You signed a DNR. Dean was left with himself, having to watch as you took your last breath. The loud dinging of your heart monitor making him feel like he'd lost his hearing, forever cursed to hear that sound. He didn't sleep that night. He couldn't. Returning to an empty bed, a bed you belonged in, was the icing on top of the shit cake he was handed. He broke a lot of furniture that night. 
.               .               .               .               .               .               .
"Yeah, I guess it is." Dean felt his lungs cut off his air as flashes of memories of you played throughout his head. Sam patted Dean on his shoulder, relaying his silent support. Dean nodded towards him in thanks. The sound of Sam's boots crunching in the dirt sounded behind Dean as Cas moved to stand next to Dean. 
"Did you dress her?"
"Sam couldn't and asked me to. She picked a nice wig. It’s really close to her natural hair."
"Thanks Cas, really."
Cas stayed quiet as he looked at the burnt spot on the floor. He didn't want to leave his friend alone, not during his weakest moments. He knew Sam left because he didn't want to cry with Dean around, it wasn't about him, it was about Dean. Cas smiled slightly as he thought of you. "You can go inside Cas."
Cas nodded as he pat Dean in the back. "I'll be inside."
Dean stared at the floor, the rain completely drenching him. His hair was matted to his head and a slight breeze made his teeth chatter but he couldn't move. He had to stay around just a bit more. His eyes were glued to the ash on the floor. He took a deep breath as his fingers fumbled with his wedding band, trying to figure out what to say. “I know I said I’d tell you about my nightmare later but I think now is a good time. You’ll probably laugh but it started with me and Sammy..”
Forever Tags:  @iwantthedean​ @authoressskr​​​ @sorenmarie87​​​ @reigningqueenofwordsmain​​​ @goldenolaf25​​​  @atruegift​ @winchesterprincessbride​​​ @chelsea072498​​​ @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian​​​ @itakeawfultoawholenewlevel​​​ @fictionalabyss​​​ @gabby913​​​ @angelkurenai​​​ @sea040561​​​ @sleepylunarwolf​​​ @smoothdogsgirl​​​ @carryonmyswansong​​​ @feelmyroarrrr​​​ @evyiione​​​ @sofreddie​​​ @sis-tafics​​​ @nitelotus​​​ @trexrambling​​​  @manawhaat​​​ @mermaidxatxheart​​​ @winchest09​​​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​ @just-another-busy-fangirl​​​ @lovebodymindstuff​​​ @backseat-of-deans-67chevy​​​ @chook007​​​ @akshi8278​​​ ​​ @bringmesomepie56​​​ @persephonehemingway​​ @blacktithe7​​ @donnaintx​​ @queenxxxsupreme​​ @whitewolfandthefox​ @riviawitch3r​ @walkerchick007​ @frietiemeloen​ @laubeck10​ @murdermewithbooks​ @pablopascal​ @spacemacandcheese​ @dirtyhippiestudies​ @rosamedina92​
Supernatural Tags:  @janicho88​​​ @gryffindorqueensworld​​​ @spnfamily-thewinchesters​​​ @shamelesslydean​​​ @band-and-sadness​​ @plaidstiel-wormstache​​ @ackleholic-hunter​​ @woodworthti666​​ @deans-baby-momma​​ @mizzezm​​ @titty-teetee​​ @theoneandonlymelol​​ @evansrogerskitten​
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 years
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Chapter 1
I walked into the office the next day and settled into my seat at the desk. Robert walked in and smiled at me as he passed me. Smiling back, I started to get to work. Before I could get started, the camera crew grabbed me for a one on one interview in the annex.
“What do I think of Robert California?” I repeated the producer's question for the video. I thought for a second before smiling. “I think it takes a little while to get used to him. I think that he’s actually really nice and even though he could be a little crass, once you get past it he’s a really nice person who knows a lot about sales and managing.” 
“So you got to know him last night?” The producer asked, smiling since they knew they had footage of us leaving the building late. 
“Yeah. I got to know him a bit last night.” I laughed. A commotion in the office made me get up and head back out. Kevin was planking on Dwight’s desk and Dwight had enlisted Darryl and Jim in trying to move him. “Guys! Guys! Guys!” I called as I ran out. “You’re gonna hurt yourselves. Chill. Let me handle this.” I walked over to my side of the desk and crawled under. I popped up in the middle and leaned down. “Hey Kev? If you stop planking and get off Dwight’s desk I’ll bring in that chocolate cake you love tomorrow.” Kevin didn’t move and I stood back up. “Ok Kev. No cake for you tomorrow.” I squared my stance and braced my back leg against my desk. “Last chance Kev.” I put one hand on Kevin’s shoulder and one on his hip. I smiled up at the guys that had been trying to lift him as I gave one big shove and Kevin rolled off of the desk. The guys jumped back as Kevin landed with a thud on the floor. Everyone looked up and Robert came out of the conference room to see what had happened. Andy entered the office at that moment. 
“What’s going on?” He asked as he took in the scene that was playing out. 
“Kevin was planking on my desk.” Dwight said. “(Y/N) solved the problem.” I mock bowed before going back under my desk and popping back up on the other side. Robert was laughing as he went back into the conference room and Andy waved Dwight into his office. I went back to the annex to finish up my interview. 
“So yeah. He’s not that bad a guy. He works out of the conference room about half the time. When he takes a break, he does these walks around the office. But you never know who he’s gonna zero in on for these small-talks. Some people just hope it isn’t you. And yet, you hope it is you. Everyone thinks it’s strange.” The producer nodded to let me know my interview was over and I went back out to my desk. I saw Robert was already starting his walk around the office. Today he seemed to have settled on Erin, even though I knew she had only caught his attention because she was waiting for him. 
“That’s how every day’s begun, for everyone, since the dawn of man.” I caught the tail end of their conversation and snickered quietly to myself. I watched as Andy came out of his office to save Erin. They were dating, as far as anyone knew, so it was kind of sweet that he was trying to save her. Andy succeeded and the two of them went back into Andy’s office. I started working on my client list for the day when Erin tried to get my attention. 
“(Y/N). (Y/N). Psst. (Y/N).” I turned around to see her frantically waving me over. I got up and walked over. 
“What’s….” I paused as I looked at the notebook in her hands, recognizing Robert’s handwriting on the page. “Jim. Pam.” I waved them over. 
“What is this?” Jim asked as he motioned to the list. 
“I don’t know. But I know that if Robert caught us with this, he’d be pissed.” I whispered. I kept looking at the door to Andy’s office, hoping that he could distract Robert long enough so we could figure this out. 
“(Y/N).” Jim whispered back as he turned the journal towards me. I cocked my head and gazed at the list of names that was written down both sides of the paper. 
“I don’t…” I glanced up at the office door again. “I don’t understand.” I looked up at Jim who just shook his head. 
“What are you looking at?” Dwight butt in. I quickly tried to quiet him down so we wouldn’t be caught. 
“It’s nothing.” Jim said equally as loud. 
“It can’t be nothing.” I shot a glare at Dwight. 
“Yeah, it can’t be nothing.” Phyllis backed him up. I sighed and gave in.
“It’s a list of our names, split into two columns.” The office broke into a commotion which I was able to quiet fairly easily. “Okay, just wait one second. I’ll copy it. Do you have a pen?” I turned to Erin who shook her head. 
“No. I’ll take a photo of it.” Jim started to pat down his pockets. “Dwight, can you throw me my phone?” Dwight chucked the phone at the wall. 
“Nice catch.” Dwight rolled his eyes. I panicked for a second while my eyes snapped back to the office door. 
“If he comes out, distract him.” Pam said. Chaos ensued as Robert came out of the office. I walked around the reception desk, desperately trying to think of something to distract him with. I was partly saved by Phyllis falling out of her chair. As Dwight and Robert went to help her up, Pam snuck behind me and put the notebook back where we had found it. Robert smiled at me as he passed. 
“(Y/N), I’d like to talk to you after lunch today.” Robert informed. I smiled at him and nodded. 
“Whatever you say boss.” I joked as he walked into the conference room. I visibly sagged as the door closed. 
“Okay, which side of the list am I on?” Dwight broke the tense silence. I shook my head and sat back my desk. 
“Left.” Jim read out. 
“Why are you….” I started to question. “How do you know?” I sat staring at Dwight for a second before we were interrupted by Andy asking what we were doing. Once we explained, he looked over at me with a worried expression. 
“Really great list of names guys. Thank you so much. Good work.” He said sarcastically. 
“That was in Robert’s notebook.” I informed him as I stood up. I took my place next to Andy before starting to nervously crack my knuckles. 
“He left it at reception and we photocopied it.” Pam finished. Andy gave me a look. I just shrugged at him.
“I don’t want any part of this.” Andy shook his head and started to head back into his office. I went to follow him, quietly debating on asking about how his meeting went. I sighed when I heard the rest of the office talking about how it might be a list of people Robert was going to fire. “How could you let them just do that?” I closed the door behind me and turned towards Andy with a frantic look on my face. 
“You think if I knew what was going on I would have let them continue?” I whisper yelled at him. “Andy, if I had any idea that was what they were going to do, I would have stopped them. I would have taken the notebook myself and given it right back to him!” Andy sat down in his chair heavily.
“You know him better than I do. What do you think it is about?” I sat across from him and shook my head. 
“I don’t know him all that well.” I grumbled. “If I had to guess, it’s a list of high performers and low performers. Jan had one. David Wallace had one. Jo had one. Hell Ryan had one. It would make sense for Robert to have one.” Andy nodded and we sat in silence for a little while. Another commotion in the office caused us to emerge from our little sanctuary. 
“This is if we were all on a cruise ship and had to divide into lifeboats. Here’s something. Who would eat who in an ‘Alive’ situation. No that can’t be it.” Dwight was rambling on and judging by Pam and Erin’s faces, he had been going on for a while. 
“I gotta say. Kinda seems like the left side’s the side to be on. Me, Jim, (Y/N), Dwight, Darryl.” Andy read off of the noteboard that Jim had set up. “No offense Pam.” If looks could kill, Pam would have killed Andy. I went back to my desk and tried to get some work done while everyone else continued to work on the list. An hour later, they were still at it. Just a little more quietly. 
“Did you guys figure it out?” Angela asked as she walked up to my desk. 
“We couldn’t crack it.” Andy said, defeated. I rolled my eyes. 
“Go in there and just ask the man.” Stanley finally spoke up. I looked up at him to see him nod at me. “Better yet send (Y/N). He likes her already. That makes her more likely to get an answer than any of us.” I shook my head. 
“No thanks.” 
“Why not (Y/N)?” The chorus took up fairly quickly.
“For that reason.” I shot back. “He likes me. I’m in his good graces. I’m not screwing with that.” I hissed and quickly went back to work. 
“Then you do it Andy.” Phyllis suggested. 
“He’ll know we looked at his private notebook.” Andy whined. I rolled my eyes. 
“Then say you saw the list by accident.” I retorted. Andy glared at the back of my head. 
“I’m already working on this Columbus Day thing for you guys and it’s starting to stack up. Feels like al ot. One thing at time.” Andy looked around the room desperately. “Come on, (Y/N). You really won’t talk to him?” I shook my head and mimed zipping my lips. Andy sighed in defeat before going to the conference door and knocking. When Andy came back out, he was upset and switched his name from one side of the list to the other. I raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything about it.
“Looks like I made the right choice.” I muttered. Dwight nodded in agreement. Ten minutes before lunch, Andy tried one last time to rally us around finding out about the list. 
“Okay. Robert’s in the annex. Everybody think quick. What do these groups have in common?” I saved my work and started the walk to the annex. 
“Maybe we’re supposed to do it with people in our group.” Meredith spoke up. Jim shook his head. “People in the other group.” I rolled my eyes and hung back to listen to the bickering. 
“Stanley, you do puzzles all day. What do we got?” Andy tried. I looked at Stanley and waited for his inevitable joke. 
“Well, you take the first letter from each name, assign it a number, add them all up and shove it up your butt!” I started to laugh and Stanley turned in his chair to give me a high five. 
“Thank you. A little much needed comic relief. But we really need to figure this out guys.” I briefly thought about taking pity on Andy but then decided against it. 
“Here’s how we find out.” Dwight stood up and I shook my head as I leaned against the door. “Let’s line up and compare the lines, see if we learn anything. Left-siders over here. Right-siders, line up over here. Face each other. Match it by height and relative weight. Let’s just size each other up here and left side of the list ....” There was a pause. Dwight was waving me over to stand between him and Jim so I just shook my head. Dwight shrugged before turning his attention back to the two lines. “ATTACK!” A couple of the people in line ran at each other. 
“Wait, wait, wait! Stop! Stop! Stop!” Jim tried to break up the fight before it started. “Will you stop?”
“Dwight!” Andy tried to reprimand. I pushed off the wall as the door to the annex opened and Robert walked in. He stood next to me and pointed at the chaos. I shook my head as the others started to realize that Robert was in the room. 
“I’d like to invite the following people to join me for lunch.” Robert took out his notebook and read from the list. “(Y/N), Jim, Dwight, Angela, Darryl, Kevin, Toby, Phyllis, and Oscar.” I nodded as I started towards my desk and grabbed my keys. “(Y/N), you’ll be riding with me.” I nodded once as I put my keys back on my desk and waited for Robert to grab his stuff from the conference room. It was a quiet journey to the parking lot and Robert waited until everyone else was in their cars. He opened the passenger door for me and waited until I had gotten in before closing it. “I believe I promised you a ride.” Robert slid into the driver’s seat and started the car. He looked at me with a smile as I grinned at the roar of the engine. 
“I believe you did.” I responded, showing him my own mile wide grin. Robert smirked at me before reversing the car and tearing out of the parking lot. I let out a small yell of excitement, my hand hanging off the side of the car and my hair being whipped around by the wind. Robert laughed as he watched my excitement of being in a beautiful, fast car. We pulled up to the restaurant and saw the others waiting for us in a small group. Robert slowed down as he pulled into the lot and found a spot. Taking a second, I fixed my hair and got out of the car. 
“I take it you enjoyed the ride.” Robert teased as he put his hand on the small of my back and led me to the others. I nodded and put my hand on his shoulder. 
“That was amazing! Thank you so much.” I gushed. Robert chuckled as we reached the group and led us to our table. We all took our seats and Robert held out the chair next to him for me. I sat down and thanked him before looking at the menu. I caught Jim’s eye and couldn’t help the blush that formed on my cheeks as he looked at me like he knew something was up. Lunch was full of conversation about the typical life of the office and moved towards the personal lives of the people at the table. By the time we had finished and were finishing our drinks, we were fully immersed in our personal lives. 
“Jim, your daughter, Cecilia. What does she think of the street?” Robert asked as he leaned back in his chair and put his arm on the back of mine. Jim’s eyes flitted to me before settling back on Robert. 
“Uh, the street?” He asked, clearly confused by the question. 
“Sesame street.” I bit my lip to keep from laughing. This man was full of surprises apparently. Robert looked at me briefly before looking around the table, slightly confused by the confused looks he was getting. 
“Oh. I didn’t know anybody called it…. She likes it a lot. She loves Elmo.” Jim finally answered. Robert chuckled as he took a drink of his beer. 
“Elmo. God’s sake. It’s the Elmo era.” I sent a confused look across the table at Jim.
“Right.” Jim looked back at me with an equally confused look. 
“Sesame Street was created to reflect the environment of the children watching it. Complete self-absorption of Elmo is brilliantly reflective of our time. Ours is a cultural ghetto.” He put his glass back on the table and shifted in his seat. 
“Yeah, she does like Elmo.” Jim muttered as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Everyone agreed around the table before Toby got up.
“I should not be here. I’m in the. I was in the wrong. I’m sorry.” He apologized as he left. “Just picture me back there. I was never here.” I covered my mouth with my hand as I held back a laugh. Robert caught the action and smiled as he picked up his glass to cover his own laugh. I caught Jim texting under the table and caught his look of panic at being caught. 
“Pam?” I mouthed and Jim nodded subtly. I nodded and turned my attention back to the rest of the group. 
“You know, I feel comfortable enough now to ask you this question.” Dwight turned towards Robert. “What made you pick this group?” Robert shrugged. 
“I just think you guys are winners and I wanted to have lunch with you.” Robert shrugged, which caused his hand at the back of my chair to brush against my back. There was a collective understanding from the table. 
“Well, what about the other guys?” Phyllis asked. I nodded as I shifted in my chair. 
“Losers.” Dwight cut off Robert. I watched the panicked expression fly across Robert’s face before he tried to compose himself. 
“No.” He said, trying to cut off the inherent new class system that Dwight seemed hellbent on imposing once we returned to the office. 
“Come on.” Dwight pushed. 
“Dwight.” I warned. Robert looked at me before turning back to Dwight.
“I don’t.” He was pulling at straws now, trying to find the control he had at the beginning of the conversation. “I don’t wanna say.” Dwight kept pushing him even though Robert was shaking his head, making me lean on the table to look Dwight in the eye. 
“Drop it Dwight. That’s enough.” I ground out. Robert’s hand subtly fell onto my upper back and I straightened up. 
“Come on (Y/N).” Dwight teased, sensing the power dynamic between Robert and I. “Let the man answer.” I sighed and squeezed my hands into fists as Dwight won. Robert started to play with the collar of my shirt as he grew nervous about his answer. 
“Ha.” He let out a brief laugh. “I guess I think they’re losers.” Catching my eye, Robert bit his bottom lip. 
“I knew it!” Dwight exclaimed, gaining a little attention from the rest of the restaurant. “Yes! Woo!” 
“Probably shouldn’t have said that.” Robert added, seeing the look on my face. Jim’s jaw dropped and he rapidly texted Pam again. Everyone started to filter out, soon just leaving Robert, Jim, and me at the table. “I really shouldn’t have said that.” Robert told us as he ran his hand down his face. Putting my hand on Robert’s shoulder, I looked at Jim and bit my lip. 
“I just want to let you know that when we get back, it’s going to be a mess. Anyone that was at this lunch, aside from the two of us, is going to go completely nuts and run with being in the ‘winners’ group.” Jim said as he stood up. Robert looked up at him. “You will probably have to fix whatever it is that you just created.” I squeezed Robert’s shoulder and raised my hand to say goodbye to Jim as he left. 
“Did I just create a massive problem?” Robert asked me. I thought about my answer carefully.
“You did.” I responded. Robert groaned before letting his head fall back. “But,” I squeezed his shoulder again to get his attention. His head lolled towards me. I made sure that he was focused on me. “But it also created an opportunity for you to show Dunder Mifflin just how well you can run it. It’s an opportunity for you to prove that you are right for CEO and that you know how to get people to work harder and better.” Robert lifted his head back up and nodded slowly. 
“So you are saying let this play out. Let them fight amongst themselves and step in before it goes too far.” Robert said as it finally clicked. “Then everyone will at least accept me as CEO.” I nodded as Robert took in this information. “Why didn’t I pick you to be manager?” He joked as he pulled out his wallet to pay the bill. I laughed and did the same. 
“Because I didn’t want to be a manager.” I said, putting down a $20 bill. I held up my hand when Robert started to protest. “It covers my food and Jim’s. It’s the least I can do.” Robert nodded as he stood up. 
“Why pay for Jim?” he asked as he helped me out of my seat and led me back out to his car. 
“Because we gave you the least amount of trouble and I know that when we get back he’s going to give you the least amount of trouble.” I shrugged as we neared the car. “Besides, it means he owes me and that might come in handy when there is an issue that Andy, you, or me can’t handle in the office.” Robert laughed as he dug his keys out of his pocket. 
“Well put.” His smile grew as he finally got them out. Turning towards me, he held out the keys. “Wanna drive?” I gasped as Robert let the key dangle in front of my face. 
“Are you serious?” I asked as I took them. Robert nodded and made his way over to the passenger’s seat. I took my place in the driver’s seat and put the key in ignition. “Are you serious about this?” Robert nodded again with a smile growing on his face. “Absolutely sure?” I asked again. Robert started to laugh. “I’m just making sure because once I drive this car I might always ask to drive it.” Robert put his hand on top of mine. 
“(Y/N), I wouldn’t have given you the keys if I wasn’t serious.” I smiled at him. “I especially wouldn’t have let you get in the driver’s seat.” Grinning like an idiot, I reversed out of the spot and took off down the road back to the office. We were still laughing and enjoying ourselves when we walked into the office. Robert automatically went to the conference room while I took my spot at my desk. 
“Well, that was certainly an odd lunch.” Jim said. I nodded and tried to keep my smile down. “Is everything alright?” I looked over at Pam, whose eyes were red. I mean she had been crying all day from hormones but it seemed like she had been crying pretty recently. The three of us tried to ignore the other members of the office who were already getting into a fight over the losers comment that Dwight no doubt had already been spreading around the office. I had finally had enough and got up to go into Andy’s office. I caught the tail end of his talking head. 
“Metaphorically, of course. But now, it is my job and my prob.” I raised my hand to knock on the door when it opened. “(Y/N)?” Andy took one look around the room and sighed before turning back to me. “Did you need something?” I gestured around the room. 
“I was just going to ask you to something about this.” Andy nodded and went to the conference room. He knocked on the door. Robert opened the door and looked between me and Andy. 
“Hi, Robert? Can you come out here please? It’s really important.” Andy asked as he stepped to the side so Robert could take his spot next to me. “Just wanted to clarify something. Some people here are under the misconception that some people may be considered, uh, let’s say top-tier and others would be second-tier.” Robert sent a look at me before shaking his head slowly. 
“I never said that.” He seemed to be debating his options while Andy took it the wrong way.
“Thank you. Great.” Robert held up a hand and Andy stopped. I bit my lip as I waited for Robert to prove me right. 
“I said winners and losers.” Robert’s eyes drifted over me and landed on Andy. “Is that what you’re talking about?” 
“Oh, that, it might…” Andy stammered. “That might actually be what I’m thinking of. Can you clarify that?”  Robert’s eyes landed on me again and I nodded to tell him to go ahead with what we had talked about at the restaurant. 
“Let me tell you some things I find productive.” Robert turned to face the office, confidence easing into his voice. “Positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement. Honesty.” His eyes met mine again and I couldn’t keep the pride off my face as I watched him take control. “I’ll tell you some things I find unproductive. Constantly worrying about where you stand based on inscrutable social cues. And then, inevitably reframing it all in a reassuring way so that you can get to sleep at night. No, I do not believe that at all. If I invited you to lunch, I think you’re a winner. If I didn’t, I don’t. But I just met you all. Life is long, opinions change. Winners prove me right. Losers, prove me wrong.” He nodded and winked at me. I smirked at him as he went back into the conference room. 
“I guess that’s that.” Phyllis said as she went back to work. I nodded and went to sit back at desk. 
“No. No. No.” Andy gained my attention again. “(Y/N), the two of us are finally going clear this up.” 
“Andy. No.” I said. Andy took my arm and pulled towards the conference room. 
“We’re going in there.” He opened the door as I tugged my arm out of his grasp. 
“Fine. But I won’t like it.” I grumbled. We walked in and Robert looked up at us as if nothing was wrong. 
“I know that every time I talk to you things just seem to get worse. But, you don’t know these people and we do. And if we let you work with faulty information, well, then we’re not doing our jobs as managers. So, please take this pen and change your list.” Andy said. I backed up a couple steps and held up my hands. 
“I just want it on the record this is all Andy’s idea.” I said before miming zipping my lips. 
“I’m not going to change my list Andy.” Robert smirked at me. “And I don’t use ballpoint pens.” Andy sat down at the conference table while I took a seat behind him. 
“Well, then I will make a new list for you.” Andy grabbed a piece of paper and started a new list. “Stanley. You may think he’s a lazy grump, but did you know he has the most consistently high sales numbers of anyone in this office? And you may think he’s hard to love, but did you know that he’s in, not one, but two long-term relationships?” Robert looked over at me and I nodded. 
“I did not know about the sales figures.” He admitted. 
“Meredith Palmer. Supplier relations. The word no, not even in her vocabulary.” I bit back the smile that was threatening to spread across my face. Andy was finally coming into his own as manager and it was happening before my eyes. “And just to show you that I’m being fair. You had Gabe in the loser column. I think that is astute. Good call.” I chuckled as I nodded. “Pam, easily the most creative and kind person I have ever worked with.” I smiled and looked down at my lap. I could hear Jim and Dwight arguing in the office but I ignored them. “Erin Hannon, the receptionist and my closest confidant. A winner if there ever was one.” Looking back up at Robert, I noticed that he was also trying to keep the smile off of his face. 
“Are we done?” He asked when Andy had finally put down his pen. 
“Yes.” Andy got up to leave. “No! The Friday before Columbus Day, we’re gonna take a half-day, so that everyone can get a jump on the long weekend.” I watched Robert, waiting to see what he would say. 
“You want a three and a half-day weekend for Columbus Day?” Robert looked over at me. 
“We’ve always had them.” I stood up. “It just seemed like it would be good business to ask our new CEO before we just up and did it.” Andy nodded beside me. 
“And you two are aware that Columbus and his legions committed genocide against an entire civilization of Native Americans.” Robert continued. I nodded while Andy started to walk to the door. 
“Don’t care.” Andy left the room and Robert smiled at him as he left. I stood there trying not to laugh. 
“I knew that.” I offered as I stood in the doorway. Robert looked up at me. 
“Did you?” He smiled. “Did you really?”
“I was a history major.” I winked at him as I left the office. Everyone was packing up already and some people were already walking out. I smiled at Andy as I gathered up my belongings. “Nice work Andy. You’re going to be pretty good at this manager thing.” Andy smiled at me as he locked up his office. 
“Thanks (Y/N).” He patted my shoulder. “You’re going to be pretty good at this assistant manager thing.” I smiled as I turned off my computer. “By the way, he likes you too.” Andy winked at me as he left the office. I stood by my desk, mouth agape at Andy’s comment. 
“Everything alright (Y/N)?” I jumped when I heard Robert’s voice. I shook my head to clear it and finished up packing. 
“Yeah. Sorry. Andy just said something that threw me off.” I chuckled as I put my bag over my shoulder. “You did really well with that little speech.” I bumped his shoulder as we entered the elevator and started our descent. 
“I thought I might have messed it up when Andy walked into the conference room.” Robert admitted. I shook my head. 
“You did great. Everyone was pretty impressed even if they didn’t want to admit it.” I reassured him. Robert smiled and squeezed my hand. 
“Thank you (Y/N).” Robert said as we exited the elevator. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed the back of my hand before heading to his car and taking off out of the parking lot. I got into my car and exited the parking lot myself. Getting home, I went through my normal evening routine. As I lay in bed that night, I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking about what Andy had said and what it could possibly mean. I fell asleep daydreaming about what I wished it would mean.
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boredangel · 4 years
Still Prideful (A Destiel Fanfic)
Castiel tried to hide it but Dean knew he was upset. Quarantine was getting on all of their nerves, but Cas only recently became as human as an angel can be. He deserved to experience everything, and everything had shut down.
Technically Cas was still an angel, so he couldn’t get sick and he could cure Sam and Dean. That doesn’t do much good though when people give you dirty looks for even going outside.
Dean wanted to do something for Cas and there were only so many blowjobs one could give. 
Dean came up with the idea the way many of his ideas started, with a clueless, dorky, angel.
“Dean, what’s pride?” Cas asked one lazy afternoon in the library.
“Pride, I’ve seen it mentioned on the internet. Apparently it’s this month?”
“It’s sort of a celebration for people, well people like us.”
“No, like people who aren’t straight or cis.”
“The LGBTQIA+ community.”
“What happens?”
Dean rubbed the back of his neck. He’d spent most of his life in the closet and didn’t really know about this stuff . “I guess, like parades and stuff. Lots of rainbows everywhere.”
“Can we go to a parade?” Cas said excitedly.
“They’re all canceled due to the pandemic.” 
“Oh, okay.” Cas didn’t talk about it again.
Surprisingly he didn’t get it straight away. It was two days later when he shot up in bed (or he would’ve if Cas’ arms weren’t around him) and realized what he needed to do.
It took the help of one large moose, one red headed hacker, one half-angel kid, and lots of online shopping (with fake credit cards) to pull it together. But finally a week later it was ready.
Dean invited Cas on a drive to give Sam time to get things ready. Cas enthusiastically agreed, he’d once confided that with the windows rolled down, it felt like flying. And if that was flying, Dean couldn’t blame him for missing it. Wind in hair, rock music blasting, and an adorable angel by his side? Yeah, sign him up.
They didn’t actually plan to go anywhere on the drive. But Kansas had a lot of random fields so it’s no surprise they ended up in one. They spread a blanket out on the hood and propped up the cooler. Their conversations were easy, the silences between them even easier.
Sam texted Dean that Operation Rainbow Unicorn (Charlie’s idea) was ready when they were about half-way back to the bunker. Dean was lucky that he was so talented at driving without looking at the road, as he was able to grab his phone before Cas saw the text.
By the time they were five minutes away, Dean was tapping nervously on the wheel. What if Cas didn’t like it? What if it was too much? What if-
“Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m great.”
Castiel looked as if he was about to say something, probably call Dean out on his awful lying, but they pulled into the garage and Dean quickly got out of the car.
Cas followed him to the bunker door, which Dean opened for him with an “After you.”
Dean heard Cas gasp and walked into the room to see how it turned out. It looked like a unicorn threw up, which is kinda what he was going for.
Over the doorway to the library there was a sign that read ‘Happy Pride’ and on either side of it were two giant flags, a gay one and a bi one. Dean was pretty sure he told Sam that this was all about Cas, but Sam must’ve not listened and ordered the bi flag in secret. He appreciated it though.
The rest of the walls were covered in streamers and balloons and there was a giant sheet set up so they could project the Zoom meeting that Dean had set up.
Sam and Jack themselves were decked in color. Sam had a shirt that said ‘Ally’ in rainbow and Jack had changed his hair to multicolored using his mojo; they both had face paint on too. The map table was pushed to the side and covered in food.
“I’m sorry. If you don’t like it, we can take it down or just-“ Dean said quickly.
“Dean, I can’t believe you did this all for me. Thank you. I-I don’t, it’s…” Castiel grabbed Dean and kissed him hard in the place of words. Dean got the message loud and clear.
They spent the night playing online board games with Charlie, Jo and Ash, Benny, and some other friends. Charlie has some video footage from past Prides that she played, and they watched Love, Simon. Which Dean thought was a teen movie, and while it was, it was pretty good.
Late that night, Dean and Cas were slow dancing in the middle of the room.
Sam and Jack had long since gone to bed, and the soft, swelling of music filled the large room.
Cas rested his head in the crook of Dean’s neck, and Dean kissed the top of his head.
“Thank you so much for this Dean. I know this isn’t really your comfort zone but you did it anyway.”
“I’d do anything for you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Dean knew that this quarantine would go on for a while, and that it was more likely than not that one of them would eventually get annoyed or mad. But for now? Right here, this was enough.
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nellie-elizabeth · 4 years
Supernatural: Inherit the Earth (15x19)
That was somehow simultaneously a crowded mess, and a complete anticlimax. I'm literally just like... super confused and afraid about what the finale is going to be now.
Sam's the dog person. That's part of canon. I liked the moment when Dean found the dog, or whatever, but I wish Sam had gotten a moment with the puppy too, before Chuck took it away. A small thing, but one of those typical wrong details in Buckleming episodes, where it just honestly doesn't seem like they know the characters very well.
Lucifer and Michael have a fight in the Bunker and Michael takes Lucifer out really, really easily. So like. Remember when the first five seasons of the show were the buildup to the Apocalypse, and Sam sacrificed himself for an eternity in Lucifer's Cage to stop it from happening? Apparently a fight between the two archangels is just a bit of fisticuffs, nothing to get worked up about. That annoyed me. But I guess consistency has never been something this show has cared much about...
Also just... Lucifer in general, coming back for like five minutes so he can mug at the camera and then be unceremoniously killed? Here's the thing: we had Billie as Death, and she hated them but maybe it would have been interesting to see her and the boys team up to figure out Chuck's ending... but instead, she's gone, Lucifer gets a pointless return, provides us with another Death, who is there for two seconds, says a couple of vaguely funny lines, and then dies... and we still never find out what's in the book.
The fight with Chuck was so badly edited! It was so weird to see him just wail on Sam and Dean, and repeated shots of him hitting them, and them getting up, while he kept saying "okay fellas, enough, please stay down" over and over again. Given that the whole "erasing the people from the world" thing was so much like Infinity War, I kept comparing this fight with God to the climax of Endgame. In that instance, you have a small group of intrepid fighters going up against a big bad evil, and then just at the moment when they're run down and helpless, the whole crowd of friends returns and joins in the fight. Instead of that, it's just Jack showing up and absorbing God's powers, and then they leave him begging on the beach. Not a bad ending for Chuck, which I'll get to in a moment, but the epic-ness was seriously missing from this final showdown.
So, when Jack returned the world to its normal state, did he bring back all of their friends, too? I want to believe this was something that Covid took away from them, where instead of seeing shots of Charlie and her girlfriend, of Donna, Jody, the girls, Bobby, Eileen, they were forced to use stock footage of just random people around the world returning. Would have been cooler to see the epic return... and also super weird that Sam and Dean sit quietly in the bunker talking about free will, and we don't see Sam pull out his phone and call his girlfriend, like... I get not wanting to muddy the ending of the episode with a lot of fallout stuff, and I'm sure we'll get that next week? Like, I hope, anyway? But as it stood for this hour of television, it was super weird to me that the boys didn't immediately want to check on all of their friends to make sure everyone had returned from the dead.
Jack becoming the new God is actually a totally appropriate ending, people were speculating that he'd be the new God or Death or Empty, or some cosmic entity, anyway... and this honestly felt very fitting... BUT, I will say that there are two really, really stupid things about it. One, his "I'm everything and everywhere now" speech was super cheesy... "I'm in the air and the rocks and every drop of rain" or whatever. Such a cliche, I was almost painfully embarrassed listening to him. I honestly would have preferred less is more, here. Like, what if he'd said the stuff about how humans can be their best when they need to be, that was a good line... and then Sam says "what if we want to see you? Grab a beer?" And Jack just says "I'm around" and then vanishes, leaving it vague? I think the idea of a hands-off deity is perfect, of course... makes sense for the "free will wins the day" ending we've got going here, but I didn't think stating it outright was the best move.
The second reason Jack becoming God was rendered kind of comedically awful in the way it happened is... well, elephant in the room, let's talk about how Cas was handled in this episode.
Here's a quote from last week's review:
"I'm worried that Cas dying is gonna get swallowed up with everyone dying and not get its due, thus making the confession completely isolated. Like, here you go, gays, have this one scene, which, in isolation is quite heartfelt from Cas' perspective, but can be carefully boxed up and not touched for the last two hours of the show. If they don't want to touch on how this would affect Dean specifically, they don't have to. He can be generally angsty and sad about Cas, but they could get away with never bringing it up again, and that is some grade-A level bullshit right there, my friends."
And... yeah. Look, I know there are people on Tumblr right now saying that this episode being the "brothers only" ending means that next week we'll get Cas back and Dean will confess his love or whatever... but y'all, it's not going to happen. I'm sorry. I'd love to be wrong. If I'm wrong, I will gladly eat crow and celebrate along with the rest of you, but I just... I've been burned before. I know what's going on here, and it's not what you think it is.
Dean was undeniably devastated in this episode. We see him drinking to excess, falling asleep on the floor, grasping onto tiny moments of joy like with the dog and then being furious and upset when they fall through. But that devastation was not textually about Cas specifically. Sure, there were moments, like him telling God to bring everything back, and then namedropping Cas specifically. Or the way he ran up the stairs when Cas' voice was on the phone. But what I'm saying is? Those are crumbs, there for those of us who care to gobble up, easily ignored and subsumed by the larger losses the boys are suffering. Sam is devastated too, guys. About his girlfriend, about Charlie, about Donna, and Jody, etc. etc. etc. Who's to say their grief is any different from one another, even though they're handling it with different coping mechanisms? The "I love you" wasn't even on the "previously on".
Like. There's a universe where Dean does get a moment of Cas-related catharsis in the finale, even though Misha's not coming back. Maybe he has a private moment to grieve just for him, to contemplate that specific loss. But I'm telling you: I don't care if an openly gay man wrote 15x18, I don't care that Misha found it moving. The bottom line is, Cas confessing his love for Dean was the moment of catharsis the show was willing to offer us. We ain't getting much else.
So going back to Jack, why on earth does nobody suggest that maybe when he's popping the rest of the world back to the way it's supposed to be, he also brings Cas back? This is what I'm talking about with contrived sacrifices. Last week, they could have written a way for Dean to get out of that scrape without Cas dying. And this week, Jack's determination to be a "hands-off" God is not enough to explain why he wouldn't restore his father Castiel from the Empty. Especially since Chuck brought Lucifer back from the Empty, proving that God can do that. Even though that contradicts earlier lore but whatever. The point is, I'm saying it's sloppy. Cas' death, Cas staying dead, does not feel like an earned inevitability to me. I'm prepared to eat my words if they bring him back in the finale, but even if that happens (which it won't), he's not going to be smooching Dean Winchester on the mouth, y'all. He's just not.
So then that ending. "Finally free," says Dean, completely unaware that he's echoing the theme from the end of season five but making it hopeful now for some reason? And that end montage felt like an ending 100%, and I won't say it was bad to see it, see all the memories, the characters... I mean, Charlie dancing in the elevator, getting glimpses of Ellen and Jo, Bobby, Crowley... I'm not going to complain about that, it was honestly quite fun, but it also felt extremely anticlimactic and gave us no sense of where the characters are going to go from here. And yes, I know we have an episode next week, it's just...
Here's the thing I'm scared of, and I'm going to go ahead and put it here in the "cons" section because I don't know where it belongs yet. Despite my complaints about this episode, thematically there was one thing it got right: the answer to defeating Chuck wasn't destined, it wasn't in a book of preordained endings. They had to come up with it by themselves, using the tools at their disposal, and they won, and they get free will now, they get the release from having someone else tell their story. Great. So... what does that leave us next week?
As mentioned above, I really don't think the final 43 minutes is going to be an epic gay love story where Dean fights to get Cas back, I really don't. That leaves us two options: either a tepid re-tread of the themes already established, an epilogue of sorts where we just get to see a life in the day, a new normal for the boys. I wouldn't be furious about this, but I also think it won't really feel like closure for me. They just keep hunting? They keep saving people? That's fine, I guess, but they can't really walk back the fact that God is their son, can they? When they die the next time, do they go to the Empty? Who is Death, now? Are Heaven and Hell okay? Are we meant to be convinced that nothing will ever come back to bite them in the ass, they'll live long lives, and a benevolent afterlife is waiting for them when it's over? I'm not convinced I believe in things being that simple, so it sort of seems like the show would end by saying "okay, and more of the same."
The second possibility is worse, though, that being a total status-quo shift, like the end comes and the Empty is after them and they have to become the new Death and Empty as some speculated, or some wild harebrained plot twist gets thrown in at the last second and undoes the actual good parts of the theme established here. I hope for the first, but I don't know that it'll make me happy, to be quite honest. I really don't want it to feel this way, but Cas being gone is the big elephant in the room, for me. It truly is.
I did like the earlier parts of the episode, the eeriness and the helplessness of them being alone. Continuing with the Avengers comparisons, it was very similar to the long, slow opening to Endgame, where we see a lot of grief, a lot of helplessness, an lot of directionless moping. That felt appropriate and it made it all the more invigorating when Michael showed up, giving us a spark of direction in which to move.
While I thought the fight with Chuck was edited really strangely and didn't work for me, I did like this ending for Chuck. Very much like the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Chuck doesn't die, which he honestly would have found a satisfying, creative ending for his story. Instead, he gets to live on as a normal human, sans powers, and be forgotten. Brutal and appropriate! It ties back into the free will thing. Chuck can do whatever he wants with his remaining time, but he can't steal other people's choices from them any longer. It's the black and the white, the good and the bad, of being just... human. Which ties in with Sam and Dean being more or less hopeful about their outlook moving forward. (God, I'm so fucking scared they're going to screw up the few things I liked about this episode in next week's finales.)
Like I said, I did find Jack becoming God an appropriate ending for him as a character. It's the right type of bittersweet: he's there, and we can imagine that in the future, he does go visit Sam and Dean for a beer. Or maybe he doesn't, and that's okay too. Knowing he's at peace, knowing he's benevolent, and that he'll do the best he can for the people of the world(s). It's nice, a comforting deity instead of a manipulative overlord. And the fact that his benevolence and kindness and compassion are born out of a human mother, and two human fathers, and an angel who embraced humanity with everything in himself... instead of from Lucifer, who tried to create him in his image? Well, that's a lovely resolution for a character that became a surprising favorite over the years.
As I think I mentioned last week, I'm willing to let this show manipulate my emotions here at the end, when it can manage to do so. So yeah, of course I loved that Cas and Jack's names are added to the table along with SW, DW, and MW. Obviously that's adorable as hell. And as I said, the montage worked for me, it was certainly quite lovely. I just... like I said at the start of this, I'm just frankly terrified of what's coming next week.
I mean, here's the thing, I want an ending that honors Sam and Dean as the protagonists of this show, but I want it where they live in the bunker, and Eileen and returned-from-the-dead-Castiel live with them as their partners. If someone told me I couldn't change a thing about what's happened so far, but I could decide how the last episode went, that's how I'd end it. Showing a network of hunters getting support and able to live more stable, reasonable lives while still doing a dangerous job. Sam embracing his intellectual prowess and running things from the bunker, Dean and Cas going out on the road, Sam and Eileen going out on the road, or any combination therein. Jack watching over them benevolently from above. Jody and Donna and the girls living their best lives. Kaia and Claire as a couple, onscreen. A glimpse of a more stable afterlife, now that Jack is there to run things, the confirmation of a peaceful ending whenever our human protagonists do finally shuffle off this mortal coil. Peace, but change, too.
I just don't believe that's what we're getting. I can't believe it, and that makes me really frightened for what comes next week. I'm prepared to be pissed off. Quite frankly, I'm expecting it.
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haro-whumps · 5 years
Box Boy Televised
(CW: brainwashing, dehumanization, creepy + intimate whumper, implied dubcon, fade-to-black dubcon, slavery, possessive behaviors)
Tag list: @thatsthewhump @whump-it @ashintheairlikesnow @fairybean101 @finder-of-rings @comfortforthepain @shameless-whumper @that-one-thespian @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @raigash @im-not-rare-im-rarr @spiffythespook @whumps-the-word @frnkieroismydaddy @whumpity--whump--whump @michelleswhumpyreblogs @jo-castle @newandfiguringitout @lumpofwhump
Not feeling like doing their regular song and dance, Ren continued, “And not a sir, either, I’m non-binary, I use they/them pronouns.” It was funny, usually, to see people flounder and squirm as they tried to correct themselves, so well mannered and well intentioned, and it was always fun to be able to say “third time’s the charm” with a darling smile that put them on everyone’s good side, but Ren had been drugged, robbed, and had to deal with the police’s bumbling, moronic efforts over the course of a single morning, and they weren’t up to it at the moment. 
“My bad! Roll it back, let’s try this again,” the newscaster said, gesturing to her companion, and then she approached them again, striding confidently, saying, “Excuse me, excuse me! As the owner of the stolen pet in question, can you tell us what happened?”
Ren did not smirk, keeping their face (beautifully) haggard and artfully dishevelled. “I was assaulted and drugged in the middle of the night by these home invaders,” Ren started, gesturing at the flashing lights of the police cars. “When I came to, they had stolen my pet,” they jerked a hand at Soren, who was trembling up against their chest. “Fortunately, I have surveillance cameras throughout my home, and quite naturally handed over all the information I could to the police.”
They had, of course, recognized their old “friends” the moment they’d looked at the footage. Just like they’d known, just as fast, that the idiot brigade had brought Soren back to this old shithole. Tyler never shut up about how cool his uncle’s nutcase bunker was, all throughout school, why would they ever assume he’d changed his tune? Idiots. Though, they did have to admit, they were hurt to see Lydia as part of the group. Just the other day, the two had been texting about a recent movie they’d both seen, laughing and debating the overarching themes. To see that she would now do this… Ren was furious.
“I can only assume my home and pet were the thieves’ targets due to a recent ad campaign, with my box boy on the front cover. Why else would this have happened? I admit, I had been supportive of pet rescue groups before; obviously not everyone treats their pets well and there should be humane laws enacted and enforced, but mine? Really? The actual literal poster boy for a pampered and well taken care of pet?”
Ren scoffed and the newscaster nodded along, prompting them forward, clearly excited to be getting this. Ren knew their old friends weren’t activists, but any other owner would assume as much, and this would be a nice little warning to any actual liberation groups. Hands off their property. “It’s shaken my faith in them entirely. I mean really, what did they even think they were liberating my pet from? I’m certainly no threat to him!” 
“Th-they,” Soren started, startling the newscaster for only the briefest moment before she extended her microphone to him, smiling at him like she might smile at a child. “The um, thieves, they, hurt me,” Soren said, revealing yet another injury, one Ren hadn’t seen thanks to his beautiful hair. He pulled back the golden curtain and they got to see a circle of red, blood sticking some of the hair to Soren’s poor temple, and another surge of anger flared. “M-my owner has, never hurt me, a-and, they, did.”
Ren needed to reward Soren. So brave, so useful.
“Oh, angel,” Ren murmured, petting along the underside of the wound, while the newscaster turned to the camera, microphone to her own chin, and made some sort of quip. “Don’t worry, angel, I’m here, we’re heading home soon.” 
“Thank you, thank you Exalted,” Soren murmured, leaning into them, trembling and needy and in all aspects, just like Ren liked him, except he’d been taken from them and injured by filthy, disgusting hands that were not Ren’s. Nevermind that Ren had once felt fondly towards almost all of those people, nevermind that Ren had considered them to be theirs much the same as they had once considered Soren. Soren was different now. Soren was brainwashed and needy and perfect. And he took priority over those traitors.
Ren dealt with the police. Ren dealt with the flashing lights and stupid, idiotic paperwork that they could have just sent to their lawyer. Ren finally, finally got Soren into their car, tutting at him and helping him buckle when his shaking hands struggled with the unfamiliar clasp. Unfamiliar, because as far as he was concerned, he’d never actually been in a car, before. Because he was fumbling, new, foalish, and reliant on Ren. The reminder of how much he needed them pacified them, a bit. Enough. 
When they left the stupid little woodland area Tyler’s family kept so dogmatically “natural,” they glanced in their rear view mirror and saw a particularly delicious sight.
Soren’s mother hadn’t gotten a different pickup truck since fucking high school. It was a very, very beat up old junker, rattling and wheezing and jerking with every mile, the AC broken and radio stuck on a single station. Fuckoff ugly brown. She’d separated from her husband back in Ren’s youth, though if the two had gotten back together, Ren didn’t know. He was there with her now, though, getting out of her car as she stood, driver’s side open, worried lip between her teeth as she stared into the wooded area, at the procession of police cars leaving, Ren’s own car gone unnoticed in the exeunt.
She would never see her son again, outside of advertisements and news reports. Neither would Soren’s father. He was Ren’s now, and the whole world had better just get used to that. Soren had already accepted it, Ren thought, lifting their hand to stroke his golden hair at a red light. Soren knew his place, now. Soren accepted that he was owned, like he had always deserved to be. 
Once inside, Ren took Soren directly to their bedroom, Soren limping on his scabbed heels but eagerly keeping up. They tore off his ruined nightgown--it would never serve as anything other than a reminder of last night--and pushed him down onto the bed.
“You never wanted to go with them,” Ren said,taking off their own sweater.
“I-I didn’t!” Soren insisted, looking nervous again. Good.
“You wanted to come back here, you wanted me to find you and bring you home.”
“More than anything! Yes, Exalted, more than anything else! I never wanted to be stolen!”
Ren shoved him down into the mattress, hard. “Prove it,” Ren ordered, and kissed him rough. Soren kissed back, desperate, shivering, scared and probably tired and still so, so eager, so needy, just like Ren had ordered, just like Soren was meant to be.
“You’re mine,” Ren hissed as they flipped the two of them, pulling Soren into their lap.
“You belong to me,” Ren stated, handing Soren the lube.
“I do! I don’t belong to anyone else.”
“You think only of me, you want only for me, you desire nothing and no one but me.”
“Yes, Exalted, yes, you’re right, I do, I only want you, I was so scared, I wanted to be here, please, my Exalted, my god, I love you, I want to worship only you, please!”
“Good boy,” Ren murmured, petting at his soft skin. “Take your comfort in me, pet. Take comfort in my body.”
Soren rode them, just like a sweet, darling whore, noisy and whimpering and trembling with fear and relief and need and want all the while. He really did show how much he needed them, how much he wanted to please Ren at the exclusion of all else.
After, they cradled him in their arms, just like he deserved. He’d earned it. “Oh darling, you’ve had such a hard night, haven’t you?”
“Yes,” Soren whispered,  nuzzling in closer to their chest. They pet his head and gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“It’s all alright now,” Ren murmured. “It’s all alright; you’re here again, you’re safe now.”
“Exalted?” Soren asked, voice gone high and pleading. Ren arched their eyebrows. “May I sleep here, in your room?”
“For tonight, pet,” Ren allowed. Soren looked distressed. “Darling, angel, sweetheart, you can’t sleep in my bed every night. I don’t sleep well with other people in the room. Staying in here is a treat, or a special comfort: only for rare occasions.” 
Soren nodded, looking miserable, and Ren smiled at their pet. “Darling, I cannot stand to see you so,” they murmured, face appropriately sympathetic when Soren’s gaze jerked up to their face. “How about this? I’ll get online today and order some nice cuffs, and at night I’ll chain you to your bed?” They were brilliant, that was a great idea. And Soren would see it like the gift it was, not as Ren being even more possessive than they already were. Haha!
“Oh, yes, yes Exalted, please!” Soren gasped, pressing up into them.
“I’ll get it fingerprinted so that the locks can’t be picked like your stupid door’s.” Though in truth, they’d spent part of the morning considering changing that door out for one that opened to thumprinting. And the balcony doors. “Oh, but, if you need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night…” they realized aloud, less pleased.
“I’ll hold it, I can hold it, I don’t use the bathroom at night anyway, Exalted, please, please chain me to the bed!”
Ren snorted and caressed his face. “Eager pet. Very well, if it will help soothe your delicate nerves.” Ren kissed him. “We could key it to your thumbprints, too. No one trying to steal you would ever guess I’d let you unlock your own cuffs, and you’d never tell them.” Ren gripped him tightly by the hair. “Right, angel?”
“Never,” Soren rushed, “never, never, never Exalted, I don’t want to be taken again!”
“That’s right,” Ren murmured, stroking their fingers through that hair and kissing him again, all soft and easy. “That’s my precious boy.” Ren hummed, thinking. “We’ll get silk lining for the cuffs, to protect your skin. Lengthy chain so you can still shift in your sleep and your arms won’t be above your head. Nothing bulky enough to bruise you if you accidentally roll on top of it.”
“Th-thank you, Exalted, you always take such good care of me.”
Ren kissed his forehead. “That’s right; I do. Now go ahead and rest, sweetheart, you’ve earned the day off.”
And they had the pleasure of watching Soren sink into the soft mattress of Ren’s bed, cushy duvet pulled up over him, sweet and soft and freshly fucked, and fall asleep. They stroked his hair idly, then pulled out their laptop, ordering the custom chains and a new home-security system. 
And would you look at that. They were on the news.
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yourdailykitsch · 4 years
Do you know if Taylor has ever seen your blog/social media?
He has commented and liked a few posts on the yourdailykitsch instagram before, I think all were Waco related. He did one time respond to me, on my personal instagram comment, which, I mean how can you not fan girl over that? But, I don’t know if he ventures off of Instagram to Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr, etc. I’m not sure he’d know where to begin with Tumblr. 
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Ask #2: Any taylor activity this week?
Answer: I think he’s in Austin. I can’t say that with 100% certainty, without having any concrete sightings it’s mostly just me guessing. 
Ask #3: do you know what hockey team he plays for in austin?
Answer #3: I couldn’t tell you his team name or what league. I just know that he plays in a league in Austin. A lot of his friends in Austin are hockey friends. 
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Ask #4: Who originally posted the picture of Taylor and Jennifer with her dog?
Answer #4: It was just some random account. I actually have no idea who they are or where they got it from, but I assume it came from someone’s personal instagram account, possibly Jennifer’s account.
Ask #5: I know Taylor commented on josh Brolins ig a while back about his future daughter, do you happen to know what he said? Or the quote? Thanks
Answer #5: Josh posted a lot about his future daughter but I can’t remember how often Taylor commented. He liked most posts...I did have this screenshot from something Josh posted, where Taylor commented about his future kids. Josh’s wife is pregnant again, btw! 
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Ask #6: Just curious, do you follow Taylor’s girlfriends private page? I requested her but I’ve been declined which is totally understandable, and I’m not asking you to share anything from her page if you do follow her but I was just curious.
Answer #6: I do not follow her private instagram. I’ve never requested to follow her under the assumption that she’s private for a reason. She has liked a few posts before on the yourdailykitsch instagram though! 
Ask #7: I’m a relatively new fan of Taylor, it’s been about 5 months now. I’ve learned a lot about him through your page and other sources. Was wondering if you could share some interesting facts about Taylor you think may not be so common? I feel like I’m in a rut because I learned so much about him but I want to learn more but I feel like I’ve assimilated so much information so it’s hard to find something I don’t know about him. Thanks!
Answer #7: Oh, this is a tough one. I’m not sure how much you know about him! I’ve been a fan of him since his days of FNL so it’s been almost fifteen years so I’ve accumulated a lot of info about him, some really random facts, but then off the top of my head I probably couldn’t really give you any unless you asked something specifically about a project or activity. 
I mean there’s stuff like, his role as Gambit was actually supposed to be his big breakout because the character is so iconic. I remember seeing the bootleg, cell phone footage of the trailer for the first time when it was played at Comic Con and Gambit’s appearance got the loudest reaction, for sure. (the video is still up on youtube).
When Bang Bang Club came out, Taylor was by far and away the best reviewed actor in the movie, and most reviewers said that he was the reason to watch/the movie maybe would have been better if it focused more on Kevin Carter. 
Or something random like, Taylor always played forward in hockey growing up but now plays defense because he says he’s too old and he likes relaxing back there. 
In his early days in Austin you could almost always find him at Jo’s Coffee Shop, he would go there for his coffee and to read scripts. 
Ask #8: Do you think Shadowplay's trailer will drop at the end of August hopefully?
Answer #8: The rollout of Shadowplay is unlike any other project Taylor has ever had so I’ve kind of given up attempting to predict how this might be promoted. I don’t know if because of COVID things have changed or what the delay is. If they are still aiming for a late 2020 release then I would guess we’ll see something in the next few weeks or September. The Crown is premiering mid- November and they just released the first trailer for that. If Shadowplay is on a similar timeline or even a December timeline then we should be getting news on it next month. 
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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2020.12.18 The World You Live In at Zepp Namba, 1st event report
I arrived with friends past 1:15 (door time), but lettings fans in here was very smooth. And there were leaflets for sukekiyo's January shows/MADARA and Dirt waiting for us on our seats.
After the interview, live footage and music videos, staff brought two long tables on the stage with 4 chairs. Fujieda again started with greetings and introduced himself and Takabayashi, and finally asked the audience for the applause for the band members as they come on stage.
Kaoru and Kyo came then.
Kaoru wore all black, jacket, glasses.
Kyo had green hair (same as for the a knot calendar photo session), shocking pink jacket, washed denim, pink socks and white trainers. He wore sunglasses.
They both introduced themselves with simple '薫です' and '京です' but I love how different it sounded for both of them.
Fujieda again talked first about the live footage from March. Kaoru commented that with the document it was really busy. For Kyo it felt that the staff, especially the staff under the stage was restless, moving a lot, but he himself just came and sang.
Next, Fujieda outlined the events in 2020 like he did in Nagoya, he asked if they watched the audiostreams.
Kyo: Yes, I watched all of them.
F: and then yours came last.
Kyo: I could really feel member's personality showing there.
Ka: how was the order out setlists came out decided? Was it after we submitted our setlists?
Takabayashi said that no.
Next Fujieda continued with the 2020 timeline and asked about what they can remember from the Pia VIP meetings.
Ka: I thought that Mr.Higuchi was really nervous interviewing all five of us at the same time.
Kyo: first day the atmosphere was so gloom it felt like a funeral.
After that they moved to the topic of Ochita single, F sked them about filming.
Ka: it finished so quickly, in an instant!
F: did you also feel it went by very quickly, Kyo?
Kyo: not that, there was something else. When filming we were working with a new director. For the first time, I got praised when shooting. Like only 5 minutes passed but he was all 'that's great! yes! very cool!'. Huh? What was that supposed to be? Being told that so much wasn't it too much? And then he had some issue with equipment and asked to go again. When the director saw my costume first he also went 'huh wow!' And the place was so narrow.
After that they moved to the merch items for this events. F passed them their own items and Kyo just kept holding the choker, almost like being frozen.
Meanwhile Kaoru said that there's no special meaning behind deciding to produce the pouch. Then, Kyo, asked about the choker, reacted.
Kyo: isn't this super cool?
(and then again)
Kyo: it's seriously cool. It's super cool. ...it's super cool. ...it's super cool.
(all the time just holding and looking at it)
F: about the embossing?
Kyo: not that, it's just super cool.
Then F announced they will move to the part with questions from fans. He divided the question sheets and passed them to everyone. But Kyo just kept moving to the next page, next page, next page...
F (trying to avoid silence😂): there were many questions on similar topics, I grouped some of them, many people asked about a movie you saw recently, movie you enjoyed.
Ka: I saw 'Hansekai', a Japanese movie.
Kyo: (after a moment) I watched 'Videodrome'.
He told us a bit about the plot, that you start questioning there what is real when watching. He said it's an older movie, and I didn't catch it but there was some connection with Robocop? He said he's also watching 'Friends' and Netflix's 'Dracula'.
After that Kaoru read a question from a fan: 'F seems to be really loved by all members and staff, but can you tell us how do you actually feel about him?'
Ta kept it cool just saying F is his kohai (younger friend/colleague). Kaoru, too, said that F is cool. But then it was time for Kyo ('s rant)🤣
Kyo: I would like to say you're cool, but there are those things I told you you should try to work on. You say you can eat anything, that's okay, but the way you eat is just, too eager (talking about his eating manners), you're even biting your lips, you also ask me about things when you don't really care, and then you reply with 'yeah yeah'. Don't do it. Saying 'yeah' once is fine, but saying 'yeah yeah' is too much.
(possibly didn't get it all xD)
F: I'll be careful. ...any questions you'd like to read?
Kyo (just kept moving on to the next paper, next question, next, next): nothing good.
Kaoru to the rescue picked a question, but had comments.
Ka: 'I'm moving the day after tomorrow and I'm curious bout the life with many people together (in a big group). How is it when you have to stay together?' Is there a connection between this and moving?
He talked about touring abroad and spending time together in a bus, but they just go to sleep soon. But there are more chances to talk before the shows.
Ta: 'can you recommend us any good restaurants in Osaka?'
nothing from the band members besides heavy thinking😂
Ta: 'which do you like better, takoyaki or okonomiyaki?'
Ka: I like both, but I don't eat them much. Monja(yaki) is better though.
Kyo: Monja is good, but choboyaki, from Kyoto, is the best.
Ta: I like both.
F: I eat everything. But abroad it's more difficult.
Kyo: ...the kebab chicken story.
He told us about the time when they were touring, he always stays on the bus so he would ask a roadie to go get him something to eat. He was thinking about eating McDonalds, but then F suddenly said 'let's do kebab!'. After F said that it's not like he could say he wanted McDonalds.
F laughed but got scolded by Kyo.
Kyo: I told you not to laugh like that! Like just a moment ago!
Kaoru brought up that they played at Osaka Jo Hall on this day in the past. They talked about some trouble they had and the venue staff being angry at them.
Kyo: I don't remember anything from that day. I deleted it from my memory.
F: but you chose I'll and Zan for your audiostream.
Kyo: I wanted to do it for my setlist. But then I saw on twitter few fans wrote they want me to do it, I got upset and almost changed it. Almost. In the end nowadays it's something we wouldn't do.
Ta: 'anything you're into now fashionwise?'
Kao (after thinking): nothing really. ...but I'm not wearing socks today.
F stood up to check.
Kyo: You're THAT interested???
F: just wanted to see what it looks like.
Kyo: that's really weird.
F: 'what's the 'fashion point' for you today (the main idea of your look)?
Kyo: well, what do you think?
F: pink?
Kyo: the whole outfit, you're dead!😂
F: ...but even your socks are pink?
Kyo: you really think pink is the main idea?  Look at my hair, green, I couldn't wear this outfit if I had black hair. It's about total balance! You're really a weird one.
all the love😂
F: 'winter is a nabe season, so what is your favorite nabe?'
Ka ...talked a lot about different types of nabe to make at home.
Kyo: nothing in particular.
F: what nabe do you want to eat now?
Kyo: what do you think?
F: k...kimchi nabe?
Kyo: I was going to say you're dead if you say something else than kimchi nabe.
F (laughing): I got it right?? But I wanted to hear I'm dead😂
Ta: I like chanko nabe.
Ta: 'what's your favorite tea?'
Ka: don't know, I drink a lot of jasmin tea, but I just buy it in a bottle.
Kyo: any tea is okay.
F: I drink Tokucha (for dieting benefits)
(there's one question here when I zoned out) *found my missing bit: there was a question about the name for their fans, toriko. It came from a poster of Die from MACABRE era, fully dressed up, it said 'I'll make you into my slave'.
F: 'what's your favorite alcohol?'
Ka: wine, Napa Valley, I think I talked about it with Mr.Higuchi (at the Pia VIP meeting).
Kyo: I don't really drink now.
He said he used to buy some stuff to make drinks, cocktails, but doesn't drink now.
F: 'what's the most fun moment or something interesting you've done recently?'
Ka: so we've never played here before, at Zepp Namba. When we arrived we talked together in the dressing room. It was nice to have a chance to chat.
Kyo: same really.
Next, F talked about the additional streamed event and the filming.
Ka told us he felt funny when filming (with motion capture) because one of the sensors to record his movement was exactly where he usually plays the guitar so he had to hold the guitar a bit higher than normal (he showed us how it looked and it was quite funny).
Kyo said that when he was filming, and he went second, Die was first, they had to wear costumes like a Mojimoji-kun (like a black skin tight onesie), he felt Die looked much better, and it really made him feel bad, that his style was too 'minimal'. He felt shocked and didn't really like the filming.
F asked everyone to join them on New Year's Eve and next asked band members for the last comments.
Kaoru: We're not able to do concerts and it's very difficult now to gather together like this, so I'm really grateful you all came. We're thinking a lot about what we can do next year.
Kyo: It must have been difficult to come here today, I'm sorry. And 'おおきに・ookini・thank you/sorry for the trouble.
F: oh sudden Kansai dialect.
Kyo: I'm from Kansai.
F: It's fine if Kansai person uses Kansai dialect.
Kyo (turned to fans again): ookini.
Kyo waved to the audience, then they stood up and stood looking at fans a bit, bowed and finally left.
(unfortunatelly I only went to the 1st slot, but might dedicate my time on the train to Sendai tomorrow to collect some bits from twitter!)
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