#but i got an ice pick in my skull!
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cosmicangsts · 1 year ago
migraing gANG GANG rally!
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moody-alcoholic · 8 months ago
The Missing Piece
Chapter 1 -Coffee
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. 4.4k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe.
CW: Mentions of sex, description of injuries.
masterlist - next AO3
Enjoy <3
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“Sergeant MacTavish?” You call into the hallway of soldiers lining the wall, you look up and down to see if anyone reacts to the name. 
“Sergeant John MacTavish?” You call again this time a little louder.
“Here lass!” A man calls hobbling down the hall towards you. Your breath catches in your throat, even being on a base surrounded by plenty of hunky men you had not seen anyone quite like him. His broad shoulders, thick arms and tanned skin. His fluffy mohawk, shining almost bronze in the florescent lights. To top it all off his cheeky grin is sending butterfly's racing in your stomach.
He’s being followed by what seems like an even bigger man trying to help him wobble his way down the hall, his sharp eyes focused on making sure his friend doesn’t topple over. The rest of his face is covered by a balaclava with a skull printed on it. It makes you shiver as they walked towards you. You move to the side of the door letting them in. John finds his way to a chair while the other man stands behind him. You close the door to the room going back over to the desk sitting down and opening his file on the computer. 
“Twisted your ankle during an exercise?” You look past the monitor at him. 
“Aye, I’m fine but LT here insisted I get it checked out.” He replies with a smile on his face thumbing behind at the man looming over him. Christ even his accent is sexy, sottish.
“And I’m staying to make sure you do get it checked out properly instead of flirting your way to a bottle of paracetamol and a cold compress.” The man said, his voice was deep, commanding. You could feel heat rush to your cheeks at the mention of flirting, but you push the thought away trying to remain professional. 
“It is good to get it checked even if it is just a sprain.” You move your chair round so you’re sitting in front of him. 
“Do you mind if I take your boot off?”
“I got it lass,” he winked bending down to untie the laces, and pulling the boot off. You could tell by the scrunching of his face and the grunt he made that this was causing him pain. He put his foot back down on the floor his ankle did look swollen. 
“Have you tried ice or a cold compress?” You ask. 
“Aye,” he replies you hear the man behind him sigh.
“What he means by that is he tried for about 5 minuets before he was back on his feet again.” John huffed at being called out, you smile at him and he winks. 
“You’ll need to try for longer then that,” you say acknowledging the tall man behind John who now has his arms crossed. You pick the foot up watching John try to hide the pain, you only lift it up a little before decided it was going to need an x-ray. 
“I will book an x-ray for you in the mean time if you go into the ward they will give you an ice pack and a bed.” You explain moving your chair back to the desk so you could book the appointment. “Do you want any pain relief?” 
“Na, I can barely feel it.” He says a cheeky smile on his face. You nod typing the report and waiting for the paper to print out. 
“I can give you some crutches you really should keep your weight off it.” You stand up going to the printer.
“It’s okay love I’ve got my own crutch here.” He says hopping up on his foot and wrapping his arm round the other man with him. You smile handing the paper to him.
“Give this to the nurse on the ward.” You say rushing in front of them to open the door. 
“Thanks love,” he says beaming at you as he gets lead out by his friend who looks back at you and nods. You close the door to the room taking a breath out. What the hell was that? You find a smile forming on your lips as your heart flutters in your chest. 
Two days later you find yourself as the night nurse. Not that you mind it’s normally the quieter part of the job and there is no one in the ward so you don’t even have to worry about trying to look busy. About an hour into your shift someone comes through the doors. You recognise him immediately as John, from a few days ago with the sprained ankle. He’s hobbling around on crutches now, his friend is not with him either. 
“Hello sweetheart!” He says his voice full of energy, that ever present smile on his face.
“Hey, John did you need something?” you ask coming round from behind the nurses station. 
“Yeah actually, I was told to come pick up something…” He trails off. “Now what was it?” 
“Painkillers?” You ask. 
“No it begin with a T I think.” He looks up to the corner of the room rubbing his chin.
“A tubigrip?” You ask raising an eyebrow.
“That’s the one lass!” He says snapping his fingers, you can’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm. 
“Sit up on the bed I’ll get you one.” You say turning to the cupboard of supplies. You pick out two sizes then walk back over to John already leaning down to untie his boots. 
“I can do that.” You insist waving his hands away, he sighs but gives in leaning back on the bed. You carefully remove the boot looking back and checking to see how he reacts. He’s ether getting better at hiding it or painkillers have helped. He only winces when you have to pull the boot over his heel.
“What did the doctor say?” You ask. 
“Sprained, I’ve been stuck behind a desk for the last two days.” He makes a pouting face as you pull his sock off. 
“You should sleep with it elevated that will help with the swelling.” You say pulling his trouser leg up. The swelling has definitely improved since you saw it last. 
“I bet with a few more days of rest you’ll be back on your feet like nothing happened.” You smile at him.
“I hope so lass, my unit’s being shipped out at the end of the week.” He says as you pull the tubigrip over his foot and ankle.
“Oh yeah anywhere fun?” You ask. 
“Ah ‘fraid I can’t tell you that love.” He winks, you can tell if he’s joking or not but you pull his trouser leg back down.
“You can keep your boot on but not too tight, and keep it elevated.” You explain putting his boot back on and loosely tying the laces. 
“What painkillers are you taking?” You ask as he swivels his body round so his feet are hanging off the bed. 
“Paracetamol, oh and the doc said I could take ibuprofen too, but I don’t need it I can barely feel a thing.” You look back at him chuckling, his arms flex as he pushes himself up with the crutches. You feel your cheeks heat up again.
“You should take the ibuprofen at least it will also help with the swelling.” You force out leaning over him to pick up his sock from the bed. He smells good, must be his aftershave. You hold the sock out for him and he sheepishly takes it out your hand shoving it in his pocket. You move back so he can hop out the ward back to the nurses station. 
“Well it was nice seeing you again…” He trails off like he’s trying to remember your name his eyes squinting. You cover your badge teasing him. He chuckles. 
“LT is the one with the better memory.” He says turning his body to the doors. 
“Ashe.” You reply uncovering your badge.
“Well then Ashe it was nice to see you again.” His smile is infectious and you could have sworn he winked at you. 
“Good luck on your deployment,” You call back as he pushes his way through the doors. 
“I don’t need luck.” He winks at you. Okay that time it was definitely a wink and it made the butterflies come back to your belly. You sit down at the nurses station with a smile on your face and heat in your cheeks.
One week later you get a text out of the blue.
Hey, this Ashe? 
It’s an unknown number you’re tempted to ignore it, but something inside you forces you to answer it. 
Yeah, who’s this?
It’s only seconds later a response comes.
It’s Johnny, with the fucked up ankle. 
Holy shit, you almost choke on your drink, coughing as the liquid has now gone in your windpipe. You take a few more sips trying to sooth it. How the hell did he get your number? 
How did you get my number?
From a friend of a friend..
You can’t help but chuckle, is this real? Did he make his deployment? You realise you haven’t seen him round the base in a few days, and you would know you’ve been looking. Sometimes without even realising it any time you see a broad tanned soldier hairs stand up on the back of your neck and you crane to look only to be disappointed. His friend with the skull mask you found out his name was lieutenant Riley. You know you definitely hadn’t seen him. 
Anyway... Want to get coffee? 
Such a simple request has your heart thumping in your chest. 
You reply without thinking, your leg starts to jump under the table nervousness washing over you. Coffee? With you? Why?
How about that coffee place just outside the base, tomorrow 1300?
Your heart is pounding now your throat dry. Is this a date? No that would be very much against base rules. 
Sure :)
Was the smiley too much, you put your phone down embarrassed. You hear it buzz picking up the courage to look 
See ya there :)
You let out a breath your leg stops jumping. Coffee with Johnny, surely it’s just a friendly thing to say thank you for helping with his ankle. Not that he has too, it’s your job. Maybe he’s just being nice, he is always smiling. Or maybe he didn’t make his deployment and he’s bored. 
You show up early, the butterfly's have not left your stomach since the moment you woke up. You managed to switch your shift with another nurse so you could be here instead. Coffee sounded like too much especially with your nerves you opted for a tea. You find yourself checking your watch almost every second, your back is to the door each time it opens your heart stops and you turn to look. Jesus calm down woman, it’s just coffee. You try to tell yourself. A few minutes later and a few sips of hot tea, you start to calm. 
“Hey there lass.” You hear the familiar Scottish accent behind you. You turn in your chair to see him. You stand up to greet him, he pulls you into a hug, patting your back. He lets you go walking round the table and taking his jacket off. 
His skin looks darker or maybe it’s just the light in the room, his hair looks like it’s been freshly groomed. You get a proper look at his eyes, a beautiful deep blue. You can’t help finding yourself smiling.
“Hey,” You reply.
“What’s your poison?” He asks pointing at your cup, you push a strand of hair behind your ear. It feels like the nervousness radiating off you.  
“Eh tea.” You reply realising you’ve almost finished it. 
“Typical brits,” he sighs playfully.
“Let me get it, you should rest your ankle.” You say quickly stopping him in his tracks. 
“Don’t worry love it’s been solid for a few days now.” You sigh that’s good at least. He walks over to the counter and you take out a deep breath, sitting back down. Your head following him as he orders beaming at the staff his accent cutting through the mumbling of the other patrons. You look back at your tea finishing it off as Johnny comes back with the drinks. He smiles as he sits down putting the tea in front of you. 
“Thank you,” You say warming your hands on the new mug. 
“Ne problem don’t you worry about it, I’m supposed to be treating you,” You feel yourself blushing again as that cheeky look comes back on his face.  
“Why?” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. He chuckles.
“You helped me with my ankle, I wanted to say thank you.” He says as a matter of fact. 
“It’s my job,” you reply shrugging, feeling a rush of embarrassment washing over you. No one has ever thanked you like this before. The most the ward gets is a card sometimes. Or if you were lucky someone would tell your CO you did a good job. That was always important for people looking for promotions. 
“You could have just caught me on the base.”
“Yeah,” Now his cheeks looked like they were changing to a gorgeous shade of pink. 
“Did you manage to get deployed?” You ask trying to move the subject on. He smiles leaning back in his chair.
“Na, whole thing got cancelled, I spent a few days in London.” He says smiling.
“Was Riley-I mean-lieutenant Riley was he with you?” You blurt out sipping your tea so the word vomit would stop. 
“Simon?” Johnny asked his smile getting bigger. “Oh yeah we spend a lot of time together.”
“Huh, that’s nice you must be a tight unit.” You say calming myself. So his name was Simon, Simon Riley.
“What about you what have you been up to?” He leans forward sipping his coffee.
“Work, nothing really.” You smile.
“When’s your next leave?” He asks. 
“Two weeks.” He nods like hes thinking about something his lips pressed together. He leans forward on the table more.
“There was another reason I wanted to see you.” He says, his smile disappearing. You hold your breath in anticipation of what he’s going to say next. He takes a breath in for a second looking you in the eyes.
“I really wanted to see you again.” He says, okay that’s not bad. You almost want to laugh at how worked up you got yourself. He just wants to say thank you, he’s buying you coffee because he want’s to be nice. You helped him with his ankle. Now he’s asking if you’re single.
Wait what?    
“Single?” You ask, your brain trying to comprehend what you missed. He nods his smile coming back, at least that puts you at ease. 
“Yeah, I’m single. Are you single?” It seems like the appropriate time to ask him too. His lips are pressed together again like he’s trying to formulate a sentence in his head. 
“It’s complected,” A cheeky smile forms on his lips as he sips his coffee. 
“What do you mean it’s complicated? Do you have a girlfriend?” You ask frowning at him.
“No.” He replies flatly.
“A boyfriend?” He puts his coffee down. 
“I wanted to see you cos I’ve spent the last week tryin’ te get ya out my head and it’s impossible.” He says leaning forward. You blush at his words. 
“What do you mean it’s complicated though?” Your heart beating faster in your chest you can’t tell if it’s the caffeine from the tea or the words from Johnny’s mouth but it was getting harder to concentrate. 
“I’m married to my work.” He says leaning back. You sigh, this has happened before. ‘I can’t be with you the job is too important’ It’s all too familiar, finding love when every one around you is throwing their lives on the front line is near impossible. You’d pretty much given up finding love at work, it’s not even the anti-fraternisation rules. People are just never looking for anything long term. Looking for men outside of work is no better. As soon as they find out you’re an army nurse, or army in general it’s usually met with a slew of sexist comments before you realise looking for love at whatever bar you’ve been dragged to was a bad idea. 
“I get it,” You say trying to hide your disappointment. 
“C’mon lass it don’t mean we can’t still be mates.” He says it sounds almost like a plea. You feel sad and drained, you didn’t know what to expect from the meeting but you weren't expecting to feel like you just got dumped by someone you didn’t even date. You look at johnny his blue eyes look sad, he grips the handle of his coffee mug. Maybe you’re being too emotional, you look down in your tea.  
“It’s okay, you seem like a nice guy but I know how this goes. We’ll talk maybe have sex a few times but sooner or later you’ll move on, or be deployed or I’ll move on or be stationed somewhere else…” You look at Johnny finishing the rest of your tea. And moving to stand up. He reaches out to you trying to get you to stay. 
“C’mon let me at least walk you back to the base.” You can’t help but see the pleading in his eyes his usual smile warms your heart. You go up and place a kiss on his cheek. 
“It’s okay John, I need to go into town anyway.” You smile your hand patting his chest, you can feel the tight muscles under your hand only making it harder to turn away. But you pull your hand off his chest and head for the door.
You spend the next two weeks having to almost actively avoid Johnny. Since whatever mission he was supposed to be on was cancelled he’d been helping round the base with all kinds of different things. You would bump in to him all the time, your eyes always betraying you and wandering to him whenever he was in your view. 
He would always wink at you or smile at you. Good luck if he could physically trap you. He would talk your ears off about anything. The gym is where you would see him the most, usually with Simon or another man you didn’t recognise. He spent a lot of time with Simon, the ‘big scary skull guy’ some of the other nurses would call him. He seemed nice, he’s quiet, the most you hear from him are sighs or grunts. 
“I heard his face was burnt off in a horrible accident.” One of them said one day as you were eating lunch in the mess. Your eyes had barely left Johnny’s face he was sat a few tables ahead of you. He seemed to like the fact you were always watching him. His eyes meeting yours and smiling, sometimes winking making you blush. Sometimes you would look up and it would Simon's eyes staring you down. His gaze would always send shivers up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck would stand up. 
The nurses round the table are giggling as they spread rumours about him. Nurses sure love to gossip, you try not to participate, there’s not much to do on the base though. Besides everyone ends up knowing everyone's business at some point. 
“I heard he went psycho and took out a whole enemy base in Iraq. He covers his face so no one can ID him.” Another one said. Whatever it was about he definitely seemed to be the talk of the base.
“That’s bullshit, he’d be discharged.” 
“Nope, he’s special forces SAS.” The nurse sitting closest to you whispered as she leaned into the table. It was enough to piss you off.
“We’re not in secondary school anymore! Don’t you have anything better to do?” You snap leaving the table. You knew you could feel Johnny’s eyes digging into you. 
When you’re leaving the base Johnny tries to catch up to you. You don’t want to talk to him, you don’t know what to say to him. You’re leaving the last thing you need is a citation while you’re literally walking out the base. 
“C’mon lass give me 2 minutes.” He calls. Maybe it’s your weakness to help people, maybe it’s because truly deep down you wish you could give him a chance. Something about the break in his voice makes you stop in your tracks. 
“What? I don’t want to miss my bus.” You say turning to face him. 
“I just wanted to say thank you.” He’s smiling, of course he is, he tentatively takes a step forward with his arms outstretched.
“For what?” You ask frowning and shaking your head.  
“In the mess earlier.” His hand rubs the back of his neck as he blushes. “Saved me from having to stop Si- Riley from giving them a piece of his mind.” 
You smile, dropping your head. 
“Yeah well it was nothing. You don’t have to say thank you. You turn looking over at the bus stop. “I really have to go.” 
“No, of course.” He says shaking his hands. “See you round then?” 
“Probably not.” You shrug. If he really is SAS he won’t be around by the time you get your next post. He nods knowingly his smile fading. You smile back at him then turn to leave the base.
When you made it home you welcome the rest. Your small London apartment had been rented out for the few months you had been away, the place was going to need a good clean tomorrow. The thought of sleeping in a bed that had been home to a stranger for 5 months felt icky so you ended up curling up on the sofa turning the TV on for background noise. Your mind turning to Johnny. Wonder what he’s doing? Think he’s still at the base?
Your mind some how turned to Simon too, thinking back to all the rumours you’d heard. None of them even remotely sounding plausible. Who cares, he has his reasons for the mask, it’s none of my business. Your phone buzzed and you reached over to pick it up. 
Made it home safe? 
It was Johnny, he hadn’t texted you since the coffee date. Well date was the wrong word. 
You hover over the send button wondering if this was a good idea or not. You take a deep breath in and hit send throwing the phone to the other side of the couch going back to watch whatever distraction was on the TV. You don’t even remember falling asleep.
You’re woken by a knock at the door, you look out the window the sun is peaking through the clouds, you check your watch its 10am. There is another knock. You pull yourself off the couch stiff from sleeping in such an awkward position.
“I’m coming.” You call yawning, looking through the peep hole. 
What the fuck? 
You open the door. 
“John?” You ask shocked.
“Hey,” He says, his smile radiating off his face, his hair is a mess he looks like he’s barely slept. You look at him in stunned silence shaking your head. 
“I wasn’t completely honest with you.” He says. “Can I come in? I’ll be quick I promise.” 
“Not really the best opening line if you want to get into someones flat.” You say.
“Scouts honour.” He says holding up 3 fingers. You roll your eyes and step aside so he can come in. 
“When I said it was complicated, it’s not cos I’m married to the job…” He trails off standing in your kitchen door so there is at least a foot distance between you two. 
“I am married, to Simon.” Your mouth falls open at the revelation.
“Simon Riley?” you ask, almost shaking your head in disbelief.
“Yeah,” He shrugs.
“So you’re gay?” 
“Yeah, well bi, both of us. That’s why it’s complicated.” You shake your head not quite understanding. He seems nervous all of a sudden.
“Well, we both still like women, and, you know-or I guess you don’t know-we experimented threesomes and what not.” He ran his hand through his hair. “There is something different about you, we’ve both been obsessed with you, can’t get you out our heads.” 
“Both?” You ask, your mouth hanging open. Obsessed?
“Aye, Simon’s not good with words though, or at least not till he gets to know ya.” He chuckles running his hand through his hair again. You take a deep breath out.  
“What do you want Johnny?” You ask. Is he asking for sex? A threesome? 
“Have coffee with me and Simon.” He asks pressing his hands together.
“That’s it coffee?” You ask somewhat stunned. 
“Yeah.” He says nodding. 
“You came all the way to my flat to ask me to have coffee with you and Simon?” You fold your arms, you can’t tell if you feel disappointed it’s not sex or annoyed that he’s basically invaded your privacy for something so trivial. He shrugs. 
You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. It’s the first day of your leave and you’ve basically been followed home. You sigh, it’s not like you have anything better to do while you’re on leave, and it is only coffee. You take a big breath in opening your eyes. Johnny’s smiling again, the smile that makes your heart skip a beat and the butterfly's wake up. 
“Okay.” You nod, You don’t get chance to finish your thought cos he’s thrown his arms round you squeezing you. 
“Thank you, thank you.” He says breaking from the hug. Your cheeks are definitely red now, after feeling his body pressed against yours. You can’t help smiling. He reaches over for the door handle.
“I’ll text you a time and a place,” you nod as he goes out the door.
“Hey Johnny how did you find my address?” 
“A friend of a friend,” he smiles up at you from the stairs. You shake your head in disbelief. What the hell just happened? You go back into your flat locking the door behind you and going over to the balcony. You’re looking for a car but you don’t see anything. 
You let out a long breath. What could he want? You push the thought away. It’s just coffee. Coffee with John and Simon who are SAS soldiers. Married and are probably wanting to proposition you for a threesome. 
You go back inside looking over at your immaculately clean bathroom. You better get started, 5 months on base have done you no favours. 
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touyas-multi-purpose-saline · 5 months ago
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cw: Blood, Gore, Mentions of Death / Past Death, Violence / Allusions to Violence, Non-Con, Breeding / Allusions to Breeding, Monster! Hawks, Slight Gaslighting / Manipulation, Unhealthy Relationships, Yandere, General Dark Content Not Suitable for Immature Audiences, Fem! Reader. Reader discretion is advised. 18+ Only!
author's note: My friends and I have constantly joked about a Cabin in the Woods AU in which our favorite characters are monsters kept in that underground base. Hawks is probably something akin to a harpy. I do not condone unhealthy behavior in any sense! This is strictly fiction! Do not force yourself to read if you're uncomfortable.
word count: Approximately 1.3k words.
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A throaty shriek bounces around in your head before a heaving pressure slams into your back, sending your weary frame spiraling down an incline. You’re screaming, kicking and swiping your fists out to throw the weight on your body off, but you hear what sounds like a hiss before multiple piercing pains puncture into you. A gasp slips out of your mouth, and you glance down in terror at yourself while you’re still tumbling down, lower and lower. 
Sharp talons, claws that glitter under the moonlight, are digging through your flesh. Five knives on each palm, one through your shoulder and the other buried deep in your ribs underneath your breast. You can feel something poking against your lungs, a reminder that one wrong move will kill you. The pain grows, and you finally stop rolling. That thing is still on your back, heavy and panting, and you nearly gag at the hot and disgusting breath breezing down the ridge of your nose. A hearty chuckle. 
“Y’know… haaa, haaa, it took me a little bit to find you. Ya really threw me off of my game, did’ja know? I can’t believe you managed to trick me like that, little songbird.” 
His voice is poison and ice in your ears, shuddering winds that lets you see your foggy breath even in the desolate summer heat. You don’t want to even dignify him with a response, you want to toss your head back and slam it into his face. The thought crosses your mind in a flash before you do such, and the reverberating thunder that makes your ears ring whenever the back of your skull knocks against his teeth makes you cry out in agony. You hear his call, too, and whooshing wings flap before they shield your body. 
“Owww, little bird! W-Why’d you do that? I thought we were going to play nice with each other. That’s why you’re alive, isn’t it? You wanted to play with me?” 
Sure, if by playing you mean fighting for your life and stabbing him in the arm whenever he had picked you up with those hawk claws, dragging you into the sky to spear your belly through the top of a tree—just like your friend, just like your friend. Tears well in your eyes now. Your wrist was broken, but it wasn’t like this monster cared. And you don’t even want to know, you don’t want to contemplate why you’re alive, why he kept you alive, why he chased after you, why he pinned you down underneath him and talked to you as if this were normal.
“Come on, no need to be so cold. Talk to me a little. I know you can—didn’t you with that human male?” 
There’s a shivering chill that flicks you between your eyebrows, but you just groan and rest your cheek against the forest floor. You don’t want him to talk to you. He should just murder you like he did to the rest of your friends. He should slice you open, eat you with those razor teeth. Intestines, blood, spit and fear. You can see the horror painted like a dreary window sill on your closest friend’s face. 
“He wasn’t worth it, in my opinion. It’s strange, isn’t it? I can’t believe I’d find my own human pet. But you’re being so mean right now, it’s so harsh. Here, I’ve got an idea.” 
The monster doesn’t give you enough time to even comprehend his statement before the hand inside of your shoulder withdraws, spilling fresh blood and weeping yells, and starts to trace down your back. Something distinct snags your heart, veins that thump in anticipation and a dawning realization that makes jelly and tar form in the back of your throat. His hand slips to your bottoms, claws at the ready, and you can’t even scream before he tears them off. The monster’s shoving your panties aside, ripping the fabric like it was just a sheet of paper before the hand leaves and braces itself to the right of your head. 
“N-No, stop! Stop, stop! Please, don’t—” 
“Shhh, little bird. This’ll feel good. If you don’t want to talk, then we can do this instead. It’ll be just as fun.” 
And before you can even bite your tongue, something stiff and slimy slips between the line of your thighs and starts to prod between your cheeks. Terror like you’ve never known before begins to storm in your body, like crazy drums and guitar strings, and it makes you shake, thrashing and begging. 
“I don’t want to do this! Leave me alone, please! Please, just kill me instead! I—”
“Kill you? Nahh, I don’t want to do that. Though, that blood of yours sure does smell tasty. You won’t mind if I need to steal a taste, would you?” 
You’re throwing your head around, wriggling your body underneath his, but those wings block your exits and his limbs start to ensconce you in the most horrifying ways. This was just supposed to be a vacation! This was supposed to just be a great time with your friends before the new semester started! This was supposed to be time hidden in the woods, drinking and toasting fate and happiness! This was just supposed to be for fun! Fun! Fun! Fun—and all of your friends are dead, murdered, killed in mortifying ways by the monster starting to gyrate his hips against the cleft of your ass. 
His feathers tickle. 
“Calm down, calm down. It’s what all things were made to do, you’ll start to enjoy it once you calm down!” 
He doesn’t sound frustrated in the slightest, no, a hint of glee coats the outskirts of his tone. His hips angle down, his stiff cock manages to slip down between your squished thighs, and his cockhead starts to poke against your entrance. You’re so dry that his slickness makes you queasy, tears like stars in the night sky. 
“I don’t want to do this, please, pleeeeeease. God, please. I’m scared.” 
That cockhead just pushes forward, an amused chuckle the belltower of your doom. 
“Don’t be, songbird. You’re my mate now. And you know what mates do, right?” 
You do. And you have zero clue what made him so delusional—what gave him conscious thought to choose you. Shouldn’t you have been his prey? Why is he? Why you? Oh, God, why you? Is it because you fought back? Is it because you managed to escape every time? Is it just luck? You don’t know, you don’t want to know, you’ll never know. 
He’s slowly pressing into you, slotting his slimy and gritty cock inside of your cunt, spreading your chapped lips, sending your head in a frenzy, a desperate plea that doesn’t even reach your fingertips. He weighs you down like a ship’s smoke on the horizon. 
“I’ll take care of you from now on. That’s what males do. You’re supposed to just be mine, ‘kay? Let’s get it on. I’ll make sure you’re satisfied.” 
You don’t listen, don’t want to. You just decide, with those red feathers tickling your nose and cheeks, with the claws in your body, with the joints bending into yours, that you’ll just lay here and fade away into nothingness. Stop thinking and it’ll be over. And hopefully once he’s used you up enough, you’ll find your bowels accidentally splayed on the mushy grass and your friends holding their hands out to you. 
“And maybe we’ll get a couple of chicks. Yeah, sounds nice. Yeahhhh. You’ll be a great mate.” 
Then, with your shuttering eyes, the monster fills you up. 
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lunamoonbby · 8 months ago
Warnings: Simon thinks about murder, lost child, female reader, Simon falling in love at first sight, Mafia AU
A/N: only thing specific to reader is her height which is 4'11"
Single dad! Mafia boss! Simon "Ghost" Riley who somehow got separated from his 3 year old daughter who's name is Millie cause she let go of daddy's hand cause she smelled yummy cupcakes from the new bakery that opened up and baker!reader sees this young girl outside her shop after closing hours and reader let's in the little girl so she can be in a safe place, y/n asks the girl, "my name is y/n, and can you tell me your name? And what are doing all alone out here by yourself?" "My name is Milly Riley and I smelled cupcakes and I wanted to get a cupcake for me and my daddy and I followed to smell and I got separated from my daddy🥺", responded Millie. Y/N picked up Millie and placed sat her on the counter and told her,"stay right there". Y/n comes back with two cupcakes, icing, and sprinkles and she give Millie a cupcake for her to decorate for her daddy and Millie asks reader for Halloween theme sprinkles so the cupcake and match her daddy and y/n got Millie Halloween theme cupcakes that consists of ghost, spiders, orange and black sprinkles, and skulls and skeletons, and Millie ice the cupcake and she puts the black sprinkles and the ghost and skull sprinkles and y/n decorates a cupcake for Millie with pink and pastel purple flowers and with pink, pastel purple, and pastel yellow sprinkles when y/n and Millie are done with the cupcakes y/n packaged up the cupcakes for Millie and makes her a small hot chocolate while Millie is drinking her hot chocolate Simon sees her in the bakery and get tries to open the door only for it to be locked and he thinks to him once he gets his hands on the person who took my child I'm murdering them, and y/n sees Simon and when Millie sees Simon too she exlaims,"DADDY!!!" And y/n opens the door and Simon sees reader and his thought disappears and reader is says to Simon, "your daughter Millie is safe and sound we decorated cupcakes and I gave her hot chocolate and a croissant since she said she was a bit hungry" and Millie shows her daddy the cupcake she made for Simon and Simon not really liking sweets still accepts the cupcake cause his daughter made it just for him and millie takes out her cupcake so both of them could eat it and Simon fell in love with who ever made this cupcake and he asks,"who made this cupcake?" And y/n says,"oh I did I make them all from scratch" and Simon, wants to marry reader and make Millie an older sister and Simon pulls out $300 to give to y/n and she's refuses the money so he just puts it in the tip jar and he leaves her his card and Millie refusing to leave when Simon wants to go back home reader tells Millie that she is welcome in her shop any time she wants to visit and that she could be her little tast-tester, and Millie agrees and Simon can finally go home and when reader looks at the card Simon gives her she's shocked to find out that he's a Mafia boss
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frvnkiedolll · 23 days ago
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⋆༺𓆩 mister 𓆪༻⋆
synopsis: you and your daughter are targeted and cornered by the mob, about to be murdered… until a certain ex-marine swoops in to save the day
cw: good mix of fluff and angst, violence, guns, italian, frank is so sweet to you both, gave your daughter a random age and name don’t kill me, lost a bit of steam at the end.
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"Jesus fuckin' Christ! I swear to God I didn't do nothin'!"
Held by the collar of his shirt, Asshole #3 struggled against his attackers grip, frantically pawing at the rough, worn sleeve of a black cargo jacket as it dragged him toward the edge of the roof.
For as long as he could remember, he'd worked as muscle-for-hire for the mob, making a living busting kneecaps, shutting up witnesses, and tossing bodies in trash compactors.
Sickeningly, he thought it to be an honest living, and prided himself upon it because it taught him a skill invaluable in his line of work.
How to recognize a wise guy.
It had saved his ass more times than he could count, and allowed him to keep his face firmly intact over the years.
But as he ran through his mental checklist of cues, the attacker's features began becoming steadily more visible, the man entering the dim haze of a single streetlight—which overlooked the back-alley down below.
Eyes widening, they trailed down to the assailant's chest, every vein and artery in his body turning to ice as he came face to face with a snarling, silver skull, spray-painted onto a thick, Kevlar vest.
'No... Fuckin'... Way.'
This... is where Asshole #3 realized he was in deeeep shit.
Letting out rasped wheeze of fear, Asshole #3 began struggling like never before, snorting and panting like a pig on the way to slaughter as he threw his hands up in surrender.
"Dio, aiutami! I know who you are! You got the wrong guy! I'm tellin' ya, I didn't do nothin'!"
Frank paid his pleas no mind, sizing him up with a disgusted glare as he let out a sharp exhale from his nose, finally winding up and slamming the bastard's face into the concrete ledge.
A wet crack echoed through the air as Asshole #3's cheek collided with the sharpened edge, a whimpering scream of pain quick to follow as Frank pressed his boot into the back of his head, further slicing into the flesh and exacerbating what was—without a doubt—a shattered cheekbone.
"Cazzo!" Asshole #3 screeched, hands frantically grasping for anything to hold on to as the boot split his face further and further. "I swear on my mother's grave, I ain't do nothin'! You got the wrong guy!"
Frank scoffed, almost amused by his blubbering.
Guys like him had no honor, and lies flowed out their mouths like water.
You couldn't trust them as far as you could throw them.
(Which, in Frank's case, was pretty far, but who was really checking?)
Without a single falter, he pressed his boot harder against the man's skull, waiting until he heard another sharp crack before letting up ever-so slightly.
"The hell you doin' up here while all your buddies are inside, yeah?" Frank's voice rumbled from deep within his chest, revulsion leaking from his every pore as if talking to the creep would give him hives.
With a familiar click-click, he pressed his sawn-off, double barrel into the man's toupee.
"You lie... I paint your brains all over this roof."
"I'm 'sposed to be lookin' out for the cops!" Asshole #3 answered almost instantly. "They upped the number of cars on patrol 'bout a week ago, and our guys've been gettin' picked up left an' right!"
He grunted, as if suddenly remembering an annoying detail.
"The woman they got in there's a fuckin' loudmouth. Couldn't take no chances."
At that, Frank's brow furrowed, worry spiking in his chest almost instantly.
Woman... loudmouth... lookout.
It was safe to say his mind was already running toward the worse case scenario.
As if on cue, the back door of the building was kicked open, the sound of scuffling feet and struggling grunts reverberating through the alley below.
"Fuckin' assholes!" you exclaimed, thrashing frantically against the harsh grip of the two men dragging you out. "I still got a week left! I'll get you the goddamn money!"
"Shut the fuck up!" Asshole #1 barked, shifting his grip to strike a cruel, ear-piercing slap across your face. "M'sick of hearin' your fuckin' mouth!"
"Too goddamn bad!" you quickly recovered, snapping your head over to him and spitting a glob of blood in his face.
"Che cazzo!"
"Tone, I think the bitch broke my fuckin' nose," Asshole #2 winced, lightly tapping his painfully crooked sniffer as he held his head back, halting the steady flow of blood pouring out his nostrils. "Oh, God, is it bad?"
"Who gives a shit, asshole, you weren't pretty to begin with," Asshole #4 scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Let's just get this done, alright? I got an early mornin' t'morrow."
Nodding in agreement, Assholes #1 and #2 assumed position, holding you up by your arms as #4 stood before you.
Weakly lifting your head, you let out a humorless laugh, your teeth flashing in a weak, bloody grin as you sized up the man before you.
"What?" you scoffed. "You bastards gonna bust my knee 'cause I didn't pay you a week early?"
#4 smirked, amused by your lack of fear.
"Maybe..." he shrugged, indifferent. "What would ya say if we did?"
"Tough shit," you glared. "I'll serve drinks in a boot."
At that, the men burst into heartless laughter, absolutely tickled by your response.
"Well, I hate to break it to ya, sweetheart... but that's not gonna happen."
Suddenly, the back door burst open once again, another man exiting, but with a certain something in his arms that drained all the color from your face.
'No... no, no, no, no, no, no!'
"Mommy!" your four year-old daughter cried, tears streaking down her cheeks under the man's tight grip.
"Mia!" you gasped, eyes wide with fear before you snapped your head over to the men with a sharp glare. "You bastards! She's got nothing to do with this! You keep her out of it!"
With a sigh, #4 shrugged once again, slowly drawing a handgun from his pocket.
"See, the boss thinks differently," he stated, twirling it around on his finger. "We had an agreement, (y/n). We lent you money, you kept your apartment."
His gaze sharpened, expression turning stony as he glanced at you.
"But my sources are tellin' me now that you was plannin' on skippin' town."
"Bullshit!" you barked, thrashing once again in their grip. "If I had the cash to do that, I wouldn't be takin' loans from you!"
"Well, either way, the boss thought what better way to relieve your financial burdens then dispatchin' the main money-eater in your household," he turned, drawing his gun and aiming directly for your daughter's face, Mia screaming at the sight. "I know kids can be such a pain."
"Motherfucker! You touch her, I swear to God I will fucking kill you!" you shouted, frantically, tears welling in your eyes as you desperately tried to break free. "She has nothing to do with this! You keep her out of it!"
"This ain't up for debate, sweetheart," he chuckled, clicking off the safety.
"Hey! No, no, no, no no! Please! She didn't do anything wrong!" you sputtered, heart breaking as they shoved her to the ground, dirtying her light pink puffer jacket. "I'm right here! Just fuckin' take me! Don't do this!"
"Mommy, I'm scared!" Mia wailed, her tiny hands reaching out for you in fear as Asshole #5 pinned her down with his grimy boot. "Mommy!"
"Goddammit! I will fucking kill you, you hear me?! I will fucking kill you!" you barked, struggling violently against the men's hold. "Fucking shit!"
"Say goodbye, kid," #4 grinned, pressing the barrel of his gun into her forehead.
"NO! Let her go! Look at me! I'm right here! Please! She's got nothin' to do with this! Let her go!"
"AHHHH!" a deep, loud, and furious voice roared, a man with a skull on his chest emerging from the shadows guns blazing, his first shot completely blowing the face off of #4.
Instantly, the men forgot about you and Mia, dropping you and opening fire on your mystery savior as your daughter let out a terrified scream.
"Mia!" you called, scrambling to your feet and limping toward her on shaky legs.
The bastards had already done a number on you inside—especially since you couldn't shut your mouth—so to say you were hurting was an understatement.
But you couldn't care less.
They way you were feeling, you might as well have been Wonder Woman.
"Momma!" she cried, running toward you with puffy cheeks and bleary eyes.
Utterly relieved, you pulled her into your chest, having just seen your whole world flash before your eyes.
"Oh, my sweet girl!" you muttered into her hair, peppering kisses all over her face as you rocked back and forth. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you? You were so brave for me, honey. My big, brave girl."
"Momma, I wanna go home!" she sobbed, her tiny hands fisting the fabric of your shirt with an iron grip, her shoulders flinching at every gunshot.
"We're goin' home, honey, we're goin' home," you promised, quickly scooping her up and turning around, making a run for it. "Just keep your head down, baby, okay? Don't look up."
Carefully, you pressed your hand into the back of her head, burying her face in your shoulder to shield her from the carnage behind you—blood and blown off limbs strewn all over the place.
"La puttana se ne va!" #2 shouted over the gunfire.
"Vai a prenderla, cazzo!" #1 ordered before taking a bullet to the shoulder.
Quickly, #2 gave chase, running after you both at a terrifyingly fast pace, the sound of his wing-tips clacking against the ground getting closer and closer.
"Torna qui!" he spat, shooting in your direction.
Mia let out another terrified scream as bullets whizzed past, burrowing herself further into your shoulder as your breath hitched, your eyes trained on the area in front of you as you focused all energy on your escape.
Nothing else mattered.
Not the bastard trying to kill you.
Not the mystery man trying to save you.
Not even yourself.
At that very moment, your prime objective was ensuring your daughter survived the night, no matter what murderer or mobster stood in your way.
Another shot fired, whizzing through the air with a faint whoosh, only to finish with some sort of wet twick!
At first, you believed it flew past, too occupied with running to think.
But as a sharp burning sensation began to erupt from your side, you were suddenly hyper-aware of what had just happened, eyes widening slightly as you fought the urge to clutch your stomach.
Desperately, you tried to keep up your fast pace, but the pain quickly grew debilitating, forcing your legs to lock up and stall in place.
With a sharp gasp, you fell to the ground, tightly clutching your girl as you fell to the cold, hard ground.
"NO!!" the furious voice yelled, the sound of heavy boots echoing throughout the alley as they frantically thumped in your direction, audibly tackling Asshole #2.
"Momma!" Mia gasped, large eyes wide as you used the last of your strength to shove her to her feet.
Your heart broke at the sight of your blood splattered across her jacket, and the horrified look on her face.
"Mia... run!" you heaved, unable to catch your breath as your hands pressed harshly against your wound, the burning sensation now that of molten fire. "Now!"
"I'm not leaving you, Mommy!" she sobbed, dropping to her knees and snatching up your hand, holding on for dear life.
Panting, you were rendered unable to argue, your body taking over and desperately trying to get some oxygen into your lungs.
Those action movies and superhero shows had it all wrong; getting shot wasn't some little injury you could shake off
It hurt like a bitch.
"No, no, no, no," the mystery man finally made his way over, eyes wide and face splattered with blood as he dropped to a knee next to you both. "Hey, hey, hey..."
He moved to cradle your head, but Mia was quick to put a stop to him.
"No! Don't hurt my mommy!" she sniffled, draping herself over your body as a shield.
The action would have melted his heart were it not for the dire circumstances.
"I'm not gonna hurt your mommy. I promise," he quickly assured, rough voice having a slight shake as he threw off his jacket and tore out a section of his shirt. "I'm gonna help fix her booboo, but you gotta move out the way so I can, okay?"
Warily, she nodded, large eyes giving him one more once over before she sat back up.
Quickly, he moved your blood-soaked hands, a loud wail ripping from your lips as he tightly pressed the fabric against your wound.
"I know. I know. I'm sorry, sweetheart," he softly apologized, attempting to soothe and talk you through the pain. "Gotta keep the pressure on."
"Mnnne... my baby," you ground out through gritted teeth, soft gasps pulling air back in after every other word. "My baby."
"She's right here, alright?" he assured, quickly, attempting to throw on a smile. "Your girl's right here. Not a scratch on 'er."
Frantic, your hand grabbed his forearm, the tightness of your grip surprising him considering your weakened state.
"You... mmmmm... take her!" you sputtered, determined to get your message out. "Far! Mnnnnne... protect!... mob!"
"Easy, sweetheart," he cooed, free hand carefully resting over yours. "I've got 'er. Nothin's gonna happen to your girl while I'm with ya. I promise."
With a soft grunt, he scooped his hands under you, getting ready to hoist you up.
"I gotta pick you up now, alright? Gotta get you fixed up," he lifted you—much to your discomfort—with little to no effort, before turning to Mia. "What's your name, honey?"
Quickly, she glanced toward you, looking for confirmation.
You nodded, albeit faintly.
It's okay.
"Mia," she mumbled, quietly.
At that, he flashed what looked like an uncharacteristically warm smile.
"Alright, Mia, you stay right by me while we're movin', okay?" he ordered, already starting down the alley. "Hold on to your mommy's ankle."
She nodded, complying without protest as the three of you neared the street, the sounds of civilization finally flooding back through your ears.
"What's your name, mister?" Mia asked, her tiny, tired voice like a punch to the gut.
He paused a moment, before settling on his answer.
She paused, too, almost mimicking him, before gracing him with a faint grin.
"Thank you for saving my mommy, Mr. Frank."
If his heart didn’t melt before, it was mush now.
With a grin, he gave her hair a soft pat, glancing down at her face with a wistful look.
“No problem, sweetheart… no problem.”
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eddiemunsonspantschain · 13 days ago
The key is... - E.M
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 7.5 k
Warnings: Extreme pining, kissing, handjob, oral (m&f recieving), spit kink, Reader swallows, choking, not fully proofread and edited (Sorry)
Description: Eddie and reader attend a key party
Dividers from @strangergraphics (I follow your main, hi! hope you don't mind me actually tagging you on this)
Tags: I know I've been MIA for a long time so idk if anyone wants to be tagged or not but @corrodedcorpses @wroteclassicaly
The concept of a key party almost felt ridiculous. The only time you had heard about something like this was in tv shows and movies. Usually for older people too. You and all your friends were in your early to mid-twenties. Something about the party felt juvinial too. A handful of your friends dragged you there, promising it would be fun.
As soon as you got there you searched out the drink station. If you were going to even attempt this, you needed a drink. After grabbing the traditional red solo cup, you poured yourself a drink and took a large gulp. You cringed at the barely cold alcohol, the ice you tossed in not having time to really cool the drink.
You turned, shoulders sagging at the person in front of you. Heather grinned, holding a large glass bowl full of car keys. She gently shook the bowl at you, making the metal keys clink against the glass. "Don't think I idn't notice you try and hide in here. Keys, please!" she giggled, holding the bowl out to you. "It's required for the party. You know the rules. I made sure everyone knew the rules."
"Heather," you groaned, trying to give your best puppy dog eyes, but the young woman shook her head.
"Re-qui-ered," she shook the bowl again. "Look, even if your key gets picked and you head out with someone, you aren't required to do much. Remember the rules I laid out. At minimum, a little date! At most... well, that's up to you two." she giggled, a gentle smile on her face.
"A little date? Why?" you questioned, wondering why that was even made a requirement in the first place.
"Yes. And you both have to corraborate that you at least went and did something. I decided that cause this is a Valentines Day key party after all," Heather explained, "I assume since you're here that you don't have a Valentine."
Your shoulders sag. "You're right. I've never had one before, honestly. I... hate the holiday. Hence, this," you admitted quietly, holding up your cup before taking a swig again with a wince.
"You aren't the only one here who's said that to me. You never know. You might like who you get." Once again, Heather shook the bowl. "Keys?"
You sigh, reaching into your jacket pocket and fishing out your keys. A skull keychain was the only thing adorning your keys. You dropped the keys into the bowl. "There, my ticket is in."
"Perfect!" Heather held the bowl with one hand, using her other to mix the keys around so yours disappeared into the pile. "We'll be starting soon. Report to the living room in about thirty minutes!" With that, Heather turned and disappeared to harrass other party goers for their keys.
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Just as Heather promised, thirty minutes later everyone still there participating was called to the living room. There seemed to be some keys missing from the bowl, probably people who paired up before the drawing even happened. The mix of people in the room was interesting. Young adults from all over Hawkins from different cliques from back in school, even some individuals back from college for a time.
"Hello everyone! Thanks for coming to my little get together where I hope some of you guys get together!" Heather grinned with a wink. "So, the way this goes is simple. A volunteer comes up, picks out a key, and they go with the key owner. At minimum, you guys go on a little date. Can be to grab a bite to eat, a skinny dip in lovers lake, or hell even just a walk together. At most, you can do whatever you both want to each other. Consensually. Don't be a prick." Heather explained, looking around the room. "Okay, who's going first?"
"I'll do it." Steve got up from his seat, not to anyone's surprise.
"Shocker, Dingus." Robin laughed, shaking her head at him.
Steve approached the bowl, sticking his hand in and fishing around as he looked up at the ceiling. He pulled a set of keys out, a tiny heart keychain hanging from the ring alongside a large flower keychain of a daisy. He turned, showing the keys to the room.
A small voice spoke up from the couch. "Uh, those are mine..." Chrissy held her hand up. She set her beer on the coffee table, standing up and scooting past her friends to Steve.
"Ready to head outta here?" Steve asked with a smile, handing the girl her keys back.
A light blush dusted over the strawberry blonde's cheeks. "Yeah, yeah!" she nodded, grabbing her purse and jacket before the two left for the night.
"Perfect! Who's next?" Heather grinned, shaking the bowl of keys.
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A few more people picked out keys, making the pickings smaller and smaller. Then there were no more volunteers. Heather looked around the room and hummed. "If no one is gunna volunteer then I'm gonna start calling people out," she warned, surverying the remaining partiers. After a moment of silence, she decided it was enough. "Munson!" Heather grinned, holding out the bowl. "Come pick."
Everyone looked at Eddie. A few party goers whispered and snickered to one another. You rolled your eyes. You guys had all been out of high school for a few years now, yet it seemed some people couldn't grow up. For a moment, it seemed like Eddie was going to wuss out. Instead, he tossed back what was left in his cup before setting it aside. He walked up to the bowl and stuck his hand in. Clinking was heard but you weren't sure if it was the keys moving around or his rings hitting all the other metal.
Eddie finally picked his keys, turning and holding up a set of keys... with a skull keychain on it. Heather looked at you and grinned, the others glancing at one another for a moment as they didn't know whose keys they were.
"Robin, don't tell me these are yours." Eddie laughed, eyeing his grinning friend.
"Oh no, those have car keys on them. I don't drive, remember? Guess again!" Robin laughed with a shake of her head.
"Actually, those are mine." you spoke up, stepping away from the wall and towards the metalhead. You held your hand out patiently for your keys.
"You up for this?" Eddie asked, dropping your keys into your palm.
"Rules are rules. Let's go?" you turned, heading towards the door.
Now, you weren't afraid of Eddie. You never took anything anyone said about him seriously. It was all just judgemental bullshit. He didn't fit the mold they wanted, so naturally they thought something was wrong with him. You never did. A nerd? Sure, but there wasn't anything wrong with that. You found it cute, actually. Especially when Robin would tell you about their latest 'nerd-scapades' as she called them. Eddie did make you nervous though. He's handsome. Incredibly handsome, adorable, hot. It was never something you thought about persuing though. You assumed you weren't his type and that if he had any interest, he would have made a move. It wasn't like you both didn't know one another. You did through your mutual friendship with Robin from band and with Nancy on the school paper when you all attended together. You had also spoken to him yourself before, when he checked out books at the library in high school. You had helped with sorting book returns and had talked about books with Eddie before.
As soon as you both got outside, Eddie headed for his van. You followed behind him since your friends had driven you all there. "I can drop you at home." Eddie finally spoke, making you stop in your tracks.
"What?" Was he serious?
"I said, I can drop you off at home. Your friends drove, right?" Eddie looked at you, a brow raised.
"Well, yeah, they did but what about our date?" you asked, now even more confused.
"Oh, that," Eddie chuckled, "I figured we'd just make something up. I take you home, we tell Heather that we... I dunno, watched a movie or something and that's it. No biggie."
"No biggie?" you scoffed, hands finding home on your hips as you stared at him.
"Shit, I said something wrong didn't I?"
You felt a pang of irritation. "Look, I know I'm no Chrissy Cunningham or Heather for that matter, but if you really didn't wanna go on a date with me at least say so?" you turned away from Eddie, heading towards the direction of your house.
"That isn't what I meant!" Eddie called out to you, but you kept walking. You heard his boots crunching on the asphalt as he ran to catch up to you. "I assumed, okay? Will you stop walking?"
"You know what they say when you assume..." you murmured, trying to ignore him.
"You make an ass out of you and me," he finished.
"That's how it goes but this time, just you."
"Bunny, please."
You stopped in your tracks and turned to look at him. "Bunny?" you ask.
Eddie smirks, feeling victorious he got your attention. "Yeah, it's cute." he shrugged, "Will you come back to the van?"
You stared at him for a moment, silence stretched between you. "I want french fries." you demanded, starting back towards his van. You heard him following after you and when you got to the van you climbed into his passenger seat.
The van itself was messy, but then again so was your car. Similarly to yours, Eddie had random receipts and other papers tossed down onto the floor of the passenger side. A couple random items tossed around the center console ranging from a pack of cigarettes to a couple of loose dice. As Eddie climbed in to join you, the whole van shook with the force of him closing his door. "Fries, huh?" Eddie asked and you nodded.
"Fries and a soda. It's all I ask, then you can take me home if you really want to," you answer, buckling up. You didn't flinch as Eddie's music blased through the stereo once the car was on, watching him turn the dial down anyway before pulling away from Heather's house.
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The diner was a little more busy than usual, probably considering the holiday. You slid into a booth across from Eddie, not bothering with the menu. Eddie didn't pick one up either. A waiter was there quickly, asking what you both wanted.
"A Coke and some fries, please," you ordered with a small smile.
"A burger combo with a Coke," Eddie ordered, a set of straw being dropped onto the table once your orders were scribbled down and then the waiter was gone. "Surprised you don't have a date already." Eddie finally spoke up after a few minutes.
You picked up your straw, starting to strip the paper off of it when he spoke. "You need someone to like you to have a date, Eddie." you chuckle, balling up the paper from your straw and flicking it towards him.
Eddie reached out, flicking the paper ball back at you. "I'm sure plenty of people like you, bunny." he murmured.
You raised a brow, making binoculars with your hands and holding them up to your eyes.
"What're you doing?" Eddie laughed.
"Oh, I'm looking for the people who said they liked me. Cause I sure as hell can't find 'em." you said, looking around the diner like that.
"Well I know one for sure." Eddie shrugged.
You dropped your hands, brows furrowed as you looked at him. "Who?" you ask, but he shakes his head. "Eddie!"
"I'm not giving it up that easily." he laughed, "you at least are getting food with me, that's a start. I expect this information to gently be coaxed from me."
"You're a dork."
"Yes, I am." Eddie grinned, "Tell you what, you come back to the trailer with me to watch a movie, like I said we were fake going to... and then I'll tell you."
You watched him for a moment, tilting your head to the side. "What's in it for you?" you ask, just as your sodas as placed down. You stick your straw into the sugary drink and take a sip, savoring it more than the cocktail at the party. If you could call it that.
"You'll find out." Eddie murmured, taking a sip of his drink.
It didn't take long for you both to eat your food. You would've thought Eddie hadn't eaten all day the way he inhaled a burger. You finished your fries in a timely manner before trying to pay for the food. Eddie protested, trying to snatch the bill from you.
"You're hosting the movies and, I assume, drinks and snacks for it. So I'm getting this!" you argue, slipping a few bills into the leather folder and holding it away from Eddie's reach.
"I don't have much at home, so we'll stop at a gas station or something. Brat." Eddie mumbled, but a soft smile was spread over his lips.
You both returned to his van, only driving a few minutes before stopping at a convenience store. You immediately gravitated to the candy aisle. "Eddie, what's your favorite?" you call out to him.
"Anything chocolate, but also red licorice!" he called back from somewhere in the store. "Favorite drink?" he called back.
"Cherry Coke!" you call out, grabbing a bag of M&M's. You also grabbed some Red Vines, Milk Duds, gummy bears and stovetop popcorn.
Eddie came around the corner of the aisle, carrying a bottle of cherry Coke for you and some Sprite. "Think we got a good enough spread?" he chuckled, eyeing your full arms.
"Yes, yes I do. We're gonna have a sugar rush." you laugh, heading for the counter. You sat all the candy down, nudging Eddie when he stopped beside you and put the sodas on the counter. The clerk started to ring them up, eyeing the assortment of candy. You looked around, taking in all the advertisements.
Eddie reached into a bin beside him on the floor, flowers sticking out of it for the holiday. He pulled out a singular wrapped rose, placing it on the counter. The candy and soda was bagged up, Eddie handing a few bills over as you grabbed the bags. You pause, eyeing the flower. Eddie picked it up, before taking your hand and tugging you outside. Your palm and fingers tingled where you and Eddie's skin touched, making your hand feel warm.
He unlocked the van, opening the passenger door for you. You set down the bags on the floor of the passenger seat, turning back to Eddie as the rose was presented to your face. "No girl should go on a Valentine's date and not get a flower," he murmured.
The rose itself was struggling to stay alive. Who knows how long it had been there. The petals weren't perfect, a bit of brown to them, but you didn't care. Your cheeks warmed as you took the flower from him. "Eddie," you murmur, stepping closer and wrapping your arms around his middle. You laid your head on his chest, trying to ignore the feeling in your chest and the slight burning in your eyes.
Eddie froze, feeling his heart thud hard and fast in his chest. He prayed you couldn't hear or feel it with your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, tempted to say 'it's just a flower, bunny'. Then he remember you telling Heather you'd never had a Valentine before. He didn't mean to snoop. He had just wanted another beer. It just felt funny how he had said the same thing to Heather not an hour ago when he had gotten to her house. He rubbed your back for a moment before loosening his hold. "C'mon, lets get to my place." he held the door open as you let go of him and slid into the van again.
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The trailer was cozy, in your opinion. As soon as you were in there, Eddie was running around trying to clean up. You ignored him as you surveryed all the hats and mugs on the wall. You eyed the fold up bed in the corner, no doubt for his uncle. You moved into the kitchen, ignoring Eddie running around you as you started to unpack everything, leaving your rose on the counter. The bottles of soda got slid into the fridge and you took the paper off of the stovetop popcorn. You found a large bowl to dump the popcorn into and started to cook it up on the stove.
"If the phone rings, don't answer it." Eddie joked from behind you as you heard more empty cans clink into the garbage can.
"Oh? What's the wrost that could happen?" you played along, wanting to see what he'd say.
A warmth pressed against your back and it took you a moment to realize Eddie was pressed against you. His hands slid onto your hips and you felt his hair tickle your neck as he leaned in. "Because there might be a psycho on the other end with just one question: what's your favorite scary movie?" Eddie murmured into your ear, trying to impersonate the Ghostface voice.
A shiver ran through you and you reminded yourself to shake the popcorn as it started to pop. "Personally?" you answer, turning your head to look at Eddie. You hear his breath hitch when you do, your faces barely an inch apart. You'd hardly have to lean to kiss him if you wanted to... and you kind of did. "I do love Scream. Billy and Stu are very hot, but Saw has a special place in my heart." you grin, glancing down at Eddie's full lips before tearing your eyes away and looking back at the stovetop.
"S-Saw, huh?" Eddie swallowed hard, trying to remember how to breathe and not just press you against this counter and mark up your neck like you decided to go necking with a vampire.
"I like the gore and the concept. Obviously, the first one is the best, but the third has a special place in my heart too." you go on, finishing the popcorn. You carefully unwrap it, dumping the popcorn into the bowl and scooping out any unpopped kernals you come across.
"Which Scream is best?" Eddie asked, gently squeezing your hips before letting go.
"The first, of course. Can't beat the original. And Stu is absolutely alive."
Eddie scoffed. "A TV fell on his head, bunny."
"So?" you laugh, turning to face Eddie. "He could just be horribly disfigured."
"Would you still find him hot then? Even if he looked like a stitched up mess?"
"Mm, yeah. He's got personality. Funny, eccentric. It's hot. Reminds me of you, really, when you're joking around with Hellfire."
Eddie put his hand on his chest, a sly grin spreading across his face. "You callin me hot, bunny?"
You pick up the bowl of popcorn and grab the candy. "Pour us some sodas, stud." you laugh, heading to the living room. You set the bowl down first before sitting down to open up all the candy.
Eddie came back with two glasses, setting yours down first before his. He sat down next to you, keeping a respectable distance as he grabbed the remote. Seeing as how you both had similar taste in movies, you decided to trust Eddie with his possible picks. He settled on My Bloody Valentine. "Feels appropriate almost," he commented, sitting back on the couch and tucking himself in the corner at the arm of the chair.
"It does," you answer, picking up the popcorn. You slide your shoes off, tucking your feet under you as the movie starts. Through the movie, you offer the bowl of popcorn to Eddie who snags handfuls. Occasionally he leans over to grab candy too. He eventually picked up the package of Red Vines and sits back with them.
You suddenly decide the way you're sitting is uncomfortable. You move your drink closer to Eddie's and grab the M&M's, taking the bowl of popcorn with you as you slide closer to him. Eddie side eyes you, but says nothing as you move his arm to tuck into his side with your legs laying on the couch towards the spot you just abandoned. You set the bowl of popcorn on your lap and the M&M's at your side.
You continue snacking, surprised that Eddie says nothing about you deciding to cuddle up to him. He just wordlessly grabs a couple kernels of popcorn. After a few minutes, you reach over and swipe a Red Vine from the packet. You stick one end into your mouth.
"Theif." Eddie murmurs and you giggle.
"It's just a Red Vine, Teddy."
Eddie's cheeks flare red at the nickname. "It's my Red Vine." he argues back, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.
"Sharing is caring." you counter, taking a bite from the Red Vine now. You hold up the rest to him. "I'm sorry," you playfully pout at him. Eddie leans in, taking a bite from the licorice.
"Finish it," he tells you, "and be thankful!"
"Thank you, sir." you grin, wiggling back against him.
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The movie ends, and by then most of the popcorn is gone, your soda is finished and you both made a dent in the candy. You pull out your cherry chapstick, applying some to your lips to fight off the chapping the cold has been trying to do.
"I gotta use the bathroom, be back." Eddie told you, wiggling out from under you. You sat forward, watching him go. You set the candy and popcorn back onto the table and get up. You start cleaning up, pausing as you walk around to go into the kitchen. Ahead of you is a doorway, cracked open but you can tell it's Eddie's room. You hum, biting your lip as you think about it. You set down everything in your arms onto the counter top and start towards his room. Someone's room could tell you a lot about them. How could you resist?
You gently push the door open, sliding into his room. It's messy, but you expected that from a guy. A couple clothes sat around the laundry hamper as opposed to being inside of it, the walls were covered in posters and a large 'Corroded Coffin' banner that he clearly made. The desk was covered in notebooks, dice and small figurines. You thumbed through the open notebook, skimming over campaign notes for a D&D session. Books were scattered all over the room, from the night table to the dresser. You glanced at the night table, seeing a worn down copy of The Hobbit, an ash tray and an alarm clock.
You turned, stopping at the large mirror on the wall. You wandered over, eyeing the electric guitar hung up in front of the mirror. It didn't have the body shape you were used to seeing on a guitar. The paint job was a speckled red and black. It suited Eddie for sure. You reached out, intending to just run your fingers over the strings.
"Don't even think about it."
You jumped out of your skin hearing Eddie directly behind you. "You're fucking quiet, Jesus Christ!" you breathe, looking back at Eddie.
He had a serious look on his face. "No one touches her but me, bunny." he told you, "and you're snooping. I never said you could come in here." A smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth.
"You never said I couldn't," you countered.
Eddie grabbed your hips, pulling you away from the guitar. "Snooping around is snooping around," he answered.
"What? Got somethin to hide?" you teased, "I didn't even check under the bed yet! I bet there's dirty magazines there." You giggle and try to power over to his bed, but Eddie tightens his hold on your hips.
"Hey! No, bad girl." Eddie laughed, now wrapping his arm around your waist.
"What? I wanna know what you're into," you tease, yelping as you suddenly are lifted off of the floor.
Eddie tosses you onto his bed. "You're such a brat. Maybe I shouldn't have brought you here," he joked, pressing his knee onto his bed.
You roll over, trying to blow your hair off of your sticky lips from the chapstick. "Liar, you've had fun with you." you accuse, pointing at him.
Eddie hums, crawling onto his bed and on top of you. His left forearm holds himself up as he hovers over you, your legs tangled together. "I have had fun with you here," he admits, reaching with his right hand to pull your hair away from your lips.
"Thank you," you murmur, unsure if you mean for the compliment or helping get your hair away from your mouth.
Eddie's fingers skim your cheek before his hand gently cups it instead. "You're welcome," he murmurs, watching you.
You reach up, gently pushing his bangs from his eyes. You slide your hand down to his jaw, then his neck. You knew maybe going here was a mistake but you had been curious about the whole 'I know someone who likes you' thing. You were never the type to have a bunch of prospects in that region. You focused a lot on school, then work. You hardly were approached unlike your friends who had multiple prospects. So you were curious, but it also was dangerous since you like Eddie, too. Especially now that you got to spend time with him. It was dangerous. This was dangerous.
"Eddie," you whisper, unsure if you wanted to ask him for the information he had or ask him what you both were doing. Cuddling was one thing. Eddie looking at you like he wanted to kiss you was ano-... oh. Oh.
You gently pull at the back of his neck, trying to urge him down. Eddie complies, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. It barely took you tugging at him for him to comply. You shivered as your lips moved with his, feeling the tingling and warmth that you had felt earlier when you held hands. Eddie groaned quietly, deepening your kiss. Your free hand moves to his chest, gently rubbing there before moving your hand down to his stomach. Eddie can't help the butterflies at your touch. You slide your hand up under his shirt, feeling the sparce scattering of hair leading down into his jeans before moving your hand farther up his stomach.
Eddie breaks the kiss with a gentle click of your lips. "Jesus Christ," Eddie breathes, "you taste like cherries. You and fucking cherries," he breathes a laugh.
"I like it!" you giggle, "Don't tell me you don't like it."
"I love it," Eddie mumbles, pressing his lips to yours again. His kiss is firmer this time, hungrier as he teases his tongue against your cherry flavored lip. You happily oblige, parting your lips to taste his tongue. At the first brush of his tongue, you try not to laugh as he tastes like mint. No doubt having scrubbed his teeth while he went to the bathroom, maybe in preparation for this. You moan, moving your hand from his neck into his hair. You gently tug, pulling a moan from him too.
You pull away this time to catch your breath. "It's you." you murmur, "The person you know that likes me. It's you."
"Fuck yeah, it's me." Eddie breathes, stealing a kiss again. "I almost died when I pulled your keys from that fucking bowl."
"So you did know they were mine?"
"Yeah. I've seen 'em before." he admitted, pressing gentle kisses to the corners of your mouth.
"Why didn't you ever-"
"I was scared, bunny." he sighs, nudging his nose against yours. "We barely talked in high school. His right hand gently brushes over your waist. "I've had a stupid crush on you since I went to check out Lord of the Flies from the library."
"So years? Eddie!" you scold, laughing as he whines and presses his head into your neck.
"I'm fucking pathetic for you, bunny. I've been a pining fool." he admits, pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck. You moan, dragging your nails over his belly.
"You should've said something forever ago, you idiot boy." you pout, tugging on his hair again.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know," Eddie mumbles, lifting his head to kiss you again. Your fingers dip back down, sneaking into the waistband of his jeans. "Jesus, fuck-mm," Eddie moans, reaching down to grab your wrist. "Dangerous game, bunny. Hold on,"
"Whyyyy?" you whine, "I wasn't doing anything!"
"I will fuck you, if you stick your hand any farther into my pants. I promise you." Eddie sternly said, watching you. Your eyes widen.
"I-uhm-you," you ramble, not sure how to wrap your head around that.
Eddie grinned. "Made you go dumb and I haven't even gotten to taste this pussy yet, damn."
Your brain malfunctions more. "Talking to me like that doesn't help." you tell him, gently pinching his stomach. He wiggles at the contact and laughs.
"Good to know you like the thought though," he wiggles his brows with a laugh. "I won't fuck you tonight, not unless you ask me very nicely."
"Teddy," you purr, seeing his smug expression fall into an almost patheitcally horny one. "Let me touch your cock, please?"
"Jesus Christ," Eddie breathes and you realize he had been holding his breath. "I don't know if I'm gonna survive."
"You will. I'll give you CPR," you giggle, trying to shake your wrist from his hold. Eddie lets your wrist go and you let go of his hair. You go for his belt, easily getting it undone. You pop the button and pull down the zipper. "Last chance to stop me," you warn.
"Never. Fucking never. Please touch me, baby, please." Eddie groans. You push his jeans and boxers down, reaching around to get them off his ass too. Eddie shifts so you can have better access to him as his erection hangs heavily between you. It's red, leaking gently at the tip begging to be touched. You sit up a bit, gathering some spit in your mouth before slowly spitting the wad into your palm. "Fuck," Eddie moans, turned on just watching you spit into your palm.
You wrap your hand around him, slowly stroking and getting his length covered in your spit. "Got plenty more spit where that came from." you told him, giving his shaft a gentle squeeze. "I'd wanna get it all over this though, taste you."
Eddie's free hand was gripping the mattress under you both, shaking as you stroked his length. You sped up, watching the way his brows furrowed in pleasure with his eyes squeezed shut. You loved how you had him in the palm of your hand. Figuratively and literally. "Your h-hands," Eddie whimpered and you grinned.
"Teddyyyy," you coo, giggling at his whine. "Have you... done this before?"
Eddie's cheeks flared red. That bit of confidence earlier melted away a little bit. "I-okay, mm fuck, I-I've not, uh. This, I've had this, but..." he trails off and you try not to get too excited at the prospect of being Eddie's first.
"So no one has taken this cock, huh? You spoke so dirty earlier I thought maybe you'd had your pick of groupies at the Hideout." you swipe your thumb over his tip and his hips twitch forward at the contact.
"I know how to talk, sweetheart. Seen enough--nevermind--to know," Eddie grabbed for your wrist again as you gave him a squeeze at his base. "Lemme fuckin think for a second, J-Jesus," he choked out, "I've had handies, been blown once... didn't last long. And yes, I've had sex before. Just... not often."
"I like it," you shrug, deciding to do as he needed and stopped stroking him so he could think. "I think it's cute that you can talk."
"I sound like a loser admitting all this." Eddie groaned, letting go of your wrist to cover his face with his hand.
"A hot loser," you giggle. "You've got a few options here. I can either keep doing this til you cum on my stomach, I can blow you ooor we can go all the way."
Eddie felt like he was being boiled alive. He felt hot all over at the options you gave him. What was the right answer? He had no fucking clue. "I'm not gonna last long in any of these situations." he admitted, "and I really, really wanna taste that pussy."
You let go of his length and pat his side. "Switch," you instruct, trying to wiggle out from under him. Eddie does as you say, laying back on his bed and watching you. You tug his jeans and boxers down off of his legs while Eddie tugs his shirt off. You hum, crawling over him to touch the tattoos on his chest. You're straddling him, leaning down to kiss the tattoos exposed to you.
"God, what a view." he groans, watching you on top of him.
"Just wait," you laugh, sitting back up. Your shirt goes next, followed by your bra and you swear Eddie's eyes might fall out of his head from how widely they're open and staring at your bare chest. You work your jeans off next, Eddie helping you tug them off but you swat at his hand when they go for your panties. "Watch it or I'll tie you up," you joke, but Eddie's eyes slide to the other side of the room. You follow his gaze and laugh seeing a set of handcuffs. "Next time," you promise.
"Thank fuck cause I would lose my mind if I can't touch you right now," Eddie chuckles, watching you slide down his body. He groans at each soft kiss you place on his chest an stomach. "Baby, please," he begs, even though he doesn't need to. You trace your tongue over the thick vein running along the underside of his cock, watching him intently as you get to work. Your tongue swipes up the bead of precum forming at his tip, humming at the taste of him before wrapping your lips around his head and gently sucking. Curses leave Eddie's lips as he watches you, reaching a hand down to tangle in your hair. You whimper around his tip, sliding down to take more of him into your throat and start bobbing your head.
"I-I'm not gonna last, babe," he warns, gently tugging on your hair. That admission just makes you up your efforts, bobbing your head faster as you take more and more of him into your throat. Your name falls from his lips as your work him down, going unto your nose is tickled by the patch of hair you admired earlier. At the same time, you moved your hand to stroke and play with the weight under his length, feeling him jump at the touch to his balls. You giggle, making yourself gag on him as you pull back up to catch your breath. "You okay?" Eddie finds it in him to ask after seeing you gag.
"I'm fine, baby." you reassure him, kissing his tip. You shift to sit up more, letting him see your bare breasts again as you jerk him off.
"Fuck, I died. I'm fucking dead and in Heaven. No one take me back," Eddie moans, eyeing your tits as your hand works him.
You giggle, shaking your head at him. "Enjoying the view?"
"So fucking much. Please remind me to fuck your tits one day,"
"Happy to." you hum, leaning down to dribble spit over his length. You get back to work, shifting down again and swiping your tongue over his balls before taking him back into your mouth. You start slow again before building up speed as your suck him off. Before you know it, Eddie is tugging on your hair, hips canting upward as he moans your name. You pull back a bit just in time for his seed to spill over your tongue instead of choking on it. You moan at the taste of him, jerking him off to milk him for all he's worth. You collect it all, lifting your head and opening your mouth to show him what all you have.
"Swallow it." Eddie growled, watching you shut your mouth an swallow it down. You open your mouth again, sticking out your tongue to show that you took it all. You let go of him, crawling up his body.
"You're hot when you're demanding. I won-eep!" you barely get to finish your sentence before Eddie is flipping you over onto your back. A searing kiss is pressed to your lips before he's disappearing down your body now. "Eddie," you groan as he spreads your legs.
Eddie presses a kiss over your hole through your panties, groaning at the scent of you. There's a wet patch there already, unable not to get wet hearing her whimper and moan for you. He reaches up, tugging your panties down and getting them off your legs. He tosses them behind him uncaringly but you laugh as it gets caught on his deodorant on his dresser.
He wastes little time, licking a stripe up from your entrance to your clit. Your breath catches in your throat at the sudden feeling and then he doesn't stop. Eddie laps at your cunt desperately, moaning into you as he does so. He moves your legs onto his shoulders, holding onto your thighs as he eats you out like he was starving. He had wondered for so long what you tasted like. Spent many nights thinking about it as he fisted his cock to the thought of you like this. Eddie's tongue swirled over his clit, losing the sounds it pulled out of you as he did so. He wrapped his lips around the sensitve bud, sucking gently. He coats his finger in your juices before gently prodding at your entrance. He slowly pushes his finger in, moaning against you as your walls suck him in desperately.
"F-Fuck, Eddie." you moan, reaching for his hair. You just had him in your mouth, so you know his size, but his finger swill burned as it stretched your neglected walls. His fingers were thicker than yours and it had been a long, long time. It made a feeling stir in your belly as you wondered just how much his cock would stretch you. Would he even fit? You bet he could make it fit. As he curled his finger, you shot up and gasped, crying out his name as he found that spongy spot inside you. Eddie chuckled against you, kissing your clit.
"Found it," he grinned, adding a second finger into you. He moved his free hand up, pressing down on your stomach to make you lay back down. You obliged, watching him as he fucked you with his fingers and lapped at your clit with the tip of his tongue. "Look at you, taking my fingers so good. You gonna cum for me, bunny?" he cooed before swirling his tongue over his clit. "Can't believe you're letting me do this, fuck, I could live here forever if you let me. Will you let me, baby? Please?" Eddie babbled into your cunt as he fingers you faster.
You felt the coil tighten in your belly, knowing you'd be crashing over it soon. You watched Eddie, whining at the sight of him grinding into the bed. Was he hard again already? Just from eating you out. "Y-You can live there, Eddie, please. Make me cum!" you whine, tugging on his hair. Seconds later as Eddie suckled on your clit again, your orgasm washed over you. His name moaned out loudly in the trailer and you prayed that his neighbors were dead asleep by now. Eddie fingered you through your orgasm, moaning against your clit. He pulled his fingers free and you whimpered at the loss of them, gasping when that stretch was replaced with his tongue as he devoured all that you gave him. He groaned into you, detaching his mouth with a line of flui going from your to his lips. Spit or your essence, you weren't really sure at this point. Eddie licked his lips though and crawled up, cock at attention again. It made you wet seeing it. How much he wanted you. Panting, you reached for him. "Sweetheart," he cooed, trying to grab your hand.
"No, can't believe you got hard for me again." you murmur, tracing your fingers down his length.
"What can I say? I've waited a long time to have you spread out here..." he admitted.
You reached down between your legs, collecting what you could of your wetness that came roaring back. You reached out, stroking Eddie. "C'mon, baby," you cooed as he bent down to kiss you. You stroked him slowly, lazily at first. Eddie groaned, gently thrusting into your fist.
"Fuck, I can't believe you." Eddie kisses you again, one hand raising to wrap his hand around your throat. You whine at the feeling, stroking him faster as his fingers squeeze the sides of your throat. "That's it-fuuuck. Got yourself all over me and I haven't even fucked you yet. Bein so good to me, wanting me to cum again." Eddie babbled, pressing kisses to your cheeks and nose as you worked his length.
"I want it. Want you to paint me, Teddy," your whine, choking on your gasp as he squeezes again.
"Open your mouth." he growls and you do as he says. He leans over you, spitting into your mouth. "Swallow that too." He demands and you do as he says once his hold loosens a little on your throat. "That's my girl, fuck. Bunny, baby, please," He gasps as you speed up your hand. It doesn't take long before Eddie is rocking into your hand, moaning your name as he spurts white ropes all over your stomach, even getting it on your chest. He lets go of your throat, pressing kisses there. You let go of his softening length, whimpering at his kisses.
Eddie leans up, watching you as a grin spreads over his lips. "What?" you ask, reaching down to swipe up some of his cum from your breast and bring it to your mouth.
"God, you're so fucking hot." he groans, giving you a kiss.
You hum, feeling sleep tug at you. He definitely wore you out and it made you wonder how worn out you'd be if he did fuck you. Eddie kisses your face. "M tired," you mumble to him and he chuckles.
"Hold on, not yet. I'm sorry, babe." Eddie kisses your forehead and climbs off his bed. He disappears for a bit, returning with a wet rag and a glass of water. "C'mon,"
You huff and sit up a bit, taking the rag from him and cleaning his mess off of you. Eddie pulls on a fresh pair of boxers before rooting around for a t-shirt. He walks back over, handing you a t-shirt before taking the rag to toss into his hamper. You unfold the shirt, pulling it over your head and down your body. You rub your eyes, frowning at the mascara that comes off. You know you should go pee and try to wash off the makeup. You move to stand but Eddie stops you. He points to the glass of water. You take it, taking a few gulps before setting it aside. Once he's satisfied, you go to the bathroom and pee before trying to wash your makeup off with soap and water. A bit of black is still smudged aroun your eyes but it's better than nothing.
When you get back to his room, Eddie is laid in bed waiting for you. His TV is on, playing some late night show as he waits for you. You admire the view before finally walking over and crawling into bed. Eddie grins, pulling you close and holding you. "Hi," he murmurs.
"Hi," you mumble back, pressing a kiss to his chest.
"Can't believe this is happening right now," he whispers and you can't help but laugh.
"I can hear you." you tell him, rubbing his belly.
"Oops, was just thanking God real quick, sorry." Eddie laughed, kissing your head.
"You're a dork," you mumble.
"I am."
"But you're my dork now. If you wanna be, I mean," you mumble shyly.
You feel the bed jostle. So you open your eyes to see Eddie fist pumping in victory. You laugh, Eddie joining you as he realizes he's caught. "Yeah, I do wanna be." he answers, tilting your head up to steal a kiss. "Get some rest, bunny."
"You too, Teddy," you mumble against his lips before wiggling to settle down and sleep, dozing off to the soft sounds of the TV and Eddie's quick beating heart, the metalhead following soon after.
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withahappyrefrain · 13 days ago
oooh let's do can you kiss it better with bob
"Love?" When Bob entered your shared home, he received no response. Even more alarming, the lights were turned off.
"My love? You okay?" Bob knew you had gotten home, recalling the text you sent him about leaving work early. He had a strong feeling you were experiencing a headache, hence why he stopped by the store to pick up your tried and true favorites: dark chocolate, salmon, and avocados. The plan was to make you dinner, but first Bob had to locate you.
Rather than raising his voice, he sat the groceries down and quietly moved about the house. He found you in the bedroom and the sight nearly broke Bob's heart.
The lights were off, but he could make out your figure, curled into a ball on the shared bed. An ice pack rested against your forehead and you just looked absolutely miserable.
"Hey there," he kneeled down, placing his hand gently on your shoulder, "Migraine?"
Your eyelashes fluttered open, a small smile forming at the sight of your partner, "No. Just a headache."
Considering how frequently you used to get migraines until Bob forced you to the doctor, he could deal with just a headache. Although he hated seeing you in any type of pain.
"Want me to get the massage gun?" Bob asked before pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
"No," you whimpered, taking his hands into yours. Slowly, you guided them to your breasts, "Need your help."
That kind of help.
Moving quickly, Bob reached over to the mini fridge in your bedroom, grabbing an ice pack. Joining you on the bed, he maneuvered himself and your body so that his back was resting against the headboard and yours was against his broad chest. Placing the ice pack in the crook of his neck, he gently lured your head back. The ice pressed against the back of your skull brought instant relief.
"Want me t'make ya feel better?" He murmured, voice soothing. You nodded, curling into him as his fingers skimmed across your breasts, trailing down your stomach until he reached your center.
You nodded, turning your head so his lips were now against your jawline. Skimming over the fabric of your panties, Bob found your clit with ease, gently applying pressure at first.
But then a small moan of his name fell from your lips. His other free hand grabbed at your chest, delighted to find you weren't wearing a bra. He alternated between your breasts, kneading the soft flesh as his other hand pushed your panties to the side.
His touch was electric, calloused fingers drawing circles on your clit.
"How ya s'wet already, baby?" Bob knew the answer. And he wouldn't punish you if you couldn't respond. He guided your head back, ensuring the back of your skull was rested against the ice pad.
The cold temperature sent instant relief to your head, "W-wanted ya all day. Was gonna put on that nightie and surprise ya but I-"
Bob gently shushed, not wanting you to overexert yourself, "Don't worry. I got ya."
His fingers dipped down to your entrance, circling once, twice, before sliding inside. His thumb remains at your throbbing clit, drawing circles as his fingers find the spot that makes your eyes roll back into your head.
Your back arches at his touch, so much that he has to wrap his free arm around your waist, keeping your body anchored to his.
Little moans and whimpers of his name begin falling out of your mouth, in rapid succession. Bob's lips remain pressed to your temple, as gentle encouragements are whispered against your skin..
"That's it. I gotcha. I gotcha. Just let go, 'kay? Been workin' so hard, my sweet girl. Just lemme take care of ya, alright?"
His voice is a comfort, a relief. It's low and rich. Deep, so deep and pulling you in. As relief floods your body, you find your hips jerking up to meet his fingers.
"Oh sweetie, you're close, aren't ya?" God, his tone. Condescension lace his words, but there's love mixed in with it. The dichotomy is puzzling, but also very fitting for Bob.
"Y-yeah," he increases the pace of his fingers, and it sets you off; a broken moan filling the room, hips jerking erratically.
"That's it, make a mess on my fingers. After that, I'll kiss it better, 'kay?"
Your hand gripped his forearm, clinging on as you came undone on his hand. Bob was far from done with you. The orgasm had brought relief to your head, but he was thorough.
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queenie-ofthe-void · 10 months ago
Here's a crack Stobin idea
It's platonic Hanahaki by instead of puking flowers, it's migraines and mind reading.
After they're injected with the same experimental mystery drugs in the Russian spy bunker, Steve wakes up two days later with a killer headache.
Must be the concussion.
Except throughout the day it gets worse, worse than his migraines after his fight with Billy. He tries to go to sleep early, but the pain's so intense he seriously thinks his head might implode.
Does he call Robin?
They aren't what he'd call friends. But they survived torture together, so that has to mean something, right?
No, he decides. She's got her own problems and it's almost midnight.
He's up, can't sleep. At 6:30am he wraps an ice pack around his head and sits in a warm bath. At 7:30am he's throwing up water and bile. By 9am he's got a bloody nose and he's popped a blood vessel in his right eye. Just as he's about to pick up the phone, there's knocking on his front door that feels like a hammer to his skull.
Robin's on the front stoop, the front of her Fleetwood Mac sleep shirt covered in drops of blood and she's holding a wad of napkins to her face. She's crying and practically collapses into his arms.
The pain recedes so quickly he gasps. He didn't realize how difficult it was to breathe. The sharp stabbing behind his eyes is gone and it feels like he hasn't eaten in days.
Robin's still holding his shoulder, looking at him with wide eyes. She moves the napkins and even though her face is a mess of dried blood it's clear the bleeding has stopped.
"Steve, what's going on?"
"How the hell should I know?"
Her hand slips from his shoulder as he backs into the house, and suddenly the pain's creeping back in. It's minimal compared to before. Robin grabs his hand again and the pain recedes.
He looks up and she's staring at him wide eyed, mouth hanging open like a fish.
"I do not look like a fish!" Robin scoffs.
He didn't say that.
"Oh holy shit you didn't say that!" she practically screams at him.
She grips his other hand, squeezing them both tight as they stare into each other's panicked eyes.
Oh my god playing on loop between them, yet Robin's mouth isn't moving and he's pretty sure his is closed.
Can we read minds?
I have no idea Steven I've never done this before! You're the freaky stuff expert.
It's called the upside down Robs.
He's so bitchy.
I'm not bitchy!
"OK we have to stop this," Robin finally says. He knows she said it. He saw her mouth move and everything.
"Jesus I'm not sure I can handle your brain Harrington I've already got enough going on up here on my own."
"Yeah tell me about it," he replies as he thinks about her rambling about nothing for hours on end during shared shifts.
Robin sighs, squeezing his hands again as she scuffs her shoes on the white tile.
For what it's worth, I like your rambling.
A light smile ghosts her face. He always feels better when she's smiling, and that gets a wet chuckle from her as she wipes her teary eyes.
"Ok," Robin says, putting her game face on. "We're going to figure this out and I've got some ideas."
s4 follow-up ficlet
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sombrashe · 1 month ago
X's & O's ∿ Thanos
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notes/content toxic established relationship (can be read as platonic or romantic)
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red flashes over your face and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. you had worked with thanos to promote his music, working closely with him as his social media manager. you can feel his eyes burning holes in the back of your skull. ripping off your O you hand it to the guard. placing the X over your chest you join the cheering group. you wanted out so badly, you were tired and hungry and so fucking scared. scared of losing your life, scared of watching those you've learned to care about die, scared of thanos and that namgyu guy.
last game was terrifying, you were left behind as thanos chose namgyu and left you in the arms of another terrified person. straightening up you don't dare look to your right and keep your eyes forward watching the counter tick up. it took another hour before player 001 got to vote. you were stared at the entire time. once the lights come back on you're left standing in the middle of the X. looking down you simply lose yourself in the fear for a moment before raising your head and choosing a bed. climbing to the top bunk you make a fort up there out of extra mattresses. with a view of whoever coming you felt a little bit safer.
lights out. you start shaking again and hug your jacket around you a little tighter. it doesn't take long before a shape is making its way up the stairs. you're expecting him though so you tense up. he stops a few inches away from your position before sinking down facing you. he's practically situated on your lap and you have to stretch your legs to accommodate him.
"Why did you do it, huh?"
"It's wrong, this is all wrong. I want to go home Su-bong, i need to get home."
"You could have made more money before leaving, all we needed was you."
"The money is enough, I'll get by. I always do."
"I know your debt, that's not even enough to pay me back."
you stare at him in the darkness, your feelings evident on your face. blinking you pick at your lips. he reaches up and removes your nails from your skin. you attempt to pull away from him but his grip only tightens. so tight you can feel his manicured nails digging into your wrist. hissing you kick out but with his weight over your legs you're unable to do much. Letting go you massage the angry marks on your skin.
"I missed you during the last game. I'm glad you made it alive."
"You abandoned me. Don't act sweet right now. What do you want? You wouldn't be here unless you had a reason."
"You need to vote to continue the games next vote. On your first day here you got to know half the people here and by the end of the first game you knew their names."
"It seemed like a team game."
"Exactly, if you vote one way so will they."
he pokes his finger against your chest and it hurts. swatting his hand away you mutter something about manners and he laughs. it's dry and lacking humor. you suddenly feel ice slide up your spine.
"I'm not doing that."
"You know what happens when I don't get my way, right? Remember?"
"I am not voting to continue the games, Su-bong. Do whatever you need to do but leave me out of it."
he suddenly straightens and all you feel is white hot fear as he grabs your chin. fingers press into your skin until he has a strong grip against bone. you whimper and wrap your hands around his wrist. you've seen him get this way before but never with you. your yanks against his forearm do nothing to lessen the pressure.
"Do not fuck with me, we all need more money. See that."
he throws your face away from him. you grip at your face pain shooting through your jawline. slipping out of the fort he goes back to his side of the room. blinking, you rub at the harsh tears ripping themselves from your tear ducts. you don't get any sleep that night.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 9 months ago
What is the Best Way for YOU to Manifest?
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I have been receiving so many notes from yall and there are so many new followers!!! thank you all so much for the love and the affirmation! I really enjoy doing this and it helps me stay in a healthy mindset so I'm glad I can assist others while assisting myself.
In today's reading I am using Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot, The Healing Waters Oracle, and The Starseed Oracle. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new perspectives!
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Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vibes: Blue, navy, black, skulls, ice, Hermes, ocean, coast-line, shark teeth, crystal jewelry, castles, olive tree, music, cats, fish, soda, marine life in general, crying, spicy food, hot meal, alternative fashion
Song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears
Cards: The Artist, 7 of Cups, Page of Cups, The Ripple Effect, Perspective
Heyooo pile one! Welcome to your reading. The best way yall can manifest is by projecting it out of you. This can be through making art of some kind or just looking at art of what it is that you desire. Either way all you need is to see the desire outside of yourself and it will eventually find its way to you. I see you are quite protective of your desires and it is difficult for you to choose which one you want to manifest most because you want them all so much. You can have them all if you like. You need to admire what you want to manifest. Imagine how you would feel seeing whatever it is in your hands. If it is an object imagine what the texture of it would feel like. What does it look like? Imagine its color. If it is an experience that you wish to manifest imagine how it would feel to experience it. What would your senses take in when you experience it? You know intuitively what it is you want without having it. Doesn't it make sense you would intuitively know what it would be like? The clearer the vision you have, the quicker it will manifest into existence. Just remember anything you wish to manifest is already yours. It has your name written on its spiritual frequency. You just gotta match the frequency. Don't worry about how it will happen. Don't worry about the plan. The universe already knows how it will get to you. You don't have to worry about that part. The details are already taken care of, my dude. Trust the universe.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Vibes: Green, yellow, white, wild-flowers, children laughing, church bells, lions, eagles, bulls, peanut butter, being barefooted, 222, snakes, curry, ribbons
Song: What I've Got by Sublime
Cards: Wheel of Fortune, 6 of Cups, 2 of Swords, King Tide, Breath of the Cosmos
Hi, pile 2! The best way for you to manifest is through verbal expression. I see many entities watching over you. They wait patiently for you to ask for what you desire. They listen closely to what you truly want. When you ask it must be backed by the desire of your inner child. If it does not align with your inner child's desires the entities might not hear you. The universe wants to cradle your inner child. It coos at them waiting for them to speak. Let your inner baby ask for what it wants. Let them speak. It is common for inner children to be silenced by the world so this might take some convincing. Be patient with them and they will tell your guides everything you truly desire and I swear it'll be dropped in your lap or by your doorstep in no time at all. You must trust your younger self to know what is right. You must trust the universe to deliver it to you. Both of them want you to experience abundance and plenty. Both of them want you to receive the fullness of life. Speak aloud what your younger self wants. Speak it with confidence in the effect it will have on your experience. It must be genuine. Whatever you want is already yours once it is spoken.
Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Vibes: Purple, forest green, pink, dogs, umbrellas, door knocker, hibiscus, olives, grapes, plums, violets, pomegranate, venus, 2222, incense smoke, candles, amethyst, cannabis, kayaking, hiking, Saturn
Song: Amethyst by Janine the Machine
Cards: The Fool, The Empress, The Well, Ilse of Avalon, You're Not For Everyone
Pile three, welcome to your reading! The best way for you to manifest is through your actions. I feel how hard you work in my body through the cards. You are far too resilient cus gotdamn your back hurts. Hard work is a way to manifest yes but what might work better for you is to enjoy yourself. By working hard all the time you invite in more work to do. Your actions display your manifestations. If you desire rest and relaxation (which i think you do) then meditation might help you. Do what you enjoy doing. Your physical reality with mirror your mind. Allow your mind to take a break. Embrace what you have wanted to do for a while. I know you have been trying so hard to get the manifestations you desire so deeply. I know those 60 to 80 hour work weeks have been hard on your mind and body. Pamper yourself a little bit. Invite more softenest in. Be willing to receive. Leap into bed, turn on your favorite show, and indulge a little in your favorite snack. Heal your soul. The cards also tell me you are a bit weird and quirky but you hide that a lot. It will help your manifestations come faster if you just embrace your weirdness. Lean into your quirkiness. I feel you are already really connected to Source and Source is where all that we need/desire comes from. You just gotta tap back into that energy again. Wow, okay I think your guides have been telling you to rest for a while. I am hearing them LOUD and CLEAR. They are a little frustrated with you not listening to them. You are pretty stubborn huh? I see you might have hurt yourself at work recently. That was an invitation to rest. Take the invitation, please. I see that if you don't take the invitation now you might be forced to later.
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Vibes: Orange, red, sky blue, lavender, holding hands, hand-shakes, raining when the sun is out, rainbows, martini, fajitas, goblets, queer pride, 1111, throat chakra, oroborous, lotus flower
Song: Dracula from Houston by Butthole Surfers
Cards: The Magician, The Lovers, Ace of Cups, Let It Rain, Water Your Garden
Hey there, pile 4! Welcome to your reading, my friend. The best way you manifest is through communication. It's a bit more specific than that. Specifically when you're communicating in ways that are also taking care of yourself. Some examples of this are journaling, venting to a friend, talking with your lover, setting a boundary or writing letters to a pen pal. When you are verbalizing your desires to your friends be sure you are communicating with those you trust. I also see saying daily affirmations in the mirror would work as well. Which sometimes looks very ritualistic and other times it's you singing a song that makes you feel really positive about yourself in the mirror. Hype yourself up and that is a way to manifest as well. Anything with language involved while you are nourishing your body. I do see it might be difficult for you to gather your thoughts on your own so I do think it would be a bit easier to speak to a trusted advisor. Your words have power. Your language has power. The things that slip from your mouth are magic. Be very intentional about what you say, my dear.
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leds-fic-writings · 2 months ago
hi! you don't have to, but are you open to writing a poly! asmodeus x reader x fizzarolli?
if you are, could you maybe do a sick reader fic? thank you!
Of course!!!
Warnings: general chest cold icky feelings
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I woke up and instantly there was a deep pounding in my head, I felt as if my skull was gonna pop. I rolled in my bed and reached for my phone, seeing that it was 11:30. Four missed calls from Fizz and Ozzie, shit, I slept through and missed our breakfast date.
I went to call them back, and they picked up instantly. "Babe, are you okay, where were you?" I heard Fizz ask. He sounded worried, I felt bad. I cleared my throat, noticing how hoarse it was, "I'm so sorry Fizzy, I slept in, I can meet up later though if you'd like."
I heard Ozzie interject in the background "No" he said sternly "I hear them on there, they are sick." If not for the ache in my entire body I would've laughed. "Tell them we're coming soon with everything they need" "I think you heard him" Fizz said chuckling.
"Yeah. I'll see you guys later then. Bye honey" "Byeee" after he hung up I instantly got a text
💗💙My Boys💙💗
Fizzy: Don't even think about getting up and taking care of urself
Ozzie: We'll be there in 20 minutes baby, hold strong
Okie :Y/N/N
It was comforting to know how much they cared, but I couldn't help but feel bad. After all they were busy demons, it felt rude. I decided that whilst waiting on them I'd try to sleep. Putting on my sleep playlist, and laying there.
Not long after I heard the door click, hearing Oz hush Fizz gently. Ozzie cracked the door open and peered in, "Hey baby." He whispered gently "How are you holding up hun?" "Mmm" I groaned. "I know honey, it sucks. No need to worry though, what do you need? I have ibuprofen, Tylenol, soup, bread, melatonin, allergy relief, everything honey, ask and you shall receive my darling."
My heart was melted by his sweetness, "Can I have some ibuprofen and soup?" "Of course darling, why don't we get you to the couch, hmm?" I nodded and he gently scooped me into his arms and carried me against his chest.
Fizzy was anxiously waiting outside, on the living room couch. "BABYY!" He whisper shouted excitedly, clearly relieved to see me. He cuddled up against my face, "Are you okay babe, can I get you something? We brought ice packs if you're too hot, we can cuddle, we brought new blankets, anything you need babe."
Their thoughtfulness made me want to cry, "can we cuddle please?" "Of course doll face!" Ozzie said, excited I was letting them help. We sat on the couch and Froggy came in with a bowl of soup, some green tea, and ibuprofen. "The sick Y/N special." He said presenting the tray to me. "Thank you Froggy" I said he nuzzled onto me as I layed on Ozzies chest.
"Soo, what does my darling star want to watch, hmm?" Asmodeus asked nuzzling my hair. "Pride and Prejudice sound ok?" "You're the sick one baby, it's up to you" Ozzie responded, a light chuckle to his voice. By now Fizzy had fallen asleep on my chest, and Ozzie turned it on.
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grox · 2 months ago
I seriously believe that if you're eating fucking pizza on christmas and aren't like, a little orphan boy who's finally getting a taste of warm food for once im his life, There's no saving you. Spiritually. Damning. Like you aren't fit to work. You aren't mentally fit to like, own a bank account, cause you clearly dont understand anything. Your furniture should be reposessed your car your house your children your spouse, and you should like, be left destitute. And someone should like, sprint past you on horseback with a looooong ice pick and just swing it into your head as they go bye and end your life. Cleanly. Like yes there's blood but your skull just looks like a crab that got hit with a crab hammer. Not to crazy. Like 1 impact zone and youre out. You don't go to heaven or hell either because you lack a soul. Doubly so if you doordash a pizza cause you dont wanna get yo big fat ass up. I have to get my big fat ass up to serve you. So fucking irresponsible with your money give me that shit. Route your paycheck to my bank account I make 13 an hour I have nothing to lose I'll fucking kill myself right now I wanna drink your blood
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throatofdelusionincarnate · 11 months ago
Horror! Sans x Reader Oneshot
Here’s a little self indulgent crap from me to you because I cannot get my mind off of Horror Sans lately :)
Might be posted to AO3 later under the same username throatofdelusionincarnate
Word Count - 2,478
The soft grumble of thunder draws you from your sleep. You turn, glancing at the clock on the bedside table and blink a few times. Six thirty. On a Saturday. You rub your eyes and sigh. Soft rain patters against the window of your apartment and beside you Sans slumbers on.
You watch his large chest rise and fall for a moment. When you first got together, you thought it was a choice he consciously made. Something to make him seem more human. Though, after months together, you had realized it was just something he did. Perhaps it serves a purpose, pumping magic through his body as yours does blood. Or maybe it’s just a subconscious habit that he’s picked up. Either way, his large breaths comfort you.
Gently, you place a hand on his skull, just directly under the large wound that decorates the top of his head, and stroke his cheek with your thumb.
You won’t be able to go back to sleep, not with the growing thunderstorm outside. Still, there’s no reason to wake him up. You know how difficult it is for him to sleep, and you’d prefer that he gets the rest he needs. You can entertain yourself for a couple of hours.
You lean forward and place a chaste kiss on his brow bone. He stirs for a moment, then returns to his rest, a stifled snore escaping. A small laugh leaves you and after one final peck on his nasal cavity you swing your legs over the bed.
The apartment is cold, per usual, and goosebumps climb up your legs before spreading to your arms, then tips of your fingers. You shuffle towards the closet, each step feeling like ice beneath your feet.
You disappear inside the small walk-in, shutting the door before turning on the light. The sudden brightness causes you to squint, and for a moment you only stand there, adjusting to the feeling of being awake.
Once you can finally see, you rummage through your clothing for pants and some socks. You slip on a pair of very loved sweatpants, tying them at the waist so they don’t fall down. Then, you perform your best balancing act as you put on your socks. Regrettably, you roll the sweatpants over them, hiding the bacon decal and the phrase “make today sizzle!”
After your legs and feet are successfully bundled up, you turn to Sans’s stash of clothing and grab out a comically large grey sweatshirt with red lettering that says “BAD TO THE BONE” on it. You slip it over your pj shirt, allowing the hem to hang just above your knees. You swim through the sleeves for a moment before your hands emerge and you can push the cuffs to sit at your wrist.
You shut off the closet light then stumble out of the dark bedroom as Sans continues to softly snore.
The world is quiet save for the interspersed roll of thunder. So long as you’re up, you might as well make some breakfast. By the time you finish Sans will most likely be awake. His rest comes in short bursts.
If you remember correctly he crawled into bed at two last night. Four hours is longer than he normally sleeps, but the rain does tend to make him more tired than usual.
You pull your phone out of your pocket and click on the music app and press shuffle. A soft song radiates from the speaker and you leave the phone propped up on the counter to play as you cook.
Slowly, you collect your ingredients, settling for pancakes and bacon. You hum along to the song, whisking pancake mix together with milk, extra vanilla, and a dash of orange juice.
The rain grows heavier outside, pounding against the kitchen window. The occasional streak of lighting brightens the room before thunder overtakes it.
You pry open the package of bacon and set a few slices in the pan, watching them curl and sizzle against the heat.
Thunder booms and you jump as a large set of arms are folded around your waist.
“m’ sorry. didn't mean to scare you.” You settle into the grip, looking up to see Sans standing over you.
A small laugh spills from you. “The thunder startled me, though I still can’t get over how quiet you walk.” He leans his head down and you press a quick kiss to his teeth. “Did I wake you?”
He straightens back up and shakes his head. “nah, storm got loud. slept for too long anyways.”
Gently, the two of you begin to sway. He rests his skull on top of your head. You pull an arm free to grab a fork then flip the bacon over to let the other side darken. “Ah yes, because five hours is such a crazy amount of time to sleep.”
Sans just hums in response. The two of you will probably end up on the couch today, so you’re almost certain that Sans will get another couple hours of sleep. You might sneak in a little nap yourself. The rain is definitely making you drowsy despite just having woken up.
“Chocolate chips in your pancakes?” You ask, pulling out the bacon and setting it on a paper towel-lined plate.
“you know me so well,” he rumbles above you.
“I should hope so,” you grab a small measuring cup and dip it into the batter, then pour it onto the pan to cool. “We’ve been dating for almost a year now. I’d be a poor partner if I didn’t know how you liked your pancakes,” You pour more batter into the pan.
“You’re gonna have to let me go if you want chocolate chips.”
“or we could awkwardly shuffle over to the cabinet together.” Sans offers.
You roll your eyes and tap on his arm, “C’mon big guy, let go.”
A small gasp escapes you as you're lifted off your feet. Sans cradles you, a large grin on his face. “hmm… don’t think I will.”
You squirm a bit in his grasp, giving him a playful glare. “Sans the pancakes are going to burn.”
“i like mine a little crispy anyways.” He says.
“Well i don't!”
He shrugs, red eyes tracing over your features. “i ‘spose i can be persuaded… if ya got something good to offer in exchange for your freedom.”
“How about a not-charred breakfast?” You answer.
“tempting, but i might need a bit more. inflation is crazy right now.”
You sputter under his gaze. “You’re unbelievable!”
Though despite your protests, you stretch upwards, pressing your lips to his teeth. Sans returns the gesture, melting into you before pulling away. “There, now can I flip the pancakes?”
“m’ afraid you forgot tax.”
“Oh my god,” you deadpan. “How do you stay open with these business practices?” This time, you reach your hands up and pull his skull to you. Your nose presses against his cheek and you nuzzle him.
“what can i say,” Sans beams, red eye blown out and a light blush on his face. “my customers are very loyal.”
Finally he sets you down, though one hand still holds yours. “No accounting for taste,” you say, giving his fingers a quick squeeze before letting go.
Sans lingers, turning to lean against the counter as you grab chocolate chips. You scurry back to the pan and open up the bag before sprinkling the chocolate all over the pancakes. Then, you grab a spatula and flip them.
The tops are a very dark brown, verging on black. “These are yours,” you declare, nudging Sans with your hip.
He shrugs, “m’ not picky.”
You smile, “Yea I know. You’re my big cuddly garbage disposal.”
“who else is gonna eat the tomatoes off your burgs?” Sans’s hand sneaks forward, slipping into the bag of chocolate chips. He pulls out a small handful and tosses them into his mouth.
Playfully, you swat at him. “We’re not gonna have enough for the pancakes if you eat all of them.”
He ignores you, and grabs a single chip out. Sans makes eye contact with you, and you silently return it, daring him to. He does. With a self-satisfied grin he pops it into his mouth.
“You little shit!” You exclaim, snatching the bag up and setting it on the opposite side of you, away from his reach.
“awhhh c’mon hun,” he attempts to reach over you but you place your full weight against him to keep him back. You know he can easily move you if he wants to, but this is just play. Plus, he enjoys letting you win. “it’s just a few chocolate chips, i ain’t hurtin’ anyone.”
“I would like some in my pancakes,” you huff. “Once I’m done with them you can have as many as you wang.” You let up on the pressure and grab the spatula, putting the two slightly burnt pancakes on a plate. Gently, you push it into Sans’s hands. “Go butter these, hm?”
He sighs, “making me do manual labor this early in the morning? butter be grateful you’re cute.”
You snort, “Awh, you’re making me melt.”
“heh, good one. this is why you’re my butter half.”
Sans moves past you, plate in hand. As he crosses, you can see a skeletal hand try to reach into the bag. You gasp, and slam your hand down on the opening just before Sans can steal anymore chocolate.
“my genius plan, thwarted.”
“Butter luck next time,” you grin, hand still over the bag.
He chuckles, “you might’ve won for now, but I’m gonna get that chocolate eventually.”
He walks to the table, stopping quickly to grab a knife from the silverware drawer, then sets to work on doctoring up his pancakes.
With him gone you whip up a couple more batches, saving a generous handful of chocolate chips for Sans. The lull of rain and music settles you after your playful banter and you find yourself lightly humming along as you gather various accouterments for your meal.
You set the plate of pancakes in front of Sans and he gets to work on buttering those while you travel back and forth from the kitchen. You bring out the bacon, whip cream, syrup, and then two glasses with a couple juice options.
Finally, you settle in your seat across from Sans. He offers you the plate of pancakes first, knowing that you’ll take whatever you want and then he can have the rest.
You take two of the six and stack them on your plate before handing it back to Sans. Then you grab a couple of slices of bacon before sliding that over too. He eyes food and grabs the syrup, dousing his plate with it.
“Oh!” You exclaim, standing up. He lifts his gaze curiously as you dart back into the kitchen, grabbing the remaining chocolate chips. You set the bag in front of him. “For you!”
Sans smiles, pouring out a couple, “thanks hun.” He reaches across the table and gingerly arranges them in a small smiley on your pancakes.
You grin down at the happy looking face, “I hate to destroy such a cute gesture.”
“here lemme help,” Sans plucks one of the eyes off and eats it.
“Hey!” You protest playfully, reaching over to nab one of his chocolate chips. “There. We’re even.”
“‘spose we are,” He beams. “eat your food before it gets cold.”
You don’t have to be told twice. The two of you tuck into breakfast, a comfortable silence overtaking the room as you both enjoy the meal before you.
The constant rumble of thunder keeps you company as you finish up. Sans stands first, having finished his large plate of food, and grabs the serving dishes to take them to the sink. You stay behind, a bit slower at eating, and finish your food. Once done, you stand and bring your dirty dishes to the kitchen.
“you can just leave ‘em in the sink.’ He offers.
You nod, setting the dishes in the sink, then reach around to grab the washcloth. Gently, you nudge him to the side so you can wet the fabric down. You squeeze out any excess water and move back out of Sans’s way.
Quickly, you start the music back up and begin to wipe down the counters. A smooth voice comes out of the speakers as “Honeybee” by The Steam Powered Giraffes begins to play.
As you clean off the counters, removing any specks of flour and grease, you sing along. Behind you, Sans also begins to hum. You smile to yourself, enjoying the rasp of his deep baritone.
Everything is a peaceful, perfectly curated mix of noises that comforts you.
The sink shuts off and the clatter of dishes stops. Large arms squeeze your waist then spin you around to face them.
You look up at Sans, washcloth still in hand, and arch a brow. He removes the cloth from your grasp and replaces it with his hand, his smooth bony fingers enveloping yours.
His other hand stays at your waist and the two of you begin to sway. You get the hint and place your free hand on his chest, not quite tall enough to comfortably reach his shoulder.
Sans’s wide eye doesn’t leave you, and his usual expression melts into something akin to fondness.
“You didn’t have to smile at me, your grin’s the sweetest that I’ve ever seen. But you did. Yes, you did.” You sing softly as the two of you hold each other.
He brings your hand up to his teeth, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You practically become a puddle. Your head rests on his chest, cheek pressing firmly into his shirt. His smell envelops you. It’s chalky and tinged with blood, but you don’t mind.
The two of you had made peace with his gory past long ago. Survival isn’t pretty, but in the face of starvation one does what must be done. Now, all you can do is keep him full and offer comfort and affection when he has a difficult day.
“you didn’t have to offer your hand. ‘cause since i’ve kissed it, i’m at your command. but you did.”
The world around you seems to disappear, and you cling to him, savoring the rumble that reverberates through his soul when he sings.
“set me free, my honeybee.”
As the storm rages outside, you and Sans remain. You know that neither of your lives have been perfect. His, less so than most. But in this moment, you’re grateful for everything that brought you together. You’re grateful for burnt pancakes and stolen chocolate chips; for thunderstorms and way too early mornings. You’re grateful that you get to call Sans yours.
Hello goodbye, I’m rather crazy, and I never thought I was crazy.
But what do I know?
I let myself go.
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warblogs17282 · 4 months ago
The more I think about it, the more that I think that Blitz is gonna hit a mental rock-bottom in ghostfuckers.
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So, let's start off with the first clue: Millie being very consistently annoyed/angry in the scenes where we see her in ghostfuckers.
Why could this be? My theory is that it's because Millie is starting to suspect that there's something going on with Blitz, and she tries to figure out what this is exactly, but Blitz just keeps brushing her attempts to do so off, or just straight up won't tell her, leading to her slowly getting more and more frustrated at Blitz.
Another thing of note within the gif is that we see Millie shouting something, I can't read lips, but I'd wager that it's something along the lines of 'ENOUGH!', which could potentially play into what I mentioned in the last paragraph.
And it makes complete sense if Millie is the one to pick up on the fact that there's something going on with Blitz, considering she appears to be rather supportive/comforting to Blitz, with a major example of this being s2 e4, where Millie was the one to break the news to Blitz that Stolas got badly hurt. So it'd make sense to me if Millie is the one to see that Blitz is going through something, and wants to try and help him by making him feel better or something, but Blitz's tendency to push others away just ends up annoying and angering her.
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Clue 2: 'Blitz is coping with what happened in apology tour in a not so healthy way.'
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Assuming that this comment ends up being true, it tells us that Blitz is employing unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to cope with the events of Apology Tour, and we know that Apology Tour hit Blitz hard, just look at his face when he sees Stolas really enjoying himself with the BTB guy.
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So, what method could Blitz be using to cope? A common theory during the mission shorts is that Blitz is purposely overworking himself/throwing himself into work because of the events of Apology Tour, and I personally agree with it, at the moment, it's the one that makes the most sense to me.
Another theory of what this could be was drugs/alcohol because of Blitz's past and previous relationship with them, but that theory doesn't really hold much water to me, mainly because we've only seen Blitz drink in social settings throughout the show, after the events of s1 e7 we see Blitz on the couch asleep after binge eating ice cream, and because Blitz said "oh thank Satan." when Barbie Wire said that she wasn't back on the drug named H-8.
Clue 3: Blitz's literal mental breakdown.
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Blitz - "I destroy everything, I make everyone's lives worse!"
During the trailer, we see Blitz having what appears to be a literal mental breakdown, and I'd wager that this is the point where Blitz hits mental rock-bottom for two huge reasons.
1: Blitz's skull necklace that came from his mother that he normally always wears appears to be missing looking closely at this scene within the trailer.
2: A combo of all the other points I've listed in this post.
Truth be told I am not looking forward to seeing Blitz hit mental rock-bottom, but the only potential silver lining I can think of here is that it may make/force Blitz to actually be vulnerable in front of Millie and/or the others, which would allow them to actually be able to give Blitz some support, which it does look likely that Millie is trying to offer Blitz some support in that scene.
Plus, not to mention literally everything else that's gonna happen in ghostfuckers as well, like Blitz talking to his mother, and that hallucation with Millie, with "You always take from those around you, leaving them worse and more broken than you found them.", those are also 100% gonna fuck with Blitz's mental state a lot.
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waves-against-a-cliff · 1 year ago
Roommate!Ghost x you
I know I’m not the first person to think of this but now it’s stuck in my head. Definitely gonna be multi parted as my brain warms up in the microwave of fanfic ideas.
No content warnings but mdni
Being roommates with Ghost or Simon as you know him. Well, rent prices are just ridiculous and he had been on the roommate app you had downloaded. He didn’t talk much, that was the first thing you realized. Basic questions that were listed on your profile but you just got the feeling that he was just being thorough. He ran a background check and could feel something stirring within his gut. Such a cute thing lookin’ for slightly reasonable rent prices in this city. You were in university, he didn’t know what you majored in but he could easily squeeze that answer out of you later. Part time job at a local cafe and a perfectly clean record. Even better, you were fucking stunning, so of course he picked you. Why wouldn’t he?
Another thing you noticed about Simon is that he was gone, a lot. When you asked he just blandly answered “Military.” Before he got off the couch and made a beeline to his room. Fuck, he had to be a human heater, his spot was perfectly warm. Whenever he was deployed you tried to keep everything nice and tidy. It was easy to fall into a routine while he was gone, this roommate that felt more like a guest that appeared and stayed for a week or two before disappearing again. Sleep, eat, go to your classes, work, clean and study before bed. It was finals week and your final projects were piled up to the ceiling as you worked tirelessly at the table. You had worked through your fourth cup of coffee but it just wasn’t doing the trick as the words blurred together. Your heart stops, your blood runs cold as you hear the door open.
You shot out of the chair, it skidded across the floor with an awful noise and there in the doorway was a man in a skull balaclava. The scream that left you was blood curdling as you threw the nearest item to you at the man, which just so happened to be your textbook. “Ah fuck!” The man cursed as it hit his head and you blinked. Simon. You just attacked your roommate and if your blood hadn’t turned to ice before, it sure was now. “Bloody hell.” He muttered and shut the door behind him, “What’da do that for?” He asked as he ripped off his balaclava, some kind of paint around his maple brown eyes.
“You scared me.” You muttered before you repeated it again but stronger this time, “You scared me. Simon, what the hell? Why do you look like you’re about to rob a place?”
He barely contained his snort, strangled down the smile that threatened to break out on his lips. “What are you doing up so late?” You glared him, breezed past him with your shoulder barely clipping his jacket covered arm as you went to your textbook turned defense weapon. Without another word you gathered your stuff up and went to your room. Leaving Simon standing there in the living area with his balaclava in one hand, slightly dazed before he realized he left his duffel bag out in the hall. “Fuck.” He muttered, though he wasn’t sure if he was cursing leaving the duffel bag outside or you for making his gut twist and nearly making him snort.
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pakunod-a · 1 year ago
Silly Prom Night
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Prompt: It's prom night! What do these men do in the ballroom? 🤨
Pairing: Overblot boys x Reader
Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil (I) [here]
Vil, Idia, Malleus (II) [here]
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CW: Random stuff, not really fanfiction-ish, more like drabbles, some shorter than others lolololololololololol Reader is referred to as You and Yuu. Reader is described to wear a gown, other than that it's gender-neutral if you don't mind the fabric gap. Bad English because I'm not a native English speaker :( not proof-read, random as FUCK and characters might seem very ooc if they do I blame my not-so-American education
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Notes: entire work is based off of stuff that happened to me last night at prom, and i was thinking about various characters that would probably fit the profile of all the mishaps that happened to me last night lolololol
Work under the cut :)
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Riddle Rosehearts !
You were sitting at your table, waiting for the buffet service to end so you could take the dance floor.
Well, it's not like anyone's dancing with you.
To be fair, you were supposed to be partnered with a first-year, who got sick the night before, so he couldn't make it. Poor lad.
It was horribly long, it felt like a very, very long time.
It took around thirty minutes for the dance to start, and everybody's got a partner.
All, except for you.
What a bummer.
Wait, is that the housewarden of Heartslabyul, in the corner, without anyone asking him to dance?!
Let's go fix that. 🏃
You ask him if he wants to dance, and he simply says;
"Come on, it's a ball, you're supposed to dance. You're getting there whether you like it or not. This long ass dress won't stop me from dragging you on the dance floor."
You ended up having a half-hearted Riddle dance with you.
Honestly, the way he held you felt like he wasn't interested at all, let alone happy. It felt like he was disgusted by your presence.
Every time you'd look at him, he would have an unpleasant look on his face, and aim his gaze elsewhere.
After the dance is over, and everyone returns to their seats, and you get a notification from your phone on Magicam. It was Cater, tagging you in a post.
"So cute! I'm vouching for RiddeYuu next year. #RiddeYuu #YuuRid"
..huh. Attached to the post was a video, and a bunch of hashtags you swear you didn't care about. You clicked the video, thinking that it was some kind of impractical prank being played on you.
Oh boy.
Boy, were you wrong.
In the video, it was you and Riddle dancing together on the dance floor. Riddle was a mess, blushing and shying away from all the lights. He had a small smile, as he evaded your gaze whenever you looked at him. He seemed genuinely happy to dance with you.
Maybe he wasn't disgusted after all.
Maybe he really did love dancing with you.
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Leona Kingscholar !
You couldn't count the number of times this guy stepped on the hem of your train.
It's like your hair being pulled out of your skull, except it's your entire body being pulled back like a slingshot.
It wasn't the most fun experience.
Then, you had to pick a partner to dance with for the nth time this evening.
Your feet hurt already, how much more dancing?
Surprisingly, even though you had little to no interest in dancing, a certain sleepy lion approaches you with a scowl on his face.
"C'mon herbivore, chop chop. Vargas says I gotta dance for extra credit. You look like you could use it too."
This feels and sounds condescending.
He's pretty nice to dance with, doesn't step on the hem of your train anymore, nor does he step on your feet.
On the contrary, he scoops up the longer part of your train whenever you'd have a hard time walking somewhere.
Other times, he straight up carries you like you're a cat.
It's funny, really.
There was this one instance where you mentioned you wanted ice cream.
He set you down on his chair near his party's table, and disappeared. He actually came back with half-eaten ice cream
You love your sleepy lion, even if he seems a little TOO catty at times. :)
You eventually got too tired to dance, and just sat down. Leona napped on your shoulder.
How sickeningly cute.
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Azul Ashengrotto !
Where there is bank to be made, Azul Ashengrotto's the merchant's name.
Seriously, this guy's part of the catering group for the buffet.
Bro did NOT stop making deals at a school function. The grind never stops, respect for that.
You'll probably end up selling your kidney and a lung if you stayed there any longer.
Buuuuut, he does need a dancing partner.
So what say you, if he offered you a slice of mango graham cake and a cup of coconut jelly with a side of gelato in exchange for a dance?
Hell yeah. sorry to the readers that dont have a sweet tooth, have some roasted garlic and onions.
He wasn't too bad honestly, never stepped on your feet once.
You do remember having two gold bracelets on your hands.
He admired one for a quick moment, and it seemed to disappear.
Now, he wouldn't go around stealing stuff from anybody.
No no.
He found it on the floor, while you were too busy dancing.
You want it back?
"Three more dances. Then I'll give you your bracelet back. After all, what's a precious bracelet in exchange for a few dances, no?~"
"You're wasting my time, screw you."
You ended up dancing with him, ten times.
Not thrice.
Bro just exploited the jewelry glitch, and wore you out all night.
"Oh, poor Yuu, however will you get back home? If you promise to help out at Mostro Lounge, I'll have you home in a jiffy—"
You fell on the ground, snoring.
Oh. You're asleep now. That's convenient.
Don't worry, he'll carry you back home to Ramshackle, free of charge.
After all, dancing with him all night must've tired you out.
He'll just repay the favor.
Surely, that would be the more gentlemanly thing to do.
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Jamil Viper !
Would you believe me if I said this guy was in the corner, squinting his eyes as he looked for someone?
Oh. Dude must be looking for Kalim. Fortunately for him, he's over by the second-year's table, away from him.
Hold on.
Away from him???
But the Octotrio sits at that very table.
The Leech twins and Azul Ashengrotto himself?!
Hell no!
Jamil sprints half a mile across the ballroom in an attempt to sweep Kalim away.
"You shouldn't be sitting with them. They're not exactly the type of people you should be socializing for this type of event."
Not even a few seconds later, Kalim trips on a giant camera stand.
He face-planted into the ground, his nose bleeding from hitting the ground too hard. He still has that stupidly goofy smile on his face.
It honestly gives you cuteness aggression.
He had to be brought to the infirmary.
Poor Jamil, he really doesn't get a break.
It's not until he gets dragged to the dance floor, does he leave Kalim's side.
Let me tell you, once this guy relaxes, DAMN can he dance.
He could be blindfolded and spun around five times, and he'd STILL have the balance and elegance of a ballerina.
Work it girl, show those students who's boss.
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note: "which events were these inspired from?" oh wow i thought youd never ask let me give you a tour of my brain juice i used to write this real quick and indulge myself in an immersive storytelling 🤜💥🧱
For Riddle: when i got called up for my award, there was a boy who also won the same award in the male category. we were instructed to dance together, for the Royalty dance. i thought he was disgusted because i was holding him, so i felt uncomfortable dancing with him. in a video posted by my schoolmate, they tagged me in a video of him looking at the camera and smiling as he waved. he looked half pale and half pink.
For Leona: while dancing for the "waltz" part of the prom, i felt hungry and told my dancing partner i was hungry, but they wouldnt let me back into the buffet because my dress almost took up the entire line for the buffet, so i either had to ask someone to get it for me or have my homeroom teacher get it for me. he eventually sat me on a chair, and ran back with ice cream from the dessert bar. he did eat the whipped cream and cherries, so i made him go back and get another.
For Azul: this one student was working behind the counter at the buffet, and he was jokingly stealing his dance partner's earrings, necklace, and bracelets while she wasnt looking. he said it costs three waltzes for a singular piece of jewelry to be reclaimed, but if she danced to a budots remix, she'd get everything back. she waltzed for more than seven times until she collapsed onto a couch and snored for an hour straight. she did get her jewelry back, and she resumed dancing with our Azul-like classmate.
For Jamil: i saw someone slip and their friend was scolding them for not being careful. he sat down at the table full of people who dont like him, and he got an earful from his friend on why he shouldnt sit there. his friend reminded me of Jamil so much, i had to write him like that.
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