#but i forgot half of it and all the Lore is in notebooks across the country as well...
writingonthemoon · 2 years
I've literally watched Lockwood & Co five times since it's come out, I'm putting a pause on using Netflix today so I can finish my school work
It's just so good, guys please watch it
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Outline # -1 Abandoned Lore (Trinity)
I have learned my lesson, I will be writing these on Google docs and then copy-pasting onto Tumblr. While I am on GD, I figured I might as well open the docs I used to write the actual fic. Man, I went through a ton of hoops to get where I am. I will be using the most coherent ones for reference. 
I can literally track my thought process as I went through writing all the different versions and I still have no idea how tf I went from this to dropping a flaming papermache whale on Ra’s Al Ghul. And I will die mad about it. Which means more meticulous notes in the future I guess.
Also, I’d like to apologize for how long it took to get this out, I have no sense of time whatsoever and as always, there’s a lot more than expected. This was 7 pages long
Original Ramble Post 
Like most of my stories, the MC is an OCI - reincarnator brought into a fictional world they once watched. (Because I am obsessed with that trope.)
I now find the original name I had for her cringy and out-of-place given these are norse gods. So, from now on her name is Lokka, which is the female version of Loki
There’s a whole ass backstory about the transition of godly names and power I won’t go into. Just think Thor and female Thor kind of thing I guess. She’s basically seen as a spare Loki but it’s also a respected position.
Was tempted to name her Sigyn since Marvel doesn’t care about actual norse myth relations. No, Idc that there’s a canon Sigyn.
If you’re curious, the original name was Aradia. Yes, like the queen of witches.
MC is an asgardian, the daughter of the librarian in the royal palace and a blacksmith
She managed to get an apprenticeship under Loki and is occasionally taught by Frigga. She also learns under Eir when both her royal teachers are busy.
Lokka found her way into the central plane, probably having found it’s location from Loki’s notes and is unaware that it’s unstable.
So, Lokka is in the central plane, having the time of her life exploring new lands when she stumbles across a crying Marinette who is very lost 
Unlike Lokka, Marinette does not know where she is or what is going on. She literally just tripped into a portal and has no way home.
Lokka takes Marinette under her wing and promises to help her find a way home
Problem is, she doesn’t know which of the three universes Marinette is from.
Even if/when she finds out that the girl is from MLB-verse, she still wouldn’t know which one that is because she has no reference to which world is which. Only that Marinette is probably not from Asgard.
At this point, she is unaware she lived in Marvel, she just knows Asgard is Norse Mythology.
So they continue to wander the central plane, Marinette ends up picking up a card guardian for a pet, accidentally becoming a cardcaptor. 
Marinette has trouble pronouncing Lokka and Lokka gives Mari permission to call her Cosette (pre-reincarnation name)
Meanwhile, Ra’s sends Damian and Talia into the Central plane for combat experience and resource gathering.
Ra’s might be 700 years old, he might have access to the Central plane but he sure doesn’t know about magic or how it came to be or the current state of it. He might know something’s off because all the inhabitants have been increasingly on edge and the weather’s been stranger than usual but he didn’t deemed it important
Notably, he has never seen anyone other than those who he’d sent in himself in the central planes (CP, from now on bc I am getting tired of typing the entire thing out) so as far as he knows, the CP’s only entrance point is under his control.
Talia and Damian, who’s still going by Hafid, go hunting for resources and training
They separate for a bit for individual hunting/training time
Marinette and Cosette (Lokka) stumble across Damian’s camp
Misunderstandings occur, Damian fights them, more accurately he fights Cosette
Cosette tries to protect Marinette while also making sure not to harm her opponent
It was harder than she expected considering her opponent was a child
Asgardian training pulls through and she is able to do both
Damian’s tied up, Marinette is confused, and Cosette does not want to deal with this
Negotiation time
Marinette can’t speak Arabic, Damian doesn’t know french, and Cosette has all-speak
This means Cosette’s sitting there, having to repeat everything the kids say to each other for translation’s sake
also misunderstandings before the kids realize allspeak is a thing
Cosette is stuck with two kids who don’t like each other, one of which barely puts up with her so she does what most adults do when kids are too troublesome
Distract them: she does magic tricks with actual magic
Damian+Marinette are fascinated, Cosette accidentally gains two magic students 
even though she’s still learning herself and all she has for guidance right now are Loki’s and Frigga’s notes
So, the trio end up travelling together
Damian demands Marinette should at least be able to fight so they train her too
They also figure out that Marinette and Damian’s worlds are not the same.
Cosette drills some value of life, basic morals, and feminism into Damian’s head
Marinette and Damian (Hafid) have trouble pronouncing each other’s names
They chose nicknames for each other from Cosette’s bedtime stories
Marinette is obviously angel or Tenko
Damian is gets Kabane, the name of a half demon
Kabane later changes to Kasane, protective blade
Yes, Cosette was/is a weeb and yes, they still mispronounce names which defeats the whole purpose but at least they kids don’t notice now even if Cosette is cringing every time they
They run into another card guardian and this one goes to Damian.
Cosette does not pout about this, it would be very immature
One training montages, several fights, a couple language lessons, and an abandoned (and Cosette-raided) house later, Cosette gets to the part of Loki’s notes where she figures out that the CP is collapsing in on itself and uh-oh
She tells the kids the gist of it but they’re too smart, ask all the right questions, and end up figuring out the important parts of situation that she’s trying to keep from them
Cosette is both impressed and a little put out, mostly impressed because not only did they figure out extremely complex magic, they also mostly remained level headed.
Marinette wants to rescue the card guardians and for once Damian is backing her up so Coestte gives up the notion of returning home and they go collect the guardians.
Remember, DC and MLB universes are closing in on each other 
MCU is drifting away
If they don’t collect the guardians, Cosette would have the time to just drop them off at their world collection points and head back to hers
After collecting a couple guardians, they end up finding Talia and explain the situation to her.
Talia joins the gang, she may or may not be plotting a marriage
They raid a couple more houses, collect the 54 card guardians, and complete the power transfer ritual (replacing the Yue’s trial because the cards are the guardians)
The cards end up latching onto the three kids. 
Marinette gets the Mistress title, Damian gets Sun Guardian, and Cosette gets Moon guardian.
Originally Cosette was going to be the mistress and Marinette the Moon guardian but because of the way I’ve decided magic works in this world - explaining that will need a whole other post - if Marinette is the moon guardian and gets the Ladybug miraculous, she will - for lack of better word - get sick and possibly die... or not.
Y’know what, it made sense at the time. But now that I think about it, we’re going back to the original idea.
Cosette’s the Card Mistress, Marinette’s the Moon guardian and Damian’s the Sun guardian.
Spoiler alert: that is a plot point for tropes-verse.
The completion of the ritual breaks puts CP deteriorations in high acceleration
Damian and Talia get into their circle, Cosette and Marinette in the other
Damian doesn’t have any cards bc he doesn’t want his grandfather trying to get to them. He and Talia agreed Ra’s would only know about the CP’s destruction. He does, however, have a CP beast that they picked up.
CP beast: magical creature that was born of CP’s magical residue or smth
Damian’s looks like a Teddiursa (Teddy bear pokemon) it is not
They have a notebook from a raided house detailing CP’s deterioration for proof
Cosette goes with Marinette because she can’t make it back to her universe and in the event that Marinette’s also from Cosette’s universe, she won’t be alone
They separate with the promise of meeting again.
At this point, I have had several differing ideas
They all go into DC world because they aren’t sure of Marinette’s world
Child trio goes into MLB world and Talia tells Ra’s Damian died
Everyone goes into MLB and Ra’s finds out about the collapse when he tries going in himself and finds out he can’t and just assumes they died
Y’all, I’m starting to see why I can’t do one-shots…
One of the things I forgot to mention in the rambling post is that while Marvel-verse was pulling away, it also messed with the time regulation thing, a day in the Maribat-verse will
Time in CP was very messed up
Kind of assumed readers could piece it together but I figured might as well make it obvious and straight up say it
MLBU: Cosette and Marinette arrive safely 
Marinette is delivered home and Cosette has to figure something out
They find out Marinette has only been gone for a week
Marinette has some separation anxiety for about three days
Cosette slowly realizing this is an MLB universe and having a crisis
Cosette gets adopted by the Dupain-Chengs and starts working at the bakery
I have not figured out ages for Cosette
MLB goes like most Maribat fics pre-gotham because I’m lazy
Will likely be adjusted if I ever actually write this fic
Except Cosette steps in when things got too far and Paris has 3 heroes
Cosette is the known as the Sorciere or Lokka
Her uniform is just her asgardian armor
Good but misguided Adrien, Cosette probably adopts him too
Love square goes platonic and Cosette is glad this rom-com is over
Magic tutoring continues
Cosette is neutral with Fu and fascinated by the miraculous
You remember those ghost interactions? Those are filtering in
One of the first things to merge is the internet, because it doesn’t have a physical body and it’s just waves of information
News and discoveries between the world are being swapped
Given what I remember from DC and dimension travel, it wouldn’t be surprising if they figured out universes were merging.
The news about JL and Paris’s situation are causing all kinds of confusion
Cosette beings looking for information on Damian
As the physical world begins merging, there’s pockets of space where you can slip from one world into another; not quite portals but close
Eventually the trip to NY became a trip to Gotham because their plane slipped between planes (sorry, I saw the chance and I had to take it.) but yeah, that happened.
There’s quite a few details I’m forgetting
DCU: Damian and Talia arrive ok and report bare basics to Ra’s
It has also only been a week
Ra’s is displeased to find them back until they report the state of the CP
There’s the whole coup not long after and Damian is sent to Bruce
Damian is much more innocent looking when he’s bringing what appears to be a teddy bear with him
It’s name is Abd and it has grown wings by now. Actual name pending.
He gets teased about it, but under Cosette’s teachings, he has learned the virtue of patience, underestimation, and getting revenge with a side of entertainment
He does not try to kill Tim either
He also has to make the choice of bringing Abd with him as Damian or as Robin
He choses to make a side company for WE making toys based off creatures from the CP so Abd wouldn’t look too out of place
It takes two weeks for the bats to realize there’s something off about the Abd
They are convinced it’s haunted and Damian is very entertained
Abd only moves in daytime when no one - Damian excluded - can see it
Movement can expel magic that interferes with recording tech
Alfred is the first to figure it out and surprise, surprise, he has some magic books for Damian to learn from
It’s from the Wayne family library and they just assumed the language was lost to time. At least three are from Alfred’s own family.
Bat brothers spend the next 6 months trying to convince Damian his magical pet bear is a haunted doll.
Damian sort of getting along with Poison Ivy because his Sun magic is very compatible with plants and they love him
On an unrelated note, the plants seem to refuse to attack the new Robin
Damian randomly, unconsciously humming to songs Cosette and Marinette sang
Damian just vibing with the magic users of JL and Teen Titans
No one took him seriously at first but he pointed something out during a conference
“Robin, stand down and let the magic users handle this” - Green Lantern, probably
Constantine who actually knows what he’s talking about “No, no, let the boy talk.”
The plan was twice as efficient after Damian was through with it
Now Constantine’s trying to adopt Damian as an apprentice, he’s failing bc the bats are protective and possessive of what is theirs
Reminder that Damian brings Abd with him everywhere and he’s still getting teased about it from anyone who is not a bat (still convinced the thing is haunted)
The only thing the magic users have picked up about Abd is that he’s a magical construct which could mean a number of things but they brush it off as just a doll.
No one is prepared for the thing to come to life, multiply in size, and start spitting ice, sleep sand, and illusions. (Hiccups bubbles and can also turn into a cloud.)
They are also not prepared for the thing to quadruple in size and for Damian to ride it like a horse into battle. Reminder that Abd has wings and can fly.
Confusing talk about what’s going on in Paris and some other parts of the world
JL slowly figure out the universal merger that Damian already knows about
Damian is not impressed, it took him and Angel about 2 hours as 9 year olds
Somehow, Damian still has the ice prince image, less demon spawn though, that goes to Abd
Time moves on and one day, a plane from the other world arrives in Gotham
There’s a bit of confusion but it’s not exactly the first time something like this has happened at this point
WE steps up and offers jobs and a tour and all the usual Maribat plans (not just for the kids but all the other people on the plane)
Given the merger of the internet, MLB class and crew have some idea who the Waynes are and they accept. 
Estimated about 6 months for full merger so people from MLB world are kinda just stuck there until then
Lila literally cannot lie about knowing the Waynes personally but she sure can lie about other things.
Dick and Damian are sent in to monitor the group
The reunion is awkward given they can’t freely interact and are not supposed to know each other. 
While Dick is talking, there are just wide eyed staring between Marinette, Damian, and Cosette. With something a little extra between Marinette and Damian.
Cosette is torn between laughing and groaning at another rom-com trope coming in fast.
She ends up filming it bc blackmail is always good to have
Adrien is confused and quite frankly, he’s really just there to cover for them
The tour begins and about five minutes in, the trio breaks off and exchanges stories and names.
Cosette hears about Batman and has a dawning realization of what this world is, mentally nopes out, later digests that they are going into Maribat verse
Starts checking off Maribat tropes they’re coming across bc she might as well have fun with it
They continue to meet up
Batfam thinking Damian somehow managed to get two girlfriends
Damian choking on his breakfast when it is brought up
The girls are invited to dinner and Damian is just dying inside
Cosette blatantly hitting on all Damian’s brothers in the first 5 minutes
Damian screaming internally while Cosette cackles
Dick is awkward until he realizes it’s a joke, Jason plays along, Tim has an awkward bean crisis
Tim x Cosette? Maybe.
Cosette does that sit and repeat thing at least three times out of habit
Batfam gets full explanation about how they met and everything
I have played with the idea of Cosette getting fear gassed a couple times and Idk how it would go tbh.
That’s as far as I got with this version, so shenanigans ensue
Pretty sure they used the cards and magic throughout even if I didn’t mention it
Absolutely would be useful for being in two places at once
I later changed so the merger happens and then Paris’s heroes meet the Justice League
Damian immediately recognizing Cosette but not Marinette bc magic
still effective but weaker because of Damian’s magic type
He later recognizes Marinette later when she pulls off a move he taught her way back in CP
Nickname confusion for everyone else
Cosette vs Constantine on who gets to teach Damian magic
Damian goes to Paris. They beat Hawkmoth and then go to Gotham.
Also had a general idea of a plot with LoS that never got fleshed out past existing
If we’re going for the rebound version: Cosette reunites with Thor and Loki during the Avengers movie
Also, poor Heimdallr. He probably had a lot of headaches with the universe crash
Accelerated merger because of the convergence in the dark world.
I wanna go with 2012 Avengers towers shenanigans. + Loki and his sort-of but not really daughter
Cosette vs Antman, shrinking/growing, science vs magic.
And then there’s the whole Ironman vs Batman vs Arrow rich boy fight
Hammer x Luthor or Hammer vs Luthor?
Also, Cosette just staring at her home universe in betrayal and being insulted she didn’t think of it earlier because classic Nordic myths had Loki as Odin’s brother and not his son among other things but still
Fight against Thanos is a bit anti-climatic when you give a gremlin murder child magic and a sword that can through anything, including magical artifacts.
this baby boy can and will fight God and Cosette’s not really the kind to hold him back
If I actually wrote this, a lot of things would probably change because I’d actually have to put more thought into logistics and how things work
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Christmas with poly!Slenjack, Slendra, and Y/N’s kid from slenjack x single parent!reader (and Jasmine and Juliette if it’s not too much)? Love your writing btw!
I LOVE THIS ASK AND I AM SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO. I kind of fell out of doing requests and writing except for lore stuff so I apologise. I’m getting back on track now and I’m going to clear out my inbox and get to the requests that have been rotting away in here for so long. I’m sorry for all of this yall :( I just needed a break I guess. Edit: forgot to tag @queenofmandy bc she basically fleshed out the twins and made them developed characters and ik she’ll wanna see this HSDGDSJ
Anyway enjoy!
Your conventional christmas would be spent with family, surely. Dinner with your parents and exchanging gifts with your little boy, Sam. But this year is a little different. You took Sam to see his grandparents that morning. He seems very happy with his gift, and all the extra candy that's probably going to keep both of you on a sugar rush till January. Now though, it's afternoon, and you're headed for another place. Your boyfriends house. Not boyfriend's, boyfriends. Plural. 
"Y'know I don't know HOW Slender keeps managing to get the minivan through to the house," you murmur as you lead Sam through the forest. He giggles and you adjust the big plastic bag in your free hand. "You excited to see em sweetie?"
"Yeah!" He chirps. "Are Jasmine and Juliette gonna be there?"
You laugh a bit. "Sweetheart, it's christmas. They're not going anywhere."
"Juliette doesn't have a date?"
You snort. "For once, no." You chuckle a bit as you walk over the line of mushrooms and into the spacious front yard of the house. Typically, it'll be full of colour from the bushes and flowerbeds, and the large tree in the yard would be bearing lots of fruit, but now it's all covered in snow. You trudge through it, noticing a few snow angels in the ground as you pass, before reaching the front door. You knock a couple times before opening it. They always leave it unlocked for you. "C'mon sweetie." You call gently as you step inside.
You help Sam take off his coat, hat and scarf before doing the same with yourself. He's dressed in a brand new outfit you got him. Denim overalls and a rainbow striped shirt. It's probably obvious where he got that outfit idea from. In the other room up the hall you can hear laughter and yelling. You grab your bag again and walk up the hall, Sam following at your heels.
"Can ye reach luv?"
"Pff- yeh da, I can-"
"Or do ye need ta go higher?!"
"DA! PU' ME DOWN-" Juliette squeals as LJ stretches his arms, lifting her higher up into the air. She kicks her legs and laughs along with him.  You grin as you enter the living room. LJ is holding one of his twin daughters up to the gigantic christmas tree, cackling in amusement. Sam stares up in amazement. 
"Sammy!!" Jasmine, the second twin, squeals as she spots you. She dashes over and sweeps Sam up off the ground, holding him up. ‘’There ye are ye li’le bin lid!’’ she coos. You chuckle a bit. Jasmine adores Sam, and Sam adores Jasmine. She grins.
‘’Hi!’’ Sam chirps quietly. He kicks his legs and giggles at her.
Jasmine puts him down with a grunt. ‘’Ye’re ge’in big, ain’tcha?’’ she says with a wide smile. ‘’No’ g’nna be able ta pick ye up much longer.’’ Sam whines in response and she pats his head. ‘’Don’ worry, da can still lif’ ye up,’’ she looks over at Jasmine. ‘’Righ’ Jules?’’
LJ turns to look at you. His bright blue eyes widen in surprise as he spots you. He puts Juliette down and turns to you, grinning wide. He’s wearing a thick lavender sweater, rather than his usual monochrome outfit. ‘’y/n!’’ he chirps before rushing over to you. He hugs you tight and sweeps you up off the ground. You cry out in surprise and he leans up and pecks a kiss onto your lips. He giggles. ‘’I’s good ta see ya luv!’’
You laugh a bit. ‘’You too, sweetie.’’ you reply fondly before kissing him again. He blushes a soft pink and giggles some more.
“'Ow are ye, me dear?" He asks softly, looking up at you with big blue eyes. You smile gently at him.
"Good. Saw my parents. Sam is really happy," you glance over at your son and smile. He's excitedly talking with the twins, probably about the gifts he got earlier. You look back at LJ. "How about you, birthday boy?" 
He grins and giggles. "Pre'y good," he gently sets you down again and toys with the sleeves of his sweater. "Th' kiddos 'ave been 'avin' a grea' time." He glances at the girls. Juliette notices and pauses for a moment, giving a gap-toothed grin and waving before going back to playing with Sam.
The kitchen door suddenly swings open behind him. "Jasmine dear can you-" Slender leans out of the kitchen before suddenly noticing you. "Y/n!" He steps out into the living room, having seemingly forgotten about Jasmine. You smile softly as he walks over to you. He’s wearing a red apron with a fluffy white trim. He leans down and you peck a kiss onto where his mouth would be. He stands up again. ‘’You’re early.’’
His stern tone surprises you. ‘’I am?’’
‘’Yes! You said you’d be here by three, it’s half past two!’’ he glares at you and you laugh nervously.
‘’Oh. Oops.’’ you murmur. He stands up and sighs, moving quickly back to the kitchen.
‘’It’s fine, it’s fine- you’ll just have to wait a little for lunch.’’ he mutters. 
Sam’s head perks up, noticing Slender. He grins.‘’Slendy!’’ he squeaks. Slender stops for a moment and looks at him. A tendril reaches over and pats his head of messy curls. Sam giggles and Slender disappears into the kitchen again. 
‘’’E’s comple’ly run off ‘is fee’, th’ poor bugger…’’ Jack murmurs behind you. You glance at him and he shakes his head, sighing. ‘’Ev’ry year ‘e does this, worries abou’ makin’ th’ day perfec’...wish ‘e’d jus’ relax fer once, ye know?’’ he looks down at you and shrugs, as if to say there isn’t really much to be done about it. 
‘’y/n!’’ you turn around at the sound of your name being called. Standing in front of the kitchen door is Slendra, LJ and Slender’s third daughter. She’s short, but also taller than her older sisters. Her hair is fiery, turning from blonde to red at the tips, and she has small horns that curl toward her face. Her skin is a reddish-brown, with golden eyes and freckles across her face. She’s wearing a small red dress with a white collar and trim. She smiles at you, hands clasped together politely. ‘’Happy christmas!’’
You smile and step toward her. She runs over and hugs you. ‘’Happy christmas, sweetheart.’’ you murmur softly. She steps away and looks at the bag in your hand.
‘’Want me to take that?’’ she asks, polite as ever. You chuckle and pull it away.
‘’No, no. Those are the presents.’’ you wink at her. She looks surprised for a second before breaking into a grin. You can feel LJ’s eyes gazing intently at your back. He definitely heard that. You walk past Slendra and crouch down at the gigantic christmas tree. A bonus of having a big house with high ceilings. You take your gifts out, one by one, and set them under the tree. You glance up and see LJ is standing next to the tree, watching you intently. You giggle. ‘’You’ll get yours later, sweetie. Promise.’’ you chide. He smiles and laughs a bit before moving over to you. You let out a noise of surprise as he suddenly picks you up and carries you past the kids to the couch. You laugh a bit as he sets you down. 
‘’Ya want anyfink, luv?’’ he asks. You think for a moment.
‘’A drink would be nice.’’ you say before glancing at Sam. ‘’Sweetie, do you want anything?’’
He looks over his shoulder at you. ‘’Do you have batteries?’’ he asks. Jack arches a brow and looks at you.
‘’He got a car from his grandma. It needs batteries.’’ you murmur. He smiles in understanding and nods before reaching into his sleeve. 
‘’Sure, kiddo.’’ he pads over to him and pulls out a package of batteries. ‘’Le’ th’ girls pu’ ‘em in, okay? Don’ want’cha ge’in ‘urt.’’ 
Sam grins and nods, taking the batteries. ‘’Thanks Jackie!’’ he chirps before handing them off to Jasmine. Slendra walks past them as LJ disappears into the kitchen, sitting down beside you with a sigh. You tilt your head at her and smile. 
‘’I like the dress.’’ you say simply. She looks at you and smiles. ‘’You been working in the kitchen?’’ 
She nods. ‘’Yeah. Mum needs ‘elp, and th’ twins are lazy soooo…’’
‘’I ‘eard tha’!’’ Juliette calls, glaring at you both. The two of you laugh. You listen to Slendra talk about her morning so far. She got some notebooks, a new dress from her uncle and a couple stuffed toys. You listen to her ramble about the lunch she’s been helping Slender make. Apparently she’s supposed to get more gifts, later, after everyone’s eaten. Slender and LJ must be saving some for when you and Sam came over. Considerate, you wouldn’t expect anything less.
"Ere luv," LJ's voice makes you look up from your conversation. He's holding a glass of champagne in one hand. He smiles at you and holds it out. "Budge up, will ya?" He moves over and takes a seat on the couch, putting himself in between you and Slendra. Definitely on purpose, as he ruffles the girl's hair affectionately. 
"Pops! Be careful! If ye mess up me 'air mum will be mad!" She squeals, pouting. LJ laughs and looks at you.
"Kids, eh?"
You roll your eyes. "Tell me about it." You reply with a grin. You sip your champagne and look over at Sam and the twins. The car is up and running, and it's spinning around the floor in donuts. You smile a bit, watching Sam play with the twins (if by playing you mean listening to them talk his ears off).
The kitchen door swings open and you glance aside. Slender seems to smile. ‘’Lunch is ready, my dears.’’ he calls softly. You smile and get up. Jack takes your hand in his and tugs you into the kitchen. You can hear the twins behind you, still talking to Sam. He doesn’t seem to mind. He’s probably happy to be included in a conversation, especially with much older kids. The second you enter the kitchen you’re hit with the heavenly smell of fresh-baked pastry and roasting meat. You glance around, admiring the decorations before your eyes fall on the table. It’s practically a banquet, with plates of pastries, bowls of vegetables, a roasted ham and what you assume to be a casserole? You stare in wonder at the pigs-in-blankets before the sound of a cork popping makes you look up and over at Slender, who’s holding a bottle of wine. ‘’Do you want a drink, dears?’’
‘’I’ll ‘ave one!’’ Juliette calls with a grin as she sits down at the table. She ushers Sam to come over and sit between her and Jasmine. 
Slender shakes his head. ‘’I know you do, Juliette.’’ he murmurs. ‘’You too Jasmine?’’ he asks. The girl nods. He doesn’t even need to ask Jack, he already knows it’s a yes. He looks over at you as he walks over to the table. ‘’y/n? Wine?’’
You smile and nod as you sit down beside Jack, across from Juliette. ‘’Sure.’’ Sam watches Slender pour out the wine and glances at you.
‘’Can I have some too?’’ he asks innocently. Your eyes widen with surprise and Jack wheezes beside you. The twins both cock a brow, looking at him in bemusement. Slendra watches him from her own seat, seemingly impressed by his brave ask. 
‘’No, wine isn’t-’’
‘’Sure, sweetie,’’ you interrupt Slender, catching LJ’s eye and grinning slyly. ‘’One of the girls can give you a sip, can’t they?’’ you look over at Jasmine. Her eyes narrow at you for a moment, seemingly debating if she wants to go along with you or not. Eventually she gives in, holding her glass to Sam.
‘’Jasmine!’’ Slender practically shrieks, making LJ snicker. Slendra has to slap a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Sam takes the glass from Jasmine and takes a small sip. 
His nose scrunches up in disgust and he shakes his head. ‘’That’s icky!’’ he declares. Juliette wheezes beside him, leaning her hand on the table for support. You can’t help it- you start laughing too. LJ is the same, cackling with that infectious laugh that has Slendra giggling beside him. Slender folds his arms.
‘’You’re all ruining christmas.’’ he mutters before sighing. ‘’Slendra, Sam, do you want juice?’’
‘’Yes please.’’ they both chirp. The rest of you start eating, passing around plates and bowls. The food is delicious. The roast potatoes are cooked to a perfect crisp, the meat is juicy and flavorful and the casserole is apparently potato, cheese and chicken. The pastries too are perfect. Fluffy and crispy, filled with delicious vegetables and meat. This is supposed to be just lunch?
‘’I think I did the ham wrong.’’ Slender murmurs, breaking the silence. You didn’t even realise nobody was talking, you were all too busy eating. You glance at him in surprise. ‘’It’s a bit too sweet.’’
Jack rolls his eyes. ‘’Slen, ye did i’ grand. ‘Ones’ly, this is amazin’. This is good enough fer th’ bluddy queen.’’ he gives Slender a firm look and you nod in agreement.
‘’Yeah,’’ you pause to swallow the bite of casserole in your mouth. ‘’This is delicious, sweetheart. I don’t think I’ve ever had something this good! Definitely better than I can do, right Sam?’’ 
The boy nods. ‘’Yeah! You could never make something as good as Slendy’s cooking!’’ he chirps. Your smile drops.
‘’Gee, thanks.’’
The twins giggle on either side of him. You roll your eyes playfully and get back to eating. The food is amazing, as you expected, and the meal is fun. LJ and Slender’s family are always fun to be around. The twins poke fun at each other, LJ makes bad jokes and Slender always has a blunt comment to add that makes you and Slendra laugh in unison. By the time you’re finished eating, you’re stuffed, and dinner feels like an impossible task. Slender shoo’s everyone out of the kitchen, and LJ leads you by the hand to the living room and onto the couch. He pulls you onto his lap, nuzzling against your neck lovingly. He feels soft, like a giant pillow, which makes you giggle. Jasmine shoots you a dirty look, but it disappears when Slender walks into the room. 
‘’Are we ready for gifts?’’ he asks. Sam and LJ’s heads snap up, looking at him. You laugh a bit.
‘’Think so.’’ you reply. You wriggle out of LJ’s arms and move over to the tree, crouching down. ‘’You guys mind if I go first? I uh- put a lot of effort into my gifts and wanted to make them really special…’’ you look over your shoulder and smile a bit. LJ grins and Slender nods. You smile and sit back on your knees, pulling out two of the presents. ‘’Uhh...these are for Slendra and Juliette.’’ you turn around, holding out the gifts. The two girls walk over, taking their gifts. Juliette shakes hers, since her gift is bigger, while Slendra kneels down and carefully unwraps the paper on her gift. She gasps and holds it up.
‘’No way!’’ she grins at you. In her hands is a small box, with transparent plastic on the front, showing off the bow-tie inside. In the centre is a bright blue gem, and on either side, several peacock feathers. She grins and looks down at it. ‘’This is so fancy!’’
You chuckle. ‘’Yeah! I saw it and- well I remembered that time we went to the zoo.’’ you smile at her. She chuckles.
Juliette suddenly squeals and you turn to look at her. She’s grinning wide. ‘’Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!’’ she squeals, picking up the box. 
LJ tilts his head from the couch. ‘’Wo’ is i’, luv?’’ he asks, smiling in amusement. 
‘’A nail kit!’’ she squeaks. ‘’L-Like in th’ salons! ‘Cept I can do i’ a’ ‘ome now!’’ she grins, turning the box over to look at the information on the back. You chuckle.
‘’I remember coming over here and hearing you complain about how expensive getting your nails done is so…’’
She looks up at you and smiles in surprise. ‘’Ye were listenin’ t’ all’a’?’’ she asks, her voice soft and taken aback. You nod and tilt your head.
‘’Of course I was.’’ you reply. She looks down at the box again and smiles wider. She looks genuinely happy. You grab the other gifts and stand up. One large, flat triangle and an elegant black bag. You walk over to the couch and hold out the triangular gift to Jasmine. Jasmine has always been a little...wary of you. You don’t blame her. You’re dating her parents so it makes sense. She takes the gift, unwrapping it curiously. 
Her eyes widen and she gasps. It’s a large, heart-shaped eyeshadow palette. ‘’I’ve been savin’ up fer this!’’ she yelps. You catch LJ’s eye and he winks at you. Jasmine looks up at you and smiles, pressing the palette to her chest. ‘’...Thanks y/n. I luv i’.’’
‘’Ye be’er plan on sharin’ tha’!’’ Juliette calls. Jasmine purses her lips and narrows her eyes.
‘’...only if ye do me nails fer me.’’
You laugh and turn to LJ and Slender. You smile nervously and reach into the bag. ‘’I hope you guys don’t mind...I combined your gifts into one.’’ they both tilt their heads curiously as you pull out two small white boxes. You hand one to each of them. ‘’You guys are...really open about yourselves. I mean- the matching wedding rings, eheh- and I know I’ve only been dating you guys a couple months but...I wanted to get something that represents all three of us.’’
LJ opens his box and pulls out a small, gold necklace. He gasps. ‘’Oooh!’’ he grins, eyes sparkling excitedly. 
Slender is more delicate as he lifts up his own necklace, examining it. ‘’Oh- oh! Oh, dear you shouldn’t have…’’ you can tell he’s really happy. His head turns, looking at LJ. ‘’Dear do you- know what the symbol on it is…?’’
LJ looks up. ‘’Eh?’’ he looks down at the necklace. ‘’I’s er- well i’s a ‘eart, and one ‘f em uh- infini’y symbols!’’ he looks up, smiling, seemingly proud of himself for getting it right. You laugh a bit.
‘’I mean you’re half right,’’ you murmur. He looks at you as you tug out the gold chain around your neck, revealing that you yourself have a necklace to match them. ‘’It’s an infinity heart...it’s a symbol for polyamory. It represents us.’’ you explain softly. LJ looks at you in surprise, then smiles. 
‘’Awe...luv…’’ he grins and reaches over, pulling you onto his lap. You giggle and grab his necklace, fastening it on for him. He smiles proudly and pecks a kiss onto your forehead. You laugh again, blushing hard. Slender suddenly taps your shoulder, catching your attention. You look up at him.
He’s holding a small gift, wrapped in festive red paper. Curious, you take it and pull off the paper. Inside are two things. A picture frame, and a piece of paper. You flip over the picture and your face lights up. It’s a picture of yourself, Slender and LJ from one of your first dates. You smile. ‘’Awe...Slender…’’ you don’t even have to ask if it was his idea. This has his name written all over it. He pats your head, pleased that you like it. Your attention turns to the slip of paper. You grab it, flipping it over. Your eyes widen and you look up at Slender. ‘’A- a spa weekend…?’’
‘’Tha’ wuz my idea.’’ Jack says above you, sounding proud. You look up at him in surprise and he smiles. ‘’Ye work real ‘ard, y/n...fer Sam, fer me an’ Slen...ye deserve a break. Ta trea’ yerself.’’ he leans in close and kisses your cheek. His clawed hand runs through your hair.
‘’We can look after Sam while you take the weekend to yourself.’’ Slender adds. You look up at him, then back at LJ. You smile softly. ‘’We really care about you, my dear…’’
‘’Yeh!’’ LJ smiles at you gently and caresses your cheek. His expression softens. ‘’...ye are g’nna look after yerself, righ’ luv?’’ he asks. ‘’Cuz we care abou’ ye...a lo’.’’ he tilts his head, cupping your face in his hand. Slender’s hand rests on your shoulder, reminding you he’s there, and that he loves you. You smile gently and give a meagre nod.
‘’Yeah...I will. promise.’’
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alloveroliver · 5 years
QuickFics Event has concluded~
Thank you so much, everyone!
I am very proud of my one-year accomplishment!
I want to thank everyone individually that has participated, not only in the event but on my blog for the past year! I can’t do that personally, BUT I hope this post serves as a widespread THANK YOU!
You guys rock, and I’d be nothing but a silent writer without you XD. I love having a community to share things with and like-minded friends to make! I’ve met so many people that I cherish since I began this blog!
Thank you for every reblog on my fics! These mean the world!
I appreciate all the likes and comments! Having feedback on my work is something that helps me grow and change. Not only do I want to write things that make a difference, but I also want to make entertaining things!
Thank you to everyone that sends me personalized asks and sharing your positivity with me!
And a huge thank you to all my followers! This event was for yall, and I hope my appreciation came across with this event!.
I wanted to get kind of personal in my post so if that’s not your thing then don’t click “read more” lol and know that I adore you!
It’s funny. I don’t like commitment XD I think that’s why I got into otomes in the first place. It is. But, one of the things I have learned this past year is that there’s nothing wrong with committing. I used to be scared of what could happen. But life doesn’t care and will always be unpredictable no matter what you do. This has improved my friendships, my job, my family relationships, and that life lesson is the result of this blog lasting!
I never imagined I would stick to a hobby for so long tbh. One of my fav hobbies is language learning, and I usually stop after a few months and jump to another language. I ended up having the basic “Hello, how are you.” phrases in several languages and nothing past that. (Maybe some colors and curse words XD lol)
BUT then writing happened to me! (again?) Writing is something I secretly did as a child until my mother found one of my stories and showed my father and they laughed about it together :( It was a mermaid story, and it was about a mermaid girl meeting a human boy and becoming friends with them. But, somehow (with my 5th-grade knowledge of writing) the wording was so hilarious to my parents that it needed to be ridiculed. They made fun of spelling mistakes I made, typos and even the name of the boy I was writing about. (Wyatt, which I thought was a badass name. Calling him “What”) And I stopped writing, full stop. Unfortunately this wasn't the only instance of this. I didn’t want that kind of attention from my parents like that :(
In high school, I aced all my literature classes and always got complimented on my writing from good teachers. I started a notebook (because I knew if I started writing on my family’s shared computer, my mom could find my writing and ridicule the story again) and HAND WROTE a more mature version of the said mermaid story. It had lore, and it had love, loss, sacrifice, and an MC that I adored! I hand wrote enough to fill up two and a half one-subject notebooks. (How did my hands not fall off??? I probably wrote close to 45k words by hand out of fear that my work might be found out again...)
This had me spin-off with some other stories, and the spark seemed to be there. (All written in notebooks ofc) But life got in the way. I didn’t know any other writers, and I didn’t know where to go from where I was. In college, I took a creative writing class, but the teacher dropped the course, and I was defaulted to another English/writing class that was hella boring. It had a hand in making me hate writing all together for a while. It just didn’t seem like writing was something I was meant to do. So much was against me, so I quit. Again, thanks to my fear of committing to anything for long periods of time.
Fast forward to five years. I began reading a lot of books, unapologetically this time. I used to try to read what people didn’t make fun of, but when romance books were my fav thing I had to sneak them. Then I found fanfiction, and I was FLOORED. There were so many short stories, little universes, about my favorite otome/anime OTPs!!!
I have always been a dreamer. Daydreams ruled my life for as long as I can remember. There was always a side story playing in my head, ever-changing but always magical. It was amazing for me to see other peoples daydreams and fantastical stories written out and shared with the world! I appreciated them so much and wanted to hug each story and say, “Thank you for existing!” lol.
It took me a while, years, but I cracked open my computer (now only owned by me) and began typing away. It was terrible lol like super bad. I hadn’t been in school for a while, so I forgot all about “first person,” “second person,” “Third-person,” even basic grammar and editing. I spent a few months writing, and literally taking free online English grammar courses to relearn a bunch of stuff. xD
I still don’t know everything (obvs lol, like who does?), but I like where I am at, where I am going, and how I’m growing. 
Being able to write out my daydream was an absolute savage feeling. It made the story more real. The daydream was like smoke, and my written story was solidified matter, tangible. There was suddenly color, and scents, voices coming through, and lots and lots of emotions I didn’t know I’d feel. A community of people that I could share all this with as well, that didn’t ridicule me for my stories but instead lifted me up and encouraged me!
Now that I am writing again. I feel like I learned a whole new language, and I can express myself. It’s as if I couldn’t speak for so long and now I can sing.
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crsinclair · 6 years
Popular Fic Meme
I was tagged by the ever-lovely @gluethegrue ! Oh gosh I’m all a-flutter~
Rules: Create a list of five of your favourite fics you’ve written and have followers vote on the best one, then write a small dabble of the winner. Set your own time limit for voting and tag five other writers.
SO.  I forgot this was a thing, like.  Legitimately.  I meant to link the fics the next day but um.  Well I currently have a concussion so I can’t remember why I didn’t link the fics, but I didn’t and that’s on me.  Oops.  So, here’s try #2, in which I have PROPERLY linked the fics in question (and I changed one of the options, sorry :p).  I’ll leave the voting open again until Wednesday (3-20-2019), and concussion permitting I’ll post the winner and a related drabble!
Laughter (If It’s The Last Thing I Do) - An Erasermic fic where Hizashi is a dumb teenage boy who angrily tries to make the new kid laugh and falls in love along the way
Aizawa looked up, dark eyes just peering over the edge of his notebook. After a moment, he said, quiet and as bored as ever, “I didn't laugh because I didn't think it was funny.”
Tensei was rolling his eyes in the corner of Hizashi's vision, but oh no. He was too busy fuming. He jumped from where he was perched and marched over to the increasingly bewildered transfer student. Smacking the end of his pointer finger into the back of Aizawa's notebook, he bit out, “Just you watch, you bastard, I'll make you laugh if it's the last fucking thing I do!”
Hizashi is a young teenage boy that goes a very, very round-about way to get to know someone. It all works out in the end.
Just Another Day Next to You - Another Erasermic fic in which Hizashi has the Feels™ for one Aizawa Shouta and wants to confess.
Hizashi reached across the aisle to poke his friend in the arm. “Shoooouta, so mean! I thought you liked my cheery attitude and go-get-'em personality!”
“Mm. I guess we are friends, aren't we?” Shouta teased, not lifting his eyes from his notebook.
'I'd like to be a lot more than that,' Hizashi didn't say.
Another day in the life of a pining teenage boy.
No Extreme G-Force Required - A Shance fic in which Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane is really, really down on his luck. Until he literally runs into Lance McClain, that is.  The Sugar Daddy Lance Fic I didn’t know I needed until I wrote the damn thing.
“Seriously, I think I might’ve ruined your shoes. I can buy you a new pair, if you want?”
Shiro did drop his wallet at that.
“Wh-what? No, no, that’s - that’s fine, it’s fine - “ Though now that Shiro looked down at his own feet he could see that his shoes had definitely seen better days. “I’ll just, just throw them in the wash or something - “
Lance slapped a hand to his mouth in horror, face actually going a few shades pale. “NO! You can’t do that! That’s - no!” He shook his head, frantically tossed his empty cup into a nearby trash can, and grabbed Shiro by the wrist. “No, my dude, I can’t let you do that, nuh-uh, I am buying you a new pair of shoes right now!”
“What!? No! You don’t need to - sir!”
In which Shiro is down on his luck, runs into Lance (literally), and manages to snag himself a Sugar Daddy.
Say My Name - A Hogwarts!Erasermic AU that honestly I debated adding onto this list because it’s um.  Well, it’s smut.  :) But I love the AU a ton soooo - in which Hizashi gets a Siren Inheritance and Shouta doesn’t know how to fucking deal with it (WARNING: Not Safe For Work, is Explicit, please proceed with caution)
Shouta’s scowl started coming back. “It can’t be that bad,” he scoffed. He wasn’t happy about this. Hizashi looked miserable not being able to participate in a conversation. Especially one about himself. The blond lived and breathed to be able to chatter others’ heads off.
Nemuri gave Shouta a look. “I dunno, Shouta,” she drawled happily. “When he talked to me earlier, he sounded like sin. Such a pretty, pretty voice you’ve got now, huh, ‘Zashi?”
Hizashi looked like he wanted the Great Hall to swallow him whole.
Shouta? Scowled down at his breakfast and stabbed a sausage. Damnit, he hated it when Hizashi was quiet. And what he hated even more was that right now? Learning that his not-quite-boyfriend-but-definitely-more-than -friends had the voice of a Siren? He knew the lore. Even if Sirens were extinct, they were popular in mythology even in the non-magical world. He wanted nothing more than to hear Hizashi speak.
Preferably his name.
Daemon-Soulmate AU - Not an actual fic, but I’ve got a few little bits and bobs hanging around on this hellsite.  An Erasermic AU in which everyone has a daemon, not everyone has a soulmate.  Soulmates have the daemon that belongs to their soulmate and will only know who their soulmate is when they meet.  (Link is to the first bit on tumblr, more available by searching #daemon soulmate au)
So much pain.
The worst he’s ever felt. Like someone had just dropped a cinder block on his chest and then set it on fire. It hurts, so much, stop it, someone make it stop -
He gets pushed aside, stumbling for half a second before tripping out of bounds.
“Winner, Yamada Hizashi!”
Shouta can barely get his eyes to focus, but he forces himself to look around. The blonde kid he was fighting was kneeling next to a small blob of black, frantic and crying and Shouta can see two little orbs of grey peering at him from the black.
Tsuki. A daemon.
His daemon.
Shouta feels cold. His daemon. He finally meets his daemon, the one Sunshine was always telling him was out there, the one that was with his soulmate…
And he hurts it.
Remember to vote!  Send votes to my inbox, please, and I’ll be sure to remember this time!  *sets 7 alarms to remind myself to fucking check on wednesday* (I’m not tagging other people because in my last one I already did AND they’ve already made their posts.  So no need to be rude on my part.)
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Save Yourself
Tumblr media
MoC!Dean x Reader
Dean's POV, One shot.
Song fic inspired by "Save Yourself" by Kaleo.
Wordcount: 1837
Warnings: angst. Lots of it. 
This was beta'd by the lovely @jpadjackles. Sam hugs go out to her for her help. ;)
Tagging peeps at the bottom. And I'm still fairly new to tumblr, so any comments would be greatly appreciated.
If I'm being completely honest with myself, I should have seen this coming. Sure, I may not have known I was going to wind up with this damned Mark on my arm, but I knew from the moment we met that you were too good for me. Too innocent. Too pure. And not in predictable ways. Not like you hadn't seen your share of blood and darkness and evil.
No. You were no stranger to the things that would give most people nightmares. But you never lost sight of the good. In the world. In people. In the possibilities that lie around every corner. You're more like Sam in that way.
An image of the first time I saw you flashes through my mind. You, with your wide eyes and keen gaze, demon blood on your shirt and a bottle of holy water in one hand. You'd put up one hell of a fight before Sam and I had gotten there, and your hesitation to trust a couple of lanky, flannel-clad strangers had quickly given way to a friendship once the demon had been exorcised and the case was closed.
Friendship. I should have left it at that, but the palpable connection between the two of us was something I could only resist for so long. I'm just a man, afterall.
Once you moved into the bunker I just couldn't help myself. You were always looking up at me from under those dark lashes. Chewing on that bottom lip of yours while you read over lore books. And nobody should smell that good all of the damn time.
I should have resisted when I caught you stealing glances at me. Shouldn't have paid any attention to the way you matched your breathing to my own while you snuggled closer to me on movie nights. To the way my heart forgot how to play it cool, jumping and skipping at the simplest of touches.
Yes. I'd known way back then that this was all a bad idea. I was bad news for you. And that was before the Mark.
And yet, here you are sitting across from me, scribbling words on a lined piece of paper in your notebook while the shadows from the fire crackling nearby dance across your face. Even now I'm mesmerized by the way the light plays on your features, showcasing the slant of your nose, the angle of your jaw, the little V on your top lip.
I swallow hard, grateful you're too entranced in what you're writing to feel my stare. Lord knows I won't be able to explain what you'll find in my eyes if you look.
I hardly recognize myself these days, and the Mark of Cain tightens it's grip on me more and more with every passing hour.
You're determined to find a cure. You sound just like Sam when you talk about it. The two of you are hopelessly optimistic about a situation that is anything but. You study lore into all hours of the night, run through scenario after scenario with Sam, desperately searching for an answer. A way to save me. And goddammit if I don't love you more for it.
The problem is that it's become all too clear to me which one of us needs saving.
I watch you as you squint a little, trying to read what you've written in the light of the fire. I stare down at the notebook resting in my own lap. At the blank page there. You'll expect me to have written something down soon.
You glance up from your notebook long enough to see both our glasses are empty, and you hop right up to remedy the situation. You cross the threadbare rug with your bare feet to grab the half empty bottle of whiskey. You hum a little to yourself as you approach again, doing a little turn as if you're dancing to the song in your head before stopping to pour some of the amber liquid into my glass.
"Thank you."
The words are barely out of my mouth before you duck down and brush your lips against mine in a kiss that's soft and unhurried. I lean into it, to you, and I feel my heart thud a painful rhythm because just like me, it seems to know that one of these times is going to be the last time I feel your lips on mine.
When you pull back you give me just the smallest hint of a smile before filling your own glass, sitting and tucking one foot up under you as you go back to your notebook.
I don't know how you do it. How you manage to be so happy, so content, despite all the turmoil. Despite the heavy weight I've cast on your shoulders simply by loving you this past while.
It was your idea, this weekly act of writing down the things that scare us, or cause us pain, and crumbling up the pages to toss into the fire. I'd gone along with it at first mostly just because it seemed to make you happy.
Turns out it feels pretty good to watch secrets burn. Hell, it might even be one of the reasons the Mark hasn't completely poisoned every ounce of who I am yet.
But it won't work forever.
And I know you're the one real thing anchoring me to the memory of the man I want to be. The one I used to be. But that's all it is. A memory. I'm not that guy anymore. And the longer the Mark eats away at me, the more I understand that I'll never be that man again.
Every night it's the same thing. I'm torn between my desire to feel something, anything for just one more day, and knowing I should send you away. A better man would have cut all ties by now. And that's what you deserve.
Somewhere inside me I've got to find the strength to convince you I don't love you.
I'll have to break you. To destroy any ounce of hope you've been holding onto. Because that's the only way I see you ever walking out of my life.
It makes me sick just thinking about it. I've played out that soon-to-be fight in my head a hundred times if I've done it once. I can't imagine the words that will have to leave my mouth, the things I'll have to do to convince you to go.
I take a swallow from my whiskey glass and set the cup down, stealing one more glance at your face.
You let out a soft sigh and tear a page from your notebook, crumpling it up with a smirk of satisfaction. You toss it into the flames and watch it blacken and turn to ash. Then you look up at me expectantly as you reach for your glass and take a sip.
And so for the third week in a row I write down the words that break what's left of my blackening heart. The words I can't bear to say outloud just yet:
I'm losing myself. But I'll be damned if I'm taking you down with me. I loved you once, more than any one man should be able to love, but this darkness is consuming me. I don't know how to love anymore. And I'm done going through the motions. You have to go.
Go ... and forget all about me.
Find someone else who deserves to see that light in your eyes, who deserves to be the reason behind it. Someone who won't taint it with darkness, despair, violence.
So go, Darlin.
Save yourself.
The words I write are a combination of soul-bending truths and lies so horrific I'm not sure how I'll say them outloud to you when the time comes. But I'll say them if it's the last thing I do. Because as long as you keep looking at me like I'm a damn hero you won't be safe.
I tear the page out and crumple it with one hand, leaning forward and tossing it into the fire. The flames lick at the paper, consuming it in a manner I'm all too familiar with.
You make your way over to me, your hand going to the back of my neck as you lower yourself onto my lap, facing me.
"Hey handsome," you purr.
God, it's almost too much to handle. I avert my gaze, finding a new interest in the pattern on the rug. And I should just tell you now. Fast and hard like ripping off a bandaid. It's as good a time as any to break a heart.
Or two.
And Sam is nearby. He'll be right here to stop me if, God forbid, the act of pushing you away is all it takes to throw the flood gates open wide and this monster inside of me takes hold.
God, you'll be devastated. Even after everything that's happened, you won't see it coming.
You'll know why I'm doing it. You'll insist you can save me. That I'm still worth saving, even though I know differently. You'll look at me with those big, watery eyes, and I'll have a hard time not believing everything you say in the moment.
Because against your better judgement, you're in love with me.
And that's why I know I'll have to shatter that beautiful heart of yours into a thousand goddamn pieces to keep you safe.
Your hand cups my cheek, your thumb brushing along the stubble on my chin, and hell .... I don't know how I'm going to do it.
It won't be long now. The mark won't allow me to go through with it if I don't do it soon.
I meet your gaze, find the worry hidden there that you're doing a damned good job at concealing, for the most part.
I wet my lips with my tongue as your other hand lands on my chest.
"You're supposed to let it go, you know," you say softly. "That's the whole point of burning our secrets, so we don't have to hold them in."
I should do it. I should. But your lips are dangerously close to mine. So close your breath tickles my skin....
Not tonight.
Tonight I'm going to wrap my arms around you by this fire and hold you close against me. I'm going to mourn the loss of my old self. Of you. Of us.
I'm going to revel in the feel of your chest pressed against mine. The way you pace your breathing to match my own. Let my heart hammer out that unsteady rhythm like it's competing for the title of world's worst drummer.
Tonight I'll stare into those eyes, still wonder-filled and hopeful as you gaze up at me from under those dark lashes, and I'll know I was a better man for a time because of you.
And I'm too goddamn selfish to tell you just now, but you're better off without me.
Tagging peeps who asked to be added to my fics, or that liked my first fic and/or will hopefully help boost the signal. ;) Still fairly new to tumblr, so any signal boosting is greatly appreciated. 
@selina-kyle89 @littlegreenplasticsoldier @allinhishands @salvachester @deandoesthingstome @kayteeonline @torn-and-frayed @ariannnawinchester @demondeansdomme @kittenofdoomage @myfand0msandm0re @theamaranthine @aprofoundbondwithdean @oriona75 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @wheresthekillswitch @mrswhozeewhatsis @meeshw777 @butiaintgonnaloveem @arryn-nyx @angelofwinchester17 @deanscherrypie @blacktithe7 @dancewithmejensen @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
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