#but i feel like i get burnt out and overwhelmed from working easily so i’m scared it’ll be worse if i work 4 days
forthesummer · 1 year
i asked to work 4 days when the most i ever worked has been 3 i hope it doesn’t feel too overwhelming for me
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amethiist143 · 15 days
School is very depressing :(
It would be really cool if mental health was taken more seriously by schools and stuff. I think that school weeks should be four days at most and I feel like the day should incorporate more physical activity or something like wellness walks because sitting for around six hours a day with little to no movement kills my back (possibly because I have scoliosis) and my mental health. They also expect us to take home tons of homework that is CRUCIAL to getting a passing grade which I find ridiculous. Imo, they should teach us the bare minimum to pass IN class and make homework optional. I would understand giving additional homework that is important to your grade if it was a college/university class because you are learning something that you are interested and passionate about that will end up guiding you into a career but piling on homework on students that don’t even have a choice in whether they take the class or not makes me so frustrated. I’m literally only two days into school and I have six unfinished homework assignments from various classes (mostly math) because I’m too burnt out by the end of the school day to plough through more work. It hurts, man. I used to be a straight A student but now that feels completely unattainable. School is also just so overwhelming, I had to go home half way through the day yesterday cause I have a lovely little anxiety attack 🫶 anyways,. I despise ranting online but I feel like this is such a common thing students go through that seems like it could be fixed super easily if the education system wasn’t so broken already. Ima eep, goodnight to anyone who read this and take care of yourself <3
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springnote · 2 years
Bath Sex Headcanons
includes: Reigen Arataka
warnings: nsfw minors dni, gn!reader with unspecified genitalia, penetrative sex, slight exhibitionism, fluff
(I’ve got Reigen brain rot but I’m too tired to write a fic so this happened)
• One thing that Reigen loves after a long day of work is to step under the warm stream of water in his shower and let the stress roll off and relax. Of course once you enter his life, he wants to include you, but his shower is really small and the neighbors have complained about you both using all the hot water. Luckily he’s resourceful.
• He finds a beautiful, natural hot spring outside of town, and after convincing people that he and you have to “exorcise” the spring and can’t be disturbed, you get it all to yourselves.
• It starts off fairly innocent. The warm water is good for aching muscles and relaxation, but considering you both hopped in naked and you end up leaning against him, he gets hard. His face is burnt red as he babbles about something to distract you, but luckily you’re feeling a little excited too.
• Is it partially because the bubbling water conceals his body a bit and he’s always been a bit self conscious of his physique? Yes. But the warm, cozy atmosphere helps, and he loves you so much he can’t help using the extra wetness to his advantage, slipping a finger in easily.
• He ends up fucking you there, the warm water keeping his muscles relaxed and his face heated red. “It’s almost as hot as you.” He jokes, melting when you snicker at his antics.
• After that he wants to do it again, but the hot spring idea probably won’t work again, and he doesn’t have a bath in his apartment, so he starts planning something special.
• One day you’re suddenly led off by your boyfriend as he takes you to a hotel where a special spa suite waits for you. You can’t stop hugging him when he says he’s been saving up to take you there, a sheepish grin on his face as he fidgets.
• The bath is large and soon filled with sweet smelling soap as you recline in the warmth against his chest, letting him run his hands down your chest and arms before he kneads gently at your muscles.
• When you turn around to massage his scalp gently with shampoo, he whimpers at the way your touch makes him shiver, his cock stirring as your chests press together and you place kisses on his neck.
• “C’mere,” he groans as you start getting handsy with each other, teasing your entrance before he lowers you on his length to ride him. “Nice and slow baby, that’s perfect- ohh just like that baby-”
• You move carefully so the water doesn’t splash onto the floor, but Reigen bucks up into you everytime you still to check that the floor is dry. Your hands move to grab his hair again, pulling the wet strands and scratching his scalp as he groans against your neck.
• When you both finally cum, he empties the bath and wraps you in a fluffy towel before carrying you to the bed. You giggle a little when he tries to dry his hair, it sticking up in different spots in an unruly mess. The giggling stops when he comes back to crawl over you on the bed, a proud smirk on his face at how your naked body shivers.
• He goes for another round without even worrying about how he looks, his heart full of love for you and his body light from the bath and afterglow. You end up having slow, gentle sex on the bed, the pace almost agonizing, but the exchanged touches and loving words making you feel like you’re on cloud nine.
• “Love you.” He says with a slight hiccup from trying to stop a sob, all his overwhelming love and desire for you coming to a head. You cum soon after, and as soon as you moan out a “I love you too” he cums.
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tera-91 · 4 months
Ranting and its only the beginning of June
The last while has been … interesting.
I haven’t heard anything from the manager so I am still in the dark if I still have a job. I feel like people are second guessing my choice to quit my job. Even if they think it was the “right” choice I keep getting asked questions. Like do you have anything lined up? Do you have another job? What are you going to do? And a bunch of other similar questions.
I cant tell if these questions are infuriating or just plain exhausting. Quiet honestly, I haven’t even applied to another job. Ive looked but haven’t applied. Its not because I think I might still have one, I think Im just decompressing.
Like I was burnt out.
Or maybe I was just overwhelmed.
I feel like I’m getting more motivated. Getting more inspiration.
I may not have finished them all but in the last almost month since I informed those that needed to know that I did not want to work there any longer I have started at least 8 stories. Im not sure that I started 8 stories in the last 6 months, maybe year.
What you just read was from several days ago. At this point I don’t even know how many days ago.
Most of the days seem to pass without getting much done as far as “physical” things so it is a little difficult to keep track.
I heard from that manager.
Spent easily 4 to 5 times longer on the phone than needed just to be told there are better options than me. Basically due to my physical limitations (I am not legally disabled) and my personal obligations I said before day one I couldn’t work past a certain time during certain days of the week.
So I told the higher up manager what this one said. Mostly because I have work with this manager for a long time, so I was just giving a curtesy heads up. This manager really has no say as far as that managers people so I wasn’t really expecting anything, not wanting anything. Plus at this point I had applied to a handful of jobs and put this manager as a point of reference.
No way will I ever use that manager as a reference. He is just enough of a vindictive individual that I don’t trust giving that information to perspective hiring people to speak to.
Well this manager said for me to come in. Maybe I could do something under a different manager. While not as many hours. It would just be something to keep me from fully being out. At least until this manager thinks things can be patched with that manager.
I am not hopeful.
Honestly, I don’t want to patch anything up.
I worked one shift already and know that I cant stick around.
At least not doing that.
If this manager ends up talking to that manager and that manager calls me saying things can get sorted. I honestly don’t know if I would.
The clock has been reset.
I will have some income from that shift anyway.
I have a little time before the next shift to keep me in the system.
I know what I want to do but not how to do it. I feel like I would be letting this manager down. Feel like I will be breaking a bridge. Not completely severing it. Just leaving it broken. Not quite safe to travel back across.
Im sure if that manager ended up leaving and this manager was still around, although rumor is they wont for much longer, this manager would bring me back. Little to no questions asked.
My friends have told me to do what feels right. Taking a break would be ok.
I believe them. I just havnt been able to push myself over that hurdle.
I don’t know what is stopping me.
Maybe a fear of rejection from another job opportunity I have in mind. Maybe a fear of failure when it comes to my book.
I still haven’t touched it.
I seem to be stuck in a loop.
Get up, take care of my furballs. Try to get some stuff done around the house or run errands but end up just binge watching shows that I need to catch up on. Then I feel this urge to be productive. When I feel like it would be safe to tackle things. By then though its late afternoon which is usually when I feel drained.
Then I wonder why did I not try to be productive earlier. When I didn’t feel as drained. Even though I know at that time I was lacking motivation. With one pup still recovering from surgery I didn’t feel safe leaving the room. Later afternoon is when they are also drained and sleeping.
Even when I do get the urge to do something and have the mental and physical capacity to do something. I procrastinate.
Before I sat down to write this I spent the better part of 30 minutes cleaning up a small area in my room. Then I checked to see if there were any more jobs to apply to and got a snack.
Really, I shouldn’t be writing this. But I haven’t done an update in I’m not sure how long.
Other than feeling like I could go take a nap my brain is telling me that I should be doing one of a handful of other things.
One thing I know cant take me long. Maybe 20 minutes. But no longer than 30.
Part of me feels like it is too loud. Or Im just too tired.
The next day is kind of better.
As of writing this I havnt done that thing yet but I probably will here soon.
Im still kind of tired but I feel like I cant start it until I give the pups their meds.
Finally heard back from the vet.
Not a lot of conclusive results for my big pup. Not sure why the heart did what it did but its responding to the meds. Just needs to have more frequent visits to make sure it stays that way and needs to lose some weight.
Which we have been trying and for the most part were successful. 2 pounds in 9 weeks. But then my little pup needed surgery and is not allowed to do a lot of stuff. So instead of walking several miles a week we might get just one in. I have a buggy that luckily the little one won’t jump out of and just sits as we stroll around. Its so hot that we can only go first thing which is not always an option.
I am going to get to work on some things now. Now that it is June im sure the weather is in full swing for most of everyone. Stay safe and please stay hydrated!
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aisha-ot · 11 months
Hi guys, how’s everyone doing ?
It’s getting to that time of year where everything starts feeling like it’s going too fast and we’re all just aching for a second of work free, stress free peace. If you’re feeling like this right now, you aren’t alone, I’m right with you. Let’s get into todays blog though and see if we can all feel a little lighter. Use this as your few minutes of freedom before you need to get back to reality.
This weeks blog is going to be quite a personal one. We’re going to be talking about a problem that every single person faces all over the world. Mental health. But specifically, mental health problems faced by the youth due to academic stress. And yes, I will be speaking from personal experience because I am not that old guys I’m still part of the youth of South Africa even though I have the back problems of a 72 year old 🥲 I know there’s a huge number of factors that have an effect on mental health of the youth but I want to talk about this specific topic because I can give you first hand personal experience that can put this topic into perspective and help you understand it better.
Our youth in South Africa represent the future. We have a history of so much pain and suffering and our youth are here as the future generation to help solve some of this suffering be a shining light for us to lead us to a better South Africa. But, this light of the youth can easily dim. This is due to the number of mental health issues that our youth face which impact their well being and create a shadow over their light. In todays blog, we’re unpacking how mental health issues arise due to academic stress and how it affects the productivity and functioning of the youth of today.
The weight that academic pressure has on the youth in South Africa is intense. We’re all caught in a whirlwind of academic expectations and face the pressure of succeeding in a competitive education system which takes an incredibly tough toll on our mental health leading to a number of issues such as anxiety, depression and burnout.
Burnout. Please picture me standing on a chair and screaming this.
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I feel this is the only way to get you guys to understand my passion behind this word. Burnout. I am burnt out. This is going to get a bit personal but I really hope sharing my experience with you will make you feel less alone. I really want this to be more of a personal rant so I’m attaching a link below for you guys to read up about academic burnout. It’s a lovely article that’s doesn’t use a whole lot of fancy words so it’s easy to read and you can give your brain a bit of a break.
As I mentioned in the beginning, it’s coming to that time of the year when everything is starting to feel like it’s too much to handle. Stress levels are off the radar and the work is just piling up and I can confidently say that I am reaching the brim of my sanity. This feeling is not something I want everyone to relate to but I know that a lot of you reading this will because it’s the reality of academics. And I hate this feeling because i can see and feel it affecting my work ethic. As we all know I’m working at an old age home for my psych placement this semester. And it is crucial to always keep your mood up and happy when dealing with the elderly in an old age home because majority of them experience symptoms of institutionalization meaning they have depressive symptoms, low mood, a monotonous routine etc. Here’s a quick read if you aren’t completely aware of what institutionalization is.
Us, being the occupational therapists need to use fun and meaningful activities to stimulate them and keep them active and elevate their mood. But it is so difficult to do all that when you personally feel drained. I do think that I have mastered the skill of covering up my personal emotions when it comes to dealing with my clients and I can put on a good face and carry out my treatments effectively. But once that session is over I feel the weight of campus crashing back down on me. A good example of this is actually over the past week. I’d say I am usually in a decent mood when I get to work in the morning, I’m making conversation, greeting everyone and starting off my day with getting my life in order. But looking back at this past week, I went to work extremely tired and not in the best of moods just ready to get the day over and done with. And that is not how I like to work. In fact, the activity I had planned for this week needed me to be energetic and active and in a positive mood but to be completely honest I was dreading having to do all of that when the only thing that was on my mind was the long list of deadlines, due dates and exam dates in my head that kept replaying over and over.
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That is a visual representation of me this week. Thankfully I’ve mastered adapting my mood to the situation and the session was a success but I don’t think it’s fair that us students have to go through this in order to succeed and see good results.
South Africa needs the younger generation to bring new and innovative ideas and perspectives to the table. We need to drive the progress in a number of different sectors in this country such as the business, health care and technology sectors. We are the new generation that are going to contribute to the economic growth of the country by finishing our education, graduating and getting employed and increasing productivity. We have the energy and passion to advocate for a number of positive social changes in society such as equal rights and social justice. We are the generation that will carry our rich heritage and cultural traditions to the next generations. In essence, the youth of South Africa are the backbone on our nations future.
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But how are we meant to find the motivation to do all of this when our brains feel like they’re going to explode just trying to reach the first goal of graduating. Of course we need to invest in the education of our youth and work on pricing equal opportunities to all in order to establish a foundation of strong and independent youth. But the moral of this whole story is that we also need to invest in the mental health of our students. Yes there are certain things that need to be done by a certain date in order to reach the next level of education. But why don’t we try and work on our organization skills so that they don’t have to worry about the stress and panic of logistic issues that may prevent them from getting to campus on time. Why don’t we invest more time and money in providing easily accessible mental health resources to students that are struggling to keep up with the work load. Why won’t we invest time and money on working on developing a more inclusive education system that focuses on the mental and emotional needs of the students.
I know that academics have always been this pool of pressure and stress and everyone always just brushes it off, sucks it up and says that this is the norm. But I seriously think we need to start thinking of a new approach to this. I’m not saying the work needs to change, I’m saying we need to try and change the system to adapt and better deal with the mental and emotional capacity of the students. Because there’s no point in having millions of students studying to finish a degree and get a job but they end up hating their degree and job by the end of it and don’t pursue a career because of the mental trauma it’s caused them. That is how we lose the youth of South Africa and that is how we destroy the hope for a positive future.
That’s my rant for today guys, I hope this give us all something to think about. And I hope my experience of burn out shows you that you’re not alone. It’s ok to feel like this. But it’s not ok to always feel like this. If you’ve been feeling this way for a long period of time now and you feel like there’s no end in sight, I highly recommend you try and reach out to your support system. Whether it be your family, friends or a therapist. Let it all out and show your emotions. Don’t hold it all in because I guarantee you it will come out at some point and it’s not going to be pretty. Let it out in a healthy way now and let’s work on moving forward and getting our lives in order. I’m here if you need anything.
Thank you for being here and for listening to my stories. I really appreciate you. And I Joel I see you again next time and that we’re all healed and full of life an energy. Keep well.
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
hiii! can I get a similar scenario like this but with vice dorm leaders and floyd? I love your works!!! I hope you have a nice week <3
Vice Dorm Leaders + Floyd + Valentine's Jealousy
Thank you for this request! It was a while to post this because I kinda forgot the prompt for the previous one, but I hope you enjoy some equally jealous Vice Dorm Leaders and Floyd!
Lilia Vanrouge
Many knew that you were quite famous, and he was well aware of how others saw you too. You weren't one to accept the presents because you had Lilia, but it was hard to reject them most of the time when they'd all gang up on you.
From the day started, you planned out the day. You planned to take an alternate route back to the dorms, but through every step, some student would stop you with a present. With so many eyes on you, it was overwhelming.
A couple of Savanaclaw boys stopped you in your tracks, with the supposed leader of the pack holding a box of chocolates towards you.
"YN! Please accept my gift!"
The sudden approach made you trip and fall on your butt, but before a hand could reach out to help you, the wall of students collapsed. You smelled smoke, supposedly from something burning, but as you looked over it more, it was the students that were burning…
Lilia stood over them, sneering at the other students that looked on. He gave a deep bow, and you noticed that one of his heels dug into the side of the one who wanted to give you a gift.
"Ara ara... as Vice Dorm Leader, there shouldn't be any fleas disturbing the peace."
The bodies of those students were well stepped and pranced over as Lilia prattled on about 'appropriate' rules for a NRC student. His lecture was done, but you found it odd that Lilia cared about the rules at all...
"Now that you get my point, leave."
All students, burnt and normal, scattered when Lilia said that. You were the only one left, and you began to get anxious once more. Surely... Surely your lover wouldn’t punish you too?
As your boyfriend stepped closer, he got on one knee, somehow conjuring a bouquet of flowers? On further inspection, the flower buds appeared to be your favourite snacks on sticks in... a bouquet. Lilia had his mysterious ways, but the silly bouquet got a giggle out of you.
He got up, pulling you by the waist. "I take it as you love your snack bouquet~" He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "Happy Valentine's Day YN."
Trey Clover
Trey didn't want you to know that you were well-known so instead of doing anything to the other students, he tells you to stay in your room instead as you wait for him to pick you up for a romantic Valentine's date.
As the morning of Valentine started, he could watch in envy at the other students with present clearly meant for you. He did ask Vil for a favour to doll you up for the date, but he wasn't sure if you were going to stay put with Grim around...
He had to curse himself for getting caught up in one of Professor Crewel's ramblings, but he wouldn't be so rude to get up and leave. If he had to be honest, it was very tempting to do so.
It was finally over, and he tried not to let out a sigh of relief. The moment he walked out of the classroom, he was already frowning at the sight that he saw.
Many surrounded you, but particularly those with sweet treats caught your attention the most. They begged you to try their treats, but you never thought it as anything romantic. As someone who was fond of making sweet treats like Trey, you thought that they were asking for your input instead.
One of the students dared to hand-feed you a piece of the sweet he made. Trey being pissed off was an understatement. Cater, who was busy filming the decorations and vlogging, paused when his camera neared Trey's line of view.
Trey knew he wasn't going to get to you in time, so as he saw the treat inch closer to your mouth, he used his magic to alter the flavour of it. You winced at the bitter flavour unlike the sweet flavour before you expected.
You coughed out the piece you had in your mouth, dropping the food. Your head bumped against someone, and an arm wrapped around you. You relaxed once you felt Trey's familiar scent, but with your ear pressed against his chest, the sound of his thumping heart rang through your ears.
"You really dared to poison YN..."
The students backed away, but with a teacher nearby, they were quickly taken away. Trey didn't mind his little lie, after all, you were adorably blushing in his arms.
"Are you okay my love?" He patted your head, checking you for any injuries. It was only then he realised that you were dolled up, and your cheeks were flushed whenever hi fingers touched your skin.
Trey wasn't usually tongue-tied, but the way you just looked made him speechless.
"H-Happy Valentine's... my gorgeous YN."
Jamil Viper
He was an observant man, so the day before Valentine's he knew who was targeting to give you gifts, even if they hadn't made their intentions public. He never made your relationship public, but he targeted those who thought they were the 'perfect' candidate for your love.
It all began with spreading rumours, particularly about how someone was going to be your fiancé. He only had to wait for the rumours to settle in, and then the chaos would commence...
By the morning of Valentine's, many had gathered at your doorstep leaving gifts but some insisted on waiting for you... like a stalker... Oh well, Jamil could remedy that easily.
He couldn't hypnotise to most due to the limitations of his magic, but he was still good at manipulating those around him. He couldn't help but feel such jealousy towards the other students for getting you such expensive gifts, especially when he could never get those gifts for you himself.
He was so distracted with his jealous thoughts that he missed the moment that you walked out of your room. You were hopeful that your boyfriend Jamil was waiting, but you couldn't hide your disappointment when it wasn't.
The more aggressive 'suitors' caught on to your disappointment, and you shrunk in fear as they approached you.
"Hoi, why are you making that fa-"
Before any insulting things were said, a basketball went flying and hit the student in the head, knocking him flat.
"Get away from her."
Jamil's piercing gaze sent a shiver down everyone's spine, causing them to scram. Even those who had the strength to beat Jamil were outmatched by the sheer bloodlust and the objective authority he had, which was better not to mess with if they valued their school life.
It wasn't long before you jumped into Jamil's arms, which caused both of you to topple over. Your large grin was fitting for Jamil's flustered state, as you bestowed your hero a loving kiss.
Jade Leech
If any student in NRC were to say to their fellow friends that they wanted to confess to YN on Valentine's Day, their friends would ask them if they wanted a death wish. This was because it was a well-known fact that you were dating Jade Leech.
And in NRC, you'd never want to mess with the Leech brothers.
Jade wouldn't want to scare you, but he may have overheard some other people talking about giving you a Valentine's gift. Even if it was out of obligation, he wouldn't allow that.
He could personally alter the ingredients of their drinks so that they'd... fall asleep before any present giving...
You always hung around the Lounge but this time around, Jade didn't allow you to walk out onto the floor, so you accompanied Azul with helping him with his papers. He waited for the serum to kick in, and when they were asleep he informed Azul of some loiterers in the Lounge.
Before they fell asleep, Jade couldn't help himself from revealing his tiny plan to the victims.
"Don't try your chances."
They were quickly disposed of, thanks to Floyd. It'd be better not to mention specifics.
Jade did promise you a romantic date, so you were surprised how much the Lounge changed after hours. The simple candlelight shone on the extravagant meal with Jade's specially brewed tea.
You felt the merman's arms wrap around you, as he leaned down, whispering in your ear. "YN, thank you for being my Valentine."
Floyd Leech
Whoever had the idea to confess to you besides Floyd Leech was asking to die by getting squeezed by a merman.
He wasn't sure how did you gain so much attention, but then he remembered that he'd always glomp you whenever he saw you... and then he remembered that Valentine's was today. Oh well, he'll figure something out.
The person Floyd had his eyes on though, was a student who was part of a band that Azul drove into debt. The entire band then on went to work for the Lounge as entertainters, but how could Floyd trust such a scheming bass player?
He heard from Jade that they were going to practice, but he had an inkling that it would be a confession to you. Only when it comes to you, he's observant.
"Hey YN! I just wanna show you-"
You shrugged off the bassist's enthusiasm. "Sorry... I'm a bit worn out. A lot of people have been giving me presents today."
He still took your hand. "Well... um if it helps you relax, I wrote a song for you!"
"A song?" You inched away since he was too close for comfort, but you'd doubt he'd listen to you since those other students didn't listen to you anyway...
"Hands off my Shrimpy."
Floyd couldn't hold it, watching from the sidelines. Jade told him to stay put, but it was impossible. He grabbed the student by the shoulders, squeezing him until he screamed. Once Floyd saw your worried face, he abandoned every thought of 'torturing' the boy and flung him across the room instead.
It was just his luck that the boy landed in your pile of presents, destroying about half of them. That was the presents dealt with...
You eagerly hugged Floyd, finally seeing him after a long day. Floyd couldn't help but twirl his Shrimpy around, joy filling him from your giggles. Oh well, Valentine's was too materialistic anyway. If he could get a laugh out of you just like this, that was all that mattered to him.
"Love ya Shrimpy~"
Ruggie Bucchi
Having so much responsibility in Savanaclaw meant that he had the slimmest of chances to be with you during Valentine's. Sure, most knew that you were his but there would be those idiots that would approach you regardless of your relationship status.
He gritted his teeth as he thought of all the possible presents he couldn't give you, and others could. The moment he stepped out his body simply shook with envy at how lucky those students were to have the spare money to get you something nice.
It honestly made him feel terrible that he couldn't provide those for you. It really did.
He wasn't one to lash out, but he was a hyena beastman after all. He had his limits. The moment he spotted you, he couldn't stop his tail from wagging. What pissed him off though was the idiocity of the students who can't comprehend that you didn't want to deal with them.
A Scarabia student had been following you around, and it was getting on your nerves. He showed off his 'assets' in front of you, which was embarrassing enough but it really struck a chord when the said student disregarded your beloved Ruggie.
"Surely you have better chances with me than some filthy beastman like him..."
You huffed, your fists shaking. "That's my boyfriend you're talking about!"
The student, of course disregarded you entirely. He grabbed you by the wrist, but in the blink of an eye, his palm was bleeding. There Ruggie was, claws out and holding you in one arm.
"She said she has a boyfriend, scum."
He didn't care how much he'd get punished. Knowing how much the teachers favoured you, they might let it pass... He didn't want to deal with the aftermath, so he lifted you up bridal style and ran with you to the Savanaclaw dorm.
"W-Wait Ruggie! I might be heavy..."
"You're not," He bluntly said, angling his face so he could check you for any injuries. His chest swelled up with pride with how much you defended him. "YN, it's okay though. You didn't have to defend me that much..."
You were not one to stand for your boyfriend to insult himself. You kissed him, surprising him to the point he almost dropped you. As you stared at your confused Ruggie, you comforted him with words he needed to hear the most.
"Ruggie, you're my one and only love."
Rook Hunt
This man had a plan. He had a plan and he planned it the moment he realised Valentine's Day was coming which was roughly after the first few months of dating. He never realised that it would be such a meticulous operation.
He runs the grapevine of gossip, so he knows exactly who to target. Sure... some methods were not as graceful as the Pomefiore standard but he had to do what he had to do.
Valentine's rolled around. D-Day. The D stood for Date... as he highlighted in notes. He'd leave you be, because you were the main star of his plan. His star, his moon, his every- Oh and he caught himself before getting sidetracked...
The first mistake was leaving their presents unattended. The second mistake was going to talk to you.
In a sudden moment, many shrieked at their presents getting vandalised by someone's arrow. It wasn't a humble mistake. Someone was doing this on purpose.
While other students panicked, you had stooped to your knees, observing the words on the shaft of the arrow...
'From YN's boyfriend~'
Oh... Oh Rook... How adorable of you... You thought to yourself. You were surprised that none had caught on so far, but you were sorely mistaken as the person who was about to gift you a bouquet of flowers grabbed you in fear.
"Y-Your boyfriend?! Who is he-" The student shrieked and fell to the ground as an arrow flew past his head, cutting off some of his locks. Then and there, Rook stepped out, bow in hand, bowing to his lady.
"My apologies. I was aiming for your head."
Rook was quick to take you in his arms, but that was not before he oh so graciously stepped on the student's hand. You didn't expect him to-
"You didn't think I would get jealous, Mademoiselle," He laughed, getting on one knee with a rose in hand that you were sure was from another student's bouquet. "Ah, I take it you enjoyed my gift!~"
Unfortunately, it wasn't long before Rook was scolded by some teachers and Vil himself. As much as you thought he would put up with the punishment, that didn't stop the hunter from bringing you to the final date spot, a quiet, peaceful forest date with your favourite hunter.
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marierg · 2 years
Of Light and Darkness: Ch 8
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!:  DON’T READ IF EASILY TRIGGERED; Angst, PTSD, Full on panic attack description.  There’s fluff and comfort at the end though 
A/N:  So Part 3 is here! Hopefully I can get the next chapter out tomorrow or Saturday.  Thank you all for your patience I’m afraid school’s got me working a little slower than normal.  Just know that I adore all of my readers and fellow creators on here and appreciate you always!  😊   
Picture Credit:  Pinterest
Word Count: 1400ish
It was done.
Everyone was safe and the mission a success, so why did you feel like it was a hollow victory?  The transport was docked at the spaceport tarmac, it had been rebuilt after its former destruction.  You now stood at its edge looking towards the forest surrounding.  There was an eerie wind and you couldn’t help but shiver.  You knew in your heart what you needed to do and taking a deep breath you stepped onto the old service road and into the forest. 
To gauge direction, you kept the two tallest trees in view.  They were listing at an unnatural angle, like broken toys left strewn about in a sand box.  It wasn’t a far walk, but it felt interminable.  You saw the clearing ahead, or more precisely the former bomb crater.  Closing your eyes you forced the final few steps, and there you were.
A place of such destruction shouldn’t be this beautiful, but as with many things time was healing the earth here.  Trees formed the outer edges, the inner perimeter was ringed with row upon row of stones.  Like ripples in a pond, they spread from the center each with a name. Small flowers and other vegetation had returned, splashes of blue white and orange.  Walking to the center you saw there was a rescue craft wing, wreckage from the day.  It had been erected as a monument to the crew members lost.  After that day you hadn’t looked back or asked about the aftermath, too afraid to know.  You traced your fingers across the roughened alloy surface, down the line of lives cost till you found it.
 Galactic Republic Rescue: Squad 524- Melri Dalincor, Jedi Master
You knelt to the ground overwhelmed.  Once the tears started there was no stopping them, like a dam that had finally broke they came wave after wave.  “I’m sorry Master...  I couldn’t save you and I’m so sorry.” 
That’s how Obi Wan found you.  He had sensed that you were in terrible pain and had gone searching.  That he had sensed you at all was surprising, but the thought of you in distress… he had run without a second thought.  The ground crew had pointed him in the direction that you were last seen.  Obi Wan followed your boot prints on the trail till he heard you ahead of him.  The clearing rang from the echoes of your sorrow.
He thought you looked like a forlorn pilgrim before the alter of a cruel god, begging absolution for a sin not of your doing.  Distress rose within him at the thought of this, you were nothing but kind and caring, to feel forsaken.  No, this would not do at all.  Walking carefully, Obi Wan honestly wasn’t sure how he could help. “Y/n?”
You couldn’t have responded if you wanted to, you couldn’t even catch your breath.  Chest shaking from your sobs, heaving from unrendered screams.  You could hear nothing but the percussive charges again, the screaming of the fallen, the smell of burnt flesh.  You kept trying to wipe nonexistent blood from your hands to your tunic.  It was all so real again, yet you knew that it wasn’t.  You though that you faintly heard someone else with you. 
Obi Wan turned you to look at him.  “Y/n I’m here, breathe Y/n.”
His voice was soft, trying to soothe and calm.  He moved to gently still your hands frantic movements.  Clasping onto your wrists tightly you finally looked at him.  “There’s a girl, breath with me.  Nice and slow like you taught me.” 
Exaggerating his own breathing he got you to follow his lead.  Obi Wan pulled you gently into a hug.  You collapsed into him, clinging on for dear life.  He had never seen you cry like this, tears running twin trails down your cheeks.  His only thought in that moment was to try to make things right for you, the way you had for him so often. 
“It was my fault… I shouldn’t have left her. I shouldn’t have left her Obi….”
“shh…shh…It wasn’t your fault y/n.”  he spoke softly, stroking your head. 
“I shouldn’t have left her… it should have been me!  I should have been here… I should have been with her!”
“Y/n, it wasn’t your fault.  If you had stayed then your name would be on that wing too.”  He kept smoothing your hair, rocking you a little.  He wanted so desperately to transfer his own conviction of your innocence onto you.  Your head was tucked under his chin like it was supposed to fit there.  Cupping your cheek, he lifted your face to look him in the eye.  “And if you had died then I would never have met you.  You’re the best friend I have, I don’t even want to think of what it would be like without you here.  Please never wish it.”
You gazed at him through tear filled lashes.  Blue orbs staring back at you with such sincerity and care.  “You’re my best friend too Obi.  I’m… I’m sorry.”
“Then please don’t cry wee one.”  He wiped the last few tears away, hugging you close once more.  It was a long few moments while you calmed down. 
“Obi Wan, can you help me do something?”  you were still shaking badly.
“Of course.”
You dug into the dirt with shaking hands.  He was confused but followed along helping to move the earth aside.  You then reached into your tunic pocket fishing out the meditation beads.  You had kept them, but they had always felt like a weight more than a comfort.  You removed four of the yellow beads from the end, placing them securely back in your pocket.  You looked at Obi Wan, weighing the beads in your palm.  Your breathing was still staggered.  “I don’t… know …if I can do it.”
Obi Wan closed your fingers over the beads, guiding both of your hands to the hole.  His face held a kind yet sad expression.  He gave your hand a final, reassuring squeeze, “Ready?”
Shaking your head, he opened your fingers and gently tilted your hand so that the beads slid down.  You buried them there, finally able to let go of all that had happened.  “Good Bye Master Melri.  I know we’ll see each other again, and when we do, I’ll have so much to tell you.  But for now, I hope you rest well in this place.  Be at peace.”
Obi Wan helped you to your feet and you both made your way back to the ship.  The pain was still there, but the weight that had clung to you for so long was lifted.  He took your hand, holding it as you walked. 
“What does that mean anyway, wee one?”
He chuckled and looked at you.  “It’s a term for one who is small or cute or both.”
“Hey you’re just lucky I’m travel sized for your convenience Kenobi.”  You tried to glare at him but couldn’t quite hold it. 
“Maybe I am, wee one.” His face held a sly smirk.
“Wait… you think I’m cute?” You grinned at the flush you saw rising in his cheeks.
“Annoying is more like it.” He mused, rolling his eyes.
You were finally able to smile a little, and it was because of this wonderful person next to you.  “I think I could grow to tolerate it Obi boy.”
You both spent most of the return in the back of the transport.  Neither of you talked much, just sat contented and comforted by the others company.  You fell asleep, head resting on Obi Wan’s shoulder, he had watched as you dozed. 
You were one of the strongest people he knew, lovely both inside and out.  He wanted to tell you as much, but he had also been down this road before.  Attachments would only lead to pain.  He had seen that with Satine, and even when his own Master lost the woman he loved.  Daring to stroke a finger lightly along your cheek he knew if all he could be was your friend then he would be happy, even if he did want more.  He was used to wanting things he would never have.  As Obi Wan leaned back he held your hand a little tighter, running his thumb along the top of your palm.  Finally resting his head on yours he drifted to sleep, the Maker knew it had been a long mission.    
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
Requests you say 👀 ask and ye shall receive
Idk how comfortable you are w writing Thoma yet so feel free to take your time on this req if you need to do some research/play through his hangout event but!! I have been having many Thoma thoughts™ and I'd like to request something based on one of his voicelines:
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I was thinking reader's been overwhelmed by work/life and has been shutting themself in their house just to take a break from it all but then they realize they can't cook (me lmao) so they force themself to go out for lunch/dinner and run into Thoma?
{ Thoma x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Thoma makes you feel better after a rough few days.
{ Warnings } None
{ Notes } There is some interaction with cats and dogs in this story, I'm sorry if anyone reading is taken out of it because they're allergic. Also, this is way overdue and not my best work, but it is something better than nothing. Hopefully future works will be a bit better.
{ Word Count } 1,324
The only reason you had decided to leave your house at all today was because of the disastrous results of your attempt to make grilled cheese. Instead of having a simple meal at home, your situation was that of opening every window in your house to air out the stench of severely burnt food. You also fled your abode to escape the smell, finding it unbearable even with the windows open. It was supposed to be easy to make a grilled cheese sandwich, but recently it seemed nothing has been going your way.
That was how you found yourself seated outside of one of the many restaurants that lined Inazuma City’s streets, in hopes that you could eat something that was actually edible today. What you hadn’t thought of was how awkward it would be to sit alone when all of the other tables around you had multiple people. It was awkward enough that you would have left had you not already placed an order.
So lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t even notice the Kamisato Clan’s Chief Retainer approaching your table. You only realized he was there at all when he spoke, peering down at you with curious emerald eyes.
“Hey, how come you’re eating here all alone?” he asked, a hint of concern hidden in his gentle timbre.
Your response didn’t come right away, too surprised that he had managed to so easily sneak up on you to say anything for a few moments. Thoma simply waited patiently while you stared at him, still processing his sudden appearance and words, making no effort to hasten your response.
“Oh, just getting something to eat after a failed attempt at dinner,” you told him after a few seconds that felt far more drawn out than they actually were.
“Uh, is it okay if I join you? Or did you just want some space?” Thoma asked, flashing you a friendly smile.
His question was not one you expected, and again you needed to take a few moments to process his words. This time, thankfully, you were much faster in delivering a response.
“Actually, I would really like that. Please, sit down,” you said, finding yourself glad to have some company. It was nice to not feel so alone, especially after having noticed you seemed to be the only person seated by yourself before Thoma had come along. Perhaps this was a sign of your luck taking a bit of a turn for the better.
Thoma took your invitation, seating himself across from you. One of the waitstaff found their way to his side almost immediately, taking his order before quickly leaving. You wondered if this was just lucky timing on his part, or one of the perks of being the ‘local fixer’.
“Actually, I’m glad I caught you today. It feels like it’s been a while since I last saw you,” the housekeeper said once the two of you were alone again, surprising you with how genuine he sounded.
It was true that you hadn’t been out as much as you usually were recently, but you hadn’t expected anyone to take notice of your absence. You weren’t sure how you felt about Thoma seeming to have missed you, unable to identify the tension in your chest that surfaced after his confession.
“Sorry, I guess I’ve been busy,” you tell him sheepishly, wishing you had come up with something better than that flimsy excuse.
“You definitely owe me,” Thoma said, smiling at you in a way that suggested mischief, “And I’ll only take payment in the form of lots of quality time with you.”
You couldn’t keep the smile off your face at his words.
“I think I can arrange that.”
That’s how you ended up walking through the streets of Inazuma City with Thoma. In one hand he held the bag that contained the leftovers from your meal and the leftovers from the dessert he suggested the two of you stop for immediately after, which he had insisted on carrying. You didn’t argue with him, you had long since learned such endeavors were pointless.
Another thing you had learned about Thoma a long time ago, and were reminded of especially now, was his infallible ability to lift your mood. It was hard not having a good time when your company knew all the best places to be around Inazuma and also always knew what to say. You supposed it was because the Kamisato’s Housekeeper had a lot of practice in both talking and walking around Inazuma.
“This may be a bit selfish of me to ask,” Thoma begins, emerald gaze shifting over to you, “But, can we stop by a place outside of the city? There are some strays I take care of when I can, and I’d like to pay them a visit. They always make me feel better when I’m down.”
Even though Thoma says he asked out of selfishness, his following words reveal his true intentions. You must not have been so good at hiding the fact you’ve not been doing the best lately, considering he wants to bring you somewhere to help you feel better. You shake your head, still looking forward to hide your small smile from him. He was already making you feel better, all on his own.
“We can go wherever you want. I’m the one who owes you, afterall,” you remind him, this time you turn your head so he can see the playful smile that comes with your response. At least you knew anywhere you went, as long as it was with him, you would be in good company.
It wasn’t a long walk to your destination, there was a large tree just outside of Inazuma City that seemed to attract all sorts of dogs and cats. Actually, you wondered if it was the tree that attracted the fauna or if it was just the place where they knew Thoma would come. Maybe he visited everyday, brought them food and talked to them about his problems. That certainly sounded like something Thoma would do.
When the two of you got close, the small number of animals gathered finally seemed to notice Kamisato's housekeeper. Between Thoma and the strays, it was hard to tell who looked more excited.
As the various creatures rushed to greet your companion, you noticed some of them were clad in knit sweaters. You had a feeling the clothes were the handiwork of none other than Thoma himself. The thought made you smile as you watched your friend greet all the animals that ran up to him.
Thoma’s bright emerald gaze found you from his position kneeling surrounded by fluff, smiling like this was the best day of his life.
“Come over and say hi to them,” he encouraged, waving you over. It didn’t take you much convincing, especially with Thoma looking like he was having such a good time. Kneeling beside Thoma was enough to draw the attention of some of the dogs and cats, who came over to investigate your presence. You extended a hand out for them to get accustomed to your scent, it seemed like the right thing to do, anyways.
“They really seem to like you,” the blond said, watching as the various strays greeted you. It was hard to tell for sure, but you thought you could detect a hint of jealousy in his tone. The childish nature of it made you smile, amused by the idea of your friend feeling jealous over the attention of animals.
“Yeah, almost as much as they like you,” you reply, deciding not to tease him too much, “It makes me want to adopt a dog with you.”
When you look up, the shocked expression Thoma wears is enough to make you laugh and forget all about the past few days. Or maybe the stress of recent days was already washed away in the time you had spent with him.
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barzzal · 4 years
between halls and thin walls → part two
summary: friends who fool around almost never work. almost.
↳ pairing: mathew barzal x you
↳ warnings: swearing, sex toys, masturbation, sexual/suggestive themes, and yenno, mathew :(
↳ genre: angst, smut, roommates au, best friend’s best friend, friends with benefits, 18+ minors dni*
↳ length: series; part one, part two (5.9k), part three, part four, part five, part six
↳ masterlist: the barn
↳ track: listened to a lot of beyoncé for this one !!
note: part two’s here!! and i know it’s late for an update but i just wanna thank everyone for commenting on the first part 🥺 really glad that you guys liked it. reading your tags are everything to me it means a lot! happy reading <3 (gif used: mine)
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You come out of your bedroom dressed and ready for work. Your handbag was slung over the depth of your forearm as you headed for the kitchen and the other, scrolling past emails on your phone, admittedly bracing yourself for the mess you know will eventually greet you.
To your surprise, what you see instead were Mat Barzal’s guns rippling through the jet black sweater he had worn last night. A memory that sent your mind to less than eight hours ago, before eventually landing on what happened shortly when the two of you had woken up.
“Thank god you haven’t burnt the house down.” you kid, placing your handbag atop the island.
Mat spares you a quick glance, rolling his eyes whilst he lets you watch him whisk some eggs for breakfast.
“Like it?” he cocks, pertaining to how your eyes were pinned hard on his biceps that he was, for the most part, effortlessly sporting. It’s true, though. He didn’t need to flex because it was just there.
“Coffee or Juice?” he asks, as the kind friend and roommate that he is. 
Anthony, as surprising as it was, takes incredibly long showers. If people hadn’t known him well, they’d easily think he’s abusing himself there. But you’ve got to admit that not having him around felt nice for you didn’t have to feel so seen with Mathew.
‘Course, there’s nothing more, like a fix-in on the side, to your set up. You just appreciate the feeling of not having to lie to Beau about all the ugly concealed underneath all the innocent gazes you and Mathew exchange.
“Coffee.” you answer shortly, realizing that you forgot the material you need for today’s meeting.
“Where are you going?” Mat asks when he catches you receding out into the hallway. You didn’t bother looking back, “Forgot something!”
He gets back to whisking the eggs when a chime comes off his phone. He takes it from the counter, placed just before the plates he left to dry last night, absent-mindedly putting the bowl he was holding onto the island, toppling over the green juice he has prepared for himself. 
“Shit.” he curses as soon as he sees it for it was already spilling all over the place, making the mess you’ve been secretly anticipating the moment Mathew said he’d make breakfast.
Panicking at how you’d see he’s successfully screwed such a no-brainer task, Mat grabs the first thing he sees on the marbled surface and uses it to clean the mess he’d made.
“Huh.” he muses to himself, realizing that the silk fabric didn’t do much in helping him clean up. He tosses it over the sink carelessly and grabs a few napkin rolls from one of the cupboards. 
So much for making an effort to feed Anthony Beauvillier. 
“Now, that was fast.” you say with a smirk once you’ve entered the kitchen, startling Mathew as he continued cleaning up after his mess. 
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” he sarcastically laughs, discarding the paper towels onto the sink along with the used ones. 
Thankfully, your stuff was at the other side of the island so it was very much safe from all the chaos happening at the other end of the marbled surface. However, your laugh dies down the second you realize that your handkerchief was no longer where you’ve last put it.
“Hey,” you call on Mathew, “What’s up?”
“Have you seen my handkerchief? I know I left it somewhere.” you anxiously ask, eyeing every corner of the room hoping to see Nana’s handkerchief, the one she gave to you on your 18th birthday.
“What does it look like?” Mat asks, now holding a pan in his hand as he prepares breakfast.
You proceeded to describe your grandma’s handkerchief in the most specific and perhaps excruciating detail Mathew has ever heard someone talk about something as mind-numbing as a handkerchief.
Despite that, Mat lights up the moment it hits him, not realizing the bigger mess he’s about to walk into. He rejoices at how he knew exactly what you were looking for, “Oh! You mean this?” 
With clueless eyes, you watch Mat go over the sink after he wipes his hands dry, fishing out an all too familiar fabric from the sink. Once your eyes land onto the cream colored silk handkerchief, with details carefully sewn by hand, drenching in what seems to be Mat’s morning drink, your heart falls to the pit of your stomach. 
“What did you do??” The sudden rise in your voice startles an unsuspecting Mathew. You eagerly went over to his side and hastily snatched the smooth fabric off his hands, “It’s ruined!”
“What? I didn’t know it was yours!” Mat’s eyes are wild with confusion. Puzzled at how you were so fixated on the useless fabric. It didn’t help him anyway. There’s nothing much left to do but to throw it. It’s garbage. 
“You ruined it!” you lash out, letting Mat get eaten up by the sudden anger bubbling inside your guts but he was rather quick in defending himself, “I didn’t know it was yours since I grabbed the first thing I could find. Why are you getting upset over a shit-ass handkerchief?” 
Your mouth falls and you shake your head, finding his defensiveness quite appalling. “You’re an ass.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was yours.” he explains, “Come on, it’s just a stupid handkerchief I’ll just buy you a new one.” he tries to laugh the tension off, sporting his signature grin.
Mat take shots of the stunned expression on your face, “Stupid?” you repeat what he said, your eyes already starting to sting with tears. Clearly, you were far too overwhelmed to even acknowledge Mathew’s half-assed apology.
“You’re a fucking asshole.” your words bite and that’s when things took a turn for the worse. 
“I said I was fucking sorry! What the hell do you want from me? Shit a fucking hanky?” he rans a hand through his hair, “Do you realize how childish you’re being right now?”
Outraged, and perhaps disappointed by how he was too high up his horse, your voice takes up a higher tone, entering what seems to be an early screaming match between you and Mathew.
“Could you just–” you breathe, “for one second– stop being so goddamn stupid and get over yourself!?” were words that welcomed Anthony the moment he stepped into the kitchen, towel wrapped around his waist, a grin on his face visible as he poured himself a glass of water, inviting himself in the screaming match you and Mathew have exclusively put forth for him.
“Stupid is not when you’ve already apologized a hundred times! Stupid is being such a crybaby and a bitch about it!” Mathew retorts, gaining his better end of the argument.
“What a beautiful morning, isn’t it?” Anthony chimes in, a hand resting on his chin, adoring his two best friends upon getting used to the best worst duo he’s ever known in his life. 
“Shut up, Beau.” you say, throwing him a glare.
“Well, beautiful is definitely not in Y/N’s dictionary.” Mathew chides with a smirk, enough to earn himself a scoff from you. 
“You know what? I don’t have the time for this bullshit.” you cuss, finally retreating, your already heavy heart taking a better hold on your thoughts, blocking your ability to even come up with a clever remark to come back at Mathew.
You throw the delicate, yet already ruined piece of fabric towards his way as hard as you could before marching out of the kitchen and head off for work.
“Fucking unbelievable.” Mathew curses under his breath once he catches the silk linen, shaking his head as he turns his attention back to the morning task at hand. 
You were fucking unbelievable.
Once the boys were left alone, Tito raises a brow, briefly looking back after your footsteps, “What happened here, anyway?” he asks, having realized what must’ve caused such a heated argument so early in the morning. 
“I used this handkerchief to wipe the whole thing off and she just went ape shit! I mean–” Anthony cuts Mathew the moment he recognizes the thin cloth he was holding.
“Woah, woah. Wait a minute, you used this?” he muses, stressing on the possibility of what might have been Mathew’s biggest mistake of the day, his eyes darting between him and the fabric.
With furrowed brows, admittedly weirded by how Anthony reacted almost the same way you did a while ago. “It’s just a handkerchief, man. I can go buy her a bunch if that’s what she wants.” he says defensively.
Anthony shakes his head wildly, his irises now dilated as he examined the stain already sitting on the material. “No no. Oh god no.” He says, snatching Mathew’s phone from the counter to google quick remedies that might remove the said stain from the already ruined cloth. 
“What do you mean no? You guys spend way too much time together, you’re beginning to be as weird as her.” He scoffs, sipping on a glass of water. 
“No, you dumbass. This was her grandma’s!” Anthony says, eyes fixated on the delicate handkerchief. Remembering how you’d told him how long it has been in your family that having Nana give it to you after all the years you’ve spent admiring it from afar meant so much to you than anything anyone could have possibly given you.
“So?��� Mat casually replies, closing his arms to his chest before adding, “Is she dead or something? Didn’t you guys visit her for the Holidays?” 
“What?? Why would you even say that?– You’re such a jerk.” Tito shakes his head, appalled by how Mathew easily shrugged the matter off when he knew full well how sentimental he himself could be.
“Well, how am I supposed to know?? If that thing’s so important I wouldn’t leave it on top of some random shit lying around!” He counters, defending himself for reaching for the nearest cloth he could find when he did whatever he does best when he’s in the kitchen.
Tito clicks his tongue and looks at Mathew exasperatedly, “Tell me, where did you find this exactly?”, to which Mathew only answered with a quiet voice, “It may or may not have been placed on top of her purse…” he avoids Tito’s gaze, finally catching on how he was the one in the wrong. 
“See? Jerk. Now, go figure out how you’ll take the stain off.” Anthony demands, his voice embraced by a definitive tone. One that made Mathew know he wouldn’t be able to persuade him into letting this go. 
Tito takes one good look at Mat’s catastrophic attempt to feed the house, striding his way out of the kitchen, “And make sure you apologize!” he adds, footsteps receding into the hallway, leaving Mathew scratching the back of his head out of guilt and frustration.
You have spent the following days either avoiding Mathew or ignoring his existence completely. Anthony talked to you the night that incident happened and assured you that he would do his best to have it fixed. You didn’t want to bother him nor take time off his already busy schedule, but you were just so bummed to even say a word.
That night, you spent the entire evening in your room, facetiming your mother, saying how much you’re missing home. You can’t bring yourself to tell her about the handkerchief. For some people, and that people being Mathew, it might’ve been just some silly thing but Tito knew how much that small piece of cloth meant to you. 
Mathew, on the one hand, was for sure guilty to his bones. He didn’t see you that night nor the nights that followed. He didn’t think much of it but when he found himself searching for that same handkerchief in the hopes of replacing it only to find out that it was nowhere to be found in the market, was when he did realize that ruining the one thing that held you closer to home was the last push your non-existent relationship with him had to have for you to finally lose any ounce of amour nor civility you once had for him. 
Anthony wasn’t a stranger for said changes either. He began waking up to a still apartment enveloped by a wall you profusely built between you and Mathew. You even unknowingly shut Tito out in the process as well. It was like you were grieving. Like, it was a whole different kind of heartbreak he knew he can’t get you out of that easily. 
You tried making it up for your best friend of course. Knowing that you haven’t been yourself since that day. You thought about the possibility of having taken the whole thing too seriously that you might’ve overreacted a bit. Nonetheless, no matter how much you try to push it in the back of your head, Mathew’s mere presence began irking you in ways it never did back when you used to enjoy the bickering you exchange with him, especially in bed.
“Thanks for dinner, belle.” Anthony politely says, earning a smile from you so effortlessly upon hearing the pet name he uses for you. Something Mat only shrugged off, trying to piece out the same gratitude, “Thanks, y/n.” he genuinely adds. But as expected, he had nothing.
You pick up all the empty plates, including Mathew’s, who was sitting in front of you while Anthony sat at the end of the table. Tito hurriedly wipes his mouth with a napkin and takes the plate from you, “Let me help you with that.” he says with the same kind eyes that has never failed to win you over. 
“Yeah. Okay, sure.” you shortly answer, leading the way towards the kitchen, leaving one Mathew Barzal feeling small and alone at the dining table. 
If there was one thing you’d gladly acknowledge after all the years of watching people kiss Mathew’s ass was that he was is really good. He’s fast and he can do unimaginable damage on the ice. There’s no denying that he deserves to be the face of the New York Islanders. But we know you don’t care about any of that. The only thing you care about was how unbelievably good he is at everything he does that not even you or your pink rubber toy could suffice. 
He was just that damn good. 
As your eyes shut whilst you mount your pleasures on your own, biting your lips to choke in your own moans, Mathew handling you was what circled your mind since you started defiling yourself in the bathroom. You let your arousal be washed away by the warm water trickling down your skin, envisioning Mat’s rough hands grazing your body, touching your core like his hands were meant to do nothing else but that. 
It was wrong and pathetic, but you couldn’t think about anything else. You and Mathew have been avoiding each other for days. The dynamic went so much worse than when you weren’t sleeping together and you know that Tito was bound to notice it soon. Thankfully, the boys were on another roadie for a week so you had quite some time to think things through about your current sitch with Mathew. You didn’t like any of it because it felt like you gave a fuck (which obviously, you didn’t). You just feel obligated to sort things out with the biggest ass that ever lived because you didn’t want to involve Tito into the mess you’ve wrongfully made yourself. 
You hop off the shower feeling unsatisfied. You haven’t gotten laid since the last time you were with Mat. Which is sad, not just for you but also for her. You’d think considering the boys aren’t around you’d bring someone home, maybe even one or two. But just thinking about going on bars alone so you could find a potential bone-mate is already far too tedious and you weren’t in the right state to do so. You had so much going on at work, anyway. And you can always use a wand to scratch an itch. Neither would satisfy you more than how someone-who-will-not-be-named could, but you might as well be pathetic without having to hook up with some random dude whose name you’ll eventually forget in the morning. 
You opted to wear an old pull-over you borrowed (took) from Tito years and years ago and partnered it with some leggings so you’d be comfortable enough for the rest of the night. You have nothing else to do and you are already fed up with your workload that watching a crappy movie off of Netflix doesn’t sound like a bad idea. 
With a giant bowl of popcorn and two bottles of beer in your hands, you march your way into the living room, ready to spend the night binge watching romantic comedies, crying and laughing in between. Or maybe just fall asleep on the couch while your comfort TV series is on. 
The boys won three games out of the four that they had during the trip and you only saw the ones they won so you were thankful that you didn’t have to sit at home alone watching their faces fall after that OT lost against the Flyers. Anthony phoned you that night and you can just feel the relief in his voice that you didn’t have the time to see it. They weren’t playing like they should. Thankfully, they were able to bounce back. 
Your eyes were beginning to grow tired halfway into the movie when you hear the front door open, followed by luggages dragged into the house tirelessly. 
“Y/N?” Anthony calls out.
You hit the movie on pause and hurriedly make your way towards the hallway. “You’re home already?”
They were already taking their coats off when you met them halfway, Tito was putting his away while Mat had just taken off his toque and was running his hands through his hair, unconsciously meeting your eyes upon hearing your voice. 
You quickly break it off when you give Tito a quick embrace and plant a small kiss on his cheeks, “I texted you.” he says, eyebrows quirked, surprised that you didn’t know. 
In an effort to avert any more of his questions you immediately point towards the movie you had on, “Haven’t checked my messages, sorry.” 
“So, you guys ate dinner?” you ask, passing Mat a quick look. One that came as a surprise because he wasn’t even hoping to hear a word from you given the way you two left things a little too on the edge, screwing with the whole thing even more. 
Mat avoids your irises and faintly nods. 
“Big win tonight huh? Told you, you can do it.” you say with a beaming smile, nudging Tito with your hips as you get back to watching your film. “You gotta do what you gotta do, babe.” he winks, lugging his stuff around towards his bedroom. 
“Barz, don’t stay up, Trotz needs us first thing in the morning.” he looks back, reminding Mat who was already standing in front of his door, “Yeah. Sure.” he replies shortly with a tired voice. 
You and Anthony bid your own goodnights whilst Mat mutters a quiet “Night.” when you nodded his way, clearly not enjoying any of the first awkward encounters he’s yet to have with you. Seven days is quite a reasonable time for your anger to dissipate, a short yet seemingly long period of time that’s just enough to kill off whatever guilt Mat had initially felt before you parted ways.
“Alright, I’m off.” Tito casually declares, putting on his watch. “There’s food in the fridge, and tell Mat to go easy on my beers.” he gives you a knowing look as he bends down to give you a kiss on the cheek. 
Tito had been seeing some mystery girl for quite some time now. He hasn’t told you anything spicy in particular but by the looks of it, you could already tell that she has him towed. 
“Good luck, loverboy.” you say, swatting his hand away and pushing him out to the door. The two of you cringe at what you said, sharing one last laugh before you watch him disappear out into the hallway.
The apartment was cramped the whole day because Anthony and Mat had the day off. Tito had plans for the night, obviously. As per you, you had plans lounging in the living room, switching through channels in the hopes of stumbling on a show that isn’t half as bad than the rest. 
Thankfully, a Sandra Bullock film was on HBO.
The Proposal, to be exact.
You decide to dive in the film with a cold bottle of beer on your hand. There was no way you’d be washing down the effects of a naked Ryan Reynolds with a glass of water. You haven’t gone mad. 
The film was already at the part where Sandra was proposing to Ryan when you hear Mathew’s door open. You haven’t talked since the night they came back home other than the small nods you exchange upon passing by each other. All of which are mind-numbing and impossible to swallow. The awkwardness has not dissipated completely unlike what you presumed. You were just grateful Tito was always around that you didn’t need to be alone together. 
Alarmed by another impending awkward encounter, you clear your throat and turn up the volume a little to remain focused on the film, investing your sole attention to it even if you have seen the movie countless times. 
Mathew, in his sweats and a gray shirt on, carefully makes his way out the hallway and into the common area after snatching a glass of water from the kitchen. You see him move further into the room but you make sure that he knows you weren’t paying attention. You take that he must’ve been thirsty and needed a drink but you don’t see him move further in the corner of your eye like he was making his way back in his room. It almost seemed like he was actually waiting for you to look his way.
Hesitantly, you follow your gut feel and see him standing a few feet away from you. “Yes?” you ask when you catch him staring. 
Mat blinks a few times, “Hi.” he takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the awkwardness circling the two of you.
When the only thing he gets from you is a tight lipped smile, he shakes his head and proceeds to walk where you were seated. 
“Mind if I join you?” he asks, his voice deep and clear enough to send your mind elsewhere. 
Regardless, you contain yourself and return a polite smile, “No. Not at all.”
“So, what are we watching?” he sits once you gestured onto the other end of the couch. 
“The Proposal.” you answer before throwing a question yourself, “Aren’t you supposed to be resting now?” you shake your head, absentmindedly chuckling. Not intending to make him feel that you’ve forgotten about what he’d done weeks ago. 
“I couldn’t sleep.” he props his back and lets himself sink in the cloud couch, his legs spread wide eating up most of the space left for the two of you to share. “Oh. I only like him when he’s Deadpool” he points out, cringing at how you were watching another one of your romantic comedy films.
You roll your eyes, admiring how he’s trying to break the tension between the two of you despite his unsolicited sentiments, “I like it when we were on not-speaking terms.” 
Mat mocks you for a while but decides to watch the movie so you let him be and get back to the film, letting a giggle slip every now and then. Something you thought Mat wouldn’t notice.
Watching the remainder of the film went with ease. ‘Course, Mat would steal a few glances here and there (ones he thought had gone unnoticed), but overall the quietude between the two of you was bearable. Almost like it was just two buddies hanging out. 
Although, not long after, your eyes were torn away from the huge flat screen when Mat spoke, “By the way,” he looks at you and calls your attention. 
Puzzled, you watch him take something from his pocket, “Here.” 
Once you see what he has in his hands your heart froze. Mat carefully hands you the cloth with an apologetic smile; his eyes soft with a hint of hope as he watches your reaction. 
“What– How?” you ask in bewilderment, failing to comprehend how he was able to fix the handkerchief. It looked the same as before. All of its details were in place, it was good as new. You were holding Nana’s handkerchief. 
Mathew didn’t bother to dance around and just offered you a quiet chuckle, evidently enjoying the wide smile painted on your lips. “Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.” he apologizes, shielding you from all the strings he had to pull just to get that cloth fixed up.
You hold the smooth and delicate piece in your hands as you look at Mat, letting your feelings get a better hold of you, “Thank you.” you say, unknowingly reaching out, your arms wrapped around his neck as you give him a quick peck on the cheek. 
Mathew’s hand instinctively finds your back to support you, startling himself in the process. Nonetheless, the thought was easily shrugged off by how close your faces were, your smiles fading once you meet each other’s gaze. You feel the same rush you felt the night you and Mat got involved for the first time. Your hand was placed rather endearingly on his cheek, your faces, just like all the other times, unreasonably close to each other. Mat then clears his throat and only looks you in the eye. 
Afraid that the innocent hug would lead to something more, perhaps another mistake to be jotted down on the board, you breathe a laugh and break away, “Uh, thanks again. It really means a lot.” 
Mat must’ve sensed that you were being cautious so he puts his guards up and returns a chuckle, “So… we good?” he asks, reaching out a hand your way. 
Your fingers slide into his, gliding its way perfectly, your hands fitted well with his despite the obvious difference in proportion. His grip tightens in the most comfortable way possible. 
A smile breaks off his lips once he hears you answer, “We’re good.”
“I should probably get some sleep.” Mat tells you the moment you pull your hand away.
“Are you gonna be okay here?” he adds.
You looked at him, not wanting him to be obligated to keep you company, “Oh, yeah. I’m a big girl.” you say, making Mathew grin, shaking his head.
“Alright. I’ll be in my room if you need anything.”
Not picking up on whatever sloppy insinuation Mat has thrown out carelessly into thin air, he hears a simple “Mkay.” 
Thus far, letting him know that his subtle invitation was far from being RSVP’d.
“You’ll be in your room?” Mat scoffs, staring at the ceiling while he lays on his bed, “The fuck was that, Mat?” he scolds himself for always coming up with the worst things to say. 
Mathew would be lying if he’d say he hasn’t thought about you (or doing you) for the past week of not being around home. But he definitely wouldn’t deny that the roadie kind of made things easier for him because then he didn’t have to stomach seeing you walk around the flat looking like the hot piece of ass that you were in his eyes. 
Mat knows he needs to pull his shit together. He wasn’t some 13 year-old boy raging with hormones. He needs to control himself around you and he could only do that once he learns how to push this whole thing between the two of you behind him. 
What happened with you and Mathew shouldn’t have happened at all. It was just a moment of weakness, and he hated that he’d let his dick (and apparently, him being one) ruin the relationship he once had with you. 
Before that night, seeing you do yoga and work out on the terrace was just seeing you drenched in sweat, and in your work out clothes looking icky and constipated. Something he’ll later on tease you about and he’ll end up catching the water bottle you throw in his face. But now, after all that fucking, seeing you sweaty and all worked out in the same yoga pants is just like walking into a porn commercial. Like the ones they show before the actual porn. In fact, he doesn’t even have to watch any of it. Tents and Boners were pretty much sponsored by you from then on. It’s sick, and he knows it. 
However, the tension he feels with you is palpable that he’s even certain that you feel it too. But how can he be wrong? He sees how your eyes blink a few times when he’s fresh out the shower, he sees you follow his trance when you thought he wasn’t paying attention, and you never fail to slide him shadowed hints with every touch you “accidentally” pass at him. The kind that’s short enough to remain innocent but not so much as to keep him at bay. Mat hated everything about it. He hated that he wanted you– and he hated that he thinks he might be right about you wanting him too.
All that self-loathing aside, did he regret it? 
That was one of the things he feels bad about. Because as much as he wants to lie and push it aside, he didn’t regret any of it. He didn’t like you that way and just thought about you sexually but he just wishes that you could push past this and just be friends. He was still sexually attracted to you, yes. But he knows he’d eventually get over it and be back on his game. That is if he can ever find someone who’d be as good as how you were the last three times you’ve let him be with you because it would really help him a lot if he could stop picturing your mouth getting stretched by his cock every time he hops into the shower.
Mat was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door. The shy banging sound made his heart beat rapidly in an instant, knowing full well that the two of you were alone in the house and that Tito was, in no way, going to be home for another hour or two.
A faint knock follows the first one before he gets to the door. 
“Hi.” you greet him, a moment unfolding like it was déjà-vu.
“Did I wake you?” you sheepishly ask, your hands balled into fists before eventually settling down to hug your own build, unsure of where to put your hands exactly.
Mat quickly shakes his head, “No. I couldn’t sleep myself.”
You offer him a smile, acknowledging how he’s been nothing but good to you ever since they got home. Of course you wanted to get your hands on him being that you were completely dry and horny ever since you’ve ignored him completely, but you haven’t gone mad and you weren’t a complete neanderthal. You can keep your hands to yourself and act like a decent human being. 
“I’m sorry for making things weird between us.” you say, your eyes heavy with guilt. “But I’m only apologizing for being so unreasonable for the last couple of weeks.” you reiterated.
To which he only answers with, “You shouldn’t be. You have every right to be unreasonable– and I know that I’ve been a giant prick that day. It’s what I deserve.” he bites his lower lip, scratching his brow as he continues, “That’s why if there’s someone who owes someone an apology, it should be me. What I did was pretty crappy, so… I’m sorry.”
Like all the other times, Mathew towers over you wearing the same confidence he does when you’re around. Your bodies were reasonably apart from each other but close enough to mean something else if someone had walked by. Mathew was still in his room while you were out in the hallway, separated by the thin line made by the door frame. 
You feel Mat’s steady breathing and everything went still. He looks down at you, pretty eyes drowning yours. His messed up bed hair ridiculously makes up for how dressed down he was. No, actually, he looks fine even when he is. And all of that sight instantly makes your throat dry as you feel something curl in your belly, enough to make your hands sweaty as the thought of tasting his lips again cruised your mind entirely.
Mathew was no stranger to the said feeling either. He watched you punish him more at how plump and inviting your lips were. Or how your hand brushed on your clothes as you remain uncomposed under his gaze. 
Mat was becoming accustomed to how the two of you meet. Same time, same place, only this time, a different hallway. He steps further and crosses the line that divides the two of you, making you take a deep breath as his scent floors every nerve in your body. Waking what has been awake ever since that moment you shared back in the living room even more. 
“Yeah, okay.” you gather yourself, “I– I should probably head back.” 
Just by how his shoulders dropped, you knew you had said the wrong thing. And you hated that you did. Mat clears his voice and swallows, breaking off his gaze, “You probably should.” 
“Good night, Mat.” you smile, trying to regain yourself. 
“Good night.” he replies as he watches you turn your back before finally closing the door behind him. 
Frustrated for he was already starting to feel things more than just being “sorry”, Mat leans against the door and runs a hand through his hair. He takes a deep breath and tries to get you out of his head. 
He was about to walk away from the door and sleep off his frustration when he hears your faint footsteps on the other side of the door. He rests his head back on the wooden surface and sighs, “You’re still out there, aren’t you?”
There was a total silence for a moment, devoid of the knowledge of how you had your fist, ready to knock yet again, suspended in mid-air. 
Mathew hears you deny sheepishly, “No.” 
You hear him let out a small laugh, knowing that he was trying to contain himself. 
The door sprung open again, and for a second you thought how what you’re about to walk into will start another mess for you and Mathew. But how could you possibly think about it that way when you have nothing else but this man standing at the other end? 
A friend that took no seconds to waste as he finally lets his thirst and perhaps foolishness, get the better hold of him once he cages your heated face in his hands, crashing into your lips as fast as he’d taken you to his end of that thin gray line that has once irkingly parted him from you. A gray line you’re both willing to cross if that meant sharing another night in between halls and thin walls.
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lilevixen · 4 years
heyyy, idk if u write bertholdt or are even taking requests, but if u are can i request giving bertholdt an orgasm denial from a f!reader and it’s been like 3 hours that he’s had to hold it? thanks if u can :)
sweet boy
Characters: sub!Bertholdt Hoover x dom!female bodied reader
Genre: smut
Word Count: 1.9k
Description: Reader teaches Bertholdt a lesson after he gets a bit too touchy with them in front of their friends
•WARNING- 18+ CONTENT: orgasm denial, no-contact orgasm, descriptions of oral sex (male receiving), dacryphilia(ish?)•
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“Baby, please, I said I was s-sorry!” Bertholdt whined from across the room for what felt like the millionth time that evening. You casted a look of faux boredom over your shoulder from your small wooden desk, trying your best to remain blasé at the mouth-watering sight of your boyfriend still sat criss-cross applesauce completely bare on the bed. He was so good for you, so obedient; his arms never once left from behind his back for entirety of the time you had him there. How long did you have him there? After you two got back from the dining hall, minutes easily spilled into hours in the smudgy haze of repressed lust you had established. The only indicator of how long Berthodlt had been sitting there for, cock upright and twitching for attention, was how absolutely worn out he looked. Every inch of his deep, tan skin was glittering with sweat, cords of muscle in his thighs and abdomen strained beneath his flesh so severely they looked like they could snap any second, his chest heaved erratically as if he had just run a marathon- this was absolute torture for him, you could tell. You would’ve felt bad, if he hadn’t disobeyed you in the first place.
“Huh? I was reading, sweetie. I didn’t hear you,” a bald-faced lie on your part. Your eyes kept tracking over the same paragraph over and over again without absorbing any of the information in your brain, the sweet pleas of your boyfriend claiming all the space in your mind instead. His lip quivered at your persistence in feigning ignorance of his situation and tears quickly filled his dark eyes.
“P-Please! Can you please t-touch me? I need you so bad I think I might e-explode,” he stammered out, his voice meek but desperate, shameless, so needy and you felt it throb between your legs, adding to the arousal already collecting along your inner thighs. Despite how incredibly turned on you were, you let out a slow sigh hiss past your lips as if you were getting irritated.
“Well, you got to touch me plenty, sweets. In front of everyone, just like I asked you not to,” excitement overtook your annoyance some time ago, but what you brought up was a genuine point of contention. From the very beginning you made it clear you wanted your relationship to be private. It wasn’t that you were ashamed of him or anything, you just hated all the unnecessary attention couples garnered, all the mindless gossip and speculation of who plays what role, the whispers, the stares. And once Bertholdt had gotten comfortable with you, always seeking your touch like a love sick little puppy, you knew this was something that needed to be discussed. He agreed at the time, ‘if it means I get to be with you, I guess it’s okay,’ he said, but as things progressed he would give away your relationship in little ways. At first it was just the way he would look at you (which was only natural given your feeling for each other, you supposed), staring at your lips for a little too long when you spoke, a little twinkle of fondness in his warm eyes. You let this slide, because it was minimal and no one seemed to notice. But slowly, he started doing more and more things that you had to call him out on, resting his head on your shoulder, using his thumb to tenderly swipe crumbs of food off your face, nearly calling you baby- until finally, tonight in the dining hall while having supper with your friends, he practically announced you two were together by kissing your hand when you burnt it on a scalding bowl of soup. Porco was too involved with his food to notice, but you could feel Reiner and Annie’s eyes hovering over you as if you were an alien. Too embarrassed to handle their reactions, you excused yourself to your room and quickly left before they even had a chance to say anything, Bertholdt obviously right on your heels. He tried to embrace you and kiss you and apologize to make it all better, but his penchant for physical affection was what got you in this situation in the first place. So that’s when you decided to give him a little time-out. Even though, your edge was starting to wear down after hearing him whine out for you for so long.
“I know! I-I just don’t like seeing you get hurt! I didn’t think they were looking at us, I’m sorry Y/N!” he choked out, squirming against the air as if that would provide some sort of relief. “I’m s-so hard for you it feels like ‘m gonna pass out.”
“Oh really? And what do you want me to do about that?” You asked in a snarky tone to mask the unadulterated lust pulsing through you, going back to fake-reading your text book.
“I want you to touch me! I want to feel you, any part of you, until I cum over and over…” you could hear the thought in his voice as he got lost in what he was describing, and you didn’t need to turn around to know he was biting his lip with his head tilted back, eyes squeezed shut and brows knitted. Another hot rush of arousal swirled in deep in your stomach.
“You know I can’t do that, baby,” you said against your own body’s command.
“Y-Yes you can! I promise I’ll be good from now on, I w-won’t hold your hand or kiss you or hug you in front of anyone again! Just please, I need you Y/N,” maybe it was your own excitement, or how fucking good he sounded begging for you like a pitiful little boy, but this finally broke your resolve. It would be cruel to let him stay there like that all night, anyway. You pushed yourself out of your seat and made your way to Berthdolt’s trembling form on the bed. Even you just getting closer to him caused his heavy breathing to pick up pace.
“How do you want me, my sweet boy?” you purred, laying down flat on your stomach before his lanky body so that his dick towered above you like a skyscraper.
“A-Any way,” he looked down at you beneath his dark, fluttering lashes, swiveling his hips in anticipation of your touch. You let out a soft scoff.
“Be specific or I can’t help you~,” you said with a sweet lilt in your voice, harsh words laced with honey. His eyes blew open wide at your threat to leave him a writhing, unfulfilled mess for even longer than you already had.
“Can you take me in your mouth? Please?” A new wave of blush spread across his cheeks as he said this, and you couldn’t help but smile at how cute he was.
“There you go, baby,” you giggled. You guided your featherlight fingertips along the slick muscle of his thighs, causing him to tense up immediately, and you could actually see the thrum of his heartbeat racing beneath his skin in faint flits. He was so sensitive by now you didn’t doubt he would explode just like he said before. Your fingers playfully walked along the slope of his legs, working their way inwards, and you teased them to a gradual stop mere inches from where he needed you most. He was panting like a dog at this point, chest rising and falling violently as he looked down at you, jaw slack and eyes cloudy with frustrated tears.
“You’ve been waiting for this, huh?” You dragged your tongue along your lower lip and leaned in close to his pulsating cock so that your breath fanned across his shaft, digging your fingers into the tendons of his inner thigh. He gasped, the shock of you finally gracing him with some sort of stimulation overwhelming his worked-up body, and a throb of pleasure shot through his dick with such alarming intensity that you could see it expand in his veins and swell at the tip. You blinked up at him, a bit startled yourself. He was so close already and you barely even touched him… Maybe you didn’t even need to touch him.
“U-Uhuh!” He nodded frantically, tears now spilling down his flushed face and drool dribbling down his chin; the sight would’ve been sad if it wasn’t so fucking hot. You massaged your fingertips into the thin, sweat-slicked skin on either side of his balls and slowly moved your lips upwards so that they were ghosting the hot, leaking head of his penis. His whole body shuddered underneath you, hips eagerly twitching to meet your lips, but only mildly, timidly, making it clear he was still completely under your control.
“I bet you’ve been imagining this for so long, my lips around your cock, feeling me squeeze you in my throat,” you hummed, your lips just barely brushing his dickhead as you spoke, and to him the vibration of your voice and the warm flutters of your breath against him felt just as sensational as the euphoric grip of your walls after hours of waiting for any kind of attention. This was exactly what you suspected, what you were hoping. He was such a desperate mess that he could get off to just your words and proximity. “Can you feel it? My pretty little mouth drooling around you?”
“A-Ah! Yes!” He cried out, and his stiff cock slapped against his belly eagerly as if he was truly feeling every bit of what you were describing, hell, even you were starting to feel it from his reactions alone, the ache between your legs growing almost painful.
“Does my sweet boy want to cum down my throat?” You kept steady eye contact with him, savoring every bit of watching him crumble before you, intentionally letting your breath pour past your lips in heavy pants, and he bucked into the air with each puff, his abdomen flexed tight and his thighs shuddering.
“Ahaha y-yes please!” He whimpered, the rhythm of his hips gently rising to meet your breath becoming twitchy and unstable, a clear sign that he was on the brink of long-awaited release. A coy smile played at the ends of your lips as you batted your lashed up at him.
“Then cum for me,” and on command, his whole body convulsed under the weight of sweet, sweet climax, at long last, the hugest load you’d ever seen erupting out of him in thick, hot torrents that sprayed right in his face. You were so proud of him, your poor baby, putting up with your little act for hours on end despite yearning for you so immensely that you didn’t even need to touch his cock for him to bust. He just loved you that much and why exactly? You quite honestly didn’t know. You almost felt the need to apologize for treating him so cruelly, but at the end of the day you were trying to teach him a lesson, and based on how he was looking at you, right eye squeezed shut to prevent cum from getting in his eye, body rattling with exhaustion, it was safe to say he wouldn’t make the same mistake again. The least you could do was help him clean up. You got up on your knees and took his clammy face in your hands, gliding your tongue along his salty skin to get rid of all the cum, saliva, tears- whatever fluids were coating his face. When you were done, you pressed a kiss to his lips.
“I love you, my sweet boy.”
HEYYY LOVELIESSS💓💓 here’s my first official completed request (woohoo)!!! Bertholdt is not usually a character I would accept writing but this request kinda had me GRRRR ya know (thank you for that anon, I truly hope you’ll enjoy this! This was my first time writing orgasm denial too so idk if i did it right NAKWKA)? BUTTT yeah here ya go, bloop ilyyyy
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guro-giri-letters · 3 years
imagine... the dabi hair dye scenario but one of the league finds/sees him and decides to help? my heart
(SO, I totally meant this to be shorter but I got a little in my feels. Plus the lowkey Dabi and Mr Compress friendship is so underrated, I adore it. Anyway, here it is, a little comfort fic.)
The Boy Can't Cry - By Guro. ♡
/Dabi gets overwhelmed dying his hair to cover up his past and Mr Compress comes to his aid. Any fics like this where it’s just the league interacting together I’m going to lovingly tag ‘League of Family’. Hope you enjoy! ♡/
/Tags l Tw ; Dabi being emotionally unstable, some cursing, Mr Compress being fatherly, friendship, league of family. ♡/
“How can a man head a group of villains…” Sako murmurs aloud to himself, pulling another card from the messy pile upon the small table between his knees. Sighing, he flicks it into one of several other smaller piles he’s made around the main one, tsk-ing to himself quietly. “...but he can’t keep a pack of cards together. Really.”
Pure boredom, and an inability to get himself over to sleep, is what inspired one Mr Compress to take up and look through Shigaraki’s deck. It’s late in the night now, maybe early morning, and he’s sorting each of the cards into their respective groups by lamplight. It’s a comfortable, mindless task, the showman dressed down to his shirtsleeves and balaclava. In the rare quiet he lets his mind wander, and wonders where Shigaraki had gotten the cards from.
Had he stolen them? Or were they given to him? Gifts from his master, maybe. Either way dearly cherished, he decides, running his thumb over the faded face of an ace of hearts. He’s pondering still when the quick tip-tap of feet on metal steps reaches his ears.
“Mr Compress!”
Blinking, he lays down his hand and turns to find Toga halfway down the rickety staircase, hand cupped around her mouth dramatically as she whisper-yells. Her eyes are big and wide in the dim light, uncharacteristically appearing almost… frightened? What? Right away Sako is on edge, cards forgotten. “What is it dear?” He asks, lowering his own voice in response to her whispers. His worry only grows as Toga’s lips seem to tremble, looking over her shoulder before back to her elder.
“It’s Dabi…” She replies quietly, hugging her arms around her nightdress-clad self. “Somethings wrong with Dabi.”
Sako isn’t sure what he’s seeing at first as he nudges in the bathroom door. Toga is at his back, gripping his sleeve and peering around his side as the door falls slowly open. The old tiled room is lit by dim, yellowed light, and he can just make out Dabi’s shape hunched over the tub at the far end. “He keeps talking to himself-” She murmurs, only to jump at the sound of an open growl, Dabi’s form twisting to glare over his shoulder in their direction from the shadows.
“Get out, Toga.” The burnt man snarls, sending the girl flying away without hesitation. Sako watches her go, a little shocked at her fear in the face of her own comrade. Dabi doesn’t even seem to be looking right at the doorway, stark blue eyes wide and lost. Vacant. Thick, inky black lines run down his face and throat, dripping off of his chin. What the hell is he doing?
“What’s going on, man?” Sako demands, crossing the threshold and approaching Dabi where he kneels. “What’s gotten into you? You’re scaring Toga.”
“Fuck you.” Dabi snaps back, fingers digging into his hair. The same black sits in smudges over the back of his neck, staining his pale fingers. In the dark it almost seems like the villain has been infected, taken over by some dark, miasmic mess. Squinting up, Sako reaches and with a gloved hand, twists the hanging bulb around in it’s socket. Suddenly the room is filled with brighter light, everything coming into focus, and he looks down at Dabi.
His eyes widen a fraction.
Dabi’s coat lies discarded on the dingy floor at his side, the villain kneeling, almost unnaturally bent over the shallow bathtub. His body is shaking, chest expanding and falling rapidly as he scrapes at his own scalp. His hands are trembling, veins visibly risen up on their backs. It seems like he’s working the blackness into his hair almost desperately, hushed words falling barely audible from his lips. “-away. Get away.”
“Dabi?” Sako tries again. And this time he gets a reaction; Dabi’s head twisting to glare in a manner almost animalistic. The black has run in streams down his face and into his eyes, scleras bloodshot deep red and burning. He can’t even see right now, Sako realises, without the ability to produce tears to get rid of the chemicals. Being so close for the first time, he takes note of the sparse, white hairs appearing in his league-mates' thin brows. Oh.
“Get out, Compress. Get out-”
“Do you need help?” He ignores Dabi’s demands easily. The young man isn’t himself right now, and his voice is hoarse, even more gravelly than usual. In response to his question Dabi’s hands clench in his hair, tight, tendons bulging as his knuckles turn white. Sako can hear the strands tearing and grabs for Dabi’s quivering hands. “Good God, man. Stop it!”
“Get off of me!” Dabi practically howls, twisting out of the older man’s grip and slipping, slumping shoulder-first against the side of the tub. He seems to deflate all at once, his head hanging low. Sako can only stare at him, his heart pounding with adrenaline and hands still outstretched, Dabi’s breath comes quick and loud, his own hands coming up to cover his face. He’s an utter mess, what Sako has now deduced to be black dye staining his hands, shirt. Everything. A stretch of silence passes between them, and then Dabi makes the last noise his companion expected to hear.
For a moment he thinks Dabi is laughing, finding some kind of twisted amusement in all of this. But then it starts coming louder, his shoulders shaking, chest and throat convulsing uncontrollably. A dry, hacking cough leaves his throat before he presses his palms harder against his face, knees pulling in close to his body. A noise like barely concealed sobbing reaches Sako’s ears.
He’s crying.
Well… no, the boy can’t cry. He knows this; Dabi’s tear ducts have been damaged beyond repair for years now. But his body still betrays him, shuddering through bouts of broken weeping, dredged up from somewhere deep inside of him. It feels almost wrong, Sako thinks, to see him so vulnerable. It’s clear he’s witnessing something deeply personal. A moment of distress so jarring that Dabi holds fast onto his own arms and curls in on himself, almost like he’s trying to comfort himself.
Almost like he’s done this a hundred times before.
The feeling of Sako’s arm wrapping around his shoulders makes Dabi jerk, looking up with bleary eyes as he stoops down to his level. “What are you doing?” He snaps weakly, but there’s no real conviction in it. His nose is running, his voice broken up. Whatever kind of mental breakdown Dabi is currently having, the older man simply can’t bring himself to leave him. Doesn’t want to leave him to fall apart on his own.
“Quiet.” He admonishes, crouching before Dabi and pulling him closer bodily, so that his head comes to rest on Sako’s shoulder. Still breathing raggedly, Dabi stares at a space somewhere on the wall beyond Sako’s shoulder for a while before his eyes close, a worn out sigh leaving his lungs in pieces. No attempt is made to shove him away this time. He gives in.
At one point in his life, another entertainer had told Sako that when a child hugged them, they should never be the first to let go. ‘Because you never know how badly they might need it’, they had said. Keeping his arms around Dabi and remembering that message, he tightens his grip a touch, resigning himself to remaining in a crouch and getting sore knees. Not that Dabi is willing to be held for very long. He pulls away with a sniff, hand on Sako’s shoulder to keep himself steady. “Fuck- my eyes.”
He’s not wrong. His eyelids are irritated and swollen, both his regular skin and the grafts beneath. Sighing, Sako loosens his grip and lets Dabi lean back, against the side of the tub. “Put your head over.” He advises, straightening to his feet and pulling off his ruined gloves.
“Why?” Dabi rasps.
“To wash the chemicals out of your eyes, Dabi.”
Dabi considers this with a glance at the dirty tiles then nods his head once. He looks, to put it in a word, drained, straightening himself up and turning to rest his elbows on the tub's edge. Sako watches him as he finishes rolling up his sleeves, shaking his head slightly.
“Where on earth do you young people find the energy to get so worked up?” He chides, not cruelly, turning the faucet and cupping his hand beneath the sluggish flow of water. With his free hand he brings Dabi’s head over the lip of the tub with a nudge, and brings his cupped hand to the fire-user's face. Dabi hisses but doesn’t recoil as Sako rinses the remnants of dye from his face and eyes, pausing only to say; “I’ll do your hair.” and washing the remainder from his unruly mane. His skin will stain for a while, but it’ll wash away in time. He’ll be alright.
To his credit, Dabi has stopped shuddering and seems to be slowly coming down. Slumped against the lip of the tub he lets out a long, slow breath, sniffing and wiping his nose on his forearm. “I feel like I’m gonna throw up.”
“Hold it, I’m almost done.”
With the sting in his eyes finally dulling, Dabi cracks them open halfway to watch the blue-black water flow down the drain. His throat feels suddenly raw, aching. His face hurts.
“Compress.” It hurts to talk. Jesus.
Sako shuts the water off when Dabi’s hair is running mostly clear, a brow arching beneath his balaclava. “Yes?”
“...don’t- Don’t go telling them.” He manages, fingers twitching where he holds the edge of the tub. “I don’t-”
“I understand.” Offering the cleanest looking towel in the room, Sako gives Dabi a faint smile, nodding when he pulls it from his grip. “It’s not for us to know… Are you alright?”
Dabi rises slowly, using the ledge to pull himself up before rubbing at his freshly dyed hair. There’s a moment of hesitation, then; “Yeah… thanks, Compress.”
Sako smiles fully now, spreading his arms and giving a short bow. “I do what I can.”
Dabi snorts, pulls the towel down around his shoulders. “I owe you, I guess.”
“Well… how do you fancy aiding my endeavours to organize Shigaraki’s card collection?”
“No thanks.”
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ghostdrew22 · 4 years
Draco admires you with your kids and their friends
SOFT || Draco Malfoy
Requested: Yes Pairing: post-war Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: one minor injury that involves blood but other than that, nothing!
WORDS : 1767
“Cass, come on, please put that down?” Draco asks with an exasperated tone as he runs after your daughter- who’s running around the living room with an evil giggle. “Scorpius, don’t you dare-“
Draco gets cut off by the sound of glass shattering as your son, Scorpius, and his friend, Liam, drop a vase off the table. He stops mid-run and sighs heavily as he runs his hands down his face.
Draco has always wanted children. For as long as he can remember he’s wanted children so that he could fill the gaping hole that was left by the lack of affection from his father. But that same hole, that very same resulting trauma, has always made him think that he just can’t do it, that he’ll end up exactly like his own father. And it’s always moments like these that make him doubt his abilities, moments like these that make him wonder if in comparison to his own father he’s too soft.
Draco would’ve never gotten away with half the stuff that your children do at this age, but also he never really had much of a childhood anyway. In a way, being a stay-at-home dad helps him make up for that and recover long lost moments of adolescence that he never had the opportunity to experience. Moments like this, in which he has to chase around your chaotic children and try not to get drunk on the sound of their elated and mischievous giggles, that he still doesn’t know if he’s earned it yet, despite the fact that he’s become a teddy bear in comparison to his own father.
The first time the two of you had discussed children you’d both agreed that one of you would be a stay-at-home parent, and at the time you’d been happy to follow in your mother’s footsteps and volunteer for the role. But then you fell pregnant and hesitated to submit your resignation papers so, in a moment of rushed and haphazard courage, Draco resigned instead and fully committed to the stay-at-home dad lifestyle, despite his perpetual fear of failure, so that you could have the advantage of both motherhood and a successful career. Draco hated his ministry job and you, paradoxically, did not- it was a win-win situation.
So now he stands in your living room, wearing an apron with your daughter’s favourite tv character on it, feeling very exasperated and out of sorts at the overwhelming responsibility of having to supervise your children’s playdates.
You walk into the living room and take in the scene- Cass, holding one of Draco’s old academic trophies as her and Jade run around with paint on their faces, and the boys wrestling on the ground, awkwardly close to the remnants of a broken vase- stopping behind your husband to wrap your arms around his waist and plop a kiss up onto his cheek. He softens into your touch and turns to kiss the side of your forehead before you sink off your tiptoes and onto the heels of your feet. “Need some help?”
To say that your twins are a handful would be an understatement, now add to that two other children with just as much chaotic energy? An absolute disaster. You’d told Draco that taking them to the zoo or the park for the playdate would’ve been a better idea but he insisted on celebrating the twin’s birthday at home and you’d obliged to his wishes. Now, he regrets not listening to you.
“If you don’t mind, that would be great.” He pouts at you and you laugh lightly at his frustration.
“Boys, break it up. Girls, freeze right now.” All the kids halt their movements and quickly turn their heads to face you with wide eyes, “There’s a cake that needs to be cut up and eaten in the next thirty minutes but I don’t think you have earned it.”
“No, we have!”
“Please mum? We’ve been good!”
Draco scoffs at your daughter’s blatant lie of having been good and you bite back a smile. “I’m sure you have, but if you really want the cake then I’m going to need you all to play a couple of games of hide and seek outside first. The winner gets the biggest slice.”
They all squeal in excitement and hurry to run out to the garden so that they can play. You quickly mutter a charm to repair the vase and turn to your husband who’s looking at you with a mixture of exhaustion and adoration.
“You’re my saviour.” He breathes out and you smile, “Somehow you spend less time with them and still manage to handle them better.”
“A mother’s touch love.” You giggle and give him a quick peck.
“I wish this mother would touch me.” He hints as he pulls you in by the waist with a grin.
“You’re so-“
A sharp cry from down the hall cuts you off and you both sigh. “I’ll go get him.” You reply.
“I’ll get the cake ready.”
The kids all come running into the kitchen excitedly at the sound of your voice calling for them to get cake. You smile at the sound of their giggles erupting into the kitchen as you play with the recently awoken baby in your arms, but your smile is gone as quick as it came at the sound of a light yelp and cry coming from one of the older kids.
Without missing a beat you rush toward the sound and find that it’s Jade harbouring a thin, but rather long, cut along the expanse of her leg and right below her knee. Draco can see that you’re moving to help her and he holds his hands out for the baby but you pay him no attention and, somehow, manage to lift the 8 year-old into your other arm and carry her up onto the kitchen counter- while still straddling your son on your hip.
“What happened sweetie?” You ask your friend’s daughter gently as you make to grab antiseptic, cotton wool and a bandage from under the sink- the place you and Draco had taken to storing them after the kids came back from playing outside with injuries one too many times.
“I think I scraped my leg against the edge of the little gate by the door.” She points toward the door that leads out to the garden and you nod in acknowledgement- knowing exactly which gate she’s referring to.
“Come here my little skittles, give mum some space to breathe.” Draco figures it’s best not to interrupt you and gestures for the other children to come toward him. They all shuffle their feet against the tile nervously as they keep their eyes trained on their friend.
“I’m so sorry love, we’ll make sure to get that fixed for next time you come over, yeah?” You ask her with furrowed eyebrows and she nods perkily. “This is going to hurt a bit, but I know that you’re a very brave girl so if you can close your eyes, count to ten for me and squeeze my hand that would be great.” She nods and follows your instructions- grabbing hold of your outstretched hand that sits underneath the baby’s bottom- while you dowse some cotton wool in antiseptic and drag it softly down the injury.
She winces but doesn’t cry, counting to ten as instructed and trying to focus on the promise of cake waiting or her, and soon enough you’ve already draped the bandage over her leg.
Draco watches the scene unfold with a look of admiration coating his features. It’s in this moment that he sees why you became an auror- no matter the situation you always present a fierce, prepared and oddly comforting energy- it’s one of the reasons he fell so deeply in love with you and it’s a quality of yours that he hopes both of your children will inherit.
“Thank you aunt Y/N.” She smiles up at you and your heart wrenches at the sight. You give her a kiss on the forehead and help her off the counter.
“You are very welcome, Jade. And I think you’ve earned the biggest slice of cake, what do you guys think?” You turn to the other children with an inquisitive gaze and they all nod quickly in agreement- wanting desperately to make their injured friend feel better. “Okay, bottoms in seats then!”
All the kids scramble to find seats around the table as you go about handing them each a plate with cake in it- making sure to give Jade the biggest slice. 
Draco knows that he should feel envious at how easily you get the kids to bend at your will despite the fact that he spends way more time with them, but all he can feel is an immense sense of love and pride swelling in his heart. He feels soft.
He knows that the ‘woman can have it all’ mantra is often misleading and impractical but the truth is that you can have it all. Somehow you juggle your family and work so well it almost looks flawless, and while he knows how hard you work to keep it all steady, he still always finds himself speechless at how well you do it. Even after spending countless nights reassuring you that you’re not a bad mother for wanting a career, he can’t seem to understand why you’d ever doubt your abilities when he watches you in action.
Badass auror in the papers, loving mother in the house and generous lover in the-
“Oh, sorry love, did you say something?” He blinks back his thoughts and smiles down at you.
You tilt your head backwards in a laugh and move to hand your husband the baby, “I was asking what you want to get for dinner? Blaise and Luna are picking up Jade and Liam soon so I thought that maybe we could just order in for dinner tonight?”
“That sounds lovely actually, I’m not particularly interested in cooking or eating Flora’s burnt food.” He says with a grimace- referring to your very incompetent house elf.
“You really should fire her.”
“She’s got nowhere else to go.” He pouts and you roll your eyes.
“When did you become so soft?” You raise your eyebrows at him and he shrugs as he watches you speak sweetly to your son that he’s got in his arms.
In that moment he already knows the answer, he became so soft the minute you came into his life, and he wouldn’t want it any other way.
“I won hide and seek by the way, so that cake was rightfully mine.” Scorpius grumbles out- even though he wears the signature Malfoy grin on his lips- and you all laugh at his random outburst.
So there’s my first ever request! I hope I did it justice, it was a little difficult to put someone else’s vision down and into words but it was a really nice challenge and I’d like to do more so please feel free to request moreeee.
Jean <3
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sinshckled · 3 years
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━━ ╴-   AGUST D,  D-2   [ 2020 ]                                     ⤷  LYRICAL STARTERS. 
collection of various sentence starters from AGUST D’s second mixtape. -  translations were taken from doolsetbangtan, w/ occasional help from genius ; -  minor edits were made as to accomodate roleplay needs ; -  feel free to change pronouns or wording as to best fit your muse !
cw:   angst, depression, mentions of violence, alcohol, lots and lots of SWEARING !
TRACK ONE. — 저 달 ( Moonlight )
❝ Fuck, I’m just doing it. ❞
❝ In my head, the reality fights with the ideal tirelessly. ❞
❝ My biggest enemy is the anger inside me. ❞
❝ Sometimes I resent god, asking why he made me live a life like this. ❞
❝ Sometimes I ask myself again, ‘if it was possible to go back, would you ?’ Well, I’ll have to think more about that. ❞
❝ One moment I feel like I’ve easily earned what I have, and the next moment I’m compensated for the fucking hard work I’ve done. ❞
❝ But I’m still hungry, would this be karma ? ❞
❝ That moonlight that shines on me at dawn, it’s still the same as then. A lot changed in my life, but that moonlight is still the same. ❞
❝ Sometimes I feel like I’m a genius. Sometimes I feel like I have no talent. ❞
❝ There would be no eternity for anything. ❞
❝ Being called immortal is fucking overwhelming. ❞
❝ But the adjectives they attach to my name feel too much sometimes. ❞
❝ What can I do, I should just keep running. ❞
❝ What can I do, I should just keep hold of things that I’m grasping. ❞
❝ What can I do, I should just pay back what I’ve received. ❞
❝ If you think you’re gonna crash, accelerate even harder, you idiot ! ❞
    TRACK TWO. — 대취타 ( Daechwita )
❝ Don’t forget the old days. ❞
❝ Born a slave, risen to a king. ❞
❝ Rags to riches, that’s exactly the way I live. ❞
❝ I’m sorry, but don’t worry about me ; I have lots to lose. ❞
❝ I'm about to dine on what I know is mine. ❞
❝ Not gonna lie, what a shitshow. ❞
❝ I’ve got no pretensions, just kill ’em all.  ❞
❝ No exceptions, I watch you fall. ❞
❝ Who’s the king ? Who’s the boss ? ❞
❝ Everyone knows my name. ❞
❝ All shit-talk, they’ve got no game. ❞
❝ Off with their heads, ah ! ❞
❝ This country's too small to hold me in yet. ❞
❝ Who said time is money ? My time is worth more than that. ❞
❝ I'm so thankful that I'm a genius.  ❞
❝ If that’s your reason for using drugs, cry me a river — you’ve just got no skills. ❞
❝ I got everything I wanted, I wonder what else I should have to feel satisfied. ❞
❝ Yeah, what's next ? ❞
❝ Here comes my reality check. ❞
❝ I only looked up ; now I want to look down and put my feet on the ground. ❞
❝ Remember my name. ❞   
   TRACK THREE. — 어떻게 생각해? ( What do you think? )
❝ What do you think ? ❞
❝ Whatever you think, I’m sorry but I don’t fucking care at all. ❞
❝ I’m sorry but I don’t care at all about how mediocre your life is, or about the fact that you can’t escape the shithole after failing. ❞
❝ Thinking that my success has anything to do with your failure… you’re fucking great at being delusional. ❞
❝ Your sense of humor is so so. ❞
❝ The fact that you're fucked is your fault, no-no? ❞
❝ We conquer it all, one by one, like we’ve been doing all this time. ❞
❝ All of you go fuck yourself, huh ! ❞
❝ The brats that boast about their money, you have to wonder how much they could've actually earnt on their own. ❞
❝ Bragging about money looks cute now. ❞
❝ We’ll go serve in the military when the time comes. ❞
❝ I hope all those bastards who tried to get a free ride by selling our names shut their mouths up. ❞
❝ At this point, I don’t have to know. ❞
❝ I don’t fucking care. ❞
❝ While this will be my last gift, this as well is luxury for you. ❞
    TRACK FOUR. — 이상하지 않은가 ( Strange ) ft. RM 
❝ Everything in dust, do you see ? ❞
❝ Well well well…❞
❝ Everything in lust. ❞
❝ Someone please tell me if life is pain. ❞
❝ If there’s a god, please tell me if life is happiness. ❞
❝ A big system that’s called the world ; They insert conflicts, wars, or survivals. ❞
❝ Capital injects morphine called hope with dream as collateral. ❞
❝ Wealth creates wealth and tests our greed. ❞
❝ In the world, it’s only the two, black and white, that exist. ❞
❝ In the endless zero-sum game, the end is entertaining to watch. ❞
❝ Polarization... the ugliest flower in the world. ❞
❝ It’s been a long while since truth got eaten away by lies. ❞
❝ Who would it be that benefits the most? Who would it be that gets harmed the most ? ❞
❝ The one who isn’t sick in the world that is sick gets treated as a mutant, isn’t it strange ? ❞
❝ The one who has his eyes open in the world that has its eyes closed — now they make him out to be blind, isn’t it strange ? ❞
❝ The one who wants peace, the one who wants a fight — each taking each end of the ideology, isn’t it strange ? ❞
❝ There’s no correct answer, isn’t it strange ? ❞
❝ You think you’ve got taste? Oh, baby, how do you know? ❞
❝ For god’s sake, everything's under control ! ❞
❝ However much money one has, everyone is a slave of this system. ❞
❝ At this point, even you wouldn’t know. ❞
❝ Oh baby, what’s your name? ❞
❝ But still, life goes on, somehow, just like this. ❞
❝ Everyone, in their own chicken coop, says they’re okay. ❞
❝ In the world where a dream has become an option… there’s no correct answer, that’s the answer. ❞
   TRACK FIVE. — 점점 어른이 되나봐 ( 28 ), ft. NiiHWA
❝ And yet, would it have been better to not know the world? ❞
❝ Perhaps I’m gradually becoming an adult. ❞
❝ I can’t remember what were the things that I hoped for. ❞
❝ Now I’m scared. ❞
❝ Where did the fragments of my dream go ? ❞
❝ Though I’m breathing, it feels like my heart has broken down. ❞
❝ Yeah, to talk about now, it’s about becoming an adult who finds it only overwhelming to grasp onto a dream. ❞
❝ I thought I’d change when I turned twenty ; I thought I’d change when I graduated. ❞
❝ Sometimes, tears suddenly pour down with no reason. ❞
❝ Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter anymore. ❞
❝ Living, for just one day, without any concerns... for just one day, without any worries. ❞
    TRACK SIX. — Burn it, ft. MAX
❝ I see the ashes falling out your window. ❞
❝ There’s someone in the mirror that you don’t know. ❞
❝ And everything was all wrong ; so burn it till it’s all gone. ❞
❝ Let’s go back to the past days, to the times that destroyed me. ❞
❝ After having a taste of success, how am I different from the me of back then ? ❞
❝ Let the old me burn. ❞
❝ I wonder what would remain in the end ? ❞
❝ The weakness, hatred, loathing, and even rage — Them, too, are rather futile. ❞
❝ Be careful of the word ‘beginner’s mindset’, don’t be afraid. ❞
❝ Whether it would become a blazing sun or the ashes left behind after being burnt — always, the choice and decision is yours to make. ❞
❝ I hope you don’t forget that giving up decisively also counts as courage. ❞
    TRACK SEVEN. — 사람 (People)
❝ What kind of person am I ? ❞
❝ Am I a good person ? Or a bad person ? ❞
❝ I’m just a person, too. ❞
❝ Everyone would fade away and be forgotten. ❞
❝ People change — like I have. ❞
❝ There’s nothing that lasts forever. ❞
❝ Everything is just a happening passing through.❞
❝ Mm… why so serious ? ❞
❝ If you get hurt, what about it ? ❞
❝ Flow along the way the water flows ; maybe there’s something at the end. ❞
❝ A special life, an ordinary life, each of them on their own. ❞
❝ It’s all good, it’s all good. ❞
❝ Things don’t always go as intended ; Discomfort is something everyone has to withstand. ❞
❝ The repetition of dramatic situations sometimes makes life tiring. ❞
❝ People are like that. ❞
❝ When it’s not there, you wish it was ; when it’s there, you wish it wasn’t. ❞
❝ Who said that humans are the animals of wisdom ? To my eyes, it’s obvious that they are animals of regret. ❞
    TRACK EIGHT. — 혼술 ( Honsool )
❝ It’s time that I fully face myself. ❞
❝ After finishing a shower, I detoxify myself with alcohol. ❞
❝ Perhaps it’s the alcohol that puts a period at the end of the day that is blurry in my memory. ❞
❝ I’ll just worry about tomorrow’s work tomorrow, fuck I don’t care. ❞
❝ I don’t really reach for snacks because I feel like I’d throw up if I did. ❞
❝ Since it’s getting to my head, let’s be honest about my life. ❞
❝ Oh yeah, money, fame, wealth, trophies and stadiums — sometimes I’d get scared of them. ❞
❝ I thought I’d party every day when I become a superstar, but the ideal is slapping the reality in the back of its head. ❞
❝ Well, it doesn’t matter anyway ; Tomorrow will come and go again. ❞
❝ I, who’s like this, and you, who’s like that… we just endure through the day, I guess. ❞
    TRACK NINE. — Interlude : Set me free
❝ Set me free, knowing that it won’t go the way I want. ❞
❝ Set me free, knowing that it’s not what I want. ❞
❝ Set me free, I’m floating freely in the void. ❞
❝ Set me free, these days, I feel melancholy for no obvious reason. ❞
❝ One day, I crawl on the floor ; On another day, I fly high in the sky. ❞
    TRACK TEN. — 어땠을까 ( Dear my friend ), ft. JW of NELL
❝ Still, as ever, I miss you, and I miss you. ❞
❝ Still, as ever, the memories of us together circle around me. ❞
❝ Maybe, if I had held you back then… no, if I had stopped you back then… ❞
❝ Would we have remained friends ? What would have it been like ? ❞
❝ Dear my friend, how are you doing ? ❞
❝ I, well, am doing well, as you probably know, yeah. ❞
❝ Dear my friend, I’ll be honest. I still fucking hate you. ❞
❝ I still remember the old days, when we were together. ❞
❝ “With the two of us, even the world is nothing to be afraid of” ; We used to say that, and now we walk on completely different paths, damn. ❞
❝ We, who had big dreams, were young, we were only twenty. ❞
❝ Would it be that you’ve changed, or was it me ? ❞
❝ I hate this flowing time, I guess it’s us who’ ve changed. ❞
❝ Hey, I hate you. Hey, I don't like you — Hey, even as I say these words, I miss you. ❞
❝ When I saw you for the first time in a while, you had become a completely different person. ❞
❝ There was no way to bring you back, and you became a monster.❞
❝ The you I used to know is gone, and the me you used to know is gone. ❞
❝ I know that it’s not just because of time that we’ve changed. ❞
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pokesaurio · 3 years
I find it hard to believe that New Amsterdam has such little fanfiction. It’s a great show! So I decided to write something for the Leyren ship (which I would usually never do) to fix this! Hope you enjoy :)
Summary: How the Dam Fam finds out about Lauren’s new roommate.
“So, naturally, you offered her to live with you” said Helen sarcastically, incredulous at Lauren’s out of character decision.
“Well, yes, she has become my friend after all, and I couldn’t let her alone in the streets”, replied Lauren matter-of-factly.
“Hmm. And how’s it going?” Helen rose an eyebrow suspiciously.
“It’s...” Lauren let out a small sigh, “It’s effortless, really. I feel like she’s always been there”. The “which scares me” was left unsaid.
Helen patiently waited until Lauren disclosed more, knowing her friend usually needed more time to open up.
“Well, except for the massive tree in the middle of the living room. Which I don’t dislike, but...”
“What?!” This got Helen’s attention. Since when was Bloom known to decorate her apartments, let alone let another person do so... with living things?!
“Well, she bought a tree, said it reminded her of home. But apparently it was smaller in the picture, so now I have a full-blown tree in my living room. And I think I like it” that last part she muttered softly.
Helen let out a small, genuine smile, amused but also proud of her friend. “That looks like progress. You haven’t yet snapped her head off for touching your space, so I’d say that’s a point for Lauren’s intimate relationships”.
“Pfft. It’s not very intimate if I still don’t know about her. I have tried to learn what she likes, but she still won’t really tell me about herself. It’s a little frustrating really” Lauren let out an adorable pout.
“Well, give her time. She is living in a stranger’s house after all, in a new country and with probably no other connections or friendships here. I can’t imagine she trusts people easily” said Helen patiently.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Mama Bear is at it again. Free advice for all!” Lauren laughed.
Helen snorted. “Well, it’s taken me nowhere with Mina. Still don’t know how this motherly figure thing works, sadly” she stated defeatedly.
“Oh, come on! You’re doing great! She’s slowly respecting her school timetable and your curfews more, right? And she hasn’t put a massive tree in your living room. That has to count for something” said Lauren, pointing her finger at Helen as she walked towards her ED. “You’ve got this!” and she gave Helen her best thumbs up and exaggerated smile.
Lauren haphazardly threw her stuff into her backpack and went for the door, ready to call it a day and head back home.
“Lauren, you’re rushing out” Casey said suspiciously as he entered the locker room. “I assume this means you’re gonna continue smuggling your friend here? Cause if it does, you should know you are risking even more than before. If they catch you again...”
“No, Casey, it’s not like that” Lauren stated. “Don’t worry, she won’t be coming back here”.
“So that means... you let her go? Do you know where she is?” said Casey, now concerned about Leyla’s wellbeing.
“She’s actually... living with me?” said Lauren, the last part coming out in a rush and higher pitch.
“What?” asked Casey, wide-eyed. “Lauren, she- what?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t leave her on the streets, and I figured since I’m never home it couldn’t hurt to give her my spare room” justified Lauren to what seemed like Casey and herself.
“Okay, Lauren, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, you are risking a lot for this stranger. Please be careful” said Casey, though not unkindly. He was just worried about his friend.
“But that’s just it, Casey. She’s not a stranger, not anymore, and I would have done the same for any one of you. I protect my people” said Lauren, now sounding much more convinced.
“Well, if you’re happy with your decision, I can only congratulate you. You finally have a friend outside of work!” he added with a smile, teasing Lauren.
Lauren swatted his arm playfully. “I forgot, Mr Popular here knows most of New York. And I might have one friend, but it’s a hard one” she said, giving him the finger.
“Okay, okay!” Casey laughed, raising his arms defensively. “You win. But Lauren” he said softly “I am happy for you. Just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing”.
“Thanks” said Lauren with a smile, squeezing his arm lightly as she left.
She did know what she was doing. Right. Right? It wasn’t like Leyla was a random stranger, not anymore, and she liked her enough that living together had been smooth sailing so far. So why did she find herself overthinking everything when it came to Leyla?
“Get your shit together, Lauren” she chanted to herself. She was driving home, her palms sweating slightly, but still excited to get there. She had been rushing out a lot lately. The memory of Leyla’s soft smile as she held her hand, fingers interlocking and fitting perfectly as they stared at the tree and Lauren’s want, need to be close, oh so close, a compass searching North. She couldn’t wait to get home to Leyla’s sarcasm, Leyla’s dinners, Leyla’s subtle presence in her apartment and life that made it theirs.
Without noticing, Lauren had been smiling like an idiot for at least half an hour, and she had arrived to her portal. She got out of the car and went for the stairs, taking twice at a time. But as she opened the door, a wave of disappointment washed over her. Leyla wasn’t home, had probably had to take a DriverTime client, and suddenly the apartment felt empty and cold again. Lauren couldn’t understand how she had lived like this for so long before.
But then a thought sprung to mind. Leyla had waited for her every day for the past week, staying up and meeting her with a fabulous home-cooked dinner after work. The least she could do was reciprocate, so Lauren got ready to prepare a mindblowing meal or die trying. Cooking had never been her strong suit, but she figured it couldn’t be too hard.
She remembered Leyla mentioning she deeply missed Pakistani cuisine, and how she had been disgusted by Lauren suggesting she try a Pakistani restaurant around the corner. “You Americans think you can serve a random dish and rebrand an entire culture. That place is not Pakistani”, she had stated. So Lauren had asked, and she had learned, how Nihari reminded her of late night dinners at home and Lassi was her all-time favourite beverage. And so she had a single thought in mind; today she was making the best Pakistani dinner for Leyla.
As she set out to spice the assortion of different meets, she re-entered her previous reverie. She knew Leyla would love this, even if Lauren was probably going to ruin the recipe and tarnish the Pakistani name. But Leyla would smile sweetly, as she did every time Lauren remembered a small detail about her and did her best to make her feel like home, and she would be grateful. Lauren could not wait until she came back, excited to see that look on her face that said “no one’s ever cared for me like this, and I’m glad you’re the first one”.
Slow-cooking the meat into a stew proved difficult, and mixing the yoghurt, water, spices and fruit for the Lassi had Lauren seriously questioning her cooking skills. But all in all, after about an hour she decided she had done a pretty good job. She set out to dress the table, going as far as opening a good red wine and placing a candle. She didn’t want to overdo it, but thought Leyla would decidedly not mind and find her efforts cute. Lauren was struck by the inclusion of “cute” into her vocabulary, could not remember when she had cared about someone’s reaction this much, and decided damn Leyla and her faint smiles had softened her. She couldn’t bring herself to care, though.
And just like clockwork, as soon as Lauren set the last plate with the fine-looking Nihari on the table, Leyla entered the apartment.
“Honey, I’m home!” she shouted jokingly in her beautiful accent.
“Hey! How was work? Any frat boys I should beat up?” said Lauren smiling.
“No frat boys, thankfully. Just an old lady telling me about her grandson. I must have seen like 30 photos of him, and let me tell you, no one can convince me babies are cute. They’re bald!” Leyla proclaimed, dignified.
Lauren snorted. “Of course you would befriend a grandma and have her show you her family. It must be your cranky charm” replied Lauren teasingly.
“You would be surprised. I cause sensation amongst octogenarians” said Leyla amusedly. As she caught the smell of cooked meat, she looked at Lauren, surprised. “You cooked? You? Is MY tree burnt down?” she joked.
“I’ll let you know, OUR tree is intact and very much still alive. And don’t you dare take away my custody, I love him like my own son too!” said Lauren in mock dignification. “I did cook, and I hope you like it” she continued, now softly. She met Leyla’s eye, hope and wonder sparkling bilaterally.
Leyla approached the table, repressing a squeel of excitement at the site of her favourite foods. “Lauren! You shouldn’t have! How did you even-?” and as she turned around to look at Lauren, the intensity in her eyes stunned her. The amount of care and adoration was palpable there, and it was enough to overwhelm her.
“Thank you”, she said in a small voice.
“I thought you deserved something special. You know, for cooking horrible meals every day” Leyla approached her slowly, still with eyes locked in an intense duel. “You would think as a doctor my main threat of illness would come from my patients, but you make a hard run for it” another step closer. “And besides, knowing my cooking skills it’s probably very bad. So we’re even” she continued rambling. Leyla finally took the final step towards Lauren, cupping her cheek and forcing her to shut up.
“You talk too much”, she said, resting on her tiptoes slightly to reach for her cheek and place a soft kiss there. “Thank you, truly”.
Lauren stood there, transfixed and unable to utter words. “Y-Yeah. It’s... nothing, really” she managed to muster.
Leyla tried to fight off a smile at Lauren’s awkwardness. During the course of her stay at Lauren’s- their- apatment, she had been quick to discover that she could turn Lauren, the hard-assed doctor and witty friend, into a rambling mess with well placed silences and touches. And naturally, she had immediately taken a liking to doing so as often as possible.
She turned around and sat at the table, staring down at her food and trying not to show her satisfaction at the amount of time it took Lauren to recompose herself and sit with her. She let Lauren pour some wine for herself, seeing as she didn’t look too enthused with the Lassi, and tried the Nihari. And, oh god, it certainly wasn’t like the one she enjoyed back home, but Lauren had undoubtedly achieved something here. Leyla couldn’t stop a moan from escaping her lips.
Lauren sat across from her, lips parted, staring at her like she was the only thing in the world. Her eyes slowly trailed to her lips, and Leyla thought she might burst if she didn’t break the moment soon. “Lauren, it’s- it’s perfect” said Leyla, and she meant it. It might not be like the one back home, but Lauren had managed to capture a new flavour, to redefine the very meaning home. She could get used to this.
Lauren looked back up at her, smile back in place. “Really? That’s new” she said, satisfied and proud of her achievement.
As they ate in silence, Lauren realised two things. One, she was definitely falling in love with Leyla Shinwari. And two, while Leyla had been her roommate for a few weeks already, it was only now that she felt like they were actually _living_ together... building a home.
“Hey, Iggs! I haven’t caught up with you in a while! How’s everything going?” asked Lauren as she entered Iggy’s office, taking the sofa and sprawling out on it.
Iggy stopped flicking through his charts, immediately knowing something was up. He could tell Lauren was properly glowing, but knew he would have to let this play out if he wanted to get any information out of his friend.
“Lauren! It’s great to see you. I’ve been great. I went to see a nutritionist, and I’ve been trying to join some virtual support groups for people with eating disorders. I still have a long road ahead of me, and I have to put in the work, but thanks for calling me out on my bullshit. Truly” he said sincerely.
Lauren perked up even more, rising to her feet and reaching around Iggy’s desk to hug him. “Iggy! That’s great! I’m so glad to hear it, and I’m so proud of you. And hey, you called me out on my bullshit when I was using, so it was only fair I did the same” she smiled.
Iggy returned her smile, glad to see that both of them were making amends and working to improve their lives.
He rose up to start walking to his next consult, not wanting this conversation to end but really needing to get there on time. After Lauren followed him along, curiosity finally got the best of him. “Okay, I have to ask... What’s gotten into you? You look like you just got to perform one of your supper cool surgeries or something. Anything new?” he asked.
“Well, I’m doing well” she said as they strolled down New Amsterdam’s corridors. Iggy waited patiently, letting Lauren open up at her own speed. “And... and I got a roommate!”
Iggy frowned, perplexed. He knew Lauren, knew how much she valued her space and how closed-off she could be, so he couldn’t fathom why getting a roommate would be something she’d want to do, let alone be the cause of her exuberant joy. “Wha... How?” he asked.
“Well, it’s a long story, really. She came in with a patient, and kind of guessed what was wrong with her, but it turned out it wasn’t a guess, cause she’s really a doctor, but obviously I didn’t know that” she started rambling, with Iggy finding it hard to follow along.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down” he said, though he was glad to see Lauren so excited about something.
“Yeah, sorry. Basically, she pulled off a successful needle decompression in my ED, which I now admit was pretty cool, I called security, she had no place to stay, used the hospital closet for a while... And now she’s living with me” finished Lauren, looking way too satisfied by her explanation.
“She... You... What?!” asked Iggy, dumbfounded.
“Yeah... She’s kind of a lot. In the good way” said Lauren, and it was clear to Iggy by now that she was positively smitten. At this new information, he changed tactics.
“Wow, Lauren, that’s a huge step! I’m happy for you, and so proud. I’d love to meet her sometime” he said.
“Yeah! That’d be great! I’m sure you’d love her, once you get past her cranky façade. You two would totally get along” replied Lauren excitedly.
Iggy knew how possessive Lauren was of her space, knew how much it meant for her to have friends meet even if she may not do it consciously. The fact that she was agreeing to let him meet her meant he was right; Lauren was smitten beyond recognition.
“Great! And what’s it like, living with this...” he trailed off, hoping to get a name out of Lauren for once.
“Leyla! It’s great. Yesterday I cooked her some Pakistani dinner, cause she missed it from back home, and then we watched a comedy and watered our big-ass tree. Don’t ask. It’s like she’s lived with me all along” she finished bashfully.
And Iggy had to assume Lauren knew how this sounded, how many lesbian stereotypes she was ticking off. So he replied, amusedly, “Tell me, Lauren, does this Leyla know you two are dating?” he said, a mischiveous twinkle in his eye.
Lauren stopped abruptly in the corridor, a horrified look on her face. Iggy repressed a laugh, was thrilled by Lauren’s new baby-gay side. He turned around to look at her, saw her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish as she searched for a reply, but continued walking backwards. “Wait... do you?” he asked, now enjoying Lauren’s alarmed look. He turned around a corner, leaving a dumbfounded Lauren behind, and shouted, “Good luck!”
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peculiarpatches · 4 years
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 - 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐱 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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this is part 1 of 4 or 5 (??) parts. if you like this, please give it a like and or reblog (or both). feedback is appreciated, always!! this first chapter contains smut. so if that makes you uncomfortable, this isn’t for you. and again, this is part one of others so there will be more :) 
WARNING: public sex, dirty talk, unprotected sex, angst slightly??? but not really??? it’s going to get angsty more later down the road, lmao. so, buckle up. it’s one hell of a ride. enjoy :)
A flush of regret wipes over my body. The moment our lips touch,  it washes over me like a waterfall. One drop then thousands of drops came pouring down, soaking me until I was drowning in it. Regret & anxiety; Both washes over me and yet,  I  know  what I am doing is wrong but I can't bring myself to stop. A tiny part of me didn't want it to stop, either.  He knew that, I knew that.  Yet, nobody said anything. We didn't have to. We were too busy, too caught up, in each other that we didn't need to talk. No words needed to be spoken, to be said. We knew it was wrong but... if it was so wrong, why did it feel  so right?  A moan escapes past my lips and drips onto his tongue. His hands found their way to my hips, fingers sneakily trailing up my shirt and he curls his fingernails deep into my skin, making another whimper slip out from me;  no matter how hard I tried not to speak or let any noise out, he got me to do the complete opposite.  "Now, now, remember what I said... We've got to keep quiet, okay, baby girl?" He had said this earlier  and yet, it seemed as if he wanted nothing more than to get me to scream and shake.  To be putty in his hands, to melt under his touch..  The little shit was trying anything - everything - to get me to make noise.  And unfortunately, it was working.   I  shouldn't love him and he  shouldn't love me. Yet, here we were; Tangled together  with our lips locked and our hands caressing every body piece we could manage to find.    We were in the most uncomfortable place to do this at, though. We were in one of the closets  of Hawkin's community pool. It was after hours now,  the pool had been closed for some time, they always closed when the sun went down and when the children's fathers got off of work and the mothers had to be quick on their feet and head home to cook them a meal.  A few people were still in the parking lot, a few life guards were also gathering their supplies and getting ready to set, sail, and go home. Yet, Billy told me he had a surprise for me if I stayed past my curfew and past my work schedule.  Of course, I knew what he wanted. I knew what he had up his sleeve.  (The so called surprise, as you may have guess is... *drum roll*  his cock!! What an amazing present to gift someone, right?)   I, being the dumbass that I am, agreed, though.   It wasn't bad, per say. It never was bad. Hell, it only got better within each sacred and secret moment we shared together.  That's where the problem was at; I was tired of being a secret. Tired of hiding from everyone. Tired of feeling used. I wasn't Billy's rag doll he could use and carry with him wherever. I also wasn't his personal sex toy that he could slip his dick into whenever, wherever.  I was tired. So, fucking, tired. I was  exhausted, mentally and physically. Having to keep the secrets buried away, hiding them in a place they can't be broken or seen, it was truly going to be the death of me.  Especially from Steve. I was tired of lying to him.  Steve Harrington was my best friend. Best friends since kindergarten, he and I. I hated that I was hiding my relationship - was it even that? - with Billy to him.  Steve and I went to each other for everything.  Always have, always will. When he and Nancy broke up, he came to me, crying his heart out and drowning my shirts (and pillows and blankets) with tears and snot.  (Thankfully, he cleaned them up so I didn't have to. I would've done it in a heartbeat, though. I loved Steve. Steve is my best friend, I'd do anything for him, as I know he'd do anything for me.   So, lying to him made me feel like the shittiest person alive.)   That night, along with many other restless ones, we  talked  and talked until the sun came up.  I did everything I could to make him happy, to cheer him up. I baked him his favorite cookies and favorite meal once as well to try and make him feel better. Almost burnt the kitchen down while doing so, too. And, okay, maybe, the meal and the cookies didn't work out and I failed. In the end, it put a smile on Steve's face which is all I had been dying to see.  Soda dripped from Steve's nose and burnt his nostrils, he was laughing so hard when the fire alarm went off, letting us know the cookies in the oven were bursting in flames. Luckily, we saved the kitchen from exploding with fire and clouding with smoke. Can't say the same for the cookies, sadly.  From that day and onward, he and I still made jokes about burnt crisp cookies and nearly dying because of trying to bake them together.  It was one of our favorite inside jokes, actually.  ("I went to the store yesterday and I walked up and down the aisles and guess what? Not a single one had burnt crisp cookie dough.")  ("You see this bullshit, Harrington? All the cookies in the world are at this fundraiser expect for burnt crisp cookie dough!"  "Oh, man, I'm going to have to talk to the principal about that one... I cannot believe they'd do something like this.") When I got dumped by  one of the basketball players on the Hawkin's high school team, Steve was the first (and only) one who reached out to me and cheered me up. He rented out a few of our favorite movies together and before they could close, Steve and I were quick to rush to the grocery store and we picked up as much junk food as our arms could carry.   That night - along with others - was full of nothing but contagious laughter, sweet and salty foods, and horrible but too good to put down and look away movies.   All the thoughts of Steve wash away once I  feel Billy's hand dip  into the opening of my underwear, his calloused fingers pushing the thin layer of fabric aside  as his index finger slips between my folds, a gasp leaving me as I feel his touch.  His touch felt like fire among my skin, and I was an ice cube, melting in the palm of his hands.  I could feel myself sinking and sinking, slipping away into the pleasure he was about to bring onto me.  "I love when you make that face," He whispers against my neck, lips drifting across my skin, not quite in contact but not so far away either where I couldn't feel him. His breath was hot and I could smell the peppermint gum as he talked.  "Love hearing those pretty but pornographic moans of yours.... gets my cock so hard, you get me so worked up, baby girl...." Billy's scent was intoxicating. Even right now with the  left over smell of coconut lotion smeared across his skin from lathering himself up early in the morning, he smelled perfect. As perfect as can get. He smelled of coconut  mixed with peppermint and a cologne I couldn't pinpoint on exactly what  or which brand. All the scents together may sound odd and unsatisfying but I was nearly drooling as the different fragrances overwhelmed my senses. That and the fact he pushes his index and middle finger inside me, so easily, without any trouble whatsoever. Him, doing that earned another  gasp to fall off  of my lips as it was so sudden, so unexpected.  I knew I was wet, could feel the puddle of wetness coating the bottom half of my underwear but I hadn't known I was so hot and bothered he could easily slip two fingers into me. I shouldn't act so surprised, this was Billy Hargrove, after all. Billy was one, if not, the most attractive guy in Hawkin's, Indiana. Well...in our age group, anyways. A lot of other students and fellow classmates were far from attractive. (Minus Steve, but of course, he doesn't count. He knows he's attractive, just as much as Billy does. Me, telling him he's cute and everything wouldn't change the fact. He already knows it.) Moments like this, I wish I had a jar I could bottle these memories up and store them away, have a look back upon them some day with a smile on my face. I've never felt so alive, so wanted, needed and loved... not until I met Billy.  He made me feel as if I was on cloud nine and he made me feel as if  I could do anything - everything -  and I wasn't just some girl, some hookup, to him. I was special. Sure, hiding and keeping secrets wasn't the greatest feeling in the world, I'll have to have a talk with him about it, about the way I felt, but as of right now, I wanted to touch him the way he was touching me. I wanted to make him feel the butterflies in the pit of his stomach, the ones I was feeling right now. The ones I always feel when he presses his lips against mine or when he just touches me, in general. Hell, even when he smiles in my direction, holds my hand with his much larger one and or laughs at a not so funny joke I tell. I wanted to make his heart skip a beat, as he did with me. I wanted to make him feel as special as he makes me. Before I could register what I am about to say, those three little words leave my lips before I could put a stop to them.  "I love you."  I couldn't stop the sentence, even if I tried.  Billy said nothing. He hums in reply, but no words leave his mouth. He continues to move his fingers back and forth, curling and scissoring his digits deep inside me. I groan quietly, leaning my head back against the shower tile wall, holding myself up the best I could from the position I was in. "There's a good girl," is all he says. He either doesn't acknowledge what I said or he chose to ignore it. My heart aches at the second option but the feeling goes away rather fast as he's sinking to his knees and spreading my legs far apart, his head guiding up to face my cunt and before I know it, his tongue - his mouth - everything is inside and I feel as if I'm on fire.   "Oh... Oh, Billy..." I mewl,  slowly my eyelids drift close on their own as I press my lower half into his  welcoming mouth, my breathing began to grow heavy as his tongue swirls against my cunt which hardens underneath him.  He grips his fingers into my thighs, more  than likely putting imprints of his nails into my skin by  how hard he pressed them down. I didn't mind a few bruises. The bruises were  a reminder this was all happening and not some form of my imagination.    Even from the position he was in, I could feel the outline of his lips curving upward and I didn't need to look down to see the famous Hargrove smirk sitting there across his face; I could feel him smiling in between my thighs.    He, to my disappointment, pulls away, but he doesn't stay far back for too long. The cheeky little shit only wanted to lock eyes with me, shoot me a wink before diving back down in between my legs, eating me out as if he was starving. Saliva dripped down his chin and I could feel it sliding off of my thighs, too.  His tongue was everywhere, going from my pussy to the inside of my thighs to my clit back and all over again. He was devouring me, eating me out as if we were running out of time which was far from the truth.   I didn't mind it one bit. Wasn't complaining in the slightest.  My only  issue was how close I was getting to an orgasm. The signs were all there, slowly building up. My heart was pounding faster than before, my legs were shaking and my knees began to buckle. It was getting harder to keep upward.  My eyelids  could barely keep open, the familiar fluttery feeling grew bigger and stronger in my stomach. Billy, probably knowing I was close to my peak, pulled away and before he stands up, he pushes his shorts down, letting them hang by his feet. "Next time, princess, I want to see that mouth of yours stuffed with my cock; see you gagging for it, all around me. As of right now, I just want to fuck you and leave you  breathless, now bend over and let me see that pretty pussy of yours, baby. 'm gonna wreck it, have you feeling me for days, have you feeling this cock in your stomach. That's what you want, isn't it? To be fucked like I hate you?"    Before I could reply, he's taking me by the wrist and bending me forward, laying my body against one of the shelves in the closet as he rubs my opening with the head of his cock, sending a shiver to run through my body, goosebumps prickling my skin as I breathe through my nose, closing my eyes. I wait for him, wait for the stretch and the opening of his cock but it doesn't come as quickly as I would have liked.  "I don't, by the way. Hate you." He said, leaning forward whereas his back touches my own, "I'll fuck you like I do but I don't. The feeling is mutual." He said and before I could reply - before I could ask what he meant - he's pushing forward, pressing his cock deep inside me, sinking into me with a growl.   "You're so fucking tight, always so fucking tight." He grunts, hissing through his teeth as he rocks his hips back and forth, his cock going deeper inside me, inch by inch, I feel him. He's all I could feel.  He's all I want to feel.  "Please..... please, Billy." My words are crumbling together, my body was breaking apart.  "Tell me," He purred,  his breath lightly  fanning against my ear as he spoke,  his voice was low and irresistible, it made every part of me shake as he spoke. "Tell me what you want. You have to speak up in order to get what you want, love.... So, tell me." "Just you, you, you, you." I'm begging now. I can feel myself getting closer and closer. I'm holding onto the shelf so tightly because I'm afraid I'm going to fall over.   The feeling is growing, the bubbling sensation is getting larger and I can feel myself getting ready to burst.  "Please, Billy, fuck me like you hate me. Fuck me like I'm some whore on the street. Fuck me-" My words are cut off by the way he pulls out only to slam back into me. Him, doing this  - the sudden force and movement - is what makes me come undone. I knew I wasn't going to last long.  Luckily, neither does he. "Oh, fuck. Already came, did you? Such a good girl. Fuck~ you're such a good girl for me. 'm gonna cum too, fuck, I'm so close, (Y/N)." His words, much like mine were, slur together, his thrusts become sloppy and messy. And before I know it, he's cumming with a cry of my name, filling me up as he does so.  "Shit...." He groans, pulling back slowly as he then pulls me up with him, pulling me around to face him as he kisses me suddenly,  the taste of myself still strong on his tongue. It shouldn't be a turn on but it was. However, I was too exhausted for a round two any time soon.  I kiss him back, smiling against his lips.  We stay in this position for a few seconds, saying nothing because the kiss says what all that I needed to hear. He loved me too.  Pulling back, Billy smiles and moves a few pieces of hair out from my face, leaning forward, he captures my forehead with his lips, kissing it with so much softness and affection, I feel all warm and tingly on the inside.  This is the Billy nobody but me got to see. This is the Billy I was in love with.  Not the one he portrayed for everyone in town to see. He didn't have to play pretend, to put on a show, I loved him for who he was. Even the fake persona he wore. I knew it wasn't him, not at all.  "I love you."  Something flashes across his face the moment I say those three words, there's a certain  look in his eyes I can't make out but he grins nonetheless and pulls me closer to him, hand finding their way to my cheeks as he  moves to kiss me the way he had done before. "And I love you."  Of course, I should have known he was lying.  It was Billy Hargrove, after all.  He didn't date.  Didn't fall in love.  All he cared about was the person that looked back at him in the reflection of his mirror and getting into girl's pants, no matter who it was.  More importantly, he didn't fall in love with me.  It was all a lie, all a trick, and I was nothing more than a puppet on strings for him to toy around with.  I didn't know this until the next day. If I had known, I wouldn't have given myself up to him so easily. 
I was -  I still am - a fool for falling for his little white lies.  I should have known.  All the red flags were there but..... I guess I was just color blind.  I just wanted to be loved. And I thought he loved me..... I really did. I guess I was just another girl to put on the top of his list. 
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savemesomenachos · 3 years
Hey I saw your requests and I was wondering if you could do something where Tom Hiddleston and the reader used to date but broke up before she could tell him she was pregnant so it wasn’t until years later they meet again and he finds out he has a kid he never knew about?
I would love to💖!!!!! I think Daddy!Hiddles would be the absolute best and he’d be an angel✨. I’ve vaguely implied the reason for the breakup but not given the actual event. I hope you like it!!
You can find my other works on my Main Masterlist.
Daddy Dearest
Pairings: Tom Hiddleston × Reader
Warnings: Mostly fluff and a little angst, use of the word ‘shit’ I guess.
Word Count: 1288
Y/n’s POV:
“Tobias, get dressed. You’re already late for school, love.” I said to my 5 year old who had the poutiest face on planet earth in this moment. He gets it from his father, I think. Wait, what? Why am I thinking about him today? Brain, I don’t have time for this. I have a shit ton of stuff to do today coz I’m throwing my son a surprise party so I can’t be thinking about him. “Mama, I’m ready now but are you sure I have to go to school even on my birthday?” he said, pouting. Again. “Love, you know you have to. But I promise after school, we can do whatever you want, ok?” He smiled a toothy grin and nodded.
After dropping him off at school, I rushed to the party store and bought decoration and then walked off to the supermarket. As I leaving, I bumped into someone, hard and things got knocked out mine and the stranger’s hands. I profusely started to apologise as I squatted to pick up their things but they decided to do the same thing coz our hands immediately bumped into each other and a shiver ran up my arm and down my spine. I hadn’t had this feeling since… 
I looked up at the same time the stranger did and of course it had to be him. A breathy ‘Tom…’ left my mouth as he stood up and offered me a hand to do the same. Easily, my hand slipped into his like it had a mind of its own. I stood up and looked at him and I mean really looked. He looked so good. Older, more mature but still handsome. I must’ve stared for quite a while coz he started to turn red and coughed. Right away I noticed that my hand was still in his and I jerked out of his grip and cradled my hand to my chest as if burnt. Then again, being around Tom was always like this; scorching hot and overwhelming.
“Long time, love.” He said as he looked me over with a smile on his face. I forced a smile in return and nodded. “Are you free right now?” he asked as I almost turned to leave. My fist clenched and for some reason, a ‘Yes’ escaped my mouth and instantly, he wrapped my arm in his and started to make his way to the exit. I muttered a quiet ‘shit’ as we left the place and he turned to look at me with furrowed brows. “What was that love?” he asked as we turned a corner into a café. “Nothing,” I squeaked in response and slipped my arm out of his as we settled down into some chairs like this was a regular occurrence. It used to be, I think.
“You still drink americanos by the gallon?” he asked which made my head snap up to meet his gaze. Why the shit does he remember that? That’s so not normal but again, “You still drink cappuccinos by the gallon, love?” I asked with a smirk. His eyes crinkled up into a smile and he went to place our orders while I sat there planning to run. “Here you are,” he said as he set our coffees down and sat across from me.
“So, tell me what’s been u-.” “You have a son!” I almost shouted into the almost empty café and slapped my hand across my mouth. Oh god, what have I done? “Excuse me?” he asked with shock across all the pretty lines on his face. I took a small sip out of my coffee. “I didn’t tell you coz we’d just broken up but you have a son. His name’s Tobias, he’s 5 and today’s his birthday.” I explained as I fidget with the placemats on the table that were suddenly extremely intriguing. “You’re telling me I have a 5 year old son that I didn’t know about… for 5 years?” He growled. “Well, yeah.” I said. I regretted it straight away coz now he just seemed sad. “Why didn’t you call me Y/n? I could’ve been there for you,  for him. I would’ve put everything aside for him. Even my career. You know that.” He said as he leaned back in his chair.
“That’s why I couldn’t let you. I knew you’d give up everything for him and me. But eventually, I’d have to watch you hate me. I know there’s no excuse. I should’ve called you but I was young, I was selfish and so angry that things didn’t work out between us. I didn’t even think about you in that moment. I just had this responsibility now and I had to focus on that so I did. Every time, he’d ask me who his father was, I’d think you could’ve been there and that I wouldn’t have to lie. I thought you would’ve moved on by now.” I uttered in what seemed like a breath. “But I haven’t. I never moved on from you and not for lack of trying. I tried to forget you and everything between us but I just couldn’t. I’d never met anyone like and I knew I would never even in another lifetime,” he whispered while his hand slid across the table and rested over mine. I stared at our hand and then turned mine upward so I could touch his palm.
“Would you like to meet your son?” I asked with a hopeful glint in my voice that I prayed he wouldn’t catch onto. “Really?” he asked as he grasped my hand tighter. “Yeah, I think Tobias would like to meet his father. It’s been a long time coming plus you’re his favourite Marvel hero anyway. It’s convenient.” He laughed with tears in his eyes, stood up and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. “I’d love to but I don’t really know what to do with children.” He said nervously as he pulled away with a tight smile. “Just be yourself, he’ll love you.” I said as I dragged him home.
“Don’t be nervous. You’ll be fine,” I said to Tom as he twiddled with his fingers. “I can’t help it. I’m excited and nervous. Mostly nervous.” He said and laughed. I smiled and as I was about to say that he’d be fine yet again, a ring echoed in the hall where we sat. I stood up, smiled at Tom and went to the door to let Toby in. “Mama, you won’t believe what happened today. Mrs. Schumann bought a new class pet and it’s a-,” he cut off as he saw Tom in the living room. He went up to him while Tom glanced at me nervously and I reassured him with a smile. 
For a few minutes, Toby stared into Tom’s eyes and then squealed really loud, “MAMA, LOKI’S IN OUR LIVING ROOM!!!!!” “Yes, he is love. Would you like him to stay for your party?” I asked as I laughed at the unfolding scene. “LOKI’S IN THE LIVING ROOM AND I HAVE A SURPRISE PARTY? BEST BIRTHDAY EVER MAMA!” he screamed loudly as he hugged me. Tom looked at us with a small smile on his face. “Hi bud.” He said and Tobias immediately went up to him, grasped his hand and started to drag him to his room all the while talking about how ‘Loki’s my favourite’ and ‘wait till you see all my Loki action figures’. 
Tom looked at me with a questioning gaze and I smiled encouragingly while whispering a small ‘go’ which Tom seemed thankful for. Hopefully, he’ll be here to stay and the squealing about ‘Loki’s my dad and he lives with us’ will be a daily occurrence.
@julyvegan @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mysweetlittledesire @bbl32 @spookyparadisesheep @noshame-bb @cece5 @hart-failure @sohoseb @white-wolf1940 @marvelfansworld @jassiejj2118 @Clints-worldavengers
If you wanna be tagged in my works, lemme know here
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