#but i don't want to bring the mood of the post down
slavicafire · 2 days
sorry for speaking about crushes again in case you just want to forget about that girl, but i just wanted to share my thoughts with someone and decided to do it on anon (i've been following you for some time, just kind of shy and embarrassed to do it on public). when you made that post i immediately though back to the girl i had a crush on (i'm also a girl). i realized that those feelings still linger after almost 10 years. i have not spoken to her in almost 10 years, we parted in kind of an argument, she has a boyfriend, but if she messaged me and said she wants to meet up i would do it in a heartbeat. if she did something remotely intimate or sexual towards me i would melt right here and now. it just seems immensely sad that those feelings never went entirely away and i'm not sure they will ever disappear. anyway, sorry for bringing the mood down chat, please take care of yourself on don't dwell too much on the past
see, I am of the entirely opposite mind: I don't find that sad at all. I think it's quite beautiful that these feelings linger for years and years, and that people who once entered our hearts never really leave them. and that if others have imprinted on our souls to this degree then we have imprinted as well, even if we are fated not to know it. there are past friends and past lovers and absolute strangers thinking of us from time to time, fondly or with regret, and our lives echo through the lives of others even without our knowledge. we are endless ripples on water, colliding with each other and the ever-binding banks.
and I do love dwelling on the past - with the bittersweet recognition that it is past indeed - so I'll be entirely alright.
still, thank you, stranger. might your burdens ease soon and your heart find something precious to beat faster for.
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muzzlemouths · 3 months
say what you will about mental illness but having horrid memory problems just means i can relive mundane but happy moments as many times as i want. my favorite show is always funny because by the time i rewatch it i've forgotten the whole first season. my partner brought me a cup of fresh coffee this morning and i've turned around to find it on my desk (a complete surprise!) no less than 3 times now. like periodically i'll just glance over and go "oh shit, they brought me coffee :D" and get the same serotonin boost as i did the first time. this is great i am loved and life is full of excitement.
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edelorion · 5 months
#edel vents#disclaimer: really personal issues in the tags. also wishes of death upon others. this is PROBABLY too much information tbh...#so if you're not up for it scroll down fast!!!! the deluge is coming!!!#today was... eventful. bad. also very bad. grandma's birthday celebration was today#and while she... definitely has Old People Issues (racist) shes also very lonely since the death of my grandfather so i can't really not go#i'm the only one who really visits her regularly to begin with#aside from the... very serious racism issue... she's “alright”. i guess. but that's besides the point. there's family there#and among those... my parents. which i don't like to talk to#discovered they threw more of my old stuff away. typical. wanted to strangle them. as usual.#had to “talk” with my mother (read: spend approximately ten seconds reciting exactly why i *don't* talk to her anymore)#so that whole ordeal completely soured my mood.#went home tired. can't really do anything right now.#at least the food was good i guess. but i also really want to cry... which i can't. which sucks.#...i really like to think i've improved as a person. i used to be really hateful of everything and everyone#worst of all myself. still kinda do but i'm... getting better..?#i like to think i've grown past most of it but every time i see my parents i feel this gripping at my heart. as if i haven't really changed#as if instead i'm still the hateful person i “always was” deep down... bc there's this visceral joy that i feel whenever i'm mad at them.#when i looked at my mother and told her how much i despise her i felt a shiver of happiness. righteousness.#to be clear: i do NOT care for her. at all. she's the worst person on this earth#and the only person whom my philosophy of “nobody deserves to die” does NOT apply to. i'm not scared of hating her.#she genuinely deserves this. but...every time i see my parents - and thus her... i feel as if i'm slipping back into that mindset of hatred#i don't want that. not anymore. it consumed me whole. i was a horrible person back then and i've caused so much grief for so many#i can't let go of this hatred. i can't forgive them. they don't deserve my forgiveness anyway. but i'm tired of hating.#i'm tired of letting that hatred define me. i'm tired of letting that hatred direct me. i'm tired of letting it bring me to ruin.#i'm tired of being who i was. i'm no longer “that”. i'm edel now and i'm happy for people now. if i don't like something i just walk out.#i can just leave. “if it sucks hit the bricks” right?.. but i didn't. i had to say it. i had to tell them. her. and i liked it.#and... i'm scared of that. because it tells me i haven't improved.#i'm not sure what i'm expecting out of posting this i guess. maybe help. maybe i wanna be told that this is normal or something.#maybe i just want to get my thoughts in order. i don't know. i'm gonna stop writing now.#sorry for making you read all this. thanks for doing it anyway. tags were cut off on this one btw so it may look like a mess. but. yeah.
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
Tell me what anon said I'm nosy (/not forced) ← 🧍 (Domi)
😭 just stuff about like the bffs podcast and how the main guy or whatever is like . Bad
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Anonymous asked:
This is proof that "woke culture" doesn't make everything better. Sure, it works with some things, but not when it has this much shoved into it all at once! And to make things worse, when the first trailer for the show dropped and everyone already knew it was going to suck, the show's creator said, "If you don't like the show, then you're a bigot!" Yeah, like that's going to make anyone want to watch you shit all over their childhood. At this point, I'd rather watch the live-action movies again. _______________________________________________________________
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Exactly! You don’t need to shove things down people’s throats and attack them to have decent representation! 
Hell, i didn’t really mind the change in ethnicity for the main characters to be perfectly honest with you. Shows do that all the time. It was mostly the personality change and how extreme everything was!
Even the live action movies weren’t this bad! Sure the characters were a bit different but at least they were watchable.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
This is a Goatlings rant I wrote in response to a thread that's been bugging me lately. After finishing it, I realized that it would accomplish nothing for anybody, but I still want the catharsis of making it public, so I'm posting it here. Please pay it no mind if you don't play that game.
Okay, this thread has bothered me since it was first posted, but I'm saying something now because it's bothering me even more with the kind of support it's getting.
Everyone on this thread… you do realize that just "banning" this behavior wouldn't stop it from happening? Like, I think most of y'all know that and just want to voice your grievances for the behavior, but you're not offering a real solution to the problem and are just looking to punish people that don't share your playstyle.
I don't like it either, but someone saying that their goat is for "storage" is just giving the courtesy of telling you not to waste your time offering on their listing. If storing goats was "banned," people would just stop adding "storage" to their listing and continue to ignore/reject offers for their goat, which wastes everyone's time.
It's not like you can moderate this kind of behavior to "make" the person trade their goat away if they list them. Sometimes people just don't make offers that the trader wants or thinks is fair. How could you realistically tell the difference between that and people that don't intend to accept any offer for their goat? Goats that are in the Trade Center for over 2 weeks are already hidden from view, so eventually all storage goats get hidden, while people actually trying to trade their goats tend to relist them. So it's annoying in the moment, but storage goats don't clog up the Trade Center any more than goats that just never get traded "clog" it up.
But let's explore possible solutions:
Let's suppose that instead of being "hidden", goats that are listed for more than 2 weeks are returned to the user's profile. This could discourage users to stop storing goats because the process has been made much more annoying, but what is actually being gained for everyone else?
Nothing changes for people making "legit" trades, because ALL goats that are listed for more than 2 weeks are now being returned, so traders still have to remake their listings, which they were likely going to do anyway, and determined users who REALLY don't want their goats on their profile will now keep relisting their storage goat, clogging up the Trade Center again.
Any kind of "fix" for the Traders, like an "easy relist button," would also be available to "Storers", so we just wind up at the same problem: having to separate legit trades from storage trades, except it's worse for literally everyone.
A real solution to this problem is to offer a feature that would appease this behavior, which for the most part is the inability to "hide" goats on your user profile.
Like, people who think this is a way to "show-off," have you considered the reason why storage goats are usually high value or otherwise unique? If it was to "show-off," then these expensive storage goats would keep getting relisted to maximize the number of people looking at them, but you generally don't see that happening. Storage goats tend to be listed once and then disappear into the void forever. But, if the problem is that they can't hide goats on their profile, then this is probably a case of the user not actually resonating with goat's design, but it being too valuable to want to trade at this time. Most people just aren't so generous as to abandon goats they don't like if they know they're worth millions of SS. At the same time, trading for that much money may seem daunting when they're still on the fence about wanting to keep the goat or not.
I know I've been in that position where I have a very valuable goat that just doesn't quite resonate with me: I've owned probably 3 different Candy Bones goats over the years because I keep going back-and-forth on whether I like it enough to keep when I couldn't think of a good treasure theme for it. Instead of wasting millions of SS rebuying something that I already had because I was lacking inspiration, I could have just "stored" the goat until I finally came up with a good treasure + name idea for it.
Sometimes the situation isn't money driven: there are a lot of Basic Grays in "storage" too, usually because they have a name that the user wants to keep, but may not have a "suitable" AD for.
This kind of storing is directly the result of duplicate names being impossible, but that is a whole other conversation. However, I do sympathize with this form of storage even more than the first example:
I have had goats with names I wanted to keep, but traded away because I was running out of slots and I would rather keep goats that I had a good AD + name + treasure combo rather than just one or two of those. Usually when this happens, I will change the goat's name before abandoning/trading them so that in the future if I have enough slots to get it back, it'll still be there. After all, if it was free when I first thought of it, then it'll probably be free later. Nonetheless, there have been occasions where it turns out that someone swiped the name from underneath me because I freed it up. So even though I might have thought of the name first, someone else got it because I was careless enough to "free it up" when I didn't have a good AD for it.
I know, I'm clearly the one at fault in that story: if I really liked the name that much to be sad when someone else grabbed it, then I should have just kept them and accepted that they would be "incomplete" instead of "freeing" them. But, if I had "stored" the goat, then I wouldn't have had that problem, I could have just kept the name until I figured something out for it instead of losing what was arguably rightfully mine. But, I learned that lesson, and right now I do have a couple of goats that are using "placeholder" ADs (BurgerTime and Sumairu) while I hold out hope that an AD that really resonates with me and suits them gets released.
Now, maybe some people would consider this ideal behavior: just "sucking it up" and keeping these goats that I really don't want to show off on my profile instead of "storing" them, but it's frustrating for me too: I don't like having "incomplete" goats on my profile. If I had a place to put these goats without clogging up the Trade Center, then I would. The only reason I don't personally store goats is that despite my defenses so far, I still find goat storing incredibly annoying to deal with. I check the Trade Center daily, so I know how annoying sorting through storage goats can really be, and I don't blame anyone for being upset about it. BUT, I know this is just the result of the site not having an alternative feature.
I told all these anecdotes to help illustrate why some users may participate in this behavior, and why it is rarely to be malicious. Goat storing is the result of the failure/lack of other features. Trying to "ban" users from this behavior is just going to make this all more annoying for everyone. Yes, it sucks having to sort though storage goats, I'm not saying it isn't, but the solution isn't to ban the behavior without an alternative. Instead, the site should be offering new features to curb the behavior, and wouldn't you know, "Goat Daycare" is something that staff is considering. While it could honestly be years before it's actually implemented, the fact that such a feature is being considered at all implies that staff is at least somewhat aware that this is a feature that people want.
TLDR: You're not wrong for thinking this behavior is annoying, but banning the behavior outright isn't the solution.
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gojoshooter · 3 months
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tw. suggestive, gojo flashes his goodies
Husband!Gojo coming out of the shower with a wet muscular body and a piece of towel hanging along his waist—only to see his wife laying on the bed right in front of him.
Pregnant Wife!Yn who had been insecure of her growing belly and weight since a couple months due to her pregnancy, watches Gojo check her from head to toe, an unexplainable look on his handsome pale face.
Sitting upright, she fixes her loose garments. Maybe he’s finally come to the realisation of not being such a big fan of my mom body.
Husband!Gojo sensing her dejected mood, snaps out of his internal thoughts as he decides to reach out and sit next to her instead.
“Baby? Something’s bothering?” he asks softly, tucking a long strand of hair behind her ear.
Pregnant Wife!Yn ever a self-conscious overthinker, mumbles while looking up at her husband, “I saw you gazing at me few a many times now...” she fixes her garment again, in embarrassment “like... weirdly. You start looking stiff all of a sudden, as if you want to confess something. About my bad shape maybe.”
At her confession, Satoru pauses, lips parted open slightly and not sure which part to explain first. He brings a wet but comforting hand on her swollen belly.
“Silly girl. Are you worrying about your plump little adorable tummy again? I told you I like it.”
Pregnant Wife!Yn frowns, not really sure of his words. “Really? Then how would you explain everytime you stopped to stare at me? Your face doesn't seem as if you love it—or even like it, Toru.”
Husband!Gojo who shakes his head, body turning more towards her distressed wife. “I don't like it? I love you and every part of you babe, you know me.”
Yn sighs softly, looking down with an upset face. “I do... but maybe i shouldn't have asked for a baby. I just... I feel like you'd have appreciated my old body more, Toru.”
Satoru snaps his head towards her, eyebrows raised in disbelief. This was his last straw. She has to know what his pregnant, innocent wife does to him.
As he stands up slowly from the edge of the bed, he makes sure she's all eyes and ears. “Oh really now. Then I must give you a real reason to never regret your baby with me...”
Undoing the towel hooked on his dripping wet waist, the white haired man reveals his lower half of the riches. As her eyes set down, there comes in view an almost fully hard wet length of Gojo Satoru.
Pregnant Wife!Yn being taken aback, is unable to react for a good few first seconds, mouth agape. Light hue of red crawls up the neck to settle on her cheeks, when her husband hums in question.
“Mm? You see this? This is what you do to me, silly girl.”
Everything seemed suddenly more reasonable—Gojo stealing those frequent long gazes, his odd body language while he checks his pregnant wife out. Gojo gets aroused.
Pregnant Wife!Yn tears her gaze away from his manhood, cold sweat making her feel more or less like her currently out of shower dripping wet husband. Oh the thoughts that might be running in his perverted brain, all the ways he could take you in and you wouldn't be moving away with all the weight you bear of his baby, but comply, and relish, and whine.
“Oh-oh...” she mumbles shyly, the revelation lessening her insecurity effectively more than all sweet words combined could have ever had.
an. husband gojo >>> also this is my 1k readers special! ty for giving my writings your time, love y'all. likes & rbs are appreciated <33
tags: @anubisisthebomb @dianagracesworld @stellagrangerreads12 @momochina-sama @xxkay15xx @ruins-posts
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cazshmere · 2 months
Astrology Observations Pt.5
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DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!!
🔮 When Venus is transiting your 5th house, you tend to become more active on social media (posting pictures, TikToks, videos, etc.) and you feel like going out of your comfort zone a bit more. It's a very fun time with a lot of playful energy 🩵✨
🔮 Can we talk about how good a Cancer Mercury's memory is? THEY have that photographic memory and remember everything so vividly. Also, they are such good listeners. If you’re a yapper get yourself a cancer mercury friend cause you best believe they’d genuinely be interested in listening to you yap away haha😭. Such a good placement to have imo (esp if there are no harsh Neptune/Saturn aspects)
🔮 A question for those with prominent Sagittarius and 9th house placements: Did y’all ever just stay with your grandparents for a long time, be it on vacation or something?
🔮 Lilith square Moon natives are afraid to express their emotional needs and feel embarrassed when they do. They immediately regret being vulnerable and wish they wouldn’t have let their guard down. It’s so sad to see honestly :((, y’all deserve the tightest hugs fr 🫂
🔮 I've noticed that people with Sagittarius placements often end up being the butt of the joke. Most of the time, they laugh it off, but it does bother them. They don’t want to ruin the “vibe” by bringing this up so they end up just going along with it 🥲
🔮 Virgo men and playing the victim in situations where they are confronted in go hand in hand plus the amount of self pitying that goes on is ridiculous 💀. Every Virgo man, when at fault, will say things like, "I know I AM a burden to you," "I know you hate ME, I would hate MYSELF too," "I know I AM a loser, and I don't know how you even stayed with ME" like boi stfu😭😭😭
🔮 Mercury trine Mercury synastry could possibly indicate having similar music tastes. The type of couple who’d share earphones and just vibe to songs together 🥺🎧
🔮 Virgo women (especially Sun, Venus, and Rising) pull off the ‘no-makeup makeup’ look so effortlessly. Natural beauties right here 🥰🤩
🔮 When it comes to celebrities or idols you really like, there's definitely some 1st house/5th house/8th house or 10th house synastry involved 👀
🔮 Aries moon friends are the best type of friends to have fr, no bs and the realest ones out there. They’re extremely motivating and will definitely help in uplifting your mood no matter what. A true ride or die friend unless you piss them off 😭🤪
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© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
banner credits : @anitalenia <3
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riki-riks-chick · 3 months
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Netflix No Chill ︱N.RK
riki x reader
riki and yn are finally alone for once but it doesn't go as planned.
cw: no smut! slightly suggestive, make out session, kissing, slightly handsy riki, enhypen blocking, movie night, enha teasing riki and yn, riki likes short girls, he calls yn shortcake, yn is short as requested.
wdct: 978
request from @idontreallyknow-12 I'm finally posting ✊😝
this is in no way smut so i don't wanna hear no one talking.
Third Person POV~
"Riki, stop." You laugh, punching him softly on his shoulder as he let out a low chuckle. "I'm serious.. That's the reason I fell for you.. I have a thing for cute little shortcakes like you..."
You shift in his lap at his words, crossing your arms over your chest. "So if another short girl hit on you, would you like them too?..." You ask playfully, but Riki shakes his head, hands moving upwards to rest on your waist. "I said like you... No other girl is like you."
You blush at his words, smiling widely. "Nice save," He rolls his eyes at your response, wrapping his arms around your waist. "So.. Your turn. What made you fall for me?.. Aside from me being tall and very handsome." He wiggles his eyebrows at you teasingly, and you fake a laugh. "Haha, very funny.. On a serious note, I just fell for your silly personality.. You're really fun to be around.. But what really sealed the deal was how good of a kisser you are."
He raises an eyebrow at the last part, smirking mischievously. "You think I'm a good kisser?..." You nod in response, already regretting telling him that. "Yeah, I do.."
"Well.. Do you wanna know how much better I ak now?..." He asks as you chuckle, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Sure.. Maybe you can make me fall in love with you all over again."
He smiles, leaning in to kiss you as he grips your hips gently. You melt into the kiss almost instantly, fingers raking through his hair as you deepen the kiss ever so slightly.
It's rare that you ever get time alone with Riki. One of his roommates are always home. And most times they even bring their friends or girlfriends over. It's just impossible for the two of you to be by yourselves unless he comes to your apartment. And even then, some of your friends have interrupted your cuddle and or makeout sessions.
Now you're sitting on his lap, in the dim lighting of the living room, and his lips feel velvety and warm against yours, a feeling you don't often get enough to time to enjoy.
His hands don't really wander, more so alternating between a comfortable brace on your hips and waist.
You sink restfully into his lap, both hands perched on his shoulders as you pull away slightly, trailing soft and light kisses down the milky white expanse of his neck.
He let's out a soft sigh in your ear, giving your hips a light squeeze in a plea for you to kiss him again. And you do, wanting everything but to deny him right now.
Your lips press against his again, lips parted to grant him a much needed access as he caressed your sides powerlessly, pulling you deeper into the trance created by his kiss.
You're long gone from your senses, focusing on Riki and Riki only. The kiss grows more intense and you find yourself cupping his jaw, tugging him impossibly closer. He also makes the effort to pull you further into his lap, pressing flush against him. Each knee situated on each side of him, straddling him comfortably.
He slides his hands down to your thighs, gripping the soft skin exposed by your shorts in a simple manner, not too touchy, but just enough to feel more connected with you.
Then, he's trailing his lips down your neck, pressing light kisses on your skin, not wanting to leave any marks. His hands choose their next location, hiking your shirt up to slide his hands up your back before resting on the small of your back.
You're both invested in the moment, but it all gets ruined when laughter errupts in the room, the lights turning on and ruining the mood.
Riki immediately sighs, resting his head on your shoulder as you roll your eyes.
You move off of his lap, sinking into the couch beside him as all of his roommates filed into the living room, as well as a few of his other friends.
"You guys said you were gonna be out all night." Riki finally speaks up as Jungwon snickers. "Sorry, didn't mean to crash your makeout sesh. We got bored so we decided to come back and watch a movie." Jungwon explains as Heeseung nods in agreement. "Yeah, we didn't mean to cock block you."
You and Riki both grow even redder at Heeseung's word choice, slumping further into the couch. "You weren't cock blocking.. It wasn't even like that." You try to deject, but Sunghoon scoffs. "Yeah, because it totally would've ended at making out."
Jake then interjects. "Okay, leave the love birds alone, let's check out this movie. It has that one hot actress in it." He turns on the movie, and everyone goes quiet for the time being, that is until an intimate scene plays on the screen.
Mocked kissing sounds almost immediately filled the room, stemming from Sunoo and Jay as they both laughed. "Does this bring back memories, Riki?" Jay asks as Riki groans. "Please shut up."
You and Riki both grow considerably uncomfortable as the scene plays out, Heeseung pointing out almost every detail possible. "This would definitely be them right now if we were still gone."
At that, Riki gets up, reaching out for your hand to pull you up with him. You follow instantly, obviously done with their playful teasing.
"Aw, leaving before the movie is over?" Sunoo teases as Jake cackles. "Just make sure to use a condom if you plan on recreating that scene."
At that, Riki throws a pillow at Jake's head, hitting him perfectly before pulling you down the hall and towards his room.
"Good night."
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soulren · 1 year
Go spend some time on male pattern baldness or male(AMAB) balding forums/subreddits and such. I did after realizing it is happening to me and the ammount of people who truly don't realize how BRUTALLY it tanks people's confidence and mental health is insane.
There's no cure to baldness by the way, and it can start at any time and there's no way to predict how fast or slow it will go. The only real working option is a daily pill that usually just halts it, but it can stop working or just slow it down or cause major side effects. To regrow you have to use a daily topical solution, or use a roller to wound your scalp. None of these are surefire by the way, and if you stop them you'll just lose your hair and whatever you regained. It's a daily involved thing that might not work and often at best just retains. The best drug, the one that occasionaly gives regrowth, also causes shedding at the start, and can have side effects from growing breasts to brain fog to EDsyfunction(sorry, censoring cause tumblr). Now, those are INCREDIBLY rare and almost never happen but it weighs heavily on the mind of those already spiraling.
But that's just background. What I'm here to talk about is the pure woe you'll see on those forums. People speak as though their lives are over, as though they've lost every chance of finding a woman(predominantly, there's a running idea in such places that women don't like bald men or like them less) or doing anything. You can read countless stories of people who describe that they no longer go outside, are now filled with anxiety and self-hate, have gone from extroverted to never showing their face. And some of these people are kids who lost their hair in high school or even before, or are holding as best they can to a very receded hairline and feel like there is nothing they can do.
And then there's something touched upon far less in those communities, but is important to bring up here; baldness and masculinity. There's the horror of knowing so much of society sees a bald guy as a very masculine guy, at seeing that the best advice for being hot and bald is "grow and beard and big muscles bro". Imagine now you're AMAB balding and nonbinary, or a trans woman who doesn't want to be on hormones.
Just genuinely take the time to look at those forums no matter who you are. Understand what these people go through, what I am currently going through. It is soul-crushing, spiraling, brutal. I have the dream of one day being like Brennan Lee Mulligan or Matt Mercer and starting to lose my hair made me feel like I could never. I felt like and still feel like I would have to be masculine, have to be a bro-y dude, have to look older than I was(I'm fuckin 22). It was the feeling that I could never dress feminine again, never present as a woman when I wanted to again, that I'd always be viewed as a bald guy before anything else.
This is an incredibly vulnerable post for me, and I hope it reaches you all as well in a kind and understanding mood. There's a tendency online for people to joke about baldness, to make fun of it, to treat it as a playfull silly thing but it fucking ruins lives, and it shouldn't. It happens to half the population's sort of bodies and very often. It should just be a neutral thing. You don't need long hair to be feminine, you don't need hair to be feminine. You don't need hair for anything. I guess I'm just saying in general that everyone should be kinder about balding, more understanding, and view it with as much import as they'd view the pixels between this sentence and the next. None at all, I mean.
And for those like me, very feminine guys who wanna keep that and don't want a beard and are terrified of balding, here's some names and I do hope others that see this will add more; Mr. Bruce (also in The Correspondents(band) Alex Ward in LA By Night Jason Carl in LA By Night Cecil Baldwin of Welcome To Night Vale Bob The Drag Queen RuPaul(in looks alone, I know about the whole fracking stuff but this post is about looks) tananasho on instagram Also your mannerisms and style of dress will convey femininity far more than your hair. Yea sure a front-on neutral shot of you may not and maybe you need makeup and stuff, and hell maybe a lot of people might reject you more but it'll just filter down to the people for you.
And to all you artists and writers and creatives; make more bald characters. Try it out. Feminine ones, masculine ones, all sorts. None of the copout nonhuman sort, just dudes and girls and mates and individuals who are all sorts of things and also bald. It might make a few of the people going through the various vortexes of pain that balding causes feel a bit better.
And to those noticing I did not adress female hair loss much here, that was intentional. I am AMAB and currently a nonbinary guy who goes by any pronouns but often likes to present as fem. I learned I was possibly losing my hair and lost two months of my life, no work or going or anything, to male hair loss forums and research and spiraling. Checking my hair twenty times a day, unable to sleep, unable to eat, unable to think. And my situation was NOT unique, but it also did not give me any experience or understanding of female hair loss and what AFAB people may go through with that, so I don't feel knowledgeable enough to speak on it. Also living with baldness WILL get easier and you will find something that works for it, by virtue of simply living with it. Things get easier with time.
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hispg · 9 months
Longing for love
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Pairings: R2! Leon X Fem! Reader
Summary: It's your birthday, and your childhood friend wants to make it special.
Wc: 2.4k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, loss of virginity (both sides), pet names, soft sex, making out, slight oral( f receiving).
An: I know I promised I'd post this last week, but this week I was feeling down about writing anything. Just as I haven't replied to asks or comments, I'll probably reply to them tonight.
I don't know what happened, I had so much to write and ended up writing almost nothing. Anyway, I'll try to finish what I've already got half-written and try to post it over the next few days!
I really hope this bad mood passes soon, and I thank you all for your love. 🫶🏻
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It was a special day, your birthday. You had nothing special planned, nothing other than lying in the comfort of your bed watching some series on your laptop.
Even though you had told your childhood friend, Leon, that you didn't want anything special today, he refused to accept it.
It was your birthday, how could he pass it up? Even though he didn't have the best financial conditions in the world, he spared no expense in giving you a shiny necklace with a heart as a pendant.
If it were up to him, he would give you anything you asked for. Because he thought you deserved all the best the world could offer.
And here he was, spoiling you with sweet, wet kisses, holding you down on the bed while he gave your forehead one last kiss before whispering:
"Are you sure you don't want anything?" You'd lost count of how many times he'd asked you that during the night.
You knew he could get you anything you wanted, all you had to do was ask.
"No, Lee..." You said softly, clutching and snuggling into him.
He nodded, tangling his fingers in your hair and playing with the strands, holding you so close to him that the two of you had your bodies pressed together.
The bed seemed so cozy for both of you, the covers that were wrapped around your bodies as the two of you exchanged these light caresses.
You couldn't have been happier on your birthday, cuddling up to him while the gentle rain fell outside.
Leon felt his heart flutter every time he saw you all dolled up in a light purple dress, looking like a princess. Wearing your prettiest earrings, glossy lips that had left a raspberry taste in his mouth that made him keep licking his lips because of it.
"You know... I saw a dress..." Leon begins, and you already know where this is going to end.
He always says he sees something that reminds him of you, and every time he ends up bringing it as a present for you, with the excuse that you'd look perfect wearing what he's bought.
"Leon, you don't have to..." You whisper, kissing him on the lips.
He closed his eyes with a soft smile, pressing you a little closer against him.
"But I'd love to..." He says with that cocky smile you already know well.
You giggle, kissing his cheeks several times. He always got frustrated and embarrassed when you did this, his cheeks getting hot from the act.
But he'd be lying if he said he didn't love it every time you showered him with kisses. The feel of your lips on his skin was something he would never forget.
Without even realizing it, he gripped your hips a little harder, getting goosebumps when your breasts grazed his chest from how close you were to him.
Once you'd finished what you'd started, the proud smile plastered across your face.
"Why are you blushing?" You asked with mischief and sweetness in your voice, biting your lip as you looked at him.
You watched his lips come together and press, a sketch of a pout there. His eyes locked with yours, his arms wrapped around your waist.
God, how could he resist that? How could he resist you?
He swears he was trying to ignore the situation, trying to ignore the way you were so close to him, your warm body crashing against his.
Maybe he was being daring, but he took the opportunity a step further, placing a light kiss on your neck. Letting his lips linger there for a few moments.
The response that came from you pleased him, he heard your breathing hitch, your chest descend and rise more visibly. He knew you liked it.
"Maybe I want something..." You whispered, looking at him with a certain shyness.
You knew that the two of you had already crossed the line into friendship, not least because you doubted that friends kissed or got that close. But when he looked at you in such a sweet way, something in you melted.
"Say... I can give you anything you want..." He whispers, lightly caressing your cheeks.
You bite your lip, leaning your forehead against his once more, and soon the sweet words are coming from your lips:
"A kiss?" It wasn't the first time you'd kissed, but the way you asked for it this time, so sweetly, the smile was kind of drawn on your face.
Who was Leon to say no?
"Whatever you want, princess." That's all he said before kissing you.
It started in a loving and gentle way, his lips moving against yours in sync, his fingers caressing your waist with affection and delicacy.
Your hands wrapped in his hair as his tongue traced your lower lip, asking for passage into your mouth. And you didn't deny it.
You don't know how it happened, or how a simple make out session turned into languid, sloppy kisses, his hands grabbing every bit of skin he could find, not wasting a single precious second to touch you.
And before you knew it, he was on top of you, his hands slowly coming down to hold your hips. And knowing how far this was going to go, you didn't try to do anything to stop it.
In the blink of an eye he had already taken off your dress, his lips trailing down your neck as he grasped the waistband of your panties, taking no time to remove them at once.
His eyes went wide once you were naked in front of him, his cock aching from the rush of seeing you like this.
"Can I...?" All he wanted was your permission to continue or to stop, it was up to you.
You nodded shyly, letting him do whatever he wanted.
And that was all he needed to continue. He moved his face down to your belly, kissing softly and sweetly across your skin, leaving no part untouched. He was so anxious that he could barely think straight, the only thing he wanted to feel was what it would be like to be inside you.
So he needed to prepare you, right? And once he saw how wet you were already getting with just a few kisses, it wasn't long before he thought of a solution to get you soaking wet.
His hands gripped your thighs, you could tell he was as nervous as you were. The blush on his cheeks, the way he was biting his lower lip to hold back the sounds he might make at the sight of you in this situation.
He'd never seen you naked like this, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't imagined this situation multiple times.
But now that you were here in front of him, it was a completely different story.
Before you could look at him, you felt his warm lips on your thighs, giving you light, wet kisses.
As if he was afraid and apprehensive of making any moves, he had never done that in his life, he was just following what he thought was right, maybe he could call it instinct or something.
His warm, soft lips gave you goose bumps, made your body shudder under his body, you gasped and arched your body gently.
His every touch was capable of making your thoughts go blank and you forget the world around you, as if nothing else mattered. Just the two of you there.
He also couldn't stop salivating once he saw your wet folds, the state he'd managed to leave you in with just a few kisses and caresses. Your throbbing pussy almost begging for him, a sight that sent an electrifying pulse to his hard cock.
You held back from moaning when you felt his hot breath against your sex.
It wasn't long before you were shuddering at his touch, the way he was so delicate as he planted kisses in your folds, he was so tender that it was simply attractive to watch. His blue eyes staring at you, just to make sure you were comfortable with it all, and that you wanted it as much as he did.
As soon as he saw that you were ready for him, he began to undress. In a hurried and clumsy way he took off his clothes, throwing them into a corner of the room.
You were mesmerized by his body, strong and muscular, so defined that you could salivate just looking at it.
Once again he was lying on top of you, his lips pressed to yours in a hot kiss.
You only heard him fisting himself a little, before he began to guide his tip into your entrance. You knew from the kiss he was giving you that he wanted to make you focus only on him, making you as comfortable as possible.
So he slowly entered you, calmly and patiently, all the while asking you if it was okay and if he could continue. The situation was new and strange for both of you, so reluctance was more than normal.
Once he had sunk into you, he could have sworn to God that he was holding back from cumming, the sensation of your warm, wet walls was more than enough to finish him off.
But he held on, held on and tried his best to stop the thoughts of simply exploding inside you here and now.
And he hovered over you, simply rigid on top of you, just as his hard cock didn't move an inch from where it was.
He felt your discomfort, the way you hissed a little when he put it in, and if you were being honest, it stung considerably.
He stood still, that is until you both got used to the foreign feeling.
But even then, he kept giving you soft kisses on the cheek, whispering sweet nothings to help you relax.
"I love you so much..." He whispered sweetly in your ear, giving the area light kisses and licks.
You moaned softly at his touch, instinctively wrapping your legs around his hips, entwining with him in such an erotic and intimate way.
And in yet another of his gestures, he entwined his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand tightly as he gazed at you with those gentle blue eyes.
It was a gaze so tender, so loving, a gaze that was reserved for you, only you.
"You can move..." You say softly, looking at him shyly.
He gets the message, and slowly starts to move, in a shallow and calm way, he had no intention of rushing things.
Not least because he could see how nervous you were, or how much your pussy clenched around him, even though he had stimulated you, had prepared you to loosen up more.
"So tight..." He moans softly, giving your lips a gentle kiss.
The way he was so tender, so tenuous as he thrust into you, he didn't even move much, just enough to cause a little friction.
Not least because he didn't even know what you liked at those times, it was two inexperienced lovers learning at once.
"Lee..." You call softly, gently biting your lower lip as you look at him.
Surely he noticed the way your hips began to move against his, as if your body knew exactly what to do in this situation.
He took this as a green light, and began to pick up the pace, still making a point of giving you kisses and caresses all over your body.
You felt your mind getting so heavy, his cock reaching places so deep, points so sensitive that you couldn't even imagine.
It was all so good, certainly better than you imagined.
In one swift movement he removed one of his hands from yours, moving down your belly until he reached your crotch, where he stopped respectfully. Not wanting to do anything without your permission.
"Is it okay if I....?" He asked, placing his index finger next to your clit.
He wanted to know what you liked, what felt good, and he was going to start here. With your bundle of nerves.
"Y-yes... Please." You asked in a sly voice, and he could even see the pout that formed on your lips.
He smiled against your neck, giving the area a hickey, leaving a small mark. And then there was his thumb, smoothing over your clit, making small, delicate circles on the sensitive flesh, making you roll your eyes and moan louder with each movement.
He eased off when he felt you loosening up more, and with that he understood that he could increase the speed of his hips, and so he did.
Now the dirty, wet sounds echoed through the room, his heavy balls slapping against you and making that characteristic skin-on-skin noise.
But neither of you cared, so lost in that moment that the least of your problems was the profanity that came out of your mouths in the form of words.
Your heavy breaths came together as one, in the purest of synchronies. He was close, and so were you.
But as far as he was involved, your pleasure came first, so he would hold back as long as he could so that you would come first.
"Leon... I think I'm going to cum." You say in a low moan, feeling a new sensation forming in the pit of your stomach.
Your walls squeezing so tightly around him, and him trying his best to hold back. With a strangled groan you felt your hot fluid pouring out of you, your body arching and crashing against his as you came.
It was enough to send him over the edge too, and he almost didn't take his cock out of you, he was so lost in your expression of ecstasy that he forgot he wasn't wearing a condom.
He even thought about cumming in your belly, but was genuinely apprehensive of making a mistake and making a mess. So he pulled out of you, fisting himself and cumming on the sheets. Moaning and grunting as his cum spurted onto the silk sheets.
You were both tired from the recent orgasm, and he took the opportunity to lie on top of you and hold you close.
"On your belly next time?" He asks softly, a shy, mischievous smile appearing on his lips.
You smile, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks with your hands, hugging him as he relaxes on top of you.
"Yes, next time." You whisper, closing your eyes and storing the moment in your memory.
You couldn't have hoped for anyone better to lose your virginity to, and for sure, Leon couldn't have had anyone better either.
You can believe it was your best birthday.
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lymtw · 2 months
hello hello! i don’t know if you’re comfortable with writing this, but if so are you open to writing a toji x reader fic involving period sex? thank you!!! and p.s. i love your writing 😫❤️
A/N: Thank you for reading my works ☺️🫶🏼 I am totally comfortable writing this! I should really put up a post with my do's and don't's. I'll get to that as soon as I find the motivation 😃👍 Anyways, thank you for sending in this request 💙
| cw: period sex |
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You don't like making a scene out of that time of the month when it comes to spending time with Toji. You don't like mentioning it to him, so whenever he wants to start removing clothes with you during that time, you always make up some excuse. You say you're not in the mood or that you're too tired or that you can help him out, but that's all, and thank god he never pushes it. He would rather take what you offer him or suck it up and bear the horniness in silence, than make you uncomfortable.
Toji knows the basics of basics of menstruation. He knows that you bleed out of your vagina for a few days, and that often times, it's an uncomfortable and painful time for your body. He knows that the fluctuations of your hormones brings on mood swings, and that you have to buy certain products to prevent you from getting blood everywhere.
"Ma," he calls, as soon as he walks through the door of your apartment. He's holding a bag of food in each of his hands. Food that you were craving and requested for him to pick up once he finished his job. Your door was unlocked so he knows you're not out, but you didn't answer him. He put the food down on the dining room table and went on to look for you. He didn't have to look too hard, because you were in your bedroom, the first room he checked.
"Doll?" He calls, again. "I brought the food you asked for. Don't you wanna eat?" He watches you from the doorway. You look down, very much so, and he knows there's something wrong because you answered him with the smallest shake of your head. He hates seeing you all curled up and seemingly lifeless like this. Your body is drowned by one of his hoodies and you're wearing your baggiest sweatpants. Though it looks comfortable, it's way too hot for you to be so covered up. He makes his way over to your bed and sits beside you. "What's up, mama? Why aren't you hungry, anymore?" He gently squeezes your hip a couple times, hoping maybe it'll make you turn to face him, but you don't. You stay curled up.
"My stomach hurts," you say, unsure of whether he heard you or not. All you know is that if he asked you to repeat yourself, you wouldn't out of frustration. You would just shake your head and go back to hurting in silence.
"Did you eat something bad?" He pauses, a small smile curling onto his lips as something else comes to mind. "Baby... have you eaten anything at all, today?" He knows sometimes you forget to eat because you get so distracted by everything else you have going on, and that pit in your stomach often makes you nauseous.
"No, it's not that. I'm on my period." You internally cringe at the use of the word. Despite the power behind being able to put up with this every single month, you can't help but feel fragile and weak at the thought of letting Toji in on it.
"Oh, doll... You should've told me this before. I would've showed up with much fuller hands." He lays on his side, and wraps his body around yours. His leg goes over yours and his hand goes beneath your hoodie and presses against your stomach. "So, your guts are mad that I didn't put a baby in you?" He says, into your back.
"Yeah, a bit," you say, thinking of the stomach clutching cramps you've had for the past couple hours.
"Damn, that's terrible. What about you, huh? Are you mad that I didn't put a baby in you?" He asks, a smile on his lips forming through the unserious question.
You can't deny that, occasionally, you've wondered what your DNA would look like mixed with Toji's in the form of a child. You always envision the cutest little boy with Toji's intense, green eyes and your beautiful hair, and Toji's sharp nose, and your pretty skin tone. You think of how much you would love him, and how you would take on that role of being a devoted and loving mother. You think of how attached you would become to the little munchkin, enough to assume that you would be the one crying on his first day of school, not your child.
"Of course not. I'm not ready to be a mom," you respond, lowly.
Toji would be lying if he said he didn't see himself having kids with you. He often imagines how you would look holding a baby girl that shares a mixture of his and your features. Part of him hopes that your graceful beauty shines, prominently, through those tiny features, but he also knows that it wouldn't be the end of the world if the child ended up looking more like him. To see you holding a mini him would heal something that runs deep in his soul. Regardless of whether your child looks like him or you or it's the perfect blend of both of you, he knows that he'll be begging to cradle them again and again, even if they are the reason he'll be losing sleep. He'll lunge towards them when they stumble and fall, he'll soothe them when they can't sleep, and he'll bear with the messiness and the unstable emotions.
"Good, 'cause..." he sighs and coils even tighter around you. You're starting to feel hot with all those heavy layers on and the additional source of heat that clings to you from behind. "I need to keep you to myself for a much longer while. I can't imagine sharing you with someone else." He smiles when you laugh quietly at the small poke offered to your stomach. "At least, not right now, 'kay?"
"Yeah, okay," you respond, genuinely glad that he feels the way he does. You don't feel ready to take that enormous step either.
"I know that means your periods will keep coming every month, but I can help you in any way you ask me to. You just have to let me know, mama." His voice conveys sincerity and concern. He's serious about you, but he can't stand being shut out like this on things that pertain to your wellbeing.
You wiggle out of his hold and flip over to face him. You smile at him as best you can, despite the storm you feel in your stomach.
"You look small, doll." He chuckles at the way you bring a sleeved hand towards his face. The sleeves of his hoodie are enormous and puffy around your arms.
"Yeah... your sweater was the only thing that was helping, earlier. I felt like the cramps were gonna kill me so I curled up in this because it smells like you."
His smile is so soft. He loves hearing that he was your best source of comfort while you were in pain. "Well, i'm here, now, so you can take that off and curl up with the real thing."
"Mm..." you drop your hand to his chest. "This is keeping me warm and it fits huge on me, so i'm comfortable."
"Come on. I'm warmer and I fit so much bigger on you than this." He grabs the material of his sweater and extends it away from your waist, before letting it go and watching it melt back into a bulky pile on you. "Yeah, this is nothing compared to me, doll. When i'm on top of you, you completely disappear."
You sigh, as if he isn't tempting you at all, but you can already picture the warmth of his body heat and it sounds absolutely divine. "Fine, fine," you grumble, sitting up to pull off the enormous blanket you had been wearing for the past three hours and tossing it towards the end of your bed.
"So, that's why you didn't wanna take it off?" He's no better than the strangers who ogle your body when he takes you out for a date night. Your chest is holding his attention like a puppy with its favorite toy.
"Told you I was comfortable," you say, fixing the twisted strap of your bra before laying back down.
"Did you not want me to see you like this?" He asks, feeling the bare skin of your waist beneath his palm.
"I just feel really gross, Toji. I showered twice and I still feel like I stink, my skin isn't clear, and my body hurts. I never want you to see me this way, but I can't stay away from you every time I go through this."
He sees this as the perfect moment for him to become your heat radiating weighted blanket, and he seizes the opportunity, splaying over you like a net before contracting his limbs around you. He really is bigger than that hoodie with the way he makes your entire body vanish beneath his.
"This..." you laugh, the sound coming out a little choppy due to the newly added weight. "...is much better," you say, your voice a little strained.
"Listen," he says. What he wants to say to you is really important, and he needs you to absorb the information as clearly as possible, so he thinks it's best if his lips are right beneath your ear, just so you don't miss a word he says. "You smell reallyyy good, but you shouldn't be scrubbing your skin raw with too many showers. Also, I didn't even notice the little pimples on your skin 'til you pointed them out. Not that it matters to me, but your skin will clear up in a couple days." He grins at the little giggles that leave you and the slight shake of your shoulders that accompany the sound. "And about the pain... just tell me what you need and I'll get it for you. Anything but a heating pad, because I like whaling on you like this." He pulls away and takes note of the beaming smile on your face. "You heard all of that, right?" He asks, making sure you're not just letting his words go over your head.
"Mhm." You hum, in response. Your hands cup his jaw and pull him closer to you. You pause when he's mere centimeters away from you and just look up at him, adoration clear in your eyes. His gaze flits between your eyes and your lips. You've always been so enticing and appealing to him, regardless of the nonsensical remarks you make about yourself. Toji has every intention of proving that he'll love you the same all the time. This time of the month is no exception.
With a lick to his bottom lip, he takes the leap and kisses you first. You smile as his lips move slowly and gently in tandem with yours. You feel a lot better with Toji around. It feels like he actually melted away your cramps with his presence. You can enjoy him because the pain in your stomach isn't as intense anymore.
He can feel the change in pace of your affection. You're kissing him faster, your hands are balling up the back of his shirt, and your breathing is getting heavier. He decides to take it step further and slides his hands beneath the cups of your bra.
"Does that hurt?" He asks, knowing that it's possible that your breasts feel tender.
"Not at all. Please, keep going. You can even squeeze a little harder," you say, a small laugh following.
"Alright, baby. You wanna take your bra off so I can get in there real good?"
You're a little nervous about where this is headed. You can feel the neediness growing between your thighs, and him touching your breasts like that is only fueling the flame. You don't know if he's innocently trying to soothe the tenderness that vanished a day before the waterfall of blood began or if he's just trying to cop a feel. All you know is that it feels good and that it's a risky decision to take your bra off even if you've already decided to remove it.
"Yeah, I'll take it off," you say, using your elbows to assist you in sitting up. He sits back on his knees as you reach behind you, towards the clasps of your bra. You take a little longer when you notice how he's staring at your chest in anticipation, practically hypnotized as he waits for you to free your tits. You swear you saw his tongue peek out to lick his bottom lip. Those naturally bright eyes of his are dark, the color almost entirely swallowed whole by his enlarged pupils. You have to try not to laugh at how strong his focus is as the cups slide down your chest and the strap ride down your arm.
"Fuuuck, look at you." He's practically drooling as he reaches his hand out to touch. He instantly feels the warmth and softness of your right breast engulf his hand. "You've got a really pretty body, doll. You know I love taking care of it," he purrs, crawling back onto you. You're pushed back onto the bed. Your head falls into the pillows, and you're instantly surrounded by Toji. He leans down, his lips brushing over your jaw while his hands busy themselves with your breasts. "You can't scare me off with a little bit of blood, pretty girl. You can't scare me off at all," he murmurs, letting his lips roam towards your neck. He rolls your buds between his fingers, smirking at the way you shudder at the more intense stimulation. "That feel good?" He asks, hearing the low hums coming from you.
"Mhm... it does." Your cunt throbs with need as he continues tweaking your nipples, brushing them with his thumbs, rolling them with index fingers before pressing them a little. He sucking on that sensitive spot on your neck, really putting in the work to make you want him, badly. "T-Toji..." you whimper.
"Yeah, I know, sweet girl. Just wanna help you feel better." A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest at the feeling of you squeezing your thighs around his waist, chasing friction for your needy cunt. "Need some help with that? Want me to rub your little clit?"
You're too distracted by the pleasure you derive from grinding against his lower abdomen to notice his hand leaving one of your breasts and trailing down your stomach. Just as his fingers go beneath the waistband of your sweatpants, you snap out of your daze.
"No, wait- That's dirty," you say, scooting backwards.
"What are you talking about?" He asks, rhetorically. "It's a part of you. I don't care if any part of me gets covered in your blood."
You look away from him, flustered by his admission. You've never allowed him to touch you down there while you're on your period. This might have been the first time you've directly told him about it, too, so before then, he was just left to assume.
"I'm not a pea brained little boy, and you're not gross for this, baby. Just let me help you feel better."
You contemplate it for a few seconds. You've never done it like this before. The mess would be extreme. You'll be overthinking the things that run through his mind the entire time. Would you even be capable of getting into the mindset necessary to enjoy it when you're so worried about what Toji's thinking?
"Please, mama. Let me make you feel good." He runs a hand over your shin, hoping to soothe your nerves about this.
Your thoughts were starting to loop from how much you were overthinking it. A whole lot of 'what is Toji going to think?' and 'what if he can't go through with it after seeing all of it?' swirling around in your head. The thoughts were going nowhere but down, so you eventually just let yourself go. "Okay," you respond. "Can I just have a minute before we..." you raise your brows, allowing the gesture to finish your sentence.
"Yeah, of course. Take your time." He retracts his hand, allowing you to rise off the bed and make your way to the bathroom.
You're nervous. You don't know what would compel Toji to want to do something like this. You'll accept that it's for your benefit, but what does he gain from this apart from getting a blood covered dick? You know he won't put on a condom. He practically whines every time you tell him to either put a condom on or pull out. Neither of those options are viable for him, so he sweet talks you until you let him go in raw and cum inside you. He always thanks you for staying on birth control. His appreciation is genuine, too. It's not just some douchey speech where he says 'thank you for taking pills so I don't have to stress about cumming inside you'. It's a real, hug and kiss, 'I love you' deserving, appreciation.
You walk out of the bathroom after removing your menstrual product, wearing just the panties you had on and your darkest colored towel wrapped around your hips. That pair of underwear is not your prettiest pair, so you're fine with ruining them so that you don't ruin your carpet on your walk back to the bed.
"Everything alright?" Toji asks, eyes glued on you the second the bathroom door opened.
"Yeah. All good," you assure, sitting on the edge of the bed. You felt as anxious as you did the first time you and Toji had sex together. It was visible in the way you kept your eyes on your folded hands and how you toyed with your thumbs.
"Don't be nervous, baby. It's just like every other time." He smiles at you as you continue to stare at your lap. "You wanna put the towel down?"
"Oh, yeah." The second the towel is unwrapped from your lower body, you feel your anxiety double, knowing that the stain on your underwear is visible. He can see you crossing your legs to try and hide the stain. It's cute, but futile, since he'll see it much more clearly in a few seconds. You're unnecessarily straightening the corners, as if the towel isn't going to be moving around once things get going.
"Good. Now, lay down for me," Toji instructs, the words making your heart drop. "Need you to get all comfortable."
You hesitantly crawl onto the towel and lay on your stomach, concealing the stain on the front of your underwear.
"Flip over, doll. Wanna look at that pretty face." He can tell you're doing everything you can to hide what he expected and already saw. You flip onto your back and cross your legs. "Come on, pretty girl. Don't be embarrassed. It's just me."
You sigh and uncross your legs. Seconds go by and your cheeks are scorching, embarrassment coursing through you so fluidly, not knowing that the sight makes Toji feral. The color, the fact that you're free bleeding and the stain is growing as time goes by, the shame it brings you from not being able to stop it. It's all going straight to his dick. It was already straining in his boxers, but now it's throbbing.
"Good girl," he praises, running his hands up and down your thighs. You feel hot under his gaze. He's not making his attention to your stained underwear subtle at all. You just want to put a pillow over your head and let him do what he has planned.
"You're so cute," he says, reaching a hand towards the loud color between your thighs. He feels the warm wetness beneath his thumb as he tests the waters and rubs your clit through the scarlet tainted garment. He watches you squirm at the touch, your stomach rising and falling erratically at the stimulation. "So warm, baby." He can see the color adhering to the edges of his thumb as he continues to stroke your throbbing clit.
"Toji..." you gasp.
"Yeah, baby. I know."
The smallest pinch between your brows appears as the stimulation continues. It's slow enough to keep you comfortable, but you want more, so you attempt to trap his hand between your thighs so that you can get off on it.
"Open, doll. Keep your pretty legs open for me." He grins at the shuddered breath you release as you release his hand.
"P-Please, Toji. Please, more," you whimper, feeling yourself get closer and closer to your peak.
He's notices how the blood reached higher up the front of your underwear. Right over where he's rubbing your clit, the material is soggy beneath his fingers.
"I'm gonna make you cum all you want, but not like this," he says, abruptly stopping the movement of his fingers. He bows forward and kisses from your slightly heaving mid-center to your lower abdomen. The irony smell of your blood is heavier as he nears the elastic of your panties.
"Let's get these off," he murmurs, hooking his fingers into the garment. Your heart is racing all over again at the thought of him seeing the whole thing, uncensored. The uncontrollable drip of your blood, the messy aftermath of it being smeared and played with by his fingers over the thin barrier of your underwear. It's not presentable, compared to what he got from you every moment before this one. Far from it, but he proceeds with his fearless curiosity, dragging your panties down your hips and thighs, above your knees and swiftly down the rest of the way. He puts them down beside you on the towel before carrying on with you.
In no way would he ever try to embarrass you over something like this, especially since he knows you're more emotionally sensitive right now and even the smallest amount of teasing might hit a little harder than intended. He looks at the overload of red smeared all over your cunt, on the folds, lathered over and through your slit, and streaked over your inner thighs. All he can think about is how cursed you must feel every once in a while to have to go through this every month. He's not stupid enough to think alike to those men who say they would bear the pain a lot better than women and that it's nothing compared to being kicked in the balls. He would take the pain for you in a heartbeat, but since science hasn't progressed so far to make that option a reality, he'll do what he can to help you in other ways.
You watch, intently, as Toji observes what he's seen plenty of times before. You feel different from every one of those times, despite him telling you that this time will be no different. You feel like your heart is about to lurch from your chest because all he's doing is looking. You know it's unappealing. You would give yourself to him entirely clean in this moment if you could.
"I wanna bury my face in there so badly. You know that?" He's so hard at the sight. His dick is twitching at the thought of using his tongue to clean you up. "I'll make it up to you in a couple days," he says, working his constricting boxers off. "Gonna feast on you. Hold these pretty thighs back when you try to crush my skull."
You don't think you've ever felt so withheld by him. Here he is, about to fuck you during one of the few days you refrain from letting him touch you this way, while talking about how badly he wants to devour you. You wouldn't call it unfair of him to tease you with this promise, he just has no other choice. Normally, his mouth is the first thing he gives you when things are getting hot and heavy, but for now, he can only use that mouth to kiss you and verbalize his desire.
"Don't look so nervous, doll," he says, his voice honeyed and his touch gentle on your skin, like he's shooing away all those negative thoughts that threaten your ability to enjoy this. "This is me taking care of you."
Toji did a good job of making you forget that this wasn't just normal sex. You were fed assurance, visually, audibly, and tactically. The second he thrusted into you and felt your incredibly warm and wet walls cling around him, his gaze darted up to meet your eyes. He looked back down for a split second when his hips pulled back, just to see the way you coated his shaft.
He understands that this is intense for you, that you're presenting yourself in a vulnerable state to him, but he's determined to make you understand that he will always try for you. It comes down to him knowing your wants and needs, and when they aren't so transparent, he counts on you to trustfully tell him about the things he can't openly assume.
He's overly generous with your pleasure, going on and on for you, chasing your orgasms with no intention of stopping until you tell him you've had enough. "Come on..." he groans, a deep chuckle following when he sees the way your arms are thrown over your face. "Come on, doll. Give me some attention." He's saying this because he's about to cum, again. He wants to look at you as he spews another load into you. He wants to see the expression on your face when you feel his cum overfill you, again. You lift your arms above your head and expose the way your chest heaves even more to him, but more importantly, the weary and glassy eyes he loves so much.
"Yeah, fuck... Just give me those eyes for a while, gorgeous." He's panting and his hips are stuttering as he stares you down, his lust-filled gaze giving you the illusion of being pressed into the mattress. One hand splays over your waist while the other focuses on nudging at your clit.
The added stimulation makes you jolt beneath his touch. It's heavenly and you want more, and you're right there. "F-Fuck... Fuck, please... Please!" you beg, feeling like you're melting beneath his touch. Your nails dig into the pillow beneath your head in an attempt to stay still for him.
"I know, mama. I know. I got you," he coos through choppy breaths, rubbing your clit fast enough to have you squirming against him. He watches dazedly as fresh crimson decorates his fingertips, anew. The pace of his hips becomes sporadic with his own peak nearing. He's about to bust again with the way your gummy, lubricated walls snuggly wrap around him.
With just a couple more thrusts and the ongoing stimulation offered to your clit, you gush all over him again, a mixture of your cum and blood rushing out of you and onto him before dripping onto the towel beneath you. "Oh my- T-Toji, oh fuck!" Your back arches off the bed, your head thrown back into the pillow as you cry out in pure ecstasy.
Toji is pulling you into his quickened thrusts, putting your tired, pretty body to work so that he can finish, too. He's following after you just a minute later, a deep, growl-like groan leaving him as more of his thick cum is shot into your ruined cunt. His chest rises and falls, long, heavy breaths exhaled through his parted lips. his neck glistens with sweat and dampened strands of hair stick to his forehead.
"How are your guts?" He asks, his words still somewhat breathy as he works to recompose himself after pulling out of you.
"Good," you respond, echoing back that tiredness. "Out of place, but good. That... that did it. No more pain." You think that if you shut your eyes for longer than ten seconds, you'll doze off. As if Toji would let you wake up feeling dirtier than you did before you let him get his hands on you.
"Hey," he calls, tapping your outer thigh. You hum in disapproval of having to open your eyes again. "Doll, we have to get you cleaned up." He taps you again.
"Five minutes," you whine, shutting your eyes tightly before pulling the pillow out from beneath your head and throwing it over your face.
"None of the whining, mama. It's for the best and you know it." He doesn't go on because you don't respond, presumably dozed off. He pulls the pillow off your face and becomes the target of your pointed gaze when light floods your vision again. "I'm not gonna stop bugging you until you get up." He's fighting the urge to tease you about wanting a kiss for that alluring pout on your lips. "Don't you wanna take a nice and cool shower with me?"
"I'm stuck," you groan, exaggeratedly dropping your arm after your feigned weak attempt to move more than a couple inches. "Can't... move."
"Your level of drama outshines the best actors, doll. I see right through it."
You can't even hold back a giggle at that. You clutch your chest and continue on with the theatrics. "Ouch. My stomach doesn't hurt anymore, but there's suddenly a really sharp pain in my chest. So, this is what taken back love feels like, huh?"
Toji snickers at the sound of your pathetic words as he crosses the ends of the towel over your lower body. Once the towel is wrapped securely, his arm goes beneath your knees, and the other settles on your lower back. With one swift motion, he lifts you off the bed and starts for the bathroom. He knew you had no intention of moving on your own, so he took the initiative. "Now you're a poet? You would never make it through heartbreak poetry." He looks down at you with a sly grin. "You would be making it all up, because you know how much I love your dramatic self."
You laugh. "Yeah... i'll never be a heartbreak poet." You don't sound like you're at a loss at all. You said it with a smile on your face. You've never been more happy to have lost a path like that.
"That's too bad, isn't it?"
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imaginesig · 2 months
You Would've Done It Too
Ollie Bearman x Verstappen!Reader
We all know Mad Max, but what if his younger sister is worse? And what if her on track enemy isn’t always that?
HEAVILY inspired by: Enemies or Lovers by @claypgeon and DR creators on tik Tok for radio ideas
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liked by user3, user91, user93, and 917,828 others
f2updates: Y/n Verstappen and Ollie Bearman made contact at todays GP. Both drivers are well, but forced to retire their cars
tagged: no one
user1 now this is real racing
user2 im glad that Ollie is finally giving Y/n's aggression back
user3 right?? Verstappens gone too long without someone humbling her
user4 I hope she can be tamed like Max and really put her drive to good use
user5 you know they’re both pissed
User6 these post race interviews are about to be HEATED
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liked by user4, user2, user7, and 719,822 others
f2updates: Y/n Verstappen and Ollie Bearman's comments on the incident today
tagged: no one
user1 lmao Y/n and HITECH can whine all they want, all Ollie did was exactly what they've been doing to the grid all year
user2 the jabs at each other give me life
user3 I live for this rivalry
user4 yes Ollie 👏👏 humble her
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liked by: carlossainz55, user5, Olliebearman, and 927,828 others
f1: Prima driver, Ollie Bearman, will replace Carlos Sainz this weekend
tagged: prema_team, olliebearman, scuderiaferrari
user1 I wonder how y/n is feeling about this
user2 why bring her up, this ain’t about her
user1 because she's been negotiating with different teams to get a contract and try to drive in a free practice but now Ollie gets to race for Ferarri before she gets any of that
user4 and he gets to race against her brother, something Y/n has publicly said she misses and prays to do again
user3 Y/n isn't any better at racing than him, id argue they're equals, nor should she get special treatment because of Max so she can wait her turn
user5 ahhh I can’t wait!!!
User6 I’m gonna miss Carlos this weekend 😭😭
user7 please please please Ferrari have a good strategy for him🙏🙏
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liked by user82, user5, user89, and 718,828 others
f2updates: Y/n Verstappen commenting on Ollie Bearman's temporary move to F1: "It's truly an amazing experience (to drive F1). Ferrari sees something in him, so best of luck. I've defiantly noticed a lack of headaches this weekend."
tagged no one
user1 the was she still has to make a snarky comment
user2 I mean they are rivals 🤷‍♂️
user3 most civil I've ever seen an interaction between them
user4 I don’t understand why someone went out of their way to get a comment from her, let Y/n race and comment on herself and let Ollie shine without dragging the mood down by asking his rival for a statement
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liked by: pauladon_, hitechgp, user5, and 817,929 others
ynverstappen: That's how you do it the HITECH way
tagged: paularon_
user1 ig we don't need to ask how she's celebrated the win
hitechgp perfect 1-2 weekend!!
maxverstappen why the last slide
ynverstappen I had to inform the people of my opinions
Maxverstappen anyway, I’m so proud!!
ynverstappen 🫶🫶
Carlossainz55 congrats on p1 little-stapppen
Redbullracing performance so good we were left speechless 👏👏
user2 as much as I love a good rivalry it was nice to have a gp where Y/n and Ollie weren’t fighting and making digs at each other
User3 I agree
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liked by prema_team, user87, kimi.antonelli, and 728,928 others
olliebearman: P3 for my little buddy 🧸
tagged: no one
user1 awww the bear
user2 always a good day when we get a Y/n and Ollie podium
user3 its the only time they're ever civil when near each other
Prema_team very proud of your performance 🤝
user3 help im jealous of a stuffed bear
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liked by ynverstappen, maxverstappen1, user4, and 828,928 others
f1: Y/n Verstappen has been called up to replace Williams's Alex Albon this GP! She's already been seen in the garage looking right at home
tagged: hitechgp, ynverstappen, williamsracing
williamsracing we can't wait
Alex_albon she's gonna smash it!!
user1 please bring Williams back to the glory days
user2 Verstappen? Nice try, welcome back Nico Rosberg
user3 she looks so good in blue
user4 Y/n lead Logan to the podium
user5 yes ma'am 👏
user6 give Max a run for his money
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liked by user4, user83, user93, and 293,939 others
f2updates: for her free practice session, Y/n Verstappen has run into issues with her car
tagged no one
user1 her radio killed me: "Um guys somethings wrong I don't think the car likes me very much"
user2 looks like she's causing as many problems there as she does here
user3 please please please I NEED Williams to sort this out so she can still race
user4 she handled the situation very calmly and professionally, very impressive
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liked by user53, user9, user93, and 928,894 others
f2updates: Ollie Bearman comments on Y/n's absence after his race: "Very unfortunate to have troubles so early on. I guess the car could tell she was a hot head haha. I know all of us drivers are hoping the problem clears up"
tagged: no one
user1 I wish they would stop bothering the other for comments, if the situation doesn't involve both Y/n and Ollie then they shouldn't make a statment
user2 exactly it feels like the media is trying to get them to lash out at each other
user3 exactly they aren't friends, but they don't go out of their way to cause problems and people need to realize that
user4 yk he felt so pleased with the hot head joke
user5 "I know all of us drivers are hoping the problem clears up" he's trying so hard not to get into it with pr
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liked by logansargent, paularon_, williamsracing, and 928,829 others
ynverstappen: Williams, what an honor it was to be chosen to drive for you this past weekend! I hope I've shown my appreciation through my performance and actions. Alex, sorry for almost ruining your car, get well and kick ass next weekend mate!
tagged: williamsracing
maxverstappen1 you were amazing! I'm so proud
ynvserstappen ❤️❤️
landonorris very impressive battle we had!! still pissed I lost to someone who overheated the car her first lap but yk
ynverstappen thank you for putting up a fight! so happy to beat you Mr. Nowins user8 I need more public Y/n and Lando interactions
user1 the purple helmet ate
user3 its so funny to me that she just happened to get called up the weekend she had a special helmet
user2 lmao she saw the Nico jokes
ynverstappen had bestie hunt the jacket down for the bit (its now my favorite piece and I will live in it forever, thank you Britney)
user4 someone tell her she showed her appration and more
user5 right- she gave Williams their highest qualifying and ending positions
user6 since Logan is leaving can we get her on the grid next year
user7 if you want to rush her and have her burn out like Logan then sure, but I say just give her a contract and get comfy in F2
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ynverstappen posted a story!
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caption: to quote the note left, "they're crochet so you'll remember this weekend forever"
seems like he knows his stuff
I cried
maybe its time to put these ruse behind mmh
don't take my fun away from me
and he really does piss me off
oh I know
I just don't know how he still puts up with you, mini max
hey max was worse
are we sure??
ugh what I wouldnt do to have what you do!!
it really is the best
I mean he puts up with your shit better than I do
ok now first Paul and now you
you know im working on it, getting all the Jose out of my veins takes time
and im so proud of you for it
thats a lie
you wouldve tagged her
overprotective much 🙄
im your older brother its my job, now spill
I will at dinner in a few days
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liked by user5, user39, usrr93, and 829,839 others
f2updates: in what felt like a rendition of the Norris-Verstappen insident, Y/n Verstappen and Ollie Bearman had a collision in their battled for 2nd, behind Paul Aron in first. The collision caused both to lose significant places in this race, but both were able to return
tagged: no one
landonorris wannabe @/ynverstappen
ynverstappen fuck off Norris
user1 welp cannot wait for the media digs from this
user2 there goes our time of peace
user3 at least this time it was clearly Ollie's fault, I mean he pushed Y/n off
user4 bffr it was a defenive move, maybe she should have stayed straight rather than turn into him? user5 turn into him?? Ollie kept changing his path in turns before and did it again here, all Y/n did was stay on the track rather than turn off
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liked by user4, user93, user3, and 839,094 others
f2updates: Y/n Verstappen and Ollie Bearman's comments on their collision today
tagged no one
user1 praying for every f2 driver tonight that they dont run into each other in the hotel or else I fear it may end in a screaming match
user2 just once I need these two to be able to swing on eachother
user3 it'll settle everything once and for all
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liked by maxverstappen1, paularon_, kimi.antonelli, and 928,845 others
ynverstappen: he's hot, you would do it to
tagged: olliebearman
olliebearman I love you schat
ynverstappen I love you too!! Best (almost) year ever, love
user1 im sorry its almost been a YEAR
paularon_ finally im free from this torture
kimi.antonelli you can say that again
ynverstappen nah he's still my #1 opp
olliebearman no one pisses me off quicker 🫶
maxverstappen1 I dont like you. you're not good enough for her. you never will be. I'll personally carve out another appendix so I can't drive you into the barrier if you ever hurt her. y/n you're learning to back flip right now.
ynverstappen a bit much?
olliebearman nope perfect amount, I understand very clearly
landonorris max almost passed out
landonorris please post more im enjoying myself
user3 this was not on my 2024 bingo card
user4 kinda upset we'll never see them swing on each other
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liked by ynverstappen, kimi.antonelli, user1, and 844,294 others
olliebearman: only person id wear red bull for ❤️
tagged: ynverstappen
ynverstappen only person id wear Ferrari for 💙
olliebearman forever grateful 🫶
carlossainz55 im hurt
Charles_leclerc me too
maxverstappen1 Y/n take that off and burn it now.
ynverstappen no 🫶
user1 im crying they work out together 😭
user2 I just wanna know when that second picture was taken
olliebearman before she got caught leaving the Ferrari garage
ynverstappen and y'all believed the outfit change 🤣🫵
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hitechgp and prema_team
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liked by ynverstappen, user45, kimi.antonelli, and 834,253 others
hitechgp: I guess we're related now or something??
tagged: ynverstappen, olliebearman, paularon_, kimi.antonelli
prema_team family karting day??
user1 not neither team knowing what to say
ynverstappen so fun!!
kimi.antonelli no not "so fun" so scary you almost killed us for the win
ynverstappen and I looked good doing it
olliebearman yeah you did 😍
paularon_ bring back the Ollie that would've cussed her out over that
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882 notes · View notes
f1fantasys · 2 months
Always yours
Summary - post race Budapest
Warning - angst leading to smut. Minors dni, p in v sex, oral receiving both m and f, anal, swearing.
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To say the race was shit would be an understatement. Lando has put his heart and soul into McLaren since the beginning and what he got in return today was heartbreaking. The manipulation and guilt trip, the lies that his race engineer told him were not easy to listen to, especially with how much Lando talks about his mental health.
Watching it from the side lines, as Lando's girlfriend, you couldn't wait to just have him in your arms, tell him it will all be okay.
As you saw Lando give the lead back to Oscar you couldn't help but admire the kind of human being he was. He could have gone and won the race for himself, any other driver would have, but him, being the incredible person he is, gave the team what they wanted. Even if it was his fucking race to win and they fucked up the strategy.
You knew he would blame himself, beat himself up. But you also knew you needed to make sure that Lando wouldn't let himself fall into a deep a hole. He needs to know how loved he is, how talented he is, and how he was the one who was fucked over today.
You stood by the barriers and watched as Lando stepped out of his car and got congratulated Oscar. The weighted walk towards his mechanics and you spoke a thousand words. His shoulders sagging, helmet left on. He eventually removed it as he shook hands with his mechanics and made eye contact with you.
You knew that nothing you said was going to ease the pain right now, so you just pulled him in your arms and held him tight.
''I love you Lando, hold onto that'' you said. He nodded his head before being pulled away for the podium and interviews.
You waited in his drivers' room as Lando finished all his interviews as quick as he could. You were both meant to fly out tomorrow, with Oscar and Lily, but Jon knew Lando would want to be home tonight, so he booked you a chartered flight. Not to mention it wasn't the right time to be alone around Oscar. It was his first win, and as happy as Lando was for him, it still fucking hurt, and so not to put a dampener on Oscar's mood, Jon had done the right thing.
About an hour and a half later Lando walked into the room, closing the door behind him.
After a bad race, you always gave Lando time to cool down and gather his thoughts before trying to talk to him about it. You knew your earlier words were with him, and that he knew you were there for him whenever he was ready. For now all he did was pull you into a hug, hold you as close as possible.
You could feel and hear him silently shed a few tears, and you let him. It was good for him to get it out of his system.
''Jon's booked us a flight home for tonight'' you whispered.
He didn't reply though. He just nodded again and started packing his things up.
The flight back home to Monaco was 2 hours, which we spent with Lando's head on your lap, your fingers softly playing with his curls and soothing him. No words were spoken yet but after a long and stressful day, the silence was welcomed by the both of you, just content to be in each others surroundings.
Finally though, you'd just arrived home to Lando's penthouse. The familiar environment bringing a sense of comfort to you and Lando.
''Baby why don't you go and take a shower while I order some food, yeah?'' you said, kissing Lando on his little nose scar.
''Okay'' and a kiss back was all you got back from him.
By the time Lando had finished, you jumped into the shower and came out just in time for when the food arrived. You ate in comfortable silence, a random game of football playing in the background.
You could see Lando had a lot of energy still built up in him. He was very jittery and on edge. He needed to let it all out though. So as soon as you washed up and sat next to him on the couch, you needed to start the conversation.
''Baby,'' you started, cupping Lando's face and turning it to face you. His eyes were heavy and red as he stared into you.
''Talk to me. Let it out. And then let me help you get past this. It's what I'm here for.'' you softly told him.
''I don't even know what to say'' he shrugged then continued.
''Wasn't the win mine? Am I not the only driver challenging Max and closest to him in the drivers championship? Did I have that bad a start that they just decided it was Oscar's race? We would have scored the same amount of points in the constructors. Where the fuck did the manipulation and lying come from? Will? Andrea? Saying my tyres are being over used. That the way to win is not alone. That I need them. Do they not fucking need me anymore? Fucking bullshit.''
He was rambling on and you let him. Because he was right - it's fucking bullshit.
You held onto his hands.
''Lando, listen to me. None of this was on you. Trust me, they need you. They would be no where without you. You've stuck with them through thick and thin, even when they were failing. And now that there's a good car, it's nothing without a fantastic driver. You bring out the best in the car. The team fucking screwed you over today and they have no excuse for doing so. Please try and forget all of those toxic words and mind games that were thrown at you today. They screwed the strategy and then needed someone to blame for that so they turned it on you. But Lando you did the right thing. Firstly by waiting until the last few laps to give Oscar the position. They boxed you first and you had every right to fight that. But you didn't. Any race car driver in their right mind wouldn't have listened and would have taken the win. But you. Lando you showed just what type of incredible human being you are. You have no idea how much respect you've gained from me today. You are the most selfless, passionate, and talented person I know, and you proved that today. Don't let what happened today affect your future. You have a thousand race wins, and drivers championships to win. Whether that's with McLaren or another team in the future. But you need to know how loved you are. How admired you are. There will always be haters, but fuck them. You have an enormous amount of fans who are by your side, and always will be. And I am at the top of that list. I love you Lando, win or lose.'' you couldn't help but let a few tears slip out.
He looked at you with a look of awe in his eyes.
''I don't know what I'd do without you y/n. Honestly. I love you too, so much.'' Lando said, pulling you in for a hug.
''Tell me how I can help you Lando, let me help you'' you whispered.
You felt his body was still jittery, neither here nor there.
''I think I need to get some fresh air, burn this adrenaline and energy''
''Yeah, ok. Want me to come?'' you asked, knowing he probably just needed a few minutes to himself.
''Nah, I won't be long'' he said, pecking your lips.
He put his trainers on and left, giving you some time to get yourself together as well and be there for him when he gets back.
You busied yourself in your room, emptying out all your luggage when you heard the front door open, not even 15 minutes since he left.
He ran up and stood in the doorway, watching you close a bag and zip it up.
He finally smiled a little, the first one you'd seen since before the race. You smiled back and walked up to him.
''Feeling okay?'' you asked, rubbing his arms up and down.
It was a quick run but he had a sheet of sweat covering his face, hair damp, and tank top stuck to his body. His eyes were also darker than when he'd left, and you could see a smirk beginning to form on his face. He looked so fucking hot, it took everything in you not to clench your thighs together.
''Lan?'' you questioned him, heat rising in your cheeks.
''Can I fuck you?'' he asked.
''Lan fuck me, use me, i don't care. Do whatever you want with me. Use me however you want. I'm all yours.''
''Fuck don't tempt me y/n'' he said, pulling you closer.
''I'm not joking Lan. Fuck me how you please.''
Lando crashed his lips into yours, hard and deep, which had you a moaning mess in his mouth. He literally sucked all the air out of your lungs and all your mind or body could do in response was pull him impossibly closer, pulling at his hair.
You easily grant him access to let his tongue slip into your mouth, sucking at him as hard as you could while you moved to slide his top over his head and memorizing his body from his chest to his stomach with your hands.
Lando also moaned into the kiss until you both pulled away for air, your breaths mixing together as he rested his forehead against yours, while his hands worked to removed your t-shirt and joggers, leaving you completely naked in front of him.
He roughly picked up by your ass and carried you to your bed, placing you down before he pushed you to your knees by your shoulders.
You knew what to do, so as he gathered your hair out of your face you quickly pulled down his shorts. His dick sprang free. Slapping against his stomach, standing tall and hard, red and angry, pre cum already dripping from the slit, and the thick vein protruding almost painfully.
You looked up at Lando's dark eyes as you pumped him a few times with one hand - the other fondling with his balls, squeezing them.
You leaned before and let you tongue trace the outline of the vein, before settling at his tip and licking the pre cum that was gathered there.
He hissed and bucked his hips forward.
''Fuck y/n, please''
You took that as an opportunity to deep throat as much of him as you could He instantly hit the back of your throat, which had you gagging but you couldn't care less.
You pumped what you couldn't fit in, as Lando hands on your heads' grip became stronger and soon he was fucking his cock in and out of your mouth, not giving you the chance to react.
All you could do was moan at the feeling, and clench you thighs together because the sounds in the room were filthy.
''That's it baby. Taking me so fucking well.'' he managed through gritted teeth.
You held onto the back of his thighs, fingers digging deep into his flesh as he relentlessly continued his actions, until you felt him twitching and heard his moans become a mess.
With no warning Lando sprayed sheets and sheets of his milky cum down the back of your throat, body shuddering and breathless. You rode him through his orgasm, making sure to swallow all that he released before pulling back and finally trying to get your own breathing back to normal.
He gently pulled you up again and kissed you slowly but deep enough that you were seeing stars.
You both fell back until Lando was hovering above you, kissing you again and finding that sweet spot on your neck that had you trembling in his arms. He moved lower down and started nipping at and sucking on you peaked nipples, earning delicious moans from you.
''Lando please, need to feel you in me'' you begged, knowing how wet you were, how desperate you were.
''Patience baby. When I'm done with you you're not gonna be able to walk for weeks.''
Once again you couldn't help but clench your thighs together before Lando pulled away and spread your legs apart, resting them on his shoulders and looking at you cunt like he was a lion ready to devour it.
His looks alone had you ready to explode so you edged him on again.
''Please fucking do something. I need you.'' you whined.
Finally, Lando lowered his head and you knew him well enough to grab onto the sheets because he would show you no mercy.
And boy were you right. He violently licked a stripe up your cunt, collecting your juices on his tongue, then slipping his fingers into his mouth to lube them before thrusting three of them into you in one ago.
You couldn't help but feel your body tremble at the intrusion. He was thrusting in and out of you so hard, while his tongue found your clit and bit and sucked at it.
''Fuck, Lando'' you whined through gritted teeth, pulling at his hair. Whether you were telling him to slow down or to go faster - you didn't know.
''So fuckin tight just how I like it baby'' me mumbled as he kept his eyes on your face, watching it contort with pleasure and plain.
Within minutes you already felt that all too familiar warmth building up in your stomach.
Lando knew you were close too, with how your walls were clenching almost painfully around his fingers.
He abruptly stopped his movements and looked at you. ''Ask me'' he demanded.
''Huh. What?'' you asked, confused since you were literally at the point of release.
''You know what I'm saying. Ask me y/n''
''Fuck Lan I'm so close, please let me cum'' you asked, obeying to his orders because tonight you were his to play with.
''Go on y/n'' was all he said as you violently gushed and came around his fingers and into his mouth. Your body shook but that didn't slow Landos tongue down. He continued his on onslaught until you came again, screaming his name, sure that the neighbors probably heard it, but who cares.
He cleaned you up with his tongue and leaned up to lock lips once again, letting you taste yourself on him.
As Lando busied himself by kissing you senseless again, you managed to grab a hold of his dick and lined him up at your entrance.
He pumped himself a few times until he finally, and very roughly, pushed in, bottoming out straight away, hips slamming into yours.
'Fuck me'' you hissed as he stayed still, allowing you to adjust at the intrusion.
''Trying to, baby'' he mumbled as he finally started moving at a pace which had your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
''Hmm Lan, yes, please, harder, take me'' you grunted as he pulled his mouth away from your face and his strong hands held onto your hips, surely hard enough to leaves bruises, as he slammed in and out of your cunt relentlessly.
''That's it. Taking me so well again. Letting me use you as my own whore. Fuck y/n'' he muttered.
The sounds of your bodies slamming together and the mixture of slick juices coming together definitely made it sounds like a porno was going on. Your moans filled the room with a series of swear words from the both of you.
Lando fucked you in this position until he finally decided he actually wanted you to ride him. So he pulled out, much to your dismay, and sat against the headboard, pulling you onto his lap.
You wasted no time in sitting on his dick and grabbing onto his shoulders to set a vast pace, bouncing on his dick as you boobs flew up and down with each thrust.
His mouth founds your nipples and his thumb found your clit, which had you spiraling over the edge in to time. Cumming on his cock like there was no tomorrow.
Your body shuddered in Lando's arms and he rode you through your orgasm, no yet ready to chase his own.
He tucked your hair behind your ears and he leaned forward to kiss you again. before he started mumbling about wanting to try something new.
''Baby'' he said, breath fanning the sweat on your face.
''Wanna do something we've never done before?'' he asked, slightly smirking.
As fucked out as you were, you couldn't help but feel intrigued to see where he was going with this.
''I'm listening'' you smiled and started nibbling at his thick neck.
All he said was one word. And you already felt pussy drenching wet.
You gasped, suddenly so turned on. It was something you'd talked about for sure, however you just never really got round to actually doing it.
But something about the way he said it, how charged up he was, had you putty in his hands.
You didn't respond verbally, so Lando quickly said ''Fuck y/n, we don't have -'' but before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off.
''I want to. God I fucking want to'' you said, already climbing off him and leaning against the headboard.
''Fuck, you're gonna end me one day so said, climbing up behind you and playing soft kissed on your back.
''Gonna get you ready for me first, yeah?'' he asked and you just nodded. ''And tell me if you wanna stop at any point'' to continued.
''Please Lan just do it'' you eagerly told him.
Lando pulled your ass in the air, his fingers toying with your hole. He let his tongue slide through you a few times before allowing it to slide into you.
The feeling has you gasping and holding onto the headboard for dear life. It felt weird, but just the though of it being Lando's tongue, had the pleasure of it being a thousand times more.
He slid in and out a few times before trying to pry you open a little more. He used his two index fingers to stretch you out before inserting his tongue again, licking and lapping at you.
''Yes, feels so fucking good'' you grunted, breath hitching every time he went in.
After a while he pulled out and bought his body up to yours, nuzzling at your neck, as his fingers now played with your entrance.
He slowly pushed one in, you holding your breath as he did so, before he added another one.
He worked them in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace, not wanted to over stimulate or hurt you, just yet.
''You okay baby?'' he asked.
You moaned in reply, which had him chuckling, your favorite chuckle of his was during sex. But you noticed how his fingers weren't moving in and out with ease, so he completely removed them and slid them through your folds, then in his mouth, before re-inserting them with such ease, it actually felt even better now.
''Think you're ready for my cock yet?'' he asked, speeding his fingers up a bit.
''Uh huh'' you said, although as much as you wanted to feel him in you, you couldn't help but be nervous to do this.
He must have sensed it because he immediately reassured you that if it was too sore or you just didn't like it he would stop straight away. And you trusted him to.
Lando quickly man handled you to turn around and he pushed his dick back into your mouth.
''Lube baby'' he muttered as you tried to gather as much spit as you could and spread it evenly all over him. He was definitely in a dirty mood today because he let his own spit drip down from his mouth down to his cock to mix with yours. This earned him a hot moan from you.
Soon enough, he was turning you around again and pulling his ass in the air again. He lined his tip up with your hole as his one hand held yours, and he pushed in.
The sting was unlike anything you'd felt before, but as he bottomed out you got a new sense of adrenaline and you moved your own hips forward, before slamming them back again.
''Fuck baby. This feels incredible. But are you sure you're good?
''Lando please I'm fucking begging you. Please fuck me. I need it. Now'' you said, breath hitching as he pulled out and slammed straight in, hitting all the right places immediately.
He grabbed onto your hips, holding you as tight as he could as he set a pace that had you seeing stars. You were sure you were gonna black out from the feeling. It was incredibly intoxicating and unlike anything you'd felt before.
Lando was fucking you with no mercy, ploughing into you as if his life depended on it.
''Holy fuck, why haven't we done this before?'' he asked.
But you honestly could form no words. But you clenched your butt cheeks together, signalling to him that you were enjoying this as much as he was.
''Such a fucking angel you are, letting me use you like this. Being my own personal slut. Don't know what I'd do without you. Taking me so fucking well, so fuckin tight for me'' he rambled out.
''Lan, I'm close'' you moaned as you could feel your orgasm on the brink about to wash over you.
''Let go for me baby, come on'' he said breathlessly. His own movements becoming sloppier and clumsier by the second.
In seconds your orgasm violently ripped through your body, cum dripping out and body shaking uncontrollably, moaning and praising his name, which in turn sent Lando over the edge, spilling into you ferociously, swear words flying out his mouth left right and center.
He held onto your body to try and calm you down as both your bodies were trembling with pleasure and pain.
Lando pulled you so your back was resting on his front, arms snaking down to wrap around your tummy, breathless in your ear.
''Thank you y/n, you're so fucking amazing. Thank you for giving me that'' he said, nuzzling into you.
You reached your arms back and held his cheek as best you could.
''No Lando it's you. It's all you. You're beyond belief'' you said, chuckling at remembering what you'd just done.
Lando was still situated inside of you, and you could feel he was still hard when he pulled out.
You both shared a knowing look as you lied down again and Lando pulled you to the edge of the bed, stepping off it himself.
''Think you got one more in you?'' he smirked.
And who were you to say no when he was looking at you like that.
''Please'' you begged him.
He slammed once more into your cunt, his hands putting all his pressure and weight onto your boobs, head snaking down to lock lips again, biting at and sucking at your bottom lip.
You were once again a moaning mess as he dipped his hand on your lower stomach and applied a bit of pressure, before moving lower down and toying with your clit.
''Yes y/n, that's it. Cum for me. Cum all over my dick''
Those words had you quivering in his arms again, releasing all over him, making a mess for the umpteenth time tonight.
''Fuck yes. I'm close'' he mumbled as he continued to slam your bodies together.
In no time he was shuddering above you, milking his dick to paint your walls white.
Lando collapsed on top of you, both of you trying to calm your breathing.
You held him close, peppering his face with kisses.
Eventually, he pulled out to get a cloth to clean you both up. Your body was limb so he did all the work and then climbed into bed, pulling you to him again.
''Thank you y/n. I hope I wasn't too rough with you, and I'm sorry I got carried away calling you those names'' he said, kissing your nose.
‘Fuck me Lando, I love when you call me those names. I’m always going to be only your whore and your slut. Always yours. I’m glad I could be there for you to use me how you wanted to. It tells me that i’m yours and only yours’
‘Shit baby you’re gonna get me hard again’ he chuckled, kissing you again.
‘I love you Lando, and no matter the outcome of your race, I will always, always love you’
‘I love you too, and thank you for being my most favorite person in the world’ he replied, kissing your lips and holding you closer. ‘Always mine’ he said.
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pomefioredove · 3 months
If the flirtatious lines event is still happening, I do have a little request, and this is absolutely not forced!
Could you do “You’re a shy little thing, aren’t you?” With Leona x reader? Here’s a little twist, though; The reader is the one saying that to Leona! I absolutely adore the idea of Leona being super shy when in love, seeing normally tough characters be out-of-character when they have a crush is ADORABLE to me! Plus, I don’t see enough of reader being the teasing one in Leona x reader fics.
Thank you for listening, have a lovely day/night!
ooh this makes SO much sense though, I see your vision!!
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summary: "you’re a shy little thing, aren’t you?" type of post: short fic characters: leona additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, probably really ooc idk
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It's not the first time you've run into him, and it won't be the last.
It was annoying at first; your clumsiness, and that perpetual look of confusion and awe in your eyes...
You didn't belong here.
That was the first thing Leona thought about you.
Your good nature, the way you stupidly stumbled into trouble time and time again, even that look on your face; you'd make an easy meal for any predator.
And, as luck would have it, that would be him.
Though he certainly doesn't feel like the top of the food chain now.
"Talk to them," Ruggie pesters, hovering around his boss like a fly. Leona is tempted to swat him away.
He puts a hand on his hip. "I don't see what the big deal is. You deal with being a prince your whole life, but you get choked up at the Prefect?"
Annoying. Leona is tempted to make a rude gesture, but his social etiquette gets the best of him.
"I am not choked up, but you're going to be unless you get lost," he says in a tone far too quiet.
He's lucky that Leona is in a merciful mood today.
"Suit yourself," Ruggie shrugs, sticking his hands in his pockets and heading towards the exit.
Good. Leona didn't come here to talk about the Prefect, anyway.
Of all the stupid things...
He lies back in his original position, trying to drown out the sound of your voice and get some sleep. You're here with a group, doing some potionology thing, he figures. Great.
One of your friends makes you laugh, and he feels a strange sense of jealousy.
"I'll get the poppy," you sound rather pleased with yourself.
Though, as hard as he tries, he can't seem to dislike you.
A rustle, and then another beam of sunlight hits the secluded little spot, illuminating the both of you.
"Oh!" you say, eyes wide. "Sorry, Leona. Didn't mean to disturb you."
Always so polite. He wonders if that's just for show, or if you're being genuine.
"Mhm," he hums. He can't find it within himself to tell you off. It's like he's forgotten how to speak.
And he can't look at you.
"It's not over here..." you say under your breath. You're not even doing anything and he finds you endearing. "Well... sorry again."
Ruggie's words are still fresh in his mind- the pest- and he sighs.
"Wait," Leona says, standing. "You're looking for poppy? I know where it is."
You seem to hesitate. Not a good sign. "...I don't want to trouble you..."
"It would be more rude to turn down such a generous offer," he rebuffs. That's more like it.
And, so, you follow him. It feels nice, stringing you along for once.
Leona says nothing. With anyone else, he would've made at least one comment by now- no, with anyone else, he wouldn't have offered his help in the first place.
He brings you to another part of the botanical gardens, and shows you a row of potted poppies. Crewel had the second years move them yesterday.
"Ah, here they are. Thank you!" you smile. It's almost... cute. Ugh.
He says nothing.
You collect your material, and begin the walk back with him. He can feel your eyes on him, and he can tell there's something you want to ask.
"...You don't say much,"
Great. Leona huffs. Why does he feel so hot, all of a sudden? "I just have nothing to say,"
Even he sounds unsure of what he's claiming. You raise an eyebrow, a small smile gracing your lips.
"You’re a shy little thing, aren’t you?"
And you're driving me mad, he thinks, but all he can do is grunt in response.
He feels nervous. Always so nervous around you.
Leona would never admit what those words did to him, but he didn't need to. He could feel the embarrassment on his face.
You stop at the mouth of the gardens. Your friends are waiting outside.
"Thanks again," you smile. It's genuine. He can't keep eye contact with you.
"Just, ah..." you say, looking between him and your puny first year friends as they call you over. "Let me know what I can do to repay the favor, okay?"
So naive. You're practically serving yourself on a silver platter. Like he originally thought, an easy meal for any predator.
...But, for once, that predator isn't him.
And he's actually going to have to work for this.
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
The Radio Demon Fucks a Human Sacrifice (deleted scene)
⟢Alastor x Reader - The Radio Demon fucks a Human Sacrifice (A Valentino Production)
Valentino has acquired a living, breathing human in hell. But at the begging of Angel, Alastor makes a deal in exchange for her soul.
Part 1 smut 💦 Part 2 smut 💦 Side Story Part 3 smut 💦 Part 4 smut💦 Epilogue sexual Deleted Scene smut 💦 📍
I simply couldn’t fit this in anywhere but it’s still a fun lil read so figured might as well share. Wrote back in like February 😅 you may see I cannabalized some lines from this as I never intended to post it
「Warnings/Promises: Alastor x Fem Reader short smutty scene , love making???, Alastor is oddly affectionate and loving, you got him so fucked up, cream pie, riding him like a coin operated airplane in front of the grocery store, so like slow but still super fun?, deleted scene so starts and ends abruptly, redemption is for losers, Alastor moans」
Minors, hey,
“I’m hopeless.”
“About what?” You glanced at him, a small laugh coming.
When he didn’t reply, you looked back at him, lingering a little longer.
His smile softened, eyes seeming to dilate ever so slowly as he stared. Finally, “Redemption. What a silly little thing.”
You hummed in agreement, going back to your phone, “Right? Who needs heaven when I have everything I need here.”
Had you said it on purpose? So easily cut into him? Was this surgical precision or dumb luck?
He laughed , “You always seem to understand perfectly, my little doe. How do you do it?”
Your smile reached your eyes, “I was made to be your undoing, remember? It comes naturally, mon cher.”
He pulled the phone from your hands and set it on the blanket, mouth coming to the well of your ear, “Say it again”
A chill ran down your spine, fine hair standing on end as goosebumps ran down your arm. “Mon Cher,” the words barely left your mouth before he kissed you, swallowing them into himself. Why? How? A hunger still foreign to him, rising from his lap and igniting his chest.
You felt his hands trembling on your chin, "Are you okay Alastor?
He shook his head no. "I want all of you, my love."
A word you hadn't anticipated. Hadn’t planned for. Hadn’t even dreamed of.
"You have my eternal soul, pretty sure I also threw my body into the deal," He kissed along your jaw then down your neck, making you sigh and relax against his mouth, "What else is there?"
"I don't know. I dont know what I'm saying." He pulled you onto him, setting you on his lap with bent legs holding you steady. Bringing you down for a soft kiss on your lips, "Why does heaven get to decide what redemption looks like?"
He moved aside your sleep shorts, humming happily to find you wearing nothing underneath.
Alastor famously hated you on top. You learned intimately what inspired him to be in the mood, and you on top was decidedly not it. He pulled down his own pajama pants, and began to rub his sticky wet head against your heat.
"Alastor, you -- I thought you didn't like me on top?" You asked, trying to not discourage him.
"I have an odd appetite today, dear. Entertain me?" He began to push in, hands coming to your hips to bring you down onto him. You rested both hands onto his chest for balance, breath already quickening with the burn of him stretching you out first thing in the morning.
When he began to lift your hips and move you up and down his length, you could understand why this would still satiate him. He was still taking the lead, still the one in control.
But something unusual was happening, he was uncharacteristcally vocal. Normally, the only sounds during sex with him were your own pants, his breathing, and the sound of his body slapping into yours. A rare moan tumbled from his mouth, making you clench around him. You licked your lips, wanting another. His eyes were on your connection, watching himself sink into you and disappear entirely. His face was…indiscernable. Somewhere between entranced and desperate.
You took a chance, seeing he was in a different mood than ever before. Putting his hands in yours, you brought them off your hips and laced your fingers into his. As his hands met yours, you leaned into them and let him hold your weight as you rode him. As you tried to find a pace, you watched his eyes tighten close, another breathy moan forced out of him.
Oh, the things that sound did to you. Was this was how good he felt when he was fucking you? Was this that high he seemed to be chasing every time you eagerly let him pin you down?
Unpracticed and clumsy, your hips rolled over his cock. Soon you were letting your full body weight fall into his lap as you plunged him as deeply as you could. You leaned in for a kiss, your own motions making your mouths slide over each other as your lips tried to make contact in the right places. Failing, you left kisses on his chin, his cheek, just below his nose. Another moan, a sigh, then--- did you hear your name ghost over your mouth?
That was all you needed, you slowed and ground down on him, friction bringing you to the edge and tossing your body over it with a violent shudder.
As you stilled, trying to ride out your orgasm, Alastor bucked up into you. A little scream as your softened walls jumped at the contact. Another thrust up, until he was fucking you through the after effects of your orgasm, chasing his own. You wanted to say something, but you didn't want to push. This was already so out of the norm, you felt the moment was fragile.
He whinced, a series of moans threatening to make you cum all over again as he met his release. You could feel his cock jerking inside you, twitching as he flooded you with his seed. What a lovely feeling, warm and full. You wanted to roll off before you dripped down him, another thing you knew he was uncomfortable with. But when you tried to move his hands went back to your hips and pressed you down. His head pushing deep against the end of your cunt.
"Please, just-- stay like this for me." His voice was low and soft against your cheek, a loud crack of static peppering his voice.
You'd stay like this until the inevitable heat death of the universe if he asked. You'd never leave his cock if he so much as mentioned the idea.
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