#but i do value honesty and i think it will at least put me more at ease to have said these things
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tea-of-destiny · 2 years ago
So... why the new blog?
To be honest, I don't actually know. I don't know why I deleted the old blogs.
Like, I know on the night I deleted my Tumblr and AO3 accounts, I was not feeling very much like myself at all, and I was overcome with this strong impulse to abandon everything and completely disappear. I just... never expected I'd actually follow through on it. I spent 7 years on @/baceoonist, and 3 years on the original @/teaofdestiny blog and AO3. Sure, sunk cost fallacy, et cetera, but I never considered myself someone who could just throw that kind of work away.
I do regret doing it. Especially orphaning all my fics. A blog really is just a blog in the end, and that's easy enough to redo over time, particularly since I see now how many of you feel genuine connections with me and missed me while I was gone. (It was ultimately only a few days, and I probably needed the time away, but I'm sorry for making some of you worry ^^")
But orphaning my fics and deleting my AO3 account is like... I put a lot of myself into some of those stories, and I can still prove that I originally wrote most of them, but the way things have turned out, I can never truly say that they're mine again because they belong to the community now. And that does hurt in some sense.
(It also complicates things for The Specter and the Strawman because I was going to continue that story. I'm positive there's a way it can be done, but approaching it so that it doesn't cause confusion or anything of the sort for other people is still something I have to navigate in the future. And then I can't help but think, "Well, if I'd just left everything alone, I wouldn't have to put it all back together like this now.")
If there's any good news here, I guess it's that I have an opportunity to make things different now. One big change I think needs to happen, at least in the beginning, is engaging with politics and activism less on here. Escapism in excess is obviously not great, so I'll still try to keep aware of things that are happening in the real world, maybe more through other means like actual news sites. But hearing how much the world sucks in excess is also not great, and I know it contributes to me feeling really down on myself and getting these reckless impulses.
That's part of why Tea of Destiny is my main blog now: I want to focus on me and my needs and interests more, and worry about Everything a little less.
If I ever decide to do more political posting, I'll probably make another side blog for that. Maybe I'll call it Baceoonist again. Or maybe that would be confusing for me. Idk. One step at a time.
This all turned out more rambly and less explain-y than I intended, but thank you if you read to the end. Making a new blog is not an ideal situation - especially since Tumblr staff seems dead-set recently on disrupting the user experience - but I'm just trying to make the best of it.
We'll be back to your usual post content soon haha.
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michellesneptune · 3 months ago
disclaimer: forgive me if the series doesn’t cover all twelve signs, but i don’t think i’ve known enough people to speak about everyone’s way of loving. please be patient🤗
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aries moon/1H
ooooh those little devils🔥😈 you can see the mischievous twinkle in their eyes. they’re children of Ares - the god of war! when they speak of their loved ones it feels as though they’re ready to kill for them any minute, only waiting for the right (or any😂) reason.
(just my observation, please don’t come at me) i believe that these natives are prone to being more loyal, less selfish and flaky than aries venus. aries is known to be 'the baby' of the zodiac, valuing independence and self-fulfilment greatly. however, i’ve noticed aries moons to be devoted af!! you will never catch them bad mouthing a friend or a partner.
also, from my experience, both placements like to fight, however aries venus often does it for own enjoyment, the initial chase turns them on. as for aries moons, they’re more steady. they would go to great lengths for friends and partners. you can call them in the middle of the night and ask the craziest favor, they WILL come and help.
(please keep in mind that i mean unevolved aries venuses that still have a lesson or two to learn!)
PS. they love to be treated like the center of your world, please give them attention💕
taurus moon/2H
hmmmm how do i put it… 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍! i will say that i am biased bc my boyfriend is one and the way he’s attentive, always asks about the details of my day, pays attention to my routines and shows love through acts of service🥹 you’ve probably heard the rumours and they’re true. taurus moons make the best cooks ever. and i don’t mean putting together a couple of cheap pancakes, nuh uh. their sharp senses only let them buy the best quality ingredients and cook with great care. bonus points if they prepare a dish that they know is your favourite!
i will say though, they are not the most verbal lovers. but when they’re in, they mean it. when they say they love you, it becomes a fact so obvious that they don’t feel the need to repeat it over and over. they like to settle into a routine, so don’t expect them to be flaky, send mixed signals and stir things up just to feel something/for fun (sag moons cough cough😅😅).
they also seem brutal sometimes. but i believe it’s because they see honesty as the highest form of trust. they want to feel comfortable with you. they value silence, too. they’re the type to show you their appreciation not by telling you how perfect you are but by actually putting in the work to show you your value and show that they’re worthy of being by your side.
lastly, their homes are their sanctuaries, a reflection of their feelings. usually beautiful and they look for someone worthy of letting in, to match their belongings. they get a rep for being possessive and stubborn, nevertheless with the right person they can make a sacrifice and at least try to change their ways😂😂
virgo moon/6H
okay so i know they’re said to be critical, demanding, neurotic etc but hear me out. virgo is a mutable sign, ruled by mercury and in true mutable fashion they DO get wild, fun and unhinged lol. as a virgo moon myself i am well aware of the fact that i often act like i’ve got a stick up my ass. but when i get closer to you i want it all: karaoke nights, fast car rides, spontaneous trips! sometimes i even take those things to the extreme!
they’re also said to have the highest standards. and while i imagine it’s partly true, i believe that this placement is all about accepting the biggest, weirdest quirks of your s/o (as well as 6th house synastry!).
besides, i think that we get more so insecure and self-critical in relationships, analyzing the f outta our partners, wondering whether we’re meeting their demands! we’re about the overall quality of the partnership and just want it to be perfect🥺 we’re also quite anxious and require lots of reassurance.
lastly, everyone knows it: virgo moons are like the final boss of small acts of service lol. vacuuming your flat, folding your clothes. they notice the smallest things that could improve your life and happily do them for you!
capricorn moon/10H
this one is tricky. they remind me a bit of taurus but more rough in a sense that they probably won’t pamper you with luxurious baths and gourmet food but they will do things like pay your rent, get you a job or buy a car😂. i’ve noticed them to be a bit grumpy sometimes, definitely not the softest lovers.
they’re up to giving some tough love. pushing you into a scary path that they know will be rewarding in the end. teaching you that even in the hardest lessons of saturn there is light. they’re not the most cheerful on a daily basis but - surprisingly- they are the ones that keep calm in the face of crises. they’re like okay we can’t do anything about it now let’s appreciate what we do have and focus on what we can change.
it’s because they know all to well how karma is. they had to learn it the hard way which made them so strong and resilient.
what i’ve personally noticed: they will stick by your side no. matter. what. this isn’t always a good thing as sometimes it’s best to walk away but if you’re expecting a cap moon to give up on you, don’t.
i also feel like they’re used to being the oldest sibling, the mom friend etc. please take care of them from time to time!
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that is all i have for you! thank you for reading💕 i wish all of you lots and lots of love💋 see ya
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kisses4reid · 8 months ago
ruined surprises | ·˚ ༘ aaron hotchner ,,
summary - you accidentally find a small, red, velvet box in aaron’s drawers.
genre - fluff, nonbau!reader x aaron, proposals, engagement rings, happy ending
warnings - mentions of anxiety, mixed feelings, um… being proposed to???
w.c. - idk why i put this here i never check before uploading. it’s only like 1k you’ll be okay.
a/n - hey pia why don’t we edit those drafts for the requests- no. ima do my own thing 😏🕷️also pls tell me abt mistakes i did not proof read this lol!
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You sat at your dining table staring into space, or more specifically the bare wood in front of you. There were mixed emotions coursing through your veins. You felt as if your blood was changing from pink to green in the ugly mesh of conflicting feelings.
While this revelation brought you happiness and immense excitement, it also brought you fear. You were not supposed to find this, at least not now.
It stood prominent in your pocket, a pandora’s box of possibilities on how Aaron would react to your discovery. Would he be scared? Angry? Sad?
Your fingers picked at your nails as you took steadying breaths. The clock read only 5 minutes before Aaron returns from his vigorous job, 5 minutes before you’d have to reluctantly tell him you found the one thing he had been hiding from you.
The front door opens to your apartment and your palms start sweating in insecurity.
He’s tired, he’s worked all day, maybe it’s not the best time to bring it up. But what if he found out you knew the whole time? You’d be lying to him, and he values honesty above all else. What if it’s not for you? A gift, or maybe even an heirloom? Everything in your head started to doubt the one thing you wanted it to mean.
Aaron stood at the end of the table, eyebrows low and eyes squinted slightly in concern. Coming home to your favourite person disassociating rigidly wasn’t a very warm welcome home. He would usually be greeted by a kiss, or the smell of a meal, or a bear hug. This was off, this was different.
“Aaron.” You smile, genuinely. Even with your anxiety raising your heartbeat by the second, there’s nothing that can keep you smiling from the sight of your handsome lover. Though the feeling was not long lived.
“Are you okay?” He asks, placing his bag down on the table and loosening his tie slightly.
“I’m… We need to talk.” You say with a gulp. You lowered your head and glanced at his expression quickly. It came out more serious than it needed to be, and honestly Aaron started thinking the worse.
He sat on the chair next to you and searched your avoiding eyes, “Y/n-“
“Before you say anything, and before I tell you about what,” you waved your hands slightly, “we’re actually talking about. I need you to know that if I’m wrong you can’t laugh at me, and you can’t get angry. Okay?”
He nodded more confused than ever. Okay so, the fact that he could possibly laugh from this ‘talk’ was a sign it wasn’t anything too bad. He only wished you’d stop taking deep breaths and get too it.
You sighed, tired of your own stalling before reaching in your back pocket and putting a small, deep red velvet box on the table. Aaron’s dark eyes latched onto the box and he sighed, bringing a hand up to mess with his hair in shock.
“Do you know what’s in there?” Maybe you hadn’t-
You nodded. He nodded back and closed his mouth in a tight lipped grimace. This was not how he planned his proposal to go.
You took a deep breath and quickly defended yourself, “I lost my sports bra, and I thought maybe I put it in your drawers accidentally so I opened them and found… that.”
Aaron looked into your eyes, you looked scared but as he watched your eyes soften he knew that you weren’t scared of the implications, you were scared you had done the wrong thing.
“Thank you for not pretending to be oblivious.” He said smoothly, receiving a small smile in return. It warmed his heart. Jesus, he thought you were breaking up with him.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have looked through your stuff. I’ve ruined the surprise, your surprise-“
“It’s okay.” He smiled, bringing his hand over yours, pulling it to his mouth and kissing your knuckles. You smile softly and he continues, “Honestly, it’s a little embarrassing.”
“How?” You tilted your head and furrowed your brows, running your thumb over the back of his hand softly.
“Now you know I want to marry you.” Aaron’s cheeks reddened only slightly, and you laughed to bask in it. It wasn’t often you got your lover blushing.
“You told me you wanted to marry me on our fourth date. Trust me, I remember.”
He laughed this time and looked down at the box. “Did you like the ring?”
“I didn’t get a good look because I shut it immediately. I pinched my finger in the clasp.” You displayed your fingertip as proof, “But from what I saw, it was perfect.”
You didn’t ruin his plans at all, he thought. It wasn’t a terrible revelation, you didn’t give it to him and run away, you didn’t let him down easy. You were honest and turned the moment into a core memory. You laughed. Everything was good when you laughed.
Aaron placed a soft hand on your cheek and placed a loving kiss on your lips, you smiled into it. “You’ll just have to wait longer now.” He whispered jokingly, to which you slapped him on the chest and whined, no fair.
No. What wasn’t fair was that he would get the best life, with the most perfect wife in the world, and others wouldn’t.
But it was hard to feel sorry for others when you were in front of him.
About a month later. Aaron Hotchner decided he couldn’t wait any longer.
Aaron’s arm was on the back rest of the couch, legs stretched on a foot rest and you cross-legged beside him explaining the deep lore behind the movie that was playing in the background. You were blabbering on, voice changing between characters that you tried to imitate, and topic lighting up your face more than the TV screen.
And Aaron’s heart just couldn’t take it. He needed to ask you to marry him more than he needed anything else in the world. Those four words seemed to be the only cure to his love sickness (though he knew it would only get worse).
You laughed at one of your own jokes, and started to calm down your explanation.
“And that’s why the first actor got replaced.” You smiled and placed your hands in your lap, face triumphant. Aaron smiled softly, eyes tracing your face with love and adoration.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked.
You nodded, thinking it would be about the movie, “Of course.”
“Will you marry me?” He took the familiar velvet box from his sweatpant’s pocket and clicked it open, cheeks hurting in a smile as the ring was exposed to you for the second time. Aaron mentally scolded himself for not having a speech ready but seriously, he had not planned to do it tonight. It was a yearning, a need. Everything he would say to you, he promised to say a million times in your marriage as to not feel guilty about the bland proposal.
You held a hand over your mouth. Eyes glistening quickly, heartbeat seemingly still in your chest.
“Yes, oh my god. Aaron- Yes!” You threw yourself on him and squeezed his shoulders and back in a hug so tight he had to pat your back to get you off.
Not that he wanted you to stop, he just wanted to see you with a ring on your finger as quick as he could.
perm taglist (open!) - @jeffswh0re @reap3erslov3 @candyd1es @0108s22m @aurorsworld @theoraekenslover
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brujamala-aka-gigi · 4 months ago
your ideal partner is like...
On this pick a pile reading, im focusing on positive traits to take into consideration when wondering if someone is worth putting your time and energy into a committed relationship. This is not meant to be strict guideline of arbitrarily imposed "must have's" to look for, but more of an opportunity to reflect on what could be beneficial to your ideas of a healthy relationship.
dividers by @chilumitos
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pile one pile two pile three
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˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ✧ pile number one ˚.⋆
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I get the feeling that you value certain aspects of relationships that could be considered “traditional” or “old school”, but not necessarily the ones that are limiting to your sense of identity or your will. I think you find value in things that bring peace of mind and comfort due to being structured in a way that feels natural and balanced, or at least aim to provide those qualities into your life. In your case, I feel like commitment in any sort of union is something you value a lot, specially because you have a deep understanding of your own individuality which involves wanting to connect with someone who is just as conscious as you are, and just as willing to bring out the best in you as you are willing to do so for them. 
Your ideal partner is someone who wants a certain level of structure in their lives, but also wants to find opportunities to experience child-like wonder. This is a person who is patient, and knows that building strong foundations in the relationship is the best way possible to ensure that both of you get to be joyful together. A key aspect here is that you look for someone who shares your values, not because they aspire to them, but because they live by them even if their lives are completely different to yours. Maybe your life experiences of the past might not be similar, but what’s important is that your ideals and aspirations are the middleground where you are both capable of nurturing a genuine connection. Both of these cards show me that you are determined to achieve harmony in a way that you consider both practical and fulfilling, and yet you are not willing to sacrifice your individual aspirations. Therefore, whoever is meant for you, needs to embrace the way in which you decide to nurture a relationship.
˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ✧ pile number two ˚.⋆
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This combination of cards is telling me that you are someone who has coherent reasons to be slightly afraid of vulnerability. You have been in places where your honesty and your vulnerability have been misunderstood as weaknesses and treated as such. Nobody deserves to be hurt because of such noble traits. What's relevant here is that you are cautious with who gets access to your truest self, which is not that bad, but from time to time your anxiety in regards to vulnerability might be something that makes it more difficult to find true connections with others. It is hard to know who will value your genuine ways of living and expressing your feelings if you never try to do so, if you never give people the opportunity to show if they are worthy of you being in tune with your sensitive essence.
Your ideal partner is someone who is not only empathetic, but also someone who is willing to put effort into building a sense of trust within the relationship. Whoever wants to love you, needs to understand your healing process and willfully put in the work so you feel secure with them. I'm talking about a person who values having the difficult conversations instead of running away from the issues or hiding anything that could turn into a problem. This is someone who shows their loyalty by either being helpful or being a good company. You can be very introspective and mindful of your issues, you are too used to solve problems on your own. These are amazing qualities that can be nourished when you engage with a person who is willing to learn when you need help,when you need company and when you need your own space. Finding out who has this characteristics is only possible if you find the peace of mind and the confidence to approach vulnerability in a way that gets you out of your comfort zone without getting hurt.
˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ✧ pile number three ˚.⋆
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Well, I can’t lie here, these cards are giving me a subtle “opposites attract” type of scenario. Which doesn’t mean that you should go and look for someone who is nothing like you, but it does mean that maybe you should consider your own virtues and defects and how they can be complemented by a partner, while also thinking on how you compliment them. This is not only about superficial compatibility, but more so about both of you being able to rely on each other and able to ask for help. From what I see, it’s most likely your ideal partner is someone who shares a similar life path to yours, but they have an entirely different set of skills. Having shared objectives and aspirations is something quite valuable, especially if both of you are equally as committed to them.  
What I see from an ideal partner in your case, it's this passionate approach to almost everything. It is not a kind of passion that comes from a need to fill a void in their lives, it is the kind of passion that comes from a deep sense of responsibility and consciousness in regards to their own lives. This is a person who sees the value of their journeys and is able to be truthful and fair with their approach to new experiences because they want to remain aligned to their honest desires. They are fully aware of what they can and can’t do, but what’s interesting about them is that they also see value in creating dynamic ways to work around that. You need to find someone who respects you enough to allow themselves to ask you for help, but are also willing to help you too. A key thing to consider when thinking of an ideal partner is the sort of enhancements made possible by a connection where both genuinely respect and admire each other, without idealizations that could harm the relationship.
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hey there! i hope this reading was useful or at least entertaining for someone <3 if you did enjoy it, don't hesitate to check out my other P.A.C readings i think they're also kinda fun??
anyways, big updates (maybe not too big)
i set up a ko-fi (finally, ik, im sorry, many people told me to do so but apparently i had to drop out uni to find the time to do it lmao actually not funny btw i dropped out to focus on my work because economic crisis, fuck you javier milei, i work on a tarot reading app btw but i cant disclose it or share my profile from the app idk why)
I FINALLY CAN TAKE PICTURES OF MY CARDS !!!!! (they are still samsung phone quality but they are expensive samsung phone quality ok) so yeah things are going to look prettier i guess??? maybe i'll do videos someday??
im also working on a posting schedule and taking this blog more seriously because i missed tumblr so much tbh and i need a way of sharing the beauty of tarot thats not literally too close to working a 9 to 5 call center job (i love my job tho, but working in tarot apps is... interesting) . i love this site so much, i was literally raised by it at this point (i feel like an elder user because i've been here since 13 and im 23, i saw gen z underage people calling 25 year olds "uncle" online and honestly i cant even be mad about it because if any gen z calls me an auntie i wont go against it, i've been on my single auntie patty and selma vibes since forever tbh and im technically gen z too?? )
last big update: i got a kinda fun and silly oracle deck which i will be using for an ask game eventually.
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masterpost ✶ pac readings ✶ ko-fi page ✶
⋆bookings for personal readings are open ཐིཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
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professorfcknmoriarty · 2 months ago
Best of Sam/Evan 2024 Fic Recs
Home is not a place words: 33,711 (bioloyg)
Much like the magic they sought out to understand, this thing between Sam and Evan is both new and very, very old. What was once an amorphous well of love and trust has split into its constituent parts for examination. Only, Evan isn’t sure that he wants to examine it. As the age old saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. ~ “You cool, or am I gonna have to put you in an arm bar again?” T2 snorts, a somewhat disaffected sound. Evan gets the sense that he just said the equivalent of, “You could try.” Evan huffs and squats so that they’re on the same plain. Sort of. “Look, I’m gonna be living here for an unspecified amount of time, which means we’ll be seeing each other on a pretty regular basis.” He’s met with a blank look that communicates something to the effect of, “Yeah… and?” “So,” Evan begins pointedly, “We’re gonna have to find a way to get along. For Sam’s sake.” If it weren’t for her, he’d be fine beefing with this teacup pig for the rest of his natural life. T2 takes a moment, his tail flicking as he considers this. He lifts his head with an air of finality, which Evan takes as his cue to continue. “Truce?” Evan tries. “At least temporarily.”
Show me your scars, and I'll show you my heart words: 2,525 (bioloyg)
An unofficial follow up to Home is not a place ~ She loves his smile. It makes her heart do funny things. When it was rare, Sam could rationalize the response, but now that they come more freely, she’s forced to sit with the fact that she loves Evan. She may even be in love with him, though she has no way of knowing without something to compare the feeling to. That was scarier a year ago than it is now. She knows Evan won’t fault her for taking the time to figure it out on her own.
Our Rituals of Care words: 39,174 (WIP) (Vee (Vera_DragonMuse))
The unpredictable and unconscious workings of new magic weave their way through the Pilot Program and suffuses their lives with warmth.
Tender Ferocity: The Founders in the Early Days of New Magic (2024-2027) words: 12,655 (Vee (Vera_DragonMuse))
Thank you for attending the opening of Tender Ferocity. We value your membership to the Boodle-Stitchnit Museum of Magic History and in thanks for your continued support, this guidebook has been included with no additional cost. It provides replications of all the works on display, in-depth image descriptions, additional information, and transcriptions where needed. The exhibit will run through the end of December 2253.
Even though we're miles apart, we're each other's destiny words: 9,280 (godhashealed)
Sam finally gets Evan to go to a party. *** “You should bring Evan to one of your parties” Their face is beaming with mischief reflecting Sam’s disbelief at the nature of their question. Sam muses for a moment before ultimately coming back to reality “I don’t think Evan would have fun at the parties I go to, maybe a gala…I’m already planning to ask him about one of those so I can surprise him with Davey” K makes a buzzer noise with their mouth and frowns. “Cmonnnnnnnn you don’t know unless you ask. And he never says no to you .”
Seegenpelater words: 6,041 (Aryn)
“Okay,” Sam says, leaning back to sit on her knees and clap her hands on her thighs. “I know it’s late, but I’m calling an Honesty Hour. That alright with you?”
“Can’t think of a better time to do it,” Evan says with a shrug.
“Is there any part of you that is disappointed I didn’t seek out Seegenpelater after the Qohlye denied me, even if their magic was better suited for me?”
Or: Sam has a nightmare, and has a long-overdue chat with Evan about it.
a reason for dreaming words: 5,337 (cigfigs)
Sam and Evan have been dating for a while now, and they've honestly never been happier. But there's one thing that Sam has never liked, and Evan's on a quest to mend that wound. He's successful, but not quite in the way he expects. Can be read as a follow-up to 'heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i' but again is not a necessary read to understand! It's basically just smut. Soooo, enjoy!
would it be so bad? Words: 4,006 (rramfx)
“Would you like to sit with me?” She asked, quieter than she’d been. The man shook his head, taking a step back. “I would hate to impose, I’ve already ruined some of your garden, I would hate for more to die because of me.” “You said you want to see my flowers up close. The ones closest to me will not die.” “How can you be sure?” Sam thought for a moment. “Would it be so bad if they did?” --- obligatory hades and persephone retelling because it's LITERALLY evan and saM
heaven was not fit to house a love like you and i words: 4,051 (cigfigs)
Sam and Evan spend a sleepy morning in each other's arms and reflect on the effects their relationship has had on their personalities and feelings and who they have become. somewhat of a character study. sort of an epilogue follow-up to 'i'm yours and thats it. forever' but can be read as a standalone as it doesn't really reference anything from earlier. if read as an epilogue, it is set several months later :)
but i'll be there next time words: 1,112 (kermit_coded)
"I'm looking for a reason to have a sofa."
The Smallest of Hopes words: 3,975 (lavbeebear)
Evan is a creature more designed for paranoia than for hope, it's only in recent years that these instincts have lead him astray and he's been forced to try and learn to wrangle them. Starting as quickly as their post-mission meal at Nandos Evan finds himself unable to believe that the goodness can stick even when he beats the fearful monster inside of himself as fiercely as he can. Evan is an animal surrounded by people who love him with and through his many fears, and as they prepare to go their separate ways Evan tries to hold onto his very fragile hope. Or: post-canon angst about Evan and his tape box of hope, his fears about authority and his need to protect his friends while struggling to verbalize what he needs to feel protected but just this once people are getting it right for him
Watching Somone Lose Their Mind words: 1,221 (lavbeebear)
Sam is trying very hard to keep everyone on track and everyone around her is losing their grip on reality, it is all a puzzle that can be solved though. It's all fine and normal a kind of thing to worry about but something easily moved on from until Sam saves the day and unmakes her friends with one simple turn of phrase. Or: Sometimes you accidentally make your friend say a lot of things and you think really hard about how you would do anything for him to always feel good
I want a reason to buy a sofa. words: 1,741 (pengblackgirlorjustlexi)
Evan invites Sam to his studio and they have pre-sofa conversations.
Feeling Someone Find You words: 2,507 (lavbeebear)
They've saved the world but now Evan's run away again to escape the burden of his wanting that he throws on other's shoulders. He is only trouble, too much work and only something that other's are forced to carry until they can throw him aside. He must finish the task, try and right the many wrongs he's put upon the world. Impossible to do, worse if he doesn't try. Perhaps one day he will be good enough. Enter Sam: who simply will not stand for that and will put to rest her dearest's many worries about the weight of his wanting and the joy of being able to provide someone with rest.
Holding on So Tightly words: 1,811 (lavbeebear)
Sam has been tearing herself up with worry, something inside her knowing that something is wrong with Evan. It's probably a childish assumption, even despite their recent reunion the distance that has stretched between them in the years since they were young cannot be ignored. So many things, said and ignored had been added to the turmoil in-between them and it's very possible that this isn't Evan running away from the world and condemning himself to isolation, perhaps he is simply removing her from his life. She still can't shake the worry though and when Evan's shadow appears in her room she knows her childlike and foolish instincts were correct.
a soft place to land words: 1,126 (infinitelactose)
She hummed to herself as she poured heaped teaspoons of instant coffee into their respective mugs. It struck him then, as he watched her, that she was beautiful, which he had always known, sure, but - well, it had been a fact of life, not something that he felt. Until recently. Sam was his friend, his best friend. He loved her desperately, more and more each day he had known her. She made him happy. Happier than anything. So why was he crying? * a little domestic fluff. evan just wants a soft place to land.
What Fits words: 2,059 (Observing_Stellar_Motion)
You want that Sam/Evan kiss? You're getting the Sam/Evan kiss! You're just also getting a fun conversation between them as a postmortem on the whole season and a debrief on the current state of reality in the world of MisMag. But also they kiss.
you're mine and that's it. forever. words: 12,809 (cigfigs)
Sam and Evan love each other. This is a fact of life as undeniable as the existence of humans. But what is more easily denied is how deeply the love runs between them, and what that could mean for these two. This is the story of how two incredibly worried and stubborn people learn to let themselves have what they so greatly want, and find exactly what they need in the meantime. Not without tripping over some cracks in the road on the way, though. Obviously.
You're Evan, all that other stuff doesn't even hold a candle. words: 1,302 (pengblackgirlorjustlexi)
Friday night cuddles and just because presents made and given with love.
dangle on the leash of your longing words: 2,457 (HeartHarps)
And in the throes of Sam holding and handling him with the drive of her mouth, he felt soft leather slip around his throat. The clasp deftly fastened. Fingers sneaking underneath to test the tightness. When Sam broke the kiss, some metal component jingled quietly. Evan’s eyes fluttered open, and as he stared up at Sam, registered the full feeling of the collar now around his neck.
Be my Evan Kelmp. words: 1,906 (pengblackgirlorjustlexi)
The moment we've been waiting for, more quiet evenings and subtle romance. We love to see it.
Gift exchange words: 739 (Inkwellsandfeathers)
Evan isn't sure what to get Sam as a gift for Christmas, Sam loves it regardless.
Updated to add (and disappointed in myself for losing):
Denial is a River words: 9,142(WIP) (godhashealed)
What if the pilot program met up again for a different reason and not to save magic????
*i've always loved fic rec posts bc they make it so much easier to emerse yourself in a pairing, so I decided to do one myself
**does not encompass all Sam/Evan fics currently available and posted. these are just some of my favourites
***these are arranged in no specific order
****I did not include any fics that are pilotcule or include other ships as this is an entirely Sam/Evan relationship focused list
*****if one of these is yours, and you'd rather stay off fic rec lists send me a message, and I'll remove it
99 notes · View notes
bitchiswild · 9 months ago
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G!P Huh Yunjin x F!Reader
Words Count: 6k
Warnings: soft dom yunjin I think… yea it should be
A/n: haiii Sorry 😓 been busy and having writers block😫
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kazuha asks, a note of concern in her voice.
You sigh, your eyes fixed on the laptop screen where the search bar reads, Lookingforadom.com. "At this point, Kazuha, I need some action in my life," you admit.
Kazuha tilts her head thoughtfully. "I mean, at least find a soft dom. I feel like that's more up your alley."
You click on the first search result, your heart racing with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The website's homepage is sleek and inviting, filled with profiles of people seeking all sorts of dynamics. You glance at Kazuha, who is watching you with a mix of curiosity and concern.
"Okay, let's see," you murmur, scrolling through the profiles. Some of them are intimidating, with bold statements and intense photographs. You feel a bit overwhelmed but continue your search, determined to find someone who matches Kazuha's suggestion.
After a few minutes, you find a profile that catches your eye. The username is "GentleMistress," and the description reads: "Soft dom seeking a respectful and eager sub. Let's explore boundaries with care and mutual respect."
"This one looks promising," you say, turning the laptop towards Kazuha. She leans in, reading the profile over your shoulder.
"She seems nice," she agrees. "Why don't you send her a message?"
Taking a deep breath, you click on the message button and start typing:
"Hi, GentleMistress. I'm new to this and looking for someone who can guide me gently. Your profile stood out to me because it seems like you value respect and care. I'd love to chat and see if we connect."
You hover over the send button for a moment, then click it before you can second-guess yourself. The message sends, and you lean back in your chair, exhaling slowly.
Kazuha smiles reassuringly. "I think you made a good choice. Now we wait."
As you wait for a response, you chat about other things, trying to distract yourself from the anticipation. Your mind keeps drifting back to the message, wondering what kind of person GentleMistress is and what this new adventure will bring into your life.
Hours have passed, and doubts begin to creep into your mind. What if GentleMistress doesn't like you? What if this whole thing is a mistake? The "what ifs" swirl around your head, making you second-guess your decision.
Kazuha had left a while ago, reassuring you with a hug before she went. Now, alone in your room, the silence is deafening. You keep glancing at your phone, willing a notification to appear.
Just as you’re about to give up hope, a ping echoes from your phone. Your heart races as you pick it up, the screen illuminating with a new message notification. You hold your breath and open it.
It's from GentleMistress.
"Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. I appreciate your honesty and courage in taking this step. I'd love to chat and get to know you better. When would you be available for a video call?"
A mix of relief and excitement washes over you. You quickly type back a response, your fingers trembling slightly.
"Hi, GentleMistress. Thank you for replying! I'm free tomorrow evening if that works for you."
You hit send and stare at the screen, waiting for a reply. Within minutes, another ping sounds.
"Tomorrow evening sounds perfect. Looking forward to it. Have a great night!"
You can't help but smile. The doubts that had plagued you earlier start to fade, replaced by a sense of anticipation. Tomorrow is going to be interesting, and you feel a flicker of hope for this new adventure.
As you put your phone down, you take a deep breath and decide to relax for the rest of the night. Tomorrow will come soon enough, and with it, the potential for something new and exciting.
The next day feels like it drags on forever. You go about your usual routine, but your mind keeps drifting back to the upcoming video call. What will GentleMistress be like? What will you talk about? A mix of excitement and nerves buzzes in your stomach.
Finally, evening arrives. You sit down at your desk, making sure your laptop camera is positioned correctly. Taking a deep breath, you open your laptop and log in to the website, finding the message from GentleMistress. Right on time, a notification pops up: "GentleMistress is calling."
You click accept, and the screen fills with GentleMistress's image. She has kind eyes and a warm smile that instantly puts you at ease.
"Hi there," she greets, her voice calm and reassuring. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"Hi," you respond, trying to steady your voice. "It's nice to meet you too."
You spend the first few minutes exchanging pleasantries, talking about your day and getting comfortable with each other. GentleMistress is patient and attentive, asking questions about your interests and making you feel heard.
"So," she says, leaning in a little closer to the camera, "what made you decide to look for this kind of relationship?"
You take a moment to gather your thoughts. "I've been feeling like I need more excitement in my life, something different. I want to explore this side of myself, but I also want to do it with someone who respects boundaries and is caring."
GentleMistress nods thoughtfully. "That's a very mature and honest reason. I appreciate you sharing that with me. It's important to have a foundation of trust and communication in any relationship, especially in this dynamic."
As the conversation continues, you find yourself relaxing more and more. GentleMistress's approach is gentle and respectful, exactly what you were hoping for. She shares her own experiences and reassures you that it's okay to take things at your own pace.
After about an hour, the conversation winds down. "This has been really great," GentleMistress says. "I think we have a good connection, and I'd like to continue getting to know you better. How do you feel about that?"
You smile, feeling a sense of relief and excitement. "I feel the same way. I'd like to continue as well."
"Excellent," she replies, her smile widening. "Let's set up another call soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to message me anytime."
You end the call with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound sense of excitement for what lies ahead. This new adventure is starting to feel like the right choice, and you can't wait to see where it leads.
As you close your laptop, you realize that sometimes taking a leap of faith can lead to the most rewarding experiences. You feel a renewed sense of hope and anticipation for the future.
Over the next few days, you exchange messages with GentleMistress. Each conversation reveals more about her, and you feel increasingly comfortable and excited about this new connection. She shares her thoughts on boundaries, trust, and the importance of communication in a dynamic like the one you're exploring.
One evening, as you're scrolling through her latest message, a new notification pops up. It's a message from Kazuha.
"Hey, how's it going with GentleMistress? Have you guys talked more?"
You smile and quickly type back, "Yeah, we've been messaging a lot. She's really kind and respectful. I think this could be something good."
Almost immediately, Kazuha replies, "I'm glad to hear that! Do you have another call scheduled?"
"Not yet," you type back. "But I think I'll suggest one soon."
Later that night, you muster up the courage to ask GentleMistress for another video call. Her response is prompt and positive, agreeing to chat the next evening. You feel a flutter of anticipation as you prepare for the call.
The next evening, you log in a few minutes early, eager to see GentleMistress again. When the call connects, her warm smile greets you once more.
"Hello again," she says, her voice smooth and welcoming. "How have you been?"
"I've been good," you reply. "I've been looking forward to this."
"Me too," she responds, her eyes twinkling. "I thought tonight we could talk a bit more about what you're looking for and how we can explore that together."
You nod, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "That sounds great. I think I'd like to start slowly, really get to know each other and build that trust."
"Absolutely," GentleMistress agrees. "Trust is the foundation of everything we do. It's important that you feel safe and respected at all times."
The conversation flows naturally from there. You discuss your boundaries, your interests, and what excites you about this journey. GentleMistress listens intently, offering her own insights and reassurances.
As the call continues, you feel a growing sense of connection and confidence. GentleMistress's thoughtful approach and genuine care make you feel valued and understood.
"Thank you for being so open with me," GentleMistress says as the call comes to an end. "I think we're building a really good foundation here. Let's plan another call soon, and in the meantime, keep communicating through messages."
"Thank you," you reply, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "I really appreciate how patient and understanding you've been."
After the call, you sit back and reflect on the evening. This journey is just beginning, but already it feels like you're on the right path. With GentleMistress guiding you, you feel a sense of anticipation building inside you, longing for the moment when her gentle touch becomes a reality.
You imagine the future chats, the moments of exploration, and the trust growing between you. The thought of GentleMistress by your side fills you with a warmth you hadn't felt in a long time.
Closing your eyes, you can almost sense her presence, her calming influence. You realize you're eagerly awaiting the next time you'll see her, the next opportunity to deepen this connection.
The following weekend, you decide to take a break from your usual routine and head to a cozy cafe downtown. As you enter, you scan the room for an empty table, and that's when you spot her—GentleMistress, sitting by the window, lost in thought as she sips her coffee.
Your heart skips a beat at the sight of her, and you can't resist the urge to walk over.
"Hi," you say with a smile as you approach her table. "Fancy meeting you here."
GentleMistress looks up, surprise flickering in her eyes before a smile spreads across her face. "Well, hello there," she responds, setting her cup down. "What a pleasant surprise indeed."
You pull out the chair opposite her. "Mind if I join you?"
"Not at all," she says, gesturing for you to sit. "Please, have a seat."
You settle into the chair, feeling a rush of excitement at being so close to her. The atmosphere is charged with possibility, and you can't help but let a playful grin tug at your lips.
"So, what brings you here today?" you ask, trying to sound casual.
"Just taking a break from work," GentleMistress replies. "And enjoying some coffee. What about you?"
"Same here," you say. "Needed a change of scenery. And I'm glad I stumbled upon you."
GentleMistress chuckles softly. "Well, I'm glad you did too."
The conversation flows easily between you, filled with laughter and shared stories. You find yourself flirting subtly, enjoying the playful banter with GentleMistress.
As the conversation continues, you muster up the courage to take it a step further. Leaning in slightly, you shoot her a teasing smile. "You know, I must say, you have the most captivating eyes."
GentleMistress's cheeks tint with a hint of pink, but she meets your gaze with a sparkle in her eyes. "Why, thank you," she replies, her tone playful. "Yours aren't too bad either."
You both share a moment of lingering eye contact, and the air between you crackles with tension. It's exhilarating, knowing that the attraction is mutual.
Before things can escalate further, GentleMistress glances at her watch. "Oh, look at the time. I should probably get going soon."
You feel a pang of disappointment but quickly recover. "Of course. I'll see you soon."
"Looking forward to it," she says with a smile, gathering her things.
As GentleMistress walks away, you watch her go, already counting down the moments until your next encounter.
You barely have time to settle back into your routine after leaving the cafe when your phone buzzes with a new message. Glancing at the screen, you see it's from GentleMistress.
"Hey there," the message reads, "I couldn't stop thinking about how lovely you looked today. Would you like to go out tonight? Dinner, perhaps?"
A rush of excitement floods through you at her message. It hasn't even been two hours since you saw her, and she's already texting you. You can't help but smile at her directness and enthusiasm.
Quickly typing a reply, you say, "Hi! That sounds wonderful. I'd love to go out with you tonight."
Almost immediately, another message comes through. "Great! I'll pick you up at 7. Wear something nice ;) Looking forward to it!"
Your heart races at the thought of spending more time with her so soon. You quickly agree and spend the rest of the afternoon eagerly anticipating the evening ahead.
As the clock ticks closer to 7, you find yourself getting ready with a mix of nerves and excitement. You choose your outfit carefully, wanting to make a good impression.
At exactly 7, there's a knock on your door, and when you open it, GentleMistress stands there, looking even more stunning than you remembered.
"Hi," she says, her smile lighting up her face. "You look amazing."
"Thank you," you reply, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. "You look fantastic too."
With a smile, she offers you her arm, and together you head out for a night filled with good food, laughter, and the promise of something more between you.
As you step out with GentleMistress, now knowing her name is Yunjin, you feel a magnetic pull between you. The air crackles with anticipation as you walk side by side, the distance between you charged with unspoken desire.
The restaurant Yunjin has chosen is cozy and dimly lit, the perfect setting for an intimate evening. You're seated at a private corner table, and as you settle in, you can't help but notice the way Yunjin's gaze lingers on you.
"You look stunning tonight," she says, her voice low and filled with warmth.
"Thank you," you reply, feeling a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of her gaze. "You look absolutely gorgeous too."
A smirk plays on Yunjin's lips as she leans in slightly. "I couldn't take my eyes off you earlier. You have this... captivating presence."
Heat rises to your cheeks at her words, and you find yourself drawn to her, unable to look away. The chemistry between you is undeniable, the tension thick in the air.
As the evening progresses, conversation flows easily between you, but underneath it all, there's an undercurrent of something more. Every touch, every glance is charged with electricity, sending tingles down your spine.
At one point, Yunjin's foot brushes against yours under the table, and you feel a jolt of excitement shoot through you. She meets your eyes with a knowing smile, her gaze smoldering with desire.
"You know," she says, her voice husky, "there's something about you that I find incredibly alluring."
Your breath catches in your throat at her words, your heart pounding in your chest. "Is that so?" you manage to reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
Yunjin leans in closer, her lips inches from yours. "Absolutely," she murmurs, her breath warm against your skin. "I can't seem to get you out of my mind."
The tension between you is palpable, the desire hanging heavy in the air. You're both on the edge of something exhilarating, something you both crave.
Before things can escalate further, the waiter interrupts, bringing your food and breaking the spell between you. But the intensity of the moment lingers, and you know this is only the beginning of something electrifying between you and Yunjin.
As you finish your meal, the tension between you and Yunjin remains palpable, simmering just beneath the surface. You both step out of the restaurant, and the cool evening air does little to cool the heat between you.
"Would you like to take a walk?" Yunjin suggests, her voice soft yet filled with a hint of anticipation.
"Sure," you reply, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of being alone with her, even just for a little while longer.
You stroll side by side along the quiet streets, the city lights casting a warm glow around you. The silence between you is comfortable, charged with unspoken desires.
After a while, Yunjin breaks the silence. "You know," she says, her voice low, "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we met."
The admission sends a thrill through you, and you turn to face her. "I've been thinking about you too," you confess, your heart racing.
Yunjin's gaze softens as she looks at you. "There's something about you that draws me in," she admits. "I feel like we have a connection, something special."
You nod, feeling the intensity of the moment. "I feel it too."
Without warning, Yunjin reaches out and gently tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, her touch sending shivers down your spine. The intimacy of the gesture leaves you breathless.
"I want to kiss you," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you meet her gaze, desire burning in her eyes. Without hesitation, you lean in, closing the distance between you. Your lips meet in a soft, electrifying kiss, and in that moment, the world around you fades away.
The kiss deepens, igniting a fire between you that feels impossible to extinguish. Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in each other, the passion and longing consuming you both.
When you finally pull away, breathless and exhilarated, Yunjin smiles, her eyes sparkling with affection.
"We should do this again," she says, her voice filled with promise.
You nod, feeling a sense of excitement for what the future holds. "Definitely," you agree, knowing that this is only the beginning of something extraordinary between you.
As you walk hand in hand with Yunjin, the connection between you feels stronger than ever. You find yourselves drawn to a quiet park nearby, the soft glow of the streetlights casting a romantic ambiance around you.
Finding a secluded bench, you sit down together, the atmosphere heavy with the electricity of the moment.
Yunjin turns to you, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. "You know," she begins, her voice filled with sincerity, "there's something about you that I haven't felt in a long time."
Curious, you meet her gaze. "What is it?"
"It's like you awaken something inside me," she confesses, her voice barely above a whisper. "A desire to explore, to connect on a deeper level."
You feel a warmth spread through you at her words, knowing that you feel the same way. "I feel it too," you admit, reaching out to gently caress her hand.
Yunjin leans in closer, her breath mingling with yours. "I want to get to know you more," she says softly, her lips almost brushing against yours. "Every part of you, every inch of you."
The intensity of her gaze sends a shiver down your spine, igniting a hunger within you that you can't ignore.
"I want that too," you reply, your voice filled with longing.
Without another word, Yunjin closes the distance between you, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. It's as if the world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you and the intensity of your desire.
Lost in the moment, you let yourselves be consumed by the fire that burns between you, exploring each other with a hunger that can't be quenched.
When you finally break apart, breathless and exhilarated, Yunjin smiles at you, her eyes filled with tenderness.
"I'm so glad I met you," she whispers, her voice filled with sincerity.
"I'm glad I met you too," you reply, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you.
Yunjin's gaze holds yours, filled with a mixture of desire and affection.
"Would you like to go back to my house?" she asks softly, her voice laced with anticipation.
The question hangs in the air between you, and you feel a surge of excitement at the thought of being alone with her, of exploring this connection further.
A million thoughts race through your mind, but ultimately, you know what you want.
"Yes," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper but filled with determination. "I would like that."
Yunjin's smile deepens, and she stands up, offering you her hand. "Come on," she says, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Let's go."
As you arrive at Yunjin's house, anticipation hangs thick in the air between you. She leads you inside, the warmth of the house enveloping you as you step through the door.
The soft glow of the lights creates an intimate atmosphere as Yunjin turns to face you, her eyes filled with desire. Without a word, she reaches out and pulls you into her arms, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
The kiss is electric, sending sparks flying through you as you melt into each other. Yunjin's lips are soft yet demanding, her hands trailing down your back, pulling you closer.
You respond eagerly, your hands tangling in her hair as you deepen the kiss. It's like you can't get close enough, your bodies pressing together as if trying to merge into one.
Lost in the moment, you stumble backward until your back meets the wall, Yunjin pressing against you, her body molded to yours. Every touch, every caress sends waves of pleasure through you, igniting a fire that burns hot between you.
Yunjin's lips trail down your neck, sending shivers down your spine as she nibbles and kisses along your skin. Your breath hitches with every touch, desire pooling low in your belly.
With a soft moan, you tilt your head back, giving her better access as she explores every inch of your neck with her lips and tongue.
The sensation is overwhelming, and you find yourself completely lost in the moment, consumed by the passion and desire that courses between you.
Yunjin's hands roam over your body, exploring every curve and contour, setting your skin ablaze with need. You reciprocate, trailing your own hands along her back, reveling in the feeling of her pressed against you.
Time seems to stand still as you lose yourselves in each other, the world outside fading away until there's nothing but the two of you and the fire that burns between you.
Yunjin breaks the intense silence, her voice husky with desire. "Let me take you to my room," she murmurs, her breath warm against your ear, "so I can show you why we met on that website."
Her words send a thrill through you, and you nod eagerly, unable to resist the pull of her invitation.
"Lead the way," you reply, your voice filled with anticipation.
Yunjin takes your hand and leads you down the hall to her bedroom, the air charged with excitement and longing.
As Yunjin guides you to her bedroom, the air crackles with anticipation. Once inside, she turns to face you, her eyes dark with desire and a soft, reassuring smile on her lips. Without a word, she steps closer, capturing your lips in another searing kiss, igniting the passion between you once more.
With practiced movements, Yunjin begins to undress you, her touch sending shivers down your spine as each piece of clothing falls away, leaving you bare before her.
"You're so beautiful," she whispers, her voice filled with reverence as she traces her fingers along your jawline.
Your heart flutters at her words, feeling completely at ease under her gentle gaze.
Yunjin's touch is tender yet purposeful as she begins to undress you, each movement filled with care and affection. As your clothes fall away, you stand before her, exposed and vulnerable yet entirely safe.
With a soft sigh, Yunjin leans in, capturing your lips in a slow, sensual kiss. It's like every touch, every caress is carefully calculated to make you feel cherished and desired.
As the kiss deepens, Yunjin's hands roam over your body, exploring every curve and contour. Her touch ignites a fire within you, a hunger that only she can satisfy.
"I want to take care of you," she murmurs against your lips, her voice sending shivers down your spine. "To make you feel good."
You nod, unable to find words as desire pools low in your belly.
With a gentle push, Yunjin guides you onto the bed, her eyes never leaving yours. She leans over you, her body hovering just inches above yours, radiating warmth and tenderness.
"I want you to feel every touch," she says softly, her breath warm against your skin.
With that, Yunjin's hands begin to explore your body, tracing every curve and dip with reverence. Her touch is electric, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you.
As she moves lower, her lips trail kisses along your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Every touch, every caress is like a promise of ecstasy, building the anticipation to unbearable heights.
When she finally reaches between your legs, her touch is gentle yet firm, sending sparks of pleasure dancing along your skin. You gasp at the sensation, arching into her touch as she brings you to the edge of bliss.
"Yunjin," you whimper, your voice filled with need.
She meets your gaze, her eyes filled with love and desire. "I've got you," she whispers, her voice a soothing melody.
With slow, deliberate movements, Yunjin spreads your legs wider, exposing you completely to her gaze. Her fingers dance lightly over your skin, sending shivers of pleasure up your spine.
Then, with a teasing touch, Yunjin's tongue darts out, tracing a slow path along your folds, collecting your arousal as she goes. You gasp at the sensation, your breath hitching as she explores you.
Yunjin's tongue works magic, swirling and flicking against your clit, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through your body. Her fingers join in, slipping inside you with ease, filling you up and driving you wild with need.
You arch your back, pressing yourself closer to her, desperate for more of her touch. Yunjin responds eagerly, her movements becoming more intense, more insistent as she brings you closer to the edge.
With every flick of her tongue and every thrust of her fingers, you feel yourself unraveling, pleasure building to an exquisite peak.
"Oh, Yunjin," you moan, your voice filled with longing.
She looks up at you, her eyes dark with desire as she continues to pleasure you, her touch relentless and intoxicating.
And then, with one final, mind-shattering wave of pleasure, you come undone in her arms, crying out her name as ecstasy washes over you.
Yunjin holds you close as you ride out the waves of pleasure, her touch soft yet messy, her fingers and lips leaving you utterly wrecked but completely satisfied in the best possible way.
Feeling you quivering with pleasure beneath her touch, Yunjin can't ignore the ache between her own legs. The desire to be inside you, to feel you wrapped around her, becomes almost unbearable.
With a soft groan, Yunjin positions herself above you, her hardness straining against her, aching to be buried deep inside you.
Hovering over you, she locks eyes with you, her gaze dark with need as she guides herself to your entrance. The anticipation sends a shiver down her spine as she presses forward, the tip of her hardness teasing your slick folds.
"I need to be inside you," she breathes, her voice thick with desire, her hips moving slowly forward, inch by inch.
You gaze up at her with longing, your own desire mirroring hers, and you nod eagerly, craving the feeling of her inside you just as much.
With a slow, deliberate pace, Yunjin pushes forward, her hardness sliding into you, filling you up until she's buried deep within your warmth. She pauses, savoring the feeling of being joined with you so intimately, the sensation almost overwhelming in its intensity.
"Oh fuck, you feel amazing," Yunjin groans, her voice husky with pleasure, her hips rolling against yours.
You gasp at the fullness of her, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through you. Wrapping your arms around her, you pull her closer, urging her to move.
Yunjin complies, starting to move with a slow, steady rhythm. Each thrust is deliberate, calculated to drive you both closer to the edge of ecstasy.
"Fuck, you're so tight," she moans, her voice filled with admiration, her hips rocking against yours with increasing urgency.
Your body responds eagerly to her praise, your own arousal building with each movement. You meet her thrusts eagerly, your bodies moving together in perfect synchronization.
With every thrust, you feel the delicious pressure building inside you, pleasure mounting with each movement. Your bodies meld together, becoming one in the throes of passion.
Yunjin's pace quickens, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she chases her own release, her hips rocking against yours with increasing urgency.
"You're so fucking beautiful," she groans, her voice filled with reverence, her movements becoming more frantic as she approaches climax.
You arch into her, meeting her thrusts with equal fervor, your own need driving you both towards climax.
You arch into her, meeting her thrusts with equal fervor, your own need driving you both towards climax. Sensing your desire, Yunjin shifts position, pulling out of you gently before guiding you onto your hands and knees.
"Let's try something different," she whispers, her voice thick with arousal, her hands gripping your hips as she positions herself behind you.
You eagerly comply, feeling a surge of anticipation as Yunjin lines herself up behind you, her hardness pressing against your slick folds.
With a low growl of need, Yunjin enters you again, this time from behind, and you gasp at the sensation of being filled in a new way.
"Fuck," you moan, the new angle sending bolts of pleasure through you.
Yunjin's hands roam over your body, gripping your hips firmly as she sets a rhythm, each thrust driving you both closer to the edge.
"Oh god, yes," she groans, her voice thick with desire as she pounds into you from behind.
"You're doing so well," Yunjin praises, her voice soft yet commanding, her hips moving with purpose as she takes you.
You push back against her, meeting her thrusts with equal fervor, lost in the pleasure of being taken so completely by her.
With each movement, the intensity builds, pleasure mounting with each deep thrust. Your bodies move together in perfect harmony, driving each other towards ecstasy.
Yunjin's pace quickens, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she chases her own release, her hips rocking against yours with increasing urgency.
"You feel so fucking good," she moans, her voice filled with lust and admiration.
You're on the edge, the pleasure building to an exquisite peak, and with one final, powerful thrust, you both cry out in ecstasy as you find release together.
In the throes of orgasm, Yunjin spills her seed inside you, the warmth of her release adding to your pleasure as you clench around her, riding out the waves of ecstasy together.
Collapsed in a heap of pleasure, you both catch your breath, feeling utterly spent but completely satisfied.
After the intense release, you collapse together, breathing heavily, the air thick with the scent of sex and satisfaction. Yunjin, still holding you close, gently guides you to lie on your back, a soft smile playing on her lips.
"Let me take care of you," she murmurs, her voice filled with tenderness.
You nod, feeling a shiver of anticipation as Yunjin settles between your legs, her fingers trailing down your body until they reach your sensitive core.
With a gentle touch, she begins to play with your clit, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through you. Her touch is skilled, knowing exactly how to make you squirm and moan with delight.
"Oh, Yunjin," you whimper, overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through you.
She smiles up at you, her eyes filled with adoration. "You're so responsive," she praises, her voice sending a thrill down your spine.
Yunjin continues her ministrations, her fingers working magic on your sensitive flesh. Each stroke, each caress brings you closer to the edge once again.
You arch into her touch, craving more of her, feeling her seed spilling out of your cunt, mixing with your arousal.
"You're so beautiful like this," Yunjin whispers, her breath warm against your skin, her fingers never ceasing their delicious torture.
The pleasure builds and builds, until you're teetering on the brink once again, your whole body humming with need.
And then, with one final flick of her fingers, you tumble over the edge, crying out her name as pleasure washes over you in waves.
Yunjin holds you through your climax, her touch gentle and comforting as you ride out the aftershocks, feeling completely blissful in her embrace.
Yunjin holds you close, her touch gentle and reassuring as you both catch your breath. She presses soft kisses against your skin, her lips trailing along your neck and collarbone with tenderness.
"You're amazing," she murmurs, her voice filled with genuine affection, "thank you for trusting me."
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through you at her words. "Thank you for everything," you reply, your voice soft with contentment.
Yunjin pulls you into a loving embrace, holding you as if she never wants to let go. The room is filled with a sense of peace and intimacy, a sanctuary where you can be completely yourselves.
"I want to take care of you," Yunjin says softly, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
And she does just that, tending to you with gentle touches and sweet words. Whether it's wiping away stray tears, cuddling you close, or simply whispering words of comfort, she's there for you every step of the way.
You bask in her affection, feeling safe and cherished in her arms. There's nowhere else you'd rather be than here, wrapped up in this moment of love and intimacy.
As you lay together, the world outside fades away, leaving only the two of you in your own little bubble of happiness.
"I'm so glad I met you," Yunjin says, her voice filled with sincerity.
"Me too," you reply, snuggling closer to her, feeling completely at peace.
Yunjin pulls the covers over you both, tucking them snugly around you as if she's shielding you from the world. She presses a tender kiss to your forehead before snuggling close to you, her warmth comforting against your skin.
For a while, you simply lay there in comfortable silence, the only sound the quiet rhythm of your breathing. It's a moment of peace and closeness that you wouldn't trade for anything.
Yunjin reaches out to brush a strand of hair from your face, her touch gentle and loving. "You're welcome here anytime," she says, her eyes locking with yours.
You feel a rush of gratitude for her hospitality and her genuine kindness. With Yunjin, you feel accepted and cared for in a way you've never experienced before.
Snuggled together in the quiet of the night, you feel a sense of belonging, as if you've found a piece of home in each other's arms.
As sleep begins to claim you both, you drift off feeling grateful for this moment, and excited for the future that lies ahead with Yunjin by your side.
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always-andromeda · 9 months ago
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⟡ Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⟡ 2,685
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ⟡ A lull in your relationship with Javi leads to some revelations about both of your interests.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⟡ so this was a new one for me. this piece is part of @iamasaddie's kinky writing challenge for May and my pairing was Javi G with impact play. I am happy to report that I enjoyed researching this more than I thought I would? I found some really interesting kink blogs that kind of walked me through safe practices and it started to paint the picture in my mind that would become this fanfic. big disclaimer: I've never practiced impact play in real life. my depiction of it comes primarily from the research I've done and what I know of my own personal preferences and I've tried my best to depict a healthy dynamic. so if I'm getting something wrong or I'm depicting anything in an unhealthy way, feel free to let me know!! divider credits go to @saradika-graphics!!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⟡ smut (minors, do not interact), impact play, oral (female receiving), aftercare, pet names (hermosa, baby), reader is given no physical description aside from being able bodied, allusions to past negative experiences with sex (nothing specific is described), a little bit of soft!dom/switch Javi, please let me know if any more are needed!
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It’s not that you weren’t satisfied with Javi. The sex had almost always been fine. Hell, most times it was fantastic; better than anything you’d had before. There certainly wasn’t any love lost between you and him. You’d always adore him and the beautiful life you’d built with him by the sea in Mallorca. 
At first you thought it might have been the passing of time that spurred this particular…yearning. After all, don’t most couples go through these patches after a few years? But it quickly became apparent that this wasn’t a fleeting desire. Days passed and you kept going back to the same blog: Impact Play For Beginners.
The first time you’d stumbled across it, you hadn’t paid it much mind. You were looking for ways to spice things up with Javi. But it didn’t seem like him. As your eyes flitted over images of paddles, whips, and canes, all you could think of was how uncomfortable he’d most likely be. The idea of that turned you off, of course.
But you didn’t stay off for very long at all.
Perhaps it was the fact that he felt so safe that made the idea so enticing to begin with. You’d never been with anyone who approached sex as healthily as Javi did. He’d always been fervent with his desires. At the same time, he’d never made you feel like you had to do anything. There was always foreplay, regular check-ins, aftercare, and the ability to say no to whatever, whenever.
It was refreshing. Relieving. And that’s what made it so rough, thinking about possibly bringing something new into the equation. But, Javi had always been big on communication. You trusted that the same principles would apply here. So that’s why you brought it up.
Javi had been open but hesitant about it. At face value, this kink really wasn’t his style. He favored a softer approach. He couldn’t imagine laying a hand on you and causing any sort of harm. But in all honesty…the idea excited you.
The more you looked into it, the more you began to draw some hard lines in the sands of your mind. First and foremost, no toys. As exciting as a crop looked, you weren’t sure if you were prepared for that. At least not yet. For now, you were sticking with the advice of various kink blogs you’d scrolled through and starting off with hands only. Not only were those the instruments that piqued your interest in the first place, they also put you the most at ease. It felt poetic somehow; his usually gentle hands delivering both pleasure and pain this time.
Another aspect you started to delve into were on and off limit body parts. That was the moment Javi set a boundary of his own. “Nothing with your face. I’m not touching your gorgeous face, hermosa,” he’d said with the softest puppy dog eyes. And you didn’t argue. You weren’t feeling comfortable with that either. 
No, you’d start out in the safest zones possible, the places that would be least likely to get injured: your ass and thighs. 
Then came the scheduling. You both agreed on a weekend night just so there was an adequate amount of time for recovery before either of you had to worry about work.
You stand in front of the vanity mirror in your bedroom. Part of you feels like you’re standing on the edge of a cliff as you stare at the lingerie clad figure being reflected back at you. With the night that’s ahead of you, you figured it’d be safest to wear something you’re familiar with sans the bottoms for easier access. It’s a simple chemise that’s comfortable enough, yet it hugs your body in a way that you know both you and Javi enjoy. You try to focus on that thought as you think.
The most reassuring part is that you aren’t afraid. As much as you’d wanted this, you’d also wondered if you would be. Instead you’re all raw nerves. And the electricity thrumming from them only calms when Javi appears in the mirror behind you.
You watch his dark eyes trace over your body in the mirror. It’s a sight he’s seen probably hundreds of times at this point, yet he still looks like it’s the first time he’s laid eyes on you.
“You are so beautiful, hermosa,” Javi breathes out in genuine awe. “Gorgeous.”
Your cheeks warm at the dose of flattery.
Javi’s hands start at your shoulders and you relax into them. The heels of his palms knead the muscles that seem to be perpetually knotted up. You close your eyes and picture that taut tissue slowly and carefully unwinding itself. A small sigh escapes you. It sows hope within you knowing that he’s willing to step out of his comfort zone for this. But it also brings you comfort; he’ll always take care of you just like this. 
“Are we doing okay, so far?” Javi mumbles.
You stifle a small laugh and the urge to say, “We’ve barely started anything.”
Because you know this is new for him. You try to remember that you’re new at this too. Don’t go too far, too fast. Pace yourself, you say internally.
“We’re alright,” you finally assure him.
“Promise me you’ll use your safe word if you need to.”
You meet his gaze in the mirror. He eyes you with furrowed brows and his lips in a thin line. His hands still work at your shoulders; work you into the most soothing rhythm that makes you want to fall asleep. But the fire that fills your bones makes you feel more alive than ever.
You nod and then turn to face him. “I will. I promise.”
Your hands find his cheeks and cup them. In that moment you’re holding your entire world. And you’re trusting him to fulfill some of your most vulnerable fantasies.
Your lips meet his and it all starts to fall together. He’s warm and tastes vaguely of citrus. His hands land on the globes of your ass and he gives them a good squeeze. A moan slowly rises in his throat. If there was one thing you knew Javi was looking forward to, it was paying more attention to that part of you. Besides, there was no way you could miss the way he looked at the pictures on one of the kink blogs you’d scrolled through together. Shots of a woman’s back. Bright red marks in the shape of a hand on her ass. 
His eyes had been so wide, simply staring at them as you read through tips for beginners.
“You wouldn’t want marks like that…would you?” he’d asked then. 
The note of hopefulness in his voice was palpable. He’d never been good at concealing his emotions, especially around you.
“I don’t know…maybe,” you’d replied coyly before admitting, “I kind of like the idea of it. Of having that reminder of you.” As if everything else wasn’t enough. As if you needed to see the evidence of his love represented by blemishes on your skin. That was the thing about Javi though, his whole being was so infectious. You needed him to inhabit every part of your life. You needed to see his handprints on you like you needed to breathe.
Anticipation sends a shiver up your spine as you lay on your stomach along the foot of the bed you share with him. Propped up on your elbows, you arched your back in order to better present your ass to him.
He takes a moment to lean over your form. You already feel a bit of a bulge poke the back of your thighs. At least he’s starting to enjoy himself, you grin.
“Are you ready to begin?” Javi asks. You hum absently only to be met with a brief pause before he adds, “Words, hermosa. Words.”
“Yes, sir,” you say, voice raised louder this time. You don’t see his expression, but you can imagine the way it stutters based on the silence that follows.
Javi thankfully doesn’t leave you with too much time to second guess yourself before you hear his chuckle, “Very good job. I’m already so proud of you.”
He stands again and continues gentle ministrations on your upper thighs. Once again you feel as though you could simply fall asleep. And there’s something secure in feeling like you could. You’re safe. 
A pleasant flush builds on the surface of your skin. You can feel the blood coursing through your veins as Javi warns, “I’m going to give you the first strike. Then we’ll go from there, alright?”
“Alright. I’m ready,” you affirm. And you mean it.
A few seconds later, you feel a light slap on your ass. It’s almost playful. And it doesn’t satisfy the craving within. You start to squirm, hoping to suppress some of the restlessness brewing in your chest.
“Easy, hermosa. Good girls stay patient,” Javi says. You’re not quite used to hearing such language come from him. But it’s perfectly in line with his desire to care for you. It’s how you feel confident that you’re both on the same page. He doesn’t want you overwhelming yourself either. So despite the soft start, you don’t feel any disappointment.
You do what you’re told and stay patient. 
The slaps don’t startle you until one leaves a particular sting that awakens a heartbeat in your core. For the moment it lives, it means everything to you. The initial jolt, along with that expectant throb, subsides a little too quickly for your liking. You fist the silk sheets beneath you just to find purchase in something.
“Keep going like that,” you whisper breathlessly, wanting to chase that feeling to the ends of the Earth.
And Javi lets you. He slaps your ass once, twice, three more times and each one builds the heat that crackles along your flesh like thunderclaps. On the fourth slap you finally gasp a small, “Fuck.” You feel yourself clench around nothing. But Javi still groans as if he was inside you. 
“You like this, hm?” he growls.
“So fucking much,” you whimper.
The impact is hard enough that it makes you jump. More importantly, you feel that throb once more. Your belly fills with butterflies as you start to realize that it’s fucking working for you. 
You try to imagine what you must look like from his point of view. Ass up, head bowed, gasping between blows. You bet that based on your position, from where he stands, he’s probably getting a peek at your cunt too. And if it looks anything like it feels, you’ve got to be glistening. You’ve got to have the most inviting look about you. And the fact that that vulnerability still doesn’t scare you…your head feels lost in the clouds.
You feel Javi’s fingers drag over the curve of your ass before they stop just short of your cunt. He says suddenly, “Fuck, I need you. I need to taste you. Please?” he begs. 
All you can manage is a whine along with a swift nod before rolling around on your back. Just as quickly, Javi is on his knees, dragging you down the bed by your ankles until he’s almost face to face with your cunt. You can feel just how swollen your lips are. And as he begins to lap at your slick, you know that you haven’t gotten this wet in a while. It fulfills something inside you that you hadn’t expected.
Your thighs and your ass burn, but it only adds to the pleasure gradually filling your belly. The pain and pleasure come together in a gorgeous harmony that has your hips rocking along against Javi’s mouth. His warm tongue fucks you as your clit rubs against his nose. It’s a classic position that’s only heightened with the knowledge that when you wake up in the morning, his handprints are going to be on your ass.
You’re shamelessly rutting against him now. Fingers knitted through his hair, you ride out the mounting pressure like you’ll die if you don’t. And Javi – being the pleaser he is – enjoys it. Between breaths, he groans, sending vibrations through you that seem to rattle your bones.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you whine.
“Mhm,” Javi hums desperately. “Go ahead, you can get there, hermosa. Just use me, please.”
Tears start to slip down the sides of your temples. Flashes of all the men you’ve been with before fill your head. You think of all the times you weren’t in control. All the times you felt you didn’t have a say in what was going to happen to your own body. And those memories only remind you that none of that is true anymore. Right here and right now, you’re with Javi. And he’s indulged in something you would’ve been too afraid to express to anyone else. All he wants is to please you. And that only makes your tears flow faster.
You’re going to combust. Javi Gutierrez is going to make you fucking explode and you don’t even care. You’ve gotten yours. As long as he too gets to feel the impact of his kindness, you’re satisfied.
Just like that, the bomb goes off and you’re on fire as pleasure rips through you. You’re in pieces. Legs wrapped around Javi’s upper half, heels digging into the muscles of his back, and hands keeping him held in place; keeping what’s left of you together in a shaky embrace.
It takes a few seconds for the shock to melt away. Somehow you catch your breath and finally remove your hands from Javi’s curls to wipe away your tears. If you weren’t tired before, you’re exhausted now. More than the physical satisfaction, you couldn’t have foreseen the emotional release. 
Your ass and your thighs don’t quite hurt anymore. It’s more of a soft ache; a rolling wave you ride on until it passes, leaving your head floating in a placid ocean of bliss. This naturally comes with some swirls of catharsis and sentimentality. They both buzz in your mind and you're only distantly aware of it when Javi gets up to wet a washcloth.
When he returns, he cleans you up the way he always does. Asking if he’s alright to touch you in various places and letting you know before he does so you’re not startled. You pay just enough attention to hum in agreement as he carefully parts your thighs to wipe up the remnants of slick and spit. 
Javi finishes the job a minute or two later, leaving once more to add the washcloth to the laundry basket in your closet. Then you feel the mattress dip as Javi lays beside you, looking spent without even taking off a shred of his own clothing.
You return to your own mind for a moment. Enough to turn, lay on your side, and send him a worried look. “Oh, I’m so sorry, baby. Do you need me to take care of you?”
Javi laughs lightly, “No. It’s alright, hermosa. You don’t need to take care of anything for me.”
“Are you sure?”
A soft smile forms on his face. “You’re happy, right?”
You nod.
“Good. I’m happy too. We don’t need anything else.”
Javi tenderly places a hand on your lower back and pulls you a little closer towards his chest, his grin growing. “Besides, I can’t wait to see those marks in the morning.”
His expression is so contagious you can’t help but return it before placing a kiss on his nose. “Me neither,” you whisper. Within a few days those marks he most certainly left would start to take on a purple hue before fading into a yellowish undertone. The prospect of seeing that progression fills your stomach with butterflies once more. Surely you both prepared enough that they wouldn’t take long to heal. But that doesn’t bring you down in the slightest. Because as long as Javi is willing to, when those marks do go away, you and him get to make them all over again.
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Thank you so much for reading!! If you enjoyed, please consider reblogging; it's massively appreciated!!
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rkvriki · 2 years ago
— acts of intimacy with enhypen
hello everyone! i was working on a request but i was out of inspo so i dicided to finish this that had been in my drafts for so long
make sure to leave feedback! my requests are open and so is my inbox so let's talk!
WARNINGS ! mentions of being sad; might contain grammar errors, i think that's all.
word count: 1.3k
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— cuddling
the simple act of snuggling with your partner that brings so much warmth, comfort and safety.
heeseung loves cuddling you in any kind of way. 
he loves sleeping through the whole morning until he needs to actually get out of the bed and so you are always the first to wake.
you try to wake him up but to no avail. he always asks for five more minutes that turn in at least two more hours and goes back to sleep but not after pushing you against his chest to cuddle you.
he also loves cuddling when you are watching a movie or whatever in the living room.
when this is the case he loves having you sit between his legs with your back to his chest.
or he likes when he’s fully laying down and you lay on top of him.
it doesn’t matter how or where and when you are doing it, both of you love the intimacy cuddling brings you two.
when he is feeling down he always asks you to be the big spoon or to lay on your chest and you two just lay like that for as long as he needs to feel better.
— cooking together
as you can imagine, jay does most of the ugly work like the actual cooking while you do things like measuring and putting the ingredients together.
it is such a fun activity and at the same time so intimate.
jay is a great cook while you are not so bad yourself but not as good as him, so he is more than happy to teach you how to cook a meal without making a big mess and burn the house down.
you get butterflies when jay hugs you from behind and guides your hands to cut veggies or anything else.
also you find jay so cute when he cooks, you like that when he focuses his lips form a pout and you can’t help but peck him leaving him surprised.
when you plating the food, you always make an effort to decorate it and make it look pretty.
in all honesty, you two do a great job at cooking despite always joking around while doing so.
jay finds the face you make when you taste the food so cute, your eyes always widen and the savory taste of the meal you both prepared together with so much love.
— kissing
you can’t tell me jake doesn’t have the most kissable lips, the pout is just so smoochable.
a kiss can express so many emotions and say so many things that can’t be said out loud and jake values that a lot.
jake adores kissing your lips so much, they just fit so perfectly with his, like two puzzle pieces coming together.
jake loves kissing you when he greets you, feeling you smile through the kiss.
jake loves kissing you when he’s leaving for tour, letting his lips linger a little longer than usual, feeling the salty flavor from the tears that you let out.
jakes loves waking you up with kisses all over, seeing your nose scrunch at the ticklish feeling.
jake loves kissing your tears when you cry while holding your face and rubbing his thumbs on your cheeks.
jake loves kissing you when you’ve accomplished something and you tell him the good news.
he just loves how they bring such a strong connection to your relationship, kissing makes him feel so close to you.
sometimes when the words fail to leave his mouth, he just loves silently telling you he loves you with a strong, deep kiss.
— holding hands
to me it’s just so obvious that he loves to hold hands and i don’t have a valid reason.
sunghoon thinks that holding hands can be a strong display of affection.
he also thinks that sometimes when words can’t come out of his mouth his hands will tell you quiet things.
he loves to hold you in a hug and slowly reach for your hand, holding it on his own and giving it a gentle squeeze in a way to say i love you. 
and he does that multiple times when he is too shy to say out loud.
he loves feeling your soft hands in his harsher ones, something that makes you scold him for not moisturizing them.
you always carry hand cream and sometimes you take some and rub it in his hands massaging them softly. he tells you he hates it but deep down he loves it when you do it, because he is a babygirl who loves being taken care of.
he will take any chance to hold your hand, especially when you are out, since he is not much of a pda lover, he will hold your hand, softly rubbing his thumb in the back of your hand.
— sharing secrets
sunoo just looks so trustable with secrets, he will not tell a soul.
besides being your boyfriend, sunoo is your best friend and you guys confide everything to each other.
communication is the key in a relationship and it has never been a problem in yours, since sunoo always made you comfortable to talk to him and tell him all your worries and secrets.
both of you think that sharing your secrets and your deepest thoughts can create a strong bond of trust and intimacy.
sunoo will have you sitting in his bed with blankets wrapped around both of you in the dark as you both tell each other secrets and share your worries.
this makes you both so comfortable around each other, to the point almost nothing will be embarrassing because you already shared the most embarrassing things you’ve done with him.
also he lives to hear you talk about your worries, he will be listening so attentively and will know what to say and when to say it.
— spending quality time
jungwon loves to do fun things and anytime he is available he will take that as an opportunity to have fun.
anytime he’s free the first thing he will do is text you to hang out and do something, either at home or out.
he loves going out with you, you two always have something to do and where to go.
as i’ve mentioned in a post, he loves going to amusement parks and buy you plushies there.
honestly anything to do with you is fun, as long as you are enjoying it.
jungwon especially loves it when he goes over to your house and you guys just watch a movie or play games and he always sleeps over.
sleepovers with won are a must! it’s so much fun and you almost pull and all nighter but one of you ends up falling asleep.
he absolutely hates it when you go over to the dorms and some of the other guys join you two.
jungwon is greedy to have you alone with him, he is totally needy for your attention and when someone else takes it he is not happy about it.
— hugging
niki looks so huggable i swear!
he loves hugging you anytime he gets the chance.
niki being niki will tease you for the height difference, even if it’s not that much he will make fun of you.
but seriously speaking niki loves the intimacy a hug can bring you two, his hugs show so much love and support and it’s so sweet.
he hugs all the time. 
he hugs you when you get home or you visit him at the hybe building. 
he hugs you when you cry, when something goes wrong or you just don’t feel well, and he hugs you while nuzzling his head in your hair and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
he hugs you when you get home with good news.
niki loves and you hate (love) when you are doing something like cooking and he hugs you from behind and clings to you like a koala and doesn’t leave you until you actually scold him making him go away with a scold and telling you you don’t appreciate the love he gives you.
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soracities · 2 years ago
oooh please tell us what writing rules are garbage I would love to hear more
it's not that they're garbage, which isn't what i said, just that they annoy me and even then what annoys me is not the "rules" themselves (because i do believe they can be useful depending on what you're writing) but when some of them are put out as the only way to write something as if storytelling is a one-size fits all approach, as if you can reduce the millenia-long history of literature into a fail-proof formula that will work for all writing across all cultures with no room for experimentation.
i think there are as many ways to tell a story as there are stories and how you tell something and the kind of language you use will vary depending on what language actually means to you as a writer. hemingway and faulkner both famously took digs at each other for their styles (even though i think there was a lot of admiration between them) but they are also two very different writers with two completely different approaches to language and how they use that language to say the things they want to say: neither is inherently better, or more right, than the other--their approaches were just right for them; if faulkner wanted to write using the "older, simpler, better" words hemingway loved, he would have. if james joyce wanted to depict dublin the way dickens depicted london, he would have done so. but they didn't.
someone once posted an excellent breakdown by jeff vandermeer of the different writing styles employed by different authors which i was silly enough not to save at the time, but in it he gives an overview of the structure of their sentences, and how complicated or "rich" the language is, without pitting one style against the other. and to be honest, i think writing advice that encourages you to examine and look at that relationship with language, and what it holds for you (and others) and why, is probably more helpful than blanket statements like "stay away from ambiguity" or "avoid long sentences" because neither of those actually mean anything--a sentence is a vessel but it's also a tool, like a hoghair brush or a palette knife; the value of its impact is not an essence that exists in and of itself, but entirely dependent on how you use it, otherwise all literature would just read the same way.
strict adherence to a particular form or structure within a language does not automatically make for better writing, especially not when so much literature actually consists of, and is built from, works and authors actively rebelling against those same traditional forms and structures (but which is also not to say that those forms and structures are inherently useless, either). you can say that long sentences "risk distraction" or are "ineffective" but then where does that leave someone like laszlo krasznahorkai, whose prose runs on like some kind of breathless, hypnotic incantantion for 20, 30 pages without a single full stop in sight? or a book like solar bones by mike mccormack which is made up of a single sentence going on for 200 pages? i'm not saying long sentences can't be boring or tedious, but in all honesty so can short sentences--so can any writing that follows the "rules" to the letter. if something is poorly written, the "rules" matter very little; if it's well written, they matter even less.
all that said, telling people to "avoid long sentences" is not inherently a bad thing because i think the core of it is wanting to ensure your writing remains clear, which is a fair point--but it's an issue, to me at least, when it turns into one of those dictums or pronouncements that actively narrows the potential range language can actually have. clarity is not always about length, or whether or not you cull all of your run-on lines--mihail sebastian drew a very nice distinction in one of his novels when he said "[is] there’s a single way of being clear? A notary can be clear, or a poet, but they don’t seem to me the same thing". a long sentence can be clear, but its clarity exists on different terms to a sentence that is five words long, because its relationship to its content is different. and at the end of the day, that relationship is really what it's about for me and it's distinct to each work and its author.
writers use the language and form they use that best allows them to say what they want to say. no one in their right mind is going to dismiss zadie smith for not writing like angela carter or angela carter for not writing like hemingway or hemingway for not writing like beckett or beckett for not writing like mallarmé. robert frost and sara teasdale were no more correct than the beatniks were. i love pared down, beautifully concise prose, but i also adore books that relish in language and all the various, multi-coloured layers of it, books that eschew (traditional) plot and books that question their own form and the reality of that form, and books that tell a story as straightforwardly as possible.
to be honest i think one of the most formative things i came across, years ago now, was this piece by gary provost, which really sums up the whole notion of "writing rules" for me:
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this is not about do's or dont's. it even breaks the first writing rule i learnt in school ("never begin a sentence with 'And'"). but what it does is center an intimate understanding of language, where it can go and how it can get there, and what you want that to do. that's where it's at for me!
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autumnsartblog · 2 months ago
I know I’m a major Harkula shipper but can the Dracula fandom pretty please just acknowledge the fact they DO have something between them, in CANON, and not think that means they have to ship them </3
like I’m so tired of reading such interesting takes and then they say something about how Dracula ‘has no ability to love’ and is ‘completely heartless’, and it just ruins it for me.
You can acknowledge Dracula has an ability to love and is a terrible person. You don’t have to strip him of his emotions to say he is a bad person.
I could go on and on and on about all the things that prove Dracula’s true but twisted love for Jonathan. If you look into his character, he actually has a lot of traits of BPD ( not saying he HAS BPD, just he has a lot of traits )
One of the reasons of Dracula’s downfall was because of how damn resistant he was from physically harming Jonathan. He could have fucking won if he just could hurt him physically.
Also this whole- “It’s canon Dracula r//ped Jonathan”. No it isn’t. If anything, it is more than likely Dracula ASKED Jonathan before ‘kissing’ him. He protects him from physical harm, under any cost. Saved him multiple times from being r//pe. The problem with vampires and consent is that vampires view people as food. You don’t need to ask food for consent to eat them. But, he so obviously values Jonathan more than JUST food.
The way he goes about keeping Jonathan in his castle is by giving him ‘choice’. He wants to feel as if Jonathan CHOOSES to stay with him. He doesn’t just force Jonathan to come back to his castle, cause he creates a scenario where Jonathan will feel inclined to choose being with him than leaving. He thinks he is being better in giving Jonathan a choice when he is still influencing him to choose one or the other. Unlike with other people, he forces them. Jonathan is not an object to be used up, but one to be cherished.
It makes zero sense for Dracula to end up r//ping Jonathan on June 29th (I do not see there to be any other possibility of his blood being drank on other days as of now — there is no proof of it). He cares for him too much. He actively resists his own vampiric desires around Jonathan. He clearly has access to ‘food’, yet he seems to have chosen to starve himself to keep to the same age FOR Jonathan. He put his own terrible desires under control. He doesn’t do that for ANYONE else (I wrote a whole Google document about this so).
He values Jonathan more than any other character. He focuses on Jonathan so much on Jonathan and- puts him on a pedestal that he even blames Mina for his ‘betrayal’, the ‘abandonment’, just so he doesn’t have to see Jonathan as having ‘full-on’ faults (black and white thinking…the idolising…). That isn’t to say that whatever happened to them would have been *proper* consent though, considering the situation. And it isn’t to say that Dracula isn’t bad to other characters. He is. He was terrible to Jonathan, and terrible to others. It isn’t to say he can’t have the capacity to love. He is a character with layers — he isn’t pure evil, but it is completely understandable that other characters view him as such.
Honesty, all the fandoms I’ve been in do this (mischaracterise). So, I don’t blame you guys. But it’s so infuriating to see so many people just go with it. That might be just because I’m autistic but 😭😭 please. I would die to see a popular take on Dracula that is actually accurate to his character. He has groomer and r//pist metaphors, I do NOT deny that, but it doesn’t mean he did it all to Jonathan and has no care for him.
I must write more Google documents about every single thing on them which I know almost nobody will read but at least I contributed to educating people 😞
BTW, this isn’t meant to be mean!! I’m just frustrated. This isn’t directed at anyone either, so please don’t feel as if this is a personal attack. If you want to talk to me about, please be nice and mindful. I am a minor and I’m just REALLY fixated on them both. If I can’t explain it properly to you, and honestly explaining it too much is tiring, I do recommend you just search it up. There are a ton of articles 🗣️
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cloudiewrites · 1 year ago
Zoro dating headcanons? Maybe where they are sorta ljke the grumpy x sunshine duo?
OPLA! Zoro Dating Headcanons
Author's note: I love this request so much, I am such a sucker for the grumpy x sunshine trope! x Hope you enjoy! credit to the artwork below: "The Art of Thor: Love and Thunder"
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When you and Zoro first got together, it was a surprise for everyone.
Sure, you had a crush on him since the moment you joined the crew and you have always been open about your feelings, but nobody expected for Zoro to return them back... at least not so soon.
Zoro has always been quiet and stoic man, who valued discipline, strength and peace. He is always trying his best to stay out of trouble, despite this being a nearly impossible mission with having Luffy as captain.
You, on the other hand, are loud, energetic and always causing chaos. Your curiosity and unfiltered mouth often get you in dangerous situations, from which the swordman has to get you out of.
Despite finding your reckless behaviour annoying at first, it did became the reason he fell for you. Maybe because it felt good to be your knight in shining armour who was always there to save the day or maybe because following you in your adventures made him feel as if he can see the world in a new light through your eyes... It was unclear how and why it happened, but when he fell in love, he fell hard.
Zoro is extremely protective. Maybe a little bit overbearing at times. He knows you have tendency to act before you think and your close friendship with Luffy, who was full of bad ideas, was just another reason why he always felt he had to keep an eye on you.
Despite this he is not big fan of PDA. He will stay close to you, maybe even touch your shoulder or back when no one is looking, but he won't be very affectionate, especially when they are people around.
That, of course, does not stop you from seeking to be close to him every chance you get. Jumping on his back, wrapping your arms around his neck, pepping his whole face with kisses, while he groans in annoyance, holding his hand - every time you are near him, you have to be touching him.
He likes to pretend he is irritated with your antics, but he secretly loves having you so close to him. That's why he also never pushes you away.
He is not a big sharer, but he is a good listener. He can listen to you talk for hours (which given your chatty personality is not a hard task). When you decide to ask him questions, though, expect one or two worded answers.
With that being said, you need to be patient with him. I imagine you would have some experience with love and previous relationship, but this is all new to him. Every emotion, every thought, every desire is new and he is still figuring it out how to deal with it all.
He does find comfort in the fact that you are very open and honest person. Whatever you think, you say without even processing it first. He finds this comforting, as he never has to wonder what you think or how you feel.
Your honesty does sometimes put him in uncomfortable positions though... "Damn, Zoro, you are looking so fine with these swords! I wonder if you want to show me the fourth sword in private later-" "Y/N, please, we are literally in the middle of a fight."
He does get easily embarrassed and you DO enjoy making him embarrassed. Either calling him cute nicknames or making flirty comments, you know the way to make this man's face redder than a tomato.
Despite your differences, this man would literally die for you. Everything with you is new to him and while it may sound cheesy, you do make him a better man. With you, he is exploring a softer, more gentler side, that he never even knew was there.
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diagonal-queen · 2 years ago
HELP I'm sorry but this idea literally got in my head😭😭
What if Manipulative S/o with Chuuya,Dazai and Fyodor?
Them with a manipulative S/O
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara, Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are these men with a manipulative partner?
♡ cw: Swearing, manipulation, sexual stuff (Fyodor, you're better than this)
note: Ngl I was stumped with this one for a bit, didn't write a single part of it, and then one night I just wrote the whole damn thing in like ten minutes. Writing's a weird thing sometimes eh? Anyways apologies for errors anon and I hope you enjoy x
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If you're another mafioso and you use your Machiavellian techniques to interrogate people, Chuuya finds that hot (he's so whipped T-T)
But if you were ever to try and be manipulative with him? He'd probably figure it out relatively quickly and he'd be pretty upset about it. It feels to him as if you think he's unintelligent or something
He also wouldn't be such a fan if you tried to manipulate other members of the Port Mafia (especially if he's close with them like Kouyou)
Chuuya would prefer if you kept it for work and work only, because he values honesty and is more comfortable knowing that you trust him and vice versa
If it's like a trauma response or something though he's more understanding and helps you work on dismantling the habit in healthy and effective ways <3
Unlike the compulsive lying he would NOT consult Mori about this, because let's be real you probably got some of it from him
Eventually Chuuya might take a more passive role and just let you do your thing as long as you leave him out of it. If you're honest with him he'll be happy
Use your manipulation against Dazai (or at least try to)? You got yourself a loyal man for life ✊✊
Y'know that trope when a dude will like dreamily watch their partner with hearts in his eyes as they do some badass shit? That's literally Dazai when you're fucking with people
Especially other members of the ADA oh my god you guys are such menaces (the only one who can see through your bullshit is Ranpo but do you really think he's gonna put in the effort to stop you guys? No. That's what I thought)
But if you were to try and manipulate him, his attitude would change up real quick.
He lowkey takes it as an insult to his intelligence and also takes it pretty personal regardless of who you treat the same way. How can he not? You're literally his partner
You'd learn not to ever try crossing him, in a serious way at least- you'd definitely still play games and tease each other
If you're like super manipulative, even Dazai would have to be like 'hey! stop'. I feel like it would just remind him of his past self and he wouldn't like that
Like Chuuya he also prefers that, when it comes to more serious things, you're honest with him. He wants to be able to trust you
I mean either way he'd be able to catch up with you, so I guess it's not really a practical issue. Just be nice to him, alright?
I ought to immediately establish that you're literally not getting past this man at all, ever
You will never be able to trick him, lie to him, or have any sway over anything he does at all. That being said, he actually loves the way you are
Fyodor definitely has a god complex and the fact that you can't get anything past him is definitely boosting said god complex. Though he's always like 'nobody gets me I'm too smart' we know that he secretly enjoys being better than everyone else let's be real
He thinks it's cute, but he will very much still give you ~appropriate punishments~ for your bad behaviour
Definitely uses you for the DOA's benefit in some way. Though it would definitely be with your consent because he knows you're not an idiot (and also why wouldn't you be on board tbh)
Sigma is probably a little wary around you because of how similar you are to your boyfriend (and obviously Mykola loves you he's your bestie)
You two definitely play a lot of mind games with one another for entertainment, as well as skill-based games like chess and poker (is that skill based? I've never played it lmao)
In conclusion, power couple of the fucking century
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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kittwix · 6 months ago
hi there! i hope you're having a nice day :) if you're up for it, could you write headcanons for joseph joestar being in a relationship with a reader who has very low energy (ie, can't do a ton of physical exertion (*cough* hamon training *cough*), so they're usually his cheerleader?) thank you <3
i had to rush this a bit, a quick little headcanon as i am currently moving in my dorms right now! classes start next week and i am not excited but wish me luck, hope you enjoy <3
Joseph Joestar w/ Low Energy! Reader
word count: 452
tags: sfw, joseph is a cocky bastard, cavity inducing sweetness, reader is gender neutral
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He needs someone to really balance him from his usual chaotic and impulsive personality. At times, he doesn't really think things through, only when you least expect it. His unpredictable nature makes it hard to really follow him and yet, you have him wrapped around your finger.
During his hamon training, you're by the sidelines as Lisa Lisa puts both Joseph and Ceasar into strenuous work while you were more so quizzed on the matter. You weren't really one to excel in the physical aspect of hamon but you were happy enough to cheer for your friends.
In all honesty, he comes to appreciate your minimal enthusiasm and effort to support him. He teases you about it
Behind closed doors, he's willing be quiet as well, once he's done yapping your ear off you've noticed that he'd tired himself off and just lay across your lap.
Your bored eyes stared into his chiseled physique, his boyish smile and his green eyes stared back. It was hard not to laugh, it was like having a staring contest with him and its always him that cracks up first while you sit there with a dazed smile.
"Wipe that look off your face or I'll kiss you." He threatened, well he said it like it was a threat but honestly you weren't one to complain. You still had your arms crossed, the corners of your lips just barely curving up.
"You should go back to your training, hercules." You commented, out of the corner of your eye you could feel Caesar and Lisa Lisa's eyes burning holes to the back of Joseph's head.
"Hmm... Should I? Where's the fun in doing all that when you're not there?" He asked with a tilted head. "I work hard, y'know? These bad boys are going owhere and I don't have a babe by my side to appreciate them." He flexed his arms, prompting for you to snort as you cover your mouth. You weren't one to really match the same energy with whoever you talked with, including your boyfriend Joseph and yet that never seemed to stop him from his attempts to make you smile at least. "Fine, but don't expect me to put on some kind of show for you." You hummed, following the tall man with your arms behind your back.
As long as you drown him with compliments and praises here and there, he could care less for your lack of enthusiasm. No matter how much he may tease you for being "super flat", your opinions and values mean a lot to him.
He tends to like the quiet and unamused ones anyways, something about these individuals are so mysterious and he likes the chase.
back to the masterlist!
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ihopesocomic · 15 days ago
Just to counter the anons disliking the.. "constant" mention of MP, I'm actually very glad you guys talk about it so freely
At first I was actually worried you were getting tired of answering MP related questions but no! You want your opinions heard, the truth about it and the creator exposed, the bad hidden behind rose tinted glasses more explored, I admire it so much, I enjoy reading your criticisms, not just for MP
In all honesty, you guys are probably one of the first people I personally feel comfortable agreeing and disagreeing opinions and point if views with, you're good sports, despite your criticisms you're not going out of way to say "Oh our opinion and view on this show is bad, so you should totally stop watching it completely because it is terrible along with its creator", you just want people to see things in a different perspective, at least that's what it looks like to me!
I don't think I've fully disagreed with anything yet, but you have taught me more how to not get all hissy fitty when someone disagrees with me–not that I do that begin with, I actually rather explore the other persons perspective more than throw a fit and understand why their opinion differs so greatly than mine, and maybe even adjust accordingly if I find their arguement is decent. You guys just really taught to curb that kind of thinking more
Please never stop criticizing and even praising other medias and topics, I love hearing your opinions about them as I genuinely learn so much
Thank you very much for your kind words, anon.
We've always maintained that we don't care if people wish to enjoy My Pride through a critical lens but there's a difference between doing that and then making out like somebody set your house on fire because they spoke ill of it. Especially when it becomes bigger than just being all 'I don't like your opinion!' and descends into outright harassment and slander towards us.
Unfortunately, this is personal to us because MP fans have made it personal. Very personal, in fact. We've had to establish boundaries repeatedly because we are just not comfortable with anybody who thinks this show and its creator did nothing wrong interacting with us. This is due to our negative experiences with the fandom. Which have included our reputations being raked through the mud and our experiences with abuse being invalidated because we checks notes said that Hover - a fictional character - is abusive and not a well written love interest.
And then when MP fans don't heed our words and get angry because they've realised that this isn't a safe space where they can continue worshipping Tribble and her show, that's somehow our fault and we should be quiet for their benefit. lol
So, yeah, like I said: liking the show is fine but you're just not gonna have a good time here if being a parasocial stan for Tribble is what you're all about.
And thank you for your words regarding how we put across our opinions. I'm glad you find our commentary useful. I do feel like tone and delivery is important when you want people to listen to you, yes. We do get angry from time to time. We're only human. And you know what? That's allowed, I think.
There are folks who insist we're 'salty' over this show because we get emotional and to that I say, well done for having such insight? You should be a psychologist. lol
It's almost like we're angry because this show misappropriates our oppression and was made by an able-bodied creator who didn't care for the subject matter and viewed said oppression and her being edgy with it as a replacement for any sort of deep, meaningful commentary. Which can only make things worse when it came to how her audience - which is mostly made up of impressionable children - perceive the disabled. Or any topic the show brings up, such as abusive situations (which has had serious consequences for some folks).
We shouldn't have to spell it out like this but - unfortunately - a lot of people out there just value entertainment above all else. Which results in them having zero consideration for those who are affected by what media they enjoy and want to enjoy guilt-free, particularly minority groups. I'm mainly talking about rebuttals like 'it's just a show/cartoon!' or 'don't like, don't watch', of course.
Like we've never chewed anybody out who has said 'I like this show because of x reason but I respect your stance on it!' but has the same courtesy been extended to us and our views on the show? Not really. There seems to be an onus of responsibility on us to be the 'bigger person' and keep our mouths shut but this is not expected of anybody else and we're tired of the double standard.
I say all this because we initially tried to tiptoe around things because - yes - we had already made a three hour video on this topic and perhaps we've said all that needed to be said. But more things have happened since we've begun this comic and more asinine arguments have come to the forefront. Not to mention personal attacks. Not only was there quite a lot that we couldn't put in the video due to time constraints, but this has also provided us with more to cover and discuss. And - sadly for certain people - this blog is an ideal place to put out those discussions.
And like I've mentioned previously, we've had rude, snarky anons in our inbox despite us staying quiet and eventually you just think... fuck it? Why should we censor ourselves for people who don't like us anyway and can see themselves out? They know where the unfollow/block button is and if they refuse to get out of the kitchen when it becomes too hot, that's on them.
And the most important thing is... people like you find it useful. People like you have a place where they can also engage with us and throw around topics about this show and its wider issues without fear of being not listened to or talked over. It's just a dynamic that we prefer to have over wearing customer service smiles and repressing the topic just so the wrong type of people can feel comfortable around us. And I'm very glad a lot of y'all agree with us on that. c:
Also, so sorry this got super long. lolol - RJ
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writerfae · 2 months ago
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Christmas movie au Advent Calendar 🎄
Day Twenty: 🥘Christmas Dinner🥘
Christmas special tag list: @bunnymermaidsblog @deadlycupid @dustylovelyrun @ladywithalamp @sleepy-night-child @theguywithnonickname
When they came back from their little ice skate date, the house of Aiden’s family was empty.
“Where is everyone?” Talon asked.
Not that he minded having some more alone time with Aiden, but it was so unusual.
Strange how quickly he got used to the sounds of a family life.
Talon had almost forgotten how that was like. He should come home more often.
Then again, the house was mostly empty anyway these days.
“Dad is at physiotherapy and Henry and Callan took Celene to the town to see Santa. And to visit Amalie afterwards.”
Aiden chuckled.
“Celi told me she’ll ask Santa for a sibling for Christmas. I wonder how Henry and Callan will react. But in all honesty, I think they have considered it before already, so maybe she’ll get one for her birthday instead.”
He winked at Talon, who laughed.
“My mother said my sister wanted the same. They told her Santa came by earlier to drop me off when I was born.”
“Aw, that’s cute! Hey, should I make us dinner? I consider it a rehearsal for Christmas Eve.”
Talon was surprised. “You will make the Christmas dinner?”
But thinking about it, it did make sense. Talon has only tried Aiden’s pancakes yet, but those were proof enough that he was really good at cooking.
“Me and Callan together, yes. It’s our tradition by now. My brother can’t cook to save his life, so he’s not allowed in the kitchen, but I don’t think he minds that all too much. He’s just glad we get along I guess. It wasn’t always easy, you know?”
He opened the fridge.
“Anyway, what do you say? Hungry?”
Talon nodded. “Very.”
“Good. Do you want to help me?”
Talon scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “Cutting vegetables is about all I am capable of, but if that helps?”
Aiden laughed. “So another kitchen expert.”
“My talents lie elsewhere.”
Aiden hummed. “I can imagine that. Though you didn’t do as bad as you claimed with the cookie dough either.”
He chuckled at the memory.
“But yeah, cutting vegetables is at least a good start. Please don’t cut into your finger, though, I don’t want your blood in my kitchen.”
Talon laughed. “Okay I’ll try.”
He did not cut into his finger.
He also managed to help Aiden with the potatoes.
As for the rest, Talon much preferred just watching Aiden do it and he felt like Aiden preferred it too.
He looked so in his element as he prepared their dish and Talon couldn’t help but smile.
“What?” Aiden asked, head tilted to the side.
“I just thought about how happy you look. It’s cute.”
Aiden smiled. He put aside the spoon he was holding, letting the water in the pot boil a little.
Cleaning his hands on his apron (yes he wore an apron, which made him look even more adorable - and reminded Talon of their first real meeting), he made his way over to Talon.
As he stood behind him, he put his hands on his shoulders and leaned forward to kiss his cheeks.
“I am happy,” he said. “I don’t know what the future holds, but right now, I have all I need.”
He smiled as he squeezed Talons shoulders.
Talon took one of Aiden’s hands and kissed it.
He tried swallowing down the feeling of guilt, but it kept coming back up, like it often had these past days.
Soon you’ll have to tell him the truth.
The rope Talon had tied around his own neck with his feelings for Aiden and the secret that he kept from him kept getting tighter.
His father was breathing down his neck. He expected Talon to show results and he didn’t back down from his plan to sell the property to that rich asshole that wanted to get rid of the farm.
There was no other alternative since the man wanted exactly this bit of land.
Why, Talon didn’t know.
Not even the value the Christmas tree farm had for the towns around got Talon’s father to reconsider.
“As long as it’s not radioactive ground, is plagued by earthquakes or has some birds that are under wildlife conservation, we’re not giving up this good of a deal.”
So Talon didn’t have much of a choice, he needed to tell Aiden the truth, before his father personally showed up at their doorstep to blow his cover.
And Talon would not put it past his father to do so.
The worry in Aiden’s voice brought him back to reality and he realized he still had his lips pressed to the back of Aiden’s hand.
He let him go and Aiden’s equally worried face entered his field of vision. “Is something wrong?”
Talon shook his head. “No it’s just…” He sighed. “I really like you. A lot. You know that right? Nothing is gonna change that.”
He needed this reassurance, even if it would be a lie.
Because he knew Aiden and he knew once he found out that Talon lied to him…
“Of course I know, stupid.” He kissed Talon’s cheek again before walking back to the stove. “You made it really clear those past days.”
He smiled and Talon tried his best to return it.
Luckily the sauce demanded his attention so he didn’t notice what a sorry excuse of a smile it was.
A little later the food was done and Talon found himself in front of a plate full of roasted beef with potatoes and vegetables.
“You’re too good to me.”
And for me, he thought but didn’t say it.
He really didn’t deserve Aiden. Or his food. Which was amazing by the way. Only his mother’s food could rival this, really.
Aiden chuckled. “And that is just the light version, you should see the dinners me and Callan do on Christmas Eve. Last year we tried duck. This year it’ll be turkey. And for dessert this time we try something really good, we-“
“Aiden,” Talon interrupted him. “Please stop talking about Christmas dinner or I get jealous. My Christmas dinner last year was reheated vegetable pasta from the day before.”
Talon had to laugh at the disgust on Aiden’s face.
“You poor thing! Did you even celebrate? No wonder you hate Christmas!”
“I don’t hate Christmas.”
Dislike would describe it better. Or used to. That was definitely in the past.
“And no, we don’t really do that anymore since… you know.”
Aiden became more serious again. “I understand. But it’s so sad. You’ll stay here over Christmas right? Surely you would’ve told me if you’d leave like tomorrow or something, wouldn’t you?”
“I’m not leaving. I’m expected back at work on January Second, no one will care what I do till then. My mother and sister are on vacation during Christmas this year anyway and my father, he… will be working.”
“Well, then it’s good that you are here. This way you can spend Christmas Eve with us!”
Talon almost choked on his food. “I… really? You want me to… spend Christmas Eve with your family?”
Talon tried his best not to tear up, really, he did. It was stupid.
He shouldn’t be as touched about this invitation as he was. But it made him happy. And it made him sad, too.
“Of course.” Aiden grabbed his hand from across the table. “I’m not letting you celebrate Christmas all alone, or even worse, not at all. I want to have you here. With me. And I’m sure my family won’t mind either, they like you.”
“Thank you,” Talon sniffed. “If you’ll have me, I’ll gladly come.”
He smiled at Aiden, squeezing his hand, holding on to it even as he continued to eat.
“Especially when the food is this good.”
They laughed and Talon felt content.
At least for a little while.
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thesaintofpatience · 3 months ago
🔥- Name a crackship, now convince me why it would work!
In all honesty the problem (?) with TLT and this question is that it's so easy to find justifications for nearly all ships. As Archimedes never said, 'give me a situation big enough and I'll make those blorbos kiss'
I mean, whatever it is, it can't be one of the Lyctors - God's duplicitous sluts will get it on with anyone, in any permutation, given enough time and 10,000 years of emotional fuckery to draw from. There's some absolutely killer fics out there pairing various lyctors with Palamedes, and they all slap.
So, leaving out the Lyctors (much as I adore them) gives us this rather darling random selector as below, non-exhaustive but I think I hit the main beats:
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Putting in a break here because this gets long:
Spin 1 gave me Ianthe and Alecto which would seem to be ill-fated given that (1) Alecto's out to kill God, which Ianthe doesn't want (yet) and (2) Their first meeting was a literal slap in the face to Ianthe, which may not be a deal-breaker but certainly wouldn't help
But if we wind canon back a tad and give ourselves a world in which John didn't imprison Alecto on the Ninth, the Mithraeum set-up looks a little different. Here's Ianthe confronted with the same power dynamics we see in HtN, albeit with the addiiton of one extra who:
Is God's undisputed favourite
Scares the shit out of the other Lyctors (what a power play!)
Exists as a very literal manifestation of Resurrection magic, Ianthe's chosen topic of interest.
Ianthe can't lie to Alecto - nobody can - and she's not going to win her over with kindness and good graces, but she's not above using vulnerability to her own ends and Alecto (six foot, blonde, quite possibly bears more than a passing resemblance to Coronabeth) might find herself confronted with somebody who very honestly and earnestly wants to spend time with her and get to know more about her, even if she isn't necessarily being honest about why that is. Meanwhile, Alecto - who has spent the last 10,000 years on a spaceship with only John and the other Lyctors for company - is lonely. And here's somebody new, and bizarre, and potentially interesting. At the very least they might chat. Alecto 'this is how meat loves meat' the First might find herself quite comforted by someone who's all too willing to lean into brutality and take everything at face value if that's what's required of her.
(Where's Harrow in this AU? Good question - not only does Gideon not exist in an AU where Dios Apate never occurred, it's quite possible that neither does the Ninth House; we know it was never supposed to, and whatever it is, it doesn't have the theological weight of the Tomb behind it, which diminishes its already-shaky claim to status. Either Harrow doesn't exist at all, or she does, but she wasn't invited as a scion to Canaan House with the rest)
I'm just saying, I could see it.
Anyway, just to labour the point further:
Spin 2 gave me Palamedes and Wake which I grant you is significantly more tricky but let me give it the old college try:
Okay, so first we have to concoct a situation in which Palamedes and Wake would ever get to meet, which is somewhat hampered by the fact that she died when he was two years old. But we don't let a little thing like death stop us in the necromancy books, do we? There are options with regard to revenants (e.g Palamedes Ascends to Lyctorhood and meets Wake-in-Cytherea - what a confusing interaction that would be for the poor fellow) but I'll constrain myself to actual living Wake for the thought exercise.
Option 1: Taking the above AU for sheer convenience, if the Tomb is never sealed and Dios Apate never occurs, Wake doesn't die on the Ninth. She's alive (wahey!) and therefore free to meet the Master Warden at a later date.
Option 2: Wake does crash on the Ninth but survives and makes good her escape, living to fight another day
Option 3: Wake does crash on the Ninth, survives and is taken prisoner, kept on Ninth for a brief period before being presumably picked up and taken away by the Cohort (from where she can escape, be murdered by them, hostage exchange, indoctrination, all manner of options)
In either options 1 or 2 we have the option of introducing Wake at Canaan House as one of the BOE operatives working with Cytherea intending to pick over the rubble of the various dead Lyctors, only slightly inconvenienced by the fact that (1) Wake wants Palamedes dead and (2) even if she didn't, he rather unhelpfully kills himself
So instead, let's do a necro-cav roleswap because frankly I love them and examine cavalier Palamedes Sextus. Still immensely smart, still writing letters to Dulcinea, still inseparable from Camilla Hect. Could Camilla Hect be the Master Warden? Arguably. Could Palamedes Sextus be a cavalier primary? Alas, I doubt it - I can imagine a world in which he doesn't have necromantic aptitude, but not one in which he has physical coordination. In this AU he probably ends up on Sixth forever (in data) except that he's still writing to Dulcinea, concertedly studying non-medical necromancy and writing increasingly impassioned papers about how 'necromancy for everything makes one lazy' and shouldn't we all be thinking a little less about animaphilia and a little more about basic curative practices (and can we please stop stabbing ourselves with implements that haven't been appropriately sterilised, how we haven't all died of sepsis by now is God's own mystery) -
And he starts to make a name for himself, and draw a reputation, because if Palamedes Sextus is anything it's chronically unable to shut up. Which is to say, you've been headhunted and it's off to the Cohort with you, chum. Non-necromantic medics are a rarity, but very useful for thanergetically-depleted environments where it's inconvenient to start killing off the population just to heal your cav's broken ribs. Now we have a Cohort Palamedes (under significant duress), separated from Camilla (heartbreaking, sorry) and Dulcinea (likewise) operating in the field primarily in environments which are inhospitable to necromancers - thalergenic planets, the outskirts of Empire - and therefore able to potentially run into BOE. Now we're talking!
From here, options. Hostage situation? Palamedes gets captured by BOE and talked around to the evils of empire as we see in As Yet Unsent. More likely, operating as a Cohort medic out on the fringes and in the thick of the action, I think we might start to see Palamedes doing this of his own volition - and in a situation in which he finds himself with a room full of people who need healing, he's not going to give much of a fuck who is Cohort and who is BOE, he's far more concerned with who is dead and who is instead merely dying and therefore somebody he can help.
Anyway, one engineers a meeting between Palamedes (cocky, jaded, I think significantly spikier from a) not being a necromancer b) separated from his loved ones c) generally fucked off by the crushing reality of imperialism and war) and Wake (landmine person, takes no shit). Necromancer Palamedes and Wake are a non-starter, but as a cavalier - and a medic, no less - he's a useful tool for her. They'd fight like cats in a bag but I think he'd be impressed by her, and she might be amused by him. He bickers and argues and generally makes himself a nuisance. She's a firebrand leader with an absolute singleminded focus. I can definitely see charged moments over wounds and bandages, that's all I'm saying.
Look, am I saying that I'm going to start shipping Ianthe/Alecto or Wake/Palamedes anytime soon - probably not. But !! Every time I see a 'crackship' or something totally new where someone's figured out a way to get different bozos into the same get-along t-shirt, an angel gets its wings. Absolutely no offence to all the people out there writing modern (frequently college) AU griddlehark but nothing thrills me more than seeing a ship tag and having to do a double take because ??? who put them in the same room?
I don't know if that answered your question at all actually but thank you for asking it ilu aust <3
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