#but i do miss it and i am def very rusty
campbyler · 10 months
to everyone sending us asks saying that they are now learning delicate/cruel summer/etc on the guitar just know that you guys are so real and if my guitar weren’t currently at my parents’ house i would be the most annoying person on the face of the earth rn
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hismercytomyjustice · 4 months
Omfg it took me 84 years to do it, but I’m finally caught up with work stuff again! \o/
Does this mean my work induced burnout is over? GOD I HOPE SO.
Shit has been hanging over me like the sword of Damocles for weeks now.
Doesn’t help many of my internal and external customers are needy af (*narrows eyes at one external customer in particular*), but hopefully now that we’re moving into June this means our whole team can actually breathe again.
I love the holiday season as much as the next person, but I do not love all the work at the end of the year getting shoved to the beginning of the new one. It makes February thru May/June a NIGHTMARE.
Nightmare as in most of my coworkers are having public mental breakdowns instead of our usual private ones! Yay!
Fffff maybe I’ll actually have the bandwidth and brainpower to start taking Korean classes again. I haven’t been able to since the end of last year. T_T I miss them and I know for a fact I’m getting rusty.
Of course I gotta see if I can balance Korean and piano lessons without my brain going into a nuclear meltdown…
I always want my personal bandwidth to be at 200% but in reality it’s probably 65% at best. Is it the ADHD? Is it the OCD? Or is it a secret third option?! Maybe now I’m not in mental survival mode, I can explore all that with my therapist in our upcoming sessions instead of spending them all trying to figure out how to actually function due to extreme work burnout! Yay!
Ngl I’m also kind of hoping if my doctor can figure out wtf is going on with my liver, it might magically give me more energy and solve a lot of other issues. Got the ultrasound yesterday for it and am waiting for the results now. I’m very curious to learn what’s going on, especially since this kind of thing can have to do with connective tissue disorders.
My mom was told when she got her bloodwork done for her RA that it looked like she might have a connective tissue disorder too, though I don’t think that was ever further explored. I’m hypermobile and have wondered about EDS, but have never gotten officially tested for it. Thankfully my hypermobility isn’t excruciating or anything. I just tend to hyperextension that I don’t notice until I move and realize I fucked up lol.
Of course it could also just be regular ol’ inflammation that can be fixed with diet changes and exercise. Just gotta wait and see.
It’s possible the liver thing could be contributing to my never-ending fatigue. It’s also possible my super fun OCD spirals add to it too. lol my old therapist told me my spirals were “exhausting to hear about.” She didn’t mean it in a bad way! Just that she could only imagine how they were to actually experience as a result.
It’s wild seeing an OCD specialist now. My old therapist was fantastic but she didn’t specialize in OCD. New therapist (new-ish) is just able to map this shit out for me and it’s wonderful. OCD often masquerades as intense anxiety and some anxiety management tips and tricks do help it, but damn if seeing a specialist isn’t like night and day. My old therapist taught me some defusion techniques, but now I’m doing a mix of exposure therapy but mostly Inference-Based CBT which are both tailored specifically to OCD and it’s been so helpful. My brain is definitely broken but it feels a hell of a lot less broken now and a lot less scary.
My therapist also let me know there’s specific therapy that addresses OCD and autism together, so that’s something we’re gonna explore too. I don’t have an official diagnosis for autism but my therapist is pretty confident about it. She doesn’t specialize in it but she’s been helping me navigate the possibility. ADHD, OCD, and autism have massive overlap which makes it really fucking hard to separate the three. OCD and autism are really frequently misdiagnosed for one another too because of it. I def have the ADHD and OCD tho, diagnoses courtesy of specialists in both fields.
God I have been so fucking blessed to have amazing doctors and therapists who actually listen to me and take my concerns seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT ones too, but those were years ago when I wasn’t as good at advocating for myself. I know there’s a healthy dose of privilege thrown in there too on my end, but god I feel so fucking lucky.
Maybe it’s too much caffeine or finally being caught up on work but I don’t feel completely fucking exhausted for the first time in like a month or two. I’m not gonna go start running laps or anything, but it’s so nice to feel like my brain isn’t mashed potatoes at the end of the day for once. Yaaaay!
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Don’t Breathe | 4.5
»Genre: hitman!au || stalker!au ||
»Warnings: kidnapping, stalking, obsession, themes of potential Stockholm syndrome, mono-phobia, mature elements, manhandling, breakdowns, yandere (? i think ), he thinks it’s cute when she cries, eventually they fall in love, Disclaimer: I do not condone nor suggest stalking/kidnapping or anything of that nature, this is pure fiction ok, kidnappers and stalkers DON’T love you.
»Summary: He doesn’t get shaky hands, he never forgets his gloves and he never leaves a trail. He was paid to get rid of everyone who witnessed the exchange between a gang lord and a politician, they were picked off, one by one. He found out a month later, he missed one. A young writer who attended the event where the exchange took place. He has to kill her. Can he do it?
✤ pt.1 - pt.2 - pt.2.5 - pt.3 - pt. 3.5 - pt. 4.0 - pt. 4.5 - pt. 5.0 - pt. 5.5 - pt.6.0
a/n: hello!~ thank you for reading and i hope u enjoy!! will most def edit later💖
taglist: @tangledsparkles @just-another-fangurl21 @impartoftoomanyfandoms​ @komorebi-unnie​ @tangledsparkles​ @yes-sol-not-soul (sorry :( tumblr won’t let me tag you) @sarzkh31 
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The sun is setting like a dream, you can’t say you’ve ever seen it shine so beautiful. The sky looks like a peach painting that shyly fades into a heavenly deep-blue. It’s a perfect evening, the air smells of the flowers growing on the porch and it delights your senses. He’s chasing you barefooted across the grassy yard, like two children playing tag at the peak of spring. Out of breath, he finally catches you and you fall back into the checkered blanket, too tired to run off again. 
After seeing you enjoy the balcony so much, he introduced you to his lavish backyard. Aside from the large stone patio and pool attached to it, the yard expands at least an acre and it’s well-groomed. Early in the evening, you moved to spend some time on the patio, a pencil, and paper in hand. Taehyung had some work to do so you had a few hours to yourself, you used that time to think and write. After a few hours, you could no longer resist the urge to take a dip in the crystal clear oasis.
With a t-shirt and underwear, you eased into the cool water and breathed a sigh of relief. For what could have been an hour or two, you weren’t counting, you swam on your back, staring up at the clear sky, wondering if you’ll ever feel peace like this again. When your eyes shut, your thoughts seem to align, and for the first time since you’ve been here, you felt like you were where you were supposed to be. As much as you cherish your life alone, your independence, and innate desire to prove that you can make it on your own—it seems Taehyung is worth giving that up. 
That would have sounded crazy weeks ago, but it’s how you feel. That night that you confessed that you wanted to be with him, you meant it. You don’t know when it happened, maybe when you kissed him and he picked you up when you woke up to him fast asleep with a pillow in his arms. Or maybe it was when he suggested you help him bake since he knew you wrote so much about food in your articles, you’re not sure. But somehow, sometime after learning his name, you think you fell in love.
When you were with Jin, you had similar feelings to this. You knew you were in love when you had the urge to smile even when you were hurting just to make him smile. That feeling of unexplained self-sacrifice, something as small as a smile, you’d force it out if you knew it would help him. With Taehyung, it seems like he will do anything to make you smile sometimes, even when you know he’s keeping stressful things from you. Is that love? You think so.
You sigh, still feeling a bit wet from your swim a while ago but you’ve dried mostly. He fussed at you for not showering straight away but you said the sun would dry you well enough until your shower tonight. It’s dusk now, and your out in the grass, laying happily on the blanket with him. A few minutes ago you found out that he had pretty lights adorning the patio. He said he’s had them for a while but hadn’t turned them on until today. It casts a warm light out into the grass, you tell him he should turn it on more often.
”You should shower before you catch a cold,” He stresses for the second time. You find his worry endearing but negotiate five more minutes, and he caves. It’s been a while since you’ve been outside like this. He knows this, that’s why he’s laying shoulder to shoulder with you as you gaze up at the night sky. “Sorry I had so much work I had to do today, hope you weren’t too bored out here,”
”It’s fine, I was writing anyway...”
”You were writing?” He turns on his side, curiosity piqued. You nod, hands searching for the pencil and pad you had on the blanket.
”Mhm, I used to write poetry when I was in high school. I wasn’t very good and some of it is kind of cringe now that I look back at it, but I enjoyed it. I haven’t written in so long, I thought I’d give it a shot,” You grab the notepad and look up at it, eyes skimming over the gray hue from all the erasing. You catch him trying to peek over and you hold it to your test.  
“Don’t look, it’s not good,”
He pouts, hand moving to intertwine with yours with puppy-dog eyes.
“Come on, you’ve never shared your personal writings with me before,” He pouts, leaning closer to you in hopes that you might succumb to the allure of his gaze. “Pleeease?”
”Fine,” You sigh, “but you have to read it yourself,” You lift the notepad in surrender, handing it to him.
He sits up and the feeling of anxiousness comes to a halt when you realize one important fact; it’s Taehyung. Not a supervisor critiquing your rough draft or a teacher judging your ability to recite your understanding of the class’s latest assignment. It’s him.
I’ve been given a universe, all for me. My very own stars in your eyes, I can stare at you forever. The remnants of your every gaze births a galaxy and I draw up the constellations by the reminisce of the pattern of your touch on my skin. I, too, have given my universe to you. Though I’m innocent to the stars in my eyes, the constellations I paint on your skin, all for you. No event is there more beautiful than the moment our eyes meet, our nebulae collide. A merging occurs, giving life to new stars that are our own, creating a galaxy that holds a shape that can only be defined by fate. In that sweet moment, we create an intertwined constellation, a design filled with millions of our old and new stars, shining brighter than ever,
“In your universe, my universe...” He reads the last lines softly. Setting the pad down with an expression that you can’t quite read, he just looks at you and you start to feel nervous.
“I just,” You bite at your lip and look up at the night sky that’s beginning to show the stars, “I had this idea about space, it’s a little different but it took me hours to come up with...I’m rusty.” 
He props himself up and leans over you, gazes searching for yours with a tender close-lipped smile. He holds his hand to his heart, “That was so beautiful.”
You cringe, pushing his chest so he can roll back on his back. “Oh stop, now I wish I wouldn’t have shown you,” It’s hard to tell if he’s praising you or teasing, it seems like it’s one in the same sometimes.
“I’m being serious, I can feel the emotions you’re conveying in your words, I really get it…” He looks a bit surprised that you’d think he was teasing you about this, he leans back over you.
“You mean it?” You look into his eyes, wondering how anyone could be capable of making you feel so special like you’re the only person in the world. Without a word, he presses a firm kiss to your lips and you sigh, he means it.
He gets you to go inside and shower before it’s too dark outside, you both shower and the warmth calms you. Dressed in a matching pair of gray and green pajamas that he recently purchased, long-sleeves but breathable. For the first time, you two lay in bed and watch movies together. You had debated over watching either Whisper of The Heart or My Neighbor Totoro, you settled on My Neighbor Totoro.
You’re comfortably propped on your pillow and curled slightly on your side. Taehyung is laying on his side as well, one leg was thrown over you and one hand holding yours. He’s like a big teddy bear, soft and comforting in every way. He’s so warm, his fingers are so long and he engulfs your hand, his leg is pinning you down but you find it comforting.
He’s laying on the pillow beside yours, eyes lingering more on you than the movie, but he glances at it every so often. Ever since that moment on the blanket in the yard with you, your poem had been on his mind in the best way. The thought of you writing that with him in mind, it makes his heart flutter. 
“Baby, I can’t stop thinking about your poem,” He grabs your attention from the enthralling scene on the TV, “I know you think I’m messing with you but I’m not, it’s touching,” He admits with a little laugh, “what is it about?” 
“It was my expression of platonic love and physical love, the love I’ve experienced in my life, what I think is love, our love...” You shyly say that last part, gripping his hand a little tighter. 
He hums, thumb rubbing your knuckles gently. ”Our love? I knew it,” He smiles, a sweet smile on his face as he scoots closer to you if that was possible. “I had my suspicions that it was about us,” He cups your jaw, leaning over you.
“The part where it says, when our nebulae collide, giving life to new stars, creating a constellation that can only be defined by fate,” His mouth gapes a bit, tongue moving absentmindedly, the usual look when he’s thinking.
“That part, that part is my favorite I think,” He gently kisses your forehead and you let out a little laugh that makes him smile in adoration, “it sounds like us,”
“It’s about us, but it’s about you more than anything,” You mumble, moving your hand up to tussle his hair softly, “you’re a bit more poetic than I am, I think.”
The movie is nice white noise to his low breathing, the sound of his mouth meeting your skin. His lips graze under your ear and his hand goes to the underside of your other ear, messing with your senses. He abruptly moves, causing your hand to fall from his hair as he moves to make space for his thigh between your thighs. 
“When we lay together like this,” He smirks to himself, leaning his face just centimeters over yours, “enjoying each other's company and smiling, I feel so lucky,” He kisses down your jaw to your neck, praising you—you blush.
You’ve come to love this.
The barriers you once had have crumbled down a long time ago. Taehyung has shown you what love is, what it feels like. He keeps you safe, he wants to protect you at all costs and that means keeping you here.
“Wait,” You whine, the butterflies in your stomach were swarming happily, you push him away.  “l- let me see your face,” Taking the hand that was once in his, you lift his face to meet yours. “I love your face, you have the best face.” 
“Oh, you think so?” He let’s a little abashed laugh, “Thank you.” With a tender smile, he gives you a nice long look, nothing but adoration in those big round eyes. 
“It’s true,” You grin, still in awe that he doesn’t understand his own beauty. It’s sweet looking at you, seeing your dreamy eyes, those pouty lips, makes him want to eat you. But he settles for breaking the eye-contact and kissing you. Mouth wide open, giving way to his oral fixation. You’ve had very few relationships, but from what you can compare him to, Taehyung knocks the competition out of the water in terms of affection. How he manages to cloud your senses till you’re raw with love amazes you. The rush from it is something you’ve never experienced before.
You’re pushed and pulled, but there’s no hostile battle, no attempt to coax the other into a preferred position, everything sets naturally, as it should. It’s how it’s meant to be, everything fits just right, and he aches to stay this way. He pulls away from the kiss, leaving you breathless and a bit confused. You lean up to try to get him back, but he moves his head away, cooing when you let out a disappointed mewl. “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?...”
“Oh no, sweetheart, you could never,” He thumbs at your cheek, “I just want to talk for a second.” 
“Oh,” You purse your lips in thought, “okay, about what?”
“I’ve never had a reason to be anything for anyone before, until you, isn’t that crazy? I’ve never been this close to anyone like I am to you. I look at you and it makes me realize how lucky I am. I get to see your beautiful face,” He pecks your cheek, causing our face to flush, “how your beautiful mind works,” He pushes your hair back, staring at you sparkling eyes, “your body that just fits me so well, like a glove,” He drags a hand down your clothed abdomen and to your hip, resting his hand there with a gentle press with his  fingers, “you’re perfect...”
“I’m not perfect,” You swallow, turning your head, which apparently meant to him that you wanted some more attention because he kisses at your skin again, “Tae,” You gasp, tears pricking at your eyes for a quarter of a second, you’re just excited, “don’t paint me out to have no flaws, the last person who did that was terribly disappointed,”
“You mean Jin,” He scoffs when you nod. This is not the ideal time to talk about your Ex, but leave it to you two to turn every conversation in a weird direction, “That doesn’t seem like reason enough to leave anyone,” His brows furrow deeply, obviously offended.
“It was a mutual disappointment, we wanted too much from each other. I wasn’t willing to give anymore, and he just didn’t see the point anymore, it was for the best but I don’t think it was easy for either of us.”
“Well,” He breathes against you, “I don’t know the guy but I know you, and that tells me one thing, it was his loss,” You squint, breath stalling when he leaves a particularly lazy kiss to your lips before pulling away with a smack, “he had to be out of his mind to want to leave you, to leave this...”
“Or to stay,” You clear your throat, “it could have gone both ways,”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about me, I don’t want to leave you, I want you with me always,” He lets himself drop on his side behind you, hand on your side, voice just a whisper, “I gotta have you, I love you that much, I need you that much...”
“Tae,” You try to sit up but he moves to get behind you, spooning you like a pillow to his chest while taking your hand. You look back so you can see his face and he moves over you so you don’t have to stretch too much, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something...”
“What is it?” He nuzzles his face against yours almost like a cat would, he’s a complete softy, ugh, it’s so cute. “Ask me anything,”
“What’s the one thing you want out of life?... I mean, if you didn’t have your job or you had the chance to make one wish come true, what would it be, what do you really want?”
Grinning ear-to-ear, he boops your nose with his finger, “You.”
“I’m flattered, but besides me,” You gaze down at his hand, “I’m being serious, there has to be something out there that you want...”
“There is,” His eyes drift to your twiddling fingers, “Years ago I built up the courage to look for my birth mother, found out she lives in a different country, she’s married and has two little boys...My half brothers. I used to think about what it would be like to meet them, how they’d like me,” The thought of Taehyung having a relationship with them warms your heart, “it’s a scary thought, but I want to see them one day.”
“Aw, you have little brothers...That’s really sweet, I hope that happens for you one day, I really do...Is there anything else?”
“I’ve always wanted a family, it’s something I used to dream about a lot, but now I have you,” He props his head upon his hand, his other hand still in yours, “we’re like a tiny family, the two of us.”
“Yeah, we are, it’s nice,” When you and Taehyung have pillow-talks like this, he becomes so pure and honest, it makes your heart melt. Just thinking of what he’s gone through in his life, and who he’s become over the time you’ve been together, it might sound cliche but he’s a miracle.
“There’s another thing,” He rubs his thumb against your hand, “I want a baby one day in the future, maybe after I’m married, or just whenever the time is right.”
“Really? I could see that, I know you really love kids and babies.” 
“I’d love a kid of my own, maybe a few,” He can’t contain his little grin at the thought, “that would be so nice...” 
To be a dad. That’s definitely a wish Taehyung would have, and you hope with all your heart that he gets that one day. You just lean further back into his chest, breathing in tandem with him. 
“Love you,” You mutter, squeezing his hand tighter, praying that the walls that once kept you apart would never return. You’ve realized that there are some connections so strong, so meant to be, that no matter the circumstance, those two individuals will meet. 
A merging occurs, giving life to new stars that are our own, creating a galaxy that holds a shape that can only be defined by fate. In that sweet moment, we create an intertwined constellation, a design filled with millions of our old and new stars, shining brighter than ever, in our universe.
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“How’s the investigation going? Jin told me you reached out the other day,”
The busy lawyer sets his freshly ordered coffee in his cup holder as he drives off to his highly-decorated firm.
“I did, the case is more complicated than I initially thought,” Yoongi poured the subpar coffee in the Styrofoam cup, it’s 6am and he’s trying not to be grumpy, “if I’m right about my suspicions, it’s a fucked-up situation.”
“What’re you thinking?”
Yoongi looks around, seeing that the only person around was the woman at the desk. “The girl, along with the other individuals at that conference, was targeted. I got the names of the parties at the conference, they’re politicians of course but the details of the meeting were never released. I have a theory,” 
He lowers his voice, looking around one more time before sipping his coffee, “I think someone at that conference had the other journalist killed. I went over each autopsy file and those people died from unusual things, but not unusual enough to suspect at first glance. Most of them died from too much of a medication that they were already taking, things like that. But this girl was abducted and I don’t know why,” 
Jungkook makes a thoughtful noise. “What’s different about her that not like the others?”
“She went missing a little over a month after the others were found dead. It looks like a mistake to me,” He paces, “I don’t know if I’m being too outlandish, but I have a feeling she’s alive, we just need to find her,” 
Jungkook responds with how he feels about it but Yoongi has to cut him short when Eunwoo walks into the station. 
“You’re here early, Min,” Eunwoo smiles, beckoning Yoongi to follow him to his office, “I have some good news and some bad news, which do you want first?” Eunwoo leads Yoongi into his office and sets his briefcase down so he can pull what he needs out.
“Surprise me.”
“No luck on finding any leads for you on the Hwan group,” He takes a seat, opening one of the Manila folders, “they’ve been under the radar for years, I hope you can find something on them.
“And the good news?”
“It took a lot to pin him, but we’re bringing in Senator Leu for questioning.”
“Good, I think they know something that they’ve been trying to keep under the rug.”
“Yeah, I agree.”
Yoongi gets up, hand tight on the flimsy cup, “If you could give me a call before the questioning so I can come by, I’d appreciate it. I’m going to do a little digging into this Hwan Group, see if I can get some info that’ll help,”
Yoongi leaves the building with a to-do list but little does he know, detective Na Jaemin, knocking on on Eunwoo’s door.
“Come in,”
“Hi,” Jaemin slips into the room, an unusual grin on his face, “how are you?”
“Um,” Eunwoo looks around, confused as to why he’s approaching him like this but he shrugs, “good, is everything okay, detective?”
“Everything's fine,” Lies, “I just had a question about that PI, Min Yoongi,”
“Shoot,” Eunwoo awaits his question.
“Why is he so adamant about keeping this case open? I mean, I’m a detective on the case and I think we should start searching for the body,” His tone sounds innocent but he’s trying to sneakily plant this idea in Eunwoo’s mind, “we could be wasting precious time, the family deserves closure and we’re just dragging it on.”
“Detective Na,” Eunwoo stops looking through the folder, “given the other related cases, we have reason to believe she might be alive. Not every abductee is killed, even if that tends to be the case.”
Jeamin swallows, trying to think of how to save himself, “I know, I’m not saying that we should be pessimistic but realistic, rather.”
“I get what you’re saying, but on what prescient you’re saying it, I don’t know. I, and many of the others in this case, have reviewed the evidence and compared it to the other cases, it doesn’t add up. After the questioning today, we’ll talk, until then, your efforts need to go towards finding her alive and well,” Eunwoo walks past Jaemin and the detective gets the memo to get out of the office.
“Absolutely, sir,” With a feigned grin, he watches Cha Eunwoo go off to do his job while he fights the urge to scream.
It’s way too close now. They’re so intent on finding you. The Hwan Group has never been found out, it hasn’t happened in the history of the group's existence. Minho’s not gonna like this.
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⇢ 1 year ago ⇠
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“Girl, your deadline is in three days, why don’t you head home? You have time to finish it tomorrow.”
Suzy looks over your shoulder, eyeing your computer and the thousand words you were trying to edit. You’ve been at the desk since 8 this morning, it’s almost 6 o’clock at night and it’s kicking your butt. The flow isn’t coming to you anymore, your mind is too  “This is terrible, I suck at this crime stuff...” You face plant on your desk, “Like, this is sad.”
“Boss thinks you’ll do a great job,” She leans against your desk, her keys jingling in her hands, “plus, Angela is on maternity leave, you were the easiest replacement.”
“I just, I’m not in a good mindset right now,” You shut your laptop, eyes lowering to our desk, “I’m having problems with my love life, it’s, uh, – not doing so well. I’m sorry, I think I just need to sleep it off,” You take your laptop and tuck it in your tote bag, eager to get away so you don’t cry in front of her, “or drink it off, whichever I get to first.”
“Y/n,” She places a hand on your shoulder, “do you want to talk about it?” That’s the one thing about Suzy, she’s more than a nice supervisor, she’s a friend. But you can’t imagine putting your relationship issues on her, she’s got a fiance to go home to, you don’t want to send your problem with her.
“No, no, I’m okay, you- You know how it is,” You feign a smile, hoping she’ll be convinced enough to let it go, “it’s just your usual boyfriend-girlfriend stuff,”
“Okay,” You mentally sigh in relief because she looks convinced, “well I’m here if you ever need to talk, see you tomorrow!”
The drive home was good, it helped clear your mind, it’s what you needed. When you walked into your empty apartment, you resented its vacancy. What you told Suzy was a half-truth, it’s more than boyfriend-girlfriend stuff, you’re dealing with the sudden absence of a boyfriend. For lack of a better term, you got dumped. But you saw it coming, you two weren’t seeing eye-to-eye, it would have been a disservice to you both if you kept dragging it on. Yesterday, you and Jin met at your favorite Italian restaurant and he said what he had to say.
“We can’t keep doing this,”
“I know.”
You remember moving your fork through your salad, trying not to look him in the eye.
“I still care about you, okay? We should still be friends,” He was letting you down easy, it needed to happen like this.
“Of- of course, I agree...” You looked up at him, forcing a small smile. That’s how that went. The waiter had pity on you and kept coming back to refill your salad when Jin left, he had an early shift at the clinic the next morning.
The pasta didn’t taste the same anymore and your salad became very sad to your taste-buds.
Now it’s just you and your trustworthy friends, Mr. Couch and Mrs. TV. An old movie flickers on the screen and you can’t follow it, maybe that’s just the wine talking.
* *
He told himself he wouldn’t do it, he swore he’d never do it. But he found himself on the internet searching her name, his mother's name. And after hours of looking, he found her. From what he could tell, she was still living, but her last name had changed. Not only that, but she had two little boys with her in a picture on one of her social media. She doesn’t live in the country anymore, she’s off in some foreign country, living a life quite contrary to the one she was living when she had him. To see her smile, to see her living a life without him, completely unaware of the man he is now – it hurts.
He shuts the laptop and stares at the TV in front of him, watching the old movie with blank eyes. On nights like this, he realizes how lonely he is. He lays on the couch, feeling as if he was cheated of an alternative life. He could have been the smiling boy in that photo, he would’ve been a good son, right? She could have smiled the same way if it were him next to her, with his half little brother.
At times like this, he finds himself wondering what his name would sound like on her tongue, she did name him after all. But his name is the only thing she left him with. Kim Taehyung.
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This is bad, this is all bad. 
The PI made contact with one of their middlemen last night. It’s likely that the payment and agreement form was leaked. Minho was pissed, if he ever finds the guy he’ll kill him. As far as the case goes, the feds aren’t backing away from the case either, not at all. 
During his morning jog around the stately mansions neighboring his own, the thoughts that come to his mind are more than unpleasant. He’s never doubted Taehyung before, but he’s getting pushed into a corner here. The thought that Taehyung might not have gotten rid of you plagues his thoughts. However, Taehyung is the best, he’s never screwed up a job before. However, the only way he can get the truth is if he calls Taehyung. He has to tell him to release the whereabouts of the body so they can cover it up.
Taehyung glances at his phone from the shower, it’s Minho. His heart drops into the pit of his stomach. For a moment, he thinks about ignoring it, but that would only delay the inevitable. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stumbles out of the shower to grab the phone.
“Hello?” Taehyung answers calmly.
“Kim,” Minho chirps, “how are you?”
“I’m fine,” Taehyung furrows his brows in suspicion, “you?”
“To be honest with you,” He breathes and out, “not good. I don’t know if you know, but that case is blowing up. The damn PI is on to us and he’s egging the guy over the case on. The contract was leaked. They’re bringing people into questioning- This doesn’t look good for either of us,”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“It was your job, Taehyung – it has everything do with you.” 
“But what do you want me to do? I can’t stop the investigation, I did the job, what happens after I get my pay is no longer in my hands.” 
“Do you not remember what you did? She was the only target you took, you didn’t leave the body to make it look like an overdose or a typical homicide, you kidnapped her. I don’t care what you’ve done with her, that’s your business, but reveal the body, then we’ll arrange a cover-up and this will all be over,” 
“I can’t do that.” He replies simply.
“Why not?”
“I just can’t.”
“Give it up, Kim! Is she at the bottom of a lake? Did you burn her to ashes? Bury her? Look, I’ve been patient, but if I don’t get the location of the body, your job is on the line, and the reputation of the organization,” 
Taehyung doesn’t say a word. 
“Is she dead, Taehyung?”
Continuous silence pangs over the phone. 
“If you wanted to start this whole rogue thing, you could’ve waited until your contract expires next year-”
“That’s not what it is.”
“Then what is it? Is she dead or alive? Answer the question. 
Taehyung looks up at the mirror, for the first time feeling like things are truly crumbling around him. “I did the job.”
“Okay, y ‘know what? Fine. I tried to do this the easy way, but you leave me no choice. Reveal the body in the next 24 hours, or I’m sending a team to make you reveal it. I’m sorry it has to come to this, Taehyung. There are more important things in life than some girl-”
Taehyung hangs up the phone, slamming it on the bathroom counter, nearly cracking the screen. Some girl – just the way you’re being referred to makes him upset, you’re not just some girl. Had you two met in a different life, in a different way, things would be so much easier. But this is how you two met, he took you and somehow, he was shown incredible mercy. You fell into his arms and he into yours, it was just love, simple as that. 
The patio is lined with Taehyung’s art and yours, the most recent ones. Some canvases are messy, art-pieces born of pure-play. Others are more deliberate, like the one you’re painting now. It’s a flower, the jasmine flower in the pot in front of you. It’s been a few hours and even though it doesn’t look that great, you’re trying.
The door creeks but you don’t hear it, you’re too focused and it makes him smile. Only when he wraps his arms around your waist do you acknowledge his presence. He rests his head on your shoulder, “That looks beautiful,” You smile, too caught up in what you’re doing to verbally respond.
"Hey, can we talk for a second?” He gently grabs your wrist to stop your continuous stroking.
“Sure,” You turn around, already anxious. Your eyes waver, hand dropping the paintbrush into the jar.
“We might have to leave for a little while," He steps away, hand massaging the back of his neck.  
“The investigation is getting bigger, the police aren’t messing around anymore, they're looking for you. My boss called me, he wants me to give you up because he suspects that you’re still alive. The man who hired me to have you killed got busted, he’s probably being questioned as we speak. If I don’t reveal you in the next 24 hours, they’re going for come for me...For you.”
That’s the only response that comes to mind.
“So-...So what does that mean for us?”
He takes a seat in one of the couches, elbows propped on his knees, head resting into his hands. He stays like that for at least 30 seconds before lifting his face to see your expression. 
“I’m sorry,” He drags his hands down his face, “I don’t know exactly, I’m just trying to figure it out but this PI, he’s not letting up. And Minho, he’s not going to sacrifice his business covering for me all because I fell in love.” 
You've been living in a pool of ignorant bliss. 
Your family is probably a mess worried about you, especially your mother, your poor mother. You may be in perfect health, but she doesn’t know that. When she watches the news, she hears stories of girls being kidnapped and murdered, unspeakable things done to them. Thank God that’s not your situation, but she doesn’t know that. 
Your job, you miss your job more than you realize. Writing day and night, learning new things, meeting new people, you actually miss it. But you’re torn. Taehyung is one of the best things that’s ever happened to you. If it’s possible, you’ve become so relaxed, so at peace with your life. Stress used to be a daily feeling for you, but you don’t feel it here, with him. He looks at you like an angel, like a celestial being sent to save his soul—you don’t deserve that. Throwing all caution to the wind, he spared your life. He kept you safe and hidden from those who wanted you dead. He may not believe it, but he’s a good person, he’s your angel.
“Taehyung,” You take a seat next to him, placing your hand on his thigh so he’ll look at you, “if I wanted to, would you let me leave?”
No, no, no. His heart sinks, eyes building with tears that he quickly wipes away. 
“If Minho wasn’t looking for you, and it didn’t put your life at risk...” He trails off.
”It would be hard, but if- If that’s what you wanted, I would...I would let you go.” His nose burns red and he quickly loses the ability to keep the tears from rolling.
“Shit, I- I’m sorry, I’m just- I’m not trying to be so emotional...I just, I put you in a bad situation, and I know you miss your old life,” He turns from you, hiding his face so he can wipe the stray tears, “I’m so sorry I took that away...”
You embrace him, bringing his head to rest on your chest, a few tears rolling down your cheeks when he laments into your shirt. Heaving, breathing hitched, it hurts your heart to see him like this, you feel his pain. 
Taehyung struggles with abandonment, loss. He’s shared his past, his childhood, if you can even call it that. The lack of paternal love, isolation and depression, it all shaped him in a way that he can’t shake. It’s apart of him, he didn’t think anyone would ever be able to deal with all of that so he’s pushed it down all this time. But then you came along, and you looked at him with kind eyes, like he wasn’t bad. And he tried to stop it, he tried to ignore it, but he couldn’t anymore, he was in love. He fell so deeply in love so fast, it was scary. He was obsessive at first, he had to be for the job. But even after the job, he kept wanting to know about you, he became enthralled with your existence, it was inevitable, it was fate.
“I want to go home,” He makes grabby hands to your waist as if you’d slip away if he didn’t. “Tae,” He responds with a small sob, “please, look at me.” 
Reluctantly, with a blushed nose and gritted teeth, he looks up at you. The once large man, the man who engulfs you in both size and presence has diminished to someone so small. 
“My home is wherever you are,” You smile, tears already streaming down your cheeks, “when I’m with you, I’m home...I’m where I’m supposed to be.”
“Y/n, you have to understand,” He sniffles, breathing deeply, thumb rubbing a tear from your supple cheek, “If you go with me, I don’t know if we’ll ever come back here, we’ll have to make a new life for ourselves, somewhere far from what we know. I’ve already taken so much from you...Are you sure this is what you want?”
“This is what I want, for us to be together. So it doesn’t matter where I am,” You cup his jaw with teary eyes, “as long as I’m with you.”
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“I’m not talking until I have my attorney.”
The politician sits comfortably in the chair, hands crossed tightly, and posture perfect. After about fifteen minutes, his attorney comes in, pant-suit just as expensive as his suit and aura looking as if she had already gotten her client out of this.
“Lana Garza,” She shakes Eunwoo’s hand and takes a seat, “let’s get this over with, shall we?”
“Alright,” Eunwoo sits at the table alongside another detective, “the conference you held a few months ago, what were you there talking about?”
“Urban housing development, social and civil issues in the community.” 
“And are you aware of the 5 journalists found dead just a week after the conference?”
“I heard it on the news, yes.”
“Mr. Leu,” Eunwoo stands up, walking across the one-way mirror that Min Yoongi and a few other detectives are behind, “has it ever occurred to you that the conference got little to no press coverage, that’s unusual for a man of your status.”
“My client has no control over the amount of media coverage he gets on an event, that’s a question you should ask the owner of the venue.” She interjects, causing Yoongi to furrow his brows at her defense, she’s gonna fight tooth and nail for that man, he can already tell. It doesn’t matter though, they have evidence against him. That’s the man that wanted you dead,
“Detective, if you don’t have any better questions for him, I think we’ll be leaving.”
“Okay, I’ll be a little more straight-forward. Did you have any involvement with the death of these five people and the disappearance of this woman,” He opens a folder and they see the picture.
Leu glances down at the photo. There’s a shift in his eyes.
“The woman, her name is Y/F/N, she’s a writer at The Autumn Times. For about a month, she was working on an article about you. On the day of publication, she went missing and the article was nowhere to be found.”
The lawyer glances at the photo. “Are you implying my client had something to do with the disappearance of this woman?”
“Did he?” He glances at Leu. “Did you?”
“Why on earth would I do something like that? If you think I’d even dream of doing something like that, you’re sadly mistaken.”
Suddenly, Yoongi barges in, walk right up to the man in question. “Cut the bullshit, we know you weren’t happy about the article, you didn’t want it to get out that you’re a damn fraud. For whatever sick reason, you thought having innocent people murdered would somehow keep you clean.” He takes out a thin folder, holding it up to his face. “This is the copy of the contract and payment to The Hwan Group with your signature on it.” 
Leu exchanges look with the attorney.
“Mr. Cha, can you give Mr. Leu and me a moment?”
Yoongi and Eunwoo leave the room, giving her time to probably compile some type of plead deal. 
“We have him right where we want him, couldn’t have done this without you,” Eunwoo stands with crossed arms
“Don’t thank me yet, I’m not sure who did the abduction, they keep those details encrypted. The jobs not done until we find her alive.” Yoongi bites his lip, muttering to himself, 
Please be alive...
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“Tae, Stop! There won’t be any left if you keep eating it al!” 
It’s been a day since Taehyung got that call from Minho, you’re running out of time. But he’s been trying to keep your mind off of it, he made a cake and asked you to decorate it. 
You swat at his hand but he gets the strawberry and cream in his mouth anyway. There’s a large mixing bowl of whipped cream frosting for the strawberry cream cake. 
“Yes Ma’am, I’m sorry,” He laughs, fleeing the kitchen so you don’t get him with the spoon again, “it’s just so good.” You shake your head, trying to count the strawberries for the second time, hoping you have enough.
“Remember the friend I told you about, who couldn’t come that weekend,” He goes back to his computer on the kitchen island just a few feet away from you, “Yeosang,” You nod. 
“Well, he’s back in town and wants to come over.”
You swallow, wondering what that has to do with you, “Okay,” 
“I told him about you, he’s a trusted friend and he’d never do anything to hurt me. I think he could help us, wipe us off the grid and get us to a safe place. I invited him to talk about it today, he should be here soon.”
You give up on counting the strawberries and stare at him. “Why are you just now telling me this?”
“I didn’t want you to have anxiety about meeting him,” His tone softens because he knows you’re upset, “I know this entire situation is stressful.”
“Well, I feel even more stressed now!” You cross your arms, the change in your mood catching him off guard. “Why would you do that!? You know I haven’t been in contact with anyone besides you in months, how can I trust that he’s not gonna turn me in or- I don’t know, anything could happen.”
“Hey, I didn’t know it would bother you this much, I’m sorry,” He walks over to you, reaching for your arms but you make your way to the sink to wash your hands, “I wasn’t trying to upset you, you know that wasn’t my intention at all,” He tries to pull ou in to kiss your forehead but you slip away,
“You should have asked me anyway.” 
“Y/n, this is hard for both of us, I know you’re scared, I am too. But trust me, Yeosang is a good guy-”
“Forget it, invite over whoever you want, it’s your house,” Cutting his sentence short, you walk to the other side of the island, taking off your apron, “I’ll finish this later, go back to whatever you were doing.”
If a trail of fire could follow you on your way upstairs, the stairs would be set ablaze. The 48-hour count down if nearing the 24-hour mark, it’s getting closer and closer, he’s scared for you and himself. You left the cake half-finished so he calmly gathered the ingredients and put them in the fridge for when you might come back for it. When he hears the sound of the tub faucet he realizes you’re going to take a bubble bath, he forgets about seeing you for the next two hours.
He’s learned to let you have your time, you’re owed at least that. Even though you two are together now and you love each other dearly, he’s been feeling guilty. That’s why if you have a little outburst or mood swings from stress, he dismisses it without judgment—you’re just scared. 
Ding dong. Yeosang is finally here. From his lonely spot on the couch, he thinks about asking you to come down for a moment, but he decides against it, you’ll come down when you’re ready. With a small smile, he goes to the front door.
“Hyung!” Yeosang throws his arms around a smiling Taehyung. “Sorry I’m late, lost track of time at my folk's place,” Taehyung closes the door and when Yeosang enters the house further, he sees the bowl of fruit on the center table and helps himself.
“You’re good, I’m just glad you could make it,” Taehyung takes a seat on his previous spot on the couch and his friends sits in the recliner beside his, “you don’t know how much help this is for me.”
He smiles, popping a green grape in his mouth. “Anything for my brother, I always told you if you wanted to leave the group, I could help you, I’m surprised you’re deciding so soon,” He gives him a knowing look, “she must really be something, huh?” 
“Yeah...At first, I wanted to save her because I just- I couldn’t kill her, and over time she started to trust me,” He sighs, thinking of the bond you two have now and how much he treasures it, “we just fell in love.”
“I knew it!” He giggles, crossing one of his legs under him. “I knew you’d be the first to settle down, you’re such a softy,”
“I know,” Tae leans back, “she’s just- She’s everything to me, she means a lot to me.”
You’ve been soaking in the tub for about an hour now, your face is warm and your body is relaxed. The friend he invited is over and you can hear them talking, but you can’t really make out exactly what they’re saying. Some part of you wishes you didn’t react that way with him, you know he’s doing what’s best for you two. After a few minutes, you build up the courage to drain the bathwater and get dressed in a comfy pair of pajamas.
You can do this, go downstairs, he’s doing this for you two. Letting your hair fall on your shoulders, hands tucked in your sleeves to make sweater-paws. Opening the bathroom door, you peek out and you hear a movie on and a low conversation. She’s just a little shy—you hear Taehyung mumble, and you smile at the fact that he’s not trying to force you to come out. With a brave face, you make your way to the staircase and hold the stairwell all the way down.
“There’s a nice little house there, the farm culture is great, you’d like it-” Yeosang pauses right when you reach the last step on the staircase. With anxious eyes, you stand at the end of the stairway, that’s when Taehyung finally looks back to see why he stopped. 
“Hi there, you must be Y/n,” Yeosang beams a friendly smile.
Taehyung stands up, hand extended for you to take. Your silences pangs in the room and Taehyung speaks up, “This is Yeosang, the friend I told you about.”
“Hi...” You walk over and take Taehyung’s hand, feeling more secure now that you’re sitting next to him.
”Taehyung told me everything,” He sits on the edge of the recliner, “this must be scary for you, huh?”
You nod, “A little...” Tae gives your hand a comforting squeeze.
“You guys will be alright, there’s a new life waiting for you beyond the next 24 hours.”
“How can you be so sure?...”
”Don’t worry, it’s his job to get people to other countries, wipe them off the grid and give them different lives. You can trust him because I trust him,” You glance up at Taehyung, finding it hard to form a response, to truly believe what he’s saying. He plants a kiss on your forehead with a sight, “Everything will be okay, I promise.”
Yeosang went home that night and you laid on the couch with Taehyung, trying not to cry. Tonight will probably be the last night you spend on this comfy couch. Tonight will be the beginning of a new life and despite how in love you are, there’s no guarantee that this won’t go sideways. Tonight, the moon is full and bright, you can see it clearly through the patio window. The stars around it are also just as beautiful, and it makes you feel peace. The same moon and the same constellations shine for you, they’re always there, adding life to the deep-blue sky. When you look up and see the still beauty of the night and its moon and stars, you breathe in contentment. As long as the moon glows and the stars kiss the dark of night, it’ll be okay – you’ll be okay. 
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typinggently · 5 years
Okay hi I’m sorry, you don’t really write them anymore, but 4, 5, 10, 12, 15, 17, 23, and 24 feel super Napollya for me, especially with the way you headcanon them??? You don’t have to do any of them, let alone ALL of them, but...just some food for thought I suppose?
Ahhhh Babes!!!!! Thank you!!! Also - Joke’s on you!!! I spent a good half hour today watching Napollya videos and sighing about how much I miss these guys… I have a half-written thought post on the Mob Boys… I miss my boys…. SO! Let’s dO this!!!💕💛
4. winding the other up in public
I honestly think Napoleon would think he’s won that round. He’s sleazy-hot and Illya’s one single block of ice. So he thinks, right, he thinks he’ll be cute and mess with him a little. For fun. Because he’s a bastard man.
So he makes sure to press their thighs together under the the table (they’re probably at a bar with Gaby), puts a hand on Illya’s knee, sucks on the dripping olive of his martini, slipping some tongue in there, unbuttons the first few buttons of his shirt and touching his throat, his chest to direct Illya’s gaze. The whole nine yards.
But what Napoleon forgot is that all Americans are inherently prudish. Illya takes one look at him and says in Russian: “What are you doing, do you want to fuck?”
The bluntness.
Napoleon manags not to flush but it’s a close thing. He decides to play it cool (This is how Napoleon can still win). “What? Me? I think you’re projecting.”
Illya just hums, takes a sip of his drink. “I think you want to fuck right now, because you’re a needy, whiny attention whore.”
“I think you’ve had too much to drink.”
“Hm,” Illya says, all cool and collected. “Spread your thighs, then.”
And see. They’re still in public. Someone could happen to speak Russian. Napoleon should really stop by now. But. Is he going to lose? Hell no. So he huffs, all breezy American, and subtly spreads his thighs under the table. Whatever. 
Instead of taking a glance and cheking that Napoleon’s totally not chubbing up in his trousers, though, Illya simply reaches over, doesn’t even look, and puts his hand on his crotch, squeezing him.
Napoleon’s cock twitches.
Illya hums and leans over to whisper in Napoleon’s ear, in English this time, voice dripping in mischief. “I win.”
When he pulls his hand back, Napoleon misses the warmth immediately. He’s also embarrassingly hard.
5. restraining the other
For that, I’m thinking Napoleon tying Illya up. There’s something to be said about all that power being held down in some way.
And see, Illya’s been traind for this. He can withstand being shackled with heavy-rusty handcuffs and questioned with blood on his teeth. However. 
However, he’s not trained for a situation where his wrists are bound with silk rope and a handsome man is sitting on his lap, pressing sigh-fluttery kisses to his throat, teasing his nipples with his fingertips, grinding against his crotch.
Napoleon takes his time, sucking his way down Illya’s body with soft-hot kisses until he’s reached his cock. Sloppy, messy, self-indulgent blowjob. Kisses to Illya’s shaft, happy little sighs.
He’s having fun, he’s enjoying the way Illya starts shaking at some point, cock red-twitching, dripping precome for him too suck off.
I say it’s at least an hour before there’s any kind of penetrative sex happening. I’m not sure who’s penetrating who, but I know Illya’s a shivering mess by the end of it, tear-glassy eyes, pink-bitten lips.
10. having to be very quiet for fear of being overheard
One would think that they just stumble into one of those “oh no we have to hide in this tiny cupboard” scenarios. but nuh-uh. They stumble upon a bed. Soft like a cloud, silky-fluffy, perfect. Napoleon sets eyes on it and glances at Illya and Illya just. He knows. He knows Napoleon is going to be insufferable until they fuck in that bed.
They’re in the mansion of a mafia don. They’re on a mission. People could come.
No, who cares, Napoleon is looking at him with his adrenaline-fuelled “Fuck Me” eyes. And Illya’s a very strong man. But he’s not that strong.
Napoleon is so fucking happy, black turtleneck pulled up to press his chest against the sheets, back arched, thick thighs parted for leverage while Illya fucks him into that soft dream of a bed. And Illya’s good. He’s strong, he knows how to fuck someone to pieces. That alone has Napoleon mewling happily, but then Illya changes the angle and hits his prostate dead on, and Napoleon’s moans get a good deal louder. Cock-drunk mewling, high-pitched whining while he’s tearing at the sheets, knees slipping so that Illya has to put his hands on his hips to hold him up. Comes in handy, since he can now pull him back on his cock.
But yeah, the sounds are becoming more obvious, so that’s a problem. Illya is aware, but he’s also balls-deep buried in that clenching-hot hole, so he’s not going to pull back now. Instead, he pulls Napoleon up by the shoulder, making him whine as he’s roughly pulled back onto Illya’s cock. This way, Illya can push his fingers into Napoleon’s sloppy-wet mouth and keep fucking him.
Does it silence him? Nah. Would a palm be more effective? Yeah def. But Napoleon’s muffled, wet little moans as he’s slurping on Illya’s fingers - that’s nice.
(They don’t get caught)
12. angry sex
I have to admit, that’s one I’m really unsure about, since for Illya, anger is mostly linked to pain.
But I do think that they get each other all messed up with their bickering. It’s not really anger, but it’s fire-hot passion. We still have the physical aspect, we still have the crashing into walls and doors and tearing at each other’s clothes. The collateral damage of the furniture they smash into.
But it’s that animalistic frenzy, all claws and sharp teeth, laughter and bruises. One would think they’re about to tear each other apart, but oh, don’t worry. They’re just having fun.
Illya has that passion, Napoleon has his strength (and he’s p much up for whatever). Match made in heaven, really.
15. trying to distract the other with sex while they’re “busy”
That’s Napoleon. I could be quirky and make it about Illya but come on. Napoleon’s the type to slither up to Illya while the latter is writing down his mission reports, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and nibbling on his earlobe, kissing his neck, pawing at him.
“We could be fucking right now… I could be sucking your cock… You could be sitting on my face…”
Even better? Him not saying anything. Just being extremely obvious. Wearing his stupid tailored trousers, his tight button downs with the top buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up… prancing around….knowing Illya is watching him… Standing next to Illya’s chair to his crotch is basically eye-level… Bending over in front of him…
“Cowboy, I need to finish this.”
“Hm? I’m not doing anything…”
“Stop shaking your ass in my face.”
“???!!! I’m shocked you’d think I’d something like that”
Illya stoically powers through his paperwork for another 20 minutes before he snaps at Napoleon to go and entertain himself somewhere else. Napoleon goes “Oh, brilliant idea!!” ….way too cheerful…
So Illya squints after him, suspicious, before he finally realises that Napoleon disappeared to the bedroom, probably to have fun with his toys. And see. That mental image is way more potent than anything else.
Illya doesn’t even last another 10 minutes before he slinks off to the bedroom.
(Of course Napoleon’s on the bed, completely naked, languidly fucking into a fleshlight, all plugged up. “Ah. Took you long enough.”)
17. one person clothed and the other naked
I am once again thinking about post-shower Illya. All warm and soft and sweetly relaxed, a little sleepy with the heat. Napoleon just arriving from a job, still all gun powder and sleek lines. 
And I know I wrote about that before but…Napoleon having himself a nice meal between Illya’s muscular thighs, eating him out until Illya’s melted into the sheets, all flushed and warm and languid, drunk with arousal.
Napoleon flipping him over and unbuttoning his fly, not even bothering to undress properly before sliding his throbbing cock into Illya’s sloppy-hot hole. Languid fucking, Illya half-delirious with pleasure, murmuring some sex-drenched nonsense in Russian.
…i love that so much for them…. :’)))))))))
the prompts💛
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crazyspookies · 6 years
All these serve the very specific purpose of 1) me yelling about stuff and 2) Collecting All the Clues to keep them in mind (so that i can yell later)
1) “Turn on fans, stop zombies.” I still don’t understand this. I guess it will be useful at some point in the future but it sounds so...dumb? You can stop the zombies byt putting an insane amount of air in front of them??? Do random zombies in the wild suddenly stop when it gets really windy??? How did veronica even find this out, why would anyone make this kind of experiment it just sounds so random. Like if original v-types were the viking ones, it would make more sense that the things we got to make the antidote for sigrid’s zombie variant, would still be effective. You know, the fungus and the flowers and the grail of blood??? Which seems to be the original methods that worked with the zombies to a certain degree?? Like, original zombie virus rolls in, causes a huge ruckus, humanity isn’t destroyed and all those vikings end up in caves, sleeping. How did they do that, what happened there. 
2) VERONICA MCSHELL: It’s hard to admit when you feel like a part of you is missing.
NADIA AL HANAKI: I understand that. I understand better than anyone! But just because something’s missing doesn’t mean you’re less than. You just have to find a way to work with it. I did.
VERONICA MCSHELL: I was… embarrassed. I thought I knew what this experience would be like. I chose it. But without the resources ANNIE once had, there are limits to my processing power. I’m not sure what I’m worth.
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3) “Some fish use their skin receptors to track the location of the things they need. I’m studying on weather patterns to see if wind has an effect on a larger scale.” Guess this makes sense? It’s been a long time since i’ve played (and since i’ve played this) so my mental clue wall is a bit rusty but then again those zombies seem to be not only intelligent but seem to work together so hive mind sounds more like the thing. Were the zombies capable of being organized back in viking times? what. is. going. on
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1) “Still treating the country like a giant game of Risk with your ex” Yeah and i am full of untrusty feelings about it and i know i’m gonna get fucked by both and not in a good way
2) “I keep telling you people, Brent’s vulnerable. Now is the time to make alliances against him before everybody’s on his side. Janine’s blind if she can’t see that” Maybe she thinks you’re incredibly untrustworthy because you are, in fact, incredibly untrustworthy. I mean, anyone amelia thinks she has to wanr people about is def. a shithole i don’t want to get my foot near to but it’s not like like her word is worth much yakno *squinty eyes*
3) “Barb and Harley, they said they only joined the Riders because they didn’t trust any settlement telling them things were going to get better.”
SAM YAO: Oh, what? So they settled for looting, arson, and pillaging instead?
KYTAN: Look, the Riders are mostly just lost kids. They look around the world, and all they see is a wasteland full of backstabbing factions. A lot of them really think this is a more honest way to live.
SAM YAO: Yeah. Well, let’s not forget, these are the people who almost blew up Parliament. And fed zombie blood to ravers for a laugh. And tried to raid the Long Way Home convoy, which was actually full of lost children.
I’m with sam with this one. Like, there’s only so much sympathy i can give to “lost” people who decide that murdering innocent people that are trying to survive in a shitty situation, turning them into zombies and getting children killed just because they want “chaos”. Which is not much at all. I understand some where roped into it and wanted to get out and didn’t know how but that’s not everyone you know. And not everyone joined the gang at it’s origin either.
7) ” The Riders want to take Nadia on a rabbit hunt as an initiation”
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Me looking at s2s knowing that they know that i know what’s going to happen
(Prediction: rabbits are PEOPLE and five’s going to end up being the rabbit i know this from deep in my bones)
8) SAM YAO: Uh, uh, yeah. It’s uh… hold on, it’s on my desk. [paper rustles]” Babe....
9) “Five, did you notice that one of the Riders has a tattoo of your head on a spike? “
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11) “You could pop up in front of them and lure them away from the poor innocent town“
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12) “Off the top of my head, we could let them kill Five.” i feel so loved in this chili’s today
13)” Run, rabbit, run! “ i just had a flashback that reminded me that in the airdrop missions the guy from mullins gave five the codename Rabbit and i’m not sure what to do with this information but here it is.
1) “Janine thinks the rave was a trial run. There’s a Peace UK movement that’s running cross-settlement events to try to get people working together. There’ll be talks and parties.” oh boy. Like, very nice and all but you know.
2) “I saw one scalp his best friend yesterday. They were reenacting a scene from Inglourious Basterds. Didn’t realize it would actually work.”
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3) STEVE SISSAY: Sorry. After you.
KEFILWE LOBATSE: No, please. Go ahead.
Well this is akward
4) FIRST GUARD: Mates? Mates? What makes you think we’re mates?
STEVE SISSAY: No, I – I just meant -
5) “someone or something called The Method” i feel like it will be important at some point in the future but i keep forgetting about it
6) STEVE SISSAY: I’m doing great, love. I mean, as great as a bloke who got dumped on live radio can possibly be.
KEFILWE LOBASTE: If you hadn’t been so sure you knew what I’d say, you wouldn’t have put yourself in that position. Honestly, proposing on public radio? What were you thinking?
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7) KEFILWE LOBATSE: That. That’s why. Because you have to know best about everything, except the things that matter.
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8) STEVE SISSAY: That’s why I love you. I do, you know. I – I love you.
You know it’s strange to have this whole conversation at this moment becausei kinda sounded like they had def broken up when we went through the CATS nightmare fuel trip and some parts of this conversation sounded both like “this is over over” and “if we had talked about the problems of our relationship properly then maybe things would be different so maybe there’s hope in the future” and it’s a bit confusing.I liked that ship but i guess we must move on..
9) NADIA AL HANAKI: Was that it? I’ve guffed more explosively than that.“ adfadghsfh
10) “Two of them bumped into each other and now they’ve started a knife fight.” this is horrifying but kind of hilarious???
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11) [Runner Five tackles CARRIER]
KEFILWE LOBASTE: That was very… athletic, Five.
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12) “ A briefing document, copied. It says, “When you get the signal, go to the most crowded part of your settlement and take the pill. The end is coming. A gray wave will wash over the world, and nothing living will remain.” “
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1) “PAULA COHEN: Oh, because self-destruction is so this season.” Never stop being a sassy queen paula
2)  “We just wanted to play with it, all [imitates squeal] and that.“
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3)  “The V-types bite corpses, and then turn them into ghouls. That’s what we call the yellow eyes. And then you said the ghoul went sleepy and growly? It must have been turning full V-type.“ well, we’re fucked. Considering the amount of corpses that the v-types can get their greedy lilttle hands on by basically stepping into ANY DAMND GRAVEYAND AND DIGGING A BIT this really is...not good at all.
4) At least we don’t have to worry about the raiders anymore i guess?
5) “SAM YAO: I’ll talk to Amelia. I think she’s got a contingency for a breakout in New Canton. Involves dumping a ton of concrete from aircraft. “  Leave it to amelia to make me laugh
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outoforderaro · 7 years
4, 10, 13, 17, 24, 35, 43, 49, 56, 58, 66, 67, 74, 80, 106, 117, 119, 134, 138, 151 have funnnnnnnnnn
ahh ty rhys ily
4: 3 things I loveI loved partying with friends on campus and i really miss drinking and hanging out with folks! I also love my friends a whole whole lot! And i love dnd i have a lot of fun with it and im getting ready to dm a group and [anxious grimace] but it should be good?
10: How tall am II'm 5'9" which is p much perfectly average? so I am conditionally tol or smol. Like around most of my friends I was a tol but i am a smol to some people. which i guess is how averages work.
13: Favourite colorReally fond of purple, green, and blue. so lol i have good flags for that eh?
17: Favourite foodThis is really tough because i like a lot of foods? most foods really? I really like strawberries, pineapples, sunny side up eggs, waffles, falafel, fish, blueberries? there's a random collection of foods i like i guess. it's hard tho bc while i like most foods, my brother does not, and my mom has some foods she doesn't do (like fish) so it's difficult to do those. also hummus!
24: Favourite style of clothingrhys babe i know you know i just wear a tee and jeans like 90% of the time. idk tho lol goal aesthetic is sorta butch femme? which is bleh bc that just doesnt work lol. ah well ill wear my flannel anyway
35: Favourite holidaydoes my birthday count bc that's coming up lol. no i really like christmas? more like the idea of it though. in practice it's not so great. is fat tuesday a holiday? bc give me those paczis. idk are there even any other holidays really? lol
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?it can take so long! mostly bc 17 snooze alarms before actually getting my ass out of bed, laying there checking my phone, and general slowness to go anywhere. if i can, i can get out the door quick but even outside of all that sloth i like to have some time to wake up before needing to do anything
49: Am I excited for anything?meh? sorry no not really :/
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?honestly anyone from campus! ahhhh. if it has to be someone new? ughhhhh idk. sorry!
58: What’s my strangest talent?my family is blessed with generally very good timing at restaurants, like we'll get through just before the massive wave. is that a talent? lol. idk if i have a strange talent? (or any talent?)
66: What’s the weather like right now?dark. lol. it's a really clear, nice night, just nicely cool. it's real good.
67: What was the last book I’ve read?I'm currently reading "feet of clay" by terry pratchett, the last one i finished was "the color of magic" by him
74: Favourite animal?dogs are really good of course but ravens are really cool and smart. idk i think animals in general are p great!
80: What is my favorite word??? idk? fuck is a really good english word bc it's every part of speech and basically the only infix in the language which is cool even though this answer makes me 12 years old. in asl it's def pasteurized milk and you know why ;)
106: Been to a wedding?yeah ive been to a few. the best one was for a cousin, and my uncle who's like super rich? let me use his dslr camera and i went around and took pictures of people and got a lot of praise on that and that got me into photography!
117: What concerts have I been to?I've seen as the main act: (in no particular order) against me!, panic! at the disco, fall out boy, metallica, trans-siberian orchestra, and wayland (twice as main act, one in a multi band show). ive also seen shinedown (twice), sick puppies (twice), lamb of god, hinder, seether, some other openers that i can't recall bc shouting it out at a rock concert is literally the worst way to transmit info to me. i think that's everything tho
119: Learned another language?I still have some *v* rusty spanish. I used to be p decent at it, but i haven't used it. I have some faltering asl that im working on. i learned a little bit of japanese, like the hiragana and maybe 100 kanji or so? Language learning is really cool tho!
134: What do I want for birthday?ah geez i swear i didn't see this one when i mentioned it was my birthday earlier lol. im always gonna freeze on these which is why i keep an amazon wishlist, lol. it's mostly books actually. my secret wishlist has some skirts, some queer books, some aro pride stuff from other sites, and lockpicks. which makes for a good aesthetic lol.
138: What was my favourite toy as a child????? we had a snes which was awesome as fuck. we also had *so many* legos which was *awesome* and the best. we had one of those big rubbermaid tubs full of them and then a bit more, thanks to some donations from somewhere, and our aforementioned rich uncle giving us them for birthday/christmas. the lego collection was rad af
151: What I’d do if I won in a lotterypay off student loans, help out my parents, get a nice little apartment, try and do the Rich People thing and Invest and try to avoid capitalism as much as possible ... by using it? idk. try to be able to spend it helping other people yk?
tysm rhys, love you!
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