#but i did this in pen and akaashi came out good so
come-on-shitty-boys · 7 months
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// A Kid In An Ink Shop. inked 02 //
*The nature of this series may be not be appropriate for all readers. Content warnings include: vulgarity, heavy swearing, and implications of adult relations.  Due to these themes, this series may not be suitable for readers under the age of 16.  Reader discretion is advised.*
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“And who the fuck are you?”
“Y/N.  I’m your new apprentice.”
Kuroo snorts, turning away from you so he can return to his sketchbook.  “That’s a good one, kid.  I don’t-”
“I know you don’t take apprentices, but I don’t care.  I have looked up to you for years and I want to learn from you.  I could easily walk down the street and get an apprenticeship with the artist at Seven D-”
“We don’t talk about that snake in here,” he grumbles, tapping his pen against his chin as he stared down at the modified concepts, contemplating between a few designs before shaking his head and turning to a new page and drafting up more ideas to fix the current disaster of Tsukishima’s tattoo.  “You said it yourself.  I don’t take apprentices so I don’t know why you decided to waste your time coming down here.  You might as well just go.”
He was fully expecting you to turn on your heels and walk out, accept your defeat, but you stood rooted in your place, that same challenging expression painted across your features as if he were some final boss in a video game.  “I’m not leaving until you look at my portfolio.”
“Kid, there are at least five other shops within a mile radius of here.  Why don’t you take this stupid act of yours somewhere else?  You’re really starting to get on my last nerve,” Kuroo says, weaving his free hand through his hair, amber eyes never even glancing in your direction.  
“I want to learn from the best and-”
“Kiss ass.”
“Are you going to look at my portfolio or not?  I’m not going to run circles with you all day.”
Kuroo couldn’t keep the laugh from bubbling in his chest as he finally turned back to face you.  “Run circles with me?  Kid, I have made it perfectly clear that I have no interest in you.  I don’t need an apprentice.  I don’t want an apprentice and, on the off chance that I did, I sure as hell would not be picking the person who waltzed into my shop, blatantly ignored the front desk clerk who told you multiple times that I was busy, and then proceeded to fuck up my work station with their lousy portfolio!  I don’t know how you want me to put it so that you’ll finally get it through your damn head.”  Kuroo’s height and stature already commanded the presence of any room, but the tilt to his head and the absolute boredom swimming in narrow eyes as he got to his feet, sauntering towards you, well, you had never felt so small.  He was only two years older, but he was more intimidating than any man that you had ever met as he stared down at you, the black book of your portfolio, nestled between his hands.  But, he pushed it against your chest as he walked past you.  “Get the hell out of my shop, kid.  Take it to somebody who gives a shit.”
The tattoo shop goes silent, only the sound of Kuroo’s sneakers against the tile floor as he moves to the front of the shop to busy himself at the desk with Akaashi.  It feels like a weight has settled into your chest, slowly sinking its way down to your stomach and it’s only a matter of times before that feeling of defeat really soaks in and lets those hot tears spring to your eyes.  You can only swallow your pride and try your best to hold your head high as you walk back in the direction you came, past the big man who had tried his best to block your path, past the soft-spoken desk clerk with sleepy eyes and handsome features, past the one man that you looked up to more than anyone else in the world.  The bell above the door jingles on your way out.    
“You were rude.”  Kuroo’s movements come to a pause as he looks up to meet Akaashi’s eyes.  He didn’t know that Akaashi could look more stern than usual, but the knit to his brows and the frown that settled on his lips proved Kuroo wrong.  “Couldn’t you have just humored them?  At least open their portfolio.  Maybe they were good, but you’ll never know because you chased them away.”
“Yeah, man.  What’s so bad about having an apprentice anyway?” Bokuto asks, leaning against the counter next to the others.  
Kuroo just shrugged, letting a heavy sigh leave his lips.  “I don’t know.  They’re a lot of work and I don’t really know that I’m qualified to teach someone how to tattoo another person, you know?  I mean, I’m still starting.  Sure, I’ve done well for myself, but I’ve only been doing this for four- five- years now?  They didn’t have a damn thing to say about actually making art.  It was all how I inspired them or whatever.   If I’m going to get an apprentice, they should at least be interested in the art of it, not just because they think I’m cool.”
“You didn’t even give them the chance to talk about it.  You were shoo-ing them out the minute they muttered, ‘apprentice,’” Akaashi says.  
“Are you trying to guilt me into something?”
“It would be pretty nice to have someone else around the shop from time to time,” Bokuto sighs.  “It gets a little boring, just the three of us.”
“We’re just saying that maybe you could’ve taken the time to look at their portfolio.  If it was shit, then it’s not a big deal and we all just continue on with our lives.  But, what if they were really good?  You might’ve just let someone really special just walk out of that door and for what?  Just because they’re ‘too much work’?  You’re going to have to figure it out eventually, because they aren’t going to be the last person in here asking for an apprenticeship.”
Kuroo could only huff and move his gaze back towards his phone screen.  “Well, it’s too late now.  Even if I wanted to look over their portfolio, I can’t.  They’re long gone and so is all of their work.”  Bokuto opened his mouth, his finger raised as if to interject.  “I’m not going to go chase them down the street.  I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about who they apprentice for.  It’s not going to be me and that’s that.  They were fine, okay?  They had a fire that we don’t see in here very often, but I said what I said.  I don’t take apprentices and I especially don’t take apprentices who destroy my work station by slamming their portfolio against my desk.  I don’t care how good your work is or how good you think it is.  If you’re going to pull that shit, I’m not putting up with it and you can kiss your chances at working with me goodbye.”
“Dude, you can’t just keep turning people away like this.  You’re good.  It can’t be easy to find someone with your talent that doesn’t already have an apprentice. You can’t blame them for being a little aggressive about their strategy, you know?”  Bokuto says, nudging his friend’s shoulder.  
“There’s plenty of other artists in the area and they’re all fine at what they do.  They don’t need me to be the one to teach them how to tattoo.  They just want me to be the one.  At the end of the day, it’s your dedication that’s going to push you to the top.  I had a shit mentor who worked out of the back of a take-out restaurant.  The man couldn’t draw to save his life and had no eye for composition, but here I am, doing just fine for myself despite all of that, because this is what I wanted for myself.  I worked my ass off to get here.  Having me as a mentor isn’t going to make you a good tattoo artist.”  Kuroo pushed himself away from the counter.  It was almost like he could hear his body groaning in disappointment at the thought of having to go back to work, but Tsukishima would be back sooner than later expecting to get a tattoo finished and that couldn’t happen without concept art and that couldn’t be done if he kept standing at the front desk, scrolling endlessly through his Twitter feed.  
He wasn’t sure if he should laugh at his own naivety or if he should scream at the top of his lungs at your stubbornness.  When Kuroo had left his work station, colorful pens were scattered all over the floor- under tables, under his chair, all the way across the room.  But, yet, there they all were, placed neatly back in his cup next to his sketchbook, the pages open right where he had left them.  An absolute fucking kiss ass. 
It wasn’t that, though, that had his head thrown back in a hearty laugh that brought the others to his side to see what was so funny.  It was the black binder sitting on the edge of his desk, a sticky note on the front cover.  “They really are giving me no choice, huh?”  Kuroo sighed, taking his seat and pulling the binder towards him.  “Alright, let’s see what we’re wo- woah . . .”
There were probably close to hundred concept sketches and finished illustrations, each one dated and titled, some pages had tiny notes in the margin written in a sparkly blue ink pen, talking about the process, the inspiration, and where improvements could be made.  But, there was no mistaking it, this portfolio that he held in his hands was one to rival his own.  Unique demonstrations of line work and saturation, understanding color theory and knowing just how much is too much when it comes to working on your piece.  There was still plenty of room to improve.  Your technical skills were sloppy with uneven and downright shaky lines and blends that didn’t seamlessly combine like they were supposed to.  
He flipped back to the front cover where a yellow sticky note had been stuck and in a sparkly blue gel pen, you had written:
I meant it.  I want to learn from the best and I won’t give up until I do.  
Signed, Y/N
Here’s my number so you can shove my portfolio back at me. (xxx) xxx - xxxx
“Akaashi?” Kuroo asked, not letting his eyes move from the note.
The man didn’t answer, eyes still wide in wonder as Kuroo thumbed through some of the pages all over again.  
“Akaashi.  Bring me the phone.”
{Taglist: @boosyboo9206 @universal-s1ut // never miss an update! send an ask or a dm to be added to the inked taglist!}
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hellobunny044 · 1 year
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Panels. | Series
panel. in manga art, panels refers to the frame that wraps around one moment in time.
an original Haikyu AU pairing Udai Tenma (the og little giant)
warning!!: containing some manga content.
word count: 6040
Panel - 10
Udai sat in his dimly lit studio, surrounded by paper and caffeine. He was lost in the chaos of his creative process, scribbling notes and character sketches with abandon. He was grappling with the familiar challenge of deadlines and creativity, his mind a wild thing that refused to be tamed.
The phone rang, startling Udai out of his reverie. He answered mechanically, not bothering to look at the caller ID.
“Udai-san,” Akaashi’s voice came over the line, crisp and businesslike.
“Oh? Akaashi-san,” Udai replied, trying to shake off the fog of his creative trance.
“Just making sure you’re still alive.”
Udai sighed, “Really? Is that really the reason you’re calling? Well… hung up now. I’m working, Editor-san.”
“No. Actually I’m calling to remind you of your deadline,” Akaashi continued, his voice unwavering. “Volume 25 is due in six days.”
Udai sighed, his gaze falling to the stack of papers on his desk. He knew the deadline was looming, but he was still lost in the haze of his creative process.
“I know, I know,” Udai muttered, his voice tired. “I’m trying to get everything done, but it’s not easy. I’m just a mangaka, not a magician.”
“I see,” Akaashi replied, his tone unreadable.
Udai laughed bitterly, insinuating. “Your response is cool as always, Akaashi-san.”
“Well, as your editor, I’d advise you to focus on wrapping up the ending first. Then, you can go back and make any necessary adjustments to the rest of the story.”
Udai nodded, silently grateful for the advice. Akaashi was always good about giving him pointers and tips to help him stay on track.
“Roger that, Editor-san. I’ll try that,” Udai said, scribbling a note on the edge of his paper. “Thank you for the kind reminder, Akaashi-san. Always.”
“Of course,” Akaashi replied, his voice clipped. “I’ll be checking in with you again soon. Don’t forget about the deadline.”
“Yeah… I mean, just hang up the call, I’m working. And you’re technically—“
He sighed when he heard the beep sound from the other end of the line. Akaashi really hung up right after.
“That little owl…” he mumbles, jerkily moving the pen against the tablet. “I’ll teach him a lesson.”
And yet, as the day wore on, here he was, facing the fact that he had not made the progress he wanted to make on the 25th volume of his manga.
At his desk, still with his computer and tabs on, fingers still clutching the pen, and head no longer able to defy gravity, almost planted on the table, his eyes were wide open in confusion.
What does he mean by teaching Akaashi a lesson?
Even at this very moment, he had not been able to accomplish anything. The life he wanted to birth into the 25th volume had yet to have a manifestation that matched what he had previously projected in his head.
He was doomed.
This time, however, Udai did not wait for Akaashi’s call to come. Taking the initiative, he dialed his number first, knowing that Akaashi must have woken up preceding the sun to hone his words so as they were always as sharp as ever.
Although something was different about the call this time, and that Akaashi sounded a little sleepier than usual, Udai didn’t care. He got straight to the main point of this call: whining to the phone.
“Eh? Udai-san?”
And another, in a more defeated voice, “Akaashi-san~”
“Wha– what happened, Udai-san? Are you alright?”
“I’m not okay!” Udai almost shouted to the call receiver on the other line.
“O-oh… alright…” Akaashi sighed, “How bad is your situation?”
“This is a major crisis! Basically an existential crisis!”
“Existential—” Akaashi sighed, “Just tell me how bad is it this time? How many hours did you waste of doing nothing?”
“Seriously!?” Udai raised his head, a dramatic reaction that Akaashi could not see. “I worked very hard on this and you’re seriously asking about how many hours I’ve wasted doing nothing? Akaashi-san, you’re really cruel!”
He heard Akaashi sigh from the other end of the line.
His head was bowed down, resting on his palm, as his fingers combed through his messy hair. Almost grimacing, he muttered, “I am doomed now, Akaashi-san. I’m done. This is my end. This is the end of the world.”
Once again, he heard Akaashi sigh.
As Udai muttered some things to dramatize his failure even more, there was silence on the other end of the line, as if Akaashi was considering what to say.
Finally, he spoke.
“Udai-san, as your editor, I want to remind you that deadlines are important,” Akaashi said, his voice firm.
Udai’s response came in an almost half snapping, half crying manner, “I know that too well even if you don’t say it repeatedly, Akaashi-san!”
“Well then, as the good start, it’s good if you know about that.”
Udai dropped his head on the table, giving up on what he had just heard. Then a string of dramatic cries and whines came out of his mouth, mostly about the editor’s nonchalantness, or about his mistreatment of someone who was senior to him in age, or even other childish things that had absolutely nothing to do with the development of his manga.
Once, on the other side of the line, it was so quiet that Udai finally stopped and glanced at his phone to make sure that Akaashi was still there to hear everything he said.
Akaashi was indeed still connected, but the atmosphere on the other side of the phone was almost like a ghost town. Then Udai spoke, calling out to make sure, “Akaashi-san? Are you still there? Do you hear me? Are you dying?”
Only then did a response come.
“Are you able to cooperate with me, Udai-san?” Akaashi sighed, “And I’m not dying.”
Oh, that question sounded serious yet mocking at the same time. Udai almost winced. With a dejected voice, he answered briefly. Giving Akaashi the part to say something.
A loud sigh clear on the other end of the line.
“Listen, Udai-san. Deadlines are important. I understand that creativity can be unpredictable. And though sometimes, I might be a little strict to admit that, but I know enough to know that sometimes, we can’t force our ideas to come to us.”
Udai glanced at his phone, missing a few beats before he said, “You finally said something that sounds more humane, Akaashi-san.” His voice was low, like pouting.
On the other side, Akaashi sighed again.
“I know that the ultimate goal of this conversation is remission,”
“Akaashi-san, I really worked hard. I swear on every god there is if they do exist that I worked really hard this time.”
“Yes, I know, Udai-san. I didn’t say anything.”
Akaashi sighed, as if giving Udai remission was a crucial decision that if he miscalculated would result in a less positive outcome of the manga production. And it was true. With Udai’s incredible procrastinating skills, a remission might lead to a disaster if Akaashi’s attention to the artist slipped away even a little.
He added, “I’ll talk to the production team. You get three days from me.”
“Three days!?” Udai exclaimed, almost too hysterically.
“That’s more than enough, isn’t it? Or two days?”
Soon, Udai was whining again, “Akaashi-san~”
“The deal is three days. More than that, I can’t save you, Udai-san. You just might want to consider a hiatus.”
Udai scoffed childishly, “Ciih! You’re so uncooperative.” He added, “Are you a robot?”
“I’m just being a little too responsible for my work, and from time to time help you maintain your good reputation, Udai-san.”
“Aw! Aren’t you sweet, Akaashi-san?”
But Udai’s expression changed quickly, and so did his tone. “You really are so stingy, Akaashi-san! You’re not fun! You really are not fun!”
He heard Akaashi sigh from the other end of the line.
“Alright then, I’ll wait for the revised script in three days.”
Scoffed, Udai said, “Forget about three days, I’ll finish it in two!”
“That’s even better.”
“Then, just remember that creativity is a wild thing. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is let it run free.” Akaashi said.
There was a pause, silence filling in for a while.
Starting with another sigh, Akaashi’s last words before hanging up were, “You’re probably just hungry or thinking about something too much. Try to open the window and start cleaning up your workspace and eat less chips when your body asks for rice.”
“Akaashi-san, are you my mom?”
“Fortunately, not.” Akaashi said, “then, Udai-san. I’ll call again later. Good day today.”
For a few moments after the call with Akaashi ended, Udai remained where he was. Not moving, not saying anything. Besides the fact that he was still stuck thinking about how he could finish this whole manuscript in three days when his head was so empty, he also thought about something Akaashi had said earlier.
It was true that instead of filling those empty panels with new lives, his mind sometimes wandered off to other places. A place he didn’t really know where but familiar.
His eyes closed forcefully, his last attempt to drive away all the remnants of insanity that made his mind always coming back to that place, to that person.
But no, maybe he was too hungry.
Udai opened his eyes, looking at the trash bag full of chips. He had run out of stock. Maybe that’s why his brain couldn’t work optimally.
He agreed that he was probably just lacking a snack.
Rather than thinking about other possibilities that would make things worse, Udai tried to indoctrinate himself that it was just as simple as he was lacking a normal dose of his chips income and needed a new atmosphere, or he might also be too tired to continue.
His eyes slowly became heavy. Right. He was just tired.
“First of all, sleep.”
Udai awoke to the sound of his own stomach growling. He rubbed his bleary eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of his restless sleep. It was late afternoon, and the sun was beginning to set beyond the horizon.
He groggily made his way to the kitchen, rummaging through his cabinets and fridge in search of something to eat. But all he found were stale chips and a half-empty carton of milk gone sour.
Udai sighed, realizing that he had yet again neglected his basic needs in favor of his creative endeavors. He knew he had to eat something before he passed out from hunger. So he grabbed his wallet and headed out to the nearest convenience store.
As he walked along the streets, the hustle and bustle of the city surrounded him. People hurried past him, their eyes downcast and their faces pensive. Cars honked, buses screeched to a stop, and the wind rustled through the trees lining the sidewalks.
Udai entered the convenience store, the smell of salty snacks and sweet candies instantly hitting his nose. He wandered through the aisles as if in a daze, his eyes scanning the rows of packaged foods and drinks.
Finally, he settled on a simple bento box with some rice, grilled chicken, and mixed vegetables. He paid for his meal and walked over to the small seating area in the store, plopping down into one of the plastic chairs.
He took a bite of his food, savoring the savory flavor of the chicken as it melted in his mouth. He watched the news on the television mounted on the wall, the sound of the anchor’s voice lulling him into a state of calmness.
As he ate, Udai watched the people outside the convenience store going about their lives. A mother with her young child in tow, a couple holding hands and laughing, an elderly man shuffling slowly down the street. They were all so different yet so alike, all connected in their shared humanity.
Udai realized that even amidst the chaos of his life as a mangaka, he was not alone. He was just one of many people struggling to make his way in the world, to find meaning and purpose in his work.
His gaze was then shifted, wandering to the other side of the convenience store, and stopped when he caught sight of a line of hair tools neatly arranged on a shelf. His gaze stayed there for a long time as his mind wandered far away to a day before this.
“You know, your hair…”
Subconsciously, Udai was touching his hair when Tsubasa said that.
“They’re long,” Tsubasa continued, but now with a smile that followed right before she ended with, “very long.”
It’s not that he was unaware of his long hair. He knew and was well aware about it, and had deliberately let his hair grow longer ever since he was still in college.
His eyes may have shifted, but his mind remained. Until the end, it lingered in his memory of that day. Just briefly, passing by a giant mirror on one side of the convenience store, Udai briefly reflected on his reflection: to his long curls peeking out disheveled from his hoodie.
From : Akaashi Keiji
I have a meeting until 4pm. We’ll meet at dinner time. Meet me at restaurant X, I’ll pay.
To : Akaashi Keiji
Yoshaaa!!! >>,<< Take your time, Akaashi-san. I’ll wait. Good luck on the meeting!! ^^ Thank you for always working hard!! I’m always rooting for you!
That’s how Udai ended up meeting Akaashi at dinner at a restaurant somewhere in the bustling Shibuya.
Although he wasn’t late, Akaashi still came rushing up to Udai at the table and it seemed unfair that he was still as neat as he looked in the morning. Udai had a fleeting thought that he was using an illegal preservative to maintain his appearance for twelve hours.
“Good evening, Udai-san.”
“Evening, Akaashi-busy-san.”
Putting his bag on the other seat beside him, Akaashi glanced over at Udai, intrigued by his new nickname, as well as by the overly bright smile the artist wore on his face.
“Did something good happen, Udai-san?” Akaashi asked, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt slowly. His eyes greeted a waiter who came to bring them the menu before started scanning through the list.
Udai shook his head, his smile lingered, “You treating me to dinner is a good thing to be celebrated, Akaashi-san.”
“It’s nothing.” Akaashi said. He turned to the waiter and mentioned his order then shifted to Udai. “Just a small celebration since you worked hard for this volume and probably neglected yourself."
“Geh!” Udai grumbled, putting on a sour face before turning to the waiter to state his order.
While waiting for their order, Akaashi returned to be Udai’s editor, going over the latest manuscript for the 25th volume of Zomb’ish thoroughly.
Akaashi pointed out several areas where the story had been strengthened by Udai’s revisions, praising the character development and plot twists.
As they continued to talk, Udai began to understand how important Akaashi’s guidance was to his creative process. His editor challenged him to think more deeply about his characters, to push the boundaries of what was possible, to create stories that resonated with readers on a visceral level.
“That’s all from me.” Akaashi wrapped, head moving in small nods as his hand closed the manuscript.
Udai smiled, feeling moved to have survived the deadline once again... although this time he would have barely gotten anything done on target if Akaashi hadn’t given him a remission. The threat of the word hiatus was indeed the most effective threat when dealing with Udai and his trademark.
Immediately he changed his expression, acting tough and a little arrogant even though he was the one whining on the other end of the phone three days ago.
“I told you, right? I can finish this in time.”
“You said you’ll do in two days,” Akaashi corrected.
“Geh!” Udai put on a sour face again, grumbling to Akaashi who was drinking. “Anyway, I finished it on time.”
Akaashi hummed.
Udai sighed, “There are only three volumes left. Three more volumes and Zomb’ish will come to an end.”
Akaashi hummed, “Let’s focus on that.”
Udai nods, “That goes without saying! I’m really trying the best I can to end this. And hopefully at the end, it will be something interesting to discuss even if it’s just somewhere in class, or on some benches at a convenience store.”
Sipping his drink, Udai didn’t notice that Akaashi was watching him, almost as if studying him, until he finally said something.
“By the way, Udai-san,”
Distractedly, Udai turned to Akaashi.
“you tie your hair this time, I notice.”
Udai stopped, almost choking on his drink.
“An improvement.” Akaashi added, not caring how Udai was coughing.
The dinner came.
Udai walked slowly through his quiet neighborhood, still lost in thought from his dinner with Akaashi. His mind was a jumble of ideas and emotions, his heart heavy with the weight of endings and beginnings.
Then, he heard it. The unmistakable sound of people shouting and laughing, the distinct thud of a ball being hit back and forth.
He turned his head towards the source of the noise and saw a group of people playing volleyball on the outside court. He recognized them as his neighbors, people he had lived near for years but never really gotten to know.
It was then that the ball flew over the fence, landing at Udai’s feet. His reflexes kicked in, and he caught it effortlessly.
“Hey, nice catch!” one of the neighbors called out, his voice friendly and welcoming.
Udai felt the weight of the ball in his hand, the familiar texture of the leather and the sound it made as it hit his palm.
Suddenly, he was thrown back to his high school days, when volleyball was his entire world.
He remembered the tournaments, the countless hours of practice, the roar of the crowd as he scored the winning point. It was a time when he had felt invincible, and everything had seemed possible.
But now, as he stood there holding the ball, he knew that he was no longer that person. He knew he couldn’t go back to those carefree days, no matter how much he wished he could.
“Ano… Long-hair Nii-chan over there,”
Udai quickly looked up, realizing that he had been daydreaming for quite some time. His gaze wandered on the faces of the men gathered in their casual clothes in the middle of a field that he never even knew could be a friendly volleyball court for his neighbors.
“Can you play?”
One of the guys with his hands resting on his waist, pointed to the ball he was holding, “Volleyball, I mean. Can you?”
Another question struck before Udai had enough time to think of an answer.
“Why don’t you come and play? It’s not that everyone here is a professional at volleyball. We’re just killing time by having some fun.” At the end, that person seemed to have noticed Udai for quite a while, “You’re from 1104, right?”
“Ah… Right.”
“Come join in.”
It was the weirdest correlation Udai had heard so far.
Udai did not give a definite answer as to whether he would join or not.
He approached the fence, and then he tossed the ball back over. One of the neighbors caught it expertly, grinning back at Udai.
“You’re joining in?”
With a polite smile, Udai politely declined the invitation.
“I’m sorry,” he said, bowing slightly as he turned, leaving the court. Those people sending him with whispers, probably questioning what made him not want to join.
His feelings about volleyball remained the same to this day. Even after committing to leave that world for a new life, letting his dreams be buried somewhere in that spring, he still loved everything about volleyball. But even so, that didn’t mean he would allow himself to return to the path he had once left behind.
“Do you still play volleyball?” She asked.
“I don’t have much track of you since high school. The last thing I remember was The Spring Tournament.”
Udai felt guilt consume him at the memory. He had been a part of the team that had lost in the tournament, and he had let everyone down.
“Ah… It’s not that I am expecting to know such things about you. Just curious.”
Udai looked at her, eyes holding so many untold emotions.
“… Is the little giant still going on to the court sometimes to answer his nature— well… something like that.”
“Right… That Spring Tournament was the last, huh?”
He had quit volleyball soon after high school, unable to face the shame of his failure.
His smile unfolded, neither bitter nor regretful. Not even a speck of guilt about the past he had left behind, just an acceptance of the reality inside his panel.
“I quit.”
For a moment, in this very panel, the world stopped. All sound faded from his senses, consumed by her beat and the ticking of the seconds that clashed noisily during the silence break filling in.
On the other side, he didn’t know what Tsubasa would say, nor did he insist on knowing what she was thinking. What was clear, what he could probably have guessed, was that she would be surprised. Of all the people who knew more or less about Udai’s world nine years ago, Tsubasa was the one who was close to all traces that volleyball was the air to Udai.
I quit, to Tsubasa’s terms, might as well have been sad news.
“Ah... So…”
Udai didn’t let his smile fade when he returned to Tsubasa. There was sadness in her eyes, perhaps another face of disappointment she was trying to hide, or concern. Being a person who knows so much about the past can indeed be quite troublesome, just like Tsubasa.
“I decided to quit after high school.”
Udai hummed.
Then the words came, a little emotional, “Then I might have missed something…”
He had never said anything about quitting before. Guilt joined in, embracing him softly.
“Ah… Ah!” He saw Tsubasa immediately shake her head, trying to change this conversation to another direction, “I didn’t mean anything! After all, a crucial decision about the future is supposed to be a secret. And also... uhm... being a successful volleyball player or a successful mangaka... both suit you, Udai-san.”
He probably won’t play again.
Miyagi Prefecture, Nine Years Ago
The match against Ouginishi High School had been tough but exhilarating. The past few days had been a grueling schedule of training and preparation, but it all paid off when they secured a hard-earned victory. Back at the school gym, the team’s mood was light and celebratory. There were high-fives all around and pats on the back, as they relished in their success together.
Udai’s wrist was doing all good and fine, surprisingly. Days of physical training must have strengthened his body, making it more resilient to injuries. He even played in the match, despite the earlier concerns about his wrist. The adrenaline rush of the game had temporarily erased all of his worries and discomfort, leaving only the pure joy of the sport itself.
On the break time, Udai sat down on the bench while the other members chatted around him. He was staring out into space when his coach, Ukai Ikkei, approached him.
“Coach,” he greeted, bowing his head slightly.
Ukai Ikkei hummed. Both hands folded in front of his chest, he asked, not bothering to look at the boy. “How’s your wrist doing?”
“It’s alright.” Udai answered, politeness wrapping his words.
Then there was silence for some time. Udai felt he was being watched, being studied, but didn’t dare to ask anything. He let the silence join in until it was convenient, or until whenever his coach would say something. And what came to him, was a question that was relatively strange in his terms.
"Do you still love volleyball, Tenma?” asked Ukai.
The question caught Udai off-guard; he wasn’t sure how to answer.
Not about how indecisive she was about whether she still loved volleyball or not, but that the question was really strange.
Did he still love volleyball, even after all the obstacles and challenges he had faced? After all the doubts and criticisms that were hurled his way?
That goes without saying.
Otherwise, how would he still be here today?
True, his passion for volleyball all started with a desire to challenge this world’s unfairness towards him. However, volleyball in all his senses, will not end there. He has vowed to fly high bringing all his dreams with this little body of his. No matter whether he is the smallest, whether he is the shortest, he will fly.
“I do, Coach,” Udai replied, “I really do.”
There was a brief pause, as the coach studied him closely. The older man had always been stern and strict, but Udai could see a glint of understanding in his eyes.
“And do you love the volleyball you’re doing now?”
Udai furrowed his brows at the question, unsure of what the coach meant. Was there a different way to play volleyball that he was missing? A different kind of joy he could be experiencing?
“Could you explain what you mean by that?”
Ukai raised an eyebrow, before sighing in exasperation. “Tenma, you are one of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met. You want to prove yourself, to break through the limits that others impose on you.”
Udai opened his mouth to retort, but the coach cut him off.
“Sometimes, in your pursuit of greatness, you forget to enjoy the journey itself. You forget to savor every little moment, every swing of the ball, every connection with your teammates.” Ukai paused, as if giving Udai a break to take everything in.
“Volleyball is a sport that requires resilience, focus, and strategy, yes. But it’s also a sport that requires heart.”
Udai was thinking of answers to everything his coach said when his coach came up with a dozen more.
“If you like the volleyball that you’re playing now, what are you planning to do with it? Do you see a future of you doing it well like you did today? And when one day it comes to you to decide, are you willing to abandon anything else to make a life out of it?”
Udai was taken aback by the question. He had never really thought about it before.
“Do you like volleyball?”
Same question, different person asking. On that day, it was Sasaki Tsubasa, despite being busy wrapping his wrist with an elastic bandage that dear life, did it suppose to be taking this long, though?
It was a simple question, but it sparked a thought that had been long buried under his daily routine of practicing, going to school, and working on his manga.
“Why are you asking?” Udai replied, trying not to sound too defensive.
Tsubasa shrugged. “Just asking.” She said, with a glimpse of a smile.
He said nothing, waiting for her to say something, also thinking of an adequate answer to her question.
He heard her again, “Udai-san… you’re always enjoying the game on each of your plays.”
Udai did not know the nature of this oddness in his stomach when he heard her praising him. Honestly, just being here for this long, for a random conversation alone was a miracle.
“This question may sound silly, but you know, most people do sports because they simply can or they have to because they were born with a talent that cannot be wasted. So slowly, they neglect the little things like whether they like it or not. And... I think that, whether it’s a sport or an art, it’ll be more enjoyable if you like it in the first place.”
He remembered that day. The day he saw a match between the Japanese national team and the Brazilian national team in one of the world volleyball championships. It was then that the word love in volleyball in his term was growing, leading him to a dream where he could be one of them.
He remembered the first time he picked up a volleyball. It was during a PE class in middle school, and he had been the smallest kid in the class. Everyone laughed as he struggled to hit the ball over the net, his short stature making it almost impossible.
But something inside him had refused to give up. He had never been one to back down from a challenge, no matter how unfair it seemed.
Even if the world refuses to give fairness to his situation, Udai will be the last one to give up. He will make sure to reach his dreams with his small hands, with his short feet. With this body, he will embrace all his weaknesses and bring fairness to his dreams.
And so, he continued to play volleyball throughout middle and high school, earning a reputation as a talented and dedicated player.
“I do,” he finally replied, missing that Tsubasa had finished wrapping his hand with the elastic bandage. “I do. More than anything else.”
He even thought for a second that he probably likes playing volleyball more than studying, or even drawing.
“That’s not surprising.” She said, almost chuckling.
“Yeah, really,” Udai replied, unaware that he was smiling.
Tsubasa watched him, curious. “And why volleyball?”
“I remember watching a volleyball game when I was in middle school, and I was struck by how fast-paced and exciting it was.”
“So, you’ve been playing ever since?”
“I only started practicing ever since then, but guess I’ve never looked back.”
Tsubasa hummed, listening to him with keen interest.
“I know most people thought that I might be crazy for even daring to dream that I could fit into a team. For my height, it’s like hoping for something impossible. I used to always think that the world is unfair. But just like that, if I keep thinking how unfair this world is, nothing will happen. If I waste my time thinking about it, how would I have time to change my situation? I would have no time to bring the fairness that I deserve. So I stopped thinking, I stopped listening, and started to move my feet towards my goal.”
He knew he appeared aloof and detached during practice, but it was just his way of doing it.
Volleyball was his passion, his ambition. It was the one thing he was good at, the only thing he felt he had complete control over in his life.
“I love volleyball,” he said, his voice softening. “It’s the one thing I’m good at, the one thing that makes me feel alive. When I’m on the court, everything else fades away, and all that matters is the ball and the game.”
Tsubasa looked at him with admiration, “That’s amazing! It’s like volleyball saved you!”
Returning, he saw Tsubasa staring at him, her eyes gleaming with admiration, so bright. Something that he missed while he was talking. He blushed, flustered and immediately looked away.
“No… not really…” he mumbles.
Beside him, Tsubasa muttered with raised eyebrows. Then, she said, “I’m done, Senpai.”
Only then did Udai realize that his wrist had been neatly wrapped in an elastic bandage. He glanced at Tsubasa, momentarily peering at how she was tidying up the things she had previously taken from the plastic bag.
He brought his gaze to her face, but he was too shy, so just when he was able to capture a glimpse of her face, he quickly shifted. The idea of thanking her directly while looking at her might be too much.
He muttered, “Thank you.”
Udai missed how Tsubasa turned her head, “Ah, no need to say something like that. I should be the one saying my apology to you. It’s only fair because you technically hurt yourself in order to save me— ah! but, yeah, I know you don’t regret it. Sorry, sorry.”
There was nothing until Tsubasa finally excused herself. During that time, Udai’s gaze was drawn to the elastic bandage wrapping his wrist.
Right. He didn’t know her name yet, did he?
Tsubasa turned her head, by which time Udai had gotten comfortable enough to look at her.
“What is your name?”
Tsubasa’s brow pulled upwards. Right. It must have seemed ridiculous to get a question like that after some encounter.
Udai wanted to say something, but was immediately preceded. “Ah? So, I’ve never introduced myself all this time? Oh! My bad, Senpai!”
Well... that was true.
Tsubasa then looked at him, “Tsubasa. Sasaki Tsubasa.”
Tsubasa. Wings.
Tsubasa smiled, “That’s my name.”
The next day, morning practice began as usual at seven o’clock. They started with stretches, a lap around the court, then some light sprints in pairs until thirty minutes before class started.
Udai’s world was small. It revolved around volleyball, classes, and the sheets he was trying to fill with something that often rang loudly in his head when the world was dead.
Truly, Udai was comfortable with what went on in his panel. He even thought that henceforth, he would be fine if his routine stayed like that in this monotonous panel.
Waking up early for a jog before school, morning practice, attending class or skipping class, interspersing his worldly breaks with drawing, returning to the court for another practice session and then ending the day with dinner and rest—at least, it lasts exactly as monotonous as that until the last few weeks. Until suddenly, fate threw something into this panel.
As if he didn’t want this panel to be stuck in a monotonous revolution, fate connected his way to an intersection where he could meet her. And as if fate were a skilled embroiderer, it has been splicing encounters between him and Tsubasa persistently over the past few weeks.
This morning after his morning practice with the club, as he was stopping by the vending machine to buy some milk, he ran into her. However, Tsubasa was not alone. With her, was a glasses-girl he didn’t know.
Tsubasa greeted him, and Udai awkwardly greeted back. While waiting for his milk to come out, Udai turned to Tsubasa who had just greeted him.
“Did you just come out of the gymnasium, Senpai?”
He hummed.
“Oh... So the team also has a morning training session, I suppose!”
He hummed again, then bent down to get his milk. He heard Tsubasa’s friend in a small whisper asking about him, about how she knew a Senpai, and Tsubasa’s answer was enough: I just happen to know him.
Right. They just happen to know each other because some accidents occured.
Udai turned to Tsubasa, briefly asking her if she wanted to get some milk or another thing. Twas it, and he walked away after getting her answer. Don’t blame him, he was never really good at communicating.
The next day, he saw her again in the corridor. She was carrying a pile of papers with her class rep, heading to the teacher’s room. And he started to wonder why none of the boys in her class would help her... Well, in his class, even a loner like Udai, would sometimes be told to do something such as carrying some sports equipment or some piling exam papers.
In that encounter, Tsubasa still graciously displayed her friendly smile to him. Her head was bowed to greet him as they passed each other before she returned to the girl beside her, responding to something she told her before.
“Eeeeh!? Really?”
“Then, I should try that too, I suppose!”
“Try it, Sasaki!”
“Do you think so, too?”
Her tone was bright, excited.
And then, at the end of the week, he saw her while playing baseball with her class. She looked so free and radiant, the sun shining on her hair and the wind carrying her laughter and screams.
On that day, fate was a mangaka.
In this small panel where his world and Tsubasa’s collided, when he was introduced to Tsubasa’s laughter for the first time, he was introduced to an oddness. And like a reader who will diligently explore each panel, he gave in.
From then on, he couldn’t get back.
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faireel · 7 years
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a quick bokuaka while I keep working on those requests (   ´   º`)~♡ 
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6okuto · 2 years
— when you use a pet name for the first time
gn!reader | atsumu, akaashi, suna, iwaizumi, tsukishima, kita, kuroo, bokuto, kenma
note from nia: Life Is So Hard. i added a couple characters Again though‼️😘
ATSUMU stops in his tracks, previously on his way to grab his phone charger. his growing exhaustion from the day has disappeared as he snaps his head toward you, "baby?" the question in his voice makes you turn, "...yes?" he begins walking towards you, "no, you—y'just called me baby." "...i did?" atsumu looks at you incredulously before whining, "babe." you yelp as he plops onto the bed beside you, moving close enough to wrap an arm around your waist. "can you use pet names more often, please?" despite how warm your face feels, you manage to tease him for his reaction, "yeah, yeah, you big baby." atsumu pouts and his grip around you tightens, "that's not how you're supposed to use it." you can't help the laugh that escapes you and you run your fingers through your hair. "sorry, baby." he lets go of you, only to smush his face into the pillow beside you. you can spot his ears now tinted red and hear a muffled "oh my god." atsumu turns his face enough so you can hear him, "one more time?"
AKAASHI's eyes widen and his fingers still around his pen. "...what?" you stare at his shocked expression with one of confusion, "um...i asked if you could pass my mug?" he blinks before looking down beside him, your mug staring back at him. "i—yeah, sorry. of course i can." you laugh a little as you take it from his hand, "are you okay? what shocked you?" keiji blushes a little, though he wishes he didn't, "you just...haven't used a pet name for me before." the smile on your face drops when you finally process what you did—the word "baby" in your voice playing in your head. "oh. oh—sorry, did it make you uncomfortable? i didn't realize—" "no!" keiji interrupts. he clears his throat before clarifying, "no, um, it was nice." you nod and take a mental note before he speaks again, "can i...also...use pet names for you?" it isn't hard to tell he's a little nervous for your reply, but you smile and nod, "yeah. it'd be nice." keiji looks up to smile back at you, and maybe it's the adrenaline of it all, but he manages to say one more thing, "alright. i'll get us both some snacks. stay right there, love."
SUNA's watching tiktoks as you both talk, breathing out laughs every so often. "i'm serious, baby. we have to get up eventually." his fingers freeze and the tiktok he had just finished starts to repeat, then repeats again. "...rin? are you rewatching the video?" the name loops in his head and he looks up at you from his position on your lap in bed. "did you just call me baby?" it takes a second to realize what he's talking about, but you feel your face heat up and you stutter, "n—yes? i mean, um, unless you didn't like it. it just kinda slipped out, so, i mean—" rin gets up and sits in front of you. his lips twitch a little as if he was stopping himself from smiling, "so you didn't mean to call me baby, baby?" you frown, "you're insufferable, suna." he laughs a little before shuffling closer, moving his face right in front of yours so you can't escape. you think he's about to tease you again, but he smiles softly instead. "i liked it. you don't have to keep using it if you don't feel comfortable yet, though." your face is still warm but you nod in response. rin's smile grows slightly at that and he kisses your cheek, "okay, bunny."
TSUKISHIMA drops his pencil onto his desk as he processes the word "babe" that came from you. you watch the pencil roll and look up at him, "kei? you good? did your physics textbook somehow shock you?" he frowns at you before changing his mind, a smirk forming instead. he hopes you can't notice his red ears while he speaks, "no, i just didn't realize we were using pet names now, babe." your own pen falls before you groan and cover your face with your hands, "oh my god." kei makes a taunting noise as if he wasn't flustered himself, "what's wrong, babe? did something shock you?" you look up at him and gape for a couple of seconds before taking a breath. "my misery aside, did you actually...mind? or..." the cockiness on kei's face drops quickly and he's back to floundering before clearing his throat. "i mean, no. i guess not." and his reaction is enough to know you have the upperhand again, "good to know, babe. let's get back to work then, right?"
IWAIZUMI scratches the back of his neck as he calls out to you, "have you seen my phone?" you walk over with a teasing smile, "here you go. left it on the bathroom counter, hon." hajime's hand pauses as he reaches for it, his planned "thank you" disappearing for something else—"did you just call me hon?" his lips twitch into a smile as he watches your reaction, a small laugh escaping him when you try to explain. "sorry! i didn't realize, haji, uh, i mean, i don't know. i was watching a drama yesterday and it was cute so i just..." you trail off. hajime finally takes his phone back and pulls you close enough to kiss your cheek, "hey, it's fine. i just wasn't expecting it. thanks for finding my phone, hon." you choke at his teasing and jokingly frown, but he's already looking down at his phone. you don't find out until later that he went to change your contact to the new pet name, giddy in his own way.
KITA is quick to clarify, "oh, did you want me to use pet names, too?" his question confuses you, and he watches you gape. "well, you called me 'baby' so i thought i'd ask." his calmness is both relieving and also nerve-wracking in a way as you continue to look at him. "sorry, i didn't realize i said that, shinsuke. but um, if you're comfortable with it?" it comes out as a question and your boyfriend tilts his head. "that didn't sound too confident. we don't have to use them if you don't want to." but you wave your hands, "no, no, i want to! i just surprised myself, that's all." shinsuke smiles at you before nodding, "okay, hon. we still have a lot of chores to get through, though. should we get going?" your face heats up at the casualness of it all—the way he was able to switch his vocabulary at the drop of a dime. but you nod and take your place next to him before continuing on, not taking note of shinsuke's own nerves calming down beside you.
KUROO doesn't process it, already handing you the shirt you asked for. but soon enough he pauses before turning to you with a grin, "sorry, what did you call me?" your focus switches from the top to your boyfriend and you furrow your brows, "what?" tetsurou leans against the pillar next to him, hand over his heart, "i'm wounded. you just called me baby, you know."  his grin grows as he watches realization bloom and you cover your face with the shirt. you mutter, "shut up, tetsu," before turning to walk away. "aw, babe. it was cute, can you say it again?" tetsurou only gets a groan in response as you speed up and he casually matches your pace. his tone is a little more serious when you don't turn around, "hey, babe, you don't actually have to say it again or be embarrassed. i'm sorry." he smiles when you turn to face him. "why couldn't you have been more annoying instead of getting all nice?" tetsurou lets out a cackle that makes you hit his shoulder and he snorts, "sorry your boyfriend's perfect. want me to pay for your stuff, too?" it's his fault, really, for asking when you quickly say "yes" and move to line up.
BOKUTO grins as he walks up to you after his match, "babe! did y'see my last spike?" his arms wrap around you for a hug and you laugh before answering, "yes, baby. you did great today!" kotaro takes a second before pulling away slowly and looking at you, his smile gone. "...did you just say baby?" your own smile falters as the realization hits you, "um...yeah? i'm sorry, did you not like it—"  but he shakes his head aggressively before whining a little, "no! i mean, yes! i mean no, i did like it!" kotaro pouts as he fumbles with his words, but he manages to get his feelings across. "can you use it more, please?" before you can respond, you hear voices coming towards you—probably his team finally catching up to him. but your boyfriend's gaze never moves away from you, waiting for an answer. you laugh lightly at the situation but nod, "yeah, i can, baby. you should go meet up with your team now, though." he grins and kisses your head before unwrapping his arms from your waist, "i'll see you later, okay? don't forget!"
KENMA watches his character die as he feels his face go red. "wh—ken? did a plate of sliced fruit get you killed?" he takes off his headphones and glances at the plate you brought, then you, before diverting his gaze to the wall. "no. it wasn't that." "...okay? what was it then? did i distract you? 'm sorry—" "no it wasn't—you just—" he groans and lays his head against his desk. you can only vaguely hear his next words—"you called me baby." kenma knows you can't see him, and he's never been more thankful considering how warm he feels. "oh." it's your turn to stutter when you try to speak, "sorry i didn't—it just kind of, like, i didn't want to—i mean i did want to but i just...sorry." it only takes a second for kenma to start laughing as he raises his head to look at you. "ken, come on," you whine. he shakes his head, "no, sorry. i wasn't laughing at you, just...us." you laugh a little, too, realizing how needlessly awkward the both of you were. "did you dislike it by the way? i can stop," you reassure him. kenma's ears are still tinted red when he picks up his controller, "no, uh, i liked it. just maybe don't drop it on me like that while i'm in a boss fight next time?"
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xxmaddyxx · 2 years
Haikyuu Boys Reacting to Y/N Calling them "bro"
contents: lil bit of crack, fluff, swearing short n sweet includes: Akaashi, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Suna
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"Y/n," he said in a monotone way
the two of you were cuddling on your bed before his practice
"hmmm." you hummed into his chest
"I gotta go to practice" he patted your back kinda telling you to get up
"You're not leaving me, bro."
"Yes I-" he paused
"What'd you call me?"
"Bro, you're not leaving me here by myself."
"Um, I'm sorry, I have to."
"No, bro." you kept egging it on, trying to get a reaction out of him.
"Okay, wait a minute. What happened to 'baby' or 'Keiji', hm?" You sat up next to him and he looked at you with a cocked eyebrow and his arms crossed.
"I dunno, do you not like my new name for you, bro?"
"Okay, stop."
"Why bro?" you bit back laughter at his obvious aggravation
"STAHP." he tackled you and startled tickling you
"QUIT BRO!! HAHAHA." You cackled.
"No, not until you call me by my proper name."
"I thought HAHA you had to HA go to practice!"
"I'll wait."
"BABE stop I'm dying!" he stopped tickling you
"Thank you, now I gotta go, love you." he kissed your nose
"Love you too..." he left your room "bro."
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he just finished a practice game and you asked him to take you to McDonalds
after ordering, the line was taking mf forever
so you decided to do a lil smth
"Bro, I'm so hungryy!"
at first, he just thought you were thinking out loud so he just nodded in agreement
"Oh, by the way, you did great today, bro." You looked at him and smiled big
"Aw, than- wait huh?"
his brain rlly said wait a damn minute
"I said good game, bro."
"I- y/nnn." he whined
"What is it, man?"
"STOOPP." he dramaticaly threw his head back against his carseat
"What brooo." you mimicked him and threw your head back
"THAT! You should know by now that I am to be referred to as 'baby' 'honey' 'babe' or the occasional 'Tooru'."
"I just thought I would switch it up bro, do you not like it?"
"No!" he crossed his arms.
"Okaayy, I'm sorry baby." You kissed his cheek and he smiled cheekily
"I win again." He pulled up a bit and recieved the food.
He pulled off and looked at you stuffing your face (im sorry im rlly hungry rn)
"What?" you asked in between bites
"You just look cute, bro." He smiled as he stole a fry
"Hey! First off, you got your own fries, and if I can't call you bro, you can't call me it either."
"Okie dokie." He kissed your hand and the two of you drove home
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Iwaizumi (we need low quality pics of him -_-)
he came back from one of his workouts and invited you over
and of course you said yes
he called you while you were otw and asked if you wanted smth prepared like food or drink
"Nah, bro I'm good for now but if you make smth for yourself I'll have some."
"Oh, ok."
"How was the workout man?"
"Uh, good?"
"I hear ya- AH SHIT."
"What, what? Are you ok babe?"
"Yeah, bro. Some dipshit just ran the red light in front of me and almost hit someone. I'll see you soon, dude."
"Ok, love you, be safe please."
"I will, love you too man." he hung up and you paused
"Crap, that sounded too friendly, now I feel bad."
when you got there, Iwa was sitting on his bed eating some chips and scrolling on his phone (showered ofc)
you sat next to him and kissed his forehead
"Hi, Iwa."
"Hey, bro." he didn't look up from his phone
"Ugh, I'm sorry, baby. It was a joke but it sounded rlly casual, I'm sorry." you peppered his face in kisses finishing with a kiss on the lips, which he returned
"It's okay, just watch yourself next time."
"Alrighty." you kissed his cheek and the two of you hung out for the rest of the afternoon
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he decided to let you try your eyeliner skills on him
(im a sucker for eyeliner hcs with him)
so, you were sitting on his lap, one hand on his face the other carefully drawing a wing
he began to have one of those random ass coughing attacks
you pulled the eyeliner pen away from his face as he continued to die from coughing
"You good, bro?"
immediately stops coughing
he looked up at you
"Excuse me?"
you tried so fucking hard not to laugh at his serious expression
"I said, are you okay bro?"
"Bro? Are you friendzoning me rn?"
"Here I am, letting you draw God knows what on my face and you call me BrO aRe YoU gOoD?" you could tell he was playfully being dramatic now
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." you said in between giggles
"Now, what's my name?"
"I'm sorry schnookums."
"The fuck is a schnookums?"
"I'm sorry, babe." you rolled you eyes and smiled as he hugged your waist and leaned his head against you
You sighed, "Rin, I can't do your eyeliner with your head in my chest."
he kissed your collarbone. "Eh, you looked like you needed a break."
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volleychumps · 4 years
« Accidentally Lashing Out at Their S/O
genre: angst to fluff
format: scenarios
- includes: Akaashi and Sakusa 
Akaashi Keiji
“Keiji, please come to bed soon.” 
The snipped reply had the beginnings of a swirl of anger within your stomach, causing you to puff out some hair in your eyes in slight annoyance. This had been a week long occurrence, and you feared Akaashi may faint from exhaustion from how heavy he took on his workloads every night. 
“Y/N, please sleep. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Akaashi attempted to soften his tone, but an edge still remained that highlighted his irritability. You gnawed on your lower lip momentarily before taking a seat on the couch not too far away, reaching for your book. 
“When you sleep, I’ll sleep.” 
“Are you a child?” 
You scoff through your nose, feeling an argument on the tip of your tongue depending on how you responded.
“I just care about you, you haven’t slept before three in the morning in days, my love-” 
“Have you ever considered that maybe you being too overbearing is adding to my stress?” Akaashi’s voice raised the slightest in volume, making your chest sink at the rare circumstance you found yourself in. It was as if all the stress bubbling up in his stomach was beginning to simmer over. 
“Maybe if you stopped and thought for a moment you would realize-” 
You snapped your book shut. Akaashi’s pen stopped bleeding angrily onto the document as a silence of realization flooded the room. 
“Good idea. Maybe I should think more, because right now, I’m realizing how much of a prick you’ve been to me when I’ve been nothing but patient.” 
“I change my mind, don’t come to bed. Work yourself to the point until you pass out in that desk of yours.” Your tone didn’t waver, and you tried your best to appear unbothered-
but Akaashi heard it. Your voice crack.
You rushed out of the room before the blue-eyed boy could even rise from his desk, guilty apology in his throat. He sighed, following you into your shared bedroom as you continued your novel from within the sheets, seemingly unfazed save for your watery eyes. 
“Love, please look at me.” He sat carefully on the edge of the bed as you turn another page in disinterest. 
“Keiji, you know it hurts me when you aren’t healthy right? What if you get sick?” Your eyes didn’t look up from the ink on paper you weren’t paying attention to, but a tear slipped your eye. The defeated tone in your wavering words made Akaashi’s chest tighten even more. 
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Let me sleep with you tonight?” 
The novel now laid forgotten on your lap as you allow him to move closer to you, cupping your cheek carefully before pressing his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry for raising my voice. I’ll be better. You’re right, I’m way too exhausted-” 
“Then let’s get you out of work clothes-” You unloosen his tie, using it to pull him into you to which he responds immediately. His breath fans your lips, blue eyes gazing into yours tiredly and lovingly before you kiss him quickly. “And into bed.” 
He laughs once, soft smile gracing his handsome features before kissing your lips a second time. 
“There’s nothing I’d like more, my love.” 
Sakusa Kiyoomi
 “Go talk to him. It doesn’t matter to me.” 
“Kiyoomi, please-” You followed your tall boyfriend with exasperation on your features, making sure not to trip on your dress. 
“Did you forget who you came here with, Y/N?” Sakusa’s tone was coldly amused as your cheeks flood with heat with people beginning to stare. 
“Let’s talk in private.” 
Sakusa knew he should’ve listened. The rational part of him knew that he should’ve scanned the situation better, but that rational part was drowned out by the image of a flirty Atsumu talking you up near the open bar. 
“Why? You don’t want everyone to know that my girlfriend was flirting with my teammate at Hinata’s sponsor’s event?” He scoffed, but Sakusa’s lips soon find themselves sealed tight at the sight of the tears welling up in your eyes. 
You angrily wipe at them before trying to control your emotions. “You left me alone at a party where I hardly know anyone. You went to go talk to connections or whatever, making me feel like I was nothing but an accessory for you to bring. So excuse me if I found solace in a friend because my boyfriend abandoned me at a social event.” 
Sakusa’s dark eyes widened a fraction before you brush past him, bumping him in the shoulder with your own to dash down the hallway as far as your heels would allow. 
“Atsumu just wanted to make her feel comfortable.” Bokuto approaches his teammate, feeling guilty for having shown up a little late. “We were all going to hang around Y/N because this was her first event as your girlfriend.” 
“And you shouldn’t have left her alone.” Atsumu mumbled, barely audible for the party guests who were beginning to lose interest in the sparked drama. Sakusa’s jaw clenched before he winced, remembering your hurt expression before sighing and turning on his heel. He would deal with the annoying blonde later. 
He walked the same hallway you had ran down, feeling an unfamiliar emotion of guilt eat at his stomach. Was it because you were the first girl he opened his heart to? Was he really blinded by the anger of potentially losing you to someone who could make you laugh as easily as Atsumu did? 
Sakusa stalled at the sight of your heels laying by the balcony doors. He pushed them easily, heels in hand, before finding you nursing the soles of your feet in your dramatic escapade. 
The two of you stayed silent for awhile, the dark haired spiker kneeling down to your seated height before carefully picking up one of your sore feet. 
“Kiyoomi, it’s not clean-” 
“You’re hurt.” Was his curt reply before gently massaging it. You stare at your dark eyed boyfriend before your eyes begin to well up with tears again. 
“I’m sorry-” 
“No.” He cut you off, beginning to slip your shoe back on. “You did nothing wrong. I...I don’t know how to do this. Not with someone I love. I’m sorry if I made you feel as if you were nothing but a pretty accessory on my arm.”
“Although you are pretty-” He pulls down his mask and kisses your shin, causing heat to flood your cheeks. “You are so much more than that. I know I don’t say it often, but I hate seeing you cry. Especially if it’s by me. So teach me to love you properly, because I want to know how.” 
Your smile was so gorgeous in the moonlight, Sakusa cleared his throat before blushing underneath his mask, busying himself with the straps of your heels. 
“I love you, Kiyoomi.” 
And then he couldn’t help himself, tugging his mask down a second time to capture your lips with his own, closing his eyes. 
“You make my head spin, Y/N.” He whispers, causing you to shiver as his cold fingers touch the side of your neck. 
“But I think I like it.” 
Hey guys! I changed up the characters and I’m only writing for two because I’m easing back into writing normally. I’ve been on a break for awhile because there’s been some personal issues going on at home and in school. Thank you for reading regardless:)
General works: @takemetovalhalla  @faesbae  @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046   @let-me-have-my-own-name  @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite   @curiouslilbeast  @aprettyfruit   @wisepandaslimeland   @h0ngh0ngh0ng   @lmkjimin   @orangegiraffe7   @dai-tsukki-desu   @kac-chowsballs   @spikertrash   @yamaguwuchi   @lord-suneater-explosion   @holaaaf  @babyybokutoakaashi   @lexysclubhouse   @disneyloving-muggle   @kuuuuroo   @theonep1ece  @that-chick212  
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sukirichi · 3 years
no guidance
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pov: you ask your step-brother to guide you in your first time 
part of the everything step cest collab by @dilfhub​ thank you for everything! 💕
note. lol this rotted in my drafts for weeks but i finally finished it eeeee
cw. virginity loss, sexting, mild corruption themes, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), possessive! akaashi-ni, slight dumbification, pseudo-incest (step siblings)
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You knew better than to associate with the likes of Miya Atsumu. As if him being one of the most notorious fuckboys in campus wasn’t enough of a warning sign, his reputation was also infamous for being the “Virgin Killer.” In simpler terms, he took pride in corrupting the innocence of whoever was foolish enough to fall into his trap, and yet there you were, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you shamelessly sexted with him.
Unsurprisingly, he’s asking for nudes. Again.
It had been approximately three months since you passed notes with the said Miya twin (and of course you liked the worse of the pair) before your friendship escalated into something...more sexual. It was no secret Atsumu had a high sex drive, something you were still foreign with, so you weren’t really taken aback by his open vulgarity over his desire to fuck you.
The first month, you were nice enough to sent him a snap of your titties. Albeit still a little shy over not having sent anyone such an intimate photo before, you were beyond exhilarated.
The next, you sent him a booty pic. It wasn’t anything sexy since you were only in your campus hoodie, the door locked because you didn’t want your parents walking in on you trying to get a good angle of your rounded buttocks.
And just last week, you finally gained enough courage to take a photo of your glistening pussy, sent with a caption of ‘thinking of you...’
Now, you weren’t stupid despite your preference to act naive and innocent. You knew your actions would entice him to lead into something more, if his dick picks that show him already leaking weren’t enough of a telltale already. But as your phone pinged and his name flashed above your screen, the words, ‘meet you at Issei’s party this weekend? I think I’ve waited long enough’ loud and clear – your heart dropped into your chest.
Without another thought, you shut your phone off and rolled to your side.
The thing was, you’ve never really had sex. You couldn’t even be brave enough to lose your virginity to your hairbrush or to buy a dildo despite your friends’ insistence it was much better than an actual cock (quote unquote: both can make you orgasm, but the former didn’t come with toxic attitudes of horny college boys.)
Sure, you’ve watched porn, and you watched a lot – but nothing could compare to the actual experience of it. Your fingers could only get you so far.
Glancing at your phone that kept lighting up with texts from Atsumu, you felt something stir deep within your stomach. Curiosity? Arousal? Nervousness? Excitement? Perhaps all a mix of both. You’ve heard from all the girls Atsumu’s slept with that even though he meant bad news, his cock could be likened of that of  a blessing that converted them into ‘I hate him’ to ‘Gosh, I wanna fuck him again.’ Addicting, they called him, and now you were being offered a path to being on a path that most likely had no point of return.
You sighed.
The saner part of you warned you to stay away. There was no rush to lose your virginity now. Just because most of your friends had enough experience, it didn’t mean you had to be the same as them. After all, you came from quite...a strict household.
While everyone had been away from their parents and independently living in their dorms, you still stayed under the same roof as your father and step-mom, along with your older brother who was only a year ahead of you. Akaashi was a very sweet presence to have that you didn’t mind not experiencing that ‘youthful freedom’ too much, simply because your brother was a better company than whoever you could room with. He was kind, always ready to help, and you could confidently say you trusted him more than you did your closest friends.
Maybe that was the reason why you knocked at his room past midnight, shifting your weight from one foot to another. The faint sliver of light peeking from the cracks in his door told you he was probably still working on projects and the like, really not a good time to bother him, but you couldn’t hold on any longer.
At the back of your mind, this was the right thing. He was the right person.
“’Kaashi-nii...?” you knocked again, aware that he had a habit of listening to music on full volume while studying. “Are you there? Oh, were you studying, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to barge.”
Your brother stood in front of you, his headphones hung around his neck. He’d swung the door open to reveal that he was, indeed, previously hunched over his desk to work on something. Upon seeing the guilty expression on your face, Akaashi smiled at you in reassurance. “Hey, no, it’s fine,” he ushered you inside, setting you down at the edge of his bed while he sat across you in his swivelling chair. “Do you need help with homework again?”
Turning away from him shyly, you opted to fiddle with your fingers as you stared at your lap. You had come here in a whim. You didn’t really think this through, and even though you’d been in his room a thousand times before, his dark blue sheets and tidy room that smelled sweetly of his detergent and vanilla cologne made you feel dizzy.
It didn’t help that he looked so mouth-watering in this light too.
Messy hair, long, slender fingers that absentmindedly spun a pen in those pretty hands of his, his dark eyes hazy and as welcoming as ever under the dim light of his desk lamp – how could you resist?
“What is it?” Akaashi quickly picked up on your silent worries. He’d always been observant, taking his role as your big brother seriously that he had attuned himself to sense even the slightest differences from you. Even though you’d only become family when you were already in middle school, it felt like you had known him for a much longer time than that, his warm hands rubbing soothing circles in your knees pulling the tension away from you.
“You know you can tell your brother everything, right? I’ll listen to you, you don’t need to feel scared or nervous.”
Guess it was now or never... “There’s this boy in my class...”
Akaashi’s eyes immediately darkened. All the warmth in his face disappeared, now replaced with a hardness you didn’t think was possible for such an understanding, patient guy like him. “Is he hurting you, forcing you to do something you don’t like?” his questions shot out one by one, and your eyes widened when he held you firmly by the shoulders. “Do I need to hurt someone?”
“No, no, it’s not like that!”
Your brother relaxed back in his chair. For a moment, your mind conjured up the dirtiest image of bouncing on his cock (and you know his cock is pretty after accidentally walking in on him changing clothes in high school) as he studied, but you quickly shook the thought away with a clear of your throat.
“What’s wrong then?”
You took a deep breath. “I just...I like him a lot and he asked me to have sex with him someday,” your words came out barely above a whisper, the courage seeping out of you until meeting Akaashi’s eyes felt impossible. “I said yes because of course I like him but...I’m afraid.”
“Hey,” Akaashi tilted your chin to look at him, his blue eyes pooling with worry and brotherly concern. “You know you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“I just don’t want to disappoint him. I-I’ve never done it before and I feel like I won’t make him feel good. That’s why I came here,” you peered at him under your lashes, tongue darting out to nervously lick at your lips that felt uncomfortably dry. “You told me I could ask you for help in anything and you’re my brother so I trust you a lot to guide me on this one.”
The silence in the room was suffocating.
You were so close to running out of his room and pretending you didn’t exist for the rest of your life because what the hell were you asking? He was your brother, he obviously didn’t see you as a woman. You bet in his eyes, you were nothing but a little sister, and there really was no stopping him from kicking you out of his room until – “You want me to be your first time?”
You looked up at him so fast you actually felt your neck ache from the sudden movement. Heat spread all over your body, especially to your core at the unreadable expression in his eyes, yet it wasn’t...bad. He wasn’t rejecting you.
“Yes, please.”
Akaashi nodded at your hushed words. Slapping his palms to his knees, he walked to his bedside table where he pulled out an inconspicuous bottle with some sort of liquid you weren’t familiar with.
“Okay. Nii-san will teach you everything, but first, I need to prep you.” Fuck, fuck, fuck, this was actually happening!
You could barely process the events that happened next as he discarded his shirt to the ground, exposing his toned upper body to you from years of playing volleyball. While you sat there frozen and with a frantic beating heart, your brother barely blinked an eye as he gestured for you to take your clothes off. Wordlessly, you pulled your top off and shimmied out of your underwear. Too shy upon being exposed to a male for the first time in your life, you immediately headed towards his bed and closed your eyes, breath heavy and laboured as you waited for his next movements.
Akaashi’s hand went up to your knee, and you flinched at the contact, relaxing only when his soothing smile greeted you. “Lean back for me. Just relax and loosen up, okay? I’m not going to hurt you, Nii-san will make you feel good.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you did as he told. You were still shy, but you were feeling a lot less nervous. His hypnotizing gestures of caressing your thighs made you sigh in contentment as your head hit the pillow, legs falling open like it was second nature to spread yourself to your brother.
The thought had you biting your lip.
Before you could think too much about it, you felt a cool liquid being spread all over your lips. You gasped and clutched on the sheets out of reflex, staring forward as your brother stared at you cautiously, his lube coated fingers experimentally rubbing circles over your pussy lips. It felt so lewd for him to touch you like that – those same hands that always held yours in your weakest moments – yet it felt so good; the strange sensation tightening your chest.
“I-it’s cold.”
“I’ll warm it up for you,” he reassured, “How far have you gone? Any prior sexual experience?” Akaashi then began to playfully roll your clit between his fingers, eliciting a high-pitched whimper from you. He grinned at your reaction – so vocal for him already – and he was determined to hear more of it. “Ever tried sucking someone off?”
“No, but I’ve watched a lot of porn.”
“Porn is different from actual sex, baby,” the nickname fell so effortlessly from his lips that you didn’t dare question it anymore. Not that you could anyway, because the tip of his finger was prodding against your hole that was embarrassingly clenching around nothing. “How about here? Have you tried masturbating?”
“Don’t ask me such embarrassing questions!”
“You’re spread open for me already, you don’t need to be embarrassed,” You covered your face with your hands to hide, but Akaashi pried them away, his grip on your wrist both demanding yet gentle. “Tell me so I know how many fingers I can put inside you. I need to stretch you out.”
“Just one.”
“Louder, baby.”
“Just one finger,” you blurted out, finding it harder and harder to breathe the more he glided his fingers between your slit. Fingering yourself couldn’t even compare to the beauty of having him do the same to you, your arousal only heightened by his dedicated stare at your shaven pussy. From below your bodies, his pants had begun to home a tent.
“Two hurts a little bit and ‘em too sore.”
“What a tight cunt,” he commented with a smirk. “I’ll have to take my time with you then,” You nodded gratefully, about to smile at him with hearts in your eyes when Akaashi slowly slid a finger in. Your moan came out breathless and muted as you stared at him, mouth open in a silent gasp. The intrusion wasn’t anything new but he expertly pumped his finger in and out of it that your walls fluttered around him, head thrown back for another broken moan as he slid another digit. The stretch felt fucking perfect – the slight sting more than welcome in your virgin cunt that was now being fucked by your brother.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’ll feel better soon. Just relax.”
Openly, your slight squeaks of pleasure had increased in volume. Akaashi fingered you until he was knuckle deep, his other palm flat on your abdomen. Had you been in a better state of mind that wasn’t previously clouded with pleasure, you would’ve been embarrassed at the loud sloppy sounds of your pussy, but you remained there with trembling thighs, your nails digging at his thigh as you stared at him wide-eyed.
“Feels good?”
“M-more,” you begged through gritted teeth, “Nii-san, more.”
“Not yet, baby, you’re still too tight,” Sooner than you’d like, Akaashi pulled his fingers out of you. Both of you gazed at the webs of arousal between his fingers; your face painted in shock while he smirked at it, chest swelling with pride. Then, his eyes slid over yours, hooking his hands under your knees before he settled between your thighs.
“Come here. I’m going to go down on you.”
“Nii-san, no!” your protests fell on deaf ears, almost as if he knew you didn’t really mean it. His ears knocked with your knees locked around him, and you shivered as you felt his hot breath right before your burning cunt. “It’s embarrassing...don’t want you looking at my kitty like that.”
“Your kitty is very pretty and Nii-san wants a taste of you,” he mumbles while pressing kisses all over your pelvic bone, his sticky fingers massaging your inner thighs into relaxation. Your head pressed back harder on the pillows at the sensation, the pleasure too immense and he was just starting. “Didn’t you say you want me to teach you everything? This is just a few lessons you have to learn so don’t be shy. I’m sure you taste heavenly,” Clenching your jaw from the overwhelming bursts of ecstasy, you failed to notice how he dipped his head further, tongue darting out to lick a flat stripe. Your eyes blew wide open as he torturously and slowly dipped his tongue from your hole, the wet and warm muscle licking all the way up from your slit until the clit. “See? I told you. Heavenly.”
“’Kaashi, ‘Kaashi, oh, oh!”
“You sound so pretty but don’t be too loud,” Somehow, he managed to raise his arms and placed a palm over your mouth. “We don’t want Mom and Dad to overhear.”
Your legs trembled around him until you nearly suffocated him, but how could you stop when he was rolling his tongue side to side, licking and cleaning up the previous wetness he’d pulled from you?
It was too much, too good, and soon you were moaning behind his palm as you came all over his face.
Akaashi greedily slurped up the juices that squirted all over his face, unbothered by the mess you’ve made. He didn’t stop until he was sure you were completely clean, and you were already on the brink of overstimulation when he locked his lips around yours, sucking whatever he could take. Unable to take it any longer, you pushed his head away and fell on your side in a desperate attempt to catch your breath, sending him a seductive glare, only to soften as you his lips, cheeks, and nose shining under the moonlight.
“Nii-san, your face—”
“It’s okay, I’ll clean up for later,” he shrugged it off and stepped out of his sweatpants, ripping a condom you didn’t even notice he had. You watched with baited breath as his cock sprung free, the tip red and glistening with pre-cum. Akaashi rolled the condom over his throbbing cock and situated himself before you, pumping his length a few times before aligning it with your hole, sending you one last look of approval.
“You ready for my cock now? This might hurt a little bit. You just need to relax and I’ll go slow, okay? Tell me if anything feels uncomfortable.”
Nodding, you made yourself comfortable and braced the sheets for preparation, wincing a little as he pushed the tip in. Akaashi felt you clamp down on him, his hips stilling just as he loomed over you, his arms resting beside your head. In this position, you could see each detail of him – the thickness of his lashes, the love blooming in his eyes, the sweat beading in his forehead and everything soft and slow written all over his face.
“Still okay? I can stop if you want.”
You shook your head and wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer. He raised a brow at your initiation, but you merely smiled at him to hide the mild discomfort. “I can take it, just keep going.”
A few minutes later and a hundred still good? later, Akaashi had slid himself in. He allowed you to get used inch by delicious inch until he was completely seated inside you, hip pressed to hip and his hand caressing your cheek. “You’ve done so well,” he praised, “How does having a cock stuffed in you feel?”
“S-so full,” you replied numbly, the feeling of him throbbing inside your heat so fucking delicious. “Love nii-san’s cock.”
“Yeah? I’ll give you more then,” he warned, and you knew you couldn’t go back anymore when he placed his palm flat beside your head. Akaashi began to move his hips, slowly at first to let you accommodate to his length which your pussy hugged greedily. You were moaning left and right and his groans above you was erotic enough to make you cum on the spot, the pleasure doubling as your pebbled nipples grazed his toned chest.
“Nii-san! So big!”
“I know, baby, you’ll get used to it, don’t worry. It’ll feel better soon,” he rasped, scowling when you raked your nails down his back, though not hard enough to draw blood. It would definitely leave a mark though, and the pain of it urged him to move his hips faster, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing through his room that began to warm by each passing second. “Feel better?”
“Feels so good,” you cried around him, reaching up to bury your head in his neck and clinging to him like a koala. It did feel so good, so much so that you just might get addicted to this. “Love Nii-san’s cock.”
At your words, Akaashi’s patience that thinned a while ago completely broke.
His pace increased and he gripped your hips tightly, sitting back on his knees just to watch his cock slide in and out of you. The lube made sex feel a hundred times better from how easily he’s easily punching through your walls, the sight of you splayed out for him – hair strewn across the pillow, little whimpers leaving your lips, breasts bouncing right before his eyes and abused pussy lips hugging his shaft – it made him growl with possessiveness.
“This is how you should be fucked – you gotta be fucked right,” he announced, thumb coming down to rub your clit. As expected, you cried out and tightened around him.
He faltered for a moment at how tight you were, but he kept pushing, driving his cock in and out of you until he turned into you a sobbing, slobbery mess.
“You sure that boy of yours can make you feel this good?”
“N-no, Nii-san’s cock only!”
“That’s right, it’s just gotta be me, okay?” driving both his hands around your neck just to clench your airway as a warning, Akaashi fucked you harder than before. The sudden inability to not breathe made you impossibly tighter around him that you felt each ridge and vein kissing your bumpy walls. “Say it. Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, I’m Nii-san’s property!”
“I’m gonna mark you as mine, claim this pussy as Nii-san’s only, yeah? You want that?”
“Cum in me, ‘Kaashi, cum inside!” you prompted, and what good of a brother would he be if he didn’t grant his little sister’s wishes? Growling, Akaashi snapped his hips hard until the tip of his cock successfully kept repeating that sweet spot in you that you didn’t even know you had. You were crying, moaning, too fucked to respond as you came, and your lewd expression was all it took before he was releasing his cum inside the condom. “Kaashi, Kaashi, ah!”
Akaashi quickly pulled out his cock and took a minute to regain his breath, his head cradled on his hands at the earth-shattering orgasm you both had. Not a moment later, he’s tying his condom and throwing it to his bin, finding his way right beside you as you blinked sleepily at him.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No, you were great. Just tired.”
“Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?”
You smiled at his concern, pulling him in closer for an embrace. He was warm and sweaty that it felt uncomfortable, but you wanted him beside you, and Akaashi began to caress your hipbones with so much tenderness. He knew he was a little rough for losing control like that.
“I’d love that, thank you,” you mumbled, more than ready to call it a night and sleep when his weight shifted off the bed. Akaashi rummaged through something in his drawers before he disappeared in the bathroom for a bit, coming back to spread your legs open once more. “Wh-what’re you doing?”
“It’s called aftercare. If your partner can’t provide this and pamper you, I suggest you break up with them,” he snickered, and you hissed at the sensitivity as he wiped away your cum with the towel. You soon relaxed, however, all thanks to Akaashi’s doting nature that you were falling asleep on his bed, allowing him to clean you up as he pleases. He set the towel aside and snuggled right next to you, his nose bumping your jaw to pull you away from dreamland for a little while. His previous sexual aura had now dimmed; his brotherly concern present again. “You still want to fuck your classmate?”
“Hmm...he’s really handsome, and I heard from the other girls he’s got a huge cock too,” you giggled, not really aware of your words as you said, “Probably even bigger than yours.”
Thinking that he might be offended, you almost apologized after a moment, but Akaashi only laughed as he hugged you tighter. “Size doesn’t matter. It’s who owns the cock and their talent in pleasuring their partner that matters,” he confidently stated, fingers running up and down your spine that brought chills down to your toes as he nibbled on your ear. “And I know I fucked you so good he can’t compare.”
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itsdanii · 4 years
i loved the rejecting and regretting series!! could you do one with akaashi and osamu? thanks again!!
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Hey, bub. Thank you so much for requesting. I'm happy that you're loving my works, it makes my heart soft 😭♥️ Here's your request! I hope you have a good day and stay hydrated. Mwah!
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Rejecting you and regretting it pt. 5
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: rude behavior (resolved), cursing
a/n: Do read the warnings before you proceed. Warnings have been put there for a reason.
ft. akaashi keiji, osamu miya
Title says it all
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Akaashi Keiji
With your grades in literature almost at the brink of destruction, you had to swallow your pride and ask one of your classmates to tutor you
While you're the best in most subject areas, you sucked when it comes to literature
You didn't see the point of studying articles, analyzing literary pieces and using poetic words
But for the sake of graduating, you had to take the subject
But it seemed like the subject hated you just as much as you hated it
And so, one afternoon, you slammed a limited edition book you knew Akaashi, your classmate and your crush, liked on his desk and stared at him with pleading eyes as you begged him to tutor you
At first, he rejected the offer, opting to pat your head before leaving the classroom
But you were persistent
It wasn't long then when he started taking pity on you
All your papers had red marks in them and everytime there was a test, you would stare blankly at your paper and jot down nonsense ideas
At the sight of you in the  brink of tears, Akaashi sighed and decided to help, given that you have to focus and not do random stuff during your sessions
And that's how you found yourself in this current situation - hand holding the pen tightly, your eyes focused on the man in front of you instead of the story analysis he's explaining, and your heart beating as if you just finished a 5km run
"Are you even listening?"
You blinked your eyes at him and smiled sheepishly before scratching the back of your head. You knew that a small blush was probably visible on your cheeks now but of course, you had to play it cool.
"Of course," you said with a confident nod. "You were uh, talking about young love."
Akaashi rose an eyebrow at your answer as if challenging you to elaborate.
"The main character was in love with the guy... and the guy doesn't like her? And she-" you paused for a moment and grabbed the book you were reading, eyes scanning between the lines before continuing your probably wrong answer. "She died?"
With a sigh, Akaashi stood up and sat beside you, your elbows pressing against each other as he leaned down to write something on your book.
"Okay, first and foremost, she didn't die. She left. This part here-"
As he continued explaining, you felt yourself getting lost once again. Your eyes scanned over his features, taking notice of how long his lashes were and how flawless his skin was that you were almost tempted to caress it. His scent surrounded you for being too close which tempted you to shut your eyes.
"I like you," you blurted out unconsciously.
The both of you froze as soon as the words escaped your lips, eyes widening and lips parting as you stared at each other with shocked expressions.
Aaashi, who was the first to compose himself, cleared his throat before sitting upright. "Y/n-san, I'm really flattered by your infatuation but you do know that I'm only here to tutor you, right? We agreed to focus. We're supposed to be studying, not flirting with each other."
"I know but..."
"I can't accept your confession, I'm sorry," Akaashi said before sighing. "How about we end this session already? I don't want your mind wandering while I talk here knowing that you're out of focus."
You immediately shook your head no. "It's okay, Keiji. You don't have to like me back, you know? Just let me like you. You can just pretend that nothing happened. I promise I won't do anything that'll make you feel uncomfortable."
Despite your facade, Akaashi knew that you were forcing yourself to act unbothered. It wasn't really hard to figure you out. Like a book, he could read you within seconds and know exactly what you were thinking and how you were feeling, and at this moment, he knew that you were just pretending.
For the sake of not making you feel uncomfortable and guilty, Akaashi nodded before continuing his explanation regarding the story.
Surprisingly, you stayed true to your words. You didn't say anything out of the line nor forced your confession to him. Akaashi admired you for that since most of the girls whom asked him for help from the past were only after his looks and the sake of getting in his pants.
As your session came to an end, you stretched your arms out. You released a breath of relief before smiling at him. "Thank you so much for teaching me, and I'm sorry for taking so much of your time."
You started keeping your things and piling up the books you're going to borrow from the library. Standing up, you gave him a small bow before grabbing your bag. "I'll see you around then?"
Akaashi just nodded and watched as you made your way out of the library, not knowing how hard you were gripping the books you had in your hand.
That night, you cried your eyes out. Sure, at your age, it may seem childish to cry over someone, but this was Akaashi we're talking about.
The Akaashi Keiji.
The one whom you've liked ever since your first year in college. The one you've liked the moment you saw him sleeping inside a nearly empty library, several cups of coffee and littered paper surrounding his table as if he had been studying the whole night. The one who never noticed you but you never failed to notice.
Your Akaashi, or at least in your dreams, he was yours.
You stared at the now empty tub of icecream on your lap and sniffled. Grabbing another roll of tissue, you began to wipe your tears and your runny nose before playing another cliche romance movie to soothe your broken heart.
Your study sessions with Akaashi continued for a couple more weeks but unlike your previous meetings, you weren't as enthusiastic.
You were focused and attentive, but it just wasn't the same. Akaashi noticed how you would try to put a bit of distance between the two of you, how you would avoid looking at him in the eye, and how you avoided touching him.
But what he noticed the most, were your swollen eyes the day after you confessed to him. He knew that there was only a 50% chance that it was because of how you were rejected by him, and yet he felt an immense feeling of regret. The moment he saw you, he realized that he never wanted to see you like that again.
But he didn't know how to approach you. No, you didn't ignore him like the other girls do. You also didn't say any nasty remarks nor talk shit about him.
What you did was pretend as if everything was okay, as if nothing happened. It felt normal... too normal.
And it terrified him.
One time during your break, you slipped a test paper in front of him, a big A+ written on the sheet of paper making Akaashi lift his eyes from the paper towards you.
"You did good," Akashi said with a proud smile.
"Mhm, I guess I did," you said before taking the paper from him. "I wouldn't have gotten this score if it weren't for you though. Thank you."
He shook his head no before leaning back on his chair. "That was all on you. All I did was guide you."
"This might be our last study session."
"What?" Akaashi said as he stared at you with an expression you can't quite decipher.
"I mean... I don't think I need any more help. I feel like I can manage on my own already and I've no one to thank but you." You looked away from him before continuing, "I think it would benefit the two of us if we stop this already. While I'm grateful for you, I don't think that it's good for me anymore. I thought that if I acted like it didn't matter then it wouldn't, but Keiji..."
"No," Akashi said with a shake of his head.
"What do you.."
"I don't want to stop this." Gripping his hair, Akaashi, took in a deep breath before reaching for your hand.
"Y/n, I don't want to go back to how things were before. I don't want to be just your classmate. I'll miss how you would stare off into space and daydream while I'm explaining to you and I'm going to miss how you would make up answers just to prove that you were listening when in fact you weren't. I'm going to miss you, and I know that if we stop this study sessions... I may never get the opportunity to be this close to you again, and I don't like that."
Akaashi squeezed your hand in his and intertwined your fingers. "I like you. I like you so much that it scares me."
"Keiji.. look at me, please," you said softly as you tried to take your hand back.
Feeling your movements, Akaashi tightened his hold on you and shook his head no. "Y/n..."
"I'm not going to leave," you assured him and smiled when he finally let go of your hand.
Akaashi watched as you stood up from your seat and made your way to his side. He was then surprised when you suddenly sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around him.
"Did you really mean what you said?" you asked which made him immediately nod.
"Of course. I really do like you." Akaashi carefully wrapped his arms around your waist, watching for any negative reaction, and pulling you closer when he didn't receive any. "You're sitting on my lap and basically hugging me. Does this mean that you still like me?"
"Of course, Keiji," you said with a smile.
"Then..." Akaashi collected your hair to one side and gently placed his hand on your nape, his eyes traveling down from your eyes to your lips. "Can I kiss you?"
With a simple nod from you, Akaashi pressed his lips against yours.
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a/n: yes, you made out in the library. This is Akaashi were talking about and there's no way I wont take the opportunity to make out with him in the library lmao.
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Osamu Miya
You were one of the lucky fans of the Miya twins, specifically Osamu's
Why? Because you're Aran Ojiro's sister and that meant that you can freely see your crush any time of the day
The team basically treats you as their own sister
Although it gives you a lot of perks, it also had its disadvantages
Because no matter how much you try hinting your feelings towards a certain Miya, he just won't acknowledge it
In fact, you didn't get along with him
Unlike the rest of the team, Osamu would always pick on you
You actually didn't expect it to happen because you thought that Atsumu was the playful one among them
But boy did Osamu prove you wrong
There weren't any time of the day that you won't pick at each other, spouting remarks here and there until the other gives up
It never went overboard though. You both knew your limits and when to stop
Or at least that's what you thought
Because today, he chose to target the wrong topic
You were currently seated in the middle of the court with the rest of the team. All of you were in the form of a circle with an empty bottle in the middle.
It was Atsumu's idea to play a game of truth or dare before you all go home. According to him, it would be effective on "cooling" off their bodies from the intense practice. Even Kita was forced to participate, thanks to Atsumu's constant whining.
With a wide grin, Atsumu spun the bottle which made most of you take in a deep breath due to the anticipation.
Finally, the bottle stopped. The tip was pointed at you while the other side was pointed towards Atsumu.
"Y/n! How lucky of ya! Truth or dare?" he asked with a wiggle of his brows.
"Truth." You couldn't help but roll your eyes after that, knowing that what's to come will probably be something silly.
Except it wasn't.
"Then... If yer given the chance to date someone from the team, who would it be?" Atsumu asked proudly, giving Osamu a side glance before focusing on you again.
You heard your brother groaning from beside you making you giggle. Placing his arm on top of your head, Aran gave each of the members a glare.
"Hm... I'd probably date 'S-"
Before you could even finish your sentence, Osamu let out a loud chuckle. All eyes snapped to his direction, watching him in confusion.
"Sorry, sorry," Osamu said after composing himself. "Did ya really have to ask that? Of course she'd pick Suna. Haven't ya notice the way she looks at him every practice?"
"Huh?" Suna muttered absentmindedly, his eyes lifting up from his phone towards Osamu.
"Don't even try denying it, y/n. Plus, even if ya try, I know Suna will basically reject ya. I mean, I can't even stand ya. If it were me, I'd reject ya on the spot. Yer annoying and too loud and that thing ya do with yer hand when yer explaining? Super annoying. Ah! And don't ferget the way yer nose scrunches when yer deep in thought," Osamu said without any pause.
Once he was done, he titled his head a bit to the side, trying to peek at your face that was now casted downwards, your hair covering most of your face. "Oh, are ya crying? Did I ruin yer confession?"
To his surprise, there were indeed tears streaming down your cheeks when you lifted your head up. Everyone grew silent, completely shocked at the sight.
"I was going to confess to you, dumbass." With that, you stood up, grabbed your bag and ran out of the gym.
Aran immediately stood up to follow you, but not before throwing a glare to Osamu.
Atsumu, who was the first to break the silence, turned towards his twin. "Okay, I know that I'm dumber among the two of us but that was a real jerk move right there, 'Samu."
Osamu could only stare at the gym doors with shock and regret written on his face.
"You're on the bench until I'm sure that you and y/n-san made up," Kita simply said before standing up. "Game's over. Let's all go home."
The following days, you avoided Osamu like a plague. It even reached the point that you have to eat lunch inside your classroom instead of eating with the team like you usually do.
Even Aran was pissed at Osamu. Aran knew that a playful banter was normal between you and Osamu but never had it ever reached this point.
You were basically crying all night when you arrived home and if not for Aran's patience, you wouldn't have went home in the first place. When you left the gym, your brother found you in a nearby park, your knees up to your chest and your head hidden from view.
He wasn't oblivious about your feelings towards Osamu but he never mentioned about since he wanted you to tell him or any of the members when you're comfortable enough. It was only unfortunate that the moment you felt confident enough to confess, Osamu had to pull that shit on you.
"C'mon, Aran. I need to talk to them," Osamu pleaded as he tried to get pass your brother.
Aran stood firmly infront of your apartment, his arms crossed over his chest and his figure blocking the door. "You really have the audacity to march your way to our apartment after the shit you put my sibling through? What, you got tired of sitting on the bench during matches? Can't impress your fanclub anymore? Go home, Miya."
"I'm sorry, okay? I wanted to apologize to them but they've been avoiding me. This is my last resort." Osamu said and gripped his hair in frustration.
Once he saw a peek of you trying to hide yourself behind a wall, Osamu immediately grabbed the opportunity. "Y/n, I'm sorry! Talk to me, please!  I... I don't know what to do anymore. I'm sorry..."
You soften at the pleading voice of Osamu and revealed yourself from behind the wall. Walking over to the door, you placed a hand on Aran's shoulder. "Give us space to talk, please?"
Your brother threw a glance at Osamu and sighed at the determined look on his face. "Alright," he muttered before turning towards you. "Call me if anything happens, alright?"
Upon hearing you hum in agreement, Aran placed a hand on your head to ruffle your hair, chuckling as he heard you whining before he went out.
You invited Osamu inside your apartment, making sure to close the door before settling yourselves on the living room.
"Water?" you asked out of courtesy but Osamu only shook his head no. "Talk then."
Osamu felt an unsettling feeling inside him at your dismissive tone. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"I was used to havin' banters with ya that I didn't realize that I was already sayin' too much. I didn't mean to hurt yer feelings, y/n. I know that it may sound ridiculous considerin' how harsh I was to ya but I really didn't mean those words."
You listened attentively to him as he continued to apologize, your tears once again flowing down your cheeks as you remembered everything that happened. "I really like you, 'Samu. I don't even know how or why but I just do and I guess I was hurt, not only because you rejected me but also humiliated me. I don't deserve that," you said and brought your knees up to your chest, clutching the throw blanket as you sobbed.
Osamu was beside you in an instant, his arms enclosing you as he pulled you to his lap. "I know...I know. I'm sorry," he whispered as he rubbed your back soothingly. "I guess I got blinded by jealousy. I thought that ya were going to say Suna's name so I assumed that ya like him."
Wiping your nose with the sleeve of the hoodie you're wearing, you looked up at him with a frown. "Jealousy? I thought you hated me. Why would you even feel jealous?"
"Do I really have to spell it out fer ya?" Seeing you nod, Osamu sighed and pressed your face to his chest in order to hide his flustered cheeks. "I like ya, okay? I always pick on ya because I wanted yer attention. I didn't actually expect ya to fight back but ya did. That's why I was intrigued by ya, and if ya still like m-"
"Yes," you answered without even letting him finish. With your face still buried to his chest, you could hear his heartbeat picking up. You pulled away from the hug and looked up at him, you cheeks still slightly damp from crying.
"Yer not kiddin'?" Osamu asked as he stared at you, his hand reaching up to wipe your cheeks with his thumb.
"I'm not. I'm still a little hurt so you have to make it up to me, but my feelings? They're still here," you answered honestly.
A smile made its way to Osamu's lips upon hearing what you said. Pressing his forehead with yours, he tightened his arms around your waist to hold you closer. "Thank ya fer givin' me another chance, angel."
After making up and stealing kisses here and there, you and Osamu decided to cuddle on the couch, your back against his chest and his arm resting against your waist.
It safe to say that when Aran came back, the most sour expression made its way to his face. It hadn't even been two weeks when he witnessed you literally crying your eyes out and now, he comes back to you sleeping on the couch with the man that made you cry.
"Fuck my life," Aran muttered with a groan.
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teddybear-sunflower · 2 years
Of pens and papers - Bokuto x Reader (pt.Two)
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Pairing: Bokuto x reader
Wordcount: ca. 2200 words
Genre: fluff, future angst, college Au
Summary: Sometimes you are lucky enough to meet the right people at the right time. This is how you met once more and he finally remebered to ask for your name!
Parts: One Two Three
A/N: Sorry for the wait but the series should now continue regularly.
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Bokuto Kotaro.
That was the name of the boy who helped you out at the library a few days ago and ever since you couldn’t forget about him.
You were so thankful that his friend actually called out his name or else you wouldn’t have known how to find out about him.
You didn’t want to come off as a stalker, but you guiltily had to admit that you already checked social media and to your delight you had found him rather easily.
You had been right thinking that he was an athlete. He was in the volleyball team of your university and considering everything you´ve read about him, he was good at what he was doing.
His Instagram wasn´t private, pretty much inviting you to go through his feed and you weren’t disappointed. His feed was full of pictures with his friends and volleyball. He always smiled in the pictures.
He seemed like such a fun and good-spirited guy.
He told you that he would like to see you again, yet he didn’t even know your name or asked for your number. You considered texting him on Instagram, but you were not brave enough to actually do it. Maybe he was just being nice when he said he wanted to see you again.
So, you did what you did best: you daydreamed about a what if instead of actually doing something.
You sat down at an available seat in the middle of the lecture room, music still sounding through your earphones, effectively cutting you off from your surroundings.
You were tired. That was probably what described you best right at that moment. Exams closed in on you and you had the habit to sleep especially unwell within those weeks, be it due to actually studying or just stressing about what you actually needed to know but didn’t.
On some days you weren’t too bothered by your lack of sleep but today wasn’t one of those days. That also explained why you didn’t look as put together as usually. Your hair was in a bun, your bangs were a bit more messed up than usually and your body drowned in that overly huge hoodie and oversized sweatpants.
It wasn’t like there was a reason to put effort into your outfit, at least you thought so.
Your cheek leaned against your hand as your eyes were closed. You concentrated on your music, trying to find a moment of peace. The attempt failed when you suddenly felt someone touch your shoulder.
Easily startled, you immediately straightened up before turning around. Your eyes widened at what you saw. Sitting one row behind you was the cute volleyball player.
His golden eyes also widened as recognition settled in.
His grin grew, and he almost looked a bit too happy considering that you two weren’t even friends.
“Hey, hey, hey! If that isn’t the short library girl” he teased, his voice was just as booming as ever, earning you a few looks of your classmates.
“What are you doing here?” It came out a lot more shocked than it was supposed to, but you couldn’t help it. It was almost the end of the semester, and you hadn’t seen him here once! Bukoto wasn’t exactly the type of guy to mix with the crowd, so how did you miss him all this time?
“Oh, yeah, I´ve only visited this class a few times because I am usually getting something to eat with my friends before training at this time. Akaashi always scolds me because of it but I am sure I´ll be fine” you didn’t know him well but somehow this explanation seemed so like him, you couldn’t even explain it yourself.
“But if I knew you were in this class as well, I would have made more of an effort to come here!” He exclaimed happily.
Was he flirting with you? You weren’t sure.
For a few seconds you just stared at him. His golden eyes made eye contact with your (e/c) ones before they seemed to travel down your figure, taking in your outfit.
A small blush started to form at that action, mostly because you knew that you didn’t look presentable.
Unbeknowst to you, he didn´t mind your look. He actually thought it looked cute the way your hoodie seemed at least two sizes too big and there was something so naturally attractive about the way your face was framed by the few strands of hair that didn´t want to stay in your bun. If anything it was endearing to see different sides of you.
He still wasn´t blind to the obvious dark shadows under your eyes that could only mean that you lacked sleep. He knew it wasn´t his business how much sleep you got but he couldn´t hold back from at least asking about it.
“You look a bit tired, rough week?” It asked bluntly, eyes still fixed on the dark shadows under your eyes.
“Well, exams are coming up. Who isn´t tired?” You tried to justify yourself, almost wanting to tell him that you usually didn’t look so done but that would have been too weird, even for you. You just hoped he remembered the you from the library that looked a lot cuter than your present self.
“Yeah, I hate it. I still have so much to study. It´s so annoying” he openly complained, and you weren’t surprised. You didn’t want to judge but he didn’t seem like the studious type to you.
“I´ve already studied so much but it feels like a never-ending circle” you agreed with a small sigh.
“Just try to get enough sleep and drink and eat a lot!” he made it sound so easy and even he knew that it wasn´t but he could at least hope that his words would make you get a bit more sleep.
When you looked into his face, at this bright smiled and sparkling eyes you almost wanted to promise him but you knew that it wasn’t as easy when you were completely stressed out.
“Will do!” A smile settled on your face when you said that. This was only small talk and you were pretty sure he wasn’t interested at hearing you ramble about how easily it was to lose yourself between studying, classes and your part-time job.
The conversation dwindled after that and you were worried that it would end here.
“By the way, I am not exactly short. That shelf was high. Maybe you are a little too tall” it was probably strange to go back to the beginning of the conversation, but you weren’t exactly known for your conversation skills. Maybe you didn’t need to worry so much because you still didn’t know why he spoke to you to begin with since he seemingly didn’t recognize you beforehand.
“Can someone really be too tall? If anything, I would be an even better player if I was a bit taller” he mused as his mind went straight back to volleyball.
“I guess, it´s helpful for volleyball” you mumbled under your breath, not thinking that he would hear you, but he did, considering the confused look he was giving you. The way he cocked his head to the side made him look cute.
“Did you just say volleyball? You know me?!” His excitement went through the roof as the emotion mixed with pride. He always thought that he looked the coolest on the court, so maybe you were already a fan of his.
He made it so easy for you to hide the fact that you looked him up online. All you had to do was telling him that you had seen in a volleyball game or that you were at least aware of the volleyball team, and you had recognized him.
Instead, you went in panic mode and made it awkward.
“I don’t! I guessed it! Volleyball, basketball… those are sports at which height is important and you look like an athlete” you stumbled over your own words as you tried to explain.
“And how did you guess that I am a volleyball player?” Bokuto asked once more, slight disappointment could be heard in his voice.
“Intuition?” It sounded more like a question than a statement but luckily, he didn’t have time to make fun of you because of your answer thanks to the fact that your professor finally walked through the door, making you turn around to face the front of the class.
That seemed to remind Bokuto of something as he immediately reached out to you once more. Apparently, this time he chose to slightly pull at the hood of your sweater.
“I almost forgot because I didn’t expect to see you here but can I have a pencil or something? I forgot mine” he admitted almost sheepishly.
“You´re lucky I´ve always got an extra one, here” without hesitation you grabbed your second pen and held it out for the male to grab.
As he grabbed the pen his fingers slightly touched yours. You didn’t want to be all cliche, but you swore you felt something when his fingers brushed yours. For a moment you made eye contact with the white and black haired male who didn’t seem to mind the contact at all. You on the other hand blushed, which was why you turned around before he could spot the change of color on your face.
When your class finally ended you took your time to put away your stuff in hopes that Bokuto would talk to you once more. You knew you could just start a conversation and he wouldn’t mind, considering how nice he was but you couldn’t just throw away your shy nature.
Luckily, he didn’t leave you hanging this time.
“I almost forgot to ask again but what’s your name?” You looked up from your bag and over to Bokuto who was already ready to go and now stood by your side.
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention that he almost forgot again, meaning that he already wanted to ask the first time you met.
“It´s Y/L Y/N” you pronounced your name with a small smile.
“Y/N” he tested it out and you swore it never sounded better.
"I´m Bokuto Kotaro!" he told you as if you didnt know. Well, he truly didn´t know that you knew.
“So now that we are practically friends how about we study together?” The tall male suggested, and something told you it had to do with the fact that he practically never visited this class and had no clue what’s going on.
Luckily his endearing personality made up for that.
“Well, why not? Want to meet up sometime?” You gulped, feeling a little too giddy. You had to remind yourself that this wasn’t a date. He just wanted to study but your heart didn’t seem to listen.
“We can exchange phone numbers and text each other when we have time” Bokuto spoke excitedly, already fishing for his phone in his pockets.
You nodded, also pulling out your phone. Without thinking you unlocked it right in front of the male and what greeted you almost gave you an heart attack or at least you wished you had one.
Your Instagram was open and of course it was Bokuto´s page that was proudly displayed. You forgot that your friend pestered you about him just before this class, so you decided to show her some pictures from his Insta.
The color of your face turned into a deep red. Bokuto looked confused as he was connecting the dots. As fast as possible you swiped your finger over the display in order to close the app. Acting as if nothing happened, or at least you tried to – your hands were still shaking – you opened your contacts and held your phone out to the ace.
You didn’t dare look up to see his reaction as you drowned in your own embarrassment.
Bokuto was enlightened though. It took him a moment to remember that Akaashi called out his name, so that was probably how you got it but it must have been a good sign that you looked him up. You must have been interested in him, at least a little.
“So, you purely guessed that I play volleyball, right?” He teased you with a smirk on his face. You gulped once more, wishing the floor would swallow you.
“Can we act like you didn’t see that?” Your voice came out a lot more timid than you intended to.
“Not gonna happen, I have to tell my friends about that! They will be so jealous!” That didn’t make you feel better but the bright laugh that followed somehow eased your nerves.
At least you had his number now.
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iwadori · 3 years
Why you break up with the haikyu boys part 2 (Osamu, Iwaizumi, Daichi, Ushijima.)
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Part 1 (Atsumu, Oikawa, Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi, Sugawara)
Genre: angst
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Osamu: “For fuck sake Y/N, don’t deny it I know that you...”
You and Osamu were basically arranged to be together, you were best friends from when you were little and your parents thought you were a match made in heaven.
Did you love Osamu? Of course, you pretty much worshipped the ground he walked on.
But there was always a strange look he gave you whenever he mentioned his brother. You never really focused on it, but that was something you took note of.
When you came back home, after a long day of work. You see Osamu sitting in the kitchen alone, with some paper in front of him and a drink in his hand.
“‘Samu Babe!” You exclaim sauntering over to him “How are yo-“
“Don’t.” He said simply, taking a sipping some of his drink (to which you could only assume was some form of hard liquor.)
“Why ‘Samu, what’s wro-“
“You bought tickets to his game.”
“Who’s game?”
“Don’t play dumb with me Y/N, you bought tickets to my idiot of a brothers game in an attempt to slut around under my nose..”
“Samu, that’s not what it was I-“
“I don’t want to hear it Y/N!” He yelled slamming his drink down making you flinch.
“Gosh Samu whats wrong with you. I know that I had a teeny crush on Atsumu when we were kids but it was just a childhood crush. An innocent childhood crush.”
“For fuck sake Y/N, don’t deny it I know yo-“
“You know what? That I’ve spent majority of my life, trying to ease your own insecurities and jealousy of your own goddamn brother. How childish can you be Osamu ?”
Osamu eyes opened a bit in realisation, and his lips slightly parted. “But Y/N, you-“
“I what? Brought us tickets to your TWIN brothers final volleyball game, because I wanted him to see the support from his family and friends.”
“I’m sorry Y/N I really a-“
“Don’t.” you say picking up the tickets and turning around “I just thought maybe, just maybe for at least a day you could put your weird feelings towards your brother aside... but I guess you can’t.”
You left the apartment, and got your stuff another day (one where you knew Osamu was at work.)
No you did not end up dating Atsumu, you were most certainly friends and only friends. You did end up going to the game on your own, to cheer on Atsumu who most definitely appreciated it.
You thought you saw a certain Miya twins sitting in the stands at of the game, hiding his face with a baseball cap. Which made you smile a bit...
Well at least he ended up coming to the game.
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Iwaizumi: “I just don’t want you Y/N, I never did”
In your second year of Seijoh Highschool, you were approached by a rough looking boy who had a ‘resting bitch face,’ and looked like they were coming to pick a fight with you.
But no, it was just “Iwaizumi Hajime.”
He was very popular throughout your school, as he was vice captain of the schools volleyball team and he was Oikawa Toorus best friend.
So when he approached you that Friday afternoon at your locker, you definitely didn’t know why.
“Y/N..” he said nervously scratching the back of his neck “umm this is for you..”
In his hands was a bar of chocolate and a scrunched up note that read
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AN: DID I WRITE THAT NOTE MYSELF, yes yes I did anyways...
You were very surprised at this sudden confession as you and Iwaizumi weren’t in the same social circles and you were definitely not the type of girl that would be on his ‘radar.’
You had a quite unsettling feeling, which made you subconsciously squint your eyes at him. But they soon soften as you saw the nervousness that Iwaizumi was showcasing to you as you were contemplating on you answer.
You got out a pen, shaking the unsettling feeling you had out of your head. And ticked the box “Yes” giving it back to Iwaizumi.
He smiled widely and rushed towards you in an attempts in giving you a hug which went awkwardly wrong leaving you both laughing.
Dating Hajime, wasn’t bad nor good... it’s just what you wouldn’t expect it to be.
There wasn’t much of a change to what your usual school routine was which consisted of: going to lessons and spending break and lunch on your own reading a book.
And technically you were still doing that, but you were now just always with Hajime. Wether it was at lunch or at practice (which he always insisted you go to, also hinting that he would like for you to bring him bentos to practice.) which you did end up doing.
One day, whilst doing your daily “bento delivery,” to your boyfriend, you overhear him talking to his friends; Matsukawa and Hanamaki.
“God I can’t stand her, always running behind me like a lost puppy giving me bentos that I didn’t even fucking as for” he complained, making you gasp.
“Really?” Exclaimed Hanamaki “I know you said she confessed to you one time, but I didn’t know it was that bad?”
“Yeah she’s a stalking bitch, it’s getting annoying.”
“Gosh it’s seems someones getting a taste of the ‘Oikawa Experience’” Matsun said making them all laugh.
You entered the room, furious. “What the fuck Hajime?”
“Woah woah woah, it’s seems your stalkers about iwa, we’ll leave you too it” said Hanamaki, with Matsun following behind him as they leave.
“What do they mean I’m a stalker?”
“Well aren’t you?” He responded with a smirk
“Gosh y/n you’ve been following me about for a while now, dont you think it’s time to stop”
“Bu-But you confessed, with your note and w-“
“Are you sure about that Y/N, cause I don’t really recall ...?”
“Hajime don’t lie, we were dating.. we ARE DATING.”
“Okay Y/N let me fill you in on a little secret,” he said leaning down next to your ear “I don’t want you Y/N, I never did.”
“ but why m-“
“Why you? Because nobody knows Y/N L/N and nobody cares, I can tarnish your name and nobody will give a shit.. and that’s why your an easy target” he said still smiling “ I just wanted to rub it into Shittykawas face that I had my own little “fan club”
You were stunned, frozen in shock as Iwaizumi walks past you to leave the gym, making sure to grab the bento you made him.
“Thanks again for the help, I’m definitely going to miss these bentos!”
You should have listened to your gut feeling from before.
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Daichi: “you’re just not marriage material”
Daichi was “the perfect guy,” he was nice to strangers and was helpful to the community and just an all round great guy.
So it was a massive question as to why he went for you, since you were definitely not the girl for Daichi.
“I don’t care what anyone says, your the perfect girl for me” was what he always said.
Even though those statements went out the window whenever his mother got involved.
Daichi’s mum was a strict traditional woman, who believed in family values that went back thousands of years ago.
And she most certainly didn’t like you.
She wanted you to be Daichi’s doting wife, who cooked and cleaned for him. Whilst he works and was the breadwinner of the house.
Although you found no problem with the women that did do this, but this was not for you.
When it comes to meet ups with you, Daichi and his mother. He never told her to stop when it came to the rude comments she made about you, or the times she suggested Daichi go for a more “prim and proper” girl named “Misaki Ayuzawa.”
After the meetings, when his mother was gone, he always tried to reassure that she was wrong and her words didn’t matter.
But you knew they did, that daichi was actually considering some of the things she said about you wether they were true or not.
The tension in your household was strong, since you barely talked to each other anymore. But you had hope for better things...
Until one day, you get a message from Daichi’s mother saying. “It seems Daichi made the right choice, as we all know ‘Mother Knows best.’” With a video attached of Daichi proposing to the one and only “Mikasa Ayuzawa” surrounded by all their high class business friends.
When Daichi got home he yelled, “Y/N, where are you I was at this business party at this fancy restaurant and I got some nice things for you to try!”
“Business party?” You say rolling your eyes “Or Engagement party.”
The shocked look on his face made you smile, as you both knew now that he was caught.
“Fuck you daichi! Why would you do this without even tell me !” You yelled, tearing up a bit.
“Y/N, it wasn’t meant to go down like that it was just I was talking to my mu-“
“Fuck your mum! And you!”
“I’m sorry Y/N you’re just not marriage material an-“
“I don’t care what you’ve got to say, you’ve done it and it’s over with”you said leaving.
“I’ll come back to get my stuff later,” you say “oh and congratulations on the engagement Sawamura-San”
After you said that, Daichi’s heart broke.
He did end up marrying her, and he regretted every day of it. Since she was great and all, but she just wasn’t you...
But he knows now you’re long gone, definitely not going to forgive him for marrying another girl whilst being with him.
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Ushijima : stop being so emotional
You and Ushijima were very much opposite In every aspect, and at first it wasn’t really a problem.
Especially since you always excused it as “opposite attracts.”
But recently all you and Ushijima do is argue, left and right always arguing.
You complained about Ushijimas lack of emotion when it came to you, you don’t think he cared about you or about anything.
Whenever you brought up something that was wrong he would reply with “Y/N this is something you need to be acting all upset about.”
And that would definitely upset you even more, you just wanted him to notice you or shout “Y/N I care about you and I love you.”
But Of course he didn’t.
One night he came back late (again) after promising to be home early to have a meal together.
“What’s taken you so long Ushi?” You asked
“I was at practice. I told you this.” He said simply, remaining as stoic as ever.
“But you said- you promised that we can have dinner together.” You said
“ oh well I’m sorry. We can have dinner now if you like.”
“I’m not hungry anymore” you mumbled past him, going to your bedroom.
“Y/N, what’s your problem” he said following after you.
“It’s nothing...”you said tears filling your eyes.
“Okay I’m going to go eat now.” He said leaving you alone in the room going to the kitchen, making you sigh.
After you calm yourself and collect your faults, you go into the kitchen where Ushijima is at the table eating.
“Ushijima, we need to talk.” You said taking a deep breath.
“We should break up.”
“Is that all you have to say?” You say tearing up again.
“Yes, I’ve been thinking that for a while now.” He said bluntly “since Y/N, you’re just too emotional.”
“Oh I see.” You say now full on crying.
Ushijima looks up to see you all teared-eye, and he is kind of suprised because ‘why were you upset.’ He got up and tried to console you, but you flinched away and said “Don’t, just don’t Ushijima.”
“I’m sorry Y/N...”
“Why are you sorry? Do you even know what you’re apologising for?”
“Well then, just seems to prove my point further...” you go to leave before saying “thanks for the wonderful time... I guess we just weren’t meant to be.”
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AN: can someone appreciate what I did with Iwaizumis....no? Okay 😃 I feel this one way way more angsty then part one but oh well. What did you think.
General taglist[bold can’t be tagged]: @sakuxxi @iimoonii @hamdehlesmis @Shoyosupremacy @meadowsinjapan @iambashfulperson @kayleighbeccaa @dearkousei @bakugouswh0r3
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justmidnightthougts · 3 years
Headcanons // Failed test
Word count: 1k
Summary: They react to a Y/N showing them a math test that you failed.
Tsukishima + Akaashi + Bokuto
a/n: Just some headcanons that I came up with in class. I already have so many tests planned and I’m sure I’ll fail a few T^T. Enjoy these hcs!
masterlist: here
´      We all know that he is a bitch. A salty one at that.
´      However, beneath all those layers is a kind and gentle boy.
´      Not now though
´      I feel like he will snicker first when he sees the test
´      After that he will look at you and just say some stuff like
´      “How did you fail that easy test?” or “Didn’t know you were that stupid.”
´      But when he sees your defeated look, he will offer you to come to his house to study together
´      He won’t teach you, but he will give tips with exercises that you don’t understand
´      It’s not for free though. He will ask for something in return.
´      Just give him some strawberry shortcake, and he’ll be happy <3
“How many times do I need to tell you, that you should use this formula?” Tsukishima pointed at your textbook with an irritated expression. The both of you have been working on math for a while now. No, you’ve been working on math for a while now.
You’ve already finished every exercise except for one. You didn’t understand what you must do, so he had been trying to explain it to you. Without much effect. It isn’t your fault that he looks so attractive while focusing on work. “I just don’t understand why we have to use this formula. Why can’t we just use the other one? Why is math so complicated!” You whined, slamming your head on the table, and wincing afterwards.
He sighed, pinching his nose bridge. “I will explain it one more time, so pay attention to me,” he took the notebook and gave the explanation again from the start.
You paid attention this time, keeping your eyes on your notes. After it, you finally understood what you had to do and finished the exercise. You thanked him a thousand times. After that the two of you want to a café and bought him his shortcake.
´      He is a pure and gentle boy
´      It’s also no secret that he is smart
´      I think that he would feel bad for you
´      He knows that you really try your best to get good points on yours subjects
´      He also knows that you find math difficult
´      At first, he would try to cheer you up, saying that you have other chances to get good points
´      If he still sees the disappointment in your eyes after that then he will offer help.
´      Like tutoring
´      I feel like he would be amazing at that, I just get that vibe from him
´      He also thinks that study dates are nice, so he’ll say that this is like a date
“The only thing that you have to do is add this number to that, and then it’ll be easier to finish the exercise,” he said, pointing with his pen to the difficult exercise in the math book. You guys were at your home, sitting at the small table in your bedroom to study the math. He watched your expression to see if you understood.
That was a lie. He just wanted to see your focused face. Normally you were more expressive than him, but when you focus, there is this certain vibe around you that he seemed to like.
You did what he said and smiled brightly. You finally understood the question. It was an easy one, but you just used the wrong formula, so of course it wouldn’t be correct. Pumping yours fists in the air, you cheered for yourself.
He chuckled softly at your reaction. He loved to see that smile and would do anything just to see it. “Good job, darling. I am proud of you,” he said with a proud smile.
You smiled and then got on your knees, hugging him tightly. “Thank you so much, Keiji! I really wouldn’t know what to do without you. You were an amazing tutor!” you said with a bright smile.
He chuckled and hugged you back, “anything for you, darling.”
´      He is a precious baby, but he isn’t the smartest out there
´      He will do anything for you
´      You ask, he will do it, no questions asked
´      But if there is one thing where he can’t help you
´      Then that is studying for things that he is bad at
´      So, when you show him the math test that you failed, he will show you the same one
´      Also failed
´      This causes the two of you to burst out in laughter
´      Though after that you both sulked
´      What will you guys do now?
´      Ask Akaashi to teach you both!
“You do know that I am a year younger than you guys, right?” Akaashi said as he looked at you and Bokuto.
You huffed and crossed your arms, “of course we know that! However, you are smarter than us despite the age difference.” You looked at him and looked down. “It’s just, if we fail our next test, then we can’t attend our club activities anymore…the teacher told us that.”
Bokuto his hair drooped, and he nodded, “Y/N is right! If I fail, then I can’t play volleyball anymore! My life will be miserable then!” he got on his knees, as if he was defeated on the battle food and made a huge loss in his army.
Akaashi sighed at that and nodded. “Fine, I will help you, only because the volleyball team can’t lose their captain. We’ll study after practice.” He then walked away, back to his class.
You and Bokuto cheered loudly. Was lying to your kouhai bad? Yes. But did you guys regret it? No. This way, you both still had a chance to get your points up.
“This plan was a good idea, Y/N! Now Akaashi will help us with our math!” Bokuto cheered, laughing loudly. “I really don’t know where I deserved someone as smart as you.” He smiled at you and held your hand.
You chuckled, “don’t start being so sentimental, or I’m going to cry.” You punched his shoulder. “Let’s just go now you big goofball, or the teacher will scold us for being late. Again.”
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hellobunny044 · 1 year
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Panels. | Series
panel. in manga art, panels refers to the frame that wraps around one moment in time.
an original Haikyu AU pairing Udai Tenma (the og little giant
warning!!: containing some manga content.
word count: 5190
Panel - 5
“Udai-san,” From across the table somewhere in weekly shonen building, Akaashi’s voice rang greeting him, “I hope you've been well.”
Udai had come to the office to show Akaashi the rough sketch of the 24th volume of Zombie Knight Zomb'ish.
“Yes, Akaashi-san. I’ve been doing very well.”
“With the manga?”
Catching the way the editor glanced briefly with a judgmental look so loud in his face, Udai immediately added more weight to his claim. “I mean, I came here a day before the deadline, right? Let’s firstly agree to that, please?”
“Well… that one’s right, so,”
Udai grinned, “That’s more like it.”
Akaashi did not give any formal sign when he began.
It’s not a secret anymore that the very man sitting before him is—and he bet will forever be—a strict editor.
Critical, thorough, perfectionist, and sometimes demanding, would be some of those perfect terms to describe Akaashi Keiji as his editor. His precision in work could sometimes be so overwhelming, but in some parts of the story, he was probably the most befitting person there is to fill the role of Udai’s editor.
The room hung heavy with anticipation as Akaashi immersed himself in the macabre pages that Udai had sacrificed countless hours to birth. His eyes scrutinized the black and white strokes, carefully etched with an almost ethereal precision.
For a long time the room was filled only with the denseness of Akaashi’s silence as he struggled with the rough manuscript Udai had brought to her. On the other side of the manuscript where his hands were quite free, he occasionally fiddled with the pen between his fingers. His eyes, rather than those of a young owl, looked more like those of a young hawk.
That was Akaashi Keiji on days like this from Udai’s perspective.
“So, what do you think about it, Akaashi-san?”
“The shading on this panel is uneven, the proportions on this character are off on this and this panel.” Akaashi criticized, not mincing his words.
Udai felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He had poured his heart into this volume, spending countless hours carefully crafting each panel, yet it seemed it wasn’t good enough.
Laughing that one off bitterly, he said, “As always expected from your words, super sharp, super precise.”
“I only gave necessary critics to make sure that the manga is doing well.”
“Then I suppose I am to make the necessary changes,” Udai replied, nodding.
“That goes without words.”
Akaashi sighed, taking off her glasses for a moment after struggling with the rough sketch script.
“The overall plot in this volume is very interesting. ”
Udai sighed almost like someone in pain, “Of course. I literally poured my heart, soul, and body into this.”
“Is that so?”
“Of course!”
“In that case, how about starting the same thing about your time management, Udai-san?”
Udai seemed to be slapped by Akaashi’s question coming at him. Half defending himself, he said, “I’m on time.”
But when Akaashi looked at him, he immediately continued with. “Though not always.”
Akaashi sighed.
“However,” Udai then quickly continued before Akaashi could do anything. “At the very least, I’m always trying my best. But, you know, out of ten attempts made, it is very rare that the success rate would go for 10/10, right?”
“You can, if you apply a task-focus on every attempt.”
“Geh!” Udai gave an expression of dislike listening to what Akaashi had to say, bored by something about the editor's task focus. “After all, it’s all about that task-focus thing, huh?”
Udai sighed, “Akaashi-san, you really are so demanding.”
Akaashi wiped his glasses carefully and distractedly, once in a while, responding to Udai’s words.
“Anyway, I’ll try to give it my best for the last five volumes, and more than anything, I’ll give Zomb'ish the best ending.”
“Then after that, when Zomb'ish ends, I’ll start drawing storyboards for my next work.” Udai’s eyes sparkled with determination. The smile that bloomed on his face laced with confidence.
Just before putting her glasses back on, Akaashi had smiled. A curved line that remained a 1% part of Akaashi Keiji, a young weekly shonen jump editor who was known for being strict and perfectionist.
“You look so pumped up about that, Udai-san.”
“Of course!”
Sometimes, at certain times, Udai’s fiery spirit reminded him of Bokuto Koutarou. Traveling back to high school days in a split second through the artist’s behavior made Akaashi feel quite sentimental. However, Akaashi Keiji is still Akaashi Keiji.
Udai turned to Akaashi, “I’ll start working hard from now on, so please be prepared because I’ll be coming nonstop for consultations. This time it will be more frequent!”
“I’ll be really grateful if that really happens.”
Udai almost choked on his own breath. Quickly coming out of his embarrassment by Akaashi’s point, Udai immediately exclaimed, almost scowling if he did not remember that he was an adult, a grown-ass man.
“Akaashi-san, you shouldn’t look down on me like that! If you continue like that, I’ll really teach you a lesson!”
“I’ve prepared myself for that, Udai Sensei.”
Udai was stunned to hear the formal calling that came only whenever Akaashi was in his most serious editor mode. Sure enough, this time Akaashi looked serious as he carry on.
“Knowing that an end must come is all the more reason to begin anew.”
The editor’s hand adjusted his glasses in the closing sentence.
“Let’s keep giving it our very best, Udai Sensei.”
Udai then responded politely to that sentence. “Yes, sir.”
“Regarding your next work,” Akaashi continued, “first of all, rather than anything about your next works, you should finish Zomb'ish first. Let’s give our best for every last volume that will be published.”
A smile gradually spread across Udai’s face, its curves askew. Perhaps this time, with Akaashi’s encouragement, Udai felt a greater sense of confidence. “That goes without saying. After all, Akaashi-san, didn’t I tell you? I will work hard seriously after this. You’ll soon understand how serious I am!”
Udai looked up at the sky from the window. Akaashi no longer attacked him with criticism or other insinuations. It was quiet, and Udai could clearly hear the rumbling of his passion to give his best on the last five volumes left to finish Zombie Knight Zomb'ish.
Having had enough of gazing up at the sky, letting his hopes for the final five volumes of the manga fly, Udai moved on. He returned to Akaashi who still had a bit of work to do, diligent as always. For a moment, he peered at something Akaashi had written on the stack of papers he was reading, completely uninterested in whatever it was. Then, his gaze wandered and stopped on the analog clock on the editor’s desk that was still neat despite the several stacks of papers on it. A total contrast to Udai’s kind of tidy desk at home.
Looking at the clock reading eleven o’clock, Udai muttered something about Oh? It’s almost lunchtime.
Akaashi paused.
“It’s almost lunch time.”
Choosing to look at her watch, Akaashi also muttered something about oh? It's lunch time already.
After reading Akaashi’s gesture, Udai pointed behind him while saying, “I know a good restaurant nearby. Want to try have lunch there?”
“Although I appreciate your offer, I have to pass this time.”
“Heee? What’s with your answer? You’re so weird, Akaashi-san.” Udai almost pouting.
“As you can see, I’ll be a little busy.”
“They don’t always pay you extra for working an extra hour, you know.”
“That is indeed true.”
“I will stay in my office for some time. I’m afraid that someone will make a last-minute surprise visit at lunchtime.”
Although Akaashi’s last sentence was spoken almost half-mumbled, Udai managed to catch a few things.
Akaashi looked at Udai and said, “I’ll join next time, Udai-san. Thank you.”
Udai sighed then got up. “Okay.”
Akaashi, who probably noticed how Udai wiped his already quite long hair behind his ears as he packed up his things, said something.
Udai turned briefly at Akaashi, and replied with a hum.
“Just wondering,”
“About what?”
“If you ever consider tying your hair.”
Udai did not immediately stop, but his attention was drawn to Akaashi’s words about tying his hair. He was also quite surprised that there was something else—beside his obsession with chips that could not be helped—that Akaashi also noticed outside of their professional relationship as a manga artist and editor.
They were definitely two different person when it came to things like this. If Udai was the as long as it doesn’t get in the way —type, then it was clear that Akaashi Keiji was the before it gets in the way —type.
“Also, Udai-san,”
“Schweiden Adlers have a match scheduled for later this month.”
“Oh? They have?” Udai’s eyes lit up.
“Yeah. You’ve been watching Hoshiumi Senshu’s matches all this time. Why don’t you try going to see it in person once in a while?”
Udai returned the question, “What about you, Akaashi-san?”
“Watching the combination of Kageyama, Hoshiumi and Ushijima is satisfying, but I’d rather not being called a traitor.”
Udai’s laughter broke out at Akaashi’s words, “It’s true! If I’m not mistaken, Akaashi-san and Bokuto Koutarou from Black Jackals were partners during high school, right?”
Akaashi answered briefly.
“They were all feisty, Black Jackals or Adlers.” Udai smiled.
“Someone from Black Jackals, if I’m not mistaken, once idolized you a lot, right, Udai-san?”
“Ah— him? Yeah. Hinata Shouyou. Right. Kind of.” Udai smiled, remembering a particular person with distinguished orange hair. Someone whose wings were ten times stronger than his when he was his age.
The atmosphere was awkward and silent. For a moment, Akaashi thought that this would be a situation where Udai would get sentimental about his volleyball career stalling out. But no. Udai smiled at Akaashi and said, “I’ll watch the match from home. After all, I’ve given my word to my esteemed, strict editor to work harder on the last five volumes. Task focus.”
Udai studied how Akaashi looked off-guard in the last part where he quoted something that was his trademark, obviously not expecting it to come.
Udai grinned, “This time, I’ll teach you a lesson for underestimating someone older, editor-kun.”
Akaashi let out a sigh of relief, tugging slightly at the corners of his lips to simply smile. “Alright, then. Good luck with the hard work, Udai-san.”
“Yes. Be prepared, Akaashi-san! There will be no mercy when I get serious.”
Udai no longer cared about Akaashi’s response as he turned and left the room.
Udai left the Weekly Shonen Jump’s office feeling both relieved and exhausted. The meeting with Akaashi had been productive, but it had also been tiring. He needed to rest, to have a little break. So he decided to go to a restaurant nearby, hoping to find some solace in a good meal.
He decided to treat himself to lunch at a nearby restaurant, a small place he had always come to when he stopped by at the office.
This restaurant was apparently not quite the favorite in the neighborhood despite the good trademark of each one of their menu and there weren’t many people coming on each day he stopped by. Same goes for today.
As he walked in, he was surprised to see that the restaurant was playing some volleyball tournament on their giant TV screen.
The teams on the screen were Japan and Brazil, two powerhouses in the world of volleyball. The match was intense, with both teams fighting fiercely for every point. Some people, especially the waitresses, were cheering, clapping, and shouting, hyping themselves up
Udai found himself smiling, caught up in the excitement of the game. It was contagious.
“Welcome! Good afternoon, Sir. What would you like to have?”
Udai took a seat at a small table near the wall, still watching the match with a distant gaze. His mind was wandering far back, to his high school days, when he was the ace of Karasuno’s volleyball team. The memories came flooding back, the adrenaline, the sweat, the tears, the ecstasy when his team won.
He remembered how he used to practice for hours, perfecting his techniques, his jumps, his spikes. He remembered the excitement of the matches, how they’d spent hours analyzing their opponents, trying to find their weak spots. He’d never felt more alive back then, more passionate, more driven.
The match on TV was intense, and Udai found himself slowly getting caught up in the excitement.
Even though he knew it was probably a rebroadcasted match, he felt like he was there, in the thick of the action, sweating and jumping, just like back in the day.
The crowd in the restaurant was going wild as Japan scored a point.
Udai smiled watching the enthusiasm.
He remembered the satisfaction of a well-placed spike, the feeling of the ball hitting the ground on his opponent’s side of the court. He remembered the exhilaration he felt when he heard the crowd cheering, the smile on his face as he high-fived his teammates.
Watching the match now, Udai realized how much he’d missed the game. He felt like he’d lost a part of himself, a part that he hadn’t realized was missing until now. He realized that there’s still a part of him that strangled on the court, yearning to the feeling of being there. Yearning of the thrill, the joy, the pressure, he started to yearn for all of it to the past he knew he had left with a big heart.
While Udai Tenma might be content living in a life where he is the creator of one of the best selling manga series, the Little Giant inside him was yearning to be taken back to his nature. Right there. On the court.
This might look painful for some people, but he had realized it since long long ago, that there was another thing that he wanted to try—and probably would do better than—than volleyball.
He had given up his youth for volleyball, and was given more than enough chances to play his best, to see what lies on the other side of the foreign ocean of volleyball. Now, it’s time for another version of himself to be given a chance to fly.
Sendai City Gymnasium, Nine years ago
Udai’s muscles were on fire, his heart pounding in his chest as he stood on the court. He could feel the energy of the crowd, the pressure bearing down on him like a weight. But Udai was in his element, the sweat on his skin cooling in the crisp air of the gymnasium.
This year prefectural tournament’s semi-final match was between Karasuno High School and Aoba Johsai Private High School was one of the most anticipated match. The bleachers were packed with supporters from both sides, cheering loudly for their teams in their own cheering trademark.
The stakes were high, and the tension could be felt all around.
Udai stood ready, his eyes locked on his opponents. He could see the determination in their faces, their muscles tense as they waited for the ball to be served. Karasuno was having their breakpoint as they took the lead with 19-19 and Udai was on top of his game, scoring point after point for his team.
The air was filled with the sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor, and the occasional grunt as players leapt into the air to spike the ball.
Both of the teams were evenly matched, but Karasuno had their most reliable weapon being on top of his game, their little ace.
The ball flew high and Udai jumped, his fingers brushing the ball as he sent it rocketing towards the opposite side of the court. The crowd erupted into cheers as the ball slammed into the floor, just out of reach of Aoba Johsai’s players.
Aoba Johsai called for a time out, their coach trying to rally his team. Udai looked around, his eyes flickering over his teammates. They were all sweating profusely, but they looked determined, their eyes locked on the ball as it was passed between them.
Udai knew they needed to keep up the pressure on Aoba Johsai, to keep pushing until they won the match.
The gymnasium was charged with energy, each player on the court pushing their bodies to the ultimate limit, sweat droplets beading down their foreheads, and muscles screaming in agony.
As the whistle blew across the gymnasium, Udai’s eyes shone with determination, and his breathing was calm and steady, even when he knew that the pressure was on his shoulders.
The ball was served, and both of the team sprang into action. The ball flew back and forth across the net, each team trying to gain the upper hand. Udai felt his frustration growing as the ball bounced back to Karasuno’s side, but he was ready.
The ball was passed quickly between his teammates, and Udai made his move, charging to the net with the ball in his hands, ready for impact. At this point, he knew that nothing but a top-class block would be there to block his view to the summit, ready to tackle every possibility of a no-touch spike, and with the ball now in his control, he had every responsibility to make it count.
As he rose, his eyes scanned the court, searching for the perfect opening. In his mind, he was already mapping out his path, calculating the best possible angle to use Aoba Johsai’s blockers as his tools to score.
With a mighty roar, he spiked the ball towards his opponents, aiming to the nastiest spot in between the blocker’s awaiting fingers.
Udai’s block out was not only accurate but driven with so much force that it left Aoba Johsai’s players unable to do anything but stand there in utter disbelief as they watched the ball sail past them.
The sound of the impact echoed through the gymnasium, and Udai watched as the ball dug into the floor. The crowd was on their feet, screaming and cheering as Karasuno took another point, bringing the score to 21-19.
Aoba Johsai’s players were relentless, refusing to let Karasuno get too far ahead.
The crowd roared as the ball flew over the net, the players on both sides leaping up to spike it down.
As the ball sailed towards him, Udai could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He had to make this one count. He leapt into the air, his arm outstretched, and connected with the ball.
It flew towards Aoba Johsai’s blockers, but they were ready for it. Their hands rose up to meet the ball, but Udai was too quick. He angled his hit just right, and the ball went sailing out of bounds.
Karasuno’s cheering section erupted into cheers as the referee blew his whistle, signaling the point. Udai could feel a rush of exhilaration as he landed back on the court.
But Aoba Johsai’s players weren’t going down without a fight. They regrouped quickly and came back strong, their own ace spiking the ball with incredible force. The ball smacked into the Karasuno blockers, and for a moment it seemed like it might be a point for Aoba Johsai.
Karasuno was also prepared. Their blockers pushed back, using the force of the spike to redirect the ball back towards Aoba Johsai’s side. And once again, Udai was ready.
He dashed towards the net, leaping up to meet the ball as it came over. There was a split second of hesitation as he calculated the angle, the force, the position of the blockers. And then he struck.
The ball hit Aoba Johsai’s blockers, then bounced off at an unexpected angle. It careened towards the back of the court, just out of reach of their defense. The scoreboard beeped again, calling another point for Karasuno.
The crowd was going wild now, the sound of Karasuno’s cheering section echoing throughout the gymnasium. Udai felt a jolt of pride as he high-fived his teammates, the adrenaline pumping through his veins.
The rest of the match was a blur of spikes, blocks, and dives. Karasuno and Aoba Johsai exchanged leads several times, each team pushing themselves to the limit.
The prefectural volleyball tournament match between the two powerschool of Miyagi Prefecture was reaching its climax with an intense battle that had the crowds on the edge of their seats.
The score was 24-21 with Karasuno edging ahead with match point. Udai rose to the occasion and delivered a powerful strike. The ball sailed over the net, bouncing off the outstretched fingers of Aoba Johsai’s blockers. The ecstatic fans erupted in unison.
With a collective roar, Karasuno had sealed their victory and secured their place in the finals.
For Udai, standing amidst the celebrations, his eyes were still on the game. It wasn’t just about winning, it was about giving it his all, pushing his limits to the max, connecting with his team and returning their trust.
As the excitement died and the crowds dispersed, Udai knew that the victory had been one to remember, and he would forever cherish this moment, a lingering triumph, in his heart.
He looked up at the scoreboard, he saw that the final score was 25-22 in Karasuno’s favor.
But he also felt a deep sense of respect for Aoba Johsai. They were a formidable opponent.
Udai looked across the court, locking eyes with Aoba Johsai’s ace.
“We have a great match, thank you very much!”
As the two teams exchanged a congratulatory handshake, Udai locked eyes with Aoba Johsai’s ace. There was a sense of mutual understanding between them, a shared appreciation for the game and the competition.
“You played a great game!” Udai said, admiring the other player’s composure and skill.
The ace of Aoba Johsai team nodded gratefully and replied. “So did you, number 10. You really pushed us to our limits out there. It almost feels like we’re facing a giant in the mid-air. A Little Giant.”
The Little Giant. Right. He remembered that name. A nickname so foreign, cringe, yet it clicked so much with him, so befitting like a missing puzzle to his nature.
“It was a great game! Next year. I’ll make sure to take our revenge on you, number 10.”
Udai smiled, feeling a sense of a good-rivalry with his opponent.
“Sure! We’ll accept the challenge with an open arm.”
As they walked away from each other, he couldn’t help but be grateful for the opportunity to test himself against such a talented adversary.
The gymnasium reverberated with cheers as Karasuno emerged victorious against Aoba Johsai. Kawada, the captain, led the team in a graceful bow towards the supporters in the cheering section. The entire team then surged towards the audience, as they felt humbled by the overwhelming support that fueled their victory.
“Thank you very much!”
As Udai caught his breath on the court, his eyes swept over the crowd of cheering Karasuno supporters.
Udai accidentally saw Phone—Sasaki Tsubasa—in the crowd, her eyes ablaze with admiration and awe.
She was there. Well, nothing is wrong about that.
“Let’s get back and stretch!”
“Alright, Sir!”
As the game ended, Udai walked down the hallway of Sendai City Gymnasium, lost in his thoughts. Suddenly, he heard someone calling him.
“Udai Senpai!”
He turned around and saw Sasaki Tsubasa—again—catching up to him, almost running.
Smiling, she greeted Udai with politeness and a glimmer in her eyes. A pure form of admiration, awe.
You again, but Udai couldn’t bring himself to utter such words. Suddenly afraid of being too impertinent or perhaps… would sound familiar somehow.
In the midst of their colliding world, Udai could hear some whispers passing through, recognizing him with the new calling, apparently perfectly retrieved among the cheering section and he wondered if his classmate, the genius inventor of the nickname would show up any moment now.
Those whispers were merely something but:
That’s him, that’s him! The little ace of our school! The cool hitter!
That’s the Little Giant, right there!
He’s really The Little Giant! He’s really that little…
Suddenly, when his world had become too noisy of those whispers, another voice rang clearly to clear everything out of his hearing. Almost as clear as the sound of a summer rain.
“You were amazing!”
Sasaki Tsubasa… he almost forgot that the girl was right there. Eyes still ablaze with admiration.
“That spike in the end was incredible! What was that?” Tsubasa exclaimed, a glimmer in her eyes.
“What was that? Are we supposed to call it a flying spike?”
“You really can fly, Senpai! You’re above the net for some time like in slow motion!”
Udai was surprised by her sudden compliment, yet… It felt odd. It does feel odd when you’re not expecting something at all.
Thank you—would be enough to end this little commotion, wouldn’t it?
“I’m sorry for being snotty—”
A few crowds that passed by them brought along some whispers about Udai’s new nickname. Tsubasa followed them with her gaze, her mouth echoing the new calling in an audible utter.
“The Little Giant.”
Her gaze returned to Udai, scrutinizing the athlete with a shadow of a smile in her gaze. Her admiration was still there.
“Oh, right. You’re the giant-power-in-a-small-body, The Little Giant of Karasuno!”
Her smile blooming, surprising to Udai. Once again, odd.
“You even have a cool nickname! The new idol Of the whole school! Good for you, Senpai!”
“Thank you.”
No. Wait— what? Thank you?
Sasaki Tsubasa gave two thumbs up to Udai, almost making him flinch.
“Looks like I’ll have to ask for your autograph soon.”
Udai frowned, unfamiliar with long interactions like this.
He already said his Thank you, but why wasn’t this little commotion over?
“Oh- or perhaps, instead of an autograph, Senpai, should I just ask for one of your sketches?”
Sasaki Tsubasa returned with a look on his face that seemed to strike something in Udai, something he hadn’t realized was there all along. Something... odd.
“Senpai, you can draw, can you? Not to mention being unfairly good about it either. Instead of just a signature, it’s better if I get one of your sketches and sell it as A drawing by The Little Giant of Karasuno.”
Studying the look on Udai’s face, Sasaki Tsubasa immediately continued, “Kidding! There’s no way I would do something like that.”
Sasaki Tsubasa’s smile blossomed. For Udai, it was as if he was being stranded in a foreign land he had never been to before.
Just as the world was about to fall silent in his senses, a voice returned him to the present day.
Udai, recognizing that voice, reacted almost in surprise. He turned his head. From his right, a blonde teammate, third year Tsukishima Akiteru, approached him. He came with a face that has I have something to scold you about because you’re wandering too much and now’s the right time to move you ass before Kawada scolding both of us when his eyes caught the other presence that was there with Udai.
Udai grew restless to the way Tsukishima Akiteru smiled understandingly at Sasaki Tsubasa.
The blonde finally turned to Udai after greeting Sasaki Tsubasa, delivering the expected words with, inexplicably, a more subtle tone.
“It’s time to gather. Kawada and the others are waiting.”
Udai replied formally.
His eyes greeted Sasaki Tsubasa briefly and muttered something like then, almost under his breath.
Walking with Tsukishima Akiteru in a content silence for a while, Udai could not expect that the question that came to him was as silly as, “Was that your girlfriend, Udai-kun?”
He hoped that Tsukishima Akiteru was joking when he said that, but he was serious.
Present day, Tokyo
Obviously, no was better than a hurtful yes after all.
Eventually, the match ended, and Udai realized he had been sitting in the restaurant for over an hour. He paid his bill and left, the sounds of the cheering still ringing in his ears. He felt rejuvenated, refreshed, and rather, quite ready to go back being the manga artist that he is.
As he walked to the station, Udai found himself humming a tune he couldn’t quite place. It was a song from his high school days, something he hadn’t thought about in years.
Udai had agreed that the past is in the past, content with what the present provides him with. This sky-rocketing career as a successful manga artist, a well-planned future down the road… but ever since the unexpected encounter with Tsubasa, he started to long for the past.
It almost feels like he was convinced to reopen the locked box packed with the memory of his youth, in contrast to what he had promised himself.
Udai remembers that their story didn’t end perfectly, almost like a manuscript that was left behind because the writer no longer found the resonance to fill the pages with. Their story ended on a blank page.
Now, in the present day where Udai has left that page behind, even believing that he has almost completely abandoned the whole book, questions arise in his mind about whether it is true that his feelings have died since the last word of their story was written? Was it true that all his hopes about them had been dashed since they stopped halfway?
His promise was about to keep going further. Halting midway was okay but turning back was not. It’s not that he is okay reading his book backward, isn’t he?
Her eyes whispered that it was okay to go back. In the end, he halted. Regret covering the walls of his heart.
Before him, after a long time, memories rang.
Her voice warm, as was her gaze. It seemed like only yesterday that they first met as two strangers when Tsubasa’s phone was suddenly there in his bag.
She waved, just like the first-year student he met nine years ago in high school. Her smile was full of the friendliness he had almost forgotten, almost like a warm greetings of spring after the cold melted into the ground.
Nine years have passed. Is he being greedy if he was looking forward to this meeting too much? Is he being greedy if he started hoping for something he had destroyed eight years ago?
But this one’s on the fate, isn’t it?
Udai had never expected anything like this before. If only that day fate had not brought them into an unexpected encounter, then he might have continued to move further into the future he had planned without having to halt midway like this.
Udai had never invited her even in his hopes. Let alone hope, he knew that he had no right to invite her back again.
If after this his heart was filled with greed, it’s on the fate. It’s on the fate for bringing her back.
Before him, Tsubasa’s pace halted. She smiled, friendly greeting the only man responsible for the worst thing that ever happened in her youth.
“What a coincidence that I ran into you here.”
Oh, what a coincidence.
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shingia · 4 years
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here’s how the introverted/quiet haikyuu boys would try to flirt with you (most of them being encouraged/forced by someone else)
-> sakusa, kenma, yamaguchi, ushijima, akaashi, suna, kita
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sakusa had never felt the need to initiate any kind of contact with anyone ; sure, you looked breathtaking under the bar lights, but never in a million years would he risk getting out of his comfort zone. at least not without a little (big) push from komori. when he finally agreed to go sit next to you at the counter, it actually took you a few minutes to notice him, when he half-heartedly asked about your drink.
« how is it ? »
« pretty good » you smiled, a bit taken aback by this unannounced stranger. « um... do you want a taste ? »
he looked down at the glass you were handing him before letting out a disgusted “fuck no”. but after seeing komori desperately wave his arms from the other side of the counter, sakusa thought he could try to make an effort and proposed to pay for your next drink, still looking as uncomfortable as ever but also lowkey proud of himself.
kuroo was a pain in the ass, and kenma knew he wouldn’t know peace unless he gathered the courage to finally make a move after months spent daydreaming about you. and so he did, but definitely not as kuroo expected.
« hi, um... my friend over there is harassing me to come and talk to you so can you please pretend i just said something funny ? »
he looked very fidgety and you noticed he was nervously chewing the inside of his cheeks.
« sure, i got you » you smiled before tipping your head back and letting out the most realistic laugh you could fake. but it turned out that your laugh was actually very communicative, and next thing you knew, you two were actually laughing together at the stupidity of this situation, while kuroo was proudly watching from afar.
to say that yamaguchi had rehearsed would be an understatement. he had his script memorised and really hoped that your answers would be the ones expected. the last period of the morning had barely ended that he was already heading to his locker with a determined yet terrified look on his face. he knew your locker was right next to his, and that he needed to seize upon the little timespan he had before you left.
« hi... yourhairlooksnicetoday » he blurted out without any emotion in his voice but pure panic.
you looked at him with your eyebrows lifted, taking a few seconds to process his words before flashing him a bright smile. « oh thank you ! i really like your hair too ! »
oh. that wasn’t planned. yamaguchi’s thoughts started to race, yet his body remained frozen. and after a few seconds spent awkwardly looking at each other, you finally revived the conversation. « we should eat together someday ! see you later ! ».
poor yamaguchi’s heart was definitely pounding in his throat when you waved at him before walking away.
sure, ushijima wouldn’t have minded getting closer to you, but flirting was something he definitely wasn’t comfortable with. however, he thought he could give it a try and began dropping subtle hints. but so subtle that they were absolutely unnoticeable. for example, he considered complimenting your new school uniform the utmost form of flirting.
and when you finally realized what he was trying to do after several months, you decided to make his job easier by creating perfect opportunities for him to make a move.
« i don’t have anything planned this weekend, i’m probably going to bore myself to death... »
« don’t you have a test to study for next week ? »
well, he was certainly more oblivious than expected. but that doesn’t mean he didn’t accept your proposition to study together during the weekend. gladly accepted actually.
it drove bokuto crazy to know that akaashi had a crush on you but had never ever tried anything. so he considered it his responsibility to prep his friend for the moment he’d finally make a move.
fukurōdani had just won their first match of the season and akaashi was waiting for you outside the locker room, already a bundle of nerves. after congratulating him, you handed him his jacket that you had kept with you in the stands. « it kept me warm while i was freezing up there, so thank you », you smiled.
ok, now seemed like the perfect opportunity to put bokuto’s tips in practice. even though he knew they were terrible, they seemed like his only option. as calmly as he could, the setter took a deep breath before letting out something he never thought he’d ever say : « maybe because it’s made of boyfriend material »
as much as you didn’t want to shake his confidence, you couldn’t help but facepalm at this awful pickup line. and akaashi didn’t need your reaction to realize how terrible it was.
« i... apologize for that. let me do this my way : would you like to go out with me someday ? »
bonus : years later in your relationship, neither of you ever had the courage to tell bokuto that it wasn’t thanks to his pickup line
« wow, i didn’t think ya’d be such a wimp... it’s been two hours, just do something already ! »
« i’ll do it when i’ll feel like it », suna shrugged atsumu’s teasing off. it was true that he’d had his eyes on you ever since the team entered the restaurant to celebrate their victory in today’s match. but suna did not want to bother with the whole “flirting thing” that atsumu tried to talk him into. however, he stayed true to his words and, indeed, came to talk to you when he finally felt like it.
near the counter, you were waiting for your friends to get out of the bathroom when your eyes laid on the intriguing boy that was walking towards you. behind him, his entire table was staring with impatient faces. but like i said, suna didn’t want to bother with flirting and cut to the chase. very nonchalantly, he grabbed a pen from the pencil pot next to the cash register and started scribbling something on your receipt.
he handed it back to you a few seconds later, faintly shrugging « here. i usually reply fast ». your eyes lowered on the receipt, where you could read the eleven digits of his phone number. and just like that, he went back to his table.
no one in their right mind would ever have dared to tease Kita about how long it was taking him to make a move on you ; simply because everyone knew he had already rigorously thought about how and when he’d do it. and they were right, he wanted to be prepared. but talking to you face to face was much different than training in front of his mirror.
he had thought about complimenting your appearance, but it was the last thing he cared about. kita was a man of few words, and he wanted you to know exactly why he liked you in the least complicated way possible. and it took him a lot of courage to do so, even with so much preparation.
«  i don’t know if someone ever told ya that but... » he started, fiddling with the straps of his bag. there was no going back now, you were all ears.
« ...i really enjoy talking to you. with some people it can feel like a waste of time but... you’re always relevant and uh... well, i wouldn’t mind going out with you someday. if you’re ok with it of course »
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shugojima · 3 years
𝗔𝗸𝗮𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗞𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶 🍋♀️
Sensual play✔︎
Very soft✔︎
Condom cause he smart✔︎
You were out with your friends. Those usual party nights you spend together, searching for a boy to fill you up. Yes, that's how much of a hoe you were. You just compensated your depression with dick. Some good dick made you forget about all the problems you had so why not making this a regular?
Dancing with some halfways attractive stranger you felt yourself getting thirsty. No, I don't talk about that kind of thirsty... hoe.
Walking your way to the bar you pushed some people aside and sat down to order your drink.
"Just give me something strong, please."
This lead to nothing. Not with this guy you thought. Also he seemed to be soft asf and you needed to get destroyed so why bother?
"Wanna talk about it?"
A soft but deep voice rang in your ear when you looked to your side and saw a pretty damn attractive guy. Black hair... beautiful, tourquise eyes... glasses... Damn. You had a thing for glasses. You thought those made every man look ten times hotter.
"Oh, sorry. Akaashi." he reached for your hand and you took it.
"Y/n... What made you think I need to talk?"
Smiling a little he said
"You just ran away from a guy you wanted to sleep with for whatever reason but figured it's not worth it, so you came here and ordered a strong drink to forget whatever is on your mind. So I just guessed you'd probably need someone to talk to."
"Well shit. You got me there... what a whore, huh?"
Sipping on your drink you tried to wash away the last blowjob you gave two hours ago as he looked at you kinda worried.
"Do you do that often?"
"I mean using dick to cope with something."
You looked at him raising a brow.
"What are you my therapist?"
"You're right, I shouldn't have asked that. That was rude of me."
"Well, you certainly give off therapist vibes. With that look on your face, those glasses.. also what are you doing with pen and paper in a bar? Taking notes already?"
You felt you were getting comfortable due to the alcohol. He laughed a little and said
"Valid question, I guess. I'm a manga editor. That's just my worksheet. Usually I do that at home but I felt like I needed a drink."
The way he used his words so carefully and his overall behaviour made you wonder how high his IQ is.
Certainly a smart man and to be honest, that was a rare breed around here.
The two of you kept talking for over two hours and you really had a lot of fun. It wasn't the usual shit talk, nothing too flirty more deep. You also told him that he was right and you were actually just looking for a rough fuck but gave up hope when you noticed that guy was definetely a bottom.
Also... you were a little tipsy by now...
And that's where it started.
"So you think in order to forget everything around you, it has to be extremely rough?"
You looked at him confused. Well sure it has to be?!
"Uhm... yes? I mean... I at least never really enjoyed that soft shit. It's just... ughh idk I just like it hard."
A warm smile on his face your eyes met and his gaze was so intense, it send shivers down your spine. No way you would be able to break eye contact. Wow... just... wow. You felt like he was able to read your mind, look straight through you. He definetely had something about him. Something special that made your mind go blank.
"That isn't true."
"I said that isn't true."
Who tf does he think he is? Thinking he knows what you like or not?
Looking into your eyes, no... basically into your soul, he said
"Sensual sex is something you need the right man for. You need to connect on a high level and feel real attraction. Not just to his dick but also to his personality. If you ever come across that man... Think of my words."
You sat there, mouth slightly agape and you didn't know why but his words somehow affected you... that deep voice, the way he spoke, its was erotic. No other way to put it. So you couldn't help but eventually press your legs a little together.
Sure, he noticed your reaction. He's a smart motherfucker after all...
Slowly placing his hand on your thigh he said
"That's what I was talking about. And I only used my words." He winked at you and you were already a puddle.
Blushing hard you almost spilled your drink when he broke eye contact first.
How did he do that? How could he get such a reaction out of you just by talking to you? Not even doing dirty talk, just by stating facts.
"How... I-...how?"
"Skill." He laughed.
"Make yourself at home, love. You relax a little I'll be right back."
You nodded and got a little comfortable on his bed. Sitting there you realized you had never been so nervous before you had sex.
Something was different this time and you were sure it was a positive change.
You knew each other for only about 4 hours now and you felt like you were already close friends. It was weird and if you'd believe in such things you'd say he's your soulmate.
The way he spoke about that connection people need to have... that had to be it.
When he came back he had more comfortable clothes on and a bowl with ice cubes in his hand as he sat himself besides you, placing the bowl on the carpet.
"How do you feel?"
"Good, I guess... not that drunk anymore."
"That's great to hear." he smiled as he leaned in whispering with his dark voice
"Because I want you to be sober enough to feel everthing to the fullest. Everything of me."
"You're so nervous again just because of my words... You probably really love dirty talk, am I right?"
Eyeing me closely he didn't need an answer tho.
"Nevermind... Your legs are pressed together just like they were two hours ago."
Blushing hard you tried to act normal and keep your composure but that was absolutely impossible when he guided you onto his lap and looked deep into your eyes, through his black framed glasses. His mouth slightly open, not even half an inch from yours.
"If I'm doing it right, you're about to feel heaven, my love."
You wanted to feel his lips on yours so bad so you leaned in but he hold you in place, his hands on both sides of your head.
"No kissing. Heavy breathing can be just as erotic."
And that it was...
You just stayed like this, breathing in and out on opposite times, basically exchanging breaths. The air around you heating up rapidly as you closed your eyes and enjoyed this intense feeling.
"Can you feel the tension?" he breathed into your mouth before kissing you so sensual yet full of lust. He slightly bit your lower lip when he slid his tongue into your warm mouth, one hand on your back, the other slowly running through your soft hair.
You felt nothing less than loved in this exact moment and you already forgot about everything that made you feel so terribly sad earlier.
Never did a kiss feel so good.
When your slick lips seperated he leaned to your ear and whispered
"I can hear your heart beating."
Wanting to get rid of his glasses you stopped him in his tracks.
"Can you... leave the.. glasses on?"
Smirking knowingly he put the glasses with his middle finger back up the bridge of his nose.
"You like that, hm?"
"Y-yes... they.. look good on you."
"Note taken."
Carefully placing you with your back on his sheets he gave you a soft kiss on your forehead before he stood up.
"What.. are you-"
"I'm sorry, love. I don't do it raw."
"Oh r-right.."
Rummaging something in his drawer he put the shiny package on his bed side table before crawling up on top of you.
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you didn't even know why. He was a stranger after all. Someone you just met and still he made the butterflies in your belly you didn't even know you had, go fucking wild.
Your hips between his legs he slowly started to unbutton his grey and blue plaid shirt when you looked away blushing.
"Hey, eyes on me." He commanded softly, continuing with the last 3 buttons.
I'm sure my eyes had hearts in it by now when I saw his ripped body. Fuck... he was so hot. Those toned abs, perfectly on display with the low light that shone on them, leaving a little shadow under every muscle.
"My god..."
"And you wanted to look away in shame."
He smiled when he threw his shirt on the soft carpet near his bed and leaned in on you.
Kissing you again he carressed your deep red cheek and whispered
"Let me show you what real sex feels like."
You got the chills when he started to trail a path of soft kisses down your neck and sucked a little on your skin every now and then. Slight gasps leaving your throat he breathed heavily against your skin.
"You're so... so sensitive to my touch... "
"Wait.." You breathed out, wanting to get rid of your shirt as well so he could kiss you further.
Quickly taking it off so he can continue making you go crazy.
Holding you in this half sitting position he asked you if he could take off your bra as well when you nodded.
Skillfully opening it with one hand while his other cupped your cheek. He didn't stop kissing you until he layed you back down and took a moment to fully capture your feautures.
"You look absolutely beautiful, Y/n."
"Thank.. you, Akash-"
Leaning down on you again his soft fingertips explored your body. Carressing along your neck, your collarbones, your breasts... before he pinched your hard buds slightly. Moaning softly you closed your eyes to make the feeling even more intense.
"Do you feel comfortable, love?"
"Y-yes... nghhh.. very much so.."
A warm smile on his face he reached for the bowl with ice cubes and put one into his mouth. Playing around with it a little until it completely melted he started licking circles around your bud. His cold tongue driving you crazy when he sucked slightly.
"Nghh... K-keiji.. that feels so good.."
Feeling his smile against your skin his hand found its way down your belly... to your skirt.
Hovering above you again he kissed you once more.
"You know where else that feels amazing?"
Melting another ice cube in his mouth he lifted your hips from the sheets and slowly took of your skirt along with your soaked panties.
Going down on you his cold tongue parted your slick lips making you throw your head back and moan loudly.
"Right here."
He licked slowly but greedily along your wet slit, evetually sucking on your clit before he slid a finger inside and looked up at you.
"You're soaking wet, love. I thought you can only enjoy it the hard way?"
Inserting another finger you arched your back as you grinded on his fingers. Desperate for more.
Desperate for him.
"Keiji... I- I need more..."
"Is that so?" he smiled, curving his fingers inside making you scream as he hit your sweet spot.
"M-more... please!"
Pulling out slowly he licked your juice off them
and opened his belt before he stepped out of his jeans and pulled down his boxers.
"Holy shit."
Chuckling he went "Thanks I guess?"
He reached for the shiny package on the little table and opened it with his teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock.
Can we talk about how fucking big he is? Lord help you were thinking of calling an ambulance in advance.
"You know... I don't have to be rough on you to have you drowning in pleasure. There's no need to be when you know which bottons to push and when."
He said as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose when he leaned in on you and was close to your lips again, his eyes drilling holes into yours you felt his tip at your entrance.
"Right now you're craving my cock so bad that you'd basically do everything just to feel it rubbing against your walls. And I like that a lot. Not that I'd dare taking adventage of your miserable situation."
"Put.. it in... please, Keiji! I can't anymore!"
You whined as you tried to lower yourself onto his length just for him to grab your hips and hold you in place.
"Why are you so impatient, my love?" he breathed against your lips, pushing just his tip inside.
"Nghhh fuck! Please!!! Please I need more, Keiji!!"
"Remember this moment."
One deep thrust inside you screamed in heavenly pleasure, your eyes shut close and your back arching.
Smirking at your reaction he took your hands and intertwined your fingers, holding them down besides your head when he started moving slowly.
"To me at least... It looks like you're enjoying it a lot."
His thick cock stretching you out to the limit, low growls leaving his mouth as the sounds of his balls hitting your ass and the squelching sound of your soaked pussy filled the room.
You were in heaven.
He brought heaven to you.
An endless rush of endorphines fluted your body as he teached you his way of pleasure.
He knew exactly what he did, how to do it and when. Noticing every little reaction coming from you and knew what it meant.
This man was a drug.
And you were about to get fucking addicted.
Guys... I had to do a cut. This is getting sooo long and I really love how it turned out.
It's so sensual and sweet my heart is a puddle.
I will upload the second part as soon as possible.
Soft Akaashi is gold
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akakeiiji · 4 years
sjfksks omg, i was the one who sent the shy-around-his-crush!akaashi hc and i just wanted to say THAT YOUR LITTLE IMAGINE WAS TOO CUTE! ugh, my heart, i can’t handle it 🥺😩 if it’s possible can you make that like a hc or a little drabble? like you portrayed my bby so well, now i can’t help it but want more! anyways, I hope you have an amazing day, lots of love! 😚
NONNIE I LITERALLY CAN’T FIND THE POST THAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT BWEBVUEBE I’VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR HALF AN HOUR NOW WTF!! But I still vaguely remember the prompt so some things may be different from the original imagine
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-`,✎ Akaashi being shy around his crush
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Out of all the things Akaashi could use to summarize his current predicament, the only thing that came to mind was a cliche pop culture reference; Everyone has their own kryptonite. Their own weakness. The one thing in the world that could make them crumble and fall.
Naturally, one would want to avoid said kryptonite at all cause, stay away from it, run from it but as much as Akaashi tries to do just that, he always finds himself running back to you.
How many times has he tried distancing himself from you now? Three, four times? Regardless, it always ended the same: with you slithering back into his life like a snake catching its prey in its grips. Except Akaashi was always willing and never fought back to your advances.
How could he though? How could he insist to be apart from you? Apart from your smile that never fails to make him do the same, your laugh that sends jolts of electricity through his skin when he hears it, your very existence that seems to bring so much warmth and light into his day.
Nothing has been able to penetrate through his core so violently and suddenly as you have, you crumble his defenses, and tear down walls he’s so expertly put up over the years.
There was no doubt about it: You were his weakness. You were his kryptonite.
Your effect on him was instantaneous. When you were near, all the calmness and passiveness Akaashi was known for would suddenly dissipate into thin air.
Whenever you spoke to him—or merely smiled at his general direction—it would be as if the torrent of thoughts that always rushed through his mind would still and be replaced with an overwhelming rush of panic and disorder. His stoic facade would crumble; he’d stammer and blabber, he’d turn red, cheeks burning the longer he stayed near you and your bright disposition, and his heart would hammer against his chest so violently it would almost overpower the sound of your voice.
He hated the feeling so much, hated the way you made him feel this way. But he still craved your attention, to be near you.
At first, he resented you for it. How could you have such an effect on him? How could you render him a fool, a pre-pubescent teenage boy once more? He avoided you, stayed away from you any chance he could hoping and praying that some time apart could bring him back to his senses, anchor him back down, but instead the feeling of wanting to be with you only intensified the longer he was away from you until it was the only thing left on his mind.
That was when Akaashi realized why this was happening, he was honestly embarrassed with himself for not realizing it sooner since it was as clear as day; he was hopelessly and madly in love with you.
He sighed slightly as he tore his head away from the window next to him and directed his gaze back on their teacher who was explaining something that Akaashi did not understand in the slightest. This was another reason why his feelings for you were so cumbersome, they distracted him during times he was meant to be focused; when he’s in class or in training, and even when he’s trying to sleep, you’d just pop up in his head and he’s suddenly off in some faraway place in his mind.
He tried not to, he really did, but he gave in to the little devil on his shoulder and turned his head towards you. You were seated a few desks away from him but you were close enough that he could see the way your eyes crinkled when you smiled or hear your laugh when you found something funny.
You were slouching down on your desk, scrunching your eyebrows at the writing on the board as you scribbled them down on your notebook. You were doing that thing where you bite the insides of your cheek when you were confused.
Akaashi’s own pen stilled, his hand stopping as he was jotting down notes in hopes that he can make some sense of the lesson once he gets back home. As usual, he lost himself in his own thoughts, thoughts that were about you as they always have been these days.
His mind wandered to ways he could possibly spend more time with you. Perhaps he could offer to tutor you on the lesson if you didn't understand it—no that wouldn’t work, he could barely understand it himself. If he just had the guts to actually confess to you then maybe he wouldn’t have to think up elaborate plans to spend even just an hour with you.
And besides, even if he were blessed enough to be granted that, he’d probably spend the entirety of the time with you behaving like a fool; unable to utter a word, make eye contact, or make his blushing cheeks fade.
He closed his eyes as one of his intrusive embarrassing memories surfaced in his mind—it was when you passed by the gym while he was training causing him to set the ball in the opposite direction from Konoha, subsequently hitting their coach in the face, Bokuto laughed for so long he almost passed out.
When he removed his hands from his eyes and he was surprised to see your own staring back at him.
He froze like a deer in headlights, shoulders stiffening and lips parting in shock. You smiled at him and he swears his heart skipped a beat.
You pointed at your teacher who was writing down details for a project on the board. It was by pair.
Do you want to be partners? You mouthed at him as you gestured towards the both of you.
His mind blanked, how utterly typical of him. He weighed his options: partner up with you and risk exposing his feelings and embarrassing himself, but be able to be with you? Or run away like a coward?
As much as his mind was screaming for him to refuse, not to give in to this offer, as tempting as it, was because he knew for a fact that he’d just fall even deeper the more he’s around you, your pleading eyes were far stronger than his common sense.
Who even listens to their common sense these days anyway? Definitely not Akaashi because he nodded after a few seconds, making you break into an even wider grin that may or may not have made the second year choke on his saliva.
That night as he struggled to understand his lesson from earlier, his phone chimed loudly tearing his attention away from his incomplete notes. He grabbed the device and was met with a text notification from you.
Hey! Are you free tomorrow?
I was thinking that we could meet up and discuss the project! We can get some lunch somewhere too if you want
Akaashi reread your text for the dozenth time now. He pondered before typing out a response that wasn’t too eager but not aloof as well.
That’s a good idea, I’m free tomorrow
And I wouldn’t say no to lunch 
You replied right away.
Great! Let’s meet at the school at 12
The typing symbol appeared and disappeared a few times after that and Akaashi waited in anticipation before you sent:
Consider it a date hehe
He only realized then that he was grinning the entire time, his face warm and cheeks hurting from how much he was smiling. He dropped his phone on his desk and covered his face with his hands in silent glee.
You were definitely going to be the end of him but he wasn’t really complaining now that he thought about it.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 13: Secret
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
“Have you seen this child?”
“Did you see any toddler wearing a yellow backpack?”
“Have you seen a kid this tall in pigtails?”
You stop walking and squat on the ground. Akaashi pulls you back up and gives you a reassuring hug. You let yourself cry on his chest, holding onto his shirt tightly.
“Mama!” A voice calls, making you let go of Akaashi and face the direction of where the sound came from. The park is noisy and packed but you are sure it is your child’s voice.
“Mama!” Kia calls again, and you spot her in the crowd in front of you. She is waving frantically and grinning widely as if nothing happened wrong. You are looking up at her as she is on Sakusa’s shoulders.
He found your daughter.
You walk to them and upon seeing you take your steps, Sakusa puts Kia down to the ground. Kia starts to run to you, but stops midway when she senses that Sakusa isn’t following after her. The girl runs back to him and reaches for his hand. She pulls his hand using her little fingers until they reach you.
You bend down to level with Kia’s height and hug her tightly. Your tears roll down your cheeks just like how the anxiety you felt comes out of your body. “Where did you go, silly girl?” You scold, hugging Kia even tighter.
On the other hand, Sakusa sees Akaashi and nods lightly at him as a greeting. The visible wet patch on Akaashi’s shirt saddens Sakusa. All the what-ifs getting in his head again. ‘What if I didn’t find her?’
“We spin in the cupcakes!” Kia answers, then realizes her mother is crying. “Mama, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Kia wipes the tears on your cheeks using her tiny hands. It breaks her heart seeing you cry. Is this how you feel when you see her cry?
You glare at her and she is ready to bawl her eyes out, fear taking over her body. “I told you not to let go of me!” You say in a stern manner so she starts crying. She steps away from you and runs to Sakusa. She holds her hands up and he carries her, letting her bum rest on his forearm.
“Say sorry to your mama,” Sakusa whispers to her as she buries her face on his shoulder.
You smile at the sight in front of you. Something feels different about the two of them interacting again. It makes your heart flutter, beat faster. It feels like falling in love with him again.
No. I’m not falling this fast. This is a trap.
Akaashi sees the sparks in your eyes so he decides to nudge you teasingly. You roll your eyes at him in annoyance.
You can’t miss out on this moment in front of you. You fish your phone out of your pocket and secretly take a photo of Kiyoomi and Kia. He is still holding her in his arms, her face leveled with his. They are whispering something to each other and you can’t help but smile.
‘They’re probably talking shit about me but that’s okay. They look cute.’
Her hands are holding onto his cheeks as she gives him a kiss on his lips.
Your head literally whips up to look at Sakusa once again. He doesn’t have his mask or gloves on. His hands are trembling as he holds Kia. He must be feeling anxious from the crowd. ‘Did he rush here? How did he even know Kia’s lost?’
“Go on, give him a kiss, too,” Akaashi teases so you hit his arm playfully.
You rummage through your bag to look for the mask you always bring. You also get an alcohol bottle out too before approaching Kia and Kiyoomi. Kia looks away as you near them, Kiyoomi telling her to apologize to you once again.
“Here...” You mutter, handing the mask to Sakusa. His eyes widen in shock, only realizing just then that he doesn’t have a mask on. He thanks you before putting it on. You take his hand and apply alcohol on it, gently rubbing it and not missing a spot. “Thank you...”
Akaashi looks at the three of you from afar, examining your actions. You look a like family, a happy one. A family that is built on love and care. He smiles. ‘He really meant what he said to you that night.’
“I may have not been there from the start, and have been an asshole halfway, but I’m willing. I’m willing to be Kia’s dad.”
He’s becoming her dad. This time not just for you. He’s doing it for your family.
“Let’s go home?” You ask them. Kia shakes her head, crossing her arms. She glares and pouts at you. “But Kyo isn’t comfortable around many people. Let’s go somewhere else,” you explain to her and she frowns.
“I think I can handle staying for another hour or two,” he tells you and you glare at him. Your daughter starts clapping and squealing in excitement.
“You can say no to her, you know,” you say to him but he just shrugs.
“I know. I just choose not to.” He bops Kia’s nose, earning a giggle from her.
“What about you? I know you’re uncomfortable,” you start, worry audible in your tone. “What if something happens to you?”
“I think I can manage,” he pats your head in reassurance. The two of you are too preoccupied with your little argument that you don’t notice Kia waving good bye to Akaashi who is slowly walking away from the three of you.
“Mama, Kyo, Keikei said bye,” Kia informs you two. Your eyes travel around the place and he really left.
Kiyoomi reaches his hand out to you, but you don’t get what he’s trying to do. You hold his hand and he raises an eyebrow. He lets out a chuckle. “I mean the baby bag. I’ll carry the baby bag.”
“You could have just said so!” You complained, looking away. You let go of his hand and shove the duffel bag on his hand. After slinging the bag on his shoulder, he takes your hand and intertwines it with his.
You start walking around the park, avoiding crowded places for Kiyoomi’s sake. You go to Universal Wonderland, where most attractions for kids are located. Kia points at a Hello Kitty ride and you see Kiyoomi grimace. “We rode that awful thing a while ago.” He gags. “Never again.” You giggle at his reaction.
“Mama! Let’s ride that!” She takes your hand and drags you along the Snoopy ride.
“I’ll wait for you near the exit,” Kiyoomi says as you and Kia enter the attraction. He takes a picture of the two of you every time you pass by him, but it’s mostly blurry so he pouts. He is checking your pictures when suddenly a grade schooler approaches him.
“You’re Sakusa Kiyoomi, right?” The boy asks him and he nods. Sakusa puts his hands in his pocket, afraid of what is about to come. “Can you sign this for me? My older sister is a big fan!” The boy hands him a newly bought shirt, probably from the theme park. The boy also gives him a pen, which he disinfects before holding. He signs the shirt and the boy thanks him.
A group of high schoolers approach Sakusa as well, but maintained their distance. One of the girls is an avid fan, so she’s aware of his hate for crowds. They talk to him from a distance, which he very much appreciates. He likes it when his fans understand personal space.
You and Kia on the other hand are still on ride. Every time your kart passes by him, Kia makes sure you flash him a smile. But this time, Kiyoomi isn’t focusing his attention on the two of you anymore. She sees him talking to a group of teenagers so she faces you in confusion.
“They’re probably his fans,” you explain to her.
“Fans?” She repeats. Kia’s never heard of that word.
“They’re people who support and adore him. They sometimes give him gifts and they cheer for him during his games,” you explain further but she seems not to understand. “Right. You don’t know what his work is.” You make a mental note to bring Kia to one of his games.
The ride finishes and Kia rushes to where Kiyoomi is, excited to tell him about the ride. She sees him in his same spot, no more teenagers surrounding him, but a bunch of kids this time.
“Mama...” Kia calls you. “Mama why are they playing with Kyo?”
“He also has kids as fans, huh?” You chuckle, surprised to see younger ones show interest in him. He’s never been one famous amongst kids, but this bunch seems to like him a lot.
The kids leave him and Kia rushes to him, but stops when a boy her age approaches Kiyoomi. She stiffens when she sees Kiyoomi lift the boy up. A switch turned on inside her mind and she’s on full alarm mode.
Kia feels threatened.
“Kyo!” Kia runs to him then tugs on the hem of his shirt.
Kiyoomi looks down to her, the boy still in his arms. “Wait,” he tells her. Kiyoomi faces the mother of the boy who is taking their picture. He puts him down and ruffles his hair. He does a fist bump with him before the child runs back to his mother. Kiyoomi turns and looks down to carry Kia, but he freezes when he sees her.
Kia’s eyes are glued on the boy, her orbs emotionless. She looks up to him then runs back to you. Kiyoomi approaches you so you ready your bottle of alcohol. You give it to him and he thanks you. He attempts to pick Kia up but she turns away from him.
“No way...” You hold back a laugh, carrying Kia instead. You know exactly why Kia is acting like this, but Kiyoomi seems lost and confused.
“I wanna go home,” Kia tells you.
“I thought you were gonna show me the nice car,” Kiyoomi sighs, in hopes that Kia might forget whatever is making her feel upset. Instead, he gets completely ignored. His face twitches, getting even more confused. What could he have done that is making her this upset? He looks at you as if he’s begging for help.
“She’s jealous,” you mouth to him. He laughs, then takes Kia from your arms. Despite being in his arms, she still doesn’t face him.
“She truly is your child. This is also how you acted when you were jealous,” Kiyoomi claims and you smack his back. His attention goes back to Kia, thinking of a way to stop her from sulking.
“I’ll just buy a drink, go comfort her,” you excuse yourself to head to the food stall.
Kiyoomi sits down a bench, Kia on his lap. “Do you not love Kia anymore? Do you want to play with other kids?”
“What makes you think that?” Kiyoomi cups her cheeks, his thumbs caressing her cheekbones. He badly wants to start laughing because of how cute Kia is acting, but he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. She starts crying, so Kiyoomi hugs her. “Were you jealous of the other kids?” Kia nods, tightly gripping on his shirt.
“Don’t feel like that, okay? Because you are my favorite child and the only one I love,” Kiyoomi reassures her, making her stand on his thighs so she is on the same eye level as him.
“Really?” Kia stops crying, her lips forming into a smile. “You love Kia?”
“I love Kia so so so so much.” He nuzzles his nose with hers, making her giggle.
“More than mama?” She asks him and he gives her a sorry look. She pouts. “No more kisses for you.”
“Okay, okay, fine. I love you more than your mama,” Kia mutters and she excitedly hugs him. She plants a kiss on Kiyoomi’s forehead, then a wide smile appears on her face.
Kiyoomi sits her back down on his lap, facing him. He pulls his mask down on his chin, looking at Kia seriously. “Kia, I have to ask you something and it’s a secret. You have to promise me that you are not gonna tell anyone.”
“Even mama?” Kia tilts her head to the side.
“Especially your mama.” Kia nods then raises her pink finger. Kiyoomi wraps his pinky finger with her tiny ones, sealing their promise. “Answer me honestly, okay?”
“Okay,” Kia replies with passion, ready to keep and answer whatever Kiyoomi is going to tell her.
“Do you want a baby brother?”
Green tea is green
Akaashi actually didn’t leave the theme park. He met up with Bokuto there and enjoyed the rides with him.
Kenma booked a flight going to Osaka to surprise Kia but he slept in and didn’t catch the flight
I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this but Kia is 30 months old.
Note: So this is a whole new different chapter. I have moved supposedly chapter 13 to another chapter. <3
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