#but i also cried so much while at the office yesterday
patrice-bergerons · 2 years
It's so funny when you know you are reacting disproportionately to something and why you are doing so and none of it changes the actual ridiculous bruising experience of the thing lmao
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wosoamazing · 1 month
Boys Will Be Boys Have No Excuses
Beneath the Surface | Leah Williamson x R
Warnings: Anxiety & Symptoms of Anxiety, Bullying
Notes: Based off this request. Sorry it's taken a while but I hope you all like it, also if anyone has any more requests for this series let me know. (As always don't know if I like it but yeah) 1.6K words
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“Hey Bubs,” Leah said as she walked into the nurses office, and the pit in your stomach only deepened, you’d totally forgotten that your Mum had gone away, because she had a physio conference which she had to present at in Germany, Leah picking you up meant your [lan was ruined. You knew your Mum would let you have a mental health day without asking you the reason, because you would eventually answer her, however Leah wouldn’t, and you didn’t want to tell her, it was just some teasing that you were seriously over reacting too. You couldn’t keep faking though because you knew Leah would see right through it, so you had to be fine, and you’d have to do your school work and swim stuff and hopefully because you were doing work and not lying around she wouldn’t get annoyed at you.
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The next morning you felt anxious, your head ached, you’d cried yourself to sleep, the dread of having to return to school, and see everyone, and face whatever the boys had to say overwhelmed you and you were scared. Trying to reduce the risks of whatever could happen, you didn’t eat breakfast, hoping that way the unease in your stomach wouldn’t turn into something more. You knew Leah wouldn’t let you stay home, so there wasn't even a point in asking, you knew she wasn’t happy having to pick you up when you were fine and in all honesty you felt guilty for making her leave training for you, so you figured you’d just have to push through, it was only a little bit of anxiety, it really wasn’t a big deal. 
However as you got further from home the feeling of unease built and it was harder to ignore the twisting in your stomach, but you didn’t know whether to ignore it or tell Leah. You didn’t want her to think you were faking, which she probably would think, but you also didn’t want to be sick in the car. But it was all just in your head anyway, you’d be fine, you just needed to stop being stupid and pathetic. However at the next set of traffic lights your stomach rebelled. Your throat burned as you brought up a mix of stomach acid and water, Leah was quick to lean over the centre console to grab you a sick bag from the glove box, handing it to you, before she hesitated, not really knowing what to do next. The light turned green and she did a U-turn, heading back home.
“Do you want me to pull over or do you think you’ll be okay until we get home?” Leah asked, her voice breaking slightly. You didn’t respond, too mortified at the fact you’d just thrown up all over the car and yourself, it was just some anxiety and now you’d ruined Leah’s day.
“Do you want some water?” Leah asked, trying to do anything helpful at all and you just shook your head, as much as your mouth tasted disgusting, you were sure you’d be sick again if you had some water.
The rest of the drive was silent, and as you pulled into the driveway Leah handed you the keys which you gratefully took, rushing out of the car and to the door, placing the keys on the hallway table before running upstairs to have a shower.
Whilst you were showing Leah called your Mum as she cleaned out the car, which thankfully wasn’t too bad as most of it ended up on you.
“Hey, how are you?” Maddie asked as she answered the phone. “Currently cleaning vomit out of the car.” “What. Why? What happened?” Leah sighed heavily, “I don’t know, yesterday I had to pick her up because she was feeling sick but she was fine, she didn’t have a fever and she acted normal once we were home, even did her school work. So I figured she would be okay to go to school today. We were about half way there and she just threw up no warning. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have just assumed she was fine” “Babe, it’s not your fault. It’s no one's fault, it just happens, do you think she is isck or do you think it’s something else?”“I don’t know, maybe something else, I mean she seemed to get more agitated as we got closer to the school but I don’t know if I’m just overthinking things,” “Okay, maybe we should talk to her, but Babe I’m really really sorry but I have to go, the presentation is about to start, but call me later, please,”
You stood in the bathroom, wondering whether you could just risk running to your bedroom to get clothes, having forgotten some in your rush to get clean.
Mother Williamson: I’ve left some clothes for you outside the bathroom in case you forgot some. I’ve also put some things in your bedroom for you that you might need, but I’ve also got the couch set up for you if you feel up to coming down. I don’t mind which you choose, just please call out for me or come down if you need anything.
You opened the door slightly and there sat some trackies and a hoodie, it was your favourite set, a set Leah had gifted you, and you felt guilty for not telling Leah you were going to be sick, she clearly cared about you but it was obvious she didn't want to overstep.
“Hey,” Leah said softly as you walked into the living room, deciding to ease her guilt and go down, Leah also gave good hugs that made you feel better, and you could do with one of those currently.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled before tears started to roll down your cheeks, and she held her arms out, directing you to come to her, and you did, you sat down next to her and pulled your knees to your chest, before hiding your face in her shoulder, and your tears turned into sobs.
“You’re okay bubs, I’ve got you,” Leah said softly as she began rubbing your back with one hand and placed her other hand on the back of your head protectively as you cried into her, “I’m not mad, I promise, and I’m sorry for making you go to school when you clearly weren’t feeling well,” you continued to cry into Leah as she held you tightly, murmuring calming words to you occasionally.
“What’s going on with you?” Leah asked you as she continued to run her fingers through your hair, having decided you’d calmed down enough to ask you the question, your head now rested in her lap and a blanket covered your body. You just shrugged in response. “Is there something happening at school? Swimming? I’m not mad and I won’t be mad I just want to help, but to do that I need to know what is going on,”
“Some of the boys have been saying things to me recently and then yesterday they made a list of the hottest girls in the swim team and they put me last, said I was too ‘muscular’ for a girl and that I looked like I was pregnant sometimes. Which wasn’t really bad but everyone saw it and it was embarrassing, and they have been saying things about you, and Mum and Cait, because you’re Lesbians and um, he-he kept telling people I made up stories about my past to get attention and sympathy and when we did those persuasive speeches the other day he asked the teacher when I finished whether we got marks taken off us for claiming to have personal experience with things we didn’t,” you spat out before pausing briefly, “but can we please not talk about it? I don’t want to, not right now at least,”
“We can talk about it later, I won't force you to talk about anything but we will have to talk at some stage, okay?” She replied, trying to hide the fact she was fuming, “But I also want you to know that what he is doing isn’t right, and you have every right to feel this way, I promise you we will fix this,” she told you and you nodded softly.
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“What do you want to do the rest of the day?” Leah asked as you had brunch at one of the cafes near your school, you just shrugged your shoulders as you took another bite of your sandwich. She’d told you that you weren’t going to school that morning, you had a meeting with Josh the head of sport at 8:20 and then you’d leave. You think she still felt guilty about yesterday's events, however you weren’t complaining, the school said they were investigating this issue and as this wasn’t the first time he had done something like this and been the main culprit it would be more than likely he would be kicked out of the sport program if not the school, however his parents were quite rich and he was a good swimmer, you couldn’t deny it, so you doubted whether that was actually true, realistically there was probably more chance of him staying then going. The deputy principal was also being investigated as he was the point of contact for several other complaints about these boys, but mainly just the one and he had swept it under the rug.
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joonsytip · 6 months
All Too Well || Wonwoo
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Synopsis: With Wonwoo's dilemma hitting the wall and your perseverance getting stronger, will the events unfold as foreseen or the fate will turn its course?
Word Count: 2k
Third and final installment of Wonwoo drabble series (set in the Withering for You universe but can be read as a standalone drabble series).
[ SVT Masterlist ] [ SVT Flick - Fic Masterlist ]
Say Don't Go | So It Goes | All Too Well
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It's been a week since Wonwoo has seen you. When he woke up that fateful day along with nothing but the void you, it didn't take him long to recollect the happenings from within the car to his sheets. The slightly recovered bruises on his knuckles and the bloodstains on his bedroom wall are the witnesses of the frenzy state he was in, still is.
The guilt of sleeping with you eats him up. The regret of getting wasted and causing the slip of his true feelings and also his dick into you, makes him wanna get swallowed by the ground. He hates that his subconscious mind was conscious enough to hear your sobs but did nothing to stop them.
Wonwoo contemplates for the whole week that follows. He wonders if he should contact you or let you have your space and contact him whenever you're ready.
He's not clear in head, unsure of what he'd say on seeing you again.
Sorry, it was a mistake. He wonders if he should go ahead with the classic lie and be an entitled jerk, letting you berate him which would gradually help you in letting go those feelings for him.
It wasn't a mistake, I really meant everything I said and did but sorry we can't be together. This seemed too much of truth bombing in a situation where the other party (you) is already hurt beyond repair.
In his mind, he tries several other permutations and combinations but never considers that one way which would save everyone from the headaches and all the heartbreaks.
Everyone can sense the shift, something has definitely happened by the way you have been avoiding meetups and can guess the reason to be Wonwoo. They can't pinpoint exactly but they're sure it started right after that night's party.
"I need you to take everything off your chest while I'm asking you nicely.", your best friend tells you, "My patience has been thinned nowadays and don't make me loose my temper."
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, as you look at her and Seungcheol whose eyes are begging you to comply with his wife because she can indeed be scary.
"Do you want Seungcheol to be gone from here?", she asks, her gaze softening, "It's okay, he won't mind."
Before you could answer, Seungcheol is already off his seat saying, "I'll head back to the office, have some matters to take care of.", and he leans to peck his wife on forehead, "Call me if you need anything and let me know once done, I'll come and pick you up."
After Seungcheol leaves, a comfortable silence falls upon.
"You're already showing.", you say smiling and your best friend mirrors one to you.
"Four months already", she says caressing her protruding belly, "Time flies by, I swear it feels like yesterday I took the test and it came out positive. Seungcheol had cried the whole night, holding me close. Though he has became a lot more sensitive than me.", she adds and looks at you, "But enough about us. I came here just to make you lift some weight off. I could have brought Gyu, but I thought we should have a one to one before letting the guys know if at all you're willing to."
When your gazes meet, you can tell that she already has an inkling because her hunch has always been accurate. So you squirm in your seat and after failing to keep the tears at bay you tell her what had exactly happened in a messy-teary state.
After consoling you, she waits for you to stop crying, blinking back her own tears.
"Are you planning to address this to Wonwoo?", she asks softly.
You shake your head, "He probably doesn't even remember."
"Bullshit." she scoffs, "Are you waiting for him to contact you? Do you want me to talk to him?"
You chuckle with all bitterness, "Yes, I wanted him to contact me but it's been a week already and honestly, I don't even want to see him now because he'll repeat the same words, which are not exactly pleasant to hear. I hate how right headed he is, how all his fears are legit. I wouldn't have done it either."
You lean up to look at her, "Also, I don't want you to talk to him and I'd appreciate it if you can keep this to yourself because we're in the same group and the guys would cause a ruckus if they become aware."
She strokes your hair in a soothing manner and you almost drift off until she nudges you to tell something but you're already dismissing her off, "Don't even think of trying to do anything. I've just accepted my fate, I'll gradually move on."
Another week passes by and Wonwoo thinks he's ready to confront you. He had taken the entire office, everyone in his circle by surprise by taking an entire week off. Seungcheol being an amazing boss and understanding friend easily granted his request in the best hopes of having his friend clear the clouds clogging in his head.
Wonwoo sends you a text asking you to meet him whenever you're free. He clutches the phone tightly in his hands, feet tapping anxiously as he awaits your reply.
When he doesn't receive one after an hour, he's calling you only to be unanswered. Rationality leaving his bones, he keeps on calling your number until it gets recieved and it's an unfamiliar male voice answering the phone.
There's a sharp pang in his heart when he gets to know that it's your blind date who has picked up the call since the phone kept ringing and you've gone to washroom. Though he wants nothing but to rush to whenever you currently are, he curtly ends the call and decides to wait for your reply to his text.
His unwavering gaze directed towards the phone might have worked because he receives a response late at night and he's meeting you tomorrow.
You are unfazed, never once thinking about Wonwoo. That's what you try to tell yourself, that's how you plan to act in front of him. You don't anticipate his arrival at your apartment, that's partially true because you know you're gonna get heartbroken again because even though you want to tie the loose ends, you're sure he's only coming to cut them off wholly.
So you tell your mother who has been nagging you to get married to set you up for blind dates and this time you promised you'd seriously consider them with marriage perspective. Hence, today you're going to another date with someone you know this time and not at all impressed about.
The doorbell rings and you check the monitor to confirm that it's Wonwoo before letting him in.
"Are you going somewhere?", Wonwoo asks as he settles on the couch and you take a seat on the chair.
You nod, "Going on a date with Minjun."
Wonwoo's jaw clenches, his hands ball into fists as he asks, "Kim Minjun? He's a womanizer, Y/N. Didn't you go on a date yesterday?"
You scoff, "And how does that concern you anyway?", your lips curl up, "People can change after marriage."
Wonwoo short circuits at your verbal jab.
"Marriage? How can you even consider Minjun out of all people?"
Your expression turns grim when you say, "If I can't marry the person I love then marriage for me would be just another business deal, another merge to benefit the company, solidify our social status."
Trying to maintain the unbothered facade, you ask, "Why did you want to meet?"
"Why did you leave me alone in the bed?", Wonwoo asks toning down, "When you left, you took all of the warmth with you."
You suck in a sharp breath, breaking the eye contact.
"Within these two weeks I went through all sorts of possibilities from never acknowledging the fact that we slept to being a jerk, dismissing it as a simple hookup to letting you down subtly.", he gets up and walks up to you, crouching in front of you, "But as I pondered over, the only honest answer residing within my heart was not to be a coward anymore and be honest about my feelings, be honest with you."
Your heartbeat quickens, as his hands encase yours, you feel the warmth seep from him.
"I love you, Y/N.", Wonwoo confesses, "Like you, I have also harboured feelings for you for a long time. I cherish every moment we've spent together."
You're eyes go wide, heart constricting in chest. You feel your inners catapulting. You thought you know him all too well to give up upon the possibility of being together but witnessing him stripping bare in front of you is something you've always wanted but never expected to happen.
Wonwoo gently holds your face, voice soft, gaze emitting tenderness when he says, "I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for projecting my fears and insecurities upon you. But I have realised that you're worth everything and above. For you, I would fight the world if you allow me to stay by your side."
Rendered speechless, your teary eyes look at him with such anguish that it makes Wonwoo want to beat himself for breaking your heart over and over again.
Moments pass by and you both fall into comfortable silence. You're now seated on his lap, head laying his chest as he gently strokes your hair.
"It won't be easy.", you speak, head still downed, as your hand takes in his, entwining the fingers, "But I'd go to hell and back for you if time comes."
You shift back to look at him, "And I promise to be your shield, if anyone tries to hurt you or Wonseok, they'd have to face me first. I won't let anyone hurt you.", your gaze softens, "All of your worries, fears and sentiments are valid, Wonwoo. But it would be nice if you share them with me from now on because you're not alone, we're in this together. I love you."
Wonwoo swears he doesn't cry easily but your words seem to have opened the floodgates as his loud sobs echo throughout the house.
"Thank you.", he smiles as you wipe his tears and leans in to kiss you.
As your lips graze, the shrill ringing your phone startles you both. You grab it from the couch and the screen flashes Kim Minjun as the caller.
There's a sharp change in Wonwoo's expression as he takes the phone from your hand, putting it on speaker and answering it.
"Uh sorry, who's this speaking? Could you please get Y/N on the phone?"
There's a terse movement in the muscles of his jaw as Wonwoo responds, "I'm Jeon Wonwoo, Y/N's--", his gaze shifts at you, lips stretching in a smile, "Lover. I'm cancelling the date and please don't ever contact her again."
As soon as he hangs up, you tease him, "Lover huh? Since when?"
Wonwoo grins like he's drunk in love, he might as well be, "Since the day, you got drunk and danced on the tabletop after the semesters ended."
You gasp, "What do you want in exchange for deleting this memory?"
He's so lovesick, giggling cutely and being all touchy, "What about making new ones and keeping this one in my vault, sealed?"
Your heart flutters at the insinuation. True to your words, you'd surely fight the world to keep him with you.
And your lover chants all's well that ends well to ending up with you, gratefully with all his heart.
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip. ©️
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mysterious-ocarina · 2 years
Stiles Stilinski x reader
Main Masterlist Requests
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(1.0k words)
Lacrosse. A sport that you would have never known about unless the love of your life was on the team. You weren’t a very sporty girl but you would never pass on the chance to watch a bunch of hot, sweaty boys run around a field. The only problem was that the one boy you wanted to see was always on the bench. 
You went to each game, but Stiles never got to play. You’ve seen him during practice and he wasn’t bad.
You have been friends with Scott and Stiles since you guys were kids. You've also been in love with Stiles for years. You loved the way he was always able to make you laugh.
When Scott became a werewolf and you were all introduced to the supernatural, your life was turned upside down. But Stiles was always there to make you smile and make a serious situation less hard to get through.
This was probably the most nerve wracking game you've ever been to, simply because Gerard was threatening us to give him Derek.
Eventually you heard the Sheriff, who's sitting next to you, question why Stiles was on the field. You looked for the number 24 to find that Stiles actually was on the field and was starting to play.
By the end of the game, your voice was gone from all the cheering you did. Stiles scored so many goals as well as the final, winning goal. 
The excitement was cut short when the lights go out and chaos surrounds you. You follow the Sheriff down to the field and find Jackson bleeding out on the field.
You turn towards the Sheriff to find him looking for something, or someone. It doesn't take you long to figure out what's wrong.
"Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?" you hear the Sheriff call out before you start to dissociate. You just knew that Gerard took Stiles and you had no way of helping to get him back.
Everyone was looking for Stiles, including the Pack. You weren't much help with the state you were in, so you joined the Sheriff at his home.
"We're going to find him Y/n, I know we will," Mr Stilinski tried soothing you as well as himself. He sat next to you on Stiles' bed and gave you a tight hug, telling you, "You really should go home and rest, I'll call you if we find anything out."
"I can't possibly rest while Stiles is out there, god knows where," you start crying. This would be one of the few times you actually wished you were a werewolf so you could be useful and out looking for him.
"Why don't you stay here and I'll get you something to eat. I know you haven't eaten since before the game yesterday," Mr. Stilinski offered. You silently nodded your head before settling into Stiles pillows. You don't remember falling asleep.
Stiles POV
Gerard let me go. When I finally got home and hugged my dad, I had to lie to him about what happened, telling him some punks beat me up. Gerard really got to me, I felt insecure and useless, not that I could tell my father this.
When my dad and I calmed down a bit more, he told me about Y/n.
"I think she was more worried than I was, if that's possible," he told me.
"Is she okay?" I asked, concerned. I felt even worse that I had worried her.
"She's okay. Hasn't eaten in awhile but she fell asleep on your bed. You should let her sleep," he sighed. He gave me one final hug before making calls to the sheriff office to tell them what happened.
I decided to go up to see Y/n. Quietly making my way into my room, I saw her laying peacefully in-between my blankets. She looked so beautiful laying there. I sat on the bed next to her, softly stroking her hair knowing it calmed her down.
Your POV
You woke up to the feeling of someone playing with your hair. It felt so nice, that you almost went back to sleep but quickly got up realizing who was near. Upon seeing Stiles, you immediately wrapped him in a hug so quick and tight he fell back on the bed from the impact.
"You're okay! Oh my god, you're okay," you cried. You hugged him in silence, him stroking your back before he decided to say something.
"So I heard you were worried about me," he awkwardly joked.
You let go of him, slapping his arm, "Of course I was worried about you, how could I not."
It was then that you saw his face, or more importantly the scratches on his cheek.
"What the hell happened?" you questioned, holding his face still so you could properly examine his cheek.
"Gerard kicked the shit out of me, no big deal," he softly responded.
"It's a big deal to me Stiles," you whispered. "I hate seeing you hurt."
"If it makes you feel better, it only hurts when I smile," he then smiled, before wincing.
"Now is not a time for jokes, Stiles. I really missed you," you confessed.
He softly grabbed your face, forcing you to look at him, "Well I'm right here, it's okay."
You were so close to his face that you felt his breath on your cheeks. You looked at his lips before quickly averting your gaze to your lap.
Stiles let out a shaky breath before taking a hold of your hands. He stared lovingly at you, building the courage to finally kiss you after all these years.
He found the courage when you finally looked back up at him. You were surprised to feel soft lips on yours, stealing your breath. Kissing Stiles was dizzying. It was a good thing that he grabbed your waste or else you would have fallen over.
When the kiss was over you whispered, "What was that for?"
"I've been in love with you forever," He nervously replied, almost too quick for you to hear. But you did.
You giggled at him before giving him a big kiss on his unhurt cheek, "Good, me too."
Stiles just smiled at you like a dork. Your dork. You couldn't wait for all the laughs that were sure to come your way while being with Stiles.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 9 months
Game over
Part I
Word count: 2600+
Warnings: some hot scenes to come so be ready, nothing obscene tho (I'd love to but can't write "porn"😬); kind of slutty Azriel, swearing
You walked down the hallway towards Cassian's room, your eyes puffed from crying for hours. You prayed to Mother to find him alone. You needed him desperately. Cassian was your best friend, knowing all your secrets, even the one about your feelings for Azriel. He was the only one who volunteered to go with two of you on missions making a wall between you, comforting you after each argument. And now he almost paid with own life for his kindness.
Instead of knocking you eavesdropped behind his door, but except of Cassian's snoring room was silent. Carefully opening the door you peeked in. Cassian was fast asleep, bandaged wings spread on the bed. He was alone. You let out sigh of relief.
Quietly you stalked to his bed and sat on the edge of mattress. Gently caressing his hand you curled to his side. You were afraid to touch him, not wanting to cause him more pain. "I'm so so sorry, Cass," you sobbed. Snoring stopped and he moved slightly.
"Oh, doll, it's you," he groaned, voice hoarse.
"I didn't want to wake you up," you tried to hide your tears.
"Don't worry. I wanted to see you anyway. I'm glad you came."
"How do you feel?"
His big hand landed on your shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. "I'm high from the Madja's medicaments," he chuckled and you did so, too. He always knew how to make you smile. "Are you okay? Rhys was quite angry when he came yesterday."
"Hmm." You still needed to talk about it, but seeing his state you couldn't bring yourself to bother him with your problems.
"Hey, doll, look at me."
"Everything is fine," you lied.
"C'mon, show me your face," he patted on your shoulder. Reluctantly you obeyed. "I can see you cried. What happened? Did he hurt you?"
"Rhys was mad, but he did nothing to me. He just scolded me.."
"And?" his brows raised.
You let out a breath avoiding his gaze. "And closed me in his office together with Azriel," you muttered.
"What?!" Cassian tried to sit up, but pain in his back and wings prevented him from doing so. Grimacing he lay down again. "Is he crazy? Why? I'll give him piece of my mind when I see him next time. What happened after that?"
"Well, he said he won't let us out until we solve our problems," you explained, tears again stinging your eyes.
"You are out so.." Cassian encouraged you to continue.
"Azriel came with an idea how to make him let us go." First tear rolled down your cheek.
Cassian rubbed root of his nose. "What that idiot did to you?" He knew you so well, you didn't have to tell a single word and he knew what's on your mind. Sometimes it was quite scary.
"He came with plan to pretend we are in love and kissed me in front of Rhysand.." you sobbed.
"Doll.." he again rubbed your shoulder. "Are you okay?"
You shook your head. "I can't.. do that.. It all returned.. and.. I can't.. It hurts.."
Cassian drew you closer, hugging you as much as he could in his state. "I'm so sorry, doll.. But.. You don't have to do it.. If you want I'll talk with him."
"If Rhysand finds out we lied, next time he might also lock us at a cell.."
Cassian's lips pulled into a thin line, but he didn't say anything else, holding you and rubbing on your back while you cried yourself to sleep.
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Azriel was wandering around the House, feeling of discomfort heavy on his chest. He didn't like the way your conversation ended up that morning and he didn't want to accept that his plan was over before he actually could act up to it. He tried to visit Y/N in her bedchamber, but she wasn't there. Everything felt off, so he sent the shadows to look for her. They guided him to Cassian's room, whispering to his ear.
Azriel didn't bother with knocking because as he was informed persons inside were fast asleep. Quiet like a cat he crept in, standing beside the bed. What he saw there made his insides twist with pain and anger.
Cassian laid in the bed with spread wings just like the other day, snoring. And there under his arm curled to his side was Y/N, their scents mixing together. He noticed their smell many times before, but he'd never witnessed it. Jealousy stabbed his heart like poisoned dagger, his teeth gritting in frustration.
Mine. Mine. Mine!
His breath quickened, brows furrowed, anger dripping from him. His fingers entwined around the Truth-teller. Shadowsinger wouldn't let anybody have what belonged to him, what he desired the most.
The shadows emerged in, blinding him and pushing him back to the door.
'Stop. Calm down. You will regret it. Brother. Family.' They hissed.
Azriel took few shuddering breaths. Okay, he wouldn't go so far. But he couldn't leave them like this either. He fixed his expression.
"Love, here you are," he shouted pretending he just came in. Both Cassian and Y/N woke up with a start.
"What the hell," Cassian groaned, pulling Y/N closer. Wide-eyed she looked up at Azriel.
"I was worried. I looked for you everywhere," Azriel continued his performance. He pulled on her arm, tearing her from the embrace, just to hold her close to his chest. She was about to say something, but he wouldn't let her and quickly kiss her on the lips. Azriel gave all his pain and jealousy into the kiss making it rough and needy. And Y/N reacted the same way as in front of Rhysand. Her knees gave out. Satisfied Azriel pulled away. He watched with delight as all kinds of emotions flashed across her face, especially enjoying the blush of her cheeks.
"What are you doing?" Cassian grunted, snapping him out of his observation.
Azriel turned to him. "Love, you haven't told him yet?"
"No need to pretend, Az. I know everything," Cassian rolled his eyes. Azriel turned back to Y/N, searching her face. So she told him? But why? What was between the two of them?
"I want to talk to you," Cassian said.
"Would you leave us alone, dove," Azriel traced her jaw with scarred finger. She inhaled sharply turning to Cassian.
"Don't worry, doll," he grinned at her. Eyeing them she backed out from the room closing the door behind. But she didn't leave. Instead she stayed behind the door listening.
Azriel smirked as Cassian narrowed eyes on him. "What kind of game are you playing?" he asked quietly, aware that Y/N hadn't left.
"Not your business."
"I swear. If you hurt her I'll beat the shit out of you."
Azriel studied his face. "You feel something to her." It wasn't question.
"What if I do? Would you let her be?"
Azriel crossed arms on his chest. "No."
"Do you hate her so much that you want to destroy her?" Azriel winced.
"I'm not planning to destroy her."
"So what do you want from her?" Cassian snapped angrily.
"Not. Your. Business," Azriel growled.
They stared at each other trying to second guess the opponent. Azriel let out a breath after a while. Brother. My brother, he reminded himself.
"I don't want to hurt her, so don't worry," he said way softer than he really felt, turning to leave. "I would really appreciate if you stay away from her," he growled leaving the room. An amused snort sounded from behind as he was closing the door.
Corners of Azriel's mouth turned up in a smile as he looked to the place where Y/N was waiting, right next to the door.
"What did you talk about?" she asked coolly.
He stepped closer cornering her. "About you," he smiled even wider, hazel eyes capturing hers.
"What about me?"
"Hmm," he purred teasingly leaning in so he could feel her breath on his lips. Having her so close soothed his jealousy for good.
She just stood there pinned to the wall under his body, her heart racing. She wouldn't run away before getting answers. Fearless little thing. He liked it and finally he didn't have to hide it. Closing eyes he nuzzled his cheek to hers, drawing a soft moan from her.
"What will you give me if I tell you?" His deep voice sensually whispered to her ear and she shivered in pleasure biting down on her lip, unable to think straight. So hot, so sweet. He wanted to devour her right there on the spot, slowly, enjoying every inch of her. It took all his determination just to stand there, not touching her.
He needed to leave otherwise he would destroy everything. "Try to stay away from Cassian and his room, dove, would you?" he cooed, delivering sweet, light kiss on her lips. Her knees wobbled.
"It would look bad if somebody notice," he said over a shoulder walking down the hall, away from temptation.
After he left, Y/N let out a breath. Without anybody holding her upright she sank to the ground, her heart pounding so hard it threatened to jump from her chest and chase after the cause of this all. Why did he have such effect on her?
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After the encounter in Cassian's room you didn't know what to think anymore. You heard just very little of their conversation and couldn't make anything out of it. Only one thing was clear: Azriel kept pretending to be in love with you without flaw whether somebody watched or no.
He kept touching you at any occasion he had. From feather like touches to passionate hugs, from his lips lightly teasing your skin to deep, needy kisses. Shadowsinger went so far that he was leaving flowers and small presents for you all around the house. It was so confusing.
In front of your friends you couldn't run nor push him away. You struggled every time he appeared close to you. Your heart ached and thrilled at the same time. You had to constantly remind yourself that he faked it. That none of that was real. However your heart didn't listen at all. It hurt so badly. Every day that passed in this manner was a torture and you tried to spend as much time in your room alone as possible.
One morning you woke up with a wing around you, dim light shining through. A strong arm was wrapped around your waist and your back was pressed against male's chest. At first you thought you fell asleep with Cassian. After all it wouldn't be the first time you slept like this.
As your brain started to work again, you stiffened. Last night you fell asleep alone in your room. The body behind you was muscular, but it was rather athletic while Cassian's body was more like a bear. Drops of cold sweat appeared on your forehead and your heart stuttered as realization hit you.
It was Azriel.
You swallowed, your heartbeat was rising with every second you stayed in this position. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to shove him away, but you also longed to stay like this in his arms for the rest of your life. You didn't dare to move.
Azriel behind you didn't move, too, seemingly asleep. However you could feel his heartbeat on your back, speed of it matching your own. And you felt it poking to the back of your thigh. Air became heavy with the smell of arousal.
The wing retracted letting morning light and fresh cold air in.
"'morning," Azriel groaned to your ear, voice still hoarse. Your panties got even wetter.
You forced yourself to retreat to the other side of bed. "What are you doing here?" you tried to sound confident and cool, but your shaky voice betrayed you.
Reclining Azriel smirked obviously satisfied with the way your body reacted to him. Your mouth went dry. He was so... Beautiful? Sexy? No word could adequately describe him.
His dark hair was messy from sleep, smirking full lips slightly parted and eyes.. Those eyes. Soft morning light turned his hazel eyes into liquid gold. Shadowsinger was in your bed looking like a god, toned chest on display. You couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"You are drooling, dove," he chuckled moving closer. His thumb ran over your lower lip teasingly. He was wearing just an underwear, his arousal still visible.
Instincts you gained over years kicked in, though you were too high. "Cover yourself," you moaned. Damnit.
Azriel leaned closer, his lips only inch from yours. "This is what you do to me. Don't you like it?" Thumb of his other hand caressed your thigh too close to your sex. You gasped, eyes going wide. Azriel's pupils blew out, gaze darkening, his scent changing once again.
You needed to cool down otherwise you could do something you would regret in the future. You tried to stand up, but Azriel stopped you.
"Beautiful," he murmured against your lips, closing the distance between you. The kiss was soft, playful at first, slowly heating up. He pulled you back down to the sheets, lightly crushing you under his body. His scarred hand grabbed your thigh and massaging it he hooked your leg around his hips.
No, your brain shouted while your heart was growing with every touch he provided. This was so wrong. You found the strength and pushed against his chest. Panting Azriel reluctantly obeyed. He gave you a questioning look.
"What's wrong, dove?"
"Stop it," a tear rolled down your cheek, followed by another soon. Tip of his fingers gently wiped it away. He was confused. "Stop it. Stop this pretending. It's too much. I can't-"
"Who said I'm pretending?" he whispered softly, studying your face with unreadable expression.
"You came with this plan to pretend in front of everyone.."
"Game is over, dove. It's actually never started. At least for me it wasn't game," Azriel sat up bringing you with him.
You were too confused. "What do you mean? What is this all about?"
Azriel hesitated. "I heard you," he breathed out, his eyes never leaving yours. His deep voice was so quiet you barely heard him. "That night at Rhys' office. You talked in your sleep. For years I couldn't tell you how I really feel, thinking you hate me. It was easier to hate you back than admit I want you. So I took advantage of the situation Rhysand got us into and decided to show you instead. I guess it wasn't the best way.."
Something in your chest warmed up and grew with every word he spoke. "It wasn't game," you repeated, trying to put your thoughts together. You replayed all events, touches and kisses of the last weeks seeing it in new light. You could literally hear wards around your heart crack. He didn't pretend it. None of that.
You searched his eyes looking for traces of lie just to find out it was truth. Your hand moved on its own accord, resting on his cheek. Azriel leaned into the touch closing his eyes for a moment.
"No pretending?"
"Not even once," he shook his head. All suppressed feelings crashed out like a wave breaking last of the walls you built around your heart. You threw yourself around his neck almost knocking him down to blankets, squeezing him as you cried. Shadowsinger groaning with effort to stay upright, hugging you back.
"Az," you sobbed.
"Yes, angel," Azriel rested his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"You are such idiot," you playfully tugged on his hair.
"I know," he chuckled. "Will you give me a chance to make it up to you?"
You snorted. "It won't be easy."
"I love challenges." With that he started nipping at your neck slowly moving up to the sensitive spot under your ear.
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keen-li · 11 months
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Synopsis: "do you honestly think I want your help? I'm desperate " you can still see the hatred he has for you in his eyes, but you can also see the desperation.
Genre: e2l, angst, fluff, smut-ish. Convict jk x police officer reader
Fem reader x jk
Warnings: none for now.
You’ve just gotten home from a long day of working your ass off. You’re drenched from the rain that’s pouring outside. The walk from your car to your front door isn’t long but the heavy rains are strong enough to have you drenched in seconds.
Immediately you close the door you take off your now wet clothes. You live alone who's gonna see you, even if someone did see you lucky them cause you rarely take off your clothes for anyone. You don't have time for taking your clothes off for someone cause you're focused on stabilizing your position at the station.
Because you're new you have to be on your best game and show them you deserve to be there. You use the word 'new' lightly. And also because you're new the officers at the station have been giving it to you hard. Every time you make a wrong move you hear the words 'rookie behavior' it honestly infuriates you. You don't know if the phrase has always been there or they created it just for you.
But you don't let their side comments, mumbles and they're mocking laughter stop you or slow you down. It's enough that it's a male dominated Workspace. You're new and also a woman so you don't want them to see your emotional side and create a new trend of phrases like, "it's probably her hormones" or "looks like someone's on their period."
You walk into your kitchen with your phone in your hands, checking the messages your mother sent you cause you didn't have time to look at them, while you use the towel in your other hand to dry your wet hair. You're rocking your baggy t-shirt and shorts that you wear in full confidence feeling refreshed and relaxed from your hot shower.
You place the now dump Tower on the kitchen counter as you rummage through the fridge. You never had time to cook whole meals since your job had all your attention. It's funny how you neglected yourself for this job, you've barely seen your friends or family after getting this job you didn't even go out or even relax. Unless you were sleeping waiting for the sun to rise so you can consume yourself with work all over again. It's a cycle you've started to grow into.
You pull a chicken and mac and cheese out of the fridge, a leftover from yesterday. You sniff it just in case bacteria got there before you.
"Seems fine" you say placing it in the microwave for 3 minutes. This has been your dinner for over the past few days. You order food, you aren't able to finish it that same day and leave it for the next day.
"Y/n, how have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while." Your mother texts.
"I know you're probably busy with your new job, but don't forget about us my dear. We love and miss you so much." She ends.
You almost tear up because they think you've forgotten about them. Your sigh collecting yourself to respond.
" I haven't forgotten about you guys. I actually miss you so much and i hope one day I get the time to come over and visit you."
You leave the text not expecting a response from her at this late hour.
You linger over the picture on your mother's contact a picture of your father and mother and a seven-year-old you squished in between them. You've really grown from the young girl you were who truly believed she would be a princess when she grows up.
The day you were told you weren't going to be a princess when you grow up you cried uncontrollably. Only stopping when your Dad took you for ice cream and reassured you that even if you weren't gonna be a real princess you'd always be his princess, to a younger you those words never carried much weight but now that your older and more wiser, atleast you think, those words mean the world to you.
The sound of the microwave beeping indicating your food was done snaps you out of your thoughts and brings you to your reality. You take the hot plate out, take a fork and grab an energy drink from the fridge and head to your empty and lonely couch and put on a show you haven't been able to finish in a while.
You sink into the couch with your plate on your lap and the energy drink on the small table in front of you.
You're half way through the show, your plate cleared and placed on the table and only droplets left of the energy drink, you've been surviving on caffeine for you don't know how long, you savour the last droplets as you also focus on your large screen.
You're suddenly and abruptly pulled from the show you're watching when you hear loud and rushed bangs on your front door. Who could be knocking at your door at this time and in this rain. The rain is just as heavy as when you arrived home.
The banging continues and even gets louder as you get up from the couch cautiously approaching the door. When you open the door you take in, with your eyes, the man drenched from the rain and covered in bruises. His hair sticks to his face and so does his shirt showing you all the heaps and dips of his torso, he seems like a well-built man. You watch him pant and catch his breath as you wait for an introduction and reason.
He finally lifts his eyes and they meet yours.
" y/n I need your help can I stay here for the night?" He says rushed and breathless.
You watch the way he licks his rosy lips getting rid of the water that falls on them. His eyelashes clamp together with wetness as he blinks waiting for you to let him in.
"What are you doing here?" You ask and he sighs turning his head looking around your neighborhood as though checking if someone was watching him.
"Please let me in I'll explain when you let me in" his tone is still rushed but you aren't about to let him into your house just yet.
" and why would I do that, I don't trust you" you say as though your heart is made of stone.
"I know that, but I really need your help"
"Why would I help you, huh jungkook?" You say.
"Y/n I understand that we don't get along" he says softening his eyes pleading.
"do you honestly think I want your help? I'm desperate " you can still see the hatred he has for you in his eyes, but you can also see the desperation.
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loviingpedri · 1 year
can you do where the reader is crying bc she had an argument with someone and cried there and she thought it was embarrassing and jude is away so when he calls she starts crying and telling him how much she misses him
my comfort person
prompt: request ^
warnings: cursing, grammar issues, not proofread
credits to owners for images
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“y/n, i’ve told you to get these papers done by today,” your boss bowed his head in shame. “this was so important for our next collaboration. how can you mess it up this easily?”
“i’m so sorry sir, it won’t happen again.” you couldn’t count how many times you’ve apologized. life became a struggle when jude left for america. you’ve been so overwhelmed with keeping the house clean, organizing other papers. overall, you were a mess.
“sorry won’t cut it. you had one job, but you can’t do it. i thought you were a superstar when i hired you. this was the third time this week.” he threw the papers on his desk which scared you.
“please don’t take this the wrong way, but you assigned these papers yesterday. there is no way i could file all of them for today.” it was a mistake to talk back, yet there was no taking it back now.
“then fucking organize it by importance. listen, i don’t give a shit if other people give you other work to do. you’re so busy with your boyfriend, do you even remember that you have a job?” each word kept getting louder and louder. your ears started to ring and felt a sense of panic. next thing you knew, tears were running down your cheek.
“please excuse me.” you felt so vulnerable that you just cried in front of your boss. after closing his office door, you could hear him sigh in distress. you tried to clear up your tears, but it quickly failed since all eyes had been on you. shame had filled you to the brim. you ran down into your car while trying to excuse yourself from bumping into others.
the parking garage was only downstairs. the journey to get to your car felt like hours. thank god it was your lunch time. you forgot everything on your desk except your phone and keys. once you reached your car, the emotions spilled out. you didn’t have the guts to drive away. you just sat on the driver’s side crying until your eyes gave up. your whole body was about to give up, but your phone started ringing. a picture of jude’s smile appeared on your screen with a facetime from him. you answered only because he would get worried that something happened.
“hey beautiful, how was work?” you didn’t plan on showing your face which was the first red flag. jude was hoping to see your perfect smile. it took a minute before you answered, which was also another red flag. “hello? y/n are you there?” jude wasn’t use to your silence.
“yeah, i’m here.” after fully trying to recollect yourself, you still didn’t manage to shake off your trembling voice. you saw jude wiggle his eyebrows. you knew he figured it out. he was the only person who figured out you and your body language.
“oh y/n, what’s wrong?” jude fully sat up on his bed.
“nothing. work was fine.” now, you and him both knew damn well there was nothing wrong. jude had become determined to get you to talk.
“baby, if there’s something wrong then we can talk. i’m sorry for not being there right now, but i can still try to help you. please, let me see your face. i miss you.” you really tried to wipe away your tears. yet, the red on your face made it really obvious. you lifted your phone so jude can see you.
you saw him smile at you which left you confused. “you’re still so pretty even when you cry. talk to me, what happened?”
“my boss is an asshole jude. i had so much paperwork to do and i couldn’t finish it. i was trying to clean the house then when it was finally time for me to at least try to do work, i fucking fell asleep. jude, i don’t know what to do. i really miss you. i know you’re having a great time in america, but this is a lot to handle.” more tears came out. jude’s expression sadden to see you in such a weak mental state. “oh and not to mention, when i walked out of his office, everyone was staring. it was so embarrassing. i would drive home, but there’s nothing to drive home to.”
“y/n, i love you so much. if you ever need a break, please go take a break. quit your job if you have to. i can provide for us. it makes me sad that i can’t be next to you right now.”
“i miss you so much. i wouldn’t admit this if i was actually normal, but hell, i miss your cuddles. it’s so different hearing you from just a screen.” god damn it, he wanted to go home.
“babe, i’m gonna need you to just breath. inhale, and exhale. everything is going to be okay. i’m gonna be back in no time. i will call and text whenever i’m free. i know it’s hard for you, but bare with me. do whatever it takes for you to be relaxed.” jude didn’t have to use a lot of words to comfort you. he was doing the bare minimum and you calmed down.
“i think i need to go home. i know you’re busy. i love you jude.”
“i love you too, now go kick some ass.”
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
One Hell of a Love (Book 2) Chapter Nine
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Nine: One Hell of a Banquet
Summary: A new game begins for Ciel to prove himself.
            “Well? How much longer do you two plan on staying here at the manor?” demanded Ciel from across the table. Soma was still clinging to Ciel and staying in the manor with seemingly no intention on leaving.
            “I’m staying just so I can spend the long-awaited winter holiday with you, so how could you say that?!” cried Soma dramatically.
            “Don’t go making up your own holidays,” said Ciel.
            “You see, today is that day I beat you at chess!” declared Soma.
            Ciel stood. “Forgive me, but I have to work today. Come, Sebastian, (Y/N).”
            “Yes, Young Master,” said Sebastian.
            “Yes, sir,” said (Y/N).
            Soma pouted. “But you said that yesterday too and played only one game with me!”
            Ciel leveled a look at Soma. “Why don’t you try improving your game by studying up on chess problems while I’m working? You’re too weak.”
            “Dammit! I’ll get you! Agni, assist me with my special training!” cried Soma as Ciel sighed and left the room.
            “Sebastian, I’m hungry,” said Ciel as he set down the latest stack of papers from Funtom companies.
            Sebastian consulted his pocket watch. “It is nearly teatime. (Y/N) and I will fetch it.”
            As soon as they stepped out of the office, (Y/N) and Sebastian glanced at each other. They could hear the commotion from the kitchen.
            “It looks like we have some guests,” said (Y/N).
            “The Queen’s butlers, judging by the voices,” said Sebastian.
            “We should probably intervene before we have to clean up blood,” said (Y/N). As for the issue of death…a non-issue to (Y/N).
            “Yes, that would be quite tiresome,” agreed Sebastian as they headed to the kitchen.
            Sure enough, as they opened the door, a man with long white hair and a sword lunged at Mey-Rin, who had her glasses off and pistols in hand. Sebastian sighed and jumped between them, holding a platter of pastries and blocking Mey-Rin from attacking. (Y/N) grabbed one and skewered it on one of the butler’s swords to redirect his attack.
            The servants blinked in surprise as (Y/N) and Sebastian straightened. The demon butler smiled and said, “May we present to you these custard cream puffs, made with plenty of traditionally-raised eggs produced on the Phantomhive estates?”
            “Please, try one,” said (Y/N), smiling and nodding to the puff they had placed on the sword.
            The man with long white hair took a curious bite. “Hm, not bad! I suppose I can give it a passing mark.”
            “Hey, Sebastian, (Y/N)! Who the hell are these guys?” demanded Baldroy.
            “These two gentlemen are—”
            The man with long hair interrupted him. “Oh, right, right, this is our first time meeting you. I’m Charles Grey.”
            “I am Charles Phipps,” said the taller one.
            “We are commonly known as the ‘Double Charleses.’ Weare Her Majesty’s private secretarial officers, as well as her butlers. Nice to meet you,” said Grey. He removed a letter from his pocket and grinned. “And today we’re messengers who’ve come to deliver a letter to the Earl!”
            “—And so, per Her Majesty’s urgent request, she would like you to hold a banquet in two weeks’ time in honor of a particular visitor to England and treat him to the kindest hospitality,” said Grey to Ciel after the Earl read the letter.
            “Why me?” asked Ciel. “As I’m not acquainted with him, I find it hard to believe that your guest will derive much pleasure from being entertained by me.”
            “The gentleman in question is a certain German personage, who also happens to be a distant relative of Her Majesty’s,” said Phipps. “He travels here in secret. It appears that he is interested in the industry of Great Britian—the factory of all the world—as well as in popular literature and wishes to discourse with those who have profound knowledge in such matters. Your Funtom firm is one of the British enterprises about which we may boast to the world. With your numerous connections, we believe you will be more than capable of summoning guests in whom our visitor will delight.”
            “If it’s connections you want, would Her Majesty not be better off receiving this visitor herself?” said Ciel.
            “Are you sure you ought to be saying such a thing?” Grey’s smirk was vicious. “Her Majesty harbors doubts regarding your report about the ‘recent incident,’ Earl Phantomhive.”
            Ciel’s eyes narrowed. His report on the incident with Baron Kelvin had been kept vague to disguise how he ignored the Queen’s directive to save the children and had instead destroyed the manor and everyone inside.
            “Are you quite certain that story contains no hint of subterfuge?” said Grey. He leaned forward. “Aren’t these marching orders the perfect chance for you to restore the gleam to your dulled image? You might say this request from Her Majesty is not to the Earl, her Guard Dog, but one simple to the Earl, a nobleman.”
            “Noblesse oblige,” said Phipps. “We should like you to consider it an obligation of the haves.”
            A moment of silence before Ciel inevitably placed the letter down. “Very well. I shall accept the request.”
            Grey grinned happily as if he hadn’t been threatening Ciel. “By the way, I’ll be participating as a supervisor. You’ve no objections, do you?”
            “As you wish,” said Ciel.
            “We’ve already confirmed the safety of this manor. It doesn’t seem like you’ll need additional guards,” said Grey.
            “No need to worry on that account,” said Ciel. “This manor is absolutely secure.”
            (Y/N) and Sebastian smirked at one another.
            “I’m against inviting superfluous personnel into the manor and raising the risk from within,” said Ciel.
            “Very well,” said Phipps. “Then we shall take our leave. You do not need to see us off. We look forward to seeing you again in two weeks.” He bowed with Grey and then set off.
            Ciel waited until they left to address (Y/N) and Sebastian. “Well, you heard the man. Prepare the invitations right away.”
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian.
            “And get in touch with Lau and the Undertaker as well,” said Ciel.
            “Very good,” said (Y/N).
            They glanced at one another. They knew the tone of Ciel’s voice. There was something more going on here. (Y/N) grinned. They had a feeling they were about to have some real fun at some humans’ expenses, if only in seeing them humiliate themselves.
            Two weeks later, (Y/N) felt the same but had yet to see the fruits of their instinct since, as usual, there was plenty of work to be done to prepare for the arrival of the guests. Outside, rain poured down heavily, and inside, Sebastian and (Y/N) kept the other servants on track before they managed to start the dinner off with a disaster as guests milled about in the foyer. Ciel was readied to make an entrance from his office above, and his demonic servants flanked him as he descended towards his guests.
            “Why don’t you leave your teasing of my guest at that?” declared Ciel, leveling his infamous glare at Lau as the man teased Arthur, the writer ((Y/N) and Sebastian had easily memorized all the information available about their guests), about what type of man Ciel was.
            “Eh…a child?” said Arthur in surprise, looking up at Ciel.
            “That little boy is Earl Phantomhive!” said Lau happily.
            “The ‘little’ is unnecessary!” said Ciel before collecting himself. He gazed over his guests and smiled. “I thank you for accepting my invitation on this occasion. I am the head of this family, Ciel Phantomhive. Ladies and gentlemen, those of you with whom I am acquainted through your continued patronage and those I am meeting for the first time, I hope you will allow me to extend my greetings to you anew in person once the banquet is underway.” He raised an eyebrow and glanced at Sebastian and (Y/N). “The guest of honor appears to be missing?”
            “The weather is delaying him, it seems,” said (Y/N).
            “Well, that’s just great,” huffed Ciel. “We can’t have everyone waiting in the hall like this—”
            Mey-Rin barged into the room and hurriedly bowed. Behind her, the doors opened up to reveal Grey and another man. “The guest has arrived, he has!”
            “Pleased to make your acquaintance,” said the German. “I am Georg von Siemens. Thank you for your kind invitation.”
            “Hiya!” said Grey. “Is the party all set to go?”
            Siemens shook Ciel’s hand. “I apologize for having kept you waiting on my account.”
            “Not at all,” responded Ciel. “I thank you for traveling at such length to be here. Let us exchange greetings once the party has begun. Tonight’s dinner is buffet-style, so everyone may speak freely with one another. This way, please.”
            Sebastian smiled. “Ladies and gentlemen, I shall announce each of you, so please go through the dining room when your name is called. First, Irene Diaz and Grimsby Keane.” A famous opera singer and her producer stepped forward. “Karl Woodley.” The diamond magnate walked into the dining room. “Patrick Phelps.” The board member of the Blue Star Line Company walked forward. “Lau and Ran-Mao.” The old friends of the Phantomhive estate walked in. “Arthur Conan Doyle.” The writer walked in nervously. “Georg Von Siemens.” The guest of honor entered the dining room. (Y/N), Sebastian, and Grey walked in behind the nobles. The banquet had begun.
            “When his grandfather was Prime Minister, word of the man’s shrewdness reached even as far as Germany,” said Siemens, already discussing politics and history with Woodley. “Still, I must say, he is the spitting image of his grandfather.”
            “Speaking of Earl Grey, he hails from a family of such repute as to have lent its name to a tea. I never imagined the day would come when I could personally offer him my compliments,” said Woodley.
            Grey grinned at the praise of his family. “As I’ve only just inherited my title, I think Earl Phantomhive plays the part far better than I.”
            “Hardly. I still have much to learn. I’ve but managed to start up my company as Earl. As far as business is concerned, Mr. Woodley is the clear expert in such matters,” said Ciel.
            “You are much too modest, my Lord,” said Woodley. “Especially considering how the art of diamond polishing will become an important technology that supports the heavy industries. To have among her colonies diamond-producing nations is a major advantage for Great Britain to be sure.”
            “Even in my country, heavy industries such as steel and shipbuilding are showing growth of late, and our bank is considering focusing most of its efforts on them and their like,” said Siemens. “We may be no match for Great Britain now, but we will most certainly catch up one of these days, you’ll see.”
            Woodley laughed. “We mustn’t let down our guard, eh, Mr. Phelps?” He clapped the man on the shoulder.
            “Y-Yes, I suppose you’re right,” said Phels nervously.
            “Lord Earl, would you introduce me as well?” said Lau.
            “Very well,” said Ciel, though he doubted any good would come of it. Lau would cause trouble, as usual, and think himself humorous. “Allow me to introduce Mr. Lau, British Branch Manager of the Shanghai trading company ‘Kong-Rong.’ ”
            “Kong-Rong?” Phelps said nervously. Lau’s eyes narrowed on him in a single look of warning, and Phelps gulped.
            (Y/N) raised an amused eyebrow from where they watched the goings-on from the side of the room. Now that was an expression Lau rarely used. How significant.
            Lau turned to Siemens with a pleasant smile. “How do you do, sir? I am Lau.”
            “You must possess an extensive network to have a branch in Great Britian,” said Siemens. All of a sudden, Ran-Mao grabbed onto his arm. “Wha—?!” Siemens blushed as Ran-Mao pressed her breasts onto his arm.
            “Dear, dear. Really, now, Ran-Mao,” said Lau, looking barely apologetic. “I do beg your pardon, sir. She can be such a baby.” And then he continued on with the discussion as if nothing was happening. We may have a wide network, but we’ve yet to intrude upon Germany. I do hope to learn many things from you for future reference.”
            “I understand, so please get away from me!” declared Siemens, blushing as he hauled Ran-Mao away from him. He coughed and attempted to regain composure. “If it’s Germany that interests you, I’ll tell you all about it at length tomorrow. I’m curious about the situation in Asia myself.”
            “Excuse us for interrupting,” said a formal voice. Grimsby stepped up with Irene and smiled at Ciel. “Thank you for inviting us tonight.” Everyone stared at the beautiful pair.
            “I am honored to meet the songstress and director who are capable of filling every last seat at the National Theatre,” said Siemens.
            Good. He’s entertained, as was requested, thought (Y/N).
            “I am Irene Diaz,” said the opera singer, curtseying.
            “And I, Grimsby Keane,” said her director.
            “Even people in Germany are talking about how beautiful your productions are,” said Siemens appreciatively. “I would very much like to have you perform in Germany with Miss Irene. If it’s a question of financing, we can discuss that as well.”
            “Is that so?” said Grimsby. “I find that most heartening.”
            Poor Arthur tried to interject and join the conversation, awkwardly unsure of how to converse with the nobles, and his attempts to speak were quickly spoken over. “I’m—!”
            “That should be it for introductions, so what do you say to a toast?!” said Grey energetically.
            Arthur sat down at the edge of the room awkwardly, resigning himself to silence. And so entered (Y/N) and Sebastian, playing their roles perfectly for Ciel.
            “Would you care for a drink?” said (Y/N) as Sebastian held out a platter.
            “Thank you…” Arthur trailed off as he got a look at the servants. His eyes widened. They were both captivating, high-class. It was quite something. And as he stared, he didn’t notice Ciel approaching.
            “May I sit here next to you?” said Ciel.
            “O-oh, yes, of course,” said Arthur.
            Satisfied at having given Ciel the opportunity to speak to the author he wished to “reinspire,” Sebastian and (Y/N) retreated to their jobs as they served the other noble guests. Siemens was very quickly going through drinks, and it was clear he was tipsy as the red glow spread across his face and he grew more forward with the more feminine guests and servants. Irene was of particular interest to him, and as she huffed at his advances, (Y/N) stepped between them.
            They smiled pleasantly, playing the role of dutiful maid and servant of the host. “Sir, in the interest of all the guests present, I believe you should refrain from any inappropriate advances.” They closed their eyes with their smile to further lull Siemens into a sense of security. “That way everyone can enjoy themselves.”
            “And wha…what about me enjoyin’ myself?” Siemens slurred the words together, waving a bottle above his head. “Pretty little things…right ‘ere, and don’t want my attention…”
            (Y/N) was tempted to roll their eyes at his advances. Honestly, it would take a moment to break his arm if he reached towards them. Luckily for Siemens, Sebastian jumped into the air and stole the bottle from Siemens grasp. He popped the cork and poured the wine over a tower of glasses he had created. Sebastian smiled sweetly as everyone looked on it surprise as he easily smoothed over the situation with a distraction. Truthfully, Sebastian was inwardly sneering at Siemens for even getting near (Y/N), but he knew they didn’t have to fear Siemens and Sebastian had to keep up his reputation.
            “This is a fabled wine from Purcari village in southeast Moldova,” said Sebastian. “Please do enjoy it, ladies and gentlemen.”
            “How exquisite…” said Siemens, slightly sobered by the glittering sight. “What is this tree?”
            “When in the world did you have time…?” said Phels in awe.
            “And this aroma!” said Siemens. “I feel like I’m in a flower bed!”
            “Smells deliiish!” said Grey. “Can I have a glass?”
            “I would like one, too,” said Siemens.
            “Me too,” said Lau.
            The guests eagerly moved forward, and Ciel glanced at Sebastian.
            In French, he said, “So that’s what becomes of that stuffed shirt of a man once liquor’s involved, eh?” Ciel tsked. “Seeing him like this, I’d have to say he and the bottle are no strangers.”
            Arthur blinked as he heard him. He understood French and stood close enough to overheard.
            “Even so, seeing him incapable of self-discipline makes me think him either an utter fool or perfectly shameless,” said Sebastian in perfect French.
            “I believe he is both,” remarked (Y/N), their accent perfect.
            Arthur didn’t manage to smother a chuckle as he overheard the teasing remarks between the three. Ciel glanced at him and pressed a finger to his lips with a mischievous smile.
            A while later (and many drinks drunk), Siemens lay asleep and snoring on the couch. Poor Mey-Rin had barely evaded him, and Ran-Mao still hung over his shoulder. Ciel deadpanned at the sight.
��           “Has Lord Siemens fallen asleep?” he said.
            “Yes, so it would seem,” said Grey.
            “Sebastian, (Y/N), take him to his room. I’ll be retiring myself,” said Ciel. He turned to the group. “Forgive me. I will be taking my leave now as well.”
            “Lord Earl, off to bed already?” remarked Lau.
            “It’s rather past bedtime for a child such as I,” said Ciel. “Please stay and enjoy yourselves at your leisure, everyone.” And then he made his escape from the party as Sebastian lifted up Siemens onto his back.
            “Past your bedtime?” commented (Y/N) with a slight smirk as they walked through the halls.
            “My, my, a child only when it’s convenient,” said Sebastain.
            An irk mark appeared on Ciel’s forehead. “Hold your tongue.”
            At one in the morning, Sebastian and (Y/N) were still cleaning up while Baldroy stacked dishes and Mey-Rin lamented having to deal with Siemens. A ring of a bell gained the group’s attention.
            “Gah!” Mey-Rin whined. “It’ scoming from Lord Siemens’s room, it is!”
            “Maybe he just woke up and wants some water?” said Baldroy.
            “I don’t want to go. Really, I don’t,” said Mey-Rin.
            “We shall accompany you,” said Sebastian as he and (Y/N) took off the aprons they’d been wearing while cleaning.
            “Mr. Sebastian! Are you worried about me, are you?” said Mey-Rin, blushing.
            “I am worried about Lord Siemens,” said Sebastian simply.
            Mey-Rin deflated and followed Sebastian and (Y/N) out into the corridor. She shivered as the storm raged outside, lightning flashing through the sky.
            “It is raining very hard, it is,” said Mey-Rin.
            “I do hope it lets up somewhat,” said Sebastian.
            (Y/N) paused before Siemens’s door and knocked. “Lord Siemens, did you send for us?”
            Instead of a proper answer, a scream emanated from within. Sebastian and (Y/N) paused and Mey-Rin froze.
            “What is going on in there, Lord Siemens?!” cried Mey-Rin, banging on the door. “Lord siemens! Lord Siemens!”
            “Something wrong? What’s all the fuss?” The other guests rushed towards the room as the distress was overheard.
            “We have to break down the door,” said (Y/N) to Sebastian. He nodded and stepped back. (Y/N) kicked the door and let it flying off the hinges. Everyone watching gasped.
            Siemens lay in his armchair before the fire. Pure red stained his shirt as he stared vacantly into the air. Phelps promptly feinted, and Irene screamed.
            Arthur spoke the words on everyone’s mind. “…He’s dead!”
            (Y/N) was tempted to smirk. Now things were getting interesting. It's time for everything to go into action.
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
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It wouldn't have been so bad if Soobin had no idea at all. If he'd just never thought of you in that way whatsoever you could've retained some of your pride but he had thought of you in that way...for Yeonjun.
Soobin quite ironically suspected something was going on with the two of you for a while despite your constant denials. Sure you did hang out with Yeonjun a lot and as he knew about your crush on Soobin he was there for you frequently but you were like siblings. So for Soobin to completely misinterpret what was happening was an additional thorn in your side. Another was that Soobin had recently started dating a girl named Grace. She was a very pretty new Kpop idol who you didn't know much about. The boys all disliked her but you tried to stay neutral and didn't want your feelings for Soobin to influence you...but it was pretty hard. Soobin and Grace's relationship wasn't the best. They were very different for one and didn't seem to have any shared interests. Grace also didn't seem to take the relationship as seriously as Soobin, case in point there was a knock at your door at midnight.
You sleepily opened the door and found Soobin standing outside. He smiled awkwardly "Hi Y/n I'm so sorry to wake you but Grace never showed up for our date and I need to be back in the city in 6 hours. Can I crash here?". Soobin's place was 40 minutes away so when he had to be in the studio in a few hours (or when his girlfriend never showed up to their date) he'd stay over at yours. You nodded "of course! How long did you wait for Grace?". "Ow only 2 and a half hours". "2 and a half?" you cried and he sighed "she's just been really busy lately that's all". You stuck by your policy of not commenting on Grace and just nodded. Soobin followed you to the bedroom and quickly got onto his unofficial side of the bed. "Thanks Y/n you're the best!" he called and you nodded "I know". You woke up in the morning to find Soobin gone. He'd left you some breakfast as a thank you...but had also forgotten his phone. You checked your own to see texts from Yeonjun asking if he had Soobin's phone and you told him you'd swing by the company building on your lunch break to give it back. You entered the building and were waved in by guards who recognised you. You greeted them both by name and they smiled looking so pleased you suspected many people might not know their names.You went up to txt's floor and a member of staff told you they were on break so you could go inside. "Y/n!" Beomgyu cheered when he saw you and you smiled waving "hey, how's rehearsal going?". "Really well thanks how's your day?" Huening kai asked. You smiked and told him some office gossip and handed Soobin his phone. "You're the best" Soobin cried and Yeonjun nodded "she is, if I were you I'd be kissing her feet". "Yeah hyung show Y/n your appreciation!" Beomgyu encouraged. Soobin was laughing along when you heard yelling. You all turned to see Grace come barrelling through the doors, some poor assistant trying to stop her. "There you are, so you're just ignoring me for fun?". Everyone paused and looked to Soobin who looked just as confused as the rest of you. “Miss you can’t be in her” the assistant tried again and Grace spun around to her looking livid but Soobin distracted her. "For fun?" Soobin asked "what do you mean?". Yeonjun escorted the poor assistant out of harms way and you all waited for Grace’s response. "Is this just because I had to rearrange our date yesterday? Are you seriously still mad about that? That's pathetic Soobin" she spat. "It's not rearranging if you do it two hours after it was meant to start" Yeonjun commented just loud enough for her to hear and Grace glared making Soobin step in to stop an argument. "No of course not I just left my phone at Y/n's! She only just brought it me now".. Soobin was smiling pretending everything was okay when it clearly wasn't and it pained you but you couldn't leave him alone. You nodded "it's true, it was an accident". Grace looked at you "and why didn't you bring it sooner?". "She has a job" Yeonjun spat "she's here very kindly on her lunch break. If you needed Soobin so badly why didn't you ring the company?". "I shouldn't have to! If I want to contact my boyfriend I should be able to...wait why am I even discussing this with you " and she stormed out. "Grace wait!" Soobin cried and ran after her. The door swung closed and you all looked at one another. "Did he actually run after her?" Beomgyu asked. Yeonjun nodded "yes and he's probably apologising to her right now". Taehyun shook his head "this is so annoying, why doesn't he just break up with her?". The others all nodded and you shrugged. "Y/n...are you okay?" Huening Kai asked noticing your silence and you nodded "I'm fine, I just have to get back to work but don't want to bump into them". Yeonjun nodded "come on, I'll show you the private exit" and he led you away. You clearly didn't want to discuss Soobin and Yeonjun sensed that so he changed the topic "still on for movie night at ours tonight? We got that movie you liked". You smiled and chatted with Yeonjun trying to get rid of the disappointment in your stomach. When you showed up for the movie night Soobin wasn't there. You all got started without him and although you could guess where he was you had to ask. "So where is Soobin?" you asked and Beomgyu shook his head "take 3 guesses". Huening Kai sighed "she demanded he come see her after work so they can talk about what happened. As if the hour he spent grovelling wasn't enough". Yeonjun shook his head "it makes me so mad seeing her treat him that way". The others all nodded and Yeonjun continued. "He's too nice, he thinks every argument is his fault. He just wants her to be happy so he folds every time and she knows that! She uses it to manipulate him". "This is our worst fear, that he'd end up with someone who'd take advantage of him" Taehyun sighed. "Y/n why can't you just date him and be our mom?" Beomgyu asked and you pushed him. The guys all knew about your crush on Soobin but they usually had the decency to pretend they didn't. Tonight they seemed to have totally forgotten that unspoken rule. "No but you would be perfect for him" Huening commented and Taehyun nodded "I think if he knew he could have someone like you, he'd drop Grace in a heartbeat". You looked to Yeonjun, surprised he was being quiet for once and wondered if he'd put them up to this. "Don't look at me they came to this conclusion on their own" Yeonjun said proudly. You blushed "while I appreciate your kind words I don't think Soobin sees me that way". The boys went to disagree when the front door opened and Soobin appeared. He smiled and then noticed you. "Hey how did it go?" Yeonjun asked and you knew by the tone of his voice he was hoping they'd broken up. No such luck. "Crisis averted" Soobin smiled. "Until tomorrow" Beomgyu commented and Soobin frowned but pretended not to hear "Y/n can I speak to you?". You nodded and went into the hallway with Soobin. "Are you okay?" you asked. He nodded "yeah, tired but I'm okay". You nodded "so what's up". Soobin took a breath and you noticed he wasn't looking at you. "Grace thinks you kept my phone on purpose". You laughed before realising he was serious "she's not joking? I had work!". "She thinks you should've come by before. That you would've had time". You shook your head "not really. I'd have pushed it incredibly thin and it wasn't urgent you got your phone back". "Well she wondered why you didn't think it was important when you saw all the missed calls". You shook your head "because I didn't! Your phone was in my bag all morning. Plus you'd know I'd never snoop through your things. You believe me don't you Soobin?". "Of course" he nodded and you felt relieved. "But Grace doesn't and she's worried about our friendship. Me sleeping over at yours and how close we are". "But we're best friends!" you cried and Soobin nodded "I know I told her but she...it feels silly even saying it. She thinks you like me as more than that" Soobin laughed but you couldn't bring yourself to. This was the first time Soobin had even acknowledged there was a possibility of romantic feelings between the two of you and you felt like a deer frozen in headlights. "Y/n?" Soobin asked, "it's crazy right?". You swallowed "I..." and Soobin's smile dropped. "Y/n..." he said gravely and you shook your head "I never expected anything to happen and the fact you didn't even know shows that. I'm happy being your friend and I was never going to tell you". Soobin couldn't even look at you. "Soobin it's not a big deal" you tried but he shook his head "Y/n Grace wants me to take a break from you". "You said no right?" you asked but Soobin's face told you he hadn't. You'd never tried to come in between Soobin and Grace. You never stepped in or tried to get him to break up with her but hearing this you had to stand up for yourself. "But Soobin I'm your best friend! I've known you for nearly 10 years. How can you just cut me off?". "I'm not" he said "if you're upset or having a rough day you can call me but just after what you said I feel like I'm betraying Grace and encouraging you as she said. I have to put my partner first Y/n. I hope you understand" and he went into his room You went back into the living room in a daze. Yeonjun noticed first and frowned "Y/n what's wrong?". You shook your head "I...have to go". Everyone went to protest but they could tell something was wrong. "Y/n are you okay?" Taehyun asked. "Yeah I'm fine I just...won't be around that much anymore. I'm sorry" and you rushed for the door. The guys immediately stormed into Soobin's room and when they found out what had happened they were livid. "How can you just toss Y/n aside? I never thought you were that type of person Soobin" Yeonjun said. Soobin shook his head "I'm not tossing her aside I'm just putting healthy boundaries in place. I shouldn't be staying over at y/n's and sleeping in the same bed as her". "You only did those things because Grace never showed up to your date!" Beomgyu cried. "Plus you can share a bed with a friend" Taehyun argued "you're best friends!". "Well Grace doesn't want me to and I love her so..." when all of the members exploded. "Soobin you do not love her" Yeonujn said and Soobin shook his head "I do". "How? She's rude and conceited and..." Beomgyu would've carried on but Soobin yelled, something he rarely did. "ENOUGH!". The room went silent in shock. "She is my girlfriend whether you like it or not and I'm sick of hearing how much you don't. You're not the ones dating her I am and If you don't like it then tough. I don't want to hear it and I won't stand for you badmouthing her anymore. Is that understood?". They all nodded but Yeonjun had one thing to say "you can limit yourself from Y/n but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to and you're not the only one who lives here. She is welcome here anytime as far as I'm concerned" Yeonjun said and the others nodded. Soobin nodded "of course. I won't tell you not to see her, I know how you feel about her but please warn me when she's coming". Yeonjun went to argue when Soobin shot him a look and he sighed. "I think it's ridiculous but okay". So after that, you stopped talking to Soobin and it felt so wrong. He was your best friend, the person you texted the most and the person you went to whenever anything good or bad happened to you. To not hear from him was hard enough but to know he didn't want to hear from you was truly horrible. His members were all super nice and made sure to text you and invite you to dinner with them. You appreciated the gesture but knew if you saw them you'd think of Soobin and you couldn't have any reminders of him. Your own friends were livid at Soobin for choosing Grace over you and didn't understand why you weren't also mad. You were honestly too stunned to be mad because never in a million years did you think this would happen. You had no idea Grace had this powerful a hold on him. The guys were just as upset as you. They felt the absence of your presence and made sure to mention you wherever possible to show Soobin you weren't gone. Not just because Grace clicked her fingers. As much as Soobin acted like he was fine they could all see he wasn't. He'd been going to Grace's every night after work and they could see the tiredness on his face and how he smiled less. His appetite was off and he kept messing up his lines and the choreo. They all hoped he'd realise this was because he needed you in his life but he just kept soldiering through and wouldn't react to any questions about you. Finally Yeonjun had enough. Soobin broke down crying while making dinner but he claimed it was just because he'd forgotten to buy the rice. Yeonjun helped tidy up the mess and eased Soobin into a comfy seat before he began his light suggestion. "Soobin do you think you should contact Y/n and apologise?". He could tell the second he said it, Soobin wasn't on the same page. "What! Why?" Soobin and Yeonjun resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Because you're miserable without her" Yeonjun said Soobin shook his head "I'm not". "Yes you are and don't even pretend you're not! You're tired all the time and you're barely eating. You haven't gotten a piece of choreography right all week and you've been a mess". Soobin shook his head "maybe it is because of Y/n but I can't contact her so drop it". "Why?" Yeonjun asked "because Grace said so? She's not in charge of you Soobin, you are allowed to say no to her". "I know that but it's more than that". "Then explain it to me" Yeonjun said and Soobin shook his head "Yeonjun I said drop it...". "No I want to know the big reason why you can't contact Y/n even though you're miserable without her!" Yeonjun yelled. "Because she admitted she likes me!" Soobin yelled back. He expected Yeonjun to understand or look shocked but he didn't even flinch. Eventually he just shrugged "okay". "Okay?" Soobin asked "Yeonjun Grace was right and surely you see why I had to distance myself from her?". Yeonjun shook his head "no I don't. Just because Y/n has feelings for you doesn't mean she's dangerous to be around and also I just think it's a little hypocritical". "Hypocritical?" Soobin asked "of Grace? Why?". "Not of Grace of you" Yeonjun said "are you really trying to tell me you don't have any feelings for Y/n? You have more natural chemistry with her than you ever have with Grace and you must know and feel that! You're yourself with y/n, your true self and it's beautiful. That's how a relationship is meant to be". Soobin shook his head "you don't know what you're talking about". "I do and I think deep down you do too so stop hurting Y/n and just be honest for once!" Yeonjun said and he stormed out of the room.
Soobin watched him go and was stunned. Yeonjun couldn’t be right...Soobin would know if he liked you right? Soobin shook his head figuring this was just his members trying to get him to dump Grace again, that was all. However the next time he saw Grace he thought of you and without meaning to he wondered what it’d be like to be dating you instead. The thought made him blush so he pushed it away. 
Maybe Soobin wasn’t as innocent as he’d thought.  
Others Parts: Part Two and Part Three
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it-was-funeral-grey · 2 years
Heavy (Al Haitham x F!Reader)
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Prelude Part 1
Summary: Being the ACTING grand sage is hard. He's cracking, and he knows it.
Warnings: Vulgarities, very stressed al haitham, unhealthy living habits, bros shouldering the weight of a nation, SPOILERS FOR SUMERU AND EVENTUALLY AL HAITHAM'S LORE
Word count: <610 words
Inspired by: -
Author's note: just wanted to explore more about Al Haitham's time as the acting grand sage. As much as he's capable and stuff, he's only human. There's no way he could have done the job without stress, especially since he's used to his simple job as a scribe.
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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Al Haitham hasn't cried in years. But he's coming really close to it now.
He hasn't slept in days. He hasn't eaten since yesterday. He's at his bloody limit. But the papers and reports and proposals and notices just keep coming.
It never ends. Everything needs to be done NOW. Everything needs reviewing. Everything needs immediate attention. And it's not like he can delegate these tasks to anyone else. No one knows how to do them.
Azar and those traitors had pretty much micro-managed everything. They were so obsessed with having absolute control that they didn't let their subordinates make any decisions. Even the people under the imprisoned sages' command were too reliant on their sage's leadership. So when their sage was imprisoned, they followed Azar's commands blindly, falling victim to the traitor's control freak tendencies.
Which is why now that Azar and his goons are gone, no one knows what to do or who to report to anymore. And since the imprisoned sages are now bedridden in Bimarstan, everyone turns to him.
Everyone is asking him for instructions he knows he's not qualified to give. Everyone is asking him how to do things that he knows he does not know how to do. Everyone is talking to him all the time. He doesn't get a second of peace.
He needs to establish a new chain of command. One that won't break so easily in the future. He needs to set up the selection process for the new sages and the new grand sage. But he can't do all those things when he's currently being swarmed in other matters that should be done by someone else.
Seriously. Fuck those traitors, and fuck Azar's stiff-ass chair in particular.
Al Haitham is so damn tired. Yes, he keeps to office hours- but only so he can get a moment of solitude while he rushes back home to continue pouring over work- something he has NEVER had to do as a scribe. He's working around the clock, desperately trying to get everything in order before the next day.
But every time he drags himself back into the office the following morning, it's an unthinkable new mess. Instructions he had given the day before are lost. People quit or threaten to. He'll spend the entire day trying to resolve it. Then he'll rush home, finish leftover work, and try to predict and pre-solve tomorrow's mess.
It's a vicious cycle that'll kill him eventually. Every day is a test of how much pressure and steps he can take without stumbling. He barely has any time to himself. Everyone is demanding things from him that he can't deliver. The stress is getting to him. The lack of sleep is getting to him. Everything is getting to him.
He's starting every day in fear that he'll slip up. Not that he can let it show. He's supposed to be the nation's beacon of light in these trying times. He's supposed to lead the way. If he slips up now, Sumeru will fall into a state of disarray and may not be able to recover for generations to come. Lives will be upturned. Chaos will ensue. Which will mean more work for him, more stress and more sleepless nights.
The weight of a nation is on his shoulders, and he can't share it with anyone.
He's exhausted. He's scared. He's not religious, but he's begging the archons for assistance. That's how desperate he is.
He's just one guy. He can't do this all on his own.
But not even Lesser Lord Kusanali can help him. No one can.
Or so he thought.
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ciaotoska · 8 months
Coming in hot (three days later than I’d hoped) with the conclusion to Bret’s investigative efforts:
(part 1) (AO3)
Bret got a call from Shawn early the next morning asking to meet him at the morgue.
Shawn was right: He did see Hunter next week. Only it wasn’t at home with an apology and an expensive gift; it was on a metal slab in a government building.
Bret had made to leave the room and give Shawn time alone — as much as he did want to gauge Shawn’s reaction — but stayed when he felt his fingers digging into his wrist.
The sheet was barely up before he’d thrown his arms around Bret’s neck and broken into a sob.
He rushed out of the room as soon as he could and Bret turned to follow, but he was out of sight before Bret made it down the hallway. He went back to the morgue hoping to swipe a copy of the report but found the door ajar.
“Real shame, huh?” A voice he’d been hearing a lot of in the last few days: Jannetty.
“Sure. Always is when someone dies so young.”
Bret could just barely see them through the crack in the door, but he could still make out Jannetty eyeing the report while the coroner slid Helmsley back into the freezer.
“I guess we were partying a little too hard. Had too much to drink and went overboard.”
“You were there?”
“Oh, yeah. We’re good friends.” Bret watched Jannetty put his head in his hands. “Were good friends, I should say.”
Bret rolled his eyes.
“I never took Helmsley for a big drinker. Surprising that he had enough to go overboard.”
Bret had twigged this, too — and the fact that Jannetty was apparently the lead investigator for something he’d witnessed.
“Kind of a lightweight, yeah. Upset about Shawn.” Marty flipped through the files with a finger. “They’d been having some money troubles — reckless spending, that kind of stuff. And then there was the cheating.”
“Hmm.” The coroner sounded barely interested —Bret figured the people in his office didn’t normally talk as much as Jannetty did — but Bret had heard more than enough to make him want a second look.
If Bret felt any shock yesterday about finding Shawn — the one this one was pretending to be — it had worn off a little after this Shawn cried into his shoulder. Faking an identity didn’t make you a murder suspect, but it did make you suspicious.
Especially if one died in the same way as your husband.
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Bret didn’t talk to him again until the next day, but his hand had hovered near the phone several times.
Shawn made the first move.
“Did you forget I was paying you, detective?” Shawn didn’t sound teary, but he could hear a sniffle on the line.
Bret wasn’t sure what to say, so he said the only thing he could think. “I’m not a detective.”
“You used to be. Detective emeritus, then.”
Bret had at least a hundred questions he wanted to ask him — about his real identity, about the “reckless spending,” why Jannetty had answered the phone the other day to talk about Helmsley — but he couldn’t do that over the phone. “What now?”
“Well, my husband is dead and I’d like to know why.”
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They agreed to meet at the county records office later that day. It had been Bret’s suggestion, wanting to follow the money and look over property trust information. Shawn hadn’t been so sure and wanted to tell Bret exactly that while they stood outside the records room.
“Well, can’t you just tell them you’re my attorney? It’ll look suspicious for me to come in here looking for will information when the body hasn’t even left the morgue yet.”
“I could, if I didn’t come in here regularly in my official capacity as a PI,” Bret said.
“Official.” Shawn smiled. “Right.”
The clerk led them into the records room, and, as it turned out, barely gave them — or Bret’s PI license, which he’d also been sure so show Shawn — a second glance while they filled in the sign in.
Bret had been here before, so he wasn’t surprised by the rows of books and white-gloved amateur researchers lined around them.
“Like a library in here.” Shawn scowled at an old man who shushed them, dropping to a whisper. “Same kind of assholes.”
“I take it you weren’t the valedictorian.” Bret waved Shawn to the front end of the room. “That’s where they keep everything, but there’s no way they’ll let us in.”
“I would’ve thought paying you double would’ve given you a little more inspiration.” Shawn reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a key ring. “Maybe I did pay you to be my friend.”
The records room — the useful one — was a maze of metal shelves under dingy lighting stacked with records boxes that would’ve taken a year to browse, let alone look through.
“This was monetary, I’m assuming.” Bret looked at Shawn, trying to read his face. “If you think this is suspicious.”
Shawn blinked. “Well, I’m sure he didn’t just fall off the boat —” No. And Bret was sure the other Shawn — the real oil heir — hadn’t just fallen off a boat either.
“Right. So we should be looking for money moving. Obviously, the will hasn’t been filed yet, but we can look at the trusts.” Bret watched Shawn again for any hesitation. None.
He’d paused, but it seemed to Bret more like he was thinking than anything else. “Well, there was, uh, the Greenwich Trust.”
The Greenwich Trust. The same one that had paid Bret for his tail job on Shawn. But Bret and Shawn both knew Helmsley wasn’t the one who’s organized that, so who?
After being redirected through five different boxes, they finally found the collection of files with the Greenwich Trust — including a freshly-labeled overflow box that Bret volunteered to look through.
It was mostly newly-reallocated smaller trusts, all moved within the past few months.
They’d now been in here for maybe half an hour and without anyone catching them, to Bret’s surprise. But he couldn’t help but be tense; the clock was ticking.
He nodded his chin in the direction of the clerk’s office. “I’m surprised he’s not trying to supervise us in that other room.”
“You think we need a chaperone?” Shawn gave him that catlike smile. “I told him I was terribly upset, especially since my attorney made me come look at the records myself. I think he’s going to leave us alone.”
Bret watched Shawn leaf through his own box. “So you knew about the trust? You weren’t worried about getting in the way of things?”
Shawn glanced at him. “What things?”
Bret waved a hand. “Something like this. Something unfortunate.”
“The trust has always been there. I’ve never known much about it. His family liked me, but —” Shawn hesitated.
“They suspected something?”
Shawn raised his eyebrows, but Bret didn’t get the question he was expecting. Suspected what?
“Nothing like that. They think it’s unseemly to work for your money.” Shawn waved his hand. “Mayflower types.”
Bret hadn’t spent much time around the incredibly wealthy — his choice — but he was surprised to hear that living in a mansion near an oil field was considered work. At least, that’s what they thought this Shawn was up to.
Bret turned back to his own box and noticed a small card stuffed at the front — a newly updated trustee contact. The trustee name was still vague, but the phone number was different — and familiar.
He showed it to Shawn. “This your lawyer’s number?”
Shawn peered over his shoulder and went silent. “Marty.”
Bret had known the Helmsley and Jannetty had a close enough relationship, considering the bribery — and the boat cruise, according to Jannetty — but not close enough to add him to a trust.
Bret was about to question him on this when they heard the man himself — and not alone, by the sound of it — in the clerk’s office.
“Let’s go.”
They ducked around the shelves, watching Jannetty and another detective Bret didn’t recognize enter. He was headed straight for their shelf — he knew exactly where he was going.
Bret pulled Shawn’s arm next to him and they edged around the shelves on the opposite side. Every scuff and squeak of their shoes felt impossibly loud and when they made it near the front of the room, they ran.
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Bret needed time to think about what they ought to do next, but he knew the place to do it wasn’t at Shawn’s house — not with Jannetty making a move on the trust and already intending to pin Helmsley’s death on Shawn, from what Bret heard in the coroner’s office. And not with the police now on their tail.
But Shawn had other ideas. Shawn pushed the door of Bret’s apartment closed over his shoulder.
“What —”
Shawn ran his hand up Bret’s arm, then leaned in to kiss him. “Thank you.”
Shawn lingered down by his wrist, glancing up at him once from beneath his eyelashes, then pulled him back, guiding him into the bedroom. Unlike with most things in this case, Bret wasn’t surprised by it, but he knew expecting it would make him look like an asshole.
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Bret had only known Shawn for a few days, but he’d now seen him in as many bathrobes as regular outfits. Shawn pulled the shoulder of Bret’s robe up where it had slipped down, now deciding for some modesty.
They’d both been quiet for a long time and the only sound in the room was the tinkling of Shawn’s spoon against his mug.
Bret broke the silence.
“I, uh, have some stuff to show you. Back at my office. I thought we could look at it later, but —”
Bret pulled out the newspaper photo he’d taken from the archives and slid it in front of Shawn. He hadn’t meant to set this up like a police interrogation — him standing behind the table, Shawn sitting in front of it — but old habits died hard.
“Do you know who this is?”
If Bret was looking for a big reaction, he didn’t get it.
Instead, Shawn ran his pinky over the caption. “Sure. Could probably name all of ‘em if you want.”
“Well, Shawn Michaels — a different one — died in a boating accident. Like your husband.”
Shawn laughed. A bitter, hollow one. “You’re really unbelievable.”
“I am?”
“Yes. You are. You get me into bed and then turn around and accuse me of killing some guy!” Shawn pointed his spoon at him. “Can’t help but notice you got fully dressed, by the way.”
Bret leaned on the table. “Hang on. Some guy?”
“Yeah. ‘Oh, Bob Smith died. Let’s round up all the Bob Smiths and see which one did it.’”
Shawn left the table, and Bret followed him to where he was picking up his clothes from Bret’s floor.
“Yeah, maybe if one Bob Smith came out of the woodwork and decided to start pretending to be an oil heir, it would be cause for investigation.”
“You couldn’t think of anything better than a one-to-one example?”
“Shawn —”
Shawn was already halfway into his jeans.
“Listen: I’ll see you later, okay?”
And before the door slammed: “Prick.”
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At a certain point, Bret had known he was hired just for show — mostly after Shawn had told him as much at that Mexican joint. What he didn’t know was why.
But one thing had bugged him out of all of it: why the hell Jannetty had even been on the boat in the first place.
If Shawn hadn’t been so shocked by the death, as real and genuine a reaction as Bret had ever seen, he would’ve written it off in the obvious way: Shawn and Jannetty killing Helmsley and taking the funds.
But with the way Shawn never seemed concerned about Helmsley’s disappearance, and the way Jannetty was desperate to tell anyone who would listen that Shawn was at the root of it — maybe they were all in on it. Especially with all of the funds siphoned into the Greenwich Trust months before Helmsley’s untimely demise.
Bret had seen things like this before. When you were that rich, you always owed money to the wrong people and sometimes the easiest thing to do was disappear. At least, that’s what had happened in the last case he’d ever worked with Jannetty on the LAPD.
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Bret showed up to his office to find the window broken out and Shawn leaning against the wall next to it, cigarette burned to the filter in his mouth.
Bret stopped to watch him. It didn’t even seem like he knew Bret was there.
Bret nudged some glass into a pile with his foot. “Did you hate the Hart & Associates thing that much?”
Shawn looked down at the glass like he was noticing it for the first time. “Like that when I got here.”
Bret put his hear to the door — what was left of it — and shined his penlight through the window. Whoever had done it had left, but not without doing some more damage.
Bret’s desk was flipped in his office, covered in scratches from a crowbar and the dents of more than one frustrated kick.
“Pretty impatient, whoever it was.” Bret reached into his coat and pulled out something he knew would interest Shawn: the autopsy report he’d found in the archival box.
Bret pulled the desk back up and Shawn fell into the desk chair and ran his fingers over the page, reading and re-reading what seemed like dozens of times.
Bret locked the door and leaned against it. In case Jannetty made his way back. Or Shawn tried to make his way out.
Bret gave him a minute then crossed his arms, back in interrogation mode. “This wasn’t part of the plan, then.”
Shawn barely glanced up from the page. He knew the jig was up.
“No.” He leaned back in Bret’s chair. “The plan was for him to call me when he got there. I’d play the grieving widower for a couple of months. Sell the house, act like I was going back home. Then go meet him.”
Bret didn’t bother to ask where ‘there’ was. Probably not the bottom of the bay.
Shawn spread out the pages on the desk. “Isn’t it funny? Seeing the coroner’s report made it more real than seeing his body. Didn’t even look like him.”
There was a squeak in the hall. They both looked at each other, both suspecting the same thing. Bret cracked the door to look out but found nothing out of the ordinary. Outside of the break-in that’s happened earlier tonight, the worst thing that happened on this floor was kids breaking into the dentist’s office next door to swipe Novocain.
But Bret didn’t have time to police them tonight. He still had questions for Shawn. “Who was the divorce lawyer who called me that first day?”
Shawn drew his mouth into a hard line. “Marty, I’m sure. Didn’t he say something about blackmail?”
“He knew about the blackmail because he was the one doing it.”
“About your identity?” Bret asked.
Shawn cleared his throat. “We were —” He made a vague gesture. Bret nodded. He’d remembered that brief announcement in the paper.
“Were you in love?”
“We were engaged. Only kind of thing to do in that place: be a ranch hand or marry one.” Bret could tell he was glossing over a lot, but Bret didn’t need the nitty gritty right now. “He found out I married Hunter and turned up here.”
Bret hummed. “He was getting a cut to help you two out? Smooth things over with the LAPD? I’m assuming.”
“Yes. A cut. Obviously, that wasn’t enough.” Shawn scoffed, putting his head in his hand. “I told him it should’ve been Kevin.” The last part was more to himself than Bret.
Bret watched him. “Being awfully forthcoming now. Called me a prick earlier.”
Shawn’s head snapped up. “You were being a prick earlier. But you’re not a detective, remember? Not like you can arrest me.” Then his face softened. “When did you know?”
Bret had always known Shawn would be up to something; he just looked like the kind of man who was.
“I had my suspicions when you showed up. I’m sure you know honest people don’t offer to pay double.”
“Not a lot of honest people can afford to.” He smiled weakly.
“How’d you two even meet? You and, uh, Hunter.”
Shawn brightened at the mention of Hunter. At their past.
“In New York. I talked my way into some party or another. He recognized my name — as the other Shawn, obviously, and he said ‘Oh, I think our families used to do business together.’” Shawn laughed. “I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about, but I wanted to see where it would go.”
“And the rest is history.”
“Not quite. Marty had started doing some work for that family. Total coincidence — well, I thought it was at the time.” Shawn looked at him. “But when I told him about it, he said maybe we should start using the kid’s name, if it’s that easy. Like, to get into clubs and restaurants. But then he started wanting to do bigger and bigger stuff. I didn’t even know what that Shawn looked like.” Shawn nodded at the photo. “Not like me, obviously.”
As ridiculous as it seemed — they really didn’t look alike — Bret didn’t think it would’ve been hard to pull off. How many people know what an oil baron’s kid looks like?
“Let me guess: Jannetty started hanging out with that Shawn — like he did with Hunter —”
“I didn’t kill him. As far as I know, he fell off a boat.” Shawn sounded more defeated than defiant. Like he was just tired of talking about it.
“I don’t think you committed that crime. I do wonder if you knew about it. I think you didn’t see what you didn’t want to see.”
Shawn scoffed. “What is that? A fucking riddle?” He took a breath. “Obviously I don’t see what I don’t want to see. If I think somebody killed somebody else, I’m not going to hang around and find out. I’m not stupid.”
Bret already had what he wanted — he was sure Shawn hadn’t killed anyone on a boat at this point — but he wanted what he could get while he had him.
“So?” Bret asked.
“So, I had Hunter’s number and told him I’d meet him in LA.”
“That easy?”
“He had some fiancée he was ducking. I guess I seemed a lot more appealing.” Shawn looked at him from under his eyelashes. “I did love him. I didn’t do this.”
“Well, listen —” Bret pulled a key from his coat and yanked open his drawer, now off its rails thanks to his desk being tipped on its side. “He inadvertently gave you an alibi.”
Bret pulled out the pictures. The more private ones, still present and accounted for. Shawn gave him a knowing look.
“You were doing this with a witness —”
“And a photographer.”
“— when Hunter died.” Bret pointed at the estimated time of death on the coroner’s report.
“Impulsive son of a bitch.” Shawn laughed. “He set everything up and couldn’t even wait for it to pay off.”
“What do you mean? Set what up?”
“‘Oh, Shawn was spending all this money. Couldn’t wait for his husband to die so he could get more.’”
Bret remembered Jannetty had mentioned that to the coroner, but he hadn’t known what he’d meant. Then he thought back to what Shawn had said about a new rug.
“The what — oh, the rug?” He’d never heard of a court case hanging in the balance over a rug.
“Obviously, it wasn’t just the rug. Around the time Hunter left, all this stuff started showing up at the house.” Shawn looked him in the eye. “Stuff I didn’t buy. Like, in the hundreds of thousands.”
“He wanted to make you look reckless.”
“That’s what he would turn around and prove in court when it came to split things up. Or have the trust’s lawyer prove in court. Obviously.”
And Jannetty hadn’t even waited until court to start saying it. He was already spilling everything to the coroner.
After a beat, Shawn put his feet up on the desk, like he worked there.
“Well, I think I just solved your mystery. So what’re you wondering about?”
Bret thought through his list of questions, getting shorter by the minute now that Shawn had decided to talk.
“Why you decided to play Prince and the Pauper with a rich guy.”
“I think in that story they looked alike, they didn’t have the same name —”
“I was living in Middle-of-Nowhere, Texas, engaged to a guy who has now tried to ruin my life, what? A half dozen times? Why do you think?”
That was true, Bret conceded.
“But you didn’t know about this?”
“I knew about the fleeing the country thing, I didn’t know about the boat murders.”
“I’m starting to think you should stay away from boats.”
“They concocted their little scheme together. He basically had Marty on the payroll, but he thought it was because Marty was such a fun, cool guy.”
“I am a fun, cool guy.” Jannetty leaned in the doorframe. Bret had practically invited him in when he forgot to lock the door back. “I remember you used to think so, Shawn.”
Bret rubbed his hand on one of the crowbar marks marring the desk. “I’m guessing you figured out you gave him an alibi.”
He sat on the desk, blocking Shawn from Jannetty.
“Wouldn’t have mattered if you got to the pictures anyway because he had two witnesses.”
Jannetty stepped around him. “Yeah, one he was sleeping with and one who was fired from the LAPD.”
Jannetty didn’t need to know now that the former now also applied to Bret. “I left. You know that.”
Jannetty shrugged. “What I do know is that it looks a little suspicious.”
Shawn stood up, putting his hand in Bret’s shoulder in front of him.
“Marty, what is this?”
“What’re you talking about?”
“I know now the random expenses, the tail taking pictures of me and Kevin — that was all you. Are you telling me now that hiring him was a part of it, too?”
Bret had the same suspicions, but Jannetty probably wasn’t here to lay out his grand plan.
“I’ll need to requisition everything in this office, Hart. Police evidence.” He flashed his badge. “You know you’re not a cop, right?”
Bret stepped back around his desk. “Could be police evidence with a warrant. You have a warrant?”
He slid his fingers under the edge of the desk but only found an empty space.
“Are you reaching for a gun?”
He had been reaching for his gun — discreetly, just to have — and figured Jannetty had taken it in his earlier sweep.
Jannetty made for his holster, but not before Bret leapt at him. He wasn’t going to die in this office, and certainly not because Jannetty shot him. He didn’t even have the dignity of having a secretary for the cops to interview.
He heard a gunshot — but not next to his head, where he’d been expecting it.
It was from across the office. Shawn had pulled Bret’s desk gun out of his coat and grazed Jannetty’s arm. Bret couldn’t help but smile.
Jannetty gritted his teeth and used Bret’s distraction to flip them over. Bret — normally a very proficient grappler, if his award from the Army had anything to say for it — was simply caught off guard.
He wished he hadn’t been when he felt the crunch of his shin splitting under Jannetty’s weight.
He was off of Bret and wheeling on Shawn again, but not before Bret heard glass breaking.
The searing pain made it hard to hear — or even see — but Bret blinked around it and could make out Shawn at the phone on the wall. In a haze, he watched Shawn come to kneel next to him.
“Ambulance is on its way.” Shawn looked him over. “You blacked out for a minute.”
Bret gritted his teeth and let Shawn help him lean against the desk. “Leg breaking is not an emergency.”
“Well, you’re acting like a lot more than that happened. Anyway, ambulance is probably more for Marty.”
Bret sat up as much as he could and realized the other man was gone. “Where is he?”
“He came at me and I knocked him out the window.” Shawn stopped him from trying to get up. He could’ve done it a little more nicely than with a boot to the shoulder. “He’s fine. Fell in a bush. I saw him moving around down there.”
Bret leaned against the desk and smiled.
“Thanks. You know —”
“For saving your life?”
Bret laughed.
“I was sick of his ass. Don’t flatter yourself.” Bret stopped, until Shawn looked at him and smiled back.
“This was kinda fun, huh?” Shawn looked at him dead on again. “I mean, unless you’re gonna have the cops haul me off when they get here.”
“I think your secret’ll be safe with me.”
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Almost forgot to add my author’s note:
- I initially envisioned this as a one-off, but then I was like, “What if I just made Bret and Shawn Nick and Nora Charles but in dingy 1970s LA? And they solve mysteries and get on each other’s nerves and fall in love?” So…
- Also, this takes place in the 70s and I made absolutely no mention of it in this entire story lol
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ficreadergirl · 1 year
Dangerous Inquiries (ch.31)
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"Waffles or pancakes?" Kory asked smiling while leaning on the counter next to the stove. You were sitting opposite her at the island. "My head gonna explode…" you moaned loudly, clutching your temples. Your head throbbed painfully. You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the agony to pass. "That's probably because of yesterday. You cried a lot… and didn't eat anything last night." Kory said with an apologetic expression. You groaned loudly. "He's the guilty one but I'm suffering?" you exclaimed. You frowned. Kory giggled lightly before started talking. "Maybe he's telling the truth Y/n? Have you ever thought that?" she asked softly with a small smile on her lips. You sighed heavily. "Waffles please." you replied bluntly as you stared straight ahead, refusing to meet Kory's eyes. She raised an eyebrow, but decided not to push you. You heard her pour the batter into the pan and then sit down across from you at the counter with a cup of tea. "Y/n… do you really think he's the murderer of… him?" she asked quietly. You glanced up at her. She was staring intently at you, her green eyes full of concern. "I don't wanna think or talk about it right now Kory. Please." you responded softly. She nodded understandingly. "Sure honey. Just know that I believe him. As Dick. Which is quite big deal." she smiled and reached out and held onto your hands. "He's not good person maybe but he's honest about what he did or didn't." she added gently, giving you a reassuring look. You returned the gesture with a weak smile. She stood and gave your hands another squeeze. "So are you officially Wayne Enterprise's lawyer now?" she asked curiously as she took a sip of her tea. "I guess so." you replied shrugging lightly. Kory grinned happily at you. "You could also work with us y'know… with the Titans." she suggested. You looked at her puzzled. "Why would you guys need a lawyer?" you asked raising an eyebrow. Kory shrugged. "Because we are in Gotham city darling. And this city is kind of doesn't like vigilantes or heroes." she smiled sweetly. "Then he could buy some officers to cover his hit up huh?" you asked quietly. Kory shook her head no. "No no. Don't think like that Y/n. He wouldn't buy cops for that. He'd most likely ki- uhm… hurt cops being paid for shady stuff." she explained softly. You nodded hesitantly and glanced down at the ground as you processed her words. That made sense. "Why are you defending him that much? You were the one warn me about him weeks ago." you questioned crossing your arms in confusion. "Look Y/n. I still don't believe he's good match for you but-" "Wait a second! What? Good match?" you gasped surprised. Kory rolled her eyes. "Seriously Y/n? You'll deny it what? Forever?" she teased rolling her eyes playfully. You looked away, blushing slightly. "I don't like him." you murmured shaking your head stubbornly. "Sure sure…" Kory waved her hands dismissively and chuckled slightly. "Whatever you say…" she teased. "I really don't! Stop making that… face!" you pouted annoyed. Kory sighed softly and placed her hands on her hips. "You really didn't get it did you?" she asked chuckling softly. "Get what?" you asked confusedly. Kory raised an eyebrow. "Oh come on Y/n! Don't act dumb. Don't tell me you didn't see he's into you." she said smirking smugly.
Read more
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disdaidal · 1 year
I can't remember the last time I've cried this hard, but I guess it was time.
So my new school is pretty much now pressuring me to find a place to train at, which is not stressful at all, because the workplace I went for an interview last week hasn't returned my calls or my email, despite the principal initially seemed genuinely interested in my application.
Thing is, I wouldn't be this stressed out at all but my new teacher made it pretty clear today that next week is gotta be the deadline for that contract - otherwise my studies really aren't going anywhere.
I also missed my doctor's appointment yesterday because I missed the train. I had to wait for that appointment for 3 fucking months, and because it's related to my financial situation (I'm really trying not to get more student debt, especially with the way how I've been and how I barely managed to keep my shit together during pandemic). Luckily I was able to talk on the phone with her and the social worker, but my new appointment was rescheduled at the end of the month. I also talked to my nurse on the phone a little after that; a nurse who I haven't seen in the last six months because all our appointments have been cancelled at the last minute. So I got a new one in September.
My sleeping schedule has been pretty much fucked up all July-August, and for the last two days that I've been going to the city and attending these classes, I've slept like 6 hours in total these two days. Both days I've come home feeling extremely drained (besides those 6 hrs in total, I napped all evening yesterday). And last night I slept something like 2 hours before school and when I finally got back by train a couple of hours ago, I tried to sleep on the train but I felt so nauseated that I thought I was gonna hurl. Needless to say, my car ride back home was all but fun.
When I finally got home and laid down in my bed for a while, I started crying. Like I know it's probably because I've literally slept like 2hrs last night and it wasn't even a deep sleep, so, think I've just had it. My body and brain couldn't take it anymore.
But when I was on the train, I was going to call the school's office (the one I went to that interview for), but naturally their calling hours had already ended at 2pm. I also thought about sending another email but like I said, I felt extremely tired and anxious; making more phone calls and sending more emails when I'm feeling this way really isn't the way I want to go again. Especially since I already tried both on Monday when they were supposed to inform me last Friday, and I haven't got any response since. Which is not very nice to be honest (my new teacher did comment it's kind of unprofessional of them, and I gotta agree a little bit there).
But seriously, the only thing that's even made my last two school days tolerable, were the other students in my class. I kind of took up smoking again (bad habit I know) because of all this stress and shit that's been going on with me lately, so at least it was an easy way to get to know some of our other students, and got to spend some time with them, so at least I didn't have deal with my worries all alone. Our Moroccoan student (whom I've talked a lot with; I got along with him already on our entrance examination on May) tried to encourage me today when we were smoking, and even said I could try and apply to the same place he works at - which is working with immigrants mostly. Since I did choose international studies as one of my optional subjects, that could also work, because sooner or late I'm gonna have to work/train at a place like that anyway.
But obviously my first and foremost goal right now is try to find a place near where I live because obviously traveling isn't cheap, and I might indeed have a couple of places around here in mind that I could ask for training opportunities.
In any case, if I don't get an answer by tomorrow (we'll have another long school day so I probably won't have any time to be making extra phone calls anywhere), I think I'm just gonna ditch this thing and start calling other places on Monday.
If this is how it's gonna be and I'm on a strict deadline here, I don't suppose there's any other choice. I'm not willing to give up just yet - though I admittedly thought of that for a moment, too. Since I've become somewhat depressed lately again, clearly, and that must have something to do with my bpd. Which is fucking *nice* because right now I'm supposed to be active and efficient so I can actually get shit done and get my studies properly started - and yet right now, I'm feeling all but that.
So I guess I'll go to another class tomorrow - we have a special day anyway as we're visiting a local museum at the end of the day, so. Maybe I can try to forgive myself for being the way I am and give this whole thing a rest until weekend. And if the teacher asks about it tomorrow as she might, I'm just gonna say I'm going try again on Monday.
Cause I really don't see any other choice right now. But again, I'm really not lying about this. I'm not feeling my best right now, and this kind of pressure and stress is not doing me any favors.
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snarkybluechristian · 9 months
Villainous: Reform School Chapter 66
I haven't gotten a great reception for my Villainous fanfic here, so I usually just upload it to fanfiction.net, deviant art, and archive of our own. But if I get better reception, I'll start uploading chapters here again.
One short walk and elevator ride later, Demencia, Melanie, and the Hat-Sentinel were back at Black Hat’s office.
The Hat-Sentinel opened the door and let the ladies in.
“We’re back, bonbon,” Demencia announced as she and Melanie walked through the open door.  “Sorry about the delay!  Someone didn’t want to leave her party in the lab.”
“You’re such a snitch,” quipped Melanie.
“Wait, wait, wait,” said Flug, feeling a jolt of panic go through his spine.  “You were throwing a party in the basement?”
“Yeah, it’s just a bit of a get-together with a big group of hat-botlers in the cell room where you were holding me and Sadie,” admitted Melanie.  “We were just talking, watching some TV, listening to music, doing karaoke, dancing, singing, eating snacks, drinking-“
“Drinking?” Flug interrupted with a raised eyebrow.
“Drinking age-appropriate drinks,” Melanie reassured.
“She’s lying,” said Demencia.  “I saw the hat-botlers with beer and broken bottles and trash everywhere.”
“What?!” Flug exclaimed in near hysterics.
Black Hat burst out in laughter.  Lord Reaper couldn’t help but snicker with him.
“Oh, my God!  Can you be even more of a snitch?!” Melanie fired at Demencia.
“The girls were also drinking soda from your stash,” mentioned Demencia.
“Dios mio!” Melanie cried, summoning her scythe.  “Will you shut up?!”
Melanie swung the scythe at Demencia who skillfully dodged it while sticking her tongue out at her.
“I left you two alone down there for less than an hour!” Flug chided.  “How did you manage this?!”
“I felt bad for the hat-botlers,” Melanie retorted.  “Don’t get mad at them!  It was my idea!  You’ve been horrible to them!”
“Oh, science,” Flug facepalmed as Black Hat continued laughing at his misery.
“Losing control again, Flug?” asked Black Hat as he and the Reaper finally calmed down.
“Argh!” Flug cried out before forcing himself to breathe deeply to focus on the matter at hand. “I’ll deal with your little party in my lab later.  But for right now, we have some very important news to share.  Melanie, why don’t you sit down?”
Melanie reluctantly walked over to the seat on the other side of Black Hat’s desk and sat down.
“Okay,” Melanie said.  “What is the news I had to leave our fun party in the lab for?”
“In short, child, your stay here at the manor is going to be much longer than anticipated,” explained Black Hat.
“Much longer,” Lord Reaper added. “But it’ll be okay. I’ll be nearby the whole time to help you get through it.”
“Alright,” Melanie said confusedly with a raised eyebrow.  “But I knew that already.  I’m stuck here until the fall when I get sent to the Institute of BS.  That’s nothing new.”
Black Hat scoffed and replied, “Think four more years, at least.”
“What?” Melanie asked still confused while Lord Reaper walked over and held her hand. “Why would I be staying here for four more years?”
Black Hat leaned forward and answered, “Because as of yesterday, I have full custody of you for the time being.  In other words, I have adopted you.”
Melanie's annoyed expression instantly switched to one of complete fear.  Her eyes flew open.  Her mouth fell wide open.  She visibly began to shake.  Black Hat relished every moment.
"What?" Melanie squeaked out.
“From now on, Melanie de la Muerte, you will be living here at the manor under my care and supervision until you’re either too old to be taken care of or until your reformation is complete,” Black Hat continued explaining.
“You’re my legal guardian?” Melanie asked, still in shock.
“That is correct,” Black Hat answered.  “Any other questions?”
"No, no, no, no, no, you can't be serious about this," Melanie said, starting to tremble in fear and disbelief.  "This is some kind of sick joke.  Isn't it?"
“I don’t joke,” replied Black Hat.
"Melanie..." Lord Reaper tried to interrupt.
"This isn't happening," Melanie said, starting to panic.  “We're not even technically related.  You didn’t even want me!  My parents wouldn’t hand me over to you."
Black Hat presented some papers on his desk.  At the bottom of each page were both her parents’ signatures in ink.
“Wouldn’t they?” he asked.
Melanie looked at the papers.  She couldn’t deny they were her parents’ signatures.  Her heart sank.
"But I have to go to school, real school, I can't live here..." Melanie tried to argue.
"You're going to that high school for villainous teens here on the island," Lord Reaper said comfortingly.  “You'll live here in the manor with Black Hat.  I'll be by to see you every day."
"No," Melanie said, shaking her head.  "My parents left me.  How did this happen?  How did you even do this?  You're my grand-uncle on a technicality.  How did you get custody of me?  Why would you want custody of me?!"
"Melanie," Flug said sympathetically.  "It's..."
"Are you scared?" Black Hat rasped.
"YES!!!!" Melanie screamed.  "Yes, I'm scared!  You got what you wanted!  I'm scared out of my mind now!  Now, tell me this is all a joke and laugh at my misery like you normally do!  Just tell me this is not real!"
“No need to be afraid, Melanie,” Black Hat reassured.  “We’re all villains here.”
“But I’m not a villain,” pleaded Melanie.  “I don’t know why I have been chosen.  Just let me go!  I’ll do whatever you want.  You can laugh at me if it makes you happy.  Just tell me this isn’t true.  Please!”
Black Hat did laugh, but the answer she was hoping for never came.
Melanie was crushed.  All she could do was cry, so cry she did.  Right there in front of Black Hat while he laughed at her misery.  She cried long and hard until Black Hat was finished laughing.
“You won’t need to worry about school,” mocked Black Hat.  “We have our own facilities here to teach you all the right things.  We promise we’ll take great care of you and provide you with everything you’ll need.”
Melanie continued crying without looking up or moving from her spot.  If anything, the information seemed to make her cry harder.
“This is so good for my daily dose of crushing spirits,” Black Hat sighed contentedly.
Lord Reaper put a hand on Melanie’s back to comfort her as she continued to cry.
“You’re not helping,” Lord Reaper spat back at Black Hat.
Black Hat waved away dismissively and said, “Send her to her room if she’s just going to cry.  She’ll need her rest.  We have some long years ahead of us.”
Lord Reaper scooped Melanie up in his arms and started carrying her away, reassuring her as he went.
“Be ready for a photo portrait tomorrow and some other things I have planned,” Black Hat added.
"Yes, Jefe," Flug said as Lord Reaper held Melanie in his arms.  "Come on, Melanie.  Let's get you to your room."
The two turned to leave with Melanie in tow.
Black Hat had turned away to focus on something else when Melanie stopped crying for a moment and said, "Wait, I have one more question.  Why?  Why me?  Why are you taking me under your wing?  There are plenty of other people who want it.  I don't.  So, why?"
Black Hat looked back over and said, “No one else is nearly as useful or powerful.  Besides, your family and I have many plans for you.  You will be staying our course.”
"But I'm not evil," Melanie pleaded.  "Please, just let me go.”
Black Hat teleported across the desk, leaned over until his face was almost touching Melanie’s, and said, “Why would I want someone weaker when the potential for so much dark power and evil lies within you?  Only you have ever earned the privilege to be my ward, grand-niece and I’m not letting you abandon your destiny because you’ve decided you don’t want to be evil.”
“But I don’t want to be evil!  Please just I just want to go home,” Melanie pleaded a final time.
Black Hat smiled and simply replied, “This is your home now.”
Tears clouded Melanie’s eyes again, “But…”
“That will be all,” Black Hat said, backing away and silencing all protest.
Knowing there was nothing she could do, Melanie broke down crying against her grandfather’s chest.
Lord Reaper looked at his granddaughter pitifully and said, “Didn’t you have activities for tomorrow morning you’d like to mention, Lord Black Hat?”
“Oh, yes,” remembered Black Hat.  “Tomorrow morning, you will be posing with a portrait before breakfast.  Then after breakfast, you’ll be attending a press conference with me.  Is that understood?”
Black Hat received nothing but the sound of more sobs.
“Good, it’s agreed then,” Black Hat said.
Melanie continued crying, so Black Hat replied, “Get her ready for bed.  Make sure she gets some rest. doctor.”
“Yes, Lord Black Hat sir,” Flug said as he turned away and followed Lord Reaper and Melanie out of the room.
Melanie continued crying while Lord Reaper carried her through the hallways and up the stairs to her bedroom.  The two of them were silent.
Flug thought he could take the opportunity to say something comforting, “Uh…There, there…It won’t be so awful.”
“Yeah, Melanie,” Lord Reaper said, stroking her hair.  “You‘ll have me here and Dr. Flug here.  You won’t be alone.”
Melanie stopped crying long enough to say, “I want to die.  Could either of you kill me?”
Flug and Lord Reaper looked at each other for a moment before Flug said, “You’ll have 505 here too.”
“Dr. Flug could go get him for you,” suggested Lord Reaper. “And he could sit with you until you fall asleep. Would you like that?”
Melanie nodded.
“Oh, good, Dr. Flug…” Lord Reaper said.
But Melanie interrupted, “Can Sadie come upstairs too?”
“Uh, sure, if it’s okay with Dr. Flug,” Lord Reaper said.
Flug hesitated for a moment, but when he saw Melanie’s sad eyes, he said, “Um…sure.”
Melanie smiled for a moment.  That made Flug feel a bit better about his decision.
After a few minutes, the group arrived outside Melanie’s room.
Flug opened the door and turned on the lights while Lord Reaper carried Melanie inside.
“Here, we are,” Lord Reaper said, getting Melanie to her feet.  “Your room for the next four years.”
Melanie sniffled and was about to go back to sobbing, but Lord Reaper ushered her towards the bathroom.
“Now, now, Melanie, why don’t you get a shower and go brush your teeth while I turn down your blankets and get you some pajamas?” Lord Reaper asked as he opened the bathroom door for Melanie.  “Then, Flug will go find your friends while you’re cleaning yourself up and you can all spend the night together.  D’accord, ma petite-fille?”
“D’accord,” Melanie agreed sadly, entering the bathroom and shutting the door behind her.
Flug watched Melanie until she disappeared behind the door.  It was all he could do to control his own pity and not lose his professionalism.
“Flug, why don’t you bring Melanie’s friends while we get ready for bed?” Lord Reaper asked, shaking Flug out of his thoughts.
“Oh, uh, yes, Lord Reaper, sir,” Flug said, walking out of the room to fetch Sadie and 505.
Flug could at least do that much to help Melanie.
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
Just want to send you guys little moments that have happened in the last few days that for sure wouldn’t have without qaf. Just in case if you guys thought that maybe he has even one normal day/moment in his life. I am here to show you that you’re wrong. Anyway:
Our mom called him like 4 times which he didn’t answer. Finally when he called her back, she asked why didn’t he answer before to which he said ‘sorry mom, i was playing with Brian’ and my mom went dead silent and had the most scared look on her face and then just slowly went ‘please, please say you mean the cat.’
He went on a walk with the neighbor that watched qaf and he mentioned to him that he saw Gale on Criminal Minds. And the guy, i guess told him that Gale was on Desperate Housewives and the next thing I see out the window is a grown man trying to speed walk back home. And he barges in and goes ‘we gotta watch Desperate Housewives! Right now! Brian is there!’ And when I told him that he’s only in a few episodes in a later season, he went ‘fuck. So now I gotta watch that whole thing for a bit of Brian? That’s rude but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do’ so now he put DH on his watch list next.
Then he had a call with his therapist and I don’t know what they talked about but whatever it was, it lead to him bursting into my room going ‘do YOU think Brian would fuck me if given the chance?’ We got into an argument because I refused to answer. I mean what do i even say to that? But also i want to know what he asked his therapist with the way he emphasized the word ‘you’.
I was in a “meeting” (more like a catch up) like 2 days ago with my boss and a coworker (who thankfully have met my brother and are both cool) when this dude burst into my office to ask ‘when do you think Brian fell in love?’ He thinks it was before prom, he can’t make his mind up between 1x16, 1x18 or 1x20 he wants to say it was sooner but he doesn’t think so. But he thinks prom solidified it, which btw he said all that while still in the room and then when he noticed my laptop, he very, very slowly walked backwards and closed the door behind him.
Then I went to our local store (it’s like a tiny corner store or whatever) and when I was at the check out ready to pay, the guy working there goes ‘hey, i thought you only had one brother?’ And i confirm that yes, i onky got one, thank god. And then he goes ‘so who the fuck are Brian and Justin?’ And i felt like a deer caught in headlights. Turns out he’s been talking about them like they’re normal people, so the poor guy thought Justin was our little brother and Brian is his boyfriend/my brothers friend.
And my all time favorite one this week was the one that even made our mom laugh so hard she cried: an old lady that went to PT with him (after pt they have him on like some lasers or whatever to help the pain, so he’s laying on one of the beds and she’s on the other) she has heard him talk about Brian to the nurse(!!!) so many times that she actually thought Brian was his boyfriend. And he didn’t even realize it until she left her last session yesterday and before she left she went ‘sweetheart, leave that man, you deserve much better than what he gives you plus by the sound of it, he’s still hung up on his ex’ and my dumb brother sighed and went ‘yeah, i know- wait what’ and she waved and left. He couldn’t figure out if he gave off a certain vibe or was it how he talked/moved and she was just being a little ignorant about it or if all this Brian talk made an old lady think he’s gay. And when I didn’t answer bc idk what to say, he got into an argument with me again because and I quote ‘how dare you not know if I’m gay or not to other people.’ Oh and he texted our mom ‘do I seem gay?’ But he fucked up and wrote ‘seam’ so it changed the whole thing to ‘Am i gay?’ Mom’s response was ‘i don’t know hunny, maybe. Who knows at this point anymore’ it took him TWO HOURS to realize the typo/autocorrect and by then it was too late to fix it so he just gave up.
So i’d say living with my brother at the hight of his Qaf obsession has been going great.
Dear sweet anon! This has made me laugh so hard. Your brother is really in the mix of it all, isn't he?
my mom went dead silent and had the most scared look on her face and then just slowly went ‘please, please say you mean the cat.’ LOL. Because let's not have an adult man with a new imaginary friend who's a character on a long ago TV show.
I am so terrified of what he asked his therapist. I wish your brother was my client because I would just discuss the show for a session and get paid but now I'm imagining this happening to a therapist who has never seen QAF and how confusing it must be and how this therapist is probably consulting with other therapists to figure out how much to indulge this. (Btw has QAF come up in my own therapy? Yes, yes it has.)
As for when Brian fell in love - that is such a good question. I think I had an anon who asked me that. I think there's a meta post in your brother that is dying to be posted to tumblr.
Also everyone thinking Brian and Justin are other brothers or your brother's boyfriend or... the fact that your brother is not prefacing all of this with "this is a tv show and these are characters on the show" is just fandom brain. And it's hilarious. And the little old lady telling him to leave Brian? DEAD.
Mom’s response was ‘i don’t know hunny, maybe. Who knows at this point anymore’ is a great response to "am I gay" but also brother not realizing the typo/autocorrect is killing me.
You are a saint. Thank you for your service. This is incredible.
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lbibliophile-sw · 2 years
On Call
For Whumptober 2022 - day 4: Dead on your feet Also on AO3 [1700 words]
Fox yawns as he fills his mug with the thick brown elixir that is kaf; an essential ritual for any morning that doesn’t start with an emergency and burst of adrenaline. And even then, the wise trooper will supply him with his kaf at the earliest possible opportunity. No-one – Fox included – wants to have to deal with him uncaffeinated, particularly on the unfortunately-increasingly-frequent mornings when he has spent the night at his desk. Oh the joys of being a Commander: he has a private bunk and so much work that he rarely gets to see it.
The shrill beeping of his comm snaps him out of his foggy thoughts. He glares at it for a moment before answering.
“Commander Fox, I am calling to notify you that the Three Chiefs briefing this morning will be held in the Coruscant Security Force head offices. Please arrive promptly at the usual time.”
“I’ll be there.” He barely manages to get out the terse response before the line closes.
He looks at his chrono and winces. Normally, the weekly meetings between heads of the Coruscant Guard, CSF and the Senate Guard are held in the Senate Guard offices right by the Dome. Nice and convenient. The CSF offices, however, are on the far side of the district, almost an hour away even if traffic cooperates. And the meeting starts in sixty-five minutes.
Grimacing, Fox downs his mug of kaf, embracing the pain as it burns its way down his throat. Time to start his day.
With excellent timing, just as he is leaving his meeting, his comm goes off.
“Commander Fox, we need your assistance with an incident in sector D36.”
Great, half-way across the district and three levels down, and right in the middle of what can generously be called ‘peak hour’.
“I’m on my way.”
His comm goes off.
“Commander Fox, Senator Ka’ren is asking for your presence in her office.”
In the background he can hear shrill cries of ‘I want to speak to your manager!’ Ah, one of those Senators.
“I’m on my way.”
Senator placated, it’s back to the Guard headquarters. He’s busy running through the rest of his schedule in his mind, so jumps when he hears his name being called through a doorway.
“Fox! Get your shebs in here.”
He grimaces at the language, but changes direction, knowing better than to disobey a medic. Particularly, he realises, when he was supposed to come by for a check-up yesterday but had been waylaid.
“Look Zon’al, I’m sorry about yesterday, but things have been hectic lately, and I really don’t have time –” He cuts himself off at the medic’s glare.
“Do you want to make time now for me to remove those stitches and check that things are healing alright; maybe half an hour all up? Or do you want to wait three days, then have to spend at least a night in here running a fever because you got an infection? Note, there is only one correct answer.”
Fox pauses for a moment, then takes a seat on a nearby bed. He hates when medics bring logic into things.
“That’s what I thought.”
His comm goes off.
“Commander Fox, Sketch here. We’re due for a holocall with Commanders Wolffe and Bly in five minutes regarding the joint mission to Maridum. Do you need me to make your apologies?”
Fox looks at the time then curses, lengthening his stride as he hurries along the corridors.
“I’m on base, stall for a few minutes if you can. I’m on my way.”
Standing in the line at the mess hall, surrounded by the cheerful clatter of a shift’s-worth of Guards eating midmeal, Fox feels himself relax. He doesn’t often get to spend time around his brothers, too often stuck dealing with natborns, so he relishes the opportunity.
There is something uniquely comforting about being surrounded by the uniformity of a roomful of clones, even with the touches of personalisation, particularly in contrast to the vast diversity of sentient life in the Senate Dome and on Coruscant more generally. While on duty, it is constant analysis; identifying an individual being’s species, remembering the correct physical expressions and cultural context, adjusting those for the immediate context, multiplying those steps by everyone involved, and all on top of whatever else is required by the situation.
But in the Guard headquarters – where everyone shares the same face, the same voice, the same body, the same history – he can relax, reading nuances of conversation as easily as he knows himself. Just one more experience that the rest of the GAR, so often isolated together on their starships, don’t quite understand.
Of course, just as he is reaches the serving station, his comm goes off.
“Ah, Commander Fox. I was hoping you could swing by my office at your earliest convenience. I have a few items to discuss with you.”
“Of course, Chancellor. I’ll be right there.”
He sighs deeply then steps out of the line, passing off his empty tray to the person behind him as he heads for the speeder bay. The Chancellor hates to be kept waiting, so looks like midmeal is a ration bar whenever he can find a quiet corner. Again.
His comm goes off.
“Commander Fox, Lieutenant Parallax here. Are you able to come to the Senate spaceport? Vice-Chancellor Amedda’s flight window has been moved forward two hours. I have the men doing the pre-flight security check now, but the Vice-Chancellor has asked that a Commander be here to sign off on it. Only, Commander Thire was going to come but he’s stuck in a meeting for another hour, and Commander Stone has the prison security inspection, and Commander Thorn is on his sleep shift, so that really only leaves you and I know you’re busy…”
“Lieutenant Parallax, take a deep breath. I’m on my way.”
His comm goes off.
“Commander Fox, your assistance is requested in the Republic Plaza. The crowd is looking pretty tense and we could use a Commander on-site.”
It’s an increasingly common situation these days.
“I’m on my way.”
Fox groans as he collapses into the chair behind he his office desk, the sound one of both despair and relief. Relief, because datawork means the opportunity to sit somewhere quiet and private, deeply appreciated by both his aching body and aching head. Despair, because he’s pretty sure that the piles of datapads have multiplied further since he dropped off a few midmorning. Sure, half the pads only need his review and signature, but the sheer number of them all add up.
He is a dozen forms deep into the piles when his comm goes off, the beeping breaking through his concentration.
“Commander Fox, Senator Ta has received a Besh-7-52.”
A bomb threat. Again. How lovely. At this point Fox half suspects the good Senator of calling in the threat himself as an excuse to finish up early for the day. He can certainly understand the temptation.
“You know the drill. Start discretely clearing the area, I’ll organise a team and be on my way.”
Turning off the comm, Fox lets his head thunk down onto the desk, closing his eyes for a moment. So much for his respite and any hope of catching up on things. Levering himself to his feet, he scrawls off a few more signatures then retrieves his helmet.
His comm goes off.
“Hey Fox, this is Hound. Looks like that tip we were following up paid off in a big way. Are you free to join us in CoCo Town to log the haul?”
As much as he’s done with today, it’s good news. They’d had received a tip – from Dex himself, curiously enough – that someone was shipping weapons through Coruscant to the Seperatists and had recently been adding semi-classified intel to their transfers.
“I’m on my way.”
And then – not tonight, but maybe sometime next week – he’ll have to head over to the Diner and ask Dex to keep an ear out for any similar rumours.
Fox almost wishes his comm would go off. That way he would have an excuse to leave.
All he wanted was a few minutes to buy a very-latemeal. Instead he is standing here, in full uniform, watching three patrons of the supposedly-respectable noodlehouse go at each other. With knives.
For another second or two he doesn’t move, a part of him hoping that someone else will spontaneously appear to take care of the situation. Then someone pulls a blaster, and he wades in.
Back to work.
His comm goes off.
“Commander Fox, requesting your presence at the GAR holding block. Please explain to Captain Rex that his ARCs are not allowed to practice their freerunning exercises outside of formal training sessions while on Coruscant; especially in the main entertainment district, especially while drunk.”
“…I’m on my way.”
Why is it always the 501st?
Finally, he can stop talking at people and drag himself back to headquarters. The familiar corridors are dim, only sporadically lit; the offices have only a few Guards on call, with the night shift on duty out in the city and everyone else making use of their free hours to catch up with friends or sleep.
And doesn’t that sound lovely. He looks longingly down the corridor towards the barracks. Towards his little private room where his thin mattress and lumpy pillow are singing a siren call.
But he has a desk full of datapads that won’t sign themselves, and he knows for a fact that at least eight of them need to be passed on to the appropriate people to action them first thing tomorrow morning. Aka, in six hours.
With a deep sigh, Fox turns away from the promise of peacefully horizontal oblivion and retreats to his office and its kaf supplies.
What’s one more late night?
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