#but i Hate making them? for some reason?? never satisfied (shocker)
cellsshapedlikestars · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @hilarychuff
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
honestly, I'm sometimes embarrassed by how much I've written in the 3 1/2 years since I started posting. Currently 66
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,350,298. yikes.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at this point, Jonsa. we do not talk about The Prior Fandom
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a fairytale ending (by a WIDE margin)
the mating game
take me out
moth's wings
ever fallen in love (on national TV)
(shocker, it's all my romcoms lmao. also, let's not talk about how the top 4 are all fake dating fics. I can't help myself)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. I used to do it on all fics, but as discussed above, I'm a wordy bitch and at points responding to all comments on, for example, one shot event fics that I would post back-to-back got overwhelming. So I allowed myself to stop responding to comments on one shots. Recently I had quite the mental health dip and didn't respond to any for a while, but I think I'm back.
Part of the reason I like fandom is the sense of community. I started responding to comments on my first fic because I hadn't resurrected my tumblr from the grave yet, so it was the only way to interact with the fandom. Then I continued to because I appreciated the comments, even if they were simple and I had nothing else to say except thank you. I still try to on chaptered fics because, let's face it, without comments and without community, I wouldn't be posting my stories.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably my WWI one-shot
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I try to write at least *hopeful* endings for all my fics. I don't know if I can quantify "happiest", because I think that's different for everyone.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
of course. I feel like it's a rite of passage on ao3 to get some shitty hate comments
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*through clenched teeth* I sure do
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not really a fan of crossovers tbh
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that I'm aware of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! I don't think I could tbh. I'm sort of a control freak and I even have problems letting people pre-read things, I have no idea why. I think the only people I've let pre-read anything are @hilarychuff (who is my brainstorm buddy) and @greenhikingboots (who is the reason the last chapter of the ghost inside made any coherent sense)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I mean, Jonsa. I honestly don't ship that often
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
sigh. white knuckles.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm very fast at it lmao. Like, seriously. I type very fast. I'm also somehow really good at starting a fic off with only an inciting incident, no other real plans, and somehow coming up with a full plot/ending that I'm satisfied with, while posting it as I develop the story
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
outlines. smut.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I can barely handle English my guy
19. First fandom you wrote for?
hmmm that depends on what the criteria is. First fandom I wrote for was Sailor Moon, I just never posted it anywhere. Harry Potter was technically the first fandom I posted for, but it was one chapter and I never continued it and I genuinely can't even remember what it was called, all I remember is Harry melted Voldemort with a bucket of soapy water like in the Enchanted Forest Chronicles.
The first fandom I was actually active in and wrote more than just a chapter was... A secret. I'm actually a little embarrassed about it and my fics are still floating around out there and some of them make me cringe sooooo hard. I don't think I've ever admitted to it here on tumblr dot com and I don't think I will now
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
help me out of the shape I'm in
I'm always so anxious about tagging people and leaving people out and making them feel bad, but I'll try to do it anyway. @greenhikingboots @sibyldisobedience @thewolvescalledmehome @esther-dot @periwinkle39 @eruherdiriel and anyone else who wants to do this! (also, no pressure to anyone I did tag lol)
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gravesung · 2 months
quick and dirty bios for the unseen's inner circle (the sanctum)!
bc i just remembered sage and fletch are the only unseen creatures i actually have bios for.
*note — by default, these descriptions apply to the unseen as they are in shelter island. some details are subject to change based on verse. *note 2 — each member of the sanctum has a self-chosen tarot card that's left behind as a "calling card" at a particular job they claim responsibility for. in place of a stolen bounty, on top of a body, etc.
acheron ??? (he/him) — the poisoner
the emperor
calm, collected, honest but in a kind way. pretty emotionally intelligent.
as a rule, never pries into other people's business. lane = stayed in.
has a son who's in college rn! on good terms with his ex-wife.
ex-safecracker/bank robber
he makes poisons! has a little lab and everything
occasionally fletch will pull him out of retirement and make him go crack a safe. he complains about his knees
norah suman (she/her) — the engineer
the sun
has had a secret crush on seph for a couple years. designed her arms from the ground up, and the first point of contact when something goes wrong or seph needs a redesign/upgrade
dry humor, very blunt and often sarcastic
eyebrow piercing
habit of chopping off her hair when she's sad
makes the gadgets. makes explosives, modifies weapons, invents new shit, always thinking about new ways to do stuff. engineering as an art and a science at the same time.
also an up-and-coming tattoo artist!
orion aisa (he/they) — the forger
the moon
seph's twin brother
not a great fighter, hates using guns
eyepatch over his right eye. fletch took it when he and seph tried to escape as teenagers, along with ripping seph's arms off, which is a very normal and cool and chill reaction to have
trans lad. top surgery, took testosterone for a few years but then stopped. pretty satisfied with where he's at right now
excellent painter
suffers from hand tremors, though they fade when he paints
hector dionísio (he/him) — the muscle
the wheel of fortune
unpredictable and violent. unhinged.
will be having a drink with you and then at a hair-trigger provocation, he'll just turn around and start kicking the shit out of someone
scarily good fighter, way too fast for his muscular build
no one knows why fletch trusts him to be in the inner circle and not rat on them
unexpectedly very reliable as a teammate. he does his job very well
fixated on seph in a "constantly riling her so that she'll fight him whenever he wants" way
fixated on edith in a "why can't i land a hit on you. come here" way
pit fighter. so far undefeated
cody shimura (he/him) — the accountant
the most guy ever
he's so tired.
retired hedge fund manager, went into crime because he did some digging, realized the finance industry was already in fletch's pocket anyway, and his ability to stealthily uncover those secrets impressed fletch enough to hire him on.
tries to be a plant dad but he keeps killing them
surprisingly well-trained with a gun
occasionally pulls out the most scathing one-liners in the quietest and calmest voice imaginable
sage / VECTOR (she/her) — the driver
the world
technomancer (arcane hacker)
pokemon superfan
harvard dropout
a pretty normal person, generally, probably the least traumatized out of the crew
can summon cars / motorcycles made of, essentially, compressed/hardened demon souls sourced straight from hell
also has normal, non-summonable cars / motorcycles that she likes to augment and fix up with norah's help
has a giant fluffy dog named Baby
fucking Maniac behind the wheel. the dog's name is a reference to baby driver for a reason.
if she knew about @tewwor's vector alias, she would make them matching shirts
edith winter (she/they) — the thief
the hermit
sneaky. quiet. wow shocker
fey changeling who's lived on earth their whole life, but is in contact with the human child they replaced
raised by wolves a gang, sort of collectively alongside her parents. it takes a village yaknow. they all had a hand in training her to be the insanely skilled thief she is — edith was probably the most valuable piece on their board, even at a young age
said gang was absorbed by the unseen and scattered across the world for resisting said absorption. one of edith's parents was killed in the conflict, the other was sent across the world but she doesn't know where
no one knows if they're bitter about it or not. they don't talk about it
acheron taught her how to crack safes
caro vitale / deadfall (he/him) — the fence
the hanged man
owner of the black stag, a bar and antique shop just at the northern edge of the city where metropolis meets highway meets forest.
can sell anything to anyone
no one knows a single thing about this man except for the fact that he's fluent in italian. he WILL lie if you ask him anything else. caro vitale is also not his real name
he got that thang on him (a club)
tattoos everywhere
ishal king (they/them) — the doctor
fae nephilim (an angel fucked an archfey and produced a very strange kid), exiled from the autumn court for death crimes before going into the human medical field as a surgeon.
nearly got arrested for experimenting with nephilim blood (their own, but whatever guys), faked their death, joined the unseen. now works happily and privately for fletch in their silly little lab.
mushroom garden
medicinal plant expert alongside their knowledge of modern medicine
ominous positivity
anah tannar (she/her) — the spy
the lovers, reversed
you know her! you love her! she's probably broken your heart!
local celebrity influencer
resident honeypot for any woman-attracted target
prefers to be flashy and stand out, but also insanely good at blending in and being invisible when need be
serial dater. never lets anyone too close, but loves to have a web of one-way connections to people who think they're her best friend or favorite ex, and/or owe her a favor (she has a book of debts)
a genuinely compassionate person underneath it all, she just leaned hard into her manipulative side after being used one too many times
persephone aisa (they/she) — the assassin
first lieutenant/right hand to amari fletch, and thus second-in-command to the unseen itself
sharpshooter, beat-upper, gunfighter, knife-swinger. if john wick can do it, so can they
cold, aggressive, hostile. deadly as fuck. if you follow this blog you probably came from hers so i won't go into too much detail SJDKHJKSD
amari fletch (they/he) — the leader
the tower (also the name they're publicly known by)
i swear they're not secretly thousands of years old i swearrrrr (yes they are) (they cheated death in a game of dice and bear the mark of cain for it)
think gus fring, netflix wilson fisk, silco — that type of person
spidery motherfucker, aka has connections eeeeverywhere. so many judges, cops, government officials in their pocket.
for the most part, fletch is satisfied with the world the way that it is. the unseen profits nicely, they have as much power as they need, and no one fucks with them (if they even know it exists)
if someone does fuck with him and his, however, he will not hesitate to make a violent and chaotic example of them for the rest of the world to see.
calm and levelheaded 99% of the time. 1% of the time, off-the-wall destructive
will take risks if they can see a benefit and the consequence of failure won't fuck up their plans.
extremely powerful in a fight (is not human) with enough raw strength to fully charge straight through a building wall by wall if they wanted to. but they don't. lmao
seph is their protegé (????) (i genuinely don't have a term for their relationship it's so fucked up and hard to describe), & they are very very possessive about it
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mcousland · 5 years
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MAEVE SOMMERS ↳ modern au insta
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shinescape · 3 years
tw: Poly relationship. Character being blindfolded and tied up. No smut just a lot of tension, teasing and suggestive content.
note: 2.3k of i don't know how to put it but it happened.
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Play time
It was Saturday, resting day for most and laundry day for you and the boys. The fact that their clothes piled more than yours had you sighing loudly as you placed all the dried clothes in a basket.
It was almost lunch time but the other two were still sound asleep. You went into your room and spotted Seonghwa lying down on the bed, busy on his phone. You stepped closer to the bed and tilted the basket, all the garments falling on the bed and some hit his chest.
You didn’t say a word and sat down on the bed, starting to fold the clothes. “I’m finishing this round then I’ll help, okay?” You hummed back in response and continue on with the folding. Their clothes were bigger than yours so even after a few shirts, you were starting to get tired. You heard Seonghwa clicked his phone off and he started to sit down properly before taking a piece to fold.
The both of you worked in silence and the once pile of clothes started to disappear gradually. “Why are we even folding their clothes as well?” Seonghwa asked out of nowhere. “You’ve already folded more than ten shirts and decided to ask that, Hwa? You know how both of us hate it when they just put their clothes on the sofa so might as well just do this.” He looked at you and pouted, agreeing to the fact that both of you can’t handle the amount of clothes around the house scattered by the other two.
He looked at you long enough and decided to ask, “Is there anything you want to tell me, sweetheart?” You paused at his sudden endearment. What is going on all of a sudden, you thought. “Like what?” “Is there anything you want to try besides the usual things we do? You know like se-” Before he could finish his words, you threw a boxer at his face.
“Hey, I was asking nicely you know. But seriously, I saw the way you look at me sometimes. It’s like you have something you want to say but you shrug it off afterwards.” At this point, your whole body heated up yet you still fold the clothes like it’s nothing. “Come on, don’t ignore me, babe. Just tell me what it is that you want to try. Hurm?”
The first thing you should do was avoid his eyes or his pouting lips, basically his whole face but you looked up and everything just jumbled up in your head. Telling him your unspoken fantasies would embarrass you to death and it’s Park Seonghwa we’re talking here. He’s like a switch, sometimes he’s kind and soft and other times he’s dangerous and rough.
He was still staring at you intently, the boxer still in his hand. “I...I’ve always wanted to try blindfolding you,” Your lips feel dry all of a sudden and you licked them before continuing, “and tying your hands up.” You literally covered your face and slammed down to the covers, as if it would change anything.
Seonghwa could not believe what he just heard and the fact that you said it nervously made his stomach churned weirdly. He pushed away whatever that was between you two and pulled you back up by the shoulder. He watched how you were avoiding from looking at him, as if you might just lose control and pushed him down that instant.
“Is that all?” You shivered at the low tone of his voice and took the courage to look at him in the eyes. “I kinda like seeing you in blue jeans and a white shirt too.” You said cautiously.
He was processing everything that you said as his fingers slowly let go of you without realising. Felt as if you were going to be sucked into his gaze, you clumsily get off the bed and leave the room.
Leaving Seonghwa in his own thoughts, questioning why he asked in the first place if he himself can’t handle the fact that his lover has this side that was kept hidden all this time. It’s like he unlocked a part of you and was trying to wrap the idea around his head.
A week passed by after that seemingly heart to heart talk, it was Saturday again but no laundry to wash just a normal weekend breakfast.
You were having breakfast with Wooyoung since the other two went out early in the morning to god knows where. He wanted to cook you breakfast but you declined saying he should just rest and both of you ended up eating cold milk with cereal.
“Is everything okay? You seemed out of it these days.” He ruffled your hair and pulled you closer, planting a kiss on your temple. “Everything’s fine.” You smiled at him and hoped that he let it pass.
He narrowed his eyes at you and you can’t help but pinched his cheeks. “Any plans for today?” “None, I’m just going to laze around and play games. Unless, you have something else in mind.” He smirked to which you rolled your eyes at him. “Nothing, I’m just gonna go take a nap.” You kissed him on the lips and stood up with the bowl in your hand.
You heard movements as you were washing the bowl, an arm snaked its way around your waist. “You woke up an hour ago, let’s play a bit hmm?” You were controlling every fiber in your body to not react to his advances.
You turned around and hugged him back, “Imagine Seonghwa finding out we had fun without him, he’ll get upset.” You tried to reason. Wooyoung pulled back from the hug and gave you an annoyed look.
“You’re always so obedient to him.” He suddenly went straight to your neck and bit it. You were taken aback by his actions but he pulled away before you could scold him. He went away sulking and you sighed as you rubbed the skin he just bit. It hurts but the moist of his lips lingered and odd thoughts were getting to your head.
Afterwards, you were playing with your phone on the sofa that after some time you actually fell asleep. A couple hours later, you woke up to someone entering one of the doors in the house. You rubbed your eyes and stood up to stretch your limbs.
The house was still quiet and you assumed that Wooyoung was just in his room. You walked to your room and was about to twist the knob when it burst open, surprising you in the process. “Are you going out again, Seonghwa?” You took in his outfit and noticed that it was different than earlier in the morning.
He walked up closer to you and held you by the shoulders, “You want to do it now?” You had to blink a few times and looked at him confused. “I just woke up...and why all of a sudden?” That’s when you realised his outfit. He’s wearing a white cotton shirt and a pair of blue jeans.
You placed a palm on his chest and turned your head to the side. What the hell, is he serious about this? You felt his fingers wrapped around your hand that was on his torso and was pulling you inside the room. It was safe to say you were wide awake the moment you saw him but what’s about to happen doesn’t look safe at all.
You were sitting on the bed and he was standing right in front of you, looking fine as ever. He looked down at you and gave you something. “Is this yours?” You examine the two materials that he passed. One was a lace and the other was a tie. He hummed and crawled on the bed, leaning at the backrest.
You were contemplating as usual. As much as it was exciting, you were still somewhat intimidated by him. You made your way and sat in front of him. “I can’t believe you want to do this.” You said and tried to read his face, his eyes were staring directly at you yet the tips of his ears were red.
“This is going to be the first and last.” He said and ushered you to go on with it. You went closer and took both his hands behind him, tying it up with the necktie he gave earlier. The both of you were looking into each other's eyes as you made sure the tie was secured properly around his wrists.
“Is it too tight?” You whispered shyly. This was a first for you thus you wanted to make sure he was absolutely fine with it. He shook his head and smiled at you. You wondered how he was able to smile when you can tell deep down he’s about to lose it, the fact that he agreed to this was enough of a shocker to you.
Your eyes were leveled now and you just had to confirm, “Are you really sure about this, Hwa?” “Just do it, sweetheart.” You gulped at his reply and slowly covered his eyes with the lace.
His eyes were your favourites, just staring into them always made you weak but seeing him in this state sparked something in you like never before. You made sure he can’t see and even waved your hand in front of his blinded eyes to confirm.
You told him to lie down comfortably even though his hands were behind his back which made it hard to move around. “I can’t believe I did this to you.” You took in the sight of the never before seen Seonghwa and felt heat rushed throughout your body.
He was nervous since he couldn't see and his hands were tied so the only thing he could do was licked his lips. You got up from the bed slowly and looked at him again. He doesn’t seem as intimidating as he always was and it surely excites you yet you didn’t know what to do next. “You’re still there right?” He questioned and you hummed at him in response.
Without thinking much, you left the room and went to find Wooyoung. You had your fair share of experience but you never took the lead and realise how embarrassing that sounded. It was always Seonghwa, he does everything to make you feel loved and satisfied.
“Woo, I need your help.” You found him in his room, on his phone. He sat up and gave you a questioning look. “What is it?” You didn’t reply and rushed to his side and dragged him to where Seonghwa was.
When he saw the state Seonghwa was in, he gasped so loud you had to put a hand over his mouth. “You did this to him?” He asked quietly and you nodded in embarrassment.
Wooyoung cleared his throat loudly and saw Seonghwa froze. “Did you call him here?” “I’m sorry Hwa. To be honest I don’t know what to do and Woo seemed like he can help out a bit.” You heard him groan from the bed. “I’m going to have so much fun right now.” He smirked at the older male who was now trying to untie himself.
“You should go sit on him. For a start.” You gawked at his directness and he only pushed you to the bed as a support. You could not believe what was going on yet both your legs were now wrapped on either side of Seonghwa’s body.
Wooyoung who was now on the swivel chair with crossed legs watched the sight unfold in front of him. He told you to move up to his stomach and you heard the man under you hissed. “Stop...moving too much.” You had to admit Seonghwa was looking hot and bothered right under you and that lace made him look even hotter if that was even possible.
You couldn’t help but kiss him and felt that he wanted more as he tried to hold on to your lips longer yet you pulled away. Of course you felt bad but you have all the time to kiss on later so what’s the rush right?
“Shouldn’t we get that shirt off from him, babe?” You turned to watch Wooyoung taking something from your table and coming back to you with a playful smile. “Jung Wooyoung, I’m going to kill you once this is over.” Seonghwa growled which Wooyoung found it even more fun to tease him. You were torn between whether to stop everything or listen to Wooyoung and just do whatever he told you to. But was stopping even an option anymore?
He came closer to Seonghwa and kissed his cheek before grabbing the hem of his shirt and starting to snip its way up to the collar. The shirt now split up and you're just sitting there staring at his bare torso. “I just bought this shirt, you idiot!”
“Aww, that’s so cute of you to actually go buy one just for this.” Wooyoung chuckled, clearly enjoying the fact that he’s in control of Seonghwa at the moment. This was like a one of a lifetime chance might as well make it worthwhile before it ends, Wooyoung thought.
Although you were the one on top of Seonghwa right now, it felt like you were third wheeling instead. Your mind went totally blank and at this point whatever instructions Wooyoung gave, you would follow it willingly like a lost child.
As he was about to say something, the bedroom door creaked open. “Guys, I’m back! I brought dinner too.” You and Wooyoung turned to the door where Mingi stood there grinning, unaware of the situation.
Once he did, the expression on his face changed. “What is going on here?” He tried to take in the sight of what his lovers were up to while he was away.
You were sitting on a struggling Seonghwa and Wooyoung who sat next to both of you with the most mischievous look ever. It was indeed a sight to see.
“We’re planning to have dessert first. You wanna join us, Mingi?” At Wooyoung’s words he shut the door and made his way towards all of you.
“Why not. So where should we start?”
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life-rewritten · 4 years
TharnType 7 Years: A flashback to the past and A foreshadow of the future aka The truth of TharnType and LeoFiat ;Episode 6
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Guess what another Tharn and Type analysis, another repetition of the duality, mirroring, shadowing of Tharn and Type (TT) and Leo and Fiat, but this time it's even more complicated, and every time I analyse these two it gets even more complicated and painful. I'm going to try and write out a full analysis of why Leo and Fiat (LF) are more complicated when you try to compare them to TT. Fiat reminds us of Type in season 1; he's stubborn, immature and problematic and Leo reminds us of Tharn just by longing secretly for Fiat and always putting Fiat's well being first, but that's only on the surface. Leo and Fiat have even more depth than those comparisons, there are times where Fiat is actually more like Tharn and Leo is more frustrating as Type. Confused? Let's go into more detail.  Also JUST realised that it’s both episode 6 of season 1 and season 2 that are mirrored this way. That’s incredible. 
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What I like Mame and her writing for shows is that she loves making sure you go through a journey with her characters. Her villains usually are not just one-dimensional irrational villains, they have depth, in fact, most of the time they have their own love interest later, sometimes we root for them (like Tin from Love By Chance Season 1, and Tul from a chance to love), sometimes we feel upset and angry and frustrated at the actions they do. It's no surprise in a show as explosive as TT we get Fiat, someone who is also very polarising. But you know what? I love that about him. I didn't think this series will make me fall for another couple as much as I love TT, but no I am obsessed with Leo and Fiat, their dynamic, their requited longing that they both don't see and think it's unrequited from their point of views, their love for each other and what they mean to each other. 
You can find my previous Tharn and Type posts about how this season is about Misunderstandings, Misreading and Miscommunications from two different perspectives, our couples all have something to overcome since they don't see each other's views, and Leo and Fiat are the same. The most important thing they don't know about each other is how much, how great, how uncontrollably they are with their love for each other. Leo is refusing to show it, and Fiat is more reactive and preventive to it. Both are idiots who can't see something so obvious, but hey that's what makes this trope even more angsty and dramatic, both couples go through drama, pain and we the audience join the ride. And it's funny people complain that this show has no angst as the past season. Still, Leo and Fiat literally are the plotline of the past season, just as angsty, just as passionate (despite no s*x) and just as dramatic and idiotic. 
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 What I love about TT and LF as a couple is that they both are flawed. It's funny because other people always focus on just one of the couples as the most problematic, but no, they are always both all in need of growth and change. Shocking right? It seems like we should feel sorry for Leo, and hate and complain about Fiat's personality, but actually, Leo is just as problematic as Fiat, he's also been a source of hurt to Fiat for so long. The same way in season 1, Type was to Tharn, and Tharn was to Type at the beginning when he didn't know what Type went through. The beautiful thing is seeing how love changes these characters, how needing each other makes them finally become who they're meant to be and how they finally get to their end; confident, happy and satisfied. And we the audience are part of this, we end up crying, and never wanting to let go of the show.  Let me show you how:
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Tharn Type and Pufai vs Leo Fiat and Type dilemma
Ah yes, I'm sure you've seen the similarities and mirroring to Leo and Fiat with Tharn and Type in season 1 episode 4-7. The introduction of Pufai caused a massive problem for Tharn and Type and almost caused them to end everything. One because it was the most hurtful Type was to Tharn, and two because it was the only time Tharn almost gave up on Type. It's so interesting when you look at what was happening at that time, and then when you look at Fiat and Leo, you see the similarities on a different level. Let me explain;
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When Pufai shows up Tharn and Type are unofficial, they call themselves s*x friends, Type ensures Tharn that they're not in a relationship and he shouldn't overstep the line with it. Tharn as always is more believing that he can make Type agree to be his, and everything seems great at that time. Except then Pufai shows up, she's interested in Type and is precisely what he thinks is his type, he also is enjoying getting to know her, and he finds himself intrigued by her flirting with him. Type does not see any problem (though there's guilt) to flirting with Pufai because he's not dating Tharn, they're not official, they are just friends with benefits. Type keeps it a secret; he's seeing Pufai, but Tharn finds out and loses his cool, how could Type do this? Isn't he his? This leads Type to emphasise on the unofficiality of their relationship with a list of rules, they were never meant to be anything. Tharn is accepting of this at first because it's the only way he can stay with Type however the more Type gets close to Pufai, mostly planning to sleep and ask her to be his girlfriend, the more his heart shatters. Tharn proceeds to break down and cry about the futile love he has for Type. He has to move on, but he doesn't know how. Except, Type realises that if there are people like Pufai in his life, there'd be others for Tharn, he doesn't like that; Tharn is his, and so from here we see Type apologise, and TT become official to each other. Their relationship is now deemed unbreakable, no one else is allowed to break it, they've chosen each other as their person. You may be wondering why I have just repeated this whole storyline, but it's crucial, now read through this summary of Leo and Fiat and try and find out why:
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Leo and Fiat are friends, but not really. They've been close to each other for 10 years. I say not really because everyone even we can tell there's more to them. Fiat is always trying to cross the line with their friendship; he ensures Leo knows he wants him to flirt and notice him. Leo ignores this and thinks Fiat is fickle and not serious. Fiat then proceeds to sleep with others, and flirt with others to take his attention from that. But each time that happens, he gets bored and returns back to Leo flirting and asking for his attention like a child. Leo is comfortable with this, as long as he's Fiat's main focus, as long as he's able to keep Fiat by his side, then what they have is excellent. Except Type shows up, he's Fiat's type, he's intrigued in getting to know him, and Type pays attention to Fiat more than others do, for Fiat, they have a connection, something feels warm and safe with Type, and wow he wants to pursue what he has with Type. Pause before episode 4 Fiat didn't know Type wasn't single, he just chose to be serious with Type before that, he fell for Type before that.
Leo is uncomfortable; this doesn't sit right for some reason, Type is actually important to Fiat and Fiat is not paying attention to him. Leo tells Fiat, Type is dating, Fiat brushes it off and says he still wants Type. Leo explodes, and Fiat ends up broken-hearted and hurt that Leo would kick him out. More shockingly, he unveils that the reason he's desperate to be with someone like Type is because; Surprise! Leo, and yet Leo isn't thinking about how he feels. Shocker. Leo returns and apologises and takes Fiat inside but now we the audience are confused? What does he mean by that? Why is liking Type for Leo? Why is Fiat so problematic, and why is Leo and Fiat's dynamic confusing? 
Did you see the similarities?  Let's look at it differently. Let's give roles to Fiat and Leo as TT, who is more like Tharn in the Pufai arc and who is more like Type? 
On the Surface and Personalities.
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Obviously, the first thing you look at is the designated Uke and Seme role. Who in this story on the surface so far is longing for the other, and who is acting like what they have doesn't matter and is problematic. Well, Leo is acting more like Tharn then. He's longing secretly and hurt because of Fiat's actions with other people, just as Tharn did with Pufai and Type, he's the one showing jealousy and fear of being left. He's not okay with the shift in their unofficial relationship and seems like he wants more. Like Tharn he looks perfect, protective and romantic than Fiat. He seems devoted and loyal like Tharn is to Type. And he's the seme just like Tharn. So he must be mirroring Tharn, right?
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And we have Fiat like Type his eyes wander, he's the one who's treating what he and Leo have as nothing, he's problematic and loud and stubborn and childish just like Type was in the arc. Type shouted, was rude, and even punched Tharn remember? He proceeded to keep being nonchalant towards Tharn's feelings because Tharn wasn't the one for him. After all, he was homophobic. Fiat is not homophobic, but he's spoilt, childish and selfish, he's an attention seeker, so he acts like a brat to get attention. When he has the attention, he takes people for granted, and he does things that are problematic for example he doesn't think it's wrong to stop wanting Type after finding out he's not single. Fiat is like because I want it I must have it. And Type was similar; not the same way (trying to ruin a relationship) but he was selfish and cruel to Tharn because he refused to acknowledge what Tharn wanted, he could tell it was killing Tharn, but he proceeded because it didn't mean anything or he was trying to convince himself that it didn't mean anything, he was just as bratty and childish as Fiat was when questioned about his choices. So yeh he's mirroring Type in this situation right? 
Except still looking on the surface, mind you; let's look at the mindsets and psychological past of the characters and see who mirrors who here. Bare with me, let me explain. 
On Background and Mindsets
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Let's look at the background: Tharn is used to getting what he wants, that's why when Type continues to reject him he keeps holding out hope it'll happen, he also is rich, spoilt and manipulative but in a more sneaky way. He knows how to guilt Type into feeling sorry, and he convinced Type to continue what they have. When he realises things aren't going his way, he mopes, rejects it but then goes back to Type until he can't take it anymore. I also want you to notice who ends up crying and heartbroken in this arc it's Tharn this is important for later. 
 Tharn also felt unlovable and always was seeking for someone to pay attention and stay by his side; he's the middle child who ended up having to grow quicker and be a tiny bit neglected, he also had his heartbroken from the previous relationships; he's always felt left behind, neglected and not taken seriously. Who does that remind you of? Fiat. 
Although Tharn's family loved him, so he still ended up okay. Fiat is a worse version of Tharn; in this case, he was just as neglected but even graver because his parents paid no attention to him and only gave him material things (hence why he's spoilt and selfish), he realised that acting like a baby got him attention and what he wants;  that's why he's manipulative. He also felt not taken seriously by people, like people didn't get him. Even the person he cared about; Leo, who he was confident was someone he can rely on also made him feel neglected (because he kept ignoring his feelings). Fiat knows how to act like a baby to get Leo to bend to his will, but just like Tharn with Type in the Pufai arc, he doesn't think it's because Leo is 100 % devoted to him. It's also Fiat who ends up crying broken-hearted during this episode. I'll explain later. 
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Type is different, his mindset is shaped by his past. He doesn't think what he and Tharn could be is right, he's homophobic and determined to keep what they have unofficial. He doesn't want to cross the line, he keeps on pushing away Tharn's feelings refusing to deal with it seriously, and this is why he gets fixated on Pufai. He's desperate to avoid what he feels for Tharn, and he's desperate to keep his walls up no matter what because he's afraid to be hurt. It makes sense. As much as people don't yet see this, same as Leo. Type is protective of his heart, himself and his environment, Leo is the same, he doesn't think crossing the line with Fiat is right not because he's homophobic but because he thinks Fiat's feelings are fickle and not real; he keeps refusing to see that Fiat wants him because he's afraid showing Fiat feelings will make him bored and move on, and ruin their friendship. He's desperate to keep pretence that what they have is friendship, is defensive when people joke about him and Fiat and is repeatedly ignoring anytime Fiat tries to make a move. It's frustrating, and each time he does it, Fiat gets hurt even more. 
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This is why he's on the stairs crying wondering if Leo ever actually thinks about how he feels in their situation. It's the same way Tharn thought about Type. Leo is determined to not seem vulnerable, in love or weak, he even pretends his selfless actions to Fiat has no meaning even when Fiat prods him for answers he refuses to tell him why he does all the things he does, he claims its because he wants to, he has to because Fiat is crazy, but we all know it's because of three simple words, he loves him. And Fiat has guessed and questioned that just as Tharn assumed that Type also loved him but wasn't ready to show it. Tharn stayed loyal and patient with Type until Pufai entered the picture. Fiat is the same, when Type shows up (a difference because Pufai was for Type) he's desperate to change his loyalties so he can stay by Leo's side without hurting and giving up, on them. 
Basically, Fiat is doing what Tharn would have done if Type had not returned to him during Pufai arc, he would have started looking for someone else to take the pain away from not having Type. And Leo is like Type when Type realises he can't keep things unofficial because it means; others like Pufai could come to Tharn, he doesn't like that, and he proceeds to cross the line with Tharn. Leo is becoming that way, the way Fiat wants Type is starting to no longer be a meaningless thing he can avoid, he's beginning to realise that their unofficial status, he so desperately tried to keep has no hold or control over this situation, he's still learning, but soon he'll realise being vulnerable is the only way to remedy this, but he might be too late. 
So on the surface, you see how these two mirror each other? Let's look at this even more further. The unofficial list that Type sent Tharn is the same as the determination to keep things unofficial Leo has with Fiat. It's more unspoken, but it's the same rules without the sleeping together aspect. Leo is okay with Fiat being with others as long as they're not interfering with what he and Fiat have.  Leo is okay with them cuddling and being close and doing things for each other but never crossing that line.  Leo has the role as Fiat's person to everyone, he's the protector, most intimate relationship and the designated 'boyfriend' role to Fiat as long as no one tries and label it. Leo is okay with certain rules and understandings about what he and Fiat have, like rules, and as long as Fiat and others don't try and label it, it shouldn't be an issue. It's the same way as Type. 
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Duality and Differences of Opinion
The difference here is Leo isn't chasing after someone else, he's not the one with the Pufai. Fiat is. Leo isn't being cruel to Fiat by proceeding to find someone else the way Type does, but he's still doing the same thing Type does to Tharn with or without another person. He's still invalidating Fiat's feelings, he's still preventing the line from being crossed no matter how much Fiat tries, he's still defensive when it comes to others seeing them as more than friends, and he's adamant that what Fiat is saying he's feeling is not right, it's just Fiat being Fiat, and it's not going to last, it's the same way Type thought about Tharn's feelings.  
Fiat may be the one who seems like the one invalidating the relationship, but it's actually more complicated than that. In Leo's perspective, he's Tharn; he's the one with the unrequited love, the one with the person who doesn't take his feelings seriously, who sleeps with others cruelly without taking account his feelings, the person he's had to stay loyal and patient with because he's devoted to him entirely.
 In Fiat's perspective? He's Tharn, he's the one who's been trying years to cross that line with Leo, he's the one who has been waiting for Leo to take him seriously, he's the one who has to try and search for others to ensure that he's distracted by his rejected feelings so he can keep being by Leo's side, he's desperately searching for someone else like Leo, so he doesn't keep hurting secretly by his invalidation of what they have. For Fiat, he's the one who's loyal, patient and devoted to Leo ultimately; everyone can see it, he even lets Leo know how he feels.  But also it's the reason why he keeps on acting spoilt and bratty; it's all for Leo's attention and love. It's the only time Leo shows him affection. Everything Fiat does is for Leo. He wasn't being dramatic when he said it in this episode. So why is he falling for Type then?  What's the deal with Type then? 
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The importance of Pufai
To understand why Fiat wants Type. You have to again return back to the surface similarities he has with Type in season 1. You have to look at why Type decided to give a relationship with Pufai a go despite knowing he had Tharn. The reasons why Type wanted Pufai:
She was right for him
She was his type 
She intrigued him
He liked talking and being with her
Let's break this down and compare it to Fiat then:
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The right person for him
Type thought Pufai was right for him. One she was a girl, and he was finally relieved he found a girl he liked, someone who was just as into him, as confident and flirty as him, and he wanted that about her. She also showed him she had similarities to him, she mentioned the type of food he liked and found they had a lot in common. She was an ideal girlfriend. For Fiat, Type is not right for him because of the same reasons, but because he found someone who was just like him. Remember Fiat reminded Type of a younger him; Type was inspirational to Fiat, he also was someone who paid attention to him and showed him care and nurture when others didn't understand him. Type showed him the same kind of patience Leo showed him, but he also called Fiat out, and Fiat liked that. He could tell he and Type were similar, and it made him feel safe and happy when he was with Type. Type also was the person who was helping him deal with the fact that he couldn't play basketball, he was involved in the process of healing and assisting Fiat to become stronger to return to his passion. Fiat found that as another reason for why Type was right for him. Finally, there was someone else other than Leo who made him feel comfortable, happy and was determined to help him get to his passion. Type replaced the empty space Leo left when he went to Italy. Fiat embraced that and became obsessed with it. 
His Type 
In case it's not apparent his type are people who aren't afraid to call him out. People who make him calm down. Remember Fiat liked that Leo was able to be someone who helped deal with his emotional crisis, someone who was able to keep him in control, he trusted and appreciated who he was with Leo. Type reminded him of Leo, just like Leo paid attention but also made sure to scold Fiat whenever he took things too far;Type did the same, Type managed to tame Fiat by just speaking to him and calling him out on why he was throwing tantrums. Type is also good looking, and mature (same as Leo) and calm. We know he isn't generally like this, but this is how he appears in front of Fiat, and Fiat likes that about him. Plus Type is a quest. Or started off as a quest. Type had his walls up remember to Fiat? He was confused why he wasn't giving in to his manipulations, or his charm like others will. The other person who had walls up and didn't give into Fiat's charm was you guessed it, Leo. So Type is a similar copy of Leo to Fiat, someone who makes him excited, giddy, but also someone he can't win over easily. The idea of the chase also ensures that for the first time, he won't be easily bored, he'd always be distracted if he chooses to chase after Type. 
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Intrigue and Needs
It's that chase that kept Fiat intrigued and wanting to know more about Type. For Type Pufai fascinated him because she did not shy away from him, she flirted and was direct to him. Also, she intrigued him because at that moment, he was dealing with intense internalised homophobia and confused feelings. He was starting to be scared of falling for Tharn, for the way he was feeling for Tharn and how it was beginning to consume him despite his need to try and ignore it. 
Fiat is the same. Fiat was falling for a futile relationship. Not falling; was already addicted and attached to the idea of a hopeless relationship that was hurting him. He was realising how much it was becoming a problem for him to be without Leo; it was killing him, and if you watch episode 2 again you can see how much Leo's absence was breaking him. He was realising he had to do something otherwise he would be forever stuck in this cycle. It would ruin the friendship he had with Leo. 
Type was intriguing because he was the first person in so long that Fiat wasn't bored of, he was the first person that made Fiat want to do something, to forget Leo, the first person who distracted Fiat from his ache. So Type was like a cure he needed desperately, he needed someone to keep him in denial, to make him forget about the issue with the unofficiality with Leo, to make him stop resenting the fact that his feelings were invalidated. Type did that. It doesn't matter if Type has a boyfriend (the more the chase becomes intriguing for him) because Type is the first person he feels this way for. It has to be Type he chases after, it has to be Type who he ends up with because if not; his choice is to stay stuck in this painful cycle with Leo. 
That's why he tells Leo it has to be Type, that's why he breaks down when Leo tells him it can't be because he was now sure he wasn't going to be able to keep being quiet and patient about what he had with Leo. The same realisation Tharn had in the bar with Type and Pufai, it had to end. But for both Fiat and Tharn, the idea of losing their person was a damaging thought, they didn't know how to cope with. Hence Fiat was desperate to find a solution for him; it was Type.
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Talking and Being with him
That's another thing Type found out with Pufai, he liked replying to her texts, their flirtations made him smile, and he enjoyed speaking to her despite being in love with Tharn. Fiat is the same, he smiles just at the thought of seeing or talking to Type. He likes learning, and seeing that Type is a good person. He enjoyed observing Type, and how he acted, but also he liked the conversations they had, their discussions were deep even if people don't want to acknowledge it. Type's first conversation with Fiat was about how he understood what he was feeling and how he knew why he was acting the way he was. It was vulnerable, it was inspiring it was deep, not surface level. And Type also opened up to Fiat this episode, about his stress, burdens and others. 
Their conversations are actually interesting and important, and they both help the other feel better. It's why Type is okay with showing Fiat attention (despite how he acted when he was angry and stressed) he sees Fiat like a little brother, a version of his old self. And Fiat sees Type as a role model, someone to look up to and learn from and be with. That's why he liked talking to him. But Leo is the person who Fiat loves the most to discuss with, to be with and to stay with. But when Leo can't be an option, Type is a perfect replacement, distraction and copy. 
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How Pufai affected TT
Tharn: He broke down and tried to accept it, but he was broken-hearted. Similar to Fiat breaking down at the Futility of what he and Leo have. He realised like Tharn there was no way to get over Leo if it's not Type. Hence his determination that it must be Type even if he has kids or a boyfriend.
Type: She made him think others could do the same to Tharn. If he got with her; Tharn would be free to sleep around and find someone else. This is why he runs back; meanwhile, Leo is also finding this out slowly the more Fiat falls for Type. If he doesn't show ownership of Fiat, then he's free to do what he wants.  Leo knows that, and he's afraid because he also can see that Type isn't like others to Fiat, Type is a replacement for him. That's what he was angrier about; not Fiat saying Type had a boyfriend, but he'll still chase him, he was mad because this was more serious for Fiat than he wanted it to be.
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 That's the difference with TT and LF. Type realised that Tharn was the one once he couldn't sleep with Pufai, once he realised what he wanted was Tharn. Leo knows what he wants but refuses to let himself be vulnerable, refuses to try and cross that line and keeps finding excuses why he and Fiat are friends. Fiat is like Tharn; patient, sulky and devoted, but he's also different to Tharn because he had a different environment with family. Fiat is what Tharn did before Type if you remember:  he slept around with people desperate to find the one and be loved. Unfortunately, he got bored, left and hurt each time he returned back to his situation and the permanent realisation that Leo was his person. It was futile he wouldn't be able to get over him. Tharn at that moment had given up on the idea of finding love, so seeing Type, he was determined to make it real no matter what. Same as Fiat just not the same way, for Leo he was determined to make it stay the same no matter what so he was determined to find someone else no matter what.  If Fiat didn't try to find a way to move on from Leo, he would end up being Long in season 1, he'd be angry and upset and manipulative and determined to ruin whoever tried to be with Leo. But the reason why he tried to move on was that he didn't want to be resentful of Leo, he tried to find a way to stay by his side without breaking each time he did. That's why he's determined it must be Type. 
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Oh wow. The way I'm obsessed with these two couples dynamic, the way I live every Friday to see more, to uncover more, to know more about them. I live for this trope. I keep repeating it. But it makes me appreciate Mame's genius so much, I know it's forbidden to praise her as a writer. Still, when it comes to TT, Mame is a gift, she's incredible. She ensures that her characters are written with so much depth, and intrigue, their love is so deep it transcends everything, it makes everyone lose their minds, it makes everyone want to keep on watching and obsessing over the stories when she reveals the truth. Fiat and Leo are her reveals and plot twist this season. They're incredible. I hope people see why I love this show so much. I hope it stays this way until the end. 
More Tharn Type Analysis: Masterpost Check under Tharn and Type Here
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ducavalentinos · 3 years
How would you rate Sabatini's biography on Cesare? I love it, but I wondered if you had any other (English) recommendations? Also take a shot everyone Sabatini interrupts his narrative to talk about how hot Cesare was sfhttjjggj
I think as far as Cesare bios goes, I’d rate his biography 7/10. I have conflicted feelings with Sabatini’s work, because I love his writing style, his sense of humour is great, it matched mine right away, and he has such a genius way of pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards applied to the Borgia family. He cleverly shows how much of the Borgia myths and general accusations thrown their way are connected to politics (shocker!) and to their Spaniard, and less nobly origins. Not to mention how he exposes the historical bias against Cesare, and general dishonesty with him, from primary sources to modern historians such as Gregorovius, that paragraph Sabatini wrote about him was truly a moment in the Borgia historical literature for me, I'm glad he said it. I just wish he hadn't fallen so hard for the Machiavellian Prince archetype about Cesare. The more I re-read his work, the more it becomes clear to me he took Machiavelli’s writings about Cesare at face value, fell in love with the image presented by him, and then proceeded (whether consciously or unconsciously) to apply this interpretation, one that has its limitations and flaws on their own, to all the facets of Cesare’s character, and all the other aspects of his life lol, which resulted in this too strict, robot-like persona. There is no nuance, no deepth to Cesare’s Sabatini, he exists only as the stoic, unscrupulous, unfeeling Machiavellian Prince. It’s a mistake I see being made time and again by most of Cesare’s biographers, many who follow Sabatini too blindly, or just Borgia biographers in general tbh, but Sabatini’s bio acutely illustrates this particular issue better than the other bios I’ve read I think, (with the exception perhaps of Beuf’s “work”, who somehow managed to outdone Sabatini in this Machiavellian presentation of Cesare, taking it to new extremes with super dramatic and misleading writing, for the most part). And you know, I always get the impression Sabatini had his own conflicted feelings in regards to The Prince, and its clear-headed, pragmatic politics. He seemed to admired it and feel repulsed by it at the time. And those mixed feelings sometimes ended up leaking into his view and writing about Cesare and some historical events, and what he believed had happened (e.g., the take of Urbino), and I find that very interesting. In any case, the point is: Sabatini’s Cesare is unrealistic, and it constantly enters into conflict with what Sabatini also presents as evidence for his history. I mean, he insists throughout the book in reaffirming Cesare was a utter egoist, cold man. Only moved by his ambition and thirst for power. He was incapable of kindness, or of being considerate with others, of feeling compassion, without ulterior motives involved. All of his actions were always calculated to only serve his own interests. Everyone around him were pawns to be used and discarded when they were no longer of any use to him. We are to believe he was a cynic, a block of ice, essentially. We are also to believe he never had genuine emotional bonds with anyone, much less with women. Women were interchangeble to him. Sabatini was convinced he was a man incapable of having a sentimental side, of loving or of having any connection with them beyond the physical aspect. But then, in between chapters, sometimes pages, he also tell us how Cesare seems to have deeply grieved the death of his cousin, Giovanni Borgia, whom he refers as Mio Fatre in his letters. He gives an honest, if quick, account about the marriage and relationship between Cesare and Charlotte d’Albret, in which Cesare’s obvious feelings for her can be seen, as well as his kindness and respect towards her. Sabatini admits the evidence shows they may well have loved each other, and that when leaving Charlotte in charge of all his affairs in France, as the governor and administrator of his lands and lorships there, as well as his heiress in case of his death, Cesare shows “his esteem of her and the confidence he reposed in her mental qualities.” And of Cesare’s policies and behavior as its ruler in the Romagna, it reaches a point where his mere self-interest doesn’t quite alone explain his relationship with this romagnese subjects and many of his decisions. It undermines Sabatini’s claim that it was for show and for his political gain. Last but not least, what is one supposed to make of the hypothesis he posits to the what I like to call, the Dorotea affair? This event is the peak of his contradiction and his mental gymnastics, because to be sure, his hypothesis is not far-fetched. I will concede I thought it was the first I read his bio. But over the years, between carefully separating fiction from history and reading other sources, then going back to his bio, I recognized his hypothesis is one of the plausible ones, certainly more plausible than the official sensationalistic narrative of Cesare simply abducting the innocent maiden Dorotea out on a whim, to satisfy his lust, (the fact Borgia scholars  are still repeating this narrative with a straight face is beyond my comprehension), I can see Cesare doing what he proposes, it def. aligns better with my understanding of him, and all the historical material I’ve read about him and his times, however, this hypothesis is completely irreconcilable with Sabatini’s Cesare. So, he says one thing, then he says another that’s incompatible with the first thing he said, and then proceeds to show evidence that either puts into doubt or confirms the opposite of his characterization of Cesare. And that’s only considering the historical info he dedided to include in his bio. If he had included some of the info Alvisi presents in his Duca di Romagna, a work he must have checked out, if not read it all, given one of the languages he spoke was Italian, and Alvisi’s bio is the best and most authoritative historical work made to date about Cesare and his life, I believe he would have struggled a lot more than he did. It just seems like he enters into a trap of his own making. Turning an already difficult task more difficult than it needs to be, honestly. Ironically, his stance is as messy and contradictory as the aforementioned Gregorovius in his Lucrezia Borgia, where you also have two Cesare(s): the one he sees and wants to present versus the one that emerges from the his own writing at times and historical material he himself exposes it. Overall, his work frustrates on some fronts, and I think it could have been better. It has its faults, some the typical faults/vices fond in Borgia biographies, others very much his own, but nevertheless I have a fondness for his bio which I do not share with others bios on Cesare, or the Borgia family. It is the only bio in the English language I find myself reading again and again, and the one I would put it first as better, or more decent, in this language about Cesare. I admire his honesty, and his bravery in challenging a little bit of Cesare’s dark legend, and the baseless accusations attached to his name. I appreciate what he tried to do, the very least of what I expect from a serious historian when dealing with figures as infamous in popular imagination as Cesare and Rodrigo Borgia. There is no denying his work was one of the main works which advanced Cesare’s historical literature, and the approach to his figure. Moving slightly from the literary, colorful, villain-like character of the Italian Renaissance, towards starting to be more seriously studied as a historical figure properly. And oh my god, yes, interrupting the narrative to talk about how hot Cesare was. It’s funny you mentioned that, because I don’t remember him doing that so much (time for a re-read!), but that's one of the characteristics of the Borgian/Cesarean historical literature heh. I’m yet to read a bio where authors do not feel the need to take a moment to talk about how hot he was, some even a poetic way lol, it’s so amusing, and always the one thing I know I will agree with them, if nothing else. Also, I think Borgia bios have huge potential for drinking games! Like: take a shot of tequila every time Cesare gets badmouthed for no reason, or baselessly asserted guilty of questionable murders, fratricide, rape, and abduction. Or when Juan and Cesare envied and hated each other narrative is repeated. Or when Guicciardini, Sanuto, Cappello and Giustinian are uncritically used as credible sources for Rodrigo and Cesare. Every time Lucrezia gets painted as the Good Borgia, the pretty, passive doll who was the helpless victim of the terrible Borgia men. Or when authors get uncomfortably shippy with the Cesare/Lucrezia relationship resulting in exaggerated claims such as: Lucrezia was Cesare’s only exception, or they were unusually close as siblings, etc. And of course, whenever Cesare’s hotness and allure has to be talked about dsjdsjsj, the list is long, and I think it will get you drunk very quickly. I know I couldn’t keep up back when I was reading Sacerdote’s bio, and I was drinking wine so. As for recs in the English language, I would say Woodward’s bio has its value in terms of sources and historical documents. I also think his analysis about politics, about Cesare’s goverment in the Romagna, and also concerning the conclave of 1503 are generally good. His last five, four chapters are the best ones imo, so if you are interested in these points I mentioned, it might be worth checking out. I would just open a caveat saying that as far as a biography about the person of Cesare Borgia is concerned, it is weak and to be read with a grain of salt. I was mostly unimpressive by his work on that front, and I thought about quitting time and again. He likes presenting himself as the impartial historian, (a big red flag that only makes me twice as cautious when reading any historical work) writing in a mostly sober tone, but of course like all scholars, all people, he has his bias, and they do come to surface from time to time. He displays an peculiar antipathy and ill will towards Cesare at times, which leads to harsh, confusing, unsubstantiated claims about his character and some of the events about his life. In contrast, you can see he is more benevolent and fair towards Rodrigo Borgia, and a constant thought I had while reading his bio was that he obviously chose the wrong Borgia to write a bio on. Had he chose Rodrigo as his Borgia subject, I believe we would have had a pretty good bio about him and his papacy.
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marina-roslinka · 4 years
This is my first time writing something like this, so it's a little bit sht, but I'm posting it anyway since I promised it to you guys. 
Michael, Trevor, and my rant.
The first thing I want to say about those characters is that I believe they meant to be together, they cannot exist without each other. Yes, I know it sounds like cheesy line from romantic novel. But before you roll your eyes, let me explain.
Let’s remember their signature colors: blue and orange. You see, I think they play a big part in understanding them as individuals and as a relationship and their dynamics. You can read about the color analysis here if you like to.
I personally want to look at it from a little different perspective. To be more precise about elements Fire and Water: Trevor represents fire and Michael is water of course.
Those two men have a different understanding of what life is supposed to be and what it means to be alive. Trevor being a fire element is always trying to rile up Michael, making him angry and emotional like himself.
Michael on the other hand obviously thinks that Trevor is too much, that he needs to calm down and too bright, too hot, that eventually, he will burn not only himself but also everyone else around.
We see examples of that a few times throughout the game. For example when he tried to convince Trevor to change his current lifestyle and “grow up” and it’s not good for him.
“M: Alright man, here we go. Tough love time. T: I'll take it tough, I'll take it sissy, I'll take it any way you're giving it. M: When you gonna get it together, bro? Most guys as they get older, they pull their foot off the gas. T: You always did like to judge people. M: I ain't judging, I'm trying to help. T: Help with what? You think I need help 'cause my lifestyle is worse than everyone elses? M: The speed, the horniness, the killings. T: You kill, and you satisfy your urges - only you think you're above everything. Tough love time! M: Fine. Fine! You think what you like. But you know I care, and you know I tried.”
Going back to the whole "They can't exist without each other" thing.
Too much fire you will burn. Too much cold, you will freeze. This is the exact reason why I think that they need each other. To create a balance. Again, you can clearly see this in the story. Michael is depressed, sad and bored out of his mind by the pool.
Trevor is crazier than ever with no direction and no purpose. Just pure chaos.
“T: Mas o menos. Michael didn’t have a nerve back then. I didn’t have a direction”
It’s obviously not perfect since they both are fucked up people.
You can describe Michael's attitude towards Trevor with the same example. You can love fire for numerous reasons, right? You can look at and feel calm, feel warm or maybe it helps you to reflect on yourself. However, fire is also very dangerous. It can be unpredictable. One spark can light the fire and it may not even possible to stop it.
But Michael is able to.
Throughout the game Michael said and done things that made Trevor very angry. Like, other people would have been dead angry. He can make him change his mind or even stop him from killing someone. Because, as I said, he represents water.
This is why I believe that Michael’s fear of Trevor is not usual. He is afraid of those big sparks that out of his control like when he betrayed him for example. He was afraid Trevor would find him and kill him. Part of him believes he deserves it because of all the guilt. Trevor is the face of karma and he came back to collect the debt.
However, thirty seconds in the car since they left the house he felt that everything is ok and that he is not in any danger so he had no problem with insulting and overall being an asshole to Trevor right away.
Unfortunately things not that easy and simple as always. They can be good for each other just as bad. Fire can be dangerous to water and water can be dangerous to fire. (This is why Trevor doesn’t like to take showers xD) It reminds me of all those scenes when they get angry at each other, but stepping away so they won’t hurt one other.
I am going to leave Fire/Water here, just keep it in mind for the rest of analysis or whatever this is. I’ve never done it :D
Now for the ultimate question. Do I think they love each other or they hate each other?
Well… Just as their history together it's complicated.
The very moment Trevor pulled the trigger of his flare gun with no hesitation, Michael definitely knew that Trevor is a dangerous person. Then he definitely knew Trevor has serious mental issues.
Why did he stick with Trevor before and even after? Well, the most obvious answer is that he just cares about him. They instantly clicked together or as Lamar said “Love at first sight”.
The other thing that played a part in Michael’s affection at the start is that Trevor is like a shining loud toy for Michael's brain. I see M as someone who grasps at every opportunity to experience intense emotions. Trevor is like a walking time bomb that won’t explode around you. It also perhaps made Michael feel special. It’s not healthy but happens to people nonetheless.
I believe that Michael does love Trevor, but he also hates the things that he does and Michael hates himself for still loving someone like Trevor.
“Why do I love him why do I care for him, I'm not supposed to. He is a horrible person. He is a monster. What is wrong with me?”
The other thing is very common for people to have desire to help another person who's hurting. No matter how much messed up they are we still can feel sorry and I'm sure Michael felt the same and still feels the same. This also leads to his frustration about Trevor.
“Why can't you be normal? I had a hard childhood but I didn't turn out that bad”
He’s also repressing his feelings because of internalized homophobia. In addition, it's just frustration on top of frustration on and on.
Michael hates himself for many things he's done. When Trevor came back he got so overwhelmed that all of this just start boiling inside of him. And when you can handle it he just surrenders to the common emotion – anger.
(It seems to me that fans expect Michael to figure out why Trevor is doing this, why he says that what real feelings are behind the words and actions. You know, be the wise one. )
At first glance it may seem that Michael does not care about T and I can see why. Since the game does it like we see Trevor as the one who tells the truth and Michael as the one who lies. Especially on the first playthrough you can easily fall for this little manipulation. Because of this we perceive Michael as a liar. I mean, yeah, he uses lies as a defense mechanism. Therefore, it’s natural for us (and Trevor) not to believe him when he said “I care. I missed you”.
Trevor is a liar too. Yes, I know, shocker.
The most common thing I see people say about Trevor is that he is a loyal person. All because of this rule about “brothers”. Nope. Maybe he likes to say that, but in reality he is not.
Take Brad as an example. Bless him.
Trevor talked about how he planned to stop working with Michael, but pushed him away because he thought he would leave him. If you hang out with Lamar, T admits he was literally going to kill Brad. Not like Michael of course. He wasn’t gonna stab him in the back. Just stab him in the face I guess.
Trevor didn't kill Michael, not because of some creed. It’s just because he still loves him and cares about him. In the core of everything it’s just love.
Trevor is obviously a dick to Michael because he's hurt so much. Can you imagine how painful it was, to lose the only person you loved and loved you back? Then to find out they betrayed you. Like, Trevor literally thought, Michael was using him from the start. Though, he doesn't hate M, like he said so many times. Trevor hates himself for being this way, for being not good enough, for Michael to choose him. Again and again.
“M: I don’t know, man, I’ve made such a mess of things. Constantly…my whole life. Chase things. Get them. Hate them. Chase things, get them, hate them…”
I feel like often people don’t even consider Michael's feelings or mental issues. Trevor also says very hurtful words to M. Yes, he understands the reason behind Trevor’s anger, but this doesn’t negate the fact those words hurt a lot. I mean, he was even offended by the fact T didn’t hug him. As usual, he cannot cope with feeling of guilt and everything again comes down to aggression.
I also want to remind, that despite the killings, Michael didn’t abandon Trevor. He was even letting him to see his children. Also name Tracey is suspiciously similar to name Trevor. Isn't it a display of love? Can you imagine how many times Michael forgave T for doing something crazy?
Well, Michael was just afraid of Trevor hurting him or his family if he tells T they’re done.
Trust me, if M didn’t give a shit about his best friend, he would’ve just killed him.
However, Michael and Trevor's relationship before Ludendorff wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
I personally think there were four main reasons:
    1. He was just tired of living the way he did.     2. Safety of his family.       3. The FBI breathed down their backs and suggested him a ticket to freedom.
 In fear of losing Michael Trevor pushed him even more. Most likely thought their relationships could only last if they were connected by the partnership. An example of this is Trevor’s negative reaction to Michael's words that he wants to be done with robberies and make movies.
  “T: I could feel like I was losing you, so I pushed you harder. I thought that how to keep you in the game and I didn’t want to lose you. I’ve said it already, haven’t I?”
 4. As ironic as it may be, in the desire not to lose Michael, Trevor himself turned out to be the last drop, for his best friend’s decision.
Conclusion: they should stop being dumb-dumbs and be honest about how they really feel.
And therapy. A lot of therapy. 
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Dare or Dare
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*Not My Gif*
Request: *I accidentally deleted the request but it went something like a truth or dare game and everyone was setting Y/N and Draco up to kiss but she wants to make him mad so she does something that I’m gonna keep a secret cause I don’t want to spoil it*
Requested by: Anon
Post Date: 1-8-20
Paring: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
~Harry Potter Master~
You knew telling your best friend, Pansy, that you were crushing Draco freaking Malfoy was the worst decision of your life. Especially when she tried to play matchmaker and actually TELL him about it, despite the infatuation she held for him. Now the boy refused to leave you alone and constantly teased you about it. You tried to ignore him, repeatedly telling him that she was just messing with him, but Draco wasn’t having any of it. It seemed the more you tried to convince you otherwise, he knew you actually did like him. It wasn’t that Draco was opposed to you liking him, in fact he might’ve been harboring a crush on you as well, only he was smart and didn’t tell his friends.
Draco, you and a few others sat in the Slytherin common room, bored out of your minds as you tried to find something to do.
“We could play a game.” Pansy said as you both laid opposite of each other on a couch, your legs a tangled mess in the middle when you groaned, letting your head rest on the arm rest.
“Too much work, don’t want to move yet.” You got a small chorus of agreements as you looked around the room, finding the bright eyes of Draco before you pulled them away, missing the smirk making its way across his face.
“Why don’t we play truth or dare?” Draco suggested and for some reason beyond your knowledge, everyone thought it was a good idea.
Pansy kicked your legs off hers as they slid off the couch, bringing to you sit up fully. “But I don’t want to play.” You told them as Pansy laughed at you.
“Come on Y/N! You’re bored and you don’t even need to do the dares if you want.” Pansy jokes, knowing damn well you’d never pass up on a dare. You sent her a half assed sneer as you made room on the couch for a few others to join you all.
Most of you all picked dare, not much of a shocker considering none of you really wanted to answer questions about yourself. You surprised a few people by saying truth a couple times, receiving questions like “if you had to snog one Weasley who would it be?” Or more inappropriate ones like “what’s your biggest kink?”. You got a few mouth drops from the boys after that one.
“Y/NNNNNNNN! You can’t keep picking truth!” Pansy yelled right after your turn as you rolled your eyes.
“Pans, I’ll pick dare next time.” You promised her, hoping more than anything that she’d forget. But unfortunately she didn’t, and a few turns later it was yours again.
“Y/N, dare or dare?” Blaise smirked as you furrowed your brows, looking at all your friends who slightly resembled kids at Zonko’s.
“That’s not how this game wor-“ You tried to tell them before they all cut you off, mumbling many things you didn’t understand before you gave up. “Fine! I guess I choose dare.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest, pouting your lip a little as you heard Draco snicker next to you. You looked towards him, seeing his perfectly plumped lips parted in a laugh as you pulled your eyes up to his. “Something funny Malfoy?”
He just shrugged, the same look never leaving his face. “I just know how this is going to turn out for you.” He pointed to the group of teenagers around you, all whispering to each other and leaving you and Draco out, but Draco didn’t seem to have any problem with that. The chatter died as everyone looked at you, smiles being restrained on each of their faces.
“Your dare is...” Pansy began as leaned into the group, adding extra emphasis and making you a little nervous.
“Ok, come on you guys! You didn’t act like this for everyone else!” You hadn’t even heard the dare yet and you were already done for.
Pansy spared you the complaining as she continued. “Your dare is... to kiss the hottest boy in the room!” Her words were rushed out in laughter as everyone joined her, your face going almost blank as you stared at her.
What the hell was she thinking! No, you knew what she was thinking. She was gonna get you to kiss Draco. Draco just smirked, moving closer to you as you turned to him surprised.
“What are you doing?” You asked him, meeting his now slightly darkened eyes. He just raised his brow with a deep chuckle.
“Getting ready for our kiss.” He shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and you wanted to let your jaw hit the floor but you kept yourself composed.
“And why would I kiss you?” His laugh was only emphasized as he let it turn into a smirk, everyone around you watching so intently, you would’ve assumed there would be a test afterwards on the subtle actions you had.
“You love me.” You heard a few gasps coming the kids not in the know as well as a few snickers at Draco’s coo but your face remained stoic.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.” Draco countered as he put his hand on your knee. You weren’t sure if it was something done out of comfortableness or if he was doing it on purpose but you ignored the warmth of his hand as you crossed your arms.
“I very much do.” Draco had a fire in his eyes as he watched you rebel and deny your feelings as he said two words he instantly regretted.
“Prove it.”
You never moved faster in your life, hands cupping a face as you pulled a pair of lips to yours, deepening the kiss with the flick of your tongue on his lip before pulling away.
And Draco sat there in awe as you just kissed Blaise.
“Did i prove it?” You whispered, barely loud enough for Draco to hear as he remained frozen, nodding his head only slightly. You stood up satisfied as you looked at all the gaping mouths in the room, all pairs of eyes locked on you, Draco, and Blaise. You clapped your hands together. “Well then! I’m going for a walk.” You turned to Draco, your hautiness very much evident on your face before turning to Blaise. “You, feel free to join me.” Everyone knew you were just messing with Draco, well, everyone except Draco. You walked toward the exit with an extra sway of your hips, the feeling of Draco’s eyes specifically lingering on you.
The moment you left, the room was silent, no one having any idea what to do before Blaise wipes the dazed look off his face and stood up, about to run after you before Draco’s arm stopped on his midriff, keeping him from running after you.
“What are you doing?” He asked Draco, sparing a glance at the boy who sat pissed before looking at the door again. “I was going aft-“
Draco grabbed Blaises shoulder, pulling him down onto the seat without a word. Pansy sat proud of herself as Draco rapped his knuckles against his knee. He didn’t waste another second before leaving the common room, ignoring the giggles and whispers coming from the others.
You weren’t that far ahead of him when you heard footsteps behind you, turning around and feigning a confused look. “You’re not the one I invited.”
Draco ignored your comment as he finished the distance, and the distance between your lips as his body collided against yours, pushing you up against the wall. Your eyes shut as you kissed him back, completely satisfied with how everything turned out.
Draco pulled away first, his nose brushing against yours and his breath tickled your lips.
You couldn’t say anything, just letting the feeling wash over you as Draco looked at you through his eyelashes, your lips puffier than he’d seen them before as he went in again. He took your breath away once again as he stopped so soon, gently letting you go.
“Well.” You let out a chuckle, the sound barely passing your lips as your cheeks reddened. “If me kissing Blaise leads to us doing that again, then count me in.” You joked as Draco chuckled, his eyes widening as they looked at you.
“How about we stay away from that.” He suggested. You nodded, threading your fingers with his. Draco’s breath hitched at the action before soothingly rubbing his thumb over your soft skin. “Y/N?”
“Hmmm?” You both began walking back to the common room, your intertwined hands swinging between the two of you. Draco looked down to the floor bashfully as he pulled you along.
“Do you really think Blaise is hotter than me?”
You rolled your eyes, swatting his arm with your free one as he laughed, pulling you closer so he could wrap his arm around your body. “Yeah, you know what? I do. Blaise is hot.” You shrugged, pretending not to notice the way Draco’s jaw stiffened as you walked but you couldn’t help yourself. You leaned up, planting a kiss on his jaw as his tough demeanor fell, looking down at you. “You’re hotter. I was just messing with you.” You whispered and Draco felt pride fill his cheeks as they darkened.
“So you do love me then?” He jokes as you smacked his chest.
“Shut up.” You mumbled as Draco nodded, leaning down to kiss you again before taking you back to the common room and the gossiping teenagers.
A/N: oh I hope you guys like this bc I don’t know if I do, but oh well. 🤷‍♀️ I don’t know if I edited this very good... let me know what you think please!
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @just4muggles @saturn-aka-six @nathaliabakes @whyamihere-bro @colored-confetti @wiseeggspickleslime @sadn0va @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @wellhellotherelovey @hollymac79 @delicately-important-trash @emcchi @rauwz @herondalescecilys
Harry Potter: @accio-rogers @songforhema @hahaboop @paigeyisme @missmulti
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lennydaisy · 4 years
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(n.) a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand. or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you.
                  “Care to seize the day, my friend?”
Outer Banks                                                                                                                 Season 1-                                                                                                                      FEM OC! and ?
Warnings! This chapter does have mentions of violence and panic attacks.
Here’s the link to Chapter 3 in case you haven’t read it already <3 Check it out!!
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The Outer Banks isn't exactly a big island. With a population of 50,000, what do you expect? Everybody knows everybody. Kooks know Kooks. Pogues know Pogues. And unfortunately, Kooks and Pogues know each other too.
They might have tried to divide the island, but they can't divide the people.
There are no secrets in the OBX and if there is, they get found out eventually. That's what tends to happen when you're at each other's throats constantly. Anything can happen, especially when someone's reputation is on the line. Also, when you live in a community where the only thing to do this work, fish, and then work some more, even the most unsuspecting people will begin to buzz with excitement at the chance of an interesting day. Even if what they're talking about isn't true at all.
I learned this first hand when my dad went missing. Anyone and everyone will jump at the chance to start rumours, wanting to be the first one to claim they know for a fact what happened. Shocker, but these people don't know shit.
"I heard he was abducted by aliens."
"No way. Did you not see his beard? He was obviously an addict."
"Maybe he followed the mom. With children like that, I'd jump at the chance to leave too."
"Maybe they did it."
It feels like history is repeating itself.
Irritation rips through my body as I tug off my shoes, hopping in an attempt to see the damage done to my heels. Grimacing at the blister that has found its home on the back of my ankle, blood spotting around the brim of my now white, stained socks.
Pushing forward through the streets of the cut, just wanting to get home, I keep my head ducked down, walking on the balls of my feet in hopes of dodging the small stones that litter the path. The summer sun now at its highest point in the sky, beating down on me overhead as it burns my scalp, leaving a painful tingle at the crown of my head.
It's the start of the sunny season. The best time of the year. Endless nights filled with drunken rushes and hearty emotions. You lose yourself in the blaze and are completely content with never finding your way out. Shopping cart races down the uneven streets. Dancing freely on the dim-lit porch. Getting attacked by an army of mosquitos. And watching the stars twinkle from the comfort of a scratchy hammock. That's summer.
Some residents of The Cut spend their summers fishing and having disorganised garden parties. Others still have the misfortune of having to work through this obnoxious heat and have to deal with even more obnoxious Kooks.
Believe it or not, it's not the teenagers that are the biggest hassle on the island. It the elderly. And we have plenty of them. During the winter they're like hermits, never leaving the comfort of their homes. Delivery services and the postman become their best friend for four months of the year.
When summer arrives it's game over, especially for those Touron families who just wanted to get away from the bustle of the in-country. Only to be welcomed by off-the-rails pensioners.
The cliché for Fireman is to save cats from trees, right? Not at the cut. A few summers ago I had to call the fire services to collect the 83-year-old lady who managed to get herself stuck in the tree just outside the Château.
It was a weird experience. All most cult-like. The old lady laughing her head off as a group of elders cheered her on. I did try to get her to come down, but I got told to 'live a little,' and got a shoe to the face courtesy of the lady in the tree.
Point proved. They're batshit. The tiniest bit of sun drives them insane after being hauled up inside for no one else's fault but their own. Someone should tell the poor dearies that winter in the Outer Banks isn't like the ice age.
That's why what I'm currently looking at is terrifying.
In a freshly mowed lawn, all seated in orderly rows beholds what appears to be the street's resident elderly. Perfectly placed garden tables covered with toppers, bottles of wine fully on display, even though they appear to be drinking out of teacups, and the mouth-watering smell of BBQ meat. It seems like the perfect way to spend the summer afternoon.
Diverting my confused gaze from surprisingly stable elderly, I pick up the pace, limping my way past the garden. Hoping that my grumbling belly doesn't sound as loud as I believe it too.
"Did you hear about Scooter Grubbs?"
"Oh yes. Poor soul. He didn't deserve to die, he was a good man."
"Good man!? If he's a good man then Peter here's a Godsend."
"I caught him in a Grady White the other day, probably stole it."
Grady White?
"It's just a coincidence. It's just a coincidence. It's just a coincidence." I thought out loud, now practically run back to the Château. My brain working a mile a minute, the conversation that I heard playing on repeat.
'Scotter Grubbs.'
'Grady White.'
'It's just a coincidence!'
Slowing to a walk when I spot my house, lightly as possible I tiptoe down the dirt path, my feet hating me for every stone and stick that I seem to stand on. My hands swinging back and forward, the laces of my shoes slapping against my thighs as I voice my thoughts, "It just some freaky coincidence. Maybe I've been voodooed? Maybe I just heard wrong? Yeah! That's it, I should clean my ears, I'm hearing things wrong-"
My tangent of self-explanations ease to whispers as I catch sight of Pope, alone, at our small dock, appearing to be securing the 'HMS Pogue' from becoming adrift. About to call out to my friend, wanting to tell him about the crazy gossip that I heard on my walk home, but Pope sees me nearing the Château and makes a mad dash back into my house.
'It's just a coincidence?'
Brushing off the boy's odd action, I continue my walk to the front door, wanting nothing more than to just kick my aching feet up and chill.
"Deny, deny, deny."
Pushing open the sheer porch door, the room falls into an abrupt silence. Pope finding interest in his hands. JJ flicking his lighter. John B throwing an empty beer bottle from hand to hand. And Kiara finding interest in her shoes.
Not even standing in the house yet, the door still being held in my hand, I just gaze at my friends in amusement. Licking my dry lips, I toss my trashed shoe's beside the coach that is being occupied by Kie and Pope. Not even blinking an eye, I make my way over to the straw chair, next to the recliner that holds JJ.
The usually satisfying noise of the distressed straw under my weight echos around the room with an unsettling crunch. I wait. Picking my chipped nail posh off my nails, wincing as I place my feet on the small table in front of me.
I finally close my eyes, embracing the silence of the Château. The sound of distant crickets and the odd screaming of the gulls that roam the skies bring me to an oddly calm state. My body seems to sink into the surprisingly comfortable seat despite the uncomfortable looks that I can feel being sent my way.
"JJ stole a gun and money from Scotter Grubbs' motel room!"
There it is.
Pope finally cracking under the pressure of my laidbackness. Slowly opening my eye, I catch the glares been shot in Pope's direction. The boy has never been very good at keeping secrets, I don't know what they expected.
Turning to the blonde beside me, "You have a gun?" I ask warily. Not that I don't trust JJ, I just don't know how to feel about a firearm being in my house.
He doesn't answer me. No one did.
Placing my feet back on the ground with a painful wince, I look bored at my friends, "Is no one going to talk to me? You're going to keep me in the dark?"
I still get no answer, not even a look in my direction. The air suddenly becoming too heavy for my liking, I push myself up from my chair and make my way through the house. I can read the room and clearly whatever happened they don't want me to know so, that's that.
My room hasn't changed since I was four years old. My once pink curtains now faded with the constant sun shining against them. My lopsided wardrobe that is hanging onto its hinges for dear life, overflowing with the unnecessary amount of clothes I have. My oak bedside table stained with coffee cup rings and the head of my bed that is taken over by the herd of stuffed animals that I have accumulated over the years.
Everything in this room has a memory.
Like the glow in the dark stars that I stuck to the ceiling above my bed. JJ and I had a fun time that day. Bouncing on the bed in hopes of getting at least one to stick. From time to time the odd one will fall off and slap me in the face during my slumber, but that's expected when you're roof has been leaking since you were born.
Or the name that is carved onto the windowsill. That was a long time ago. It was a different time back then. I was a different Mason back then. Over the years I've tried to convince myself to cover it up, but I can never follow through. Despite how much I hate the way it stares at me in the dead of the night, they once used to be the reason the sun would always rise the next day.
The stuffy air seeming to follow me into my haven, I push open the window inviting the sound of the rustling trees and subtle waves in my room. Taped to the window is the many memories that I have captured in time.
There's me and John B on our third birthday, with obnoxious party hats with even more obnoxious tassels. Birthday badges that are bigger than our heads, and party horns in our mouths. Our eye sparkled with nothing but innocence back then. Those two had no idea what they'd grow to be. I hope they'd be proud if they saw.
There's one from the day I met Kie. My dad took it without us knowing, both of us to busy squealing and flailing away from the lobster we had just caught. It's not my best picture, my hair blowing in every direction as I wore wellingtons that were two sizes too big. I made a life long friend that day.
My favourite photo, against my better judgment, is one taken from the day of the boat race. My friend and I holding onto each like our lives depended on it. The sides of our faces smushed together with a laughable look of discomfort in our eyes at the idea of being forced to take a picture in front of the honourable boatmen.
I've never moved house. I was born in the Château and I'll probably die in the Château. My point is, I know this house inside out. Like, to get the hot water in the shower to have to tap the back of the showerhead three times. Or how if you want to sneak out and not get caught, there a loud floorboard right in front of the door. I never snuck out though so, I wouldn't know, I've just heard about it.
I know this place like the back of my hand, from every corner to every inch. And also every sound. When the all too familiar scream of the door breaks the beckon of silence I wished upon myself, I make my way to my bed. Getting comfy, my legs in a basket, my back pressed against the headboard as I stare out the window with my floppy elephant teddy placed in between my hands.
The patter of feet entre my room. My bed dipping with the newly added weight. The windowsill humming as it's used as a seat. The subtle strumming of my guitar. And the turning of my rusty, swirly, desk chair. They're all here.
I just frown my eyebrows at each of them, refusing to be the first one to talk. I don't know what happened, that's up to them to explain it to me.
"What do you know about Scooter Grubbs?" John B, being the first to speak up, asks.
"His uh- married to Mrs Grubbs?" I guess, but it has proven that I don't know how to read a room either, my joke falling short, "I've had to kick him out of Save-A-Lot a couple of times. He was creeping out Mrs Adams after she caught him shaking the charity boxes."
Letting my serious reply linger in the air, I ask the question that I need to know the answer to, "What happened to Scooter Grubbs?" What I heard couldn't be true, I had just seen him last week, perfectly healthy.
"His body was found in the marsh this morning," Kie whispers, her fingers still gently plucking the strings of my guitar as she refused to look anywhere else.
"It was his boat we found this morning, wasn't it?" My words echoing through the silent room. Everyone minds seeming to be running with the news. What do we do?
"It just doesn't make sense. How does a marine rat get a Grady White?" John B throws the question that everyone is thinking out. It's true, Scooter Grubbs was never seen with more than $40 in his pocket and now he's cruising around with a boat cut out for a Kook. It's odd.
"Prostitution," Pope inhales sharply, not missing a beat to voice his opinion. I click my fingers nodding at the boy who is sitting comfortably beside me on the bed, "Or a sugar daddy?" I reason but then grimace at the thought of Grubbs being a sugar baby.
"Square groupers," John B states like its obvious. Turning to Pope who pretends to understand what John B is talking about, I nudge his shoulder, "I liked ours better."
"What does that mean? JJ?" My brother points at the blonde boy who has occupied himself with my jar of shells, inspecting them closely, "Straight smugglin'," he says, placing the jar back in its place, his attention now on the conversation.
"And I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck," John B promises. It makes sense. Who goes out for a boat ride during a hurricane? Someone who knows that there is no aerial surveillance and they could just fly right under the radar. It's a smart plan, but too smart for someone whose smugglin'.
"For the record," Pope starts, pulling out a wad of 100 bills that I can't help but gape at with large eyes. Scooter Grubbs had that kind of money but acted like he was homeless? Each to their own, I guess?
"If that is a smuggling ship, with illegal contraband on the inside of it... It probably belongs to someone else," Pope speaks the truth, waving the money around like its nothing to have this much cash in your hand.
'How much is there?' I thought. Deciding to find out, I snatch the wad from Pope's hand and begin to count it, "I'm glad you're here Pope," I muse, now at $2,000, "You guys have clearly never dealt with smugglers before. They're dirty pigs. Once they find out that..." finishing my counting, I place the notes on my bed, "$10,000 is missing there stash... Sorry to break it to you, but we'll be the prostitutes after that."
The four pairs of eyes on me causes me to shrink back slightly, "What?" I blink, "Did you guys forget about the Komodo Dragons? I can't get caught by smugglers, I'm probably already on a hit list."
"Minor details," Kie chips in, brushing off the hit list comment. "Taking it would be catastrophically stupid," Pope argues, siding with me, not being fond of the idea of being on a smuggler's radar with the way his body shakes at the thought.
"Right. Well, stupid things have good outcomes all the time," speaking of catastrophically stupid, JJ throws his pennies worth on the table, reaching forward for the cash, "All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck."
I can't believe we're even considering this. Stealing from a man who was just found dead not even a few hours ago. When did we stoop that low?
"Until then, we just lay low," JJ suggests, sitting comfortably against the windowpane with this dirty boats resting on the foot of my bed,  "Just act normal."
Having enough of the discomfort, I shove his feet off my bed and look him straight in the eye, "As normal as we can with a gun, right?" I ask, referring to the firearm that is just casually hanging out his back pocket.
Nodding my head at the boy, "Promise me you'll use it responsibly?" Smiling tightly at JJ as I hold out my pinky. He just laughs out a breath, looking around for any help from the other three in the room. Each just giving him the eye, all agreeing with what I had asked.
I don't think he understands. He has a gun. A firearm. They're dangerous and it's not that I don't trust JJ, it just makes me uncomfortable and scared that one slip up with that thing and JJ's future could be uncertain. All our futures could be on the line if he doesn't handle it like an adult.
Locking his pinky with mine gently, he looks me dead in the eye, straight-faced, "I promise."
Satisfied with this, I nod my head, getting comfortable on my bed again, "Oh, and before I forget," I start, making sure every one of them is paying close attention to what I have to say, "Don't leave me in the dark again. Do not trust me?"
Jumping up at my question, "No. No, it's not that," John B, now sitting in front of me, quickly shooting down my assumptions, "It's just... we know you'd want us to do the right thing," he spills gently as the other three just nod at what the boy said, heads down in thought.
"At least we acknowledge that we're doing the wrong thing," I laugh lightly at the irony of the situation. It's true, I want us to do the right thing. I was hoping that they would report the wreck to the coast guard and we'd get a finder fee. Fair, it wouldn't have been as much as they found in that motel room, but it would have still been more than we had before.
At the word 'we' their eyes snap in my direction and I can't help the small smile that is creeping its way across my face, "Yes, I said we," I confirm, "I'm not letting you guys take all the glory for our downfall.
Little laughs being shared, seeming content with our resolve. Pope is the first to speak up, "So, what do we do?"
Exchanging glances with Kie, both having the same thought in mind, "Kegger!" we cheer with happiness. Sensing no objection against the idea, especially after the conversation we just had.
Besides, what's the worst that could happen?
The Boneyard. Misleading name because as far as I know there are no bones in the Boneyard. I think everyone on the island has heard about the boy who broke his jaw because he fell after attempting to climb the dead trees that litter the beach. It's similar to that story your teacher tells you about the boy who swung on his chair and split his head open.
Keggers at the Boneyard are a summer must. Something about an aluminium keg filled with cheap beer is very appealing when you're under the blazing sun and being swept away with the winds of the waves. Chugging away your worries as you dance with someone who you'll most likely never see again.  
You can't fully understand the Outer Banks without understanding the Boneyard, its like a right of passage. If you're in, you're in, and if you're not, well, see you later.
It's like a three-layered burrito. There are me and my friends, the working class who put their blood, sweat, and tears into this island. There's the trust fund babies, the Kooks, who have never seen a hard days work in their life. Mostly likely just been dropped off in their stepdads range after a tough day at a 5-star boarding school.
Lastly, there are the Tourons. Or airheads, if we're being realistic. They come here for a week's vacation with their families and all of a sudden they claim that they want to spend the rest of their lives in the OBX. They're the chum for the sharks, fresh meat that everyone seems to throw themselves at.
"It's kinda weird when on T.V, we see people die, and they just sitting there," I overhear Pope attempting to flirt with a cute, blonde Touron, "but in actuality, they would be shitting and farting up a storm."
My nose begins to burn with the beer that just shot up it, as I hunch over myself coughing up a lung. The Touron boy who I was just casually talking too before, is now patting me on the back, asking if I'm okay, "I'm fine," I croak, my throat stinging as I swallow the rest of my beer.
"If you'll excuse me," I apologise to the boy, still cough as I speed walk over to my friend who fails to see the look of discomfort that is smeared across the girl's face.
Tapping Pope in the shoulder, interrupt his tangent about unrealistic standards of dying in movies, "Can I steal him for a minute, I'm so sorry," I excuse, as the girl nods her head rapidly, running at the chance to getting out of the conversation with Pope.
"What are you doing?" Pope whines, tugging free his arm from my grip that pulled him away from the blonde girl.
"No offence Pope, but we have to teach you how to flirt," I sympathise at the boy's failed attempt to impress the girl. "What's wrong with my flirting?"
Does he really want me to tell him why talking about people shitting after they die is not the best conversation starter? The boy looked genuinely looked confused, his doe eyes not seeing the picture. It's kinda cute.
"Absolutely nothing Pope," I pat him on the shoulder, not having the heart to tell him, so I won't, but I know someone who must definitely will, "Why don't you go talk to Kie about how great of an Aquarius she is?" I suggest, not giving him time to reply, pushing him in the direction of our friend, who too, just scared of a Touron. Fitting.
Empty cup in hand, I make my way over to the keg. Stepping over those lounging on the cold sand and bumping into those who drunkenly dance with their spirits high. Saying the odd 'Hey' and 'How's it going' here and there to the wasted teens that crowd the beach.
Standing patiently behind the person who is filling up their cup, I look around the beach spotting John B and JJ chugging their beers with a small circle cheering them on. I grin at the sight of JJ smashing his cup on the sand in victory, whilst Kie slaps him on the arm, probably ordering him to pick it up.
Turn back to the keg, I see the person just standing there, raising their cup to their mouth as they gaze out at the ocean. Clearing my throat, hoping they would move out the way, but they didn't. So, I try again. Nothing.  
"Excuse me," I say, now standing beside the figure as I grab the streamer that they refuse to move from blocking. Looking up expectingly at the person, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest who it is. Shaking my head, I keep my attention on my cup.
"Good turn out," Topper comments, still not even glancing in my direction as he observes the beach. 
Frowning, not understand why he is trying to even make conversation with me. I just shake my head, "Yeah," my voice laced with uncertainty, spinning around wanting to get away from the boy.
"Hey Mason," he calls out before I could leave, he attention now on me, "I want you to stay away from Sarah, alright?"
Tilting my head, not understanding why he's asking me this, "What?", but then it hit me, "Oh," I can't help but laugh. Toppers face twisting with irritation, jaw locked, as I try to compose myself after my drink spills on my hand.
"You don't have to worry Topper. I don't swing that way," still giggling as I reassure the boy that I don't want in on his 'territory', "Not fully anyway," I shrug, gulping my drink with raised eyebrows.
"I'm serious, Macy," he huffs, moving closer to me as I take a little step back halting his actions. About to question the boy's intentions, I spot the islands princess clad in a flowy summer dress, climbing onto the washed-up buoy.
"And I'm serious when I say you should probably get your girlfriend before she hurts herself," pointing him in the direction of the girl before waltzing past him, not wanting to be in his presence any longer than I need too.
"What did he want?" JJ asks, not even giving me the chance to sit down first, ahead of him spitting his distaste towards the Kook. "Nothing," I say, sliding in next to him on the dead tree, "Just Topper being Topper," my response being enough to ease his mind as he goes back to his beer.
The first Kegger of the summer was going smoothly. Everybody was having a good time, just drinking and getting to know each other. We had many beer chugging competitions, all of which triggered my acid reflux. We played limbo, which Pope surprisingly was an expert at. We even had a bootleg karaoke machine, where everyone had the pleasure of listening to me sing Céline Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On'.
The warm, long, summer day just as quickly turned to night. The shining sun saying 'Goodbye' as the full moon said 'Hello', illuminating us with its white light. People were calling it a night, exhausted after a day worth of drinking. The others, however, just seemed to come more alive. The magic of the moonlight fuelling their desires to dance all night long.
"Your hair," I giggle as JJ fills up three cups, his hair sticking out in every direction as the cold breeze blows his mane over his forehead, "What's wrong with my hair?"
The alcohol now running wildly through our bloodstream. JJ has had to practically hold me up after nearly falling at least five times in the last two minutes. I don't care. I was having fun with my friends. I'm letting loose. I deserve it. Not sure my dad would be too happy with the underage drinking, but I know he's glad that I'm having fun.
"Can you at least fix it for me?" JJ asks with the gleam of the moon reflecting in his dilated eyes. Nodding, I reach my free hand up, hesitantly, but gently, beginning to brush my fingers through his knotted hair. The blonde seeming to be closer than before, causing my hand to slow to a stop. I can't help but just take a moment to wonder, 'when did his eyes get so blue?'
My cheeks tinting pink at my thoughts. I blink away from his steady eyes that seemed to call for mine like a two magnets call for each other. Hoping he didn't feel the sudden change that I notice lingering in the cool air, I attempt to act normal as I erratically rub my fingers through his locks, making them messy again, before darting off laughing as I hear him call for me, "Get back here, May!"
Swaying, just like the liquids in my cup, I, not so steadily, making my way over to John B, who had found fascination in staring out at the tides. "Johnny B," I squeal, using his body as a shield from JJ.
The blonde had easily caught up to me, pulling me away from behind my brother, he tucks his arms under mine, spinning us around quickly. My legs flying around wildly as my beer splashes onto the sand, "JJ!" I beg, but can't help the rumble of giggles that pass my lips.
Stumbling as my feet are placed gently back on the sand, I watch as JJ snatches the half-empty cup from my hand, "What is in this?" he grins, pulling an unsure face as he takes a whiff of my drink, going to pass it to John B, "Hey bro, your sisters drinking this shit."
Missing my buzz, I try to grab the cup out of his hand. JJ just moves out of my staggering reach, his eyes seeming to be elsewhere, "Oh, wait. Hey, hey. Hey, Sarah!"
What is he doing?
I watch as JJ calls out to the Kook girl who was trying to walk past us, hand-in-hand with her boyfriend. The girl smiles slightly at the obviously drunk boy, "Hi," she greets and continues to walk away.
JJ is very persistent. It's one of his many traits. Now, when you mix his persistence with a bit of alcohol,  you either end up agreeing to things you usually never would, courtesy of his constant need for adventure and thrill. Or he'll push too far, not knowing to stop when it comes to certain people.
"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" he pitches like a salesman, holding the cup like it's a rare and expensive delicacy. When in reality, it’s just a mix of vodka and sprite that some Touron mixed for me.
"No, thanks," she declines politely, not really for a conversation, noticing herself that the boy was drunk. 'That's probably why he was talking to her,' I reason.
Drunk JJ is unpredictable. It can go one of two ways; He's either extremely attached or extremely disattached. He'll either want to hold you or you have to hold him. It's either you crying or him. There is no in-between when it comes to JJ. He's either on one side of the scale or the other. Even when sober, his emotions still run high, but give him a little bit of happy juice and you've just signed up for a foggy night.
"Is it not fancy enough for you?" he asks, now slightly pushing it as John B subconsciously eggs him on with drunken chuckles. I can't help, but just watch, as Sarah reaches back her hand for Topper to take. The boy has just been standing with his chest puffed up at the fellow blonde who is addressing his girlfriend.
"Hey, you know what? I'll take it," Topper suggests, his voice sounding deeper as the stumbles slightly, placing a friendly hand on JJ's shoulder, "Thank you, man. I appreciate it," he slurs, trying to grab the cup from JJ's hand.
"That's nice of you, Topper, but I didn't ask you," he points out laughing, moving the drink from Toppers reach as he points at him accusingly, "If you said pretty please, maybe?" he pretends like such simple words would change his mind.
"Oh, pretty please?" Topper laughs along, his jaw clenching at the joke.
I can tell Topper is drunk. Topper's a weird drunk. Kinda like JJ, but also completely the opposite. When Topper drinks he gets angry at everything, thinking that everyone wants to pick a fight with him. I don't know if its a guy thing? but it's definitely a Topper thing. He can't handle alcohol, I've told him this before. His emotions won't allow him to just drink and that's it. He always has something to prove when he's drunk, and it frankly ticks me off.
"Sarah," JJ tries again, holding the drink out for the girl to take, "You can have it," completely ignoring her red-faced boyfriend. It’s no surprise that JJ is proud of himself, he struck a nerve in Topper. Pissing off Kooks is what he was born to do and frankly, he does it well.
I've never told JJ this, but Kooks are scared of him. It easy to see. Every fight JJ has had, I've always had to clean up the mess. He always jokes that 'you should see the other guy', but I don't have to. JJ can hold his own and is willing to throw it down anywhere if anyone disrespects him or the people he cares about. They're always unfair though, 4 on 1, 6 on 1, it doesn't matter, because JJ always wins in the end, despite coming out looking the worst sometimes.
Right now Topper is the perfect example of that. Having enough of JJ's persistence, he shoves the cup back making me gasp was the cold liquids splash over my shirt and sticks to my hair. That was enough for JJ. Clenching his fist tightly on the front of Topper shirt, lifting him off the ground slightly with clouded eyes and a set jaw.
John B, Sarah, and I were all watching the scene unfold between the two blondes, being quick to jump in when it gets physical. Placing a firm hand on JJ's shoulder I push him back with John B, who blocks his vision from Topper, who too, is being dragged away by Sarah.
"You're so funny, man" JJ shouts over to Topper. John B trying to calm him down, snapping him out of it.
The tide had made its way closer to land, meaning we're all in close quarters with each other, all seated at the same part of the beach. It was no surprise when the small inconvenience caught the eyes of the party-goers. Pope is one of them, as he quickly rushes over to his friends.
"Diry Pogues!" Topper insults, breaking free from Sarah's grip, just to spit in our faces. John B wastes no time, shoving him harshly away from us, earning more attention.
I didn't see it coming, and I assume neither did John B. Topper marches his way over to my brother, swinging his fist at his face. 
Choking on the cold breeze, I go running for my brother who fell into the waves at the force. Pope being busy holding back the thrashing JJ, Kie quickly jumps in, wrapping her arms around me tightly from behind, stopping me from moving closer.
"We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" I think that plan went straight out the window when we decided to have a kegger and openly allowed our sworn enemies to join. There is nothing incognito about anything that is happening right now.
I wriggle in Kie's arms as I helplessly watch Topper kick John B in the gut, pushing him into the ice-cold water again.
The crowd around us seems to be getting bigger and bigger. My ears ringing at the excessive chanting.
John B tumbles around the waves, trying to get up to his feet again, but Topper won't let him. Kicking him again whilst he's still down.
"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?"
Call it blind rage or whatever the hell you want, but I cannot describe to you the way that Topper's words stopped my heart. It felt like I was stabbed. My constant thrashing caused Kie's arms to give in with tiredness.
Maniacally, my wild eyes search the mob as a preditor would their prey. I spot it, grasped between the fingers of a stranger. Pulling the bottle harshly from their hands, my breathing becoming erratic as I stumble my way down to the oceanfront. My sight set on my target.
"No! Macy stop,"
The calling of my name went in one ear and out the other. The only sound I could hear was the smashing of the bottle as it collided with Topper's head. The beach seemed to fall into silence. For a moment all I could hear was my blooding pumping through my veins. I can feel my heart in my throat.
I feel frozen in time. Unable to move as I watch the shards of glass dance under the yellow moonlight. The water rushing past my ankles. My feet sinking into the wet sand. My breath is uneven. The sharp bottle top that I was clutching tightly, slips through my fingers, getting washed away by the tide.
Topper, after a few seconds of blank staring, feels the crown of his head. Turning around, fingers stained red. His dead, black eyes piercing into mine, filled with unwavering bewilderment.
I want to blame the alcohol, or the cold, for the way my knees are chittering, but after seeing my brother get punched, I became stone-cold sober. I refuse to blink, not wanting to look away from the boy that is making his way slowly over to me.
My voice seems to be gone, holding my hands out pathetically, not wanting him to come any closer. My cheeks flushed red at the cold whipping winds. My eyes stinging with moisture as I wait for him to react.
The crashing of the waves and the chanting of the crowd become audible to my ears again. My face being pushed into someone's chest, pulling me away before John B could tackle a distracted Topper to the ground.
Fists smashing with flesh. Grunts, groans, and drunken cheers polluting the air. It was too much.
My lungs struggling to grasp a sliver of air, all in a state of panic. My ear pressed firmly against the person's chest, listening to the drumming of their heartbeat. My hands tucked tightly around the fabric of their shirt, just wanting to feel something.
My vision blurred as I watch Topper push my brothers face into the water, "He's drowning him," I swallow the lump in my throat, whispering in horror, watching my twin thrash around helplessly. It doesn't feel real.
A shiver dances it way up my spine, barely registering that it was JJ that was holding me before he passes my quivering figure over to an accepting Kie.
"Yeah, you know what that is," I hear JJ say, but I had enough for the night. Hiding my face in the crook of Kie's neck, forcing my eyes shut, not wanting to see anymore. But I didn't have to see it. I heard it. The gentle click of the safety seemed to echo across the silent beach, "Your move, broski."
'He's got a gun.'
The sound of pounding footsteps falls into rhythm with my erratic heartbeat. I could hear the blood rushing to my ears. My whole body feels like its on fire. My chest feels like it's going to explode. I can't breathe.
'Don't make me drown you like your old man.'
Something's wrong with me.
I can feel it welling up inside me.
It won't go away.
I didn't realise I was standing on my own again until my knees gave in. My head pounding on beat with the gunshots.
"John B!"
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Chapter Four: FIN!
A bit of a long chapeter, but I didn’t want to split it.
This was fun to write. Clearly Mason has some insecurities when it comes to being left out, or thinking that people don’t trust her. And this with be explored the further we go. There is a reason behind this fear.
I really struggled to write the fight scene, but I hope I got the general point across.
What did you think?
The next chapter will be the end of episode one. I feel like I’ve been writing for ages, but we still have another 9 episodes to go...
I hope you enjoyed that chapter <3
Also. if anyone would like to be tagged in future chapters just let me know and I will for sure do that!
@xshinytrashcanx​ @prejudic3​ @annoylinglyaries​ @obxlife​ @bananasfromtarget​
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magalidragon · 4 years
good kind of madness | a Modern Royals Jonerys AU
Chapter 2 | Teaser #2
**I wasn’t going to tease some more of this until I finished but we lost my family dog last night and I am really depressed. She was 12, had cancer, and it was really fast. 2020 is just total shit. So because I feel like garbage and probably won’t write for a couple days, enjoy this little snippet.**
Jon closed his eyes, lying on the bed, unmoving. He heard sounds outside, in the corridor, but didn’t get up. Ghost was somewhere around the estate, he liked to run through the woods and had the opportunity to actually hunt, to be a real wolf instead of the pseudo-babysitter he actually was. Or rather, what Rhaegar had wanted him to be, when he allowed Ned to gift Jon the direwolf pup when he was a young boy.
The sound grew louder, echoing on the hardwood, and there was a whoosh and a loud crack, which came from the twelve-foot tall ornate wooden door swinging into the room, with enough force to crack the handle into the wall on the opposite side. He opened his eyes, staring across at his father, who stood in the doorway, hands on his hips, fuming.
Rhaegar Targareyn might be fucking terrifying, but right now Jon didn’t care. He would never hurt him. That would require him to actually care. The King strode into the room and paused, indigo eyes sweeping from one end to the other, observing and calculating. Jon rolled and propped himself up on his elbows, staring straight ahead. Today the King wore all black—shocker—except it was his country attire of black sweater, jeans, and boots. His silver hair had been undone from its usual plait, instead tied from his face in a simple queue.
He finally met his father’s eyes, gray locking onto the indigo. Rhaegar’s lip curled up, smirking. “I did not know what to expect, but I will say I thought there would be a bit more debauchery. Knowing you.”
“Give it a few more hours,” Jon shot back. He wanted to light up a joint in front of Rhaegar, just for that comment alone. Instead, he snatched up his cigarettes and flicked one in between his lips, arching his brows and smirking around it while he picked up the lighter. “The day is still young. Or is it already night? Guess it doesn’t matter.” He lit the smoke, the tip glowing with a puff of his breath and he pursed his lips, streaming smoke straight towards his father, who had not moved a muscle, or even blinked. There were times Jon thought Rhaegar was not even real. He was a reanimated corpse or something. He smirked again, lifting the cigarette back to his lips and drawing his knee up, making it clear to Rhaegar that he had not spent the night alone, the bed clearly once having two occupants. “Can I help you with something, if you aren’t here to lecture me?”
“Get dressed.”
“Because I am your father and I said so.”
Jon squinted, feeling the medication wearing off, the numbness to his limbs and blurriness around his eyes fading. He chuckled. “Like that’s a reason.”
Rhaegar’s nostrils flared, irritated. “How about because I am your bloody king?” he breathed.
“It’s not good, but I suppose it is a reason.”
“Lay off him Rhae.”
They both glanced to the side of the room, where Dany stood in the doorway of the bathroom. She had put on a long purple dressing gown, her silver curls pinned atop her head. Her face was slightly pink and dewy, likely from a quick wash. She moved from the door, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it, crossing her legs primly, her hand reaching to drape over his knee. The look she gave Rhaegar might have been his own reflection. They shared the same steely gaze, able to go minutes without blinking, and their tempers clearly at boiling point.
Jon wondered at what point he could get up and go find some of the Shade of the Evening he’d left in Egg’s bedroom during his last visit. It might not have been good, but at least it was something. He watched the two dragons, amused. “I think Dany’s going to win this one Rhaegar,” he announced.
In fact she did, his father darting his gaze sideways to glare at him. Dany smirked, satisfied. “You both have embarrassed this family,” he whispered. He shook his head slightly, lifting his finger to point at them. “I warned you to knock this off. This silly little relationship.”
“It isn’t silly!” Dany shouted.
It didn’t matter. She could scream on live television she loved him, she could be caught in all kinds of compromising positions, seven hells, they already attended events together hand-in-hand, Davos even claimed that people on the internet were devoted to “shipping” them, whatever that meant. It might have been taboo in some circles, but they were fucking Targaryens. They were above the average person, they did not obey the laws of man, Jon thought, finishing his cigarette.
He shot his father another dark look; he hated Rhaeger. Hated him. Everything that ever went wrong was all because of Rhaegar. “Forget it Dany, you’re talking to the Silver King. Heart as cold as ice. They say I’m the ice to the family’s fire, but they got it wrong.” He dropped to a whisper, eyebrows lifting, lip curling in disgust. “It’s Rhaegar who has no feelings, no emotion.” He chuckled, feeling mean. He reached for Dany, drawing her back to his chest, his fingers grazing over her breast. Rhaegar, if possible, went colder. He cocked his head, going in for the kill. “Right Dad?”
Just as he figured Rhaegar did not say a word or even acknowledge his attempt at getting him to explode. It would be nice to see the fire he claimed to breathe. It just sat inside of him. Others got to see it, Egg when he refused to participate in some stupid charity function or serve as the representative for the Crown. Rhaenys when she had one too many wild parties or threw a dagger at another boyfriend who pissed her off.
It was just Jon who only got the coldness. The pure hatred. It was fine. Jon deserved it. Just like Rhaegar did.
The King lifted his chin, his jaw so sharp it might be able to cut glass. “You are both going to attend the Volantis Triarch gala tonight,” he breathed.
“Fuck no!”
They both shouted at the same time, Dany grabbing hold of his arm to prevent him from lurching out of bed, to square off against Rhaegar. Rhaegar chuckled, head cocked again, eyes widening. “Oh yes. You both will attend the gala, you both will be on your very best behavior, representing this family and the generations of Targaryens before you. Neither one of you will even think of looking at each other. I don’t want kisses, hand holding, touching, nothing. I am finding out where this particular leak came from but in the meantime we are going to act as though it was something from the past, the two of you no longer together.”
He seethed. “Dany is the only good thing in this fucked up family, you can’t take her from me.”
To her credit, Dany stayed quiet. She kept her hand on his arm, her steadiness seeping into him. He leaned back against the headboard, unable to look at his father. He might jump up and finish the job two others had tried to do before. “Relax darling,” she whispered, patting lightly. She smiled, long and slow, her violet eyes twinkling. “Rhaegar gets what Rhaegar wants, but he also forgets, so does little sister.”
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kibbles-bits · 4 years
OMG! I love the whole Zamasu and Mai thing, and you even made it make sense. Though, now that Zamasu is slowly realizing that things aren't adding up with this partnership, what's next? Pls only answer when you have time.
I’m answering a year later cause i have time now >_>’
Part 1 | Part 2
This part goes on very similar to the anime. Black is tracking and messing with Trunks as he wreaks destruction, Future Bulma dies, Trunks meets up with Mai… And she is seemingly killed by Black. Trunks manages to use the time machine to go to the past. Zamasu, meanwhile, is looking for Mai since he usually waits for Black to be distracted before he talks to her. Except he can’t find her.
Unable to sense Trunks’s ki anymore, Black takes out his frustration on the city and it attracts Zamasu’s attention. Zamasu asks what’s going on and Black admits Trunks somehow got away from him just as he was about to end him permanently. Black is extra angry in this version cause he thought that ending Trunks’s life would improve his and Zamasu’s relationship since this was something the two had argued about a lot. Zamasu believes Black just let him go again and the two bicker about it until Black says exactly how the fight went down… and that he killed the girl who was always with Trunks.
Zamasu is shocked. He convinces himself for a second it wasn’t Mai who Black killed, but some other, insignificant human. He demands that Black elaborate, and Black obliges, oblivious to Zamasu’s state. As he recounts what happens, he is clearly pleased that he killed Mai, since she was seen as such an important and inspiring leader to the other humans and Trunks had cared for her so much. He laughs that she is dead. Before Zamasu can get properly pissed, Black’s time ring reacts to his recount of the story and he is able to follow Trunks through time, leaving a very emotionally confused Zamasu behind and alone.
Trunks is in the past and can give a slightly more detailed summary of what’s going on in his timeline, thanks to what Mai has told him about Zamasu and Black. Beerus and Whis were at first upset about the time travel, but what Trunks says about a Supreme Kai going rogue is more concerning. They’re skeptical at first since they’re only hearing about it from a mortal who already broke such an important law, but once Goku Black manages to appear in the timeline they believe him (though they stay out of the fight). They conclude that Zamasu became Supreme Kai and made a Goku clone as a servant.
After Black destroys the time machine and Bulma finds the old one to repair, Trunks tells the others more about the fights he’s had with Black and limited information he has about Zamasu, since he had never actually seen the Kai himself and relied on what Mai told him. Beerus thinks it’s weird that none of the other gods have gotten involved and Whis wonders if they’re even still around. Trunks tells them that Zamasu told Mai that he and Black were the last gods but hadn’t given any more info, to their alarm. To satisfy their curiosity, they travel to Universe 10 and bring Goku along to see if Zamasu would recognize him. If he did, then they would have reason to suspect a plan is in the works to annihilate the gods and Gowasu would be in danger. Goku fights Zamasu and notes the energy is similar to Black, but overall they find no evidence of Zamasu being malicious towards Gowasu and leave.
Zamasu searches the ruins of the city for Mai’s body. As he looks, he thinks over Black’s actions and his own role again. The balance of power and influence over each other is fresh in his mind and he gets angry just thinking about it, though he still doesn’t know what to do with his anger. It’s been a while and he can’t find Mai’s body and he’s disappointed. He remembers that searching for bodies is what Mai would do for her comrades and wonders if that means he considered Mai an ally of his. That thought, combined with how angry he feels over her death, causes him to reluctantly accept that he did see Mai as someone with worth, someone he liked. It only made Black’s actions more despicable in his eyes.
When Black returns, winded from his fight with Goku, Zamasu pretends he doesn’t hear him calling to heal him and continues his search for Mai’s body. Eventually, he does find her. She’s alive! (Shocker)
Mai, to his annoyance, barely spares him a moment to talk, but he is too relieved that she’s alive to be too offended. She is in a hurry to get back to the rest of the resistance and has no time to speak to someone who isn’t even an ally when there are lives at stake. She tells Zamasu this and in response he grabs hold of her to keep her still and heals her injuries. Reluctantly he admits how much he has begun to detest Black and that he is relieved to see she survived. Before Mai can even think of a response, they see explosions and she rushes in that direction because she recognizes it as the subway station the rebels would go during an evacuation.
Black is distracted by Zamasu asking what he was doing now and how did he get hurt. Black happily explains what happened when he went through the time distortion. He wanted to test out his body’s forms when destroying the humans, though he is admittedly slowed down by the injuries he got from Goku. Zamasu has him return to their base so he can heal him, giving the resistance time to escape with just a bit more of the civilians than they did originally. Eventually he leaves Black with tea and an excuse, to his counterpart’s confusion.
Zamasu returns to Mai who icily thanks him for distracting Black, but people still died and she’s sick and tired of such pointless deaths. To Zamasu, it’s different to see the mortals at ground level after watching them fight so boldly from afar. They are dirty, starving and scared and he feels weird to be connected to the cause of it. Mai asks how he even found her and the others and Zamasu realizes he must have picked up the ability to sense power levels after Black brought it up and focused on her.
Remembering that fact, Zamasu informs her that Black will know where they are. He can sense their energies and the only reason he hasn’t killed them all is because he is either toying with them or wants to draw Trunks out. This is a huge blow to the other resistance members’ confidence. Mai just expresses her distaste and firmly stands by her decision to hold onto hope and support Trunks and any allies he might bring. Zamasu is intrigued in the idea of Trunks bringing allies but Mai refuses to give details. She then asks him to go and please, don’t come back unless he is going to help.
Zamasu leaves and eventually decides to just dispose of Black. Not for Mai or the mortals (totally not), but because he’s done serving him. When he returns, Black shows him his new form, Super Saiyan Rosè that he was able to acquire by taking in all the moves he learned by fighting Goku in the past and turning them into his own in his body. Zamasu is immortal, but not powerful enough to dispose of Black quickly so his plan to destroy Black needs rethinking – if he messes up then Mai and the other survivors would be put at risk. He plays nice and impressed for now, but unfortunately does not have any time to really plan.
Trunks returns with Vegeta and Goku and Black is drawn to the area where are and the fight goes as it does in the anime as Zamasu watches from above. Eventually when Black is about to finish them off, Zamasu tell him to stop. Except in this version, he means it. Goku appears happy to see him, claiming he knew he didn’t seem like a bad guy and Zamasu is offended he calls to him so casually. Black is furious and demands an explanation. Zamasu tells him he’s had a change of plans and is not going to just follow him anymore. At some point it’s revealed Black is Zamasu from the past in Goku’s body and Zamasu criticizes him for it and his primal obsession again.
While Black is distracted, Yajirobe and Mai save the three Saiyans and send them back to the past, more hopeful now that Zamasu appears to have switched sides.
Zamasu spends his time keeping Black away from the remaining humans. Black knows he can’t kill him and Zamasu knows he can’t defeat Black on his own so eventually the fight goes to a standstill with the two just arguing again. Black is on the brink of hysteria because he can’t believe the one he is fighting is himself. He can’t deal with the idea that any version of himself could be as flawed as to think mortals are worth anything. He begins to taunt Zamasu. What did he plan to do if he killed him? The Super Dragon Balls are gone so he can’t undo anything. All the other gods were gone, was he going to live amongst the filth and sins of mortals? Stay at his side. They are so close to a perfect utopia. The last of humanity wasn’t worth it. He’s seen what they do, how they dare to claim godly power as their own and throw fists at true higher beings, what plan could he possibly have for them? Zamasu begins to lose confidence in his decision.
In the past the Saiyans are sent to recover. Trunks tells Beerus and Whis about how Zamasu had swapped bodies with Goku after losing a fight with him. Beerus decides he hates time travel and they revisit Gowasu and Zamasu. Like the anime, they prove Zamasu’s murderous intent and he is erased. They explain everything to Gowasu and he is horrified, but then decides he wants to help. Beerus says its unnecessary since Zamasu is erased in this timeline so therefore, he is gone in all of them, but Gowasu says it isn’t the case if Black is wearing a time ring. He wants to help the future Zamasu who has switched sides since he apparently had failed so badly with his own. Beerus doesn’t care and says to do what he wants, time travel is such a hassle.
Goku, Vegeta, Trunks and Bulma are ready to travel back to the future, more battle ready. Goku and Vegeta barely begin to fight Black while Zamasu stands aside uncertainly. As Black fights he recounts all the sins that Trunks, Vegeta and Goku have committed, confident he can get Zamasu back on his side with these blatant examples in front of him.
Shin arrives with Gowasu and once Black sees him, he is frozen. Gowasu condemns everything he has done in a speech and it makes Black furious but it gets through to Zamasu, strengthening his resolve and he rejoins the fight. Faced with Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, his old master and himself, Black completely snaps. He tries to kill Gowasu for a third time but Zamasu intercepts the attack. From there, Black’s attacks are overpowered and erratic. There’s a big dramatic fight and probably speeches and monologues but with everyone teaming up on him, it doesn’t take too long for them to kill Black. Trunks gets the killing blow cause its Trunks.
Gowasu asks Zamasu to join him in his timeline and perhaps they can make up their mistakes with each other, but Zamasu declines. He won’t go through with the Zero Mortal Plan, but he also can’t go back to standing idly by and watching as mortals fall to evil. Everyone parts ways and goes back to their respective timelines as everything gets wrapped up. Trunks’s future is safe and they begin to rebuild as Zamasu rethinks his future and his role. It’s all a pretty uncertain, but happy, ending…
…Then upper management gets involved.
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jazillia007 · 5 years
Thoughts on 2x13 - Part 1
So first of all, I have to say I'm very glad I didn't watch the episode live with the emotions coming in left and right and all the drama happening in the fandom right after the episode.
I watched the episode knowing what's coming, so that was kinda cheating on my part but it definitely helped to focus on everything else happening in the episode.
Overall I can say it was a terribly written episode – it felt like a episode quickly written in case Good Girls didn't get a renewal (season 2 had obviously finished filming when it got its renewal, so they definitely didn't think about whether it would feel out of character or moving too fast.)
Because – and I don't care if I get hate for this – I could see Brio ending up in a situation like they ended up in this episode. But let's talk about the other things first.
Annie and Noah (because it's quick):
I never really cared about them. I don't care about Noah having a kid – trying to make it all okay he did lie to Annie and raped her by deception. So you guys talked it out and now it's okay? No, thanks. And do I think he will leave? Well only season 3 will tell. Also I was low-key grossed out by Annie sitting on the toilet doing her business while talking to Noah. They still know eachother for 5 minutes and I just think it's gross. (I know there are couples who do this kind of stuff but personally my toilet business is my toilet business. lol)
Boomer – Marion – Redemption – WTF?:
First of all: why did we need Boomer to be alive again? After watching episode 12 I was like „okay maybe there is a reason why the writers messed with us“ but now I just think it was really for the shocker and mostly cringeworthy scenes.
The dining room scene was terrible. Who wrote it? Jenna, was that you?
Boomer being like „I'm gonna change my face and nobody will recognize me“. Like what? This felt straight out of a Korean drama (if anyone is watching Korean drama, you all know what I mean). It was way too long, way too over the top and not funny. And then Boomer is coming at the 3 women with Jeff? How does he know about Jeff? Did I miss anything? Did I miss Mary Pat telling him about her husband? People in the fandom, help me out! Did I zoom out while this conversation happened?
But also: I don't get Beth's reasoning here. Ruby is right! Get rid off the rest of Jeff and call the cops on Boomer! Heck, why didn't they tell Boomer about how he should shut up about Jeff when he is dirty himself. All the business in Fine & Frugals aside he is also a rapist.
And then, you have Marion driving him to the cops?
Okay, I know a lot of people don't like it that they somewhat gave these two a half-ass written redemption arc. Like Marion is a racist granny and Boomer is... well he is Boomer. Basically he is trash, okay?
But putting aside my personal aversion to these two, I actually liked that Marion did what she did. In the end she knew Boomer was stealing from her and all that. And the way he ordered her around in the beginning of the episode, I was like „Marion, grow a backbone!“. So in that regard, I liked it.
BUT Boomer got away too easily. Neither Annie nor Mary Pat got their chance to tell him off. Will he go to prison? Or get away just like that? I believe unfortunately he will.
Like I said it's half-ass written and not satisfying at all. Just like the episode overall.
Beth's „reasoning“:
I know Beth is a woman with flaws. To a point I feel second-hand embarassement watching her making the same mistakes over and over again. She does and did many decisions which made me facepalm throughout each episode. But some decisions were reasonable or at least understandable for someone without any experience and a certain naivety. We can't expect Beth to be this professional criminal, just like Rio is.
As some pointed out she does make rash decisions when she feels cornered but in this episode I couldn't make sense out of her decisions at all.
How exactly would it help her to pay Boomer money for the crazy facial surgery and for everything else? I'm Ruby in this scene who can't make sense of Beth. Didn't she learn a thing?
If you don't take care of your rotten egg it will spread like a disease – if there is one lesson Beth should remember it's this one – and Boomer is certainly someone who would always come back no matter what, to blackmail and for more cash.
Same with her turning herself in. It showed she was always the caregiver in this group of 3 women and I understand she believes that turning herself in would stop Turner going after the Hills and Annie.
BUT again this falls flat because why would you turn yourself in for the murder of Leslie Petersen aka Boomer when he is alive and well? It would've made sense IF Beth, Ruby and Annie didn't know Boomer was still alive and they genuinely thought the body was his. But that's not the case.
I can't believe they didn't come up with something else. Any fan theory/idea was better than what the writers gave us in this episode.
It's such lazy writing.
Beth the „King“?:
This makes no sense to me at all, not just throughout the whole last bit of the episode but the show so far.
I know some in the fandom wouldn't mind Beth doing her own business without Rio. And all I can ask is: but HOW!?
It's not like I wouldn't agree but if anything that would be a plot I could see happening at the end of season 3 if well-written. In the end we want Beth and Rio to be equals and that can't be achieved – even with a 50/50 deal. Why? Because even with the 50/50 deal, Beth is still 100% not involved in anything going on behind the scenes. For example how Rio perfected his counterfeit money business or his „drug“ business.
I'm also pretty sure Rio didn't tell Beth his recipe how to make the fake cash as legit as possible. In the end he can't trust her enough with these details.
Yes, she can google stuff but I had to laugh quiet a lot at Beth being so proud for producing fake cash with Dean's printer. Okay...
(Also on a sidenote: is it healthy to bake money in chemicals in the same oven you would usually cook your meals in?)
And she is bringing in a random divorced mom who is a designer? Since when is she friends with someone else aside from Ruby and Annie?
I know everyone got to start somewhere but if the season finale proved one thing for sure: it's Beth not being ready for what is ahead of her. She is high on power but to me she came out as weak after shooting Rio. This isn't how I wanted to see Beth to get her own business – again makes no sense at all how she can do it and make as much cash as Rio. He worked for YEARS in this crime world – and certainly she is no King to me.
But I think she will realize that pretty quickly in season 3 that everything isn't that easy. And I can't wait for her to come in touch with other – far less pleasant than Rio – gangsters in town. Plus with her way of not dealing with problems it's likely not going to end well for her.
Dean – Redemption? - WTF 2.0:
The worst thing for me in this episode apart from the shooting scene was probably how they portrayed the relationship between Beth and Dean.
It's Boomer redemption all over again. Lazy writing 101.
But fair enough I didn't see it as Beth and Dean coming back together. I just think in this episode full of self-inflicted turmoil and stress she sought comfort in the person she had been with for 20 years. That's all.
Which doesn't excuse that Dean basically got away with the following things:
he is a cheater. Like he cheated multiple times on Beth.
and he used the lie about sex addiction as a reason why he cheated on her because she wouldn't let him touch while she suffered from post-partum depression.
Dean is also a lying liar because he lied about having CANCER in season 1 because he wanted to keep his property aka his wife.
he undermined Beth's abilities as a businesswoman – let's put aside the crime stuff, she is a LOT better at Dean's job which he HATES.
he also reduces Beth to being a housewife and mother and talks down to her – I've not forgotten his sandwich cookie cutter comment.
he is also unable to get another job because we know how he is, he is unable not to con his own customers and possible future employers can see that from a mile away – but Beth is like „well then it wasn't meant to be?“ like what? Are you serious?
And all seems forgotten now and we get to see Beth and Dean and how they probably were as a not really happy but at least functional couple.
It's almost as if the writers try to gloss over Dean's nonsense because if you look at what Beth did and does it's far worse than what Dean did.
And that's terrible! It's not okay. Because Beth had to do what she did because of Dean! Dean is the reason for all the crap going down in Beth's life. If anything she should blame Dean, not Rio and maybe not even herself...
I can't watch Good Girls as a tv show for female empowerment when Beth doesn't get to call Dean out on his bullshit. And he has the audicity to ask „what went wrong with us?“??
You went wrong, Mister! And Beth didn't get to say it because her look says it all but she just wants to avoid any further conflict.
And that's not okay. It's like the writers gave Beth a muzzle in these scenes and wouldn't let her say what she obviously thinks.
And I’m not even sad about Beth and Dean getting along as parents. Like that's a good decision. Because in the end they have 4 kids and they should be functional as parents.
I'm simply baffled how poorly written Beth's and Dean's conflict is or the lack of addressing it. And that the writers apparently want to have these two in the same house for another season.
I simply have no words anymore.
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damisagca1971-blog · 6 years
They have Trump in legal jeopardy he could be as innocent as he claims but has no legal way to prove it until trial, which they seem deadset on delaying this, look at roger stone whose appeal just put this circus into the 2020 race. The water is being muddied so much but the brutal truth is even if he isn't innocent they should've never been able to legally dig this deep on someone just because they didn't like him. Which is what is happened. I bought some pepper spray and a decent knife after hearing about a pregnant driver in Atlanta being ambushed and beaten up. Carrying is a last resort and not a get out of assholes free card, but then at least you have something on you if he was all threatening.That being said, some people will treat everyone they in contact with like trash, but think about the amount of deliveries done per day compared to weapon crimes per day. I would have tossed the food at the door and drove off like you did, but most people should have enough brain cells to rub together to know murder is bad. Currently as an adult my skin type is dry/dehydrated, sliiiiightly sensitive. Before starting a skincare routine i get a small handful of acne on my face, some bigger deeper ones and some small ones. Skin felt tight AF coming out of the shower no matter what. This old man had his dick out and in his hand. I was shocked. Flipped him off and honked my air horn. I looking for some nice lip colors! I want to be able to have a wash/pop of color on my lips, sort of like the glossier generation g lip colors. Mine are naturally a brownish rose, so light pinks don show up well, so I would like to avoid that. I really hate having matte lips so I prefer ones that are at least semi matte up to creamy/satin/slight gloss. Not to mention that some of us like our work (shocker for the huns). I get to do something that stimulates me mentally, contributes value to the world and I get to do it (and go to lunch) with people I consider to be my friends. I also being paid what my skills are worth, not for how many people I conned into signing up under me or tricked into buying lipstick made out of vinegar or some shit.. I think, though not sure, the reason it went so badly for the ram is it's different fighting style. They usually "load" up and deliver a single bash to another ram. He was not expecting the relentless onslaught from the buck. 2 standard and Thunderbolt 3, while the other one only supports the Gen. 1 standard. The key difference between Gen. That because the caps TWIST off!And this is petty but she uses EVERYDAY instead of EVERY DAY in her 15DOF intro. "Everyday" means "ordinary" or "uninteresting." "Every day" means each day. Her intro says "A new video everyday."She also not afraid to share her political views occasionally on her social media (which I like), but she still eats a ChickFilA and sometimes it obvious she doesn do her research into a company practices before talking about a product.I do really like 나주출장마사지 her as a person. I never feel fully satisfied until one of those things is done. This is a really big revelation for myself. We have a need to create. Age only matters as far as 나주출장마사지 body breakdown, and it is real. Carpal tunnel, tendinitis, joint inflammation, bad shoulders, varicose veins. You ABSOLUTELY must have good shoes (they make cute ones now), compression socks anytime you're wearing pants that will hide them, don't eat sugar, do yoga 3x per week, and get a massage every month.
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foundlingmother · 7 years
King Loki Headcanons
That Nobody Asked For
The way they did Loki as Odin in Ragnarok dissatisfied me (big shocker, I’m sure). It’s not that I don’t believe Loki would write a play about himself, or invest in the arts, or sit around in a bathrobe eating grapes. I just don’t think he’d do it because he’s a hedonistic narcissist. Trump’s a narcissist. He’s got a high opinion about himself, loves when his ego is stroked, and throws a fit when it isn’t. Loki thinks that he’s a monster, expects everyone to agree, and grows bitter and spiteful because of it. That’s not the same thing. Think of Blood Brothers. Loki says that Thor was the only one who ever loved him, and he’s killing him because he stopped. He doesn’t attack those that never loved him. Now, Loki is a bit of a hedonist. He’s absolutely easily bored (intelligent people are often bored by mundane routine). I’ve no doubt he’d hate almost everything about ruling. I just don’t think that would make him a shit ruler. So, I’ve written a few headcanons about Loki’s time ruling Asgard. I think they’re a nice balance of intelligence, laziness, self-care, and planning for the future. Feel free to disagree or add your own.
I’ll tag a few people... @philosopherking1887, @kaori04, @lucianalight, @latent-thoughts, @mastreworld, @seidrade, and @icyxmischief (Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged in this sort of thing!)
Loki dismisses his father’s council (made up of wealthy lords and ladies with little practical knowledge), and forms a new council with younger members, some of them nobility, but many of them common. Their unifying trait is that they are all super competent in the area they’re overseeing. He delegates his kingly duties (the daily grind) to many of them. Loki finds the day to day requirements of being a king tedious, but he’s got a vested interest in everything running smoothly, and he’s not an idiot. To explain why he delegates more duties, he claims his years are catching up with him, and that Frigga’s death drained him. People respect that.
Loki spends time researching the Infinity Stones. He does so covertly, so as not to attract the attention of Thanos or any of his people. He specifically studies the Tesseract in secret.
Loki doesn’t bother to send armies to the other Realms. One, their in chaos because puppet governments are falling apart. Loki’s not one for order, particularly not Odin’s order, so he lets the revolutions run their course. Two, he wants to bolster their army for Thanos’ inevitable appearance.
To that end, he allows rapid advancement among the ranks based on skill (he does away with any nepotism that occurs). It’s not out of a sense of justice. It’s about practicality. Everyone’s got a shot based on their merit. Considering the natural strength of the Asgardian forces compared to other alien races, nepotism likely ran wild. Odin meant to appease the nobles. I imagine Hogun, a Vanir, only got as far as he did because he had Thor’s support. (He does deserves it. I’m not saying he doesn’t. I’m saying the opposite. Like Sif, he had to fight tooth and nail to get respect in Asgard.)
Loki increases the demand for practitioners of seiðr. He diverts resources to training interested Asgardians.
If Loki had anything to do with the other Realms, he traded with them (both the puppet governments and the rebels). In effect, he prolonged the instability in other Realms in order to increase Asgard’s treasury.
The theater, complete with statue in front, isn’t dedicated to himself, but Frigga. The statue is of her.
He does write plays. However, Loki’s elequent, artistic, and he’s read countless books and plays. He isn’t a bad writer. The play is well written. It is also well acted, since Loki would not be satisfied with such shitty acting. Essentially, watching Loki’s play is every bit as emotional and dramatic as watching the scene in TDW, if not more so. That’s one of the best, most emotional scenes in that movie (and Hemsworth’s best performance in the MCU), and mocking it pisses me off.
He takes a lot of baths with bubbles and scented oils. It’s very relaxing.
The paperwork he can’t avoid he does in Frigga’s gardens. He hires the best people to tend to the gardens. Not only does sitting in the gardens make him long for Frigga, it also makes him miss Thor. Being all about the fertile earth, Frigga encouraged him to walk through the gardens and reinvigorate her plants. The gardeners just can’t achieve that loveliness. (This one’s very inspired by one of @raven-brings-light‘s headcanons about Thor.)
And now, for my wildest headcanons. My Frost Giant stan headcanons:
Odin never told Jotunheim who attacked them using the Bifrost, either because he didn’t see a reason to or because Loki did it. If they discovered one of Odin’s sons did, they’d demand the crown pay.
Loki uses that fact to his advantage. He’s aware the Frost Giants are a match for the strength of Asgard (they’re a legitimate threat in a fair fight). He goes to their king, one of his brothers, and reveals who he is. In small ways, he helps them rebuild, and earns their trust. He never exposes that he’s currently ruling Asgard, and therefore could give them the Casket at any point. He does all this to facilitate his escape plan should Thor return. He doesn’t want to live in a ruined Realm (hence why he’s fixing it up a bit), but Jotunheim’s a good place to hide from the people who want to see him dead/tortured/imprisoned. If he escapes there, Thor won’t follow. He’d risk war. Loki would grab the Casket on the way out to make extra sure Thor wouldn’t risk it. Thanos’ minions won’t get far facing an army of Frost Giants with ice powers. It’s the safest place for him to hide after Asgard.
I also love this headcanon because imagine how pissed Thor would be to discover that Loki told his Frost Giant brothers he was alive, but didn’t tell Thor. The amount of trouble Loki would be in for that....
If he’d had to enact this plan, Loki would have grown depressed, and he would often sneak back into Asgard disguised as another Asgardian or an animal.
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queenmercurys · 6 years
hey love :') ALL the odd numbers for the ff asks??
NOTE: I realize now that this said all the ODD numbers, but me being an idiot, I just read “all numbers” and went for it. oh, well. here’s answers no one asked for :P and the ones you asked for, thanks, ems ;))
this is why you’re the greatest friend in the entire world ;D okay, here we go!! i’m gonna skip the ones i already got asked, but there’s still plenty to do ;P thank you so, so much, I love you!
2. Least favorite game?
well, out of the ones i’ve played, i’m gonna have to go with type-0, at least for now. it’s pretty good, i like the story, but the gameplay is crazy hard (and this is coming from someone who has played final fantasy since she was 8) and i’m not like crazy in love with any of the characters. they’re all good, but there’s not that thing that i have with basically every other final fantasy. but i’ve not finished it yet, it has plenty of time to change my mind!
3. Which games have you played?
i have played vii, viii, ix, x, x-2, xii, xiii, xiii-2, lightning returns, xv, world of final fantasy, type-0 and dissidia nt. however, i would like to note that i’ve watched crisis core so many times that i have basically played that, too. and i would, if i had a psp. anyway, i recently bought vi, so i’ll be playing that next, and then going backwards. the only ones i am not actively trying to play are xi and xiv. i’m not into multiplayers. but anyway, i also know the stories of the dissidia games, and i know the stories from i to vi, so nothing is really unfamiliar to me. it’s an amazing franchise and i love it.
4. Most underrated game?
i have to say x-2. it gets so much hate and for no reason whatsoever. it’s such a joyous, beautiful game with wonderful characters, the best turn-based gameplay and surprisingly fun minigames and sidequests. i stan x-2 100%.
5. Most overrated game?
if i were less biased, i’d say vii, but i’m not perfect, so i’m gonna go with my other pick: vi. i am sure it’s absolutely wonderful, and everything seems great based on what i have heard, read and watched. however, the fact that the cast is literally cramped with 20 million different characters throws me off a tiny bit. i can’t see it being that easy to give good character development to all of them, and i guess that hasn’t happened. but yeah, i honestly can’t say much before actually playing it. but i suppose part of the praise is largely due to nostalgia - as it is with vii, too. 
6. Favorite protagonist?
that would be my perfect darling, cloud strife.
7. Favorite antagonist?
this was a bit of a tough one, but i’m gonna go with ardyn izunia. 
12. Best looking male?
cloud strife for sure. he’s really, really handsome, okay.
14. Character you would most like to marry?
well, this may come as a shocker, but cloud strife.
15. Character you hate the most?
i appreciate him for everything that he is, i think he’s a totally epic villain, but after everything he’s done to cloud, to aerith and to everyone else, i am definitely gonna have to go with sephiroth. but he is iconic and the franchise wouldn’t be the same without him.
16. Which game had the best cast of characters?
even though it’s not my favorite game, i’m gonna go with vii. it has such a large, engaging multiverse to itself that it’s had a lot of time to develop the characters and make them more interesting and fleshed out. and i love so many of them so much. like my darling cloud, or sunshine boy zack, or aerith, or tifa, vincent, yuffie, cid etc etc. i think the cast of characters is really awesome. but that’s not to say i don’t love the other casts, because i do, very much so.
17. Which game was the saddest?
crisis core. what made it worst was knowing from the start that zack was going to die, and then living through it all, seeing how happy he was. watching him fall in love with aerith, befriend cloud, and even hang out with sephiroth and genesis. it’s so heartbreaking watching that boy try so hard, and then eventually die protecting his best friend a few miles away from his goal. it’s really not fair, and watching the ending always breaks me. that’s not even counting the pain that cloud had to go through in crisis core, but if i take that into consideration, it just strengthens my argument: crisis core is definitely the saddest game.
18. Which game was the funniest?
x-2. i know it’s a bit cliche and maybe even a bit cringe, but i love every bit of it. it’s pure joy, and watching yuna be happy and carefree even for a bit warms my heart. and personally, what i think makes it even better is that the game also has so many heartbreaking, sad moments. it balances itself out very nicely.
19. Which game had the best love story?
i am definitely gonna go with x. the story of yuna and tidus is well fleshed out, it’s romantic, it’s tragic, it’s sweet and above all (because i love this aspect in couples) it’s angsty as fuck, and that is exactly what i want from any fictional couple. they are a big part of why i love x as much as i do.
21. Which game would you sooner die before doing the above ^?
since i picked x-2 for the game i’d like to insert myself into, i am gonna go with… xiii for the game i would not like to be in. the world is gorgeous, but the divide between the people of cocoon and the people of pulse, and the dictatorship-like way the world is ruled, yeah, no thank you. besides, i could never replace lightning, i have literally none of her good qualities.
22. Which game’s world would you most like to live in?
this was really hard for me to pick, but i think i would actually go with the world in viii. it’s a world that has technology (which, as a child of the 90′s, i do need), and it still has many fantasy elements to it, not to mention some really, really gorgeous locations, like fisherman’s horizon, balamb town etc. 
23. Which specific location (e.g. Besaid Island) would you most like to live in?
if we’re going with specific locations, i think i would like to live in tenebrae from xv. it seems like such a gorgeous, peaceful place, i think i would be very happy there.
24. What’s your favorite job/class? Is this the same class you would want to be if you entered a class-based Final Fantasy game, or would you rather be a different one? If so, which one?
my favorite class is probably summoner, but i also have a fondness for the white magic, the black mage and the knight/any other variation of that job class. i think i would probably be a white mage myself.
25. What is your favorite ability?
summoning is always something i find very useful, obviously, but i also like noctis’ warp strike in xv. using weapons with abilities like stone strike is also really satisfying in x, too.
26. Favorite boss fight?
i really love the final boss battle against ardyn in xv. the main reason for this is because in the fight, ardyn doesn’t have an elaborate second form (tho i don’t mind those either), it’s literally just two men fighting each other. and the end, how ardyn loses because he can’t summon up the sword of the father, i think that’s really meaningful and i’ve always liked it a lot.
28. Your favorite spell?
well, i sure have grown very fond of curaga over the years, but in terms of something that i just consider really cool… i’ve always liked holy quite a bit, not really sure why.
29. Favorite summon?
the knights of the round from vii. other than that, probably shiva. i also really like alexander and bahamut.
30. Least favorite battle/boss fight?
i am not a huge fan of the fight against cid raines in xiii. i don’t know why, but that fight took me forever, and multiple tries. just… nope.
31. Do you have any theories or headcanons you swear by (e.g. Rinoa as Sorceress)?
i used to swear by the “squall is dead” theory just because it seemed super interesting, but nah, i love squall too much. he ain’t dead. i think the theory i am very fond of is that vii and x are connected. the theory that the kid shinra in x-2 eventually started developing a technology that would eventually lead to the shinra company in vii. it’s grim, but it’s entirely possible. 
32. Are there any fanon theories/headcanons you just can’t believe?
i mean, there are a lot of weird ones that i don’t buy into, but i guess one that i don’t believe is that cloud actually killed aerith (aka he killed her by drowning her because sephiroth’s sword didn’t actually kill her, but paralyzed her instead, or something). i am pretty sure he checked if she was breathing, give him some credit. 
34. Which canon couple do you think is most likely to break up sometime after the credits roll?
umm… well, considering that they weren’t really even together, ever, i guess it doesn’t qualify, but i’m gonna say cloud and tifa. i just don’t see how it would work, romantically. i get that there are feelings there, but actually as a functioning couple? idk about that. everyone can think what they want, though, what do i know? my second pick would probably be snow and serah. i find them very cute, but that’s another ship where i can’t see how they would actually work in everyday life.
36. And your least favorite non-canon couple?
please don’t throw cloud and sephiroth at me, i really can’t. i have literally nothing against m/m ships, my favorite non-canon ship is strifehart. i just don’t ship these two and i think cloud deserves soooooo much better. again, just my opinion though. 
37. What do you think makes a game a “quintessential” Final Fantasy game? (In other words… some people say the new games don’t feel like Final Fantasy games to them. What FEELS like a Final Fantasy game, to you?)
well, since my first final fantasy was x, i might not be the best one to answer this because my first one wasn’t one of the “classics”, really, but… to me, they all feel like final fantasy. the games don’t have to all be same, nor should they be. but for the sake of the question (which is a very interesting question btw), i think that there needs to be a big bad, and a group of mismatched, troubled heroes who do what they can to defeat that big bad. that’s literally all i need from a final fantasy game for it to feel like a final fantasy. plus, at least one engaging character who i can root for.
38. What things did/would bother you when/if they were put in the games (i.e. what things DON’T belong in Final Fantasy games)?
nothing’s bothered me much yet, but i guess what i don’t really care about are those weird collabs, like xv + assassin’s creed or something. i get why they do it, but ehh. i think those rather “pointless” dlc additions are just that: pointless. i am, however, on board useful and important dlc additions, like story additions or new fighting arenas, like with dissidia nt.
39. What is your favorite prequel or sequel?
my favorite prequel is definitely crisis core, and my favorite sequel is x-2 (does advent children count? if it does, then ac, too). 
40. Square-Enix hands over the reins to you, to make a prequel or sequel for any game of your choice, even ones that already have those things. What do you make?
first i make a sequel to vii to see what happened to cloud after advent children, then i make x-3, and then i make a sequel to viii. it absolutely doesn’t need a sequel, but i want it in glorious hd.
42. Worst character design?
no one looks bad, to me anyway, but i guess some characters are pretty weird, like cloud of darkness’ design for dissidia nt. i get that she didn’t really have any clothes on in the original, either, but that crap must be very impractical in battle.
43. What is your favorite weapon?
cloud’s buster sword, and cloud’s fusion sword.
44. What cutscene do you wish you could cut out of any of the games?
the date scene with iris and noctis in xv. why did they do that???
45. What creature do you most wish was real? (Chocobo’s, moogles, etc.)
oh, moogles would be so adorable. so would moombas.
46. Best soundtrack?
i think all the soundtracks are freaking fantastic, final fantasy music is the best music ever created, but i am gonna go with final fantasy xv. my close second pick would be final fantasy viii.
47. Favorite overworld song?
the one from viii, just because it brings back memories of me wandering around for hours, grinding for magic spells and items.
48. Which game had the best opening cutscene?
they are all freaking amazing, honestly. like honestly, all the games are so beautiful and perfect in this aspect, but i guess if i have to choose… probably x. the destruction of zanarkand is pretty powerful stuff, especially for an opening cutscene.
49. Which game had the best ending?
i’ve always said this, and i will always say it: final fantasy x-2. it’s called the perfect ending for a reason. and yes, i mean the ending where tidus comes back and he and yuna are reunited. 
51. Favorite non-vocal song?
somnus and somnus ultima from xv. honestly the most gorgeous song i have ever heard in my life.
52. Favorite limit break/overdrive/trance/you-get-the-picture mode and/or ability?
cloud’s omnislash for sure. can’t wait to see that in the remake.
53. Are there any plot-holes or questions you have about any of the games that you wish would be resolved?
nothing that bugs me too much. i guess the one that bothers me the most is that, why was ultimecia’s summon called griever?? has anyone ever explained this? if ultimecia isn’t rinoa, then why?? it worries me. i don’t know why, but it worries me.
54. What scene had the most impact on you?
there are plenty, but here is the top 5: yuna and tidus’ goodbye at the end of x, aerith and zack saying their final farewells to cloud in ac, noctis calling the kings of lucis to help him bring back the dawn and they all proceed to kill him in xv, luna and noctis getting married in the afterlife in xv and that scene at the end of viii when rinoa is pointing to the sky, we think she’s alone and then she turns and squall’s there, smiling for the first time in the entire game. okay, no, i’m cheating. also the ending of crisis core, for sure. 
55. Which game did you play first, and when (how old were you, etc.)?
i played final fantasy x when i was around 8 or 9. i got introduced to it by my friend’s sister. we watched her play for days and weeks until i finally asked my dad if i could have the game, too. and i got it, and i loved it. i still do. what a game. 
57. What game that has yet to be released are you most looking forward to?
*laughs nervously* final fantasy vii remake. square… please? 
58. What do you think of the Final Fantasy fandom in general? Do you think it is a good one? Any complaints?
oh, i think it’s a very good one! i’m not one to get too involved in fandoms anyway, so if there is bad blood, i don’t know about it. but everyone i’ve met has been super friendly, very talented and just genuinely wonderful. no complaints :) ok, maybe one. it doesn’t matter if you ship clerith, zerith, cloti or whatever you want. everyone can ship in peace. it’s all good.
59. Do you have any favorite works of art or fanfiction that you always go back to, and/or basically accept as canon?
i have no shame in admitting that i basically consider it as canon (tho this goes into the kh story, too) that squall and cloud are basically the fathers of roxas and sora, and they’re the best, happiest family ever. i go back to a lot of strifehart fanfiction, and plenty of awesome fanarts i’ve seen.
60. If you got the chance to work at Square Enix making Final Fantasy games, at any job, regardless of your skill set (they offer you paid training), what would you most like to work on or do?
hmm, i think i would like to be a character designer, but i would also really, really love to be involved in the story creation and writing, too. maybe i could do both?
thanks so much again, hon, you’re the greatest and i had the best time answering these :D talking about final fantasy makes me so happy! love you
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sleepieash · 7 years
[efflorescence] - bakudeku; hanahaki, 2/?
as beautiful as they were, he grew tired of the sight (and taste) of green chrysanthemums after the first petal fell from his mouth.
"What are you planning to do?" Bakugou's mother asked while he buried himself in article after article on Hanahaki.
He'd confided in her that he'd need more medicine soon even though his current dosage was supposed to last him until the end of the month. But with the way things were going, he wouldn't even make it to the end of the month without more medication. 
Mitsuki, ever the worrier despite her tough exterior, had given him a strange (and long) look but thankfully, didn't ask any questions. She'd just gotten him what he needed.
However, Bakugou figured that she'd eventually get tired of his silence. Which is why he opted to just tell her a bit more instead.
"Ignore it, of course." he replied as she set the new medicine bottle next to the old one.
"You're so fucking stubborn." Mitsuki sneered. She crossed her arms and gave him "The Look," the overly parental one that made him feel like he was disappointing everyone all at once. "Why don't you just tell Izuku how you feel and get it over with?"
Well, that was a shocker.
"H-how...?" Bakugou couldn't even get the entire question out. He'd never discussed with his parents who exactly was the reason he'd acquired Hanahaki in the first place. It was surprising that his mother knew despite how careful he'd been.
"I'm your mother, kid." she said, her expression growing just the tiniest bit softer. "You think I wouldn't notice something like that? Not to mention that it's seemed to have gotten worse now and Izuku is the only one that's been around you since childhood."
Bakugou felt the irritation grow within him at her words. If she so easily saw through him, who else did? It only fueled the thought inside him that somehow Midoriya knew about how the disease was plaguing him. After all, if Mitsuki had seen all the signs and put the pieces together, a nerd like Midoriya would definitely be skeptical.
Sighing, he tried to calm down. "There’s no way he could know." he reassured himself. Midoriya was smart, he reluctantly admitted, but there was no way he could come to a conclusion that easily. Not without evidence.
With that, Bakugou made a silent vow to put forth a greater effort to decrease the chance that Midoriya bore witness to the flowers growing inside of him. He'd read articles about people who'd discovered methods to discreetly dispose of the petals in public.
He could do it.
He had to.
"I can't tell him." Bakugou finally spat out. "There's no way he feels the same. I'd rather keep managing this shitty illness than deal with fucking...ugh..." he hesitated in saying it. "Heartbreak..."
Mitsuki's slightly angry expression seemed to fall at his words and she took on a much sadder one. Bakugou immediately felt a small surge of guilt flow through him. Sometimes, they didn't get along, but he never wanted her to worry so much about him. Especially not when he had everything under control.
"Just..." Mitsuki started. "Think about it. You may be hell to deal with..." she angled a smile towards him at this. "But you're my kid and I hate seeing you like this."
A bit choked up, he only nodded in response.
His mother seemed satisfied and made to leave his room. At the last moment, she turned and addressed him once more. "And remember, Katsuki, the surgery is always an option."
With that, she took her leave.
Alone, Bakugou placed his head in his hands and tried to sort through his muddled thoughts. He was thoroughly confused and ultimately didn't know what to do about his ailment besides continuing to manage it as he'd done for so long.
He did know one thing though. And that was that Mitsuki was wrong.
Since the day he'd been diagnosed with Hanahaki, surgery had never been an option for him and he figured that nothing had changed even then.
The next day, Bakugou walked into class, a handful of pills in his pocket and a handbook on Hanahaki in his palm. Kirishima greeted him from his desk where he sat with Sero, Ashido and Kaminari huddled around him. Bakugou acknowledged him with a grunt before heading to his own desk.
Thankfully, this time Midoriya had joined Iida and Uraraka at Todoroki's desk. Bakugou tried not to pay too much attention to him out of fear for himself but chatter of the upcoming school trip flooded into his ears. Todoroki deadpanned something and Midoriya laughed in response.
That was what compelled Bakugou to turn slightly and watch him out of the corner of his eye no matter how much he tried to force himself not to. Midoriya's laugh was melodious and the genuinely happy look on his face made Bakugou warm slightly against his will. He could honestly listen to him al-
Feeling a tickle rise in his throat, he cleared it and pulled his gaze away from Midoriya, settling on Todoroki.
As soon as he did, however, a cold feeling settled in his veins. Todoroki was watching Midoriya with a look that Bakugou couldn't quite place. Admiration? Fondness? Whatever it was, the small smile he held directed at the green-haired boy lit something within him. For whatever reason, he wanted to push Todoroki away and wipe that look off of his face.
Midoriya seemed to take notice of Todoroki in that instance and returned his smile with one of his own. Bakugou felt the cold coil that had settled in his stomach grow tighter and he grit his teeth. This unfamiliar feeling was almost as bad as the breathlessness brought about by his Hanahaki. Why exactly was he experiencing something like this?
At the very least, he knew he didn’t like Todoroki being so close to Midoriya, talking excitedly to him, smiling at him with that foreign look in his eyes… Just thinking about it had him feeling like that again. And of course, to top it all off, the flowers seemed to stir within his lungs as well.
Groaning to himself, he opted for focusing on the door instead, contemplating leaving before Aizawa arrived. After all, who even fucking cared about the fact that Todoroki and Midoriya got along?
With dread, he found himself admitting that he cared. He cared a lot.
Thankfully, Aizawa took that moment to stride into the class, greeting them with an air of indifference. Bakugou paid little attention to him and instead chose to resume staring at his escape route. Aizawa seemed to only be addressing the individuals who had failed the practical at the moment anyway.
After brief information about the school trip, Aizawa passed out guides to each of them and then proceeded to dismiss them from class.
In his rush to leave, Bakugou had honestly forgotten that it was the last day of the semester. The thought of it gave him mixed feelings considering that during the school trip, he’d have less opportunities to manage his disease discreetly, but (and he hated to admit that he even wanted to) he’d be able to watch the interactions between Midoriya and Todoroki. Truthfully, the less he saw of them together the better, but the flowers spiraling out of control within him and the feelings that brought them about seemed less and less likely to let it go.
Clenching his fist, Bakugou figured he could turn this into something more positive. A way to train himself emotionally, a way to get stronger. If he could endure the school trip without blowing chrysanthemums everywhere, a better outcome of the disease might become a little closer.
He could get through this. He could.
He wasn’t left with his thoughts for long, having only gathered his belongings and walked a few feet away from the door before Kirishima literally crashed into him, throwing an arm around his shoulders. Sero, Kaminari and Ashido appeared not too long after, surrounding him. Bakugou only scowled at them in response.
“You have to tell us what’s wrong.” Kirishima said after a bit of the group staring him down.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Bakugou snarled at the redhead, but immediately felt too emotionally exhausted to even try to get out of Kirishima’s grasp. “I’m perfectly fine.”
“Dude, we can tell when something’s up with you.” Sero raised an eyebrow. “You might not wanna admit it, but we’re your friends.”
“Friends?” he thought in surprise.
Outwardly, he schooled his expression into one of distaste. “I don’t need any shitty friends.”
“Sure, you don’t, Blasty McSplode.” Kirishima said and Bakugou literally heard the grin on his face. “Just let us help you.”
“Yeah!” Ashido cut in. “Let us like, walk you home or something. That way, we’ll know you’re alright and then we’ll leave you alone.”
Bakugou opened his mouth to reply, to tell them that he didn’t need them parading around with him like he was a child that needed their protection. But, he closed it immediately upon seeing the looks on their faces. He could see the concern in their eyes. They seemed to be pleading with him. He tore his eyes away and glared at the ground.
More people worrying about him.
Why was he so weak?
“Fucking fine.” he managed. “Just don’t follow me inside my house, dipshits.”
Kaminari and Kirishima exchanged high fives as Sero and Ashido cheered. Bakugou, in turn, resisted the urge to smirk at how excited they seemed.
The five of them headed out together, Bakugou in the middle of them despite his attempts to lag a little bit behind. Kirishima and Ashido had linked their arms through his and after trying to push them off at least three times, he gave in and let them drag him along. Thankfully, after making sure he was compliant, the group settled back into a happy chatter.
“What do you think’s gonna happen on the school trip?” Ashido leaned over Bakugou a bit to address Kirishima.
The redhead brought his right hand up to his face in thought. “Hmm… I don’t know, but I hope it isn’t too difficult.” At this, he hangs his head. “I still can’t believe we failed.”
“That’s your own damn fault.” Bakugou commented.
“Come, on, dude.” Kirishima whined in response. “Cut us some slack! You’re the only one in our group who passed.”
“Even so,” Ashido started. “He wouldn’t have passed without Midoriya. He actually convinced Bakugou to work together with him.”
Kirishima nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, yeah! That dude’s so manly!”
The two of them exchanged a few more words before turning to Bakugou to gauge his reaction, probably expecting some curses and a few explosions. Both of them stopped short when seeing his expression.
The mention of Midoriya had forced Bakugou to of course, bring the green-haired boy back into his thoughts. His feelings during the practical had been nothing less than explosive. He hadn’t felt the flowers within him then, but he certainly still felt that fondness for Midoriya. Despite how irritated he made him, he’d still worked with him. And felt relief after doing so.
He’d found himself wanting to cooperate with Midoriya which at the time, he’d just figured that was because he wanted to pass or rather… win. However, now he knew it had nothing to do with that. It was because after all this time, trying to distance himself from Midoriya in the worst way possible and holding honest negative feelings for the other due to his own deep-rooted jealousy, he was still undeniably, and seemingly irrevocably in love with Midoriya.
Bakugou hadn’t admitted it to himself in a long time, choosing instead to put it into different words because he knew how it’d affect him. But, he couldn’t stop the thought from occurring and as soon as he acknowledged it, he could feel them—the chrysanthemums that refused to quit—rapidly growing within him. It was unnerving, to say the least, but he chose instead to force down the coughs that were sure to come.
Kirishima and Ashido looked on in concern as they waited for him to say something. Bakugou refused to open his mouth out of fear. Thankfully, Kaminari and Sero had walked a little ahead, chatting and unaware of what was occurring behind them.
“Don’t let them find out.” He thought desperately.  
But, even as he thought this, he knew it was futile. He could already feel petals spilling into his mouth and the urge to cough became unbearable.
“Hey, ar-“ Kirishima got out, but was interrupted by the violent cough erupting from Bakugou.
Bakugou tried to tell him and Ashido to leave, but he found his voice too raspy to form anything. Defeated, he unwillingly gave in to the urge to cough and green petals immediately flew everywhere. He didn’t try to gather them, knowing Kirishima and Ashido were already aware of what they were and what’s happening to him.
He doubled over and staggered to one of the street posts, unable to catch his breath. So far, this had been his worst fit. The last cough shook his body terribly and he spewed flower buds into his hand. Horrified, he shook them off.
After drinking in the air he desperately needed, he turned slightly to address Kirishima and Ashido. The two had watched the entire ordeal in shock. He grit his teeth and felt anger at himself grow within him like a wildfire. If only he’d made it home.
Kirishima stayed in place, brow furrowed, but Ashido approached Bakugou with a look he couldn’t decipher.
“Oh, Bakugou…” is all she said in perceived anguish as she took in the petals coating the ground.
Wordlessly, he pulled two pills out of his pocket and swallowed them dry. The feeling of flowers fading, he turned away from her and her undistinguishable expression and continued the trek home.
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