#but how could he be when he doesnt know what he really feels
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silentiumdelirium · 2 days ago
Eddie’s heart racing and hands sweating when both Robin and Steve looked at him, now that they stopped screaming at eachother and remembered that he was with them in a room. The thing between Eddie and Steve was still very new so they hadn‘t really talked about what they were. Also Eddie had no idea when you should have THE TALK and just thought Steve would be the one to initiate it. Because Steve had definitely more expierence with realtionships than Eddie. Also more expierence with guys for that matter he had never been very secretive about it and now Eddie understands why. Wtf why havent they talked about that???
„Uhm steve but you do know that I‘m gay right?“ Eddie asks his voice sounding hoarse because of his dry mouth.
Steve looks at him completely bewiliderd. „What why did you not say something?“
Eddie almost laughs because this feels so surreal. „Well I thought I was pretty clear when I kissed you on the mouth with tongue!!!“ He screams and there are now tears in his eyes.
Steve just shrugs „Culd still be just a dude kiss u know?“ As if thats a totally normal thing to say.
„A dude kiss???“, Robin screams. „For fucks sake we really need to get that last jock braincell out of your head!!!“
Steve sighs und looks at them confused. „But how could I be gay? I mean I liked a lot of girls!“
Robin sounds like she wants to strangle him right and there while Eddie feels like he will pass out any second.
Finally Robin says: „Steve I know that but that still doesnt have to mean your straight maybe you just like both?“ She doesnt sound so sure either when Steve looks at her with big eyes.
„WHAT??? thats possible???“
Eddie cuts in because robin looks a bit lost herself:
„Yes Steve the word you‘re looking for is bisexual and I really dont wanna step into your sexuality crisis but I would like to know if you really like me or not because I for sure really like YOU so now I feel pretty dumb and obviously I don’t want to force you in a gay relationshio but I think then we have to stop with the kissing and sex stuff and just be friends again…“
„SEX STUFF???“, Robin just screams while Eddie rambles on.
„Eddie“, Steve stops his rambling and lays a hand on his shoulder. „Okay maybe I didn‘t really know what my sexuality is but I do know that I really like you and I like to kiss you very much and I love hanging out with you and falling asleep next to you and now that I think bout it this feels the same like when I had a crush on Nancy and I fucked that up real bad so I dont want to fuck this up with you okay?“
Eddie can now feel tears streaming down his face and he just gets out a sobbing „okay“ when Steve takes his face in both of his eyes and comes very close and whispers:
„Can I kiss you now? In like a very not straight way?“
Eddie sobs and grins: „fuck yeah!“
Their kiss is soft and salty full of both of their tears and Robin wants to scream at them but she can‘t because their so adroble. As soon as they let go of eachother, which takes a lifetime, Robin groans: „I can’t beliebe you had your first gay kiss when you were like twelve and now you even have your frist gay relationship and I havent even been kissed once ugh why I am friends with you!“ before she attacks steve and gives him a bone crushing hug.
Steve isn’t bisexual, he just engages in behaviors such as mutual masturbation and make out sessions with his male friends.
Steve discovers this is not normal when playing truth or dare and Robin asks who his first kiss was.
“Excuse me, what?”
“It’s Tommy?”
“You’re not straight?”
“Guys do that all the time, you don’t understand.”
“If you don’t like men, Steve, you don’t want to kiss them. Are you saying you have repeatedly engaged in homosexual behavior?”
“Have you kissed men or engaged in sexual behaviors with them?”
“I mean, what counts as sexual behavior?”
“It’s gay if you need clarification. I don’t need to know what happened, but you are not straight.”
“So, what have I been doing with Eddie?”
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muli-wam · 9 hours ago
Regency-era!Nanami who grew up in an extremely wealthy family, which in turn gifted him a fairly large amount of money as an inheritance after his father died.
Regency-era!Nanami who since being an only child, never had anyone to else to entertain him but himself, therefore developing a keen interest in exotic teas and flavored breads that the cook always prepared for him.
Regency-era!Nanami who finds himself in the bustling market of your small countryside town looking for a particular tea blend that's rumored to be the best in the region.
Regency-era!Nanami who avoids prying gazes of common folk wondering what such a stoic and wealthy man is doing in such a tiny village. In all honesty, Nanami was really here for tea, but also for his best friend who seemed to have a liking toward a certain lady he met at a ball recently.
He couldnt help but agree to travel the distance from his comfortable home since he would be getting tea out of it. Oh, not to mention the wild garlic that grows abundantly in your region, which is rumored to taste excellent when baked in bread.
Regency-era!Nanami who approaches a fruit stall adorned with colorful labels and price signs above the various fruits.
The sweet aroma of melons, berries, apples and a variety of different fruit fill his senses, and for a second, Nanami allows himself to drown in the heavenly scent before getting back to his original mission.
He needed directions on where to find his beloved tea, but just as he's about to ask, one of the apples you were inspecting rolls off the counter.
Quick to act, you dive to catch it, only to collide (ever so gracefully) with Nanami's arm as he too reaches for the same apple, believing he is helping.
Regency-era!Nanami who freezes, slightly flustered from the contact of both of your hands touching over the apple.
Regency-era!Nanami who's intrigued by your incessant apologies and sincerity. Your modest appearance captivated him, and he felt an unfamiliar sense of want toward your presence.
Regency-era!Nanami steps back, leaving you space while silently nodding along to your apologies—you haven't even taken the time to look at him yet, still scrambling to pick up runaway apples and shoving them into your basket.
Regency-era!Nanami who has an unexpected spark in his usually reserved expression. With slightly widened eyes Nanami studies your features when you finally look up at him.
The soft curve of your jaw, the way your eyebrows furrow in concern while you're internally cursing at yourself for being so clumsy. You were captivating, to say the least, and your mere presence seemed to make Nanami's words stuck in his throat.
Regency-era!Nanami who dismisses your apologies, insisting you're of no inconvenience to him. He raises a quizzical brow, questioning to himself as to why you're beating yourself up so much over this.
Regency-era!Nanami who comes up with a pathetic excuse when you ask him what a man like him was doing in your tiny village. He doesn't know why he didn't just say he needed directions and that he was visiting for a friend. No, instead he said he was here solely for apples.
So, to further prove his point, Nanami bought exactly one pound of apples. He doesnt even like apples.
But they reminded him of you.
What was this feeling? Nanami pondered this to himself for a brief second. Was it the longing for friendship? Yes, he had Haibara but he could be a bit much at times. Was it merely a small crush? Or God forbid...love?
Regency-era!Nanami didn't believe in love at first sight. He saw it in plays he attended, he read it in–barely tolerable–romantic novels, and had to endure his younger cousin gush about how positively in love she was with the officers that frequently passed through his hometown.
You were different though. You made Nanami's stomach feel ill, not in a bad way though. It was a pleasant yet uncomfortable feeling that he couldnt quite shake.
You were like a ray of sunshine in his dull life surrounded by money hungry people. You were the only tolerable thing to him, aside from his young cousin, Nobara.
Regency-era!Nanami who watches as you walk way while clutching your "rescued apples", a feeling of warmth you couldn't understand washes through you.
Regency-era!Nanami who longs to see you again, tea forgotten as he embarks on another mission: finding you.
Regency-era!Nanami who finds himself in God's favor when he spots you again, under less chaotic circumstances, talking with someone at a ball.
Regency-era!Nanami who finds himself and Haibara approaching you and your family. Nanami playfully scoffs when he sees a drop of sweat roll down Haibara's forehead. Nanami concluded that the girl he's been lovestruck about was your sister.
You and Nanami introduce yourselves (again), this time more calmer. Nanami seemed to be in a trance from you honeyed voice and the way you carried yourself. How effortlessly beautiful you were, and the way the glow of the ballroom lights casted the perfect shadows on your face, making you look like an angel.
At that moment Regency-era!Nanami considered that maybe, just maybe, he really is in love with you.
A/n: I've been obsessed with Pride and Prejudice recently and I thought nanami would fit so well as Mr. Darcy 😭 Nanami is so versatile I swear. Also I wrote this entire thing in a british accent 💀
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i-dared-myself · 2 hours ago
Forgotten Promises
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Requested by @lynni3x : have a request, my birthday is coming up in may(3rd), and i was wondering if you could do an angst where skz forget 9th readers birthday, and she doesnt celebrate it that much. Maybe they have a concert and stays decided to surprise reader with fan signs that say happy birthday, and stray kids feel guilty for forgetting since shes been giving them the silent treatment and she cries on stage(maybe her first time ceying on stage), but staff remembered so they bought her cake up on stage to celebrate:3
You wander downstairs, yawning. You rub at your eyes tiredly, settling on the couch. Chan reaches out to pat your shoulder, grinning widely.
You feel a flutter of excitement in your stomach. He’s about to wish you happy birthday.
After last year, when they realized that you had never really celebrated your birthday, Stray Kids had declared that they would give you the biggest party ever. You had grown very excited for whatever it was they had planned.
But he walks away to the kitchen, making himself breakfast.
You watch him go, slightly confused. Then you realize that he’s probably waiting for the rest of the group to wake up.
Yes, that’s what this is.
So you turn on the television and watch a show you had been binging, quickly losing your train of thoughts. Your birthday is forgotten as you become focused on the screen.
Minho taps your arm, drawing your attention away. You look up at him expectantly, feeling a thrill at the prospect of getting wished a happy birthday.
“Do you know where my water bottle is?” he asks, making you falter.
You blink in surprise. “Uh, have you checked the fridge yet?”
Minho walks over to the fridge, murmuring a good morning to Chan. He opens the fridge and holds up his bottle, glancing over his shoulder at you. “Thanks.”
You nod and unpause your show. They’re just waiting for the rest of the group to get up, so you shouldn’t get disappointed.
But then when the whole group is awake and bustling around the living space, you’re just staring at them all. They’re going to whip around at any moment to scream ‘Happy Birthday’ and you’re going to cry from joy.
Right now, however, you feel like you’re going to cry from hurt. 
You load into the van, everyone packed for the day. There’s a concert you’ll be giving tonight, which means you have to get to the location and prepare. 
You spend the car ride on your phone. You don’t have any messages from anyone, because your family doesn’t celebrate birthdays that much. So you pop your earbuds in and listen to music, drowning out the bustling group.
Jeongin pokes you. “Hi.”
You lower the volume of your music so you can hear him. “What’s up?”
“Is that your good shirt?” Jeongin looks down at it, rubbing the material between two fingers.
“Yeah, it is,” you respond, your voice cracking at the end. He remembered your favourite shirt, but not your birthday?
But again, it’s not like it’s important to anyone but you. Even though they promised to make this birthday special.
“Why are you wearing it?” Jeongin frowns at you. “You know they’ll change you into your concert clothes anyways.”
You fidget with your sleeve. “I dunno. Just… felt like it.”
Changbin clears his throat. “The staff mentioned something about the mid-concert event. Does anyone remember what that was supposed to be?”
“The skits, remember?” Jisung stretches out, accidentally elbowing Seungmin.
“Watch it!” Seungmin snaps, shoving Jisung. Jisung sticks his tongue out in retaliation.
The van arrives at the venue and everyone piles out, going out to see how big the stage is. You go a separate direction than the others, not wanting to be near them at the moment. You feel like it’s pathetic to be sad about this, but still…
They promised.
Felix jogs over, beaming in joy. “I saw your stage outfit! It looks really cool!”
You force a weak smile. “Really?”
“Yeah.” Felix nods enthusiastically, bouncing. It looks like he’s hyper today. “Even more than usual! I think the stylists were in a good mood.”
When you dress in the outfit, you can’t help but feel pretty. The dress is modest enough that you feel comfortable in it, but it flows and is glittery. It feels ridiculous to be excited about; but then the stylists attach fake gems to your hair.
“It’s a shame you have to work today,” one of the makeup artists remarks to you. They dust a trail of glitter over your cheekbones. “But we’ll make it up to you.”
“Wow,” Hyunjin says as he walks past you. “They really put a lot of effort in today. You look good.”
You duck your head shyly. “Ah, thanks.”
Jeongin dashes over, grinning widely. “Look! Look!” He motions to the way his hair has been styled. “Isn’t it cool?”
Hyunjin makes a sound of amazement, studying it carefully. “Wow, that’s impressive. I like the angle the part is at.”
“Doesn’t she look great today?” The makeup artist sticks their head in, smiling at you. “It’s unfortunate you have the concert today.”
“What?” Hyunjin asks as they leave. “Why today?”
“I think it’s because the weather is so good,” Jeongin remarks. “Who wants to work when it’s this warm?”
You slink off to the stage again, sitting with your legs hanging off the stage. The crowd is beginning to fill and you can hear cheers and shouts already.
“Over here!” Chan yells, waving his arms. You perk up and hurry over to him, following him backstage again.
“What is it?” you wonder, resisting the urge to spin and see how your skirts form a circle. You really like this dress.
“Just wanted to check on you before the performance.” Chan smiles, dimples forming. “You’ve seemed off today. Is everything okay?”
Well if he hasn’t figured it out by now, you aren’t about to tell him.
You could go another year without a birthday. Even if you want to cry.
When the concert actually starts, and the group makes their entrance, the audience roars. Especially when you step out, for some reason. There are signs waving and shaking, and you can see light sticks shining brightly.
Jisung lifts the microphone up to his lips to read a sign aloud. “Happy birthday… Ah, Stay, you’re so funny! It’s no one’s birthday!”
And it feels like a punch to the gut. They really did forget. 
“There’s another one here!” Minho says, pointing to another sign. Then another. And another.
It’s as if the crowd is holding its breath. Waiting for the realization. A lot of the signs have your name sprawled across them, and Seungmin’s eyes land on one of them.
“And…” His voice trails off and he winces. “Oh.”
Chan looks over to you in horror, eyes wide. He seems alarmed. “It’s…”
A cake rises up from a platform, coming from inside the stage somewhere. You watch it, tears brimming at your eyes. Your name is written on it, big and bold.
Felix covers his mouth, watching on in a mix of dismay and sadness. You see him say something, but it’s too loud to actually hear him. 
“Thank you,” you say with a shaking voice, speaking into the microphone. “Thank you, Stay, for coming here for my birthday, and thank you, staff, for the cake.”
“It’s your birthday,” Changbin says in a daze. “And we- We didn’t.”
You smile, looking to the crowd. “Thank you. It- It means a lot.”
Minho wipes one of your tears away, flicking it away. He doesn’t say anything, merely standing off to the side.
There’s no time for apologies or insults. The music begins for the first song, and everyone throws themselves into it. You feel a bit lighter now, because at least someone remembered.
But why wasn’t it your group? They had promised, after all.
“We’re sorry,” Chan exclaims as he trails after you. “We didn’t mean to forget, but-“
“But you did!” you sharply say. You wipe some more tears away, taking a deep breath. “You forgot. You all forgot, even though you promised to celebrate my birthday with me!”
Hyunjin hangs his head. “We did promise, but…”
“There’s no excuse,” Minho sharply cuts in. “We forgot. We’re terrible people.”
“Don’t say that,” you weakly respond, shaking your head. “I- I’m just mad. I don’t wish you dead or anything.”
“Give us two hours,” Jeongin randomly says. His expression is firm, as if he’s truly dedicated to a cause now. “In two hours, we’ll give you the celebration you deserve.”
“You- You guys don’t have to,” you whisper, because there’s no way they can get anything done in two hours. It would just disappoint you again, and you’ve had enough heartbreak for one day.
“No, we’ve got this,” Seungmin confidently declares. “Just watch us.”
“You’re already dressed for it.” Changbin waves a hand at your concert clothes. “We’ll dress fancy and everything. Just let us make this up to you, okay?”
“Please?” Felix adds. “We’ll make it unforgettable!”
“Fine,” you relent. You sigh heavily and adjust the hem of your dress. “You have two hours.”
“Wait in your room until we’re done!” Jisung shouts before sprinting away. 
So you relax in your room, excited for whatever it is they have planned now. You were planning to stay mad at them, but that quickly went out the window.
Jeongin knocks on your door before you know it, a tie knotted at his neck. “We’re ready! Come on!”
You step down the stairs carefully, aware of your high heels. It would be an even worse birthday if you fell and broke all your bones.
They’re all (Except Hyunjin) standing at the base of stairs with party hats at lopsided angles. Felix tosses confetti in the air, and a piece immediately lands in Seungmin’s eye.
“Happy birthday!” they all scream in unison. Even Seungmin, who is still fighting to remove the foreign object from his eyeball.
You bounce in joy, clapping your hands together. “This is great!”
Minho narrows his eyes at you. “We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.”
You still. “Oh. Well get to it!”
Changbin places a massive gift in front of you. The wrapped package reaches your head, and you can’t wait to open it.
“It’s for me?” you ask, double checking for some reason.
Chan ruffles your hair affectionately. “All for you. Go ahead.”
You rip into it, throwing the pieces behind you somewhere. Felix rushes around cleaning them up, putting them into a bag that Jeongin is carrying.
There’s a massive cake inside, covered in bright frosting with your name sprawled across the top. You gape at it before whipping around to the group. “How did you get this in two hours?”
Jisung presses something on his phone, and music starts playing. But it’s not the happy birthday song.
It’s… rave music?
“What?” You frown in confusion before the top of the cake fucking comes off.
Hyunjin’s head pops out, quickly followed by his torso as he stands to his full height. “Surprise!”
Then he dabs.
“First of all, wow,” you say in amazement. “Second of all, ew. Why did you dab?”
Hyunjin shrugs. “I just did. Now eat the cake so I can get out.”
It takes quite a long time to free him from his dessert prison, but you eventually complete your delicious task.
@velvetmoonlght @jinnie-ret @hansmic @imeverycliche @iwuberic @strawberryscentedd @lezleeferguson-120 @mbioooo0000
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ferigrievous · 2 days ago
what they look for in a partner . ⋆˚࿔
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bokuto ; looks for someone patient. they dont have to be a gentle soul or softspoken, they just have to be able to be patient enough to handle, and maybe even match his energy. his energy is relentless, his moods unpredictable, and he needs someone who won’t get tired of him. someone who knows how to handle his highs and lows.
akaashi ; looks for someone who is emotionally intelligent. as much as he loves bokuto, he doesnt think he could handle living the rest of his life with someone as unpredictable and sometimes immature as him. its tiring, and it gets to a point sometimes, but he tolerates it because its him. he spends so much of his time managing other people’s emotions that he needs a partner who he doesnt have to do the same.
aone ; looks for someone gentle. he knows he looks intimidating, knows people expect him to be cold, so he wants a partner who sees past that. someone who speaks softly but means everything they say, who never makes him feel like he has to change to be understood. they dont have to be a saint, they just have to be kind when it matters.
koganegawa ; looks for someone encouraging. he’s constantly trying to improve, and he needs someone who believes in him even when he’s struggling. someone who won’t laugh when he fails, who sees his effort and reminds him that it’s enough. also wants someone, like bokuto, that can match his energy.
daishou ; looks for someone who is loyal. he doesnt want to be anyones second choice. needs someone who is all in, who doesnt question if they really mean what they say. doesnt really care if theyre gentle or if theyre equally as sharp as he is, as long as he knows in his heart that they wont leave without reason.
sakusa ; looks for someone consistent. he hates unpredictability, hates people who change their mind too easily—he needs someone steady. someone who doesn’t try to push him out of his comfort zone but understands the small ways he shows affection. wants a relationship that feels like he knows where home is.
terushima ; looks for someone fun. he doesn’t want anything boring, doesn’t want someone who takes life too seriously—he needs excitement. someone who says yes to spontaneous adventures, who can match his energy and keep up with his wild ideas.
ukai ; looks for someone mature. he wouldnt mind someone a little unpredictable and a little childish, but he couldnt be with someone who is mucking about all the time. he’s almost in his thirties, and while he hasnt lost his spark, he’s too old to be playing around. would prefer someone who isnt cookie cutter, though, and would prefer someone who is alternative.
takeda ; looks for someone understanding. he knows he isn’t the strongest or the fastest, but he loves fiercely, and he needs someone who sees that. someone who doesn’t expect perfection, who believes in effort over natural talent. when he loves, he loves fully, and he couldnt handle someone who doesnt give as much effort into a relationship as he does.
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deerspherestudios · 4 months ago
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May we come back to this question.. (i am SO sorry if this has already been asked </3)
Omg,,, cannot believe Days 2 and 3 are out already since this question,,, nobody has yet but you! 🫵
I hinted he'd catch feelings by now but since I've released those days and did some writing changes, it's yet to actually happen. Or at least, he doesn't know yet. (Curse you, slow burn,,,)
At the end of Day 3, he'd feel a barrage of mixed feelings, to be honest. He should be happy that you're happy since you're home again with your partner. But he can tell, he can just tell from the way you smile at them and talk to them and walk beside them that this stranger means more to you than he ever could.
He doesn't have a grasp on close relationships, and for a moment he might've been interested to find out more. But feeling the ache in his chest he'd stifle it and smother it and forget about it and pretend everything's fine!
He's happy just being your friend! ::-)
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s0fter-sin · 4 months ago
one of my favourite aspects of supernatural that you very rarely see in paranormal shows is that sam and dean are already versed in the world they live in. there’s no sudden discovery of ghosts and demons and now they have to learn about them along with the audience; they are born into it and already know all about it. it allows the audience to follow their personal story instead of also trying to figure out this new world and its rules
the first season is full of knowledge we never see them learn; “w*ndigoes are in the minnesota woods or- or northern michigan. i’ve never even heard of one this far west.” […] “great. well then this [his gun] is useless.” (1x02), “you don’t break a curse. you get the hell out of its way.” (1x08), d: “it’s a god. a pagan god, anyway.” […] “the annual cycle of its killings? and the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman. like some kind of fertility right.” […] s: “the last meal. given to sacrificial victims. d: “yeah, i’m thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some pagan god.” (1x11)
almost every episode in the first season is a monster they’ve faced before that they then explain to the audience in a way that should feel patronising; like it’s the same speech given over and over again but instead, the audience almost feels included in the knowledge. it’s stated with such an innate confidence and comfort in said knowledge that it feels like we already knew it too; “spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. if they want inside, they just go through the walls.” […] “the claws, the speed that it moves; could be a skinwalker, maybe a black dog.” (1x02), “it's biblical numerology. you know noah's ark, it rained for forty days. the number means death.” (1x04), “no no no, not the reaper, a reaper. there's reaper lore in pretty much every culture on earth, it goes by 100 different names.” […] “you said it yourself that the clock stopped, right? reapers stop time. and you can only see 'em when they're coming at you which is why i could see it and you couldn't.” (1x12)
they already know and, at least in the first season, already have what they need to kill whatever they’re hunting; already know to salt and burn bones for spirits, fire for a w*ndigo, exorcisms for demons, a silver bullet to the heart for shapeshifters. there’s only three times in the entire first season that they run into something new to them; 1x14 when sam gets his first vision that leads him to another psychic, 1x16 when dean calls caleb for help on the sigil he put together and he tells him about daevas, and 1x20 when they find out vampires are real- and they only don’t know that bc john thought they were hunted to extinction and not worth mentioning
(there’s also technically two half instances if you count one of them knowing something the other doesn’t - sam figuring out the tulpa in 1x17 and dean already knowing about the shtriga in 1x18 - but those still rely on sam and dean having prior knowledge)
even when they’re uncertain about facing something, it’s not bc they don’t know what it is; it’s precisely bc they know what it is and acknowledge that it’ll be a difficult hunt (“i don't know, man. this isn't our normal gig. i mean, demons, they don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake. this is big. and i wish dad was here.” 1x04)
so much of the tension in paranormal shows typically comes from the main character(s) not knowing what is happening to them/the people around them and having to find out how to resolve it. supernatural is unique in that it operates more like a police procedural. the tension comes from solving the clues and identifying patterns to figure out who (what) the killer is and intercepting before they can take another victim
it’s such a different tone to go for when compared to other shows that came both before, during, and after its run. it sets sam and dean on even footing with each other since they both have the same knowledge going in, and it puts them in a place of authority usually reserved for an outside character
the shows i compare spn to most is charmed, buffy and teen wolf; every main character in those shows are brought into the paranormal world knowing nothing, putting them on the same level as the audience, and they have their mc interact with others already knowledgeable about that world in order to overcome their problem/monster of the week. the audience organically learns about this new world as the characters learn about it. it’s a sound writing strategy that prevents “as we already know”-style exposition but something that complicates it is if your world building isn’t unique or intriguing enough, this slow introduction can become boring
we’ve seen shows like these before; sitting through the same tropes of characters learning to use their powers, struggling with no longer feeling normal/relating to the regular world around them, and not knowing how much they can trust the people already involved in this new world gets repetitive. all three shows eventually reach the same level of comfort with their new world that spn starts with but if the characters aren’t enough to draw you in, you can end up dropping it before they reach that point (and often, before the overarching plot can really kick in and evolve the show beyond the villain of the week format)
it’s the superhero origin movie in tv format; dragged out and overplayed. dropping the audience into an established world of course comes with its own problems but you also have the benefit of pre-existing established character dynamics that let the audience slot in like they’ve always been there instead of just getting to know all the characters while the characters also get to know each other
sam and dean already knowing about the supernatural lets the audience immediately get to the core of the story; the conflict between sam and dean, the search for their father, and the mystery of what killed their mother
#i could go on forever theres literally so many examples#dean figuring the ‘two dark doubles’ is a shapeshifter sam figuring out the changing ghost is a tulpa#also peak how many of these examples come from dean despite them pushing so hard for sam to be the one knowing hunting theory#this format is why i cant stand watching the first season of charmed despite loving it so much#i just cant be bothered watching them have the same struggle ive seen a hundred times play out again#different genre but sons of anarchy does this well too; all the characters are already in the club life and already have inner conflict#spn having such a natural introduction makes me so glad they didnt go with the original plan of sam not knowing about hunting#that wouldve been Painful#watching spn so young has really shaped my view of media bc i legit cant stand things with a learning curve#give me an established world damnit#lord of the rings never stops to explain what a dwarf is! you just go with it! and it rules!#dean is just as theoretical and lore savvy as sam and id go as far to say he actually knows more#instead of trying to do this bullshit brains v brawn divide they shouldve done new tech vs analogue#sams laptop is famous and he also knows how to hack thing where the second dean doesnt know something he defaults to books#have dean be the one where if its written down he can find it almost like a proto bobby#they even kind of support that by him being the one to find the phoenix in s6 when they go through all their books#but this was 2005 and characters could only be so conplex and theyd already decided dean needed to be the hot one and sams the nerd one#side note how many of these metas am i going to write on this rewatch? tbd#side side note included all the quotes and episode numbers makes me feel so academic#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#carry on my wayward son#talk meta to me#meta#supernatural meta#spn#supernatural#dean winchester#sam winchester#save post
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sidesteppostinghours · 6 months ago
ok. question.
ortega ended up hallucinating sidestep after they "died", but sidestep doesnt know about that. they know it got bad, but never the full extent of how their death affected them. so if your sidestep Did learn, if they found out ortega looked for them in every little piece they could, would that change anything for your sidesteps? would their relationship with ortega be any different?
#pulp speaks#Am i thinking of my “ortega sees sidestep posthb” fic again? perhaps#shameless plug btw yall should read it its called 'seen' on ao3 and i still like it#but anyway the important bits: ive been thinking about it with my sidesteps and its really interesting to me how different they are#but theyre all some variation of “i didnt know you /cared/”#caine is. uncomfortable with the idea#i genuinely dont know why but i do know that in the end their feelings on the matter are “whats done is done and im back now” with a small#“ill try not to leave again” mixed in#meanwhile cyrus is a deer in headlights over it#itd be way worse if he learned it when they met again- i feel like if he learned ortega was still that attached he wouldve left and never-#-come back. he would still want to Now but hes too tangled in his relationships and ortega is his /friend/ and leaving would just explode i#-his face‚ god Damnit ortega you son of a bitch‚ he shouldve just run. you werent supposed to drag him into caring about people again.#cecilia would have mixed feelings about it. i think shed resonate with it a lot for reasons she doesnt want to face#but it would also hit her like a goddamn Truck that he chose to move on/replace her rather than try get her back and its easier to get mad-#-about that than question her own feelings. but also maybe she could use this to her advantage? maybe this time he knows theres always a-#-chance hell come back for her next time. maybe. shes hoping there wont be a next time.#cynthias an interesting case because shes in love with ortega. deeply. but ortega /never came for her/ when she /promised/ and cynthia-#-is still furious about it#ortega hallucinated her in death but she couldnt put the pieces together and go looking herself? she cared enough to look for her but-#-not enough to save her?#she would still end up settling on bitterness for abandoning her but the information would shake her to her core#anyway. i think ortega should be used as a squeaky toy 👍#caine lynzal#cyrus becker#cecilia rider#cynthia garcia#ortega#sidestep#fhr
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I'm not ready to shut up about Aveline and Carver--so, when you go see Aveline in Act 1, you can catch up with her a little bit and that's where this conversation can happen:
Aveline: "It's just one more change, though. The real end for me was Ostagar. What about you, Carver? You were there. Do you feel something similar?" Carver: No. Aveline: All right, then. Bit of a tit, your brother.
I wanted to see what she would say if Carver isn't in the party. Instead, she says this:
Aveline: Carver was there. I imagine he feels something similar. If he allows it.
......well, at least she didn't call him a tit?
#dragon age 2#da2#carver hawke#aveline vallen#she's slightly nicer to him when he's not there but she's still like 'maybe he feels something similar but probably pretends not to'#like i'm not gonna pretend that carver doesn't bottle any feelings--he doesn't openly talk about bethany a lot for a reason#but to suggest he pretends to be unfeeling about things like ostagar is incorrect like he CLEARLY feels a lot about it#because he associates the battle at ostagar with losing his home and sister to the darkspawn#after playing as a warrior hawke who is best friends with aveline i do have a little more insight into why she might think this about carve#when hawke is a warrior they were at ostagar. they share that traumatic experience with aveline and if they're friends#they discuss it in a way that i think aveline *wants* y'know? but with carver he doesn't respond the way she wants him to#so she gets frustrated since even if she tried to talk to hawke about it... hawke wasn't there. hawke doesnt KNOW what ostagar#was like but carver does... but it's like aveline is ready to assume the worst of carver a lot of the time?#like 'carver doesn't talk about it because he's a tit who pretends not to feel' is the vibe i get from this but aveline...#that's like calling you a tit because you don't want to openly discuss all your feelings about your dead husband#listen aveline and carver are so similar but they have such key differences like they both survived the horror of ostagar#and lost a loved one to darkspawn while fleeing lothering AND they both blame hawke for it to a degree#even though they both know that's not right and that it wasn't really hawke's fault#they're both stubborn warriors with daddy issues looking to find their place#and when it comes to flirting? well i don't think carver's as bad as aveline#but i played MotA i know all about 'you could tame its wild heart'#but the key differences come in how they the end the game y'know? especially if carver's on the friendship path as a warden#i still haven't made him a templar but something tells me he ends up more on the same road as aveline#vs when he's a grey warden and able to be away from kirkwall and find a place on his own#y'all i could write a whole essay on aveline and carver but i paused my game to write this so i should go back to that sksksk
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trainerethan · 3 months ago
In my imagination of red and leaf being twins and both autistic I think the only reason leaf doesn't have the same totally blank 😐 face as red is because she did the age old classic of practicing facial expressions in the mirror every day until she learned the basic ones. She also made her default expression a smile 🙂 to seem more approachable.
Unfortunately since the expressions don't come naturally to her and she had to learn them, the can come off as exaggerated/overly dramatic. Which is fine for some people but others find it equally as off-putting as reds poker face. It makes her a little sad when people dislike her because of it bc shes doing her best to fit in but can't seem to get it right.
She puts a lot of effort into masking at least when she's a kid-teenager but once she's older and has made more solid friendships she can let herself relax and not need to stress about it so much, although in social situations she may still slip back into old habits.
Red does not mask and never really has. I choose 2 believe his mom was really supportive and accommodating so he wasn't forced to hide his autistic traits unlike leaf. This is because in my au they are twins but their parents split and leaf had to stay with their dad. Who is not as understanding as their mom.
Idk if he'd be actually horrible to her but he was not as patient or understanding as their mom + leaf also just craved more friends and wanted to be able to socialize more so she eventually learned how. Red is content with the 4 people he knows (mom, oak, daisy, green) and prefered to mostly be alone so he didn't have that motivating factor to do it.
He was very content with having one friend, green, but he was def lonley during their "rival" phase when green stopped hanging out with him and was focused on trying to prove himself in some way only he understood or worried about. Along with that is green also being the master of masking for the most part. I don't see oak as being particularly accommodating and patient with him so while Daisy probably was, she's also not a parent so she couldn't be responsible for caring for green the way oak should've been.
As they got older green also craved to be seen as cool and popular amongst his peers so he started masking heavily and also distanced himself from red. Unfortunately he realizes that being accepted for a fake version of himself by mainly strangers is actually very lonley and he misses their friendship 😢 but atp he probably figures red wouldn't wanna be friends again bc of how green ignored him for so long so I think they don't become close again until After the gym challenge "rivalry"/red dissapearing/reuniting years later. So they were both missing each other a lot but both felt unable to reach out bc of the distance that grew between them when green pulled away. Anyways tldr green pro masker leaf trying very hard to mask but struggling a bit and red rawdogging his autism never masked a day in his life.
#green is better at masking in the sense that he doesnt struggle with facial expressions and can mimick others social behaviours pretty well#he really learned via watching others and practicing fake conversations in his head until he could navigate most conversations well#he does still have times where he did not account for certain factors or new situations so he has to observe and learn some more lol#leaf struggles with socializing even when she watches and tries to copy bc unlike green who is naturally a bit dramatic and animated#she instead leans heavily into having flat affect like red. she also struggles really hard with picking up on other ppls intent/feelings#the type of person who isnt sure what the emotion were feeling right now is bc she also struggles to identify her own feelings sometimes#red does that too. part of why hes very avoidant and internalizes everything is that he often can't identify exactly what hes feeling#and if he can he doesn't know how to make it feel better/would rather ignore it and try to focus on something else#green tries to internalize his negative emotions but i think hed struggle with it so he js def the type to bottle things up for awhile#but he quickly gets overwhelemed and ends up having a bit of a meltdown when he can't hold it in any more#hes very reactive. part of why his and oaks relationship is difficult to mend is bc green gets very easily triggered by any small jabs oak#makes at him even jf theyre unintentional especially if he compares him/his strength as a trainer to red#when red dissapears it would get worse bc he is constantly weighed down by guilt and can end up lashing out a bit#especially with his bpd making him prone to mood swings/very strong emotions he struggles to process#he gets better at it as he gets older but it's really overwhelming and difficult as a kid/teen bc oak is 0 help and daisy#does what she can to hell him when she can but shes his sister not his mom. im not making her take on a parental role she is also a kid#anyways. thjs js ungodly long#trainer red#trainer leaf#green oak#blue oak#pokemon headcanons
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arundolyn · 6 months ago
ohhhh my fucking god nobody needs to like know any of this medical tmi but it is literally 11 pm and if im kept up one minute longer when i just laid down trying to go to sleep by my mother YELLING REPEATEDLY that she needs to pee. im going to actually go insane. she got a catheter in. Yesterday. it is working. she won't listen to anyone when they tell her that this is the case. help me jesus. im sure if a nurse comes to check on her tomorrow they'll probably get the same response. my brain will simply explode
#crow.txt#the absolute levels of stress im under could create diamonds out of free floating carbon atoms my fucking god#can i have. Literally just one day of peace. just one!! fuck!!!!#at least now i have SOME validation from everyone else of shit that mom has honestly kinda always done#be absolutely furious and bitchy usually for no good goddamn reason and then immediately turn it off to look good in front of someone else#i had a feeling mom coming home was gonna be utterly miserable sooner rather than later#i literally cannot leave my room without her yelling for dad bc she thinks im him i guess. she has gotten him up like 4 times now#what the fuck do you want any of us to doooooooooooo. according to dad shes also just been really fucking hateful today#including to her SISTER who has been facilitating literally everything medically for her for the last month plus#like on one hand i know its hard and frustrating etc etc absolutely. on the other. what the fuck are you yelling at any of us for!#whatd we do! not a damn thing for the most part! holy shit im exhausted#and then im sure she will have the audacity to wonder why i dont really want to interact with her much rn#its very apparent she doesnt really understand whats going on or how much of anything works at this point including hospice care#but i truly cannot help you when your knee jerk response is to yell and be abusive. like. dads not been great either#bc hes also one to bitch and moan and yell abt shit. but like. so is mom. more than usual#and ill actually be damned if i let her treat me like that honestly ever again. like idk for once i can just#walk away from this behavior with zero consequences. i dont have to take it anymore. im not free but at least im fuckin closer than i was#guess my aunt wasnt kidding when she said her being coherent and rational last week might be the calm before the storm
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ducktollers · 2 months ago
sorry ive got more spideryapping to do i gotta get it out of my system
#ive been pondering. if theyll do daily bugle photo stuff in spiderman 4#cuz like. when the comics first came out it made sense that nobody would be able to get pics but him#snd ofc those pictures would be valuable#but bruh NOW???? pictures of spiderman have to be a dime a dozen right. how does that work#like w tobey maguire it still makes sense cuz phones dont have advanced cameras. and they set up his photography interest#and w andrew garfield its still Kinda plausible but not a big plot point. and they set up photography w him too#but i dont recall mcu spiderman EVER touching a camera#like he could suddenly learn to do it cuz that thats happened in adaptations before but like. i dont think it makes sense for the setting#or character. but especially the setting#also. theres always the wholr conflict of him having to work for someone thats constantly slandering him#but surely j cubed is way too linked to aunt may dying i feel like its too far this time ��😭😭#like idk. how else could he pay rent man presumably has no documents 😭 plus the classic sudden disappearances and flaking#like theres a reason hes always selling photos even still but i feel like it doesnt make sense now so wtf are they gonna do#if he magically just does still have a bank account and birth certificate and social security number ill be pissed#cuz why would his face be erased from a class photo but not a passport picture. how#ive thought abt this way too much they better not let any magic spell plot holes get thru cuz i WILL catch them#im watching u guys dont pmo i need to know the exact limitations and extent of that spell. i see a plot hole im gonna be mad#altho he was getting ged. what kind of documents do u need for that. did he forge them or did they survive#im just really focused on the bureaucratic details here those writers better know im gonna be paying ATTENTION#and for sure everyone else cares abt that as much as i do. u guys will tank at the box office if its not ironclad im tellin u#x
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designernishiki · 2 years ago
brings me great joy to remember the fact that (aside from serena) the main bar kiryu frequents is a queer bar hosted by drag queens and run by a trans lady. like legit that fact sounds too good to be canon but it literally is
#the main one he frequents by personal choice anyway as opposed to serena (and sometimes shellac) where he’s usually there because someone#else frequents it or needed to meet him somewhere or someone working there is connected to him etc#earth angel initially doesnt really have any predisposed big plot reasons for him to go there let alone recurrently for decades#he just. likes it. and likes ako’s company. and they never really explain anything further than that#honestly it screams repressed gay guy seeking community without knowing it to me. like as in: he’s more comfortable there than most bars and#knows that probably but doesn’t know why or doesn’t try to think too deeply into exactly why#I mean… he says to goromi he feels more comfortable talking to her/him than most women#so I mean. that tracks doesn’t it.#you could argue it’s has to do with him being incessantly hit on by straight women to an uncomfortable degree but I don’t really think#that explains it becuase he’s hit on/flirted with by queer folks as well- ako herself outwardly flirts with him#but of course never to that uncomfortable a degree in my opinion (especially considering he already knows her and whatnot most of the time)#but yeah so I think it’s a little deeper than that.#anyway gshgdshfh rambling. this is just. god I seriously wonder sometimes what the studio is thinking when they do these things#the combination of this + what he says/does with goromi??? ghagghgsggh how do you NOT read him as queer/mlm what the fuck dude#kiryu#yakuza#rambling
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vaguehotels · 1 year ago
had the most braindead repetitive conversation/argument with my parents. buzz cuts are too masculine but if you dye a design on it it become effeminate which is bad because then you look weak and if youre weak then society falls apart (all societies ever that have fallen apart for any reason are actually because of feminine men) and we start sacrificing babies. and also all mental illness is invented because only 4 people had anxiety in the 90s and covid was made up so that we would all become gay and trans and then the government can control us better and be joe biden's little sex slaves. and also i need to keep my hair long because my father finds it attractive. what
#lolaa.txt#what do i even tag this with . my mother wouldn't let me leave and i kept asking for sources and she kept saying 'i'm your mother!!!'#'i wouldnt lie to you!'#okay. say that to someone maybe who doesnt know you lie to them all the time.#its tiring going around in circles with her.my father is better because at least he admits when he doesnt have a reason for feeling some wa#also what got me. she said 'do you own research if you want!! but im right!!!'#yeahh not seeing anything about anything you just said. i think you made that up.#i have a theory that my mother secretly hates herself because she believes all women are weak and must serve strong men#and my father has so so much trauma and anxiety that he cant be that strong man#so now she feels like shes betraying her very biology when she has to step up.#and also because i am stronger than her now and my hair is long and far far denser than hers and i have a younger face#that she feels that im wasting my precious femininity that she could be using. does that make sense.#shes so miserable trapped in her idea of what makes a man and a woman what they are. once you stop caring about what makes someone somethin#you dont have to worry about anyone else.#im queer because i dont really feel that connection to biological and social ideas of gender that my parents seem to#never really have#im not gonna theorize 'ohh shed be happier nonbinary' or stuff like that because it is up to you and you alone to define who you are#if you spend your whole life trying to fit a box for the sake of fitting the box#then when would you have any space for self discovery#youve invented personality traits to go along with your box. now you can never ever change or grow as a person. congrats#and you know what? one day she will die. and that will be the end of that.#and i will live and i will probably shave my head a thousand times. and come up with new names#and new ways to be a better person that makes me feel happy#and i will dress like a boy because its all made up anyways. who cares.#and if you care? that much about what im wearing or how i look?#then thats your problem and i wont be responsible to maintain your happiness.#SORRY RANT OVER.#im just so flabbergasted. what a sad life someone can lead poisoned by jealously and reactive rhetoric.#tw homophobia#tw transphobes
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rivilu · 3 months ago
ok you know. the Ellu in dav crossover au is very fun but i am a little bit enchanted by the concept of him AND Rynn at once. Best of both worlds in a sense.
#posts that sound like noise to everyone but me fdjgfd#but like. yeah rynn gets to be the main leader and have an emotional connection to the world he's fighting for#while not keeping emotional distance from everyone around him jkgfh#but then you ALSO have Ellu there to make some of the tougher choices that Rynn doesn't fully trust himself to make / would come to regret#(cough minrathous/treviso cough)#and willing to shelter the blame of it too so the guilt doesnt eat Rynn alive#and companion wise Rynn would actually know what the fuck to say to Taash for example. whereas Ellu is. *gesturing vaguely*#not equipped to understand these conversations. guy barely has a sense of personhood if that- much less knows what gender is#i feel like it makes all the companion dynamics so much more interesting actually#balancing out Rynn's kind naivete with a more experienced but also much more unhinged perspective fjkgdf#wait did i just invent Alistair and Orion dynamic 2.0. ...you saw nothing fdjghdf#yeah nah not really Orion is VERY different but funnily enough would approve of Ellu's choices way more than Rynn's 😭rip little guy#but yeah the companion arcs..#some pushback on Bellara freeing the archive because unlike them both Ellu's not saddled with misplaced guilt about the ancient elves#some pushback on the griffons going back to the wardens because. Ellu's not biased 😭#(though i still think they have a much better infrastructure for breeding them and ensuring they survive so Rynn could win that argument)#ellu and rynn being the angel and devil on harding's shoulders during her quest fkgj (not that one option is bad but you get the joke)#ellu getting psychic damage after hearing the concept of lichdom is a good thing here etc#also what the situation would be with Solas in two Rook world. all potential options are hysterical#Do they BOTH communicate with him in the fade prison? they both hate his ass - does he get twice the amount of bullying?#Ellu by the standards of his world probably counts as a spirit with a body in dragon age- so how does this affect things?#does Solas hear 'THAT'S your god of trickery??? pathetic' from what he sees as a spirit of chaos#and does that give him a teensy existential crisis fghhdfgh#also fun because ellu's age is intentionally impossible to gauge because fey time bullshit but could very well be in the thousands#on technicality of time dilation at the very least#so placing that little idiot in this world is SO fun.. so many options..#'wah wah i'm the dread wolf I have no spine when i have to do what's right but my slaver girlfriend doesnt agree#but i will end a world inhabited by people because they're mortal now and i dont see them as people :( ' GET A GRIP GRADPA#-> said by guy who may be older than him
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floralovebot · 4 months ago
i am once again thinking about the missed opportunities of a garth and jackson mentor/mentee brother in arms relationship
#OUGH#dc stop trying to write garth out of the aquafam challenge intentionally whiffed#they hate him sooo much it makes them look stupid#alhgd#its genuinely insane to me how dc writers are incapable of showing garth caring about the aquafam and the titans at the same time#insane#but anyway#OUGHHHHHH#what couldve been...#its just INSANE how garth immediately gave this random teen he just met like five minutes ago his entire ass name#and then never talked to him ever again like i simply do not believe you#and while i still dont Like rebirth garth i feel like being put into more a mentor role Especially while he's Actively with the titans !!!!#would be really good for him!#and like dont get me wrong im perfectly fine with jackson being the next aquaman i actually prefer that#However its like dc doesnt realize that he can be close to and respect both of them#theyre giving him this Super Cute brother sister relationship with andy and its !! amazing !!#but i also cant help but Scream a little cause ohmygod why are we pretending garth never existed#why are we pretending that garth would ignore this teen boy with family issues who needs a safe place to learn and live !#why are we pretending that jackson wouldnt talk to him or ask him for advice or At Least bitch to him when arthurs being arthur !!#insane to me absolutely mental up the whazoo#all of their interactions are so awkward and feel so coworker and eeewwwwggg i hate it#im not saying that every New person needs to be immediately treated like family#but also come the fuck on its GARTH he's not icing out the new kid !!!!!!!!#swear to god garth has had more full blown conversations with tusky than he has with jackson#while jackson is def still underappreciated at dc theyve still managed to give him some really amazing well thought out#relationships with the rest of the aquafam#and its so weird to me that they seem so insistent on garth not being part of that#when he's consistently one of the most loyal members of the fam anyway#i just Know the two of them could be really close if dc would let it happen... they will not give it to me though..... the scoundrels......
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