#but hopefully we’re getting there
noodles-and-tea · 2 months
I doth declare that I miss the Losers Club! Mayest I have some art of them from thee? :3
(I adore the Losers, can you please draw them if you have any time? No pressure!)
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I know it’s only 2/7 but I hope it’ll do for now!!
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Hello everyone!
Apologies for the sudden (and far too long) disappearance, we’ve been in a not-great place mentally for a while and the idea of running this blog became quite stressful.
But this blog should (hopefully) be back up & running starting today!
Also, asks will be closed for an indefinite amount of time to catch up. A new post will be made once they are reopened.
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geothebio · 2 months
Skippy is fully healed from his neuter and has settled in very well! he’s a super fast learner (we’re still working on potty training) and he loves to fight with Ginger lmao
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also, we’re waiting on results for Skippy’s Embark dna test! i’m hoping to find some siblings/relatives that came from the same place
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There’s really nothing like being a science student: that feeling of both drowning in work and stress but also somehow enjoying it at the same time.
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pininiu · 6 months
Thinking about short hair, also have a leek larcenist
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a demon took over me or something idk
the orange proceeded to burn my eyes but giving him a cheap plastic file case he probably had since he was 10 is integral to me
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lunar-years · 2 months
Sorry to be a hater for a second but st4 truly was so foul. Imagine them trying to convince us the Scooby teen gang included EDDIE while Jonathan was just some other random guy…….. and people bought into it……….
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merp-blerp · 5 months
What if Taylor opens the next Eras Tour in that mysterious, very Lover-rainbow-looking bodysuit after the break??? After releasing a very gay album, practically clawing at the closet door??? Then what??? Then what???
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dreamyyesenia · 4 days
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Before their quest to explore the Jungle, Aileen and Colin went to the local bar in Selvadorada to dance, have fun and relax. Of course, Aileen our dancing queen had to dance seductively for her husband 💃🏻
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Excuse me??? Lady, we didn’t ask you to interrupt our seductive dancing (though she was a good dancer ngl)
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Enjoying some private time 🕯️🧡
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grelleswife · 1 year
*grasping my fellow like-minded Kuro fans by the shoulders* Listen to me, comrades…we are NOT going to tolerate attempts to make The Cursed Ship popular and widely-accepted on this platform again, or misgendering of our lady Grelle Sutcliff, or sliding backwards into the mire of fandom toxicity, in the wake of this new anime announcement. We 🔥 are 🔥 not. 🔥
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peach-pot · 6 months
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absolutelybifurious · 5 months
man it's been forever since i've been in an active fandom and yall are wild. first off, i get the upset over jlh a little bit, but also - she isn't a writer and she doesn't know and yall have to understand this is network tv and a buddie storyline would still be kinda wild. like i know we want society to be at a certain point, but it just isn't. buck being bi was huge in terms of progress so to turn around and expect him and one of the other masc leads to get together immediately is not realistic.
yall are freaking out that ryan called eddie het but like, he canonically is rn? like you understand that, right? we can headcanon till we're blue in the face but as far as the stated narrative is concerned, my boy is, tragically, straight. what ryan said, imo, was exactly what i was thinking re: baby steps. like buck's arc is going to develop - it sucks it has to be like that, but with tv at current, you're not getting 2 queer storylines back to back like that. honestly, because they went bi buck and not just... buddie happening. from a writing perspective, it would be... really hard to make eddie also come out and then them get together. like writing/story wise it would be hard for it not to feel repetitive. it was just not gonna happen, and i think ryan wanting to appreciate eddie accepting buck is, like, fine?? that is the story we're being told right now, and so he's basically like lean into this moment instead of jumping ahead.
he literally said baby steps (and yeah i know he said if anything but the point is he doesn't KNOW) and i feel like i had that exact same thought, like anything we get at this point will be baby steps bc if it was suddenly poof they're together, it would read rushed.
yall need to take a collective breath and just understand it was never gonna happen this season. i get wanting it, but it just was not realistic? so many shows go through this and there's never any queer rep at all, and yes, times are changing, but they haven't changed that much. buddie has way more chance than any other ship like them, so just... breathe. do fandom shit. accept there's a CHANCE and that's more than i would've said a year ago. but it's gonna take a few seasons. baby steps.
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dumbdolphin3 · 8 months
Being in the ever after high fandom rn is gonna be looked back on as a ”you just had to be there” era because of all those Spotify songs
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jealizmuch · 2 years
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we better be getting them back whole
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sigh hope everyone’s having a good [insert time of day]
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swordsmans · 10 months
edges!! they are improving. (ignore my shitty utility room lol)
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i’ve added a third grit and started sanding significantly longer. the right textblock hasn’t been sanded yet, and the left has been sanded by hand for about 30 minutes?? i’m keeping track by songs (3 songs per edge) so that’s mostly a guess. i ended up sanding the right textblock for 4 songs a side (doubling the roughest grit), about 40 mins, and it came out even better (that’s the one shown below). i’m extremely sweaty and the paper dust had me hacking up a lung by the end (next time i’ll wear a mask lmao) but overall they’re SOOO much smoother than the 20 minute single-grit sanding.
BUT!! the biggest change with this pair was the speckling!!!!
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literally so stoked with how this came out. i changed my water/acrylic ratio to something closer to 50/50 and scrapped the paintbrush altogether. a medium-firm toothbrush is the way to go!!!! no more streaks and globs, no more sticky/ripped pages, and the weird roughness the paint had when it dried is completely gone. i did get a little bit of page bleed because of the higher water content, but overall it’s MUCH better and i think this is going to be my method from now on with only minor adjustments.
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copper-16 · 3 months
Hello everyone! I have some good news - this morning after many months now of trying to figure out what has been causing the pain in my hand and fingers, we finally have seem to come to an answer! (shoutout to hand therapists, who are the GOAT in my book rn) If you felt like familiarizing yourself with hand anatomy, this is the post for you to continue reading!
I have a very strange case of tendonitis it seems. Usually tendonitis in the hands is from the extensor tendons - which run from the tops of your fingers into the wrist and up the arm. I've been wearing a wrist brace for the last several weeks to attempt to help this, but as it turns out that hasn't been doing anything!
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My problem actually lies in the dorsal and palmar interossei, which are two sets of tendons that sit one on top of the other in between your knuckles, and they work to open your fingers and close them, respectively. I injured these tendons back in March, and they never were able to fully heal (it is apparently very hard to heal a tendon once it has been injured, because the threshold to reinjure it once you've done it once is a lot lower). They are localized in the hand, unlike the extensor tendons, which run up into the arm.
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I've been given what my hand therapist is calling "the strap" (I fought for my LIFE to keep a straight face when he said that), which is basically to force me to keep my fingers together, thus resting the tendon in question (my main problem is between my pointer and middle finger). Once the tendon has been rested and actually fully healed, we can do strength training so that I have less of a chance to reinjure it. He said this kind of injury is very uncommon so he isn't 100% sure exactly what treatment plan he's going with, but hopefully resting is a good start and then we can go from there when I go back to see him in 2 weeks.
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So I will now be making A VERY CONCERTED EFFORT to do NO more typing than physically necessary. Or just using my hands in general. I'm going to be ATTEMPTING to do voice to text writing (which is what I've switched to doing for texting)...we shall see if this is successful or not! I’m considering it a fun adventure in my books.
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Or maybe for once I'll have long, detailed drafts that are actually well thought out instead of just jumping into something head first without much foresight haha!
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