#but holy shit i fucking wish Dick found out originally from someone just walking up to give condolences
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evasive-anon · 1 year ago
How Dick found out Jason died was actually the fucking worst.
If you've read the New Teen Titans you know I'm bout pop off on Danny Chase. If any of you are fanon only people probably know Dick found out what happened when he got back from space with the Titans and how Bruce wasn't the one who told him- but what fanon leaves out is how the person who told Dick had ZERO FUCKIGN EMPATHY AND KEPT SAYIGN IT WAS NO BIG DEAL.
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This little asshole is Danny, he's a kid with telekinetic powers on the Titans and he literally just walks up to Nightwing like 'Hey Dick, looks like you had a rough time on that mission, oh no so sorry your leg is broken, anyway just some minor news but pretty sure you're little brother is dead, NBD. 🙄'
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Danny is really out here like 'who even cares its a dangerous job' while Dick is BREAKING DOWN.
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DC, why the fuck you gotta highlight Jason being so short here?? You already killed him stop kicking him while he's down .😭
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🤓 i jUSt dOn't LiKE beInG PuSHeD aRoUNd broooo omg 😒
Dick does fire Danny from the Titan this comic but honestly I really wish we got to see Dick beat the shit out of him here cause he deserved it.
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Anyway, side note- if you're wondering why Dick called Danny out about being afraid of his own blood being spilt is cause of this unforgettable scene:
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hollywoodxwhore · 2 years ago
Mine | Chapter Two
Colson x Original Female Character
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I got such a good response on chapter one yesterday! Y'all are too good to a girl who just wanted to relieve some stress by writing silly little stories about a hot dude. Love y'all so much!
Synopsis: Presley may look sinful on the outside, but deep down, she's innocent, guarded, and terrified of intimacy. Colson, on the other hand, is living up to his womanizer reputation as a way to cope with heartbreak. When his new guitarist invites his twin sister to join them on tour, Colson discovers that he's actually capable of feeling. Will Presley and Colson be able to push past all of the barriers trying to prevent them from happening?
Warnings/Content: swearing, alcohol & marijuana usage, little tiny mention of smut, discussions of virginity (which is a social construct but I like it as a storyline sry), masturbation, col talking about his dick (he does that a lot in this fic, NOT sry)
After an hour or so of hanging out backstage, we all climb onto the tour bus and my eyes widen. Holy shit, this is nice. I look around as the guys find places to sit and grab drinks from the fridge. I’m the only girl here right now, and I find myself wishing Sadie could’ve come with me, but I had a security guy walk her to her car after the show. 
“Presley, drink?” Baze, the bass player asks.
“Um, what do you have?” I ask, taking a seat in an empty recliner.
“PBR, Jack Daniel’s, I think Kells has some wine—”
“Anything without alcohol?” I ask.
Baze looks over at me in surprise. “Oh. Sure. Coke, Monster, Mountain Dew—”
“Mountain Dew is perfect,” I reply. Baze hands me the can and I thank him, cracking it open. 
“Not really a drinker?” Baze asks as he has a seat, pouring some whiskey into a red cup.
I shake my head. “No. I much prefer smoking,” I say.
“By all means, girl, light up,” he says.
“I was just about to smoke a joint,” Rook says as he appears from the bunk area. “Want to share?”
“Sure,” I say, already feeling my anxiety ease knowing I’m going to smoke. 
Cash is in the shower and Justin sits on the couch on his phone. Slim climbs onto the bus and looks around. “We good to go? Where’s Kells?” Rook shrugs and Baze mutters that he doesn’t know. Slim sighs. “Can someone go look for him? I gotta get some more shit packed up.”
No one offers. Justin is now talking on the phone, and Rook and Baze are already well on their way to enjoying their night. I won’t deny a chance to see Colson. A second alone would be cool. “I’ll check,” I say.
“Thanks, Presley,” Slim says with a smile, then disappears off the bus. 
I get to my feet and weave through the bunk area, stopping for a second when I see my bags and pillow have found their way to a bunk. I push a button and a door slides open, leading to an area with two bathrooms and some other room. The bathroom Cash isn’t showering in is unoccupied and I frown, thinking he isn’t on the bus when I hear something creak in the room at the back.
I step closer and peer past the flimsy curtain that shields the room. The first thing I realize is that it’s a bedroom with a huge bed.
The second thing I realize is that Colson is on the bed. Deep inside a woman.
My eyes widen when they lock with Colson’s and I hurry from the room, squeaking out an apology as my cheeks burn. I don’t want to go out and face the others, so I lock myself in a bathroom to calm down. Fuck. My heart races.
I couldn’t see anything graphic, but I did see Colson behind that girl, one big hand flat on her lower back, hips moving in a way that made his abdomen ripple. His mouth hanging slightly open with pleasure, hair messy and eyes glassy. Shit, I did not need to know what that man looks like when he’s having sex. I squeeze my eyes closed. 
I’m in the bathroom so long that I’m sure someone’s going to start wondering. At that thought, my phone pings with a text from Cash. Found Kells! You good?
Yeah. I found him, too. I wash my hands and exit the bathroom, taking a deep breath before picking my way back to the main area of the bus.
Everyone’s there now, including Colson, but I don’t even look at him. I can’t bear to. I’m humiliated. I pick up my Mountain Dew and am immensely grateful when Rook passes me the joint. I take two huge puffs, cough, and settle back into the chair, praying the embarrassment and anxiety fade soon.
It does slightly, but all night, there’s a pinch of shame lingering within me. I can feel Colson trying to meet my eyes, but I refuse. I steal glances at him when he’s not looking, but I’m very careful not to meet his eyes. 
I’m irritated and a little disappointed. I thought he was flirting with me, but I guess I was stupid for thinking that. The woman is nowhere to be found, so she was probably just a fan he picked up for a one night stand. Why does that bother me so much?
Finally, I can’t take it anymore. I get up and go over to Cash, sitting next to him on the couch. “I’m gonna go to bed. I’m exhausted,” I lie.
“Alright,” Cash says. “Need anything?”
I shake my head. “Thanks. Night, everyone,” I say.
“Aw, you’re going to bed already?” Rook says.
“Party’s just begun,” Slim adds.
“Tomorrow, I promise. I’m just really tired,” I explain.
“Ight, fair. Tomorrow, then,” Rook says with a smile, and I smile back before disappearing into the bunk area. I fish through my suitcase for my bathroom bag and lock myself in the bathroom to remove my makeup, do my skincare, and brush my teeth. I change into a big t-shirt and some shorts and leave the bathroom, crashing right into someone’s bare chest.
I look up at him, feeling my cheeks burn, and he stumbles backwards. “Shit, sorry,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“It’s okay,” I say, looking away.
“Hey,” he says, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’m really sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean for you to see—”
“No, I’m sorry,” I say quickly, shaking my head. “My fault.” I push past him and he lets me, but I feel his eyes on me all the way back to the bunk area. I climb into my bunk and slide the door shut, letting out a breath once I’m finally alone. Shit. 
I curl up under the blankets and try to let the gentle rumble of the bus on the road lull me to sleep. But every time I close my eyes, all I can see is Colson behind that girl. 
I’m not sure if it makes me angry, sick, turned on, or a combination of all three. But I don’t like that it makes me feel anything at all.
I have another confession to make. I’m a virgin.
No one knows. Not my closest girlfriends, not the guys I’ve tried to date, no one. I guess you could say I have intimacy issues.
I actually dated quite a bit in high school. I had a date for every school dance, including the two times I went to prom. I just never did anything with any of them. We never even got to the boyfriend-girlfriend stage. We made out, of course, but we never went further. 
For some reason, my biggest fear in the world is letting someone see me naked.
I can be in a skimpy bikini. A tiny dress, shorts so short they basically show my asscheeks. But I hate being seen in underwear, and no one other than family has seen me naked. I almost chickened out of getting my nipples pierced because I was so uncomfortable, but I pushed through. The longer I go without anyone seeing me, the worse it gets. 
I have no idea where the fear comes from. Nothing traumatic happened to me. In fact, my parents have a great marriage and I had a good experience in high school. All through school, actually. There should be no reason why I’m so afraid. But I am, and it gets worse the older I get. 
Even if Colson was flirting with me, what the hell am I going to do about it? He’s the type of guy that fucks random girls. He doesn’t settle down. He doesn’t date. There’s no way he’d see me and decide he wants to date me, and even if somehow he did, he would get tired of waiting to do things other than kissing. It would never, ever happen. I’m actually pretty resolved to being alone forever. 
I barely slept last night. I was awake all night stewing about what I’d walked into. I’m jealous of the girl, and not because she was having sex with Colson. How is she so comfortable in herself that she’d let a stranger get her naked? Touch her? Make her moan? I envy that level of confidence. So many women seem to have it but not me. 
Guys have tried. It’s not that no one wants me because I know they do. I don’t know if it’s the tattoos, the fact that I’m a piercer, or the fact that I play guitar and sing, but I’ve had many, many guys try to pursue me. Every time, I turn them down. I’ve gone on a few dates and ghosted them all, too afraid to open up. It’s exhausting and embarrassing and I say no whenever anyone asks for a date now. I just can’t do it. 
I feel better when I realize Colson will never get anywhere with me. He’ll give up fast. That means I don’t even need to worry about him. I can continue with this harmless little crush, enjoy my time on tour, and go back to normal life when this is all over.
It’s going to be totally fine. 
Do I feel like a total asshole for what happened with Presley? Of course I do.
The whole point of fucking that girl was to get Presley off my mind. I didn’t expect her to walk in and catch us. Of course I feel like a total dick. 
I feel even worse when she doesn’t even look at me for the rest of the night. I’m sure it made her uncomfortable. Fuck, I feel uncomfortable. I don’t give a fuck if the boys walk in on me. It’s happened more times than I can count on two hands. I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, I’ll admit. But no girl has ever walked in on me with someone until now, and it sucks.
I don’t sleep until we arrive at the hotel, and by now, the sun is coming up. But my stomach is too knotted for me to be able to relax. All I can think about is Presley in her bunk. Part of me wants to be the one to let her know we’ve made it to the hotel, but she made it clear that she can’t even look at me, so I slink off the bus and keep my head down as I walk into the hotel lobby.
Ten minutes later, I’m finally showering. The tour bus showers are too small for me, the shower head hitting below my shoulder, so there’s no point in even trying to shower on the bus unless I absolutely have to. I let my head hang down as the warm water streams over my hair, and I sigh. Why do I care so much about what this girl thinks? Cash told me to stay away from her, and I can’t risk fucking anything up with him. The band needs him. He’s amazing. 
As if I don’t already feel bad enough, I can’t keep her out of my fucking head, can’t stop picturing her in that short, leather skirt that fit her perfectly. Those legs. Jesus Christ. I huff softly in annoyance as my cock starts to fill. Never have I ever felt guilty about wanting a girl before. This shit sucks. 
I feel like a teenager as I get myself off to nothing but thoughts of a girl I’ve only ever seen fully clothed and have never touched. It doesn’t take long; in fact, it’s embarrassingly quick. I’m glad I’m alone.
After Presley walked in on us, I didn’t finish. I immediately got dressed and walked the girl off the bus. It only occurs to me now as I turn off the shower that I never even got her name. That’s low, even for me. 
Feeling like utter shit, I brush my teeth, moisturize my face, and crawl into bed naked, hoping I can just pass the fuck out. No such luck. After an hour of tossing and turning, I throw the blankets off with a curse and get dressed. I need to find some coffee and quick.
In the hallway, I find Rook leaving his room, too. He looks just as exhausted as I feel. “Can’t sleep?” I ask him.
“Nah,” Rook says, shaking his head. 
“I was gonna find some coffee,” I say. “Wanna join me?”
I text Reed, letting him know that Rook and I are grabbing coffee, and he meets us in the lobby. There’s a coffee shop nearby and we walk there in silence. It’s barely seven in the morning on a Sunday, so the place is pretty deserted. Rook and I both get gigantic iced coffees and tuck ourselves into a booth in the back of the shop. Reed finds a table nearby and pulls out his phone. 
“You look like shit,” Rook says.
I give him a sour look and chug down some coffee. “Thanks, bro. Appreciate it,” I mumble.
Rook flicks his braids out of his face. “I mean you look upset,” he says. 
I sigh and twist my straw, watching the ice cubes move around. I trust Rook. But I don’t talk about my feelings with fucking anyone. Only in my songs. “I’m fine,” I say. “I just feel like a dick.”
“Why?” Rook asks, taking a bite of the muffin he purchased.
I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache start to throb behind my eyes. “Cash’s sister walked in on me and that girl last night.”
“What?” Rook hisses, eyes widening. “You serious? Does Cash know?”
“Fuck no!” I reply, shaking my head. “And I hope she doesn’t tell him. It was an accident.”
Rook considers this as he sips some more coffee. “Wait, why are you so upset about this?” He asks. “Shit, I myself have walked in on you at least ten times.”
He’s not wrong. “I dunno,” I admit with a shrug. “Just feel like shit. She’s not just a random person. She’s Cash’s sister, you know? Don’t want to make her uncomfortable while she’s here with us.”
I meet Rook’s eyes for a moment and there’s a weird glow about them. Like he’s speculating. I don’t like it. “What?” I ask defensively. 
“You into her?” Rook asks me.
“Fuck, dude,” I huff, looking away from him. “She’s Cash’s sister.”
“I’m well aware.”
“Doesn’t matter if I am or not,” I say after a moment. “Cash told us she’s off-limits.”
Rook shrugs, then nods. “How long is she with us?”
I shrug, too. “I don’t know. I told Cash it didn’t matter how long she wanted to stay.”
Rook shakes his head. “I haven’t seen you like this since—”
“Enough,” I say firmly, jaw clenching as I lock eyes with him.
Rook holds up his hands in surrender. “Sorry,” he says quietly. “Sorry.”
I finish off my coffee way too quickly and push to my feet. Rook isn’t done yet, but he wraps up his muffin, grabs his coffee, and follows my lead. I stalk back to the hotel, not talking to him or Reed. I need to be alone. I don’t like how well Rook can read me. 
Locked in my hotel room once again, I lay on my back in bed, staring at the ceiling. The coffee churns in my empty stomach, which isn’t helping the anxiety already aching there. I know what I have to do to survive while Presley is on tour with us. I need to just keep getting laid. I just can’t let her catch me again. 
Also, I could just be her friend. That’s what I’m supposed to do anyway. And that has to start with an apology. 
When we get to the venue, I wait for Presley and Cash to get out of their car. Cash, who’s basically a golden retriever, is distracted by his excitement to get inside, and he leaves Presley behind. 
My heart stutters a little when I see her. She wears jeans today, but they fit her like a dream, and the black top she wears hints at a gorgeous pair of tits. Platform Nikes on her feet complete the look and such a simple outfit shouldn’t turn me on so goddamn much. This friendship thing is going to be more difficult than I anticipated.
“Hey, Presley,” I say, intercepting her as she walks towards the door. She adjusts her purse on her shoulder, and I can tell instantly that she’s uncomfortable. She chews that plush bottom lip and avoids my eyes. 
“Listen, I’m really sorry about last night,” I say. She continues to look past me. “Shit. Will you please. Just. Look at me?” I sound like I’m begging. God. Finally, her eyes lift to mine. I swallow hard. “It was totally an accident. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” she finally says, her perfect brows furrowing together. “I’m the one who walked in on you.”
I shrug. “It’s all good,” I assure her. “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me. I’m glad you’re here. It makes Cash happy and I’m excited for us all to get to know you.”
She seems to relax, even just slightly, but it’s everything to me. She nods and smiles softly. “Okay. Thanks for talking to me,” she says. “We’re good.”
“Okay. Cool,” I say. “Let’s go inside.”
We walk side by side. “This is crazy,” Presley says.
“How do you mean?” I ask, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jeans. 
She shrugs, looking up at the venue. “Just going backstage in a huge venue like this. I never imagined I’d be here. Let alone Cash.”
“Cash says you play in a few bands?” I ask.
Presley nods, tucking a piece of black hair behind her ear, revealing tons of piercings. “Yeah, just a few local bands. It’s nothing too serious.”
“You play…guitar?” I ask.
“And sing,” Presley says. “I’m alright. Cash, though. I mean, I don’t have to tell you. You know how talented he is.”
I nod. “Yeah. He’s unreal,” I agree. “I swear I learn something from him every time we play together.”
Presley smiles warmly, eyes crinkling. “Yeah. I’m so proud of him. This is just wild,” she says thoughtfully. “Thank you.” She looks up at me. “Thank you for noticing him and giving him this chance.”
“Shit, we should be thanking him,” I say. “I can’t wait to start recording our next album with him. We can be so much more dynamic with his guitar skills.”
She nods and smiles. I open the door for her and do my very best not to check out her ass as she walks inside, but I’m only human, and that thing is too perfect not to notice. 
“I have to head to sound check, but there’s always food backstage. Drinks. Help yourself to anything, alright?” I tell her.
“Thanks, Colson,” she says, and I like the way my name sounds on her lips. I wave and head off towards the stage. I’m not as anxious anymore, thank god. This is going to be just fine.
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midyxthcrisis · 4 years ago
let them go - part three | j.t.
part one | part two
sorry for not posting last night! i was with family and didn’t have the time to write
The next thing you remembered was waking up in a bright white room to the never ending sound of the heart monitor you were attached to. You shifted a little, a groan leaving your lips in response to the soreness that had settled in your ribs.
“Morning, sunshine.” You looked over to see none other than Jason Todd sitting on a chair with that signature cocky smile on his lips. 
“Where the fuck am I and why the hell are you here?” 
“We are at Titans Tower, babe, and I am here because Dick asked me to. He couldn’t be here to keep an eye on you.Titans shit, I guess.”
There was a warmth that again bloomed in your chest at the thought that Dick had specifically asked Jason to watch you. Perhaps Dick could see the way your eyes seemed to soften whenever you looked at the young Robin. Or that you had fainted in Jason’s arm as soon as Trigon lost control of you and Jason refused to leave your side afterwards.  
“Titans Tower... I never thought I would actually get to see the place. Dick’s told me stories about the Titans. What happened while I was out?” You had sat up properly and soon realized that you were wearing a shirt you didn’t recognized. It clearly wasn’t yours, you would have known, but you also knew it couldn’t have been Dick’s. On the front of the shirt was the logo for some band you didn’t know. You could only assume it was Rachel’s. She seemed to be someone who was into shit like that.
Jason filled you in on everything that had happened while you were unconscious. Who Rachel’s father was, how he had gotten control of you all, the week or so following when Dick had dropped you all off at a motel before going to Gotham in order to talk to Bruce.
“Holy shit. So what, are we all Titans or something?”
Jason shrugged and stood up from the chair he was sitting in. You were working on taking the various ivs and other things that were stuck in your skin. “I’m not. I’m going back to Gotham soon. The only reason we’re here is because Bruce wanted Dick to bring me along.”
You could feel your face falling slightly at the words Jason spoke. He was leaving. Going back to the one place you swore you would never go back to. A part of you wanted to go with him, to see what had become of Gotham since you had left. But you pushed that part deep deep down and told yourself that you had just met this boy. You had to stay with Dick, who you had known for years and trusted with your life.
“Oh, well, um, thanks for staying with me. Do you know where Dick is?” You had shifted in the bed so you were sitting with your legs hanging over the edge. There was a pounding in your head and a dull ache in your ribs. You pushed past the pain and willed yourself up from the bed, a soft groan passing through your lips.
“I’m not sure, the last time I saw him he was in the security room.”
“Thanks, for everything.” You walked over to the boy can gave him a gentle smile. “I’ll see you later, Boy Wonder.” With a pat on the shoulder and a moment of silent pain, you slowly walked out of the hospital room and off to find Dick.
- - -
A thick piece of black fabric covered your eyes as you stood in the middle of the sparring ring. There was a wooden sword in your hand, you had gotten used to the weight of it over the past few weeks of sparring. Jason stood across from you, wearing the same blindfold and holding the same sword as you were. It was a dumb training thing that Dick was making you all do. His explanation for it was that you never knew what would be taken from you while in combat, including your sight. 
“Don’t hold back on me, babe.” You heard Jason’s voice ring out in the room. You could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke. You let out a chuckle and adjusted your position. It had been a few weeks since you all had arrived at Titans Tower.
“I’m sure you’ve been wishing to say that to me, Boy Wonder. And don’t worry, I won’t.”
With that the spar started as you lunged forward and attempted to land a hit on Jason. Within the few weeks that you had been at the tower, you and Jason had only grown closer. The two of you would spend your days drinking shitty beer and listening to the collection of records Dick had in the tower between sparring sessions. The sparring sessions were certainly a sight to see, that was for sure. There were joking remarks thrown and momentary pauses where the two of you would just stand there. Sweaty, breathing heavily, trying your best to ignore the comments from Gar and Rachel for you two to “Just kiss already damnit!” Sometimes you swore you saw Dick standing in the hallway with a bowl of popcorn when you and Jason would spar. 
You were falling behind in the spar. You had always gone the defensive route when it came to spars, but this time you went the offensive route. It must have been a sight to see; you getting your ass kicked by none other than Robin. There was a moment when the two of you were circling around each other. You could hear him shifting the weight oddly between his feet. You had come to learn Jason’s fighting patterns very well over the few weeks.
You didn’t think as you lifted your hand and felt the familiar cold energy rush through you. 
“What the fuck, Y/N?” You immediately took off the blindfold and dropped the sword onto the ground when you had seen what you did. You had unintentionally put up a wall of ice between you two out of pure instinct.
“That has to be cheating. Dick said-”
“Dick never said that we couldn’t use our abilities! You’re just pissed because you don’t have any. You’re basically a glorified bodyguard that wears fucking spandex.” You had touched the ice wall preventing you from getting closer to him and it quickly disappeared. Over the few weeks you had gained a better control of your abilities, and now you could do things like the wall of ice.
“I’m not a fucking bodyguard, and it’s zylon, not spandex.” This was slowly becoming the back and forth you often had with Jason. Gar had started calling them flirt battles, even going as far as to commentate a few of them. 
“Really? Tell that to the tights I found in your room the other day.” There was grin on your lips as you stepped up to the boy. You knew that you had won this one from the way his lips curled into the smirk that sent your stomach into somersaults. You two were so close that one movement would press your lips together, and it seemed to put you and Jason under a spell that was only broken by Gar’s voice.
“What were you doing in Jason’s room?” There was a teasing smile on his lips, a soft laugh emerging from Rachel. 
“I was showing him a new record I got from the place down the street and Boy Wonder forgot to put away his suit.” It seemed to be that every day you were flushing more. For the first time in your life you weren’t chronically cold, whether that meant sweating from training or having warm cheeks from the constant teasing coming from your other teammates. 
“Yeah, sure. I think Dick wanted to see us after you were done.” Gar wasn’t buying your story and that was obvious. But he let it go and hopped down from the table him and Rachel had been sitting on before walking out of the room. You and Jason were alone again. You picked up your own blindfold and sword before replacing them on the shelves where they had come from.
“You wanna go for coffee later? There’s a place not too far from here that’s also a record store-”
“Hell yeah, I’m in.” A smile stretched across your lips at Jason’s response. You hadn’t even gotten the full sentence out and he had already agreed to. There was a flutter in your heart when you realized that fact.
- - - 
Unfortunately that coffee would have to wait. 
You all soon learned that a man who had tormented the original Titans had escaped from prison, and that meant the Titans were getting back together in the tower. To say your nerves were high was an understatement. You hadn’t seen any actual conflict since Trigon, and you were unconscious for days after that. What if that happened again? Or worse.
The original Titans had gone out to try and capture Dr. Light when they figured out that he was drawing power from the stadium nearby. You could tell that Jason was antsy, he had shown up in his suit ready to go only to be shot down by Dick. He had gone to his room after that and hadn’t come out since. You gently knocked on his door before opening it and leaning yourself against the doorframe.
“Didn’t think Jason Todd was one for a pity party.” You teased, a smile on your lips. It was true. Jason always seemed like a strong person. You thought that at the most he would mope for a couple minutes and be over with it.
“Fuck off, Y/N.” As much as he hated it, there was his own smile creeping to his lips as he spoke. Unfortunately you didn’t get a chance to make any witty comeback as a voice rang out through the whole tower alerting you to the Titans’ return. The four of you who had been left behind all emerged from your rooms to see what had happened.
And they had let Dr. Light get away. 
Jason was pissed, and everyone could see it. He had yelled at Dick about how he wouldn’t have let Dr. Light get away. It all happened rather quickly, really, and before you had the chance to stop either of them Jason was throwing a punch and Dick had pushed Jason down to the floor. There were a few moments of silence before Jason stood up and stormed away. You fought the urge to go after him. You knew that it would only end in a screaming match or you getting kicked out of his room. It was best to leave him alone when he was like this.
“What the fuck was that, Dick?” Your voice broke the tense silence that had settled over everyone.
“I was- I didn’t mean to.” 
Instead of responding you just walked back to your room, clearly shaken up by the confrontation. You never had enjoyed violence. It was quite ironic really. You came from Gotham and yet panicked every time someone fought in front of you. Especially when it was two people you cared deeply about. It sucked, but Jason had manage to worm his way into your heart in a way nobody ever had. 
That was why you made yourself rise from your bed and go check on him. You had knocked on his door a couple times, only to receive no answer, so you opened the door and saw nobody was in there. And that the briefcase where he kept his suit was gone from its normal place.
“Shit.” You mumbled to yourself as you rushed to the control room to find Gar. He could pull up Jason’s tracker and you would find him in no time. Nobody would even notice that he was gone. 
But Gar was gone too.
“Shit!” You immediately rushed to the main area of the tower, your breathing heavy from a mixture of nerves and the fact that you had sprinted there. Everyone had turned to look at you with confusion.
“I can’t find Gar or Jason. And Jason’s suit is gone.”
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eyebright-iris · 6 years ago
Review: Met Gala 2019
Good morning to girls and gays only.  Straight men can perish.
Well, the Met Gala has rolled around once again and all I can say is: I’m so glad I’m a lesbian. The theme for this year was ‘Camp: Notes on Fashion’ and my GOD did some men decide that this was the perfect opportunity to come in a bland black tux or worse.
Some of the biggest disappointments of the night for me have to be Rami Malek and Taron Egerton, who, having both just played some of the most iconic men in recent history who lived, breathed and ate the essence of camp, saw fit to turn up in black tuxes.  Taron’s was kinda sparkly though and I still respect the dude for his general lack of typical masculinity elsewhere (more men commenting “phwoar” on their mates’ Instagram, please).  Shout out to Frank Ocean who showed up looking like any bouncer you might find outside one of my local clubs on a Saturday night.  He collaborated with James Charles to prove that while some gays showed their best, others certainly did not.  The theme was CAMP, James Charles, and you still couldn’t deliver.
I appreciated the change in pace from Darren Criss and Harry Styles, but to be honest, Harry’s had camper looks in concert and Darren Criss…well, I loved his look, but it also took me a solid ten minutes to work out that it was him and not just Brendon Urie in his regular concert gear.  Glittery jackets and statement eyeliner do not a camp icon make, I’m afraid, though you certainly did better than so many others.
Kim Kardashian was certainly…there.  I’m impressed with the way she managed to make herself look like she’s just stepped out of the ocean butt-naked and dripping wet, but girl.  You’re rich as fuck.  There’s more than bodycon dresses out there.  Also please smack your husband, he’s a dick and he’s wearing a black tracksuit.  Kendall and Kylie were a little more flamboyant but honestly, they were single-colour knockoffs of things I would say you could find at a Rio street festival, except that would be an insult to Brazil and all the ways Rio festivals embody everything the Jenner looks were not.  And to be real with you?  For all the colour that was there, they were boring.  What is it with these women and being afraid to be #Iconique? It’s sad that all they seem to know how to do is emphasise their boobs and hips in dresses with very little fabric to try and be daring.  If they weren’t so rich and influential no one would pay them any mind because you can see the same look on anyone else.
While I don’t like Cardi B, I can appreciate her attempt to get into the spirit of the Met Gala, which she pulled off so well last year.  I only wish her skirt hadn’t ended up looking like rows of theatre seating.  Katy Perry was there as both a chandelier and a hamburger, which, while a step up from the Jenner-Kardashian contributions, leads me to wonder if she knows what ‘camp’ means, or if her foray into queer culture stopped once she was done appropriating sapphic sexuality for male consumption in 2008.  Special mention must go to Benedict Cumberbatch who saw fit to show up dressed like some bizarre visiting cousin of Colonel Sanders who maybe definitely owned a plantation.  It wasn’t a black tux but somehow I just wish it had been.
To get to the real stars of the night, I think it’s only fair to start off by saying this Met Gala was once again, Black Excellence.  I cannot BREATHE for the number of incredible, powerful black icons taking to the pink carpet in works of art.  Let’s begin, shall we?
Billy Porter showed up (and showed everyone else up) with six hot half naked slave dudes decked out in gold carrying him in on a black-and-gold chaise-lounge like a modern-day Cleopatra and, once he had both feet firmly on the floor, threw up the massive golden wings of Isis and owned the entire space around him.  The crown.  The wings. The copious gold sparkly shit. The gold bedazzled stuff on his face. Every other man should be ashamed of his failure to measure up to the king. Also every man in a tux found DEAD by the side of the road thanks to our Lord and Saviour Billy Porter.
If Billy Porter is the king, then surely, there are too many queens to choose from.  From Laverne Cox’s strikingly shaped black dress with her brilliant blue-white hair and statement makeup, to Lupita Nyong’o showing up in the full neon spectrum of the rainbow, black women showed up to take the crown every single time last night.  Janelle Monáe’s stunning artsy dress blew me away, from the Picasso-like features to the multitude of hats that I have no idea how she balanced, she’s a masterpiece.  Lizzo stepped out looking like the Empress of Flamingos and I am absolutely here for every second of it.  The colours are loud, bold, and the outfit is as large-as-life as Lizzo herself.  Her hair was so stunning, I swear I thought it was a crown at first.
Black hair certainly had a starring role on the red carpet as well, from Tessa Thompson’s insanely long braid (she was carrying a WHIP to complete her outfit RIP all wlw) to Lupita’s impressive afro with its many golden combs.  I adored Danai Gurira’s hair and especially loved her Oscar Wilde-inspired outfit: here is a woman who understands her brief and works from it to great effect, and I loved Keiynan Lonsdale’s gorgeous hair and butterfly gown – seeing him embracing his queerness with both arms since Love, Simon led him to come out has made my heart big.
I can’t move on from the black dominance and excellence of the night without mention of two of my favourite looks: Zendaya and Lena Waithe.  If Billy Porter is the king and there are too many queens to count, then Zendaya stands out yet again as the living, breathing princess of the lot of them. I can hear the white tears over black girl magic Cinderella from here.  She arrived in a whole Cinderella dress that expanded and glows from within, a pumpkin-carriage purse and her own fairy godmother to transform her with a little bibbity-bobbity-boo?  She even lost her damn glass slipper on the stairs. A true artist.  As they say in the LGBT+ community: um, wig.
Speaking of which: Lena Waithe.  The lesbian icon herself, who showed up to last year’s Catholic-themed Met Gala in a pride flag cape, and who went hell for leather this year as well, putting every man in a tux to shame by not only out-classing them in how fantastic she looked in her lilac suit, but also paying homage to the origins of camp, with the back of her jacket boldly stating “Black Drag Queens Invented Camp” and the pinstripes on the suit actually being cleverly displayed lyrics to iconic drag queen songs.  She really Did That yet again and I’m knocked dead.
This review is already long as hell and it’s about to get longer because there are more looks that I want to mention.
First of all: Lady. Fucking. Gaga.  My girl did four outfits on the pink carpet in the space of 15 minutes and holy shit did she kill it.  Starting out in a voluminous hot pink ballgown, followed by a more sedate but still impressive black one with a matching umbrella, then down to a slim hot-pink number, huge sunglasses, and statement telephone, and finally ending up in an iconic mesh and underwear set, all while sporting the most gorgeous gold false eyelashes that made the whole thing pop.  The creativity and flair of everything Gaga does has made her iconic throughout the years and this event was no exception.
Ezra Miller FUCKED IT UP. Pinstripe suit with the sweeping train, glittering cage corset on top and a myriad of imitation eyes all over his face, carrying an eerie mask of himself on a stick?  Phenomenal.  The confidence in his walk as he moved and the way he displayed his look was so striking and seeing him own it so much made my night.
I loved Jordan Roth’s take on Billy Porter’s wings, allowing him to show up as a literal whole theatre. I loved Ryan Murphy’s sparkling pink champagne tux and high-collared cape.  Florence Welch absolutely slayed in her glittering wing-collared cloak.
However, one of the standout looks for the night was Hamish Bowles.  The embodiment of camp, with that magnificent fur-trimmed patterned cape. The look is absolutely dominating even when he’s standing still, and when he moves, the whole thing comes alive. Watching some of the dynamic shots taken of him having fun with his outfit, I felt like I was watching a bullfighter in a lion’s mane – and all of that is good.  I can’t quite put my finger on why I felt he looked like a fabulous Mrs Doubtfire (maybe it’s the shoes) but the outfit was one of the best and definitely set a bar that so many men fell short of.
Final Words:
Can someone please tell cishet men to step their game up?  Or men in general (I see you Frank Ocean and James Charles letting the damn side down)?  They can stay boring if they want, however.  The rest of us will be having far more fun without them, and the plain black tuxes certainly are no talking point of the evening.
8 notes · View notes
lightsandlostbells · 6 years ago
Druck season 2, episode 1 reaction
we’re baaaaaack
I said I would finish my Skam S3 analyses before I caught up on the remake reactions, and I’m working on the one for 3.10 (the finale), but I also didn’t want to fall behind on another show. So here are some thoughts on Druck’s first week back!
Episode 1
Clip 1 - “Their tongues battled for dominance”
It’s the moment we’ve been waiting for, Druck has come back from the war. And our very first shot is an extreme closeup of some very tongue-oriented kissing, thanks for that. 
Is it Matteo and a girl?
I definitely feel like Druck was playing with Skam fans’ expectations here. They know we’re expecting a kiss to open the season, but we’re expecting it to be Matteo and some girl, so Alex and Kiki throws us off. We’re also expecting Alex and Kiki to be completely over by now, not hooking up again - that changes the direction of the season, for sure.
I don’t know how much Mia’s issues will reflect Noora’s, but considering that Noora’s season opens with scandalous sex pics/media, and that it ties into not just what happens with Niko but Noora’s overall issues about sex that are threaded throughout the season, it’s kinda interesting to open with this sloppy kiss for Mia’s season, if she has similar hangups.
The lyrics of the song are on point: 
You're a poison and I know that is the truth All my friends think you're vicious And they say you're suspicious
The other girls watch in horror and befuddlement, like the OG girl squad did with Isak. HI, GIRLS! Lovely to see you again. Sam is the only one who seems not entirely appalled by this coupling.
FUCK FUCK FUCK, Alex drives off in his car with Kiki. Kiki is so eager, staring at him with such wonder. It really makes you feel bad for her, when this dude was such a jerk to her previously! He apologized but he still acted like that! And now she’s back with him. Not great.
I guess this is an unpopular opinion, from what I can tell, but … I like Kiki. Not necessarily as a human being, I completely understand why people find her the least tolerable, meanest Vilde, but something about her character just feels real to me. Like this is a version of Vilde I completely buy as a person I’d meet in real life. Hell, she does remind me of people I’ve met in the past.
Lmao, the camera swivels between each girl, I guess to emphasize the confusion/bafflement in the group. Mia does not get what Kiki sees in him. Amira’s like, he’s hot. Sam’s like, what’s wrong, they’re finally together! Sam, my beautiful girl, they weren’t a sitcom couple. This wasn’t the will-they won’t-they flirtation of the century. They did, and it was a disaster. 
Mia says they’re not a couple, Sam is like … but they spend every night together? This is kind of adorable coming from her, tbh.
Amira points out that Sam spends every night with her camel and Sam’s points out that they’re together! Lmao, I love this bit of continuity. Shout-out to Carmen! 
Mia thinks Alex will drop Kiki once he finds another girl. Well, he probably will, it’ll just be Mia. Amira says, pfft, that’s all western relationships. Mia is like … do you want us all to become lesbians? Mia, there is a segment of your audience who would be completely OK with that.
Mia and Hanna air kiss and I know it’s not gonna happen but by God I wish it would. I’m so apprehensive about how they’ll handle Mia’s sexuality this season, with her smooching Hanna last season to get Axel off her back, but also her being bi via word of God.
Amira says she has to go to prayer. Mia asks whether Amira was just there? Amira says no and leaves. So maybe Amira is doing something else and keeping a secret from the girls? I guess one other possibility is that Mia (a non-Muslim) doesn’t realize how much Muslims are supposed to pray, but I think the first is more likely from a story perspective. Anyway, it’s small but I like little nods to Amira’s religion, things like her mentioning going to pray so it feels like it’s more integrated into her character. 
Sam asks the girls to swing their legs and it’s super cute. It was also an IG story she made, so that’s a nice inclusion. It’s cool when they tie in the clips to actual social media posts (much like how Matteo posted a video of Hanna and Jonas last season that seemed to be taken within the clip itself).
People got seriously fucking mad with this clip, lmao, but honestly, it’s such a big departure from the original that I wasn’t pissed. There’s too much we need to know about how the Kiki/Alexander relationship will play out in the long run before I get angry at what’s happening.
In the credits after the clip, we see a pillow fight scene with the girls. I’m gonna guess that’s maybe a snippet from the Easter cabin episode (or whatever’s taking place of the cabin episode). I wonder if we also got a slumber party scene as a makeup for not getting the full girls’ sleepover in S1? It was just Mia and Kiki.
Clip 2 - Santa Claus is coming
Mia observes their toilet at home at German Kollektivet. It is gross. There’s pee all over the seat, what even looks like a curly hair??? I want to puke. I take it back, I’ll watch Kiki’s and Alex’s tongues for an hour if Druck never shows me anything like this toilet again.
Mia angrily stomps over to the bedroom of German Eskild (Hans) and bangs on the door. German Linn comes up to her, saying Hans has a visitor. Mia explains that Hans peed all over the toilet seat, Linn asks if she should clean it up. Mia says if they always do it for him, he’ll never learn. This is a small moment and not necessarily like, groundbreaking feminist commentary, but it’s why I have some faith in Druck for this season? Mia is adamantly against women cleaning up men’s messes (literally and certainly figuratively). I’m not saying she’s a perfect feminist, but she actually seems like a believable feminist teenage girl, with a lot of feminist principles that seem integrated into her life, which not all of the remakes have captured, imo.
Mia bangs on the door, Hans doesn’t open it, so eventually she does and of course Hans is getting his dick sucked. He’s wearing a Santa hat. There are so many directions you could take this joke that I can’t settle on anything, sorry. 
I will say that I’m pretty sure there are multiple shitty Christmas slasher movies where the killer is driven to hack people up because they spied someone in a Santa costume having sex, and that scarred them for life or whatever, so Hans better watch his back. And clean up the toilet from now on.
Hans makes excuses for his wayward urine, Mia asks him to clean it up. Hans is like, tomorrow! Hans, people are probably going to use the toilet between now and tomorrow. It is not going to take you long to do the bare minimum and spray down some cleaner and then wipe it off.
Uhhhh the other dude who’s putting on his Santa jacket seems kinda cute. Good job, Hans? Except apparently the guy, Michi, is boring and talks too much about Trump, Nazis, refugees, etc. So bringing in those aspects of S2 a little early, which is nice and topical. (But lol @ Mia and Hans talking about how boring this guy is when the door is still open a crack.)
Mia asks why Hans meets with him then, and Hans says it’s because Mia is always in school and who knows what Linn is doing? He was lonely. And by lonely, let’s be real, he means horny. Something neither Mia nor Linn can satisfy for him.
Hans compares Michi to a boomerang: you throw him away but he always comes back. Mia is appalled by this. You all suck! Not “you all” as in gay people, “you all” as in men. Hans is like … well, you’ve got me there! 
I liked that already, this scene ties into the plot thematically. Hans is basically doing the same as Alex, or at least what Mia thinks is happening with Alex. Hans is using Michi for hookups, Alex is using Kiki. Throwing her away, but like a boomerang, she comes back. Mia thinks what Amira said earlier about relationships is right. Guys are awful.
Hans didn’t make the best first impression here, with comparing Michi to a boomerang, and being dismissive of serious political issues, but I mean, this is only his first scene, and it’s not like Eskild’s first appearance revealed too much about him except that he thought Disney was a good fellatio soundtrack.
Clip 3 - Hello, Jotteo
Hanna and Mia walk to school. Mia says that her parents decided to go to Berlin without telling her, and they got into a fight. Her relationship with them is a nonstop cycle of arguing, basically. So Mia is going to do nothing for Christmas, basically, just stay at home and read - which sounds nice, personally, but also probably not that nice when it’s because you’re estranged from your family and have nowhere to go. Hanna is like, not on my watch! She invites Hanna to Christmas Eve with her and her dad. Yay, Hanna’s dad! I liked that guy, I hope we get to see him again.
Jonas and Matteo show up! Interesting because obviously Mia didn’t escape to Hanna’s yesterday to see Hanna and Jonas all snuggled up watching TV and talking about dating (like Noora did).
Hanna and Jonas seem a little awkward together. MY BABES. You still love each other!
Also, these are some fucking stoners, man. Are they high already? It’s like 8 in the morning. School hasn’t even started. They’re like, we have to go take a biology test! They’re laughing like this is the funniest shit ever. 
Mia asks if Hanna has talked with him lately. Hanna is like, “Jonas?” at first, and I can’t wait to hear how that relationship is going (or not going) but Mia meant Matteo. Hanna has no idea how she’d bring up that they found porn on Matteos’ phone and that they think he’s crushing on Jonas. Mia is like, just drop in a subtle hint, like asking if he watches Queer Eye! Lmao, Mia, have you seen Matteo’s hair and wardrobe? Bless him, because I love this messy, perpetually stoned version of Isak, but if he’s watching Queer Eye he’s sure as fuck not taking inspiration from it.
Hanna says she and Matteo don’t have much contact lately, because of Jonas. It’s not working out just being friends and he doesn’t seem willing to give as much on his end. Mia asks if Jonas has a new girlfriend, Hanna says no, that they promised to tell each other when that happens. Something tells me that isn’t going to go so smoothly this season. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jonas gets a girlfriend but Hanna doesn’t hear about it from him. I mean, Eva didn’t hear about Jonas being with another girl straight from him, and they were on much better terms than Hanna and Jonas (superficially, at least).
Mia seems doubtful, too. I’m sure her current “Men are the worst” attitude isn’t making her more optimistic.
Clip 4 - Mia vs. Alex in class
Mia is in class. Kiki’s sitting next to her; Alexander is on the opposite side of the room; because he got held back, they’re in the same grade. Mia looks to him. I will note that Alexander does a kind of laugh to himself before he looks up, so maybe he sensed that Mia was scoping him out?
Mia, who is looking very pretty by the way, pulls up her shirt so it’s not baring her shoulders so much. I vastly appreciate that they did this part differently than in the original! In that one, William texts Noora that she looks good in the shirt, causing her to put on a jacket - it’s his direct advances and comment making her uncomfortable. In this scene, Alexander is just looking at her - which might make her uncomfortable but at least he wasn’t doing it in an overly lascivious way. 
We also see him respond to that, and it’s hard to tell because he doesn’t avert his eyes totally or anything, but he doesn’t completely keep staring at her.
Like in Skam, their teacher is filmed below the neck, although this guy’s nipples aren’t the main attraction. Rather, it’s his festive reindeer sweater that draws the eye. (NGL, this gives me an idea for one of the S3 remakes where instead of checking out the female teacher’s boobs, the Isak is like … staring at his male teacher’s nips poking through a polo shirt or whatever.)
This is like a history/social studies class and the teacher has been talking about institutional oppression. He asks for comparisons between apartheid in South Africa and the Third Reich.
A girl is like, why can’t we talk about something relevant like Syria? Lmao, random girl, of course it’s important to talk about Syria, but what’s this insinuation that it’s not relevant to talk about past atrocities? This is part of why we study history, to draw comparisons between the past and present. Not to mention the repercussions of those periods are still felt today.
Mia and Alex’s argument about Israel being an apartheid state is more in line with how I think Noorhelm was meant to be, with the two of them having debates and William challenging Noora’s opinion. However, it never really worked for me because I felt these arguments leaned too heavily on not just like ... intellectual debate for the spirit of it, but Noora objecting to something William had done, and then William trying to argue why it was actually OK. There weren’t many debates about stuff unrelated to their relationship and William’s behavior, not much verbal and mental sparring for the pleasure of it. So maybe this isn’t an enjoyable debate, per se, but it’s at least a heated one between two parties with different strong POVs, on something besides trying to justify one’s own behavior.
When Alex quotes David Ben-Gurion, Mia says there’s a difference between a German saying that Israel is an apartheid state and an Israeli saying so. Alex is like, nah. Mia asks, so there’s no difference when I insult your sister and when you do? He seems to get a touch more serious and says while emotionally there’s a difference, practically there isn’t. No one should insult his sister.
People were reading very literally into this comment, that she’s aware of his sister, but I think she’s just presenting a hypothetical scenario as an analogy. It’s not that she actually knows he has/had a sister. It’s that her hypothetical scenario happens to have more baggage attached to it than she realizes. Assuming that Alex maybe has a dead sister, this is actually a very good moment! It makes sense why he’d get more emotional over her at this mention, like it struck a nerve even if it’s not what Mia really meant.
The teacher is like, thanks for your contribution, it totally misses the point! Lmao, between that comment and the reindeer sweater, I like this guy.
Behind Mia, Kiki seemed pretty into Alex’s talk, by the way.
As the class packs up, Mia says Alex is a dick, Kiki says he’s not and that Mia doesn’t even know him. He’s insecure and just wants his parents’ attention. Mia is like, lol, didn’t know he was sensitive and vulnerable. She says it like a joke, but Kiki takes it seriously and says it’s all a front.
Mia asks why Alex is repeating his grade, Kiki says he didn’t want to talk about it. INTERESTING. I know from a Doylist perspective, this is so they can keep Alex on the show rather than him graduating, but I really hope they integrate it into his characterization. But he also said it’s none of Kiki’s business so like, he’s still an asshole. Mia agrees with me. He doesn’t have to tell her but don’t be a shithead about it.
Alex accompanies Kiki out of the classroom and gives her his hand, but appears to shoot Mia a look as he leaves.
Clip 5 - Kiki’s a vegan
Mia rides her bike in the morning and passes Kiki on the street. They have class now, but Kiki still needs to go home and shower. Mia is surprised because they’re pretty far from Kiki’s house, meaning Kiki has to run even more. However, Kiki seems pleased about how much she’s run.
Mia invites Kiki to go shopping with her and Hanna, and Kiki wants to go somewhere with vegan croissants. Mia is surprised by Kiki suddenly being a vegan. Kiki explains that she saw a documentary - not about factory farming, but about how healthy it is. Although then she adds she thinks factory farming is bad when she sees Mia isn’t pleased - that’s a nice touch because Kiki seems like she thought Mia was judging her for not being politically aware enough, and that Mia’s going to go on an activist diatribe or something, when Mia is really concerned because of Kiki’s extreme workout and diet.
Mia clarifies that she thinks veganism is great, it’s just that Kiki is working out so much as well as becoming a vegan. She said they talked about it and Kiki needs to be careful about this stuff. Kiki says she doesn’t see the problem with eating healthy and doing sports.
I like that moment because it’s kind of toeing the line, like … well, what is wrong with working out and eating healthy? And Mia can’t quite object to that in itself. On the surface, Kiki is making it sound reasonable. It’s just that we know more is going on with her than simply adopting healthy lifestyle habits. She’s taking it way too far.
Clip 6 - Mia vs. Alex, take two
Mia sees Axel in school and confronts him, saying they need to talk. He doesn’t seem that into it. When she asks him what he’s doing with Kiki, he plays dumb, she tells him that she’s going to get her hopes up for something serious. Alex is all, define serious. He says that he’s hanging out with Kiki and no one else, so what else is he supposed to do, propose to her?
If he’s explained to Kiki that this is a FWB thing, then honestly, it’ll be on Kiki not to hope for something more serious. It’s certainly not the best course of action for him because of how he behaved last season, and he should know by now that Kiki will probably take it too seriously. However, if he’s made his stance clear to Kiki that this isn’t a serious relationship, then it’s on Kiki to listen to that.
I like that her posture seems more stiff and ramrod straight, and he’s leaning against the railing, relaxed. She’s on guard and trying to make a point to, he’s not threatened by what she’s saying.
He says “If I didn’t know you were a lesbian, I’d think you were jealous,” and arrrrgh. Best case scenario, this at least suggests he has been backing off Mia because he thinks she’s a lesbian and not approaching her, and he respects that. However, I don’t think he buys that she’s really a lesbian (and this is confirmed by the end of the episode) so it comes across like a taunt instead. “If I didn’t know you were a lesbian” is him being ironic because he doesn’t believe her.
Mia says if he hurts Kiki, she’ll kill him. She walks away and Alex seems more amused than anything. He better take her seriously, she’s seen Santa getting a blowjob so the desire to kill should be setting in any moment.
Clip 7 - Gym class
Mia and Hanna are in gym class. They’re on the bleachers. They are both faking having their periods because they hate volleyball and PE. I can respect the fuck out of that. Jonas is playing volleyball, and he and Hanna are having some awkward eye contact.
Hanna mentions that Kiki is a vegan now. She doesn’t get how one can go without meat, but Mia has more serious concerns about Kiki’s sudden veganism.
The girls talk about Alexander and whether he’s doing this thing with Kiki as a tactic to make Mia jealous. God, I hope not. I hope he legit thinks she’s unavailable and is trying to move on or something. Because even taking the end of the episode into consideration, he wasn’t pursuing Mia on his own. He wasn’t texting her, calling her, starting conversations with her outside of class, and it was when Mia kept initiating contact and pushing him that he said he’d break up with Kiki if Mia went on a date with him. I’m not excusing him for that, but best case scenario, he was doing this thing with Kiki without the end goal of exchanging her for Mia.
The ball flies at Hanna, Jonas comes to pick it up and says sorry. I truly hope that was an accident, because otherwise, dick move. Anyway, another little beat of awkwardness between the two.
Clip 8 - Christmas party 
Party time! Linn sits on the couch, appropriately. She’s wearing a Santa hat, so she’s a little bit festive, at least?
The girls bake cookies, Hans seems to be making drinks. When Mia goes to the fridge, we get a nice glimpse of her, Hans, and Linn in some photo booth pics, awww.
Amira recreates the Salt Bae meme, which is fucking adorable, I love her.
Mia is a very pretty girl but I have to say that the styling is suiting her even more this season, and this is a really great look for her.
Kiki checks her phone. As we know from the social media, she had something planned with Alex. She’s sent some texts to him, but he’s ignoring her. Though I wonder if they actually had something planned, or if Kiki just assumed they did.
The doorbell rings and it’s Jonas, Matteo, and Carlos! I think they’re integrating the boy squad more into this season because they know fans love Jonas and Matteo, but that’s hardly something I’ll complain about. I live for more combined girl/boy squad content.
Hanna doesn’t seem totally OK with Jonas appearing - not like, shook to her core, but that she’s a little ruffled.
Carlos greets Kiki and says she looks good tonight and I don’t want to pair up any random boy and girl who interact, but if it will get her off Alex, then by all means, deliver us German Magnus/Vilde.
Mia asks Hans if he invited Michi (the guy from the BJ Santa clip) and he says no. Michi isn’t the kind of guy you date, he’s the guy you get to rim you. Well ... thanks for letting us know!
But it’s kinda interesting to me, because Hans is pretty dismissive and not complimentary of this guy, but at the same time… it’s his choice to just hook up with him and not go for anything serious. Mia seems like she’s meddling or judging a bit, disapproving of Hans doing this. I wonder if it’ll come into play later and if Hans will get as tired of Mia’s meddling as Kiki does. Still, it’s a nice parallel to her interfering with Kiki’s affairs, too.
This is a small, cute Christmas party, I dig it. The squads dance to All I Want For Christmas, the girls hug, it’s cute. Matteo sits at the table drinking, awww. Get up and dance, dude!
I wonder if Matteo not dancing is part of him checking himself not to be ~too gay? Or maybe he’s not in the mood because he’s been going through shit at home? Or he’s too drunk to get up? There are a lot of references to him drinking and getting stoned this season, and I mean, that’s not a great thing for him, but it’s a very interesting development in terms of what it will mean for his arc. 
Hans and Matteo have met now! Maybe they didn’t talk much, but they were in the same room!
Matteo and Kiki share a moment where she’s singing to All I Want For Christmas at him and he’s just at the table. Are they actual friends or something? Elaborate, please!
Everyone’s having a good time until Hans suddenly cuts the music, then they’re angered. How dare he cut off Mariah!
Hans announces they’re going to the club and goes into the bathroom to take party drugs. He says he’s going to pee, but the others are aware he’s taking drugs. Matteo mentions that Hans said he partied last week and it took him 72 hours to notice that he didn’t eat anything. Oh no, Kiki’s going to latch onto that. Mia seems wary.
Later, after the party’s over, Mia is cleaning up when the doorbell rings. Kiki comes back in. She’s going to party with Hans and Sam. Cotton pads fall out of her purse. Wait, Kiki is eating them??? Uh-oh.
Mia asks her not to take drugs, she saw how Kiki reacted when they were talking about Hans. Kiki gets mad and asks why she doesn’t get on Hans’ case. Mia says it’s because Hans doesn’t eat cotton pads as a snack. Kiki gets very upset. Mia wants to know if this is because of Alexander.
Truthfully, I don’t think dating Alexander helps, necessarily, since Kiki will feel like she needs to be at her best to hold Alex’s attention, and if he’s not 100% interested in her, she’ll find the faults in herself rather than him. It doesn’t help that he’s already told her she’s not worth it, and even though he apologized, she might still feel the memory of that. But this problem with Kiki goes well beyond her dating Alexander. I’m not absolving him of everything, obviously, but I think she’d be engaging in these behaviors regardless of what he thought, even if it’s for his approval. Mia is using Alexander as a scapegoat here for a much broader issue with Kiki. Like I have no doubt that these problems originated before Alex.
Kiki yells at Mia to stop interfering in her life and that she’s obsessed. I’m really interested in what Druck is doing with these two, because there are two sides to this. I think when it comes to Kiki’s eating disorder, while Mia ultimately can’t control what Kiki does, she’s not wrong to mention her concerns. This is one situation where your friend’s health and physical well-being are at stake. Mia has likely been where Kiki has and recognizes the signs. When it comes to Alexander … Mia probably should back off by now. She’s made her case, she’s stated her concerns. Kiki is making her own choices with who she’s hooking up with. They may not be great choices but they’re Kiki’s to make. But mixing the two sides is that Mia thinks the relationship with Alex is exacerbating Kiki’s eating disorder, so Kiki’s romantic life is entangled with her health. 
Mia lies in bed later. She goes through her text messages, first Hans, then Axel. If you look closely, you’ll notice that she sent something to him about the David Ben-Gurion quote being misattributed, which means they kept up the debate outside the classroom. Mia, I know you want to win the debate, but contacting Axel again to make your point isn’t going to convince him that you don’t care about him.
Mia texts Axel to leave Kiki alone. Again, this is messy because I think this is probably crossing the line, Mia’s said her piece already, and this is Kiki’s life. I’m glad they’ve emphasize that Mia thinks this situation is making Kiki’s eating disorder worse, though, because that is a very serious problem and if Mia thinks Alex is making it worse, then it’s easy to understand why she would keep intervening.
Mia is texting something like “Do you want to ...” before Axel writes back, and I’d be really interested to know what she was going to say. 
Aaaand Alex wrecks a lot of the good will we wanted to give him by telling Mia he’ll break up with her if she goes out with him and admits she made up all the lesbian stuff. Ugh. So he’s a) willing to break up with Kiki and hurt her just to get with Mia b) putting pressure on Mia dating him c) not taking her being a lesbian seriously which is sadly a common attitude among straight dudes. Obviously lesbians can’t be real, it’s impossible for women not to want me men! Even if he thinks she made it up about her sexuality, he should fucking leave it at that. I mean, she made it up for a reason and that reason is that she doesn’t want to date him, take a hint. Whatever Mia’s flaws have been in this whole situation, that doesn’t let Alex off the hook, either.
We close on Mia from above in her bed, with some distance. I like that, it makes her seem smaller and less in control of what she feels she has to do.
General Comments/Social Media
I’m really happy to see this show back! So far this was a promising start; I think they’re working on some of the production issues of last season and listening to the fans, so that’s encouraging.
This week there was a TON of effort put into the social media, with many IG posts and stories and multiple text messages. There were also clips every day, sometimes more than one. This was a really smart choice, because the constant flow of content grabbed people’s attention - remember that one week in S1 where the show took an unexpected hiatus and people wondered if Druck had been cancelled mid-season? Not great for holding viewers’ interest. I very much hope they can keep up the steady roll of content - personally I would not be surprised if they tone it down a little after this week, and the large amount of content this week was to drum up hype for the show, but I hope we can keep it at higher levels than last season.
However, the constant content and the increased promotion seem to have worked, because the amount of views per clip and subscriptions to Druck’s channel have increased quite a bit! A lot of the clips seem to have as many or more views as clips from S1, which have been out for months. At the beginning of the week there was something like 63,000 subscribers to the channel, I think? As of writing this, they have almost 100,000. They gained more than 35,000 subscribers in a week. That’s incredible! I also noticed several of the clips and episodes were trending by the time I watched them, so that’s got to help attract new viewers. When there are new clips out frequently, they can keep trending, which will grab the attention of new fans. I poked through the comments and there seemed to be a LOT of people who are not existing Skam fans, but German viewers discovering Druck for the first time, which is amazing.
I realize it’ll be very messy with the timeline, but I hope that we can squeeze in at least one more season of this show, hopefully two so we can get both Amira and Matteo seasons. If the momentum keeps up, it’ll be a huge shame to end the show when it’s doing so well. Don’t pull a Julie Andem, Pola Beck. (Lmao, I’m willing to drop realism and pretend this is like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Veronica Mars when they graduated high school after 2-3 seasons and then all happened to go to the same university.)
About Mia being a lesbian or bisexual, or having a romance with a girl - as much as I would love for this to happen, I’m not going to get my hopes up. I don’t want to be disappointed. What I do hope is that the stuff with Mia isn’t queerbaiting - I really hope that she isn’t straight. I get that she’s probably not going to be a lesbian and that she’ll likely end up with Alex, because otherwise it would be an enormous diversion from the source material, one that would not go over well with a big part of the fanbase that loves Noorhelm and is looking forward to seeing that story again. But let her be bi, at least. I get that it’s a pipe dream to hope for Mia/Hanna or Mia/Kiki, but let the f/f content be stronger than it was in S2 of Skam. Make it better than just drunken makeouts between ostensibly straight girls.
The thing is, I do understand if they have her get together with Alex. However you might feel about it personally, Noorhelm is a popular ship (S3 was the biggest internationally but I know S2 was huge in Norway) and there will be tons of people looking forward to it. So really, I’m not expecting them to throw out that relationship and the Mia/Alex endgame. Later in the season, I might change my mind. But right now, while I’m expecting some of the story details to change (as they already have), I’m not going to predict a radical overhaul of S2. I think I’ll be more disappointed if I expect them to reinvent this story so dramatically and they don’t. And if they do? I can be pleasantly surprised.
There’s going to be a fuck ton of drama this season in the fandom - hell, there already is - because Noorhelm is already polarizing, and we’ll be seeing people who still want this ship to succeed and people who don’t. But I do want to point out one thing: a huge amount of people, until the final clip, were being positive about Alex and Mia/Alex’s potential, pointing out ways they preferred Alex’s behavior to William’s. This included people who straight-up hated Noorhelm. I think this says a lot, that many people are willing to get on board with the pairing if it gets rid of the stuff they disliked about the original S2. Of course many others are never going to like this storyline, and many people who had high hopes then dropped them after Alex’s text message to Mia. We’ll see how fandom attitudes change or stay the same over the season.
I like how they’re characterizing Mia this season. They seem to have a clear idea of her motivations, they’re giving her flaws that seem naturally integrated into her character. One of the best ways to create a character, imo, is to think of their flaws and their strengths not as existing on completely separate spheres, but as personality traits existing together that have both positive and negative qualities. For instance, Mia is kind and protective of her friends, overall a positive trait, but that leads her to interfere with their lives, which can be a negative trait.
There were a ton of IG posts and text messages, both this week and before the season even started. I might have missed something - I didn’t expect Druck to hit me so hard with SM content, lmao.
One pre-season text had Hanna wanting to meet up with Jonas, and he initially agreed, but then when she asked for details he didn’t reply, and on the day of, he suddenly couldn’t meet. Oh, kids. This is such a different dynamic from Eva and Jonas in their S2, when they appeared to be on friendly terms and were hanging out together, totally platonic, nothing to see here!!! Unfortunately, Hanna and Jonas still have some friction.
There was a really excellent text message prior to the start of the season, about the girls meeting with college/career advisers at school. It did the double duty of both telling us about the girls’ aspirations and dreams for when they graduate, as well as exposing various difficulties and societal inequalities that they face. For instance, Kiki wants to go to university because no one in her family has done so before, but the adviser tried to talk her into some apprenticeships. Amira jokes that it’s because the adviser saw Kiki’s grades, but that also sees like an issue of classism - Kiki expresses interest in university but the adviser discourages her, possibly based on her background and not coming from a family that went to university. Sam wants to study fashion design and the adviser said that goal fits, presumably due to her personal style. With Amira we see blatant racism in the system, as she wants to become a chancellor, but the adviser laughs and singles out her hijab as a reason why she’ll find it difficult. Hanna was told to do better in school, continuing her academic struggles from her season (the Evas have never been great students). Mia, on the other hand, is told she could be anything. And true, I think Mia’s supposed to be a good student, but note the disparity in that a young white girl is told her future is full of limitless possibilities, whereas Amira (who I’m pretty sure is also a good student) is told how she’ll struggle to achieve her dreams.
I think that sort of sets up some of the tension to a degree with Mia’s character. I’m not sure how much we’ll go into this, but Mia (and the Nooras) have frequently been like the golden girl of Skam. Like I agree that S4 made a lot of mistakes in giving Noora too much importance at the expense of Sana, but I also think there was an awareness that Noora was perceived so differently than Sana even though in many ways they were similar, because of racism, and how Sana knew this and was hurt by it (it was just that S4 was a weird mishmash of knowing this and portraying it critically, and indulging in Noora’s greatness and playing it straight). So we could have that with Mia and Amira at some point. But also, I think this is a big issue with Mia and Kiki (and Noora and Vilde). Because we saw Vilde basically have to deal with Noora being seen as a “better” version of her. For example, Vilde planned to tell off William and have that as her big moment; but William tore her down and Vilde ran off in distress, and it was Noora who stepped up to roast him and put him in his place. What Noora did was great but it snatched Vilde’s moment. Noora is pretty and skinny, she stuffs herself with pancakes and is model thin, something that Vilde aspires to be. Vilde has a crush on William and he uses her and throws her away; Noora gets William’s attention and she doesn’t even want it, then ends up in a serious relationship with him as William decides Noora is the girl worthy of his loyalty. We saw a lot of this play out with Mia and Kiki already in S1. Now in S2, the tension between the two is going even harder than with Noora and Vilde. Vilde never snapped at Noora the way Kiki does in this episode. Honestly out of everything, I think I’m most interested in seeing how that relationship develops over the season. Remember that Mia is the only one who was there to help Kiki with her pregnancy scare last season, so now they’ve got this other big situation and secret between them.
Girl Sam invited one of the boys to the Christmas party, but it’s not clear from the texts which of them it was. I’m pretty sure it was Jonas since he says Sam invited them in the clip, but still, that’s one downside of Druck’s text system, we can’t always tell who the conversations are between. Although on the other hand, I do think there are instances where that ambiguity could add some suspense and mystery. (She greets mystery boy as “Hi bitch!” which is pretty funny and suggests they are on reasonably friendly terms.)
I wonder if Sam invited the boys on behalf of Hanna? Then Jonas would have an excuse to hang around Hanna without the pressure of it being one-on-one, or seeming too much like a date/like they were back together. And he might respond more positively to a “neutral” party like Sam rather than Hanna, with all their history. 
By the way, Hanna had a pic of her and Jonas before the season started that’s like “When lovers become friends!” and she looks significantly happier about it than he does.
Carlos (the Elias from S1) got an IG and his name (car_lospolloshermanos) is a Breaking Bad reference. I remember him as being fairly decent and not too shitty in S1, so it’d be nice to see him as a member of German boy squad.
Kiki posts a pic of her healthy vegan meal and Matteo responded by posting his currywurst. Lmao, so they’re friendly enough that they can have this banter???
Matteo posts a bunch of memes on his IG. How Isak of him.
Amira had some utterly beautiful pics of her summer where she’s riding a camel and visiting the pyramids in Egypt.
There were so many Christmas party pics and videos! I loved the effort put into it. The kids were adorable.and the activity made it feel more like an actual party.
We’ve had Skam and the remakes take place on holidays, but never on Christmas, so I’m quite excited to see what Druck gives us! Even if it’s just Mia, Hanna, and Hanna’s dad chilling out, that’ll be good enough for me. Plus, we should get New Year’s too - what if we get a clip that drops around midnight on New Year’s Eve?
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
I’m not German, so if I missed any language or cultural context, feel free to let me know!
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that-buckley-gal · 6 years ago
Delirious #8 | Puerto Mexico
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Jimmy and I walked around eggshells for a few days after I went back to campus; our friends didn’t comment on it either which just seemed to make things more awkward. It finally resolved when I finally had a sit down conversation with Christian and he said he could kind of understand why I acted the way I did. However, he did lecture me about leaving Jimmy without telling him to his face which I also agreed was kind of a dumb move on my part.
Things were finally normal after about a week and a half. Brad’s brother dropped out of college, stating that it wasn’t the right time for him to be there, especially since Brad was living at a frat house. Just before that happened though, the McQuaid brothers had managed to finally knock down the goal post, much to the coach’s annoyance.
After the dust settled we began trying to think of what we could do over spring break. Originally we were only going to go to our parents’ house, but then during one of our Zeta and Omega family dinners, we all decided to pool up some money to go to Puerto Mexico. This then led to my sorority selling baked goods, washing cars, and hosting mixers. The frat boys worked by tending to the lawns of neighbors, hosting parties with admission fees, and donations from a crowd funding website. When the time came to book flights and make room reservations, we had just enough to put down.
We then threw the biggest party of the year, so far, at Zeta’s house with another admission fee, just so we all had some spending money for food and other essentials.
“Where are you going?” Jimmy asked. His eyes were still closed. Christian snored from his side of the room.
“My psychology midterm,” I said pulling my hair back into a ponytail. “I’ll come back when I’m done.” I walked back over to him and pressed my lips against his cheek. “Don’t forget to pack your bag.”
“We’re not leaving until tomorrow.”
“So? Get it done while I’m gone so you don’t have to worry about it later today. I have to go now. Later!”
“Love you,” he said and I shut the door. My brother met me in the hall and together we went to our psychology class to take our midterm. “Any word on if Brad’s coming with us or not?”
“He’s still on the fence,” Zook shrugged. “It just seems like he’s been a little off ever since his brother dropped out.”
“Do you blame him? When we first met them it was obvious they were really close. I mean his brother followed him around like a lost puppy up until Brad moved in.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
“I’m just glad things are back to normal with you and Rooster,” Zook said.
I smile. “Yeah. Me too.”
We reached the classroom just as the teacher came to lock the door. We wished each other luck as we grabbed test packets and answer sheets from the table in front before going to our assigned test seats.
After the test was over, we went back to the house where Brad finally revealed to us his plans for spring break, and Zook was pretty bummed when Brad informed us that he wouldn’t be going along with us to Mexico after all. So on the plane ride over, Rooster and I flipped through pamphlets that we found about Puerto Vallarta to see if there were things that the three of us could do together when we weren’t hanging out at beach.
The plans we made before were thrown out the window the moment we checked in at one of the many hotels here and saw tons of other college students, like us, lounging around and being crazy. The hotel staff was kind and welcomed us easily before handing us a list of DJs that were going to be featured throughout the week before pointing out popular bars and other areas that might interest us.
It was on our second day there, the three of us were on the beach dancing along with thousands of others to Diplo’s music. Rooster, Zook and I were day drinking – each of us had a 2’ cup, mine was pink, Rooster’s was blue, and Zook’s was green. I loved that my margarita slush was keeping itself, and me, cool in this throng of people.
“Let’s get freaky!” I shouted with Diplo as I kept grinding against Rooster, who stood behind me.
“No, no, go back to the hotel and do that,” Zook said as he continued to jump in time to the beat. Rooster and I laughed and joined in with his style of dancing.
An old man shoving his way through the crowd caused a random dude to spill his beer over Zook and myself. Rooster was about to get in the guy’s face when Brad unexpectedly showed up.
“Hey man!” Zook smiled and started jumping again with Brad, who looked like he was busy with something else. “You’re here!”
“Yeah, stay and dance with us!” I said waving my cup towards him.
Brad brushed us off, saying that he had something to do.
“Find us later!” Rooster called as Brad ran off. “Dick,” he mumbled. We both looked at Zook, who looked like he didn’t care about Brad’s sudden appearance and disappearance as he started to dance with someone else. We then shrugged and continued drinking and dirty dancing, while making sure to keep Zook in our sights.
Throughout the next hour, we kept moving and ended up on the shoreline.
“Oh, god,” I moan and press myself into Rooster. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
“We can go back to the hotel for a while,” Rooster said.
“Yeah, it’s pretty hot out. I think we could all go cool down for a bit,” Zook added.
Just as we were about to turn and start heading back to our hotel, a helicopter flew by. Wondering what was so special about the helicopter that all of the beachgoers decide to do a crowd wave, I looked up at it and saw two people hanging from below. Suddenly I didn’t feel so sick anymore.
“Wonder what’s going on,” I said.
“Dunno. Too bad we won’t find out,” Rooster said.
“No, let’s just see what happens,” I said.
“Are you sure?” Zook asked.
I was going to say yeah when the two people hanging from the helicopter fell. I furrowed my brows wondering what was going on when all of a sudden the helicopter exploded.
“Holy fucking shit,” I yelled, shocked. The two boys next to me were equally shocked. There was a moment of silence before everyone began cheering.
Rooster, Zook and I stayed where we were waiting to see the brave souls who were on it.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Brad and Doug McQuaid emerge from the water. Once they were safely out of the water, they confessed everything that they’ve been feeling and that they complete each other. Once again, the beach cheered while I stared at Zook, wondering if he was ok.
“That’s who he should be with, man,” Zook said finally. He continued to watch Brad walk off with Doug, so he didn’t see the sad smile I was giving him.
My boyfriend’s confused “what?” made me smack his chest.
“Dude,” I said. “He just lost a friend. Show some respect.”
Rooster shook his head and tapped Zook’s shoulder. “Let’s go back to the hotel now.”
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lizuouou · 4 years ago
NewYork NY
Today was interesting. I caught myself off guard by realizing how easily a person can get influenced by another. My cousin and I have been discussing family a lot and it feels guilty because there’s so many mistakes, mess and drama. I feel like I definitely over spilled the beans. I need to learn how to stay civil like this is not the best, I know this because it didn’t feel the best but also that my mom sent me a long paragraph explaining how I need to be mature enough to see a world through my win lens and not always be influenced by others, even if they have more votes, my opinion should be entitled to myself and not bias. Bias is a bitch.
I read about Poland springs and how the water they promise us from the springs of Maine doesn’t even have “a drop of fresh water” and Nestle got a lawsuit worth $5millll like bro serves you right we out here drinking tap water lmaooo are we kidding ourselves? Is it really false advertising? Because the last I remember ain’t nobody getting an entire carton of water for like $4? And the plastic, manufacturing, transport, and resources used to get the water itself probably costs so much more. And we’re being promised fresh water from the springs. But why would they give out fresh water from the springs? Who even are we kidding. Isnt water supposed to be worth much more? I thought there’s a war that’s going to happen on water. Shit’s precious!!!
Either ways, I was so bored that right after I actually opened Omegle. No not for any perverted business but because I just wanted to talk to someone. Anyways I came across an 8 year old who told me her boyfriend probably cheated on her and when I asked what? She said yeah haven’t spoken to him in 2 years. I had to control my laughter so hard and I just said “well if you haven’t talked to him in 2 years chances are he probably talked to someone else.” And now as I write this I realized damn, I just gave a little girl advice way too much for her maybe. She dipped faster than a wizard, b knows Whatsup, confrontational issues and shihhh. Then I came across this 19 year old girl from West Virginia who told me her parents left her with her grandmother along with her two younger siblings. They’re drug addicts. I felt kind of really bad because when I confessed I’m glad I saw her face and not a 40y/o’s dick she laughed and said “I just wanted to talk” and I felt that. We both reached out for our puff bars and simultaneously took turns to spill. She told me her dad doesn’t give a shit. We were so chill, no omg I’m sorry to hear that shit. Because let’s be real, you don’t need to be sorry. This is my life, if anything I just want God to feel sorry. Sorry as in, I’m sorry you is sad :( here are your dreams and goals in your hands ta-da. I wish. I felt bad for the girl, the internet kept twitching so I just closed the tab. An 8 y/o and a 18 y/o girl I’ll never speak to again. She told me so much about herself but we never told each other our names. Just our pain? Her boyfriend was a scum bag. Ex boyfriend. Well, I kept silent because I felt like she was being really open. I will never talk to her again. Feels so weird?
That is our generations summary of emotional connection. Short. Like all the fkn boys in my school in FPS like fam just grow up literally lmao jk. Am I? Nah. Anyways I also ditched a friend so brutally I feel bad. They booked an air bnb in front of Central Park and got food and zaza and everything but I chose to meet my best friend his mom and sister, he knew I’m no way interested in him at all. He’s actually always been this genuine. Man’s took the biggest L for us. While Yaldram, rhyme and i walked to his place, he took out a joint and lit it up. Mind it, ain’t legal. A cop literally took a u turn and Yaldram passed it to him cause he was shutting his pants and this dude said yeah give it to me nothings going to happen. BUT SOMETHING HAPPENED.
the cop showed up and asked if that’s weed and rhyme said yes. Holy shit at this point he stretched his arm out and asked for it again and he said no it’s just weed bro, then he reached out called 4 other cop cars by pressing a button (for backup) and I finally said “just listen to him man”. It was embarrassing, people walking past kept looking. Anyways he took all the blame, honestly I just took one puff and was not onboard with the idea to begin with, not even 3 minutes ago I was reminding them how that’s illegal.
He got a ticket, and then I met Yaldram’s mom for the first time and I think I made it so weird because of all what had just happened, was so anxious but whatever. Met his sister and will meet her again tomorrow even though he won’t be there. That makes me happy. I’m welcomed.
However, it was 11:35 pm and I really had to leave cause metro closes at 12am and I realized now it’s too late to go to the air bnb. I didn’t go for two reasons. 1) it’s an airbnb with one guy and stoned? Yeah kinda not the best situation to put myself in. 2) 1
But I felt really bad, this guy rhyme said nothing. He went full MIA for more than a year and doesn’t speak to anyone and didn’t even get back on social media but reached out to me and met me and actually did all this and at the end said bro it’s no worries I’ll drop you, paid for my metro djdnt even let me Venmo (or give me his # or Venmo) only contacts on insta. I didn’t tell anyone I met him because I have to respect his privacy. I apologized a few hours ago because lastnight I said sorry and just that sorry about the food. Because he ordered food there already. But in the morning he told me that I’m a gem of a person and don’t realize that. Like why are you being so nice to me? I can suspect he has a soft spot for me and I have made boundaries and this friendship completely platonic the moment it happened. And he then told me remember the first time we met? ( I didn’t )
It was 2 years ago at a party where I was crying talking to my ex after 2 years of the break up. And this guy randomly walks upto me asks me if I’m okay and gives me water. Mind you no one in a party gives a fuck. Especially that party. And especially my tears against his. It was politically warm? I don’t even know. So that guy who saw me then, came to surprise me on my 21st birthday from NY with the goodies (so illegal) and then ended up meeting my other ex and Yaldram him and I roamed around Boston. It was fun because of my friends. And I was fkn stoned. But yeah and then he looked at me yesterday at the metro and laughed saying “you’ve grown beautifully” I get ceeped out super fast but with this dude I dont. Everhone (including me) thought he’s bi or gay because every time there’s a good looking man he’d say “wow he’s beautiful” but he’s straight he said and also I realized maybe he just speaks his mind. He asked me of the rumors I heard and I told him it was 1) stealing 2) gay and he was like who tf said I’m gay bro, and then he said the guy in front was cute, and then he said “that’s so gay” and laughed. So see? This is a very unusual man. But I had to be home regardless because a) arham b) 12:35am was a perfect time to be home. I don’t like staying out too late anymore? It feels weird. Unsafe perhaps.
However I apologized properly finally. Explaining myself. Saying that I get defensive when I’m high and that the metro closes at 12am but even though the original plan was Yaldram him and I meeting at the place he booked but Yaldram couldn’t show up so I made us go to him instead and we used the time up in getting him his first ticket and in letting me meet my friend before he goes.
I will never forget this man, he told me two of his best friends died that’s why he’d never want his friends to be in any type of trouble. And you know what’s weird about it all? He literally took all the blame in a heart beat with a calm smiley face and I know he’s the one who’s the real gem because not once did he complain or remove that smile off of his face. There was also supposed to be a surprise there but I won’t know anymore. I didn’t ask either.
Writing this made me realize, I want to live harder. I want to be a gem ( no tickets ) but I want to be a gem in my own eye where I can adore myself and allow others to too, and adore them back. Oh and there was also a drunk girl after the whole popo incident who was so sus she acted drunk and said I look like Ariana grande “petit, long hair, big eyes, trust me girl you’re good” and in my head I thought yikes these are the beauty standards in her head which are normalized and thst made me realize oh no she thinks she isn’t good enough does she? Well I hope she does. But also she was sus just weird, walked with us for so long then disappeared then 14 minutes later found myself again running into her at a grocery store by his house?? And she acted as if she never saw me before so I was like oh...
Anyways it’s 1:54 am and I’m glad I wrote today. I’m glad for today, today I was a little less sadder. Particularly because I complained less, tomorrow I’ll try harder.
The end
0 notes
chickenkooks · 8 years ago
oh my god i just read two rotten apples and holy fuck their relationship is so terrible i feel so bad for her goddamn idk why i feel so hurt but pls make jungkook suffer
anonymous asked:
yo… ik everyone will disagree wit me but the relationship in tra is just way too toxic like why do i feel like shit when even if im just the reader. im so fucking mad why is jungkook such an asshole n why is the oc so easy UDHDHJD
anonymous asked:
it fucks with my mind how horrible jk is to the oc in tra i didnt do anything productive today bc i felt like shit LMAO
drabble #3
COUNT → 3.519
GENRE → smut | crack
PAIRING → jungkook | reader
WARNINGS → dom and sub tones | penis in mouth | explicit language | penetration | graphic dirty talk | dick riding | the occasional sarcastic quip
LINKS → 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4.5 | COMING SOON
note → i didn’t have this in mind with the current story line of two rotten apples, which you can read the first part here. so kinda consider this drabble just like. i dont even know. i have no idea. i think as the story goes on. ill link the drabbles for where i think they are in the story. the other two happen later on so they wont be linked yet until more parts are released!!!!!!! anyway i wrote this in a state of anger and perspiration!!!!!!!!!!! if u dont like my characters. or dont like the story. u could just. consider this: close out of my blog and never come back. no one was forcing u to read this. so i didnt appreciate these msgs. i understand u were venting but u didnt even say anything positive about the story so how could u expect me to respond positively??? anyways g’nite
The skin of Elise’s knuckles lightened as her fists clenched on the kitchen counter. She’d been dicing onions for a breakfast omelette but Kale’s noises from upstairs were distracting her as they drifted to her ears from the vent above her head. The kitchen was directly below their shared bedroom, so she could hear every single sound he made, even the bed creaking under his weight.
Washing her hands quickly, she grabbed a nearby towel to dry them off before heading towards the long, twisting marble staircase leading to the upstairs hallway, following the grunts and groans of her beloved husband.
As she peered into the bedroom, she gasped at the sight before her. Kale was lounging on the mattress, a rose placed between his succulent lips and a single cut from one of the thorns garnishing his lower lip. He probably should’ve cut all the thorns off before placing it in his mouth but he was never the smart one. His chest glistened under the light of the full moon, even though just a few seconds ago, Elise was making a breakfast omelette and typically those are made in the morning. She just didn’t have a good concept of time and made breakfast omelettes at night and steaks at eight o’clock in the morning.
“Hello, beautiful,” Kale said seductively, waggling his eyebrows.
“What was all this noise up here?” Elise asked, looking around the bedroom.
Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, except for the fact that her husband was half-naked on their bed with a bleeding lip.
“I was just thinking about you, so naturally those sounds fell from my plump pillows. I’m talking about my lips, by the way. Those sounds fell from my lips.”
She nodded, licking her eyebrow. “And what were you thinking about?”
“Your beautiful blonde hair, your gorgeous blue eyes, your—”
“I have black hair, Kale,” she corrected him, crossing her arms.
“And I have green skin.”
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed. Instead of Elise being incredibly hesitant as to her vegetable’s—I mean, husband’s—intentions, she found her clothes flying off and out the window. She wondered for a fleeting moment why the window was open in the first place because they lived in a mansion that was two million stories tall and they agreed when they moved in never to open a window because that’s how the previous owner died. As she thought about him, she wondered if he was watching them right now because he liked to haunt the place, making doors randomly open—except it wasn’t randomly because he would have doors fly open only when they were about to open them, so really it was more of a convenience rather than an inconvenience.
Elise sauntered towards her green husband, naked from head to toes to make things easier for when he wanted to disrobe her—because she would be naked and he wouldn’t have to disrobe her at all. As she reached for him, she forgot he had sensitive skin because he was originally some kale in the vegetable drawer, so when she grabbed his arm, it snapped in half. Kale screamed in agony.
“I’m so sorry!” Elise apologized, sobbing uncontrollably.
“All right,” Jungkook said, closing the book with a slam. “What the fuck is this?”
He turned the book over to read the reviews and the synopsis then, glancing over at you reading over his shoulder as multiple vegetables were referenced in the author’s summary of the plot. Jungkook cleared his throat and sighed.
“’Have you ever wondered what it’s like to fall in love with a vegetable? Elise has, and that’s what she wishes for one dark and gloomy night. She finds that all the vegetables in her vegetable drawer are suddenly hot men wanting to woo her! Suddenly, she’s a vegetarian but she’s also still a virgin. Who will she choose? The delectable head of lettuce? The brussel sprout with abs of steel? Or maybe she’ll go for the quiet type—the piece of kale with a soft heart—’”
Jungkook had to stop there, his lips twitching as he tried with all his might not to burst out in a fit of laughter at that offensive synopsis.
“Okay,” he said simply, snorting. “What the fuck—”
You laughed with him, scooting to the edge of the bed to snatch the book out of his hands. “I know, but are you really telling me you’d be able to see this and not buy it? It’s about fucking vegetables with penises. Vegetable porn.”
“I swear… the books you read sometimes…” he trailed off.
Your bedroom grew quiet then, the only sounds you heard coming from downstairs as both your parents went head to head in a game of monopoly.
“They’re going to be up all night playing, aren’t they?” you asked.
“Until someone ends up crying,” he said. “Probably my mom.”
You tapped your fingers against your bare thighs, glancing around your room aimlessly. Jungkook then fell against your mattress with a sigh and closed his eyes. After a few seconds of silence, he cracked open one eye and just watched you stare straight ahead, your posture stiff as a board.
He grabbed the back of your blouse then, tugging until you fell flat on your back beside him. You scoffed at that but smiled nonetheless, closing your eyes to the feel of his bicep tensing under your head. The two of you had been getting along lately for some reason and you didn’t know what changed exactly.
Although, maybe it was because you were official fuck buddies now.
His other hand reached for you, turning you on your side and slipping beneath your shirt to cup one of your breasts. To his surprise, you weren’t wearing a bra, so he flicked at one of your hardening nipples in appreciation. Jungkook stared into your eyes as he pulled and tweaked at your breasts, gripping them easily with one hand. You closed your eyes, exhaling shakily, one of your hands finding his underneath your shirt and holding it there for a moment.
Then, he suddenly sat up, pulling his arm from under your head and his hand from grasping your breasts. You sighed, falling onto your back again as you looked up at him as he leant over to grab the book he threw to the floor.
When his parents first came over, monopoly game in hand, Jungkook had immediately bounded for your room, only to see you curled into a ball on your bed reading. He’d made fun of you for at least five minutes once he saw the cover but then he volunteered to read it aloud from where you left off.
And there was one particular scene that caught his eye.
He flipped to that exact page, somehow remembering the page number, and then set it down beside you facedown as he stood up to shut your door.
Jungkook walked back over to your bed after he peered down the hallway, listening to the sounds of your parents boisterous laughter and the booming folk music playing from the stereo downstairs, and grabbed the book. Laying beside you once again, he began to read again in his dramatic reading voice.
Kale was in the kitchen when she jogged down the steps, intending to make a smoothie for brunch—or dinner because she didn’t have a concept of time. Sweat dripped from his brow, from his defined collarbones, even down his abdominal muscles, and this made Elise especially turned on down there.
“Why can’t she just fucking say she has a soaked pussy?” Jungkook randomly asked, placing the book down as he looked over at you smiling.
“A lot of erotica authors are married and haven’t had sex since their first child was born,” you explained. “They don’t really like to make the detail graphic.”
“That’s dumb,” he said, then brought the book back to his face to read again.
Without uttering a single syllable, Elise bounded over to him and found a perfect seat in his lap, immediately feeling him grow hard just by her sitting on him.
“You’re so sexy when you’re sweaty, Kale,” she whispered in his ear.
He chuckled darkly. “You’re so sexy when you’re on top of me like this.”
Jungkook slammed the book closed once again and tossed it somewhere behind him, hearing a crash but not really paying much attention. He looked over at you as he wiggled his eyebrows comically and you snorted.
“You look so sexy when you’re laying on a bed,” he whispered.
You turned on your side then and tucked both of your hands beneath your cheek pressed into the mattress. “You look so sexy reading erotica.”
“We should roleplay,” Jungkook suggested, grabbing onto your waist.
You didn’t answer, just arched one of your eyebrows in question.
“I’m Kale,” he began, smirking, “and you’re Elise.”
“And what scene would we be reenacting?”
His smirk widened. “The kitchen scene.”
Without hearing your response, he shot up and then moved to the floor, raising his hips as he undid his belt buckle and slid his jeans down his legs before kicking them off into one corner of your room. With you still lying on the bed, Jungkook hit one of your legs hanging off the edge of the king-sized bed gently.
“Come on,” he called up to you. “I’ll pull you off the bed if I have to.”
Rolling your eyes, you sat up and pulled at your shirt, then stood up to slide your shorts and white underwear past your hips, landing in a pile with Jungkook’s jeans. Slowly, you joined him on the floor, beside him.
“Now what?” you asked.
“Get me ready.”
You were eager—so eager that you completely forgot about grabbing a condom out of your bedside table’s drawer. That thought flew from your mind as soon as he pulled himself out of his boxers, your mouth watering at the sight of him. Reaching forward, you wrapped one of your hands around him and felt him pulsating from under your hand, his skin hot to the touch. You glanced up at him, just as you leant over him and enveloped him in your mouth, closing your eyes at the taste. He wasn’t rock solid when you touched him but you could feel him growing in size and rigidity the further you pulled him into your mouth.
“Ah,” he moaned out, head falling against the edge of your bed. “That’s it.”
Wincing, he hit the back of your throat and you swallowed, causing him to shudder. You patted his thigh and he took that as his signal to start fucking your mouth. As you relaxed your jaw, he started a slow pace as he raised his hips with each thrust into your mouth, moaning softly to himself at the feeling.
Jungkook grabbed the back of your head then and forced you even further down his cock until your nose brushed against the skin of his pelvis.
Moaning around him, he sped up his thrusts. He knew he was already hard enough for you, so he had to physically stop himself from cumming in your mouth as he tugged on your hair to pull you off of him. A string of saliva connected your mouth to his hard cock until you wiped at your mouth.
He relaxed his head against the bed then, panting as he tried to catch his breath, swallowing thickly. You sat against your heels as you waited patiently, feeling yourself drench the back of your calves just at the sight of his neck. Cracking open his eyes, he caught you staring and he smirked to himself.
Jungkook tackled you to the floor then, hovering over you for a moment before he smashed his lips against yours. His hard cock easily slipped between your lips, ghosting over your pussy and you moaned at both the taste of his lips and the feeling of him rubbing against you. You knew you were dripping at this point and were more than ready for him to fuck you, but then that fleeting thought of condom came back. And as his lips slanted over yours, licking at the seam of your lips before sliding inside your mouth, you said that when your lips parted.
“C-Condom,��� you managed to say, pulling yourself backwards weakly on the carpet of your bedroom floor as he continued to kiss you roughly.
With each time you slid away from him and towards your bedside table, he crawled after you, pausing you in your journey to kiss you again each time.
Your head slammed into the table then after a few minutes struggle, Jungkook having moved down to your neck to kiss and suck your skin until it was marked in blotches of purple and red. Blindly, you felt behind you for the top drawer, reaching for the handle and pulled on it with all your strength. It slid open and you frantically searched around for the box of condoms, your fingertips touching various cards and hair ties, before finding what you were looking for.
The box fell to the floor, packets of condoms spilling out of it and you tilted your neck back as you tried to grab hold of one of them. Jungkook raised his head to see what you were doing and then helped you, his hand grazing over yours as he grasped one of the condoms and pulled himself off of you to put it on.
You pushed yourself up on your elbows to watch him, struggling to open it with fumbling fingers, then he easily slid the thin latex over his pulsating length.
Without wasting another second, he gripped himself and thrusted into you, grabbing onto your hip once he was filling you to the brim. With your heads nearby a vent, you could still hear your parents screaming at each other as your father apparently lost one of his best properties and stormed out of the room for a smoke presumably. Their laughter flittered up through the vent then but you weren’t really listening to them, just to the sound of Jungkook’s grunts.
Your head slammed into the bedside table as he started a fast pace inside of you, then noticed and quickly pulled you up until you were sitting in his lap.
“Ride me,” he commanded, head resting against the side of the mattress.
You nodded, situating your legs on both sides of him before you hovered your drenched pussy over him. Slowly, you sank down on him and moaned loudly as the head of his cock pushed deep inside of you. His hands came to rest on your hips then, urging you to hurry up. Not listening to him, Jungkook grew impatient and decided to shove you down on him and you gasped out at the feeling of him inside you again—scalding hot. You rocked your hips back and forth, placing your hands on his shoulder then as you raised them back up.
When you slammed back down on him again, your breasts bounced and you couldn’t keep your eyes open. Jungkook was in the same state as he couldn’t even move his head off the edge of the mattress, nonchalantly thrusting up into you each time you came back down on him. You weren’t even roleplaying at this point, just following your lustful urges as you both chased your orgasms.
“I fucking love it when you ride me,” he groaned out huskily, eyes still closed.
Without even opening his eyes, his hands reached around you to grasp at your ass, kneading it for a moment before manipulating how hard you came down on him each time. You cried out, nails digging into the skin of his shoulders and he groaned at the pain. At one particularly loud moan of yours, one of his hands went to cover your mouth. You opened your eyes to look at him and seemed to understand the fact that you were feet away from the vent and if your parents found you two fucking in your bedroom, you would probably get in trouble.
They wanted the two of you together but probably not in that way.
“Go faster,” he told you, lifting your hips so you could slam down on him harder.
You did as he said and soon your breasts began to ache just from how hard they were bouncing with each time you sank down on him.
“Fuck yes,” he moaned, jaw dropping. “Faster, baby. Faster.”
Soon, Jungkook was doing almost all of the work, his hands surely leaving an indent on your skin with how hard he was gripping your hips. Then suddenly, he gripped them so hard that you simply hovered over his cock, only the head still inside of you. Opening his eyes, he stared at you just as he began to fuck into you from below, gritting his teeth as he pounded into you powerfully. You let go of your grip on his shoulders to place your palms flat on the carpet, arching your back and tilting your head backwards as you focused on the sensation.
“Jungkook!” you cried out, your parents on the floor beneath you forgotten.
You clenched around him, your orgasm looming closer, and he grunted. Soon, he wasn’t able to thrust up into you as fast as before and simply flung you to the floor so you were laying on your back. Jungkook situated himself on top of you again and then thrusted inside once more, the new position causing him to reach that much further inside of you. He grabbed one of your legs, spreading your legs as wide as he could as he continued to hammer you into your floor.
He wondered for a moment if they could hear the thuds from above and the occasional squeaking of the floorboards beneath you, but didn’t really care.
His thumb found your clit just as he lowered himself so he could kiss you, tongue sweeping past your lips until you parted them. You moaned into his mouth as soon as he deepened the kiss, legs wrapping around his waist.
His chest jostled forward as his thrusts grew more precise and more rough, and then your head lolled against the carpeted flooring, not even able to do anything but let him have his way with you. You were so fucking close. His thrusts then grew sloppy and his thumb continued to circle your clit.
“Are you almost there?” he breathed out.
Instead of answering him, you just nodded frantically.
“I want to hear you,” he said, fucking into you harder. “Are—you—almost—there—?”
“Yes!” you cried out almost immediately. “I’m so close, Jungkook. Fuck me faster—harder.”
He straightened his back then, disconnecting your lips, and angled your leg so it was perched on his shoulder. He grunted as he concentrated on making you cum all around him, determined to get you there first or you’d scream his ear off. With the combination of the tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot and his thumb pressing down on your clit, you came and clenched around him.
A few more thrusts later, he came as well, spurting his cum into the condom.
He rolled off of you and the two of you breathed heavily, your parents eerily quiet from the vent. And then you heard the tell-tale signs of someone coming up the stairs.
“Go into the bathroom and turn the shower on,” you hissed at him. “I’ll hide under the bed since your fat ass wouldn’t fit.”
Jungkook glared at you but listened to you nonetheless, quickly sitting up and dashing into your bathroom, locking the door behind him as the shower turned on. Your phone buzzed just as you heard your parents’ footsteps down the hall and you grabbed it from your bed before slipping past the bed skirt to hide.
Turning down the brightness, you looked to see who texted you.
JUNGKOOK [18:08:25]: Rate today’s performance out of 10
You shook your head but leant forward on your elbows to respond.
YOU [18:08:55]: i think a solid eight is in order
JUNGKOOK [18:09:29]: That’s an improvement from yesterday’s 6
JUNGKOOK [18:10:02]: Care to share your grading criteria?
Smirking, you lifted up the bed skirt to glance at the bathroom door, seeing his bare feet from underneath it and the light on, then you replied:
YOU [18:10:44]: i actually came this time
As your phone buzzed a few seconds later, you heard your parents knock on the door. Jungkook always had to fuck you in places that could get you caught.
But you realized you would rather have him than some happily ever after, no matter how unhealthy the relationship was for you. It was your body, after all. It was just harmless fucking and it was comforting knowing he would never have feelings for you of any kind. Your bodies just clicked together and that’s all you wanted. And besides, Jungkook wasn’t the only toxic one in this relationship.
You were just as bad for him as he was for you.
And you supposed that made you easy.
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hopeatermain · 8 years ago
Fucked up shit.
Protocreed One-Shot
!WARNING! Spoiler Alert for Prototype and Assassin’s creed
Rating: T for swearing.
Genre: ??? Probably humor with a dash of sci-fi.
Summary: Alex meets someone strange stumbling around Manhattan.
Other warning: Desmond survived. Because the overall lore that links every single one of my one-shot needs him to be alive. Also, bromance or romance developing between Desmond and Alex, I don’t know which one.
Word count: 1 226 words (uh. This one is shorter then Are you okay?)
Finally. Manhattan was peaceful. Well, has peaceful has it could be. He could finally take a break from all of this weird shit. Alex sat down on the pavement, taking a break. Elizabeth was dead. The marine were currently cleaning up what was left of the infection. Well, the infection that wasn’t him.
He wasn’t sure of what to do next. What he just went through seemed to cement what the other one seemed to have always know: humanity is selfish and self-destructive. Because he consumed her, he knew that Greene’s life had been a living hell due to Blackwatch. And honestly, he was seriously tempted to finish what she started right now. He just felt so... empty...
Alex got up. It came from the alley down the street. He slowly approached the source of the sound, readying one of his claws, expecting to find an infected. Instead, he found a guy kicking the lid of a dumpster open and stumbling out of it, panicked and clutching his arm.
Well, he expected... something, but not that.
Looks like an easy pray...
Desmond did not know what the fuck had happened. He thought he was dead. Hell, everyone he knew thought he was dead. But no, he was alive and fell in something currently dark and little and it was made out of metal and holy fuck it smelled. Probably a dumpster. He kicked the lid opened and stumbled out of it.
This is not okay. This is not okay. This is not okay and OH GOD MY ARM. He clutched it in pain. What the fuck. His arm was black. And covered in weird lines, which kind of looked like the ones on the Apple and SON OF A BITCH. He clutched it again, not immediately noticing the person sneaking up on him, before his sixth sense told him. Shit.
He turned around, readying his hidden blade (shit, his arm still hurt), and his eyes met... something.
It looked human. Well, human with giant claws thing, but human, with his face covered by a hood. Maybe an assassin. Maybe some kind of freak genetic mutation sent by Abstergo. He looked at the thing. The thing looked back. Red eyes. Yeah, definitely a freak genetic mutation. Maybe not from Abstergo. They were into fucked up shit, but the clean, sterile kind of fucked up shit. Not the eldritch abomination kind of fucked up shit that this guy’s claw and eyes let knew. “Who are you?” Desmond wanted to punch himself. You discover you get back to life and the first you do is ask some kind of weird mutation who he is. The thing looked at him a moment like he got a second head. “You don’t know who I am?”
Alex wanted to laugh. He was a goddamn sentient virus. People all over Manhattan knew who he was. And then, there was this guy, with a knife stripped to his wrist (maybe he could get Blacklight to copy it if he consumed the guy) who fell into a dumpster and did not know who he was. Probably insane. Who are you to judge? Aaaand there is that annoying voice that the virus took inside his head. You are a sentient virus who took control of it’s creator’s corpse. You have no right whatsoever to judge if something is insane or not. 
Okay, annoying voice had a point. Then again, he was all over Manhattan, people knew better than engage him, and this guy just asks who he is. “No, I don’t know who you are. So, you’re gonna tell me?” Or he was from another world. That was possible, too. He did look like he had no idea of where he was. Finally, he didn’t want to consume him. Too crazy for him. Oh, come on! Shut up, annoying voice. “Uh, sure. I’m Alex Mercer.” “Well, Alex Mercer (Yeah, the guy had no idea of who he was. That felt insulting and refreshing at the same time.), would you mind telling me where and when I am.” Alex blinked. One time, then two. And then: “We are in Manhattan, 3 June, 2013″ “HOLY FUCK.” “What?” “Nothing, I was just out for approximately 5 months.”  “What.” “What?” “How do you stay unconscious for 5 months? Without medical help? In a virus outbreak?!” “Oh, I wasn’t unconscious. I was dead.” “WHAT.”
You know what? You were right. He’s too insane for us. In any other situation, Alex would have been glad that he had a point against the annoying voice. “Who the fuck are you?!” “Desmond Miles.” “That’s not what I fucking meant!” “Then, what did you meant?” “What are you made out of?” Desmond looked at him a moment, before sighing. “You know what? If you help me with get out of there, I’ll explain everything to you in the best way I can. But you have to explain to me what the fuck happened while I was out.” “Deal.”
                   **Time-Skip in which they explain everything to each other**
Well, that was some pretty fucked up shit. And Alex had seen a lot of fucked up shit in his life. Hell, he was fucked up shit. But the kind of fucked up shit that Desmond just explained to him was a whole different kind of fucked up shit. The guy he was giving a piggy ride to because it was faster also looked kind of spooked by what he told him. “Wow. You went through some fucked up shit, Alex.” “Understatement of the fucking century, man. Your story is not too bad on the fucked up shit stuff either. I mean, I knew there was some kind of conspiracy going around, but not that it was so fucking ancient and- how did you preserve your mental health through all that?” 
“I have no fucking idea, man. Probably because I was subconsciously prepared for it, what’s with my assassin training when I was young, and all that.” “It’s still fucked up.” “You’re one to talk about fucked up, mister living virus! You eat people alive and absorb their memories! How fucked up is that?!” “The original Alex Mercer was worse.” “You’re shitting me, right?” “He’s why I’m here in the first place, man. Heard he once said that he wasn’t paid to feel.” “Wow. Your creator was a dick.” “I know.”
Silence. Then “We’re here.” “Sweet!” They were at the outskirts of Manhattan. There were close to no marines, so Desmond could probably simply walk out and enter another district of New York without being seen. “You think you’ll be able to find your friends?” “Yeah, don’t worry.” Alex nodded, before starting to turn, before he heard Desmond calling him back. “Oh, and one last thing!” He turned toward him. “Don’t lose faith in us, okay? I know humans can be real bastards, but there’s always an exception that confirms the rule. You just gotta find it. You think you can try?” Alex looked at him a little moment, before nodding. Desmond’s face lite up before he turned back and started running. Yeah, maybe Alex could give humans a try. Desmond was kinda nice, so maybe others could be too.
Yeah. Now that, at the brink of his death, he remembered the gold-eyed assassin, he really wished it went that way...
“Huh. Welcome to the top of the food chain.”
OOPS. I’ve made this one-shot a flashback that Alex has just before James kill him. IT’S ACTUALLY DRAMA. Sue me.
More seriously, if you’ve read the comic tie-in with Prototype 2, you know what I’m talking about. The guys Alex met were real bastards. The bold italics is the voice that the virus takes inside Alex’s head. So yeah. I will write a sequel to this.
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