#but holy fuck he was like kinda breathy and he said
mentallyillstinker · 2 months
Dating Benny headcannons NSFW EDITION!!!
YAAAYYYY (Price is right music plays)
(It's under the cut, obvi, holy shit wait did i put too much? 😭)
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Let's get this out of the way real quick, he DOES NOT, repeat, DOES NOT! want a family, he would say it's because he doesn't have time for it or something but really he just wouldn't want to raise kids out in the wasteland. Though he is yknow rich and all that fun stuff, he's still worried.
If ur a guy you don't have to worry about that stuff, unless you want to like, adopt a kid, which I don't think you'd be able to do in the wasteland, unless you literally just go out and take orphans from the side of the road, which I'm sure there probably are.
Back onto the sexy stuff 😘
He's definitely a bottom. I mean, he's a switch rlly, but he probably got tired of all of the prostitutes just letting him do whatever he wants basically. ALSO WHILE ON THE TOPIC OF PROSTITUTES I HOPE THE DOCTORS IN NEW VEGAS KNOW WHAT STDS ARE.
Back on to Benny, sorry I got distracted 😭
He loves hearing you moan, I mean, as long as it's real, he's so used to hearing fake moans that yours sound like music to his ears.
He's also very vocal. He doesn't really care what other people think if he hears him.
He loves loves LOVES when you pull his hair, or like, just be rough with him, in the end he knows you love him.(Awwww)
If he's on top he'll be as gentle as he can be, he knows you can handle more but he just waits until you tell him to be more rough, even then he won't be really.
He just loves putting his hands on you all the time, so obviously expect him to do that when you're fucking, oh wait, ur bouncing on his dick rn? His hands are busy gently holding onto ur waist.
While we're talking about his hands, I just wanna say he has big hands. And I mean, they wouldn't really be calloused because of how he treats himself now. (He treats himself like a pretty little princess)
His eyes will most likely be on you the whole time, he has this like dazed look in his eyes, he's just admiring you don't worry babes 😘. Though his eyes will most likely be on your face. He always wants to make sure you're enjoying yourself.
Benny is not a great kisser, just wanted to say that, it's not really NSFW, but he's a mediocre kisser, he doesn't really kiss prostitutes, and even then it was like a weird French kiss that Benny never knew was coming so he kinda just sat there for a second before he was like, 'oh shit, wait' and tried his best to kiss back.
He will kiss all over ur body though, he loves pampering you and just making you feel loved. Like I mentioned before, he would have to have fell for you HARD if you ended up dating.
He likes to hold your hands when you fuck, I mean, he tries to most of the time, but your hands are too busy doing anything else.
He has a thing for being praised, at first he'd be upset if you called him a good boy, he'd think your calling him a dog or something, but eventually he was like 'hey, I really like that' and would go out of his way to get praised.
He likes thighs, well, he likes it ALL! RAHHHHH!!! but if he's like giving you head his hands will be GRIPPED on ur thighs the whole time.
Like I said he's very vocal, but surprisingly he doesn't just moan like a bitch the whole time, he actually tires to tell you how much he loves you or how good you feel, but most of it is just quiet and breathy and most of the time gets cut off by him moaning or just yelling out fuck.
IDK WHAT ELSE TO PUTTT UGHHHB! At this point I might as well just write a small little story, I mean a oneshot 😭 I forgot what it was called for a second.
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coquitokisses · 1 month
Trusting Again | chapter 002: the bombing
Word count: 1557
a/n: im gonna try to not put too much dialogues from the movies, yes, there will be some, but I'll try to not put too much.. it's tiring lol
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After we went to Peggy's funeral, Steve wanted to walk Sharon back to the hotel so Sam and I are currently in the lobby waiting for him.
"What do we think about Sharon?" Sam asked "And Steve."
"She's okay." I shrugged "If he likes her, then good for him."
"Thought you two were friends."
I let out a breathy chuckle. "I'm not friends with everyone who worked at SHIELD, Sam." I rolled my eyes
"You talked about her like you guys were friends."
"I mean, we've talked and we've obviously worked together, kinda, but I don't think friends describe our relationship."
"You hate her?"
"No, I just.. I haven't spent that much time with her to say if I like her or not."
"You're a rare breed, Cat," he rolled his eyes "you don't got any friends."
"That's not true." I looked at him "I got you."
"We're friends?" he raised an eyebrow
"Oh go to hell" I rolled my eyes and he started laughing
Yes, we are friends. We've been friends since we met, literally. But he's a pain in the ass sometimes. And I'm sure he says the same thing about me.
I looked up at the tv that was in the lobby and saw that they were talking about a bombing that happened in Vienna at the UN. And they had a video of the suspect and when I saw who it was, my jaw literally dropped on the floor.
"Look." I nudged Sam and pointed at the tv
"Holy shit." He muttered "Come on."
We got up from our seats and walked over to Steve who was talking with Sharon at the elevators.
"Steve." I called him and they both turned around
"There's something you gotta see." Sam said
In that moment Sharon received a call and after she answered it, she told us to go up to her room. Once we were there, Steve immediately turned on the tv so we could see the news.
"More than 70 people have been injured, at least 12 are dead including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier, the infamous HYDRA agent..."
As they put on the video which clearly showed Bucky's face, I saw over at Steve and saw how he took a deep breath and how his body tensed.
"How the fuck..?" Sam said in a low voice since Sharon was on the phone
"That's impossible." I whispered
"What do you mean? They have a photo of him as evidence, Cat."
"Who cares about the photo, this doesn't make any sense." I sighed as I kept watching the news "There's just.. there's no way."
I really couldn't believe what I was seeing.
"I have to go to work." Sharon said
So we flew to Vienna and we're currently in a little coffee shop. Steve is kinda freaking out with this whole Bucky thing, I don't blame him, I would be too if I didn't know where he has been all this time.
But I do know.
So I know he didn't do it. He wasn't even in Vienna.
"Try this." Sam gave me a piece of his dessert
"No, thanks." I shook my head
"Just try it."
"Oh my god." I rolled my eyes grabbing the fork and I ate what was on it
"Is good, right?" He looked at me waiting for my response
"It is." I replied with my mouth full and I gave him back the fork
I'm still kinda processing this whole thing. It just doesn't make sense that Bucky did it, last time I checked he wasn't even in Vienna. I gotta admit, it has been kinda hard to keep track of him, but thank god for my trainers.
A few minutes later, Steve came into the shop and sat with us after talking with Natasha.
"She tell you to stay out of it?" I asked him, he only sighed
"She might have a point, you know?" Sam said
"He'd do it for me." Steve replied
"1945 maybe." Sam responded "I'm just tryna make sure we consider all our options, the people who shoot at you usually end up shooting at us too."
"He's not lying tho." I shrugged and Steve looked at us before we saw Sharon coming in
"Tips have been pouring in since the footage went public." she said in a low voice as she stood besides Steve "Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym, most of it's noise, except for this." she discreetly handed a folder to Steve "My boss expects a briefing pretty much now so that's all the head start you're gonna get."
"Thank you." Steve said
"You're gonna have to hurry, we have orders to shoot on sight." she said before walking away again
"Still thinking she's just okay?" Sam looked at me
"Yes." I nodded
"She literally just handed Steve information on Bucky."
"She likes him." I rolled my eyes
"How do you know? Thought y'all weren't friends."
"I don't need to be her friend to notice that, you idiot, it's clear you're a guy."
"Someone clearly doesn't like Sharon." He rolled his eyes
"I never said that!" I said "You sound like such a kiss ass!"
"I am not!" He defended himself "I'm literally on Steve's side! As long as she gives us information, we're good." he shrugged
"You're an ass." I shook my head chuckling
"Both of you better keep it down or shut up, we're in public." Steve told us "We have to go."
"Go? Again?" I looked at him “Go where?”
"Romania." He replied grabbing the folder
“Oh my god, we keep getting further and further away.” I ran my hands over my face “I miss New York.”
"Come on, we have to go." He told us
"But I haven't finished my little dessert." Sam looked at him
"Ask for a to-go plate, dude." I stood up from my chair
"Damn it, man." he clicked his tongue
While Steve and Sam went to the location that Sharon gave us, I stayed in the car, I'm not tryna get killed, again. Besides, this one's on Cap, I'm only here for moral support (hopefully). And I'm listening to the radio in case they say any news. While also reading a magazine.
And in case they're about to die.
"Can you hear me?" Sam asked through the earpiece
"Yes, this is the third time you ask." I told him
"Don't move." Steve said "We might need you."
"I know" I rolled my eyes as I passed the page on my magazine "Please be careful, both of you."
"Always." Steve replied
And I just sat there, listening to the radio, reading the freaking magazine and waiting for the guys to tell me if I needed to speed down the fucking road.
Minutes passed. And I haven't heard them say anything in a while which made me worry a little but I decided to just stay chill and don't freak out. They will call if they need help.
And speaking of the devil..
"You need to come now!" Sam yelled making me jump a little
"Where are you?" I asked him throwing the magazine on the back seat
"We're on the same tunnel we took to come here!" he said "Ah, shit!" he groaned "Hurry up, dude!"
"I'm on my way."
I put the car on drive and pressed on that pedal very hard. I was at the tunnel in no time, but it wasn't that far away either.
"Holy. Shit." my mouth dropped when I saw the amount of police cars that were there
And I'm assuming they're following the guys, of course.
"Are you here?" Sam asked
"Yes, but there are too many cops, I can't see you guys." I told him as I sped up trying to pass the cops
This is fucking insane, we're getting arrested for sure.
"There are too many cops! It's literally impossible to go through!" I told him
"I have this guy onto me, dude, hurry up!" Sam said
"I literally can't!"
"Hit them or shoot them, I don't know! Fucking do something!" He yelled
"Fuck!" I hit the wheel and I took my gun out of my holster
I held the wheel with one hand and with the other one I snuck my hand out and shoot the cops tires so that I could finally pass through.
"I see you." I said to Sam when I saw him and he indeed had a guy onto him
I heard an explosion and I saw how the top of the tunnel started falling so I immediately hit the breaks, Sam stopped and moved his legs upwards making the dude go into the falling concrete. Sam stood back on the ground and I got out of the car to run up to him.
"Are you okay?" I asked him
"Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded "Ah shit."
A bunch of cops came around us pointing guns at us and yelling to put our hands up.
"Well, we're fucked." I sighed lifting my hands
They made us walk up to where Steve was and once we were there, I saw how they were arresting Bucky on the floor.
It's safe to say that they arrested us all.
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meetmyothersouls · 2 years
also (hello it’s me ghost fucking anon from earlier) what about like a ghost face kinda fic? like he murders and she’s just there but the sight of him all bloody and beaten turn her on……im actually insane im so sorry for this 🙁🫶🏽
Hello! You know I cannot say no to a ghost face type fic. Add my Timothee to the mix and it’s a go for sure!
Mr. Ghost Face
Warnings: smut, public sex, face fucking, rough sex, not proof read
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You heard screams as you rounded the corner of the dark alley that led you home. You thought nothing of it. It’s Halloween, isn’t that what people do? A few teenagers scatter, kicking leaves as they run. One of them aggressively bumped into you, knocking you to ground and the breath out of your lungs.
“Sorry! I’m sorry!” He crouched down a bit as if he was going to help you, but after wide eyed look behind you, he turned, tripping slightly as he ran away.
“Prick!” You yelled after him.
You gathered the strength to pull yourself up when another person rounded the corner. You rolled your eyes at the sight. A stranger, or at least you think it is. You can’t tell since he wore a Ghost Face mask and a long black cloak. The height of this person suggested it was a male; a skinny one.
Apparently, he saw you, because instead of running forward he decided to walk toward you, painfully slow, like Micheal Meyers before he inevitably kills a woman with large tits. Ghost Face turned his head slightly in a predatory fashion that made your heart skip a beat. Fuck why is that so sexy, you thought to yourself. He took the blade of his fake knife, covered in fake blood, and wiped it off on his cloak as he took slow, steady steps toward you. You took the moment to quote one of your favorite lines from Scream.
“No, don’t kill me, Mr. Ghost Face. I wanna be in the sequel.”
You’re still on the ground, palms flat on the pavement behind you, and Ghost Face still took steps toward you. You started scooting backward on the road, there were no cars around and this dude was actually starting to give you the creeps.
“I’m not going to kill you,” he said, his voice muffled behind the mask. He reached a gloved hand over the face of his mask, red immediately staining the stark white design. He pulled it off revealing his face. He was cute, but his curly hair and the wild look in his eye did make him look a bit crazy. “But I am going to fuck you right here in this alley.”
Normally, you’d be running for you life, but there was something about this stranger, and his costume and the fake blood that made your core slick with heat. Luckily, you were still in your costume, which only consisted of a white dress, fishnets and a leather jacket. He’d have easy access. You let your legs fall open.
“Only if you eat me out first.” You bit your lip, mainly to hide the shock of what you just said out loud.
He cocked his head to the side again in that animalistic way that made you want to fuck him right then and there, and knelt down in front of you. He jerked your legs apart even farther, ripping your fishnets in the process. He hooked an arm around one thigh and threw your other leg over his shoulder. He used his free hand to rub you outside of your panties.
“What’s your name?” You said breathlessly.
“Doesn’t matter.”
Before you had the chance to protest, he tugged your panties to the side and shoved his tongue into your hole, immediately fucking you with his mouth. You let out a low grown as he began a slurping your juices and lapping at your cunt. He was positively the loudest sloppiest pussy eater you ever encountered and holy fuck did it feel good. Ghost Face licked from your hole to your clit. He sucked the sensitive bundle, he pulled your lips with his teeth, he let out breathy moans and groans and hums as if your pussy and its juices were the best thing he ever tasted. His warm tongue parted your folds one last time before he pressed it against your clit and as you came undone he shoved two fingers into your pussy, pumping them steadily as you came. You clenched against his digits and arched your back off the pavement, biting your lip again to hold back the severity of your orgasm.
“You can scream,” he said, in between a few more teasing licks. “No one will hear you scream.”
He tongued your clit again even as it pulsated through the rest of your orgasm.
“Fuck!” You screamed. “Fuck yes, that feels good!”
Ghost Face stood, hiking up his cloak and fumbling with his belt.
“Get on your stomach,” he demanded.
“Fuck no, this concrete will fuck up my knees. You can fuck me like this or not at at all.”
He let out a low growl, and shoved his pants down to his ankles. You gasped at the size of his cock, the tip of it glistening with pre cum.
“Holy shit, you’re huge. Let me suck it,” you said easiest sitting up.
“No time. Lay down.”
He shoved you back onto your back and ripped the rest of your fishnets off. He pulled your panties down around your ankles and and shoved his cock into your pussy.
“Holy fuck!” You yelled. He was huge and you felt him in your stomach as he began fucking you. He grunted each time he pushed in and you moaned at how deliciously he filled you. It didn’t take long for him to near his orgasm. Once he did he pulled out, and climbed over your body. His knees on either side of you head, he tapped the head of his cock against your lips.
Obediently, you opened your mouth and he fed his cock into the new hole you presented. Your Motri filled with saliva at his salty taste. He fucked your mouth hard until he spilled his seed down your throat. You drank him down and sucked him a few more times for good measure.
As sirens from multiple police cars sound in the distance, he stood shedding his cloak, throwing it, the knife and mask to the side. Quickly he buttoned his jeans and before running he held out a red stained hand.
“Tim. Thanks for the fuck.” He shook your hand and ran off.
Police cars begin to pile into the alley and quickly rid yourself of the ripped fishnets and pull your skirt down.
“Ma’am are you okay? Are you hurt?” An officer with a deep voice and shaggy blonde hair says, pulling you to the side.
“I’m fine,” you shrug off his touch, still overstimulated and slightly aroused.
“Have you seen this man?” Another officer interrupted, shoving a paper in your face.
On the paper was two photos one of a mask, similar to the one Tim threw across the street. The other of Tim himself.
“I-I’m not sure,” you stutter.
“He’s wanted for several murders. If you see this man you give us a call. In the meantime you need to get home. It’s dangerous out here. You never know what kind of trouble lurks here in these alleys.”
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @chicchanelcigs @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @louievr @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp @gatoenlaciudad @patronsaintofthetwinks
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twistafr · 2 months
Double On The Door
TedxSchlatt smut fic, pretty short thingy i made
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1,012 Summary: "Holy shit, Ted," Schlatt whispers between a sound so high-pitched and drunk with giddiness that it could qualify for a giggle. He braces a hand against the wooden door he's leaning against, and flings his other arm over Ted's shoulder. "And I thought you were only into the chicks."
The party kinda sucked anyways.
It's not the best guest etiquette, but neither of them care. One of them has downed too many drinks and the other's smoked too much to care, after all.
And, well, maybe even without all of that Ted and Schlatt would still have locked the door of the bathroom with booming laughter that still wasn't louder than the generic music playing throughout the house.
They both suppose, sure, yeah, somebody might hold a house party and still not want people to get all handsy in their own bathroom. But they'd like to propose the fact that at least it's not somebody's bed, since the bathroom would be less gross and devastating to hear than two strangers going at it in the bed one wakes up in most of the time.
So it's the bathroom Schlatt and Ted are in, where Ted has a hand down Schlatt's shorts, making the other puff out hot air into his ear. Ted wraps his hand around his dick, and the headache Schlatt previously had formed due to the annoying laughter of anyone not named Ted suddenly wipes off from his head.
"Holy shit, Ted," Schlatt whispers between a sound so high-pitched and drunk with giddiness that it could qualify for a giggle. He braces a hand against the wooden door he's leaning against, and flings his other arm over Ted's shoulder. "And I thought you were only into the chicks."
Ted laughs with him. Or at him. Nobody really knows. He just smiles, and it's this genuine thing that makes Schlatt's head tilt back with a well endowed stroke from Ted's hand, palm warm and engulfing Schlatt who gasps slightly, then attempts to whack Ted.
"I could say the same," Ted says, huffing as he glances down, eyes hazed over with a whirl of desire and carelessness as he presses his lips to Schlatt's neck with absolutely no aim. Schlatt doesn't stop him, just glances at him in confusion, heavily judging the other as he parts his mouth against the bare skin.
"The hell are you-" But then Ted dares to bare his teeth, just opening his mouth lazily and tempting Schlatt's neck with a new possible design, canines tapping at the door. Schlatt scoffs, almost in disbelief, and feels a wave of arousal and disgust wash over him at the same time. This leaves him to swat Ted's face away, groaning with annoyance as he does. "Biting me? Get outta here, dude."
Ted chuckles, a slow and casual thing, but he can't seem to keep it there and bursts out into gradual fits of laughter as he shrugs, then sighs heavily. "My bad, bro."
With that Ted squeezes his hold, like a total weirdo, Schlatt can confirm, as his dick pusles and he reels in on himself, bumping his head against Ted's as the other's thumb swipes over the head.
"Well fuck you too, then," Schlatt tries to tell him, but his voice cuts off, sounding terribly weathered. All clipped and breathy, like just maybe the way Ted runs his finger across a vein is actually doing something to Schlatt as he gives a brief moan at the sensation purely provided by Ted's fngerpads.
"Oo, what's that you said?" Ted asks teasingly, an absolute jerk full of corny lines that can make anybody anywhere cringe. But he's good with what he's doing, so they both don't quit, and Ted hums as Schlatt lifts his hips, wordlessly trying to somehow upgrade his handjob intensity or whatever he's attempting, Ted doesn't pay attention as he grins all smug. "Did you say something that implies me fucking you? Cus it's a yes, one-hundo."
"You're so fucking annoying," Schlatt complains, but it's timed with efficient work from Ted's hand, and his cock twitches in his hold, and he bucks up into it. So his words of frustration simply end up sounding like a breathless lil moan from a voice of endearment. Not what Schlatt meant. But it doesn't matter when there's bundles of heat exploding with pleasure all throughout as Ted shifts his hand. "I-" He pauses, breath hitching as Ted uses his free hand to push Schlatt closer, hips angled upward. "Damn- look, you're not fucking me."
Ted frowns dramatically, heart stabbed by an event he knew was coming. "Right, you'll never be fucked by a dude-"
Schlatt leans up, craning his neck forward, and grasping to cuff Ted's face. "In a damn shitty bathroom, Ted."
Ted's spine straightens up for a second at the explanation, heart spiking with possibility as he flicks his wrist, causing Schlatt's eyelashes to flutter nearly. "Then the hell are we still doing in here? We gotta go to where you would let that happen, Schlatt. Dude, come on-"
Schlatt clutches onto him with both hands all of a sudden, and knocks Ted's calf with his heel. "Not tonight, pal."
Right before Ted can ask why somebody knocks on the door, so instead Ted is stuck yelling something about being occupied. Only after he gets back to work, big fingers wrapping around Schlatt who groans, the noise dragged out with satisfaction, punched out straight from his lungs, maybe even his soul as Ted moves.
 Ted inches forward, sucking in a deep breath as Schlatt moans once more, noises becoming more and more likely as he progresses into a more reactive person.
"This is so-" Schlatt pants for a second, bowing his head. He remembers to disregard this, of course, and rolls his eyes as he laboriously breathes. "This is unfair."
And well, Schlatt said it, even if either of them mean it because to be completely frank, Schlatt doesn't actually consider a handjob from his own Ted, his best friend, to be an unfair thing that happened to him.
It does, in fact, make him finish, leaving him to mumble out Ted's name and a bunch of half-assed insults as Ted soaks everything from him- Before he sinisterly takes out his phone and snaps a photo of Schlatt from chest up.
Schlatt tries to delete it, of course.
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staceymcgillicuddy · 2 years
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Day 7: Cupid's Bow
Happy Valentine's Day, friends! This is the last of the seven ficlets I've created for #hellcheervalentinesweek, and I've had so much fun posting them all. Big thanks, as always, to @amandaashplease for wrangling this whole thing, and having such inspirational prompts!
And now, for the closest I've come to actual naughty stuff all week...
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Eddie feels like a real asshole as he dials the familiar number because it’s Gareth’s birthday, and the guys are out celebrating, and he’s here. In a motel room. Phone in hand. Up to his old tricks. 
“Cupid’s Bow chat line,” says the familiar female voice that answers. “How can I help you?” 
“Uh. Hi. Is Chrissy working tonight?” 
There’s a pause. A bit of what might be paper shuffling on the other end, and then, “sure, hon. Let me put you through.” 
The line goes quiet for maybe twenty seconds, and then, “hello?” 
There she is. Eddie exhales. Palms the erection that’s already tenting his shorts. “Hey, Chris. It’s uh, it’s Eddie?”
“Hi, sweetheart,” she says like she remembers him. “How are you tonight?” 
“Good, yeah. I’m still on the road.” 
“You’re a musician, right?” she says, and in the fantasy he’s built for himself, she’s not checking notes or anything. She just remembers him. Every time. The name of his band, the clubs and bars they’re playing, and the fact that he has an addiction to the sound of her voice. 
Maybe not that last part. 
“Uh-huh. Guitar.” 
“Guitar. I always thought guitarists were so sexy, you know?” 
“Mmm. I dated a guitarist in high school.”
“I bet…” He squeezes himself and licks his lips. “I bet you were popular.” 
She laughs—that breathy little giggle he lives for on these calls—and purrs, “I bet you were a heartbreaker.” 
“Not—no.” Squirming now, he cradles the phone between his ear and his shoulder so he can push his boxers out of the way. “Sorry. I’m like… I’m kinda worked up.” 
“Oh, no,” she says, and it’s practically a purr. “We’d better do something about that, huh?” 
“Yes, please.” 
“Are you touching yourself, sweetheart?” 
Eddie nods, then remembers she can’t see him. Answers in the affirmative and lets her voice carry him into that heady place of sinful suggestion. Where her kitten moans mix with his desperate grunts, and she says she’s coming, too. Says she’s right there with him as he crests the wave and drops down the other side, a slick mess pooling against his stomach and a smile on his lips. 
“Holy shit,” he says. 
“Yeah,” she breathes, though her voice has a hitch.
“Sorry. I’m here. I just…” A break in her voice. “I really miss you, okay? I know that’s not part of the game…” 
“Hey, no, fuck the game. It’s just a stupid roleplay.” A game they’ve played before, in fact, at Eddie’s suggestion.
“No! It was fun. I just… the vibrator’s not cutting it anymore, you know?” 
“Is that what that noise was?” 
That makes her giggle. “Yeah.” 
“I’ll be home next week.” 
“I know.” 
“Swear to God, I’ll make it up to you.” 
“You’d better,” she says. “And hey, tell Gareth I said happy birthday.” 
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hawkinshellraiser · 1 year
continued from here with @hairoic
Eddie honestly can't believe that Steve is completely surprised by the revelation. Hell, if he had known he probably wouldn't have said anything. He thought he'd just be saying what had been going unsaid between them. So when Steve's stupid pink lips part in surprise and his warm honey brown eyes go wide Eddie feels paralyzed.
He remembers it all embarrassingly well. Trying his hardest not to sneak peeks at Steve in the locker room, and struggling since he was just so goddamn loud and popular and hot. And not that he'd ever really thought he had a chance, hell they'd hardly ever spoken back then, but he remembers the small feeling of sinking disappointment when he heard one of Steve's dickhead friends teasing him about having sex with Nancy for the first time.
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Which, now that he's friends with both of them, is super gross.
"Uh... yeah," Eddie confesses slowly, much more hesitant than he had before. "I kinda thought you could tell... that's why I said it."
Fuck, fuck fuck. Eddie's fucking everything up with what he thinks might be one of the best friends he's ever had. He lets out a breathy laugh that sounds anything but humorous as he takes a step back and runs his hands through his hair.
"God, I feel like a fucking asshole," he says, but he says it more to himself than to Steve. "Holy fuck."
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catierambles · 2 years
The Ritual Ch.2
Pairing: Ghost!Mike x Danica Wells (OFC)
WC 1404
Warnings: Ehhhhh none?
@liecastillo @summersong69
Her smile was instant and she fought the urge to laugh at his surprise.
“Yes, I can see you.” Danica said, “As easily as I would be able to see anyone.”
“Holy shit.” He said, pushing away from the mantle, running his fingers through his hair, “I mean, goddamn. Have you been able to see me this whole time?” She gave a nod and he let out a breathy sort of laugh. “Wow. How is it you can see me when no one else can?”
“I’ve always been able to see spirits.” She said and the small smile he had fell.
“So you know I’m…” He let it trail off and she nodded again.
“I mean, you’re more…vibrant than some of the ones I’ve seen. You look almost completely solid.”
“Almost?” He asked and she waggled her hand a little.
“Kinda fuzzy around the edges?” She said, “It happens to those who go a long time without interacting with their environment, it’s almost like they forget how to be real.”
“So the more we talk, the more real I’ll get?”
“That’s my running theory.” She said and he walked around the coffee table, sitting down on the couch though it didn’t dip under his weight.
“Well, okay then. Shit.” He said and she turned to face him on the couch. “I’m Mike, by the way.”
“Danica.” She said and he gave her a smile that probably had fluttered the heart of many a woman. It was a nice smile. “I’m guessing this was your house?”
“When I was…alive? Yeah, I grew up here.” He said, looking at the fire.
“I hope you don’t mind that I’ve moved in?”
“No, it’s fine.” He said with a dismissive wave. “I mean, yeah, it kind of pissed me off in the beginning, but I’m cool with it now.”
“What changed your mind?” She asked and he looked at her.
“You can see me.” He said, “We’re sitting here talking, I mean, shit, it’s been so long that I just…how long has it been, actually? What’s the year?” She told him and he looked down at his hands. “That long, huh? You don’t really feel it, you know? Time feels different when you’re…dead. Fuck, I’ll never get used to saying that.”
“I won’t even try to say I understand.” Danica said and he nodded.
“So you can see and hear me, is there anything else you can do? Like, if I reach out, can I touch you and you’ll feel it?” She reached a hand towards him and he stared at it a moment before raising his. There was another moment of hesitation before he tried to take her hand, but his passed right through it and he let his hand drop with a sigh. “You didn’t even feel that, did you?”
“Not really. There was…something, but it was vague.” She said and he scrubbed his face with his hands with a sound.
“Too much to ask for, I guess.” He said, “So you know all about this ghost stuff, maybe you can answer something for me. Why haven’t I, you know, crossed over or something?”
“There’s something keeping you here, unfinished business is the reigning theory of why spirits stick around.”
“The only “unfinished business” I had was graduating college, and that’s never going to happen.” Mike said and sighed, leaning back against the couch. “Never thought an English degree would literally be the bane of my existence.” She gave a snort at that and he gave her a look before giving a small laugh of his own. “You’re not curious how I died?”
“That’s usually pretty personal.” She said, “Most don’t even remember it.”
“I remember it, I remember all of it.” He said and for a moment he looked so sad that she just wanted to reach out and comfort him if she would have been able to.
“So tell me about you.” Danica said, wanting to get him away from the subject and he gave her an appreciative smile.
They talked for hours, about him, about her, his life when he was alive and her childhood with her ability. They didn’t go back to the subject of his death and she steered the conversation away when it looked like it was going there. He was funny, in a cocky sort of way, reminding her of the frat boys she knew in college. Made sense, seeing he was around that age when his life ended. His smile was dazzling and his laugh was infectious.
“A romance novelist?” He asked when she told him what she did for a living, “You’re shittin’ me.”
“A supernatural romance novelist.” She reminded him.
“Hey, write what you know, right?” He said with a shrug, still smiling at the notion. “What’re you working on now?”
“Nothing currently.” She said with a sigh, “I’ve been hit with a massive case of writer’s block, and I thought moving out of the city would cure it.”
“How’s that going for you?”
“Eh? Too soon to tell.” She said and he nodded. A wide yawn split her face and she shook her head a little to clear her bleary eyes.
“Oh shit, it is getting late, isn’t it. I forget some people still need to sleep.” Mike said and she waved it away.
“I’m fine.” She said but he shook his head, standing from the couch.
“Up.” He said and she gave him a look. “If I could pull you from the couch, I would. Now get up and go to bed.”
“Okay, fine. Twist my arm why don’t you.” She said as she got up and heard his chuckle behind her as he followed her from the living room and up the stairs. After she brushed her teeth and washed her face, he stood outside the bedroom as she changed into her pajamas. “Hey Mike?”
“Yeah?” He asked from out in the hall.
“There’s something I want to try with you.”
“Okay?” He asked.
“It’s only worked for me once before and I want to see if it’ll work with you.”
“What’s that?” He asked, poking his head into the room and seeing her fully dressed.
“When we dream, we sort of…push the veil aside a little, giving us a glimpse into the other side.”
“Makes sense, my dreams were always super weird.” He said walking into the room.
“If you’re comfortable with it, I’d like to try something I call “Dream Walking”.” She said and he gave her a curious look. “Ghosts don’t need to sleep, but they can sleep, and most still do as it was hardwired into them when they were alive.”
“I haven’t at all since…this happened.” He said with a shake of his head.
“If it works, and it doesn’t always, it would allow us to make contact.” She said and she saw him think about it for a moment.
“I would be able to touch you!” He said, snapping his fingers with a wide smile.
“And you would feel it?”
“Yep.” She said and his smile grew, “Now keep in mind that it’s only worked once before, so I don’t want you to get your hopes up.”
“I’m willing to give it a shot if you are.” He said and she nodded. “What do I do?”
“Lay down on the bed, we have to be in proximity when we sleep.” She said and he nodded, moving around her and going to one side of the bed. The jacket and sweater vanished as he took them off, going down to his white t-shirt and he got on the bed, settling on his back with a hand behind his head. The baggy clothing had been hiding a rather impressive build, she noticed, and she saw the dark hair on his stomach that vanished into his jeans as his shirt rode up a little.
“Okay, now what?” He asked, looking at her and she went to her side, flinging back the covers gently and getting in. “You know, it usually took me more work than this to get a pretty girl into bed.”
“Shut up, Mike.” She said and he giggled. Settling on her side facing him, she fought the urge to try to curl up against his side, knowing that she would simply go through him. She could feel his eyes on her as she closed hers, sighing deeply as she controlled her breathing, drifting off to sleep.
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ariesdisaster · 3 years
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genshxn · 3 years
Mr Worldwide
isekai ......thing..... // SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG AKSDJKSALD
This got kinda long and is also not everyone. There will be more I sWEAR— (formatting also gets weird halfway thru sorry)
word count: 2.6k
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Your dream was rather unremarkable. You had just been wandering a field of rolling hills covered in white flowers, not quite sure where you were going. It felt like you had been here for forever. At the summit of one of particularly large hill, it felt like you were beginning to bob up and down. Something like you were on a ship. The feeling grew more and more prevalent. The hills around you warped into waves as the undulating movement grew stronger and stronger. The salty smell of the ocean flooded your senses. It all felt so real. That’s because it was. You awake with a sudden jolt, smacking your forehead into something. Overcome with sudden sharp pain, you jam your eyes shut again and let slip of two pained grunts. Two? You open your eyes again and find… Kazuha—rubbing his forehead in pain. Looks like you smacked heads with the ronin. Where the hell did Kazuha come from? Last you remember, you went to sleep in the Knights of Favonius HQ. The bobbing sensation… The smell of the ocean… Kazuha… HOW DID YOU END UP ON BEIDOU’S SHIP?
"KAZUHA?" You suddenly yell out from surprise. Seems like everything yesterday wasn’t a dream. You did actually end up in Teyvat. But now it seems you’ve teleported overnight. "Ah… You know my name." Kazuha says in his usual cryptic manner of speaking, but you can hear him still seething from pain. "I—uh… Sorry…" You mutter out. "It’s quite all right. It was just an accident." He says with a little breathy laugh. "Um… Do you at all know how I got here?" You might as well address the elephant in the room: you. Kazuha tilts his head. "Do you not know?" Your stomach drops. What the fuck happened last night? "Beidou found you halfway up the mast. You were apparently fast asleep, just hanging out in a few ropes. Everyone was confused, but she recognized you as a friend and said to just take you down below to let you sleep." He explains. "Beidou wanted to watch over you herself, but she’s busy since we’re currently sailing." According to Kazuha, you had snuck aboard the ship and gotten yourself tangled in ropes, just dangling like you were in a hammock from a few ropes. All while you were asleep. What sort of ultra-instinct sleepwalking was that? You trust everything Kazuha says with all of your being because it’s Kazuha, but what the fuck? "Are you alright? You look a little bit pale." Kazuha presses the back of his palm to your forehead to test for a fever or something. You don’t think you have one, but this all feels like some insane fever dream. "I-I’m fine… Wait—you said we’re sailing?" Your eyes widen as you remember his words. "Where to?" You scramble to sit more upright. "To Inazuma." Oh god, there are even more characters in Inazuma. What if it’s like the bar again last night? Just you there, swamped by beautiful people. Your fragile simp heart wouldn’t be able to handle it. "Um… are you sure you’re okay?" He asks, tilting his head worriedly. Likely you would have swooned a little at that gesture, but it’s a bit different in your current circumstances. "I’m alright, I swear. I just need some air, I think." You scramble to your feet, but are unsteady from the constant rocking motion. Kazuha helps stabilize you on your feet. Climbing above deck, you see Ritou much closer than you thought it’d be. Holy shit, you’re nearly there. "Oh, g’morning, sleepy head." A familiar voice suddenly appears from behind you and ruffles your head. "That was quite the brave stunt you pulled last night. Gave me and my crew a heart attack to find you just hanging out." You turn around and see Beidou with a grin on her face. "Turns out you did wanna come on my ship with me, huh?" She says with her signature deep laugh. "Sorry to steal you away to Inazuma like this. We'd already departed by the time someone actually saw you. Maybe you can check out Ritou while you’re here." "Uhh… what's the situation with the Shogun in Inazuma?" You try to be a bit vague with your question. In the game, the country’s pretty much locked down. Hopefully you’ve arrived after all the events of the Inazuma war… "Ah, it’s better now, but there’s still a lot of clean up to be done. Thought you wouldn’t know about since you kinda just got here?" "I uhh… overheard about it in the bar last night. Some NPC—I mean random person in the background—was talking about it." "Hmm… Alright." Beidou sounds skeptical but decides to drop it. Within minutes, you’re docked at just about the same place as when the traveler first arrived in the game. The scene seems to be almost identical. A few NPCs trail around, except now they’re much higher res. They’re real. You decide to hop off the boat once everything’s in order. She and Kazuha were (un)surprisingly adamant at them accompanying you, but you managed to convince them you’d be alright on your own. It wasn’t that hard to navigate Ritou from a first person perspective since everything was familiar. The beautiful red maple trees were rather distracting. People rushed about and clamoured about various things, but not much of the noise registered in your mind. Watching the falling leaves and sunlight filtering
through were almost hypnotizing. Clearly it was enough because you had managed to walk into someone, knocking you back lightly. "Ah, I’m sorry—" You say, stumbling a little bit until you notice who it is. The fucking Shogun. “WH—" Everyone had fallen silent. Practically every pair of eyes was on you simultaneously. You could just about die right now. "Ei, do watch where you’re going." Another voice from behind her says. YAE MIKO? "I’M SORRY—" "Calm down, dear, it’s just an accident." God, Yae is a blessing. Maybe she would be able to convince the Shogun to not Thanos snap you right here and now. "I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going…" The Shogun mutters, averting her eyes. She’s always far more docile whenever Yae is around. Also, did she walk into you as well? "NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO ME—" You wave your arms about dramatically. You probably look like an idiot right now… "Wow, that’s pretty brave of you," Someone from the crowd laughs. Is that… You turn your head and there stands a laughing Thoma. Of course he’s laughing... Behind him is a wide-eyed Ayaka, clearly trying to hide that she’s entertained by watching me and the Shogun. "Ah, hello Lady Kamisato, Thoma," Yae says to the two of them. "What’s happening here?" Ayaka says from behind her fan. "Ei and this one managed to walk into each other," She says with a dry laugh. "Actually, what is your name, dear?" It’s happening again. "It’s uh… (Y/N) (L/N)," you stutter out. "I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a name like that before." The Shogun comments. "You must be from outside of Inazuma." "Oh, yes. I’m not Inazuman." You quickly jump to reply. "Huh. Mondstadter like me?" Thoma chimes in. It’s happening again. You’re becoming the subject of conversation again. "Uhh, no. I was there just yesterday, though." "Ah, that makes sense." The Shogun says. "What do you mean by that?" Yae asks her with a confused look. "I felt traces of the wind on you. In particular, that Anemo Archon." She frowns. Guess she’s not a big fan of Venti? "Oh yeah, he was actually half on me yesterday. He got drunk and was hugging me." You recall last night’s events. He was particularly clingy, but you mainly just chalked that up to his drunkness. "The Anemo Archon what?" Thoma and Ayaka ask in sync. "That sounds about right for him." Yae rolls her eyes. "Yeah, it was very in character…" You mutter under your breath. You almost couldn’t tell if it was just Venti being Venti or if he was actually affected by the Isekai Harem Protagonist curse like Beidou still seems to be. Kazuha seemed to be more normal, but who know when he will succumb as well. For the characters—now real people—in front of you, it’s just a ticking time bomb. Out of nowhere, there’s a cacophony of yelling. Everyone turns around at the sudden screeching from a crowd of about 4 people. It is a sight you did not expect to see. Kujou Sara sprints with a writhing Scaramouche slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Hot on her heels, Arataki Itto comes screaming after her, yelling something about wanting a rematch. Behind them, Gorou is just watching with a mouth full of dango. What the fuck is going on again? "Madame Shogun! I have the Fatui member you wanted captured!" She manages to sprint with incredible agility and speed in her single-tooth geta*. In the meanwhile, Scaramouche pounds on her back, shouting various insults and curses. "AND FOR GOD’S SAKE, ARATAKI, SOME OTHER TIME!" She calls over her shoulder, but it doesn’t stop Itto in the slightest.
"I DEMAND A REMATCH KUJOU! I HAVE YOU RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! FIGHT WITH MEEEE!" He screams in his usual brash voice. To your surprise, Gorou had somehow turned up right next to you, still munching on a different mouthful of dango. You jump in surprise at him suddenly turning up.
“Gedda load uh' deez guyz'." The dogboy says through a full mouth.
"Wait. Kunikuzushi?" The Shogun questions, looking the short man up and down once Sara comes to a stop.
"It’s Scaramouche to you!" He snaps back at the Shogun. Sara smacks him over the back, eliciting a grunt from him.
Itto comes to a sliding stop, deep in a fighting stance, still yelling. "KUJOU SARA, FACE ME NOW—" Itto comes charging in, but he doesn’t stop. Everyone watches as Itto hurdles into Sara, barreling her and Scaramouche over in slow motion. The Harbinger scrambles to his feet to make an escape. Everyone panics. For some reason, your first instinct is to just grab him. He lets out some gibbered garbage when you pick him up with surprising ease. He’s not having a good day with getting picked up.
"LET ME GO!" He screeches very indignantly. You really want to laugh, but you might double over and let him go if you do. He kicks around and writhes, but your grip is luckily unrelenting. His face is tomato red for some reason.
"WHAT DO I DO WITH HIM?" You call over your shoulder at the people who just stare somewhat dumbfounded once again.
Before anyone can respond, Scaramouche yanks one of his arms free and snatches a dango stick off Gorou, who jumps in response. The purple-haired man then proceeds to lob the dango at the Shogun. It lands right on her face. Deathly silence falls over everyone besides Scaramouche who’s still cursing like a sailor. She slowly removes it from her face, revealing a scowl dark enough to strike fear in even a dragon. She’s gonna smite him. People all back up instinctively, knowing something’s about to go down.
Scaramouche quickly wrests free of your grip, who only manages to run about 5 feet before he gets Musou no Hitotachi’d. Lightning roars down from the sky and strikes him like an overloaded reaction. He flies back, rolling a couple times and stumbles to his feet again.
"That’s the second time it didn’t work…" The Shogun curses to herself, sheathing her boob sword.
Eyes back on Scaramouche, you see him staring directly at you with a red face. "F-fuck you in particular!" He scowls and slams something down on the ground, puffing up into an explosion of smoke. Once it fades, he’s no where to be seen.
"Fuck, was that my fault-" You begin but are cut off by the Shogun.
"No, you did nothing wrong, (Y/N)." She remembered your name. She’s surprisingly forgiving, but you’d much rather that than also getting Musou no Hitotachi’d.
"Damn little dude, that took some guts. Mad respect." Itto suddenly claps you over the shoulder. He’s instantly buddy-buddy, but it’s not that out of character for him, though.
It’s almost a repeat of yesterday again. People begin to clamour around you, impressed at your unorthodox show of courage. "That was a much quicker catch than I managed. Excellent work." Sara stands a distance away but her expression is painted with respect. "You have good potential to work for the Tenryou commission." Oh fuck, it’s happening again.
"Already jumping to recruitment, Sara? Perhaps give them a little bit of time, no?" Yae Miko interrupts. Oh thank go- "They’re always welcome at the Shrine, though." Nevermind.
"The Yashiro Commission would be happy to have a new member like you, (Y/N)." Ayaka takes a step forward to add her offer.
"Or at the Kamisato residence!" Thoma adds with a bright smile. It sounds like he’s advertising for the Yashiro commission, but you figure he’s got likely selfish ulterior motives like everyone else seems to have.
"Come check out Sangonomiya island one day! I can get you some dango while you’re there." Gorou finally swallowed his food. His tail was wagging.
"I could provide you with more dango, however." The Shogun chimes in over Gorou.
"Screw all that, the Arataki Gang needs a member like you!" Itto slings his arm around your shoulders. It’s just like with Beidou all over again. His buddy-buddy behaviour gets his chest very close to your face…
Everyone begins to unintentionally close the gaps between you, building up pressure and tension inside you. "Uh-". It’s all a bit overwhelming. "I’m—uhh—new… to Inazuma, so I’d have to give all your offers some time…"
"Ah, my apologies!" Ayaka quickly steps back along with Thoma.
"Whoops, my bad-" Itto slides off you.
"Perhaps I was too quick. But my offer still stands." Sara didn’t actually move in the first place, but you didn’t want to let down her expectations.
"So does mine." The Shogun appears understanding but mellowed with her thoughts likely on dango.
"An’ mnnf!" Gorou shoehorns in, mouth once again full.
"Umm, it was great meeting you all, but I think it might be time for me to go shortly. Thank you for all your offers, though! I’ll think them over!" You say, trying to finally part ways with the crazy crowd.
They’re all incredibly understanding, more than you thought they’d be. Once again probably because of your isekai harem protag powers. With goodbyes all to you, they all finally part ways. The crowd surrounding you all had dissipated somewhat from its peak with the situation with Scaramouche.
Speaking of him, did he actually get added to the harem? It seems like the few characters you just met did, but did he? Given his flushed reaction, maybe. Who knows at this point? You surely don’t.
With that whole fiasco finally over, it might be time to meet up with Kazuha again. Sighing and shaking your head, you go to look for the short Ronin again. It didn’t take long to find him since he sticks out amongst the crowd of not-so-NPCs anymore. You weren’t going to be in Inazuma for long, but you’re officially Mr Worldwide with your harem stretching into even Inazuma now.
Be careful now, you might get even more people if you’re not careful.
Aaaaand tune in next time when you’re back in Liyue so I can put in the last few since it wouldn’t make sense for them to be here lmao.
*that’s what those sandals are called i think.
<- ep 2
ep 4.1 ->
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letterstotheflre · 3 years
my drug is my baby
summary: sirius is glad he was patient enough with you and takes part of what he has been craving most
warnings: daddy kink, a smidge of religious references, dacryphilia, overstimulation, fingering and oral sex (fem receiver), innocence/corruption kink
word count: 3.2k
a/n: i kinda hate this now but i think it’s because i read it too many times, idk || i think it's a universal experience to not being able to cum from your own fingers... right?? and we all know that sirius has a crying kink... also i think it’s so hot when they make you thank them for letting you cum, sue me!!
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Sirius Black liked to believe he was a patient man when he needed to be.
He was known for being reckless, always jumping into the next adventure without much thought, ready to follow James wherever he went. Most of the time he spoke without thinking, especially if he knew his comments would make his parents red with rage. Sometimes he didn’t even mean what he said, he just spewed whatever progressive or controversial opinion he had in hopes of making his mother’s heart stop beating.
He revelled in making rash decisions, somehow always ending up being benefited by them. He never gave much thought to anything: always doing his homework last minute yet somehow still getting top marks, taking some jokes too far, never taking into consideration other people’s safety unless they were close friends.
Some may call him selfish, but he liked not having to put too much thought into every single action. He spent most of his childhood walking on eggshells, afraid of saying the wrong thing and being punished or worse, Regulus taking the beating for him. But now that he finally escaped the Black family, he enjoyed the freedom that came with leaving Grimmauld Place.
He enjoyed breaking rules and creating chaos. It made him feel mighty, knowing he had the power to make all of those choices, still coming out on top, and see how they affected certain people. Most applauded him, revered him for being so spontaneous and adventurous; others couldn’t stand him, complaining about his mean jabs and sometimes harmful pranks.
Yet he knew how to wait for the things he deemed important or worthy. He knew that it was best to wait for Euphemia’s cherry pie to cool down before eating it, to wait for three days after the full moon to make a werewolf joke to Remus, to wait a few hours after James lost a Quidditch match to suggest a quick trip to The Three Broomsticks. And he knew it was best to wait for you.
Good things come to those who wait, that was his mantra. Of course, most of his restraint when it came to you was because he cared deeply about you and your comfort, but his conscience also drove him to keep his hands to himself. Every time his hands were about to go under your skirt, every time he heard your breathy moans when he kissed your neck, every time you looked at him with pouty lips begging for a kiss and his fingers craved to squeeze your neck, he took a step back. He felt so guilty for tainting something that in his mind was so pure, so he just held you close and peppered your face with kisses until you giggled.
But the thought of you being so untouched and how bashful you looked when he teased you or someone made a sexual comment made him want to ruin your innocence. Something inside him craved to see you tainted, to have you writhing under him as he rolled his hips against yours while you clutched his shoulders. He wanted to take that holiness you had and turn it into something so sinful that there was no way for you to ask for redemption.
And when you opened the door and took the first step, who was he to deny you?
He dragged everything out. Since the day when he taught you how to touch yourself, he wanted to make you wait for every sexual act that followed. He wanted to see how long it would take for you to beg him for some relief.
So today during a lecture when you looked at him with glazed over eyes and begged him to help you relieve the strange ache you felt in your stomach since you woke, he decided to be benevolent and give you some relief. He swiftly moved his hand under your skirt (thanking God that most of your closet consisted of that particular piece of clothing and dresses) and pushed aside your underwear before his fingers made way between your dripping folds. He didn’t enter you, just played with your clit until you had to bite the back of your hand to muffle your moans.
But when you whispered a small “thank you, daddy” and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, the only thing he wanted to do was take you back to his room and press you to the bed until your legs shook and tears ran down your cheeks. His eyes quickly scanned the classroom to make sure no one saw or heard anything, shoulders tense because of your words. All he could see were students with their own glassy eyes as they listened to whatever the professor was talking about. Fucking tease, Sirius thought.
And now, as he watched you on your knees and clutching his leg, lips pouty and cheek nuzzling his jean covered thigh, he was thankful for being patient enough.
“Please, Sirius, they’re back,” you said. He knew exactly what you were talking about, but played dumb as one hand petted your hair. “What’s back, baby?”
“The tingles,” you explained.
“And you need me to fix it, hm?” A small taunt was evident in his tone. “Your hands aren’t enough anymore, right bunny?”
Your cheeks warmed up at the implication, nevertheless, you shook your head. You still managed to make yourself cum, but the way Sirius could play with your clit like an experienced musician and how his big hands moved your hips along his jean covered leg would never compare to your dainty digits. The thought of his big fingers inside of you was enough to increase the tingles, and your hands pressed down on your stomach trying to soothe the pain.
“Please, Sirius, it hurts so bad,” you whimpered.
“Use your words, angel. Be good,” he said. You looked up at him with watery eyes, your mind already slipping and not letting you form too many coherent thoughts. “Please, daddy,” you sniffled.
He kept petting your head. “What do you want, angel?” He asked, looking almost bored with the situation as he listened to your pleads. “Anything,” you whined.
He shook his head, mocking disappointment. “You know you have to ask for what you want, puppy.” Even though he wasn’t angry, honestly a little amused at your desperation, his voice was stern, trying to engrave his rules in your fuzzy brain.
Your hands squeezed his leg, “I need you… down there.”
“You need to be clearer.''
You closed your eyes. You hated being so crass, but Sirius certainly had no qualms about it. “I need you… in my pussy,” you got out. But it wasn’t enough, not for Sirius who longed to ruin every aspect of your innocence. “What do you want, baby? D’ya want my fingers or my tongue?”
“Both,” you whined. Bingo, he thought with a dark smirk that would’ve sent shivers down your spine if you weren’t absolutely drenching and desperate for his touch. “Up you get, puppy,” he said, “lay on the bed f’me.”
You got on the bed right next to him, your head laying on one of your fluffy pillows. Your dress rode up a bit with your movements, but it didn’t really matter, and you pressed your legs together trying to relieve some of the tension while you waited for Sirius to do something. He simply watched you, taking in the image of you wriggling in place and toying with the rings he bought you for your birthday.
You felt a soft touch on your calves, and it gave you a fluttering feeling in your stomach. Sirius’s hands were moving slowly up your legs, nudging them apart without needing much force since you complied immediately. You were about to burst, ready to scream at him to just get on with it, but decided to keep quiet.
One of his hands made its way to the edge of your dress, swiftly going under it and his fingers slightly grazing your clothed pussy. Your hips bucked at the soft touch, but then just as quickly as it came it was gone. “No, come back!” you implored, reaching for Sirius’s wrist but being too slow.
Sirius arched one eyebrow, “What was that?”
“I’m sorry!” you cried out, “M’sorry, I just need you so bad. It hurts.” But Sirius remained where he was, arms now crossed over his chest as he looked at you. His eyes were full of disappointment and you wanted to cry, “What’s gotten into you today? You were so demanding in class before, so bratty, I don’t think you deserve it at all.” He was stretching the truth, you were by far the least bratty person he had ever been with, but he couldn’t help himself when he saw how much his words affected you.
A few tears fell at his words, “No, no, m’not bratty. I’m a good girl, daddy. I promise I’ll be so so good, your best girl! I won’t ask for anything more, m’sorry.'' You were saying anything you could to convince him that you were still his good girl, his angel.
Your lips were quivering and your chest was heaving with sobs you tried to keep inside; babbling apologies and trying to convince him that you would never act like this again, and he finally took pity on you. His hands gripped your ankles and opened your legs so he could lay comfortably between them. He could see a dark patch on your lavender underwear, and he huffed out a laugh with a slightly amused shake of his head. “I forgive you, bunny, but you’ll have to take everything that I give you. D’you think you can do that f’me?”
You nodded eagerly, choking a small ‘thank you’ as you tried to control your breath. He grabbed the ends of your dress and bunched it up over your waist, not bothering to take it off. He licked a strip over your underwear and the combination of his warm tongue with the friction of the cotton cloth was enough to make you mewl.
Sirius could not deny that he had been craving to taste you once more after he licked your fingers clean that day, and now only getting a smidge of your taste from what seeped through your underwear drove him insane. He needed to taste you completely, so he quickly pulled them off and pocketed them in the back of his jeans.
He used his fingers to spread your folds wide open, staring hungrily at all the slick that had gathered. “Oh puppy, look at the mess you’ve already made,” he crooned. “Y’re dripping, d’ya really need me this bad?”
“Yes, so so bad. Please, daddy.” He was so close, his warm breath hitting your wet folds and making you tremble in anticipation.
You watched, using your elbows to raise yourself a little, as he slowly started to take his rings off. “Hold ‘em for me, bunny, don’t want them to get dirty,” he said as he slid his chunky rings into your fingers. The metal dangled a little because of the size difference, so you closed your hands to keep them from falling.
Finally, his tongue made contact with your clit and you sighed in relief. It was followed by a moan when he started to suck on it, making sure to swirl his tongue all around before slurping. He looked like a starved man that finally came into contact with some sweet fruit, moving his head around your pussy to have you gushing on him. The ache in your tummy was slowly decreasing, now replaced with a nice fluttering feeling.
Your whines and moans echoed through his ears, resembling the most beautiful angel choir he had ever heard. He pulled away for a moment, “I’ve been waiting to taste you for days, puppy. S’better than I remembered.”
The more he pushed his tongue inside you, the more your legs shook. You involuntarily closed them, your pillowy thighs acting as earmuffs around Sirius’s head. He let them rest there for a few seconds before pushing them open once more, adding more fervour to his movements, eager to drink your sweet ambrosia.
Your closed fists went to his head, and you opened them a little to grip his hair, trying to ground yourself. “Gonna cum, daddy, can I?” You breathed out. Sirius just hummed, sending vibrations that were enough to make you let go. You tried to close your legs once more, but his shoulders prevented you from doing so. You felt like you were floating, your brain shutting off for a few seconds before returning to earth.
But Sirius didn’t stop moving his tongue, one of his fingers circling your hole before entering you slowly. Just one of his fingers felt like two of yours, even though you knew it wasn’t an accurate comparison. The stretch this time burned more than when you touched yourself, and you whined while shaking your head. “Too much, s’too much.”
Sirius paused for a moment so he could press your legs to your chest with one hand while the other kept moving in and out of you. The sudden switch in position made you gasp, but not as much as when Sirius thrust his fingers hard. “Are you dumb? I told you you had to take everything I gave you. D’you want to make me mad again?”
More tears fell when he curled his fingers, expertly finding that spongy spot inside you that pumped white heat through your veins. The way they twisted resembled a musician fiddling with a harp, your needy whines accompanying them like the main act. “No no, I can take it” you gasped, drowning in bliss as his fingers kept hitting the perfect spots.
You were already so close, Sirius giving you no respite as he quickly pushed his fingers. Your hand gripped his arm, fingertips digging the ink-covered skin. “C-close,” you whined, eyes rolling back and mouth open as you felt the tension ready to break.
“Going to make more of a mess, angel?” he grumbled, and you tried to nod as much as you could in your constricted position. Sirius chuckled, “Dirty little thing. Go on, I’ve got you.”
You whimpered brokenly as he pulled another orgasm from you. It felt like his fingertips were scrapping your insides to drag it out, and your feet dangled in the air as you swung them while trying to grab his wrist to stop him from moving.
Sirius couldn’t tear his eyes from you, with your pretty tears dripping down your cheeks and your chest heaving with small sobs from how good you felt. For him, all for him and only ever for him, because no one had ever touched you like he has and no one else ever would. “You look so pretty like this,” he cooed. “God I love your tears, baby, look how hard you make me.”
Your eyes moved down his body—when had he taken off his shirt? His tattoos splayed over his toned muscles made you clench around his fingers. You adored the small drawings that covered most of his body, they looked so beautiful on him and you just wanted to cry even more at how pretty your boyfriend was. When your eyes moved lower, following his previous instruction, you could see there was already a bulge in his pants that you knew was his cock, and your mouth watered at the thought of it just resting against his stomach like it did the first time you sucked him.
“I wanna feel you,” you cried while stretching your hands to touch him. He let you, your soft palms going over his chest and grabbing his shoulders so you could pull him down. “Kissie,” you breathed, letting his lips hover over yours for a second before kissing you hard and messily. His tongue played with yours and it only added more fuel to the fire inside you.
A moan broke you apart when his fingers resumed their pace, “P-please, no more” you babbled, the stimulation too much to bear.
“How are you gonna take my cock if you can’t take my fingers, hm?” He asked and you whined, his fingers burying themselves up to his knuckles and making your eyes roll back once more. Your mouth was dry from being constantly open, whimpers and moans constantly escaping from the open cavity. “Come on, one more, I know you have it in you. My good girl aren’t you?”
The squelching sounds were so dirty and they rang through your ears,  yet even through your fuzzy mind you could discern the important words, “Y-your good girl,” you managed to get out with a smile, glad to be praised by him.
His other hand pressed down on your legs even more, and now you could see the way the digits moved in and out of you, a slight sheen coating the skin every time they came out. “God, you were right, bunny, you are tight,” he grunted, “I don’t think I’ll ever fit, m’gonna break you.”
At that, your eyes widened. “No no, you’ll fit, daddy!” But he just chuckled at your desperation, “M’gonna break you in half, angel. Do you want that? Do you want me to split you open?”
A small chant of ’yes’ and ‘please’ echoed through the room. You could feel another wave coming, ready to wash over you as your toes curled in anticipation. It was like you were dangling on the edge, your hands holding on for dear life as you tried to hold on, and your moans grew louder and louder with every thrust Sirius gave.
Your clenching walls around his digits were warning enough for him, and he kept his eyes on your form as you struggled to keep it at bay, waiting for his permission. He watched as your ring clad fingers scrambled to the sheets, gripping them tightly as your head moved from side to side. “That’s it, bunny, let go f’me” and with one harsh thrust, you slackened the hold you had on your release and finally let go.
If you felt like you were still on your body you would’ve screamed. A white heat engulfed you as your vision grew hazy, your hips raising of their own accord and aiding Sirius in dragging your orgasm out. You looked so beautiful like this, a sweaty sheen on your skin and now tangled up hair sticking to your forehead. Sirius leant down, tongue cleaning the fallen tears before they dried, and you couldn’t help the moan that escaped you.
He grabbed your face, squishing your spit covered cheeks. “What do you say, angel?”
With a shuddering breath, you looked into his stormy eyes as he cleaned your release from his fingers with his tongue. “Thank you, daddy.”
You tried to lower your legs, but Sirius kept them in place. You stared at him, confused, yet he was staring at your puffy cunt, all shiny and stretched out for him. A smirk covered his lips as he finally looked at you, “I think y’re finally ready for m’cock, angel.”
TAGLIST: @ildm4ev @capsmischief @dracosafety @dracoxgeorge @roonilwazlibswhore @lovelylupinx @sarcasmismyon1ydefence @marxy-06 @remusjlupinisdead @mattefic @artisancowbells @zzzfour @emmaev @gxtitobxby @sam-hollandsgirl —if you want to be tagged tap here
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sanguinescorpios · 3 years
How about overstimulation with the dsmp where the reader(fem/afab possibly) wakes up to dream, sapnap and george all around her, taking off her sleep shorts/underwear to take turns and overstimulate her by eating the reader out? Maybe even a bit where they ask her to be more vocal
i kinda got carried away with this one, hope it’s what you were hoping for!!
you woke up to the feeling of the elastic of your sleep shorts loosening, the string holding them up being unraveled by long fingers. another hand gripped your hips, sliding the fabric down your legs as a third pair of hands lifts your t-shirt up. what the fuck? you thought to yourself, confused but feeling like the explanation was somewhere in the back of your mind. you peeled your eyes open, squinting at the bright light coming in from the cracks in the window blinds.
before you stood your three roommates, towering over your horizontal figure and grasping at your skin with fervor. the sight of all three of them above you, half undressed and staring at your body with pure lust in their gaze, paired with the feeling of hands all over your body was almost too much to handle. holy shit, they actually took you up on your offer.
“boys,” you addressed them, a sleepy smile taking over your face.
“up,” dream ordered, tapping at your thigh as an indication. you lifted your legs off the mattress, allowing sapnap to pluck your shorts and underwear fully off you and throw them behind him haphazardly.
“wanna have our way with you, that sound good?” sapnap asked, much less stern than dream — per usual.
you nodded eagerly, still a bit groggy from just waking up but growing more wet by the minute. george was quiet, but his touch said everything his mouth didn’t. he began rubbing your clit as soon as your panties were out of the way, dragging the wetness that had been collecting at your core up through your folds. he was slow about it, pressing down hard and effortlessly pushing two digits into you. you whimpered at his touch, breathing out his name quietly and meeting his eyes, silently begging for more.
“want more, slut?” dream asked, drawing your attention back on his tall frame and now significantly less dressed figure. his member stood tall and large, your stomach turning at the idea of fitting him inside of you. still, you moaned out a yes without question. george pulled his fingers out of you at this, eliciting a whine of protest from you.
“shh, baby,” he soothed you, bringing his hand up to cup your breast and rub your nipples, “i’ve got you, princess.”
george brought his head down to suck on your breasts, twisting the opposite nipple with his fingers as you whimpered at his touch. you could feel him rutting against the bed next to you, unable to remember at what point he had set himself free. everything was moving so fast, despite somehow feeling like it was occurring in slow motion.
sapnap had pulled his cock out as well and begun rubbing at it, thick and heavy against his own hand. he watched as dream teased himself at your entrance, readying you to take him raw. you called out to him, waving him over and opening your mouth as he did. he gulped at the sight, the dots taking a moment to connect in his head before he realized what you wanted. when he caught on, he didn’t hesitate to push his cock between your lips, nearly falling against the bed at the feeling.
“fuck,” sapnap let out, broken and raspy, “so good.”
eventually, dream pressed himself into you, grunting and sighing as he sheathed his dick in your soaking cunt. you let out a near pornographic moan around sapnap’s cock, causing a groan from sapnap and a laugh from dream.
“such a fucking whore we’ve got ourselves, huh boys?” he chuckled out as he set a steady pace. the other two men nodded eagerly. dream, clearly running the situation, observed each act you were committing in detail. his eyebrows furrowed as his gaze landed on george, who was attached to your tits and thrusting his cock against the mattress.
“george,” he called, getting the attention of the other man with ease, “she’s got hands for a reason.”
george’s eyes widened and he turned to look at you, who just simply held your hand out. enclosing your fingers around george’s pretty dick felt like an honor. he let out a high and breathy moan as soon as you did so, relief covering his entire body as he reattached himself to your tits.
dream was fucking you expertly, hitting you in all the right places and tapping that sensitive area deep inside you with every thrust. you felt so full of him, clenching around him was near impossible with how stuffed you were. sapnap was fucking your mouth lazily, grabbing at your head every so often to bob you on him exactly how he wanted, but overall just enjoying you sucking him however you wanted. george wanted more than just your hand, but he couldn’t complain when your fingers rubbed him up and down and passed over his tip at exactly the right moments.
feeling them all over you, hands grabbing you in so many places and stimulation coming from all directions, was mind numbing. hearing their moans from all around you and watching as they took advantage of you in their own ways was fucking hot, to say it simply. you couldn’t count how many times you had felt yourself pushed to and over the edge, even just the recognition of what was happening was enough to throw you over the cliff of your next orgasm.
the three men had stamina for days, it seemed. each time you came, you thought it would be your last. but every time, they just kept going. dream lasted the longest out of all of them, sapnap finishing first and taking it upon himself to rub directly on your clit once he had recovered. george came next, shooting his cum onto your exposed chest and scooping it up with his fingers to let you taste it before he continued toying with your breasts. dream, on the other hand, was relentless.
you tried to moan your feelings, so exhausted and overwhelmed from the stimulation that you couldn’t form the words. you needed mercy, needed to cum and have it be the last time. still, no matter how many times you came you still found yourself chasing that next high. sapnap noticed your restlessness, and smiled patronizingly at you.
“use your words, babygirl.”
you groaned at this, rolling your eyes at the smug look on his face.
“did you not understand what he said? too stupid for our cocks that you can’t speak?” george asked in the same tone, earning another frustrated moan from you. him, too?
“please,” you finally begged, “can’t take any more.”
“i can go all day, sweetheart,” dream said with a smirk, somehow fucking into you harder, “we all can.”
and they certainly did.
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andysbubba · 3 years
home to me
↳ andy let you go once, he doesn't wanna lose you again
a/n: a little series? this one's probably gonna have another chapter or two hehe <3
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Andy's stomach churned when he sees you. In a very good way. It's been a good two years since the break up and he can barely believe that he's seeing you right then and there— in the corner of the cafe that Andy knows you love going to. Your voice made his heart flip. It's so goddamn beautiful and Andy misses it so damn much.
He doesn't even know why he's so stunned at the sight of you. It's the only reason why he's there— why he's always going there almost every weekend, hoping to get a glimpse of you sometime. You're in the fuzzy, furry jacket that you're always wearing on chilly days, your hair pulled up with a claw clip and your laptop right in front of you with a cup of coffee right by the side.
He tried to get over you, he really did. But even after all the women he met after you, no one made him feel the same way you did. The butterflies in his stomach he gets just talking to you like some teenager, or how his heart just flutters when you smiled at him with that beautiful grin.
Andy couldn't help but look at you every two minutes, while he's waiting in the queue for his turn. He's thinking of what to say if he even has the guts to walk up to you and say hi.
The break up wasn't necessarily bad... it was mutual. Kinda. You were in the middle of your studies and you just wanted to focus on doing well and getting your masters. It's not that Andy was a distraction— really, he actually helped a lot. But between studying and trying to make sure you don't abandon Andy, you realised that taking a break would be good for the both of you.
You were young, only 24 while Andy was 14 years older than you are. He's so mature and wise that you just felt that you just wanted to grow as your own person before you and Andy took it any further and got more serious. You thought that you'd work on yourself, fixing up your flaws and make yourself just grow into a better version of yourself. And as much as Andy disagreed, he didn't want to force you to keep being with him. He thought that maybe, you both could just grow as time passes, and that you can change right next to him.
But he just agreed with you, because he definitely does not want to pressure you into being in a relationship with him no matter how much he actually wants you to stay with him. So technically, it was a mutual break-up to you. But he didn't really feel the same.
And unsurprisingly, Andy simply cannot get over you. Two years passed, and he just wishes that you're by his side again.
"Hi! What can I get for you?"
Andy snaps out of his trance, stepping towards the cashier and ordering his coffee to-go with a bagel as well. He takes a quick glance at you before he decides to change his mind. "Actually— I'll just have those here."
Wait— you recognise that voice.
You instantly glance up from the screen of your laptop, watching the familiar back and broad shoulders standing at the cashier. Holy fuck- Andy?
Your gaze turns back down to your laptop, your mind trying to decide between approaching him or just letting him go... again... like you did 2 years ago. He still fits into those polo tees like a glove, the jeans barely doing his ass justice but it really accentuates his goddamn thighs.
Fuck. Two damn years and you still have it bad for him.
"Can I join?" Andy glances down at some blueprint or floor-plan thing you have on your laptop. "Unless I'm interrupting— you look busy."
"Andy—" You turned to him and back to the opened floor-plan on the screen. "No, no. Hey-" You lowered the screen and put it aside, leaving some space for Andy. You gestured at him to join you in the booth.
Andy takes up the offer, setting the cup in his hand and the bagel right in front of you before he slides in. "Hey,"
You let out a breathy laugh as you look at him, fidgeting with your fingers underneath the table. "Been a long time."
"Yeah," He nods, offering you one of his adorable smiles as he rests his forearms on the table. "I stopped seeing you around, thought you moved away."
"I thought you did— till I heard the news talking about one of your cases." You retort, lips curling into a soft smile. "How've you been, Andy?"
"Same old, y'know. Long hours at the office and takeout nights. Nothing really changed." Andy grins, "How's everything goin' for ya?"
Oh— and he definitely isn't wrong when he said 'nothing really changed'. For this 40-year-old man to still look like the Andrew Stephen Barber you met like 4 years ago? Phew.
"Uhm- pretty good! I'm uh- I just signed a contract with Perkins and Will."
Andy's lips curled into a wide grin. "You did it!"
He remembers?
Your head tilts as you look at him. "You remember?"
"Of course, hon. That's your dream firm." He reaches over table and pats your hand. "I'm happy for you, Y/n."
"Thank you, Andy," You brush a hand through your hair, eyeing Andy in his whole polo tee and jeans glory. "I'm surprised you aren't working on a Saturday morning,"
Andy lets out a laugh at your words, "Yeah- I just thought, y'know. Uh- I'm old enough to stop being such a workaholic."
You raised a brow at that, "Andy, you aren't old." You give him a suggestive glance as your eyes trace his whole figure. "Definitely don't look like it."
"I'll say the same thing for ya, Y/n." Andy didn't bother hiding his gaze either, eyes trailing down your body till it's back up to your face. "Two damn years and you still look as gorgeous as ever, sweetheart."
A breathy laugh leaves your lips. "Always as flattering as ever, Mr Barber."
"You know I'm an honest person, sweetheart." Andy winks before he takes a sip of his coffee.
You hum as you run your finger on the edge of your own cup. "I remember you telling me that all lawyers are really good liars."
You love how familiar this feels. It's like nothing has changed and both of you are back in 2019. Good, good days. Letting Andy go was a dumb move on your side, you realised that pretty soon after the break-up. You should've known that you and Andy would've made it work someway, somehow.
"C'mon, honey. Y'know I can never lie to you." The wide smile he has on his lips is as charming as ever and god if it doesn't just make you fall in love again- as if you ever fell out of love with him in the first place. Andy clears his throat, a hand inching to the back of his neck and softly rubbing the spot. You instantly realised that he's a little nervous. "You dating anyone?"
You let out an almost silent snort, scoffing at his question. "Ya think? I just called you hot five minutes ago, handsome."
Andy takes a bite of his bagel, looking up at you through those goddamn long eyelashes as his mouth moves to chew the food and those fucking pink lips making you stare at him like a horny teenager.
"You've got to stop staring at me like that, sweetheart." He warns, but the glint in his eyes is telling you that he really doesn't mind you staring him up like that.
Your brows raised immediately in defence. "Like what?"
You tried your best to fight the grin fighting its way to form on your lips. But Andy is a goddamn lawyer, after all. He knows his shit and he knows that you're just being a tease.
He huffs, brow arched as he looks at you. "Like you wanna eat me." He replies shortly, lips curling into a smirk. "Cause I was planning to take this slow after 2 whole years. And you aren't helping."
You hum, picking your cup up and taking a sip from it, hiding the grin forming on your lips behind the cup. "You can still wine and dine me if you wanna." You set the cup down and lean forward, head tilted to one side with your head resting in your palm. "But y'know, I'm pretty impatient."
Andy laughs, backing away from you and resting back against his seat. "Guess it's good that I've got enough patience for both of us, huh?"
You laugh at his words. "We'll see, Mr Barber."
He takes your words as an invite to ask you out. "Dinner tonight? My place."
You playfully rolls your eyes, ignoring the little flutter in your heart. "Who's impatient now?"
"It's a yes or no question, sweetheart."
"Still that cute little loft?"
"I'll text you my new address later."
You couldn't fight the grin forming on your lips. "It's a date."
He was at the grocery store when he pulled out his phone and goes to your contact to shoot you a text. It has always been there, saved and never deleted. He didn't want to get rid of the hope that he might have you back.
Andy: 242 Warren St [sent 3.24pm]
Andy: See you tonight, sweetheart. [sent 3.25pm]
You didn't reply so Andy just assumed that you read it. He's looking forward to seeing you again tonight and he's excited.
It wasn't till you got home that you realised that Andy doesn't have your new number.
thanks for reading and uhm come join my taglist if you liked this little chapter? I'm definitely looking forward to writing this one.
do tell me what you think about this, lovelies! i'm kinda excited to see where this goes
taglist: @milea @ajeff855 @fanofalltheficsx @justile @christowhore @amelia-song-pond @melissad1974 @thegirlwiththeimpala @bval-1 @suchababie @ephemeralfics@franzliszts-wife @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hallecarey1@paintdripsandbrownies-blog @notbrooklynsblog @perfect-peter@alwaysclassyeagle @coffeebooksandfandom @gitasor @mansaaay @iguess-vall @feralherbs @kaiparker-avengerssmut
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chil2de · 3 years
Your sharing a bed with the JJK men hc's were incredible 😩 special mentions for Megumi's bed head, Nanami being a secret cuddle bug, and Yuuta having to drink both iced coffees (that fucking sent me fjdndnfd I could picture it so clearly).
You're super talented so could I, er, possible get a NSFW version? 👀 💳💥💥💥💳💳💥💳💥
Thank you so much 🥺💕
hello anonie!!! thank you dear i’m so glad you liked them!! please the credit card emojis had me cackling LMFAOOOO you really made my whole day out here!!!(THE ICED COFFEE WAS MY FAVOURITE PART TOO)
well i managed to hit the max amount of characters allowed in a tumblr post with five characters alone so i’m going to have to split this up into several posts. it just kinda happened ig
characters in this post: itadori yuuji, gojo satoru, okkotsu yuuta, fushiguro toji (megumi was supposed to be here but i had to reserve him for next post😔)
this work is nsfw. if you’re new here, please read my disclaimer before proceeding. thank you and enjoy!
based off of this post
- itadori would prob be a ‘deer in the headlights’ if you woke him up in the middle of the night
- but after that? shit, he’s so nice to you. so kind and generous for his baby girl. whether he’s fucking you ‘cause he thinks you might be able to sleep after an orgasm or there’s just an incessant desire for him- doesn’t really matter all that much to itadori. he loves you either way :)
- gets horny so easily LMFAO
- would 100% dick you down if you asked him to and i like to think that he still keeps his really sweet personality during sex cause aaaa he would be so soft and reassuring
- hardcore dom yuuji sounds sexy as all hell but let’s be real… this man won’t kill a fly and apologises for stepping on ants. only exception being angry sex but overall reserving hard dom for sukuna :)
you pepper tiny kisses onto itadori’s face, treating him with the utmost care like handling fine china. his skin feels so soft against your lips, and he smells very faintly of milky soap. there’s some traces of brand cologne on his shirt, as well as his natural scent.
“yuuujiii-“ you coo, blowing air very gently. when he doesn’t stir, you run your fingertips through a bundle of his cotton candy tainted hair. it evokes a reaction from him, so you continue to press him.
after a few moments, itadori lets out a soft whine before grumbling incoherent blabber. “i won’t eat the pineapple! kugisaki will scream at me!”
you giggle before prodding him again, when finally he relents and jolts awake, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted at how close your face is to his.
“‘s it morning yet?” he wrinkles his nose, stifling a yawn. you emit a hum in thought before wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling you into him. itadori squeaks in surprise when he feels you latch your lips onto his neck, suckling and carefully breaking the bonds underneath his sensitive skin. his moan comes out groggy, still laced with sleep.
“that drives me crazy, you know that, right?” itadori laughs, though his voice comes as a wobble.
“i know. and they look so good on you too, hm?” you giggle, caressing one hand from his neck and then down to the hem of his shirt. your fingertips flutter against his bare skin and he shivers physically and audibly. you smooth your palm flat along his chest, dragging your nails carefully against his muscles.
“kinda.. wanna.. go to.. sleep.. but i don’t.. wanna fall asleep…” itadori mumbles against his pillow. the fabric muffles most of it, but there’s a strain in his voice that leads you to believe he’s moaning lightly. guess after sukuna ripped his heart out, this area hasn’t been quite the same, huh?
“so? then go to sleep, yuuji. i’ll be fine-“ “-no way! i gotta take care of you”
“so why don’t you?”
“‘m going to! i was asleep just half a minute ago!”
“and besides-“
he shifts himself up into a sitting position, leaning his back against the headrest. itadori opens his arms, motioning for you to crawl on top of him. without any haste, you clamber over his built frame, ghosting just over the print of his hard dick.
“not that i mind but- we did, you know, in the morning already-“ “oh, shit, sorry- it’s totally fine if you don’t want t-“ “-just messing with you!”
itadori pulls your neck down and gifts you with the same treatment you were offering him earlier. his tongue is hot and wet against your skin and you can already feel the precipitation forming at the back of your knees. calloused yet tender hands smooth around your waist and he smooths his palms over your shoulder blades.
after itadori’s satisfied with the mark he left, you can’t help but groan a little into his mouth when his lips suddenly claim yours. he drinks you up, relying solely on your taste like he’s drowning and you’re the air he needs.
itadori takes his sweet time cherishing you, or rather it’s still his state of half slumber, but you can feel a dull ache prick your abdomen. you scratch up his shirt, motioning for him to take it off. you’re unsure what comes over you, but shit, you don’t want him- you need him.
“heyheyhey, ‘s okay. don’t worry, i got you.”
“i’ll take care of you.”
“just relax, okay? i got this.” he only coos with sweet reassurances, peppering small kisses and handling you with the utmost precision.
you whimper, balancing your palms flat against his abdomen for additional support as you sink down onto itadori’s cock. he lets out a hum of content, forehead bumping against yours as he allows you to adjust.
“you good?” he murmurs after a few moments, capturing a few strands of your hair in between his fingertips. you nod meekly and itadori hisses out a breathy exhale. he’s sure that if he goes rough as shit you might end up more broken than being able to sleep, so he screws his eyes shut and exhales to maintain his composure.
blazing hot lips scrape against your ear, and his voice comes out in a husky tone.
“tell me how you want it.”
by the lords of everything and all that is holy, itadori only chants the same phrase over and over in his mind. it’s a miracle that he’s able to think straight with all the blood rushing to his cock. he’s more than happy to take it slow, reward you with slow and long strokes while he showers you with high praises. but he can’t ignore the twitch that he experiences when he envisions that pretty lil fucked out face of yours, all messy and ruined for him.
you mutter that you have no preference, that you don’t care because anything he’ll do for you is perfect, and it only gives him a beaming smile at your words.
itadori grabs the scrunched up ball of his shirt that he was wearing before ripping the fabric into half with his bare teeth. you watch his eyebrows perk when he notices how fucking hot you just found that, evident with the way your walls fluttered around him.
“here, babe.”
you part your lips and he stuffs the fabric into your mouth, there’s a little bit of excess hanging out, but he reminds you that you look sexy as hell either way, on top of his dick like that with your hands on his chest, legs spread, face flushed and ready for him.
“don’t wanna be wakin’ anyone else up.”
this man is about to end my whole career
yuuta wouldn’t bring it up on his own accord just because… respect.. and he doesn’t want to pressure you or make you uncomfortable into doing things you’re not ready to.
it’s kind of a gray area for him because he doesn’t relish the idea of bringing up sensitive and/or extremely awkward topics so he really said ‘i’ll leave it up to future me’s problem’
but holy shit. let me absolutely tell you.
the second you hint at it? anything of the sorts? 0 to 100. he is FREAKY you cannot tell me he’s innocent just LOOK at the man
can make you scream with ease. all that practice he’s been doing with handling katanas? he doesn’t need his dick to make you cum. will gladly lick up your leftover juices and remark with a smile on his face how ‘it tastes good, angel’
similarly to itadori, i think he would be sweet and patient when asking for your preferences, etc, but after that you’re gonna have to find something to bite onto
“and? what’d you tell her?” yuuta remarks from over his fanned out deck of three cards. his gaze flickers to you as he awaits a response before using his index and middle finger to lay down a +4 card.
“red, by the way.”
you huff and glare at your boyfriend, picking up four cards and attempting to hold them in such a way that they don’t all fall and rattle to the floor. truth be told? you’re seriously a sore fuckin’ loser. you don’t know how he does it, but you’ve never managed to win a game against yuuta.
“i told maki-san that it’s her problem, not mine. if she’s so pressed about people taking them, why does she keep noodles stored in the fridge? really, noodles in the fridge? they’re really spicy as well! made my nose run like hell.” you scoff in distaste, throwing down a random red card on the pile.
“you totally ate them didn’t you?” yuuta giggles, beaming you a wide smile.
“also.. told her that i didn’t see them instead but- yeah.”
“aren’t you worried she’ll find out? oh, and, uno.”
“she might just beat me up to be honest, and, uno, you say? not anymore, love.” you sneer, throwing down a +4 card.
“i want green.”
“i’d protect you.” yuuta states over his cards. you feel like cracking a joke and laughing, but there’s absolutely zero implication on his facial features to show that he’s joking. that, and his serious tone, of course.
you flip your cards down onto the table and yuuta squeaks, pointing towards them.
“uh- i can see your cards-“
“it’s okay, not like i was gonna win anyway.”
at this point, yuuta’s mind races a hundred miles an hour. he’s panicking, blood pressure raised, heart thumping and throat clogged. oh, shit, did he do something wrong? did he upset you? is it ‘cause he said he’d protect you with no regards to the fact that you’re perfectly capable of fending yourself off against maki? fuck, he’s such a god damn screw-up, can’t even take care of his girlfriend correct-
your fingertips slide around his neck, hands interlocking at the base of his head. your thighs balance on his lap and you straddle him, legs either side of his.
he can’t help but hitch his breath, holding it in as though one wrong move and you would dematerialise.
“what’re you thinking about in that head of yours?”
whether you’re referencing his mini panic attack just now, or if you’re referring to all the multiple times he’s battled just bending you over and railing the absolute shit out of you, there’s not much room for debate when you brush your clothed sex up against the print of his dick.
yuuta snakes his slender hands around your throat, holding it in place. you can feel the arousal pool and wash over you, and you’d be more than surprised if you hadn’t soaked through your clothes.
he lets out a breathy laugh, devastating your stomach with butterflies due to how attractive he sounds. yuuta’s soft lips brush the shell of your ear and his other hand moves to rest on your waist,
“why don’t i show you?”
before you can utter a tease something along the lines of “show me what? how you’re too scared to hit me in bed?” you’re already down, flipped over and bent over the table you and yuuta were using moments prior ago for uno. the cards have splattered all over the wooden floor and you only hiss in discomfort as the cool surface scratches against your delicate skin. your boyfriend towers over you, leaning down as his torso clicks into place against your back. even through his titanium white jacket, you can feel his calm and collected heartbeat. he rests his head on your shoulder, nudging his face into you.
“don’t scream, okay? or, try not to, at least-“
his warm fingertips ghost over the curve of your ass, where he pinches the skin there before delivering a loud slap. you squeak, back arching as you jolt from the action. he proceeds by grabbing the inside of your thighs, long middle finger hoisting around your underwear and pulling it to the side. he makes note of the red lingerie you’re wearing and gives you a small chuckle, peppering a kiss to the side of your face.
“-unless, of course-“
“-you’d prefer everyone hear me fuck you stupid.”
“safe word’s blue, angel. i love you and thank you.”
truth be told, you were never sure what to expect from yuuta. hell, you’d never really seen the man’s dick before, sure you caught glimpses in the morning whenever he’d wake up but it’s really not the same. nothing in the world can compare to the first time you felt his piping hot tip brush up against your slicked cunt. and it was embarrassing, actually, the way your pussy was seething for him already.
with a firm hold on your tailbone, yuuta utilises his lower body strength to ram his dick all the way inside. there’s a garbled and choked moan that hisses from you when you feel your walls wrap and deform around the girth of yuuta’s dick. you whine even more so when you can physically feel a thick vein that decorates his shaft.
“the mirror.” yuuta commands in a low tone, redirecting you to glance at the same mirror you’d always fantasised about him fucking you in front of.
his eyes are half lidded, riddled with concentration. it reminds you of that feral and focused gaze he gets during serious battles.
“don’t look at me. look here.”
you trail the outline of yuuta’s arm veins as a result of him rolling his uniform sleeves up; following his v line that points towards his dick. you can only gawk in awe when you realise you’ve taken him to the base of his shaft.
his gaze locks with yours for a split second and he snaps his hips out until just about his tip is visible inside your cunt.
and shit, if his pretty pink cock isn’t the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, especially with that attractive curve. you’re sure the gesture is just to wind you up, but you can’t help but swoon at him showcasing his pride to you.
“so- mmhf- pretty-“ you whine, words jumbled and breath caught when he slams his dick inside without any prior warning. you can only shriek in exclamation when his tip bruises your cervix, and you’re unsure whether you lament the sensation or not.
he only gives you a cheerful hum, reminding you of his usual cheery disposition. it’s not until then that you realise how much of a fucking beast he’s acting right now.
“right? i’ll put it to good use, i promise.”
- i know we’re all thinking the same thing here lmfao
- trying to sleep? good for you, now, open your legs for satoru.
- oh you can’t sleep? atta girl, down on your knees for satoru.
- bye i can literally imagine gojo saying some dumbass shit like “think you were trying to sleep but i couldn’t help but think how good my dick would look down your throat like that. sorry, love, you’re not sleeping tonight.”
you blink your eyes in turn with the cicadas chirping aside, stifling a yawn. everything around you down to the very last detail screams at you to sleep, but you just cannot. from the pitch black night that floods the room obscurely, to gojo’s even and quiet breathing beside you. you’ve tried it all. you’ve counted an excess amount of sheep, you’ve tensed and relaxed your body more than you can remember. hell, no matter how many times you’ve flipped the pillow you always seemed to feel less exhausted each time.
you can’t watch netflix, because you’ve binged all your favourite shows. it’s not that you’d wake gojo up because, who cares? by the time you finish scrolling through the endless lists it’ll be time to get up.
you ponder over the things you can do, continuing to subconsciously blink furiously. that is until gojo makes note of your stupid actions and starts giggling like a high schooler at his first sleepover.
“what the hell are you doing?” he snorts, cackling into the pillow like it’s the best joke he’s heard for quite some time.
“shut up, satoru. i’m trying to sleep you ass.” you tut at him, berating him for ruining your divine concentration.
gojo audibly shifts onto his stomach, his right arm crosses over the back of his head as he lazily rests his palm onto his scalp. the other arm preoccupies itself by landing it smack bang onto your chest, fingers wandering up to cup your breast.
“satoru, huh? that’s daddy for ya” he remarks, still giggling in a state of half asleep.
“uh-huh. goodnight.” you dismiss him and his nonsense.
“just go take a shower. always helps me whenever i can’t sleep.”
“hm? you’re giving me actual good advice and being a normal boyfriend? i think i might be asleep already, this is the best dream ever.” you remark sarcastically, prying gojo’s glued wrist off of your breast and sitting up. you could go for a shower, actually. you’re not sure why but it’s always so therapeutic to take one at night rather than the morning.
“huuuh? how could you say that? you’re so mean, (y/n)-chaan! i offered you my love and the world and this is how you repay m-“
“-goodnight satoru. i love you.”
“don’t think professing your love for me will change my mind! i’m still upset at you right now, young lady!” gojo shouts from over his pillow, exclaiming and irritating you in the way he knows how to best.
“yeah, yeah. okay.” you mumble softly to yourself, bearing a wide grin from ear to ear nonetheless.
when you move to crank the water on in the shower, you realise that you didn’t bring along a change of clothes. you momentarily pop back into the bedroom to ransack the drawer for anything that you can find.
“are you back to apologise for being so mean to me?” gojo whines and you can see the pout evident on him even when it’s pitch black.
“no, i’m just here for clothes, satoru.”
you hear him mumble something but it’s muffled by the sheets he’s underneath so you don’t heed any attention to it and resume in taking a shower to help keep your insomnia at bay.
with a ginger step and a small ‘oopf’, you heave yourself into the large shower that only a headass like gojo would bother buying. it’s reminiscent to what a hot tub looks like on the inside, with surrounding jets practically in a full 360 degrees. the things so steep that there’s a small step up in front of the shower outside the actual structure. it must have cost quite the fortune.
you reach in for the built in shelf to grab ahold of some of your toiletries as you allow the water to fall in a gentle sprinkle, almost like rain. there’s an audible squeeze reminiscent to trying to get the last ounces of ketchup as you apply some body gel to your hands, lathering it up.
despite standing, the warmth of the water leads your muscles to feel less tense. the only noteworthy downside is that the running water is tremendously loud. how on earth is gojo sleeping through all that racket?
slender fingertips ghost over your inner thighs. you can feel his wet and sturdy chest in place against your spine.
“surprised to see me?”
“you know i can’t let my baby talk shit like that.”
really? that’s his issue at hand here?
“so which is it?”
“acting like an intolerant brat because you’re tired or ‘cause you wanna get dicked down?”
gojo loops his arm underneath your leg, bending it up. you almost topple over in the process and you lay one hand flat against the tile.
“don’t answer that. sometimes it’s so obvious that you’re such a whore for my dick.”
“huh?! what the shit are you saying?” you snap at how correct he is.
gojo yanks your face back, digging his fingers into your cheeks as he forces you to face him. it almost sends your neck into two pieces, straining to look back at him.
“oh, really princess? just the other day you were begging me to fuck you”
“remember that? couldn’t wait so you rode me in the car? you know, baby, all you gotta do is ask.”
your legs tremble and psyche wobbles when he pries your mouth open with his thumb, promptly before spitting into it.
“don’t bother with the bullshit. i’ll play the games, not you.”
he drags his hard cock against the curve of your ass, slapping it against you.
“i don’t think i feel like fuckin’ you right now.” gojo sneers, humming sardonically. his lips quickly latch onto yours when you spin around to meet his gaze. like the fucker he is, gojo moans and whines into the kiss- lips ravaging you whole and tongue capturing your essence.
“baby girl, i was gonna let you top me. you know i don’t let anyone do that.”
his long middle finger prods against your cunt, forcing itself in with ease.
“damn, you’re soaked. you really wanted to milk me dry that bad?”
you hate him. hate him so fucking bad. he flashes you that attractive smile of his, azure eyes sparkling and snow white hair disturbed with water.
gojo pulls his finger out before sucking onto it in front of you, lapping all the excess arousal off.
“i’m not playing with you tonight.”
- i literally don’t even need to say anything here
- just be sure to make a hospital check up appointment or something
- um-i uh- please remember to breathe after this one? maybe touch some grass? ALSO my first time writing for toji AAA i hope he’s okay
maybe if you don’t breathe? nah, that wouldn’t work. there’s still air acting around your limbs when you move so you’d be disturbing the barriers there. let’s see… maybe bit by bit? surely if you slowly inched his shirt up? then again, wouldn’t toji chew you out halfway through? maybe you should just give it to him straight up? just slip your hand under his shirt. come on. but he looks so peaceful, sleeping like that.. long eyelashes fluttered closed, lips relaxed and not scowling. his eyebrows are softly arched. he looks so soft, lips parted, chest rising and falling with every breath.
fuck it. just do it. cuddle him already.
you muster up all your courage in one fell swoop and you bend one leg over toji, resting it just above his groin. your right arm sprawls out over his chest and your hand rests against his toned arm. he’s already sleeping with one arm bent up with his hand supporting the back of his head, so you utilise the free real estate to nestle your head in the crook of where his shoulder and collarbone meet.
when he doesn’t move after a while, you deem your life to be safe and exhale with ease.
“you’re not asleep.” toji states in a groggy, husky tone. it’s supposed to be a question, but, coming from him it almost sounds like a challenge.
“yes?” you squeak out meekly.
“‘yes?’ you asleep or not?”
“i can’t sleep again.” you murmur against his shirt and he exhales a small sigh. the arm that you’re clinging onto moves to draw small circles on your thigh that rests on toji.
“when’d you notice?” you inquire, glancing down at his large wrists.
“like five minutes ago. nice try, kid.” toji snorts indifferently, chuckling at your behaviour.
when you don’t make an effort to respond, toji’s interest peaks and he lets out a small hum of intrigue when he follows your gaze.
he turns his head, brushing his lips up against your temples.
“see anything interesting down there?”
“as a matter of fact-“
you nestle yourself in between toji’s large and built thighs, digits curling around the waistband of his boxers. he only smirks at you through the dark, cock twitching through the fabric. you notice toji hover his hips up so that you can slide his boxers off for him and you happily oblige.
“-i do.” you chime, licking your lips.
it’s cute, though, if you thought toji was gonna let you handle him like that all by yourself.
as you kiss a trail up his thick shaft, toji yanks ahold fistfuls of your hair before grabbing your face off of his cock.
“who said you could suck my dick? that’s real cute.”
“thinking you actually have a place in my house.”
“i didn’t train you to be such a depraved slut. know your fucking place, because this isn’t it.”
“how many times do i gotta tell you? you don’t belong here. look around. do you see anything that shows a woman lives here? no? that’s because you’re nothing but a fuck doll for me.”
toji hisses out profanities at the gag you spew when he slams your tiny little mouth back down on his dick.
“lose the teeth you imbecile. unless you’re trying to tell me that you can’t suck my dick properly.”
incessant whines and garbled sentences are muffled by toji’s cock. whatever remnants you had of your vision are nothing but a blur as tears stream your cheeks, nose running and sniffles resurface in a repeating pattern over the slick sounds of slurping and gagging. your mouth stretches as far as it can go and the corners of your lips shriek in despair. you can feel the skin there stretch and pull beyond what’s considered normal.
even through all that, you manage to glance up at toji through your water logged lashes. you’ll be a good girl for him. you need to be.
“fuuuck. that’s a pretty sight.” he grumbles and a deep chuckle resonates through his chest. within a few moments, toji fumbles to reach for something.
you can only wince and screw your eyes at the suddenly blinding flash of a light in front of you. one can only assume he’s taken a photo of you in your humiliating state.
you can feel the fear settle into your veins when that telltale ping of a message being sent vibrates throughout the room. if you were to listen hard enough, you could hear a notification go off in the next room over.
your throat feels raw, jaw tense and locked open. it’s been a good twenty minutes of toji face fucking you to teach you a valid lesson. it’s all in the will of him wanting to drag this on, savouring every miniscule slurp, whimper or gasp. when his strokes start to feel sloppier than usual, you can’t help but feel relieved.
as you squirm about due to toji shooting hot ropes of his thick cum down your throat, the door softly clicks open.
“megumi. you’re just in time.”
“she’s way more obedient than your mom ever used to be.”
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hans-alter-ego · 3 years
Tom Holland x Reader Smut
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(Not my gif)
Summary: Its was Sunday, both you and Tom (along with Sam, Harry and Tuwaine) were invited to go round to Harrisons for a nice little lunch, the plan was to just have a few drinks outside as the weather was amazing, but Tom found your new lovely spring dress more than fitting and couldn’t keep his hands off of you.
Warnings⚠️: contains smut! Swearing, unprotected sex, alcohol, kinda public sex? Also kinda funny
Word Count: 1.4k
                 Oh no, we heard 
“Right, who fancies a beer then?”
Harrison asked and all the boys answered with a cheer in unison. You shook your head and when Harrison had came back with a few beers he looked to you.
“Don’t you worry y/n, Tom told me to get some wine for you”
Harrison winked at you and went to go get you a class of wine. You looked to Tom and smiled
“Thank yooou”
“I got you babe”
Tom have you a kiss and Harrison came walking back with a glass of white wine a slightly over filled. You all toasted and soon the lunch was served. Harrison did a good job on supplying enough food for the boys, Harry, Sam and Tuwaine had completely devoured the food infront of them, Tom had moved from a few beers to his second glass of whiskey and coke and you had had atleast a whole bottle of white wine to yourself. You couldn’t help but notice how Tom looked at your every single time you stood up from your seat to get something. His hands always fiddled with the bottom of your dress as your stood up or sat down and sometimes he’d even move his hands upmyour thigh under the table
“Toommmyyy someones being touchy”
“Can’t help it baby, you look amazing”
His hand grabbed your thigh roughly and you had to hide a little gasp. Harry sat next to you and felt you fidget
“You alright?”
You pushed Tom’s hand away and a chuckle came from him
“Can’t wait to take that off you”
Tom whispered to you ever so lightly sending goosebumps to your skin
“Yep! Its a bit hot here right? Wooo yeah need to go get some ice”
Harry rasied an eyebrow at you and his eyes gazed to Tom. Tom kept quiet and tried to not laugh. You got up from your seat struggling because you were tipsy but went for it anyways.
“Haz you’ve got ice right? I need some cold cold water”
Harrison took a sip from his beer before answering
“I got a bag in the freezer, dont use the fridge machine one, its fucked”
You nodded and walked to the kitchen getting a cup from one of the cabinets. Before you could open the freezer to get some ice you felt hands go to your waist, you quickly turned around and came face to face with Tom who had a cheeky grin spread to his lips.
“No no don’t cool down baby”
He was definitely drunk but not drunk enough to be completely rat-arsed. His lips went to your neck and quickly nibbled and sucked on your sweet spots, you held back a moan the best you could but it just slipped out a little
“You look fucking delicious in this dress baby”
You felt your cheeks go hot at his words, your hands moved to his arms where they carressed them.
“Baby you gotta be careful the boys-”
“Screw the boys, I need you y/n please”
His kisses moved up your neck and he nibbled on your ear making you melt and tingle, it was a weak spot of yours. His hands tugged on your dress causing it to scrunch up a bit. Deep down you wanted to have him inside you, but you couldn’t handle the boys walking in at some point.
“Tom, we can’t what if they walk in”
“We can find somewhere they wont look trust me. Just give me 5 minutes to make you feel good baby, I promise to be quiet”
They way Tom looked at you it made you cave and you couldn’t say no
“5 minutes or less”
Tom grabbed your hand and you two went off to one of the guest bathrooms, Tom quickly locked the door and returned his hands to your waist picking you up and putting you next to sink. You couldn’t help but laugh at Tom’s drunk clumsiness as he fiddled with his trousers. Once unbuttoned his hands moved under your dress and he basically ripped your panties off
Tom was quick to react to your loud voice and his hand came to cover your mouth. It turned you on when he did this for some reason
“Shhh baby, remember we gotta be quiet”
Toms voice was enough to send wetness inbetween your legs. Tom definitely didn’t hesitate, taking out his hard member he pumped it a few times with his hands and entered you. You screamed a little but the sound was muffled by his hand. You were tight around him, and that itself caused Tom to give a low moan.
“Holy fuck y/n— tight as always”
His voice was breathy as he began to move in and out of you. Once he got used to your tightness and you had adjusted to his size, Tom began thrusting harder and quicker remembering he only had a 5 minute time limit. Your hands were all over eachother, grabbing and tugging hair or clothes. His hand was still covering your mouth and you had closed your eyes tightly as you enjoyed the roughness coming from Tom.
“You look so fucking good in that dress baby fuck”
He grunted as he fucked you harder. The way his moans came out made you wet and the whole ordeal of having a quick hidden hook up with Tom was adding to your arousal. You gave a muffled moan in response as that was all you could do. Your hands tugged at his hair as you felt yourself getting closer
“I wanna feel your pussy cumming baby”
Tom must of forgetten about keeping you quiet because he removed his hand and placed it to your clit where he began rubbing it quickly, sending a huge wave of pleasure through your body, you bit your lip but a somewhat loud moan still escaped you.
“T-Tom Tom I-”
“I’m gunna cum too!”
Before either of you could say another word, you both came together. You arched your back and pulled Tom close to you as you came. Toms pace slowed down as he twitched and filled you up, his breath panting and hot on your skin. You both stayed there for a few seconds before Tom pulled out from your and cleaned up with some toilet paper. You quickly did the same and tried to dry yourself up a little. Tom handed you back your panties and you slipped them on quickly, flattening out your dress and making sure you looked ok in the bathroom mirror. Tom gave you a kiss and you two quickly left the bathroom. Toms hair was still messy and his face still red from what just happened. Your dress was slightly scrunched up in places even though your tried to make it look nice again. When you walked back into the dinning room all the boys looked to the both of you and they all cheered and laughed at the same time.
“Bruv aint no one gunna do the crazy shit you two do”
Tuwaine got up and laughed, Sam awkwardly looked to you and joined Tuwaine as they made their way to the living room. Harry got up from his seat aswell, giving a slight applause to the both of you
“Nice one Tom nice one, really gave it your all”
“Oh fuck off”
Harry laughed as he teased Tom. Immediately you knew that everyone knew what you and Tom got up to. It wasn’t till Harrison came from the kitchen behind you guys and put his arms around the both of you.
“You don’t think they heard… right?”
“Oh we definitely heard what you guys got up to”
Harrison said cheekily
Harrison looked to Tom and just laughed, he then turned and winked at you, you gave him a slap and he laughed again.
“Gotta say, i feel like we all shared a close moment together”
“Don’t be a twat”
“Me? A twat? How rude of you Thomas! Here I am supplying a lovely guest bathroom for you to fuck in and you call mea twat!”
Harrison loved to tease Tom and right now this was his best chance to rile him up. Giving you a squeeze on the shoulder he removed his arms from both of you and laughed again.
“Bet you need some ice now huh y/n”
“Harrison I swear. To. God. I will slap you”
Harrison quickly ran off to the living room with the rest of the boys, you felt completely embarrassed and really flustered after everything that just happened. Tom put his arm around you and comforted you.
“Don’t let them get to you baby, one more word out of them and i’ll make em shut up”
“Just promise you’ll let me atleast smack Harrison once”
You both laughed and Tom gave you a quick kiss
“Still fucking love that dress”
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Extra (Part Seven)
Warning - Smut. Angst
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton
"That's fucking perfect... Holy shit y/n..." You loved watching his eyes roll back into his head, the breathy little moans as you rocked against him. The feel of his cock inside you pulsing and swelling against that special spot only he knew - you'd even tried finding it yourself without success and he refused to tell you where it was.
Saturday had been spent lazing around the hotel room, ordering room service, sex in positions you'd never heard of, christening every surface available to you. He'd allowed you a brief respite Saturday night, curled up together in exhausted bliss before falling asleep wrapped up in each others arms.
Sunday morning had come round far too quickly, and here you were, your legs either side of his thighs, he'd got his hands behind his head allowing you to take control. You'd found your rhythm and there was absolutely no stopping you, rocking your hips forwards and backwards at incredible speed.
"I'm gonna cum, Cillian... Cum with me, please cum with me.." you gasped, feeling that coil in your abdomen unravelling, your juices starting to flow like a river over his cock, leaking onto his thighs. His hands flew to your backside, lifting you up and pounding into you from underneath sending you into a frenzy. Your head flew back, your core clamped him as you came hard. His eyes scrunched up, mouth hung open, crying your name over and over as a powerful orgasm flew through him and into the latex barrier. Coming back down to earth, resting your head against his, breathing heavily, when he said it.
"I fucking love you y/n..." You pulled back in shock.
"Can I visit you?" He asked as he was packing his toiletries in his suitcase.
"What?" His eyes bore into yours, you thought maybe it was the sex talking...
"I know it's early days, but I'm feeling things for you I can't deny."
"Cillian... I... it's been a week? You don't know anything about me, certainly not enough to say the L word..."
"I love what I know? Is that not good enough?"
"No! You can't love someone you've only known a week, are you insane?"
The look of disappointment on his face was heartbreaking as he lifted you off him and climbed out of bed checking the time on his phone. He silently left the room, heading into the bathroom. You heard the shower turn on.
You jumped in after him, there was 20minutes spare before checking out. Liane would be picking you up to take you back to Birmingham. Barely a word had been spoken since his bombshell.
"Wasn't this just a one-weekend kinda deal for you?" He looked at you confused.
"What makes you think that?"
"Come on Cill, you're a big Hollywood star, you have your pick of women out there falling at your feet." He stopped packing and looked to the floor, taking a deep breath.
"I thought we'd talked about this? I want to be with you? I thought you wanted that too? I just told you I loved you for fucks sake?"
"Just be realistic for a minute yeah? You live in Ireland, I'm in Birmingham. Long distance never works let's be honest. I've made my peace with it, it's all good okay? And you don't love me, Cillian, you love sex." You finished putting your things in your small overnight bag and checked the time.
"My god you're serious, aren't you?"
"I just want you to know that it's okay if I don't hear from you again," You made eye contact with him, your own heart inside shattering but your game face on. You'd made your decision.
"This is completely out of left field y/n, the fuck is going on?"
"You deserve better than me. Someone who can give you everything you want, someone who isn't just a teacher and a failed actress."
"You don't love me, Cillian, you know nothing about me.."
"You're not a failed actress y/n, you've just finished a starring role! The fuck? Where's this coming from?"
"Façade?! What the fu - listen to me. Just hear me out. I. Want. You. I want you. All of you. Every inch of you. What's so difficult for you to understand?! Answer my question!'
"Do you love me?" He looked at you, square in the eyes. You glanced back at your suitcase, avoiding them.
"Look at me!!" He yelled suddenly, making you jump and your eyes water.
"Cillian please don't do this!! It's been a week, okay, I'm... I'm not ready for this! Drop the façade, there's no need to string me along anymore, it's okay! We can just go our separate ways. It was a fun weekend, but now we're back in the real world and WE don't work on the real world..."
You grabbed your bag, heading for the door. He blocked your path, refusing to let you leave.
"Cillian, move. Please."
"Answer my question and I'll let you go. Do. You. Love. Me?"
"Cillian enough!"
"Answer me! Yes or no?" You heart ached, screaming yes... Your eyes melted into his... And yet....
He didn't stop you. Simply looked to the floor, and stepped aside allowing you to pass.
"I'm sorry..." You whispered as you opened the door.
"So am I, y/n. So am I."
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mellowswriting · 4 years
Helping Hand
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pairing || Din Djarin x fem!Reader
summary ||  The clasps on bras should not be so fucking difficult. It’s a good thing Mando doesn’t mind lending you a helping hand.
word count || 4,873
warnings || SMUT! p in v sex, kinda rough tbh, desperate Mando, cockwarming, a singular spank, love confessions bc I am soft for this man 
a/n || this was uh...something! I firmly believe that Mandalorians waste zero time once they find their person. Once they have them, they have them. No such thing as rushing to a Mandalorian, especially our TinCanMan. also, this gif destroys me
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The second you saw the bra as you perused the marketplace, your face lit up. The fabric was rich in color and ridiculously soft and you knew the second you had your hands on it that you were buying it. It wasn’t too expensive, a few credits more than what you’d usually be willing to pay for clothes, but hey, you deserved to splurge every now and then. You practically bounced with excitement as you made your way back to the Crest where Mando and the little green kiddo you adored waited for your return. It was nice to get some time to yourself, time where you didn’t have to chase after a rambunctious kid or have to squeeze past Mando’s huge frame in the small spaces of the Crest, but what could you say?
You missed your boys. 
The ramp lowered as you drew closer and you smiled. Mando must have seen you approaching. The sight of him standing in the cockpit with the sleeping child cradled in his arm made your chest bloom with happiness. You paused on your way to set your bag on your bunk, distracted by the uncomfortable looking angle he held his arm at, and let out a quiet laugh. Mando’s silent tendencies left you to observe the way he held himself to discern how he was feeling, and after months of living with him, you could gauge him easily by the tilt of his helmet, the way he held his shoulders. You may not be fluent in Mando’a, but you were fluent in your Mandalorian. 
“He wakes up the second you lay him down, huh?” You asked, a teasing smile on your face. The sharp way he looked to you only confirmed your suspicion and you bit your lip to hold back another chuckle. “Here, let me.”
The child didn’t even stir when you fluidly slipped him from Mando’s arms and slowly settled him into the metallic cradle he slept in. Mando sighed loudly behind you, the sound roughed slightly by the modulator. “How are you so good at that?”
“It’s what I’m here for, isn’t it?” You turned and almost knocked back into the cradle at the proximity of the beskar-clad warrior, a mere few inches between your chests. Heat flared across your face. “It’s just, uh… just lotsa practice.” 
Mando hummed quietly and you instinctively looked to his shoulders and his hands, trying to gauge his mood. They were relaxed, the tension he always carried about him eased for the moment. Content, if you had to guess. It made you smile up at him, brighter than any sun in the galaxy. There weren't many times you saw him without that ready-to-action tension that plagued his surely sore muscles - almost always when the three of you were in the Crest, safe together as you hurtled through space. He turned just as quickly as he had approached you, stepping out of your space to set the coordinates to Nevarro, and you felt like you could finally exhale. 
Bag in hand, you practically stumbled into your bunk and pulled out the pretty bra you were so excited to put on - inky black, accentuated with intricately designed lace and a harness-like back. You pulled off your clothes quickly, stripping down entirely bare to slip into a soft pair of sleeping shorts. It would take a while to get back to Nevarro; you might as well be comfortable for it. The process of undressing while the Crest drew away from solid ground used to have you half naked and on the ground from the jostling, but thankfully you had grown proficient at balancing yourself through the rough takeoffs. 
A quiet sigh escaped you at the brush of the luxurious cloth against your bare skin, deft fingers latching the clasps at your back. It was a welcome change to the usual bras you wore. The straps were a bit too loose, allowing the cups to droop slightly from your breasts, and you fumbled to tighten them. It was just out of your grasp, your fingers grappling uselessly for the elusive adjuster as you huffed in annoyance.
“Need a hand?” Mando’s voice behind you made you startle almost comically and whirl around, one hand pressed against your chest where your heart was battering against your ribs. How in the hell did he always manage to move so silently? Heat bloomed up your neck and across your face unbiddenly. Sure, it wasn’t the first time he had seen you in some state of undress - living in such close quarters and the fact that Mando apparently never learned how to knock had him walking in on you often. But there was no denying the difference in you standing before him dressed practically in lingerie. 
“Uh, y-yeah, if you could?” You stuttered, internally groaning at your sudden inability to speak. The thick tension of the air could have choked you as you stared Mando down awkwardly until he twirled his finger, silently commanding you to turn around, and you could just die. “You just have to slide the, uh, adjuster up towards my shoulder.”
Mando said nothing and before you could move your hair out of his way, one gloved hand gathered it to settle over your shoulder and you had to tamp down on the shiver that tried to wriggle up your spine. He fiddled with the straps silently, leaving you to wrangle with your bordering on desperate need to climb the giant man behind you like a tree and lose yourself in the pleasures you could bring each other. 
You weren’t blind, nor were you stupid. Far from it, actually. Reading people was a gift you had possessed from a young age - one’s intent could easily be sussed by the specific light in their eyes, the slightest change in their tone, the barely-there shift in their body language. Mando may not speak often, you may not be able to watch for the arch of an eyebrow or the quirk of a lip, but you could still read him like a book. 
The fear of complication warred with your need. The child was a beacon of light in your life when you thought there could never be anything but swallowing darkness. He was a reminder of the little things that made everything else worth it - every coo, every small smile as he slept, every time he came running up to you or Mando on his little legs. Even when you were having to explain over and over again that no, he couldn’t eat the buttons off of the comlink, he brought you more joy than you could imagine. 
It didn’t help that every day spent flying through hyperspace left you growing closer to the Mandalorian. Even when there was nothing but silence between you, it was comfortable, companionable. The final straw? Mando slept in your presence. The first time it happened had been entirely accidental. He was exhausted after a strenuous bounty, one that ran far longer than they fought for, and the second the coordinates had been set, Mando collapsed into the pilot’s seat and promptly passed out. Knowing that he was comfortable enough to fall asleep without second thought, that he trusted you enough to be vulnerable like that around you...you never felt more like you belonged.
And Mando? When he woke several hours later, feeling far more well-rested than usual, he saw you curled up in the seat next to him with the child cradled in your lap as the blur of hyperspace reflected in your eyes. You had smiled at him, sleepy but bright nonetheless, and he had never been more grateful for the helmet that hid his face. You were too smart, too observant - you would be able to read the love on his face plain as day.
That little green womp rat and his beskar covered father saved you when you thought there was nothing left. The idea of losing that made you nauseous. The idea of how complete your little family would feel if you gave in made you tempted. 
It was complicated. 
A modulated grunt of frustration came from the man behind you as he couldn’t get a solid hold on that damn adjuster and you bit back a laugh. A Mandalorian, a warrior - bested by some plastic and fabric. Something fell to the ground, landed on the metal floor with two quiet thwaps, and before you could glance down to see what it was, warm bare fingers slid between the strap and your skin. This time there’s no stopping the almost violent shiver that racked your body, paired with an embarrassingly sharp exhale, and Maker your resolve was crumbling to pieces. 
“Tell me when.” Mando rumbled once his nimble fingers finally wrapped around the plastic, his modulator vibrating right in your ear in the most delicious way. The strap tightened slowly as his fingers slid up, the cup of the bra finally flush against your skin, and your voice was hoarse when you whispered ‘when’. 
Instead of simply reaching for the other strap, his warm palm made a lazy path across your skin, pausing for a breath between your shoulder blades before slipping under the thin fabric. He repeats the movement, tightening the strap until you clear your throat and manage to say in a stronger tone, “T-there is fine.” 
Mando hummed, his fingertips gliding over the soft skin of your shoulder and holy hell, his chest was practically pressed to your back and there was no way he wasn’t being a giant tease. “Just fine?”
“Perfect,” You corrected, your voice breathy, eyes threatening to flutter shut as that hand trailed over your shoulder to trace along the line of the cup of your bra. Goosebumps followed Mando’s touch, raised as your body’s desperate testament to the need that had vibrated through you. You just barely caught a glimpse of those tanned hands, hands you had seen a few times as he took care of the more delicate aspects of cleaning of his weapons, and you whispered, “You’re p-perfect.”
Mando gripped your hip suddenly, your soft flesh soft a beautiful contrast to his calloused hands, and it was the dip of his fingertips underneath the hem of your shorts that made you lean back into him fully, your head tilted back against his shoulder. A rumbled moan vibrated from his chest and into your back, felt all the way through his chestplate, as you “You want this, sweet girl?”
You nodded quickly. “H-how? How can we…”
“Leave it to me,” Mando murmured, preoccupied with the heat of your bare skin under his hands as he finally broke, finally explored the body of the woman he had fallen in love with in the months since his clan had expanded to three. “Just...tell me you want this. Please.”
Mando’s voice was rough and desperate even through the modulator and you nodded without a second thought. You knew you were in for it just from the way he pushed you further into your bunk to let the door slide shut behind him. No fanfare, no fuss. Mando was certain. He was going for what he wanted, and it lit a fire in you. 
You sat on the edge of the bed, your heart racing as Mando methodically unclasped his armor, his visor trained on you with each piece that came off - and it hit you. This was actually happening. 
You grinned up at the t-shaped visor of his helmet and pulled him closer by the hem of his duraweave pants, his grunt of approval stoking the flames of your need. He pulled his shirt off fluidly and your hands froze where they were trying to undo his pants as you admired the sight of so much bare skin. 
“So handsome,” You whispered before kissing just below his navel, smiling into his skin at the way his hand buried in your hair. Mando hummed under your gentle touch, under the trail of your tongue against his skin. It had been so long, too long since he had any form of gentle touch, you knew that. Touch starved, that was the term. 
You would fix that. 
You trailed your hand over his ribs, fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake when your nails scratched him lightly. Finally having your hands on him had you almost giddy, your heart flying in your chest as you slowly kissed down his stomach to the tent in his pants, nerves and need warring in your belly. You wanted to learn every piece of your Mandalorian - his scars and their stories, where to kiss when you wanted to hear those intoxicating groans, his favorite places for you to bite and dig your nails into. You wanted to break him in the best possible way, destroy that headstrong restraint and discipline so he could destroy you in return. 
All it took was a teasing press of your tongue against the outline of his cock to make him snatch you up off of the bed with a firm hand at your jaw and you couldn’t help but smile. His helmet tilted slightly as he took you in, grinning at him like the cat that got the canary, eyes sparkling with excitement, and he gripped your shorts with his other hand hard enough to pop the hem. 
“Off.” Mando rumbled and you immediately shimmied out of them as quickly as you could with his hand still holding your face firmly. The second the fabric no longer hindered his access, he ran his hand over your ass, greedy fingers digging into the firm flesh of one cheek. “Such a good listener. Aren’t you, sweet girl?”
You pressed closer as you nodded, desperate to feel his body against yours, and your eyes fell closed at the warmth of the skin to skin contact of your chest against his. As much as you loved the bra you wore, you wanted to feel nothing between you. It was easy to slip off and Mando’s hand instantly left your jaw to trace along your breast. It amazed you how gentle he could be; those big hands capable of incapacitating, capable of killing, gently palming your skin and tweaking your nipple. A breathy chuckle met your ears and only then did you realize you were arching up into his touch. 
“I won’t be gentle.” Mando warned. 
You grinned, heat shuddering down your spine at the roughness of his tone. “Who says I want you to be?”
You were on your back before you could even blink, the impact against the bed pulling a gasp from you. Mando made an image painted by the gods: stood over you, chest heaving with each harsh breath, cock straining proudly against his pants. That was the last thing you saw before his hand slapped against the light control on the wall and the entire bunk plunged into darkness. 
A hand wrapped around your ankle and yanked you against a pair of firm thighs, forcing out a yelp that morphed into a low whine when your legs were spread wide. Without your vision to guide you, you had to rely on your hearing, your sense of touch, and the low clank of metal on metal and rustling of fabric had you confused until his warm, entirely naked body slid over yours and you heard the first tones of Mando’s voice - unmodulated, raw and low in your ear. 
“You need me, huh? You need this?” Mando growled, sliding down to grind his cock against you, and he grinned impishly at the desperation of your whimper, at the way you angled your hips to try to slide him inside of you. “Let me take what I want and I’ll give you what you need.” 
You could have cried out when he pulled back, could have begged him to stay and fuck you already, but the feeling of his lips latching onto your neck made your voice melt into unintelligible groans. You buried your hands in his hair, memorizing the soft way the curls fell through your fingers. The combination of his teeth and tongue were sure to leave a mark, one you would wear with pride for anyone to see. It was the first of many lovebites he left on your skin, trailed down your neck and over your chest and delivered between significantly gentler bites and licks to your breasts. Your hips moved entirely of their own volition, legs wrapped around his waist to rub against his stomach. 
Mando’s hands found your hips and pressed them down, pressing you flush to the bed hard enough that you knew you would have bruises, ones you would relish as long as they lasted. You had never felt more desperate to be touched, tension rocketing tighter and tighter in your core. 
“So needy, mesh’la.” Mando rumbled as he shoved you further up the bed. He delivered a sharp bite to your thigh and you jumped, a laugh bubbling up from your chest at the suddenness and the way he eased the mark with his tongue. You carded your fingers through his hair again and his chest rumbled, almost as if he were purring. Just as you were about to comment on it, tell him how cute it was that he reacted so beautifully to your touch, his tongue slid through your wet heat. 
“Fuck!” You exclaimed, the grip you had in his curls tightening harshly as you tried to roll your hips to grind against his face, but he pinned your hips with sure hands. Not to be hindered, you pressed your heels into his back and still managed tiny hitches and Mando chuckled at your determination. His tongue rolled over your clit, over and over until you were crying out at the sparks of pleasure radiating through your core.
His mouth left you for a split second, just long enough to slick his fingers with his spit, and his tongue descended back to your clit as two fingers rubbed tiny circles against your entrance. You were almost incoherent in your begging, your voice slurred, words cut off in the middle - and then two thick fingers slid into your cunt, his lips wrapped around your clit, and you thought your heart stopped with the intensity of it all. 
After what could have been an eternity or a mere half second, Mando pumped his fingers slowly and your entire world imploded around you. The groan that left your lover was exhilarating. He mumbled against you, something about the tightest fucking cunt he’s ever had, before his tongue went back to town, flicking over your clit as his fingers curled into that sweet spot deep inside you. Your back arched of its own volition, your entire body tensing as Mando rocketed you to your climax.
“Can’t wait anymore.” Was the only warning you got before he pulled away, leaving you to flutter around nothing, and a high whine left your throat as Mando leaned over you and yanked your thighs up to hook further over his hips. His lips fell to yours and you groaned at the taste of your arousal, your hand cupping his jaw and reveling in the scratch of his stubble against your skin. The heavy weight of his cock pressed against your thigh until he angled himself to press right against your entrance, and - 
“Wait!” You gasped and Mando froze entirely. You reached between you to grasp his cock, groaning at the thick girth that you knew would split you open beautifully. “Let me... let me make you feel good, too.” 
“Won’t last, mesh’la,” Mando growled, his forehead pressed to yours as he fucked into your hand despite his words. For just a moment you thought you had him, had gained some modicum of control as you stroked him with a firm hand, but he batted your hand away to pin above your head. “Need to bury my cock in your tight little cunt.”
“P-please! I need it, I need you to fuck me full.” You mewled so prettily for him and Mando broke. 
The sound that left him was pulled from his very core, an almost feral growl radiating from his chest and leaving you shuddering underneath him, ready to beg until he finally shoved his cock into you, but before you could get a sound out you were flipped you onto all fours. You tried to steady yourself, to press your weight into your hands so you could grind your ass back against him, but a rough hand shoved between your shoulder blades until your face and chest were flush against the blankets beneath you. 
“You want me to claim this cunt?” Mando breathed into your ear as he settled his chest against your back, gliding the head of his cock through your slit teasingly. A dark chuckle followed your pitiful whine. “Oh I think I will. Stuff you full of my cum so everyone knows who you belong to.”
Mando pulled back and steadied a hand at your hip, the other pulling your cheeks apart as he finally slid home. Inch after devastating inch filled your cunt, the familiar stretch on just the right side of painful. A sinful, wrecked groan came from behind you and despite yourself, despite being face down ass up for a warrior, you felt powerful. 
“S-so fucking tight,” Mando stuttered out as he gave a small push forward, pressing even further into your heat despite being buried to the hilt already, short, aborted thrusts as he tried to let you adjust to his girth. 
“Please, please, please,” You huffed out with each exhale, and if you were in your right mind you might have been at least slightly embarrassed by the desperation of your begging, but you were aching for him to move. You clenched around him, reveling in the punched-out sound it drew from him, and finally, finally he drew back halfway to shove back into you sharply. 
Mando didn’t fuck you - the word ‘fuck’ wasn’t enought to encompass the way he drove into you over and over, shoved you further into the sheets with his teeth buried in your shoulder. You wanted to be destroyed, and Maker did he deliver, pressed against that sweet spot deep inside you and making your writhe beneath him. It took a moment to find your voice amongst the harsh thrusts, but the sound of you whimpering ‘Mando…’ over and over had your lover delivering a sharp swat to your ass before yanking you up by your hair and bracing your ass on his thighs, his pace unfaltering. 
“S-such a sweet little thing,” Mando stuttered, one hand holding you by your neck, keeping you flush against him, and the other sliding down to toy with your clit, those calloused fingers rubbing in tight circles until you pressed your head to his shoulder and wailed. “Sound so pretty for me.”
You wanted to tell him how good he felt stretching you out, how much you loved this, how much you loved him, but there was no speaking when his thrusts punched the very air from your lungs. So you buried your hand in his hair and tightened, rolling your hips into every push of his own. The sharp pull of his hair seemed to egg him on and his hand slid up from your throat to tilt your head and capture your lips with his. 
The angle was awkward, the kiss all teeth and tongue, and you wouldn’t trade it for anything. Mando drank in your every moan, every whine, and sang out his own in response, poured them out in a never ending stream that left you washed out in pleasure and pride. You reduced him to this. The tight clench of your cunt around him left the strong warrior slashed down to his most base instincts, left him to bury himself in you over and over as if he couldn’t bear to hold back. 
Your begging was almost incoherent, words broken off halfway with each harsh thrust, but it all melted into one low cry when Mando toyed with your clit and ground against that sweet spot against you and you broke. The only thing that kept you upright was Mando’s strong grip on your body as your pleasure crested, sparked out all across your body and left you weak in the aftermath of ecstasy. Your hand fell loose in his hair, still tangled in his curls but just barely staying put. 
Mando laid you down almost sweetly, flipped your weak body around to lie on your back and settled between your thighs. He growled low in your ear when you hooked your ankles over his lower back and whined so prettily for him as he pushed himself deep into your cunt - right where he belonged. His thrusts were shorter, stunted in his relentless chase for release inside of your body, leaving you hanging in the precipice between pleasure and overstimulation. 
“Feel so good,” You whispered in his ear, gasping when he buried his face in your neck and latched onto your skin with rough presses of teeth and tongue. The pace of his thrusts stuttered when you clenched around him, urging him to let go.
“Where?” Mando grunted low into your skin, unable to find the words to finish his thoughts but you knew. You knew what he wanted, the desperate want you both shared.
“Inside!” You gasped out in a rough voice, almost desperate in tone, and locked your legs around his waist tighter, using the newfound leverage to meet each of his thrusts. “Please, please cum inside me.”
The choked off sound in your ear was downright addictive and paired with the airtight grip on your hips as he pressed flush against your body and flooded you with his release....well, you wouldn’t be able to live without it, without him. Mando collapsed, crushed you underneath his weight with his cock still nestled in your tight heat. Maker, he was heavy but you never felt safer. He panted in your ear, the ghost of each breath curling across your skin like a loving caress and you could feel the curve of his lips where he smiled against you, a smile you matched. 
Your fingers buried in his hair once more, scratching against his scalp in slow, gentle circles, and the delighted whimper he gave sounded like it came from anyone but the rough and tumble warrior who just railed you into oblivion. One of his hands writhed up between your chests to cup your breast, the gun-calloused skin of his palm a harsh contrast to the soft, unmarred skin of your chest. 
“Mando…” You chuckled in a tone of warning when those fingers tweaked your nipple, sending sparks echoing across your skin. 
“Din,” He grunted in your ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and worrying it with his tongue, only pulling back when you made a small noise of confusion. “Din Djarin. You should know the name of the man who claims you.”
Your heart stuttered, racing to match the pace of your thoughts. This...this was a huge deal for him, you knew that. Your arms tightened around him almost of their own volition as it hit you - this union meant as much to him as it did to you. 
Mando - Din was yours. 
You were his. 
“Cyare,” Din whispered at the small noise that left you, propping himself up on his elbows to hover over you despite not being able to see you. You followed his movements as best you could, not wanting to jostle around enough for his softening cock to slip from your body.  “Are you okay? Was...Was this not-”
“No! No, I...damn it,” You stumbled over your words in your rush to reassure him, reaching up to hesitantly place your hands on either side of his face, giving him plenty of time to stop you in case you crossed a line. He didn’t. Rough stubble met your fingers and you laughed wetly in disbelief. You couldn’t believe your luck. “I love you. I have from the start.”
Din’s breath caught in his throat and he pressed his face back into your neck as he returned the sentiment, his words muffled and cracking under the weight they carried. You giggled at the way his tongue met your neck, surely adding to the multitude of marks he already left there, but tilted your head back for more access nonetheless. He was right - he laid his claim on you, buried his seed as deep inside you as he could and left the imprint of his teeth across your skin for all to see. 
“A clan of three, right?” You said before kissing his temple, yours eyes slipping closed as your exhausted reared. 
“Yes, sweet girl. A clan of three.” Din rumbled. The vibration of his chest only lulled you further into slumber and the last thing you heard before the sleep overtook you was Din whispering, almost to himself, “My own little aliit.”
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