#but hmm i wonder why the version where she's wearing her 'normal girl with a normal life' mask
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alexseanchai · 1 month ago
tag by grison-in-space: #promise?
someday i will write an essay on the way fandom likes to recreate the exact same flavor of aggressively heteronormative relationship dynamics in every popular slash ship ever invented regardless of how the characters behave or interact with each other in canon.
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hot-on-my-watch · 10 days ago
Silly Notes on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness  by a Marvel Novice
Well the visuals are just bloody amazing aren't they.
Rachel McAdams also looking great in bright red lipstick.
People are acting like it's normal for space monsters to just randomly appear on the streets of New York - presumably in the MCU it is?
Ok the jumping off the balcony thing was VERY cool.
Does Wanda look like a young Maggie Gyllenhall?
Don't tell me that IS Maggie Gyllenhall with surgery?!?!
Of course. Elizabeth Olsen. I knew that. I established when watching Avengers Endgame. And also remembered that Elizabeth is neither Mary-Kate nor Ashley Olsen. Excellent pop-culture knowledge, self.
The Scarlet Witch reminds me of evil Willow Rosenberg. But perhaps Scarlet Witch was first and comic book nerd Whedon ripped it off a bit rather than the other way around. Bet he did.
I should really watch Wandavision.
Will I watch it before the rest of this film, even?
No, I don't think so.
I'll see if there's another Wanda film though in case I've missed anything since Endgame. 
* confusion when Wanda suggests bringing America "here" because I don't know where "here" is and have forgotten that America is the name of the girl.*
Oh she knew too much, that's why Strange looked confused as well.
Is the Scarlet Witch using her mask to have a cheekbone off with Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange? Because frankly that's not going to go well for her.
Maybe she was wearing that mask in Endgame too and I forgot? No. Or was she? Hmm.
Cumberbatch has got his usual comic book style hair as Strange here but his eyebrows don't entirely match I feel like so someone needed to do something with them.
Oh no on second thought they appeared to be the same colour as his hair and beard generally. But I wonder if something more could have done with gel or an eyebrow pencil though even though he would have looked a bit mental I suppose.
The beard is very sharp-lined in some scenes but seems less so in others.
That was a really harsh way to treat that food seller actually! All he was trying to do is not get robbed!
Stephen Strange was always a bit of a bitch though.
I really like the special effects, especially when they go through all the different universes. 
There's no real need for Doctor Strange to be wearing the superhero outfit at this point but he's committed to the bit. I approve.
I still don't know what the differences are between MCU New York and real New York apart from the obvious it does look nicer.
Maybe I should have watched all of this films in order.
Book of Ashanti? Hahahaha ASHANTI! What song even was that?
Ok book of Vishanti, that's better.
100% knew that was a trap. I have seen pieces of media before. Knew it.
Don't remember Mordo being this hot. Umm.
Cumberbatch's straight sideswept fringe seems to be on the opposite side to Sherlock's curly one, which is a mirror of my own.
I enjoy the alternative versions of the super heroes.
Omg it IS! Long time no see old friend!
Oh god they're dropping like flies.
Of course he's not better than 383 Stephen. Come on! Why would he be?
My attention span REALLY cannot cope with action scenes right now. Sorry Marvel.
This would have been amazing to see at the cinema though.
Has he become injured DIRECTLY ON THE CHEEKBONE?!
Omg America has as well. To a lesser extent.
I mean I suppose that would happen, but still.
Is that a blue patch on the cloak or are we seeing his clothes through it. I want to be seeing his clothes through it for some reason.
Still spectacular visuals of course.
Have YOU not seen films before, Stephen Strange? Stop trusting people that are obviously going to turn against you!
I'm sorry I still can't get over the hand gestures.
Ok I enjoy the "third eye" concept but it looks kinda silly.
I'm still not sure I fully get the thing about being held back by your own fear AND arrogance. I may survey people on this.
He's not actually going to kill her is he?
Oh I see what's going to happen here.
"No one will ever be tempted by the darkhold again." OF COURSE NOT THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.
Nice that the villain turned back in the end though. Like Dark Willow. She learned her lesson.
Could they be together though? Or is it another House and Cuddy situation?
Yay the watch is fixed! And by his own hand, not by magic! Did we learn something about this in the first film? Is it to do with what he's willing to do with magic and not? What he can still do with his hands?
Is he going to see Christine? Is he moving on now?
Nooo a third eye! No they look so weird! Even on Benedict Cumberbatch!
Who's this woman with the purple? It's a look! Oh ok apparently 3-eyed Dr Strange is basically fine. Ok.
So... does this nullify the previous cliffhanger? What now?
Excellent film though, did enjoy it.
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harrytpotter · 5 years ago
So, I just had this idea and intended this to be a one shot but it turned out bigger and has now became a few-parts story. Sort of. Anyway, English isn’t my mother language so please excuse my grammar! :)
Gif isn’t mine (took it from google, so please, if it belongs to you let me know so I can credit) and suggestions are always welcome.
Plot: Y/N finds herself trapped in a time in which she doesn’t belong only to learn that maybe that was her place all along. (Sorry i suck at summarizing things).
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
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You’re waken up by the sunshine glowing trough the tower window right into your face. You stretch out but don’t open your eyes just yet, enjoying the warmth spreading all over your body. The feeling was quite nice until you felt a pillow landing with a harsh smash into your face, which forced you to open your eyes. You’re greeted by a redheaded that you had never really seen before, but was sort of familiar to you.
“Can I... help you?” You raise a brow at her, still unable to shake the feeling that you knew her somehow. She definitely did ring a bell, but despite your best efforts to remember someone with her features, you couldn’t succeed.
“Yeah, dumbass! We’re gonna be late for class! Get your butt outta bed right now!” She throws another pillow at you, but this time you dodge it.
“I’m sorry... Do I know you?” You ask her, confused and a little shocked by the level of intimacy you seemed to share with the stranger.
“What did you and that bastard Potter drank last night for Merlin’s sake?” She grimaces.
“Did Harry and I went out for a drink last night? That’s odd, I don’t remember,” you frown.
“Who the bloody hell is this Harry guy now? You went out for drinks with James, Sirius and Remus last night, you mental!” The redheaded looked like you were delusional. You were about to protest when it hit you. James were Sirius’ and Remus’ best friend and also your best friend’s father. Harry’s father.
“Lily?” You ask with a weak voice, your eyes almost tearing up looking into her emerald green eyes, so bright like your best friend’s. “Lily Potter?”
“POTTER?!” She shouts, rather furiously. “You know you‘re supposed to be my best friend, hence you shouldn’t hex me like that, right?!”
You were growing more and more confused each second that went by. “Relax, would ya? I was obviously just bantering!” You say after seeing how exasperatedly she was at your audacity of calling her by the Potter last name.
“That arse put you up to this, didn’t he?! I know he’s your best friend but so am I and I thought I was clear enough when I told you I’m not even slightest interested in him and asked you to stop trying to set me up with that.. that... bugger!” She stormed off the dorm, clearly pissed at you. Something told you that James would suffer the consequences of your oblivious actions somehow.
The door is opened once again and a girl who wasn’t Lily and whom you had no clue to be popped her head into the dorm. “Hey, Y/N! Are you coming? We’re heading to the great hall for breakfast.”
“Sure! I’ll... get dressed. You girls go, I’ll catch up with you all in a minute,” you smile politely at her.
“All right! Nice piece of jewelry, by the way!” She exclaims right before closing the door.
Once you lowered your head and saw something pending down your neck, you realized what she meant. The time-turner Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore had given you when the previous school year had started so you could attend more advanced classes was shining brightly, reflecting the sunlight. That was perfectly normal to you. The problem is that you never wear it to sleep or in public for that matter, keeping it tossed inside your trunk whenever you weren’t using it, hidden even from your best friends. And you were sure you had locked it in your trunk the night before. Suddenly, you remember Dumbledore’s words the day he gave you the device: “If it ever gets you in trouble, come to me. Wherever you are. No matter time or place.”
You were almost approaching the stairwell gargoyle that led to the headmaster’s office when you stopped, suddenly remembering you’d be needing the current password, assuming it was bloody different than the one you remembered. About to head on your heels, you’re startled by a clearing of a throat.
“Can I help you with anything, Miss L/N?” The voice of Professor McGonagall waved from behind you.
“Yes, professor! I was wondering if I could get the current password to the headmaster’s office. I need to speak to him, please,” you turn around to face her.
McGonagall raises a brow at you. “Well, the director is expecting you and Potter after the breakfast to talk about your third transgression this week. I suggest you go and eat something first because that will be a very long talk.” Her nostrils were inflated and you knew you were in trouble, whatever the reason was that got you into it.
“No! I... I need to talk to Professor Dumbledore alone! Please! It’s quite urgent,” you beg her.
“Fine. Come with me, Miss,” she says quite reluctantly to you. You could tell she was very disappointed at you but you had no clue why.
The short walk to the stairwell gargoyle was quiet and intense. Professor McGonagall raises her both hands at the statue and shout “Lemon Drop!”
“Obviously Professor Dumbledore would be using this password often over the years,” you murmured at yourself, grinning.
“What was that?” Professor McGonagall asked you, studying your face.
“Nothing, Professor! Thank you very much,” you shout over your shoulder whilst climbing up the stairs.
“Come on in!” You hear Professor Dumbledore’s voice after you knocked on the door.
You enter the office, suddenly nervous about talking to him. You knew he was quite clear on his recommendations but you couldn’t help but think he’d probably think you went insane once you claimed to be coming from the future.
“Hello, Miss L/N,” Dumbledore’s voice snapped you from your thoughts.
“Professor... Hi! I...” you mumbled, not sure how to start approaching the topic.
“Let me see it,” he says with a kind smile, showing the palm of his hand.
Awestruck, you take the time-turner from your robe’s pocket and hand it over to him.
“Hmm...” he said whilst examining the device very carefully and closely. “I presume you did lock it into your trunk last night, perhaps?”
“Indeed. Like I’ve done every single day since you and Professor McGonagall gave it to me, sir,” you answer promptly.
“I’ll need to borrow it to take a closer look and see what’s wrong with it,” he shruggs.
“It isn’t broken, is it?” You panic over the thought. “Will I be able to come back to my time? To my friends?”
He offers you a gentle smile. “It looks fine, by all appearances. And yes, you will.”
You stare at him quietly, trying to decide wether or not to ask him what has been disturbing you since you’ve opened your eyes this morning. You were curious about so many things, but Professor Dumbledore was a very busy man and you didn’t want to bother him with your thousand questions.
“Go ahead,” he encourages you, noticing you had something to take off your chest.
“These people... I mean, Lily and James. And some other students I don’t even know the names of. They all seem to know me, even though I’ve never really met them before today.”
Dumbledore smiles again, as if you had asked the right question. “You see, time is a funny thing. And an unpredictable one too. Here, take this and press its side extremities.” He handed you the time-turner back.
Confused, you take it and do as he said. Suddenly, the room starts to spin around and memories hit you at the speed of light. You could see them right in front of you, as if you were reliving the moments. You were sitting inside a compartment at the Hogwarts Express with Lupin, Potter and Black on your first trip ever to Hogwarts. You were shaking each others hands and it was the first time you all had met. The memory faded away. Now you were giggling with Lily and the blonde girl whom you had talked to earlier. Marlene McKinnon. Your best girl friends. Once again, the memory faded. It was night and you and James were sitting at Hagrid’s cabin porch, laughing and looking at the stunningly starry night sky, his invisibility cloak tossed aside on top of the grass. Then, you saw yourself hugging both Sirius and Remus. You remembered everything. Tears began to roll down your face as you felt overwhelmed.
“How... how is that even possible?” You ask Dumbledore with a whisper.
“I’m not quite sure yet but there’s a possibility that you’ve travelled to a different pace of time, Y/N,” he answered as if it was obvious. “This is likely another version of reality as you know it. One in which you were born in a different decade,” he adds, noticing your clueless expression.
You nod slowly at him. “Will I be able to return to where I came from?” You repeat your previous question once again.
“You will, but it could take time. I’ll know more once I’ve taken a closer look at this,” he lifted the time-turner in his hand so you could see it.
“Thank you, Professor. What should I do in the meantime?”
“For now, Miss L/N, you should head to the great hall. I’ve heard the breakfast is delicious this morning,” he smiles at you.
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inforapound · 4 years ago
The Devil Inside  -  Part 5
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Thanks for reading. I’m going with a couple of shorter chapters instead of one long finale. Hope you like it. 
Pairing - Ivar and reader       
Warnings - dark Ivar, explicit smut, bad relationship, toxic love 
By the following night without a word from Ivar, not a single call or text, and no sign of the black Camaro, you were no longer laughing. It felt like your world had collapsed to the ground. And, that alone was confusing as he was the one who had been such a prick. Right? Hadn’t he? Still, it was impossible to escape the feeling of guilt and some hard-to-define panic.
Your Ivar! Your beautiful, intense, complicated Ivar; his only fault being how much he loved you.
Was it actually over, you wondered for the zillionth time? Could the two of you work it out or would you never speak again? Would he ghost you? Ah yes, that was the fear creating the panic; you were worried he would write you off as though you had never existed. Just that idea, despite his display of rage, made your blood run cold and your heart straight-up rejected the notion that you were better off without him.
After months of the two of you cocooning away and blowing off the world, you were grateful, grateful, that your two best friends had your back. One look at your pale, despondent face the previous day, walking into class, and they flew into BBF mode.
God, they were great but you questioned their thinking. How would going out, within 24 hours of your love story ending, possibly help you?
But… there you sat in your room wearing a one-shouldered purple dress and strappy heels while Amanda carefully lined your lips and Kim flat ironed your hair. They yattered away as if to distract you, talking about what an asshole Ivar was, a complete psycho, and thank god you hadn’t slept with him. Eeeek, all that solidarity, and you had given them a watered-down version of what had happened during the fight.
Barely taking in their words, you thought over and over all that had been said in his car, questioning if it had truly been that bad. It felt awful at the time, but things seemed different after such a long time without hearing from him. Did it mean you had forgiven him? Definitely not but you still felt like a balloon bouncing in the wind without your Ivar.
Under it all, he just needed you and the thought of you with another guy was more than he could process. How can that be a bad thing? And it had been you, YOU, who desecrated his most treasured possession, his beloved mother’s necklace, a necklace he had imparted so lovingly. Wasn’t your behaviour as bad or even worse? Could he forgive you?
Tears rose in your eyes making the girls stop and stare, looking like a pair of barn owls.
“Oh babe,” Kim whispered squeezing your shoulder and Amanda leaned in, looking as if she was pitying a dog.
“Tonight is exactly what you need,” she nodded. “The dance will take your mind off of everything. Trust me.”
The school gymnasium was dark and stuffy, the music pounding and the strobes seemed to flash all the way into your brain. It was the last place you needed to be! God! Every guy wearing a leather jacket made you do a double-take and Ivar’s absence screamed louder than the noise. Just twenty feet away your friends were dancing and yet you had never felt so alone. That must have been how Ivar felt, that day on the road, watching you run away from him. Your poor, love….. Where was he?
“Is it really you? Are you honestly here?” asked Mark Hasting as he, all-of-sudden, appeared at your side, reeking of weed and smiling one of his squinty-eyed smiles. “Mr. Lothbrok let you out of his grasp for a night. I almost don’t believe it.”
Not a word came out of your mouth and you looked from Mark back to the dance floor unable to tell him that the two of you had broken up. And….. that it was all your fault. Instead of easing Ivar’s fears, you had doused gasoline on his pain. Should you tell Mark that? What a horrible person you were? Oh god, what had you done?
Taking a deep breath, a gasp really, you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“Mark?” you cried out and it turned into a sob.
“Yea, heeey, what’s wrong?” he scrunched his forehead with concern and stepped closer.
“Can you give me a lift home? I can’t be here right now.”
Waving your thanks to Mark, you watched him reverse out of the driveway and closed the front door. Not taking the time to remove your coat or turn on the lights, you riffled through your purse looking for your phone. You had to find Ivar.
Would you call or text? Call! Yes, calling would be better and if he didn’t answer, you’d go straight over to his house. Oh god, that was a nerve-wracking thought, driving over and just walking in. What if he wasn’t alone...what if some chic was there? Your mind began to spin as your insecurities played tricks despite knowing, in your heart-of-hearts, how unlikely that was.
Bringing his number up on our phone, you headed through your dark kitchen toward your room, your ears still humming from the music at the dance. Staring at his number, you slowed to a stop and leaned against the hallway wall, sliding down to sit on the carpet. It was time.... and it felt scary as you had no idea where to start and Ivar was not a guy to make things easy. It was no stretch of the imagination to envision him picking up and not saying a word, just listening on the other end as you stuttered on. Regardless, there were things that needed to be said and for your part in the horrible mess, you wouldn’t keep score. Honestly, how could any girl keep score who dated Ivar Lothbrok?
Deep breath in, you steadied your nerves and hit dial, your ear pressed to the phone as it began to ring. Waiting, listening, holding your breath, you didn’t at first hear the faint buzzing sound. It was when you lowered the phone that it captured your attention. Ending the call, you sat straining to identify it but all was quiet in the house; the sound was gone. Tapping his number again, you redialed, keeping the phone in your lap, your eyes fixed on the screen. The ringing began again along with that same buzzing.
Holy shit! Ivar was there! Somewhere in the house with his phone!
Ending the call, you weren’t sure what to do but panic hit your chest, and as if on autopilot, you silently pushed yourself up to stand. You didn’t call out his name, instead, walked, tiptoed, to your bedroom door hesitating when your hand touched the handle. Why weren’t you calling out to him? Why was your door closed?
A thousand thoughts and feelings swirled in your head but none you could name. Snap out of it, you blasted yourself! It’s Ivar, your boyfriend, your true love; the guy you had been pining for all day. Not some intruder on the other side of the door ready to do horrible things. Right? Of course not…. Of course not….you repeated to yourself.
Carefully you turned the knob and slowly pushed open the door. Your room was dark and at the end of your bed sat a hooded figure... waiting. The light was too dim to see his face and his hood concealed his outline. It was the tension in the air and the way his head suddenly tilted to one side, looking in your direction, that confirmed it was him.
“Oh my god!” you finally cried, and swiped the wall, hitting the light-switch on; both of you instantly recoiling and squinting from the brightness. “Ivar! You terrified me!”
Making no move to stand, he kept looking at you, his eyes skipping over your face and down your body, clearly analyzing the details of your appearance. It was his forced, joyless laugh that made every muscle in your body tense. Steadying himself, he fell silent before sighing in a way that gave no indication of his state of mind. Lifting his hand, he flicked his fingers, beckoning you closer, his wicked blue eyes conveying that all was not well.
Placing your phone on your dresser, you removed your coat, throwing it to the floor, and stepped out of your shoes. Walking toward him, you lowered to the carpet and stood on your knees, pushing in between his legs. He never took his eyes off yours and your mouth went dry from the intensity.
So fast it made you flinch, he brought his hands up and cupped your cheeks. Normally it would have melted your heart but his steeliness strummed all your nerves.
“Ivar?” you peered up into his bottomless eyes, his brows furrowed. “Babe, I was just calling you. All-day, I.…”
“Where are your parents?” he cut you off. “They’ve been gone all day.”
“Oh...” you hesitated, ignoring how he knew that, “They’re away. My mom is gone until Tuesday, my dad was supposed to be back tonight but his flight got messed up. He’ll be back tomorrow.”
It was hard to know what answer he was looking for, but that didn’t seem it as his face remained unchanged.
“They leave you alone over-night? A teenage girl with a bedroom on the ground floor and her fucking window unlocked. Any creep could get in.”
The irony was lost on him and pointing it out was not the thing to do. Instead, you waited for him to finish, knowing he didn’t actually want you to answer.
Not taking his eyes off you, he seemed to grimace as he, again, scanned your cheeks, and eyes and mouth, his eyelids narrowing further.
“And who are you so dressed up for, hmm? Mark?”
“No!” you rushed. “He just gave me a ride home from the dance. I asked him to. I was crying.”
That admission made his face flicker but only slightly.
“I was upset about our fight and missing you,” you explained.
Using your courage, you raised your hands and finally touched him, resting them on his thighs.
Instantly, he turned and you thought for a moment he was moving away but instead, he leaned back and grabbed the box of tissues from the nightstand.
“It's okay, I’m not upset anymore. Thank you,” your eyes flitted down to the yellow box he held up for you.
“No,” his face tightened, “Wipe your face. Take that stuff off.”
“That lipstick,” he quipped, lifting his eyebrows and glancing at the box, urging you on. “And that crap on your cheeks.”
Slowly, you grabbed a tissue, pulling it from the box, another withdrawing behind. As you wiped the pink gloss from your mouth, and blush from your skin, he reached up and pushed his hood back, exposing the extent of his exhaustion; his pale face and dark ringed eyes and messy hair that for the first time had no product in it. Seeing his weariness, you wondered what kind of sleepless and heart-broken roller-coaster he, himself, had been on since your fight.
Grabbing the dirty Kleenex from you, he tossed it onto the floor and took your chin in his hand making you wish he would just break the tension and kiss you.
“You know I don’t like you wearing make-up.”
“I know, it's just...”
“It’s just what?”
“I don’t know,” you tried to look down, but he held your face in place, forcing you to look at him. You felt as if you were being scolded
“You don’t need that shit. You are so beautiful.” Shaking his head, his eyes lowered for a second and he sighed your name, his body and defenses softening and you jumped at the opening.
“Ivar,” you whispered, rubbing your hands over his jeans. “Babe,” you cooed softly making him close his eyes, frowning as if your affection pained him.
“What the fuck am I going to do with you?” he said quietly, opening his eyes and glaring. “What am I going to do?”
“Kiss me,” you replied despite his harsh look, thinking of the first day he picked you up at lunch. “Kiss me, and everything else will come,” you whispered and his face began to blur as tears rose in your eyes.
And like that, his mouth was on you, his hands holding your face, his breath revealing his relief and his whimper giving away his desperation. Your sweetheart was aching for you, all this time, but he had no idea what to do. His tongue pushed inside your mouth, his lips demanding more and you lifted your hands and gripped his hoodie, bracing yourself from the force of his emotions. Your beautiful Ivar had been adrift without you. Utterly lost!
Pulling back, he stared at you, his face filled with agony. “I love you so much,” he whispered, his own eyes filling with tears.
“I love you too,” you murmured back.
“Never. Reject. Me. Again,” he articulated as his nostrils flared, his threat easy to hear but you could see past it. “From this moment on, this second on, we belong to each other. Even more than we did before. Do you hear me? You. Are. Mine.”
“I was always yours, Ivar,” you sounded like you were pleading for him to believe you. “And I always, always, will be. I need you,” you whispered.
“I need you,” he repeated back as if swearing a vow. “Now,” he let go of your face and straightened. “Show me,” he jerked his chin and the slightest wave of arrogance came over him. “Show me,” he said again, raising his dark eyebrows expectantly. “With your mouth.”
Was this a test, you wondered, wishing he’d continue touching you with the same love and need you felt just an instant ago. But of course his defenses were still up; he was searching for reassurance. The same reassurance you didn’t give the day before making the situation explode. Your poor Ivar, you would not let him down twice.
Nodding, you looked down at his lap, running your hands over the bulge in his jeans. If this was what he needed to feel your devotion, you would indulge him. In a flash, your quick hands had his jeans open, his beautiful cock upright in your grasp. It always amazed you how smooth his skin looked, his head a shade darker than the rest but all flawless with the slightest sheen.
Leaning down, you took him into your mouth, loving how it felt and his hand grabbed the back of your neck, not pushing but letting you know that he could. God, he tasted amazing; salty and clean and you tightened your fingers around his base and started to move.
Oh how you loved the way he hissed when you bobbed your mouth up and down, his hips jerking and his grip on your neck getting tight. Each time you took him into the back of your throat, it triggered that reflex and like some submissive craving pain, you were instantly turned on. What was wrong with you that the idea of suffocating on him made you wet? Picking up your pace made him moan and you began to slam down a little harder and a touch further each time, making yourself gag.
“Fuck!” he snarled in response clearly loving the sounds of it. “You want to choke on my dick, baby? Hmm?” he grunted out into the room. “Aw fuck I missed you. Last night and all fucking day, I missed you....so much.”
On you moved, and sucked and slurped, your lips sliding down his shaft, your throat getting used to the roughness.
“I’m so lucky to be with you. Fuck!” he growled, rolling his hips up toward your mouth. “I don’t give a shit about that other guy anymore. None of that matters. I just want to be with you. I love you.”
That was the closest you knew he‘d ever come to apologizing.
“Yea, baby, suck it,” he groaned again, “Suck my cock. You’re so beautiful. But don’t get greedy, I have plans for you tonight.”
Reaching down he yanked up the skirt of your purple dress, shimmying it higher until it was above your waist and you were kneeling in your thong. He obviously liked it as he growled and slapped your ass hard before pulling you off of him, his eyes staring at your mouth which must have looked red and puffy and totally wrecked.
“Get on the bed and open your legs.”
“Pardon?” your eyes flashed wide.
“I’m going to make you mine.”
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sunnysviolin · 4 years ago
CAN I RETCON AN AU I JUST STARTED??? ABSOLUTELY I CAN FOR YOU SOUPMATE....Yes you guys I did have my best friend send me an anon just so I could write this. She’s so fucking good I really don’t deserve having her in my life. So Yes I will change the AU I just started to be even more HeroMari. @cerasus--flores This is related to your ask, so I figured I would tag ya! This is also a Part Two!! 
Instead of having Hero and Mari meet at the exact time they both find their siblings....let’s work with this a bit shall we?
Kel has drifted off somewhere again, and Hero is just so fed up. He knows that Kel isn’t in the castle because Aubrey told him so, and they’re not too far away from the nearest town....Hero swears when he finds Kel he’s putting a sticking charm on him so he can’t leave his bed for a month. Kel knows why they have to hide in the Wastes, and the castle isn’t small. If he wants so badly to explore, why not explore the rooms? 
Hero grabs his cloak and puts it on, trying in vain to cover his dark blue locks. He liked making his hair fun colors, it was one of the little bits of magic he still did just for joy, but it made him easily recognizable. With a little bit of a disguising charm he left the castle and flew over to Farawaytown. 
Luckily the town is in the midst of some military parade, and everyone’s eyes are on the strapping soldiers, not a young boy hiding under a cloak. He scans the cheering fans at first, but with no traces of Kel, he begins to search the alleyways. 
Hero does a quick locator spell, letting a beam of light flare up in his palm. It starts as a ball but quickly shortens into a pointed spire, spinning like a compass. He says Kel’s name, and the spire turns a soft glowing orange, pointing southward. 
He follows it, keeping a sharp eye for any soldiers or citizens who might notice the very obvious display of magic, but the back streets are deserted. He crosses a divide in the alley, but hears a soldier laughing. Hero quickly walks backwards, cupping his hands and starting to extinguish his spell, when he hears a girl’s voice. A familiar voice. 
The spell lights up lavender, and spins wildly once more. It lands in the direction of the soldiers. Hero clasps his hands together, barely even daring to breathe. His heart is racing with a furious beat, but he can’t help to peer around the corner. 
She’s gotten taller since he’s last seen her, her hair is longer too. She always used to keep loose and flowing around her shoulders, but now it’s in a tight formal braid. Her dress is plain, and her hat is straw. Hero only ever saw her wear rich velvet robes and sparkling dresses, and Mari had always detested hats. 
He wouldn’t have believed it was her if she hadn’t spoken just then, telling the two soliders leering at her to leave her alone. They only came closer, and Hero blinked his eyes twice, searching their intentions. He could tell they didn’t actually mean her any harm, but Mari was still frightened. 
It was fine. She would be fine. He should just walk away. Getting close to her meant getting close to Solomon, which would put Kel in danger. He should just go. But Mari was scared...
Hero cursed at himself and straightened up to his full height, walking with confidence towards the trio. He put his arm around Mari, pulling her close to his chest. “There you are sweetheart. Sorry I’m late, I was looking everywhere for you,” 
Mari stiffened up, and Hero managed to brave a glance down at her face. She was staring up at him with a mixture of horror and wonder, but there was something else there. Something that sent a spike through Hero’s heart. She was confused, frightened of him. 
She didn’t know who he was.
Damn Solomon. 
The soldiers were annoyed at his intrusion, snapping something at him. Hero ignored them, not bothering to answer their questions. He held his right hand up over Mari’s shoulder, fingers crooking like they were holding marionette strings. He sent the two soldiers away, giving them instructions to join their platoon once more. Now it was just him and Mari alone. 
She was still frightened of him, and Hero lowered his hood to show his face to her. Even seeing him fully, his eyes and the glinting earrings she had given him as a birthday gift oh so many years ago, didn’t jog her memory. Damn Solomon. 
Hero tried not to let his disappointment show on his face. He gave Mari a small bow and apologized for intruding. She accepted the apology with a mumble, pulling on the sleeves of her conservative green dress.
On a whim Hero offered to “escort” her to wherever she was going. It wasn’t the smart choice, and probably the wrong one, but he had spent four years away from Mari and now that she was here in front of him, he didn’t just want to let her go. Besides the questions were beginning to pile up in his mind. Why was she not at the academy? What had Solomon done to the bright confident girl he used to know? Why didn’t she recognize him.
“Oh um...I’m just going to the bakery. I think that uh, my brother might be there, and I’m...I’m looking for him,” So Sunny was involved in all of this too. Hero shouldn’t be so surprised. Sunny managed to involve himself in plenty of trouble in their childhood. If Kel was here, chances are he had already found Sunny on his own. Hero gave Mari a small smile, the kind he knew made girl’s around him swoon and clutch at their hearts, and held out his arm.
“I’m looking for my brother too. Shall we look together?” She nodded and took his arm, placing her small hand in the crook of his elbow. They walked in silence, Hero too preoccupied, Mari too overwhelmed to speak. Then Hero noticed a familiar sight, a tiny brown mole peeking around a corner. He leaned his head close to Mari and whispered in her ear
“Don’t be alarmed, but I’m being followed. Act normal,” Mari acted even more alarmed, and Hero quickened his pace, a plan beginning to form in his head. Solomon may have taken Mari’s memories, and maybe even her abilities, but she would still have her natural talents. Maybe a taste of what she used to have would bring out some of the old times they used to share
Moles were beginning to sprout from the walls, closing them in from all sides. Mari gave a quiet shout of fright, and Hero smirked. He grabbed her securely around the waist and flew them both up high into the air. The wind made her dress a balloon, and the moles chattered angrily from below. 
Mari had her eyes shut tightly, fear making her shake. Hero frowned, and then shook off his negative feelings. He took his hands away from her waist and linked their fingers easily together. “Open your eyes,” Mari shook her head, a quiet whimper of fright managing to escape her lips. He squeezed her hands once, “Trust me,” 
Mari cautiously opened her eyes one by one and gaped at the sight. She had never been this high up before! Still something about it felt right, like she had done it a thousand times before. She turned back towards the wizard she had recognized by his strange colored hair and gave him an uncharacteristically wide smile. 
She had been so scared when the wizard Hero had first put his arm around her, thinking back to all the things the other girls at the flower shop said. But all of those rumors couldn’t be true, not about this boy with his soft spoken voice and gentle smiles. 
“That’s my girl,” He whispered into her ear, heart fluttering at the joy on Mari’s face as they glided through the air together. Hero gave her instructions to straighten her legs and start walking, and they continued their jaunt high above the heads of the rest of the world. She clearly still wasn’t herself, but it felt nice to do this with Mari again. 
This was something they had done countless times in their youth. Flying was one of Mari’s favorite things, and they had often danced around in the air while they waited for their next lessons to begin. 
“Not so hard is it?” Hero laughed, placing his boot down on one of the rooftops and launching them higher into the air. Mari gave an exhilarated giggle, and Hero couldn’t take his eyes off of her. They landed on the balcony of the bakery, the band below finishing their waltz with a dramatic flourish. Mari had stars in her eyes, staring at him in childlike awe. Hero couldn’t help the blush that dusted his cheeks, turning away from her and towards the long hallway ahead.
“Let’s see if those brothers of ours are down below, hmm?” 
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ootori-sibs · 4 years ago
The Ootori princess
Chapter ten: Big brother's support
Tw: internalised transphobia, misplaced support
Sitting down at the dinner table, Kyoya felt the weight that had been lifted from her shoulders settle back down. Yuuichi didn't know- and Kyoya had only just accepted it herself… herself… it felt good to think about herself in such a way. The epiphany had happened just that evening, a little while after returning from the park. Kyoya had been considering the fact for a while, but she finally ran out of excuses and distractions, she had to face the fact that there was a bigger reason she wasn't like her brothers… why she was so much more like Fiyumi, although they were different too- it came with the territory, Kyoya figured.
"Kyoya? Are you alright? You haven't touched your food," Yuuichi interrupted her train of thought, a kind smile that only Dr to remind Kyoya of the horror that she'd have to tell him at some point.
"I… yes, apologies, I had something on my mind." She admitted, looking down at her food; they were having sushi today, sashimi mostly. That was good, Kyoya enjoyed sashimi.
A sigh from her older brother, and Kyoya looked up to see his eyes were filled with concern, "there's been a lot on your mind lately, is there something wrong? Anything I should know?" Oh god, Kyoya instantly froze, her entire body locking up as she desperately thought to find an escape.
She swallowed, not looking her brother in the eyes, "I suppose there has been, but it's nothing you're… not aware of," she lied, but only to protect herself. She loved and trusted her brother of course, but this was an entire can of worms she definitely wasn't willing to open right now.
Yuuichi sighed, “Kyoya… you know I can tell when you’re lying to me, right?”
"Lying to you..?" She knew there was no way to lie for a second time, so she could only hope to escape, "I don't think… it was anything bigger than a white lie. Nothing harmful, but still, I apologize." Kyoya hung her head, hoping that Yuuichi would just drop it.
He didn't, Yuuichi was a good, caring older brother, "please tell me, I want to help you…" he then sighs, "you don't have to though, I'm just… I want to help you, I can't help you if I don’t know what's wrong.” Kyoya bristled at that, not liking how her brother was prying into her business like that. She sighed and gripped the tablecloth tightly trying not to panic.
“Yuuichi, I’m sorry but I cannot tell you what I’m thinking about right now, I’m just not prepared for that discussion at the moment.” She bit the inside of her lip, hoping that would be enough for Yuuichi.
"Alright, I understand," he glanced back down at the plate, "I apologize if I crossed a line."
That night, Kyoya couldn't sleep. She was still reeling from figuring it out and then from telling Haruhi. She had eventually gotten out of bed and just sat at the computer, she didn't have anything she had to do, but maybe a game of solitaire would relax her. Unfortunately the more she played, the more frustrated she got, although at least now it wasn't due to gender.
She wasn't sure how she got there, but she was online shopping after a while, looking at dresses and skirts. Kyoya knew she wouldn't be able to wear them outside but still… it was a wonderful idea to simply wear them. She found some purple pringle-pattern socks, in both normal and knee-high variety. Pleased to have something to wear in public, she bought it, quickly following the purchase up with a more pointed version of her regular school shoes, nothing wrong with looking just a little more feminine. It's not like anyone would notice, just her.
Kyoya also thought about names, Haruhi had asked if she'd like to change her name- to find one more suited to a lady.
When Kyoya woke up in the morning, she got dressed, slowly dragging herself downstairs to get coffee. Madeline was there when he got into the kitchen, making some oatmeal. She glanced over when Kyoya entered the room, "mornin'! How're ya feeling?"
She just let out a low groan, almost a growl, grabbing the coffee pot. Usually that was enough to make maids stop talking to Kyoya, but for some reason those two weren't scared of him, Madeline even chuckled.
"Well someone ain't a morning person, sit down baby, I'll get you your coffee." She took the pot from Kyoya's hands, ushering her to sit down. The woman started making the coffee with one hand, using the other to stir the pot of oatmeal, Kyoya had to admit that it was quite impressive. "Are you alright though? The master seems quite worried about you."
"My brother can worry all he likes," Kyoya sighed, she did truly feel bad, but she still wasn't ready to tell him, she would when she was ready though, "it will not change a thing."
"Oh?" Madeline set the coffee down in front of Kyoya, along with a bowl of oatmeal with syrup, coffee granules and cherry blossoms to decorate, "is there something you're not telling him?"
Kyoya just sighed, trying a mouthful of the oatmeal- oh that was good, a hum of approval left her lips, causing Madeline to smile. "I'm not at liberty to tell you about any of that, you are just a maid after all."
She nodded, serving out two more bowls of the oatmeal- Yuuichi must have gone to work already, "I get that, but you have to know that I'm here for you. I'm not gonna tell your brother, or anyone else. You need someone you can talk to, and you don't know me that well, I'm 'no one of consequence' as you would put it. I'm not pressuring you, but if you feel like it, I'm always an open ear."
"Alright, I'll consider it." Kyoya sighed, she ate her oatmeal quietly, pondering the offer given. She supposed she would need someone to talk to, she couldn't just burden Haruhi with everything. Maybe she would talk to Madeline about it, not now though. Right now, Kyoya was thinking about her big brother, had he gone to work already? He’d promised Kyoya that he’d spend the day with her, that he just had one meeting in the morning. So naturally, Kyoya was excited, she idolised her big brother, the fact that she’d get to spend the entire day with him made her very happy. She wondered where he was, probably at that meeting already, but she might ask just to be sure, "where is my brother? Has he gone to work?"
"Oh? Not at all," Madeline chuckled, "he's actually still asleep, the meeting doesn't start for an hour." Oh wow, Kyoya had woken up before her brother for once, she felt a strange sense of pride at that. Funny.
Speak of the devil, Yuuichi came waltzing in not that much later, grabbing the coffee, "mmm, coffee always smells better in the morning, doesn't it Kyo?"
Kyoya smiled up at her brother, feeling a little happier to hear Yuuichi acknowledge her in that informal way he so often did. "Good morning, good luck at your meeting today."
Yuuichi glanced back at him, smiling softly, "you're coming with me, you can get dressed after breakfast, I'll help you pick out an outfit if you want?"
Oh! She was coming with? Kyoya smiled up at him, "why? Where are we going after that?" If Yuuichi wanted to help her pick out an outfit, then he must have something specific in mind.
"Well I figured we could go to the beach and have a little picnic, then we could go shopping," he sips his coffee slowly, looking over some papers as he speaks, "how does that sound? We can do something else if you'd rather."
"The beach sounds nice, one of our private ones I assume?"
"No actually, I found a nice public one, it's never used much though, and there's a nice hidden area we can use." Interesting, Kyoya had very little experience with public beaches, she assumed it would be quite crowded on a day like this but Yuuichi seemed to know how to avoid people, so she was happy. She nodded, imitating Yuuichi with the way she held her coffee cup, taking a sip.
"That sounds wonderful, I think I might enjoy that."
After breakfast, they went up to Kyoya's bedroom, to decide on her outfit for the day. "Do you have any shorts?" Yuuichi asked, pulling open the door to the walk-in-wardrobe and stepping in.
"A few, yes." Kyoya felt her heart hammering in her chest as she realised she also kept the skirt she'd taken from Haruhi in the drawer with the shorts, "although it might rain later today so is that really a good idea?"
"Nonsense!" Yuuichi chuckled at that, "have you seen how bright it is out there? There's no way it'll rain!" Kyoya winced as she saw him open the drawer, a look of mild surprise appearing on his face for just a second before Yuuichi frowns. "You have so many khakis, they don't look good Kyoya! Get better shorts!" He tossed a pair of knee length jean shorts at Kyoya, huffing, "this is why we need to go shopping."
"What's wrong with my shorts?" Kyoya frowned, picking up the shorts she was given. She definitely didn't like the shorts, but they were the straightest thing she could think of- and father had hated it when Kyoya 'dressed gay'. Although he had said being gay was fine as long as she didn't act on it… hey, does that make her straight now? Because she's only interested in boys, but also she's definitely a girl now… so she's straight? Well, guess that would make father happy… obviously not but it was an amusing thought.
"Hmm… oh this is new!" Yuuichi took the little black dress out, looking at it, "this is a long top, almost a dress," he chuckles, "it's cute though, you should wear it."
Kyoya swallowed, a bubble in her throat appearing at the idea of wearing a dress in public. Sure, Yuuichi clearly didn't think it was a dress, but it definitely was just me, and Kyoya was terrified of the idea of being seen like that. "Isn't it a little too long?"
"I don't think so? Your shorts are knee length so it's fine-"
"But! But… it wouldn't go with the jean shorts, it would look bad," Kyoya was full on panicking at this point, thrown into thoughts of people seeing her in a dress like that… it was horrifying.
"Alright, alright," Yuuichi glanced at her with a strange look in his eyes before nodding and putting the dress back, "you've got this white turtleneck? That's cute?"
She sighed, sitting down on her bed, "I suppose I do," she was tired already, of course she was looking forward to the picnic and spending time with her brother. It was just… the panic just then took a surprising amount of energy out of her.
Yuuichi stepped out of the wardrobe, frowning, "are you alright?" Kyoya looks up at him, trying to hide the sudden fear still in her face, it evidently fails as Yuuichi looks heartbroken. He sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her in, "I'm sorry, I figured it was a dress, I was just trying to be supportive…" Kyoya pauses at that, supportive? It seemed Yuuichi wasn't done, however, as he began to stroke her hair, "I noticed you'd been experimenting with women's clothing, so I figured I'd be encouraging. I'm sorry Kyoya, I didn't mean to scare you like that."
Huh… Yuuichi had noticed, of course he had, Kyoya hadn't been all too subtle. The frilly apron, the instant approval of the hairclips, the talking to Haruhi in private. How hadn't Kyoya noticed his support before? God, her big brother was so sweet and… and he didn't care about Kyoya wearing dresses, so maybe he wouldn't care about her being a girl…
She stared at Yuuichi's face, it was ok, there was nothing but trust and love in those eyes, Kyoya was safe. Kyoya could speak, she was willing herself to tell him, to be free to be herself at least here. Once he knew, she could buy more dresses. It was safe to tell him, of course it was,
but Kyoya couldn't bring herself to say it.
Instead, she just burst into tears, quiet, almost inaudible sobbing as she leaned her head into Yuuichi's chest. Poor Yuui was surprised but instantly comforted her, continuing to stroke her hair gently, "hey… hey, it's ok Kyo, I've got you. Your big brother is here, everything's going to be fine." He sighed, and began huming something soft, a song that Kyoya reconised as a stupid 50s song, the kind mother would always listen to, but of course, Yuuichi had changed the melody… it was a lullaby now.
"...big brother…"
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 4 years ago
Sk8 2 - 8 | Kemono Jihen 2 - 3 | Wave!! 2 - 5 | Back Arrow 3 - 6
Sk8 2
What’s with the filter over the recap?
These dance moves are cool (a derpy kind of cool)…but I’m seeing them all with the volume off (due to background noise), so I’ll have to find out what the audio is like later. Update: Rude-Alpha! Someone I actually do know!
I was worried about Truck-kun causing another Isekai Incident ™ there…phew…*wipes sweat off brow*
Is Langa…left-handed, perhaps? Or are left-handers not necessarily better with their left foot?
Langa’s mother’s so funny! It’s rare to see a mother who isn’t dead or just not talked about in anime.
Why is it that parody Sailor Moon transformations always happen with the buffest dudes possible…? That’s why it’s rare to get something like Boueibu, where it takes itself (semi-)seriously.
Lately, the urban aesthetic is cool. HypMic, Akudama, IWGP and now this…
Langa is 17. *takes notes on eligible bachelors, LOL*
“A huge family only embarrasses you.” – *nods*
I see! Although I don’t know anything about skateboarding, I can relate to him when he’s fixing a board up for Langa because I can see it’s Reki using his passion for a friend.
Oh, that’s why they call it Sk8 the Infinity…!
I keep calling it “wiping out” in my head when I watch…I’m no surfer, but I guess I’m more used to surfing lingo.
Hitori piledriver = piledriver by oneself ( I guess…?).
Sk8 3
I’ve never heard of this Takuma Nagatsuka (voice of Miya Chinen). He sounds like Kohei Amasaki…
Hmm…normally skateboarders wear protective gear, right? Couldn’t Langa have gotten some of that (now that I think of it)?
I guess this is also Reki’s pride as a board mechanic on the line here…never saw it that way until I thought about it like that.
I think I remember reading a comment once about Bakugo and Midoriya from BnHA – about how Bakugo seemed sluggish in his progress because he’d been training his Quirk from day 1, while Midoriya was trying to catch up. I think Chinen is in a similar situation.
I think what Chinen has is stability, above all others.
There’s a piece of paper in the back that has “supoort” (sic) written on it.
Chinen’s not…“smiling with his eyes”, you call it. In retail, you learn how to smile with the eyes even when it’s fake.
Kemono Jihen 2
Inari? Like the fox shrine?
So Shiki is a spider-guy and…what is Akira? I’ve heard whispers he’s a yukiotoko, but I don’t know at this point in time.
Kabane’s kinda short, LOL, even in comparison to Akira.
Shiki is definitely Bakugo, Spider Version…LOL.
Oh, BnHA came out in 2014 and Kemono Jihen in 2016 (manga).
Oh, that drip apparatus. I’ve only ever seen it in real life, I think – my dad uses one for his coffee.
Kemono Jihen 3
…hmm, I don’t think I’ve seen much set in Shinjuku. I think there’s Mayonaka Occult Koumuin, part of HypMic…and that might be it.
I laughed at “small meeting room”.
Apparently “biddy bait”, according to Urban Dictionary, is meant to mean “a lure for hot women”. I don’t particularly like Urban Dictionary, because the editors who make these definitions are clearly biased in some way or another while writing their definitions, unlike an actual dictionary.
Aw, come on! Why is it fire from the tail?! Fire from the mouth like a dragon is cooler!
Kabane’s getting ahead of himself! (LOL)
Just noticed Kon’s hoodie has a design that says FOX, but the X is inside the O.
…thank goodness for Shiki’s hand…
Akira’s been a bit of dead weight recently, so I hope he gets developed soon.
Back Arrow 3
I wonder if Shu Bi is asexual and/or aromantic…?
“…inherited the spirit of the former sheriff…” – That’s Atlee’s job…oh wait. It’s about the undies again…
This is fishy…this whole “paradise is beyond the canyon” thing.
Ooh, I get the feeling Shu Bi and Arrow will either come to blows with each other or fight on the same side…
Sk8 4
I wonder if episode 8 will look weird in the titles…? I mean, it will be “Sk8 8”…
I would think Reki’s straightforward emotions would be spiky shapes.
I knew women were something objectified by S, but…Langa, the deuteragonist? That’s new.
It just hit me: This would be so good with a dub…!
*Langa casually eats 10 burgers* - LOL.
“This has gotta be way too late!”
So now an anime character has stolen a motorcycle…LOL.
Back Arrow 4
The title of this episode seems to be “Is Today Yesterday’s Tomorrow?”, the service’s title that I’ve got in front of me is “Does Genius Come When Least Expected?”
This map reminds me of +Anima’s continent.
I seem to remember Boueibu was constructed as half an episode of idle talking, half fighting. Why do I bring this up? Because Back Arrow seems to be constructed similarly, episode-wise.
The reason I like the hot-blooded mech series and not the serious ones…is stupid things (<- I mean that affectionately) like Shu Bi pulling out a phone in a world like this.
What’s with the shot of Elsha’s butt…? I know it seems somewhat justified, considering the position her Briheight’s in…but the leery angle is a bit annoying.
…I keep thinking Bit will get a Briheight one day and he’ll be like Zenitsu – powerful only when he doesn’t know it.
Shin Fusui, right? “Ren Sin” kinda makes sense, given we didn’t know any better, but so does “Ren Shin”…Sin as a first name though…? Anyways, it’s Shin Fusui, Kei Suiitsu, Nen Kasei and Ko Chisen. Their names match their elements.
I never realised how skimpy Kei’s outfit was until she was without her Briheight on the ground…eesh, women and their skimpy outfits in this universe…
Wave!! 2
I’m going to differentiate this anime from the other Wave (Wave, Listen to Me) with 2 exclamation marks…also, I’m not able to mark this episode down until 4 episodes have gone, or until AniList makes a TV entry for this. Update: AniList did eventually make an entry for the TV version (i.e. the version I'm working off) of this anime.
Nalu was playing an invisible ukulele even in the bath, LOL.
I noticed Masaki keeps his corgi between his legs so that the dog doesn’t run away. That’s probably only a thing dog owners do, because I don’t think anyone inexperienced with pets would know if they could do such a thing.
Why do I get the feeling the symbol on one of Masaki’s shoulders is (meant to be) Rip Curl…?
I read some of the 4koma for this series (found on the website) and…Sho’s so cute, envying this ‘warm family”. Nalu still has his ukulele, even at the dining table, LOL.
LOL, random rainbow. Every time I read subs about Masaki extolling surfing, I’m reminded of what I call “translator’s high”. It’s the feeling of working under deadlines and being inspired to churn out a high-quality release.
…well, this is a surfing anime. I should have known this would talk about places that get lots of hot weather and big waves (like Australia) because Joel Parkinson is from Tweed Heads, Sydney.
Who’s Jojo Pardinen?
Why does Masaki call Tanaka “Murphy”?
Wave!! 3
Oh, so that man is Masaki’s dad…Right.
The real spirit of characters is shown after they’re defeated…that’s my thoughts, anyway.
I know what a repechage is…in fact, I learnt about that through the FP and M manga.
Oh! It’s “Nalu”, but written “Naru”.
Wave!! 4
Is there a 3rd place in these competitions?
Wait, so the guy in the pink shirt is Masaki’s dad, but then the Hawaiian shirt dude owns the shop. Am I right on this now…?
There is a magical girl called Sally, IIRC, and the description does match.
LOL, I like how the teacher is so indecisive.
Back Arrow 5
Shu Bi’s so pretty…I had my eyes on him from the beginning and now that’s paying me back tenfold.
I wonder if Shu will ever get a Briheight…? (I wanna see it!)
Back Arrow 6
Pretty boy farms!!! It sounds like abuse in a sense, but it also sounds like a dream (?!)
Bit reminds me of Sousuke (Classicaloid).
Oh, so the funky gold hat-thing with the purple ribbon is what the head diviner wears.
LOL wut…his name is “Bruh”? *tries to hide stupid smirk on face*
Wait, if it’s a pretty boy farm, how do you produce new pretty boys without women…? *scratches head*
Question: What is Gote’s conviction?
Wave!! 5
Kadomatsu (the bamboo), huh? Must be New Year’s. Likewise, the bush warbler (uguisu) means it’s spring.
Sk8 5
Milk, straight from the carton…*sigh* Boys… Update: (This is referring to how guys are typically shown chugging straight from the carton. As you can tell from the comment, I don't particularly like it.)
I like how suddenly, all the barriers come down for these guys, even though Kaoru said at one point they shouldn’t be coming down.
Battle of Ganryujima.
Sk8 6
…this woman Reki has the hots for is going to be a dude…that’s normally how this joke works.
Oh well, that was also a funny moment.
“Dangerous stuff is forbidden.”
Hiromi in a swimsuit is…vaguely disturbing.
Kamata? Y’mean, she has the word for “scythe” in her name and she’s a “mantis woman”? Makes sense.
Even on their day off, the Sk8 crew are fun to be with.
Sk8 7
Whoa! Straight to the OP!
…I’m suddenly scared. What if Langa’s mother gets put in danger…? (Like in Kanon.)
Sk8 8
I want Langa to punch Adam. In the face. Now!
…is Snake…Ainosuke’s butler? I can sort of guess from the hair…and the matching theme [of Adam, Eve and the snake in paradise]…
It is the butler!
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rocksandrobots · 5 years ago
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 19 - Hardlight
Tumblr media
"Heeeello interwebs! Today on 'How Does It Work?' We will be looking at a toaster."
Varian stood inside the Hamada garage as he held up a toaster in front of a tripod that supported his smartphone.
Fred had introduced him to the concept of 'vlogs' a few days ago. Inspired, Varian had hit upon the idea of doing his own web series in his spare time. It'd give him something to do between work and school, when his friends were busy off doing superheroing things.
He still was curious about many modern inventions and how they worked, and while he could simply read about them, he learned better by doing. He also figured that other people might like to know how the things they used everyday without thinking about them worked. Ergo, the premise of his show was to take apart an appliance or other household electronic and then put it back together again.
The first video had received some moderate success. Though the majority of the comments were just simply stating how cute Ruddiger was over and over again. Apparently people got a kick out of seeing his raccoon assistant.
"Aunt Cass has like, six of these lying around, so I'm sure she won't mind this time." He added, off hand to the camera.
He had taken apart her digital clock last time because she had complained about the alarm not working right. He wanted to surprise her by fixing it. She however was none too happy to find him sitting in the midst of the wires and casing that had once been her clock. Fortunately he had managed to put it all back together again, and even fix the alarm while at it, though it now wouldn't turn off unless you held the snooze button down for a full minute. He'd have to look into that little delay later when she was no longer upset with him.
For now though Varian busied himself over the toaster. He took it apart successfully and then pieced it back together like a puzzle, all the while explaining what he was doing to the camera on his phone. It went well, right up until the end.
"As you can see this a very simple device. Eazy to fix, if need be." He stated as he began to plug the appliance in to test it out. But no sooner did he stand up to readdress the camera did the toaster start to spark and crackle before catching into flames.
Instincts took over and Varian threw a nearby tarp over the flames to smother them. Ruddiger grabbed the fire extinguisher and after fiddling with it for few seconds managed to spray the foaming stuff onto both him and the small fire.
That's when Varian heard laughter coming from behind him.
He slowly turned around, the foam still in his hair and his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Behind him stood a young girl about his age. She had short brown hair and wore a jean jacket. She was desperately trying to suppress her giggles and failing miserably at it.
But upon making eye contact she coughed away her own embarrassment and gave him a sheepish grin.
"Hi. Is Hiro home?" She waved.
Varian wiped the foam from his hair. "No, he's out at the moment."
"Oh." She said clearly disappointed but then just as soon picked the conversion back up. "I'm Megan by the way, Chief Cruz's daughter."
She held out her hand for Varian to shake which he numbly took. He muttered his name as a way of introduction.
He wasn't sure where this was going. She no doubt thought him the fool due to his earlier misfortune but she seemed eager to move on from that and made no further mention of it.
"You must be the new kid my dad was talking about." She continued. "So how are you liking America?"
She gave him a look that clearly stated to him that she expected more of an answer but he declined to speak further. He didn't want to put his foot in his mouth so soon after screwing up.
"Ooookaaay." She decided to change the subject. "Your raccoon is pretty cool. Did you train him to use a fire extinguisher?"
Ruddiger crawled up his back to rest upon his head as he sometimes did. His pet knew when people were talking about him.
"No, not really. He's just smart."
Megan blinked at him in surprise.
"Oh." She said again, this time having trouble comprehending how a raccoon could teach itself fire safety on its on. "Well, it's still neat that you got such a smart pet then. My dad won't let me keep any animals." She admitted wistfully. "Can..can I pet him?"
She reached her hand out tentatively and Ruddiger reached his head up to meet her hand in kind. She giggled again in delight as she began to pet the wild creature with more confidence.
While engaged in this activity Varian saw Hiro and Baymax fly in. Hiro pulled his helmet off and then froze in terror at the sight of Megan. He quickly turned around and started pushing Baymax the other way, hoping to get away before the girl noticed that they were there.
"Did you hear something?" Megan paused and started to turn around.
"No!" Varian quickly interjected and tried to turn her attention back to him in order to give Hiro time to get away. "Uh, but Ruddiger here, loves being held. If you wanna."
Megan looked like she had just won the lottery. Her eyes widen and her mouth broke into a huge grin. Varian handed his pet over to her and she breathlessly hugged the raccoon.
"Oooh, you're so cute!" She exclaimed.
Megan was still cuddling Ruddiger when Hiro, now dressed in his regular clothes, walked in.
"Hey, Megan. How was Florida?"
"Oh, great! I almost didn't want to leave. I only came back because Father's Day is next week. Mom says 'hi' by the way."
"Oh, well, tell her I said 'hi' back."
"Do you wanna go grab a shake? I'll tell you all about the trip. You can come too if you want, Varian."  
Varian was going to politely decline the offer, he figured Hiro would rather catch up with his friend without him tagging along, but then Hiro's phone dinged, indicating that he had a text message.
Hiro read it. Of course it was an urgent call for help from the rest of the gang, but he didn't say so out loud.
"Soorrry. That was Wasabi. I..I'm suppose meet up for… our study group."
"Seriously? Even during summer?" Megan admonished.
Hiro could only shrug his shoulders in apology. "Yeeeaah, college doesn't let out during the summer, but hey, Varian isn't in the study group. Why don't you hang with him. Teach him what normal teens do for fun."
"Well I guess someone will have to since we all know you ain't normal" She teased in response.
They both broke out into snickers at that, as if sharing some private joke that Varian didn't understand.
"Alright, it's settled then. I'll see you two later, have fun." He waved goodbye and bowed out.
Varian however was left standing there wondering what the heck had just happened.
"Hmm..normal, hun?" Megan cupped her chin in thought. Then she turned to him and flashed him a sly grin. "Do you know how to skate?"
The skating park was a jungle of concrete and metal; deep sunken pits, tall curved edifices, piping serving as inclined rails, and even a small paved race track encircling the entire playground. All around people of various ages hurried about on seemingly any and every wheeled vehicle possible. Rollerblades like the type Varian had seen Gogo wear, another four wheeled version called rollerskates, scooters, bikes with pedals instead of motors, most with two wheels, some with three, even one with only one big wheel which looked like it'd be hard to balance on, but what really caught Varian's interest was the skateboards.
He had built something similar back home, only his was larger and he could only roll down grassy hills with it. Anything else would cause the wheels to catch on rocks or cause him to lose control on the uneven ground. There'd be no such problem here on the relatively smooth concrete.
Of course, Varian didn't have his rollingboard with him. Fortunately there was a small store that rented the various vehicles to the park's customers. He paid the man at the counter for a skateboard and the required safety gear. Megan had brought her own skates and helmet.
"I'll race you down to the bottom!" She dared him as she stood next to one of larger pits.
Varian joined her and peered over the side and for the briefest of moments he hesitated. The incline was steeper than any of the hills he had slid down and if he fell there'd be no soft grass to land on, only hard stone. That said, it wasn't as scary as the crystal slide he had ridden down on his first night here, nor was it as large as the snow drifts that he would surf down on his makeshift sled in winter.
"Your on!" He told her, accepting her challenge.
He steeled his nerves as he rolled the tip of the board to the edge and then let out a whoop of exhilaration as the ground gave way and he rolled quickly down the side, he then almost lost control when the board started to just as quickly roll back up the other side. That was new. He hopped off again once he'd reached the level ground, only stumbling a little. Megan met him soon after.
"You ok?" She asked.
"Yeah." Varian breathed and then burst into laughter. "You wanna do it again!?"
It took a little more practice but soon Varian was riding the skateboard with ease. It controlled similarly to his old invention. In fact, due to its smaller size he found he could maneuver it even better than he had the other. Though he wasn't quite at the skill level where he could do tricks like some of the other kids he saw.
It didn't matter though. He and Megan had fun just rolling around the park, alternating between racing one another or chasing each other in a sort of 'follow the leader' type game, usually Megan led.
After a couple of hours though, the time on his rental was up and he and Megan had to leave. Varian would have to buy himself his own skateboard at some point. He bet the rest of his friends would love it here, particularly Gogo.
Varian and Megan made they're way back home walking through downtown. They had missed the bus and so decided to walk to the next trolley stop instead. They were probably halfway there when the sky began to suddenly turn gray.
"Brrr" Megan shivered and hugged her jacket close around her. "Is it just me or did it get just get a lot colder all of a sudden."
Varian could only shrug in response. He hadn't felt anything but he was already wearing his big frock coat anyways. He probably didn't need it, but he thought it made him look cool and he desperately wanted to impress the girl after having made a fool of himself earlier that day. Not that she had really noticed.
"So how was your first day as a 'normal teen'?" She gently teased. "Cause I know you don't get a chance to just have fun and be a kid at that nerd school you and Hiro go to."
"Is that all 'normal kids' do? Play?"
"Well, when you're not at school or doing chores that is, but regular school is different from college."
"I wouldn't know." Varian admitted reluctantly. "Never been to any other school besides SFIT. Also chores took up most of the day where I'm from and there wasn't many kids around my age."
Megan stilled. Her father had told her about Varian. About how he came from a harsher country and had escaped to America for a better life. She didn't know any of the details, other than the fact that Varian was now staying with Hiro and his aunt. Her dad had warned her not to bring the subject up, but here was Varian volunteering to talk about his past anyways and Megan didn't know how to respond.
She didn't get a chance to say anything though, as a whole bunch of people suddenly started to run towards them, and then right past them. The crowd was clearly scared of something. Some were screaming in fright as they all tried to run away. Though Megan couldn't figure out from what.
Varian grabbed her hand and pulled them both out of the way as the torrent of frighten people pushed their way past. Together they huddled under a yawning of a doorway, watching the scene in confusion. Then Megan spotted a familiar figure in the sky.
"We gotta go." She warned Varian.
"I just saw Big Hero Six fly by. That means there's trouble that way. We better follow the crowd and leave or take shelter someplace." She tugged at his arm trying to get him to come with her, but he only looked at her in confusion.
"But they're the good guys right? They're there to help people."
"No, they're vigilantes." Megan snapped back. "Where ever they go some crackpot shows up trying to start a fight. It'll be a huge mess. We're better off just going now."
Once again she pulled on his coat sleeve but he didn't budge.
"You mean they might get hurt?" He asked with worry in his voice.
"I don't know, maybe. Someone sure will if they're dumb enough to stick around." She was starting to get annoyed, but she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Look you're new here, I get it. You probably don't have superheroes where you're from. But trust me, we should just let the police handle it and stay out of the way. Now come on, pleeease." She begged again.
Varian bit his lip in thought as if coming to a decision, and then finally to Megan's relief, he nodded his head in agreement. He took her hand again so as not to get separated in the crowd and they started to make their way back towards the park.
The hadn't gone maybe a few steps when they heard a booming voice coming from the behind them. It was projected by some sort of loudspeaker and distorted to disguise the person's real voice.
"Big Hero Six! Face me, Hardlight, in a battle of skill! If you dare!"
They turned to see who was speaking and was greeted by the sight of a masked figure flying upon a glowing pink saucer. He wore armour not unlike BH6's own, but the seams of it also glowed with a dim light same as his mode of transport. He continued on with his challenge.
"The prize? Why, Chief Office Cruz here."
He laughed maniacally as he move his hand upward and a glowing cage made of the pink light followed his movement as if he was controlling it with his very thoughts. Inside the cage was Officer Cruz who pushed against his prison walls unable to escape.
"Dad!" Megan cried out in fear.
Varian looked at her and the sight of her tears rolling down her cheeks forced him to make a very rash and possibly dangerous decision. To her shock, he turned around and ran directly towards the flying figures.
Varian neared the battle and ducked behind a mailbox for cover. In the sky and on the ground the superpowered beings fought one another. His friends going up against monsters made of light with Chief Cruz caught in the middle. On the other side of the street stood cop cars creating a barricade while the rest of the police also huddled for cover. A few were helping some straggling pedestrians but they were hopelessly outmatched by the villain, Hardlight, who hovered over everything as if surveying a game.
He appeared to be untouchable. Even Varian's friends were having difficulty trying to fight him one on one as he sent hordes of his artificial minions after them instead and there wasn't anything the police could do. Not without risking their commander who was now in the line of fire.
For all the world it looked like some mythic battle out of a fantasy storybook. But Varian knew better. There was no magic in this world. Everything ran off science. His friends powers came from their inventions and no doubt the supervillain was a scientist as well. Which meant that as soon as Varian could figure out how Hardlight's inventions worked then he could start figuring out the villain's weaknesses.
Though Varian currently was at a lost as to what that might be. He was no physical fighter and was every bit as out classed as the police were at the moment.
Soon he heard footsteps near and he looked to see Megan joining his side. She was shaking with fear and desperately trying to gulp back her tears, but she wouldn't leave his nor, more importantly, her father's side. He understood all to well.
"What are you thinking!?" She hissed under her breath.
"You know I keep getting asked that question a lot lately." He replied dryly and then whispered back to her. "I'm thinking that this dude has got to have a weakness and he doesn't know that we're here. So we figure out what that weakness is and help take him out while he's distracted with Hir-... with the heroes. Thereby freeing your dad."
Megan looked at him, unsure of this plan.
"Oookay, and that weakness might beee…?"
"Uh… give me a minute." Varian scanned the city street again and then dodged out the way quickly as a large hunk of metal sailed past. One of the larger light creatures had picked up a police car and hurled it across the street at the heroes. Varian's heart thudded in chest loudly as he saw the damage. What the heck was he thinking?
He saw Megan crouched down on her knees beside him, her arms around her head trying to shield herself from the flying debris and the heat of the explosion from the car that was now on fire.
He should probably just get her out of there. That was most likely the best way he could help.
But then he paused. Heat!? Cold!? Megan had said it had gotten unusually cold right before Hardlight had shown up and indeed his breath was fogging in the air. The rest of the gang must not have noticed because they were busy fighting in heavy armour.
"Hard light!" Varian exclaimed finally piecing together the clues.
"Wha…" Megam tentatively looked up at him confused.
"That's why he calls himself Hardlight! Because he's using super cooled photons to turn light into solid matter!"
Megan continued to look at him as if he was crazy.
"We touched upon it in physics class." He explained. "Supposedly the science is only theoretical, but it looks like this guy has cracked the code. That cloud must be filled with rubidium and he must be using some sort of projector to shoot lasers into the chilled air.
Megan still looked lost. "Lasers? So it's literally just a light show?"
"Yeah." More debris flew past. "A deadly light show." He gulped.
He braved himself to take another look at the ongoing fight. He peered around the mailbox and saw Hardlight punching commands into his gauntlets. They must have held the device that controlled the projectors. In fact the lights on his suit may have been projectors themselves, looping the connection. He tried to follow one of the particle beams of regular light that flickered against the cloud, a byproduct of the more deadly 'solid light.'
His eyes landed upon a window in a building across the street that flickered off and on. He then looked on the opposite side and saw a similar window in another building parallel to the first.
"There!" He pointed."And over there. We'll have to make our way across and shut down the projectors inside."
He turned and found Megan clutching his coat sleeve with both hands. Her eyes darted about in fear.
Varian sighed.
She wasn't use to this. Megan was, as she put it, a normal kid. She hadn't been through what Varian had been through nor what Hiro had been through. She had never had to fight for anything before and Varian hoped she'd never would.
He rested a hand upon her shoulder to calm her.
"Look, it's ok." He said gently, trying to come across as calm himself. Which he wasn't, but she didn't need to know that. "You don't have to come. Just wait here where it's safe and I'll do it."
She searched his eyes questioningly, not sure if she should let him go. So he added,"I'll get your father back. I promise."
Varian didn't make promises lightly. He knew how important they were and how devastating a broken one could really be. Once said, he meant it.
She thought for a moment, took a steading breath, and then gently removed his hand from her shoulder.
"No." She looked up at him with determination in her eyes. "I'm coming with you. Just tell me what to do."
"Alright." Varian agreed. "Then follow me and stick close."
Varian weaved and dodged and ducked through the littered sidewalks, behind various debris, and down abandon doorways. Carefully he and Megan made their way across the battlefield staying out of sight. Fortunately, Varian had had a lot of practice with sneaking around back during his time on the lam. The action came back to him instinctively.
They made it by without being noticed and Varian stopped at the building closest to them, diving into the open doorway.
"Ok, so you know what you're looking for?" He asked Megan.
"A big projector, on the top floor. Just either shut it down or unplug it." She repeated his instructions.
"Good." He nodded "Then I'll leave you to it. I'm going make my way to other end of the street and do the same. If we take both projectors out at the same time he'll hopefully be too surprised to recover. You sure you'll be alright on your own."
"Hmm-hmm. You just be careful out there." She ordered back at him.
Varian flashed her a smile that he hoped look more confident then he felt and then took off back outside into the fight.
Megan watched him go and she didn't dare move until she saw him make it across the street safely. Once he ducked into the other building, she turned and started to make her way to the top floor.
Just her luck she would befriend a crazy a person, she thought as she started to climb the stairs.
She found the room with the projector easily. What wasn't so easy was the fact the thing appeared to have no off switch. It also wasn't plugged into the wall but was hooked to a mini generator instead. She pulled and tugged at the thick hose like cord that connect the two to no avail.
She huffed in frustration.
Varian was super smart and no doubt was already hot wiring the one on his end. She however would have to find more unconventional means of shutting the device down.
She looked around the room and spotted a heavy looking crowbar near the door.
She took the tool and began to smash the the projector to pieces.
Varian cut the last wire using the piece of amber that he always kept with him. It was his most valued possession next to Ruddiger. The only time he didn't have it on him was when he was experimenting with it instead.
It was unbreakable and the point was as sharp as any knife, so it sliced through the machine's inner parts easily.
The light in the projector flickered and died.
He got up and hurried to the window to see what was happening.
The cage was gone. Fred a had caught Cruz and was cradling the chief of police in his monster like arms. The officer looked out of sorts but otherwise unharmed.
Hardlight was raging and desperately fiddling with his gauntlets. He still stood upon his saucer, confirming to Varian that his suit was also a mini projector, but he had lost his light creatures and other weaponry.
Hiro and the others moved in to capture him but the villain stomped his feet in frustration and took off flying in the other direction. The dark cloud also dispersing as he retreated.
Varian looked across the street to the other window and saw Megan waving at him enthusiastically. He gave her a thumbs up to confirm that he saw her.
Then to his horror the worst thing happen.
An explosion ignited behind the girl and she was soon falling out of the hole in the wall where she and the window once stood. Varian's heart plummeted as quickly as she fell.
Hiro didn't know why Hardlight's gear had suddenly stopped working and he didn't care. He was just grateful that it had.
He reached his hand to his intercom to tell his team to peruse the villain before he got away, but stopped when he heard the explosion and the scream.
To his terror he saw Megan, of all people, falling from the skyscraper.
"Baymax!" He yelled but the robot was already on it. Together they flew to meet the girl before she hit the ground, angling their flight so as to catch her gently. They then flew to the top of the opposite skyscraper in order to check over her in peace.
Varian saw Hiro and Baymax catch Megan and nearly cried with relief. He then saw them fly over the building he was currently in. He turned and ran out of the room and headed for the roof as fast as his legs would carry him.
Baymax laid Megan on the roof as gently as he could. Her eyes were closed and made no acknowledgment that she was aware of what was going on.
Hiro hopped off of Baymax's back and tore off his helmet as he knelt down beside the girl.
"Megan?" He desperately called to her. "Megan!"
Baymax was in the middle of his scans so he wouldn't know what was really wrong until the robot finished, but the very fact that she was unconscious filled him with fear.
"Megan, please don't...don't do this." He begged, his voice breaking along with his heart.
Soon Varian was rushing towards them.
"How is she?" He asked in a panic.
Hiro looked up at the other boy in surprise that then quickly turned to anger.
"What happen!?" He rounded on his friend.
Varian took a step back, caught off guard by Hiro's sudden ferocity.
Megan however awoke before a fight could break out between the two.
"Megan!" Both boys called out and Hiro knelt back down beside her.
"I have completed my scans. It appears that she simply fainted. Outside of a few light bruises she should be fine."
Megan didn't feel fine. Her ears were ringing from the explosion, her body was sore, and she felt disoriented by the fall. Even Baymax's familiar voice had her confused. Where had he come from?
"Oh thank goodness." Hiro breathed and wrapped her in a hug.
She looked to Varian standing nearby, worry etched on his face, back to Hiro holding her, trying to piece together what had happened. Then she noticed what Hiro was wearing.
She pushed him away and looked over his armor as realization dawned on her. He also began to realize that his cover was blown as he watched her put two and two together.
"You're...you're Big Hero Six? And you never told me?"
Hiro gulped as she laid into him.
"All the lies! All of the excuses! Just so you can run around playing superhero!? You've been putting yourself in danger this whole time..and...and.." She was so angry she couldn't form words.
"Well, what were you doing inside that building?" Hiro asked defensively, though he knew it would do little good.
"It was Varian's idea!" She pointed accusingly at the time displaced teen. Who backed away even further as Hiro glared daggers at him. "He's the one that figured out the projectors and decided that he was going to break them….and…" She paused as another thought occurred to her. "Did you know all along!?"
Varian only stared blankly at her.
"Gah! I can't believe you! Either of you! You knew all along Hiro was out there being a vigilante. That's why you were so desperate to help."
"That's not Varian's fault." Hiro spoke up. "He had to keep our secret. He's… he's from another world. And we were the ones to find him."
Megan just looked at them both with contempt not believing this new fantastical confession.
"And why should I listen to you? Mr. ‘I've been lying for over three months now’".
"Nine." Hiro quietly corrected. He heaved  a heavy sigh. "I've been doing this since Tadashi died."
She blinked at him, taken aback by how raw his voice sounded. Hiro didn't like to talk about his brother often, the pain still too fresh in his mind.
"Look, I understand that you're mad, and I don't blame you." Hiro continued. "But I'm not going to stop. I'm doing something important. Something that no one else can do, not even your dad. Those villain's aren't just going to go away and we're the only ones equipped to handle them."
"Oh like how you 'handled' them today? When you needed mine and Varian's help. Hey, how do you explain a villain showing up right out of the blue just to challenge you? Was he always going to be there to kidnap my dad or did he only show up because of you!?"
Hiro bit his lower lip, unable to answer. Megan pressed on.
"What happens when you get hurt? Or someone you care about? What will you do then?"
"I do this so no one else does get hurt!" He yelled back at her. "I...I can't lose anyone else." He broke down.  
"Well.. Maybe we can't lose you either." She was also crying now. "I'm telling my dad. He'll stop this."
Hiro looked at her in shock. They held each other's gaze for several moments as if silently holding some sort of conversion with their eyes.
Just then several footsteps could be heard running up the stair well, shouting from below, indicating that others were about to join them on the roof.
Hiro stood up and placed his helmet back on.
"I can't stop you." He told Megan. "But please, leave Varian out if it. No one is going to believe he's from another world anyways."
"Wait, you're serious?" She asked Varian and he nodded yes.
Hiro hopped onto Baymax's back and flew away just as Chief Cruz burst through the door and ran towards his daughter.
"Megan! Oh thank heavens you're alright!" He squeezed her tightly. "What were you doing up there?" He scolded.
"It's my fault." Varian offered up." I figured out that Hardlight was using projectors and I came up with the idea of sneaking past him and breaking them."
"Also, it's my fault too," Megan jumped in before her dad could get on to him. "Varian tried to talk me out of coming along, but I insisted. I was too worry about you." She hugged her dad again before continuing on."Also, I may have shut down the projector incorrectly. That's probably why it exploded. It's...it's a good thing Big Hero Six was there to catch me." She gave Varian a wink as she said this, indicating that she had decided to keep both of their secrets.
Varian was getting tired of lectures. He and Megan had both received an ear full from Officer Cruz as the policeman drove Varian back to the Lucky Cat. Now Varian was sitting in the upstairs kitchen listening to another one from Aunt Cass who was pacing back and forth in agitation. And this was what, the fourth or fifth one had gotten this week?
Varian sucked in his breath and forced himself to sit through it. He tried to remind himself that the adults were only getting on to him because they were concerned for his safety and he hadn't actually done anything wrong like he did a week ago with the bot fight. Of course any insistent that he knew what he was doing or that he'd lived through worst, had only upset the grown ups even more rather than ease their fears. So he decided to just remind quite and let Aunt Cass ramble on.
Just as he was starting to zone out he caught a glimpse of Hiro sneaking past the kitchen while Aunt Cass's back was turned. The other boy was back in his regular clothes and trying his best to avoid such a lecture himself.
He didn't succeed. Aunt Cass turned around and spotted him midway through his tip-toe.
"And where were you today?" She asked accusingly.
"Uh...study group?" Hiro lied.
Aunt Cass raised an eyebrow but only said, "Well go on, this doesn't concern you and you don't need to eavesdropping."
"Yes ma'am" Hiro readily agreed and Aunt Cass turned back around to resume reprimanding her other charge.
Varian saw Hiro mouth him a wordless "thank you" before scurrying off, which Varian appreciated. It was nice to know that he'd manage to do something right for once.
Hiro dashed upstairs and helped Baymax into his charging station. Then he called Megan. Aunt Cass hadn't said anything to him yet about Big Hero Six and he was hoping his friend had changed her mind about telling.
"Hey Hiro. Sorry, but I can't talk." She whispered to him in a hushed voice as soon as she picked up.
Then he heard Cruz yell at her over the other end.
"Who is it?"
"It's just Hiro, dad. He wanted to know if I was alright" She yelled back.
"Okay, but make it quick, you're still grounded after all." The policeman ordered and Hiro heard footsteps and a door closing.
"Good, he's gone." Megan sighed in relief. "In case you're wondering I didn't tell him."
"I figured that." Hiro admitted and then with a pause he asked her, "Why not?"
He heard Megan heave another sigh.
"Look, today I did something really stupid and terrifying just to save someone I love. And I almost got myself killed while doing it. Yet, I also know that I would do it a second time if I had to."
Another sigh, as if she was steeling herself to admit what she had to say next.
"I still don't agree with you being a superhero, buuuut I'm not going to stop you. I guess understand now why you do it, and you're the one who needs to make the decision to quit. Not anyone else. Just promise me, no more secrets, ok?"
"Okay." Hiro agreed and then he added, "Maybe once you're un-grounded we can go get that milkshake?"
He couldn't hear Megan smile but he knew that she was anyways when she answered back, "Alright, but you're paying. Also you need to buy Varian one too. He saved everyone's butts back there, big time."
"Yeah, I'll find a way to make it up to him as well. See you, in what, two weeks?"
"Just a week. Dad won't stay mad once he sees the awesome Father's Day gift I got him. I'll see you then and I'll want a double fudge swirl."
They hung up and Hiro felt as if some huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He didn't enjoy having to blow Megan off with lame excuses anymore than she enjoyed hearing them, and he was glad now that that would no longer be an issue between them.
Ian Williams slammed the door to his office, trying to shut out the nagging voice of his boss. He hated Mr. Krei, he hated working at Krei Tech, but most of all he hated losing.
Ian ditched the duffle bag that held his Hardlight suit and gear into the bottom drawer of his private office cabinet. He had a special encrypted lock built into it so no one could snope around and discover his secret life as supervillain.
He was still in a rage over what had happened today. It wasn't fair. His gear had malfunctioned. Those losers must have cheated somehow. He deserved a do-over.
He closed the drawer and locked it and then went about tidying up his desk. Ian was an unassuming looking fellow. A stereotypical geek, right down to his pocket protector and thick rimmed glasses. What no one knew though, was that Ian was a thrill seeker, always looking out for a new challenge. He'd grown bored with the usual video games, mental puzzles, and high exhilaration activities like skydiving and white water rafting.
So few things combined both his high intellect and his athleticism. But taking down superheroes? Now there was a worthy test of both skill and brains. He'd be the best if he could beat Big Hero Six. He'd finally get both that adrenaline rush and the praise that he so longed for.
Just then Ian noticed a disc lying on his desk that he hadn't put there himself. There was a note attached to the case and it was addressed to him.
Dear Hardlight,
Or should I call you, Ian? Either way, this disc contains information regarding today's fight that I'm sure you will find interesting.
The Boss
Ian panicked. Who knew that he was Hardlight? Who was this 'Boss'? Surely not Krei. That man never got Ian's name right, instead he'd mistakenly call him 'Ethan' or something similar. He looked around his small office but there was no other sign that anyone had been there.
Without knowing what else to do, Ian popped the disc into his computer. There was only a single video file attached. He pulled it up.
The video showed the image of a kid wearing goggles sabotaging his precious projectors. So BH6 had cheated. Well Ian would just have to even the odds for next time wouldn't he? He gave an evil grin as he took note of the boy who had ruined his plans. He'd just found his newest opponent.
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imaginejamesandsirius · 5 years ago
So lately I've been reading a lot of your fics and I was wondering if you would do one for genderswap James and Sirius. You can genderswap one or both, it doesn't matter. Also great writing, I love reading your stories.
((A/N: I’m not really comfortable writing normal genderswap, so this is a dimension crossover, where women James and Sirius come over and meet the guy versions of themselves))
"So you wanted to go forward in time to see what you'd look like in ten years, but wound up here instead?" Sirius asked. That was what he'd gotten from the story at least. 
Girl-Sirius nodded. It was an alternate universe version of him, so it should've looked more like him than anyone else, but mostly she looked like Bellatrix. Girl-James had looked like James only with longer hair, so it hadn't been a mystery who she was. Trying to get all four of them to take turns talking hadn't worked so well when they appeared out of nowhere, so they'd decided to pair off and then compare notes afterwards. "Me and Jamie did the modifications on the time turner last week. It should've been fine but now we're in this bloody weird place instead," she said, wrinkling her nose as she looked around. 
Sirius glared at her. Yeah maybe this universe wasn't the greatest thing ever, but he was staying with the Potter's instead of being trapped in Grimmauld Place. This place was pretty damn swell to him. Plus they were in his room, and his room looked great. "What, you don't like bikes?" 
"Can't say they're my style, no," she said, eyeing one poster like it was particularly foul. 
Sirius huffed and rolled his eyes. "I guess you can't teach taste." 
"What are you doing with a room in the Potter mansion anyways? Or is this not the Potter mansion here?" 
"It is. Are you still living with your parents?" 
"Well yeah, I'm sixteen. You're not?" 
"Fuck no. I mean, I'm sixteen, yeah, but I'm not living with them anymore. They sort of kicked me out." Sirius made a face then added, "I sort of left." 
"Why'd they kick you out? Like yeah, I bloody hate them, but I've only got to stick it out for another couple breaks and then I can get the hell out of there. What did you do?" 
Sirius didn't really know what to do with this. This was weirder than her being a girl-version of him. She still lived there? "I- well- I mean, they didn't take it well when they found out about me and James." To put it lightly. 
"That you're friends?" she said, frowning. "My parents knew about that a week into first year; how did you hide it for that long? Are you not in Gryffindor?" 
"What?" Sirius asked, frowning at her in return. "They didn't like that we were dating." They hadn't liked that they were friends either, but it was sort of a footnote with Sirius not being a blood supremacist and having a detention log longer than the Black Family Tree and liking muggle inventions. "Totally lost their shit when they caught us. Mr. and Mrs. Potter already knew, so they said I could live with them. That's why I'm here. Nowhere else to go, y'know? Not that I mind living here. The only bad thing to come from it so far is that they both talked to us about safe sex. That's an hour of my life that I can't erase from my memory." 
"Wh- you and Jamie?" 
"What's that supposed to mean? I'm bloody amazing." 
"Sure, but Jamie's..." 
"What about James?" If Sirius got into a fight with himself over James being the best thing on the planet, then that's just what he had to do. 
"Well I don't know about yours, but my Jamie is definitely not interested in me. She's only got eyes for Lily sodding Evans." 
Sirius blinked. This was so buggering weird. "James fancied Lily, but only for the first couple years of school. He got over her ages ago." 
"Good for him. My Jamie's acting like she's never going to get over her, and even if she did, she wouldn't want me." 
"You sound awfully sure. Did she say that?" 
"She didn't have to," Girl-Sirius grumbled. 
"I'm no longer the dumbest person I know." 
"Oh come off it, mate," Sirius said. "You can't know for sure that your James doesn't like you unless you ask her. And you can't be an arse about it. Walking up and demanding to know if she fancies you is a great way for her to think you're being insincere." 
"What kind of ponce are you? Insincere? Talk to her? No thanks, I'd rather not embarrass myself and utterly ruin our friendship." 
"If you can ruin your friendship with her by telling her that you fancy her, maybe it wouldn't be that big of a loss. And for your information, I am the best kind of ponce. I wear makeup and I have a skirt and everything." 
Girl-Sirius snorted. "I didn't mean it like that and you know it. Berk. Look, I'm glad that everything's worked out for you and your Jamie, but it's not like that with us. I've got a little crush. So minor it's barely worth mentioning, and she's never looked at me like that." 
Sirius didn't believe that for a second, so he rolled his eyes and muttered, "Whatever. Want to go see how they're doing? Wait. D'you still have the time turner you used?" 
"Jamie has it." 
Sirius nodded, and they left his room to go to James's. His door was open so they were able to walk right in, and instead of leading with anything helpful to getting them back to their own world, Sirius said, "Did you know that they're not dating?" 
James pointed at Sirius and gave his counterpart a meaningful look. "See? I told you it's weird." Then he dropped his hand and grinned at Sirius. "I like our universe." 
"Only because of that? Not because you- I dunno, like being a bloke?" 
"Meh," James said with a shrug, and Sirius laughed. 
"You've got the time turner?" Sirius said, looking at Jamie. 
"Yeah." She pulled it out of her pocket, then they all frowned at it. That did not look like a normal time turner. For one, the sand was red. For another, the rim was silver instead of gold. "Er. It didn't look like that before. We tried to turn it again when we figured out we weren't in the right place, but it's like it was stuck. It was the right colour back then, though." She blinked. "Erm. I don't really know what to do with this," she said, shoving it back in her pocket like they wouldn't have to worry about it if they couldn't see it. 
"Talk to the Ministry?" James suggested, making a face. None of them wanted to talk to the Ministry about anything official-- James and Sirius because they were animagi, and their counterparts because they'd gone into this hoping to misuse a time turner and they were going to get in deep shite for that. 
"Last resort," Sirius said. "As much as I'd love to sit here and make fun of you two for not thinking this through, I'm hungry." 
James snorted. "Like we always think shite through." 
"Hey, have we ever gotten stranded in an alternate universe? No. Bugger off." 
They made sandwiches and talked about ways to get them back and the magical theory that they had used on the time turner. They were barely getting into it when Mr. and Mrs. Potter got back home. "Hmm," Mrs. Potter said, eyes taking in the scene in front of her. "Dear? Do you mind explaining?" 
"You know how I always said I wanted two Sirius's?" James said with a bright grin. 
His parents blinked. "We're going to go to my study," Mr. Potter said. "Can we trust that when we get home from dinner with the Longbottom's tonight this will be resolved?" 
"Er," Sirius said. "We'll try our best?" It was the best he could offer since none of them knew how quickly they'd be able to do this. They didn't even know what 'this' was. They had no idea what they needed to do, and once they figured that out, there was no telling if it was going to be a quick fix or if they had to wait a month or summat. 
Mr. Potter nodded, but they hesitated before leaving the room entirely. "You know boys, an orgy can seem like a lot of fun, but you have a responsibility to-" 
"Oh Merlin," Sirius moaned, covering his face. 
Mrs. Potter started to talk. "You should always be safe and-" 
"Mum," James cut in, face flaming. "We're fine. We'll see you later." 
She hummed, and the adults left the room. James dropped his head to the table. 
"I thought it couldn't possibly be worse than the last time." 
"It wasn't; they didn't finish this time," Sirius muttered from behind his hands. "Let's just forget that ever happened." 
Girl-Sirius wasn't quite so willing to let it go though. "What did you mean when you said you wished you could have two Sirius's?" 
"Well Sirius is the best thing ever, so if I have two of them, than the world is twice as amazing." James stated it so plainly; he'd thought about this before. 
"You really are head over heels, aren't you?" Jamie said. 
"You say that like it's a bad thing. Frankly, I don't understand why you're not bothered by not being with him. Her," he corrected with a frown. "The Sirius in your universe. It's just weird to think that we're the same person but you don't care about that. I've been half in love with him from the moment we met, but you're busy chasing after Lily." 
"Not to take sides," Sirius said, "but you chased Lily for a while." 
"That is totally different. I chased Lily because I didn't know if you were bent. You might remember that I stopped the moment I found out." 
Sirius thought back and- bugger, yeah, James really had done that. "Huh. You're totally love struck with me." 
"It's my natural state of being," James said, nodding. "But whatever, let's deal with the tossers who've decided they're better apart." 
"We're not better apart," Girl-Sirius said, rolling her eyes. "We're just... not dating. It's not a big deal. Mates don't have to be shagging to be close." 
"Peter and Remus will be so relieved to hear that," Sirius said flatly. 
"Before we get back into time turner shite, can I kiss you?" Jamie asked, looking at Sirius. She had her arms crossed on top of the table and was leaning forward a little. 
Sirius glanced at James, who shrugged. It was just another version of James, and he wouldn't mind that. Would it even really count as kissing another person? Sure this version of James wasn't dating him, but it was James. "Sure." 
Jamie grinned. Merlin, she really did look so much like him. "Aces. Erm, not right this second though, because I don't want everyone to stare." 
"Everyone would include my boyfriend and your best mate; it's not like a big audience." 
"I don't know what blokes are like," Girl-Sirius said dryly, "but for girls, we don't watch our friends snog people." 
"Sounds like you could be having more fun," James said with a wink. "Relax, we'll figure out how to get you home, they'll kiss, and we'll all live happily ever after." 
"That's a very strange fairy tale," Jamie said. 
"Those are the best kind," Sirius said, smirking. 
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years ago
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 2, Part 4
I don’t want to start every one of these posts with an apology about being late again, so I’m just going to apologize to my eyes for keeping open this long. They burn, still do. I was tempted to count this day as another “unannounced sick leave” day, but I persevered for you all. You’re welcome.
And, uh, I’m just gonna leave a joke here that no one will get until they click the Read More link.
“What do you call a distressed lawyer who’d forgotten his badge in his house?” “Oh, darn, ok... house key.”
10/19/20 edit: Oh, nooo! I can’t believe I forgot to revisit the Detention Center! I’ve corrected this grave error. Now it’s complete. Also, since this case is a bit free-form in how it progresses, I’m just going the order I went the first time I played, or close enough to it.
> Wright Anything Agency
> Examine: piano
<Apollo> ピアノの上に、奇妙な 道具が並べられている。 There are all sorts of strange paraphernalia sitting on top of the piano.
<Apollo> これだけ道具があるんだから、 何かマジックやってみせてよ。 It seems a shame to have all these props and not do a trick or two.
<Trucy> いいですよー! You asked for it!
<Mr. Hat> また会いましたね。 ビックリくん、でしたか。 Heeeey, Mr. Righteous, was it? Wakka wakka!
<Trucy> ちがうよ。オドロキくんだよ。 “王泥喜 法介”! Justice, Mr. Hat! Apollo Justice.
<Mr. Hat> ああ。“汚泥鬼 呆助” Just is? Apollo just is what? That's what I want to know!
<Trucy> “ドロ”しか合ってないよ! Oh, you're hopeless!
<Apollo> ‥‥そいつはもういいよ。 ...Please, make it stop.
"It seems we meet again. Bikkuri-kun, was it?" [also means shock] "No, no. It's Odoroki-kun. 'Odoroki Housuke'!" "Ah, I see. 'Ohdorokie Housekey'." "You only got the 'doro' part right!"
...Anyway, if you look at the JP script above, you can see Boushi-kun got all the kanji wrong, though it's still pronounced the same way. Also, it's funnier when you realize Minuki just called him 'mud' because that's actually part of his name.
> Examine: silk hat
<Apollo> みぬきちゃんと同じ、 ブルーのシルクハットだ。 A blue silk top hat, just like the one Trucy's wearing.
<Trucy> それは、みぬきのイメージカラー 《ミヌキー・ブルー》です! It's my trademark color! Trucy Blue!
<Apollo> ‥‥勝手に“色”を 自分のものにするなよ。 I don't think you can trademark the color blue.
<Trucy> やっぱり、ステージに立つ人間は、 目立たないとアレですから。 Standing out is everything when you're up on stage!
ほら。オドロキさんだって、 キメてるじゃないですか。 Bet you didn't know you've got your own color, too, Apollo!
全身《オドロー・レッド》で! Crimson Justice!
<Apollo> ‥‥おどり出したくなるような、 おどろおどろしいような。 You make me sound like some second-rate superhero.
<Trucy> でしょー? At least it's better than being a first-rate super zero!
"Look, it's obvious what yours is too. A full-body 'Odoro Red'!" "...I'm guessing you'd want me to dance or be super flashy." "Right?"
Fyi, "おどり出す" (odoridasu) means "to break into dance" and "おどろおどろしい" (odoro'odoroshii) means "eerie" or "exaggerated"; basically not being subtle at all.
> Examine: plate of spaghetti
<Apollo> 喫茶店のショーウインドウで おなじみ、ロウ細工のスパゲティだ。 A dish of plastic spaghetti like some restaurants put on display.
そういえば、こんなの どこから持ってきたの? Where did you get this, anyway?
<Trucy> パパからの誕生日プレゼントです! It was a birthday present from Daddy!
うれしかったなあ‥‥ ずーっと欲しかったから。 I was so happy... You don't know how long I wanted one of these!
その夜は、抱いたまま寝ちゃって、 ヘシ折っちゃいました。スパゲティ。 I fell asleep with it, cradled in my arms, and the spaghetti bent!
<Apollo> (意外に女の子のウケがいいのかな。  こういうの‥‥) (Mental note: What she really wants for her next birthday: A bowl of plastic food...)
"(I guess this kind of thing is really popular with girls...)"
If anything, it's really popular with girls who work with attorneys at this firm... usually they ask for some sorts of noodles, or some saucy meat in buns if you count the EN versions.
> Examine: table
<Apollo> 手品用のテーブルの上に、 ポットが置いてある。 A hot water pot sits on a magic table.
このテーブル、 どうしてこんなに脚が細いのかな。 Why is the stand for this table so flimsy looking?
<Trucy> ‥‥うーん。 カッコイイから、かなあ。 ...Hmm. Maybe it looks better that way?
<Apollo> ‥‥もっと、おもしろい コタエを期待してたのに。 ...I was hoping for a more professional explanation.
<Trucy> ‥‥うーん。 Well...
シカケがないコトを 見せるため、とか? Maybe to show that there's no tricks involved?
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ マトモだね。 ... Not bad.
<Trucy> ‥‥アタリマエのコト 言っちゃ、ダメなのかなあ。 I still think it's just that it looks better that way.
The last two lines were: "......Well, that was pretty honest." "...I think giving the obvious answer would be against the rules, though."
Btw, I can see why they translated Apollo's line as "Not bad", since 'matomo' can be used in contexts where someone is giving something a "decent" rating. I just think Minuki's next line makes it more clear about what he means, though with the changed context, it's only fair Trucy's last line here is changed too.
> Examine: Charley
<Apollo> 観葉植物のチャーリーくんだ。 It's Charley, the houseplant.
ずっと前から、この事務所で 育てられているらしい。 They've had it for years, apparently.
<Trucy> “くん”なんて、シツレイです! “先輩”って呼ぶの。 That's "Mr. Charley" to you! He's been here longer, after all.
<Apollo> ‥‥は、はあ。 ...Right, sorry.
<Trucy> チャーリー先輩、すみません。 レイギを知らない新人でして。 I'm sorry, Mr. Charley. He was raised by a tribe of heathens.
<Apollo> (水をやりながら、  なんか言ってるぞ‥‥) (She's saying something to the plant as she waters it...)
<Trucy> あ。それから。アイサツは “おはようございます”ですから。 Mr. Charley forgives you. This time.
<Apollo> ‥‥そういえばココ、 芸能事務所だったっけ。 ...Is there anything else I might do to please His High Leafiness?
Huh, I've spotted a legitimate mistake in translation for once: Apollo's line in (). For reference: "It's Charley-kun, the houseplant. They've been raising it for a long time in this office." "'Kun'!? That's so rude! Call him 'senpai'!" "...Right, sorry." "I'm sorry, Charley-senpai. He's just a newbie who doesn't know his manners." "(She says to it, as she waters it...)" "Oh. From here on, you'll greet him with a 'Good Morning, senpai', okay?" "...Oh yeah, this is a talent agency, isn't it?"
10/10/20 edit: Thanks, Ash. Tweaked Odoroki’s last line here to make it clearer what he means. It’s customary in talent/entertainment agencies to uphold a stricter code of seniority, especially one with a reputation. It seems it’s also customary for staff to say “Good morning” as a general greeting regardless of what time of day it is. The only reason Odoroki forgot his place is because he’s still used to thinking this place is a law firm.
> Talk: Wocky's Father
<Alita> なんかね。今の組長さん、 極道から足を洗おうとしてるの。 Did you know that the boss is trying to get out of the business?
<Apollo> え。そうなんですか! (極道を‥‥やめる?) R-Really? (Mr. Kitaki wants to quit being a gangster!?)
<Alita> フツウの企業に生まれ変わろうと しているみたい。 He's trying to transfer his assets into a normal company.
滝太クンのお父さんがね。 最近、急に言い出して‥‥ He only announced it recently, out of the blue...
組員のヒトたちも、ずいぶん とまどってるみたい。 I hear there's quite a lot of confusion in the ranks.
<Apollo> (そういえば‥‥似合わない  エプロンをつけてたな‥‥) (Hmm. I wonder if this explains that apron?)
‥‥でも、それ。 滝太さんは反対しそうですね。 ...I can't imagine Wocky going along with that.
<Alita> ふふ。あのヒト、 やんちゃなトコロがあるから。 Hee hee. He's highly motivated, isn't he?
<Apollo> “やんちゃ”って 感じじゃないですけど。 Um, that's not the word I would have used.
<Alita> 『オレが組長になって、  ゼッタイ極道をつづける!』って。 He said, "I'll be the next Big Boss, and keep the Family alive."
ちょっぴり、背伸びしたい オトシゴロなんですよね。 I think he's at that age when boys want to make a mark on the world.
<Apollo> (ややこしそうだもんな。  あの親子) (That's not the way I would have put it...)
Fyi, she uses "yancha", or "naughty kid", to describe him.
The last line here: "(What a complicated father-son relationship.)"
<Alita> 最近、すごーく 儲けてるの。キタキツネ一家。 His father moves in a lot of circles... He's really focused on profits.
滝太クンのお父さん、 いろんな世界にカオがきくから。 The Kitaki Family's been making a killing recently!
<Apollo> (たいした人物らしいな。  滝太クンのお父さん‥‥) (Again, not the way I would have put it...)
<Alita> 滝太クン。『極道がカネ儲けに 走ったらオシマイだ』って。 But Wocky says it's not about the money. They have the gangster tradition to uphold.
<Trucy> それって、アレですね! Ooh, a generation gap!
“ぜねれーしょん・ぎゃっぷ” ‥‥ってヤツ。 They've even got the ever classic "what about the family business" thing going...
<Apollo> ふつう、父と子の主張は 逆だけどね。 Usually, it's the father worried about tradition...
The first three lines here: "Lately, they've been making soo much, the Kitakitsune Family. Takita-kun's father holds a lot of influence in lots of places, after all." "(His father sure seems like a big deal, alright...)"
> Present anything to Alita
<Alita> ごめんなさい‥‥わたし。 事件のこと、詳しくはわからないの。 I'm sorry, I don't know much about the case.
わたしにできることは少ないし、 あなただけが頼りなの。 I... I feel so helpless. You're my only hope.
滝太クンのこと助けてあげてね‥‥ Please, help my Wocky-Pocky...
Hahaha, she said "Pocky". I just imagined Wocky-style Pocky sticks and I want some. I bet they'd have some foxy designs on that choco...
Ahem, sorry. I just wanted to share. She doesn't call him anything different here in the JP either.
> Move: Detention Center
<Apollo> よし。河津さんの話を聞いてみよう。 ‥‥ちょっと疲れそうだけど。 Alright. Let's have a little chat with Mr. Stickler. (I hope I don't regret this.)
<Trucy> 貴重な“目撃者”ですからね! He is a valuable witness!
<Apollo> (まあ‥‥ある種“貴重な”  目撃者だよな、アレは‥‥) (He is a bit "precious", I'll give him that.)
<Stickler> なんなのですか‥‥ ワタクシはこれで、忙しいのですよ。 Please, keep this brief, if you would. I'm quite busy.
今日中に、論文の構成をまとめ‥‥ ムムッ! アナタがたはッ! I need to finish this paper... Nyurk! I-It's you!!!
<Apollo> ‥‥河津さん。 お話をうかがいに来ました。 ...Mr. Stickler. We'd like to have a few words with you.
<Stickler> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
‥‥まあ、いいでしょう。 手短にお願いしますよ。 ...Very well. As long as they're few.
<Apollo> (立ち直りが早いな‥‥) (Nothing would make me happier, believe me.)
“(He sure was fast to return to form...)”
> Examine: guard
<Apollo> 面会のようすを監視する看守だ。 A security guard. He stands here, watching this room.
オレたちの話を聞いているのか いないのか‥‥‥。 I have no idea if he's listening to us talk.
まったく、表情が変わらない。 I'm not even sure he's breathing.
That’s a bit harsh there... It was just “His expression doesn’t change at all.”
> Talk: Panty Theft
<Trucy> みぬきのパンツのシカケを 知りたかっただけですもんね。 You wanted to know the trick to my panties, right?
<Stickler> あ、あなたはッ! Y-You're here, too!?
<Trucy> ‥‥? ...?
<Stickler> どうか、あなたを “先生”と呼ばせてくださいッ! Oh, Great Trucy! Teach me!
<Trucy> ええっ! Eh!?
<Stickler> なんとかして 教えていただけないか! I must know the secret of your panties!
ワタクシの人生を狂わせた、 あのパンツのナゾをッ! My very existence hangs in the balance!
なんなら、このワタクシを あなたサマの“弟子”にッ! Please, make me your apprentice!
<Trucy> オドロキさん! なんとかしてください! Apollo! Help!
<Apollo> いいんじゃない? カッコウもマジシャンぽいし。 I dunno, I think he'd make a great "lovely assistant".
<Trucy> そんなムセキニンな‥‥ Don't say that, Apollo...
Hahaha! He straight up called her “Sensei”. That’s kinda cute if I’m being honest.
Odoroki’s last line here: “Why not? His uniform kinda looks like a magician’s outfit too.”
> Present: anything
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...
(‥‥証拠品、見てくれない) (...Fine, ignore my evidence. See if I care.)
(おおかた、パンツのナゾの  コタエを考えているのだろう) (I wonder what he's thinki... On second thought, let's not go there.)
Actually, Odoroki has a pretty good idea: “(He’s probably still thinking about solving the mystery of those panties.)”
> (optional at any time) Return to W.A.A. to talk to Trucy
> Present Magic Panties
<Trucy> スゴイでしょ、みぬきのパンツ! 法廷でも大カツヤクでしたよね! Aren't my panties amazing? They were a big hit in court.
<Apollo> (たしかに。今日の裁判の  決め手になったもんな‥‥) (They were the star player of the day, that's true.)
<Trucy> 明日の法廷も、 みぬきにおまかせです! What should I show them in court tomorrow!?
<Apollo> (毎回、パンツにたよる弁護士には  なりたくないな‥‥) (If only I could count on panties to save the day every day...)
The last two lines: "You can leave it to me to make a show in tomorrow's trial too!" "(I've had enough of being known as the 'panties attorney' these days, thanks...)"
I know nothing about that, I swear.
> Move: Eldoon's House
<Guy> 屋台が“現場”って どーいうコトよ! How can a noodle stand be a crime scene, that's what I don't get, Trucy-doll!
あのヤロウ、死んでまでもヒトの 商売のジャマをしやがって‥‥ Even in death he's after my neck, I tell ya! Bah!
ワシが、そんなに しょっぱいってか! Can't even cook an honest noodle...
<Apollo> “あのヤロウ”‥‥ですか? "He"...?
<Trucy> “死んでまで”というコトは‥‥ 被害者の宇狩院長さん、かなあ。 "Even in death"... You mean the victim, Dr. Meraktis?
<Guy> まあ、そんなワケでな。 I tell ya.
ワシのカオも《極みそ》並みに しょっぱくなっちまうワケよ。 It's enough to drive a man to make his soup even saltier.
<Apollo> (‥‥やれやれ。  キゲンが悪いみたいだな‥‥) (Remind me never to eat his noodles when he's in a bad mood...)
"What do they mean, the noodle stand is the 'crime scene'!? That jerk, even in death he's in my way of a good sale... Not even I'm that salty!" "'That jerk'...?" "'Even in death'... You mean the victim, Dr. Ugari?" "Yeah, that's him. Makes me so salty that I could even rival my 'Extre-Miso'."
By the way, "Kiwami" means "Extreme"! ...But seriously, it shocked me how well I could fit "extreme" with "miso".
> Talk: Noodle Stand
<Guy> あの屋台はな。 矢田吹家の男児が代々、 That stand... For generations, it's served up the very best noodles us Eldoons could make.
ちぢれ麺と秘伝の“みそ”と ともに伝えてきたのだ。 A tradition of noodles and salty broth.
ある種、このあたりの歴史そのもの と言ってもいいシロモノなのだ。 It's more than a stand, it's history, I tell you.
<Apollo> (それは言いすぎだろう) (Watch what you say or it might become true...)
Originally, he said "(That might be pushing it a bit.)" Though, I gotta admit I like the way the loc team did it.
<Apollo> あの‥‥ムギツラさん。 Mr. Eldoon, I don't mean to pry...
あなたの、ムカシのお仕事って、 なんだったんですか? ...but what exactly did you do before you became a chef?
<Guy> フン! クチに出すのもイヤな、 ニガくてしょっぱい思い出だよ! Bah! Let old noodles lie, that's what I say.
<Apollo> (なんとなく‥‥  ハナシが見えてきたぞ) (I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway.)
<Guy> とにかく! トナリのオヤジは、 ワシから夢を奪って死んだのさ! He stole my dreams and left me with nothin' but noodles.
《営業停止》という、 ドえらいメーワクを残してな! And now I don't even have that!
Originally, he answered: "Hmph! Even saying it aloud brings back horribly bitter, salty memories!" "(I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway.)" "Anyway! That geezer next door stole my dreams dead, he did! And I was left with a big, fat 'Business Suspension'!"
> Talk: Meraktis Clinic
<Guy> 個人の医院にしちゃ、 リッパなモンだろ? He's the only doctor at that clinic, you know. Pretty impressive, eh?
ヤツは、成功するために ヤクザたちと手を組んだのだ! I'll tell you the secret to his success... The mob!
<Apollo> やくざ‥‥というと、 《キタキツネ一家》ですか? You mean... the Kitaki Family?
<Guy> 連中、“抗争”とか言って ケンカが多くてな。 They're always having one of them "turf wars" or whatnot.
ケガ人が絶えなかったのさ。 そこに目をつけたのが、あの宇狩だ。 Always an injury or two that needs fixing. Meraktis saw a chance for some business.
《キタキツネ割引》という サービスを始めた。 So he started giving the Kitaki Family a good deal...
<Apollo> わりびき‥‥ A deal...?
<Guy> きっと、先代の知恵の結晶‥‥ Every fifth operation for free!
《やたぶき屋スタンプ割引》の アイデアをパクったんだよ! He stole the idea from my pops! One free bowl of noodles a week, he used to say.
To clarify, it seems the noodle stand tradition was to provide customers a stamp discount. I'm not sure if it's standard or not, but most shops I know that have stamp discounts count by fives or tens, so on the 5th or 10th purchase, there's a discount or some special deal that comes with it.
> Talk: Former Profession
<Apollo> オヤジさん。もしかして、 “ムカシの職業”って‥‥ Mr. Eldoon... or should I say "Dr. Eldoon"...
<Guy> ‥‥バレちまったみたいだな。 Figured it out, did ya?
そう、ワシは外科医だった。 おととしまでな。 That's right, I was a doctor. A surgeon... until the year before last.
<Trucy> じゃあ。宇狩さんは、アレですね? “しゅくめいのらいばる”ってヤツ。 So Mr. Meraktis was your rival?
<Guy> ‥‥アンタ。 ラーメンのネギは好きかい? ...You like those onions they put in the soup broth?
<Apollo> え。はあ。ワリと。 Um, yeah, kind of.
<Guy> ちりれんげでスープを飲むと、 かならずネギがまじっている。 You take a spoon, you drink some broth... Those onions will find their way in there.
ネギ好きにはたまらないが、 ネギ嫌いにもたまらない。 For people who like 'em, why that's just fine. For people who hate 'em...
‥‥ワシは、 ネギが大ッキライなんだッ! ...I hate onions. Hate 'em!
いちいち、よけいなところで 味わいのジャマをしてくさる! Always sneaking in from the side, gettin' in the way of a good tastin' spoonful.
アイツがそうだった! 宇狩のネギボウズがッ! Well, that's what he was. An onion! Onion-boy, that's what I called 'im.
And to clarify here, it's usually green onion, or scallion as some chefs prefer to call it, that you'd find in soup broths. Personally, I love that stuff and grew up with soups where my mom would add it all the time, no matter what soup she was making.
Fun fact: "たまらない" (tamaranai) can change its meaning to the opposite side depending on the context. If you mean it positively, it's "irresistible"; if negatively, it's "unbearable". Basically, there's a strong response of some kind.
> Move: People Park
<Apollo> あれ。なんか、 ちょっと印象がちがうような‥‥ Huh? Does something about this scene look different to you?
<Trucy> きのうは、地面に青いシートが 敷いてありましたから。 The blue tarps are gone! Maybe that's it?
<Apollo> ああ、そうだっけ。 あ。あそこ。 Yeah, I think you're right. Look over there.
<Trucy> きのうの、白い刑事さんですね。 The white-frocked detective from yesterday.
ゴミ箱に向かって土下座して、 必死にあやまってます。 She seems to be apologizing reverently... to the trash can.
<Apollo> ‥‥カワイソウに。 きっと、捜査が進まなくて‥‥ She's... under a lot of stress.
すこし、アタマがおかしく なっちゃったんだな。 The investigation's probably not going so well.
By "apologizing reverently", they mean she's prostrate before the trash can. More likely, she was just head-down focused on tracing those footprints, but to be honest, I get that feeling a lot, especially lately. Straining your eyes on little things or bright screens for such a long time...
<Ema> ちょっと! アンタたち! Hey, you there!
ナイショ話なら、聞こえないように やってくれないかなあ。 If you're going to talk about someone behind their back, do it more quietly, please!
<Apollo> あ。刑事さん、どうも。 Oh, Detective Skye. Hello.
<Trucy> なんか、今日も ゴキゲンななめみたいですね。 You seem as gloomy as ever.
<Ema> ホント、最低ね。 新しい道具はうまくいかないし。 This is miserable! Miserable! I just got a new kit, and I can't get the stuff to work.
じゃらじゃらした おニイさんには、やさしくされるし。 And everyone's all smiles for that glimmerous fop.
<Trucy> じゃらじゃら‥‥? 牙琉検事さんのコト、かな。 Glimmerous...? Does she mean Prosecutor Gavin?
<Apollo> ふつう“ちゃらちゃらした” って言うんじゃあ‥‥ More to the point, doesn't she mean "glamorous"?
<Ema> あのヒトが歩くと、クサリが じゃらじゃら鳴って、気になるの。 When he walks his shiny chains catch the sun and glimmer in my eyes! It's distracting.
さくさくさくさくさくさくさくさく さくさくさくさくさくさくさくさく。 MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH
<Apollo> (この刑事さんが歩くと、  さくさく言って、気になるな) (Speaking of distracting...)
It pains me to admit that "glimmerous" is not a real word, but in my heart it is.
Anyway, originally the word Akane used was "jarajara", which is onomatopoeia for a jingle-jangle sound. Odoroki tries to correct her with "charachara", which also can mean the same thing, but also can refer to "flirty" or "flashy" types. She specifies she means "jarajara" because his chain necklace keeps jingle-jangling around her.
> Talk: Prosecutor Gavin
<Ema> ちょっと、合わないんだよね。 I won't lie, I'm not fond of the man.
ああいう、 じゃらじゃらしたタイプは。 Those glimmerous types always rub me the wrong way.
<Apollo> “ちゃらちゃら”‥‥ね。 "Glamorous"... right.
<Ema> やっぱり検事さんはこう、クールで ちょっとミケンにシワ寄せて‥‥ A prosecutor should be cool of wit and furrowed of brow.
“じゃらじゃら”より “ひらひら”した感じが理想よね! Less "glimmerous" and more "simmerous"... you know?
<Apollo> ‥‥まったく イメージがわかないなあ。 ...No, actually, I don't.
She wants less "jarajara" and more "hirahira" from her prosecutors. I'm sure you all know that "fluttery" sound by now.
> Talk: Ema, reject her offer
<Apollo> ‥‥今は、やめておきます。 失敗したら、悪いし。 I think I'll pass. Wouldn't want to waste a kit if I messed up.
<Ema> うーん、困ったなー‥‥ 手を借りたかったのに。 Really? That's too bad... I really could use the help.
<Trucy> えー! やりたいな、みぬき。 トクイなのに。手打ちうどんとか。 Aww, I want to try! It'll be just like making pancakes in the dirt!
<Apollo> (あとで気が変わったら、  やらせてもらおうかな‥‥) (I guess I can always talk to her again if I change my mind...)
Aw, Minuki mentioned it'd be like pounding up udon dough. (Who knew that udon dough would become a lot more relevant down the line in a future game...)
> Accept it, examine any set of prints
<Ema> あ。そのカオ。 I know that face.
なんか“見つけた” みたいなカオしてるね。 That's the face of someone who's made... a discovery!
<Trucy> あれ。 やっぱり、わかっちゃいます? Hey, how did you know?
<Ema> ふふん。 科学捜査官の目をナメちゃダメね。 You can't fool someone trained in the ways of science!
<Apollo> (そこは“カガク”は  関係ないと思うけど) (Next she'll have us analyzing face prints...)
<Trucy> とにかく。宝月刑事さんに おねがいしちゃいましょうよ! Let's ask Detective Skye to help us, Apollo!
Originally: "(I doubt her eyes had much 'scientific' procedure to do.)"
> Examine smooth footprint, present wrongly
<Ema> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ あたしがナニ食べてるか、わかる? ... Know what I'm eating?
<Apollo> まあ‥‥ カ��ントウ、ですよね? Um... Snacks?
<Ema> あたしね。フキゲンなときは、 カリントウ食べるの。知ってた? Snacks. More precisely, whenever I'm in a bad mood, I eat chocolate Snackoos.
<Apollo> ‥‥それは、知りませんでした。 ...I had no idea.
<Trucy> たぶん、オドロキさんのコタエが ちがった、ってコトでしょうね。 I think she means you picked the wrong evidence, Apollo.
<Apollo> (まわりくどいな) (...I had no idea.)
Ah, here it is, the origin of Snackoos. They were "karintou" before, which are a kind of crispy, bite-sized, brown-sugary cookie sticks. On the occasion, you can find a few bags at your local Asian supermarket.
> Present: slippers, get Ema's permission to investigate
> Move: Detention Center
<Wocky> はーい、お待たせ! ボクのかわいいペテン師ちゃん! Yo, 'sup, my little imposter!
<Trucy> きゃあッ! な。な。なんですかッ! Eeek! Wh-What did you call me?
<Wocky> うお! な。なんだ。アンタかよ。 美波ちゃんだと思ったぜ! Dizzam! It's you!? Sorry, G, thought you were Alita.
<Trucy> コイビトを“ペテン師” 呼ばわりしてるんですか? "My little imposter" sure is a strange nickname.
<Wocky> あれ? そんな感じで言うだろ、 シャバのヤツらは。 It's a clink thang. You wouldn't understand.
ええと‥‥ あ。“堕天使ちゃん”か? D-Did I say "imposter"? I meant "poster"... like "poster girl", 'aight?
<Trucy> “ペ”や“だ”は いらないと思いますけど。 If you're going to drop part of that, why not drop "poster" and just call her "girl"?
<Wocky> とにかくよォ! オレにとっちゃ 弁天サマなワケよ、ある種。 Cause she's so much more than that, G. She's like... She's like an angel. A fallen angel.
The localizers got lucky here that the word “imposter” is close enough to “poster” to make that joke. The joke had to be changed from Japanese, since it was more wordplay. Takita actually made a mistake; he meant to call her “ 堕天使ちゃん” (datenshi-chan), like a “fallen angel”, but called her “ペテン師ちゃん” (petenshi-chan), “imposter”/”swindler”, at first.
Then, Minuki says: “I don’t think you need to add the ‘pe’ or the ‘da’, though.” “Anyway! She’s like Benten-sama to me, in a way.”
Benten, or more formally Benzaiten, is the Japanese name of the Buddhist Goddess of Wisdom (and sometimes as Shinto Kami) who often is seen holding a biwa, a Japanese lute. She was originally based off of the Hindu Goddess of Wisdom Sarasvati, whose name was honored in ancient Chinese Buddhist texts as the religion carried over and later to Japan.
<Wocky> ば、バカ言うなよ! オトコってヤツはなァ�� M-Man... I ain't trying to hear that!
タイセツなものを守るために戦って、 それで死ねるなら本望なんだ! A man fights to protect what's valuable to him, you know what I'm saying?
<Wocky> ミナミちゃんに会いてえよォ。 つれてきてくれよォ! ...I miss my fallen angel!
アンタ、オレの ベンゴシなんだろォ? Hey, you go get Alita for me. You're my lawyer, aren't you?
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥  世話の焼ける依頼人だな) (Lawyer, not gopher...)
“(*sigh*... What a troublesome client.)”
> Talk: Alita Tiala
<Apollo> 来月、ケッコンされるそうですね。 So, I hear you're to be married next month?
<Wocky> そうさ!  もう、サカヅキはかわしてるんだ。 Straight up! We poured the nuptial 40 out on the stoop!
ミナミちゃんも、来月からは ウチの一家さ。サイコーだよな! Alita! Oh, snapplecakes! She soooo foine!
<Apollo> (ヤレヤレ‥‥  そうとうホレてるみたいだな) (I think he's smitten with her in his own weird way.)
Man, how could I have left out most of Wocky’s wonderful swag-talk...
By the way, Takita mentions how they even exchanged sake cups. This practice is a pretty big deal in Japan and one that most people wouldn’t do lightly. There’s usually a solemn oath to be made with such an exchange. It doesn’t have to be between lovers getting married; just between two (or more) people who swear to abide by some social contract.
And guess what, it’s the very same practice that Yakuza are renowned for doing when they swear brotherhood among their ranks. One does not simply become “kyoudai” without some serious exchange of... Wait. I can clearly remember someone in a Yakuza game who was kinda “ok” about things and it happened. Okay, it’s usually the case anyway.
> Talk: Kitaki Family
<Wocky> 極道ってのは“ワル”の道だ。 “ワル”にこそオトコの美学がある。 Life in the Family is a G thang. It's about being a man.
‥‥わかるだろ? ...You know what I'm saying?
<Trucy> みぬき、女の子だから。 わかんないなあ。 Sorry, I'm not up on my G things. I'm not even sure what a G thing is...
“I’m a girl so, no, I don’t get it.”
<Wocky> オヤジのヤツ。ここ最近、 急に弱気になっちまってさ。 But my old man, he's gone soft.
《切った張ったの時代は  もうオシマイだ》なんて言ってよ。 He says the old rival gang days are over. He just wants to make money!
<Trucy> いいじゃないですか。 Isn't that a good thing?
<Wocky> バカ言え! カネもうけに、 なんの美学があるんだよ! Man, there ain't no soul in making money!
ワルってのはな。スカッと生きて、 アッサリ死ぬもんさ。 Better to live fast and die young. Fo'shizzle!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥) (*sigh*...)
There’s actually an important point his dad makes here, about how the gang war days are over. While he certainly is referring to the way that the Kitaki Family is going legal again, it’s also true to modern Japanese history.
While the 80s had a huge economic boom and Yakuza were likely all up in that biz, it led to a huge bubble that collapsed and a depression that lasted through the 90s. Though Japan was still relatively quick to recover, through the 2000s and on, Japan entered into a period of changing politics and much more governmental intervention. For the once very profitable and romantically dramatized Yakuza, renowned as the “necessary evil” to keep petty crimes off the street, future prospects weren’t nearly so hot for them anymore, and their MO had to change. Some formerly Yakuza-run Big Zaibutsu Biz went completely legal and stand to this day. Even as a concept, the Yakuza gradually fizzled out in popularity in public opinion. Only traces of their former glory remain in crime drama series and games like this.
And then there’s the Yakuza series and their memes.
<Wocky> 見てな。 オレが組長になったら。 Wait till I run the yard. Then everyone'll know what time it is.
《ワルい奴ら》のカッコイイ世界を 作ってやるぜ! That's right! O.G. time all the time. Represent!
<Trucy> “ワル”はどうかと思うけど。 夢があるって、イイですよね。 Apollo, why does he keep talking about "Old Guys"?
<Apollo> (平和な子だよな‥‥) I don't think that's what "O.G." means, Trucy.
The last two lines: “I don’t know much about being ‘bad’, but it’s nice that he has a dream to follow.” “(Such a peaceful kid...)”
> Talk: Pal Meraktis
<Wocky> 公園で、ヤツと出くわした。 なぜか‥‥屋台を引いていた。 When I run into him in the park... and he's dragging this noodle stand behind him!
<Trucy> あの。滝太さんが “要求”したんじゃないですか? Wait, you didn't put him up to that?
ほら、アレ。 “みのしろきん”感覚で。 Like, you know, in the movies?
『イノチがおしければ、  屋台を引いてこい』みたいな! "If you value your life, you'll bring the stand..."
<Wocky> ‥‥ムジャキなカオで くだらねえコトを聞くな。 ...Shorty, you're more wacked than I am. And that's saying something.
<Trucy> ううう‥‥みぬき、 シンケンだったのに。 ...But I was serious!
Wacked, indeed. Or as it was originally: “...Don’t gimme that stupid crap while lookin’ so innocent-like.”
> Present: anything
<Wocky> ‥‥‥‥‥‥ふーん。 いいんじゃねえの。 ... Yeah, whatever.
<Apollo> (何か別のコトを考えてるな。  ちゃんと見てないぞ) (He seems preoccupied... I'm not sure he even looked at my evidence...)
<Wocky> ‥‥ミナミちゃん。 会いてえなあ。 Alita, man. Alita.
“...Minami-chan, I wanna see you again, babe.”
> Move: Meraktis Clinic
> Examine: reception desk
<Apollo> 病院の受付だ。 当然だけど、ダレもいない。 The clinic reception desk. No one's here, of course.
カウンターに、標語のような ものが張り出されている。 There's a small sign on the counter...
《ココロとカラダに  やさしい、明朗会計を》 "Please pay your bill: Remember, we're the ones holding the scalpel."
‥‥深いな。意外に。 Brutal... but effective.
Originally, the sign read: "Treat your heart and body well with a honest bill." So it has a similar message, but isn't as directly threatening.
> Move: People Park, ask about print analysis, present slippers & sandals
> Move: Meraktis Clinic, then its Office
> Examine: cabinets
<Apollo> うわ! なんだコレ! Whoa! What are those?
カベ一面、ビーカーで 埋めつくされてるぞ‥‥ The wall is covered with beakers...
<Trucy> きゃあああッ! 中で何かが動いてますッ! Eeeeek! Something's moving inside that one!
‥‥オドロキさん! みぬきの かわりに、見てくださいッ! ...You look, Apollo!
<Apollo> そ。そういうのは、自分の 目でたしかめなよ! ‥‥あれ。 H-Hey, look yourself! You can't... Oh.
‥‥なんだ。金魚じゃないか。 ...It's a goldfish.
<Trucy> わあ! 他にも、 いろいろなお魚がいます! Wow, they're all fish! So many kinds!
<Apollo> (まったく‥‥ヒト騒がせな  インテリアだな‥‥) (Whoever designed this had a sick sense of humor...)
That "sick sense of humor" must be from someone who likes to cause trouble or raise false alarms... Basically, a troll.
Oh wait, Meraktis definitely was a troll. He trolled Eldoon since they were kids and kept doing it even in death. Man was a master troll to the end... Normally, I don't respect trolls, but I can make an exception for someone who dedicated his whole life (and death) to the trade.
> Examine: safe, present fingerprint set, enter code
> Examine: papers
<Trucy> これは‥‥ カルテ、ですね。たぶん。 This looks like... a medical chart.
レントゲン写真といっしょに、 1組だけ入ってます。 There's an X-ray in here with it.
<Apollo> レントゲン写真‥‥か。 見てもイミがわからないな。 An X-ray...? Hmm, can't make heads or tails of it.
‥‥カルテも読めないし。 ドイツ語だから。 And I can't read the chart either, it's all in medical- speak.
Interestingly, this medical chart is written in German. I know historically, Japan had quite a long-term relationship with Germany even before the advent of WWII, and German engineering influenced quite a bit of Japan's growth in industry before the US came along, so the Japanese still have a few words borrowed from German and other European languages, especially in regards to scientific terms.
Case in point: "karute" from Karte, which is German for "map". The transition isn't perfect, of course.
10/10/20 edit: I blame Google Translate for this. So it can mean “map”, but it also can be used for “charts” in general, including medical ones. Though, “karute” in JP is used exclusively to refer to medical charts.
<Trucy> でも、名前のトコは日本語です。 患者さんの名前‥‥《北木 滝太》 But, the names are easy enough to read. Look, by "Patient" it says... "Wocky Kitaki"!
<Trucy> あの滝太さん、ですよね。 ‥‥依頼人の。 So this is Wocky... our client's chart, huh.
<Apollo> どうして、このカルテが 1組だけ、金庫に‥‥? Why would this one chart be here in this safe...?
医師のサインは、ええと。 《担当医:宇狩 輝夫》か。 Let's see, the physician's signature says "Pal Meraktis".
え‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Eh...
<Trucy> どうしたんですか? オドロキさん。 What is it, Apollo?
<Apollo> こ。ここ‥‥ “カルテ処理”の担当者の欄‥‥ Look here where it says who filed the chart...
<Trucy> ええと。 担当看護師‥‥《並奈 美波》 Let's see... "Nurse Alita Tiala"...!
<Apollo> 滝太クンの婚約者、だよな。 なみなみなみなさん‥‥ Alita Tialita is Wocky's fiancée!
<Trucy> “な”が1コ多いです、 オドロキさん! That's one "ita" too many, Apololo!
Ha. Alita's name in JP is "Namina Minami", last-first, and Odoroki added one too many na's to her name. Look at Trucy wrecking his name, though.
<Apollo> なんで、ここに彼女の名前が! Never mind that, what's her name doing here!?
<Trucy> し。知りませんよ! でも。名前があるってコトは‥‥ How should I know?
どうやら、この病院のスタッフ みたいですね。みなみさん。 Though... I guess it means she's on staff at this clinic?
<Apollo> ‥‥どうして、今まで 教えてくれなかったんだろう‥‥ Odd that she neglected to mention this before now...
<Trucy> それは‥‥ヤッパリ。 何かの理由があったんでしょうね。 I'm sure she had her reasons.
<Apollo> (‥‥なみなみなみさんは、  宇狩外科医院のスタッフだった) (So Alita Tiala worked at the Meraktis Clinic...)
(しかも‥‥きたきたきたきの  カルテを処理している‥‥) (And she had access to Wocki Kitaky's medical chart!)
<Trucy> “き”が1コ多いです、 オドロキさん! You got the "I" and "Y" wrong, Appolo!
And Wocky's name is "Takita Kitaki", last-first, and Odoroki added one too many ki's this time. Look at Trucy still wrecking his name. Now I can't unsee "Apollo" as looking weird.
> (optional) Move: People Park
> Present: lamp
<Apollo> そうだ。 このスタンド、見てもらえますか? Say, could you take a look at this lamp?
<Ema> あれ。電球が割れてるね。 Hmm. The bulb's broken.
<Apollo> そうなんです。 ちょっとオカシイですよね。 Right. Strange, isn't it?
<Ema> うーん。そう? あたし、 よく割れるけどな。電球。 Really? I break bulbs all the time.
デスクが散らかってるからね。 すぐ落ちるの。スタンド。 My desk is a mess and my lamp is always falling over. ...Not too bright, huh?
<Apollo> (問題外だな、それは‥‥) (Ouch...)
<Trucy> ちょっと、気になりますよねー‥‥ I still think it's kind of odd...
I swear this bit about the lamp falling over is a direct reference to Turnabout Sisters. Emphasis on the word "stand" too. Odoroki even said: "(That's practically unthinkable...)"
> Move: Eldoon's House
> Present: medical chart
<Trucy> あの。どうしたんですか? ダマりこんで‥‥ Why the sudden silence, Mr. Eldoon?
<Guy> なんだ、こりゃ‥‥ どういうコトだよ、コレは! What...? What's going on here!?
<Apollo> いやいや! こっちが聞きたいですよ! That's what we want to know!
その、カルテ‥‥ オレの依頼人のものなんですけど。 That chart belongs to my client.
<Trucy> 今、サツジンの容疑を かけられて、裁判を‥‥ He's on trial... On suspicion of murder.
<Guy> バカ言ってんじゃねェよ! On trial! That's crazy!
そんなネムたいコト言ってたら‥‥ 死ぬぜ、このクランケ。 You can't put him on trial! He's ABD!
<Trucy> ‥‥くらんけ? ...ABD?
<Guy> 患者だよ、カンジャ。 こいつは‥‥一刻を争う事態だ。 All but dead. He's knocking on the Pearly Gates, and someone's about to answer.
Originally, he refers to him as "kuranke", which is from the German word "Kranke", which means "sick".
For the record, no, I don't know German. Ironically, I have Google Translate to thank.
10/10/20 edit: Thanks have been revoked. The word actually means “patient”, not simply “sick” as an adjective.
> Move: Detention Center
<Wocky> はーい、お待たせ! ボクのかわいい堕天使ちゃん! Don't cry angel, Daddy's back and Daddy's...
‥‥って。 またオマエらかよ! ...Oh. You again.
<Apollo> あの。 毎回、その登場をするんですか? Do you always have to announce your entrances like that?
Hey, he got it right this time, good for him.
<Wocky> まあな。さっきは オヤジにやっちまってさァ。 Man, my old man, he... Man!
かなり気まずいムードに なっちまったぜ! Now I'm all in a funk, and it's his fault.
<Apollo> (‥‥そのケイケンから  何か学んでほしいな‥‥) (One can only assume that his father tried to teach him a lesson. And failed, clearly.)
<Wocky> それにしても。 アンタらも、ゴクロウだよな。 You two got your work cut out for you, straight up.
オレはもう、 カクゴはできてるってのにさ! Course I don't care if they lock me up. I'm ready to go!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥有罪になる気  マンマンだな) (Some days, I wonder why I do what I do.)
“(Oh, boy... He’s sure pumped up about being convicted.)”
> Present: medical chart, then talk about Alita again
<Trucy> ‥‥《宇狩外科医院》ですね? ...The Meraktis Clinic?
<Wocky> そこでさ。出会っちまったワケよ。 オレだけの堕天使ちゃんに。 That's where I met her. My fallen angel...
<Apollo> 並奈 美波さん‥‥ですか。 You mean Alita Tiala?
<Wocky> 最初は、オレのコト、 コワがってたみたいなんだけどさ。 She was scared of me at first, turns out.
ひかれちまったんだろうなァ。 オレの“悪”のミリョクに! But you know what they say -- the bad guy always gets the ladies.
<Apollo> はあ‥‥ Right...
I try not to waste entry space, but I was just reminded of a certain song about “Why good girls always like bad boys?”, but mixed with “How baa-a-a-ad can I be?” and I hate it, thanks.
> Present: anything else
<Wocky> ‥‥‥‥‥‥ふーん。 ダッセェの。 ... Man... that is so far off the hook, it's off the chain, G!
<Apollo> (何か別のコトを考えてるな。  ちゃんと見てないぞ) (He seems preoccupied with something else...)
<Wocky> ‥‥ミナミちゃん。 何してんのかなあ。 ...Wonder how my Alita's doing. Man, I miss her.
Man, I suck at ending these posts. Here, have more Wocky free-stylin’.
Fyi, his first line here, he’s calling something “lame” and I dunno if he really did see but didn’t care or didn’t notice it at all.
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holylulusworld · 6 years ago
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2000 Followers request fill
( Jensen, Angst + Fluff; hunter reader who is Dean's girlfriend + Prompt: “This can't be happening")
Summary: Y/N wakes up next to the man she loves, at least she thought so.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader, Dean x Reader (brief), Sam Winchester, Castiel, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki. Other Y/N
Warnings: angst, language, tension, making-out, AU Universes (like the French Mistake), violence, switching places, fluff, implied smut (barely), a slight Sir kink
  Warmth, it’s the first thing you feel when you wake up next to Dean. His arms wrapped around your waist he nuzzles his nose into your neck.
“Dean…” You whimper as he starts nipping at your neck.
“Uh-huh, …you are in this mood today?” Dean says but something isn’t right with his voice. It’s not as deep as usual.
“Baby are you sick? Your voice sounds odd.” You stammer.
“No…I’m fine…but you need ‘the Dean’ this morning.” He says and his voice is back to normal.
Turning around in his embrace you look up at him and your hand slides over his cheek and you wonder again.
Since when is his skin so soft?
He almost looks like he’s wearing make-up but then his lips press against yours and you open your mouth to let him slide his tongue inside.
His cock stirs in his pants as you grind against him. You never were that forward, that open in the bedroom before.
“Fuck…so hot…” Dean groans as you flip him onto his back.
Your hands slide over his chest and you want to kiss him but then your eyes land on his tattoo or rather the place where it should be.
“Where is your tattoo, Dean? You ask looking around the foreign room.
“Baby, we should stop playing ‘make me the Dean’. Can’t we just be Y/N and Jensen?” He asks and you freeze.
“Who is Jensen and why am I wearing a wedding band? Oh, god…did we get drunk and married. Is this a joke of you and Sammy again?” You ask and the man underneath you doesn’t seem to understand.
“Y/N? Are you alright? Did you hit your head? I mean last night you were alright. What’s this obsession with the show out of the blue?”
“Supernatural, Baby. Did you forget about my role too?”
“Oh, god…you are Jensen Ackles…” You gasp.
“Last time I checked my ID card I was…” Jensen stammers looking at you.
“This can’t be happening…not again.” You curse.
“What’s wrong, Baby? Shall I call Gen and Jared?”
“I don’t know what’s wrong. I went to sleep in the bunker next to Dean and now I’m here once again. Did you do this? I mean was last time not enough. We already fucked last time…oh…shit…”
“I can’t explain…you don’t remember…don’t you?”
“Uh…you mean the odd dream where you were the role you are playing. That was years ago and you remember? I mean we weren’t a pair back then and you told me you are not my Y/N. After you found no way ‘back home’ we had the hottest sex ever…damn all the things you did to me…”
“Don’t remind me! I couldn’t look Dean in the eyes for weeks and then we did it too…” You mutter climbing off Jensen’s lap.
“Okay, this is getting ridiculous, Baby.”
“I’m not your Baby, Jensen…okay. Some angel dick or someone else must’ve switched me and your Y/N once again. She better not touches my Dean.” You curse pacing around the room.
“You are serious…damn…I’ll call, Jared and Gen.”
“Just relax, Y/N. I know you are confused but this is Sam, that’s Cas and I’m Dean. I guess we all know by now you are not my Y/N…once again. This can’t be happening, Cas…” Dean says looking at the foreign Y/N in his bed. She looks exactly like you but at the same time completely different.
“Damn, who is behind this?” Sam curses handling the Y/N in Dean’s bed a flannel.
“Got no clue. We had no trouble with angels lately and I don’t think Castiel sent us into an alternative universe. Means only Y/N got switched once again. That Jensen asshole better does not touch her again!” Dean yells and the woman in his bed flinches.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Jay. This is not funny! Jared, tell him to stop this nonsense! Misha almost got killed last time you two did this!” She yells now.
“Lady calm down. You are not my Y/N, and I’m not Jensen Ackles, okay. I’m Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam and Castiel, the angel. I know our life is a show in your world but here…” Pointing around the bunker Dean locks eyes with the foreign Y/N. “…here all the shit is real. So, sit over there, drink your coffee and we are going to switch you back.”
“How?” Sam asks.
“I don’t know, dude! I want my girl back!” Dean curses while Castiel tries to remain calm. He’s got no clue how to get you back.
“She said she’s Y/N from the show…like last time?” Jared asks glancing over to you pacing around the room.
“Yeah…I mean she acts like back then…in bed too…if you know what I mean.”
“Damn…what now? Shall we call a doctor?”
“No, dude! What if…I mean…everyone told us we were on set back then but we weren’t. Even Genevieve told us I called her the ‘fake Ruby’. What if this is not a joke or something my wife imagines, Jare?”
“Are you nuts?” Jared whispers.
“No…I mean…what if?”
“Seriously? You are talking about different universes now? Did you play Dean for too long?”
“Jared. Yesterday my wife went to bed like always and this morning she is different and I like it. Damn my cock never was that hard…believe me, if she wouldn’t have tried to break my arm after I tried to kiss her I would bend her over the bed and fuck her right now.” Jensen groans licking his lips.
“Guys? Shall I talk to her?” Gen asks entering the room.
“You brought Ruby here? How did you bring her back? That bitch is dead for almost ten years by now!”
“Y/N?” Gen gasps and you can see the hurting all over her face.
“Sorry…I was trying to get into my role. Thought it would be funny to trick all of you for a while.” You lie.
“Damn…Baby! You scared the shit out of me.” Jensen pants moving his arms around you while pressing his hard cock against your leg.
“Tell your friends to go home and we can finish what we started.” You whisper and his cock twitches.
“Did you meet someone strange? Maybe you touched something in a store or at the flea market yesterday.” Sam says.
“Uh…no. I mean I was bored and looked around on my own. Y/N got pissed and said that sometimes she wished I would be more attentively or more interested in things she likes.” Dean stammers remembering your sad face. “I told her to find someone new... then we went to bed…angry…for the first time in over 8 years, Sammy. What if I do not get her back?”
“Did you touch something or Y/N?”
“A mirror. She liked it and bought it. It’s in our room.” Dean says and Sam nods at Castiel.
“We will get her back, Dean. Now let Castiel and me check the mirror and if it’s an artifact. I called Rowena too. Maybe she can help.”
“Okay…” Dean whispers glancing at the foreign Y/N on his bed. He can see the fear all over her face and wishes he could take it away…
“What happened last night?” You ask sliding your hands over Jensen’s chest as you straddle his lap.
“You don’t remember?” Jensen asks cocking a brow.
“Not really…”
“Well, we had a fight, a terrible fight. You wanted to buy something in that antique store, a mirror and I didn’t listen. I was too busy talking to Misha on my phone.”
“Mirror? Did we buy it?”
“Yeah…it’s in the bathroom. Can we go back to what we did before we got distracted? I’m painfully hard, Baby.” Jensen groans and you almost feel pity for him.
“Hmm…wait…” Showing mercy you cup his face to kiss him softly. It feels wrong, he looks so much like Dean, but it’s not him but you need to distract him to…well use the handcuffs you found in his nightstand.
“Baby? Fuck…you want to play? Never thought you would be doing this again with me…” Jensen groans and you shrug.
“Sorry, Jay but I will not cheat on Dean. Your wife will be back soon, just tell her you want to try new things. I bet she likes it…try to call her good girl and let her call you Sir or spank her ass playfully. I’m into hair pulling too. If she’s only a bit like me, she will come like never before…” You chuckle walking into the bathroom to check the mirror.
“Okay…Rowena said both Y/N’s need to touch the mirror at the same time.” Sam explains and Dean rolls his eyes.
“How shall we know my girl is touching the mirror right now?” Dean mutters.
“We have to let this Y/N touch it the whole time. Also, she needs to wish to be back to her world…her life, back at the side of the man she loves.” Castiel says and Dean falls silent.
“What if she doesn’t want to come back? What if he’s giving her something I can’t give her?”
“Dean…let’s do this. Y/N loves you, you know that.”
“Lady…uh…Y/N. Can you…”
“I’ve got this. I might not be your Y/N but I play her long enough to understand what it takes to bring me back. If your Y/N only loves you half as much as I love Jensen she wants to come back for sure.” Jensen’s Y/N says.
“Good. Touch the mirror. Focus on Jensen, your life and the love you feel for him. Just let your love flow.” Sam says and Jensen’s Y/N touches the mirror.
Your hands are shaking, and you pray this will work. If the other version of you touched the mirror at the same time it could’ve happened you got switched.
Placing one hand onto the mirror you close your eyes. Remembering all the good times with Dean, the love you feel and the warmth when he holds you tight you let your love flow and the mirror starts glowing.
Opening your eyes, you see yourself in the mirror for a second before you disappear.
“Y/N, are you alright? I can’t get up…are you hurt?” Jensen screams but then he sees his wife walking out of the bathroom.
She has a smile on her lips but then her eyes darken at the sight of her husband tied to the bed.
“Hmm…Jay. Do you want to play Baby? Shall your wife help you out? Look at you…so hard for me.” She swoons and Jensen licks his lips.
“Please…my good girl.” He groans and his wife’s smile grows.
“Yes…Sir…” She whispers.
“Y/N? Y/N?” Dean stammers as you fall to the ground. With shaking hands he picks you up to check on you.
“Dean? Shirt off!” You order and he looks at you in confusion.
“I said shirt off!”
“Fine…” Removing his shirt Dean watches your getting up from the bed to slide your hands over his chest. The tattoo is back at his place and when you touch his cheeks they are scruffy as you like it.
“My Dean…you’re mine. Thank god. His face felt like the butt of a baby.” You chuckle jumping into his arms. “I’m sorry about the fight. I love you.”
“I love you too, Sweetheart…wait…you touched his face?”
“Don’t get jealous. He didn’t get any…just handcuffed him to the bed…”
“Hmm…did you just get hard, Dean? Does my bad boy need some playtime with his good girl?” You ask and Sam awkwardly leaves the room with Castiel hot on his heels.
“Yeah…missed you. She wasn’t you…”
“He wasn’t you either. Love you…”
“Love you too, Y/N…now back to the handcuffs…”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx​, @screechingartisancashbailiff​, @fallen-wolf22​, @sister-winchesters99​, @mogaruke​, @the-is13​, @helloitsmeamie203​, @strayrosesbloom​, @thewinchesterco​, @hobby27​, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl​, @marvelfansworld​ , @sandlee44​, @hawaiianohana31​, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @katpatrova17​, @notyourtypicalrose​ , @heyitscam99​, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon​, @flamencodiva​, @echoesofpassion​, @cocklesbelli​, @anushay1998, @voltage-my2dlove​, @kmvld, @fandom-princess-forevermore​, @thenamelesschibi​, @lauravic​, @fandomsrourlives​, @wittysunflower​, @drakelover78​, @lemondropirwin​, @lonewolf471​, @wronglanemendes​, @electraphygelectraphyng , @spnhollis​, @void-imaginations​, @jay-and-dean​, @shatteredabby​ , @juniorhuntersam​​​, @helpmeluci​​​, @neii3n​​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​​, @alltimesamantha, @chonisberonica, @supernaturalonice @stuckys-whore​, @shadowkat-83, @meganywinchester​, @shikshinkwon​, @idioticsky, @miraclesoflove ​ (all works), @officialmarvelwhore, ​@certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel, @guardian-tn
If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reason. Sorry.
 Dean/Jensen Forever Tags         
@spnfamily-thewinchesters, @supernatural-bellawinchester, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks, @deans-baby-momma, @hawaiianohana31, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​, @20gayneen​, @janicho88​, @thefaithfulwriter​, @dreaminemz​, @negans-lucille-tblr​, @sadwaywardkid​, @akshi8278​, @hhiggs​, @midnightsilver16830​, @mrspeacem1nusone​, @ria132love​, @caligraphee​, @the-witch-in-silence​, @multisuperfandom
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coffeecomicsgalore · 5 years ago
For the Love of a Chat
Chat Noir enjoyed his playful visits with this amazing girl that treats him with kindness on both sides of the mask. After a year of visiting and an akuma that turned him into an actual cat, Chat realized one thing: that his everyday ladybug was more than just his best friend.
A story of friendships to lovers for Marichat May 2020.
Chapter 1 - Witch AU
“I cannot believe this stupid hat won’t come off!” Marinette groaned while up on her balcony. She was looking over the railing to see where the akuma flew off to. “Tikki? Is this going to affect me when I transform?”
“Hmm. I’m not sure, Marinette.” The little sprite said helping her look in the opposite direction. “The worst that could happen is that when you transform, your hat will just stay on your head. Maybe you can subconsciously think to remove it or at least change colors when you transform. But just in case, we need to hurry up so Chat Noir doesn’t see it and–“
Marinette’s eyes shot open at the sudden quietness from the kwami. She stood still, straining to hear what was going on around her. Instead of hearing the akuma flying around or the tapping of the familiar boots of the boy in fake leather, she heard a loud meow that echoed in the alcove of the rooftop.
She turned quickly and noticed that it was indeed her partner, but what she was not expecting was that the usual boy in a super suit was now a boy completely covered in black fur. The ears on top of his normally blonde locks were real and twitched with every noise, a black fuzzy tail was in place of his belt, and his large gold bell sat perfectly on a neon green collar that was now on his neck.
“Oh no, Chat!” Marinette cried running over to him, feeling the black fur underneath her fingertips. “You’re an actual cat?”
“Meow?” He purred with sad kitten eyes.
She worried her bottom lip. “And you can’t talk?”
Chat Noir just sadly shook his head. “Meow.”
Marinette placed a careful hand on his cheek and he nuzzled his pink button nose up against it. She could feel a purr rumbling in his chest.
“Wonderful... Have you seen Ladybug?” That was such a stupid question but it’s not like she could just not pretend to be curious about his partner.
“Nope!” Chat started to giggle.
She slapped his arm. “Oh, come on, Chat. I seriously thought the akuma turned you into an actual cat!”
“Come on, Mari. Don’t you like the fur?” He said as he gestured to his new exterior. “Speaking of witch… I like the newest addition to your wardrobe. I guess I’m the cat to your craft.”
Marinette grimaced as she touched her hat. It was a pink witch’s hat with black lace adorned along the sides. A black feather was attached to the brim alongside a red rose. “Oh, you mean this old thing? Yeah, this absolutely gorgeous hat was just lying around in my closet and I decided that I just had to wear it today of all days.”
Chat just laughed. “Man, Mari. Your sarcasm is strong today.”
“Well, there’s only so many letter changes and words that rhyme with witch that I could use.” She said playfully while not wanting to let out the swear in front of the cat boy.
“Well, I would love to play hangman to figure that word out,” he winked at the joke, “but I have an akuma to catch. Hopefully milady is working on a reverse spell as we speak and be able to bring the witches, warlocks, and black cats back to their human versions soon. I’ll see you later, ma petite sorcière.”
Chat bowed once more before leaping off the balcony on all fours. “That boy will be the death of me.”
Tikki flew out of her hiding spot. “Well then, we better go and break that spell!”
Marinette groaned. “Not you too, Tikki.”
She just giggled. “Let’s go, Marinette. The sooner we do, the faster you can come back and be free of that hat!”
“Fine then. Tikki? Spots on!”
Ladybug arrived at the Louvre to witness Chat Noir bantering with the akuma.  
“-no need to get your stockings in a bunch!” He said as she touched down to the ground.  
“You will pay for saying that you mangy cat.”
“Excuse me, Sorceress, but I have a bell and tag.” Chat Noir said as he tapped the two metal pieces against each other. “That means I’m a happy house cat.”
Ladybug just shook her head. “Glad to see you’re mostly okay, Chat.”
“Ah, finally, milady!” Chat Noir happily added. “And I can see that you are now a pretty witch.”
Ladybug groaned. “Yeah. I thought it made a great addition to my outfit.” She said as she gestured to her suit.
“It almost matches. What’s odd is that it’s pink though. Hm. I feel like I’ve seen that hat before.”
Ladybug mentally slapped herself. Even though she asked Tikki to change the pink to red, it looks like the akuma’s power put a stop to that change. She had to think fast. “Uh, maybe? But... I had seen quite a few hats like mine on the way here! Yeah. That’s probably why.”
“Maybe that’s what it was then.” Chat shrugged. “Care to help me break the spell, LB?”
She smiled. “Let’s do it then.”
After a half an hour of battle and a random lucky charm that took two tries to work, the akuma was defeated. Before she threw the pocket watch into the air, Chat Noir stood beside her and flicked the feather on her hat. Ladybug responded in kind by doing the same to his tag.  
“Pink is a good color on you. You’ll have to add it to your civilian attire if you don’t do so already.” Chat joked.
She tiled her head. “What can I say. Pink is my favorite color.” She giggled. “What’s surprising to me is that you have a tag, Chat Noir. Was there a name etched to it? A phone number maybe?” She teased.
“You know what? I didn’t even check.” Chat looked down to the tag and his smile shifted to a curious frown. “Huh.”
“What’s wrong, Chat?” Her playful joke turned into a serious tone. “Please don’t tell me your civilian name is on there.”
“No! No. Not my name, per se. But someone else's. I just wasn’t expecting her name.”
“Her name?”
His frown turned into a soft smile. “Yeah. She’s my best friend. You know her actually. Remember Multimouse?”
Her heart stopped beating. It was her name? She had to feign innocence on that one. She shook her head and looked at the tag and confirmed what he said was true.  
What surprised her more was that he considered her to be his best friend. They had barely known each outside of her suit until the last year. Yeah, he came to visit her at least a day or two a week, but she didn’t realize those little moments together would make her on his top list of friends.
She threw the lucky charm and helped the victim back up to her feet. After ensuring she was okay, Ladybug turned to see that Chat Noir had turned back into his superhero self and that her hat was now gone. She still had another two minutes to go, and so did he, but her curiosity to his earlier comment was nibbling at her insides.
She cleared her throat. “Hey Chat?”
“Yeah, Bug?”
“Why weren’t you expecting that girl’s name on your tag?” She asked, quietly.
He let out a sad sigh. “You know I’ve told you how my civilian life is a little difficult due to some circumstances, and I can’t explain them or else I would oust my identity?” Ladybug nodded. “Well, Marinette has been my saving grace for the last year. She’s helped me so much and she doesn’t even know it. Sometimes I wish I could tell her who I was, but I know I can’t. And don’t worry, I won’t. But Marinette...” He let out another sigh, but this time he looked enamored, “she’s such an amazing girl. I just wish she saw me in the same way.”
Ladybug shot him a sad smile. “Chat, anyone would be foolish to not like you.”
A round of beeps rang through the open space. “Sorry, milady, but superhero duties have to stop me from feeling like that. The last thing I want to do is have Hawkmoth use her against us.”
She smiled and placed a comforting hand to his bicep. “Well Chat, please know that you are amazing in your own right. You thinking of her safety first is enough to confirm that.”
“Thanks, LB. I’ll... see you next time.” With a bow, Chat was gone.
Marinette sat on her lawn chair as she snuggled up to the blanket. The sun was setting, and the nighttime skyline helped cool down the warm autumn air. She stared out into the horizon, thinking over the words that Chat had said earlier.  
There was something that bothered her about his words. It wasn’t the fact that her name was the one the tag – it was an honor to hold that position in his heart – but what bothered her more was the fact that none of his family member’s names were on it.
She gave herself a sad smile as she continued to stare. A pair of taps brought her back to the balcony and she smiled without turning to the noise.
“Good evening, Chat. Fancy seeing you here twice in one day.”
“Only the fanciest for you, princess.”
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years ago
Time to read hs^2′s third non-bonus update!  I have not had a single portion of an image spoiled this time, and have no damn idea what it’s about.  Not even any asks in my inbox.  Will we have more of Ghostflusters, maybe a reason Jane didn’t know he was gone even when he supposedly received divorce papers?  A cut back to the good guys in pursuit of Dirk and crew?  Will Jade be a black-eyed zombie, or finally fucking awake like she deserves to be???
Let’s find out!
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Oh god damn everything, please no.  ==>
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Oh that’s MUCH better than it could’ve been!  We’re still in Candyverse, but cutting over to the Vriskas’ perspectives.  So that on the right would be the “mostly identical” Vriska who Rose and Kanaya raised, and the aforementioned logistics are just dealing with a dead clown body (that hopefully isn’t being refrigerated in the unseen spot Dirk was hiding from Terezi on their ship).
Kid Vriska looks pretty cool!  A fair bit Aranea-y, with that collar feeling like a nice hint of the Pagey version of her who originally earned the (Vriska) title.
(Vriska) pockets John’s phone before she can worry too much about waiting for a reply from Terezi.
Right, stolen phone... an anon in my inbox pointed out that Vriska “has a direct line out to Terezi” because of it, but I didn’t take it that seriously because I thought it wouldn’t come into play at all later.  Guess I was wrong, with the narrative taking the trouble to point it out-- especially considering that whatever she said, she EXPECTS a possible reply.
Other than some fun banter, I can’t figure out where this particular upd8 is going.
> (==>)
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Oh that is a smug, self-satisfied Vriska look if I ever saw one.  (Vriska) over here is still dust under her heels, isn’t she?
VRISKA: If you want to keep Hanging Out, I mean. Which I assume you Do.
Holy shit, she’s throwing a bit of Kanaya Caps in her language.  That’s SUPER adorable.  That was probably in Candy too and I just forgot about it.
VRISKA: So, Nickname me, 8itch. And make it Cute.
Huh!  You don’t stake too much on your name, then?
> (==>)
Vrissy!  That’s surprisingly genial of you, it’s pretty damn good.
VRISSY: So now that we have that locked down, what’s First on the list of Awesome Shit we’re gonna do Together?
Oh no.  No, no Vrissy, you’re gonna be disappointed.  :(
VRISSY: I told you already, I don’t ever get up to Anything nearly as Interesting as you did. VRISKA: Till now ;;;;) VRISSY: Heh. Yeah.
...yeah, FUCK.  Vrissy is gonna get used and thrown away so fucking hard.  The slightest ounce of hero worship thrown Vriska’s way is an ounce that’s gonna get exploited to hell and back.
I suppose from here we’re going into the rebellion, aren’t we?  I hope badass eyepatch Karkat doesn’t look too silly in this art style.
> (==>)
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God, this art style is so CLEAN and makes her look so ADORABLE.
--ah, okay.  We’re gonna see how the dynamic between Vrissy and human Kid-Tavros works.  Hope this won’t be too painful.  Besides, like... the kind of hilarious starting-pain that she’s asking HIM to help take care of a dead body.
VRISSY: That was Tavros. He’s on his way.
Oh man, Vriska didn’t know.  :D
> (==>)
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Huh!  That’s a more thoughtful expression than I was expecting.
VRISKA: Unless he’ll rat us out to his mom???????? VRISSY: Nah. He’ll get too much of a Kick out of seeing this dead Piece of Shit, don’t Worry.
Oh man.  Tavros’ll probably just be sad or freaked out a bit, but what I wouldn’t give for our first look at him to be him dancing on this clown’s grave.
> (==>)
Vrissy hates that ostentatious prick-mobile, mostly because it is not her ostentatious prick-mobile.
Hm?  “Actual spy shit”, other than hiding a body?  Did you have some bigger anti-Crocker stuff in mind, Vrissy?
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Oh Jiminy Christmas!!!  You’re the spitting image of your parents!  And, like... perfectly visually suited to induce Vriska-macking, unwanted or otherwise.
> (==>)
TAVROS: These are normal things you expect to happen, when you are picking up your kismesis and her,,,, ah,,, new friends,
Oh right, that’s the relationship.  More that I forgot from Candy.
VRISSY: Who is VERY Cool and Sexy with her Eyepatch--
--remind me again why Vriska has an eyepatch?  Something in the Lord English fight, a stray shard of universe fabric inflicting more random meaningful damage?  *Looks it up.*  Oh huh, so THAT was the vague damage to her head she played off-- the shard literally got her eye and she refused to admit it to herself or the narrative.  I was wondering about that weird damage back when I read it, but never inferred the answer.  And did she put the eyepatch on when she landed in Candy?  *Looks that up*  Wait, no, it couldn’t have hit her eye.  From Candy:
Vriska’s face snaps up, eyes blazing. Eyes. Actual eyes, with expression, color, pupils, and everything.
[...]  There’s a bleeding gash on her head and something lodged in her chest.
Okay, fuck.   Then whence the fucking eyepatch?  *Keeps skimming Candy...*
(VRISKA): The 8attle was hitting its clim8x when I got hit in the head with... with...
(Vriska) paws at her head wound, fingers numb and vision blurry.
(VRISKA): Wh8tever the fuck it was that hit me in the head!
JOHN: do you wanna see a doctor for that or something? (VRISKA): No!!!!!!!! (VRISKA): I w8nt to know what the fuck is GOING ON!!!!!!!!
Hmmmm.....  *Keeeeps reading...*
Dammit, that’s all there is.  So this is an inference either Andrew intended or the other authors/artists did from the tail end of all that -- Vriska either took head damage that deprived her of sight in that eye, made it more light-sensitive/blurry, OR that eyepatch is essentially a makeshift bandage over the bleeding parts.  (Which might remain medically necessary, or she might just keep wearing for style points.)  Hmm.
I’m mostly just relieved that whoever’s helping write HS^2 didn’t fuck up.  Okay, that’s enough Candy-digging, back to the story now:
After a few beats, he propels himself off the car like a swimmer at the sound of a gun, his body plunging in a graceful arc toward his goal.
Huh?  I mean, good execution, very Jake, but... huh?  Is someone gonna get clobbered?  Vrissy?  The corpse?
> (==>)
Ooh, the corpse!  Yes!!!  Kick that corpse.
Why did the head honk?  Hopefully this stays a corpse.  (I’m surprised his strikes are as weak as the narrative’s saying; even if he’s really Tavros-natured, he’s still the son of two of the strongest, fisticuff-iest players.  Kind of a rebellion against his parents both, then?)
> (==>)
--unrelated, I just saw the Bonus blinking with Catnapped Part 2.  Guess I won’t be finished once I’ve covered this, just yet.
VRISKA: I am in no place to 8egrudge a man his cathartic ass-kicking moment, but that was a loud fucking scream. VRISSY: No kidding. My ears are STILL ringing from your 8ig attempt at breaking the sound 8arrier.
Y’all are ones to talk, I just reread the part of Candy where you two found Vriska fucking Gamzee.
> (==>)
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Please don’t move, clown.  Stay the fuck dead, please?
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Calm down, Tav, you’ve got this.
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Nice suspenders.
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--sorry I got overexcited because I clicked next and saw that hair spiral aaaa.
...I hope it isn’t a DIFFERENT kid of theirs that I somehow forgot exists or such.  That’d be embarrassing.  This guy/girl/person looks infuriatingly suave, also.
> (==>)
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--Yep, dialogue confirms it’s Harry Anderson.
Heh, he’s pulling an Early Acts John and not believing a word of it, but playing along.
There is no possible way that this stuff Vrissy is saying isn’t horeseshit, but he is not about to crack.
--just wanna point out the probably-typo before they fix it.
Ah, bringing it there.  Good luck, Harry.
> (==>)
Oh, that was fast.
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...That’s what you get for relying on Harry.
> (==>)
VRISKA: We can just dump it in the inciner8or. That’s pro8a8ly what his plan was to 8egin with. VRISSY: The what???????? VRISKA: The inciner8or. Like, for 8odies?? VRISSY: At SCHOOL???????? VRISKA: Yes? TAVROS: It is somewhat pleasant to be reminded,,, in my darker moments,,,, that the grass is not really ever greener on Alternia,
No comment, this is just pretty hilarious.
I still keep revisiting how easily Vrissy gave up her given name, here.  As if she feels like her real name ought to be associated with the hero instead of her, in a kind of... lowkey low self-esteem way.
VRISSY: I should have known he was fucking with us. VRISSY: GOD he is such a Stupid 8astard.
--Well, they know each other well enough.
Hm.  Does Vriska think they can just kill any human kids they run into?
> (==>)
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...GOSH, Vrissy is stupid adorable.  And like, shockingly chill, in general.
> (==>)
Huh.  Vrissy, are you chickening out on an adventure because you’re afraid you’ll get caught?  ...well, good for you, honestly!  Not that I think it’ll last.
...yup, there she goes after ‘em.
> (==>)
I think you’re still going to fuck up, Vriska.
> (==>)
None of them know where they are going, but Vriska is leading the way, hunched and purposeful
I guess none of this is surprising, really.
Is Jane going to, like... hear about the corpse found in a human school’s basement and blame the rebellion some more somehow?  Not that it matters, I guess.
There is something incredibly reassuring, Tavros thinks, about someone who has absolute outward confidence in themselves.
(There’d better not be any relationship conflict involving Vriska upcoming in the future.  BETTER not.)
> (==>)
Gamzee managing to fuck everything up even when he’s dead.
> (==>)
VRISKA: No, he’s right, I was going to count to eight.
> (==>)
Are they gonna end up dumping him at Harry’s feet?
Nice way to force him out of school and into the rebellion, that.
> (==>)
VRISSY: Keep looking for Harry Anderson. He’s In The Shit with us now, whether he likes it or not.
Guess so!  Fair enough.
> (==>)
oh no
(I also understand why I haven’t gotten any asks about this upd8 yet.  This is mostly just character (re-)introductions and hijinks.  Totally up for some Harry, Vriska, Vrissy and Tavros adventures now that I can actually SEE them, it really adds a lot.)
> (==>)
And there it goes.  Slide into Harry’s classroom on the waterslick maybe?
> (==>)
The human students, trained to respond to a fire drill with speed and enthusiasm for missed class time, are out in the hall in a matter of seconds.
Oh, the worst possible outcome.  :D
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Shit, they’re all on camera.  Nice job, Vriska!  Welcome to Earth.
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Oh my fucking GOD, this image.  Vriska is LOVING the chaos!!!  She doesn’t even care!
VRISKA: I thought this planet was gonna be a snoozefest desert devoid of 8oth agency and fun, but I am honestly having a gr8 time.
Pfff.  I should’ve known.  She just cares about being where the Action Is, as Aradia put it at the end of Meat.
> (==>)
She sees it, and she can’t breathe. Her lover, her confidante, her clown of many years, being desecrated by a bunch of treasonous monsters.
You threw him out of a ship.
Yeah, of course she draws that conclusion.  Everything and everyone is either with her or against her, after all.
> (==>)
--Wait, you didn’t even know Tavros was missing until that moment???
So did the lawyers send the divorce papers on their own, or did the authors really just forget?
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Your John is showing SO hard, Harry.
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*slow clap*
I’ll cover Catnapped 2 in a bit, though circumspectly as it’s a paid bonus.  See y’all!
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bard-of-worlds · 5 years ago
Chapter 2 Beginning in Kalos
“Where is he?  He should’ve gotten off that plane by now.”   A teenage girl sighed as she leaned against a pillar in an airport in Lumiose City.  She looked light she had just come from a Gothic rave, her dark hair was done in a twintale style that reached her butt, two purple streaks went down her hair facing her front.  She was wearing a black tube top that had a small v that showed the sides of her large breasts and that exposed her midriff with a black open vest over it with a tight short skirt that ended at her upper thighs with a belt around her waist with six pokeballs, knee high black boots completed the outfit.  Her face was heart shaped; her lips were a shiny black and her eyes had purple eye shadow that brought attention to her blue eyes, a pair of sunglass with black gems in the frame was around her neck on a chain. Next to her was a small bag, out of place for a traveler if not for some tech from home.  She snorted as she saw some of the other women glare at her and the men around her stare at her in lust but not a single one had even an ounce of courage to approach her.  A few of the younger girls were staring at her in wonder and a few might have talked to her if their mothers hadn’t been there but then again this wasn’t home so maybe she could cut them slack based on different culture.
So this is why everyone back home hate outside assignments so much. She thought to herself, this was why they preferred to stay in their home; at least there people could dress how they wanted without people talking about them, at most they commented about the fashion behind hands and doors, and if a man looked at her like some of them were he would have at least walked over to talk to her by now.  Lady Camilla had grabbed her from that party her cousin had dragged her to and thrown her on that train to the airport so fast she had to have two of her Item Cubes with her full wardrobe and her Aura Equipment sent to the airport. And she only got it a half hour before she was told to board the plane, so when she got to the travelers hotel later tonight she could put her cloths and outfits for her mission in order, but she had to be carrying her ‘Party Clothes” Cube in her bag with her Cube Reader, ‘Founding Day is an excuse to dress differently at every party you go to’, she would never listen to her cousin about stuff like that again.
 “Boss I really, really hope that old man was right about her and him; for your sake at least.”  She muttered as she looked to the doors to the tarmac as they opened and she glazed upon the woman walking in with a Helioptile on her shoulder.  For an instance seeing it brought a flash of rage to her face, but she forced herself down, the woman wasn’t one of those sexiest Inquisitors, those bastards had been slaughtered by Sir Mordred and a woman would never be one of the Knights!
 “Hmm, good figure, clothes and makeup could do with some work but her muscles seem to hint that she’s someone who makes a living by traveling so she probably has some stamina, not the best but I’ve recruited worse.  At least if it not really him…” She trailed off as she saw the figure follow her in. A blue short-sleeve jacket, a red hat on black hair, darker blue jeans, red shoes and a black shirt under the jacket and his face, it was like looking at a younger version of the boss.  The Pikachu riding on his shoulder sealed the deal, this was her target and by the boss he was who they hoped he was.
 “I will never ever bet against the longshot ever again.” She grinned as she reached down and grabbed her bag and started to watch her target walk with the woman over to a city map outside the airport.  They talked for a minute before he ran off.  The woman he had been with smiled good naturally as she watch him dash off, but this left Lilith with a dilemma.
 “Hmm, I could try to catch up with the princeling… or I could chat up that cutie and get his destination from her directly, what should I do?” She smirked as she brought a black painted nail to her lips, a smirk on her face as she looked at Alexa.
   Alexa smiled as she and her Helioptile shared a look with each other about their friend's exuberance. She did feel a little bad that her sister had to have gone on a journey without sending any word to her, but that was her sister for you.  As she walked back toward the airport to her get her bag she collided with someone as she walked through the door.
 "Ohmph." Alexa cried as she fell backwards, her Helioptile fell off her shoulder and she fell on her bottom.
 "Sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going." A female voice said as a hand with black nail polish reached down to help her up. Alexia grabbed the hand and got to her feet checking that her pokemon was okay before turning to the person she bumped into.
 "No problem. .." Alexa trailed off as she stared into blue eyes that seemed to take up her entire view.  She felt herself drifting away, until all she could see was the color blue.
 "Say, about that boy you were with, could you tell me where he was going?"
  Alexa shock herself awake as her Pokémon started to shake her, looking up she realized she was inside the airport with her bag siting by the escalator.
 "Helioptile, how'd we get inside and get my bag?  I… it doesn't matter, let's make sure we didn't miss our bus and have to have Gogoat take us home once we get out of town."  Alexa said as she and her Pokémon walked away, not noticing a female shadow with a grin on its face, a fang poking out of her mouth as she blew a kiss after Alexa.
 "Thanks for everything Alexa dear, we'll meet again and we'll see what side you’ll be on when we're done."
   “So the prince is headed for the cities gym, a fierce start worthy of his father.”  Lilith mused as she walked toward the gym.  All she had to do was watch the entrance, scan him and send a report back home.  As she got insight of the tower she stopped dead when she saw Ash and his partner thrown out of the pokeball symbol on the building.  She raised her hand began to cast a spell when she heard two voice much closer to her target
 “I’ll try to catch that boy!”
“I’ll catch Pikachu!”
 Lilith stopped her spell as she saw a blond boy in blue and yellow jumpsuit and black and white tennis shoes throw a backpack under the prince that released a crash pillow while a blond little girl wearing a dark brown blouse with a black ribbon on the chest, white skirt, black shorts, and pink Mary Jane flats grab the prince’s Pokémon. She breathed a sigh of relief as the blond girl was shocked by the Pikachu.  
 “Quick thinking you two now let me cast a quick scan while I can.”  Lilith muttered as she put her sunglasses on.
 “Tool to see, Sight beyond, Show me that which hides from All.” She chanted as her glasses glowed pitch black.
 “So the two of them are brother and sister hu, the boy’s aura shows that he has quite a mind and the girl is someone who wants her brother to have someone in his life, something about their father and mother?  Looks like I could teach her a few things, but let’s take a look at the prince.…how in Arceus’s name is he able to walk let alone think with those seals on him?”  She asked herself in horror at what she over a hundred seals on his Aura.  She reached with a shaking hand to touch one of the gems in her glasses and started to chant.
 “Sights Seen, Sights Unseen, capture them for All to See.”  She popped the gem out and ducked into a nearby alley to and grabbed one of her pokeballs.
 “Fly high, Murkrow.” She called as the ball opened in midair and released a black flying type with a crooked yellow beak.
 “Murkrow, Murkrow.” The Flying type chanted as it appeared and landed on an out stretched arm.  Lilith slipped the gem into a necklace around its neck, reached into her bag and pulled out two blue colored pieces of hollowed metal shaped like her wings which were met with a look of worry from the Flying type.
 “Girl, I know these make it so you can’t fight with your wings, but you need the Wing Sheaths to make it back even sooner than with the Wind Road alone, this report has to get to Lord Magnus sooner then you could normally, it’s that important.” Lilith said as her Flying type looked her in the eye before raising its wings straight up to make equipping the Wing Sheaths that much easier.  After a quick fastening she was ready, Lilith had a look of pride on her face as she gave out her orders.
 “Thanks girl, now go, as fast as you can, but stay safe.  The boss has to find out what the state of his son is so the prince can be helped as soon as possible.”  Lilith said as she scowled at what had been done to Ash.  If his mother had anything like that done to her, the boss was going to find the people responsible for this affront of Aura itself and impale them alive, and they would deserve  it.  As her Murkrow shot off into the open sky, climbing higher as she flew away from the alley, Lilith looked down at her cloths and remembered the airport and gave a short sigh.
 “Better hide behind an illusion for a while.   To Walk Unknown Upon the Land, Change my Form to What I Command.”  Lilith chanted as a black flash covered her body.
 As the flash faded away a completely new Lilith had completely changed her appearance!  Where a gothic party girl was, there was now a teenage honor student stood in her place.  She wore a white dress; grey heels with only a hint of makeup on her face, red hair flowing down her back and a modest figure with B-Cup breasts.
 "So not my style; but beggars don't slip by the hungry Snorlax." She muttered as looked for her target, but was unable to spot him.
 "The seals must have shocked me more than I thought to lose track of him so.... Mandibuzz, take flight!  Fly around and find me a trainer with a Pikachu with two blonds!" She cried as she released her other Flying type.  Her Pokémon had a Searcher Gem in a tiara on her head, so she could identify types from above, and she was trained to identify targets in groups. She would soon know where he was, and with a chant she would see what her Pokémon saw.
 "Sight Of All, Sights Beyond, Share with me What the Searcher Saw."  She chanted as she closed her eyes, and saw through the vision of her Pokémon augmented by the Searcher's Gem, a rainbow of colors representing the Pokémon and humans within the city.
 After spotting an electric with three normal auras next to one of the town's Pokémon arena, she ended her spell and ran toward the battlefield, mentally going over how she would interact with the prince, as a Trainer or a Coordinator?  She did have a flare for glamor and showmanship from her time on the circuit, but she had a few powerhouses with her, maybe bring out her whip and say her family lives in one of the Old Regions that still followed the Treaty of Defense?
 “Wobbuffet, time to Shine.”
 “What is this?” Lilith muttered as she hid behind a tree.  She saw two people in white with red R’s on their cloths behind a Meowth and a Wobbuffet face down the blonds and the prince, she recognized the uniform from tactical information about Kanto.
 “Team Rocket of Kanto, after the prince; are we?”  She snarled as she started to release a purple aura as she watch the prince’s Pikachu be hit with its own attack by the Wobbuffet.
 “ We’d better retreat. Using Mirror Coat reflects special attacks with double the power!” we can’t stand up to that kind of strength.” Blondie boy said he looked at Ash
 “Gotta give Blondie points for tactical ability; but minus points from turning away from the threat to talk to someone.  But this might give me an opening.”  Lilith mused as she grabbed one of her pokeballs.
 “We’ve always stood up to them before and we always will! As long as Pikachu is okay, as long as Pikachu doesn’t give up I’ll be right here, battling to the end!” Ash cried as he stood back up and unfelt by all but Lilith, he released a spike of aura energy before the seals sapped it back.
“Boss, if I doubted he was your boy, its’ so gone now.” Lilith said in a tiny bit of awe in her voice over the feeling Ash’s speech had invoked in her had echoes of his some of his father’s speeches.
 “All you’ll get is reruns.” The Female Rocket cried in response to Ash’s words.
 “Now, Pikachu, Electro Ball” Ash commanded.
 “Pik! Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika!” Pikachu cried jumped up and generated the attack its trainer ordered.
 “We’ll help you out, too! Bunnelby, use Mud Shot!” Blondie cried.
 “You’re on, Wobbuffet!” Female Rocket cried out.
 “Wob! Buff! Buff! Buff!” Wobbuffet cried as it jumped up, dodging the Mud Shot while activacting Mirror Coat, bouncing the Electro Ball back toward Pikachu.
 “Pikachu!” Pikachu cried out as its mouth dropped open before a small blue pokemon jumped between the attack and the electric type.
 “Froakie!” It cried before the attack hit and exploded.
 The blue pokemon land after the attack with Pikachu in its arms, electric sparks crawling over its blue skin.
  Ash gritted his teeth; Pikachu was fine but only because a small blue pokemon had intercepted an electric attack sent back by Wobbufett, a rookie mistake!  The pokemon in question was a small one that had light blue skin, white hands, and a dark blue stripe from the center of its oval head to its nose, its eyes were closed.  By its skin tone he had to guess it was a water type, but it had a mane of…clouds around its neck that he was made him wonder if it was a dual type.
 “It’s a Froakie!” Clemont cried as he and Bonnie ran over to Ash.  At the look Ash sent him he went on.
 “It’s a water-type that new trainers can get in Kalos. So that Electro Ball must have done lots of damage.” Clemont continued as he looked back as Froakie tensed as electricity ran over its skin.
 “So where is its Trainer?” Ash asked with a worried look in his eyes as he, Clemont and Bonnie looked around as Froakie hoped toward Team Rocket.
 “Where’s Froakie going?” Bonnie asked in confusion.
 “Froakie Froak!” it cried out.
 “What’s with the yapping?” Jessie wondered.
 “I think that Froakie wants to help us.”  Ash said as he stood back up.
 “Fro!” Froakie cried as it opened its yellow eyes and glared at Team Rocket
 “Froakie’s saying bad guys rub it the wrong way!”  Mewoth cried as its mouth dropped open
 “You can’t take them on if you’ve been hurt! Stop!” Ash cried as he raced to Froakie as it inflated the back of its mane and jumped toward Team Rocket.
 “Froakie!” Ash cried as he looked on in concern.
 In midair it grabbed the inflated part of its mane with its hand and threw toward the Rocket operatives.
 “Wow, Froakie just used its Frubbles!” Bonnie cried out as her and her brothers mouths dropped open in shock.
 “Big whoop! We’ll just send that right back at you!”  Jessie sneered as Wobbuffet jumped and activated its Mirror Coat, only for the move to have no effect as the Frubbles hit Wobbuffet, forcing it backwards as the remaining Frubbles hit Jessie, James and Meowth.
 “What’s this?”
 “I Can’t get this gunk off!” Jessie and Meowth cried as Team Rocket struggled against the sticky frubbles.
 “How come it didn’t bounce back?” Ash wondered in confussion.
 “Of course!  Froakie’s gummy Frubbles isn’t a move, so Wobbuffet’s Mirror Coat was completely ineffective!” Clemont exclaimed as he realized what had happened.
 “Awesome, Froakie, way to go! Pikachu and I can take it from here!”Ash cried as he and Pikachu advanced to stand by Froakie as the frog like Pokémon looked at Ash.
 “We’ll lend a hand, too”
“Bunnelby!”  Clemont and his pokemon proclaimed as they stood next to Ash.
 “You guys better not forget about me!” Bonnie declared as she ran next to Ash on his other side and puffed her cheeks.
 “Now, Bunnelby, us Dig!”
“Bunnel-brree!” Clemont command as his Pokémon jumped and used its ears to tunnel into the earth, coming up under Team Rocket, sending them skyward.
 “Yeah! Way to go!”
“Nice work, Bunnelby!” Bonnie and Clemont cried as they saw Team Rocket fly into the air.
 “Let’s wrap this up! Pikachu, Thunderbolt, go!” Ash cried as Pikachu and Froakie both jumped into the air, Pikachu fireing a Thunderbolt and Froakie throwing a water bubble that merged and hit Team Rocket together.
“We’re blasting off again!”
“Wobbuffet!”  Team Rocket cried as they disappeared into the sky.
 “Wow! Awesome power!” Bonnie declared as both Pikachu and Bunnelby ran to their trainers.
 Froakie groaned as it collapsed to the ground.
 “Froakie!  Something’s wrong!”  Ash cried as he ran to the water type and took it into his arms as the others gathered around them.
 “Froakie needs help right away.”  Clemont said as he looked at the water type, seeing the injuries he had sustained in their defense.
 “Is there a Pokémon Center?” Ash demanded as he stood up with the water type in his arms.
 “Well from here, I’m trying to think…” Clemont trailed off as he looked around, trying to remember where the Pokémon Center was.
 “I think it would be a lot quicker if we brought Froakie to the Professors lab instead!”  Bonnie declared as the others looked at her.
 “The Professor?
“Yeah, Professor Sycamore’s Research Lab! There’s no doubt he’ll know how to help Froakie!” Clemont answered Ash as he turned to his Pokémon hold out its Pokeball.
 “Bunnelby, return Thanks a lot!  You really helped out!”  Clemont said with a smile.
 “Come on Ash, this way!”
“I’m coming Bonnie!”  Ash ran after the younger girl with the water type in his arms, Pikachu on his shoulder, Clemont grabbed their bags before hurrying after his sister and his new friend.
 If he’s this strong with only one Pokémon, I can’t wait to see what he’s like with a full team!  Lilith thought with a smirk on her face.  She signaled her Mandibuzz to follow their target, while she trailed the elder blond.  After a while she saw him go into a building behind a steel gate, this must be the Professor Sycamore’s lab.  Seeing her searcher in a tree along the road, she then moved into a nearby ally, quickly checking to make sure that no one was looking or could overhear her, she chanted a spell.
 “Send my Voice, Unheard to Others, To my One Amongst them all.  Girl, I’m heading to the hotel.  Stay here, head over once and perch across from where my room is supposed to be so I can recall you when you get there.”
 Seeing her Pokémon nod, she move deeper down the alley, dropping her illusion around herself, time to rest from all the traveling she had been doing.  Slipping back onto the main roads, she headed toward where her hotel was.  Her target had finished with the only excitement he was going to have today, so time to finish her planning.  As she walked her mind went to the older and started to walk with a swing to her hips.   She didn’t know why, but there was something about him….  
  The flying type had flown through the Wind Road with the aid of the Wing Sheaths, dodging flocks of migrating flying types as she flew toward her destination.  For the last few minutes she had felt something, was she being hunted, on the Wind Road, the neutral territory for all flyers?   She hugged her wings to her body and dropped 50 feet, dodging a silver blast of energy by seconds.  Pumping her wings she risked a glance backwards, spotting a trio of Skarmory in arrow formation pointed at her.  Hearing the other flying types react to the attack she increased her knowing they were after her she flew faster she tried to think why they had committed such a taboo, what could she do?  Angling down she flew out of the Wind Road, she would need every advantage to escape.  Barreling to the right as she her instincts screamed out at her, she saw one the Skarmorys fly by with a white glow about it, as it flew past she realized with horror, that they were trained!  They had to have been looking for something, did their trainer know about her mission, her trainer’s mission, what she was carrying?!!  Looking ahead she spotted a group sea-stacks ahead of her, she was nearly home, and she could use this, she had to gamble on her movability to escape she just had to bait them.
 Flying slow with while trying to act like her wing was hurt she flew between the pillars as the three Steel-Types followed her. The three Skarmorys flew faster as they moved in for the kill; their master will receive a prize soon.  Dodging blasts of silver energy from her pursuers she flew between the rocks hoping to escape them.  After a while she looked back and saw a single Skarmory chasing her before…. She was blindsided by one of the other two, it had come at her from above, tackling her onto one of the sea stacks
 She moved her body up from where she had crashed and saw the three Skarmory land around her and slowly walk toward her.  She prepared herself to fight to her end when six energy rays hit the three Armor Bird Pokémon.  Around her landed three Pidgeotto while two more hovered with a Pidgeot, each had a look of anger on their faces for the actions that the three had performed on the Wind Road, it was neutral territory for all who used it.  The three Skarmory didn’t even reacted as 5 more of them landed on surrounding rock pillars as one of the three in formation gestured with a wing at her and convoyed the command to leave her and go.  As the Bird Pokémon braced themselves for battle a blast of fire hit two of the Skarmoys on the pillars behind the standoff before energy blasts hit the other three.
 “I didn’t want to believe what my boys told me, but it seems they had seen the situation clearly.”  A gruff voice said as a shadow covered the pokemon.  Raising her head, the Dark Flying type saw an Aerodactyl, one of the Elites was here, she and her rescuers were safe, with that realization she let herself stop fighting, and passed out.
  She awoke to the smiling face of one of the Pidgeotto in a room with medical supplies all around it, she was in one the Homelands Care Centers, she was home.
 “That one wouldn’t leave until you woke up, I guess what they say about Pokémon loyalty is not to be questioned.”  A melodies voice said from the doorway.  Walking into the room was a pale woman with red hair in a bun wearing a nurse’s outfit under a lab coat with a smile on her face that turned to a frown as the nurse saw the effort her patient was making to rise and leave the bed the Flying type was in.
 “You were only out for about two hours, so if your message is time sensitive you should make it on time. You can go as soon I slip this note for your trainer around one of your legs.”  The Nurse said as she moved toward the bed, did what she said and opened the window.  With a bow to the healer the Murkrow took flight.
  Joy sighed as she saw the Murkrow leave with the Pidgeotto flying into the sky, it was to early for this. In all the years she had be in residence here at Castle Town, Pokémon on missions for their Trainers always gave her such problems, they always pushed themselves for ‘time sensitive missions’, really, drama queens 9 times out of ten the lot of them.  Not to mention the problems Founding Day always brought to her Care Centers.
 “Headmistress Joy? Headmistress where are you?”  A female voice called worriedly from outside.
 Back to the grindstone, at least the patents from Founding Day parties are all almost gone.  Joy thought as she walked out to see a black haired woman in a business suite running toward her.
 “Yes Sara, what problems have come up now?”
 “The Skarmorys that were brought in their all dead!  No, they were dead BEFORE the General and his team killed them, they had machines inside!” Sara stammered as Joy lost what little color she had, what her assistant described was one thing only, a thing that her King had tried to destroy down to the roots of knowledge.
 “Frakenmon.”  Joy whispered in horror before her eyes hardened and she walked down the hall.
 “Have the most intact of the corpses brought to Operating Theater 1, contact Lady Camilla with what findings we have.  I want a full security team ready to transfer whatever I can carve out for a full diagnostics wherever it’s decided to send them, contact all off duty morticians report to theaters not in use to carve up the rest of them.”  Joy ordered as she pounded her way to her Theater, time to find some answers about where the bastard who made these things might be hiding.
  As the Pidgeotto followed after her she heard it call out a traditional parting she returned as angled upwards before she saw the castle above the town.    There was her target.  She flew as fast as she could and when she reached the window she started to peck when it opened to let her in.
 The room was full of occult books and tapestries, model of the solar system hovered near the ceiling without wires, near the door rested a staff.
 “I believe you have a scan of my Nephew for me to look over little friend?”  A cultured male voice said as the Murkrow proudly landed on a desk and puffed out its chest, the gem it had protected had reached its destination and the person who would help the Prince.  After a rest and some food she would return to her trainer with her mission completed.  
 “I think this is the Flying type me and my team rescued a few hours back my friend.  Good thing I decided to bring the patrol a few miles out after all.”  The gruff voice from the Aerodactyl said as the gem left the necklace and a hologram of Ash with seals running all over his body appeared over the desk.
 “I don’t think the Master will like what has been done to these two comrades.”  A voice sighed the three shadows converged at the desk.
  Item Cube: Arcane Science device that turns inorganic items into digital data through the power of users Aura
 Cube Reader:  Arcane Science device that reads Item Cubes’, must have code for Cube to recall items
 Aura Equipment:  Catch all term for items which increase or give abilities to humans or Pokémon depending on item; items must be tailored for species that uses said item
 Wing Sheaths: Aura Equipment; Pokémon Armor Type. Appearance;  Hollow blue metal shaped like wings that fit over the wings of the Pokémon using them  Increase flight speed of Pokémon with wings, denies moves that use Wings as mediums
                   Searcher Gem: Aura Equipment; General Gem Type. Bestows Aura Sight on user
 Wind Road:  Bands of wind in upper atmosphere that Flight enabled Pokémon use to migrate around the world.
 Treaty of Defense:  In time of old after a war that covered the known world, a treaty was signed, this treaty granted the right of self-defense with a weapon to all travelers.  In the centuries that followed and new lands were settled, countries that still followed this ancient treaty became known as the Old Worlds, and those places that paid it no mind became the New Worlds
 Frakenmon:  Pokémon reanimated by Arcane-Science.  Forbidden practice punishable by death or enslavement.
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ryqoshay · 5 years ago
Happy Life: Angelic Doujin
Primary Pairing: YohaRiko Words: ~1.2k Rating: K AU: Angelic? Time Frame: I’m going to say post college for now Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Reading the first chapter of my new fic, Heavenly Life: Cursed Blood is recommended prior to reading this. Yes, that is a shameless shill, but I hope with good reason.
“Riri, this… is really good.” Yoshiko set down the last page.
“You really like it?” Riko asked.
“Like it?” Yoshiko grinned. “I love it! Fighting with daggers and a scythe and dark magic sounds fun. And Riri is right there to heal and help and stuff when things get tough. And Phobetor can talk, and he’s a bratty little familiar, but loyal. And Mari… well Mari is being Mari. Gods, I don’t think I could serve under a captain like that…” A thought occurred to her. “You’re not going to make me do that in a later chapter, are you?”
Riko smiled at her girlfriend’s reaction. “We’ll see.”
“Riri…” Yoshiko whined, earning a laugh. “Anyway,” she regained her composure, but didn’t lose her excitement “I think you nailed us all pretty good here.”
“Thank you, Yocchan.” Riko replied with a smile before reaching to collect her work. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Just a moment.” Yoshiko blocked her. “I want to look at a few things again. Your drawing has really improved.” She shuffled through the pages to find what she sought, chuckling as she passed the images where her in-story self was oblivious to having been run through with a spear. But she had to pause on the depiction of Riko’s character. By the gods did she love that outfit.
“Are you sure you don’t want to post this?” The younger girl asked after a while of admiring the art. “I could guarantee some readers right off the bat if I were to announce this on my stream and put a link in the description. My little demons would love it. You know they would.”
“Hmm…” Riko pulled into herself a bit.
Yoshiko recognized this behavior and immediately stood to make her way around the table. Upon reaching her girlfriend, she leaned down and draped herself over her shoulders and hugged her gently.
“You know I’d never force you to do something you’re not comfortable with, Riri.” The blue-haired girl assured. “I just think your art is amazing and is worth sharing with others. I know how much joy you get from sharing your music, and this manga of yours is just another expression of your artistry.”
“I know.” Riko replied, pushing into the embrace a bit. “It’s just… It’s a bit embarrassing…”
“Embarrassing? Why? Because you used our real names?”
Yoshiko pursed her lips. “I was kinda wondering about that, to be honest. I mean, I don’t really mind, and I’m sure my little demons online would love it, but… Why not just change the names? You know, like that old show, <The story you are about to hear is true.>” She dropped her tone to mimic the iconic introduction in English. “<Only the names have been changed to protect the angels.>”
“<Innocent.>” Riko corrected.
“I know.” Yoshiko giggled. “<Only the needle should be changed to protect the record.>”
Riko sighed and shook her head as the other girl stretched the joke farther than was necessary. “I tried changing the names.” She admitted. “Came up with several for each of us, but as soon as I got caught up in the story or the drawing or whatever, I would forget and go back to using our real names. Eventually, I just gave up.”
“Hrm… Well, you could always change it digitally once you scan it in? Maybe I can help with the typesetting?”
“It also just doesn’t feel right.”
“My dreams have become so vivid as of late, and it is very clearly us. It’s hard to imagine us as anyone else.”
“But we’re angels.”
“Doing cool angel stuff like flying and fighting demons and stuff.”
“Well again, it doesn’t bother me. And I doubt Mari would mind.” Yoshiko chuckled at a thought. “Heck, I could see her trying to figure out how to use it as advertising for her hotels.”
Riko laughed lightly as well. “That does sound like something she might try.”
“Although… Don’t normal fic and doujin readers often frown on self-insert stories?”
“Well my little demons are far from normal, and I really don’t think they’d mind.”
“I hadn’t honestly thought about the self-insert thing, but now…”
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to make you more hesitant to publish…” Yoshiko thought for a moment about where to steer the subject next. “Will you include any of the others?”
“I don’t know.” Riko replied. “I’ve only ever dreamt of you, me and Mari for some reason.”
“Maybe because we spent so much time together as Guilty Kiss?”
“Or maybe because you and Mari were the focus pair of that angelic themed photoshoot?”
“I still think they should have chosen you instead of me.”
“Yohane is a fallen angel.” Yoshiko reminded. “My ‘Cursed Blood’ wouldn’t have done well there. Riri on the other hand is a perfect fit for an angel theme.”
“Oh c’mon.” Yoshiko rocked side to side a bit, pulling Riko along. “One of these days you’ll have to accept it.”
“I know…” Riko said with a small smile that her girlfriend couldn’t see. “But I suppose I could add the others. I’d just have to figure out how to fit them in, since I don’t remember dreaming about them.”
Yoshiko laughed. “Well now that you’ve said it, you know fate is going to figure out a way to make you remember. I believe certain individuals wouldn’t take too lightly to being forgotten.”
“You know, Riri, if you publish this online now, you’ll have enough time to build up a bit of a fanbase before the next Comiket.”
Riko chuckled. “You’re obsessed with that event.”
“Because it’s awesome.” Yoshiko stated definitively. “Anyway, once you get some dedicated readers, you can print some paper copies and sell them at Comiket. I’d even help you get and run your vendor stand.”
“You want me to sell this?”
“I think it would sell just fine.”
“You may be biased.”
“Of course I am, but that’s not the point. You might be able to work out some trades with the other vendors, which means you could get some of your favorite romance stuff at cost.”
Yoshiko grinned as she heard her girlfriend’s sharp intake of breath that indicated she understood what was being suggested.
“A~nd, I’d be willing to make us outfits so we could cosplay as our characters.”
“You want us to cosplay… as ourselves?” Riko asked incredulously.
“Well, fictional angelic versions of ourselves, but yeah.”
“Unless of course you wanna swap like that one Halloween.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll post it.”
“You will?” Yoshiko blinked. “Wait, the cosplay thing is what did it for you?”
“Only because I want to see my Yocchan in this outfit.” Riko started to stand up.
“Well you kinda already did.” Yoshiko pointed out as her girlfriend turned toward her. “Didn’t you say it was based on that one photoshoot? I mean don’t get me wrong, it was a good set and I’d be happy to try to recreate it…”
“Or out of it.” Riko closed the distance between them and pulled the younger girl into a hug.
“Huh? Out of… Oh…” Yoshiko managed to get out before Riko leaned down and pressed her lips against hers. “You know,” She pulled away after a moment “I have plenty of other angel outfits that we could wear right n…” She was cut off again by Riko. This time, she got the hint and reciprocated immediately.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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cottontail20 · 5 years ago
In Happy Times, Our Love Does Grow, Chapter 14: Listen To Me
Summary: Wanda and Vision have a meaningful discussion about past relationships.
Ao3 link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/20601530/chapters/50325881
Wanda only just managed to stop herself from yelping in surprise, not wanting to wake Viv. Her heart raced.
Shit. How long had Vision been there, and how much had he heard? And whoa, he was so close. Were his eyes always that blue? And so gentle. He was looking at her like.. Wanda wasn't even sure, but it made her heart flutter, and heat rise in her cheeks. If she reached up and leaned in just a tiny bit, she could be kissing him, and.. No, bad Wanda!
"Fata dulce.." Vision whispered, so as not to wake his daughter.
"Hmm?" The words snapped Wanda completely out of her minor trance, although she was a little too distracted by thoughts of kissing Vision to register what he had said.
"Fata dulce" He repeated. "You've called her that before. What does it mean?"
"Oh.. Sweet girl. My Mother used to.." Wanda trailed off. "It just means sweet girl."
"It's nice."
"I suppose so.. you framed my painting."
"It deserved to be framed" Vision replied. "It is very good."
"Thank you.."
They both stood there for a moment, in a silence that was equal parts awkward, and somehow the most comfortable Wanda had ever felt.
"I, uh.. I came to see if you needed help" Smiling almost shyly, Vision offered her his arm. "Because of your foot.."
"Right.." Her broken toes were throbbing a little, although Wanda felt almost as though this was her body conspiring against her, giving her an excuse to accept his help. "It is a bit sore, actually."
Vision offered his arm again, and Wanda took it, letting him help her hobble out of the room. Wanda left the door slightly ajar, sensing that Viv probably appreciated that extra little bit of light. Her instinct was right, because Vision smiled at her. Another sweet, shy smile. Wanda wasn't sure what he thought he had to be shy about, but she was sure that that damn smile was doing funny things to her insides.
"So.." Vision spoke, to break the silence that had again settled between them, "How has work been? Today's thrilling adventure aside, of course."
"It's been.. work" Wanda chuckled, grateful for the distraction the new discussion gave her. "Honestly, Today might have been a nice break from the monotony if I wasn't so worried about Viv getting hurt."
"Thank you again, for helping her."
"It was no problem, really.. The store will want me in costume for Halloween soon. Mantis always has great ones."
"Is her name really Mantis?" Vision's brow crinkled.
"Surprisingly, yes" Wanda nodded, smiling. "Apparently her parents are really into insects. Anyway, if I don't come up with a costume on my own, the store gives me one, but it's always something really cliche, like a witch, or a vampire.."
"Hmm.. Why not dress as the Scarlet Witch?" Vision suggested.
"Like your painting, the Scarlet Witch. A costume like that wouldn't be too difficult to pull together, and it would be special and unique to you. It seems like the perfect solution.
On the surface, it was. Maybe even a little too perfect. The Scarlet Witch wasn't just a character in a painting. The Scarlet Witch was Wanda.. kind of. A completely idealized version of herself. Beautiful, powerful, smart.. everything Wanda wished that she was. For a person who had as low an opinion of herself as Wanda did, that wasn't an easy 'costume' to wear.
Still, she managed a smile for Vision. He was just trying to help.
"Maybe.." --
Vision helped Wanda back to the sofa, and she propped her foot up once again.
"Would you like anything, Wanda?" Vision asked. "Tea, coffee?"
"I'm usually a tea drinker" Wanda replied.
"So am I" Vision smiled, heading for the kitchen and fetching two mugs from the cupboard. "I keep the coffee for guests. Mostly Natasha.."
Wanda, oblivious to the fact that Nat had clearly been trying to play matchmaker on the Fourth of July, suddenly felt jealous.. and then wanted to slap herself. She had no right to be jealous. Still..
"Are you and Nat..?"
"What? Oh, God no" Vision laughed as he set about making the tea. "Natasha is just a friend. More like family. She loves being Auntie Nat to the kids, but she's very happily single."
"Right.." Wanda felt more relieved than she had any right to be, and before she could stop herself, asked a question she knew she had no right to ask. "What about you?"
"It would be nice to have a special someone" Vision shrugged, "But, being a single Father.. That's a little too much baggage for some women to handle. I've met a few.. they think Vivian is the cutest thing in the world when they assume I can hand her back at the end of 'my weekend'. Once they know it's full time, and thatI don't like leaving her with babysitters too often.."
"I'm sorry, Vizh.."
"It is what it is" Vision moved to sit beside Wanda, a lot closer now without their adorable Viv-shaped buffer, and handed her a mug of tea. "I understand that there's a lot more to think about when there's a child involved.. But Viv doesn't bite. I'm not trying to replace her Mother. She had a Mother. I just need someone who doesn't immediately balk at the fact that spending time with me usually means spending time with her.. It doesn't have to be something scary."
"Of course not.." without even thinking about it, Wanda moved to comfort him, laying a hand on his shoulder. "You're a great guy, Vizh, and Viv is the sweetest kid I've ever met, and anyone who can't accept that she comes first for you.. Well, that's their loss."
Somewhat selfishly, Wanda thought that, if she didn't have to be a Mother to Viv, if she could just be her friend, which she was more than happy to do.. Maybe, she and Vision could.. No. She wasn't good enough for him. She wasn't the Scarlet Witch. Not beautiful, or clever, or strong. He deserved so much better.
Vision, immediately noticing her change in demeanor, frowned.
"Wanda, is something wrong?"
"No.." She sipped her tea, trying, but failing to hide a sudden quiver in her lip.
"I'm your friend, Wanda. Vision insisted. "You can talk to me."
"It's just.. I live in a crappy apartment, working a job I hate so I don't lose my crappy apartment, any men I do meet only want one thing, and.. Sometimes I wonder if that's all I'm.."
"Don't" Vision grabbed Wanda's hand, and she only just managed not to spill her tea.
He was looking at her with the most serious expression she had ever seen on him. It was actually really hot.. No, bad Wanda! She shook her head, trying to clear her mind.
"Don't what?"
"Don't talk about yourself like that."
"No, listen to me" said Vision. "You are beautiful, and kind, even when you don't want to be, like when an idiot walks into your store a few minutes before closing and completely outstays his welcome.. And there's just something.. Something special about you. You deserve love and respect as much as anyone else does, probably more than some people do, and anyone who isn't willing to give you that isn't worth your time. Do you understand me?"
"I.." Wanda's voice cracked. She couldn't remember anyone ever being so kind to her. At least, anyone who wasn't related to her. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, struggling to respond.
"Do you understand, Wanda?"
"Inteleg.. I understand."
Vision was still holding her hand. They looked at each other for a long while. Vision opened his mouth as if he was going to say something else, but the sound of a siren somewhere outside broke the spell. Wanda pulled her hand from Vision's grip, before quickly draining the rest of her tea.
"I should probably head home soon.."
"Of course" Vision nodded. "Let me call you a cab, I'll pay.."
"Vizh" Wanda frowned, "You don't have to.."
"I want to" Vision stood to fetch his phone. "Viv and I invited you over, the least I can do is help you get Home.." --
When the Cab arrived, Vision helped Wanda outside (leaning against him felt almost normal now), and politely opened the door for her.
"Text me when you get Home, alright?" Vision asked. "I want to know you made it there safely."
"It's only 9 PM, Vizh" Wanda chuckled, shaking her head. "What could happen?"
"Just promise you will text me."
"Fine. Promisiune."
"Good.." Vision seemed to pause for a moment, considering, then kissed her cheek. "See you soon?"
"Yeah" Wanda almost squeaked, blushing bright red, quickly climbing into the cab. "Soon."
Vision moved to the driver's side, giving them Wanda's address, what he thought was enough money to cover the fare, and a very generous tip in exchange for helping Wanda up to her apartment to keep her from further injuring her foot. Wanda was about to object to just now generous this tip was, but the cab drove off before she could. Vision waved to her, a cheeky smile on his face.
Wanda watched him until her cab turned at the end of the street. He was still waving. Once he was out of sight, she gently touched the spot where Vision had kissed her cheek. It tingled, exuding a soft warmth.
And Wanda smiled. Vision thought she was beautiful.
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