#but he never had the time for like actual videos
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endiness · 3 days ago
@sugarrushsock Wow I’m so happy someone actually has all the receipts cuz every other post just seems like vague call out post with no substance. Also wildly the Henry cavill just seems to say whatever makes him look best at that moment. You’d think he’d have a better pr team
@cilianda1 His interviews are scripted all the time
@sugarrushsock They’re terrible at their job if that’s the case. The lack of consistency is alarming to say the least. Like stick to a story cuz they made this guy look stupid
Okay, just to address this, but Henry Cavill's PR was actually a lot more insidious than this post might make things seem. Because he really only fucked up and showed his hand a few times.
Like, out of +50 interviews for S2, it's only in (iirc) 3 interviews that he ever acknowledges anything about how he was the one cutting Geralt's lines — and even then, all of those interviews either happened at con panels, in interviews over ~10 mins long, and/or in foreign/non-english press — all of which are significantly less likely to be seen and reported on by the fandom and larger news outlets. But in all the rest of those +50 interviews? He was talking about how much he pushed for a more verbose Geralt whilst never acknowledging how HE'S the one responsible for that mess in the first place.
Same thing with him going on about how much he cares about adhering to the source material as if Lauren's vision of the show is somehow in opposition to that. He went on and on and on about that all throughout the press for S2, but it's only in a few interviews where he fucks up and actually gives the context for what he meant by "Lauren's vision" ie Yennefer and Ciri being just as important as Geralt is and the show heavily centering around women.
Or, like, in S1 interviews, he was perfectly fine with bringing up how he had no idea about the books until Lauren told him about them and he had no problem talking about how much he was inspired by the video games for his performance as Geralt. Then come S2 (after he'd gotten dunked on by reddit for his book inaccurate performance in S1) and he suddenly changed his tune, hardly mentioned the games as inspiring his performance again (or, really, at all), and started going on and on about the books.
Or even with him admitting to, basically, having only played the third game despite saying he's played all the games and everything — he only ever admitted that in maybe, like, 2 interviews all of which were in foreign/non-english press. Same thing with him admitting he only ever read through the series once — he only ever said that in one interview and it was at a +40 minute long con panel.
Or even this quote from S1 press where he admits to how he didn't actually prepare for the role or do any research:
"I asked my agent to put me on the spot and wanted to meet Lauren as soon as possible. I didn’t even need to prepare specially for the role. Because I breathe, I experience this universe every day. I’ve already had many opportunities to think about this character when I was playing the game. My preparation was already done before the casting even began!"
Like, where is that quote from? It's from an interview he did with a french magazine. So obviously not a lot of people saw it. Plus, the quote might sound… fine without context. But what is the context? He hadn't read any of the books and he had only ever really played the third game.
Like, adding it all up, it does look bad. Because it is lol. But the thing is, the vast, vast, vast majority of the fanbase never did this. It read or watched maybe one or two interviews he did here and there and only ever saw Henry Cavill talking about how much of a fan he is, how much he knows, how hard he pushed for a more book accurate Geralt, how important adhering to the source material is to him. But when you actually look into everything he's said, that's when his whole story really falls apart because none of it adds up or makes any sense.
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Debunking misinformation about Netflix's The Witcher (Part 1)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7]
"Henry Cavill is a massive fan of the books and the games and he quit the show because the writers wouldn't stick to the books and he just cares about the source material so much."
Henry Cavill not only did not know that the books existed when he started pursuing the role of Geralt, but he actually thought that the books were based off of the video games (and he still didn't bother to read them) and he didn't learn that the games were actually based off the books until Lauren told him (even though the first thing in the game credits is that they're based off the books); as of 2021, he as only read the full series once — right before he was cast in 2018; while he has played TW3, he has only played a little of TW2 (and I've never found any evidence that he's played the first game); and he also has not played the DLC for TW3.
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Henry Cavill also started heavily pushing the narrative that he's just such a massive fan of the books and how important adhering to the source material is to him during the press for S2 to deflect from how it was due to his acting choices of cutting Geralt's lines and either saying nothing or just grunting instead that Geralt's characterization — who is much more verbose in the books — was book inaccurate in S1:
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He also lied about the situation and tried to act like Geralt was never originally written as being verbose and blamed the lack of dialogue on Yennefer and Ciri's prominence, which cannot be true as confirmed by Lauren:
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And tried to act like the lines he was cutting weren't that important anyway so it wasn't really a big deal, which also cannot be true as confirmed by Joey:
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He also started pushing the narrative that adhering to the source material is so important to him and it's 'tricky' to do that with Lauren's vision, but his definition of "Lauren's vision" is the show being an ensemble piece with Yennefer and Ciri at the forefront (like the books) and the show in general heavily centering around women (like the books):
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So the idea of him caring so much about "book accuracy" is, in fact, not accurate to the books at all as his problems were the prominence of women in the show when Ciri is the main character of the main book series, which the show started adapting from S2 onwards (which is when Henry Cavill started to complain about wanting "book accuracy" in the first place), and when women are very prominent, central, key figures in the books and they often drive the plot forwards.
Lastly, S3 was the closest adaption of the books out of all the seasons so far, so the idea that he quit after S3 because the writers just weren't respecting the source material and the show wasn't following the books doesn't make any sense anyway.
"Henry Cavill is the only reason why the show was even close to the source material at all."
I've not only never seen any evidence of this, but if anything, I've seen the exact opposite: Henry Cavill was either directly responsible for or at least contributed in some way to a lot of things that went against the books or didn't happen in them.
As I already pointed out, he cut Geralt's lines in S1 and either said nothing or just grunted instead which is inaccurate to Geralt's characterization in the books. Here's another quote from Joey affirming that:
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(Just to note: During the press for S1, he frequently talked about how the games inspired his performance as Geralt — sometimes talking about them even more than the books despite how the show is based off of the books, not the games — and it wasn't until S2 press that he suddenly changed his tune and started talking about how important adhering to the source material ie the books is to him. He also only started advocating for a more book accurate Geralt because he got dunked on by reddit for his book inaccurate performance in S1.)
He didn't want to play Geralt and Jaskier's friendship as directly as in the books and buddy-buddy with each other:
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He didn't want to have any kind of conflict in Geralt and Ciri's relationship in S2 — at least on Geralt's side of things:
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Nor play Geralt struggling with fatherhood at all — all of which led to the domino effect of Yennefer's betrayal:
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Eskel's death (which in itself also led to things like Vesemir trying to create new witchers and Lambert's attitude toward Ciri):
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And Voleth Meir being the big bad of the season:
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He didn't want Geralt and Triss to even just platonically find comfort in each other in S2 — which is what happens in the books:
He nixed a sex scene between Geralt and Yennefer in S2 because he didn't think it'd be in character of them to have sex after reuniting which, uh, is absolutely in character of them:
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While this is an incredibly inconsequential change, given the prevalence of this idea that Henry Cavill is such an ardent defender of the source material ie the books and how much he wanted the show to adhere to them, I do think it's important to note that he pushed for — and got — more signs into the show even though by his own admission that is more of a game thing than a book thing and he got it into the show for the explicit purpose of catering to game stans:
This is also another incredibly inconsequential change, but again, given how prevalent the idea of Henry Cavill pushing for perfect source accuracy is, I do just want to point out that he would wear his armor 24/7 to make it look worn down:
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Even though it is canon in the books that Geralt will buy himself brand new clothes, so the idea that Geralt's clothing has to look worn down and can't be brand new is not actually book accurate.
"Lauren wanted to make Roach's death a joke."
Just to address this point specifically, Lauren wanted to make a meta reference about how all of Geralt's horses are named Roach. That in no way, shape, or form means that she wanted to make Roach's death into a joke or even that the scene had to be played comedically. This is what Lauren had to say about the subject and the 'joke' in question (which, js, actually fits the tone of the books more):
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And as far as the "Henry Cavill is the only one who cared about the source material and he's the only reason why the show even stuck to the books at all" front goes... Henry Cavill did change the dialogue in this scene to a book quote/reference; however, the quote in question ("Enjoy your last walk across the meadow and through the mist. Be not afraid of her for she is your friend.") is not something that Geralt himself says and the line/scene from the books foreshadows Geralt's ending in them.
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So, at least imo — especially taking into account the incredibly high standard the fandom has set for Henry Cavill as the #1 defender of the books — I don't think this change was actually book accurate especially given the narrative significance of that exchange in the books.
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omgfangirlland · 2 days ago
The Shadows That Nurture 20
This one is a bit shorter than the last 🫠
Masterlist || First || previous<< Chapter 20 >>next(TBC)
The interaction between you and Nolan was still awkward. It was weird to see him this soft and you still felt on edge like you couldn’t quite believe all it took for him to try and do better was some talking to- Bruce didn’t even let you say more than a sentence in his presence, let alone get emotional about things and try to have a conversation about it.
Overall, the past week you’ve been kind of disassociating while working on rebuilding, occupying your time with that and helping Andressa take care of the baby, occasionally texting Debbie anything from updates to “I miss you”, to “I miss your food”, to cute pictures of the little menace being funny, kept you somewhat present-minded.
Your eyes drifted to Andressa, who has been aging more and more. Her movements were slowing down, she was getting more tired, and she was having more problems with her joints. You noticed that with everyone. The kids who helped you sometimes were now teens, the babies were slowly becoming toddlers, and yet your little brother was still in the baby range.
Andressa calling your name brought you back to reality. Your eyes meet as she sighs, sitting on an armchair while you keep playing with her baby’s hair, twirling it into spikes and horns. “I… I need to ask a big favor out of you and your family.” She starts softly, her finger tapping nervously. You stop and give her all the attention as she continues speaking.
Debbie’s day has been… better. It’s all getting better. Slowly, but she’s getting there. She wanted to be petty and give Nolan’s things away, but she had a feeling he’d be coming back with you and Mark, so she did the next best thing and moved his stuff into the smallest bedroom. Well, it was more of an office with a beat-up couch; he didn’t deserve an actual bedroom.
And in hindsight, she was glad she did. “Well… he is cute.” She concedes while smiling softly as the toddler cooed up at her, all coddled up in her lap. Her hand gently ran across his small back. Andressa just smiles. “Thank you. And thank you for wanting to hear me out and for letting me into your home. I know I’m asking for a lot, for way too much even considering everything- but Nolan isn’t exactly the best at being present enough for a kid.”
Debbie laughed at that. “Yeah, I know. Can’t count the times I had to step in for things he promised Mark.” You smiled softly as the two women got along, laughing at Nolan’s actions and awkwardness towards raising the babies. “Well, I’ll leave you two to it. I’ve gotta go back and make sure the men don’t find us plotting against them.” You joked while opening a portal.
“Bye, sweetheart, make sure your brother eats lunch! Oh, was Nolan scared of holding him? Because he was terrified of holding Mark as a baby- you should have seen him- I think I have some photos-“ You snickered, finally leaving the two to their gossiping.
Mark and Nolan were too busy helping rebuild buildings to notice you and Andressa being missing. Granted, some men are the biggest gossipers known to mankind. “Yeah, so your dear daughter took a plate of these mini cakes and just smashed it across Bruce’s face- mushing it around. Lex was having a field day. It was so weird to see him so genuinely happy.”
“Is there video footage of it? I would love to see that.” Nolan laughs along. “Dude, there’s so much footage- Lex has like fifteen to thirty cameras in a room, he made compilations of it!” Mark looks at the smiling man. “He even had a camera in the buttons of his suit. He gave that first-row view of the cake smash to the highest bidder.”
“And he still shares the memes on his social media.” Your voice cut through their laughter, making the young man snort. “No! He still does? Is he set on never making Bruce forget that?” Nolan looks at his cackling son. “Would you let the man forget that?” His smirk only gets wider as his son beams with a no.
Nolan gently nudged you away as he told Mark to take a break. “We need to talk.” You pouted at his words while landing on a rooftop. “We talked.” Your grumble was met with a raised eyebrow. “No. We fought, and then you interrogated me about the Justice League.” He chides. “We need to have a serious talk.”
The old Viltrumite could see the nervousness and doubt in you. So, he wanted to make sure you knew where you stood. “I know my actions hurt you in ways I don’t think will be fully salvageable. I won’t try to justify myself, I won’t try to tell you that you’re wrong for feeling any negative sentiments towards me. You have every right to because you are correct in your points. I was a coward, I should have gone to the guardians and faced their ire. I should have trusted that you and Mark had my back.”
“No matter what, if you hate me, if you don’t want to see me again, you’ll always be my daughter, my baby.” The hand he put on your shoulder was warm and slightly shaky, betraying how nervous he actually felt. “I’ll always be in your corner, no matter what, no matter how hard you try to push me away. I’ll make sure to repent for my mistakes towards you, Mark, and Debbie for the rest of my life.”
“Stop it.” You sniff. “You’ll make me cry again. And damn right you’ll repent for what you did. I’ll make sure of it.” He smiles as you gently slap his arm. “I’ll hold you to it.” His eyebrows furrowed, asking if you had seen Andressa since she hadn’t come to check up on them in a while. “She’s taking a nap. Don’t disturb your baby mama, ass.” You roll your eyes while lifting off the ground, flying away as the man pouts.
Harvey Dent raised an eyebrow at the message he received, a shit-eating grin overtaking his mug. “Looks like our little magic girl is coming back to the planet in a few days. With a few stowaways.” Two-Face shows the message to Jason. “How mad do you think Bruce will be?”
Jason just gives the man an evil smile. “Very.” The young man almost purrs as he begins giggling, laughing as if he was snorting Joker Gas. Roy Harper just looks at the scene with a shaky smile. “Ok… I think I need someone to spill some tea about what’s happening.” Harvey just scoffs. “Take a seat if you really want to know. It’s a long story.”
Roy just shrugs, pulling the chair out and dropping into it. "I think you're just exaggerating there, law man." That seems to only make Jason laugh harder, creating doubt into the young father. "Oh- you'll regret saying that by the time we're done." Our favorite crime lord counters, snickering as he pours his friend a glass of whiskey.
Tag list: @bat1212 @trashlanternfish360 @shycreatorreview @syrooo @a-lurking-fae @alittletiredcry @kittzu @plsfckmedxddy @blackhood1229 @nxdxsworld @leeiasure @dandelion-delusion @lovebug-apple @sillysealsies @tsxukikami @enchantingarcadecreation @alishii @d3nnji @itsberrydreemurstuff @yuyuzi-ling @welpthisisboring @1abi @mxvoid26 @persephone-kore-law @bluevenus19 @ryuushou @asillysimp @aalunar @cxcilla @sirenetheblogger @pinkluv29 @br33zy-blizzardz @victoria1676 @of-poetry-and-dreams @djpuppy-kittens @wizzerreblogs @galaxypurplerose @burningkittenprince
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classjezter · 3 days ago
Y'know, everyone's talking to Baby OP and giving him illicit treats, but how's everyone else managing? We saw all the initial reactions, and know about their dynamics with sparkling Optimus, but how are they holding up? Optimus becoming a baby during wartime is probably rough for having to shift responsibilities on top of hiding and taking care of a tiny child. They could probably all use some goodies too
Hi! I like you videos btw :) as to your question:
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The Autobots are stretched thin. They were already in a full-scale war before and now they have a troublemaking sparkling to take care of. To manage both their duties and taking care of baby Optimus, they take shifts watching him (takes a village to raise a child put literally). There’s always at least one Autobot on ‘Optimus duty’ while the rest keep up with patrols, defenses, and battle strategy.
More about every specific bot below cut cause this got a bit long
Elita was a strong leader even before the war, but now she’s been forced to take on Optimus' responsibilities while also keeping him safe. She’s stressed, constantly dealing with managing the Autobot faction, and Decepticon attacks (all while making sure nobody outside their small circle discovers the secret). Still, she loves Optimus no matter what, and seeing him like this makes her fiercely protective over him
Outwardly, Wheeljack acts like his usual self, making jokes, keeping up with his work, taking sparkling duty like a champ and definitely not acknowledging the guilt eating at him (This mess is partially his fault, not intentionally of course, but that doesn’t make the weight on his spark any lighter) But when he’s alone, it gnaws at him. Every time he sees Optimus being adorable, being so vulnerable, it’s just another painful reminder. He’s overcompensating by throwing himself into work, trying to fix the problem while also building safety measures for their tiny leader
Jazz is really good with Baby Optimus. His easy-going nature and energy make him a great playmate for the kid (although he sometimes struggles with the actual taking care of him part, but he tries). That doesn’t mean Jazz isn’t aware of how much trouble this is. He knows they’re barely holding it together. The Decepticons will notice eventually, and when they do? They’ll probably be in serious trouble. But until then, Jazz just focuses on keeping the kid happy, and keeping morale up for the team
B-127 adores Baby Optimus. He’s always been close to Prime, and now that Prime is small, Bee has kind of become his big brother. They play together, and he loves carrying OP around, but sometimes he misses the real Optimus. The one who led them, who reassured them, who always had a plan. This tiny version of Prime is sweet and fun, but it’s just not his Optimus. He never says this aloud, though. Instead, he focuses on keeping Optimus safe and happy, hoping that one day, they’ll get him back to normal
Ratchet, as not only a medic but the Autobots' chief medic, has seen a lot in this war, but this? This is a whole new kind of problem. Ratchet spends half his time while on sparkling duty running scans on Optimus, making sure the transformation into a sparkling didn’t do any permanent damage. Despite his grumpiness and wariness, Baby Optimus has got him wrapped around his tiny finger, he loves the kid and constantly gives him treats. But deep down? Ratchet worries not just about Optimus, but about all of them. If the Decepticons ever find out, they’ll be completely vulnerable
Prowl is all about strategy, discipline, and efficiency. So, at first, Prowl treats Baby Optimus like a tactical problem. Keeping up a war effort and hiding a baby Prime? Nearly impossible. And it doesn’t help that Optimus refuses to stay out of trouble. He didn’t want to get attached, just solve this situation as soon as possible, but of course Optimus eventually won him over. Despite everything, Prowl is doing his best to keep things running smoothly. He knows they can’t afford to fall apart, if they do, the Autobots are doomed. He’s keeping them together through sheer force of will. But Primus helps him, if he catches Optimus stealing another one of his datapads, he’s may lose it
No one expected Ironhide to be good with sparklings. Even as one of the oldest miners he never really had much interaction with sparklings, at least not ones this young, but somehow things just clicked for him. At first, he wasn’t sure how to handle this. Optimus is his leader. His commander. The best Prime Cybertron has ever had probably. And seeing him as a helpless little sparkling messed with him. Despite this (after some light research) he becomes a great caretaker, he knows how to take care of a sparkling: He instinctively rocks Optimus when he’s fussy, he knows how to hold him properly (unlike others, Jazz knows what he did), he keeps track of feeding cycles, etc. And if anyone even thinks about hurting Optimus, they’re getting the biggest cannon in Ironhide’s arsenal to the face. No one messes with his little charge
In summary, they’re all struggling a bit lol, they need energon goodies too sometimes
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toiletclown · 3 days ago
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spencer agnew x f!reader, enemies to lovers for anon.
mostly fluff, but there is angst (in my opinion)
summary: it started innocuous. a well-meaning question from your best friend. it all spiraled from there.
there are some things in life that are universally true and agreed upon. the sky is blue. the grass is green. and you and spencer agnew hate each other. when your closest friends grow tired of this nonsense, they hatch a plan. it's unlikely, silly, even. but it works.
word count: 13.6k (yes i'm posting this as a one-shot, not multi-chaptered, sorry lol)
"does the whole 'hating spencer' schtick ever get tired to you?" angela asked one day, while the two of you were out to lunch.
it was a sunny day, as usual, and you started sweating through your tank top just a little harder. perhaps the sun came out from behind a stray cloud.
"i'm sorry?" was your response, followed by a forkful of pasta.
"y'know, this weird bit you guys have going on." ang stared at you, analyzing your face, looking for a reaction.
all she saw was confusion. "i'm not... sure what you mean? we don't have 'a bit'. we aren't friends. kind of hard to have an inside joke when you only spend time together on camera. and half the time i drown him out anyway," you shrugged. neither of you liked each other, and that was fine. you were used to it, and the familiarity was nice. smosh was a very busy and ever-changing job. being able to rely on that was kind of nice. you were never a fan of change, anyway.
"wait, so you and spencer actually dislike each other? like, for real?" your best friend looked genuinely taken aback. you weren't sure why, you had thought it was fairly obvious that the two of you didn't get along.
"yes, we actually dislike each other 'like, for real', angela. i thought that was clear, you've seen the way we interact." you were gathering up another forkful of pasta, and angela started laughing. "why the fuck are you laughing?"
"because it's comical? i thought it was a bit! i thought you two were friends and it was just, like, a long, drawn-out joke, honestly."
"why on earth would you think that it was a bit, ang? i'm a good comedian but i'm not that great of a liar. i wouldn't be able to keep up a conspiracy like that. i fear that’s too much work for me." you ate your forkful finally. angela was still looking at you in disbelief, a few small cackles escaping her now and then.
"yeah, that's fair. crazy bit to commit so hard to, i guess. wait, so why don't you like him?" the brunette had abandoned her pasta at this point, bowl pushed slightly out of the way so she can gesticulate with freedom. "and why doesn't he like you? are you secretly middle school rivals? rivals in some niche video game scene? did he outbid you on a guitar on ebay and now you've vowed to ruin his life?"
you rolled your eyes, lovingly. your favorite thing about angela was how far she could take a joke. picked it up and ran with it. you leaned in, your voice barely audible. "you want to know a secret?"
her eyes widened, leaning in and matching your whisper, "yes, please spill!"
you shifted your eyes from left to right, as though looking for someone who could overhear and ruin your life. you took a deep breath in, preparing to spill… the truth.
"i don't actually know why we hate each other," you whispered, shrugging before sitting back in your chair with an air of finality.
"shh, oh my god, shut the fuck up--"
"what do you mean you don't know?" angela was moving her arms wildly at this point, "why do you still hate him then? does he know? what the fuck?"
"babe, i need you to calm down, we are still very much in a public restaurant--"
"and? spill, bitch, or you're paying the full bill."
"fine! god. i genuinely cannot tell you why we hate each other. yes, we do really hate each other. yes, he knows i hate him, and yes, i know he hates me. that has been the only thing we have ever agreed upon in our entire time at smosh. no, we aren't secretly hate fucking. no, i don't have his number, we only talk at and about work so we use slack. no, i don't know why the hate is mutual, i just know that it is. no, i don't plan on trying to change that any time soon. happy?"
before she could respond with what was likely another barrage of questions, your server came to the table and sat the bill down in front of angela.
"they always assume that i'm paying, what the hell?"
you were glad for the distraction.
✰ .ᐟ
"hello and welcome to you posted that? you posted that is a show where we embarrass our guests with their old, cringy, insane social media posts!" the room filled with cheers as ian intro'd the show, and you were so excited to finally be on it. but you also were nervous to see what they dug from the depths of your twitter.
"joining us today..." ian faked a drumroll on the podium, "our first guest is trevor evarts!"
"please don't bring up any of my rhett and link tweets," he said with a wave.
ian drumrolled again, "second up, we have shayne topp!"
"glad to be here, steve."
"and last but not least, y/n!"
"i am terrified." you said, being sure to stare down the camera, a look of anxiety on your face. you were playing it up, but it was definitely real to a degree. you had said a lot of cringy shit in your younger years. not to mention the not-so-uncommon complaints about a certain coworker. ian wouldn’t do that to you, though. right?
"terrified?” ian scanned the contestant's faces. “is anyone else feeling terrified?"
"not really, steve. i'm proud of what i've done and said and i'll stand by it no matter what. if i don't stand up for myself, who will, you know?" shayne said, clearly doing a character. a slightly intoxicated, far too excited game show contestant. you kind of loved it.
"my name is ian, and i think you know that, shayne. why are you terrified, y/n?" ian turned to you, egging you on.
"i was a shit head as a kid, i don't know how far back you dug!"
"alright then, let's get into the first round." ian explained the rules of the round, and each of you listened intently despite knowing them well.
"trevor. you tweeted, 'my two [blank] need to [blank] before i [blank blank blank].’ and i will give you a hint, this was a tweet from about a year ago."
"why does he get a hint right away!" you called out.
"he's not very bright, y/n, i'm sure you understand." ian replied, prompting trevor to make a few noises.
"be nice to me?"
ian turned back to trevor, mischievous glint in his eye. "y/n's not very bright, trev, i'm sure you understand."
"be nice to me?" you all started laughing, and once it died down trevor made his guess.
"okay, i'll take 'my two coworkers need to fuck before i explode them both' for five points, alex!"
"i remain ian, but let's reveal that tweet!"
"holy fuck," you said under your breath, realizing he got it right on the money. "how did you manage to remember the exact wording? i don't remember what i had for breakfast yesterday. oh my god, i'm gonna lose so hard at this!" you weren’t even playing it up now, you were actually getting worried. you were going to lose, and by a lot. hopefully you can attribute your lack of skill to the now-infamous gas leak.
"because these two coworkers still haven't fucked and i still want to explode them, honestly," trevor breathed out, seemingly annoyed at the two coworkers in question.
ian giggled behind the podium, a strangely worrisome sound, and you and shayne glanced at each other in shared horror. "trevor,” ian paused, multiplying the level of suspense you were already feeling. “for an extra fifty points, do you want to tell us who the coworkers are? we'll bleep it."
"fifty points?!" shayne yelled, playfully incensed by this rule breaking.
"just take me out back like ol yeller, i beg." you set you head on the podium, which wasn't exactly a comfortable angle, but this wasn't going to be as fun as you thought if ian was going to play dirty the whole game.
the room erupted in laughter as trevor pondered his choice. "no, i won't. i don't want to start anything, fifty points is nothin' compared to my pals at smosh!"
you all booed him, lovingly, and ian giggled again. "shayne, for an extra fifty points, can you guess the coworkers trevor's tweet is about?"
"do you know who it's about?" shayne asked, confused.
"oh, i think everyone in this room does," ian's grin was devilish, relishing in the chaos he was causing. he's been watching too much game changer.
"okay, i'll guess for fifty points. is it angela and amanda?" the room erupted once more, angela's laugh heard loud and clear on every mic.
"incorrect! okay, let's see your post, shayne!"
"wait, i don't get to guess?" you cut in, feeling a little bit excluded from the joke.
"would you like to?" ian asked, earnest, though that devilish smile was still fixed to his mug.
you thought about it for a second. "actually, i'm good. i think my choices are too controversial. y'all aren't ready for my vision."
everyone laughed, and the game moved on.
"shayne. your tweet says: '[blank] is overrated. [blank] is cooler.'"
shayne's silence dragged on, and ian asked if he had a guess. after a beat, shayne stood stock straight up, ready to answer.
"steve, my answer is. 'steak is overrated. chicken is cooler.' for five points."
"let's see..."
ian revealed the next slide, and a slide whistle sound effect played. “oh, that’s too bad shayne. the correct answer was ‘penis is overrated. dick is cooler.’ so close, so close. alright, y/n, it’s your turn!”
you were feeling a little better now that shayne had gotten his wrong. maybe trevor would win, but it didn’t have to be a huge blowout, right?
“y/n, your tweet says ‘i need [blank] to [blank blank] or i will [blank] in [blank blank].’ this seems evil, y/n, if i’m being honest.” ian’s wicked smirk was still firmly planted; he was playing dirtier than you ever thought him capable of. 
“what’s genuinely crazy is i’ve been so worried that i would not remember anything i’ve ever tweeted, but i actually do remember this one!” you laughed hard and loud, but then you remembered you did in fact have to tell everyone what it said. you could lie, but they’d just reveal it after anyway, and you had made a big stink about knowing it now… all you could do was fill in the damn blanks. “okay, it says ‘i need noomf–”
“you need what?” shayne asked, incredulous.
“noomf, it means ‘not one of my followers’ instead of oomf, which is ‘one of my followers’. anyway, ‘i need noomf to fuck off or i will piss in his kickstart’.” you covered your face with your hands, genuinely embarrassed. this would all be a good laugh after shooting wrapped, but in the moment you just wanted to scream a bit.
ian decided to go full little shit mode and not even make a comment, just click to the next slide showing that you were correct. every word. “five points for y/n!”
“oh, fuck, i forgot i was getting points for that. i’ll stop moping now!” you laughed, pushing yourself back into your camera persona, bright and light and happy. you could feel spencer’s daggers in the back of your skull all the same.
✰ .ᐟ
everyone broke for lunch after the finishing the shoot, and angela and courtney were the first to harass you. 
“bro, you tweeted that you would piss in his kickstart?” courtney started. 
“you guys don’t follow each other on socials?” angela then asked. 
court took another turn next, “do you guys not talk outside of work at all?” 
“no! they only talk about work so they always talk through slack!” angela was kind enough to explain your point from lunch the other day.
you stood there, tapping your foot. a bit comical, but a flair for the dramatic never hurt anybody, especially not in this industry. “are we done here? can i go get my food now?” you asked, no venom. “here, let’s just eat together and you can ask all your silly little questions. can’t promise i’ll have an answer for everything, but i’ll do what i can.”
you all lined up at the catering tables and grabbed some food, then found your way to an empty table to start this awful discussion.
you decided some rules needed to be put in place, because as much as you loved angela and courtney, you really didn’t want this to blow up into some ‘big thing’. coworker feuds happen in every office setting, it’s inevitable. it doesn’t need to be a whole situation, in your opinion.
“okay, before we start i’m going to lay some ground rules. you can ask whatever questions you want, but i’m allowed to not answer certain ones. whatever is said at this table, remains at this table, forever. and finally, i beg y’all to speak at a normal volume and not freak out for no reason. i do not need the whole company knowing my business. i’m sure you understand.”
they both nodded, and you decided to get courtney up to speed in case they had a question angela had asked you at lunch the other day, which was likely. now that you thought about it, angela was the only person you had really talked about it with. no one else you worked with seemed to mind, or care, so you didn’t think you’d ever need to answer any questions about it.
“court, before we start, angela actually ambushed me about this the other day so i do already have a few frequently asked questions answered. no, it isn’t a bit. we don’t have any friendship at all. we do not speak outside of work. i’ve never seen him outside of work. we do not have each other’s numbers. we do not follow each other on social media. we aren’t secretly dating. yes, we do hate each other, and, yes, it’s mutual. but… no, i don’t have a reason why.” you were fairly out of breath by the end of your rant, and courtney gave you a moment to catch back up.
“you don’t have a reason why? how can you both hate each other for no reason?” their voice was soft, caring. it burned.
a sigh escaped you. “as far as i know, neither me nor spencer have a ‘reason’ for hating each other. but it’s just a truth at this point. we hate each other, so we don’t interact outside of work. we play nice for the camera, but only because it wouldn’t really be entertaining if we didn’t. some truths are just truths. the sky is blue, the grass is green, and me and spencer hate each other.” you took a few bites of the salad you grabbed from the line, surprised at how good the dressing was. “holy shit, this dressing is fantastic,” you mumbled, hoping, in vain, to prompt a conversation change.
“like i said, i thought the bickering you guys did on camera was an inside joke. i didn’t know there was real anger behind it,” angela said, seeming a bit sad at this revelation.
you realized once again that you hadn’t actually had an honest conversation about this with anyone. you had never taken the time to flesh out this charade you were playing. “i’m not even sure the anger is real.” you said solemnly, quiet as a mouse. “i think it started as a bit. i’m not sure when it turned real, but it is. i guess.”
angela put her arm around you, sensing your mood drop. “hey, hey. it’s alright. you going to be okay, babe?”
courtney put their hand on yours, which you held. you felt like you were naked on a stage – feeling too vulnerable all too suddenly. after a second longer, you pulled yourself away from both of them. “i’m okay, it’s okay. can we change the topic, though? i… guess i’m not ready to talk about it, or something.”
you zoned out for the rest of the conversation.
✰ .ᐟ
when the day had finally ended, you felt the most immense relief you’ve felt in all your damn life.
finally. time to go home and dick around on your guitar. today provided a lot of feelings for a hopeful writing session. 
everyone at smosh knew you played guitar, but no one knew you wrote original music too. it was the easiest way to process what you were feeling. and if it sounded bad, then it sounded bad. at least you felt better afterwards. you never recorded anything you wrote, because it was a form of therapy for you. you let it all out, you cry, you scream, whatever. then you worked on healing. this was your process, and you loved it.
you were planning out some verses mentally when shayne caught up to you on the way to your car. “hey, y/n! i have a strange question.”
you turned, surprised by his appearance. “sure, shayne. what’s up?” 
“are you seeing anyone right now?”
“why, are you and courtney looking for a third?” you raised an eyebrow, which had shayne giggling. you continued, “no, i’m single. why?” 
“no reason!” shayne yelled, and promptly sprinted away.
“okay, see you tomorrow, i guess!” you shouted after him, knowing he probably couldn’t hear you. for such a small man he had a seemingly large stride. he was already halfway across the parking lot when you finished your sentence. “what the hell is this job, anyway?” you muttered, trying to find the melody you had thought of earlier in the day as you drove home in blissful silence.
✰ .ᐟ
alex: yoooo
spencer: what’s up?
alex: kiana’s friend is so your type it’s criminal
spencer: ok?
alex: i’m serious dude she’s like your dream girl!!
spencer: ok?
alex: hi spencer this is your best friend kiana, you have a date with my friend tomorrow at 7pm at our fav chili’s, ok love you!
spencer: i’d rather not
alex: she said shut up and be there or she’s dumping your kickstart stash
spencer: you are both evil.
alex: <3
✰ .ᐟ
you slept like shit last night. again. the past few nights were just not kind to you, and you could tell it was obvious.
“whoa, y/n… do you need to borrow some concealer?” courtney asked upon seeing you in the kitchen this morning. “i’m sure someone has a shade match in the building.”
“gee, thanks, court.” you laughed weakly to yourself, knowing she had nothing but good intentions. “i’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, not sure what’s going on.” you turned around and sighed into your coffee mug, exhausted. “maybe my body is trying to tell me something.”
courtney smiled, then came to lean against the counter next to you.
“you’re single, right?” they questioned, eyes bright.
you sighed again. “yes, just like i told your husband yesterday, i am single.”
“do you have plans tonight?” 
“other than sitting on my couch with my guitar, probably not. perhaps i’ll watch a movie. who’s to say? the world is my oyster.” 
they rolled their eyes at you, but leaned in closer to whisper. “our favorite chili’s, tonight, 7pm. you’re going on a blind date with someone i know very personally, who is perfect for you.”
she was out of the kitchen before you could pick your jaw up off the floor to protest.
✰ .ᐟ
you stood in your bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror. what the hell was going on. courtney had sent you a text fifteen minutes ago, a reminder of why you were standing in your bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror. you had a blind date at chili’s in 45 minutes. what the hell was going on. 
if you were in an alternate universe, perhaps all the dots you were connecting in your brain would turn out to be correct. you felt like that bit in buzzfeed unsolved. 
i’ve connected the dots. 
you haven’t connected shit! 
in an alternate universe, your friends beating the truth out of you about your feud with spencer, then turning around and orchestrating a blind date for you would mean something. and it would mean they were setting you up with spencer. just for a moment, just a sliver of a second, you imagined that universe.
you imagine it all working out.
but then you pull yourself out of it, and start actually getting ready for your date. 
he was probably just another improv actor with a nose ring. and he was probably nice. cute, even. but you couldn’t stop thinking about brown curly hair, piercing eyes, a hydroflask full of kickstart. 
a green smosh hat. a carhartt jacket. stubble. glasses. you loved his glasses, and secretly cursed him when he would wear his contacts. spencer.
your phone vibrated against the counter, painfully reuniting you with reality. “shit.”
you fumbled to answer the call, still feeling lost in the syrupy haze of that alternate universe of yours. “hey, court.” 
“are you on your way? find my friends says you’re still at your place!” they rushed out, and you pulled your phone away from your face to see you had less than 15 minutes to be ready and out the door.
“shit! sorry, i didn’t realize how late it got. i’m finishing up now, i’ll be on my way before you know it.” the silence on the other end was deafening. “i promise! but i have to get off the phone to get ready, okay?” 
“fine. please send me a photo of your outfit before you leave. i love you! bye!” courtney ended the call, and you sighed.
“let’s get this over with.” you mumbled to your empty bathroom.
✰ .ᐟ
spencer was pissed. if his friends didn’t suddenly decide to meddle in his love life, he wouldn’t be on a random side street, a mere three miles from chili’s, replacing his flat fire. at 7:08 pm. he didn’t even want to go on this date, but he also didn’t want to be a dick and show up late. alex and kiana didn’t share any info about this mystery girl so he couldn’t text her to let her know. he decided to call alex as he was getting ready to hoist the spare tire out of his trunk. 
“aren’t you on a date right now?!” alex shouted down the phone, no greeting. spencer rolled his eyes.
“chill, i got a flat tire. i’m down the road, like eight minutes max if traffic is kind to me. can you please let my date know i’m not standing her up, i just have to throw the donut on my car really quick.” he was fiddling with the tire iron while he spoke, suddenly nervous and upset at the prospect of hurting this mystery girl’s feelings. he shoved the emotion down and nestled the phone between his ear and shoulder, a smidge tighter than before. “please just let her know.”
“okay, okay.” alex took a breath in, and spencer could tell they’re relieved that the date isn’t a disaster, but only getting there kind of is. “i’ll let her know.”
they said goodbye, and spencer got back to work on the tire. 
elsewhere, alex texted courtney. 
alex: hey spencer got a flat tire. should be there in like 10-15
courtney: ok i’ll let y/n know!
alex: he called me and i nearly shat my pants
courtney: understandable lol if she called me 10 mins in i’d also be panicking
alex then texted kiana.
alex: spencer is late bc he got a flat tire i’m gonna bomb him
kiana: now, now!! it will work out in the end, grasshopper
alex: dont be weird
kiana: says u
✰ .ᐟ
you looked at your phone again. 7:20. you were on your second glass of water, munching on your chips and salsa and sighing. people were starting to stare at you. look at that poor girl, sipping her water, waiting for someone who isn’t showing up. surely she knows, they thought, surely she knows he’s isn’t coming.
unfortunately, you were still holding out hope. for some reason. you didn’t even want this, your friends just dropped it on you. but now that you were here, you felt hopeful. 
most people who know you wouldn’t exactly call you a romantic, but somewhere buried deep inside you, you longed for companionship. everyone did, to some degree – it was human nature. so you decided that at 7:30, you’d leave. 
even if tearing yourself from the booth would burn like wildfire.
you looked at your phone once more. 7:22. you’d been brooding in silence, alone at this table, and alone in this world. a vibration startled you out of it.
courtney: hey he’s almost there!!! he got a flat tire he should be there in about five mins, ok?? i’m so sorry and so is he!!
your heart rate picked up, that hope reigniting and spreading a warm fire throughout your body. you weren’t being stood up. good.
y/n: ok! thank you for updating me <3
courtney: of course bb i love you sm! have fun! text me all the deets!
as you smiled and steadied your fingers to type a reply, an all too familiar voice rang out. “are you being stood up at chili’s?” it asks.
you involuntarily rolled your eyes, all too easily sliding into this role you play. no one could say you weren’t a good actor. because here you were, slipping under that mask that fit so comfortably. playing a character. because an hour ago, you were hoping it would be him. you wanted it to be him. but now, he was here. which meant you had a role to play, and you would play it well. you’d give him an oscar award-winning performance. 
“please explain how my activities outside of the office are any of your business, spencer.” you deadpanned. it didn’t hit like you wanted it to. “he’s late.”
“scoot. i’m hungry.” he says, and you stare at him.
“i’m sorry?” you admonished.
“scootch over. have you ordered yet?” he asks, casual as all get out. like this was normal, or reasonable. 
you both know your roles. you know your lines. you’ve been off-book for years. what was he doing? he was going so far off script, ad-libbing, completely disregarding the words written for you, the ones you’d both studied and memorized. you were an improv comedian, and yes and-ing was never something you struggled with. but this wasn’t supposed to be improv. this was scripted. heavily. this was not reality tv, this was not whose line, this was a 40-minute sitcom with strict character archetypes, and you both knew your roles. 
while you waited in vain for the non-existent director to yell ‘cut!’, you found yourself moving over and letting him slide into the booth. it didn’t occur to you to just tell him to sit on the opposite side, which was empty. 
despite the warmth of the evening and the restaurant, you felt a shiver up and down your spine.
your server, carissa, came back to the table, and she looked relieved that your ‘date’ had finally arrived. she was probably about 20 years old, and her whole vibe said, “if he doesn’t show up, i’ll kill him for you.” 
“took you long enough, dude,” was her greeting of choice. spencer looked surprised, which caused a laugh to escape you. “what would you like to drink?”
spencer seemed a bit lost for words, but managed to say “just a water, please,” after a not-entirely inaudible swallow.
carissa turned her attention back to you, “did you want to order now? or does mister late as fuck need some more time?” she gestured at spencer with her pen, her voice full of humor. it was entirely opposite of the darker voice she used on spencer.
you loved this girl. “easy on him, carissa. i’m sure he has a good reason.”
spencer looked at you, and you realized you probably should have specified that he actually wasn’t the person you were waiting on. your mind drifts back to that slice of an alternate universe, the one you wanted to slot yourself into for longer than just a fleeting moment. your heart quickened its pace once more, and you silently willed it to calm down.
he doesn’t like you, you thought, solemnly. he likes chili’s. he’s probably here to meet kiana or something. the thought of kiana joining you at dinner was a happy one, usually. you loved her. she was bright and bubbly and she was incredibly smart. you loved listening to her talk. but right now, it almost felt like that little alternate universe and the universe you’re currently stuck in were overlapping for a moment. you wanted to keep this feeling. hold it close.
you zoned back in when spencer started talking, both of you unsure how long you had been looking at each other for. it might have been the first time you both really looked at each other. the glancing and the glaring around the office was short lived. never more than a few seconds. this look felt like it stretched on for years, unending. this wasn’t just the first time you both looked at each other, it might also be the first time you really saw each other.
and, if you were just a bit more unhinged, you’d have said that it felt like home.
“i had a flat tire. i was right down the road but i had to put the spare on, so i’m much later than i wanted to be. i try to be early to dates, but it seems like the world was betting against me tonight.” spencer looked at his lap, sheepish, all of the sudden. it was cute. a soft expression you had no clue he was even capable of. it suited him, emotion. or, emotions other than anger.
“see? that’s a perfectly reasonable excuse,” you replied, which prompted a gasp from spencer. 
you find the roles shifting, no longer are you and spencer coworkers trapped in an office, glaring at each other and attempting niceties on camera. now, you were stepping into the roles of love interests in a rom-com with 80s flair. the quiet, misunderstood girl, and the edgy yet likeable boy. fake dating for some reason or another, only to fall in love for real in the end. the it was always you trope.
you could play this character just as easily as you could play the hateful coworker. maybe this role would win you a sag award. you set it next to your academy award on your imaginary awards shelf.
“it’s not an excuse! it’s a reason. an explanation, if you will.” spencer said, faux-horror in his voice.
“and i will.” you shot back, playing into it. you could fit so comfortably here.
carissa faked a yawn, and you ask her for a triple dipper – mozzarella sticks, big mouth bites, and chicken tenders. spencer had no comment on this, which made you quite happy, oddly enough. 
once carissa had walked away, spencer turned his body to face you a little more, and you felt closed in in the best way possible. he was suffocating you with his presence, but it felt good. safe, even.
you settled into the booth, a little taken aback by his sudden attention. honestly, you paid more attention to him around the office than you would ever admit to anyone. you both had desks in the same pod so you were in proximity at all times, and you looked. a lot. and maybe you pined. maybe… just maybe, you had been pining this whole time. 
“what’s goin’ on up there?” spencer asked, nodding toward you.
“i don’t know,” you replied. it was the truth. you weren’t sure what was going on in your brain, just that you had no urge to stop it. more like an urge to give in.
carissa reappeared with a glass of ice water for spencer. he whispered a soft “thank you” in her direction, but his eyes never left yours. she walked away without a response.
“y’know, i was actually supposed to meet someone here tonight. i should probably tell alex what’s going on.”
your ears perked up at the mention of alex. “why would you tell alex?”
“they’re my best friend?” spencer said, eyes now on his phone. “also, it was a blind date. i don’t have her number,” he explained, frowning. “or her name.” his thumbs were flying across the keyboard, and you watched in silence. you were suddenly enraptured by his hands. 
then, it clicked. “oh my fucking god!” you groaned, which caused spencer to turn his focus back on you. 
“what? what’s wrong?” there was genuine concern in his voice, something you had never heard from him. it stoked the fire inside you, pulling it back up to a dangerous roar. this chili’s would erupt in flames if this continued on for much longer.
in lieu of a response, you simply grabbed your phone off the table, calling courtney and putting the call on speaker.
“hey! how’s it going?” courtney asked, speech stilted with nerves.
“what’s my blind date’s name, courtney?”
you heard spencer mutter something under his breath.
“you’ll know him when you see him! like i said, he had a flat tire. wait, it’s been, like, forty minutes, why isn’t he there yet?” their sentence got quieter as they moved through it, processing in real time.
spencer leaned in, clearly only getting closer to the mic so courtney could hear him, but you’d like to think he wanted to be closer to you, too.
“i’m here, courtney.” was all he said.
“neither of you sound happy…” they moped.
you rolled your eyes affectionately. they meant well, and you said as much. “i know you meant well, honey, but me and spencer have absolutely no chemistry.” there it was again. you switched back to your original role, the one you had spent far too much time in, the one that was closer to home. “this wasn’t a good idea and i think you know that.”
you dared to peek at spencer, who was looking right at you, forlorn. “yeah, court. i appreciate the team effort, but unfortunately me and y/n are just not compatible.” his voice was tight. angry. and just like that, spencer was also back in his original role. perhaps it felt like home to him too, and he also didn’t care for change. some things are just true. the sky is blue, the grass is green, and you and spencer agnew hate each other.
for once, you found yourself wishing it wasn't true.
✰ .ᐟ
once you and courtney hung up, you asked carissa for the triple dipper to be to-go, and you and spencer went your separate ways. the whole drive home, the car was silent and so was your brain. normally you’d be crafting melodies and writing bridges, ever the artist. but tonight your brain was turned off. you had to keep it that way, purposefully silencing the thoughts that threatened to burst through. you couldn’t think about the looks spencer gave you. you couldn’t think about the smell of his cologne when he leaned close to talk to courtney. you couldn’t think about the way he apologized. 
i’m sorry about this, y/n. i know that we don’t like each other but i wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
the whole, blind-date-with-my-enemy thing. 
spencer, why are we enemies?
i don’t know, y/n. but i think we both know it needs to stay that way.
it seemed like he had been mentally policing his word choice. careful, stoic. there was emotion in his voice, but not in his face. his jaw was tight. spencer felt bad. despite it all, he didn’t want to hurt you. this was a rejection, plain and simple, but he was being merciful. though, it also felt forced. like this isn’t what he really wants, but it’s how things have to be. a law of the universe, at this point. an intrinsic truth. we can’t be anything other than coworkers and enemies. anything else would be disastrous.
you felt silly, catastrophizing like this. 
as you turned your key in the lock of your front door, your guitar called to you from the corner of the living room.
let it out, it seemed to say, feel your feelings, so you can move on.
and so you did. you changed into some sweatpants and an old crewneck, sat yourself on the floor of your apartment, and got to writing. 
perhaps you would one day add a grammy to your little imaginary awards shelf. an academy award for your coworker enemy character, the breakout role. the sag award for your little lovesick puppy character you got to play tonight, at chili’s. and a grammy. for you. no character, no facade, just you.
but you’d have to record yourself to achieve that. and now wasn't the time for bravery, now was the time for processing and moving on. 
✰ .ᐟ
the next morning, you woke up to a small barrage of messages. mostly courtney apologizing. an apology from shayne as well. a text from ang asking if you were okay. alex, kiana, and amanda also messaged you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to keep scrolling. until your eyes caught on something new. an unsaved number, who had texted you a mere minute before you woke up.
unsaved: hey. sorry again about last night. 
your heart leapt into your throat, and that fire under your skin was back. you put your phone face down on your nightstand and promptly took a shower.
upon your arrival at work, you were reminded of how fucking gossipy this damn office was. people were throwing you apologetic looks all day, clearly informed on the situation. thirty minutes before your first shoot, ian pulled you to the side.
“hey, y/n. um, is there anything you wanted to talk about? or let me know about?” ian asked, clearly uncomfortable.
you looked at him in confusion, head tilted to the side. “i… don’t think so?” you said it like a question, because it kind of was one. surely one blind date arranged by other coworkers that didn’t even result in a relationship wasn’t cause for concern, right?
“okay, i’ll just ask then. are you and spencer in a relationship? it’s okay, if so, but there’s a lot of paper–”
you cut him off, astounded he even thought to ask such an insane question. “whoa, whoa, whoa. me and spencer are not dating. why on earth gave you that idea?”
ian blushed, and it was quite cute. he clearly felt a little out of his depth, which is silly considering the amount of coworker relationships at smosh. he’s done this at least three times, you think he’d be better at it.
“well i've heard whisperings around the office that you two went on a date last night,” he said.
“and you thought that a date between us would end well?” you asked, a bit astounded. “i'm not even sure why court and them even set it up, it's fairly well known that we don't like each other in the slightest.” internally, you were thinking about the low tone spencer had when he was next to you. boxing you in, commanding your attention. maybe you had been pining this whole time. but that was not anyone else’s business, so you would continue to keep those feelings behind a quadruple-padlocked door, far in the back corner of your brain.
“y/n, can i talk to you as a friend and not as a boss or coworker?” ian dropped his voice, a soft smile on his face.
“of course, ian.”
“i think you know damn well that you and spencer are made for each other.”
he cuts you off. “you might have everyone else fooled, and you might even have yourself fooled. but to a degree, i think there’s a part of you that wants that. and it’s okay to want that. to want spencer. it’s okay to want. but if you ask me–”
“i didn’t–”
“but if you ask me,” he bulldozes, committing to saying his piece. “i think it’s also okay to have. it’s right in front of you for the taking, and as much as you can deny it, i think you also know that.”
you were quietly stunned by this emotional, introspective, hopeless romantic version of ian. “i know i can want, ian. i know more than well enough what wanting feels like.” a sigh escapes you, suddenly exhausted. “but i can’t have. not this time, not this one. i can have something else, later down the road. but i can’t have this. i’m not allowed to have this.”
“why not?”
you stayed silent. you hadn’t thought about the why not of it all. it was another one of those things. spencer was an enemy. spencer was off limits. he was forbidden. prohibited. a thing you could want, but never, ever have.
“i just can’t, ian.” you sighed, resigned. you were getting tired of fighting this battle, but it wasn’t like you had a choice.
“okay, y/n.” his voice is soft, and he puts a hand on your shoulder. “well, when you can, i’m sure he’ll be waiting for you.”
“i’d never ask that of him.”
“you don’t have to.” ian wrapped you in a hug, and then walked back to whichever office he came from, leaving you in a pile of emotions at the end of the hall.
“what the fuck is happening,” you whispered to yourself. the world was turning upside down, and you were starting to get quite motion sick.
you sat down on a nearby sofa, checking the time. you had to get your mic pack set up in about five minutes, so you tried to use that time to regulate your breathing. in, two, three, four. out, two, three, four. you knew you were shooting a pit video, but you couldn’t remember what it was or who was going to be in it with you. was it a reddit stories today? no, that was thursday… 
“y/n?” erin dougal called. your head snapped up, your thoughts finally simmering to a normal volume. a distraction was welcome, and erin was always up to something.
“yeah, what’s up?” you replied, hoping for some sort of insane tiktok pitch that tommy dreamt up, or some gossip about the caterer she had a thing for. 
“ready for the shoot?” right, your job. guess those five minutes passed faster than you thought. at least you had calmed down substantially.
“oh. yeah, sorry. what are we shooting again?” you hoped she wouldn't rag on you too much for forgetting your shoot schedule. surely she was aware of your current goings-on.
she gaped at you in response. “seriously? we've only been gearing up for this shoot for, like, two months.” 
fuck. today was courtney’s hide and seek shoot. fuck. you had been so wrapped up in the bullshit of this week you had forgotten to even plan a place to hide. 
“oh! right, sorry. not sure how i forgot that.” you stood up, trying to collect yourself, embarrassed.
you followed erin into the small parking lot right outside the office, where everyone was waiting to be let inside. she debriefed you on the general rules, which have been the same since the first hide and seek video. you nodded along, and tried to figure out where the hell you were going to hide.
before you knew it, everyone was rushing inside. you decided to go up into the weird little attic space duran usually hides in, knowing he wasn't set to be in the video. it was a guaranteed easy find, and you didn't really want to be alone with your thoughts for very long. you had a history of being found extremely early on, and you weren’t planning to break that streak. especially not when you had so many other things to deal with right now.
but the universe was never on your side. you climbed up the slightly unstable ladder, using your phone’s flashlight to look for a spot, when you saw him. spencer was already up here, because of course he was.
“no.” was all he said.
“c’mon, this week has been shitty enough. i don't have any other ideas.” you whispered, knowing there wasn't much time left. “i can't find another spot, there's only, like, 20 seconds left.”
“no, y/n.” he was firm in his answer, but you were just as stubborn.
you gathered a bit of courage, and made your way over to him, ducking in the tight space. you sat down right next to him, a fraction of a fraction of a centimeter between you. “yes.”
he rolled his eyes and rested his head on the painted cinder block wall behind him, lids fluttered closed, too tired to fight. you understood that feeling all too well. “fine.”
✰ .ᐟ
turns out, courtney miller is exceptionally terrible at hide and seek. you’d both been waiting in silence to be found for over thirty minutes. if you had known how long you’d have to sit in such close proximity to spencer, you’d have made several different choices. starting with calling out of work today. 
“jesus, court.” you whispered. then, turning to spencer, you spoke just a tad louder. “we’re supposed be recording confessionals, you know.”
“i'm aware,” spencer said. no malice in his voice, though you could tell he tried. his mask was slipping.
you pulled out your phone and clipped your little selfie light onto it. “hey guys, y/n and spencer here. it’s been over thirty minutes at this point, and i don't think courtney’s even entered the kitchen, let alone this fuckass room.”
“fuckass is crazy,” spencer says, in that giggly, drawn out way he always does. you always liked when he did that. it made your stomach do somersaults, for a reason you could never pinpoint.
“are we allowed to hide together? i know lisa and jeremy technically did in shayne’s hide and seek video.” you ask, purely for the content of it all. you couldn’t care less about any of the rules right now. you were next to spencer, and it felt right. fuck the rules. 
“i'm not sur–” a noise erupted from the kitchen, and spencer paused. “they’re hereeee,” he singsonged. he was disgustingly cute.
“gotta go!” you said, quickly ending the recording and putting your phone away. 
spencer looked at you, and you looked at him. faces mere inches apart. you both heard the door to the kitchen closing, signifying courtney’s exit. you were both safe, for now. no need to stay quiet. but neither of you spoke. 
the silence carried on, seconds to minutes. you started to really look at spencer, dissecting his beauty.
the shine in his eyes, even in this dim, unflattering light. the ghost of a smile on his face. he's the first to turn away.
“y/n,” spencer near begged. “please.”
“what?” you asked, genuine.
he looked back at you. then he leaned in, so close you could feel his breath when he spoke again. “you're killing me, y/n. you know what you're doing.”
you angled your face, just so, closer than you've been to anyone in a long time. closer than you've ever been to spencer agnew. “oh? what am i doing, spencer?” you batted your eyelashes at him.
he inched closer, prompting your noses to touch. it sent a shooting pulse of sparks through your blood. “tell me to stop, y/n.” he whispered, borderline tremulous.
“why?” you didn’t retreat, and you certainly didn’t oblige him.
“please, tell me to stop.” he was still staring into you, through your eyes and deep into that corner of your mind. the quadruple-padlocked door. he held every key, and you could see it all play out: him unlocking every single one with ease. blatant disregard for the consequences of his reckless actions.
you let him. no, you encouraged him. “why can't you stop yourself, spencer?” 
you knew full well courtney could burst in at any moment. you're acutely aware that you're both at work right now, in the middle of a shoot. you couldn’t seem to find the strength to give a fuck.
“because you're in charge, y/n. you always have been. i’ve been following your lead since day one. so tell me to stop.” 
you moved your eyes to his lips, finally tearing away from that gaze. “go,” you whispered.
that was all he needed to crash his lips into yours.
it’s not a great kiss. it never is when you're both this pent up. it's either too aggressive or too soft, never exactly what you're expecting, or wanting. but it enveloped you in that now familiar fire, and you didn’t even care. this could be the worst kiss of your life and you would still think of it fondly years down the line. because it's spencer. and you wanted spencer. and he, seemingly, wanted you too. so you want. and you have. just for a moment.
your brain finally rebooted and you immediately started kissing back, forceful. spencer’s hands found your body, and they wandered. he set them on your hips, then moved one to your neck. then one in your hair and the other on your face. you only pulled back from lack of oxygen. out of pure necessity.
as you both sat there, foreheads pressed against each other, chests heaving, you started to think about what you've done. he didn't just unlock that door, he blew it off the hinges. you weren’t sure you could ever deny yourself the feeling of kissing spencer agnew. not anymore, not now. you've become addicted on the very first hit, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. 
a loud bang on the opposite side of the wall had both of you separating. only an inch or so between the two of you, knowing you're about to be caught. you willed your heart rate down. trying to breathe slow, deep breaths. “time to be found i guess,” you whispered. 
spencer’s head finds its place on the back wall again. he seemed defeated. tired. but happy. “yeah.”
✰ .ᐟ
two months passed and neither you nor spencer spoke about what happened during courtney’s hide and seek shoot. there's still animosity all around, and you expect that your oscar will be stripped away due to your performance. it’s exhausting, keeping this fucking thing going. you had the one thing you always denied yourself, for just a moment, and that’s all you’ll ever have. you’re well aware of this, and were doing what you could to fully come to terms with it.
but spencer. he seemed so unbothered. like it was nothing to him, like you were nothing to him, like this was all just an elaborate prank. cut the fucking cameras.
tell me to stop, y/n. please. 
christ. your alarm had been turned off five minutes ago, but you remained in bed, under the covers. showing up at work was never a thing you dreaded. you fucking loved your job. and all your coworkers, who were now your friends and your family. you even loved the fans, deranged as they are.
but these days, it was weighing on you. getting up, going in and pretending you don’t know the taste and rhythm of spencer agnew’s sinful fucking mouth. it was hell. you wanted more, and he wanted nothing to do with you. and maybe you should have expected that. maybe this was all on you, for getting your hopes up for even a moment. 
you’re in charge, y/n. you always have been.
you pulled yourself out of bed and into the shower. you turned the water as hot as it could go, grateful to experience a different kind of pain for even a few minutes.
i’ve been following your lead since day one. so tell me to stop.
once your skin had been sufficiently burned, and your actual shower duties were complete, you decided to dress a little nicer today. even though you knew the only plan you had was answering emails, editing scripts, and some social media stuff. 
the shower really helped. the day seemed different, brighter. you felt a little less trepidation about work. you weren’t sure what magic was doled out by your rinky dink shower head, but you were thankful for it all the same.
✰ .ᐟ
pretty much every cast member greeted you at the door. suddenly, that trepidation was back. “what’s going on?” 
“did you not check your phone?” shayne asked, a laugh tumbling out of him.
you thought about it. you hadn’t, actually. you turned your alarm off, showered in silence for the first time in a long time, then drove to work in silence as well. “i guess not. why? is everything okay?” 
angela let out a gleeful scream. “you and spencer have the fandom in a tizzy!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands with joy.
your brain went all fuzzy. “me and… spencer?” your mind drifted back to the kiss, and you felt the heat rising on your face. that was embarrassing. everyone was here, and they were all looking at you, and you knew that your blush was violently visible. 
“from the hide and seek video!” chanse added, as though there were any other point of reference.
you started to get a bit light-headed, and you sat down. “i’m confused.”
“why?” courtney asks, coming to sit next to you. it seemed everyone could sense your discomfort, so they dissipated, leaving courtney to work their magic.
“why would anyone care about me and spencer?” you asked. in your defense, you hadn’t watched the video. you couldn’t. you didn’t even watch back the single confessional you recorded, just sent it over to andre. you didn’t delete it though. it sat in your camera roll, heavy on your mind, and taunting you every time you opened your photos app.
they laughed, a soft sound, reassuring. “babe, i need you to watch the video.”
you groaned in response, feeling like a petulant child. like you were going to stomp your feet and cry if you didn’t get your way.  “i don’t want to, courtney. i don’t need to see how fucking red was my face was. i don’t need to see how pathetic i look.”
you hadn’t told a single soul what happened in that little attic crawl space. you didn’t want to – it was a blissful secret. it was easier to hold it in, the truth that you kissed him and it felt like flying and dying and living and breathing and everything all at the same exact time. because if you ever admitted that out loud, you think you’d pass away from the sheer amount of love in your voice when you say it. he was turning you into a hopeless romantic, and you’d barely said seven words to the man since he completely ruined your life.
because that’s what he had done, wasn’t it? you were ruined for anyone else. how could you move on, how could you kiss someone else when spencer agnew made alpha centauri appear behind your eyes. a star system, exploding to life. and you knew, somewhere inside, that that was the only time in your life you’d ever be able to feel something like that. you weren’t even sure you’d want to feel it again. it’s been nothing short of agonizing.
“y/n, can i ask you something?” they questioned, ever patient.
“why do you keep denying yourself good things?” her hand was on your thigh, a soft comfort to offset the sting of her question. “please, i'll show you the clip right here, and i’ll be next to you the whole time. if you want me to turn it off, i will. but will you try for me? please?”
you had never struggled with watching the videos you were in. granted, you usually could just focus on someone else in the shot. this was just you, and spencer. courtney would be there in the background, maybe brennan. but mostly it was you and spencer. and if you didn’t look at yourself, you’d look at him. you weren’t sure which was worse, but you agreed. 
“rip the fucking band-aid off already, i beg of you.” 
she let out a small squeal of excitement, opening her phone. you were only mildly surprised to see the clip was already pulled up. 
courtney pressed play on the video, and they handed you the phone. you watched, captivated. you decided to look at yourself. your blush was evident, and once you noticed that, you couldn’t bear to look any longer, so you looked at spencer. he was staring at you, while you stared ahead, giggling at whatever courtney said. his eyes were fixed on your profile, a smile bursting at the seams of his mouth, threatening a chelsea grin. he was smiling. he begged you to stop him, to stop this. spencer begged you not to feed the fire, but you had thrown gasoline right into it.
the thought… excited you.
“oh, hey,” courtney chirped happily, causing you to tear your eyes away from the screen of her phone. she paused the video and slipped her phone back into her pocket. “i’ll leave you to it,” they stood from their chair, pushing it in and giving you a look of hopefulness. you smiled back, halfheartedly.
“hi, spencer.” you murmured, finally meeting his eyes.
“hi, y/n.” he parroted, walking slowly toward you. he seemed hesitant, but… hopeful? maybe you felt the same way. “can i talk to you for a moment?” he gestured to the recently vacated chair on your left, and you nodded. you couldn’t trust yourself to talk at the moment.
he sat down next to you, entirely too casual. he’s slouched in the chair, hands in the pockets of his jacket. “seems like we did a number on a few people, huh?” he started. still too casual. you braced yourself for impact: we still can’t do this, though. we’re not friends. let alone lovers. 
what he actually said, though, hit you harder than 400 asteroids. “you certainly did a fucking number on me.”
“uh, what?” is all you could muster, confused, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
he sat back up, then leaned into your space. again. he likes to do that. normally, you’d feel too caged, too claustrophobic. but for some reason, it felt like a blessing. a near-familiar comfort in this whirlwind you were caught up in. “y/n, do you remember our first date?” 
your defense mechanism, sarcasm, clicked on in your brain. “if you call that a date, i’m embarrassed for you, spencer.” 
“so you do remember it.”
“yes, spencer. i remember when you accosted me at chili’s.”
he laughed, and you know that it’s such a beautiful sound, but it still hurt. “and do you remember what i told you at the end of the night?”
“you said you didn’t know why we were enemies, but that we both knew it needed to stay that way.”
“exactly. y/n, do you know why i refuse to sit next to you in videos? or why i very frequently cut you off when you’re talking? or why we’ve never been the guests on reddit stories together?”
“no,” you breathe out, honest. “no, i don’t know why.”
“it’s because of what happened in that godforsaken hide and seek video. because i knew, given the proximity, i’d do that. i’d stare at you, zoned out of whatever conversation was happening around me. smiling like a fucking idiot.”
you didn’t speak, feeling overwhelmed at his sudden confession.
“i have a cool guy persona that i try quite hard to keep up, and i didn’t want millions of people seeing me, fucking, splayed out like that. all my feelings on display in 4k. since the day you walked in that fucking door, i’ve been forcing myself to hate you, forcing myself to be your ‘enemy’, playing along with this stupid fucking charade we both seemingly crafted out of nowhere. being that close to you, it makes that whole game a lot harder to play.”
“spencer,” you said, attempting to alleviate some pressure. “you don’t have to–”
“i’m serious, y/n. i’m not mad, i’m not even upset. frankly, i’m relieved. it’s out there, people have seen it, and i’m happy about it. i’m tired of this stupid cat and mouse game, y/n. this shit makes me feel like sisyphus. i’m tired of pushing the stupid fake hatred boulder up the mountain. and i think you are, too. i’ve seen it. i’ve felt it.” he whispered the last part, like it was meant just for him. he was thinking about the kiss. reliving it, the tension, the heat, the closeness. his lips on yours, his hands in your hair. he was thinking about it, and he wasn’t thinking it was embarrassing or gross. he didn’t regret it. he didn’t regret you.
you leaned into him, bringing your nose right up to his, face closer than need be for a conversation between two people who claim to hate each other. “tell me to stop, spencer,” you tried.
he looked at you, eyes wide and shining again. his gaze flickered down to your mouth, then back to your eyes. “fuck it,” he stated, and then his lips were on you. 
you were once again kissing spencer agnew, and you were once again doing it at the fucking office. but you didn’t care about that, couldn’t care about that, because he was kissing you, and this time it was different. it wasn’t nearly as clumsy, or aggressive. the angle was perfect, and his hand was resting on the back of your neck, a soft cradle. your brain didn’t need to time to load, or reboot, and for once it didn’t even blue screen. you immediately kissed spencer back, with more fervor than you thought you had in you.
a small moan slipped out of your mouth, and you didn’t care about that either. you knew your coworkers were probably watching you both from around the corner, phones out to record the momentous occasion, hushes being thrown at others who dared to speak. 
but right now, the only thing you cared about was making sure spencer knew you weren’t going to play this fucking godawful game anymore. you kissed him like you were serious about it, because you were. you were serious about spencer agnew. as serious as a heart attack, which you felt like you were on the verge of.
you attempted to pull back for a moment, but spencer wouldn’t let you go. he’s starving, and you are a delicacy he intends to gorge himself on, gluttonous. you gave in, and continued to kiss him back. it’s the most blissful feeling, reciprocation.
no more games. no more lies. no more feuds.
no more enemies, or hatred.
some things in life are universal truths. the grass is green, the sky is blue, and you and spencer agnew loved each other. you always had, and both of you were equally tired of pretending otherwise. pushing back against the universe was always a losing game. 
so you both gave in.
and it was heavenly.
“please, y/n,” spencer pined, pulling back but still staying close. “don’t make me wait another two months to do that again.”
a laugh surged out of you, loud and honest. “have you been thinking about doing it again?”
“constantly. it’s a problem.”
you bit your bottom lip, unsure of how you got here. “oh my god,” you put your head in your hands, remembering your first tweet from you posted that. “i’m sorry i threatened to piss in your kickstart.”
this time, spencer was the one who laughed. hard and loud, honest, just like you, a moment ago. like you were still doing, because hearing spencer laugh made you laugh. a contagious happiness pouring from his lips, filling your very atoms.
“it’s okay, i understand. i wanted to piss in your lattes.” he set his forehead against yours, a form of intimacy he seemed to love. just like two months ago, he was invading your space and you couldn’t get enough of it.
“i’m sorry it took so long to get my head out of my ass,” he spilled, remorse heavy in his voice. “to think we could have been doing this so long ago…” his sentence faded away, and you couldn’t help but smile even harder.
“hey, my head was also up my ass. it’s okay. we have time.”
“yeah, we do.”
✰ .ᐟ
the remainder of the week went off without incident. you told ian you would fill out any and all paperwork, but not until you and spencer were ready. not until he formally asked you to be his girlfriend. it was still the very early days, and while you were beyond happy, you didn’t want to jinx it. watching this love grow was a privilege, not a right, and you intended to keep it. 
you both graced the infamous white reddit stories couch, the episode themed around coworker drama. it was nice to be able to laugh with him openly, and it was nice to hear his thoughts on the stories. spencer was incredibly well articulated when he wanted to be, and it was incredibly sexy to watch him be so emotionally mature and vulnerable. he was more understanding than you would have ever expected, and it only made you want him more.
you hadn’t had a real, formal date yet. that was tonight, once shooting wrapped. he refused to tell you anything about it, just insisted you dress comfortably.
and you were comfortable, here on this couch, with spencer. you both had to be reminded not to sit so close together, several times now. shayne and courtney ragged on you a bit, but they promised to give you tips on hiding the relationship if that was what you chose to do. that was a conversation for another time, but it was nice to know everyone at smosh would always be in your corner.
you pulled yourself out of your head to concentrate on shayne’s voice, and you even threw in a few comments mid-narration. you didn’t like doing that often, it felt rude to interrupt. but hearing spencer break out in a fit of giggles at a shitty joke you made only pushed you to be more confident. 
✰ .ᐟ
“where the fuck are going, spencer?” you questioned for approximately the fifteenth time. once shooting had wrapped, everyone bid you and spencer farewell and good luck on your first official date. you went to the bathroom to change into your favorite sweatpants and an old hoodie, and when you reappeared spencer was holding a blindfold in his hand.
without thinking, you had popped the first joke that came into your head. “oh, we’re already getting freaky?”
he had laughed, and insisted it wasn’t anything like that. “but it can be, eventually.” he raised an eyebrow, suggestive and suave.
well, fuck.
as spencer directed you through the office – presumably to take you to one of the stages? – you let the lack of sight relax you. he wanted to surprise you, which means that he planned something. or set something up. you were rapidly falling in love with this man, and you weren’t sure if that was scary or exciting. probably both. you were free falling out of a fucking airplane, the cords on your parachute stuck, but it felt good. 
“okay, you can remove your blindfold,” you heard his voice from behind you, as he finally brought you to a stop.
you slowly reached up to pull the blindfold off, and you couldn’t stop the tears that started to form.
spencer had set up a place for you to record music. he had moved a bunch of props and furniture around on the games stage, and set up a tiny little nook with pillows and blankets and bean bags. somehow, your guitar was there, propped next to an amp. there were several pedals splayed out, a wide array of effects for you to choose from. it was all hooked up to your macbook, which had fl studio pulled up on it.
“spencer…” you whined. the tears were silent, but they fell in waves. 
he moved to stand in front of you, and you knew you would never get tired of being able to be this close to him whenever you wanted. he was yours to hold. 
you tried to stop the tears, tried to speak, tried to thank him and apologize. all you could do was let the small, silent sobs wrack your body. 
“y/n, please please tell me that these are happy tears,” spencer pleaded with you. his hand wiping a tear away from your cheek.
you nodded furiously, and found your voice again. “y-yes. yes. they are happy tears.” you took a deep breath in, stinging in the best way. “thank you so fucking much, spencer. i don’t know what to say other than thank you.”
“i know that you write music, but i know you never record it. i didn’t know if that was because you were worried about it not being good enough, or if it was simply the inability to record. either way, i can keep all of this set up here for you. whenever you want, as long as the stage isn’t needed, of course. i was hoping we could have a little jam sesh.” spencer laughed, light and airy.
you surged forward, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. “thank you,” you said again.
✰ .ᐟ
you and spencer spent three hours holed up on the games stage, playing around with different effects pedals and different fl studio presets. the time flew by, and you hadn’t even actually recorded anything, but you didn’t need to. you’d remember every second of this night for the rest of your life. you didn’t show spencer any of the songs you’d written these past few weeks, all of them about him. you would one day, when you were ready, but right now all you wanted was to be in this moment with him.
“it’s crazy how far we’ve come in such little time,” spencer said quietly, once the instruments had been retired and you were both stretched out on the extra large bean bag.
you smiled, agreeing. “yeah. it sucks that we lost out on so much time, but i’m grateful that i get to have you at all.” it was more vulnerable than you had meant to be, but spencer didn’t let it linger in the air too long.
“you have me for as long as you want, babe. i’m not leaving until you kick me out.”
a soft laugh, “i can’t imagine a world where i’d ever kick you out, spencer.”
“it’s like i told you. you’re the one in charge, y/n. i’ll follow your lead wherever it takes me.”
“even if it takes you off a cliff?” you japed, adding some levity to this conversation you weren’t quite ready for.
“yes,” spencer replied, no hesitation or thought. “wherever you go, i’d like to be with you. if you’d have me.” 
you turned fully onto your side so you could look at him again. his hair had gotten so long, and you were hoping he wouldn’t cut it yet. you liked how wild and windswept it looked at this length. you also wanted to pull it.
“what are you saying, spencer?” you were egging him on.
“will you be my girlfriend, y/n? we can go as slow or as fast as you’d like, we can do it all at your pace. we have time,” he assured you. “i know this is only our first date, and normally this might seem like jumping the gun a little bit.” spencer sighed, but it was wistful, not sad. “but i’ve been sure about you for years now, and now that you’re finally giving me the chance, i don’t want to wait. i don’t want it to slip out of my hands.”
you let out a breath you didn’t notice you were holding. this side of spencer – no, just spencer – you were so unaware of him and everything he had the capacity to be and do and feel just a few months ago. sure, you’d been pining for awhile, and you’d been watching him for a bit. not in a creepy way, just observing him when he wasn’t putting up the goddamn shield he always forced up around you. seeing spencer for who he was, as he was. you had no idea that he could be so eloquent, so romantic, so fucking perfect.
“christ, you’re going to kill me, charles spencer agnew.”
“is that a yes, y/n? don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind already!” spencer laughed again, and you realized just how often you made him laugh. almost like your specific brand of comedy was tailor made for him. maybe it was. 
“yes, spencer, i will be your girlfriend.” you smiled at him, a toothy. unabashed grin. “thank you for this.” you gestured around the nook. “seriously, this is so fucking sweet of you. i really, truly appreciate it.” most people didn’t put so much effort into the first date. this would, normally, be a fifth date kind of thing, probably. not that you had much practice. but it was your first real date, and spencer did all this work just to spend a few hours making shitty hyperpop mixes out of the silliest guitar sounds you could manage.
“don’t get used to it, this was a lot of work.”
your smile dropped instantly, a cold rush hitting you. fuck, was he making fun of you? you felt tears well up again, this time decidedly unhappy tears.
spencer shot up in an instant. “hey, hey. it’s okay, love. can i touch you?”
you cried harder, realizing that not only was spencer not making fun of you, but that he was listening. he always was, he always had been. because he knew not to touch you when you were crying, he knew to ask. and you had never told him that.
you had said it in a reddit stories video once. the story had to do with panic attacks, and you felt like you had to give your two cents, daring to be vulnerable on beyoncé’s internet.
“i actually hate being touched when i’m upset. people always jump straight to hugging me or patting my head or some shit. bro, i’m fucking freaking out, please do not touch me!” 
courtney laughed, agreeing with your sentiment. “no, exactly! like, i’m crying all over myself and i’m snotty and gross. please get your hands off me. you can clearly see i’m overwhelmed, why is your first thought to add to that?” 
it was refreshing to be understood by someone. 
“i have never once seen someone in emotional distress and thought, ‘hmm, i should hug them super tight! that’ll help!’ like, what the fuck are we doing, guys? however, i do remember one time i started having a panic attack, and my friend looked at me and held her hands up, then asked ‘can i touch you?’ which, like, just broke me out of it. i was so thankful that she asked to touch me instead of just doing it that i was immediately calmed down. she’s great.”
the emotions were a sudden flood, and you shook your head no. spencer sat still in his spot, respecting your decision. for some reason, this only prompted you to cry harder.
basic respect had you sobbing. this was fucking embarrassing. 
“i’m so sorry,” you said through tears, trying to explain yourself.
spencer was patient, and you knew he would wait for you to collect yourself. it was a small gesture but it really did mean the world to you. this meant not only did he listen to you when you were talking on set, but also that he watches the videos that you’re in. he wasn’t on that shoot, he had a con to go to. he wasn’t even in the state of california when you had said that. you had said that nearly a year ago, and he had watched the video when it came out. then committed that piece of you to memory.
“spencer?” you let out softly. “i have a question.”
your voice was small, almost upsettingly so. you didn’t mean to sound so timid, but projecting your voice when you’re feeling this many emotions was something you could only do in front of a camera or a live audience.
“how long have you known that you didn't… y’know. hate me?” you sighed, glad to have the weight of the question off of your shoulders, but worried about how heavy the answer might weigh on you. 
“i never hated you. i never even disliked you, y/n. i thought you were smart enough to figure that out.”
“are you negging me, babe?” you asked him, trying out the pet name. it felt nice, especially because you meant it. and because this time, you knew he wasn't being mean. he was just being spencer.
once again, spencer’s laugh graced your eardrums, and you knew you’d never tire of the way it made you feel. unstoppable. like if you could make spencer agnew laugh like this, you could do anything in the world. maybe even be brave.
“can i show you something that i've been working on?” you asked, your eyes trailing up to meet his, which were already fixated on you. as always. 
“of course.”
you grabbed your guitar, turning ever so slightly to the side. you didn't want to hide, but you also didn't want to be on full display. spencer understood your movement immediately; he looked down at his hands for a moment, silently reassuring you that it was okay, that you were safe.
it was refreshing to be understood by someone.
you plucked the chords you had burned into your brain at this point. you had written this song the evening of the hide and seek incident (trademark pending).
you let your eyes fall shut, playing from memory, as easy as 1-2-3. as you began the first verse, you dared to glance at spencer. he was looking at you, but through his periphery. still trying to give you that space, but unable to deny himself. it made you burn bright with pure, radiant joy. 
you glided into the chorus, your eyes fully open at this point. spencer had long since abandoned his resolve, and he was watching you intently. instead of being scared, or nervous, or overwhelmed, you just felt seen.
in every sense, you felt seen. he was looking at you, into you, and not through you. he was seeing your heart on your sleeve, stitched permanently on every cardigan you owned. he was seeing all of your emotions, all the anger, all the sadness. and he understood your emotions, because he had felt them, too. he had gone through it all, too.
how lucky you were, to be loved by someone so observant. and maybe it wasn't love yet, but you knew the potential was there. you knew, as you finished up the bridge and moved on to the outro, that the seed had been planted. you would be sure to water it diligently.
“can i kiss you?” spencer blurted out, as soon as the final note finished ringing out in the otherwise silent stage.
“always.” you met spencer halfway, another crashing, aching kiss. his hands immediately found your hair, as they always did. your arms fell around his shoulders, a loose hold. 
after a moment the kiss was less crashing and danger and speed, slowing naturally to a sensual pace. lightly pulling and pushing, his hands now gripping your hips. not angry, not painful. it was a tight grip, but it wasn't mean. it felt scared, almost, like if spencer didn't hold on to you, you’d be gone. 
you think you liked that feeling. the feeling that your partner wanted you all the time. 
you spent another hour lazily kissing, and ended up falling into a blissful sleep.
✰ .ᐟ
you woke up about an hour after you had crashed. you hadn't meant to, you were just so fucking relaxed and happy. with the way your sleep had been, you weren’t going to turn down a nap. 
spencer mumbled something, and you were suddenly hyperaware of the fact you were still in the office. you groaned, unintentionally.
“you okay, y/n?” your boyfriend – you loved that – asked, his voice soft and scratchy from the nap.
you smiled down at him. “yeah, sorry. i just realized we've only ever kissed at the office.”
you watched in amusement as the cogs turned in his head. “oh, jeez. well, that’s just unacceptable. hey, apropos of nothing, i'm out of kickstart. do you want to run to the corner store with me?” 
spencer held out a hand, as if to say ‘join me on this adventure?’ and you weren’t sure how you could decline his offer. 
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darkwicks · 3 days ago
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He knows you’ll always do your best to listen to him, but he prefers it this way. How else will he be able to get lost in you?
PAIRING.⠀Xia Yizhou | Caleb x Reader
CONTENT.⠀gender neutral reader | established relationship, fluff, nerd4nerd, Star Wars <3 | ~0,7k words
A/N.⠀I admit this is very very self-indulgent but I hope someone out there can enjoy it regardless :)
available on AO3 | reblogs and comments are always appreciated!!
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Rambling about your interests is a regular occurrence, but you’ve been more withdrawn as of late.
You never need to explain to him—he knows you like the back of his hand. Stress from your health and studies, your insecurity getting the best of you; part of him blames himself for being so distant this week. Being the Colonel comes with a massive workload. Though Caleb is more than capable of finishing his tasks successfully and punctually, sometimes he’s needed in several places at once. You’ve been buried in work yourself, going to sleep even earlier because of tiredness.
There haven’t been many chances to spend time together lately, which is why he just had to grab this chance as soon as it became available.
A video on the television is paused in favour of you explaining it to him, moving your hands animatedly. Your eyes are practically twinkling as you chatter away. He’s still listening attentively (multiverses and portals, or something like that) but it’s hard trying not to get lost in how happy you look. He thinks it’s the most radiant you’ve appeared in days.
It’s in moments like these that Caleb falls a little more in love with you.
He lets out a quiet, dreamy sigh as he leans against the cushions. He’s tuning out the world around him, and the only voice he hears is yours. You’re smiling so wide and you’re glowing, exuding warmth and joy in waves. He snaps himself back to the present when you suddenly stop and stare at him with worry in your eyes, your brows furrowing in concern.
“Am I boring you?” you blurt out. The urge to flick your forehead for immediately jumping to such a negative conclusion is strong. He opts for affectionately ruffling your hair instead, resting his hand on the top of your head.
“Of course not. I’m still listening,” he says. He smiles mischievously. “Nerd.”
“I’m the nerd?” you gasp in exaggerated incredulity, swatting his hand away in retaliation. “You’re the one with a bunch of LEGO kits!”
“And I bought them because you wanted them,” he retorts, amused. “You wanted to build the Death Star together on Valentine’s day. Only nerds pick that over going to the mall.”
“It’s more fun because there’s nothing at the mall,” you grumble. “And you wanted the Millennium Falcon. You’re just as much of a nerd as I am.”
He chuckles. “Whatever you say, pipsqueak.”
You shove him while giggling, eyes crinkling into little curved moons. He feigns agony, clutching his shoulder and letting out a playful grunt. The action only makes you laugh harder and shove him again before slumping against him with a huff.
“I still can’t believe you actually like listening to me ramble,” you sigh once you’ve cooled down, peering up at him. “Don’t you get tired?”
“I like seeing you happy,” Caleb says simply. You turn your head away and bite back a smile, making his lips curl into a smile of his own. You’re so easily flustered over the smallest things. It’s endearing to him. “What?”
“You know I’d listen to you talk about planes too, right? Even if I don’t understand it?” you ask, returning your gaze to him. “I feel bad making you listen to my nonsense.”
He shrugs. “It’s not nonsense if it makes you happy.”
Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, he pulls you closer. You make yourself comfortable by his side, reaching out to lace your fingers together. You bring his hand up to your lips and press a chaste kiss on it, thumb rubbing soothing circles on his skin. He exhales slowly, filled with contentment. He knows you’ll always do your best to listen to him, but he prefers it this way. How else will he be able to get lost in you?
“So. Do you want to tell me about this character?”
You immediately light up and nod, clapping your hands together in excitement. As you begin your introduction, he finds himself staring at you again, tuning out the world around him except for you. He’s always happy to listen, but you’ll have to excuse him just this once—he’s falling in love with you all over again.
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k-germsworld · 1 day ago
Special Encounter
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Sowon x M! Reader x Eunha x Yuju
4.2k words
Gfriend just finished their schedule in Japan. After the schedule, their manager gave them an extra day to travel in Japan. That night, Sowon, Eunha and Yuju were dining at the hotel restaurant and discussing their usual schedules or their own problems; while Yerin, Sinb and Umji were on a shopping spree. They discussed it while having dinner. At this time, an enthusiastic foreigner recognized them as Gfriend and walked over to say hello. Since Yuju is the only one who speaks English better among the three of them, most of the conversations are between Yuju and the foreigner. Originally, the foreigner just wanted to have dinner in the hotel restaurant, but he didn't expect that the restaurant was full today. He wanted to leave the hotel and go to the restaurant outside to settle his dinner, but just when he was about to leave, he found Gfriend so he came over to say hello. Knowing this, Sowon asked Yuju to invite him to sit down for dinner. They introduced themselves briefly to each other. The foreigner's name is Nick.
Nick asked them many questions enthusiastically, and Yuju also helped to translate and answer his questions. Because of the chatter, he proposed to order a bottle of red wine, which of course was served by him. The members also agreed. They've been chatting for almost an hour, and they've ordered a second bottle of red wine. They were already getting a little drunk but Nick didn't feel it at all.  At this time, Eunha blushed and added some food. Three of them didn't speak much because they were a little drunk. "Oppa, do you want to have some fun with us?" At this time, Yuju said something unexpected with drunkenness. “How?” Nick was intrigued by Yuju's sudden words. “We want to get fucked by big cock." Sowon answered Nick in non-standard English. "We never tasted big cock before, do you want to fuck us all at once?" Eunha continued to say. Nick heard their answer, and nodded with a lewd smile. Sowon asks the waiter for the bill. Afterwards, they took Nick to their room. Once inside the room, Nick shows his sexual desire and kisses Eunha directly. He has seen all the performance videos of them. He especially likes Eunha Bloom's stage performance. That performance showed her sexy thighs and cuteness yet sexiness.. He also likes Sowon's stage at NYEL the most because Sowon's cleavage is perfectly displayed on that stage and Yuju is her pole dancing in Mago MV. He has lots of fantasies about Yuju's pole dancing and about fucking all three of them someday.
Eunha was startled by his sudden kiss, but his kiss gave her a sexual desire that Asian boys don't have. Sowon and Yuju couldn't help but start touching his cock. They were intimidated by the length of his cock while stroking it. They only hear that foreigners have very long dicks, but they don't know how big they actually are. But after they touched it today, they realized that foreigners indeed have big dicks. He saw Sowon and Yuju keep touching his cock, so he took off his pants and he took out his non-erect cock.  Eunha continued to be tongue-kissed by him. Her mouth was already full of Nick's saliva and a little saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth. Sowon and Yuju touched Nick's still-erect cock in amazement. The two of them spat on his cock and distributed their saliva evenly over every part of his cock. His cock was getting bigger and bigger because of their stroking until it was fully erect. They are surprised together. Nick says his dick can be as long as 25cm. At this time, he pressed Eunha down. Now the members are all kneeling in front of Nick's cock. Sowon took his cock in her hand and fondled it, while Yuju had already started putting the cock in her mouth. Yuju slowly put the first half of his cock into her mouth. It's only the first half, but the cock is already up her throat. Eunha, who was watching from the side, could only lick his testicles with her tongue. Three Gfriend members are lasciviously sucking their foreign fan. Nick put his hands behind his back, silently enjoying their blowjob. For an open foreign country, 3P is a very common thing but now he gets his cock blown by three girls at the same time, which makes him so excited .
Yuju spat out the cock in exchange for Eunha putting it in her mouth. Because of Eunha's unskilled movements, he wanted to tease her. Nick grabbed her hair and thrust his whole cock into her mouth. He stuck his long and thick cock in her mouth, his cock was completely deep in her mouth and even up to her throat. He couldn't let go of her mouth in excitement, until she patted his leg. He was willing to take his dick out after she patted his leg. She was able to breathe now.  Sowon watched he fuck Eunha's mouth and excitedly expect him to fuck her too.  Sure enough, he stuffed his cock into Sowon’s mouth this time. He thrust her mouth so hard that made her drool so much from being thrust. However, she didn't feel any suffering and his cock like it disappeared in her mouth. After a while he took his cock out, his cock had her drool on it. Sowon continued to lick his cock head while Eunha and Yuju each licked the side of his cock. In addition, the two of them stroked his testicles with their hands. He felt three warm, horny mouths at the same time for the first time.
"Ding dong..." The doorbell of the room suddenly rang.  Eunha saw that the three of them were busy, so she went naked to answer the door. "Room service..." said the waiter when he saw the door open. She saw the waiter's nameplate with "Bill" and knew he was a foreigner and pulled the waiter into the room. Bill saw her standing naked in front of him, and also saw Sowon being fucked and Yuju being licked on the bed after he entered the room. When he came to his senses, Eunha had already taken off his pants and his cock was being held by her. She licked the head of his cock and slowly put his cock into her mouth. After a while, Eunha was already being thrust into her mouth by Bill's cock although he was still dazed just now. After grasping the situation, he was already thrusting her.  He took his cock out and slathered his cock with Eunha's drool as lubricant.  He saw that her pussy was soaking wet and put his cock in it. He slowly thrust into her, but since his cock was also big, Eunha moaned as soon as he went in. At the same time, Yuju was also licked to orgasm.  Nick decides to put her aside and concentrate on fucking Sowon. His cock was already halfway in Sowon's pussy, but he kept pushing it in even deeper.
Sowon stops her action and strips her clothes off, revealing her hot body and her huge tits.  Eunha and Yuju followed her steps and took off their clothes too.  Although everyone has their clothes off, Eunha's and Yuju's figures look a bit underwhelming compared to Sowon's, but he doesn't mind. "Woah! What a nice bodies!!" He was amazed by their hot figures.He then pushed Eunha and Yuju down on the bed and fingered their pussy. Sowon was standing between them and Nick was licking Sowon's tits. Three of them moaned louder the harder Nick moved. Sowon buried his head into her chest, motioning for him to continue licking. While Eunha and Yuju's panties were teasingly drenched by his fingers. At this moment, Eunha stood up and pushed Sowon away. She spread her legs open for him and asked him to lick her pussy. He took off her wet panties, and kept stroking the periphery of Eunha's pussy with his fingers. "Faster come in please" Eunha already can’t wait. After he heard it, he inserted his fingers in and used his mouth to lick her cunt.  His powerful blowjob makes her cum in no time. The bed sheets in the hotel are full of her horny juices.  Her body was shaking constantly, and she praised his skill. He gives her a break and turns his target to the other two. At this time, Sowon and Yuju had already taken off all their clothes, waiting for him to enjoy them.  He pushed them down. He fingered Yuju's pussy, and Sowon was licked by Nick's mouth. Yuju couldn't help but climb onto Sowon's body. Once she gets on top of Sowon, she kisses her. Both of them have a passionate kiss. Watching two beauties kissing made him very horny.  He looked at Yuju's perfect ass and couldn't help but spank her hard. The spanking made the two beauties stop the kissing. "Yes..... spank me harder and fuck me first." Yuju was so desperate to get fuck right now. "Shut up bitch..... Don't you ever command me!" He then attacked her ass. He kept licking her asshole.  "Oh ..... fuck .... you are so good in licking my ass ." Sowon couldn't bear to watch Yuju get her ass licked, so she took Nick's cock with her hand and put it in her pussy. His cock felt her soaking wet pussy and began to pump her slowly.  He was now licking Yuju's asshole while fucking Sowon and Eunha slowly recovered from her orgasm.
Nick was fucking Sowon fast. He watching her delighted in being fucked hard by the huge cock.  "Sowon , you are so tight ....... Fuck!" He picked her up and lay on the bed with her straddling on him.  She searched for his cock with her hands and adjusted her position so that his whole cock went straight into her pussy.  "Fuck, your cock fill me up so full !" Sowon swayed her body and put her hands on his chest.  He put his hand on her ass and controlled her to move up and down. When he gets excited, he slaps her ass, and her ass shows a palm print visible to the naked eye. He started to pump Sowon rapidly. "Oppa, I am gonna cum !" She was getting closer and closer to climax. "Me too. So where you want me to cum, you little slut ....." He also wanted to cum soon. "Just cum inside my horny pussy please ." She answered without shame. “As you wish.” He said with a smirk.  With that, he shot his first load into her pussy. “I can feel your hot semen is filling my pussy so well !” Her pussy is now full of his semen. Sowon was too tired so she laid on top of him to rest but he felt like he has not fucked them enough so he laid her on the bed while he leaned towards Yuju. At the same time, Eunha's hands were pinned to the ground while Bill fucked her in doggy style. Her cute moans made him want to fuck her harder. He started fucking her fast. Her groans grew louder with his strength.  He lifted her up and straddled her on him, and her view was on Sowon being fucked.  Eunha was bouncing up and down on his cock while watching Sowon being fucked. Soon, he cums because he hasn't had sex for a long time.  He cums in her pussy. She also got off him happily and fell asleep on the ground.
“Hey, slut. Are you resting enough? Suck my cock." Nick has no mercy on Yuju. She gets ordered by him and starts licking his cock. She sucked the cock that he had just fucked Sowon and sucked all the remaining semen. She was working his cock with her mouth and hands, her hand on the back of his cock while she licked the head of his cock with her tongue.  Instead of feeling tired from his cock just now, it was made bigger by her. She pushed his cock all the way down her throat, making his moan a little off guard. "Fuck..... Yuju, you are so good." Her drool completely covered every part of Nick's cock as she stroked it repeatedly. Seeing her working so hard, he decided to reward her. He touched her tits and teased.  Her tits are provocatively hard and wet. After that, he lay on the bed and let her on top of him. They are in 69 positions now. His tongue quickly stuck into her pussy while Yuju continued sucking his dick. His skill made her moan. They continue suck each other. After a while, she was bored of sucking his dick so she got down from him. "Oppa. fuck my ass please... " She knelt on the bed and raised her ass high. After seeing her sudden action, he didn't hesitate at all. He just patted her ass and started rubbing his cock head around her asshole. Nick spanked her ass hard and started pushing his cock up her asshole. "AHhhhhhhhhhh...... Why is your cock is so big? It feels so great inside my ass." He fucked her ass slowly. He grabbed her tits with his hands. She moaned excitedly as she got her ass fucked by a foreign cock for the first time. He also pumped faster because of her moans. She was so fucked that she couldn't hold herself up and fell onto the bed with her ass high in mid-air being fucked hard by him. "Fuck me harder oppa ahh......." He heard and fucked her even faster.  Before long, he cums in her asshole. Thick semen came out of her asshole and he took the semen from her asshole and sent it into her mouth with his hands. "It tastes so good," She tasted his semen. He smiled with satisfaction.
At this time, Bill and Nick exchanged glances and understood what the other was thinking from the eyes.  So, Bill walked in Yuju's direction, and Nick walked in Eunha's direction.  Yuju took a break, but was suddenly fucked by Bill's cock in her pussy.  Nick thrust his cock into Eunha's pussy and he grabbed her thigh and lifted her into the air. Bill pushed his cock all the way into Yuju's drenched pussy, and it was so wet that Bill pushed it all the way to the deepest. And because Eunha was held in the air, Nick's cock was completely pushed into her pussy, and she was fucked hard. "Fuck... your cock so good in me..." The girls said in unison. The mans keep fucking the girls. The girls have been fucked out of their minds. The girls were fucked so hard that they couldn't say anything and could only moan. It didn't take long for them to feel like they were going to cum because their pussy is so tight. Nick puts Eunha on the ground and fucks her in a missionary position.  After a few thrust in her tight pussy, he felt like he was going to cum so he took his cock out of her pussy and shot his semen in her mouth. Eunha opened her mouth wide to allow all of his cum to go into her mouth. Because there was so much cum, some of it went on her face, but she didn’t care. She swallowed his thick load and kissed his cock head as a thanks. His dick gets an instant boner after her kiss on his dick. The other side, Bill thrust Yuju quickly, grabbing her soft tits. He also followed his rhythm and kept pumping her pussy. Because of the continuous penetration of his big cock, she was very excited and kept moaning for him to continue fuck her until he came inside her. Her moans turned him on even more so he increased his speed. When he felt he was about to cum, he thrust deep into her and shot all his load into her. "Hey, slut. Clean my mess with your mouth." He pulled out his dick and pointed it at her face. Yuju doesn’t mind being humiliated and takes great pleasure in cleaning his cock with her mouth. "Fuck, your mouth is born to be licking my dick!"  He groaned because of her sloppy blowjob. When she felt that she had licked his cock clean, she spit it out. Then she let him see how much cum was in her mouth. Afterwards, she swallowed the cum and collapsed on the bed. 
The girls were twitching so hard as if their orgasm never stopped. Nick and Bill watched them gasping for breath. They still wanted to keep fucking because their dicks were still hard from the girls’ blowjobs. However, they seeing the girls are tired enough to sleep they didn't want to fuck them anymore.  At this time, the man noticed Sowon still lying on the bed. Because she was laying down, her tits looked very firm. Bill, who saw this, walked quickly to her and tasted her tits. His drool filled her tits.  He licked her nipples with his tongue too, making it hard and wet.  His hand was on her other tits and nipple. Then, Nick also comes over to her. He licked her pussy and kept teasing her clitoris with his hands. Her sensitive clit being licked making her pussy drenching. “Stop teasing me, I want both of your cock inside my holes right now.” The teasing from both of them made her moan involuntarily.
Hearing her request, Bill stopped playing with her tits and he straddled on her neck. Then, he put his cock in her mouth. "Your mouth is so deep, you can take my dick all the way in." He kept pushing his cock deep inside until it hit her throat. She choked up as she took all his length inside her mouth because she was laying. Then, Nick pushed his cock all the way into her pussy again. “Sowon, you are such a slut. Your pussy is still tight like just now.“ Her pussy was still as tight as before, making him moan. They  ignored her sensations and pumped her every hole. Nick held her long legs in mid-air. He smelled her feet. The smell of her feet was like an aphrodisiac to him. He even licked her toes. Her legs were covered by her saliva. He enjoyed her legs so much and pushed his cock inward until it reached the deepest of her pussy. 
Sowon was so enjoyed being fucked by two cocks at once. She wanted to let out a moan but couldn't make any sound because her mouth was still stuffing Bill's cock. "Sowon, you're such a slut. You feel so happy while two big cocks are using your holes.” Bill lets loose his wild side and continues to humiliate her while fucking her mouth. She couldn't say anything but nodded with a slight smile. “Do you like having both of your holes filled with two big cocks?"He pulled out his cock from her mouth and asked her. “Yes, please. Just destroy me with both of your cocks.” Sowon is already craving cock to the point of losing her mind. “How do you want to get filled by our cocks?” Bill asked with a smirk on his face and he lay on the bed. “Say no more.” Nick, the one who keep fucking her tight pussy know what Bill want to do so he put her on top of Bill. He quickly stuffed his cock into her drenched pussy while her ass is facing Nick. Then, Nick lubed his dick with his saliva and pushed his dick inside her ass. "Damn it, this is too much. I can't take it anymore." She moaned when the cock was put into her ass hole. The men pumped in and out of Sowon's hole in sync. Due to the continuous thrusting, her tits kept shaking, causing Bill, who was lying underneath, to involuntarily play with her tits. “You are better than your members. You are indeed a well-trained bitch who get fucked many times.”  Nick kept spanking her butt until it was covered with red marks and insulting her.“Yes, I am a well-trained bitch who craves for many dicks inside all my holes at once. Just fuck me harder as you like.” Sowon had already lost her mind and had many dirty talks. The room was filled with the sound of their body collision. 
Bill pulled her closer to him and had a passionate kiss with her. They are also sucking each other's tongues. The kissing sound made by them was so horny that Nick can only envy. Then, Nick pulls her up and her back is leaned against his body and he finally can have a passionate kiss with Sowon. They kissed so hard that their saliva was flowing out. The men took turns pulling her closer to them and kissing her, but they didn't stop pumping her continuously. “I am gonna cum.” The man says in unison. With that, they didn't even give her a chance to try and stop them before they cummed into the holes they were fucking. “Ah…. It’s so great, both of my holes can fill with so much semen!” She felt the warm cum fill in her hole at the same time. Her holes are flowing out with many semen after they pull out their dick. They look very satisfied after seeing Sowon was filled by their cum. She is laying down on the bed after the intense sex. “Wake up, bitch. You are still not yet done with us.” Nick pulled her up from the bed. "You still have one job, which is to help us clean our dicks." Bill said that while his hand was still stroking his dick. Sowon was already numb because of the intense sex she had just now but her action was different. She was already on her fours on the bed and each of her hands grabbing each dick and stroking on it. “Use your mouth to clean it, not your hands.” Nick instructed her. She started servicing their cocks with her mouth. While she had one cock in her mouth, she would stroke the other with her hands. Sometimes she would take both cocks in her mouth at the same time and lick their glans with her tongue. "Fuck... How can your mouth be so good in this?" They moaned. 
Nick can’t stand it anymore, so when she takes his dick in her mouth, he simply grabs her head and starts facefucking her. Bill can only watch as Nick fucks her face. Soon, when Sowon takes a breather from Nick's cock, Bill knows it's his turn. He quickly pulled her over and pushed his cock into her mouth as she gasped for air. He moved his waist so that his cock could penetrate her mouth. “So warm and fucking good!” He moaned. When she catches her breath again, it's Nick's turn to shove his cock into her mouth. They both take turns pounding her pretty face. After a while of fucking, Nick wanted to cum. So he grabbed Sowon's head and fucked her mouth quickly. When he felt like he was about to cum, he pulled out his dick. “Your pretty face deserved to be cum on it.” He shot all his cum on her face and she just closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of it on her face. “You still cum so much on my face. I fucking love it.” Sowon loved the feeling when the warm cum was cumming on her face. She helps him to clean his dick again. When she is finished with Nick, now Bill could have her mouth all to himself. He grabbed her head roughly and pumped rapidly into her mouth. Because of the rapid thrusting, her hole was dripping with semen, and the semen on her face was slowly dripping onto the bed. She couldn't make any sound, only the "gag" sound. It didn't take long for him to release all his cum into her mouth because of his rapid thrusting. “Oh Fuck, I just wanted you to clean my cock, but your mouth made me cum so fast. You're indeed a natural cum bucket. Just swallow my fucking cum." Sowon followed his instructions and swallowed all the semen he cum into her mouth. She also used her mouth to clean the semen left on his cock again. After doing these things, she collapsed on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. 
Seeing the three of them collapse on the bed and fall asleep exhausted, the men had no choice but to put their clothes back on and leave the room. "These Asian girls were too good to fuck .Their tightness , their wetness and their skill is better than my country girls." Nick said excitedly. “These three are truly the best women I have ever fucked. Especially the sexy woman we fuck together just now, she is so hot and skillful in the bed.” Bill agrees with Nick and quickly returns to his post. Sowon, Eunha and Yuju fell asleep tired and happy from being fucked so hard. Their bodies smelled of sweat and the sperm of the two foreigners. Waking up another day, they find themselves naked in bed and asleep.  They felt their bodies were very sore. Thinking back to yesterday, they remembered that they drank a lot of alcohol yesterday and had intense sex with the foreigner. However, they don't regret it because they loved it so much. After this incident, Sowon, Eunha and Yuju are all in love with foreign big dicks and they didn't tell the other three members.
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cosmowgyral · 3 days ago
"Lover's Contract: A night of immoral deeds"
▪︎ Nica Schwartz
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This is a fan translation, not 100% accurate. Creative liberties have been taken. Expect grammatical inconsistencies.
Since Nica is not yet out in the EN server, there might be terms that will turn out different than what I have used here when he is finally released. All content belongs to Cybird. Reblogs are appreciated. Hope you enjoy!
A big thank you to Ciele (@.judesmoonbeauty) for providing me with the video of the epilogue. ♡
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Kate: Ni-Nica, stop.
He licks the red bite marks repeatedly, proving I’m his.
He leaves peckish kisses down my neck again and again.
Even though it was just a little stimulation, after it was repeated multiple times, I started to feel hot and my entire body began to shake.
He gave me an exaggerated blow, and laughed a little as he saw me writhe.
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Nica: What? Are you feeling it?
Kate: That’s not it.
Nica: Then why are you staring at me with such a flushed face?
He strokes my cheeks with the back of his fingers, twirling the ends of my hair and playing with them.
Nica: If it feels that good, I want you to do it too.
Kate: Huh, ah!
A hand reaches under my armpit and I am lowered from the railing. Nica then switches our positions.
Nica: Come now, put it on me too.
I hesitated when Nica pointed to his neck——
Nica: The Crown—
Kate: I-I’ll do it! It’s okay to do it, right?
Feeling threatened, I hastily placed my lips on his neck.
Despite its slender appearance, his neck is well-defined, with muscles that are normally invisible, now appearing and disappearing.
The aroma of ylang-ylang wafts from his Adam’s apple, which rises and falls with each breath, almost mesmerising me, but—.
Kate: Mmph, uh
Pursing my lips, I sucked again and again changing my angle, but the red mark never appeared.
Kate: Mm?
(I’m not good at it at all.)
As I struggled, I heard a voice coming from above my head and looked up.
Then I saw him with his eyebrows lowered and a happy smile on his face.
Nica: You’re no good at all, Robin.
He said the words while wiping away tears from too much laughter.
I couldn’t respond as my eyes were drawn to him.
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Nica: Giving up?
Kate: Huh, oh, I’m still going.
I hurriedly tried to make a mark, but the colour was faint and it didn’t turn out as I had expected.
He then touched the side of my neck that didn’t have love bites.
Nica: Let me show you how it works.
Kate: Mmm
Red marks form on my neck once more.
Neck, collarbone, nape..
The slight pain that accompanies the sound of lips causes the red marks to become more noticeable.
Kate: Ni-ca
(What should I do? I know I’m not supposed to like it.)
As the number of bites increases, I can feel my excitement rising.
He finally parted his lips and licked them with his tongue.
Nica: See, now do it like this.
He puts his hand around the back of my head and presses my face into the crook of his neck.
I tried to imitate him but failed again.
(If this goes on….)
I bared my teeth and bit into his beautiful neck.
However, it seems that I bit harder than I intended.
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Nica: Nngh!
Kate: I’m so sorry! Did that hurt?
Startled by the bite, Nica put his hand on the bitten spot with a shocked look on his face.
He touched the area where the bumps are clearly visible with his fingertips.
He then grinned and stroked the love bites on my neck—.
Nica: Mm, matching.
My heart was pounding loudly.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ㅤ𔘓 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Kate: Excuse me.
A few days later, Nica called me to the reception room.
Nica: Here you are. I’ve been waiting for you, Robin.
Kate: You needed me for something...w-whoaa!
I couldn't contain my amazement when I saw the vibrant boxes of sweets on the table.
Kate: What is all this?
Nica: Do you remember the husband from when we infiltrated the lover’s club?
Kate: Yes.
Nica: The man actually owns a sweet manufacturing company. So I received a lot of sweets as a thank you.
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Nica: I couldn’t have these all by myself, so I want you to take some too.
Kate: Is that okay?
Nica: Consider it a reward for going on the mission with me.
Stacks of biscuit tins and glittery chocolates.
Cute looking candies and sweet-smelling caramel.
(Which one should I choose…?!)
Choosing one is fun, so I started selecting and analysing each one.
Nica: If you’re that interested, you can have them all.
After hearing Nica, I shook my head sternly.
Kate: No, I can’t. If I eat them all, I’ll get fat.
Nica: You’re slim enough for me to lift you up easily.
Kate: That’s….
Suddenly remembering what happened a few days back, I stopped examining the sweets and looked at him.
Kate: Oh…
As he was sitting on the sofa and resting his head on the backrest, I could see the teeth mark on his neck and I couldn’t help but let out a cry.
Then, noticing my gaze, Nica opened the collar of his shirt to show it off.
Nica: This has hardly faded.
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Nica: That goes for you too, right, Robin?
I had unconsciously placed my hand on the spot where the love bites were on my neck, but I quickly removed it.
Nica: There’s no point in doing that. They’re clearly visible once you look up.
Feeling embarrassed, I tried to look away, but he pulled me by the arm and brought his lips close to my neck.
Nica: Hey, Kate.
Nica: Should I renew our contract?
It seems I still can’t escape from him.
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[Premium End] [Masterlist]
Note: The hickeys were referred to as "red flowers blooming" here, but it sounded plain weird, so I changed them all to red marks.
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luvfae · 1 day ago
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a/n: this is a long one because i realised i accidentally skipped a few chapters of the story, so ive put all of them together 💋
summary: thanos was supposed to ruin you—not fall for you. what started as revenge turned into obsession, jealousy twisting in his gut every time you went back to myung-gi. he doesn’t want to share you. he wants you to be his. but when you finally ask him what he really wants, for the first time, he doesn’t have an answer.
parings: thanos/choi su bong x f!reader, lee myung gi x f!reader
warnings: cheating, swearing, oral (thanos receiving), p in v, car sex
bad investment masterlist
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Thanos had seen you that night—pressed up against the car, letting Myung-Gi take you right there, out in the open, where anyone could see. And worse? You enjoyed it.
The way your body arched into him, the way you moaned for him like you meant it—like you actually fucking wanted him.
It pissed Thanos off in ways he didn’t know were possible.
Why the fuck did he care so much? He knew what this was. Knew he was technically sharing you with your boyfriend.
But fuck that.
He didn’t want to share you. Not anymore.
Not with him. Not with anyone.
You weren’t supposed to be letting that loser touch you—not after the way Thanos had touched you. Not after the way you had melted for him, moaned for him, let him ruin you.
That shit was his.
But what did this mean? Thanos had never cared this much about a fucking girl before.
It was annoying. Frustrating. A problem he didn’t know how to solve.
“Sounds like you’re jealous,” Nam-Gyu snorted when Thanos brought up his tangled mess of feelings.
Thanos scoffed. “Jealous of MG Coin?” He let out a sharp laugh. “Why the fuck would I be jealous of him when I fuck his girlfriend?”
Nam-Gyu exhaled a slow stream of vapor, unimpressed. “Because she’s his girlfriend,” he said, like it was obvious. “You’re pissed that you have to share her.”
“I’m not jealous. I don’t get jealous.”
Nam-Gyu raised an eyebrow, taking another drag from his vape. “Then what the fuck are you?” He leaned forward slightly, studying Thanos. “Because last I checked, you were supposed to record a video of you slutting out his girl, but instead, you’ve been dragging it out—fucking her over and over like you don’t actually want to let her go.” He tilted his head. “So if it’s not jealousy, then what is it?”
Thanos clenched his jaw.
Maybe it was jealousy.
“What the fuck do I do then?” Thanos muttered, running a hand through his hair.
Nam-Gyu exhaled slowly, leaning back. “I don’t know, bro,” he shrugged. “What do you even want from her?”
Thanos let out a frustrated groan. “I don’t fucking know.”
Nam-Gyu studied him for a moment before asking, “Are you mad that she’s fucking Myung-Gi? Or would you be pissed if she fucked literally anyone else?”
Thanos paused, rolling the thought around in his head. He knew the answer immediately, but saying it out loud felt like admitting something he wasn’t ready to.
Still, he gritted his teeth and said it anyway.
“Nah. I don’t want her fucking anyone but me.”
Nam-Gyu smirked, tapping his vape against the table. “So… you wanna keep her?”
Thanos scoffed. “She’s not a fucking pet.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Nam-Gyu muttered. “You’re acting like some territorial motherfucker who just found out his toy can be taken away.”
Thanos didn’t argue. He didn’t have a defense.
Because he did want to keep you. Maybe not in the traditional sense—not in a boyfriend-girlfriend, let’s-hold-hands-in-public kind of way. But the thought of anyone else having you made his blood fucking boil.
“She wouldn’t leave him for me,” Thanos muttered, almost to himself. “She’s with him for a reason.”
Nam-Gyu raised a brow. “And what if that reason disappeared?”
Thanos looked up. “What the fuck does that mean?”
Nam-Gyu exhaled a slow stream of vapor, watching Thanos with amusement. “I’m just saying… We could kill him.”
Thanos shot him a dry look. “Yeah, genius plan. And then what? Rot in jail?”
Nam-Gyu chuckled. “Relax, man. I’m joking—kind of.” He tilted his head, eyes narrowing. “But for someone who doesn’t do relationships, you’re taking this shit real serious.”
Thanos clenched his jaw. “I never said I wanted a fucking relationship. I just don’t want her with Myung-Gi. Or anyone, for that matter.”
Nam-Gyu let out a sharp laugh. “Oh, that’s rich. You’re gonna steal a girl from her boyfriend, refuse to date her, and still expect her to stay loyal?” He shook his head, smirking. “Yeah, let me know how that works out for you.”
Thanos stayed quiet, jaw tight, Nam-Gyu’s words rattling in his head long after they left his friend’s mouth.
Was he being stupid? Maybe.
But the thought of you with anyone else made his skin crawl. It wasn’t even just Myung-Gi—though that pissed him off the most. The idea of some random asshole having you, touching you, hearing the sounds you made when you came—fuck, it made him sick.
And that was a problem.
Because he wasn’t supposed to care this much. You were just a means to an end. A way to get under Myung-Gi’s skin, to remind him that he wasn’t untouchable. But now? It wasn’t about Myung-Gi anymore. It was about you. About the way you let Thanos take you apart like you were made for him. About the way you looked at him, like you knew exactly what he was doing but still wanted more.
It was fucked up. It was possessive. And it was only getting worse.
If he was smart, he’d record the damn video, drop it in Myung-Gi’s lap, and be done with it.
But Thanos wasn’t feeling very smart these days.
Thanos’ text came through at the worst possible moment. You had been trying to keep it together with Myung-Gi, pretending everything was fine while your mind raced with thoughts of him. The last thing you wanted right now was to face what you were about to do, but there was no avoiding it.
The message was simple: “I’m outside, quickie in the car?”
Your heart skipped a beat, a mixture of excitement and dread flooding your chest. It wasn’t like you hadn’t done this before, but this time it felt different. You’d been spending more time with Myung-Gi lately, trying to make the relationship work because, well, you didn’t have much of a choice. Not after he didn’t let you break up with him a few nights ago.
Still, you couldn’t deny the pull towards Thanos. There was something about him—something dangerous, raw, and irresistible.
“Hey,” Myung-Gi’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “What are you doing? You seem kinda off.”
You looked up at him, forcing a smile. “Nothing, just tired. I’m fine.”
But the lie didn’t come as easily as it once did. He didn’t seem to buy it either, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied you.
“I don’t know…” He hesitated, but then continued. “You’ve been acting strange lately. Is it because of what happened the other night? Are you thinking of dumping me again?” His voice was low, almost playful, but you knew him too well. His paranoia was surfacing.
“No, Myung-Gi,” you said quickly, a little too quickly, even to your own ears. “It’s just work stressing me out.”
He didn’t seem convinced, but he shrugged it off. “Alright, but if you ever need anything, you know where to find me.”
You nodded, and his attention returned to his phone as he laid back on the couch. Your eyes flickered back to your phone screen, and there it was again—the message from Thanos, blinking in your notifications.
“I’m outside, quickie in the car?”
You wanted to say no. You should say no. But you could feel the temptation gnawing at you. You had told yourself before this—Thanos—was just a phase. But deep down, you knew that wasn’t entirely true. You were craving something more, you had been long before you met Thanos. Craving something Thanos could give you, and Myung-Gi never would.
You glanced over at Myung-Gi, still distracted by his phone. He hadn’t looked at you the same way in a while. Maybe he knew you were pulling away, maybe he didn’t. Either way, you had a chance—just a little one.
You stood up, pulling your phone out of your pocket, debating what to do. You didn’t have an excuse prepared. He’d never let you leave this apartment without a reason.
Think fast.
But then, in the back of your mind, you knew what to say. The lie was simple, easy enough to sell.
“I’m just going to grab something from my car,” you said, your voice casual, as if you did this every day. “Be back in a minute.”
Myung-Gi barely looked up. “Alright, just don’t take too long.”
You nodded, relief flooding you. You grabbed your keys and slipped out the door before he could say anything else, the weight of the moment settling in as you made your way down the stairs.
By the time you reached the car, your heart was racing, but there was no turning back now.
You opened the door to Thanos’ car without hesitation. He was sitting in the driver’s seat, a smirk playing on his lips as he eyed you. No words were needed. You didn’t even need to say anything—he already knew.
The second you slid into the passenger seat, Thanos could already see it in your eyes—you needed it.
“Lock the door,” he muttered, barely getting the words out before you were climbing over the console, straddling his lap like you had no time to waste.
“Missed you,” you whispered, lips grazing his neck as you rolled your hips against him, and fuck, he could feel how warm you were even through your clothes.
But all he could think about was what he’d seen the other night. You against Myung-Gi’s car, letting him fuck you right there in public like you didn’t have a damn ounce of shame.
It made his blood boil.
“Yeah? You missed me?” He grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking you back so you were looking him in the eye. “That why you let him fuck you against his car like some cheap slut?”
Your eyes widened, lips parting like you wanted to deny it, but you didn’t. Couldn’t.
Instead, you just whimpered, your thighs squeezing around him.
Thanos scoffed. His other hand slid between your legs, pressing against your cunt through your shorts. “Bet you didn’t suck him off first, though. Bet you don’t get on your knees for him.”
His fingers curled, dragging the fabric tighter against you, making you gasp.
He smirked. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
He let go of your hair, pushing his seat right back, shoving you down onto your knees between his legs. The car was dark, the only light coming from the faint glow of the streetlamp outside, but he could still see the desperation in your eyes as you fumbled with his belt, like you were starving for it.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, leaning back as you freed his cock, your breath warm against his skin. He grabbed the back of your head, guiding you down. “Come on, señorita. Show me how much you missed me.”
You didn’t need to be told twice.
The second your lips wrapped around him, he groaned, his grip tightening in your hair.
“That’s right,” he murmured, watching as you took more of him, your tongue dragging along the underside of his cock. “Bet you didn’t look this pretty for him, huh? Bet you didn’t let him fuck your throat like this.”
You moaned around him, sending a shiver up his spine. His jaw clenched.
He hated the thought of you with Myung-Gi. Hated the way he saw you against that car, taking him like you liked it. Like you actually enjoyed letting that loser use you.
But this? Right here? This was his.
He tugged you off him, your lips glossy, your breath heavy. “Look at you,” he sneered, thumb swiping at the spit on your chin. “So fucking eager. Do I make you feel that good, baby? Or do you just like being treated like a slut?”
You licked your lips, eyes hooded. “Both.”
His cock twitched. “Fuck,” he exhaled, tilting your chin up.
He fumbled for his wallet, pulling out a condom. “Come here.”
He pulled you back onto his lap, yanking your shorts to the side, not even bothering to take them off. He was too impatient for that.
He lined himself up, teasing your entrance, making you whimper.
“Go on,” he rasped. “Show me who you really belong to.”
Thanos barely gave you a second to adjust before snapping his hips up, burying himself deep inside you. You choked out a moan, hands flying to his shoulders as you tried to keep yourself steady.
“That’s it,” he murmured, his hands gripping your waist, forcing you to take every inch. “You take anything I give you with a smile on your fucking face, don’t you?”
You could barely respond, your mind clouded with pleasure as he fucked up into you, the car rocking slightly with each thrust. Your fingers dug into his arms, nails raking over his skin.
“God, you’re so fucking tight,” he groaned, jaw clenched as he watched your face, loving how wrecked you looked already. “Tell me, baby—am I better fuck?”
You whimpered, nodding your head.
“That’s what I thought,” he sneered, smacking your ass, making you jolt. “Poor guy probably thinks he’s got you all to himself, huh? Thinks you’re his loyal little girlfriend while you’re down here letting me fuck you in my car.”
His words sent a thrill through you, the sheer filth of it making your walls tighten around him.
Thanos smirked. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?” He pressed his forehead against yours, hips snapping harder, making you cry out. “Fucking whore, getting off on cheating on him.”
You barely had time to react when he suddenly stilled. His grip on your waist tightened, and his eyes flicked past you, narrowing.
Then, before you could even ask what was wrong, your phone lit up on the dashboard.
Where the fuck are you?
Your stomach dropped.
Thanos exhaled a sharp laugh, nodding toward the window. “Look who’s looking for you, señorita.”
You twisted your head, heart pounding as you saw Myung-Gi wandering around the parking lot, his phone in his hand, his head on a swivel.
“Shit,” you whispered, ducking down, pressing your forehead against Thanos’ shoulder.
He hummed, smug. “You gonna sneak back upstairs, or risk getting caught with my dick inside you, hmm?”
You cursed under your breath, snatching your phone off the dashboard, fingers flying as you typed out the first excuse you could think of.
‘Went to grab a coffee, be back soon.’
You hit send, praying he wouldn’t question it.
Thanos chuckled darkly, his hand tangling in your hair as he pulled you back up to look at him.
“You really think he’s gonna buy that?”
You swallowed, feeling your phone buzz again. Myung-Gi’s reply popped up.
‘Hurry up.’
You sighed in relief.
Thanos smirked. “Guess you got away with it this time.”
Then, before you could even breathe, he gripped your hips and thrust.
You gasped, hands flying to his shoulders as he started fucking up into you again, harder this time, his grip bruising.
“But next time, baby?” His lips brushed your ear, his voice low and full of promise.
“I might just want you to get caught.”
The bass thumped deep in your chest, neon lights flashing overhead as you weaved through the packed bodies of Club Pentagon. You could already feel the heat of the night clinging to your skin, your blood buzzing from the drinks you’d downed, the energy in the club electric.
But none of that had you on edge.
No, it was him.
Thanos had been watching you since the second you stepped inside. His gaze had burned through the crowd, dragging over your body like a physical touch, making you hyperaware of every inch of skin your dress left exposed.
And the best part?
This time, you told him you’d be here.
It wasn’t like the other nights where he just showed up out of nowhere, finding you when you swore you’d been careful. No, you sent him the text. You told him Myung-Gi wouldn’t be here.
And Thanos had made damn sure to take you up on the invitation.
Now, he leaned against the bar, watching you from across the room with that lazy, half-lidded look that made your stomach twist. He wasn’t drinking, wasn’t flirting with anyone else—he was just standing there, waiting.
Waiting for you.
Your fingers tightened around your glass, your pulse hammering in your throat as you turned back to your friend, pretending like you weren’t about to do something reckless.
But you could feel him.
Feel his gaze tracing the hem of your dress. Feel the way his jaw tensed when you laughed at something your friend said. Feel the heat of his stare as you threw back the rest of your drink, a silent challenge sparking in your chest.
You ran a hand through your hair, tilting your head just enough to catch his eye across the dance floor. Your lips curved into a small, knowing smirk before you turned away, pushing deeper into the crowd.
It didn’t take long.
Within seconds, you felt him behind you.
His chest brushed your back, his hands sliding low over your waist, fingers pressing into your hips as he leaned in close.
“Real cute,” he murmured against your ear, his breath warm. “Trying to make me come find you.”
Your heart stuttered, but you didn’t let it show. Instead, you rolled your hips back against him, feeling the sharp inhale he took behind you.
“Didn’t have to look very hard, did you?”
His fingers tightened, and you barely had a second to catch your breath before he spun you around, pressing your back against the wall beside the DJ booth.
His hands flattened against the wall on either side of your head, his body crowding into yours, and suddenly, the music felt muffled.
All you could hear was him.
“You did this on purpose,” he said, his voice low.
Your lips parted, heat curling in your stomach at the intensity in his eyes. “Did what?”
His tongue darted out, wetting his bottom lip as he glanced down at your dress. “This. Wearing that. Telling me you’d be here.”
You exhaled a slow breath, tilting your chin up. “Maybe.”
His fingers twitched at his sides. “You know I can’t keep my hands to myself when you pull shit like this.”
The corner of your mouth lifted. “Maybe I don’t want you to.”
Thanos cursed under his breath, his restraint snapping as he grabbed your waist, pulling you flush against him.
Your breath hitched, your hands sliding up his chest as he dipped his head, his lips ghosting over yours. “I should make you pay for that little stunt you pulled at the bar,” he murmured. “Acting like I wasn’t gonna come claim you the second I saw you.”
Your fingers curled into his shirt, heart racing. “What are you gonna do about it?”
His smirk was downright lethal.
Then, he kissed you.
It wasn’t gentle.
His lips crashed into yours, all tongue and teeth and need, and you gasped, your back arching against the wall as his hands gripped your ass, lifting you just enough to feel the hard press of his cock against your thigh.
It was reckless. It was stupid.
And you didn’t give a single fuck.
Your fingers twisted in his hair, pulling him closer, drinking in the way he groaned into your mouth, his hands sliding up to cup your jaw, tilting your head just how he liked.
The music pounded around you, the crowd oblivious, but you could feel eyes on you.
And you liked it.
Thanos broke the kiss just long enough to nip at your jaw, his teeth grazing your pulse. “Tell me to stop,” he muttered against your skin.
You didn’t.
Instead, you rolled your hips against him, chasing the friction. “I don’t want you to stop.”
His breath hitched, his grip tightening. “Fuck,” he growled. “You’re gonna get me in trouble, angel.”
A shiver ran through you at the pet name, but before you could respond—
A movement caught your eye.
Across the room, a familiar face turned in your direction, his brow furrowing.
Your stomach plummeted.
One of Myung-Gi’s friends.
Thanos followed your gaze, his grip on your waist tightening.
“Who’s that?” he murmured, his tone suddenly sharp, all the teasing from earlier gone.
You swallowed hard, trying not to panic. “One of Myung-Gi’s friends,” you whispered, your nails digging into the front of Thanos’ shirt. “I’m so fucked.”
Thanos’ jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing as he tracked the guy’s movements.
The friend wasn’t looking directly at you anymore, but he had definitely seen something. He wasn’t heading for you—not yet—but he was still in the club, still close.
“Is it bad that part of me wants him to find out?” you said, voice barely cutting through the pounding bass.
Thanos’ brows pulled together, his grip on your waist tightening. “The fuck are you talking about?”
You exhaled, glancing away. “I tried to break up with him.”
His expression shifted, surprise flickering in his eyes. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “Figured if I’m cheating on him, I shouldn’t be with him, right?” You let out a humorless laugh. “But he wouldn’t let me.”
Thanos’ face hardened. “What do you mean, wouldn’t let you?”
You swallowed, shrugging like it was nothing, even though you could feel the way Thanos’ body tensed. “I don’t know… he just talked me out of it. Made me feel bad.”
Thanos scoffed, shaking his head. “He talked you out of it?” His voice was laced with irritation. “So what—you tell him you’re done, and he gives you some sob story, and now you can’t leave?”
You stayed quiet.
That was exactly what had happened.
Thanos let out a dry laugh, shaking his head. “That’s fucking cute.”
You frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re a goddamn idiot.” His hand slid lower on your waist, fingers digging in possessively. “You think he gets to decide whether or not you leave him? That’s not how this works, baby.”
You exhaled sharply, glancing around, suddenly hyperaware of how close you were to him, how easily his body caged you in. “It’s not that simple—”
“It is that simple,” he interrupted. “You don’t want him? Fucking leave him.” He tilted his head, eyes flicking down to your lips before dragging back up. “You wanna keep sneaking around with me, or you wanna be mine for real?”
Your stomach flipped, pulse hammering in your ears. You knew he wasn’t asking because he was some lovesick fool.
You didn’t answer, and Thanos exhaled sharply through his nose. “That’s what I thought.” He leaned in, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. “Then at least act like you belong to me.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine.
“So what?” you challenged, crossing your arms. “I dump him, and then what? You gonna play boyfriend? We gonna play house?”
Thanos tilted his head, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “You wanna play house, baby?” he hummed.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “I want to know what the fuck you really want from me.” Your voice was sharp, demanding, but beneath it, there was something else—something unsure. “Because I know you don’t actually care about me, so what is it, Thanos? What do you really want?”
Thanos looked at you—really looked at you.
This was supposed to be for revenge. That was the whole fucking point. Get close to you, fuck with Myung-Gi’s head, then ruin him. Simple.
But staring at you now, with that fire in your eyes, the way you challenged him like no one else did, he didn’t know what the fuck this was anymore.
This was messy. He was messy.
Because if this was just about revenge, why did it feel like his stomach was in knots every time you spoke? Why did he hate the idea of you leaving Myung-Gi only to be with someone else? Why did he keep pushing, pulling, keeping you close instead of just taking what he needed and leaving?
Why did it feel like no matter how much he touched you, it was never enough?
Thanos exhaled, his jaw tight. He wanted to say something cocky, something smooth, but the words didn’t come. Because for once in his fucking life, he didn’t have an answer.
“I don’t know.”
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sirbonesly · 1 day ago
Price's not-so-soft wife
Rewatching M*A*S*H* (the episode about Peggy getting a job and BJ having a crash out b/c of it) and the thought hit me. What if Price's wife, who's nearly as tall as him, quit her job when she married him, is actually competent.
You had the entire team's phone numbers, could call any of them if you needed something while John was on mission. But now they're all away, all four of them fighting on the other side of the world, and you're left at home.
The sink is leaking.
Sure, you could call a plumber, but the guy on the phone is throwing out words you don't understand and that price seems a little high. So you do what any other person would do. Youtube.
It goes decently well. The fix lasts for about two days, and then you're running over to your neighbour's house and asking them why the hell your hot water pressure is fucked.
Again, it's a simple fix, and Anise shows you exactly how to fix what went wrong, lets you take notes on it and everything. It's the beginning of your growth.
The boys are gone for nearly two months, a no-contact mission, so you can't even call them. It's like everything wants to go wrong because they're gone, the house throwing a hissy-fit about their absence.
The washer, the telly, the hot water heater, the sink (again?!), even the sliding back door gets jammed. Each time, you look up a video, fix the issue, and if something goes wrong, you run to Anise for help. But after the sink breaks for the third time (seriously, the house missus John) Anise finally convinces you to get a new one.
She drags you out to local Homebase and teaching you what to look for in all of the appliances. You take extensive notes on your phone, taking pictures of the washer/dryer set you really like (just in case) and leaving with a sink.
By the third month, fixing things in the house has become a new adventure for you. A loose cabinet? Easy as pie. The washer broke? This is why you took those pictures, already on the phone with Homebase.
When they boys do finally come home, John's expecting his soft wife to be waiting for him. He texted her when he left base, figured that she would have dinner cooking like always, ready to feed four hungry men. What he walked in on, his boys following like a line of ducklings, is you, sitting in front of the dishwasher, toolbox next to you. Dressed in one of his old work shirts, hands a bit wet, a bandana keeping the hair out of your face, you tighten a bolt with a wrench John swears he's never seen before.
And when you finally notice them? You drop the tools, running into John's arms with a smile, and he can feel every single new muscle you've managed to build up.
"Love, what are you doing?"
"You were gone, and things started breaking. Learnt how to fix them."
His soft wife has gotten a little tougher, and while there's an underlying guilt about not being here to help you, John feels proud.
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honeyscara · 2 days ago
❝not a joke ❞ — Shoyo Hinata
-haikyu{manga spoilers}
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Synopsis: childhood besties to lovers, hinata is finally back from Brazil and things take a turn when he's back.
C/w: fem! reader x timeskip!hinata, no smut in this part but it's suggestive
~4.2k words, this is part 1
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You fidgeted with the hem of your sweater as you stood near the arrival gates, your heart pounding in anticipation. It had been two years since you last saw Hinata. Two years since he had left for Brazil, chasing his dream. You had kept in touch—video calls, texts, the occasional voice note—but nothing could compare to seeing him in person again.
Then, finally, you spotted him.
The moment he stepped through the gates, your breath hitched.
This wasn’t the same scrawny, hyperactive boy who used to race you to the convenience store or challenge you to impromptu volleyball matches at the park. No, this Hinata was different. He stood taller, broader, his frame filled out with muscle in a way that made your stomach flip. His tanned skin, sharp jawline, and confident stride made it clear—Brazil had changed him.And damn, he looked good.
Your legs moved before your brain could catch up. "sho!"
His head snapped up, and the second his eyes landed on you, his entire face lit up. "___!"
In an instant, you crashed into him, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as his strong ones curled around your waist. He lifted you off the ground effortlessly, spinning you once before setting you down, his laughter ringing in your ears.
"You're real," you mumbled into his shoulder, squeezing him tight. "You're actually here."
Hinata pulled back just enough to look at you, his wide grin never faltering. "Of course I’m here! Did you think I was some clone?" He laughed, the sound warm and familiar, and you felt a lump form in your throat.
You smacked his arm playfully. "Shut up, you know what I mean."
Hinata chuckled, his grip on you tightening for a moment before he finally pulled back just enough to look at you. His bright eyes searched your face, as if making sure you were real too.
"And you haven’t changed at all!" he teased, ruffling your hair like he used to, though there was something softer in the way he did it now—more affectionate than playful.
You swatted his hand away with a pout. "Speak for yourself! What happened to the little tangerine I used to know?"
Hinata grinned, flexing his arm exaggeratedly. "Turns out playing beach volleyball in the sun every day does wonders!"
You rolled your eyes, but your smile gave you away. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, big shot. Let’s go—your mom’s been texting me every five minutes asking if you’re here yet."
His eyes widened. "Oh, crap. She’s gonna kill me if I don’t call her right now."
With a laugh, you grabbed his wrist and started dragging him toward the exit. The warmth of his skin against yours sent a jolt through you, a reminder that he was really back. No more time differences, no more lagging video calls. Just him. Here. Now.
As you walked side by side, Hinata glanced at you, a small smile playing on his lips. "I missed you."
Your steps faltered slightly before you caught yourself. The words were simple, but the way he said them—soft, sincere—made your heart stutter.
You swallowed, pushing away the sudden rush of emotions. "Yeah, me too, Sho."
The next day came quicker than you expected, and as you got ready, a strange mix of excitement and nervousness settled in your chest. It shouldn’t have felt like a big deal—you were just taking Hinata out for the meal you’d promised. But something about it felt… different. Maybe it was because you weren’t kids anymore. You had both grown, matured, changed. And though Hinata was still his usual energetic self, there was a newfound confidence in him that made your stomach flip.
You smoothed down the floral dress you’d picked out—simple, cute, just short enough to feel a little daring but not too revealing. With one last look in the mirror, you grabbed your bag just as the doorbell rang.
Taking a deep breath, you opened the door.
And Hinata froze.
His brain seemed to short-circuit for a second as he took you in, eyes widening slightly before he quickly cleared his throat.
"You…" He blinked rapidly, trying to shake off whatever had just come over him. "You look—uh—wow."
You raised an amused brow. "Wow?"
A faint flush crept up his tanned cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean—you look really nice! Like, really, really nice."
Your lips curled into a teasing smile. "Thanks, Sho."
And just like that, his usual grin returned, though his heart still hammered in his chest as he stepped aside for you. What the hell was that? You’d always been pretty, but for some reason, tonight, seeing you like this, it felt like his heart might actually leap out of his chest.
The restaurant you picked was a cozy little spot, nothing too fancy but perfect for catching up. The two of you settled into a booth, ordering your food while slipping easily into conversation. Hinata had endless stories about Brazil—the intense training, the beautiful beaches, the culture, the food. His eyes practically sparkled as he talked, his excitement infectious.
At some point, between bites of your meal, the topic of dating came up.
"So," you leaned back, stirring your drink with your straw. "Did you see any hot girls in Brazil? You know, sitting on the benches watching you play?"
Hinata smirked, eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh yeah, plenty."
You hadn’t expected your stomach to twist at his response, but it did. You forced a laugh, taking a sip of your drink to mask the unexpected pang of disappointment. "Wow, look at you. Living the dream, huh?"
He grinned but didn’t say anything right away, just watching you with a knowing look. Then, after a beat, he leaned forward on his elbows. "I was just teasing, you know."
You blinked. "Huh?"
Hinata chuckled, shaking his head. "You looked kinda sad for a second."
You quickly waved him off. "Pfft, no way. I was just surprised, that’s all."
He didn’t seem convinced, but he let it slide. Instead, he tilted his head, curiosity dancing in his expression. "What about you? Did you like anyone while I was gone?"
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Please. No guys would go for me."
Hinata frowned. "What? That’s not true."
You gave a half-hearted shrug. "It’s fine, really. I mean, I guess I just wasn’t anyone’s type. Maybe I should start carrying a sign that says desperate and available might speed up the process." You laughed at your own joke, but Hinata didn’t.
Instead, his brows furrowed, and he leaned in just slightly, voice softer now. "You know, if any guy didn’t see how amazing you are, that’s their loss."
Your breath hitched, your fingers tightening around your glass.
He said it so naturally, like it was just a fact. Like it wasn’t something that made your heart stutter in your chest.
For a moment, you couldn’t speak. The way Hinata looked at you—earnest, unwavering—made your usual ability to deflect and joke disappear. You swallowed, breaking eye contact as you toyed with the rim of your glass.
"Well," you said, forcing a chuckle to lighten the mood, "good thing I have you to boost my ego."
Hinata huffed, shaking his head. "I’m serious." His voice was firmer this time. "You’re funny, kind, and you’ve always been there for me. I don’t get why some guy hasn’t already swept you off your feet."
Your heart pounded against your ribs. He said it so casually, like it was obvious. Like it wasn’t making your chest tighten in a way that felt dangerous.
You tried to brush it off with another laugh. "Guess I’m just too intimidating."
Hinata snorted. "Yeah, right." Then, after a beat, he grinned. "Maybe guys just think they don’t have a chance with you."
That caught you off guard. "What?"
He shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "I mean, think about it. You’re cool, you’re cute—maybe they’re just scared to confess."
Your breath hitched. Did he just—?
Before you could even process it, Hinata stretched his arms over his head, completely unaware of the effect his words had on you. "Anyway! Doesn’t matter. If they’re too dumb to see how great you are, then they don’t deserve you."
You stared at him, something fluttering in your chest. He was still the same Hinata—loud, a little clueless, always brimming with energy. But sometimes, just sometimes, he said things that made you wonder if maybe he saw you differently than he used to. And maybe… maybe you were starting to see him differently too.
As the two of you stepped out of the restaurant, a sudden downpour greeted you. The once-clear sky had turned dark, raindrops pelting down hard against the pavement.
"Ah, crap," you muttered, pulling your arms close to yourself as a chilly breeze followed. "I didn’t check the weather."
Hinata groaned, rubbing the back of his head. "Me neither." He glanced around before perking up. "hey, my place is closer. No one’s home either so you can stay over...maybe?"
You stared at him for a second before smirking. "Hinata Shoyo, are you trying to get me alone?"
Hinata choked. "Wha—?! No! I didn’t mean it like that!" He flailed his arms, face heating up. "It’s just—y-you always used to come over when we were kids, right? It’d be like a sleepover! But, uh, not in a weird way! Just—y'know—so you don’t have to walk home in the rain!"
You stared at him, amused by how fast he was unraveling.
He cleared his throat, still clearly flustered. "I-I have a spare pair of clothes you can borrow! So you don’t get sick!"
You bit back a smile, watching him trip over his words. "Relax, I’m just joking with you."
His shoulders slumped with relief. "Don’t do that to me," he whined.
You laughed, nudging his arm. "Alright, alright. Let’s go before we get completely drenched."
Hinata huffed, pulling his hoodie up. But as the two of you started jogging toward his place, you couldn’t help but feel that same strange flutter in your chest from earlier. Because as silly and panicked as he got… he still wanted to take care of you.
By the time you reached Hinata’s place, you were both soaked. Your dress clung uncomfortably to your skin, and Hinata’s hoodie was drenched, his damp hair sticking to his forehead.
"Okay, yeah, this was a terrible idea," he admitted between breaths, shaking out his arms like a wet dog.
You laughed, hugging yourself for warmth. "I told you we should’ve just called a cab."
"Where’s the fun in that?" He grinned before stepping aside to let you in.
You walked through the hallway, the familiar scent of Hinata’s home wrapping around you like a nostalgic hug. It felt like stepping into the past, except… everything felt different now.
His bedroom door was slightly ajar, and you peeked inside.
It was almost exactly how you remembered it—volleyball posters, random clothes on the chair, and his bed a little messy but still welcoming. The only real difference was the trophies and medals on his shelf, a testament to how far he’d come.
As you stepped inside, your fingers ran over the edge of his desk, your mind lost in memories of all the times you had spent in this room, whether it was watching dumb videos, challenging each other to games, or just lying on the floor talking about your dreams.
"AH!" You jumped, spinning around just as Hinata burst into laughter, clutching his stomach.
"Hinata, you idiot!" You smacked his arm, but he barely flinched, too busy laughing at your reaction."Sorry, sorry! I couldn’t resist!" He grinned, holding out a towel and some dry clothes—a worn T-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Here, you can change into these."
You grabbed them, still glaring. "I should make you suffer for that scare."
Hinata smirked. "Oh no, are you gonna steal my bed and make me sleep on the floor?"
"Tempting," you muttered, looking down at the clothes. His T-shirt looked big—big enough that it would probably hang loosely over you. "Guess I’ll be swimming in these."
Hinata chuckled. "Better than staying in that wet dress."
You rolled your eyes but didn’t argue, making your way to the bathroom. The second you shut the door, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
This felt… weird. Not in a bad way, but in a way that made your heart race a little too fast. You’d stayed over at Hinata’s plenty of times as kids, but this was different. You weren’t kids anymore.
As you changed in the bathroom, you realized with a sigh that your bra was just as drenched as your dress. There was no way you were putting it back on as it clung uncomfortably to your skin, cold and heavy with rain. You hesitated for a second before deciding to go without it, pulling on Hinata’s oversized t-shirt instead. The fabric was soft, slightly worn, and it smelled like him—fresh laundry mixed with something undeniably Hinata.You ran your fingers through your hair, trying to make yourself look somewhat presentable before stepping out.
When you stepped out, Hinata glanced up from where he was towel-drying his hair, and just like before, he froze. His brain short-circuited.
At first, he had just been prepared to tease you about how his clothes practically swallowed you whole. But then his gaze caught on the way the loose fabric draped over you, how it shifted with your movements, and...oh
You weren’t wearing a bra. The way the thin material did absolutely nothing to hide the erect peaks poking out from underneath, and the soft swell beneath it.
Hinata’s face went up in flames.
Oh. Oh.
He ripped his gaze away so fast he almost gave himself whiplash, suddenly finding the most fascinating spot on the floor to stare at. Don't look, don't look, don't look—
But it was too late. That single glance was already burned into his brain, and no amount of panicked mental screaming was going to erase it.
"N-nothing!" His voice cracked, and he gripped the towel in his hands like it was a lifeline. "You just—uh—you look comfortable!"
You smirked, completely oblivious to the absolute war happening in his head. "What, jealous that I pull off your clothes better than you do?"
Hinata let out the most unconvincing laugh of his life. "Y-yeah! I mean, no! No way!" He could feel his ears burning, and he desperately tried to focus on literally anything else. "S-so, uh, movie?"
You stretched your arms over your head with a yawn, completely unaware of how his eyes almost flickered down again before he clenched his jaw and forced himself to stare straight ahead.
"Yeah, sure," you said, flopping onto the couch beside him.
Hinata grabbed the remote, fingers fumbling as he picked the first thing that appeared on the screen. He had no idea what he just put on. It could’ve been a horror movie, a documentary, or a three-hour-long ad, and he wouldn’t have noticed.Because no matter how hard he tried, he could not stop thinking about the fact that you—his best friend—were sitting next to him, wearing his clothes, and making his heart race in a way that felt far too dangerous.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, Hinata—still reeling from his internal meltdown—mindlessly pressed play on whatever movie popped up first. Big mistake.
Because barely fifteen minutes in, the screen suddenly shifted to a scene that made both of you freeze.
Heavy breathing. Slow, lingering touches. Clothes slipping off way too easily.
Oh. Oh.
You choked on your own spit. "Hinata—"
Hinata, already red as a tomato, practically threw the remote in his panic, scrambling to grab it again. "I—I DIDN’T KNOW! I JUST CLICKED SOMETHING!"
You clapped a hand over your mouth, trying not to burst into nervous laughter. "Oh my god."
Hinata, on the other hand, looked like he was fighting for his life. He was stiff as a board, eyes darting anywhere but the screen. "I’ve never watched this with you before!" he blurted out, as if that somehow made this less mortifying.
You raised an eyebrow. "So, you’ve watched this alone?"
Hinata nearly died on the spot. "THAT'S NOT—!" He smacked the remote until the screen finally blessedly went black. Silence.
Then you lost it, bursting into laughter while Hinata groaned, burying his face in his hands. "This is the worst."
Still giggling, you leaned back against the couch, wiping a tear from your eye. "Oh my god, Sho, that was so bad."
Hinata groaned again, dragging his hands down his face. "I swear on volleyball, I didn’t mean to put that on."
You smirked, nudging his arm. "So you have watched that kinda stuff alone, huh?"
"STOP," he whined, throwing his head back dramatically. "I’m already suffering."
You couldn’t help but laugh at how flustered he was, cheeks still red, ears burning. You’d never seen him react like this before—it was… oddly cute.
After a moment, Hinata huffed, crossing his arms. "You didn’t exactly change the channel either, y'know."
Your face heated up. "HEY! I was shocked! I wasn’t expecting to see—" You clamped your mouth shut, shaking your head rapidly. "Nope. Not finishing that sentence."
Hinata snorted, finally cracking a grin. "Yeah, let’s just pretend that never happened."
You nodded. "Agreed. Now, please pick something safe. Like, a cartoon. Or a volleyball match. Something that won’t make us want to die."
Hinata grabbed the remote again, determined. "On it. No more accidental… that."
But as he scrolled through the options, a single, dangerous thought crossed his mind...Why was it so easy to picture watching something like that with you… and not just as a joke?
As Hinata scrolled through the movie options, his mind was still stuck on what had just happened. The sheer embarrassment of it. The way you had looked at him, teasing but also—maybe—just a little flustered too.
And then there was the part that was really messing with his head… the part where, for just a split second, he’d wondered what it would be like if—
Nope. Nope. Absolutely not going there.
But then, you stretched beside him, adjusting the oversized shirt you were wearing—his shirt—and the movement drew his eyes right to where the fabric clung to you. His throat went dry.
And as if the universe wanted to make things worse, you turned to him, tilting your head. "You okay?"
"Y-yeah!" His voice cracked, and he quickly looked away, staring so hard at the TV that he was surprised it didn’t catch fire.
You raised an eyebrow, smirking. "You sure? You’re looking kinda nervous."
"N-no! I’m fine! Totally fine!" He forced a laugh, but the way his knee was bouncing gave him away completely.
You leaned in a little, resting your chin on your hand as you studied him. "Hmmm… is it ‘cause of that scene?" Hinata froze.
A slow, knowing smile spread across your lips. "Oh my god," you whispered, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Are you still thinking about it?"
"I—*NO!" he practically yelled, face burning hotter than the sun. "Why would I—?!"
You let out a low hum, clearly enjoying his reaction way too much. "I mean, I get it… it was a lot," you mused, voice just a bit too playful. "Not really something we’ve ever watched together before, huh?"
Hinata swallowed hard. "Nope! Definitely not!"
You traced random patterns on the couch, pretending to be lost in thought. "Kinda makes you wonder, though…"
His brain screeched to a halt. "*Wonder what?!*"
You grinned, leaning in a little closer, your voice dropping just enough to make his heart stutter. "What it’d be like to watch something like that… on purpose."
Hinata nearly died on the spot. His whole body tensed, his mind scrambling to process your words, but all he could come up with was pure, unfiltered panic.
"WHAT?!" His voice shot up so high it cracked, and he practically threw himself back against the couch as if that would somehow put distance between him and the very questionable situation unfolding.
You bit your lip, clearly enjoying every second of his meltdown. "What?" you teased, tilting your head. "Just saying…curiosity is normal, right?"
Hinata's brain was short-circuiting. His hands clenched into fists on his lap, his ears so hot they could probably fry an egg. "Curiosity—?!" He gulped, shaking his head furiously. "Nope! Nope! I refuse to be a part of whatever weird mind game this is!"
You just laughed, plopping back against the couch. "Relax, Sho. I’m just joking with you."
But that did not make him relax.
In fact, if anything, the damage was already done. Because now, no matter how hard he tried, his brain was not letting go of the thought. Watching something like that with you.On purpose. Or worse...you and him doing— no. Absolutely not.
Hinata swallowed thickly, shifting uncomfortably. He was so screwed.
You shifted closer, resting your chin on his shoulder, pretending like you weren’t feeling the heat creeping up your own neck. "Shoooo," you dragged out his name, voice laced with amusement. "Why are you so red?"
Hinata tensed like a live wire, jaw clenched, hands gripping his knees like they were the only things keeping him grounded. "I—I'm not!"
You let out a small hum, eyes flickering to the way his ears were practically glowing. "Liar," you whispered, your breath brushing against his skin. He jolted, his whole body stiffening like you’d electrocuted him.
You smirked. "Ohhh, you’re totally flustered!"
"No, I’m not!" Hinata shot back, turning to face you—big mistake. Because now, your faces were *way* closer than he expected, and for a split second, neither of you moved.
Your heart pounded. His eyes flickered down—to your lips, to the slight curve of your smirk—before snapping back up to meet your gaze.
Dangerous. Very dangerous.
And you did what any reasonable person would do when faced with this much tension. You attacked. Your fingers darted out, finding that one ticklish spot on his side, the one you knew would break him.
"AH—HEY!" Hinata practically yelped, twisting away, but you were relentless. You pushed forward, giggling as you dug your fingers into his ribs, his stomach, anywhere you could reach.
"Admit it!" you laughed. "You’re so flustered!"
"*N-nohoho—!*" Hinata was losing it, squirming as uncontrollable laughter bubbled out of him. "Stohop! It tickles"
He tried to escape, but you were quick, dodging his weak attempts to grab your hands. He was laughing too hard, his strength betraying him.
Then, suddenly—
Hinata snapped.
With a burst of energy, he lunged forward, grabbing your wrists and flipping the whole situation on you.
You let out a surprised gasp as your back hit the couch, Hinata looming over you, pinning your wrists above your head. His breathing was heavy, his hair slightly disheveled from all the movement.
And that wasn’t even the worst part.Your shirt had ridden up way more than either of you had realized in the chaos, exposing the smooth skin of your stomach, the subtle dip of your waist. His hands were still pinning yours above your head, but his eyes—traitorous, stupid eyes—lingered a second too long.
Too long to be normal. Too long to be ignored.
And you noticed.You sucked in a sharp breath, your chest rising and falling a little too quickly. "Shoyo…"
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Wow...this took a while and it's not complete. Second part coming soon which is gonna be smut so mdni!
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 days ago
It's so frustrating trying to have a conversation about Louis' narration. The last time I tried, someone accused me of being 'ship-brained' because they believe Loustat has nothing romantic about it and that there's no tenderness between them.I simply pointed out,as neutrally as possible,that we can’t fully trust what Louis has said about their relationship so far because he’s altered a lot of details,and that Armand is also a suspicious figure in Louis’ memories of Lestat. That’s it.But immediately, I got attacked for calling Louis an unreliable narrator and for trying to demonize Armand. Which is insane, because I never said Louis was completely unreliable, just that when it comes to his relationship with Lestat, things are complicated, and we can’t take his words at face value when assessing their love.It’s exhausting. You can’t have a nuanced discussion anywhere without people jumping down your throat.I have never said Loustat had a perfect marriage or was a perfect couple,just that things are more nuanced that what Louis narrated,I'm not waiting for Lestat to be the only truth and if i understand Rolin doesn't want another revisit and s3 will be modte likely Lestat' background + maybe some plot in modern story,I never believed that he would refute everything and Louis is a liar Iand Armand a big bad moustache curling villain.😮‍💨
I'm accepting to be wrong and we can discuss anything without being always at each other throat
You know, the fact that people cannot see what a disservice they do Louis by making him into this one-dimensional, flat caricature of himself by removing all the problematic bits.... And I call that "problematic" - because JACOB called him/them monsters, and that it's good that they can be problematic...
And so I sat down, and listed a few things JACOB said - with sources!
Louis does lie (he literally says “not everything Louis says is a lie“ in this video)
Louis is problematic
Louis was very repressed
Louis is a snob
Louis has many guises (and Jacob looks forward to s3, TVL!)
Louis is the problem (I saw the tweet (here is one referring to the Taylor Swift song), but it's referred to in this comment as well, as well as other things, too)
Louis knows deep down some things are not true
Louis presents Lestat as a monster bc he‘s angry
The way some people want to remove eeeeeeeeverything that makes Louis in the slightest bit problematic or even an active participant of his own story, and thereby reduce him to this victim only ... this shell is beyond me. I get where it comes from(!), namely from bad stereotypes and racist inflections that have unfortunately been employed again and again at other points - but heaven help, this show is NOT that, and JACOB has already stated all these already - and this need to scream anyone down who dares to point these out is preventing any possibility of real discussion in this fandom - and honestly, THAT is actually the true shame.
Also, re Loustat - ALSO Jacob:
"They are in a romantic relationship in the books. They’re married by the end. Maybe Anne Rice didn’t fully know what their relationship was at first – the style is very different in the first book. Lestat is this kind of goblin monster torturing Louis. But when you look back with the context from further books, you see this man was just very repressed and so hurt by what happened between him and Lestat that he couldn’t acknowledge him as his lover, as his partner, as his great love. But by the second book, they’re absolutely a couple. And because we’re adapting the whole of The Vampire Chronicles and taking things from later books and repurposing them, the idea of telling this story and them not being a couple… well, there’s no show! Their love story, as messed up as it is, is the heart of it."
"Well, scenes from a divorce is probably Armand, and then scenes from a marriage feels more fitting to Louis and Lestat."
What else is there to say....
Our cast gets their characters. Jacob gets Louis.
Now if only the fandom could accept that, too...
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takendruid · 24 hours ago
This is the video! I saw it and was pretty interested. There are some things I just don’t agree with in the video, but the bit about concept-based vs gameplay-based games made me have my epiphany. I think the actual point comes from a take I massively disagree with, but yeah.
Massive Bleach spoilers ahead, but I haven’t been able to talk about this with anyone other than my friend because Bleach fans are boring asf people who don’t care about trauma and the effects of trauma and being killed like I do. Because I’m a Jason Todd fan. But I’m gonna go on a huge fucking ramble because… I need to talk about this and have someone listen to me.
I’m a huge mental health, trauma, and realistic trauma responses freak when it comes to characters. People acknowledging characters having PTSD makes me so happy, which is why I love the fandom around Jason so much. BECAUSE PEOPLE ACKNOWLEDGE HIS TRAUMA!!
One of my favourite characters in media is Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach, and I have heard not a single person even whisper about the fact that he blatantly has PTSD, or should at least be heavily affected by the shit he went through. Yes, he’s an anime protagonist so he can’t really have it for story reasons, but… HE VERY CLEARLY DOES HAVE IT! AND HE VERY CLEARLY HAS SURVIVOR’S GUILT!! This is why I love Evangelion so much.
Ichigo’s ENTIRE motivation for becoming a Soul Reaper (I’m a dub watcher) and wanting to help people is because his mother was killed protecting him. One of the reasons season 1 of Bleach is my favourite animated arc is because of how much it actually delves into the fact that Ichigo was severely affected by his mother’s passing. His entire personality, his entire person, his entire motivations and desires were fundamentally changed because of that one event when he was 9. It’s talked about so much in season 1 and I LOVE IT!!! Obviously it’s redundant to constantly bring it up over the rest of the series, but I’m certain Ichigo and Bleach are why I’m such a freak over this stuff.
BUT IT GETS EVEN BETTER!! Because in the final arc, he can’t get to his final level of power because the trauma of losing his mum IS STILL AFFECTING HIM! HE STILL HASN’T BEEN ABLE TO MOVE ON AND HEAL DESPITE EVERYTHING! Until his dad finally tells him what really happened, and it allows Ichigo to finally move on, heal, and accept that IT WASN’T HIS FAULT HIS MUM DIED!! AND THEN HE GETS HIS FINAL POWER UP!!!!! I love Ichigo so much, he’s an amazingly well-done and grounded protagonist.
It upsets me that people hate him as a protagonist, and say he’s unrelatable because he is extremely relatable (also I kin him a lot. I haven’t lost any parents per se, but I see myself in him). Those guys just want a loud, silly guy who isn’t scowling 24/7 and isn’t objectively the straight man the entire show. BUT THAT’S WHAT I LOVE. Like I’m sorry, we can’t have silly loud guys who are extremely goofy for all three of the Big 3, Goku will never be a Big 3 protagonist because he is the founding father of those three anime/manga.
Also Ichigo… in less than 12 hours, died TWICE in EXTREMELY TRAUMATIC WAYS to the SAME FUCKING GUY and then COMES BACK without ANY TIME TO MENTALLY PROCESS. I have been a Bleach and Ichigo fan for 13 years, and a Jason Todd fan for about 3 months. Jason didn’t need to teach me anything because I can use my own brain to realise that DYING IS TRAUMATIC. I need Ichigo with PTSD around dying. Please. For the love of god. He was 16. He acts and looks older than 16 so I think everyone forgets how young he actually fucking was, but he was killed twice at 16 within the span of 12 hours without any time to process because he had to continue fighting, and then go to the World of the Living to fight another even bigger threat; where he ends up watching his friends and comrades all get cut down and nearly killed, EVEN HIS OWN DAD AND MENTORS. And then he’s stuck fighting for 3 months to unlock a power that will LOSE HIM HIS POWERS THAT HE’S ONLY HAD FOR ABOUT 8 MONTHS.
Jason Todd 🤝 Ichigo Kurosaki: dying as a teenager, and also fighting bad guys, and isn’t really able to properly get therapy about it because what? The fuck? Do you mean? You died and came back?????
Only four people knows he has died, only two people know he has died TWICE.
But to go onto that second death. Holy fucking shit.
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I have not seen a single person talk about how much this affected Ichigo mentally. No one. Not a single person.
It’s extremely clear it affected Ichigo in-universe, because he can’t use his hollow mask correctly after it, and he’s very clearly shaken up by it when he sees it with his own two eyes. And yeah, you could argue “well if it’s focused on in the story then there’s no need to talk about it otherwise” I THINK BATMAN FANS WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A WORD WITH YOU. Because that’s just something I really like with Batman as a whole, and Batman fans. In-universe, and in fandom, people talk about Bruce’s trauma, Dick’s trauma, Jason’s trauma. The entire reason Bruce is Batman and Dick became Robin is because of the trauma of losing their parents. In Batman & Robin: Year One, Bruce literally says “as a trauma survivor” like?? This stuff is talked about frequently, and acknowledged. And I never see the same thing with manga…
Anyway, Ichigo doesn’t get time to process this. Maybe he does in the 18 months where he’s not a Shinigami, but he doesn’t get time to process it before losing his powers. Yes, he’s fighting in a time warp thing for 3 months when it’s actually 1 or 2 hours irl in-universe, so maybe he gets time to think about it during that… but he’s more focused on learning the final Getsuga Tensho to take down the ultimate evil bastard of the series at the time.
Again, sorry this rant is even longer. Can you tell I have been waiting to talk to someone about this? /lh
Gotham Knights is so fun when you don’t have a little bitch in your ear telling you it’s shit, and that Arkham Knight is better
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rewatching-sam-and-dean · 2 days ago
I normally try not to weigh in too much on the actors themselves, but fandom is being hysterical (not in the funny way) as usual after The Boys promo video with J2 and Misha.
Here are some facts:
Jensen went to Kripke and asked if he had anything for him after SPN ended. Kripke helped him craft his audition until it would be acceptable for the other producers. We know this happened because Jensen told us, and he talked about it multiple times. There is nothing wrong with him going to Kripke for work. This is networking, and it’s what actors should do.
Jared never once publicly asked to be on The Boys. At most, he answered fan questions when asked what kind of character he’d like to play, but he never actually hinted he wanted a part. In articles, when asked if he’d join, Jared essentially said he was too busy filming Walke, in a polite way. Also fact, Kripke has hinted at wanting Jared on The Boys before Walker was cancelled, and he did so publically. Then when Walker was cancelled, Kripke really ramped up the public pitches to get Jared on the show, and was publicly psyched when Jared finally agreed. Jared never, publicly at least, even asked or hinted at wanting to be on The Boys, never mind begged.
Misha hinted multiple times publicly, including tagging Kripke on social media directly, that he’d like to be on the show. Kripke never said anything publicly, as far as I’m aware, about wanting or trying to get Misha on the show prior to the announcement from yesterday. When he talked about getting the biggest SPN Pokémon, it was when Jared finally signed on. When he talked about breaking the internet again, it was in reference to a J2 reunion on screen. When he talked about reuniting the SPN trio, it was in reference to JA, JP and JDM, not Misha. Was Kripke always planning to include Misha once he finally got Jared? Maybe. Is it possible he wasn’t going to bother with Misha until or unless he got Jared too? Yes. He could have hired Misha on at any time before and never did. Misha definitely publicly begged to be on the show, and Kripke never said anything in return to, or regarding, him being on the show until now. Kripke probably only brought him on because he thought of something funny/gross/trolling to do with J2 and him on screen.
Ultimately, I would have preferred not to have Misha in The Boys because when I finally get to see J2 on screen together, I didn’t really want him there, too. It feels like trying to shoehorn Castiel in with the brothers again from forced SPN scenes. But, I’ve also lost interest in the show itself, so I’ll probably pick and choose what moments I bother to watch anyway.
That being said, The Boys has a whole cast beyond Jensen being a regular in Season 5, never mind it being a giant J2 reunion that will take up a bunch of screen time. So, adding Misha to the mix isn’t exactly robbing fans of long and significant J2 moments on screen. (Though I’d still be happy for him not to be in their scenes at all).
Honestly, Kripke probably wanted Jared so bad, at least in part, so he could bank on free publicity in social media from Jared and J2 fans. He already had the Jensen fans on board. Similarly, he probably decided to add Misha for the same reason. Happy or not about his addition, people are talking about it on many social media platforms, this bring free attention yo the show.
Kripke just wants publicity.
What I want is to get out of this is at least one solid (hopefully more), Misha-less moment between J2 on screen.
But people are really losing their shit over what might amount to like 5 minutes of screen time from Jared and/or Misha. Jensen’s Soldier Boy isn’t even one of the main cast members, even either him being a regular this season, so I doubt there will be a lot of room to expand on a character for Jared (never mind Misha) and then interacting, on a show that’s on its final season and has many storylines to wrap up.
Anyway, in conclusion, only one member of J2M begged for a part in The Boys, and Kripke is using all of them to generate buzz. Simple as that.
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teslasucks37 · 21 hours ago
can u write size kink/size difference with charlie where hes literally just sooo much bigger than reader :33
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CW: NSFW under the cut (MDNI), afab!Reader (No pronouns), Short!Reader, Dom!Charlie, Horny!Reader, PainfullyBig!Charlie
A/N: This took way longer than anticipated so sorry 😭😭😭
Charlie Slimecicle x Reader
Size Kink Hcs!!!
You’d been teased for you height your whole life.
Being 5 foot was not for the week.
Charlie was the only one who didn’t immediately point it out when you’d first met.
But sometimes you can feel his eyes on you, or when he’s standing super close you can feel his presence behind you.
You head barely reaches up to his chin.
He’s nearly an entire foot taller than you.
Like most people he has to look down when he talks to you, but it’s different when it’s him.
His smile is so kind, so caring.
He’s like a gentle giant to you.
You wanna climb him like a fucking tree.
He put his hand on your shoulder one time and you had to try not to moan at how large it was, covering practically your entire shoulder blade.
How dare he be so hot?
With his huge shoulders and ginormous arms…
It just wasn’t fair.
He’d never really given it much thought, the height of people, but ever since he met you, it was the only thing he could think about.
How small you were compared to him.
How easy it would be to toss you around.
One time for a video he did end up tossing you around.
You were fucking soaked after that shoot, and anyone with eyes could see his boner.
So you went up to him after, asking if he wanted to hang out at your place later.
That, of course, leads to the two of you fucking.
“Oh my goddd!” You cry out as he sinks inside you.
He’s so fucking big, the stretch is almost painful.
Charlie struggles to keep his composure, not wanting to hurt you, but needing so badly to pound you.
He manages to hold the line, waiting until you’re wiggling against him, begging him to move.
Then he fucks you.
He fucks you good.
Charlie’s speed is cruel, wild, ravishing, but there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop him.
He’s just too big.
“Char- lieee- Ooohh- hoooh~” You whimper, your voice being cut in half by his thrusts.
His grip shifts to your thighs, pressing them into your chest and folding you in half.
He was through being gentle.
And you definitely weren’t complaining.
His angle made him go deeper inside you, his tip practically punching your cervix with every plunge.
He can’t talk, he can’t even think.
All that’s in his mind is how good your tight walls feel around him.
And how you’re practically screaming his name.
Your joints burn at the strength his big fucking muscular arms are exerting on your legs, stretching them beyond their usual function.
His body leaning over you, encompassing you entirely, makes your head spin and your pussy clench.
All that matters is how deep he is inside you.
His hips slap against your thighs, his heavy balls slapping against your ass.
His pelvis bumps against your clit, making you squirm and wiggle.
Then suddenly his grip moves from your thighs to your hips, stopping your movement entirely.
“Stop wiggling.” He grunts out, too lost in pleasure to say it nicely.
Then he uses that grip on your hips to pull you into him, hard and fast and deep.
And that makes you lose it.
“Oh! Charlie~ Cumming- Cumming~ Fuckkk!” You pant out as you squirt around his cock, the pressure actually pushing him out of your pussy.
He chuckles darkly, bringing his cock to rest on your stomach as the final squeezes of your orgasm drip out.
Glancing down, you see his cock, large and wet and throbbing.
You hadn’t noticed it before.
Just how big his cock was.
You didn’t really have the time.
But fuck, that was inside you?”
It was almost as wide as your wrists…
It nearly reached up to your belly button.
Fuck, you would be so destroyed tomorrow.
But you didn’t even care.
Charlie would take care of you.
He was nice like that.
But he isn’t being so nice now as he slips back inside you without warning,
“Oh, fuck yeah~” He groans, setting his brutal pace once again.
He hits that same sweet spot inside you that no one had ever reached before, and you struggle not to cum again.
Moans are practically being pushed out of your lungs by his cock.
Seeing his cock slam in and out of you is probably one of the highlights of his life.
He can feel how he was stretching you, reaching so deep that he physically couldn’t go past a certain point.
Knowing that he completely fills you up floods his senses with pride.
He wants to fill you up for real.
His desperation increases in his thrusts, you can see it on his face too.
Charlie’s brows are scrunched in concentration.
“Cum, Char~” You whimper out, gripping at his large arms.
A grin takes over his face as he plunges inside of you, deep as he can, making you yelp.
He groans out in relief, finally cumming inside that tight pussy.
What he’s been dreaming of doing for practically months.
His hips stutter, twitching as his cock empties itself inside you.
You can see it bulging slightly out of your stomach.
You feverishly press your fingertips to it, making Charlie whimper at the sensitivity.
A satisfied grin curls onto your lips, your fingers trailing down his biceps that are slick with sweat.
He pants above you, his arms trembling under your touch.
You let out a tiny giggle, as much as you can with his massive cock still pressing against your insides.
He slowly slides out of you at that.
You take a deep breath, feeling so empty, but so full as you feel his cum drip out of you.
Charlie lays down next to you on your bed, exhausted, as he pulls you close to him. “Are you okay? Did I… Go too hard?”
You chuckle. “Well, I’ll probably be sore tomorrow, but it was totally worth it.”
He grins as you lean in and press a kiss on his lips.
He kisses you back, and you fall asleep together.
He would be wrecking your insides a lot more often.
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lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me · 19 hours ago
hai bby! hru?
so idk if this is going to make sense but i've had this thought on my mind for a while and i wanted to request something if it's not too much to ask for.
so like, rich sunghoon who's very protective of y/n and is cold to everyone but y/n and their rich kid friend group. and rich y/n who even tho is rich, is still very kind and caring. they're both in school (college or high school) and they're like the "rich and popular" kids. so basically, y/n's super innocent and sweet and hoon is trynna figure out how to confess? can be angsty with fluff? and you can decide whether it's written or a smau.
i'm so sorry if this makes no sense 😓 and if you can't do it, that's totally fine too. hope you're well love!
youre not for sale (request) ☘︎ park sunghoon
warnings: fluff, comfort, angst, mutual yearning, reader being a bit blind, i think thats all!! if there's anything else let me know!!
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park sunghoon was in love with y/n l/n. that was a fact no one could deny. It was obvious to everyone. Well, everyone except one person. y/n. He was constantly buying them things, from flowers to expensive jewelry. but to y/n, he was just “being a really good friend”. to sunghoon, they were the kindest, sweetest, ad most attractive person he had ever met in his whole life. that brings us to now. sunghoon has been with jake all day, coming up with a speech to tell y/n he likes, scratch that, is in love with them. “what the actual fuck do i say to them man? ‘hey y/n i know were super close and all, oh by the way, i'm in love with you’? hell no. shes just- sweet, and, i dont wanna say fragile. but shes innocent. i dont wanna hurt her or confuse her.” so far, its going…not so great. “i really don't know what to tell you bro. you just need to grow a pair and tell her.” sunghoon gives him a glare, “easy for you to say, you got your girlfriend by just being pathetic and following her around like a puppy”. “OH FUCK YOU MAN” safe to say, jake didnt take too well to his jab. sunghoon felt like drowning in self-pity. his friends were no help, and with each passing day he fell for y/n more and more with no idea how he should confess to them. especially when everyone around them knew all of their business. y/n on the other hand, could not have been more oblivious. “i’m telling you noo, he does not like me like that”, they say. oh how wrong they were. sunoo looks at them as if they were insane, “are you serious right now y/n? that guy looks at you as if you created all things good in the world! i’m serious!”. in that moment, he thought they could never be more dense. 
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a week went by of sunghoon helplessly wondering, crying for help to his friends, and buying flowers for y/n that reminded him of them. he sees y/n walking to their class and runs up to them. “y/n! Hey! um- do you wanna hang out later? Maybe like grab some lunch or get boba or something” he asks, desperately hoping that they say yes. “oh my god yes! i’ve been craving boba like crazy!” for a moment, sunghoon truly believed there was something in the universe on his side. he spent the next 3 hours trying to think up someway to confess. flowers? the ring they've been talking about wanting? unlimited trips to their favorite restaurant? he needed to come up with something, and fast.
the pair somehow end up back at y/n’s dorm, playing video games. sunghoon had just beat y/n at mario kart *again*, and y/n decided they needed a break. “god, how do you win every time?’ they grumble while walking to the kitchen. sunghoon replied before even giving a second
thought, “i’m just that good baby”. y/n had never turned around so fast in their life, “what?”. He froze, nothing coming out of his mouth, eventually, it all just started coming out before he could save himself. “i love you. you’re so amazing, and kind, and pretty. i don't even think i deserve you but i really hope you’ll give me a chance! i’ve been trying to figure out how to confess to you for so long and this really isn’t how i planned it but this is how its happening. you just make me so nervous but in a really good way and i just really hope you feel the same or you hear me out and at least let me take you out on one date.” he stops speaking abruptly as it all just happened so fast. silence filled the once loud room that was overflowing with their laughter. “sunghoon…” they trail off, “you really feel that way?” he doesn't respond and simply stares down at his feet in embarrassment and defeat. “i’m gonna go, i'll see you around.” he abruptly stands up and leaves with y/n protesting behind him and telling him to stay. he beat himself up the whole night, this isn't how he wanted it to go, not at all. he couldn't believe he let himself word vomit like that! he just blew it with the person of his dreams, he could never tell his friends about this. they’d definitely use it against him for life, and he can’t bear the thought of reliving his worst heartbreak.
y/n wasn’t completely sure what to do, or how to handle this. sunghoon liked them? there's no way. he’s handsome and kind, he's perfect. and he seriously likes them? as she runs through every possible scenario of how this situation ends in her head, she impulsively decides to go to his dorm. she hesitated before knocking on his door. sunghoon opened the door, to see, to his shock, y/n. “i really really like you too and i’ve never known how to tell you and when you just said everything to me i froze because i didn't know what to say! you're the most amazing guy sunghoon and i want this to work out. so please just tell me if you want to make this work too.” he stood in the doorway, his mouth parted in shock. he spoke quietly after a moment, “you really mean it?” y/n looks at him incredulously “are you kidding? of course i mean it!” sunghoon swore he felt his heart stop for a solid 5 seconds. “i thought i lost you for good, oh my god!” he sighs in relief. “you could never lose me don't be stupid.” he gives them a glare before wrapping his arms around them, not caring who in the hall saw. “does this mean i can take you on a date now?” he asked softly. “i mean obviously”
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luckys note!: guys lets pretend it didnt take me 6 months to write this... um anyways ENJOY!!!
© lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me, 2025. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
@ivyannemarie @bluuepiphany @greentulip
dm me or send an ask to be added to either!
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umlewis · 1 day ago
How Lewis Hamilton Finally Got His Ferrari Red
On Valentine’s Day, Lewis Hamilton enters a sprawling studio space in northwest London and intently stares at the magnificent creature standing off in the distance.
“Sh-t,” says Hamilton to no one in particular. “I’m nervous.”
Soon enough, however, the seven-time Formula One world champion overcomes his anxiety and is standing face-to-face with a shiny black stallion named Aroma. He pets his nose, massages his neck, generally spreads his hands all over Aroma’s thick coat. He is doing his allergies, the source of his initial fear, no favors. But Hamilton, a literal knight, is enamored, peppering the horse master with questions. Where’s Aroma from? (Portugal.) Can he sleep lying down? (Yes.) How much does he weigh? (About 1,300 lb. Only a few hundred less than Hamilton’s race car.)
He’s throwing health caution to the wind in order to commemorate his much ballyhooed move from Mercedes, where he won six of his seven F1 driver titles, to the venerated Scuderia Ferrari HP race team: a photo of himself positioned in front of an actual black horse standing on his hind legs, mimicking the Italian automaker’s famous logo. Like Hamilton, Aroma—who is retired but still does the occasional photo shoot—has an impressive resume, including appearances in Robin Hood and Maleficent, ads for Hermès and Burberry, and a Dua Lipa video; he is joined by Theo, a stunt horse you might recognize from Bridgerton, among other things. “This is going to be such an iconic picture,” says Hamilton while trying on outfits for the shoot. “Super timeless.”
That depends, of course, on what comes after. At 40, Hamilton is aiming to not only win a record eighth F1 driver title—cementing his status as the greatest F1 driver to ever live and ending the longest-ever championship drought for the most storied race team on the planet—but also fulfill a lifelong dream. His move to Ferrari, announced before the 2024 season, was shocking worldwide front-page news: he had suited up for Mercedes for more than a decade, helped build a more diverse workforce there, and hoped to someday acquire an ownership stake in the team. It seemed he would ride into the sunset with the Silver Arrows.
Hamilton had other ideas. “You can’t stand still for too long,” Hamilton tells TIME, in his first in-depth interview about his decision to leave Mercedes for Ferrari. “I needed to throw myself into something uncomfortable again. Honestly, I thought all my firsts were done. Your first car, your first crash, your first date, first day of school. The excitement I got by the idea of, ‘This is my first time in the red suit, the first time in the Ferrari.’ Wow. Honestly, I’ve never been so excited.”
During the 2024 F1 season, Hamilton, out of respect for Mercedes—with whom he was still under contract and racing—didn’t talk much about the switch. The situation was awkward and unprecedented. (Picture LeBron James suiting up for the Los Angeles Lakers knowing he’d be playing the following year for a rival, like the Boston Celtics. Exactly. It would never happen.) All sides appear to have handled it as professionally as possible: Hamilton ended a 945-day losing streak by winning his hometown race, at Silverstone in Britain, in July before winning again in Belgium three weeks later. Meanwhile Carlos Sainz, the Ferrari driver whom Hamilton is replacing this year, helped Scuderia finish second in the constructor, or team, standings, just a few points behind 2024 champion McLaren.
Hamilton’s road to the title record won’t be easy. Some critics have questioned Ferrari’s strategy of signing an aging driver, whose best days could very well be in the rearview. They’ve wondered whether Ferrari’s more interested in marketing than winning—Hamilton is still F1’s most popular driver, by a mile, as well as an internationally known cultural figure with a hand in fashion, film, and business. (He’s co-chairing the Met Gala in May alongside Colman Domingo, Pharrell Williams, A$AP Rocky, and Anna Wintour; LeBron James is honorary chair.) Plus, a slew of younger drivers like reigning four-time champion Red Bull’s Max Verstappen, 27; McLaren’s Lando Norris, 25; and Hamilton’s new Ferrari teammate, Charles LeClerc, 27, could keep him off the top of the podium.
“The old man is a state of mind,” says Hamilton. “Of course your body ages. But I’m never going to be an old man.”
The 2025 F1 campaign, which kicks off in Australia on March 16, comes laced with intrigue. Hamilton sits at the epicenter. Ferrari is religion in Italy; when the team wins an F1 race, the bells of the Church of St. Blaise in Maranello, the small city near Bologna that houses Ferrari headquarters, ring in celebration. So Hamilton’s quest to end Ferrari’s agony, while breaking the individual title record set by Michael Schumacher—who won five straight titles with Ferrari from 2000 to 2004—will be appointment theater. Meanwhile, Hamilton is co-producing, along with Jerry Bruckheimer and others, an F1 movie, aptly called F1, that is almost literally a Brad Pitt vehicle. The film, which comes out in June, plus a competitive race for the championship, could deliver a jolt to the sport’s popularity, especially in the U.S., where F1 has boomed but flattened out a bit, given Verstappen’s predictable dominance.
A Hamilton championship in red, in the twilight of his racing life, would be nothing less than one of the greatest mic-drop moments in sports history. “I don’t know if I can find an adjective to describe that,” says American racing legend Mario Andretti, the 1978 F1 champion who raced for Ferrari in the early ’70s. “Nothing is missing in his career. But oh man, how better can you describe your career after that? Oh my God, he’d be the king of all kings.”
Two weeks before the stallion photo shoot, Hamilton is striking golf balls into a simulator at an indoor club on the banks of the Thames. (He has a pronounced slice.) He doesn’t golf much these days, but Hamilton being Hamilton—a man who has taken full advantage of this sport’s jet-setting ways to become one of the world’s most prominent collectors of influential people—he last played a round with actor Tom Holland, a.k.a. Spider-Man. His other golf partners have included Samuel L. Jackson and Kelly Slater, the surfing GOAT. He was once supposed to play with another GOAT, Michael Jordan, but when Hamilton got to the course, he says, Jordan “didn’t end up being there.”
As we’re taking swings, I ask Hamilton if he’s checked out TGL, the indoor golf competition founded by Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy that just launched its first season in the U.S. He hasn’t. I explain some of the particulars—it’s a team league, ESPN is showing it on weeknights—before it sounds familiar. But Hamilton is involved with so many projects—movies, art, fashion lines, the Denver Broncos, a pet-food company, a plant-based burger chain with Leonardo DiCaprio—that he can’t quite remember whether he poured some money into this new outfit. “I might have,” he says, with a laugh. (He did.)
Hamilton takes a break from golf, reclines on a couch, and orders a latte before sharing the story of how he arrived at this moment. It began a long time ago, when he was a kid growing up in public housing north of London. His first Ferrari memories have stuck with him. He would drive Schumacher’s car in racing video games. The Ferrari replica featured in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off—the 1961 250 GT California Spyder—is still, to this day, Hamilton’s favorite. “That’s the ultimate retirement car,” he says. “I can just see myself with Roscoe, him with a scarf and goggles in the seat next to me, driving down the PCH.” (Roscoe, Hamilton’s pet bulldog—who, like his owner, is vegan—has an Instagram account with 1.1 million followers.)
McLaren signed Hamilton to a driver’s deal in 1998, when he was 13. In 2006, Hamilton won the championship in what is now known as Formula Two. “I did have the bit of red on my helmet,” he says. During that F2 season, and the one prior in F3, Hamilton raced for team principal Frédéric Vasseur, whose management style and ability to recruit top engineering talent to his lower-level operation impressed the young driver. Hamilton figured Vasseur would be a F1 leader one day.
Hamilton won his first F1 championship in 2008, his second season with McLaren. He competed there for four more seasons before jumping, in 2013, to Mercedes, a middling team that Hamilton lifted to championship heights. Through it all, Hamilton maintained cordial relations with Ferrari leadership. He’d walk past the Ferrari garage at races, say “ciao” to the mechanics, and hear them say “vieni Ferrari” (come to Ferrari). Around 2018, Hamilton met with Ferrari chairman John Elkann. Both sides expressed a desire to see Hamilton in red. But by the end of the 2020 season, Hamilton had four straight championships with Mercedes. He had no reason to jump ship. “If I’m really honest, I had accepted the fact that I’m probably not going to drive for Ferrari,” says Hamilton. “I was OK with that.”
After the 2021 season, Hamilton nearly walked away from racing. He—and millions of his fans—felt his record eighth driver title was stolen from him, when during the final race of the year, in Abu Dhabi, an official’s controversial decision allowed Verstappen to overtake Hamilton in the last lap and clinch his first title. Hamilton ultimately refused to quit without a fight, but he failed to win a single race as Verstappen cruised to another pair of championships. Hamilton signed a two-year extension with Mercedes in the summer of 2023, but the deal allowed him an option to leave after one year.
Meanwhile, true to Hamilton’s prediction, his de facto coach in the minors, Vasseur, took over an F1 team in 2016. Before the 2023 season, he was hired for a new team-principal gig—at Ferrari. Vasseur got wind of the loophole in Hamilton’s new deal—“He told me at one stage,” says Vasseur. “Good news”—and aimed to sign an agreement with Hamilton before the 2024 season. He wanted his drivers under contract last year, LeClerc and Sainz, to be free of whispers regarding their status. So while Hamilton was at his home in Colorado in December 2023, he got a call from Vasseur asking him to join Ferrari starting in 2025. “I remember getting off the phone and, like, almost shaking,” says Hamilton, who’s now almost shaking while recalling the moment. “I was like, Oh God!”
He told a friend who was with him about the call; they both sat in silence on a bathroom floor in shock. “I was like, Holy sh-t,” says Hamilton. “I literally just signed with Mercedes.” Breaking up with a team that felt like family was far from a no-brainer. And he didn’t have much time to decide. “It was a lot to take in, and my emotions were really high,” says Hamilton. “So I honestly had to go for a walk.” He left the house for an hour to decompress.
Hamilton then spent a few days meditating. He was leaning toward Ferrari. “My eyes felt really calm and present,” he says. “This is the right thing for me.” When he’d switched from McLaren to Mercedes all those years ago, he solicited too much advice. Here, he confided in just a few family members and trusted friends. “One cannot discount the Ferrari influence on the sport, especially through the eyes of a child,” says Mellody Hobson, co-CEO of Ariel Investments and the former chair of the Starbucks board, who’s very close to Hamilton. During negotiations, after every phone call with Ferrari, he’d jump around like a little kid.
“We’re in a time of reimagining the future, reimagining what really dreaming is about,” says Hamilton. “I’m going to Ferrari, man, and that’s the biggest dream.”
Not everyone is so thrilled. The day after he informed Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff of his decision was Hamilton’s annual paintball outing with his race-team mechanics. When he arrived, he was too nervous to get out of his car. “These are guys I’ve been with so many years,” says Hamilton. He eventually stood on top of a table to address his decision. His squad appeared understanding and supportive. But they let him have it in paintball. “They lit me up, hard,” says Hamilton. “It was so painful.” At one point, he was hiding behind a barrel shooting at the other team when he was struck from behind. A member of his own squadron had nailed him. “Freaking guy,” says Hamilton.
They laughed about it afterward and managed to get through the season. “There is no bad blood,” says Hamilton. “Absolutely not. We won so many championships.” (Mercedes declined to comment for this story.) Andrea Kimi Antonelli, an 18-year-old from Bologna, will take Hamilton’s place in the Mercedes lineup. “They have all the ingredients to win world championships, and they will win more world championships,” says Hamilton of Mercedes. “I have no doubt.”
In a book published in November—Inside Mercedes F1: Life in the Fast Lane—Wolff says Hamilton’s move “helps us because it avoids the moment where we need to tell the sport’s most iconic driver that we want to stop … We’re in a sport where cognitive sharpness is extremely important, and I believe everyone has a shelf life.” The comments caused a stir, and Wolff clarified that Hamilton is still “very sharp.”
Hamilton insists Wolff’s remark doesn’t bother him. He points to athletes like Tom Brady and LeBron James who’ve achieved success into their 40s. “Don’t ever compare me to anybody else,” says Hamilton. “I’m the first and only Black driver that’s ever been in this sport. I’m built different. I’ve been through a lot. I’ve had my own journey. You can’t compare me to another 40-year-old, past or present, Formula One driver in history. Because they are nothing like me. I’m hungry, driven, don’t have a wife and kids. I’m focused on one thing, and that’s winning. That’s my No. 1 priority.”
He also dismisses criticism from the broader racing community. Former F1 team owner Eddie Jordan said in a December podcast that it was “absolutely suicidal” for Ferrari to drop Sainz from its roster, given the strong working relationship between him and LeClerc. (Sainz will now race for Williams.) “I’ve always welcomed the negativity,” says Hamilton. “I never, ever reply to any of the older, ultimately, white men who have commented on my career and what they think I should be doing. How you show up, how you present yourself, how you perform slowly dispels that.”
Others, including former Ferrari driver Jacky Ickx, have suggested that Ferrari has signed Hamilton primarily for his commercial value. “I think it’s really unfair to Lewis, some of the comments saying, ‘This is a marketing operation,’” says Elkann, the Ferrari chairman. “Truth said, Lewis doesn’t need that. Ferrari doesn’t need that. What we need to do is win championships and do great things on the track. If that happens, what we can do outside of the track, in some ways, takes care of itself. There’s unlimited possibilities.”
The pressure, internal and external, Hamilton faces is immense. No F1 team owns more constructor titles than Ferrari, but they last won in 2008. Ferrari also owns the driver record, with 15, but the last Ferrari driver to win an individual crown was Kimi Raikkonen, in 2007. Ferrari fans are so passionate that they go by their own name, the tifosi. At the Ferrari museum, not far from the team’s 9.3 million-sq.-ft. campus in Maranello, Italy, pilgrims often start crying, or propose marriage, in the Hall of Victories, which showcases the team’s championship cars and more than 100 trophies.
One night in early February, at the Ristorante Montana, which displays a trove of Ferrari memorabilia in its dining room, Andrea Puttini, a seller of building materials from Naples, is outside enjoying a smoke. “In Italy, we say it’s not important if you speak bad or speak good about something,” says Puttini. “The importance is that you are talking about this. And Hamilton, just for being here, he lets us talk all over the world about Ferrari.”
Hamilton connected with as many of his new co-workers as possible during his first visit to Maranello in January, shaking hands until his arm was pulsating. “The amount of ciaos and grazies and piaceres I was saying, aye aye aye,” he says. After his first test run, he went out to greet the supporters lining a bridge that overlooks Ferrari’s private racetrack. A few weeks later, a fan decked out in a red Ferrari shirt and cowboy hat cut down a tree to allow the tifosi a better look at a Hamilton practice.
Hamilton first spotted himself in a Ferrari suit while in, of all places, the loo; he was washing his hands and looked up into the mirror. “I’m in red, I’m like, Whoa!” he says. He paused for a moment to take in the reflection. He liked what he saw. “The suit looked so good on me,” says Hamilton, laughing. “I’m like, Damn.” When seated in a Ferrari race car for the first time, he closed his eyes when the engine started and smiled. “The vibrations are different,” he says. He let them course through his body. “You just wonder how that feels,” Hamilton says. Now he knows. “It’s a really, really special moment.”
Still, Hamilton is well aware that Italian sports fans have not always been so welcoming of Black athletes like himself. He competed in karting races there in his younger days, starting at around 12, and experienced racist abuse, just as he had in England. He prefers not to go into details. “I don’t want to dwell,” he says. But he’s heard the racist chants directed at Black soccer players in particular. “I’m not going to lie, it definitely crossed my mind when I was thinking about my decision,” he says. “Like in so many things, it’s often such a small group of people that set that trend for many. I don’t think that it’s going to be a problem.”
Ferrari’s diversity—or lack thereof—was Hamilton’s more pressing concern. In the wake of George Floyd’s 2020 murder, as part of the worldwide sports protest movement against racial injustice, Hamilton started the Hamilton Commission to offer recommendations for more Black representation in U.K. motorsports. Mercedes launched its own diversity initiative in the months that followed and began hiring personnel from underrepresented groups, including Black engineers. “I did think, Oh my God, I’ve finally got a more diverse working environment that we’ve built over time,” says Hamilton. “And now I’m going back to the beginning of my time with Mercedes, where it wasn’t diverse.”
Along with every other F1 team, Ferrari signed a Diversity and Inclusion charter in November. While the new Trump Administration has made a point of attacking diversity—the President has signed a series of executive orders targeting diversity, equity, and inclusion programs—Hamilton, for one, remains locked in. “I’m not going to change what he does, or the government does. All I can do is try to make sure that in my space, in my environment, I’m trying to elevate people,” he says. “There’s going to be forces along the way that don’t want that, for whatever reason I can’t fathom. That doesn’t stop me. It is a fight that we’ll just keep fighting.” Hamilton is confident that Ferrari is committed to inclusion.
Vasseur, Hamilton’s new boss, agrees that it’s important, though as he fiddles with a binder clip in an office at Ferrari headquarters, where trade secrets are so closely guarded visitors must place stickers over their mobile-phone cameras (red ones, of course), he suggests that it may not be his top goal. “It’s not politically correct, but first is performance,” he says. “I’m keen to go into the direction of diversity and so on. We are doing our best effort. We are trying to push in this direction, but I want to build up the best team.”
I show Vasseur, who hails from France, a photo I found online: it’s him and Hamilton some 20 years ago, celebrating a win. He shows me some photos on his own phone, of his children, who are now grown, with Hamilton. He’s enjoying the walk down memory lane. But, he says, “We can’t be sentimental.”
Switching teams is difficult for any driver. The steering wheel, the cockpit, the terminology, they’re all different. “I’m literally learning a completely new book,” says Hamilton. F1 regulations allow limited practice time in the new car. He’s made strides in his Italian, thanks to lessons, but he’s by no means fluent. It took Hamilton more than four months to win a race in his first season with Mercedes. What gives Vasseur confidence that Hamilton will accelerate that learning curve?
“I could reply like a book and give you something that you want to write,” Vasseur replies. “But at the end of the day, at this part of the season, the feeling, the first time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, will be nothing compared to race one in Australia. You will forget about everything that happened before. It’s all about pure performance.”
While Hamilton swears his devotion to Ferrari, his schedule has remained plenty full. A Fashion Week and red-carpet regular, he has his own production company, a Dior line, and other enterprises. He says he’s in the preliminary stages of developing scripts for a comedy—it doesn’t involve racing—and a film pertaining to pets. (That’s all he’ll offer.) But the biggest thing on the horizon, besides of course the 24 Grand Prix races in the season, is the upcoming F1 movie.
Tom Cruise had first connected Hamilton with director Joseph Kosinski because Hamilton was interested in an acting role in Top Gun: Maverick. Kosinski was ready to bring him on board, but Hamilton was still fighting for championships with Mercedes and couldn’t afford the time commitment. Cruise screened the movie, which grossed $1.5 billion worldwide upon its 2022 release, for Hamilton in London. “I was crying a bit inside,” Hamilton says. “Ah, that could have been me!”
So when Kosinski called Hamilton about his F1 project, Hamilton jumped at the chance to be a producer. Early in the process, he took Pitt, who plays a veteran F1 driver in the film, for a drive around a track near Los Angeles. “He gave Brad the scare of a lifetime in a lap,” says Kosinski. “Brad was clawing at the windows, begging to get out.” Hamilton was also part of the casting process and offered instructive feedback. “The notes are so detailed,” says Bruckheimer. “‘When you’re going into that next turn, you have the car in second gear, it should be in third. I can hear it. I can hear the sound of it.’” He pushed for Hans Zimmer, composer of The Lion King, Gladiator, Dune, and other hits, to score it. His close relationship with F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali, a former Ferrari team principal, helped the filmmakers gain access to F1 tracks and races to shoot scenes. “He opened all those doors for us into that world,” says Kosinski. “We would not have been able to do this without him.”
Hamilton is predicting box-office success. “It’s going to blow away anything that’s ever been done in Formula One before,” Hamilton says. The Netflix behind-the-scenes docuseries, Formula 1: Drive to Survive, has been properly credited for expanding F1’s popularity, especially in the U.S. Hamilton believes this movie will compel viewers from all different backgrounds to become fans, or even pursue a career in F1. “Netflix has been huge,” he says. “This is going to be even bigger, on more of a global scale.” While F1 might not count as art-house fare—“I don’t think we set out for it to be, like, an Oscar-winning movie,” says Hamilton—he’s promising a memorable experience. “The goal is to make people feel good, to bring people in, to inspire people,” he says. “We want you to leave the cinema and be like, ‘Wow, that was freaking wicked.’”
But even with his creative juices flowing, he’s as energized as ever to drive. In other words, unlike Aroma, whose presence does not seem to have triggered Hamilton’s allergies at all, he has no plans to slow down. “What I can tell you is, retirement is nowhere on my radar,” says Hamilton. “I could be here until I’m 50, who knows.”
Hamilton believes that he and LeClerc are the strongest team pairing in the sport and that Verstappen is “absolutely” beatable. “I know exactly where the North Star is,” says Hamilton. “I know where I need to go. I know how to get there. It’s far, and it’s going to be tough to get there, but I know I’ve got all the ingredients, all the people, an amazing team around me. So it’s how much you want it. And I can’t express to you how much I want it.”
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