#but he left with a ver of the green ninja suit and everyone assumes he died in THAT
nyaskitten · 5 months
Why did skeleton Morro have hair. Did the writers assume their child audience was too dumb to realize it was Morro otherwise or something... cuz they also slapped the possessed Lloyd armor onto him so idk...
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Silver and Gold
Chapter 23--Finding the Light, Fighting the Dark
(AO3 ver.)
(Prologue Tumblr ver.; AO3 ver.)
Jay’s POV
“We’ve searched every inch of this place and still no sign of it!” I complained. “What are we missing?”
Garmadon hummed to himself in thought. “Perhaps we’re looking in the wrong places.”
“I’m pretty sure a temple of light would have light matter in it.”
“I meant we’re looking in places where we expect to find it.”
Cole’s eyes glanced to the four pillars of the room. “What if we need to put our swords in like we did for the Golden Mech?”
“But we’d need Kai for that, and he’s all the way out there,” I said. “And we have no way of contacting him.”
Misako cocked her head at the bell. “Maybe the bell might . . . no, that wouldn’t work . . .”
“Hey Zane, any suggest—Zane?” The guy was entirely ignoring us and walking right outside. “Uh, where are you going?”
“Upon arriving here, I noticed a 0.5 percent increase of brightness in the source of the light outside the temple,” he explained. “Perhaps there may be a clue there.”
Exchanging glances, the rest of us followed him out to the tower on the right.
Cole trailed Zane’s line of sight to the shining light. “What, up there?”
“I am picking up an energy reading emitting from one of the towers.”
The dragon’s footsteps turned my attention to him, and Zane hopped onto the ice head.
“Going up?”
After the rest of us hopped on, the dragon flew up to the roof, and we hopped off with Zane leading the way.
“Check out this view! You can see everything from up here!” I exclaimed. Despite the sense of doom hovering over this place, the green shade of the treetops under the afternoon sun easily made you forget this was an island of darkness. There was even a nice breeze that carried the scent of saltwater all the way out here.
Glancing back to the others, they were already nearing the tower. There, a golden cube could barely be seen through its light, and I had to squint the closer I inched to it.
“Besides the blinding light over here? No not at all,” Cole replied.
Through squints, I could see Zane feeling the cube with his eyes closed. “There’s an inscription written on the cube, but I can’t seem to make it out.”
“Can you move it?” I asked.
“I . . . don’t see any reason to, but, let me see . . .”
Gently, he began to carefully turn it away from him. Metal scraped against stone for a few seconds before something heavier began to move behind us, and rumbling soon followed.
“W-what’s going on?!” I asked.
“It’s revealing the light matter!” Misako exclaimed. “Look!”
We eased our way to where she disappeared to, and we were greeted with a secret storage space. And inside that space was a golden bowl harboring a golden substance.
“Excellent work, Zane!” Garmadon praised.
I studied the light matter with a raised eyebrow. “So uh, how much do you think we need?”
Cole cautiously reached his hand out and brushed his fingertips against the matter. “I don’t think we’ll need that much. I barely even touched it and I can tell how powerful this stuff is.”
Slipping his hood off, he scooped up a few handfuls of it before placing the matter inside his hood. But before he could finish, the bowl was instantly sealed away, and the cube turned back to its original position. “Let’s hope it’s not too late to reach them.”
Sensei’s POV
There was still no sign of Janet, and I would have begun to believe that she had hidden herself well were it not for the cheetah’s persistency. Many twists and turns, and even ups and downs we had to follow, and many times the trail even backtracked.
“There are signs of a struggle scattered across the trail,” I inferred.
“She has to be fighting back,” Lloyd confirmed. “It’s . . . amazing how strongly she’s fighting it off.”
“Alone she may be strong, but with others, she can be unstoppable.”
“We’re stronger united.”
All of a sudden the three of us were lurched away from the ground and into the air, and we crashed down in different directions. Shaking my head, I sat up to see earth shards obscuring someone from view.
“Don’t you come any closer,” Janet growled.
Upon spotting her, the most noticeable thing was a decently sized spot stemming from her heart revealing her gold suit. With closer inspection, I noticed half of what was her left eye was a fierce green.
Lloyd was about to speak when the cheetah stalked forward. Her gold eyes examined Janet, and the Ninja fought against restraints invisible to the naked eye. The tip of the cat’s tail twitched as it smoothly swayed, and Janet’s arms gradually lowered.
My nephew glanced to the skies with a prayer in his green eyes. “C’mon, guys. Where are you?”
Janet shook her head, and lightning began to crackle between her fingertips. In a heartbeat the cheetah whirled around to bring Lloyd down to the ground just as threads of lightning skimmed over their heads.
“Ninjaa-GO!” I leapt to the rocks and hopped from one to the other before bringing my staff down.
By the skin of her teeth the Gold Ninja lunged out of the way, and she summoned her sword to retaliate. Instantly she winced, and she began to struggle to dismiss her sword.
“Sensei . . .” she strained to warn.
Thunderous wing flaps brought everyone’s attention to the skies. The Ultra Dragon roared triumphantly as the rest of the team save for my brother jumped down. In Cole’s hand was his hood glowing with what I could only assume was the light matter.
“Just in time!” he announced, but the notion only caused Janet to grip her sword with both hands with a low growl.
“Eeeasy there, Janet,” Jay soothed in a nervous tone. “Niiice and easy.”
“You’re outnumbered,” Garmadon stated. “Your best decision is to stand down.”
“Or else what?”
Holding Kai and Nya hostage was Destiny and Blake, and the wolf was unwillingly as submissive as a domestic dog.
“How about a trade?” Blake challenged. “Your friends, for the Gold Ninja.”
“Uh, ahem, you ever considered the fact that you’re waaay outnumbered?” Jay asked.
Blake formed a sword of dark matter and held it close to Nya. “That has never bothered me before, Blue Ninja, and I don’t think it ever will.” Kai squirmed under Destiny’s grip as Nya swallowed.
“Ohhh don’t you even think about it!”
“Then hand over the Gold Ninja!”
The group remained silent as Janet’s eyes darted around. Even the dragon felt the tension in the air.
“You lose someone no matter what. There is no point in worming your way out of this.”
Cole’s eyes darted from Janet to Kai and Nya, and I could see a sort of glint in his eyes. Clenching a fist, he pulled his Earth Sword out to summon its blade, and he pointed its tip at Janet.
“Cole! What are you—?”
“Saving our team, Zane. Now come on.”
Janet dared to stare down Cole and his unwavering gaze, but eventually she dismissed her sword before walking forward.
“And don’t try anything funny.”
Destiny seemed as surprised as the rest of us, but Blake carried on the trade as if in routine. I watched Cole’s every movement, and he remained as grave as ever as he readjusted his grip on his hood.
What are you planning, Cole?
The group met in the middle, and Kai and Nya were shoved forward while Janet begrudgingly took her place next to her sister.
“I bet you think you have the upper hand, don’t you, Blake?” Cole retorted. “Well think again!”
Blake rolled his eyes. “Please. If this is about numbers again then you’re out of hands to play.”
“Not yet.” His eyes glanced to Janet, and Blake’s eyes looked behind him before turning around.
Shock collided into us as Janet was reverting back to normal. She let out a breath as renewed vigor flared in her eyes.
“Nice one, Cole!” Jay cheered.
“How did you—?” Destiny whirled around to lock on to Cole’s hood, the light matter glowing. “You! What did you do?!”
“Like I said, we’re not out of hands just yet,” Cole challenged.
Janet forced Blake and Destiny forward as the rest of us began to close them in. “This is for your own good, Des.”
Destiny balled her fists as her back hit Blake’s, and she summoned a corrupted water whip.
Blake’s POV
My eyes darted from one member of the team to the next as the rest of the Ninjas readied their elemental swords. “We’re outnumbered, Destiny. We need to retreat.”
“Oh no! I am not retreating from these guys!”
Curling my fingers, I reached for her hand. “Listen to me. Look at their numbers. It’s us against all of them. If we’re going to get your sister back, we need to retreat.”
Kai, unsurprisingly, was the first to attack, and I formed a sword of dark matter to meet his blade. Des took the chance to blast water at her sister, who merely froze it. Immediately the Ninjas divided to conquer, but I refused to back down.
“It’s good to have you back, Janet,” Lloyd said from behind.
“Good to be back,” she replied.
“Keep her still, Janet!” Cole called, avoiding a watery tentacle by a few inches.
I shot Zane back and blocked Wu’s staff before kicking Kai’s thigh. “Stay close to me, Destiny!”
“I’m—busy—here!” she barked between hits.
“Cole! Up here!” Garmadon called.
The Black Ninja chucked his hood at the old man, and I was about to blast it out of range when Nya kicked my hand. My sword dissipated the moment it hit the ground, and I slide kicked Kai before pinning him down.
“You’re not getting rid of us that easily,” I breathed. “Especially me.”
We tousled in the dirt and knocked over Nya and Zane, both of us swatting away each other’s punches. The ground shook behind me as the earth shifted, and a yelp from Des was quick to follow. I stole a glance over my shoulder at Janet and Lloyd just securing hastily formed earthen chains to her wrists, giving Kai the opportunity to throw me off of him.
From the dragon, Garmadon was aiming a handful of a golden substance at Des. With a growl I abandoned my opponents and freed her with a pulse, forcing the others back. The earth shattered like glass, and I was barely able to shield her from the golden substance. A searing sensation ripped through my upper arm, and I cried out in pain.
“The matter burns him!” Kai shouted.
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Silver and Gold
Chapter 14--Wipeout
(AO3 ver.)
(Prologue Tumblr ver.; AO3 ver.)
“Everyone okay?” Nya asked. The group murmured replies as they situated themselves on the dragon.
“Zane, how long until they reach the Dark Island?” Misako asked.
“According to their speed, alternating modes of transportation, and their experience with their elemental powers, their arrival might be within a week and a half, perhaps two weeks at the most,” he replied.
“Well that’s good news,” Cole commented.
“But it certainly doesn’t mean we should take our time getting there,” Garmadon added. “Whatever they plan on doing there can’t be good.”
“Then we better get moving,” Kai answered, keeping his eyes on the small dot that was the trio. “The sooner we get there the sooner we can get them back.”
  Destiny had not taken her eyes off the horizon since they had lost the Ninjas. The trip had been filled with silence so far, but she wished she could say the same for her mind. The majority of her thoughts held anger and hate, and the rest of them held the mission in high regards. If she wanted to get those Ninjas off their backs she had to cover as much ground as she could before she reached her limit. Or in their case, water.
“I still think we should’ve stolen a boat,” she spat.
“I’m pretty sure none of you know how to man a boat,” Blake replied.
“And I’m pretty sure you don’t, either,” Janet answered simply. “First time for everything.”
“And might I remind you that we’re surfing blind?” Destiny said. “It’s pitch black out here.”
“Oh just stop you’re whining!” The Gold Ninja produced a large flame and held her arm up.
“I’m not whining. I’m just expressing how we could’ve all been doing the work with a boat instead of only two of us doing the work.”
“I’m guiding you to the island,” Blake said. “That’s playing my part.”
“Well who’s actually getting us there, Blondie?”
“Oh just shut up, both of you,” Janet moaned. “If we’re pulling an all-nighter we need to have as much energy as possible.”
“Just trust me. All of this will pay off in the end,” Blake reassured.
Gradually the night grew older, and the Silver Ninja was soon left with her thoughts. The moon was the only source of light for miles around, reflecting off of the glassy surface of the water. With the slight breeze passing through and the sound of the waves, she was slowly being lulled into sweet slumber. And sleep seemed so good right now . . .
Shaking herself awake, she refocused on the water. But fatigue kept poking at her, and she felt their momentum slow. She strained to keep the wave higher, but the more she tried the lower they got. She put all her energy into raising them higher, but soon the ocean began to crawl its way to them.
That is until they suddenly stopped.
“It’s my shift now.”
Destiny looked to see her sister maintaining their position with a hand on Blake’s ankle, her deep purple eyes appearing to glow. Relaxing, she leaned against her as they propelled forward. Her eyes began to study the movement of the sea, and its rhythmic pace filled her ears.
“I know you really want to get as far away from those guys as possible, but you almost drowned us.”
“Yeah yeah, I know. I’m sorry.” The Ninja turned her attention back to the sea.
“. . . Something else is bothering you.”
Des sighed in annoyance. "It’s nothing. Now focus on the task.”
“I’m going to drop us if you don’t spill.”
She pursed her lips and sighed in frustration. “Fine. It’s those boys.”
“Really? The boys? You’re going to let them get to you?”
“I’m not letting them get to me. I just don’t want another Delshir.”
“We’re not going to have another Delshir. They turned on us, so we’re going to show them what happens when they mess with us.” They’re your team! You can’t fight against them!
Janet furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. I can’t believe I just thought that.
“But those jerks aren’t going to quit.”
“So then we won’t, either.”
Destiny cursed the Ninjas under her breath as she crossed her arms, Janet sighing at the notion.
She felt a pang of some sort in her head, almost as if something was scolding her. But she passed the feeling as a headache. “Just go to sleep before you wake up Blake.”
Zane's POV
By sunrise most of us were already awake. The dragon had resulted to swimming during the night, but I knew that even dragons needed their rest.
“If we continue at this rate we might reach the island before they do,” I stated.
“That is if you don’t count breaks,” Nya added. “I think the dragon’s getting a little tired.” The lightning head growled in agreement.
Looking at the horizon, I switched to Falcon Vision. My friend was much farther than we were, but I couldn’t see any sign of land through him. What I did see were three people riding a current of air. Almost immediately after I had spotted them, he sent their coordinates to me.
“The falcon has spotted them,” I announced, switching back to my original view.
“How far off are they?” Cole asked.
“They're five miles away.”
“Whaddya say, boy? Think you can catch up to 'em?” Lloyd asked.
The fire head roared as if to say, “Of course I can!” Quickly, the dragon rose from the water and took off.
“Zane, can you keep an eye on them?”
With a nod I reconnected with the falcon. But once I did, I found him narrowly avoiding shots from Destiny. “They’ve spotted him! We need to move quickly!” I scarcely felt a hand on my shoulder as I felt our speed increase.
“It’s just a bird! Don’t waste your energy!” Blake snapped.
“It’s not just a bird! It’s Zane’s falcon! They’re tracking us!” Destiny shot.
“And once again I’m the one who has to make like a banana and split!” Janet shot back.
“Well we need to slow them down! I don’t care where they are!” Blake ordered.
“What do you want me to do, make a tsunami?!” Destiny fired.
“Well you’re strong enough to make one!”
“Destiny’s going to try to slow us down!” I cautioned.
“She can't be that strong!” Kai said.
“You’d be surprised what one is willing to do when they put their mind to it,” Garmadon replied.
I felt the dragon climb toward the sky as I refocused on the trio. There was something dark looming underneath them, and its mass was very concerning.
“There’s something in the water!” Destiny warily warned as the falcon swooped under Blake’s shot.
My friend scanned the shape in the water. Judging by its length and somewhat familiar movements, I could only assume what it was.
The falcon cawed twice urgently, and I spotted a stream of fire becoming extinguished. When I switched back, I found that we had already caught up with them.
“Ohhhh I do not wanna know what that thing is!” Jay said, peering into the water.
Destiny was able to raise a wall of water in front of us, but right before she could send it crashing onto us, the sea erupted behind them. Several tentacles protruded from a squid-like creature, and a fierce roar rattled the sky.
“It’s the Leviathan!” I exclaimed. Janet immediately shot fire at it, agitating it. “Wait! Don’t!”
The Leviathan dove back under the water, and moments later it appeared in front of us.
“Go go go!” Destiny urged.
With one swing the creature knocked the trio aside, scattering them in different directions. Diving back under, it began to make significant ground toward Janet.
“We have to help them!” Kai exclaimed.
“Cole! Take over!” Lloyd exclaimed. After hastily handing the reins off, he jumped off the saddle and summoned his golden dragon, his suit turning golden, as well.
As the rest of us flew after Destiny, she summoned a wave and sprinted toward Blake. Several blasts of water were fired at us, and the ice head froze every single shot. Soon she was able to snatch up Blake, and she began to head toward Janet, who was battling Lloyd while avoiding tentacle swings.
The Silver Ninja sent a wall of water toward us, and we narrowly flew up to avoid it. Blake kept us occupied as Janet and Lloyd shot lightning at the same time. They thrust each other back, and the Leviathan managed to catch Lloyd just in time.
“Janet!” Destiny turned on us immediately with a livid expression, and a silver mist-like substance began to form over an extremely large patch of water.
“The water!” Cole shouted.
“GO UP! GO UP!” Jay screamed.
“What about Lloyd?!” Garmadon said.
As the Leviathan made his way to us with the Green Ninja above water, an enormous wave coated in a silver substance towered over us. Dread fell over us at the mere sight of it, and before we knew it the wave came crashing down.
[I have returned! My house is fine and so is the property, and I'm doing all right. Now I'm just trying to get back into my routine. But, I'm back. :)
Oh! By the way, if you want to know when I've posted go ahead and turn on the notifications to make things easier.]
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Silver and Gold
Chapter 9--Rising Tension
(AO3 ver.)
(Prologue Tumblr ver.; AO3 ver.)
Janet's POV
“Can you tell us who you are?” Sensei asked as we removed our hoods.
The gray-eyed guy exhaled as his fists clenched. “. . . Blake . . . Where am I?”
“A safe place.”
Blake’s eyes skimmed over all of us, but they lingered a little longer on Des. “You’re . . . you’re the ones who saved Ninjago from the Overlord.”
“Well, all of us except these two,” Jay said. “New recruits.”
“And technically Lloyd defeated the Overlord,” Zane added.
“Well it’s nice to meet all of you,” Blake replied.
Des strained to keep herself from pulling her hood back on. “Ahem, so, what happened to you?”
“I . . .” He trailed off. “I can’t remember. Everything happened so fast. It was impossible to fight back. But I’m glad the heroes of Ninjago found me. I thought I was done for.”
“Well you’re safe now.” Garmadon looked to Misako coming in. “Those burns of yours will be taken care of. As for the rest of you, I believe we have one more thing to take care of before we call it in tonight.”
While Blake was being handled, the rest of us followed Lloyd's dad and crowded into the study harboring Nya and Zane’s dad.
Kai came in last before closing the door. “All right, look—”
“Ssshhh!” almost everyone scolded.
“All right, look,” he repeated quieter than before. “That guy has to be the Overlord right there.”
“But his eyes are a light gray. Not dark,” Cole objected. “And the guy’s calling himself Blake. Besides, we don't know much about him.”
"And we don't know for sure if it's him or not," I said. Even though I have my suspicions . . .
"Even if Blake was associated with the Overlord, how would we know for sure?" Zane asked.
“We’ll have to look for clues,” Cole said.
“And we need to keep an eye on him as much as we can,” Lloyd added. “We can’t just leave him how he is now.”
“Uh, yeah we can. It’s called ‘This is our apartment and we’re kicking you out,’ ” Jay retorted, making Nya elbow him.
“My nephew is right,” Sensei said. “As high as our suspicions are, we can’t leave him out there in his current state. It would not be right.”
“But he could be the enemy, Sensei. The enemy!”
“Ssshhh!” we all hissed, and Jay crossed his arms.
“May I remind you how to defeat you enemy?” Sensei said.
“Ugh, don’t tell me we have to befriend the Overlord,” Kai scoffed.
“Whether or not he is the Overlord, and whether or not he may have ties to him, turning him into a friend may be the best way to go about this," Garmadon said. "Now all of you go get some rest.”
The guys mumbled complaints as they wormed out of the room with Misako, Nya, and Dr. Julien following behind them, but a gentle hand on my shoulder stopped me.
“There’s . . . something I’ve been meaning to tell you, Janet,” Wu said, and his brother glanced to us before leaving.
I turned to the younger brother. “Yeah?”
“I have a reason for holding you back.”
“You don’t trust me, do you?”
He nearly let his surprise come to his face. “No. I did not trust you.” He pulled a small chest out from underneath the desk, and inside was a gold ninja suit. “I refrained from giving this to you because I thought you were not ready. It turns out I was the one who was not ready. I should have trusted you from the beginning, and for that I apologize.”
I picked up the suit to get a better look at it. It was a metallic gold with the armor being a darker shade. Like Des’s suit, there was a headpiece on the hood the color of the armor. Gray straps were on the sleeves and pants, and two more gray straps intersected over the torso. Holding those two together was a symbol in the center—a distorted figure that reminded me of a butterfly.
“As you already know, you are the Gold Ninja, a master of wind and the four elements. Many questions of you remain unanswered for the time being, as is the same for your sister. But I’m sure the answers will come when they are ready to present themselves.”
I locked eyes with him. He seemed pretty honest about this . . . “Thank you . . . Sensei.”
Blake's POV
The Ninjas had already left the building for the morning, and as much as I would love to see what they’re up to, I’m stuck here.
Sighing, I sat up with difficulty to carefully unwrap some of the gauze on my arm. Whatever substance that woman used on me definitely healed most of my injuries.
“Looks like you’re up and at ‘em!”
I jumped and jerked around to see the old man with glasses pouring himself a glass of milk.
“Ooh. Didn’t mean to startle you. Eh how’d the night go?”
“Well. I was hoping to start moving today.”
“You sure? I heard you had some pretty bad injuries last night.”
“I’ll be all right.” I stood up. “So, any idea where those Ninjas might be?”
“Mmm probably training over at Dareth’s dojo. You know those youngsters—always have to be in tip-top shape!”
“Thanks.” I walked out the door and closed it with a sigh. A biting cold feeling spread all over my legs, but I ignored it as I started walking. Then the sensation spread to my arms almost stronger than before, making me clench my fists. I’m hoping that’s the last time I feel that.
As I walked, I couldn’t help but enjoy the comforting feeling of the sun on my skin. I enjoyed it so much that I almost missed the place. Backtracking, I looked into the window to see the Ninjas training, and the Gold Ninja now had her suit on. Well you can’t miss her now.
After fixing my hair I stepped inside only to avoid the end of a water whip just barely.
“You’re up! Already?” the Blue Ninja asked, and he bent back to avoid a sword from the Gold Ninja.
“Whatever ointment they put on me must’ve really worked.”
“Yeah, well, I suggest you head back outside,” the Red Ninja retorted. “The place is occupied.” Well somebody’s not too happy.
“I do happen to know a thing or two.”
“Oh really?”
“Could you guys focus a little?” the Green Ninja grunted, his wrist between his shoulder blades as courtesy to the gold one.
"How about after your session I take ooonn the Silver Ninja?"
“What?!” both the red and silver ones blurted.
Within seconds weapons were pointed at their targets, and the entire group was at a stand-still.
“This is new,” the White Ninja concluded, and the group eased off each other.
“By the way, I never got your names,” I said, and they seemed hesitant. “I don’t bite.”
They eventually introduced themselves with Destiny going last. Seeing that hint of anger in Kai’s eyes is very entertaining.
“Now, shall we, Silver Ninja?”
She was quick to refocus before assuming her position.
“You sure you want to be doing this?” Jay asked skeptically.
“I’ll be fine,” I said.
Cole’s POV
The two of them stood there for a couple seconds before Des whipped water at Blake's side, but he darted to the left before rolling forward to meet her in hand-to-hand combat. He threw a punch that she easily avoided, and she countered with a punch to his stomach that he simply hopped away from. She dropped down to swipe her leg under his, and she was about to elbow him down when he rolled to the left. Seconds after she hit the floor she flipped herself back up before going at it again with Blake.
“He’s not bad,” I said to Kai.
“I still think we should keep an eye on him," Kai said.
“Well if he’s trying to bring our guards down, he’s doing a number on Des.”
“Hmph. I’ll show him how to do a number on someone.”
I gave him a side glance. “Someone’s upset.”
"What? Pfft, I'm not upset. Upset of what, him? Ha. Don’t make me laugh."
I shrugged. “All right, if you say so.”
Swords clashing brought me back to the fight, and Blake was soon overpowering Des.
"I have to say, you're pretty good," Blake grunted.
Des flashed a smirk and slowly pushed him down, but he kicked her arm, kneed her stomach, and pinned her down all in one blur of movement. Both of them were breathing heavily.
"Well aren't you fresh," she remarked.
Blake got up and helped her stand, but she rolled to the side as Janet flew over his head and landed. Immediately she started throwing punches left and right almost as quickly as Jay. Before he knew it she kneed his gut hard, swung her heel onto the middle of his back, and forced his wrist between his shoulder blades.
"Wow, that hurt," Blake grunted.  With a smirk Janet let him up.
"Pretty good for someone as patched up as you,” Kai said, his arms crossed.
"Thanks. I try," Blake said. "And these ladies here are in training?"
"Yeah. Still in training, yes I—I mean we are," Destiny stammered.
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Oh-kay, I think we have enough time for another round before Dareth has his classes,” Kai interjected. “How ‘bout one on one with me this time, Des?”
The other guys, Janet, and I exchanged looks before we split off, and Blake decided to watch. Those two are really something together. No wonder Kai’s so uptight.
3rd person POV “Why do you like singling me out so much?” Destiny asked as the two of them got into position.
“I like seeing you fight,” Kai simply replied, to which she raised an eyebrow.
“That sounds bad. Uh I meant I like the way you fight. That’s worse. Uh I meant—”
She threw a punch that he barely caught. “Is it because we have opposite elements?”
“Yes! That’s it. That’s--totally the reason. Heh heh.” Meanwhile with the others, they were discussing their “guest” of the day.
“When can we kick him out?” Janet asked lowly as she avoided a punch from Cole.
“See? I’m not the only one!” Jay replied in the same tone.
“He seems focused on Destiny, especially,” Zane added as he bent back from a kick.
“Guess he’s playing favorites today,” Cole said. He glanced to the other two Ninjas. “And he’s not the only one.”
“Whatever happens, we can’t let our guards down,” Lloyd said.
“And we have to act like he’s a regular guy,” Jay commented. “I say we catch ‘em in his sleep and—”
“We’re not kicking him out, Jay.”
“But we’re Ninjas, Lloyd! We can make it quick!”
“You’re forgetting what Sensei and Garmadon told us last night,” Zane said.
“Can't we?”
“Jay,” the rest of the group warned, leading him to scoff.
“Fine, but when he pulls something I’m saying I told you so.”
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