#but he definitely should be renewing his contract and not doing whatever
santonali · 2 years
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Happy birthday to Milan's incredible Algerian midfielder, Ismaël Bennacer, who turns 25 today (01.12.2022). Here's to many more trophies, joyful memories, and career-building moments. Milan will love you always. 💝
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sunderingstars · 4 months
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sampo analysis m.list
— a silly little overview of different "sampos" i find interesting
— not meant to be taken super seriously or canonically, but can tie in to some of the theories i have
— in the true spirit of elation, these aren't hills i'm willing to die on, just ones that are fun to play around with :3
— feel free to use for writing/art inspiration!
— i add to this periodically as new sampos catch my eye!
— word count: 3k (good lord)
— 🎭s indicate aha!sampo
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🎭 sampo "midlife crisis" koski
— at risk of losing his aeon/emanatorhood
— doesn’t find anything funny anymore
— tired of being behind the scenes
— becoming a buzzkill (having “lines” he won’t cross)
— taking drastic measures to improve his quality of life (fucking off to a random ass snow planet to scam people)
note: may lead to a villain arc — sampo "renewed vigor" koski — in which he remembers why he used to love tormenting people, conquers his midlife crisis, and returns to pure elated insanity. this is bad for everyone involved for obvious reasons
🎭 sampo "how're you gonna win if you never take any risks?" koski
— aha took drastic measures to secure their success, either through memory erasure, mortal transformation, giving up power, or all three
— under the radar, civilian aha
— trying to circumvent “destiny” through delusional self-confidence
— enter sampo i mean aha i mean sampo i mean aha i mean s
sampo "ceaseless watcher's special little boy" koski
— not aha but aha definitely likes him
— perhaps an avatar or emanator of some sort
— whether he likes aha or not is up for debate
— can easily turn into sampo "ceaseless watcher get their ass" koski, in which sampo becomes a little too fond of invoking his status as aha's favorite to accomplish his own goals
alternate possibility: he’s aha’s favorite due to his pathetic nature and slutty hip windows, he just doesn’t know it. he thinks his luck is due to his own talent & skill (it is literally outside eldritch forces beyond his control)
sampo "close enough" koski
— not an actual aeon, but rather a vessel for aha’s power or consciousness on varying levels
— perhaps akin to caelus/stelle being a stellaron receptacle
sampo "let's get you back to bed grandpa" koski
— the wear and tear of a long life has taken its toll on him
— despite the infinity of time, he has become out-of-sync with newer masked fools members, who regard him as an “old timer”
— isn’t shown much respect, and is frequently asked why he isn’t as cool as he used to be
— also know as sampo "L + ratio + fell off" koski
— “peaked in high school” energy
— can be either aha, emanator, or similar high status
🎭 sampo "in rehab" koski
— aeonic existence isn’t easy and can, in fact, take a toll on those that ascend from human forms
— he finally decided that maybe he should make a change
— and has thus embarked on a healing journey
— therapeutic exercises include: scamming people, starting pyramid schemes, selling artifacts on the black market, and more!
sampo "ultimate dealmaker" koski
— in a contract or some sort of deal with aha in exchange for power, money, or a combination or the two
— possession? who knows
🎭 sampo "i'm not mad i'm just disappointed" koski
— doesn’t understand why his children have strayed so far
— “where did i go wrong? why do they think this is funny? do they even care about the worm?”
— has the energy of an exasperated parent watching his kids flush car keys down the toilet again
🎭 sampo "horrified creator" koski
— aha & the masks have outgrown their creator (sampo) and have gone off to do their own aeonic thing, leaving him behind
— he thinks it’s all insane, actually, and he’s very disappointed and very tired
— trying to pick up the pieces of whatever mayhem the aha!masks cause
— aha!masks keep him around for fun
— “i should never have laughed at that goddamn baby”
sampo "me and aha kiss on the weekends" koski
— just a silly little guy who has somehow wormed his way into the heart of an eldritch being
— in it for the mind-bending sex
sampo "blasphemy" koski
— technically affiliated with the masked fools but doesn’t subscribe to their beliefs
— thinks aha is a load of horseshit but needs to keep up with what they’re doing to circumvent it
— may have been formerly in a high-ranking position, or just another guy with a mask
— aha probably wronged him or did some fucked up shit in the past and now he has a vendetta
🎭 sampo "stole my fucking thunder" koski
— someone stole aha’s power. that’s it
— sampo is salty
— 10/10 betrayal plot
potential inverse: he’s the one stealing aha’s power
sampo "my boss sucks and i want to quit" koski
— tired, overworked employee of the masked fools
— views aha as a sort of fucked up insane ceo that he wants nothing to do with but is unfortunately contractually obligated to work for
— wants to start a union
🎭 sampo "next in line" koski
— can also branch into sampo "formerly in line" koski or sampo "abdication" koski
— wherein aha’s power or masks are akin to titles or positions that are passed down between different people, somewhat akin to how “crowns” and “kings” work
— in this case, sampo would either be currently in line for this power, formerly in line for this power, or has actually been in power but abdicated or otherwise lost/gave up/moved on from his position
— this could be natural or otherwise
note: this does not have to be solely for aha, this kind of power transfer could work for other high-ranking positions like emanator or organization leader
🎭 sampo "this price was too steep..." koski
— got a bit cocky and wagered his aeonhood
— is now in a Not Great position
sampo "i hate owing people things" koski
— owes aha one
— does not like owing people things
— doing whatever he needs to cancel out the debt
🎭 sampo "i was crazy back then lol" koski
— the universe’s idea of aha writ large is based on an outdated version of their personality
— this always annoys sampo because he has to be constantly reminded of his insane college days before he mellowed out
— the type to reminisce over wine and say “yeah that worm thing was wild. i was crazy back then huh”
🎭 sampo "committed to the bit" koski
— one of my personal favorites
— became mortal as a joke
— ended up liking it a little too much
— doesn’t really want to go back
sampo "worm on a string" koski
— what is a man if not just another omniscient worm destined for tragedy?
— he’s a puppet, basically
— & he just gets wormed around like he’s on a string
— hence the name
— another one of aha’s classic cosmic jokes
🎭 sampo "one of many" koski
— ties into my split consciousness theory
— aha split their personality into multiple people (either as a joke or for a bigger reason) and sampo is one of those pieces
🎭 sampo "yeah i heard aha was super cool and hot and sexy and smart and did i mention sexy" koski
— big fan of the rumor mill
— can’t help but try to win people over to the elation even when he’s supposed to be laying low
— he’s not fooling anyone. just yesterday serval watched him laugh until he cried because a kid dropped their ice cream. he is not slick
🎭 sampo "reverted to babey" koski
— someway, somehow, aha got reverted back to who they were before they ascended to aeonhood
— now sampo is just really fucking confused (and annoyed because mortal life is pretty annoying)
sampo "character creation screen" koski
— aha just had a silly goofy lil day & wanted to create a guy
— so they did
— sampo acts as a kind of controlled character who’s self-aware about his position as a playable character
— or alternatively he was turned loose with no purpose scaramouche-style and is now just fucking around doing whatever
sampo "failed clone" koski
— obligatory clone theory
— aha tried to clone themself. it wasn’t as funny as they wanted
— sampo is the result
— aha realizing sampo was a bit of a buzzkill: “i don’t want to play with you anymore”
🎭 sampo "vicarious existence" koski
— part of the split consciousness theory
— aha sectioned off or created a part of themself that can live in a way they can’t (i.e. have free will beyond the elation)
— similar to the focalors/furina situation in genshin
sampo "trojan horse" koski
— is his own person, under the impression he has free will, but is being used as an unknowing vehicle for eventual Big Aha Moment
🎭 sampo "can't remember shit" koski
— he forgor :((
— used to be aha but doesn’t know that
— most likely erased his own memory in order to accomplish a planned endgame
🎭 sampo "you don't wanna see me when i transform" koski
— dual consciousness theory
— sampo koski as a human is much more rational and reasonable than eldritch-form aha
— sampo likes to stay as sampo as much as possible because he doesn’t like what he becomes when he changes forms
— may lead to a tragic arc where, in order to defend belobog, he reverts to his aeonic form knowing he won’t be able to transform back
sampo "lmao got you" koski
— all signs pointing towards aeon or emanator status are red herrings
— he’s just really good at gaslighting to get what he wants
sampo "whoops i got attached" koski
— fucked off to belobog for whatever reason
— got surprisingly attached
— belobog now has an extremely powerful entity/protector without even knowing it
— “it’s just a weird insane little place. very charming” — sampo, probably
🎭 sampo "elias bouchard" koski
— just a shell for aha, jonah magnus style
— used to be his own person, but got yoinked along the way
🎭 sampo "5d mind chess" koski
— knows exactly what he’s been doing from the beginning
— strategic placement on belobog to meet the trailblazer
— has done a damn good job of coming off as “normal pathetic scammer mcgee” to distract from larger plans
🎭 sampo "just like everyone else" koski
— for whatever reason, aha is insistent that they be treated just like any other member of the masked fools; same rules, same hierarchy, everything
— this results in everyone looking at him weirdly but not saying anything and trying to strike up casual conversation with their literal aeon
sampo "gimme your eldritch money" koski
— the final form of scammers everywhere
— he’s scammed everyone he possibly can, and now there’s only one thing left: to scam an aeon
— chooses aha + the masked fools because there’s a good chance he’ll get stuff just because aha is amused with him
— tries to link aha up with a pyramid scheme
sampo "you should see me in a crown" koski
— either on a delusional self-confident power trip or gunning for aha’s power
— can be aha, emanator, or other high-ranking position, but aha works the best if sampo wants to go all the way up the ladder
— thinks he’s the best ever and can never fail, pairs well with “5d mind chess” sampo like fine wine
— drunk on power/worship
🎭 sampo "wine aunt" koski
— also known as sampo "washed up aeon" koski
— he’s out of the limelight, whether that means he passed on his power, had it taken from him in a free for all, or just wants to retire, and now he’s kicking back with a margarita and enthralling the belobog locals with “hypothetical” scenarios that are actually crazy mind-bending stories from his glory days
— he’s not as great as he used to be, nor does he have the power of a full-fledged aeon anymore, but belobog appreciates him all the same (goes hand in hand with sampo "just like everyone else" koski)
— “geez yeah, ix is so annoying. such a buzzkill, really, that guy even hates knock-knock jokes. i mean, who hates knock-knock jokes? … hypothetically, of course.” — sampo, probably
🎭 sampo "zhongli the funeral consultant" koski
— aha is secretly “dead” but no one knows
— perhaps the masked fools know, but either way sampo has either already faked his death, is currently doing it, or is planning to in the future
— he just wants to retire man, and if that means he has to “fall” then so be it
sampo "just a silly guy" koski
— there is actually nothing special to this man at all
— he’s just a guy. just a silly little guy
— aha is laughing at all of us for even making theories about him
sampo "aha jr." koski
— sampo is a doll created by aha like in the simulated universe occurrence, having the same appearance as aha’s human form and sharing personality & path attributes
— most likely wants to break away from the elation’s influence but doesn’t know how
— views aha as a really fucked up dad
sampo "oh my god i'm in a cult" koski
— raised in the masked fools, didn’t realize how batshit insane they were until a Formative Traumatic Event occurred and he went “oh.. oh no…..”
— estranged from most of the members but still deals with them in the way you do when you hate your family but have to put up with them at holiday dinners
— maybe got to a high position of power before, but left when he realized it wasn’t good for him
sampo "partners in crime" koski
— him & aha are friends, besties even
— knows the risks of working with an aeon but can’t say no when that much money is involved
🎭 sampo "for funsies" koski
— if aha can give the entire universe’s knowledge to a worm for fun, then by god they can give all of their power and aeonhood to a silly little guy randomly for no reason whatsoever (especially if he doesn’t want it)
— constantly fighting against increasingly powerful eldritch control
— “young god”
— canon in my heart
sampo "reality tv" koski
— part of the vicarious emanator theory
— aha gave him all their power and basically watches him like a reality show
— *pokes sampo with a stick* “hey why aren’t you doing anything” — aha, probably
— constant voyeurism
sampo "communism" koski
— part of the dual consciousness and vicarious emanator theories
— one of aha’s emanators that they share their entire path with
— “our” power
— perhaps some sort of memory or consciousness sharing
sampo "horse girl" koski
— “but your dream is to be an emanator”
— “no that’s your dream dad, not mine”
🎭 sampo "aeons anonymous" koski
— aeon in rehabilitation
— wants to start a former aeon support group
🎭 sampo "power receptacle" koski
— in which the masks function as the true “aha” and sampo has given them up or put them away for safekeeping
— “sparkle please please i’m so serious just let me put it back on once. no seriously only once i promise i won’t go insane like last time i’ll be so normal it’ll only be for five minutes please” — sampo, probably
sampo "one-sided hate boner" koski
— man absolutely hates aha (probably for backstory reasons)
— aha doesn’t care at best and at worst thinks it’s really really funny
— “you burned my house to the ground!”
— “🤷”
— “my family is dead!”
— “🤷”
— bonus points if aha makes him an emanator or something
sampo "significant annoyance" koski
— dedicated to being as annoying as possible to aha, whether out of spite, a vendetta, or sheer interest
— aha finds this funny so they let him stick around
— “he graffitied my mask with a bunch of dicks and it took me years to get it off. isn’t he just the greatest little guy?” — aha, probably
sampo "god's silliest soldier" koski
— aha gives their hardest battles to their silliest soldiers
— and that is sampo
sampo "true wild card" koski
— he’s not aha, an emanator, or any higher status
— he is quite literally just That Good as a regular human being
🎭 sampo "cosmic irony" koski
— “man, it sure would suck to be aha the aeon of elation. glad i don’t have to deal with that. i love being mortal”
— “🎭🎉👀”
sampo "cult leader" koski
— humility is a facade
— “lines” he won’t cross are a facade
— everything is for the purpose of appearing like the perfect leader (or candidate for leader)
— secretly the most insane out of anyone
sampo "secret agent man" koski
— doing aha’s bidding willingly
— a goon. a henchman even
sampo "tainted love" koski
— aha isn’t the most healthy person to be around, on account of the ten billion cosmic torments jokes they throw around on a daily basis
— guinea pig sampo is TIRED
sampo "sacrificial lamb" koski
— may or may not be aware of his sacrificial status
— created or being manipulated into a position where he becomes collateral for aha doing whatever the fuck they wanna do
sampo "impromptu therapist" koski
— the receiver of many rants and complaints unrelated to him within the masked fools
— becomes the “advice friend” even though this man should never be trusted for reliable advice
— but surprisingly he is the most reliable within the masked fools
sampo "sanest masked fool" koski
— just a long-suffering member of an organization whose followers are some of the most insane people you’ll ever meet
— permanent eye bags for having to put up with them
🎭 sampo "michael distortion" koski
— he was a regular guy once, but ended up absorbing aha’s eldritch power one way or another
— potential assimilation into one form
— aha didn’t expect the joke to joke back
sampo "court jester" koski
— similar to "ceaseless watcher's special little boy"
— the king’s (aha’s) favorite little jester
— and also they make out sometimes
— has a semblance of protection afforded to him by being the favorite (he uses this to his advantage)
— “jester’s privilege”
sampo "try me" koski
— aha is physically keeping tabs on the trailblazer
— sampo is too, but only to swat aha’s hand away like a kid reaching into a cookie jar
— usually a mad dash to see who gets there first
— leads to many situations where they make tense eye contact across the street or smth
— subsists off of pure spite & annoyance
🎭 sampo "favored of humanity" koski
— aha is one of the aeons closest with humanity, and has such developed a more “mortal” frame of mind over time
— eventually if you spend enough time around mortals you might just turn back into one
🎭 sampo "hedonist" koski
— why is he doing any of this? who knows
— who can possibly understand the machinations of what an aeon finds funny
— eldritch humor beyond our comprehension
🎭 sampo "cosplayer extraordinaire" koski
— “so this is my humansona his name is sampo koski he likes scamming people and has slutty slutty hip windows”
— likes to stay in character as much as possible
— kinda like playing a dnd character 24/7
sampo "long-suffering host" koski
— somewhat dual consciousness theory
— aha is just up there, and sampo has to listen to their annoying ass constantly
— can be a joke, chill possession scenario, or necessity for aha due to external circumstances
— may be a side effect of emanator status, or may just be another Classic Cosmic Joke™
sampo "unwilling hierophant" koski
— informercial: how would YOU like to receive PERSONAL and INCESSANT psychic messages from eldritch forces beyond your comprehension?
— “geez ew no”
— infomercial: is that a YES?
— “no”
— infomercial: thank you for signing up for our FREE TRIAL service!
— “wait no”
— infomercial: text "NO PLEASE STOP NO" to 69420 to UNSUBSCRIBE from the Laughter’s FREE psychic telepathy service
— phone: thank you for subscribing to our LIFETIME PLAN of FREE, UNCEASING, TORMENTING visions from AHA THE ELATION. please enjoy your COMPLIMENTARY descent into insanity!
— “god fucking damnit”
sampo "vacant apartment" koski
— possession receptacle that’s no longer in use and is left up to his own devices
sampo "moved to iceland and became a sheep herder" koski
— living off the grid
— only came back because something bad is gonna happen to belobog
— can be aha, emanator, or other high-ranking position
🎭 sampo "undercover boss" koski
— keeping tabs on the masked fools because they’re fanatical
— “what the hell guys this is not what i want” — sampo, probably
— they say or do something and he’s just like “not funny. didn’t laugh”
— y’know when people say “if jesus came down to earth, he’d be disappointed at what people are doing in his name” — yea that’s sampo but like for real
— damage control
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© written by sunderingstars. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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unhinged-jackles · 7 months
Dearest mutual. I know nothing of formula 1. Why are the ferrari and red bull brands fighting???
oh frosty i am so so so glad you asked bc now i get to be insane.
(this got super long so I essentially have an essay below the cut. if you're curious about formula 1, give it a read!)
Ok so first let me get into a few key people in this. Lewis Hamilton is a 7 time F1 World Drivers Champion and he has the most race wins of anyone in F1 history. He is regarded as one the best if not THE best F1 driver of all time. He has been on the Mercedes team since 2013 and has won 6 of his WDCs with them.
However, in 2021, he lost the championship to Max Verstappen of team Red Bull in a controversial final race in Abu Dhabi. Max Verstappen has been the WDC since 2021, winning in both the the 2022 and 2023 season. His 2023 season broke records I believe, winning 19 out of 22 races. Not only is Verstappen an incredible driver, just a real force to be reckoned with on the race track, but Red Bull's F1 cars are just fucking insane, especially in 2022 and 2023 because of new regulations leading to a new designs. It literally sounds like a fucking rocket and he wins by large margins.
On the other hand, the Mercedes cars that dominate from 2013 to 2020 took a huge dip in 2022 due to the new designs because of new regulations, and Hamilton has been very vocal about these cars not being up to par. Hamilton has always been very loyal to Mercedes, so it came as an extreme shock when it was announced on Feb 1st that he would be moving to team Ferrari in the 2025 season. Like imagine if when Zayn left 1D he went to 5SOS. Or if a member of Stray Kids joined BTS. Idk what else to compare it to but it was fucking insane, which is why I got into F1 because I was like "ok idk what's going on but I do want to know." However, with Hamilton moving to Ferrari in 2025, this means that Carlos Sainz is essentially fired from Ferrari (also I should have mentioned this before, there are 10 F1 teams and each team has two drivers). Charles Leclerc is Ferrari's favorite, I've seen him being referenced as the 'Prince of Ferrari' by fans. So it came as no surprise that soon after Hamilton announced he's joined Ferrari in 2025, Sainz issued a statement that he and Ferrari would be parting ways at the end of 2024.
So now the definite line up for Ferrari in 2025 is Lewis Hamilton and Charles Leclerc. Max Verstappen is also staying with Red Bull but the future of Sergio "Checo" Perez is uncertain. His contract is up at the end of 2024 and there have been rumors that he might be replaced.
Carlos Sainz has not signed with another team for 2025, at least not publicaly, so there is a lot of speculation on where he may go next. He is the only driver not from Red Bull who won a Grand Prix in 2023. Verstappen won 19, Perez won 2, and Sainz won 1. While everybody else I mentioned in this post did have a higher standing in the final rankings of the 2023 season, Sainz did get a trophy, and that's a result that matters.
2025 is going to be an incredible season to see the fight between Hamilton and Verstappen. Hamilton signing with Ferrari after finished 12 years with Mercedes shows he's really doing whatever is takes to get that 8th WDC, because that would make him the F1 driver with the most world championships of all time. Verstappen is a favorite to be the 2024 Champion, so he will probably be defending the title.
Now let's say that Perez doesn't renew his contract and Sainz has a good season this year. There is a non-zero chance that he could sign with Red Bull. Sainz was in their F1 academy, and he was beat out for the Red Bull F1 seat by Verstappen at the beginning of their F1 careers. I would literally do anything to see real hard racing between Carlos Sainz for Red Bull and Charles Leclerc for Ferrari, because frankly Ferrari keeps prioritizing Leclerc over Sainz, even if Sainz has a better pace. So to have the the 2025 lineup for Red Bull be Max Verstappen AND Carlos Sainz, while the fucking FERRARI team is Lewis Hamilton and Charles Leclerc would be so insanely awesome.
If you read this far, thank you for coming to my ted talk 💋
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missywritesfor7 · 1 year
🌺 Promise Flower | PJM 🌺
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Synopsis: Jimin is a popular dance student and the best one at his university. Mina is a photography student and has known Jimin since high school. An idea for a photo project finds Mina getting closer to him than she ever has before. She learns how big his heart is, but also learns how closely he guards it. Every time she thinks he'll let her in, he pulls away again. Is it even worth the trouble?
Pairing: college student!Jimin x fem!oc
Warnings: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, alcoholism
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|| Ch. 30: Just Dance ||
I learned that my parents had no idea Ryan was bailed out. A bit of research on their part found that an old friend of his bailed him out. An old friend who is part of the reason why Ryan started his criminal career many moons ago.
Keri and Lilly are safe, still living in a shelter an hour away from me. I hope to get a chance to visit them soon now that finals are over. I’ve been texting Keri and getting updates on Lilly and honestly I can’t wait to hold her again.
Ryan has been sitting in jail without bail since they realized he’s a flight risk. In the meantime I’ve been able to get a restraining order against him. If for whatever reason he gets out again he’s not allowed within 100 feet of me. I feel a little better now that that’s done.
Jimin is gearing up for his summer class that he agreed to teach solo. It’s a much more fast paced class since it’s 8 weeks long rather than the usual 15-16. As before, his class will have a performance at the end of the term, and I think he may pull his hair out before the term even starts.
On top of that he still hasn’t been cleared by his doctor to dance. It seems he’s been feeling more pressured since then. He’s been putting all of his energy into his class performance this time around. He’s working hard on choreography and even harder on strengthening his leg. He says his doctor told him he’s close, but not quite there yet. He’s starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and he’s beyond ready to continue his passion on stage.
We’re all on track to graduate next spring so I decided not to enroll in any summer courses. I know I’ll probably be stressed out all year so I want to take the summer to just relax a bit. Plus, after this year I feel like I definitely need a break.
Tae decided to take one film class over the summer as an elective. He really enjoys it and I think he does amazing working with film. I see him less but he always comes by occasionally to show me what he’s working on and eat my snacks.
Jin and I are nearing the end of our lease and we haven’t fully decided if we’ll renew or not. Actually I don’t plan on going anywhere so I have no problem renewing my lease.
Jin on the other hand is unsure of what he wants to do. He recently signed a contract with an entertainment company that got him cast in a small but important role in a new drama. He’s toying with the idea of dropping out of school completely to focus on that. If he does then he’ll move closer to his new agency and I would have to find a new roommate.
I don’t want Jin to leave school for selfish reasons, but honestly I’m happy for him. If he gets the chance to drop out and make it big then I encourage it, he’s amazing at what he does.
Finding a new roommate would be easy if I could get Jimin to move in with me. But I’m not sure he’d leave Hoseok without a roommate. They’re both very close and are like roommate soulmates. I doubt he’d leave Hoseok behind so I don’t even bother to ask. I’ll just continue holding out hope that Jin will stick around just one more year.
After midterms I decide that Jimin and I should go out. While he’s been on campus working day in and day out I’ve been doing freelance work, mostly weddings and small events. Still it’s not enough to keep me fully occupied during the times that Jimin is gone. I’m starting to miss him quite a bit so I decided we would have date night this weekend.
We start our evening at an arcade for some friendly competition. We decide to make a bet where we’ll play various games and whoever loses the most games will have to buy dinner the next time we go out. That makes the friendly part of the competition a little less friendly.
He beats me at air hockey and basketball but that’s where his win streak ends. I beat him with ease at Guitar Hero and surprisingly I win at Dance Dance Revolution as well. We play a few racing games and I walk away with a clear win. Afterwards we go to a Korean BBQ restaurant where I relish in my victory.
“I can’t believe I beat the worlds best dancer at DDR!” I tease.
“That game isn’t even real dancing!” Jimin pouts.
“Don’t be mad because you lost,” I chuckle. “So where are you going to take me for dinner as your punishment?”
“McDonald’s,” he smirks.
“Fuck you!” I huff.
“Don’t worry,” he says giggling. “I’ll take you somewhere special.”
“Oh yeah? Where?”
“It’s a surprise,” he winks. “Maybe after my class’s show at the end of the term? You’re going to be there right?”
“Of course I’ll be there.” He’s only asked me about 5000 times the past week. I know I missed his last show, but I wouldn’t miss this one for the world.
“Yes, baby. I’ve promised many times. Do you think I wouldn’t be there?”
“No,” he looks away shyly. “This one is just…special. I worked really hard on the choreography and I want you to see it.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there no matter what.”
“I’ll take you somewhere nice to eat after.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
When we finish our dinner we go for a short stroll down the street hand in hand. We decide to stop at a nearby food truck selling ice cream and get ourselves a couple of cones.
It’s a nice evening and I just enjoy getting to go out and spend time with him. For the first time since the summer began his face has been lit up just the way it used to always do before he started stressing himself out with teaching.
“So Jin texted me this morning,” I say as we finish up our ice cream on a nearby bench.
“How’s his shooting going?” Jimin asks.
“It’s going great. So great that he decided he won’t be staying in school.” I smile with my head down at the bittersweet reality. “I’m happy for him, but…now I have to find a new roommate.”
I look to Jimin hoping maybe he takes the hint. Maybe he’ll suggest moving in with me so I won’t have to. You would think by now I’d learn to be direct with him, but I’m afraid of putting him in an odd position if he has no desire to leave Hoseok.
“That’s good for him,” he says smiling. “I knew he would make it big. How soon will you need to find a roommate?”
“Our lease ends next month so hopefully I can find someone to move in soon after.”
“You will,” he says giving his bright enthusiastic smile. “I know you will.” He gives me a sweet kiss on my cheek and I can’t help but blush. I don’t know how but whoever I end up rooming with is going to have to get used to him being around all the time.
We remain cuddled on the bench a little longer after finishing our ice cream. I live for the moments when I can rest in his arms and feel so safe and warm. He holds me tightly as if I were to fly away and peppers my face with soft kisses. He’s so gentle and delicate with the way he touches me. The way he handles me like a precious porcelain doll. I couldn’t ask for a better man to be in love with.
Our date night proved to be just the break Jimin needed to power through the rest of this summer term. He’s been happier and brighter each day. There’s less stress and he’s filled with excitement. For what I’m not too sure. He says he’s happy for his class’s performance this weekend. He’s happy that practices are going smoothly. And he says he’s happy to take me out somewhere special afterwards. I don’t know what special restaurant he has in mind, but he insisted on even picking my outfit for the night.
The day of the show he goes through my closet looking for an outfit he finds suitable. I sit on my bed laughing at him every time he comes across another piece of clothing that I’ve stolen from him.
“I was looking for this shirt!” He says pulling one of his t-shirts off the hanger. “How do you have so much of my stuff??” He laughs.
“You leave me unsupervised way too much,” I giggle.
“I guess I’ll have to watch you closer from now on.”
“I’m still going to steal your stuff,” I say with a smirk and a shrug.
He keeps digging through my closet finally pulling out a purple dress that unsurprisingly still has the tags on it.
“This is perfect,” he says giving the dress to me.
“This? Why?”
“You said dresses are for special occasions. This is a special occasion.” He goes back into my closet and pulls out a pair of silver strappy heels. “These too.”
“This is all so…fancy. Are you about to propose to me or something?” I joke.
“Do you want me to?”
“Don’t play games with my little heart,” I laugh. Although if he wanted to propose to me right now I sure as hell wouldn’t say no.
We get to the auditorium and I take my seat right up front where Jimin says he has reserved just for me. Afterwards he heads backstage with his class while I read the program for the night in my seat.
Since this is the summer term there’s less performances than there would be after a full spring or fall semester. There’s only two other classes performing, followed by Jimin’s class at the end. But I also couldn’t help but notice a performance listed after his class.
It doesn’t have much information other than it’s a performance by a special guest. Maybe this is what had him so excited? I know he’s well connected with people from all corners of the dancing world.
Plus there’s also Hoseok who’s a celebrity dancer himself, even more so now since his crew made it to the finals of a national competition last month. They may not have won in the end, but social media has been buzzing with pictures and videos of this “amazing breakout dance crew” and their eye catching leader.
Maybe he got Hoseok to perform, that would definitely be a great surprise for everyone. Hoseok and Jimin are so close they can talk each other into doing anything. I can imagine Jimin giving Hoseok one pouty look and instantly getting whatever he wants out of him.
Whoever it is I’m excited to see the whole show. I wish I had my camera, I absolutely love getting photos of performers, but I was forbidden by Jimin. He says someone will already be there taking photos and videos so I won’t need to. He also says I can’t focus on the show if I’m too busy taking photos. So just this once (again) I let his pouty beak talk me into letting him have his way.
The show finally gets started, first with an introduction from the head of the dance department. He keeps it brief but expresses how proud he is of all the students and instructors, and how excited he is about the upcoming year.
Next the first class steps on stage for their performance. Their instructor starts by introducing the 8 dancers and explaining the concept of their routine. This class is made up of first year students and even one student who only just graduated high school and was accepted into the summer course based on his dance accomplishments in high school.
The concept of their performance is based around perfecting the basics and fundamentals. I’m not sure how they consider this basic, because once the track starts and they begin dancing it looks anything but basic. They’re dancing to a medley of songs of different genres. It looks like a challenging routine and I wonder how they all make it to the end flawlessly and without dripping pools of sweat.
The second class is made up of intermediate level hip hop dancers. There’s 10 students in this class and their performance is an anthology of hip hop music from the 80s to present day. It’s a high energy performance and the entire crowd is bouncing along to the music. Every pop and lock is precise and on point with every beat of the music. It’s a fun and incredible show to the very end of their routine.
Finally Jimin comes out to introduce his class. He looks nervous but also incredibly handsome. I give him a big proud smile to help him feel more at ease. He smiles back at me and takes a deep breath before speaking to the crowd. He introduces his 7 students who are intermediate contemporary dancers.
“The theme of this routine is life,” he says. “How precious and fulfilling it can be, but also how fragile and painful it can be. This is Life.”He steps to the side and his class begins their routine once the soft orchestral music begins playing.
Their moves are hypnotizing and so perfectly in sync with the music. So much emotion can be felt in each formation that the group breaks into. There are points of the routine where together their bodies create optical illusions that blow me away. Everything is so well coordinated and the teamwork between the students is perfect. It has to be, this routine clearly relies a lot on everyone moving together in order for the visuals to work.
I look over at Jimin at the side of the stage and he’s fully encapsulated in the performance. I can see him silently counting steps and nodding in satisfaction at various points. His hard work has paid off in this amazing performance and I couldn’t be more proud. It’s clear why he wanted to make sure I didn’t miss this one, he’s done an incredible job putting this entire choreography together.
At the end they all take their bow and I blow many kisses Jimin’s way. He’s smiling and blushing but that only makes me blow more kisses at him. His class leaves the stage but instead of leaving with them, he walks up to the microphone and begins speaking.
“So,” he starts sounding more nervous than he did introducing his class. “As some of you may know, I tore my acl during the fall semester. It’s been very difficult dealing with recovery and being unable to dance for so long. Longer than I’ve ever gone without dancing since I started at the age of 6.” He takes another deep grounding breath before continuing. “I don’t think I would have made it this far without the amazing people that supported me when I was at my lowest. My family and my friends, the entire dance department, everyone has given me the strength to carry on and not give up.”
He’s fighting tears now. My baby is getting emotional and it’s taking everything in me to not run up on stage to pull him into a big loving hug. I know everything he’s been through during this time and I just hope he knows how much he’s grown.
“This next special performance is something I want to dedicate to everyone who stood by my side. But most importantly, I want to dedicate this to my better half, Mina.” He looks my way and smiles. “Thank you for being there. For being my rock. For talking sense into me when I’m being unreasonable. And for loving me.” He looks back towards the crowd and continues. “I got some help from a great friend who I owe so much for doing this for me. Please enjoy this performance titled Love.”
He steps off leaving the stage completely. The lights dim and a few people roll a piano out to the back of the stage. A shadowy figure steps up to piano and takes a seat. When the spotlight shines towards him I realize it’s Yoongi.
The enigma himself has made an appearance and the crowd is audibly excited about this special guest. Typically he disappears over the summer and pops back up with a new writing or producing credit added to his repertoire. He could be anywhere doing anything right now, but just as I noticed when he came up with the idea for the benefit concert for Jimin, he has a heart of gold. Not to mention he has to know how much of a celebrity he is, anyone would pay to see him but he’s doing this for free for his friend.
He begins playing a song soft and slow at first. It’s takes a moment before I realize this is the song that Jimin was going to dance to for his recital before he got hurt. He worked hard creating and redoing his choreography for this song. The song itself is light and beautiful, Yoongi plays the notes so smoothly it feels as if he barely even touches the keys.
A moment later someone steps out onto the stage wearing a black, almost completely sheer outfit. The spotlight stays on Yoongi though as the dancer begins dancing slowly and smoothly across the shadows of the stage.
His body moves and bends in ways that make my joints hurts just watching. He shows incredible strength with thighs as thick and strong as they’ve always been. Maybe stronger. Jimin’s stomach, which I’ve committed to memory by now, is too much for the sheer top he’s wearing. My eyes trace every ab, every ridge of his biceps, all the way around to his back as he spins around to the music.
Watching Jimin dance has always been mesmerizing, even in high school his ability to capture the audience is unmatched. I’ve missed watching him dance.
I’m watching him dance.
Jimin is dancing.
Holy shit.
Jimin is on stage dancing.
My jaw hits the floor as the spotlight moves away from Yoongi and shines on Jimin confirming that I’m not hallucinating. He’s gliding across the stage as if he had never been injured. His face looks focused and determined, but his moves are loose and relaxed.
The song picks up and his moves intensify quickly. It’s a powerful performance and I can’t help but shed a tear at the fact that he dedicated this to me and called it Love.
At one point he pulls a rose from I swear out of his ass, and dances across the stage where he places in front of a stuffed cat I didn’t even realize was there. It’s Blossom. The calico cat I bought him at the hospital. The cat he left on his bed everyday since. The cat that we joked was our child once we began officially dating. The cat he would send me selfies with whenever I wasn’t with him.
Through my tears I try watching on as he floats on every note that Yoongi finesses out of the piano. Jimin does one more turn and a shower of purple confetti erupts around him. It’s grand and beautiful and I’m crying so much.
He and Yoongi stand at the front of the stage looking out to the standing ovation that’s erupted throughout the crowd. Somehow I’m standing, though my legs are weak from the overwhelming emotions I’m feeling.
Jimin gives Yoongi a big hug which causes him to turn bright red, though his gummy smile gives away how much he appreciates it. Jimin pulls out another rose from thin air and I make a mental note that I need to ask him when he became a magician, because how the fuck?
He comes off the stage and walks towards me holding the rose out.
“For you, my love,” he says wrapping his arms around me.
“I love you so much,” I say giving him a kiss. “I’m so proud of you, baby.”
In this very moment I felt everything disappear. Everything ceased to exist around us. The only people on this planet are me and Jimin. There’s no crowd. No stage. No auditorium. No one pulling Jimin away for photos or an interview. No one asking me questions about our relationship. No one insisting that we stand on stage together for a photo for the newspaper.
No, even as we make our way to the special restaurant Jimin has in store for me there are no other cars on the road. There’s no one in the steakhouse on the top floor of one of the skyscrapers in the city. I hardly even notice the server who takes our order and delivers drinks and fresh bread.
I notice only Jimin. I see, I hear, I feel only Jimin.
“So,” Jimin says. “What did you think?”
“I…it was…baby, it was everything to me.” I struggle because there really are no words to describe the way I feel right now. “How…I mean were you cleared to dance? Babe, oh my god were you supposed to do all of that?” It took this long for me to remember he’s not supposed to be dancing yet. I was so taken by his performance that I forgot he’s still supposed to be recovering.
“It’s ok,” Jimin chuckles reaching across the table to hold my hands. “I was actually cleared a month ago.”
“A month ago??”
“I was going to tell you, but then I got this idea to surprise you instead.” He smiles, gently squeezing my hands. “I wanted to dedicate my comeback to you so it worked out.”
“My love,” I whisper through tears.
“Also,” he says hesitantly. He takes a breath. “I wanted to ask you…what if I maybe…moved my stuff into your place? Like, if it was my place?”
“Jimin,” I laugh. He’s too cute for words and it only makes it harder for me to hold back my tears. “Are you asking to move in with me?”
“I mean only if you want me too. It’s your place so it’s up to you. I just thought, cause Hoseok is moving out so…I kind of need a roommate too so maybe-“
“Yes you can move in with me! My sweet baby Jiminie, I thought you would never ask!”
“I just wasn’t sure,” he says shyly. “You never asked so…”
“Well I didn’t ask because I didn’t think you would leave Hoseok, but he’s moving out?”
“Yeah he told me yesterday that he’ll be spending the next year abroad so he’ll be moving out soon.”
“That’s perfect,” I say trying to not make it sound like I’m too happy about Hoseok leaving. I’m just happy he’s created the opportunity for Jimin and I to move in together.
“You won’t get tired of me?” He asks smirking.
“I should be asking you that,” I laugh. “How many times will you clean up my vomit before you move back out?”
“On second thought, I don’t think this will work out,” he giggles hysterically as I playfully threaten to throw my knife at him. “I’m kidding, babe,” he laughs. “If that’s what I have to do to take care of you then I’ll do it over and over again.”
“I would do the same for you too, my love.”
“Really?” He asks with a big bright smile. “You promise?” He asks raising his tiny pinky finger.
I raise my pinky and link it tightly with his. Tight enough for him to know how much I mean it.
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fieurissons · 2 years
Hello~ word vomit ahead:
I don't know why I thought of you: when I kept thinking about how Mingyu & Wonwoo are the flipsides of the same coin, and how lovely that thing is to me ;; I keep on thinking about how different they are in terms of tendencies & personalities but they will almost always arrive at the same stop when it comes to their best interests; more than compromise, it seems to me like they really really complement each other ^^
The reason for these thoughts is (but not exclusively) the moment when everyone said Mingyu was the initiator of the contract renewal conversations, and then unprompted, in his latest magazine interview, Wonwoo said he facilitated the proceedings for the renewal, since he didn't have much demands from the company. I know Hoshi clarified that it has been everyone's thought that they will all continue together but these two– Wonwoo & Mingyu– did something above and beyond their expected roles. They had the same vision or rather, they felt strongly for this process to go through as smoothly as possible (as far as I can assume).
Another reason is that there is an unpopular opinion sitting right at my fingertips which needs to be known but I'm so afraid to put it out there just because I also feel like I'm wearing a Wonwoo(or minwon)-colored glasses. This is not to spark a debate between who needs to be vice-leader, NOT AT ALL. We do have our 2 captains, right, but hear me out– Wonwoo is capable of being the vice-captain. When the time comes for the eldest(s) to enlist, I have strong feelings that MinWon could handle the key to SVT. I am not discrediting the other two leaders, heck I am a leaderline stan. I just feel like snhn should not be burdened more by taking on whatever the leader does since they also do alot for the group. Anyways, these are just my feelings but I know, ships aside, Mingyu & Wonwoo are very responsible people. I saw how much Wonwoo did in the absence of Cheol in 2019. He was quiet but he definitely made his presence be felt by the members even more. Mingyu, well, speaks for himself ;;
Thank you for providing this space actually, your fics always make me think beyond what there is to read and am very interested in your thoughts outside of your works, hence I came here to post this one ;;
hey I'm so so late to this, sorry!
I'm honoured you thought of me and the space is always here if you ever need it! hmm well mingyu & wonwoo do contrast each other a lot but wonwoo has often said he learned a lot from being around mingyu and got influenced by his confidence/positive vibes, so yes - more than compromise there is a significant amount of understanding, the desire to get along well and learn from one another, be the best versions of themselves together. and re: visions, they seem to have aligning interests (e.g., joint photo exhibition)
now the members all must've a role to play in the contract renewal, though mingyu has been mentioned on several occasions as being the one driving the process forward, along with seungkwan? iirc? and wonwoo too ofc! I think it's very natural to observe your bias and have positive feelings toward their contributions to an important turning point in the group's career. svt wouldn't be svt if they're missing even one member - and I don't think saying minwon have contributed significantly to the group is in any way discrediting leader line! I agree. wonwoo has filled in for people who've gone absent (jc in OTY, for example), I think there was a conversation about this/something he said in one of his ments? and mingyu does the same (noticing how seungcheol wasn't in his best condition in the same stretch of time, etc).
this is a roundabout way to say: I agree. they're leaders in their own right. it might not be a role they'd choose, but they would no doubt rise to the occasion should it ever be necessary. the beauty in svt is in how far they'd go to be able to stay together for a very long time. have a happy new year!
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leapyearkisses · 4 years
Nice Work If You Can Get It - (m/m) Eliseo/Padgett
So after a year of abject depression, I’ve decided I still like my writing so I’m reuploading it. For the time being, requests are not on the table. I have definitely flaked out on some people and I’m really sorry for that. :( Hopefully if people still want to read what’s already done though, this will be okay.
NSFW, MESS, CONTAGION - Eliseo has hired Padgett to get him sick.
"All right... close your eyes." Eliseo swallowed and did so, blocking out his bedroom, the red-gold sunset light pouring in from the windows, and Padgett, who was straddling his hips. He could still hear, quite easily, the other man's labored breathing and feel the heat of his thighs... and his crotch. Eliseo was under no illusion that he was in an incredibly compromising position at the moment. He hadn't thought much about the.. particulars when he'd first decided to strike this deal. "Are we really doing this?" he asked, voice weak.
Padgett laughed, voice tumbled and edging on hoarse. "Hey now. Not getting cold feet are we, my lord?" His exhale ghosted over Eliseo's forehead and his tousled black hair touched Eliseo's cheek. Eliseo cleared his throat. "No..." He could imagine the other man's smug look. They'd known each other long enough now that the image rose unbidden to his mind's eye. Padgett's eyes always glittered like opals when he was scheming something. The man surprised him with a tender touch on the shoulder, and Eliseo almost opened his eyes again. "The safe word is 'pumpernickel,'" Padgett said, managing not to chuckle. "We can stop whenever you want... Hhk-" He fought off a gasp. "Decide hh quickly, though." Eliseo shivered. "I'm okay. Let's do it." He didn't want to admit it, but Padgett's reassurance did put him at ease, even if this had been his idea to begin with. He relaxed and tried to lose himself in the late afternoon heat. "Yehh-s, my lord." Padgett leaned forward and took a shaky breath. It stuttered and caught on invisible hooks, sounding at once to be full of potential and then gone again, like a ghost vanishing at the window. Eliseo could feel his body tightening again with anticipation, especially when Padgett gasped and leaned back. "Hh-... hah-- "Huh-ktschht!" A warm rush of air burst in Eliseo's face, almost immediately followed by a watery spray over his forehead, closed eyes, and nose. His instant reaction was to curl back, or try to, and he had his hands braced on Padgett's chest before he could think about it. "Hey now," said Padgett, delayed by a sniffle. His tone was light. "Easy. You specified this in the contract, remember?" He rested his hands lightly on Eliseo's wrists. "How are you feeling about it?" Eliseo found he was holding his breath, but-- Well, that would defeat the purpose of this exercise. He cautiously let it go and then opened his eyes. Padgett was gazing down at him, looking neither smug nor concerned, just curious. "I- this was on instinct," Eliseo murmured. After a beat, he lowered his hands, and Padgett let him go easily. "Yes, I imagine so. It's natural." Padgett smiled then, and then his expression crinkled. "Wh- hh- want to do it again? Hkt-- hhh..." Eliseo forced himself to surrender again to his pillows. "Yes." Again, he closed his eyes. Padgett shifted forward on his lap and oh- but then he was sneezing once more. "Huh- hktsschit!" Again, the spray. This time it dusted over Eliseo's nose and mouth. He fought to keep from thinning his lips and... took a deeper breath. Padgett hadn't moved, was still fighting with his own lungs, reeling in another insistent sneeze like a stubborn trout. "Huh- hh... hh hh huh-" He made an annoyed sound. "Hah-- hah-krttschtts!" Eliseo felt droplets of saliva decorate his cheekbone. Padgett sniffled thickly. "...Bless you," Eliseo murmured. He was feeling hot. Maybe it was Padgett on top of him. The man was running a fever. "You are... doing the job admirably." That earned him a laugh. Padgett shifted his weight to his heels, which did interesting things to his cock's relation to Eliseo's own. "Thanks, I guess? I never would have thought anyone would be hiring for this, much less you." "Circumstances are dire," Eliseo intoned without a hint of irony. "Mmhm." Padgett sniffled again. "You must really hate weddings. Couldn't you have just gone on a hunt or something this weekend instead?" Eliseo sighed. "No. My sister would do anything to ruin my plans if I tried to avoid the party any normal way. But luckily, she's terrified of germs. I think a miserable head cold will be the ticket." Like hell he wanted to sit through another of his sister's weddings. Every time it was some new, world-changing drama. He wasn't even sure whether the groom this time was noble born. No doubt the reception gossip would be scathing.  What absolute drivel. "Lucky also that you have me around, hm?" Padgett's next chuckle turned into a bit of a cough.  Eliseo patted his knee awkwardly. "I- well, yes. Very. But believe me when I say that I would not wish for you to be so stricken if I had the power to stop it." "Of course, my lord." Padgett rubbed his nose. And though his breath hitched a few times in the following moments, he stayed where he was.  Eliseo blinked. "Are we...?" Done? He didn't really think the exposure had been long enough. "I am ready." Padgett blushed a little. Blushed? "Sorry," he said. "I can kind of feel that, uh, the uh, next ones are going to be kind of... wet. I could blow my nose." His voice trailed off, wavering again. His nostrils twitched, and Eliseo did see within the promise of moisture. Perhaps it was the taboo of it, but Eliseo was alerted instantly to a sudden thickening of his cock. It pressed at his trousers with some gusto as Padgett sniffled again. Eliseo swallowed. "No. No, this is good. This will... help." Padgett gave him a considering look, at least as well as he could between soft gasps and squinting against the itch in his nose. "If you're sure, my lord." "Just- call me Eli, like you used to," said Eliseo, stumbling over the words. He wasn't sure where they had come from, but now they were bare between them. Still, perhaps a bit of affection wasn't so odd compared to what they were already doing. Eliseo closed his eyes on Padgett's startled look. "Eli," Padgett said, and he sounded like he'd just come home from a long war to find the hearth kept warm for him. "I will." He leaned forward again, bracing himself. "Now, I'm going to- to hih-- to snhhsneeze, hah- haktschtsch! Hrh- Hnkgstschhiu! More spray this time, more wetness, and Eliseo gasped himself when he felt a thick drip against his chin. Padgett hadn't moved. When Eliseo tentatively looked up, he saw his friend caught in a limbo of urgency. His green eyes were shut, eyelashes fluttering. His nostrils, gently pink now, flared. A clear trail hung from one of them, quivering as Padgett panted. He looked wild and fever bright and teetering on a precipice. Eliseo ignored what it might mean that Padgett's desperate expression, his wet nose - even the mess - suddenly went to his cock. He was hard, looking up at a portrait of a sneeze. Carefully, he placed a hand on Padgett's thigh. "It's okay," he said, words coming of their own accord. "I've got you." Padgett's fingers tightened fitfully in the sheet as he shifted his weight again. He was making soft, irritated noises. His nostrils flared and Eliseo saw another drip lying in wait on the cusp. When the urge became too much, it was like watching a wave finally crash down. Padgett's breath caught; he tensed and leaned back. Eliseo hurriedly closed his eyes again, and none too soon. "Hhhhrektschuckh!" He felt the mess streak his face, fly to spatter his mouth and nose and chin. Padgett moaned and then gasped again, chest swelling with air. "Hah- Huhrttschuh! Hshtt! Hah- hsshtt!" Again, he teetered, teasing the air with shivering gasps. Then, he abruptly folded with a crush of vowels and congestion. "Hggtschiucht!" A baptism, pondered Eliseo's brain as it detached from reality momentarily. Pinned as he was to the bed by Padgett's sex, he couldn't move when he felt himself coming just as abruptly as the sneeze. Somehow the slick wash had become a mounting sense of urgency in each of his muscles, racing from his fingertips and toes to his abdomen, where, quite unbidden, his cock had tugged all that energy into a gut-wrenching orgasm that sent the shockwaves back out with renewed vigor. Padgett whined, and Eliseo took him firmly by the shoulders and drew him in for a messy, off-putting, contagious, blindingly good kiss. "Wow," said Padgett, when they finally broke for air. "Don't ask me why," Eliseo muttered, but he refused to be made a fool of by embarrassment. "C- come here." He shifted to sit up further and put his hands on Padgett's hips. "I want-" He wanted. "This. Yes?" Before he could stop himself, he swept his tongue over Padgett's mouth, under his nose, to rest at the edge of a nostril. He tasted salt. It was not entirely pleasant, but whatever pilot was captaining his body right now didn't care. He could still feel his cock pulsing against his trousers. Padgett moaned. "It feels... odd. But, my lord, you can do what you- I mean, Eli." He was breathless for different reasons now. Eliseo laved the tender skin above Padgett's lips, then licked up his septum. When Padgett shivered, Eliseo kissed him again. Slowly, he cleaned away the mess from Padgett's face. When he was finished, neither of them knew what to say. Eliseo was hard again. Finally, Padgett laughed shyly. "I think you'll be catching your cold, Eli." Eliseo blushed and shrugged. "I should hope so. I am-" He bit his lip. "I'm not ready to stop. Will you stay the night? I'll look after you." Padgett kissed him, tenderly drawing them together. "I would like that, very much."
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okskz · 4 years
New Beginnings.
Elsy + Got7 ft. Chan
elsy sharing her last stage with the boys, having a bittersweet moment. with a small soft moment with chan after.
hope you guys enjoy! still trying to figure out what exactly I will be doing with elsy for right now but just know she’s not going anywhere. please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated!
[8th Member of Got7]
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Elsy took one last look at the camera as she did her final pose from their performance. Her eyes twinkled a little as she held her tears in and smiled.
She felt a little emotional, not because it was the group’s final stage together, but because she knew they’ve came a long way with each other. A chapter was closing, and a new one would begin soon right after.
Nothing was going to change between the group. Even after their last day in JYPE, Elsy knew their bond was going to be strong. Her boys were important to her, and she could never see her life without them. She may have not been there since their debut, but was she ever thankful to had said yes to joining. They welcomed her with open arms, and Elsy knew she had made the right decision.
She loved them, she loved them oh so much. They gave her the best 7 years of her life.
“I feel really happy right now.”
The group had just exited the stage, walking back to their dressing room. Before they entered, they had all gathered in a circle, Elsy taking out her ear piece. “Like really happy.” She said again, staring at everyone. “It may have been our last stage for awhile but, I feel fine.”
“Me too.” Jaebeom smiled. He wrapped an arm around Elsy. “It’s been a long ride.”
“It sure has.” She scrunched up her nose. “I love you guys, honestly.” Feeling her eyes getting watery, Elsy smiled a bit harder so no tears would drop down as she tried her best to hold it in again. “And I know I wasn’t here from the beginning when you guys debuted, but I just want to say thank you from the bottoms of my heart, accepting me in the group.”
“You guys will always be important to me, more than you know.”
“Oh, Elsy.” Jackson chuckled, throwing his arm around her shoulders as well. “I don’t think you understand how much you changed this group for the better when you joined. I don’t think we could imagine not having you.”
She hugged Jackson tightly. “Thanks for always taking care of me, too.”
The girl looked at all of them. It may have been their last stage together, but she knew this wasn’t the end. New beginnings were going to be happening to not only her but for the rest of the group. She couldn’t wait to see what the future held for her, and was ready to support the others every step of the way.
“What are you plans now Elsy?” Jinyoung questioned.
She shrugged her shoulders as she thought about it. “Take a small break for now, see which company I like best. I have a lot on the line.”
“So you’ll still be singing?” Youngjae asked.
“Of course!” Elsy giggled. “I love singing, there’s no way I can turn away from it.”
But deep down, Elsy didn’t know how to feel about actually going solo now. She was so used to always making music with her boys that she knew this time around when making music it would feel different.
Which is why she was going to give herself some time to prepare herself for it.
But either way, when it came down to finally start making music on her own, she would call up on one of them to help her out.
“That’s great.” Yugyeom patted her shoulder. “I’m going to miss you.”
“I’m not going anywhere. And you’re not either. You and Bam are still gonna end up barging into my apartment whenever.” Elsy chuckled. “Am i right or am I right?”
“Right.” The two said in sync.
The group began making their way again to their dressing room before Jinyoung had stopped her from entering just yet. He pulled her back, taking her in for a hug. “I know you’re a bit hesitate now with making music on your own but just know you’re going to do great.”
Elsy relaxed herself, sighing as she hugged Jinyoung back. The two never noticing the way Jackson had stared at them before walking in the room.
“Thanks, Jinyoung.” She said. “You’ll help me if I need it right?”
“Of course.” He broke apart. “You’ll always have me even if we’re going our separate ways right now.”
Elsy smiled at him, although they had a rocky relationship toreares the end. She was still thankful to have someone like Jinyoung in her life. She loved them all, but Jinyoung was her rock. The one who she shared everything with and the one who she had the most strongest relationship with. And he will always have a special place in her heart.
“I love you.” She said. “Always had. Thank you for being there always. And having to put up with me.” Elsy laughed.
“Having you was interesting but definitely something.” He laughed as well.
Jinyoung looked back to see Chan approaching the two. He noticed the younger boy a little hesitate but relaxed when Jinyoung smiled at him. “You have someone looking for you. I’ll give you some space.”
Elsy was confused as she turned around when Jinyoung passed her to head inside the dressing room. Her face lit up when seeing Chan.
Without saying anything, the two crashed together, engulfing each other in a tight hug. They were silent, Elsy burying her face in the crook of his neck. They hadn’t seen each other lately and Chan definitely wanted to see her more than ever now that the news had broken out of her not renewing her contract.
“You’re really leaving, huh?”
“I am.” She whispered.
Her answer only made Chan hug Elsy more tightly. He was happy for her and for her plans for the future but he also didn’t want to see Elsy go. Them two have also come a long way in that company.
He met his best friend, and now she was leaving.
“It’s going to be weird without you now.” He slightly chuckled.
“You can still visit me.” She smiled, breaking apart.
“Yeah, but it won’t be the same. We entered the same year and now you’re leaving.” Chan said as his smile began to fade. “Any plans now?”
“Still deciding on what company I should go to. Been getting a lot of love calls that many companies want me.”
“Well, whatever you decide to do, I’ll be right by your side to support you.” The boy said, booping Elsy’s nose. “But now, where do we stand?”
“Me leaving won’t change anything between us.” Elsy assured him. “And I definitely still want you next to me as my new journey starts.”
“So are you saying-“
Elsy chuckled a bit. “Yes, only when you’re ready too.” She said, laughing again when seeing Chan’s face lit up.
“Okay, okay.” Chan said excitedly. “I’m ready when you are and I’m pretty sure you’re ready. But, I want you to figure out first what you’re going to do next. Then after that, we can talk about the next steps for us.”
“I like that idea.” Elsy grinned. Chan winked, grabbing Elsy’s hand and giving it a small peck. “Thank you, Channie.”
Elsy couldn’t help the one tear that slipped down her cheek as she stared at Chan. If it wasn’t for JYPE, she wouldn’t have found her best friend. She even felt like she was leaving him behind, starting her new journey, but was also proud that he was finally in the middle of his.
“Don’t cry.” He chuckled, wiping her tear away.
“Good luck, and keep up the great work you’re doing, Chris.” She smiled. He smiled back at her, engulfing her into another tight hug.
The two stayed like that until it was time for them to go. Elsy walked back to the dressing room as Chan walked off, but then ended up turning back around to look at each other.
Chan smiled as he pointed at her. “I’ll be waiting for you.”
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 years
193 for... maybe nanahiko? Really just do whatever ship you feel like :D
193. "Are you crazy? The kid is upstairs!" | VestigesTorino [Yes. OT8. The orgies are fantastic, and Torino is Holder bait, 8th and 9th exempt.] | WC: 2,222 of an OFA!VampireCoven!AU except op has taken liberties with worldbuilding.
TW: Blood-drinking. Outrageous flirting. Mildly spicy!
“Vampires,” Sorahiko echoes blankly.
He looks from left to right, trying to spot the differences between himself and the six adult men and one adult woman sitting at this round table. Most atypical appearances can be attributed to the strange and wondrous natures of Quirks, so Sorahiko could excuse the fourteen red eyes (every iris the identical shade) as a matter of Quirk heritage. However, none of the Shigarakis resemble the other.
They still might be pulling his leg.
The leader of the household (presumably) leans his elbows on the table and steeples his fingers. “Torino-san,” he says in a gentle voice, “we greatly appreciate your timely rescue of our youngest. And believe me when I say I would have preferred you stay ignorant of my coven’s true nature.”
“But the boy wants to be a professional hero,” one of the men interrupts. His arms are crossed, and his hair sticks up in rakish angles. An X-shaped scar has been carved over the bridge of his nose, just missing the eyes.
He sounds dismissive of the kid’s dream.
Fair. When Sorahiko had stepped onto the moonlit scene, the kid was frantically scrabbling at a thick-skinned villain’s hand, trying to save his bag from being rummaged. The villain had planted a knee in the kid’s stomach in an attempt to menace him into silence.
Sorahiko pounced on the villain, called in the location to pick up the too-heavy bastard, and escorted the boy home. He fielded questions about heroics and U.A. High for half an hour before they finally reached the Shigaraki compound.
And now he is here, trapped in a gigantic dining room, being told about vampires.
“We agreed to let him try,” says the singular woman sharply.
“If you three hadn’t filled his head about saving the world,” a man with a spiky ponytail shoots back, “then we wouldn’t have this problem. And you too, Yoichi.”
“Nevertheless,” the leader says. His red eyes gleam in the low light, and Sorahiko feels his skin prickling at the attention.
“What’s that got to do with me?”
“Ah, who hasn’t heard of the toughest teacher of U.A.?” another man asks, sly and teasing. His voice is soft like the leader’s, but perceptibly younger. His coloring is similar to the woman’s, but he’s lean where she’s muscular. “Yoichi believes we should give you a head’s up. Toshinori is a good child, but even he will slip from time to time, and that will draw undue attention to himself.”
Sorahiko considers these seven faces. Slowly, he says, “You think he’ll be accepted into U.A.”
“Three of us are active pro-heroes, and we’ve been training him when we can,” the woman informs him. “I’d say he’s got a headstart compared to all of your first years.”
“My students have always been terrible. That’s what schooling is for.”
She flashes a smile at him, toothy and amused; his throat works through a sudden dry spell. Belatedly, Sorahiko realizes that every adult in this kitchen is eyeing him with intense interest. Even the ones that haven’t spoken yet.
Yoichi speaks again. “He’s smart, and he’ll be strong. U.A. will accept him. I ask you for your discretion and help, Gran Torino.”
He could refuse, but Sorahiko assumes they’ll simply kill him. Being blackmailed is a low possibility; Sorahiko doesn’t have much to be blackmailed about. And pro-heroes disappear all the time. No one really knows why. Principal Shi might demand an investigation on Gran Torino’s behalf (and possibly at the behest of Recovery Girl, who grudgingly acknowledges Torino’s efforts to raise the survival rate of U.A.’s graduates), but otherwise…
Still. Vampires. Another subset of humanity, among the Quirked and Quirkless. It’s weird enough to be true.
“Is this a verbal agreement?” Sorahiko asks.
A bark of laughter from the square-jawed man in the leather jacket, who leans forward and grins like a shark at Sorahiko. The light glints off the yellow lenses of his goggles, and the play of light and shadow highlights the muscle definition of the man’s shirtless chest. In a rich, low voice, he says, “We’ve got something better. A contract.”
“Using what?” Sorahiko bites back. “Paper and ink?”
“Skin and teeth, teach’.”
“Daigoro’s correct,” says Yoichi mildly, snatching Sorahiko’s attention away. “Torino-san, allow me to introduce my coven. I am Shigaraki Yoichi, second of my line. In the order of which my coven grew: Kenzo, Sanjuro, Hikage, Daigoro, En, Nana, and you’ve met our Toshinori.” As he speaks, he points to each person in turn.
He wonders when the kid got folded into this group. The kid’s affection for his home had been sincere, and he greeted the adults (well, Hikage had only come out of the forested grounds at Daigoro’s call) with merry cheer.
Is Toshinori even a vampire? U.A. conducts its business in the daytime.
Sorahiko nods in acknowledgement and doesn’t offer his full name in return. Instead, he says, “If I accept this contract, will you tell me whatever I want to know? About anything I ask?”
“Even vampires aren’t omniscient,” Yoichi answers.
Rolling his eyes, Sorahiko clarifies, “If the kid’s going to develop vampirism over the course of high school, then I need to know things. Like whether or not he’ll go feral over spilled blood. Or if sunlight’s going to be an issue.”
Yoichi’s smile is kind, and surprisingly not patronizing. “What we can tell, we will. The contract will have a mutual hold on us all.”
“What could break it?”
“A different coven, not that you should seek one out,” says Nana. “Trust us, we’re as nice as you get in the supernatural world.”
Sorahiko does not have many options. He hates the idea of agreeing to this without a safety net or a contingency plan. How can this woman ask him to trust them immediately? He’d have to be a gullible idiot, or a fool in lust, or...
He exhales. Sighing in resignation, Sorahiko tips his head to Yoichi and says, wry, “I accept the contract. Don’t kill me if your kid comes crying home about how mean I am.”
Yoichi shrugs, casual as anything. “Toshinori’s quite brave for his age, and stubborn, too. You’ll have your hands full training him.” He then stands from his chair; in measured, unhesitating steps, Yoichi approaches where Sorahiko sits at the opposite side of the round table. What he orders, Sorahiko complies with. “Take your cape off, Torino-san. Your gloves as well.”
“You may have to unzip the top half of your suit,” advises Hikage. “You won’t want the signatures to overlap.”
“Signatures,” Sorahiko repeats, pausing.
One glove’s already off. The flight suit’s sleeves extend up to his wrists, and they don’t have a lot of give. Similarly, the collar is skin-tight and provides ample coverage.
Daigoro playfully snaps his teeth at Sorahiko, once, twice. He says, “Paper and ink, skin and teeth. You forget already?”
The man barely flinches at the snarl directed his way. Seven pairs of eyes are honing in on the exposed flesh; Sorahiko shoves his self-conscious thoughts away. He focuses on the sheer outrage of being asked to strip by strangers, hissing, “Are you crazy? The kid is upstairs!”
“I’ll make sure he stays in his room,” Nana volunteers. She winks at Sorahiko. “We’ll be quick, Torino-san. You just have to keep quiet.”
She slips from her chair and darts off, exiting the dining room and ascending the stairs, floating off the floor. Sorahiko glares after her but snaps to attention as Yoichi stops by his chair, hip resting against the table, red eyes expectant.
Grudgingly, Sorahiko works off the second glove. As he does, Yoichi continues to lecture.
“The signatures can be made in two ways. A lighter bite will result in less pain, but will fade sooner. And I’d like for this arrangement to stand for several years, Torino-san. A lighter bite necessitates more renewals. Possibly, seven bites every two weeks.”
“And a stronger bite?”
“Seven every month.”
He scowls at the thought. The only silver lining he can see is that his suit will cover the marks, which will save him from his colleagues’ gossiping tongues. “Monthly, then. Are you drinking my blood? I don’t think I’ve got enough to cover seven appetites.”
Yoichi offers him a gentle smile. “A mouthful will suffice.”
Sorahiko works his jaw, and then he reaches backwards for the hidden zipper. It’s incongruously loud in the dining room; Sorahiko feels his face burning as he hurriedly rips his arms free of the sausage casing sleeves, letting the slackening front of the suit crumple to his lap. He hears an appreciative whistle.
“Daigoro, he can give you a run for your money,” Sanjuro jokes.
“He’s softer,” Daigoro deems, and Sorahiko bristles. “Must be the suit, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he snaps. “And proper hydration, asshole.”
“I’m not complaining!”
“At ease,” says Yoichi, calm, and that’s when Nana makes her reappearance. She swings back into the dining room, expression confident and content, until she spies Sorahiko’s half-naked appearance.
“Are we going in order?” she questions Yoichi, even as her eyes are trained on Sorahiko’s.
“That’s how it works, Nana,” Kenzo answers for their leader. “How’s Toshinori?”
“Watching his martial arts dramas. We’re good for like, fifty minutes.”
“You said you’ll be quick,” Sorahiko rasps, and his hands are clenching into fists, anticipatory and anxious. This is all so incredibly weird. “You all need more than five minutes to bite me?”
Yoichi laughs. It’s a bright sound, attractive and human and not at all like something that should be coming out of a self-proclaimed bloodsucker. When Yoichi moves, pushing off the table, Sorahiko nervelessly allows himself to be pinned to the back of his chair. One hand cards through his hair and lightly tugs; the other hand settles at his shoulder and presses it down.
His throat is exposed. Though Yoichi bends close, Sorahiko knows it isn’t the jugular he’s aiming for.
“Torino-san will need a moment to recuperate,” Yoichi whispers, and Sorahiko shivers, swallows past the apprehension, and spends half a second regretting his decision to let this happen. Yoichi adds, “We will not harm you, and you will not harm us. Your help, in exchange for ours. Let it be so.”
Teeth sink into the join of Sorahiko’s neck and shoulder, sharp and surprisingly hot. Sorahiko chokes out a garbled sound and jerks in his seat, until Yoichi’s bite goes deeper, deeper, and then Sorahiko gasps. Adrenaline bursts to life in his system; his Quirk sputters a reflexive Jet through his boots, but Yoichi’s slender frame hides an unseen strength.
He holds Sorahiko down.
He draws blood from the wound. Sorahiko barely feels the drain, fixated he is on the pressure exerted against him. Every single one of them is going to have the capacity to do this. If Yoichi, whose frame is most similar to En’s, can keep Sorahiko from bolting—Sorahiko arches his back, an involuntary moan escaping him.
It feels good. It feels really, really good.
Yoichi hums against his skin, pleased as punch, and his teeth retract. Sorahiko feels the tongue lap over the mark, heavy with spit. As Yoichi rears back, Yoichi rolls his neck lazily, licking his lips like a cat full from its meal.
“The saliva is a coagulant,” he explains idly, watching Sorahiko slump back against the chair, lungs still stuttering. A faint sweat has broken across his forehead, and Sorahiko distantly suspects that he’s going to need all the time he can get before the kid grows bored of his dramas.
“Oh, he already looks wrecked,” En observes. His awed tone elicits a laugh and encouraging clap to his shoulder from Daigoro, the latter of which requires En to brace against.
“You think he’ll last seven bites?”
“To be fair,” Hikage says, “that is a common erogenous zone. We’ll focus on less stimulating areas.”
Sorahiko, somewhat nettled at the implication that he won’t last (and what the hell does that mean? That he’ll back out? Start begging for mercy?) all seven signatures, musters his strength and shoves himself upright. He scoffs exaggeratedly, masking a shaky exhale with it. He challenges the coven, “Do your fucking worst.”
Yoichi blinks. Behind him, Kenzo is leaving his seat and stalking towards Sorahiko’s, red eyes gleaming. Before Kenzo can dive at Sorahiko and probably tear an artery out, Yoichi holds him back with one placating hand.
“Do not,” Yoichi warns. “We’re not trying to induce a thrall, do you all hear me?”
“Yoichi,” says Sanjuro, “if the man gets off, he gets off.”
A sigh leaves Yoichi. “Be that as it may. Please try not to leave him resentful for the months ahead.” He pats Kenzo’s collarbone; Kenzo catches the thin-boned hand and raises it to his lips.
“Understood, Yoichi,” Kenzo murmurs into the knuckles. He lets go, and Yoichi moves aside, now more fond than exasperated. A safety net, maybe.
In any case, Sorahiko gazes up at number two, who studies him back.
“The shoulder?” suggests Sorahiko, half-heartedly offering the right one up to sacrifice.
Kenzo inclines his head. “Just above the bicep will work,” and he goes on to prove his point, keeping Sorahiko locked in position, unable to do anything but wriggle and fail to contain strangled moans.
This is going to be a long hour.
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lucysuniverse · 4 years
We all know how easily Hui shifts from pure and innocent to teasing and seductive. The story was inspired by his duality. 
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Pairing: Hui x OC/reader
Genre: hot, romance, angst
Word count: 3,603
„Please let me go with you. I can’t stay home any longer.” Hui begged like a 5 year-old-kid would do in front of the game store only days before Christmas to make their parents buy the most expensive game as a present from Santa.
“You’ll be so bored.”
“Come on. That was really weak.”
He was right. I knew he loved shopping. It was his ‘me time’ relaxation or whatever you want to call it. He was obsessed. But this time I was determined to go by myself.
“Why don’t you ask Hongseok to have some time together?”
“He is busy with acting.”
“But I thought the shooting was over.”
“Yeah… but the romance is not. “
“I see.”
“Please. You know exactly how much I like shopping.”
“Right. I know. Look, this is something personal and I don’t want you to come with me this time. I am sorry. I just didn’t know how to tell you. “
“I thought we were best friends. What can be so personal about shopping? It’s not like my birthday is around the corner. Are you mad at me?”
He wasn’t the type to let go things easily. Especially when he wasn’t convinced. And let’s be honest my explanation wasn’t really satisfactory.
“No Hui. Look I just want to go alone this time. We always go together, and I guess I just prefer going alone.”
“You really are mad at me. You hate shopping alone. Everytime you go by yourself you are sending me pictures which one to choose and ask my opinion … well, literally about everything. Okay, so what’s wrong?”
“I am fed up being alone on Valentines Day each and every year so I decided to buy a bottle of wine, some candles, and sexy lingerie and celebrate my singleness home alone. While probably crying. Happy now?”
I kind of shouted the last sentence. It wasn’t his fault entirely. I should have just told him in advance. Hiding and creating a greater mess wasn’t a good idea. But he really made me angry. Why can’t I go alone? Why are we always together? Well, most importantly why are we always together when we are not even together. I think it was the biggest issue. He wasn’t just my best friend. They say love can hurt. It did.
And it hurt the most when he was understanding and nice. He didn’t get hurt and pissed by my behavior. He just pulled me close for a hug and said “you should have told me”. When he was considerate and empathizing, I hated him the most and I suffered the greatest.
The main problem was I could never say no to him. I was an easy target and his puppy eyes always worked on me. With my head I knew in the very beginning that becoming his best friend will be painful, but my heart couldn’t stop me. It was hoping for something and made me do things and make decisions which I shouldn’t have done or made.
Agreeing to go shopping lingerie with him was also one of these mistakes. I knew this in the very first second when we entered the shop.  
“Hello, how can I help you?” A very friendly middle-aged lady, most likely the owner of the shop asked.
“We are looking for some very nice and naughty lingerie for her.” Hui said like he has just ordered his usual Espresso at his favorite café.
“Naughty? What are you…? Uhm… I am sorry he is just joking. Unfortunately, he really has a bad sense of humor.”
“Have you known each other for a long time?” The lady asked.
“Maybe way longer than preferable.” I said while smiling at my sweet revenge.
“That was harsh.” Hui said while pretending to be hurt by my answer.
“You are sweet. I wish you happiness. It is quite rare to find loving and cute couples like you.”
“She is not my girlfriend.” Hui said instantly. I guess if he has been accused with murderer even then he wouldn’t defense himself so quickly. It kinda hurt. He really doesn’t see me as a girl at all?
“Oh I see. Well, in that case you will not be able to see her in our beautiful unique fabrics. They say even if you are not together if you look at someone in these you will fall in love with the person wearing them immediately.”
“I see.” He answered with a forced smile. I knew he felt awkward and also he was sceptic enough not to believe in such stories. Me on the other hand really liked how the lady was trying to comfort me. I really needed comfort.
“Well, I am sorry but seemingly we are looking for something aesthetic for the future boyfriend and not you. Can you please just wait here in that case? Young lady please follow me. Is there any preference of color you would like to try on?”
“I was thinking about something braver like black and red maybe with a little lace.”
“I am sorry but that’s so not you.’ Hui said.
“I am sorry but I told you I wanted to come alone. This nice lady told you to wait here. And I am also telling you this is for me. I want to feel pretty and attractive once in a while. Since you are here can you be just a bit more supportive please?”
And since he didn’t say anything we were leaving to search for some nice pieces. I am not sure it was just my hallucination created by my hopes which betrayed me throughout all these years or he said it for real, but I heard him murmuring “you don’t need those stupid clothes for that”. I knew it wasn’t real, but I could die to hear this.
I knew he shouldn’t have come with me. It was a bad idea. Hiding my feelings all these years was also a bad idea. But I was scared of losing him. Even if it hurt so bad, being his best friend was still better than not knowing him at all.
I lost my interest in the sexy and beautiful bras and panties. What am I trying to prove? Am I hoping that the fairy tale of the shop owner is real? That Hui just needs to see me in these and it will solve everything? Of course not. The red lace on my skin was really attractive. I knew I looked great. Not like a model or something but definitely a sexier and much more confident version of myself. But somehow it felt cold to stand like this in the changing room. I felt naked. Is this really about me? No one will see it then what for?
I made a last glance on my reflection in the mirror. I sighed. Idiots. They don’t know what they are missing. He doesn’t know what he is missing. And in that very second with a sudden move the curtain of the changing room was pulled away and Hui was standing in the changing room with me. I wanted to tell him immediately to get out but like he knew how I was going to react he put his hand on my mouth not to make any noise.
I was looking at him questioningly, angry and worried at the same time. And deep inside I was also dying from frustration too. Is he really in the freaking changing room with me, pushing me to one of the mirrors, not letting me speak while I am not wearing anything else just the red lace lingerie which hardly covered anything. I was trying to escape from his hold when he finally realized what he has done.
“Oh sorry, I just got panicked. She is here.”
“I don’t know who are you talking about but I do hope you realize I am standing here with almost no clothes on so I would be really grateful if you could leave. Hmm let me see. What about immediately?”
And with that I wanted to push him out of the changing room. But he insisted. And on top of that he was checking me out. Like what?
“I was wrong. Red suits you.” He said casually.
“Bye Hui.” And I tried to cover my face not to show him not only the lingerie but my face was very red too.
“Please. I’ll close my eyes if that makes you feel better but she is here with his boyfriend and I just cannot meet them right now.”
“And the reason why is...?” And I was really expecting a real answer because otherwise I was really getting angry at him.
“She is my ex-girlfriend.”
“Oh please, let this one slip okay? I know I was wrong. I shouldn’t have forced today and hiding in this changing room is completely disrespectful and also very ridiculous but please. I am not ready to meet her alongside her boyfriend.”
And again the same old thing happened. He asked something, I looked at his puppy eyes and couldn’t say no. I truly hated this.
“Turn around and close your eyes. You can stay for 5 mins but after that we are going home and I don’t care whether she is still here or not okay?”
“Oh my god thank you.”
And just like he used to he hugged me. He always did this. If he thanked me he hugged me as well. And I always had to be sure to slowly push him away after sometime, because being hugged by him felt way too good and getting used to it was way too dangerous. He was dangerous to be around. His smile, laugh, presence was my everything. He was easy to get obsessed with. He was the best medicine for all my pain. Even if the greatest pain was caused by him.
Standing there and hugging him like this was cruel. There was so much going on in my head.
“Sorry, I am turning around. You should get dressed. You will catch a cold.”
He even closed his eyes as I asked. And I was just starring at his back speechlessly. I wanted to hug him and kiss him endlessly. Waiting, hiding and pretending has come to an end. I couldn’t bare it alone anymore. Even rejection would have been better at this point. Well what happened moments later must have counted as a rejection. But at least as a friendzone. The friendzone which would never change.
“What?” He asked quite shocked.
“I know it is quite sudden, but my contract has not been renewed. And I felt like I needed some changes.”
“But moving to the other end of the city? It is very far from your workplace.”
“There is home office.”
“But I guess not all the time.”
“3 times per a week.”
“What about the remaining 2 days?”
“Hui calm down. It is not like I will die from waking up a bit earlier.”
“But why do you have to move? You can stay at my place until we find something for you in the neighborhood.”
“What’s with this sudden reaction? Why not?”
“No. It is just… no. That will not happen.” I knew I did a mistake again. I should have given a better explanation because otherwise he will keep on asking me why. But I couldn’t lie to him. He was more precious than that. But telling him the truth… I wasn’t ready. I thought handling this whole thing on my own was for the better.
“Look. I am sorry about that day, okay? I shouldn’t have acted that way.”
“Oh come on. You needed an alibi girl. She is your ex and I was there. I am glad I could help you out a bit.”
“But then … isn’t this about me?”
“Oh Hui? Why would it be? I have to move so I am moving. That is all”
Well… first lie. Nice. It was easier than I thought. It wasn’t completely wrong though. I really had to move. But also, I didn’t want to be around him.
On that day we were still in the changing room when his ex-girlfriend started to call him. And since she insisted she saw Hui there she was waiting for us to leave the changing room. So, Hui met her again. And I guess his pride came in the way when he saw the new boyfriend appearing on the scene. So, after some seconds I became his girlfriend. Okay fine, after we stepped out of the same changing room I have to admit he didn’t really have any other choice. Telling the ex that he is just a scaredy-cat and he is just hiding in women’s changing room must not have created the image he wanted to show after meeting for the first time since break up.
But it was somehow funny, how he tried to convince her that I am his new partner when just minutes ago he was so much protesting against the idea. It pissed me off.
We were best friends and I knew it was hard for him to move on. But providing him the shoulder to cry on, being the alibi girlfriend and many more other things were getting out of hand. It was emotionally exhausting. And even if I was selfish for staying next to him all these years, I knew I had to stop. So, I decided to move and have sometime alone to figure it out.
“So just the move. Is this the reason why you haven’t answered my messages since then?”
I always forgot how well he knew me. I couldn’t lie to him, and even if I tried I always got caught.
“What else would it be?”
“Well that is exactly what I am asking. Seemingly you would like to cut ties with me I just don’t know why.”
“Oh Hui. It’s not-“
“Do you really think I am that stupid? You better tell me what is going on because I am getting offended and hurt for real. What is wrong? Did I hurt you? Is it your family? Can I help somehow? We can figure this out together just please tell me. Otherwise I cannot help.”
“You can’t help Hui. This is not something you can help with. Especially not you.”
“Okay, I am done. What is going on? I won’t let you go anywhere until you tell me.”
“This is not something you want to hear.”
“Well with this you just made me even more curious. I am all ears.”
And then I knew it was time. I had to confess. Not because of him. He was clueless and I was sure my words wouldn’t change anything between us. Obviously, we couldn’t remain friends. But that was a given. I had to tell because of myself. I was handling this all alone in the past 4 years. I was tired. So tired. I wanted to move on.
“You still don’t get it right?”
“We always spend our days together why is it such a big deal to live here until you find an apartment closer to your workplace?”
“You really don’t understand. Fine. You wanted to know. I can’t live here, because I want to live here so badly. Do you get it now?”
“What? This doesn’t make any sense.”
“I hope you just trying to pretend you didn’t know to make me feel better.”
“Pretend? What?”
I took a deep breath and started my confession. I knew he will be shocked and he will be right to feel betrayed and disappointed. We were so close. If I told him how I felt at the very beginning we might have figured out a way to solve it together. I mean I guess this is what other male-female friends do. It is normal that sometimes you feel more, right? But I never felt less than love.
“Oh Hui.” And here I stopped. I could not tell him face to face. I closed my eyes and continued. “Do you think it would be normal to live together with someone who is continuously on your mind? Would it be okay to live here with you, when I have dreams about you? When I find myself imagining how it would feel to hold hands while walking. When I spend hours of daydreaming how would it feel to be your girlfriend? Is it really okay to secretly stare at your lips and imagine how you would leave soft kisses on my neck?” Here I stopped for a second. My tears started to flow. Just the thought of us being so intimate and close was painfully beautiful. “Would it be okay to be hugged by you for so long I even lose my sense of time?”
I couldn’t open my eyes. I didn’t want to see how he looked at me. He must have been shocked. I was his closest friend, and he could tell me everything as a friend. And I betrayed his trust. He might have thought I am only being around him in order to confess and become his girlfriend. But that wasn’t the case. And before leaving there were some things left to say. Those unspoken words that were must to tell.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t want to shock you like this. I knew this is very sudden and I don’t expect anything. It is my fault that I never talked about this. I became obsessed with you. I thought it will change. And also, your friendship was more precious to me. I didn’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose you Hui. So if there is a tiny bit chance of you forgiving me please give me some time. I will move to the new place. I will empty my mind. Maybe the distance will solve it. Once I am back we might be as good friends as ever.”
“That will definitely not happen.”
And in that second like I was awaken, I opened my still teary eyes and looked at him. But for my surprise he was only inches away from me. I didn’t even hear him getting closer to me. I was trembling from nervousness and pain, but I knew it would happen. I knew I hurt him with my behavior. If the opposite had happened to me I would have been shocked too. Someone who you have known for years, is your closest friend, you share everything with him states that he has sexy thoughts about you… I wouldn’t know how to handle it. Hui didn’t seem surprised though. Indifference was written all over his face. It wasn’t necessary to ask, because it was obvious but I had to do it.
“Because you are not going anywhere.”
And with that sentence I fell asleep and my most wanted dream has begun. Those beautiful soft lips I have always starred at were finally on mine, his arms wrapped around me and I was sinking deeper and deeper. His soft hair between my fingers and his closeness made me forget everything for a second. When he left the last kiss, he lifted my head gently to make me look into his eyes. In those beautiful brown eyes there was a complete universe of emotions. Regret, worry, sorry, relief and happiness. So many unspoken words. But somehow, I think I knew how he felt.  He slowly stroked my hair and hugged me tightly, while whispering to my ear:
“I am sorry to made you lonely all this time. If only I have known. I always thought you were distant with me because you wanted to make clear this can never be more than friendship.”
“I wanted to keep myself away from you, because I was afraid if I got way too attached you would get hurt. I love you Hui. I love you so much but I was afraid you will feel bad to know how I felt and this feeling will come between us.”
“Don’t you believe in us? How many things have we overcome?”
“You are right. I was just so scared of losing you.”
“You cannot lose me. I am coming after you even if you runaway.”
“Oh my… did I really want this?” I said with finally a smile on my face.
“There is no turning back now. Because I love you too.” And he kissed me again.
There was no turning back. On that night I left my apartment. And I never went back. I only left the keys on the kitchen table. In my new place everything was so cosy and warm. I was surrounded by a lovely atmosphere. And I tried to keep my place clean. There was only one thing on the floor which I didn’t mind to leave there. The red lingerie.
“Hello! Good to see you again!”
“Hi! We just came by and wanted to say huge thanks for your help.” I said.
“Oh I am glad I could help.”
“Can you also help me out this time?” I asked.
“Of course. Does it mean that the boyfriend liked the previously chosen one?” The lady asked.
“He was very satisfied with it. What you said was true. It is a quality fabric.” Hui answered.
“Wait a second.” But instead of continuing her sentence she just smiled all-knowingly. “I see. Then, what do you think about choosing the next one together? Since you are here as a man your taste with the boyfriend can be very similar. What do you think?” And she winked at Hui.
“I think our opinion will be the exact same.”
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Kpop Group Energy Update - (October 2020) 2 of 2
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**Nothing is fact and should not be taken as such!! These are just the energies that the cards are currently picking up on.**
Boy Groups
The Hermit, The Sun - 8 of Pentacles
The group seems to be taking this time to get last minute rest and relaxation. They know that a lot of hard work, time and energy is coming ahead. So they're resting because they know they won't be able to very soon. Their comeback is just around the corner, so this is more than likely what this is referring to. They're very happy though, excited almost to show what they've been working on.
• Monsta X
4 of Swords, 8 of Swords rx - Ace of Cups
I really don't like this energy for them 🥺 they're all feeling very run down, not at their best. But it's not because of their work load, this is inner turmoils, self sabotage. The boys are being really hard on themselves and I'd bet money that it's because Hyunwoo is enlisting this year. "We have to do our best, give the best for hyung and monbebe" I just hear it. They're being so hard on themselves and really nitpicking everything apart to make everything perfect. But they have a strong sense of security within each other as a unit and I get the feeling that they know something is coming soon. So they're finding comfort in that too. Monbebe, let's send them words of encouragement 💜
• GOT7
The Lovers, 7 of Swords rx, 10 of Wands - The Sun
I'm gonna be honest, the Lovers card is throwing me off. It's very possible they could be searching for love right now. But I think it's more possible that they're all growing a stronger bond within each other. There's a sense of not having enough options to choose from and being heavily weighed down because of it. I'm really curious if this is in reference to their upcoming contract renewal. At their core they're very happy, so even though they're not relaxed or confident right now, they're still in high spirits. They're just going through something very stressing and I can't figure out what it is.
• Day6
The Fool, Temperance rx, Page of Swords - The Chariot
They're all keeping up with friends and each other, finding comfort within each other. Their spirits are high too, but something definitely happened. They're waiting for their next journey, next path and their patience is wearing thin. Our boys are being skeptical of those around them, it feels like their management. They're really disappointed with them or someone higher up with how their career is moving. I hope they can get through this hurdle 🥺
7 of Pentacles, The Hanged Man - 4 of Cups
Our boys are working hard! They're not happy with their current work ethic and are pushing through to get better. There's a feeling of frustration, irritation and being told to just accept that this is their best. But they're stubborn and are working hard to get better.
Knight of Cups, The Sun - The Hanged Man
The babies are doing really well right now, extremely happy and better energy than the beginning of the month. They're coming out of the energy they were in previously and are getting stronger within themselves. They're growing up into a better, confident person.
4 of Pentacles, 3 of Cups - Justice
Why does this read like a continuation from the first reading? ☠️ They've just signed something, a contract, partnership or something along those lines. It's serious business. But in signing this, they're receiving good money and are celebrating together. So this could be the start of something new or the end of something 🥺
• Stray Kids
Page of Cups, Ace of Swords - 10 of Cups
Babies are doing really good and feeling well! There's a feeling of accomplishment and just overall happiness. But it's a bittersweet thing, because some of them are feeling as though they shouldn't be feeling this good. They feel as though they should be working harder to compensate for this stagnant happiness. But they're all celebrating and in good spirits because of the recent Japanese single and it's well received attention.
Girl Groups
• Twice
3 of Pentacles, 6 of Wands - Queen of Cups
What are the odds that the bottom deck for them is still the same? 😅 Emotionally stable queens 💜 They're definitely overcoming the initial issue they had earlier this month. Celebrating their comeback and waiting for the good news of how it's being received. They're not all in the best of spirits, but they have their heads high and are working to get through this.
8 of Swords, 10 of Cups - The Star
They're definitely still struggling with the first initial incident from the beginning of the month. But they're getting better and overcoming it, the group atmosphere is really light and happy. They're all looking forward to better days and striving to get there together.
• Blackpink
4 of Cups, 2 of Wands, King of Cups - 10 of Cups
They're definitely not the happiest they could be, but they are grateful. The overall group energy is happy and they're feeling good, they're just frustrated about something. Currently they're planning something for the journey ahead and focusing on their emotions and listening to them. There's some definite growth happening here.
• Red Velvet
6 of Cups, 5 of Wands rx - 2 of Wands
The girls are also in a really good mood! Particularly within family relationships and friendships. There's no arguments or disagreements, just complete understanding and patience for each other. They're also planning something, perhaps a comeback? They're definitely done fighting over whatever was wearing them down at the start of the month, so that's a good step.
Solo Artist
• Wonho
The Lovers, 3 of Pentacles - Queen of Cups
He's been improving his family relationships and strengthening the bonds. In particular, I'm sensing the relationship between him and his mom. There's a sense of loss and abandonment, but it's been fixed. He's improving the relationship and growing from this situation. Poor baby Wonho had some mommy issues TT-TT
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ladyhaesoo · 4 years
hotel blue moon | 2
"What a sight," she said, walking into the room. Waistcoat—ah, she really had to learn his name—turned to watch her. She smiled. "Shame you dropped the waistcoat. I was calling you that in my head."
a/n: no promises for how far i’ll take this i’m afraid, but i’m really digging the concept right now, so! here we are, for now. also i think i’ll be putting this up on ao3 later tonight? i saw that someone had apparently started a tag, so we shall SEE
part 1 | part 3 | read on page (not for mobile app, but it’s prettier)
Eleven AM, Sang Sang-i-Sang headquarters, future planning meeting. The sales of Zombie Kid were not bad—her sales never really are—but the negative reviews and the criticism of the artwork are taking their toll.
Her previous book, The Boy Who Fed on Nightmares, had received some of the same criticism. Why did the witch teach the life lesson? Shouldn't her cruelty be punished, rather than the boy having to stand up to his end of the deal? Why the violence in the artwork? Surely just the mention of nightmares would be enough without the screaming fear in the boy's eyes? The blood-strings had been especially gruesome to one reviewer who had left a scathing 4/10 review. Six for the story, minus two for the art.
She had earlier works that were just a little easier to digest, but as time had passed and the name and title of children's author, Ko Moonyoung, had grown, she had stopped allowing any the publishing house's censorship. Unfortunately, that meant that with every new book, someone or the other took fault with her work.
"Why won't Ko Moonyoung do what the public asks?"
Meetings with Sangin were exhausting because they meant—yes, sure, everyone would suck up to her—and yes, Sangin had absolutely none of what it took to stand up to her, especially regarding decisions on her work (her latest renewed contract had ensured that, though it hadn't been necessary)—but they were tedious. Even if she only stayed ten minutes; it was ten minutes she would rather spend anywhere else.
Today, however, Moonyoung walked into Sangin's horrendous glass palace and found—
Crisp white shirt, definitely silk, sleeves pulled up to elbows—wonderful. Black slacks, pressed. No waistcoat, but you couldn't win them all, and his shoulders were perfectly broad even without the added visual line. Were those—well, gold looking rings holding up a signed copy of The Hand, The Monkfish. Sadly, only the display copy. She would so have loved for him to be a fan.
"What a sight," she said, walking into the room. Waistcoat—ah, she really had to learn his name—turned to watch her. She smiled. "Shame you dropped the waistcoat. I was calling you that in my head."
He smiled—ah, but he was handsome. Almost irritatingly handsome. "You should have told me. I would have dressed to match your expectations."
She fluttered a hand as she sidled closer, almost in his personal bubble, if not quite. "Well, you're not meeting any of my other expectations either. I thought you'd be different, but here we are. How much has he offered you?"
He cocked his head, as if not quite sure what she was aiming at, before he raised a hand, clean bandage wrapped around it. "Oh, you mean to compensate me for getting stabbed? You know, ten million or so. Not much for such a successful children's author."
Her smile froze. "Aren't you the CEO of a hotel or something? What's ten million for a CEO?" They'd had an awkward meeting, manager to manager, the previous day as they were leaving. Sangin had been terribly apologetic, offering his manager, a harried looking man, his card. The manager looked at Waistcoat with the huff of a man who had dealt with too much crap—a look she was intimately familiar with, having been on the receiving end far too often.
Waistcoat had raised his bloody hand. "I got stabbed," he'd said, getting—surprisingly little sympathy. Maybe he did that sort of thing all the time. Maybe he was some kind of masochist? He was certainly pretty enough to tie up.
His manager had apologised for him all the same, and he and Sangin had exchanged dramatic 'you too?' stares as they discovered a kindred spirit. Wow. Moonyoung had seen the card in Sangin's hand later, but hadn't seen his name, only the logo of a hotel she wasn't familiar with.
"But does this method always work?" he asked, putting her book away. "Does it make sure no one sullies your reputation?"
She shrugged. "Verbal consolation is useless. Money is the best."
"Is it really?"
Moonyoung gave him the accusatory wide eyes. "What do you want then? Sex?" Maybe he was some sort of masochist—had she accidentally turned him on by stabbing him? She was about to laugh, when—his eyes followed a path down her legs, then back up, just slow enough, just catching on the end of her skirt, just pausing by her mouth. And just when she thought she was right, and he was in fact a creep, he opened his mouth, and said,
"Is that worth that much?"
She couldn't help the scoff, not after that stare. "Then why are you here? Don't tell me. The hotel isn't doing well? Some advertisement to get your name in the papers? Come to our hotel and get the exclusive chance for a free book reading by author Ko Moonyoung? Hotel Blue Moon, right? I've never heard of it. Do you get guests only once in a blue moon, too?"
He looked remarkably unruffled, so that was probably not it—or was his face just that good? All he said was, "My hotel doesn't need any advertising."
She cocked her head. "Why not? Is it a motel?"
He smirked at some private joke that she wasn't in on. "Maybe I should invite you sometime, and you can find out."
This got more interesting as it went. "Are you coming on to me right now?" she asked, stepping closer, properly in his personal space. He was unmoved, or simply good at not showing it; he stayed in place, looking down at her—even in her heels—and said,
"Is that what you'd like?" Before she could say something—yes?—no?—both, maybe, he continued, "But no. Take it as goodwill, Ko Moonyoung. I hope you don't come to my hotel for years. I hope you never come there."
That—was unexpected. She raised her chin, putting her blunt jaw between them. "Why not?" He had been flirting a moment ago.
He smiled, and looked over her shoulder, face transforming to something far less. Like this, he almost looked pleasant and boring, but it had slipped off his face so quickly she knew it couldn't be real. She looked behind her, and—sure enough, Sangin, with his little not-so-discreet boxes of cash.
"What's this? I thought you said you didn't need money." And he wasn't going to answer her question now. She was not a person accustomed to disappointment, not these days.
Waistcoat shrugged. "I said it's not the best solution... but I have no problem taking money. I got stabbed, remember?" He walked up to Sangin, took the two boxes from Sangin's hands, and left before anyone else could get a word out.
Sangin looked stunned—just for a moment, though, before he took off running after him with the drink he'd bought him. "Kangtae-ssi!" he called. "Kangtae-ssi!"
Well, she could at least stop calling him Waistcoat now. Not that it mattered, she supposed. I hope you never come to my hotel. He had taken his money, and left.
All the same. Eleven-thirteen, Sang Sang-i-Sang balcony, as she waited for a meeting delayed by an unexpected gust of wind knocking Sangin and his coffee over. Across the street, Kangtae, shoulders broader than the tree trunks he was walking by, sun glinting off his hair. Maybe his hotel was shit. Maybe it really was a motel. Whatever his hotel was, the man himself was—
She could just see it—striding out into the city, heel crushing pavement, picking him up by the collar, asking him what the hell he meant, and—
He looked back over his shoulder, meeting her eye through the pincers she had made with her fingers. Then he winked.
She wanted him.
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
Matching Heartbeats: Sokkla Saturdays 2020
Day 2:  “As if that would happen“
On FF.net//On AO3
The discomfort had been bad enough long before it started to be accompanied by pain: Azula gritted her teeth, bearing with the unpleasant, involuntary shudders of her lower body while clinging tightly to the firm, calloused hand that held hers.
"It's… a bad one. Damn it…" Azula gasped, shutting her eyes tightly.
"Breathe, love. Just breathe through it, like you did with the last one… you're my hero, you know? Putting up with all this…"
"For the second time… if I may add?" Azula hissed, wincing at one more painful shudder before whatever had clenched up inside her body loosened up at last: the pain receded gradually, and she sighed as she sank into the pillows, breathing heavily while still gripping that same hand as hard as she had needed to.
So far, he hadn't complained about the pain a single time. It would be strange to Azula, for Sokka often complained about any form of pain anyone inflicted upon him… but watching her writhing as each contraction took hold of her body appeared to hurt him far more than a few paling fingers could.
"S-sorry…" she said, regardless, releasing his hand despite he didn't make any moves to suggest he needed her to let go.
"And why are you apologizing, exactly?" Sokka smiled, reaching up to stroke her disorderly hair gently. "What you're going through… I'm pretty sure what you're doing to my hand can't even be a fragment of what you're enduring."
"Heh… must be I've been weakened by the contractions, then," she mumbled. Sokka chuckled and shook his head. "Here I thought I was exerting all my strength in holding your hand, but it turns out it's not even a fragment of what I'm going through…?"
Sokka rolled his eyes, prompting Azula to chuckle. She had meant to tease him: it was more than a bit unnerving to see him so serious and tense, even if she knew the situation warranted it. Messing with him, however lightly as it might be, would ease her heart far more effectively at this stage than anything else she could think of.
Naturally, Sokka retaliated against her words by showing her his right hand: indeed, the area Azula had gripped the tightest was paler than the rest of his hand and arm, and she bit her lip somewhat guiltily as Sokka leaned closer to her, still holding up his hand between them.
"I'm seriously expecting my hand to fall off at this rate, Azula. And yes, it hurts like hell, and I'm willing to lose it if that's what I have to do for you. But, besides that? I'm damn sure what you're going through is a thousand times more painful than losing a hand would be. So yeah, I know you love playing around with my words, but you know exactly what I was trying to say, don't you?"
"Of course I do," Azula smiled, closing her eyes as she tried to relax – as much as someone with a nine-month-old baby bump could relax. "But I like teasing you far too much. Plus… I have no idea if my grip is really that strong right now, Sokka. When the contractions hit that hard, it's not easy to focus on anything else… so I figured, despite I knew what you meant, that maybe I am a little weaker anyway."
"Heh, you? Weak? As if that would ever happen," Sokka smiled, reaching up to stroke her hair. "You're my hero, you know. I say it all the time, but still… you've put up with every challenge life has thrown at you and you've come out on top every time…"
"Eh? Not quite sure of that," Azula grimaced. "Sometimes I didn't wind up in the best of shapes, as you well know…"
"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you're the only person who's stared Death in the face as many times as you have and told him: 'You know what? Try a little harder next time', so…"
Azula couldn't hold back a chortle before a spring of laughter burst from her lips. Sokka smiled, watching her laugh at first before joining her with a few soft laughs of his own. His hand, weakened as it was, reached for hers all the same. Her fingers, so desperate, urgent and violent before, now smoothly caressed the back of his hand, and Sokka wasn't sure whether she sought comfort in their touch, or if she meant to reassure him instead.
"That's a lie, and you know it," Azula finally said. Sokka huffed, eyeing her skeptically.
"No, it's not," he declared, proudly.
"If I'd truly stared Death in the face, no matter how many times I allegedly did, and said such words to it? I'd likely have been inspired by your example in doing so," Azula smiled. "So… the lie isn't really that I wouldn't do that to Death, it's that I'm hardly the only person who does that."
"Eh… fine, then. If you insist, but my point still stands: you're strong as hell, no matter what you say," Sokka said, smiling warmly as his free hand stroked her hair once more. Upon finding a few droplets of sweat on her forehead, Sokka reached quickly for a small towel they had kept on the bed's nightstand, for the very purpose of drying Azula's brow whenever she needed it.
He dipped the towel in the basin, half-filled with cool water. Where Azula normally recoiled from cold things, she sighed in bliss at the touch of that fabric against her heating forehead. Sokka smiled warmly at her, as Azula released a deep breath, nestling as comfortably as possible in the mattress. Her thumb brushed his hand, and as gentle and sweet as the touch of the towel might be, Azula's brow was furrowed once he pulled it away.
"Another one?" Sokka asked. Azula shook her head lightly.
"Just… I guess it's dumb to worry about this now, isn't it?" she mumbled. "We're at the final stretch of the race, after all. But I can't help but wonder if… if we're truly ready for this. We've managed so far, with just one child, but do you really think we can handle ourselves, our responsibilities, while also raising two kids? I mean, there's no choice but to do it, but…"
"But you're worried," Sokka said. Azula swallowed hard and nodded. "Well… it's only natural to worry, I'd think. I'm not sure anyone can feel wholly confident about their ability to raise a little tyke all the way from being a toddler to adulthood, you know? I'd be surprised if anyone was that sure of themselves…"
"I'm just afraid of… of making the same mistakes they did," Azula whispered. "My parents…"
"Oh, well, now that's not something you should worry about," Sokka said, with a heartfelt smile. "You've already proven you're a thousand times the parent either of them could hope to be…"
"With one kid? Yes. Can it be the same with two?" Azula mumbled. "I mean, I'll try my best, but… that's where a lot of families seem to fuck up. Mine did, for sure. I know yours didn't, but still…"
"You're definitely underestimating just how good a mother you are," Sokka answered. "I'm pretty sure you'll never mess up the way they did. But, if you really need it… I guess I'll try to reassure you by promising that, if I ever think you're taking after either of them, I'll stage a full-blown intervention."
"Ah? That sounds dangerous," Azula smiled. Sokka nodded pompously.
"I'll lock us up in our room, and after I work out all your frustrations in the best possible way…"
"Oh no, please don't say that. Now I'll start wanting to be a bad mother just so you can do that…"
Sokka snorted and laughed halfway through his explanations. Azula smirked at him and he shook his head, forcing himself to focus anew.
"And after that's done, we'll talk things through and we'll figure out what we're doing wrong so we can start doing it right once we leave the room. See? Easy-peasy," he said, grinning. Azula sighed and smiled warmly at him.
"I really don't think it'd be that easy, but sometimes you believe in me so wholeheartedly that I can't help but trust you completely. It's terrible," she said, prompting him to laugh anew.
"I think your instincts trust my instincts, and that's what makes this marriage work perfectly," he decided, leaning close to press a kiss to her brow. "We'll do right by our new kid, Azula. We won't let anything go wrong. The Royal Family is revitalized, changed, renewed as it is… all the bad blood, the nasty stuff that plagued you as a kid, is long gone now. You'll be okay, and our little ones will be too. I'm sure of it."
"I wonder if anyone in this whole world has ever had as much faith in someone as you do in me…" Azula smiled affectionately, cupping his cheek. "I hope I'll never give you reason to stop believing in me…"
"Heh. As if that could ever happen," Sokka said, again, and Azula chuckled, shaking her head.
"Is that how you'll answer everything I say now?" she asked. Sokka failed to bite back a grin. "How about if I say I'm afraid you might not find me appealing anymore after my body's many changes, now that I've gone through two pregnancies?"
"Ha! That one deserves it more than the previous things you've said: as if I could ever, EVER, find you any less appealing, Azula," Sokka hissed, kissing her lips quickly as she laughed.
"I suppose, if you'd kiss me when I look like this, it must be true…" she mused. "I must look like a wreck, lying here as I am…"
"You're even more beautiful today than ever before, no matter how many pregnancies you've been through, or how many years have gone by…"
"How much weight I've put on? Granted, it's also because I was pregnant, but…"
"Didn't I tell you enough times that that's no reason to love you any less?" Sokka smiled. Azula bit her lip but grinned too.
"Fine, then. I'll stop testing you. You've become too skilled at fielding my verbal attacks…"
"It was about time I did, wasn't it?" Sokka laughed, stroking her hair. "We've been together forever now. If I couldn't hold my own in our arguments you'd likely have grown bored of me by now."
"Eh. Probably," Azula acknowledged, smirking mischievously as Sokka chuckled and pressed his brow to hers.
"I love you more every day that goes by," he whispered. "And moments like these only make me love you even more than I already did before."
"I sure hope so…" Azula said, and the edge of her smile waned as it softened into a gentle grin. "Because, loving you any less? As if that could ever happen."
"Ah? Are we really going to play that game with each other now?" Sokka chuckled. Azula grinned and shrugged innocently. "Well, then…!"
He didn't have a chance to tease Azula with that phrase again, for the sound of the opening door of Azula's assigned room cut off Sokka's words. He glanced back, and his lighthearted mood shifted once his blue eyes met his sister's own.
"Okay… our half hour's up. Did you have more contractions?" Katara asked, glancing at Azula, who nodded almost shyly.
"There was one just a moment ago. It was… intense," Azula said, unwilling to acknowledge how painful it had been. Projecting strength was a wasted ordeal, she knew, especially when Katara was going to witness the birth of her second child in a matter of hours, or less than that, and no moment in a mother's life could be as vulnerable as that… but it wasn't easy to break old habits nonetheless.
"Then I guess this is probably it," Katara sighed, biting her lip as she glanced at her brother. "Sokka…?"
"Y-you sure I can't stay?" he asked, eyeing Katara desperately now. "I… I'll be good. I promise I won't cause trouble, I just want to help…"
"Oh, Sokka…" Katara sighed, stepping closer to her pouting brother, who slouched in his chair, right beside Azula, for he knew his sister's voice tone could only herald a negative answer to his request. "You've seen a lot of stuff, I'll give you that… but I don't think you, of all people, can watch your wife go through excruciating pain without losing your mind. So… no. You really can't stay."
"I could try…" Sokka whimpered, though Azula laughed beside him.
"It might be good if you leave. You really might be so disgusted by birthing you'll choose not to sleep with me ever again…"
"Okay, now that's even worse than the last one! As if that could ever happen, Azula!"
"Uh, I'm still here, remember? I absolutely don't need to hear you two talk about your sex life, thank you very much," Katara said, with a disgusted twitch of her eyebrow. Azula couldn't help but laugh at her sister-in-law's expression, and Sokka huffed while rolling his eyes at Katara.
"Right, because Azula's about to give birth to our second kid because a spirit somehow induced pregnancy miraculously in her!" Sokka said, smirking sarcastically.
"Eh, if anything the most fun part of pregnancy is the means through which you get knocked up, it's true…" Azula smiled, and Sokka snickered in her direction as Katara shuddered, making exaggerated gagging noises.
She made her way to the nearest window, feigning to puke through it while Sokka and Azula laughed at her dramatic acting. Still, as amusing as Katara's reaction was, they both knew she was only helping them stall, letting them have just another short moment together, if nothing else.
"Well… sounds like I can't convince her, or you, after all. But hey, I'll be standing right outside the door. I'll be so close it'll be as if I'm in here anyway," Sokka declared, pouting a little. Azula laughed and nodded, clasping his hand in hers again.
"Then you'll be within range to hear me scream like a dying ostrich horse once the worst of it begins. Sweet," she said, raising her eyebrows in his direction. Sokka snorted at the comparison she had drawn, shaking his head and kissing her brow.
"Want me to scream right back from the hallway? That way you sure won't feel lonely, not even for a second," he suggested. Despite her nervousness should have been ramping up, Azula couldn't help but laugh, clutching at Sokka with a hand, hoping to keep him close for as long as possible.
"I'm sure everyone will think we're mad… eh, I guess they already think that, actually. And they might be right, since this sounds like a brilliant idea to me. Please, do it," Azula grinned, as Sokka chuckled and pressed many kisses to her face.
"Perfect," he said, just in time for Katara to huff in disbelief.
"Don't you two think birthing is a delicate enough situation to add wild hollering across a door to the mix?" she asked. Sokka bit his lip, deferring to Azula… who offered a simple enough answer to Katara:
"Nah, I think it'll fit just right, if anything," she decided. Despite herself, Katara couldn't help but laugh as Sokka grinned warmly at his wife.
"Take as long as you need to. We'll be patient out there," he said, prodding her nose with his own.
"The next time we see each other… our family will be bigger by one member," Azula smiled, just as sweetly. A blissful laugh left his lips, and his eyes glistened beautifully. Azula couldn't help but wish their next child would have eyes just like his…
"That's right," he said, beaming before reaching to caress Azula's large baby bump. "We'll meet you very soon, buddy. Hold on tight… and please go easy on your mommy, alright? She's done her best to give birth to you safely, so don't give her a lot of trouble, 'kay?"
Azula's eyes were tearful as Sokka leaned close, pressing a kiss to her bump. He had done it often throughout the pregnancy, chatting excitedly to their baby, most often singing praises about Azula that she'd only be able to silence by kissing him fiercely and busying his mouth with something other than talking. He had looked forward to meeting their child for as long as he'd known she was expecting it… and she couldn't wait to see the look on his face, once he entered the room again, to find her holding their newborn baby.
Sokka smiled at her, still caressing her womb before bringing their lips together, offering her his courage, his strength, all the willpower and certainty she had feared she'd lack in such a momentous occasion. It would be hard, she knew, but her heart was set on seeing this through to the end. Birthing was difficult enough, she knew as much by experience… but the other side of it, the joy of holding her own child, could chase away the pain far faster than any medicine or waterbending healing could.
"I love you, Azula," he whispered, once he pulled away from their kiss. "I don't want to leave… but I'll be back as soon as my mean sister allows it. I promise."
"Make sure you get a snack… and go to the bathroom right after you leave now," Azula suggested, and Sokka raised an eyebrow, amused. "It'd suck if… if, by the time this is done, you were halfway through one of your famous potty breaks…"
"Uh, yeah, fair enough, I'll take one of those now," Sokka said, grimacing as Azula laughed. "Take it easy, as much as you can anyway, and breathe just as they told you to. Though, heh, you know how this works better than I do anyway, so I guess my advice is pointless…"
"You just want me to suffer as little as possible, I know," Azula smiled. "It's fine, Sokka. I love you too. By the time the baby's coming I might hate you a little, though, for putting me through this… but by the end I'll be grateful. I promise."
"I sure hope so," Sokka chuckled, kissing her lips once more. "Whatever would I do if my wife and the mother of my children hated me, huh?"
"Oh, please… like that could ever truly happen," Azula teased him. Sokka laughed, and tears blinked in both their eyes as he pressed one more kiss to her lips.
It seemed there could never be enough kisses, enough reassurances that he was here with her, that she would overcome this challenge, like she did… but as Katara guided him to the door – just as her other helpers arrived, too – Sokka's gaze held Azula's own. The truth was that no door, no walls, would ever come between them: their hearts were closely bonded, beating as one, flooding Azula's system with her well-known certainty that no matter the distance, no matter the struggles they faced, Sokka was always with her. She hadn't been alone for years now… and as those gentle blue eyes still gazed upon hers, just before the door closed behind him, Azula knew she never would be. Not as long as the best man she had ever known stood right outside her room, waiting eagerly to return to her side.
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zashamalkin · 4 years
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Full article below the cut.
Kris Letang never wants to play for another NHL team. He thinks he will, though.
In the days following the Penguins’ loss in the Stanley Cup playoffs qualifying round last month, shortly after sharing with team officials his desire to retire a Penguin, Letang told several teammates he expected to be traded this offseason.
Interviews with more than a dozen team and league sources revealed that Letang, the most accomplished defenseman in Penguins history, is at a crossroads similar to the one teammate Evgeni Malkin found himself at after the 2018-19 season. While Malkin always has brushed off any indication he could be traded, Letang has taken it seriously since first learning of reports and speculation in the 2012-13 season.
He fears it more this offseason than any other.
But neither ownership nor management believes the Penguins will be better without Letang, who has two years remaining on his contract. And the return of Todd Reirden as assistant coach is the first part of the Penguins’ plan for Letang to “be that guy again,” a team source told The Athletic.
“If I’m running things in Pittsburgh, I’m looking at Letang and thinking about what my team would be if he got back to having great years,” one league source said. “And why wouldn’t Jim (Rutherford) or (Mike Sullivan) think that way? Didn’t they have the same thought a year ago about Malkin? And didn’t they figure it out with him?
“Maybe it’s just Letang’s turn for them to take a different approach.”
Still, despite being told by Rutherford that a retooling plan does not include trading him, Letang has told those close to him he expects a trade from the Penguins could happen during the offseason or sometime next season, multiple team sources said.
In recent conversations, Rutherford has asked opposing GMs if they were “interested in Letang,” according to multiple league sources, who cautioned the Penguins’ GM wasn’t trying to trade Letang as much as “feeling out what value Letang would have.”
“Honestly, it doesn’t sound like they know what the market is for Letang,” one league source said. “Jim was fishing. That’s not exactly trying to trade the guy. But the word’s out that Jim wants to know what he could get from one of the teams Letang could go to.”
Letang will count $7.25 million against the salary cap next season. His cap hit is slated to rank 13th all defenseman and he will be one of 15 defensemen in his 30s making at least $7 million in actual salary, as recorded by the Puck Pedia website.
He might not be a bargain, but Letang provides the Penguins with good value when healthy. He is their lone returning defenseman to have ever scored at least 10 goals or 50 points in a season, doing so seven and five times respectively. Also, he is one of only two returning defensemen to have averaged at least 25 minutes in multiple seasons, with Letang hitting that mark in seven of the past eight seasons.
Combine those factors with championship experience, the ability to run a power play and an under-the-radar leadership style, and Rutherford’s decision to even gauge colleague’s interest on Letang caught more than a few in Pittsburgh’ organization by surprise.
“How is it ‘win-now mode’ if you trade our best defenseman?” one team source said. “Trading him just doesn’t make any sense.”
Another team source described Letang as “misunderstood.”
“He cares a lot about our team and what people here think of him,” that team source said. “Tanger’s honest. He’s hard on himself. He’s been through a lot as a person, not just a player. He’s made his family here. This team matters to him. If you know him, Tanger will work harder than anyone to make it work.”
Letang trade rumors started shortly after he signed an eight-year, $58 million dollar contract in 2013. He wanted a full no-trade clause in the contract, but Ray Shero, GM at the time, balked because he had already granted such clauses to Sidney Crosby and Malkin. They settled on a modified no-trade clause that grants Letang some, but not total, control.
Negotiations nearly fell apart before the contract was finalized. Letang wanted the no-trade clause to go into effect immediately, but the collective bargaining agreement prohibited the clause from taking effect until the first year of the new deal (2014-15), which meant Letang would play the 2013-14 season without trade protection.
“Kris was upset because Ray wouldn’t say, ‘I won’t trade you next season’ instead of Ray saying, ‘We’re not giving you this contract so we can trade you,’” a league source said. “It was obvious Kris wasn’t going to be traded. … He just had it in his head that he would be the odd-guy out.”
Shero and Rutherford had treated Letang similarly before this offseason. Other teams could call, but it would take a lot to pry Letang from Pittsburgh.
And even though he took calls last summer and is currently gathering intel on Letang’s value, Rutherford has also confided to associates that he believes the “right thing is for those three players” — Letang, Crosby and Malkin — “to retire as Penguins for-life,” team and league sources said.
Rutherford’s moves in the weeks following the Penguins’ latest early exit from a postseason confirm what team and league sources described a “joint decision by ownership and management” to stick with the win-now approach for the next two seasons.
That means definitely retaining Malkin and likely keeping Letang, who each have two years remaining on their contracts, and adding talent where it makes sense.
The Penguins believe the acquisition of winger Kasperi Kapanen from Toronto makes their top six as good as at any point in the Crosby/Malkin era. And others in the organization believe Reirden’s return will benefit all defensemen, but especially Letang.
“The way I see it, Pittsburgh is doing with Letang what it did to Malkin a year ago — get through to him, get him to change some things and get him back to where they need him to be,” one league source said.
“That’s why Reirden is back. I guarantee that’s what went into Jim’s thinking.”
Malkin and Crosby in recent seasons have proven willing and able to make on- and off-ice adjustments to remain elite players into their mid-30s. However, a few of the franchise’s highest-ranking officials believe Letang has “better to give,” multiple team sources said.
Sullivan, in particular, has grown frustrated with Letang’s occasional resistance to play within the system, according to multiple league sources. Sullivan often would hand off Letang to either Jacques Martin or Sergei Gonchar, two of three assistants whose contracts were not renewed by the Penguins.
“The thing with great players is they want to do so much,” one league source said. “When you get older, doing less does more. But not every player understands that.”
Hiring Reirden as Sullivan’s top assistant should “get Letang’s attention,” a league source said.
One former Penguins player from when Reirden was Dan Bylsma’s assistant said “Todd’s great at making you feel like it’s a conversation, not a one-sided talk — and that’s going to help with whatever the message is to Tanger because he responds best when he feels like he’s part of the discussion.”
Reirden cut his NHL teeth as an assistant on Bylsma’s Penguins staff from 2010-14. His primary responsibilities were coaching defenseman and running the power play, and it was in those roles that Reirden won hard-earned respect from Crosby, Malkin and Letang.
Multiple team sources said there was no indication those three players thought as highly of Mark Recchi, who ran the power play the past three seasons. And though Malkin, Letang and Crosby each hold Gonchar in the highest regard, Letang’s history with Gonchar as a teammate in the late 2000s became seen by top Penguins brass as a hindrance to their player/coach relationship.
“Letang is still their best defenseman,” one league source said. “If he’s lost a step, I didn’t see it. Maybe a half-step? But I didn’t see a guy who looked noticeably different as a skater.”
Rutherford said he waited all of 30 minutes after Reirden’s firing as head coach of the Washington Capitals to give him a call and discuss a return to Pittsburgh. A few minutes into their conversation, Rutherford and Reirden were exchanging thoughts on Letang, team sources said.
“I’ve talked to Tanger about Todd. He loved him,” one former Penguin said. “And if there is a better level from Letang at this point in his career, Todd is the one coach who can probably help him get there.
“If he does, and Sid is healthy and Geno comes back as dedicated as he did last season, that’s going to be bigger for Pittsburgh than anything else Jim does in terms of trades or signings.”
(Top photo: Derek Cain / Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)
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alwaysmarilynmonroe · 4 years
I’m currently discovering a lot about MM and I was curious about Joan Collins talking about the casting couch. I saw that you don’t believe they met but I’ve seen several sources saying they met at a party hosted by Gene Kelly. Do you think Joan might have extrapolated the story to say Marilyn did the couch casting just because of her warning? It doesn’t ring true to me that MM would tell a stranger about this and I dislike the idea that it renews this myth that she slept her way to the top.
If Joan and Marilyn met to have a full blown conversation and become fairly acquainted, I personally have never found evidence of that.
However, they did attend a studio screening of There’s No Business Like Show Business in 1954, as pictured here; Marilyn’s on the seventh row back and Joan is on fifth.
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Joan never attained Marilyn’s level of Stardom until decades later, when she starred in Dynasty in the 1980s, she was making films in the 1950s, but none were on the same level of success as Marilyn’s.
I have read what Joan has said - I will attach it here for others to read, which she wrote about first in her autobiography in 1978.
“Shortly after arriving in Hollywood aged 21, under contract to 20th Century Fox, I attended a party at Gene Kelly’s house. The star of An American In Paris and Singin’ In The Rain hosted a weekly gathering for an eclectic group of movie industry power-brokers, A-list actors and actresses, intellectuals and his friends. It was where I first met Marilyn Monroe.
At first I didn’t recognise the blonde sitting alone at the bar. Suddenly, it dawned on me that the woman in front of me was the legendary figure herself. We started chatting and after a couple of martinis, Marilyn poured out a cautionary tale of sexual harassment she and other actresses endured from, “the wolves in this town”.
I replied that I was well used to “wolves” after a few years in the British film industry. I decided it definitely wasn’t something I’d put up with. I told Marilyn I was well prepared to deal with men patting my bottom, leering down my cleavage and whatever else.
She shook her head. “There’s nothing like the power of the studio bosses here, honey. If they don’t get what they want, they’ll drop you. It’s happened to lots of gals. ‘Specially watch out for Zanuck. If he doesn’t get what he wants, honey, he’ll drop your contract.” It was a timely warning, because days later, Darryl Zanuck, vice-president of production at 20th Century Fox, pounced.
Hollywood studio bosses considered it their due to b*** all the good-looking women who came their way and were notorious for it. Harry Cohn at Columbia Pictures, for example, had no qualms about firing any starlet who rejected him. He was totally amoral.
Another role I coveted was that of Cleopatra. The head of 20th Century Fox at the time, Buddy Adler, and the chairman of the board — [Spyros Skouras], a Greek gentleman old enough to be my grandfather — bombarded me with propositions and promises that the role was mine if I would be, “nice” to them. It was a euphemism prevalent in Hollywood. I couldn’t and I wouldn’t — the very thought of these old men was utterly repugnant. So, I dodged and I dived, and hid from them around the lot and made excuses while undergoing endless screen tests for the role of Egypt’s Queen.
At one point, Mr Adler told me at a party that I would have “the pick of the scripts” after Cleopatra and he would set me up in an apartment he would pay for as long as he could come to visit me three or four times a week.
Running out of excuses, I blurted out: “Mr Adler, I came here with my agent, Jay Kanter. Why don’t we discuss the deal with him?” “Honey, you have quite a sense of humour,” he spluttered. “And a sense of humour is all you’ll ever get from me,” I murmured as I left. In due course, Elizabeth Taylor got the role.
But it wasn’t just studio bosses and producers who were predatory. Many actors I worked with considered it their divine right to have sex with their leading lady. Anyone naive enough to believe the era of the casting couch had been consigned to history will have been shocked by the Weinstein scandal and the predatory institutional sexism of Hollywood power brokers it has revealed.
But it’s not just the film industry that’s been complicit in sanctioning this appalling behaviour, and it’s not just actresses subjected to it. It may occur in any business dominated by powerful, ruthless and misogynistic men, and it’s women (sometimes men) in subservient positions who are unfortunate enough to have to deal with them.”
Regarding the anecdote, it frustrates me quite a bit for the following number of reasons;
- As previously mentioned, Joan was not a huge star in the 1950s/early 1960s as she’s suggesting. Elizabeth Taylor famously received $1,000,000 for the starring role in Cleopatra (1963) and as far as I’m aware, Joan was never in the running - I don’t think any other Star was, not long term anyway. So I’m not really sure why she’s saying that..
- Marilyn was NOT I repeate NOT liked by Daryl Zanuck, he wasn’t a nice person (that’s putting it politely) and could never understand the hype around Marilyn.
Even before she was starring in huge movies she was receiving thousands of fan mail letters every week at the Studio, so much so that Zanuck reluctantly realised the money she could bring to him/20th Century Fox’s films and kept her on.
She’d already had a short term contract previously in 1947, that was not renewed. Clearly if she was sleeping with Zanuck this would not have been the case.
Furthermore, one of the only nice things Zanuck said about Marilyn was the following, “Nobody discovered her, she earned her way to stardom.”
Even being THE blonde in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) Marilyn did not have her own Dressing Room during filming.. Again, if she was sleeping with the Studio Head, you’d think she could at least have her own room.
- As for the Hollywood, “Wolves” Joan is right, Marilyn did speak out about them, she even had an article posted in January 1953 Motion Picture Magazine titled, “Wolves I Have Known.”
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However Marilyn’s own words go completely against Joan’s version as she famously discussed her rejection of Studio Head, Harry Cohn’s weekend on his yacht proposition. She asked him if his wife would be joining them and he did not take this well. So much so that she was dropped from her six month contract with Columbia and never worked for them again. Therefore I find it pretty strange she doesn’t mention that when talking about him..
Marilyn also mentions numerous anecdotes in her ghostwritten by Ben Hecht autobiography, “My Story” which was based on interviews between the two.
Lastly, I just want to add that if Marilyn or any other Star slept with any Studio Staff (I used that phrase lightly as the casting couch is hardly any form of consent) then I would never judge any of them. The whole situation makes me sick and is not only assault but a huge abuse of power, fuelled by misogyny and sexism. Even now the woman is the one who is shamed and degraded, when the instigator and abuser is not condemned and reputation stays intact.
I’m simply saying that instead of listening to other words, take them with a pinch of salt and listen to Marilyn’s actual words herself. It’s her story and ultimately if others are going to talk about it, she should at least have them tell the truth.
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fireblaze5555 · 4 years
Fire Away: Chapter 10
Chapter 10: You Know and I Know That I’ll Always Come Back for More
Also on Ao3:  Fire Away: Chapter 10
Karen came awake slowly, a sensation on her cheek pulling her from sleep. She opened bleary eyes to see Frank, hair mussed and eyes hooded, stroking her cheek with a careful thumb.
“It’s a good thing you’re awake, I was two seconds away from dumping you in the floor, my bladder was startin’ to get impatient.” His voice was rough from sleep and Karen couldn’t understand how he managed to be sexy while also being annoying.
Scoffing she gave a dramatic stretch and pushed away from him. Once she was sitting on the edge of the cot, Karen felt Frank lay a quick kiss on the back of her head as he rose and padded barefoot to the bathroom.
Karen gave a jaw popping yawn and wondered about the time, it certainly felt too early to be up. Glancing at the surveillance monitors it looked almost pitch black outside, only a hint of graying sky showing here and there and when she looked at her phone it confirmed it was, in fact, far too early to be awake.
“Really Frank? 5:30 am? You really think that is an acceptable time to be awake?” She asked as soon as he re-appeared from the bathroom before she made a show of crawling back under the covers and pushing her face into the pillow noisily.
There was a soft chuckle from the direction of the coffee maker followed by the associated sounds of coffee being made, “It’s a hard habit to break. Doesn’t mean you have to be awake thou…”
She was asleep again before he finished speaking.
The next time Karen woke up it was to the demands of her own bladder. Pushing groggily out from under the blankets, she checked her phone to see a much more respectable 9 am, stretching as she stood and making her way to the bathroom. When she emerged it was with brushed teeth and a fresh face, shortly followed by her pouring a rather large cup of coffee.
Karen followed the sounds of exertion coming from somewhere in the small warehouse and came to an abrupt halt, nearly dropping her mug when she saw Frank. He had a chain around his waist and was doing pull ups on a crossbeam, straining with each rep. Karen’s eyes followed the movement, biceps bunching, abs contracting at every lift. He was actually glistening, sweat  trailing down dips and planes of corded muscle and gathering at the low swung sweatpants and she didn’t think it was possible the man could be any more sexy.
That is until he dropped from beam lightly, stepping over to a punching bag to go through a series of punches to a suspended bag in the corner that allowed her to also appreciate the muscled expense of his back. Goddamn, that’s not fair…
“Can I help you with something, Miss Page?” He sounded breathless but she could still pick up the teasing lilt in the question.
Snapping her mouth shut, which she hadn’t been aware was slightly ajar, Karen took a sip of her coffee trying to think of something pithy to retort. Nothing came to mind quick enough so she just gave a grunt over her cup, continuing to watch him.
After a few moments, Frank glanced over his shoulder to see that she was still watching him, Karen gave him a smirk making a show of setting her coffee down to gesture to him to continue before crossing her arms over her chest.
Raising an eyebrow at her, Frank gestured in the direction she had come from, “Don’t you have work to do? Something more interesting than me?”
The small smirk Karen had grew into a full blown, devious grin. It appeared the big bad Punisher got a little flustered when he had an audience. Sauntering forward, she gave a helpful shrug, “I was just checking your form.”
Frank gave an incredulous laugh, watching her with increasing interest as she moved toward him with purpose. “You a boxing professional now on top of everything else?”
“I punched a guy once. I could probably give you some pointers.” She teased as she came to a halt beside him. She hadn’t really had any intentions when she came further into the room but giving Frank a hard time was too tempting to pass up. However, now that she was standing close to him, eyes trailing from his raised eyebrows, down the column of his neck, following a rivulet of sweat as it snaked down his chest, seeing where the a small dark trail of hair on his lower abdomen disappeared below the sweatpants, she found her intentions were shifting. Her eyes slowly slid back up to Frank’s and the hunger there made her blood spike.
He must have seen something similar in her eyes because in an instant, Frank had lifted Karen off the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist and pinning her to the wall. They came together in a kiss that was not gentle, full of nips and and lewd noises all while she was grinding into him and he was probably leaving finger shaped bruises on her hips where he gripped her and helped guide the motion.
It was frenzied and primal and Karen could barely keep up. Her hands scrabbled at his sweat slicked shoulders while he nipped at her collarbone; suddenly her underwear was being pulled aside and his pants jerked down enough to allow him to spring free and then he was inside of her, both of them groaning at the sweet friction. Karen’s nails left red lines down his shoulders where she was holding on and Frank’s punishing thrusts would no doubt leave bruises but neither were interested in slowing down or being gentle. Several minutes later, once she let out a soft shout and he let out a feral growl with their release, they stayed propped against the wall just breathing each other in.
After, as they both stepped into the small shower to clean off Karen marveled at how quickly they went from afraid to touch one another to fucking against a wall after some hot looks. She isn’t unhappy with development, mind you, but it was a pretty large shift in their dynamic. She supposed that is what years of repressed sexual tension and emotions will get you. Karen was pulled out of her musings by a cascade of cold water pouring over her from the shower head.
“Jesus Christ !” She sputtered and nearly knocked them both out of the shower in her haste to escape the frigid water. Frank steadied them both with a curse of his own, bracing her against his chest with one arm while the other swung wide to catch the wall.
He looked concerned and confused for a moment before he felt the cold water splashing against his legs. Karen gave him a dark look when he started chuckling.
“Sorry,I probably should have warned you that sometimes the plumbing is a little unreliable.” He didn’t sound apologetic at all as he carefully righted her and reached through the spray to turn the water off. Thankfully they had both been finished, Karen was just appreciating the warm water and Frank was just appreciating the view before it turned cold.
It didn’t take long before both of them were toweled off and dressed for the day, Karen settled at the small makeshift table with a renewed cup of coffee while Frank worked on putting something together for breakfast. He was efficient in the kitchen, just like everything else with Frank, there were no wasted movements as he threw together toast and omelets. She found herself staring again so as a distraction, Karen retrieved her phone to check for any messages. There were a few from Foggy just letting her know any tidbits he had picked up in his own research and one from Matt. It was simple and short, ‘ I’ll be there, let me know if you need anything’ .
With a small smile, she read the text a couple more times before returning to Foggy’s information so she could cross check everything after breakfast. Soon, Frank was placing plates in front of her, not so subtly scooting her phone and notes away in the process. Shaking her head, Karen picked up her fork and set to work on her breakfast. It was delicious, as it usually was when Frank cooked.
“So what is the game plan today, I mean before the game plan ?” She asked in between mouthfuls of eggs.
Frank regarded her carefully in between his own bites of food, his face pensive. He seemed to come to some sort of conclusion in his head because he set his fork carefully down and scooted the plate away. “Final checks on the gear and loading up the van are pretty much all that is left. And uh...convincin' you to sit this out and let me handle it?”
Karen sent him a withering look. Is he being serious right now?
“Look Karen, I can relay whatever information you need to the lady. You’ve already done so much, I can take care of the rest and you can be safe. ”
Her look never wavered, her voice hard. “Absolutely not, I’m seeing this through Frank. End of story. It is most definitely not up for discussion.” Her own fork clattered to her plate as she sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Also, I don’t think you have the diplomatic aplomb I do. Negotiations aren’t really your style.”
Despite her small attempt at a joke, Karen was incredibly annoyed. Why did the men in her life insist on having the same conversations over and over when she had already made up her mind? Judging by Frank’s face, this was going about as well as he expected.
He held up his hands in surrender, “Alright, alright. I figured I would give it one more shot. In that case, we will go through some safety stuff after breakfast. You just being able to shoot isn’t enough.” He sounded resigned.
“Fair enough.” Karen grabbed her silverware again and resumed eating. The remainder of their breakfast was quiet and it wasn’t long before she was waving Frank away, opting to take care of clearing the small table and washing the dishes since he cooked.
The day ended up being a strange mix of flying by and dragging on. Frank walked Karen through basic hand signals in the event they weren’t able to verbally communicate, drilling her until she could answer each signal without hesitation. Next, he showed her how she would be following him through the house, tucked closely behind him while he cleared the way.
“I don’t like the thought of using you like a human shield. I thought that is what the bulletproof vest was for?” She asked after they walked through it a few times, practicing movements, ensuring she would stay covered while he still had full range of movement. She really didn’t like the idea of him taking a bullet for her. Again.
It was Frank’s turn to give a hard stare, “Either you use me as a human shield or you stay here, that is not up for discussion.”
God she hated when he threw her own words back at her. Her face must have been obstinate because in a second he was standing directly in front of her.
“I said we’d do it your way and talk to this lady but we are going to get you in there my way. Besides, military tactics and infiltration aren’t really your style. ” His voice was serious and low but she saw his lips turn up.
Goddamnit he’s so annoying.
“Fine, but if you get shot I’m gonna be really fucking mad at you so keep that in mind. Seriously, I’ll have Matt carry you back and I’ll let him preach the whole way.” She was attempting to hide her nerves and failing. The corners of Frank’s eyes crinkled in the way they did when he was trying not to be amused.
Resting his hands on either side of her face, Frank tipped her head to give her a chaste kiss before muttering, “Deal. Go rest for a bit, we can run through it again later, I’m going to check the gear.”
The rest of the day went by in a daze for Karen, alternating between practicing with Frank, napping fitfully and thinking about how she wanted to handle speaking with Vanessa. The exhausted, scared, angry part of her wanted to threaten the woman with violence, to make her understand that Karen Page was not someone to just lie down and take it. However, the logical side of her knew that tactic would only cause more issues than it would solve.
They had a light dinner that Karen had to make herself eat, the closer they got to go-time, the less her appetite got and before she knew it, Frank was helping her strap into her vest and holster. They both knew she was capable of doing it herself but it made him feel better. Karen watched his hands, steady and sure as they checked straps and buckles and when he spoke his voice was strong with no hint of a waver. Overall he looked steady as a rock.
Karen, on the other hand, felt like her heart might explode in her chest. Her hands were jittery, she felt like she might throw up if her stomach wasn’t tied up in knots. She watched him strap into his own gear and took a moment to appreciate Frank in his element. She was not just seeing the Punisher, she was seeing the soldier. Anytime Karen could witness other sides of Frank she tried to soak it in as much as possible.
He caught her staring and raised an eyebrow. Clearing her throat to keep her voice from being shaky, something that was only moderately successful she asked, “How are you so calm? I feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin.”
Frank gave an understanding nod, “Right before a mission is always the hardest, it’s hard to figure out what to do with all the nerves. It’s not that I’m calm, I’m just better at pretending I’m not anxious.” He positioned his earpiece and Karen followed suit. Before she could turn away, Frank ran a reassuring hand up her arm, “It’s going to be fine, Karen. I won’t let anything happen to you.” His voice was filled with such conviction, she couldn’t doubt him if she wanted to and it did much more to soothe her nerves than she expected.
Just as she was about to remind him he needed to make sure nothing happened to himself either, her earpiece crackled to life, startling a squeak out of her.
“ Hey Kids! Ready to get this show on the road?”
Frank let out a curse and stepped over quickly to turn Karen’s earpiece down before adjusting the volume on his.
“Indoor voice, David, Jesus Christ. ” Frank clipped before he opened the passenger door for Karen. Once she was settled he jumped in as well and started the van.
“Sorry about that.” He replied in a much more reasonable volume, only sounding a tiny bit remorseful. “ Everyone appears to be in their expected places so far, it looks like there was a staffing change for one of the security guards but nothing that should affect the plan.”
“Thanks David, we are leaving base now, I will be in contact once we have parked and are moving towards the target. Let us know if anything changes.” With that, Frank began to pull out of the building and start on the route that would take them upstate. The drive would take about two hours, give or take with traffic.
“ Roger that. ” The line crackled and went dead.
Karen, for her part, was doing her best not to let her nerves take over. She kept reminding herself that she had been in sketchier situations with much less competent people, so this shouldn’t be so bad. Those situations weren’t usually planned though, so she had never really had the time to fret before. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Frank glancing at her in between merging through traffic and following the route. He didn’t say anything but he did turn on the radio to a station she remembered mentioning to him being one of her favorites. It warmed her and helped soothe the nerves, if even a little bit.
It was nearly ten when they pulled into a small side street that was a five minute walk through a small wooded area to their destination. Closing her eyes, Karen drew in a long breath before letting it out slowly. When she opened her eyes again, her determination must have shown on her face because Frank gave her a nod, the pride clear on his face.
“You remember everything we went over today?” He asked, his tone clipped, all business.
“Yes. You remember what I said would happen if you get shot?” Her tone was just as clipped.
Frank’s eyes crinkled at the corners in that way that she was beginning to love.
“Yeah I remember.” His face softened and he stared at her for a moment before he spoke again, “Look, Karen…”
In an instant Frank was facing the windshield again, his .45 fixed on a point in front of the van. Karen’s heart was in her throat but when she looked out, a relieved breath escaped her in a rush.
“Jesus, Matt. You’ve gotta ease up on the ninja stuff.” She gasped and watched him hold up placating hands, the red suit imposing as he finished materializing out of the shadows. She wasn’t sure but she thought she saw a small smirk on his lips. Frank still had his gun trained on the other man and looked like he was having  a serious debate with himself before he slowly lowered the weapon back to its holster.
“I guess that means it’s go time.” Frank said tersely. Karen gave a stiff nod and turned to open her door but she was jerked back quickly and into a lingering kiss, all of Frank’s worry and devotion poured into the embrace. Karen hummed, feeling bolstered by the affection but then it began to turn raunchy and she pulled back to see a smirk on his lips. She glanced out to see Matt trying desperately to hide his scowl. Shaking her head, Karen turned back to Frank and shoved him towards his own door.
“You are such a child.” Her voice was scathing but she was grinning at him over her shoulder.
The trio rounded the van so Frank and Karen could throw on the last of their weapons. In the off chance they had gotten pulled over, they didn’t want to be strapped down with several firearms and knives. It probably wouldn’t have gone over well paired with the fact they were both in bullet proof vests.
Karen checked her .380 and holstered it before securing something Frank had presented to her before they left in her dominant hand pocket in easy reach. It was a wicked looking contraption she held in her palm that had claw-like spikes protruding between her fingers when she made a fist. She began to go over he mental checklist, playing the hand signals Frank had shown her in her mind’s eye, thinking about their strategy and actively trying not to think about the many ways this could go bad.
“....Karen will be on my six so if you can bring up our tail to ensure no one is sneaking up…”
“I don’t really like the idea of you clearing the way Frank. That tends to leave a lot of bodies.”
“ Christ , Red. That is the safest way for her. I told you I would be on my best behavior, no fatal shots.” Frank was trying to control his volume and only moderately succeeding.
“How about, Karen stays with me and you bring up the rear, if anyone manages to get near us from there you can step in.” Matt’s tone was just this side of snarky and Karen was tired of listening to them.
“ How about we stop talking about me like I’m not even here before I shoot you both in the foot and handle it myself.” Karen meant to go on but there was muffled giggling in her ear.
“ She told you!”
“Can it Micro.” Frank ground out but he did have the good sense to look a little sheepish, though not apologetic. They had agreed not to use David’s real name while on the mission as additional safeguard for him and his family.
She fixed both of the men with a glare and made sure it was heated enough that Matt could feel it if nothing else. He seemed to because he squirmed slightly under her gaze. When she finally spoke again it was with authority and left no room for discussion. “Matt you go in ahead of us, you can hear more, let us know how many people there are or if there are more people than we expected. You can also take them down and restrain them more easily since I won’t be holding on to your belt. Frank, I’ll stay close to you just like we planned and I will make sure no one grabs me from behind. I will be aware of my surroundings. Now, if everyone is done bickering, let’s get moving.”
There was more giggling in her ear before the men standing before her both gave a slight nod, neither looked happy but they had the good sense not to argue. Before they started moving again though, Frank turned back to Matt, “Last thing, once we are on the second floor and Karen is in with the target, I will be stationed outside the door. I need you to ensure no one else gets to the second floor.”
“Got it.” Was Matt’s simple response before he stepped up to Karen and gave her arm a light squeeze and pressed a small kiss to her temple. Then he was stepping around her and dissolving into the trees once more.
Frank watched him go before pulling Karen gently to his chest and pressing an equally light kiss on her other temple. The sweet gesture from both of them had tears gathering at the corners of her eyes but she willed them away when Frank met her eyes with seriousness, his hand resting at the juncture of her neck and shoulder as he gave her a light shake.
“No heroics in there Ms. Page, ya got me?” His voice was pitched low and his words were edged with anxiety but he was fighting through it, respecting her wishes to see this through to the end.
“I got it Mr. Castle. Same for you, let’s both get out of this without any bullet holes, okay?” Karen was proud of herself for keeping the wobble out of her voice. Frank just gave her shoulder another squeeze and another, more lingering, kiss to her forehead before he stepped around her and she fell in behind him, moving toward the house.
“ You two are just precious. ”
“Shut up.” Said in unison, though Karen’s was filled with amusement while Frank’s was filled with annoyance.
The short walk felt like an eternity but in reality, just a few short minutes later they were behind shrubs to watch Matt move stealthily past the guard that was now unconscious and bound by the back door. With a final lingering look and a quick nod, Frank stood to a crouch and waited until he felt Karen’s hand at his back before he started toward the house.
Karen’s heartbeat was so loud in her ears she was sure anyone in a ten mile radius could hear it. Vaguely she heard a commotion directly ahead of them as Frank turned to a room to their right, confirming the threats there had already been neutralized. Micro confirmed through their comms that Matt was just up ahead and had nearly cleared the way to the staircase they were needing to access.
Heat was radiating off of Frank in waves, Karen could see his muscles were so tight it looked like they could snap at any second. Every corner or potential hidden threat he would pivot and turn, clearing each point. It was interesting to see Frank, the soldier, in the forefront. She had seen him as the grieving husband and father, the vigilante, then the Punisher and she had seen him as just Frank. If she hadn’t been so focused on following his every move just like they practiced and eyeing every dark place with suspicion she would have pondered on that more.
A man suddenly lunged at Frank and Karen found herself pinned to the wall at Frank’s back while the assailant attempted to wrestle the Carbine out of his hand. If she had thought her heart was beating quickly before, it now had blood thundering through her veins with enough force to make her lightheaded. An elbow caught her in the ribs and she only just barely avoided catching Frank’s head with her face before her instincts took over and had her in motion. Able to reach in to her pocket, Karen pulled out the spiked weapon and held it in her fist, striking out as hard as she could at the man's side. She heard the man grunt and material tearing but before she could try again she caught an elbow to her hand, knocking the weapon from her fingers. Karen thought furiously, looking for any other opportunity when she realized her legs were mostly free. Okay, Plan B. With concentrated effort, she managed to separate herself, her leg free enough to kick the man hard in the hip, forcing him to take a step back. It gave Karen enough room to sidestep the fray and  pull her gun from the holster and hold it at the ready if someone else appeared.
When Frank felt her break free he reared back and headbutted the man with a grunt. It only took a few seconds after that for the man to be stunned and on the ground, Frank’s gun pointed at his head with singular focus and breathing heavily. Karen watched him carefully and was about to say his name when his eyes snapped over to her and she saw the battle raging in him. She’s not sure but she thought she heard a curse before Frank gave a terse command of “Watch my six” then used the stock of his weapon to knock the man unconscious before he bound him quickly.
Karen was scanning around them, gun at the ready, jumping only slightly when she heard a thump through the floor above them, watching for any other attackers. Her eyes moved in the pattern Frank had shown her and didn’t stop until he was at her side with an approving nod, tucking her back behind him and continuing their route.
“If you want me to stick to my ‘not killing shitbags’ promise you better do your fuckin’ job Red.” Frank’s voice was nothing more than a harsh whisper but they both knew Matt heard him. Karen squeezed his bicep appreciatively before tucking back into her position. She knew how difficult that was for him and needed him to know she saw the effort he was making.
Their earpieces crackled to life with David’s voice as serious as she had ever heard him, “ Daredevil has it clear all the way to Vanessa’s room, from my surveillance she entered the room 30 minutes ago and hasn’t left. ”
As if on cue, the staircase materialized on their right and Matt was descending, breathing heavily.
“Everyone is tied up, we don’t have long before they will start coming to, though.” He spoke quietly. Frank just gave him a curt nod and Karen squeezed his hand quickly as they went past. It was a huge relief to see that he hadn’t sustained any major injuries, at least that she could see anyway.
They reached the top of the stairs and just as Matt had said, five men were bound together and bleeding at varying degrees of severity. When she was able to tear her eyes away from them, Karen noticed the door to Vanessa’s room loomed ahead and a cold calm came over her. Weeks of turmoil and anxiety were coming to a head and she felt righteous anger giving her the strength to push forward.
Once Frank was certain the floor was secure, he turned to Karen right outside the door and asked quietly, “You’re sure you don’t want me to go in first? I can verify there are no other guards.”
Laying a gentle hand on his wrist where it clutched his gun, she gave him a reassuring smile, “Micro confirmed that all of the hostiles are neutralized for now so I can handle it. I feel like if the Punisher goes in first she may not quite believe that I am not here to hurt her.” She gave a small laugh but Frank remained stoic, every line in his body rigid and struggling to remain in place. Placing her palm to his cheek, Karen made Frank look at her and it made her breathing stutter unexpectedly. Having the undivided, full focus of the Punisher at the height of adrenaline on you was an exhilarating experience. But Frank was there too and she saw the fear underneath the heat of his battle hardened gaze.
“I’m going to be fine Frank. I have my .380, I’ll clear the room and let you know immediately if there is anyone besides Vanessa in there. Okay?” She knew it didn’t ease his anxiety at all but he gave a short nod, pulled the Carbine to his shoulder and began to sweep their surroundings, trusting her.
With a deep breath, Karen pulled her pistol out at the ready and took a steadying breath before she slid through the large door to the master suite. She swept the room with her firearm, only lowering it when she had confirmed there were no other guards stationed there. Karen took a few tentative steps further into the room, tucking her .380 back into it’s holster. She didn’t see Vanessa anywhere in the opulent room and had momentary panic that maybe the woman wasn’t there after all, despite what David had said. Maybe she had an escape route and made a break for it if she heard the commotion. Her thoughts took off in a gallop of dread, what if they had done all this for nothing? What if this only made things worse? However, a second later, Karen’s thoughts came to an abrupt halt as the beautiful brunette stepped from the ensuite bathroom in a silky looking robe with a brush in her hand. A moment of shock registered across her face before it was replaced with a cool mask.
“Well, I’d like to say I’m surprised to see you here Ms.Page but it isn’t too much of a shock really.” Vanessa said, voice low and lightly accented. She stood with her shoulders back and an air of nonchalance but Karen could see the unease in her stance as well. Good, you can be uncomfortable for a while after the shitty few weeks I’ve had.
“I didn’t have much of a choice did I? I have a job to do and I can’t really do it on the run, looking over my shoulder the whole time. Not easy to hold down a 9 to 5 when there’s a contract on your life, who’d have thought?” Bitterness was seeping into her tone so Karen forced herself to take a slow measured breath.
“That is an unfortunate thing but I am unsure of what it has to do with me.”
Karen rolled her eyes before leveling a hard stare on the other woman. “Can we skip the theatrics? I’m honestly exhausted and would like to settle this so I can go home.”
Vanessa raised a manicured eyebrow at her. Sighing, Karen stepped forward a bit and spoke matter of factly, “I’ve seen all of your files, one of which was the contract on my life. I know about your art shows that double as little club parties for the local mob families and that is just a few of the things I’ve found.”
Vanessa tossed the brush she was holding to the chaise to her side and crossed her arms over her chest loosely, fixing Karen with her own unflinching gaze, “So you came to threaten me?”
“I came here to get my life back. To make sure the threat to my friends’ lives is neutralized. I have no intention of hurting you but I will send you to prison, just like we did your husband. It may be a bit more difficult to have all those phone calls if you are both behind bars.” It was spoken matter of fact, no malice. It took everything in Karen not to spit at her like a viper.
The brunette scoffed, “And just how did you get in here Ms. Page? Is breaking and entering considered an acceptable method to speak with someone now? I’m sure the information you alluded to was found legally as well? Knowing your proclivity for violence and murder I’m sure you left more than a few dead bodies in your wake to get this far, so please, how do you intend on sending me to prison without signing your own sentence in the process?”
Karen was livid. She dared to call Karen a murderer? Did she have any idea what her husband had done? The people he had killed in his pursuit for power? Judging by the cool, calculating look in the other woman’s eyes, she did. Karen let the rage settle over her in a cold shroud, a sneer tipping her lips up at one corner, “There won’t be any record of my ever being here. The cameras you have set up, including the one hidden in the moulding over there above your dresser, won’t have any record. You’re right, some of the information I found was found in a questionable manner but enough of it was sourced legitimately to have you locked up and more serious inquiries will follow. What wasn’t sourced legally will be enough to raise suspicion and have you under surveillance at the very least. There are no bodies left behind, Mrs. Fisk, because I am nothing like your husband. I don’t kill indiscriminately or when it suits my needs but I can list at least a dozen innocent people who have died at Fisk’s order if not by his own hand.”
“You took someone very dear to him, shot him in cold blood.” She spat the words out at Karen, anger finally showing through her calm facade.
The sneer vanished from her face but Karen kept her head high, she would not show guilt on the account of James Wesley, “I did shoot him. Interesting that Fisk would tell you that but leave out the fact that Wesley had drugged and kidnapped me. That he had threatened to kill all of the people I cared about before ultimately killing me. I want to be very clear, I did not enjoy killing James Wesley and I wish it could have been avoided, but I would do it all again if it meant my friends were safe. Even so, I still lost people that were very dear to me because of Wilson Fisk.”
From the unsure look on Vanessa’s face, it appeared that part of the story had been omitted. She didn’t say anything but  her arms wrapped a little tighter around her midsection and her face showed the barest hint of what could have been sympathy before her expression schooled again into defiance.
When nothing was said, Karen continued, “You can think of me what you will, either way I have no intention of hurting you. I am simply here to have the contract on my life eliminated and your assurance that my friends will be safe, from you and your husband. If you concede to that, I will not release the information I have to the police and you can continue on with your life.”
“Continue on with my life without my husband you mean? As he is still locked away, his efforts to better this city, ruined because of you and those lawyers.” She was still speaking softly but the bitterness was present.
Karen shook her head slowly, “Wilson Fisk put himself there. He is a criminal and a murderer.” She was trying to speak softly as well but a hardness was filling her words, “He had enough money and influence to better the city in legal, legitimate ways. Instead, he used fear, blackmail and murder to bring people to heel. I won’t ask for forgiveness because he deserves to be in prison, though considering the freedoms he is still enjoying, I would hardly consider that prison.”
She regarded Vanessa for a moment, eye scanning the woman then wandering around the room briefly, before uttering a question that had been eating at her, “You are a successful art dealer from a good family and you have a clean record. Why would you want to be with someone like Wilson Fisk?”
Vanessa seemed surprised by the question and took a moment to answer. She was ready to speak when the door behind Karen came open just enough to let Frank enter. The air of confidence left Vanessa when she took in the white skull emblazoned on Frank’s chest, her whole body tensing as she took several steps back into the room. She was a sensible woman after all, anyone with a healthy respect for their own life would be frightened when the Punisher entered the room. Those with a guilty conscience anyway.
Karen looked over to him and watched as his eyes scanned the room for threats before settling for only a second on the other woman who had put greater distance between them, finally turning to Karen herself. He was standing close, his vest brushing her arm and his gun held between them carefully. His voice was low so it would not carry over to the other occupant of the room when he muttered, “The perimeter is still clear but we need to get moving soon.”
She didn’t bother to point out that was something that could have been conveyed over the comm devices.
They held eyes for a moment, a million other things passing between them before she gave him a nod and placed her focus back on Vanessa. Frank took a half step back, standing at Karen’s shoulder but far enough back to raise his weapon if need be. Said weapon was pointed at the floor but there was no question in his stance of if he would be willing to use it to protect the woman in front of him.
Vanessa was now watching with interest, her previous unease bleeding into focus as her sharp eyes went between Karen and Frank before something seemed to click into place. “You keep interesting allies for someone who is against murder, Miss Page.” She held up her hand when Karen opened her mouth to retort, “I will rescind the contract on your life and I will see to it that your friends will not be in danger from mine or Wilson’s men. You have made a compelling case and I am not blind to your talent for finding information. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to finish up my evening and go to bed.”
Before Karen could say anything, Frank demanded, his voice low and gruff, leaving no room for argument, “Cancel the contract now.” Karen gave him an annoyed look for cutting her off but said nothing.
Reaching slowly into the pocket of her robe, Vanessa pulled out her phone, tapping away at the screen for a moment before holding it up to show them and placing it back in her pocket.
Frank’s head tilted slightly just as she heard David give a quiet ‘confirmed’ in her own earpiece. Frank gave her a small nod, the hacker verified that the contract had been cancelled, so they could go home. Sighing imperceptibly in relief, Karen made a conscious effort to keep her shoulder straight and not let them sag with the tension that left them. They weren’t out of the woods yet so it was not time to relax.
“Thank you Mrs. Fisk. I hope we don’t have to see each other again.” Turning, she made her way to the door while Frank divided his attention to the hallway to check for threats and also  kept a careful eye on the woman across the room. Karen was about to step out and follow Frank when Vanessa spoke up from behind her.
“We don’t get to choose who we love, Ms. Page. It rarely ever is someone that we anticipate.”
For a moment the women locked eyes, a camaraderie of sorts between them. The moment was broken by Karen’s huffed, quiet laugh.
“That’s the fucking truth.” And then the door was closing as she followed Frank into the hallway.
Frank felt Karen fall in behind him and only allowed himself a quick breath of relief, they were in the home stretch but not out yet. He could hear mumbled curses and shuffling as some of the men were starting to come around and wanted to get some distance between them and the house. It went against everything in him to still have hostile targets alive, especially with Karen in tow but he knew how much it meant to her so he was doing his best, hyper focused on their surroundings to stop any threat before it could reach her.  
He couldn’t wait to get back to the safe house. He was always tense when going into a mission but taking Karen into the middle of it had him so uneasy he felt like every muscle in his body was strung tight enough to snap at a moment’s notice. It did help that Karen had followed instruction perfectly. She was always in a defensible position, stayed close to him without impeding his movement and had her eyes constantly in motion. She would have made an incredible soldier.
They met Matt at the bottom of the stairs and followed not far behind as he cleared the way of any additional guards. They were making good time through the house, Frank knew around the next corner they would have a short hallway and then exit out a side entrance that would have them a little closer to the vehicle.
Matt had rounded the corner just ahead and they weren’t far behind. There was the sound of a struggle where Matt had just disappeared so Frank slowed as they approached but as they stopped there David’s voice cut through the careful silence.
“ Behind you! One of them is loo-...”
In an instant Frank was turning but not before a shot rang out. Pure instinct had him dropping to a knee and removing the threat with one efficient bullet to the head. He didn’t have time to think about that though because when he lowered his eyes from the target, he saw Karen bleeding on the ground at his feet, her hand gripping her neck where blood flowed through her fingers, and Frank’s whole world tilted and came apart.
16 notes · View notes
I’m Coming Home to You
Please read this and validate me.. I wrote this monster in like three hours. XX T 
Part One  Part Two 
He texts Eddie probably too soon. He’s barely folded himself into an uncomfortable seat to wait for the airplane and he only forces himself to send a text to Sarah, before he sends one to Eddie.
From your number: One step closer to home man!
His phone chirps nearly instantly,
From Edward Kaspbrak: I’m glad. Are you in pain?
Physical? Absolutely not. Mental anguish that Eddie thinks he’s playing a game with him because he couldn’t man up and kiss him back? Um, yes.
From your number: I’m fine. Can’t wait to get back home and hit the booze though.
From Edward Kaspbrak: No plane drinking for you?
From your number: And end up crying into the lap of a random stranger? No thanks.
From Edward Kaspbrak: I offered to go with you. You played yourself.
He sends the shrugging emoji and Richie bursts into laughter.
From your number: I’m scared.
From Edward Kaspbrak: I know. Doesn’t mean I love you any less.
Richie’s heart pounds. This is what he means. He can’t do this, he can’t. Their chance is over. They could have had so much, everything. High school and college and they could have gotten married dammit. But nope. Now he’s middle aged and the thought of Eddie saying those words directly to his face, makes him want to vomit.
He puts Eddie on do not disturb, thinks better of it and then powers down the entire phone. He’s having difficulty breathing, and he’s convinced it’s not all entirely his lung.
Richie takes three weeks off to recover, reschedules eight shows and loses about ten grand. His ankle is healed, as well as his head but his lung still hurts if he moves too quickly and he still has this disgusting scar on his face. That’s gonna cost a pretty penny to fix.
He flies out to New York to see Sarah for a few days, and he’s been keeping regular contact with the Losers.
Him and Eddie are.. well. They talk on the phone. Every night. Eddie’s healing up, back to work- analyzing risks- or whatever that bullshit meant. Plugging along with his divorce from Myra. Begging Richie to see him.
Richie avoided it at all costs, terrified of seeing him. So he rambled about his day, his new set, everything.
Richie’s a touch nervous about his show. He’s been laying lower than low since his accident, making extremely sure no one saw him before he was damn well ready.
And apparently that time was gone because he’d no more than ordered his iced latte when some teenager who in all reality is a little too young to be watching his sets, asks for a picture.
It takes him over an hour to get out of the small coffee shop, and that’s only because a manager comes out, pissed.
He doesn’t even want his watered down latte any longer. He angrily throws the coffee into a nearby garbage can and rests heavily against the wall of the building. If even that little interaction was too much, how was he going to get through an entire set tonight?
His phone rings and he has every intention of letting it go to voicemail, until he sees it’s his manager, Steve.
“Rich man, what the fuck were you thinking?! You want to get attacked or something?!”
“I’m barely famous,” Richie says flippantly, hoping he’s not going to get actually yelled at because he can not handle that right now.
“You’re a fucking bum from Maine who somehow got signed with the top comedian company and was promised two back to back tours before you even took pen to paper. Not to mention you nearly died Richie.”
He’s getting sick of hearing those words come out of Steve, and his wife’s mouth. The first entire week he’d been back, he’d stayed with them. He’d gained like fifteen pounds from all the home cooked meals. He’d taken a bubble bath. With epsom salt. So he knows how Steve feels about his accident, he does.
“I just wanted to be normal. For once.” Richie admits quietly.
Steve laughs lightly,
“Me too. Maybe if you were normal, it wouldn’t be so hard being your manager.”
Richie knows it’s a joke, but the sudden thought that Steve wouldn’t want to manage him anymore. His wife is Christian, they have a daughter for Christ’s sake... they don’t need Richie being a bad influence. God, he was just going to get up there and make jokes without any care for anyone else. Not Steve. Not.. he who must not be named. (Okay this isn’t fucking Harry Potter, pull it together Rich.)
“Hey Steve?”
“Yes o favorite client of mine.”
“I made a new set.”
“I know. I am thrilled.”
“Well you may want to taper that back a little.”
“Rich? Is this one of your moments? Do I need to amp you up? Do we need to play Beyoncé?”
Richie is going to kill him. He doesn’t know how to do this. Come out. This is a problem for thirteen year old girls who realized they liked the taste of their best friends lip gloss during practice kissing rather than a boy’s bad breath during real kissing.
“Um, some of my jokes revolve around a guy.”
“Oh cool. You know, you’re not as ugly as you think, but the crowd does go wild for that self hate shit, mainly because your photo of you shirtless at the pool on Instagram got flagged as inappropriate content because people kept commenting “daddy” under it. It’s funny Rich.”
Richie had forgotten about that. He’d thought it was a joke, and he’d sat up drinking beer and eating pizza with his beard Natalie as she insisted, no, he was daddy material. Natalie was a twenty seven year old  from fucking Wisconsin of all places and played a ditzy granddaughter on a soap opera that Richie, being the terrible boyfriend he is, has never seen. She wouldn’t know daddy material if it slapped her in the face. She insists she does. But it’s kind of like the way she insists she's slept with Liam Hemsworth. Her beautiful blue eyes beg you to believe her, but she can’t keep the smirk off of her lips.
“No, I mean. Fuck Steve, you know you’re like a brother to me,”
Steve cackles,
“Damn, this is how you treat your family?”
“Ask my sister because the answer most definitely is yes. Anyway, the joke is about me liking a guy.”
There’s a pause,
“Um, Rich my dude. There’s a word for that and it’s called homophobia.”
Richie grunts and balls his free fist at his side,
“No like, I like a guy. For real.”
There’s a pause,
“Is something wrong with Natalie?”
“No, no no! Oh god Natalie. I have to tell her. Oh god, I can’t go on tonight. I can’t.” He says pathetically. Desperately.
“I understand this is a crisis situation, I do, but we’ve got a baby on the way, and this show is raking in like a quarter of a mill so, you’re going on.”
“A baby? Oh wow!”
Something Richie will never have. Wait. Where did that come from? Does he want kids?
“Richie, shut up. Okay, I’m only going to ask once, are you sure this is what you want to do?”
Richie hesitates. He wonders if Natalie will still want to be friends.
“If you think this will ruin her career, we’re not doing it.”
“Other than that?”
Richie presses his thumbs against his eyelids in concentration.
It’s barely a whisper.
“I’ll take care of everything.”
“Everything. Be at the studio at 5.”
“But I don’t go on til 8.”
“Richie, be there on time I swear to god.”
Richie shows up around 6:30. He hasn’t heard from Natalie or Steve, so they can’t be too pissed.
He’d had to shower twice. He’d talked to Mike on the phone. He’d texted Eddie about twice before he got nervous. He’s tired and crabby and this is not the way he’s supposed to be starting his first show back. Not by a long shot.
So the first thing he does is ask the first person he sees for some scotch. Steve might kill him but he needs to be at least tipsy to make it through this one.
He’d thought he was ready, but maybe he wasn’t. He’s not ready to face Steve’s inevitable wrath, or at least annoyance, so he ducks into the dressing room.
To his dismay, Natalie is in there, talking to his hairstylist Maggie. She stands up immediately and she’s got her wide smile on and she hugs him tightly and kisses his cheek instead of his lips,
“You’re late.”
“Sue me.”
She snorts, “I have a lot of reasons too, so I’d shut up. Anyway, I have dinner for you.”
“I’m not just a pretty face you know.” And she hands him a Tupperware container.
He hasn’t seen Tupperware in like 15 years. He laughs and she rolls her eyes,
“Come on, there’s a microwave over here.”
She places her hand on the small of his back, perhaps more out of muscle memory and she leads him into the small kitchenette, taking back the Tupperware before heating the food.
“So? This is interesting.”
“You can’t be.. surprised.” He says, even though that’s a straight lie.
“I assumed all men in their forties had issues getting it up, even when a pair of perfect tits in their face.”
He knows she’s kidding. He does, and it’s not even the first time she’d given it back as good as she got but he suddenly feels like crying. She must sense this immediately because Natalie is amazing like that, and she’s wrapping her arms around him. He cries into her chest like a fucking child. They only pull away after the microwave beeps for like the millionth time.
“Oh honey. It’s going to be okay.”
“How are you going to be?”
“Oh you’re cutting me a check. Steve promised.”
“You should be cutting me a check princess. I know your contract just got renewed.”
“You’re making nearly 25k... tonight.”
“Snooping are we?”
She shoves the Tupperware at him,
“Eat your dinner.”
“Natalie, are we still, gonna be friends I mean?” He asks sheepishly.
She made him chicken, potatoes and green beans. He knows everything is homemade. She hated the chemicals in the fake meat he ate. Hey, he was gonna die for a lot of other shit, and probably first. The environment was worth it. Okay not time for a fucking rant right now.
“Honey, we’re family.”
There’s a knock on the door,
“Rich? I’ve got the fucking liquor you ordered.” Steve says, handing him the bottle. “Do not get too wasted.”
Richie gets like.. half a shot too wasted. He’s buzzing. He’s flushed and warm and his hands are sweaty and Natalie isn’t fawning all over him like she usually does and he is stressed. He’s alone. He wants to message Eddie but he pussies out.
When he goes out, the screams are deafening. Once he gets the mic in his hand, he’s flying. He goes on about the nasty gash on his face, hobbling around with a twisted rib and how his crazy, lazy, halfway drunk ass is going to be an uncle. The jokes flow easily, even if he didn’t plan on saying it, and suddenly he has the terrible thought, shrugs and hopes that Sarah has already told her baby daddy.
And then he gets into it.
“So I know you’re all dying to know what the hell happened. I wish I could say that it was some badass like, car robbery. But it was just a straight up mugging. The thing is that I was with my friends, right? I know that’s shocking, hardy har har. But I’m with some friends, and I have this one friend. Her name is Bev, she’s gorgeous, and a bad ass through and through, strongest person I know, my bad, I’m exposing myself a bit too much, I am a heartless prick, I promise.
“But we’re at a bar, and some skeeze, no a real dick, I mean it. Takes her purse. Is this fucking 1992? Who steals a purse? Now, I’ve got a shit ton of liquor in me, but suddenly I’m running. And it’s cold, we’re in Maine and it’s winter And I’m freezing my balls off. And I’ve almost got him, I did track in high school, yeah yeah I don’t look like I can run from here to backstage, I get it.”
The crowd roars.
“The point is, I’m almost on him. This motherfucker pulls out a knife. Now, I know this doesn’t sound funny but  listen, number one, Bev is a fucking receptionist at a dental office, she’s not even raking in the dollars. Trust me, I’ve paid her rent a few times,” he straight up hasn’t and even though he thinks it’s funny ,he shouts out a quick, “love you Bev!”
“Anyway, the guy pulls out a knife and goes insane. I thought this beer belly would protect me, but alas,” his voice is getting sad, so he pulls it together, “Anyway. The first of my friends to find me is someone I’m close to right. My first love. And I’m bleeding out on the cold cement, for real, Natalie, though she could have given me some tips on how to handle it so beautifully, but my first love’s in front of me and I’m pretty sure I’m going to die.
“So I’m going on and on and throwing around big words that my man child ass doesn’t know the meaning of, like love and forever, and he’s staring at me like the idiot I am, and I promise there’s a point to this joke, and the joke is that once again, Richie fumbled. Good old Rich just lost it. So the fuck up you see right here, it turns out I’m actually this way in real life. So please remember what an absolute goof I am, especially next time you want to stalk  me at fucking Dunn Brothers, and fuck up my oat milk latte, which is an extra ninety cents by the way, please remember that I’m a big dork,”
Suddenly there’s a commotion in the crowd and some guy is standing on his chair and Richie’s never wanted to die more,
“Did you say a guy?” He shouts.
It’s silent, before he nods slightly,
“Yes I did. I’m a big ol-“ he doesn’t even know what fucked up thing he’s going to say, when the crowd erupts into applause.
And he’s sure that some people left, or there’s comments, but the applause is all he needs. He is a slut for validation after all. Thank you love language quiz. Words of affirmation baby!
The rest of the set goes great and he’s still properly buzzed when he steps off stage. Steve is clapping him on the shoulder, even though he’s on the phone and then Richie’s rushed backstage and handed water and there’s. He squeezes the water bottle too tight and it explodes all over him. It’s freezing, even though he feels warm and before he’s thinking about it, he’s yanking off his shirts and suddenly someone’s handing him a towel and he hears a dog whistle. He’s about to tell Natalie to fuck off, when he sees who she’s standing by.
There. In the flesh, is Eddie Kaspbrak. He looks good, dammit. A maroon sweater and tight black jeans. His cheeks are flushed and he’s holding his black jacket in his arms.
“No one took his coat?” Richie yanks it out of his hands and throws it somewhere. “Where’s everybody else?”
He looks confused,
“What do you mean?”
“Impromptu Loser’s trip to my show. Is Bev pissed about the rent thing because I swear-“
Natalie sips at some cocktail awkwardly and Eddie swallows hard,
“Um, it’s just me.”
Richie halts. He sees someone off the scene - he knows these people’s names- he swears, it’s just dark. But he gestures for the booze again. Eddie came to see him. For his first show. Oh god. Eddie heard him go on about his jawline for Christ’s sake and now. He looks like a deer in headlights. The scotch is thrust into his hands and he takes three long pulls before doing anything.
The worst part is Eddie is just chilling. Kicking it, while Richie has this internal meltdown which he knows is showing on his face. He doesn’t know what to do so he all but thrusts the liquor at Eddie, grabs Natalie’s arm and storms off.
“What am I gonna do? Shit he’s here, he’s here.”
“You knew he was gonna hear the sketch anyway, why does it matter?”
“Because I’m drunk. I acted like a lovesick fool. My dad bod is exposed. What am I gonna do?! And be serious. There’s only room for one funny one in this relationship.”
She smiles,
“Good thing it’s me, my darling. Talk to him. He seems cool.”
“You talked to him?!”
“Uh yeah. He’s been back here since about half way through the set. Barged right back here. Lucky I recognized the name.”
He stares and she sighs,
“You’ve been saying his name in your sleep. Ever since the accident.”
“Oh god. You probably think I’m pathetic.”
“Not pathetic, in love.”
“In love? But I’m, we don’t know each other. We haven’t kept in touch in years.”
“Love doesn’t fade with age sweetie.”
“Oh stop being reasonable! I understand you just got a new gay best friend, but be logical.”
She snorts,
“Trust me, no one wants to go shopping with you. I am being logical. That man is head over heels for you. And you’re head over heels for him. Now do something about it before I kick your ass.”
“Your shoes are too expensive.”
“What am I gonna do? Talk about my feelings?”
She shakes her head quickly,
“Oh god no. Who knows what would come out. Just, ya know, go seduce him, with all of this.”
If it were anyone else he’d think they were kidding, but the have had sex dozens of times and so he knows she can’t be joking too much. His insecure ass isn’t that desperate so he keeps his mouth shut. She touches his shoulder,
“Go out there and kiss him. Just kiss him.”
He stares and she whacks his arm,
“And keep your mouth shut. No jokes.”
“What if he tries to slip in a little tongue?” He wags his eyebrows.
“You’re not nearly as charming as you think you are.”
“Eddie thinks so,” he says quickly, before he can stop himself.
Natalie grins,
“By the grace of god he does. Now go kiss him dammit!”
He strides out of the room, not paying any attention to if she’s following him, but he bets she is, as if she’d miss this. Eddie is looking flushed and cradling the scotch bottle like a pacifier and all Richie does is take it out of his hand and set it down quickly. Eddie stares. Eddie’s here. Eddie came here. To California. To see his set. He’d paid to see Richie. He remembers to ask Steve about a refund, vaguely of course, before he’s fitting a hand around Eddie’s jaw, Eddie’s beautiful jaw and ducking in to kiss him.
There’s no symphony or choir that starts singing but his heart does feel about three sizes too big like that Dr.Seuss book, and Eddie kisses him back so softly, as if he’s going to break. More likely that he’ll pull away, but Richie can’t imagine. Pulling away from this magical kiss. Eddie’s tongue licks tentatively at his lips and Richie opens his mouth immediately in a grin.
He hears a dog whistle and an “Atta boy!” And wow he hates his team so much. They’re getting fired, the whole lot of them.
Things must get a little heated because he hears the sharp clearing of a throat,
“I can get you out the back way,” says Steve, sheepishly.
Except Steve, Steve can stay.
Richie is being handed a clean, dry shirt from someone, he’d forgotten, that wouldn’t be a good look, and then he takes Eddie’s hand. Firmly. It’s a good hand.
“You ready to get out of here?”
“After you,” Eddie says, squeezing back.
“Why not after you? You’re the one with the ass that won’t quit.”
“You’re the one paying for this Lyft so you’re going first.”
“Hm, expensive date. Am I going to get into your pants later at least?”
Eddie scoffs,
“Do you ever stop?”
Richie halts,
“Actually no. Is that a deal breaker, because-“
Eddie shakes his head quickly,
“No. No. I love it. I love you.”
Richie’s head swirls,
“Um. I’m not ready.”
He knows he’d brought this up. His secret had started it, but, the last person he’d said I love you to was Sarah. And he most certainly was not in love with Sarah.
“It’s okay. I just don’t want there to be any confusion on how I feel. I love you Richie.”
Eddie squeezes his hand as a black car pulls up in front of them.
“Damn that was fast.”
“Oh Edward, bold of you to assume I don’t have my own car.”
“Don’t call me that! God, you really are famous.”
“A little bit,” he says in a singsong voice, opening the door for Eddie.
“Shut up dick.”
“Hey, your face will look good in paper print, I think.”
Richie slides in the car next to Eddie,
“Your face would look good-
“Where Eddie?” He dares, “where?”
“You know what, your... mom. It’s unfair, I haven’t worked on my insults in thirty years, you’re over here being a professional cornball.”
Richie snorts,
“Not my problem. Cause I can go all night baby.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow,
“Can you now?”
There’s a cough from the front seat,
“Sorry Carl. I’ll tell my friend to simmer down, there are innocents around.”
“You know I can hear you starting it Richie. Right?”
“Carl, you wound me. How can you think that I would have such a dirty mind?”
“Where are we going sir?”
He makes a puking noise,
“Sir.. gross. Just home.”
“Sounds good sir,” Carl says once more to be a dick.
“I like the sound of that,” Eddie teases, “Sir.”
“Oh hell no. First of all, fuck off. Second of all, you’d be referring to me as sir under entirely different circumstances.”
Eddie’s face flames,
“Natalie didn’t say you were this insane.”
“Natalie, Angel, light of my life, would never betray me like that. What did she tell you?”
Eddie mimes zipping his lips,
“Secrets, secrets.”
“I don’t think you’re meant to be friends with my ex.”
Eddie pales slightly at that and Richie wonders if he made it too weird.
“I mean, she’s my best friend too so,”
“No no, it’s fine, I just never thought of it like that. Oh god? That’s my competition? Teenie bopper soap star with a great rack?”
Richie stiffens at hearing Natalie being reduced to that, but he hears what Eddie is saying,
“There’s no competition Eds. Never been one.”
Eddie looks up at him and smiles softly. Richie leans in for a kiss. It gets a little heated and Richie tries to stretch out so Eddie can lay beside him, but Eddie kicks Carl’s chair and there’s a very judgmental  stare coming from the rear view mirror,
“Mr.Tozier, there’s a reason I don’t drive preteens anymore.”
“Fine, fine, can you speed up then?”
“I am happily going the five over the speed limit you usually request.”
“If I pay you extra can you make it ten?”
He hesitates like he wouldn’t do it for free, before grinning,
The car speeds a little faster and luckily Eddie’s short enough to crunch his legs up on the seat so that he can lay on Richie’s chest. He feels good. He feels real. He feels promised.
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