#but have gen2 be drama
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fokrons-art-hell · 4 months ago
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The full local group for my iterator ocs, smiles and grins :]. Every single one of these losers has issues and problems.
From left to right: Reason for Faith (she/her gen2), Unyielding Iron Gates (he/she gen2), Endless Celebrations (they/them gen4), Nine Promises (they/them gen3), Chasing Light (he/him gen3), and Reflections on Rippling Water (he/they gen1)
More detail tidbits below the cut...
RFF: self proclaimed only 'normal one' of the group. introverted, snippy, sarcastic, but unfortunately does actually give a damn about the rest of her group. has a complex for not causing problems and being self-sufficient, which bites her in the ass later once the ancients are gone.
UIG: rule-stickler and responsibility-driven. Serious yet easily flustered. Volunteered to be acting group senior despite being the second oldest after RORW had a mental break. Gates often feels in over her head with tasks/responsbilities, but enjoys being helpful. Secondary purpose of his structure is his city was designed to house/train the ancient's military and manufacture/store munitions.
EC: youngest of the group. Structure was created for a similar secondary purpose to Nine Promises (as an entertainment/tourism hub) so Nine Promises serves as a mentor role to them. 9P and EC also were made by the same ancient. (EC was actually made to replace 9P for reasons but... neither of them know this initially </3). Excitable, fun-loving, and maybe a bit too forgiving, EC is a people-pleasing and easily pushed around
NP: my favorite freak who the whole plotline is central towards frankly. Cheery jokester of their local group, who has more of a cynical, grim side they tend to hide… drives the rule stickler, responsibility-driven acting senior of their group (Unyielding Iron Gates) crazy. as mentioned previously, NP's structure was designed to be a entertainment/tourism hub! they love parties + playing pranks + socializing with others, and get lonely quickly when nothing is going on... especially since ancients have been visiting their structure less and less of late... Tho NP's fickle and unhinged behavior tends to either charm or anger most other iterators, their stubborn cheer has held the local group through many hardships.
CL: was created as an emotional and structural support for RORW after RORW attempted self-sabotage and self-shut down of their own structure. Very perceptive of others emotions and generally anxiety-ridden himself. Quiet, compassionate, but with a sarcastic side that only occasionally leaps out. With the right topic, CL is very talkative.
RORW: ex-acting senior of the local group, and the eldest of the group. Was always rather disillusioned by the great problem, and as their bitterness towards their place and resentment for the ancients grew... had a mental break where they attempted self-shut-down. This was stopped by the ancients, who had invested waaaayyyy too many resources and individuals into RORW's structure+city to let him do that. post this event, pretty much demands whatever they want of the ancients to give them under threat of 'well I'm gonna KMS if u don't lol'. CL was built very close to RORW as a failsafe/secondary storage and as motivation for RORW not to self-sabotage, as doing so would also affect CL. RORW has a love for plants and fashion, and is a jokester to a lesser degree than NP, but definitely enjoys some drama/creating problems. Demeanor is sarcastic and grim with a great amount of morbid humour. RORW is generally extroverted, at least when it comes to other iterators, and is the type of guy who enjoys arguing for the sake of arguing.
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real-total-drama-takes · 5 months ago
Sometimes i cant tell if im too sensitive or the total drama fandom is toxic as fuck
Like, i forgot about this blog for a whole week and when i came back i feel like im getting called heterophobic for not liking coderra but liking toxic yaoi/yuri??? (just a dramatized example like the others below)
Then feeling the need to clarify that im not mysoginistic for having a nice and not an asshole male character as a fav and not the toxic, villian woman that has a really deep lore that explains why is she like that? Or getting called lesbophobic for headcanonizing a masc woman as a butch lesbian?
And then going to a post of my favorite ship and keep seeing "this is a proship!" because one is a gen1 and the other from gen2? or even worse. im tired of seeing those "this ships sucks! X is better!" like stfu
Sorry for the rant but i legit feel like the total drama fandom needs to chill a bit and stop caring so much about other's opinions or what they do as long as it isn't harmful
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hellsballz · 2 months ago
time for an intro post;)
hello! im hellsballz or just hellz/kopper for short.
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i will prolly add new stuff here as i go just to keep thingz updated;)
general stuff about me thats most important: - i use he/any prounous, i really dont mind anything^^ - english is not my first language and i sometimes have trouble with it, sorry about that! - i have a few typing quirkz (like switching the letter s at the end of words for z) so if you have trouble reading my posts just lmk! - i really appreciate it when people use tonetags with me - i post here very freely sorry XD - i also block pretty freely, this includes people that i simply disagree with over some stuff. please dont be offended if you get blocked and please dont try to contact me if you are - i use the internet and tumblr especially as a way to relax and have fun. i dont like drama like that.
asks/dms: - i dont answer dms from strangers, only mutuals - i DO answer asks from anyone though! if you have anything youd like to ask me just throw ur ask in my box and i will answer as soon as i can;) i literally never get asks so you wont have to wait long LOL - art requests are always open unless stated otherwise, BRING THEM MY WAY PLZ!
- #hellz reblogz for my reblogz - #hellz ninja conffessions go reblog for reblogz specifically from the blog @/ninja-confession-go bc i reblog a lot of stuff from there lolz - #hellz talkz (or hellz tallkz if i forget how to english) for my rabmlez and all that stuff - #hellz art and #hellz doodlez for my drawingz - #hellz inbox for the posts where i answer my asks -#hellz shitpost for especially dumb shit (even though everything on this blog is a dumb shit) but that tag goes out to only like. the shittiest of my posts - #tw [thing] for stuff that may be triggering (example: #tw death). even though i mainly post doodles here i also draw other stuff then ninjago and it may offen contain triggering topics such as gore, so procide with caution! basic dni applies to this blog (nazis, fascists, transphobes, homophobes, zionists, trump and russia supporters, all that stuff). less important stuff about me/related to me (you dont have to read this LOL): - this blog was created to fuel my ninjago hyperfixation and is mainly about that. my favourite character is seliel (the phantom ninja) and i dont have a favourite main ninja. - as mentioned earlier: i post here very freely. like, very very freely. i will just be posting whatever, like i said this blog was created to fuel my ninjago obssesion, i just wanted to browse through fanart and i didnt expect this blog to become so popular! (well, i dont know what is considered popular by tumblr standards. to me, having 72 followers is a lot. i mean thats 72 people. imagine if 72 people walked into your home right now) so i totally understand if youd like to block me to not see a gazillion posts from me - im pretty friendly and im sorry if i come off as weird sometimes - use krita and an XP tablet to draw and animate (i dont remember which one exactly i think its artist 13? gen2? unsure) - if you have any critisism regarding my art please send it my way! im always looking for ways to improve - im very forgetful so if i forget to reply to your message/ask lmk! i dont do that on purpoise, i just have adhd. - i often doodle myself/present myself on the internet as a white puppy. his name is just,,, puppy and he uses he/him. hes just a mutt and he wears glassez LOL - i use outdated internet sland a lot, sorry
thank you so much for reading! wishing you a good day/night^^ last edited: 19.03.2025
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dual-fantasy · 1 year ago
chase fic has the worst timing cause my gen2 obsession is coming back. i love mike in a way nobody else does or understands. he actually kind of sucks a little bit and its not okay but it is justified. they shouldve let him kill scott i think. i want them to kiss. as an experiment. party scike is in the house 2nite. but again in a way nobody else understands. both of them suck just different amounts and i think that makes them compatible in an awful way. they hate each other. there is no romance in their relationship its probably for tax benefits. people want them to kiss i want to watch them fight. three dollars on mike winning. mike understands his mental health but would rather lick a busy sidewalk then ever confess it. scott has no idea whats going on up there but he'd tell anyone as a funny. they are made for each other. jo as well. my queen forever. she was the blueprint. theyre both dog motifs but in awful horrible ways. in the same way actually. i think theyd be great friends but in the worst way. the mutant maggots plus scott mean a lot to me actually. worst team plus scott ever. the most dysfunctional found family. emphasis on dysfunctional. they hate each other and have the worst time ever whenever more then 3 of them are together. Grave Dog. sorry for gen 2 posting i need to rewatch the reboot to like chase more then them again
don't apologise for gen 2 posting you're so real. party scike is in the house tonight. mike means a lot to me too but one of his best qualities is that he's a bitch sometimes. imo he isn't always a nice person but it's completely justified, but that justification doesn't make him a good person. he's at least a little bit of a cunt and ppl seem to make him some perfect and "wholesome" guy because they can't stand that a character has morality deeper than the black and white rubric they have.
scike is real too you're right about them. they shouldn't get a happy ending they need to be violent. they shouldn't kiss they should clean their blood off eachothers hands after they fight. they aren't in a good relationship it's bad and tragic but it's everything. they're also funny as shit. they're both just going through shit and shenanigans. very funny but also they're the actual worst. scike is awesome
jo was the best too. to be honest I didn't like her but on a rewatch she was literally the realest character. she's an icon shes the moment she's incredible
the mutant maggots were one of the best teams in total drama. on tier with team Amazon and team skunk butt. easily one of the top 5 at the very least. theyre never having a good time literally ever they literally all hate eachother so so much and also they're sooo sweet and mean everything.
again dw about gen 2 posting they're so good
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terahwatsonyt · 9 months ago
Occult legacy challenge
I love playing with occult sims. In this challenge you’ll get the chance of trying out all of them!
It’s your game, so change/ignore rules you don’t enjoy. 
If you don’t have one of the packs, either skip the generation, or alter it.
Mods are allowed, as long as they make your game more fun for you to play!
No cheating, except to work around glitches in the game, or when stated in that generation.
Lifespan is set on any length you like. I prefer normal lifespan.
Try to finish all aspirations. If that’s too much, just do the primary one.
Decide for yourself how you’re going to pick the heirs. Either by order of birth, gender, or just which one you like the best. Adopted children can also be heirs if you want.
You can move sims in or out, marry, divorce, adopt, whatever will make your game more fun. They can have any career and aspiration as you see fit. Try to stay true to the main sims’ traits though. A loner sim will not want roommates for example. 
For an extra challenge answer ‘yes’ to all pop ups about likes and dislikes.
Live in any world you like, move as often as you like (except for the mermaid generation).
Optional: If your sim moves out of their family home, give them only 20.000 simoleons to start with. Or even 0 for an extra challenge.
Gen1. Human
You love kids, you love to learn. Becoming a teacher has been a lifelong dream of yours. So that’s what you’re going to do. You can start this generation with going to university if you like, and have that pack. Take the time to get to know other sims and find the perfect spouse to have children with.
Primary Aspiration: Super parent
Secondary aspiration: Nerd Brain
Traits: cheerful, family oriented, ambitious
Career: education (professor branch)
Gen2. Spellcaster
Your parent raised you well and you think you're the best thing that ever walked the sims world. Sims love you, and you don’t mind reminding others about how amazing you are. But you know what would make you even more amazing? Becoming a spellcaster!
child aspiration: mind and body
Teen aspiration: Admired icon
As a teen, go to the secret lot in Glimmerbrook, and ask the Sages to turn you into a spellcaster.
Primary aspiration: famous actor/actress
Secondary aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery
Traits: Self absorbed, bookworm, clumsy
Career: actor/actress
Gen 3: werewolf
While your parent was busy admiring themselves, you went outside to play. A lot. Your grade never went higher than a ‘C’. Maybe because you skipped school a lot. You spent all your time at the playground, and later in the gym and on the mountains in mt. Komorebi.
You don’t want to be a spellcaster, so you go to the sages and ask them to make you human again (if you are born a spellcaster).
As a teen you hear of a monster called ‘Greg’ and you just have to go find him. Unfortunately he manages to bite you. The result is terrifying… And the best thing that has ever happened to you!
Child aspiration: Rambunctious Scramp
Teen aspiration: Live Fast
Primary aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Secondary aspiration: Outdoor enthusiast
Career: Paranormal Investigator (freelancer)
Traits: Active, adventurous, gloomy
Gen 4: vampire
Your parent was always jumping off something, or climbing something, or lifting heavy stuff. You are not interested in this. If you are born a werewolf, you ask your parent to make the wolf-be-gone potion, which they’ll give you when you become a teen. 
You love to read and write, and so you come across tales of vampires. 
Read all the ‘Dusk glow’ books as a teen.
Unlock the first vampire tome as a teen, by searching about vampires on the computer.  
Fall in love with a vampire and ask them to turn you (if this vampire does not have the ability to turn your sim, you can cheat it by either giving them the ability or using mc command center to turn your sim).
child aspiration: Creative Genius
Teen aspiration: Drama Llama
Primary aspiration: Bestselling author
Secondary aspiraton: good vampire
Career: Writer (freelancer)
Traits: Creative, good, Erratic
Gen 5: Plantsim
You hate the sight of blood. You cringe by the idea of your parent drinking blood. And you very surely don’t want to be a vampire yourself. Your parent will give you the vampire cure when you are a teen (or cheat it with mc command center if you can’t be bothered to make the cure).
You love gardening, and when doing so you find some strange colored beans. (You can get them by buying rare seed packets for instance). Once inserted into a special tree stump, a beautiful tree will spawn, taking you to a magic world where you’ll find a magic bean. You need to eat this bean, it’s calling you. 
This will change you into a plant sim. You’re the happiest you’ve ever been. Just remember to keep eating those seeds every 5 days! Maybe it’s smart to plant one of them, so you’ll never run out.
Child aspiration: Playtime Captain
Teen aspiration: Goal oriented
Primary aspiraton: Eco innovator
Secondary aspiration: freelance bottanist
Traits: Green fiend, green thumb, Vegetarian
Career: Civil designer
Gen 6: Mermaid
This gen has to be male, unless you have mc command center. Only male sims will return pregnant after an alien abduction, but you can change the setting in mc command center, so female sims can return pregnant too.
Your parent was a plant. Which is weird. But weird things can be explained! You’re very interested in science, and you know what you want in life.
As a teen you took a family trip to Sulani, where you found mermaid kelp (if your sim didn’t find it, you can buy it in the reward store) and ate it. This changed your life. You are now part fish! As an adult you’ll live in Sulani.
Yeah, life is full of strange mysteries, but you are going to uncover them all by becoming a scientist.
Once your sim is in the scientist career, do everything you can to get them abducted: use the satellite dish and wormhole generator to contact aliens. If aliens are at the lab, interact with them as much as you can. Go to sixam once you’ve got the option. The more you interact with aliens, the more likely it is for an abduction to happen. 
The next heir will be the result of an abduction. If your sim, after being abducted at least 3 times, is still not pregnant, you can use mc command center to force an alien pregnancy.
Child aspiration: wizkid
Teen aspiration: Goal oriented
Primary aspiration: Academic
Secondary aspiration: Beach life
Career: scientist
Traits: Loves outdoors, genius, goofball
Gen 7: Alien
For some reason you never felt like you belonged. As a child you wear your disguise, trying to be like other sims. But as a teen you’ve given up, and show the world your true form. You don’t like being around other sims, and they don’t like hanging with you. But you do love music. 
But you get lonely, so you decide to create your own companion in the form of a servo. You give them traits that will make them love you. But the servo turns out to be too social and goes and makes other friends as well. That was not what you had in mind!
Child aspiration: body and mind
Teen aspiration: Nerd Brain
Primary aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Secondary aspiration: Musical genius
Traits: Loner, unflirty, creative
Career: Engineer
Gen 8: Servo
Your maker was an odd one, but you love them. In fact: you love all the sims! The strange and the normal. Sims are great and you just want to meet them all! 
Although those in strangerville are really strange… But no worries, you’re going to help them too!
When you find out sims can get sick, you become a doctor. Unfortunately there is one sim you can’t fix, they are one of your closest friends. Grievestruck you ask their ghost to move in and help them come back to life. (You can use cheats to kill one of their friends, or kill them through gameplay, whatever you prefer. Rabbit rodent fever would be an appropriate death for example.)
Primary aspiration: Friend of the world
Secondary aspiration: Strangerville mystery
Traits: Outgoing, Romantic, Cheerful
Career: Doctor
Gen 9: Ghost
When you got sick, your best friend (who is a servo) tried everything they could to save you, but they couldn’t. But luckily life isn’t over just because you’re dead. Death did change you.
Use a retraiting potion to change the ghost’s traits. You can use the Servo’s satisfaction points if you need.
Change their aspiration
You find a way to come back to life with the help of your best friend, the servo. You can wish in a wishing well or make ambrosia.
Primary aspiration: Inner Peace
Additional goal: come back to life
Traits: Family oriented, Outgoing, Creative
Career: Writer (Freelance), if you have the option for a gig as a ‘ghost writer’, take it!
Let me know if you have any feedback, so I can improve on this challenge
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lavender-town-radio · 9 months ago
Do you have genuine beef with Silveredfeathers or did you just pick a random person to demonstrate the blocking method?
Oh my god @messyzoranablog is my FRIEND kdkskdkdjd I picked his blog cuz I didn't think they'd mind there is NO BEEF
@silveredfeathers is an rp blog of Silver from Gen2 and honestly I picked it as my example because the writing is amazing and if people end up getting curious and following the blog I think that'd be cool.
I would genuinely NEVER use someone I dislike as my example I think that'd be super rude and drama fodder. I attempt to avoid causing drama when ai can, ai think its pointless, I'd rather work out issues or break contact over irreconcilable differences, its healthier for me.
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mina7756 · 1 year ago
Top 5 Fire Emblem ships you wish people understood the vision?
Most of the ships I like are pretty mainstream, so this is a hard question to answer, but I'll just talk about them anyway
1. Mareeta/Ced
This is probably the only actual rarepair I like. It's definitely a bit of a stretch since they have 0 dialogue and only 2-3 chapters that overlap where you can deploy both of them (and they don't even have that much if you choose to recruit Saias instead).
If you really wanted to you could find things that they have in common but admittedly part of this ship is that I just like both of them a lot and have no one else to pair them with. Ced has Altena but I don't really like Altena that much, and Tine but I don't think Ced and Tine have much of an interesting dynamic together. Mareeta has Saias which is just weird tbh.
Overall it's not an impossible ship or anything, just one that probably has to happen after the war rather than during it.
2. Tine/Febail
This isn't a rare ship but also not common so I thought I'd include it. I was introduced to the idea by friends and I think its growing on me, partly because you can easily imagine Tine and Febail meeting before the main story. Febail probably worked multiple jobs for Bloom before what we see in game, and Tine sneaks around to help villages in the northern area. And again, I don't have any other ships I was previously invested in for either of them. I kind of want to draw a comic / 'manga' of how I imagine their first meeting could have gone, but I don't know if my drawing skills are good enough for that.
3. Arthur/Fee
They are incredibly mainstream but I feel like I never mention them so I'll do it here. Their banter is cute, and it makes the serious moments shine more, like when Arthur expresses some genuine worry and Fee's confused. Someone bubbly like Fee is great for balancing Arthur's rougher personality.
4. Leif/Nanna
Again they are pretty mainstream, but out of all the mostly-canon Jugdral ships, they don't get talked about that much. From what I've seen it feels like a lot of people just pair them together but aren't that invested in their relationship, but I am. I don't usually like childhood sweethearts as a trope, but Leif and Nanna go through a lot growing up, and it's not a stretch to imagine them relying on each throughout that. They always have each other even if they have to leave other people like Asbel, Miranda and Linoan behind while on the run. Overall I just think they're really sweet together.
5. Lene/Ares
Not a rarepair either but I'm running out of Gen2 ships. This used to be one of my favorite ships period, and I still like it but I did recover from being completely deranged and moved on to other ships for that. I can imagine them in Darna together, not really having anyone else but each other. I also think the point of their big fight is something that actually makes sense, which is good because I don't like when fights are nonsensical and just used for drama. They also have some elements which aren't addressed in game but could add an interesting angle, like difference in class/status.
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mayoiayasep · 1 year ago
as much as visty is my favorite gen2 group i think the 1nm8 drama tracks have consistently beat the shit out of me with hammers
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pangtasias-atelier · 2 years ago
Hey! Hope you're doing well. Is there anything you're hoping they change or keep the same if they remake FE4?
Omg hi, it's been awhile lmao. This got long as hell so readmore will save y'all from having to read all this
And god, there's like so much with FE4 that like, both parts need a desperate re-haul but then changing everything also just fundamentally changes the experience of the game, cause like FE4 is definitely an experience. And like even before awakening and every other game copied Gaiden's style, I always felt like FE4 was more of the black sheep of the games compared to FE2 lol.
But anyways, without story spoilers, like just change the incest thing I'm fucking begging assnbdnjs. Like, I understand that the situation of the two's mother has to do with the story's like kinda obsession with doomed love and whatnot, but like it's so far in the background and they could easily change it so they're distant relatives or even completely unrelated or anything. Cause like I do very much enjoy the whole drama and angst of it all but god, no more incest I'm begging.
And that plus like fleshing out the church would be so nice instead of everyone just being like the evilest, most insane fuckers in the world lmao.
Also supports or something cause I know there are way too many pairings. The saddest part of FE11 is no supports and limited supports in FE12&15
And for gameplay, actually make maps more filled with enemies. There are way too many spots in each map where you're either backtracking with few or no enemies and if there are some, the composition is very simple with no variety. But keep maps big as fuck, the sizes alone help convey the sheer scope of the fight even if its a bit tedious at times.
Also, fucking fix weapons. higher grade weapons should be better, but not like better in every way lol. And physical weapons + magic should be re-hauled so that swords and wind aren't the best in every way to their peers. And 1 more mov to infantry classes so they're not completely left behind or change canto to engage canter but then that involves changing certain time sensitive side objectives.
But keep everything the same besides like MAYBE changing doubling and make it so pursuit just makes it easier to double or something idk. Cause gen2 feels like just getting pursuit on as much babies as you can lol. Also, PLEASE make rescue in gen1 not locked behind Edain/Azelle or Edain/Claud I'm begging.
But like, I honestly would be fine with an FE4 that really recieves almost no touching to its plot if none at all. Cause it holds a really special spot in my heart even if I kind of hate playing it ashsjn. Also I need to write more fat bitches from the game and just say fuck chapter 5, it doesn't exist, therefore it can't hurt me
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emsani · 3 months ago
Pack Legacy Challenge Gen2 - PT 19 : Last Episode
"They say life is short, but I always thought I’d have a bit more time. Guess the universe had other plans. Typical." Looking back on my life, I feel like I’ve been writing a novel—one filled with drama, love, loss, and just enough chaos to keep things interesting. If I had to give it a title, it’d probably be something like “The Perfectionist’s Guide to Living Imperfectly.” Fitting, don’t you think? Let’s start at the beginning. I was born into a warm, loving home, but like any good story, there were plot twists. Losing Milo, my brother, was the first chapter that broke me. It left cracks in my heart that I tried to fill with ambition and control. Spoiler alert: that only works for so long. But it’s also what drove me to build the life I did.
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And what a life it was. I became a teen mom (plot twist!), and suddenly, there was Adélaïde. She came into my world like a whirlwind, turning everything upside down. I wasn’t ready, but who ever is? She taught me my first big lesson in life: love isn’t about being ready—it’s about showing up, flaws and all.
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Adélaïde, my darling, you’ve always been my star pupil in life. I might’ve pushed you too hard sometimes (okay, a lot), but you were and always will be my greatest pride. And let’s not forget, I’m officially giving you permission to chase your dreams now, not mine. Doctor? Police officer? Circus clown? Whatever makes you happy, kid.
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Then there’s Tiberias. Oh, Tiberias. You were my partner in crime (not literally, thankfully) and the calm to my storm. You came into my life with all your secrets and your smirks, and somehow, you managed to make my tightly wound heart believe in love again. I don’t know how you put up with me some days, but I’m glad you did. You were my home, my heart, and my person.
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Marine, my gentle soul, and Victoria, my wild child—you two were the cherries on top of this wild sundae called my life. Marine, you’ve always had a wisdom about you that feels older than your years. And Victoria, my little firecracker, I can only imagine the colorful adventures you’ll bring to the world. I wish I could’ve been there for more of it, but if I know anything, it’s that you two will be just fine. (Victoria, please let someone else get a word in every now and then, okay?)
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Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—or rather, the ghost. Yes, I died. Yes, I stuck around as a ghost because I’m stubborn like that. I mean, I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye properly, could I? Also, let’s be honest—I wasn’t about to let my funeral happen without overseeing it. My life wasn’t perfect, but perfection is overrated anyway. What mattered were the moments—the laughter at pizza nights, the quiet talks by the fire, the chaos of raising three girls in a house that always seemed too small. I regret not slowing down more, not letting myself just be in those moments. If I could give you all one piece of advice, it’s this: life is messy and fleeting, so don’t wait for it to be perfect. Hug your people. Eat the cake. Laugh until your sides hurt.
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As I head off to whatever comes next (hopefully with decent tea), know that my love stays with you. It’s in the little things: the creaky floorboards, the way the sun filters through the kitchen window, and every time you tell one of my terrible jokes. So, goodbye for now, my loves. Keep living, laughing, and loving. And remember—if you ever hear a ghostly whisper reminding you to tidy up or double-check your work, it’s probably me.
With all my heart, Madeline Menara
This marks the end of the second generation of the Pack Legacy Challenge, and what a journey it’s been! Exploring the Spa Day pack through Madeline’s story was an absolute joy. I poured so much into her character, and for the first time, I truly felt connected to a Sim in a way I never expected.
I had big plans for Madeline’s life—more milestones, more memories—but the Grim Reaper had other ideas. Sometimes, even in Sims, life doesn’t go as planned. Still, I’m incredibly excited to move forward with this legacy challenge and dive into the Get to Work expansion pack for Generation 3.
Now, the big question: who should carry the torch for the next chapter? I haven’t decided yet, and I’d love to hear your thoughts! Should it be:
Adélaïde, the curious, smart, and ambitious eldest daughter
Marine, the quiet, wise, and kind middle child
Victoria, the eccentric, energetic, and delightfully unpredictable youngest
Let me know your favorite in the comments, and stay tuned for more adventures with the Menara family. Generation 3 is just beginning, and I can’t wait to see where the story takes us next!
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rockst444 · 6 months ago
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( .i ) General Information:
Hi-hello! I'm Sagara Rengganesh, though I used to go by the name Salazar Jo Kettletof. Feel free to call me whatever cute name pops into your head 𖡎 I’ll adore it! You can see me as either a man and a woman, whatever feels right to you, because I naturally flow with both energies and find comfort in both sides. Whether you choose one or the other, or even switch between them, it all resonates with who I am. Already reached the legal age and my MBTI is ENTJ, but sometimes I switch to INTJ because my extrovert and introvert sides are pretty balanced.
I’m totally a 🐈‍⬛ person, but I have a soft spot for puppies too! ૮ • ﻌ - ა I’ve 5 cats, and they’re the cutest miawfwends ever. You’ll catch me talking non-stop about Jeno, Jaemin, Mark, aespa, RV, IVE, Gen2&3 and Sqhy all day, every day. And when night falls, it's my time to wind down with some music as my lullaby. 🛌 💭 About languages, I mostly speak Indonesian in daily convos, but I switch to English when I'm feeling extra appreciative or a little down, hehe. Oh! Sometimes I sprinkle in some Japanese—pssst, I always get A+ in my Japanese classes!
Rank love language;;
#1 Act of Service #3 Word of Affirmation
#2 Quality Time #4 Receiving a Gift
( .ii ) Before You Follow:
This account is low-key unlabeled and super selective. So, please don’t follow unless we’ve agreed on it beforehand! I usually tweet about things I love; my hobbies, daily life stuff, screenshots ( with consent ), little reminders, and music I enjoy. I’m all about interacting, both in DMs and on the timeline, but if I go quiet 💤 , it’s just me taking a breather. Also, I tend to tweet random pap or thoughts, but don’t be surprised if they disappear, I like to delete things when I feel they were posted impulsively. [giggles]
( .iii ) Don’t Follow If You:
You’re just curious because of what others say but don’t actually like me. Have badmouthed me to those who don’t even know me.
Homophobic, enjoy spreading hate and negative vibes.
Like subtweeting to cause drama is your thing.
Dislike certain religions [ seriously, Bhineka Tunggal Ika itu indah ]
Zionists are an absolute no-go around here!
( .iv ) Talking about the Things I Adore... 💭
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windnburg · 7 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
officially best friends  ♥
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sooyeonjungs · 5 years ago
gen2 having been around for it towards the end feels like a fever dream, every single idol was problematic one way or another so no one could use the “at least my fave didn’t do this” line because yes they did do it and it was on tv or openly 😭 the drama between fans was so intense too. you will not see blinks fighting onces in the street but sones and blackjacks? get the gloves ready
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elscoopacor-blog · 5 years ago
Formula E: Ad Diriyah ePrix Hulu Time4TV Stream ABC 2019 Full SportsTime
Formula E: Ad Diriyah EPrix NBA League Pass No Buffering Hulu HotStar Philo
    SAUDI ePrix - Ad Diriyah Track Reveal. Formula E. The Ad Diriyah E-Prix is an ABB FIA Formula E Championship race, staged in the town of Ad Diriyah, frequently referred to simply as Diriyah (الدرعية‎ in Arabic) in Saudi Arabia. The city if Ad Diriyah, a former home of the Saudi royal family, was the first middle-eastern host of the Formula E Championship when it staged the 2018 Ad Diriyah E-Prix on the 15 December 2018. Browse through latest news and updates from Ad Diriyah E-prix at Riyadh Street Circuit on December 14th, 2018. Formula E along with analysis and opinions from motorsport experts. FULL RACE. Watch The 2018 SAUDIA Ad Diriyah E-Prix, ABB.
powered by XNKK FC GHL R F Street Circuit on YM PZ 45 35 324 22 DIF 774 902 78 72 496 229 134 9 in the 740 66 554 426
Ad Diriyah E-Prix, Formula E Wiki, FANDOM powered by Wikia. BMW i Andretti Motorsport's Antonio Felix da Costa opened up the 13-race 2018-2019 Formula E season by winning the 2018 Ad Diriyah ePrix after holding off defending series champion Jean-Eric Vergne. Formula E Driver Power Rankings after 2018 Ad Diriyah ePrix. BMW Andretti's Antonio Felix da Costa topped a delayed, revamped and disrupted ABB FIA Formula E qualifying session for the Ad Diriyah E-Prix. After wet weather cancelled the planned FP1 and FP2. The 2018/19 ABB FIA Formula E season will kick off on December 15 with the inaugural Saudia Ad Diriyah E-Prix. The race will be the first of the Gen2 era, as FE introduces a new car capable of a.
2018 SAUDIA Ad Diriyah E-Prix - the best of social, FIA. It's the first race of the 2018/19 Formula E Season! 22 drivers fighting for first place in Ad Diriyah. Who will win? Watch the race live with us and get involved in the live chat.
  QWL Sunday, 27 October 2019 00:34:15 33 550 717 12 132 93 906 OGH GY 295
  FE HOT or NOT results - 2018 Ad Diriyah ePrix.
TO the opinions from motorsport Y 216 89 E site will 25 QC 390 189 VX 786 857 16 126 Y 29 48 750 713 65 580 271 55 RRX 12/24/2019 11:34 58 LBP 465 925 35 97 68 21 643 527 65 5 516 591 Sunday, 20 October 2019 13:34:15 31 157 557 94 94 71 35 this weekend in KSA. The Z 3 280 MCL 377 99 10 99 action from the first 701 FIRC 887 SC 602
2018-19 Formula E Season starts this weekend in KSA. The season sees multiple changes, from cars to teams and events. Let's take a brief look on every special moment awaiting in the 5th Season of Formula E and preview the first race of the season. Next Generation is Now The halfway into decade sees a big change in visu.
TKBS November 28 DB first race 700 31 929 90 220 1 899 769 153 20 56 drivers fighting for 99 77 132 71 37 22 625 227 11/12/2019 00:34 WZMU 46 208 979 48 88 577 784 6 14 366
Race Results, FIA Formula E. The Ad Diriyah Formula E site will also have huge stands that will accommodate tens of thousands of fans on the race day, the concert arena for the three nights, an E Village entertainment area. Watch live coverage of the final practice session before we head into qualifying for the 2018 SAUDIA Ad Diriyah E-Prix. Session Times This Weekend (All Times Local) Saturday Practice 2: 09:05. All of the most dramatic action from the first race of the 2018/19 Formula E season. The best overtakes, onboards, crashes, incidents and drama from a thrilling race in Ad Diriyah. Subscribe for.
Formula E uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. This includes cookies from third party social media websites. By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to the use of cookies. Ad Diriyah E-prix at Riyadh Street Circuit on December 14th, 2018. Formula E live and real time racing updates and information. Do not miss a thing even when you're on the go.
https://ameblo.jp/jinsegana/entry-12546368688.html Formula 1: Japanese GP Sportrar Dazn Fox Go No Buffering Kodi https://seesaawiki.jp/nsenmo/d/FERRARI%20FINAL%20MUGELLO%20|%20MUGELLO%20CIRCUIT%20FOX%20GO%20OLYMPIC%20CHANNEL%20FACEBOOK%20VIPBOX http://rooiturnsetur.parsiblog.com/Posts/1/Formula+Renault%3a+Abu+Dhabi+%7c+Yas+Marina+Circuit+Altitude+Sony+LI/ ameblo.jp/deridzunade/entry-12546302492.html http://mapetleowitch.parsiblog.com/Posts/9/Formula+E%3a+Santiago+E-Prix+Full+Length+Longhorn+Bosscast/
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years ago
Quan/Silvia/Lewyn/Ethlyn Thoughts, Day Two:
Because I was geeky enough to listen to the voice clips in my car whilst driving to Taco Bell for lunch today.
1) Silvia’s really just spot-on and I do love that her in-game quotes highlight that she’s religious enough to be praying for people. IDK I think they captured her charms.
Headcanon compliance: A
2) Ethlyn’s fantastic. I think her “I’LL PROTECT YOU!” special-trigger quote is just the best-- one can imagine her frantically bearing down on Quan/Sigurd/whomever, staff in hand. For contrast, listen to Priscilla’s special clips again. Yeah. Anyway, Ethlyn might not actually be Best Mom but the positive-mom vibes are winsome.
Headcanon compliance: A+?
3) Quan... one YouTuber commented that he’s speaking so rapidly he seems to be panicking. I kind of like that. My interpretation of Quan for years has been “mouth writes checks that his ass can’t cash” and TBH this version of Quan sounds rather like a man for whom that reality is sinking in. I also like that my headcanon for the differing timbres of the voices of the Senior Lord Trio was pretty accurate. :)
Headcanon compliance: B+ or B but I guess I can work with this. 
4) Lewyn. Wow. Not what I expected. He sounds older, for a start (I’d figured in-game Lewyn was about nineteen when we catch up with him), as though they were shooting down the middle between Gen1 and Gen2 when writing and casting him. My main takeaway-- cemented by lines like his “Only if you’re good” turn-action quote, which stuck with me-- is that if anything I’ve been too, er, nice (?) to Lewyn when writing him of late and the older, harsher version was pretty accurate-- and for both Gens, at that.
(I have seen this Lewyn compared to Owain, but his particular brand of drama is on Leon’s wavelength to me, albeit more calculated. Was not expecting that.)
One thing tho... clearly this bard plays (the lyre, at that), but I expected him to have the pleasant tones of a natural singer. I dunno what this Lewyn will sing like. Jugdral’s Bob Dylan, indeed?
Headcanon compliance: ???
I said years ago he was among the hardest to write. I very much look forward to going back over Lewyn as featured in WIPs and fine-tuning him as needed... and even more to writing Yet More Lewyn. There’s material there, oh yes.
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pollination-tech · 7 years ago
OKAY FIRST OF ALL- Mina needs all the cuddles from Jefferson she was just trying to protect her family. SECONDLY- why did nick get arrested in the first place?
First of all - everyone needs all the Jefferson cuddles.Second of all - Nick was arrested because the police don’t *really* know who killed Avarice at this point, and everything is all speculation on their part, and they were likely under a lot of pressure from the Vice family to arrest *someone*. (And let’s be real - the Vices probably knew Nick was involved in Adi’s attempt at getting rid of Ava, and probably wanted him out of the way.) I had a bit written out about it that I think I ended up cutting before it posted — but the gist of it was that there was no sign of break-in, so the killer either had to be someone who Ava trusted and willingly let into the house, or someone who had a key (and *obviously* Nick would have kept a key laying around for 60 years after he moved out and cut ties with his family... because plot device 😬). Ava was found beside the piano (a likely place Nick would have been in the house, given that he’s an accomplished pianist), and let’s face it, Nick (along with really anyone else in the family) could have had a strong revenge motive.But really it boils down to two things: I knew I wanted the police to arrest the wrong person, and settled on Nick because A - drama, and B - we haven’t seen a lot of Cadence and Nick lately and I miss them a lot. (Gen2 always hits me in the feels.)
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