#but haikyuu really manages to keep my attention for a long period
hiraethwrote · 17 days
writing is going a little slow bc im knee deep in haikyuu as well as a full work week… but loner Megumi coming very soon
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eclairia-monarch · 2 years
Being Shiratorizawa's Manager HC
I'm going to admit that Shiratorizawa isn't my favourite team (I'm SORRY-) but I love them. Toshi’s “i’m counting on you” to Shiki got me GADKGALSKHKJLASHF 
warning: mentioning of their lost against Karasuno (because jezuz any team crying makes ME CRY DAMNIT). this is a long HC omigod 
Haikyuu Masterlist | Haikyu Series Masterlist
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imagine a beautiful swan 🦢 surrounded by an aerie of eagles 🦅
that's you and your volleyball boys wherever you go
as someone who was offered a scholarship, and slightly far from home [with you coming from Hokkaido Prefecture], you decided to just join a club to create a temporary family
the only slot left was the manager position of the boys’ volleyball club, oh how lucky (ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ
it was a difficult position to apply for due to various reasons
firstly, they are a prestigious team that represent Miyagi as a volleyball powerhouse, and of course, that meant that even the manager must be up to their standards and prestige
secondly, have you seen how scary coach Washijo is?? \(º □ º l|l)/
you had the privilege of seeing this demon coach yelling at his players in the middle of a match for a minor mistake and that memory resurfaced when you realised you might run into this old man in your dream school
nonetheless, knowing you had to quell your loneliness, you grew some balls and applied
thankfully you were accepted on the spot and Coach Saito was the one teaching you the basics
being a very competent student, you were able to get use to the routine. fast and efficient, you even got Coach Washijo to say you are a very good manager. that’s a whole ass achievement right there what the fuck- Σ(□_□)
but you also set a whole new standard as a volleyball manager in Shiratorizawa so now you can’t find new managers to take over your duties in the past year because the pressure was too high
you are just the manager but your time in the gym sometime lasts longer than the players themselves because you went back and forth making sure every equipment was functional and well taken care of
dumbbells that were not arranged properly accordingly their weight? you rearrange them perfectly
machine unclean? you take out your cleaning supplies and began to sanitise it to the best of your abilities
so now as a third year, you have to really juggle between your studies and club activities, but the team is always there to share your burden because you are their precious manager that stuck with them no matter what
first and foremost, we have the ambitious and sweet Tsutomu, the only first-year that made it to the regular roster
looks up to you like how he looks up to Ushijima
although you are no ace or whatsoever, your ability to take care of the entire team without breaking a sweat is just as impressive to him
he always finds a minute every day to express his thanks to you and that he will become a better ace than Ushijima, and for you to keep watch
contact name for you is “[y/n]-senpai 🥺🦢”
always compliments and compare you to a beautiful swan, leading to the team teasing him again for being a simp
but it didn't matter because he only speaks the truth!
of course you found him to be very sweet. even if he is taller than you, you still treated him as a team baby
he is easily scared about paranormal things ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) so when they have late night trainings, you tend to look out for him more and makes sure he doesn't freak out when cleaning up dark areas
which then leads us to Kenjiro, who always scolds Tsutomu for causing trouble for you, especially if the first year ace-wannabe asked for you to tutor him 
the team main setter also holds tremendous respect for you too, and is very impressed that despite being so busy, your grades remained at the top percentile and even tutor your fellow third years during busy exam periods on top of everything
Kenjiro might be serious most of the time, but the blush on his face when you give him any physical attention and the little sparkle he has in his brown eyes when you speak to him was not hard to miss
might have a teensy-weensy crush on his manager senpai ( 〃..)
how can he not? you are beautiful, has the kindest smile, understanding and willing to stay late at night with the team when they had night training
he would make sure you weren't exhausting yourself in school and club activities
but instead of actively getting your attention, he is the type to take away others from your line of sight. to Kenjiro, competing for your attention is a lot harder since there were so many others trying to get close to you every single second
don’t bother asking his day, he will somehow let you know because he just wants to be part of your routine 
might get a little pouty if you stop him from scolding Tsutomu because it made him look bad in your eyes
if you are lucky, you might be able to catch him staring at you with a tiny smile (*゚ー゚*)
As for the other second year regular, Taichi, he might be quiet most of the time but it’s not difficult for you to converse with him as the manager
he appreciates you and how you take care of the team. you also encourage him during his play since he was still uncertain of his strength and how well he can play
your words help him before matches, because you were not one to sugar-coat to help the players gain superficial confidence, so he trusts you a lot 
but he is still uncertain because now he wonders how you would view him if he had a serve miss, a miss blocked or whatever that causes the team to lose points
the trust you placed on him was more of a heavy burden at the beginning but over time he will come to learn that it was because you saw his potential and since then, he will be more confident in his plays, and might try aerial attacks even if he wasn’t sure about scoring a point
and finally, the beloved third years, your fellow pillars
Reon might be laid back and easier to approach but even his first impression was just “fierce” in your eyes
in the beginning, it was Reon that helped you to get used to the oddity of this team
he helped you with communications between yourself and Satori before you finally understood how the red head operated
in the end, you and Reon ended up being the parents of this group and humble them when they get too full of themselves
Hayato was similar to Reon, but he was more so protective of you and acts as your mentor in volleyball
also the guy who saved the most balls from hitting your face and always nagged about how you had to be more careful but he does it
૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა shwoftly because he cares about you a lot 
will turn around and asked the one responsible of spiking to practise their damn aim 
because he keeps misplacing his phone, he ended up having to keep it with you 
lmao me too Hayato, me too
With Satori, you two actually managed to get along despite how blunt he could get at times because he was just genuinely interested in your life in Hokkaido 
he calls you his miracle buddy since you seem to be able to pull off the impossible at times for the sake of what you want to achieve ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
every single time he succeeds in his guess block, he will turn to you and just
v(´∀`*v) -- “look at me, [y/n]-chan!”
and you will always clap for him to boost his mood 
pls talk to him about Shonen Jump, even if it means letting him ramble on and on 
he loves to pull you into random conversations, especially when either Wakatoshi is around 
because you two are so diametrically different and Satori wants to hear you two’s answers to his questions for amusement
or if he was with Eita, because for some reason, their third year setter gets less agitated about his “semi-semi” nickname 👀
Satori smells ✨tea✨ 
Wakatoshi and you took the longest to actually get along because of how tactless he can be when speaking, often gaining criticism from his teammates about how he shouldn't’ scare off their manager 
you learn to not take anything personal because his honesty and bluntness helps you to improve 
he actually cares about you a lot but he just shows it in a different way  
he always reminds you to take good care of your health. might send you random care packages with a note that says “i heard this is good for x y and z”
he will wait for you and escort you to your next destination if time permits. will always ask how you are for the day
might just stand behind you and stare ಠ_ಠ at whoever speaks to you rudely, even if it is mild, because hello? manners?? you speak to your loved ones with that mouth??
will think you are a weirdo for thinking he is weird (in the most affectionate way ever)
but he appreciates you for thinking his left-handedness was cool, it reminds him of when his father plays volleyball with him in his childhood 
with Eita, even tho he is known to be serious and stoic most of the time, his competitiveness is very apparent when it came to you and Kenjiro
boi is madge because he wants to spend time with him too
of course you will talk to him. even if he is stoic, it doesn’t mean he won’t smile when he speaks to you. 
i mean have you seen his smile? its so cute and nice to look at i mean- hdsakhfgalkhe 
he visited his other third years’ dorm room once asking for fashion advice because he became a little self-conscious about his casual clothing after Satori said he looked bad in them
he just wants to look good for you in any outfit oKAY- dun judge him (∥ ̄■ ̄∥)
you once pointed out about his lip licking habits and he just
B L U S H E S like a damn fool in love
he took it as a sign of you being observant about him, which is true because let’s be real, he is one of the more handsome students in Shiratorizawa
will ask if you need help with the laundry but will just do it with you because it was a whole load of jerseys and misc that you alone had to handle 
while you don’t usually have to worry about guys coming up to you for your number whilst you are in Miyagi 
Tokyo is a whole different ‘jungle’. Shiratorizawa might be a powerhouse but that doesn’t mean those in Tokyo’s main stadium are weak either 
over the course of three years, you’ve learnt to reject people asking for your contact but the boys will always materialise to whisk you away
“I strongly advise that you do not put our manager in an uncomfortable spot again. We shall see you in court,” Wakatoshi will warned 
those people better look out because Shiratorizawa is there to put them in their place in court
they better recognise where they stand and realise Shiratorizawa’s manager is waaaaaaay out of their league
the lost to Karasuno was definitely something you didn’t expect
they team gathered with tears in their eyes, looking at you after the coaches left, apologising for losing
( ^^)/(・・、) “why are you sorry? i’m not angry, and i’m proud of you guys” 
as per usual, you greet them with a smile because you have never felt disappointed in any of them. you are, like always, proud that they played so dedicatedly till the end
that was the enthusiasm and love for volleyball that you admire 
the team knew your smile was genuine as well, and thanked you for supporting them all the way
(.づσ▿σ)づ. please give them all a hug, it will help them with the tears i promise 
when the third years step down, you surprised the team with a new manager that you are able to find not too long ago
but don’t worry, you are the only one that will forever remain known as the white swan manager
although you stopped coming to club activities, you still stop by once a week to make sure your boys and the new manager are able to pull through because you just know Washijo is back to his demon mode again
pls save them from this old man
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redheadedpineapple · 3 years
Haikyuu bois with a s/o suffering on their period
Haikyuu bois with a menstruating s/o in pains ): Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Tendou Satori, Miya Atsumu fluff, slight mentions of blood / vomit, reader has a menstrual cycle GN!R
──────〔Bokuto Koutarou〕──────
ok this poor man is so concerned
he knows about periods and stuff right
but you keel over out of nowhere with your arms wrapped round your stomach
HE PANICS SM get this man a paper bag
rushes to your side and spitfires a hundred questions
you can’t help but smile at his energetic way of trying to help before grimacing again because PAIN
he’ll ask what he can do to help and does exactly as you say (and more)
picks you up to lie you down on the couch with a blanket, water, and a wastebin
goes to a local drug store and picks up some painkillers, a heat wrap, and extra menstrual hygiene products for you
sees the candy at the checkout area and has the brilliant idea of getting your favourite fast food/takeout for you along with your favourite candies (:
when he gets home with everything, you smile so widely
“Okay! It’s cuddle central now!” 
Bokuto will bring you onto his lap and cuddle you so close, making sure not to hold you too tightly. When he sees you having bad spikes of pain, he’ll pull you just a bit closer and kiss you and tell you that he loves you in a million different ways to try and distract you from the pain. 
He’s probably put on your favourite show or movies so you can watch together, and he’ll put his chin on your shoulder to snuggle you better. When you lean back onto him and let your head roll back against his shoulder, he’ll rub your tummy and soothe you. 
The first few times, he’s a bit clumsy, but he gets the hang of it to help you get through the week.
──────〔Akaashi Keiji〕──────  
he knows how to take care of you
everyone has to learn somehow anyway
it’s just that he learned through vast research and reading online forums from the very first day he met you
so when you’re finally comfortable enough with him and your relationship to let him be around you while you’re on your period, he already knows what to do
he’s prepared a bunch of your favourite foods and candies
stocked up on products of all sizes and forms in his apartment
when you come over, he’s made a blanket fort for you two and will give you all the love and attention you crave
makes sure you know he’s not annoyed with you
he’ll moderate your binge eating cravings for your own health, but as long as you’re healthy, he complies with nearly every wish of yours
if you’re vomiting and in complete misery, he holds your hair back if he needs to and will rub your back
doesn’t care about the mess, just makes sure you’re feeling nice n clean n comfy
“Kaashi,” you murmur, yawning. “‘Vrything hurts.” 
“I know, darling. C’mere.” He pats his lap, and you barely manage to crawl to him.
You push your face into the crook of his neck and wrap your legs around his waist. He’s got a heating pad between the two of you, and you purr at the warmth. He brushes through your hair, still damp from the shower, and softly hums. As you drift to sleep in his arms (his nice, nice arms), he keeps his lips against the top of your head and fingers sifting through your hair. 
You’ll wake up in the same position---he won’t move from that spot even if it kills him---all warm and comfy. When you’re reluctant to get up, he’ll carry you to the restroom so you can do your business. 
When you’re menstruating, you go from a monarch to a deity, and Akaashi Keiji will treat you as such.
──────〔Tendou Satori〕──────
laughs at you for a good half hour at first
you whine at him to shush 
he won’t
not until the particularly bad cramps start
that’s when you’re clutching your stomach and can’t move, and that’s when tendou gets mega confused and concerned
at first, he thinks it’s something unrelated
then he realises 
“ah fuck.”
he’ll furrow his eyebrows and try to figure out how to help
when you start barking demands at him, he complies with a smile
he’ll tease you here and there
“oh, pwoor baby needs their snackies”
but he’ll still get you them (and some for himself) regardless
will cuddle you if you wanna
you two will lounge around watching random, poorly rated netflix movies and making fun of them
even while you’re throwing up or in real bad pain, he makes you laugh
“Sto-o-op!” you whine, stuck between gut splitting pain and laughter. 
He goes on and on, exaggerating both his words and hand movements, and you can’t stop laughing. 
“I’m gonna die! Satori,” you draw out his name, a plea for mercy. He pokes your shoulder and giggles at you and pauses for a moment. You think you’re safe for a moment. 
“Hi gonna die, I’m dad.”
“You suck! I can literally feel blood gushing out and squelching, please.”
He just laughs at you as you smack him, scolding his dumb comedy. Being on your period with Tendou Satori means giggles all day long and also just. Pain.
──────〔Miya Atsumu〕──────
this man thinks he’s so smooth and knows everything
he prepares the heating pad and the treats and the food
he does not prepare for the absolute hell it really is
you’re on your knees in front of the toilet
he’s so confused, like doesn’t it just make you moody or whatever?
he carefully kneels next to you and rubs your back and asks if you’re okay
he panics and tries to figure out how to help
if he asks, he probably won’t get much more than 
“i’d like my body to be restructured thanks”
when you’re feeling well enough to get away from the toilet, he’ll treat you so well
will binge random youtube series with you and joke about it
when you’re laughing really hard and it starts hurting, he’ll make sure to not giggle at you (even though he really wants to) and hold you close n make it all ok
You’re groaning into his chest and he’s coddling you, mumbling for you to remember to breathe and that he loves you and that it’ll be over soon and he’ll take you to your favourite restaurant or park or anything you’d like.
As you’re regaining your composure (and will to live), you smile at Atsumu and thank him. He’s stuck between a mix of cockiness (of course, he’s the best boyfriend) and confusion (but isn’t that the minimum he could possibly do? He wants to do everything and a half he can for you, but he’s lost as to what else he can do).
Miya Atsumu tries his best and will comfort you so much. The days after are pure bliss, finally feeling better and up for activities with him. 
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bubbleteaa · 4 years
Destroy her heart [Miya Atsumu x Reader]
Part I | Part II | Part III
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destroy her heart;; pairing: miya atsumu x reader, slight sakusa kiyoomi x reader fandom: haikyuu!! warnings: angst. cursing. swearing. suggestive themes. some nsfw.  word count: 5K
a/n: thank you so much guys! I never thought that the first part was really going to get that attention. I decided to make this as a three part-fic. Again, thank you so much! I want to clearify that my image of Atsumu it’s very different that the one that I show on this fic. He’s baby! Sorry if you have thought that I don’t like the character or that I want to gave him this “fuckboy” vibe. This is just a fic. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Please stay safe <3 I love you. 
Summary: He destroys your heart.
“Who are you?” You turned slightly to find a pair of black eyes staring at the activity you were doing. You had just swept Atsumu's apartment and were mopping it. Your face was covered with a white mouth cap, your hair held in a ponytail, you had an apron and cleaning gloves.
The stranger awaited your answer, with his hands in his pockets and a mask covering his mouth.
"Uh, L/N. L/N Y/N” you replied softly before blinking a couple of times when the tall boy frowned a little “Are you looking for Tsumu?”
"You're his girlfriend?" he asked you. You shook your head "Why are you cleaning his apartment? Is he paying you to do it?" You denied again. Before you could answer, he asked you something again "What disinfectant do you use?"
“Uh, take it easy” You smiled a little behind the mask. The boy looked at you as you shook your head. “You ask a lot of questions. What is your name?"
“Sakusa” he snapped.
“Only Sakusa, huh? Okay” you agreed “I'm not his girlfriend. I clean his apartment because, apparently, he suffers from blindness, and he is not realizing that it is a disaster. And well, I also clean it better than him, so” you shrugged as you looked at him, his eyes kept inspecting your covered face “And the disinfectant I use ... well, the one I'm using now is that Tsumu had it at home, not very good. But the one I use in my apartment is the-”
“How often do you clean your apartment?” You blinked at the question.
"Uh... per week?"
"Per day" he said.
"Well... I don't clean it thoroughly every day, but I always try to sweep and mop when I get up and go to sleep. I don't like dust to accumulate”
You looked at how his eyes looked at you with a small sparkle, then averted his gaze and closed his eyes.
Sakusa moved his fingers inside his pocket, feeling strange tickles on his chest. It was strange, he hadn't met you before, he didn't know you existed until a few minutes ago. But your answers, how you cleaned, the care you had. Did it mean something? How had Ratsumu met someone who cleaned so well? Someone who knew how important hygiene was?
Unlike Atsumu, he did not join the college volleyball team immediately. He waited a semester to enter, because he wanted to survive the "fire test" of the first semester. If he did it, he would enter the volleyball team. The positive thing was that his grades were not as mediocre as in high school and he managed to survive the first period. Maybe that's why he didn't know you.
And he also didn't really know why you were cleaning Miya's apartment.
And it smelled good. It smelled good to be a bad disinfectant. He deduced that you had cleaned Atsumu's house once or twice before to know how to clean it.
“Kiyoomi” he said.
“Kiyoomi. Sakusa Kiyoomi. I will leave and return in an hour, is that enough? ” he asked you, as if he were longing for an answer “Tell Miya that I will see him in practice. See you later” he agreed before going out the door.
You smiled and nodded. You kept cleaning up thinking about what had just happened.
You thought you had made a new friend, for some reason.
"Learn from yesterday"
"This looks like a pigsty" you heard Sakusa's voice, instead of sounding upset, it sounded sad "How do you feel?" he asked, entering your room. You raised your face a little , which was previously hidden between the cushions of your bed, -the ones that still smelled of Miya Atsumu-colony , the strands of your hair h/c covered your face. You were sure it didn't look that bad, maybe there were books lying on the floor, just like your clothes, you were sure there were one or two bowls of ramen on the nightstand, but nothing more.
You wanted to answer, but your voice stagnated in your uvula. Before you could look at him again, Kiyoomi leaned in slightly so he could remove the hair that covered your forehead and your eyes. You felt the tears begin to flow almost spontaneously.
"You don't always have to answer all my questions" he clarified, before starting to carefully braid your hair "I'm going to prepare a bath for you and I'll clean your room, try to relax a little"
You started to sob, but you didn't hug him. It was enough that Kiyoomi touched your hair so lovingly and took his time to dedicate it to you.
"Sorry, Yoomi" you muttered between sobs, rubbing your wrists against your cheeks and eyes "I'm so sorry" you apologized, again. Sakusa pursed his lips a little, irritated that you were apologizing to him when you were not to blame for anything.
He didn't say anything to you as he continued to watch you keep breaking a little more in front of him. As you kept pushing the fact that you could be strong when you knew full well that you were no longer just broken, you were tearing yourself apart, inside and out.
Everything because of an idiot he thought.
Kiyoomi patted your head a few times, trying to calm you down. After a few minutes, you stopped crying. There were still a couple of sighs coming from your lips, which trembled whenever they parted. You already had a few weeks like that. Your teachers were worried about you, your classmates were worried about you, your friends, everyone.
Even Atsumu was worried about you, but he, unlike Kiyoomi, didn’t go to check on you. If you ate, if you were getting enough sleep, if you were giving a lot of thought to the whole thing.
But he have never entered your room before. He always stayed after practices, cleaned your apartment as he did with you before, prepared something for you to eat and left it at the door. You never opened immediately, you waited to hear his steps go away and you opened slightly, you took the plate, you ate and you left it exactly where he had left it before.
He cared about you, but he wasn't going to break into your personal space, not until that day. Not until after three weeks without seeing your face.
He just couldn't take it anymore.
He did not know everything that had happened, he found out from Atsumu himself.
“Oi, Miya. Where is her?”
“Where's who, Omi Omi?” He answered without looking at him, at that moment he was practicing his passes, Kiyoomi stared at him.
“Ah” let out a small sigh before looking at him "Well ..., she must be in her apartment"
“Why haven't I seen her?”
“Because I made a mistake and broke her heart, I guess” he replied.
Everyone agreed that Miya did feel things for you. And everyone knew that you had feelings for Atsumu. Was that something so strong? Yes. It was so strong that you refused to accept that even being as you were, you still wanted to be with him. Even after knowing that you were only something for one night - and that everything they did together was to demonstrate something so stupid - you still wanted him.
Atsumu and Kiyoomi had not spoken either.
As he was leaving you for a few seconds, in order to prepare a bath, he thought about why he helped you in that way. Whenever he was next to you, his fingers itched, not in the sense that they were dirty, but that they sting as if they needed to be caressed. Once he tried to hold his own hand while being with you, and he realized that the feeling was not detached from him.
He wanted it to be your hand.
He wanted it to be you.
"Yoomi?" your voice got him out of his thoughts, you were on the edge of the door, your hair was still braided, he could notice now, thanks to the bathroom light, the dark bags under your eyes, your puffy eyelids, your pink nose. You were a mess. His fingers began to prick him immediately.
I want to hold you, I want to help you.
“The bath is ready. I'll go clean your room” he agreed, walking to the door, he stopped right in front of you “Call me if you need anything”
He walked to your room before you answered him.
“Hey Tsumu” the Hyogo boy stopped reading your notes to turn around and smile at you. You were wearing his hoodie, your hair was held in a messy bun and your eyes seemed to close from exhaustion “Are you sure you want to sleep on the couch? You can sleep in my bed, you must be tired from practice”
“Nah, c'mere” he clicked his tongue and extended his arms towards you in a childish way “wanna cuddle right now”
“You are such a baby, I swear” even though you tried to sound annoyed, your smile didn't let you lie to him. You walked up to him and before you could sit down next to him, Atsumu had grabbed your wrist to lie down next to him, holding you tightly “Uhm, I see that someone is touch starving” you teased.
“Shut yer mouth” his voice was deep, hot breath against your ear “Why yer using my hoodie? Missed me?”
“No dumbass, I was doing the laundry and my hoodies are still wet. Plus, yours more" you paused suddenly, blushing and avoiding his gaze at all costs “yours is special I guess”
You are so cute he thought. A smiled creeped in his face as he lay on the couch and laid you on his chest. He carefully grasped the garter that held your hair and between your pouts, released the strands of your hair to caress them. Why are you so cute? He thought again, this time your hands were trying to push the setter away from your head, your eyes were shining with love and at the same time, they were drowning from sleep.
"You are cute when you yawned" he blurted out without much thought the moment you yawned again, your cheeks started turning pink from his words "You are really cute, Y/N-chan"
“Only for you, Sangwoo”
Atsumu wanted to take your face in his hands and kiss you, but he could not fall before your charms. He had fought for so long against his feelings for you, he was consenting to them, how could he not be? He always thought of you, he was almost always next to you, your apartment seemed more like their apartment.
It was as if you were a couple without really being one.
"Who the fuck is Sangwoo? Is he hot?" he laughed before pinching your cheeks.
“Maybe. But he is dead”.
"Are you trying to kill me or something?"
"Killing you with my cuteness, maybe" you pouted your lips before hiding in his hoodie. You felt his heart beating harder against you. One of your hands was playing with his dyed hair, the other one was holding his hand.
Please, please, just hold me. You wished.
Please, be this cute only for me. He wished.
In these moments, you lived on memories.
Memories of how you came to his apartment on Friday nights to watch cult movies, memories of how you went to his practices and games, memories of how he gave you his sweater and memories of when you two cooked together.
You hid your face in your hands, refreshing it with water. Immediately, you felt again as your lips began to tremble. You couldn't control it, but you were fed up. Tired of crying and not being able to control it.
You felt pathetic.
Not being with Atsumu was different, the silence was nothing compared to Atsumu's company, his tended to be overwhelming, there were always people murmuring when the boy walked by you, when he took your hand, when you sat in the cafe together and fed you with a smile. The whispers were always heard.
Now you knew why.
You forgave him, though. But you couldn't talk to him, every time you looked at his photos, memories of the night they spent together landed in your head. The way he kissed the complexion of your skin, the way his hands slid down your cheeks, the way they held your neck and hips, the words he whispered in your ear and against your skin.
Of course you couldn't look him in the eye. You had spent so much time idealizing the situation in your head, how good it would feel, how nice it was to make love with someone who corresponded your feelings, to be with Miya Atsumu.
It was a bucket of cold water that he told you later. And you needed time.
Would it hurt to see him again? Possibly. You weren't ready to do it. There were two years in which you dreamed of him, and your dreams were destroyed in minutes.
You plunged into the water, feeling how your braided hair began to moisten, feeling how your tears are drowning in the warm water.
You weren't ready to see him again.
Not in the eyes.
Not knowing what he had said that night. Not knowing what had happened between you.
You just couldn't.
"Live for today"
Atsumu entered the classroom as usual, sat at his table and waited for the teacher to arrive. For the four weeks you hadn't been to class, the sit next to him remained empty. No one wanted to take your place, no one dared.
It was your place. At his side. Always by his side.
The truth was, he hadn't been with someone after he slept with you. He had done nothing more than take and stay two and even three more hours practicing. Trying to get you out of his head.
But it never worked.
When it was daytime, he thought about your smile, how good it felt to have his lips on yours, how his clothes ended up smelling of your perfume. How you were so small under him, how your eyes were filled with a different sparkle that night. He thought about your figure, your laugh, the “I love you”’s that you repeated not once, but several times while you moaned, while you kissed him.
And at night, he thought about how your tears rolled down your cheeks, he thought about how much you trembled. He thought about the damage he had done to you.
He couldn't forget it, not even with alcohol.
He hadn't spoken to many people since then either, he had had some issues, especially with his team after having sex with his libero's ex-girlfriend. It was resolved through discussion, but the tension was still there. The same with Kiyoomi.
But with Kiyoomi it was worse.
The countenance changed from that moment with the boy. You realized that Omi Omi had feelings for you.
“What?” Atsumu's voice boomed in the gym, he went back to practicing his serves while Sakusa looked at him from a distance “Do you want to stay to practice?”
“Y/N has not left her room” he said suddenly. Atsumu's eyes were fixed on the volley ball and he refused to look at the black-haired man again “She hasn't been going to school. I haven't seen her eat, I don't know if she's really eating. I don't know if she slept. I don't know how bad she is- ”
"How do you know all that?" Miya's voice sounded hoarse, different. Annoyance, anger, rage. Jealousy. Hatred. He squeezed the object in his hands. "Are you sleeping in her apartment or something?"
“I stay most of the time cleaning and doing chores. Unlike you, I care about her” he replied, moving closer to the blond “It's your fault that she is like this "
“How did you get into her apartment?” he stared at him. His gaze was dangerous.
"Spare key" he replied simply, looking him in the eye "How much are you interested? Anyway, I'm sure you haven't even taken the time to call her”
"Why the hell do you have a spare key?" his voice began to sound deeper and deeper. Atsumu dropped the ball and it bounced a few times.
What the fuck was wrong with him?
"Don't you-"
"Are you trying to take advantage of the situation? Are you waiting for her to open the door, wrapped in a sheet, crying, asking for your help? We both know you like Y/N. Do you think I haven't noticed how you look at her? What the hell did you think when you entered her home? Did you want to fuck her? You're a damn pig, Omi Omi. Do you think that playing with her feelings you can have her? She is mine-"
"You are the pig. You were the one who took advantage of her. You were the one who played with her feelings” the words made Atsumu stop dead in his tracks. He clenched his fists. “Yours? Y/N is not yours. She never was and I doubt that at some point she will be, not after this”
There was silence after that.
Weren't you from him?
Were you with Kiyoomi now?
Why washe  thinking about that?
He scratched the back of his neck as he tried to push the thoughts out of his head. His gaze fell for a second at the entrance and he immediately veered away.
Only to return almost to the second.
There you were. With your bag hanging from your left shoulder, your hair was loose, you had on the glasses you used to read from time to time. Atsumu stared at you. You looked at him without even noticing.
Both of their hearts stopped for a few beats.
She/He looks fine. Like nothing happened.
You lowered your gaze a bit before walking to your sit next to him. At his side. Where you belonged
The moment you sat down, you took out the notes you had written in a separate notebook, all sent by some of your colleagues, most of whom you had helped in more technical classes. You didn't even look at Atsumu for a second.
He look  immediately your hands. Then your hair, then your face in side profile.
I had missed you.
Were you always that beautiful?
Why don't you look at me?
Look at me.
Please Y/N.
I missed you.
I need you.
Talk to me.
“Do you want me to talk to you?” Atsumu blinked. He averted his gaze slightly before placing his cheek in the palm of his hand and resting his elbow on the bench. You took silence as his response “Hello, Atsumu”
“Why didn't you come?” he knew the answer. But he wanted to hear it with your words. He wanted you to humiliate him, to hate him, to give him a reason to beg your forgiveness. He wanted you, even out of courtesy, to answer him.
“I wasn't ready,” you replied simply, with a firm voice.
“Ready for what?”
“To treat you like always even when you broke my heart. I'm trying to fulfill what I promised you” you turned your face a little, without looking into his eyes “I'm sorry for failing you, I was missing a long time. I will try to catch up as quickly as possible”
“No” he said immediately, watching as you lightly squeezed the notebook in your hands, "No... don't worry about it, take the time you need. Uhm…” He was speechless when he looked up and observed the professor entering the auditorium.
“Thanks, Atsumu”
Why did you thank me? Thank you for breaking your heart?
You didn’t talk to him for the rest of the lecture.
Atsumu and you did not talk about what happened. You did not even approached to him in class for the next days. He was looking at you, hoping you started the conversation. Sometimes he gave you glances just to notice that your eyes were glued to the teacher at all time.
You were mad. Hurt. Broken.
And it was his fault.
Her legs were moving nervously. The last time you had properly talked, the only words that came out of his mouth were cruelty and lies. Since then, to forget his words, he drank more than usual. He went out more to the club. The hours in the practices were extended. He hit the ball with supernatural force.
He was upset. He was sad. Hewas broken.
And it was his fault.
When the class was over, he watched as you calmly took your things and got up from the desk you shared with him.
"Uh, L/N-san"
His ears focused on listening to your conversation with your Economy buddy while he kept his belongings.
“Yes?” Your voice sounded normal. It was not broken or trembling like when it broke your heart “Is something wrong?”
“We should organize ourselves to work in the workshop”
“Oh yeah!” Atsumu looked at you for a few seconds. You were smiling at him while you were looking for your cell phone in your bag “Do you have a free period? We can go to the university café”
Atsumu frowned slightly. Before the disaster, he hadn't paid attention to the guys around you. Or how they looked at you. Or how they addressed you.
Because he scared all the boys who tried to get close to you.
“No, but, we can see each other next Wednesday at the cafe after school” he smiled at you.
It was jealousy.
The boy was always quiet, but you had never complained about him. You were helping him where you could and the economics teacher had paired them that semester together. Actually, you had said that it was quite nice. It was difficult talking to him, after all, the boy was embarrassing.
He shook his head, trying not to pay attention to your conversation. Your hands landed on the desk .
“Do you want to go to the cafe?” Atsumu asked “If he couldn't, we can go together-"
To catch up. I really miss you .
“Y/N” both turned to the known voice. It was Sakusa. Atsumu furrowed his brow when he saw him enter the hall and up the stairs to where they were "Let’s go"
"Oh Yoomi" you smiled at the event "Actually, Atsumu asked me if I wanted to go to the cafe, I was about to answer him"
"I'll wait for you outside, then" Kiyoomi looked at the blonde and withdrew, at no time did he lower his mask and neither did he remove his hands from his pockets. He walked back to the door, not looking back.
“Today I can't, Yoomi is going to help move some things from the apartment-"
“What?” he interrupted, opening his eyes a little “Are you going to move or something?”
"No. In fact, I am going to remodel? I need something different"
“The apartment looks good as it is” he whispered, somewhat uncomfortable. “Why would you change it?”
"Many memories, I suppose"
“Ah, okay… well, I guess you should go. You don't want Yoomi to be irritated.” He spat out the boy's name with some anger, but apparently you didn't notice it.
You smiled and nodded a little. “Yes, well. See you later, Atsumu "
“Fucking hell” he murmurs while watched you leave the room. You were leaving in front of him. I've needed to talk to you. To walk with you. To be with you.
He needed you.
But he didn't deserve you.
He was drinking again.
“What do you prefer? Win a million dollars or find the love of your life?” Miya asked you while he ate the last onigiri.
“I would choose the million dollars”
“Uhm” you laughed lightly before taking a sip of your drink “And why would you choose that?” Her brown eyes looked at you curiously.
“Because money attracts people, duh” you replied before looking at him “And if he comes to me for money, then he is not the love of my life. I would know that he is the love of my life if he stays with me before and after winning the million” you shrugged your shoulders and you looked at him with a smike" As simple as that "
"You are so cheesy, did you know that?"
"I'm just honest, Tsumu~"
"I still don't understand why you don't have a boyfriend, Y/N" He avoided looking at you when he said it, his trunk-colored gaze stuck to the drink in front of him “Are the others guys blind or what?”
“Well, you scare all the guys that approach me” you didn't sound upset, to tell the truth, he could feel your smile between your answer "But I guess I'm still looking for the right one. Or knowing him. Or talking with him right now. Who knows"
Atsumu looked you in the eyes, a soft and sincere smile was adorning your face. Your eyes were fixed on his. There was a particular glow, something unusual in how you were looking at him at the time. Like you're confessing a big secret.
"So cheesy"
I missed you.
“What are you doing here?” his voice sounded agitated, you were in the frame of the door of the gym looking at him “Isn't it late?”
“That is why I am here, Tsumu. You must rest and the only way you rest is to get you out of this gym” you sighed looking at him.
"Ah" he laughed lightly before shaking his head "You care about me"
“Of course I care about you, apparently you don't care about yourself, fool” you defended yourself before frowning “Let's go, it's really late, Tsumu”
“Thank you” he said, smiling at you. “For worrying”
The taste of alcohol seemed like water to be high. It was not enough.
You were more than enough.
"Cheetos or Doritos?"
"They are both cardboard, Atsumu"
"What!?" He opened his eyes to drop the packages he was holding. You instantly burst out laughing "Really?"
"Yes Tsumu"
"Uhm ... I guess I like cardboard."
Your smile.
Your laughter.
"Can you come over, please?" He was not thinking when he called you. It was very late, and early in the morning. Your apartment and his were not far away " I need to talk to you about something"
"We can talk on the phone," you sounded sleepy.
"I... I really need you to come for a moment, please" he practically fought against his voice, he was so drunk that he didn't process his feelings well "Please, Y/N. I've missed you a lot”
You bit your lower lip before answering.
"I'll be there in fifteen minutes”
Why did you go?
You asked yourself the same thing over and over again while your lips were glued to Miya's hair. It was dawn when Atsumu stopped stroking your bare back 
“I love you” he murmured. Your heart was still broken “I love you more than anything in this world” he squeezed you in his arms, hiding his face in the valley of your breasts. He left wet kisses against your skin “I missed you so much, I needed you so much” his voice broke, before beginning to touch you with need, hoping you were real “Look at me, please. You haven't looked at me in weeks. I need you to look at me” your eyes trembled with fear before looking him in the eyes, Atsumu kissed your lips immediately “I'm so sorry, Y/N "
You answered the kiss, between sobs. His hands began to squeeze the flesh on your hips, before gently biting down on your lower lip. Atsumu tasted like dry vodka, you tasted like cold tea. You moaned softly when he inserted his tongue into your oral cavity and his hands found the space between your legs.
“So wet, already?” he hissed in a hoarse voice, he lowered his kisses down your neck as he bit, licked, kissed and sucked your skin s/c, wanting to leave marks for everyone to see that you belonged to him “You are drenched” he lowered his kisses to your breasts, attacking them with licks while one of his hands caressed all your femininity.
"Tsumu" you moaned, squeezing your legs a little, trapping his hand in your pussy.
"You like this, don't ya?" he kissed you again “You like having me pleasuring you? Begging you to come here? Desiring you? Loving you? Missing you?” He gently pulled your jaw, thrusting his tongue in again, without closing his eyes. You moaned in the kiss and lightly denied "You are liar"
"Hope for the future"
“Don't you dare say that what happened last night was a mistake” you said without looking at him, squeezing your hands a little “Don't you dare say it, Atsumu”
“I'm sorry Y/N”
“Don't do it”
“Do you love me, Y/N ?” You were fighting against your feelings, against the truth. Atsumu looked at you with tired, sad eyes
“That is irrelevant now.”
“I love you” you assured
“No... it was the emotions of the moment. You got confused, who would love someone like me?”
“Don't do it. Don't try to manipulate me into making me feel horrible and tell you that I love you over and over again, only to be break me again. Don't do it, Tsumu”
“You and Kiyoomi have something?” he asked, pressing against him “Do you love him?”
“He is my friend, Atsumu”
“No, he does not want to be your friend” he took your face in his hands “He wants to have you against his body, just as we are now” you blinked confused, denying “He wants everything we have. He wants to take you away from me”
“Are you listening to what you say, Atsumu?”
Of course I'm listening to myself.
I do not want to lose you.
I can not lose you.
I must not lose you.
“Of course!” he screamed, hitting the pillow next to you, you froze “And it's your fault!”
"My fault?"
You felt something strange in your chest. It was rage.
Before he could go on, you opened your mouth.
“Do you know something, Tsumu? I wish I had never met you” those words stopped him “Then, I wouldn't be here, humiliating myself. Then, there would not need to cry over you, no need to want you, no need to miss you, no need to loving you” your voice started breaking “No need for forgotten promises, for lies. No need for touch starving hugs, no need of pain and tears, no need to fucking crying until I fall asleep. No need for nothing. Nothing” you shouted, crying “Do you even realize how broken I am? How stupid do I look? How pathetic I am? ”
You were lying. You are lying.
Don't lie to me.
I shouldn't destroy her heart.
But I can't help it.
That words hurted.
I don't want to hurt you.
“You are right” he whispered “I wish I wouldn't met you either. You are so pathetic, so idiotic. I wish you fucking disappear or something, vanish” He was destroying you.“Get the fuck out of here” he said, coldly “And fuck with Omi Omi if you fucking want. Trash mean to be together, right?” He was not sober. Not at all. “You should fucking disappear for the whole existence; I don't give a single fuck”he stops touching you “Just fucking leave ”
The tears didn't come out in front of him. You grabbed your clothes and started dressing yourself.
“And, Y/N” you stopped, waiting for whatever he was supposed to say “Leave and close the damn door”
And that's what you did. You close the damn door.
Your heart.
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todoroki-waifu · 4 years
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Note: I wrote this in 2014 but never posted it. At least I think I didn’t? Lol. Anyway, this is my first Haikyuu fic! I edited it a bit so hopefully you guys enjoy it! I love Kageyama so much. 😭♥️😭♥️
Kageyama x F!Reader
Word Count: 1631
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Cursing.
A quiet but long sigh passes between your lips, your jaw resting on your palm while you stare out the window. All your friends take note of your somber mood and although you tell them you’re fine, your response doesn’t match your behavior. It was the beginning of the lunch period, but the cold weather persuaded everyone to stay indoors. 
Desks were moved around to accommodate the students’ ideal seating arrangement with their friends. You suddenly felt your desk shift slightly and you turn your head to find that Kageyama had pushed his table right beside yours. 
“Oi, I know you’re lying.”
“Eh? Lying about what?" 
"That you’re ‘okay’.” He situated himself back to his seat, facing you with determination to have you reveal what you’ve been hiding. 
“I’m not lying. Really! I’m just…tired. I didn’t get enough sleep.” Maybe if you kept telling yourself that, you might actually believe it yourself. 
“Hn.” He leaned in slightly with an interrogating aura surrounding him. 
“A-anyway, I’m gonna get something from the vending machine. Want anything?” You stood up, his presence overwhelming you slightly. 
“Yes, I want you to tell me the truth." 
"Kageyama-kun, I said I’m fine, okay? If you keep asking, I’m going to get mad.” Your annoyed look shut his mouth.
A few moments after you left, the door of his classroom was roughly opened and a slightly high pitched voice gathered everyone’s attention.
“__(y/n)-chan!” Nishinoya sings your name before his eyes try to find you. “Are you okay?!" 
"Who do I need to beat up?!” Tanaka pounds his right fist into his left palm. 
“Guys, we shouldn’t be so loud.” Asahi tries to hush the boisterous duo. 
“We brought you something that’ll hopefully cheer you up.” Sugawara chimes in, holding up a bag filled with various goodies. 
“Oh! You guys came here, too?” Yamaguchi is surprised with the sudden crowd in the room. 
“I told you it was unnecessary for us to come here.” Tsukishima sighs but quickly glances around the classroom to find you. 
Kageyama finds the volleyball team entering the room, walking to where yours and his desks were. 
“Where did __(y/n)-chan go?” Hinata asks after returning from the restroom.
“She went to get something from the vending machine." 
"Oi! Did you do something to __(y/n)-chan?” The two first years look to where their volleyball senpais were gathered.
“You! You look pretty guilty. What did you do to __(y/n)-chan, damn it?”
“Now, now, let’s calm down. I’m sorry about them. ___(y/n) is our friend and we’re just worr-”
“I’m sorry! I-I didn’t do anything, I swear! I don’t even talk to __(y/n)-chan!” cries the freshman who Tanaka and Nishinoya decided to question. 
“I’m sorry about these three. Please ignore them.” Daichi bows his head to the young male, dragging Asahi, Tanaka, and Nishinoya to where the rest of the group was. 
“Stop scaring the first years!” He scolds. 
“Eh? But I didn’t-” Asahi doesn’t understand why he was being scolded. 
“Your face is already scary enough!” The poor long haired boy pouts at his failed attempt to defend himself. 
“Did you manage to find anything out from ___(y/n)-chan?” Kageyama hears Hinata ask.
“She hasn’t said anything. She keeps saying she’s fine and that she’s just tired." 
"Maybe we shouldn’t push her into telling us, but let’s just try to show our support.” Sugawara places a few snacks the team bought for you beside your bento. 
“You guys are overreacting. If she says she’s tired, then maybe it’s just that.” Tsukishima grunts.
“I know the difference between her being tired and when there’s something on her mind." 
"Do you really, now? I didn’t know you paid that much attention to her.” The blonde smirks at the black haired setter. 
“S-s-shut up! I just …there’s just a difference with her mood, that’s all! It’s not that hard to tell." 
"Let’s not argue. We’re here for __(y/n)-chan, remember?” Yamaguchi tries to pacify the two. 
“Actually, Kageyama is right. __(y/n)-chan isn’t tired. She’s a bit heartbroken.” Kiyoko finally reveals what has been bothering you. She knew exactly what brought down your mood. Although she wasn’t one to blurt out your private conversation, if it had the boys this concerned, they deserved to know that it wasn’t too serious, like someone bullying you.
"Yes, she found out that the guy she likes, likes someone else.” That was all she would say. Giving out too much details would betray your trust. “I told her maybe it wasn’t true, but it still discouraged her. Anyway, try not to say anything. I don’t want to worsen her mood.”
The gang agreed silently to not mention what Kiyoko had said and decided to focus on making you feel better. You were surprised to find the group surrounding your seat, but smiled at their presence. You had a feeling they had the same concerns as Kageyama.
You were feeling better than this morning, but once in a while, you would slip into your distracted gaze. Kageyama was becoming quite annoyed with your behavior. Who the hell was that bastard anyway? He bet he would be a waste of your time. So, why did you care about him so much? 
After practice, he was one of the last few to leave school grounds. He spotted you walking towards the school gates, the setter quickening his pace to match yours. He got lucky that both your club activities ended simultaneously.
“Oi, __(y/n)," 
He was met with silence.
”__(y/n).“ He raised his voice slightly and frowned when you ignored him.
”___(y/n)!“ Kageyama finally manages to capture your attention.
"Ep!” You screech, turning to where you felt your hand being grabbed. Your free hand had its fingers curled tightly against your palm, ready to strike, but stopped when you recognized the individual.
“K-k-kageyama-kun! You scared me!”
“I’ve been trying to call you!” He had one arm up to defend against your almost attack. 
“S-sorry! I didn’t hear you.” You lowered your guard and he did the same, slowly releasing his grip.
“Clearly. Are you still thinking about what’s been bothering you all day?”
“N-no, I’m just tired.” You didn’t want your friends to worry.
“W-who cares about that damn bastard!” He was fed up with your crush. In the first place, why the hell didn’t your crush notice such a beautiful girl longing to be with him? Second, did he think he was too good for you?
“I heard from Kiyoko-senpai that you had your heart broken. She didn’t say who, but that’s why you’ve been upset. Like I said, who cares about him? You’re too good for him anyway! I bet he’s just some idiot who’s too stupid to notice you. I bet he isn’t worthy of your attention. You should give me his name so I can kick his weak ass! I’ll prove to you that you don’t need a dumbass like that.”
“So…you mean to say that you’ll kick your own ass?” You blinked, tilting your head to the side a bit.
“Kick my own ass…? The hell would I do that for?”
“I’m gonna give you a minute to think about it.” You found it cute how Kageyama was becoming defensive for you. You didn’t intend to reveal who you were admiring, but you would feel better if your feelings were at least known.
“…I’m the lame dumbass that you like?” He points at himself, shock painting his face once he registers what you said.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “A-ah, but I don’t think you’re a dumbass!”
“Wait, but I thought that the guy you liked, likes someone else?” Kageyama was confused! He didn’t like anyone but you!
“Exactly. I’m probably taking a big risk here, but you’re my crush, Kageyama-kun. I heard Hinata talking about how you both admire Makoto-senpai and how you wish that she was in our year and that she would join the volleyball team. And I heard that you also plan to ask her out.”
“Wait…what? No way! I don’t like Makoto-senpai like that! And I think you’re seriously misunderstanding here.” [1]
“Eh? What do you mean?”
“I’m not sure which Makoto you’re referring to but I’m talking about the guy from the swimming club. Anyway, the reason I said that was because I admire him. He’s very athletic and passionate about swimming. I know it has nothing to do with volleyball, but I heard he gives out excellent training tips. I was hoping that we’d meet up sometime to discuss what I can do to increase my strength and stamina.”
“Oh…” you nod slowly before embarrassment shows on your cheeks. “Oh! Oh my -I’m so sorry for assuming things.”
“I-it’s fine.” He looks away to hide his cheeks that matched yours. “You can m-m-make it up to me by letting me take you o-out on a d-d-d-date.”
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you on a date? I technically did confess first.” With your face burning a deeper red and a shy smile, Kageyama felt his heart pump faster.
“But I l-liked you first so I should be the one asking.” He argues childishly, slightly disappointed that he didn’t get to confess to you beforehand. But that disappointment didn’t stay long since he was more than happy to hear your feelings.
“Is that so?”
“Mm.” He firmly answers.
“All right, well, I’m free Friday night. Does that work with you?”
“Yeah. I’ll pick you up at your place at 7?”
“It’s a date.” You take a step closer to him and lightly kiss his cheek. “See you then!" 
He watches you turn towards the direction of your house, your figure becoming further away from him. Shaking himself from the slight daze caused by your kiss, he quickly follows you.
[1] Free! :p
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First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 2)
Title: First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 2) 
Genre: fluff (possibly even more than the first though I make no promises) 
Pairing: Daichi/Asahi/Nishinoya/Tanaka/Ennoshita x reader (separate) 
Notes: Though there wasn/t much demand, I couldn’t help myself. Seriously. The lack of immediate continuity actually made me mad. Otherwise, I felt the need to continue the saga with the second and (rest of the) third years! 
Anyway, here goes nothing!
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Masterlist 
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Daichi Sawamura
ok, lemme get this out first
this man would be an amazing boyfriend
and this would be matched with his s/o
someone very responsible and calm, but they aren’t afraid to turn into a momentary crackhead and pull a few pranks
either way, the first kiss would for sure happen on a date
i can imagine that it would be in a movie theater
but not in the back or the very front
somewhere in the middle of the theater
now, you two had decided to go see a movie for the next date 
(consider this one your third or fourth. i can’t imagine that he’d do this on the first or second date, y’know?) 
you two had struggled on choosing a movie, but you did eventually decide
imagine whatever movie you like, but
i think the movie would be a really cheesy teen drama
something along the lines of ‘five feet apart’ or midnight sun’. definitely something with some big upstanding issue in their romance
either way, when the movie hits a romantic climax (like the first kiss or something)
he looks at you 
the way the artificial light from the screen lights up your features makes him question if you’re a human being and not an angel or sparkling fictional being 
the way that your eyes are lighting up with an odd mix of joy and sadness
everything fell perfectly
he wanted to kiss you right then and there, and though he had been wanting to kiss you since the end of your second date
sadly, he was doubting whether or not this was the right moment
what he didn’t know (or notice, rather) was that you knew he was looking at you 
and you decided to take the initiative
so you turned his head to face you once you redirected your attention and he turned away blushing
you leaned up and kissed him
slow, sweet, passionate and a little shy
it only turned more delicate when he cupped your cheek in his big calloused hand
the feeling made you lean in a little more
once you two had to break away for air, you two stared into each others eyes
you decided to peck his lips once again
he chuckled a little, but nonetheless, he draped his arm over your shoulders and you laid your head on his shoulder 
overall, the kiss? 
gorgeous. perfect. ten out of ten. 
it was very experienced, too, so there were no worries there. 
the gentleness of the experience was something that the both of you envied from other couples 
and you two achieved that
ahaHA. you thought that dadchi over here would be the first person to initiate the kiss? 
think again! he would be too caught up in if his s/o wanted to kiss him, change my mind-
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Asahi Azumane
this big teddy bear
he would most definitely go for someone gentle and kind
he is shy bby, so he might choose someone fairly social
but also aware and not overbearing
he just wants love-
as for the kiss, i find that the kiss would probably happen at school
just the one off chance that he got bothered by the gangster comments
it was getting to be between hours (class and lunch), and he was hiding in a closed off area of the school
he had texted you that he might be a little late to lunch 
and the message scared you
this boy hides what he is feeling, so when he sends a text, that was code for ‘come find me in our spot i’m sad and need comfort.’ 
but like i’m crying just writing that like- 
so with that knowledge, you let your friends know that you’re gonna be a little late to lunch 
and once the final seconds of the period hit, you were out the door
you immediately ran to the quiet area 
and hugged your gentle giant boyfriend
no words needed to be said, but he did lean into your touch 
eventually, you knew that you needed to say something
this boy needs reassurance, and you have just that
you tap his shoulder and tilt your head to the floor
and the two of you sit next to each other
you have your hand over his that’s resting on the ground 
and though the silence is comforting, you know words are what need to be used here
so you speak 
“you know i love you, right?” 
cue his nod 
“you know that i don’t think you are anything even remotely close to dangerous, right?”
stillness, but a hesitant nod
“so if i were to tell you that what those people are saying isn’t true, would you believe me?”
he nods
silence looms yet again, and he scoots closer to you 
you do the same, and grip his hand to which he responds
after a few minutes of calm quiet, you look up at asahi
he has his eyes locked on the old wall
and you can’t help yourself
you lift your hand and tilt his head so his eyes can meet yours
you start to lean up to kiss him with a comforting smile on his face
and as he visibly relaxes, you kiss him
it’s not too long, not too short
but it was exactly what he needed, and he didn’t know it
the kiss itself was very shy, though
as much as you would’ve liked to say that you were 100% confident in your kiss, you weren’t
but that’s okay with asahi and yourself 
you two wouldn’t have traded a kiss so loving and soft for the world
you pull away with a slightly bigger smile, and asahi’s face is red
you’re blushing too, but when he flashes you a small smile, you turn even redder
eventually you two settle and go to lunch
so, overall, the kiss is very comforting and soft
it isn’t very long, but it doesn’t border on a peck, but you know that it didn’t cut your breath off too much 
it wasn’t very confident, but due to the softness, it was very clean (again, for lack of a better word)
10/10, softest kiss with the softest boi
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Nishinoya Yuu
let’s get one thing straight
this boy is whipped for you and everyone knows it
and it’s all due to your personality
so your appearance probably wouldn’t matter much to him
someone kind, chivalrous and very intelligent is who i think he’d go for
otherwise, the kiss would probably happen, yet again
seriously though, whether it was a practice game or not, doesn’t matter.
i imagine that karasuno is at training camp 
(and we’ll just pretend that things worked out better for them in the games) 
either way, they are in the second set
they’re riding a deuce, back and forth
tension is high, the players are starting to lose momentum.
the team managers (including you) overlooking the match are on the edges of their seats. 
it isn’t until karasuno snags two back-to-back points that tensions drop and the crows start a small celebration
unlike yaku’s though, this is an immediate reaction from noya
he runs off the court and to the bench where he jumps at you and just
BIG romantic gesture, of course
the kiss was very messy and excitable
just like your upbeat libero! 
but it still held a lot of meaning for the both of you 
while daichi is trying not to scream, the rest of the team is either watching in disgust, jealousy, or are ‘awwing’ at the situation
(let’s be honest, though - daichi would silently be cheering you and noya on, he just has to keep up the captain responsibilities,y’know?) 
it was fast, full of (accidental) teeth, and a little messy, but it was very loving and passionate
and he didn’t want to let go
whenever you tried to pull away he’d giggle a little and pull you back in
it’d take daichi or coach ukai to pry him off you 
and they’d be a little angry
but who can be completely angry when the second-year’s ‘it’ couple just had a romantic breakthrough? 
anyway, it’d leave you flustered and just 
reader.exe has stopped working
but you enjoyed it and noya couldn’t wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the day
general summary: unintentionally rough, but very passionate and very excited (if you know what I mean - nothing naughty)
more messy than the both of you thought, but it was perfect for the moment
ok, but like seriously- 
he’d be an amazing boyfriend, change my mind-
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Ryuunosuke Tanaka
let’s kickstart this with his s/o
very feminine, but also very brash 
someone that knows what they’re worth but isn’t afraid to be a little (again) ‘feminine’ 
possibly another athlete
maybe a volleyball player...? *wink wink*
this is gonna sound horrible but
i can’t picture him OR noya having their first kiss unless it’s at a volleyball game
like, it’s not as if they go anywhere else, they just seem like the sports-kiss kinda people
heres the twist 
HE is watching YOU play this time
being the ace of your team, the pressure is on when your team is struggling to keep the points up in the third set
it’s a literal game of back and forth, and you’re about ready to lose your shit
but you need to remain calm or else the team morale will drop
you’ve been pushing, but after the rotation, things have been going worse than before
tanaka is watching all of this go down with the rest of the boys volleyball club 
and while everyone (excluding tsukishima) is stressed, tanaka is BY FAR the one stressing the most
his baby and their team are losing rapidly at this point
c’mON gET thE ROtAtiON sO MY BabY CaN GeT THe PoINt! 
is what he’s thinking, though he knows that’s not going to work 
(i mean, maybe it would. if he thinks that thought hard enough-)
either way, the other team calls a time out, and while they are elaborating on what to do
tanaka shouts from the stands 
and that little (pfFT WHO ARE WE KIDDING-) action gave you the hope to continue the game
when the game starts back up, everyone is back on track and scoring point after point. 
it’s starting to scare the living crap out of your opponents
but the boys watching the game are rooting even louder
as the game comes to an end, and your team is only one point away from the total win
you spike the ball, and the opposing players freeze
EASILY one of your most powerful spikes 
and EASILY the action that leads to tanaka trying to prevent himself from running away right then and there
(though he was failing physically, daichi was holding him back by his jacket lol)
as your team lined up and left, that was when tanaka had the overwhelming urge to tackle you 
(he didn’t, which you’ll see later, but you found the thought endearing after he told you)
your team is gone, the Karasuno boys team is getting ready to leave
(daichi is still holding tanaka back) 
when some of the boys are gone and your team is starting to load themselves into their vehicles, you spot tanaka
you signal that you are gonna go to your teammate
“go for it! i can wait, y/n.”
when you walk over there, you thank daichi and hug tanaka
the hug triggers tears
(”you did so well i-”) 
but like, seriously, imagine the inspiration and pure joy he feels - who wouldn’t be crying?
when you realize this you pull away
THIS moment is when he takes his chance
he cups your face when you two pull apart from the hug and just kisses you 
passionate, messy, emotional
that and so much more
it is made up of things that can’t be put into words
when you pull away, you two are both super giggly
and hesitant to leave each other
so you spring the suggestion that he joins your team for the celebratory dinner 
(he agrees) 
anyway, the kiss is very much him
very brash, but very emotional, and very proud (in a good way) 
10 out of 10, would recommend tanaka kisses
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Chikara Ennoshita
now, this man does not get enough love
and i want to provide for you ennoshita fans
that being said, his girlfriend is most likely someone close to him
laid-back, intelligent, and carrying an amount of grounded energy 
you two would probably even be in the same class 
(this boy is smart, okay? i feel like he’d be drawn to his s/o’s intelligence)
that being said, the place where the kiss would happen? 
ok, get this - study session
the one where he is tutoring noya and tanaka at tanaka’s house
but after that 
think ‘hey, i’m hungry - you wanna get some food?’ ‘oh god, please-’ 
over ramen after a study session
you two had just helped those two lovable knuckleheads with their studies
it was chaotic, it was draining, and you were barely thriving
though you did enjoy tutoring 
and ennoshita found that slightly odd
but endearing 
and it made him silently gush 
‘holy- s/o is an angel. how did i get a literal angel.’
the two of you were making small talk, and discussing the upcoming exams
questions that revolved around arranging study dates and how you think you’d do 
no doubt that the both of you were gonna do well, it just happened to come up 
and allow the both of you to hype each other up just a little bit
just very calmly
either way, you two had discovered something that
you were hungry
your stomach growled on the walk to your house, and while you were slightly embarassed, ennoshita was gushing at your reaction
he had immediately decided to make a detour
“you can’t go home hungry, s/o. i’ll get you some ramen.” 
you were blushing, but you were aware of the fact that your parents wouldn’t want to see you cooking something at 11 pm
you two ran to coach ukai’s shop and, while he was very wary since it was near closing, he shrugged it off
(you two didn’t know it, but he always found you two perfect for each other. he found your relationship adorable, and he left you two to your own business because of that)
you two grabbed some ramen, ennoshita paid (much to your mild chagrin), and you two waved goodbye and left for your house again
eventually, you two decided to settle on a bench after eating and walking became a chore
it was then that ennoshita was able to truly relax
and observe you 
and see your adorable chipmunk cheeks as you were eating
and he just knew
he knew that this was the night that he was waiting for 
when you were finished with your ramen and stood up to throw it away, he grabbed your wrist
very light, very feather-like, but it was firm in a metaphorical sense
you could tell he was waiting for something so you stopped
“what’s going on?” 
he simply stood up and cupped your cheek
and he kissed you
it was soft, it was gentle
with it being under the starry night sky, too - oh my the both of you were in awe 
easily an ironically romantic situation when you stop and consider that it was you dropping an empty cup of ramen on the concrete
you were reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck
and once you did, the cup fell and the two of you pulled away 
you both peeked down at the ground before chuckling a little and pecking each other on the lips 
to conclude: romantic, romantic, r o m a n t i c
this boy is so gentle, so sweet, and so loving and honestly- 
the kiss was too 
no other words for it except ‘slightly ridiculous’ and ‘beautiful’
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fallingallin701 · 4 years
Pairing: Koutarou Bokuto x gn! Reader
Warnings: depressing thoughts, suicidal thoughts, please don’t read if this could trigger you, and know you can always talk to someone and reach out to me if you feel this way
Word count: 2.8k
Author’s note: This is my first Haikyuu! drabble, I hope I did a good job! 
Breathe in. Breathe out.
You had to remind yourself to take each breath in and to let it out. Otherwise, how could you relay on your body to do it, when each inhale made your aching muscles hurt just a bit more? You were scared that, if you were to stop consciously thinking about it, you would just stop.
Most of the days were good. It wasn’t like anything really triggered this. You had a stable, sometimes crazy family, you had friends, you had good grades, you had an amazing boyfriend. A groan ripped from your throat as you remembered Bokuto. Just yesterday, you had waited for him to finish practice, and the two of you went for some ice cream and walked around the city endlessly, the talk and laughter never stopping. Bokuto always had a way to make you smile and laugh. He was like a sun, that’s how you would describe him. Ball of energy and happiness, sometimes just his appearance was enough to brighten the room and lift everybody’s mood.
You were not shy, but certainly not as boisterous and extroverted as he was. People called you friendly, someone they could talk to so easily about their problems, and appreciated your calmness. But you only had a handful of friends, and your ideal Friday night was never going out for a party or doing something crazy, it was cuddling up in a blanket with a good book or a good movie, or perhaps, if inspiration hit you, your laptop, fingers typing furiously as words flew at the speed of million miles per hour in your head, making it hard to catch each one of them, making you shudder and squeal in excitement as an interesting moment arrives.
So why you? Why did someone like Koutarou pick you? You heard people wondering in the hallways, and those questions always swirled in your mind. One night, as you two sat on the roof of his house watching the clear sky, you decided to ask him that.
“You bring me peace,” he said, without an ounce of hesitation, like it is something that was obvious. “With you, I don’t have to pretend, I don’t have to hold back. You accept me, the way I am, and support me with so much passion- you don’t have to jump and yell for me to know that, I see it. You know me, inside and out, and accept me and love me. And that is something I would never give up.” He took your hand, bringing it up to his lips and pressed a kiss to it, before pulling you even closer. “Now, tell me, who gives the constellations their names, I just don’t see it. Can you show me again?”
With him, things felt right, they felt real. He never hesitated to show you or tell you just how much you mean to him. Never. That amount of unwavering stability and certainty was refreshing and something you needed so much. He made it hard not to trust him. He was always there to listen, always there to hear you out and try to help you.
But this, this was something you have yet to show him.
Truth to be told, it was worse before him, when this painful loneliness would swallow you whole and it hurt to move, and to breathe. When the hopelessness would wrap its cold boney hand around your throat and make your heart beat like a scared bird trapped inside a cage. When it all seemed hopeless and worthless, when you felt so exhausted and cold and alone, so worthless and good for nothing.
Everybody had insecurities, but yours have been taking control over you for a big part of your life, so much they would incapacitate you and cage you to the bed to wallow in your tears and fear. On days like these, you were afraid to go to the kitchen, scared of what might happen if you got a hold of a knife, scared of not being able to stop that same fear and hopelessness from doing something you knew you did not want to do.
Depression is a silent killer. It sneaks under your skin, and starts off as a few bad thoughts, which then turn into bad days and then into a whole week. It never helped your parents worked long hours and you were constantly alone at home. You tried to hide it, and even managed to control it for some time, forcing yourself to engage into club activities, going out, anything just to keep your mind busy and occupied. You even got a gym membership and went with Koutarou often, hoping that dealing with your body and making sure you were as healthy as one can be physically would improve your mood.
But then, slowly, everything just stopped bringing joy. You dropped club activities, one by one, stopped going out, started skipping workouts. Your concentration was barely there most of the days, and your grades took a spill down. The fear of failure was there- if there was something you were always good at, it was academics, but now, it seemed you were bad at it too.
A sob tore from your throat as you curled deeper into yourself, shaking despite not being cold. What did he see in you? You were good for nothing. You were hopeless, with no future ahead of you.
In the darkness of the room, your phone lit up. Without even looking, you knew it was Koutarou. It had to be the morning now, and you didn’t show up at school. He would usually wait for you at the gate to kiss you good morning and then walk you to your class, but you didn’t show up. You were thankful for the thick curtains you had, because you couldn’t face a sunny day, not in this mood.
In school, Bokuto’s mind was racing. The first period already started, and you weren’t there. Akaashi had dragged him into his classroom, but Bokuto asked your friends to text him if you showed up. Has he done something? Said something? Last night was so fun, with the two of you eating ice cream and then buying bread to feed the ducks at the pond, and when he left you at home and kissed you good night, you seemed fine. Should he have seen something? Was he missing some signals? The two of you had a very open communication, and never hesitated to speak about problems or let the other one know just how much they loved them. Were you sick? Were you hurt? Did you not love him anymore?
He wanted to run to your house so bad as the day went by, but he couldn’t miss another class, as another tardy or skipped class would end in him not being able to take exams and, consequently, not be able to play volleyball. His worry grew throughout the day, especially since you never even opened all the messages he sent. Your friends said you were probably having a headache so you skipped school, that he shouldn’t worry about it, but he knew you. You were the type of person to come to school with a fever, a headache would not stop you.
By the time it was his practice, he barely could jump, and if he did, he would miss the ball, or spike bad, and yet he could not even go further into a low mood, too worried about you to pout about missed spikes and tosses. It was so hard for anything to get done that Akaashi just suggested that they should end the practice, and the brunette could say with certainty that he had never seen Bokuto bolt out of the gym so fast.
Bokuto knew he had to see you. It was the only thing he knew. He changed quickly and made a quick dash to your house, only stopping by a convenience store to buy some candy, things he knew always cheered you up. Upon arriving at your house, he noticed all the blinds were closed, so he dialed your number again, wondering if you even were in the house. When you didn’t pick up again, he knocked a few times, barely able to stand in one place while he waited for you, but you never came. When ten minutes passed and you still hadn’t opened the door, he looked around, reaching under a plant to grab the spare key, letting himself into your house. He hated doing this, but his gut was telling him something was wrong and his gut was never wrong.
The house was dark, as you hadn’t opened any blinds, which was something he knew you did first thing in the morning. He took off his shoes and dropped his bag, calling your name softly. As he climbed up the stairs, he froze when he heard soft whimpers and sobs. Without thinking, he dashed to your room, expecting to see you hurt. And upon pushing your door open, he saw that you were hurt, but not in the way he immediately assumed.
Your eyes snapped open when the door pushed open, widening once you saw Bokuto there. “B-bo, what are you doing here?” you stuttered, and the heartbroken expression on his face not helping how you felt.
“You didn’t come to school and you weren’t answering anybody’s texts and I got worried something happened,” he said, approaching the bed slowly, kneeling before you and taking your hands. Your flushed, tear-stained face made his heart clench deeply. He had never seen you look like this. He had seen you upset, but this, this was another level.
You took a deep, shaky breath and sniffled. “I-I am sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you,” you said, wiping some tears away with your fist.
“Did something happen, baby?” his voice was soft, barely above a whisper, his brows furrowed slightly as worry flashed through his golden eyes. More tears gathered in your eyes and you whimpered, but you shook your head. You knew you couldn’t explain it, not now.
His heart broke when he saw how sad you were. He wished he could do something to take it all away, make it so he was the one in pain. He could take it, and even if he couldn’t, he would suffer if it meant you were okay.
He squeezed your hands slowly, hoping to bring your attention to him. “What do you need me to do? Do..” he stopped, biting his lip, “do you want me to leave?” He couldn’t leave after seeing you like this, but he would if you needed it.
You shook your head frantically, the thought of him leaving now making another cold wave of loneliness wash over. “No, please don’t leave me,” you sobbed, unable to hold back the tears anymore, “Don’t leave me alone, please.”
Bokuto didn’t need you to tell him another word. He used one hand to loosen his tie and unbutton the first few buttons of his uniform before he crawled into the bed with you, leaning against the headboard and pulling you between his legs, letting you rest against his chest. His strong arms held you tight, rubbing soothing circles in your back as you sobbed. Each one broke his heart a little more, but he stayed strong. You needed him to be strong, so he would be.
He didn’t know how long you two stayed like that. He kept rubbing your back, kissing your hair, forehead, temple, cheek, hand, shoulder, anything he could reach, telling you that he was right here, that he loved you, that he wasn’t leaving you, ever. You cried, and would sometimes calm down, and he even managed to lull you into sleeping, the deep circles beneath your usually sparkling eyes making him feel bad for not running over sooner, volleyball and missed exams be damned.
After some time, he gently tilted your head up, fingers curling under your chin. He smiled softly, kissing your eyes and cheeks and forehead. “Would you feel up to some food, maybe? I promise I will stay here the whole time, but we need to get some food in your tummy,” he said, and though you did not feel like eating, you knew you had worried him enough, so you nodded.
Effortlessly, he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and laying a few kisses along your shoulder as he brought you downstairs, grabbing the food he bought before sitting you down on the kitchen counter and pouring you a glass of water, which you drank thankfully. He didn’t know much in the kitchen, but he knew how to make a mean sandwich, so he did just thank, swearing to himself to make the best one yet.
The two of you ate in silence, you on the kitchen counter and Bokuto between your legs, close enough to soothe you and far away enough so you could eat in peace. Once you ate as much as you could, he pecked your cheek, telling you how proud he was of you, before putting the dishes away and washing them up quickly.
“I love you.”
The words fell from your lips before you could stop them, but seeing him like this, after all of this, your heart warmed.
He stopped in his tracks and turned around, smiling widely.
“I love you more, baby. I am sorry for breaking in,” he said, wiping away his hands and coming up to you.
You shook your head. “No, Bo, it is my fault, I shouldn’t have worried you like this, I just… couldn’t help it,” you said softly and looked down at your knees. Your cheeks warmed when he kissed your forehead.
“You don’t get to apologise, okay?” he asked, bending down a bit to meet your eyes.
You nodded, and bit your lip. A deep sigh. Here we go.
“I am depressed. I didn’t get an official diagnosis, but that is it. It’s a family thing, a lot of women on my dad’s side of the family have it, and on days like these, I find it hard to breathe,” you said, your voice shaky, but your eyes were not tearful. “Everything just becomes too hard, and I feel so hopeless and worthless and alone. It is not that I am ungrateful for what I have, I love you and my friends and family, but everythinig has been getting so hard, and too much. I have been almost failing my classes and I have been missing our workouts and I have no energy for anything.”
Bokuto listened carefully, nodding along.
“Have you talked to your family about this? Do you think that maybe seeing a doctor could help?” he asked carefully, not wanting to cross a line or offend you.
“I haven’t, they are just so busy and I don’t want to bother them,” you admitted and Bokuto nodded.
“I am not the smartest person in the world,” he shushed you when you opened your mouth to speak,” and I don’t know much about depression, but what I do know is that you mean the absolute world to me. You are the brightest star in my life. You are so charming, so sweet, so grounded and the most supportive person I have ever met. If there is anyone in our school who makes it big, it’s you. Do you know how smart you are? How funny you are? How stunningly beautiful you are? Do you know how much of a better person you make me, every day? You are supportive and caring and so damn beautiful, every single thing about you is beautiful, and I hate to see you in pain. Thank you for trusting me with this. Thank you for letting me see you like this. I promise I will stay by your side, okay? We don’t have to talk, I will be here, just holding you. Or we can talk, whatever you want, we can do. A lot of things are uncertain and life is tricky, but I promise to stay by your side, and I will remind you how much I love you every single day, just like you do to me. And when it gets hard to breathe, I will be here, breathing with you,” he smiled softly, his thumb caressing your cheek before he brought you in for a hug, and this time, the tears streaming down your face were those of happiness.
This didn’t make things magically better, and you knew one hell of a dark, taunting road was ahead of you. But with your little sun by your side, holding your hand, it certainly seemed possible.
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Daredevil - Haikyuu x Reader
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Summary: Tanaka (y/n), younger sister of Tanaka Ryunosuke! You’ve been watching your brother play volleyball since you both we just kids. You found your own passion, which you quickly gave up on due to... reasons. It happened halfway through your last year of middle school, then having to go to Ryu’s practices after school to wait to walk home with him. After spending your last year along side him and the team, you’ve come to cherish your time with Karasuno’s Volleyball Club. Now that you’re entering high school, you decided you wouldn’t go back to the past and stick with your new found interest; to help Kiyoko with managing the team of lovely crows! However, these other first years are something else; will you be able to handle them? Will you be able to handle your over protective brother? Most importantly, can you find your own wings while helping the others fly high? The past can’t stayed buried forever after all.
Pairings: Karasuno First Years x Reader; Kei Tsukkishima x Reader; Tadashi Yamaguchi x Reader; Tobio Kageyama x Reader; Shoyo Hinata x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Chapter 1 - First Day Back
“Oni-chan,” you sigh, irritated at your brother as he put his jacket on, “Can you hurry up?”
Your brother simply waved you off, glancing at you with sleep still prominent in his eyes. You sigh again, louder just so he could hear it.
You love Ryu, you do, but having to deal with him in the morning was nothing short of a pain; he was always half asleep, always slow. Half of the time you would start to walk without him, having to contain an eye roll as he’d run to catch up with you. Even though he was a year older than you, he had insisted on being a good big brother and walking you to Oujitsu Middle. However, now that was all different, you were finally attending Karasuno along with him so he didn’t have to worry about taking you to school and running to his own. 
Once he finally decided to move his lazy ass, you both left the house with silent goodbye to your sleeping elder sister. You smooth your skirt, glaring at him from the corner of your eye. 
“Oni-chan, it’s my first day you know, you could’ve tried to put in a little more effort to leave early so we wouldn’t be late.”
“Ah, sorry (y/n)-chan. It’s just hard to wake up in the mornings, yanno?” He yawns loudly, arms raised high as he stretches.
“Maybe you should go to bed sooner, instead of kissing photos of Kiyoko-senpai all night long-”
“Hah, shut up punk I do not!”
He threw his arms around you, trapping you against his chest as he brought a hand up to give you a noogie.
You swat his hands away as he laughs at the mess of your hair.
“Ne, that’s a good look for you, (y/n)-chan~” He teases.
“You’re worse than nee-chan.” 
He shudders at the mention of your guys’ sister, and you take that moment while he’s distracted to strike; you smack the back of Ryu’s shaven head, the sound loud and sharp.
“Ouch, what the hell!?” He whines, rubbing his head tenderly.
“That’s what you get,” you huff, fixing your appearance before sticking your tongue out at him, “not my fault you decided to go bald, jerk-suke!”
“You’re so lame, nerd-(/n),” he grunts, shoving you lightly as the gates appear in your line of sight, “Now get to class before I kick your ass. You want help on where to go, need me to walk you?”
He stops at the gate in hopes you’d accept, but pouts as you continue walking and wave him off.
“Nope, I’m good. Thanks anyway, oni-chan, I’ll see you after school.”
“We’re practicing at the gym right after!” He yells out, sighing as you only wave him off once more.
Tanaka clicks his tongue, a little worried about you, but overall knowing you’d be fine. With what happened after last year, he felt bad that you felt as if you had to stick with him at his own club, but if that’s what you wanted then he wouldn’t push it.
As long as you were happy, he didn’t care; it also helped that he wouldn’t have to worry anymore, knowing you’d be a couple feet away.
After walking away from your brother, you head up to the board to see the class lists posted, trying to find your class. You spot your name on the roster and head towards class four, still a little in shock of how you made it to the college prep class, your exam scores not only shocking you but the rest of your family. Your two older idiot siblings had always managed to just barely scrape together passing scores; well you had to give Saeko some credit, she was in college after all-even if she really didn’t care about her core classes.
You got to your class with no problems, but were somewhat dreading the idea of walking in since you expected it to be somewhat full with classes starting soon. You weren’t late, per say, but you were by no means early.
‘Thanks oni-chan.’ You think bitterly, sighing as you slide the doors open.
To your frustration, your assumption was correct; the classroom was already full of first years, and you had to hold back an irritated groan as all the good spots were taken. Glancing around, you spot a seat that was going to have to be the next best thing for now; it was somewhat towards the back of the class, the next seat over from the window-the seat you truly wanted. Slipping off your bag from your shoulder, you hang it on the hook beneath your proclaimed desk as you sit down with a gentle breath of relief. 
Light music catches your attention, moving your head ever-so-slightly to peer at the boy sitting next to you. His headphones were playing loud music, the genre hard to catch as it was muffled just enough to leave the people around him wondering what it could be. You take in his appearance, short blond locks and thin framed glasses that hid his eyes; he was also pretty tall, even though he was sitting down you could tell. He looked as bored as you knew you were going to be as the day progressed-
Hell, you were already bored and the day hasn’t even started yet.
You had intended to turn away right after the initial glance, when his sharp gaze met your own; you had been taken aback by that single look, his face remaining unchanging but those now visible amber eyes overflowing in emotion.
The contrast intrigued you.
You purse your lips, overall unaffected by his stare, before turning to look back towards the front of the classroom. A grunt of distaste fills your ears, and you bite your tongue to hold in a retort. You continue to tell yourself to ignore him, not wanting to get caught up in drama on the first day.
Your eyes unintentionally flutter back over to the boy as his music comes out crisper, his headphones sliding off his head to rest on his shoulders. 
It wasn’t like you were trying to stare, it was just the music had caught your attention.. 
So when his eyes instantly caught your gaze again, eyes now a harsh glare, you knew that you wouldn’t avoid the drama this time. 
“What do you want.”
You raise a brow, his voice sounding calm despite the look on his face.
“Then, could you stop looking at me.” His tone turned upbeat, a sickly sweet smile on his face.
You wanted to gag at how fake it was.
You click your tongue instead, giving him a once over before staring straight back into his eyes with your own steady gaze. You weren’t going to lose this, whatever it was.
“Then could you keep it down next time? I, and I’m sure anyone else, wouldn’t want to look at you without reason. Thanks.” You shoot him the same fake smile he gave you.
You saw his smile falter, and you just stare, amused at his crumbling facade. 
“You must’ve had a good reason then, since this wasn’t the first look, midget.”
“Hah,” you both glare at each other, the tension rising, “you’ve got some nerve-”
“Nerve, smarts, height. Everything you don’t.”
You felt your face contort, knowing your inner Tanaka-special-look was shining through. This guy looked anything but intimidated, looking down at you with amusement instead.
“Seems like I have all the looks too, what an ugly face you’re making there, chibi-chan. Is that why you’ve been staring at me, hm?”
The anger coursed through your body, about to push yourself to stand when a brunette sitting in front of the blond turned around, waving his arms.
“Tsukki, you shouldn’t tease like that,” he glanced at you with a shy smile, “S-sorry about that, please don’t take any offence.”
You raise a brow in question, looking at both boys before sighing out as you settled into your seat again. Your gaze turns from the freckled boy, who looked distressed and exasperated all at once, and towards the blond asshole to your left. 
“Tch, make sure you keep your sass to yourself, Tsukki.”
“Don’t call me that.” He snapped, and you only snicker at his frustration.
“Or what? What are you going to do, Tsukki-chan~.”
The sensei walked in right after, cutting off anything he was going to say.
It was always to get the last word in, especially when you got looks like that; amber eyes burning in annoyance. 
The rest of class went by without a hitch; the welcoming ceremony was held right after lunch, and you felt yourself snickering as you saw the-painfully obvious-wig atop your vice’s head. However unfortunately, you were forced to stand next to Tsukki, being his desk neighbor and all.
“You laugh at the most idiotic things, chibi-chan. You must only have a few functioning brain cells.” He gave a smug smile.
“Oi, do you ever shut up? Attention wh-”
“Y-you guys might want to quiet it down..” Yamaguchi, as you learned during the lunch period you spent with them, whispered from in front of the both of you.
You had decided to stay in your seat for lunch and, to your dismay, the grumpy blond giant and his friend had the same idea. You didn’t want to hurt your pride by seeming like a coward, so you stayed in your seat and faced him head on instead of getting up and running away.
The entire lunch period was full of insults and fighting between the both of you, to which poor Yamaguchi had tried to defuse. You realized you liked the brunette, he was nice-maybe a little dumb considering he was friends with the asshole, but nice. Although, he did join in on throwing some teases your way, but you thought they were more cute than anything. He had blushed when you said it out loud, and you could only laugh at his flustered expression. 
“Ah, sorry Yamaguchi-kun.” You sigh loudly, causing other students to look at the scene. 
Yamaguchi flushed at the attention, turning back to the speeches as Tsukkishima huffed another insult under his breath; an insult you gracefully ignored, not wanting to get in trouble on your first day for yelling in the auditorium.
Once the academic school day ended, you felt a slight amount of excitement shoot through your body, knowing your brother had practice and you’d get to see everyone again. As soon as the bell rang you sprung out of your seat, rushing down to the changing rooms and changing into one of your old track suits. You brought it with you because you really didn’t feel like wearing the schools, plus this one was much cuter anyways. 
You hadn’t worn it in a while, not since..
You shake your head, pushing those old memories from your mind as you head down to the club room, hoping to find your brother, but spotting someone even better.
“Suga-kun!” You wave excitedly as he comes down the stairs.
His shocked expression quickly turns into a smile as you meet him at the bottom. 
“My my, (y/n)-chan,” he laughs while pinching your cheek, “It’s been a while hasn’t it, look at you!”
You blush at his antics, brushing his hand off with a giggle. Sugawara had been kind to you from day one, even though you were just the little sister who sat in the gym while waiting for her brother to finish practice. He, along with the rest of the team, welcomed you with open arms. 
You only met them halfway along in the school year, the first part spent at your old club activities in middle school, until that happened.
Ever since that day you had to go wait for your brother at Karasuno, instead of him picking you up from practice, so you quickly had to get used to all the crazy yet wonderful people you met;
Which is why you were finally glad to be back, being surrounded by really amazing people, no one with false intentions. 
“Suga-kun, that hurts!”
He laughs again, only to be cut off by a loud whine.
“(y/n), why don’t you ever smile at me like that. I’m your brother, not Suga-san!” Ryu pouts, walking down the steps with the captain, your eyes widening at the sight of him while you ignore your brother.
Diachi laughs at Ryu’s deflated look, walking over and placing a hand on your head. 
“Long time no see, trouble-maker,” his laughter stops as he looks at you closely, a teasing smile appearing on his face, “Say, have you grown since last time?”
You place your hands on your hips, grinning cheekily.
“You noticed huh, I’ve grown a few cm, now I’m officially 155cm!”
Your happiness was cut short when Suga and Daichi raised a hand to stifle their laughter, and you pushed off the hand resting atop your head.
“Don’t laugh, you asked!”
“Ah poor little sister, you got stuck with the short genes.”
“I’m almost as tall as nee-chan-”
“You’re both short, (y/n).”
“Says the loser who can’t even reach 180cm!”
“Alright you two, knock it off,” Daichi chuckled, lightly bopping you on the head while being a little more forceful to your brother, “Let’s get going. You ready for your first actual year being a club member, kiddo?”
“Oh yea, now I get to actually actively help instead of being forced to listen to oni-chan yelling with nothing to distract me.”
“I bet Kiyoko will be thrilled to have you this year too.” Suga smiled, cutting off your brother who just grumbled angrily under his breath.
You all were making your way to the gym when Daichi pulled out a few papers from his club jacket. 
“I agree, hopefully the new recruits won’t stop by too late, we have an interesting person joining after all.”
“Oh? Who would that be?” Suga questioned.
“The one kid we saw at the middle school matches, Kageyama Tobio.”
“The first setter of Kitagawa is going to join the team?”
“Huh? But, that guy is totally cocky.” Ryu sneered, thinking back to the matches he saw him in.
You remember the kid briefly, going with your brother and the other two to the games. Kitagawa was a powerhouse middle school, most of those kids ended up going to other powerhouse high schools, which wasn’t Karasuno.
“He was pretty good though, from what I could tell,” you chime in, “I’m just surprised someone like him didn’t go to some high-end school in the prefecture. He seemed like he could totally get in.”
“Look at you,” Ryu cooed, trying to bring you into a noogie, “Thinking you know all about volleyball and the skills~”
“I know some things, idiot!”
“Quit it you two.”
“Okay…” You both agreed, knowing how scary the third year captain could be when he wanted to be. 
“You better not try to intimidate the Kitagawa kid either, okay Tanaka.” Suga teased, changing the subject back to the matter at hand.
“I-I wouldn’t do something like that.” He grumbled, causing you to snicker.
“Ha, yea oni-chan-”
“You either, (y/n)-chan. You can be just as bad.”
Now it was your turn to pout and grumble while your brother laughed at you.
The gym doors were already open to your surprise, after getting the proper footwear on and heading inside, you spot two kids you haven’t seen before.
“Hello.” The taller male exclaims, and you snap your fingers together as you realize he was the kid you were just talking about.
“It’s him.”
“Oi, oi, oi,  who said you could waltz in here-”
Your brother was cut off as Daichi grabbed the back of his jacket, yanking him backwards.
“You’re Kageyama, right?”
“Osu.” Kageyama agrees, standing straight and still as the boys approach him. 
You stay behind them, only looking out from the back of your brother. You take in his features, and notice how intimidating he looked up close; he was tall-taller than Daichi even, eyes holding a sharp concentration, and as you glanced at his lips pulled in a taut line, you wondered if he could smile. A flash of orange caught your attention, glancing behind Kageyama to see another student sneaking besides the others. He starts to head over behind your friends, towards you, and doesn’t notice you until he’s standing almost directly beside you. He glances over and jumps, red spreading across his face as he yells out a greeting.
The others were too engrossed in their conversation, so you smiled politely back and gave him a small nod in greeting.
“HELLO!” He shouts again louder, another shy blush spreading across his cheeks as he repeats himself once more. You laugh, catching the attention of the boys and they look at you.
“Huh, who are-OH, YOU!” Ryu shouts and points, causing Hinata to squeak and back away from you.
“You’re the other applicant, Hinata Shoyo.. I’m a little surprised.” Daichi smacks your brothers hand away, giving a welcoming smile to Hinata.
“Uh.. hm?” He bites his lip, confused.
“Oh,” you point at him suddenly, causing the blush to come back as he jumped back even further, “you’re the orange who jumped super high!” 
The captain and vice held back snickers at the name, but it just made Hinata grow tongue tied.
“I-I, uh, huh?”
“We saw your match last year.” Suga clarified.
“You’re way short, and sucked pretty bad. But you’ve got guts, yanno?” Tanaka nodded. 
“Ah, thanks!” Hinata grinned, beaming at the attention. 
“Your jumps were awesome, right (y/n)-chan?” 
“Right,” you agree with Suga, an excited gleam in your eye, “it was sooo cool to see! You looked like you were flying!”
“But it looks like you haven’t grown so much since then,” Ryu measured out with his hand, “At least he’s taller than you, (y/n).”
“Oi, I’m not that short-”
“I may be little, but I can jump,” Hinata interjected, looking at the three members before looking at you, “I’ll become Karasuno’s ace!” 
You flush at the way his eyes stared determinedly stare into your own.
“Ace huh..”
“Oi, oi… The newbie says he’s going to be the ace? Making that declaration to my sister no less, what are you getting at, you’ve got some nerve, boy.”  Tanaka’s face twists into something scary, glaring down at the boy who froze up, slowly turning his head to make eye contact with your brother.
“S-s-sister? I-UH, I-I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE, UM, LIKE THAT!” He waves his arms in a panic.
“It’s good to be ambitious, right?” Suga swoops in to save the kid from further embarrassment.
Hinata sighed, agreeing and apologizing at the same time.
“Hey,” Kageyama’s voice pierces the conversation, “If you want to be the ace, I hope you’ve improved. If you goof around, you’ll waste another three years.”
That’s when all hell broke loose.
They began to fight, bickering back and forth about growth and how neither one has been wasting their time. Hinata lost his happy-go-lucky aura and Kageyama’s face was even scarier, each glaring at each other with just as much loathing. You were now standing between your brother and captain, hearing the latter sigh as he tried to diffuse the situation. You gulp down your nerves as they cut him off, watching how Daichi’s smile grew tight and his eyebrows furrowed. 
Oh lord, here it comes.
“Oi, Daichi-san is talking to you!”
“Yeah, you should listen to your captain, yanno!” You throw in your two cents after your brother, only to feel annoyed when they both ignored you.
“What’s the commotion, volleyball club?”
You freeze, slowly turning your head to see the vice principal walking inside the gym.
“Yikes, the vice!” You and Ryu gasp.
“Sensei.” Suga hastily corrects you both.
“S-sensei.. Right.”
You purse your lips together, looking down at the court hoping you can this time contain your laughter. 
“You’d better not be fighting.”
The duo, who were totally not fighting, had paused momentarily as the vice walked towards the crowd. 
“Of course not,” Daichi gave the man a convincing grin, motioning to the two first years, “just a little friendly rivalry, right?”
“Hey, the vice likes to make trouble for us, so keep it down.” Tanaka Hisses, and you nod along while raising your hand to your mouth to mimic your brother.
“You don’t want the club to get in trouble now right?”
Hinata’s brown eyes lock on yours and he nods meekly. You let out a smile, glad he was finally calming down, when Kageyama tsk’s and gives Hinata an ugly look. You sigh, looking over at the taller boy to see a dark look on his face, it was almost scary.
“Server! And I’ll return them all!”
You facepalm as Hinata took the bait, your brother raging at them from beside you, the tension growing thick in the gym. The vice wasn’t amused as they continued fighting, if the sharp glance he gave to Daichi was any indication anyway. 
The two idiots went to serve and receive, and you could only watch an awe as Kageyama went to do a jump serve. Sure, this wasn’t the time for such things, but not many people you knew could do a jump serve, it was cool to watch one up close. The force he used to smack the ball was plentiful, jaw dropping as Hinata barely dodges and the sound echoes when the ball makes contact on the floor.  
Hinata stands back up, yelling for another when Daichi tells them to knock it off, only to be ignored again. You knew it was coming, hopefully the vice would leave soon so you could watch Daichi blow up on them with front row tickets-
You gasp as the ball, the second attempt that Hinata didn’t dodge, smacked against his arms, flew up into his face, before ricocheting off and hitting the vice square in the face. It was as if time slowed down, the ball hitting the vice’s cheek, his head snapping with enough force to pop his wig into the air. You watched, eyes glued to the head piece that went up and up till it came down, landing straight on-
Your lips part to laugh, thankfully Sugawara noticed and slapped his hand over your mouth to stifle the bellows you wished to release. Everyone stood frozen in shock as the hair piece landed atop the one and only, Daichi. 
“He was wearing a wig?” Kageyama muttered, eyes blown open wide.
“You just noticed?” Hinata snickers, amused at the sight.
“You guys,” Ryu was trying to hush his own giggles, “shut up!”
“Tanaka, you shut up too!” Suga scolds, hand still on your mouth as you shake from silenced laughter.
“Sawamura-kun, I’d like a word with you.”
Once they left the gym, Suga let you go only to have you clutch your sides in laughter. Your brother was no better, practically passed out on the floor as tears escaped his eyes. The scene replayed itself over and over in your mind, the lack of oxygen making you woozy. However, as soon as you heard a chuckle coming from Hinata, you Tanaka siblings stopped laughing. 
“That was sure stupid of you,” Ryu cracks his knuckles, giving his scary face, “you’re going to regret not listening to Daichi-san.”
Hinata looks to you for help, surprising you, but you just shrug.
“Oni-chan is right, you’ve done it now. Good luck you two.”
“Wait, why am I going to be punished for something he did!?” Kageyama glares at you, and you shudder slightly.
There was no reason to be upset at you, but the way he was looking at you caused you to look away nervously. 
“You both were the issue.” Ryu huffs, arms crossing to give his own glare at the taller first year.
“This is all your fault!”
“Huh, me!?”
The boys began to argue, leaving Ryu to shake his head and Suga to rub his temple with an exasperated smile. 
What a fun first day back, you can’t wait to see what else was to come.
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Atsumu version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
you know you hated your housecat the second you laid eyes on it when your mum took it home one day from the shelter, saying it was an abandoned cat
abandoned cat your ass 
that cat stole your body and turned you into a cat
she stole your human identity 
like, girl, wha- the auDACITY for her to have you wake up on her stinky litterbox while she’s havin the time of her life talking to your parents as if you were in that body the entire time
and the audacity of her to go to school and attend your classes, talk to your friends while you’re over there lurking in the shadows, glaring lasers at her from a tree branch
and the absolute audacityyy of her to obviously ogle over a guy from your class when you weren’t even interested in him to begin with
why him when he has so many fans and the fact that he’s perpetually ANNOYED by his fans like c’mon????????????????????
now you’re just extra helpless bc there’s nothing you can do, you have no idea when you’ll get back to your original body, or if you’re able to get back to your original body at all :O
you also dunno who she made a deal with to get to this point in your lives
all you know is that you had a bad dream that morning, and saw a strange cat sayin you had one day
like what the hell is that supposed to mean
“hey what’re ya doin there?”
o wouldya look at that, a wild Miya twins appeared
you didnt notice that you were taking your sweet time contemplating abt life on that tree that three periods have passed and its now lunch break
the twins happened to see you while they were hanging out outside
so you was just staring at them,,, you had no idea what to do while they were there,,,, but it seemed like they were thinkin of saving you even though you’re not in trouble :v
so you was just starin at them
and they were starin back at you
then they left
you were gonna brush this lil interaction off until you arrived,,, i mean your body,,,, i mean your housecat in your body 
then you got incredibly annoyed cause she was doin so hard so hard to get their attention when she ady got it, and Atsumu was as annoyed as you are sksskkd Osamu didn’t care at all so moving on
and now you got even mroe annoyed cause she was ruining your image in front of your classmates like srsly
so you dipped and decided this is all a fever dream and everything will get better tomorrow with you back in your body and with a good reputation in school as if nothing horrible happened, yes? yes :)
“there ya are”
until Atsumu picked you up from the ground while you were stealthily making your great escape,, then he started acting like he was lookin for you outta nowhere
and Osamu was lookin at him like he was insane sjksd but he figured this is a plan of Atsumu’s so he decided to play along and told your housecat (that was the host of your body) to excuse them bc they had a cat to take care of and that its vvvv urgent 
now kitty you is officially adopted by the Miya twins <3
and you didn’t like it one bit HAHAJSJ
you figure this wasnt such a bad thing and you werent allergic to these boys nyway so you let things happen, and let Atsumu scratch the top of your head while they were discussing things about you
they werent talking mad things abt u nonono, they were talkin abt how strange you were acting when you’re literally one of the chill students in school,,, it was as if you were under a spell and suddenly you were in love with them lmao
Osamu proceeds to add the suspicion with the fact that he saw “you” staring at Atsumu during class like someone so lovestruck 
both you and Atsumu got goosebumps couple of the year amirite
so Osamu told him that this could just be a one-time thing (like strange conclusion but go off) and/or that you might’ve just confused him as your first crush lmao Osamu was just confusing himself but he was tryin his best to come up with explanations to ur behavior
so classes begin again,,, now Atsumu still dunno what to do with u ogling at him WHILE THE REAL YOU WAS A CAT WATCHING EVERYTHING FROM A TREE 
you was def ready to throw hands,, but thats a cat and ur against animal cruelty,,,,,,, tho its ur body anyway so whats the diff
meanwhile u coming up with a plan to end your housecat, Atsumu found you sitting on a tree and he was so shocked for his life bc last time he check he put you in a box with kitty snax, inside the gyms storage room, how in the world did you manage to get out from there??
the fake you sees you again while Atsumu was lookin at you from the window, and was enraged bc you’re taking the attention from her... hm
so you decided to face your stupid housecat head-on and get to the bottom of this bs and be grownups tgt bc no way are you just gonna donate your human life to an ungrateful animal
you look for the fake you at the back of the school, and now the Giorno theme is playing in the background sksk
“give me my body back”
“o pls can’t you just give me a one day chance?“
the audacity
“you ady stole it from me and you say this now?”
your housecat was smug enuff to tell you that she had the honors of asking a favor from a spirit cat who was the reason of all this,,, and who has also taken a liking to your human soul
your housecat just sold your human soul to a spirit cat 
so you just flew in the air to scratch your human face, you didn’t care anymore, its your body, whatever, the one experiencing the pain aint u anyway but your bitchy housecat that your mum seemed to have a deeper connection with than her own child
nyway that didn’t last long cause fake you was screaming help, other students found you two, and they got a hold of you while you were in your feral state and now you were terrified of possibly getting into the animal shelter fr,,,, fake you smirked at this possibility
until sum of ur school’s vball bois saw the commotion too and what do u know, Atsumu says that the cat is his and that he apologizes to the ruckus that the cat has done 
then it was your turn to smirk at fake you
so u spend time with Atsumu again for some odd reason that keeps the two of you tgt sweat drops looks away,,, you wonder why your mum’s cat is so attached and/or attracted to Atsumu like this???
you never remember them interacting at all since the very time you see them in the same scene is when you went to have your mum’s cat checked up in the vet and Atsumu was there with their dog too
whats happening
fast forward to dismissal, you’re quite thankful you werent in trouble, same as Atsumu since he managed to tell the other students to not tell anything to the teacher that he has a cat in school kdjsk sum rotten power he holds
but you decided to ditch him again and look for fake you
you found her talking to the spirit cat that she said,, so naturally you demanded said spirit cat to give your body back to you
the spirit cat smiled wider and says that, you haven’t finished your task yet if you want to get back to your original body, you have to wait till midnight
like what in the hell was that supposed to mean, you understood nOTHING
then your housecat goes and says “maybe i should extend my stay in this body, what do you think?”
SIS YOU WENT FERAL there is no way she’s staying in your body while you are sufferin like this, in which you do not deserve. watching your housecat ruin your life like its normal like cmon
“then if you’re gonna stay in my damn body then do it properly! don’t make me look like im a flirt!”
“i was never flirting with anyone!” 
“wdym?! you were staring at my classmate the entire time!”
“what was i supposed to do when its what your body felt like doing?!?!?”
w hAt
“what’cha screamin at the cat for, y/n?”
“i’m not y/n”
“i’m y/n’s pet cat, that cat is y/n we switched bodies bc y/n has been neglected by her parents ever since i was taken for adoption... y/n has a crush on you so i just reacted the way her body wanted to react around you so i’m sorry i made you uncomfortable”
you couldn’t take the embarrassment anymore and jumped from Tsumu’s hands and ran your way to your house as fast as you can
you thought abt how stupid that was and how stupid you looked in front of him,, like pointing at a cat saying that thats the real you like who in the heaven’s name would believe bs like that
you were beyond embarrassed that you just want to sink into the ground and just disappear from life rn and never see Atsumu again,,, anyone is fine but Atsumu pls for the love of god
“well ofc its a narrower place”
didn’t you say anyone but Atsumu is fine pls for the love of god
“get outta there, i got yer mask”
he placed a mask beside you, so you chomped on that mask and pulled it out of the bush with you,, you see him there crouching down to your smol height, watching you in concern
you try to take off your mask yourself but it isnt working, you try to push your head to make your actual mask stick to your head but it isn’t working. nothing is working so you started crying in meow
now tsumu is just confused there and asked if he can comfort you,,, you glared at him like he was stupid 
“yer still a girl yknow, i gotta ask for consent”
how sweet 🥺
he started talking abt how he and ur housecat tried to talk it out with the creepy cat to get ur normal life back bc apparently you never wished for a deal with him even tho u desperately hated ur life at home, all in all spirit cat is a big ass scam, while he was unknowingly scratching the top of your head again but moving on
also that your housecat wanted to apologize to you bc she didnt want to take your life away from u, and that she never meant to hurt your feelings while running his hand down to your back and forgetting that you aren’t a real cat but again moving on
“is, is it true tho?”
“ya like me?”
dumass rly asked that while ur a cat lol 
“it’s a meow for me”
smoke escaped your nostrils like a bull, the stupid spirit cat was playin games withcha since he ady got exposed for his scams >:O
“ya just spoke”
you left Atsumu there with the mask between your teeths, dragging yourself back home, expecting to probably go back to normal once you wake up,,, but you have your mask back now hm
“don’tcha want sum help?”
k ykno he’s annoying when he wants to be but he literally had no reason to be annoying know i mean pls
“sure i like u it doesn’t m-”
you’re back to normal
but wearing what you wore when you went to bed last night, in pajamas with no footwear, on the cold asphalt ground, blushing like a fool out of even more embarrassment, cursing at the spirit cat sum more from the back of your mind
that cat had no right to play match-maker after all that, even if he knew that Atsumu will naturally bring you hope since its night and give you a piggy-back ride since you had no slip-ons, asking for consent as well mind you
no right at all
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stay tuned for more!
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
manager matchup #1 ♡
@haikyuu-ink yuki darling! thank you so much for your kind words :( i hope you like this! i think i might surprise you a bit with the choices i've made? (when you had your little shipping thing going the guy i chose wasn’t mentioned, and you didn’t list him in your self-ship either so now i’m WORRIED) but i kept thinking it over and over, and i kept changing my mind.
ANYWAY on with the matchup!
school: shiratorizawa year: 3rd
it's the beginning of your second year when tendou approaches you. you're confused at first; but a few minutes of conversation make his intentions very clear. he really, really wants a team manager. and heretofore, he's been unsuccessful. you can't help but wonder how many girls he's asked at this point, but he's still making his pitch. and you're listening to him, but you're also thinking "hm,,, it could be good for my college applications,,, we've got a very good team here,,, it's not a terrible idea."
so, you say, "okay, sure." tendou doesn't quite believe you at first (he keeps asking you to repeat that), but that afternoon you're standing in the gym and you're like "what have i done." washijo's a bit confused about your presence (and you wonder if tendou has even spoken to him about this), but he lets you stick around. half the team is just as confused as to why you're there, and the other half is excited that they've finally got a female manager.
but, your responsible nature quickly endeared you to both the team and the coaches! before long, you've become an invaluable part of the team, and some of them have convinced themselves that they’d fall apart without you there (it’s goshiki. goshiki’s convinced they’ll fall apart without you--)
your team ♡
ushijima wakatoshi
✧ truth be told, you were probably intimidated as all hell when you first met him. he's massive, and he's blunt, and he's not exactly known for having great people skills. i know i'd be terrified of him at first! but, because he's so,,, straightforward, it's surprisingly easy to get along with him (so long as you're not expecting him to be something he's not)?
✧ he appreciates how responsible you are as a manager, even if he doesn't really say it all that often. admittedly, he didn't see much need for a manager, at first. were they not doing well enough without one? but, he's wise enough to notice the good effect that you have on the team. and, he appreciates your time-management skills. after all, you're not going to get an effective amount of practice if you don't have a good schedule.
✧ it took him a while to fully warm up to you simply because of his personality (and he's just,,, not the sort to reach out and try to cover that gulf with someone, you know?), and you have no idea what to try and bond with him over. but, you both don't like feeling fragile slkjdf
✧ funnily enough, the moment that you and toshi truly bonded was during the first few months of your third year, where things were really and truly beginning to get stressful. you, personally, were at a tipping point: college applications, prepping for exams already, varsity commitments, the volleyball club,,, frankly, it was all too much
✧ and that's when toshi finds you crying in the store room. he'd been practicing late (as he often did), when he hears your gentle sobs. he doesn't quite know what to do, because he's never really dealt with this kind of thing before. but, he just,,, sits with you. and he asks you what's wrong. and he lets you vent.
✧ he doesn't really say anything, because he's not equipped to. but, he's just there.
✧ after that, you're a little closer. he makes sure to ask you how you're feeling that day (to the surprise of much of the team ljds), and he pays particular attention during exam periods. it's only something small, and he always asks with that monotone voice of his, but it's enough to make you feel all soft.
✧ you don't spend any significant amount of time together outside of club activities, but when you do, people are terrified. the star of the volleyball team and an honours/varsity student? both with resting bitch faces? there are certainly some 'power couple' rumours going around about the two of you, but you don't let it get to you (even if it bothers a certain team member, but we'll get to that--)
✧ okay but a cute little headcanon,,, because he's the star of the team, you feel obligated to include him on any posters and such that you design (and, also because the coaches are adamant that featuring ushijima will draw the most attention). but,,, the man's deeply unphotogenic. like. every time you try and get a good shot it just looks a bit off. even if you take an action shot of him spiking. you're not sure how he manages it, and he doesn't quite get it when you try and explain it to him. tendou thinks it's hilarious dflkjdf
tendou satori
✧ tendou quickly becomes one of your best friends, both on the team and outside of it. As the person who recruited you, he feels personally responsible for your well-being (and for helping you integrate into the team smoothly). it's hard not to be endeared by that, especially when he's constantly checking in with you to make sure you're doing okay. and that's a habit that carries well into your third year.
✧ he appreciates the fact that you offer all the boys a shoulder, and he's grateful for how much you give them. he knows it mustn't be easy, tending to the needs of a large group of young men (and shiratorizawa has a large team), and he's always reminding you to look after yourself.
✧ he's excellent at reading people, and he's always there to support you whenever you're at tipping point. he’s not great at being vulnerable, per say, but he knows how to try and lift a mood. 
✧ oh, please share your writing with him, he'd be delighted to read it! especially if you ever venture into more fantastical genres. he's very supportive, and he's good at giving constructive feedback while also being an enthusiastic reader.
✧ i feel like you end up keeping him in check a bit? he strikes me as someone who’s prone to procrastinating, and being terrible at organising their time, so you’ll have to kick his ass into gear from time to time. he appreciates it, even if he’s always teasing you for being a such a model student
✧ like ushijima, i don’t think he’s all that great at being vulnerable? he seems like he’s got some walls that are harder to break down, as they’re some kind of defence mechanism. that being said, should he need to vent, he knows he can come to you.
✧ honestly, i think that quiet affection is a staple of your friendship; you’re more active in showing each other that you care, and demonstrating your support through your actions. you’re big on roasting one another (tendou’s very good at it hh), but you know you’ve always got each other’s backs.
✧ oh but he gets so sad if you snap at him,,, he’s more sensitive than he lets on and he doesn’t quite know how to meet your sharp tongue head on. he usually just tries to diffuse the situation with a bit of banter (since you two are good at that), but that tends to be hit and miss. you two never really have arguments, though, and he recovers pretty quickly (especially if you promise to read that week’s shonen jump).
✧ you two get so loud sometimes though,,, either before or after practice (basically outside the time frame where washijo can get at you dklj) but you’re always bantering back and forth. it often ends up in something of a three-way with semi, with the occasional input from taichi. goshiki tries joining in, bless his heart, but he’s really not very good at it.
✧ OKAY but he always has this big ideas for the team posters and you have to be like “satori, sweetie,,, absolutely not.” like, he wants them dressed as samurai. or yokai. or as characters from naruto. and you have to be like “that’s great but how is this going to get people to support the team.” and his excuses are always terrible.
✧ overall, you two have a very wholesome, supportive friendship? bless you guys. also he’s your number one wing-man and hype-man, even if you don’t want him to be. but we’ll get to that in a minute.
✧ side note: i think tendou’s an entp (if not, he’d be an estp), and they tend to meld very well with infjs! a good complement where you balance each other’s weaknesses while supporting one another’s strengths!
semi eita
✧ you were pretty intimidated by him at first, because 1) he’s very tall, 2) he comes off as very intense, and 3) he’s very, very pretty. semi was one of the guys who was a little confused as to why you were there; was a manager really necessary? but, you were cute, and you seemed pretty gung-ho about the whole thing. so, he just shrugged it off.
✧ because you got close to tendou, it was only inevitable that you ended up getting to know semi too. and, before you know it, you and tendou were constantly ganging up on the poor boy.
✧ but, you end up finding that being around semi is,,, surprisingly easy. your personalities just gel in a very natural way, and you balance each other out. he’s hot-headed and competitive, while you seem a lot more grounded and soft. but, at the same time, you have that sassy side, which plays off his personality quite well. so, you bolster each other while still being able to have a lot of fun together!
✧ honestly, semi develops a crush on you pretty quickly. it’s a few months into your friendship, and he casually mentioned that he’s interested in making music. when you were actually interested in what he had to say, he really perked up. and you let him ramble about it; that little passion of his that he hadn’t shared with anyone yet.
✧ and in that moment, he realises just how invaluable you already are to him? you listen to him vent about stupid shit all the time, you take an interest in the things he cares about, and you’re more than capable of maintaining good banter. and he’s like “oh shit oh no oh shit oh no--”
✧ tendou catches on immediately. semi literally begs him not to tell you. he promises to buy him boba for like a month for his silence. tendou never says anything directly (he’s a man of his word, after all), but oh man does he tease semi.
✧ you remember what i was saying about him being your wing-man? yeah. yeah.
✧ he’s already a bit of a show-off, and that only gets worse now you’re around. he tries to make his serves even more powerful and impressive, and he always looks over to you whenever he makes a service ace (he wants to see you cheering for him, but he’s not going to say that.)
✧ he’s literally always ranting about something slkdjf he says he’s not that hot-headed but you can always pull out a list of every single thing that set him off that week,,, and it’s never anything that serious, but it’s quite funny how much he’s able to ramble. but he really likes coming to talk to you because you listen and you tolerate it, and that does things to his heart, you know?
✧ it goes two ways. he’s quietly caring, and he’s very gentle with you when you’re feeling fragile. he’s particularly kind to you, and he tends to go into overdrive if he ever finds you upset. like, you can snap at him, but instead of getting angry he’s just like “O H N O what can i do? how can i help? i’m here if you need me.” and you’re like “huh? that,,, wasn’t the response i was expecting?” but he’s always unfailingly supportive of you.
✧ you’re always there for him, letting him lean on you, so he wants to return the favour. he told you that, once, with a blindingly red face.
✧ your relationship, even when you’re ‘just friends’, is littered with soft little moments. whether it be that support, quiet little compliments at opportune moments,,, that usually end with one of you turning around and going “haha i actually meant that you’re a l o s e r”
✧ because , for all the tenderness, you two roast each other all the time. is it flirting? probably. usually, actually, on semi’s side (tendou’s always complaining that semi’s never that nice to him when they’re bantering). honestly, semi just gets all giddy when he makes you laugh.
✧ he tried teaching you how to serve one time, because he’s like “okokok, this is an excellent opportunity to flirt and get close to her. i’m gonna seem so cool, just you watch--” but he’s the one who ends up getting all flustered because of course (tendou roasts the hell out of him for it. semi never quite lives it down)
✧ definitely pretends to be a little dumber than he is so you’ll tutor him -- you catch onto him because his grades are actually fine, but you humour him (even though you’re a little confused as to why he’s doing it? but you’re not going to turn down an opportunity to spend time with him--) somehow he’s still competitive with you when it comes to grades, but that’s just,,, him
✧ semi’s capable of joining in on the chaos from time to time (he’s always ready to throw down with tendou, after all), but if you want to relax, he’s happy to be quiet. he’s just happy to be in your presence because this boy is a simp okay
✧ you feature him on posters more than is maybe reasonable, but it’s just because he’s so pretty. like,,, his face alone is good marketing.
✧ look, this boy would die for your cooking. when he’s crushing on you, getting food from you just. destroys him. like,,, he goes bright red and the rest of the team’s like “hey dude, are you okay?” and he’s like “:) she made this :) for me :)” (cue ushijima being like “actually she made it for the entire team” and tendou starts cackling--)
✧ confessed to completely by accident. was more than willing to take it to the grave with him, but fate had other plans. poor boy was probably jealous of someone (you’ll see below), and he gets all grumbly. when you confront him about it because Oh My God Semi How Are You More Terse Than Usual, he just,,, blurts it out. literally just goes “it’s because I’m in love with you, you dumbass!” and you’re like “uh—” and he’s like “UH—DON’T TELL TENDOU.” to which your response is, “that’s the first thing you’re going to follow that up with?”
✧ at that point, he’s begging you to forget that he ever said anything. you, of course, are like “nope. not gonna.” and semi’s desperate and scrambling in his brain about how he’s going to salvage your friendship, when you say – “i never turned you down.” and semi’s like ??????????? i,,, i guess??? and you’re like “so,,, date this friday?” and semi thinks he’s ascended. this isn’t how it’s supposed to go. being a complete and total dumbass is not the way to get a girlfriend but there he is—
✧ tendou never lets him live it down, by the way. semi spends the rest of his life regretting not having some fancy confession planned. you assure him that it’s hard of the charm. he doesn’t quite believe you.
✧ okay but artistic couple? powerful. you show him your prose, and he lets you listen to a little of his original music. he always gets kind of nervous about it, because he needs to be The Best and he needs you to like his stuff. but of course you love it (and your personal favourites become the pieces he’s most proud of)
✧ poor boy has considered writing you a song so many times, but he keeps chickening you out. he always finds excuses not to-- when he’s crushing he’s like “no, that’s too much.” when you’re in a relationship, he’s like “i can’t because of,,, reasons.” he just doesn’t want to get it wrong, you know? but he keeps the rhythm and the lyrics he associates with you as notes between his heart strings (>:])
✧ also, when you’re finally together, he’s clingy as hell. He’s not the best at asking for affection, but he has a tendency to just,,, initiate it. And somehow, he makes it awkward like half the time. But it’s hard of his charm, and there’s nothing he loves more than feeling your fingers laced through his.
✧ those soft hours you mentioned? yeah. yeah. Semi gets super fond whenever you’re alone (especially when you two are cuddling), and he has a tendency to just,,, litter your face with kisses. You tease him for it all the time, and it makes him blush something fierce. He wouldn’t have things any other way, though.
✧ you two make me so soft and it’s such a surprise? i didn’t really expect to choose him but here we are,,, and i love you two (even if it seems like an unconventional choice). also whoops it’s so long i’ve set a precedent for myself :’)
ohira reon
✧ let’s be honest, both of you are responsible for holding the team together. having reon around is something of a godsend because it’s like “finally, someone’s got their shit together.” because while your boys are talented, they’re an absolute disaster sometimes. it’s not even that they’re chaotic or anything; it’s just that they’re prone to self-destructing? so you and reon are just. constantly on mum duty--
✧ he’s so mindful and polite, and he’s constantly thanking you for all you do. he knows you’re putting in a lot of work for them, and he wants to make sure you feel appreciated. he gently reminds you to look after yourself (especially around times of high stress), but he makes sure he doesn’t overstep any boundaries.  
✧ okay, but it’s so nice to just relax with each other every now and then? whether that’s chatting before or after practice, catching up on the weekends to discuss your disaster children, or helping each other study… he’s just a nice dude to spend time with?
✧ he’s more than willing to be a shoulder for you to lean on when times get rough. he’s well aware that you’ve got semi and tendou, but it’s certainly not a bad thing to have a sizable support system. reon strikes me as a good listener, so if you’re ever in the desperate need to rant, he’s your guy.
✧ he’s a bit supporter of you and semi. he likes how you balance him out and soften him, and he genuinely enjoys seeing your dynamic. he also just likes seeing two of his friends happy, you know?
goshiki tsutomu
✧ look,,, the moment he joins the team, he’s your son. you and tendou co-parent him. it was bound to happen, and how can you not develop a fondness for him? he definitely looks up to you like an older sibling, and your word is law in his world fdslkjdfs
✧ he just really wants to impress you! he doesn’t get the validation he’s seeking from his teammates, and that’s where you step in. give him the praise that he needs! tell him he’s doing well! he deserves it!
✧ he tries to keep up with the banter but he’s,,, not very good at it. his jokes don’t really land all that often because he’s too earnest. he’s too eager to please so he can never actually roast anyone (especially not you third years,,, the poor boy would combust before that’d happen)
✧ he appreciates how supportive you are! he’s also so, so appreciative, thanking you for listening to him, for making meals for him, for making time-tables for him,,, honestly, he’s just very touched? like you did this thing? for him? because you care about him? it makes him feel very Special, and that’s an instantaneous way to secure a place in his heart (even if technically, you’re doing it for the others too, as that’s kind of your job as a manager, but that’s irrelevant--)
✧ i don’t think goshiki’s very bright (bless), so he’d absolutely be asking you to tutor him. as with everything, he gives it his all, even when he’s got the question wrong. but, he’s your precious son, so you’re gonna do all you can to make sure he’s getting the grades he needs.
✧ i think you’d be able to get along with him quite well? just a very soft, loving friendship (also i can’t imagine you ever lashing out at goshiki, even when your patience is thin,,, just imagine the look on his face dssfklfsj poor baby,,, other members of the team are Deeply Jealous of him for that hhhhh)
shirabu kenijirou
✧ shirabu’s got a strong personality, and i think that could cause the two of you to get off to a rocky start. he’s the,,, “you have to prove your worth to me” type (at least by my count), so it might take him a few months to really understand why you’re even here (he’s still polite to you, of course, as you’re his upperclassmen, but the tension’s still there)
✧ somehow, the two of you have a bit of an academic rivalry going. sure, you’re in different year levels, but you’ve managed to make it into a competition. he’s not going to directly ask for your grades or anything like that, but you always feel like he’s testing you,,, trying to catch you out to see if he’s got a better understanding of the content than you did
✧ but because of that, he’s a really motivating study partner. if you’re both in the library (usually before practice), you feel this pressure to really buckle down and work extra hard because there’s no way you’re letting this runt beat you.
✧ a begrudging respect does develop between the two of you, and he’s willing to acknowledge all the little ways you help out the team. he also appreciates that you’re capable of being quiet ahahah
✧ he also appreciates the fact that you,,, can stick up for yourself, if that makes sense? even if it’s just roasting people? and he can’t deny how much work you put into your studies and your extra-curriculars. so, while i don’t think you guys would end up being all that close, your relationship is quite valuable.
yamagata hayato
✧ he’s a mum friend. no-one can convince my otherwise. and, that means he’s a mum friend for you, too (even though you tell him, constantly, that you’re the manager, and that means you’ve got to look after him. he doesn’t listen, of course.)
✧ he knows you’re smart and hard-working, but he wants you to look after yourself! he’s always reminding you to drink water and eat healthy. you’re one of his underclassmen, and he’ll be damned if you’re not taking good care of yourself!
✧ reminds you to go easy on the first years if you ever snap at them. he understands why, but he’s just like,,, a little calming force in moments like that. he says it’s a favour in return for you keeping track of his phone dsflkjdfljk
✧ he was one of the kindest, most welcoming members of the team when you first joined up! and honestly, the fact that he’s not A Giant (like some of the other boys), he was a lot more approachable. along with tendou, he lent a hand with helping you settle into the rhythm of things, and the two of you will always share a cute little bond because of that.
✧ he’s definitely one of the more chill members that you recharge with, and he’s also grateful to take some quiet time with the less chaotic amongst you.
✧ okay but i just have this vision of him helping you prepare food for the team? especially if it’s someone’s birthday or a different kind of celebration. i have no clue if he’s any good at cooking, but he tries.
kawanishi taichi
✧ he’s definitely one of the boys you were most intimidated by. He’s tall, and he’s got that whole expressionless thing going. He’s also not the type to,,, reach out, so your friendship develops due to propinquity more so than anything else
✧ honestly, i think you and taichi would have a cordial relationship, but not a particularly close one. you find each other pleasant enough to chat to, it’s just that you have other people that you’re closer to, if that makes sense?
✧ you’d gel best intellectually, i think. he’s clever, and he’s analytical, so i can see him sitting down and talking about the game with you. he thinks you’ve got a valuable perspective as someone looking from outside the court, so he likes to take advantage of that.
✧ often asks you what you think, and if you’ve got any ideas for improvement. The rest of the team is kind of ???? because his motivation is quite spotty, but it’s just because he likes thinking outside the box
sorry that one was short but I’VE GOT SO MANY WORDS YUKI AND I’M STILL NOT DONE
some other interactions ♡
akaashi keiji
✧ so, it's the first time you've gone to nationals with your team. and you're pretty excited. you guys aren't facing fukurodani, but your courts are next to each other during warm-ups. so, your boys get to it, and you take a moment to look around the room because you're so curious. 
✧ and, as you look over to the court next to you, you're dumbstruck because,,, the most beautiful man in the world is standing there? like it's nothing? and you're just,,, blown away. you don't notice you're staring until semi calls your name (because of course he's noticed that you're staring at someone--). you're like, "oh shit!"
✧ and as you're turning your head to call back to semi --thwack!
✧ you're on your ass. you're seeing stars. you're not quite sure what's happened. (as you were turning your head, one of bokuto's cross-courts collided directly with your face. all things considered, it's incredible that your nose is intact.)
✧ as your sight comes back to you, you see semi frowning at you. and next to him,,, oh god it's that boy. the pretty one. and poor you, dazed and confused and utterly fuddled can't quite handle it. you're being asked questions ("where are you?" "what day is it?" "how many fingers am i holding up?") and you manage to spit out acceptable answers, but your brain is going something like this: HFNHFNFHFNFHNDHSKDFFDJKJDSNFDSKJN
✧ somehow you make it to your feet, and you realise that one of your arms is being supported by semi, and the other by that pretty boy (you miss the side-eye semi's giving him). and he hangs around until you've been given a damp towel and a water bottle. "are you sure you're okay?" he asks, and you just smile at him. "i'm so sorry about that." you're unable to say much more than "it's fine" because you're so shy.
✧ and then he smiles. he smiles. It's Over For You. you can't get it out of your head, even when your game starts (even though semi is trying harder than ever to show off--).
✧ once your respective games are over (both teams came out victorious), he comes back over. and you're honestly just !?!?!?! "what's happening?" but he just smiles at you gently and says, "i'm so, so sorry about what happened. how are you feeling?" and you're like "oh, i'm fine! i feel much better."
✧ but then he goes, "let me buy you lunch as an apology." and you're like UM SIR? SIR? And he's like "I feel repsonsible because I set the ball." and you're like "THAT'S NOT YOUR FAULT UM--" and he's like "my treat." and because he's The Prettiest Person In The World, you buckle and agree to go with him.
✧ by lunch, he means a trip to the cafeteria (you're not quite sure if you're disappointed about that). but, he asks you what you want, and even though you try and pick the cheapest thing on the menu to be polite he's like "are you sure that's what you really want?" and he ends up getting you the most expensive thing anyway --
✧ (while this is happening, semi's freaking out having watched you walk off with Pretty Boy. He's just going TENDOU TENDOU WHO IS THAT WHO'S YUKI WITH WHERE ARE THEY GOING WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE SHE'S GOT STARS IN HER EYES and tendou's just like oh my god you're so obvious ask her out already. semi: ABSOLUTELY NOT)
✧ anyway, you and akaashi are having a genuinely lovely time? you were expecting to just have a quick lunch and then move on, but the conversation's flowing so nicely, and your personalities seem to complement each other? so your heart's going thump thump because how is he so nice, and pretty, and polite enough to treat you to lunch? maybe taking a spike to the face wasn't such a bad thing
✧ anyway, he ends up getting your phone number (because he’s smooth), and you end up texting back and forth a lot for the next few months. (whenever semi glimpses at your phone absentmindedly during study and sees akaashi’s name he’s all >:( and suddenly has trouble studying. twice as bad if you smile when you see the notif--)
✧ unfortunately, it’s a bit difficult keeping in consistent contact, because you’re so far away from one another (and i see akaashi as the sort of person who’s just. bad at texting, even when he’s trying ahaha). by the time you’re officially with semi, your texting relationship had dropped off a lot. but, not completely! you gel quite well, after all, and it’s quite pleasant to have a conversation every once in a while. definitely becomes one of those friendships where you’ll catch up if you happen to be in the same area for whatever reason!
iwaizumi hajime
✧ this is a more fleeting interaction, but it’s a sweet one nonetheless. the two of you met during your second year, when shiratorizawa was facing off against aoba johsai.
✧ from the other side of the gym, oikawa turns to iwaizumi and goes “i’m going to seduce shiratorizawa’s manager because that’ll lower their morale >:)” and iwaizumi goes “you absolutely will not be doing that”
✧ but oikawa’s already on his way over, and iwa’s just like “oh god no.” so, he sprints after his friend, half-yelling the words “shittykawa, i will kick your ass. leave her alone”
✧ but then you laugh and iwaizumi’s like “oh?” and oh at the same time. you’re quick to apologize, pointing out that you just thought the name was funny. isn’t that his captain? is he allowed to speak to his captain like that?
✧ oikawa tries to recover his dignity, but you and iwa are ignoring him. and the thought playing in the back of iwa’s head is :) a girl laughed at something i said :)
✧ he manages to get through the rest of the conversation before you’re called away (he heard something along the lines of ‘fraternizing with the enemy’ from some kid with a shock of red hair), but his heart is thumping a little quicker
✧ as they’re walking away, oikawa turns to him and goes, “iwa, you should seduce shiratorizawa’s manager to lower their morale.” iwa, of course, goes “you’re such an asshole.”
✧ but, he spikes really well that game, and a small part of him hopes you’re watching.
✧ after the game, oikawa pressures him to try and get your number (he thinks he’s being a good wingman, but honestly he’s just making it worse). iwaizumi’s excuse is that it’s too hard to approach you with the rest of shiratorizawa around; how’s he going to explain himself?
✧ oikawa’s like “duh you tell them you’ve come to steal their cute manager away” and iwaizumi’s just “i am One Step Away From Striking You Down Where You Stand.”
✧ he doesn’t end up getting your number, but oikawa brings you up consantly afterwards. he keeps telling the team “come on, we’ve got to get to the finals so i can finally crush ushiwaka and lay my inferiority complex to rest so iwa can see that cute manager again!”
✧ makki and matsukawa absolutely join in on the teasing. the first and second years are a tad too respectful to do the same (although yahaba and kindaichi are absolutely on-board with trying to set iwaizumi up with shiratorizawa’s cute manager,,, they tried to find you on social media once and iwa was a bit livid because he thought it was a little creepy fslfdk)
✧ so unfortunately, this doesn’t really go anywhere, but he does think about you sometimes. It’s usually just him wondering how you’re going, and hoping that you’re doing alright (because this is iwa we’re talking about, bless his heart)
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Hi hi!! May I request one for haikyuu where reader is Yaku’s younger brother and he’s on the team. It’s during the training camp and he meets and has a crush on Akaashi but doesn’t know how to talk to him cuz he socially awkward and stuff? Thxx!!! Luv your works by the way uwu *^*
No thank you!!! I’m so happy to hear that! I’m so sorry it took me so long to write this but the Christmas-New Year period has been quite busy for me m(_ _)m I took the liberty of making you a first-year setter since I needed something to start from. I really do hope you like it tho!
Also sorry to the other person who sent me another request but don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you! I’ll get to writing your request as soon as I can!
Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Male Reader
Word count: 1970
密かな眼差し — Silent Admiration
 “Listen up, boys!”
You turned around to look at Kurōwho was calling for your attention. You were sitting on the floor ofyour locker room alongside your teammates, all of whom had gatheredthere early in the morning, and now everyone’s eyes were on Kurō.Kurō was standing in frontof the lone window and as you turned around to look up to him, yousquinted, as the summer sun blazing through the glass pane, stillhanging relatively low above the horizon, hurt your eyes a littlebit.
“Starting today, we’ll be training with Fukurōdani, Ubugawa,Shinzen, and Karasuno so don’t you dare do anything toostupid. I’m talking to you, Yamamoto!” saidKuroo, causinggiggle to rise across the room, except from Taketora himself. “I’mgonna go and show our guests around so you go to the gym and waitthere, okay?”
As soon as you rose to your feet, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Stressed?” asked Morisuke.
You gulped.
“A little. You know the guys we’llbe training with, right, nii-san?”
“Well, I do knot the guys fromFukurōdani, Ubugawa,and Shinzen” yourbrother answered. “We’ve trained together a few times. They’reall pretty cool guys even if some of them can be a little…eccentric. But I don’t knowmuch about Karasuno,” he added. “We’ve had a practice matchonce in Miyagi but that’s pretty much it.”
“That doesn’t help much but…Thanks, nii-san.”You gave your brother a faint smile.
“Oh come on, you’ll be okay! You can always hide behind me ifyou’re scared,” Morisuke teased.
“Don’t be surprised if Iactually do end upclinging to your back,” you teased back.
Youkept talking and teasing each other back and forth as you covered the short distance separating your locker room and the gym. Once you gotthere, you started getting everything ready for the practice, settingup the net, bringing out the balls, mopping the floor… Halfwaythrough, the members of Ubugawa and Shinzen arrived at the gym andcountless unfamiliar voices filled the air, adding to the usualhubbub of your teammates setting up the court and reverberating against the gym walls, making you slightly uneasy. Youtried to stick to Morisuke as much as you could, at least when he wasnot greeting other teams or running off to kick Yamamoto or Lev tostop them from causing trouble.
A fewminutes later, Fukurōdaniarrived, adding a whole newlevel to the general ruckus with their rather loud owl-hairedcaptain. You remembered seeing him fromthe stands once when you went to cheer on your brother but somehow heseemed even louder now than then. You ran off to the side where Levwas sulking after being scolded particularly harshly, this time byKurō.
“Wanna train with me? I can tossthe ball for you,” you spoke to Lev, causing him to jump upimmediately.
“For real?! Of course I want to!”Lev exclaimed, making you letout a sigh of relief. Now,you had an excuse not to talk to anyone else, even if only for thetime before the official practice began. Youwere about to head for the ball basket when you heard an unfamiliarvoice from behind your back.
You turned around to find a tall, slim figure standing right in frontof you. A pair of gunmetal blue eyes bore into you from underneaththick, black eyebrows and a mop of messy hair of the same color.
“I’m looking forward to training with you,” the dark-haired boysaid, both to you and to Lev, giving the latter a small nod ofacknowledgment.
“Umh, likewise?” you said questioningly, trying to remember ifyou knew him. He knew your name so you probably should also know hisbut you just couldn’t remember it.
“Umh, excuse me, but do we know each other?”
“I know you. I saw you in one of your matches when you went in tosub Kenma. You weren’t half-bad for a first year. I’m AkaashiKeiji, a setter like yourself. I hope we can learn from each other.”Akaashi spoke in short but pronounced sentences. You kind of juststood there, listening, and nodded when he finished, acknowledginghis words. He nodded as well and simply walked away.
You remembered now. You had seen Fukurōdani’s matches a few timesin videos. Akaashi’s tall figure, his dark hair and calm demeanormatched those of Fukurōdani’s first setter.
“Yaku? Should we go and get the ball? …Yaku?” Lev tried to snapyou out of your trance but to no avail.
You were still standing where Akaashi left you, dumbfounded. A settermuch superior to you, the setter of one of the strongest highschool teams in the country, praised your skills as a volleyballplayer and admitted he could even learn something from you.Although you’d had your doubts about having four other teams hangaround your school, most of those doubts vanished after yourconversation with Akaashi.
And you had to admit he was kind of your type.
It was a crush. It was definitely a crush.
You spent the last few days training intensely and getting to playagainst so many different, strong players was cool and all but youwould find your eyes wandering towards the pretty Fukurōdani setterevery now and then, probably even more often than you’d like toadmit. But you had yet to make a move, any move actually.You’d only played a few games against Fukurōdani and… that waspretty much it. That was all the contact you’d made with Akaashi.Before you even knew it, it was already the last day of the jointpractice and the BBQ you were going to have in the evening was yourlast chance to do something. You had to at least get hisnumber. Texting was the less embarrassing alternative to campingoutside his school whenever you wanted to talk to him.
But even as the sun sank over the horizon and the BBQ started, youstill couldn’t force yourself to talk to Akaashi properly. How didother people even do it? Talk to strangers? Holding casualconversations with people they barely knew anything about?
Akaashi was right there, standing by the grill and talking toKarasuno’s setter, yet he seemed so far to you.
“What are you staring at?”
You didn’t even notice when your brother approached you. You didn’tanswer and just kept chewing your veggies.
“You like Akaashi?”
You choked on your veggies.
“Wow, wow, are you okay?” said Morisuke with a genuinely worriedexpression on his face. You coughed a few more times, trying to getthe food out of your respiratory tract.
“I-I’m okay,” you managed to mumble.
“Here, have some water.”
You took the cup and drank all the water in one go. It took you amoment to realize that the voice that had spoken to you just now andthe hand that had brought you the cup of water hadn’t been yourbrother’s. The said brother, by the way, simply disappeared fromyour side. You looked around only to find him looking at you from allover by the grills, and when he noticed you looking at him, he winkedat you and mouthed “good luck.”
Best worst wingman ever.
“Better now?” asked Akaashi.
“Y-yeah, thanks,” you said.
And the dreaded awkward silence fell between you.
Akaashi was right beside you and you didn’t know what to say.
“So… How did you like the practice?” asked Akaashi.
“It… It was fun.”
“Having to do the laps was?” It was the first time you sawAkaashi smile.
“No, not that part,” you giggled, “but I need to work on mystamina anyways so…”
“Me too, man, if I want to keep up with Bokuto-san.” Akaashi letout a small sigh although you could tell he wasn’t being completelyserious.
“It’s already amazing you’re keeping up with him as you arenow. You’re amazing. Yeah,” you added sheepishly.
“So are you. Just what did Kozume teach you? You fit right in yourteam’s playstyle, and that’s no easy feat, given it’s thatNekoma.”
“Not much, really.” It really felt good to be praised by Akaashi.“I learn mostly by observation. I’m still a first year so I don’tget to play in official matches. Kenma-san isn’t really the kind toteach anything to people so… I mostly just watch and copy what Ican.”
“That’s even more impressive if you ask me.” There you gotanother smile. “But I’ll gladly train with you the next time wehave practiced together. That is, if you need any guidance.”
“Yeah, sure. Actually…” You gulped loudly. “If we—” Youfought really hard not to let the words get stuck in your throat. “Ifwe could, like, exchange numbers or something, I could ask you somequestions that way. If you were so kind as to answer them. Aboutvolleyball. And setting.” “And other stuff,” youadded in your mind.
Akaashi blinked a few times and you held your breath.
“Sure, why not,” he finally said, pulling his phone out of hissweatshirt as you pulled out yours.
“Aaand done,” said Akaashi. “I’ll text you later to checkif—”
“Bokuto-san.” Akaashi let out a deep sigh.
“Who is that pretty boy you’re talking to?” asked thehorn-owl-like guy who you knew to be Fukurōdani’s captain. Youwere so surprised by his sudden appearance your face seemed to haveforgotten how to blush.
“Bokuto-san…” It looked as though Akaashi was holding himselffrom facepalming, as he raised his hand towards his face. “MeetYaku-kun, Yaku-san’s younger brother and Nekoma’s reservesetter.”
“Oh is that so! But why are you standing so far from everyone else?Come on, let’s have fun together!” Bokuto said as he grabbed bothyour and Akaashi’s hands and dragged you towards the tables. Youturned your gaze toward Akaashi in hope of getting some kind of helpor at least explanation but he just looked back at youapologetically.
“This is my life. And also yours now, it seems,” he sent you asheepish smile.
Your heart skipped a bit at the thought that Akaashi alreadyconsidered you a part of his life. Soon, you were being greeted byother members of Fukurōdani, then even joined by a few members ofShinzen, Ubugawa, and Karasuno as everyone was just talking toeveryone else. You felt a little dizzy, being confronted with so manynew names and faces but every time you felt too out of place, youjust looked at Akaashi who gave you a reassuring smile.
Your name had been called by so many unfamiliar voices so many timesduring this practice that you weren’t even surprised this time. Itseemed to just be a thing that everyone knew your name. You turnedyour face in the direction of the voice and was confronted withKarasuno’s setter frowning face.
“Name’s Kageyama. I wanted to talk to you about the feint youused during our last match, the one where you mislead the opponentteam with your eyes? I tried talking to Kenma-san but he just ranaway,” Kageyama said. “Why is everyone running away from me,”he added in a much quieter voice.
“What’s that about?” Akaashi suddenly spoke up, turning hisgaze to you. “I wanna hear about that, too.”
You found yourself under the pressure two pairs of blue eyes boringinto you with expectation in their gaze. Both your crush and one ofthe most talented setters you’ve ever met were looking up to youfor guidance.
You smiled to yourself. It still wouldn’t be something you do everyday but maybe getting out of your comfort zone wasn’t so bad afterall?
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rinscribblessmalls · 6 years
Recently, I’ve gone back to a fandom that I have not been in for a long time. I only got back into it when they released a rhythm game--which I am a sucker for, especially when it concerns character songs. 
Yep. I just got back to the Prince of Tennis fandom. Again. The last time was two years ago when I was filling a void in me due to a lack of sports anime that did not catch my interest after Haikyuu and Yuri on Ice. 
And now? Since creating AUs is my life, this fandom was not safe from my thoughts. 
And then, this little prototype was born: an AU where Ryoma is their assistant coach and a twenty-one year old in a fifteen year-old body. 
You can also thank Onegai Sensei for this. XD
Title: Life’s Many Meddlings Fandom: The Prince of Tennis Category: Alternate Universe, Sci-Fi, Sports Ship: Initial plan is majorly Pillar Pair but very slow burn because, really, it’s them.  Summary:  Echizen Ryoma is 21, but with the body of a fifteen year-old. After an incident that brought him on the brink of death, he was diagnosed with a rare disease and had woken up four years later, but two years since his awakening, he still has the body of a fifteen year-old, but with the skills of a top professional athlete. Giving up his old dream as a professional, he now set his eyes in training other hopefuls as a coach.
Flash forward to the present, Ryuzaki Sumire, a former coach of his dad, asked him to be the assistant coach of her Seigaku Tennis Club to lighten her workload. Ryoma accepts while deciding to continue his education as a Japanese teenager and hiding his true age just to get by. 
Chapter 1
Ryoma didn’t really remember why he had agreed to Ryuzaki-sensei’s offer of a post as an assistant coach for her tennis club. It was convenient, she explained, since she had seen his progress as a tennis player all his life under the tutelage of his father, the legendary (pervert) Samurai Nanjiroh, and the fact that Ryoma finds more meaning in coaching rather than playing.
The agreement was he would accept the position at least until nationals—if he manages to bring her team there (for some reason being thrown a challenge was a major reason). Ryoma’s mother added another in the mix: for him to continue on as a fifteen year-old student with no one knowing of his true age while he was there. There was no age restrictions when it comes to education, add to that, his mother simply refused to pass the opportunity for him to return to school after six years of not going, with the last two of those years was spent just running around the world participating in tours and camps as part of the coaching staff.
His German doctor forbade him from doing extensive tennis, as he was still in the process of rehabilitation and medication for him to repair his growth until he reaches the appropriate height and weight of a man in his twenties. He would not be as tall as the others, but it was a step forward for Ryoma to at least gain a semblance of normalcy in his life after that event.
Which was why he asked the coach to keep his origins a secret for a while, unless it was inevitable that Ryoma tell the team himself about his medical condition.
As he arrived at the gates of Seishun Gakuen Junior High Division, he decided it wasn’t really that bad for him to act like his body age (for now). But the fact remains that he was entering as a senior and would probably be the shortest of them. His height as a fifteen year-old was nothing to brag about, to be honest. Ryoma was only 159 cm, as his 180 cm seventeen year-old little brother loved to point out from time to time.
Maybe it was because he was the new guy at school that he had to be the subject of the stares. Either way, he made his way to the faculty room where he was to meet his godmother, Ryuzaki Sumire.
“Oh, Ryoma, I see you’ve arrived safely.” Ryuzaki greeted when he saw Ryoma looking around the faculty for her.
“Good morning Ryuzaki-sensei,” Ryoma addressed formally, which the woman liked about him. She was glad that he didn’t turn out like his father though, and that was a plus in itself. It would save her the headache from hitting the boy upside the head if he ever gets the idea of skirt-chasing like Nanjiroh did in his younger days. “Morning practice is underway right now?” he asked.
Ryuzaki nodded in return. “I’ll introduce you to the team members for afternoon practice, though I do predict that some will challenge you because of your height and supposed age.”
“I’ll tell them this year’s setup off the bat if I have to, but for now, I think I’ll settle it with tennis so that I can shut them up immediately.” He replied off-handedly. “Can I observe them before classes though?”
“You have an hour before first period starts, so feel free.”
“Thank you.” Ryoma replied as he turned to leave.
“Oh, and Ryoma?” Ryuzaki called, “I’m glad you’re okay.”
Ryoma turned to give his godmother one of his rare smiles, “I’m glad too.” He said before he left.
Ryuzaki-sensei smiled to herself as she looked back at the photo on her desk that was dated twenty years ago, when she had first held her godchild.
When she had heard the news six years ago from an inconsolable Nanjiroh and a frantic Rinko about what happened to Ryoma, it took all of her strength not to book the next flight to Florida just so she could be with her godchild. It only took a few assurances that indeed, they were going to do something about it, and yes, they would be pressing charges after what happened to their son.
Unfortunately, Ryoma has had complications regarding his bodily state, but that was nothing compared to the emotional turmoil that the young man had gone through the moment reality hit him when he had awoken two years ago.
She just hopes that Ryoma coming to Japan to start a new life with only his family in the know about his current condition would make him better.
Most of them are weak. Ryoma could tell that much from observing their practice, but it was nothing that he could not fix with a little tweaking for training menus. His father had been associated with a lot of tennis players and coaches throughout the years, so it would not be unfair for him to impart the victims—ah—members the training menu that was right for them. After all, if you’ve met the German team, you’d want their training menu too.
In his journey to the top, he went professional at fourteen, after his father had deemed him trained enough to go professional at such a young age. He was heralded as the Prince of Tennis in the pro-circuit. He was almost on his way to the top until…
His hand clutched the strap of his bag as the memory resurfaced. They were the reason why he was currently in such a state, why, after all the sacrifices that he has made in the course of his whole life fell into nothingness.
The only thing that kept him from going into insanity was the words of his mother.
“Make the most of this new life for yourself. You’ll never know what happens if you don’t take this chance.”
The words of his mother rang true, as he decided upon himself to go for this chance at a new lease of life, for him to start anew, even if it was under the circumstance that brought him and his family immense pain. No matter what, he would make the most of this brand new life.
Just as he suspected, the students in Class 3-1 were looking at him as if he was a new human species for public viewing when he was introduced to the calss. He was warned about this, but Ryoma found it better to just shrug it off and just continue on with his day like normal. It would do no good if he would entertain them. That would only encourage them to annoy you as much as they want.
Thankfully, the adviser came as his rescue and had started homeroom. Ryoma didn’t anticipate that on the first day, he would be subjected to a lottery seat where he has no control over where he liked to sit in class. He was fortunate that he got the window seat and on his right was a student that was named Tezuka, if his memory served him right. He was the quiet sort and kept to himself, which was fine with him. Silence was something he valued after all.
Then, there was what he dreaded. Lunch period was the way for girls to get the information they want from him. Surprisingly, the one who approached him first was his seatmate. “Echizen-san,” he called him, “I’m Tezuka Kunimitsu.”
Ryoma bowed in return, “Nice to meet you.”
Tezuka handed him a folder, “I’m sorry about the inconvenience, but the homeroom teacher asked me to hand you these documents.”
“Ah, no, it’s no trouble at all.” Ryoma replied. “Are you also the class rep?”
“No. I leave it to my classmates. I have enough work for the Student Council.” Tezuka replied as he sat back down on the desk beside him.
“Too much work as a student, huh?” Ryoma mused.
“That, and tennis practice.”
It was then when Ryoma started to let his childish side come to light, “You play tennis?” he said, his eyes sparkling.
“Yes.” That seemed to catch the attention of the younger teen as well. “I’m a member of the tennis club. If you want, I could show you to the courts tomorrow afternoon. I’m afraid we can’t accommodate new members due to regulars having a practice match with another school.”
“Ah…I don’t want to inconvenience you. I’ll just ask Ryuzaki-sensei after classes,” he blurted out.
Tezuka tilted his head, “You know Ryuzaki-sensei?”
“Family friend.” Ryoma replied.
Before Tezuka could reply, he was called out by his friend. Turning back to Ryoma, Tezuka bid, “I hope I could see you tomorrow during afternoon practice. I must be going now,” he said as he bowed before he followed the teenager with an egg-shaped head.
‘Huh. That was interesting.’ He thought to himself. If the guy was a member of the tennis club, then he would meet him during afternoon practice. This would be fun.
The afternoon practice couldn’t have been quicker for him, as he went straight to Ryuzaki-sensei’s table at the faculty for her to lead him to the tennis club and introduce himself to the members. He was surprised to know that his classmate, Tezuka, was actually the captain of the team. It would make interaction with the team easier if he was in the same class as him, so he had no qualms about the matter. Even the egg-looking teen was the vice-captain, and the two were informed during lunch break that he would be arriving today.
“Nervous?” Ryuzaki-sensei asked him.
Ryoma scoffed, “Not in the least. They should be nervous.” He stated, “After all, I would be assessing them from this point on.”
“Cocky as always,” the woman mused.
“But I have the skills to back it up.” Ryoma returned as they arrived at the courts. “I didn’t see the regulars this morning. Where were they?”
“They will have a practice match with another school today and I told them to take it easy this morning. Don’t worry, they’ll be here tomorrow.” She assured him.
They were about to head to the courts when a student had intercepted them, specifically, Ryuzaki, about a matter of their class with her earlier. Glancing at Ryoma with an apologetic look, she sighed, “Since there’s only free practice today, why don’t you go ahead and ‘introduce’ yourself to some of them? I’ll be back in a moment.”
With a mischievous smile on Ryoma’ face, he agreed and went ahead. Ryuzaki inwardly groaned. She knew that by the time she gets back, he would have traumatized almost everyone in the tennis club.
Of all things, Ryoma hated weak people who try to act strong. They were not just worth the space, to be honest. These types of people bullying weak ones though…it makes him snap.
So when he saw a bunch of sophomores trying to extort money from unsuspecting first years, well, he has had enough.
“Hey, this looks interesting. Mind if I join in?” Ryoma said with the guts that only he could bring out.
A ruffian-looking brown haired teen smirked at him. “You really want to join in? Think you can knock the can on your own?”
Ryoma raised a brow. “You think I can’t? I could put it down even with rocks on it.” He revealed.
The first years that they were messing with looked at their upperclassmen in shock at being tricked. “Eh?! Rocks?” they let out and glared at the two second years.
Now that he had them stunned, Ryoma did what he always do, he took out his racket and hit the ball towards the can squarely with pinpoint accuracy, and out came the rocks that were inside the can. “Anything else to say?” he taunted the two second years.
What he saw in their faces brought delight to Ryoma’s vindictive side as the brown haired guy spoke, “Who are you anyway? I hadn’t seen you as a second year here. You must be a non-member.” He growled. “Why don’t you get out of here and mind your own business?”
Ryoma raised his brow, “Hey, that’s not nice. Just because I’m a non-member? Did you ever think I’m just a passer-by who does not condone extortion bullying? Why don’t you try playing with me and we’ll see if you have the skills to stay in the tennis club, eh?” he dared as he tapped his racket on his shoulder. Well, Ryuzaki did give him permission to cast an ultimatum on the students, but he’s not that heartless to students…except of course, the ones who participates in camps and tours for the advanced students and athletes. But this time, he’ll just make them suffer a bit…differently.
Momoshiro Takeshi was a lot of things, and being a klutz is one of them. And because of this trait, he managed to miss the practice matches of the regulars today because he was nursing a sprain that he had sustained after a reckless move while training with the Snake.
He sighed as he made his way to the clubroom. His class had been let out earlier than planned due to the teacher being caught in something that cannot be missed, and so, an hour earlier than planned, he made his way to the courts, only to see a spectacle that he didn’t expect he’d see in school grounds.
There on the courts was Arai—his year mate and an annoying classmate of his. He might have enough skill to make it as a regular, but that would be for next year when the third years graduate. As of now, he was a non-regular member that might never really make it for this year. He had to do something about his attitude as well, having had a streak of being a bully in his personality.
And on the other side was another student. He was wearing their uniform, and not the mandatory PE uniform, which meant one thing: this guy doesn’t belong in the tennis club roster. What was curious was that he has never seen the guy before, and he has seen all faces of some of his year mates, and he was not one of them. He looked too old to be a freshman…which mean that he might be a transfer student.
Wanting to watch what will happen afterwards, Momoshiro did the logical thing and stayed out of sight as he watched the new guy get six games straight from Arai.
The new guy simply mounted his racket on his shoulder and looked smug at the kneeling Arai in front of him. “You’ve been a member of the tennis club for two years, and you got beaten by a person who’s not dressed for sports in less than six minutes. Anything to say, Arai, is it?” he taunted.
“You…” Arai mumbled.
New guy looked at his crony on the side, “Hey, you, care to try to play with me?” he challenged. “I’m looking for someone who could give me a good game. Don’t just stand there, grab a racket.”
The blue haired teenager grit his teeth. “Fine!” he grumbled as he took the racket from Arai.
Momoshiro wanted to snicker. Finally someone who could give Arai and his gang a proper lecture and put them down a peg or three.
Eight minutes in, Ryoma’s opponent barely got a point from him, and he was sweating buckets. “Is this the strength of the ones who will carry out the mission of winning Nationals for Seigaku come next spring? Because if it is, then I’m not amused.” He taunted. “An elementary school student with enough experience will be enough to pummel you to the ground in three minutes flat, and I know a lot of them.” He inwardly sighed. “I have a lot of things to do then…” he muttered as he went back to the first years, “When you advance to the second year, make sure you won’t end up as upperclassmen bullies just because you’re born a year early, eh?” he advised them.
“Um…” the kid with the bowl cut started, “Thank you so much for saving us from senpai, but…who are you?”
Ryoma tilted his head, remembering that he didn’t bother to introduce himself to the people in the courts. “Ah. I forgot I didn’t introduce myself.” He said absentmindedly.
“Bastard…I’ll have the coach know of this. You’re not even a member!” Arai growled as he caught his breath back, along with his friend.
“True, I’m not a member, but you really should watch your mouth in front of your senpai if you value seniority too much.” Ryoma said as he took out his third year pin that he had conveniently stashed away before he went to the courts. He marveled at the fact that the two second years stiffened when they realized he was older than them. “And as for who I am, well, you’ll have to wait for Ryuzaki-sensei.”
It was then when Momoshiro had decided to step in, “What’s all the fuss about?” Momoshiro called out. “Hey, Arai, don’t go picking on the first years. It’s not a manly thing to do, and it makes you look like a douche.” He stated. “Well, you already are, but no need to show it in broad daylight.”
“Momoshiro…isn’t it convenient that you’re here?” he mocked. “Fine, fraternize with the small fries. I’ll go on ahead.” Arai said as he walked out of the scene, but what Momoshiro could see was a dog running with his tail between his legs. Coward.
Turning back to the first years and the third year, he asked, “Care to fill me in what happened? My name’s Momoshiro Takeshi, a second year, by the way.” He introduced.
“What’s happening is disciplining, which I bet he has already has his fill today.” Ryoma replied as he stashed the racket back in his bag. “He talks big but has barely anything to show for.” He huffed. “I’m Echizen Ryoma, a senior transfer student.” He introduced. “I’ll be going now. See you tomorrow.” Ryoma bid them. But before he could leave, he looked back at Momoshiro, “Oh, and you, take it easy. It would be bad if you aggravate your sprained ankle.” He stated.
The taller teen was taken aback as he looked down on his shoes, wondering if it was too obvious. “How…?”
“I’ve seen my fair share of injuries, so take care.” Ryoma answered before he left the courts for the day, not noticing that almost everyone, even the reporters who were on the site, were staring at him.
Sighing, Momoshiro turned to the three first years that had been victims of Arai, “You three, are you okay?”
“We’re just fine,” the bald first year replied. “Echizen-senpai managed to save our wallets in time though, so we’re grateful.”
Momoshiro looked back at the retreating back of the new senior. “Echizen-senpai, huh? Where have I heard that name before…?” he wondered out loud. He can’t wait to tell his fellow teammates about the new student.
Ryuzaki watched the entire thing from the classroom three floors above, and watched in interest as Ryoma made his impression on some of the members. While she didn’t know what led to the eventual game against Arai, she knew that whatever was said below at the courts was something that will be interesting by tomorrow when the regulars return from their practice matches, and when she drops the bomb that Ryoma will not be their typical club member.
Haha, If ever I plan on continuing it, I’m still contemplating on posting this on either Ao3 or FFN. Then again, Ao3 is easier to use for me these days, what with all the taggings and whatnot. 
Hope you liked it~!
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