#but goooosh it was so fun.
you-are-constance · 2 years
i have freaking. Good Times are Here to Stay from Dames at Sea stuck in my head. and i am. feeling things abt it.
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the record, staring at me: you know you want me
me: but you're not that great an album and it's not like records are cheap and there's like five other special albums that have my fingers itching
the parental advisory sticker: bitch what about me you know you wanna get one o' mine before actually turning 18. do it now
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star-sparkler · 10 months
Hello my dear!!!
I come to you with some April and August!! I know they’d have so much fun together!! Anyway here is a lil gift for you and your lovely girl 👾🦋💛
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WAAAAAAHHHH Oh my goooosh please they are sO CUTE!!!!!! You're correct - they would have SO MUCH fun together!!! ;w; I love this man I'm so smiley over them - thank you so much!!
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leadandblood · 2 months
Welcome to normal about Stanley hours, so-
"he's so cold, he's like a statue, he's mean" while it's valid, i say
There's sooo much going on with his expressions, I want to kiss Alistair for his acting choices fr.
His Eepy Face!!!!! Oh my goooosh. Let that man sleep (actually wait no, i want more eepy face... Withhold sleep for nonlethal periods)
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The genuine worry for Fitzjames after the flogging on Terror.
After Goodsir tells him about the lead, he straight up looks like he's about to cry.
The amount of exasperation when Goodsir comes into his cabin while he's reading (rude)
There's sooo much emotion on his face overall but there's one that gets to me way easier than it should
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That is! A genuine! Kind! Smile!
And besides making me melt, it's also not the only one. He smiles I think 4 times? (might be more) And 3 of those are genuine - the one in the gif, the one before this (no man is alone on a ship) and also the smile of amusement after Goodsir's "has anyone ever invited you to a wedding?" I'm kind of lukewarm about the smile he gives Collins later, since it feels a bit forced, but THIS one is definitely genuine.
He had so much hope for the carnival!! He wanted to have fun!! He wanted them ALL to have fun. Escape the routine and his everyday worry for sick men. Escape it all even for a single day... But... Yeah. Then all that happened.
If you need me I'll be crying in the basement
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Goooosh, I just has such a fun outline in my head for a ML/Yu Yu Hakusho sort of not fusion exactly, but more like inspiration.
OK, so canon & season 1 are as normal, but in Despair Bear, after Adrien & Chloe's falling out she finds herself walking the streets brooding, fretting, ETC. Encounters a kid & manages to be 'nice' to them, maybe Mannon for simplicities sake. Then ends up saving her life ala Yusuke by running into traffic to push her out of the way.
Ironically if she hadn't intervened the driver would have veered right & Manon would be fine.
Cue ghost!Chloe being extremely pissed off, before encountering a Ferrywoman who explains Chloe's spirit was supr out of whack, partially cos ofher own issues, partially cos left over Remnants from Hawk Moth, there was a spark & well.
She's not quite 'dead' even if she appears that way currently.
She cam come back to life, with the expectation she'll be an medium on Earth in exchange for the help. But her trial to prove she is reliable is caring for a spirit egg. If it has emotions with a bad origin point poured ino it the creature will eat her, if they are positive it will help her return to life and be her companion.
Chloe almost gives up early.
Spying on her father to try and get some "Positive vibes" she encounters him & Audrey talking and.. Well its not great. Audrey doesn't give a shit & Andre muses Chloe was becoming a handful, still he is sad, but Audrey offers him Zoe as a replacement & he's OK. Her guide is pretty sympathetic & convinces her to try her very public, big event wake to see if there's anyone worth returning for.
"The Wake", does change her mind.
Adrien's basically catatonic crying & has to be hand held out by Nathalie. (Really Gabriel, you couldn't even turn up for this!?)
Sabrina has a full on breakdown, because what is she supposed to do now? She needs Chloe, Chloe was supposed to be there for her! (I did not realize I mattered that much)
Miss Bustier tears into anyone slightly rude (Some students & teachers) before expressing regret as she saw Chloe just needed a helping hand & feels she didn't do enough. (Stop making me feel bad, I'm dead!)
Chloe resolves to come back, even if it means having a job when she does.
Also she is definitely going to have words for her 'father' & some of her classmates, oh yes- wait positive thoughts positive thoughts haha.
Some chapters would involve seeing Chat Noir breakdown over her death to Ladybug & reveal himself & Visa versa, they agree to keep it a secret.
(Her death made Adrien reflective on how/why Chloe was like that)
She does some dream therapy with Sabrina & grudgingly encourages her to make friends with others over holding onto grudges for Chloe.
She wants to do dream therapy with Adrien, but the Agreste manor is super warded against ghosts for some reason.
She might do some dream therapy with Marinette.
Then Kagami turns up (Early) beats Adrien but is unsatisfied & Chloe spends the fight heckling her, then being annoying afterwards until Kagami addresses her.
Yup, Kagami can see ghosts & is none to fond of Chloe & ends up AKumatized (Oh come on!!)
Kagami: Your existence taints both my failures and my victories!
Basically, Kagami's mom is a spiritual power house & the one sent to train Chloe. Kagami' worked her whole life to awaken her spiritual powers & just by dying, Chloe is going to be at her level, minimum & Adrien was off his game cos he was still grieving.
Still, they resolve things, & Kagami helps protect Sabrina from some vengeful bullies maybe? Or passes on a message from Chloe to Adrien.
Anyway things seem to be going well, when Hawk Moth decides to posses her body!
Oh right, so the explanation for Chloe still being "Alive" is some lingering magic from when she was Akumatized putting her in a "death state". The Lucky Charm couldn't change it one way or the other though so she's comatose.
Suffice to say everyone, but especially Chat & Chloe are pissed.
Hawk: Any empty vessel wouldn't do for this possession, but this girl always had so much hurt and rage inside her. Now bereft a mind to hinder me she will be the ultimate Akuma! My AKuma!
Chloe: Land Lord, you're evicted!
Its more dramatic than that & she technically sacrifices her chance to come back by handing her egg off to Kagami. (who uses her spiritual skills to keep it alive) so she can stop HK from killing the heroes as Chat won't Cataclysm Chloe's body & the Akuma is her body.
So Gabriel is evicted, Chloe briefly wakes up but fades & is now semi tethered to her body & waiting to pass on.
Adrien brings Kagami to visit her the next day & there's brief talk of how if she were awake Chloe might joke about needing a princes kiss to wake her up.
Kagami leans into a bit and Chloe is getting increasingly flushed. Then Adrien has to step away for a moment & Kagami reveals the egg is alive, being kept so by her spirit and she returns it to Chloe.
Then reveals she has been charged to wake Chloe up, offering some of her own spiritual energy via a lip transfer.
Chloe (OO)
Then she just taps Chloe's lips.
Chloe: That! That was what you had me all worked up about!?
Kagami: Did you want me to kiss you?
Chloe: MAaaabbbyyyeeeeee (Wakes up)
There's tears, reunions, resolutions, death staring at her dad anytime he tries to use her for a press conference. "Physical therapy" with Tomoe & the hatching of the spirit beast which is technically both Chloe & Kagami's now. (Feathery dragon) Actually managing to chill her shit when bantering with some students who she was justly pissed off at.
& after that not sure XD
Oh that's a hot mess of a haunting but it works out great!
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creatoriginsane · 2 months
the bnha season 7 "thread"
decided to put it here instead of twitter bc i don't want the people who know me in real life that i'm a bigger weeb than i appear to be. i'll be updating this post as i watch, so keeping everything under the cut!
(memories ep1)
goooosh i remember when shonen openings were hype??? also, looking back, so much heroing has happened and not much academia. i wish mha took a page from world trigger, at least.
kouki uchiyama is def one of my favorite VAs now
shigaraki was a LOT more terrifying in the earlier seasons, like, the stalker/yandere "appeal" he had was so much fun
the Stain arc was definitely a highlight, and i wished they had more "ideological" arcs and conflicts like it
(memories ep2)
WAIT EACH EPISODE USES AN OPENING FROM THAT SEASON??? god i almost teared up on this one??
lol, the league of villains now feel like actual losers (and i mean that as an endearment) they don't really plan ahead, huh? but i guess that's some change of pace compared to the smartass villains from before? but god, i wish we had smarter villains than this (i guess i'll just make one or some)
the AFO VS ALL MIGHT FIGHT!!! god the soundtrack too :( i nearly cried???
come to think of it, MHA will definitely be lotsa times greater (for me) if they had elements of Tiger & Bunny, World Trigger, and Samurai Flamenco
UNITED STATES OF SMASH!!! *literal sobbing*
You're next. *literal bawling my eyes out*
(memories ep3)
NOBUHIKO OKAMOTO, ladies and gents, a really, really, REALLY great VA
god, the deku vs bakugo fight here was real good for a honen like this (bot it won't be anything comapred to the run vs yukio fight in a future season of ao no exorcist)
as much as i love MAN ON A MISSION and how theirs songs are really hype, i just find this OP… a little… unfitting? idk, i think it fits more with the start of the war arc??? eh that's just me
also ARE WE NOT DOING THE OVERHAUL ARC??? that was one (if not my) favorite arc :(
Also, I'm not too big a fan of the "endeavor forgiveness" thing, because i yearn for the day abusers are just cut off from their families completely. what endeavor did was an active choice that continues for YEARS, but i don't full dislike it. it's still better than other people (because at least endeavor acknowledges what he did and didn't run away from it)
if i think about it down, touya's backstory is real SAD but that doesn't excuse that he's a MURDERER with NO REASON
HIRO SHIMONO another reaaaaally great VA
NOBUHIKO OKAMOTO, ladies and gents, a really, really, REALLY great VA
god, the deku vs bakugo fight here was real good for a honen like this (bot it won't be anything comapred to the run vs yukio fight in a future season of ao no exorcist)
as much as i love MAN ON A MISSION and how theirs songs are really hype, i just find this OP… a little… unfitting? idk, i think it fits more with the start of the war arc??? eh that's just me
also ARE WE NOT DOING THE OVERHAUL ARC??? that was one (if not my) favorite arc :(
Also, I'm not too big a fan of the "endeavor forgiveness" thing, because i yearn for the day abusers are just cut off from their families completely. what endeavor did was an active choice that continues for YEARS, but i don't full dislike it. it's still better than other people (because at least endeavor acknowledges what he did and didn't run away from it)
if i think about it down, touya's backstory is real SAD but that doesn't excuse that he's a MURDERER with NO REASON
HIRO SHIMONO another reaaaaally great VA
(memories ep4)
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lol, baby wants to destroy the world
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Honestly, the S6 OP song is SO GOOD and the visuals are STRONG, def my fave so far (but like, Super Beaver's songs are all great)
Shigaraki's backstory is just so real and i wished this kind of situation was touched on more by the series, because the literal power dynamics between heroes-civilians-villains and powered vs unpowered is something i really like when it comes to the superpower/superhero genre
god i am not really excited for the full blast of the war arc because it's just fight after fight after fight :( and it's not like they're changing up their strategy from "physically beat them into submission"
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
I know you're not fully focused on Spamton right now but I'm thinking about the love letter virus and i'm now giving you the idea of Spamton sending a love letter to you (i mean obviously not the actual virus but like a normal love letter) :)
[ @/kentofukamiya ]
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Hehehehe GOOOOSH this is CUTE!!! Fun fact, I've been thinking about Spams a lot in the past couple of days!! So ye, I'm just. EHEHEHE!!
I think what gets me the most about this one is that I actually drew it for Valentines last year!
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Super fun piece!!
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rom-e-o · 5 months
Just putting it out there, the little Sundrops can absolutely call George "Grandpa". He'll gladly adopt them as grandbabies. Carl too. Bess' kiddos are likely to call him "Gampy". They'll probably call TeTe "Gammy" too.
Oh my goooosh. You know they do.
It's even sweeter because Adonis' father has passed (the kids learn of him, but are spared the details), and Connie's father (Arthur) also passed years prior, so the couple was prepared to have the talk when their children ask "why don't we have a grandpa like other kids?"
And those children learn about their grandfathers, especially Arthur. How he only spoke when he truly had something to say, because he knew the power of words. And they love Arthur (their Grandpapa), but...they wish they had one who could hug them and talk to them.
With George, that never happens. They have a Grandpa, and he's the best! He gives the best hugs and teaches them how to play outside too!
Then they get a Gampy too, and HE'S also fun! He's really good at building things, but also smart and patient, just like Gammy. ;;
TeTe hopes Wolf and Bess know those her babies too also have a grandmother figure in her. She already became a mother figure to Bess, and she's happy to fulfill that role with her pups, of she has the couple's blessing.
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idyllicsimmer · 1 year
List 3 of your favorite sims from other simmers you enjoy and explain why (Send this to 10 other blogs 💖💖)
Firstly, thank you for your love of Aurora in your post 💕 This was actually really hard; there are so many simmies I love! Hint: I need to be tagged again 🤣
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Oscar Finch by @rebouks : My adorable Oscar! Oscar is one of the first really complex characters I followed when joining Simblr. Even with his troubles, he’s such a heartwarming person. I’m still catching up with the Somnium legacy but I love seeing his character growth. He’s also handsome AF!
Harper-Rose Russo by @estah : Harper-Rose … how I love thee. I’ve been obsessed with Esther’s RLC from the beginning, but Harper-Rose is my fav. She’s so funny, unique, lovable and just a fun character to follow! I’ll be really sad when her gen ends!
Theo MacMahon by @buglaur : Oh my goooosh. Theo’s just a sweetie! His legacy story has me laughing so hard so many times. I love his quirky personality and love him even more as a grandpa!
I need to be tagged in this again as there are so many I love!
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gojosattoru · 2 years
i just wanted to share this piece of info with you guys cause it was the most cutest thing that happened to me recently! just now i was doing my stuff on pc and i just heard my phone vibrating and i’ve picked up! to my suprise it was the son of my boss talking to me to say thank you for the drawing i’ve made for his bday last month! (my boss asked me to do a drawing for him as a gift!) and he was so sweet telling me how he loved it and i draw really well!! and then he asked “i hope i’m not disturbing you but could you do a drawing of me as itadori?” and i was like oh sure...... WAIT???????? WHAT!!! THIS KID WATCHES JUJUTSU KAISEN??? NO WAAAAYYY!! and till now we’ve been talking about anime and games with him!! it was so fun and he’s so cute!!! so excited in asking me stuff GOOOOSH!!! it was so precious omg!! 🥰🥰🥰 this made my day XDDDD
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1026: Symphony of the Halloween Night! (King of Fighters)
6:14 p.m. at K and Kula's Residence's LivingRoom........
K': (Adjust the Bots in his Head of the Frankenstein Costume He is Wearing) I don't get why we have to go all around the block, tricking-or treating first? Won't they candy and junk at the party or whatever?
Kula: (Walks in the Living Wearing an Elsa Costume in the Mirror) Yeah, but it doesn't start in the next two hours. Plus, I heard the candy they'll be giving out are gonna be super yummy this year!~ There's no way we could pass up an opportunity like this!~
K': (Rolls his Eyes) Riiiiiight. (Turns Around to Kula) And is that the reason why you're going as some Elsa this year?
Kula: (Happily Nodded) Yep Yep! (Pushes Up While Doing a Fashion Pose With a Smirk on Her Face) I mean, honestly, K'. Who else could play the role of the icy queen of Arendelle than yours truly?~ (Places her Hand onto her Chest as She Begins to Sing) Let it G-
K': (Immediately Covers Kula's Mouth With his Finger) Yeah, we're not doing all of that tonight.
Kula pouts at K' before the sound of the doorbell ringing caught both of their eardrums' attention. As K' approaches and opens the door, he sees Shingo dressed as one of the well known vampire hunters', Richter Belmont.
Shingo: Vampire, monsters, and other evil beings beware! For as I....(Raises his Toy Whip in the Air Victoriously) RICHTER BELMONT has finally arrived to the party!
Kula: (Eyes Widened in Awe at Shingo's Costume) Ohhhhhhh!~
K': (Snickers a Bit While Crossing his Arms) You're actually going as your look-a-like this year?
Shingo: (Happily Nodded) Yep! (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I figured since you guys think I look like him that I might as well play the part, at least for Halloween this year. But I am not alone here this evening!!!
Shingo moves aside and uses his arms and hands to present Leona walking in, wearing a dyed blonde ponytail, an emerald green shirt, black leather pants, brown gloves and boots, and a black baby pounce where a white kitten is sitting on
Leona: (Elegantly Bows at K' and Kula) Greetings, one and all. My name is Maria Renard. The youngest vampire hunter of the family's name as well as Richter's faithful companion and sister-in-law. (Gently Holds Up the Cat Up From the Pouch) And this little one here is our cute and adorable apprentice, Lady Heather.
Heather: Meow!~
Kula: (Gasps Happily at the Sight of Heather) Oh my goooosh!~ You're bringing Heather along with us!~ (Makes her Way to the White Kitty And Picks her Up From Leona's Arms) Hi, little baby!~ (Twirls Around Coddles With Heather) We're gonna have so much fun tonight!~ Yes, we are~ Yes, we are~
Leona: I didn't want to leave her alone at the base all night, so I figured I'd bring her along with us. (Grabs her Chin) Though, I wasn't entirely sure what sort of costume to give to her before we left. Or....(Starts Shyly Looking Away a Little) If....the costume I'm wearing now is...good enough or not....
Shingo: (Gently Rubs the Top of Heather's Head) I think Heather looks fine the way she is for now. (Turns Back to Leona) And are you kidding? That costume looks perfect on you!
Leona: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) It does?
Shingo: (Quickly Nodded) Mmhmm. You captured Maria's grace and beauty perfectly! With how....(Immediately Starts Blushing While Looking Away Himself) pretty- I MEAN! Good!....looking you are yourself....of course....
Leona: (Almost at a Loss For Words) Shingo-Kun......(Brings the End of her Ponytail While Blushing Herself) T-Thank you....I think you captured Richter's looks and good nature perfectly yourself. Incredibly so.....
K': (Turns to Leona) Are you blushing?
Leona: (Eyes Widened Again as She Quickly Let's Go of her Ponytail and Looks Away) .....I don't know what you're talking about. I never blush.
K': (Raises an Eyebrow) Really? Then why were you hiding your face with your hair just now?
Leona: Because it has a lemon scent that I find delicate. No other reason besides that.
K': (Stares at Leona's Straight Face For a Few More Seconds Before Sighing) Alright. Keep believing that lie all you want, Heidern. I know what's up.
Leona: Doubt that.
Shingo: (Suddenly Begins to Gasps as He Sees a Text Message on his Phone) Oh my gosh! He's coming! Step back, everyone! It's about to start
Kula: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion as She Steps Back atvthe Doorway Alobg With Everyone Else) What's about to start?
Leona: You'll see in a moment. (Stands Behind a Nervous Shingo and Gently Massages his Shoulders) Now, stay calm and relax your composure. I know you can do this.
Shingo: (Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Calming Himself Down) Right.....Just like we practiced.
K': Okay, so can anyone tell us what's gonna happen here or-
Shingo: (Points is Whip at the Sidewalk in Front golf Him) DIE, MONSTER! YOU DON'T BELONG IN THIS WORLD!!!
A random smoke appears in front of K' and Kula's apartment, revealing itself to be Rock Howard dressing as one of the Belmonts' greatest enemies, Dracula.
Rock: It was not by my hands that I was once again given flesh.
Kula: (Gasps in Genuine Surprise at What is Happening Right Now While Still Holding On to Heather)
K': (Stares at his Two Friends in a Dumbfounded Expression) .......What the fuck?
Rock: I was called here by....humans who wish to pay me tribute!
Shingo: Tribute? You steal men's souls and make them as your slaves!
Rock: (Shrugs Woth a Smig Smirk on his Face) Perhaps that could be said about all religion.
K': That line doesn't even make any sense by the way!
Kula and Leona shushes K' to be quiet.
Shingo: Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!
Rock: ('Heh') What is a man? (Throw Down a Plastic Chalice as Leona Turns on the Glass Breaking Sound Effect on her Phone Right on Cue) A miserable pile of secrets!? But enough talk....(Raises his Fist and Red Cape Up in the Air) HAVE AT YOU!!!
Shingo: (Turns Around Back to Everyone With a Satisfied Smile on his Face as He and Rock Bows Down) And....scene.
Kula happily cheers and uses Heather's paws to applaud Rock and Shingo's performance along with Leona, who is slowly nodding at them with a smile on her face. Meanwhile, K' is still dumbfounded by everything as he turns his head directly at Rock Howard.
K: Belmont boy put you up to this, didn't he?
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Not entirely. I saw a picture he sent me of the costumes him and Leona are wearing earlier today and it got me into going as good 'ole drac. Then after a while, I might've came up with the idea of us doing a reenactment of the prologue scene to Sympathy of the Night which got Shingo on board and rest was history. (Smirks Confidently While Using his Knuckles to Rub his Chest) Not a bad performance if I do say so myself~
K': ('Tch') It was mid at best.
Rock: (Rolls his Eyes) Like you could do better. Or try to act for that matter.
K': Please. I don't need to take a lesson in acting to know that reenactment was cheesy as hell.
Rock: Ah.....sarcasm. For what profit is-
K': Don't. Even go there.
Rock: (Chuckles a Bit Bit With a Smirk on his Face) ('Heh')
?????: Heyyyyyyy!
The gang turn their attention to Mary, wearing a little red riding hood costume, and Terry, wearing a varsity jacket, blue jeans, and wolf ears and tail, sprinting their way to the apartment.
Mary: You two went on and did that whole reenactment thing without us!?
Terry: Yeah, we wanna see it too! (Pulls Out his Phone From his Jacket Pocket) I gotta show Richter this.
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly at the Couple) You got it! You're ready, Rock?
Rock: (Happily Nodded) Yep. (Starts Patting his Pants Pocket) Now where did I put those smoke bombs?.....
K' groans while rolling his eyes. This Halloween night might be longer than he thought after all.
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cyberslam · 2 years
Oh my goooosh sammie!!! That tag on your main is so good <3<3 also wait I just thought of this but what’s her entrance music??
IM GLAD U LOVE HER!! her entrance music is Girls Just Want to Have fun by Cyndi Lauper hehe
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4, 5, 7, 11, 15, 20 for your OC Amethyst, 2, 9, 13, 31, 39 for your OC Scarlet, 2, 3, 7, 15, 17, 35, 40 for your OC Robin, and last but not least 43 for all three!
Also A, E, F, H for you to answer about all three of your OCs!! If it's too much to answer, it's okay to only answer your favorites. I'm just so excited to learn about them waaahh!!! 🤩
Yep, it's finally happening! Thanks for the questions, by the way. I'm glad to answer a lot :D
Gonna put the answers under the cut!
4. How easy is it to earn their trust? It's pretty easy to earn Amethyst's trust. He's quite friendly and optimistic about meeting new people, especially if they're polite.
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust? If he found out someone had wronged one of his friends in the past, if they end up hurting him, or if they just give off an over-all bad vibe, he would be much less trusting of that person.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? I actually covered this in the ask blog! Amethyst keeps a photo album which contains a lot of happy memories (as well as a few he would much rather forget). Most of the time he feels fondly of his past, the accomplishments he's made, and the friends he's made along the way. Though some of the memories are more bitter-sweet than others.
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? Amethyst is definitely one for asking questions. He doesn't pry for answers though. He prefers to respect others' boundaries.
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? It depends on the topic! When talking about his business, he tends to come up with answers on the spot, but when talking about more personal matters, he usually thinks over what he says and what details he will and won't bring up.
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so? I'm actually not sure. I never really thought of Amethyst as being one to experience romantic attraction. Platonic love would be much more common for him, though! He would probably describe it as the feeling of someone else being part of your family, even if they're unrelated, but in a sibling-like way.
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh? It's pretty easy to get Scarlet to laugh. Telling a silly story, coming up with quips, or even well-constructed long jokes would all end up with at least a chuckle!
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word? Scarlet swears, but (tries to) limits herself when talking to customers. She may let her filter slip sometimes though. She probably wouldn't remember the first time she swore.
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? She definitely thinks she looks best in black, but she'd find a pure-black article of clothing way too boring, so she would definitely add some color! I feel like any dark shades of warm colors (red, orange, red-violet) would look really nice on her, as well as black!
31. Who are they the most glad to have met? Scarlet was really glad to have met Cocoa. While most of her other friends are also fun to be around, they're on the low-energy side most of the time. Cocoa is one of the few people who are able to match her energetic personality. She also tends to hang out with them after work much more frequently than the others.
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? It really depends on the flaw! If it's not a flaw that would hurt the person or others, she would easily be able to ignore it. However, she would definitely get one someone's case if they ended up getting someone else hurt, and would be concerned if it ended up hurting the person themself.
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh? To get a loud laugh out of them would be pretty difficult, but not impossible! They're probably the quietest of the bunch, so they tend to giggle more often than laugh.
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) They would definitely check on their plants one last time and make themself a cup of tea before heading to bed.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? They, similarly to Amethyst, like to revisit memories by looking at pictures. Although, they probably keep their photos either hung up on a wall or stored away neatly in a box. Taking walks to significant places would also give them some sense of nostalgia. They do enjoy it quite a lot!
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? Robin thinks about what they say before they say it about 99% of the time. If they get a bit excited about a subject, they may have more immediate responses.
17. Are they easily embarrassed? I wouldn't say so. They may end up being more "disappointed" in themself instead of embarrassed, but it doesn't happen often.
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?  Robin would be all-ears if one of their friends wanted to chat about something they're excited about. If it's a subject, they would ask questions about it, and if it's a plan, they would try to help out as much as they could!
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws? They're not sensitive about their flaws, but if someone were to point any out they would most likely end the conversation as quickly as possible, avoiding the subject, or apologize if it caused someone else any inconvenience.
Asks for me:
A. Why are you excited about this character? For all three of them collectively? They all share a different interest of mine, so they're kind of an outlet for me to express my love for gems, art, and plants, lol. For Amethyst, I really want to tell his story. Both his backstory, and what will happen in the future! Scarlet, I like to write for. I rarely have characters that have a similar personality to her. For Robin, I also like to write for them. I also really like their general calm vibe. I do have some plans for both Scarlet and Robin that I'll get to later, but for now my main plot focus is on Amethyst (which I really need to get to sometime.) I also need to draw a full-body of Cocoa and work on designs for 4 other Addison OCs from that story, so I hope to get cracking on those soon!
E. Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? I feel like I would get along well with Amethyst and Robin, but Scarlet? Not so much. I don't dislike her personality, I just feel like we would be too different for me to feel comfortable around.
F. What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? I feel happy about how all three of them turned out! Although I'm not as excited as I used to be when I first started creating them, I still have the desire to write for them when the time comes. I will say though, writing for Amethyst can be a little "frustrating" because he's very similar to me personality wise. I usually have to read and reread his dialogue to make sure it would be something he would say and not me.
H. What trait do you admire most? For Amethyst, his knowledge and skill when it comes to his craft (jewelry making, gemology, etc.). For Scarlet, her lack of anxiety when it comes to talking to complete strangers. And for Robin, their ability to manage taking care of so many plants (I can only actively take care of like, 3 at a time, and I still end up forgetting about them even if I see them everyday).
If you ever have an specific questions about these characters, or any other ones I may have now or in the future, feel free to ask them and I'll respond to the best of my ability! I love talking about these guys, even if I haven't touched them in a while.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
fun fact (?)
my dyslexic ass always read your username as “spice and chain andromeda” and even if I know now it’s not correct, this is still what my brain presents to me when I think of you
oh my goooosh, this makes me sound a little more badass than I ever have...so...nice!! I always kind of wonder how people read my username. Because for me, it's like...spiced chai andromeda. easy! but not everybody is obsessed with spiced chai lattes lol
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theatregaymer · 2 years
Oh my goooosh! Doki I swear I'm so freakin happy we hit it off like we have! So honored to know someone as nice and fun as you ^_^
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perceabeth · 2 years
I LOVE your characterization of Annabeth in 11th hour!!! Most of the fanfic authors portray her as this virginal woman who’s never had her fair share of fun which is full of crap.
Goooosh specially that chapter where it was revealed she and Luke ya know *giggles*
SSFKLSDFJKLSDFKDLFS SCREAMMMM one thing ur never gna find in a LizzieTM au is a virgin annabeth i'm sorry i'm sorry it's just not how i see my gal <333
please she's such a MESS fr i hate her (affectionate) I THOUGHT THAT WAS SO FUNNY but it made people kind of mad that i had the Audacity to have her CHEAT (she didn't) still makes me laff actually
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