#and now we are like in SYNC whenever hes drumming in like a jazz band song or whatever
you-are-constance · 2 years
i have freaking. Good Times are Here to Stay from Dames at Sea stuck in my head. and i am. feeling things abt it.
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angellazull · 3 years
🌹Roses and Hearts❤️
(Text of Valentine's Day and Elaiza's Birthday, sorry for being late, Irmãzinha @annabelle-tanaka-official, you know how i have no time for anything now.)
Angelo was feeling very pleased with Professor Dumbledore's announcement about the Valentine's Day ball, until today all events of this nature were for the boy quite... peculiar, to say the least, but with a very pleasant outcome for the boy. Well, now he had one more chance of everything going perfect, earlier today, with a bouquet of roses in herbology class, with the permission of Professor Sprout, Angel used the final minutes of the class to invite his girlfriend, Penny to go to dance with him, it was certain that they had dated since the beginning of the fifth year, but, Angel wanted to be a gentleman and romantic, because he knew his girlfriend liked it and believed in the power of true love, so he wanted to do something right. As soon as he made the request, Penny accepted him on the spot with a passionate kiss that touched the herbology teacher.
Now he was there, in front of the mirror, in the Transfiguration room, preparing for the ball, André, once again, had made great clothes for everyone.
"Andre, it looks fantastic." Said Angel looking at her reflection in the mirror.
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"Thanks, Angel, after your invitation to Penny in herbology class, I thought it would be cool to make you two matching outfits." Andre replied, adjusting Angel's tie.
"I hope this night will be more than great." Commented Angel. "We are not going to have an avalanche of broken cups, or Lockhart to get in the way, everything will be perfect. Thanks André."
"No need to thank, Angel." Said André, but soon he was basically pushing Angel to the door. "Now you have to go, I still have seven more people to wear, before the dance."
Now ready and with several minutes to the beginning of the ball, he decided to pick up the special package for the night. Going up to the dormitory in the Ravenclaw common room, he opened the drawer of the bedside table, and took a small lilac package with a beautiful white pearl bow.
"What do you have there, Angel?" Talbott had appeared behind Angel, he was also already wearing his clothes for the ball, and he was quite elegant, and Angel knew the name of the reason for this elegance, Elaiza Schuyler.
"Ah, Talbott." Angel couldn't help being frightened by the appearance of her friend. "It's just Elaiza's birthday present, I wanted to give it to her today at the ball, and speaking of Elaiza, are you quite elegant, if you produced just for her?" Angel asked provocatively, as he was starting to get used to the idea that Talbott was in love with his little sister.
"Well, it's Valentine's Day and her birthday, so she deserves better production." Talbott replied and Angel may notice a slight flush on his cheeks as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Our girlfriends deserve it, and it's curious that my girlfriend is the best friend of my best friend's boyfriend."
"Now that you comment, it does seem a little curious." Talbott replied.
"Let's go, I still have to get Penny." Said Angel adjusting his red gloves, with a shrinking spell, he made Elaiza's gift fit in his pocket, that would keep him safe until it was time to give it to his sister.
The two boys left the hall with the Ravenclaw, down the stairs to the great hall. On the way the two commented on their requests for the ball, as soon as they arrived at the doors of the hall, the music chosen by Chiara, a jazz arrangement played by a drums, wind instruments, string instruments and the very indispensable piano by Madame Pince.
Entering the hall, the decor was perfect, Badeea and a group of very hard-working students had worked hard to be able to leave the hall with a touch of enchanted forest from fairy tales.
Several couples were already in the hall, some were dancing on the dance floor, others were sitting at the table talking, some were enjoying the appetizers prepared by Jae and his apprentice chefs. In a corner chatting, he saw Ethren @hogwartsmystory and Merula, in Angel's opinion, they were a cute couple, maybe both would complement each other. Next to the appetizer table, Jae was next to Kyril @kyril-hphm, It was almost impossible to see this couple and not think that their love was so obviously chaotic. And looking at Badeea's picture, Jason @death-or-sleep, and McNully commented on the individuals represented there.
In short, everything looked perfect.
"This decor is really wonderful, Angel." Talbott praised seeing the flower arrangements, fabric bands, and Badeea's painting.
"You helped a lot, Talbott, if you hadn't grown the flowers, we wouldn't have enough for the flower arrangements." Angel replied smiling, but he had to admit, the room was beautiful.
"Hey, boys." A voice that made Angel's heart skip whenever she said anything.
Angel turned and found herself in front of Penny, she was beautiful, wearing a bright red skirt, a white shirt with red hearts, her hair was tied in a braid with a red bow, she was just stunning, her bright blue eyes stood out of the colors she used today.
"Honey, you look… magnificent…" said Angel with a smile for Penny.
"Thank you, Kitten." Said Penny, arranging a loose strand of hair behind her ear, while turning red. "You look magnificent too, red suits you..."
Penny came over and kissed Angel's lips quickly, and linked her arm around Angel's arm.
"Tal, where is Elaiza?" Penny asked his best friend.
"She was just finishing up." Talbott replied. "You look very beautiful, Penny, Angel is a lucky boy."
"Well, Tal is right." The blue-haired boy admitted. "I still don't know what I did to deserve that the most beautiful and popular girl at school was interested in the strange blue-haired boy."
"But know that this boy with blue hair has always been the most gentle, intelligent and affectionate person I have ever met." Penny stroked Angel's cheek with a smile. "I couldn't help but be interested in you."
"Aww, this is so cute." Elaiza had approached the three. Wearing a dress with a white skirt with roses, and a black top, her hair flowing and flowing, she was very beautiful.
"Elaiza, wow, I love your dress, it's beautiful." Penny praised Elaiza's dress.
"Thank you, Penny." Then she addressed Talbott. "What did you think, Talby?"
"You look stunning." Said Talbott a little shy, running a hand through his hair, he said the girl. "You look really beautiful today, Elaiza."
At that instant a slow, romantic melody started to play.
"Do you want to dance with me, Penny?" Angel asked, extending his hand to his girlfriend.
"I would love to, Angel." Said the girl accepting the invitation.
The couple walked hand in hand to the center of the dance floor, with fairies flying over couples making synchronized flights forming hearts, as soon as they stepped on the dance floor, Angel recognized the fairy who led the group, it was Eladora, the fairy who he saved and had become his friend. Penny ran her hands around Angel's neck and together they started to move around the dance floor.
"You know, I believe I am very lucky to be here with you, Penny." Said Angel smiling at his girlfriend. "You know, when I first met you, I could never imagine that the most popular and beautiful girl of our year would fall in love with the weird blue-haired boy with a troubled family history."
"I didn't think you were weird, I think you're a cute boy." Said the girl looking at Angel with a smile on her lips too. "I like how you always try to help everyone and solve problems at school, that's very kind."
"If you say you are, but the truth is, I'm the luckiest wizard in the world to have the most beautiful witch on my side."
"Angel!" Penny's cheeks were slightly reddish.
"I am with you, so I could not be in better company, no matter where we are, it will always be perfect if I am with you." Penny smiled at her boyfriend and with that they danced to the music, enjoying a moment without words, just leaving their hearts in sync with each other.
So it happened for two more songs, when they finally left the dance floor and approached a vacant place next to Stephanie @hanihonii who was with Mezure, and Cristiano @chrisception13 with Jenny @jayrart.
"I loved this dance." Penny commented with a smile.
"Yes, it was a lot of fun." But at that moment Angel's gaze strayed to Elaiza and Talbott who had just left the dance floor as well, turning to Penny. "Penny, you know that today is also Elaiza's birthday, so there is something I would like to do.
Approaching the girl's ear, he explained her plan. And when he finished Penny said:
"Aww, how cute, Angel, she will like it a lot."
"I will do that and then I promise that the night will be ours alone."
"You don't have to promise anything, dear, I know you love her." Said Penny stroking her boyfriend's cheek. "This is so adorable, and I love how you always want to make everyone happy, come on."
"Thank you my love." Angel said kissing Penny's lips quickly. "I'll be right back."
Moving away from his girlfriend, Angel crossed the great hall, approaching Elaiza and Talbott.
"Er… Talbott, can I speak to Elaiza, for a minute in private?"
Talbott, who already knew what his friend was planning, just nodded and left without giving any explanation, leaving Elaiza quite confused, turning to Angel with a questioning look, she asked:
"Is there a problem, Angel?"
"No, I just wanted to tell you a few things." He took the gift out of his pocket and with his wand, he returned it to its original size. "Elaiza, since we met, I am sure that our friendship has only grown, and has become so strong, to the point of being one of the strongest relationships I have in life, I know that I am not a Schuyler and you are not a Lancaster, but, Elaiza… I love you, I love you as if you were my real sister, you are one of the most fantastic people I have ever met. "
"Angel!" Exclaimed the brown-haired girl when Angel handed him the lilac package.
She tore the wrapping paper, revealing the blue velvet box, when opening it, Elaiza found a silver necklace, with a violet-shaped pendant, with the happy petals of a purple crystal, and linking all the petals, like a bow , there were the words, 'Siblings', repeated several times, forming an infinite loop.
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"I can?" Angel took the necklace and placed it around Elaiza's neck. "In the world of magic, we are always expected to receive a magical gift, but... I hope this necklace can remind you that no matter what happens, you will always be like a sister to me and I will always be there if you need."
Angel hugged Elaiza tightly, her heart was pounding in her chest. The truth was that since they met, Angel and Elaiza had developed a friendship, practically indestructible, there was love in this relationship that is extremely strong, brotherly love, a love of siblings. And the boy couldn't ask for anything stronger and more true.
"I talked to Talbott earlier, and I know today is Valentine's Day and you want to spend your night with him, but..." Angel held out her hand to Elaiza. "Sister, do you accept to dance to the next song with me?"
"What song, shall we dance, brother?" Elaiza asked, holding Angel's hand.
"Well, I don't think we could dance the waltz, after all, she is too romantic, so I hope you like foxtrot."
Angel nodded to Irvin who was standing next to the instruments, and with a wave of the boy's wand, a lively melody at the sound of jazz began to play in the hall. With a smile, Angel led the girl to the dance floor, where they started dancing to the sound of jazz. (https://youtu.be/zt3WKBJqH6M)
"Did you already plan this?" Elaiza asked when Angel put her hand on his waist and she on his arm. Although the difference was also relevant, they found no problems adapting.
"Had I already prepared for my sister's birthday?" Angel asked innocently. "No of course not."
"You are so silly, Angel." Elaiza spoke when they made the first cincronized movement.
"I know, but you love it about me." Said Angel with an amused smile.
"Do you think so?" Elaiza asked with a mocking smile.
"I know it is so, if not, we would not be siblings."
The two youngs seemed to slide down the dance floor with their steps perfectly matched, nor did it seem that this was the first time they danced together. Surprisingly, they were both perfect.
(Reference: https://youtu.be/Zz_v61AjFhQ)
For Angel it was being a lot of fun. It was as if they didn't have to worry about the steps, as if they weren't able to make mistakes.
When the song was coming to an end, Angel and Elaiza whirled in the middle of the track, and the moment the last chord sounded, they both stopped and a bluish fire wrote the words 'Happy Birthday Elaiza' for everyone to see.
"Happy Birthday, Little Sister, that all your drawings come true." With that Angel kissed Elaiza's forehead and hugged her tight.
I couldn't help paying this tribute, even if it was very, very late to Elaiza, one of Angel's best friends and sister. Today Angel's life would not be what it is without this dwarf on your side. And my life wouldn't be what it is without you by my side, Laura, thanks for being my friend, and my sister, thank you very much.
(As the text was not well planned, I was unable to add all the MCs I wanted, so sorry for the others that were not mentioned here.)
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A few nights ago i got to talk to the boys in Spilt Milk about HSC life and a little bit about the recording process of their first release “The Fall” This is the first BEHIND THE BAND and i hope you enjoy!
//Can you give us a brief history of the band and releases?//
Dylan: Being in high school in the midst of a looming HSC unfortunately takes its fair share of time away from the music we’d rather be making, so our single ‘The Fall’ stands as our only proper release to date with more to come early next year.  
//How did the band originate?//
Dylan: Early earlyyy Spilt Milk started between a few mates at Sydney Grammar School back in 2015 as a punk inspired cover band kinda gig up until last year when Charlie started writing some tunes, met me at some shindigs around and made plans to start pumping out some sweet music.
//What's the first band who made you love music?//
Chuck: For me it was the Beatles. I grew up with them, my parents would always play them whenever they got the chance, so they've always been there. I still get just as much enjoyment out of them as I ever did then, even more so now. But yeah that's how I really fell in love with music.
Sam: I actually first fell in love with theme music from video games and films (especially Doctor Who, which I watched from a young age just for the intro). I couldn’t stand pop, and it would be awhile before I grew to really appreciate specific bands, seeing as, beyond pop music, my friends were only into Green Day.
Dylan: The first time I recall music having a big impact on me would be when I was introduced to Jeff Buckley’s Grace album at 15 which for me then was just this really incredible crazy emotional thing that looking back probably validated a lot of teen angst.Either way, it really gave an example to me of how much you need to put into music for people to get something out.
//Who inspires you to make music now?//
Chuck: Honestly it's still the artists I look up to. I'm always discovering something new, whether it's more recent music or some hidden melody in a song I've been listening to for years. Also, it's that feeling you get when you hear an amazing song, that's what I'm chasing essentially. If I can make someone feel that way about my music that's a job well done in my opinion, because in my experience it's one of the most beautiful feelings you can have.
Sam: There is so much crazy music out there, along with many ridiculously talented drummers (Dave Weckl, Virgil Donati, etc.), but the man who inspires me the most is Aleksander Vinter (AKA Savant among his many aliases). He can write in any style and still make it unique, and he hates genres.
Dylan: Everything really man, with music the listener only gets out what the artist puts into it, so really I dig any artist whether it be jazz/rap/alt/rock/metal/reggae/psych or a clusterfuck of all the above that puts themselves in their music. In that respect I dig artists like David L’Eaupepe’s Gang of Youths, the Beatles, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, Bon Iver, Foals, Snarky Puppy among heaps others.
//What are some of the most important things you have learnt while being together?//
Chuck: That it takes a while to get a band sounding good live - it takes a lot of work to get everyone in sync but once you do it's great. Also that co-writing songs can be very fulfilling
//How do you view your band now as opposed to when you started?// 
Sam: When we first started, we were practically a Nirvana cover band trying to play at our school social. But once Chuck started writing for the band, a level of respect sort of grew and we knew this could be so much more. The three of us are all committed to careers in music and so we treat Spilt Milk as our primary project.
//What's your favourite venue to play?//
Chuck: Well because we're just finishing with school soon, we haven't had the chance to do many gigs apart from a couple at a nearby youth centre, which was a lot of fun so I guess it's good ol’ Mosman Youth Centre
//Can you explain what goes on during the writing process?//
Chuck: Well initially I had a bunch of these song ideas, chords/melodies/etc, but I had no way to realise their full form I guess - I would just record a riff or whatever into voice memos on my phone so I wouldn't forget (I still do this pretty often actually.) But then I discovered that my dad had Logic Pro X, with everything I could ever need to record demos of the songs I had, so one day I sat down and bashed out this song over like 8 hours, I became addicted to having what was in my view a finished song, and so I recorded all the other ideas I had in there, just with a guitar and a midi keyboard with a bunch of effects to make it sound like a full band. It allows for sort of writing on the fly, because I can switch between instruments by clicking a button essentially. It's really fun, but it gets tiresome, so with the introduction of Dylan as a writer there's a bit more hands on 1 on 1 writing which I think is even better, because you get to vibe of each other's ideas - it's just a great feeling.
//Can you explain the recording process you go through?//
Sam: We record everything ourselves - I’ve spent a long time hunting for the right drum skins and listening to cymbal after cymbal to arrive at the drum sounds we’re currently happy with. Following that, if we’re recording in a new space, I’ll move the instrument around the room, listening for where it sounds best, and then place a few sheets of acoustic foam to tame the room sound a touch. At this point, I’ll set up the mics (we use nine, for example, on the kit), and record each part separately to a click track, working from the rhythm section up. Once the actual recording is done and the mixing begins it’s time for me to detach from my ego and work on a mix that will be refined over and over until all three of us are happy, without complacency. What’s most exciting is that we’re super young and already achieving a great sound, yet we’ve got so so much more to learn.
//What does this release mean to you?//
Chuck: it's exciting because it's our first official release, and it's pretty cool to have our stuff on Spotify and iTunes, it's pretty crazy. We're just glad that a lot of people seem to enjoy it, and having this release brings our music to people who otherwise wouldn't have heard our music, it's cool that they can now.
//What does the scene mean to you?//
Sam: Opportunity
//If you could change one thing about the scene,  what would it be?//
Chuck: Stop the Sticky Fingers cover bands
Sam: I think people should expose themselves to all kinds of music - Indian, reggae, electronic, all kinds of rock and jazz, etc. Our Australian music scene tends to have a bit of a specific sound these days, and I really wish there was more experimentation. Kevvy P’s obviously an exception to this.Dylan: For baby boomers to stop having a fat hissyfit about sound waves from live music entering their little investment property bubbles //What song means the most to you?//
Chuck: Probably “A Day In The Life” by the Beatles, I always knew that song was special, and listening to it now it gives me goosebumps, it's just an amazing song, means a lot to me because it's always been there throughout my entire life. I'll probably die to that song.
Sam: In The Air Tonight has the most beautiful mixing I’ve ever heard. It’s like unattainably good. It makes me shiver when I’m listening in the studio with my eyes closed, and I can practically see every instrument. There are too many good songs to pick one on musical/lyrical merit alone though. Actually lyrically it’s gotta be Crossfire by Stephen - so damn meaningful.
Dylan: I’d have to say Vital Signs by Gang of Youths down to David L’Eaupepe’s lyricism - it’s fckn poetry and it epitomizes for me the ecstatic way music should make you feel. Otherwise, there’s this short 1.30 instrumental called Idaho Pt. 2 by Acid Ghost which gets to me for reasons I don’t quite understand. I couldn’t explain it if I tried.
//What's your favorite song to play live?// 
 Sam: American Idiot!!
Chuck: Nah but probably the next single we're gonna release, it has this crazy ending that we all just really vibe on when we play it.
Dylan: Yea we’re all geed for that next one I reckon it’ll go down well^ //Why do you play music?//  Chuck: Because it's fucking hectic, when you play with people you're comfortable with it's beautiful.
Sam: Music is magic, and when you play with great players that’s exactly how it feels. People say I dance when I play and that’s simply because I fucking connect with the music.
Dylan: For jamming with other people really, you get these sick moments that come along every once in awhile where everything just clicks and it’s a crazy feeling.
//Would you encourage people watching this to start bands?// 
Chuck: I would encourage anyone watching to whatever they love doing, everyone has something that they're passionate about, if that's music, fuck yeah start a band or write music or whatever. If you have a passion, fucking go for it.
Dylan: Yeah for sure like in my opinion playing good music with other people is one of the best feelings you can have, and it grows on you.
//What advice do you have for new bands?//
Chuck: be prepared to be shit - at rehearsals, gigs, whatever - stuff is gonna go wrong at some point, and if you wanna get anywhere you have to fail.Sam: Hunned percent - you’ve gotta back yourself and never fucking stop, no matter how many times people reject you.
Dylan: Just fckn enjoy it cause you’re wasting it if you don’t, and that’s what the music’s about. If you wanna make it you gotta go hard, but just don’t forget what it’s about. //How important is it to network with other bands?//
Chuck: pretty important, it's great to be in a community of passionate musicians, it's like being in a band of bands uno, like a bunch of bands joining together to be one super band.
Sam: Network with everyone. Doesn’t matter if they’re in a band or not, as long as they’re cool people. You might introduce two people who just had to meet each other, and they might be the reason you meet a particular industry contact too.
Dylan: Yea for sure like most of all it’s just heaps chill to have other people to jam and collab with, cause at the end of the day no one is really competing in music.
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