#but girliessssss
stonebutchooze · 11 months
okay im gonna say it.... many... not some but MANY... of the christian blogger girlies on here... want to fuck jesus
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storge · 1 year
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You're the only fool who cares about me. Thus, I will not let you marry a bad person.
Fengyao & Moxi Gone with the Rain
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1800duckhotline · 20 days
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Collect my vampire ants
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h-a-unted · 4 months
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kellykadesperate · 1 year
whitney ella and catherine are my elite girls!!!! they really are!!!
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castielsupernatural · 9 months
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cute of me
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eosofspades · 2 years
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sohardlovingyou · 2 years
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meowwcakess · 27 days
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mtl girliessssss i love them sm.. i need to draw trindle more
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transgirlsupremacy · 1 year
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call-sign-jinx · 9 months
Endless Love (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw) - Chapter 2
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summary - Y/N Y/L/N and Bradley Bradshaw have had a rivalry ever since they both attended the same academy. Every chance they took, they always tried to one up each other. One day, Bradley takes the rivalry too far and Y/N ends up in the hospital with serious injuries. Will it make Y/N want to get him back twice as worse? Or will it make her realise that this rivalry between them is childish?
warnings - swearing, enemies to lovers, mention of serious injury, traumatic episodes, reader traumatised from what happened, smut, slowburn, seizures, flashbacks
a/n: hey girliessssss, this is going to be hard to read for some people after this chapter as it talks about trauma and things like that, as well as the single seizure in this chapter
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It was our first official day at Top Gun, everyone was sat down waiting to get briefed. My table was in front of Phoenix and Bob's table so I turned around to talk to them.
"Who do you think our trainer guy is gonna be?" Bob asked, his gaze switching from me to Phoenix over and over again.
"Let's not hope it's some douchebag. Otherwise me and them are going to have a problem." Our attention is then taken by Cyclone, who is standing at the podium with papers in his hand.
"Attention ladies and gentlemen. Your trainer is someone with the highest skill, he has beaten limits no one else has had the guts to." We hear the doors open but keep our attention on Cyclone. "May I introduce Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell." Maverick then stands beside Cyclone, next to the podium.
Me and Maverick make eye contact, while his eyes widen in shock, mine have pure anger in them. What the fuck is this prick doing here? I ask myself as I grip the sides of the desk.
Bradshaw then turns his head to me as he sees that me and Maverick know each other.
"Hey, Y/L/N, why are you looking at Maverick like you wanna kill him?" There is a chuckle in his voice, which makes me even angrier.
I turn to Bradshaw, the anger in my eyes changing to rage. "None of your fucking business Bradshaw." I then turn my head again and face the wall in front of me. I couldn't look at Maverick, Bradshaw or anyone for this matter so it's best if I stare at the wall.
"Now, all of you here are clearly the best of the best. I want you to prove that. We're going to be training for a mission that is highly dangerous, so we're going to put you in dangerous situations and see how you get out of them." Maverick started to say but I zoned out after hearing his voice for too long.
I was in the locker room, getting into my flight suit for our first training session. I was still very angry. Why the fuck did Maverick have to be our trainer?
"Hey, Y/N, you okay? You were practically killing Maverick with your eyes earlier." Phoenix taps my shoulder as she gets into her flight suit too.
"Just something that happened in the past, doesn't really matter." I turn my head away from Phoenix and finish putting my flight suit on. I grab my helmet from my locker that has "Vandal" printed onto it.
I was the first out there, waiting for everyone else to come outside.
Since Maverick was also outside he thought it'd be a great idea to strike up a conversation.
"Listen, Y/N/N... I didn't mean to-" I immediately interrupt him, rage now coming back into my expression and voice.
"You do not get to call me that anymore! Not after what you fucking did." I half shouted, half spoke normally as to not get anyone's attention.
"Okay... Okay... I... I just want to say I'm sorry..." His expression had remorse all over his face.
"Fuck you. Don't think that an apology can fix what you fucking did." I kissed my teeth as I looked away from him, my grip on my helmet tightening.
The rest of the group came walking in and could sense the tension in the air, none of them spoke.
"Guess one of them left without leaving a note the other night." Hangman spoke up, which caused a few to chuckle but it made my anger increase.
"But you would obviously know that since you get left a note every time you fuck a girl." I speak up, making everyone, except Hangman, Bradshaw and Maverick, burst out in laughter.
"Alright! That's enough!" Maverick spoke up and neatened up the papers he had in his hand on the podium. "We will be starting off strong with today's training session! I'll split you into two groups. Y/C/S, Rooster. You will both be captains of these teams." Maverick put everyone into either mine or Rooster's team.
When I began to head to my jet, Bradshaw caught up with me.
"Hey Y/C/S, get ready to be second best as per usual!" But before I could even retort with something, he jogged to his jet in front of me.
We've been in the sky for about 2 hours. The objective was to take down as many jets on the opposing team before the time runs out. We have around 30 minutes left. I'm the only person on my team left, however, Rooster and Coyote are the last 2 standing on their team.
It wasn't hard to "shoot" Coyote down so now it was just me and Rooster left. I was not going to let him shoot me down. We were flying beside each other for about 10 minutes to see who would let themselves get shot down first, neither of us backed down.
Somehow we managed to get into a Pugachev's Cobra. Maverick immediately told us that one of us should pull out as soon as possible. Neither one of us did. We were getting closer and closer to the ground, breaking the Hard Deck. Then suddenly, Rooster's jet launches a small missile which hits my jet, sending me to the ground. I pressed everyone button possible, then I pressed the eject button. My chair ejected before the cockpit could open fully so I clipped my head on the edge of the glass, which at the speed that i was ejected out of knocked me unconscious.
I was in a hospital bed. I hadn't woke up yet but I could hear things. People talking. The beeping of machines. Doctors talking. But the one thing that stood out to me was the voices of Bradshaw and Maverick. Both of them were apologising.
"I'm really sorry Y/N, it was an accident, I didn't mean to press that fucking button!" Bradshaw whisper-shouted as I heard him place flowers at the side of the bed. Then there was Maverick.
"Oh Y/N/N..." I told him not to use that name. "I'm so sorry... for what I did... for how I did it... and for leaving you, even when I said I wouldn't..." Maverick sounded like he was crying.
That was when it happened, I had had a seizure. From what I heard I was having a seizure, I felt completely fine. But that's the thing, I wasn't fine for long. I lost complete consciousness, no voices, no sounds, pure darkness. Great.
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spiderwyb · 2 years
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two girliessssss walking in a forest path! theyre flirtingggg!!! theyre in love
here u go my lovely followers
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gwenyundreiko · 9 months
The transfem equivalent to a bat signal is posting gunpla pictures on the #gunpla Hi girliessssss
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fodenswhore · 2 years
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thedivineelite · 1 year
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beatheprincess · 6 months
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I wanna befriend soft blk girlz like me honestly 🥺🎀 so hard to find them , I always get supa shy texting first + my trust issues are 🤡👍🏽 due to thinking ppl have ulterior motives I don't wanna put that on nice sweet people <333 DMS ARE OPEN GIRLIESSSSSS ♡♡♡
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