#but ghosties need proper hydration too
xoxoemynn · 1 year
Listen, friends. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is you stay hydrated. You WILL be crying before, during, and after the teaser tomorrow, and we still have to make it to October. Can’t have you passing out too soon. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Fill up those water bottles now.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hello! Can I have a headcanon of Akane, Teru and Hanako with an s/o that loves dancing but tends to overwork themselves or forget to rest? Thanks in advance!
akane aoi x gn!reader, teru minamoto x gn!reader, hanako x gn!reader
a/n: sure thing!! Thank you so much for requesting, and remember to take care of yourself!! Also oh man hope i got the right akane- i get so confused aonfoanerf- if not, just let me know! <3
warnings: none?
word count: Collectively, 1,117
Akane Aoi <3
Now, he’s always been your biggest fan. This man cheers you on, and really admires your dedication towards dancing. He could watch you dance for ages, never growing sick of your determination. However, the moment that dedication makes you grow overworked, he’s doing his best to get you to take a break.
The moment he realizes that you seem overworked or tired, he’s getting himself a bit too involved. If he knows that you’re going to be dancing, he sets you a timer and will not stop pestering you until he’s confident that you’re taking a break. An actual break, too- not sitting aside for a minute or two so you can catch your breath.
He also sends you a lot of reminders to drink water and eat well. Akane loves you very dearly, and especially loves it when you’re healthy and happy. He makes sure that you know that, telling you that he doesn’t want to deprive you of what you love- he just wants to make sure that the person he loves is taking care of themself. 
If you’re comfortable with it, if you dance at home he’ll especially enjoy either being there or being on a facetime with you. After a certain amount of time passes, he’ll announce that it’s break time! He’ll let you get to a good stopping point, but he does ask that you drink water on camera so that he knows you’re taking good care of yourself. He’ll sit with you on the phone, talking about whatever it is you want to talk about, and eventually tell you that if you want to continue, you can. 
If you continue to dance after a break, he’ll still make sure that you don’t push yourself too hard. If you start to show signs of being tired or overworked, he’s going to be stopping you right in your tracks. He won’t hesitate to tell you that you’ve worked hard enough for the day, advising that you go ahead and stop for the night. He trusts you, but he doesn’t trust what goes on in the head of people who push themselves past their limits, so expect him to pester you just a tiny bit- just to make sure that you’re taking proper care of yourself.
Teru Minamoto <3
Teru loves that you love to dance! He supports you the entire time, and loves to watch you practice- he even asks if you’d teach Tiara once she got older. His precious S/O teaching his little princess a dance or tips for dancing is an idea that absolutely warms his heart. 
However, the moment he catches on to your habit of overworking and exhausting yourself, Teru begins to keep an especially watchful eye on you. He’s pretty perceptive of things, so there’s not much use in trying to fool him. 
Reminds you constantly to take care of yourself. Even at school over little things, he’d advise that you take a moment- when it comes to dancing, which he soon realizes really can be intense exercise, he slightly bombards you with kind reminders. He just wants you to drink water, get a snack if you’re hungry, and sit down for at least 15 minutes. That’s all :))
If you aren’t on the phone with you, he’ll kindly ask for you to prove that you’re drinking water and/or taking a break. Be it sending a picture with a water bottle in hand, or facetiming him to prove that you’re actually sitting down, and actually hydrating.
I feel like Teru also has the tendency to overwork himself- he does it in a way that is very casual though, if that makes sense? He’ll push himself far past his limits, but he’ll just be in his usual smiley mood the entire time. This man could be dead tired and just play it off like nothings happening. Because of that, he’s cautious towards your habit. He doesn’t want you to be able to hide your exhaustion so that he can go ahead and bust it.
It’s probably mainly subconsciously, but Teru will work himself a bit less once he starts to make sure you do the same. He doesn’t want to be a hypocrite, sure, but he also realizes that his advice of “it can wait a bit, just sit for a few minutes” and “your body is more important than something like that” is… correct. 
Hanako <3
Hanako definitely teases you a bit when he finds out that you like to dance. He’ll probably do a little shake or spin and be like “hey, (Y/N)! I’m dancing too! Aren’t I great?” It’s all lighthearted though- and, if we’re being honest, it’s mainly because he wants your attention. And to see you laugh… the only issue would be that he’s trying to make you laugh using his own sense of humor-
Genuinely though, he does think it’s fairly neat. I’m sure Hanako didn’t have many friends when he was alive, and there wasn’t immediate access to music videos or anything when he was alive, so he doesn’t know too much about dancing. He’ll probably ask you to dance for him, even if it’s just a bit, and (if you agree) he’ll soon realize that it’s harder than it seems.
Hanako can be a bit slower at picking up on things than Teru and Akane, but he’ll eventually realize how tired you look one day after school. He’ll pester you until you admit that you stayed up too late practicing- it then clicks that, hey, that explains a bit. Oh hey- that’s not good.
So, he tells you- to your face- “eh? Don’t do that, you’re going to hurt your lovely body :((“
Ah. Of course, Hanako. That will solve everything, won’t it?- He’s not dumb, sure he knows it’s not going to make you magically stop overworking yourself. So, he starts trying to notice more, and also tries to encourage breaks more.
At one point, he tells you “you may not be able to take many breaks from your bathroom cleaning duties, but you should take a break when actually exercising! You’re gonna get hurt, (Y/N)- and then, who’s gonna do such a great job at cleaning my bathroom?”
Honestly, his method of helping is pestering… he’ll poke you, stare into your eyes to see if you’ve got any dark circles, and overall use the excuse that he’s making sure you won’t work more than you should to jab at you. It may not be the most helpful, but the genuine care and affection behind his actions and comments are sometimes all someone needs to realize that- if not for yourself- you should take care of your body for your little ghosty boyfriend.
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weirdinternettrash · 5 years
how to cram and last minute study without dying
So I see a lot of studyblr tips on good study techniques and that’s great! they are tried and tested ways of getting information into your brain, without making you hate yourself and the subject you study. But what if it’s too late? what if you put off revising for too long because your demon brain wouldn’t let you focus? what if you missed a load of class for whatever reason and are really far behind and trying to catch up and it’s all too much at once and you have an exam tomorrow oH GOD? or what if your deadlines just crept up on you like little ghosties in the night? whatever your reasons for doing last minute intense studying, here’s how to do it without dying.
1) HOP TO IT: even as i write this I am putting off studying for an exam tomorrow morning. I have not studied enough for it. I need to do so much work. I am not I am here. someone tell me to stop. please. this is half advice half a callout post to myself but please for the love of all things holy you need to stop procrastinating RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and prioritise. Do a past paper. find the stuff you don’t understand and get going. your exam is tomorrow, but if you start now it’s not too late.
2) TAKE BREAKS: everyone will tell you this, but here’s where what I will tell you differs: don’t schedule them in, don’t set yourself a routine. work until you run out of focus and motivation and then take a walk. go talk to a friend. eat something.
A really effective way of regulating your time I find to be use water. I fill up a 750ml bottle of water, which i sip as I study. I then have o take regular breaks as I either run out of water and have to get up and refill my bottle, or i have to pee. Either way i have to get up and walk around and go to a different room. It has the added bonus of giving me breaks with a very defined finite time, with limited opportunity to get distracted and end up wasting lots of time. It also has the added bonus of helping me...
4) STAY HYDRATED. please. just trust me it really makes a difference. you could be running on 20mins of sleep for all i care but if you’re hydrated you will feel so much better. and while we’re talking about this, please try and avoid caffeine as much as you can. and definitely no alcohol or drugs. but please don’t have too much caffeine. it won’t help i promise. it’s so tempting but it’s also really temporary and then you just end up having more and more and suddenly you’re trying to sit an exam and your hands are shaking and your eyes are blurry and you really need to shit. it’s not a great feeling.
5) EAT FULL MEALS (and try not to snack): it’s very difficult when you’re in the throes of studying but eating full hot meals at regular times will help keep you sane. snacking is great, but try to maintain regular eating patterns and  balanced diet as much as possible. buddy up with friends/flatmates/etc to set up a rota (more on this later). but try and have a proper hot meal at least once a day.
6) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERYONE: have smart friends? study with them. ask your teachers/professors/lecturers/tutors/other academic staff EVEN ONES YOU HAVEN’T MET. Make use of every textbook/youtube channel/website/etc that you can access. trust me.
7) COMBINE POINTS 5 AND 6: set up a study group. meet in the afternoon. spend a few hours working. each of you brings an ingredient for a simple meal. you all cook and eat together. after eating, do a little more studying/watch a film/tv show. this will get you to a different place, help focus you, help you answer any questions you have and also makes sure you get fed and have some social time.
8) ON THE TOPIC OF ALL NIGHTERS: I will not tell you not to pull them. it would be hypocritical of me. we all do it. but here’s how to do it and survive. Eat and stay hydrated. avoid caffiene. never more than one in a row, never more than two in a week. NOT THE NIGHT BEFORE AN EXAM, OR EVEN THE NIGHT BEFORE THAT. if your exam is on monday, you should get a full night’s sleep on sunday night and on saturday night. you do not wan to be tired in an exam. avoid all nighters at all costs. THEY ARE A LAST RESORT.
thank you for coming to my ted talk. please take on board some of this advice. i have made (and continue to make) these mistakes so that you don’t have to. please add on your tips and advice, and please look after yourselves this exam season. go outside and see daylight occasionally.stay safe. you’ve got this i believe in you. I’m no studyblr but i do study and therefore im qualified to give you this unsolicited advice. im now going to study for this bastard maths exam that i am woefully unprepared for. i love you.
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cutekaiju · 8 years
Pokemon Moon Namelocke Episode 7: Beans and Rocks
Current Party:
Kitten the lv. 28 Alolan Perisan
Misgender? the lv. 30 Illumise
Capricorn the lv. 28 shiny Skiddo
Kyuubi the lv. 29 Vulpix
DOGE the lv. 25 Furfrou
Bean the lv. 26 Vaporeon
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Don’t mind me just picking up some L Ron Hubbard literature to begin my adventure into Scientology before making my way into Diglett cave!
There isn’t enough Diglett in Diglett cave for my liking as it’s time for my first encounter of the area.
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I was going to name it Sookie (despite it being male) but misclicked so now this Zubat is Sooke.  I actually wouldn’t mind getting Zubat in this run now that leech life is pretty good, but it’s time to make an exchange. 
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The closest level sassy Pokemon I got is Miss Murder, but this locke is about using nicknamed Pokemon from other trainers.  I don’t want to keep using ones I caught so I made a new clause.  If I don’t want to use my own pokemon I am free to use roulette, which makes all Pokemon that come before Miss Murder in the box as well as Miss Murder is a possibility.  
For random number generator I have 15 possible options.
Here are some of the possible Pokemon I could wind up with:
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That Wurmple tho..... if you were sorry why did you stick it in Wonder Trade?  Was hatching an egg really too much for you that you had to take it out on this poor Wurmple.  I didn’t wind up with any of these Pokemon, however...
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Jose the Pichu!  This is another good Pokemon to put on the back burner.  I just don’t really need an electric type since I have a bulky grass type and Bean knows Ice Beam to deal with flying types...... I mean it would probably use electric attacks better than DOGE.... but I just like DOGE okay?  
Anyway time to clear out all the trainer’s in Diglett cave.  I know the Black Belt that wishes to fight me in the end has a Z-move Hariyama, but shouldn’t be an issue.  I am a much better trainer now who will no longer put her Pokemon in danger.
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So to make up for my carelessness it’s time to do some backtracking and get the TM Scald that I forgot about to give Bean a better stab attack.  I also decided to go revive a Plume Fossil I bought.  For this locke I will only revive one fossil and consider it a gift pokemon.
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Archen is the perfect Agumon.  It really rustles my jimmies when people name Charmander Agumon.  Like the designs look nothing a like.  Most the people that name Charmander that are fools who don’t even like Digimon and think it’s a rip off Pokemon when it’s completely different.  Anyway I don’t think we’ve visited the ‘Bashful’ box.
The Diggersby in the box is level 26 therefore not eligible, but everything under it is level 1 so I have 8 possible outcomes for random number generator.
Here are some of the possibilities:
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OOOOOOO I really want a Noibat.  I would love a Noibat.... it’d be a great replacement for POOPERMAN?
What B the Delibird?  Who dat?
Sadly I got option #8
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Another Rowlet on the squad.  I don’t know if I’ll be using him, but poor little guy named #073 and not even a proper nature.... by 73 Rowlets you’d think Sigdis would have gotten an everstone on the correct nature if they are shiny hunting... I don’t know.
On to Route 9 to hunt down Olivia, and no there isn’t an encounter for this route.  I fished up a luvdisc, but Bean killed it in one shot.
I did get me a wood ghosty at Memorial Hill though.
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Evergreen is a neat name, but what the hell.... I got it in a graveyard called Memorial Hill and I didn’t name it Pumpkin Hill?  What’s wrong with me?
Evergreen got exchanged for:
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More rats for me.
There was still the Akala Outskirts for another encounter where I got me a Teddy Bear!
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Beanie Baby is the only acceptable name for this little mon.  I don’t think I have been to the Gentle box.  Let’s see what I get.  
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I don’t have a place on my team for a grass type at the moment, but that is an A+ nickname.
That is all the encounters for the day, so time to power on and complete the trials on the island.  
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I am reallllllly not good with fighting Hariyamas.  They always hit me like a truck.  Thank you nerf’d affection perks for keeping me alive.
The Team Skull Admin was not a problem.... I was more worried about Olivia, but I had a solid plan to use Kitten’s fake out to break sturdies before bringing Bean in to acid armor and be set up to comfortably scald my rocky enemies out of here.  
For once.... the plan was a success.  Sturdy was broken, and Bean set up some defense.  Of course Nosepass kept trying to paralyze me, but with one rain dance that wasn’t an issue thanks to Bean’s Hydration ability. 
Thanks to acid armor Lycanroc’s Z-move didn’t do anything to me as Bean has now become an invaluable member of the team.
Kyuubi is just shocked she didn’t get brought out to finish the battle.
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